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The top 15 Facebook Marketplace scams and how to avoid them

  • Be cautious of Facebook Marketplace deals that seem too good to be true to avoid falling victim to scammers.
  • Verify product authenticity by checking prices on official websites, requesting photos, and meeting in person to exchange items.
  • Avoid sharing personal information, verification codes, or clicking suspicious links to protect yourself from phishing attempts and fraud on the platform.

Facebook Marketplace is a popular platform for people who want to buy or sell used items. But popularity comes at a price. Scammers prefer to latch onto platforms that bring in all sorts of customers and potential buyers. Many use different tricks to lure you into taking your hard-earned money without getting the product, or worse, stealing your personal information through phishing attempts . So be wary of deals that appear too good to be true.

How to spot Facebook Marketplace scams

Whether you want to use Facebook Marketplace to buy or sell your old phone, top smart speaker , furniture, or clothes, it's wise to educate yourself about common scams on the platform. To assist Facebook Marketplace buyers and sellers, we've created a list of the most reported scams you might encounter.

Defective or counterfeit gadgets and electronic items

Does a seller promise a new AirPods Pro for a low price of $100? You might also see listings showing luxury items for eye-catching 60% to 70% discounts. There's no drought of counterfeit luxury items, and Facebook Marketplace has become a preferred place to clear such inventories. As the saying goes, "If something is too good to be true, it probably is."

Before you contact such sellers for product inquiries, check the usual price for the product on the company website or Amazon. You should also request several photos and live product videos from the sellers. If you plan to purchase the item, meet the real person in a public place and pick up the product before making wire transfers.

Bait and switch

It's a popular technique sellers use to lure you into buying other similar items. Here's how it works. A seller posts a high-demand item on Facebook Marketplace to get your attention. When you inquire about the product, it's already sold. That's a red flag. Then, the seller asks you to go with another similar item instead.

Suppose you want to buy the latest MacBook Pro, which is unavailable at major retailers due to crazy Christmas demand. Sometimes, sellers may advertise a MacBook Pro in the listing, and when you inquire about the product details, the person asks you to check out a MacBook Air instead since the Pro model is out of stock.

It's your call whether to go ahead with the purchase. But we advise sticking with the item you want and not settling with a less appealing one.

Fake payment receipts

It's a classic Facebook Marketplace scam that buyers use on sellers. Such Facebook users share a screenshot or a fake receipt showing a successful payment. As a seller, you shouldn't take anyone's word and only ship a product after you receive a payment in your bank account or preferred platform.

Use the official Facebook Marketplace payment method or PayPal to receive instant alerts for confirmation.

Mouth-watering giveaways

Facebook Marketplace is packed with fake giveaways that steal your personal data and confidential information like your birthday, address, office location, earning details, and more. If a giveaway asks for your name and Facebook profile only, fill in the details. However, some giveaways may ask you to fill out an entire form with confidential information. You should avoid such on-screen instructions.

Overpayment by a buyer

This is another smart Facebook Marketplace scam many sellers have become victims of. Here, the potential buyer overpays you, admits the mistake, and asks you to return the remaining amount. Let's say you agreed on $250 to sell your mechanical keyboard. The buyer sends you $1,000 and asks you to return the remaining money.

Such buyers use fake checks or stolen credit cards to overpay you. You should never ship products to such buyers as the check will eventually bounce in your bank account.

Moving conversations out of Facebook

Sometimes, a seller insists on moving to another platform for conversation. That way, you don't have an official chat record and can't use it as proof if something goes wrong. You should always complete every part of your transaction within Facebook.

Similarly, opt for Facebook checkout or PayPal to send payments as they offer purchase protections. Don't use crypto or a platform like Venmo, Zelle, or Cash App to make payments (even when the seller promises some discount or gift cards for using alternative ways). You can also report dishonest sellers to Facebook.

Fake rental posting

Not every rental posting on Facebook Marketplace is genuine. Some scammers may post fake rental properties (which they don't own or aren't authorized to post) and ask interested parties to send an advance payment as deposits or background check fees.

Only rent properties from known brokers or sellers. If possible, check the property in person or have it inspected by someone you know in the area.

Advance payment requests

Scammers take advantage of high-demand items and ask for advance payments to secure your purchase. A seller may ask you to send $200 in advance to hold the PlayStation 5 or the latest NVIDIA GPU. Chances are the person is doing the same with dozens of other buyers and has no intention of shipping the product to anyone. Your holiday shopping can turn into a nightmare.

Asking for confirmation codes

It's a dangerous Facebook Marketplace scam where the seller asks you to share the confirmation code (that you received as a text on your phone number) to confirm your identity, complete the purchase process, or for another reason. You should never share a verification code with anyone. It's a phishing attempt, and the insiders may use it to set up a new Google Voice number to run more scams and access your email or social media account.

Asking for car deposits

Besides electronics and goods, Facebook Marketplace has become a go-to place for selling used cars. Sometimes, a seller may ask you to pay a small deposit upfront to confirm your purchase. Later, when you meet the seller in person, they may give you the wrong address and fly away with your hard-earned money.

You shouldn't trust the tall claims of a seller. Do your research before agreeing to buy the car. You should also request a vehicle history report from the Federal Trade Commission and schedule a car inspection before sending a deposit. Ignore the listing if a seller insists on making a small advance payment.

Requesting unnecessary charges

You should always pay for the product and shipping charges only. Avoid buying the product if a seller asks for insurance and other extra charges. Genuine sellers never ask for extra money. Sometimes, a seller sends you a fake insurance receipt.

Mailing items

It's one of the popular scams on Facebook Marketplace. The seller never ships the product and shares a fake courier receipt. Stick to sellers you can meet and inspect the product in person. You should also check the seller's profile before checking their products. If it's a new account without a profile picture, the person may be a scammer trying to make a few bucks on the platform.

Fake claims of lost packages

Some disingenuous buyers falsely claim they never received an item in the mail. Such scammers keep the product and ask for their money back. As a buyer, you should always use a trusted delivery method to ship your product. Keep a note of the tracking number so that you know the status of the shipped item.

How to track a United States Postal Service package

Counterfeit money.

If you're meeting a buyer in person, they may attempt to cheat you with counterfeit currency. Before you complete the transaction, verify whether the money is genuine. For your safety, always meet the seller in a public place.

Clicking a link to fill out more information

Scammers trick users into filling out forms that may be deemed "necessary" for the transaction; do not click on any links during these steps. These links can contain malware or redirect users to malicious websites that steal personal information (like your Facebook login).

The best practice is not to click links, even if the link seems legitimate. Scammers will use ways to make these links appear as close to a trusted link as possible (even if they seem similar to another Facebook page). You can use a link checker service like VirusTotal to ensure your suspicions are correct. Otherwise, report and block the user from using the platform for phishing.

Smart shopping on Facebook Marketplace

Fraudsters can exploit you on online marketplaces if you're not careful; it is easy not to be aware of a scam if you're not as familiar. You can learn to spot common Facebook Marketplace scams to ensure you have a safe shopping experience. Remember that scams can happen between buyers and sellers, so always be wary of the transaction practices before committing. Otherwise, consider other methods like ordering from Amazon or becoming a third-party vendor on a trusted platform.

The top 15 Facebook Marketplace scams and how to avoid them

Guiding Tech

How to Report and Avoid Scammers on Facebook Marketplace

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Parth Shah is an evergreen freelance writer covering how-tos, app guides, comparisons, listicles, and troubleshooting guides on Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, and smart TV platforms. He has over five years of experience and has covered 1,500+ articles on GuidingTech and Android Police. In his free time, you will see him binge-watching Netflix shows, reading books, and traveling.

Facebook Marketplace – the company’s e-commerce platform, has over one billion users. Needless to say, the platform has become the go-to place for many to sell and buy items. That said, you should still be careful, as scammers have also exploited the platform’s rising popularity. If you become a victim of such scams, use the steps below to report fake buyers or sellers on Facebook Marketplace.  


Facebook Marketplace is filled with scammers. You need to think twice before hitting the buy button or selling an item to strangers. Before we talk about the tips to avoid scams on Marketplace, let’s first go through the steps to report scammers on the platform.

How to Report a Buyer on Facebook Marketplace

When you post something on Marketplace, you may receive multiple offers from potential buyers. You can create a meet-up plan to finalize terms, payment details, and everything in a direct conversation on Messenger. If a buyer doesn’t show up, clear payment, or scam you in any other way, use the steps below to report them.

Step 1: Launch Facebook Messenger and go to Marketplace.

Step 2: Select a conversation with the buyer. Tap on the buyer’s name at the top.

Report Scammers on Facebook Marketplace 6

Step 3: Scroll down and tap Report.

Report Scammers on Facebook Marketplace 8

Step 4: You can select one of the following reasons to report a buyer.

  • Deliberately low offer
  • Didn’t show up
  • Stopped responding
  • Bullying and harassment (Verbal abuse, Sexual harassment, Humiliating or degrading content)

Step 5: Select the relevant reason and hit Submit report.

Report Scammers on Facebook Marketplace 10

You can mute the conversation or block the person from contacting you again.

You should also contact local law enforcement and notify the Federal Trade Commission. Sometimes, a buyer will make a payment from a stolen credit card, which may land you in legal trouble in the future. You should always receive payments via Facebook’s approved channels like PayPal and Facebook Checkout (more on that later).

In some cases, buyers use fake checks and PayPal accounts to make a higher payment than the listed amount. After that, they will ask you to send back the extra payment. Once you return the overage amount, the actual fund will also vanish from your possession. So, be mindful of the same when you’re selling goods in Facebook Marketplace.

How to Report a Seller on Facebook Marketplace

Reporting a seller is mostly identical to the steps outlined above. Let’s quickly go through them. Let’s take the Facebook Marketplace web app as an example here.

Step 1: Head to Facebook and select Messenger at the top.

Step 2: Go to Marketplace.

Report Scammers on Facebook Marketplace 1

Step 3: Select a conversation and click on the seller’s name at the top.

Report Scammers on Facebook Marketplace 2

Step 4: Click Report. Select one of the following reasons.

Report Scammers on Facebook Marketplace 4

  • Already sold
  • Inaccurate price or description
  • Didn’t receive an item
  • Bullying and harassment

Step 5: Select a reason and tap ‘Submit report’ from the subsequent menu.

Report Scammers on Facebook Marketplace 5

What Happens When You Report a Scam on Facebook Marketplace

When you report a buyer or seller on Facebook Marketplace, the company verifies your claim and even contacts you for further information. Do note that all your reports are anonymous, and Facebook doesn’t notify a scammer when you report them.

You may even get your money back if you have used Facebook’s official payment method to complete the purchase on Marketplace.  

How to Avoid Scams on Facebook Marketplace

It’s important to stay vigilant when dealing with sketchy buyers on Facebook Marketplace . Here are some tips to sport and avoid scams on Marketplace.

  • Avoid buyers and sellers with no profile photo. Check their profile once before contacting them. If it’s a new account with no posts, that’s a red flag.
  • Stick to Facebook Messenger for conversations.
  • Use Facebook-approved payment channels to send or receive money. Don’t pay with gift cards, as Facebook can’t track them.
  • Meet the buyer or seller during day hours and in public places.
  • Set up fraud alerts on your bank’s credit card.
  • Immediately decline overpayments.
  • Never pay before you receive a shipping number.
  • Closely inspect the item before buying it.

Always remember, if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

Use Facebook Marketplace to Its Full Potential

Getting scammed is the last thing you want when you buy or sell stuff on Facebook Marketplace. You should keep the tips above in mind whenever you trade something on Facebook’s commerce platform. If you frequently run into suspicious listings or buyers, report them to Facebook and keep them away from the platform.

Did you become a victim of one of such scams on Facebook? Share your experience with others in the comments below.

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Last updated on 01 February, 2024

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Facebook Marketplace Scams

The article above may contain affiliate links which help support Guiding Tech. The content remains unbiased and authentic and will never affect our editorial integrity.


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10 common Facebook Marketplace scams, and how to avoid and report them

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  • If you are buying or selling items on Facebook Marketplace, beware of scammers.
  • If you are mailing an item, use a tracking number and don't send the product until you receive payment.
  • Here are the most common Facebook Marketplace scams and how to avoid and report them.

Insider Today

In addition to Craigslist and eBay, Facebook Marketplace has become a go-to destination for people to buy and sell personal goods online, in large part because Facebook doesn't charge any sort of fee for listing on the service.

Unfortunately, Marketplace's popularity also makes it an attractive destination for scams. Thankfully, if you know what to look for, scammers aren't hard to detect. Arm yourself with knowledge about the most common signs of Facebook Marketplace scams so you can buy and sell safely. 

Red flags for common Facebook Marketplace scams

You're asked to send the item before you receive payment.

How the scam works: A scammer may ask you to put down a deposit or send payment in advance to secure your spot. But they'll take off with your money and give you nothing in return.

How to avoid getting scammed: Never agree to pay for an item before you receive it. If the seller continues pressuring you or implies it's urgent that you pay in advance, it's probably a scam.

You think the price seems too good to be true

How the scam works: Beware of anything that's for sale for a fraction of the proper retail price. Scammers could be listing non-working electronics or counterfeit designer clothing.

How to avoid getting scammed: The safest way to ensure you're not being ripped off is to pick up the item locally, in person, and inspect it carefully before paying.

Non-working electronics 

How the scam works: While you can make a successful purchase by having an item shipped to you, there's some risk in that approach. Especially if you're buying something electronic, it's a good idea to complete the transaction in person, so you can verify that the item actually works.

How to avoid getting scammed: Turn on the phone, tablet, laptop, game console, or other gadget and make sure it holds a charge and you can successfully boot it all the way up. 

Someone sends you an overpayment and asks for a refund

How the scam works: This scam is as old as the hills: Someone sends you an overpayment — usually in the form of a check — and, for some convoluted reason, asks you to refund the overage. If you do this, you'll find that the check will eventually bounce. You'll have lost the item you're selling, sent them some of your own money, and to add insult to multiple injuries, you're liable to your bank for the bounced check fee.

How to avoid getting scammed: Never accept an overpayment; it's guaranteed to be a scam. 

You're asked to send back codes texted to your phone

How the scam works: This insidious scam starts when the other party suggests moving the conversation from Marketplace to text messaging. Soon thereafter, he or she will say that in order to "prove you're real," you'll be texted a code. Send the code to the other person, and you can proceed with the sale. Danger! This code can be any number of things, such as a two-factor authorization code that'll let the other party take over one of your own accounts. Or it might be the authorization code to set up a new Google Voice number, which the other party can use to run even more scams, except now their number will be linked to your phone, not theirs.

How to avoid getting scammed: There's no reason why you'd ever have to "prove you're real," especially by forwarding some sort of code. 

Beware of fake rentals

How the scam works: Using Facebook Marketplace to rent an apartment? Be very careful — it's easy to create a fake listing for a property that isn't really for rent. Or just happens to be for rent, but not through this Marketplace seller.

How to avoid getting scammed: Always verify the veracity of a rental by contacting the property listing manager independently of Facebook before handing over any money or even completing a rental agreement, which is chock full of requests for personal and private information. 

Don't agree to a bait and switch

How the scam works: You're trying to buy something on Facebook Marketplace, but when the seller gets back to you, it's already sold. That's okay, though, because they have a similar item instead. Sometimes that might be okay — it's your call — but this is a classic bait and switch scheme designed to entice you to want one product but get you to later agree to a much less appealing one.  

How to avoid getting scammed:  Move on from the seller and find the item you really wanted elsewhere.

Prevent claims of lost packages

How the scam works:  Buyers can claim they never received the item in the mail, even though they did, to attempt to get their money back.

How to avoid getting scammed: If you ship an item to a buyer, do it smartly. Always use a tracking number so you can dispute any claims that a package has been lost or was never shipped. If you're the buyer, be sure to insist on getting a tracking number so you can confirm the item is enroute and know when it arrives. 

Don't trust a payment receipt provided by the buyer

How the scam works: If you're selling an item, you should work with a common online payment system like PayPal, Venmo, or Zelle. And if you're new to online payments, don't accept the word of the buyer that they've made the payment (or an image of a receipt they've texted to you). 

How to avoid getting scammed: The point of using a solution like PayPal, Zelle, or Venmo is that you get an instant verification that payment has been received — you don't need to take the word of the buyer.

Giveaways are often phishing scams

How the scam works: Free is always great, right? Often, people who are moving, for example, are motivated to get rid of household stuff and are happy to offer many items for free. But beware of online giveaways in which you need to fill out a form to get something for free. These are fraught with danger because they are often little more than phishing schemes designed to harvest your personal and confidential information. 

How to avoid getting scammed:  Never give out personal information to an online seller. Someone genuinely getting rid of free items would not need to ask for your sensitive data.

How to report a Facebook Marketplace scam

If you think you are dealing with a scam on Facebook Messenger , you should stop communicating with the buyer or seller and report the incident to Facebook. 

If you encounter a listing on Facebook that you think is a scam, open the listing and then click the three-dot menu to the right of the Share button. In the dropdown, choose Report listing .

If you have a listing and a potential buyer appears to be a scammer, you can also report that individual to Facebook. On the right-hand side of the listing, there's a module titled  Seller information. Hover over the seller's name and then click Report . Click Scam , and then follow the instructions to submit your scam report.

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8 facebook marketplace scams to watch out for in 2024.

  • June 4, 2024

Chris Butsch

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I’ve bought and sold over 200 items on Facebook Marketplace since it launched in 2016. My TV, rowing machine, dresser — heck, even our sectional sofa came from Marketplace. 

I’ve also sold car parts, video games, furniture, and more, and if a student shows up, I usually let them have the item for free. 

Point being, Facebook Marketplace can be a superb place to find amazing deals and resell unused goods. But like any big market in a major city, it also attracts its fair share of purse snatchers and con artists. 

I’ve been targeted by scammers countless times and fallen prey once (a story I’ll tell below). And it appears I’m not the only one — a 2024 survey found that 62% of respondents had been targeted by a scam while using Marketplace. 

facebook report marketplace

Erika Taught Me

  • Facebook Marketplace can be a safe resource for finding deals, but it’s also a haven for scammers.
  • In general, you should never send your email, cellphone number, address, or any form of payment in advance. 
  • Always trust your gut — if a potential buyer/seller says something that strikes you as even the tiniest bit odd, it’s probably a scam. 

Quick Tips for Staying Safe on Facebook Marketplace

Before we dive into the specifics of each scam, here are some quick tips for detecting and avoiding Facebook Marketplace scams in the first place: 

  • Trust your gut. If something feels “off” or “too good to be true,” I promise you, it is. 
  • You don’t owe anyone anything. Certain buyers and sellers (legitimate or otherwise) can get testy if they don’t get what they want. If someone makes you uncomfortable, you don’t owe them an explanation — just block them and move on. 
  • Meet in public (ideally at the police station). Many local police stations will have designated safe areas for Craigslist-style transactions. 
  • Never send payment in advance. Anyone asking for any sort of “deposit” in advance is a scammer. 
  • Never leak personal information. If a buyer/seller asks for anything more than your PayPal or Venmo address, it’s probably a scam (that includes asking for your Zelle info — I’ll elaborate on that in a bit). 
  • Never give your exact address. In the rare case that I sell something out of my house, I never give out our address. I give them the nearest intersection, and when they arrive and appear safe/legit, I come out to greet them. 

8 Facebook Marketplace Scams

Now that you’ve taken Marketplace Scams 101, let’s dive into the advanced course and cover eight specific examples you’re likely to encounter. 

1. “I need a deposit”

Back in early 2021, when the new Xbox and PlayStation were still difficult to find, I managed to find an Xbox on Marketplace for retail price. 

The seller appeared to have a legitimate profile and claimed that she had bought it for her nephew who wanted a PlayStation instead. She added that she just wanted her money back without having to drive an hour to the store, so she’d flip it for the exact amount she’d paid. 

I was halfway to her house when she texted that someone else had “outbid” me by $25. But if I sent her $25 right now, she’d hold it for me and only me. I was so desperate to play the new Xbox during the pandemic that I Venmo’d her $25 right away.

Then, to no one’s surprise, the seller disappeared. 

The moral of the story: Never, ever send anyone money until you’ve verified the product in person. If someone asks for any kind of deposit in advance, it’s a scam. 

2. “Payment sent, check your email”

Another common scam is for buyers to claim that they’ve already paid you via Venmo, PayPal, Zelle, etc. — and to “check your email” for proof. 

Sure enough, you open your email and find an official-looking message from one of the big payment apps: 

Screenshot of a Venmo confirmation email

The email will look exactly like the legitimate one pictured above, but with one exception: the sender address will say something like “ [email protected] ” or “ [email protected] ” — clearly indicating that it’s fake. 

You also won’t get a notification from the real Venmo or PayPal, which is another dead giveaway that you’re being grifted. 

3. “Can you send me all of your Zelle info?”

Here’s how this one works: You and a buyer agree to a price, and they insist on paying you via Zelle. Zelle is a legitimate online payment platform, so you agree. 

But to add you as a recipient on Zelle, the buyer says they need your full name, email, phone number, and possibly more. 

See where I’m going with this? 

It’s a phishing scam. By pretending they “need your Zelle info,” the scammer is just trying to see how much personal information you’re willing to give them. 

That’s why I personally never use Zelle with buyers I don’t already trust — only PayPal, Venmo, or cold hard cash. 

@erikakullberg Do this 1 thing to avoid Zelle scams 🤯 #lawyer #money #hacks ♬ original sound – Money Lawyer Erika

4. “Interested in the rental? Please fill out this lease application”

Another thing you should know about Marketplace is that it’s positively rife with real estate scams. 

One of the most common is the “lease application” scam, where you find a rental property with amazingly low rent, and the “management company” asks you to fill out a renter’s application. Some may even ask for a deposit upfront, just to hold the property in your name. 

Hopefully, by this point, you’ll have spotted three red flags: 

  • The property seemed too good to be true. 
  • A stranger on the Internet is asking for loads of personal information.
  • They “need a deposit” upfront. 

One of the best ways to spot and avoid rental scams in general is to Google the address, verify the real landlord, and cross-check all of the information on the listing. 

5. “Shoot me your number and I’ll just text you”

If you report a scam on Facebook (and try to get your money back), one of the first things Facebook will look at is your chat history with the fake buyer/seller. 

That’s why some scammers will try to pull you off of Facebook Messenger as soon as possible — and collect your personal cellphone number in the process.

6. “My cousin will come pick it up”

This one has become so common that r/FacebookMarketplace has taken to calling it “the cousin scam.” 

A buyer will agree to send payment before they even meet you, and claim that a family member will come retrieve the item later. They’ll usually have some excuse like, “It’s for my son, so he’s coming to pick it up” or “I have a small car, so my cousin will come to get it in his trailer.” 

It’s a bit of an odd scam, but the prevailing theory is that the scammer is trying to do multiple things at once: 

  • Collect your Zelle data.
  • Get your home address.
  • Manufacture a reason to send you money immediately, teeing you up for scam #7.

No legitimate buyer will offer to pay you in full without seeing the product, so if you spot obvious signs of the “cousin scam,” simply block and report the account. 

7. “I accidentally overpaid you, can you send $100 back?”

As hinted above, scammers will sometimes manufacture a reason to send you money beforehand. They may also send you too much money and ask you to send the excess back. 

In either case, they’re probably attempting a “chargeback scam.” 

With this scam, a seemingly legit buyer will agree to pay you — let’s say $200 for a set of earrings. But they send you $300 via PayPal and say, “Oops! Could you send the $100 back?” 

Since you’re a good person, you send the $100 back, keep the $200 you both agreed on, and ship the earrings. 

A week later, you get a notice from your bank that the $300 you originally received was fraudulent, and was sent using a stolen credit card. So your bank debits $300 from your account, leaving you down $100 cash and a $200 set of earrings. 

The same thing might happen during the cousin scam: “Hey, turns out my cousin can’t make it. Would you please wire the $500 back?” 

In any case, if a buyer asks you to wire money back, it’s best to notify the payment platform immediately. They can help you identify whether you’re dealing with a scammer. 

READ MORE: ​​ Credit Card Purchase Protection: What You Need to Know

8. “Send me the verification code to prove you’re real”

Lastly, one of the sneakiest scams I’ve come across is the “I’m real — but are you real?” scam. If you fall prey to it, it can also be the single most devastating (thankfully, I’m not speaking from personal experience). 

A buyer or seller will reach out to you and, at first, they’ll seem perfectly normal and human. You may agree to a price and even exchange niceties.

But at some point, they’ll question your legitimacy and ask you to “prove” yourself by sending them a verification code that just hit your phone. 

If you do this, the scammer will use your two-factor authentication code to log into your bank, Gmail, or whatever they can get their scammy hands on — and cause absolute havoc. 

Needless to say, there’s a reason virtually every verification code you receive comes with a disclaimer, often in all-caps: “Never share this with anyone.” 

What should you do if you get scammed on Facebook Marketplace?

File a claim/report to both Facebook and the payment app you used to complete the transaction. One or both may be able to refund your money as well as protect other users from the scammer. 

Is Venmo safe for Facebook Marketplace?

It can be. Payments completed through Facebook or marked “goods and services” through Venmo both come with purchase protection, aka insurance against scams. 

Is it safe to give your address on Facebook Marketplace?

No. It’s best to meet potential buyers/sellers at a local police station. If they must come to your home (e.g., to buy furniture), provide them with a nearby cross street. 

Wrapping Up

Despite a rising number of scams in recent years, I still contend that Facebook Marketplace is one of the greatest untapped resources for selling and buying things you need. 

From cars to couches, tablets to home exercise equipment, there are plenty of positive buyer/seller interactions waiting to happen. 

Just be sure to have your wits about you when you shop!

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Facebook Ads Reporting - How to Track Your Performance in 2024

Need a new FB Ads report to help you optimize your campaigns? Here are the best Facebook Ads reporting tools + the most important KPIs + templates + examples

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Sandra Stepan, SnapAdvantage's co-founder, has 10 years in digital marketing, focusing on e-commerce expansion. With success in building 7-figure brands, she amplifies growth for top brands. An industry leader, Sandra is a trusted expert for marketing excellence.

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Natalie is a content writer and manager who is passionate about using her craft to empower others. She thrives on team dynamic, great coffee, and excellent content. One of these days, she might even get to her own content ideas.

Updated May 5, 2024.

Facebook Ads Reporting - How to Track Your Performance in {year} main image

“When performance is measured, performance improves. When performance is measured and reported back, the rate of improvement accelerates.” – Pearson’s Law

It's no secret: Facebook ads is a whole different ball game in 2024. In fact, Facebook ads and "change" are synonymous today. So synonymous that if we were to count the changes they've rolled out since launching in 2007 would put us on the red radar of Google's content guidelines.

And when change is prevalent in your ads life, there's one thing that needs to be done consistently: properly tracking your campaigns (an activity known to help prevent loss of profits and loss of minds - the former's more proven, but the latter is hearsay, of course).

Tracking your ads campaign performance is crucial to producing a winning campaign . Knowing what data points to keep an eye on will help turn a losing or break-even campaign into a winner. By learning how to set up and use Facebook's Ads Manager effectively, we are able to make data-driven decisions and tilt the odds in our favor.

Here’s how to set up your Ads Manager and which reporting templates to use to help you see important data at a glance and make campaign decisions effectively.

Facebook ads reporting in the Ads Manager

Let's dive into tracking your Facebook ads performance in 2024.

1. Decide on your campaign KPI's

It all begins with your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Facebook is such a robust advertising platform, there is a ton of data to look at and you need to pick the right metrics to focus on.

That's why Facebook provides a number of preset options for the most popular types of campaigns so that only the relevant metrics are displayed and the rest are filtered out.

For example, a video views campaign would require KPIs such as:

  • 3-second video plays and their cost
  • ThruPlays and the cost per ThruPlay
  • Video average playtime
  • Video plays at 25%, 50%, 75%, and 100%
  • Video view type
  • Impression device
  • Conversion device

All of these are relevant metrics that can help you pinpoint exactly where viewers are dropping off in your video campaign .

For example, if you notice that your video views drop off at 50% then you should consider editing that section and run another test to see if the video plays metrics improve.

A sales campaign for an eCommerce store would have an entirely different set of KPIs. These could include:

  •  CPM (cost per one thousand impressions) 
  • CTR (link click-through rate)
  • Landing page views
  • Link clicks
  • Cost per click
  • Conversion rate
  • # of adds to cart
  • # of checkouts initiated
  • Cost per acquisition

Additionally, all campaign types have some basic key metrics that should be included with every campaign report . These include metrics such as Budget, Amount Spent, Reach, Impressions, and CPM.

In case you are not satisfied with Facebook's preset options, you can also create your own custom column list by clicking on Customize Columns and then selecting which metrics you would like to add to the report.

So, the first step is to decide on your KPIs. Then, you move on to:

2. Look at your campaign breakdowns

Now that you have some data coming in, it's important to look at the data more granularly. These advanced breakdowns can give you insights into which segments of your audience are most engaged with your campaign. Which engagement metrics you look at depends on your campaign objective.

To see your breakdown options, click the Breakdown button next to the Columns button.

Facebook allows us to break down a campaign at the campaign level, at the ad set level, and at the ad level. Within the breakdown section, there are 4 possible subsets which are:

  • Action - the actions that people took during and after interacting with your ad.
  • Delivery - the demographics of the audience that the ad was delivered to, as well as the platform and device it was viewed on.
  • Time - the different time frames that each breakdown can be sorted in.
  • Dynamic Creative Element - Breakdown by the creative element in a DCA (Dynamic Creative Ad) such as text, image, or headline.

For example, you could break down your campaign by age and gender (under the delivery subset) to see which age cohort and which gender is producing the best results.

Then, you could create a new campaign specifically for that age range and gender, and change your ad image and text to match that demographic.

This leads us to the final step...

3. Share and export your campaign data

Facebook allows you to both share and export your campaign data. Under the Reports section, when you click on Share link , Facebook will generate a unique link that you can send to anyone and they will be able to view your campaign report.

You can also export the campaign data by clicking the Export table data option under the Reports section. This will allow you to export your data into a CSV or Excel file, or view it in Google Sheets, which can be very useful when you would like to use advanced spreadsheets or data visualization tools.

And that's it! You now know how to create the perfect Facebook Ads report for your campaigns, and how to utilize it most effectively.

Top Facebook Ads reporting tools

It doesn't take a village but it does take having the right tools! Reporting (subsequently and interpreting data to make marketing decisions) is one of the most impactful activities you make as an ads specialist .

And with the right tools and information in place, your chances for successful campaigns will be greater.

Here are some of the top tools to use to create Facebook Ads Reports.

Looker Studio (formerly Google Data Studio)

Google recently acquired the analytics and reporting tool Looker and has replaced Google Data Studio with the new Looker Studio. It’s still completely free and can be a great resource for beginner to intermediate performance marketers .

Use Looker Studio to create ads reporting dashboards for your Facebook Ads campaigns and easily see your data at a glance. It could also pull in traffic data from your Google Analytics account as well to help create more advanced reports.


  • Visualize data using line charts, bar graphs, geo maps, area and bubble graphs, and more
  • Interactive reports with viewer filters and date controls
  • Brand your reports with text and images
  • Style and color themes
  • Very robust tool
  • Created by Google
  • Lots of integrations
  • Easy to share and collaborate
  • Limited number of charts
  • No real-time updates

Tool Level: Beginner

Pricing: Free

AdStage features an all-in-one solution for managing cross-network pay-per-click (PPC) marketing campaigns , across platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, Google Ads , Bing, and more.

It is a highly customizable platform that will allow the user to dig as deep into the data as they want, and display at a glance any ads metrics that are deemed important.


  • A/B Testing
  • Conversion Tracking
  • Budget Management
  • ROI Tracking
  • Bid Management
  • Customizable Reports
  • Schedule reports to be sent
  • Great customer support
  • Lots of integrations available
  • Detailed analysis of campaigns
  • Drag and drop report builder
  • Streamlined dashboard
  • Lack of good onboarding resources
  • No Snapchat advertising support
  • Platform slow at times
  • Sometimes have to reconnect platforms

Tool Level: Intermediate

Pricing: Starting at $149/month

Swydo is a web-based platform that offers tracking, reporting, and monitoring capabilities. It integrates with the most popular platforms such as Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Bing Ads, LinkedIn Ads, Google Analytics, Google Webmaster Tools, and more.

Additionally, Swydo offers a custom integration feature that allows users to build their own integration with the tools they use.


  • Customizable branding
  • Data import/export
  • Email templates
  • Ads report templates
  • Cross-channel reports
  • Public dashboards
  • Custom reports
  • Real-time monitoring
  • Multi-channel attribution
  • Highly customizable
  • Fast platform
  • Easy to use
  • Multi-database integration
  • Limited design options
  • Big learning curve

Tool Level: Intermediate/Advanced

Pricing: Starting at $39/month


Built around automation and white labeling, AgencyAnalytics features a robust platform that is highly customizable and easy to use. It was built specifically for Facebook Ads agencies to help them provide their clients with automated, white label reports.

  • Automated reporting
  • White label reports
  • Custom dashboards
  • Client & staff management
  • 70+ integrations
  • Simple and easy to use
  • Feature-rich
  • Good value for money
  • Dashboards are widget based
  • Can be overwhelming
  • Customization of imported data is limited
  • Limited keywords

Pricing: Starting at $12/month

 Madgicx is a cloud-based Facebook advertising solution designed to help Facebook marketers monitor and improve their campaign performance, as well as add automation to the media buying process.

  • Conversion tracking
  • AI/Machine learning
  • Behavioral targeting
  • Customer journey mapping
  • Multivariate testing
  • Full-funnel reports
  • Easy to set up
  • The creative studio provides insights
  • Great onboarding process
  • Many integrations
  • Built for large businesses

Pricing: Starting at $199/month

Important ads metrics to track

It's important to understand your own campaign goals and pay close attention to the data that matters most to your specific project. Having said that, some metrics are universal across campaigns and should always be monitored as indicators of overall campaign performance.

The most common metrics are:

CPC stands for cost-per-click, and it is the universal standard when it comes to tracking media buys and campaigns. It’s a benchmark metric that can always be used to evaluate whether the campaign performance is good or bad.

CPC can be used relatively to see whether certain marketing tests have affected the campaign negatively or positively.

The CTR (click-through rate) is the number of clicks that your ad receives divided by the number of times your ad is shown. It’s an important metric for two main reasons.

1) It is used by most self-serve advertising platforms as a gauge as to how interested your target audience is in your ad. The higher the CTR, the better the message/market match is, and the more the advertising platform will reward you with better and cheaper results.

2) It can have a direct impact on the ROI of your campaign, as landing page CTR is the main leverage point that an advertiser has. For example, if a landing page CTR is 2%, simply lifting that up another 1% percent equals 50% more sales.

The CTR of the landing page is the ultimate indicator of how well your audience is responding to your offer, and the likelihood of them clicking through and completing your desired action.

CPM (cost-per-mille) is a metric used to calculate the cost of an ad for every one thousand impressions. It’s one of the most common methods for pricing ads and it’s used in brand awareness campaigns.

ROAS is one of the most important metrics to track (especially for eCommerce stores). It stands for return on ad spend and it’s the amount of revenue earned for every dollar spent. For example, a ROAS of 3 means for every dollar spent, three dollars is earned back in revenue.

Generally speaking, as your ad reaches a larger audience, the ROAS starts dropping as the message is not relevant anymore, so it’s a good indicator that you need to change something.

An effective ads campaign involves a careful balancing act of trying to increase revenue but also keeping an eye on your ROAS as the two are inversely correlated, and the right strategy can influence future campaigns.

Facebook Ads reporting templates

While reporting can be customized for every campaign, a great way to simplify your reporting is to use pre-built ads report templates.

Here are a few of the best templates you can use.

Improvado performance marketing dashboard

This is the performance dashboard you'll want to use for a high-level view of your Facebook ads. Improvado allows you to track revenue generated by each campaign, return on marketing investment, target actions by audience (clicks, purchases, registrations, etc), and total ad spend.


  • High level of customization : You can customize your reporting using any data from your Facebook Ads Reporting tool or any other platform
  • Comprehensive visuals and charts
  • Zero-engineering where you can turn on and off any section
  • Tailored to Facebook Ads needs with visibility into all crucial conversion metrics and KPIs across your Facebook campaigns
  • It might be too complex for small businesses and often not a great solution for freelancers.

Swydo Pre-Built Facebook Ads Reports Templates

Swydo offers a set of pre-built templates you can use for your ads reporting with a user-friendly interface to connect your data sources.


  • Great for tracking KPIs and business goals with comprehensive reporting on reach, actions, shares, leads, and other performance metrics
  • KPI and widget library makes it easy to generate comprehensive reports based on your client's needs
  • Slim on connectors for very big marketing teams

Supermetrics Facebook Ads Template

This is technically not a reports template (more like a tool), Supermetrics can be used with Google Data Studio to manage your Facebook ads data and it's great if you manage most of your advertising spend via Google Data Studio.


  • Generate information like basic graphs and total impressions, amount spent, and CPM
  • Displays clicks, CPC, CTRs, actions, and action rate
  • Lots of integrations - Google Analytics, Google Data Studio, Google Sheets, LinkedIn Ads, you name it.
  • $39 after your 2-week free trial

Reporting will always remain a critical part in delivering successful paid media campaigns, regardless of the size of your business or the type of campaigns you use.

It can get quite complex, but it needs to make your decisions simpler, not overwhelming. You need to select the best reporting approach, tool, and solution that matches your business needs.

And of course - if reporting and overall ads management are not your area of expertise, you can always hire a vetted Facebook Ads Expert with experience in your niche to manage your campaigns from A-Z.

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Facebook Marketplace User Statistics [2023 Updated Data]

facebook report marketplace

Major Statistics of Facebook Marketplace

1. not less than 1 billion people use the facebook marketplace every month of the year., 2. there are about an average of 250 million sellers using the facebook marketplace., 3. in over 228 world regions, businesses use facebook as a marketing tool., 4. 53% of americans patronize secondhand luxury products and use the facebook marketplace to seek items., 5. 81% of facebook users use this app on their mobile phones., 6. in 2020, a survey of individuals in germany aged 16 to 29 showed that they used the facebook marketplace.”, 8. 9.1% of the world population will most likely see an ad placement on the facebook marketplace., 9. facebook marketplace is composed of 61.8% female users., 10. branded apparel on the facebook marketplace is the most wanted item by platform users., 11. people between 25 and 35 years old make up the largest part of users on the facebook marketplace., 12. facebook marketplace is a free listing commerce platform., 13. the leading share users on the facebook marketplace are latin americans, with a rate of 42%., 14. a total share of 33% of consumers patronized instagram shopping bags and facebook marketplace., 15. users of the facebook marketplace in india, the united states, indonesia, and brazil make over 100 million., 16. shipping items from the facebook marketplace involves making a 5% payment of your selling fee., 17. royal bank of scotland reported that 1,066 scams were made through the facebook marketplace., 18. in 2018, facebook had over 2 million vehicles listed on its marketplace., 19. in the united states, over 18 million new entry listings were made in may 2017 on the facebook marketplace., 20. data available in 2023 reveals that users of the facebook marketplace spend an average of 20 minutes on each platform visit., 21. about 32% of marketers use video content to promote their businesses online on the facebook marketplace..

At least one billion people use the Facebook marketplace each month. Since its inception in 2004, Facebook has continued to grow in leaps and bounds and has become a formidable force in the social media market. Launched in 2016, the Facebook marketplace has experienced a rapid rate of acceptability by users, making it the top choice of its users for commercial activities.

The Statistics available will adequately show us the number of people who use the Facebook marketplace.  Let’s take a look.

Major Statistics of Facebook Marketplace

  • At least one billion people use the Facebook marketplace each month. 
  • On average, 250 million people use the Facebook marketplace to make sales . 
  • Facebook marketing is available and used in over 200 nations of the world.
  • Approximately 81% of its users have access to the platform through their mobile phones .
  • 53% of luxury secondhand goods consumers in America purchase from the Facebook marketplace.
  • Respondents interviewed in a German survey between the ages of 16 and 29 revealed that they used the Facebook marketplace.
  • About 16% of active users on the Facebook platform log in only to shop on the marketplace. 
  • Ads displayed on the Facebook marketplace will likely be viewed by 9.1% of the world population . 
  • Females using the Facebook marketplace account for 61.8% of the entire users. 
  • Branded clothing is the most popular item searched for by users of the Facebook marketplace.   

The Population of People Using Facebook Marketplace in 2023

Population of People Using Facebook

As a result of people’s idea that one can use the dedicated space for sellers and buyers to connect using social media , the number of users doing commercial activities on the Facebook marketplace grew to not less than 1 billion people monthly.

Since the launch of Facebook Shops in May 2020, there has been a steady increase in the number of stores and sellers featured on the platform. In 2021, the Facebook marketplace featured an average of 250 million stores across countries.

Facebook marketplace is accessible in over 70 countries and more than 228 locations worldwide for selling and buying items . 

Though 69% of people shop for luxury items using eBay, in 2021, 53% used the Facebook marketplace to search for the things they desired in the luxury market. Aside from using the Facebook marketplace, 51% of luxury shoppers chose Posmark to purchase apparel and accessories.

Over 81% of individuals who use the Facebook app or its platform use their phones to gain access. This implies they have easy access to its marketplace, where they scroll through to view sales offerings from multiple sellers. Also, the desktop conversion rate for social media is lower when compared to mobile phones. 

These young German Facebook users claimed to have used the marketplace to make sales or purchase secondhand products. Meanwhile, only 6% of people aged 30 or older reported using the marketplace to buy or sell products. 7. Active marketplace Users make up 16% of the total logins into Facebook accounts . According to data gathered in 2020, 16% of American Facebook users logged in to purchase items from the marketplace. The above data represents a total of 474 million users of Facebook out of the active 3 billion monthly users on the platform.

Marketplace ads are listings that a global audience can see. They have the potential to be viewed by 9.1% of the worldwide population from 13 years of age and above. This means 562 million people across the world are seeing it. It is, therefore, an effective tool for advert placement and sales generation. 

Regarding gender composition, females comprised 61.8% of the Facebook marketplace in January 2023. This is quite a contrast to the fact that the male gender dominates the Facebook platform, and according to demographics, males occupy 38% presence on the Facebook marketplace.

From the research gathered, branded fashion wear is the most sought-after item on the marketplace. Do you need to sell your high-quality branded wear? If yes, the Facebook marketplace is great for selling secondhand , high-end clothing, accessories, and new wea.

Must Know Statistics and Facts

Must Know Statistics and Facts

Studies reveal that people between 25 and 35 are the Facebook marketplace’s major age demographic. This is followed by those between 35 and 44 years who have a share of 18.4% participation in the Facebook marketplace. The third-ranking on age demographics is those between 18 to 24 years; next is 45 to 54 years of age at 13.9%, 65 years of age at 11.4%, 55 to 64 years at 11.2%, and 13 to 17 years with only 3.4% using the Facebook marketplace.

Unlike other platforms such as Etsy and eBay, which charge listings and certain fees, the Facebook marketplace does not attach any price to user-listed items. Rather, the Facebook marketplace makes its earnings from classified ad placements when its users decide to increase their viewing audience.

In the third quarter of 2021, Latin America had the highest number of consumers on the Facebook marketplace by a 42% share. Second place that same year was the African continent and the Middle East at a rate of 38% usage share . North America came third in the ranking claim with 37% of users on the platform.

Internationally, the share of users of Facebook marketplace or Instagram shopping bags stands at 33%, with Latin America topping the list. Asia Pacific follows next on the list with 32%, and Europe with the lowest user share of Facebook marketplace or Instagram shopping bag at 23%.

These four countries, India, the United States , Indonesia, and Brazil, stand at the topmost position of places with the highest number of Facebook marketplace with over 100 million users .

Everyone who resells on eBay or other marketplaces is aware of selling fees attached to sales by platforms.

The Royal Bank of Scotland, commonly called RBS in 2021, informed the public that Facebook was the online marketplace mostly perpetuated by scammers with 1,066 cases.

In 2018, United States automobile dealers listed over 2 million vehicles on the Facebook marketplace. Vehicle sales are among the platform’s most commonly listed local deals daily. This confirms that the Facebook marketplace is the preferred choice for persons searching for cars and dealers looking for sales.

In May 2017, the United States had an overwhelming 18 million listings of new entries on the Facebook marketplace. However, from that period onward, there has been an increase in the number of listings between buyers and sellers .

A recent review shows that each visit to the Facebook marketplace costs each user an average of 20 minutes. An average Facebook user spends time shopping , browsing, and listing on the platform. 

The effect of using video ads while advertising on the Facebook marketplace has yet to lose relevance. An outstanding 32% of digital marketers make use of the influence of visuals to promote their organization on the Facebook marketplace. These individuals know how powerful video content ads can be on a robust market like Facebook, so they utilize this tool.

Facebook marketplace is a home for buying and selling high-branded apparel, secondhand goods, and new products to over 1 billion people in over 70 countries. Whether you are a business owner, brand influencer, or marketer, the Facebook marketplace is a great platform to increase conversion sales and improve customer loyalty. With the statistics in this article, you can be sure that a lot can be achieved using the Facebook marketplace.

What is the Facebook marketplace?

Facebook marketplace is a platform that offers people the opportunity and leverage to buy and sell locally sourced products. It is one of the most common ways people buy new and secondhand items.

How do you make use of the Facebook marketplace?

The first step involves opening a Facebook account, and if you already have an existing account, buy and sell on the marketplace. You start the process by clicking on the store icon to check out the items on sale in your locality.

Is buying or selling safe on the Facebook marketplace?

Generally, the Facebook marketplace is quite safe for buying or selling activities. However, like every other online marketplace store, some risks are involved while conducting commerce on the platform. Therefore, you should look at the following tips to help mitigate transaction risks: 1. When something seems too good to be true, apply caution; 2. Beware of sellers on the marketplace who ask for your personal information before closing a sales deal; and 3. Duly report any suspicious activity you see on the Facebook platform.

  • Key figures on Facebook Marketplace and Facebook Shops worldwide as of 1st quarter 2021
  • Most popular online marketplaces for buying secondhand luxury items in the United States in 2021
  • Share of respondents who bought or sold secondhand items on Facebook Marketplace at least once in Germany in 2020 by age group
  • Most popular Facebook activities in the United States as of March 2020
  • Share of Facebook users in the United States as of August 2023 by age group
  • Share of users who used Facebook Marketplace and/or Instagram Shopping Bag worldwide in the 3rd quarter of 2021 by region
  • Royal Bank of Scotland issues warning to customers using Facebook and Instagram during the festive season
  • Marketplace Expanding to Europe
  • Facebook Marketplace Statistics: A Game-Changer in the World of Online Buying and Selling

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Susan Laborde researches the latest technology trends in an ever-changing tech landscape to provide comparisons, guides, and reviews that are easy to understand for readers. When taking a break from being a tech word wizard, she plays games with her baby.

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In recent years, eBay has been training its efforts on making high-end, pre-owned items easier to sell and buy on its platform. It has implemented programs like Certified by Brand and Authenticity Guarantee to ensure that users feel confident when buying and selling luxury items on the website. And those sorts of used and refurbished items now compose 40 percent of eBay’s gross merchandise volume.

While it may seem a bit strange to sell your luxury items on eBay rather than a designated site like the RealReal, the e-tailer might be breaking out as the next big luxury marketplace, especially when it comes to pre-owned pieces.

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Crime and Public Safety | Bronx robbery crew uses Facebook Marketplace to…

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Crime and Public Safety

Crime and public safety | bronx robbery crew uses facebook marketplace to mug e-bike buyer at knifepoint.

Cops released images of the thieves wanted in the May 16 hold-up in the hopes someone recognizes them. (NYPD)

Cops released images of the thieves wanted in the May 16 hold-up in the hopes someone recognizes them. Their methods were disturbingly similar to a Bronx robbery spree where a crew of crooks pretended to sell cars on Facebook Marketplace only to rob their victims of cash earmarked for the auto, cops said.

Two of the muggers were wearing black-and-white sneakers, the same colored footwear worn by the suspects responsible for at least eight robberies in the Bronx and Queens after meeting their victims on  Marketplace , police said.

The victim told police he was looking to buy an e-bike when he found one being advertised on Facebook. After reaching out to the seller, the victim agreed to meet the stranger outside Claremont Park near the corner of Teller Ave. and E. 171st St.

Once he arrived at the scene around 6:30 p.m. he was met by three men who pulled a knife on him, cops said.

The crooks punched and kicked him before running off with his wallet, which contained $800 and several bank cards.

The victim was left bruised and battered, but refused medical attention at the scene, cops said.

The thieves were last seen running down E. 171s St. No arrests have been made. They’re described as light-skinned men between 5-feet-6 and 5-feet-8 with slim builds, police said.

The crooks have used a gun, knife, metal bat and a club with nails sticking out to intimidate their victims, cops said. They’ve stolen about $27,000 cash during the heists as well as two cars belonging to their victims, cops said.

They are also wanted for swiping a 26-year-old woman’s car they found unoccupied with the engine running off the Cross Bronx Expressway near Olmstead Ave. in Parkchester on Dec. 29.

Cops on Tuesday released surveillance images of the suspects and asked the public's help identifying them and tracking them down. (NYPD)

Over the past two months, the bandits used Facebook Marketplace to advertise a vehicle for sale, investigators said.  On six occasions, they arranged to meet up with someone looking to purchase their vehicle but instead robbed the buyer of the cash earmarked for the auto.

Detectives tied the string of robberies together after  recovering surveillance footage  of multiple incidents showing the same perpetrators, a police source said.

Front page for May 16, 2024: Armed crew uses Facebook Marketplace, lures victims, steals cash and vehicles. Police say two suspects (one armed with a bat) robbed Facebook users of cars (one below) and cash.

An NYPD spokeswoman said the May 16 robbery hasn’t been immediately linked to the crime spree, but detectives were still looking into a possible connection.

Facebook created Marketplace in 2016. By 2021, the wildly popular meet-up spot for buyers and sellers was getting more than 1 billion visitors a month , according to the website bigcommerce.com.

Cops are asking anyone with information regarding any of these robberies to contact NYPD Crime Stoppers at (800) 577-TIPS. All calls will be kept confidential.

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Bank of America lays out the perfect scenario for stocks to rally after the May jobs report

  • The stock market faces a big test this week with the release of the May jobs report on Friday. 
  • BofA said the Goldilocks range for the report is 125,000-175,000 new jobs added last month. 
  • Fewer than 125,000 jobs added would suggest that bad news for the economy may finally be bad news for stocks. 

Insider Today

The stock market faces a big test this week with the Friday release of the nonfarm payroll report for May

Estimates suggest 178,000 new jobs were added to the economy in May, which is about in line with the April jobs report.

According to a Monday note from Bank of America, the report needs to print within the "Goldilocks range" of 125,000-175,000 new jobs added in the month. If that happens, then the stock market should rally. 

That's because a reading within that range would likely give the Federal Reserve more flexibility to cut interest rates sooner rather than later. This dynamic has been in play in recent months, with weaker-than-expected economic data points being cheered by stock market investors in hopes that interest rate cuts would be imminent.

The bank also said that such a reading should result in an unchanged unemployment rate of 3.9%.

To the downside, Bank of America said a May jobs report below 125,000 would be bad news for the stock market and could lead to a sell-off.

"Bad news has been good news, but below +125K, bad news could become bad news," Bank of America strategist Ohsung Kwon said, adding that such a reading would suggest economic growth is deteriorating.

"Sub- 125K gains in NFP could increase the risk of triggering the Sahm Rule, reviving recession fears in the market," Kwon said.

The Sahm Rule tracks the three-month moving average of the unemployment rate and suggests a recession is imminent when the moving average rises 50 basis points.

Finally, a May jobs report to the upside of Bank of America's Goldilocks range should also be a positive for stock prices, as it would signal stronger economic growth than expected.

Bank of America expects the May jobs report to come in at 200,000 jobs added during the month.  

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Easy Guide to Social Media Analytics Reporting

Blog » Easy Guide to Social Media Analytics Reporting

Ready to elevate your social media game? Detailed social media reports give you a backstage pass to your audience’s preferences and behaviors. Sounds too good to be true? Businesses using social media analytics are 60% more likely to dominate their market. With over 5 billion social media users worldwide this year, the sky’s the limit for your brand’s growth and engagement.

Let’s explore simple steps and social media analytics templates to help you nail your reporting.

What is Social Media Analytics Reporting?

Social media analytics reporting involves collecting and studying data from various social media channels. This process helps measure the success of your marketing campaigns by examining engagement rates, audience insights, and other key performance indicators (KPIs). Think of it as a report card for your social media efforts, highlighting what you did well and where you can improve.

Why is Social Media Analytics Reporting Important?

Social media analytics enable businesses to make informed decisions based on real-time data. This helps them adjust strategies quickly for optimal results. Additionally, tracking and analyzing marketing tactics can enhance marketing efforts across the entire customer journey.

Knowing Your Audience: Detailed social media analytics reports provide valuable information about your audience’s preferences. This insight helps businesses create better content and campaigns.

Tracking Performance: Regular analytics reporting allows you to monitor your performance continually. This keeps you on top of trends and ahead of competitors.

Tools for Social Media Analytics Reporting

Google Analytics: Combines social media data to provide a comprehensive view of your online presence.

Swydo: Offers customizable social reporting templates for in-depth social media analytics. It supports platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, TikTok, and Snapchat.

Sprout Social: Provides granular post-performance tracking and social media management tools.

How to Create a Social Media Analytics Report

Creating an effective social media analytics report involves several key steps:

1. Define Objectives: Determine what you want to achieve with your report. Tracking and analyzing social media campaign performance helps measure ROI and make informed business decisions.

2. Select Relevant Metrics: Choose metrics that align with your objectives.

3. Gather Data: Use analytics tools to collect data from various social media platforms.

4. Analyze Data: Look for patterns and insights that can inform your strategy.

5. Visualize Data: Use charts and graphs to make the data easy to understand.

6. Compile the Report: Organize the information into a cohesive document that tells a clear story.

Related: What to include in a marketing report?

Expert Tips for Effective Social Media Reporting

Casey meraz at juris digital.

Casey uses a blend of tools and metrics for effective social media reporting for his law firm clients at Juris Digital . He relies on Google Analytics for comprehensive data and Facebook Insights for detailed performance metrics. Hootsuite helps with scheduling and high-level reporting across multiple platforms. Social media reporting highlights trends and content types that are engaging our audience, which in turn helps in refining our strategy. These insights can tell us when to post, what type of content works best, and how to allocate resources efficiently.

On metrics, at the top of the list, we have engagement metrics such as likes, shares, comments, and reactions. These help identify which content is resonating with your audience. Next, the follower growth rate shows how fast your audience is increasing. Reach and impressions metrics provide insight into how many people see your content. Click-through rates (CTR) and referral traffic show how effective your social posts are at driving people to your website. Finally, conversion rates from social posts back to your site’s goals (like newsletter sign-ups or e-book downloads) are crucial for understanding ROI.

Reporting Frequency:

In terms of reporting frequency, I recommend creating detailed reports every month. Monthly reports allow enough time to gather substantial data while keeping the information current enough to make timely adjustments. Weekly check-ins on some core metrics can also keep you on track, but may not require comprehensive reporting. Quarterly reports can provide a bigger picture, showing trends over a longer period.

Matt L at Festoon House

As the Founder and Managing Director of Festoon House , Matt L has built a successful e-commerce store from the ground up, and social media marketing has been critical to their success. Matt emphasizes a structured and data-driven reporting strategy to improve social media presence. Objectives include increasing brand awareness, driving website traffic, and boosting sales. Metrics tracked include reach, engagement, click-through rates, and conversions.

Facebook Insights, Instagram Analytics, and Google Analytics offer a comprehensive view of social media traffic and its impact on sales.

Reporting Schedule:

Monthly and quarterly reports help us identify trends and assess the effectiveness of our strategies over time. This mix of short-term and long-term analysis ensures we stay agile while also keeping an eye on bigger patterns. Another important aspect is qualitative analysis. Numbers are crucial, but they don’t tell the whole story. We regularly review the types of content that perform best and the sentiment of the comments we receive. This qualitative feedback is invaluable for understanding what resonates with our audience and helps us tailor our content accordingly.

Social Media Analytics Report Templates

Collecting data from various social networks can be frustrating. Social reporting tools simplify this process by automating data collection and visualization. Here are some handy social media reporting templates from top marketing platforms to give you a great start with your client reporting.

Instagram Report Template

Instagram is a visually driven platform that thrives on engagement through likes, comments, and shares. Monitoring these metrics can help you understand your audience’s preferences and the effectiveness of your content. An Instagram report template provides a structured way to track key metrics, analyze trends, and refine your strategy for better engagement and growth.

  • Follower Growth
  • Engagement Metrics (likes, comments, shares, saves)
  • Hashtag Performance
  • Audience Analytics

Instagram Reporting Template

Facebook Report Template

Facebook remains one of the most influential social media platforms, offering a robust native reporting tool of its own. However, it’s still difficult to add filters and dive deep. A Facebook report template allows you to compile and analyze crucial data points, such as page likes, post engagement, and ad performance.

  • Page Likes and Follows
  • Post Engagement (likes, comments, shares, clicks)
  • Reach and Impressions
  • Page Views and Actions
  • Geographic Performance

Facebook Reporting Template

Twitter (X) Report Template

Twitter (X) is a fast-paced platform where real-time engagement can significantly impact your brand’s visibility and influence. A Twitter report template helps you track important metrics like follower engagement rates, tweet performance, and hashtag analysis. By analyzing these data points, you can tailor your content to better resonate with your audience.

  • Follower Engagement Rates
  • Tweet Performance (retweets, likes, replies, click-through rates)
  • Hashtag Analysis

Twitter Reporting Template

TikTok Report Template

A TikTok report template helps you track key metrics like follower growth, video performance, and engagement rates.

  • Video Performance (views, likes, comments, shares)
  • Top Performing Videos
  • Audience Insights

TikTok Reporting Template

Benefits of Using Swydo’s Reporting Template

Efficiency: Save time by automating social media data collection and reporting.

Customization: Create customized reports for different clients and stakeholders with tailored templates.

Visualization: Use charts and graphs to make data easy to understand.

Comprehensive Insights: Gain a complete view of your social media performance across multiple platforms, all under one roof making data gathering a breeze.

Integration with Other Marketing Data : Offers a holistic view of performance by combining social media data with other marketing metrics from 3o+ marketing integrations.

Related: Optimizing Your Cross-Channel Marketing Efforts with Client-Centric Reporting

Best Practices for Social Media Reporting

Common challenges in efficient social media reporting include data overload, interpretation difficulties, and ensuring accuracy. Overcoming these requires automation and thorough reiteration of your strategies.

Report Frequency : Determine the optimal frequency for generating reports (e.g., weekly, monthly, quarterly). A monthly social media report is your best bet.

Tailor Reports to the Audience: Customize reports for different stakeholders, such as executives, marketing teams, or clients, and set clear goals.

Focus on Key Metrics: Highlight the most important data points that align with your goals.

Data Visualization: Use visual elements like charts, graphs, and infographics to enhance understanding and engagement.

Automate Reports: Use tools like Hootsuite and Swydo to automate data collection and report generation processes.

Social Media Analytics Requires The Right Reporting Tool

Even though social media marketing is essential for business success, effective tracking and reporting remain challenging. Companies often rely on native tools for analysis, missing out on detailed metrics and insights that come from contextualizing social media content across various channels and industries.

Enhancing your social media analytics reporting with Swydo can be the next victory for agencies aiming to elevate their social media strategy. While many companies rely on basic tools, Swydo offers a comprehensive solution that provides detailed metrics and insights crucial for optimizing performance across all channels.

By using Swydo’s customizable reporting templates and in-depth analytics, businesses can fully enhance their social media efforts and stay ahead of the competition.

Grab Your Free Social Media Reporting Templates Today!

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  3. How to Report Facebook Marketplace Scammer [2023 Guide]

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  1. Report a Facebook Marketplace seller

    Commerce Policies Community Standards. Report a seller. Log into Facebook. In the left menu on your News Feed, click Marketplace. Click a listing from the seller that you want to report, then click the seller's name below "Seller information". Click , then click Report. Follow the on-screen instructions. how to report a seller that ...

  2. Report a Facebook Marketplace scam

    To report a scam by a seller on Marketplace: From your Feed, in the left menu, click Marketplace. In the left menu, click Buying. Click the listing of the seller you want to report as a scam. Click the name of the seller. Click , then click Report. Click Scam, then follow the on-screen instructions to submit your report.

  3. The top 15 Facebook Marketplace scams and how to avoid them

    Facebook Marketplace is a great alternative to Craigslist and eBay, but steer clear of these common scams. ... Otherwise, report and block the user from using the platform for phishing.

  4. Report items for sale on Facebook Marketplace

    Report a listing on Marketplace. From your Feed, in the left menu, click Marketplace. Click a listing that you want to report. Click . Click Report post. To submit your report, follow the on-screen instructions. If the person has blocked you, learn how to report something you can't see. Keep in mind these tips to stay safe on Marketplace.

  5. Report a seller review on Facebook Marketplace

    From your News Feed, click Marketplace in the left menu. Click Selling on the left, then click Marketplace profile. Below Seller reviews, click next to the review you want to report. Click Report review. Note: You can only report a review if: You're not the person who wrote the review. The review includes text. Report review of a product on ...

  6. How to Report and Avoid Scammers on Facebook Marketplace

    Step 1: Launch Facebook Messenger and go to Marketplace. Step 2: Select a conversation with the buyer. Tap on the buyer's name at the top. Step 3: Scroll down and tap Report. Step 4: You can ...

  7. Can I check the status of something I've reported to ...

    You can cancel or check the status of a report you've made to Facebook.

  8. Create and download your yearly sales report for shipping on ...

    Learn how to create and download my 2021 sales report for shipping on Marketplace. ...

  9. Report review of a product on Facebook Marketplace

    Open the Facebook app for iPhone or Android and tap in the top right or bottom left of the page. Tap Marketplaceand find the review you want to report. Tap on the right. Tap Report review. Learn how to report an item for sale on Marketplace.

  10. Marketplace Morning Report

    RSS. Marketplace Morning Report - Daily News Podcast. About this show. Our weekly "Econ Extra Credit" newsletter is an unexpected way to learn about the economy, one film at a time. Sign up to ...

  11. 10 Facebook Marketplace Scams to Watch Out for; How to Avoid, Report

    10 common Facebook Marketplace scams, and how to avoid and report them Written by Dave Johnson ; edited by John Lynch 2023-08-21T08:48:01Z

  12. 8 Facebook Marketplace Scams to Watch Out For

    8 Facebook Marketplace Scams. Now that you've taken Marketplace Scams 101, let's dive into the advanced course and cover eight specific examples you're likely to encounter. 1. "I need a deposit" Back in early 2021, when the new Xbox and PlayStation were still difficult to find, I managed to find an Xbox on Marketplace for retail price.

  13. Marketplace Newsletter

    Our flagship newsletter brings you the day's biggest stories, our economic analysis, and explainers to help you live smarter, every weekday evening.

  14. Facebook Ads Reporting

    Let's dive into tracking your Facebook ads performance in 2024. 1. Decide on your campaign KPI's. It all begins with your KPIs (Key Performance Indicators). Facebook is such a robust advertising platform, there is a ton of data to look at and you need to pick the right metrics to focus on.

  15. Facebook Marketplace User Statistics [2023 Updated Data]

    Active marketplace Users make up 16% of the total logins into Facebook accounts. According to data gathered in 2020, 16% of American Facebook users logged in to purchase items from the marketplace.

  16. How to request a review of a fact-check rating

    Learn how to appeal a misinformation violation for your Facebook Page or group.

  17. eBay's Consignment Service Now Accepts Watches, Shoes ...

    eBay's consignment service now accepts luxury shoes, watches, and jewelry. The brands allowed include Louis Vuitton, Chanel, and Tag Heuer.

  18. Social media putting off young people from pursing careers in nursing

    Some Gen Zers interested in becoming nurses are being turned off from the profession due to social media, according to a new report from nursing marketplace platform ShiftKey. As part of the ...

  19. Bronx robbery crew uses Facebook Marketplace to mug e-bike buyer at

    A 30-year-old man hoping to get an e-bike through Facebook Marketplace ended up getting robbed at knifepoint after a crew of thieves used the popular online site to lure him to the Bronx, police ...

  20. Rand Drops on IOL Report of Plan for Unity Government

    South Africa's rand fell the most among all emerging-market currencies after local media outlet IOL published a report saying the African National Congress had recommended the formation of a ...

  21. Stocks to Rally Is May Jobs Report Falls in This Idea Range, BofA Says

    The stock market faces a big test this week with the release of the May jobs report on Friday. BofA said the Goldilocks range for the report is 125,000-175,000 new jobs added last month.

  22. Easy Guide to Social Media Analytics Reporting

    Businesses using social media analytics are 60% more likely to dominate their market. With over 5 billion social media users worldwide this year, ... Facebook Report Template. Facebook remains one of the most influential social media platforms, offering a robust native reporting tool of its own. However, it's still difficult to add filters ...