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How to Choose the Right Greeting for Your Cover Letter

correct salutation for cover letter

Cover Letter Greetings to Avoid

When you have a contact person.

  • When You Don't Have a Contact Person

Examples of General Salutations

  • When to Use 'Dear' in a Cover Letter
  • Writing a Cover Letter Salutation

Concluding Your Letter

Cover letter example, sending your letter.

Hilary Allison / The Balance 

A salutation is the greeting at the beginning of a cover letter that is included with a resume when applying for a job. When you're  writing a cover letter  or sending an  email message  to apply for a job, it's important to include an appropriate greeting at the beginning to set the tone for your letter, which should be professional and appropriate.

The greeting is the first thing the recipient will see  when they read your cover letter . Therefore, it's important for you to convey the appropriate level of familiarity and respect.

Using casual greetings, such as “Hello” and “Hi” can make your letter seem unprofessional. Reserve these casual greetings for personal email and refrain from using them in your cover letter unless you are very familiar with the recipient. Such greetings are simply too informal—not the most professional way to begin the conversation if you’re looking to land a job.

“Hi” is appropriate only in casual email correspondence with people you personally know well. For example, if you're checking in with a close friend to find out if they've heard of a job opening at their company. "Hello" is appropriate only in email correspondence. It should be used primarily for people you know well but can be used in very casual circumstances.

Beginning your correspondence “To Whom It May Concern,” on the other hand, may seem too impersonal and make the hiring manager believe you do not care enough to find out whom you should be addressing. The only time to use " To Whom It May Concern " as a cover letter greeting is when you simply cannot find out the specific person to whom you are writing.

You should, of course, make every effort to find the name of a contact in the specific department in which you are interested. When making an inquiry  with a company for unadvertised openings, this greeting may be most appropriate.

The following is a list of letter salutation examples that are appropriate for cover letters and other employment-related correspondence when you have the name of a contact.

  • Dear Mr. Jones
  • Dear Ms. Brown
  • Dear Riley Doe
  • Dear Dr. Haven
  • Dear Professor Lawrence

When You Don't Have a Contact Person

If this information was not provided in the job announcement and you cannot find it on the company’s web site, then you may be able to call the company, ask to be forwarded to their Human Resources department (if they have one), explain that you will be applying for a job there, and ask for the name of their hiring manager.

Always make every effort to find a contact name to use in your letter. It leaves a good impression on the hiring manager if you have taken the time to use their name, especially if you needed to work a little to find it.

LinkedIn is also a great tool to find out the name of the hiring manager. You can do a search for the company you are applying to with one or two keywords that would describe the person hiring for the position. Scroll down the list until you find the person who fits the criteria. This approach may help you pinpoint the appropriate contact person.

Many companies don't list a contact person when they post jobs, because they have a team of hiring staff who sort through cover letters and resumes before passing them to the hiring manager for the appropriate department. They prefer to leave the hiring manager anonymous until he or she contacts you for an interview.

An organization may also not want to disclose who the hiring manager is to avoid emails and phone calls from applicants, particularly if they anticipate receiving a large number of applications from potential job candidates. So, don't worry if you can't find someone to address your letter to. It will be forwarded to the correct department and recipient.

If you don't have a contact person at the company, either leave off the salutation from your cover letter and start with the first paragraph  of your letter or, better yet, use a general salutation.

When using a general salutation, capitalize the nouns.

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • To Whom It May Concern
  • Dear Human Resources Manager
  • Dear Sir or Madam
  • Dear [Company Name] Recruiter

When to Use 'Dear' in a Cover Letter

It is appropriate to use “Dear” in most circumstances, such as when the potential employer is someone you know well, or they are a business acquaintance. Follow these tips on choosing the right greeting:

  • For people who you know well on a first-name basis, it's okay to use their first name only. For a business acquaintance or associate, use their first name if you met them more than once and addressed them by their first name.
  • For potential employers, use Mr., Ms. or Dr., unless you have been instructed otherwise. Even if you know a woman is married, it is safer to use “Ms.” as opposed to “Mrs.,” as the latter may be offensive in certain circumstances.
  • If you are unsure of the appropriate greeting, play it safe and use Mr./Ms./Dr. [last name] or Mr./Ms./Dr. [first name, last name].

How to Write a Cover Letter Salutation

Standard business correspondence formatting requires that, after providing your own contact information and the date of your letter, you then write down your contact person’s name, the company’s name, and the company’s address.

The formal salutation/greeting comes next: “Dear [Contact Person’s name].” If you have a contact person for your letter, include their personal title and name in the salutation (i.e. "Dear Mr. Franklin"). If you are unsure of the reader's gender, simply state their full name and avoid the personal title (i.e. "Dear Jamie Smith"). Follow the salutation with a colon or comma, leave one line blank, and then start the first paragraph of your letter on the following line.

Your letter greeting has the potential to improve your chances of getting an interview. To enhance your candidacy, make sure your  cover letter  maintains a professional appearance and offers relevant information, including your qualifications for the position. Choose the appropriate closing and always thank the reader for their time and consideration.

This is a cover letter salutation example. Download the salutation cover letter template (compatible with Google Docs and Word Online) or see below for more examples.

Cover Letter With Salutation Example (Text Version)

Alex Applicant 123 Main Street Anytown, CA 12345 555-555-5555 alex.applicant@email.com

September 1, 2018

Brett Lee Nurse Manager St. Ansgar Hospital 123 Business Rd. Business City, NY 54321

Dear Mr. Lee:

I am writing to apply for the position of nursing attendant, as advertised on the St. Ansgar Hospital website. As a trained nursing assistant who is fulfilled by working with patients and staff, and by helping people, I would be a great asset to your nursing staff.

I completed my nurse assistant program in June of 20XX, and I also have a nurse attendant certificate from the state of New York. I have been working part-time at Dr. Ellen Mueller’s primary care office in Smithtown, NY, for the past year, so I am experienced in working with patients. In addition, I am diligent about my responsibilities, and I have a flexible schedule which enables me to work almost any hours that you need.

I’ve attached my resume so that you can review my education and experience. I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you very much for your time and consideration.


Signature (hard copy letter)

Alex Applicant

When you are sending your letter via email, include the reason you are writing in the subject line of your message:

Subject: First Name Last Name – Nurse Attendant Position

List yourcontact information in your signature, rather than in the body of the letter:

FirstName LastName Your Email Your Phone Number

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Perfect Cover Letter Salutations: Start Strong

11 min read · Updated on April 24, 2024

Jen David

Greet your future employer professionally with these cover letter salutations

Cover letters – some recruiters love them; some recruiters hate them. Unfortunately, you'll rarely know which type of recruiter you're contacting, so the safest bet is always to send one, just in case. 

The aim of a cover letter is to make the reader want to find out more about you, so in this article, we're looking at starting strong. 

Which are the best cover letter salutations to make a great first impression?

What is a cover letter salutation?

When we say “salutation,” we mean the opening line of the letter where you greet the person you're writing to. For example, when you write to thank your aunt for the jumper she knitted for Christmas, you might use “Dear Aunt Betty” as your salutation. These days, the salutation may refer to the opening of an email as much as to the opening of a handwritten or printed letter. 

While cover letter salutations generally refer to the opening line of your epistle, some people also refer to the sign-off as a salutation as well, so we'll look at that at the end of the article. 

Considerations when choosing cover letter salutations

A cover letter is a formal business document that you use to try to make yourself more memorable. Remember, though, you want to be remembered for the right reasons and not the wrong ones! 

Starting your letter “Yo!” or “Hey” doesn't convey the impression of a competent professional who knows the unspoken rules of office writing etiquette. 

While not everyone is a natural writer, relying instead on personality, speech, and body language, cover letters depend very much on the written word. In fact, a cover letter, along with your resume, is part of your personal sales brochure. You need to choose the right words to sell yourself effectively. 

Stick to these guidelines, and you can't go far wrong.

Keep it formal and professional

Your tone should be aligned with the tone you'd use when speaking to a teacher, religious leader, or grandma, not the tone you'd use with your mates or kid brother. This is the first impression you'll make on your potential employer, so it's important to show that you can communicate professionally , with respect, and in line with workplace norms. 

Personalize wherever possible

Bonus points if you know, or can find out, the name of the person who will be reading the letter. If you can address them by name, you're instantly showing that you've made the effort, done your research, and have taken the time to write a personalized letter rather than firing the same one off to multiple vacancies. 

Always use a salutation

Even if you can't find out the recipient's name, never leave the greeting line blank. It conveys the impression of someone who lacks attention to detail or is just plain lazy. Not a great impression to create on someone you need to impress! 

This doesn't just apply to the cover letter salutation but to the entire document. Punctuation is important as it enables your reader to accurately interpret your meaning. Use capital letters for names and add a comma after the salutation. Get a trusted friend or family member to check over your letter when it's written to help you give it the polish it needs. 

Options for cover letter salutations

Let's take a look at some different salutations you could use on your cover letter. 

Dear Mr Donnelly 

Addressing the hiring manager by name is the ideal option. If it's not given in the job posting or provided by the person connecting you, it's fine to resort to good old Google. You may find their name on the company website or be able to track them down on LinkedIn. It's also perfectly acceptable to contact the company directly and ask them who you should address your application to.

If you're lucky enough to know the name of the hiring manager, you should always use it in the cover letter salutation. Bear these considerations in mind, though: 

Double and triple check the spelling – even the most common names sometimes have unconventional spellings 

Default to “Mr,” “Mrs,” or “Miss” plus their surname and use the generic “Ms” if you're not sure whether “Mrs” or “Miss” would be most appropriate

Reflect the gender-neutral title “Mx” if that's what you find online or on the job advert

Dear Doctor Foster

If the recipient has a professional title, it's recommended you use that instead of “Mr,” “Mrs,” or “Miss.” Examples could include “Dear Professor Dumbledore,” “Dear General Eisenhower,” or “Dear Doctor House.” 

While the formal “Dear Ms Farrell” is the preferred and most formal option, if you only have the hiring manager's first name, it's perfectly acceptable to use it to open the letter. Again, check the spelling. A slightly less formal salutation here isn't a reason to take a less formal tone throughout the rest of the letter, however. This is a suitable salutation for a job application email, as you can get away with a slightly more relaxed approach in an email.

Dear HR team

If you need a greeting for a cover letter to an unknown recipient, this is a popular option. It's not ideal, but your letter is likely to be forwarded to the right department at least. If you can't find the name of the hiring manager, this is a viable Plan B. 

Dear hiring manager

This is an alternative cover letter greeting when you have no name available. It's better than leaving a blank space, but it's far from warm and personal. Additionally, your letter may not find its way to the right person if the company has different teams hiring for different roles. Try to avoid this unless you've run out of other options.

Dear Sir / Madam

This cover letter salutation is falling out of favor. It's not just impersonal; it doesn't even address a specific team or department. Still, it's better than an overly casual greeting or a blank space. 

How NOT to address a cover letter

As we've already said, there are some greetings that are just too informal to use as cover letter salutations. There are others, however, that tread a very fine line. We'd advise avoiding these openings, as they're either too colloquial or too stuffy. 

To whom it may concern

We're not in the 19th century anymore. Trim your whiskers and relegate this stuffy greeting to history, it's too impersonal even for the most uptight offices. 

Using “dear” on its own, with no name or further greeting attached, gives the wrong vibe. It sounds like a combination of your old aunt, someone unfamiliar with the English language, and someone who's forgotten to fill in a blank on their template. Literally, anything is better than nothing after the word “dear.”

Hi, hello, hi there!

While these cover letter salutations certainly aren't stuffy or over-formal, they fall too far in the other direction. They're friendly and casual but too much for an initial introduction. Save these for the interview. 

Expert tip: Read this article to find out more about cover letter mistakes to avoid: 10 of the Worst Cover Letter Mistakes to Avoid  

Cover letter closing salutations

How you end is just as important as how you begin. After all, you want to end on a high! Before you come to an abrupt end, you'll want to do both of these things: 

Thank the reader for their time and consideration 

Add a call to action, for example, directing them to look at your resume or give you a call

Cover letter salutations to close 

You've started strong and used the body of the email to convince the hiring manager that you're the ideal candidate for the role. Now, it's time to choose your sign-off. 

Yours sincerely, yours truly

These two phrases should be your go-to sign-offs for a formal business letter. If you've started your letter with the recipient's name, choose sincerely; otherwise, choose truly. 

Best regards, kind regards, regards

These are all acceptable closing phrases but better suited to an email than a full letter. They veer towards the casual and aren't generally considered the best letter-writing etiquette. 


This is a polite way of signing off a letter, although not especially conventional or formal. While it's better than no closing at all, it would be wiser to choose a more formal option. 

How NOT to sign off a cover letter 

Just as there are ways not to start a cover letter, there are ways not to sign off. 

Well, it's polite but way too informal. “Thank you” would be better, but a line within the body of the letter saying that you appreciate the time they take to consider your application would be best. 

Just no. You're not taking leave of a friend you've just dropped in on; you're addressing your potential future employer. A more formal and respectful tone is needed. 

However you choose to end your cover letter, remember to finish with your name – and leave space above to sign it if you intend to print it out.

Cover letter examples

Below you'll find two cover letter examples with strong salutations, one a traditional letter and one an email, that you can use for inspiration. 

Traditional cover letter example

Dear Ms Searle, 

Re: Sales Manager vacancy 

Having seen your advertisement for a Sales Manager on LinkedIn, I would like to outline my professional experience and strong track record. I believe I can make a very significant contribution to Acme Corp.

In addition to extensive experience in a sales environment, I also have a commitment to delivering exceptional customer service and a proven ability to meet targets. As you will see from my enclosed resume, I am a natural people person, communicating effectively with a diverse range of people and demonstrating excellent negotiation and influencing skills. My leadership abilities mean that I am able to successfully engage and motivate teams – my current team has surpassed its Q1 targets by 23%. 

I am driven, ambitious, and keen to progress my career in a growing and innovative business such as Acme Corp. I am confident that my strong work ethic, combined with my sales results and integrity, will enable me to play a key role in your success. 

Please do not hesitate to call me at 555-555-5555 so we can arrange an interview to discuss my application in greater depth. I appreciate your consideration. 

Yours sincerely,

Email cover letter example 

Dear Liz, 

Re: Assistant Security Manager vacancy (ref: 12345)

Having read your advertisement for an Assistant Security Manager with interest, I am writing to outline my extensive professional experience. I believe that I possess the talents necessary to make a positive contribution to your hotel.    

I have a comprehensive understanding of security and a commitment to exceptional service. As a Police Officer, I led teams of up to 6 personnel, overseeing security patrols and managing performance. Colleagues would recommend me for my ability to build and motivate teams to achieve exceptionally high standards and positive outcomes. 

As a manager, I take pride in providing training and development opportunities across the team to improve individual skill levels and ensure the achievement of organizational objectives.

The position at Acme Hotel is particularly appealing to me as I believe it will make the best possible use of my security and leadership skills whilst providing opportunities for further development. 

Please do not hesitate to call me at 555-555-5555 so we can arrange an interview to discuss my application in greater depth. I appreciate your consideration of my application and look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards, 

Choose the right cover letter salutations to set the right tone

As you can see, there are several options for opening and closing a cover letter. Make sure you choose one that is professional, has the right amount of formality, and shows you understand corporate communication. 

At TopResume, we create impactful resumes that land jobs. If you need help with your cover letter, we can do that, too! Why not contact us for a strong start on your journey towards a new career? 

Recommended reading: 

Resume vs Cover Letter: How They're Different

What is the perfect cover letter length?

How to Tailor Your Cover Letter for Each Job Application

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Letter Draft

Proper Way to Address a Cover Letter

Proper Way to Address a Cover Letter

When it comes to crafting a cover letter, addressing it properly is paramount. A well-addressed cover letter not only demonstrates your attention to detail but also sets a professional tone for your application. In this blog article, we’ll delve into the nuances of addressing a cover letter, providing you with strategies to ensure your letter stands out from the crowd.

I’ve been a writer for over a decade, and I’ve seen countless cover letters come across my desk. I’ve noticed that the way a cover letter is addressed can often make or break a first impression. That’s why I’m excited to share my insights on the proper way to address a cover letter.

In my experience, the most important thing to keep in mind when addressing a cover letter is to be specific and professional. Avoid using generic salutations like “To whom it may concern” or “Dear Hiring Manager.” Instead, take the time to research the company and identify the specific person who will be reviewing your application. If you can’t find a specific name, you can address your letter to the department or team that you’re applying to.

The Proper Way to Address a Cover Letter

When addressing a cover letter, it is important to use the correct format. The following are the steps on how to properly address a cover letter:

Use the recipient’s full name.

If you do not know the recipient’s name, you can use “Dear Hiring Manager.” Avoid using generic salutations such as “To whom it may concern.”

Use the correct title.

If you know the recipient’s title, such as “Mr.” or “Ms.,” use it. If you do not know the recipient’s title, you can simply use their first and last name.

Use the correct address.

If you are mailing your cover letter, be sure to use the correct address. You can find the address on the company’s website or in the job posting.

Use the correct salutation.

The salutation is the greeting that you use at the beginning of your cover letter. The most common salutation is “Dear [Recipient’s Name].”

Use a professional font.

When choosing a font for your cover letter, it is important to use a professional font. Avoid using fonts that are too casual or difficult to read.

Proofread your cover letter.

Before you send your cover letter, be sure to proofread it carefully for any errors.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your cover letter is properly addressed and makes a positive impression on the hiring manager.

FAQs about a Proper Way to Address a Cover Letter

1. how do i find out the hiring manager’s name.

The hiring manager’s name is often listed in the job posting. If it’s not, you can try to find it on the company’s website or LinkedIn. If you can’t find the hiring manager’s name, you can address your cover letter to the “Hiring Manager” or “Recruiting Manager.”

2. What if I don’t know the hiring manager’s gender?

If you don’t know the hiring manager’s gender, you can use a gender-neutral salutation, such as “Dear Hiring Manager” or “Dear Recruiting Manager.”

3. Should I use a formal or informal salutation?

It’s best to use a formal salutation, such as “Dear Mr./Ms. Last Name.” This shows that you are taking the application process seriously and that you are respectful of the hiring manager.

4. What should I put in the body of my cover letter?

The body of your cover letter should include a brief introduction, a paragraph about your qualifications, and a paragraph about why you are interested in the position. You should also include a call to action, such as asking for an interview.

5. How long should my cover letter be?

Your cover letter should be no more than one page long. It should be concise and easy to read.

Reject Offer Letter Due to Salary – Sample letter declining a job offer due to salary concerns.

RFP Cover Letter to Vendors – Template for submitting a Request for Proposal (RFP) to vendors.

Returning to Work Cover Letter – Sample cover letter for returning to work after a leave of absence.

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RFP Rejection Letter to Vendor – Sample letter rejecting a vendor’s proposal in response to an RFP.

Renovation Notice Letter to Tenant – Template for notifying tenants of upcoming renovations.

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How to write a great cover letter in 2024: tips and structure


A cover letter is a personalized letter that introduces you to a potential employer, highlights your qualifications, and explains why you're a strong fit for a specific job.

Hate or love them, these brief documents allow job seekers to make an impression and stand out from the pile of other applications. Penning a thoughtful cover letter shows the hiring team you care about earning the position.

Here’s everything you need to know about how to write a cover letter — and a great one, at that.

What is a cover letter and why does it matter?

A professional cover letter is a one-page document you submit alongside your CV or resume as part of a job application. Typically, they’re about half a page or around 150–300 words.

An effective cover letter doesn’t just rehash your CV; it’s your chance to highlight your proudest moments, explain why you want the job, and state plainly what you bring to the table.

Show the reviewer you’re likable, talented, and will add to the company’s culture . You can refer to previous jobs and other information from your CV, but only if it helps tell a story about you and your career choices .

What 3 things should you include in a cover letter?

A well-crafted cover letter can help you stand out to potential employers. To make your cover letter shine, here are three key elements to include:

1. Personalization

Address the hiring manager or recruiter by name whenever possible. If the job posting doesn't include a name, research to find out who will be reviewing applications. Personalizing your cover letter shows that you've taken the time to tailor your application to the specific company and role.

2. Highlight relevant achievements and skills

Emphasize your most relevant skills , experiences, and accomplishments that directly relate to the job you're applying for. Provide specific examples of how your skills have benefited previous employers and how they can contribute to the prospective employer's success. Use quantifiable achievements , such as improved efficiency, cost savings, or project success, to demonstrate your impact.

3. Show enthusiasm and fit

Express your enthusiasm for the company and the position you're applying for. Explain why you are interested in this role and believe you are a good fit for the organization. Mention how your values, goals, and skills align with the company's mission and culture. Demonstrating that you've done your research can make a significant impression.

What do hiring managers look for in a cover letter?

Employers look for several key elements in a cover letter. These include:

Employers want to see that your cover letter is specifically tailored to the position you are applying for. It should demonstrate how your skills, experiences, and qualifications align with the job requirements.

Clear and concise writing

A well-written cover letter is concise, easy to read, and error-free. Employers appreciate clear and effective communication skills , so make sure your cover letter showcases your ability to express yourself effectively.

Demonstrated knowledge of the company

Employers want to see that you are genuinely interested in their organization. Mention specific details about the company, such as recent achievements or projects, to show that you are enthusiastic about joining their team.

Achievements and accomplishments

Highlight your relevant achievements and accomplishments that demonstrate your qualifications for the position. Use specific examples to showcase your skills and show how they can benefit the employer.

Enthusiasm and motivation

Employers want to hire candidates who are excited about the opportunity and motivated to contribute to the company's success. Express your enthusiasm and passion for the role and explain why you are interested in working for the company.


A cover letter should be professional in tone and presentation. Use formal language, address the hiring manager appropriately, and follow standard business letter formatting.


How do you structure a cover letter?

A well-structured cover letter follows a specific format that makes it easy for the reader to understand your qualifications and enthusiasm for the position. Here's a typical structure for a cover letter:

Contact information

Include your name, address, phone number, and email address at the top of the letter. Place your contact information at the beginning so that it's easy for the employer to reach you.

Employer's contact information

Opening paragraph, middle paragraph(s), closing paragraph, complimentary close, additional contact information.

Repeat your contact information (name, phone number, and email) at the end of the letter, just in case the employer needs it for quick reference.

Remember to keep your cover letter concise and focused. It should typically be no more than one page in length. Proofread your letter carefully to ensure it is free from spelling and grammatical errors. Tailor each cover letter to the specific job application to make it as relevant and impactful as possible.

How to write a good cover letter (with examples)

The best letters are unique, tailored to the job description, and written in your voice — but that doesn’t mean you can’t use a job cover letter template.

Great cover letters contain the same basic elements and flow a certain way. Take a look at this cover letter structure for ref erence while you construct your own.

1. Add a header and contact information

While reading your cover letter, the recruiter shouldn’t have to look far to find who wrote it. Your document should include a basic heading with the following information:

  • Pronouns (optional)
  • Location (optional)
  • Email address
  • Phone number (optional)
  • Relevant links, such as your LinkedIn profile , portfolio, or personal website (optional)

You can pull this information directly from your CV. Put it together, and it will look something like this:

Christopher Pike

San Francisco, California

[email protected]

Alternatively, if the posting asks you to submit your cover letter in the body of an email, you can include this information in your signature. For example:

Warm regards,

Catherine Janeway

Bloomington, Indiana

[email protected]

(555) 999 - 2222


2. Include a personal greeting

Always begin your cover letter by addressing the hiring manager — preferably by name. You can use the person’s first and last name. Make sure to include a relevant title, like Dr., Mr., or Ms. For example, “Dear Mr. John Doe.”

Avoid generic openings like “To whom it may concern,” “Dear sir or madam,” or “Dear hiring manager.” These introductions sound impersonal — like you’re copy-pasting cover letters — and can work against you in the hiring process.

Be careful, though. When using someone’s name, you don’t want to use the wrong title or accidentally misgender someone. If in doubt, using only their name is enough. You could also opt for a gender-neutral title, like Mx.

Make sure you’re addressing the right person in your letter — ideally, the person who’s making the final hiring decision. This isn’t always specified in the job posting, so you may have to do some research to learn the name of the hiring manager.

3. Draw them in with an opening story

The opening paragraph of your cover letter should hook the reader. You want it to be memorable, conversational, and extremely relevant to the job you’re pursuing. 

There’s no need for a personal introduction — you’ve already included your name in the heading. But you should make reference to the job you’re applying for. A simple “Thank you for considering my application for the role of [job title] at [company],” will suffice.

Then you can get into the “Why” of your job application. Drive home what makes this specific job and this company so appealing to you. Perhaps you’re a fan of their products, you’re passionate about their mission, or you love their brand voice. Whatever the case, this section is where you share your enthusiasm for the role.

Here’s an example opening paragraph. In this scenario, you’re applying for a digital marketing role at a bicycle company:

“Dear Mr. John Doe,

Thank you for considering my application for the role of Marketing Coordinator at Bits n’ Bikes.

My parents bought my first bike at one of your stores. I’ll never forget the freedom I felt when I learned to ride it. My father removed my training wheels, and my mom sent me barrelling down the street. You provide joy to families across the country — and I want to be part of that.”

4. Emphasize why you’re best for the job

Your next paragraphs should be focused on the role you’re applying to. Highlight your skill set and why you’re a good fit for the needs and expectations associated with the position. Hiring managers want to know what you’ll bring to the job, not just any role.

Start by studying the job description for hints. What problem are they trying to solve with this hire? What skills and qualifications do they mention first or more than once? These are indicators of what’s important to the hiring manager.

Search for details that match your experience and interests. For example, if you’re excited about a fast-paced job in public relations, you might look for these elements in a posting:

  • They want someone who can write social media posts and blog content on tight deadlines
  • They value collaboration and input from every team member
  • They need a planner who can come up with strong PR strategies

Highlight how you fulfill these requirements:

“I’ve always been a strong writer. From blog posts to social media, my content pulls in readers and drives traffic to product pages. For example, when I worked at Bits n’ Bikes, I developed a strategic blog series about bike maintenance that increased our sales of spare parts and tools by 50% — we could see it in our web metrics.

Thanks to the input of all of our team members, including our bike mechanics, my content delivered results.”

5. End with a strong closing paragraph and sign off gracefully

Your closing paragraph is your final chance to hammer home your enthusiasm about the role and your unique ability to fill it. Reiterate the main points you explained in the body paragraphs and remind the reader of what you bring to the table.

You can also use the end of your letter to relay other important details, like whether you’re willing to relocate for the job.

When choosing a sign-off, opt for a phrase that sounds professional and genuine. Reliable options include “Sincerely” and “Kind regards.”

Here’s a strong closing statement for you to consider:

“I believe my enthusiasm, skills, and work experience as a PR professional will serve Bits n’ Bikes very well. I would love to meet to further discuss my value-add as your next Director of Public Relations. Thank you for your consideration. I hope we speak soon.


Tips to write a great cover letter that compliments your resume

When writing your own letter, try not to copy the example excerpts word-for-word. Instead, use this cover letter structure as a baseline to organize your ideas. Then, as you’re writing, use these extra cover letter tips to add your personal touch:

  • Keep your cover letter different from your resume : Your cover letter should not duplicate the information on your resume. Instead, it should provide context and explanations for key points in your resume, emphasizing how your qualifications match the specific job you're applying for.
  • Customize your cover letter . Tailor your cover letter for each job application. Address the specific needs of the company and the job posting, demonstrating that you've done your homework and understand their requirements.
  • Show enthusiasm and fit . Express your enthusiasm for the company and position in the cover letter. Explain why you are interested in working for this company and how your values, goals, and skills align with their mission and culture.
  • Use keywords . Incorporate keywords from the job description and industry terms in your cover letter. This can help your application pass through applicant tracking systems (ATS) and demonstrate that you're well-versed in the field.
  • Keep it concise . Your cover letter should be succinct and to the point, typically no more than one page. Focus on the most compelling qualifications and experiences that directly support your application.
  • Be professional . Maintain a professional tone and structure in your cover letter. Proofread it carefully to ensure there are no errors.
  • Address any gaps or concerns . If there are gaps or concerns in your resume, such as employment gaps or a change in career direction, briefly address them in your cover letter. Explain any relevant circumstances and how they have shaped your qualifications and determination.
  • Provide a call to action . Conclude your cover letter with a call to action, inviting the employer to contact you for further discussion. Mention that you've attached your resume for their reference.
  • Follow the correct format . Use a standard cover letter format like the one above, including your contact information, a formal salutation, introductory and closing paragraphs, and your signature. Ensure that it complements your resume without redundancy.
  • Pick the right voice and tone . Try to write like yourself, but adapt to the tone and voice of the company. Look at the job listing, company website, and social media posts. Do they sound fun and quirky, stoic and professional, or somewhere in-between? This guides your writing style.
  • Tell your story . You’re an individual with unique expertise, motivators, and years of experience. Tie the pieces together with a great story. Introduce how you arrived at this point in your career, where you hope to go , and how this prospective company fits in your journey. You can also explain any career changes in your resume.
  • Show, don’t tell . Anyone can say they’re a problem solver. Why should a recruiter take their word for it if they don’t back it up with examples? Instead of naming your skills, show them in action. Describe situations where you rose to the task, and quantify your success when you can.
  • Be honest . Avoid highlighting skills you don’t have. This will backfire if they ask you about them in an interview. Instead, shift focus to the ways in which you stand out.
  • Avoid clichés and bullet points . These are signs of lazy writing. Do your best to be original from the first paragraph to the final one. This highlights your individuality and demonstrates the care you put into the letter.
  • Proofread . Always spellcheck your cover letter. Look for typos, grammatical errors, and proper flow. We suggest reading it out loud. If it sounds natural rolling off the tongue, it will read naturally as well.


Common cover letter writing FAQs

How long should a cover letter be.

A cover letter should generally be concise and to the point. It is recommended to keep it to one page or less, focusing on the most relevant information that highlights your qualifications and fits the job requirements.

Should I include personal information in a cover letter?

While it's important to introduce yourself and provide your contact information, avoid including personal details such as your age, marital status, or unrelated hobbies. Instead, focus on presenting your professional qualifications and aligning them with the job requirements.

Can I use the same cover letter for multiple job applications?

While it may be tempting to reuse a cover letter, it is best to tailor each cover letter to the specific job you are applying for. This allows you to highlight why you are a good fit for that particular role and show genuine interest in the company.

Do I need to address my cover letter to a specific person?

Whenever possible, it is advisable to address your cover letter to a specific person, such as the hiring manager or recruiter. If the job posting does not provide this information, try to research and find the appropriate contact. If all else fails, you can use a generic salutation such as "Dear Hiring Manager."

Should I include references in my cover letter?

It is generally not necessary to include references in your cover letter. Save this information for when the employer explicitly requests it. Instead, focus on showcasing your qualifications and achievements that make you a strong candidate for the position.

It’s time to start writing your stand-out cover letter

The hardest part of writing is getting started. 

Hopefully, our tips gave you some jumping-off points and confidence . But if you’re really stuck, looking at cover letter examples and resume templates will help you decide where to get started. 

There are numerous sample cover letters available online. Just remember that you’re a unique, well-rounded person, and your cover letter should reflect that. Using our structure, you can tell your story while highlighting your passion for the role. 

Doing your research, including strong examples of your skills, and being courteous is how to write a strong cover letter. Take a breath , flex your fingers, and get typing. Before you know it, your job search will lead to a job interview.

If you want more personalized guidance, a specialized career coach can help review, edit, and guide you through creating a great cover letter that sticks.

Ace your job search

Explore effective job search techniques, interview strategies, and ways to overcome job-related challenges. Our coaches specialize in helping you land your dream job.

Elizabeth Perry, ACC

Elizabeth Perry is a Coach Community Manager at BetterUp. She uses strategic engagement strategies to cultivate a learning community across a global network of Coaches through in-person and virtual experiences, technology-enabled platforms, and strategic coaching industry partnerships. With over 3 years of coaching experience and a certification in transformative leadership and life coaching from Sofia University, Elizabeth leverages transpersonal psychology expertise to help coaches and clients gain awareness of their behavioral and thought patterns, discover their purpose and passions, and elevate their potential. She is a lifelong student of psychology, personal growth, and human potential as well as an ICF-certified ACC transpersonal life and leadership Coach.

3 cover letter examples to help you catch a hiring manager’s attention

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Eight Cover Letter Greetings for Every Situation

Caroline Forsey

Published: May 26, 2021

When you’re trying to make a good first impression, a greeting is critical. Saying “Yo, what’s up” to your new employer will evoke a different, likely more negative reaction than, “Hello, it’s nice to meet you.” 

job applicant writing a cover letter and using a personalized greeting

A cover letter greeting is just as important as your first in-person salutation. It’s a chance to demonstrate professionalism and even effort — for instance, addressing your hiring manager by first and last name shows you did your research. 

Here, we'll explore the best cover letter greetings you can use to ensure your cover letter is well-received.

→ Click here to access 5 free cover letter templates [Free Download]

Cover Letter Salutation and Greeting Examples

Sometimes job listings let you know who will be in charge of your application process, but sometimes they don’t. Let’s go over how to address your cover letters for either situation. Please note that it’s always important to capitalize the nouns for all of your greetings.

  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [name of team or department you’re applying for a position in],
  • Dear [company name] Recruiter,
  • To the [name of team you are applying for a position in] Department,
  • Dear [title of the person you would report to],
  • Dear [position title] Hiring Manager,
  • Dear [hiring manager, recruiter, or name of point of contact],
  • Dear Human Resources Manager.

Below we’ll go over an example of how to start a cover letter greeting when you have the name of the hiring manager, recruiter, or point of contact for your application process.

How To Start a Cover Letter Greeting

1. use "hello," or "dear," followed by their first and last name..

If the job description includes the hiring manager's name, or if you've managed to figure it out through research (which we’ll cover below), an easy greeting uses a full name with a "Dear" or "Hello" before it. Additionally, this helps prevent the possibility of misgendering someone that can come from using “Dear Ms./Mr.”

2. Include their title if possible.

If you're writing to a hiring manager with a title like "Dr." or "Professor,” include it in your greeting. It will demonstrate a level of respect and that you’ve done your research. It’s also non-gender specific, again reducing the likelihood of misgendering. 

For instance, you might start your cover letter like this — "Dear Dr. Grace [Insert Last Name]."

3. If you don't know their name, you can still make it specific.

If you've done your research and can't find a specific person hiring for the role, it's likely because the company has a team assembled to delegate the hiring responsibilities. To address a letter to a team, figure out the department or group in which the role falls. Then, follow this formula — "Dear [Department] Hiring Team.”

For instance, if you're applying for a role within Customer Service, you might say, "Dear Customer Service Hiring Committee," or "Dear Customer Service Hiring Team." 

However, it’s worth putting in the effort to research who the hiring manager may be, as the information can sometimes be easy to find.

How to Address a Cover Letter Without a Name

A customized greeting goes a long way towards helping your cover letter stand out in a sea of "To Whom It May Concern." Let’s go over what you can do to uncover who the hiring manager or person responsible for the application process may be. 

Find Recruiters on Company Website

An easy way to try and find the direct responsible individual is by visiting the company website and looking for an “About Us” tab. Some businesses list names of people who work there, and you can browse through the list to see if you can find the recruiter for your position or relevant department.

Find Recruiters on LinkedIn

Some companies have such big teams that each department has its own recruiter or hiring manager. LinkedIn can come in handy here, as you can use the “People” tab to search for keywords like “hiring manager + department you’re applying to,” or “department you’re applying to + recruiter” to figure out who the direct responsible individual is for different departments. 

Find Recruiters on Twitter

Twitter is also a great social media tool for identifying recruiters or hiring managers. You can search through keywords related to the business you’re hoping to work for and browse through profiles to see what you can find. Most professionals using Twitter have some description of their job position in their bio, so you should be able to identify them when you see them. 

You can also search on Twitter for the position title you’re applying for to see if a recruiter has Tweeted a link on their profile. 

If you’ve done all your research and you can’t find a hiring manager to address your letter to, and you weren’t given a name in the application process, there are still some alternatives:

  • Dear Hiring Manager
  • Dear [name of team or department you’re applying for a position in]
  • Dear [position title] Hiring Manager
  • Dear Human Resources Manager

To Whom It May Concern is an often recommended option, but most would say that you shy away from it as it is considered a more outdated and less personalized greeting than others on this list. It would be safe to consider using it as a last resort option.

At the end of the day, when writing your cover letter , your ultimate goal is to make a good impression. If you’re able to find the name of the recruiter or hiring manager, use their name, but if not, any of the recommended greetings in this post will do.

Professional Cover Letter Templates

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Cover Letter Salutation That Entices the Recruiter to Learn More About You

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In This Guide:

How to write the best cover letter salutation for maximum impact.

Cover letter salutation if you know the hiring manager's name

Why you should personalize your cover letter salutation

The absolute no-nos of cover letter salutations, cover letter salutation - takeaways.

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Quick Answer: "To write an outstanding cover letter salutation, keep it formal yet polite. Start with ""Dear (name)"" if you know the name of the HR or hiring manager. Use ""Dear HR Team"" or ""Dear Hiring Manager"" if the recipient is unknown. Always personalize the salutation to establish a connection and avoid vague openings like ""To whom it may concern"" or ""Dear Sir/Madam."" Remember, personalization and a formal tone are key."

Have you ever been slightly annoyed when someone forgot your name at a party 2 minutes after you introduced yourself, even though you also sometimes forget the names of people whom you just met?

Guess what – recruiters feel the same when their name is under the job ad, yet they get another Cover letter starting with “To whom it may concern” or “Dear Sir/Madam”.

In this article, you will learn how to craft impressive Cover letters, which land on “soft” ears, as you know how to address your reader the right way.

Here’s what you will learn from our expert Career advisors:

  • What is a great Cover letter greeting
  • How to create a connection via personalization
  • Ways to find the HR name
  • How to avoid common pitfalls in your Cover letter salutation
  • What opening lines you should stay away from

After nailing that attention-grabbing greeting, you can always get more free Enhancv tips with these Cover letter examples .

You are just a few minutes away from the insider secrets on how to “enter” and shine on the application “stage” with the perfect Cover letter salutation! Ready to dive in?

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You only get 7 seconds to make an outstanding first impression. As the Cover letter is in fact a sales document, the first impression is as crucial as in a meeting. The only difference is that in a Cover letter you can’t rely on the power of your polished, presentable persona, charisma, voice, or non-verbal body language. The only tool you have at your disposal to achieve massive effect is the written words. So you better use it right.

“How can I do that?” - you'd ask. Not to worry, we've got your back, and it is actually easier than it looks. Driving lasting impressions and stirring up interest is going to be entirely in your hands with our blog , which is fully packed with valuable Career advice.

In reality, commanding others ‘attention “from the first read” and sentence boils down to two factors:

  • Your Cover letter design
  • Your Cover letter salutation

These two elements determine for a millisecond the first and sometimes overall impression from your Cover letter.

Attractive design will play totally in your favor, as it is common knowledge that before delving in or reading diagonally any document, we scan it holistically from a bird's eye. Only afterward, our view “falls” on certain “gestalts' – visual details. The main rule here is to make your document pleasant to look at with the right mix of fonts, colors, and overall formatting.

Same with the design, with the introduction, there are several important guidelines one needs to have in mind.

Keep it formal

While you definitely want to come across as a friendly and likable person, when it comes to choosing the opening line, it wouldn’t hurt to be aware that you are not chatting your friends with an offer to go to the movies.

Sticking to the formal, respectful tone that acknowledges the distance between you and your reader (HR and/or Hiring Manager) is your best bet here. Shortening the distance by interjecting informal salutations may actually do you a disservice and create the opposite effect to what you aim for.

Hence, steer clear away from any openings like:

Be polite in your cover letter greeting

Have you heard the expression “Cordiality goes a long way”? Some researchers state that although the salutation “ Dear ” is not too personal and is, in fact, just a formal expression; it typically makes recipients more open to the communication sender.

Whenever you are in doubt about the greeting of your Cover letter, always use “Dear (name)” – this is the golden standard of official business communication. You cannot get that wrong!

Speak like a human to another human

Now let's delve deeper into what can trip you off! Like anyone, HRs are human beings too with their personality and unique individuality. So, they highly value being communicated to like a human, not like being just another part of a depersonalized organization.

This is an important point for you to consider when you turn your Cover letter into a flawless masterpiece. Let's face it, no one really likes generic mails. So when you write your next great Cover letter, write it, with the crystal clear thought that it will be read by humans, not by machines.

Otherwise, you risk “sounding” disinterested, cold, withdrawn, or uninspired for the role in question. Plus, your candidature may be experienced by the receiver like lukewarm water, rather than like the hot stuff that it actually is.

On the contrary, when you address your Cover letter in a way that acknowledges the HRs on a more personal level, you win them at “Hello”! And the good news is that you can do that, no matter if you know the HRs name or not (and you cannot find it).

Let's cover those two scenarios, so you are prepared in all possible cases!

Cover letter salutation if you know the hiring manager's name

Know the name of the responsible recruiter for that job ad you've got your eye on?! Sweet! Lucky you! Then you have an ace, and you definitely have to use it!

Start your Cover letter with a formal, polite, yet personal greeting including the name of the HR or Hiring Manager.

A few things to keep in mind, though!

Make sure to do a preliminary check of the first and last name of the contact person!"!

If you proceed with a semi-formal greeting after your company research and you have identified that the organizational culture allows it (for example in a start-up), you can just address the person by their first name:

  • Dear Antoana,

Those will do just fine!

Pay attention that the comma always comes after the name and not before it!)

However, if you go for the very formal communication style (for example for a Corporate or Governmental organization with a strict hierarchical structure), you d best use this format of salutation with the person s surname:

  • Dear Mr. Salomez,
  • Dear Mrs. Perruci,

When you use Mr., Mrs., and Ms. and the person has a first name from which you cannot identify their gender, do your proper Google research.

If that doesn’t retrieve any clear results either, it may be a good idea to check if you can identify the person on the company's website or on their social network channels (like LinkedIn). In case that also proves fruitless, it might be worth considering using the semi-formal format:

NB! It is not a common practice, but some hiring managers and applicants may use Mx. as a gender-neutral title. So note such versions:

  • Dear Mx. Richardson,

If the contact person is a woman and you are not sure of her marital status, you can use a marital-neutral title Ms.

Dear Ms. Petrova,

Go calmly with the title Mrs. only when you know for sure that the woman you are addressing is married:

Dear Mrs. Todorova,

Cover letter salutation for an unknown recipient

Your first resort should be to at least try to find out the name of the HR.

So what if you've searched in the ad on the job board, on the company website, and on their socials, but in vain?! Take heart! In that case, it is totally acceptable if you get in touch with the company – either by phone or email, express interest in the job role and kindly ask whom from the HR team you should address your application. And voilà! Then you just apply the above rules!

If that also doesn’t work for whatever reason, there's a smart way out, but how you approach it – can make or break your Cover letter!

The best way is to address it to the whole HR department while avoiding generalizations like the plague.

Example of a good greeting :

  • Dear HR Team,
  • Dear Hiring Manager,
  • Dear HR Professional,

Addressing the team still sounds professional and on point, without putting you in the treacherous waters of writing blurry, uncertain, generic Cover letter greetings like:

  • Dear Sir or Madam

Moreover, career experts believe that by using Dear HR Team , your Cover letter is much more likely to be forwarded faster to the right contact in the organization.

Why exactly does personalization in the job application matter so much?

In the times of rapidly developing personal and professional branding industries, generic is no longer a virtue. The more differentiated image a company or a job applicant has, the more he or she will be perceived as a rare find.

If aside from a strong personal and professional persona, the candidate demonstrates a profound ability to connect, well – that makes him or her already an over-the-top Acer.

Here exactly comes the meaning of using wise personalization in your Cover letter to establish a connection with the HRs in two aspects:

  • Personalization by revealing, without oversharing, some details and relevant hobbies you have, that represent you in a more social and friendly manner;
  • Personalization by respecting your recipient’s identity and individuality via addressing them by their name.

On a side note, let us make a disclaimer here – the fact that you personalize your Cover letter and know the individual contact of the HR does not mean you should start spamming them with questions for the position on LinkedIn or via email.

Or else – you risk dimming the good impression you have already created by your eye-catcher Cover letter.

Now that you have aced the game of writing a great connector Cover letter, let's take a look at a shortlist of a NO-NO Salutation of Cover letters that are dead-end for your application:

  • To whom it may concern

In this article, you learned that you need to:

  • Harness both the power of Design and professional Salutation to attract the HR to read further;
  • Keep a formal, polite, yet friendly tone that lets your personality shine, without over sharing;
  • Write genuinely for humans;
  • Always address the HR by their name, if it is mentioned in the job ad;
  • Try to find the right contact person, if you tonight know it;
  • Use “Dear (first name)” or “Dear (Mr., Mrs., Ms., Mx. surname)” - when in doubt about what tone you should keep;
  • Use marital-neutral title Ms., if the HR is a woman and you are not sure if she is married or not; otherwise, you can go with Mrs.;
  • Consider the gender-neutral title (Dear) Mx., in case you are not sure of the recipient's gender;
  • Avoid at all costs the vague and impersonal “To whom it may concern” or “Dear Sir or Madam”.

Did we get you turned on for crafting your very own stunning Cover letter?! Then check how you can do that with ease and class in our Cover letter help section!

Also keep an eye on our blog, as we regularly upload new articles to empower you to manage your career like a PRO.

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IT Specialist Cover Letter: Sample & Guide (Entry Level & Senior Jobs)

Create a standout it specialist cover letter with our online platform. browse professional templates for all levels and specialties. land your dream role today.

IT Specialist Cover Letter Example

Are you a skilled IT specialist looking to land your dream job? A well-crafted cover letter can make all the difference. In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through everything you need to know to create a standout cover letter that will impress potential employers. From formatting and structure to essential tips for highlighting your technical expertise, we've got you covered. Let's get started on crafting the perfect cover letter for your next IT specialist position.

We will cover:

  • How to write a cover letter, no matter your industry or job title.
  • What to put on a cover letter to stand out.
  • The top skills employers from every industry want to see.
  • How to build a cover letter fast with our professional Cover Letter Builder .
  • Why you should use a cover letter template

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IT Specialist Cover Letter Sample

Cover Letter

John Smith 123 Main Street Anytown, USA 12345 [email protected] 555-123-4567

Date: October 12, 2022

Hiring Manager ABC Company 456 Business Blvd Anytown, USA 54321

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to express my interest in the IT Specialist position at ABC Company as advertised. With a solid background in IT support and a passion for technology, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team.

Over the past five years, I have gained valuable experience in providing technical support and troubleshooting for both hardware and software issues. My strong understanding of networking, security protocols, and system administration has allowed me to effectively manage IT infrastructure and support end-users in various environments. In my current role at XYZ Company, I have consistently exceeded performance expectations and received positive feedback from colleagues and management for my proactive approach to problem-solving and customer service.

With a strong foundation in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, I am also equipped with the necessary skills to assist in web development and maintenance tasks. I am confident in my ability to adapt to new technologies and platforms quickly, and I am always eager to expand my knowledge and expertise in the rapidly evolving field of IT. Additionally, my strong communication and interpersonal skills have enabled me to effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams and establish positive working relationships with clients and stakeholders.

I am particularly drawn to the opportunity at ABC Company due to its reputation for fostering a collaborative and innovative work environment. I am eager to contribute to the success of your IT team and help drive the company's technological initiatives forward.

Thank you for considering my application. I am excited about the possibility of joining ABC Company and contributing to the continued success of your IT department. I am available for an interview at your earliest convenience and can be reached at 555-123-4567 or [email protected]. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and experiences align with the needs of your team.

Sincerely, John Smith

Why Do you Need a IT Specialist Cover Letter?

  • An IT Specialist cover letter is essential for highlighting your skills and experience in the field of information technology.
  • It serves as a personalized introduction to potential employers, allowing you to showcase your qualifications and set yourself apart from other applicants.
  • A well-crafted cover letter can demonstrate your passion for the industry and your knowledge of current technological trends.
  • It provides an opportunity to explain any gaps in your work history or highlight specific projects or achievements that may not be fully captured in your resume.
  • By addressing the specific requirements of the job posting and tailoring your cover letter to the company's needs, you can increase your chances of landing an interview.
  • In a competitive job market, a strong IT Specialist cover letter can make a significant difference in getting noticed by hiring managers and securing your dream job.

A Few Important Rules To Keep In Mind

  • Address the cover letter to the hiring manager or specific individual if possible.
  • Use a professional and formal tone throughout the cover letter.
  • Highlight your technical skills and experience in the IT field.
  • Include specific examples of projects or accomplishments that demonstrate your expertise.
  • Explain why you are interested in the company and how your skills align with their needs.
  • Avoid using jargon or technical terms that may not be familiar to the hiring manager.
  • Keep the cover letter concise and focused, ideally no longer than one page.
  • Proofread for grammar and spelling errors before submitting the cover letter.
  • Include a strong closing statement expressing your enthusiasm for the position and willingness to discuss your qualifications further.

What's The Best Structure For IT Specialist Cover Letters?

After creating an impressive IT Specialist resume , the next step is crafting a compelling cover letter to accompany your job applications. It's essential to remember that your cover letter should maintain a formal tone and follow a recommended structure. But what exactly does this structure entail, and what key elements should be included in a IT Specialist cover letter? Let's explore the guidelines and components that will make your cover letter stand out.

Key Components For IT Specialist Cover Letters:

  • Your contact information, including the date of writing
  • The recipient's details, such as the company's name and the name of the addressee
  • A professional greeting or salutation, like "Dear Mr. Levi,"
  • An attention-grabbing opening statement to captivate the reader's interest
  • A concise paragraph explaining why you are an excellent fit for the role
  • Another paragraph highlighting why the position aligns with your career goals and aspirations
  • A closing statement that reinforces your enthusiasm and suitability for the role
  • A complimentary closing, such as "Regards" or "Sincerely," followed by your name
  • An optional postscript (P.S.) to add a brief, impactful note or mention any additional relevant information.

Cover Letter Header

A header in a cover letter should typically include the following information:

  • Your Full Name: Begin with your first and last name, written in a clear and legible format.
  • Contact Information: Include your phone number, email address, and optionally, your mailing address. Providing multiple methods of contact ensures that the hiring manager can reach you easily.
  • Date: Add the date on which you are writing the cover letter. This helps establish the timeline of your application.

It's important to place the header at the top of the cover letter, aligning it to the left or center of the page. This ensures that the reader can quickly identify your contact details and know when the cover letter was written.

Cover Letter Greeting / Salutation

A greeting in a cover letter should contain the following elements:

  • Personalized Salutation: Address the hiring manager or the specific recipient of the cover letter by their name. If the name is not mentioned in the job posting or you are unsure about the recipient's name, it's acceptable to use a general salutation such as "Dear Hiring Manager" or "Dear [Company Name] Recruiting Team."
  • Professional Tone: Maintain a formal and respectful tone throughout the greeting. Avoid using overly casual language or informal expressions.
  • Correct Spelling and Title: Double-check the spelling of the recipient's name and ensure that you use the appropriate title (e.g., Mr., Ms., Dr., or Professor) if applicable. This shows attention to detail and professionalism.

For example, a suitable greeting could be "Dear Ms. Johnson," or "Dear Hiring Manager," depending on the information available. It's important to tailor the greeting to the specific recipient to create a personalized and professional tone for your cover letter.

Cover Letter Introduction

An introduction for a cover letter should capture the reader's attention and provide a brief overview of your background and interest in the position. Here's how an effective introduction should look:

  • Opening Statement: Start with a strong opening sentence that immediately grabs the reader's attention. Consider mentioning your enthusiasm for the job opportunity or any specific aspect of the company or organization that sparked your interest.
  • Brief Introduction: Provide a concise introduction of yourself and mention the specific position you are applying for. Include any relevant background information, such as your current role, educational background, or notable achievements that are directly related to the position.
  • Connection to the Company: Demonstrate your knowledge of the company or organization and establish a connection between your skills and experiences with their mission, values, or industry. Showcasing your understanding and alignment with their goals helps to emphasize your fit for the role.
  • Engaging Hook: Consider including a compelling sentence or two that highlights your unique selling points or key qualifications that make you stand out from other candidates. This can be a specific accomplishment, a relevant skill, or an experience that demonstrates your value as a potential employee.
  • Transition to the Body: Conclude the introduction by smoothly transitioning to the main body of the cover letter, where you will provide more detailed information about your qualifications, experiences, and how they align with the requirements of the position.

By following these guidelines, your cover letter introduction will make a strong first impression and set the stage for the rest of your application.

Cover Letter Body

I am writing to express my strong interest in the IT Specialist position at your company. With my extensive experience and expertise in IT support and infrastructure management, I am confident in my ability to contribute effectively to your team.

My background includes a solid foundation in computer systems, network administration, and software development. I have a proven track record of implementing and maintaining IT solutions that improve operational efficiency and support business growth. Additionally, I am well-versed in troubleshooting and resolving technical issues, ensuring smooth day-to-day operations for end-users.

Some of my key skills and qualifications include:

  • Proficiency in hardware and software installation, configuration, and maintenance
  • Experience with network protocols, security, and monitoring tools
  • Strong knowledge of cloud computing and virtualization technologies
  • Ability to develop and implement backup and disaster recovery plans
  • Excellent communication and collaboration skills

I am committed to staying current with the latest trends and advancements in the IT industry, and I thrive in fast-paced, dynamic environments. I am confident that my technical expertise and dedication to excellence make me a strong candidate for this position.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the opportunity to discuss how my skills and background align with the needs of your team.

[Your Name]

Complimentary Close

The conclusion and signature of a cover letter provide a final opportunity to leave a positive impression and invite further action. Here's how the conclusion and signature of a cover letter should look:

  • Summary of Interest: In the conclusion paragraph, summarize your interest in the position and reiterate your enthusiasm for the opportunity to contribute to the organization or school. Emphasize the value you can bring to the role and briefly mention your key qualifications or unique selling points.
  • Appreciation and Gratitude: Express appreciation for the reader's time and consideration in reviewing your application. Thank them for the opportunity to be considered for the position and acknowledge any additional materials or documents you have included, such as references or a portfolio.
  • Call to Action: Conclude the cover letter with a clear call to action. Indicate your availability for an interview or express your interest in discussing the opportunity further. Encourage the reader to contact you to schedule a meeting or provide any additional information they may require.
  • Complimentary Closing: Choose a professional and appropriate complimentary closing to end your cover letter, such as "Sincerely," "Best Regards," or "Thank you." Ensure the closing reflects the overall tone and formality of the letter.
  • Signature: Below the complimentary closing, leave space for your handwritten signature. Sign your name in ink using a legible and professional style. If you are submitting a digital or typed cover letter, you can simply type your full name.
  • Typed Name: Beneath your signature, type your full name in a clear and readable font. This allows for easy identification and ensures clarity in case the handwritten signature is not clear.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing an IT Specialist Cover Letter

When crafting a cover letter, it's essential to present yourself in the best possible light to potential employers. However, there are common mistakes that can hinder your chances of making a strong impression. By being aware of these pitfalls and avoiding them, you can ensure that your cover letter effectively highlights your qualifications and stands out from the competition. In this article, we will explore some of the most common mistakes to avoid when writing a cover letter, providing you with valuable insights and practical tips to help you create a compelling and impactful introduction that captures the attention of hiring managers. Whether you're a seasoned professional or just starting your career journey, understanding these mistakes will greatly enhance your chances of success in the job application process. So, let's dive in and discover how to steer clear of these common missteps and create a standout cover letter that gets you noticed by potential employers.

  • Not addressing the cover letter to a specific person or department
  • Using a generic template that doesn't showcase your unique skills and experience
  • Including too much technical jargon that may not be easily understood by the hiring manager
  • Focusing too much on your qualifications and not enough on how you can contribute to the company's goals
  • Not highlighting specific achievements or projects that demonstrate your expertise
  • Making typos or grammatical errors that can detract from your professionalism
  • Failing to customize the cover letter for each job application
  • Being too long-winded and not getting to the point quickly

Key Takeaways For an IT Specialist Cover Letter

  • Demonstrate knowledge and expertise in IT systems and technology
  • Showcase problem-solving skills and ability to troubleshoot technical issues
  • Highlight experience in network administration, software development, or cybersecurity
  • Emphasize strong communication and teamwork skills
  • Illustrate a track record of successful project management and implementation
  • Display certifications or relevant training in IT specialties

Create Cover Letter


  1. Cover Letter Salutation: Tips and Examples

    A cover letter salutation is the greeting that you use at the start of a cover letter. When you are writing a professional cover letter to include with your resume for a job application, the salutation you use should be a formal one. Since it is the first thing the recipient sees when they read the cover letter, it should be appropriately respectful and use the correct title and name.

  2. Cover Letter Salutation: 15+ Examples of Greetings

    The most professional salutation for a cover letter is "Dear.". Even an email cover letter should start with "Dear," followed by the hiring manager's name and a colon or comma. Here's an example of how to format your salutation: "Dear [Mr./Ms./Mx.] [Hiring Manager's Last Name],". Leave a blank space above and below the ...

  3. How to Choose the Right Greeting for Your Cover Letter

    A salutation is the greeting at the beginning of a cover letter that is included with a resume when applying for a job. When you're writing a cover letter or sending an email message to apply for a job, it's important to include an appropriate greeting at the beginning to set the tone for your letter, which should be professional and appropriate.

  4. How to Address a Cover Letter (With Examples)

    The headline on the image says, "Cover letter format" A woman sits at a table writing on a piece of paper. There's a simple cover letter represented by lines. On one side of the cover letter, there are labels for the sections of the cover letter. The labels are: 1. Date and contact information 2. Salutation/greeting 3. First, introduce yourself 4.

  5. Perfect Cover Letter Salutations: Start Strong

    Perfect Cover Letter Salutations: Start Strong. 11 min read · Updated on April 24, 2024. Jen David. Greet your future employer professionally with these cover letter salutations. Cover letters - some recruiters love them; some recruiters hate them. Unfortunately, you'll rarely know which type of recruiter you're contacting, so the safest bet ...

  6. How to Address a Cover Letter (and Who to Address)

    Here are the most common ways to address a cover letter without a name: To Whom It May Concern. Dear Human Resources Director. Dear Hiring Manager. Dear Recruitment Manager. Additionally, if you want to add a personal touch, address your cover letter to your prospective department or manager.

  7. proper way to address a cover letter

    In my experience, the most important thing to keep in mind when addressing a cover letter is to be specific and professional. Avoid using generic salutations like "To whom it may concern" or "Dear Hiring Manager.". Instead, take the time to research the company and identify the specific person who will be reviewing your application.

  8. How to Write a Great Cover Letter in 2024 (+ Examples)

    1. Personalization. Address the hiring manager or recruiter by name whenever possible. If the job posting doesn't include a name, research to find out who will be reviewing applications. Personalizing your cover letter shows that you've taken the time to tailor your application to the specific company and role. 2.

  9. Cover Letter Salutation & Best Greeting Examples

    When thinking of the proper salutation for your cover letter, remember: Avoid old-fashioned salutations that look lazy (such as To whom it may concern or Dear Sir or Madam). Use the correct titles in front of a person's name. Choose a modern general cover salutation if you couldn't find any name despite searching.

  10. Eight Cover Letter Greetings for Every Situation

    Here, we'll explore the best cover letter greetings you can use to ensure your cover letter is well-received. Cover Letter Salutation and Greeting Examples. Sometimes job listings let you know who will be in charge of your application process, but sometimes they don't. Let's go over how to address your cover letters for either situation.

  11. How to Address Your Cover Letter in 2023

    Rule #1: Address your cover letter to the hiring manager using a formal, full-name salutation (if possible). For a cover letter, you should always default to addressing it to the hiring manager for the position you're applying to. Unless you know for sure that the culture of the company is more casual, use the hiring manager's first and ...

  12. How to Write a Memorable Cover Letter Salutation

    Sep 8, 2022 • 9 min read. Quick Answer: "To write an outstanding cover letter salutation, keep it formal yet polite. Start with ""Dear (name)"" if you know the name of the HR or hiring manager. Use ""Dear HR Team"" or ""Dear Hiring Manager"" if the recipient is unknown. Always personalize the salutation to establish a connection and avoid ...

  13. Finding the right cover letter salutation. With examples and do's and

    4. Don't be too casual. 5. Test it out! Crafting an effective cover letter salutation is the first step in getting noticed by a hiring manager. Set the tone and establish a personal connection with the hiring manager by learning the do's and don'ts of writing a salutation for your cover letter.

  14. How to Write The Best Cover Letter Salutations [+Examples]

    Write the cover letter salutation in the correct place. Just like normal letters, include the cover letter salutation right after writing down the address. However, you should also leave a blank space before and after the salutation to separate it from the hiring manager's address and the body paragraph. 4. If the recruiter is unknown, still ...

  15. How To Format a Cover Letter (With Outline and Examples)

    Follow these guidelines: Make your cover letter single-spaced. Add a space between each section: contact information, salutation, opening paragraph, middle paragraph, closing paragraph and complimentary closing. (There's no need to indent any of your paragraphs.)

  16. How To Write a Cover Letter (With Examples and Tips)

    Middle paragraph (s) Closing paragraph. Letter ending and signature. Your cover letter should be one page long and use a simple, professional font, such as Arial or Helvetica, 10 to 12 points in size. Your letter should be left-aligned with single spacing and one-inch margins. Show Transcript.

  17. How to address a cover letter (With examples)

    Properly addressing your cover letter is a straightforward process. If you follow these simple steps, you should be able to address your cover letter correctly: 1. Examine the job description to find out the name of the recruitment manager. The first thing you should do when addressing your cover letter is to refer to the job description.

  18. How to Format a Cover Letter in 2024

    Here's a breakdown of how a cover letter should be structured: 1. Add your name and contact information to the header. At the top of your cover letter, include the following information: Name: Your full name should be the focal point of your cover letter's header, so use a large font size and bold text. Phone number.

  19. 6 Tips for Formatting a Cover Letter, With Examples

    Use 1.15 line spacing throughout and insert a blank line between each paragraph. Format your cover letter as a PDF. Name your cover letter file with your first name, last name, the words "cover letter," and the job title or company name. Keep your letter within 250 to 400 words and less than one page.

  20. Generic Salutation in Cover Letters: Business Impacts

    1 First Impressions. Using a generic salutation in your cover letter may inadvertently create a lackluster first impression. It suggests that you haven't invested time to research the company or ...

  21. Letter and Email Salutations Examples (Plus Tips)

    Example: Nancy, Thank you for your assistance with the Jenkins deal. When you omit the salutation, incorporate the name of the recipient in the first sentence of your message. Related: 12 Templates To Use When Writing Letters to Clients (With Tips) Example: That's correct, Mark. I didn't think about that detail.

  22. To Whom It May Concern: What You Should Write Instead (+Tips)

    The cover letter summarizes your professional background and explains why you're a good fit for the job you are applying for. More often than not, people in a hiring organization review applicants' cover letters. These include the hiring manager, the direct supervisor of the position, etc. In these situations, a generic salutation that ...

  23. PDF Cover Letters

    Salutation: Your letter should always be addressed to a named individual, usually called the Recruiting Coordinator or the Hiring Partner, who is responsible for hiring. Composition: The first paragraph tells the employer who you are and why you are writing. The second, and possibly third, paragraphs comprise the body of the letter. These tell

  24. How To Write a Business Letter Salutation (With Examples)

    Using the proper salutation in your cover letter can help an employer determine whether or not they should consider you for the position. Download Cover Letter Template With Example. To upload the template into Google Docs, go to File > Open > and select the correct downloaded file.

  25. Accountant Cover Letter

    Accountant cover letter example. John Doe 123 Main Street Anytown, ST 12345 [email protected] (123) 456-7890. [Date] Jane Smith Hiring Manager ABC Accounting Firm 456 Finance Ave. Businesstown, ST 54321. Dear Ms. Smith, I am excited to apply for the Accountant position at ABC Accounting Firm, as advertised on LinkedIn.

  26. IT Specialist Cover Letter: Sample & Guide (Entry Level & Senior Jobs)

    Cover Letter Greeting / Salutation. A greeting in a cover letter should contain the following elements: ... Correct Spelling and Title: Double-check the spelling of the recipient's name and ensure that you use the appropriate title (e.g., Mr., Ms., Dr., or Professor) if applicable. This shows attention to detail and professionalism.

  27. How To Address a Cover Letter Without a Name in 5 Steps

    Here are five steps on how to address a cover letter without a name: 1. Remain gender neutral. The first step to addressing a cover letter without a name is to use gender-neutral identifiers. Deepti Sharma spent several years in the corporate world before following her entrepreneurial spirit and starting her business as a human resources (HR ...

  28. 7 Key Components of an Effective Cover Letter

    Cover letter example Here is an example of a standard cover letter that you can use as a guide when applying for jobs: Joey Platt Austin, TX 555-180-9907 Joey.Platt@E_mail.com July 6, 2020 Dear Ms. Beasley, I am writing to apply for the hotel manager position at Palladium Suites in Austin, Texas. I have several years of experience in the hospitality and service industry, including managerial ...

  29. How To Write a Mechanical Technician Cover Letter (With Examples)

    To help you learn more, below is a sample cover letter for mechanical technician. This example should be used as a guide, so be sure to personalize your own cover letter to reflect your experiences, skills and interest in the specific role you're applying for. Chuck Ferris. Chicago, Illinois. 304-555-0192. [email protected] March 14, 2024 ...