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USC Supplemental Essays 2023-24 Prompts and Tips

September 1, 2023

When applying to a school like the University of Southern California, it is important to grasp that their acceptance rate in 2023 is lower than Harvard’s back in the late 1990s. Last cycle, USC received roughly 80,000 applications and admitted just 9% from that pool (their first time in the single digits). We don’t bring up these numbers or the Friends -era Harvard comparison to cause future applicants unnecessary fear. Rather, we want aspiring Trojans to realize that in addition to strong high school grades and standardized test scores, they need to excel in other critical areas of their application as well. This brings us to the topic of the USC supplemental essays.

(Want to learn more about How to Get Into the University of Southern California? Visit our blog entitled:  How to Get Into USC: Admissions Data and Strategies   for all of the most recent admissions data as well as tips for gaining acceptance.)

The supplemental essay section offered by USC is a fairly epic one and presents just such an opportunity for students to differentiate themselves from swarms of other qualified applicants. In addition to several short essays, you are also required to answer 10 short answer questions. Below are the USC’s supplemental prompts for the 2023-24 admissions cycle along with tips about how to address each one.

2023-24 USC Supplemental Essays – Required Prompt #1

Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests and why you want to explore them at USC specifically. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections. (Approximately 250 words)

This is part “Why Us?” and part “Explain Your Major” and your aim is to seamlessly touch on both topics in a tightly woven 250-word composition. For a deeper dive, let’s examine a list of characteristics of a winning USC “Why Us?” essay:

  • How did your interest in your major of choice begin and how has it matured over the years?
  • While pursuing your majors(s)/interest(s) of choice, how will you take advantage of the university’s immense resources both inside and outside of the classroom? Be sure to cite specific  academic programs ,  professors ,  research opportunities ,  internship/externship programs , and  study abroad programs . Discuss why they pique your interest.
  • Feel free to touch on  student-run organizations  related to your field of study that you would like to join.
  • Lastly, don’t ignore your second-choice major in this essay.

In any “Why Us?” composition, you need to show that you’ve done your homework on a given school, but you don’t want it to read like a robotic list of items that you Googled ten minutes before writing the essay (even if the timing of the Google search is roughly accurate). In addition to the pure research element, a lot of the time and skill required in creating a stellar USC essay will involve connecting the classes, professors, opportunities, etc. of interest that you have uncovered to your distinct values, talents, aims, proficiencies, and future goals.

USC Supplemental Essays – Short Answers

(#1 provides 25 characters for each word, and #2-10 provide 100 characters each)

  • Describe yourself in three words.
  • What is your favorite snack?
  • Best movie of all time
  • If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
  • What TV show will you binge watch next?
  • Which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate?
  • Favorite book
  • If you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be?

USC Supplemental Essays (Continued)

It would be a bit silly to try to advise you on what your favorite snack is. Obviously, the USC admissions committee wants to hear “Pepperoni Pizza Combos” but will also accept “Ranch-flavored Bugles.” As such, we’ll keep our advice on these a bit broader:

  • This is a chance to make a personal connection with an admissions officer. Don’t overthink these or pick movies, books, songs, or trips that you think an admissions officer will find impressive. Just be genuine.
  • For #1, try to avoid words like “interesting” that are…well, not very  interesting , or words that could describe most of USC’s applicant pool, like “hard-working” or “dedicated.”
  • For #10, don’t pick a general topic in a traditional discipline. Instead, pick something about which you are passionate. This could be a blend of pop culture and academics or a highly esoteric topic that you happen to be obsessed with (e.g., the Beatles 1965-67 mid-career era, the history of jai-alai, or how to groom a ferret).
  • You have 100 characters to utilize, so do include some short explanations that infuse your answers with extra personality. For example, you could jazz up Ranch-flavored Bugles as follows: “Ranch-flavored Bugles, me and my mom’s go-to Jeopardy snack.”
  • Final tip: if you feel stuck, try brainstorming a few options for each one before choosing your favorite.

USC Supplemental Essays – School-Specific Prompts

In addition to the required essays noted above, you’ll also need to answer at least one additional essay question that is dependent on the school or college you are applying to at USC. Below, we’ve broken down the most popular options:

Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

Many of us have at least one issue or passion that we care deeply about – a topic on which we would love to share our opinions and insights in hopes of sparking intense interest and continued conversation. If you had ten minutes and the attention of a million people, what would your talk be about? (250 words)

What makes you tick? What keeps you up at night? Which subjects could (and do) you talk about for hours if given the opportunity? If you could address one problem in the world, large or small, what would it be? Here’s your chance to tell us all about it. You’ll then want to explain “why”—why will (or should) your passion/topic of choice be made relevant to a wider audience? Why is it so important that others hear your message? Your answer will give admissions readers greater insight into what type of issues are most important to you.

Viterbi School of Engineering

The National Academy of Engineering (NAE) and their 14 Grand Challenges go hand-in-hand with our vision to engineer a better world for all humanity. Engineers and computer scientists are challenged to solve these problems in order to improve life on the planet. Learn more about the NAE Grand Challenges at  and tell us which challenge is most important to you, and why. (250 words)

The NAE Grand Challenges list is expansive and includes a number of pressing issues, like clean water access, solar energy, and nuclear terrorism. Basically, you are 100% guaranteed to find at least one item on this list that resonates with you. After reviewing the options, which one are you most passionate about, and why? Is there something from your personal background or experiences that inspired your interest in this area? Alternatively, have you engaged with this topic either inside or outside of school, and if so, how? What would you still like to learn about it? If you choose an issue that you are genuinely interested in and clearly convey your reasoning for doing so, you’ll be well on your way to a compelling response.

The student body at the USC Viterbi School of Engineering is a diverse group of unique engineers and computer scientists who work together to engineer a better world for all humanity. Describe how your contributions to the USC Viterbi student body may be distinct from others. Please feel free to touch on any part of your background, traits, skills, experiences, challenges, and/or personality in helping us better understand you. (250 words)

Take note of the wide-open nature of this prompt. You are essentially invited to talk about any of the following topics:

  • A perspective you hold
  • An experience/challenge you had
  • A community you belong to
  • Your cultural background
  • Your family background
  • A personality trait
  • A skill you hold

Although this prompt’s open floor plan may feel daunting, a good tactic is to first consider what has already been communicated within your Common App personal statement, activities list, and other USC essays. What important aspects of yourself have not been shared (or sufficiently discussed)? The admissions officer reading your essay is hoping to connect with you through your written words, so—within your essay’s reflection—be open, humble, thoughtful, inquisitive, emotionally honest, mature, and/or insightful about what you learned and how you grew. No matter what type of story you tell, the goal is to have the reader come away saying, “I can definitely see this applicant as a contributing member of our talented and engaged Viterbi community.”

How important are the USC supplemental essays?

There are five factors that USC considers to be “very important” to their candidate evaluation process and the essay section is one of them. Along with GPA, standardized test scores, rigor of high school coursework, and recommendations, the Common App and supplement essays play a huge role in the USC admissions staff’s decision-making.

Want personalized assistance?

Lastly, if you are interested in working with one of College Transitions’ experienced and knowledgeable essay coaches as you craft your USC supplemental essays, we encourage you to  get a quote  today.

  • College Essay

Dave Bergman

Dave has over a decade of professional experience that includes work as a teacher, high school administrator, college professor, and independent educational consultant. He is a co-author of the books The Enlightened College Applicant (Rowman & Littlefield, 2016) and Colleges Worth Your Money (Rowman & Littlefield, 2020).

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University of Southern California (USC) 2023-24 Supplemental Essay Prompt Guide

Early Action: Nov 1

Regular Decision Deadline: Dec 1

You Have: 

University of Southern California 2023-24 Application Essay Questions Explained 

The Requirements: 2 or 3 essays (depending on major selection) of up to 250 words; 2 short-answer lists.

Supplemental Essay Type(s): Why , Oddball , Short Answer , Community

Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests at USC. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections. (250 word limit)

This is USC’s take on the classic Why essay. In asking how you plan to pursue your interests, admissions is really trying to suss out your core reasons for choosing USC. While college will offer you a wealth of social and professional opportunities, its primary function is academic — and your primary role is as a student. So, what kind of student do you hope to be? Where do you hope your studies will take you? What resources and opportunities does USC offer that will meet your needs and guide you towards your goals?

To answer these questions, set aside an hour or two to pore over the USC website (there’s no hack, you’ve just got to put in the time). Beyond the basic departmental listings, look up information about news and research coming out of your department, the kinds of courses available, the opportunities that other undergrads have had studying in your area of choice. Even if you have a wide array of interests, consider explaining how two to three departments might complement each other or foster your interest in a larger idea or theme. Your ultimate goal is to show that your interest in USC (just like your intellectual curiosity) runs deep!

Describe yourself in three words (25 characters).

Your answers do not need to be so outlandish that admissions needs a thesaurus to look them up, but they should avoid the generalities that so often populate these questions: loyal, kind, smart… you get the idea. We’re sure you are all of these things — and they are lovely qualities to showcase in the stories you tell elsewhere in your other written responses — but these sorts of terms can ring hollow. Think about how different people in your life would describe you. Though this assignment is short, you may need to spend some time wordsmithing different combinations. When the prescribed format is a list, order matters just as much as content, so use every element of the assignment to your advantage!

The following prompts have a 100 character limit:

What is your favorite snack, best movie of all time:, if your life had a theme song, what would it be, dream trip:, what tv show will you binge watch next, which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate, favorite book:, if you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be.

Behold! USC’s attempt at being quirky! You’ve been limited to less than the length of a tweet for each answer, so you’d better make every word (and character) count! These prompts don’t have time for generalities or gentle introductions, so you’ll have to cut straight to the point. The more specific your words are, the more memorable your answers will be. Favorite snack? Don’t just say, “popcorn and Junior Mints.” How about, “A box of junior mints melting over hot popcorn as I watch a horror movie” (72 characters). If you can paint a funny picture or display a knack for wit, take this chance, but don’t force it. You also don’t exactly have to think of this as filling in the blanks, but more as filling in any blanks in your application. Anything that doesn’t feel like it merits a full essay can go here as a tweet, hot take, punchline, or elegantly-worded sentence.

USC Dornsife Applicants: Please provide an essay of no more than 250 words on the topic below. In your response, we encourage you to write about something that you haven’t already discussed elsewhere in your application.

For more information, please click here ., many of us have at least one issue or passion that we care deeply about – a topic on which we would love to share our opinions and insights in hopes of sparking intense interest and continued conversation. if you had ten minutes and the attention of a million people, what would your talk be about (250 words).

We at CEA love this question because it’s a unique way of asking applicants: what do you care about and why? What’s important to you? What information do you wish other scholarly minds had access to? Start by making a list. Maybe you’d like to use your ten minutes to speak about media literacy and how we can and should consider what we see online through the lens of the powers that dictate how and when we receive information. Perhaps you’d want to spread the word about the dangers of climate change and the irreversible impact it will have on the planet if we don’t take action swiftly. What keeps you up at night? What kind of positive effect do you want to have on the world? These are the questions you should be asking yourself when brainstorming for this prompt. Bonus points if you can speak to how a USC Dornsife education will prepare you to address this issue head-on in the future! 

USC Viterbi Applicants:

The student body at the usc viterbi school of engineering is a diverse group of unique engineers and computer scientists who work together to engineer a better world for all humanity. describe how your contributions to the usc viterbi student body may be distinct from others. please feel free to touch on any part of your background, traits, skills, experiences, challenges, and/or personality in helping us better understand you. (250 words).

USC Viterbi School of Engineering wants to accept students who will contribute to diversity on campus. When considering an aspect of your identity or background to expand upon, we recommend choosing one that has had the biggest impact on the way you experience and interact with the world. Ideally, the unique aspect you select should come with a couple anecdotes. Maybe you want to write about your experience as a person living with a disability and how this has shaped your interest in engineering, design, and accessibility. Perhaps you embody #BlackGirlMagic and will bring a fresh perspective to a field in which women of color are underrepresented. Regardless of the part of your identity you choose to address, be specific about how it impacts your worldview and how it will add a distinct perspective to USC Viterbi.

The Engineering Grand Challenges (for USC Viterbi Applicants):

The national academy of engineering (nae) and their 14 grand challenges go hand-in-hand with our vision to engineer a better world for all humanity. engineers and computer scientists are challenged to solve these problems in order to improve life on the planet. learn more about the nae grand challenges at and tell us which challenge is most important to you, and why. (250 words).

Strong responses to this prompt will showcase self-reflection, care for the greater good, and ambition. Review the fourteen Grand Challenges and see which you connect with the most. Maybe you’re passionate about providing access to clean water, since you know firsthand what it’s like to not have that access in your hometown in Michigan. Perhaps you hope to engineer better medicines in honor of a loved one you lost to illness prematurely. Maybe you’ve always been fascinated with outer space and would jump at the opportunity to engineer new tools of scientific discovery. Make sure to relate your own life experiences and/or interests to the challenges the world is facing and emphasize how you’d like to be part of the solution.

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How to write the usc supplemental essays 2020-2021: the perfect guide (examples included).

University of Southern California (USC) is a private university located in downtown Los Angeles, California.

With its warm weather and beautiful campus, USC has been a prime film location for many films and television shows.

  • If you’ve seen Forrest Gump, Legally Blonde, Love & Basketball, The Social Network , and the C ., you’ve seen USC.

Boasting over 21 colleges, academies, and schools of study that offer hundreds of majors, and thousands of courses, USC offers plenty of variety for even the most curious students.

USC’s acceptance rate has been sitting at a thin 13% for the past few years.

With such a low acceptance rate, you’ll need to write excellent essays to be considered for admission at USC.

USC uses the Common App , which means you can access all essay questions on the Common App portal.

Though you’ll need to make these essays count, you shouldn’t worry. This guide is here to help you through the entire process, so you can show the USC admissions team that you deserve to be a part of their upcoming class through thoughtful and well-written supplemental essays.

What Are USC’s Supplemental Essay Requirements?

USC requires that students answer multiple prompts as part of the application process. You will find both on the Common App.

USC Supplemental Essays: How to Write Them!

Click above to watch a video on USC Supplemental Essay.

For the first prompt, students must choose one of three potential essay questions . These questions assess the student’s diverse experiences, interests, and characteristics. This type of question is also commonly referred to as the “diversity essay.”

The prompts for essay #1 include:

USC believes that one learns best when interacting with people of different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. Tell us about a time you were exposed to a new idea or when your beliefs were challenged by another point of view. Please discuss the significance of the experience and its effect on you. USC faculty place an emphasis on interdisciplinary academic opportunities. Describe something outside of your intended academic focus about which you are interested in learning. What is something about yourself that is essential to understanding you?

For the second prompt, students must describe their intended major and what motivated them to make that choice.

The question is as follows:

Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests and why you want to explore them at USC specifically. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections.

USC also has a short answer section, in which you are expected to write extremely short, 1 sentence (or even 1 word) answers. These questions are designed to better showcase your personality.

These questions are quite random, so prepare yourself to answer with authenticity and a bit of thought, so the best version of yourself is represented.

Creating a compelling application to USC requires well-written essay responses that reflect critical self-reflection and self-understanding.

On top of perfecting your mechanical skills, work to condense and hone your writing so that every word adds to your main point.

In addition to helping admissions counselors get to know you better through writing, you should pay attention to your organization, spelling, and grammar.

Simple mistakes in those areas can outshine your true potential.

We’ll look into each of the prompts in detail below, to help you submit the best version possible

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Usc supplemental essay prompt #1: new ideas.

“USC believes that one learns best when interacting with people of different backgrounds, experiences and perspectives. Tell us about a time you were exposed to a new idea or when your beliefs were challenged by another point of view. Please discuss the significance of the experience and its effect on you.”

In this prompt, USC tells you that they value diversity.

Not only do they value diversity, but they also value people who can appreciate diversity and are open-minded to new ideas, experiences, and perspectives .

First, it’s vital that you truly understand what diversity means.

  • According to Merriam-Webster, two definitions are “the inclusion of different types of people (such as people of different races or cultures) in a group or organization” and “an instance of being composed of differing elements or qualities.”

To answer this question, you will have to reflect on past experiences during which you faced a different idea or belief that somehow challenged yours.

  • You will then have to tie your experience and lessons learned in with USC’s values.

USC’s values are found underneath the Applicant Admission Process tab on their website.

In the Personal Qualities section, USC states: “We look for students who possess the potential to contribute to our diverse and vibrant campus life, who represent a vast array of interests and passions, and are leaders unafraid to speak up in class or fight for a cause.

We value students who make us think….”

  • In other words, not only does USC want you to be open-minded and appreciative of diversity, they also want you to be a leader and contributor to their community. They want you to own your uniqueness and share it with others in a way that is mutually beneficial to the community and to you.

Before you begin generating ideas, let’s take a deeper look at the question to fully understand what USC is asking for without going overboard in your response.

  • “Tell us about A TIME you were exposed to a new idea OR when your beliefs were challenged by another point of view.”
  • Your essay response only needs to include one story and does not need to include both components mentioned in the prompt.

To start brainstorming, think of a few times where you heard something or had a conversation that introduced you to a new perspective, changed your perspective, or called it into question.

  • How did you feel?
  • Why did you feel that way?

Once you have generated a list of experiences, pick the one you feel offers the deepest experience with diversity in your life.

Reflect on this experience and discuss how it affected you in a positive way.

  • How did those experiences change your thinking or your outlook on life for the better?
  • Did the experience cause you to question or reflect on other beliefs you possess?
  • If your perspective didn’t change, what did you appreciate about the other perspective on the issue/idea/belief?

It’s helpful to write down thoughts and notes before you begin crafting your actual essay.

After doing this, take what you have written and summarize that into a brief thesis statement.

  • Then, expand to help the reader to understand your challenge just as you were experiencing it.

Your telling of the experience can flow similar to how you would tell someone out loud, but you’re limited to 250 words.

  • For example, “My discussion with Person X did not change my views on the problems associated with income inequality, but it did help me to better understand and sympathize with some of the issues self-made wealthy individuals face…etc.”

Pick your most poignant experience and make a story out of it.

Help the reader to experience your challenge just as you were experiencing it.

Be sure to showcase your individuality and your open-mindedness. Once you’ve written your personal statement, be sure to have someone read through and edit your response.

This will help make sure your point was made and avoid spelling/grammar errors you may have overlooked.

USC Supplemental Essay Prompt #2: Outside of Your Academic Focus

“USC faculty place an emphasis on interdisciplinary academic opportunities. Describe something outside of your intended academic focus about which you are interested in learning.”

With this prompt, USC wants to see that you are able to demonstrate open-mindedness.

  • It’s great that you want to study mathematics, but are you open to learning from the field of music?
  • What about psychology?
  • Maybe you want to be a doctor and are inspired by literary doctors like Oliver Sacks and William Carlos Williams. In this case, you’d explain how you plan on studying literature in addition to pre-medical courses.

They want to know that you care about things outside of your immediate focus.

Having more than one interest makes you more well-rounded on a personal level, and it can help you on professional and academic levels as well.

  • For instance, USC wants to produce skilled doctors, and they would prefer to produce good doctors who also understand the healing power of narrative. You’ll want to have a focus but also a breadth of diverse interests.

For this question, you will also need to be genuine.

Even if your other interest is not an academic field or major offered at USC, it’s okay.

  • The prompt doesn’t state it has to be an academic interest – it just has to be outside of your intended academic focus.
  • You may decide to minor in another area, but you should not feel restricted to discuss academics only.

Consider writing about opportunities offered at the university that exist outside of the classroom.

You could try researching the different clubs, activities, or events that exist or happen around campus.

  • For example, you may major in political science but also want to become a better musician.
  • You might sign up for a voice class at the university and join choirs and singing groups to improve your musical ability.

Or, maybe you are a STEM major, but you’ve also been learning ASL. You could write about your interest in USC’s American Sign Language Club, as it would help you better practice your sign language.

  • What are your other interests?
  • Try writing them down and writing about the one that means the most to you (or shows a side of you that is not yet on your application).

Here is another example:

  • If you plan on majoring in bioengineering, you’ll want to think beyond biology and engineering, as this is implied in the name of the major. You could be interested in a humanity like anthropology, which works to explain how human cultures work – an interest that may inform and enrichen your primary focus.

If you can’t think of a particular interest that would be completely new to you, consider a topic outside your academic focus that you want to become better versed in.

In this case, you’ll express why you want to continue learning more about that interest. In other words:

  • What is something you want to learn more about?
  • Why do you want to learn more about it?

While there’s no wrong way to answer the question, a great way to approach the question is using your interest to unconventionally further your understanding in your academic focus.

  • For instance, if you’re a physics major with a passion for music, you might write about using music as practical applications of some physics principles regarding vibration and sound transfer.

If there’s a particular story behind your interest, share that in a way that helps the reader connect with you.

Telling a short story about your interest will help you effectively use more of your 250-word limit.

Overall, try to be authentic and show USC that you’re a well-rounded individual who will add to their campus community in more ways than one.

USC Outside of Academic Focus Essay Example

“Hi. My name … is Bobby … and I will be playing Fur … Elise … today.” The audience sat still as I stuttered through my introduction, approaching the lavish grand piano for my freshman-year recital. As chords flowed through my hands, my fingers began to slip, missing notes along the way. My stage fright had gotten the better of me. When I enrolled at GSA the next year, my friends dragged me to drill practice in preparation for the Clash of the Halls dance competition. I was reluctant, but upperclassmen convinced me to represent my hall at the most popular event at school. Although I had performed at multiple piano recitals, participating in choreographed dancing was a new challenge. Passion gradually outweighed my fear as I became more comfortable with the challenging choreography. Dancing became less of a commitment. I slowly became obsessed with making sure our team hit every note, rhythm, and beat. When I began leading practices, rising from apprentice to teacher, the moves became muscle memory and excitement pumped through my veins. After months of practices, I led my hallmates into the gym, exuding hall spirit and assuming our formation. The fear that once possessed me completely vanished. We went on to give an unforgettable show. Having discovered my newfound passion, I went on to choreograph my school’s Diwali dance for the next two years. I look forward to pursuing my love for dance by joining the USC Zeher Bollywood fusion team in the near future.

USC Supplemental Essay Prompt #3: Essential to Understanding You

“What is something about yourself that is essential to understanding you?”

This is the equivalent of the “tell me about yourself” question; the same one that you will be asked during almost every interview.

This question is broad, so you want to be particular.

The best way to be particular is by utilizing a story you haven’t already told in another part of your application. This story should also highlight one of the characteristics you feel is essential to who you are as a person.

  • Think of a story that demonstrates your values, a perfect day, an activity you enjoy, or an important relationship.

You’ll want to be able to pinpoint that one thing throughout your story.

  • The key is to answer the question concisely (within the 250 word count maximum) and genuinely.

Another great way to approach this question is to ask yourself a question and answer through a free-write.

Examples of questions you could ask yourself include:

  • What do I value?
  • What does my perfect day look like?
  • What could I do every day and not get tired of?
  • Who are the most important people in my life?
  • What’s my ultimate life goal?
  • What motivates me?

Write whatever comes to mind for your questions.

Don’t be afraid to include a negative experience if it significantly affected your life, goals, or personality.

This is where you can find beauty in the darkness to show how you’re unique.

Do the same free-write exercise with these questions.

  • What struggle do I work most to overcome?
  • What is something only those closest to me know about how I’ve become who I am?
  • What do I avoid at all costs?
  • What am I terrified of?

You are not being asked to share your most tragic story or deepest darkest secret, but it’s important to appreciate that we don’t only grow from positive experiences.

We grow from all experiences, so write about one (positive or negative) that has shaped you most.

The next step is to ask yourself why. This is very important.

USC wants to know what is important to you and why it’s important.

  • If your answer is “I don’t know,” take some time to think about it or move on to the next idea on your list.
  • Ask friends and family for their thoughts (but remember that you have to create an essay with your own thoughts and not those of someone else).

Here’s an example of breaking down a meaningful story to pinpoint the specific characteristic that is essential to you being you.

  • Interest: I love traveling by train.
  • Why? I like the rhythm and cadence of the wheels on the tracks, the sound of the whistle, watching the diversity of the landscape as I travel in and out of urban centers.
  • What does it say about me? I pine for a quieter, slower time and love to find ways to balance the rush and grind of the city with habits of slow living.
  • What characteristic does this give me? This says something about how I’m contemplative.
  • How do I use this characteristic? I spend time contemplating choices longer than most and dislike being rushed to make a decision.

When you’re able to come up with the answer to “Why?” write down as much as you can without judging yourself. You’re the only person who knows the truth about what is essential to understanding you.

When you’re able to identify what you would like to write about, frame it within a story.

Remember you only have 250 words to spare, so it won’t be a full-blown story.

However, two to three sentences about the background behind your topic will be helpful to the reader.

  • For example, if you want to write about your involvement in sports as an important part of who you are, write about how you became interested in sports in the first place.
  • Maybe your grandfather taught you how to throw a football. Maybe he came to all your games.
  • Let the reader know the story behind what you’ve chosen to write about.

As always, have someone read your essay to ensure that it is error-free and genuinely reflects you.

USC Essential to Understanding You Essay Example

My grandmother likes to tell the story of three-year-old me in the grocery cart, screaming in Vietnamese the names of passing vegetables, much to the amusement of shoppers. Back then, Vietnamese was enough. In kindergarten, I faced my first language obstacle. At the toilet, I couldn’t undo my double-ring belt. How embarrassing would it be to interrupt the teacher in the middle of class and silently point to it, hoping she would get the message? I chose to sit on the toilet and cry. That was the first day I peed my pants in class but the last time language would ever come between me and going to the bathroom. I made learning English my mission. By third grade, I was reading stacks of books almost as tall as I was every week. Language is meaningful to me. While volunteering in the hospital, when I ask a lost elderly couple if they speak Vietnamese, their eyes light up in relief. When a Spanish-speaking woman hurriedly calls her child over to translate, I tell them in Spanish not to worry, empathizing with the child who has the same role I once did. Language doesn’t just communicate information. For me, it has been a tool for insight, allowing me to connect with others. Throughout my schooling, I’ve taught my parents a lot of English, and I still teach them new words every so often. When I make the occasional error, I jokingly but affectionately blame it on English as my second language.

“Why USC?” Supplemental Essay: How to Answer The Intended Major Question

“The intended major question states: Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests at USC. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections.”

This is another version of a “Why This College” essay .

Sometimes when high school students are asked about their major, they get overwhelmed because they aren’t 100% confident about what they want to study.

Consider major selections to be a road trip, not a death sentence.

You are allowed to change your mind, but it helps if you know what you want and why. So, take some time to think about it:

  • What do you enjoy studying?
  • Why do you enjoy studying it?
  • Are there other subjects you enjoy as well?

Think about your experiences in school up until this point.

Sure, interests change, but, often, there are things within our lives that remain constant.

Maybe you never cared about history class, but you enjoyed reading novels and analyzing characterization and plot techniques.

  • Or, perhaps you hated having reading assigned for class but enjoyed acting out scenes from different novels and plays.

These are things to take note of.

Another way to help you figure out your intended major is to look through USC’s website.

  • Remember, this question functions as both a question about your intended major and a question about your intentions for applying to USC. Your answer is best suited when tailored to USC’s unique features that other colleges may not offer.

Does Biomedical Engineering sound interesting to you? Check out USC’s Biomedical Engineering program. Look at the courses you will have to take. See what excites you.

Still struggling to come up with your intended major?

Working backward is another helpful strategy.

  • Think about where you will want to be 5 to 10 years from now.
  • What do you want to be doing every day?
  • Are you passionate about reading and analyzing large amounts of information and communicating it in a way that makes sense to other people?
  • Do you want to teach people how to handle their finances?
  • Are you interested in helping other people live healthier lives?
  • Do you want to develop your passion for writing into a career?

Look at careers that match the types of things you will want to be doing every day. Then, look at the type of knowledge that will be required to get those jobs.

That knowledge may be found in more than one major. If that’s the case, you will need to look through the department websites for your intended majors.

  • Once you’ve done the necessary background research, tell your story.
  • Lean into a story of what your major will be and own it, but, remember, it’s not binding or contractual.

The more you learn about different majors, the clearer your intended major may become, so spend a couple of hours clicking deep into the website:

  • Start with the programs related to a chosen field.
  • Then, look at the types of courses that are offered and learn about some of the professors teaching the courses.
  • You’ll also want to look at news or research coming out of the department.

Consider ways in which you will grow and flourish academically and programs to which you might contribute as a student at USC.

If you have a career goal, it can help.

  • Describe how your major in narrative studies will help you realize the goal of becoming a documentary filmmaker.
  • Explain how you will be prepared in a program that balances traditional studies in English literature with film theory, writing classes, as well as the study of popular culture and ethnicity.
  • Write about how a degree in social work will help shape you into the type of politician you want to be in the future.

Write the vision for your life and write how your first (and/or second-choice) major will help you get there.

It would be an added bonus if you can talk about extracurricular activities you might be interested in joining to further supplement your learning.

Remember, learning takes place outside the classroom as well.

Take time with this essay to make sure you’re confident in your future goals, and then share them with the admissions team. When you’re authentic and have a plan for the future, you’re sure to write a compelling essay.

Why USC and Why This Major Essay Example

8 p.m. – I sat in the peer tutor room, waiting for underclassmen to approach me for academic help. An hour-long shift passed without any students stopping by. At this moment, I realized the immense lack of organization within the peer tutoring program at GSA. Students could neither find available tutors nor schedule time with them despite needing support for challenging courses. I knew there had to be a better way. I spent the next few months teaching myself Android Studio programming and developed EngTutor, an app that streamlines the process of finding academic help connecting students with available tutors. I will use the resources available at USC to turn EngTutor into a commercial venture. In the classroom, I aim to take advantage of USC’s advanced computer science program to broaden my knowledge of robotics, machine learning and artificial intelligence. I am excited to take courses such as Advanced Natural Language Processing to understand AI concepts. At USC, I intend to take advantage of the focus on interdisciplinary studies and enroll in elective courses at the Marshall School of Business to complement my skills developed at USC’s LavaLab. By receiving mentorship from professionals in entrepreneurship and computer science and gaining experience pitching my ideas to judges, I will be ready to participate in the Blackstone LaunchPad. Here, I aim to collaborate with like-minded individuals to enhance my entrepreneurship capabilities. Through these academic and extracurricular programs, USC will provide me with the resources necessary to embark on my entrepreneurial journey.

The USC Short-Answer Questions

The USC Short-Answer Questions include:

  • Describe yourself in three words.
  • What is your favorite snack?
  • Best movie of all time:
  • If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
  • Dream trip:
  • What TV show will you binge watch next?
  • Which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate?
  • Favorite book:
  • If you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be?

While most universities that include a short answer section limit your word count to 100 words, the USC short answer questions only require one or two sentences to fully answer them.

  • Be sure to answer the “why” implicit in the question.
  • Treat it more like a conversation or an interview – monosyllabic responses don’t bode well for a conversation, and they don’t look great on your application, either.
  • Instead, add a little context to your answers.
  • After all, the USC admissions department should better understand you after reading your short answers.

There are two kinds of questions – Listing something that you feel describes yourself, and answering generic “break the ice” questions.

  • For the questions in which you describe yourself, try asking friends or family for some perspective.
  • Most importantly, make sure that you don’t choose vague adjectives – Each word should reflect a specific part of your personality.

If you are having a lot of trouble thinking of words that best describe you, don’t be afraid to get creative. For example, if you are a Harry Potter fan, consider using traits that describe your favorite Hogwarts house.

  • For instance, if you consider yourself a Ravenclaw, you might use the words “analytical, quizzical, and creative.”
  • A Slytherin may use “ambitious, hardworking, and clever.”
  • Whatever method you use, make sure that these words tell USC about you.

For other questions, begin with the answer, then explain the why.

Also, remember that the admissions team at USC is not looking for the most sophisticated student, they just want introspective students.

  • For instance, don’t just say that your favorite movie is Captain America: The Winter Soldier or Twelve Angry Men – explain why (briefly).
  • Perhaps you’re interested in the themes of privacy versus security, or the film made you interested in the law or political science.

With every question, bring along a little insight into your life, your beliefs, and your ambitions.

USC Short Responses Examples

1.Describe yourself in three words.
2. First Word: Self-motivated
3. Second Word: Analytical
4. Third Word: Mindful
5. What is your favorite snack? Raisins and almonds: nutritious, portable, and delicious
6. Favorite app/website: Spotify
7. Best movie of all time: Avengers: Infinity War
8. Dream job: Founder/CEO of my assistive robotics technology company
9. What is your theme song: Believer – Imagine Dragons
10. Dream trip: Road trip on historic Route 66 from Chicago to LA with my friends
11. What TV show will you binge watch next: The Office
12. Which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate: Aragorn from The Lord of the Rings
13. Favorite book: Shoe Dog by Phil Knight
14. If you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be: Facing Your Fears: Public Speaking

Conclusion: Writing the USC Supplemental Essays

As we mentioned at the beginning of this guide, well-written responses to those prompts require self-reflection, critical self-analysis, and research.

Start early to give yourself enough time to research your intended majors, write high-quality responses, and have time for revisions.

You have a 250 word limit for each of the supplemental essays, so use them all to create a lasting impression on the admissions officer reading your application.

By following the above guidelines, you can create a shining admissions package that will set you apart from other applicants.

Don’t forget to have fun, be a little creative, and show the USC admissions team who you really are. Your best chance to get into USC depends on it.

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University of Southern California | USC’s 2023-24 Essay Prompts

Additional info short response.

Starting with the beginning of high school/secondary school, if you have had a gap where you were not enrolled in school during a fall or spring term, please address this gap in your educational history. You do not need to address a summer break.

Dornsife Short Response

Many of us have at least one issue or passion that we care deeply about — a topic on which we would love to share our opinions and insights in hopes of sparking intense interest and continued conversation. If you had ten minutes and the attention of a million people, what would your talk be about?

Select-A-Prompt Essay

Respond to the following:

Describe yourself in three words.

What is your favorite snack?

Best movie of all time:

If your life had a theme song, what would it be?

Dream trip:

What TV show will you binge watch next?

Which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate?

Favorite book:

If you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be?

Why This Major Short Response

Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests and why you want to explore them at USC specifically. Please feel free to address your first- and second-choice major selections.

Common App Personal Essay

The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores? Choose the option that best helps you answer that question and write an essay of no more than 650 words, using the prompt to inspire and structure your response. Remember: 650 words is your limit, not your goal. Use the full range if you need it, but don‘t feel obligated to do so.

Some students have a background, identity, interest, or talent that is so meaningful they believe their application would be incomplete without it. If this sounds like you, then please share your story.

The lessons we take from obstacles we encounter can be fundamental to later success. Recount a time when you faced a challenge, setback, or failure. How did it affect you, and what did you learn from the experience?

Reflect on a time when you questioned or challenged a belief or idea. What prompted your thinking? What was the outcome?

Reflect on something that someone has done for you that has made you happy or thankful in a surprising way. How has this gratitude affected or motivated you?

Discuss an accomplishment, event, or realization that sparked a period of personal growth and a new understanding of yourself or others.

Describe a topic, idea, or concept you find so engaging that it makes you lose all track of time. Why does it captivate you? What or who do you turn to when you want to learn more?

Share an essay on any topic of your choice. It can be one you‘ve already written, one that responds to a different prompt, or one of your own design.

What will first-time readers think of your college essay?


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Sat / act prep online guides and tips, how to get into usc: 5 expert admissions tips.

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College Info


The University of Southern California (USC) is a highly-ranked private school located in Los Angeles, and, as a result, it draws thousands of qualified applicants each year. If you're applying here, you are probably wondering what the USC admissions requirements are and what you'll need to stand out as an applicant.

In this article, we explain how to get into USC, offering you specific tips for what you can improve in your application. But first, how hard is it to get into USC?

Feature Image: Ken Lund /Flickr

How Hard Is It to Get Into USC?

USC is a very selective university with an acceptance rate of just under 12% —this means fewer than 1 in 8 students gets accepted.

Here's how USC's official news website describes its student body:

"The average unweighted GPA is 3.91, which represents a historic high. Diversity and access continue to take priority, with the percentage of first-generation college students notching just above 20%, its highest-ever rate.”

Looking at this data alone, we can say with confidence that it's generally pretty difficult to get into USC.

So what kind of applicants is USC looking for? Let's take a look.

What USC Looks For in Applicants

Because USC is so competitive, and because there are so many applicants applying each year, this school is looking for the best of the best when it comes to applicants.

Here's what USC writes about applicants on its website :

"We look for those students we believe will thrive at USC. Our application process is designed to discover your individual story, so that we might see how you would take advantage of the many opportunities available at USC. … We will review your performance in school, the rigor of your program, your writing skills and any test scores you choose to submit. We also consider personal qualities, as revealed in community involvement, leadership and achievements."

In addition to strong numbers (i.e., test scores and grades/GPA), USC wishes to admit applicants with strong "personal qualities." These qualities can be illuminated through either academic or non-academic accomplishments, community service/volunteer efforts, or leadership experiences (for example, maybe you're the captain of the track team or you once organized a successful food drive at your school).

As PrepScholar co-founder and perfect SAT / ACT scorer Allen Cheng discusses in his detailed guide to getting into Harvard , USC, like Harvard and other top schools, prefers applicants with "spikes" in their extracurriculars—those with strong passions for specific activities or interests.

After all, with USC's over 70,000 applicants each year, you'll definitely need something to help your application stand out!

Here's how USC describes its most successful students to give you more of an idea of what they're looking for in applicants:

"USC students pursue ambitious intellectual and professional goals by studying across disciplines and taking advantage of the diversity of programs available. They are willing to venture outside their comfort zones. They are interested in the world, in other peoples and cultures, and enjoy examining important issues from a global perspective."

As you can see, USC is looking for applicants who aren't just academically gifted but who are also willing to challenge their limits, learn about new fields, and assume a global perspective.

Can You Apply Early Action or Early Decision to USC?

Like many other private and prestigious universities, USC offers an early action consideration plan to first-year students for most majors . USC Admissions says this about applying Early Action to USC :

“Early Action (EA) is non-binding, non-restrictive, and is not available for majors requiring a portfolio or audition. Students must apply EA in order to be considered for USC Merit Scholarships , unless their intended major does not participate in Early Action. Students applying to majors requiring a portfolio or audition (see below) will be considered for USC Merit Scholarships as part of their Regular Decision process.”

Although you can't apply early to USC to demonstrate your interest in attending the university, you can (and definitely should) let the admissions committee know about your interest in it so they can take this into consideration as they sift through the thousands of applications they get.


Getting Into USC: Logistics and Deadlines

All freshman applicants to USC must apply through the Common Application . Here's a checklist of all the major USC admission requirements:

  • USC Writing Supplement (on Common App)
  • records the highest scores for those who have taken tests more than once. For the SAT and ACT, the highest scores for each section of the exam will be recorded, even if achieved in different sittings. USC does not require the writing section for either the ACT or the SAT. Applicants may also submit AP test scores, IB test scores, and TOEFL scores (if international)
  • Transcripts showing all high school coursework and any college coursework completed
  • Letter(s) of recommendation—the number of letters you must submit to USC depends on the program/school you're applying to
  • Additional materials , such as a portfolio, writing sample, or resume ( only if required by your specific program/school)
  • Fall grades—these can be submitted via the Mid-Year Report Form on the Common App

As indicated above, certain schools and programs at USC require additional materials from applicants. The following table shows the schools and programs that require supplementary documents and information (in addition to all the components listed above):

*Exact supplementary materials required for admission will vary depending on the major.

Now, let's take a look at all the major USC deadlines , ordered from soonest to latest.

November 1, 2022

  • Students must apply Early Action to be considered for USC merit scholarships, unless their intended major does not participate in Early Action
  • Students applying to majors requiring a portfolio or audition will be considered for merit scholarships as a part of their Regular Decision application

December 1, 2022

Freshman and transfer application deadline for Regular Decision

Freshman and transfer application deadline for the following majors requiring a portfolio or audition:

Dramatic Arts (BFA programs only)

Cinematic Arts and Music (BFA programs only)

Kaufman School of Dance

  • Thornton School of Music

Iovine and Young Academy

January 9, 2023

Deadline to submit the FAFSA and CSS Profile for Early Action applicants who wish to be considered for need-based financial aid.

January 15, 2023

Freshman application deadline for all other majors (without merit scholarship consideration)

Mid- to Late-January 2023

Applicants selecting Early Action will be notified of their admission or deferral to Regular Decision

February 10, 2023

February 15, 2023.

Transfer application deadline for all other majors (without merit scholarship consideration)

March 2, 2023

Transfer Priority Deadline to submit the FAFSA and CSS Profile for need-based financial aid consideration

Cal Grant application deadline (for California residents)

Freshman Regular Decision applicants will be notified of their admission decision

May 31, 2023

(For transfer applicants) Last day by which final admission notifications will be sent out

(For transfer applicants) Last day by which scholarship status notifications will be sent out


USC Admission Requirements: 5 Tips for Getting In

Now that you know the logistics of applying, let's take a look at how to get into USC. What do you need in your application to increase your chance of getting into USC, one of the most prestigious colleges in the country?

#1: Get a High GPA

Admitted applicants to USC typically have very strong GPAs.

For the fall 2022 class, the 25th/75th percentile high school GPA range was 3.82-4.0 . This means that the majority of admitted applicants had relatively strong grades, getting mostly or all As and possibly a few Bs.

If your GPA is below 3.8, you'll most likely have a more difficult time getting into USC. Therefore, it's best to aim as high as you can, preferably at least around a 3.85, so you will be above average but won't suffer too badly if you get a B in one or two classes.

If you're having trouble maintaining a high GPA, figure out which classes are bringing down your grades and then consider spending more time studying for those classes or hiring a tutor to give you the extra support you need.

#2: Have a Rigorous, Challenging Course Load

Another important aspect USC wants to see in applicants is evidence of a strong and challenging course load. Ideal applicants will have taken a fair share of AP, honors, and/or IB classes.

Here's how USC describes its ideal applicants on its undergraduate admissions website:

"Outside of mathematics, no specific curriculum is prescribed or required, though students offered admission typically pursue the most rigorous program available to them in English, science, social studies, foreign language and the arts. Students are expected to have earned a grade of C or better in at least three years of high school mathematics, including Advanced Algebra (Algebra II). Careful attention is paid to preparation for the intended major."

In addition to doing well in classes, strong applicants will have excelled in a rigorous academic program, particularly in classes relevant to their intended majors.

If you're a junior or younger and haven't taken any challenging courses yet, try to sign up for some AP, honors, or IB classes the following academic year and for each subsequent year you're in high school.

It's best to choose challenging classes that focus on the fields in which you're already strong or have a large interest in studying. For example, if you're a science buff, you could take AP Bio or AP Physics.

While you don't need to make every class you take a super hard one, aim to take about three to five upper-level classes each school year, at the very least starting your junior year. This doesn't necessarily mean you must take the AP tests that go with these courses , though it's not a bad idea to do so since it might earn you some college credit!


#3: Earn Strong SAT/ACT Scores

Note : For students applying during 2022-2023, USC is test-optional. For the 2021-2022 application year, 47% of applicants submitted SAT or ACT scores. However, you may still want to consider submitting test scores if you have particularly high scores, or if you feel your scores represent your abilities better than your GPA.

In general, USC expects fairly high SAT/ACT scores from strong applicants.

Below are the middle 50%, or average, score ranges * for both the SAT and ACT for the fall 2021 USC freshman class:

  • Composite: 1330-1520
  • Evidence-Based Reading and Writing (EBRW): 650-740
  • Math: 670-780
  • Composite: 30-34

*The lower score in each range is the 25th percentile (meaning 25% of applicants or fewer got this score), and the higher score is the 75th percentile (meaning 75% or fewer got this score).

Clearly, you'll need to have a pretty high SAT/ACT score in order to be considered a competitive applicant to USC. For the SAT, most applicants have a minimum score of 1330, or the 90th percentile nationally .

Meanwhile, for the ACT, most applicants have a minimum score of 30, or the 93rd percentile nationally . In other words, you'll need to score in the top 5% of test takers in order to meet just the 25th percentile score at USC.

Although getting a score below USC's 25th percentile threshold doesn't automatically mean you'll be rejected, it does indicate that it'll likely be harder for you to get into USC unless you have other significantly impressive qualities.

If you don't meet this "minimum" threshold (1330 on the SAT and 30 on the ACT), the best course of action is to try to raise your SAT/ACT score. One way to do this is to make an SAT / ACT study plan that caters to your weaknesses. I also recommend checking out our guides for some tips on how to increase your SAT or ACT score .

If you prefer having more hands-on guidance in your test prep, consider using our online SAT or ACT prep program , which is 100% customized to your test-prep needs and includes realistic questions written by real top scorers .

#4: Write Excellent Essays

In addition to the Common App essay , you're required to write one shorter essay as part of the USC Writing Supplement. Your essay must be no longer than 250 words, or about half the length of a typical college admissions essay. Also, you have the chance to respond to a second, optional essay, which also has a 250 word limit.

The required and optional prompts are as follows:

The first prompt is a version of the very popular “why this college” essay . USC wants to see that you’re thinking about how you’ll be an active and engaged academic citizen, and, most importantly, why you want to study your areas of interest at USC specifically. Consider mentioning professors you’d like to study with, research projects you’d like to participate in, or specific programs, seminars, or study abroad opportunities you’d like to take advantage of at USC.

Then there’s the second USC supplemental essay prompt, which is optional. However, if there is a gap in your enrollment in school (besides a summer break), it’s a really good idea to respond to this prompt as well. You’ll get the chance to provide an explanation for an anomaly in your academic record and make a case for yourself as an applicant. To the extent that you feel comfortable, explain the circumstances that led to the gap in your enrollment, what you spent that gap time doing, and what you learned from it.

Overall, in order to ensure you're submitting excellent essays to USC, be sure to use specific details, be honest about your experiences and feelings, and edit and proofread each essay before sending it in. Get more expert tips by reading our guide to the USC supplement.


Overall, in order to ensure you're submitting two excellent essays to USC, be sure to use specific details, be honest about your experiences and feelings, and edit and proofread each essay before sending it in. Get more expert tips by reading our guide to the USC supplement .

It's also important to note that some programs and schools require additional essays or short answers. For example, those applying to the School of Architecture must answer extra questions in the Architecture Writing Supplement.

These school-specific essays are just as important as, if not more than, the general USC essays you must write. Why? Because these essays ask you even more specific questions that relate to your intended field of study. Thus, you'll need to be able to clearly explain exactly why you're interested in the field/program/school you're applying to.

#5: Craft an Impressive Portfolio (Required for Certain Programs)

Some programs at USC require the submission of creative portfolios along with the more general requirements listed above.

If a portfolio is required, it'll likely be one of the most important parts of your application. Make sure your portfolio follows all instructions, is 100% original, and is emblematic of your own creative mind, abilities, and goals.

Here are all the schools at USC that require the submission of a portfolio:

  • School of Architecture
  • Roski School of Art and Design
  • Iovine and Young Academy for Arts, Technology and the Business of Innovation
  • USC School of Cinematic Arts
  • USC School of Dramatic Arts
  • Glorya Kaufman School of Dance

What's Next?

USC is a great college in California, but it's not the only one there! If you want to attend college in the Golden State, you'll benefit from learning how to apply to the UC schools and getting info on the cheapest colleges in California .

How does USC's selectivity compare with those of other top colleges? Get the answer in our guide to the most selective schools in the nation !

USC likely isn't the only school you're applying to. Check out our guides to learn more about how to get into Columbia and how to get into NYU .

Want to build the best possible college application?   We can help.   PrepScholar Admissions combines world-class admissions counselors with our data-driven, proprietary admissions strategies. We've guided thousands of students to get into their top choice schools, from state colleges to the Ivy League. We know what kinds of students colleges want to admit and are driven to get you admitted to your dream schools. Learn more about PrepScholar Admissions to maximize your chance of getting in:

Hannah received her MA in Japanese Studies from the University of Michigan and holds a bachelor's degree from the University of Southern California. From 2013 to 2015, she taught English in Japan via the JET Program. She is passionate about education, writing, and travel.

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USC Requirements for Admission

Choose your test.

What are USC's admission requirements? While there are a lot of pieces that go into a college application, you should focus on only a few critical things:

  • GPA requirements
  • Testing requirements, including SAT and ACT requirements
  • Application requirements

In this guide we'll cover what you need to get into USC and build a strong application.

School location: Los Angeles, CA

This school is also known as: University of Southern California

Admissions Rate: 12.5%

If you want to get in, the first thing to look at is the acceptance rate. This tells you how competitive the school is and how serious their requirements are.

The acceptance rate at USC is 12.5% . For every 100 applicants, only 13 are admitted.

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This means the school is extremely selective . Meeting their GPA requirements and SAT/ACT requirements is very important to getting past their first round of filters and proving your academic preparation. If you don't meet their expectations, your chance of getting in is nearly zero.

After crossing this hurdle, you'll need to impress USC application readers through their other application requirements, including extracurriculars, essays, and letters of recommendation. We'll cover more below.

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USC GPA Requirements

Many schools specify a minimum GPA requirement, but this is often just the bare minimum to submit an application without immediately getting rejected.

The GPA requirement that really matters is the GPA you need for a real chance of getting in. For this, we look at the school's average GPA for its current students.

Average GPA: 3.83

The average GPA at USC is 3.83 .

(Most schools use a weighted GPA out of 4.0, though some report an unweighted GPA.

With a GPA of 3.83, USC requires you to be near the top of your class , and well above average. Your transcript should show mostly A's. Ideally, you will also have taken several AP or IB classes to show that you can handle academics at a college level.

If you're currently a junior or senior, your GPA is hard to change in time for college applications. If your GPA is at or below the school average of 3.83, you'll need a higher SAT or ACT score to compensate . This will help you compete effectively against other applicants who have higher GPAs than you.

SAT and ACT Requirements

Each school has different requirements for standardized testing. Only a few schools require the SAT or ACT, but many consider your scores if you choose to submit them.

USC hasn't explicitly named a policy on SAT/ACT requirements, but because it's published average SAT or ACT scores (we'll cover this next), it's likely test flexible. Typically, these schools say, "if you feel your SAT or ACT score represents you well as a student, submit them. Otherwise, don't."

Despite this policy, the truth is that most students still take the SAT or ACT, and most applicants to USC will submit their scores. If you don't submit scores, you'll have one fewer dimension to show that you're worthy of being admitted, compared to other students. We therefore recommend that you consider taking the SAT or ACT, and doing well.

USC SAT Requirements

Many schools say they have no SAT score cutoff, but the truth is that there is a hidden SAT requirement. This is based on the school's average score.

Average SAT: 1440

The average SAT score composite at USC is a 1440 on the 1600 SAT scale.

This score makes USC Strongly Competitive for SAT test scores.

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USC SAT Score Analysis (New 1600 SAT)

The 25th percentile SAT score is 1330, and the 75th percentile SAT score is 1520. In other words, a 1330 on the SAT places you below average, while a 1520 will move you up to above average .

Aspiring Trojans who need a leg up in their USC application should use our specialty tutoring advice for the Los Angeles area in their test preparation.

Here's the breakdown of SAT scores by section:

SAT Score Choice Policy

The Score Choice policy at your school is an important part of your testing strategy.

USC has the Score Choice policy of "Highest Section."

This is also known as "superscoring." This means that you can choose which SAT tests you want to send to the school. Of all the scores they receive, your application readers will consider your highest section scores across all SAT test dates you submit .

Click below to learn more about how superscoring critically affects your test strategy.

For example, say you submit the following 3 test scores:

Even though the highest total you scored on any one test date was 1000, USC will take your highest section score from all your test dates, then combine them to form your Superscore. You can raise your composite score from 1000 to 1400 in this example.

This is important for your testing strategy. Because you can choose which tests to send in, and USC forms your Superscore, you can take the SAT as many times as you want, then submit only the tests that give you the highest Superscore. Your application readers will only see that one score.

Therefore, if your SAT superscore is currently below a 1520, we strongly recommend that you consider prepping for the SAT and retaking it . You have a very good chance of raising your score, which will significantly boost your chances of getting in.

Even better, because of the Superscore, you can focus all your energy on a single section at a time. If your Reading score is lower than your other sections, prep only for the Reading section, then take the SAT. Then focus on Math for the next test, and so on. This will give you the highest Superscore possible.

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Download our free guide on the top 5 strategies you must be using to improve your score. This guide was written by Harvard graduates and SAT perfect scorers. If you apply the strategies in this guide, you'll study smarter and make huge score improvements.

Get eBook: 5 Tips for 160+ Points

USC ACT Requirements

Just like for the SAT, USC likely doesn't have a hard ACT cutoff, but if you score too low, your application will get tossed in the trash.

Average ACT: 32

The average ACT score at USC is 32. This score makes USC Strongly Competitive for ACT scores.

The 25th percentile ACT score is 30, and the 75th percentile ACT score is 34.

Even though USC likely says they have no minimum ACT requirement, if you apply with a 30 or below, you'll have a very hard time getting in, unless you have something else very impressive in your application. There are so many applicants scoring 32 and above that a 30 will look academically weak.

ACT Score Sending Policy

If you're taking the ACT as opposed to the SAT, you have a huge advantage in how you send scores, and this dramatically affects your testing strategy.

Here it is: when you send ACT scores to colleges, you have absolute control over which tests you send. You could take 10 tests, and only send your highest one. This is unlike the SAT, where many schools require you to send all your tests ever taken.

This means that you have more chances than you think to improve your ACT score. To try to aim for the school's ACT requirement of 34 and above, you should try to take the ACT as many times as you can. When you have the final score that you're happy with, you can then send only that score to all your schools.

ACT Superscore Policy

By and large, most colleges do not superscore the ACT. (Superscore means that the school takes your best section scores from all the test dates you submit, and then combines them into the best possible composite score). Thus, most schools will just take your highest ACT score from a single sitting.

We weren't able to find the school's exact ACT policy, which most likely means that it does not Superscore. Regardless, you can choose your single best ACT score to send in to USC, so you should prep until you reach our recommended target ACT score of 34.

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Download our free guide on the top 5 strategies you must be using to improve your score. This guide was written by Harvard graduates and ACT perfect scorers. If you apply the strategies in this guide, you'll study smarter and make huge score improvements.

Free eBook: 5 Tips to 4+ Points on the ACT

SAT/ACT Writing Section Requirements

Currently, only the ACT has an optional essay section that all students can take. The SAT used to also have an optional Essay section, but since June 2021, this has been discontinued unless you are taking the test as part of school-day testing in a few states. Because of this, no school requires the SAT Essay or ACT Writing section, but some schools do recommend certain students submit their results if they have them.

USC considers the SAT Essay/ACT Writing section optional and may not include it as part of their admissions consideration. You don't need to worry too much about Writing for this school, but other schools you're applying to may require it.

Final Admissions Verdict

Because this school is extremely selective, getting a high SAT/ACT score and GPA is vital to having a chance at getting in . If you don't pass their SAT/ACT and GPA requirements, they'll likely reject you without much consideration.

To have the best shot of getting in, you should aim for the 75th percentile, with a 1520 SAT or a 34 ACT . You should also have a 3.83 GPA or higher. If your GPA is lower than this, you need to compensate with a higher SAT/ACT score.

For a school as selective as USC, you'll also need to impress them with the rest of your application. We'll cover those details next.

But if you apply with a score below a 1520 SAT or a 34 ACT, you unfortunately start out with the odds against you and have a tiny chance of getting in. There are just too many students with high SAT/ACT scores and strong applications, and you need to compete against them.

Admissions Calculator

Here's our custom admissions calculator. Plug in your numbers to see what your chances of getting in are. Pick your test: SAT ACT

  • 80-100%: Safety school: Strong chance of getting in
  • 50-80%: More likely than not getting in
  • 20-50%: Lower but still good chance of getting in
  • 5-20%: Reach school: Unlikely to get in, but still have a shot
  • 0-5%: Hard reach school: Very difficult to get in

How would your chances improve with a better score?

Take your current SAT score and add 160 points (or take your ACT score and add 4 points) to the calculator above. See how much your chances improve?

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Application Requirements

Every school requires an application with the bare essentials - high school transcript and GPA, application form, and other core information. Many schools, as explained above, also require SAT and ACT scores, as well as letters of recommendation, application essays, and interviews. We'll cover the exact requirements of USC here.

Application Requirements Overview

  • Common Application Accepted, supplemental forms required
  • Electronic Application Available
  • Essay or Personal Statement Required for all freshmen
  • Letters of Recommendation
  • Interview Not required
  • Application Fee $90
  • Fee Waiver Available? Available
  • Other Notes

Testing Requirements

  • SAT or ACT Considered if submitted
  • SAT Essay or ACT Writing Optional
  • SAT Subject Tests
  • Scores Due in Office February 20

Coursework Requirements

  • Subject Required Years
  • Foreign Language 2
  • Social Studies 2
  • Electives 3

Deadlines and Early Admissions

  • Offered? Deadline Notification
  • Yes January 15 April 1
  • Yes November 1

Admissions Office Information

  • Address: University Park Campus Los Angeles, CA 90089
  • Phone: (213) 740-2311
  • Fax: (213) 740-6364
  • Email: [email protected]

Our Expert's Notes

We did more detailed research into this school's admissions process and found the following information:

USC has various majors and programs (including Architecture, Arts, Business, and Music) that require additional application compoenents. Specific information by program is available here. USC offers merit scholarships, most of which you apply for by submitting a complete USC application by December 1. For a complete list, which includes some scholarships that have additional application components, check out this page.

Other Schools For You

If you're interested in USC, you'll probably be interested in these schools as well. We've divided them into 3 categories depending on how hard they are to get into, relative to USC.

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Reach Schools: Harder to Get Into

These schools are have higher average SAT scores than USC. If you improve your SAT score, you'll be competitive for these schools.

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Same Level: Equally Hard to Get Into

If you're competitive for USC, these schools will offer you a similar chance of admission.

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Safety Schools: Easier to Get Into

If you're currently competitive for USC, you should have no problem getting into these schools. If USC is currently out of your reach, you might already be competitive for these schools.

Data on this page is sourced from Peterson's Databases © 2023 (Peterson's LLC. All rights reserved.) as well as additional publicly available sources.

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How to Get Into USC in 2023, from a USC Grad

What’s covered:, how hard is it to get into usc, what is usc looking for, my usc admissions story, how to improve your chances of getting into usc, tips and tricks from a usc grad.

The University of Southern California (USC) has the distinction of being the oldest private research university in California. However, what attracts applicants to the school today are its world-class education, beautiful campus, and idyllic Los Angeles setting.

USC is consistently ranked among the top 30 national universities, and some of its programs are thought of as the best in the country. For example, USC and NYU often go back and forth as the best school for students pursuing film, and USC’s location gives it an advantage over most top-tier schools in this field.

Read along to learn what it takes to get into USC in 2023, along with tips from a USC alumna.

Gaining admission to USC is hard. The university received a historic 80,790 applicants for its Class of 2027 and admitted 9,277—an acceptance rate of just 9.9%.

The average academic profile of accepted students for the Class of 2027:

  • SAT/ACT: The middle 50% SAT and ACT scores are 1330-1520 and 30-34, respectively.
  • Class Rank: USC didn’t report the average class rank for its Class of 2027, but you’ll need a strong performance in the classroom to gain admission—41% of the Class of 2027 earned perfect grades in high school.

According to their 2021-2022 Common Data Set, USC considers the following factors “very important”:

  • Course rigor
  • Test scores
  • Recommendation letters

These factors are “important”:

  • Extracurricular activities
  • Talent/ability
  • Character/personal qualities

These are “considered”:

  • First generation
  • Racial/ethnic status
  • Volunteer work
  • Work experience

And these are “not considered”:

  • Geographical residence
  • State residence
  • Religious affiliation/commitment
  • Applicant interest

Academically, my profile aligned strongly with USC’s average academic profile. My GPA was extremely high, like most USC admits, and I did not fail to demonstrate course rigor—graduating having completed 15 AP classes. My ACT score was a 33, at the upper end of USC’s Middle 50%.

Based on my academic profile, my application made it through the first round of admissions and was read by an admissions officer. That said, I think that it was the combination of my essay and my letter of recommendation that secured my admission and that earned me a scholarship.

My essay focused on my experiences in high school grappling with perfectionism and self-hate, which ultimately landed me in a live-in youth rehabilitation program. I wrote about this experience in a reflective way that demonstrated my growth mindset, thoughtfulness, and maturity.

This was supplemented by a letter of recommendation from my AP World History teacher and mock trial coach, who outlined my response to these troubling experiences in high school, describing me as “a phoenix from the ashes.”

I believe that, through these elements, USC admissions officers got the impression that I was an intensely driven, resilient student with a large interest in self-improvement and learning. I also feel that this impression was extremely important in my admissions decision.

My advice to you—figure out exactly how you want USC admissions officers to view you, then use your academics, essays, and letter of recommendation to ensure that they get that impression of you!

Read more about my USC admissions story , with specifics of my academic profile and excerpts from my submitted essays.

1. Achieve at least a 3.9 GPA while taking the most challenging classes available

Your GPA is important to your application because schools that receive a huge number of applications (like USC) often use a tool known as the Academic Index to streamline the admissions process.

The Academic Index boils each applicant’s academic performance (GPA and test scores) down into one single number, which is then used to weed out applicants who would be considered academically unqualified. Such applications, more often than not, don’t even get read.

The average high school GPA of the Class of 2027 was a 3.9, so if you are hoping for USC admissions committees to seriously consider your application, you should strive for exceptional grades in all of your classes.

If your GPA is below USC’s standards and you’re early in your high school career, check out our tips for increasing your GPA . If you’re a junior or senior, it’s harder to increase your GPA, so the easiest way to improve your Academic Index at that point of your high school career would be to get higher test scores.

It’s important to note that, while your GPA is an important component to have your application read, you can’t just take easy classes and get good grades. Course rigor is considered “very important” to USC admissions officers. To submit a competitive application you’ll need all, or mostly all A’s, while taking the most challenging courses available.

Applicants who gain admission to top-tier schools like USC commonly complete between eight to twelve AP classes . My USC application showed success in 15 AP classes, which obviously appealed to admissions officers.

2. Aim for a 1520 SAT and/or 34 ACT

Test scores are “very important” in the USC admissions process. The middle 50% SAT and ACT scores for USC’s Class of 2026 were 1330-1520 and 30-34. Any score in the middle 50% is good, but the higher your score is, the greater your chances of gaining admission.

USC records the highest scores for each section of the SAT and ACT, even if they’re earned in different sittings. Given this fact, you should consider taking the SAT or ACT multiple times to improve your academic profile.

To improve your SAT/ACT score, check out these free CollegeVine resources:

  • How to Get a Perfect 1600 Score on the SAT
  • How to Get a Perfect 36 Score on the ACT
  • SAT Info and Tips
  • ACT Info and Tips

Note: USC has been test optional for recent application cycles and will be test optional going forward. That said, CollegeVine generally recommends taking the SAT/ACT anyway to improve your chances of admission. Applicants who submit scores are accepted at higher rates than those who do not.

A good rule of thumb is that you should submit your score if it falls above the 25th percentile (1330 SAT/30 ACT). You can get recommendations on whether or not to apply test optional using our free chancing engine .

3. Write engaging essays

Once you clear USC’s academic thresholds, essays are the best way to set yourself apart from the competition—USC considers them “very important.” USC’s application includes a writing supplement featuring one required essay, one optional essay, and 10 short answer prompts—things like “What is your favorite snack?”

USC is looking for interesting applicants with unique stories and perspectives. Set yourself apart with an attention-grabbing essay that is written in your voice, and that creatively frames your experiences and highlights how you’ll be as a student and on campus at USC.

For more USC-specific essay advice, check out our article, How to Write the USC Supplemental Essays.

4. Secure humanizing letters of recommendation

Letters of recommendation are another “very important” aspect of a USC application. Letters of recommendation highlight your academic success and classroom contributions, and hint at how you’ll fit in at USC. USC recommends one letter of recommendation either from a high school counselor or teacher.

Because USC places considerable weight on your letter of recommendation, you’ll want to get the best one possible. One way to ensure a compelling recommendation is to follow the nine rules for requesting letters of recommendation from teachers , which cover everything from who to ask, to the timeframe, to how you can support the process.

Keep reading for my tips and tricks on securing an outstanding letter of recommendation.

5. Cultivate one or two Tier 1-2 extracurriculars (find your “spike”)

Extracurriculars are marked as an “important” part of USC’s admissions process and can carry serious weight when applying to coveted programs like the university’s film school. Having a highly developed interest, known as a “ spike ,” supported by one or two extracurricular activities that demonstrate high levels of achievement or leadership can bolster your application.

Not all extracurricular activities are equal—some have more influence over admissions than others. Learning about the four tiers of extracurriculars is a simple way to understand how a college like USC values your activities outside the classroom.

  • Tier 1 includes the most impactful activities. These are rare and demonstrate exceptional achievement and leadership, such as earning national recognition in athletics or winning a prestigious national competition.
  • Tier 2 activities also show great achievement and leadership, but are more common than those of Tier 1. These activities include state-level recognition in athletics, winning a regional competition, or holding a leadership position in a well-known club.
  • Tier 3 extracurriculars demonstrate your interests but don’t carry the same weight as those in the tiers above. These include playing a varsity sport or holding a minor leadership position in a well-established club.
  • Tier 4 is home to the least distinguished and influential activities, such as playing a sport and participating in a club.

6. Apply Early Action

For most programs, USC has two different application deadlines: November 1 and January 15. The November 1 deadline is called the “Early Action” deadline—a non-binding, non-restrictive application. If you apply by this deadline, you are automatically considered for all USC merit scholarships, while regular decision applicants are not considered for merit scholarships.

Students who apply by the early deadline are typically accepted at a 6% to 8% higher rate, so even if you aren’t hoping for a scholarship, applying by November 1 is a smart strategy for gaining admission to USC.

How to Apply to USC

You will apply to USC through the Common Application. In addition to your Common App essay, you will submit:

  • USC Supplemental Essays
  • A high school transcript
  • At least one letter of recommendation
  • A mid-year report
  • SAT/ACT scores (optional)

USC has a few different application deadlines. It is important to note that, if you apply to a regular program by November 1, you will automatically be considered for all USC Merit Scholarships . Regular decision applicants must apply by January 15 and will not be considered for merit scholarships.

Additionally, there is a separate application deadline for students of special programs—all Dramatic Arts, Cinematic Arts, and Music programs, the Kaufman School of Dance, the Iovine and Young Academy, the Roski School of Art & Design, and the School of Architecture. These programs may also require a portfolio, resume, and/or samples of work.

*These programs do not allow Early Action applications, so all students who apply to these programs by December 1 are considered for merit scholarships.

1. Don’t underestimate the importance of recommendations

It is important to ask someone who knows you very well, academically and personally, to write your letter of recommendation. Then, fill that person in on the image you are trying to impress upon admissions officers.

If they know what your academic profile looks like, your strengths and weaknesses, and, importantly, what your essay is about, they can write a letter of recommendation that rounds out your application. They can help you form connections between parts of your profile that feel disconnected, explain gaps in your resume or coursework, and simply humanize you.

2. Apply by the scholarship deadline

My most important advice to you is to apply by the scholarship deadline. The best part about the early application is that you don’t have to do anything extra—no supplements or extra questions. You simply have to submit the same application earlier.

There are multiple levels of merit scholarships that you are automatically considered for through your early application—Dean’s Scholarship, Presidential Scholarship, and Trustee’s Scholarship. These scholarships cover 25%, 50%, and 100%, respectively, of your tuition each year for four years of study.

Additionally, receiving a scholarship makes you eligible to live in USC’s honors dorms—McCarthy Residential College for first-year students and Ilium Residential College for sophomores. These dorms create a special type of community that I am still grateful that I was a part of.

What Are Your Chances at USC?

Only 9.9% of USC applicants were accepted in 2023. If you’re feeling discouraged by this low acceptance rate, remember that your personal chances of acceptance can vary greatly based on your profile.

To better understand your chances of acceptance, use our free admissions calculator. This tool will not only let you know your chances at hundreds of schools, but will also give you tips for improving your profile. Getting into a selective school requires a strong strategy, and our free admissions platform can help you every step of the way.

Interested in learning more about USC? Check out these other articles:

  • What is USC Known For?
  • How I Got Into USC
  • USC vs. UCLA: Which College is Right for You?
  • USC vs. UC Berkeley: Which College is Right for You?

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does usc require essays

University of Southern California (USC) Supplemental Essays Guide: 2021-2022

Not sure how to approach the USC supplemental essays?’s  guide to the USC essay prompts will show you exactly how to write engaging USC essays and strengthen your application.

If you need help crafting your USC supplemental essays, create your  free account  or  schedule a free consultation  by calling (844) 343-6272.

USC Supplemental Essays Guide Quick Facts:

  • USC has an acceptance rate of 16% –  U.S. News  ranks USC as a  more selective  school.
  • We recommend answering the USC supplemental essays thoughtfully to increase your chances of admission.

Does the University of Southern California have supplemental essays?

In short, yes. All applicants must submit several USC supplemental essays in addition to the personal statement you’ll write for your  Common App  or  Coalition App . We’ll detail each of the USC prompts—along with insider advice—in this guide to the USC essays.

Need some help writing your Common App essay? Get great tips from our Common App essay  guide .

How many essays does the University of Southern California require?

There are two USC essays on the 2020-2021 Common app. In addition to these two USC essays, some applicants may also choose to complete a third USC supplemental essay.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through each of the USC supplemental essays. We’ll also discuss which applicants should submit USC essays that respond to the third optional USC essay prompt.

Are the University of Southern California essays important?

The USC supplemental essays are extremely important. After all, the USC essays are a window into your unique talents and abilities. By writing strong USC supplemental essays, you can use your own words to show the admissions team who you are and why you belong at USC.

Test-optional admissions policies have also made the USC supplemental essays more important. Many California universities have dropped the  ACT/SAT requirements . USC, however, has not. Your test scores may be the same as another applicant, so your USC supplemental essays can help you stand out. In other words, pay close attention to the USC prompts!

How do I write the University of Southern California essays?

Once again, there are two required USC supplemental essays in addition to the Common App essay. This is a lot of writing, so we recommend you begin your USC supplemental essays as early as possible. The sooner you start considering the USC prompts, the stronger your USC supplemental essays will be.

USC does not have an Early Decision or Early Action program. This means USC considers all applications—and all USC essays—in the same cycle. Over 70,000 students applied to USC last year. Therefore, strong USC supplemental essays can help you stand out from the crowd.

Want more advice on your USC essays? Read USC’s  “What We Look For”  page as a primer for drafting your USC supplemental essays.

We have provided the USC essay prompts below—along with USC example essays—to assist you as you begin your USC essays.

In this guide, we will discuss how to address both required USC essays.

USC Supplemental Essays — Question 1 (Required)

Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests and why you want to explore them at USC specifically. Please feel free to address your first-and second-choice major selections. (250-word max).

To begin, the first of the USC supplemental essays does two things. First, this USC essay prompts you to detail your academic plan, including your interests and priorities. Second, this USC asks you to illustrate why USC is the right school for you.

You might struggle to complete the first of the USC prompts. When you read, “Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests,” you may initially think, “Uh, I am trying to get into USC to pursue those interests.” However, you shouldn’t let this discourage you. If you know what interests you, you already have an academic plan—you just need to express it in 250 words for the first of your USC supplemental essays.

Let’s break down how to brainstorm and represent your academic plan in the USC essays!

Choosing a Major

By now, you likely have a sense of your academic interests. If you have an idea of what you’d like to study but don’t know what specific major to choose, check out our tips on choosing a  college major .

USC offers its own suggestions for  choosing a major , which might be useful when completing your USC essays! Keep in mind that USC also has several  unique programs  for undergraduates. The USC supplemental essays require all students to identify at least one potential major, so you’ll benefit from doing your research. Plus, spending some time on the USC website will also help you describe why USC is the place for you!

Maybe you know the career you want to pursue but you don’t know what major will help you achieve your goals. To start, you might do some research or speak to adults in your chosen field. If you’re wondering what fellow Gen-Z students are pursuing, check out our list of popular majors for  Gen-Z students   or our webinar for  undecided majors . Additionally, check out this  Business News Daily article  for a list of majors associated with particular careers.

Finally, remember that the major you specify in your USC supplemental essays is non-binding. Above all, this USC essay prompts you to consider what intellectual pursuits matter to you. Think of the majors you choose as a way to communicate your interests to admissions officers.

Connecting to USC

This USC essay prompts you to showcase your understanding of  USC’s passion  for innovation and research. The USC supplemental essays ask students to explain why USC is the right school for them.

Structuring a Response

Well done—you’ve chosen a major (or two) and thought about why you want to study this topic specifically at USC. Now, let’s move on to drafting.

Before you begin writing, notice the requirements of the first of the USC essay prompts:

  • Describe how you plan to pursue your academic interests.
  • Explain why you want to pursue this at USC.
  • Identify your first and second choice majors.

Think long term

USC wants to know your long-term academic plans in college and beyond. Then, they want to know why you want to pursue those plans at USC. Let’s look at a few USC essay examples. Though short, each example will show you what a dynamic opening might look like and how it can be tied into USC-specific programs.

Ex. I realize that I have an addiction to TikTok. I often wonder—what leads us to scroll? (anecdote/dynamic opening)

To this end, I want to pursue a BA in Social Science with an emphasis in psychology or a BA in Informatics. Ideally, I would like to do both with the USC Research Gateway Scholars program…(USC specific connection)

In the first of the USC essay examples, notice that it begins with something that seems frivolous—an addiction to TikTok. However, the example also hints at a certain vulnerability that draws the reader in, as well as a question (“what leads us to scroll?”) that shows the student possesses a level of self-awareness.

Ex. Not unlike a lot of other children of migrant parents, we moved around a lot when I was younger.  Because of this, literature was my constant companion. (anecdote/dynamic opening)

I want to offer this same friendship to other young readers. The Narratives Studies program or Comparative Literature program at USC is an ideal place for me to start this journey. (USC specific connection)

In the second of the USC essay examples, our imaginary writer identified a long-term plan as well as their first and second choice majors. You’ll also notice that both of these USC essay examples connect their goals with a USC-specific program.

As you begin your own USC essays, think about how these USC essay examples attach each student’s own interests, background, and identity to the opportunities available at USC.

Making it Personal

In both USC essay examples above, the student shared a part of their personal history. As you begin your USC essays, think about your own history.  What about your story has led you to your academic interests? How has your identity influenced your long-term academic plan? These details will help make your USC essays unique.

USC Supplemental Essays Draft Key Questions:

  • Does your USC supplemental essay response identify your long-term plans?
  • Does your USC essay identify your specific reasons for studying at USC?
  • Do you include your first and second-choice majors?
  • Does your USC essay describe your unique passions?

USC Supplemental Essays — Question 2 (Required)

Please respond to one of the USC prompts below. (250-word limit).
USC believes that one learns best when interacting with people of different backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives. Tell us about a time when you were exposed to a new idea or when your beliefs were challenged by another point of view. Please discuss the significance of the experience and its effect on you.
USC faculty place an emphasis on interdisciplinary academic opportunities. Describe something outside of your intended academic focus about which you are interested in learning.
What is something about yourself that is essential to understanding you?

Choosing from the USC prompts

Remember, USC supplemental essays should illustrate your personal attitudes and passions.  In these USC prompts, you have the chance to highlight some dynamic aspects of your identity.  While you can choose from any of the three listed USC prompts, you should select one that reveals something distinct about your personality and experiences.

In general, it’s a good idea to select a prompt that lets you showcase experiences not found elsewhere in your application. Choose a prompt that adds to your application – not one that repeats information that your readers already know. Whichever of the USC essay prompts you choose, you should highlight specific experiences that have contributed to the ways you see the world. If you find yourself speaking in vague terms while drafting, you might choose another of the USC prompts.

Providing Insight

USC looks for students with a “vast array of interests and passions” who are “bold, driven, curious, and creative.” Your USC essays are your chance to show your reader how this applies to you!

Did you recently realize that a long-held belief about something or someone was wrong? Take this opportunity to show USC your willingness to grow and learn. After all, an important part of learning is recognizing that we do not know everything. USC wants to see how students can develop new ways of thinking, so use the USC supplemental essays to show how this applies to you. For example, did you change your mind after a conversation with a friend about an issue that mattered to them?  In other words, USC wants students who are open-minded—so tell them that story.

Tell a story

For example, did your curiosity about income inequality ignite you to research local legislative policies driving those inequalities? Or, did you harness social media to educate local voters or encourage your peers to vote on local legislative policies? USC wants students who are looking to impact communities—so tell them that story.

Do you use your interest in theoretical physics to craft plots for YA novels? Do you listen to Sean Carroll’s Mindscape podcast during passing periods? USC wants students who are interested in interdisciplinary arenas—so tell them that story.

Does your love of balloons show that you are a minimalist at heart? Does your addiction to cherry Chapstick highlight your commitment to a cause? Your quirks help USC understand who you are beyond your grades and test scores—so tell them that story.

Any of these USC essay prompts can give you an opportunity to boost your application. In under 250 words, use the second of your USC supplemental essays to help the admissions team get a glimpse into your identity and interiority.

USC Supplemental Essays Key Questions:

  • Does your USC essay draft specifically address one of the USC prompts provided?
  • Does your response demonstrate something new about you?
  • Do you include specific details in your USC essay?

USC Supplemental Essays — Question 3 (Optional)

Starting with the beginning of high school/secondary school, if you have had a gap where you were not enrolled in school during a fall or spring term, please address this gap in your educational history. You do not need to address a summer break. (250-word limit).

Typically, we would encourage you to respond to all USC essay prompts. However, in this case, you should only respond if the prompt applies to you.

Filling the Gap

This third USC essay prompts you to describe why you took a break in your schooling. If you took time out of high school due to COVID or other factors, this prompt gives you the chance to contextualize your time off and explain how it might influence the rest of your application.

USC wants to know the reasons for the break in your academic career.  You should answer this USC essay prompt honestly. If you needed a break from school, tell the admissions committee that you took time off to think about your future plans. If family circumstances prevented you from attending college, relay those experiences. Be sure to include why you want to return to school at this time.

Reasoning First

Be careful to avoid too much emotion here. USC simply wants to know the reasons for your absence from the academic world— you do not need to paint that picture with dramatic pathos.

Wondering how this would look? Let’s check out some USC essay examples:

Ex. Stricken with an unknown heart condition, the stress of school was life-threatening and so I opted for a year of reprieve.

Perhaps a health condition did prevent you from attending university after high school, but you should avoid excessively emotional language.

Ex. During my senior year in high school, I struggled with an unknown heart condition that put me in the hospital quite frequently.  Because of this, my family and I decided I should take a year off of school. After a major surgery last fall, I have recovered and my doctors have stated I can return to school and I am eager to continue my academic journey with USC.

The second of these USC essay examples is much stronger. Reasonably retell the reason(s) for your break in school. Then, make it clear that you’re excited to resume your academic career at USC like the second of these USC essay examples does.

As you can see from these USC essay examples, you don’t need to use emotional language to gain your reader’s sympathy. Use the last of your USC essays to demonstrate your grit, thoughtfulness, perseverance, and determination. You had a gap in your education and now you are making a great comeback – tell them that story.

USC Supplemental Essay Draft Key Questions:

  • Did you identify the reason for your gap in education?
  • Does your USC essay include details that led to that reason?
  • Did you retell that story in a reasonable tone?

Additional tips for writing your USC supplemental essays:

  • Each of these USC essay prompts has a 250-word limit. Do not exceed the word limit for these USC supplemental essays.
  • Look over USC essay examples. This can fuel ideas for your own USC supplemental essays.
  • Never underestimate the importance of editing your USC supplemental essays. Along with proper grammar and spelling, ensure clarity of thought and ideas.

USC Supplemental Essays – Final Thoughts

The USC essay prompts may seem overwhelming. However, don’t let that discourage you! With these tips, you can write an engaging set of USC essays sure to impress the admissions team.

USC also has a helpful blog article on how to approach the USC supplemental essays. You can check out “Supplementary, My Dear Watson!”  here .

This 2021-2022 essay guide on USC was written by Sasha Litzenberger. To read more of our articles on USC,  click here . If you need help crafting your USC supplemental essays visit to create your free  account  or  schedule a no-cost advising consultation  by calling (844) 719-4984.

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does usc require essays

USC Viterbi | Undergraduate Admission

How to Apply as a First-Year Applicant

Requirements and recommendations, apply to usc as an engineering or computer science student by completing the common application and writing supplement., application deadlines:, early action (merit-scholarship consideration), application deadline: november 1, applicants selecting early action will be notified of their admission or deferral to regular decision in mid- to late january., regular decision, application deadline: january 15, applicants selecting or deferring to regular decision will be notified of a decision by april 1..

For more information on application deadlines, including an explanation of USC’s Early Action Application, please see the link below.

We Don’t Want Anything Extra

There are no additional applications, test scores, or extra materials you need to submit in order to be considered for any of the Viterbi School programs.  Simply follow the instructions for applying to USC, and list an Viterbi School major as your first choice major. Any major prepended with ‘VSE’ (Viterbi School of Engineering) is an engineering or computer science major.

You Aren’t Locked In To A Major

We ask you to list an engineering or computer science major on your application, but that doesn’t effect your chances of admission.  If you are admitted to any of the Viterbi School programs, you won’t need to re-apply should you ever want to switch. Current Viterbi Students have the flexibility to switch majors when they want.

Your GPA is Only a Small Part of Your Story

There are no absolute “cutoffs” for individual grades, overall GPA, or rank in class (most high schools do not rank).  We are interested in each of these elements as well as your personal accomplishments to better understand you and how you may contribute to our incoming class.


  • Common Application
  • USC Writing Supplement
  • Official transcripts from all institutions attended (including college transcripts, if you have taken college courses prior to your high school graduation). Official transcripts can be sent electronically or mailed. If sending electronically, please instruct the transcript service to email the transcript to [email protected] . If you are mailing your transcripts, please send them to the following address:

USC Office of Admission Undergraduate University Park Campus Los Angeles, CA 90089-0911

  • Official Test Scores (Optional): USC is Test Optional; prospective first-year students may apply to USC without submitting SAT or ACT scores, although students may still choose to submit SAT or ACT scores if they wish. For students who submit test scores, USC records the highest scores for those who have taken tests more than once. For the SAT and ACT, the highest scores for each section of the exam will be recorded, even if achieved in different sittings. USC does not require the writing section for either the ACT or the SAT. Find answers to questions you have about how our test optional policy will affect your application .
  • One letter of recommendation, also known as the counselor report, is required from either your school counselor or a teacher from your school.
  • At least one calculus course (the course can be in-progress when you apply) is strongly preferred.
  • You must list one of the engineering or computer science programs as your first choice major.  If you are not sure which one fits you best, please choose “Undeclared Engineering.”

*Note: If you are an international, home-schooled, DACA, or transfer applicant, please review our Notes and Requirements for Certain Populations section.

What we look for, activities:, notes and requirements for certain populations, international applicants, home-schooled applicants, undocumented applicants.

USC admission, enrollment, and tuition policies are not based on your immigration or DACA status. Your admission and enrollment will not be affected if you do not have, or if you lose your immigration or DACA status. Financial assistance is available for undocumented students who meet certain criteria.  California residents may qualify for additional assistance under AB540 (the “California Dream Act”). For more information, please visit .

For more information about resources available to undocumented Trojans, please visit the following pages:

  • This contains links to resources available to undocumented Trojans. Please see the Financial Support section to find links specifically for financial resources.
  • The First Generation Plus Success Center provides  community ,  connection ,  and support  for USC students who are first-generation, undocumented, or former foster youth.

Transfer Applicants

All of the above information is relevant to first-year applicants only. If you are a transfer applicant, you must follow the transfer application process . If you are not sure which type of applicant you are, please follow the guide below:

  • You are a transfer applicant if you have completed any college level courses since you graduated high school or achieved the equivalent of a high school diploma.
  • You are a first-year applicant if you are currently enrolled in high school, even if you have completed college credits OR you have graduated from high school and have never attended college.

Got Questions?

Fill out the form below and we’ll get right back to you.

© 2024 USC Viterbi | Undergraduate Admission.

  • About the School
  • Innovation & Entrepreneurship
  • Going Abroad
  • Hands On Experiences
  • Success After Undergraduate
  • Engineering Challenges
  • Engineering Plus
  • How to Apply
  • AP & IB Credit
  • Blog Updates for First Year Applicants
  • How to Transfer
  • 3+2 Engineering Program
  • 2nd Bachelor’s Degree
  • Request More Information for Transfer Students
  • Aerospace & Mechanical Engineering
  • Astronautical Engineering
  • Biomedical Engineering
  • Chemical Engineering & Materials Science
  • Civil & Environmental Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Electrical & Computer Engineering
  • Industrial & Systems Engineering
  • Undeclared Engineering
  • Pre-Professional Programs
  • Study Abroad
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  • Service Learning
  • Honors Programs (FSH, TO)
  • Academic Support
  • Ambassadors
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How to Apply

does usc require essays

We want to make the application process as easy as possible for you.

First-year application process, first-year deadlines for fall 2024.

  • November 1, 2023 Early Action Deadline and Merit Scholarship Consideration
  • January 15, 2024 Regular Decision Deadline

Transfer Student Application Process

Transfer student deadlines for fall 2024, international student application process, first-year and transfer students, usc dornsife application supplement (first-year applicants).

As part of the Writing Questions section of the Common Application, all first-year applicants applying to a USC Dornsife major as a first-choice major will be asked to complete a Dornsife supplemental question. The question will appear on the Common Application after you have selected a Dornsife major as your first-choice major. You will provide a brief (250 words or less) response to this supplemental question.

There is no “best” or “right” answer. We simply want to know more about you and your motivations and passions. Because application reviewers will have access to all portions of your application, we suggest that you focus your Dornsife supplemental response on a different topic than what you’ve already discussed elsewhere in your application.

The Dornsife supplemental question is:

Many of us have at least one issue or passion that we care deeply about – a topic on which we would love to share our opinions and insights in hopes of sparking intense interest and continued conversation. If you had ten minutes and the attention of a million people, what would your talk be about?

Graduate Student Application Process


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  1. First-Year Students

    For students who submit test scores, USC records the highest scores for those who have taken tests more than once. For the SAT and ACT, the highest scores for each section of the exam will be recorded, even if achieved in different sittings. USC does not require the writing section for either the ACT or the SAT.

  2. How to Write the USC Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

    That's a lot of information in not a whole lot of space, which might feel overwhelming. The first thing you should do is figure out the content of your essay. Step One: Think about your academic interests (i.e. your majors).

  3. How to Get Into USC: Strategies and Essays that Worked

    USC requires applicants to write a 250-word supplemental essay and ten short-answers in addition to the Common App essays. For the first essay, USC gives students a choice of three essay prompts. Below, we'll provide an example essay for the main prompt and explain what makes it effective. We'll then provide the list of short-answer ...

  4. What We Look For

    The review is not formulaic — we try to envision your performance at the next level. We are also looking for your potential to make an impact: willingness to go beyond the requirements, to dig deeply into texts, to explore ideas and become a lifelong learner. Ultimately, we look for students who will become enthusiastic partners in learning ...

  5. USC Supplemental Essays 2023-24 Prompts and Tips

    USC Supplemental Essays - School-Specific Prompts. In addition to the required essays noted above, you'll also need to answer at least one additional essay question that is dependent on the school or college you are applying to at USC. Below, we've broken down the most popular options: Dornsife College of Letters, Arts and Sciences

  6. USC Supplemental Essays 2023-2024

    The University of Southern California (USC) has six supplemental essay prompts for the 2023-2024 application cycle. The number of USC supplemental essay prompts you need to answer depends on your specific application. All applicants must respond to the main "Why USC ?" essay.

  7. USC Supplemental Essays

    As such, your USC essays are the perfect chance to showcase your personality, interests, and motivations. Since USC does not have an admissions interview, the USC supplemental essays are likely the best way to make a personal connection. Check out the USC supplemental essay requirements: 1 required Why USC essay; 10 required short answer essays

  8. 4 Tips for Writing Perfect USC Essays

    Here are some general tips to make tackling the USC short-answer questions a breeze: #1: Maximize the space you have. There's room to elaborate on your answers a bit, and you should. #2: There are no right answers. Admissions counselors don't have specific responses in mind.

  9. University of Southern California (USC) 2023-24 Supplemental Essay

    University of Southern California 2023-24 Application Essay Questions Explained. *Please note: the information below relates to last year's essay prompts. As soon as the 2024-25 prompts beomce available, we will be updating this guide -- stay tuned! The Requirements: 2 or 3 essays (depending on major selection) of up to 250 words; 2 short ...

  10. 3 USC Essay Examples By Accepted Students

    3 USC Essay Examples By Accepted Students. The University of Southern California is a selective private school in Los Angeles. Its film school is consistently ranked the top in the country, though its other academic programs are incredibly strong as well. USC requires applicants to fill out a variety of prompts, some in the form of essays and ...

  11. The Ultimate Guide to Applying to USC

    The admissions process at USC is quite competitive; during the 2021-2022 application season, the university received a total of over 71,000 applications for its undergraduate programs. 8,880 applicants were accepted, making the acceptance rate 12.5%. Average GPA and rank: 3.83 average GPA with 80% of first-time freshmen graduated in the top ...

  12. How to Write the USC Supplemental Essays 2020-2021 ...

    What Are USC's Supplemental Essay Requirements? USC requires that students answer multiple prompts as part of the application process. You will find both on the Common App. Click above to watch a video on USC Supplemental Essay. For the first prompt, students must choose one of three potential essay questions. These questions assess the ...

  13. How to Write the University of Southern California Supplemental Essays

    Mistake #5: Describing traditions the school is well-known for. Mistake #6: Thinking of this as only a "Why Them" essay. Here's a great sample essay for this prompt: Example: At two opposite ends of the spectrum, I'm both the analytical thinker and creative pursuer. Science stimulates my thoughts. Music heals my soul.

  14. University of Southern California

    Common App Personal Essay. Required. 650 words. The essay demonstrates your ability to write clearly and concisely on a selected topic and helps you distinguish yourself in your own voice. What do you want the readers of your application to know about you apart from courses, grades, and test scores?

  15. How to Get Into USC: 5 Expert Admissions Tips

    Clearly, you'll need to have a pretty high SAT/ACT score in order to be considered a competitive applicant to USC. For the SAT, most applicants have a minimum score of 1330, or the 90th percentile nationally. Meanwhile, for the ACT, most applicants have a minimum score of 30, or the 93rd percentile nationally.

  16. USC Essay Examples

    The USC application only requires you to write one or two 250-word supplemental essays depending on your choice of major. You'll also complete 10 short answer essays and one optional 250-word essay. You should mostly focus on the required USC essay (or essays). Most students will only complete the required USC essay prompts.

  17. This Year's USC Admission Requirements

    Application Requirements. Every school requires an application with the bare essentials - high school transcript and GPA, application form, and other core information. Many schools, as explained above, also require SAT and ACT scores, as well as letters of recommendation, application essays, and interviews.

  18. How to Get Into USC in 2023, from a USC Grad

    2. Aim for a 1520 SAT and/or 34 ACT. Test scores are "very important" in the USC admissions process. The middle 50% SAT and ACT scores for USC's Class of 2026 were 1330-1520 and 30-34. Any score in the middle 50% is good, but the higher your score is, the greater your chances of gaining admission.

  19. College Essay Guides

    This 2021-2022 essay guide on USC was written by Sasha Litzenberger. To read more of our articles on USC, click here. If you need help crafting your USC supplemental essays visit to create your free account or schedule a no-cost advising consultation by calling (844) 719-4984.

  20. How to Apply to USC Viterbi

    USC does not require the writing section for either the ACT or the SAT. Find answers to questions you have about how our test optional policy will affect your application. One letter of recommendation, also known as the counselor report, is required from either your school counselor or a teacher from your school. ... (Essay, Short Answers and ...

  21. How to get into USC: Admission Requirements 2023

    GPA Requirements to get into USC. The recommended GPA requirements to get into USC are between 3.75 and 4.0. You will need a very high GPA and will likely be graduating in the top quarter of your class in order to get into USC. If your GPA is lower than suggested at the time you apply, you may have to perform above average on your standardized ...

  22. Transfer Students

    USC does not require a minimum number of transfer units.* However, if you will have earned fewer than 30 transferable semester units by the end of the spring term, we will base our decision either primarily on your high school record and/or SAT or ACT scores (if you submit them). Please note that applicants to the 2023-2024 academic year are ...

  23. How to Apply

    You'll apply to USC via the Common Application. All students applying to a major within USC Dornsife (as a first-choice major) will complete the Dornsife supplemental question in addition to the elements of the Common App completed by all applicants to USC. The question will appear on the Common Application after you have selected a Dornsife ...