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35+ nursing research topics on mental health care, carla johnson.

  • August 23, 2023
  • Essay Topics and Ideas

Understanding and addressing mental health challenges is crucial to nursing education, equipping future nurses to provide comprehensive patient care. This article delves into nursing research topics on mental health care, offering nursing students insights into its significance, focused research questions, project ideas, and essay prompts.

What You'll Learn

Introduction to Mental Health Care

Mental health care is a cornerstone of holistic patient care, an essential concept for nursing students to grasp as they embark on their journey toward becoming competent healthcare professionals. In a world marked by increasing stressors, comprehending mental health challenges, their ramifications, and effective care strategies is paramount. This article explores the realm of mental health care, furnishing nursing students with a deeper understanding of its importance and implications for their future roles.

10 Targeted PICOT Questions on Mental Health Care

  • Population: Adults in psychiatric care; Intervention: Daily RS questionnaire implementation; Comparison: Units without daily survey; Outcome: Reduced RS utilization; Timeframe: 6 months. Can the integration of a daily RS questionnaire for adults in psychiatric care lead to a significant decrease in restraint and seclusion utilization within 6 months, compared to units without this survey?
  • Population: Adolescents with anxiety disorders ; Intervention: Mindfulness meditation; Comparison: Standard relaxation techniques; Outcome: Reduction in anxiety symptoms; Timeframe: 8 weeks. Does engaging in mindfulness meditation for 8 weeks result in a more substantial reduction in anxiety symptoms among adolescents with anxiety disorders, compared to utilizing standard relaxation techniques?
  • Population: Elderly patients with depression; Intervention: Group music therapy ; Comparison: Individual counseling; Outcome: Improvement in depressive symptoms; Timeframe: 12 weeks. Is there a more pronounced improvement in depressive symptoms among elderly patients with depression exposed to group music therapy for 12 weeks, compared to those receiving individual counseling?
  • Population: Inpatients with schizophrenia; Intervention: Family psychoeducation; Comparison: Standard treatment; Outcome: Decreased hospital readmissions; Timeframe: 1 year. Can family psychoeducation for inpatients with schizophrenia lead to a noteworthy reduction in hospital readmission rates within a year, compared to standard treatment alone?
  • Population: Children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD); Intervention: Regular physical activity; Comparison: No structured exercise; Outcome: Improvement in ADHD symptoms; Timeframe: 3 months. Will regular physical activity over 3 months substantially improve ADHD symptoms among children compared to those lacking structured exercise?
  • Population: Pregnant women with prenatal depression ; Intervention: Yoga therapy; Comparison: Support groups; Outcome: Reduction in depressive symptoms; Timeframe: Throughout pregnancy. Does integrating yoga therapy throughout pregnancy lead to a noteworthy reduction in prenatal depressive symptoms among pregnant women, compared to participation in support groups?
  • Population: Veterans with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD); Intervention: Service dogs; Comparison: Medication and therapy; Outcome: Decreased PTSD severity; Timeframe: 6 months. Over a 6-month period, does the inclusion of service dogs in treatment result in a significant decrease in the severity of PTSD symptoms among veterans, compared to medication and therapy alone?
  • Population: Individuals with bipolar disorder ; Intervention: Smartphone app for mood tracking; Comparison: Traditional mood charting; Outcome: Enhanced mood management; Timeframe: 3 months. Can the use of a smartphone app for mood tracking over 3 months lead to more effective mood management among individuals with bipolar disorder, when compared to traditional mood charting?
  • Population: Patients in substance abuse rehabilitation; Intervention: Art therapy; Comparison: Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT); Outcome: Improved emotional expression; Timeframe: 10 sessions. Does the incorporation of art therapy into substance abuse rehabilitation over 10 sessions facilitate improved emotional expression compared to traditional cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT)?
  • Population: Children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD); Intervention: Animal-assisted therapy; Comparison: Standard interventions; Outcome: Increase in social interaction skills; Timeframe: 8 weeks. Within an 8-week period, does animal-assisted therapy result in a more significant increase in social interaction skills among children with ASD, compared to standard interventions?

EBP Project Ideas on Mental Health Care

  • Assessing the efficacy of virtual reality exposure therapy for treating phobias.
  • Establishing a peer support initiative for nurses managing workplace stress.
  • Formulating guidelines for identifying and addressing self-harm behaviors in adolescents.
  • Analyzing the impact of a relaxation space in reducing stress among healthcare staff.
  • Developing a training module for nurses on de-escalation techniques during psychiatric crises.

Nursing Capstone Project Ideas on Mental Health Care

  • Investigating the perception of seeking mental health care among healthcare professionals.
  • Designing a mental health first aid program for schools to detect early signs of mental distress in students.
  • Examining the connection between childhood trauma and emerging mental health disorders in adulthood.
  • Crafting a comprehensive care plan for elderly patients with coexisting physical and mental health conditions.
  • Evaluating the role of family involvement in the recovery of individuals with schizophrenia.

5 Nursing Research Paper Topics on Mental Health Care

  • The influence of social media on body image and its implications for adolescent mental health.
  • Probing the correlation between sleep quality and mood disorders.
  • Exploring cultural factors shaping the manifestation and management of depression.
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in mitigating burnout among healthcare professionals.
  • Investigating the psychological impact of extended isolation on astronauts during space missions.

Nursing Research Questions on Mental Health Care

  • How does childhood trauma impact the development of borderline personality disorder in adulthood?
  • What communication strategies are most effective for nurses interacting with patients diagnosed with schizophrenia?
  • How do socioeconomic factors contribute to disparities in accessing mental health care services?
  • What psychological effects arise from prolonged hospitalization among pediatric patients ?
  • Which interventions yield the best results in preventing suicide among LGBTQ+ youth?

Essay Topics & Examples on Mental Health Care

  • The Role of Nurses in Raising Mental Health Awareness in Educational Settings.
  • Scrutinizing the Ethics of Involuntary Psychiatric Treatment: Balancing Patient Rights and Public Safety.
  • Unpacking the Psychological Toll of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Healthcare Personnel.
  • Tackling the Stigma of Mental Illness : A Nursing Perspective.
  • Integrating Complementary Therapies in Psychiatric Nursing: Challenges and Benefits.

In their journey toward nursing professionalism, embracing the intricate realm of mental health care is vital. The PICOT questions, project concepts, research themes, and essay ideas shared here form a solid foundation for meaningful exploration and impactful contributions to the field. By immersing themselves in these avenues, nursing students can cultivate a profound understanding of mental health care, preparing them to offer holistic, patient-centered care that tends to both physical and psychological needs. Contact our writing services for those seeking additional guidance in crafting impactful academic work.

FAQs: Exploring Mental Health Care in Nursing

Q1: Why is mental health important in nursing?

A1: Mental health plays a pivotal role in nursing as it contributes to patients’ overall well-being. Addressing mental health challenges enables nurses to provide holistic care, acknowledging the interconnectedness of physical and psychological health.

Q2: What are the 4 principles of mental health nursing?

A2: The four principles of mental health nursing encompass building therapeutic relationships, promoting autonomy and self-determination, providing evidence-based care, and fostering a safe and supportive patient environment.

Q3: What are the different types of mental health nurses?

A3: There are various types of mental health nurses, including psychiatric-mental health nurses, geriatric psychiatric nurses, child and adolescent psychiatric nurses, and forensic psychiatric nurses, each specializing in different patient populations and settings.

Q4: What are the 6 C’s of nursing?

A4: The 6 C’s of nursing are Compassion, Competence, Communication, Courage, Commitment, and Care. These principles guide nurses in providing patient-centered care that encompasses both physical and psychological well-being.

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Mental Health Nursing Research Topics: Inspiring Ideas for Students


This article was written in collaboration with Christine T. and ChatGPT, our little helper developed by OpenAI.

nursing research topics about mental health

Mental health nursing is an essential field that requires ongoing research to improve patient outcomes and enhance the overall quality of care. As a student in this field, you can contribute to this important work by conducting research projects.

One of the biggest challenges you may face when starting a research project is deciding on a topic. This article has compiled a list of relevant and inspiring mental health nursing research topics to help you get started.

Examples of Mental Health Nursing Research Topics

The effectiveness of mindfulness practices on mental health outcomes.

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and yoga, have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Research has shown that these practices may also effectively treat mental health conditions such as depression and anxiety. As a mental health nursing student, you could investigate the impact of mindfulness practices on mental health outcomes.

  • The impact of mindfulness practices on depression symptoms
  • The effect of mindfulness on anxiety and stress reduction
  • Mindfulness as a tool for coping with chronic pain
  • The benefits of mindfulness for people with substance abuse disorders
  • Mindfulness-based interventions for PTSD
  • The role of mindfulness in promoting better sleep
  • Comparing the effectiveness of different types of mindfulness practices on reducing anxiety symptoms
  • Exploring the neurobiological mechanisms underlying the benefits of mindfulness meditation
  • The impact of mindfulness practices on sleep quality and mental health
  • Evaluating the long-term effects of regular mindfulness practices on emotional well-being
  • Mindfulness interventions in schools and their effects on student mental health
  • Mindfulness and eating disorders: effects on body image and eating behavior
  • Mindfulness and anger management
  • Mental health and gender inequality
  • The effect of mindfulness on attention and focus
  • Mindfulness as a strategy to enhance emotional intelligence
  • Mindfulness and workplace stress
  • Mindfulness and burnout in healthcare professionals
  • The impact of mindfulness on cognitive function in older adults
  • Mindfulness and self-compassion: effects on self-esteem and self-worth
  • Mindfulness as a complement to medication for mental health treatment
  • Mindfulness-based interventions for people with schizophrenia
  • Mindfulness for children and adolescents with ADHD
  • The effect of mindfulness on symptoms of bipolar disorder
  • Mindfulness and social anxiety
  • Mindfulness and parenting: effects on stress and well-being
  • The impact of mindfulness on academic performance
  • Mindfulness and addiction recovery: effects on relapse prevention
  • Mindfulness and personality disorders
  • Mindfulness and body image dissatisfaction
  • Mindfulness and chronic illness: effects on quality of life
  • Mindfulness for people with borderline personality disorder
  • The impact of mindfulness on self-harm and suicidal ideation
  • Mindfulness for people with eating disorders in recovery
  • Mindfulness and resilience: effects on coping with adversity
  • The drug abuse and associated disorders: an overview of the anti-drug policy and the need for policy change
  • Mindfulness and self-compassion in cancer patients
  • The effect of mindfulness on symptoms of OCD
  • Mindfulness-based interventions for people with anxiety disorders
  • Mindfulness and creativity: effects on artistic expression and well-being
  • Mindfulness for people with chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Mindfulness and pain management: effects on chronic pain
  • Mindfulness and emotional regulation in people with autism
  • Mindfulness for people with borderline intellectual functioning
  • The effect of mindfulness on symptoms of postpartum depression
  • Mindfulness and social connectedness: effects on loneliness and isolation
  • Mindfulness and spirituality: effects on well-being and connection to something larger

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The Role of Nutrition in Mental Health

Research has shown that diet and nutrition can significantly affect mental health outcomes. For example, certain nutrients, such as omega-3 fatty acids, have been linked to improved mood and cognitive function. As a mental health nursing student, you could explore the impact of nutrition on mental health outcomes and investigate the effectiveness of nutritional interventions in managing mental health conditions.

  • The impact of nutrient deficiencies on mental health
  • The role of omega-3 fatty acids in brain function and mental health
  • The effect of vitamin D on mood and anxiety
  • The connection between gut health and mental health
  • The influence of caffeine on anxiety and sleep
  • The effects of sugar on mental health and cognitive function
  • The relationship between gut health, diet, and mood disorders
  • Evaluating the effects of probiotics on mental health outcomes
  • Impact of vitamin D deficiency on depressive symptoms
  • Dietary interventions for managing ADHD symptoms in children
  • The link between sugar intake and anxiety: a closer look
  • The impact of nutrition on ADHD symptoms
  • The role of antioxidants in protecting against oxidative stress and improving mental health
  • The effects of probiotics on mental health and mood
  • The connection between iron deficiency and depression
  • The role of magnesium in anxiety and depression
  • The impact of food allergies and intolerances on mental health
  • The effect of B vitamins on cognitive function and mental health
  • The influence of alcohol on mental health and well-being
  • The role of nutrition in the prevention of dementia and cognitive decline
  • The effects of caffeine withdrawal on mental health
  • The connection between nutrition and schizophrenia symptoms
  • The role of amino acids in brain function and mental health
  • The effect of carbohydrates on mood and energy levels
  • The impact of diet on sleep quality and quantity
  • The influence of processed foods on mental health
  • The role of nutrition in the treatment of eating disorders
  • The connection between nutrition and bipolar disorder symptoms
  • The effect of zinc on mental health and cognitive function
  • The impact of phytochemicals on brain health and mental well-being
  • The role of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of anxiety disorders
  • The effects of dehydration on cognitive function and mood
  • The connection between nutrition and ADHD medication effectiveness
  • The role of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of depression
  • The effect of amino acid supplementation on depression and anxiety
  • The impact of low-carbohydrate diets on mental health and mood
  • The influence of social and cultural factors on nutrition and mental health
  • The role of nutrition in the management of stress and cortisol levels
  • The effects of specific diets, such as the Mediterranean diet, on mental health outcomes
  • The connection between nutrition and substance abuse recovery
  • The role of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of postpartum depression
  • The effect of omega-3 supplementation on cognitive function and memory
  • The impact of vegetarian and vegan diets on mental health and well-being
  • The connection between nutrition and Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
  • The role of nutrition in the prevention and treatment of Alzheimer’s disease

The Impact of Social Media on Mental Health

Social media has become integral to our daily lives, but research has also shown that it can hurt mental health. For example, excessive social media use has been linked to increased feelings of anxiety and depression. As a mental health nursing student, you could investigate the impact of social media on mental health outcomes and explore the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing the harmful effects of social media.

  • The connection between social media use and depression
  • The impact of social media on body image and self-esteem
  • The effect of social media on sleep quality and quantity
  • The relationship between social media addiction and mental health
  • The influence of cyberbullying on mental health outcomes
  • The role of social media in the development of anxiety disorders
  • The effects of social media on interpersonal relationships and social skills
  • The connection between social media use and suicide risk
  • The correlation between social media usage patterns and self-esteem levels
  • Effects of social media detox on mental health outcomes
  • Evaluating the role of social media in the rise of body dysmorphia among teenagers
  • The relationship between cyberbullying on social media platforms and depression
  • Influence of social comparison on social media and its impact on mental health
  • The impact of social media on attention span and focus
  • The effect of social media on academic performance and stress
  • The relationship between social media use and eating disorders
  • The influence of social media on body dysmorphia
  • The role of social media in the development of addiction and substance abuse disorders
  • The effects of social media on the brain and cognition
  • The connection between social media use and stress levels
  • The impact of social media on political beliefs and mental health outcomes
  • The effect of social media on self-compassion and self-care
  • The relationship between social media use and personality disorders
  • The influence of social media on social comparison and envy
  • The role of social media in the development of Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)
  • The effects of social media on creativity and mental health
  • The connection between social media use and addiction to video games
  • The impact of social media on attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • The effect of social media on decision-making and impulsivity
  • The relationship between social media use and loneliness
  • The influence of social media on phobias and anxieties
  • The role of social media in the development of trauma-related disorders
  • The effects of social media on emotional regulation and mental health
  • The connection between social media use and paranoia
  • The impact of social media on cultural and societal attitudes toward mental health
  • The effect of social media on post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • The relationship between social media use and narcissistic personality disorder
  • The influence of social media on obsessive thoughts and compulsive behaviors
  • The role of social media in the development of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders
  • The effects of social media on body-focused repetitive behaviors (BFRBs)
  • The connection between social media use and self-harm behaviors
  • The impact of social media on emotional contagion and mental health outcomes
  • The effect of social media on emotional intelligence and empathy
  • The relationship between social media use and phubbing (phone snubbing)
  • The influence of social media on identity formation and mental health

The Effectiveness of Art Therapy in Treating Mental Health Conditions

Art therapy is a form of psychotherapy that uses creative expression to improve mental health outcomes. As a mental health nursing student, you could investigate the effectiveness of art therapy in treating mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder.

  • The role of art therapy in treating anxiety disorders
  • The effectiveness of art therapy in managing depression
  • Art therapy as a treatment for post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • Art therapy for improving social skills in individuals with autism spectrum disorders
  • The anatomy and physiology of anxiety disorder: hereditary factors and statistical facts
  • The benefits of art therapy in treating addiction and substance abuse disorders
  • Art therapy for promoting self-expression and emotional regulation in children with ADHD
  • Art therapy as a tool for managing PTSD symptoms in veterans
  • The role of music therapy in improving mental health outcomes in dementia patients
  • Exploring the benefits of dance therapy for individuals with mood disorders
  • Evaluating the therapeutic effects of visual arts on children with behavioral disorders
  • The impact of group art therapy sessions on building social skills in autistic individuals
  • The effectiveness of art therapy in managing chronic pain and illness-related stress
  • Art therapy for enhancing communication and reducing aggression in individuals with dementia
  • The benefits of art therapy in managing symptoms of schizophrenia
  • Art therapy as a treatment for borderline personality disorder
  • The effectiveness of art therapy in improving body image and self-esteem
  • The delicate dance: balancing art and science in the nursing profession
  • Art therapy for reducing symptoms of obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • The role of art therapy in managing anger and aggression in individuals with intellectual disabilities
  • Art therapy for promoting mindfulness and reducing stress in cancer patients
  • The effectiveness of art therapy in managing symptoms of eating disorders
  • Art therapy for improving cognitive functioning in individuals with traumatic brain injuries
  • The benefits of art therapy in reducing symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome
  • Art therapy as a treatment for individuals with chronic pain and fibromyalgia
  • The effectiveness of art therapy in improving sleep quality and quantity
  • Art therapy for promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety in individuals with hypertension
  • The role of art therapy in treating individuals with dissociative identity disorder
  • Art therapy for enhancing creativity and promoting personal growth
  • The benefits of art therapy in improving the overall quality of life in individuals with mental health conditions
  • Art therapy as a treatment for individuals with multiple sclerosis
  • The effectiveness of art therapy in managing symptoms of bipolar disorder
  • Art therapy for improving social functioning and reducing isolation in individuals with schizophrenia
  • The role of art therapy in promoting spirituality and reducing existential anxiety
  • Nursing: a beautiful blend of art and science
  • Art therapy for promoting self-compassion and self-care in individuals with chronic illness
  • The benefits of art therapy in managing symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)
  • Art therapy as a treatment for individuals with personality disorders
  • The effectiveness of art therapy in reducing symptoms of agoraphobia
  • Art therapy for promoting emotional resilience and coping skills in individuals with chronic pain
  • The role of art therapy in managing symptoms of obsessive-compulsive personality disorder
  • Art therapy for improving communication and reducing aggression in individuals with traumatic brain injuries
  • The benefits of art therapy in promoting self-awareness and personal insight
  • Art therapy as a treatment for individuals with gender identity disorder
  • The effectiveness of art therapy in reducing symptoms of borderline intellectual functioning
  • Art therapy for promoting emotional expression and reducing anxiety in individuals with speech disorders
  • The role of art therapy in promoting cognitive flexibility and problem-solving skills
  • Art therapy for improving body awareness and reducing symptoms of somatic disorders

The Impact of Trauma on Mental Health Outcomes

Trauma can profoundly impact mental health outcomes, and understanding the relationship between trauma and mental illness is essential for effective care. As a mental health nursing student, you could investigate the impact of trauma on mental health outcomes and explore the effectiveness of interventions to reduce the negative effects of trauma.

  • The effects of childhood trauma on mental health in adulthood
  • The impact of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) on mental health outcomes
  • The role of resilience in mitigating the effects of trauma on mental health
  • The prevalence of trauma in marginalized populations and its impact on mental health
  • The effects of trauma on brain development and mental health outcomes
  • The impact of trauma on the development of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD)
  • The relationship between trauma and substance use disorders
  • The role of social support in mitigating the effects of trauma on mental health
  • The effects of trauma on attachment and interpersonal relationships
  • The impact of trauma on physical health outcomes
  • Exploring the physiological changes in the brain after experiencing trauma
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of EMDR therapy for trauma survivors
  • The long-term mental health outcomes of childhood trauma
  • Comparing the effects of single incident trauma vs. prolonged trauma on mental health
  • The role of support groups in aiding trauma recovery
  • The effects of trauma on cognitive functioning and memory
  • The relationship between trauma and depression
  • The impact of trauma on anxiety and anxiety disorders
  • The role of trauma in the development of personality disorders
  • The effects of trauma on sleep quality and quantity
  • The relationship between trauma and self-esteem
  • The impact of trauma on emotion regulation and impulsivity
  • The effects of trauma on suicidal ideation and behavior
  • The role of trauma in the development of dissociative disorders
  • The impact of trauma on parenting and child-rearing practices
  • The effects of trauma on sexual health and relationships
  • The relationship between trauma and eating disorders
  • The impact of trauma on social functioning and integration
  • The effects of trauma on work productivity and employment outcomes
  • The role of cultural factors in the experience and impact of trauma on mental health
  • The effects of trauma on spirituality and faith-based coping mechanisms
  • The relationship between trauma and anger management
  • The impact of trauma on sexual and gender identity development
  • The effects of trauma on executive functioning and decision-making abilities
  • The role of trauma in the development of the obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD)
  • The impact of trauma on aging and geriatric mental health
  • The effects of trauma on identity development and self-concept
  • The relationship between trauma and borderline personality disorder (BPD)
  • The impact of trauma on coping strategies and resilience
  • The effects of trauma on healthcare utilization and healthcare outcomes
  • The role of trauma in the development of anxiety and stress-related disorders
  • The impact of trauma on social and emotional intelligence
  • The effects of trauma on emotion recognition and empathy
  • The relationship between trauma and bipolar disorder
  • The role of trauma in the development of schizophrenia and other psychotic disorders

The Interdisciplinary Approach in Mental Health Nursing

Mental health nursing is not an isolated field. It thrives on interdisciplinary collaboration, where professionals from various disciplines come together to offer holistic care to patients. As the understanding of mental health broadens, it’s imperative for nursing students to recognize the value of interdisciplinary approaches in optimizing patient outcomes.

Benefits of an Interdisciplinary Approach:

  • Holistic Care

Drawing expertise from fields like psychology, nutrition, social work, and even art therapy ensures a well-rounded approach to patient care.

  • Enhanced Patient Outcomes

Collaborative efforts often lead to better patient outcomes as they address various facets of a patient’s well-being.

  • Continued Learning

Interacting with professionals from diverse backgrounds provides an excellent opportunity for learning and professional growth.

Key Areas of Collaboration:

  • Psychology and Psychiatry

Understanding the psychological underpinnings of mental disorders and collaborating with psychologists and psychiatrists is fundamental. It ensures that therapeutic interventions are complemented by appropriate medical treatments.

  • Social Work

Social workers play a crucial role in patient rehabilitation, ensuring they have the necessary support systems in place, be it family counseling or community reintegration.

As the link between nutrition and mental health becomes increasingly evident, collaboration with nutritionists can guide dietary interventions to complement therapeutic strategies.

  • Alternative Therapies

Fields like art therapy, music therapy, and even physical therapy offer alternative avenues for patient recovery. Understanding and collaborating with professionals from these fields can enhance patient care.

For nursing students, embracing the interdisciplinary approach is not just about improving patient care but also about enhancing their professional expertise. By understanding the broader landscape of mental health care, students prepare themselves for the diverse challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in their careers.

Choosing a research topic can be challenging, but with the right inspiration and guidance, you can find a relevant and inspiring topic with the right inspiration and guidance. These mental health nursing research topic ideas are just a starting point – there are countless other areas of research in this field that you can explore. With dedication and hard work, you can make a valuable contribution to the field of mental health nursing and help improve the lives of those struggling with mental illness.

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Psychological distress, well-being, resilience, posttraumatic growth, and turnover intention of mental health nurses during COVID-19: A cross-sectional study


  • 1 School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine, Australian Catholic University, Fitzroy, Australia.
  • 2 Faculty of Health, School of Psychology and Counselling, Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, Australia.
  • 3 Monash Rural Health, Monash University, Warragul, Australia.
  • 4 School of Allied Health, Australian Catholic University, Banyo, Australia.
  • 5 Nursing Research and Practice Development Centre, The Prince Charles Hospital, Chermside, Queensland, Australia.
  • 6 School of Nursing, Midwifery and Public Health, University of Canberra, Bruce, Australian Capital Territory, Australia.
  • 7 ACT Government Health Directorate, Philip, Australian Capital Territory, Australia.
  • 8 School of Nursing and Midwifery, University of Technology Sydney, Ultimo, New South Wales, Australia.
  • PMID: 38747675
  • DOI: 10.1111/inm.13354

Mental health nurses (MHNs) experience a range of stressors as part of their work, which can impact their well-being and turnover intention. There is no prior evidence, however, on MHNs' mental health, well-being, resilience, and turnover intention during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aims of this online survey-based cross-sectional study, conducted during the pandemic, were to explore the psychological distress, well-being, emotional intelligence, coping self-efficacy, resilience, posttraumatic growth, sense of workplace belonging, and turnover intention of n = 144 Australian mental health registered and enrolled nurses; and explore relationships between these variables, in particular, psychological distress, well-being, and turnover intention. There was a higher percentage of MHNs with high (27.78%) and very high psychological distress (9.72%) compared to population norms as measured by the K10. Emotional intelligence behaviours were significantly lower than the population mean (GENOS-EI Short). Coping self-efficacy was mid-range (CSES-Short). Resilience was moderate overall (Brief Resilience Scale), and posttraumatic growth was mid-range (Posttraumatic Growth Inventory; PTGI). Sense of workplace belonging was moderate, and turnover intention was low. Higher levels of psychological distress were associated with higher turnover intention, and lower workplace belonging, coping self-efficacy, well-being, resilience, and emotional intelligence behaviours. Despite the levels of psychological distress, nearly half the sample (n = 71) was 'flourishing' in terms of well-being (Mental Health Continuum Short-Form). To help prevent staff distress in the post-pandemic period, organisations need to proactively offer support and professional development to strengthen staff's psychological well-being, emotional intelligence, and resilience skills. These strategies and group clinical supervision may also support lower turnover.

Keywords: COVID‐19; mental health nursing; posttraumatic growth; resilience; turnover intention; well‐being.

© 2024 The Authors. International Journal of Mental Health Nursing published by John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

Grants and funding

  • Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation
  • LP180101112/Australian Research Council
  • Health and Community Services Union
  • Department of Health and Human Services, State Government of Victoria
  • Open access
  • Published: 16 May 2024

Factors associated with clinical nurse’s mental health: a qualitative study applying the social ecological model

  • Qiang Yu 1   na1 ,
  • Chongmei Huang 2 , 3   na1 ,
  • Yusheng Tian 1 ,
  • Jiaxin Yang 1 ,
  • Xuting Li 1 ,
  • Meng Ning 4 ,
  • Zengyu Chen 4 ,
  • Jiaqing He 1 &
  • Yamin Li 1  

BMC Nursing volume  23 , Article number:  330 ( 2024 ) Cite this article

87 Accesses

Metrics details

The prevalence of burnout, depression, and anxiety among Chinese nurses was 34%, 55.5%, and 41.8% respectively. Mental health problems have significant impacts on their personal well-being, work performance, patient care quality, and the overall healthcare system. Mental health is influenced by factors at multiple levels and their interactions.

This was a descriptive qualitative study using phenomenological approach. We recruited a total of 48 nurses from a tertiary hospital in Changsha, Hunan Province, China. Data were collected through focus group interviews. Audio-recorded data were transcribed and inductively analysed.

Four major themes with 13 subthemes were identified according to the social ecological model: (1) individual-level factors, including personality traits, sleep quality, workplace adaptability, and years of work experience; (2) interpersonal-level factors, encompassing interpersonal support and role conflict; (3) organization-level factors, such as organizational climate, organizational support, career plateau, and job control; and (4) social-level factors, which included compensation packages, social status, and legislative provision and policy.


Our study provides a nuanced understanding of the multifaceted factors influencing nurses’ mental health. Recognizing the interconnectedness of individual, interpersonal, organizational, and social elements is essential for developing targeted interventions and comprehensive strategies to promote and safeguard the mental well-being of nurses in clinical settings.

Trial and protocol registration

The larger study was registered with Chinese Clinical Trial Registry: ChiCTR2300072142 (05/06/2023) https://www.chictr.org.cn/showproj.html?proj=192676 .

Reporting method

This study is reported according to the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research (COREQ).

Peer Review reports

The prevalence of mental health problem among clinical nurses is high. As the largest group of health systems, clinical nurses play a crucial role in promoting health and preventing disease [ 1 ]. Although they are trained to provide care for their patients, they rarely cared about themselves [ 1 ]. Clinical nurses are suffering from mental health problems, including stress, anxiety, depression, and burnout. A meta-analysis involving 45,539 nurses from 49 countries revealed that a global prevalence of burnout symptoms was 11.23% across various specialties [ 2 ]. In Australia, the prevalence of depression, anxiety and stress among nurses was 32.4%, 41.2% and 41.2%, respectively [ 1 ]. In Italy, the prevalence of generalized anxiety disorder among nurses is 50% [ 3 ].In Spain, 68% of nurses had depression, anxiety, insomnia and distress to some degree, and 38% of them had moderate or severe symptoms [ 4 ]. A survey of clinical nurses from 30 Chinese provinces indicated that the rates of burnout, depression, and anxiety was 34%, 55.5%, and 41.8%, respectively [ 5 ]. Mental health problems may compromise physical, mental, and social health and even increase suicide risk [ 6 ].

The mental health problems among clinical nurses affects their personal well-being, work performance, patient care quality, and the healthcare system. Remarkably, their mental health problems not only heighten the risk of physical conditions such as heart disease, chronic pain, gastrointestinal distress, and even mortality [ 7 ], but also correlate with absenteeism, intention to leave, and elevated turnover rates [ 8 , 9 ]. These increased turnover rates exacerbate the financial challenges faced by healthcare institutions [ 10 ]. The presence of one or more of these mental health problems can contribute to occupational mishaps, including medical errors [ 1 , 11 ], compromised work performance, and a pessimistic workplace demeanor [ 12 ]. Nurses with mental health problems are at 26–71% more likely to make medical errors [ 13 ]. Furthermore, their mental health may imperil the well-being of patients and the quality of health services [ 14 ]. Moreover, these challenges can contribute to reputation harm, diminished productivity, and decreased clinical efficacy of the hospital [ 15 ]. Therefore, it is necessary to identify factors associated with their mental health for developing and implementing targeted intervention.

Previous studies have identified several factors associated with clinical nurses’ mental health, with some limitations [ 16 ]. According to the social ecological model, mental health is affected by factors at multiple levels and interaction between factors. However, most studies explored factors at a single level or a single type of factors. For instance, studies focused on factors either at individual (psychological characteristics) [ 17 , 18 ], or interpersonal (e.g., social support) [ 19 , 20 , 21 ], organizational (e.g., workplace violence) [ 22 ], or societal level (e.g., social status) [ 23 , 24 ]. Therefore, these studies fail to offer a complete picture of factors at multiple levels and examine interactions between factors. Additionally, the majority of extant studies adopt quantitative design with standardized measurements, which may neglect the intricacies of personal experiences and the significance of context.

To fill aforementioned gap, our study is aimed to explore associated factors for mental health at all four socio-ecological levels and to understand the interactions between factors from the perspective of clinical nurses.

Study design

This study adopted a qualitative descriptive design with focus group interviews. Qualitative description design is widely used to gather insight from key informants about poorly understood healthcare questions [ 25 , 26 ]. The design was considered appropriate because this study aimed to obtain a detailed description of participants’ perceived influencing factors of mental health. Focus group interviews were used for data collection to encourage the free exchange of information and to yield richer data and deeper insights into the topic.

This study was conducted in a tertiary hospital in Changsha, Hunan Province, China. The hospital has 3000 nurses and 137 head nurses.


This study included clinical nurses and head nurses who were employed by the hospital for one year or over. They were recruited, using both convenience and purposive sampling between April to May 2023. The study was advertised through the existing network of the authors. Potential participants were approached by the authors via WeChat with an explanatory statement. The explanatory statement included a brief introduction of the study and invited potential participants to contact the first author directly to arrange the interview time and venue. Purposive sampling was used to obtain maximum variation, within participants’ characteristics including gender, years of work experience, clinical work area, and having an administrative position or not.

Data collection

We conducted seven focus groups (seven- eight participants in each group) in the meeting room of the hospital between April to May 2023. We introduced the purpose of the research and topics before conducting the group interview. The interview guide were developed based on the literature review, including following questions: (1) How about your mental health in daily work? (2) What are the factors influencing your mental health? (3) How does mental health affect your daily life? (4) When you felt down, what kind of coping strategies do you adopted? (5) What external factors (e.g., individual, interpersonal and environmental factors) are conducive to promoting your mental health? The interviews were conducted in Mandarin. The second author acted as a facilitator for focus groups, and she participated workshop in qualitative research as part of master course. The fourth author acted as a note taker who took field notes and observed the interaction within the groups. The duration of the focus group interviews ranged from 65 to 94 min (mean 81.5 min).

Data analysis

Preliminary data collection and data analysis were conducted simultaneously, which enabled collection to cease on reaching data saturation. All audio recordings were transcribed in Mandarin using Xunfei software, and the accuracy was verified by the first, third, and fifth authors. Then, all the data were input entered into excel for analysis. Three authors (the second, eighth, and ninth authors) independently coded the transcripts line by line and then deliberated to form a preliminary coding framework. Constant comparative analysis ensured consistent coding across transcripts. They developed a preliminary coding framework after coding the first three transcripts, refining it iteratively with subsequent transcripts. This was repeated with further transcripts, and the subthemes were refined and reduced in number by grouping codes together. Following the development of the final coding framework, the remaining transcripts remained open to new additions if needed.

Final themes were constructed using an inductive process. The social ecological model was used to group themes. This model was used to connect the findings with the literature and conceptual framework. The social ecological model [ 27 ] is used to describe multiple factors affecting mental health and explore healthcare behaviors [ 28 , 29 ], these factors grouped into four levels: intrapersonal, interpersonal, organizational and societal level. This model includes four levels: individual, interpersonal, organizational and societal. Individual level identifies biological, character traits and psychological factors. Interpersonal level examines communication and interaction with individuals in social networks. Organizational level contains resources obtained from organizations and through social interactions. Societal level focuses on factors that help create an atmosphere conducive to maintaining mental health.

The study’s rigor was established through meticulous attention to credibility, transferability, dependability, and confirmability [ 30 ]. Credibility was achieved by rigorously analyzing the data by the research team. Transferability was ensured by providing a comprehensive description of the study setting and detailed narratives of participant experiences. Additionally, dependability and confirmability were upheld through a meticulous audit of methodological decisions made by the research team throughout the study process.

Participant’s characteristics

Fifty nurses were invited to participate in this study, and two declined the invitation; the remaining 48 nurses completed the interview. More female nurse participated in the study ( n  = 37) rather than male ( n  = 5). The participants’ social demographic characteristics are presented in Table  1 .

Main findings

As shown shown in Fig. 1, factors associated with clinical nurses’ mental health were categorized four themes and 13 subthemes: (1) individual-level factors, (2) interpersonal-level factors, (3) organization-level factors, and (4) social-level factors.

figure 1

Factors associated with clinical nurse’s mental health

Individual-level factors

Participants reported that their mental health could be impacted by personality traits (i.e., optimistic/negative life outlook), quality of sleep, workplace adaptability, and years of work experience. Some participants mentioned that adaptability was important for them to manage emotional and practical daily challenges in the face of rapidly changing and unpredictable circumstances.

When novice nurses take care of patients by themselves, they may experience increased stress, especially when patients’ condition changes suddenly during the night shift (F1P4).

Interpersonal-level factors

Participants perceived that interpersonal support and role conflict were associated with their mental health.

Interpersonal support

Our participants identified that interpersonal support was playing an important role in maintaining their mental health. They explained that talking to their families, friends, colleagues and supervisor were an effective way to relieve work stress.

I sought to the person I trust the most (my family) and talked all the unpleasant things with them when I felt very stressed (F3P3).

Role conflict

Participants mentioned that it was inevitable for them to experience role conflict (i.e., work-family conflict and work-school conflict) because of the demanding and challenging conditions of the job. They felt guilty when work pressures interfered with family responsibilities. Some participants identified that their emotional stress increased when their work interfered with their ability to meet the demands of their kids’ school. The demands of long study hours and early clinical hours caused stress among them and kept them from household responsibilities of cooking, cleaning, and spending time with children. Participants also felt that family support of their career choices helped their job performance.

. my father was diagnosed with lung cancer two years ago. He was resuscitated many times during his treatment. However, I was always busy working at the fever outpatient department and couldn’t spend much time with him. I still feel sad…(F7P4) .

Organization-level factors

Participants perceived that their mental health was influenced by the following four organizational-level factors, including (1) organization climate, (2) organization support, (3) career plateau, and (4) job control.

Organization climate

In this study, organization climate included emotional climate and workplace incivility. Participants perceived the importance of the emotional climate due to the transmissive nature of emotional states. It was easy to be infected by the negative emotions of colleagues, so that the entire department can generate or maintain a negative emotional climate, vice versa.

Some colleagues are always complaining, which affects others’ the mood (F3P4).

Most participates identified it was common for them to experience workplace incivility which came from their nurses, physicians, supervisors and patients. They felt disrespected, threatened reprimanded, and emotionally abused, which evoke negative emotions, such as anxiety, depression, exhaustion.

Organization support

Participants perceived that organization support (i.e., instrumental and emotional support) were related to job satisfaction and mental health. Participants identified various forms of instrumental support, including physical environment, sufficient human resource, task assistance, training opportunities and flexibility in work schedule. The support helped them to perform job roles, which also carried emotional meanings. Emotional support included listening to work concerns, allowing to vent emotions, and providing words of encouragement. The support provided socioemotional resources, involving affection, sympathy, understanding, acceptance, and recognition.

. we definitely don’t want our supervisor to scold us without getting the full picture (of the whole thing), and we really hope that supervisor investigate what really happened…(F7P2) .

Career plateau

Our participants, especially seniors frequently mentioned the challenge of double career plateau which includes hierarchical plateau and content plateau. They felt frustrated and even hopeless when they were experiencing a permanent end in career advancement. Some participants perceived little opportunity for vertical improvement because of the flattened pyramid shape within the hospital. Some participants expressed the concern about future professional recession because they have limited opportunities to master new skills.

Everyone think that our nurses don’t seem to have a future, especially the male nurses… only one or two nurses can really be head nurses (F2P1).

Job control

Many participates complained that they lack of control over work time and tasks. They had to extend their work time without compensation, leading to work-family conflicts. They felt exhausted and disgusted when they were asked to attend training and meetings immediately after night shifts. Additionally, some participants got annoyed by research tasks because they were not interested in it, and some participants felt incompetent at it because they did not receive relevant training.

we were asked to attend meetings and participate training and other activities after we finish our night shift. It’s really annoying (F7P5).

Social-level factors

Participants identified three social-level factors associated with the mental health, including (1) compensation package, (2) social status, and (3) legislative provision and policy.

Compensation package

Many participants were not satisfied with their compensation package. They indicated feelings of inadequate reward for their efforts and the level of responsibility, and unfairness of salary compared with doctors. Some participants felt unsafe because the institute did not buy pension insurance for them.

I did not have pension insurance, I feel stressed (laughing)… I reckon that as long as our profession enjoys good welfare and incentives…People will regard nursing as a valuable profession…(F2P8) .

Social status

Some participants perceived their social status as low, and it is common for them to receive discrimination from patients, relatives and doctors. Participants shared their experience of being viewed as servants by patients in the ward, which made them feel humiliated. They frankly voiced that their low social status, low salary and unsatisfactory professional image made them reluctant to recommend this career to others.

…In the eyes of most people, our status, ,are indeed low, they (patients) look down on us as if we were just waiters (F7P7)… .

Legislative provision and policy

Participants believe that legislative provision and supportive policy was an effective approach to improve social status and professional image.

How do you advocate for the rights of nurses? I believe the legal aspect is more important…(F5P4) .

To our knowledge, this is the first qualitative study which explored factors associated with mental health of clinical nurses by using socio-ecological model. The study advances the literature by emphasizing (1) the mental health is influenced by multi-level factors which include intrapersonal - (i.e., personality traits, quality of sleep, workplace adaptability, and years of work experience), interpersonal (i.e., interpersonal support and role conflict), organizational (i.e., organization climate, organization support, career plateau, and job control), and social-level factors (i.e., including compensation package, social status, and legislative provision and policy), (2) the interaction between factors, and (3) the reciprocal relationship between individuals’ mental health and their environments.

Consistent with the findings of previous research [ 31 , 32 , 33 , 34 , 35 ], our study found that nurses experience more work-to-family conflict than family-to-work conflict, leading to a feeling of stress and guilt. This may be because work and family life are mutually incompatible to some extent. Nurses experience high levels of physical, cognitive, and emotional demands due to the nature of the nursing profession. Meanwhile, most nurses are women, indicating a substantial number of dual-career or single-woman-headed households. They always are expected to take the primary responsibility for childcare and housework by themselves and society [ 36 ]. Therefore, they feel guilty when their work interferes with household duties and family responsibilities, or work detracts from quality time with their families. Notably, our study also found that organizational support (i.e., supportive working environment and flexibility in work schedule) and family support systems could help to mitigate work-family conflict. Consistently, organizational support has been identified as a valuable resource for fostering positive work attitudes and alleviating depressive symptoms [ 37 , 38 ].

Our study recognized the occurrence of double career plateau in nursing. This is because hierarchical and content plateau are closely connected. For example, the hierarchical plateau could lead to the content plateau. Nurse staff are more like to decrease their effort and consciously avoid holding more responsibilities due to the absence of promotion opportunities. Vice versa, nurse staff who are unable to expand their job expertise have limited opportunity for promotion. Notable, our study found that some nursing staff have initiated strategies to manage career plateau by improving academic qualifications. This finding was supported by previous evidence showing that more and more nurses are pursuing master’s and doctorates degrees [ 39 ]. Therefore, those nurses are more likely to experience role conflict and have compromised mental health [ 40 ]. Because they must navigate the added role of a student in addition to their professional career and family responsibilities within limited time and energy [ 41 ]. The career plateau not only leads to mental health problems (e.g.,depression, psychological stress, and burnout) but also exerts adverse effects on physical health. These effects manifest as irritability, outbursts, deteriorating service attitudes, confrontations with managers [ 42 ]. Nursing organizations and managers can address career plateau by providing more opportunities for advancement in nursing positions and titles and by establishing multi-dimensional career advancement pathways. For instance, implementing hierarchical management for nurses [ 43 ] can diversify career opportunities, motivate them, and ease the sense of professional stagnation, thereby alleviating mental health issues linked to career plateaus.

Our study found that nurses experience workplace uncivil acts from various sources, involving other nurses, physicians, supervisors, patients, and visitors. Consistently, evidence indicated that 65.7 − 90.4% of nurses were exposed to some degree of incivility. Previous studies have examined how this destructive behaviour affects organizational and individual outcomes, and which factors influence it [ 44 , 45 , 46 , 47 , 48 ]. Workplace incivility could cause emotional distress and productivity losses in nurses. This situation may be detrimental to patient safety and satisfaction. These negative outcomes could leads to financial strain on healthcare organizations [ 49 ]. Uncivil interactions within the healthcare team could be triggered by organizational and interpersonal factors, such as lack of support, heavy workload, inadequate personnel, and long working shifts. Particularly, these interactions negatively affect nurses who are the backbone of the team. Similarly, these factors were identified as risk factors of mental health of nurses in our study. We also found that support from other supervisors and coworkers could create healthy work environment, which is associated with improved mental health of nurses.

Strengths and limitations

A strength of this study was the use of the social ecological model as a theoretical framework. Contributory factors identified within each level of the framework were discussed by participants. This highlights that interventions developed around these contributory factors have the potential to improve clinical nurses’ mental health.

This study only recruited clinical nurses in one tertiary hospital, which may limits its generalizability. Our participants were recruited through the existing network of the author team, which may lead to selection bias.

This groundbreaking study has utilized the socio-ecological model to illuminate the intricate web of factors influencing the mental health of clinical nurses. The findings underscore the need for holistic interventions that address not only intrapersonal and interpersonal factors but also organizational and social-level factors to promote nurses’ well-being. By acknowledging the complexities of the nursing profession, healthcare organizations, managers, and policymakers can take proactive steps to create supportive environments, foster career development, and mitigate the adverse effects of workplace incivility. Ultimately, these efforts hold the promise of enhancing the mental health and overall job satisfaction of clinical nurses, which in turn contributes to improved patient care and healthcare system performance.

Data availability

The datasets used and/or analysed during the current study are available from the corresponding author on reasonable request.

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The authors extend their sincere thanks to the research participants.

This study was supported by the grant of the 2023 Scientific Research Projects of the Chinese Nursing Association (Nurses’ mental health study, ID: ZHKY202306).

Author information

Qiang Yu and Chongmei Huang should be considered the joint first authors. Qiang Yu and Chongmei Huang made equal contributions to this manuscript.

Authors and Affiliations

Clinical Nursing Teaching and Research Section, The Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, China

Qiang Yu, Yusheng Tian, Jiaxin Yang, Xuting Li, Jie Du, Jiaqing He & Yamin Li

School of Nursing, Ningxia Medical University, Yinchuan, China

Chongmei Huang

School of Nursing, Changsha Medical University, Changsha, China

Xiangya School of Nursing, Central South University, Changsha, China

Meng Ning & Zengyu Chen

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YQ, HCM, TYS, YJX and LYM designed the study. HCM and YJX performed the interview. YQ, HCM, TYS, LXT, CZY, DJ and HJQ analyzed data. YQ, HCM, TYS, LXT, NM, CZY, DJ and HJQ did background researches, helped data transcriptions using software. YQ have drafted the manuscript. LYM supervised the research and revised the manuscript. All authors read and approved the final manuscript.

Corresponding author

Correspondence to Yamin Li .

Ethics declarations

Ethics approval and consent to participate.

The Ethics Committee of National Clinical Medical Research Center, Second Xiangya Hospital, Central South University approved this study (No.2023 − 0267). Formal written informed consent was obtained from each participant. Apart from the aim and pro-cedure of this study, nurses were also told that the participation wouldn’t affect them or their career, the whole interview would be audio-recorded and the anonymous records would only be used for this study. Besides, they were told about their rights to refuse to answer any question or withdraw at any time as well. With agreement to participant, they would sign an informed consent, after which they would be officially included in the study and interviewed. All methods were performed in accordance with the guidelines and regulations of the Declaration of Helsinki.

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Not applicable.

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Yu, Q., Huang, C., Tian, Y. et al. Factors associated with clinical nurse’s mental health: a qualitative study applying the social ecological model. BMC Nurs 23 , 330 (2024). https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-024-02005-9

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Received : 28 December 2023

Accepted : 09 May 2024

Published : 16 May 2024

DOI : https://doi.org/10.1186/s12912-024-02005-9

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Nursing Students’ Perceptions of Effective Factors on Mental Health: A Qualitative Content Analysis

Roghieh sodeify, phd.

1 Department of Medical-Surgical Nursing, School of Nursing, Khoy University of Medical Sciences, Khoy, Iran

Fatemah Moghaddam Tabrizi, PhD

2 Reproductive Health Research Center, School of Nursing and Midwifery, Urmia University of Medical Sciences, Urmia, Iran


Mental health is a fundamental and widespread concept with individual meanings. The purpose of this study is to perceive and clarify the factors influencing mental health from the perspectives of nursing students

The present qualitative study was conducted in Khoy, Iran from July-December 2018. Twenty nursing students were selected as the research participants through purposeful sampling method and interviewed using semi-structured in-depth interviews. All interviews were recorded, transcribed, and then analyzed with Graneheim and Lundman’s approach of conventional content analysis. The Trail version of the MAXQDA 10 software was applied to conduct the coding process

Data analysis revealed four themes and 12 sub-themes. The themes included feeling of self-worth, religious beliefs, socio-economic factors, and behavioral factors.


The results showed that mental health in nursing students is a multidimensional phenomenon and is influenced by various factors. The current results could help the nurse educators to intervene and provide suitable, effective, practicable, and culture based mental health services and also help the nursing students achieve mental stability. Therefore, it is suggested that further qualitative and interventional studies should be conducted in this area


Mental health is one of the most important requirements of man and an important aspect of health. As defined by the World Health Organization (WHO), health means full physical, mental and social well-being, and it doesn’t refer to the lack of illness or infirmity. 1 The central part of health is mental health because all health-related interactions are carried out mentally. 2 Health is a perceptual concept based on learning, values and beliefs of each individual who is influenced by the environment, family, and community. If the concept of health is understood abstractly, its effects in life will not be clear. 3

Several definitions of mental health have been made: lack of mental illness, emotional balance, social harmony, feeling of comfort, integrity of personality, self and environmental awareness, ability to play a social, physical and emotional role, ability to co-ordinate with others, modification and improvement of the individual and social environment, resolution of conflicts and personal preferences logically, fairly and appropriately, the ability to adapt to the normal stresses of life, and finally self management. The concept of mental health, according to the WHO, refers to a status beyond the absence of mental disorders and it includes mental well-being, self-efficacy, autonomy, competence, social relations, social communication, prosperity, and intellectual and emotional potentialities. 4 , 5

Many factors affect mental health. Researchers consider reasons such as personality structures and cognitive and attitudinal components such as hope, optimism, empathy, affiliation, forgiveness, religion and spirituality in the stability of a sense of well-being and health. 6 , 7 Studies have shown that those with a high psychological well-being also have a better physical health. These people are generally happy, optimistic, and positive, and have emotional stability, self-esteem, and high self-efficacy. High mental health is positively associated with the logical perception of others and negatively associated with suicidal ideation, unprofessional behavior and burnout. 8

The results of many studies in and out the country (IRAN) show that nursing students have lower general and mental health than other health related disciplines and non-medical students. 9 , 10 In fact, nursing education does not create a suitable environment for nursing students. According to the nursing education curriculum, nursing students, in addition to learning theoretical courses, are placed in various clinical settings to acquire knowledge, skills and clinical judgment to achieve professional competence. 9 During this period, they experience stressful events that affect their personal and professionals life. 11 Some previous researches in this area also revealed that stressors which affected the students’ mental health were related to academic training. The most common stressors included ‘stress experience in the educational environment’, ‘relationships at work’, ‘issues of death and suffering, ‘inadequate knowledge and training’, ‘insufficient hospital resources’, and ‘communication and procedural aspects of client care’. 12

The consequences of a meta-analysis study in Iran during a 23-year period between 1991 and 2015 showed that the prevalence of mental disorders among students in Iran using random models was 33%. Unfortunately, the prevalence rate showed an increasing rate over time while in other countries this rate was below 20%. 13 Previous studies conducted in United States, Iran, Singapour, India, and Malaysia showed that mental health issues are a growing concern among college student 14 , 15 and depression, alcohol use, stress, low sleep quality, excessive daytime sleepiness, and anxiety are major mental health problems among nursing students. 8 , 16 The results of another study which assessed the general health of nursing and other health related disciplines students indicated that mental disorders were observed 19.5%. 17 Findings of some studies showed that a very small percentage of nursing students had a good status of happiness as an indicator of the mental health. Happiness was claimed to be essential in developing nursing students as future nurses since happy nurses are more energetic, creative, successful, sociable, and more interested in caring. 18 , 19 In general, the results of most empirical research indicate that nursing students are at a relatively poor level of mental health which could have undesirable personal and professional consequences. 4 , 8 , 9 In fact, major changes in the social, family, and personal life of the nursing students and experience of traumatic events in various clinical setting can lead to some psychological problems. Considering the fact that young people and university students include more than one third of the whole population of Iran, it is important to be aware of their perceptions of the factors affecting mental health. Nursing educators are always concerned about the knowledge and skills of nursing students. One of the obstacles in this regard is mental health problems. Therefore, the researchers tried to get deeper understanding about the factors affecting nursing students’ mental health. Regarding the fact that mental health is formed in the socio-cultural context and due to low knowledge about the mental health of nursing students, the researchers decided to use nursing students’ own experiences to discover and deeply understand this phenomenon. Thus, they chose the qualitative content analysis method to perceive and clarify the factors influencing mental health from the perspectives of nursing students.


The present qualitative study using content analysis approach was conducted in Khoy, Iran during July-December 2018. In accordance with qualitative research, sampling was started with purposeful method and done with theoretical sampling with maximum variation. In the purposeful sampling, the researcher is looking for those who have a rich experience of the phenomena under the study and have the ability and desire to express it. 20

The participants in this study were 20 nursing students who were studying at Khoy Medical Science University, Iran. The inclusion criteria for the study were having at least one semester of university experience and willingness to express their own experiences. Exclusion criteria for the study were having a mental or physical illness during the previous year based on the participants’ own self report.

Data collection was done through in-depth semi-structured interviews. The time and place of the interviews were agreed upon by the parties and they were conducted in a private class at the university by the first author. In the first instance, the researcher initially referred to the participants and presented the purpose of the research and if they were willing to participate in the research, an interview was scheduled. The open questions were designed as an interview guide to provide an open and interpretative response and follow-up questions were asked after the interviewees’ responses. The general question in all interviews was: When do you feel you have mental health and when not? Which factors increase or decrease your mental health? As the interview went on, more detailed questions were asked about the influential factors (inhibitors or facilitators) expressed by the participants. The duration of interviews varied from 30-50 minutes. The guiding principle in the sampling of qualitative research is the saturation of the data to the extent that no new data is obtained. 20 In general, 20 interviews were conducted with 20 students to achieve theoretical saturation. No new data or concept was obtained after analyzing the last (18th) interviews. However, two more interviews were conducted to ensure data saturation. Data analysis process was carried out continuously and concurrently with data collection.

Interviews were analyzed using Graneheim and Lundman’s (2004) conventional content analysis guidelines. 21 (i) The recorded interviews were transcribed (ii) The researchers listened to the recordings and reviewed the transcripts several times to find the meaning units. (iii) The meaning units from the statements of the participants were extracted in the form of initial codes. (iv) Codes were categorized according to the conceptual similarities to be minimized. (v) This trend continued across all the analysis units until themes and subthemes emerged. Each interview was recorded and typed in MAXQDA software, version 10.

Guba and Lincoln’s criteria were used to assure the trustworthiness and rigor of the data. Credibility was achieved by reviewing the transcripts by participants themselves and using their complementary ideas as well as the prolonged engagement of the researchers with the data. For conformability, peer examination was done on the process of the work and research findings. For transferability, an extensive description of details regarding the methodology and context was included and sampling was done purposively. And finally for dependability, all accomplished activities were recorded precisely from the first step of the study. 22

This study was approved by the research ethic committee of Khoy Medical University (IR.KHOY.REC.1398.005). Written informed consent was signed by all participants. They were made aware of ethical, confidentiality (anonymity in publishing) and voluntary participation principles and recording of their interviews.

The participants in the study were in the age range of 20-24 years. They were 12 female and 8 male undergraduate nursing students from different semesters ( Table 1 ). The analysis of the findings from the interview resulted in the extraction of four themes. They were classified as: feeling of self-worth, religious beliefs, socio-economic factors, and behavioral factors. ( Table 2 ).

Demographic characteristics of the participants

Themes and sub-themes extracted from the interviews

Theme 1: Feeling of Self-Worth

Throughout the interviews, nursing students with various statements tried to express this important theme that their mental health is influenced by factors affecting their feeling of self- worth, and as long as students have a positive perception of themselves, their mental well-being will increase. The components of the feeling of self-worth in this study include: ‘confirmation’, ‘success’, ‘autonomy’, ‘self-acceptance’, and ‘hope’ that are discussed in detail below. In fact, students described in a variety of ways how to gain feeling of self-worth for mental health.

1.a. Confirmation

Participants believed that when they received positive feedback from others and were confirmed, they were both satisfied and mentally health.

“People around you have a lot of influence. For example, when your parents accept, care about, and listen to you well, you feel quite well off, but when they say come on, forget it, and she’s really young, you feel worthless and upset” .(p.4)

1.b. Success

Most participants say that they feel relaxed when they feel successful or have a successful experience of overcoming problems.

“I think mental health is a sense of success. When your work is done successfully, it has a good effect on your minds. Imagine you are in charge of a task and you are just cutting the mustard” .(p.18)

“When you fulfill your colleagues’ expectations and reach the required standard, you feel relaxed” .(p.10)

1.c. Autonomy

Participants said that they had psychologically good feelings when parents or relatives did not create a constraint for them, or when they felt independent and were able to manage their own affairs a and make decisions or once others respected their decisions, they were emotionally well-off. But when faced with resistance, they did not experience a good psychological feeling.

“I feel psychologically healthy when I am independent in my own work and decide for myself. We youth need to be free, we need to think independently” .(p.10)

“When my friends and acquaintance give me power and freedom and respect my decision, I feel psychologically healthy” .(p.5)

1.d. Self-acceptance

Participants thought someone as a healthy person if s/he values himself and accepts him/herself with all the weaknesses and abilities.

“To have mental health, first of all, one needs to accept herself/himself, I value my own self. I accept myself as I am” . (p.15)

Participants believed that having hope for the future was also the key to health. They expressed hope as a driving force behind the development of mental health.

“When you have the hope of life, you are healthy; that is, there is something that pushes you forward” .(p.8)

Theme 2: Religious Beliefs

Another extracted theme of the study was religious beliefs. This theme consisted of ‘participating in religious ceremonies’ and ‘reciting the holy Quran and other religious books’.

2. A. Participating in religious ceremonies

Students asserted that participating in religious ceremonies, praying and asking God to provide help to meet their needs, help them overcome the problems and make them feel calm and relaxed.

“When I attend religious ceremonies, I feel well at the time” . (p. 3)

2.b. Reciting the holy Quran and other religious books

Students stated that they were turning to religious books when they felt lonely, depressed and troubled, and thus became mentally relaxed.

“Whenever I feel depressed or bored, either physically or mentally, I prefer to recite the holy Quran or pray. It helps me feel calm” .(p.5)

“I don’t feel lonely by reciting the holy Quran and thinking about God” .(p.7)

Theme 3: Socio-Economic Factors

Socio-economic factors were one of the most important and influential experiences in the mental health. This theme consisted of ‘social support’ and ‘economical support’.

3. a. Social Support

Students expressed that when they had a sense of family support and had suitable social relationships, such as the ability to communicate with parents, family, friends or university teachers, they felt mentally relaxed, and vice versa. This information empowered them.

“When your family understands you, you feel happy, but sometimes they cause you feel disappointed and depressed. Sometimes, they don’t live up to your expectations” .(p.6)

“My parents always remind me to inform them if any problem occurs, and I always do it. When I keep them posted on how my works go on, I feel mentally relaxed” .(p.17)

“When I’m getting along with my friends well, I feel mentally relaxed but when it is hard to get along with them or dispute a problem with them, I feel bored and tired” .(p.5)

“When I don’t behave like my friends, they often reject me or taunt me. They are the reasons to drive me up the wall” .(p.15)

“When you are in an environment where you feel you have a supporter, for example, a professor who can help you solve your problems, you can tolerate everything and you feel mentally sound” .(p.10)

3. b. Economical support

Students expressed that having at least the financial resources and having fun with their friends made them feel happy and ultimately mentally healthy. But they did not feel happy when they themselves had to work to meet their own education costs and when there was no possibility of having fun because of financial problems.

“Nowadays, being well off can calm you down mentally. When you have some money to have fun with, then you’re happy” .(p.13)

“It makes you upset when the prospects for the job are unclear or when you’re not sure what the future holds” .(p.18)

“When you have to work hard to help fund your studies, when you cannot go out and have fun with your friends, when you cannot dip into your own pocket, it is then that you feel small and humiliated” .(p.20)

Theme 4: Behavioral Factors

This theme includes the following sub-themes of disengagement, exercise, and balanced use of social networks. During the interviews, students often pointed to the role of these factors in mental health. According to the expressed experiences, nursing students described some behavioral factors in maintaining mental health and reducing their stress. They struggled to gain psychological stability by refraining from encounter with problems, physical and sports activities, which were often irregular, and also having self-control over the use of cyberspace.

4.a. Disengagement

Most participants stated that they were not involved in problems to maintain mental peace. They used ineffective mechanisms to solve problems such as avoidance and escape from problems.

“There are so many problems to which I do not want to think about. I try to avoid problems myself” .(p.15)

4.b. Physical exercise

Participants expressed that by exercising; they reduced their mental conflicts and experienced a sense of mental relaxation.

“The days I exercise myself or go to the gym, I feel happier. It makes me get rid of some intrusive thoughts. It helps you forget your daily problems for a few hours” .(p.13)

4. c. Balanced use of social networks

Another factor that participants felt to be effective in the sense of mental health was the balanced use of social networks and believed that excessive use of it caused anger and nervousness.

“I have a roommate who is always head over heels for social media. When you talk to her, she starts shouting and fighting. It has made her very nervous” .(p.7)


The results of this study showed that there are many factors influencing the students’ perceptions of mental health. Data analysis revealed four themes and twelve sub-themes. The four themes were classified as: Feeling of self-worth, religious beliefs, socio-economic factors, and behavioral factors.

The feeling of self-worth theme included the five sub-themes of ‘confirmation’, ‘success’, ‘autonomy’, ‘self-acceptance’, and ‘hope’. Participants believed that when they received positive feedback from others and were confirmed, or when they were trying to succeed, or when they felt more autonomous, highly self-confident, ‘self-acceptance’, and hopeful, they found a positive perception of themselves, and this contributed to their mental well-being. Findings of some studies showed that there was a significant reverse correlation between self-reported stress and self-acceptance. This finding emphasized the importance of creating a sense of positive self-perception and self-confidence among nursing students to improve their mental health. Indeed, self-confidence in nursing students was considered as a buffer and protective shield in the face of stress and prevented mental disorder. Thus, the nursing students who have a sense of self-esteem have a high ability to communicate and can play an effective role in the development of the profession, handle fatigue and pressure, and positively impact the interpersonal relationships, quality of care, and job satisfaction. 23 , 24

The participants in the present study considered autonomy as an effective factor in creating positive sense of self-worth and in achieving mental well-being. The findings of this study are in line with those of a research done in Iranian context in which the researchers studied the concept of health in adolescents’ point of views. They expressed that autonomy and sense of independence is another key factor affecting health. They also continued that preventing adolescents and young people’s access to independence and posing unfair and undeserved restrictions for them can lead to some unsatisfactory consequences such as depression, hiding, urging, recklessness and immorality (night party, runaway, cigarette smoking, and addiction) and double dealing. 25

Another key sub-theme of the study was ‘hope’. The findings of the present study showed that those nursing students who had hope for the future had a better psychological feeling. Findings of a study conducted in Turkey reveled that university students have some negative mental states such as hopelessness and suicidal behavior. Their findings suggest that there are significant correlations among life satisfaction, hope, and mental health. 26 In fact, having self acceptance and positive self-image can act as a social protection factor against stress and anxiety. Those who feel good about themselves and are more confident also have a good sense of life and can successfully face problems and are able to handle them easily. Hope also makes life meaningful. It prevents us from mental breakdown and protects us from harmful situations. 6 In sum, it is argued that self-acceptance has been inversely associated with depressive symptoms, anxious symptomatology, and disruptive behaviors.

Another important theme of the research was religious beliefs. Participants stated that they felt mentally healthy when they participated in religious ceremonies. We know different religions have different beliefs. Several studies have shown a reciprocal relationship between different religious beliefs and mental health. The findings of research in Hindu system of beliefs showed that there was a significant negative correlation between the components of religious commitment, beliefs, and emotions, and components of general health (physical complaints, anxiety, depression and social dysfunction). They also proved that religion had a protective and supportive role for teenagers. 27 Another study conducted in Iranian context revealed that religiosity attitude was considered as a main factor affecting self-esteem and psychological hardiness and could promote psychological well-being. 28 Hence, institutionalizing of this religious teaching, trust in God, by health service developers and planners seems to be necessary in confronting the disruptive factors in mental health.

Another theme was socio-economic factors Participants in the present study described their mental health with various statements. Receiving emotional and spiritual support from family, friends, and university professors and their proper relationships, their empathy and verbal attention helped the students’ mental health. Indeed social support gives students a perception of being loved, cared, respected, and belonging to communication network. The results of the present study are in line with those reported in other studies. 29 , 30 In the present study, poor economic conditions had negative effects on the students’ perception of mental health. Economic deprivation, lack of a bright futures, and unemployment were regarded as mental and annoying concern which was affecting the mental health of the majority of participants. Generally, poor mental health is related to poor economic conditions. WHO states that mental health is determined by socio-economic and environmental factors, and economic crisis is likely to negatively affect the mental health. 31 Another study also mentioned that economic crisis can be associated with a higher use of prescription medications and an increase in hospitalization for mental disorders. 32

The last theme extracted from the study was behavioral factors. Participants stated that they do some behaviors such as disengagement, physical exercise, and use of social networks to relive stress.

Disengagement from problems is an avoiding and ineffective strategy to deal with stress. Therefore, it is necessary to provide students with the necessary training on effective coping strategies. Some studies have reported adverse coping strategies such as drinking alcohol, smoking, and waterpipe. 33 , 34 Participants in this study did not state the use of these materials perhaps because of the embarrassment and unfavorable views toward those who consume these materials in Iranian Islamic culture. In a qualitative study conducted in Malaysia, students showed that they used effective adaptive strategies and did not use undesirable behaviors. 35

In this study, nursing students expressed exercise and physical activities as another type of solution or strategy to achieve mental health. Although these activities were carried out irregularly and restrictively, they were described as useful in reducing daily stress. The results of a study in this area showed that increased physical activity which has been associated with life satisfaction, happiness, and positive attitude toward life can lead to the promotion of physical and mental health. 36

The balanced use of social networks was another subtheme of the study. Students argued that the high use of cyberspace or social networks has harmful effects on the nerves .Internet addiction and its association with mental distress can impact their academic achievement and long term career goals among medical students. Internet addiction would also indirectly impact the community of health care professionals and the society. There was a significant relationship between the student internet addiction and anxiety symptoms. 37 The results of another study showed that severe prevalence of internet addiction among nursing students was associated with poor mental health and depression without any impact on academic performance. 38

The strength of this study is that it increases our knowledge of the factors affecting the mental health of nursing students as a qualitative study conducted for the first time in Iran. However, as it is common for all qualitative studies, the results of the study cannot be generalized to other contexts and disciplines. Future qualitative and interventional studies are also suggested to be carried out in other contexts and on the students of other disciplines.


The results showed that mental health in nursing students is a multidimensional phenomenon and is influenced by various factors. The current results could help the nurse educators to intervene and provide suitable, effective, practical, and culture based mental health services and help the nursing students achieve mental stability. Promoting physical activities among nursing students, training problem-solving skills and activating the student counseling centers at universities are suggested. Nurse educators and clinical psychologist can provide opportunities for nursing students to express their own concerns and learn the strategies to cope with crises. Finally, deep religious and moral beliefs can be effective in providing mental health to students.


First, the researchers express thanks to the University of Medical Sciences, Khoy, Iran, for its support in carrying out this study. (Grant no. 1018). Our special thanks go to the nursing students who were voluntarily interviewed. Without them, this study would not have been possible. Their honesty and commitment were essential in carrying out this study.

Conflict of Interest: None declared.

Grad Coach

Research Topics & Ideas: Nursing

50+ Nursing Research Topic Ideas To Fast-Track Your Project

Research topics for nursing dissertations and theses

Finding and choosing a strong research topic is the critical first step when it comes to crafting a high-quality dissertation, thesis or research project. If you’ve landed on this post, chances are you’re looking for a nursing-related research topic , but aren’t sure where to start. Here, we’ll explore a variety of nursing-related research ideas and topic thought-starters, including general nursing, medical-surgical nursing, pediatric nursing, obstetrics and gynaecological nursing, ICU and mental health nursing.

NB – This is just the start…

The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps . In this post, we’ll kickstart the process by sharing some research topic ideas within the nursing domain. This is the starting point, but to develop a well-defined research topic, you’ll need to identify a clear and convincing research gap , along with a well-justified plan of action to fill that gap.

If you’re new to the oftentimes perplexing world of research, or if this is your first time undertaking a formal academic research project, be sure to check out our free dissertation mini-course. In it, we cover the process of writing a dissertation or thesis from start to end. Be sure to also sign up for our free webinar that explores how to find a high-quality research topic. 

Overview: Nursing Research Topics

  • General nursing-related topics
  • Medical-surgical nursing
  • Pediatric nursing
  • Obstetrics and gynaecological nursing
  • ICU nursing
  • Mental health nursing

General Nursing Research Topics & Ideas

  • The impact of cultural competence on patient care in the UK
  • The importance of evidence-based practice in nursing for patients with HIV/AIDS
  • The effects of workplace stress on nurse well-being and performance
  • The role of nurse-patient communication for patients transitioning from adolescent to adult care
  • The impact of technology on nursing practice and patient outcomes
  • The importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in healthcare for the rehabilitation of patients post-surgery
  • The effects of fatigue on nurse performance in the emergency room
  • The impact of nurse staffing levels on patient outcomes in rural areas
  • The effectiveness of nurse-led interventions in managing chronic conditions: a case study of diabetes
  • The impact of patient-centred care on health outcomes for the elderly
  • The importance of patient safety in nursing: bedside nurse vigilance
  • The effects of empathy and compassion in critical care nursing
  • The role of nursing in disaster preparedness and response: a case study of the Haiti earthquake of 2021
  • The impact of the level of nursing education on patient outcomes
  • The importance of ethical considerations in frail care nursing practice

Topics & Ideas: Medical-Surgical Nursing

  • The impact of bedside care on patient outcomes in medical-surgical units
  • The role of the nurse in managing post-operative patient pain
  • The effects of nurse-patient ratios on patient outcomes in medical-surgical units
  • A systematic review of different approaches to patient education in medical-surgical units
  • The relationship between nurse-patient communication and patient satisfaction in medical-surgical units: perspectives and recommendations to improving patient satisfaction

Topics & Ideas: Pediatrics Nursing

  • The impact of family-centered care on pediatric patient outcomes with sickle cell anemia
  • The role of nursing interventions in promoting developmental and behavioral health in pediatric patients
  • The effects of play therapy on anxiety and pain in pediatric patients during hospitilisation
  • A systematic review of different approaches to pain management in pediatric cancer patients
  • The relationship between parent involvement and post-operative patient outcomes in pediatric units

Research topic idea mega list

Ideas: Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing

  • The impact of nurse-led prenatal care on maternal and fetal outcomes in African American communities
  • The role of the nurse in promoting sexual and reproductive health for women in the UK
  • The effects of midwifery care on maternal satisfaction of primiparous women and birth outcomes
  • A comparative study of different approaches to childbirth education for expectant mothers and partners: perceptions of control
  • The relationship between lactation support and breastfeeding success of primiparous women

Topics & Ideas: ICU Nursing

  • The impact of nursing interventions on patient outcomes in intensive care units in a developing country
  • The role of the nurse in managing palliative and end-of-life care in the ICU
  • The effects of family presence on patient outcomes and satisfaction in the ICU: A systematic review of the literature
  • A comparative study of different approaches to pain management for trauma patients in the ICU
  • The relationship between nurse-patient communication and geriatric patient outcomes in ICU

Research topic evaluator

Topics & Ideas: Mental Health Nursing

  • The impact of nurse-led therapy on adolescent patient outcomes in mental health settings
  • The role of the nurse in promoting recovery and resiliency in mental health patients through group interventions
  • The effects of mindfulness-based interventions on stress and anxiety in mental health patients: A systematic literature review
  • A comparative study of the role of nurses in applying different approaches to patient education in mental health settings
  • The association between nurse-patient therapeutic alliance and patient outcomes in mental health settings

Nursing Dissertation & Theses

While the ideas we’ve presented above are a decent starting point for finding a nursing-related research topic, they are fairly generic and non-specific. So, it helps to look at actual dissertations and theses to see how this all comes together.

Below, we’ve included a selection of research projects from various nursing-related degree programs to help refine your thinking. These are actual dissertations and theses, written as part of Master’s and PhD-level programs, so they can provide some useful insight as to what a research topic looks like in practice.

  • Nursing Workload and Interventions of Licensed Nurses in Nursing Homes: An Observational Time and Motion Study (Kang, 2021)
  • Missed Nursing Care: Accounting for Education, Experience, and Job Satisfaction in Registered Nurses (Bechard, 2021)
  • Examining Predictors of Attitudes and Knowledge of Registered Nurses and Nursing Students in Tennessee toward Pregnant and Perinatal Women with a Substance Use Disorder (Patrylo, 2021)
  • A Program Evaluation of the Organizational Readiness for Pathway to Excellence at Two Community Hospitals  (Behling, 2021)
  • The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic Policy Decisions on the Wellbeing of Nursing Home Residents in Missouri (White, 2022)
  • Battling A Parallel Pandemic: An Evaluation of Sustainable System-Level Nursing Support in Response To COVID-19 (Gifford, 2022)
  • Holistic Nursing Process Maps: a Tool for Student Nurses to Operationalize the Nursing Process to Increase Clinical Reasoning (Reyes, 2022)
  • Satisfaction and Work-Life Balance in Undergraduate Nursing Faculty: A Mixed-Methods Study (Crawford, 2021)
  • The Effect of Mindfulness Meditation on the Stress, Anxiety, Mindfulness, and Self-Compassion Levels of Nursing Students (Heinrich, 2022)
  • Effectiveness of Simulation-Based Case Studies in Undergraduate Nursing Students (Becnel, 2022)
  • A Telehealth Simulation Experiment: Exploring Prebriefing (Owen, 2022)
  • Perceptions of Lateral Violence Among Vocational Nursing Students, Associate Degree Nursing Students, and Bachelor’s Degree Nursing Students (Martha, 2022)
  • Nurse Educators’ Description of Ethics from a Disciplinary Perspective: A Qualitative Descriptive Research Study (Cuchetti, 2022)
  • A Literature Review of the Relationship Between Oral Health and Pneumonia Risk in the Geriatric Nursing Home Population (Swift, 2021)

Looking at these titles, you can probably pick up that the research topics here are quite specific and narrowly-focused , compared to the generic ones presented earlier. This is an important thing to keep in mind as you develop your own research topic. That is to say, to create a top-notch research topic, you must be precise and target a specific context with specific variables of interest . In other words, you need to identify a clear, well-justified research gap.

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Mental Health Nursing Dissertation Topics

Published by Owen Ingram at January 3rd, 2023 , Revised On August 16, 2023

Are you passionate about helping others, especially those facing mental health challenges? If this is the case for you, then mental health nursing is a career choice you may want to pursue.

It can be challenging to work in the field of mental health nursing. The final year of the nursing undergraduate programme can be especially stressful because it involves completing a dissertation paper on a unique and interesting topic . Get a better understanding of mental health nursing, how it works, and how it can improve healthcare!

Similarly, Masters and PhD students of nursing and medicine must complete a research proposal and a thesis paper on a topic that really adds value to the research areas.

What Is Mental Health Nursing?

Nursing in mental health focuses on preventing, treating, and rehabilitating behavioural, emotional, and mental disorders. Nursing professionals work with patients to improve their emotional well-being by overcoming mental stress. Patients with mental illness or disorders are also guided throughout their recovery.

There are many different types of mental health nurses who work in hospitals, clinics, private practices, and residential facilities. As part of their responsibilities, they assess symptoms, administer medications, provide supportive care, collaborate with family members, and educate others about mental illness. Their treatment plans also involve psychologists, psychiatrists, social workers, and other professionals.

Taking care of your patient’s mental health and making a difference in their lives is your responsibility as a mental health nurse.

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Topic-1: Cognitive and emotional well-being

Research Aim: Finding out different ways to improve the cognitive and emotional well-being of people to solve the common mental health problems in the surrounding.

Topic-2: Eliminating mental illnesses

Research Aim: Encouraging better mental health by diagnosing the symptoms of mental health issues in the early stage to prevent severe circumstances later.

Topic-3: Providing specialized treatments

Research Aim: From anxiety, depression, and disorders to other mental health complexities, providing solutions to all types of mental health disorders, including pre-traumatic and post-traumatic issues.

Topic-4: Bipolar disorder

Research Aim: Explaining the symptoms, treatments, and procedures to soothe the common and impulsive mental health issues with solid behavior modification treatments.

Topic-5: Borderline personality disorder

Research Aim: Understanding the common borderline personality disorders and their effects on the mental health condition of different patients. Also, studying the unstable relationships with friends, family, and other associations and ways to improve it.

Topic-6: Dissociative disorders

Research Aim: Reviewing all the common causes of dissociative disorders and the primary care management to assess and intervene in different causes of the problem.

Topic-7: Disruptive and impulse-control disorders

Research Aim: Studying all the disruptive and impulsive-control disorders and their impact on the intermittent explosive condition and anti-social behavior of a person.

Topic-8: Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder

Research Aim: A brief overview of ADHD to control the attention span of a person through different effective techniques and procedures.

Topic-9: Psychosocial mental health nursing

Research Aim: Studying theories to understand human nature better and the process of normal development based on their physical and mental health.

Topic-10: Mental health and psychiatric nursing

Research Aim: Exploring different types of mental illnesses and their treatments used to soothe the hyperactive condition of the patient.

Topic-11: Mental health educating

Research Aim: Educating everyone about the basic mental health problems and preventive measures to administer the condition of patients and to meet their varying mental health needs.

Topic-12: Providing different levels and quality of care to every patient

Research Aim: Studying the needs of every patient and providing care to solve different mental illnesses in a variety of ways helps tackle the problem calmly.

Topic-13: National and local mental health programs

Research Aim: Introducing different national and local mental health programs. Explaining their role in spreading awareness on the importance of mental health for individuals from different backgrounds.

Topic-14: Mental health checkups

Research Aim: Conveying the need for mental health checkups for individuals of all ages suffering from anxiety, stress, frustration, and other mental health issues.

Topic-15: Schizophrenia

Research Aim: Understanding the feelings of a patient suffering from schizophrenia and identifying its symptoms to curate the best and proper treatment for the stress cause.

Topic-16: Suicide prevention

Research Aim: Spreading awareness on suicide prevention, especially for young and adults with the help of telephone and physical counselling. Finding the causes of suicide in professional spaces to get rid of the suicidal thoughts as early as possible.

I/O Example

The number of people encountering poor mental health and related issues in their day-to-day lives is increasing, making mental health nursing a growing field in the healthcare industry. Those who are willing to work hard, be creative, and take risks in handling such patients can find many opportunities in this field.

Nurses in mental health are required to hold a bachelor’s degree, preferably a master’s degree. They also obtain additional training on dealing with people suffering from depression and different anxiety disorders.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, mental health nurses’ demand will grow by 15% between 2014 and 2024. The need for nurses who specialize in this field will increase because of this growth rate.

Like other nursing jobs, mental health nursing pay depends on experience and education. The average salary for this career is $91,298 per year. According to a survey, salaries for mental health nurses can range from $71,485 to $129,837 per year, depending on their experience and education level.

There are still many challenges and rewards associated with a career in mental health nursing. Bringing peace to the lives of diverse people is a major part of the job. A flood of opportunities is always flowing your way as the field is constantly evolving. Take some time to research all of the nursing degree programs available before you make a decision.

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How to find mental health nursing dissertation topics.

For mental health nursing dissertation topics:

  • Research recent issues in mental health care.
  • Explore treatment approaches or therapies.
  • Examine stigma and advocacy.
  • Focus on specific populations or disorders.
  • Consult professionals for insights.
  • Select a topic that resonates with you and contributes to the field.

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Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Research Paper Topics

Academic Writing Service

This page provides a comprehensive list of psychiatric-mental health nursing research paper topics , which serves as a crucial resource for nursing students assigned to write research papers. The field of psychiatric-mental health nursing is vast, encompassing a wide variety of topics related to mental health care. This extensive list has been carefully curated to include a diverse range of topics divided into ten distinct categories, making it easier for students to find a subject of interest and relevance to their studies. In addition to the list of topics, the page also includes a detailed article discussing the significance of psychiatric-mental health nursing and the various aspects it covers. Additionally, the page offers information on iResearchNet’s writing services, providing an opportunity for students to order custom-written research papers if needed. Ultimately, this page serves as a one-stop resource for students, aiding them in selecting a topic, understanding the importance of psychiatric-mental health nursing, and, if necessary, ordering a custom research paper.

100 Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Research Paper Topics

The field of psychiatric-mental health nursing is incredibly diverse, providing a wide range of research opportunities. Understanding the various aspects of psychiatric-mental health nursing is crucial for providing comprehensive care to patients with mental health issues. This section provides a comprehensive list of psychiatric-mental health nursing research paper topics, categorized into ten different areas of focus. These topics are carefully selected to cover the most pertinent issues and trends in the field, encouraging students to explore and contribute to the existing body of knowledge.

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Understanding Mental Health Disorders

  • The role of genetic factors in the development of schizophrenia.
  • The impact of childhood trauma on adult mental health.
  • The relationship between anxiety disorders and cardiovascular diseases.
  • The link between depression and chronic pain.
  • The effect of sleep disorders on mental health.
  • The role of nutrition in managing mental health disorders.
  • The impact of substance abuse on mental health.
  • The relationship between personality disorders and criminal behavior.
  • The role of social support in managing bipolar disorder.
  • The impact of post-traumatic stress disorder on quality of life.

Psychopharmacology in Mental Health Nursing

  • The effectiveness of antidepressants in managing major depressive disorder.
  • The side effects of antipsychotic medications.
  • The role of mood stabilizers in managing bipolar disorder.
  • The impact of benzodiazepines on cognitive function.
  • The effectiveness of non-pharmacological interventions in managing anxiety disorders.
  • The role of psychostimulants in managing attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
  • The impact of medication adherence on treatment outcomes in schizophrenia.
  • The role of pharmacogenomics in personalized treatment of mental health disorders.
  • The effectiveness of electroconvulsive therapy in treatment-resistant depression.
  • The impact of polypharmacy on treatment outcomes in elderly patients with mental health disorders.

Therapeutic Communication in Mental Health Nursing

  • The impact of therapeutic communication on patient outcomes in mental health care.
  • The role of non-verbal communication in building therapeutic relationships with patients.
  • The effectiveness of motivational interviewing in substance abuse treatment.
  • The impact of active listening on patient satisfaction and adherence to treatment.
  • The role of empathy in mental health nursing.
  • The effectiveness of group therapy in managing social anxiety disorder.
  • The impact of family therapy on the mental health of adolescents.
  • The role of cognitive-behavioral therapy in managing depression.
  • The effectiveness of dialectical behavior therapy in managing borderline personality disorder.
  • The impact of psychoeducation on the management of schizophrenia.

Mental Health Promotion and Prevention

  • The role of school-based mental health programs in preventing adolescent depression.
  • The effectiveness of community-based mental health promotion programs.
  • The impact of workplace mental health promotion programs on employee well-being.
  • The role of physical activity in preventing mental health disorders.
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness-based stress reduction in preventing anxiety and depression.
  • The impact of social support on the prevention of mental health disorders.
  • The role of early intervention programs in preventing the development of psychosis.
  • The effectiveness of suicide prevention programs in reducing suicide rates.
  • The impact of anti-stigma campaigns on public attitudes towards mental health.
  • The role of primary care providers in mental health promotion and prevention.

Legal and Ethical Issues in Mental Health Nursing

  • The impact of involuntary hospitalization on the mental health of patients.
  • The role of advanced directives in mental health care.
  • The effectiveness of mental health courts in reducing recidivism rates.
  • The impact of confidentiality breaches on the therapeutic relationship.
  • The role of informed consent in mental health care.
  • The effectiveness of restraint and seclusion in managing aggressive behavior.
  • The impact of medication refusal on treatment outcomes.
  • The role of ethics committees in resolving ethical dilemmas in mental health care.
  • The effectiveness of de-escalation techniques in managing aggressive behavior.
  • The impact of legal and ethical issues on the role of the mental health nurse.

Mental Health Nursing Across the Lifespan

  • The impact of developmental stages on the mental health of individuals.
  • The role of mental health nursing in the care of children and adolescents.
  • The effectiveness of mental health interventions for older adults.
  • The impact of life transitions on mental health.
  • The role of mental health nursing in the care of pregnant and postpartum women.
  • The effectiveness of mental health interventions for individuals with intellectual disabilities.
  • The impact of aging on mental health.
  • The role of mental health nursing in the care of individuals with dementia.
  • The effectiveness of mental health interventions for adolescents with eating disorders.
  • The impact of end-of-life care on the mental health of patients and their families.

Cultural Competence in Mental Health Nursing

  • The impact of cultural competence on patient satisfaction and outcomes in mental health care.
  • The role of cultural competence in building therapeutic relationships with patients from diverse backgrounds.
  • The effectiveness of culturally tailored interventions in managing mental health disorders.
  • The impact of language barriers on access to mental health care.
  • The role of cultural competence in the assessment and diagnosis of mental health disorders.
  • The effectiveness of cultural competence training for mental health professionals.
  • The impact of cultural beliefs and practices on mental health.
  • The role of cultural competence in the prevention of mental health disorders.
  • The effectiveness of culturally adapted cognitive-behavioral therapy in managing depression.
  • The impact of cultural competence on the delivery of mental health services to immigrant and refugee populations.

Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing in Various Settings

  • The role of mental health nursing in primary care settings.
  • The effectiveness of mental health nursing interventions in acute care settings.
  • The impact of mental health nursing on patient outcomes in long-term care settings.
  • The role of mental health nursing in community mental health services.
  • The effectiveness of mental health nursing interventions in correctional facilities.
  • The impact of mental health nursing on patient outcomes in home health care.
  • The role of mental health nursing in school-based mental health services.
  • The effectiveness of mental health nursing interventions in emergency departments.
  • The impact of mental health nursing on patient outcomes in psychiatric hospitals.
  • The role of mental health nursing in substance abuse treatment centers.

Technological Advances in Mental Health Nursing

  • The impact of telepsychiatry on access to mental health care in rural areas.
  • The role of electronic health records in improving the quality of mental health care.
  • The effectiveness of online support groups in managing mental health disorders.
  • The impact of mobile applications on medication adherence in patients with mental health disorders.
  • The role of virtual reality in the treatment of phobias.
  • The effectiveness of online cognitive-behavioral therapy in managing anxiety disorders.
  • The impact of teletherapy on patient satisfaction and outcomes in mental health care.
  • The role of technology in enhancing communication between mental health professionals and patients.
  • The effectiveness of online psychoeducation in the management of bipolar disorder.
  • The impact of technology on the role of the mental health nurse.

Emerging Trends in Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing

  • The impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the mental health of healthcare workers.
  • The role of psychiatric-mental health nurses in addressing the opioid crisis.
  • The effectiveness of trauma-informed care in managing post-traumatic stress disorder.
  • The impact of the integration of mental health and primary care services on patient outcomes.
  • The role of psychiatric-mental health nurses in addressing the mental health needs of LGBTQ+ populations.
  • The effectiveness of peer support in the management of mental health disorders.
  • The impact of climate change on mental health.
  • The role of psychiatric-mental health nurses in addressing the mental health needs of immigrant and refugee populations.
  • The effectiveness of mindfulness-based interventions in managing stress and burnout among mental health professionals.
  • The impact of social media on mental health.

The psychiatric-mental health nursing field offers a vast array of research opportunities, as evident from the extensive list of topics provided above. These topics encompass various aspects of mental health care, from understanding mental health disorders to exploring the ethical and legal considerations in psychiatric-mental health nursing. It is crucial for students and professionals in the field to engage in research to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and improvement of mental health care. This list of psychiatric-mental health nursing research paper topics serves as a starting point for students to explore and contribute to this vital field of nursing.

The Range of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Research Paper Topics

Psychiatric-mental health nursing is a specialized field of nursing that is dedicated to promoting mental health through the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of mental health disorders and conditions. This field of nursing is incredibly important, as mental health disorders are prevalent and can have a significant impact on individuals’ overall health and well-being. According to the World Health Organization, approximately one in four people in the world will be affected by mental or neurological disorders at some point in their lives. This staggering statistic underscores the critical need for skilled psychiatric-mental health nurses who can provide comprehensive and compassionate care to individuals with mental health needs.

The significance of psychiatric-mental health nursing is multifaceted. First and foremost, psychiatric-mental health nurses play a crucial role in providing care and support to individuals with mental health disorders. They are often the first point of contact for individuals seeking help for mental health issues and play a key role in the assessment and diagnosis of mental health disorders. Psychiatric-mental health nurses also develop and implement treatment plans, provide psychoeducation to patients and their families, and offer support and counseling. Additionally, they play a vital role in crisis intervention and the management of acute mental health episodes.

Furthermore, psychiatric-mental health nurses also play a critical role in promoting mental health and preventing mental health disorders. They work in a variety of settings, including community mental health centers, schools, and primary care clinics, where they provide mental health education and promote strategies for maintaining good mental health. Additionally, psychiatric-mental health nurses often work in interdisciplinary teams, collaborating with other healthcare professionals, such as psychiatrists, psychologists, and social workers, to provide comprehensive care to individuals with mental health needs.

Various aspects of psychiatric-mental health nursing offer a wide range of psychiatric-mental health nursing research paper topics. One critical area of focus is mental health assessment. This involves the evaluation of an individual’s mental health status through the use of various assessment tools and techniques. Research in this area might explore the validity and reliability of different mental health assessment tools, the impact of cultural differences on mental health assessment, or the development of new assessment tools and techniques.

Another important aspect of psychiatric-mental health nursing is treatment and intervention strategies. This encompasses a wide range of approaches, from psychopharmacology to psychotherapy to lifestyle interventions. Psychiatric-mental health nursing research paper topics in this area might include the effectiveness of different treatment approaches for specific mental health disorders, the impact of treatment adherence on treatment outcomes, or the development of new intervention strategies.

The role of the psychiatric-mental health nurse is another crucial aspect of this field. Psychiatric-mental health nurses have a unique set of skills and competencies that enable them to provide comprehensive care to individuals with mental health needs. Research topics in this area might explore the impact of nurse-patient relationships on treatment outcomes, the role of psychiatric-mental health nurses in interdisciplinary teams, or the development of new competencies and skills for psychiatric-mental health nurses.

In addition to these areas, there are many other aspects of psychiatric-mental health nursing that offer a wealth of research opportunities. For example, legal and ethical issues in psychiatric-mental health nursing, the role of technology in mental health care, and the mental health needs of specific populations, such as the elderly, children, or individuals with co-occurring disorders, are all important areas of focus.

Overall, the field of psychiatric-mental health nursing offers a wide range of research opportunities. From mental health assessment to treatment and intervention strategies to the role of the psychiatric-mental health nurse, there are numerous psychiatric-mental health nursing research paper topics to explore. Engaging in research in this field is crucial for the advancement of knowledge and the improvement of mental health care for individuals around the world.

In conclusion, psychiatric-mental health nursing is a vital field that plays a crucial role in promoting mental health and providing care and support to individuals with mental health needs. The various aspects of psychiatric-mental health nursing offer a wide range of psychiatric-mental health nursing research paper topics, from mental health assessment to treatment and intervention strategies to the role of the psychiatric-mental health nurse. Engaging in research in this field is essential for advancing knowledge and improving mental health care worldwide.

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iResearchNet is committed to providing top-quality writing services to help students achieve academic success. Our expert degree-holding writers, custom written works, in-depth research, and custom formatting ensure that your paper is of the highest quality. Our customized solutions, flexible pricing, and short deadlines cater to your specific needs. With our timely delivery, 24/7 support, absolute privacy, easy order tracking, and money-back guarantee, you can have complete peace of mind when you choose iResearchNet for your academic writing needs.

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Are you feeling overwhelmed by the multitude of assignments and deadlines looming over your head? You are not alone. Many nursing students struggle to find the time and resources necessary to complete their psychiatric-mental health nursing research papers. That’s where iResearchNet comes in. We are here to provide you with top-quality, custom-written research papers that will not only help you to achieve your academic goals but also to deepen your understanding of psychiatric-mental health nursing.

Our team of expert writers is highly qualified and experienced in the field of psychiatric-mental health nursing. They are adept at conducting in-depth research and creating comprehensive, well-structured, and meticulously referenced research papers. When you order a custom research paper from iResearchNet, you can be confident that you are receiving a paper of the highest quality, tailored to your specific requirements and formatted according to your preferred style guide.

Submitting a high-quality research paper is crucial for your academic success. It demonstrates your understanding of the subject matter, your ability to conduct thorough research, and your skill in organizing and presenting information in a clear and coherent manner. A well-crafted research paper can significantly impact your final grade and your future career prospects in the field of psychiatric-mental health nursing. Don’t take chances with your academic and professional future. Trust iResearchNet to provide you with the top-quality research paper you need to succeed.

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Don’t wait until the last minute to start your psychiatric-mental health nursing research paper. Take the first step towards your academic success by ordering a custom research paper from iResearchNet today. Our user-friendly online platform makes it easy to place your order, and our 24/7 customer support team is always here to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have. With our absolute privacy policy, you can be assured that your personal information will be kept confidential. And with our money-back guarantee, you can have complete peace of mind knowing that your satisfaction is our top priority. Invest in your future by choosing iResearchNet for your academic writing needs.


nursing research topics about mental health

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Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing for Mental Health Nurses

March 8, 2023

View all blog posts under Articles | View all blog posts under Doctor of Nursing Practice | View all blog posts under Master of Science in Nursing

A nurse holds hands with a patient.

The nursing profession has long taken the lead in practicing evidence-based care. Evidence-based care relies on nurses’ clinical expertise, critical thinking, and research knowledge. Nurses use this skill set to support patient care decisions and as a lens through which to view patient outcomes.

Evidence-based practice in nursing may be even more crucial for mental health nurse practitioners . Mental and behavioral health disorders are complex, as patients may suffer from two or more diagnoses. Additionally, patients may be homeless or incarcerated, making treatment even more difficult.

An advanced degree program that supplies a rigorous background in evidence-based practice is essential for any nurse planning a career in mental and behavioral health.

What Are Evidence-Based Mental Health Services?

Evidence-based mental health services recognize that patients don’t just need therapeutic care; they may also suffer from loss of housing and income, among other basic needs. They may live in high-crime areas and are more likely to be incarcerated. Evidence-based mental health services often combine psychiatric and therapeutic treatment with services that include helping patients find housing, employment, and other support.

The following are some examples of evidence-based practices and treatments supported by SAMHSA. Mental health nurses engaged in evidence-based nursing practice may employ these treatments to support individuals dealing with mental and behavioral health issues.

Assertive Community Treatment (ACT)

Assertive community treatment seeks to provide behavioral health services in the community setting. The framework serves conditions such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression. ACT services seek to maintain outpatient treatments and ensure regular, ongoing therapies.

Using the framework, various health care practitioners provide services such as assistance with activities of daily living (ADL), help managing family responsibilities, and support in securing important needs such as food and housing.

Integrated Treatment for Co-Occurring Disorders

Integrated treatment delivers dual treatments for patients diagnosed with behavioral health and substance abuse disorders. By combining the two services, patients usually have a better chance of making a full, long-term recovery.

Practitioners provide patients with services and resources such as case management, outreach, housing, and employment assistance. The framework aids the high-risk dual diagnoses population, who are more likely to relapse and resume substance use, suffer from poor health, or face homelessness.

 Illness Management and Recovery (IMR)

Illness management and recovery is an evidence-based psychiatric treatment framework for patients with a severe mental illness, such as schizophrenia. It’s designed to allow patients to participate actively in their own recoveries. During ongoing weekly sessions, behavioral health practitioners help patients develop treatment plans and identify goals. This may encompass teaching recovery methodologies, behavioral health facts, and stress management techniques.

Practitioners also teach patients how to build and maintain social support networks, reduce the chances of resuming drug use, and use prescribed medications effectively. The teaching techniques of this framework might also include cognitive behavioral therapy and motivational sessions.

Permanent Supportive Housing

Homelessness is a complex challenge in treating people with mental health and substance use disorders. Not only can homelessness worsen a patient’s mental health condition, but it also makes them physically vulnerable to violence, disease, and incarceration. According to SAMHSA, the longer a person experiences homelessness, the harder it is to get them the treatment they need. The agency recommends moving people to permanent housing, with additional support services including therapy, treatment, financial support, and training services, without requiring transitional steps such as getting sober first.

Screening for Postpartum Depression

A study in BMC Psychiatry found nearly 20% of mothers experience postpartum depression, which can impact the health of the mother and the child. Screening and treating pregnant mothers for perinatal depression (depression during pregnancy) can help reduce instances of postpartum depression and in some cases improve the physical and mental health of babies.

Additional Treatments for Mental and Behavioral Health

Many mental health treatment practices are evidence-based and numerous studies have reinforced their effectiveness. Some of the most common evidence-based techniques for treating mental health, behavioral health, and substance use include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) , helps patients change patterns of behavior.
  • Dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) , is based on CBT practices, while also focusing on emotion regulation and mindfulness, among other techniques. It is shown to be effective in treating various mental health disorders.
  • Motivational interviewing , uses open questions, affirmations, reflection, and summarizing to help people overcome substance use disorders.

Some therapies are not considered evidence-based, even though they may be popular and effective, such as:

  • 12-step programs : Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) pioneered the 12-step process. Some aspects of 12-step programs can be very effective in helping individuals deal with substance use.
  • Talk therapy : A traditional form of therapy, talk therapy is widely used on its own and in conjunction with other treatments.

The Role of Doctors of Nursing Practice (DNPs) in Evidence-Based Practice

In the United States, more Doctor of Nursing Practice (DNP) programs are emerging to fill the anticipated shortage of health care talent. The nation needs these professionals to fill the service gaps faced by underserved populations in settings such as rural communities, schools, prisons, and urgent care facilities.

DNP-educated nurses are well-positioned to bring the evidence-based nursing practice to the communities they serve. With their background in research and clinical practice, they can lead the establishment of evidence-based plans and criteria at hospitals, clinics, and government agencies.

Become a Leader in Evidence-Based Nursing

Are you eager to become a leader in the field of mental health nursing? The Regis College online MSN to Doctor of Nursing Practice program offers an excellent foundation in evidence-based nursing practice, equipping you with the tools to embrace the exciting challenges of delivering best-in-class mental and behavioral health services. The curriculum includes classes in advanced research, informatics and statistics, cultural perspectives in health care, and more. Explore your options and take your first steps to make a difference in nursing.

Recommended Reading

What Is a Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner?

How Nurse Practitioners Can Become Community Advocates

10 Best Practices to Promote Cultural Awareness in the Nursing Profession

Behavioral Health Resources, “PACT: Program for Assertive Community Treatment”

BMC Psychiatry , “Screening Programs for Common Maternal Mental Health Disorders Among Perinatal Women: Report of the Systematic Review of Evidence”

Frontiers in Psychiatry, “Effects of Illness Management and Recovery: A Multicenter Randomized Controlled Trial”

Psychology Today , “From Evidence-Based Practice to Practice-Based Evidence”

THERAPlatform, “ Evidence-Based Practices for Mental Health”

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, “ About the Evidence-Based Practices Resource Center”

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, “The Case for Screening and Treatment of Co-Occurring Disorders”

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration. “Homelessness Resources: Housing and Shelter”

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services, “Mental Health Myths and Facts”

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Wherever you are in your career and wherever you want to be, look to Regis for a direct path, no matter your education level. Fill out the form to learn more about our program options or get started on your application today.

nursing research topics about mental health

Nursing Topics for Research plus Ideas

nursing research topics about mental health

Writing a good nursing essay, term paper, or research paper begins by finding a list of good nursing research topics and then narrowing it down to a specific topic that interests you the most and aligns with your assignment instructions.

For most nursing students, finding the best nursing topics for research can be challenging and confusing. From our interaction with thousands of students, we have realized many dread choosing a nursing research paper topic when given a chance.

In fact, they prefer being given a list of nursing research paper topics they can choose from, which they suppose makes work easier for them, but that's never the case.

Choosing a good topic is part of the assessment; you must do it well because it can either break or make your final nursing school grade .

You are assigned to write on specific nursing topics when the professor wants you to understand the nursing concepts. We have your back if you are after the best nursing research topics. In this blog article, we have highlighted a list of different nursing topics you can select from for any nursing paper you will be assigned and let you have the freedom to choose a topic on your own. If you are looking for a guide on writing a nursing paper, check our guide for writing a nursing research paper and the blog post on how to write a nursing essay .

We also have advanced guides on writing capstone projects, dissertations, and QI reports; go through them and write a digestible nursing research paper that gives you a maximum score. But first, let's dive into the various topics in nursing you can write a paper about.

Steps for Selecting a Good Nursing Research Topic

Before we go into the details of the research topics in nursing, it would be wise to highlight some of the steps you need to take to identify the best topic. When assigned to write a paper, use these steps to select the best topic:

  • Read the assignment instructions to identify whether you have a predetermined list of nursing topics or can choose one on your own;
  • If you are allowed to select a topic of your choice, begin by identifying the nursing research area you are passionate about;
  • Brainstorm for ideas on this specific area by referring to the course readings, class notes, previous class assignments, nursing topic examples online, and past nursing papers submitted by the cohorts before yours;
  • Narrow down to three main topics by researching your nursing research ideas and eliminating the ones that don't fit the scope of the paper;
  • Again do an elimination based on your research to identify a manageable (has a lot of scholarly resources), engaging, and suitable nursing topic for your nursing paper, and
  • Research widely to identify the best sources to use when exploring your research paper in detail, then write your nursing paper.

As you choose a nursing topic, always remember the following:

  • to pick a topic that falls within your area of interest or the scope of the course;
  • select a topic that you can share as many details without forcing yourself or getting bored;
  • choose a topic that has plenty of credible peer-reviewed nursing sources;
  • the topic should be unique and unexplored, or if it is explored, select a new perspective or approach;
  • the topic should be relevant, fresh, explorative, engaging, meaningful, and original;
  • the topic should be flexible so that you can research and form arguments;
  • focus on topics with concepts, frameworks, or ideas from class;
  • if stuck, ask for help selecting a topic from your instructor or peers;
  • don't choose a topic that is too broad or too narrow; choose a manageable topic;
  • Prioritize considering the latest, current events, or trending nursing research topics so that you can solve issues as they arise in practice.

These tips also apply to nursing research project topics.

List of Nursing Research Topics Organized by Nursing Category

If you find selecting a research topic for your nursing paper challenging, this list of different nursing topics will come in handy. Even the most proficient nursing writers face challenges with choosing topics. But that has never deterred them from writing research papers, essays, and other nursing papers. To get you ahead of everything, consider these top topics in nursing to help you brainstorm fresh nursing research topics ideas. You can also directly pick a topic of interest or slightly tweak any of them and write a good paper.

Adult Nursing Research Topics

  • Impacts of engaging older adult patients through Facebook
  • Gastric decompression in adult patients
  • Role advanced practice nurse in geriatric oncology care
  • Strategies for promoting healthy lifestyles among LGBT older adult patients
  • Moral distress among adult nursing practitioners
  • Impacts of aging on adult health
  • Diagnosis and management of learning disabilities in nursing
  • How nurses can support rehabilitation for home-dwelling adult patients
  • Role of nurses in addressing sigma for adults living with HIV/AIDS
  • Prevalence of hypertension among young adults
  • Managing T2DM among young black American adults
  • Impacts of malnutrition among elderly adults
  • Role of nurses in addressing domestic violence
  • Treatment and management of Asthma among adult patients
  • Treatment of acute coronary syndrome among adult patients
  • Strategies to prevent dehydration among elderly patients
  • Impacts of age on the immune system and the skin of adults
  • Strategies to address obesity among adults
  • Oral care among elderly adults in the USA
  • Treatment of anxiety and depression among adults
  • Treatment and management of COPD
  • Pain management strategies for adult patients
  • Ethical issues facing nurses that handle adult patients
  • Strategies to promote weight loss and management among adult patients
  • Impacts of colon cancer screening among adults

Child Nursing Research Topics

  • Diagnosis, treatment, and management of ADHD in children
  • Causes and management of seizures among children
  • Nutritional benefits of supplements for children
  • Impacts of over-exposure of children to antibiotics
  • Impacts of heavy metals on the neurological development of children
  • Strategies to prompt physical activity among children
  • Benefits of parental attachment to children's well-being
  • Diagnosis and management of respiratory illnesses in children
  • Treatment and management of cryptorchidism in children
  • Management of urine incontinence in children
  • Benefits of nutritional counseling for adolescent kids
  • Psychological impacts of cancer on children and their families
  • The ethical dilemma with consent when treating children
  • Health education strategies to ensure children stick to medication
  • Effects of the opioid epidemic on children and adolescents
  • The impacts of parental opioid use and children's health
  • Benefits of play therapy for children
  • The link between vaccination and the well-being of children
  • Should Covid-19 be part of the vaccination schedule for children?

Communications Nursing Research Topics

  • Using social media to raise awareness among nurses
  • Attitudes of nurses on using SBAR to improve communication
  • Impacts of body language on nursing communication
  • Benefits of training nurses on interprofessional communication
  • Impacts of communication on collaboration within interprofessional healthcare teams
  • Why nurses should check for non-verbal cues among patients
  • The role of interpreters and translators in clinical settings
  • Communicating with patients and their families on aspects related to cancer care
  • Strategies to maintain good therapeutic relationships with patients in end-of-life care
  • Role of interpersonal communication in transcultural nursing
  • Patient perceptions and attitudes of nurse-patient communication
  • Communication models oncology nurses can use when 'Breaking Bad News.'
  • Strategies to resolve communication challenges in intensive care units
  • Benefits of taking notes on proper communication among nurses
  • Use of technology to facilitate communication among nurses and patients
  • Factors affecting nursing error communication within ICUs
  • Perceptions and lived experiences of pediatric oncology nurses during palliative and end of life care
  • The link between communication and patient outcomes
  • Benefits of patient-centered communication
  • How can nurses address the needs of deaf patients
  • Perceptions of nurses of prognosis-related communication
  • The use of telehealth to facilitate fast communication
  • Benefits of using the nursing dashboard to communicate evaluation of program outcomes
  • Management of language barrier among nurses and patients
  • Management of language discordance in clinical nursing practice
  • Role of intercultural communication in nursing
  • Multi-professional communication for older patients in transitional care
  • Strategies nurses use to communicate with patients who are mechanically ventilated in the ICU
  • Improving communication among nurses through resident nurse shadowing
  • How to overcome elder speaking when communicating with older patients
  • Benefits of nursing communication on patient care quality
  • Barriers to communication between adult cancer patients and registered nurses in inpatient care settings
  • Benefits of communicating skin changes by certified nursing assistants to reduce pressure injuries
  • Strategies nurses can use to communicate contraceptive effectiveness
  • Improving nurse-patient communication when caring for patients with dementia
  • Using YouTube and simulation to prepare millennial nursing students to communicate well in clinical settings

Controversial Nursing Research Topics

  • The placement of G-tube in nursing home patients with end-stage dementia
  • Nurses' role in advising families against the provision of futile care or aggressive interventions
  • The fear of giving opioids to end-of-life patients by nurses
  • Dealing with patients who are non-compliant or aggressively decline treatment
  • Longer shifts and poor pay among nurses
  • Discrimination of new nurses by older nurses
  • Exposure of nurses to job hazards
  • Causes and consequences of nurse strikes
  • Incivility in the workplace against nurses from the minority groups
  • Longer education pathway for one to become a nurse

Controversies in nursing practice, training, and management can be good research topic ideas for a paper if your interest lies in a specific specialization of nursing.

Related Article: Interesting nursing debate topics for students .

Disease Management Nursing Topics

  • Management of burn wounds in the ER settings
  • Management of Diabetes Mellitus through nutritional and lifestyle changes
  • Modern treatment and management of coeliac disease
  • Importance of intermittent fasting in managing GERD
  • Management of hypertensive cardiovascular disease
  • Treatment and management of hemolytic disease of the newborn
  • Management of neurovascular disease
  • Management of neurodegenerative disease
  • Treatment and management of lupus
  • Management of endometriosis using modern means
  • Management of strabismus
  • Management of gynecomastia among adolescents and adults
  • Osteopathic management of cancer
  • Diagnosis and management of Buerger's disease
  • Treatment and management of Crohn's disease
  • Management of multiple sclerosis
  • Management of pulmonary heart disease secondary to chronic lung disease
  • Management of pruritus
  • Management of anemia among pregnant women
  • Disease management strategies for glaucoma
  • Management of pilonidal disease without incision
  • Management of alopecia in women
  • Medical management of Meniere's disease
  • Treatment and management of CUTIs
  • Treatment and non-surgical management of bronchiectasis
  • Management of hemorrhoidal disease
  • Management of listeria
  • Management of sepsis
  • Management of peptic ulcer disease
  • Diagnosis and management of peripheral vascular disease

Related: How to write a windshield survey report paper.

Emergency Room Nursing Topics

  • Reasons for emergency room visits during the covid-19 pandemic period
  • Improving postpartum visits in the gynecological emergency room
  • Factors leading to overcrowding at the emergency departments
  • Addressing inadequate visits to the emergency departments by pregnant women
  • Strategies to reduce emergency room visits among elderly adults
  • SNAP timing and emergency room visits
  • Pediatric emergency room visits for neurological conditions
  • Effects of community health centers on emergency room visits
  • Predictors of frequent psychiatric emergency room visits
  • Use of telehealth monitoring to reduce emergency room visits and hospitalizations of patients with COPD
  • Addressing the increased frequency of emergency room visits of asthmatic children
  • The link between proper patient education and emergency room visits
  • The connection between emergency room visits and healthcare promotion
  • Emergency room visits for accident victims
  • Impacts of air pollution on unscheduled emergency room visits
  • Self-reported emergency room visits for dental problems
  • Handling non-emergency requests presented in emergency departments
  • Repeat emergency room visits for hand and wrist injuries
  • Seasonal variations in emergency department visits
  • Management of sepsis and septic shock in the emergency department
  • Management of acute headache in the emergency department: A dilemma
  • Emergency management of seizures and epilepsy
  • Handling agitated and aggressive patients in the ED
  • Management of patients with thermal burns in the ED
  • Emergency management strategies to manage chronic pain in elderly adults
  • Handling myasthenia gravis in the ED
  • Management of priapism in the emergency department
  • Evaluation and management of clostridioides defficile infection in the ED
  • Management of hematogenous osteomyelitis in children in the ED
  • Management of Thunderclap Headache in the ED
  • Emergency department as an entry point to inpatient care
  • The link between delays in patient admission from ED and mortality

Evidence-Based Practice Nursing Research Topics

  • Importance of evidence-based nursing in addressing emerging nursing challenges
  • Benefits of disseminating nursing knowledge
  • Role of evidence-based nursing research in clarifying concepts necessary for nursing practice
  • Use of evidence-based practice to address gaps in nursing knowledge
  • The link between evidence-based practice and quality improvement
  • The connection between nursing research and evidence-based practice
  • Strategies for disseminating evidence-based strategy in nursing
  • Benefits of honing evidence-based practice competencies in nursing students
  • The Stetler Model of research utilization and EBP
  • Role of nurse leaders in promoting EBP implementation at the points of care
  • Evidence-based practice guidelines for perioperative nursing
  • Planning, implementing and evaluating EBP
  • Models of evaluating evidence-based practice strategies
  • Contributions of qualitative and quantitative research to evidence-based practice in nursing
  • Using action research to facilitate evidence-based practice in nursing
  • Factors affecting the implementation of evidence-based strategies in nursing
  • Attitudes, knowledge, and skills of nursing students on evidence-based practice
  • Benefits of evidence-based clinical guidelines for diseases
  • Benefits of integrating evidence-based approach to the nursing curriculum
  • Value of evidence-based practice in military nursing

Related Articles:

  • How to formulate a good PICOT with examples
  • How to write an excellent evidence-based practice paper in nursing
  • Writing a nursing diagnosis as a nurse student.

Geriatric Nursing Research Topics

  • Cognitive decline among the aging patients
  • Polypharmacy management in elderly patients
  • Depression among the elderly patients
  • Causes of mobility issues among elderly patients
  • The link between undernutrition and mortality in older persons
  • Strategies for weight management among the elderly
  • Abnormal eating behaviors among the elderly patients
  • Functional impairment among the older persons
  • Sarcopenia or frailty among elderly people
  • Impacts of aging on the immune system
  • Preventing cardiovascular disease among the elderly population
  • Benefits of having a geriatric-friendly nurse in the ED
  • Benefits of Program of All-Inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE)
  • Utilization of Delirium Intensive Care units by the elderly patients
  • Improving patient outcomes in Acute Care for the Elderly Units (ACE)
  • How low vision impacts the driving capacity of the elderly
  • Relationship between ethnicity and race and depression in older adults with low vision
  • Impacts of loneliness among adults with visual impairment
  • Effects of light therapy on osteoarthritis and its sequelae in aging and older adults
  • Strategies to address plasticity in early Alzheimer's Disease
  • Pathophysiology, treatment, and rehabilitation of atherosclerosis among the geriatric population
  • Music therapy in geriatrics
  • Bone aging and osteoporosis
  • Degenerative gastric disorders of the musculoskeletal among geriatric populations
  • Addressing inflammation among the elderly
  • Impacts of lifestyle on vascular aging
  • Pathophysiology and interventions to combat degenerative aortic stenosis in elderly populations
  • Frailty and gait disorders in Parkinson's Disease
  • Management of falls in older adults
  • Pathogenesis and treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms and pelvic floor dysfunction diseases in elderly adults
  • End-of-life care in elderly people living with dementia
  • Management of osteosarcopenia in elderly adults
  • Strategies to promote healthy aging
  • Benefits of aging-in-place for the elderly people
  • Interventional strategies to improve the quality of life and health span of the older adults
  • Assistive technologies and innovations to help improve the quality of life of the older people
  • Diabetes management among elderly adults through life transitions
  • The impactful interventions to extend the health span of aging adults
  • Mechanisms, clinical significance, and management of age-related changes in body composition
  • Strategies to maintain longevity in old age
  • Redesign of homes and hospitals to accommodate the needs of elderly adults
  • Calorie restriction among the elderly adults
  • Management of elderly abuse
  • Strategies to measure and manage elderly abuse
  • Providing care for elderly patients with a frontotemporal disorder

You can check more research topic ideas from the NIH website .

Healthcare Promotion Nursing Topics

  • Strategies to evaluate healthcare promotion and disease prevention program
  • Application of the Logic Model to evaluate healthcare promotion programs
  • Applying the health belief model in health promotion programs
  • Using ecological models to formulate healthcare promotion programs
  • The transtheoretical model and healthcare promotion
  • Theory of planned behavior and healthcare promotion
  • Application of social cognitive theory in disease prevention programs
  • Holism in nursing and health promotion
  • Benefits of community health promotion in nursing
  • Health promotion role of family health nurses
  • Integrating interpersonal skills in health promotion
  • Contribution of health promotion to community children's nursing
  • Benefits of focused health promotion assessment
  • Process evaluation strategies for health promotion programs
  • Formative evaluation of health promotion
  • Outcome and impact evaluation of health promotion
  • Role of school nurses in promoting healthy behaviors among teenagers

Hot Nursing Research Topics

  • The social and economic effects of the opioid crisis
  • Impacts of feminism on women's health
  • The gender pay gap in nursing and its implications on the future of nursing
  • Access to healthcare by immigrant women
  • Strategies to improve diversity in nursing
  • Best strategies to reduce vaccine hesitancy during pregnancy
  • How nurses can use social media to promote health
  • Importance of virtual nursing communities on healthcare
  • Nurses as agents of change
  • Can nurses be entrepreneurs?
  • Benefits of evidence-based nursing practices
  • Importance of continuing nursing education
  • Role of government in providing nursing education
  • Strategies to address nursing staff shortage
  • Impacts of nurses on contraceptive uptake among women from minority races in the USA
  • Impact of stress on the work behavior of nurses

Neonatal Nursing Research Topics

  • Attitudes of neonatal nurses on hand hygiene practices in neonatal units
  • Causes of child mortality
  • Factors affecting neonatal care in rural areas
  • Methods of identifying and addressing eating disorders in children
  • Skin-to-skin contact between the newborns and their mothers
  • Impacts of postpartum depression on newborns
  • Causes of abnormal neurological development in children
  • Application of hormones in regulating fetal lung development
  • Diagnosis and management of diaphragmatic hernia in infants
  • Strategies to establish and maintain therapeutic rapport with infants
  • Impacts of the physical appearance of care settings on infants
  • Use of nitric acid to treat premature babies
  • Benefits of exposing newborns to sun rays
  • Use of biomarkers to diagnose and manage neonatal sepsis
  • Impacts of prenatal alcohol and substance use on the neurological development of a fetus
  • Use of biomarkers in the diagnosis of traumatic brain injuries in infants
  • How inflammatory processes affect the brain development of infants
  • Impacts of slow music in the neonatal units on the mood of children
  • Impacts of educating newborns on exclusive breastfeeding
  • Nutritional plans for a neonatal care unit
  • Strategies to prevent drug errors in neonatal units
  • Methods of reducing mortality rates in neonatal care settings
  • Ways to predict and address feeding problems
  • Strategies to increase the uptake of neonatal services among aboriginal women
  • Impacts of maternal obesity on infant development
  • Benefits of allowing men into neonatal care units
  • Methods of predicting diseases in newborn children
  • The use of genetic profiling to identify genetic disorders in newborns
  • Impacts of counseling by neonatal nurses before discharge from a neonatal facility
  • Nursing ethics for newborn care
  • Impacts of NICU nursing staff shortage on quality of care

Nurse Practitioner Research Topics

  • Transitioning from a nurse to an advanced nurse practitioner
  • Core competencies of a nurse practitioner
  • Factors affecting advanced nurse practitioner autonomy
  • Prescription privileges of nurse practitioners in the USA
  • Strategies to mentor new graduate nurse practitioners
  • Benefits of joining professional organizations as a nurse practitioner
  • Lived experiences of registered nurses transitioning to a nurse practitioner role
  • Role of psychiatric nurse practitioners
  • Benefits of family nurse practitioners in the management of genetic diseases
  • Role of nurse practitioners in congenital heart surgery
  • Benefits of establishing nurse practitioner practicums
  • Strategies to detraumatize nurse practitioner orientation
  • Collaboration between nurse practitioners and physicians in long-term care facilities
  • Role of a nurse practitioner in ambulatory women's health
  • Impacts of religiosity and spirituality of nurse practitioners in family practice
  • Strategies to recruit and retain nurse practitioners
  • Role of acute care nurse practitioner
  • The advanced nursing practice as a surgical assistant
  • Job satisfaction among nurse practitioners
  • Retention rates and burnout among nurse practitioners
  • Crisis in nurse practitioner preparation in the USA
  • Nurse Practitioner privileges in the UK vs. USA
  • Roles of pediatric critical care nurse practitioner
  • Factors influencing the decision by nurse practitioners to join nurse practitioner associations
  • Disciplinary actions for nurse practitioners who err at work
  • Struggle for recognition among nurse practitioners
  • Challenges faced by new psychiatric or mental health nurse practitioners
  • Does age matter in the nurse practitioner role?
  • Novice nurse practitioner workforce transition
  • Turnover intentions and its effect on nurse practitioners
  • Are nurse practitioners considered nurses in all settings?
  • Liability and authority of nurse practitioners
  • Impacts of postgraduate education and training for nurse practitioners
  • The racial disparity among nurse practitioners
  • Racial disparity in neonatal practitioner training programs in the USA
  • Impacts of recognizing achievements of nurse practitioners through honors and awards
  • The education trajectory of occupational health nurse practitioners in the UK
  • Nurse practitioner's role in endometriosis care
  • Mid-Level Practitioners vs. Advanced Nurse Practitioners in the UK
  • Role of nurse practitioners in supporting veteran patients
  • Nurse practitioners as healthcare advocates
  • Nurse practitioners as change advocates
  • Gender gap and payment issues affecting advanced nurse practitioners

Nursing Student Research Topics

  • Stress and coping strategies among nursing students
  • Attitudes of nursing students on the use of simulation
  • Attitudes of nursing students on blended learning of cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • The link between the mental health of nursing students and academic performance
  • The perspective of nursing students on a caring relationship in clinical supervision
  • Professional values of nursing students
  • Nursing students as crucial players in the healthcare industry
  • Perceptions of BSN students on being a nurse
  • Benefits of maintaining proper sleep, diet, and quality of life among nursing students
  • Funding challenges affecting education continuation among student nurses
  • Causes and consequences of high dropout rates among nursing students
  • Adaptive strategies to the difficulties pre-licensure nursing students face during their first clinical experience
  • Strategies nursing students use to build resilience
  • Homophobia among nursing students
  • Smoking and alcohol abuse among nursing students
  • Stress levels of nursing students during placements and practicum
  • Impacts of shadowing on the experiences of student nurses
  • Factors affecting the readiness of nursing students to enter the nursing workforce
  • Performance, attitudes, and growth trajectory of foreign-born nursing students in the United States
  • Benefits of mentoring for nursing students
  • Perceptions and perspectives of minority nursing students on classroom diversity
  • Entry rates among minority nursing students
  • Causes of high dropout rates among black American nursing students
  • Experiences and perceptions of accelerated nursing programs
  • Factors affecting the retention of nursing knowledge among nursing students
  • Strategies to boost clinical judgment among undergraduate nursing students
  • Spiritual care perceptions of Baccalaureate nursing students
  • Perceptions of nursing students on skills learning
  • Strategies to promote collaboration and teamwork among undergraduate nursing students
  • The knowledge of nurse students on the role of nurses in the management of dysphagia
  • Ethical challenges nursing students face in clinical settings
  • Perceptions of nursing students on participatory action research
  • Role of nurse students in clinical research
  • Attitudes of nurse students on participating in pedagogical research
  • Moral distress among nursing students
  • The impacts of spiritual orientation of nursing students on their attitudes towards principles of dying with dignity
  • Experiences and attitudes of nurses who make mistakes in clinical
  • Impacts of gender and perceived faculty support on the performance of nursing students
  • Perception and attitudes of nursing students on the use of technology in education
  • Altruism, religiosity, and honesty among nursing students
  • Incivility experiences of student nurses in clinical settings
  • Addressing smartphone addiction among nursing students
  • The perception of undergraduate nursing students on clinical assessment at the transition to practice
  • Benefits of teaching nursing students transcultural caring
  • Causes and consequences of poor performance among nursing students
  • Benefits of exposing nursing students to leadership concepts in nursing

Pain Management Nursing Topics

  • The role of the anesthesiologist in the management of intractable pain
  • The value of chlorpromazine in pain management
  • Benefits of interdisciplinary pain management
  • Using Neuromodulators for pain management
  • Strategies to address acute pain among hospitalized children
  • Using virtual reality for pain management in children
  • Interdisciplinary approach to chronic pain management
  • Tools and factors to improve postoperative pain management
  • Using acupuncture for pain management
  • Knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of nurses on pain management
  • Role of Cannabidiol (CBD) in chronic pain management
  • Effectiveness of using clinical aromatherapy in pain management
  • Assistive technologies for pain management in patients with amputations
  • Benefits of training nurses on transcultural pain management
  • Pain management interventions in PICU or NICU
  • Rehabilitation therapy in perioperative pain management
  • Pediatric pain management in the emergency departments
  • Pain management among geriatric patients
  • Interventional strategies for the management of oncological pain
  • Interventions for post-craniotomy pain management
  • Non-pharmacologic approaches to pain management among patients
  • Importance of adherence to communication in pain management
  • Self-management of cancer pain for oncology patients
  • Pain assessment among deaf patients
  • Pain assessment among pediatric patients
  • The ethics of using epidural and spinal anesthesia
  • Pain management in patients with heart failure
  • Hypnosis for the management of chronic pain in children
  • Spinal cord stimulation for chronic pain management
  • Benefits of documenting postoperative pain

Pediatric Nursing Research Topics

  • Causes and management of Tourette syndrome in children
  • Diagnosis and management of asthma in children
  • Strategies to address pediatric polypharmacy
  • Management of pneumonia in children
  • Addressing diarrhea among preschool children
  • Strategies to prevent and manage tuberculosis in children
  • Impacts of psychological support for children with cancer
  • Effects of anorexia on the cognitive function of children
  • Reducing risk in children receiving oxygen therapy
  • Using molecular markers to diagnose childhood leukemia
  • Strategies to address childhood obesity
  • Diabetes among children
  • Use of stem cell research in solving childhood diseases
  • Implications of the passive smoke syndrome in children
  • Impacts of alcohol intake among adolescents
  • The administration of painkillers for children
  • Strategies nurses can use to prevent teenage pregnancies
  • Approach to counseling adolescents living with HIV/AIDS
  • Impacts of air pollution on the brain development of children
  • Diagnosis and management of ear infection among children
  • Addressing UTIs in adolescents

Perioperative Nursing Research Topics

  • Drugs to manage and prevent postoperative nausea and vomiting after general anesthesia
  • Benefits of postoperative education for adult patients who've undergone elective surgery
  • Effects of using music interventions in perioperative settings
  • Strategies to enhance patient safety in an operating theater
  • Strategies to reduce patient abuse in the operating theater
  • Non-pharmacological interventions in perioperative settings to prevent anxiety in adolescents
  • Ethical aspects of non-technical skills in operating room nursing
  • Postoperative accelerated recovery protocols
  • Benefits of pre-operative fasting
  • Nursing interventions to enhance perioperative care for patients undergoing cardiothoracic surgery
  • Use of the IOWA model by perioperative nurse leaders to implement clinical practice guidelines (CPGs)
  • Benefits of using perioperative data set in surgical nursing
  • Perioperative considerations of patients with concussion

Primary Healthcare Nursing Topics

  • Strategies to maintain infant oral health
  • ED as an entry into the primary healthcare continuum
  • Best practices for transgender health
  • Benefits of offering primary oral healthcare
  • Strategies to improve vaccination access and uptake in rural areas
  • Community-based primary healthcare and child mortality rates
  • Strategies to improve patient experiences with primary care
  • Strategy for screening for poverty and poverty-related social determinants of health
  • The identity crisis of preventive medicine
  • Use of data-driven population health in primary care
  • Benefits of sharing with adults of adolescents sexual health information in primary care
  • Attitudes and perspectives of women on reproductive health services in primary care
  • Challenges affecting adolescents from seeing sexual health services in primary care
  • The link between primary care and population health
  • Immigration as a social determinant of health
  • Health promotion among older adults

Psychiatric Nursing Research Topics

  • Safety in psychiatric inpatient care
  • Impacts of risk management culture on mental health nursing practice
  • Consequences of community-based psychiatric nurses in addressing healthcare access for people with mental disorders
  • Technical competencies for postgraduate psychiatric nursing students
  • Benefits of using focus group interviews for psychiatric nursing research
  • Using reflexive methodology in psychiatric nursing research
  • Attitudes of psychiatric nursing staff toward containment methods in psychiatric inpatient care settings
  • Use of physical restraints for aggressive patients in psychiatric facilities
  • Role of psychiatric liaison nursing
  • Impacts of human patient and communication simulation on psychiatric nursing training
  • The application of telehealth to address mental health issues among patients in rural areas
  • Ethical issues in psychiatric care facilities

Related Article: Mental health nursing topics .

Qualitative Nursing Research Topics

In nursing, qualitative research deals with the lived experiences of patients and nurses. Some of the qualitative research methods include narrative inquiry, action research, grounded theory, ethnography, and phenomenology. Below are some of the qualitative topics for nursing research.

  • Application of positivism in qualitative nursing research
  • Impacts of language barriers on qualitative nursing research
  • Use of qualitative research methods to investigate tobacco use and control
  • Application of qualitative case study methodology in nursing research
  • Lived experience of nurses who handle pediatric patients in oncology departments
  • Attitudes of nurses taking care of end-of-life patients on compassion fatigue
  • Benefits of qualitative research in clinical epidemiology
  • Approaches to qualitative content analysis
  • Qualitative research in rheumatology
  • Thematic analysis in nursing research
  • Descriptive phenomenological vs. qualitative description research
  • Challenges and benefits of conducting qualitative research online
  • Methodological challenges in qualitative content analysis
  • Using lived experiences of pregnant black American mothers to assess the impacts of eclampsia
  • Benefits of longitudinal qualitative research in nursing
  • Use of action research in nursing education
  • Using action research to evaluate the orientation program for nurses in a multicultural healthcare setting
  • Effectiveness of clinical simulations for new graduate nurses
  • Effectiveness of cognitive therapy and family psychoeducation on the self-esteem of adolescents in orphanages
  • Influence of music therapy on the well-being of postoperative patients of total knee arthroplasty
  • Investigating the quality of life of elderly adults after spinal cord surgery
  • Using focus groups with women with severe psychiatric disabilities
  • Using virtual, synchronous focus groups among black sexual minority men
  • Using focus groups with children who have undergone sexual abuse prevention program training
  • Application of focus groups to understand the perceptions and attitudes of nurses on patient-centered care
  • Exploring job satisfaction and workplace engagement among millennial nurses
  • Barriers and facilitators of intersectoral cooperation to promote positive health behavior
  • Ethical issues in qualitative research
  • Examining the effects of the witnessed experiences of patient death during clinical practice on new student nurses
  • Qualitative methodological considerations when conducting focus groups in neurodegenerative disease populations
  • Understanding the role of gender differences within the barriers to smoking cessation and preferences for interventions in primary care
  • Investigation of the impacts of social media bullying on mental health
  • Evaluating the effects of medical tabards in reducing medical errors
  • Strategies for empowering nurses to prescribe medications
  • Role of technology in improving quality of care in nursing
  • Impacts of discrimination and racism on nursing student admission
  • The knowledge and understanding of the role of emergency nurses in recognizing and responding to patients with sepsis
  • Lived experiences of women seeking a diagnosis of Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
  • Incidence and prevalence of systemic lupus erythematosus
  • Using poverty screening questions to predict social determinants of healthcare
  • Management of antidepressant therapy induced sexual dysfunction in women

Quantitative Nursing Research Topics

  • The link between the knowledge level of nurses and the quality of care
  • Role of nurses in clinical research
  • Association between nosocomial infections and adherence to hand hygiene protocols
  • Role of nurses in caring for patients in ICU settings
  • Role of nurses in increasing adherence to medication among elderly patients
  • Using interviews to assess the level of awareness of stress coping mechanisms among nurses
  • Importance of nurses' communication technique in clinical settings
  • The impacts of clinical decisions support systems in clinical decision-making
  • Role of nurses in providing healthcare to patients in rural areas
  • Role of family practitioners in promoting family-centered care
  • Causes of high nursing staff attrition rates
  • Impacts of mindfulness meditation on stress and burnout in nurses

Trauma Nursing Research Topics

  • Risk of vicarious trauma in nursing research
  • Impacts of trauma-informed care on the holistic well-being of patients
  • Risk factors for postoperative delirium
  • Risk factors of perineal trauma during labor
  • Impacts of virtual trauma-focused therapy for military veterans with PTSD
  • Recognizing and managing poststroke depression
  • Prevention of fracture-related infections using a multidisciplinary approach
  • Best strategies for offering nursing care to children after a traumatic accident
  • Role of trauma nurses in providing support to families of neurotrauma patients
  • Management of injuries to the cervix in sexual trauma
  • Benefits of fluid resuscitation of the adult trauma patients
  • The involvement of nurses in improving compliance with tight blood glucose control in trauma ICU
  • Caring for older people with dementia struggling to relieve past trauma
  • Impacts of pediatric trauma on the health outcomes of children
  • Causes and consequences of geriatric trauma
  • Causes of under-detection of trauma in elderly adults involved in motor vehicle accidents
  • Impacts of simulated multidisciplinary trauma team training on team performance
  • Glucose interventions and outcomes in critically injured trauma patients
  • Best education strategies for multi-trauma patients on discharge from the ED
  • Strategies for managing hypovolemic shock
  • Investigating the experience of patients of trauma resuscitation
  • Role of family support on youths experiencing posttraumatic stress

Leadership Nursing Research Topics

  • Best leadership styles for nurse educators
  • Ethical leadership in nursing
  • Role of nursing leadership in ensuring a healthy workforce in clinical settings
  • Principles of strengths-based nursing leadership for strength-based nursing care
  • Role of nursing leadership in the management of the mental health of nurses
  • Benefits of collaborative leadership in nursing
  • Application of charismatic and transformational leadership in clinical settings
  • Benefits of trauma-informed nursing leadership
  • Impacts of nursing leadership on patient outcomes
  • Role of nurse leaders in maintaining cultural competency of nurses
  • Benefits of nurses having personal leadership development plans
  • Nurse leaders as managers in clinical settings
  • Nursing leadership styles to help handle crises
  • Application of situational leadership theory in clinical settings
  • Role of nurse leaders in developing a shared vision
  • Role of leaders in promoting cross-generational retention
  • Strategies nurse leaders can use to enable staff engagement
  • Role of nurse leaders in reducing incivility in the workplace
  • Role of nurse leaders in enhancing patient safety
  • The competence of black nurse leaders in clinical settings
  • Role of nurse leaders in promoting workplace diversity
  • Leadership styles and strategies to facilitate the implementation of clinical practice guidelines
  • An integrated approach to change leadership in nursing
  • Nurses ad leaders, and change advocates
  • Impacts of nurse leadership on attrition rates of new nurses

Women's Health Nursing Topics

  • Sleep disorders in women
  • Prevalence of diabetes and obesity in women
  • Infertility issues among obese women
  • Binge eating disorder among women
  • Stress and coping strategies for lonely older women after the death of a spouse
  • Management of carpal tunnel syndrome in women
  • The prevalence, diagnosis, and management of chronic fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis
  • Effects of date rape drugs on the memory of women
  • Emergency contraception in women
  • Benefits of HPV vaccination in women
  • Management and treatment of COPD in women
  • Impacts of menopause on the physical and emotional well-being of women
  • Benefits of educating women about Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome
  • Treatment and management of Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) in women
  • Prevalence and incidence of pelvic inflammatory disease in women
  • Diagnosis, Causes and consequences, and Treatment and Management of Pelvic organ prolapse in women
  • Impacts of sickle cell disease on women
  • Causes and management of urine incontinence in women
  • Offering primary healthcare services to lesbian women
  • Management of vaginal yeast infections: A nursing care plan
  • Prevalence, diagnosis, and treatment of Trichomoniasis in women
  • Diagnosis and treatment of Syphilis in women
  • Management of premenstrual syndrome (PMS)
  • Management of postpartum depression in women
  • Benefits of physical activity for women's health
  • Benefits of mammograms in screening for breast cancer
  • Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) in women
  • Causes and management of bladder pain syndrome or interstitial cystitis in women
  • Diagnosis and management of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) in women
  • Causes and management of anxiety and insomnia in women
  • Purpose, benefits, and risks of hypersectomy
  • The time it takes to recover from laparoscopic hypersectomy
  • Treatment of genital warts in women
  • Treatment and management of Grave's diseases in women
  • Impacts of caregiver stress syndrome on women
  • Attitudes of black women on using contraceptives
  • Factors and barriers to accessing insurance by black and minority women
  • Healthcare challenges that women immigrants face
  • Impacts of domestic violence on women's mental health
  • Impacts of noncommunicable diseases on women
  • Impacts of stigmatization and isolation of women with HIV/AIDS

Now you have the Topic, What Next?

Thus far, we are confident that you have brainstormed using the nursing research topic ideas and topics presented in this guide. You can now eliminate your topics until you get a good nursing research topic that you can write a top-grade nursing research paper, term paper, report, policy analysis paper, or white paper.

  • Epidemiology Nursing Topics and Ideas
  • Capstone project topics and ideas for nursing students
  • List of nursing theories and theorists
  • Nursing informatics topics for students

If you have a topic and feel you could use some help or need someone to help you choose a topic for your nursing paper and write the paper, you can count on our website. We have skilled nursing paper helpers who can assist you with any nursing paper. We have been offering nursing research paper help online for many years. All the papers are written from scratch using human writers. The papers will pass any plagiarism checker, and there is no chance it will be detected that you bought them online. Besides, the nursing writers only use the most recent scholarly and peer-reviewed nursing journal articles (published within the last five years). We write affordable nursing papers , so most nursing students love our services.

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Research Highlights

Section of mouse cerebellum. Credit: Wang et. al., 2024, Neuron.

April 29, 2024 • Research Highlight

In this NIMH-supported study, researchers investigated the neural underpinnings of sensory hypersensitivity in SCN2A-associated autism.

Father and daughter arguing over homework. Daughter looks pouty and disgruntled.

April 5, 2024 • Research Highlight

A new study by NIMH researchers demonstrated the effectiveness, feasibility, and safety of exposure-based cognitive behavioral therapy for severe irritability and temper outbursts in children. The positive results set the foundation to continue exploring exposure therapy as a potential treatment for childhood irritability.

Retro video game arcade screens saying You win! and You lose.

March 25, 2024 • Research Highlight

Research funded by NIMH found a link between a low level of social interest among people with psychotic disorders and brain regions in the social motivation system.

Illustration of an X chromosome cut open to expose a piece of the DNA strand.

January 18, 2024 • Research Highlight

An NIMH-supported study of the 3D genome revealed widespread silencing of genes with important roles in brain function in fragile X syndrome and related disorders.

Group of diverse people without faces, several of whom are grayed out.

January 3, 2024 • Research Highlight

NIMH researchers found racial and ethnic disparities in rates of psychotic disorders, which were associated with co-occurring medical conditions and negative health outcomes.

Image of brain using color to show the strength of electric field generated through MST.

December 18, 2023 • Research Highlight

This clinical trial found that MST is equally effective at reducing depression symptoms as ECT, but with fewer side effects.

Diverse group of doctors and nurses looking together at a tablet in a doctor's hand.

November 3, 2023 • Research Highlight

Evidence-based practices for suicide prevention effectively reduced suicidal behaviors among adults seen for care in emergency departments.

Woman holding a burning cigarette.

October 24, 2023 • Research Highlight

In a study funded by the National Institute of Mental Health and published in JAMA Psychiatry, Gail Daumit, M.D., of Johns Hopkins University, A. Eden Evins, M.D., of Massachusetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School, and colleagues developed a tobacco smoking cessation intervention for people with serious mental illness.

Swarm of human immunodeficiency virus.

July 26, 2023 • Research Highlight

In this NIMH-funded study, researchers developed a compound that blocked an enzyme critical for forming HIV particles, which stopped the virus from correctly forming and becoming infectious.

Emergency department sign at a hospital

July 19, 2023 • Research Highlight

Hospital visits for urgent mental health care increased among children and teens in the second year of the COVID-19 pandemic, according to an NIMH-supported study.


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  1. Notes Of Psychiatric Emergencies in Mental Health Nursing (Psychiatric) (Part 1) in Hindi

  2. Psychological Safety in Nursing: A Personal Account of Resilience in the Face of Trauma

  3. Take part in mental health research





  1. 35+ Nursing Research Topics on Mental Health Care

    5 Nursing Research Paper Topics on Mental Health Care. The influence of social media on body image and its implications for adolescent mental health. Probing the correlation between sleep quality and mood disorders. Exploring cultural factors shaping the manifestation and management of depression. The effectiveness of mindfulness-based ...

  2. Mental Health Nursing Research Topics

    Examples of Mental Health Nursing Research Topics The Effectiveness of Mindfulness Practices on Mental Health Outcomes. Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and yoga, have become increasingly popular in recent years as a way to reduce stress and improve overall well-being. Research has shown that these practices may also effectively treat ...

  3. Mental health in nursing: A student's perspective : Nursing2023

    What can be found are decades of research stating that nursing is psychologically demanding and can contribute to poor mental health in a variety of ways, such as depression, anxiety, secondary trauma, compassion fatigue, and burnout. 1-7 The occupational hazards of nursing can also compromise work-life balance.

  4. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing

    The Journal of Psychiatric & Mental Health Nursing is pleased to present this very special Virtual Issue. This is a collection of people's mental health and mental illness narratives from this section's inception, in one place. This collection is free to access and all lived experience narratives are free to view.

  5. Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association

    The Journal of the American Psychiatric Nurses Association (JAPNA) is a peer-reviewed bi-monthly journal publishing up-to-date information to promote psychiatric nursing, improve mental health care for culturally diverse individuals, families, groups, and … | View full journal description. This journal is a member of the Committee on ...

  6. Nursing assessment of mental health issues in the general clinical

    1 INTRODUCTION. Mental health issues are a global problem and while disproportionately affecting people from low and middle-income countries, high-income countries are also affected with the World Health Organization (WHO) identifying that between 35% and 50% of people with severe mental health problems receive no treatment (WHO, 2021).The WHO recognize mental disorders as having a significant ...

  7. Psychological distress, well-being, resilience, posttraumatic growth

    Mental health nurses (MHNs) experience a range of stressors as part of their work, which can impact their well-being and turnover intention. There is no prior evidence, however, on MHNs' mental health, well-being, resilience, and turnover intention during the COVID-19 pandemic. The aims of this onli …

  8. Issues in Mental Health Nursing

    Journal overview. Issues in Mental Health Nursing is a refereed journal designed to expand psychiatric and mental health nursing knowledge. It deals with new, innovative approaches to client care, in-depth analysis of current issues, and empirical research. Because clinical research is the primary vehicle for the development of nursing science ...

  9. Effective nurse-patient relationships in mental health care: A

    The therapeutic role of nursing staff in mental health care is especially pertinent in settings such as inpatient wards, where patients interact with nurses for the largest proportion of time and the relationship with them is cited as key to therapeutic progression (Hopkins et al., 2009; McAndrew et al., 2014), with a perceived interplay ...

  10. Mental Health Nursing

    Mental health needs and issues are ubiquitous and are not restricted to psychiatric diagnoses or treatment settings, as reflected in the variety of topics found in this Special Issue. The breadth and scope of these topics also recall a longstanding nursing framework known as the nursing metaparadigm comprised of four intersecting domains ...

  11. Issues in Mental Health Nursing: Vol 45, No 5 (Current issue)

    The Effect of an Emotion Recognition and Expression Program on the Alexithymia, Emotion Expression Skills and Positive and Negative Symptoms of Patients with Schizophrenia in a Community Mental Health Center. Adeviye Aydın, RN PhD, Berna Ersoy Özcan, RN PhD & Yunus Kaya, RN PhD. Pages: 528-536.

  12. Mental health nurses' attitudes, experience, and ...

    Background There has been a recent growth in research addressing mental health nurses' routine physical healthcare knowledge and attitudes. We aimed to systematically review the empirical evidence about i) mental health nurses' knowledge, attitudes, and experiences of physical healthcare for mental health patients, and ii) the effectiveness of any interventions to improve these aspects of ...

  13. Factors associated with clinical nurse's mental health: a qualitative

    Background The prevalence of burnout, depression, and anxiety among Chinese nurses was 34%, 55.5%, and 41.8% respectively. Mental health problems have significant impacts on their personal well-being, work performance, patient care quality, and the overall healthcare system. Mental health is influenced by factors at multiple levels and their interactions. Methods This was a descriptive ...

  14. Nursing Students' Perceptions of Effective Factors on Mental Health: A

    Conclusion: The results showed that mental health in nursing students is a multidimensional phenomenon and is influenced by various factors. The current results could help the nurse educators to intervene and provide suitable, effective, practicable, and culture based mental health services and also help the nursing students achieve mental stability.

  15. Evidence for Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing Interventions: An

    This state-of-the-evidence review summarizes characteristics of intervention studies published from January 2011 through December 2015, in five psychiatric nursing journals. Of the 115 intervention studies, 23 tested interventions for mental health staff, while 92 focused on interventions to promote the well-being of clients.

  16. Research Topics In Nursing (+ Free Webinar)

    Here, we'll explore a variety of nursing-related research ideas and topic thought-starters, including general nursing, medical-surgical nursing, pediatric nursing, obstetrics and gynaecological nursing, ICU and mental health nursing. NB - This is just the start…. The topic ideation and evaluation process has multiple steps.

  17. Current Issue : AJN The American Journal of Nursing

    The American Journal of Nursing, the profession's premier journal, promotes excellence in the nursing and healthcare profession. ... International Topics; Legal Clinic; Mental Health; Nurse Wellbeing; Nursing Research, Step By Step; Nursing Resources; Palliative Care; Patient Safety; Policy and Politics; Professional Development, Leadership and ...

  18. Best Nursing Research Topics for Students in 2024

    1. Clinical Nursing Research Topics. Analyze the use of telehealth/virtual nursing to reduce inpatient nurse duties. Discuss the impact of evidence-based respiratory interventions on patient outcomes in critical care settings. Explore the effectiveness of pain management protocols in pediatric patients. 2.

  19. The Future of Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing: Observe, Reflect, and

    A recent special issue of the history of mental health nursing (Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 2023, Vol 44) highlighted thoughtful articles about 'who mental health nurses are' and 'from whence mental health nurses have come' as a specialty. The articles explored issues related to the philosophical and epistemological roots of what ...

  20. Innovation in Psychiatric Nursing: Exploring new strategies for patient

    Abstract. This article examines the potential of innovation in psychiatric nursing to improve patient care. It discusses the implications of new strategies, such as the use of artificial intelligence, telemedicine, and other technological advances, for nurses working in the field. The article outlines the importance of developing evidence-based ...

  21. Mental Health Nursing Dissertation Topics

    Topic-1: Cognitive and emotional well-being. Research Aim: Finding out different ways to improve the cognitive and emotional well-being of people to solve the common mental health problems in the surrounding. Topic-2: Eliminating mental illnesses. Topic-3: Providing specialized treatments.

  22. Psychiatric-Mental Health Nursing Research Paper Topics

    This page provides a comprehensive list of psychiatric-mental health nursing research paper topics, which serves as a crucial resource for nursing students assigned to write research papers. The field of psychiatric-mental health nursing is vast, encompassing a wide variety of topics related to mental health care.

  23. Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing for Mental Health Nurses

    Evidence-based care relies on nurses' clinical expertise, critical thinking, and research knowledge. Nurses use this skill set to support patient care decisions and as a lens through which to view patient outcomes. Evidence-based practice in nursing may be even more crucial for mental health nurse practitioners.

  24. Nursing Research Topics (Interesting, Trending, and Current)

    Related Article: Mental health nursing topics. Qualitative Nursing Research Topics. In nursing, qualitative research deals with the lived experiences of patients and nurses. Some of the qualitative research methods include narrative inquiry, action research, grounded theory, ethnography, and phenomenology.

  25. Research Highlights

    Learn about NIMH priority areas for research and funding that have the potential to improve mental health care over the short, medium, and long term. Resources for Researchers Information about resources such as data, tissue, model organisms and imaging resources to support the NIMH research community.

  26. 200+ Great Ideas Of Nursing Research Topics To Get Started

    2. Mental Health Nursing Research Articles Topics. Research papers focusing on mental health are still one of the most read and referred papers. And there's still more scope for research on topics such as: Evaluating the concept of Integrated Mental and Physical Health Care. Psychiatric Nursing and Mental Health.

  27. Research looks at how loneliness and mental health problems are

    The mental health problems identified by the study are both serious and wide-ranging. "Our research indicates that loneliness increases the risk of developing psychosis, bipolar disorders and ...

  28. To Address the Mental Health Crisis, Look to School Nurses

    Sherrie Page Guyer, MSN, RN, a former school nurse, holds a master's degree in mental health nursing from Yale University and is currently enrolled in the doctor of nursing practice program at ...

  29. Public Health Considerations for Correctional Health

    Funds partners working with health departments to improve health in the communites of justice-involved persons, particularly related to priority pathogens such as HIV, hepatitis, STIs, and TB. Develops programs and guidance that address community health disparities and social determinants of health (SDOH). Intake / entry