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400 Descriptive Words List to Make Your Writing Shine

Do you want to make your writing more engaging? Check out this descriptive words list with 400 words you can use today.

As you strive to be a more engaging writer, using  descriptive words  can help. It’s easy to overuse these words, but sprinkling them in here and there is a great way to colorize your writing.

Descriptive words are adjectives , which describe nouns and pronouns, or adverbs, which describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. Identifying and using these will help you write stronger pieces and descriptive essays .

This descriptive word list is a good place to start. It also pairs nicely with our list of mood words .

Descriptive Words List: 400 Words to Make Your Writing More Colorful

Example sentences using adjectives, common endings for adjectives, list of adverbs in english, example sentences using adverbs, a final word on descriptive words list, what are some good descriptive words, what words describe movement.

Descriptive words list

Descriptive words take writing from boring to engaging. Consider this sentence:

  • She swam across the water.

While this tells you what is happening, it has little to help you imagine the scene. If you add some adjectives and adverbs and transform the statement to this:

  • She swam speedily across the choppy water.

Now you have a better picture of what happened. In order to transform your writing in this way, you need a number of descriptive words at the ready, and this list of descriptive words will help.

List of Descriptive Adjectives in English

Ruins of abandoned factory architecture

Adjectives are the most common type of descriptive words, so first we will look at these. These words describe features like shape, texture, color, and size. They help differentiate between items in a group by calling out distinguishing features.

In  English  grammar, you can use the following to describe nouns and pronouns:

  • Adventurous
  • Accomplished
  • Comfortable
  • Embellished
  • Enthusiastic
  • Everlasting
  • Fashionable
  • Intelligent
  • Quarrelsome
  • Querulous 
  • Questionable
  • Thoughtless
  • Uninterested

This list is not exhaustive, and there are many synonyms and other words that could be added. In addition, all colors are considered adjectives and describing words . Nationalities, like American or English, can also fit this list.

As you work on creating descriptive writing, get used to using these and similar words. You might also find our list of pronouns useful.

To better understand how adjectives look in sentences, consider these examples:

  • The fuzzy red fox jumped over the tall fence. (red, tall)
  • We like to visit the beautiful forest (beautiful)
  • The garden shed feels damp this morning. (garden, damp)
  • The trip to Disney World was magical. (Magical)
  • The beautiful bird sat on the rough branch and sang. (beautiful, rough)
  • The woman is short, but her husband is tall. (short, tall)
  • I prefer cold climates. (cold)
  • The luxurious hotel included soft robes for each guest. (luxurious, soft, each)

Because listing all adjectives in the English language is impossible, knowing their endings is helpful, especially for ESL language learners. Some of the common endings for adjectives include:

If you see a word ending in one of these, and you know it isn’t a noun, chances are high it is an adjective.

The English language also uses adverbs to describe verbs, adjectives, and other adverbs. These descriptive words show intensity, number, and extent. They often end in -ly.

  • Accidentally
  • Aggressively
  • Apathetically
  • Assertively
  • Astronomically
  • Beautifully
  • Begrudgingly
  • Blearily 
  • Deceivingly
  • Deliberately
  • Differently
  • Dramatically
  • Emotionally
  • Exceptionally
  • Frightfully
  • Frenetically
  • Frivolously
  • Hysterically
  • Inquisitively
  • Intelligently
  • Impressively
  • Ludicrously
  • Methodically
  • Mysteriously
  • Neglectfully
  • Obnoxiously
  • Occasionally
  • Pointlessly
  • Significantly
  • Splendidly 
  • Substantially
  • Technically
  • Unexpectedly
  • Victoriously
  • Vitally 
  • Vivaciously
  • Voluntarily

Again, this is not an exhaustive list. As you learn to identify adverbs or use them in your writing, look for words that describe verbs and other descriptive words that end in -ly.

Editing tip: Sometimes adverbs can also serve as filler words that you can remove or use to slow down or speed up a piece.

To better understand how adverbs show up in sentences as descriptive words, consider these examples:

  • The electric car drove so quietly we didn’t hear it coming. (so, quietly)
  • My dog barked angrily at the intruder. (angrily)
  • The girls sang beautifully. (beautifully)
  • He swam across the pool quickly. (quickly)
  • The box is surprisingly heavy for its size. (surprisingly) 
  • The toddler walked very carefully across the slippery floor. (very, carefully)
  • Language learning is incredibly easy for some students, and incredibly hard for others (incredibly)

As you learn how to become a better writer , descriptive language is a big part of the picture. Adjectives and adverbs are the parts of speech that allow you to describe other things vividly. While you can overuse them, they can add color and interest to your writing when used well.

Keep this list of descriptive words handy. When you have a need, pull it out and find one that fits your writing. Whether you’re writing a sentence, a short story, or an entire novel, you’ll find it easier to get descriptive when you have these words on hand.

Check Like this? Check out our list of sensory words .

FAQs on Descriptive Words List

Descriptive words are words that make something easier to identify by describing its characteristics. Some good words that fit this include: Bright Adventurous Jovial Charming Peaceful

Some descriptive words describe the movement of an object. These include: Swiftly Fluidly Gracefully Smoothly Disjointedly

ambitious vocabulary for creative writing

Nicole Harms has been writing professionally since 2006. She specializes in education content and real estate writing but enjoys a wide gamut of topics. Her goal is to connect with the reader in an engaging, but informative way. Her work has been featured on USA Today, and she ghostwrites for many high-profile companies. As a former teacher, she is passionate about both research and grammar, giving her clients the quality they demand in today's online marketing world.

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Using Ambitious Vocabulary for 11+ Creative Writing Success

English Creative Writings with Model-Solved Answers Hints Plan and Checklist

As a writer, it's essential to have a strong vocabulary that can help you express your ideas and evoke emotions in your readers. Ambitious vocabulary refers to the use of sophisticated and impressive words in writing. Using ambitious vocabulary can help you stand out from the crowd and make your writing more engaging and memorable.

In this article, we will explore what ambitious vocabulary is, provide examples of ambitious vocabulary, discuss techniques for incorporating it into your writing, and highlight common mistakes to avoid.

What is Ambitious Vocabulary?

Ambitious vocabulary refers to words that are not commonly used in everyday language but are more complex and sophisticated. These words can include sensory words, vivid verbs, similes and metaphors, personification, and alliteration. Using ambitious vocabulary can help you create a vivid and memorable image in your reader's minds and engage them in your story.

Examples of Ambitious Vocabulary

Using Sensory Words

Sensory words can help create a sensory experience for your readers. By using words that describe how things look, smell, sound, taste, or feel, you can transport your readers to the scene you're describing. For example, instead of saying "the flowers were beautiful," you can say "the delicate petals of the vibrant flowers swayed in the gentle breeze, releasing a sweet, intoxicating fragrance."

Using Vivid Verbs

Vivid verbs can help you create a more active and engaging sentence. Instead of using generic verbs like "walked" or "ran," you can use verbs that are more descriptive and specific. For example, instead of saying "he walked to the store," you can say "he sauntered down the street, taking in the sights and sounds of the bustling city."

Using Similes and Metaphors

Similes and metaphors can help you make your writing more descriptive and interesting by comparing two seemingly unrelated things. For example, instead of saying "the sunset was beautiful," you can say "the sky was ablaze with fiery colors, like a canvas painted by a master artist."

Using Personification

Personification involves giving human characteristics to non-human things. This technique can help you make your writing more creative and engaging. For example, instead of saying "the wind was blowing," you can say "the mischievous wind whispered secrets as it danced through the trees."

Using Alliteration

Alliteration involves using the same sound at the beginning of multiple words in a sentence. This technique can help you make your writing more rhythmic and memorable. For example, instead of saying "the rain was heavy," you can say "the relentless rain rattled against the roof."

Techniques to Incorporate Ambitious Vocabulary in 11 Plus Creative Writing

Understanding the Context

Understanding the context is crucial when using ambitious vocabulary. Make sure the words you use to fit the tone and style of your writing. Using overly complex words can confuse your readers and make your writing feel forced.

Reading Widely

Reading widely can help you expand your vocabulary and give you inspiration for using ambitious vocabulary in your writing. Try to read a variety of genres and styles to expose yourself to different writing styles and techniques.

Using a Thesaurus

A thesaurus can be a valuable tool for finding synonyms for commonly used words. However, be careful not to overuse it or use words that you're not familiar with.

Practicing Writing Prompts

Practicing writing prompts can help you incorporate ambitious vocabulary into your writing in a low-stress environment. Use prompts to experiment with different writing styles and techniques and try incorporating ambitious vocabulary into your writing.

Editing and Revising

Editing and revising your writing can help you identify areas where you can use more ambitious vocabulary. Go back through your writing and look for opportunities to replace common words with more sophisticated and impressive ones. Remember, editing and revising are essential steps in the writing process and can help you refine your work.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

While using ambitious vocabulary can enhance your writing, it's essential to avoid common mistakes that can detract from your work. Here are a few mistakes to avoid:

Overusing complex words

Using too many complex words can make your writing difficult to read and understand. Use ambitious vocabulary sparingly and only when it adds to the tone and style of your writing.

Using words you're not familiar with  

Using words you're not familiar with can make your writing feel forced and inauthentic. Make sure you understand the meaning and context of the words you use.

Using the wrong word  

Using the wrong word can change the meaning of your sentence and confuse your readers. Make sure you use words that fit the context and meaning of your writing.

Using ambitious vocabulary can help you elevate your writing and make it more engaging and memorable. By using sensory words, vivid verbs, similes and metaphors, personification, and alliteration, you can create a more descriptive and engaging narrative. Remember to understand the context, read widely, use a thesaurus, practice writing prompts, and edit and revise your work. Avoid common mistakes like overusing complex words, using words you're not familiar with, and using the wrong word. By incorporating ambitious vocabulary into your writing, you can gain full marks in 11 plus creative writing and make your work stand out from the crowd.

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Ambitious Adjectives Vocabulary Words in GCSE English

Ambitious adjectives vocabulary comprises of a set of words mainly used for describing something. To dig deeper, here are some ambitious adjective words with their uses! (according to categories)

Words for Describing Buildings and Structures

  • I saw many high-rise buildings on my trip to Dubai
  • The Ritz-Carlton is a really lavish hotel with many amenities
  • The bungalow adjacent to my house has a colonial appearance
  • I went to Green Park yesterday, and I must tell you that it is such a magnificent looking restaurant

Words for Describing Feelings

See more adjective words to describe feelings .

  • I am feeling quite confident about today’s examination
  • She felt terrified when she saw the news
  • My mother was furious because I came home late
  • Everybody in the house felt delighted after eating the food my mother made

Words for Describing Appearance

See more Adjectives to describe physical looks .

  • I have been telling mike to sit straight for a long time. Now his shoulders are always hunched even when he is standing.
  • My fitness trainer has a stocky but muscular build
  • Jaundice made her go from obese to feeble in a matter of months
  • When I was a kid, I always thought that my father has the strongest arms in the world

Words for Describing Speech

  • Jeff answered the teacher’s question
  • After 10 hours, finally, my employee replied to my message
  • We were ordered to walk out of the room

Keep exploring EnglishBix for more quality resources to learn English vocabulary.

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Creative Writing Ambitious Vocabulary FOCUS

Creative Writing Ambitious Vocabulary FOCUS

Subject: English

Age range: 11-14

Resource type: Lesson (complete)

Sophiaakhtar11's Shop

Last updated

4 April 2023

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ambitious vocabulary for creative writing

An excellent resource to help students embed ambitious vocabulary into their writing. The session is filled with challenges, pair work, self and peer assessment, a video and a step by step guide to the descriptive writing question.

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    Creative Writing Ambitious Vocabulary FOCUS. Subject: English. Age range: 11-14. Resource type: Lesson (complete) File previews. pdf, 1.2 MB. An excellent resource to help students embed ambitious vocabulary into their writing. The session is filled with challenges, pair work, self and peer assessment, a video and a step by step guide to the ...