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What Does It Take to Be a Successful Entrepreneur?

Female entrepreneur using laptop in workspace

  • 09 Jul 2020

The world is filled with aspiring entrepreneurs—people who believe they have what it takes to launch a company and build it into a profitable business. While anyone can start a business, not everyone will succeed.

Research by Harvard Business School Professor Shikhar Ghosh shows that up to 75 percent of startups fail. According to Zippia , 22 percent of small businesses fail within one year of being launched, half fail within five years, and approximately two-thirds fail within 10 years.

In light of these statistics, the question becomes: What does it take to be a successful entrepreneur ? What steps can aspiring entrepreneurs take to lay the groundwork for success?

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What Is an Entrepreneur?

An entrepreneur is someone who launches a business venture, typically in the form of a company that manufactures and sells a product or provides a service. Entrepreneurs are often viewed as innovators who identify a problem or opportunity, then develop a solution no one else has recognized.

In the online course Entrepreneurship Essentials , it’s noted that “entrepreneurs—either individuals or teams—actively scan the environment for opportunities, or discover them as they live and work. They form hypotheses about what customers want or need and how they can deliver value to the customer.”

Successful entrepreneurs don’t just charge ahead with their ideas. First, they seek to validate there’s demand.

One way they do so is through testing. According to Entrepreneurship Essentials , entrepreneurs “recruit people and invest money to determine if customers will indeed value the product and they can produce and deliver it at an acceptable cost. They often find different, even better ideas once in the marketplace.”

Check out the video below to learn more about what it takes to succeed as an entrepreneur, and subscribe to our YouTube channel for more explainer content!

Entrepreneurship Requirements

Do you have dreams of one day becoming an entrepreneur and launching your own company? In addition to a business idea, doing so will require you to possess certain skills and characteristics .

1. Key Entrepreneurship Qualities and Behaviors

Several researchers have tried to pinpoint a specific entrepreneurial personality or profile in an attempt to quantify what makes some more successful than others.

In Entrepreneurship Essentials , it’s explained that there’s no single personality profile that leads someone to success as an entrepreneur. However, there are a number of characteristics shared by some of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs.

Some behaviors that are distinct from personality traits and associated with entrepreneurship include curiosity, pattern recognition, team building, structured experimentation, adaptation, decisiveness, and persistence.

While it can be argued that some people are more inclined to exhibit these behaviors than others, each of these qualities can be acquired through proper training and development .

2. Essential Entrepreneurial Skills

Especially in the earliest stages of launching a business, entrepreneurs are responsible for performing a variety of duties—it comes with the territory. Before you have an accounting department, marketing staff, and product development team, you'll likely need to perform some of these critical responsibilities.

Taking the time to develop certain skills before launching your business can drastically improve your chances of success. Here’s a list of some of the most critical skills all entrepreneurs should have:

  • Communication skills , which you’ll leverage daily as you work with vendors, investors, customers, and various members of your growing team
  • Organizational skills , which will empower you to work toward your goals efficiently
  • Time management skills , which will be essential throughout your career, but especially early on, when you have multiple responsibilities
  • Data-driven decision-making , which will enable you to make objective, measurable decisions about your products, services, business, and customers
  • Strategic thinking , which will allow you to discover opportunities and threats that guide business decisions more easily
  • Accounting basics , which will be especially important before you have a person or team dedicated to managing your business’s finances
  • Resilience , because every entrepreneur faces challenges and struggles, and it takes resilience to bounce back

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3. An Opportunity or Business Idea

For a new venture to succeed, the business plan must be centered around a solid opportunity. In Entrepreneurship Essentials , an opportunity is defined as a proposed venture to sell a product or service for which customers are willing to pay more than the required investments and operating costs.

An opportunity is more than a product idea, and it extends well beyond the initial act of getting into business. According to Entrepreneurship Essentials, “it’s a plan that shows how a venture will attract, retain, and reward all stakeholders, including customers, founders, employees, investors, distributors, and suppliers.”

That plan doesn’t end once you’ve identified an innovative business idea . Ideally, your concept should be validated before you commit resources, time, and effort to bring it to life. Once validated and pursued, you must constantly reevaluate your business to determine whether you need to adapt to new opportunities or threats.

4. Resources and Funding

Finally, to launch your business, you’ll need a source of funding to purchase equipment and materials, develop your product or service, iterate upon your offerings, and refine your processes. Exactly what funding looks like will vary depending on the type of business you’re launching and your industry.

For some entrepreneurs, self-funding is possible. In such cases, an entrepreneur might set aside enough money to pay for their living expenses while they get their business off the ground, in addition to the costs associated with the launch.

Self-funding isn’t the only option available. There are many other paths you might take, such as:

  • Securing an SBA loan from the Small Business Administration
  • Raising capital from investors
  • Applying for grants (this may be especially suitable for nonprofit organizations)
  • Crowdfunding from the public
  • Relying on a line of credit

Every form of funding comes with benefits and risks. Self-funding, for example, allows you to retain complete control over your business and potential profits, but also requires you to carry the risk of failure. Raising capital from investors, on the other hand, allows you to spread your risk and, potentially, launch your business quicker—but it forces you to give up a portion of your control. Ultimately, you must decide what makes the most sense for your business.

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Your Path to Becoming an Entrepreneur

Countless aspiring entrepreneurs have an interesting, innovative, and compelling business idea, but don’t have the skills or qualities to carry it through to fruition. Similarly, many others have the skills and qualities, but lack an idea to pursue. Even those with a brilliant idea and the necessary skills can fail to get their project off the ground if they don’t have access to funding. Successful entrepreneurship requires a blend of all these components.

The good news is: Successful entrepreneurs aren’t born—they’re made. With the right training , instruction, and development, everyone has the potential to become an entrepreneur.

Are you interested in learning the ins and outs of entrepreneurship? Explore our four-week online course Entrepreneurship Essentials and our other entrepreneurship and innovation courses to learn to speak the language of the startup world. If you aren't sure which course is the right fit, download our free course flowchart to determine which best aligns with your goals.

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So You Want to Be an Entrepreneur?

  • Emily Heyward

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One founder’s advice on what you should know before you quit your day job.

Starting a business is not easy, and scaling it is even harder. You may think you’re sitting on a completely original idea, but chances are the same cultural forces that led you to your business plan are also influencing someone else. That doesn’t mean you should give up, or that you should rush to market before you’re ready. It’s not about who’s first, it’s about who does it best, and best these days is the business that delivers the most value to the consumer. Consumers have more power and choice than ever before, and they’re going to choose and stick with the companies who are clearly on their side. How will you make their lives easier, more pleasant, more meaningful? How will you go out of your way for them at every turn? When considering your competitive advantage, start with the needs of the people you’re ultimately there to serve. If you have a genuine connection to your idea, and you’re solving a real problem in a way that adds more value to people’s lives, you’re well on your way.

When I graduated from college in 2001, I didn’t have a single friend whose plan was to start his or her own business. Med school, law school, finance, consulting: these were the coveted jobs, the clear paths laid out before us. I took a job in advertising, which was seen as much more rebellious than the reality. I worked in advertising for a few years, and learned an incredible amount about how brands get built and communicated. But I grew restless and bored, tasked with coming up with new campaigns for old and broken products that lacked relevance, unable to influence the products themselves. During that time, I was lucky to have an amazing boss who explained a simple principle that fundamentally altered my path. What she told me was that stress is not about how much you have on your plate; it’s about how much control you have over the outcomes. Suddenly I realized why every Sunday night I was overcome with a feeling of dread. It wasn’t because I had too much going on at work. It was because I had too little power to effect change.

how to become successful entrepreneur essay

  • EH Emily Heyward is the author of Obsessed: Building a Brand People Love from Day One (Portfolio; June 9, 2020). She is the co-founder and chief brand officer at Red Antler, a full-service brand company based in Brooklyn. Emily was named among the Most Important Entrepreneurs of the Decade by Inc.  magazine, and has also been recognized as a Top Female Founder by Inc. and one of Entrepreneur’s Most Powerful Women of 2019.

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10 tips for becoming a successful entrepreneur.

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Wilbert is the Founder and CEO of  Think Act Prosper , a global media and education company.

An entrepreneur is someone who comes up with ideas, products or services to solve problems for the world. The path of entrepreneurship is built differently for every individual, but all successful entrepreneurs need to be prepared for failure and criticism, and they should constantly be learning and improving themselves.

There is no secret recipe or holy grail to becoming a successful entrepreneur, but here are 10 tips to assist you on the journey ahead:

1. Develop a business plan.

A business plan materializes your ideas onto paper and helps you to envision how your business will be operated. In brief, your business plan should at least answer the following questions about your business:

• What is your product or service? What are your priorities?

• Where will you be operating your business? Where do you want to be in five years?

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• When will your business operate?

• Why should people buy your product/service?

• Who is your target segment? Who is your competition?

• How will the day-to-day operations be run? How will you deal with unforeseen emergencies?

These are just a tiny sample of questions to start your brainstorming process. The more questions you can answer, the more clarity you have about running your business.

2. Be frugal.

Think twice before buying anything or signing a lease. To determine if the expenditure is a necessary and good investment, refer to your business plan and ask yourself how your purchase will contribute to the success of the business, as well as any additional costs you could be incurring, such as depreciation and maintenance costs. Always aim to do more with less , and look for ways to reduce costs, such as bartering with other companies.

3. Continuously educate yourself.

Be a voracious learner. You can attend live seminars or classes online. I also recommend reading books by a successful entrepreneur you admire. Even if they aren't in the same field as you, you could learn a lot from both their successes and failures. Observing how they solve problems can give you tips on resolving your quandaries.

4. Build a winning team.

Behind every successful business is a reliable and competent team. This can include engaging an online personal assistant or working with a skilled accountant. Considering sales are the lifeblood of every business, I recommend making your first hire someone who can facilitate revenue by either increasing sales or making the sales process more efficient. I also recommend recruiting people who can take charge of multiple things for greater efficiency.

The key is to recruit the best people to help you achieve your goals, but more importantly, people who share your vision. Every teammate might bring a different skill set to the table, but the entire team should always be on the same page about the company’s vision and values.

5. Find a mind-body-soul balance.

Make sure you eat healthily and find time to declutter your mind. Your personal wellness is as important as your company’s bottom line. Even if your office is at home, find ways to unplug from work and recharge by going for a walk or exercising to release some endorphins (your body’s natural feel-good chemical). Excessive stress is detrimental to your health. Remember that your business thrives only if you do.

6. Take advantage of free marketing tools.

Some free marketing tools such as Google My Business and social media can be used for marketing and promotion. Many businesses create Facebook peer groups to spread the word and interact with like-minded people.

A valuable lesson I learned was that having excellent marketing on a decent product or service is better than having little marketing on an excellent product or service. The more people who know of your company, the better. Moreover, this ties in with tip No. 2 about being frugal and doing more with less: If you can gain publicity for no cost, why not?

7. Find a mentor.

Having a mentor you can trust is a valuable asset. Whether you’re in a mastermind group or have stayed in touch with your former teachers or other business associates, guidance is always valuable. Work with someone who has climbed that very mountain you are trying to navigate to shorten your learning curve.

8. Don't be afraid of networking.

Don't be afraid to seek help. Most of us have contacts who can contribute to our success. I’m not saying you should call them up and immediately start pitching to them, but you can always meet them to catch up over coffee or a meal and see if there is any way that they’re able to help.

You could also start with LinkedIn, which was meant for business networking in the first place. A friendly greeting and introduction with no expectations of any outcome is all it takes to start a conversation with a stranger. It might seem unpleasant and awkward at first, but the more you do it, the easier it becomes. I believe your network is your net worth.

9. Be financially prepared.

Starting a business always costs more than anticipated. You can allocate part of your revenue into an emergency fund to prepare against unexpected financial emergencies. As a last resort, you might have to take loans or inject your own money into the business. However, always pinpoint the root cause of the financial problems and resolve them if they are within your scope of control. 

10. Invest in insurance.

Risk management is a major part of an entrepreneur’s work. Every decision carries its own risk, some of which are completely unpredictable. No one will ever be able to predict what could happen tomorrow, so you should spare no expense to keep your business and property protected. I've observed many business owners who regret not purchasing insurance, only after misfortune strikes and their bill comes due. Consult an insurer to find out how to protect yourself and your business. Your future self will be thankful that you did.

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How To Become a Successful Entrepreneur

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The way to success in business is challenging. What does it take to be a successful   entrepreneur ? Robert Kiyosaki, the famous American inventor ,businessman, the author of best-sellers Rich Dad Poor Dad ,Rich Dad’s Cashflow Quadrant, serves an inspiration for many people in the business world. Here are his top success principles .

First of all, Robert Kiyosaki thinks that the more you experience, the smarter you become. His life story proved this .He started several businesses and some of them went bankrupt. After the failure of his businesses he decided to make small investments into real estate and that experience made him a great real estate investor today.

Secondly, Kiyosaki strongly believes that the more you give ,the more you receive. If you create an excellent product for your customers , so in return they will buy more and become your customers. Robert Kiyosaki made a lot of money but he gave a lot of money to the world. According to him, what we think will determine the results in our life. When he was broke, he used this as an opportunity to learn and grow. The main thing you need to do is to change the way you think. As a result, your life will change too. “ Your biggest asset is you”, as Robert Kiyosaki said.

The rule of thumb in business is FOCUS which means Follow One Course Until Successful. That is what Kiyosaki did after a real estate investment seminar in 1997 and he followed it until he became successful. If you want to be rich , you have to stay focused until you achieve a result.

Kiyosaki also considers that hard times bring new opportunities. When things are tough, the economy will go down and there are a lot of opportunities for business. Robert made more money when the economy was in crisis.

Most famous entrepreneurs failed many times before they became successful. For example, the billionare entrepreneur Jack Ma failed his university entrance exams twice and was rejected from thirty jobs before he founded China’s most successful technology company Alibaba. That’s why it is very important to get over the failure if you want to succeed. As Robert Kiyosaki advised not to be afraid to lose.

One of the success lessons from Kiyosaki is to be financially educated. He believes that you have to equip yourself with the necessary financial education if you want to earn income in your business. In his books he teaches how to build passive income which makes you rich.

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Therefore, the key factor for success is to build and acquire assets that will give you passive income.”The Rich Dad company is getting stronger because every year we add more assets”, as Robert Kiyosaki admitted.

Another suggestion from Kiyosaki is to stop saving money and hedge it against inflation.

In his book Rich Dad Poor Dad he says that the rich do not work for money , they use their money to work for them. They work to acquire more assets which provide them with passive income .

Summing it up, if you follow these Robert Kiyosaki’s tips ,you are sure to succeed in your business. If you want to be financially educated, his best-seller Rich Dad Poor Dad is for you.

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Successful Entrepreneur: Main Characteristics Essay

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An Entrepreneur is a person who owns an enterprise; he/she manages the enterprise and assumes all the risks of that enterprise. “The difference between a successful entrepreneur and a failed one is that a successful entrepreneur is the one who lives in the future and is creative,” (Scarborough, 2003). They will always thrive on any change that is before him. When we relate this character to Bill, we see Bill as innovative and a good craftsman to the point of him being loved by the customers including Mr. Hugo.

There are some characteristics traits which make Bill to be a self confident man, this has been seen when the owner wants to give the control of the shop to Bill after he retires from the shop and he knows that Hugo Shop will prosper under the control of Bill. Bill is realistic, he accepts the management of Hugo shop because he knows the problems Mr. Hugo was going through in maintaining the shop and thus is in a position to deal with those problems if they arise. “Mr. Hugo and his wife found satisfaction in the symbol of success in their business and they wanted to continue that tradition of success with the shop; they are leaving the shop to Bill because he is the right candidate” (Scarborough, 2003).

There are some characteristic traits which can hinder Bill from succeeding in his new business. Firstly lack of planning, business planning is so important, “it requires one to analyze every business situation and problems which may occur in the day to day running of the business” (Scarborough, 2003), and it is through business planning that one is able to achieve set goals that you have set for your business. Secondly if Bill does not manage his money wisely he is bound to fail miserably because the lifeblood of any business is the cash flow. Bill needs to buy inventory and pay for the raw materials that are needed in the shop and at the same time he needs money to pay for his wages. Bill should be keen when handling money, he should make sure that the cash flow in the Hugo shop keep flowing and the bills are paid right on time because many business have wound up due to the owner negligence with the cash of the business.Bill should take everything seriously in order not to fail, but if he become lazy he will be easily be sidetracked by the business and he will no longer be motivated in the running of the business.

In order for Bill’s business to succeed he must take many things into consideration. Firstly, Bill should remember it is through the customers and not about the products or the services that he will be selling or the price that he will be selling his products, “but if the customer is satisfied, the business will succeed “(Moore 2005). Anything Bill will do to his business must be focused on customers including all the policies of the business and he can achieve this through advertising, “opening early and closing late than the normal business around that location and lastly he must be friendly to his customers” (Moore, 2005).

The terms of sales by Mr. Hugo were good because instead of being given a lump sum of money at a go. Mr. Hugo knew Bill was a hardworking man and he can turn the shop into a successful one when it is under Bill management, part of the profit which will be realized under Bill’s ownership will go directly to Mr. Hugo, with that he will have a say on the shop even if he retires.

Reference List

  • Moore, C.W. (2005). Small business management: an entrepreneurial emphasis . New York: Cengage Learning Publisher.
  • Scarborough, N.M. (2003). Effective small business management: an entrepreneurial approach . London: Prentice Hall Publisher.
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IvyPanda. (2021, December 26). Successful Entrepreneur: Main Characteristics. https://ivypanda.com/essays/successful-entrepreneur-main-characteristics/

"Successful Entrepreneur: Main Characteristics." IvyPanda , 26 Dec. 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/successful-entrepreneur-main-characteristics/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Successful Entrepreneur: Main Characteristics'. 26 December.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Successful Entrepreneur: Main Characteristics." December 26, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/successful-entrepreneur-main-characteristics/.

1. IvyPanda . "Successful Entrepreneur: Main Characteristics." December 26, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/successful-entrepreneur-main-characteristics/.


IvyPanda . "Successful Entrepreneur: Main Characteristics." December 26, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/successful-entrepreneur-main-characteristics/.

How to Inspire Entrepreneurial Thinking in Your Students

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T he world is in flux. The COVID-19 pandemic has touched every corner of the globe, profoundly impacting our economies and societies as well as our personal lives and social networks. Innovation is happening at record speed. Digital technologies have transformed the way we live and work.

At the same time, world leaders are collaborating to tackle the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals , which aim to address issues related to health, education, gender equality, energy, and more. Private sector leaders, too, are recognizing that it makes good business sense to be aware of corporations’ social and environmental impact.

So, how can we as educators prepare our students to succeed in this tumultuous and uncertain—yet hopeful and exhilarating—global environment? As the world changes, so do the skills students need to build their careers—and to build a better society. For students to acquire these evolving skills, we believe educators must help students develop an entrepreneurial mindset.

6 Ways You Can Inspire Entrepreneurial Thinking Among Your Students

An entrepreneurial mindset —attitudes and behaviors that encapsulate how entrepreneurs tend to think and act—enables one to identify and capitalize on opportunities, change course when needed, and view mistakes as an opportunity to learn and improve.

If a student decides to become an entrepreneur, an entrepreneurial mindset is essential. And for students who plan to join a company, nonprofit, or government agency, this mindset will enable them to become intrapreneurs —champions of innovation and creativity inside their organizations. It can also help in everyday life by minimizing the impact of failure and reframing setbacks as learning opportunities.

“As the world changes, so do the skills students need to build their careers—and to build a better society.”

Effective entrepreneurship professors are skilled at nurturing the entrepreneurial mindset. They, of course, have the advantage of teaching a subject that naturally demands students think in this way. However, as we will explore, much of what they do in their classroom is transferable to other subject areas.

We interviewed top entrepreneurship professors at leading global institutions to understand the pedagogical approaches they use to cultivate this mindset in their students. Here, we will delve into six such approaches. As we do, think about what aspects of their techniques you can adopt to inspire entrepreneurial thinking in your own classroom.

1. Encourage Students to Chart Their Own Course Through Project-Based Learning

According to Ayman Ismail, associate professor of entrepreneurship at the American University in Cairo, students are used to pre-packaged ideas and linear thinking. “Students are often told, ‘Here’s X, Y, Z, now do something with it.’ They are not used to exploring or thinking creatively,” says Ismail.

To challenge this linear pattern, educators can instead help their students develop an entrepreneurial mindset through team-based projects that can challenge them to identify a problem or job to be done, conduct market research, and create a new product or service that addresses the issue. There is no blueprint for students to follow in developing these projects, so many will find this lack of direction confusing—in some cases even frightening. But therein lies the learning.

John Danner, who teaches entrepreneurship at Princeton University and University of California, Berkeley, finds his students similarly inhibited at the start. “My students come in trying to understand the rules of the game,” he says. “I tell them the game is to be created by you.”

Danner encourages students to get comfortable navigating life’s maze of ambiguity and possibility and to let their personal initiative drive them forward. He tells them, “At best you have a flashlight when peering into ambiguity. You can shine light on the next few steps.”

In your classroom: Send students on an unstructured journey. Dive right in by asking them to identify a challenge that will hone their problem-finding skills and encourage them to work in teams to find a solution. Do not give them a blueprint.

For example, in our M²GATE virtual exchange program, we teamed US students with peers located in four countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. We asked them to identify a pressing social issue in MENA and then create a product or service to address it. One of the teams identified the high rate of youth unemployment in Morocco as an issue. They discovered that employers want workers with soft skills, but few schools provide such training. Their solution was a low-cost after-school program to equip students ages 8-16 with soft skills.

2. Help Students Think Broadly and Unleash Their Creativity

Professor Heidi Neck says her students at Babson College struggle with problem finding at the start of the entrepreneurial journey. “They are good at solving problems, but not as good at finding the problem to solve,” she explains. “For example, they know that climate change is a problem, and they’re interested in doing something about it, but they’re not sure what problem within that broad area they can focus on and find a market for.”

Professor Niko Slavnic, who teaches entrepreneurship at IEDC-Bled School of Management in Slovenia and the ESSCA School of Management in France, says he first invests time in teaching his students to unlearn traditional ways of thinking and unleash their creativity. He encourages students to get outside their comfort zones. One way he does this is by having them make paper airplanes and then stand on their desks and throw them. Many ask, “Should we do this? Is this allowed?” When his students start to question the rules and think about new possibilities, this indicates to Slavnic that they are primed for the type of creative exploration his course demands.

“When students start to question the rules and think about new possibilities, this indicates to Professor Niko Slavnic that they are primed for the type of creative exploration his course demands.”

In your classroom: Think about the concept of “unlearning.” Ask yourself if students are entering your class with rigid mindsets or attitudes based on rules and structures that you would like to change. For example, they may be coming into your classroom with the expectation that you, the instructor, have all the answers and that you will impart your wisdom to them throughout the semester. Design your course so that students spend more time than you do presenting, with you acting more as an advisor (the “guide on the side”).

3. Prompt Students to Take Bold Actions

Geoff Archer, an entrepreneurship professor at Royal Roads University in Canada, says Kolb’s theory of experiential learning underpins the entrepreneurial management curriculum he designed. Archer takes what he calls a “ready-fire-aim approach,” common in the startup world—he throws students right into the deep end. They are tasked with creating a for-profit business from scratch and operating it for a month. At the end of the semester, they must come up with a “pitch deck”—a short presentation providing potential investors with an overview of their proposed new business—and an investor-ready business plan.

This approach can be met with resistance, especially with mature learners. “They’re used to winning, and it’s frustrating and more than a bit terrifying to be told to do something without being given more structure upfront,” says Archer.

Professor Rita Egizii, who co-teaches with Archer, says students really struggled when instructed to get out and talk with potential customers about a product they were proposing to launch as part of their class project. “They all sat outside on the curb on their laptops. For them, it’s not normal and not okay to make small experiments and fail,” says Egizii.

Keep in mind that, culturally, the taboo of failure—even on a very small scale and even in the name of learning—can be ingrained in the minds of students from around the world.

The benefit of this permutation, explains Archer, is that students are writing plans based on actual experiences—in this case, customer interactions. Moving the starting blocks forward offers many benefits, including getting the students out of the classroom and out of their heads earlier, reminding them that the market’s opinion of their solution is far more important than their own. This also affords students more time to reflect and maximize the potential of their minimum viable product or experiment.

In your classroom: Invite students to bring their lived experiences and workplace knowledge into their studies. This can be just as powerful as the more famous exhortation to “get out of the classroom.” As Egizii sees it, “student-directed experiential learning provides a comfortable and relatable starting point from which they can then diverge their thinking.”

4. Show Students What They Can Achieve

For Eric Fretz, a lecturer at the University of Michigan, the key to launching his students on a successful path is setting the bar high, while at the same time helping them understand what is realistic to achieve. “You will never know if your students can jump six feet unless you set the bar at six feet,” he says.

His undergraduate students work in small teams to create a product in three months and generate sales from it. At the start of the semester, he typically sees a lot of grandiose ideas—a lot of “fluff and BS” as he calls it. Students also struggle with assessing the viability of their ideas.

To help, Fretz consults with each team extensively, filtering through ideas together until they can agree upon a feasible one that fulfills a real need. The real magic of his course is in the coaching and support he provides.

“People know when you’re investing in them and giving them your attention and energy,” Fretz says. He finds that coaching students in the beginning of the course helps assuage their concerns about embarking on an open-ended team project, while also supporting initiative and self-reliance.

In your classroom: Design ways to nudge your students outside their comfort zones, while also providing support. Like Fretz, you should set high expectations, but also adequately guide students.

5. Teach Students the Value of Changing Course

A key part of the entrepreneurial mindset is to be able to course-correct, learn from mistakes, and move on. Entrepreneurship professors position hurdles as learning opportunities. For example, Danner tells his students that his class is a laboratory for both aspiring and failing. He advises them to expect failure and think about how they are going to deal with it.

“A key part of the entrepreneurial mindset is to be able to course-correct, learn from mistakes, and move on.”

Ismail believes letting his students fail in class is the best preparation for the real world. He let one student team pursue a project for the entire semester around a product he knew had no potential. Two days before the end of the course, he told them as such. From his perspective, their frustration was the best learning experience they could have and the best training he could offer on what they will experience in real life. This reflects a key component of the entrepreneurial mindset— the ability to view mistakes as opportunities .

In your classroom: Build into your course some opportunities for students to make mistakes. Show them how mistakes are an opportunity to learn and improve. In entrepreneurship speak, this is called a “pivot.” Can you build in opportunities for students to face challenges and have to pivot in your course?

6. Communicate with Students Regularly to Establish New Ways of Thinking

Professor Neck realized that to nurture the entrepreneurial mindset in her students, she needed to provide them with opportunities to do so outside of class. She now encourages her students to establish a daily, reflective practice. She even designed a series of daily “mindset vitamins” that she sends to her students via the messaging platform WhatsApp. Students are not expected to reply to the messages, but rather to simply consume and absorb them.

Some messages relate specifically to entrepreneurship, such as: “How can you get started with nothing?” And others apply to life in general: “What has been your proudest moment in life so far? How can you create more moments like that? What did it feel like the last time you failed?”

In your classroom: Communicate with your students outside the classroom with messages that reinforce the mindset change you are seeking to achieve in your course. Social media and apps such as WhatsApp and Twitter make it easy to do so.

All Students Can Benefit from an Entrepreneurial Mindset

The COVID-19 pandemic has demonstrated that an entrepreneurial mindset is critical for addressing today’s problems. Adapting to risk, spotting opportunity, taking initiative, communicating and collaborating, being flexible, and problem solving—these are ways in which we have responded to the pandemic. And they’re all part of the entrepreneurial mindset. By instilling this way of thinking in our students, we will equip them to handle tomorrow’s challenges—as well as to identify and take advantage of future opportunities.

Thinking about which of these entrepreneurial approaches you can adopt in your own teaching may require you to redesign portions of your courses or even create a new course from scratch. We encourage you to be open to experimenting and trying out some of these ideas. Like the best entrepreneurs, don’t be afraid to fail.

Also, be open with your students. Let them know you are trying out some new things and solicit their feedback. If needed, you can always pivot your class and involve them in the exercise of co-creating something better together. In the process, you will also be modeling the entrepreneurial mindset for your students.

Amy Gillett

Amy Gillett is the vice president of education at the William Davidson Institute , a non-profit located at the University of Michigan. She oversees design and delivery of virtual exchanges, entrepreneurship development projects, and executive education programs. Over the past two decades, she has worked on a wide variety of global programs, including 10,000 Women , equipping over 300 Rwandan women with skills to scale their small businesses, and the NGO Leadership Workshops—one-week training programs held in Poland and Slovakia designed to enhance the managerial capability and sustainability of nongovernmental organizations in Central and Eastern Europe.

Kristin Babbie Kelterborn

Kristin Babbie Kelterborn co-leads the Entrepreneurship Development Center (EDC) at the William Davidson Institute. She collaborates with the EDC’s faculty affiliates to design and implement projects that support entrepreneurs in building and growing their businesses in low- and middle-income countries.

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Home / Essay Samples / Life / Career Goals / From Dream to Reality: My Path to Entrepreneurship

From Dream to Reality: My Path to Entrepreneurship

  • Category: Life , Business
  • Topic: Career Goals , Dream Career , Dream Job

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