English Aspirants

Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes | 100, 200, 400 Words

Paragraph on My likes and Dislikes: Every person has his own likes and dislikes. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes in English. Here, we’ve included a short paragraph and a long paragraph (essay). So, let’s begin with the paragraphs.

Table of Contents

Paragraph on My likes and Dislikes [100 Words]

As a human being, I have definitely my likes and dislikes. Some may not like what I do. Again, I may strongly dislike others’ likes. As a matter of fact, likes and dislikes differ from man to man. This is particularly patent in student life. Though I do not discard reading, I prefer playing.

I am reluctant to travel, though I love to look at lovely natural sights. I am not very fond of companions and have very few close friends. As a student, I take examinations earnestly. I may not love it, but I don’t dislike it. Indeed, I like other students, am made of my own likes and dislikes.

Word Meanings:

  • Patent – apparent, clear
  • Reluctant – not willing to do something
  • Earnestly – seriously

Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes

My Likes and Dislikes: 200 Words

One man’s meat is another man’s poison. I have some likes. They may be another man’s dislikes. I like to play cricket, read detective stories and watch stories on TV. I like the games- cricket and football alike. While playing I do not feel hungry or tired. I think I can play all the day. I like to meet my friends very often. I also like travelling by train. I enjoyed some pleasant journeys with my parents. I enjoy collecting pictures of great players from newspapers. I keep a number of pictures of various poses of the same person. Among foods I prefer sweets to meat.

Unfortunately, I dislike early rising. My love for the morning dose of sleep is deep. When I sit down to study I dislike the textbooks. They seem to be so dull. I dislike my elders being always after me because of my studies. Whenever I read a storybook my mother is there to tell me to take up a textbook. Above all I dislike exams. I feel that the student life would have been a heaven if there were no exams.

My likes and dislikes

Also Read: Paragraph on My Aim in Life

My likes and Dislikes Paragraph / Essay [400 Words]


Every mortal being has his likings and disliking that are determined by his social and cultural background. I have also my personal likes and dislikes.

First of all, I have a great love for nature. I feel a closeness with nature. Nature can be a true friend and real guide of a man. It never deceives a person who loves her. I always feel eager to go and enjoy steep hills, greenery of the open valleys, cool breeze, and sweet chirping of the birds. Visit to these places, always has a soothing effect on my mind.

Secondly, I like simple people with hearty smiles. Complexities of urban life and plastic smiles of the urbanites bore me. So sometimes I visit the countryside to meet the country folk. There, come in contact with simple and straightforward people.

My favorite pastime is reading novels. A novel presents a pen-picture of life, society or the characters around us. The picture may be drawn from real life or from imagination. But this is seen through the prism of the writer’s mind. Novels have an educative value. They give us an insight into the men and manners, the habits and customs, the passions and prejudices of the people around us.

Fourthly, I love my country. I cherish a desire to visit my country so that I can acquire knowledge of the people, their ways of living, and their culture. The rich heritage of India can be known only if we visit the villages.

Last but not the least, I love my sweet home. To me, the sweetest heaven is home. I live in a house where my caring mom, papa, my elder sister, and my faithful companion pet dog Jim live. I like my elder sister who is my friend, philosopher, and guide. She is very helpful and understands me better than anyone else. All these things are the essence of my life and existence.

But there are certain things that dislike. Firstly, dislike anybody’s casual approach to their essential duties. Staunch devotion to duties is the true religion of man.

Secondly, I do not like to brood over past misdeeds and failures. I do not like daydreaming over future, I always live in the present moment.

Thirdly, I dislike the corrupt and dishonest politicians. I believe that the contemporary world is shorn of great statesmen.

  • Misdeed – a wrong or illegal act
  • Staunch – very loyal
  • Cease – to stop; discontinue
  • Deceive – to lie/mislead

Read More Paragraphs: 1. Paragraph on Morning Walk 2. Paragraph on My Aim in Life 3. Paragraph on My School 4. Paragraph on ‘science in daily life’ 5. Paragraph on importance of trees

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My Likes And Dislikes (Essay Sample) 2022

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We all differ from one another in many different ways. You can find two persons who look alike but you can’t find two persons who think exactly the same. The difference exists owing to how we all think and therefore we have our own likes and dislikes. One major area of difference in our thinking comes from our origin, family background, and climatic conditions of the place where we live. Likes and dislikes also give insight into a person’s inner self and reveal things about their personality. These traits also tell people about one’s character, disposition, and temperament. I also have a few likes and dislikes that I will discuss in this essay.

Table of Contents

Essay On My Likes And Dislikes As A Teenager – 700 Word Long Essay

Every person has their own likes and dislikes in life. Liking something while avoiding others can reveal many things about our personality. It shows what we think, what we approve of, and what we will never try in real life. People’s likes and dislikes depend upon their family background, the place where they live, climatic conditions, and priorities. Once people start to know what they like or dislike, things can start becoming easier. In this essay, I will discuss my likes and dislikes as a teenager in the following pages.

My life has been quite peaceful because of the ability to understand situations, factors, and things that I like and dislike. I usually avoid things and the types of people whom I know will cause trouble for me. On the other hand, I give first priority to situations I am comfortable working in. Because of this ability, I am also able to learn what people around me like and dislike. This means I don’t do things my parents, siblings, and friends dislike which helps me have a good relationship with all of them. Despite all this, the world doesn’t work as you desire and life isn’t fair. I still run into situations that I hate and just destroy my peace of mind.

Talking about my likes, when it comes to people I like optimistic people. I like them because they are hopeful and confident and no matter what happens they remain positive about life. I am not saying that they never get mad, annoyed, or hurt, it’s just that they always see the positive side in people. Based on people’s habits, I like extroverts, not introverts. I am an introvert myself but I don’t like being an introvert. The thing I hate the most about introverts is they keep things to themselves. Keeping everything to themselves and not sharing it with anyone can destroy peace of mind. Other than people here’s a list of what else I like.

 Things That I like (My Likes)

  • I like to travel around. I want to visit all the famous places in the world.
  • I like nature because nature is always refreshing and adds to the beauty of every other thing.
  • I like to go out with my friends and college fellows
  • I like to spend most of my time online. Platforms like Facebook, Youtube, and Instagram.
  • I like to fit in socially no matter if it’s some sports, classroom work, or party. I hate it when I can’t fit in.

Other than the likes, I also have many dislikes which tend to separate me from some people. I do not like the hypocrisy in people, I admire those who are men of action rather than words. It is ugly when people around you pretend to like you on your face and bite you behind your back. Like other people, I also dislike real-life problems, frustrations, and sorrows. Not being able to share personal problems makes them more difficult to handle.

I also dislike people who are too proud and look at others as inferior or low. Being proud of one’s own success is not bad, but I hate it when people rate others based on their wealth and status. Other than these, here are some more things I don’t like.

Things That I Do Not Like (My Dislikes)

  • I hate being forced to do things I don’t want to. Parents/ caretakers need to know when it’s time to stop telling people what to do.
  • I hate being compared with other teenagers no matter how good or bad they are. It’s because I have my own personality and I am unique in my own way.
  • I don’t like people who smoke because they not only destroy their own health but also harm people around them.
  • I hate body shaming anyone or commenting on someone’s caste, color, or creed.
  • I hate being inconsistent. Everyone should be responsible and consistent enough to perform their daily duties.
  • I hate everyone who is unappreciative of someone’s achievement because of jealousy.

In conclusion, everyone has their likes and dislikes and no one should be judged based on that. Research papers show that things people like or hate tell them about their personality. In my opinion, people need to know and respect other people’s likes and dislikes to make this world a better place to live. 

What Is Something You Dislike About Yourself Essay Sample – Short Paragraph About My Likes and Dislikes

Everyone has their likes and dislikes. People like and hate things because of their culture, traditions, religious codes, family ethics, and place of origin. Finding out what people around you like and dislike is useful information to decide what to say or do when you are around them. I believe every person should respect other people’s likes and dislikes. In this short paragraph about likes, I will also share a few things that I love and hate.

Let’s first talk about things I like to do. Well, I like to watch tv, I like to play video games, as a student I like to make study notes for examinations. I also like my hobbies like reading stories for knowledge,  watching movies, and listening to music for joy and pleasure. On top of all, I like cleanliness. I like people who are humble and not proud and who care about others.

Other than liking or disliking other people and things, there is a thing that I dislike about myself. The thing that I hate most about myself is that I am not consistent. I have a bad habit of being inconsistent about almost everything in life. For instance, I study hard one day and then forget about studying for weeks. For some days I become very respectful and helpful to my parents and siblings and then I become an introvert for weeks. Same inconsistency with my diet, my gym, even my relationship with my friends and teachers. I become mad at myself for being like that and regret it every time but I can’t help it.

In conclusion, none of us is perfect and we all have imperfections. Rather than being mad at yourself about things you don’t like about yourself or others we all should look at the positive side. If you are optimistic and positive about things then soon you will start to like everything.

FAQ’s About Essay On Our Likes and Dislikes

Q: how do i write my essay on likes and dislikes.

Start with a small introduction then discuss why you like and dislike things in the body and then write a conclusion.

Q: What do you say in like and dislike?

In a like and dislike essay, you have to discuss what you like and dislike in people and things. It’s better if you also tell why you like certain things and hate others.

Q: How do you ask for likes and dislikes?

You don’t always need to ask people about their likes and dislikes as you can sense it by noticing their habits including what they eat, how they move etc.

essay on my likes and dislikes

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Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes in 100 to 300 Words

Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes: Picture a canvas, blank and vast, waiting to be painted with our likes and dislikes, each stroke representing the things that bring us joy and those we prefer to keep at arm’s length. This canvas is more than just a painting; it’s a reflection of our inner world, a map of our personal journey.

But what happens when the canvas gets crowded? When the colors of our dislikes start to overshadow the bright hues of our passions? It’s a challenge that we all face, trying to find the right balance between embracing what we love and managing our aversions.

The struggle to keep our canvas vibrant and true to ourselves can be daunting. It’s a delicate dance, one that requires us to be both brave and honest. How do we ensure that our likes remain in the spotlight, illuminating our path, while our dislikes don’t dim our light?

In this article, we’ll explore the significance of recognizing and accepting our likes and dislikes. We’ll delve into how this awareness not only paints a more authentic picture of who we are but also guides us in making choices that align with our true selves. Join me as we discover the power of our preferences and how they shape our journey through life.

Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes

Table of Contents

Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes – 100 words

As a student, my academic journey is filled with varied interests that shape my learning experience. I have a keen interest in Mathematics and Science, subjects that fascinate me with their logical structure and the mysteries of the natural world they unveil. Mathematics challenges my problem-solving skills, while Science allows me to explore the wonders of the universe.

Conversely, I find languages slightly less appealing, as I struggle with memorizing grammar rules and vocabulary. Despite this, I recognize the importance of language studies in improving communication skills and cultural understanding. My academic likes and dislikes reflect my curiosity and areas for growth, guiding my educational path.

Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes – 150 words

Within the academic realm, my preferences are distinctly marked by a deep admiration for subjects that stimulate critical thinking and creativity. Mathematics stands out as a favorite, with its intricate problems and logical puzzles offering endless challenges and satisfaction upon solving them. Science, particularly Physics, captivates me with its principles that explain the workings of our universe, from the smallest particles to the vastness of space.

On the other hand, History, despite its importance in understanding our past, often seems less engaging to me, perhaps due to its reliance on memorization rather than analytical skills. Additionally, while English literature occasionally sparks my interest with its rich narratives, I find the grammatical aspects tedious. These likes and dislikes not only define my academic pursuits but also encourage me to explore and appreciate the balance between different fields of study, aiming for a well-rounded education.

Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes – 200 words

In the broad spectrum of academic subjects, my interests align most closely with those that offer a blend of analytical rigor and innovative thinking. Mathematics, with its precise calculations and the thrill of problem-solving, has always been a source of joy and intellectual satisfaction for me. Similarly, the Sciences—especially Chemistry and Physics—draw me in with their empirical methods and the fascinating way they explain natural phenomena and technological advancements.

These subjects resonate with my curiosity about the world and my aspiration to contribute to technological innovation. Conversely, I find certain subjects like Social Studies and languages challenging. While I acknowledge the importance of understanding societal dynamics and the art of communication, memorizing historical dates and grappling with complex grammar rules can be daunting. However, I believe that overcoming these challenges can lead to a more comprehensive understanding of the world.

Art, though not my strongest suit, offers a creative outlet and a break from the logical structure of my preferred subjects, highlighting the importance of balance in my academic endeavors. This mix of likes and dislikes shapes my educational journey, encouraging a pursuit of knowledge that is both deep and diverse.

Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes – 250 words

In the vibrant landscape of learning, each student’s academic journey is uniquely shaped by their individual likes and dislikes, particularly within the Indian context where education is a blend of tradition and modernity. I, too, am no exception. My academic preferences have always inclined towards the logic and precision of Mathematics and the imaginative realms of English Literature. Mathematics fascinates me with its clear, unambiguous problems and the satisfaction of arriving at a definitive solution.

It teaches me the beauty of order and logic, skills that I find invaluable not just in academics but in everyday life. On the other hand, English Literature opens the doors to different cultures, histories, and perspectives through the power of storytelling, enhancing my creativity and empathy. However, I find myself less inclined towards subjects like History and Physical Education. The memorization of dates and events in History often feels daunting, and I struggle to find the same engagement and excitement that I do with solving mathematical problems or analyzing literature.

Similarly, while I understand the importance of physical fitness, my passion lies more in intellectual than physical pursuits. My academic journey is a testament to the idea that our educational interests not only shape our learning experiences but also guide us towards understanding our strengths and areas for growth. Embracing this diversity in likes and dislikes is crucial for personal development and academic success.

Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes – 300 words

In the vast and varied academic landscape of India, where education encompasses a rich tapestry of subjects, my personal academic endeavors are deeply influenced by my likes and dislikes. Among the subjects offered, my keen interest gravitates towards Science and Environmental Studies, while I tend to shy away from Social Studies and Physical Education.

The logical structure and experimental nature of Science captivate me, offering a window into the workings of the natural world. It is a field where curiosity meets discovery, leading to a deeper understanding of the universe’s intricacies. Environmental Studies further expands my appreciation for our planet, instilling a sense of responsibility towards sustainable living and conservation efforts. It’s a subject that connects deeply with my concerns for the future of our environment, encouraging active participation in ecological preservation.

Conversely, Social Studies, with its focus on history, politics, and economics, often fails to spark the same level of engagement in me. Despite recognizing its importance in understanding societal structures and cultural heritage, I find the memorization of dates and events less stimulating. Similarly, Physical Education, while essential for health and fitness , does not align with my academic passions. My preference leans towards cerebral challenges over physical exertion.

My academic preferences are a reflection of my personality and interests. They guide my pursuit of knowledge, shaping my educational path and future aspirations within the Indian educational system. This system, with its diverse curriculum, offers students like me the opportunity to explore a wide range of subjects before pinpointing our areas of interest. Understanding and accepting our academic likes and dislikes is pivotal in carving a fulfilling and personalized academic journey, allowing us to utilize our strengths and work on our limitations.

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Aspirants Essay

Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes in English (100, 200, 400 Words)


Ever wondered why you love some things and can’t stand others? This article dives into the world of likes and dislikes, from the things that make us smile to the ones that make us cringe. Join us as we explore the reasons behind our personal preferences.

(Here, we’ve presented paragraphs in 100, 200 & 400 word samples. All the paragraphs will be helpful for students of all classes i.e. Nursery, LKG, UKG & class 1 to class 12).

Table of Contents

Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes in 100 Words

I’m an 8-year-old boy bursting with energy and excitement! I love playing football with my friends until the sun goes down, scoring goals like my favorite players. Building towering LEGO skyscrapers is my jam, especially if they’re filled with secret traps and treasure. Comic books are my escape into thrilling adventures with superheroes, where anything is possible.

But there are a few things that bug me too. Like veggies on my plate – yuck! And bedtime? No way, I’d rather stay up and explore the mysterious world of the night. But hey, who has time for dislikes when there’s so much fun to be had?

Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes

I enjoy spending time outdoors, especially hiking in nature and picnicking in parks. Reading is another passion of mine, particularly fiction novels that transport me to different worlds. When it comes to food, I love trying new cuisines, but nothing beats a hearty homemade meal.

On the flip side, I dislike dishonesty and hypocrisy, preferring genuine interactions. I also have a distaste for overly spicy food and cold weather, preferring warmth and comfort. Overall, I thrive on simplicity, authenticity, and the joys of life’s little pleasures.

I find immense joy in celebrating festivals with my family, especially Diwali with its colorful lights and delicious sweets. Additionally, I cherish spending time with friends, whether it’s chatting over chai or watching cricket matches together. However, I have a dislike for traffic jams, as they delay plans and add unnecessary stress to the day.

I also find crowded places overwhelming, preferring quieter environments for relaxation. Despite these dislikes, the vibrant culture and warm hospitality of India always make me feel at home.

My Likes and Dislikes Paragraph

My Likes and Dislikes Paragraph in 200 Words

As an Indian housewife, my days are filled with a myriad of tasks and responsibilities, but I find joy and purpose in each one. I cherish the quiet moments in the morning, savoring a warm cup of chai as I plan the day ahead. Cooking is my passion, and the aroma of spices fills our home as I prepare traditional dishes that bring my family together around the table. The rhythmic sounds of the pressure cooker and the sizzle of tadka in the pan are music to my ears, signaling another delicious meal in the making.

Yet, amidst the routine, there are aspects of daily life that I find challenging. The endless pile of dishes waiting to be washed seems to never diminish, and keeping up with the constant demands of a bustling household can be overwhelming at times. Balancing household chores with caring for children and ensuring everyone’s needs are met requires patience and resilience, qualities I strive to embody each day.

Despite the occasional frustrations, the love and warmth that permeate our home make it all worthwhile. Seeing the smiles on my family’s faces as they enjoy the meals I’ve prepared, or feeling their gratitude for the little comforts I provide, fills my heart with contentment. In the quiet moments before bed, as I reflect on the day’s events, I am grateful for the privilege of nurturing and supporting my loved ones, knowing that my role as a housewife is integral to the harmony and happiness of our home.

Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes in 400 Words

I find solace in the simple pleasures of life amidst my struggles. There’s an undeniable comfort in savoring a hot cup of chai in the early morning, its aromatic blend of spices awakening my senses and momentarily lifting the weight off my shoulders. It’s a small luxury, but one that brings a sense of warmth and familiarity to my day, something I truly cherish. Additionally, I take great pleasure in spending quality time with my family, relishing in the laughter and joy that fills our modest home. These moments of connection remind me of what truly matters in life, offering a respite from the harsh realities I face outside our walls, something I deeply appreciate.

Yet, amidst my likes, there are also my dislikes—those aspects of life that weigh heavily on my spirit. Foremost among them is the constant struggle to make ends meet, the relentless pressure to provide for my loved ones with limited resources at my disposal, something I loathe. As Rajesh Kumar, an unemployed man navigating the tumultuous waters of India’s competitive job market, I find myself disheartened by the pervasive inequality and injustice that plagues our society, the stark divide between the haves and the have-nots serving as a painful reminder of the uphill battle I face in my own life, something I despise.

Despite these challenges, I hold onto hope—hope for a brighter future, for opportunities yet to come. In moments of quiet reflection, I find solace in the belief that perseverance and determination will eventually lead me to better days. I am driven by the desire to break free from the constraints of poverty, to carve out a path of success and fulfillment for myself and my family, something I yearn for. And so, I press on, fueled by the hope that tomorrow holds the promise of a better life—one filled with stability, prosperity, and the chance to turn my dreams into reality, something I eagerly anticipate.

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Short Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes (460 Words)

essay on my likes and dislikes

Here is your short paragraph on my likes and dislikes:

Like every human beings I have many likes & dislikes. When I talk about my likes I like to talk about my favourite color, TV shows, movies, actor-actresses, food, books, pets, sports & music.

My favourite color is red. If given a choice I always choose red color because I find it pretty & glowing.

I like to wear red colored clothes often. My favourite TV show is “Just for Laughs” because I find this show very funny. My favourite movie is “Big Happy Family” because I find the characters in the movie resembling my own family members. Also the characters have done full justice to the movie with the role they have played.


My favourite Hollywood actress is Jessica Alba. My favourite Hollywood actor is Leonardo DiCaprio. Lasanga is my favourite food because I like the cheesy taste of the square noodles and the sauce. My favourite book is “I Too Had a Love Story” written by Ravinder Singh.

It’s a tragic love story of Ravinder in his real life. The story is written in a very touching way. Till date I have read this book 5 times and every time it makes me cry. I couldn’t stop myself from reading the series.

I love pets. My favourite pet is dog. I like the miniature snouzer a lot because they are well behaved dogs. Gymnastics is my favourite sport. I am doing it since 5 years. I have also attended many events for the same. My favourite kind of music is country music.

I have many dislikes too. When I talk about my dislikes I like to talk about the color I hate the most, TV shows that makes me sick, movies that I hate, pets that I hate, foods that I avoid to eat etc. Generally I like all the colors except brown because I find it very dull, dark & nasty.

I never wear anything in brown and I never choose brown color for anything. The TV show which I hate the most is “Flying colors” because according to me this title does not suit the show. This stories they show does not relate to real life situations neither they makes any sense & they even fail to entertain the audiences.

This game is boring as well as stupid. I hate cats because I don’t find them friendly at all. I would never keep cats as pets and would never suggest someone I know. I eat all kinds of vegetarian and non vegetarian food because I am very foodie but I hate peas a lot. I always avoid eating peas because when we eat it it squishes inside the mouth and I hate that feeling.

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Talking About Likes And Dislikes In English

Talking About Likes And Dislikes In English

Table of Contents


This lesson is designed to enhance your ability to express preferences and dislikes effectively. Whether discussing your favorite activities or expressing disinterest, mastering the appropriate phrases for talking about likes and dislikes is essential for clear communication.

Talking About Likes And Dislikes

As a speaker of English, you’ll often find yourself in situations where you need to convey your preferences and dislikes. Below, we’ll explore a variety of expressions commonly used in English to express likes and dislikes.

Expressing Likes And Dislikes

To talk about your likes and dislikes, you can use the following expressions:

Expressing Likes:

  • I’m crazy about…
  • I’m mad about…
  • I’m fond of…
  • I’m passionate about…
  • I have a soft spot for…
  • I’m really into…
  • I’m keen on…
  • I’m a big fan of…

Expressing Dislikes:

  • I don’t like…
  • I can’t bear…
  • I can’t stand…
  • I’m not keen on…
  • I’m not a fan of…
  • I have an aversion to…
  • I’m not particularly fond of…
  • I find it unpleasant…
  • It’s not my cup of tea…
  • I’m not crazy about…
  • It rubs me the wrong way…

 Example Sentences Of Likes And Dislikes

Here are some example sentences of likes and dislikes

  • I’m mad about basketball, but I can’t bear ice hockey.
  • I adore reading poetry, but I loathe doing housework.
  • I love hiking in the mountains, but I dislike camping in the rain.
  • I’m crazy about Italian food, but I can’t stand spicy cuisine.
  • I’m fond of watching movies, but I’m not keen on horror films.
  • I enjoy playing the piano, but I’m not a fan of practicing scales.
  • I’m passionate about traveling, but I have an aversion to flying.
  • I have a soft spot for animals, but I find snakes terrifying.
  • I’m really into photography, but I’m not particularly fond of posing for pictures.
  • I’m keen on gardening, but I’m not crazy about weeding.
  • I’m a big fan of cycling, but I’m not too enthusiastic about running.
  • I’m not keen on crowded places, but I love exploring new cities.
  • I’m not a fan of seafood, but I love sushi.
  • I’m not particularly fond of spicy food, but I enjoy mild curries.
  • It’s not my cup of tea to go to loud concerts, but I enjoy acoustic performances.

Expressing Disinterest

When you feel neutral about something, neither particularly liking nor disliking it, you can use the expression “I don’t mind.”

  • “I don’t mind doing the housework.”
  • “I don’t mind going to the gym.”
  • “I don’t mind eating leftovers.”
  • “I don’t mind watching documentaries.”
  • “I don’t mind taking the scenic route.”
  • “I don’t mind attending meetings.”
  • “I don’t mind waiting in line.”
  • “I don’t mind running errands.”
  • “I don’t mind listening to classical music.”
  • “I don’t mind wearing casual clothes.”

Things To Remember About Likes And Dislikes

1. When these expressions are followed by a verb, the latter is put in the -ing form. Examples:

  • “I like listening to music.”
  • “I hate wearing sunglasses.”
  • Note that “very much” and “a lot” always come after the things you like. Examples:
  • “I like basketball very much/a lot.” NOT “I like very much/a lot basketball.”
  • Be careful when using “I don’t mind…” Examples:
  • “Do you mind playing football?”
  • “No, I don’t mind.” (Although it’s in the negative form, it means that it’s okay for me. I neither love it nor hate it.)

Example Dialogue:

Steve is at home. His wife comes in. Notice how they express their likes and dislikes.

Steve: Hello, darling. Do you fancy watching a movie tonight? His wife: Oh, no thanks, I don’t really feel like watching a movie tonight. How about going out instead? Steve: Alright. Do you feel like going to the theater? His wife: Oh, no. I hate it. How about trying that new Moroccan restaurant? Steve: I don’t mind. Moroccan cuisine is fantastic too. His wife: Oh, that sounds good. Let’s go there instead.

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Essay on My Likes and Dislikes Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

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The subject calls upon me to make an open confession. Let me take courage and confess what I like and what I dislike.

My likes and dislikes are rather limited. The first thing I positively dislike is the nerve racking discipline imposed upon the youngers by the elders or by those in authority. Why should anybody bother my life with do’s and don’ts? Why should I not be left entirely to myself to choose my own ways? Why should a father, who himself smokes call upon his child to refrain from smoking and drinking? Does he have any moral right to do that? Why should a student be forced to sit and listen to the most boring, dull and dry lecture of an incompetent teacher who does not know his job? Discipline, as the word has unfortunately come to mean today, stunts normal growth and hinders the free development of personality. How lovely is the freely growing undisciplined, untamed nature? Who disciplines the dancing rivulets? Who disciplines the singing birds? Man is born free, we put him in chains. How sad, how tragic!

Another thing that I like is to sit idle and to do nothing. Vacant hours fill me with pleasure and joy. A walk by the mountain side or by the river side delights my heart. I can sit for hours or a railway bridge to watch the shrieking movement of the trains below. Work, work and work. It has made a hell of this life.

I feel like crying with W.H. Davies: “What is this life if full of care We have no time to stand and stare.”

My hobby is playing practical jokes upon others. My heart tingles with a sense of delight when I make a fool of some body, full of a false sense of pride in his wisdom and intellect. In enjoy playing truant. Using ‘proxies’ in the class is a part of my nature. I love pulling off a gentleman’s turban with the help of a crooked needle and a long thread. Trying down the long hair of the ladies with bedsteads while they are asleep, writing nasty words on the shirts of my class-fellows, wiring love letters to my class-fellows on behalf of some other friends, raising false but intelligent alarms in the hostel and putting up false holiday notice on the notice-board are only some of my favourite pastimes. Every day for me is the ‘All Fools Day’. I love life.

There is a long list of my likes and dislikes. But I shall stop with the last. I like and enjoy breaking rules. Any notice like ‘No Bill Stricking Here’ is an open invitation for me to stick a bill on the notice itself.

Moralists may cry out against me and like to hand me over to the police but, believe me, there is joy in doing what I do. Stolen kisses, I know from experience, are always sweet.

I am a born leader. I am always on the book out for an opportunity to make a speech. On the slightest pretext, I gather my fellow students and call upon them to go on a strike. My electrifying words work a miracle and all work comes to a stand- still. One thing that I positively dislike is physical violence. May be I am a coward. But whenever, I apprehend trouble or an attack, I take to my heels. I am a staunch believer in non-violence and peace.

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  • Sep 9, 2021

Learn Writing by Reading: Likes & Dislikes

Updated: Sep 23, 2021

Missed the intro to the Learn Writing by Reading series?

Every week in September, I’ll be putting up a new post about how you can learn to be a better writer just by reading your favorite books. As new posts go up, I’ll add the links for them below!


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The easiest way to get started analyzing books is to start with your likes and dislikes.

I highly recommend you start here, especially if you’ve never done any novel analysis before (or if you struggled with it during high school English class). It’s easy to pay attention to our emotions about what we’re reading because we’re already used to it—we’re constantly telling people whether or not we liked a story or a certain character or particular authors.

I do suggest, as I mentioned in the introduction post, that if you’re new to book analysis, start with a book you’ve read before . Ideally, it’s a book that sparks some pretty strong likes or dislikes for you—a book you feel just “meh” about will be a bit harder to analyze at this stage.

With all that out of the way, let’s take a look at how you can use your likes and dislikes in books to become a better writer yourself!

First, take notice.

We’re not used to monitoring ourselves while we read. It takes practice to learn how to do this, and even more practice to get into the habit. So, especially for the first book you analyze, it’s helpful to build in a lot of breaks for self-reflection . Whenever you reach a natural break in the novel, like the end of a scene or chapter, take a moment to stop reading and think.

Ask yourself: Was there anything I liked or didn’t like in this scene/chapter? You may find it useful to highlight certain sentences or paragraphs in different colors—one color for likes and one for dislikes. Or, if you’re reading a library book or audiobook, you might want to keep a pen and notebook at your side so you can note the page numbers (or timestamps) of what you’re finding.

Image text: To spot the end of a scene, look for places where the story switches characters, skips ahead or back in time, or changes location suddenly. | Edits by Toni

If there’s nothing you particularly liked or disliked, it’s okay to move on. You don’t have to strain yourself to have opinions on absolutely everything!

For now, it’s enough to just note your likes and dislikes without going any deeper. Remember, you’re just trying to train yourself to notice whenever you like or don’t like something at this point. And since you can’t analyze something you don’t even notice, it’s worth taking the time to really train yourself. It might take you half the book, or even the entire book, to get really good at this. That’s okay! We’re not going for speed here, we’re going for awareness.

Image text: Keep track of places where you changed your mind, too! That's important info! | Edits by Toni

Once you feel like you’ve got a decent list of likes and dislikes to work with, move on to the next step! (And again, it’s okay if it takes the whole book to get to this point.)

Next, dig deeper.

Take one of the likes or dislikes from your earlier reading and really sit with it. It could be a character, a story element, the setting, or even the author’s writing style. It doesn’t matter what your like or dislike is about—what matters is what you can learn from it.

Now that you’ve chosen something to analyze, it’s time to question it. A good first question is “ Why do I like/dislike this? ” Really try to get deep with your why! You may have to ask yourself the same question multiple times to really get to the bottom of it.

Here’s an example from a YA science fiction novel I read earlier this year: Skyward by Brandon Sanderson. I really liked Spensa, the main character. Why? Because she was spunky, vehement, and a bit quirky. Why do I like those character traits? Because I’m not as spunky or vehement as her. Why does not sharing those character traits make me like her? Because I can sort of live vicariously through her attitude. I actually kind of wish I was as spunky as she is. ← And boom, there’s my why. This analysis gives you important information about the types of things you might want to write about (or not want to write about, depending) in the future.

Once you’ve gotten to the bottom of your why, another important question to ask is “ How did the author write about this like/dislike in the book? ” Going back to my Skyward example: I liked Spensa because she’s spunky and vehement. How did Brandon Sanderson show me her spunkiness in the book? Well, he didn’t say “Spensa is spunky.” Instead, he showed me scenes where she’s exploring caves, all the while with an interior monologue that goes on about epic battles. When a test is rigged against her, she hangs in there and proves herself anyway, with sarcastic comebacks thrown in there, too. I could go on, but I think you get the idea, right? This type of analysis helps you recognize the techniques you’ll need to implement (or not implement, depending) the things you might use in your future writing.

Image text: In the case of dislikes, you might want to add one more question: "Do I not like this because of personal taste, or because it could be written in a better way?" | Edits by Toni

Finally, ask yourself: “ Did the author intend me to like/dislike this? ” or “ How does the author probably feel about this? ” In the case of Spensa, it’s pretty obvious. The story very closely follows her point of view, and it’s a YA book. YA protagonists are usually (though not always) meant to be liked by readers, so I’m probably supposed to like Spensa. Are there people out there who don’t like her? Absolutely! But those people likely won’t finish the book, or at least won’t continue the series, meaning that they’re not the target audience.

Now, normally when analyzing books, we do try to keep the author’s intentions out of it, mostly because we have no way of actually knowing for sure what the author intended. But since you’re trying to learn to write here, it’s helpful to at least ponder what the author might have been thinking . It’s okay if you don’t come up with any concrete answers, though. Just the act of wondering puts you in the writer’s brain more.

Finally, take note.

You may have been taking notes up until now to help you streamline your thought process. (Which is a great idea!) But now it’s time to gather your conclusions and put them somewhere safe where you can refer back to them later . This might be a document on your computer, software like Evernote or Notion, or even just a nice notebook that you know you’ll take good care of.

Image text: You might also want to write down what could change your dislike to a like. | Edits by Toni

In that safe place, you want to write down what you’ve learned from reading this book . It’s useful to write your likes and dislikes—especially the deeper ones you found through digging. For example, rather than writing “I like Spensa from Skyward,” I’d instead write “I like spunky protagonists because I wish I was spunky, too.” It’s also useful to write down techniques you’ve learned through your analysis. For example, I might write “Character technique: Use an adventurous spirit and snarky comebacks to show a character’s spunk.”

These notes help you become a better writer in a couple of different ways. First, they force you to really look closely at what goes into writing a story . A lot of this is probably stuff you’ve never noticed before, especially if you haven’t been paying attention! Second, the act of writing something down helps commit it to your mind more deeply. You’re putting stuff directly into your brain rather than hoping you’ll absorb it by accident. Finally, when you’re actually writing about one of these things and can’t figure out how to do it well, you can look back at these notes and remember, “Oh yeah! Brandon Sanderson showed me Spensa was spunky by doing x, y, and z.”

Eventually, you’ll have a whole encyclopedia of writerly likes and dislikes to look back on. And eventually after that, you’ll start to mentally analyze automatically, and you won’t have to pause and think so much—you’ll just know. Your brain will get that quick at it! And you may even get to the point where you don’t feel you need to take notes anymore!

In the meantime, do this with a few books you’ve read before, then switch to new books and see how it goes. I especially recommend doing this sort of analysis for genres you intend to write in , as it can help you identify what will make your own books stand out from the crowd. Happy reading!

And as always, if you need some editorial help, or if you’ve got any questions at all about this post, feel free to get in touch !

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My Likes and Dislikes – School English Essay For Students

April 14, 2017 entranciology Full Essays and Articles For All Competitive Exams 0


Everyone in this world has his own likes and dislikes. Likewise, I also have some of my own likes and dislikes. These are as under:

  • I love to enjoy beautiful nature and its beauty to other material worldly things. I wish for going into the lap of nature to enjoy its lovely beauty.
  • I wink at petty acts done against me and avoid fighting. In case, the mistake is done from my side, I never hesitate to say sorry to them and try my best to correct my mistakes.
  • I always like to move around the world, at least, through the Internet. I have my own Personal Computer (PC) with Internet connection.
  • I have profound interest in reading poetry books full of emotions and message. I myself compose poetry. My poems are published by Mr. Rajesh Kumar Sumer.
  • I am soft spoken, obedient and amiable.
  • I am interested in designing and making handicraft articles. I have made several works on papers, clay and plastic pellets.

My Dislikes

  • Dislike For Backbiters

I don’t like persons who talk ill behind my shoulders. Some people are talking sweetly before me and doing unwanted things in my absence. I despise such kind of persons.

  • Dislike For Overpowering Persons

I don’t like the people who show their superiority or position by raising the volume of their voice, and thus try to overpower or unjustly influence me.

  • Dislike For Critics

I don’t like people, who go on criticizing some person or the others every time. Evidently if a person condemns some other person behind his back and in my presence, he would certainly condemn me in my absence.

  • Dislike For Persons of Advisory Nature

I dislike the persons who are greatly interested in giving advice to others, but never act upon the same advices themselves. What I feel is ‘advice to be asked and not to be given unwanted.

I know that likes and dislikes are different from person to persons. Above are my likes and dislikes.

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English Study Online

How to Express Likes and Dislikes in English

By: Author English Study Online

Posted on Last updated: November 7, 2023

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Have you ever struggled to express your likes and dislikes in English? We’ll look at some common verbs and adjectives for expressing likes and dislikes. You might already know some of these, such as “like” and “dislike,” but there are many other ways to convey your feelings about something. We’ll also cover some useful phrases for talking about things you enjoy or don’t enjoy doing, as well as ways to express stronger emotions like love or hate. With these tools, you’ll be able to confidently share your preferences in any conversation.

Table of Contents

How to Express Likes and Dislikes

Common phrases to express “likes”.

  • I like…
  • I love…
  • I enjoy…
  • I adore…
  • I ‘m crazy about…
  • I’m mad about…
  • I’m keen on…
  • I’m really into… 
  • I live for…
  • … is my thing
  • I’m fond of…

Likes and Dislikes

Common Phrases to Express “Dislikes”

  • I don’t like…
  • I dislike…
  • I hate…
  • I abhor…
  • I can’t bear…
  • I can’t stand…
  • I detest…
  • I loathe…
  • I can’t stand
  • I don’t really care for…
  • I’m not into…
  • I’m not a huge fan of…

Grammar Structures for Expressing Preferences

1. When these expressions are followed by a verb, the latter is put in the -ing form.

  • “I like listening to music.”
  • “I hate wearing sunglasses.”

I like/ I detest/ I don’t mind + Verb_ing

2. Note that” very much” & ” a lot” always come after the things you like.

  • “I like basketball very much/a lot. NOT” I like very much/a lot basketball.”

3. Be careful when you use “I don’t mind…”

  • “Do you mind playing football?”
  • “No, I don’t mind.”(Although it’s in a negative form, it means that it’s ok for me. I neither love it nor hate it.)

Example Conversations Using “Likes” and “Dislikes”

Steve is at home. His girlfriend comes in…Notice how they express their likes and dislikes

  • Steve : Hello, darling. Do you fancy watching a film tonight?
  • Girlfriend : Oh, no thanks, I don’t really feel like watching a film tonight. How about going out instead.
  • Steve : OK. Do you feel like going to the theater?
  • Girlfriend : Oh, no. I hate it. Do you like eating at the new Chinese restaurant?
  • Steve : I don’t mind. The Chinese cuisine is alright.
  • Girlfriend : Well I really love it. Let’s go.

Basic Vocabulary for Likes and Dislikes

Expressing likes and dislikes is an essential part of communication. In this section, we will cover some basic vocabulary for expressing likes and dislikes.

Common Verbs

Here are some common verbs that we use to express likes and dislikes:

Adjectives for Preferences

We can also use adjectives to express our preferences. Here are some adjectives that we can use:

Alternative phrases for “I like” and “I dislike” include “I’m fond of”, “I’m keen on”, “I’m crazy about”, “I’m not a fan of”, “I can’t stand”, and “I detest”.

Advanced Vocabulary for Likes and Dislikes

As we become more proficient in English, we can expand our vocabulary to include idiomatic expressions and colloquial terms to express our likes and dislikes more accurately and with more nuance. In this section, we’ll cover some advanced vocabulary for likes and dislikes.

Idiomatic Expressions

Idiomatic expressions are phrases that have a figurative meaning that is different from the literal meaning of the words. Here are some idiomatic expressions you can use to express your likes and dislikes:

For example, instead of saying “I like pizza,” you could say “I’m nuts about pizza.” Or instead of saying “I dislike broccoli,” you could say “I’m sick of broccoli.”

Colloquial Terms

Colloquial terms are informal words and phrases that are commonly used in everyday speech. Here are some colloquial terms you can use to express your likes and dislikes:

  • Dig: To like something a lot
  • Can’t stand: To strongly dislike something
  • Groove on: To enjoy something
  • Not my cup of tea: To not like something

For example, instead of saying “I like jazz music,” you could say “I dig jazz music.” Or instead of saying “I don’t like spicy food,” you could say “Spicy food isn’t my cup of tea.”

Expressing Likes and Dislikes | Infographic

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My like and dislike paragraph | 5 Different Answers Added (Updated 2023)

My like and dislike paragraph answer number 1.

My like and dislike paragraph : I am a human being with my own likes and dislikings. Others may not like my views. Another thing is that I might be strongly opposed to the likes of others. In fact, people have different likes and dislikes. This is especially evident in student life . Although I don’t abandon reading, I enjoy playing.

Although I enjoy seeing beautiful natural sights, I’m reluctant to travel. I don’t like companionship and have few friends. As a student, it is important that I study hard for exams. It may not be something I love, but it is something I enjoy. I actually like my fellow students and have my own interests and dislikes.

M y like and dislike paragraph  Answer Number 2

As with all human beings, I have many interests and dislikes. My favorite color, TV shows, movies and actor-actresses are my favorites. I also love to talk about books, pets, music, sports, and music.

Red is my favorite color. Red is my favorite color. I love its beauty and glow.

Red-colored clothing is my favorite color. Because I find it very funny, “Just for Laughs”, is my favorite TV show. Because the characters of the movie are very similar to my family, “Big Happy Family” is my favorite movie. The characters have performed well in the roles they played.

Jessica Alba is my favorite Hollywood actress. Leonardo DiCaprio is my favorite Hollywood actor. Because I love the cheesy taste of Lasagna and the sauce, it is my favorite dish. Ravinder Singh’s “I Too Had a Love Story”, is my favorite book.

Ravinder’s tragic love story is told in his actual life. It is written in a touching manner. This book has made me cry 5 times. The series was addictive and I couldn’t put it down.

I love pets. Dogs are my favorite pet. Because they are good-behaved, I love the miniature snoozer. Gymnastics is my favorite sport. It has been my passion for five years. I’ve also been to many of the events. Country music is my favorite type of music.

There are many things I don’t like. Talking about my dislikes is a great way to discuss the colors I don’t like, the TV shows that make me sick, the movies I hate, the pets I hate, the foods I avoid, and so on. I generally like all colors, except brown, which I find very dark, dull, and nasty.

I don’t wear brown clothes and I rarely choose brown colors for any other purpose. Flying colors is the TV show I dislike the most. The title doesn’t suit the show. They show stories that are not based on real-life situations and they don’t make sense.

This game is both boring and stupid. Cats are not my favorite animal. I wouldn’t recommend anyone to have cats as pets. I love peas, but I can eat a variety of non-vegetarian and vegetarian food. Peas are a disgusting vegetable that I avoid because they squish in my mouth.

M y like and dislike paragraph  Answer Number 3

My likes and dislikes are my own, which may or not be appealing to others. Many things appeal to me, but they are all different in their importance. My home, school, city, pets, wristwatch, books, and parents are all things I love. They do so much for me and give me everything I need. I get a generous allowance from them and they are always available to offer sound advice.

I enjoy living an outdoor lifestyle. I love picnics and excursions. Every Sunday, I organize an excursion and convince my class-fellows and friends to join me. We visit many parks, gardens, the canal head, and the riverside. We love to bathe in the cold water from the river and canal.

Friends who are sincere and stand beside me through thick or thin are what I enjoy. Fair-weather friends can often leave you in the dust. I try to avoid their company. Aditi, the daughter of a local physician, is my best friend. She is beautiful and young, honest, straightforward, simple, and God-fearing. She is kind and helpful to everyone. She is an example of the proverb “A friend in trouble is a friend indeed”. She is a great help to me in my studies.

Morality and temperance are two of my favorite things. High thinking and simple living are my values. I believe in goodness and virtue, without which happiness is impossible.

I enjoy painting and other arts. I enjoy music, poetry, drama, and dancing. I love beauty and can appreciate its beauty. Keats, the famous poet, was right when he stated that “A thing of beauty will bring you joy for your whole life.” I love the beauty of snow-covered mountains, streams, lakes, springs, and setting suns. I love literature and art, as well as everything good about life.

This does not mean I like everything. However, my dislikes are just as strong as those I like.

I don’t like narrow nationalism. Some people are half patriots. They believe that “My country is right and wrong”. Dr. Johnson condemns this kind of patriotism, saying that “Patriotism the last resort for scoundrels” This narrow nationalism is responsible for Pakistan’s enmity towards India. While we may love our country, we shouldn’t hate any other country. All people in the world should be considered our brethren.

It is obvious that I don’t like bad things. I hate hypocrisy and greed. Greediness can be a curse. A greedy person is often heartless. He is selfish and has no empathy for the pain and suffering of others. He doesn’t care about his family, friends, and relatives. Sometimes, nations can also become selfish and greedy. They seek to prosper at the expense of others.

We all know that Germany was greedy and the two World Wars were fought. As I said, I hate hypocrisy. Some rogues would like to be saints. They are disgusting to me.

I also dislike ignorance and illiteracy. A blind man who is illiterate and ignorant is the same as a blind man.

Ignorance is a curse on humanity, a curse on society, and a threat to civilization. Ignorance is a lack of knowledge. A person who is illiterate is often overlooked. It doesn’t make any difference if you are an animal or an ignorant person. These people are more likely to be narrow-minded, superstitious, and selfish.

Finally, I enjoy hard work that is profitable and plenty of leisure time. It does not mean I want to be a Lotos Eater, who spends his time in idleness. I enjoy a lot of leisure and profitable work. Life would be dull and boring if there was no leisure.

M y like and dislike paragraph  Answer Number 4

Everyone has their likes and hats. These likes and dislikings can vary from one person to the next. Food habits: I prefer certain vegetables to meat, fish to meat, guava and apple, mango and jackfruit, and so forth. Pajamas are more comfortable than lungs at home. My favorite colors are light green and off-white. Yellow is not a color that attracts me. Classic Bangla songs are my favorite, but I don’t like the sound of pop songs. My favorite genres in reading are science fiction and short stories. I get up at dawn and go to bed by noon. My mind is filled with religious fervor and I detest any form of irreligious activity. I am surrounded by people who are good friends and avoid the pomp and grandeur of the wealthy. Cricket instills in me a sense of wonder and joy that football can’t. I love birds and flowers of every kind. I don’t like dogs and cats. My taste buds are affected by my surroundings, so I am able to choose my favorite or least favorite. My religious beliefs often influence my preferences and dislikes. Other than religious restrictions, they are not too restrictive for me. My family members appreciate my dislikes and likes, as they are not irritating or problem-creating.

M y like and dislike paragraph  Answer Number 5

There are many differences among us. One area that is common to all of them is our love and hate. This is due to our familial background, friends, and climatic conditions. However, our likes and dislikes help us understand ourselves. As with all people, I also have likes and dislikes.

Cleanliness is my first priority. I regard it as second only to God. Even though their tongue may be bitter, I love people whose hearts are clean. Beauty is all that I love. Beautiful things are the ones we can’t stop seeing. It fills me with joy to look at an elephant. Similar to how I feel when I look at an elephant and its work, it fills me with admiration and praise. Nature is something I love very much. This is a great source of consolation. It is a great shame to see how man, in his mad pursuit of material possessions, has lost all the true joy that comes with Nature. I love small children. They jump and hop like wild birds. Their faces are smooth and shiny. I admire their tiny fingers and small toes. I forget all my troubles when they are around. However, I hate chain smokers. Flattery is too dangerous to be around. They will never be our true friends and companions. False intellectuals are also a problem.

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Essay on “my likes and dislikes” for students and children, best essay, paragraph, speech for class 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12.

My Likes And Dislikes

“Raindrops on roses and whiskers on kittens Bright copper kettles and warm woolen mittens Brown paper packages tied up with string These are a few of my favourite things” This famous song from the unforgettable movie “The Sound of Music” confirms that there are things that we like more than we do others. Things or people or acts that make us happy as opposed to those things that make us unhappy.

I tend to like most things, most edibles and most people that come my way. Yet, if I have to prioritize, my ‘like’ for an uncomplicated life with a “live and let live” policy would top the list. I like a clean and warm home loaded with good food, good music, good books and my family and friends whom I cherish. I like to be well dressed at all times and lead a disciplined life, with occasional, impulsive indulges. I like a kind heart, a warm smile and an infectious laugh as well. I like happy movies, long drives and being alone with nature. I like solitude and find great peace with myself. I like having something worthwhile to do. I have my dislikes too. I dislike milk and bitter gourd. I dislike putting on weight so easily. I dislike friction in relationships and I dislike over friendly and meddlesome people. Most of all, I dislike dishonesty.

I am aware that life is not a bed of roses and I cannot have only what I like so I have my ways to deal with the not-so-nice things and still keep my sunny side up!

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My Likes and Dislikes Essay Example

My Likes and Dislikes Essay Example

  • Pages: 3 (562 words)
  • Published: May 15, 2017
  • Type: Essay

My likes and dislikes arc rather limited. The first thing I positively dislike is the nerve racking discipline imposed upon the youngers by the elders or by those in authority. Why should anybody bother my life with do’s and don’ts? Why should I not be left entirely to myself to choose my own ways ? Why should a father, who himself smokes, call upon his child to refrain from smoking and drinking ? Does he have any moral right to do that ? Why should a student be forced to sit and listen to the most boring, dull and dry lecture of an incompetent teacher who does not know his job ?Discipline, as the word has unfortunately come to mean today, stunts normal growth and hinders the free development of personality. How lovely is the

freely growing undisciplined, untamed nature ? Who disciplines the dancing rivulets? Who disciplines the singing birds ? Man is born free, we put him in chains.

How sad, how tragic! Another thing that I like is to sit idle and to do nothing. Vacant hours fill me with pleasure and joy. A walk by the mountain side or by the river side delights my heart. I can sit for hours on a railway bridge to watch the shrieking movement of the trains below.

Work, work and work. It has made a hell of this life. I feel like crying with W. H. Davies : “What is this life if full of care We have no time to stand and stare.

My hobby is playing practical jokes upon others. My heart tingles with a sense of delight when 1 make a fool

of some body, full of a false sense of pride in his wisdom and intellect. I enjoy playing truant. Using ‘proxies’ in the class is a part of my nature. I love pulling off a gentleman’s turban with the help of a crooked needle and a long thread.

 Read also  battle of the sexes questions Tying down the long hair of the ladies with bedsteads while they are asleep, writing nasty words n the shirts of my class-fellows, writing love letters to my class-fellows on behalf of some other friends, raising false but intelligent alarms in the hostel and putting up false holiday notice on the notice-board are only some of my favourite pastimes. Every day for me is the All Fools Day’. I love life. There is a long list of my likes and dislikes. But I shall stop with the last.

I like and enjoy breaking rules. Any notice like ‘No Bill Stricking Here’ is an open invitation for me to stick a bill on the notice itself.Moralists may cry out against me and like to hand me over to the police but, believe me, there is joy in doing what I do. Stolen Kisses, I know from experience, are always sweet. I am a born leader. I am always on the lookout for an opportunity to make a speech.

On the slightest pretext, I gather my fellow students and call upon them to go on a strike. My electrifying words work a miracle and all work comes to a standstill. One thing that I positively dislike is physical violence. May be I am a

coward. But whenever, I apprehend trouble or an attack, I take to my heels.

I am a staunch believer in non-violence and peace

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My likes and dislikes 1.

When you are asked to write about your LIKES AND DISLIKES try to include some of the following points in your essay: 1. every one has likes and dislikes 2. all the things you like 3. all the things you dislike 4. anything else that you want to include to make your essay different from others MY LIKES AND DISLIKES 1 Every one has likes and dislikes. I too have them. Of all the things I like most is to be left alone with a story book with the music on. I prefer Indian classical instruments like the sitar, sarod and santoor. They are very soothing and sound interesting to me. I am learning to play the sitar so all the more I am fascinated by it. I also like to go to quiet places for holidays. The mountains are my favourite. Every holiday we go to Sikkim. The formation of the stars in the evening sky attracts me very much. I can sit for hours together watching the stars. I like to watch the birds and imitate their songs and calls. I like to eat home food but occasionally I do eat junk food. The adventure movies attract me. Things that I dislike are loud car horns and noise. Both my parents have very soft voices. They never speak in high pitch. I also speak very softly. When I study I do not like anybody standing behind and watching me. What I dread most and utterly dislike is to sit for examinations.

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311 Likes And Dislikes List

If you’re looking for something to talk about, few things are as useful as knowing the other person’s random likes and dislikes — particularly those you share with them. 

“So, I hear you have a special love for bees.” And you’re off and running.

This could be the start of a unique and lasting friendship. 

Even if you don’t know their particular leanings, though, the likes and dislikes list in this post will give you plenty of ideas.

311 Likes and Dislikes 

List of likes, list of dislikes, why is it good to know your likes and dislikes, 20 questions to ask yourself about your likes and dislikes , final thoughts.

We’ve broken up this list into two to focus separately on common likes and dislikes. That said, what one person likes might repel another, and vice-versa.

We’ve done our best to make the following lists as useful as they are entertaining. 

Some of the items could just as easily end up on the dislikes list for some people.

If you bring any of the following up as conversation starters, remember to respect the other person’s opinion (even if it makes you rethink the idea of a second date).

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Some of these common dislikes might be something in which your conversation partner takes an interest. One person’s dislikes list can contain another’s buried treasure. 

Knowing your likes and dislikes is an integral part of self-awareness. It allows you to navigate life more effectively by giving you an insight into what will bring you joy, satisfaction, and comfort. 

Here are a few reasons why it's essential to be aware of what you like or don't like:

  • It can help you make better decisions: Understanding what makes you happy and what doesn't gives you more clarity when making big or small decisions. You can act quickly and decisively once you know what works for you and what doesn't.
  • It allows you to explore and develop your interests: Once you know what kind of activities make you feel content, happy, or energized, you can work on indulging in them more often. Doing so will help bring out the best in yourself and help you build new skills.
  • It can help you identify potential opportunities: Knowing your preferences can give you a better idea of the work or activities most suitable for you. This can help you make more informed decisions about career paths or courses and classes to take.
  • It can help you form meaningful relationships with others: When you better understand yourself and your preferences, it allows you to connect with people who share similar interests. This will foster deeper and more meaningful relationships than might otherwise have been impossible.

Whether you're just starting your journey of self-discovery or looking to deepen your understanding of yourself, these questions will help you gain valuable insights into what makes you happy and fulfilled.

So, let's dive in.

1. What is my favorite indoor or outdoor activity?

2. What food do I always enjoy eating? 

3. What topic can I talk about for hours? 

4. If I had more free time, what would I do with it? 

5. What subject do I enjoy learning about the most?

6. What makes me feel most energized? 

7. When do I feel the most content and peaceful? 

8. What type of music soothes my soul? 

9. If I could pick any activity to practice daily, what would it be? 

10. What activities make me lose track of time? 

11. What type of environment is conducive to my productivity and creativity? 

12. What would I rather spend my money on experiences or material possessions? 

13. Would I rather be out with friends or stay in by myself? 

14. What genre of movies do I prefer? 

15. What quality do I look for most in a friend? 

16. What kind of books do I like to read? 

17. What type of social interaction brings me the most joy? 

18. What is my favorite mode of transportation? 

19. Do I prefer to talk on the phone or send text messages? 

20. Do I prefer quiet drives or lively car rides?

5-Minute Likes Dislikes Exercise

Unlock your preferences and gain clarity in life by trying this simple likes and dislikes exercise. This 5-minute exercise is a fun way to clarify what you like and don't like. Grab a notebook and pen or open a digital document and create two columns: “Likes” and “Dislikes.”

Think about different aspects of your life, such as food, fun activities, pet peeves, and work responsibilities. Now look over the list above once more and write down whatever likes and dislikes that jump out at you.

Next, write down a few words describing why you like or don't like. For example, if one of your dislikes was “being micromanaged” at work then you could state the reason as “I don't feel trusted in the role I was hired to do.”

With this extensive list of common likes and dislikes, now you have the key to unlock your preferences and share them when someone asks you. Try the 5-min likes/dislikes exercise again to discover your inner compass and deeper understanding about what makes you tick.

essay on my likes and dislikes


Talking about likes and dislikes in English

There’s a whole range of English expressions you can use to talk about how much you like or dislike something.

If you love something

“I love eating ice-cream.”

“I adore sun-bathing.”

“She’s mad about that new boy band.”

“He’s crazy about that girl.”

If you like something a lot

“She’s fond of chocolate.”

“I like swimming very much.”

“He really likes that new golf course.” (Remember to stress “really” in this sentence.)

If you like something

“He quite likes going to the cinema.”

“I like cooking.”

If you neither like nor dislike something

“I don’t mind doing the housework.”

In reply to a question if you like something or not, you can say: “ I don’t really care either way .” “ It’s all the same to me .”

If you don’t like something

“She doesn’t like cooking very much.”

“He’s not very fond of doing the gardening.”

“He’s not a great fan of football.”

“Horse-riding isn’t really his thing .”

“I dislike wasting time.”

If you really dislike something

“I don’t like sport at all .”

“He can’t stand his boss.”

“She can’t bear cooking in a dirty kitchen.”

“I hate crowded supermarkets.”

“He detests being late.”

“She loathes celery.”

Things to remember

Dislike is quite formal.

Fond of is normally used to talk about food or people.

The ‘oa’ in loathe rhymes with the ‘oa’ in boat .

Grammar Note

To talk about your general likes or dislikes, follow this pattern: like something or like doing something.

Remember that “I’d like…” is for specific present or future wishes. “I like swimming” = I like swimming generally. “I’d like to go swimming this afternoon” = I want to go swimming at a specific time in the future.

Common mistake

Be careful where you put very much or a lot . These words should go after the thing that you like.

For example, “I like reading very much.” NOT “I like very much reading.”

Where next?

Check out our page on how to speak about your hobbies in English.


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Essay on “My Likes and Dislikes” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

My Likes and Dislikes

   The subject calls upon me to make an open confession.  Let me take courage and confess what I like and what I dislike.

                My likes and dislikes are rather limited.  The first thing I positively dislike is the nerve racking discipline imposed upon the youngers by the elders or by those in authority.  Why should anybody bother my life with do’s and don’ts? Why should I not be left entirely to myself to choose my own ways? Why should a father, who himself smokes call upon his child to refrain from smoking and drinking? Does he have any moral right to do that? Why should a student be forced to sit and listen to the most boring, dull and dry lecture of an incompetent teacher who does not know his job? Discipline, as the word has unfortunately come to mean today, stunts normal growth and hinders the free development of personality.  How lovely is the freely growing undisciplined, untamed nature? Who disciplines the dancing rivulets? Who disciplines the singing birds? Man is born free, we put him in chains.  How sad, how tragic!

                Another thing that I like is to sit idle and to do nothing.  Vacant hours fill me with pleasure and joy.  A walk by the mountain side or by the river side delights my heart.  I can sit for hours or a railway bridge to watch the shrieking movement of the trains below.  Work, work and work. It has made a hell of this life.

                I feel like crying with W.H. Davies:                 “What is this life if full of care                 We have no time to stand and stare.”

                My hobby is playing practical jokes upon others.  My heart tingles with a sense of delight when I make a fool of some body, full of a false sense of pride in his wisdom and intellect.  In enjoy playing truant.  Using ‘proxies’ in the class is a part of my nature.  I love pulling off a gentleman’s turban with the help of a crooked needle and a long thread.  Trying down the long hair of the ladies with bedsteads while they are asleep, writing nasty words on the shirts of my class-fellows, wiring love letters to my class-fellows on behalf of some other friends, raising false but intelligent alarms in the hostel and putting up false holiday notice on the notice-board are only some of my favourite pastimes.  Every day for me is the ‘All Fools Day’. I love life.

                There is a long list of my likes and dislikes.  But I shall stop with the last.  I like and enjoy breaking rules.  Any notice like ‘No Bill Stricking Here’ is an open invitation for me to stick a bill on the notice itself.

                Moralists may cry out against me and like to hand me over to the police but, believe me, there is joy in doing what I do.  Stolen kisses, I know from experience, are always sweet.

                I am a born leader.  I am always on the book out for an opportunity to make a speech.  On the slightest pretext, I gather my fellow students and call upon them to go on a strike.  My electrifying words work a miracle and all work comes to a stand- still.  One thing that I positively dislike is physical violence.  May be I am a coward.  But whenever, I apprehend trouble or an attack, I take to my heels.  I am a staunch believer in non-violence and peace.

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Expressing Likes And Dislikes Across Cambridge English Levels

No matter where we are and who we are talking with, there is one predominant topic we almost always discuss. It is our preferences, what we like and dislike that we are talking about.

What relation has this got with the Cambridge Exams?

Take a look at the questions below. Do they ring a bell to you?

The above questions have all been taken from the Speaking paper Part 1 of the B1 Preliminary, B2 First and C1 Advanced exams. It is the first of the four parts, where you are expected to give extended answers and demonstrate a range of vocabulary on familiar topics like home or studies, special occasions, travelling, the future, friendship, etc.

No matter the topic, one way of doing it is to avoid repeating the exact words used in the questions. I mean, instead of “I like”, “I prefer”, “My favourite activity”, “I enjoy” , etc, you’d better use another expression that will definitely make a big difference to the mark the examiner gives you while assessing your speaking skills. Remember that language range and variety is paramount to your success in the Speaking paper.

So, let’s dive into the topic of expressing preferences and see how a single word or expression can show what level you have in English. Get ready to add new vocabulary to your English Golden List!

B1 Preliminary

Do you fancy some B1+ (B1 High) expressions? Here you are:

C1 Advanced – C2 Proficiency

As a Cambridge Exam candidate, what are the steps to take once you have got this list? Supposing you are preparing yourself to take C1 Advanced, you should have the above expressions constantly present in your mind. Start by writing them on post-its. I used to hang them on the wall before taking the C2 Proficiency exam. Use them in short context, such as sentences or mini-anecdotes about you. The closer they are to the reality, the faster they will stick in your mind, and you will remember them forever. There is a Latin proverb that says Qui scribit, bis legit,  which means Who writes, reads twice . This wise saying bears the idea that writing down what is read improves our ability to memorize and, eventually, to retrieve, as if by reading it twice. So, we learn and remember twice as fast as by simply reading it. Next, when participating in English class speaking activities, such as role-plays, debates, etc, or writing any informal register texts, such as a letter to an English friend, where you are sharing your preferences or talking about your leisure time activities, remember to make use of these expressions.

One last point I want to make is that it is not always how much you can say on a given topic, but what words you use to express yourself. Be aware of how important each word you say in the Speaking part of the exam is, and make sure you use the language that best suits the exam you are taking.

Stay tuned for more words of advice and handy material!

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  1. My Likes and Dislikes Essay Example

    essay on my likes and dislikes

  2. Expressing LIKES and DISLIKES in English

    essay on my likes and dislikes

  3. My likes and dislikes essay

    essay on my likes and dislikes

  4. Essay on My Likes and Dislikes||My Likes and Dislikes Essay in English MBVasudev

    essay on my likes and dislikes

  5. Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes

    essay on my likes and dislikes

  6. How to Express Likes and Dislikes in English

    essay on my likes and dislikes


  1. My Favourite Subject Science Essay in English 10 Lines

  2. My likes and dislikes

  3. My likes and dislikes.(15 Lines Essay in English)

  4. Essay on things I hate to do

  5. My likes and dislikes paragraph /my likes and dislikes essay

  6. JS3000 12V 3000A Battery Booster Jump Starter, My Likes & Dislikes after 1+ year and many outings


  1. Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes

    Also Read: Paragraph on My Aim in Life . My likes and Dislikes Paragraph / Essay [400 Words] Introduction: Every mortal being has his likings and disliking that are determined by his social and cultural background. I have also my personal likes and dislikes. Likes: First of all, I have a great love for nature. I feel a closeness with nature.

  2. My Likes And Dislikes, Essay Sample

    Essay On My Likes And Dislikes As A Teenager - 700 Word Long Essay. Every person has their own likes and dislikes in life. Liking something while avoiding others can reveal many things about our personality. It shows what we think, what we approve of, and what we will never try in real life.

  3. Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes in 100 to 300 Words

    My academic likes and dislikes reflect my curiosity and areas for growth, guiding my educational path. Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes - 150 words Within the academic realm, my preferences are distinctly marked by a deep admiration for subjects that stimulate critical thinking and creativity.

  4. Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes in English (100, 200, 400 Words)

    Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes in 100 Words Sample 1. I'm an 8-year-old boy bursting with energy and excitement! I love playing football with my friends until the sun goes down, scoring goals like my favorite players. Building towering LEGO skyscrapers is my jam, especially if they're filled with secret traps and treasure.

  5. Short Paragraph on My Likes and Dislikes (460 Words)

    Here is your short paragraph on my likes and dislikes: Likes Like every human beings I have many likes & dislikes. When I talk about my likes I like to talk about my favourite color, TV shows, movies, actor-actresses, food, books, pets, sports & music. My favourite color is red. If given a choice I always choose red color because I find it pretty & glowing. I like to wear red colored clothes ...

  6. Essay on My Likes and Dislikes (730 Words)

    Essay on My Likes and Dislikes: Everybody has his own likes and dislikes. A Lord Byron likes wine though Shri Morarji shuns it. A Gandhi loves truth and non-violence, while a Churchill believes in lies and violence. One likes to be a saint, another wants to be a rogue. These likes and dislikes differ from man to man depending upon his taste ...

  7. How Do I Talk About My Likes and Dislikes in English?

    2. Express Dislikes Clearly. Example: Use 'dislike', 'don't like', or 'hate' for negative feelings. Dialogue: "I don't like cold weather much." 3. Be Specific About Your ...

  8. Talking About Likes And Dislikes In English

    Things To Remember About Likes And Dislikes. 1. When these expressions are followed by a verb, the latter is put in the -ing form. Examples: "I like listening to music.". "I hate wearing sunglasses.". Structure: I like. VERB+ING.

  9. Essay On My Likes And Dislikes

    WhatsApp. Essay on My Likes and Dislikes Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes. The subject calls upon me to make an open confession. Let me take courage and confess what I like and what I dislike. My likes and dislikes are rather limited. The first thing I positively dislike is the nerve racking discipline ...

  10. Learn Writing by Reading: Likes & Dislikes

    Take one of the likes or dislikes from your earlier reading and really sit with it. It could be a character, a story element, the setting, or even the author's writing style. It doesn't matter what your like or dislike is about—what matters is what you can learn from it. Now that you've chosen something to analyze, it's time to ...

  11. My Likes and Dislikes

    Introduction. Everyone in this world has his own likes and dislikes. Likewise, I also have some of my own likes and dislikes. These are as under: My Likes. I love to enjoy beautiful nature and its beauty to other material worldly things. I wish for going into the lap of nature to enjoy its lovely beauty. I wink at petty acts done against me and ...

  12. How to Express Likes and Dislikes in English

    Here are some colloquial terms you can use to express your likes and dislikes: Dig: To like something a lot. Can't stand: To strongly dislike something. Groove on: To enjoy something. Not my cup of tea: To not like something. Related Useful Ways of Expressing Opinions in English.

  13. My like and dislike paragraph

    My like and dislike paragraph Answer Number 1. My like and dislike paragraph: I am a human being with my own likes and dislikings. Others may not like my views. Another thing is that I might be strongly opposed to the likes of others. In fact, people have different likes and dislikes. This is especially evident in student life .

  14. Essay on "My Likes And Dislikes" for Students and Children, Best Essay

    I like happy movies, long drives and being alone with nature. I like solitude and find great peace with myself. I like having something worthwhile to do. I have my dislikes too. I dislike milk and bitter gourd. I dislike putting on weight so easily. I dislike friction in relationships and I dislike over friendly and meddlesome people.

  15. My Likes and Dislikes Essay Example

    One thing that I positively dislike is physical violence. May be I am a. coward. But whenever, I apprehend trouble or an attack, I take to my heels. I am a staunch believer in non-violence and peace. My Likes and Dislikes Essay Example 🎓 Get access to high-quality and unique 50 000 college essay examples and more than 100 000 flashcards and ...

  16. My Likes and Dislikes School English Essay

    Fiction. When you are asked to write about your LIKES AND DISLIKES try to include some of the following points in your essay: 1. every one has likes and dislikes. 2. all the things you like. 3. all the things you dislike. 4. anything else that you want to include to make your essay different from others. MY LIKES AND DISLIKES 1.

  17. 311 Likes And Dislikes (The Only List You'll Need)

    List of Dislikes. Some of these common dislikes might be something in which your conversation partner takes an interest. One person's dislikes list can contain another's buried treasure. 1. Animal cruelty. 2. Styrofoam. 3. Chalkboards and chalk.

  18. Talking about likes and dislikes in English

    Grammar Note. To talk about your general likes or dislikes, follow this pattern: like something or like doing something. Remember that "I'd like…" is for specific present or future wishes. "I like swimming" = I like swimming generally. "I'd like to go swimming this afternoon" = I want to go swimming at a specific time in the ...

  19. Essay on "My Likes and Dislikes" Complete Essay for ...

    Trying down the long hair of the ladies with bedsteads while they are asleep, writing nasty words on the shirts of my class-fellows, wiring love letters to my class-fellows on behalf of some other friends, raising false but intelligent alarms in the hostel and putting up false holiday notice on the notice-board are only some of my favourite ...

  20. 668 Words Essay on My Likes and Dislikes (free to read)

    668 Words Essay on My Likes and Dislikes (free to read) We all differ in many ways. Out of them all, one major area is on account of our likes and dislikes. The difference exists owing to our family background, company of friends and climatic conditions. Our likes and dislikes, however, give us an insight into our inner self.

  21. Essay on My Likes and Dislikes

    On the first day, in Class VI, our teacher asked us to write about our likes and dislikes. I thought and thought and realized that there were in fact a few things which I disliked and liked. ADVERTISEMENTS: I am a boy with very strong likes and dislikes. My parents have always to me that good people are honest, simple, and kind.

  22. Expressing Likes And Dislikes Across Cambridge English Levels

    I mean, instead of "I like", "I prefer", "My favourite activity", "I enjoy", etc, you'd better use another expression that will definitely make a big difference to the mark the examiner gives you while assessing your speaking skills. Remember that language range and variety is paramount to your success in the Speaking paper.

  23. 10 English Phrases for Talking About Likes & Dislikes

    [soccer] is my thing. I'm crazy about… [soccer] I'm not a huge fan of… [modern art] [Modern art] isn't my cup of tea. I don't really care for… [modern art] I'm not into… [modern art] I can't stand… [modern art] (this phrase expresses strong dislike)