
61 Best Occupational Therapy Research Topics

Occupational therapists help people of all ages to recover and improve their physical, sensory, and cognitive activities. More than half of occupational therapists work in hospitals, while others work in nursing homes, educational facilities, and homes. But what does it take to be an occupational therapist? It would be best to study occupational therapy primarily up to the master’s level . Students are assigned projects as part of their course work through the studies. That is why we have selected the best occupational therapy research topics for your next assignment.

In occupational therapy, students always have trouble handling research projects. If you study occupational therapy and feel like you need help selecting a research topic, do not hesitate to contact us. Our writers go the extra mile and assist you in writing a top-notch research paper.

Do You Need Help in Selecting an Occupational Therapy Research Topic?

When you search “occupational therapy research topics, “it is not easy to trust platforms that offer academic consultation services. However, we offer expert writing services and professional research tips to keep your data confidential when you order from us.

Need help doing your assignment?

Often, occupational therapy students have a large workload which prevents them from doing every task on time. And when you have limited time, it becomes challenging to select a research topic.

We hope the tips below help you in your subsequent research:

1. Select a topic that interests you

When you select a topic that interests you, the research process becomes fun and engaging.  

2. Narrow your topic

If your topic is too broad, it loses focus. Therefore, you should narrow down your scope to cover all the relevant information on the topic.

3. Review your research guidelines

Make sure that the research topic meets the requirements. If some of the guidelines are unclear, you should consult your professor or HelpForHomework to explain . 

4. Read your class notes  and do background research

Reading your notes helps in doing background checks on a topic. Knowing more about your research topic helps you develop a compelling argument for your paper.

5. Consider your audience

You should select a topic that is understandable to your audience. The research depends on your level of education as more comprehensive reports are high in the educational spectrum. Further, by identifying your audience, you can arrange details, tone, and supporting information in an appropriate presentation . 

6. Create questions to evaluate your research topic

After finding a research topic, create questions to evaluate it. For example:

  • Is the research feasible?
  • How attractive is the research topic?
  • What has been researched?
  • What is the problem to be solved?
  • What is the solution to the problem?
  • How is your solution a good one?
  • Who is the audience?

Qualities of an Excellent Occasional Therapy Research Topic

As we have recommended, always narrow down to a topic that interests you. After selecting a topic, you should check if it has the following qualities:

Clarity: Your occupational therapy research topic should be straightforward and understandable to your audience.

Complex: Your project topics should not be answerable by yes or no. The topic should be arguable and analytical.

Focused : Once you select a topic, check if it is narrow and focused and answer it thoroughly.

Your final research grade depends on how effective your topic selection is. It would be best if you prepared for your research early. However, if you need help, do not hesitate to contact us. But first, go through the occupational therapy research topics below and tell us what you think.

Hot Occupational Therapy Research Topics

Hot occupational therapy research topics should help you in creating a unique project. Before selecting a topic, you should examine the aspects that are preferable to you and what interests you the most. But it would be best if you did not worry as we have a list of top recommendations to save you .

  • Discuss the progress made in a decade in occupational therapy for adults
  • Ethics in occupational therapy
  • Explain the role of occupational therapy for patients with stroke
  • How do diabetic patients benefit from occupational therapy?
  • How does culture affect occupational therapy?
  • How is occupational therapy important in controlling dementia?
  • How is occupational therapy necessary in pain management?
  • Is occupational therapy truly occupational?
  • Occupational therapy for breast cancer patients
  • Occupational therapy in disease prevention
  • Role of occupational therapy in disaster preparedness and management
  • Role of occupational therapy in functional literacy
  • Role of occupational therapy in the management of depression
  • Role of occupational therapy in the management of eating disorders
  • What is the role of occupational therapy in schools?

Good research topics for occupational therapy

An excellent occupational therapy research topic should be comprehensive and enjoyable to read. When formulating a research topic, you should ensure that you are original, specific, and concrete. We hope you find the best research topic from the list below:

  • Benefits of occupational therapy for adult mental health patients
  • Between bottom-up and top-down approaches, which method is effective for patients suffering from a stroke?
  • Coexistence between teachers and occupational therapists in a school setting
  • Discuss the stereotypes in occupational therapy practice
  • Evaluate occupational therapy for patients with a brain tumor
  • How can occupational therapy be used to prevent human trafficking?
  • Interventions used by occupational therapists when treating spinal cord injuries
  • Occupational therapy for cancer patients with metastatic disease
  • Occupational therapy for inpatient
  • Occupational therapy for terminally ill patients
  • Occupational therapy in mental health management
  • Role of occupational therapy in symptoms control
  • The role of occupational therapy for prisoners
  • The use of apps in occupational therapy treatment
  • What are the therapeutic outcomes of occupational therapy?

Occupational therapy student research topics

It may seem challenging to select the best occupational therapy research topic, so the trick is to narrow down and select one that fascinates you. Always take your time, research a list of topics, and choose the one you can support. Here are some of the topics to consider:

  • Critical historical analysis of occupational therapy
  • Does occupational therapy affect politics
  • Foundations of occupational therapy practice
  • Impact of the gender of providing occupational therapy services
  • Importance of occupational therapy in school mental health
  • Leadership in occupational therapy
  • Occupational therapy for children with autism
  • Occupational therapy for people who have hip replacement
  • Occupational therapy models for families
  • Role of occupational therapy for children with sensory modulation disorder
  • Role of occupational therapy in managing sleep
  • Role of occupational therapy in psychiatry
  • Scope of occupational therapy
  • Students perception of occupational therapy
  • Teacher’s perception towards occupational therapy
  • The perspective of sensory integration approach in occupational therapy

Pediatric occupational therapy research topics

Pediatric occupational therapists seek to understand children’s motor skills, cognitive abilities, and social development. The therapists also check factors that may hinder children’s growth or ability to perform certain tasks at a specific age.

While studying pediatric occupational therapy, students go through a hassle in selecting a research topic. That is why HelpForHomework compiled the best 15 Pediatric occupational therapy research topics for you.

  • A profile of your country pediatric occupational therapy
  • Competency of a pediatric occupational therapist in the USA
  • Correlation between obesity and academic achievement
  • Discuss how religion and culture affect decision making in pediatric occupational therapy
  • Effects of COVID-19 to outpatient occupational therapy
  • How effective are the weighted vests in pediatric occupational therapy?
  • How effective is the standing frame to children with cerebral palsy?
  • Policies governing pediatric occupational therapy
  • Risk factors correlating with musculoskeletal complaints from children
  • The role of pediatric occupational therapy to children with osteosarcoma
  • Treatment methods of lower limb spasticity in children with cerebral palsy
  • Treatment of neonatal jaundice
  • Use of video occupational therapy modeling for children
  • What is the role of pediatric occupational therapy?
  • What is your perspective on occupational-based pediatric therapy?

Need Help With Occupational Therapy Research?

Now that you have an occupational therapy research topic, do you need help in writing? Our support department is on standby to help you get top-quality expert papers. Further, if you need more clarification on project topics, do not hesitate to contact us. We assure you of personalized and professional help whenever you consult us for your assignments. Also check out Physical Therapy Research Topics .

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Occupational Therapy (Theses and Dissertations)

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Parent-infant sleep as co-occupation: a meta-ethnography of parent experiences and perspectives , refining the psychometric properties of the trinity student profile - a self-report measure of occupational performance difficulties within the student role in higher education. , a stakeholders perspective on the 'kickstart to recovery' football programme in a community mental health service , the development and feasibility of the occupational therapy-led `work and cancer' intervention for women living with and beyond breast cancer , an investigation into an occupation-focused self-management programme for college students experiencing mental health difficulties. .

Occupational Therapy Dissertation Writing Guide – Examples and Tips by Experts


Accidents, disabilities and mental health issues affect the lives of millions of people globally. It makes it harder for them to do daily life activities. As an occupational therapist, you will be helping people of all ages so they can live as fully as possible. This subject has grabbed the attention of numerous learners, and so have the research activities. Writing an occupational therapy dissertation provides evidence-based practices in the field. The pertinent research helps to ensure that the treatment you are using works. However, it allows the researchers to explore complex clinical practices.

A report by Statista on January 23, 2024, says that there are 43.1 thousand occupational therapists in the United Kingdom. Another report by Yahoo Finance reports that the occupational therapy software market size is expected to increase by USD 87,435.59 thousand by 2027. The total increase in CAGR in this forecast would be 10.91%.

These facts state the prominent increase in the demand for such practitioners. Many students who enrol in this department need to write an occupational therapy dissertation. This way, they can introduce evidence-based knowledge to the rest of the world. If you are also a researcher who is supposed to write a dissertation sooner after completing research work, this guide is meant for you. Keep reading to learn some expert tips and details, as well as related examples. However, before talking about the topic, we need to know the key ideas of the subject.

What Is Occupational Therapy?

Occupational therapy is the healthcare profession in which practitioners are trained to improve the mental and physical performance of patients. They will help you to identify the strengths and weaknesses that you face in performing your daily life activities.

Consequently, they can provide practical solutions that help in improving your independence and participation in daily activities. Many techniques and types of equipment are used to operate such practices.

How Do You Write an Occupational Therapy Dissertation? Top 5 Expert Tips

If you are a master’s student, sooner or later, you will have wondered how to write a dissertation. The process is complicated and involves researching, writing, and finally defending it. Writing occupational therapy dissertations demonstrates your mastery of the subject. But how do you write one? Find below insights into the process.

However, if this guide does not address all of your related queries because you are fresher and have not written a dissertation before, then seeking dissertation writing help from an expert can better assist. Professionals can craft customised, quality content that can boost your grades. Now, if you want to give it a shot, some expert tips mentioned below can make the process easier for you.

1. Manage Your Time Effectively

You already know the immense diversity of dissertations for occupational therapy projects. You will be working on it for at least one year. In this span, you have to manage time for data collection, analysis, and writing. So, if you start randomly without making any plan, you are likely not to complete it within the given deadline. ST Cloud State University provides some time management tips for dissertation writing.

Plan and set realistic goals.

Develop your plan.

Start your writing process as early as you can.

Save your time proofreading and editing by strictly following the guidelines.

Work on writing for certain hours of the day and complete specific tasks.

Make a weekly and monthly worksheet.

Prioritise your writing process over any other task.

Limit other activities other than writing.

For instance, if you are about to start your occupational therapy dissertation from scratch, instead of jumping into the writing process, spend some time making a planner. Divide it into various sections, such as when to read the literature, when to review journal articles, and how the editing process should be done. You have to break it into small, manageable tasks that are helpful for staying on track.

2. Specify A Clear Research Question

There are no set criteria for writing your research question. Different disciplines have different requirements and sets of priorities. A good research question in an occupational therapy dissertation should be a mix of the following.

It must be clear and focused to explain what the writer is supposed to convey to the reader.

Don’t make it too broad that it is difficult to bind up in your dissertation. Also, it should not be too narrow, so you can’t write enough on it.

It should not be easily answered in one line, such as yes or no. Instead, it must accompany some details.

You can easily access the related data to compile solid arguments regarding.

Make it critically analytical rather than descriptive.

To craft a good research question, the below 5 steps must be considered.

Know the requirements of your thesis writing.

Choose the topic of your interest.

Conduct thorough research.

Narrow down the topic ideas.

Craft your research question.

Occupational Therapy Dissertation Research Questions

Students are mostly uncertain about choosing their research topic, which is likely to be driven by recent literature. Before you choose any research question, consider your research objectives. Ask yourself why you need to discuss this topic. Considering the storm of information available, it becomes difficult for students to choose a topic.

That’s why we presented important occupational therapy dissertation ideas in the list below, which can help you narrow down the list of topics.

Is minor therapy effective for stroke patients with gait disorders?

What are the common risks associated with ankle sprains in adult athletes?

What are the most prevalent post-hurricane health needs of an elder having chronic health conditions?

Does outdoor physical activity improve the m.h status of an adult who is suffering from clinical depression?

Does pet therapy provide benefits in social interaction?

Which therapy is effective for children suffering from autistic disorder spectrum?

3. Understand The Research Methodology

It is a good idea to understand your research methodology and explain to the reader why you chose it particularly. Generally, there are two approaches to writing an occupational therapy dissertation.

You can either follow up on empirical research or a literature review. Empirical research involves gathering and analysing your collected data using the method of your choice. However, in the literature review, you will compare the existing research methodologies. To carry out empirical research, you will need extensive knowledge of research methods.

Follow the below tips to choose the right research methodology for your study.

Understanding the options available in qualitative, quantitative and mixed methods based on the nature of research.

Understand the nature of research objectives.

Consider the existing literature.

Know the disciplinary norms.

Know the limitations of the method.

For instance, when writing on occupational therapy dissertation research projects, you can work following methods:

Formal data structure analysis approach (FDSA)

Grounded theory


4. Critically Engage with The Literature

An occupational therapy dissertation writing involves more than citing the sources of information. Rather, it involves critically analysing the information and connecting it to how it relates. Here are some of the steps involved in conducting a critical evaluation of the available sources.

Understand the research objectives that can provide you with the research context.

Review whether the literature is relevant to your research or not

Evaluate the literature research process.

Good literature covers a broad range of sources.

Know the credibility of resources. Check the authority of the author.

Note the publication dates to check the accuracy. Look for the latest data.

Examine whether the literature review covers a wide range of aspects.

Identify the literature gaps and highlight the contradictions and debates in existing literature.

Check whether the data present is organised or coherent.

Look for the potential limitations in the knowledge and address them critically.

Make sure that the data is properly backed up by the referencing.

Verify whether the data aligns with the overall theme of your discussion.

5. Seek Help When You Need It

Finally, if you are still struggling with the occupational therapy dissertation writing, then ask for help when needed. Yes, it’s an independent project, but if it seems difficult, then there is nothing wrong with asking for assistance. Your supervisor will be a great support throughout your research journey. He can provide you with constructive feedback to help you write a good document. Other than this, you can also use a UK-based dissertation writing service .

It’s common for students to be stuffed with research activities and writing on the last days of the semester. Managing both simultaneously becomes nerve-wracking. That’s why it is appreciated that you ask a professional to do the writing job for you so that you can calmly focus on research activities.

Occupational Therapy Dissertation Topics For 2024

In occupational therapy, selecting the dissertation topic is about identifying an area of interest. The topic must be suitable for your domain. The list below provides some of the best occupational therapy dissertation ideas from the latest journals. It will encourage you to choose an appropriate topic for your project.

Evaluate the effectiveness of group therapy in occupational therapy.

Discuss the client-centric approaches in occupational therapy.

Analyse the effectiveness of occupational therapy in chronic pain management.

Assess the employment and independence of people who are deaf and low-functioning.

Investigate the role of occupational therapists in adolescent mental health.

Study occupational therapy in multi-culture context: issues and strategies.

Investigate strategies to manage the problem behaviours associated with dementia.

Occupational Therapy Dissertation Examples

The occupational therapy dissertation writing process is not difficult, especially after this comprehensive guide. However, if you go through the previous samples, you can better comprehend the details that we have described above. The Eastern Kentucky University provides thesis samples written in the department in previous years.


What Do Occupational Therapists Do?

Anyone who intends to consider the future as an occupational therapist has many options. Such practitioners use therapeutic techniques to rehabilitate and maintain the patient’s motor skills. As a result, it will overall increase their professional or daily life activities efficiency. It differs from other healthcare professions, such as nursing or physical therapy. Here, the practitioner is concerned about the whole individual’s well-being rather than treating a particular injury.

What Is the Difference Between PT And OT?

Physical therapy (PT) helps the patient to move their body. It helps them to manage their pain, improve endurance, enhance motion, and develop some gross motor skills. On the other hand, occupational therapy (OT) is solely concerned with improving a patient’s ability to perform daily tasks.

How Is Occupational Therapy Given?

To treat mental and social disabilities, the therapist uses every activity and exercise to do the treatment. For instance, to improve the children’s school performance, they help kids in playing games that consequently aid in enhancing their productivity. The whole therapy is done in three parts.

Evaluation: It helps in accessing the needs of the patient.

Intervention: It involves clients’ engagement in occupations

Outcomes: These results are established by using assessment tools. It describes what clients can achieve after the therapy.

Writing an occupational therapy dissertation is a dire need for many students graduating this year from the Department of Occupational Therapy. After a year of academic excellence, it’s time to introduce some real-time findings in the field. Students conduct research activities to add valuable knowledge to the existing literature. The researched data is presented to the reader by compiling it in a dissertation writing template.

The above context is meant for the same purpose. We have discussed some expert tips so that you can maintain decorum while writing. For this purpose, manage your time, clearly state the research question, choose the best research methodology, critically evaluate the literature, or, if needed, ask for expert help. This way, you can finally come up with the winning document.

Last but not least, if the guidelines are complex or you are busy with other tasks, then seeking help with occupational therapy dissertation from experts is a better option. Their experts will, with their wealth of experience, provide you with original and unique content.

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Home > Communities > School of Medicine & Health Sciences > OT > CAT-PAPERS

Critically Appraised Topics

Critically appraised topics from 2023 2023.

Occupational Therapy’s Role in Addressing the Intersectionality of Veterans Who Are Chronically Homeless, Mental Health, and Sleep Deprivation , Maci Bakken, Abby Eken, and Morgan Halliday

The Role of Occupational Therapists Working with Adolescents with Mental Health Conditions in the Juvenile Justice System , Angelina M. Caron, Madalyn M. England, and Mattea J. Johnson

The Impact of Sensory Deprivation and Sensory-Based Intervention for Incarcerated Adults Over the Age of 65 , Kyara G. Crowley, Connor N. Fuchs, and Sydney L. Johnson

Exploring Occupation-Based Sleep Interventions for School-Aged Children Experiencing Homelessness: A Critically Appraised Topic , Aspen DeLano, Joslynn Sauer, and Emily Vieth

Occupational Therapy’s Role in Natural Disasters , Olivia A. Dobrinz, Elise N. Gapp, and Jocelyn R. Kirk

Examining Occupational Therapists’ Role in Providing Client-Centered Care for School-Aged Children in the Educational Setting with Visual Impairment , Nicole Gentry, Skye Gross, Alyssa Hammon, and Angela Mossman-Larson

Effects of Occupation Based Interventions Related to Play and Leisure for Minimization of Post-Concussion or Mild Traumatic Brain Injury Symptoms in Adolescents: A Critically Appraised Topic , Anneka Harris, Melody Mackenzie, and Emmy Miller

Usefulness of Kinesiotaping for Children Experiencing High Tone and Spasticity as a Symptom of Cerebral Palsy , Hailey Koep, Hailey McGuire, and Claire Meyer

Effectiveness of the Use of Kinesiotape for Adults with Elbow Tendinosis in Reducing Pain to Promote Engagement in Occupations , Natasha Minar, Kinley Nordin, and Kaitlyn Peterson

CAT Part IV: Occupational Therapy Interventions to Support Upper Extremity Spasticity in Older Adults Following a Stroke , Mary Redlin, Allie Reiffenberger, Shannon Ring, and Aubrey Rude

Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy’s Role in Promotion of Role Fulfillment with Aviation Students in Higher Education who are Experiencing Mental Health Conditions , Payton O. Schilke, Olivia G. Schoffstall, Lexi K. Smith, and Gracie J. Stimac

The Role of Occupational Therapy in the Transition Process for Young Adults with Developmental Disabilities , Hannah Tanous, McKenzie Ulrich, and Alexis Walther

Telehealth Benefits in Rural Areas: Occupational Therapy , Grant E. Tolkkinen, Grace K. Torgerson, and Kaitlyn J. Wanner

The Role of Occupational Therapy in Determining the Effectiveness of Functional Task Assessments Used to Improve Quality of Life for Older Adults with Parkinson’s Disease. , Kate L. Westphal, Brooklyn L. Wiest, and Jordyn M. Wolff

Critically Appraised Topics from 2022 2022

Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy Self-Management Interventions Among Chronically Homeless Veterans with Mental Health and Substance Abuse Disorders , Jace Allard, Hannah Leisenheimer, and Adeyinka Omotunde

Family-centered Care for Preschool Children with Disabilities , Kaylee Athmann, Ashley Freund, and Rachel Koenig

Identifying the Role of Occupational Therapy in the Pediatric Palliative Care Team for Pediatric Cancer Patients , Rudessa Bedonie, Hannah Gianan, Riley Thomas, and Kennedy Tooke

The Benefits of Habituation Altering Occupational Therapy Interventions to Improve Engagement in ADLs and IADLs for Adults with Chronic Pain , Alexis Brolsma, Aleece Durbin, and Casidi Pullar

How the Physical Long-Haul Symptoms of COVID-19 Influence Occupational Performance From a Person-Environment-Occupation Perspective: A Critically Appraised Topic , Emmalee Burtsfield, Amber Matlock, and Alyssia Pucel

Effectiveness and Availability of Occupational Therapy Interventions for Improving Quality of Life for Families Dealing with Virtual Learning During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Substance Use Issues , Madison Christian, Alexis Lehmann, and Hannah Steckler

The Link Between Occupational Therapy Interventions, Quality of Life, and Social and Leisure Participation in Adults with Chronic Conditions , Katie DeBoer, Callie Kleindl, and Monicah Nyakoe

Occupational Therapy’s Ability to Address Perceived Stress Levels in Caregivers of Individuals with Dementia , Kjerstin Drugan, Molly Van Drehle, and Jadalyn Wagner

Effectiveness of Occupational Therapy Services on Quality of Life Among Chronically Homeless Mothers with Children , Stephanie Dullum, Caitlyn Fussy, and Cierra Jacobson

Interventions for Adults with Rheumatoid Arthritis to Increase Quality of Life and Motivation in Activities of Daily Living and Instrumental Activities of Daily Living: A Critically Appraised Topic , Erin Ferebee, Makenzie Kroupa, and Makayla Tucker

Intervention Strategies to Combat the Impacts of COVID-19 on Adolescents Mental Health: A Critically Appraised Topic , Rylie Garner, Lauryne Griego, Kailey Squier, and Jamie Steinhoff

Occupational Therapy in Palliative Care: Incorporating Meaningful Occupations and Education Programs for Occupational Therapists , Emily Geissler, Mariah Herring, and Katya Kivi

Efficacy of Educational Programs for Homeless Adults with Mental Illness , Madison Herbeck, Samantha Proctor, and Bailee Scheer

Critically Appraised Topic: The Use of Occupation-Based Sensory Intervention and Environmental Modification with School-Aged Children who have Experienced Trauma , Josie Huot, Abigail Kasper, Erin Siebenaler, and Jessica Wetzel

Effectiveness of Early Intervention Programs Addressing Mental Health Issues Caused by Long-Haul COVID-19 in Older Adults , Grace Kleinvachter, Lauren Fischer, and Kelsey Rajewsky

Effective Occupational Therapy Interventions for Reducing Parental Stress in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit , Ann Landreville, Annah Greenmyer, and MaKayla Murden

Interventions Addressing Social and Leisure Participation for Adults with Musculoskeletal Chronic Pain , Kady Locke, Emily Ray, and Josie Sylte

Effectiveness of Executive Functioning Interventions Among Homeless Elementary Aged Students , Julia Warmack, Abby Jessen, and Taylor Koopmeiners

Critically Appraised Topics from 2021 2021

Impact of Stress Management Strategies and Intervention on the Mental Health of Farmers: A Critically Appraised Topic , Logan Anderson, Zach Gascho, Nicole Gentry, and Ashley Vannelli

Integrating Assistive Technology into Outpatient Rehabilitation Programs to Increase Independent Living in Older Adults: A Critically Appraised Topic (CAT) , Josie Anhorn, Kenadee Eyre, and Tiana Griffith

Post-Breast Cancer Related Lymphedema Interventions and Their Relationship to Social Involvement and Quality of Life for Middle-Aged Women , Abby Bauman, Jenna Holm, and Sarah Zuelzke

Identifying Occupational Therapy’s Role in the Interprofessional Team for Combating Barriers to Correct Medication Adherence for Older Adults , Megan Berginski, Bryce Graves, and Christopher Hernandez

Critically Appraised Topic Paper: What is Motor Learning Theory? How Can It Be Implemented into Occupational Therapy Interventions for Individuals with Cerebrovascular Accidents? , Allyson Bourque, Alison O'Sadnick, Alexis Skogen, and Callie Vold

The Use of Sensory Processing Interventions to Improve Academics and Social Participation for Adolescents with Trauma , Michayla Burckhard, Austin Ellis, and Michael Helgeson

Evidence for the Use of Health Promotion Programs in Schools , Anna Burggraf, Kathryn College, and Taylor White

Critically Appraised Topic: The Use of Interprofessional Practice in Occupational Therapy , Rachel Cheatley, Jaecy Giegerich, and Paige Mann

Impact of Social Skills Groups on School Aged Children with Emotional Disturbance , Stephanie Coauette, Kaitlyn Ekre, and Benjamin Stagg

Utilizing a Community-Based CORE Approach to Foster Occupational Engagement in Individuals with Mental Health Conditions within Rural Communities , Anne Domanus, Melanie Martinez, and Sheena Miller

The Effectiveness of Intervention Facilitating Return to Work Through Improving Cognition for Those with Mild Traumatic Brain Injury , Madison Ertelt, Abbey Marinucci, and Jaden Pikarski

Occupation-Based Intervention with Evaluation of the Home Environment for Older Adults in a Long-Term Care Facility , Teo Faulkner, Autumn Hopkin, and Anna Logan

Effectiveness of Kind Behavior Promotion in Bullying Prevention Among School-Aged Adolescents , Isabell Fetsch, Megan Fuka, and Lexi Zahn

Prevention of Falls in Adults Older than 60 Years through Therapeutic Riding: A Critically Appraised Topic , Isabella Johannes, Dominique Menard, and Alicia Young

Interventions That Reduce Anxiety and Depression to Support Mediation of Lifestyle Balance in Middle School Students , Briana M. Kent, Aleksander R. Kohn, and Cammy C. Robertson

Evidence for Planning as an Intervention Approach for Adults Transitioning Into Retirement , Emily Knust, Olivia Myers, and Bridget Reuss

Best Interventions for Working Adults Experiencing Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain , Hailey Koep, Samantha Larson, and Michelle McNamee

Efficacy of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Adults Experiencing Chronic Musculoskeletal Pain , Emma Lehman, Abbigail Smith, and Krista Weiland

Critically Appraised Topics from 2020 2020

Critically Appraised Topic: Evidence for the Effectiveness of Implementing Home Modifications to Age in Place , Feyi Adewoye, Michaela Gerving, and Ashley Osbjornson

Fostering Improvement in Occupational Performance Through Environment Modification in Skilled Nursing Facilities , Grant Baker, Erin Grensteiner, and Rachel Lindemann

Aging in Place: Causes and Importance of Fall Prevention Education , Molly Banks, Danielle Halstead, and Mariah LeRoux

Occupational Therapy Lymphedema Management and Its Relationship to Quality of Life , Jessica Blackman, Marissa Dreiling, and Ashley Mutziger

Critically Appraised Topic: Evidence for Mindfulness Therapies for Veterans with PTSD , Hayley Blom, Julie Juracich, and Sydnie Merriman

The Use of Sensory Integration to Mitigate the Traumatic Environment of the NICU: A Critically Appraised Topic (CAT) , Heather Bowman, Audrey Soulek, and Abby Werkmeister

Intervention Strategies for Older Adults in Rural Skilled Nursing Facilities (SNF) , Mackenzie Brokaw, Hallie Longtin, and Sarah Schumacher

Evidence of Occupation-Based Interventions for Acute Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy Symptoms: A Critically Appraised Topic , Stacy Buschette, Jacob Kullot, and Allison McGauvran

Preserving Shoulder Integrity for Pediatric Wheelchair Users , Nora Carlson, Miranda Jensen, and Katelyn McLellan

Occupational Therapy Interventions for People with Type 2 Diabetes in Rural Communities , Katherine Christopherson, Meghan Janssen, and Nicole Merchlewicz

Effectiveness of Complete Decongestive Therapy (CDT) as a Lifestyle Management Intervention for Adults with Secondary Lymphedema. , Hannah Curlett, Alexia Gallagher, and Amy Shaver

Occupational therapy intervention approaches for successful employment outcomes for individuals with an intellectual disability , Kaitlyne Dittberner, Heidi Janssen, and Shivangi Patel

Occupation-Based Education for Fall Prevention in Community-Dwelling Older Adults: A Critically Appraised Topic Paper , McKenzie Dye, Samantha Hudson, and Therese Pettersen

Assistive Technology and In-Home Use for Individuals with Tetraplegia , Benjamin Germolus, AshleyMarie Hirdler, and McKenzie Peterson

Supporting Adults with Chronic Pain Through the Use of a Non-opioid Pain Management Program , Chloe Haas, Richard Seaman, and Jaslyn Seeley

Critically Appraised Topic: Hippotherapy Intervention for School Age Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders , Jedekiah May, Delanie Vitosh, and Karleen VonKrosigk

The Use of Bottom-Up, Sensory-Based Approaches for Adolescents with Complex Trauma , Dina Nickoson, Rebecca Rimel, and Cassie Madsen

Effectiveness of Self-Management Programs to Reduce Occupational Deprivation in Older Adults , Sophia Schutt and Kristin Thompson

Critically Appraised Topic: Impact of Occupation-Based Interventions on Older Adults in Skilled Nursing Facilities Experiencing Occupational Deprivation , Kassandra Severson, Kaitlynn Stearns, and Tyler Stecher

Using Meaningful Leisure Activities in OT to Decrease Occupational Deprivation in Older Adults , Alicia Zinger and Ellie Roche

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Occupational Therapy Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2023 2023.

Occupational Therapists’ Perceptions Of Practice During The Covid-19 Pandemic And The Impact On Their Mental Health And Well-Being , Victoria Long

Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

Can You Hear Me Now: Being Deaf and Healthcare Experiences. , Jordan Blackaby

The Horse: A Driving Force for the Lifestyle of Grooms , Nicole Foright

Leaving journalism: Self-identity during career transition for female former Kentucky reporters , Sarah May Heaney

Metacognition and MoHO collide: Creating effective tutor and mentoring programs for college students on academic probation , Rachel Helen Vick

Experiences of Balance Among Novice Occupational Therapists , Mary Nell Wagner

Theses/Dissertations from 2017 2017

Enhancing Child Self-Confidence Of Occupational Performance Through The Use Of A Movement Program , Emily Coleman

Examining the Impact on Praxis for Children with Sensorimotor Deficits , Sara Elizabeth Durham

Exploring Parents' Experiences of Raising a Child with Sensorimotor Impairments and Expectations for Leisure Participation , Emily Eicher

The Impact of Sexual Assault on College Students' Daily Occupations: A Phenomenological Approach , Lee Ann Hodge

No One Fights Alone: Exploring Social Participation of Young Adults with Cancer , Susan Blake Hodgson

Exploring the Experiences of Young Adult Rock Musicians Through an Occupational Lens , Brooke E. King

Experiences of Postpartum Women in One Residential Treatment Facility for Substance Use Disorders: A Qualitative Case Study , Rebecca Jo Williams

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Role Of Community Participation In Improving Quality Of Life In Clients With Dementia And Their Caregivers , Mridula Dhamija

A Qualitative Pilot Study Of Aging Women’s Physical Activity Experiences In One University Fitness And Wellness Center , Alexis Hobbs

The Deaf Experience in a Hearing Medical World , Sarah Kaylynn Lykins

Experiences Of Non-Traditional Female College Students With Bipolar Disorder , Taylor Lynn Massie

Examining The Lived Experiences Of Families Who Have Adopted Children And Received Occupational Therapy Services , David Simpson

Lived Experience of Collegiate Athletes with Season Ending Injuries , Leah Thomas Thomas

The Lived Experience of Informal Caregivers of Chronic Stroke Patients , Ann Snider Wigginton

The Experience of Adults with Chronic Stroke who have Participated in Occupation-Based or Modified Constraint Induced Interventions as a Part of a Research Study , Ariel Wilson

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Occupational Therapists' Perceived Experiences Implementing Response to Intervention (RtI) in Early Education , McKenzie Dawn Katzman

The Experiences of Occupational Therapists Working on Interprofessional Primary Health Care Teams: A Case Study. , Emma Blake McClellan

Individuals who self identify as artists but work in a different career: A cross case analysis , Kelly Lee Price

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

The Art of Collaboration in Academic and Clinical Partnerships , Kelsey Spencer Bennett

Improving Occupational Performance using Therapeutic Activities on a Geropsychiatric Unit , Brenda L. Cain

The Experience of Inmates Preparing for Reentry Into the Community , Christina A. Eaker

Farmers with Upper-Limb Amputations and Their Daily Routine , Emily Louise Fintel

How Not Being Able to Drive Can Affect Routines and Occupations Related to Transportation , Stedmon Deon Hopkins

Experience Of Occupational Therapists Practicing In Rural Kenya , Picoty Cherotich Leitich

The Occupational Participation of a Family of Children with Disabilities , Kim Steele

The Description of Life Experiences of a Person with Pediatric-Onset Tetraplegia During His Upper Teen and Young Adult Years , Kelsey M. Yarberry

Theses/Dissertations from 2013 2013

A Case Study of One Service Member With Traumatic Limb Loss and the Decision of Whether or not to Return to Duty , Carly Braun

Impact of Disability on Celebration of Wedding Anniversaries , Emily Lemaster

Children with ASD and their Experience of Friendship and Co-occupation , Joshua Eric Line

The Sensory Processing Patterns and Activity Choices of a Child with Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Mixed-Methods Case Study , Valerie Miller

The First Ten Years: a Descriptive Analysis of Presentation Abstracts of the SSO: USA, 2002 to 2011 , Amanda Schneider

Expectation vs. Perspective: A personal experience of completing transition from high school to community , Katherine Steinman

Ability and Skill Retraining with Task-Oriented Intervention to Improve Functional Independence in Persons with Stroke , Trista Thacker

Theses/Dissertations from 2012 2012

Examining the Occupational Engagement of College Students with Asperger's Syndrome: A Mixed Methodology , Laura Leigh Henley

The Experiences Of An Occupational Therapist Delivering Occupation-Based Practice At A Skilled Nursing Facility , Shannon M. Mattingly

Occupational Therapists' Intervention Approaches in Secondary Transition Services for Students with Disabilities , Elizabeth Kelly Miller

The Lived Experience of Non-traditional Students in the Occupational Science Program at Eastern Kentucky University , Deana Marie Ward

Occupational Therapists' Perception of Their Role in Working With Clients Experiencing Visual Deficits: A Phenomenological Study , Rebekah Katherine Wurzback

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

A Parent Consultation Group For Parents of Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder: A Mixed Methodological Study , Cassandra Catherine Clark

The Culture of a Public School's Approach to Children with ASD: An Ethnographical Study , Lisa McCarthy

Art as Occupation: A Phenomenological Study of Art as a Means of Self-Expression for an Individual Recovering from Severe Physical, Sexual, and Ritual Abuse , Raina Kay Remole

Occupations and Quality of Life of Families with Children with ASD: A Survey , Rebecca Vaughn

Occupational Behaviors And Quality Of Life: A Comparison Study Of Individuals Who Self-Identify As Adult Children Of Alcoholics And Non-Adult Children Of Alcoholics , Emily Layne Vaught

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Occupational Therapy Dissertation Ideas

Occupational therapy (OT) is the part of healthcare that assists peoples who have physical, sensitive and mental issues. In occupational therapy, while selecting a dissertation topic which typically includes detecting an area which is interesting as well as suitable to your domain. Here, we contribute some concepts and support in all areas of Occupational therapy (OT) with the best dissertation ideas by referring from current years reputed journal  that encourages you to choose an appropriate dissertation topic .

  • Technological Innovations in Occupational Therapy : We explore in what way the developing technologies like virtual reality, wearable devices, or mobile apps are being utilized in occupational therapy and their capacity which is compared to our traditional practices.
  • Occupational Therapy in Pediatric Populations : For children who are affected with developmental disorders like autism or ADHD and their long-term result, we examine certain treatments or tactics in occupation therapy.
  • Mental Health and Occupational Therapy : The role of occupational therapy is investigated by us for assisting individuals with mental health issues like anxiety, depression, or PTSD. Our main focus must be on specialized treatments or comprehensive approaches.
  • Occupational Therapy in Geriatric Populations : We analyse the strength of occupational therapy treatments in aged patients, especially those with conditions such as dementia, arthritis and stroke.
  • Cross-Cultural Perspectives in Occupational Therapy : Based on occupational therapy, we review the consequences of cultural norms and traditions. It involves in what way occupational therapy is accomplished in various countries or in the midst of different populations within a particular country.
  • Occupational Therapy in Non-Traditional Settings : In non-clinical applications, the function of occupational therapy is explored by us. Such as workplaces, schools, or community centers and how these settings impact the treatment results.
  • Telehealth and Occupational Therapy : By the means of telehealth, particularly in the COVID-19 pandemic environment, we observe the strength, demands and chances of contributed occupational therapy services.
  • Occupational Therapy and Chronic Pain Management : In what way the occupational therapy being employed is investigated by us in handling the chronic pain that examines the physical as well as psychosocial conditions.
  • Hand Therapy : In hand therapy, we mainly focus on particular methods or approach to the interventions and within occupational therapy a section which handles the conditions that affects the hands and upper bodies.
  • Occupational Therapy’s Role in Public Health : Our role in public health is to evaluate how occupational therapists offer extensive public health objectives like enhancing community accessibility, encouraging healthy aging or prohibiting workplace injuries.
  • Client-Centered Approaches in Occupational Therapy : The result of client-centered care in occupational therapy is analysed by us and mainly concentrates on how personalized treatment plans impact patient welfare and recovery.
  • Effectiveness of Group Therapy in Occupational Therapy : We study the advantages and obstacles of group therapy meetings in occupational therapy as compared to personal therapy sessions.

According to your interests and particular needs of your research, consider these ideas which are relevant to you. This is very crucial in selecting a topic which not only contributes to the field in addition to that, it must coordinate with your future objectives and area of interest. Keep in mind that, discuss with our guides or mentors for assistance and extract feedback from us for enhancements on your selected topic.

Occupational Therapy Dissertation Projects

Occupational therapy dissertation Topics

There are several dissertation topics based on occupational therapy. But you face trouble while selecting a specific topic. So, we are here to provide some potential occupational therapy dissertation topics which are classified by the area of interest that provides you the clarity on your topic selection. The below listed are some of the examples that we have created by using our massive resources and our top writers.

Pediatric Occupational Therapy

  • The effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions for improving fine motor skills in children with developmental disabilities.
  • The impact of sensory processing disorders on children’s participation in daily activities and the role of occupational therapy in addressing these challenges.
  • The role of occupational therapy in promoting self-care skills and independence in children with chronic illnesses.
  • The effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions for improving functional outcomes in children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD).
  • The impact of occupational therapy interventions on the social-emotional development of children with ASD.

Mental Health Occupational Therapy

  • The effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions for improving symptoms of depression and anxiety.
  • The role of occupational therapy in promoting self-regulation and emotional coping skills in individuals with mental health conditions.
  • The effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions for improving cognitive functioning in individuals with mental health conditions.
  • The role of occupational therapy in facilitating social engagement and participation in community activities for individuals with mental health conditions.
  • The impact of occupational therapy interventions on the overall quality of life of individuals with mental health conditions.

Physical Rehabilitation Occupational Therapy

  • The effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions for improving upper extremity function in individuals with stroke.
  • The role of occupational therapy in promoting balance and mobility in individuals with neurological impairments.
  • The effectiveness of occupational therapy interventions for improving pain management and function in individuals with chronic pain conditions.
  • The role of occupational therapy in facilitating safe and independent home reintegration for individuals with physical limitations.
  • The impact of occupational therapy interventions on the social and emotional well-being of individuals with physical impairments.

Occupational Therapy Practice and Education

  • The impact of different occupational therapy intervention models on patient outcomes.
  • The role of technology in occupational therapy practice.
  • The effectiveness of different occupational therapy education models.
  • Factors that influence the occupational therapy workforce.
  • The future of occupational therapy practice.
  • PHD Guidance
  • PHD Assistance
  • PHD In 3 Months
  • PHD Dissertation Help
  • PhD projects in computer networking

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OT Potential • Occupational Therapy Resources

Hot Topics in OT (2022)


  • Post date --> January 2, 2022

Hot topics and trends in occupational therapy

We’re living in conflicted times as OTs. On one hand, we’re having what some would call a moment .

In fact, I’d call it more than a moment! 

Based on the most influential OT research coming out, we are seeing that many of our core principles are, in fact, evidence-backed, financially viable, and improving the lives of our patients.

That’s why writing about occupational therapy trends had me giddy at times; I found myself SO excited for what is ahead in our profession, and how we can use the latest findings to level-up our care for our patients. 

But, at the same time, we are in an era of major fluctuations and disruptions. The pandemic has brought new challenges and underscored inequities we have long struggled with. 

Amidst the swirl of uncertainty, I have felt particularly anchored by the AOTA 2025 Vision. I have found it to be a hopeful picture of where we are headed—and decided to group our trends for 2022 according to its pillars.

Hot topics are evidence-backed (at least they are in my world!).

I also want to preface things by noting that this article is covering hot topics, according to the evidence . 

This is a list of my personal reflections, based on reading the 100 most influential research articles from the past five years and discussing them as a community within the OT Potential Club and on the OT Potential Podcast . 

Without further ado, let’s chat about these hot topics in OT!

1. We are becoming more effective.

According to the AOTA 2025 Vision, the first pillar of where we are headed is “effective.”

I truly believe that OT is becoming more evidence-based and more effective. 

Research continues to expand at an exponential rate. And, evidence-based practice resources are more abundant than ever. 

We are learning more about the conditions we treat—and more about what is and isn’t effective for treatment.

When I think about the trend of effectiveness in treatment, there is certainly a push to put our clients in the driver’s seat of their own care. 

As OTs, client-centered care has long been an aspiration of ours, but sometimes our old ways of doing things and old systems stand in the way. I wanted to highlight these three discussions below—as they really pushed me to reconsider how we can be even more client-centered and thereby more effective.

Supporting Caregivers of People with Dementia with Brandy Archie (CE Course)

2. We are becoming leaders.

In the swirl of change, we’ve realized that if we want to advocate for our individual clients—we also need to be advocates at a systems level. 

I am encouraged to see OTs discovering that the problem solving and holistic thinking that makes us effective with individual clients also makes us effective leaders and advocates. 

Two voices that really inspired my thinking on this were Amy Lamb and Adam Cisroe Pearson:

Self-Advocacy in OT with Amy Lamb (CE Course)

3. We are becoming more collaborative.

Being more collaborative ties closely to the first two pillars—as collaboration makes us more effective with our individual clients and more effective as leaders and change makers. 

One journal article we reviewed, but didn’t get to discuss on the podcast was Occupational therapists and paramedics form a mutually beneficial alliance to reduce the pressure on hospitals . This article was such a beautiful example of trying new collaborations to create better systems. 

On the individual client level, we consistently need the push to listen to our clients before steamrolling ahead with our own ideas. I loved how the conversations with Rafi and Lauren really pushed me to consider the clients as experts in their own health—and to take the time to build a collaborative relationship with them.

Relationship-based OT with Rafi Salazar (CE Course)

4. We are becoming more accessible.

For these last two trends/pillars, I would say that we are just on the beginning of the growth curve. 

Part of our goal as occupational therapists is to be accessible to those who need our services. 

But, the reality is that there are SO MANY clients who would benefit from our services—who we remain inaccessible to. This may be because of reimbursement, the inconvenience of seeing a therapist, but in some cases it is simply lack of awareness of our offerings. 

There are many areas where we are poised to help but are simply missing the mark. This issue came up again and and again on the podcast. Below you will see areas where I believe we need to continue to become more accessible.

Pelvic Health & OT with Lindsey Vestal (CE Course)

5. We are becoming more equitable, inclusive, and diverse.

We are still in the early stages of creating a profession that is more just, equitable, diverse, and inclusive. 

If we look closely at this issue we are confronted with the reality that the health care we provide to different populations varies based on factors like race. 

We are also confronted with the fact that our profession does not reflect the demographics of the people we serve. Our profession is missing needed voices—and is therefore slanted towards particular points of view. 

The three episodes below informed my thinking on this topic, and helped paint a vision of what progress looks like this area.

A Vision for the Future of OT with Arameh Anvarizadeh (CE Course)

Closing thoughts

As I reflect on these trends, I feel convicted in the many areas that our profession needs to grow and change. 

But, I feel hopeful about where we are going. Particularly when I reflect on the amazing individuals that make up our OT community. 

In a year of tough change and uncertainty, the people I’ve been honored to speak to about our profession have inspired and pushed me. Here’s to more growth and learning in 2022!

Looking for an easy and fun way to stay on top of future OT research trends?

One reply on “hot topics in ot (2022)”.

Your closing thoughts really hit the elephant in the room! "… lasting change takes time". We are so used to getting what we want instantly. Active collaboration with patients in letting them problem solve with the base that you’ve gained their trust and showing that you actually care…is an amazing combo!

But planting seeds often gets overlooked… Thanks for a great article!

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What do you want to do?

Occupational therapy research projects, our research active academics are developing or furthering knowledge in occupational therapy which can be implemented into practice or education..

Below are some examples of the ground-breaking projects our academics have completed or are currently working on:

Total number of results: 44

child writing

Writing in the digital age: Keyboard versus pen in adolescents

three students walking in a park

Physical activity and sedentary behaviour in Fabry disease

Leg muscle being heated in a laboratory setting

Understanding the role of temperature on muscle function in older adults

Clinicians in intensive Care Unit

Functional trajectories of people with chronic critical illness

diverse family

Parenting across cultures in contemporary England


Can SmartSocks™ help deliver care to people with dementia living in care homes?

Risperidone tablets

Individual-level stroke risk prediction after risperidone treatment in dementia

Developmental coordination disorder

exercising man

Physical activity and McArdle disease

dyslexic man reading a book

When reading misfires: the case for letter confusability


Protect mental health COVID-19 study

woman looking into the distance

Using mindfulness to reduce schizophrenia vulnerability

60 Occupational Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best occupational therapy topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on occupational therapy, ⭐ simple & easy occupational therapy essay titles.

  • Environmental Adaptation in Occupational Therapy In addition, the assessment also includes their home and work environment to ensure that the intervention selected and recommended can improve the patient’s independence and ability to meet their needs.
  • “Evaluation of an Occupational Therapy Program…” by Pillastrini et al. The purpose of the study is to evaluate the effectiveness of the occupational therapy program provided in combination with a course of neuromotor rehabilitation measuring the levels of functional improvement and independence the patients with […]
  • The American Occupational Therapy Association They help in the facilitation of activities that aid the child in the course of interaction and communication with peers and caregivers.
  • Occupational Therapy on Limbs Limitations In this respect, it is the role of occupational therapists to mobilise the community and involve them in a range of services and activities that aim at improving, promoting, and protecting the overall health status […]
  • Occupational Therapy for Children With Autism The main reason for the appearance of autism is the disturbance of the development of the patients brain which results in the appearance of various symptoms.
  • Occupational Therapy: Role and Importance Reflecting on Jacob’s physical situation: he was born with very short arms that rendered him comparable with a person with both hands amputated and deserved an artificial limb on one leg and a brace on […]
  • Occupational Therapy and the Modern Society Learning the role of the occupational therapy in the sphere of health promotion, one can figure out the new ways of enhancing the occupational therapy effect among the enabled and thus provide them with sufficient […]
  • Occupational Therapy: Becoming a Member of Society Because of the complicacies that the enabled people can face in the unusual and thus hostile environment, the concern for the health of these people is becoming quite understood.
  • The Heart, Mind, and Soul of Professionalism in Occupational Therapy: Wendy Wood In her article “The Heart, Mind and Soul of Professionalism in Occupational Therapy”, Wendy Wood presents the notion that one of the current concerns in OT is the endemic proliferation of the disheartened within the […]
  • Occupational Therapy Theory: Enhancing Research and Practice Knowledge of this concept can greatly enhance the ability of a therapist to improve on strategies that are already in place.
  • Arthritis: The Use of Physical and Occupational Therapy Incorporating credible evidence, the paper expounds on biological factors such as unusual bowel permeability, genetic and microorganism as the causes of arthritis The paper examines the use of physical and occupational therapy, as some of […]
  • A Palliative Care: Knowledge, Skills and Attributes Needed to a Newly Graduated Occupational Therapist Cooper and Littlefield performed a study of occupational therapy interventions in oncology and palliative care and, focusing on patient contact activities performed by occupational specialists, they also stress the importance of goal setting.
  • Asthma in Pediatric and Occupational Therapy Treatment The flow peak is more than 80% of the child’s personal best, and less than 30% variability in the day-to-day flow of the peak measurements.
  • Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy in Parkinson’s Disease Hypotension is an “abnormal condition in which the blood pressure is not adequate for normal perfusion and oxygenation of the tissues”.
  • Terminal Illness and Occupational Therapy The medical history of the patient shows that she was previously diagnosed with a terminal illness high-grade borderline mucinous tumour, which presents a case of the recurrence of the condition.
  • Suadi vs. Australian Aging and Occupational Therapy Therefore, the objective of the given paper is to investigate the current system of occupational therapy operations in Saudi Arabia and identify the gaps to fill. The focus of the study is occupational therapy for […]
  • Equipment Provision in the Occupational Therapy Frame The primary goal of the given paper was to choose from a wide range of strategies and search tools in order to find a substantial number of credible academic sources providing relevant and appropriate information […]
  • Personal Development in Occupational Therapy The proponent of the study decided to focus on the personal circumstances and preoccupation of Nessrine and Hoa due to fact that they belong to the same age range that is suited for the design […]
  • Occupational Therapist: The World Through a Different Lens It is hard to pinpoint the exact definition of an occupational therapist, since the job of the latter involves a lot a issues; however, when putting all the qualities of an occupational therapist together, one […]
  • Improved Occupational Therapy for Adults With Learning Disabilities
  • Unique Role of Occupational Therapy in Rehabilitation of the Hand
  • Occupational Therapy for Children With Cerebral Palsy
  • Occupational Therapy Practice in Mainstream Schools
  • Development of Informational and Historical Literacy Competencies in Occupational Therapy Students
  • Student Success on the National Board for Certification in Occupational Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy Interventions in Primary Care
  • Occupational Therapy for People With Dementia
  • The American Occupational Therapy Association
  • Structure of the Occupational Therapy Practice
  • Role of Occupational Therapy in Pain Management
  • Health Professionals on Occupational Therapy
  • Important Factors for Success in Occupational Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy and Community Reintegration of Persons With Brain Injury
  • The Occupational Therapy Theories and Educational Learning
  • Occupational Therapy for Adults With Cancer
  • Occupational Therapy Wellness Program
  • Special Education on the Role of School-Based Occupational Therapy
  • Botulinum Toxin and Occupational Therapy for Writer’s Cramp
  • Occupational Therapy Efficacy After Stroke
  • The Conceptual View of Occupational Therapy
  • Ethical Dilemmas in Occupational Therapy and Physical Therapy
  • Social Policy for Physical and Occupational Therapy in Pediatrics
  • Measuring the Efficacy of Occupational Therapy in End-Of-Life Care
  • Equine-Assisted Experiential Learning in Occupational Therapy Education
  • Mental Health and the Occupational Therapy Setting
  • Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant
  • Occupational Therapy and Eating Disorder Recovery
  • The Role of Psychologists in Occupational Therapy
  • Relationship Between Patient Functionality and Occupational Therapy
  • Video Telehealth Occupational Therapy Services for Older Veterans
  • Autism Spectrum Disorder and Occupational Therapy
  • The Applicability and Feasibility of Occupational Therapy in Delirium Care
  • The Role and Scope of Occupational Therapy in Africa
  • Healthcare Reform and Occupational Therapy
  • Occupational Therapy Interventions to Improve Reading in Older Adults With Low Vision
  • Occupational Therapy Practice in Sleep Management
  • School Occupational Therapy: Staying Focused On Educational Performance
  • Early Occupational Therapy Intervention for Schizophrenia
  • Aging in the United States: Advancing the Value of Occupational Therapy
  • Work-Life Balance Essay Titles
  • Lifespan Development Essay Titles
  • Nursing Care Plan Paper Topics
  • Workplace Health Essay Topics
  • Aging Ideas
  • Nursing Home Questions
  • Physical Therapy Research Topics
  • Metabolic Disorders Questions
  • Chicago (A-D)
  • Chicago (N-B)

IvyPanda. (2023, September 27). 60 Occupational Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples.

"60 Occupational Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 27 Sept. 2023,

IvyPanda . (2023) '60 Occupational Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 27 September.

IvyPanda . 2023. "60 Occupational Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 27, 2023.

1. IvyPanda . "60 Occupational Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 27, 2023.


IvyPanda . "60 Occupational Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." September 27, 2023.

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Eduardo Slatopolsky, professor emeritus of medicine, 89

Philip Needleman, emeritus trustee, longtime benefactor, 85

Research Wire

Alzheimer’s biomarker sTREM2 plays a causal, potentially modifiable, role in disease 

Holehouse receives NSF early-career award

Helping qubits stay in sync

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Washington people.

Sadie Williams Clayton

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  1. 😂 Occupational therapy dissertation topics. OCCUPATIONAL

    occupational therapy dissertation topics

  2. Dissertation Topics Occupational Therapy

    occupational therapy dissertation topics

  3. Dissertation Topics Occupational Therapy

    occupational therapy dissertation topics

  4. (PDF) Qualitative approaches in occupational therapy research

    occupational therapy dissertation topics

  5. 29 Occupational Health And Safety Dissertation Topics

    occupational therapy dissertation topics

  6. 😝 Occupational therapy dissertation examples. Occupational Therapy

    occupational therapy dissertation topics


  1. Occupational Health

  2. Occupational Therapy overview

  3. m a 4th semester Home science imp // dissertation topics

  4. m a 4th semester Home science imp // dissertation topics //problem of children with disability

  5. Bachelor of Occupational Therapy,course details 2024,Malayalam

  6. Transportation Dissertation Topics


  1. 61 Best Occupational Therapy Research Topics

    61 Best Occupational Therapy Research Topics. Occupational therapists help people of all ages to recover and improve their physical, sensory, and cognitive activities. More than half of occupational therapists work in hospitals, while others work in nursing homes, educational facilities, and homes. But what does it take to be an occupational ...

  2. Topics

    Topics | The American Journal of Occupational Therapy | American Occupational Therapy Association Topics Start here to explore in depth the topics that matter to you. Advocacy Alzheimer's Disease and Dementia Arthritis Assessment Development and Testing Assistive Technology Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Autism/Autism Spectrum Disorder Cardiopulmonary Conditions Centennial Vision ...

  3. Choosing a Research Topic

    1. Write down one or two specific topics of interest to you in your discipline (e.g. in P.T., Nursing, O.T., Athletic Training, Mental Health, etc.).. Examples: In medicine, there may be discrepancies about the best practices for reducing X condition in a certain type of patients.

  4. Occupational Therapy Program Student Theses, Dissertations and

    Follow. Theses/Dissertations from 2021 PDF. Capstone: Accessing the Potential Role of Occupational Therapy in the Primary Care Setting, Trudy Bazzy. PDF. Dissertation: Occupational Balance among Parents of Typically Developing Children and Parents of Children with Disabilities Living in Qatar, Brightlin Nithis Dhas. PDF. Capstone: Occupational Therapy's Approach to Implement a Kangaroo Care ...

  5. 100 Most Influential OT Research Articles • OT Potential

    Each year to determine the most influential research for us to review we generated a list the 100 most influential OT-related journal articles from the past 5 yeras. We team up with a research librarian to make this happen. For our 2024 list, we searched the Scopus database for articles published from 2019-2023 that had " occupational therapy ...

  6. Occupational Therapy (Theses and Dissertations)

    Flynn, Patricia Bernadette (Trinity College Dublin. School of Medicine. Discipline of Occupational Therapy, 2024) Sleep is a key component of health and wellbeing for both adults and infants and has implications for daytime functioning and quality of life. Infants' sleep patterns in the first two years involve unpredictable, short ...

  7. Occupational Therapy Dissertation Writing Guide

    Occupational Therapy Dissertation Topics For 2024. In occupational therapy, selecting the dissertation topic is about identifying an area of interest. The topic must be suitable for your domain. The list below provides some of the best occupational therapy dissertation ideas from the latest journals. It will encourage you to choose an ...

  8. Occupational Therapy Dissertation Topics

    Example occupational therapy dissertation topic 1: A study of the voluntary and working experiences undertaken by undergraduates of occupational therapy prior to their enrolment. A reflective piece of work, this study will involve working with peers as well as those in the first and second year of the occupational therapy course at the university.

  9. PDF The research proposal

    going to research. Occupational therapy is very diverse and therefore you are potentially spoilt for choice, but this can mean the decision-making is even harder! Aim to choose a topic that you could potentially research in practice in the future, if not during your pre-registration education. It is important to choose a topic

  10. Critically Appraised Topics

    Critically Appraised Topics from 2023. Occupational Therapy's Role in Addressing the Intersectionality of Veterans Who Are Chronically Homeless, Mental Health, and Sleep Deprivation, Maci Bakken, Abby Eken, and Morgan Halliday. The Role of Occupational Therapists Working with Adolescents with Mental Health Conditions in the Juvenile Justice ...

  11. PDF Guidelines for Master's Thesis in Occupational Therapy

    Occupational Therapy 899: Thesis (1 - 6 credit hours) This course requires scholarly writing, based on individual original research and is carried out under ... In any case, thesis topics must correspond to faculty expertise so that faculty are available to guide the project. Talking with individual faculty members and attending seminars are

  12. 50 Research topics related to Occupational Therapy

    The significance of group therapy at foster homes. The social displacement of Autistic children. The use of apps in occupational therapy treatment. Using mindfulness to reduce schizophrenia vulnerability. Virtual reality for NHS staff wellbeing. Visual and emotional processing in early Parkinson's disease.

  13. Occupational Therapy Theses and Dissertations

    Theses/Dissertations from 2023 PDF. Occupational Therapists' Perceptions Of Practice During The Covid-19 Pandemic And The Impact On Their Mental Health And Well-Being, Victoria Long. Theses/Dissertations from 2018 PDF. Can You Hear Me Now: Being Deaf and Healthcare Experiences., Jordan Blackaby. PDF

  14. Occupational Therapy Dissertation Ideas

    Occupational therapy (OT) is the part of healthcare that assists peoples who have physical, sensitive and mental issues. In occupational therapy, while selecting a dissertation topic which typically includes detecting an area which is interesting as well as suitable to your domain. Here, we contribute some concepts and support in all areas of ...

  15. PDF The role of Occupational school-aged children with a diagnosis of Post

    Dissertation MODULE U42599 DOUBLE MODULE Title: The role of Occupational Therapy in treating school-aged children with a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as perceived by paediatric occupational therapists. Student Number: 07061353 Family Name Petaja Given name Paivi Initial P. P.

  16. Dissertations

    The Skills for Learning Dissertations and Literature Reviews webpage explains their structure and content as well as providing guidance on dissertation proposals. There are worksheets and interactive tasks available. The Research Skills pages look at the research process, including research design, research ethics and analysing and presenting data.

  17. Hot Topics in OT (2022) • OT Potential

    Without further ado, let's chat about these hot topics in OT! 1. We are becoming more effective. According to the AOTA 2025 Vision, the first pillar of where we are headed is "effective.". I truly believe that OT is becoming more evidence-based and more effective. Research continues to expand at an exponential rate.

  18. PDF Occupational Therapy for Stroke Survivors in Uk Care Homes

    occupational therapy practice for this specific stroke population in UK care homes; and to contribute original new knowledge on the health ... The thesis concludes by highlighting the implications of this new body of research evidence for occupational therapy clinical practice, policy, and future research. v Acknowledgements

  19. Occupational Therapy: Theses, Dissertations and Grey Literature

    Occupational Therapy; Theses, Dissertations and Grey Literature; Search this Guide Search. Occupational Therapy: Theses, Dissertations and Grey Literature. ... The Children, Education, and Skills area includes statistics on various topics - for example teachers and lecturers, learners, and those not in education, employment or training ...

  20. occupational therapy research: Topics by

    Review of Occupational Therapy Research in the Practice Area of Children and Youth. PubMed Central. Bendixen, Roxanna M.; Kreider, Consuelo M. 2011-01-01. A systematic review was conducted focusing on articles in the Occupational Therapy (OT) practice category of Childhood and Youth (C&Y) published in the American Journal of Occupational Therapy (AJOT) over the two-year period of 2009-2010.

  21. Occupational Therapy research projects

    Occupational Therapy research projects Occupational Therapy research projects. Our research active academics are developing or furthering knowledge in occupational therapy which can be implemented into practice or education. Below are some examples of the ground-breaking projects our academics have completed or are currently working on: ...

  22. 60 Occupational Therapy Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

    The flow peak is more than 80% of the child's personal best, and less than 30% variability in the day-to-day flow of the peak measurements. Physical Therapy and Occupational Therapy in Parkinson's Disease. Hypotension is an "abnormal condition in which the blood pressure is not adequate for normal perfusion and oxygenation of the tissues".


    Showing result 1 - 5 of 168 swedish dissertations containing the words occupational therapy . 1. Occupational therapy practice for clients with cognitive impairments following aquired brain injury : occupational therapists' perspective. Abstract : The overall aim of this thesis was to describe occupational therapy practice for clients with ...

  24. The View From Here 05.31.24

    The View From Here 05.31.24. Duana Russell-Thomas, an assistant professor of occupational therapy and of medicine at the School of Medicine, takes a selfie with her occupational therapy colleagues. They took part in "Reframing: A Call To Inclusion," a half-day symposium promoting diversity of experiences among individuals with genetic ...