Beach Description Essay

Looking for simple and beautiful descriptive writing about a beach in summer? The beach description essay below is just what you need! Get inspired for your own creative writing with us.


Description of a beach.

Summer is the perfect time for individuals to visit and enjoy the marvelous scenes along the coast. In addition, the feelings and experiences felt on the beach during the summer are always fantastic. Several sceneries and experiences are seen and felt at the beach during summer. These include; the plantation along the beach and inside the sea, the animals, the waters, and the people found on the beach.

The beach appears to be alive and joyful with the presence of the natural vegetation. There are evergreen plantations both along and inside the beach. Images of buoyant seaweeds can be seen along the shore. Palms trees are seen to stand tall along the beach, dancing to the tune of the breeze emanating from the waters of the sea.

The sea grapes and the sea oats are also observed gathered in clusters in the sea next to the shore. Their colored flowers are splendid and brighten at the shining of the summer sun. The sweet scent of the flower grapes sends a signal to the world about the hope brought by nature.

The atmosphere is fully intensified by the aroma produced by the buoyant sea flowers. In addition, from afar, images of leafless trees are also observed. The perfect combination of the vegetation along the beach and inside the sea displays the beauty of nature to the highest peak.

It mesmerizes the eyes to gaze at the beautiful creatures that hover all over the beach and on the deep-sea waters. There are sights of beautiful birds that fly all over the dry shoreland and over the seawaters. Their colored feathers brightened the sea with a marvelous appearance at their illumination by the sun’s rays.

There are varieties of birds that are in the vicinity. For instance, there are pelicans and seagulls. Pelicans are seen hovering over the sand, singing sweet melodies that make the atmosphere at the beach vibrant. The seagulls are also observed to be flying over the seawater in small groups. Some of the birds are gathered in groups spreading the wings that cloaked a soft shadow on the gentle water ripples.

Next to the shore, there are sea turtles that seem to enjoy the summer heat from the sun. Their eggs are also seen to be exposed on the sand by the children that play on the shoreline. Bees are seen flying from one flower to another over the sea grapes. The humming of the bees as they gather nectar from the sea flowers attracts insect-eating birds.

Large crowds are observed all over the seashore. These people come to enjoy themselves on the beach at this period of the year. In the sea, people of all ages and sexes are seen swimming and playing with the cool seawater. The scorching heat from the summer sun is felt on the forehead of all individuals.

This makes the people chill themselves in the cool waters of the sea. The children are seen playing beach ball on the shoreline. Some children are also seen pelt each other with sand on the shoreline. Besides, young boys are observed climbing tall palm trees to gather fruits.

What is more, several activities take place along and inside the shoreline. Vendors are seen carrying ice creams and soft drinks all over the shoreline. Views of homes, hotels, and other buildings that run along the peak of the beach are also seen. On the sand where children play, pieces of shells are scattered.

In most cases, children collect the shells for fun. In the shades built along the shoreline, people are seen reading books, journals, and magazines. Some are seen idling on the sand, while few adults are observed playing football.

However, there is a disgusting scene of plastic bags, cigarette butts, food wrappers, and beer bottles along the beach. These items seem to pollute the entire shoreline and the seawater.

Anglers are also observed far into the sea casting large nets into the waters to have a bulk catch of their prey. Some of the anglers are also observed perching on the edge of the shore carrying sticks in their hands. Their faces displayed the anticipation that they had for their prey.

The deep waters of the sea produce a marvelous view for anyone who gazes at the sea. The water is seen to be slowly running low on the shore. Small waves are also observed crashing on the shoreline. The surface of the sea is seen to appear blue in color.

However, some portions are also seen to have the spectrum that results from the sun’s refracted rays. Deep inside the sea, there are high waves that lift boats up and down mightily. The shimmering waves of the sea that are clear and blue mirror the rays of the hot sun. The refreshing breeze that emanates from the seawater is enjoyable.

In conclusion, the beach has a perfect view and activities that are delightful to experience during the summer. It is a place that everyone would love to be at all times.

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IvyPanda. (2019, April 17). Beach Description Essay.

"Beach Description Essay." IvyPanda , 17 Apr. 2019,

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Beach Description Essay'. 17 April.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Beach Description Essay." April 17, 2019.

1. IvyPanda . "Beach Description Essay." April 17, 2019.


IvyPanda . "Beach Description Essay." April 17, 2019.


Essay on A Day at the Beach

Students are often asked to write an essay on A Day at the Beach in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on A Day at the Beach

Arrival at the beach.

Upon arriving at the beach, the smell of the salty sea air greets us. The sound of waves crashing against the shore and the squawking seagulls echo in our ears.

Activities on the Sand

We set up our spot on the warm sand. Kids build sandcastles while adults sunbathe. The beach is a canvas for our creativity.

Fun in the Water

We run towards the cool water, splashing around and playing games. The feeling of the water against our skin is refreshing.

Leaving the Beach

As the sun sets, we pack up, leaving only footprints behind. A day at the beach is always memorable.

250 Words Essay on A Day at the Beach


A day at the beach is a multifaceted experience that engages all the senses. The beach, with its vastness and raw beauty, offers a unique blend of relaxation and adventure, providing an escape from the mundane.

The Arrival

The journey to the beach culminates in the first glimpse of the expansive ocean, a sight that invariably evokes a sense of awe. The salty air, the sound of waves crashing against the shore, and the sight of the horizon where the sky meets the sea, all contribute to a heightened sense of anticipation.

The Experience

Once settled, the day unfolds in a series of sensory experiences. The feel of warm sand underfoot, the taste of salt on the lips, and the enveloping heat of the sun form a medley of sensations. The beach is a theatre of life, with people engaging in various activities, from building sandcastles and playing beach volleyball to surfing and sunbathing.

Exploring the Depths

For the adventurous, the ocean beckons. Swimming in the sea or exploring its depths through snorkeling or scuba diving offers a glimpse into an underwater world teeming with life and color. It’s a humbling experience that underscores the vastness and complexity of nature.

As the day ends, the setting sun paints the sky in hues of orange and red. This spectacle of nature provides a fitting end to a day at the beach. It’s a reminder of the transient nature of our experiences and the enduring beauty of the world around us. A day at the beach, thus, is not just a day spent, but a day lived.

500 Words Essay on A Day at the Beach

The beach, a place where the land meets the sea, is a unique space of transition and transformation. Its dynamic nature, constant ebb and flow, and the juxtaposition of permanence and transience, make it an intriguing subject of contemplation. A day at the beach is not just about sandcastles and sunbathing; it’s a profound experience that engages all the senses and invites introspection.

The first step onto the beach is a sensory overload. The salty scent of the sea air, the sound of waves crashing against the shore, the warmth of the sun on your skin, and the gritty feel of sand beneath your feet all combine to create a symphony of sensations. The sight of the vast, seemingly infinite ocean ahead is humbling, reminding us of our place in the grand scheme of things. The beach is a theatre where nature stages its most spectacular performances.

The Interplay of Elements

Throughout the day, the beach reveals the interplay of the elements. The sun, the sand, the sea, and the sky, each plays its part in this grand spectacle. The sun’s journey across the sky paints the canvas of the day, from the soft pastel hues of dawn to the fiery drama of sunset. The sand, shaped and reshaped by the waves and the wind, is a testament to the impermanence of things. The sea, with its rhythmic dance of the tides, is a symbol of life’s ebb and flow. The sky, with its ever-changing patterns of clouds, mirrors the fleeting nature of our thoughts and emotions.

The Human Connection

The beach is also a social space, a meeting point for people from all walks of life. It’s a place where children’s laughter mingles with the murmurs of lovers, where the solitude of a lone walker intersects with the camaraderie of a group of friends. The beach is a melting pot of stories, each wave bringing a new tale to the shore. It’s a place where boundaries blur, and we reconnect with our shared humanity.

Reflection and Departure

As the day winds down, the beach becomes a place of reflection. The setting sun casts long shadows, and the sounds of the day give way to the quiet whispers of the evening. It’s a time to look back at the day’s experiences, to contemplate the lessons learned, and to carry those insights back into our daily lives. The beach, in its simplicity, offers a mirror to our complex selves, a reminder of our essential interconnectedness with nature and each other.

In conclusion, a day at the beach is more than a leisurely escape; it’s a journey of discovery and introspection. It’s a stage where nature’s drama unfolds, a canvas where our stories intersect, and a mirror that reflects our shared humanity. It’s a place that invites us to slow down, to observe, to feel, to connect, and to contemplate. A day at the beach is a celebration of life in all its beautiful complexity.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Beach Is My Favorite Place (Essay Sample)

Table of Contents


We all have that one place that we escape to when things get too overwhelming. Where do you go when you need to relax? This essay talks about my favorite holiday destination, the beach.

I actually wrote this piece to once again remind myself that it’s okay (and necessary!) to sometimes take a break, be reminded of what really matters in life.

If you need help writing an essay on why beach is your favorite place to go to when on holiday, check out our custom essay writing services . We will collaborate with you and bring your ideas to life.

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Descriptive Essay Example of My Favourite Beach

We all have some favorite places that we love to visit during the holidays. The beautiful scenes that we come across are a welcome reprieve for our tired minds after a long period of work.

Finding My Zen at the Beach

For me, the beach is the best place to be. Others may think differently due to unique preferences and tastes. Personally, I find that the seaside is a unique choice for a holiday destination. There is nothing quite as calming as the bright blue hues of the ocean. The wind dances with the waves, causing them to move almost rhythmically, capturing the attention of the vacationer.

Another reason why I love the beach is that I enjoy swimming. I particularly love doing this with my friends as the company makes swimming more fun and provides a great way for us to bond.

Sunsets at the Beach

Another stunning visual to be enjoyed by the seaside is the sunset. I truly enjoy the play of colors as day transitions into night – from dainty pinks to fiery oranges, even to rich purples. I find this picturesque experience exceptionally dynamic. It makes something inside me come alive. I don’t have this experience anywhere else.

One great thing about staying at the beach is that there is something to be enjoyed during the day and during the evening. I love that the beach stays open most hours as this gives me flexibility. I can choose when I want to visit and not have to follow a strict schedule, which works well when I’m on vacation.

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The Beach During Evenings

I particularly love heading out at nightfall to visit the shoreline. The beach is very calm, peaceful, tranquil, and relaxing. It helps me unwind and takes away the stress that plagues me at work. Looking at the night sky with all the bright stars and the moon causes me to feel light-hearted.

Silhouette of Man Standing Near Body of Water

The best part for me is once night sets in, I can lay in the sand and stare up at the sky. I just linger there with my toes in the soft sand and think of all the things I am grateful for. I also give thanks to the Almighty Creator who made these majestic works of art.

I can only hope that I get to do this more often. My dream is to be able to frequent the most beautiful beaches in the world, to revel in the peace that they offer.

Make Time for Rest

These days, people are so busy with work and other obligations that they forget to pause and take a breather.

The tendency for many passionate workaholics is they keep scheduling a time to take a break, only to postpone it when something urgent captures their attention. While some of these are valid reasons to reschedule, most are really just convenient excuses to stay busy.

The glorification of busyness is the sad reality that keeps people from being healthy and well. We work our bodies to death and don’t give ourselves a chance to come up for air. At some point in our lives, we have been sold a false idea of productivity: that we have to work 24/7, and that taking a break is a luxury.

Breathers should not be seen as luxuries but as necessities. Rest is actually a productivity strategy. The way to truly accomplish things excellently is to do so from a place of rest. Work smart and you check off your to-do list without the anxiety and the dread. Work hard and you will find yourself resenting the actual work because it’s just exhausting.

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Don’t wait until you are burned out before you take a break. Schedule regular timeouts for yourself and use those times to “escape” to a place that helps you take a breath. Your soul, your work and your other commitments will thank you for it.

Whether it’s the sandy beaches for you or the mountains or any other hotspot, my hope for you is that you will also be able to find your sanctuary and safe space. Believe me when I say you need it and deserve it.

200 Words Short Essay About My Favorite Place (Beach)

Where do always I go when I want to feel relaxed? My family and friends all know that I head to where the ocean is. The beach is my most favorite place on earth. There is something magical about this place that makes me feel lighter immediately.

My favorite time to go is during the summer when the beautiful colors of the sky are most vibrant. That the sunset is amazing is an understatement. I could watch the sun go down after a blazing hot day over and over again. The gradually-changing hues are a glorious sight to behold.

The beach is my favorite place to find inspiration. I often find that when I get stuck in a creative rut, the extraordinary natural elements at my favorite spots instantly rejuvenate my mental stamina. If only I could go back every week, I would. Just watching the waves move in sync with one another is the best way to recharge for me.

Relaxation is important for everyone. There are other places that I also find charming, but I’ve found my sweet spot by the seashore – I hope you find yours too.

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How to Describe Your Favorite Place to Visit

For a descriptive essay on your favorite place to visit, the best trick you can use is to maximize your five senses. Think of the sights, sounds, smells, tastes, and sensations your favorite place evokes. How do these make you feel? Connecting what your senses pick up to an emotion brings your reader into your world and allows them to experience the same things you have.

Before you start writing, take some time to close your eyes and imagine yourself in that favorite place. What are you doing? Who are you with? The imagery you draw out from these questions serves as the starting point of your custom essay.

Why the Beach Is a Popular Favorite Place to Describe in Essays

There’s no question about it – it’s not that hard to fall in love with the beach. There are also plenty of unforgettable seascapes around the world, so you really are spoilt for choice. You can write so much about your favorite things to do there during the day, afternoon, and evening. There are even plenty of memorable activities that you can do during sunrise and sunset.

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Home Essay Samples Life Beach

A Visit to a Sea Beach: My Memorable Journey

Table of contents, embracing the tranquility, playing with the waves, sun, sand, and serenity, awe-inspiring sunset.

  • National Geographic. (n.d.). The Healing Power of the Ocean. Retrieved from
  • Beach Bliss Living. (2022). The Science Behind the Soothing Sound of the Waves. Retrieved from
  • Smith, J. (2019). The Psychological Benefits of Walking on Sand. Nature and Wellbeing, 14(3), 167-182.
  • Coastal Living Magazine. (2018). The Joy of Playing with the Waves. Coastal Living, 25(6), 45-58.
  • Sunset Spectacles. (2021). Capturing the Beauty of Beach Sunsets. Retrieved from

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Published: Jan 28, 2021

Words: 792 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Works Cited:

  • American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.).
  • Gallo, C. (2014). Talk like TED: The 9 public-speaking secrets of the world’s top minds. St. Martin’s Griffin.
  • Lee, D. (2014). How to give a TED talk : Presentation secrets from the world’s best speakers. St. Martin’s Press.
  • Lerner, M. J., & Keltner, D. (2001). Fear, anger, and risk. Journal of personality and social psychology, 81(1), 146-159.
  • O'Hair, D., Stewart, R. A., & Rubenstein, H. (2015). A speaker's guidebook: Text and reference. Bedford/St. Martin's.
  • Velasquez, L. (2013, December). How do you define yourself? [Video file]. TEDx Talks.
  • Yousuf, A. (2017). Public speaking skills for dummies. John Wiley & Sons.
  • Zarefsky, D. (2013). Public speaking: Strategies for success. Pearson.
  • Zimmerman, J. (2014). TED talks: The official TED guide to public speaking. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt.
  • Ziv, A. (2015). The ultimate public speaking survival guide: 37 things you must know when you start public speaking. Amazon Digital Services LLC.

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A trip to the beach essay

A trip to the beach essay 6 models

A trip to the beach essay , The sea is one of the most important entertainment for man since ancient times, where man raises his thoughts and worries and engages in the spectacular sea view, the successive waves of surf and boats , all of this gives you many ideas from which you can write a trip to the beach essay in English .

A trip to the beach essay

The sea is one of the most important entertainments for man since ancient times, where man get rid of his thoughts and concerns. Man used to spend the time thinking about the wonderful sea view and watching the successive waves breaking against the shore. Observing the off shore ships and boats and think beyond this sea, what is on the opposite shore, people who came before him to this place and who will come after him with same concerns and reasons brought him to the sea.

Throughout the school year, I was eager to the sea and waiting for the exams to end and the start of the summer vacation to visit to my friends in the nearby coastal city.

I have been communicating with my friends all year. And they are also waiting for the exams to end and the summer vacation to enjoy the sea, beach and fishing.

When I go to them, we organize a lot of useful activities such as swimming, fishing, diving, playing beach ball, volleyball, kayaking and other fun activities.

We also spend our time fishing using a boat we take from the fishing port after obtaining the necessary permits.

We start early in the early morning to take advantage of sunlight and head to the fishing port to get licenses and ride the fishing boat.

The boat goes away from the beach to an area that only the captain knows it well.  When we reach an area with lots of fish that nobody else knows, he asks us to prepare and start fishing.

We remain busy all day fishing. We eat sandwiches and have drinks prepared by the captain’s assistant.

We use fishing rod and reel. Often catch three or four fish at a time. So we have no chance for anything else on that day except fishing because of plenty of fish from all size and type.

At about 3 pm the captain tells us that we have to go back to the beach and we collect our equipments and prepare to leave.

The return trip by boat is more beautiful and wonderful when returning because the sun is in our back and has tended to go down.

The return journey takes a full hour and sometimes it is even more. We take advantage of this time to enjoy the view of the city, which we see from a distance, and take pictures and check the fish and talk about the oddities and that happened to us during the fishing.

I would recommend all those wishing to enjoy the experience of going on a trip to the sea and riding a boat to go fishing.

A visit to a sea beach essay

One of my special summer holidays was two years ago when we went on a trip to the island of Maldives, and we were able to enjoy the many distinctive beaches, all of which are characterized by white sand and wonderful turquoise water.

I enjoyed the drink a lot while sitting in a hammock hanging in a palm tree, as well as wandering and relaxing at sunset on the tongues stretching in the sea, enjoying the candles, the wonderful view, the evening parties and music, It was the best beach I’ve ever sat on and had so much fun.

I hope to repeat this experience again and visit the Maldives again.

Visit to a beach essay for class 3

It is great to appreciate the good things that we possess and know how to preserve them, whether from the aesthetic side or from the cultural and tourism side.

I live in a coastal city, we have many beautiful beaches that I am very happy to visit and spend time on. I feel very comfortable as soon as I reach the beach and see the sea and hear the sound of the waves, I feel calm and very happy.

And when I smell the smell of water, I feel a great desire to go down and enjoy it, especially on sunny days, the water is very attractive, as it moisturizes the body and gives freshness and vitality.

I very much like to visit the beach with my family members and practice water sports with them. We enjoy that a lot, there are always some happy and funny situations that happen with us.

Besides the funny situations, I learned a lot to appreciate the natural blessings that are around us, and that there are people who are unlucky, as there are many cities and countries that do not have beaches and they cannot enjoy such wonderful beaches and such a beautiful feeling. Therefore, I greatly appreciate what we possess of natural goods.

Short essay about holiday at beach

It’s great to go back to normal activities and enjoy life like we used to do in the past. There is no doubt that life will not return to 100% normal as it was this year, but it will certainly return gradually, such as returning to study, going shopping and taking a walk, and visiting the beach.

This is the second year after the whole world was infected with the Corona epidemic, and this is the first vacation on the beach for me and my family.

It was not easy to go out in gatherings and there are laws that prevent this. Even because many public places are closed, so it was great in my city to coordinate the governor with the beaches to receive specific numbers daily while maintaining distance and preventive measures.

We were able to book online at a nearby beach and only me and my family could go there. We enjoyed the beach, the water and the sun a lot. It’s been a long time without going out for a walk and sitting in the fresh air, we really needed that.

I really liked the idea of ​​the website and pre-booking, especially that the beach is almost empty and there are no large numbers, which left us an opportunity to play and enjoy more comfort.

It was a nice vacation we all needed and I hope it will happen again and this disease will not come back fiercely again.

Sauveteurs in the essay the seaside are

All countries are witnessing a significant and noticeable change in the state of the climate and the environmental change resulting from the increase in global warming, which is caused by exhausts and factories all over the world.

Therefore, many coastal countries are going through many changes, including rising sea waves, and an increase in the water level at different times of the year, which none of these countries witnessed before.

In the recent period, there was a clear and noticeable role of lifeguards on the shores of the sea, and I was able to see their effective role and work, which many of the city’s residents testify to. Where they caused on a daily basis to save many people from drowning, which makes them in a great place and loved by all the people of the city.

This is due to their development and their awareness of the changes surrounding us, which made them competent and a great deal of responsibility, and fully aware of the danger that many countries are going through.

I liked the job of a beach lifeguard very much and would like, on my end-of-year vacation, to join them and help others.

Sauveteurs in the essay the seaside area

Everyone is waiting to go to the beach and see the sea and the sky, and listen to the sounds of the waves that calm the nerves of many, in addition to going into the water and extracting the negative energy in the body. Therefore, many people come to enjoy and meditate on the beaches of the city every year.

The more people coming, the greater the dangers arise, and the beaches need monitoring and quick ambulance services.

Here comes the role of the rescue workers on the seashore, in paying attention to dangerous areas, and whenever a person approaches them, he is alerted by the whistle to return to the safety area.

They also play an important and significant role in quick rescue operations, and the correct first aid operation that preserves human life from any dangers.

Therefore, their role is very important, and it cannot be underestimated, and they must be listened to, no matter how good you think you are at swimming.

Their experience must be respected, as they witness daily drownings, and see how the cases are in dangerous situations, so they care a lot about avoiding the matter by keeping you away from the clouds areas, in which many people drown.

Personally, I greatly respect the role they play, and I would very much like in the coming years to be able to join them and help others, so that they do not drown and that parents do not lose their children, as happens a lot around me.

In this way we have provided you with  a trip to the beach essay in English, and you can read more through the following link:

  • My summer vacation essay

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How to Describe a Beach in Writing (21 Best Tips & Examples)

The gentle ebb and flow of waves, the warmth of golden sands, and the melodies of seagulls overhead – beaches captivate the senses.

I’ve described beaches many times in my own short stories and novels.

Here’s how to describe a beach in writing :

Describe a beach in writing by focusing on its unique size, climate, sand color, and location. Explore sensory details such as the sound of waves, the scent of saltwater, and the feel of the sand. Highlight cultural elements, marine life, vegetation, seasonal shifts, and local activities.

In this guide, you’ll learn everything you need to know to describe a beach in writing.

1. Unearth the Sands of Time

How to Describe a Beach in Writing

Table of Contents

Every beach tells a story.

Some are age-old resting spots for local fishermen, while others have seen shipwrecks, invasions, or have been silent witnesses to lovers’ tales.

Before diving into descriptions, research the history of the beach you’re writing about.

This will not only add depth to your narrative but also connect readers to a bygone era.

Plus, if you love beaches as much as I do, then this will be pure heaven for you.

While some beaches have preserved their old-world charm with untouched landscapes, others boast modern-day beach shacks, surfing schools, or yoga retreats.

Distinguishing between the ancient sands and modernized coasts can set the mood for your description.

2. Palette of the Sands

Not all beaches are golden.

Some have white, powdery sands, while others flaunt a rare black, pink, or even green hue.

The color of the sand can significantly influence the ambiance of the beach.

Dive into the specifics – is the sand fine or coarse? Is it cool to the touch or sun-baked and warm?

Often, the sand isn’t just sand. It’s interspersed with shells, pebbles, seaweed, and sometimes even fragments of corals. Highlight these unique elements as they add character to the beach and provide sensory details for readers.

3. Dance of the Tides

Some beaches are known for their calm, lapping waves, making them ideal for relaxation.

In contrast, others are marked by powerful, crashing waves perfect for adventurous activities like surfing.

Describe the rhythm, sound, and sight of the waves to convey the beach’s spirit.

Understanding the tidal patterns can greatly enhance your description.

Low tides might expose hidden tidal pools, while high tides might bring with them a sense of mystery and anticipation.

This also affects the beach’s width and appearance at different times.

4. Symphony of the Shore

The beach isn’t silent.

From the cries of the seagulls to the whispers of the winds and the rhythmic sound of waves, nature creates a symphony.

Use auditory descriptions to transport readers to the shore.

On popular beaches, the sound of children’s laughter, chatter from nearby cafes, or tunes from a distant radio can add layers to the auditory experience.

Decide whether your beach is serene and untouched or bustling with activity.

5. Coastal Climate Chronicles

Is the beach sun-drenched, making it ideal for sunbathing? Or is it frequently cloaked in mist, giving it a mysterious aura?

The weather plays a crucial role in setting the scene and can influence activities, moods, and narratives.

Beaches transform with seasons.

While summer brings in crowds and vibrant energy, winter might render the beach desolate, with only the bravest souls venturing out.

Describe these shifts to add depth to your narrative.

6. Sunlit Spectacles

The magic of a beach often unfolds during the golden hours.

Narrate the transformation of the horizon as the sun rises, casting a delicate pink and gold hue, or as it sets, engulfing the world in fiery reds and deep purples.

The changing colors reflect not only in the sky but also in the water and sand.

While sunrise and sunset are dramatic, the midday sun brings out the vibrancy of beach activities, and nighttime might unveil a sky full of stars or even bioluminescent waves on certain beaches.

7. Flora’s Flourish

Many beaches are lined with specific vegetation, from towering palm trees to delicate dune flowers.

Describe the flora’s color, shape, and how it dances in the breeze, adding life to the coastal landscape.

Floral aromas mixed with the salty sea air can create a heady combination.

Bring out the varied fragrances one might encounter while taking a leisurely stroll.

8. Fauna Features

Tidal pools might house starfish, crabs, or tiny fishes.

Coral beaches might be teeming with colorful marine life. Delve into the beauty of the creatures that call the beach their home.

From seagulls to pelicans and sandpipers, the avian world adds movement and sound to the beach.

Their behaviors, from hunting for fish to playful chases, can be delightful to describe.

9. Activity Avenues

Be it children building sandcastles, surfers riding waves, or yoga enthusiasts greeting the sun, beaches often become hubs of activities.

Depicting these can give readers a sense of the beach’s energy.

Not all beachgoers seek company.

Some look for solitude – a quiet corner to read, meditate, or just gaze at the horizon.

Highlighting these moments adds depth and contrast.

10. Textures and Touch

Beyond visuals, the feel of the beach is vital.

Is the sand powdery soft, or is it grainy and rough? Does the water feel icy cold or pleasantly warm?

Engaging the sense of touch can make descriptions palpable.

How does the beach make one feel? Tranquil, exhilarated, nostalgic?

Tapping into emotions can resonate deeply with readers.

11. Tastes of the Tides

A trip to the beach is incomplete without the taste of salt on your lips from the sea spray.

For many beaches, nearby stalls serve fresh seafood.

Describing the tantalizing flavors of the ocean’s bounty can make readers’ mouths water.

Beach destinations often have signature beverages – from coconut water to adult drinks.

Highlighting these drinks can set the tone and mood of the beach scene.

12. Auditory Adventures

Every beach has its unique sound of waves – from gentle lapping to roaring surfs.

These sounds are soothing and rhythmic, making them integral to a beach description.

Include the distant laughter of beachgoers, the chirping of coastal birds, or the playful shout of children.

Such sounds breathe life into the scene.

13. Historical Hints

Many beaches have rich histories, from pirate tales to ancient civilizations.

Weaving in some historical elements can give depth to the beach’s narrative.

Statues, forts, or old lighthouses can stand as silent witnesses to the past. Mentioning these can make a beach scene more vivid and layered.

14. Moods of the Sea

The mood of the sea changes with weather and tides.

While a calm sea can be serene and inviting, a stormy sea can be wild and dramatic. Depicting these moods can influence the story’s atmosphere.

Low tide might reveal hidden treasures like shells or ancient shipwrecks, while high tide brings in waves and fresh mysteries.

The ebb and flow of tides can be metaphorical and descriptive.

15. Colorful Canvases

Describing the varying shades of blues, greens, and golds of the sea, sky, and sand can paint a vivid picture.

Sunlight plays a role in these changing hues, so consider the time of day.

Beaches at night transform into a world of silvery moonlight, shadows, and possibly bioluminescent creatures.

Using a palette of darker shades can set a contrasting and mystical scene.

16. Human Imprints

From lone footprints in the sand to majestic sandcastles, human touch is evident on many beaches.

Describing these imprints can suggest recent activity or age-old legacies.

Sadly, not all human imprints are poetic (or positive).

Describing signs of pollution, like plastic waste, can serve as a stark reminder and add an environmental angle to your narrative.

17. Unique Underwater Worlds

Many beaches are gateways to underwater paradises.

Vividly describing the diverse, colorful corals can transport readers into a magical realm.

Each coral formation has its own charm, from brain corals’ intricate patterns to the elegant sway of sea fans.

Beaches often harbor rich marine ecosystems.

Describing encounters with playful dolphins, curious turtles, or schools of shimmering fish can add depth and wonder to your narrative.

18. Local Life and Culture

Many coastal communities have age-old traditions linked to the sea.

Highlighting local festivals, rituals, or even daily activities like fish markets can provide readers with a cultural immersion.

Local handicrafts or special beachside dishes can offer a sensory feast.

Be it a description of intricate seashell jewelry or the tantalizing aroma of grilled seafood, integrating local flavors can enrich your beach description.

19. Dynamic Dunes and Vegetation

Sand dunes, shaped by the wind, can change forms and create mesmerizing patterns.

Describing these dynamic landscapes can add an element of nature’s artistry to your narrative.

Coastal vegetation, from tall palm trees to dense mangroves, not only adds to the beach’s visual appeal but also plays a crucial role in maintaining coastal ecology.

Diving into descriptions of these can add both beauty and educational value.

20. Seasonal Shifts

While summer might bring in sunbathers, winter could wrap the beach in misty allure. Capturing these seasonal nuances can create varied and engaging settings.

Monsoon or hurricane seasons can drastically change beach atmospheres.

Describing the sheer power of nature during such times can infuse drama and tension into your story.

21. Adventure and Activities

From surfing monstrous waves to peaceful kayaking sessions, beaches offer numerous adventure opportunities.

Describing the thrill and challenges of these activities can inject action into your beach scenes.

Leisurely activities like beachcombing can be therapeutic and rewarding.

Detailed descriptions of discovering seashells, driftwood, or even messages in bottles can add mystery and intrigue.

Here is my video that I made about how to describe a beach in writing:

30 Best Words to Describe a Beach in Writing

I’ve collected some of the best words to describe beaches.

Feel free to use these words to bring beaches to life in your own stories:

  • Sun-drenched
  • Crystal-clear
  • Picturesque

30 Best Phrases to Describe a Beach in Writing

Consider using these phrases to describe the beaches in your stories:

  • Waves lapping at the shore
  • Blanket of golden sands
  • Palm trees swaying gently
  • Horizon stretching endlessly
  • Colors of the setting sun
  • Children building sandcastles
  • Echo of distant seagulls
  • Soft whisper of the ocean breeze
  • Shells scattered like treasures
  • Footprints washed away
  • Secrets of the deep blue
  • Calm before the storm
  • A dance of playful dolphins
  • Reflection of a crimson sky
  • Nature’s perfect canvas
  • Dunes shaped by the wind
  • Taste of salt on the lips
  • Shadows growing longer
  • Aromas of beachside grills
  • Moonlit silver waters
  • Mystery of tidal patterns
  • Laughter and beach games
  • Sway of coastal grasses
  • Rhythms of the coastal life
  • Stories the tide brings in
  • Gentle embrace of the sea
  • Paradise found and lost
  • Hideaway for dreamers
  • Dance of light on waves
  • Sands of time standing still

3 Examples of How to Describe a Beach

Let’s look at three imaginative depictions of beaches, each resonating with the unique essence of its respective genre.

  • Romance : The serene beach under the moon’s embrace seemed to whisper tales of ageless romances. The moonlight cast a silvery glow on the quiet beach, where waves serenaded the shores. The sands, cool beneath their feet, became their dance floor. Their hearts resonated with the rhythm of the waves, as they lost themselves in each other’s embrace, amidst the vastness of the ocean.
  • Mystery/Thriller : A heavy atmosphere weighed down on the beach, with secrets buried as deep as its oceanic abyss. The beach was eerily silent, save for the relentless pounding of the waves. A thick fog hung low, concealing much of the shore. As Detective Adams approached, the beam from his flashlight revealed a set of footprints, leading into the mysterious abyss of the night.
  • Fantasy : To the common eye, it’s a beach. But for those with the sight, The Golden Sands of Elaria were gateways to otherworldly adventures. As dawn broke, the sands sparkled with magic. Mermaids emerged from the turquoise depths, dragons soared above the azure skies, and ancient runes appeared, guiding brave adventurers to hidden realms beneath.

Final Thoughts: How to Describe a Beach in Writing

Describing beaches is truly an ocean of opportunities.

Dive into more treasures by exploring other articles on our site – you never know what pearls of wisdom you’ll unearth!

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  • How to Describe a Bed in Writing (10+ Tips and Examples)
  • How to Describe a Train in Writing (30+ Words & Examples)
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A Day at the Beach Essay

A day at the beach short essay for kids.

Kids love visiting beaches. They enjoy playing with sand and waves. The voice of waves hitting the shores is very refreshing, and it revitalises our souls. Collecting different varieties of seashells is a hobby for many kids. Building sandcastles and decorating them with shells is one of the fun activities for kids. They declare themselves as the king or queen of their tiny sand-made castles. Watching kids enjoy their time to the fullest is a delightful sight for parents. Activities like essay writing for kids will simplify the process of Kids learning and will help them improve their thinking skills.

a day at the beach essay

Table of Contents

Beach and my soul, essay on beach cleaning.

Beach is one of my favourite places to visit. I feel so refreshed after visiting a beach. It makes my body and mind active, and I think it is the best place on this planet where we can enjoy ourselves with our friends and family members. I love playing with the sand and building sandcastles with my friends. We made a huge sandcastle on our last visit to the beach and named it ‘The Castle of Wonders’. My friend and I announced ourselves as the two kings of that castle and placed two flags above it. The red flag I put represented me as the king of the castle, and the blue one represented my friend. We also clicked a picture standing before our majestic sandcastle, and I consider it one of the greatest moments of my life.

The unpredictability of waves always amazes me. The way they hit the shores is magical. I love playing with waves; my friends and I run away from the waves to avoid getting our legs washed by them. We also write random names and words on the sand and watch them getting cleared away by the waves. It is an exciting game that fills my heart with bliss. If your kids are interested in writing essays and expressing their ideas, BYJU’S My Favourite Season Essay in English will be a great resource to refer to.

Beaches are home to various creatures. By making their lands polluted, we are troubling their living habitat. Human beings pollute their land with waste materials such as plastic covers and bags, water bottles, cigarette filters, and many other items that lead to environmental degradation. Day by day, marine pollution is highly increasing and has resulted in the deterioration of the marine ecosystem.

Beach cleaning is the process of removing waste materials like litter and debris deposited on beaches brought by the tide and visitors. Social service is an excellent subject to be taught to students. It improves their social awareness and is a necessary quality that has to be transferred to the lives of youths for a better future. Conservation of natural resources is significant for the existence of human lives on Earth. Beach cleaning is one act of nature conservation that benefits the beach ecosystem.

A beach is an environment that supports the lives or varieties of plants and animals. A beach ecosystem is essential for human lives, and it plays a significant role in climatic change. It protects people’s lives near the beach by serving as a shield against storms. There are a lot of marine animals that depend on the beach ecosystem for survival, and they significantly contribute to the food chain. A day at the beach essay in English will help kids realise the importance of conserving marine ecosystems. For more essays, worksheets and stories , visit BYJU’S website.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is beach cleaning.

Beach cleaning is an act of conversing marine ecosystems by removing waste materials like litter and debris deposited on beaches brought by the tide and visitors.

What all elements enhance the beauty of a beach?

A beach is a beautiful place to visit. Sea, waves, wind, vast areas of sand, tiny crabs, the crimson red colour of the sky during sunset, and coconut trees are some of the elements that give the beauty of a beach.

What do kids learn from BYJU’S a day at the beach essay in English?

BYJU’S a day at the beach essay in English helps kids learn how to write effectively and express their thoughts about the beauty of beaches. Moreover, activities like essay writing develop writing skills and vocabulary in English.

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English Summary

A Day at the Beach Essay

A beach is an area of sand or small stones around the sea. I spent a day at Marina Beach in Chennai when I went there with my family on vacations. It was one of the best days of my life. I always wanted to visit the beach because it is a lot of fun.

Before we reached the beach, we bought caps and swimming dresses at the shops. When we reached the beach, I was so excited because everyone was enjoying the sea. Other children were playing with sand.

The beach was surrounded by dense trees and it was very clean. My mother sat on the sand under a tree and took out a book to read. My sister and I went to play with the water in the sea. We splashed water on each other and enjoyed the sea waves when they made us go up and down. After some time, we came back. Then I and my sister made a sandcastle. I also collected shells on the beach and we decorated the castle with them.

We bought fruits on the beach and also drank coconut water after that. When it was evening, we saw the setting sun. It looked like the sun was going inside the sea. We took a lot of pictures of this scene.

The beach became more splendid when the sky turned red. After six o’clock, we went to the changing room and took bath and changed our clothes because the guards did not allow us to be on the beach after sunset. We came back to our hotel and we all talked about our day. We all were so happy because the day was well spent.

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essay about holiday at the beach

Descriptive Essay about the Beach, with Outline

Published by gudwriter on May 29, 2018 May 29, 2018

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Outline of Descriptive Writing About the Beach – Miami


Thesis: The beach is one of the best places for entertainment and fun for adventurous people.

Paragraph 1:

The most remarkable beach is the Miami Beach.

  • . In the spring break of March, I visited the Miami Beach, and I was blown away by the salty and floating breeze of its coast.
  • At the beach, one cannot help but admire the calm blue sky or marvel at the beauty of creation in its entirety.
  • The beach is filled with all kinds of people, the young and the old clad in bath suits of different colors.

Paragraph 2:

People from different backgrounds and races fill the Miami Beach.

  • There are blacks, whites, Hispanics, and Indians among others.
  • In most cases, such people visit the beach in pairs as husband or wife or with their children.

Paragraph 3:

During the mid-afternoon, the rays of the sun get warmer.

  • At this time, people decide to take a dive in the ocean or stay ashore to experience the bitterness of the sticky evening air.
  • Mid-afternoon is the best time to experience the relaxing, soothing and peaceful atmosphere of the beach.

Paragraph 4:

In the afternoon, the beach is silent as people rush back home or to their hotels waiting for the next day.

  • A glimpse of the sand across the beach reveals how much activity took place during the day.
  • At dawn, the sound of the waves on the dark golden sands is more pronounced than during the day.

My visit to the Miami Beach was exceptional as I came to realize the thrill and excitement that nature holds. The people of different origins and the colorful environment makes the beach the best place to spend a holiday. The sound of the waves and the warm sun makes the entire experience worthwhile. In the coming years and future, I plan on spending my holidays at the beach all across the world.

Descriptive Essay About the Beach (Miami)

It is difficult to form a corrective idea of a beach without having seen one. Usually, a beach is a massive area along the shore of a vast water mass such as an ocean, sea, or lake. In most cases, it is often considered a place of relaxation since it is peaceful and quiet for anyone intending to see the beauty of Mother Nature at its best. The beach is one of the best places for entertainment and fun for adventurous people. It is also the perfect place to go to for anyone looking to momentarily forget about their life hustles and take a well-deserved break from the fast-paced normal daily life.

One of the most remarkable beach is the Miami Beach. Once during the spring break of March, I visited the Miami Beach, and I was blown away by the salty and floating breeze of its coast. At the beach, one cannot help but admire the calm blue sky or marvel at the beauty of creation in its entirety. The beach is filled with all kinds of people, both the young and the old clad in bath suits of different colors. The young children are covered in towels, and most of the times their parents allow them to create sandcastles or frolic in the ocean. Others choose to organize mini races on the beach sand and enjoy themselves casually competing with each other.

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People from different backgrounds and races always fill the Miami Beach. There are blacks, whites, Hispanics, and Indians among others. In most cases, such people visit the beach in pairs as husband and wife or with their children. The couples stroll the beach holding hands while others lie on the sand to enjoy the sun. In my visit, I attended alone to have an experience of this famous beach. The experience was out of this world as I laid down to take in the smell of the salty water feeling like a sea animal without caring about anything with the only consolation being the resonance of the rolling waves, the distance voices, and laughs and the laughter of people. The sun also did its part as it generously sent its rays to massage my intentionally exposed bare chest.

During the mid-afternoon, the rays of the sun get warmer. At this time, people decide to take a dive in the ocean or stay ashore to experience the bitterness of the sticky evening air. Without a doubt, I firmly believe that mid-afternoon is the best time to experience the relaxing, soothing, and peaceful atmosphere of the beach. The best experience is walking across the beach as the grainy, slick, and brown sugar sand take the shape of the feet while being comforted by the calm sound of the water and the rhythmic movement of the pounding sea water. It is difficult to ignore the fantastic experiences the beach poses.

In the evening, the beach is silent as people rush back home or to their hotels waiting for the next day. A glimpse of the sand across the beach reveals how much activity took place during the day. At dawn, the sound of the waves on the dark golden sands is more pronounced than during the day before people start flocking the beach as the sun emerges rising like a yellow balloon on the distant horizon. The sun actually appears to announce its intent to grace the day with warm rays and play its part in making the day on the beach a memorable one.

My visit to the Miami Beach was exceptional as I came to realize the thrill and excitement that nature holds. The people of different origins and the colorful environment makes the beach the best place to spend a holiday at. The sound of the waves and the warm sun makes the entire experience worthwhile. In the future, I plan on spending my holidays at different beaches across the world.

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Beach Memories: My Life in Beaches

beach memories

Life is better at the beach – or so they say. Childhood holidays at the seaside are the source of some of our most enduring memories. A national newspaper in the UK did a survey a few years ago. Nearly three quarters of the people that took part said that their best childhood memories were at the beach .

I love taking my kids to the beach. Like most children, they break out into a run as soon as they see the sea. I know I’ll never grow out of that excitement. I don’t know if it’s the salty taste of the air, the feel of the wind on my cheek, the sweet promise of a few hours with nothing to do but be in the moment. Even the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore makes me feel instantly calmer and happier.

I read blog posts for lots of reasons. They can be so useful for inspiring you to travel somewhere new, helping you plan a trip and deciding what to see and do when you get there. But I really love reading the more personal posts, the ones where you find out a bit more about the real person behind the blogger.

So here’s one from me, because my beach memories are all mingled up with the memories of who I was with at the time, the book I was reading and the person I was at that point in my life. I hope you enjoy it.


beach memories

It was an unusually hot summer. My brother and I had got used to cooling ourselves down with popsicles in the paddling pool. But one extra hot, muggy afternoon, my mother and granny picked us up from school and took us to Boscombe Beach, near Bournemouth on the Dorset Coast .

We ran into the sea, whooping and hollering for joy, then settled down in the sand to build sandcastles and take turns to bury each other in the sand. We ate our cheese and marmite sandwiches, our faces sticky with tomato juice mixed with sand, strawberries and suncream.

Dirty and tired, we fell asleep on the drive home, about as happy as it’s possible to be outside of Christmas, after telling each other “that was the best day ever!” And it was.

beach memories

I’d never seen palm trees before – or fields of sugar cane. We ate pancakes smothered in syrup for breakfast (an unheard-of treat) and fried flying fish for lunch. And I spent hours on the beach poring over the pages of Seventeen, a US magazine I’d picked up at the airport, marvelling at what I saw as the unimaginably glamorous life of an American teenager. The pages of girls in prom dresses impressed me no end – we had nothing like that in the UK.

We went waterskiing and swam out to the coral until my brother and I convinced ourselves that the dark reef beneath us was the Jaws-sized shadow of a shark and had to rush back.

And we had the classic teenage problem of embarrassing parents. Our father insisted on wearing these awful cut off jeans at the beach and our mother entered – and won – the hotel’s limbo dancing competition.

South of France

beach memories

I know I would laugh if I saw my 19-year-old self now. Lying on the beach with her friends, adjusting her towel every half an hour to get that perfect tan. Pulling back her shoulders and squeezing in her stomach every time she walks past the pot-bellied Italian rumoured to be a film director. Trying – and failing – to look like Jean Seberg from Godard’s film, À Bout de Souffle, whenever she picks up a cigarette.

That was the summer a few of us from university were invited to stay at a friend’s villa just outside Cannes. To me, it was like one of those show homes with furniture too fancy to sit on and wrap-around balconies overlooking the sea. We were greeted with Champagne and told to make ourselves at home.

We spent every day on the beach, reading French novels and talking about boys. Evenings were for singing INXS loudly as we drove along the coast to Cannes for gin fizzes in the bars of the Promenade de la Croisette.

Gili Islands

beach memories

I fell in love with snorkelling on Gili Air, one of a tiny group of islands off the coast of Lombok in Indonesia. I’ve still never seen a coral reef so vibrantly colourful or with so many fish as we did here. My boyfriend and I spent hours swimming until I had another one of those Jaws moments when a reef shark swam up close.

Judging by the amount of blog posts I now see about the Gili Islands, they must be really popular now, but back in the late 90s they were relatively unknown – a tropical paradise unlike anything I’d ever experienced.

A room in the most expensive hotel on the island cost us $50. It was a simple but clean hut with a terrace with a hammock and a gorgeous garden shower decorated in coloured glass and seashells.

There were only ever a few of us on the beach. I spent hours engrossed in A.S.Byatt’s doorstopper of a novel, Possession, so my head was filled with poetry and Victorian England but for me, disappearing into the pages of a book has always been one of the charms of a beach holiday. Find out why by reading On Travelling with Books .

beach memories

But we always said that there was no reason why having children should stop us travelling so we tested that theory by flying to Brazil and taking a four-and-a-half-hour taxi ride to a stylish boutique hotel I’d fallen in love with on .

I’ve written before about the difficulty we had finding small, chic hotels that were family friendly but the Pousada Picinguaba really was the answer to our dreams. The honeymoon suite made the ideal family room and it was so close to the bar that we could put our little boy to bed then tiptoe down, baby monitor in hand, to join the other guests for caipirinhas.

And the beach was tremendous. A glorious sweep of sand with no one on it but ourselves. We hiked there with Edward strapped into a rucksack on our backs, making it seem even more of an adventure for him by chanting our own version of We’re Going on a Bear Hunt while we walked. This was the beach hunt that took us through the fishing village, down the hill, into the woods and wading through the water until we finally reached it.

For more information about the Pousada Picinguaba, read my post about our favourite boutique hotels for families .


beach memories

Walberswick in Suffolk is that rarest of places. A beach beside a quintessentially English village complete with village green, pretty thatched cottages, tearooms and pubs. You walk across the river and through the sand dunes to get to this beach – a sand and shingle beach that never gets too busy, unlike its more well-known neighbour, Southwold, a short rowing boat ferry ride across the harbour.

Walberswick is a quirky place. It’s no surprise to find out a group of locals swim in the North Sea every morning even in the freezing winter. It’s famous for its crabbing too. You can spend hours on the wooden bridge or the jetty of the harbour with your bucket and crabbing line.

It’s so charming that you wonder why it hasn’t been the setting for a classic British film. Come to the village fête in August and you’ll see, like we did, Richard Curtis (screenwriter for films like Four Weddings and a Funeral and Bridget Jones’s Diary) lurking over the bric-a-brac stall at one end of the green and Paul Greengrass (director of the Bourne films) hovering by the tombola at the other. And then there’s novelist, Esther Freud (Hideous Kinky) heading down the lane, arms filled with potted plants – they’ve all got homes here. But perhaps they want to keep it a secret.

Beach holidays in Walberswick are good for the soul. They can be an unexpected treat over Christmas too. The year we woke up on Christmas morning to our third day without heat or electricity we escaped to Suffolk and found ourselves at Walberswick on Boxing Day, walking on the beach and warming ourselves up with pea soup at the local pub for lunch.

To find out more about wonderful Walberswick, take a look at Six Ways to Fall in Love with Walberswick .

beach memories

I’ve always loved the idea of a secret beach. The perfect beach should feel like a discovery. They’re the beaches you have to make an effort to get to, the ones that other tourists haven’t found out about.

When we were staying in Panormos on the north coast of Crete, another English couple told us about a ‘secret’ beach they’d discovered while talking to locals. Up to that point we’d been visiting the busy beach in the village along with all the other holidaymakers. But this beach was different. There were just a few sun loungers spread out on the pebbles in a pretty bay surrounded by rocks with caves you could swim out to. A beach café served fresh fish and salad for lunch and the few lucky people who’d discovered this hidden idyll had the beach virtually to themselves.

Later that first afternoon our boys had the thrill of their lives when the waves came crashing into the shore and they squealed with delight as the water came up to the first row of umbrellas. I captured that happy family moment with my camera – it’s one of the first shots I took for the blog.

For more ideas and inspiration on visiting Crete, take a look at 5 Places you Must Visit in Eastern Crete , The island of Spinalonga , 6 Things we Loved about Elounda Peninsula and Loutro: A Little Piece of Paradise on Crete .

So that’s my life in beaches – so far. I’d love to hear some of your stories. Let me know in the comments, or even better, write your own post #MyLifeinBeaches

If you enjoy reading the more personal blog posts, here are some of mine:

Blue: The Colours of My Travels

The Scents of My Travels

On Travelling with Books

A Suitcase Filled with Stories

My Ten Worst Travel Experiences

Which beaches would tell your life story? Childhood holidays at the seaside are the source of some of our most enduring memories but beaches are special places to all of us. Some of my favourites are in the UK, France, Indonesia and the Caribbean. Find out which are the most special - and why. #beachmemories #bestbeaches #bestvacations #familyvacations #seasideholidays

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Love love love this post! As you know we love the beach as well and spend as much time as we can at the shore. I grew up on an island and find I’m most comfortable in close proximity to the water. I don’t know that I have the corresponding photos, but I’m inspired to write a similar post… I did write about the soundtrack of my life…

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I’m so happy to hear you say that, Hilary. I must check out your post about the soundtrack of your life. I can just hear a few phrases of a song from a while back and I’m instantly transported to that time, that place. It’s like scent or taste – it takes you right back. I had to use a lot of Pixabay stock photos for this post as the quality of some of the photos from these memories are not good enough – or not on digital. If you can bear to use stock photos to illustrate yours, it would make such great reading…

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Wonderful beach memories.. Got me thinking about mine🙂

Thank you, Tanja. Beaches bring back the best memories, don’t they?

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We used to go to Boscombe beach as kids too!! I wonder if we ever shared a sandcastle unknowingly 😉 Great post!

Oh my goodness! Wouldn’t that have been cool? I wonder whether you used to gaze longingly at the crazy golf too?!

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I don’t know if it is the photo of the Brazil beach that got me, or the mention of caipirinhas! The combination is a winner for me. I love South of France but it does get so busy, although it’s amazing for people watching… xx

I agree. Those amazing Brazilian beaches and one of the most delicious cocktails ever really is the perfect combination.

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Ah jealous you’ve been to the Gili Islands! Another blogger currently lives there and I love to see/meet her there before she moves, unfortunately that’s not going to happen bc they’re already moving in Sept. It’s a beautiful place though! #FarawayFiles

We absolutely LOVED the Gili Islands! I’m fascinated to see how much or little it’s changed. It really was very special when we went. It’s somewhere I’d really like to go back to.

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Gili Islands speak to my heart 🙂 Wouldn’t mind stay in on that sun bed for a goooood while 🙂 #farawayfiles

The Gili Islands are so fabulous, Bea. I’ve never snorkelled in any sea as amazing as that. Ever.

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Gili islands has been on my bucket list for ages. Hopefully now I’m Singapore based, I can make it there! #farawayfiles

Oh it’s not so far for you then. We flew to Singapore before flying to Bali so it’s really accessible.

No matter how many beaches I find my way to, I always want to discover more. There’s just something about the water that draws us to it. I think that’s why we rarely choose landlocked destinations when considering travel. Such a lovely peek into what makes you happy! #farawayfiles

Thank you so much. I couldn’t agree more about the lure of water and the sea. It’s also the quality of the light near the sea that draws me in – it doesn’t even matter if it’s in the winter. It’s still extraordinarily beautiful.

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What a fabulous post – beaches are so evocative and what a wonderful selection of memories. I am very envious of some of the places you’ve visited, lovely to have the chance to discover some of the blogger behind the blog too #farawayfiles

Thank you so much, Cathy. I did rather enjoy taking a break from worrying about SEO and the more technical side of blogging. Just writing something I fancied was really refreshing!

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Love this! It was just over a year ago that we took our kids on their first real beach vacation to St. Simons Island, Georgia. It still remains one of our fondest memories even after a couple of Disney trips. #FarawayFiles

Thanks so much, Liana. That first beach vacation is so special, isn’t it?

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What a lovely idea for a post and a great way to talk a walk down memory lane. Looks like you’ve covered a number of defining moments in your life through recollecting sandy shores. You never told us which was your favourite though?

Thanks so much, Paul. I had fun writing it. These weren’t necessarily my favourite beaches, just the ones with the strongest memories attached. But if I did have to choose a favourite from this selection it would probably be the one in Brazil.

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Since I grew on a Caribbean island, it is expected that a lot of my childhood memories are related to the beach. We used to go quite often (sometimes a couple of hours after school). After college, I ended up living in California and it was close to the beach once again. It is hard to think about living far from the ocean now. Recently, we visited Croatia and the beaches in there were incredible. #FarawayFiles

What a lovely place to grow up, Ruth. It sounds as though you really need to be beside the sea. I’ve been to Hvar in Croatia but I’d love to explore more of that beautiful country.

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I love this post! I remember being a kid and visiting the New Jersey shore in the summer–we always had such a great time. Now it’s the kind of thing I’m trying to impart to my daughter. #farawayfiles

Thanks so much, Maggie. Those childhood beach memories are so special, aren’t they?

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Claire, what a lovely idea for a post, this is so lovely to read! Made me think back to the special beaches in my life too…. 🙂 #FarawayFiles

Thanks so very much, Keri. I’d love to read yours! It’s amazing how many memories can be linked to beaches.

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Really, really love this post, Clare! I never spent much of my childhood at the beach because my parents were not into seasides and beaches even though our house was just fifteen minutes’ walk from the seaside. It’s a rocky beach and swimming is definitely not recommended but I remember stone skipping with friends in the evenings until dinner time 🙂 Some sections of your post got me chuckling especially reading Seventeen (I used to read Seventeen and Smash Hits!) and your mom winning the limbo dancing competition – oh the embarrassing things that our parents did, lol! #FarawayFiles

Thank you so very much, Kat. I was stuck with non seaside parents too, although we did often go sailing. I was obsessed with that one copy of Seventeen. As I was in the UK, I only ever had that one very precious copy which I’d bought at the airport. I could not believe all those pages of prom dresses! I bet my kids think I’m the most embarrassing mum ever – although I don’t think I’d win a limbo dancing competition!

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Such a lovely post, you can tell it’s written from the heart. The stories of you and your brother bring back so many memories of my childhood with my brother. Thanks very much for sharing. #farawayfiles

Thanks so much, Janis. I really enjoyed writing it. I’ll have to try and persuade my brother to read this one, won’t I?

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The beach is probably the most traveled type of destination by families worldwide. Every family has their fun memory of going to the beach together. 🙂

I absolutely love going on beach holidays with my kids. It’s such a special place.

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Oh I love this, Clare. I loved reading about all the places, but especially enjoyed hearing about your memories, and the details. It’s amazing how one moment or taste or smell can stay with you forever. The Brazilian vaca and hotel sounds amazing, I’ll have to check out the website. And I loved the bit about your mom winning the limbo!!! #farawayfiles

Thanks so much, Corey. Sometimes it’s all those tiny little moments that make up a life, I guess. I found it fascinating recalling some of these details. The Brazilian holiday was absolutely brilliant – I’d really recommend that hotel and that area. It’s near the gorgeous colonial town of Paraty which I’m sure you’d love. I’ve actually been there twice and I’d honestly go again. My mother and that limbo dancing competition – my brother and I nearly died of embarrassment!

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Thanks ! it is nice blog for sharing your memories in the beach ! it create life in the beach …..I love it !

Thanks so very much.

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Love this post Clare! Great to get to know you better through it and read your beach memories. Many of mine are interspersed with the books I’ve read, taking me back to the pages and the scent of the sea. Of course, I don’t have as much beach reading time with two young children but I hope to get them back one day soon! #farawayfiles

Thank you so much, Elizabeth. Before the children, I spent hours reading books on the beach. I missed that so much after I had the kids. We’re just starting to get back into it now that the boys are more independent and safer in the sea. Sometimes all four of us read together which is lovely.

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I really loved this post, as the others have said, for the variety of seaside experiences and for what it reveals about your personality- so lovely! I grew up with the Florida beach as our primary holiday destination year after year, in large part because a grandmother lived in Tampa and so it was economical to spend time with her AND get some time at the beach. You’ve inspired me to consider a post similar to this, thank you for that inspiration and encouragement!

I must add that I adored your description of you as a teen in Barbados. I’m American and lived in the states reading Seventeen, too, and also wishing I was a pretty/stylish/cool as the magazine depicted teens to be…haha! You were not alone. And your dad in his cutoffs and mom doing the limbo – now that’s just perfect! Thanks for sharing, your writing is easy and engaging.


Thanks so very much Beth. I really enjoyed writing it. I’d absolutely love to read your beach memories and I wouldn’t have minded a grandmother living in Florida either. I’m glad to hear that Americans weren’t as stylish as the ones in Seventeen. As a very uncool Brit at the time, I was in total awe of what I saw as those glamorous Americans in their gorgeous prom dresses.

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Lovely post Clare! I do indeed have some very happy memories from childhood and 20-something trips to the beach. I remember toying with the idea of visiting that hotel in Brazil for my honeymoon, good to hear that it works for families too!

Oh, we absolutely loved the Pousada Picinguaba, Annabel! It doesn’t market itself as a family hotel but they couldn’t have done more for us. Beach memories are some of the best, aren’t they? I’d love to read more of yours.

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Rory mcilroy had private investigator serve wife with divorce papers.

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Rory McIlroy’s estranged wife Erica Stoll was served divorce papers by a private investigator while at their family home in the members-only development, The Bear’s Club, in Jupiter, Fla., on May 13, according to court documents obtained by Irish newspaper The Belfast Telegraph .

McIlroy filed for divorce from Stoll, his wife of seven years, stating the marriage was “irretrievably broken,” and the documents stated the pair  has a prenup.

Stoll was served the legal documents by Carl Woods — a former Palm Beach police officer, who now runs a private practice , CW Services & Associates, which serves the legal community — at 10.30 a.m. on May 13, according to the summons.

Rory McIlroy of Team Europe and wife Erica attend the Gala Dinner prior to the 2023 Ryder Cup at Marco Simone Golf Club on September 27, 2023 in Rome, Italy.

In it, Woods described Stoll as being white with blonde hair, in her 30s, thin, and standing between 5-foot-7 and 5-foot-8 in height. He said she was not wearing glasses.

McIlroy signed the divorce papers digitally while he was playing in the Wells Fargo Championship at Quail Hallow in North Carolina, which he went on to win, on May 9, per court records.

The 35-year-old Northern Irishman filed the papers in Palm Beach County Court through attorney Thomas Sasser, who represented Tiger Woods in his high-profile divorce with Elin Nordegren in 2010.

Rory McIlroy of Northern Ireland hits his tee shot on the 9th tee during the Pro-Am of the RBC Canadian Open at the Hamilton Golf and Country Club on May 29, 2024 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

Stoll has 20 days to file a written response to McIlroy’s petition with the circuit court clerk from the day she was served, according to the documents.

“A phone call will not protect you,” the summons read. “Your written response, including the case number given above and the names of the parties, must be filed if you want the court to hear your side of the case.

“If you do not file your response on time, you may lose the case, and your wages, money and property may thereafter be taken without further warning from the court.

“There are other legal requirements. You may want to call an attorney right away. If you do not know an attorney, you may call an attorney referral service or a legal aid office (listed in the phone book.”

essay about holiday at the beach

Stoll has yet to respond to McIlroy’s divorce filing as of May 26, when the report was published.

McIlroy and Stoll are seeking split custody of their daughter Poppy, now 3, whom they welcomed in August 2020, according to his divorce filing.

A week after the split was made public, a report by The Daily Mail said McIlroy and CBS reporter Amanda Balionis were  “the talk of the links”  on the PGA Tour and the two were stirring romance rumors.

The pair has yet to address that report.

McIlroy’s camp released a statement at the time that “stressed Rory’s desire to ensure this difficult time is as respectful and amicable as possible.”

His team added that he would not be commenting further on the matter.

Rory McIlroy of Northern Ireland talks with the media following the Pro-Am of the RBC Canadian Open at the Hamilton Golf and Country Club on May 29, 2024 in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada.

McIlroy is set to compete at this week’s RBC Canadian Open, which runs through June 2 at Hamilton Golf and Country Club in Hamilton, Ontario.

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Rory McIlroy of Team Europe and wife Erica attend the Gala Dinner prior to the 2023 Ryder Cup at Marco Simone Golf Club on September 27, 2023 in Rome, Italy.


San Clemente closed for the holiday after shark bumped surfer off his board

 A surfer heads to the water as storms move through the area in San Clemente, Calif., Dec. 12, 2022.

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A 2-mile (3.2-kilometer) stretch of a popular Southern California beach was closed for the Memorial Day holiday after a shark bumped a surfer off his board the night before, authorities said.

The 24-hour closure at San Clemente was announced after the surfer came out of the water and reported the shark’s aggressive behavior to lifeguards around 8 p.m. Sunday, the Orange County Register reported.

The surfer, who wasn’t hurt, was bumped after seeing a large, dark object swimming toward him, San Clemente Marine Safety Lt. Sean Staubenbaur said.

The sand remained open to the public, but beachgoers were warned to stay out of the water until 8 p.m. Monday.

Though disappointed, the closure didn’t stop 6-year-old Waylon Andino’s plans for a lemonade fundraiser.

“It’s Memorial Day weekend, we’ll live it up and have fun with the kids regardless and enjoy each other’s company,” Waylon’s mom, Kylie Andino, told the Register.

A sighting of a shark 10 feet (3 meters) or longer calls for a closure, usually for several hours, while any kind of aggressive behavior automatically prompts a 24-hour shutdown, pending no additional shark sightings.

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Heading to the beach? These US beaches will be dangerous or gross this holiday weekend.

essay about holiday at the beach

Memorial Day weekend may mark the unofficial start to summer, but beachgoers in several states are being warned of heavy rain, windy conditions and unhealthy bacterial levels.

Even if it's safe to kick off summer at your beach of choice, in some places it's not looking as enjoyable as you might like. Some U.S. beaches are likely to be plagued by cloudy weather or gross mats of seaweed this weekend.

More than 42 million Americans are expected to be traveling this Memorial Day weekend, according to AAA , which estimates a 7% increase in travelers compared to last year.

If you're headed to the beach, here's what to know:

Southern California: Cloudy weather, high bacteria and blue jellyfish

From cloudy skies along the coast (not-so) affectionately known as "May Gray" to high bacteria levels, some Southern Californians looking forward to a beach weekend might be in for a disappointment.

The National Weather Service in San Diego said marine layer clouds were covering the region on Saturday morning.

"The sun should make an appearance for most places this afternoon, but it may be pretty brief at the coast," the weather service said in a tweet .

Beaches in the region have also been littered with blue jellyfish-like creatures known as by-the-wind sailors or velella velella, which aren't dangerous to humans, that have washed up in recent weeks. The California Department of Fish and Wildlife says the slimy creatures can't control their direction and "sail" with the wind, and wash up on shore if blown too close.

Thankfully, they're small and unlikely to ruin anyone's trip to the beach.

Meanwhile, Los Angeles County officials warned against going in the water at a handful of beaches due to levels of bacteria higher than what is considered safe. The Los Angeles County Department of Public Health said people should avoid swimming, surfing and playing in the water at the following beaches this weekend:

  • Mothers Beach in Marina Del Rey
  • Santa Monica Pier in Santa Monica
  • Topanga Canyon Beach in Malibu
  • Malibu Lagoon at Surfrider Beach
  • Latigo Shore Drive in Malibu
  • Marie Canyon Storm Drain at Puerco Beach
  • Las Flores Creek at Las Flores State Beach

Stormy weather at southeastern beaches as Hurricane Center tracks weather system

The National Hurricane Center is monitoring a storm system off the coast of South Carolina this weekend and warned it will cause dangerous riptides and gusty winds along the southeastern U.S. coastline.

"Even though development into a subtropical or tropical cyclone is not expected, the system will produce gusty winds and dangerous surf and rip current conditions along portions of the southeastern United States coast through Sunday," the center said.

STORMY WEATHER: Hurricane Center watching system near Carolinas. Will it ruin Memorial Day weather?

Officials warned about rip currents at beaches including Wilmington and the Outer Banks in North Carolina; Charleston and Myrtle Beach in South Carolina; Savannah, Georgia; and Jacksonville, St. Augustine, and Daytona Beach in Florida.

See the photos of Florida's sargassum seaweed

Southeast Florida beaches have been blanketed with "blobs" of sargassum seaweed, known for being brown and crunchy when it washes up on shore, and floating in island-like masses in the ocean, never touching the floor due to its buoyancy.

When it covers beaches, it can inconvenience visitors as they search for a clear spot to sprawl out or have to move the seaweed out of the way. It also rots after washing ashore and can produce a foul smell and even irritate the eyes, nose and throat .

Here's what it looks like on Treasure Coast beaches ahead of the holiday:

WHAT TO KNOW ABOUT DELAWARE BEACHES: Headed to the Delaware beaches this Memorial Day weekend? Here's your guide

Contributing: Treasure Coast Newspapers

Environment | San Clemente’s sand expansion project wraps…

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Environment | san clemente’s sand expansion project wraps up ahead of holiday weekend.

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A project to widen the beach surrounding the San Clemente Pier has wrapped up, for now, just in time for the unofficial start of the summer season.

Beach crowds flocking to the area may notice a more expansive beach, offering up more towel and play space than in recent years.

Leslea Meyerhoff, San Clemente’s coastal administrator, did a final walk through on Thursday, May 23, with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineer project managers and the contractor, Manson Construction, calling the completion of the first phase a “significant milestone.”

The city, along with the project partners, will hold an event to commemorate the long awaited replenishment at 2 p.m. on May 31.

Originally, the contractor was only expecting to finish spreading about 92,000 cubic yards of new sand as part of the first phase, so getting an estimated 140,000 cubic yards was welcome news, Meyerhoff said.

The contractor is still in the process of demobilization, with construction material expected to be off the beach in coming days so people can enjoy the brand new sand, she said. A submerged pipe is scheduled to be removed next week.

“It’s very noticeable, especially on the south side of the pier where they were able to build out about 75 feet of beach width,” Meyerhoff said.

When the project resumes next fall, the sand will be filled in on the north side of the pier, she said.

The sand, because it was brought from the bottom of the ocean, is a bit darker in color, but that is expected to mix in with existing grains.

“It’s already starting to blend in as the waves are moving the sand around, the difference in color is less noticeable,” Meyerhoff said. “It’s a very wide, beautiful beach.”

The project, which calls for a total of 251,000 cubic yards of sand between T-Street and Linda Lane, will be put on hiatus until about mid-October, allowing for summer beachgoers to enjoy the area without having to share the shore with bulldozers and barriers.

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers project is 20 years in the making . The endeavor was supposed to start in December, but an original source site of sand off Oceanside produced more rocks and cobble than expected. . So the project shifted to dredging sand from offshore of Surfside in north Orange County, where there was a known source.

The replenishment is expected to be repeated every five years, for the next 50 years, though each round will need to secure federal funding.

The Army Corps project is just the start in the city’s quest to build back its eroding beaches – a problem for its recreational and economic lure as a tourist beach town, but also a the loss of a protective measure as a buffer between the ocean and infrastructure.

Much of the troubles stem from a lack of sand supply coming down the San Juan Creek due to inland development, the concreting of channels and drought conditions in recent years, so the city, along with other coastal towns suffering from similar erosion trouble, must figure out how to manually bring the sand from elsewhere to fill in the beach, Meyerhoff said.

In the works for the city’s long-term, comprehensive strategy for beach sand replenishment are two possible opportunistic projects , though they are still in the permitting process, she said.

The first is about 30,000 cubic yards of sand available from the Santa Ana River, which needs to be removed due to flooding concerns, offered up by the county’s OC Parks department.

The sand would be free, but the city would pay for transport. It would likely be placed at North Beach, Meyerhoff said.

A second possible project would be a collaboration with State Parks, which is offering excess sand from Huntington State Beach that could be available this fall, Meyerhoff said.

Also, the Orange County Transportation Authority, in its latest proposal for protecting the rail line that runs through town ahead of the next wet winter season, has included the idea of adding about 500,000 cubic yards of sand along with its proposal to fortify the tracks with riprap and a containment wall.

More discussion about San Clemente’s coastal future will happen at an upcoming Orange County Transportation Authority “listening session;” the public meeting will be 5 to 6:30 p.m. on May 30, at San Clemente City Hall.

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Breaking News

Avoid the waters of these 5 L.A. County beaches this holiday weekend, public health officials say

A man leans on a railing at a beach near a sign reading "Warning: Avoid water contact activities due to high bacteria levels"

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Los Angeles County public health authorities are warning residents to avoid the waters of some beaches this Memorial Day weekend after testing turned up bacterial levels that exceed state standards.

People should avoid swimming, surfing and playing in these waters until further notice, the county public health department said in a warning issued Thursday.

Two people paddling solo near a buoy, a large boat and the shoreline not far behind them

The beaches are: Santa Monica Canyon Creek at Will Rogers State Beach, 100 yards up and down the coast from the creek; Malibu Lagoon at Surfrider Beach, 100 yards up and down the coast from the public restrooms; Santa Monica Pier, 100 yards up and down the coast from the pier; and the entire swim areas at Mothers Beach in Marina Del Rey and Inner Cabrillo Beach in San Pedro.

The public health department also lifted previous warnings for the Temescal Canyon storm drain at Will Rogers State Beach and the Pico-Kenter storm drain at Santa Monica State Beach after sample results found the water quality levels to be within state standards.

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Alex Wigglesworth is an environment reporter who covers wildfire and forestry for the Los Angeles Times.

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1 killed, 1 injured in Memorial Day chase in Long Beach. CHP reminds drivers to be safe on roads

Sid Garcia Image

One person was killed and another was injured in a crash while leading California Highway Patrol officers on a high-speed chase early Memorial Day morning on the 710 freeway in Long Beach.

Just after 2 a.m. Monday, CHP tried to pull over a driver for erratic driving. The driver took off, leading officers on a 45-second chase to the 405 freeway interchange.

"For unknown reasons, we're still investigating at this time, that car did veer off the roadway when the driver lost control, hitting a tree off the roadway," CHP Officer Alec Pereyda said. "That driver did succumb to his injuries along with his passenger, who sustained moderate injuries."

The deadly chase and crash happened during the CHP's maximum enforcement period for the holiday weekend. The periods take place over most holidays, during which all available officers are on duty and keeping an even closer eye on unsafe driving.

"We're always going to look for everything," CHP Officer Isabel Diaz said. "Cell phone use, speeding, impaired driving."

The 2024 Memorial Day maximum enforcement period ends at midnight. Last year, more than 1,100 people were arrested for DUI across California and 33 people died in 27 crashes over the three-day holiday.

Those numbers are a reminder to be a safe driver whenever you get behind the wheel.

"Be patient. Leave with plenty of time. And don't speed, don't text and drive," Diaz said. Wear your seat belt; it takes two seconds to buckle up -- and that could save your life."

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Mallorca residents called to ‘occupy the beaches’ as anti-tourism protests continue this weekend

Locals should ‘enjoy the beaches as before’, says mallorca platja tour group, article bookmarked.

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Mallorcans will flood a beach in Campos from 10am Saturday

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Anti-tourism protests on the Balearic Islands will move from the streets to the shoreline this weekend in a bid to recover Mallorcan beaches from overcrowding .

This Saturday 1 June, residents are being called to protest by setting up on the Spanish island’s beaches by the social media group Mallorca Platja Tour.

The anti-tourism movement says plans for a larger demonstration on Sunday 16 June will be made from 10am on Sa Ràpita Beach at this week’s protest.

In posts to Twitter/X, the group said: “This Saturday, the first of June, we will swim at Platja de Sa Ràpita (in front of the CN) at 10:00 a.m.

“Beaches belong to everyone.”

Using the hashtag #OcupemLesNostresPlatges, or ‘let’s occupy our beaches’, Mallorca Platja Tour “invite all the residents near the beaches to go for a swim, recover our beaches and enjoy them as before”.

The movement started in response to statements from Manuela Cañadas, a spokesperson for right-wing party Vox, who said that Mallorcans “cannot expect to go to the beach in July and August like years ago”.

Mallorca Platja Tour estimates at least 500 people will “fill the beaches” on Saturday with “laughter and watermelon”.

In Palma, protesters against overtourism have now proposed taxes for cruise ship passengers, fewer rental cars and revised rubbish charges for holidaymakers.

Mayor of Palma, Jaime Martínez, told a Sustainability Committee: “We also propose limiting the number of cruise ships or allowing only those that have Palma as their home port.”

Last Saturday, thousands of locals made their way through the island’s capital, warning tourists to “go home” with banners that read “Mallorca is not for sale”.

The estimated 10,000 protesters headed for Weyler Square, where holidaymakers were out for dinner and drinks.

Banc del Temps spokesperson Javier Barbero, one organiser of the large demonstration in Palma, said: “If measures aren’t taken we will continue taking to the streets until we see action.”

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Hit the beach — without a car

A train pulled into Manchester Station, which is a quarter-mile walk to Singing Beach.

It’s Memorial Day — a time when Americans traditionally honor those who gave their lives for freedom by sitting in endless lines of traffic.

Before the holiday, AAA predicted it would be the second-busiest Memorial Day ever, busier than in 2019 just before the pandemic.

News outlets publish guides on how to avoid traffic (bottom line: better to leave earlier than later in the day, no matter which day you’re traveling).

For those escaping to a lake house or remote getaway, there’s probably no avoiding the congestion. But this is your annual reminder that it is possible to get to some popular beaches and other outdoor destinations without driving.

Advertisement produced a guide starting with Revere Beach, which is on the Blue Line.

For non-beach destinations, here’s a guide to local hikes and a list of T-accessible outdoor spots from the Appalachian Mountain Club (there is some overlap between those two lists). From Boston Magazine, a list of T-accessible swimming areas . 

A sign notified visitors to Walden Pond State Reservation that the parking area and pond were temporarily closed.

Of course, that’s just a fraction of the spots that could be served by mass transit.

In 2022, Miles Howard wrote an article in the Globe calling for a system of beach buses. High on my personal wish list would be a better shuttle between the Ipswich train station and Crane Beach. While it’s technically possible to get there without a car on weekend days in the summer, it’s not especially practical for day trips from Boston. 

Other attractions could become accessible. As readers of “Walden” know, the train tracks are literally right next to Walden Pond, which often runs out of parking. Couldn’t a few Fitchburg Line trains stop there on peak summer days?

What other summer spots do you wish you could get to without a car? If you have ideas, send them to me — and have a nice Memorial Day!

This is an excerpt from  Are we there yet? , a Globe Opinion newsletter about the future of transportation in the region. Sign up to  get it in your inbox a day early .

Alan Wirzbicki is Globe deputy editor for editorials. He can be reached at [email protected] .

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    The anti-tourism movement says plans for a larger demonstration on Sunday 16 June will be made from 10am on Sa Ràpita Beach at this week's protest. In posts to Twitter/X, the group said ...

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    Before the holiday, AAA predicted it would be the second-busiest Memorial Day ever, ... In 2022, Miles Howard wrote an article in the Globe calling for a system of beach buses. High on my personal ...