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Home » Blog » Top 7 Business Writing Services in 2024

Top 7 Business Writing Services in 2024



Professional business writing services craft compelling content that resonates with the target audience. This blog post will guide you through the top 7 business writing services, each offering unique advantages to meet various professional needs.

Top Business Writing Services

Business writing services are indispensable in the modern corporate landscape. They provide services such as crafting detailed business plans and developing engaging web content.

These services are not just about writing; they encompass a deep understanding of business topics, technical writing, and marketing strategies. By leveraging their expertise, businesses can communicate their value proposition, engage their target audience, and achieve their content marketing goals.

WriterHire distinguishes itself through its tailored approach and roster of experienced business writers. These writers are adept at crafting documents and understanding the nuances of each format. Whether it’s a comprehensive business plan, a vital document for startups and established companies, or more general content, their expertise ensures great results.

Moreover, WriterHire offers robust editing services. This aspect is particularly valuable as it adds a layer of polish to your business documents. An effective business plan, for instance, requires editing before finishing it. WriterHire’s editing services ensure your final document is error-free and fine-tuned to meet specific goals.

In summary, WriterHire’s combination of skilled business writers, capability to handle complex projects like business plans, and top-notch editing services make it a comprehensive choice for those seeking quality and specialized business writing services.

  • Specialized in diverse business writing needs
  • Offers personalized matching with professional writers
  • Sometimes it might take a bit longer to find a writer if all are taken

Writing Studio

Writing Studio , as a professional business writing service, excels in matching the tone and style of your brand voice across various formats. The team of skilled business writers specializes in understanding your company’s core values and messaging, ensuring that every piece of business content they produce resonates with your target audience.

Furthermore, the business content created by Writing Studio meets the specific needs of your business. Whether it’s engaging articles highlighting your expertise, compelling landing pages designed to convert visitors into customers, or informative ebooks that position your brand as a thought leader.

  • Wide range of writing services
  • Expertise in SEO and audience engagement
  • May not cater to very niche or highly technical industries

Brafton has a strategic approach to content creation. Their team of skilled business writers goes beyond mere writing; they focus on developing a content marketing strategy that integrates with SEO practices. This approach ensures the content engages the reader and performs well in search engine rankings.

Each business writer at Brafton is well-versed in the latest SEO trends and techniques they incorporate into every content they produce. This expertise allows them to offer effective business writing services that communicate your message and ensure it reaches the widest possible audience.

Combining high-quality writing with smart SEO strategies, Brafton helps businesses boost their online presence, drive traffic, and achieve their marketing goals. Their service is thus an invaluable asset for any business looking to strengthen its content marketing strategy in a highly competitive digital landscape.

  • Strong focus on SEO-friendly content
  • Experienced in a variety of industries
  • Services might be more expensive compared to others has a nice team of professional content writers who are adept at navigating the complexities of the business world. This expertise is crucial when crafting documents like business proposals, which require professionalism and understanding business objectives and strategies.

Professional content writers deliver clear, concise, and impactful content. Whether it’s crafting memos that succinctly convey important information or creating engaging business blog posts that resonate with your target audience, their writers ensure that your business’s voice is heard loud and clear. In essence, offers a service that combines the art of writing with the science of business strategy, making it a valuable partner for businesses looking to impact with its communication.

  • High-quality writer pool
  • Diverse writing services, from memos to blog posts
  • The premium for top-tier writers might not fit all budgets

The freelance writers on Upwork are skilled in understanding and articulating the nuances of a business proposal, ensuring that it meets potential clients’ expectations. Their expertise lies in crafting proposals that communicate the value and potential of a business idea, making them indispensable for any professional looking to make a compelling case for their project.

Additionally, Upwork is a great resource for businesses looking to maintain an active online presence through blogging. The platform hosts diverse writers who can write blogs tailored to various industries and niches. These blogs can be pivotal in engaging with your audience, establishing thought leadership, and enhancing your brand’s visibility online.

This makes Upwork an ideal choice for business professionals seeking reliable and skilled writers for their blogging and content creation needs, ensuring a steady flow of quality content for their ventures.

  • A large pool of freelance writers
  • Flexible hiring for various project sizes
  • Quality may vary due to the diverse range of freelancers

WebFX ‘s prowess extends beyond traditional digital marketing and content creation; they are also adept at producing high-quality marketing materials. These materials align with your brand’s identity and marketing objectives. Whether it’s brochures, email campaigns, or online advertisements, WebFX ensures that each piece of marketing material captures the attention of your target audience and communicates your message.

In addition to marketing collateral, WebFX specializes in creating detailed papers. These papers are invaluable for businesses looking to establish authority in their industry or provide in-depth information to stakeholders. The research papers produced by WebFX reflect the latest industry trends and insights, making them a useful tool for decision-making and strategy development.

Furthermore, WebFX’s services benefit project managers who oversee various aspects of marketing and content strategies. With WebFX’s comprehensive suite of services, project managers can streamline their workflow. By partnering with WebFX, project managers ensure their projects are backed by high-quality content and robust marketing strategies.

  • Strong focus on digital marketing
  • Proven track record in lead generation
  • Services might be more marketing-focused than writing-focused

Verblio ‘s use of AI in content writing services is complemented by its team of writers who bring deep knowledge to every project. This expertise helps create content that meets the specific word count requirements and maintains the essence. Whether it’s a concise blog post or an extensive report, their writers ensure that every word counts, delivering impactful content.

Another great example is presentations. Verblio extends its services to include PowerPoint presentations. By combining their writing skills with effective visual elements, Verblio’s writers produce PowerPoint presentations that are not only informative but also appealing.

Regardless of the format, whether a blog post, a detailed report, or a PowerPoint presentation, their writers focus on creating content that engages readers.

  • Innovative use of AI in content creation
  • Wide array of content services
  • AI-assisted content may lack some human nuances

What to Keep in Mind When Looking for Business Writing Services

When seeking a business writing service, consider several crucial factors. Firstly, understand your needs: Are you seeking technical writing, financial writing, or creative content? Different services excel in various areas, so choosing one that aligns with your objectives is key.

Consider the expertise of the writers. Professional business writers with experience in your industry can offer more nuanced and effective content. Also, assess their understanding of SEO and digital marketing, as this can greatly enhance the visibility of your content.

Budget is another important aspect. While you shouldn’t compromise on quality, find a service that offers good value for money. Lastly, read reviews and ask for samples to gauge the quality of their work. This ensures that your chosen service can deliver content that meets your expectations and resonates with your audience.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Read the most frequently asked questions about business writing services.

What types of business writing services are available?

Business writing services offer a range of options, including business plans, white papers, web content, social media posts, and press releases.

How do I choose the right business writing service?

Consider your specific needs, the writers’ expertise, and budget, and read reviews to make an informed decision.

Can business writing services help with SEO?

Yes, many business writing services have expertise in SEO and can create content optimized for search engines.

Are there services specialized in technical or financial writing?

Yes, some business writing services specialize in technical or financial writing, catering to more niche business needs.

Josh Fechter

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Starting a Business | Buyer's Guide

6 Best Business Plan Writing Services

Published October 21, 2020

Published Oct 21, 2020

Blake Stockton

WRITTEN BY: Blake Stockton

This article is part of a larger series on Starting a Business .

A well-written, well-researched business plan is vital to the success of a new business or venture. It can attract investors and help you get a bank loan. Not every businessperson has the time or expertise to craft a winning business plan. Fortunately, there are companies with decades of experience that will assist. We evaluated several and found the six below to be the best business plan writing services available.

Top 6 Business Plan Writing Services

How we evaluated business plan writing services.

All the business plan writing services we evaluated had MBA writers and years of experience in many industries. To distinguish the best, we examined the following:

  • Price: Most do not list prices, although customer quotes put many of them in the $3,000 range.
  • Expertise: We considered years in service, qualifications of the writing and management teams, and industries served.
  • Types of Business Plans: Some companies focus only on plans for funding or strategic planning. Others offered more specific plans like visa business plans. Still, others narrowed their focus more tightly. Some also offer pitch decks and presentation-ready formats.
  • Turnaround Time: The average business plan turnaround time was two weeks, with additional time for revisions. Always ask about how much time you get for revisions and if there are additional costs involved.
  • Additional Services: Several of these companies offer additional services to help you succeed. If you are considering mentorship or know you’ll need some assessment, having one of these companies build your plan could give you a head start in building a relationship.

Bargain Business Plan: Best Overall Business Plan Writing Service

Bargain Business Plan

Bargain Business Plan is one of the least expensive business plan services we reviewed. Still, it offers experienced writers and a wide range of plans that includes immigration and visa plans. Overall, it has excellent reviews from customers. You can view samples of their well-designed plans. It’s the only service that provides flat-rate pricing as well.

Visit Bargain Business Plan

Bargain Business Plan Pricing

  • Bargain: $1,599. For startup businesses with simple business models looking to apply for small business loans or seeking a blueprint for development
  • Economical: $1,999. For startup and existing businesses with a more complex operation, such as restaurants and child care centers
  • Optimum: $2,799. For businesses seeking government grants, investments from venture capitalists, and funding through the SBA’s CDC/504 Loan Program
  • L-1 Visa: $1,999
  • E-2 Visa: $2,199
  • EB-5 Visa: $3,499
  • Consultations: Free

Bargain Business Plan Services

  • Detailed Business Plans: All plans include custom written business plans with market analysis, financial projections, and marketing plans. Higher-level plans offer more details, and each plan is designed for its specific purpose. For example, SBA loan versus visa.
  • Quick Turnaround: Drafts are done in seven to 10 days, with 14 days of unlimited revisions.
  • Experience: Bargain Business Plan has served 900 industries over the past 12 years and has worked with 500 partners and 10,000 customers. For immigration business plans, they work with immigration experts across the country. User reviews praise their expertise and attention to detail as well as share successes.

Why We Like Bargain Business Plan

Startups don’t always have a big budget for business plans, but it can be a key document for achieving success. Bargain Business Plan offers custom, well-researched, and beautifully designed business plans at excellent prices. The willingness to revise is a big plus as well.

Optimal Thinking: Best Plan Writing Service for Startup and Growing Companies

Optimal Thinking

Optimal Thinking says it best works on business plans for “early stage and existing businesses expanding organically or via acquisition.” It claims a 92% success rate with its business proposals. In addition, it offers other programs to help businesses succeed.

Visit Optimal Thinking

Optimal Thinking Pricing

Varies anywhere from $5,000 to $30,000, depending on plan and scope. Call for a quote.

Optimal Thinking Services

  • Expertise: Optimal Thinking has team members who are senior business executives, MBA writers, and industry experts in financing, operating, and marketing companies of all sizes. It  also has 27 years’ experience in writing business plans.
  • Plans address potential roadblocks: Optimal Thinking helps ensure success by anticipating potential business challenges, such as restrictive government regulations, economic issues, or market industry changes. Then, it includes ways to work around or through these issues.
  • Additional Programs: The company offers mentorship, employee motivation programs, and business assessments of communications, resources, opportunities, and more.

Why We Like Optimal Thinking

Optimal Thinking works with large companies such as Red Bull and Warner Brothers. Its writers have extensive experience in financials and business. Applying that knowledge to a business plan, even for a startup, means you will get not only a well-written and well-researched plan but also one that is informed by their years of expertise. This is also a company you can build a relationship with—get coaching and assistance in other areas of your business.

Wise Business Plans: Best Business Plan Writing Service for Specialized Plans

Wise Business Plans

Wise Business Plans has one of the widest varieties of plans of the providers we reviewed. Its business plans are well-researched and thought out, as well as beautifully designed. It works to make sure your ideas and the plan are sound and offer additional services to help you with execution, including funding referrals.

Visit Wise Business Plans

Wise Business Plans Pricing

Pricing varies, though users have quoted prices around $3,000. To get a specific quote, call for a consultation. After the first revision, Wise Business Plans charges $199 per revision.

Wise Business Plans Services

  • Investor Business Plan
  • Bank Business Plan
  • Strategic Business Plan
  • Nonprofit Business Plan
  • Franchise Business Plan
  • L-1 Business Plan
  • E-2 Business Plan
  • EB-5 Business Plan
  • EB-5 Regional Centers
  • Merger And Acquisition Business Plan (M&A)
  • Private Placement Memorandums (PPM)

It also offers professional feasibility studies, PowerPoint presentations, pitch decks, and straight market research.

  • Bookkeeping Services
  • Graphic Design Services
  • Logo Design
  • Flyer and Brochure Design Services
  • Business Printing Services
  • Concierge Services
  • Business Consulting Services for Startup Company
  • Website Design
  • Business E-books Resources
  • Small Business Marketing Services
  • Experience: Wise Business Plans hires MBA writers, financial and market analysts, and graphics designers. The company has done thousands of business plans in over 400 industries.

Why We Like Wise Business Plans

Wise Business Plans has a reputation for doing more than creating a plan for you. It challenges you to make sure your assumptions and ideas are the best they can be. Reviewers on its Facebook page praise the quality of the final product, noting especially the graphics.

Pro Business Plans: Best Business Plan Writing Service for Startups & Canadian Visas

Pro Business Plans

Pro Business Plans gets props for the focus of its plans. While all the services we reviewed will build custom business plans, Pro Business Plans is one of the few that has plans that specifically focus on specific issues. It also has industry experts in finance/accounting and immigration.

Visit Pro Business Plans

Pro Business Plans Pricing

Pricing varies—call for a consultation.

Pro Business Plans Services

  • Focus: Pro Business Plans offers the usual range of business plans: SBA/bank, investment, L-1, E-2, EB-5. However, it also has plans specifically for nonprofits, startups, and the Canadian visa (PNP) program. It also has a pure market analysis product if your goal is to understand your industry before launching your business or expanding into a new area.
  • Experience: Many Pro Business Plans team members come from major accounting firms or have extensive experience working in venture investment capital. The company has served over 900 industries and has over 500 partners, including contacts in the visa application process.
  • Fast Turnaround: You can get your business plan drafted in four to seven calendar days, with seven days of close collaboration to get all the details polished.

Why We Like Pro Business Plans

In addition to the variety of plans and experience of the writers, what impressed us about Pro Business Plans was that users said they often went beyond simply writing the plan, providing advice and coaching during the process. Other reviews praised its market and financial research.

Go Business Plans: Best Business Plan Writing Service for Visa Business Plans

Go Business Plans

While Go Business Plans can work with any industry, its business consultants have had notable success with E-2, EB-5, and L-1 visa business plans. It can create business plans for investors, Small Business Administration (SBA) loans, and strategic and internal planning.

Visit Go Business Plans

Go Business Plans Pricing

Go Business Plans does custom pricing within the range of $2,000 to $10,000.

Go Business Plans Services

  • Customized templates: The writers create custom plans. First, they schedule a one-hour interview with you for the basics, then conduct market research, financial analysis, and company and industry analysis, and compare you to the competition. They work with you to ensure it meets your expectations as well as SBA standards.
  • Advice and Assistance: Go Business Plans brainstorms and researches business strategies to advise you and can help with creating a website, generating leads, implementing marketing, and other services.
  • Immigration/Visa Business Plans: Go Business Plans has helped entrepreneurs from over 100 countries get their visas. It has drafted plans for 300 lawyers and over 1200 applicants. It works directly with your lawyer to make sure the plan and the legal applications are consistent as well.
  • Extensive market research: The business consultants have access to over 15 market research databases, including some of the top-tier ones like IBISWorld, Euromonitor, Hoovers, Mintel, Statista, Freedonia, Frost & Sullivan, Forrester, and First Research.

Why We Like Go Business Plans

This business plan writing service offers expertise at competitive prices, and according to past customers, is willing to go the extra mile to help ensure success. Many customers of its business plans went on to use its other services such as website development.

LivePlan: Best Business Plan Writing Software for DIY


Rather than a consulting service that writes the plans for you, LivePlan is a software that helps you build a business plan. Plans start at $20 per month, and prices decrease if you purchase a six-month or annual plan. It offers additional tools to monitor your company’s progress, as well. This is the right choice for the entrepreneur on a budget or one who has done the research and needs a software to help them put it into an attractive format for presentation.

Visit LivePlan

LivePlan Pricing

LivePlan has a pay-as-you-go system but discounts for multiple months. Your first month is only $10, and it offers a 60-day money-back guarantee.

  • $20 per month, for monthly plans (First month $10)
  • $18 per month for six months
  • $15 per month for 12 months

LivePlan Features

  • Ease of use: Start by filling out the questionnaire and follow the instructions to create a basic plan. The software creates the financial tables, charts, and reports. Choose from 10 themes to create a professional-looking report that is SBA-approved.
  • Integrations: Sync to your QuickBooks or Xero to create reports or update sections. Export plans to Word or PDF, or put it in PowerPoint to make a slideshow presentation.
  • Tools that go beyond the business plan: LivePlan offers real-time performance dashboards to track budgets and goals. Benchmark data shows you how you are faring compared to others in your industry or location. Create and track milestones for measuring your progress as you grow.
  • Help features and examples: If you are blocked or unsure how to create a part of your plan, you can access over 500 examples in all types of industries and watch expert tutorials. Have a problem with the software? Reach support by phone, email, or chat.

Why We Like LivePlan

LivePlan offers an economical way for businesses that are comfortable with their data to create professional business plans for investors or banks. Additionally, it lets you create as many as you wish, so you can customize your plans for your audience or need or update them as your company grows. With budgeting and forecasting tools, it also helps you execute your business plan so your company can succeed.

Other Business Plan Writing Services Worth Considering:

  • Cayenne Consulting: Cayenne provides a highly qualified team of writers and has experience not only in business plan writing but also in other investment materials and private placements. It’s a good service for those looking for funding.
  • Growthink: This company has highly qualified and educated writers with extensive international experience. It is good for international businesses and business plans for strategic planning and mergers or acquisitions.
  • Masterplans: This company is more expensive than most on our list (prices ranging from $10,000 to $49,999) but is a highly reputable company that has created over 18,000 business plans for SMBs to multimillion-dollar investment projects.
  • Way2markit: This company provides business plans for investing, franchises, nonprofits, banks/SBA loans, and more. It also provides other business services from idea development to website design.
  • Freelance: You can find qualified business plan writers on freelance sites like Upwork. They may be less expensive. Before hiring anyone, be sure to check their qualifications and portfolio.

Bottom Line

Business plans are not cheap to create, but they can pay off by getting additional investment, secured loans, visas, or a clear direction for your company’s growth. For research purposes, be sure to know which type of business plan is right for your company. Each of the six business plan writing services reviewed offers decades of experience, high-quality reports, and reasonable prices.

Learn more about How to Start a Business in our complete guide.

About the Author

Blake Stockton

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Blake Stockton

Blake Stockton is a staff writer at Fit Small Business focusing on how to start brick-and-mortar and online businesses. He is a frequent guest lecturer at several undergraduate business and MBA classes at University of North Florida . Prior to joining Fit Small Business, Blake consulted with over 700 small biz owners and assisted with starting and growing their businesses.

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Copywriting Services

Brafton’s professional copywriting services remain its foundation, even as we’ve expanded into every aspect of content marketing strategy.

Combining industry-focused content writers who excel at nailing tone, style and subject matter with experienced content marketing strategists and project managers, Brafton ensures you can count on a copywriting services team that speaks to your target audience, drives commercial results and sticks to your deadlines.

By entering your email address, you agree to receive emails from Brafton in accordance with our Privacy Policy. You may unsubscribe from these communications at any time.

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When you work with Brafton, you’re choosing to partner with experienced writers who know how to sell your company through a wide range of formats. Not only that, but any content we create can be brought to life by our talented design team. If you have a vision, we can make it happen.

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Types of copywriting.

Our writers are masters of all forms of content creation. Where content writing is used to entertain and inform, copywriting is focused on persuading an audience to accomplish a call to action or complete a specific task. 

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Business Writing Services

You need professional copywriters who have the industry expertise to create compelling website content. We can deliver.

Every Brafton content writer is also a professional copywriter. They aren’t just trained on search engine optimization (SEO) and digital marketing best practices. Your copywriter is also instructed on the intricacies of specific verticals through immersion on industry-focused editorial teams, allowing them to gain valuable insight into your business space. Common client industries at Brafton include finance, law, manufacturing, health care, education, technology, entertainment, travel and many more. Plus, they’re wordsmiths with an instinct for language that changes minds and influences decisions.

Whether you’re seeking web copywriting for your blog (e.g. SEO content), news-based articles on trending topics, educational evergreen content writing through leadership commentaries, product press releases or something else entirely, rest assured your expert copywriter can produce it quickly and competently, incorporating industry expertise along with proven content marketing strategy. Brafton copywriters are also happy to conduct interviews with client stakeholders as preferred to learn more about your specific industry, business, product, service and value proposition.

Newsletter Writing Services

Email newsletters allow you to keep current and prospective customers informed about your brand and engaged with your product and service offerings. A cornerstone of successful email marketing strategy, newsletters represent an ideal way for staying top of mind among your target audience while gently guiding prospects down the sales funnel. As with most other forms of digital marketing, the key to a great newsletter is great copy.

Brafton’s newsletter writing services begin by identifying your target audience through subscriber demographics. Once appropriate personas have been created, your content writer will craft a newsletter — either wholly original or incorporating existing content marketing assets — to appeal to this specific audience, encouraging higher open rates, click-through rates and conversions. Additionally, your content marketing strategist, project manager and graphic designer work together with your copywriter to ensure every newsletter is tailored to resonate with your target audience and drive web traffic toward your desired destinations. All email campaigns are comprehensively tested, measured and refined to make sure commercial objectives are being achieved on your website.

White Paper Writing Services

White papers establish your brand as a trustworthy thought leader in a specific industry. These high-quality, compelling content assets build credibility among your online audience by demonstrating expertise, all while providing excellent lead generation opportunities through downloads from potential customers. Your Brafton in-house team will work with you on all aspects of content creation to determine the topics that resonate most with your target audience, collaborating with your own internal subject matter experts to develop a valuable, relevant content marketing opus that will wow your audience and support established commercial goals.

In addition to incorporating your own marketplace expertise, your industry-focused content writer will conduct thorough research on the chosen topic, utilizing existing data and analysis from authoritative sources. Once the final copy has been formatted by your graphic designer — implementing brand colors, logos, fonts and design elements as requested — the white paper can be gated to website visitors through a dedicated landing page and advertised through the use of custom calls to action.

eBook Writing Services

Your Brafton copywriter, along with your graphic designer, will work to minimize text in favor of visual storytelling while still ensuring the editorial component of your eBook is clear, comprehensive and valuable. Each sentence is written to be concise while maximizing impact for your target audience, with visual themes often interwoven into the language to support custom illustrations and other graphic elements. The balance between useful information and the easily digestible format makes eBooks premier middle-of-funnel content marketing materials.

SEO Writing Services

If you want the best results for your website copy, using our SEO copywriting services is a great place to start. 

Crafting SEO content starts with our content marketing strategists who create a Search Performance Brief, our proprietary approach that takes the guesswork out of ranking for competitive keywords. The strategists pay attention to who your brand’s target audience is and what types of questions they are trying to answer. 

That research is digested by our writers who implement SEO copy into deliverables like landing pages, blogs, eBooks, white papers, newsletters and other formats of content. By working together, our team is able to deliver on-brand results that fit perfectly into your marketing strategy. 

Choosing a Top-Notch Copywriting Team

You’re most likely a busy person, and creating strategic content takes time. If you’re looking to persuade your audience to accomplish a call to action or complete a specific task, then find a team that you can partner with to make it happen. 

By outsourcing your copywriting needs, you can find content creators who have a keen understanding of where to find relevant information and how to target specific groups of people. No two businesses are the same, so look for a professional copywriting service that understands your goals and uses strategy and research to accomplish them. 

Browse Brafton’s case studies and past work to see if your needed projects fit into our area of expertise.

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Check out Brafton’s international copywriting services in Australia »

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Pro tip— Keep your resume limited to a single page and don't use acronyms you can't explain.

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Business Writing Services

Get help with professional documents like resumes and cover letters from a talented writer. Satisfaction guaranteed.

Business writing services from Ultius

  •   Process Read a quick overview of the process to see how it works.
  •   Features See what's included with your order and other great features.
  •   Reviews See what customers say about us and learn about our commitment to verified reviews.
  •   Services Browse our available editing services based on the academic level and type.
  •   Benefits First time buyer? Explore the various benefits that come with using our service.
  •   Company Learn more about us and why we are the global leader in writing and editing services.
  •   Pricing See how pricing is determined and the different payment options we offer.
  • Get Started

Process overview

How it works.

Provide some basic details about your request and a professional writer will ask you questions, compile a draft, and send it to you for review. Easy as pie.

Provide requirements

Tell us what you need and provide your information.

Writer Q&A

Your writer will ask questions and craft your document.

Final delivery

Get notified via email and download your draft upon completion.

Service features

What's included.

Working with an Ultius writer for your professional document includes a thorough review process as well as many other amenities.

  • A personal touch Your writer will go in-depth to personalize the document to your job, specific school, or potential employer. The personal touch will ensure you stand out from the crowd.  
  • Free revisions With free revisions, the writer will iterate on your professional document until they get it right. When it comes to ensuring it's perfect, you get the final call.  
  • 24/7 help and support Get help 24/7/365 from our customer support team via email, phone, SMS, or live chat. We're here to help you whenever you need us. Our commitment to support  

with your business writing order

  • Free revisions 1
  • Editorial review
  • Satisfaction guarantee
  • Money back guarantee 2
  • 1-on-1 chat with your writer
  • 24/7/365 support

Your future is 1-click away

Fill in a few blanks, tell us your name, and objective—we'll make sure you stand out.

Business documents

Happy customers

Read verified reviews from satisfied customers.

We're committed to getting feedback and encourage customers to leave reviews on external review sites. We score highly across the board and our verified reviews policy ensures that they are genuine.

  • Review vendor 6
  • Vendor since
  • Average Rating
  • Better Business Bureau®
  • Google Reviews
  • Cumulative Rating

Last updated on 20 February 2018

T H. review thumbnail

"I have been in many situations where I have needed resumes, research papers, reviews on papers, etc. for business and school and they have assisted me at a reasonable price and produced the quality work at either the time they have promised OR at an earlier day and time. I would recommend it to anyone who inquired of any such Company offering these types of services. The more business they have, the less chance I have of ever losing them as a resource! I am definitely a loyal customer for all my business and personal needs."

Generic image thumbnail

"I have tried several other writing and editing services but this is the first one that I have found to be consistent in quality and has not let me down in timeliness . Grammar, syntax and sentence structure tend to be the downfall of the other services. The errors make it obvious that the writers are not native English speakers. In regards, to Ultius, I had seen several negative reviews and it made me hesitant but I tried a few small projects and was confident about giving them a larger assignment. To date, I have no complaints but I also specifically request my writers and maybe that's the difference. Once you find the writers that matches your style and needs; stick with them."

Hedge D. review thumbnail

"just used ultius for my resume for my new job. they write resumes and papers to. they helped me out alot and they are always so nice on the phone. in ultius i trust lol "

"This Company is a highly professional and a trustworthy business. I have been a customer for almost a year and recommend them to anyone that needs help with personal, business or student assistance."

"Ultius, Inc is an exceptional organization regarding business writing. I utilized their services multiple times and they met my expectations at optimum level. The turnaround time I requested for the retrieval of my material needed was done. This company in my opinion is in the business of providing their customers with outstanding worry free commitment and I am grateful that a friend told me about them. I will recommend them to anyone for the consumer will not be disappointed.

Document preparation services

Basic resumes to college admissions.

Browse available business document preparation services based on the goals you have. Browse our available editing services based on the academic level required, general purpose, or level of scrutiny you need in your work.

Available types:

  • Entry-level

A resume is a list of your professional qualifications for a given available position of employment. Ultius writers can help you craft a custom resume that's going to hit the major keywords while giving you a unique voice.

Cover letter

Cover letters are generally a 'first impression' you send to a potential employer along with your resume (usually one page). It highlights why you are qualified for a position. It's also a great opportunity to differentiate yourself from other candidates.

Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)

A C.V., short for curriculum vitae, is a summary of a person's qualifications for a position. It includes educational and employment history and is custom outside of the United States, especially for medicine and academia. C.V. are usually one to two pages.

College admissions

Popular types:

  • Personal statement
  • Admissions essay
  • Study abroad application

Admissions documents (like essays) are generally required as part of an application to an institution of higher education (such as a college or university). They are usually prompt-based and contribute to the decision making process of whether an applicant gets admitted to a given institution.

Graduate school application essays

  • Medical school
  • Business school
  • Graduate school

Graduate school application essays are required documents as part of an application to get into a school for certain professions (like law or medicine). They are almost always accompanied by a general application, required test scores, and the like.

Business plans

Business plans are longer formal documents that describe a business idea and its components: market, competition, growth opportunity, and other factors.

Quality assurance

See the quality assurance workflow

New business order

The process starts when you place your order and submit requirements.

Requirements review

Your writer

Your writer will carefully review the instructions and ask questions.

Draft submission

Your writer will submit the draft so that our quality assurance (fulfillment) team can review it.

Quality review

Ultius Editor

We make sure that the work meets our quality guidelines and follows best practices.

You will get an email notification letting you know that the order is ready for download.

Why hire a professional?

Benefits of using business writing services.

Personal business documents usually require writing about yourself, and that can be extremely challenging. Our writers will provide you with objective perspective and guidance.

  • Honest feedback Professional writers will give you honest, unbiased feedback aimed at helping you achieve your goals and succeed.  
  • Balancing shyness and boasting You may be shy about boasting your success. Our writers will make sure to leverage your strengths appropriately for you.  
  • A commitment to your success Unlike family and friends, our writers are compensated well and therefore care more about your professional success.  
  • A competitive advantage Working with an Ultius writer gives you the competitive advantage of expert writing help at your fingertips.  

Ultius company profile and stat sheet

Since 2010, Ultius has established its presence as the trusted global leader in connecting customers with writers for writing and editing services. Since our inception, we have focused on executing our clear mission : conveniently delivering high quality content and offering tremendous client support .

Completed orders 3

Talented writers 4

Countries served 5

Clear mission

Pricing and payment options

Most services cost between $25.00 - $170.00.

Our pricing is determined based on a few simple factors, but the deadline is the most influential pricing factor. We accept all major credit/debit cards (and PayPal), and provide a secure platform where you know your data is safe. We're available 24/7 whenever you are ready to get started.

How is pricing determined?

Pricing is determined by four major factors, but starts at roughly $25 for the most inexpensive document type.

  • Deadline: How quickly you need it
  • Writer level: The skill level of the writer
  • Document type: cover letter vs. resume
  • Add-ons (optional): Writer upgrades

It's important to note that add-ons are calculated as a percentage of the base price (deadline, level and page count).

Secure payment processing 7

We accept all major payment methods and don't store your payment information on our servers; instead, we rely on our payment partners (PayPal and Authorize.NET) to manage sensitive card data.

Accepted payment methods | VISA, AMEX, MasterCard, Discover, and PayPal

We also utilize 256-Bit SSL encryption for the entirety of our website, making sure that your experience with us is as safe and secure as possible. Our other security partners help ensure that other critical aspects of our infrastructure are secure as well.

Google For Work Suite | Ultius security vendor

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Ready to get started?

Connect with a professional editor today

Frequently asked questions

Common questions and answers about editing services from ultius.

If it's your first time considering using Ultius for your editing needs, there is a high chance that a previous customer had similar questions. That's why we have compiled a list of the most common ones for you—to help you get all of the information before making a purchasing decision.

General questions

How do revisions work?

If you are unhappy with your editing order after it's completed you can get it revised for free. Just request a revision within seven (7) days of the completed order and the editor will upload a revised draft within three (3) days. Note that urgent revisions may have an extra cost and other restrictions/limitations apply. We recommend reading the entire revision policy.

The prices on the order form don't match what's listed on the pricing page.

Generally, prices on the order form are going to match what's included on our pricing page. However, we may be experiencing surge pricing. Surge pricing is temporary and reflects a situation where we have more orders coming in than writers available.

I am interested in becoming a writer for Ultius. How do I apply?

Ultius is always looking for great freelance writers to join our team. You are welcome to apply through the careers section of the website.

Where can I find a discount code?

From time to time, Ultius runs promotions and offers discount codes. You can see our promotions in the promotions section (linked below) of our website, in customer email newsletters and by following our Facebook page .

Can I cancel my order after placing it?

Under most circumstances, we unfortunately are not able to cancel orders that are already in progress. Essentially, once you confirm your payment and the order is assigned a writer, we do need to compensate the writer for the time spent on research and for the work that they have put into the order. Since our writers are freelance contractors, this ensures that they are compensated accordingly for their efforts. With that said, we do think you’ll be pleased with your investment, so we thank you for your understanding.

Privacy and security

I am being asked by your support team to provide a picture of my payment card and license. Why do you need this information?

Every year, millions of consumers fall victim to identity theft. To combat online payment fraud, we utilize an internal process called Ultius Identity Verification (UIV) . The goal of UIV is to minimize fraud by ensuring that the payment you used for purchasing custom writing services actually belongs to you. If your order has been selected for UIV screening, we will ask for two things: a picture of your license (you can black out the address) and a picture of the card you used to pay (you may cover the first 12 digits of your card number). We store this information securely (encrypted and for 90 days) and only use it to verify your payment method. If you don't feel comfortable verifying your payment method, you can use another one and/or we will be happy to refund your full payment back to you.

I called the support team to discuss my order and they are asking for a dial-in pin. What is this and why do I have to provide it?

Ultius takes your order privacy extremely seriously. When you first created your Ultius account, you selected a four-digit numerical code. This code is your dial-in pin and must be provided to our support team before they can discuss any order details with you. We utilize this industry-leading security method to ensure that your privacy (and business with us) is confidential. You can always view and change your dial-in pin from your Ultius profile.

Pre-order questions

What is the difference between your writers and editors?

The freelance writer is the person who will be assigned to work on your order and you can work side by side with them through the messaging interface. The editors will review the order (after completion) to ensure its accuracy and timely completion. When the writer has completed the order, it will then be submitted to our editing team to be reviewed and scanned for plagiarism before being uploaded for you as a final draft.

What if I am not satisfied? Can I get my money back? What is your refund policy?

If for any reason you are not satisfied with your order, we do offer free three-day revisions as long as they fall within the revision policy guidelines. We want to make sure that you are satisfied, so contact us if you would like a refund.

I have multiple orders that I need to place. Can I place them all as one large order to avoid making multiple payments?

In the case that you have multiple custom writing orders, we strongly advise that they be placed as separate orders with the appropriate number of pages, information regarding the order and the corresponding deadline that the order would need to be completed by. This helps avoid confusion and ensures that it's completed by your deadline.

I have used other editing services in the past and had a poor experience. How can I ensure that I won't be scammed?

Unfortunately, there are many websites that offer editing services, but fail to deliver in terms of quality, service, and customer outcomes. Ultius proudly differentiates itself by providing a credible and legitimate service that is trusted by customers around the world. We are accredited with the Better Business Bureau ( and have an A+ rating ), have almost 700 positive reviews on independent review platforms, and are a genuine American company that does not outsource writing overseas. When customers are dissatisfied and leave poor reviews, we reply to each and every one of them and offer a resolution. Given our strong track record of service since 2010, we hope you will consider giving us a chance before giving up your search.

Is Ultius a legal service to use?

Using the Ultius platform to connect with a writer for editing services is legal and the company proudly complies with all city, state, and federal laws. However, you must use the content our writers provide in a reasonable way that falls in line with our terms and conditions, fair use policy, and any other applicable laws. We strongly recommend reviewing our terms before placing an order.

Writer options

What if I request a writer and they are unavailable?

If you request a writer and they are unavailable to complete your custom writing order, we will make sure that you still get a great writer. The writer level will be automatically upgraded to graduate, and we will give you a 10% discount code for future orders. If you want to cancel your order instead, we will honor that.

What is the difference between selecting a lower and higher writer level?

The writer level impacts the overall competency of writing you will receive from the writer. For example, if you select a high school level writer, you will receive writing that meets this competency level. Conversely, selecting the doctoral level writing option will result in a doctoral level writer (who has a professional degree). Please understand, selecting high school level does not mean you will work with a writer in high school; instead, it reflects the writing level you will receive.

I want a different writer to complete my revision request—is that possible?

The original writer for your order will automatically get the option to work on your revision. If they are not available to complete the revision, we will find you a new writer to complete it. If you have a specific writer in mind or would like someone else to work on it instead, you can always contact our support team and they will do their best to accommodate your request.

Legal Notes

Availability Intelligence SM Availability Intelligence is a registered service mark of Ultius, Inc. The mark represents our proprietary technology that utilizes various signals and data points to determine whether clients can request specific contracted writers.

1 Free revisions are offered for all editing services. After your order is completed, you will have seven days to request a revision and we will upload it within three days. Urgent revisions may have additional costs and other restrictions apply. Please read our full revision policy for more information.

2 Ultius offers a money back guarantee if we fail to connect you with a writer, the order is not completed or doesn't meet the required quality standards. For partially late orders, we will refund you the difference in cost between your original deadline and the deadline we met.

3 Completed order data is current as of 15 January 2018.

4 Current writer statistics are based on the number of registered writer accounts on the Ultius platform. The data is current as of 15 January 2018.

5 Global customer location data is current as of 19 February 2018.

6 Aggregate review ratings are derived from Facebook ®, the BBB ®, Google ® and SiteJabber ®. Review vendors are not affiliated with Ultius, Inc., whether expressed or implied. As a matter of policy, the BBB ® does not endorse any product, service or business. Current BBB rating as of 19 February 2018. All logos and marks are trademarks of the respective company.

7 While we work extremely hard to secure our web properties, no system is foolproof or immune to intrusion. Therefore, we legally cannot guarantee a 100% success rate of securing our website.

8 Customer satisfaction rating data was collected from Freshdesk, our support platform vendor, from 25 January, 2016 - 16 July, 2016. All ratings represent cumulative totals with a confidence interval of 15%.

World-class customer support

Getting help from a real human to solve your problem sounds simple, but many companies get it wrong. We're different. Our commitment to support is clearly defined and backed up by customer feedback.

Any time, any platform, any device

Our support team is truly available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and 365 days a year to answer your questions. Whether it's through voice, email, SMS, live chat or Facebook messenger on your mobile device, we're one tap away.

Real people, quick solutions

Being available 24/7 is only half the battle. The other half is our promise that each of our Las Vegas based support team members are thoroughly trained and enabled to solve your problem in a timely fashion.

Customer success metrics

Our customer satisfaction survey data speaks for itself: a 98% customer satisfaction rating based on data from the first half of 2016. Plus, most of our customer reviews indicate that we blow them away with our commitment to service.

Enjoy 15% off your first order

Connect with a professional writer by placing your first order. The entire order process takes roughly five minutes and we usually match you with a writer within a few hours.

Enter code newcust during checkout and save money on your first order.

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Get in touch with us or explore common questions.

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  • A+ BBB Rating!

Ultius is the trusted provider of content solutions for consumers around the world. Connect with great American writers and get 24/7 support.

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© 2024 Ultius, Inc.

  • Refund & Cancellation Policy

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Before you go —Get your final discount offer by providing your email address below. This is the highest discount code we provide (you can check online).

This offer is valid for new customers only.

* We will never share your email with third parties for advertising purposes or spam you.

** By providing my email address, I am consenting to reasonable communications from Ultius regarding the promotion.

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  2. How to Start a Freelance Writing Business & Become a Writer!

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  3. Professional Business Writing

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  5. Top 8 Tips for Business Writing

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  6. Professional business writing service; Business Plan Writing Services

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  4. Tip

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  6. EP-82


  1. Top 7 Business Writing Services in 2024

    Business writing services offer a range of options, including business plans, white papers, web content, social media posts, and press releases. How do I choose the right business writing service? Consider your specific needs, the writers’ expertise, and budget, and read reviews to make an informed decision.

  2. Business Writing Services

    Business Writing Services. At, our writers are clear, concise, and authoritative with every piece of business content. Our business writing solutions are perfect for business owners who need a dedicated team of professional content writers. Get Great Content Request a Sample.

  3. Business Content Writing Services

    Provide business writing services that include: Understanding the brief, audience needs, and key points for everything you want me to cover. Extensive online research to support in-depth business writing. Creation of original, SEO-friendly written content to the keywords you specify. Writing and formatting to digital marketing best practices.

  4. 6 Best Business Plan Writing Services

    For startup and existing businesses with a more complex operation, such as restaurants and child care centers. Optimum: $2,799. For businesses seeking government grants, investments from venture capitalists, and funding through the SBA’s CDC/504 Loan Program.

  5. Go Business Plans

    HOT OF THE PRESS. Get Started With America's. Best Rated Business Plan Writers. We start by learning more about your business and listening to your ideas. Then, we identify key areas of opportunity and provide you with recommendations to accelerate the growth of your company. Experienced Consultants.

  6. Copywriting Services: Words Worth Their Weight in SERP

    No two businesses are the same, so look for a professional copywriting service that understands your goals and uses strategy and research to accomplish them. Browse Brafton’s case studies and past work to see if your needed projects fit into our area of expertise.

  7. Business Plan Writing Services (From $150)

    Consulting & HR. Business Plans. Turn your ideas into a detailed, actionable business plan. How it works. 2,121 business plans projects available. An investor/bank ready Business Plan including Financial Projections. 10 day delivery. From $250. Nauman A. 4.9 (2438) Top Rated. Upwork Picks. A stellar investor/bank ready business plan.

  8. Business Writing Services

    Business Writing Services. Get help with professional documents like resumes and cover letters from a talented writer. Satisfaction guaranteed. Get started. Process. Features. Reviews. Services. Benefits. Pricing. Process overview. How it works.