Kim Nam-joon BTS 2018 United Nations Speech Transcript

Kim Nam-joon BTS 2018 United Nations Speech Transcript

Kim Nam-joon, the leader of the K-pop band BTS, gave a speech at the United Nations on September 24, 2018. Read the transcript of the speech remarks here.

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namjoon speech

Kim Nam-joon: ( 00:10 ) Thank you, Mr. Secretary General, UNICEF Executive Director, and all the Excellencies and distinguished guests from across the world. My name is Kim Nam-joon, also known as RM, the leader of the group BTS. It’s an incredible honor to be invited to an occasion with such significance for today’s young generation. Last November, BTS launched the Love Myself campaign with UNICEF, building on our belief that true love first begins with loving myself.

Kim Nam-joon: ( 00:41 ) We have been partnering with UNICEFs #ENDviolence program to protect children and young people all over the world from violence. Our fans have become a major part of this campaign with their action and with their enthusiasm. We truly have the best fans in the world.

Kim Nam-joon: ( 01:01 ) I would like to begin by talking about myself. I was born in Ilsan, a city near Seoul, South Korea. It’s a really beautiful place, with a lake, hills, and even an annual flower festival. I spent a very happy childhood there, and I was just an ordinary boy. I used to look up at the night sky in wonder, and I used to dream the dreams of a boy. I used to imagine that I was a superhero who could save the world.

Kim Nam-joon: ( 01:35 ) In an intro to one of our early albums, there is a line that says, my heart stopped when I was maybe nine or ten. Looking back, I think that’s when I began to worry about what other people thought of me and started seeing myself through their eyes. I stopped looking up at the night skies, the stars. I stopped daydreaming. Instead, I just tried to jam myself into the moulds that other people made. Soon, I began to shut out my own voice and started to listen to the voices of others. No one called out my name, and neither did I. My heart stopped and my eyes closed shut. So, like this, I, we, all lost our names. We became like ghosts.

Kim Nam-joon: ( 02:38 ) But I had one sanctuary, and that was music. There was a small voice in me that said, “Wake up, man, and listen to yourself.” But it took me quite a long time to hear music calling my real name. Even after making the decision to join BTS, there were a lot hurdles. Some people might not believe, but most people thought we were hopeless. And sometimes, I just wanted to quit. But I think I was very lucky that I didn’t give it all up. And I’m sure that I, and we, will keep stumbling and falling like this.

Kim Nam-joon: ( 03:22 ) BTS has become artists performing in those huge stadiums and selling millions of albums right now, but I am still an ordinary 24-year-old guy. If there’s anything that I’ve achieved, it was only possible, that I have my other BTS members right by my side, and because of the love and support that our ARMY fans all over the world made for us. Maybe I made a mistake yesterday, but yesterday’s me is still me. Today, I am who I am with all my faults and my mistakes. Tomorrow, I might be a tiny bit wiser, and that’ll be me too. These faults and mistakes are what I am, making up the brightest stars in the constellation of my life. I have come to love myself for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become.

Kim Nam-joon: ( 04:33 ) I would like to say one last thing. After releasing our Love Yourself albums and launching the Love Myself campaign, we started to hear remarkable stories from our fans all over the world, how our message helped them overcome their hardships in life and start loving themselves. Those stories constantly remind us of our responsibility. So, let’s all take one more step. We have learned to love ourselves, so now I urge you to speak yourself.

Kim Nam-joon: ( 05:13 ) I’d like to ask all of you, what is your name? What excites you and makes your heart beat? Tell me your story. I want to hear your voice, and I want to hear your conviction. No matter who you are, where you’re from, your skin color, your gender identity, just speak yourself. Find your name and find your voice by speaking yourself.

Kim Nam-joon: ( 05:47 ) I’m Kim Nam-joon, and also RM of BTS. I’m an idol and I’m an artist from a small town in Korea. Like most people, I’ve made many and plenty mistakes in my life. I have many faults and I have many more fears, but I am going to embrace myself as hard as I can, and I’m starting to love myself gradually, just little by little. What is your name? Speak yourself. Thank you very much.

Speaker 2: ( 06:25 ) Thank you very much. With so many young fans around the world, it was a pleasure having BTS with us, and I’m thankful that you use your platform and creativity to reach young audiences with positive messages about what it means to be a young person in the world today.

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Watch BTS Address the United Nations With an Emotional Speech About Self-Acceptance

By Christian Allaire


South Korean group BTS, the K-pop phenomenon with an impeccably coordinated fashion sense , attended a meeting focused on youth issues at the United Nations in New York City today, where they took to the podium to deliver a speech about their “Love Myself” campaign, in partnership with UNICEF, which launched last year and is aimed toward ending violence against children and teenagers. Though Kim Namjoon, better known as RM, delivered the speech on behalf of the group, his fellow six band members—V, Suga, Jin, Jungkook, Jimin, J-Hope—all joined him at the mic, delivering a unified speech about finding self-acceptance that is now going viral on the Internet.

In the six-minute speech, Namjoon specifically spoke of his upbringing in Ilsan, South Korea, and how he struggled to find his true passion and identity while growing up. “I would look up at the night sky and wonder . . . I used to imagine I was a superhero who could save the world,” he said. “In the intro to one of our old songs, there’s a line that says my heart stopped when I was maybe 9 or 10. Looking back, that is when I began to worry about what other people thought of me and started seeing myself through their eyes.”

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He continued, “I stopped looking up at the night sky, the stars. I stopped daydreaming. Instead, I tried to jam myself into the other molds that other people made. Soon, I began to shut out my own voice and listen to the voice of others. No one called out my name and neither did I. My heart stopped and my eyes closed shut. Like this, I—we—all lost our names. We became like ghosts. But I had one sanctuary, and that was music.”

BTS fans quickly reacted to the speech on Twitter, where many thanked the group for sharing the message about self-confidence and self-acceptance. Namjoon specifically spoke of the success of the “Love Myself” campaign with his fans, saying he has heard remarkable stories from “all over the world.” The message is not a new idea for BTS, either—they have released several “Love Yourself” albums, all promoting the same idea.

Below, see more of the best soundbites from his speech.

“Even after the decision of joining BTS, there were a lot of hurdles . . . Most people thought we were hopeless, and sometimes I just wanted to quit. Anything that I’ve achieved, it was only possible that I had my other BTS members right by my side, and because of the love and support that our Army fans all over the world made for us.”

“Yesterday’s me is still me. Today, I am who I am with all of my faults and my mistakes.”

“I have come to love myself for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become.”

“I’d like to ask all of you: What is your name? What excites you and makes your heart beat? Tell me your story. I want to hear your voice and I want to hear your conviction. No matter who you are, where you’re from, your skin color, your gender identity—just speak yourself.”

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Bts heartfelt message to young people at unga, from feeling alone to feeling hopeless, they shared their struggles during covid-19 to remind us what binds us. full speech here..


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K-pop band and UNICEF supporters BTS deliver a video message at a high-level side event at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, “Protraction of the COVID-19 Crisis: Mitigating the Impact and Protecting Future Generations.” BTS LOVE MYSELF campaign supports UNICEF’s #ENDviolence campaign.

RM. My name is RM, the leader of the group BTS. Two years ago here, I asked your name. I urged you to let me hear your voice. And I let myself be filled with imagination. As a boy from the small city of Ilsan in Korea, as a young man standing at the U.N. General Assembly, as a global citizen of this world, I imagined the limitless possibilities before all of us, my heart beating with excitement. But COVID-19 was beyond my imagination. Our world tour was canceled, all our plans went awry, and I became alone. I looked up but couldn’t see the stars at night.

JIMIN. I felt hopeless. Everything fell apart. I could only look outside my window, I could only go to my room. Yesterday, I was singing and dancing with fans around the world, and now my world had shrunk to a room. And then, my friends took my hand. We comforted each other and talked about what we could do together.

SUGA. Life became simple, maybe for the first time. It was a precious time, unwanted but welcome. I’m used to an entire world shrinking in an instant. When I’m on tour, I stand in bright lights and loud cheers, but at night back in my room my world becomes only a few paces wide. The room itself was small, but my world and our world reached far and wide. In this world we had our instruments, our phones and our fans.

V. But this time it felt different. It felt lonelier and smaller. Why? I thought for a long time. I thought, maybe because it became harder to imagine. I was frustrated and depressed, but I took notes, wrote songs, and thought about who I was. I thought, “If I give up here, then I’m not the star of my life.” “This is what an awesome person would do.”

j-hope I don’t know who was first. We embraced all these emotions and the seven of us began to make music together. This is where the music came from, and this made us honest. Our lives are unpredictable. We don’t know all the answers. I knew where I wanted to go, but not how I could get there. All I did to get here was trust ourselves, and do my best, and love what I do.

JIN I found again the people I love. The other members, my family, my friends. I found the music I love, and I found myself. Thinking about the future and trying hard are all important. But cherishing yourself, encouraging yourself and keeping yourself happy is the most important. In a world of uncertainty, we must cherish the importance of “me,” “you” and “us”. That’s the message of “Love Myself” we talked about for three years, It’s the message in the lyrics of our song Dynamite: “I’m diamond, you know I glow up”.

JUNG KOOK One night we were working together. Namjoon said he couldn’t see the stars any more, but I saw my face reflected in the window. I saw all of our faces. Our songs became the stories we wanted to tell each other. We live in uncertainty, but really, nothing’s changed. If there’s something I can do, if our voices can give strength to people, then that’s what we want and that’s what we’ll keep on doing.

RM When I start feeling lost, I remember my face in the window, like Jung Kook said. I remember the words I spoke here two years ago. “Love yourself, speak yourself”. Now more than ever, we must try to remember who we are, and face who we are. We must try to love ourselves, and imagine the future. BTS will be there with you. Our tomorrow may be dark, painful, difficult. We might stumble or fall down. Stars shine brightest when the night is darkest. If the stars are hidden, we’ll let moonlight guide us. If even the moon is dark, let our faces be the light that helps us find our way. Let’s Reimagine our world. We’re huddled together tired, but let’s dream again. Let’s dream about a future when our worlds can break out of our small rooms again. It might feel like it’s always night and we’ll always be alone, But the night is always darkest before the first light of dawn.

ALL Life goes on. Let’s live on.

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With Third Appearance at the United Nations General Assembly, BTS Continue to Act as a Global Force For Good

The seven-member Korean group addressed the United Nations general assembly and performed "Permission To Dance"

With Third Appearance at the United Nations General Assembly, BTS Continue to Act as a Global Force For Good

In September of 2018, a 24-year old Kim Namjoon of BTS (often known by his stage name RM) stood before the United Nations General Assembly and delivered a speech in partnership with UNICEF, notecards held in shaky hands. The speech was in English, and the leader of the seven-member Korean group concluded by saying: “I have many faults and I have many more fears, but I am going to embrace myself as hard as I can, and I’m starting to love myself gradually, just little by little. What is your name? Speak yourself.”

Things have changed a bit since then — BTS addressed the UN again virtually in 2020 with all the members giving remarks almost entirely in Korean; today (September 20th), all seven members (RM, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, V, Jimin, and Jungkook) addressed the assembly in person, and in their native language via translator.

This 2021 address is also markedly different in that BTS’ introduction came from South Korean President Moon Jae-in, who recently appointed BTS as the Special Presidential Envoy for Future Generations and Culture. “The next speakers to the podium [are] probably the artists most loved by people around the world,” he said, a description difficult to dispute when nearly 1 million people tuned into the livestream around the globe to catch the remarks from the seven young men.

The speech wove through the challenges of the pandemic, poverty, the struggles of today’s youth, and combating climate change. The members also mentioned the importance of getting vaccinated with J-Hope confirming that all seven members had received the COVID-19 vaccine ahead of international travel, prompting the BTS ARMY to trend #ARMYVaccinatedToo on Twitter. After J-Hope described the vaccine as a “ticket to meeting fans,” V closed the speech on a hopeful note: “We think the day we can meet again face to face is not far away.”

If anyone is feeling dismissive of the idea of a group like BTS holding a legitimate place at a gathering like the United Nations, they just haven’t been paying attention: looking beyond the fact that this is the group’s third appearance at the assembly, the band has also spent the last eight years focused on acting as a voice for their peers, and their audience has grown with them. While it’s proven time and time again that the BTS ARMY is made up of people across age demographics, genders, and countries of origin, their audience is largely composed of millennials.

RM pointed out that this demographic of young people is being referred to as a “lost generation” due to COVID, with so many people being robbed of experiences in an important time. BTS is not immune to this either — their remarks included mention of the canceled world tour they were meant to embark on mere days before COVID shutdowns began. Despite their commitment to forging ahead with optimism, the members of BTS have also been vulnerable in discussing the feelings of depression and anxiety that are rampant during this time of stagnancy.

As always, though, the group has chosen to frame this struggle through a lens of positivity. “We think that instead of the ‘lost generation,’ a more appropriate name would be the ‘welcome generation.’ Because instead of fearing change, this generation says, ‘Welcome!’ and keeps forging ahead,” said Jin.

Following their remarks, the group shared a pre-recorded performance of their joyful No. 1 song “Permission To Dance” that showed the band moving through the General Assembly Hall and into the lobby before being joined by backup dancers in the courtyard. It’s remarkable that the outdoor performance could have been kept a secret, as it appears it was filmed in New York City over the weekend.

BTS was Consequence ’s 2020 Band of the Year . At the time, it was hard to imagine how they could follow up the explosive success of their truly “dynamite” year, but 2021 has only seen them continue to grow and shine, both musically and as an inimitable global force. The world still feels quite dark, but, as they say in their beloved track “Spring Day,”  BTS is always sure that a brighter morning awaits us.

“I hope we just don’t consider the future as grim darkness. There’s still many pages left in the story about us, and we shouldn’t talk as though the ending’s already been written,” said V. At this time, we don’t know where BTS will go next — but we know the story goes on, with joy and kindness leading the way.

Editor’s Note : Keep up with all things BTS by listening to our Stanning BTS podcast. Also be sure to pick up the new Iconic ARMY Stanning BTS T-shirt .

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namjoon speech

BTS speaks about anti-Asian hate, inclusivity at White House

BTS made their appearance at the White House Tuesday, with nearly 300,000 fans streaming on YouTube, hundreds gathered outside the building and a packed briefing room. 

The megapopular South Korean boy band had a private meeting with President Joe Biden before joining press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre to deliver their messages to the cameras. Each of the seven members gave a brief comment, with group leader Kim Nam-joon, known as RM, kicking things off.

“It is a great honor to be invited to the White House today to discuss the important issues of anti-Asian hate crimes, Asian inclusion and diversity,” RM said.

On the last day of AANHPI Heritage Month, BTS members said they were there to promote inclusion and talk with Biden about solutions to rising anti-Asian hate incidents. Aside from RM, who spoke in English, each group members’ message was translated from Korean. 

“We join the White House to stand with the AANHPI community and to celebrate,” said Kim Seok-jin, known by stage name Jin.  

“We were devastated by the recent surge of hate crimes, including Asian American hate crimes,” said Park Ji-min, who goes by Jimin. “To put a stop on this and support the cause, we’d like to take this opportunity to voice ourselves once again.” 

The band nodded to their supporters, known as the BTS Army, who span countries and have been described as one of the most powerful fandoms in music. 

“We still feel surprised that music created by South Korean artists reaches so many people around the world, transcending languages and cultural barriers,” group member Jeon Jung-kook, known mononymously as Jungkook, said. “We believe music is always an amazing and wonderful unifier of all things.” 

BTS members have weighed in on anti-Asian hate in the past, even talking about their own experiences encountering racism during their global tours in a Twitter statement last year.

“We recall moments when we faced discrimination as Asians,” the statement said. “We have endured expletives without reason and were mocked for the way we look. We were even asked why Asians spoke in English.”

Fans posted their favorite moments on social media after the brief appearance. 

“BTS delivering a speech at the White House in their native language and witnessing the world still listened to them is a historic moment for all of us,” one fan tweeted .

namjoon speech

Sakshi Venkatraman is a reporter for NBC Asian America.

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BTS Just Delivered a Moving Speech at the UN: Read What They Said Here

On Monday (September 24), South Korean music group BTS made history and joined a list of influential speakers invited to talk at the launch of “Youth 2030: The UN Youth Strategy” and “Generation Unlimited Partnership.”

All seven members of the K-pop group took the floor as  UNICEF’s goodwill ambassadors , but it was group leader RM, born Kim Namjoon, who addressed the floor .

"It is an incredible honor to be invited to an occasion of such significance for today’s young generation," he began. "Last November, BTS launched the ‘Love Myself’ campaign with UNICEF, built in our belief that true love first begins with loving [yourself]...partnering with UNICEF’s end violence program, to protect young children all over the world from violence."

The artist then thanked the group's global fans, the ARMYs, for their tremendous involvement: "And our fans have become a large part of this campaign with their action and with their enthusiasm. We truly have the best fans in the world," RM gushed.

He also went on to speak with fierce conviction about his own journey with self-acceptance. The performer urged young people to love themselves, faults and all, and to speak their true names.

Read the full transcription of RM's United Nations speech, below:

I’d like to begin by talking about myself. I was born in Ilsan, a city near Seoul, South Korea. It is a really beautiful place with a lake, hills, and even an annual flower festival. I spent a very happy childhood there, and I was just an ordinary boy. I used to look up at the night sky and wonder, and I used to dream the dreams of a boy. I used to imagine that I was a super hero who could save the world. In an intro to one of our early albums, there’s a line that says, ‘My heart stopped when I was maybe nine or ten.’ Looking back, I think that’s when I began to worry about what other people thought of me, and started seeing myself through their eyes. I stopped looking up at the night skies, the stars. I stopped daydreaming. Instead, I just tried to jam myself into the molds that other people made. Soon, I began to shut out my own voice, and started to listen to the voices of others. No one called out my name, and neither did I. My heart stopped, and my eyes closed shut. So, like this, I, we, all lost our names. We became like ghosts. But I had one sensory, and that was music. There was a small voice inside of me that said, ‘Wake up, man, and listen to yourself.’ But it took me a long time to hear music calling my real name. Even after making the decision to join BTS, there were a lot of hurdles. Some people may not believe, but most people thought we were hopeless. Sometimes I just wanted to quit. But I think I was very lucky that I didn’t give it all up. And I’m sure that I, and we, will keep stumbling and falling like this. BTS has become artists performing in those huge stadiums and selling millions of albums right now, but I am still an ordinary 24-year-old guy. If there’s anything that I achieved, it was only possible that I have my other BTS members right by my side, and because of the love and support that our ARMY fans all over the world make for us. And maybe I made a mistake yesterday, but yesterday’s me is still me. Today, I am who I am with all of my faults and my mistakes. Tomorrow, I might be a tiny bit wiser, and that’ll be me too. These faults and mistakes are what I am, making up the brightest stars in the constellation of my life. I have come to love myself for who I am, for who I was, and for who I hope to become. I’d like to say one last thing: After releasing our Love Yourself albums and launching the ‘Love Myself’ campaign, we started to hear remarkable stories from our fans all over the world. How our message helped them overcome their hardships in life and start loving themselves. Those stories constantly remind us of our responsibility. So let’s take all one more step. We have learned to love ourselves, so now I urge you to speak yourself. I’d like to ask all of you, What is your name? What excites you and makes your heart beat? Tell me your story. I want to hear your voice, and I want to hear your conviction. No matter who you are, where you’re from, your skin color, your gender identity, just speak yourself. Find your name and find your voice by speaking yourself. I’m Kim Nam-joon, and also RM of BTS. I am an idol, and I am an artist from a small town in Korea. Like most people, I’ve made many and plenty mistakes in my life. I have many faults, and I have many more fears, but I’m going to embrace myself as hard as I can, and I’m starting to love myself gradually, just little by little. What is your name? Speak yourself. Thank you very much.

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RM of BTS Is Embracing the Silence

On his debut solo album, Indigo , the South Korean rapper finds meaning within the noise of global stardom.

RM standing in a dim room in an all-white outfit

O ne year ago today , the leader of the world’s biggest pop group stood beneath bright lights and told more than 50,000 fans about his fears. Kim Namjoon, better known by his stage name RM, had guided his fellow BTS members through the vagaries of early-pandemic life —a canceled world tour, delayed music releases and life plans, illness. In an emotional speech during a Los Angeles concert last December, the then-27-year-old South Korean rapper confessed that he’d spent that time worrying about the future. What if their fans abandoned them? What if he lost his abilities as a performer? But, RM said, those concerns had melted away. “I promise that … I’ll be even better when I’m 30, 35, or 40,” he declared, to an eruption of cheers.

Some people might find this curious—a 20-something artist agonizing over his longevity. Since BTS debuted in 2013, though, RM has been highly conscious of the mark he’s wanted to leave on the music world. In addition to writing a sizable chunk of BTS’s discography, he’s put out two solo mixtapes—2015’s RM and 2018’s Mono —that define his style: cerebral, technically complex, introspective, defiant, wordplay heavy. His lyrics grapple with the nature of art, identity, fame, and love. As the group’s leader and only fluent English speaker, he is often at the forefront of their public appearances, whether in TV interviews and award shows or at the United Nations and the White House .

So it’s fitting that his first official solo album is a record that looks backwards. Today, RM released Indigo , which he calls “the last archive of my twenties.” The 10-track project is a musically omnivorous, profoundly collaborative effort that still feels like the work of an auteur—one who’s spent years refining his own sound and thematic obsessions. At its core, Indigo is a work of hip-hop, but RM infuses it with neo-soul, folk, R&B, electronic, and rock. So instinctive is RM’s tendency to work with others that eight tracks feature other artists (including Erykah Badu, Anderson .Paak, Kim Sawol, and Tablo). Listening to this album is like witnessing a person carve his name into the top of a mountain as a way of saying not just I was here , but also I’m glad you made it too .

W hen I spoke with RM on Zoom two weeks ago, he seemed nervous about Indigo ’s impending release: “I just hope that time flies more quickly,” he told me. Yet a calm, earth-toned aura emanated from my screen. His hair was a natural deep-brown, and he wore dark-rimmed glasses and a loose-fitting olive shirt. I was reminded that, despite being a pop star, RM is drawn to slower, more contemplative forms of art and engagement. He’s an avid reader (and literary influencer), a nature lover, and a museum goer, all of which comes through clearly on Indigo . For instance, the album opener was inspired by the Korean painter Yun Hyong-keun, and the second track playfully extends the metaphor of a “still life” to talk about stagnation and momentum. For RM, Indigo is a way of “speaking silence”—essentially, expressing himself truthfully in a way that doesn’t cause chaos or confusion.

“As a star, or as a famous boy-band member … it’s really hard to be honest and frank,” he told me. “People sometimes misunderstand you. Like, ‘You said something really insensitive’ and ‘I hate you’ … Emphasizing silence is really hard, because you have a lot of platforms, like Instagram and Facebook and YouTube; people have their own minds but can still be easily manipulated by algorithms and articles and other people.” In this environment, he said, knowing when to talk and when to remain quiet is even more valuable.

Which explains why he hesitated to say too much about the meaning behind different songs. “These days, I’m thinking that empty space is really important to the audience … to digest the music on their own,” RM said. “So I don’t want to reveal too many intentions.” Because of that, we didn’t talk about why his first words on Indigo are “Fuck the trendsetter”; nor did we dig into his exploration of intimacy on “Closer” and solitude on “Lonely.” But I did ask about the gorgeous lead single, “Wild Flower,” which features the powerhouse vocals of Cho You-jeen, of the rock band Cherry Filter. (“For me, personally, she’s a No. 1 Korean rock star. She’s a legend.”) The song isn’t quite like anything RM has released before; an epic that swirls like a hurricane, it is sincere, pleading, and full of hard-won acceptance. The lyrics set up a memorable contrast between fireworks and what he calls “flowerworks”: The former burn out brilliantly and quickly, whereas flowers can exist humbly and peacefully for much longer.

two lines of lyrics in both korean and english: "society's all for the loudest voice / and here i am, still speaking silence"

RM has spent a long time—seven years, to be exact—thinking about this particular metaphor and its intriguing contradictions. He noted that fireworks can draw millions of people who want to witness their beauty for a 30-minute show. (I immediately thought of the displays that concluded many of BTS’s concerts.) The spectacle of “flowerworks,” though, is simpler and more anonymous. “I think of a field with tons of wildflowers that you don’t even know the names of. You just hold the flowers and throw them into the sky, and they come down so suddenly, maybe after five seconds,” he said, an edge of wonder in his voice. “I want to have a life like more of a wildflower.”

In some ways, you could think of his career thus far as a never-ending series of fireworks: several Hot 100 No. 1s , sold-out stadium shows, mammoth album sales, historic firsts , and a slew of both Korean and American music awards. The day before we spoke, BTS received three Grammy nominations: two for their collaboration with Coldplay on the song “My Universe,” and a third for the music video for “Yet to Come,” which RM acknowledged is the group’s first Korean-language track to be nominated. When I asked how he felt about the news, he replied so quietly that I almost didn’t hear: “Never expected it.” He paused, then added, “I think that’s, you know, thanks to Coldplay.” Which sounds like something a wildflower might say.

L ike much of RM’s past solo work, Indigo is autobiographical without being too literal. He’s keenly aware that much of his youth has been captured online in countless videos, photos, and social-media posts. That willingness to connect is part of what BTS’s fans, known as ARMY , love about the group. But eventually, RM had an epiphany about all this self-disclosure: “My whole life was an exhibition,” he told me. “Unconsciously, or maybe consciously, I’ve been exhibiting my life for decades. So [I said], Okay, then let’s make it into a real exhibition .” He thinks the songs on Indigo unify different facets of his life over the past few years, as well as his different personas. “When you think of Piet Mondrian’s [work], all the paintings are titled Composition , right?” he said, referring to the Dutch painter’s abstract pieces. “At some point, I just realized [my identity] is a composition of my own … I want this album to be a composition of everything.”

That desire to create cohesion out of many parts is reflected in Indigo ’s collaborations. RM said that each featured artist added “frequencies of their own,” and that many were “my stars in my youth” whose music he listened to when he was having a hard time. This album will likely serve the same purpose for many of his own listeners in the coming months. In October, BTS’s label, Big Hit, announced that the members are preparing to step back from their career in order to fulfill their mandatory military service under South Korean law, before hopefully reconvening as a group in 2025. Indigo is expected to be among RM’s last full-length releases until his enlistment ends, and in many ways, it plays like a farewell-for-now . But it also sounds like an artist taking a deep breath and feeling out what new experiences and insights his career might bring in five, 10, or 15 years. He already knows how it feels to stand beneath explosions of color and light. Now it’s time for falling petals.

BTS Member RM Cried During Emotional Final "Love Yourself" Show

namjoon speech

By Sara Delgado

BTS RM Kim Namjoon

BTS is no stranger to heartwarming moments — from soul-stirring singles and candid conversations to moving fan moments — but the septet certainly kicked things up a notch in their latest concert.

On October 29, the Bangtan Boys wrapped up their Love Yourself: Speak Yourself tour in Seoul. The tour, which they kicked off back in May at the Rose Bowl in L.A. as a continuation of their 2018 Love Yourself World Tour , came to a close with a three-night, sold-out stop at Seoul’s Jamsil Olympic Stadium congregating 130,000 ARMYs .

To close off their Love Yourself trilogy series for good — and as is tradition in all their concerts — the seven members ended their final stop on the tour concert with emotional speeches and leader RM made things a lot more heart-wrenching for the extra special date.

For the previous dates in Seoul, RM , whose real name is Kim Namjoon , shed light on the power of emotional check-ins and the importance of loving yourself and not succumbing to unrealistic beauty standards . But for the very final stop, he reminisced about BTS’s journey with ARMY , sparking all the tears.

"If I think about it, it's the last verse of 'Reflection' which I released in 2016 — 'I wish I could love myself' — I had thought about it continuously since then. To 'love myself'; what on earth does it mean to love myself? And so I thought because I don't know either, wouldn't it be good to search for it together?" the Mono rapper told the audience, according to a fan translation from Do You Bangtan . "So, while the concept of LOVE YOURSELF: SPEAK YOURSELF finishes here, since the journey, the road, of finding how to love ourselves doesn't finish here, in the future too, let's hold hands as we are now, and be together as we work out how to love ourselves."

"Once this era ends, I would like it if Kim Namjoon could be Kim Namjoon, if Bangtan could be Bangtan, and that each and every one of you [...] could be yourselves too. Please know this. Thanks to you all, I have been able to live until now. Please believe me. In the future, too, I hope that even one word of ours, one line of lyrics, could be a help for you to love yourselves. In the future, too, whatever [concept] we return with, let's try to enjoy ourselves together," Namjoon continued per the translation. "It'd be good if there was a better word than 'love', but truly, I love you. Please know that." And, welp , if you need me, I’ll be crying until at least 2020.

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Despite his efforts not to, Namjoon couldn’t help but shed some tears himself during his ending ment — making ARMYs worldwide collectively break down. “I have never seen namjoon cry like that ..... this era was as special for him as it was for us, we helped each other through these years and we will forever hold hands together,” an ARMY wrote on Twitter after watching RM talk.

“Seeing namjoon cry really breaks my heart. he's usually reserved, he observes, but today it felt like he exploded, all emotions, thoughts, feelings came down to him all at once. thank you namjoon, thank you for sharing this with us. thank you for everything,” someone else pointed out . “I’ve never seen namjoon cry like this. it hits so different. i love him so much and i hope he knows how many lives he’s changed, how many lives he’s saved, and how many people love him. he deserves beyond the world,” another ARMY added .

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Following RM’s poignant words, the members proceeded to sing the tour farewell, “Mikrokosmos,” with teary eyes — and who can blame them?

An era might have just ended but ARMYs — old and new — are forever grateful this planet has Namjoon and already looking forward to Bangtan’s next chapter. We might need a few weeks to recover, but who’s ready for their performance at the 2019 Jingle Ball ?

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The subject of this article is for a BTS's member.

Kim Nam-joon (김남준), better known by his stage name RM (short for Real Me [8] , formerly known as Rap Monster (랩몬스터) and Runch Randa (런치란다)), is a South Korean rapper-songwriter and record producer under Big Hit Music . He is a member of the boy group BTS , and has the positions of leader and rapper .

As a solo artist, he has released his first mixtape RM , on March 20, 2015 and his second mixtape Mono , on October 23, 2018. He then made his official solo debut with his first studio album Indigo on December 2, 2022.

In 2020, RM was promoted to full member of the Korea Music Copyright Association . [9]

  • 1 Early life
  • 3.1 2010-2013: Big Hit Entertainment and debut with BTS
  • 3.2 2014-2016: First solo collaborations, RM, and Problematic Men
  • 3.3 2017-2021: Second mixtape Mono and further collaborations
  • 3.4 2022: Solo debut
  • 4 Artistry and impact
  • 5.1 Studio albums
  • 5.2 Mixtapes
  • 5.3 Digital singles
  • 5.4 Collaborations
  • 5.5 Features
  • 5.7 Solo songs credited as BTS
  • 5.8 Unofficial songs
  • 5.9 Original songs
  • 5.10 Adapted songs
  • 5.11 Cover songs
  • 6.2 Variety shows
  • 6.3 Music shows
  • 6.4 Music videos
  • 7.1 Concert participation
  • 8 Endorsements
  • 9 Photobooks
  • 10 Producing and writing credits
  • 11 Awards and nominations
  • 15 Video Gallery
  • 16 References

Kim Nam-joon was born on September 12, 1994, in Dongjak-gu, South Korea, and grew up in Ilsan-gu, where his family moved when he was four or five. He is the elder of two siblings and has a younger sister.

As a child, RM largely learned English by watching Friends with his mother. [10] As a student, he actively wrote poetry and often received awards for his writings. He posted his work to an online poetry website for roughly one year, where he received moderate attention. Through this, RM grew interested in pursuing a literary career but decided against it. At the age of 11, RM became interested in hip-hop music after hearing Epik High 's "Fly" in fifth grade. He found that the song had provided him comfort, and, due to this, decided to look further into the genre. Following an introduction to American rapper Eminem by his schoolteacher, RM grew interested in lyricism, printing lyrics he felt were "cool" and sharing them with his friends. RM transitioned to writing lyrics then, stating that his poetry became lyrics when it combined with music. In 2007, as a first-year middle school student, RM began rapping in local amateur hip-hop circles, creating his first self-composed recording for the first time using the program Adobe Audition (then called Cool Edit). He later participated in his first concert in 2008. RM eventually became more active in the underground Korean hip-hop scene under the moniker "Runch Randa", releasing a number of tracks and collaborations with other underground rappers, such as Zico .

In school, RM scored in the top 1% of the nation in the university entrance examinations for language, math, foreign language and social studies and had an IQ of 148. [11] RM's parents were strongly opposed to his interest in a musical career due to his academic achievements, and initially, RM decided to set music aside to focus on his studies. In order to convince his mother to allow him to be a rapper, he asked her if "she wanted to have a son who was a first-place rapper, or a 5,000th-place student".

RM selected the name "Rap Monster" during his time as an idol trainee. Though commonly misunderstood that the name means that he "raps like a monster", it actually derives from the lyrics of a song he wrote, inspired by San E's "Rap Genius". The lyrics contained a segment where San E declares he should be called a "rap monster" as he "raps non-stop". He adopted the stage name because he felt it was "cool". [12] RM has described himself as having a love-hate relationship with the name, feeling that it was not selected for being of "incredible value" to him.

He formally changed his stage name to "RM" in November 2017, as he determined that "Rap Monster" was no longer representative of who he was or the music that he creates. In an interview with Entertainment Tonight RM stated that "[the name] could symbolize many things. It could have more spectrums to it. "Real Me" was provided as a possible current meaning.

2010-2013: Big Hit Entertainment and debut with BTS

Rap Monster 2C4S 1

RM promoting 2 Cool 4 Skool in June 2013.

In 2009, RM auditioned for Big Deal Records, passing the first round along with Samuel Seo but failing the second round as he forgot all his lyrics. However, following the audition, rapper Sleepy exchanged contact information with RM, who he later mentioned to Big Hit Entertainment producer Pdogg. In 2010, Sleepy contacted RM, encouraging him to audition for Big Hit CEO Bang Si-hyuk. Bang offered RM a spot at the record label, and, without his parent's knowledge, RM accepted the offer immediately. The interaction caused Bang and Pdogg to start production of a hip hop group, which eventually became idol group BTS. RM joined Big Hit Entertainment shortly after at age 16. [13] During his career as an idol, he enrolled at Global Cyber University.

RM trained for three years with fellow rapper Min Yoon-gi and dancer Jung Ho-Seok, who later became known as SUGA and j-hope respectively. [14] [15] During his three year trainee period, RM performed on five pre-debut tracks credited to BTS in 2010 and 2011. He also worked as a songwriter for girl group Glam and helped pen their debut single, " Party (XXO) ", an explicitly pro-LGBTQ song which was praised by Billboard as "one of the most forward-thinking songs out of a K-pop girl group in the past decade." [16] On June 13, 2013, RM made his debut with BTS, and has since produced and written lyrics for a variety of tracks on all of BTS' albums. On August 29, 2013, RM performed the intro track to BTS' first extended play O!RUL8,2? , which was released as a trailer ahead of the EP's September 11 release and marked his first solo released collectively as "BTS". [17]

2014-2016: First solo collaborations, RM, and Problematic Men

RM Problematic Men (2)

RM promoting Problematic Men in 2015.

On August 5, 2014, Big Hit Entertainment released a trailer for BTS' first studio album Dark & Wild , which was set to release on the August 20. The rap track, later released as collectively under BTS " Intro: What Am I To You ", was a solo performed by RM. Through reality television show American Hustle Life that was used to produce Dark & Wild, [18] RM formed a working relationship with Warren G, who offered to give BTS a beat. In an interview with Korean magazine Hip Hop Playa, Warren G stated that he had befriended BTS through the program and had kept in touch with the band after they returned to South Korea. On March 4, 2015, RM released a single with Warren G entitled, " P.D.D (Please Don't Die)" ahead of his first solo mixtape RM, following an offer by Warren G to collaborate. This track reflected how RM felt towards those who hated and criticized him at the time, which he used to find very upsetting.

That same March, RM collaborated with hip hop project group MFBTY along with EE and Dino J as a feature for the song " Buckubucku ". He featured in the music video for "Buckubucku," and also had a cameo in another MFBTY music video for their song, "Bang Diggy Bang Bang". RM first formed a lasting working relationship with MFBTY member Tiger JK during a TV show in 2013 when Tiger JK was promoting his song "The Cure", telling the rapper that he grew up listening to him. [19]

RM was cast as a regular on the Korean variety program Problematic Men where cast members are given a variety of puzzles and problems to solve and work through them by talking about their own thoughts and experiences. The program began airing on February 26, 2015, however RM left the show after 22 episodes due to BTS' 2015 Red Bullet world tour . [20]

RM Mixtape Sketch 25

RM shooting " Do You " music video in 2015.

On March 17, 2015, RM released his first solo mixtape, RM , which ranked 48th on Spin's "50 Best Hip Hop Albums of 2015". The mixtape featured a variety of topics such as RM's past on the track " Voice " and the idea that "you're you and I'm me" in the track " Do You ". When discussing his work on the track " God Rap ", RM described himself as an atheist, believing that the only thing that determines his fate was his own self. The entirety of his work on the mixtape took around four or five months, with RM working on it in between BTS' activities. The following year, RM recalled that he had largely written about the negative emotions he had been carrying, such as anger and rage, but stated that the songs are not "100% under [his] sovereignty" and that he felt many parts of the mixtape were "immature". He also added that he hoped his next mixtape to be something he worked on by himself. Following the mixtape, RM featured along with Kwon Jin-ah on Primary 's " U " that April. [21] That August, RM collaborated with Marvel for Fantastic Four's soundtrack in Korea, releasing the digital single, " Fantastic " featuring Mandy Ventrice through Melon, Genie, Naver Music, and other music sites. In August 2016, vocal duo Homme released a single titled "Dilemma" which was co-produced by RM and Bang Si-hyuk.

2017-2021: Second mixtape Mono and further collaborations

In March 2017, RM collaborated with American rapper Wale on a special socially-charged track called " Change ", released as a free digital download along with an accompanying music video filmed about two weeks prior to the track's release. [22] The pair first formed a relationship over Twitter with Wale reaching out to RM in 2016, having seen RM's cover of his track "Illest Bitch". RM decided on the topic of "Change", saying that though the two rappers were extremely different, their commonality lay in the fact that both America and Korea had their political and social situations and both of them wanted the world to change for the better. [23] That December, RM featured on a remix of Fall Out Boy 's song " Champion ". [24] The track reached number 18 on Billboard's Bubbling Under Hot 100 Singles and helped RM reach number 46 on the Emerging Artists Chart for the week of January 8, 2018. On December 27, RM made history as the first K-pop artist to chart on the Rock Digital Songs chart, coming in at number two on the list. [25]

Persona MV Shooting (3)

RM shooting " Persona " comeback trailer in 2019.

In 2018, RM released his second mixtape entitled Mono that October, which he referred to as a "playlist". He became the first Korean artist to rank number one on the Emerging Artists Chart in the United States with the playlist. [26] The playlist was critically well-received, with RM laying "his deep insecurities bare on songs like ' Tokyo ' and ' Seoul '". [27] The track "Seoul" was produced by British electropop duo Honne . He first discovered RM after seeing him recommend their music on Twitter and eventually met him in Seoul following one of their concerts. The interaction caused the duo to want to collaborate with RM. [28] That November, RM also collaborated with Tiger JK on his last and final album as Drunken Tiger before retiring the name, featuring on the track " Timeless ". Tiger JK originally expected RM's lyrics to contain self-praise, which was the trend of rap at the time, but RM wrote the lyrics to leave behind the historical meaning of Drunken Tiger's name.

On March 25th, 2019, Honne announced that RM had provided a feature on their remake of " Crying Over You ◐ " alongside singer BEKA, which released on March 27th. Honne had originally released "Crying Over You ◐" in 2018, with just BEKA providing a feature. The song was originally slated for a January 2019 release but was postponed due to "unforeseen circumstances". Chinese singer Bibi Zhou was added to the Chinese release, appearing with RM and replacing BEKA. The same day as release, Big Hit Entertainment released the song " Persona " as a trailer for BTS' upcoming studio album Map of the Soul: Persona , performed as a solo by RM. [29] Persona debuted at 17 on Billboard's YouTube Song Chart. [30] Three months later, on July 24, 2019, RM featured on the fourth official remix of Lil Nas X's "Old Town Road," entitled " Seoul Town Road ", "infuse[ing]...his English-language verse with a surprisingly good Southern twang". On December 29, it was announced that RM would be featuring on Younha's forthcoming track, " Winter Flower ", to be released on January 6. RM also features on " Don't ", the title track of Korean singer eAeon's second solo album released on April 30th, 2021.

2022: Solo debut

During BTS' ninth anniversary celebrations in June 2022, RM announced that the band members would be devoting more attention to individual music endeavors going forward and that future projects would be released as commercial albums, complete with promotional activities, instead of as free or unpromoted mixtapes. He subsequently appeared as a featured artist on the single "Sexy Nukim" by alt-K-pop group Balming Tiger in September, and released his debut solo studio album, Indigo , led by the single "Wild Flower", on December 2. The album peaked at number three on the Billboard 200, making him the highest-charting Korean soloist in chart history.

Artistry and impact

RM is a baritone. In 2017, American hip-hop magazine XXL released a list entitled "10 Korean Rappers You Should Know", which included RM. Writer Peter A. Berry promises that "Rap Monster rarely fails to live up to his name." He describes the young star as "one of the region’s most dexterous rappers, capable of switching flows effortlessly as he glides across an array of diverse instrumentals." Crystal Tai from South China Morning Post stated RM received a lot of praise for his natural flow and lyrics and that he's got some " My Beautiful Dark Twisted Fantasy mixed with Earl Sweatshirt and Chance the Rapper" in him. In January 2020, he was promoted from associate to a full member of the Korea Music Copyright Association.

In a survey conducted by Gallup Korea , RM ranked as the 12th most preferred idol of the year for 2018. He ranked 11th in 2019. In 2018, RM was awarded the fifth-class Hwagwan Order of Cultural Merit by the President of South Korea along with the other members of BTS, for his contributions to Korean culture. In December 2020, the Arts Council of Korea named him one of its ten 2020 Patrons of the Arts, in recognition of his donation of 100 million won to the National Museum of Modern and Contemporary Art for the printing and distribution of various rare art books to schools and libraries in rural and mountainous regions.


See also: BTS Discography

Studio albums

  • Indigo (2022)
  • Mono (2018)

Digital singles

  • " Bicycle " (2021)


  • " Perfect Christmas " (with Jo Kwon, Lim Jeong-hee, Joohee and Jung Kook ) (2013)
  • " P.D.D " (with Warren G) (2015)
  • " Change " (with Wale) (2017)
  • Lee Seung Gi - " 널 웃게 할 노래 (Feat. 방탄소년단, 하림) (A Song Make to You Smile (Feat. BTS and Hareem)) " (with j-hope and Hareem) (credited as BTS ) (2011)
  • MFBTY - " 부끄부끄 (Buckubucku) (feat. EE, Rap Monster of BTS, Dino-J) " (2015)
  • Yankie - " 튀겨 (ProMeTheUs) (Feat. Dok2, Juvie Train, Double K, Rap Monster of BTS, Topbob, Don Mills) " (2015)
  • Primary - " U (Feat. Kwon Jin Ah & Rap Monster) " (2015)
  • Gaeko - " 코끼리 (Gajah) (Feat. Rap Monster) " (2017)
  • Fall Out Boy - " Champion (Remix) " (2017)
  • Drunken Tiger - " Timeless (feat. RM of BTS) " (2018)
  • Honne - " Crying Over You ◐ (feat. RM & BEKA) " (2019)
  • Lil Nas X - " Old Town Road (feat. RM of BTS) (Seoul Town Road Remix) " (2019)
  • Younha - " 雪中梅 (Winter Flower) (Feat. RM) " (2020)
  • Agust D - " Strange (feat. RM) " (2020)
  • eAeon - " 그러지 마 (Don't) (feat. RM) " (2021)
  • Balming Tiger - " SEXY NUKIM (Feat. RM of BTS) " (2022)
  • So!YoON! - " Smoke Sprite (feat. RM of BTS) " (2023)
  • " Fantastic " (feat. Mandy Ventrice) (2015)
  • " All Night " from " BTS World OST Part.3 " (with SUGA and Juice Wrld) (credited as BTS ) (2019)

Solo songs credited as BTS

See also unit songs credited under BTS: Units

  • " Intro: 2 Cool 4 Skool " from 2 Cool 4 Skool (2013)
  • " Intro: O!RUL8,2? " from O!RUL8,2? (2013)
  • " Intro: What Am I To You " from DARK&WILD (2014)
  • " Reflection " from WINGS (2016)
  • " Trivia 承: Love " from LOVE YOURSELF 結 'Answer' (2018)
  • " Intro: Persona " from MAP OF THE SOUL : PERSONA (2019)
  • " Young Forever (RM Demo Ver.) " from Proof (2022)

Unofficial songs

See also: Unofficial songs

Original songs

  • " Monterlude " (2014)
  • " Unpack Your Bags " (with DJ Soulscape) (2014)
  • " 아라요 (I Know) " (with Jung Kook ) (2016)
  • " Always " (2017)
  • " 네시 (4 O'CLOCK) " (with V ) (2017)
  • " 땡 (DDaeng) " (with SUGA and j-hope ) (2018)

Adapted songs

  • " Rap Monster " (2012)
  • " 학교의눈물 (School of Tears) " (with SUGA and Jin ) (credited as BTS ) (2013)
  • " 닥투 (You) " (2013)
  • " Favorite Girl " (2013)
  • " Like A Star " (with Jung Kook ) (2013)
  • " 비싼여자 (Expensive Girl) " (2013)
  • " 어른아이 (Adult Child) " (with SUGA and Jin ) (credited as BTS ) (2013)
  • " Something " (2013)
  • " Too Much " (2013)

Cover songs

  • " Fools " (with Jung Kook ) (2015)
  • " 우산 (Umbrella) " (with Yuiko) (2016)
  • " Santa Claus Is Coming To Town " (with Jimin ) (2019)


Variety shows, music shows, music videos, concert participation.

  • 2015 All Force One: Hot & Cool (2015)
  • SUGA | Agust D TOUR (Guest; August 6, 2023)


On April 3, 2023, Bottega Veneta revealed that they have selected RM as their first-ever brand ambassador. [31]

  • K’hawah Coffee (2015)
  • Bottega Veneta (2023–present)
  • Me, Myself, and RM 'Entirety' (2022)

Producing and writing credits

◯ = Participates as writing/composer/producer , ✖ = Not participated as writing/composer/producer , W = Writing , C = Composer , P = Producer , R. = Reference

Awards and nominations

  • He is the fourth oldest and the fourth youngest in the band. That make him the middle member of the band.
  • He is 29 years old in the US age and 31 years old in the Korean age.
  • His zodiac sign is Virgo.
  • His favorite number is 1.
  • His favorite items are clothes, a computer and books.
  • Some of his role models include Kanye West and A$AP Rocky.
  • He has composing and writing credits for more than 170 songs.
  • RM used to be called "Dance Prodigy" to tease him for his lack of dancing skills. [233]
  • RM wrote the lyrics of No More Dream because he had no dreams when he was in school.
  • The BTS members said if RM wasn't human he'd be: a Tibetan Fox ( Jungkook ), A Lion that even if you catch it, it breaks everything and escapes again ( Jimin ), A Monster ( SUGA ), a soccer player ( V ) and a rock ( j-hope ).
  • RM has a younger sister.
  • RM likes fashion and in the past would tweet "Kim daily" with photos of his outfits. [234]
  • His favorite foods are meat (especially Samgyeopsal) and Kalguksu (Korean knife noodles).
  • He taught himself how to speak English by watching the American sitcom Friends.
  • He is the only member who continues to study Japanese after debut.
  • His favorite colors are black, pink and, purple.
  • According to him, Jin and j-hope are the scaredy-cats of the group.
  • Jimin once called him a gorilla because he's always angry.
  • He is known to break everything.
  • On November 13, 2017, he announced on Fancafe that he had officially changed his stage name to RM.
  • His producing studio is called ' RKive ' (formerly called Mon Studio).
  • He previously decorated his studio in black & white monochrome only. After the name changed, he started incorporating colors.
  • His favorite dance move is swinging his arms from side to side(The floss).
  • He is a great fan of the computer game ‘ MapleStory '.
  • He is a great supporter of the LGBTQ+ community.
  • RM's BT21 character is a Koala named Koya. Koya is always seen thinking with a sleepy expression. Koya has a purple nose because of the infamous saying V said in a concert, "I purple you”,Which shows their love and support to ARMY.
  • His favorite character is Ryan from Kakao Friends/Talk.
  • He has lost his passport multiple times.
  • BTS was built around RM. He is the first member to have been scouted and the only member to have been with the company since 2010.
  • His ideal type is someone who is tall, feminine, smart, and has a nice voice.
  • RM had to quit Problematic Men because of how popular they got. However, he made a brief appearance for the 1 year anniversary of the show as the cast called him.
  • RM revealed that he spent most of his life as 'RM' and barely got to be Kim Namjoon. He admitted being very occupied and busy with idol life is hard, barely being able to spend time with family, friends, and do activities as a "normal" person would be able to do. He also mentioned that he feels sad and lonely at times and a way to cope with it is to express his thoughts and emotions through music. (Burn The Stage EP. 3 & 6)
  • He claims to have never been successfully able to blow a bubble with bubblegum. [235]
  • As of 2020, he is the only member who doesn't have a driver's license.
  • While his main goal in life is to truly love himself, RM acknowledges that loving yourself is not a final destination, but a state of mind to try to achieve consistently.
  • When asked what is his favorite hair color that he's tried before, he said he likes silver the most. [236]
  • RM likes to collect figures and toys of different kinds. They can be seen throughout his studio on shelves inside of glass cases or scattered about in his room.
  • If he was a girl, he said he would date j-hope because he is like the mother at the dorm.
  • He likes clear weather.
  • Namjoon’s father calls him Jooni Mini.
  • Namjoon was once a center in a basketball team.
  • RM gets panicked when he can’t find his lip balm.
  • Namjoon said if he didn’t live in Korea he would want to live in Australia.
  • RM's favorite quote is 'Team work makes dream work'.
  • Hobbies: Surfing the web, walking in a park, cycling, photography, mountain climbing.
  • He did ice skating for about 4 years and is good at it. [237]
  • RM’s TOEIC (The Test of English for International Communication) score was 900.
  • His image before debut was a neat and quiet student.
  • His Spotify playlist is called: RM’s Heavy Rotations
  • Has a total of 2 ear piercings. (1 on the right, and 1 on the left)
  • As a leader, he really dislikes Maknae line being disruptive during award ceremonies.
  • Over time, he delegates the interview duties to Suga when he realized the questions are too insensitive.

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A Discourse Analysis of Kim Namjoon's speech at United Nation

Profile image of Lale Chusnun Nisa

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namjoon speech

BTS' Namjoon runs with a rebellious and liberating persona in the new official video of 'Groin'

B TS leader and main rapper Kim Namjoon, aka RM, dropped the official music video of the B-side track Groin from his second solo album Right Place, Wrong Person. On May 27, 2024, the Grammy-nominated artist aired a 3-minute, 13-second video of the track, which speaks boldly and loudly about representing himself and his band, clapping back at haters.

The entire song is a diss track with strong rap verses fused with light expletives and packaged with soft beats reminiscent of the 2000 hip-hop style. The entire song was written by the BTS idol, which took his song credits to 229 under the Korea Music Copyright Association (KOMCA).

Namjoon's Groin music video brings back memories of the classic 2000 hip-hop

Groin is the sixth track from his second solo album, Right Place, Wrong Person, which dropped on May 24, 2024. As he talks about people "misinterpreting" his speech and criticizing him and his colleagues for the success they have achieved through arduous effort, perseverance, and self-respect, Namjoon can be seen dancing along typical American suburbia in classic 2000s tracksuits.

Earlier, the band had explained in painstaking detail about their hardship and the criticism they had to face since their debut in their biography Beyond the Story: 10-Year Record of BTS, published in June 2023. Their docu-series BTS Monuments: Beyond the Star showcased their trials , disappointments, and self-doubt as they incessantly worked hard on making music that would resonate with the masses.

Groin , a song by Namjoon from his most recent album, which received five stars from NME and other music reviewers, picks up where his first solo album Indigo left off, including life instances from the band's biography and docuseries. The South Korean musician's latest album has struck a chord with music listeners outside their fandom. Netizens throughout the world lauded the Groin music video for reminding them of Eminem.

Despite having seven songs being age-restricted in South Korea, Namjoon's Right Place, Wrong Person entered at No. 1 on both the Worldwide iTunes Song Chart and the European iTunes Albums Chart. He became the first Korean and K-pop act in 2024 to chart at the top for three days in a row since the album's release.

Additionally, the 2000s fashion trends serve as a memory of some amazing musical moments when hip-hop singers such as 50 Cent, Jay-Z, Busta Rhymes, André 3000, Snoop Dogg, Diddy, and the legendary rap artist Eminem, among others, flaunted it in their videos.

The official Groin music video demonstrates how hip-hop and fashion were big in the 2000s. The buzzcut hairstyle, baggy tracksuits, and sneakers were brought back into Namjoon's music video with a touch of the retro filming filter and landscape.

The song's lyrics address a variety of delicate topics as his role as the leader of BTS, which requires him to represent the country, including public or political views. Namjoon emphasizes in his raps that he is a musician and not a monk or a diplomat, growling that he only represents himself and BTS . This highlights the group's history of receiving criticism from specific individuals despite having delivered speeches at UNICEF and the White House on ending hatred and racism.

In other news, Kim Namjoon of BTS is currently serving in the 15th Division of the Republic of Korea Army and will be discharged from his duties in June 2025. Since 1957, male citizens of South Korea between the ages of 18 and 30 have been required to serve in the military on a conscription basis for a period of 18 to 21 months.

BTS' Namjoon runs with a rebellious and liberating persona in the new official video of 'Groin'



    namjoon speech


    namjoon speech

  3. RM Kim Namjoon Speech: The Best of BTS RM • English Speeches

    namjoon speech

  4. RM Kim Namjoon Speech: The Best of BTS RM

    namjoon speech

  5. Kim Namjoon speech at the UN General Assembly (09.24.2018)

    namjoon speech

  6. Kim Namjoon's speech. [UNICEF]

    namjoon speech


  1. Namjoon's speech 2018💜💜 #namjoon #bts

  2. Full speech |UN| Kim Namjoon| Life motivation

  3. Namjoon Speak yourself Speech..!!! #GucciQueenThv

  4. [ENG SUB] Namjoon speech at his graduation ceremony from Nonsan Training Center with the rank Honour


  1. "We have learned to love ourselves, so now I urge you to ...

    It's an incredible honour to be invited to an occasion with such significance for today's young generation. "Last November, BTS launched the "Love Myself" campaign with UNICEF, building on our belief that "true love first begins with loving myself.". We have been partnering with UNICEF's #ENDviolence program to protect children ...

  2. BTS' Speech at the United Nations (Full Speech from 2018)

    BTS (방탄소년단) became the first K-pop group to speak at the United Nations on Sept. 24 2018, in an effort to help launch the United Nations' Generation Unlimite...

  3. Kim Nam-joon BTS 2018 UN Speech

    Kim Nam-joon, the leader of the K-pop band BTS, gave a speech at the United Nations on September 24, 2018. Read the transcript of the speech remarks here. Try Rev and save time transcribing, captioning, and subtitling. Thank you, Mr. Secretary General, UNICEF Executive Director, and all the Excellencies and distinguished guests from across the ...

  4. BTS speech at the United Nations

    UNICEF ambassadors and global pop sensations BTS launched Generation Unlimited campaign in front of world leaders at the United Nations General Assembly in 2...

  5. BTS

    2018 United Nations General Assembly Speech Lyrics Thank you Mr. Secretary General, UNICEF executive directors, and all the distinguished guests from across the world. My name is Kim Namjoon, also ...

  6. RM from BTS Gave a Powerful Speech About Self-Love to the United

    "I'm Kim NamJoon, and also, RM of BTS. I'm an idol, and I'm an artist from a small town in Korea," RM added, before wrapping up his speech on an inspirational note. "Like most people, I've made ...


    Learn English with Kim Nam Jun, also known as RM from the BTS band. To help launch the United Nations' Generation Unlimited, an education, and employment pro...

  8. Watch BTS Address the United Nations With an Emotional Speech ...

    Though Kim Namjoon, better known as RM, delivered the speech on behalf of the group, his fellow six band members—V, Suga, Jin, Jungkook, Jimin, J-Hope—all joined him at the mic, delivering a ...

  9. BTS heartfelt message to young people at UNGA

    BTS heartfelt message to young people at UNGA. From feeling alone to feeling hopeless, they shared their struggles during COVID-19 to remind us what binds us. Full speech here. K-pop band and UNICEF supporters BTS deliver a video message at a high-level side event at the 75th session of the UN General Assembly, "Protraction of the COVID-19 ...

  10. BTS' motivational UN speech transcends race and gender identity

    BTS is the first South Korean act to address a UN session. During the speech, Kim reminisced about his happy childhood in the city of Ilsan, Gyeonggi Province, in South Korea before he began to ...

  11. BTS At The United Nations: Recap Of Their 2021 Speech & Performance

    In September of 2018, a 24-year old Kim Namjoon of BTS (often known by his stage name RM) stood before the United Nations General Assembly and delivered a speech in partnership with UNICEF, notecards held in shaky hands. The speech was in English, and the leader of the seven-member Korean group concluded by saying: "I have many faults and I have many more fears, but I am going to embrace ...

  12. BTS speaks about anti-Asian hate, inclusivity at White House

    On the last day of AANHPI Heritage Month, BTS members said they were there to promote inclusion and talk with Biden about solutions to rising anti-Asian hate incidents. Aside from RM, who spoke in ...

  13. Read BTS' United Nations Generation Unlimited Speech

    The performer urged young people to love themselves, faults and all, and to speak their true names. Read the full transcription of RM's United Nations speech, below: I'd like to begin by talking ...

  14. RM Kim Namjoon Speech: The Best of BTS RM

    Download this Speech in PDF and/or MP3 audio file: RM Kim Namjoon (BTS): "I think the biggest love is the love for oneself, so if you want to love others, you should love yourself first.". RM (Kim Namjoon) RM Kim Namjoon (BTS) - FULL TRANSCRIPT: " 75th UN General Assembly Speech (2020)

  15. BTS return to the United Nations

    UNICEF supporters and global superstars BTS appeared at the 75th session of the United Nations General Assembly with a heartfelt message to young people stru...

  16. Review: BTS' Monumental Speech at the Launch of the ...

    The BTS' Speech. Mr. Kim Namjoon (RM), being the leader of BTS, was given the honor to speak. You can watch the full speech above or read it here. I was amazed with RM as he gracefully made such an emotional and inspirational speech. To explain my amazement, let me present my perceptions and the crucial key elements that I deduced from his ...

  17. RM of BTS Is Embracing the Silence

    O ne year ago today, the leader of the world's biggest pop group stood beneath bright lights and told more than 50,000 fans about his fears.Kim Namjoon, better known by his stage name RM, had ...

  18. BTS Member RM Cried During Emotional Final "Love Yourself" Show

    BTS member RM, whose real name is Kim Namjoon, got choked up during his speech at the last "Love Yourself: Speak Yourself" tour date.


    Learn English with a collection of the best speeches and talks given by the South Korean singer, songwriter and leader of the K-Pop band BTS, RM (Kim Namjoon...

  20. RM

    Kim Nam-joon (김남준), better known by his stage name RM (short for Real Me[8], formerly known as Rap Monster (랩몬스터) and Runch Randa (런치란다)), is a South Korean rapper-songwriter and record producer under Big Hit Music. He is a member of the boy group BTS, and has the positions of leader and rapper. As a solo artist, he has released his first mixtape RM, on March 20, 2015 and ...

  21. A Discourse Analysis of Kim Namjoon's speech at United Nation

    S1 Thesis. Mataram: Universitas Bumigora, 2021. This study aims to reveal values, belief, and assumption are found on Kim Namjoon's speech text on campaigning "Love Myself" and to know the kind or types of figurative language is used in Kim Namjoon's speech. This research method used descriptive qualitative narrative.

  22. ENG SUB

    This moment when BTS concert SEOUL LOVE YOURSELF : SPEAK YOURSELF The FinalKim Namjoon a.k.a RM BTS is the best leader in the world for me" I wish there was ...

  23. BTS' Namjoon runs with a rebellious and liberating persona in the new

    As he talks about people "misinterpreting" his speech and criticizing him and his colleagues for the success they have achieved through arduous effort, perseverance, and self-respect, Namjoon can ...

  24. BIGHIT MUSIC drops the new BTS FESTA 2024 timeline ...

    For the unversed, on June 13, 2013, BTS debuted and the chapter of Namjoon, Jin, Suga, J-Hope, Jimin, Taehyung, and Jungkook began. Years later, the group was featured on the cover of TIME ...