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A Guide to PTE Essay Writing: Scoring & Structure

PTE Essay Writing Scoring & Structure

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#Skill 1: Content

#skill 2: form, #skill 3: vocabulary, #skill 4: spelling, #skill 5: grammar, #skill 6: development, structure and coherence, #skill 7: general linguistic range, introduction:, main body paragraphs:.

We have all had experience writing essays in our studies and this may lead us to think that we can approach the PTE academic writing task without doing much revision or practice. If we concentrate on revising our English grammar and vocabulary, we can just turn up to the exam and produce our essay, right? WRONG! There are a few things you need to know first about the PTE essay and some practice that you will need to do before the exam.

Don’t be scared off by this, achieving a high score in the essay task is certainly possible; many have passed with flying colours and so will you. You just need to gain a good understanding of what is required of you so that you know what to expect and can put the steps in place to satisfy the scoring system. A good place to start is to develop an awareness of how to structure your essay and how it will be scored. In this section of the PTE, it is expected that you will follow an appropriate essay structure and your writing will be scored according to a certain set of criteria. We’ll tell you everything you need to know about both of these areas so that your essays will tick all the right boxes.

When approaching any exam task, it is always a good idea to get inside the mind of your assessor, or in this case, the automated assessor! This is like having some inside information that will give you the edge over other candidates, so read carefully! Often candidates may be quite happy with their essay and don’t understand why it hasn’t made the grade. It may well be a good piece of writing in some respects, but if it doesn’t satisfy the elements that the scoring system is looking for, it will not be up to scratch. As you will be aware, you are looking to achieve 70 + in your essay and you will need to meet the criteria in all the categories to reach that score.

Let’s have a look at the PTE guidelines for assessing the essay task. There are 7 key skill-sets that will be taken into account when your essay is marked.

You may have perfect grammar and a wonderful range of vocabulary, but if you go off topic, this will negatively affect your score. It is surprisingly easy to start an essay focused on the prompt and writing about the issue or question specified and then to veer off in the wrong direction later on in the essay. Ensure that you keep referring back to the question prompt and stay on topic. Noting down a short plan at the beginning can help to keep you on track.

Form in this criteria set refers to the amount of words in which you complete the essay. In the case of the PTE academic essay, the word limit is 200-300 words. Do NOT go under or over this amount as you will likely be penalised for this and the word limit is there for a reason. It is a reasonable number of words to write in the given time, allowing you to provide detail and show off your writing skills in a succinct manner.

The wider your vocabulary knowledge, the better. Repetition is a common reason that students are marked down on the vocabulary section, so having synonyms available in your mental word bank is invaluable. A varied range of vocabulary also helps to keep your writing engaging and interesting.

Some marks will be given for accuracy in the spelling of words. As you will already know, the way to improve your spelling is simply a mixture of learning and revising spelling patterns and words and using these words again and again in your writing until they stay in your brain! Be careful with words with similar spellings and become aware of the spelling patterns with which you make frequent mistakes.

There are so many different areas of grammar that will be assessed and that you need to gain a good grasp of to produce good-quality writing , that we won’t go over them all here. Some common areas for development are the use of articles and tenses. You need to become aware of your areas of weakness through feedback from teachers or online tutors so that you know which grammar points you personally need to work on.

We will discuss the structure in more detail in the next section but in short, you will need to write your essay using an appropriate essay format, presenting information in a logical order with the correct use of paragraphs, linked by cohesive devices so that your writing flows in a meaningful way.

This refers to your ability to adequately communicate your ideas, concepts and arguments with a good level of language knowledge and ability, so that you get your points across in a direct and engaging manner.

PTE Practice

There are various formats that an essay can take. This, of course depends on the purpose, length, level and area of study. Regarding the PTE essay, we must bear in mind that the essay is fairly short (200-300 words) and is to be completed within a short time-frame (20 minutes). Thus, it makes sense to follow a basic essay format. It is really important to stick to this format as not only does it satisfy the demands of the scoring system, it helps you to present your ideas in a coherent way and avoids the essay becoming over-complicated.

If you include the following sections, you are on the right track with your essay structure.

Before putting forward your arguments and examples, you must introduce the topic. This entails giving a summary of the prompt in your own words and outlining what your essay will cover. As with all paragraphs, the introduction should link coherently to the first body paragraph.

How many body paragraphs you include is up to you and may depend on the number of points you wish to make or what has been demanded in the prompt. However, bear in mind that you only have 20 minutes, so generally stick to 2-3 paragraphs. In the body paragraphs, you will be presenting and discussing your main points and arguments related to the topic. The first body paragraph should include a topic sentence and you should also write at least one example to exemplify one of the points that you have chosen to put forward.

It is essential to finish your essay with a conclusion. It is worth noting that often, candidates scrimp on their conclusion as they may be running out of time and energy! Although you do not need a lengthy conclusion, it should summarise some of the key points and arguments and possibly give a final concluding opinion or argument depending on the requirements of the essay questions. One line is not enough!

The advice above is really important to take note of and use when you are revising and completing practice essays , as you won’t be able to remember it all when it comes to the actual exam. If you refer to the scoring and structure guidelines every time you do a piece of writing, you will soon be writing confidently and fluently, and impressing the assessors on exam day. Good luck!

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PTE Write Essay Guide


Task: Write an essay.

Word limit: Between 200 to 300 words.

Max time allowed: 20 minutes for each essay (timed separately).

Number of questions in the test: 1 to 2 essays.

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Here are three steps:

1. Think of your arguments (2 – 3 minutes).

2. Write the essay (13 – 15 minutes).

3. Proofread your essay (2 – 3 minutes).

Make sure to cover all aspects of the prompt. For instance, if it asks for advantages and disadvantages, mention both.

Avoid using all capital letters or bullet points. Use correct punctuation and vocabulary you’re familiar with. Spend a few minutes checking for spelling or grammar errors before submitting, as these mistakes can lead to penalties.

Answer Time

For each Writing Essay task , you have 20 minutes . It is an individually timed task, which means that if you complete this question in less than 15 minutes, the remaining 5 minutes will NOT be added to the next question. So take your time and review your response carefully before submitting.

Practice Goal

Keep practicing until you can get nearly perfect scores on the  OnePTE  app on  Android   or  iOS , or on our  website . Aim to score perfectly in Form, Grammar, Spelling, Vocabulary range, Development, structure and coherence, and General linguistic range.

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PTE Essay Writing: Detailed Guidelines & Tips For High Scores

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by Moni Vuong

Published on 14/10/2023 Last Updated 14/10/2023

PTE Essay Writing - Detailed Guidelines & Tips

PTE essay writing is an important part of the PTE test .

It is designed to evaluate grammar, vocabulary range, and ability to develop ideas of the participants. It can be a big challenge for all people who take the PTE test.

However, you can get a high score for this part if you have the right way to practice.

In this guide by PTE Magic , you will find all the things you need to conquer PTE essay writing.

Let’s take a look.

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PTE essay writing structure & word limit

Before diving into specific strategies, you need to know the PTE essay writing structure.

In this task, you have to respond to a given prompt in the most logical way. The essay writing often follows a standard format, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. 

The details of each part can be:


The introduction should be about 1-2 sentences, starting with a statement related to the topic and giving an opinion about the mentioned issue. Notice that your point needs to be clear,  brief, and focused on the task.

The body paragraph is usually between 200 and 300 words in length. You can divide it into two single paragraphs, each of which gives an idea supporting the main point of your thesis statement. 

You can refer to the below writing structure:

  • The first sentence of the paragraph mentions one reason why you state as in the introduction.
  • The following sentence explains and clarifies the reason in the first sentence.
  • The next sentences provide some specific evidence and examples to illustrate the idea. This strengthens your idea and helps it be more coherent.

The body is the most important part of PTE essay writing. Therefore, you should practice and strive to write as smoothly as you can.

The last of the essay is the conclusion. In this part, you should restate your thesis statement in different words to emphasize your main argument and summarize the key points you made in the body paragraphs. 

This part should contain about 1-2 sentences.

Word limitation in essay tasks is an important factor you need to notice. It’s better when you write in that range, not less or more.

How will your essay be scored? 

PTE Essay Writing - Detailed Guidelines & Tips

Since you understand all about the essay structure, you need to know how the examiner scores you.

PTE essay writing has a detailed and transparent scoring system. The scoring process involves both automated scoring and human raters. 

Here’s a breakdown of how your PTE essay will be scored:

This is the most important part of the score frame. It can comprise up to 3 points (the others usually occupy 2 points for each aspect).

Content factor evaluates the relevance and adequacy of your response to the given essay prompt. You will be scored on how well you address the topic in providing relevant information and giving your supporting ideas with examples and details.

In case you are not focusing on the given topic, or writing rambling, you might lose points.

Formal requirement

Formal requirement assesses the structure and organization of your essay. It also refers to how many words you write in the paragraph. The ideal is your writing in about 200 to 300 words. If it is not in this range, you will receive a lower score or even zero in some cases. More specific:

  • If the response is between 200 and 300 words, you will gain 2 points.
  • You would receive 1 point if your paragraph contains 120-199 words or 301-380 words.  
  • You will receive a zero if you write less than 120 words or more than 380 words,  using bullets in the paragraph.

The grammar score assesses how master you write English. It is based on your use of verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, word order, and other grammatical aspects. 

Below is the detailed range score:

  • 2 if the test-taker has excellent grammar usage and it’s hard to find any errors.
  • 1 if you demonstrate quite good grammatical control and there is no mistake leading to misunderstanding.
  • 0 if you have some basic mistakes and use a too-simple structure. 

This aspect evaluates your use of a wide range of vocabulary, as well as your ability to use words and phrases appropriately. The vocabulary score considers the complexity and appropriateness of your word choices. 

You will get/score:

  • 2 if you can apply idioms, collocations, and phrases in an appropriate way.
  • 1 if you use a wide range of vocabulary connecting to the topic.
  • 0 if you only use simple vocabulary, not enough to handle the task.

This part appraises the accuracy of your spelling. It’s important to avoid spelling errors to maximize your score.

  • 2 if there are no misspelled words.
  • 1 If there is a single spelling word mistake and the response has several typing errors.
  • 0 If the response includes many misspelled words and typographical errors.

Development, Structure, and Coherence

In this aspect, test-takers need to show how well they elaborate on their ideas and arguments, their idea organization skill, and how well their ideas flow and connect throughout the essay. You will gain:

  • 2 if the answer exhibits a coherent organization and effective elaboration of concepts.
  • 1 if the answer lacks a suitable organization and the ideas are connected in an unsuitable manner.
  • 0 if the paragraph is not in a logical structure.

General Linguistic Range

This particular aspect is valued and given a score based on how accurately the response communicates the test taker’s thoughts or concepts. The score range is from 0 to 2:

  • 2 if the paragraph presents ideas, emphasizes critical aspects, and eliminates any ambiguity.
  • 1 if the paragraph shows a reasonable linguistic range, clearly expresses the viewpoint, and includes valid arguments to support the statement.
  • 0 The response employs basic language and lacks precision.

5 important steps to follow when writing your PTE essay 

5 Important steps to follow when writing your PTE essay 

Step 1: Analyze and understand the prompt

First of all, you have to read the topic carefully to understand. Make sure you know the meaning of the prompt.

There are some popular types of essays you can see such as argumentative, persuasive, descriptive, and so on. You need to identify clearly what type of essay you write after reading the prompt.

Step 2: Brainstorm ideas

After analyzing the prompt and knowing what type of essay you would write, take a few minutes to brainstorm ideas related to the topic. 

What is your stand? Why do you choose this? How will you explain and support your idea in the paragraph? 

Give and answer such questions independently to shape and expand your idea.

Don’t forget to jot down key points, arguments, examples, and any relevant information that comes to mind.

Step 3: Create an online

This is one of the most essential parts of this task. It’s like a skeleton of the writing. An ideal outline will help you write the essay more smoothly. It also assures you cover all the necessary points.

All you need to do is organize your thoughts and ideas into a clear and structured outline. 

Step 4: Write paragraphs following the outline

This step requires you to write carefully, using the ideas you listed in the outline. 

In the introduction, state your opinion clearly. Try to create an engaging introduction, grab the reader’s attention, and set the tone for the rest of the essay.

Moving to the body paragraphs, keep all ideas consistent. Ensure that your ideas connect logically from one paragraph to the next. Don’t forget to use transitional words (such as moreover, therefore, additionally, etc.) and phrases to improve the overall coherence of your essay. 

In the conclusion, restate your opinion and avoid introducing new ideas. You should provide a concise summary of your key arguments.

Remember the score scale to organize a standard essay.

Step 5: Proofread and edit

After finishing your message, take time to revise your essay’s grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors. Ensure your essay meets the word count requirement to not lose any not-worthy points. 

3 Key tips for a better PTE writing score 

Tip 1: keep the essay as simple as you can.

Simplicity is the key leading to success in PTE Writing. It’s crucial to convey your thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely. You need to:

  • Keep the writing clear and coherent.
  • Avoid abusing advanced words, use them only when it’s suitable to the context

Tip 2: Use a PTE writing format

Mastering the PTE writing format is paramount. In the PTE essay writing task, you need to follow the traditional essay format. It includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

It’s essential to stick to the allocated word count and make sure your essay addresses the prompt directly. By adhering to the prescribed format, you demonstrate your ability to meet the test’s criteria, which can significantly boost your score.

Don’t forget to keep the score scale in mind to avoid serious mistakes, causing a low score.

Tip 3: Practice every day 

Practicing should be an integral part of your study routine. Regular practice not only improves your writing skills but also builds your confidence in tackling PTE writing tasks.

Take time to practice the sample topics and challenge yourself with various topics to become comfortable with diverse subjects and argumentation styles.

Last but not least, you can seek feedback from PTE teachers or peers to identify areas for improvement. 

Consistent practice and constructive feedback can help you fine-tune your writing and steadily raise your PTE writing scores.

PTE essay writing is a crucial aspect of the PTE Academic test. Mastering this skill requires practice, preparation, and a solid understanding of the task.

By following the tips and strategies outlined in this blog, you can enhance your essay writing skills and increase your chances of achieving a high score on the PTE Academic test.

Last updated on 14/10/2023

Moni PTE Magic

My name is Moni, and I am a seasoned PTE teacher with over 6 years of experience. I have helped thousands of students overcome their struggles and achieve their desired scores. My passion for teaching and dedication to my student’s success drives me to continually improve my teaching methods and provide the best possible support. Join me on this journey toward PTE success!

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I am a firm believer that the best teachers educate with their hearts not just their minds.

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Hi, my name is Moni. I am a seasoned PTE teacher with over 6 years of experience. I have helped thousands of students overcome their struggles and achieve their desired scores. My passion for teaching and dedication to my student’s success drives me to continually improve my teaching methods and provide the best possible support. Join me on this journey toward PTE success!

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8.0 IELTS | 89 PTE (90 S, W, L) 

Hello MAGICers, I'm Ellie and I'm one of the trainers at PTE MAGIC. I have been leading students to improve their language competency since 2019 and have accompanied with MAGICers for 2 years now. Facilitating students to achieve their targets and bring valuable class experience are my utmost purposes

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PTE Essay Writing | Universal Templates and Methods

Hi everyone! Welcome back. In this post I am going to explain how to write an essay, which is the second task in PTE writing section. I will explain how to write the essay using the template as well as a key strategy that will make much easier to write an accurate and a high scoring essay.

The most important thing to understand about the PTE essay writing task is that it needs to be written according to the  PTE-specific format . With this in mind, I would like to share you with some strategies, which help you to organise written ideas in a clear, logical and grammatical way and improve your essay score .

Just a quick look on what we are going to cover, we will see how to Understand the task Scoring structure Different types of Essays One universal template for all type of Essays. And on top of that instead of using the template, we will see how to Use the method Few tips and strategies to avoid mistakes.

PTE Writing Essay with different types: Agree or disagree, discuss two opinions, causes and effects, problems and solutions with templates.

Understand the PTE Essay writing task

Let us understand the task first. As per Pearson the word limit should be between 200 to 300 but the recommended word limit is between 230 to 260 words. Sometimes you may get 1 or 2 essays in PTE writing. Each question has 2 to 3 sentences.

20 minutes to write an essay. Make a plan to think about the ideas, write the essay and then allocate some time to review it. Spend atleast 3 to 5 minutes to review in order to check the spellings, grammar and correct the sentences if required. This task contributes only for writing section.

Use cut, copy, paste buttons on the screen instead of keyboard shortcuts – we have already discussed this in SWT. Don’t use keyboard shortcuts as it will not work properly. Use the one which is shown in the screen.

Scoring structure

This task contributes 11.2 marks. It is scored based on our ability to write a convincing essay on the given topic. And it affects the scoring of grammar, spelling, vocabulary and written discourse. Also the score is awarded based on the below factors.

Content Content is scored by determining if all aspects of the topic have been addressed in your response. If your essay does not address the topic, you will not receive any score points for your essay on any of the factors, which we are discussing now. Your essay will be scored zero in PTE writing section. Also you have to support any arguments with details, examples and explanations.

Development, structure and coherence These are scored according to the organization of your response. Make sure the essay writing in PTE contains an introduction, two body paragraphs and a conclusion that relate to the topic of the essay. Within the paragraphs, ideas should be clearly presented and supported with details, examples and explanations. Transitions between paragraphs must be smooth.

Form Scored by counting the number of words in your response. You will receive full credit if your essay in PTE writing section is between 200 and 300 words. Writing less than 200 words or more than 300 words will decrease your score. Zero marks will be given for all the factors if your essay contains less than 120 words or more than 380 words.

General linguistic range This is scored if you accurately communicate your ideas. Provide clear descriptions to highlight key ideas without any doubt and ensure clear communication. And use complex sentences rather than using simple sentence structures and use academic vocabularies appropriately. These are all give full credits to your response.

Grammar, Vocabulary and Spelling Grammar is scored by examining sentence structure, punctuation and capital letters wherever is required. Use variety of academic words. And use synonyms in the introduction to paraphrase the topic sentence. But avoid repetition of same words. Most importantly PTE Academic recognizes English spelling conventions from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia and Canada. But use only one spelling convention consistently in all your responses. Don’t mix the spelling content from different countries. This is very important point to be noted.

PTE Essay Writing prompts

These are the different types of essay in PTE writing section that we get in the test.

Agree or disagree Discuss about the topic and state your points as why you agree or why you disagree. If the question is about agree or disagree such as, Is the fast food good for health or not? You can mention some points on why it is bad for health in first paragraph and how it benefits for lower income people in second paragraph and conclude with your statement on one side. This will give clear picture of the topic with many supporting points.

Discuss two opinions You have to talk about two sides of the argument in paragraph1 and paragraph2 and say which one is best in the conclusion. Talk on both the sides so that you will get lot of points.

Causes and Effects For example, why people like travelling and what are the effects when they travel such as tasting different food, experiencing different culture.

Problems and Solutions

Advantages and disadvantages.

We will see each type of essay in PTE writing with examples using the same template for all type of essays.

PTE Essay Writing Universal Template

One of the conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the number of people believing that <negative point of the topic> . There is a widespread worry that this will lead to a myriad of concerns in one’s life. However, I do not entirely accept this and I will explain why in this essay. There are a number of arguments in favor of my stance. Most preponderant one is that <positive point of the topic> and there are numerous other benefits in various fields. Thanks to the wide range of advantages it offers, not only one benefit more when it comes to being effective, but they can enhance productivity and quality of their lives, with much ease, efficacy, and convenience. Needless to say, all these merits stand one in good stead, as far as augmenting the chances of prosperity and excellence is concerned. Another pivotal factor in the aforementioned proposition is that it is only likely to help one thrive and excel in varied areas. Besides, when only one follows such a system, can they broaden their horizons, thus learning such attributes as dedication and perseverance. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor of <positive key point> . In the views of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of <positive key point> are indeed too great to ignore.

This is one universal template, which we can use for any type of essays. Start with an introduction, two body paragraphs and conclusion at the end. Again, with this template you can get 79+ but you have to make sure that the other writing tasks should be attended well without any mistakes. Don’t worry about the different prompts such as agree or disagree or advantages or disadvantages, you can use the same template for all types of essays. Using this template you can score in grammar, spelling, vocabulary and written discourse as well.

Now we will see example for each type of essays.

Agree or disagree

Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. Do you agree or disagree? Provide relevant examples if necessary. Here they have directly given as agree or disagree. Sometimes they will not mention this and we have to identify by understanding the topic. Always mention the negative side of the topic in the first paragraph. Some contradicting point relevant to the main idea in the second paragraphs and supporting points in the subsequent paragraphs..

Using Template One of the conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the number of people believing that low salary is more disadvantageous . There is a widespread worry that this will lead to a myriad of concerns in one’s life. However, I do not entirely accept this and I will explain why in this essay. There are a number of arguments in favor of my stance. Most preponderant one is that job satisfaction gives people a sense of fulfillment and there are numerous other benefits in various fields. Thanks to the wide range of advantages it offers, not only one benefit more when it comes to being effective, but they can enhance productivity and quality of their lives, with much ease, efficacy, and convenience. Needless to say, all these merits stand one in good stead, as far as augmenting the chances of prosperity and excellence is concerned. Another pivotal factor in the aforementioned proposition is that it is only likely to help one thrive and excel in varied areas. Besides, when only one follows such a system, can they broaden their horizons, thus learning such attributes as dedication and perseverance. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor of job satisfaction . In the views of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of job satisfaction are indeed too great to ignore.

Here, there is a widespread worry and leads to a concern. People are worrying that low salary is a concern. However, I do not entirely accept because low salary is fine for me as long as I get job satisfaction. Please make a note of this point. Since we are not agreeing, always mention the negative point in the introduction and the contradicting point should be positive in body paragraph1. In this way, you can follow the same template for any essay in PTE writing. Also you will not go out of the topic.

Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. I am going to mention low salary is disadvantage instead of big salary is advantage. Because I am going to support points for job satisfaction. Big salary is not important for me compared to job satisfaction. Therefore, I am mentioning big salary as negative point. Myriad – is an academic vocabulary. We have enough vocabularies in this template like this.

There are number of arguments in favour of my stance. Most preponderant one is that job satisfaction… here job satisfaction is a contradicting point to low salary. Wide range of advantages, benefit, broaden their horizons – These are all supporting points to this sentence. Hence it is apparent why many are in favour of job satisfaction. In conclusion also job satisfaction are indeed too great to ignore. After replacing the points just read the entire essay once again to make sure that the points are fit to the template in terms of content and grammar. And also check the spelling mistakes if any. Here we are getting 227 words and it is totally fine.

Discuss two opinions

Some people point that experiential learning can work well in formal education. However, others think a traditional form of teaching is the best. Do you think experiential learning can work well in high schools or colleges?

What type of essay is this? ‘Experiential learning and traditional form of teaching’. So two points mentioned here and ‘Do you think’ is asking our opinion. So discuss two opinions is the prompt.

Again mention which one you don’t support in the introduction paragraph, but negatively. People believing that experiential learning is best compared to traditional way of education. Here I am mentioning traditional way of education is not the best as negatively. And it is mentioned as concern to people but I am not accepting it. I am supporting experiential learning is the best. Hence, mention some points of experiential learning in body paragraph1. In body paragraph2, it is apparent why many are in favour of experiential learning and even in conclusion as well. Read the entire essay once for proofreading.

Using Template One of the conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the number of people believing that experiential learning is best compared to traditional way of education . There is a widespread worry that this will lead to a myriad of concerns in one’s life. However, I do not entirely accept this and I will explain why in this essay. There are a number of arguments in favor of my stance. Most preponderant one is that experiential way of learning provides practical knowledge and there are numerous other benefits in various fields. Thanks to the wide range of advantages it offers, not only one benefit more when it comes to being effective, but they can enhance productivity and quality of their lives, with much ease, efficacy, and convenience. Needless to say, all these merits stand one in good stead, as far as augmenting the chances of prosperity and excellence is concerned. Another pivotal factor in the aforementioned proposition is that it is only likely to help one thrive and excel in varied areas. Besides, when only one follows such a system, can they broaden their horizons, thus learning such attributes as dedication and perseverance. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor of experiential learning . In the views of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of experiential learning are indeed too great to ignore.

Some universities deduct students’ marks if work is given late. What is your opinion and recommend some alternative actions for this problem?

Here it is mentioned as problem and asking for solution. Recommend some alternative actions – solution. So it should be problems and solutions. Negative point of the topic – already the topic itself has some negative point – Deduct students’ marks. Mention it in introduction.

People believing that some universities reduce students’ marks for late submission of their assignments. Is this a concern? No I do not entirely accept this. Because students learn to manage time. Here it is not necessary to provide new solution. Time management is the solution here. Remember that we can write an essay in PTE writing section using many different ideas. But the structure and relevant information are the key to score more points. In body paragraph2, it is in favour of time management and in conclusion as well.

Using Template One of the conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the number of people believing that some universities reduce students’ marks for late submission of their assignments . There is a widespread worry that this will lead to a myriad of concerns in one’s life. However, I do not entirely accept this and I will explain why in this essay. There are a number of arguments in favor of my stance. Most preponderant one is that students learn how to manage time and there are numerous other benefits in various fields. Thanks to the wide range of advantages it offers, not only one benefit more when it comes to being effective, but they can enhance productivity and quality of their lives, with much ease, efficacy, and convenience. Needless to say, all these merits stand one in good stead, as far as augmenting the chances of prosperity and excellence is concerned. Another pivotal factor in the aforementioned proposition is that it is only likely to help one thrive and excel in varied areas. Besides, when only one follows such a system, can they broaden their horizons, thus learning such attributes as dedication and perseverance. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor of time management . In the views of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of time management are indeed too great to ignore.

Causes and Effects

The time people devote in job leaves very little time for personal life. How widespread is the problem? What problem will this shortage of time cause?

Here also there is a problem statement but here solution is not asked. What effects will this problem can create? So causes and effects is the prompt here. Shortage of time for personal life leads to many family problems – negative side of the topic.

Explain why this is not a problem – in long term perspective one can achieve high standard of living, variations in lifestyle, luxurious life with the family – these are the effects, positive effects. There are negative effects as well such as disputes among families, stress and depression due to lot of work but that is not required to mention. And in body paragraph2, mention why many are in favour of – spending less time for family. Same point in conclusion as well.

Using Template One of the conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the number of people believing that shortage of time for personal life leads to many family problems . There is a widespread worry that this will lead to a myriad of concerns in one’s life. However, I do not entirely accept this and I will explain why in this essay. There are a number of arguments in favor of my stance. Most preponderant one is that in long term perspective one can achieve high standard of living, variations in lifestyle, luxurious life with the family and there are numerous other benefits in various fields. Thanks to the wide range of advantages it offers, not only one benefit more when it comes to being effective, but they can enhance productivity and quality of their lives, with much ease, efficacy, and convenience. Needless to say, all these merits stand one in good stead, as far as augmenting the chances of prosperity and excellence is concerned. Another pivotal factor in the aforementioned proposition is that it is only likely to help one thrive and excel in varied areas. Besides, when only one follows such a system, can they broaden their horizons, thus learning such attributes as dedication and perseverance. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor of spending less time for family . In the views of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of spending less time for family are indeed too great to ignore.

With the increase of digital media available online, the role of the library has become obsolete. Universities should only procure digital media rather than constantly updating textbooks. Discuss both the advantages and disadvantages.

So we have to discuss both advantages and disadvantages. Advantages of digital media outweighs drawbacks in library is the negative point. So the contradicting point is digital media provides latest information in one click. Therefore, many are in favour of digital media. Simple.

Using Template One of the conspicuous trends of today’s world is a colossal upsurge in the number of people believing that advantages of digital media outweighs the drawbacks of traditional way of reading in the library . There is a widespread worry that this will lead to a myriad of concerns in one’s life. However, I do not entirely accept this and I will explain why in this essay. There are a number of arguments in favor of my stance. Most preponderant one is that digital media provides more latest information in just one click and there are numerous other benefits in various fields. Thanks to the wide range of advantages it offers, not only one benefit more when it comes to being effective, but they can enhance productivity and quality of their lives, with much ease, efficacy, and convenience. Needless to say, all these merits stand one in good stead, as far as augmenting the chances of prosperity and excellence is concerned. Another pivotal factor in the aforementioned proposition is that it is only likely to help one thrive and excel in varied areas. Besides, when only one follows such a system, can they broaden their horizons, thus learning such attributes as dedication and perseverance. Hence, it is apparent why many are in favor of digital media . In the views of the arguments outlined above, one can conclude that the benefits of digital media are indeed too great to ignore.

So this is how we can use the same template for all types of essays. Read the topic, write the template quickly in the textbox and then modify the topic sentence and supporting points. Finally verify if everything is correct. However if you still have dilemma whether you can use the template or not, you can use the method, which we will discuss now. Before moving on to the method, we will quickly see some tips and strategies to avoid any mistakes and utilize the 20 minutes time wisely.

PTE Essay Writing Tips and Strategies

Before you start writing, you need to plan what you are going to write. Read the topic and plan your ideas in the first 2 minutes. Gather some relevant points, your experience related to the topic and some supporting points if any. Take 15 minutes to write and review in the last 3 minutes. This will save you from having to stop and restart from the beginning. Check the grammar and spelling mistakes if any. You have to read the entire essay, word by word to make sure error free text and get full points in grammar and spelling.

Always use the structure and limit the number of lines. Introduction, 2 body paragraphs and a conclusion. This will do to write around 230 to 260 words, which is more than enough. But how will you check if you will be able to complete your essay in PTE writing within the word limit. Though you can see the word count at the bottom, even when you complete the first body paragraph itself, sometimes you will be reaching around 180 to 200 words. Therefore, limit the number of lines for each paragraph as mentioned below.

Introduction – not more than 2 lines. Body paragraphs – 3 and 1/2 to 4 lines each. Conclusion – 1 to 1 and 1/2 lines.

This itself will bring you around 270 words. Here I am just talking about the number of lines based on the textbox given in the PTE test. In each line we can write around 25 to 30 words. Therefore, for 10 lines we can easily get around 260 to 270 words. Don’t write many points in body paragraph1 itself. Then you need to reduce your points in paragraph2. If you reach up to 4 sentences in first paragraph then complete the sentence and start writing the next paragraph. Believe me! You can save much time if you follow this strategy.

Avoid very long sentences. The more you extend your sentences, the more likely you will be to make grammar and punctuation errors. Make it simple and clear. Use complex sentences though but not very big sentences. Build your vocabulary skill by reading newspapers or hearing BBC news channel without video. Hear only the audio news to concentrate more.

Let us see how you have to structure your essay using the method.

PTE Essay Writing Method

Even in the method as well, you have to stick to the structure to get more points in written discourse. Always start with introduction, 2 body paragraphs and a conclusion.

Introduction Let us have a look on how to write the introduction. For introduction, just paraphrase the topic sentence and add a supporting point. You can start the introduction as, It is often argued that, It is commonly believed that etc.

Body Paragraph1 Start the first body paragraph as To begin with, First of all or Firstly. And then continue the paragraph with supporting points using Secondly and Finally.

Body Paragraph2 Start the second paragraph with Nevertheless or However with some contradicting points for the first paragraph and mention how it can be resolved. You can also extend your second paragraph by supporting the paragraph1 instead of arguing against it using Moreover or Furthermore.

In addition, support your points with some examples. You can include any relevant examples from your own experience or knowledge. Start the example using For instance, To illustrate, In my own experience etc. If you support your points with examples, you will get more points to add and you can easily make it relevant to the topic.

Conclusion Finally, write the conclusion as In conclusion or To conclude, and mention which statement is most convincing to support the topic sentence.

Each of these paragraphs need only a few sentences to clearly get your point. And finally proofread your content to make sure you don’t do any spelling or grammar mistakes. Now we will see how to use the method for this topic. We have already seen this example using template. Apply all the points that we discussed now.

Big salary is much more important than job satisfaction. Do you agree or disagree? Provide relevant examples if necessary.

Use the below structure.

It is often argued that First of all, For example, Secondly, For instance, Thus, In conclusion,

Using Method It is often argued that it is more advantageous to choose a job with high wage, even if it does not appeal to you at all. I completely disagree with this opinion and think that job satisfaction is much more important than salary. First of all, I believe that job satisfaction gives people a sense of fulfillment that no money can guarantee. Even if someone is earning a high salary but feels tensed, this person would not enjoy his life. While pursuing one’s interests will always bring pleasure and feeling of satisfaction. For example, a lot of famous researchers made their career choices not because of appealing wages, but because they were passionate about science. That is why it is more important to choose the kind of work that makes you happy than to look only at a high salary. Secondly, doing what you like keeps you motivated and therefore leads to a career growth. In other words, there is a strong relation between job satisfaction and productivity. People who love their jobs can easily excel in their fields of work than those, who put salary on the first place. For instance, in my company many people are working for more than 25 years despite a good wage. Consequently, others moved out for high salary but struggling to achieve better results. Thus, advantages of jobs that keep you satisfied outweigh the drawback of low salary in a long-term perspective. In conclusion, I strongly believe that job satisfaction is more beneficial than high salary because it makes people happy and motivated.

So this is how it should be. Paraphrase the introduction – instead of more important you can mention as more advantageous. Don’t use abbreviations and colloquial language. Always expand the words and maintain academic English. Here I am disagreeing the statement of big salary, adding points for job satisfaction and the supporting points with examples using my own experience and then the conclusion part. Here I did not use much vocabularies but use atleast few words. So this is how we can use the method. And don’t forget to proofread your essay.

Allow one space between each paragraph. This is not mandatory but leaving one space will be good to show the completion of the paragraph. And you can use delete or backspace button anytime. That is not a problem. You can correct your content until you write error free essay. You can paste this sample in pte.tools to check how many lines we will get for 260 words in the real exam. 1 and 1/2 lines for introduction, 3 to 4 lines for body paragraphs and 1 line for conclusion and we got 260 words. This is how you can limit the number of words based on number of lines.

Sentences to increase the word count

Here are some sentences that I have gathered from some sample essays. This helps to bring you some ideas related to the topic using which you can build your own points. I always add two or more sentences from this list in my essays, which save my time while thinking about the ideas.

  • Helps the country’s economy to be stable.
  • The research is quite possibly biased on one side.
  • It is the government that needs to take measures to ameliorate such problems.
  • Admittedly, this may be cumbersome to administer, however, an attempt could be made to get it off the ground.
  • Attempts should be made to redress the imbalance.
  • It is often the case that people would rather not use.
  • I would argue there is sufficient evidence to demonstrate that this is not the case, and, therefore, steps must be taken to improve it.
  • Which socio-economic group consumes more (either lower income people or wealthier people).
  • Governments offer large subsidies to farmers.
  • It is destroying traditional forms of communication such as letter writing, telephone and face-to-face conversation.
  • The children accessing unsuitable websites and viruses is inevitable.
  • An ocean of opportunities.
  • In conclusion, despite the fact that there are benefits.

Brush up these sentences before going to the exam and try to remember as much as possible.

That’s all I have for essays. Use the 20 minutes time wisely for understanding the topic and plan your ideas in the first 2 minutes, write the essay within 13 to 15 minutes, review and correct it in the last 3 minutes. Also, write only a maximum of 10 lines. Introduction – 2 lines, body paragraphs – 3 to 4 lines each and conclusion – 1 to 1 and 1/2 lines. Along with checking on the word count, you can count the lines and structure your essay in this way.

Paraphrase the topic in the introduction, highlight the supporting points and contradicting points in body paragraphs with some examples in your own experience and then conclude with some solution or on one side of the topic depends upon what type of topic that you get. Remember that anyone can write the essay within the given timeframe if they have the right tools. I hope with these information, writing an essay will be very easy for you. Thank you for reading my post till the end.


Pte summarize written text | tips and templates.

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PTE Write Essay

PTE Write Essay is one of the only two tasks in PTE Academic Writing section, the other task is PTE Summarise Written Text .

In PTE Write Essay task, you will be

  • prompted with an essay topic, usually 2 -3 sentences.
  • writing a 200 – 300 word essay
  • given 20 minutes time limit to answer

In this PTE Write Essay, you should focus on writing for a purpose. Depending on the subject of essay topic, your purpose for example, could inform readers about a new trend and its implication or persuade readers on the view of a given topic.

To achieve your purpose, the essay content must contain additional information such as supporting your opinion with details and examples or even explanations as long as it could bring strong arguments.

Finally, the goal is to conceptualize and develop your ideas, arguments, examples and combine all aforementioned components to form the complete essay answer.

The most effective way to plan yourself is to familiarize the common types of topics in PTE Write Essay, as we are the expert in collecting real exam questions and our experience tells us that PTE essay topics can be roughly categorized in the following:

  • law and policy
  • Science and Technology
  • Environment

Obviously, this list is non exhaustive as there are some other odd question topics. so if you want to know more details about the actual topics and answers, please look into our PTE Exam Question Bank as it contains not only just real exam essay topics we have collected over the years but also model answers and useful essay template, which will help you to tackle this task.

Structure – 2 points:

Good essay writing requires concise and logical structure, PTE essay is no exception. In fact, PTE promotes a systematic structural approach with clear introduction, main body parts and conclusion, all which is designed to make the computerized marking system more effective.

The key feature of a high score essay is to ensure that paragraphs follow a natural flow of development, what it means is that the sequence of your paragraphs should easily identify strong correlations from paragraph A to paragraph B and to paragraph C. The content should be coherent, and you should avoid writing about unrelated loose elements.

Choice of words and sentence structure – 4 points:

Now, you understand the topic, and you have a plan of attack. Your score is determined by how you choose to deliver your response. In PTE Write Essay, you are assessed by using good choice of words and by structuring your response effectively and precisely while delivering your thoughts. In other words, you goal is to demonstrate your capability of using right choices of words (a sound grasp of vocabularies) and arrange them accordingly to eliminate ambiguity.

So you might be confused and say “I’m confused, what do you mean?”, let’s use below 2 sentences to illustrate our choice of words and observe the difference.

“Large shopping mall is making small shops lose sales and it’s causing them to close down .”

“Business for small shops is diminishing at an alarming rate and large shopping malls are the major contributor to this decline .”

Despite telling basically the same story, there is a striking contrast in the quality just by using a different sentence structure with right choice of words, if you could construct your response in a similar manner then it certainly would alleviate your score.

Content – 3 points:

The “main course” of the PTE Write Essay is to produce content that could address all aspects of a given topic and support your response with adequate examples or explanation.  This is where your brain switches on and get creative on the subject. But wait. Before you put yourself too deep in the train of thoughts, it is very important to read the prompt and make sure you FULLY UNDERSTAND the question.

1. Start by analysing the task

PTE Write Essay

Analysing these four areas will help you to approach the task, structure your essay and decide on your main ideas.

2. Take the time to plan your points

You may need to argue for and against an opinion or discuss advantages and disadvantages of a situation. If there is a statement followed by a question, read the question very carefully and note key words. Make sure you know what to do.

If it is an “agree or disagree” topic, you can either support or go against the topic when structuring your essay. Whatever side you choose, make sure you stick to it. Changing the mind halfway or wandering off topic will only waste your valuable time and impact your scores. The only way to stick to your points while writing in PTE exam would be to choose the direction you want your content to sway in and then not digress!

3. Construct your content

essay word limit in pte

The content of your essay is crucial, which is scored by determining if all aspects of the topic have been addressed in the response and if provided details, examples and explanations are appropriately supporting the test taker’s point of view.

Be creative, as long as your idea is not off topic! If you do not address the topic, the response will be scored zero on all traits.

Spelling, Grammar, Formal – 6 points

Very simple and self explanatory, you will be awarded :

  • 2 points for no spelling error
  • 2 points for no obvious grammar mistakes
  • 2 points for writing within 200-300 words

These should be easy marks you must capitalize on, especially for writing with in the word limit as there is a word count display during the test.

Total 15 points.

Sample Essay - PTE Real Exam Essay Topic

Let’s have a look at one real exam essay topic and here is our interpretation on this task:

In a cashless society, people use more credit cards, do you think cashless society is realistic and why? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Cashless society is in the centre of discussion in recent times, substantial arguments have been raised on whether or not we should embrace cashless transaction. Needless to say, cashless movement is inevitable as there has been an upsurge in the adoption of electronic payment from the public. Therefore, both side of the equation associated with such payment method will be discussed to provide detailed insights on the implication in cashless adoption.

To achieve cashless, one must first acknowledge that there is a plethora of benefits associated with cashless transaction. In the modern world where society is moving at increasingly faster pace, convenience is an undisputed selling point in many technological advances. Unlike cash payment, electronic payments not only speed up the action of moving money from one party to another but also eliminate the need to perform difference calculation which is susceptible to human error. As the entire process is computerized in the absence of physical contact, its simplicity therefore allows faster, accurate and most of all, convenient transactional experience.

On the other hand, moving to cashless usually implies surrendering one’s anonymity as each electronic transaction is documented. Generally speaking, most cashless transaction uses credit or debit card issued by financial institutes that profiles individuals spending patterns. The data compiled by these banks could be used for exploitative nature such as targeted advertising or other invasive agendas. Regardless one’s choice between convenience or privacy, its drawback should not be overlooked.

In light of discussion above, it can be concluded that the impact of credit card is prominent, although the way electronic transactions might invade privacy should not be overlooked.

essay word limit in pte

How to get high score for PTE Summarize Written Text?

myPTE 2018-11-23T11:20:32+11:00 Categories: PTE Writing | Tags: PTE SWT |

raise or rise

Raise or Rise? How to use each one correctly?

myPTE 2018-11-10T15:10:09+11:00 Categories: PTE Writing | Tags: Grammar |

repeat sentence

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PTE Writing Essay Guide: Expert Tips Expert Tips and Techniques!

Valuable tips for PTE Writing Preparation

Benefit from PTE Writing Essay task tips by professional PTE trainers. Come on board an enhanced PTE prep platform.

PTE Writing Essay: Introduction

Welcome to an insightful journey that will empower you to excel in the PTE Writing Essay section. With a focus on honing your writing skills, this guide is designed to equip you with effective tips and strategies for achieving remarkable scores. We’ll explore the different writing tasks in PTE, providing you with a quick overview to enhance your understanding. Along the way, we’ll address frequently asked questions, ensuring that you have a comprehensive grasp of this crucial aspect of the PTE exam.

The Pearson Test for English or PTE. A test, which supports your admission to a university, gives you an exciting chance to work abroad or even assists in settling down in an English-speaking country. An entirely computer-based test, many consider cracking it more difficult than scoring in IELTS! 

PTE Academic is considered by 3,000+ institutions worldwide, including Oxford University and Harvard Business School. PTE Academic is also accepted for Australia, New Zealand, and UK visa purposes.

PTE Academic tests your proficiency in reading, listening, speaking, and writing (including PTE Writing Essay task ). Your speaking and writing abilities get tested simultaneously. And the good news is that the test centres in Australia have increased, making it easier for candidates to decide their test schedules and venues.

So how does one score 79+ in PTE? Each skill requires a unique strategy. So instead of giving you just a few tips for the PTE Academic Writing Essay task, we have devoted time to each skill and designed a specific strategy for each.

How to Write in the PTE Writing Essay Section like a Pro?

Here we cover methods and practices to help you sail through the PTE Writing Essay section and score well in this module.

Build your vocabulary

It is a given yes. Yet many are careless about developing it. So read to improve your language and your writing skills. Your speaking skills will also benefit. Grab any text and read, as each topic will have its set of words. You can even develop your thesaurus. Jot down any new word or phrase on your phone, laptop, or notebook. Then, look for its meaning/ synonyms/ antonyms.  Remember, better words= better scores.

Take stock of time

With all your writing tasks being time-bound; you might wish that slowing down time is your skill. But there is a realistic solution to this!  Step 1: Practice reading and thinking about the topic or task before writing. Step 2: Time yourself; write an essay in 20 minutes for practice every day. Step 3: Check your word limit every time you attempt to write. Never give in to the temptation of writing your task without thinking it over first. Instead, you organise your views and then type them correctly.

Read once. Read twice

Read once to go through the task’s text. Then, read the second time slower to figure out the idea it is expressing. Stay calm if you are not sure about the meanings of some words. The essence is not knowing the meaning of all the words but understanding what the passage conveys. Reading the words in the given context will help you determine their purpose. The introductory and the concluding part of a passage are significant as they hold the meaning of the entire text.

Proofread to error-proof

You have worked hard. You are sure that you have typed a great response. But things can get strenuous during the test. There is always a chance of making a spelling mistake or writing a grammatically wrong sentence. Also, there is always a scope for improvement. So allocate reading time for your writing tasks. Review your writing. 

Use that notepad

You get a notepad and pen during the test. Having these aids is essential, especially in the writing test. Pour your thoughts on the pad. Give your writing structure on paper. It will give you clarity and reduce your mistakes. 

Convert weaknesses into strengths

Inability to complete the PTE Writing Essay task in 20 minutes, problem organising your thoughts, lack of a wide range of words… there can be many issues that you might be facing. Work on them. Constant practice and proper guidance can help you. There are PTE prep classes available online. One platform pioneering in this field with affordable courses is Edulyte.  Its courses and classes look into detecting your weaknesses, devising strategies to overcome them, and developing your capability to perform exceptionally well. PTE trainers provide personalised one-on-one or group classes for PTE Academic preparation. The courses offer a chance to attempt unlimited PTE practice tests as well!

Master the PTE Essay: Proven Template for Success!

Struggling with structuring your PTE essay? We’ve got a tool that simplifies the process, helping you present your thoughts clearly and effectively.

📝 Inside This Template:

  • An adaptable framework for diverse PTE essay questions.
  • Clearly marked placeholders: making your essay prep intuitive.
  • A real-world example, illustrating how to seamlessly integrate the template.

Why Choose Our PTE Essay Template?

  • Streamlined Approach: Clear, concise, and straightforward, even if English isn’t your first language.
  • Focus on Content : With a ready structure, pour your energy into crafting impactful content.
  • Crafted with Care : Researched and designed with the PTE scoring criteria in mind.
  • 🎉 Bonus : Dive deep into PTE essay scoring with our exclusive insights. Understand what examiners look for!

Quick overview of Writing tasks in PTE

Pte writing essay task.

This task tests your writing skill. You will get a topic to write on.

Summarise Written Text

You will be given a text to read and you will have to write a one-sentence summary of it.

Tips and tricks to score in PTE writing essay task

Think and interpret.

In tasks like PTE Writing Essay, many candidates lose marks as they want to write and not think before writing. So please take a deep breath and ponder what it is trying to say. Then type away. Remember: always be neutral in projecting your thoughts. Stick to unbiased views.

Logical Presentation

Writing is one skill, and logically writing is another. You have to focus on the latter for the PTE prep. When writing an essay in PTE Writing Essay task, ensure you have an introduction, a body, and a proper conclusion. Following this practice, you can organise your thoughts and express them well in the language.

How to improve PTE summarising the text?

Develop sentence structures..

You have to summarise an entire paragraph in not more than 75 words. It might sound like a herculean task, but it isn’t if you follow this technique. A crucial tip for PTE summarising a passage task, read any paragraph and write down a sentence summarising it. And after a few attempts, you will realise that you can summarise in ten minutes, which is the time limit for this task in the test.

SS Strategy

This should be your mantra for any reading and writing activity. Skim and Scan. Glance through the passage. Look for important words and phrases. These keywords hold the key to scoring well. Understand what they are trying to convey. Words used more than once mean you should be elaborating on them or base your response on them.

How is PTE writing marked?

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Overcoming Test Anxiety Tips

Overcoming Test Anxiety: Tips for a Stress-Free PTE Experience

Exams can be daunting, can’t they? Test anxiety is a common psychological phenomenon affecting individuals preparing for it, especially during the Pearson Test of English…

Frequently Asked Questions

The use of simple sentence structures is a strict NO. Employ complex sentences. Try using a wide range of words, synonyms, and antonyms. Stick to using the words which are relevant to the topic. If you would like to know more about PTE Scores, get insights here .

* Plan your points  * Use proper format * Clarity and precision * Sticking to the word limit * Time yourself * Work on your weaknesses * Build a vocabulary

Stop using any tool or app for typing. It makes you dependent on them and obstructs your spelling learning. Get into the habit of writing your words. For example, create a table for homophones.

Read the passage at least twice. Once to get the general idea about the topic and the second time to understand its essence.  Create a complex sentence or a compound using the necessary keywords. Make sure you use commas to demarcate the different segments of the sentence.  Use synonyms while writing. Do not copy-paste words form the text. Check your spelling and grammar after writing. One error and your overall score will get affected.

There are two specific writing tasks in the PTE Writing section: * Summarising the text * Essay Writing

You should avoid doing it at all costs. The writing tasks test you for your capability in thinking, writing and expressing in English. Copy paste will make you lose marks as you are not pricing that you have a linguistic range.

Edulyte has been pioneering in this field and believes in furnishing the ideal learning ecosystem to  the learners. With trained PTE associates, online personalised classes, constant evaluation via mock tests you will receive practical tips to score above 79+ in PTE.

The PTE is divided into 3 segments: * Speaking and Writing * Reading * Listening

Yes. The PTE test score is valid for two years from the date the result is issued. For Immigration purposes the the score is valid for 3 years.

The PTE exam lasts for approx. 2 hours.

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PTE-A Writing Module

Section overview, summarize written text.

You need to write a summary of the given paragraphs on a particular topic. You have 10 minutes to finish the summary.

You will have to write the summary in only ONE sentence. This means, only one full stop (a period) is allowed. Nevertheless, you may use commas and semicolons for more than once.

You’ll have the ‘word count’ at the bottom of the text box. You must include the main points from the given paragraphs to make your summary rich and precise. You also have a choice to cut, copy, or paste the text.

Select the text you want to delete and left-click ‘cut’

Select the text you want to copy and left-click ‘copy’

Take the cursor to the place where you want to paste the copied or cut text. Then, left-click ‘paste’.

How are you judged? Reading, writing, grammar, vocabulary, content and style

PTE-A Exams Video

Write essay

You will have to write an essay on a given topic. The topic will be mentioned in a line or two. You need to write the essay between 200 and 300 words.

You have 20 minutes to finish this task. Your writing will be judged on grammar, coherence, vocabulary, and written discourse.

You’ll have the ‘word count’ at the bottom of the text box. Make sure that you don’t write under 200 words. Nor should you exceed 300 words or else it’ll attract penalty and you’ll score less. Try to remain neutral in writing on any topic. You should avoid repeating the words or sentences.

You also have a choice to cut, copy, or paste the text. This is useful when you don’t want to take any chance to spell a difficult word in your content. Say: an essay where you need to type the word ‘homeostasis’ more than once.

How are you judged? Writing, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, written discourse, How your content is judged? Coherence, style, structure, linguistic level, content

PTE-A Exams Video

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  • 15 Days Validity Unlimited

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The Complete Guide for Summarize Written Text in PTE Writing

Navigating the intricacies of pte writing with marvelpte’s expert guidance, gaurav chhikara.

essay word limit in pte

"Mastering Summarize Written Text in PTE is not just about shortening a passage; it's about grasping and conveying its core message in a structured, precise manner. At MarvelPTE, we guide you through this journey."

Embarking on the PTE Academic journey requires a mastery of various skills, and one of the most pivotal is summarization. Within the Summarize Written Text task of the PTE Writing section , lies the challenge and opportunity to showcase your concise writing prowess. At MarvelPTE, we specialize in transforming this daunting task into an achievable goal. Join us as we delve into the intricacies of Summarize Written Text, guiding you through the nuances that make all the difference in your PTE Writing score.

This task is not merely about shortening text; it's an art of distilling complex information into a single, coherent sentence. It tests your ability to extract the core idea from a lengthy passage and present it succinctly, a skill that MarvelPTE has perfected through innovative strategies and AI-driven insights. This article offers you a comprehensive understanding of this task, equipping you with the tools and techniques essential for excelling in PTE Writing.

In the realm of PTE Academic exams, the 'Summarize Written Text' component in the Writing section stands as a critical challenge, testing both reading comprehension and concise writing abilities. This task presents candidates with a text of up to 300 words and requires them to distill its essence into a single, coherent sentence, typically within a 75-word limit. It's a task that goes beyond mere abbreviation, demanding a keen understanding of the core ideas and the ability to express them succinctly.

At MarvelPTE, we recognize the pivotal role this task plays in shaping the overall PTE score. It's not just a test of one's ability to write effectively but also a measure of how well one can process and articulate complex information quickly and accurately. This task contributes significantly to both the reading and writing scores, making its mastery essential for aspirants aiming for high PTE scores.

The main objective of discussing the 'Summarize Written Text' question-type is to demystify the complexities surrounding this crucial PTE component. Our goal is to equip PTE candidates with the necessary understanding and strategies to tackle this task confidently. This involves guiding them on how to identify key points, use appropriate vocabulary, and maintain grammatical accuracy while adhering to the strict word limit.

By focusing on this question-type, we aim to enhance the candidates' summarization skills, not just for the sake of the PTE exam but as a valuable academic and professional skillset. Our approach at MarvelPTE is holistic, aiming to nurture well-rounded individuals capable of efficient and effective communication in English.

In summary, our discussion on 'Summarize Written Text' is more than just a preparation for an exam component; it's a step towards building a stronger foundation in English language proficiency, beneficial for both academic pursuits and real-world applications.

essay word limit in pte

Introduction to Summarize Written Text in PTE Academic

After the Answer Short Question task of previous section, you'll face the Summarize Written Text task in the PTE Writing section, which presents a unique challenge and opportunity for test-takers. As an integral part of the PTE Academic exam, this task assesses a critical skill set, combining elements of both reading and writing. Candidates are provided with a text, typically up to 300 words, and are tasked to condense this into a single, coherent sentence. This exercise not only evaluates one's ability to understand and interpret written material but also tests the skill to express the essence of the text succinctly and accurately.


In the PTE Academic exam, the Summarize Written Text task holds substantial weight. Its importance is twofold: firstly, it contributes to the overall writing score, reflecting the test-taker's ability to construct a concise yet comprehensive summary. Secondly, it also influences the reading score, as it requires a thorough understanding of the provided text. Thus, excelling in this task is crucial for achieving a high overall score in the PTE exam.

Skills Assessed:

  • Reading Comprehension: This aspect evaluates the candidate's ability to grasp the main ideas, themes, and nuances of the text. It involves identifying key points and understanding the overall message of the passage.
  • Concise Writing: The task demands the ability to express complex ideas in a single sentence, showcasing proficiency in writing concisely. It tests grammatical accuracy, vocabulary usage, and the ability to maintain the original meaning while reducing the text length.

MarvelPTE's Unique Approach:

At MarvelPTE, we understand the intricacies of this task and its impact on PTE scores. Our coaching methods and online software are designed to enhance candidates' skills in both reading comprehension and concise writing. We provide a range of resources, from targeted exercises to personalized feedback, ensuring that our students are well-prepared to tackle the Summarize Written Text task with confidence and proficiency.

essay word limit in pte

Summarizing Text in PTE Writing

In the PTE Academic Writing section, the task of summarizing written text is both challenging and revealing. As an expert in PTE preparation, I've seen how this task can significantly impact a candidate's performance. Let's explore what this task entails and its allotted time, emphasizing how MarvelPTE prepares candidates to excel in it.

Task Description:

  • Nature of the Task: Candidates are presented with a text, typically up to 300 words in length. The challenge lies in condensing this text into a single, coherent sentence. This task tests the ability to identify and extract the central idea and key supporting details from a passage, requiring a deep understanding of the text.
  • Complexity: Unlike simple truncation, this task demands discernment in deciding what to include and what to omit, ensuring the summary remains true to the original text's intent and meaning.

Time Allocation:

  • Duration: The task comes with a strict time limit of 10 minutes. This includes reading the passage, understanding its essence, and crafting the summary.
  • MarvelPTE's Approach: We emphasize effective time management, guiding candidates on how to quickly grasp the main ideas and translate them into a succinct summary within the given timeframe.

Key Points for Summarizing:

  • Start with a Capital Letter: The summary must begin with a capital letter, signaling the start of a coherent thought.
  • End with a Full Stop: It should conclude with a full stop, indicating a complete and standalone sentence.
  • Word Limit Adherence: While the maximum word limit is 75 words, it's crucial to express the summary concisely, ideally in about 30 to 50 words.
  • One Sentence Requirement: The summary must be contained within a single sentence, which may involve complex or compound structures to encapsulate the text effectively.

MarvelPTE's Training Focus:

  • Content Synthesis: We train students to identify key points and synthesize them into a cohesive summary.
  • Language Precision: Emphasis is placed on precise vocabulary and grammatical accuracy to convey the summary effectively.
  • Practice with Varied Texts: Regular exercises with texts of different styles and topics are provided to build versatility in summarization skills.

essay word limit in pte

The Importance of Summarization Skills

In the context of PTE Writing, the Summarize Written Text task is not just an assessment criterion but a fundamental skill that mirrors real-life academic and professional scenarios. As an experienced PTE coach, I have seen how this task significantly influences a candidate's overall score. Here, we explore the importance of summarization skills in the PTE Academic exam, particularly in the Writing section.

The Role of Summarization in Testing Reading Writing Skills:

  • Reading Comprehension: This task requires a deep understanding of the text. A candidate must be able to identify the main ideas and essential details. It's not just about reading; it's about comprehending and interpreting the text in a way that allows for an accurate summary.
  • Concise Writing: The ability to express complex ideas in a single, coherent sentence is a test of concise writing. It involves not only reducing the length of the text but also ensuring that the summary is clear, grammatically correct, and retains the original meaning of the text.

Impact on Overall PTE Scores:

  • Dual Contribution: The Summarize Written Text task influences both the Writing and Reading components of the PTE score. An effective summary contributes positively to both areas, reflecting the candidate's proficiency in understanding and expression.
  • Holistic Skill Assessment: This task is a holistic evaluation of a candidate's language skills. It assesses their ability to read, understand, and write in English, making it a crucial component of the PTE exam.
  • At MarvelPTE, we emphasize the development of summarization skills as part of our comprehensive PTE training. We understand its importance in the PTE Academic exam and beyond.
  • Our strategies and exercises are designed to enhance both reading comprehension and writing skills, ensuring that our students are well-equipped for this task.

Real-Life Relevance:

  • Academic Applications: Summarization skills are essential in academic settings, where students are often required to synthesize information from various sources.
  • Professional Use: In the workplace, the ability to summarize information is invaluable, whether it's condensing a report, drafting an executive summary, or presenting key points in a meeting.

essay word limit in pte

Challenges in Summarizing Written Text

The 'Summarize Written Text' task in PTE Writing poses distinct challenges that test a candidate's ability to condense complex ideas into a succinct format. At MarvelPTE, we've identified these challenges and developed targeted strategies to help our students overcome them. Let's explore these difficulties and the balance required between brevity and maintaining the essence of the text.

Common Difficulties Faced by Test-Takers:

  • Identifying Key Points: Many students struggle to distinguish between primary and secondary ideas in the text, which is crucial for effective summarization.
  • Conciseness vs. Completeness: Achieving brevity without omitting essential details is a delicate balancing act. It's easy to either oversimplify or clutter the summary with unnecessary information.
  • Complex Sentence Construction: The requirement to summarize in a single sentence often necessitates the use of complex or compound sentence structures, which can be challenging for non-native English speakers.
  • Time Management: With only 10 minutes allocated for this task, efficient time utilization is essential. Students often find it difficult to read, comprehend, and summarize within this tight timeframe.

Balancing Brevity and Essence:

  • Staying Within the Word Limit: The ideal summary should not exceed 75 words, yet it should comprehensively encapsulate the main ideas of the text.
  • Maintaining Coherence and Clarity: While brevity is key, the summary must remain coherent and convey the original message effectively.

MarvelPTE's Training Approach:

  • Focus on Critical Reading: We train students to quickly identify the central theme and supporting details in the text.
  • Skill Development in Writing: Emphasis is placed on developing the ability to write complex sentences that are both succinct and comprehensive.
  • Practical Exercises: Our program includes timed practice sessions that simulate the exam environment, helping students improve their time management and summarization skills.

Summarization Challenges and MarvelPTE Solutions

essay word limit in pte

Key Components of Effective Summarization

In the Summarize Written Text task of PTE Writing, certain key components are crucial for crafting an effective summary. At MarvelPTE, we emphasize these components in our coaching, ensuring our students understand and apply them proficiently. Let's break down these components, highlighting their importance in achieving a high score in this task.

Starting with a Capital Letter and Ending with a Full Stop:

  • Capital Letter at the Beginning: Every summary must start with a capital letter. This basic rule of English grammar marks the beginning of a coherent thought, indicating the start of your summarization process.
  • Full Stop at the End: Similarly, a full stop signifies the end of the summarization. It's essential to ensure that your summary is contained in a single, well-structured sentence, providing clarity and completeness.

Adhering to the One-Sentence Requirement:

  • Single Sentence Structure: The summary must be formulated in just one sentence. This challenges students to use complex or compound sentences to encapsulate the main idea effectively.
  • Word Limit Consideration: While the maximum word count is 75 words, brevity is key. Summaries that are concise and to the point tend to score higher.

Avoiding Common Errors:

  • Not Writing in All Caps: Writing the entire summary in capital letters is a common mistake that can affect the evaluation of your response.
  • Sticking to One Sentence: Writing more than one sentence can lead to disqualification of the response. The challenge is to convey the main idea within the confines of a single sentence.
  • Word Limit Adherence: Exceeding the 75-word limit can negatively impact your score. It's crucial to express the summary within this limit.

Effective Summarization in PTE Writing

essay word limit in pte

Grading Criteria for Summarize Written Text

The 'Summarize Written Text' task in the PTE Writing section is graded based on several critical criteria. Understanding these criteria is essential for test-takers to excel in this task. At MarvelPTE, we ensure our students are well-versed in these grading standards, which not only helps them score high in this task but also enhances their overall writing skills.

Summarizing Main Points Without Misrepresenting the Text:

  • Key Focus: The summary should encapsulate the main points of the passage without altering its original intent or meaning.
  • MarvelPTE Strategy: We train our students to identify and prioritize key points in the text, ensuring they are included in the summary without distortion.

Meeting the One-Sentence Summary Requirement:

  • Essential Requirement: The summary must be confined to one sentence, which can be a complex or compound sentence.
  • MarvelPTE Training: Our focus is on teaching students how to construct a single, comprehensive sentence that effectively summarizes the entire passage.

Using Correct Grammatical Structures:

  • Importance of Grammar: Grammatical accuracy is crucial in this task. The summary should demonstrate a proper understanding and application of grammatical rules.
  • MarvelPTE Approach: We emphasize grammar training, ensuring our students can construct grammatically correct sentences that convey the intended message clearly.

Demonstrating Appropriate Word Choice and Usage:

  • Role of Vocabulary: The choice of words in the summary should be appropriate and relevant to the context of the passage.
  • MarvelPTE's Method: Our curriculum includes extensive vocabulary training, enabling students to choose the right words that best fit the context of the text.

Grading Criteria Breakdown:

essay word limit in pte

Templates and Tricks for Summarize Written Text

In the realm of PTE Academic's Summarize Written Text task, the use of templates and specific writing tricks can be instrumental in crafting effective summaries. At MarvelPTE, we recognize the value of these techniques and incorporate them into our training programs, providing students with practical tools to enhance their summarization skills.

Utilizing Templates:

  • Purpose of Templates: Templates serve as a structured guide to help students organize their thoughts and ensure all key components of a summary are included.
  • MarvelPTE's Custom Templates: We provide our students with customizable templates, which act as a starting point for constructing their summaries, ensuring they adhere to the task's requirements while allowing room for personalization.

Tricks for Constructing Compound and Complex Sentences:

  • Sentence Structure: The task requires summarizing in a single sentence, often necessitating the use of compound or complex sentences.
  • MarvelPTE's Strategy: We teach students how to effectively use conjunctions and punctuation, like semicolons, to link ideas and create coherent, comprehensive sentences.

Summarization Techniques and MarvelPTE Strategies

Real-Life Example: Consider a text discussing the impact of technology on education. A student might use a template to first identify key themes (e.g., technology's role, educational outcomes) and then craft a sentence like: "The integration of advanced technology in educational settings significantly enhances learning outcomes by promoting interactive and personalized learning experiences."

Further Tips:

  • Word Limit: Aim for a summary of about 30-50 words for optimal clarity and conciseness.
  • Focus on Key Ideas: Concentrate on extracting the main ideas, avoiding details like examples or specific data.
  • Third-Person Writing: Maintain a neutral perspective in summaries, avoiding first-person pronouns.

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Strategies for Writing an Effective Summary

The Summarize Written Text task in PTE Writing requires specific strategies to ensure success. At MarvelPTE, we teach these strategies to help students effectively convey the main ideas of a text within the PTE's strict guidelines. Let’s delve into these strategies, emphasizing the usage of coordinating conjunctions, approaches to understanding the main idea, and techniques for condensing information.

Usage of Coordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS):

  • Importance of Conjunctions: Coordinating conjunctions (For, And, Nor, But, Or, Yet, So) are crucial in linking ideas within a single, coherent sentence.
  • MarvelPTE Technique: We guide students on the strategic use of these conjunctions to combine multiple thoughts effectively while maintaining the sentence's clarity and grammatical integrity.

Approaches to Reading and Understanding the Main Idea:

  • Reading for Comprehension: The ability to quickly grasp the main idea of a text is essential.
  • MarvelPTE's Approach: We teach students how to skim for general ideas and scan for supporting details, focusing on topic sentences and key repeated words.

Techniques for Condensing Information:

  • Effective Condensation: The challenge lies in distilling the text into a single sentence without losing its essence.
  • MarvelPTE Method: Our training includes exercises in paraphrasing and summarizing, teaching students how to extract and condense key points.

Importance of Practicing with Different Text Types:

  • Exposure to Varied Texts: Different texts present unique challenges in summarization.
  • MarvelPTE's Strategy: We provide a diverse range of practice materials, from academic journals to newspaper articles, ensuring our students are well-prepared for any text type.

Summarization Strategies in PTE Writing

essay word limit in pte

Actionable Tips for Summarizing Written Text in PTE Writing

  • Coordinating Conjunctions (FANBOYS): Learn to use these effectively for linking ideas within a sentence. Practice constructing sentences that are grammatically coherent yet concise.
  • Reading for Main Ideas: Develop a habit of quickly identifying the main ideas in a passage. Focus on topic sentences and recurring themes.
  • Condensing Information: Practice paraphrasing and summarizing techniques. Aim to distill the essence of the text without losing its original meaning.
  • Diverse Text Practice: Engage with a variety of text types to build flexibility in summarization skills.

MarvelPTE's Role in Enhancing Summarization Skills:

  • At MarvelPTE, we offer specialized training that covers all these aspects. Our online software and coaching institute provide an interactive and comprehensive platform for students to hone their summarization skills.

We offer personalized feedback and practical exercises, ensuring each student masters the art of summarizing efficiently and effectively.

Summarizing Written Text in PTE Writing is not just about shortening a passage; it's about grasping and conveying its core message in a structured, precise manner. This lays an important foundation for the upcoming Write Essay task.

  • MarvelPTE's training approach is designed to address the unique challenges of this task, equipping students with the skills needed to excel not only in PTE but in their academic and professional endeavors.

Elevate your PTE preparation and writing proficiency with MarvelPTE's expert coaching and innovative online tools. Join us today and take the first step towards mastering Summarize Written Text and achieving your desired PTE score.

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Frequently Asked Questions

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Gaurav Chhikara, a PTE Academic Guide at Marvel PTE, brilliantly melds his engineering acumen to transform PTE prep. With a perfect 90 score on his first attempt, he harnesses AI to refine exam evaluations, offering invaluable insights and strategies, taking students to their peak PTE score.


  1. Summarize Written Text PTE

    essay word limit in pte

  2. PTE Write Essay

    essay word limit in pte

  3. Word Limit for Summarize Spoken Text in PTE

    essay word limit in pte

  4. PTE Essay Writing Format Template For A Full Score

    essay word limit in pte

  5. PTE Write Essay

    essay word limit in pte

  6. How to use PTE Essay Template Must watch video

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  4. When the essay got a word limit


  6. Do you know the WORD LIMIT for PTE Writing? #pte #ptewriting


  1. A Guide to PTE Essay Writing: Scoring & Structure

    Form in this criteria set refers to the amount of words in which you complete the essay. In the case of the PTE academic essay, the word limit is 200-300 words. Do NOT go under or over this amount as you will likely be penalised for this and the word limit is there for a reason. It is a reasonable number of words to write in the given time ...

  2. The Complete Guide for Write Essay in PTE Writing!

    The 'Write Essay' task in PTE Writing demands a precise word count of 200 to 300 words. This requirement tests a student's ability to succinctly express complex ideas within a confined space. At MarvelPTE, we emphasize the importance of brevity and clarity, training our students to articulate their thoughts within this word limit effectively.

  3. PTE Essay Writing: Templates, Topics, Proven Tips & More

    A well-developed PTE essay should have an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion relevant to the topic with details, examples, and explanations. You should express ideas clearly, logically, and smoothly between paragraphs. Form. PTE essay has a word limit of 200 to 300 words. Writing fewer than 200 or more than 300 words will lower ...

  4. The Ultimate Guide to PTE Academic Writing Section

    The key guidelines for PTE Writing involve adhering to the word limit, focusing on the clarity of expression, maintaining grammatical accuracy, and ensuring relevance to the topic. Templates can be used effectively in the Write Essay task to structure responses.

  5. PTE Write Essay Guide

    Task: Write an essay. Word limit: Between 200 to 300 words. Max time allowed: 20 minutes for each essay (timed separately). Number of questions in the test: 1 to 2 essays. Exam Tips. Writing an Essay is a simple but crucial task in PTE because it makes up 17% of the writing section. Time is limited, so manage it wisely.

  6. PTE Essay Writing: Detailed Guidelines & Tips For High Scores

    PTE essay writing structure & word limit. Before diving into specific strategies, you need to know the PTE essay writing structure. In this task, you have to respond to a given prompt in the most logical way. The essay writing often follows a standard format, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

  7. PTE Writing Practice: Proven Tips & Format to High Scores

    PTE Essay Writing: 2-3 sentences: 20 minutes: Write a 200-300 word essay on a given topic. Writing: Partial Credit: Summarize Written Text. ... Stick to word limit: Be concise and to the point. Focus on the facts. Avoid including lengthy explanations, inferences, or examples.

  8. The Ultimate Guide to PTE Core Writing

    Importance of Adhering to Word Limits for Optimal Scoring. The word limit for this task is a crucial parameter. Summaries should be between 25 and 50 words, a range that demands precision and conciseness. Straying outside this limit can significantly impact the score, highlighting the need for: Prudence in word choice, selecting terms that are ...

  9. Mastering PTE Writing Tips, Practice, and Topics

    Word Limit: Your essay should be between 200 and 300 words. Writing fewer or more words than the specified range can result in a lower score. ... Boost PTE Essay with a Template. Using a template for PTE writing streamlines your approach, allowing you to focus more on quality content. It aligns your writing with scoring criteria and provides ...

  10. PTE Writing Tips: How to Improve Your Essay Score

    When many of our PTE students hear the word "essay", they automatically understand it to mean a text with 5 paragraphs that includes an introduction, three arguments and a conclusion. They panic because they realize how unrealistic it is to write all of that content in just 20 minutes with a 300-word limit!

  11. PTE Writing Tips: How to Improve Your Essay Writing Score

    Essay Writing. PTE essay writing is the second task in this section that requires you to write an essay between 200 and 300 words. You will be given a prompt of one or two lines, and you have to write an essay on that given topic within 20 minutes. Your essay scores are based on the following aspects: Content Formal Requirement Development

  12. PTE Essay Writing

    Understand the PTE Essay writing task. Let us understand the task first. As per Pearson the word limit should be between 200 to 300 but the recommended word limit is between 230 to 260 words. Sometimes you may get 1 or 2 essays in PTE writing. Each question has 2 to 3 sentences. 20 minutes to write an essay.

  13. PTE Writing

    The Task. PTE Write Essay is one of the only two tasks in PTE Academic Writing section, the other task is PTE Summarise Written Text. In PTE Write Essay task, you will be. prompted with an essay topic, usually 2 -3 sentences. writing a 200 - 300 word essay. given 20 minutes time limit to answer.

  14. PTE Writing Essay: Syllabus, Strategies, Books and Practice Papers

    PTE Writing Essay has a time duration of 20 minutes. Essay writing PTE template has a word limit of about 200-300 words. Practicing with PTE Writing Essay questions can be beneficial for obtaining a good PTE score. Analyzing the prompt and plan is one of the most important essay writing tips for PTE Academic. Table of Contents.

  15. PTE Writing Essay Mastery: Insights for Top Scores

    Step 1: Practice reading and thinking about the topic or task before writing. Step 2: Time yourself; write an essay in 20 minutes for practice every day. Step 3: Check your word limit every time you attempt to write. Never give in to the temptation of writing your task without thinking it over first.

  16. PTE Academic Writing Section Tips

    Tip: You'll have the 'word count' at the bottom of the text box. Make sure that you don't write under 200 words. Nor should you exceed 300 words or else it'll attract penalty and you'll score less. Try to remain neutral in writing on any topic. You should avoid repeating the words or sentences. You also have a choice to cut, copy ...


    Welcome to Skills PTE Academic. In this video, I have explained word limit and time limit for PTE essay, swt, sst, read aloud, describe image and retell lect...

  18. The Complete Guide for Summarize Written Text in PTE Writing

    Word Limit: Aim for a summary of about 30-50 words for optimal clarity and conciseness. ... This lays an important foundation for the upcoming Write Essay task. ... The word limit for the Summarize Written Text task in PTE is up to 75 words, but shorter, concise summaries are often more effective. ...

  19. PTE Essay

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