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How to write a manifesto for a school prefect with a sample

Some people are born leaders, but leadership skills have to be nurtured. This explains why today, schools take the allocation of power to students seriously through holding elections. Just like politicians, if you want to become a student leader, you must know how to write a manifesto for a school prefect.

Junior school prefect manifesto


How do you write a school manifesto, 1. introduce yourself and your objectives, 2. talk about your experiences, 3. indicate the problem facing your area of interest and your action plan, 4. be brief, 5. be grammatically correct, manifesto for head girl in school, manifesto for health prefect, manifesto for a compound prefect, manifesto for entertainment prefect, manifesto for the sanitary prefect, manifesto for chaplain prefect, manifesto for school prefect sample, what are 3 qualities a prefect should have.

A manifesto is a public declaration of policy and aims by an individual, especially before an election to a certain position. It helps one spread their message as widely as possible, and therefore, one should be clear on their intentions and ideas. It is an opportunity to inform the voters about oneself.

How to write a manifesto for a school prefect

The purpose of an election manifesto is to convey your intentions, views and beliefs, and motivation behind the specific position you are vying for. To successfully do this, you should ensure that the actual content of your manifesto is Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound (SMART). Here is everything you need to know about writing a junior school prefect manifesto.

essay on school prefect manifesto

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The manner in which you write your manifesto determines whether or not fellow students will vote for you as a leader. Therefore, you must organize your ideas, beliefs, and plans in a comprehensive way that distinguishes you from other election candidates.

By reading your manifesto, let the students and the whole school fraternity understand the strategies that you will use to cause positive transformations in the institution. There are several areas in a learning institution that require overseeing by leaders. There is the compound, entertainment , health and sanitation.

There must also be a senior prefect who oversees the work of the other prefects. Therefore, when writing your manifesto, consider the position you want and its requirement. For instance, if you want to become a chaplain prefect, your manifesto cannot be similar to that of a compound leader.

essay on school prefect manifesto

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Guidelines on how you write a manifesto for being a school prefect

The first step towards creating an excellent manifesto is to prepare the ideas that you want the public to see. You must know the area that you are interested in. If you are vying for a compound perfect position, you have an interest in that area.

Do some research about the position you want. You do not want to appear clueless about the issues that need to be addressed in that area. Outline all the aspects concerning that position and determine what you will do to make it better. Then proceed to write the manifesto.

How do you introduce yourself in a manifesto? Begin by informing people about your identity i.e. your name and your class. This should be followed by the objectives that you have as a leader. These goals should appear in a bulleted format and a brief explanation for each of them.

essay on school prefect manifesto

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Your objectives should be feasible. Do not go making promises that can never be accomplished. For instance, if you are a health prefect, you cannot say that you will build a hospital. This is impossible and can make your manifesto less influential.

Manifesto for school prefect sample

Let people know about the experiences you have had either at home, school, internship or life in general that make you suitable for that position. If you want the compound prefect position, talk about planting trees in the past or doing a cleanup.

This information should be complemented by a list of skills that you gain. They could be problem-solving, critical thinking, commitment, and decision-making capabilities among others.

Let other students know that you are familiar with the issues facing your area of interest. Then talk about the measures you plan to take to rectify the situation or make it better.

essay on school prefect manifesto

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For instance, if you want the sports prefect seat, you can talk about the number of balls for playing football. Students want to know if you have their best interests at heart and that you can represent them adequately to the administration.

Nobody wants to read long manifestos. After all, there are many people vying, and each has a manifesto that must be read. Be precise, organize your work using bullets and be straight to the point.

Avoid misspelling words, using words wrongly or using incorrect punctuation. Also, ensure to write comprehensive sentence structures. Remember, you want to be a leader. Grammatical errors can reduce the relevance of your manifesto.

How do you make a manifesto?

Now that you have discovered the general guidelines for writing the manifesto, here is an outline of additional requirements for specific positions.

essay on school prefect manifesto

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To be a senior prefect, you must show how knowledgeable you are about all areas of the school. Talk about the leadership skills that will enable you to ensure that all the other prefects work as a team. Also, let the students you how you plan to represent their concerns to the administration.

Are you conversant with the health services provided in the school? Are students attended to on time? What complaints about your school healthcare facility have you heard repeatedly?

What do you think should be done to address healthcare concerns in the school? Outline your goals as a student health representative. Tell them the steps you will take to ensure that their needs are met satisfactorily.

If you need to know how to write a manifesto for compound prefect in your school, you need to be aware of things like garbage disposal in your school, when and how is the compound cleaned and what are your standards for a clean compound. Outline such aspects and how you plan to make the environment cleaner.

essay on school prefect manifesto

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Also, be wise enough to talk about environmental sustainability now that it is a global issue. You can also talk about making proposals to the administration to allow tree-planting activities in or outside the school.

Here express your interest and knowledge on the importance of nurturing talents. Talk about how talents such as singing, poetry, sports and acting among others are helping people to earn income.

How do you plan to make the entertainment in the school livelier? You can talk about enforcing singing or drama competitions between groups occasionally during school terms.

Your interest here is to ensure that students live in hygienic conditions. Explain your goal of ensuring that they access clean water and clean ablution rooms. What is your action plan? You can make proposals about having hygiene talks with the students.

essay on school prefect manifesto

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To be fit for this position, you ought to know how to meet the spiritual and emotional requirements of other people. Students are likely to face stress due to poor performance, strict rules or familial issues.

What will you do to encourage them and give them hope? Will you facilitate individual or group counselling sessions? Do you know school-related issues that cause students emotional torture? All these issues must be addressed in the manifesto.

Manifesto for head girl in school

Generally, prefects are expected to establish and maintain the highest standards of behaviour, attitude and appearance at all times. In addition, they are expected to be positive role models for the other students.

With that in mind, anyone vying for the girl prefect position must be in a position to win both the teacher's and the student's hearts with their manifesto. So what should I write in my prefect application? Here is a sample manifesto for school prefect JHS.

essay on school prefect manifesto

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The headmasters, assistant headmaster, teaching staff, outgoing prefects and colleague students, I see it a great honour to stand here today to make known my plans when I am voted in power. Things are easily said but not easily done, so lend me your ears as I recount the attributes that back up my claim.

Becoming the girl's prefect at this institute is no joke, and I am more than ready to take up the task and deliver my possible best and to the satisfaction of all. After keenly observing the last two sets of remarkable and hard-working prefects perform their duties, I recognized and learnt that a good prefect should have the following:

  • P-Persevering
  • R-Responsible
  • E-Excellent
  • E-Encouraging

When I assume office, here are some things that I will do.

  • Ensure that the discipline in the school is raised to the maximum level.
  • Improve sports and entertainment activities in the school.
  • Ensure that a balanced diet is served at the dining hall.

essay on school prefect manifesto

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Apart from all the things mentioned above, it will be my duty to promptly ensure that all complaints are attended to. This will come in handy in ensuring that all our students continue believing in our school and love it.

Before I leave, I would like you all to remember that a vote for me will surely end well.

Thank you .

The three major qualities a prefect should have to include:

  • Leadership skills: Be able to take charge of situations when necessary.
  • Responsibility: Should be responsible and reliable, always following through with other students' commitments.
  • Communication: Should be able to listen to the concerns and ideas of their fellow students and communicate effectively with teachers and other staff members.

Learning how to write a manifesto for a school prefect is now made easier. Your manifesto speaks volumes about you. Make it brief, organized and straight to the point. Most importantly, be realistic with your plan.

essay on school prefect manifesto

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Persuasive Speech: I Should Be the Next School Prefect

I should be your next school prefect because I have all the best things to offer the position and the establishment. To start with, I have an engaging and positive attitude that makes it easy to relate to students and staff. Not only that, but I am cheerful and love to take on new challenges. I have plenty of experience working with others in a leadership role so I am prepared to take on this duty with all the necessary achievements and requirements under my belt.

One of my main jobs will be working with the students and staff at the school to help them deal with both positive and negative issues that arise on campus. I will help each one of them give voice to their needs and wants so that we can work together to create the perfect school environment for everyone. I will meet with the headmaster on a regular basis to problem solve and come up with solutions to issues that students might be having at school. Each and every student should know that I am on their side and promise to make school as great as it can be for them.

When it comes to my qualifications, I believe I have what it takes to make a great leader. I have a confidence that makes it simple for me to speak before a crowd in a proficient and knowledgeable way. I enjoy answering questions about myself and am always willing to discuss issues and assist in finding a solution. I am easy to talk to and promise to take each issue seriously so that students feel heard and understood, no matter what they might be facing. I am good at communicating what needs to be done as well as my appreciation for the help that others give me. I’m not afraid to ask for help when I need it and would rather admit it than try to solve a problem alone, only to find out that I’m not equipped to do so without assistance. I am also able to plan large events, such as holiday parties and enjoy working as part of a team. I am able to share ideas and tasks with my group and am able to give up some control for the good of everyone involved. You will always find me open and willing to talk, both about the good and the bad.

As a prefect, I want to help the school be the best it can be by partnering with students, staff and parents to ensure that each problem is solved and make the school a fun and educational environment for each and every student that attends. I want to take on the role of prefect so that I can continue in this tradition and use my talents and time to create the perfect school for anyone. Each student will feel happy and at home at school and parents will be assured that their child will be safe on campus and will get a superior education while they are here.

In summary, I love what being a prefect means for me and my fellow students. I want this experience to further enhance my life and my experience, but I also want to share what I have to offer with other students. This school has provided me with so many opportunities and chances to learn and I feel like it’s my duty to give back by becoming a prefect and giving something back to the school and the students and staff that are here on a daily basis. Thank you!

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10 School Prefect Speech Outline Examples (PDF)

The speech outline examples below will guide you to write a good speech as the head prefect of your school. They are sample speech templates I’ve personally used to achieve amazing results with my English essay writing class over the years.

By the time you get to the end of these school prefect speech outline examples, you will be able to download a pdf copy of this post.

Do you teach English Language in a senior high school or even junior high? These speech outline examples will make your work a lot easier.

And if you happen to be a parent who likes to homeschool your child there’s so much you can take from here to assist your ward to write great school prefect speeches.

Without wasting much time, let’s get down to business. We want to know how to write a great school prefect’s speech. This is why the following examples of a school prefect speech outline will be of immense help to you.


Head Prefect Speech Outlines

  • A close friend  has won a scholarship  and is about to go abroad  to study  for three years . You have been invited to make a speech on the occasion  of his / her departure.  Write your speech.


  • Vocatives (Example: Mr. Chairman, Fellow Students, Ladies and Gentlemen.)

2. Opening remarks and congratulations

3. Advice: (i) Study   (ii) Friends / Social life   (iii) Home.

4. How you shall be missed

5. Farewell.

  • Your school is celebrating the fortieth anniversary of its founding. As head prefect you are asked to give a public speech  during the celebrations. Write your speech, outlining the achievements  of the school and your hopes  for the future.
  • Appreciation and opening remarks
  • Achievements (i) Academic   (ii) Infrastructure   (iii) Sports    (iv) Discipline.
  • Hopes for the future derived from present difficulties (i) Student and Staff Accommodation    (ii) Feeding (sch. Farm)    (iii) Bust in memory of founder(s).
  • Closing remarks.
  • The students’ Union  of your district  is organizing a symposium  on the need to preserve the environment  in your area  and you have been chosen as one of the speakers. Write the speech you would give.
  • Opening remarks
  • Bad state of the Environment
  • Why the need for preservation
  • Beauty  (Tourism)
  • For the benefit of future generations
  • Economic – agricultural production

4.  How to preserve: the environment

       (i) Communal labour – clearing

       (ii) Proper waste disposal

Regulation of exploitation of natural resources.

Public education on benefits and ways of preservation

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  • Your school is celebrating its  speech  and prize-giving day . As the school prefect,  you have been asked to give a speech on the topic: The achievements  of my school in the last academic  year, Write your speech .

Opening remarks & welcome etc.

Achievements: (i) Academic   (ii) Sports   (iii) Discipline   (iv) Agric   (v) Infrastructure   (vi) Staffing.

  • Write a speech  to be delivered during the  minister  of communication’s visit  to your school, offering reasons  why you need an F.M. radio station in your area .

Opening remarks: – welcome etc.

Reasons: (i) Entertainment   (ii) Business and Employment   (iii) Public education   (iv) Participatory democracy.

  • The head  of your school is going on retirement . Write out the speech  you would deliver as the school prefect  at the farewell  party organized for him/her.
  • Opening remarks – welcome etc.
  • How he/she will be missed – achievements and landmarks left behind
  • Advice – active life, continued interest in the school etc.
  •   As the outgoing  senior prefect  in your school, write a speech  for delivery at your speech and prize giving day celebration showing the successes  and failures  recorded during your term of office.
  • Successes: (i) Academic   (ii) Discipline   (iii) Agric (food self sufficiency)
  • Failures: (i) Sports and Games     (ii) Infrastructure    (iii) Rise in occultism  – threat to discipline and security.
  • Fire  has destroyed the health  centre of your locality. As the chairman of the Youth  movement, you have called a meeting to rally  members for communal labour  at the site. Write your speech.  
  • Description of the fire incident and its effects on the locality.
  • Need for concerted and immediate action (i) Good health for all  (ii) Short distance to health centre is an advantage (iii) Employment opportunity for the youth – cleaners, security etc.
  • Estimated costs and time – frame for completion
  • Closing remarks – thanks etc.
  • The Environmental Club of your school has just ended a clean–up campaign in a nearby village. As president of the Club, write the address you will give to the people on the need to keep their surroundings clean.

Plan /Outline:

  • Need to keep the environment  Clean: (i) Health   (ii) Beauty    (iii) Tourism   (iv) Boost in image
  • How: (i) Weeding by Individual households (ii) Proper disposal of waste by Individuals & households (iii) Communal labour   (iv) Public education by opinion leaders.
  •  Closing remarks.
  • You have been asked to give a talk to a group of foreign tourists on the role of traditional healers in your area. Write out your speech.
  • Role (i) Affordable health care (ii) Ready & easy to access health care in the absence of modern health facilities (iii) Effective alternative medicine to  orthodox e.g. fractures (iv) cure of spiritual illnesses
  • Observations (i) Unhygienic conditions 2. Unsubstantiated claims about  multiple healing capabilities  of drugs  (iii) Abuse e.g. chaining of supposed lunatics and molestation of suspected witches
  • Overall Assessment: They are doing well but need to improve.

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Photo by Kane Reinholdtsen on Unsplash

essay on school prefect manifesto

Ralph Nyadzi

Ralph Nyadzi is the Director of Studies at Cegast Academy. He is a qualified English tutor with decades of experience behind him. Since 2001, he has successfully coached thousands of High School General Arts WASSCE candidates in English, Literature and related subjects. He combines his expertise with a passion for lifelong learning to guide learners from varying backgrounds to achieve their educational goals. Ralph shares lessons from his blogging journey on BloggingtotheMax . He lives with River, his pet cat, in the Central Region of Ghana.

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2 thoughts on “10 school prefect speech outline examples (pdf)”.

essay on school prefect manifesto

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Hi Joseph. Your point is well noted. I’ll definitely take care of that. Thank you for the feedback.

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essay on school prefect manifesto

Think Student

What is a School Prefect and What Do They Do?

In GCSE by Think Student Editor May 22, 2021 4 Comments

Almost every school in the UK offers students the opportunity to become a prefect. However, what  really  is a school prefect, and what do they do? This article will answer all your questions surrounding this topic.  

A simple definition of a school prefect is as follows: a student who has been meticulously selected to carry out certain responsibilities and duties. There are many types of prefects, including Head Girl and Boy, House Captain, Library Prefect and  so on . But what do they do? The Head Girl and Boy, for example, give out speeches, represent the school at event s  and   more. The e ntire explanation of each prefects’ responsibilities   is  explained below. School prefects are often elected in their final year of schooling, whether that be Year 11 or Year 13.  

Now, without further ado, let’s jump in!  

Table of Contents

What is a School Prefect?

A school prefect is a n elected  student who has been chosen to perform certain responsibilities , giving them  some authority in school .  There are several advantages that come with this position,  which include  a positive addition  to your CV. There are  multiple  different  categories  of prefects, which will be discussed further on in th is  article.  

When Can You Become a School Prefect?

Generally, the prefect positions are awarded  at the start of Year 11/13 , depending on whether you are in secondary school or sixth form, however this can vary from school to school . O n the whole, this is the most common way schools do this. It is likely these years are chosen because by this time you  will have an extensive knowledge of the school you  attend and   have reached the ‘top of the pile’  by  your last year, so will be more confident and assertive whilst completing your designated assignment.  

Applications for becoming a school prefect are often taken towards the end of Year 10 or Year 12,  again depending on which part of the school you are  currently  in, so in the lead up to the summer term it may be best to start thinking about which position you would like to apply for, if any.  Your school will usually notify you of application deadlines and the positions they have to offer.  

What are the Different Types of School Prefect?

In a school there i s often  a multitude of different  types of  prefects. A quick disclaimer:  this list will not be correct for all schools  but  serves the purpose of  giv ing  a general idea of what can be expected from your average  UK  school.  

Head Girl/Boy

Often considered the most prestigious role a student can be given;  Head Boy and Head Girl hold the most influential position of any prefect in the school.  Often having many candidates, this is a highly competitive and sought-after position.  The Head Boy and Girl represent the school. They should be a good role-model to younger students, and generally lead other prefects as they do their duties .  

Deputy Head Boy/Girl

The Deputy Head Boy and Girl are almost like the understudies of the Head Boy and Girl . They are, again, high up in the school, and  are  expected to do almost the same as the Head Boy and Girl .  The Deputy Head will often take the place of the Head if they are absent , again acting like an understudy. They assist the Head whilst they do their duties.  

House Captain

In  an  average school, their tends to be  in-school  houses.  E ach house is often appointed a  H ouse  C aptain  who  lead  their house to victory in events such as Sports Day.  The House Captain represents their in-school house , and there may be just one house captain or multiple.  

Library Prefects

Library Prefects are responsible for the school library , sometimes taking shifts there, helping students and keeping it neat and orderly.  They may help organise school events to do with  the library , such as World Book Day.  

Hall Monitor

Although they are less common in UK schools, Hall Monitors do exist in some   places .  They exist to keep the halls orderly and neat .  They may monitor halls a t  break or lunch   and can be found all across the school.  

What are the General Tasks of a School Prefect?

A school prefect is expected to carry out multiple duties depending on which position they are given.  Using the list of different prefects briefed above, I shall give an overview of the general duties expected of each type of prefect.  

The Head Girl and Boy   represent the school at events in and out of school , for example an in-school Prize Giving or a local charity event.  They are generally   expected to give public speeches from time to time  in front of different year groups, the school, or attendees to the events they  are present at .  They may also act as a guide for visitors to the school .  The Head Girl and Head Boy tend to lead other prefects and assist them with their duties .  They must also act as good role-models for younger students  and  may get involved in activities involving the lower school .  

Deputy Head Girl/Boy

T he Deputy Head Girl and Boy almost act as understudies for the Head Girl and Boy .  They may attend events in place of the Head  and  fulfil their duties if they are absent .  They too  are present at some  events bu t  appear less frequently .  They assist the Heads in all their duties  and are their second in command so to speak.  They must act as role-models for the younger school  and  may  be involved in lower school events too .  They may also be required to give speeches.  

The House Captain leads their house in school activities, such as Sports Day . They represent their house  and their house’s students .  They take part in all house – related events .  They generally  required to be  athletic , as houses are  most commonly  used in sporting events,  making the   H ouse  C aptain ’ s prime time Sports Day.  They may also represent their school in sporting events outside of school. They must organise House Meetings and be able to communicate with the rest of the pupils clearly. They also help to organise and lead school sporting events and assist school PE teachers  during these activities . They must be friendly ,  a n effective  leader  and a  good   motivator for the  students .  

Library Prefect

A  L ibrary  P refect must be available to take shifts in the library .  They may work behind the desk, helping students with their requests and completing standard jobs such as monitoring overdue book s .  They also have the responsibility of keeping the library neat and tidy, and ensuring all books are put back in a neat and orderly fashion.   They may also have to take care of any rowdy  students who need to be removed or help students who have a question .  They should have a thorough knowledge of books and know where to find specific  novel s . I f a student asks for recommendations, they should be able to give a good , substantial  answer.  They may also help monitor and organise library events , such as World Book Day.  

Hall  M onitors patrol the corridors to ensure all students are behaving and are conducting themselves to a good standard.   They take care of any misbehaviour that may occur  and  alert   member s  of staff   if they see trouble .  They   also make sure students are punctual and attend lessons on time, and ensure all students are  where  they should be  and not loitering in the corridors . They also might help to keep the halls clean and tidy up any mess that may have been left behind.  

What is the “Best” Type of Prefect?

This question varies among different people, but if referring to status then Head Girls and Boy is the best position to be held . They are the student heads of the school and have the most influence out of all the prefects.   

However, to some people being the  leader  of the school would be their worst nightmare, and  a  more discreet role  such as Library Prefect would sound the best to them;  it all depends on who you are.  

How Hard is it to Become a Prefect?  

This depends on your year-group size . If in a class of 1000, it is going to be much more difficult to  gain   a  position than in a class of 200, as there will be more competition.   

Y our general reputation in the school  is important too . If you  are labelled as a well-behaved student in school who consistently tries their hardest in everything they do, you are going to be in with a much better chance than someone who is constantly in trouble with teachers.   

It also depends on which position you go for ; some positions may be in much higher demand than others .  

How Do You Become a School Prefect?  

As you reach the end of the school year in Year 10, applications for prefects next year may start to open . Quite often an application form is given out.  You must then complete this form before the due date , and then give in your form to school.  It really is that simple!    

What is Required to Become a Prefect?

To become a prefect, generally nothing is required, however your school may have a policy that bans people with a certain amount of behaviour points from applying.    

There are certain qualities that are looked for in a prefect, such as being cooperative.  Cooperation is key whil st  being a prefect  as your main duty is to look after other students and assist teachers with jobs.  You must also be helpful and well-mannered . Someone with a particularly bad record in the past will most likely not stand much of a chance of becoming a prefect as the school may think they  will  abuse the authority they are given, or not carry out the ir  duties as they should be,  which is  also  why a prefect must also be trustworthy and responsible.   

Participating in lots of clubs in school should give a boost too , as it shows you are committed to your school and like to try your best in a wide range of areas.   

Although good grades are generally not considered to be important during the process of choosing a prefect,  trying your hardest in each subject is   vital .  If you prepare yourself well and try your best in each lesson, it will be recognised by teachers and will in turn give you a better chance of being given the prefect position.


Very useful


To the point not draged out. Interisting applying for position. Don’t think that was the case in my day.

Agbogunleye damilola

Very very very Good

Thanks this really helps me thanks again

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How to Make a Manifesto from Start to Finish

Last Updated: February 13, 2024 Fact Checked

  • Plan Out a Manifesto
  • Write the Intro
  • Draft the Manifesto
  • Revise a Manifesto

Sample Manifesto

This article was co-authored by Megan Morgan, PhD and by wikiHow staff writer, Sophie Burkholder, BA . Megan Morgan is a Graduate Program Academic Advisor in the School of Public & International Affairs at the University of Georgia. She earned her PhD in English from the University of Georgia in 2015. There are 10 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 490,651 times.

You may have heard talk of political manifestos, personal manifestos, and religious manifestos…but what is a manifesto, and what purpose does it serve? A manifesto is a written statement where the author publicly declares their intentions, motivations, or beliefs. Etymologically, “manifesto” comes from the Latin word meaning "to make something public." Similarly, the modern manifesto makes public someone’s internal ideas and how they plan to put them into action. In this step-by-step guide, you’ll learn how to write your own manifesto and manifest the outcome you want.

Things You Should Know

  • Describe your core values and the life experiences that shaped them. Help your audience understand you and your beliefs.
  • Brainstorm ideas and develop an outline. Identify your manifesto's core message and develop it into a thesis statement.
  • Explain your perspective to your reader and outline an action plan to achieve your goals. Ensure that your plan is specific and realistic.

Getting Started with Your Manifesto

Step 1 Start with a meaningful question.

  • What do you want your legacy (as an individual, group, or organization) to be?
  • What gives your life purpose and meaning?
  • What types of actions are aligned with your values?
  • How do you want to show up in the world?
  • What do you want to accomplish in your life?
  • What are you willing to do to achieve those accomplishments?

Step 2 Brainstorm your ideas.

  • Mind maps can help connect many different ideas. Add as many supporting details as possible when writing your mind map .
  • Lists are a great way to get many ideas down quickly. Make a list for each section of your manifesto and title them appropriately.
  • Writing stream-of-consciousness can help you get all your ideas out without worrying about grammar and spelling conventions. Set a time limit and see how much you can write in that time.

Step 3 Research your topic.

  • Familiarize yourself with the theory surrounding your topic. Go to your local library or bookstore and ask a librarian or clerk to help you find similar writers.
  • Read other manifestos on a similar topic for useful tools and arguments. Famous manifestos include The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx, I Have a Dream by Martin Luther King, and John F Kennedy's Man on the Moon. [4] X Research source
  • Strengthen your arguments by reading the opponents of your views online and developing counter arguments.

Step 4 Write an outline.

  • Use Roman numerals to number the major sections. [5] X Research source
  • Use uppercase letters to list details about the major sections.
  • Use Arabic numerals (1,2,3) to give specifics or examples about the details of your major sections.

Step 5 Think about your audience.

  • A theological manifesto might have a lot of academic terminology if your audience is academics, but it might use very plain speech if directed at a wider audience.
  • Avoid using overly complicated language unless you’re writing for an academic audience.
  • Long or complex words may alienate people who would otherwise appreciate your message.

Writing the Introduction to Your Manifesto

Step 1 Identify yourself and your aims.

  • By introducing yourself, your readers will better understand your life course.
  • Make sure that you share life details related to your ideas.
  • Relate important experiences from work, school, or life that help readers see you as an authority.
  • Mentioning your degree in art might be useful in an artist's manifesto, just as civil service would be worth mentioning in a political manifesto.

Step 2 Include a thesis.

  • In The Communist Manifesto , for instance, the thesis centered around the authors’ belief that communism would make for a better system than capitalism. [8] X Research source
  • From this core thesis, authors Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels developed the rest of their supporting arguments and evidence.

Writing the Body of Your Manifesto

Step 1 Elaborate on your ideas individually.

  • Give each precept its own paragraph.
  • For longer sections, use a subheading.

Step 2 Present an action plan.

  • Use concrete details, avoiding words like "thing" and "something:" e.g. "Something in our political system disturbs me" –> "Negligence in our political system disturbs me."
  • Focus on verbs to evoke a sense of action, avoiding verbs like "am/is/are” and “have/has:" "Every artist manifests Art itself" → "Every artist is Art itself."
  • Manifestos are revolutionary by nature. Though not all revolutions are equal in scale, they all share a desire for change.

Step 3 Be concise and engaging.

Revising Your Manifesto

Step 1 Revise the overall structure of your manifesto.

  • By revising your work, you take your rough draft and turn it into something that is better developed and tailored to its purpose.
  • Don't worry about all the little things in this phase. What you want to do is to make big-picture changes.

Step 2 Edit your manifesto for language, flow, and accuracy.

  • Use stronger language and rewrite sentences in the active voice .
  • Read your manifesto out loud to catch more awkward phrasing or unclear ideas.
  • When you read your work out loud, you're more likely to catch some of these errors you missed.

Step 3 Ask someone you trust or respect to read your manifesto.

Community Q&A

Tom De Backer

  • Review your manifesto often and make changes when necessary. Most people's values and goals change as time passes. Thanks Helpful 5 Not Helpful 1
  • There are four main types of manifestos: a goal manifesto, a list manifesto, a rules-based manifesto, and a world manifesto. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • You may sometimes hear “creed” or “mission statement” used interchangeably with “manifesto.” Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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About This Article

Megan Morgan, PhD

To write a manifesto, start by introducing yourself and your goals. Try to include personal beliefs or experiences that can give your readers a strong sense of who you are. Then, share your thesis, or overall message. Follow this with a list of your precepts, which can be actionable ideals or instructions on how to regulate behavior or thought in support of your thesis. Next, use the bulk of your manifesto to explain these precepts one-by-one, elaborating on each and outlining specific plans to see them to fruition. Finally, close by restating your thesis. For tips from our English reviewer on how to start with a meaningful question to come up with a thesis for your manifesto, read on! Did this summary help you? Yes No

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School Prefect Manifesto Essays


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How to Write a Winning School Prefect Manifesto Essay

A school prefect manifesto essay is a type of persuasive writing that aims to convince the voters why you are the best candidate for a certain position in the student council. A manifesto essay should showcase your personal qualities, skills, achievements, goals, and vision for the school. It should also address the issues and challenges that need to be solved in your area of responsibility.

Writing a school prefect manifesto essay can be challenging, but not impossible. Here are some tips and steps on how to write a winning school prefect manifesto essay:

Choose your position and do some research. Before you start writing, you need to decide what position you want to run for and why. You also need to do some research on the duties and expectations of that position, as well as the current situation and problems in that area. You can use online sources, books, magazines, or interviews with teachers and students to gather information.

Brainstorm your ideas and organize them. After you have done your research, you need to brainstorm your ideas and arguments for your manifesto essay. You can use a mind map, an outline, or a list to organize your thoughts. You should have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion for your essay. Your introduction should introduce yourself, your position, and your main points. Your body should explain your points in detail, using examples, facts, statistics, or anecdotes. Your conclusion should summarize your points and restate your main message.

Use the SMART criteria to make your points. SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, and Time-bound. These are the criteria that you should use to make your points convincing and realistic. You should avoid making vague or unrealistic promises that you cannot keep or deliver. Instead, you should focus on concrete and feasible actions that you can take to improve the school or solve the problems. You should also set a timeline or deadline for your goals.

Use persuasive language and techniques. A manifesto essay is a type of persuasive writing, so you need to use language and techniques that can influence the readers' emotions and opinions. Some of the persuasive language and techniques that you can use are:

Rhetorical questions: These are questions that do not require an answer, but are used to make the readers think or agree with you. For example: "Don't you want a cleaner and safer school environment?"

Anecdotes: These are short stories or personal experiences that illustrate your point or show your credibility. For example: "When I was in grade 8, I organized a fundraising campaign for our school library."

Facts and statistics: These are objective data or information that support your point or show the urgency of the problem. For example: "According to a recent survey, 80% of students are dissatisfied with the quality of food in the cafeteria."

Emotive words: These are words that appeal to the readers' feelings or emotions. For example: "I am passionate about improving our school's academic performance."

Repetition: This is when you repeat a word or phrase for emphasis or effect. For example: "We need change. We need action. We need leadership."

Edit and proofread your essay. After you have finished writing your essay, you need to edit and proofread it for any errors or mistakes. You can use online tools, such as Grammarly or Hemingway Editor, to check your grammar, spelling, punctuation, and readability. You can also ask someone else, such as a friend, a teacher, or a family member, to read your essay and give you feedback.

Writing a school prefect manifesto essay can be a rewarding experience if you follow these tips and steps. Remember to be honest, confident, and enthusiastic about your position and your goals. Show the voters why you are the best person for the job and how you can make a positive difference in the school. 66dfd1ed39

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Kofi Asante

Mr. Chairman, honourable headmaster, members of staff, outgoing prefect, fellow students, ladies and gentlemen, good day. I am very grateful for having the chance to present my manifesto to you as I compete for the position of school’s president in this great school of ours. I am Maami, a year six student of this great school.  I am before you today, for your vote for the enviable position of the president for the 2014/2015 academic year.

Colleagues, my reasons for this position are very tangible and varied. Firstly, my personal qualities compelled me to stand for this enviable position. I am specifically referring to my high sense of discipline, hard work, good academic performance, being physically sound and friendly. These are not all, my honesty and ability to turn adversity into advantage are just proverbial. Beloved students, a president should be decent and well disciplined, dedicated and willing to serve her people with all diligence.

Dear colleagues, the greatest mistake we can make as a school is to vote for people based merely on phantom promises which can never be fulfilled. If you give me the mandate to serve you as your president for the 2014/2015 academic year, my priority will be promoting high sense of discipline. As discipline is the hall mark of every great institution, I intend when given the mandate, to build upon the good foundation already laid down in this great school of ours.

Fellow student, lets vote for intelligence, lets vote for a candidate we can boldly point to anytime, anywhere and to any group of people as our president.

A vote for Maami Afua is a vote for intelligence.


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  17. How to write a manifesto for a school prefect with a sample

    Here is a sample manifesto for school prefect JHS. Read also. Application for employment as a cleaner: guide and 5 samples. The headmasters, assistant headmaster, teaching workers, outgoing prefects press colleague students, I see it a great glory to stand here today to make known my plans when I m voted in authority. Things are easily said but ...

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    school prefect manifesto. I want to apply for a hotel housekeeping attendant in your hotel. I am writing this cover letter at present to submit my resume for the job. I have intensive experience working in housekeeping. In addition, I would welcome working for your hotel as a housekeeper. In response of your recent advertisement of housekeeping ...