A Guide to Roblox Text to Speech and its Alternatives

how to make a text to speech roblox

Step aside, silent avatars. Roblox characters have found their voice and are not afraid to use it! In this blog, we’re navigating through the exciting intricacies of Roblox text to speech, where your virtual persona can finally break the sound barrier. No longer confined to mere text bubbles, with text to speech, characters can audibly interact, making the gaming experience more immersive than ever before.

The introduction of Roblox text to speech has been nothing short of a game-changer (pun intended). Imagine going through Obbies, not just with the sound of your footsteps but also with your character cheering you on wouldn’t that be fun? Or think about a role-play scenario where your character can articulate its lines in human voices, adding an extra layer of realism.

Let’s not forget the accessibility benefits it brings players who have difficulty reading can now engage more fully with the game. So, if you’re ready to make your Roblox experience talk the talk, you’ve come to the right place.

Table of Contents

What does roblox text to speech do, resemble.ai, why choose murf text to speech software, wide variety and styles of voices, realism of voices, ability to add music, voice customization options.

How to do voice chat on Roblox - TechStory

Are you ready to turn your Roblox gameplay from a silent film into a blockbuster talkie? The nifty feature of Roblox text to speech takes the text you type and converts it into spoken words, allowing your avatar to communicate audibly within the game.

It’s not merely allowing your online Roblox avatar to say “Hello, world!” in a robotic tone. The applications are as limitless as your imagination. Game developers can use TTS to create interactive Roblox story lines where characters speak to you. For example, a mystery-thriller game where the clues are spoken, not written, adds that extra feeling of awe. Or an educational game where historical figures come to life, sharing their wisdom in their own unique voice.

In short, Roblox text to speech is your golden ticket to a more engaging, interactive, and downright entertaining gaming experience. It’s almost like adding a soundtrack to a movie. You could do without it, but why would you want to?

how to make a text to speech roblox

Top Alternatives to Roblox Text to Speech

Whether you’re a gamer, content creator, or someone interested in enhancing communication through text to speech technology , these alternatives can help you find the right solution for your needs.

VoxBox is here to steal the show! With a whopping 3200+ voices and 77+ languages, it won’t be wrong to call it a sea of voiceovers. And it’s not just for Roblox; you can use it on Wattpad, Twitch , and more. It’s got a user-friendly interface that even your grandma could navigate. And let’s talk about the price starting at $14.95 a month, it’s totally a steal! 

If VoxBox is the Swiss Army knife, then Resemble.AI is the lightsaber sleek, futuristic, and a little bit magical. This tool doesn’t just convert text to speech; it adds emotions to the voice like having a tiny AI Shakespeare in your pocket. For gamers, this means you can have a custom voice that sounds just like you, only cooler. 

If you’re looking for something that’s got the endorsement of big names like Pepsi, Notevibes is your jam. This tool is fast, converting your text to speech in the blink of an eye. With 221 male and female voices to choose from, it’s like a choir at your fingertips. 

Synthesys is nothing short of Tesla in the text to speech department innovative, stylish, and a little bit disruptive. It’s cloud-based so you can access it from anywhere in the world. It doesn’t just stop at voiceovers; you can create commercials , a sales video, animations, and even podcasts . The reviews are in, and people are calling it revolutionary.

Make way for the Rolls Royce of voiceover tech Murf AI. While not a direct alternative to Roblox TTS, it operates on a similar text to speech technology and offers a range of realistic voices . Ideal for creating game trailers or YouTube reviews related to your Roblox world, Murf brings studio-quality voices right to your fingertips.

Picture creating an audiobook with Roblox stories or a trailer for your fantastic new Roblox game with a voiceover that sounds like it was recorded in a professional studio by trained voice artists. That’s the level of quality the Murf platform brings to the table without all the traditional hassles.

So whether you’re looking to add some personality to your Roblox character or go full-on Hollywood, these Roblox text to speech alternatives offer something for everyone. 

Murf AI - AI Text to Speech Tool - Create Realistic Audio & Speech

If you’re a content creator who’s into Roblox but wants to take your audio game to the next level, Murf is your backstage pass to the VIP lounge of voiceovers. While it may not directly plug into Roblox, it’s a surefire way to create compelling YouTube reviews, game trailers, or other content. Here are some of the features that make the tool a cut above the rest. 

Looking for a smorgasbord of voice options? Murf is your personal buffet. It offers over 120 human like voices in more than 20 languages and accents, including British, American, Dutch , and Arabic. Whether you’re in the mood for a sultry French narrator or an energetic Australian commentator, Murf has got you covered.

Forget the robotic monotones; Murf’s voices are as real as it gets. It’s like having Morgan Freeman narrate your life, but you get to pick who your Morgan Freeman is. The realism is so uncanny you might just forget it’s AI.

With Murf, you can add background music to your projects. It lets you become the director of your own film but without the stress of handling a crew. Just pick a tune from the 8000+ royalty-free soundtrack library and let Murf do the rest.

If you’re the perfection type, Murf’s got you covered. Adjust the pitch and speed, and add pauses where you like. You can control the modulations in Murf’s voices down to the last detail.

So, if you’re ready to elevate your Roblox content from good to “Oh my god, is that really an AI talking?” then it’s time to give Murf a whirl. Try Murf for free and experience the AI magic yourself.

how to make a text to speech roblox

How do I enable the text to speech feature in Roblox?

Text to speech in Roblox is generally enabled by default. All you have to do is jump into the game, use the chat to type your messages, and voila! The TTS system will read them out loud for everyone in the game to hear. No fuss, no muss! If it’s not enabled, you’ll find the toggle to do so in the settings.

Can I customize the voices for different characters in Roblox?

Roblox’s built-in TTS doesn’t currently offer the option to assign distinct voices to different in-game characters. It’s a one-voice-fits-all kind of deal. But hey, you can always use external TTS software to spice things up!

What types of interactions can benefit from text to speech in Roblox?

Text to speech can enhance user engagement in role-playing scenarios, make in-game announcements more dynamic, and even assist players with impairments. Imagine being in a treasure hunt game, and the clues are read out loud, adding more excitement to your adventure. The possibilities are truly endless!

Can I use different accents and tones with Roblox’s text to speech?

While the idea of having your Roblox character speak in a British accent or a Southern drawl is charming, the built-in TTS feature doesn’t offer different accents or tones. You can always turn to a third-party TTS software that provides a variety of accents and tones. 

You should also read:

how to make a text to speech roblox

10 Best Free Text to Speech Software of 2024

how to make a text to speech roblox

Phonemes and their Role in Text to Speech Pronunciation

how to make a text to speech roblox

8 Essential Features Every Good Text to Speech Software Must Have

How to create a voice over in Roblox

Table of contents.

Want to make Roblox-related content? Learn all about voice over Roblox options to bring your gaming experience to life.

Adding voice overs to video games can make the experience more fun for its users. This is especially true for Roblox. By using a voice over while making game content, you can bring it to life, add depth to the characters and create an engaging Roblox story limited only by your imagination.

Many will use voice overs to create Roblox-themed content on YouTube and other platforms. In this article, you’ll learn how to activate the Roblox voice chat while playing Roblox, as well as how to use custom-created voices using text to speech technology for voice overs.

What is Roblox?

Roblox is a gaming platform that has been steadily increasing in popularity. It has over 52 million users daily, with a core demographic of children under 12 years old. However, the reason for Roblox’s popularity is that it isn’t like other games. It combines the elements of gaming and social media and creates a virtual world where gamers can make their own personalized spaces using Robux, a virtual in-game currency.

Because of Roblox’s highly social elements, many players use voice chat to network, discuss gaming strategies, and connect on other platforms, such as TikTok . These aspects improve the Roblox experience for verified players looking to connect. Players also have access to a variety of games and even create their own through tutorials.

How to enable voice chat

Voice chat remains one of the most interactive features for playing and networking in any Roblox game. However, you’ll need to make sure that this setting is enabled before you can use it. Bear in mind that a Roblox account is also necessary. To enable voice chat, first log in (you can do so using a QR code) and follow the steps below:

Open Roblox and select the cog icon.

Navigate to your “Account Settings” from the dropdown menu.

If you haven’t already, fill out the “Verify My Age” option.

Once the Age Verification process is complete, click on the Privacy Tab.

This will take you to the privacy settings, where you can toggle on voice chat for the game.

Once the toggle is turned on, it will become green. This indicates that your account can use voice chat. To start speaking in a Roblox game, you can click on the mic bubble that appears on the gameplay screen to both activate and deactivate it.


Unfortunately, there are some limitations to using voice chat in Roblox games. That’s because not all of the games on the platform support voice chat. It’s up to the developer of the game and not the platform itself to determine if they want voice chat to be an available feature.

Roblox has also announced that the spatial voice feature is only available to users that are age verified and over 13 years old. Many Roblox users are young. The verification is a precautionary measure to protect an impressionable audience from potentially toxic players that also play Roblox and may escape the view of admins. It requires some form of identification such as an ID card or a passport picture.

Users also have to have adequate technology to effectively use voice chat on Roblox games. An input device microphone is necessary, and a headset/microphone combo is suggested to take advantage of the voice chat feature.

Another limitation is that the voice chat with Roblox does not have cross-platform compatibility. Players can chat and speak with each other, but they aren’t able to use this feature with others across gaming platforms and networks.

Text to speech technology

If you want to make the best Roblox voiceovers for content, you’ll need a text to speech voiceover software. Many gamers also make Roblox animations to create original Roblox-themed videos. Here are some software platforms you can use.

Play.ht is a voice-over creator that puts the user experience first. It has a convenient interface that makes it easy to create customized voices, and all the options are readily available. The platform is popularly used for eLearning , but many also use it for other types of content. It offers multiple pricing plans that cater to different needs, making it an affordable option.

Many use Murf AI as an appropriate software for speech synthesis and voiceovers. The platform has been around for quite some time, and users have access to many different voices created by artificial intelligence. The downside is that the voices available for Murf AI can sometimes sound robotic and unnatural.


This is an AI-powered text to speech tool that allows users to create realistic-sounding voices from the text. The tool uses deep learning algorithms to analyze and synthesize audio data, allowing users to create custom voices for various types of content. However, Resemble.ai has a lack of emotional range, making the voices sound somewhat unnatural sometimes.

Speechify Voice Over Studio

If you’re a Roblox player or developer, Speechify Voice Over Studio can be a useful tool for enhancing your game experience. With Speechify, you can access over 200 realistic voice options and customize the speed, tone, and pauses in the narration to match the tone and style of your game. This could be useful for adding voiceovers to cutscenes, tutorials , or other game elements that require audio narration.

Additionally, Speechify supports over 20 languages and accents, which could be beneficial for reaching a global audience. Whether you’re a solo developer or a team of creators, Speechify’s AI-powered technology can help you create professional-sounding voiceovers quickly and efficiently. So if you’re looking to add some audio narration to your Roblox game, consider trying out Speechify Voice Over Studio for a high-quality and customized solution.

Can Roblox collect data from my voice chat being activated?

Roblox has announced that it will not collect or sell data from voice chats, text chats, or account info. However, if the idea still makes you uncomfortable, you can avoid turning on voice chat altogether when playing Roblox games.

Can I report players that are abusing the voice chat?

Yes, you can report them by using the “Report Abuse” option or contacting Roblox customer support.

How do I know if a Roblox game supports voice chat?

All Roblox games that support voice chat will have a microphone option next to them in the “Games” tab.

Can I mute specific players during voice chat on Roblox?

Yes, you can mute certain players on Roblox by selecting their username and then clicking on the “Mute” option.

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Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman

Cliff Weitzman is a dyslexia advocate and the CEO and founder of Speechify, the #1 text-to-speech app in the world, totaling over 100,000 5-star reviews and ranking first place in the App Store for the News & Magazines category. In 2017, Weitzman was named to the Forbes 30 under 30 list for his work making the internet more accessible to people with learning disabilities. Cliff Weitzman has been featured in EdSurge, Inc., PC Mag, Entrepreneur, Mashable, among other leading outlets.

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âšĄïž Introducing Rapid Voice Cloning

Voice Cloning

Record or Upload your voice data to create your AI Voice.

Speech to Speech

Realtime speech-to-speech voice conversion.

Build your synthetic voices in 60+ languages.

Neural Audio Editing

Audio Editing made simple with synthetic voices

Programmatically build content with your synthetic voices.

Start Building Your Voice

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Conversational AI Bots

Real-time Custom Voices for your AI Assistant

Realtime text-to-speech to bring your game characters to life


Learn how our custom voice cloning solution is used in TV and Movies.


Create dynamic ads with familiar voices.

Call Centers

Increase call volume, and augment your agents with synthetic voices.

Create AI Audiobooks with Resemble AI’s Audiobook Narrator Voices

Our ethical statement and guidelines for usage.

Case Studies and Development Thoughts from our team.

Neural Text to Speech and Custom Voices with Roblox

Give your game characters real human voices so they can tell their inspiring stories and captivate players.

Create with AI Voices and Roblox

  • Personalize your Voice AI with dynamically generated speech that blends right in.
  • Create hundreds of virtual characters, all with their unique AI voices.
  • Plug and play with our real-time API for fast speech generation.

Build Voices that Fit into your Character

Unique characters require identifiable voices. Resemble’s core Cloning engine makes it easy for developers to build voices and programmatically control them through the API or within Unity.

Upload Raw Audio*

If you already have audio from a Voice Talent that you’d like to bring on to our platform, we provide one-click upload functionality to clone speech from any given audio.

* You must provide valid consent from the voice talent in the file you upload.

An API that fits your Workflow

Rapidly build production-ready integrations with modern tools. Use Resemble’s API to fetch existing content, create new clips and even build voices on the fly.

Clone your voice in 23 languages with 30sec audio in < 1 min.


AI Voice Generator


Text To Speech


Voice cloning






Speech to Text


Script Editor




Video Tools

AI Voice Generator

Social Media


Speak Up With Roblox Text To Speech Converter

No mic? No problem! Our Roblox Text To Speech tool empowers you to communicate and express yourself freely in your favorite games.

Get Started With Roblox AI Voice

Crystal Clear Audio

Enjoy crisp, high-fidelity audio with Wavel AI Roblox text to speech converter, which ensures every message comes through loud and clear. No more muffled voices or frustrating misunderstandings—just seamless communication for a more enjoyable gameplay experience.

Text To Speech

Customised Audio Delivery

Wavel AI isn't just about replicating speech. The AI editor customizes each element of your speech, from speed to tone, and makes sure it resonates entirely with your choices. With Roblox text to speech, you get to explore a whole different gaming world.

Text To Speech

70+ Languages to Game in

Language should not be a barrier to gaming. That’s why we provide 70+ languages, so your gamer friends won’t get bored of flat, tiring voices. Enjoy the gaming experience with Wavel AI Roblox text to speech converter.

Chat Like a True Robloxian with Roblox Text to Speech!

Make your Roblox adventures roar with Roblox text to speech converter! Type your message and hear it come alive in a fun, robotic voice, use this iconic voice in your games. Jump in and try it out for free - it's the perfect way to add some extra fun and interactivity to your gameplay!

How to Use Roblox Text to Speech Converter.

Sign up or log in to your Wavel AI account. Then, upload your text file or write directly in the textbox of Roblox text to speech converter.

You can pick your language, emotion, and voice for the speech or clone a personalized voice by uploading a sample in our “voice cloning tool.”

You can now download this customized audio by clicking on "Download." The file will be saved on your device.


70+ Languages & Accents: Find the Perfect Text To Speech AI Voice

Make your content accessible and inclusive with customizable text to speech AI voices. Select from 70+ languages and accents to find your perfect fit.


  American English


  UK English


  Indian English






  Spanish Mexican



Looking for language and accent options? We've covered you with our English to Spanish, Chinese to French offerings.














 Spanish Mexican




Use Roblox Text To Speech and Make Your Game Pop!

1. Breathe Life into Roleplay Scenarios:

Take your roleplay games to the next level with the power of voice acting! Imagine a restaurant owner whose menu comes alive when read aloud by our Text To Speech app, or a police officer barking orders in a clear, authoritative voice. Every interaction becomes more immersive and engaging for players of all ages.

2. Communicate In-Game Announcements:

Clear and engaging communication is critical to a well-designed Roblox game. Use our  roblox text to speech online tool to create informative announcements that grab players' attention. Imagine a tutorial narrated by a friendly voice guide or in-game alerts delivered with a touch of urgency, all powered by our natural-sounding Text To Speech technology.

3. Host Interactive Story Games:

Storytelling games thrive on captivating narratives. Wavel AI Roblox text-to-speech online tool lets you transform your written story prompts into engaging voice narration, guiding players through your interactive adventure. Imagine a spooky haunted house story narrated in a chilling whisper or a sci-fi adventure propelled forward by a robotic voice delivering mission objectives. The possibilities are endless!

4. Create Playful Minigames with Voice Activated Challenges:

Make your minigames even more interactive with voice-activated challenges. Imagine a memory game where players must repeat back instructions delivered by the best  roblox text to speech online or a trivia game where questions are posed and answers are delivered vocally. This adds a new layer of engagement and keeps players on their toes.

5. Make Educational Roblox Games More Engaging:

Learning can be fun, and  Roblox Text To Speech can help! Use our tool to create educational games where players learn through interactive voice prompts. Imagine a history game where historical figures come to life by speaking their famous quotes, or a science game where complex concepts are explained in a clear and engaging voice.

6. Add Personality to Your Obby with Encouraging or Taunting Voice Messages:

Obby courses are all about challenge, but a little voice chat can go a long way. Use Roblox Text To Speech tool to create encouraging messages for players who are making progress, or playful taunts for those who keep falling. This adds a layer of personality and keeps players motivated to conquer your course.

7. Design Interactive Shops with Voice Activated Sales Pitches:

Make shopping in your Roblox game a truly immersive experience! Use Roblox Text To Speech tool to create voice activated sales pitches for your virtual shops. Imagine a clothing store where each outfit boasts a unique voice description, or a weapon shop where the weapons themselves "speak" their features and benefits.

8. Host Live Events with Engaging Voice:

Take your Roblox events to the next level with live voice commentary powered by Roblox Text To Speech app. Imagine a concert where the music is accompanied by dynamic voice descriptions, or a game show where the host delivers exciting commentary using our customizable voice options.

9. Create Choose Your Own Adventure Games with Voice-Guided Options:

Adventure games are all about player choice. Wavel AI Roblox Text To Speech tool lets you create branching narratives where players are presented with different options delivered in a clear and engaging voice. This adds depth and replayability to your Roblox game, as players explore the various paths their choices unfold.

10. Let Players Record Character Voices and Personalize Their Experience (Optional):

For a truly unique experience, consider offering an optional feature where players can record their own voices for their characters (with parental permission for younger players). Roblox Text To Speech tool can then integrate these recordings, allowing players to personalize their voice chat and add another layer of immersion to their Roblox adventure.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Does Roblox have Text To Speech?

Roblox doesn't currently offer built in Text to Speech functionality. However, Wavel AI lets you convert text into speeches and use it on Roblox or wherever you want. 

   2. How do you talk to text on Roblox?

While Roblox doesn't have native Text To Speech, Wavel AI bridges the gap. Simply upload or copy paste the texts in our text box, and convert them into speeches by choosing languages, emotions, and voice. Generate the audio file and use it directly in your gaming. 

    3. Is Wavel’s  Roblox text to speech free to use?

Yes, Wavel AI offers free trials of our text to speech tool, where you can use your credits to convert text into speeches, explore different features of the tool, like AI editor and use these audios wherever you want.

    4. Is  Roblox voice chat OK for kids?

Roblox voice chat can be fun for kids to connect and play together. However, it's essential to be aware of potential safety concerns. Our Text-to-Speech tool offers a safer alternative, eliminating the risk of exposure to inappropriate language or strangers through voice chat. It allows clear communication while maintaining a layer of safety for younger players.

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Customizing In-Experience Text Chat

The in-experience text chat system powered by TextChatService allows users to easily communicate and socialize with each other in live experiences. In addition to supporting the default text chat, you can customize the front-end user interface (UI) to improve your user engagement and immersion.

Chat Window Configuration

You can toggle appearance of the chat window and input bar in one of two ways:

Directly in Studio by toggling the Enabled property of the service's ChatWindowConfiguration and ChatInputBarConfiguration children.

how to make a text to speech roblox

Through scripting, from a LocalScript within StarterPlayerScripts .

By default, when enabling both the chat window and the chat bar, the chat bar attaches to the chat window on the UI. You can obtain their read-only properties on their positions and sizes and use them to calculate the total size of the combination:

  • ChatWindowConfiguration.AbsolutePosition
  • ChatWindowConfiguration.AbsoluteSize
  • ChatInputBarConfiguration.AbsolutePosition
  • ChatInputBarConfiguration.AbsoluteSize

Chat Window Customization

You can customize the default chat window to match your experience's UI layout, design, and style by using the following properties in Studio:

Emoji and Command Autocomplete

By default, the text chat system shows autocomplete options for emojis and commands :

  • Emojis are autocompleted by typing : followed by non-whitespace characters.
  • Commands are autocompleted by typing / .

If you want to disable the autocomplete behavior, set the AutocompleteEnabled property to false through Studio UI or scripting.

Customizing Message Appearance

You can customize the appearance of chat message bodies and prefixes using rich text tags and TextChatService.OnIncomingMessage callbacks without overriding the existing UI. The customization options let you modify the appearance of chat messages to match your experience's theme, and you can also sort or highlight messages from different user groups by adding chat tags and coloring usernames .

You should only define TextChatService.OnIncomingMessage once in the source code. Multiple bindings might override one another in an unpredictable manner.

Adding Chat Tags

If your experience has users with special attributes like VIP status, you can attach chat tags wrapped in brackets to the front of user messages to highlight their chat messages. The following LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts examines all Player instances representing users in your experience and appends VIP chat tags for those with the IsVIP attribute.

VIP users' chat tags

Coloring Usernames

When a user sends a chat message, their username displays as the prefix portion of the message. By default, each user's name is colored according to their TeamColor but you can change the colors of chat usernames using TextChatService.OnIncomingMessage and font color tags . The following LocalScript in StarterPlayerScripts assigns a predetermined color to each user, picking randomly from a table of RGB colors.

Customizing Translated Messages

By default, Roblox automatically translates text chat messages based on users' language settings. To apply message customizations to translated messages, use the TextChatMessage.Translation property. The following example, a Script in ReplicatedStorage with its Enum.RunContext property as Client , sets the font color of translated messages to the same color as untranslated messages.

Displaying System Messages

Through TextChannel:DisplaySystemMessage() , you can display a system-like message, useful for greeting users or alerting them when an in-experience event is happening.

Adding Chat Bubbles

In addition to displaying messages on the chat window, you can add and customize chat bubbles above user avatars and NPC characters for immersive engagement. For more information, see Bubble Chat .

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How to Get Voice Chat on Roblox

Verify your age and enable voice chat in your Roblox account settings

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In This Article

Jump to a Section

  • Enabling Voice Chat
  • Using Voice Chat
  • How Does Voice Chat Work?

What to Know

  • First, verify your age. Log in to the Roblox website and go to Settings > Account Info > Verify My Age .
  • Then, on the Roblox website, go to Settings > Privacy > Use microphone to chat with voice > Enable .
  • Launch a game and tap the microphone icon above your head to turn it on and begin chatting.

This article explains how to get voice chat on Roblox. The instructions apply to all platforms.

How to Enable Voice Chat in Roblox

Regardless of which platform you want to play on, you'll need to use your smartphone to verify your age before you can enable chat. You must provide a government-issued ID (such as a passport or driver's license) showing you are at least 13 years old.

Here's how to get Roblox voice chat:

If you have already verified your age on Roblox, skip ahead to step 7.

On the Roblox website, select the Settings gear and choose Settings .

In the Account Info tab, select Verify My Age .

If you're using a computer, use your smartphone to scan the QR code to open the Roblox age verification app.

On your phone, tap Begin verifying , select your country, and then choose the type of documentation you plan to provide.

When prompted, allow permission for the app to access your device's camera.

Follow the instructions to scan your ID. You'll need to take pictures of the front and back. You'll then be asked to take a selfie. If successful, you'll see a confirmation message.

Go to the Roblox website and log in if you need to, then select the Settings gear and choose Settings .

Select Privacy .

Select the Use microphone to chat with voice toggle.

Select Enable .

The Use microphone to chat with voice toggle should now be turned on. You can close the browser and start chatting in Roblox.

For more animated conversations, turn on Use camera to animate your avatar with your movement .

Using Roblox Voice Chat

The next time you launch a game on Roblox, you'll see a microphone icon above your character's head. It should be off by default. Other players with voice chat enabled will have the same icon.

Tap this icon to turn it on and start talking. Anyone close to your character will be able to hear you.

You may be prompted to allow permission for Roblox to access your device's microphone and camera if you haven't already.

How Does Roblox Voice Chat Work?

Roblox supports spatial voice chat, which means that players nearby in the game can hear each other talk as if they were having a real-life conversation. Roblox voice chat is especially useful in fast-paced games that require communication. The downside is that voice chats are not moderated, but you can mute other players by tapping the microphone icon above their heads.

If you have kids, set up Roblox parental controls to limit how your child can talk to others on Roblox.

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Saving TextChannel while speaking in it

So I create a new TextChannel and give myself access to the TextChannel using AddUserAsync but when I do the Slash Command to speak in it, it doesn’t save like how /t does and requires me to type the command every time.

Example when I do /t:

the only way to fix this is make custom textbox for textchatservice

You can overwrite default textbox with your own textbox by using ChatInputBarConfiguraiton.TextBox=path.to.your.textbox


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  20. Saving TextChannel while speaking in it

    So I create a new TextChannel and give myself access to the TextChannel using AddUserAsync but when I do the Slash Command to speak in it, it doesn't save like how /t does and requires me to type the command every time. Example when I do /t: Example when I do /admin: