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How to Write a Standout Letter Of Intent For Graduate School

Lisa Marlin

While not all graduate programs ask for a statement of intent, this is a requirement for many grad school applications. A letter of intent for graduate school sets the tone for your application: it introduces you as a person to the selection committee, and provides context to your academic record, qualifications, and professional experience.

Therefore, it’s essential to make your letter of intent as compelling as possible to give you the best chance of admission, especially if you’re trying to get into one of the Ivy Leagues .

Table of Contents

How to Write a Letter of Intent for Grad School

What is a letter of intent for graduate school admission.

A letter of intent is a brief statement which explains your educational background, experiences and motivations for applying to grad school. Some, though not all, graduate programs require you to submit a letter of intent as part of the application process.

A letter of intent is different from a personal statement. While a personal statement deals more with your personal background and passions, a letter of intent focuses more on academic history and professional goals.

The format and content of a letter of intent can vary widely, depending on the graduate school’s preferences. Note that the same is true for both in-person and online Masters programs .

What to Know Before You Start

Before writing a letter of intent for grad school, there are a few key things to keep in mind.

First, each grad school has their own preferences or requirements for letters of intent. Therefore, it’s critical to check the guidelines with the admissions committee before you start preparing your application. Be sure to ask them about the required format, as well as what information you should include.

It’s also important to conduct your own research into the program to determine the kind of things the selection committee will be looking for. This could include factors such as a particular faculty member, the curriculum structure, or learning content.

There’s another important consideration. That’s your academic and professional goals.

  • Why are you interested in this particular program?
  • What do you want to get out of it?
  • How does it fit into your broader career goals?

Answer these questions to help you decide what to include in your letter of intent. This ensures authenticity in your submission. It also sets you apart from anyone else. Your specific desires are your own. They won’t mirror thousands of other applicants.

When you’re ready, daft an outline of the letter. This should cover the main points above. This is an important step to make sure your letter of intent is concise, informative, yet covers all the essential information the admission committee is looking to see.

Once you’ve done all this, you’re ready to start writing your letter of intent.

Read on to learn more about the sections to include, top tips, and letter of intent grad school samples!

Why is a letter of intent important?

If required, your letter of intent plays a vital role in your grad school application that could make the difference between rejection and moving on to the next stage. It provides context to your academic resume, transcripts, and other documentation that gives the reader an idea of who you are as a person.

This can be very compelling to the selection committee, if your letter of intent is strong enough.

It also gives you the opportunity to detail your research interests. This is very valuable if the program has a research component, as you can use your letter of intent to explain your skills and passions in this area.

Through your letter of intent, you can also tell the selection committee about your academic and career goals, helping to convince them that you’re a good fit for the program. Finally, it allows you to showcase your written communication skills, which is a vital skill set for any grad student.

Related: How to Get into Harvard

The Key Parts of a Graduate Letter of Intent

Although the exact format may differ depending on the program’s requirements, there are certain key sections that a letter of intent should typically include.

A letter of intent should generally be structured in the same way as a formal business letter. As such, it should have a header with the name and address of the recipient, usually the admissions counselor or director for the program you’re applying to.

Below this and on a separate line you should put the date that you’re printing the letter.

Directly below the header, be sure to include a formal salutation, typically “Dear…” followed by the recipient’s name. If you don’t know the name of the admissions counselor or graduate program director – find out.

This should be the person in charge of selecting candidates for that particular program. Check the program’s website, and if you can’t find the info that way, send the admissions office an email to ask!

Opening Paragraph

The opening paragraph is one of the most important parts of a letter of intent graduate school. This is your chance to capture the attention of the selection committee and encourage them to keep reading.

In the introduction, you should briefly explain why you want to apply for the program and summarize your academic experience. You can also introduce the key points that you’ll elaborate on later in the letter.

Qualifications and Educational Background

Following your introductory paragraph, you can launch straight into talking about your qualifications and background. This is the time to flesh out the information in your academic resume. You can mention important awards, and impressive academic results.

Along with your academic history, you can also describe relevant professional experience.

Although a letter of intent is mostly focused on the academic sphere, professional experience is worth mentioning if it directly relates to the field you want to study, or if you’ve been working for some years since completing your undergraduate degree.

Research or Study Projects

The next section of the letter should detail your key academic accomplishments, such as major research and study projects. You could also include your professional achievements, if you’re an experienced professional rather than a recent graduate.

You can also mention relevant prizes and awards you’ve received, either in the academic or professional sphere. Be sure to include anything that demonstrates your ability to complete the work required of graduate students.

Goals and Motivations

The previous paragraphs are designed to convince the selection committee that you’re a great fit for their program. This final section is geared towards explaining why the program is a great fit for you.

This is crucial, because admissions counselors look for candidates who are motivated and passionate about the program, rather than those who may drop out due to lack of interest.

Here, you should talk about what draws you to this grad program specifically, whether it is the unique curriculum, a renowned faculty member, flexible program structure, excellent opportunities for internships, or something else.

This is also a great time to describe your future goals, and how the program will help you to work towards them. A strong statement of intent for grad school will cover both educational goals and career goals. You could also mention personal reasons and motivations, such as a desire to increase your knowledge in a certain area, or a particular passion for the field.

Closing Paragraph

End your letter of intent with a short paragraph of around two sentences, summarizing your key points. You may also want to thank the reader for their time or note that you’re looking forward to hearing from them regarding your application.

Don’t skip over or rush your closing statement. Though brief, this is a vital part of your letter of intent: it should bring everything together and leave a strong impression that convinces the selection committee to move your application on to the next stage.

As you are following a business letter format, be sure to include a formal sign off (such as “Sincerely” or “Kind regards”) followed by your full name.

Graduate School Letter of Intent Template and Example

Grad school letter of intent template.

Fill in this template to create your own masters program letter of intent, or adapt it to create a letter to accompany your application for a doctorate or professional program:

[Name and Address of Admissions Counselor]

Dear [Name of Admissions Counselor]

Opening paragraph:

  • Introduce yourself and explain why you want to apply in one sentence
  • Briefly summarize your qualifications, education history, key motivations, and what you will discuss in the rest of the letter

Paragraph 1: Qualifications and Educational Background

  • Detail your undergraduate studies and qualifications
  • Describe your major academic accomplishments

Paragraph 2: Major Projects

  • Explain your major research and/or study projects
  • Cover your professional journey and describe experience relevant to the program

Paragraph 3: Goals and Motivations

  • Talk about why you’re interested the program
  • Mention your professional and academic goals

[Your signature]

Letter of Intent Example Grad School

Here’s a sample letter of intention for graduate school based on fictional details to show the key sections, formatting, tone, and type of content you should look to include.

Dr. Rosario Ortega Northwestern University School of Professional Studies 339 East Chicago Avenue Chicago, Illinois 60611

September 12, 2023

Dear Dr. Ortega

[Opening paragraph]

Through my undergraduate studies at Brown and internship at the New York Public Library, I’ve developed a strong passion for North American literature. I’m therefore writing to apply for the Master of Arts in Literature at Northwestern University.

[Qualifications and Educational Background]

I completed my Bachelor of Arts at Brown University in 2023, with a concentration in Literary Arts, with an overall GPA of 6.0. Following graduation, I completed a three-month internship at the New York Public Library, where I worked with the archives department, assisting with a range of archiving tasks as well as completing a major project.

[Major Projects]

During my undergraduate studies, I completed a major research project into leading female African American writers of the 20th century. I received the Harriet Tillman Award in recognition for the high standard of work of my project.

As part of my internship with the New York Public Library, I was responsible for a project to provide access to African American history through the holdings of the library’s collection. Working under the guidance of one of the library’s archive specialists, I applied archival standards to process materials and make them available to researchers and the general public.

[Goals and Motivations]

I’m interested in earning my master’s degree from the School of Professional Studies because of the program’s strong faculty and emphasis on diversity. I am particularly excited to work with Dr. Margaret Hedelman, whose pioneering work on the underrepresentation of African American poets is truly inspiring. I believe that literature is a vital part of North American culture and a reflection on society and, as such, it is essential that we acknowledge authors from all communities, and promote underrepresented voices.

[Closing Paragraph]

I believe that the Master’s of Arts in Literature will best allow me to achieve my goal of becoming an archivist and educator in order to share knowledge of diverse authors and poets with the broader community. Thank you for your consideration.

Robert Garman

Related: Does GPA Matter for Grad School ?

Tips for Writing the Best Letter of Intent for University

Your statement of intent can be a crucial part of your grad school application, so it’s important to make it as strong as possible in order to stand out from the other candidates. Here are some important things to keep in mind to help you put your best foot forward.

Remember the Key Purposes of the Letter

As you write your letter of intent, it’s essential to keep in mind why you’re writing it. This will help you to stay on track and optimize your letter to make it as effective and compelling as possible.

A letter of intent has two primary purposes:

  • Highlighting the most important information in your application: your key qualifications, experience, and achievements.
  • Showing the selection committee who you are as a person, including your own interests and goals.

Your letter of intent should be concise and closely focused on achieving these two goals. This means that everything you share should contribute to these aims. If you find yourself writing something that doesn’t support one of these two goals, delete it! This is merely unnecessary fluff that detracts from your core message.

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Leverage Your Strengths

Though a statement of intent should generally focus on academic history and broadly follow a set  format, you can play with standard templates in order to make your letter as compelling as possible.

You may have an impressive level of professional experience that demonstrates your ability to excel at grad school, but your academic history is lackluster or outdated. In this case, it would be better to focus on your professional experience and achievements and only briefly mention your academic history.

On the other hand, if you’ve recently completed your undergraduate degree, you could focus entirely on your academic qualifications, projects, and awards.

If you feel like both your academic and professional history is lacking, talk about your personal story and why you have a passion for the subject matter.

It’s all about leveraging your strengths to present the most compelling case for why the admissions committee should accept you into their program.

Take the Opportunity to Showcase your Writing Skills

Though primarily designed to explain your abilities, experience, and interests, one of the secondary purposes of a letter of intent is to showcase your written communication skills. Written communication is a big part of any graduate program, especially programs with a thesis or dissertation component. This is your chance to show that you can write well.

Therefore, it’s important to ensure that your letter is well-written in a professional style, using proper formatting, grammar, and spelling. If writing is not your strong suit, or if you’re not accustomed to preparing format business letters, take your time to do some prep work.

Read up on the required formatting, style and flow for these kinds of letters. You may even want to practice your formal writing skills through writing exercises.

Carefully Edit your Letter of Intent

As with all aspects of your graduate school application, it’s important to carefully proofread and edit your letter of intent. Graduate programs can receive hundreds, if not thousands, of applications, and they may quickly cull applications based on a range of factors, including poor editing.

Even small errors could result in your application landing on the “discard” pile instead of moving on to the next stage.

Good editing goes much further than checking your letter for stray commas and spelling mistakes. First of all, you want to carefully review the content of the letter to make sure it is compelling, informative, and includes all key information. Then, take another pass to check for grammar, spelling, and punctuation, as well as ensuring that the writing flows well and sounds professional.

Impress with a Winning Letter of Intent

The best graduate programs are highly competitive, so it’s essential to make your application as strong as possible in order to stand out from potentially hundreds, if not thousands of applicants.

This is particularly true for your letter of intent which, if required, sets the tone for your application and can help convince the admissions committee to move you forward to the next stage.

Craft a compelling letter of intent for graduate school by keeping it concise and well-written, and focused on explaining why you’re a great fit for the program, and it’s a perfect fit for you.

While you’re preparing your winning grad school application, take a look at our guide to how to ask a professional for a letter of recommendation .

Do All Schools Require a Letter of Intent?

No – not all schools require a letter of intent. While some graduate programs ask for a letter of intent as part of the application process, others demand a personal statement instead. Always check the application requirements well in advance of the deadline, so you’ll have plenty of time to put together a strong application.

How Long Should a Letter of Intent Be?

A letter of intent for a masters program or other graduate program should be around 3-4 paragraphs long, as well as short opening and closing paragraphs, header, and sign off. Generally speaking, an ideal letter of intent is between 300 and 450 words, and no more than one page. However, each program may have its own requirements, so be sure to check with the admissions office before preparing your letter.

How Should You Format a Letter of Intent?

Some programs require specific formatting, so be sure to ask the admissions office if they have any specific requirements for the letter of intent. If they don’t, you should standard formatting for a business letter: a header with the recipient’s name and address, the date, formal greeting, opening paragraph, body with 3-4 paragraphs describing your history, achievements, and interest in the program, a short closing paragraph, and a formal sign off. Be sure to use a professional font, size, spacing, and margins, in line with a business letter.

Lisa Marlin

Lisa Marlin

Lisa is a full-time writer specializing in career advice, further education, and personal development. She works from all over the world, and when not writing you'll find her hiking, practicing yoga, or enjoying a glass of Malbec.

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Graduate School Letter of Recommendation Examples 2022-2023

graduate application letter

Grad school recommendation letters are an essential part of every graduate school application package–even in this (almost) post-COVID era of remote work and Zoom classes. Nearly all applications to graduate school still require at least two recommendation letters from individuals who can discuss your abilities, competencies, and personal character in a coherent way and recommend you for admission to graduate school.

Many referees have difficulty writing these recommendations themselves (for language issues or simply because they are busy) and some rely on the applicant to pen the draft of the letter and receive confirmation before submitting it to the graduate school. But regardless of who is writing the letter, there are a few key elements the recommender needs to include to craft a stellar recommendation for their graduate candidate.

Who should write a recommendation letter for graduate school?

Choosing which professors, supervisors, or advisors to request a graduate school recommendation letter from can be somewhat overwhelming. Should you choose someone who does not know you personally but who has connections to your target graduate school? If a famous professor writes you a grad school recommendation letter, will this automatically give you an advantage with the admissions committee? 

In general, graduate recommendation letters should come from people who know you well, who respect you enough to say glowing things about you as a student and researcher, and who hold positions in school or work that are above your own. At least one letter of recommendation should be submitted from a past or current professor or academic advisor. 

Another could be from someone in a slightly different role, including an employer, a research adviser, a senior colleague, or a professor from a different department or kind of class (e.g., a discussion class professor instead of a lecturer). No matter who it is, the recommender should know the applicant and recognize their accomplishments. It also helps if the recommender understands some details about the program to which their candidate is applying.

Here are some guidelines to follow when choosing who to ask for letters of recommendation for graduate school. Select someone who:

  • Knows you well and can answer positively. Choose an individual who you have spent time with outside the classroom if possible. They should also be familiar with your career goals and hold a favorable view of you. 
  • Has known you for quite a while. A recommendation letter for graduate school carries more influence if the person has known you for months or years instead of months. If you can, find someone who knows you from various contexts, such as a professor who is also your advisor. 
  • Can speak to your strengths in relation to your graduate program. Choosing a finance professor to write your recommendation letter for an MBA program would be a good idea because they can write about the qualities that will aid you in pursuing an MBA (qualities you can also include in your MBA essay ) and a broader career in business. 
  • Has substantive stories to share about you. Who was fortunate enough to see you succeed in an academic, extracurricular, or professional setting? Having someone write your LOR who has good stories to share about you is certainly going to benefit you more than someone whose class you took with two hundred other students. 

How to Request a Letter of Recommendation for Graduate School

Knowing how to request a letter of recommendation for graduate school can directly impact the quality of the letter your referee writes for you. Show respect and consideration for the time that your recommender is taking to write a glowing review that will get you into graduate school and positively impact the rest of your life. 

With this in mind, it may seem obvious that the very best way to ask for a letter of recommendation for graduate school is to do so in person. While this isn’t possible for all students (due to availability or schedule), it is the best route if you want to ensure that your LOR is not only written on time, but includes all the positive information about you that admissions committees want to see in a graduate candidate. When you cannot ask in person, sending an email is an appropriate second-best option. But remember to always be cordial and polite when making this request. 

What information should be included in a graduate recommendation letter?

Your referral letter should cover a range of skills, from academic abilities to research experiences, to applied experiences in and out of class. As the recommender, your letter should clearly answer some specific questions:

Your letter of recommendation should cover a range of skills, from academic abilities to research experiences, to applied experiences in and out of class. As the recommender, your letter should clearly answer some specific questions:

  • What is your relationship with the student?
  • Why should the graduate faculty listen to your opinion? (include your status, title)
  • What makes this student special? (discuss their characteristics, qualities, traits)
  • What specifically did this student do to impress you? (discuss their accomplishments, habits in class)
  • What makes this student qualified for graduate school and for this program? (include specific courses or interests of the student in addition to abilities and traits)
  • What do you know about the program the student is applying to?

What information does the LOR recommender need from me?

The recommender should be given sufficient time to write (and/or confirm) the letter. If it has been a while since you were last in contact, sending a background information file will make things easier. Include the following information so that the recommender can use a few details to bolster their letter:

  • Classes the student has taken with the recommender
  • Experiences you have shared
  • Transcripts
  • Research experience and internships
  • Awards and achievements
  • Academic/career goals
  • Relevant professional experience

In addition to background information, make sure that the recommender has the necessary information to plan the writing in a timely manner and target the letter as much as possible:

  • Graduate program application due date
  • Copy of recommendation forms (if applicable)
  • Instructions for submitting LORs (hard copy, soft copy, or direct to school)
  • Details about the program and school the student is applying to

What style of writing should be used in a recommendation letter?

Although the letter of recommendation is more informal than academic writing, you should make sure that your language has no grammatical or mechanics errors and that it is of an academic level that reflects the author’s educational level and qualifications. Apply the following standards to the writing and the essay-drafting process:

  • Make your language more personal in tone than research writing.
  • Use the active voice and first-person point of view more often.
  • Write chronologically, starting from important traits and then moving on to actions and achievements.
  • Use lots of details—list course names, scores, and specific achievements of the student.
  • Edit your letter before submitting it to the graduate admissions faculty.

How to Write a Grad School Letter of Recommendation Letter: LOR Outline

A well-structured recommendation letter (like any organized essay) will guide the reader logically towards an understanding of why this student is worthy not only of praise but of admission to graduate school. Grad school requires quite a few high-level scholastic attributes that not all students possess, and therefore it is important to focus on both the achievements of the candidate and on their personal character and potential to thrive in a difficult academic environment.

Use this outline as a letter of recommendation template in which to input your candidate’s achievements, skills, and traits. Note that the flow of information moves the reader into greater detail, using form phrases and transitions that increase the readability of the letter.

1. Greeting to the recipient

Dear {Name}, or To Whom It May Concern, To the graduate faculty of the {University / Department}

2. Opening paragraph: position; relationship to the applicant; general assessment of the applicant

It is my absolute pleasure to recommend {Name} for admissions to {Program} at {University}… I am a professor of {area of study} in the department of {department} at {University}.

recommendation letter for grad school example 1

3. Second paragraph: positive skill or trait; evidence of trait or skill; anecdotes demonstrating this skill

Jane has excellent communication skills. Her written work is both clear and concise, as well as interesting to read…

recommendation letter for grad school example 2

4. Third (up to fifth) paragraph: Other skills or traits; evidence of character and skills; detailed anecdotes

At a personal level, Jane is a well-disciplined, industrious student with a pleasant personality. She went well beyond the course expectations…

recommendation letter for grad school example 3

5. Final Paragraph: clear recommendation of the candidate to the specific school or program.

Jane is unquestionably an exceptional candidate for graduate study in {Program Applying for}. Jane’s work in “Developments in Anthropology” suggests that she would greatly benefit from the opportunities for intellectual development provided by a sustained period of graduate study…

recommendation letter for grad school example 5

6. Closing line: polite offer to be contacted if needed

If I can be of any further assistance, or provide you with any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

recommendation letter for grad school example 6

Letter of Recommendation Template and Useful Phrases

Admission essays often contain template phrases or “form phrases” that allow the writer to plug in their specific information while not spending too much time deciding how to compose every single aspect of the writing. This can be especially useful for ESL authors because conventional expressions used in academic and essay writing can be difficult to learn and memorize. Use the following form phrases to help craft a more professional letter of recommendation.

Introducing yourself

  • My name is  {Author}  and I have been a Professor of Math at  {University}  since  {date} .
  • I write to you today to proudly express my support for  {Student}  in applying to your prestigious university.

Discussing your relationship with the applicant

  • I first came to know  {Student}  while teaching him/her in my  {Course Name}  course…
  • I was  {Student} ’s thesis advisor during his/her senior year.
  • I have known  {Student}  for several years now and can attest to his/her strengths and quality of character.

Discussing the student’s general positive traits

  • {Student}  has excellent communication skills and displays them regularly in class discussions.
  • He/She is a highly intelligent and competent student who excels in many areas.
  • Not only is  {Student}  hard-working and thoughtful, but he/she also demonstrates kindness and generosity towards his/her peers.

Demonstrating evidence of student’s character and skills

  • She/he has shown herself/himself to be a true leader who is able to successfully develop plans and implement them in his/her work.
  • {Student}  demonstrated his/her independence daily, completing difficult lab exercises by researching outside of class.
  • During his/her internship,  {Student}  consistently managed his/her work responsibilities diligently and learned quickly. For example…

Discussing the school/program the student is applying to

  • As  {University}  is renowned for its  {Program} , I believe this is an ideal place for  {Student}  to solidify his/her abilities and cement his/her knowledge of  {area of study} .
  • The learning environment that  {University}  is famous for creating excellent opportunities in which  {Student}  to apply his/her skills.

Final endorsement and offer to be contacted

  • For the above reasons, I am confident that  {Student}  will make an excellent addition to your graduate program, and I wholeheartedly support him/her for admission to your program.
  • Thank you for your time and attention in reading my endorsement.

Further Tips for Writing Admissions Essays

  • Highlight your self-motivation, competence, and potential in this essay
  • Emphasize everything from a positive perspective and write in the active voice.
  • Demonstrate through examples; don’t just write that you are a “persistent person”—show it!
  • Approach every topic with continuity and focus.

The Final Step: Editing Your Recommendation Letter

As any good writer knows, it takes more than one draft to create a strong and compelling work of writing. After you have written your recommendation letter draft, there is still a lot of room for revision. One way to ensure that grammar mistakes and style errors do not get in the way of a strong letter is to let the admissions experts at Wordvice’s Admissions Editing Services edit and proofread your (of your candidate’s) letter of recommendation or other application essays, raising the chances that your candidate will be admitted to the program of their choice.

With a full suite of professional proofreading services , we edit thousands of admission documents each year for all kinds of authors of academic and admissions documents just like you. Furthermore, our application essay editing services , recommendation letter editing services , personal statement editing services , CV editing services , cover letter editing services , and SOP editing services are tailored to the needs of your specific admissions essay.

For more articles on writing and editing your essays and academic work, visit Wordvice’s Academic Resource page . 

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The Ohio University Graduate College works together with each graduate program to process and review your application. You submit all application materials to the Graduate College, where your materials are gathered for the academic program. 

Once you have identified the graduate program to help you meet your personal and professional goals, review the application requirements and deadlines in the Graduate Catalog and on the academic program website. 

Each program handles application reviews differently, but generally, there is a committee of faculty who review applications. Admission recommendations are sent to the Graduate College which then confirms minimum admission requirements have been met and finalizes the admission offer. Your admission is not final until you receive a formal admission letter via email from the Graduate College.

Online Application Process

You will be entering your information on a secure server. You do not need to complete the application all at once; the system allows you to save and return at your convenience.

You can upload most application materials directly to the online application. We recommend you use this option to ensure your materials are kept together with your application.

The Graduate College uses an electronic imaging system for programs to review applications and supporting documents. Programs can review materials once they are processed by Graduate College staff. 


Degree Seeking

Non-Degree Seeking

For Current Graduate Students:

Add Additional Certificate [PDF]

Minimum Requirements for Graduate Admission

Admission to graduate study is highly competitive, and there are almost always more applicants than available spaces. Meeting the minimum requirements does not guarantee admission to a program. 

Undergraduate Degree  

Graduate status requires an earned bachelor's degree from a U.S. college or university accredited by a regional accrediting association, or an international degree that is equivalent to a U.S. bachelor's degree from a college or university recognized and approved by the Ministry of Education or Commission responsible for higher education in the country where the degree is earned. Please review the  International Credential Requirements  if you attended a higher education institution outside of the United States. 

*NOTE: Applicants may apply for graduate admission to Ohio University while they are currently completing their bachelor's degree. 

If you have not graduated yet, please upload a letter of enrollment from your university. The letter should include:

  • The name of the degree you will earn,
  • The expected date of graduation, and
  • Official stamps and signatures of the university registrar or president.

Applicants with a bachelor's degree from a U.S. college or university that is not regionally accredited may be considered with supplemental application materials and an official GRE  or GMAT  score.

English Proficiency

Non-native speakers of English must demonstrate English proficiency by submitting official test scores for either the  Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System   (IELTS). Photocopies and/or faxes of English proficiency scores are not accepted.

Other Applications

  • Change Application or Application Term
  • Reapply to Complete a Degree
  • Ohio University Employee Enrollment

Submitting Official Transcripts

Read about submitting official academic documents from institutions in the United States, as well as from institutions in other countries.

Uploading Supplemental Materials

To upload all application materials, proceed to your Ohio University Graduate Application Status Portal.

Still Have Questions?

Application & Admission FAQs Prospective Student FAQs

* The submission of any false information or fraudulent documents in connection with the application process is grounds for rejection of the application or dismissal from Ohio University regardless of the nature of other credentials.

In providing an application and inviting application, Ohio University places itself under no obligation to admit any individual person.


Fresh Graduate Cover Letter

graduate application letter

Applying for your first job or internship after graduation can be challenging, especially when you have little to no experience in the workforce. A well-crafted cover letter can significantly increase your chances of landing that dream job. This article will guide you on how to write an effective fresh graduate cover letter, provide examples, and offer practical tips to help you stand out from the competition.

What is a Fresh Graduate Cover Letter?

A Fresh Graduate Cover Letter is a document accompanying a resume, specifically written by recent graduates seeking their first job or internship opportunity. This letter focuses on their academic achievements, internship experience, coursework, and relevant skills that align with the job’s requirements.

What is the Best Example of a Fresh Graduate Cover Letter?

The best cover letter example of a fresh graduate seamlessly merges academic accomplishments, relevant skills, and any internships or volunteer work to demonstrate a candidate’s potential to succeed in the targeted role. The key is to focus on transferable skills and highlight how you can contribute to the company.

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am excited to apply for the junior analyst position at XYZ Company, as advertised on your careers page. As a recent Business Administration graduate from ABC University, I am eager to apply my academic knowledge in a practical setting.

During my time at ABC University, I majored in Finance and completed an internship with DEF Firm. I worked directly under the senior analyst and assisted with data analysis and presentation. This experience, combined with my academic background, makes me a strong candidate for this position.

I am confident that my passion for data analysis and strong analytical skills would allow me to make a significant contribution to the XYZ team. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss how I can contribute to your team.

Yours Sincerely, [Your Name]

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter

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Free Fresh Graduate Cover Letters – Copy & Paste

We understand that writing a cover letter can be daunting, especially when you’re fresh out of college. Here are some free templates to guide you. You can copy, paste, and customize them to suit your specific circumstances and the job you’re applying for.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter with No Experience Example

Writing a cover letter with no work experience can be a challenge, but it’s certainly not impossible. In such a case, your aim should be to highlight your academic achievements, volunteer work, internships, and transferable skills. The example below is a guide on how to write a compelling cover letter even with no work experience:

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I am writing to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [Your University] with a degree in [Your Degree], I am eager to start my career in [Industry Name] with an innovative company such as yours.

During my time at university, I [talk about a project or accomplishment]. Additionally, I developed strong [mention specific skills] skills, which I believe are highly applicable to the role of [Job Title].

I am excited about the opportunity to bring my unique blend of skills and experience to your esteemed company and am confident in my ability to become a productive member of your team.

Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter with No Experience Example

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How to Use: Use this template as a guide. Remember to personalize it with your own details, and add specific accomplishments and skills that align with the job description. Tailoring your cover letter to each job application will show the hiring manager that you’re genuinely interested in the position and the company.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Job Application Examples

Crafting an effective cover letter for job application as a fresh graduate for a specific job application requires highlighting your academic achievements, relevant coursework, internships, or projects related to the job. Here is an example to guide you:

I am writing to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in [Degree Name], I believe I am well-equipped to contribute effectively to your team.

In my final year project, I worked on [describe the project and your role briefly]. This experience gave me hands-on exposure to [mention relevant skills or knowledge that are pertinent to the job]. I am eager to apply this knowledge and grow further at [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing my application with you further.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Job Application Examples

How to Use: Remember to replace the placeholders with your information and tailor the content to match the job requirements and the company’s culture.

Fresh Engineering Graduate Cover Letter Example

As a fresh engineering graduate, your cover letter should highlight technical skills, academic projects, and engineering internships. Here’s an example:

I’m writing to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. I recently graduated from [University Name] with a Bachelor’s degree in [Engineering Discipline].

During my time at university, I worked on a project [describe the project and your role], which helped me develop practical skills in [mention specific engineering skills]. In addition, my internship at [Company Name] allowed me to gain hands-on experience in the field.

I am eager to contribute my energy, dedication, and technical skills to your esteemed company. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Engineering Graduate Cover Letter Example

How to Use: Adapt this  engineering cover letter  to fit your own experiences and achievements. Be sure to highlight engineering projects or internships that align with the job you’re applying for.

Fresh Medical Graduate Cover Letter Example

A cover letter for a fresh medical graduate should focus on clinical experiences, internships, and your passion for medicine. Here’s a suitable example:

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a [Degree Name], I am eager to begin my career at your respected institution.

During my clinical rotations at [Hospital/Clinic Name], I gained hands-on experience in [specific medical skills]. My experience, coupled with my passion for helping others, makes me a strong candidate for this position.

I look forward to the opportunity to provide compassionate and dedicated care to your patients. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Medical Graduate Cover Letter Example

How to Use: Modify this example by inserting your details, the hiring manager’s name, and specific skills or experiences relevant to the job.

Fresh Architect Graduate Cover Letter Example

A fresh architect graduate cover letter should showcase your design skills, technical knowledge, and any relevant projects or internships you’ve completed. Here’s an example:

I’m applying for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], which I saw listed on [Job Advertisement Source]. I have recently graduated from [University Name] with a Bachelor’s degree in Architecture.

In my final year, I was part of a project [describe the project and your role]. This experience allowed me to develop my design and technical skills in [mention specific skills].

I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to [Company Name] and to grow as a professional. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Architect Graduate Cover Letter Example

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How to Use: Personalize this template by including your specific experiences, skills, and academic achievements related to the field of architecture.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Customer Service Example

As a fresh graduate applying for a customer service position, your cover letter should highlight your communication skills, problem-solving abilities, and any customer service or sales-related experience. Here’s a sample:

I am writing to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name] as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. I recently graduated from [University Name] with a degree in [Degree Name], and I believe my skills and experiences align with your needs.

During my part-time role at [Previous Company Name], I developed strong customer service skills and a solution-focused mindset. I also learned to handle customer complaints and maintain a positive customer experience.

I am excited about the possibility of bringing my unique blend of skills and experience to [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Customer Service Example

How to Use: Modify this customer service cover letter to include your own experiences, especially any roles or projects where you have demonstrated strong customer service skills.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Internship Example

When applying for an internship as a fresh graduate, your cover letter should highlight your eagerness to learn, relevant coursework, and any academic or extracurricular achievements. Here’s a sample:

Dear [Hiring Manager’s Name],

I’m excited to apply for the internship position at [Company Name] which I discovered on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in [Degree Name], I’m eager to apply my knowledge in a practical setting.

During my university career, I excelled in [mention specific courses or projects], which I believe will be beneficial for this role. My professors commended my [mention specific skills or attributes], and I’m confident these will be valuable in this internship.

Thank you for considering my application. I am looking forward to the possibility of contributing to [Company Name].

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Internship Example

How to Use: Modify this template by including your specific academic and extracurricular achievements. Highlight skills and experiences that align with the internship role.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Bank Teller Example

A fresh graduate cover letter for a bank teller position should showcase your attention to detail, mathematical skills, and any relevant internships or part-time roles. Here’s a sample:

I am writing to apply for the Bank Teller position at [Company Name] that I saw advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. I recently graduated from [University Name] with a degree in [Degree Name], and I am eager to apply my skills in the banking industry.

During my time at university, I took several courses in banking and finance, which have given me a solid understanding of banking principles. I also completed an internship at [Internship Company Name], where I developed strong customer service skills.

I am excited about the possibility of bringing my dedication and strong work ethic to [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Bank Teller Example

How to Use: Personalize this template by including your specific experiences, especially any roles or projects where you have demonstrated relevant skills.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Finance Management Example

Applying for a position in finance management as a fresh graduate necessitates a cover letter that highlights analytical skills, attention to detail, and knowledge of financial principles. Consider this example:

I am excited to apply for the Finance Management trainee position at [Company Name] that I learned about from [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in [Degree Name], I am eager to bring my financial acumen to your team.

My coursework in corporate finance, investment strategies, and business valuation, along with my proficiency in Excel, makes me a strong candidate for this position. During my internship at [Internship Company Name], I gained hands-on experience in financial reporting and analysis.

I am confident that I can contribute to [Company Name]’s goals and look forward to potentially joining your team. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Finance Management Example

How to Use: Modify this  finance cover letter  to fit your specific skills and experiences. Highlight academic and internship experiences relevant to finance management.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Job Application Example

For a fresh graduate job application, the cover letter should exhibit transferable skills, academic knowledge, and a willingness to learn. Here is an example:

I am writing to express my interest in the [Job Position] at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. I recently graduated from [University Name] with a degree in [Degree Name] and am eager to apply my academic knowledge in a professional setting.

During my time at [University Name], I excelled in [mention specific courses or projects]. I am confident that these experiences have prepared me well for the responsibilities of the [Job Position].

I am excited about the possibility of joining the [Company Name] team and am confident that I can contribute to your mission. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Job Application Example

How to Use: This general template can be adapted to any job application. Include specifics about your degree and university experience, and tailor the letter to the job responsibilities.

Fresh Mechanical Engineering Graduate Cover Letter Example

A cover letter for a fresh mechanical engineering graduate should emphasize technical knowledge, hands-on experiences during internships or projects, and problem-solving skills. Here is an example:

I am writing to apply for the Mechanical Engineer position at [Company Name] that was advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. I recently graduated from [University Name] with a Bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering and I am excited to apply the skills I have acquired in a practical setting.

During my university studies, I undertook a project on [briefly describe a project or achievement], which honed my problem-solving and teamwork skills. My internship at [Internship Company Name] gave me hands-on experience in designing mechanical systems and conducting failure analysis, both of which are critical for the [Job Position].

I am eager to bring my engineering skills to [Company Name] and contribute to your ongoing projects. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Mechanical Engineering Graduate Cover Letter Example

How to Use: Modify this template to fit your specific skills and experiences. Highlight academic and internship experiences relevant to mechanical engineering.

Sample Fresh Graduate Cover Letter Example

A general cover letter sample for fresh graduates across fields may look like this:

I am writing to apply for the position of [Job Position] at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. Having recently graduated from [University Name] with a degree in [Degree Name], I am excited to bring my skills and knowledge to your team.

Throughout my academic career, I have demonstrated [mention specific skills or accomplishments]. These experiences have equipped me with the ability to [describe how these experiences will benefit the job role].

I look forward to the opportunity of discussing my application with you further. Thank you for considering my application.

Sample Fresh Graduate Cover Letter Example

How to Use: This is a broad fresh graduate cover letter template that can be modified to suit any job application. Replace the placeholders with your specific details and tailor the skills and experiences to match the job description.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Human Resource Example

A fresh graduate applying for a position in human resources should highlight their understanding of employee relations, data analysis, and legal regulations. Let’s consider this example:

I am excited to apply for the Human Resource Assistant position at [Company Name] as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. I recently graduated from [University Name] with a Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management and am eager to start my career in your esteemed organization.

During my final year, I completed an internship with [Company Name], where I gained firsthand experience in employee relations, HR software, and legal compliance. I believe these skills will greatly contribute to your team.

I look forward to the possibility of contributing to [Company Name]. Thank you for considering my application.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Human Resource Example

How to Use: Customize this human resource cover letter with your details. Emphasize any internship experiences, HR-related coursework, or capstone projects.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Accounting Example

For an accounting position, a fresh graduate should emphasize their proficiency with accounting software, attention to detail, and understanding of accounting principles. Here’s an example:

I am writing to apply for the Accountant position at [Company Name] advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. I am a recent graduate from [University Name] with a Bachelor’s degree in Accounting, ready to start my career in the field.

At university, I took part in an intensive Accounting practicum where I developed strong analytical skills and familiarity with popular accounting software, such as QuickBooks and Sage. I am confident that my skills will contribute to [Company Name].

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing it further with you.

Alternative Hypothesis Statement Examples

How to Use: Adapt this letter by including specific coursework or projects relevant to the job role. You can also mention certifications (like CPA) if you have any.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Business Administration Example

For a Business Administration role, a fresh graduate can underline their understanding of business processes, organizational behavior, and project management. Here is a great example:

I’m thrilled to apply for the Business Administration Trainee position at [Company Name], as posted on [Job Advertisement Source]. I am a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in Business Administration and am keen to apply the knowledge and skills I have acquired in a practical setting.

As part of my course, I have completed projects in areas such as project management, organizational behavior, and business strategy. I believe these experiences will be beneficial to [Company Name] and align with the duties of the position.

I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my application further.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Business Administration Example

How to Use: Replace the brackets with your own information, and feel free to highlight any specific business administration projects or internships that would make you a strong candidate.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Interior Design Example

A fresh graduate applying for an Interior Design role might want to highlight their creativity, knowledge of design software, and understanding of design principles. Here’s a sample:

I am writing to apply for the Interior Designer position at [Company Name] listed on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in Interior Design, I am eager to apply my creative skills and education in a practical setting.

I have developed a keen eye for design and a proficiency in [mention design software], which I believe align well with the job description. In addition, my senior year project, which involved redesigning a commercial space, has given me practical experience that I can bring to your team.

Sincerely, [Your Name]

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Interior Design Example

How to Use: Be sure to include details about your design software skills and any hands-on experience from school projects or internships.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Graphic Designer Example

A graphic designer cover letter for fresh graduate can highlight their creative skills, software expertise, and understanding of design principles. Here’s a sample:

I am excited to apply for the Junior Graphic Designer position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in Graphic Design, I am passionate about visual communication and eager to put my creativity to work.

In my coursework, I honed my skills in Adobe Creative Suite, which I understand is a requirement for this position. My portfolio, which I have included as an attachment, demonstrates a variety of design skills including typography, color theory, and digital illustration.

I look forward to potentially discussing my qualifications further.

How to Use: Replace the placeholders with your details. Make sure to highlight any specific graphic design software skills or projects that you have worked on.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Graphic Designer Example

General Fresh Graduate Cover Letter Example

For a more general application, a fresh graduate might highlight transferable skills, academic achievements, and eagerness to learn. Here’s an example:

I am eager to apply for the [Job Title] role at [Company Name], as listed on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [University Name] with a degree in [Your Degree], I am confident that my academic achievements and passion for learning will make me a strong candidate for this role.

I have honed my skills in research, project management, and teamwork during my time at university and I’m excited to bring these skills to a professional setting.

How to Use: Be sure to include information about your degree and any transferable skills that would be relevant to the role you’re applying for.

General Fresh Graduate Cover Letter Example

Fresh College Graduate Cover Letter Example

For fresh college graduates, a cover letter might highlight academic accomplishments, internships, and relevant coursework. Here’s a sample:

I’m thrilled to apply for the [Job Title] role at [Company Name] advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate from [University Name], I have a strong educational foundation in [Your Major], and I am eager to bring my knowledge and enthusiasm to this role.

During my time in college, I completed an internship at [Internship Company] where I gained experience in [describe what you learned or did]. I believe this experience, coupled with my academic accomplishments, makes me a strong fit for this role.

How to Use: Replace the placeholders with your details. Highlight any internships, relevant coursework, or academic accomplishments that make you a strong candidate for the role.

Fresh College Graduate Cover Letter Example

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Technician Example

A technician’s cover letter would showcase technical skills, practical experience, and relevant academic knowledge. Here’s a sample:

I am excited to apply for the Technician position at [Company Name], as listed on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate of [University/College Name] with a degree in [Your Degree], I am well equipped with the theoretical knowledge and practical training necessary for this role.

During my academic tenure, I gained hands-on experience in troubleshooting, maintaining and repairing various types of equipment, which I believe will serve me well in this role. I am confident in my ability to quickly learn and adapt to new systems and procedures.

How to Use: Personalize this letter by including specific details about the technical skills and experience you possess that align with the job requirements.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Technician Example

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for IT Job Example

An IT job cover letter would showcase software and hardware knowledge, problem-solving skills, and relevant academic achievements. Here’s an example:

I am thrilled to apply for the IT Specialist role at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate of [University Name] with a degree in Information Technology, I am excited to apply my skills in a practical setting.

During my studies, I excelled in my coursework on networks, databases, and user support. I also gained practical experience through an internship at [Company Name], where I honed my problem-solving skills and learned to provide excellent customer service.

How to Use: Replace the placeholders with your specific details. Be sure to emphasize any coursework, internships, or skills that are relevant to the role you’re applying for.

Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for IT Job Example

Recent Graduate Cover Letter Example

A recent graduate can highlight their academic achievements, eagerness to contribute, and transferable skills. Here’s an example:

I am excited to apply for the [Job Title] role at [Company Name], as listed on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent graduate of [University Name] with a degree in [Your Degree], I am confident in my ability to make a meaningful contribution to your team.

Throughout my academic career, I have consistently demonstrated a strong work ethic, critical thinking skills, and the ability to meet deadlines. I am eager to apply these skills in a professional setting and believe I would make a valuable addition to your team.

How to Use: Fill in the placeholders with your personal details. Be sure to emphasize your strengths and any skills or experiences that make you a strong fit for the role.

Recent Graduate Cover Letter Example

Fresh Computer Science Graduate Cover Letter Example

A cover letter for a Computer Science graduate would highlight programming skills, problem-solving abilities, and project experience. Here’s a sample:

I am writing to apply for the [Job Title] position at [Company Name], as advertised on [Job Advertisement Source]. As a recent Computer Science graduate from [University Name], I have a solid foundation in data structures, algorithms, and software engineering principles.

I have honed my coding skills through a variety of group projects and independent work, using languages like Java, Python, and C++. Additionally, my experience as an intern at [Company Name] allowed me to develop my problem-solving skills and learn to collaborate effectively with a team.

How to Use: Personalize this letter by including the specific programming languages and tools you’re familiar with. Mention any internships or projects that provided practical experience.

Fresh Computer Science Graduate Cover Letter Example

How do you Write a Cover Letter for a Fresh Graduate?

1. Start with a Formal Greeting: Address the hiring manager by their name, if it’s known. Otherwise, use a generic greeting like “Dear Hiring Manager.”

2. Open with Enthusiasm: State the position you’re applying for and express your excitement about the opportunity.

3. Highlight Relevant Skills and Experiences: Discuss your academic achievements, internships, and any skills that make you a good fit for the role.

4. Show Your Knowledge of the Company: Demonstrate that you’ve researched the company and explain why you’re interested in working there.

5. Close with a Call to Action: Thank the hiring manager for considering your application and express your interest in discussing the position further.

Tips for Fresh Graduate Cover Letter Format

1. Keep It Brief: Limit your cover letter to a single page.

2. Use a Professional Tone: Write in a formal, respectful tone. Avoid using slang or overly casual language.

3. Customize Each Letter: Tailor each cover letter to the specific job you’re applying for. Highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the role.

4. Proofread: Ensure your cover letter is free of spelling and grammar mistakes. Consider having someone else read it over as well.

Writing a cover letter as a fresh graduate can be a challenging task. However, by carefully highlighting your academic achievements, skills, and enthusiasm for the role, you can make a strong impression on hiring managers. Remember to tailor each cover letter to the specific job you’re applying for and to proofread carefully.


Cover Letter Maker

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  • Graduate Admissions

UTSA has a streamlined Graduate Admissions Application process where students can apply, upload documents, and more all through one application.

Before you Apply

Before you get started, take note of these important details for graduate admission.

  • The Graduate Admissions Application is powered by the Liaison CAS platform.
  • Only applications completed through the Graduate Admissions Application by the program deadline will be considered for admission.
  • Application deadlines and term offerings vary program to program.
  • Graduate students can apply to multiple programs, fees will apply per program.
  • An applicant may be admitted conditionally upon recommendation by the academic department.
  • If you submitted an application over a year ago, you may be required to submit updated materials.
  • Copies will not be accepted as “official” documents but may be used for initial admission consideration purposes only. If admitted, official documents are required.
  • Offers of admission are valid only for the term indicated in the admittance letter. Graduate applicants can request to have their admission start date deferred up to one year (three semesters) beyond original term of admission. Students who do not defer or register for classes by the census date of their first admitted semester must reapply for admission.
  • You will be notified by UTSA via the email you used to on your application after you complete and submit your graduate application.

How to Apply

Follow the steps below on how to apply to a UTSA master’s program, doctoral program, or graduate certificate. You are responsible for ensuring that all required documentation is received at UTSA by the application deadline (not postmarked). Please do not send any application materials to individual departments. All documents should be uploaded within the Graduate Application portal. All documents in support of an application become the property of UTSA and cannot be returned.

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1. Review Program Admission Requirements

Review program requirements.

Admission requirements are at the program level. Please review your graduate program of interest on what is required. On each program page, you will see:

  • Information on the Program
  • Admission & Application Requirements

Application Deadline

  • Graduate Advisor of Record Contact Information

It is important to choose the correct program as applications are program and term specific. You will be required to resubmit a new application for each major selected. If you have questions about which program is right for you, please contact a Graduate Recruiter or a representative in the program area of interest.

Search Master's Programs Search Doctoral Programs Search Graduate Certificates

2. Submit Graduate Admissions Application

Submit graduate admissions application.

Complete and submit your online Graduate Admissions Application. Application deadlines and term offerings prior to beginning the application process are listed on the specific program pages.

3. Pay Application Fee

Pay application fee.

A non-refundable application processing fee is charged per application to a graduate program. Applicants may apply simultaneously to more than one graduate program; a fee for each application will be required.

Please note there are no fee waivers at the graduate level. Approved McNair program waiver forms must be provided by the McNair office at your institution. Please contact the program department for further information.

4. Submit Transcripts

Submit transcripts.

From the Graduate Admissions Application platform, upload official transcripts from all post-secondary colleges or universities you have previously attended or are presently attending. The number of identified institutions must match the number of transcripts uploaded. Failure to include all colleges/universities on your application may result in your application not being processed. Please note once submitted, all documents become the property of UTSA and will not be returned.

Unofficial Transcripts

Applicants must submit unofficial transcripts to complete your Graduate Admissions Application; however, once a decision is rendered, all official documentation will need to be submitted to UTSA and can be sent to [email protected] .

Official Transcripts for Admitted Students

Once a decision is rendered, admitted students must request official transcripts to be sent from their Institution to UTSA. Official transcripts can be received from another institution electronically via SPEEDE, E-Script, National Student Clearinghouse, Parchment, and other Electronic (eTranscript) Exchange systems or emailed directly to [email protected] from the institution. Official transcripts can also be mailed to the address below.

The University of Texas at San Antonio Office of Graduate Admissions One UTSA Circle San Antonio, TX 78249-0616

Proof of Degree

A degree must be obtained from an accredited college/university in the United States or equivalent training at a foreign institution. If you are currently attending a university, a final official transcript must be submitted upon completion of coursework. If you have completed your degree, the award of degree must be noted on the transcript.

Evaluation of Foreign Credentials

Any applicants, including non-U.S. citizens (International), U.S. Citizens, and permanent residents, who have earned university-level credit from foreign institutions are required to submit a detailed course-by-course credential evaluation along with transcripts. Summaries will not be accepted. Please note the following:

  • Foreign credential evaluations must be received by the application deadline for your application to be processed. Processing time may take up to three weeks, and students should plan accordingly with the application deadlines of the programs for which they are applying.
  • Students can request an official ECE credential evaluation directly through the UTSA application portal. ECE can be reached through their live chat . For UTSA application portal (CAS) ordering instructions, please visit this page: UTSA Graduate Admissions CAS Instructions
  • UTSA will also accept foreign credit evaluations from FCSA or any other NACES approved evaluation agency. The application form for FCSA can be found on this link. FCSA can be reached at (512)459-8428 or [email protected] .

Foreign Transcripts

International transcripts must be recorded in English or officially translated to English. Transcripts in the original language must accompany all translated documents.

UTSA Students and Alumni

UTSA students and alumni do not need to submit official UTSA transcripts.

5. Submit Test Scores

Submit test scores.

Depending on the requirements for your graduate program of interest, you might be asked to submit test scores.

Test Scores GRE/GMAT

Submit official GRE or GMAT test scores that have been taken within five years. The Educational Testing Service (ETS) institutional code for the University of Texas at San Antonio is 6919. Upon admission to the University, official test scores are required and must be sent directly from the testing organization to UTSA. While you can request an official score report to be sent to UTSA at the time of application, please keep in mind that you will be required to upload unofficial copies within the Graduate Admissions Application.

Test Scores TOEFL/IELTS/Duolingo

International applicants are required to prove proficiency in the English language by taking either the Test of English as a Foreign Language ( TOEFL ), the International English Language Testing System ( IELTS ), or the Duolingo English Test (DET) . Please note the following:

  • Students who take the IELTS should take the academic exam, not the general exam.
  • English Language Proficiency scores may be waived for international students from countries where English is the official language, or for non-citizens of the United States earning an accredited bachelor’s degree or higher in the United States or other countries where English is the official language as indicated in the Graduate Catalog .
  • English Language Proficiency scores older than two years are not valid or accepted.
  • TOEFL institutional code for the University of Texas at San Antonio is 6919. There is no institutional code for IELTS.
  • Minimum English Language Proficiency scores can be found online at . Individual degree programs may have higher TOEFL or IELTS requirements for their various programs.

6. Submit Other Documents

Submit other documents.

Depending on the requirements for your graduate program of interest, you might be asked to submit the following documents. See below for a description of the items and check the program requirements for what is required for your Graduate Admissions Application.

Letters of Recommendation

All letters of recommendations should be requested through the Graduate Admissions Application. Student-provided copies will not be accepted. Be sure to inform your recommenders of your program deadline. In order for your Graduate Admissions Application to be complete, recommenders must submit their recommendation before the program deadline. Depending on the program, you may be required to submit a letter of recommendation from a specific recommender. Review your program of interest for details.

Upload your resume or CV on your Graduate Admissions Application and identify the uploads as “CV/Resume”.

Statement of Purpose

Upload your statement of purpose (or letter of intent) to your Graduate Admissions Application and identify it as “Statement of Purpose”. Depending on the program, you may be required to respond to a specific question. Review your program of interest for details.

When to Apply

Application deadlines vary program to program. You can find application deadlines published on each program page . Please note all required documents, transcripts, fees, and test scores must be on file by the stated deadline of a given program.

Application Availability

Some programs only offer applications for specific terms. These will be denoted on the admission section of each program page . Overall, applications for the next academic year cycle open every August 1.

Submit your Graduate Application for the appropriate academic year. An academic year starts with the fall semester.

Need more guidance? Register for our Graduate Admissions Virtual Info Session to hear from and connect with our graduate counselors.

graduate application letter

Applicant Help Center

Visit the UTSA Graduate School Applicant Help Center for detailed instructions on how to use the Graduate Admissions Application.

Apply to Graduate School

While each program has their own admissions requirements, you must begin your application by following these steps.

Step 1. Complete Application

Follow this process regardless of the graduate program you are enrolling in.

Create an Admissions Account

Before starting your application, you need to set up a UND Admissions Account.

You'll log in to your Admissions Account to:

  • Start, save and submit your online application.
  • Check your application status.
  • View your application checklist.
  • See admission decisions.
  • Confirm your enrollment.

You will receive emails throughout the process on the status of your application. It's your responsibility to ensure all submitted materials were received and attached to the application. Please monitor your Admissions Account and email.

Create Admissions Account

Start Your Online Application

  • Applicants are charged a $35 (U.S. funds) non-refundable fee.
  • We recommend using Google Chrome when completing the application. If you run into issues with items not displaying, clear your cache and cookies.

Log in to Start Application

Review Additional Academic Program Requirements

Consult the requirements page(s) in the Program Finder to see if your program has additional requirements beyond the general university admission standards.

Application Deadline

Each UND graduate program has unique admissions deadlines. Review the Program Finder for details. UND must receive completed application(s) and all required materials by the program application deadline. To verify all materials have been received by the deadline, log in to your application.

UND requires all applicants to submit a completed application before it will be reviewed for admission. For an application to be complete, all required materials must be received as official documents. Applications completed after the program deadline may not be reviewed.

Any application materials submitted prior to the submission of the online application will be kept active for six months. After six months, if an application has not been received, the documents will be destroyed.

Note: If you're an international student, refer to the international application process for deadlines.

Step 2. Provide Required Documents

Required documents are different based on the program, certificate or course to which you are applying. Some programs require additional materials such as an essay, resume, certification/licensure, standardized test scores, or experience in a specific field. Be sure to review your area of study in the Program Finder for specific admission requirements.

  • Full Program
  • Certificate
  • Multiple Apps

Apply to Graduate Degree Program ( Open this section)

Apply to graduate degree program.

To apply to a graduate degree program, send documents to the Office of University Admissions, not the department to which you are applying.

Official Transcripts

  • Request one official copy of all academic transcripts from all colleges and universities you have attempted credit at, including undergraduate and graduate course work, be sent directly to UND. Exceptions apply for North Dakota University System institutions .
  • Official transcripts must be sent directly to UND from the college or university you attended. See details below.
  • All original transcripts from transfer credits posted on a subsequent transcript must also be provided.
  • Do not send high school, intermediate or secondary transcripts.

Statement of Goals

A statement of goals or personal statement (about 1-2 pages in length) is required to assess your writing ability and determine if the program suits your needs. Some programs may require you to address certain questions or topics.

As a prospective graduate student at the University of North Dakota, it is expected that you uphold the highest standards of academic integrity and honesty in all aspects of your application.  While the University recognizes the value of exploring new technologies, such as generative AI tools, it is essential that your personal statement and any other materials submitted reflect your original ideas as well as your personal research interests, work, and qualifications; as such, we discourage any use of generative AI tools. Should an applicant choose to use generative AI tools, any such use must be properly cited, as we expect all applicants to adhere to the same ethical standards as our current students, as outlined in the School of Graduate Studies’ Professional Conduct policy . 

Test Scores and English Proficiency

All graduate admissions tests must be sent directly by the testing center. Photocopies are not accepted. Not all graduate programs require testing for admission.

GRE Codes for UND

  • PTCAS Program = 0541
  • SOPHAS Program = 4502
  • All Other Programs = 6878

Recommendation for Graduate School

All applications must include three academic or professional references.

  • As part of the online application process, you will be asked to provide the email addresses for your references.
  • Your references will receive an email requesting them to complete an online recommendation form on your behalf.
  • Be sure to let your references know to watch for an email from UND to complete your recommendation.
  • Reference letters may be used in lieu of the online recommendation forms.

It is preferable that the recommendations (references) come from those who can honestly evaluate your potential for graduate study.

  • Close family and friends are not eligible to provide recommendations.
  • Faculty, advisors, supervisors or other colleagues who can speak to your performance in the workplace or academically as it pertains to your potential to be successful in a program can provide recommendations.

Apply to Graduate Certificate Program ( Open this section)

Apply to graduate certificate program.

To apply to a graduate certificate program, provide the Office of University Admissions with the following to complete your application.

Apply as Non-Degree Graduate Student ( Open this section)

Apply as non-degree graduate student.

Seeking graduate courses without a degree? Missed the application deadline for a graduate degree program?

Applying as a non-degree student may be a good option for you. You may take up to 9 graduate-level credits as a non-degree student before applying for full admission as a degree-seeking student.

To apply as a non-degree student:

  • Complete the admissions application . Select "non-degree" as the application/student type.
  • Pay $35 non-refundable application fee.
  • International students must provide proof of English proficiency.

If you plan to pursue a graduate degree or certificate program, please check with the academic department to see how the courses you take as a non-degree student may apply to your program of interest.

Submit Multiple Applications to Graduate School ( Open this section)

Submit multiple applications to graduate school.

You must submit one complete application for each program and for each term to which you are applying to. For example, you may be applying to:

  • A program to which you have previously applied.
  • A program after being a non-degree student.
  • More than one program for a given semester.

Application Fees

An application will not be considered without payment of $35 USD. You will need to pay this fee for each application you submit. The application fee is non-refundable.

Written Statements

You must submit separate written statements for each application. We recommend you prepare unique materials for each program. Pay special attention to the Application Requirements by program to ensure you have prepared all required documents.

Test Scores

If you are applying to more than one program at the same time, your official test scores may be used for multiple applications.

The School of Graduate Studies will use official test scores from previous applications as long as they are still valid and they are still on file according to our record retention policy.


If you're applying to more than one program at the same time, your official transcripts may be used for multiple applications.

The School of Graduate Studies will use official transcripts from previous applications as long as your academic record at the institution has not changed and we still have the transcripts on file according to our record retention policy.


You will need to submit three recommendation for each degree-seeking application you submit. Be sure to let your references know precisely which program to which you are applying. Recommendations will not be shared across multiple applications.

Notice of Acceptance to Grad School

Your offer of admissions will be sent to your Admissions account and the email you provided in your application. You will receive next step instructions, beginning with accepting your offer of admission. After that, you must complete a checklist of items to get started at UND.

Where to Send Official Transcripts

You are not able to attach or upload transcripts to your application because transcripts must be official, unaltered versions. Request your previous college or university send UND your official transcripts in one of the following ways:

  • Electronically through a secured electronic transcript exchange program, of which UND is a member.
  • Sealed envelopes by mail to: UND Office of Admissions 3501 University Ave Stop 8357 Grand Forks, ND 58202

Transcripts from Outside the U.S. or Canada

  • One official transcripts (in English) for all undergraduate and graduate work attempted
  • Official copy of your diploma or degree certificate if you have already received your degree
  • Three letters of reference
  • Statement of purpose
  • TOEFL scores older than two years are not valid and will not be accepted
  • All test scores must be sent directly by ETS

Official transcripts must be submitted to a foreign credentials evaluation service such as  World Education Services .

Applicants from Chinese institutions may request and submit official transcripts directly through  CHESICC . Request are processed by CHESICC and will be sent electronically to the Office of Admissions. Do not submit a paper copy of your transcript if you have requested transcripts through CHESICC.

Graduate School Transcript Submission FAQ's

What do you mean by "official" transcript ( open this section).

For our purposes, "official" means sent directly from the issuing office to our receiving office. This definition comes from the policies of the North Dakota University System and cannot be petitioned. We judge transcripts to be official if they arrive to us:

  • In an envelope sealed by the issuing institution,
  • Via a secured electronic transcript exchange program, of which we are already a member, or
  • In an envelope sealed by a U.S. State Department sponsored organization (e.g. USEF), and are attested by that organization.

Basically, we judge a transcript to be official by the way it was received. We must be vigilant about fraudulent credentials.

Also, keep in mind that the United States government considers educational records to be federally protected and private. We cannot obtain your records unless you arrange for them to be sent them to us.

Why do I need to submit an official transcript from each institution which originally issued me credit? ( Open this section)

We want to know as complete a picture as possible of each applicant's academic career, and also:

  • Obtaining an official transcript lets us know that you are not financially indebted to some other institution.
  • Sometimes transfer credits lose grade information, or course titles change.
  • Transcripts can and do change over time (grades are revised, degrees are added/revoked).
  • Transcripts contain more information than grades (i.e. degrees or certificates, accreditation, suspensions and dismissals, etc.).

The only exception is if credits from another institution were transferred to UND and show on an official UND transcript.

Complete Academic Record

We require a complete set of official transcripts for domestic applicants, which represents every college credit that you have attempted. An official transcript must be sent to UND from the institution which originally issued the credit. We call this a complete academic record. We require this of each and every applicant to a certificate or degree program.

What if I can't obtain an official transcript? ( Open this section)

There have been some circumstances when obtaining an official transcript is not possible. Please read these items to see if a situation applies to you:

  • If your institution will not release your transcript because of a financial, disciplinary, or academic hold, you will need to work with your institution to resolve the issue.
  • If your domestic institution cannot locate your transcript, we will need to have a letter verifying that fact. This letter should come to us from the Registrar of your institution, or another person of sufficient authority. The letter should indicate the reason why the transcript is unobtainable. These letters will be considered on a case-by-case basis. If this applies to you, please email our Admissions team at [email protected] , before you send any documents to us.
  • Credit for military service is not the same thing as credit earned from a college while in the military, e.g. Community College of the Air Force.
  • If your institution is/was located in a country affected by war or extreme natural disaster, we understand that your transcripts may be impossible to locate. If your institution is located in Iran, we understand that your transcript's envelope may be opened before it arrives to us. If either situation here applies to you, please email our Admissions team at [email protected] , before you send any documents to us. These issues will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

What if I will not have my degree required for admission before the application due date? ( Open this section)

You can still apply if your degree will be earned before you plan to start taking courses in your new graduate program. Sometimes students are on track to graduate (e.g. in May) but the want to apply to a program with an earlier deadline (e.g. in March). Students can still apply to a program, but they need to request official transcripts twice:

  • Once at the time of application, which would show official transcripts through that point.
  • Once after the degree has been earned and shows on an official transcript.

Transcripts Due for Domestic Students

For domestic students, we would need to receive an official transcript with your degree posted by the end of your first semester.

Transcripts Due for International Students

Some international students may need to send us an official copy of their diploma or degree certificates. We would add this requirement to your official admission letter. We would not be able to fully admit you until we received your transcript, diploma, or degree certificate.

May I petition these policies? ( Open this section)

An applicant may not petition our policies. However, a member of the graduate faculty may petition on your behalf. This does not mean that the faculty will petition, and it does not mean that such a petition would be approved.

If you believe that you have a situation which warrants exceptional consideration, you may contact a faculty member of the program to which you are applying to ask if they would petition on your behalf.

What if I have transfer credit? ( Open this section)

The appearance of transfer credit on a transcript does not meet our requirement of a complete academic career. Therefore, if you have transferred credit, we must have a transcript from the institution which originally issued the credit.

Some students do not know that they have transferred credit, especially if they took college classes while in high school. If possible, you may want to speak to your institution to see if any credit has been transferred into your record.

Some students do not know that a study abroad experience also meant that credits were transferred. In some cases, a study abroad experience means that your college credits were originally issued by the foreign institution and not your home campus. If possible, you may want to speak to your institution to see if any credit has been transferred into your record.

I attended another university in North Dakota. Do I need to request those transcripts? ( Open this section)

Students who earned degrees from the following institutions in 2010 or later need to list them in the application, but do not need to request transcripts:

  • Bismarck State College
  • Dakota College at Bottineau
  • Dickinson State University
  • Lake Region State College
  • Mayville State University
  • Minot State University
  • North Dakota State College of Science
  • North Dakota State University
  • University of North Dakota
  • Valley City State University
  • Williston State College

To verify whether or not you need to request certain transcripts, you can contact our admissions office.

What if I was previously a UND student? ( Open this section)

If you have previously attended UND, our admissions staff will attempt to obtain a copy of your transcript. You do not need to request an official UND transcript be sent to our office. Some of our older transcripts are not accessible by the School of Graduate Studies. If we are not able to retrieve your transcript for any reason, our admissions staff will contact you and you will need to request an official copy.

What if I previously applied to the School of Graduate Studies? ( Open this section)

We keep application materials for anyone who becomes a student indefinitely, and we keep application materials for anyone who was denied admission for three years. When you apply again, we will search our archives to find transcripts you had previously submitted, and we will use those transcripts again. Please note, we will still need transcripts for any academic work you have done since that last application.

What happens to my application if UND doesn't have a complete academic record? ( Open this section)

We consider all submitted applications to be incomplete until we have received all items (including official transcripts) required by the department to which you are applying. Please consult the application instructions above to see which items are required by your department.

Your application will move to "Final Processing" when we have all required items. During this time, we determine your minimum eligibility for the program to which you applied, and we verify that we have a complete academic record. If we notice that we need another official transcript, your application will again become incomplete and you will be notified.

Also, please note that your application is only valid for the program and term indicated on your application. If your application has not yet received a decision on the fourth week of the semester to which you applied, your application will be administratively denied. Before you receive an official decision, you may submit an Application Change Request Form to change the admit term on the application. We will honor a request to change an admit term only once.

When will I know if you have received a complete academic record? ( Open this section)

If, during "Final Processing," we find that we have your complete academic record, we will send your application to the department for their review. You will be notified when this occurs. When your application is "Sent to Department," you will know that we have a complete academic record.

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  • Graduate programs

Apply to the MSE graduate program

  • Request more information
  • Graduate Application Support Program (GrASP)
  • Ph.D.: October 1 - January 8
  • M.S.: October 1 - January 15
  • Ph.D.: June 15 - August 31

Prospective students must be a graduate of materials science and engineering or a related discipline at a recognized university with better than a B average. Admission is based on overall academic performance and potential.

A completed application will include the following:

  • Non-refundable application fee of $75 USD (this fee cannot be waived or deferred)
  • The  online application form
  • Ph.D. - 3 required
  • Master's - 1 required, 1 optional 
  • Uploaded unofficial transcripts (Official transcripts will be requested upon admission)
  • Essay questions
  • English proficiency exam (for non-native English speakers; see requirements below)

The Graduate Admissions Committee thoroughly reviews each complete application and considers each applicant exclusively for the degree program to which they have applied.

The Graduate Admissions Office does not prescreen any application materials prior to the submission of your application. Also, the office will not advise applicants as to whether they should or should not submit an application.

CMU Rales Fellows

This distinctive and transformative program is dedicated to developing a diverse community of exceptionally talented national STEM leaders from underrepresented or underresourced backgrounds by eliminating cost as a barrier to graduate education.

Submitting your application materials

All required materials should be uploaded into the application form . You should request English proficiency exam score reports be sent electronically to the department. It is acceptable for letters of recommendation to arrive after the application submission deadline. 

Unofficial transcripts

Transcripts will be marked “unofficial” even if you have uploaded an official copy of your transcripts directly into the application. The Admissions Committee will review the unofficial transcripts that have been uploaded directly. It is not necessary to submit an official transcript until you have been requested to do so.

Recommendation letters

The most informative recommendations are written by those for whom you have done technical work or research similar to the type you will do as a graduate student in our program. Most often, this will be a professor in engineering or science with whom you have taken a course with a significant project component, or an undergraduate (or master’s) thesis advisor. Depending on how long it has been since you have been out of school, some combination of one or two professors and one or two work supervisors is the most common choice.

English proficiency exam

As an applicant, an English proficiency exam is required for non-native English speakers. The department accepts TOEFL, IELTS, and Duolingo scores (must be sent electronically to the university from the company).  Applicants who are non-native English speakers can receive a requirement waiver if they have or will complete a four-year undergraduate program at a university within the United States before the start of the first term they are enrolled.

Score requirements

Submitting your scores.

  • TOEFL Institution code is  2074

IELTS + DUOLINGO send your scores to:  Carnegie Mellon University College of Engineering, 431 Hamerschlag Drive, Ansys Hall Suite 250, Pittsburgh, PA 15213

The essay section is important and application reviewers read every word of it during the review process. It should be thoughtful, informative, and written in crisp, clear English. It should show that you have thought about your research interests and motivations, future professional goals, and interest in outreach, as well as diversity equity, and inclusion. The essay field on the application will allow for 500 words. Do not copy whole sections of our catalogue or faculty bios, web pages, etc. into your statement of purpose. Suggest a few possible projects that might interest you, but do not limit yourself to a single, narrowly-defined project.

Check out CMU’s schedule of classes

Financial support

Doctoral students generally receive financial support for their tuition and stipend from fellowships, traineeships, government grants, graduate assistantships, or scholarships. The vast majority of graduate assistantships that cover a stipend and tuition are paid for by competitive external research grants. Hence, continued financial assistance for doctoral students is contingent upon both satisfactory research progress and academic performance.

Checking the status of your application

Please sign into your  graduate application  to check the status. This site is updated when material is received and decisions are made, so please feel free to check your status frequently during peak admission season.

Reapplying if not admitted

Your  completed  application may be reconsidered for the next concurrent semester after your original application semester. If you would like your application to be reconsidered, send an email to  [email protected]  stating your intentions. 

Statement of Assurance

Carnegie Mellon University does not discriminate in admission, employment or administration of its programs or activities on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, handicap or disability, age, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, creed, ancestry, belief, veteran status, or genetic information. Furthermore, Carnegie Mellon University does not discriminate and is required not to discriminate in violation of federal, state or local laws or executive orders.

Inquiries concerning the application of and compliance with this statement should be directed to the university ombudsman, Carnegie Mellon University, 5000 Forbes Avenue, Pittsburgh, PA 15213, telephone 412.268.1018.

Obtain general information about Carnegie Mellon University by calling 412.268.2000.

Carnegie Mellon University publishes an annual campus security and fire safety report describing the university’s security, alcohol and drug, sexual assault and fire safety policies, and containing statistics about the number and type of crimes committed on the campus, and the number and cause of fires in campus residence facilities during the preceding three years. You can obtain a copy by contacting the Carnegie Mellon Police Department at 412-268-2323. The annual security and fire safety report also is available online at .

Information regarding the application of Title IX, including to admission and employment decisions, the sexual misconduct grievance procedures and process, including how to file a report or a complaint of sex discrimination, how to file a report of sexual harassment, and how the university responds to such reports is available at . The Title IX coordinator may be reached at 5000 Forbes Ave., 140 Cyert Hall, Pittsburgh, PA 15213; 412-268-7125; or [email protected] .

For more information regarding the statement of assurance please visit .


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  3. application letter sample for fresh graduate joblettered assistant dean cover livecareer

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  4. Job Application Letter For Graduate Student

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  5. Sample Application Letter For Teacher Fresh Graduate

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  6. No Experience Graduate Job Application Letter

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  1. How To Write a Cover Letter For a Scholarship Application?

  2. How to Write a Job Application Letter for Fresh Graduate

  3. How To Write a Cover Letter For a PhD Application?


  5. Write an Amazing Cover Letter: 3 Golden Rules (Template included)



  1. Cover Letter For Graduate School Application

    Key Points. When writing your cover letter for graduate school applications, make sure to: Use the correct formatting: elegant font, margins, spacing, a clear header with all the information. State the graduate program you're applying to, your previous education background, and the reason for you applying.

  2. Cover Letter for Graduate School: Sample & How to Write It

    Here's what you need to include on a cover letter for graduate school: Your name and full mailing address. The date of the cover letter's writing. The name of the professor you're writing to. The department, school, and school's address. A brief introduction paragraph proclaiming your interest.

  3. Cover Letter for Graduate School: How To Write One

    Graduate school cover letter example Here is an example of a completed graduate school cover letter: Sarah Johnson 2341 E. Main Street Chattanooga, TN 37341 December 7, 2022 Dr. Timothy Greer Department of Psychology The University of Tennessee at Chattanooga 800 University Lane Chattanooga, TN 37341 Dear Dr. Greer: It is my pleasure to submit my application for the Masters of Family ...

  4. How to Write a Standout Letter of Intent for Graduate School

    Header. Your letter of intent should follow the format of a formal business letter, which includes the name and address of the person you're addressing, the date, and a formal salutation. Typically, you'll want to find each program's graduate director and address your letter to them, using the program's or department's mailing address ...

  5. How to Write a Standout Letter Of Intent For Graduate School

    A letter of intent for a masters program or other graduate program should be around 3-4 paragraphs long, as well as short opening and closing paragraphs, header, and sign off. Generally speaking, an ideal letter of intent is between 300 and 450 words, and no more than one page.

  6. Cover Letter Examples and Tips for Recent Graduate

    A graduate cover letter is a professional document that recent college graduates use when they apply for jobs or graduate degree programs. A graduate cover letter acts as an extension of an individual's resume and includes details about college activities and previous professional experiences. Related: Cover Letter for Graduate School: Tips and ...

  7. Graduate Cover Letter Example & Writing Guide ·

    A cover letter for a fresh graduate, also called an application letter or letter of interest, is one of the most commonly requested job application materials. The primary purpose of your graduate cover letter is to work alongside your resume to create a complete picture of personality, experience and strengths as a candidate. ...

  8. Letter of Intent for Graduate School Admission (With Template)

    A letter of intent for graduate school admission is a requirement for some application processes. This letter contains details about your academic journey, how you became interested in graduate school, details about academic success and other qualifications. These letters differ from personal statements since they mainly focus on students ...

  9. Recent Graduate Cover Letter Example & Writing Tips

    2518 Lilac Ave. North Charleston, SC, 29405. (803) 847-1043. [email protected]. Dear Ms. Johnston, My name is James Amore, and I'm excited to apply for the position of Junior IT specialist at the French Central Inn, Charleston. I'm a recent graduate (June 2023) in Management Information Systems (MIS) from Charleston Southern ...

  10. Recent Graduate Cover Letter Examples and Templates for 2024

    A great recent graduate cover letter has five main elements: 1. Heading. Use a professional template to enhance the style and presentation of your cover letter. Be sure your heading includes: Your name, title, and contact info. The current date. The addressee's details. 2.

  11. Sample Letter of Intent for Graduate School 2022+

    A letter of intent for graduate school typically offers a few short paragraphs explaining what the student's goals are for enrolling in the program. It may outline the program application and discuss why the student is a great fit for the program.

  12. How to Write a Graduate Cover Letter

    Take the following steps to address and date your cover letter: Right-align your recipient's address for hard copy graduate cover letters. Write the street number and name, city and postcode on separate lines. Leave a single line, then right-align the date in the format day, month and year. Left-align your name and address.

  13. Letters of Recommendation for Grad School I Stanford Online

    The recommendation letter prompt encourages recommenders to provide candid assessments of your qualifications,including your potential for advanced study, analytical thinking capabilities, and ability to express ideas clearly. Descriptions of significant achievements, personal qualities, and character traits relevant to your scholarly pursuits ...

  14. Graduate School Letter of Recommendation Examples 2022-2023

    Grad school recommendation letters are an essential part of every graduate school application package-even in this (almost) post-COVID era of remote work and Zoom classes. Nearly all applications to graduate school still require at least two recommendation letters from individuals who can discuss your abilities, competencies, and personal ...

  15. Letters of Recommendation for Graduate School: The Definitive Guide

    When to ask for a letter of recommendation for graduate school? You should ask for a letter of recommendation for graduate school between six weeks and two months before the application deadline. This gives your recommender plenty of time to draft, write, and revise your letter of recommendation—increasing the final quality and level of impact.

  16. Craft a Job-Winning Cover Letter for Fresh Graduates (w/ Examples

    A cover letter is a single-page document that showcases your professional skills, achievements, personality, and your suitability for the desired job position. Overall, a cover letter guides recipients to screen through your job application and examine your suitability. As a fresh graduate, you may not have formal experience in the work field.

  17. PDF Graduate School Application Cover Letters

    Paper applications and supporting material sent via the post to graduate schools require cover letters. Cover letters should be approximately 1-2 paragraphs and contain: 1) What is enclosed in the envelope and why. Do not make the reader guess why you are sending the following materials. State what program you are applying for and for what year ...

  18. Apply

    The Ohio University Graduate College works together with each graduate program to process and review your application. You submit all application materials to the Graduate College, where your materials are gathered for the academic program. Once you have identified the graduate program to help you meet your personal and professional goals ...

  19. Fresh Graduate Cover Letter

    Fresh Graduate Cover Letter for Job Application Examples. Crafting an effective cover letter for job application as a fresh graduate for a specific job application requires highlighting your academic achievements, relevant coursework, internships, or projects related to the job. Here is an example to guide you: Dear [Hiring Manager's Name],

  20. Grad How to Apply Grad

    Regardless of program, all graduate students apply using the UF graduate school application through CollegeNET. You will select your college and major within the application. ... If the program of interest requires recommendation letters, these should be submitted electronically through the admissions application. You must request these ...

  21. Graduate Admissions

    All letters of recommendations should be requested through the Graduate Admissions Application. Student-provided copies will not be accepted. Be sure to inform your recommenders of your program deadline. In order for your Graduate Admissions Application to be complete, recommenders must submit their recommendation before the program deadline.

  22. How To Apply to UND Graduate School

    Missed the application deadline for a graduate degree program? Applying as a non-degree student may be a good option for you. You may take up to 9 graduate-level credits as a non-degree student before applying for full admission as a degree-seeking student. ... This letter should come to us from the Registrar of your institution, or another ...

  23. How To Write a Graduate School Recommendation Letter (With ...

    Graduate school recommendation letter example The following is an example of a graduate school recommendation letter: Clayton Bishop Associate professor of communication (225) 555-0100 [email protected]. Dear Dr. Ronald Palmer: It's with great pride I recommend Shane Donovan for admission into the organizational communication master's program at Bridge Road University.

  24. Application Letters for Fresh Graduates

    Application Letter Sample 1 (Hard Copy) Use this format for a letter you will submit as a printed copy. Even if you applied online, always bring extra copies of your letter and resume to your interview. For emailed application letters, see Sample 2 below. 22 H Venture St.,Diliman, Quezon CityPhilippines.

  25. Apply to the MSE graduate program

    A completed application will include the following: Non-refundable application fee of $75 USD (this fee cannot be waived or deferred) The online application form; Letters of recommendation Ph.D. - 3 required; Master's - 1 required, 1 optional Uploaded unofficial transcripts (Official transcripts will be requested upon admission) Essay questions