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IELTS Writing Task 1: Pie Chart Model Score 9

How to compare two pie charts in IELTS writing task 1. This sample answer illustrates the method of organising the report as well as useful language and sentence structures to get a band score 9.

IELTS Pie Charts

The pie charts below show the comparison of different kinds of energy production of France in two years. Source: Above pie charts not created by IELTS Liz.

Pie Chart Sample Answer

The two pie charts illustrate the proportion of five sources of energy production in France in 1995 and 2005. 

Overall, in both years, the most significant sources of energy  were gas and coal, which together accounted for over half the production of energy, while nuclear and other kinds of energy sources generated the least amount of energy in France. In all types of energy production there was only minimal change over the 10 year period.

Energy produced by coal comprised of 29.80% in the first year and this showed only a very slight increase of about a mere 1 % to 30.9% in 2005. Likewise, in 1995, gas generated 29.63% which rose marginally to 30.1% 10 years later.

With regards to the remaining methods of producing energy, there was an approximate 5% growth in production from both nuclear power and other sources to 10.10% and 9.10% respectively. Petrol, on the other hand, was the only source of energy which decreased in production from 29.27% in 1995 to around a fifth (19.55%) in 2005.

Pie Chart Tips

  • Always highlight the largest and smallest proportions
  • If there are two pie charts in different time periods, then you must highlight the key changes / trends
  • Use pie chart language – accounts for / comprises of / represents
  • The phrase “Units are measured in …” should be used when the units have not been stated in the previous sentence.


IELTS Writing Task 1:  Tips, Model Answers and Video Lessons

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Hi Liz, Can you please evaluate my writing and share me your valuable feedback.

The two pie charts compare various energy production sources (gas, coal, petro, nuclear and others), percentage wise in the years 1995 and 2005 respectively.

Overall, in both the years coal contributed highest for the energy production in France. While, other energy producers were least significant in France.

In 1995, coal and gas individually accounted almost 29% of the energy production in France. Over a decade, the demand for coal and gas increased by more than 10%. Nuclear energy production occupied 6.40% in the 1995 chart. At the end of 2005, it rose by more than 4% making 10.10% of the total energy production. At the beginning of the year  other sources made up 4.90% of the energy production and increased to 9.10% in 2005.

Over the span, petro energy production decreased from 29.27% to 19.55%

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Hi liz ,I’m glad to see your site and helpful informations about pie charts .Could you please correct my writing about the pie chart in above ? The pie chart compare the 5 sources which produce the energy in France over ten- year period that ccontained gas , coal , petro , nuclear and the others . It’s clear that, coal and gas had been trending by 1995 and 2005 in France about 30% for each one. Overall perspectively, the petrol limited to make the energy by this period of time in France with about 10% less than 1995 in 2005. By contrast the useage of nuclear energy over took the former value by the time and it rose around 4% . Other sources had a similar changing in theirs. Unless, the coal and gas had remained at about 30% in 2005 so as befor in 1995 without bright as alterning over this period of time. As a result, the main part of establishing force for France in this period of time was referred to coal and gas and in second stage, petro with a decreasing process .By contrast the second one , nuclear producing energy in third place among others in a growing figure over this decade.

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Please take a look at each paragraph in the model answer above and use the same format. You will be marked on your paragraphing and logical organisation of information. My model answers are there to help you learn.

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The two pie charts represent production of five sources of energy in France in two different years; 1995 and 2005.

Looking thoroughly, in both years, coal and gas generated the major proportion of energy which comprised of almost half of the total production by all the five sources of energy. While the other energy sources including nuclear and petrol produced the least amount of energy in France. In all types of energy production, there was only a slight change over the ten year period from 1995 to 2005.

In 1995, energy produced by coal remained the highest with 29.80% of total production which showed an increase of about a mere 1% and comprised of 30.90% in 2005. Similarly, in 1995, energy generated by gas was 29.63% which showed a slight rise marginally to 30.10% in 2005.

With regards to other energy sources, petrol was the only source of energy which decreased in production from 29.27% in 1995 to 19.55% which is around a two-third in 2005. On the other hand, remaining sources of energy generated almost 10% in 1995 and showed an almost 9% growth in 2005.

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hello Liz, can you please let me know if we need to mention the name of the segments of a pie chart in the introduction just like we mention the name of categories in line graph ?

It isn’t related to what type of chart, graph or table you get. That is irrelevant. They are all the same in this respect. The issue is about the logic of how many categories there are to introduce and how lengthy (in words) each category is. If you have for example six sports, such as “tennis, badminton, hockey, swimming, football and basketball”, then it’s logical to introduce them because that is only 7 words. But if the categories are “going shopping with friends, seeing a movie in a cinema etc etc. You can see that just one category has four or five words, not one word or two. So, if there are 6 categories with about four words each, then the list becomes over 20 words which is obviously just too long for a short report. So, if the list is too long or too many words, you can just say the number = “seven categories”.

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Hi Liz, Could you please help take a look at whether the following sentences are correct in the context? I’m not sure if I use “a decent rise” in an appropriate way here.

The amount of energy generated by coal accounted for 29.80% in 1995 and then went up to 30.93% in 2005. Similarly, the proportion of energy from gas increased from 29.63% to 30.31% in 2005. By contrast, production by nuclear and other sources witnessed a decent rise of around 4% to reach 10.10% and 9.10% respectively in 2005.

Thanks a lot! Wish you all the best:)

Lily from China

Hi Lily, You write very well. You’ve got a strong control of grammar with the ability to write well controlled complex sentences. However, the problem is that the word “decent” is the wrong word to use. It isn’t appropriate to most IELTS lines graphs or charts of change over time. The words you can choose from are: – dramatic – considerable – significant – and of course, you have opposite adjectives such as insignificant, minimal, small etc You could also say ” it doubled” / “it more than doubled” / “it tripled” / “it almost tripled”. These are two options for the sentence: 1) …..witnessed a significant rise of around 4% to reach …. (but a 4% rise is only significant if we know the figures in the first year so this option is not as appropriate) 2) ….production of energy from nuclear and other sources almost doubled to reach 10.10% and 9.10% respectively in 2005. The second one is better because it gives us an idea of what the first year figures were which is important to know.

I hope this helps.

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thank you Liz

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The two pie charts compare proportions of different energy sources in France in the years 1995 and 2005.

Overall, it is clear that coal, gas, and petrol were collectively largest share of energy production in both given years. It is also noteworthy that the only decrease in the proportion of energy production was experienced in the case of petrol.

In 1995, the most wide-spread energy resource was coal with 29.80%, which was slightly followed by gas and petrol. While the former accounted for 29,63% of total energy production, the latter made up 29,27%. A mere 6.4% of total energy was composed of nuclear power. The remaining 4,9% was responsible for other sources.

In 2005, gas and coal were primary energy sources, with both sharing approximately 60% of total energy production. Despite decrease in the percentage of petrol production, the figure remained its position with 19,55%. There was an almost twofold increase in the proportions of nuclear power and other sources production, consisting of 10,10% and 9,10%, respectively.

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The two pie charts compare five types of energy production (gas, coal, petrol, nuclear and other sources) of France in 1995 and 2005. Overall, it can be seen that France produces the majority of its energy by only two ways, namely gas and coal, in both years. Moreover, while petrol production decreased, the remaining forms of producing energy witnessed an increase during the period given. Energy produced by coal and gas accounted for 29.8% and 29.6% respectively in 1995, and both of them experienced a slight increase of about 1% in 2005. Petrol, on the other hand, which accounted for 29.2% in 1995, almost the same as gas and coal, experienced a sharp decrease to 19.5% in 2005. In terms of Nuclear energy, it comprised of 6.4% in 1995, which grew to 10.1% in 2005. Similarly, the figure for other sources of energy approximately doubled, rising from 4.9% to 9.1% over the given period.

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like this :).

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HELLO, These graphs show the comparison of energy production in France in 1995 and 2005. Though there are different kinds of energy production, in these graphs mentioned the most important sources: gas, petro, coal and nuclear. In 1995, France was generated gas 29.63 % and this is almost the same percent of gas production in 2005. Also these graphs shown, coal is generated by France country nearly the same amount proportion in two years. there was a noticeable difference of other sources, especially petro .in 2005, it was generated 19.55%, otherwise it was generated 29,27% in 1995. The difference between these years was 10%. On the other hand, the small minority of energy production was nuclear. it was generated 6.40% in 1995 and with the slight change approximated to 3 % through ten years. In my point of view, France will be able to be generate enough energy and import its over production of energy to others in the future. So it will improve its economy and increase incomes in France.

could you possibly to check that? thanks

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Hi Liz, I hope you’re doing well. I was just contemplating about the usage of the words “increase ” and “decrease ” since it’s a pie chart and not a line graph. My point is that, we don’t know if the rate did increase or decrease between the given period. For example, in 1997 or 2000 we don’t know for sure what exactly happened. So, will this affect my score? Thank you for your hard work. I’ll be waiting for your prompt response! My Regards

Your task is to report what you see in the chart. If 1995 is 29% and 2000 is 30%, it is your task to state that the percentage increased. The chart does not give any information about 1996, 1997 etc and it is not your task to guess or speculate. You only state what you see – the percentage went up by 1%. It makes no difference at all whether the date is presented as a pie chart, line graph or bar chart, if it shows change over a period of time, you will use the language that we often associate with line graphs – that language is not actually line graph language, it is the language of time over time. I hope this helps you understand. Your aim is to use language appropriate to the data shown.

All clear 👌. Thanks a lot! (;

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The charts below compare the differences in 5 various energy production in France in 1995 and 2005. Looking from an overall perspective, all trends showed significant increases, while the usage of petrol energy decreased over a span At first, there were minimal growths in the indications of coal and gas energy. Compared to 1995, it increased, by patting 1.13% and 0.72%. Furthermore, the proportion of nuclear energy used grew sharply by 3.50% at 10.10%. Simultaneously, the figure for petrol energy constituted 29.27 percent in the initial year, but in 2005, it dropped unpredictably to 19.55 percent. Lastly, with other energy used, there was experienced a dramatic improvement of 9.10 percent, in comparison it improved by 4.80 percent during the time.

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The pie charts illustrate the proportion of five types of energy production in France in 1995 to 2005. Overall, at the beginning of the period coal produced the most significant to the energy of France, while the other energy productions was the least to the energy production.In comparison, at the end of the period gas and coal become the largest enrgy production and the lowest production was made by nuclear and the other energys. Gas production was 29.63% of France’s energy in 1995, and experienced a slight growth of nearly 1% in 2005. Energy income from nuclear was 6.40% in 1995 and had increased to 10.10% in 2005.At the beginning of the period other energy productions made up around 5% of France’s energy and figure rose to about 10% in 2005. Coal, which produced almost 30% of France’s energy in 1995, up to 30.93% in 2005. In 1995 energy outputs from petro was at nearly 30% and decreased by 10% after 10 years of period. In contrast, over the period of time petro was the only energy production which is decreased.

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The two pie charts illustrate the difference in the makeup of energy production in over a decade. Overall, gas and coal were still the preferred choices of energy production, making up nearly 60% and just over 61% in 1995 and 2005, respectively. Interestingly, nuclear and other types of energy production were preferred over petrol in 2005, as it was declining by close to 10% in ten years.

In 1995, coal generated nearly 30% of energy in France, and it only increased slightly by nearly 1% to marginally over 30% in the period of ten years. While still maintaining the top two preferred energy sources in 2005, the increment of gas was also quite low, only less than 1% in over a decade.

As the least preferred source of energy, nuclear and others increased significantly in the past decade. In 2005, nuclear energy contributed to slightly over 10%, almost a 4% increase compared to 1995. This growth was also seen in other types of energy, which also gained a 4% jump from nearly 5% in 1995 to approximately 9% in 2005. Meanwhile, petro failed to generate more contribution as it dropped close to 19%, compared to 1995 where it generated almost 30% of energy production.

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Above designed pie chart compares the kinds of Energy production in France of between two years.

Overall, we can see that Coal has gradually increased in the meantime, taking Gas, Nuclear and other energies with it as well. However, in contrast to the values, Patro was found decreasing.

The chart reveals that in France, the sharp percentages of Coal, Nuclear, Gas, Patro and other energies stood at 29.80%, 6.40%, 29.63%, 29.27% and 4.90% respectively in the year 1995. Glancing a bit deeper, we can observe that the dominant among these was Coal with the highest percentage found in the fossils, being followed by Gas and Patro which are not very less in nature than Coal. However, the minor energies included Nuclear and other different energies of values 6.40% and 4.90% respectively.

In 2005, France didn’t much leave the way it was in 1995. However, except Patro, we can see a gradual increase in all fossil energies. The highest grown fossil among all was Nuclear, with a jump of a massive 4.50% leading others which stood at 0.73%. However, Coal and Gas, which cover almost 70% of the France area, just showed a slight change of 1-2%.

On the other hand, if we look at Patro, which dropped to a terrifying 10% which is going to have a major impact on the resources or industries using the particular fuel for the production.

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Answer’s good, But you’re not allowed to give your personal opinions sir, like you did in the last paragraph.

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thankyou for your answer

You’re welcome 🙂

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This illustrations below show the comparision between different shapes of producing energy in france in the year 1995 and the year 2005. Overall,in comparision with the two years ,France was producing different kinds of energy with a light contrasting between the percentage in the production in the whole kinds ,such as coal,gas,nuclear and other kinds.Neverthelss,it was particularly noticed that the petro produced lesser in around 10 percentage in 2005 than before . According to the two pie charts ,it was obviously analayzed that in whole kinds of energy production the percentage grew up from the year 1995 to the year 2005.For instance ,the percentage of produced coal increased approximatly one percent from 29 to 30 percentage.Producing nuclear jumped around 4 percent. With regrads to the remaining ways to producing energy,we can notice that in the whol kinds of producing energy in France there was an increasing expect in petro.

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The pie chart provides a comparative study of 5 kinds of energy (Coal, gas, petrol, nuclear and others) produced in France between the year 1995 and 2005.

Overall, the highest amount of energy sources manufactured in France in both the years were coal and gas , which altogether made up over half of the energy production. On the contrary, the least amount of energy sources produced in the country was nuclear and other powers.

According to the data in the pie chart, coal produced 29.80% of energy in 1995 and increased slightly by more than 1% in 2005. Similarly, energy manufactured by gas comprised of 29.63% in 1995, rising slightly upto 30.31%. The third largest amount of energy sources was generated by petrol which accounted for 29.27% in the first year, decreasing to about a fifth 10 years later.

With regards to remaining method of energy production, it is noted that there was precisely 5% growth of nuclear and other powers in ten years at 10.10% and 9.10% respectively

In fine it can be said that , coal and gas are the most significant sources of energy in France as these two methods are highly produced in the country.

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“Energy produced by coal comprised of 29.80%.” Is this sentance truly grammatically correct? I thought “comprise” is not followed by “of” unless it is used in the passive, so it should be : energy produced by coal is comprised of 29.80%, right?

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That’s correct. It should be “comprised” without the of.

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The two pie charts illustrate the data about how energy manufacturing has changed in France in two different years in 1995 and 2005.

From an overall perspective, it is evident that Gas, Coal and Petroleum made up the main items of production in both years while others remained relatively unchanged in the given period.

It can be seen that the percentage of Coal and Gas manufacture had minor changes increasing about just 1%, making up from 29% to just over 30% respectively. Petro usage accounted for just under 30% at the beginning but this dropped by approximately 10% in 2005.

When it comes to others and Nuclear, both of them increased in amounts, others almost doubled the size climbing from 4.9% to 9.1% in 2005. Finally, the Nuclear production rate rose to about 10%, making a difference of nearly 4% at the end period.

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The two pie charts give information about the percentage of five different types of energy productions in France in 1995 and 2005.

Overall, it is clearly seen that in two different years, the produced amount of coal and gas were the highest, while the production of nuclear and other energy resources were the lowest. Furthermore, there was a huge significant difference in the production of petro, nuclear and others in both years.

By the year 1995, the amount of gas being produced was at an approximately thirty percent and in the next ten years, it rose slightly by less than 1 % at 30.31. Same happened with the coal production in 1991, it increased only by 1 % at 30.93 in 2005.

With regards to the amount of petrol being produced in the beginning of time, it is noted that there was a huge decline by almost ten percent in the later year and ended up to one fifth of the total production. On the contrary to what happened to others and nuclear resources, their produced in 2005 increased at 9.10 and 10.10 percent respectively.

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The pie chart present that the average of various energy manufacture of France in the year of 1995 and 2005. Overall, it is clear that, these year the nation produce the largest amount of power in three sectors, namely coal, gas, and petro. Moreover, the nuclear and other energy production was least in France. In 2005, the nation produce their greatest number of energy was on coal, which represent the proportion at 30.93%, meanwhile in 1995 the percentage of this source was slightly lower at 29.80%. Year 1995, the country manufacture 29.63% of gas, whereas in 2005 the amount was increase 0.63% at 30.31%. On the other hand the proportion of petro energy was decrease comparatively 9.72% were in 1995 and 2005 the percentage was 29.27% and 19.55% respectively. Finally, the smallest proportion of other sources energy production of France in 1995 the rate of manufacture was 4.90% which almost doubled in 2005 at 9.10%. These figures in nuclear energy were 6.40% and 10.10% respectively.

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The two pie charts illustrate France’s energy production in 1995 and 2005, respectively. Overall, at the beginning of the period, coal produced the most energy, while other sources made up the smallest segment of the chart. In comparison, in 2005, gas production was the most significant part of energy production, and the other part is still the least important part of energy production, like it was 20 years ago. In 1995, the production of coal and gas made up 29.38% and 29.63%, respectively, which is roughly 10% over half of all energy production, and those figures rose to 30.39% and 30.31% in 2005. At the beginning of the period production of Petro was in third place with 29.27% and fell to 19.55% in 2005. In 1995, the production of nuclear and other segments was at 6.4% and 4.9%, respectively, and those sections slightly grow to 10.1% and 9,1%.

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The given pie chart’s illustrate the contrast of several types of energy power generated by France in between 1995 to 2005

overall, it was clear from the pie chart both year year France Higley produced coal energy and other energies were they produced less. in both the year

In the year 1995 France produced 29.80% coal energy. However, after 10 year it increased to 1.13% (30.93%). Second gas production in France begin year it was 29.63%. Yet in 2005 it had no significant changes it was slightly increased just 0.32 parentage ( 30.31%).

France petrol power energy production in 1995 was 29.27%, However in 2005 it was 19.55% it was mentioned negative feedback on petrol energy and deceleration trend. At the same year nuclear fusion power was 10.10% it was highest growth trend of French, In the past it was only 6.40%. In the case of green energy in 1995 it was 4.90%, however after the five year (2005) it showed huge change it was 9.10% it was Comparatively higher than gas, coal, petrol increasing trend

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A glance at the pie chart provided reveals the information about variety kind of energy production of France in the years of 1995 and 2005

Looking from an overall perspective,the highest figure in the pie chart was in coal category, whereas a reverse trend was shown by the other category

In 1995,the rate of coal was just over 29%,whereas in 2005 this rate increased ,stood at just under 31%.A reverse figure in the 1995 was category of other which was well over 4%, in the other hand there was a slow increase , at well under 10% in the year of 2005 . In 1995, the rate of gas was about 29%, while in 2005 this percentage increased , indicating at about 31%. There was a steady increase in nuclear , at about 10% in 2005, which was well under 7% in 1995. The rate of petro decreased from about 29% to well under 20%. On the other hand, petro was the only source of energy which decreased in production

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The pie charts given represents the scenario of energy sources in two different years for France.

Overall, the major sources of energy for France are gas and coal whereas the other sources are petroleum and nuclear energy.

The primary energy sources of France in the year of 1995 were gas and coal which remained same for the next ten years too. In between the years 1995 and 2005, the production of gas and coal increased very slightly from 29.63 % to 30.31% and 29.80 % to 30.93% respectively.

The contribution of petroleum products to the total energy band of the country decreased significantly from 29.27% to 19.55% in the time period shown. In order to recover this gap of energy supply, the generation of nuclear energy was escalated by 3.70% over the ten years. Additionally, the dependence on the miscellaneous energy sources also encountered a rise so that the energy demand of the country could be managed.

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The two Pie charts illustrates the usage of 5 different types of energy(Coal, Gas, Petro, Nuclear and other )production in France in the 10 year( 1995 and 2005) Overall, in both the years the gas and coal production was recorded high, which together accounted half of the energy production in France, whereas the nuclear and other kind of energy production was accounted the least in both the years. There is a minimal increase in energy production over a decade. In the year 1995, coal alone accounted 29.80% with a slight increase in percentage in the year 2005 to 30.93%. Whereas the energy production of gas was 29.63% in the year 1995 which rose to 30.31% in the year 2005, Gas and coal contributed almost 60% of energy production in France Petro contributed around 30% in the year 1995 which should a downward trend and accounted to 19.53% in the year 2005. Nuclear and other source of energy has generated 6.40% and 4.90% in 1995 which increased to 10.10% and 9.10% in 10 years.

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The pie charts illustrate the variation in the types of energy produced in France. It has been depicted for two different years (1995 and 2005).

Overall, the reliability on petrol has decreased significantly while the manufacture of all other types of fuel has experienced a marginal rise. The major increment has been in the production of nuclear energy and other kinds (3.7% and 4.2% respectively). However, compared to the 10 years gap over which the data has been recorded, the other categories have not experienced much change.

An in-depth analysis of the energy production in 1995 shows that Coal (29.8%), Gas (29.63%), and Petrol (29.27%) were all almost equally produced whereas the production of nuclear energy and other types of energy remained merely 6.4% and 4.9% respectively.

In 2005, The production of petrol submerged by a huge 9.72% (at 19.55%), while nuclear energy and other kinds of energy had a minor boost in production. The other categories of energy barely undergone any change in production.

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The given piechart depicts the difference between various kinds of energy manufacturing in france in 1995 to 2005. In general, coal and gas both were more in demand whereas petrol , nuclear and other fuels were showing changes in two years . It is clearly evident that petrol consumption has decreased by 10%as compared to nuclear as it was consumed more in 2005 which is about 10.10% increased its consumption about 5 % in 10 years. However , gases and coal have almost similar trend showing difference of only 1 percent ,therefore, they were most preferred fuels in the 10 years .On the other hand , a category comprising other fuels were also showing a great change from 4.9 to 9.10.

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The charts indicates the relation of various types of energy production (gas, coal, nuclear, petro and other sources) in France from 1995 to 2005. Overall, in both years there is a significant increase of coal and gas while nuclear and other kind of energy remains the least produced. During given period, coal was 29,8% in 1995 and slightly increased with at least 1,5% in 2005 with a proportion of 30,03% while gas on the other hand steadily goes up with about 5% in 1995 to 2005 (26.63% to 30,31% respectively). Furthermore, in 1995 nuclear maintained a percentage of 6,4% and an increase of about 4% is witnessed in 2005 (10,10%). Although other kind of energy increased in 2005 with 9,10% there was a decrease of production of 4,90% in 1995. Moreover, a high percentage of perto is noted in 1995 (29,7%) however a major decrease of about 10% is noted in 2005 with a proportion of 19,5%.

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A stare at rendered pie graphs depict the energy generated in France through different sources in 1995 and 2005 From overall perspective, in 1995 maximum amount of energy was created by coal, gas and petroleum while the use of petrol was abridged in 2005 On scrutinizing the data, it is conspicious that in 1995 the proportion of energy generated through coal, gas and petroleum was nearly thirty , whereas, the percentum of energy produced though petrol was decreased by 10℅in a decade,on the other hand , the ratio of coal &gas energy had an trivial increment of 1percent . probing ahed, the percentile of energy generated through other and chemical sources was nearly 6&5percent which then hiked to approximately 10percent in 2005 .

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The pie chart gives information about the main 5 sources of energy generation (gas, coal, petro, nuclear and others) used in France in two years 1995 and 2005.

Overall, gas and coal appeared to be the most used types of fuel in energy production over the given years as they compose around 60 %. Petro witnessed a decline in its use in 2005 compared to 1995 ( 19.22% and 29.27%, respectively) while nuclear usage has increased almost the double in 2005.

In 1995, coal, gas and petro almost had the same shares in the energy mix around 29%. Furthermore, nuclear had a small contribution of 6.4% compared to fossil fuels. On contrary, other sources of energy were not much popular and compromised a small fraction of around 5%. In 2005, fossil fuels kept the larger shares of energy production with a total around 80%. Meanwhile, petro usage decreased by almost a 10% compared to 1995; in addition, nuclear share rose to 10.10%. Other sources of energy were becoming more active and its share increased to 9.1%.

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The given two pie charts illustrate the information about the percentage of five different kinds of energy production in France from 1995 to 2005.

Overall, it can be seen that the maximum amount of coal energy was produced in France . Whereas, other sources and nuclear energy were produced least amount of companies during the given period.

In 1995, the coal energy production in France company around (29.80). The second and three Highest amount of produced energy was gases and petroleum at (29.63%) and (29.27%) respectively, whereas nuclear energy was produce more than other energy sources (6.40% and 4.90%).

In 2005, the coal and gas energy production were 1% increased to (30.93%) and (30.31%) as compares to the 1995 at (29.80% and 29.63%) . While, the production of the petro energy was decreased (10%) from (29.27%) to (19.55%) . The maximum amount of the other energy sources and nuclear energy were incline (4%) to (9.10% and 10.10%) from 1995.

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do leave a comment thanks

The bar chart illustrates the proportion of five different kinds of energy production such as coal, gas, petrol, nuclear and others in France in 1995 and 2005.

Overall, both years accounts high percentage in the production of gas as well as coal ratio. Furthermore, significant reduction of petrol was noted during 2005 (19.55%) from 10 years difference with approximately 9% less. Nuclear production on the other hand, gained at least 3% rise.

During the 1995 data, coal production seemingly the wide range used energy above all, with little to no difference up to the current year of 2005, respectfully. Moving on to gas element, similarly to coal, with scarcely no difference made. Meanwhile, Petrol had made an impact on the current data, during 1995 provided that it is the third top list energy production seemingly reduced approximately 9% in 2005.

Moreover, nuclear substance made slight rise 3% in about 2005. Thus, making others acquired minimal higher percentage in the given succeeding year.

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These pie charts depict the proportion of various types of energy production between two periods 2005 and 1995 in France, measured in percentages.

Overall, it is clearly shown that the rates of coal had the highest numbers in both years. In addition, the second kind of energy productions used by France people was gas in both periods. However, other kinds were the lowest in the two decades.

According to what is shown, in 2005 coal was significantly increased about 30.93%, followed by gas 30.31% respectively. Whereas, the other energy production was the lowest rate 9.10%, compared with nuclear 10.10%. Furthermore, petrol was the third most popular energy production approximately 19.55%.

On the other hand, in France coal was 29.80% and gas about 29.63% were nearly close to each other in 1995. Petro showed a considerable increase compared with 2005 was 29.27%, it is similar as in 2005 was in the third level. Moreover, the other energy production was the lowest number of percentages 4.90%.

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nice essay🔥🔥

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The pie charts illustrate the information about five different types of energy produced in France in the year 1995 and 2005.

Overall, at the beginning of the period, coal, gas and petro contributed maximum in energy production of France, while nuclear and other contribution was least significant. In comparison, at the end of the period there was slight increment in production of nuclear and other in production of energy with a minimal increase in coal and gas. The production of pretro showed decrease in percentagewise contribution at the end of period.

Coal sector accounted for 29.80% of energy production of France in the year 1995, and experienced slight increase of 1.93% in the year 2005. Energy production from gas and petro were 29.63% and 29.27% in 1995. At the beginning of the period, nuclear and other contributed the least percentage of energy production of 6.40% and 4.90% respectively, and these figures rose to 10.10% to 9.10%.

Petro which comprised almost little less than 1/3rd of the energy production in 1995, fell to 19.55% in the year 2005. In 2005, nuclear and other increased in energy production 10.10% and 9.10%, both gained by around 5%, after 10-year period. In contrast, production of Gas remained to gain in the percentage of energy production to 30.31%.

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The pie chart compares the percentage energy produced in France using different kinds of resources before and after a decade in year 1995 and 2005. Overall, coal was the biggest source of energy production in both years. Meanwhile, gas contributed almost equally in energy generation compared to remaining three sources. Production of petro energy decreased significantly in these ten years compared to nuclear and other forms of energy which increased slightly from 1995 to 2005. During 1995, the highest energy generating resources were coal, gas and petroleum contributing almost equally with a difference of only up to 0.6%. Nuclear and other forms of energy produced was only 6.40% and 4.90% respectively, which is very less in comparison to other three kinds. After a decade, nuclear form of energy production increased dramatically from 6.40% to 10.10%. Similarly other kinds of energy generation almost doubled from 4.90% to 9.10% which is a significant change. On the other hand, petroleum form of energy production decreased to one third as it was in 1995. Coal and gas contributed more or less same as ten years back in 1995.

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The pie charts illustrates the percentage of energy produced by various sources in France in 1995 and 2005. Overall in the 10 years period, energy was primarily generated through gas and coal, which together accounted for two-third of the whole production. Petro on the other hand, the only source of energy which reduced considerable production. In France, energy is created through coal and gas accumulating to 60% of total energy produced. Both the sources shared equal contribution in the various period given. The chart shows a minimal increase in produce through gas and coal which was initially 29% in 1995 to 30% in 2005. Thus, the mutual share remained relatively stagnant. Whereas, the energy generated by Petro was 29%, which was equivalent to coal and gas in 1995, reduced drastically to 19% in the end of the period. Therefore, the remaining contribution to create power was relatively increased by nuclear and other sources. Previously in 1995, power produced through nuclear was 6.4 % and by other sources was around 5%. The proportion of power creation through nuclear and other sources rose significantly in 2005 to 10% and 9 % respectively.

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The given both pie charts depict the five sources of energy contribution in France. Initially this data was recorded in 1995, and then again analyzed with a gap of 10 years in 2005. Overall in both charts, Coal, gas and petro have remained the major contributors of energy, comprising of almost 90% of energy production, where as nuclear and other are comparatively minor ones. Coal and Gas has experienced a slight growth of almost more or less than 1 %, whereas other sources’ figure rose to almost double after 10 years. Similarly nuclear sector has also advanced its production from 6.40% to 10.10% with an overall increase of almost 4% in 10 years. Petro, which is comprised of almost a quarter of France’s energy production in 1995 has faced a remarkable decline, subsequently has fallen to merely 19.55% in 2005 with an overall decline of almost 9% in 10 years duration.

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For my eyes, yours is the best one 😉

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The pie charts illustrate the differences between various types of energy yields in France in years 1995 and 2005 respectively. Overall, Energy production has seen a significant change in Nuclear and others, along with petrol, formulation of coal and gas is minimally progressed. At first, there is a slight improvement in the production of coal and gas, with hardly 2 percent growth cumulatively. However, it can be seen that there is a tremendous rise with respect to ‘others’ and ‘nuclear’, being at 9 and 10 percent approximately (compared to 5 percent and 7 percent around). On the other hand, the drastic decline, which can be seen in terms of petrol with 29 percent in 1995, falling to 20 percent in 2005 is a major change.

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Hii liz hey i am very bad in grammer and i also lack of vocab how can i improve this …please help me

Consider getting my e-books:

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The pie charts show the details regarding the amount of energy which was generated from different sources in france in the two years 1995 to 2005.It is measured in percentage. A preliminary investigation of the pie charts reveal that coal and gas were the most popular sources for energy production,while the least amount of energy was produced by nuclear and other types of sources. At the beginning of the period,coal and gas stood at nearly 30 per cent of total energy.This figure was very similar in 2005.similarly,the propertion of energy from nuclear sources was at 6.4% in 1995,which was half of the energy production in 2005. Moreover,petro was also the most efficient source in 1995 with energy representing 29.27%, which was significantly decrease in 2005.At the end of the period,the propertion of energy which produces from other types of sources in 1995 and 2005 was at 4.90%and 10.10% respectively…….. #Plz evaluate my writing…

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Hi Liz, first of all I have say that your lessons are very useful and thank you for doing such a nice work. I just wanted to ask when we writing the the academic writing task 1, is it ok to write our own opinion in the report?

An Academic Writing Task 1 should never contain an opinion. It is a factual report of the information given to you. You don’t interpret or add any information that isn’t present. Just report what is given.

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The pie chart represent the proportion of various types of energy evolved of france between 1995 and 2005

After analysing the pie chart it can be clearly seen that the energy produced from petro was 29.27% but in later years it decreased by 10%. However nearly negligible difference can be seen for gases. Moreover, energy produced by nuclear was 6.40% and 10.10% in 1995 and 2005 year respectively, collectively 13% of the energy was evolved by the other gases

Further this pie chart depicts that, in 1995 it’s 29.98% for the coal whilst it slightly increases by 1%.

overall it is striking that that decrease in energy production is maximum in petro gas, on the other side increase in other gas and nuclear is more as compare to others.

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Hello Liz, I have bought your e book of 150 essays but i have not yet received it in my mail. I have paid for it. Do let me know why is it happening.

Thank you suman

I’ve just checked my records. Looks like you spelled your email address incorrectly. I’ve just sent you an email to the correct email address that you are using in this website message. Take a look and let me know if you see it.

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The two pie charts depict the contribution of five types of energy production during the years 1995 and 2005 in France.

Overall, the main contributors to energy production were gas and coal which accounted for more than half of the production, while nuclear and other kinds of energy were representing the least share in France. In all types of energy creation, there was only minimal growth over the 10 years duration.

The energy production of coal was 29.80%, which had grown to 30.93% within 10 years. The gas shared 29.63% in 1995 which merely increased to 30.31% in 2005.

In regards to the other energy products, petrol accounted for 10% fall from 29.27% in 1995 to 19.55% in 2005. Both the nuclear and other sectors of energy had grown with approximately 5% growth i.e 10% and 9.10%.

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Hello Liz, Is it possible for me to interpret this chart or any one on your website and I get feedback? Because I am self studying and you’re my only guide.

Sorry, I don’t offer marking.

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i love you liz

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Is it right to use a phrase like ‘over the 10 years period’ which gives the idea that it has changed gradually? Also, can we use words such as ‘trend’ when we only have data for only 2 years? Is there a possibity that we lose marks for accuracy of data?

“over the ten year period” does not give the impression of change at all. I don’t understand your comment. It simply means “over 10 years” – it is a time phrase and nothing else. A trend is something that happens over a period of time. Accurate data is part of Task Achievement which is 25% of your marks. Please go the Writing Task 1 section of this website because the band score information and more tips are available there. Use the HOME page to access it or the RED MENU BAR at the top of the website.

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The chart give information about various production of enegry in france during 1995 to 2005

It is noticeable that the production of gas coal and nuclear ,other source increase in futher year.But manfuture of petrol is decline over half decads

Looking at the information in more detail the production of coal was highest in early year at 29.80% after 10 year it was rised merely by 1.31% and reached to 30.03% in 2005.however gas was the second source of energy at 25.63% in 1995 and in later year it was grew only by 1% and it was accounted at 30.3% in 2005

with regard to other production of energy , increased pattern can seemed in both nuclear and other source by nearly 5% as it was accounted at 9.10% and 10.10% in 2005.By contrast ,the production of petrol in france was declined significantly by 10% from its 29.27% of the year 1995 by 2005 while it was only the source of energy to cut of its production.

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Hi liz please how do i logically structure my paragraphs if there are three bar charts, with three different data collated.

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Greetings mam Can we write idioms like birds of a feather,bone of contention etc in writing task 2 ?? Please mam help me

Some phrases are suitable for both formal and informal writing. Others are very clearly informal because they are so descriptive, such as “cool as a cucumber” – very informal. If you are not sure an idiom is suitable, don’t use it. You can still get a high score by using other idiomatic language such as suitable phrasal verbs.

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are we supposed to write the OVERALL statement immediately after the introduction or we can write at the end as a conclusion

See this page:

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Hi,mam Overview is important in task 1.

For academic writing task 1, it is the most important paragraph that you will write.

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Thank u so much Liz, your approach to questions teach me a lot

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Thanks a lot. I love the way you answer your question

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Hello Liz, I love your work. Thanks

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The two pie charts represents different types of energy produced between 1995 and 2005 in France. Overall, coal, gas and petrol were equal in number in 1995 however after a decade production of petrol declined. Furthermore, nuclear and other energy also increased in production. In the year of 1995 coal accounts for 29.80% which produced more where as Gas and Petrol comprises of 29.63% and 29.27% respectively. And also, Nuclear production is 6.40% and other energy were 4.90%. After a decade, energy production rocketed except Petrol which reduced to 19.55%. Coal is 30.93% while gas is 30.31% which grows approximately 1% in both sources. However, Nuclear accounts for 10.10% and other energy production is 9.10% which is far more higher produced in a decade.

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Good interpretation

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Wow, you deserve a band score of 9 for this model ans 👍

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Liz.. The best Teacher

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Hello mam Can i rephrase the introduction of task 1 in passive form. For example …. The consumption of fules and the production of energy is represented in line graph during 2010. Is it right method or not

It is not a normal way to write an introduction. The introduction is about the line graph – and that means the subject of the sentence should be the line graph. You only use passive voice for particular reasons – not because you think it might help your score. Using it at the wrong time will actually damage your score.

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Best tutorial i have ever seen and come to knew, i became a profound in ielts. However, i was more keen towards your ielts videos which help me a lot in writing task thank you madam for giving such a strategies which boost our confidence in real exam

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Thanks a lot Liz. Your teaching is helpful

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Best teacher

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Thank you Liz for all your teachings. You happen to be one, if not the only, ielts teacher who is selfless and dedicated to her work. I finally made the scores I need after paying apt attention to your tutorials, mostly video subscriptions. Keep up the good work. YOU’RE THE BEST

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Hi Liz, I hope you are well. I was just wondering if the term family is an acceptable alternative to the term parents in the context of paraphrasing. 🙂 Thanks in advanc

A family can include children which the word parents does not. A parent is a parent. It is not paraphrased. There are many other words in an essay that can be paraphrased – select your paraphrases carefully.

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letter only come in ielts general?

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Thank you so much mam Your the best one to teach IELTS Your lessons is very helpful to get high band in IELTS writing task 1 and 2. God bless you 😍

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Hey Liz, is it necessary to write overall in task 1?

Yes. It is the most important paragraph in your writing task 1 report. This applies only to academic writing task 1.

Okay ma’am got it, thankyou 😊

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hlo mam😊 you are amazing👌🏻 the way you teach is awesome🙏🏻

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Hi Liz- can we get bar, pie or line charts in general training exam? Should i prepare for them ?

GT writing task 1 is a letter only. If you go to the main writing task 1 page on this site, it is all explained.

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which one is tough according to you ..GT or Academic ?

On the whole, the Academic IELTS test is more difficult – but I’m sure there might be people who do not agree – it’s a personal opinion.

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Thank you for your great support to students who preparing for the IELTS.

Can we use this sentence in the overview paragraph instead of writing just “overall”:”Overall, what stands out from the pie charts is…”?

It’s up to you but those words don’t add more to your score. They are not wrong or right – they are just not particularly needed. If, however, you are worried about how writing enough words, they can be useful.

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Hello Liz, Could I write 25 % as exactly a quarter instead of 25 %.

We use that language for pie charts which show the amount based on a whole. Be careful using too much pie chart language for a bar chart.

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Hi Liz. First of all thanks for this website. Every single word is a great help. Do you mean we cannot use quarter, fifth etc in bar chart? Can you please explain more.

“a quarter” means a quarter of a whole. Pie Charts show a whole, bar charts do not. It isn’t impossible to use for a bar chart, but it isn’t usual. A quarter is pie chart language.

Thanks for your reply. I get your point now. I guess I can use it when it describes accurately the bar chart, for example: the expenditure for item A is around a quarter of that of item B. I have my exam in 2 days. After getting 6.5 in writing in 4 exams 😢 I hope this time I can get more than 7. Wish me luck. Thanks again.

I wish you lots of luck!! Keep a logical approach to IELTS and don’t over-think. Also keep an eye on the clock for reading and writing to manage your time effectively. See this page too: 🙂

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Thank you for this point. Now I understand.

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Hi, Mam Can we use conclusion at the end of body paragraphs rather than a overview in second paragraph? Which will give high Band score?

It will not give a higher score. You can put the overview after the introduction or at the end – it makes no difference to your score. Remember this is not an essay – it is a report.

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Hi Liz First off all, there is no word for your wonderful work really appreciate thanks. One think to correct in the paragraph overall at the end of sentence is it 10 year period or 10 years period?

Always check articles (a/the). “a ten-year period”. The noun is “a period”.

Thanks Liz..

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(The phrase “Units are measured in ……” should be used when the units have not been stated in the previous sentence) What do you mean of this tip?

“The graph shows the proportion of …”. This already shows that the units are percentage – you don’t need to to repeat it by writing “Units are measured in percent”.

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Comparison of Energy Production

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IELTS academic Comparison of Energy Production

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comparison of energy production essay

IELTS Task 1 Writing – Electricity Source

comparison of energy production essay

IELTS Task 1 Writing

You should spend 20 minutes on this task.

The following charts show the percentage of electricity production by fuel source in France in two years. Report the main features and make comparisons where relevant.

​The two pie charts represent the rates of electricity generation by sources of fuel in the country of France in the years 1990 and 2010. 

​The percentage of fuel source (coal, oil, natural gas, hydropower, nuclear power), which has been used for electricity production for two years, in 1990 and 2010, in France, is given by these two pie charts.

STEP 1 – Read the question and look at the graph/chart carefully.

Write AT LEAST 150 words (Most band 7, 8, and 9 essays have around 220 words for this task)

STEP 2 – Start the Expository Essay (Introduction, Overview, Analyses, Summary) using third-person author’s voice by writing the Introduction.

Introduction = paraphrase of the question with more details. 

These two pie charts depict the percentage of electrical power production by five different fuel sources, coal, oil, natural gas, hydropower, and nuclear power in the country of France for 1990 and 2010.

Overview – the most obvious features of the chart WITHOUT going into details.

At first glance, it is evident that France had a fairly even distribution of various fuel types to generate electricity in 1990, especially coal, oil, and natural gas. However, two decades later there is a significant change and France has a much greater reliance on nuclear power to produce electricity. 

Analyses (identify five to six key points of comparison that reflect your Overview)

In 1990, natural gas and coal were equally dominant for producing electricity in France, each making up just over a quarter of the total. In close second place was oil at just under a quarter of the total, 22%. The remaining 23% of power was produced using nuclear energy and hydropower. Nevertheless, two decades later, reliance on nuclear power increased by nearly five-fold to two-thirds of France’s electrical power output. Conversely, natural gas drastically dropped to just 4% of the fuel source for electrical output. Coal and oil decreased to roughly half of their previous portions by 2020, at 13%. Lastly, hydropower only accounted for a small fraction of electricity production in both of these years. 

In summary, it can be seen that the amount of power production by four of five sources became less required for generating electricity in 2010, simultaneously reliance on nuclear power grew exponentially.

​Immediately, it can be seen that the amount of producing power by Hydro Power and other sources became less require for the production of electricity. At initial look, it is clear that the ratio of each source was fairly distributed in 1990, especially coal, oil and natural gas, however, after 20 years, there was a paradigm shift, which was all of the pieces reduced in portion.

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comparison of energy production essay

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  • Academic Writing Task 1

The Pie Charts Below Show The Comparison Of Different Kinds Of Energy Production In France In Two Years

by Manjusha Nambiar · Published February 15, 2022 · Updated April 14, 2024

comparison of energy production essay

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The given pie charts show various sources from which energy was produced in France in the years 1995 and 2005. Overall, it can be seen that in both years, coal and gas were the first and second most important sources of energy. While coal produced 29.80% of energy in 1995, the contribution of gas was only marginally low at 29.63%. In the same year, petrol accounted for 29.27% of the total energy produced. Nuclear contributed 6.40% and ‘others’ generated 4.90% of the total energy.

In 2005, coal and gas continued to occupy the first and second position and contributed 30.93% and 30.31% respectively of the total energy produced. While petrol remained the third biggest source of energy in this year, its contribution dipped from 29.27% in 1995 to 19.35% in 2005. Meanwhile, the amount of energy generated from nuclear and ‘others’ increased to 10.10% and 9.10% respectively. Overall, it can be seen that petrol lost some of its relevance as a source of energy over the 10-year period, while other sources like nuclear became more important.

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comparison of energy production essay

Manjusha Nambiar

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comparison of energy production essay

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Renewable Energy

Renewable energy sources are growing quickly and will play a vital role in tackling climate change..

Since the Industrial Revolution, the energy mix of most countries across the world has become dominated by fossil fuels. This has major implications for the global climate, as well as for human health. Three-quarters of global greenhouse gas emissions result from the burning of fossil fuels for energy. Fossil fuels are responsible for large amounts of local air pollution – a health problem that leads to at least 5 million premature deaths each year.

To reduce CO 2 emissions and local air pollution, the world needs to rapidly shift towards low-carbon sources of energy – nuclear and renewable technologies.

Renewable energy will play a key role in decarbonizing our energy systems in the coming decades. But how rapidly is our production of renewable energy changing? What technologies look most promising in transforming our energy mix?

In this article we look at the data on renewable energy technologies across the world; what share of energy they account for today, and how quickly this is changing.

Renewable energy generation

How much of our primary energy comes from renewables.

We often hear about the rapid growth of renewable technologies in media reports. But how much of an impact has this growth had on our energy systems?

In this interactive chart, we see the share of primary energy consumption that came from renewable technologies – the combination of hydropower, solar, wind, geothermal, wave, tidal, and modern biofuels. Traditional biomass – which can be an important energy source in lower-income settings is not included.

Note that this data is based on primary energy calculated by the 'substitution method' which attempts to correct for the inefficiencies in fossil fuel production. It does this by converting non-fossil fuel sources to their 'input equivalents': the amount of primary energy that would be required to produce the same amount of energy if it came from fossil fuels.

Approximately one-seventh of the world's primary energy is now sourced from renewable technologies.

Note that this is based on renewable energy's share in the energy mix. Energy consumption represents the sum of electricity, transport, and heating. We look at the electricity mix later in this article.

Breakdown of renewables in the energy mix

In the section above we looked at what share renewable technologies collectively accounted for in the energy mix.

In the charts shown here, we look at the breakdown of renewable technologies by their components – hydropower, solar, wind, and others.

The first chart shows this as a stacked area chart, which allows us to more readily see the breakdown of the renewable mix and the relative contribution of each. The second chart is shown as a line chart, allowing us to see more clearly how each source is changing over time.

Globally we see that hydropower is by far the largest modern renewable source. However, we also see wind and solar power both growing rapidly.

Renewables in the electricity mix

How much of our electricity comes from renewables.

In the sections above we looked at the role of renewables in the total energy mix . This includes not only electricity but also transport and heating. Electricity forms only one component of energy consumption.

Since transport and heating tend to be harder to decarbonize – they are more reliant on oil and gas – renewables tend to have a higher share in the electricity mix versus the total energy mix.

This interactive chart shows the share of electricity that comes from renewable technologies.

Globally, almost one-third of our electricity comes from renewables.

Hydropower generation

Hydroelectric power has been one of our oldest and largest sources of low-carbon energy. Hydroelectric generation at scale dates back more than a century, and is still our largest renewable source – excluding traditional biomass, it still accounts for approximately half of renewable generation.

However, the scale of hydroelectric power generation varies significantly across the world. This interactive chart shows its contribution by country.

Share of primary energy that comes from hydropower

This interactive chart shows the share of primary energy that comes from hydropower.

Share of electricity that comes from hydropower

This interactive chart shows the share of electricity that comes from hydropower.

Wind energy

Wind energy generation.

This interactive chart shows the amount of energy generated from wind each year. This includes both onshore and offshore wind farms.

Wind generation at scale – compared to hydropower, for example – is a relatively modern renewable energy source but is growing quickly in many countries across the world.

Installed wind capacity

The previous section looked at the energy output from wind farms across the world. Energy output is a function of power (installed capacity) multiplied by the time of generation.

Energy generation is therefore a function of how much wind capacity is installed. This interactive chart shows installed wind capacity – including both onshore and offshore – across the world.

Share of primary energy that comes from wind

This interactive chart shows the share of primary energy that comes from wind.

Share of electricity that comes from wind

This interactive chart shows the share of electricity that comes from wind.

Solar energy

Solar energy generation.

This interactive chart shows the amount of energy generated from solar power each year.

Solar generation at scale – compared to hydropower, for example – is a relatively modern renewable energy source but is growing quickly in many countries across the world.

Installed solar capacity

The previous section looked at the energy output from solar across the world. Energy output is a function of power (installed capacity) multiplied by the time of generation.

Energy generation is therefore a function of how much solar capacity is installed. This interactive chart shows installed solar capacity across the world.

Share of primary energy that comes from solar

This interactive chart shows the share of primary energy that comes from solar power.

Share of electricity that comes from solar

This interactive chart shows the share of electricity that comes from solar power.

Biofuel production

Traditional biomass – the burning of charcoal, organic wastes, and crop residues – was an important energy source for a long period of human history. It remains an important source in lower-income settings today. However, high-quality estimates of energy consumption from these sources are difficult to find. The Energy Institute Statistical Review of World Energy – our main data source on energy – only publishes data on commercially traded energy, so traditional biomass is not included.

However, modern biofuels are included in this energy data. Bioethanol and biodiesel – fuel made from crops such as corn, sugarcane, hemp, and cassava – are now a key transport fuel in many countries.

This interactive chart shows modern biofuel production across the world.

Installed geothermal capacity

This interactive chart shows the installed capacity of geothermal energy across the world.

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Band 4+: The pie charts below show the comparison of different kinds of energy production of France in two years.

Image for topic: The pie charts below show the comparison of different kinds of energy production of France in two years.

The graphs illustrate the comparison of two type of fuel in France in two years.

Overall, during the period shown, the data reveals, all of the fuel maintain their passion in using fuel in two years while, Recently French people trended to using nuclear and other mor than past.

In detail coal was the most used contributed by 29.80% and near this gas occupied of 29.63% in 1995. They continued their trend, coal in first place and gas with second passion made up 30.93% and 30.31% of total fuel in French.

Additionally, parto proportion despite a decrease of 19.17% was maintained at third place between all the fuel. Nuclear and other in contrast by the other fuel type witnessed gradual rise by 3.70% and 4.20% fuel consumption respectively. By the other word Nuclear experienced a highest change between whole types of fuel.

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Generate a band-9 sample answer, overall band score, task response, coherence & cohesion, lexical resource, grammatical range & accuracy, answers on the same topic:, the pie charts below show the comparison of different kinds of energy production of france in two years..

The pie charts illustrate the comparison of different kinds of energy production in France in 1995 and 2005. It is clear that the percentage of energy production by coal, gas, nuclear, and others went up, while the amount of energy produced by petrol went down. Also, the proportion of energy production by coal stood at […]

The two pie charts illustrate the proportion of five sources of energy production in France in 1995 and 2005. Overall, in both years, the most significant sources of energy were gas and coal, which together accounted for over half the production of energy, while nuclear and other kinds of energy sources generated the least amount […]

The two pie chart illustrate how much France has produced in 1995 and 2005 Hatya gland it is clear from the charts that there is a mild increase or decrease in the production of energy by the Europeans The lion share of the production was from coal in 1995. 29.80 percentage in precise. After a […]

The following report presents a comparison of France’s energy production in 1995 and 2005 as shown in the provided pie charts. Overall, there were notable shifts in the composition of energy sources in France between 1995 and 2005. Gas and Coal experienced slight increases in their shares, while Petro witnessed a substantial decrease. Nuclear energy […]

This pie charts illustrates the comparison among different types of energy production of France in two different years Overall, it can be seen that production of Nuclear has been increased significantly in 2005 as compare to the year 1995.On the other hand, it can be observed that the production of gas , coal and other […]

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IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Answer


52. The pie charts below show the comparison of different kinds of energy production of France in two years. 

Summari ze the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 150 words.

comparison of energy production essay

The pie charts below show the comparison of different kinds of energy production of France in two years.

Sample Answer 1

   The pie charts illustrate the different energy sources used in France between 1995 and 2005. Overall, coal remained the dominant energy source throughout the period, while other sources had a much smaller contribution.

   In 1995, coal accounted for the largest proportion of energy consumption at 29.80%, specifically for electricity production. On the other hand, other energy sources only made up 4.90% of the total. Gas and petrol had similar market shares in 1995, with 29.63% and 29.27% respectively. Nuclear energy played a minor role, providing around 6.40% of the total energy.

IELTS Speaking 

Part-1 Practice

1 Introduction

2 Education

3 Hometown/city

7 Clothes and Fashion

10 Work/Job

11 TV Programme

12 Free Time

17 Computer

18 Internet

19 Favourite Subject

21 Mobile Phone

22 Weekends

24 Happiness

25 Daily Routine

26 Birthdays

30 Neighbours/Neighbourhood

32 Furniture

33 New Year

39 Childhood

40 Evenings

42 Newspaper

44 Desserts/Cakes

45 Chocolate

47 Sunglasses

50 Tea and Coffee

56 Tidiness

57 Swimming

59 Dictionary

61 A Crowded Place

65 Patience

67 Mobile Apps

68 Exercise

69 Pen/Pencil

70 Text Messaging

72 Discussion

73 Laughter

74 Recycling

78 Celebrity

80 Water Sports

82 Jewellery

83 Social Media

84 Borrowing/Lending

86 Transport

87 Mathematics

88 Time Management

89 Films/Movies

91 Drinking Water

93 Pollution

95 Holidays

96 Money-Saving

97 Punctuality

Part-2 Practice

1 Leisure Activity

6 A crowded Place

7 A Performance

8 Restaurant

9 A Good Cook

11 A festival

13 TV Programme

14 Did Something

16 A website

18 First Day At School

19 An Environment

20 A Museum

21 Sports Match

22 An Old Person

23 Changed Opinion

25 Childhood Event

26 Family Member

27 Lost Something

28 Present/Gift

29 A Game/Sport

31 Helped Someone

32 Foreign Language

34 Apologized

35 You Got Angry

36 A Happy Event

37 A Foreign Country

38 Air-polluted Place

39 Borrowed Item

40 Best Friend

41 Photograph

42 A Thing You Bought

43 A Short Trip

44 Late For Something

45 A Mistake

46 A Difficult Choice

47 A Historical Building

48 A Perfect Job

50 Advertisement

51 A Well-dressed Person

52 Helped a Child

53 Received free

54 A New Accommodation

55 A Childhood Toy

56 A Team Project

57 A Place Near water

58 Meeting Friend

60 Indoor Game

62 New Restaurant

63 Art And craft 

65 Electronic Equipment

66 Meeting a Person

67 Neighbours

68 A Daily Routine

70 Challenging Thing

71 Polite Person

72 Traditional Object

73 An Ambition

76 Taught Something

77 Saves Time

78 An Event

81 Happiest Moment

83 A Letter

84 A Vehicle

86 Businessman

87 Item For Home

88 A Device

89 A Website

91 Discussion

92 Visiting A friend

93 A Writer

95 Own Item

97 A Noisy Place

98 Concentrate

99 Feedback

100 Unusual Clothes

              When comparing the two years, coal's share experienced a significant increase from 29.80% in 1995 to a peak of 30.93% in 2005, before dropping to 0.62% in the same year. Meanwhile, petrol's market share decreased considerably to 19.55% in 2005. Nuclear energy, on the other hand, saw a substantial growth, reaching 10.10% in 2005. Alternative energy sources also experienced some growth, but their proportion in 2005 was still less than double that of 1995.

 Key vocabulary and phrases:

depict: show or illustrate

utilised: used

energy consumption: the amount of energy used

remained the highest: stayed at the top

remained the lowest: stayed at the bottom

market share: the proportion of the market controlled by a particular product or company

employed: used

combined: together

provided: supplied or gave

comparing: examining or contrasting

rose substantially: increased significantly

reached a peak: reached the highest point

dropped: decreased

decreased considerably: decreased significantly

grew significantly: increased significantly

alternative energy sources: renewable energy sources

proportion: amount or share

  Sample Answer 2

                       The pie charts depict the various energy sources utilised in France between 1995 and 2005. Overall, for two years, coal's share of total energy consumption remained the highest, while other energy sources remained the lowest.

                      In 1995, 29.80 percent of coal was utilised to produce electricity, the highest proportion, while only 4.90 percent of other energy sources were employed. In 1995, gas and petrol had a combined market share of 29.63 percent and 29.27 percent, respectively. In 1995, nuclear energy provided about 6.40 percent of total energy.

                     When comparing energy production over two consecutive years, coal's share rose substantially from 29.80 percent in 1995 to 30.93 percent in 2005, when it reached a peak of 30.93 percent, before dropping to 0.62 percent in 2005. Petrol's market share decreased considerably to 19.55 percent in 2005, while nuclear energy's market share grew significantly to 10.10 percent. Alternative energy sources grew to less than twice their proportion in 1995 in 2005.

1 57 Words 

  Sample Answer 3

                      The presented pie charts compare various sources of energy production in France in 1995 and 2005.

                  Regarding the sources of energy consumed in 1995, 29.80% of coal was used in the generation of power, which was the highest, while only 4.90% of other sources remained the lowest. The proportion of gas and petrol accounted for 29.63% and 29.27%, respectively, in 1995. The figure for nuclear energy stood at 6.40 per cent in 1995.

                Turning to the comparison of energy production in two given years, the percentage of coal rose slightly from 29.80% in 1995 to 30.93% in 2005, which remained the highest, before outnumbering gas energy by only 0.62 per cent in 2005.

               The figure for petrol dropped dramatically to 19.55, whereas nuclear energy rose considerably to 10.10% in 2005. The proportion of other sources of energy surged to less than two times that of the 1995 figure in 2005.

               To summarise, it can be seen that the proportion of coal remained the highest for two years, while other sources of power were the lowest.

the comparison of energy production in four various kinds between 1995 and 2005.

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For we to consider an essay structure a great one, it should be looking like this:

  • Paragraph 1 - Introduction
  • Sentence 1 - Background statement
  • Sentence 2 - Detailed background statement
  • Sentence 3 - Thesis
  • Sentence 4 - Outline sentence
  • Paragraph 2 - First supporting paragraph
  • Sentence 1 - Topic sentence
  • Sentence 2 - Example
  • Sentence 3 - Discussion
  • Sentence 4 - Conclusion
  • Paragraph 3 - Second supporting paragraph
  • Paragraph 4 - Conclusion
  • Sentence 1 - Summary
  • Sentence 2 - Restatement of thesis
  • Sentence 3 - Prediction or recommendation

Our recommended essay structure above comprises of fifteen (15) sentences, which will make your essay approximately 250 to 275 words.

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Industrial production up by 0.6% in the euro area and by 0.2% in the eu.

In March 2024, compared with February 2024, seasonally adjusted industrial production increased by 0.6% in the euro area and by 0.2% in the EU , according to first estimates from Eurostat, the statistical office of the European Union . In February 2024, industrial production grew by 1.0% in the euro area and by 0.9% in the EU .

In March 2024, compared with March 2023, industrial production decreased by 1.0% in both the euro area and the EU .

Monthly comparison by main industrial grouping and by Member State

In the euro area in March 2024, compared with February 2024, industrial production

decreased by 0.5% for intermediate goods,

decreased by 0.9% for energy,

increased by 1.0% for capital goods,

decreased by 1.1% for durable consumer goods,

decreased by 2.7% for non-durable consumer goods.

In the EU, industrial production

decreased by 0.2% for energy,

increased by 0.7% for capital goods,

decreased by 1.0% for durable consumer goods,

The highest monthly increases were recorded in Ireland (+12.8%), Belgium (+6.8%) and Luxembourg (+4.5%). The largest decreases were observed in Slovenia (-5.9%), Poland (-5.1%) and Denmark (-4.3%).

Annual comparison by main industrial grouping and by Member State

In the euro area in March 2024, compared with March 2023, industrial production

decreased by 2.3% for intermediate goods,

decreased by 3.5% for energy,

increased by 1.8% for capital goods,

decreased by 8.3% for durable consumer goods,

decreased by 7.0% for non-durable consumer goods.

decreased by 2.2% for intermediate goods,

decreased by 2.6% for energy,

increased by 1.5% for capital goods,

decreased by 7.5% for durable consumer goods,

decreased by 5.1% for non-durable consumer goods.

The largest annual decreases were recorded in Finland (-7.7%), Bulgaria (-7.6%) and Austria (-7.0%). The highest increases were observed in Ireland (+37.0%), Cyprus (+8.5%) and Romania (+3.5%).

Notes for users

Revisions and timetable.

Compared with data issued in the News Release of 15 April 2024, the monthly percentage change for February 2024 has been revised from +0.8% to +1.0% in the euro area and from +0.7% to +0.9% in the EU. The annual percentage change has been revised from -6.4% to -6.3% in the euro area and from -5.4% to -5.2% in the EU.

Methods and definitions

The index of industrial production measures the evolution of the volume of production for industry excluding construction, based on data adjusted for calendar and seasonal effects.

Seasonally adjusted euro area and EU series are calculated by aggregating the seasonally adjusted national data.

Total industry covers NACE rev.2 sections B to D. Missing observations from Member States for recent months are estimated for the calculation of the euro area and the EU aggregates.

Starting with reference period January 2024, the base year of the data has been changed to 2021, since 2018 the base year had been 2015. More information on the reasons for and impact of the base year change can be found in the related Statistics Explained article .

Geographical information

The euro area (EA20) includes Belgium, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Portugal, Slovenia, Slovakia and Finland.

The European Union (EU27) includes Belgium, Bulgaria, Czechia, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Croatia, Italy, Cyprus, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Hungary, Malta, the Netherlands, Austria, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Finland and Sweden.

For more information

Database section on short-term business statistics

Statistics Explained article on the industrial production index

The weights of the Member States in the EU and euro area aggregates (see file Base year 2021 weights - Euro indicators releases)

Euro indicators dashboard

Release calendar for Euro indicators

European Statistics Code of Practice

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comparison of energy production essay

The pie charts give information about five different sectors in terms of energy manufacturers in France in two particular years, 1995 and 2005.

Looking from an overall perspective, it is readily apparent that, all sectors experienced an upward trend, except for petro production. Overall, coal production accounted for the highest percentage, trailed by gas production.

To be more specific, at the beginning of the period; gas, coal, and petro manufacturers shared nearly the same proportions ( 30% ); with 29.63%, 29.8%, 29.27% in detail respectively. In the following years, those figures showed a contrasting trend; with a dip in petro's pattern to 19,55% and a small rise to approximately 31% in two others at the end of the period.

There was an around double increase in percentages of nuclear's figure ( 6.4% to 10.10% ) and other's figure ( 4.9% to 9.1% ).

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    COMPARISON OF ENERGY PRODUCTION. Essay topics: COMPARISON OF ENERGY PRODUCTION. Submitted by hanh_a on Tue, 07/27/2021 - 11:07. The pie charts give information about five different sectors in terms of energy manufacturers in France in two particular years, 1995 and 2005.

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