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  • Graphic Design

How to do a great logo presentation for your clients

  • BY Bogdan Sandu
  • 12 April 2023

presentation du logo

When you design a logo, you might think that the entire process is all about designing. However, there is also another important element when you want to deliver a project, and that is a strong logo presentation .

You might feel really confident about the way you do your work but when it comes to presentations some of us might be anxious.  Presenting your logo can actually be the most important step of the logo design process .

Sometimes graphic designer fails to communicate well and understand exactly the client’s needs and this results in confusion and undesired redesigning efforts. One of the key aspects when creating a logo is to take your client into confidence. They don’t know what colors to choose or to give certain guides but still a client will be part of the design process because in the end they give the final approval!

How to present a logo

logo-700x339 How to do a great logo presentation for your clients

The Nike logo (symbol) and the history behind its simple design

Get the hulk font or similar options for your designs.

How to do a great logo presentation for your clients

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How to Present a Logo to Clients in 6 Steps (Tips from Experts)

Profile Image: Preston Lee

Preston Lee

Preston Lee is the founder of Millo where he and his team have been helping freelancers thrive for over a decade. His advice has been featured by Entrepreneur, Inc, Forbes, Adobe, and many more. Learn more »

Adam Wright

Adam Wright is the Content Manager at Millo, in addition to running his own graphic and web design business, Adam Wright Design. When he's not working on his business, you can find him watching hockey or just about any type of racing. Learn more »

1. Start with the logo design brief

2. make the logo presentation in-person or via video, 3. tell a compelling story about the logo, 4. include mockups & provide context, 5. show off the logo’s versatility, 6. focus on the audience, 3 logo presentation templates for inspiration, mastering how to present a logo.

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Mastering how to present a logo to clients can take years of practice and experience.

Plus, there’s the pressure of getting a client logo presentation right the first time in order to avoid starting over or frustrating your client.

While a logo technically should stand on its own, my friend and logo expert Ian Paget perhaps put it best:

“I’ve learned through experience that how you present your design work is as important, if not more, than the physical design phase.”

With that in mind, I reached out to Ian, who runs a wonderfully successful logo design company in the UK and asked for a favor.

Could he connect me with dozens of talented logo designers to answer the question of how to present a logo to a client successfully?

What I got back was a collection of incredible advice from experienced logo designers who have been designing logos and presenting them to clients for years.

That means, instead of slogging through learning how to present a logo from scratch, you can learn from some talented and experienced logo designers exactly how to present a logo for the highest chances of client satisfaction.

  • When presenting a logo, keep it simple. Present only your best design option(s).
  • Explain how your design choices align with the client’s brand and goals.
  • Consider using mockups to show how the logo would look in real-life scenarios.

Below are some of the most helpful responses I received. I hope they’ll prove useful as you perfect how to present a logo to your own clients.

how to present a logo

The success of your logo presentation to a client starts long before you sit down to present your logo.

The real secret of how to present a logo begins in your initial meetings with clients when you send a proposal and agree on a creative brief.


Then, presenting a logo to a client becomes a matter of showing them how your design fulfills the requirements you both agreed on earlier in the process.

Here’s what a few expert logo designers had to say about how to present a logo according to the design brief:

Always start with a detailed design brief. If the client doesn’t provide you with one, create your own by asking the right questions. Once you have created a brief, get the client to approve this before starting anything. As part of my logo design process I create a tick-list of objectives by asking questions. I then ask the client to check and approve this list. 🎉 FINALLY... Our all-new version of SolidGigs has arrived. Get freelance leads on autopilot from a team of AI-assisted human experts. More leads, less work for you. Try FREE for 7 days »     This approach ensures that we’re both on the same page from the outset, and that I have goals to refer back to when presenting my work. — Ian Paget, LogoGeek Before presenting I start with a conversation. I tell them what they are going to see, and how I will explain the reasons behind the work. I talk about research and reiterate what the creative brief outlines. —Susan Feinberg, Fireside Sponsored Become a sponsor Take them through the logo design process and show them how your concept meets their criteria. —Col Gray, PixelsInk Refer back to the brief to show your understanding of their brand and requirements. — James Mortimer Start with the end in mind – the goal – then repeat the brief, linking to aspirations they have for their company/brand. Then take them through what you will be presenting and your thought process for each. — Danny Matthews, Danny & Co. The most important thing is that the client can see how the solution delivers the strategy. — Iain Hamilton

Another suggestion on how to present a logo that came up over and over again in our group of experts was to make your logo presentations to clients in-person (or online), not via email.


Part of mastering how to present a logo is being able to gauge client reactions on the fly and adapt to a wide variety of responses. This proves near impossible when you simply present a logo via email.

Taking time to prepare a logo presentation that you make “in person” also shows you care about how you present the logo and that you believe in your final logo design.

Here’s what a few of our expert logo designers had to say about how to present a logo in-person (or via video):

My best advice is to always present [the logo] face to face. Never just send a file… It’s a simple one but also one of the most important things, in my opinion.

— Mads Haakansson, N’fellows Have structure to the presentation and always do it in person/live, instead of email. — Danny Matthews If you’re presenting the logos over skype or Zoom, do not send the presentation document to the client ahead of the call, instead present the logos document to them page by page and talk them through what they are seeing. — Ben Stanbury – Prosper

Learning how to present a logo to a client is as much about storytelling as it is about professional presenting skills.

In fact, a story will often get you much further with a client than a stiff, executive-style presentation ever will.

Your story should present the problem the company or its customers have faced and how the new logo solves many previous issues.

Here’s what some of our experts had to say when it comes to using storytelling when presenting a logo:

Tell the story behind the logo and it’s meaning. Touch on how it meets their criteria and how you see it resonating with the target market. Make sure to summarize that story as a simple blurb in the presentation, so the client can reference it as they deliberate.

— Rachel Stoneking, Stoneking Design Take them on a journey. Tell a meaningful story both visually and in writing. — Craig Burton Make a little animation or GIF to explain the story of the logo. This makes your client’s life easier as they explain further to all other stakeholders. — Mohak Ahuja Tell their story. Show how you’ve listened and interpreted their core. Show them that you understand and share their vision and goals. The craft and implementation can come later in the presentation but they need to believe you’ve ‘got it’. — Jonathan Harris, Harrisment

In addition to telling a story and showing how your logo solves the client’s problem-at-hand, you’ll also want to learn how to present a logo in context by providing real-life scenarios and mock-ups.

By presenting a client’s logo in real-world settings (like on their products, on business stationary, or in advertisements), your client will be more likely to envision the strength of the new logo you’re presenting.

Here’s what logo presentation pros told me about harnessing the power of logo mockups:

Include mockups to show the logo in use in real world situations and not just on an empty white page. Many people need help with visualising their logo in use and it really helps to sell the design. — Col Gray Give the logos some context. Whether that’s on the back of a business card, or the side of a building. It will help them understand how their new brand is going to work in the real world. — Simon Potter, Pixels & Paper Show them how the logo will be used in real life and suggest an application they may not have thought of relating to their aspirations. So if they would love to bring out a new product in future – show how that would look in real life to give longevity to the designs. —Danny Matthews Showcase the logos on mockups! Be sure to use the typical business stationery mockups, but also include a few that are relevant to the clients and their industry. Mockups are a great way to show clients how their new logo will work in the real world. —Rachel Stoneking Choose some selected key visuals/mockups of their identity in action. Get them to buy into themselves and their audience using and experiencing the new scheme. —Jonathan Harris You have to present [the logo] in context, and build on a story that the client will embrace. All of this stems from understanding the business, the culture, and the brand to help establish the right design for the right narrative. — Tony Lopez

In addition to presenting mockups of the logo’s potential usage, it will be helpful to show how versatile your logo can be.

Learning how to present a logo in a wide variety of ways will help your client see how flexible and timeless your new design is. It will help them see exactly why you charge good money for logo design .

Here’s what some of our logo design pros said about versatility:

Present it in as many ways as you can. Show it big, small, white only, black only. Show it embroidered, screen printed, embossed, glossy, matte. Show it on a mug, a hat, a t-shirt, on paper, on a car, on a billboard, in a newspaper… you get the idea. The point is to show them the versatility of the logo. Show that you’ve put in enough thought on the design that no matter the situation your design is going to work for them and not be something they need to “find a solution for” down the road. — Mike Pickett Don’t just show it large, show it tiny too. Large is impactful, but small shows it has range. There’s no point progressing a design that doesn’t work at 100px wide. —Mark Bowley, Bowley Design

Throughout your entire logo design presentation, you want to focus on the logo’s audience.

The audience is often not the client you’re presenting the logo to, but their customers or clients. So while it may be tempting to talk about how much your client should like your new logo designs, learning how to present a logo with the right audience in mind is critical to your success.

Perhaps one of the most critical pieces of advice was given by logo designer Ben Mottershead from Ben Designs: “Always show the logo as it would be seen by an audience.”

That means as you’re presenting mockups or highlighting the versatility of your new logo design, make sure you highlight the new logo from the perspective of the most important audience: your client’s customer.

You may find you need to remind your client to judge the new concept based on the audience, as I was reminded by designer Darius Enache: “Tell them on what criteria they should judge the logo (functionality, not personal preference).”

Show customers using products with the new logo. Show team vans parked on streets with the new logo plastered on the side. Mock-up a banner to see what the logo might look like at a major convention.

Putting the audience first through the entire process will be critical as you learn how to present a logo successfully.

To help your logo presentations and spark some ideas, here’s 5 designs done from experts showing you how it’s done.

Grid logo presentation by Gennady Savinov

logo presentation

In this logo presentation, designer Gennady Savinov created a simple, yet effective grid layout to show both color variations. Additionally, he included the logo spacing spec for added visuals. This layout quickly and easily shows the client your design concept.

Single logo presentation by Angie Mathot

logo presentation

Detailed logo presentation by Jeroen van Eerden

logo presentation

In this logo presentation design, designer Jeroen van Eerden created a one-pager full of info. This gives a breakdown of who the company is, what they’re about, the logo design variations, and the typography to be used. Although it’s a little busy, this style can be super informational and useful for relaying brand guidelines.

The truth is, you won’t be perfect at presenting logos to clients overnight. And that’s ok.

But with time, and using the advice of the expert logo designers above on how to present a logo, you’re way ahead of the competition.

In addition to the advice shared above, Steve Evans from Sed+Co urges, “Make sure you … tell them to sleep on the concepts. Far too often clients are too quick to pick an option. Once they’ve gained some distance from the initial excitement, they’re mind is clearer to make an informed ‘business minded’ decision.”

And, of course, perhaps the most important advice for anyone wanting to learn how to present a logo comes from designer Liam Jackson:

“Only present designs you’re happy with. (We all know why 😅 ).”

For anyone who doesn’t know (yet), there’s an unwritten law in logo design that the client will always, ALWAYS pick the design you like the least.

So when presenting logos to clients, never show them something you’re not happy with yourself.

With that, you’re ready to go. All of us wish you the best of luck on your next logo design presentation!

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Clients Creativity

Profile Image: Preston Lee

Written by Preston Lee

Editor at

Preston Lee is the founder of Millo where he and his team have been helping freelancers thrive for over a decade. His advice has been featured by Entrepreneur , Inc , Forbes , Adobe, and many more.

Preston's Articles

Reviewed & edited by Adam Wright , Editor at Millo.

At Millo, we strive to publish only the best, most trustworthy and reliable content for freelancers. You can learn more by reviewing our editorial policy .

Comments from the community

All of these are highly appreciated and remarkable client dealing strategies. But I have a query, what if you get some really annoying client who is not willing to show any interest in that design you made with full dedication and hard work. I was in a trouble last month when this type of situation happened to me and after all the efforts, I was no excuse for my services I provided him. However, nice post and I’ve learnt a lot from this.

Thank you for this great article. It is very important to provide clients with more than one logo concept for them to be satisfied with the service you have offered. This gives them a chance to choose from different styles and options.

Offering clients free revisions will also win clients over.

I just want to know how designers deliver the logos to the client? By email? By jump drive?

i see that a lot of logo designers who post their work online present their work on business cards or a large wooden panel. Especially for compete branding packages. How do they do this?

Focus should be on the logo and not presenting it on different material or backgrounds. That stuff comes later. The logo should be on a white background and free of clutter and other distractions. what your talking about is a brand identity which comes with big budget clients and possibly after they select one of the designs.

I’m not in agreement with this. A logo is never seen in isolation, so why present in this way? I think a logo needs to be tested in application by the designer, and also presented in this way too. I personally present the logo on its own as you mentioned, together with a few slides showing it in use as it helps to sell the design. There’s lots of really cool tools out there to make this a quick/easy process.

Awesome article. I love being able to explain “why” I create a logo the way I do and the elements I choose to include. It does double duty as showing the client that I was listening to their wants and it serves as a barrier to keep me from including irrelevant information or elements. Again, awesome post!

Your article covers almost all points.But I want to know to make a attractive background and portfolio that can help me getting more clients.I make good logos but problem comes while showing them .please help

Great article, nice tips! The first impression is so important, that there’s no room for bad logos. Unfortunatelly it is sometimes hard to convince clients of the solution that would be the best for them.

Nice article. Anyone that is presenting full web designs should remember to create a “mockup” of their work that your client can view in a browser with a background.

Very good post, awesome read, thanks

To echo Shea’s comment, Murphy’s law applies here. If you include a logo you are not 100% pleased with, the client will pick that one. Also, if you are working with an AE on the project, be sure to sit down beforehand and explain your reasoning so they can appropriately champion your work to the client. If you don’t work together as a team, it will make everyone look bad, not just the design. Great article Preston!

– “Present practical application”

Very often their first reaction is not so good when you showed them JUST logo. Then you put in on the business card, stationery, t-shirt, whatever – and they love it.

Most people perceive things depending on their surroundings :).

@Michal Kozak, That is a very good point! It seems that the client is always more impressed when you go the extra mile to help them understand application of the logo. Thanks for adding.

Sure do all that work but make sure your getting paid for all that additional work. That stuff comes after they decide on one of the concepts. Also the proper way is to have them pic a logo and if there are additional revisions, then you move to all that jazz with business cards etc.. You only do that if they pay for it, not to win them over. Your logo should do that by itself.

Nice Article. The first impression counts!

The “why” factor is always acting as the main principle in my presentation. From my experience: the more time you spend and efforts give to writing presentation the more positive client’s reaction is. So obviously sometimes it’s just not enough for a result and then it comes to how good you can be at explanations of your decisions.

And never present something that you don’t love. If it’s just okay… It it’s your least favorite… If it’s one one that you did just to illustrate how much better of an idea the others are, It is guaranteed that the client will pick that one.

YES! THIS CANNOT BE OVERSTATED! It has proven true SO many times.

It must be your best pick. Nice one Shea.

Nice tips! The way we present the logos might be 50% of success. We can drive the client’s mind to what we want 🙂

wicked article. You defiantly hit the nail on the head with a lot of those points. A lot of what I have read says that how you present your concept is just as important as what you present to a client.

Home Blog Design How to Create and Deliver a Logo Presentation

How to Create and Deliver a Logo Presentation

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What do Amazon, Walmart, Apple, and GE have in common? A logo identity with a powerful story behind its creation. Working with a well-crafted logo is the first step in a company’s visual branding, as it encapsulates its values, ethos, and vision in a single, memorable emblem. However, it’s important to understand that this logo becomes the cornerstone of a more extensive corporate identity presentation, which encompasses every visual aspect of a company’s brand. That being said, part of the process of creating a logo is submitting it for its approval at board meetings and mass public, and here’s where our expertise will guide you.

This article delves into the significance of creating and presenting a logo that resonates with both the market and the ethos of the business. We will discuss the rules behind creating a logo presentation, tips for introducing the new brand identity, and how to construct a story that refers to each stage of logo creation. Let’s get started.

Table of Contents

What is a Logo Presentation?

What should be included in a logo presentation, how to explain the logo creation process, common mistakes in logo presentations, recommended logo presentation decks, final words.

A logo presentation is one of the core elements of a brand identity presentation , and it helps designers or marketing teams introduce the new logo identity in board meetings or deliver company-wide presentations about new branding strategies.

This type of presentation reveals the design and articulates its rationale, demonstrating how it aligns with the company’s branding and business goals. A well-crafted logo presentation can significantly influence the client’s decision-making process and perception of the company’s value.

Key Elements of a Logo Presentation

In order to structure a logo presentation, designers must be aware of the following elements.

  • Understanding Client Needs: Before the presentation, the designer must have a thorough understanding of the company’s business, target audience, and brand values. This understanding guides the design process and forms the foundation of the presentation.
  • Conceptualization and Design: The core of the presentation is the logo itself. Designers typically present several concepts, showing variations in color, typography, and style. Each design is not just a visual but a strategic solution to the client’s branding needs.
  • Rationale and Storytelling: A crucial part of the presentation involves explaining the reasoning behind each design. This includes the symbolism of shapes and colors used, the choice of typography, and how the design communicates the brand’s message. Effective storytelling can connect the logo to the client’s brand story, making it more meaningful and impactful.
  • Application and Versatility: Demonstrating how the logo will look in various applications (like business cards, websites, or billboards) helps clients visualize the logo in real-world scenarios. This also shows the logo’s versatility and scalability.
  • Feedback and Revision Process: A logo presentation is often an interactive session where clients provide feedback. This stage is required for refining the design and ensuring it aligns with the client’s expectations and needs.
  • Technical Details: The presentation may also cover technical aspects like file formats, color codes, and usage guidelines, ensuring the client knows how to use the logo correctly across different mediums.

We can summarize a logo presentation deck as a set of 5-7 slides. We will introduce some examples for each section.

Title Slide

As with any other topic, knowing how to start a presentation in style is a plus. Therefore, we highly recommend using a title slide that doesn’t instantly disclose what the logo is about but gives general guidelines for your ideas.

Title Slide in a Logo Presentation

For example, you can use a title slide that contains photos of your sketches laid out on a table to give hints about the creative process that brought the logo to life.

Background Info

The information that drove the company to the research and the information gathered by the designer to back up its creation has to be presented next. Using proper visual communication techniques, we can condense that information into a series of graphics or placeholder text areas that pinpoint the core reasons that support a branding change.

Background research slide in a logo presentation deck

Presenters can use up to two slides to summarize this point, and customer testimonials can also help gain insights into market trends for a particular design.

Logo Presentation

This is what everyone wants to see: the new logo. Presenters can use up to two slides to introduce the process that drove them to create the logo, then the logo itself. A well-crafted story has to link the points between the different stages to create the logo to the end piece and its potential real-life application. 

Logo versions slide in a logo presentation slide deck

The new logo should be highlighted in an individual slide with its associated values.

Final logo introduced in a logo presentation meeting

Presenters must also demonstrate the logo in action, which can be done in the next slide or by using a video presentation that features the logo in target consumer products (in this case, mockups of bottles, t-shirts, etc.).

As the background research is already covered in the slides, a good question arises: how do we explain the logo concept presentation? Designers can initially speak about which ideas the initial meeting with the customer evoked. Those are the driving forces behind logo creation.

One approach is to show competitors’ logos and briefly analyze why they successfully convince the target audience that their product is good. For starters, using a logo maker can help generate initial concepts to discuss in relation to these competitors’ designs before customizing further to align with the client’s core values and vision when introducing the first drafts of the new logo.

Speak of the objectives your logo has to answer for, then honestly say why some ideas were accepted or discarded. Present hand-drawn mock-ups about how the logo ideas fit the target products. Then, move on to your pre-selection of 2-4 potential logos, their high-quality format, and the reasons why you consider these logos may be apt for the customer.

Out of the pre-selection of logos, choose the definite logo for the project and introduce it by telling a story about a potential customer looking for a product, how no other option in the market seemed to answer their search intent, and how seeing the logo was the answer. Put yourself in the shoes of the ideal customer persona of that brand and present facts that drove that customer’s interest. Using storytelling techniques can help build a convincing story from a consumer’s perspective, and the outcome format should contain either a physical product as a logo presentation example or a video telling that same consumer story. 

Mistake #1 – Not Using Mockups

Your client may not understand the full impact of the logo until a physical application of the logo is seen. Although you must present the logo in full format, you must also introduce realistic mockups, videos, and physical products showing the new identity and submit them to the customer’s approval.

Tiny details like the chosen typeface not being clear enough can only be appreciated on the final product, not with an upscaled image that shows no imperfection.

Mistake #2 – Considering the Logo as a Solo Piece

Your logo ppt presentation is part of a new brand identity concept. Therefore, designers should align their efforts to disclose which fonts should be used alongside this new logo, which colors best suit any media advertisement using the logo, etc. This mistake is commonly triggered when multiple teams work on the brand identity or if that process is made in different stages. 

Mistake #3 – Revealing the Logo in the Title Slide

Ignoring the surprise factor is one certain way to tank your presentation in seconds. You need to build excitement, present your ideas aligned to the course of your talk rather than showing the end product on the first slide, and have no extra surprise factor to gather the interest of your audience. 

If you fall prey to presenting the logo in the title slide, the rest of the conversation will steer towards why they like certain aspects of the logo or not and why it should be accepted or discarded, rather than a reasonable story explaining each of your design decisions.

Mistake #4 – Ignoring the Feedback

Delivering a logo design presentation doesn’t automatically imply the customer accepts the logo. A back-and-forth process of changes may be triggered instantly, where the designer must clearly state the agreed revisions per contract on that logo. Then, a new meeting should be scheduled where the designer will answer the customer’s requirements.

Safely keep copies of your previous presentations to protect yourself against misunderstandings. These logo presentation templates save you time and document your decisions and what you present to your customer on one specific date. If one revision requires going back to a previous version of the design, bring that particular presentation file to the front and explain why it was initially rejected and the changes the customer requested.

Take a look at this selection of PowerPoint templates and Google Slides themes that can fit your logo presentation needs. You can also find comprehensive corporate identity presentation templates that follow the brand identity and brand guidelines, ensuring a cohesive presentation of your company’s visual brand to stakeholders.

1. Logo Presentation PowerPoint Template

presentation du logo

An all-in-one solution that lists the tools required to create a captivating logo presentation. In a clear timeline format, this logo presentation deck can help us structure the story that backs up the logo creation process – ideal for those who prefer to omit hand-drawn illustrations and stick to the final digital files. We can also find a slide that gives guidelines on the typography to pair your logo, preferred color palette and ideal use size of the logo.

Use This Template

2. Branding Process Logo Presentation Slide Deck for PowerPoint and Google Slides

presentation du logo

For larger projects that require full guidance on every aspect of the brand identity, this slide deck contains tools such as surveys, roadmaps, brand logo options, and more. Presenters can use this PPT slide deck to attend the initial meetings for findings about which direction should the logo creation process take.

3. One-pager Logo Creative Brief PowerPoint Template

presentation du logo

After your initial meetings with the customer conclude, it is time to put your hands into logo creation, but how do you express the ideas gathered with pen and paper to your team in a clear, easy-to-understand format?

Meet this one-pager creative brief, ideal for reference, and check all the aspects your logo creation process should cover. This document can be shown in your logo presentation as part of the background research done, as it contains a summary of the ideas agreed with the customer.

A logo presentation may divert from the usual format of presentations as it combines aspects like factual data with design decisions and the reasoning behind them. Presenters should approach this type of presentation as not a final product but a series of iterations that will result in an end product. The logo presentation then becomes a collaborative project between the designer and the customer, where the designer needs to keep an open mind to allocate new ideas or present a past concept from a different perspective.

presentation du logo

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How To Present Logo Design Projects

How To Present Logo Design Projects

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presentation du logo

Learn how to present logo design and identity projects to your clients and win their hearts and minds.

I have mastered this presentation methodology by years of experience working with some of the best design agencies.

So if you're wondering how to present logos to your clients—you're in the right place!

Before we go into nitty gritty of how to present logo design work, first it’s worth to mention that:

Presenting logos is a science, not an art.

If you follow my proven process, you won’t have to sell nothing to your client, they will be sold on their own.

If your logo is the product that you sell, then your logo presentation is the packaging of that product.

As we all know, we buy with eyes, so that your logo presentation just as packaging must be very attractive. ‍

How you present your logos is as important as the logo designs themselves.

PS. If you prefer watching a YouTube video— check it out my channel .

5-Steps To Present Logos

  • Prepare your client
  • Start with objectives
  • Explain your process
  • Reveal the logos
  • Get the feedback

Of course, before you proceed you have to have some logo concepts to show and someone to show them to.

I’m not going to talk here about how to design a logo , but I will just focus on the presentation itself—so let's assume that you have some logos designed.

First, it's important to establish some rules—let’s talk about the DO’s and DONT’s of presenting logos.

Common mistakes when presenting logos

The first biggest mistake you can make is presenting too many options .

How many logos should you present?—Show only three logos.

I’ve heard of designers presenting even 20 to 30 concepts—that’s way too many!

My client recently called me and said that some other designer presented them with 15 logos .

All of which were really bad, they didn’t like none of them .

presentation du logo

You might be thinking that the more logos you present the greater the chance your client will like one, but the reality is that it will only confuse them .

Not even mentioning the energy and creativity you have to dilute over those 15 concepts—most likely you would end up with mediocre concepts.

It’s much better to focus on presenting only three strong logo concepts! ‍

Behind the scenes you can sketch hundreds of logos —no problem, just don’t show them all to your client!

The second biggest mistake you can make is sending them over by emai l, in an attachment. ‍

Is best to present logo and identity design projects either over the phone or in-person .

I usually present my logo design work via Zoom video call , after which I send my client the link to that logo presentation by email.

That way I get the chance to describe my logos , explain my ideas and say what I have to say, before letting the client voice their opinion.

Now, let’s talk about some of the best practices when it comes to logo presentation.

Best practices when presenting logos

The first best practice to follow when presenting your logo concepts is to start with a solid strategy session .

This sessions will provide you with all the necessary words that you can use to translate strategy into visual concepts .

This is basically about extracting important information from the client, but also engaging the client in the process and generating some ideas.

presentation du logo

Learn more about how to develop and then translate strategy into visual design in my other article.

The second best practice to follow when presenting your logos is to take smaller steps with your client. ‍

You see, logo and identity design is often a long windy road towards the right solution.

It’s not like you just design something fast and there's is a big reveal where you expect to WOW your client.

it’s more of a sequential process where you’re building towards the final logo in a set of steps.

One of the best steps you can take is to use moodboards or stylescapes. ‍

Taking smaller steps will point you (and your client) in the right direction with confidence.

So remember—Never just send your logo presentation by email, and never present more than three concepts.

Tools to prepare your logo presentation

There are many ways in which you can present your design work successfully.

It could be a high-res PDF, a PowerPoint or Keynote, or you can simply use an online visual board tool like InVision.

First, I prepare mockups in PSD , then I embed these mockups in Indesign (one mockup per slide).

So that when I'm making changes to my mockup in Photoshop, the presentation will be automatically updated in Indesign.

presentation du logo

Next, I don’t export a PDF like you would expect, but I rather publish that PDF to the cloud straight form InDesign, so that I can simply send my client a link later on.

That way, if I want to change something in my presentation, I simply republish it with just one click straight from InDesign and my client can see the changes .

They can also download the PDF for their own record or just to print it out if they want to.

So with that being said, let’s jump into building the logo presentation.

1. Prepare your client

First, before you show any of you logo work, you need to prepare your client for what’s coming.

You must put your client in the right state of mind before you show them anything.

I like to remind my client about two things: what a logo is and what makes a good logo .

So I open my presentation with a quite by great designer Sagi Haviv (that I had a pleasure to work with):

“A good logo is NOT about what one likes or dislikes, it’s about what works.“ —Sagi Haviv

The reason for saying that is to simply remind your client that logo design is NOT about personal preferences .

presentation du logo

A logo doesn’t have to communicate or illustrate everything, so you shouldn’t try to say too many things with it.

A logo is more like an empty vessel and meaning can be attached to it over time , with its consistent use and following through on brand promise.

I say this in order to prevent the client from trying to make the logo look too busy and therefore confusing.

Next, I follow up with a slide that talks about logo design principles— what makes a good vs bad logo. ‍

Clients usually tend to be a bit subjective, so you have to remind them about some of the basic principles of logo design.

This should save you from hearing pointless suggestions later on that could ruin your great work.

We, as designers, have a good sense of aesthetics and we usually know why one logo is better than the other.

However, sometimes it’s not easy to explain that to our client.

That’s why I use the following slide with three logo design principles (again, developed by Sagi Haviv).

"A logo must be appropriate, simple and memorable." —Sagi Haviv

I say this out loud when I show this slide.

presentation du logo

Next, I describe shortly each of them:

  • Appropriate —Is your logo appropriate for the business?
  • Simple —Is your logo simple enough to work in all sizes?
  • Memorable —Is it distinctive, so it can be easily remembered?

I also explain that I use these rules when determining what logos would potentially work (I use it as a checklist).

Now, with those two opening slides, I don’t go into showing off the logos yet.

2. Start with objectives

Before you show any of your logo design concepts, you need to start with some basic facts .

You can start by saying something like this:

“Our goal is to design a new identity for Medihuanna, one that resonates better with our customers...”

Your goal here is to remind the client about the goals and objectives of this project or what kind of problems we’re trying to solve.

presentation du logo

Here are some of the examples of the reasons why people need a new brand identity.

  • repositions you to gain more sales
  • increase your revenue
  • connect better with target audience

This should have been fleshed out way before you start working—in your first sales call.

So if you follow my other guides on how to develop brand strategy and how to translate strategy into visuals , then you should know by now what I’m talking about here.

By reminding your client about the objectives for designing the logo, you will put them back into the buying mode—which can be a powerful thing when it comes to approvals.

This is also a great way to reassure the client that you understand the problem and you truly want to help them succeed.

Aside form that, it will help you remove yours or clients’ design preferences from the equation.

They will be more likely to settle on a logo they may not necessarily love, but they know it can work effectively for their business.

3. Explain your process

Once I stated the project's objectives, then I inform them about the strategy we took to accomplish these objectives.

Here, you simply want to summarize what you’ve done so far—I usually say something like:

"Before I show you the work, let’s take a step back and review the process to date."

Here I simply refer back to our strategy session and the brief that came out of that.

presentation du logo

First, I show them the words that we chose to describe the brand , and next I show them the moodboards we created to express these words visually.

Here I just want to remind them what we’ve gone through together, from initial phone call, through brand strategy, to brand brief with moodboards.

I do this because it’s much more difficult to disagree with yourself than with other people.

So if you remind them about something they said earlier in the process (like during the strategy session), they most likely won’t refute the results of those decisions.

For example, if they chose the word “ credible ” to describe their brand during the strategy session, and then I use colors or fonts to reflect that “credibility”—it's much easier for me to explain my designs.

This whole summary shouldn’t take more than 5 minutes—it’s just a good way to get everybody on the same page .

This will help your client stay objective when you start showing them your logos.

Moreover, it will give your client a sense of ownership—after all, it’s their insights what drove your decisions .

4. Reveal the logos

Finally it’s time to reveal your logos and explain your thoughts behind each concept.

For example, this is how I presented my first logo concept:

"In the first logo we use a minimalist sans-serif font that conveys the simplicity of use and the clarity of our courses.“

First I say this as I show the first slide, which is just the logo alone centered on a white background .

presentation du logo

The second slide is usually the logo on dark background and with some photo behind it.

So as I continue going through the slides I'm describing my work:

“To make the logo distinctive, we replaced the dot over the “i” with a leaflet which symbolizes nature and natural treatment that cannabis provides.“

The next—third slide—is a split screen showing the logo on white background on the left and black background on the right.

As I navigate through the slides (3-5 sec for each) I also say a few words about the designs and the decisions I’ve made.

For example, when I reach the slide with the pattern, I say this:

“I designed a geometric leaflet that can be used as an identity element and an extension of the simplistic wordmark”

And then when I go to the next slide I follow up with:

“This leaflet allows us plenty of room for expression, it can be used as a unifying graphic element on all applications.”

Remember that a huge part of successful presentation is your ability to articulate your design choices (the style, fonts and colors you picked).

Here, you can prepare yourself by reading design reviews , for example: I like to read the BrandNew Blog .

This will help you build your design literacy, so that describing your work will become much easier.

Of course, whatever you say it must be backed up by strategy and decisions you’ve made with your client in the past.

So the following few slides is a collection of different mockups relevant to your client. ‍

You should know by now what mockups to use based on the discovery session ( the 6th exercise of my strategy guide ).

However, typical mockups would include something like business cards , envelope , stationery , perhaps a website , maybe social media graphic , a signage and so on.

All the things that your client expect to see the logo on.

Logo design presentation template—Concept 1

Here, it’s important to show a couple of small format mockups like pins, icons, pencils, cufflinks as well as large-format mockups like signage, way-finding, interior graphics, billboards etc.

Your client needs to see how the logo will look like when used in small size as well as at scale—in large format.

Here you can even go beyond of what they would typically use the logo on and add a couple of extra mockups .

That way you can really help them envision this logo in use in real life.

Beginner designers often ask me—how to find best mockups for logo presentation?

There are many places where you can find free mockups , but the problem with that is that they tend to be everywhere just because they’re free.

A much better way is to buy premium mockups —they won’t cost you a fortune, but you will end up with a gorgeous logo presentation.

Alternatively you can create mockups yourself by finding stock photos and then using Smart Objects in Photoshop.

It always try to include at least one or two realistic photos, for example a billboard on the street or on the side of a building.

As I go through these slide, I’m NOT asking for the feedback yet— I simply lead the presentation and navigate through slides while describing the designs.

If client interrupts me, I simply stop them saying:

"Please let me go through all the concepts first and then we can discuss them".

Once I’m done with presenting the first concept, then I go straight to the second one.

Logo design presentation template—Concept 2

As I already mentioned, the ideal number of logos to present is three .

And each of the three logo concepts should be explained on the same sequence of slides.

What it means is that you should use the same mockups for each concept just to make the comparison fair.

Your client will probably reject one of them and then lean toward either one of the other two.

Rarely clients will make a decision on the spot—but that’s fine, that’s why we’re preparing such a beautiful logo presentation.

That way the client can sleep on it, show it to other people and get back to you with some feedback.

So you do the same with the other two concepts—you should have about 5 to 10 slides per concept.

Logo design presentation template—Concept 3

And again, while you’re preparing those mockups, try to describe your thought behind each concept .

For example, this is how I described my 3rd logo concept:

“This concept was inspired by crests that are often being used in logos of universities.”

and then while I go through the slides, I add:

“In combination with the prestigious-looking color palette, this identity portrays Medihuanna as a well-established and respected educational organization.”

When I reach the slide with the mark, then I add:

“Here we retain the serpent-entwined rod (symbol of health) from the old logo, but we refined the shape to nicely sit inside the university-like crest.”

When I’m on the slide with book covers, I talk about typography:

“Using the classic, traditional serifs as the primary font, adds to the heritage, plus it compliments well the sans serif wordmark set in all caps.”

So I just gave you a few examples of what I say when presenting logos to my clients and I hope it gives you an idea of how to describe your logos.

Remember—having a story behind each piece helps you sell it easier .

And finally at the very end you need to add one more slide to compare all three options .

presentation du logo

Once I reach this comparison slide, I follow up with a question to release the tension .

A good question you can end your logo presentation with is:

“Did we take a step in the right direction to connect better with our customers?”

After all, I have been presenting for the past few minutes and didn’t let them talk yet.

Now, it’s time to get some feedback.

5. Get the feedback

Once you finished your presentation, then let your client talk but don’t push them to make a decision just yet.

The worst you could say at the end is:

“What do you think?”, or “Which concept do you like?”.

Instead, you should refer back to the strategy and ask them to step into customer shoes .

presentation du logo

I usually say something along the lines:

“How do you think John would react to each of those concepts?”

This will help you take the client away from subjectivity (once again) and help them see it through the eyes of customers.

Every time your clients says something like “I don’t like this” or “I like that” — help them get back in the right mindset.

Simply remind them that while you understand that they pay and they must “like” the new identity, we should really focus on the target audience because ultimately it is for them.

We should really think about how potential customers would respond when judging these logo concepts.

Even if your client have some favorite right away, they most likely won’t tell you just yet and you shouldn’t force either.

A much better way is to follow up with something like that:

“Is there one direction that we should definitely eliminate now?”

Usually, clients will come to consensus that one concept we could cross off the list.

Sometimes clients can give you an immediate feedback like “I’m leaning toward the first concept”.

However, I usually want to give them some time to sleep on it and invite them to discuss these concepts internally.

I say something like this:

“I know it’s a lot to digest and you probably want to show it around—how about we regroup in 3 days?”.

By saying that, you will take the pressure off your client and give them more time to make the final decision.

Just don’t leave the meeting without scheduling a specific time to talk.

Whether it be a call or an email, ask them when they might be ready.


When you present your work as a graphic designer , you might feel a bit anxious and insecure , but this is normal.

Only you know the amount of time and effort you’ve put on into designing these logos, so it’s natural to fear the client rejecting them all .

Just imagine your client “not getting it” or demanding changes that will ruin your hard work.

Does it sound familiar?—It happened to me so many times when I was starting my career as a logo designer.

But eventually, over the years I’ve developed this process that makes my logo presentations go smooth .

Not only the logo presentation, but the whole process of working with clients who come to me for logo design.

Starting with the initial discovery call, to strategy session, to execution and presentation—my process allows me to be super effective and efficient.

presentation du logo

So if you follow my process of presenting logos, then you should just nail it at first with a beautiful presentation that is hard to reject.

My client picked the 1st logo concept, next we just refined the leaflet a bit, polished the designs and then I delivered the logo artwork and brand guidelines.

You can see the final work for Medihuanna on my portfolio.

Need a custom logo?— Just shoot me an email. ‍

Download my template

Looking to save time create your own logo presentation template ?—Look no further.

Now, you can download my InDesign files —the presentation I've done for Periti Digital (more recent project than Medihuanna ).

presentation du logo

For only $29 you can get all the files ( 2.1 GB )—The template is made in InDesign with Photoshop and Illustrator files embedded in it (including mockups and logo files).

Just customize the template, change the logo and branding (colors, fonts)—and you'll be able to use it with your clients right out of the box!

In any case—I hope you enjoyed my tutorial on how to prepare a successful logo design presentation.

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presentation du logo

I'm a branding expert and graphic designer based in NY. I specialize in the development of brands: brand strategy, identity & web design. Need help with your project?— Get in touch

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Logo Presentation Template

Present your design ideas with confidence and make your clients fall in love with their new logo.

Trusted by 65M+ users and leading companies

About the Logo Presentation Template

This Logo Presentation Template helps you create the right context for your logo ideas and give them compelling backstories. You can use it to create presentations for your clients, colleagues, employees, or partners.

Help your audience recognize the relatability, beauty, and versatility of the new logo at a glance. Delight them by showing how it can help their brand become more recognizable and attractive to their target customers.

How to present a new logo

Sending over a PNG file with a logo on a white background won’t impress your clients — giving a stunning presentation will. Instead of making your clients wonder why they should change their branding at all, you can tell them a captivating story with your slides.

Delivering your logo design ideas in a professional way allows you to:

Highlight your expertise and skills and make your clients trust you and your design solutions more.

Convince your audience that the new logo is more compelling and won’t go out of style.

Show how the new logo can be used in different situations and on different media.

Help your clients overcome doubts and cut ties with the old brand identity.

What should be included in a logo presentation?

You don’t want to just present your logo — you want to amaze your audience and make them love the new concept. You can use mood boards or style scapes to convey the mood and show your sources of inspiration. It’ll add depth to your logo presentation and make it more emotive and engaging.

Your clients may have questions about the new logo applications, and you can answer them even before they arise. Add mockups to your presentation to demonstrate the new logo’s potential and how it will “behave” in real life. Put the new logo on merchandise, mobile apps, billboards, or public transport, depending on the niche and scale of your clients’ company.

How to use the Logo Presentation Template

Save time with Miro's easy-to-use presentation maker . You can prepare and assemble a pixel-perfect presentation in less than an hour, especially if you already know how you want to structure it. You can even use other Miro templates for brainstorming to speed up the ideation process and find more logo ideas with your team.

Step 1 . Prepare your mood boards, mockups, and other assets. Choose up to three of your boldest and most contrasting ideas. Make sure your logo works equally well in all sizes and on different materials, and outline the most important logo usage guidelines.

Step 2 . Choose this template and start customizing it. Add your branding, copy, and visuals. Show your logo in different sizes and on white and dark backgrounds. At this step, you can invite your colleagues to collaborate and share their thoughts on how formal or informal the presentation should be or how many slides to include.

Step 3 . When you’re done editing the template, switch to Presentation mode . It’s a full-screen view that lets you see your presentation exactly how your clients will see it, so it’s a good opportunity to spot and fix any minor mistakes. You don’t have to download or install anything to give a presentation — just always use Presentation mode whenever you need to use your slides.

The dos and don’ts of logo presentation

No matter how great your new logo is, the way you present it still plays a huge role. If you want to impress your audience, make sure to follow these best practices.

The dos of logo presentation:

Present your logo concept in person . You don’t want to distance yourself from your creative work. Presenting it in person also allows you to connect with your audience and address their concerns.

Show how you’ve arrived at the idea . Give your audience a glimpse of your design process and explain what influenced your decisions. You can also include their buyer personas in your presentation to remind your clients what this logo is for.

Explain why the new logo is better . Is it more relevant? Is it more memorable? You don’t have to make a side-by-side comparison, but it makes sense to list your new logo’s advantages using, for example, bullet points.

There are also some common mistakes to avoid.

The don'ts of logo presentation:

Don’t overwhelm your clients with too many ideas . Narrow down the list of possible design choices before you show it to your audience. Ideally, you should present no more than three of your most interesting design concepts.

Don’t assume your clients have the same aesthetic taste as you . Try to stay objective and explain what makes a great logo, why the new logo will work better in different situations, and why it’ll resonate with their target audience.

Don’t overexplain your logo . Avoid making your slides text-heavy — use mockups and other visuals to get your point across. Also, instead of defending your idea after the fact, try to predict your clients’ objections and handle them right in your presentation.

Who should give a logo presentation?

You can present your logo designs as a team, but it’s always better to have one person do most of the talking to help your audience focus. If you are a design agency, usually, it’s the art director’s job to present finished design projects. In any case, you need to position yourself as an expert and build trust with your clients — it’ll also help you justify your price tag.

What makes a terrific logo presentation?

When you present a logo, you need to avoid subjectivity and focus on the practical tasks you’re solving with your design. If your clients see that your design can help them attract a new target audience or increase revenue in some other way, they will grow to like it. Also, don’t ask for feedback right away — give them some time to digest your creative logo designs and discuss them with their peers. This way, your presentation will be impactful but not pushy.

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10 Examples of a Professional Logo Presentation

presentation du logo

Logo presentation, and leaving a great first impression is one of the crucial moments in every successful project. Your design may be solid, and you have researched it thoroughly. Still, if your presentation isn’t professional, you can have overly negative feedback. Every designer needs to have multiple logo presentation templates for every occasion and type of project. Here are some of the best examples that can make an impact on your workflow.

1. Blurred Background Image Logo Presentation

Here is one of the most straightforward ways to present your logo. Find an image that is related to your logo in some way. It could be a similar design idea, complementing shapes, or colors. Additionally, a great photo or an image will help you set the right mood. You can find thousands of royalty-free stock photos on websites like . All you have to do then is to apply your logo. Consider adding a blur effect on the background image to concentrate attention on the logo itself.

Blurred Background Image Logo Presentation

2. Visual Explanation of The Logo

‘How did you come up with that?’ is a question many designers don’t like to hear. It isn’t very enjoyable to explain the whole process or a moment of inspiration when it comes to creative work. By presenting your work this way, you will be able to avoid that situation. Here we have an example of precisely that. The designer presented a primary logo, an inverted color logo, an outline grid, and a simple visual explanation with essential elements.

Visual Explanation of The Logo

3. Inverted Color Options Presentation

Here is an option you can use that works excellent for mascots. Also, you can use it for logos meant to be used on various color backgrounds. This particular designer added just a bit of a drop shadow effect to make a mascot ‘pop’. On the right side of the screen is a mascot on a darker background, and of course, a color palette.

Inverted Color Options Presentation

4. Multiple Logo Variations

Can’t decide which version of the logo looks better? Simply lay them all out on the artboard and let the client decide. This style of logo presentation works well if you already have to design multiple variations or styles (vertical, horizontal, inverted color, badge, etc.)

Multiple Logo Variations

5. Background Logo with reduced opacity

Similar to adding a background image, adding the actual logo to the background will look even better. Scale the design, reduce opacity, and send it to the back.

Background Logo with reduced opacity

6. Colored Bottom Line with Color Palette

This is one of the most straightforward ways to get away from the blank artboard. Present a nice and clean logo design is adding a colored bottom line. Not only that, but it can provide contrast and serve as a creative way to present the color palette used.

Colored Bottom Line with Color Palette

7. Logo Wireframe Presentation

Geometry is an essential factor when it comes to designing a logo. Then why shouldn’t you show how carefully planned out are your designs? It will help you show your work in a much more professional way. Feel free to make a beautiful logo presentation, with a finished product and initial wireframe right next to each other.

Logo Wireframe Presentation

8. Sticker Bomb

Knowing where and how your design is going to be used is a big part of the process anyway. In this case, it is in the form of a sticker. Take that opportunity to present it as a sticker bomb. It will look more natural, and your client will love it!

Sticker Bomb

9. Logo Sketch

With a sketch of the logo with gridlines, 3D looking mockup, and simple white on black background, this logo presentation has it all. Keep in mind that sometimes less is more, and to use this way of presenting sparingly.

Logo Sketch

10. Hand Drawn Logo Sketch Presentation

Designers sometimes argue if sketching out your logo by hand first is necessary. Even more, if your client should ever see your sketches and initial ideas. However, this is the way to go if you are on an extremely tight schedule, or have to work with superficial information. It will help you get started and test out which direction to take before you fully commit and deliver a final presentation.

Hand Drawn Logo Sketch Presentation

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Comment présenter votre nouveau logo

Comment présenter votre nouveau logo

Tous les ans, de nombreuses compagnies présentent leur nouveau logo. Pour certaines, c’est un succès, tandis que pour d’autres c’est un échec complet. Qu’est-ce qui fait la différence? Souvent, ces entreprises dépensent de grosses sommes d’argent lors de la refonte de leur logo et travaillent avec de grandes agences. Que pouvez-vous faire pour réussir la présentation de votre nouveau logo? Voici quelques étapes à suivre pour mettre toutes les chances de votre côté.

Personne n’aime le changement

Avant de commencer, nous tenons à vous rappeler qu’en général les gens n’aiment pas le changement. Vous devez donc garder en tête qu’il risque d’y avoir des insatisfaits lorsque vous allez présenter votre nouveau logo, même s’il s’agit du plus extraordinaire des logos. C’est encore plus vrai si cela fait longtemps que vous avez la même image de marque ou que vos clients sont très attachés à votre entreprise. C’est pourquoi il est important de présenter la refonte de votre logo de la bonne façon et de comprendre que les gens doivent s’habituer à votre nouvelle image de marque. 

Créer un nouveau logo parfait

Votre entreprise évolue et c’est normal que votre logo change avec le temps. Vous n’avez pas non plus besoin de faire comme Yahoo! qui a eu plus de trois refontes majeures en moins de 10 ans. Lorsque vous sentez que votre image de marque ne correspond plus à votre compagnie ou que vous souhaitez vous mettre à jour, cela indique que vous êtes prêt pour faire la refonte de votre logo . Il y a différentes façons de procéder, mais voici quelques astuces pour vous aider lors de ce processus de création. 

  • Analysez les valeurs actuelles de votre entreprise.
  • Analysez votre clientèle cible et ses besoins.
  • Gardez une ligne directrice avec votre ancienne image de marque (couleurs, formes, polices, atmosphère, etc.)
  • Inspirez-vous des tendances du moment pour les logos.
  • Gardez l’esprit ouvert et essayez différentes versions.

Prenons par exemple ce logo qui aurait très bien pu être créé au début des années 2000 pour une firme d’avocats. Il y a plusieurs éléments qui ne sont plus d’actualité et bien que les dégradés soient actuellement à la mode, il y a trop de couleurs.

Exemple de logo nécessitant une refonte

Pour la refonte, nous avons décidé de reprendre certains éléments du logo original, soit l’icône de la balance et la même teinte de bleu. Nous avons toutefois cherché à simplifier le logo pour lui donner une touche à la fois plus actuelle et professionnelle. Ces petits changements peuvent faire toute la différence.

Nouveau logo créé avec FreeLogoDesign pour firme d'avocats

Tester la refonte auprès de clients tests

Une fois que vous avez votre refonte, pourquoi ne pas en profiter pour le tester auprès de clients tests avant de le dévoiler à tous? Cela peut vous permettre d’avoir leur opinion et de vous ajuster au besoin. Par exemple, vous pouvez choisir vos meilleurs clients ou bien vos ambassadeurs et les impliquer dans le processus. Cela augmentera leur attachement à votre marque. Nous tenons toutefois à vous mettre en garde: il est arrivé par le passé que de grosses entreprises ont utilisé des clients tests pour valider des changements qui n’ont pas été bien reçus par le public par la suite. Il est donc très important de choisir des testeurs qui représentent bien votre clientèle cible.


Annoncer et préparer votre clientèle

Il serait sans doute judicieux de dire à l’avance que vous travaillez sur un nouveau logo. Vous n’êtes pas obligé d’en dire plus, mais au moins cela va préparer vos clients à ce changement. Vous pouvez aussi organiser un dévoilement pour expliquer les raisons pourquoi vous sentiez que vous aviez besoin d’une nouvelle image de marque. Plusieurs entreprises choisissent de changer leur logo sans avertissement, ce qui peut fâcher leurs clients, car ils ne comprennent pas ce qui se passe. C’est ce qui s’est passé lorsqu’Instagram et Spotify ont décidé de mettre à jour leurs logos respectifs. Sur le coup, leurs clients étaient perdus et n’arrivaient pas à trouver leur application sur leur téléphone mobile.

Restez ouverts aux commentaires dans une certaine mesure

Comme nous l’avons mentionné plus haut, il est très possible que vos clients ne soient pas chauds à l’idée que vous ayez un nouveau logo. Il y aura de nombreuses critiques, toutefois si vous sentez qu’il s’agit d’un logo qui représente bien votre entreprise, vous devez garder le cap, même si cela est difficile. Laissez retomber la poussière, la plupart du temps les gens se feront à l’idée. Prenez cependant le temps d’écouter ce que vos clients ont à dire, car ils peuvent apporter des points importants que vous n’avez peut-être pas pensés. Ces éléments pourraient s’avérer utiles lors d’une autre refonte par exemple. Et si vous avez fait une erreur, soyez intègre et admettez-le tout simplement.

Mozilla Firefox: un exemple à suivre

Nous avons bien aimé l’approche de Mozilla Firefox pour son logo . Ils ont expliqué être à la recherche d’une nouvelle image de marque et ont présenté différentes options à leur communauté dès 2018. C’est finalement en 2019 que le nouveau logo et sa suite ont été dévoilés de façon officielle. Nous trouvons aussi qu’il s’agit d’une magnifique refonte qui a su respecter l’identité visuelle de ce navigateur web. Découvrir notre article: 3 refontes de logo réussies

En conclusion, cela demande une certaine dose de courage d’oser faire la refonte de son logo, surtout si vous l’avez depuis plusieurs années. Il vous faudra travailler fort pour trouver un emblème qui soit à la fois actuel et qui vous représente bien. N’oubliez pas de garder une ligne directrice entre les différentes versions du logo, afin qu’on puisse vous reconnaître facilement peu importe sa déclinaison, puis testez les versions avec des testeurs. Bon succès!

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N'attendez pas! Créez votre logo maintenant!

Logo Design Presentation Template

Logo Design Presentation Template, within the Milanote app

Organize and share your logo design concepts

How you present your design work is just as important as the actual artwork itself. It's here that you get to tell the story and strategy behind your work, not just share the final artwork.

Whether you're presenting in person or remotely, it's important to display your concepts in a way that's easy for others to compare and discuss, and most importantly shows your work in the best light.

In this guide, you'll learn the modern approach to presenting logo concepts and gathering feedback from your team and client using Milanote. This template is part of our guide on How to plan a logo design project .

  • Explore ideas
  • Organize visually
  • Share with your team & clients
  • Gather feedback
  • Export to PDF

How to use this template

Whether you’re a designer or creative director, follow this step-by-step guide to learn the modern process of sharing logo concepts with your team or client in Milanote, a free tool used by top creatives.

1. Start with an empty template

The Logo Design Presentation template contains beautifully composed placeholders for images, video, notes and more. Just drag and drop your content onto the board to create a presentation in minutes.

logo presentation template step 1

Create a new board for your concepts.

Create a new board

Drag a board out from the toolbar. Give it a name, then double click to open it.

Choose the Logo Design Presentation template.

Choose a template

Each new board gives you the option to start with a beautiful template.

2. Arrange your concepts

Start by uploading the concepts you've designed so you can share them with your team or client. Provide a few example of the logo in different environments. E.g. If it's a logo for a clothing brand, show how the logo will looks on its own, on store signage and on packaging or wrapping paper.

It's best to provide at least 2-3 different concepts so your team and client can start to debate which one best suits the business.

logo presentation template step 2

Drag files from your computer.

Upload a file or document

Click the "Upload" button or just drag a file onto your board. You can add images, logos, documents, videos, audio and much more.

3. Explain your thinking

Next, include some written notes about each concept. This will help explain your ideas and keep everything in context. Refer to the client's goals you set earlier in the  Logo Brief  and the visual direction from the  Moodboard  to communicate the path to this point.

Try to provide reasons why these concepts will provide the perfect visual brand for the client's company. Explain how they embody the brand personality and why they'll appeal to the target audience.

logo presentation template step 3

Add a note to describe each option.

Drag a note card onto your board

Start typing then use the formatting tools in the left hand toolbar.

4. Share with your team or client

With any creative technique or project, it’s important to be open to constructive criticism. Now that you've prepared the initial concepts, it's time to ask for specific feedback. Share the board with your team or client and get together to choose a final direction.

logo presentation template step 4

Share the concepts with your team.

Share a read-only link with others.

Click Share in the top right of your board. You can add a Welcome message for viewers, allow comments, set a password or embed the board in another app or website.

5. Agree on a concept

Ensure that everyone involved agrees on the concept direction before you start finalizing the logo artwork. Try to keep the conversation focused on the strategy behind the logo rather than discussing just the visual aspects. Consider how the logo addresses the goals, audience and requirements. Lastly, make sure you stay open to suggestions and improvements and try not to take criticism personally.

logo presentation template step 5

Start a conversation about the options.

Start a comment thread

Drag out a comment from the toolbar on the left and place it on your board. Other editors can reply to your comment.

Mention others to get their attention.

Mention teammates to get their attention

Type '@' in any text field to mention someone who has access to your board. They'll receive a notification and be able to respond to your comment.

Start your Logo Design Presentation

Organize and share logo design concepts

Sign up for free with no time limit

presentation du logo

Milanote is where creative professionals organize their most important work.

Free with no time limit

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Introduction to Logo Design: From Brief to Final Presentation

A course by guilherme vissotto , graphic designer.

Guilherme Vissotto

Express the identity of a brand by learning to create personalized logos from start to finish

  • Best seller
  • 97% positive reviews ( 461 )
  • 9992 students
  • Portuguese , Spanish , English , German , French , Italian , Polish , Dutch
  • Information

Introduction to Logo Design: From Brief to Final Presentation

Conveying the identity of a brand using logos full of personality is one of graphic designer Guilherme Vissotto's fortes. In this online course, he walks you through all the steps so that you can create a striking and powerful logo of your own for a brand or company.

Throughout the course, learn to strategically develop your design starting from the client brief and analysis, moving on to some conceptualization tools and your first sketches, and finishing up with your final piece ready to present to the client.

What will you learn in this online course?

13 lessons & 21 downloads

Lesson image

  • 13 lessons (56m)
  • 21 additional resources (11 files)
  • Online and at your own pace
  • Available on the app
  • Audio: Portuguese
  • Level: Beginner
  • Unlimited access forever

Recommended software for this course

Adobe Illustrator

What is this course's project?

Create a logo for a company or your own brand using all the skills learned in the course.

Projects by course students

Meu projeto do curso: Introdução ao design de logos: do briefing à apresentação final. Design, Br, ing, Identit, Logo Design, Digital Design, Stationer, and Design project by Pedro Polaz - 09.01.2022

By pedropolaz

Pedro Polaz

By wbotlender


By marcela_yano

Marcela Yano

Who is this online course for?

Any designers, whether just starting out or well-established, who want to hone their logo-designing skills.

Requirements and materials

You need a basic working knowledge of both Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator to take this course.

In terms of materials, all you need is paper, a pencil, an eraser, and a computer installed with both software.

presentation du logo


Muito bom! era um ponto fraco meu, estou aprendendo melhor agora!

View translation

Hide translation


Amei! Meu primeiro curso e aprendi muito com ele, é fácil para compreender

Anne Sophie Perino Pedro

Muito valioso entender o processo criativo de um profissional como o Vissotto, vale super apena.

Curso top, recomendo!


  • More reviews

Guilherme Vissotto

Guilherme Vissotto A course by Guilherme Vissotto

Guilherme Vissotto is a graphic designer with more than seven years' experience in the sector. He worked for big advertising and graphics agencies before becoming a freelance professional specialized in visual identities.

His work has been seen in over 14 countries through a diverse range of companies, from cafés and clothing brands to investment banks and even pet shops.


Principles and fundamentals.

  • Function and aesthetics
  • Elements and typographies
  • Use of color

Strategic workflow

  • Mood board and surveys
  • Setup and construction
  • Colors and fonts

Grand finale

  • Introducing your logo

Final project

What to expect from a domestika course, learn at your own pace.

Enjoy learning from home without a set schedule and with an easy-to-follow method. You set your own pace.

Learn from the best professionals

Learn valuable methods and techniques explained by top experts in the creative sector.

Meet expert teachers

Each expert teaches what they do best, with clear guidelines, true passion, and professional insight in every lesson.

Certificates Plus

If you're a Plus member, get a custom certificate signed by your teacher for every course. Share it on your portfolio, social media, or wherever you like.

Get front-row seats

Videos of the highest quality, so you don't miss a single detail. With unlimited access, you can watch them as many times as you need to perfect your technique.

Share knowledge and ideas

Ask questions, request feedback, or offer solutions. Share your learning experience with other students in the community who are as passionate about creativity as you are.

Connect with a global creative community

The community is home to millions of people from around the world who are curious and passionate about exploring and expressing their creativity.

Watch professionally produced courses

Domestika curates its teacher roster and produces every course in-house to ensure a high-quality online learning experience.

Domestika's courses are online classes that provide you with the tools and skills you need to complete a specific project. Every step of the project combines video lessons with complementary instructional material, so you can learn by doing. Domestika's courses also allow you to share your own projects with the teacher and with other students, creating a dynamic course community.

All courses are 100% online, so once they're published, courses start and finish whenever you want. You set the pace of the class. You can go back to review what interests you most and skip what you already know, ask questions, answer questions, share your projects, and more.

The courses are divided into different units. Each one includes lessons, informational text, tasks, and practice exercises to help you carry out your project step by step, with additional complementary resources and downloads. You'll also have access to an exclusive forum where you can interact with the teacher and with other students, as well as share your work and your course project, creating a community around the course.

You can redeem the course you received by accessing the redeeming page and entering your gift code.

  • Branding & Identity
  • Digital Design
  • Logo Design
  • Stationery Design

Adobe Illustrator

Courses you might be interested in

Presentation Logos

Try brandcrowd for free the world's #1 presentation logo maker..

Example image 0

  • Check Check Icon Traditional(Serif)
  • Check Check Icon Bold
  • Check Check Icon Vintage
  • Check Check Icon Modern(Sans)
  • Check Check Icon Funky
  • Check Check Icon Handwritten

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  • Go to previous page Chevron Left Chevron Left Icon
  • Page 1 of 1
  • Go to next page Chevron Right Chevron Right Icon

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Try BrandCrowd for Free! The World's #1 Presentation Logo Maker.

Generate more presentation logos, simply enter your business name!

Other logos similar to presentation logos.

  • speech logos
  • communication logos
  • forum logos
  • workshop logos
  • conversation logos
  • dialogue logos
  • report logos
  • exchange logos
  • meeting logos
  • display logos
  • tutorial logos
  • panel logos
  • exhibition logos
  • performance logos
  • conference logos
  • assembly logos
  • debate logos
  • address logos
  • lecture logos
  • introduction logos
  • pitch logos

Making Your Presentation Logo Is Easy With BrandCrowd Logo Maker

Create a professional presentation logo in minutes with our free presentation logo maker. Brandcrowd logo maker is easy to use and allows you full customization to get the presentation logo you want!

Pick A presentation Logo

Pick one of the presentation logos on this page or update your search.

Customize Your presentation Logo

Change colours, fonts, add a tagline… Our presentation logo maker is 100% customizable and easy to use.

Download Your presentation Logo!

Download your presentation logo and start sharing it with the world!

Enter any keyword and we will start making logos for you

How do i make a presentation logo with brandcrowd.

Creating your presentation logo easy with BrandCrowd. Just follow these steps and you'll have a presentation logo ready to share with the world in minutes.

1. Start searching:

To find presentation logos relevant to your business enter your business name - We'll automatically show you presentation logos related to your business. You can browse the logos and choose one you love.

2. Refine your search:

If you can't find the perfect presentation logo, you can refine your search by entering related keywords. We'll show you more logos related to your search.

3. Create a presentation logo shortlist

To make life easier you can "shortlist" logos that you like. Simply click the heart symbol and we'll add the presentation logos to your shortlist.

4. Edit your presentation logo

Once you've found a presentation logo that you love, you can customize the logo colors, fonts and layout. You can even add more embellishments with shapes.

5. Preview your presentation logo

When you're done editing you can easily preview your logo on apparal, signage and more to see how it looks in real life.

6. Download your presentation logo

Once you're done customizing, you can download your presentation logo - you'll get access to all the logo files you need, instantly

What elements make a beautiful presentation logo?

It's easy to create a presentation logo with BrandCrowd's logo maker - but making sure you get these design elements right will ensure your logo is perfect. Your presentation logo should represent your brand, help people remember you and provide insight into your services. Choosing the right colors, layout, fonts and shapes are key to making sure your presentation logo rises above competitors.


There's an array of different logo types to choose from. Does your presentation logo need an icon or just text? Should it have a combination of both? Find out more

Logo colors

Want to convey trustworthiness? Want to appear fun and outgoing? Choosing the right colors for your presentation logo makes all the difference. Find out more

In the same way colors can convey meaning, so too can fonts and typography. Need a serious presentation logo or maybe something more gentle? Make sure to choose your fonts wisely. Find out more

Frequently asked questions

Creating that perfect presentation logo with BrandCrowd is easy - but just in case, here's some FAQs to help you get started.

What is the BrandCrowd presentation logo maker?

Do i get a transparent version of my presentation logo, what layout works best for presentation logos, what text should i choose for my presentation logo, how do i find the right presentation logo, how do i add a tagline to my presentation logo, can i download my presentation logo instantly, do i get my presentation logo in vector format.

Création de logo et branding - Le blog officiel Turbologo

Besoin d'un logo? 🎨 Créez votre identité d'entreprise

Accueil / Blog / L’avenir du branding et de la création de logos d’entreprise est là : présentation des outils d’IA de Turbologo

L’avenir du branding et de la création de logos d’entreprise est là : présentation des outils d’IA de Turbologo


De plus en plus d’organisations commerciales trouvent leur chemin sur l’internet. Dans ce domaine, les véritables représentants officiels sont remplacés par une petite image visuellement attrayante mais d’une grande importance. Nous parlons ici d’un logo unique. Pour créer quelque chose qui mérite votre temps et vos efforts, vous pouvez faire appel à des concepteurs humains. Toutefois, un service rendu par un designer professionnel peut s’avérer coûteux. Alors, prenez une autre option et utilisez un générateur de logo AI des outils Turbologo pour créer des logos qui laisseront facilement une impression durable sur vous.

Créez votre propre logo avec le créateur de logo Turbologo. Cela prend moins de 5 minutes et aucune compétence en conception n’est requise.

En quoi la création de logo avec Turbologo est-elle différente des créateurs de logo d’IA ?

Les créateurs de logos gagnent en popularité grâce à la liste des options qu’ils offrent, et Turbologo est l’un des meilleurs dans ce domaine. Un créateur de logo comme Turbologo facilite le processus de création de logo personnalisé. Son travail est basé sur l’utilisation de la technologie de l’intelligence artificielle. Les algorithmes d’IA aident à générer des fichiers de logo sans exiger de compétences en matière de conception de la part des utilisateurs.

Quels sont les outils d’IA de Turbologo ?

Turbologo est un outil d’IA rentable et convivial qui participe à la création non seulement d’un logo, mais aussi de l’identité de votre marque. Avec son aide, les grandes entreprises, comme les petites, peuvent créer des logos personnalisés uniques en quelques minutes.

Comment cela fonctionne-t-il ?

Pour commencer le processus de conception, vous devez entrer le nom de votre entreprise et votre secteur d’activité. Si vous avez un slogan, c’est le moment de l’indiquer. Si ce n’est pas le cas, sautez cette étape. Ensuite, vous choisissez les outils de personnalisation qui vous aideront à créer un logo professionnel.

Avantages de l’utilisation d’outils de conception de logos alimentés par l’IA

Des logos d’aspect professionnel améliorent la perception de votre marque. Les conceptions de logo créées avec l’aide de générateurs de logo à base d’IA :

  • produisent une représentation adéquate de votre conception pilotée par l’IA, évitant ainsi aux clients potentiels d’être désillusionnés ;
  • Créez des documents basés sur des logos pour faire une bonne première impression ;
  • Donner accès à une infinité d’idées de logos ;
  • Former l’identité de la marque ;
  • Accroître la fidélité du public en constituant un kit de marque complet.

Principales caractéristiques de la conception

Le travail sur la plateforme est bien organisé et les caractéristiques suivantes en facilitent l’utilisation.

  • Interface intuitive et conviviale . La possibilité de se perdre dans le processus de conception de logo est minime car les suggestions de conception pilotées par l’IA vous guident et vous aident à élaborer une solution de marque complète pour vos kits de marque.
  • Vaste bibliothèque d’éléments de conception et de modèles . Après avoir saisi le nom de l’entreprise et le secteur d’activité, vous avez accès à un ensemble de modèles préfabriqués. Choisir un modèle que vous préférez personnellement rendra votre logo AL unique.
  • Options de personnalisation pour les couleurs, les polices et les mises en page . Le générateur de logo offre une large gamme de styles de conception de logo, de polices, d’icônes et de palettes de couleurs différentes, ce qui vous permet d’obtenir des logos avec des arrière-plans transparents et colorés. Vos modifications de conception peuvent affecter les polices de texte, la présentation du logo, le style et d’autres éléments graphiques. Toutes les options de personnalisation sont conçues pour former un ensemble de marques pour votre entreprise.
  • Prévisualisation en temps réel des maquettes et possibilités d’édition . La possibilité d’un contrôle en temps réel pendant l’étape de prévisualisation du processus de création de logo est une option très nécessaire. Elle vous permet d’apporter des modifications opportunes à votre logo en ligne. Vous verrez des images réalistes de la façon dont vos logos AI seront perçus visuellement, et vous pourrez décider si cette variante vous convient ou si elle doit être supprimée de votre futur kit de stratégie de marque.

Démarrer avec le générateur de logo AI Turbologo


Lorsque vous avez finalement décidé d’utiliser Turbologo pour concevoir des logos pour votre entreprise, gardez les idées suivantes à l’esprit.

  • Comment accéder à la plateforme et l’utiliser . Votre première étape sur la plateforme AI maker consiste à créer un compte gratuit. Il vous sera demandé d’indiquer le nom de votre entreprise, son secteur d’activité et un slogan. En utilisant l’interface intuitive, vous arrivez à l’étape de personnalisation du logo. Choisissez la palette de couleurs et un modèle d’icône. Il peut y avoir jusqu’à cinq variantes. Une fois la personnalisation des logos terminée, il vous sera demandé quels supports de marque vous souhaitez créer. Il peut s’agir non seulement d’un logo instantané, mais aussi d’une carte de visite, d’un papier à en-tête, d’une couverture YouTube, d’une couverture Facebook et d’autres supports de marque. Suivez les instructions du générateur de logo AI.
  • Prix et options d’abonnement . Le produit fini de votre processus de création de logo peut être téléchargé dans différents formats. Pour obtenir un logo en haute résolution aux formats SVG et PNG , vous devez acheter une formule Standard ou Business. Vous êtes libre de créer autant de fichiers de logo que vous le souhaitez. Après avoir souscrit un abonnement à un tarif approprié, vous pouvez apporter autant de modifications à votre logo que vous le souhaitez pendant une période donnée, allant de trois à douze mois.
  • Assistance à la clientèle et ressources . Vous bénéficiez de l’intégralité des droits d’auteur et d’une assistance gratuite en direct de la part de l’équipe d’assistance technique. Il vous suffit de leur envoyer un message dans un chat en ligne. Vous ne serez pas laissé seul et obtiendrez une réponse immédiate.

Options supplémentaires pour l’identité de marque

Cette solution est meilleure que celle d’un graphiste personnel, car elle permet de créer non seulement des fichiers de logo simples, mais aussi un kit de logo AI avancé qui est essentiel pour développer l’identité d’une marque. Il comprend des supports numériques et imprimés tels que des cartes de visite, des kits de médias sociaux, des marchandises, des favicons, des applications mobiles et d’autres options de logo importantes pour votre entreprise. Les technologies d’IA pour la conception de logos vous permettent de ne rien oublier.

Comme vous l’avez peut-être déjà compris, l’utilisation de créateurs de logos par IA et de générateurs de logos comme Turbologo est préférable à la création de logos par vous-même ou à l’embauche d’un graphiste. Pour ceux qui sont loin de la sphère du design, c’est un processus bénéfique, stimulant et avantageux. De plus, si vous avez besoin de faire quelques changements ou de peaufiner votre logo, vous pouvez le faire à prix libre. Si les couleurs de votre marque changent ou si d’autres éléments de conception sont nécessaires, vous pouvez le personnaliser à nouveau. Vous serez ravi de travailler avec les vastes options de personnalisation. Essayez et voyez par vous-même tous les outils alimentés par l’IA. Sentez l’éthique de votre marque se concrétiser dans les supports marketing, et nous sommes sûrs que vous apprécierez les changements.

presentation du logo

I’m a product and graphic designer with 10-years background. Writing about branding, logo creation and business.

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Décryptage Le 9 juin 2024, les électeurs français désigneront leurs eurodéputés au Parlement européen. Retrouvez les 38 listes officiellement déclarées.

Le nom des candidats français aux élections européennes du 9 juin est désormais connu. Après avoir annoncé la validation de 37 listes concurrentes le 17 mai, le ministère de l’intérieur a publié un arrêté rectificatif le 23 mai pour y ajouter une 38 e liste. Un record, après les 34 listes de 2019, qui s’explique par les critères peu contraignants pour déposer une liste.

Pour les grands partis, les têtes de liste sont le plus souvent des eurodéputés sortants, comme Valérie Hayer (Renaissance), François-Xavier Bellamy (Les Républicains), Jordan Bardella (Rassemblement national), Raphaël Glucksmann (Parti socialiste-Place publique), Manon Aubry (La France insoumise) ou Marie Toussaint (Les Ecologistes).

Ce tableau présente les principales têtes de liste déclarées.

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  1. Logo Concept Presentation Template

    presentation du logo

  2. Présentation du logo. Comment présenter un logo

    presentation du logo

  3. How To Present Logo Concepts: 2024 Step-By-Step Guide

    presentation du logo

  4. Presentación del logotipo. Cómo presentar un logotipo

    presentation du logo

  5. Logo Concept Presentation Template

    presentation du logo

  6. Logo Presentation. How to Present a Logo

    presentation du logo




  3. Le Jeu du Logo et des marques

  4. VIDEO FDI son final

  5. Nouvelle identité visuelle pour la CCPMF



  1. How to do a great logo presentation for your clients

    To create an engaging logo presentation, focus on storytelling and visuals. Walk the client through your creative process, highlighting the key stages of research, concept development, and refinement. Use compelling visuals, such as mood boards, sketches, and mockups, to keep the audience engaged.

  2. Présentation du logo. Comment présenter un logo

    Comment présenter un logo. Présentation du logo. Comment présenter un logo. Créez votre propre logo avec le créateur de logo Turbologo. Cela prend moins de 5 minutes et aucune compétence en conception n'est requise. Lorsque vous avez enfin obtenu ce que vous cherchiez, vous voulez le montrer.

  3. How to Present a Logo to Clients in 6 Steps (Tips from Experts)

    1. Start with the logo design brief. The success of your logo presentation to a client starts long before you sit down to present your logo. The real secret of how to present a logo begins in your initial meetings with clients when you send a proposal and agree on a creative brief. Sponsored Become a sponsor.

  4. How to Create and Deliver a Logo Presentation

    1. Logo Presentation PowerPoint Template. An all-in-one solution that lists the tools required to create a captivating logo presentation. In a clear timeline format, this logo presentation deck can help us structure the story that backs up the logo creation process - ideal for those who prefer to omit hand-drawn illustrations and stick to the final digital files.

  5. How To Present Logo Concepts: 2024 Step-By-Step Guide

    Create a new board to display your concepts. Drag a board out from the toolbar. Give it a name, then double click to open it. Drag files from your computer. Click the "Upload" button or just drag a file onto your board. You can add images, logos, documents, videos, audio and much more. 2.

  6. Modèle de présentation de logo gratuit

    À propos du modèle de Présentation de logo. Ce modèle de Présentation de logo vous aide à créer le contexte parfait pour vos idées de logo et à leur constituer un contexte attrayant. Vous pouvez l'utiliser pour créer une présentation à la destination de votre clientèle, de vos collègues, de votre personnel ou de vos partenaires.

  7. How To Present Logo Design Projects

    1. Prepare your client. First, before you show any of you logo work, you need to prepare your client for what's coming. You must put your client in the right state of mind before you show them anything. I like to remind my client about two things: what a logo is and what makes a good logo.

  8. Free Logo Presentation Template

    Step 2. Choose this template and start customizing it. Add your branding, copy, and visuals. Show your logo in different sizes and on white and dark backgrounds. At this step, you can invite your colleagues to collaborate and share their thoughts on how formal or informal the presentation should be or how many slides to include. Step 3.

  9. The ultimate guide to logo design

    The ultimate guide to logo design. Logo design is a pivotal component in the construction of a brand's identity. It serves as the visual cornerstone of a brand, embodying the company's mission, values, and unique selling propositions. The power of a well-designed logo lies not just in its aesthetic appeal, but also in its ability to communicate ...

  10. 10 Examples of a Professional Logo Presentation

    Here are some of the best examples that can make an impact on your workflow. 1. Blurred Background Image Logo Presentation. Here is one of the most straightforward ways to present your logo. Find an image that is related to your logo in some way. It could be a similar design idea, complementing shapes, or colors.

  11. Comment présenter votre nouveau logo

    Il y a différentes façons de procéder, mais voici quelques astuces pour vous aider lors de ce processus de création. Analysez les valeurs actuelles de votre entreprise. Analysez votre clientèle cible et ses besoins. Gardez une ligne directrice avec votre ancienne image de marque (couleurs, formes, polices, atmosphère, etc.)

  12. 5 conseils pour bien présenter les designs de son logo au client

    1. Il ne suffit pas de bien faire son travail. Il faut aussi savoir le vendre. Cela représente 50% du succès. Présenter un logo est une science, pas un art. Et une science qui relève souvent ...

  13. Logo Design Presentation

    Whether you're a designer or creative director, follow this step-by-step guide to learn the modern process of sharing logo concepts with your team or client in Milanote, a free tool used by top creatives. 1. Start with an empty template. The Logo Design Presentation template contains beautifully composed placeholders for images, video, notes ...

  14. How To Structure Your Logo Presentation

    Here Are The Few Tips On How To Structure Your Logo Presentation. 01. Explain The Story Behind Your Logo. Logos are designed after analyzing the brand thoroughly. The main objective is to give a visual identity to the brand and communicate the brand's message effectively. Therefore, before starting with your logo presentation using ...

  15. Introduction to Logo Design: From Brief to Final Presentation

    In this online course, he walks you through all the steps so that you can create a striking and powerful logo of your own for a brand or company. Throughout the course, learn to strategically develop your design starting from the client brief and analysis, moving on to some conceptualization tools and your first sketches, and finishing up with ...

  16. Création de logo gratuit en ligne, simple et rapide

    Le générateur de logos gratuits de Canva offre tous les ingrédients dont vous avez besoin pour créer un logo gratuitement téléchargeable, rapidement et facilement. De plus, avec Canva, pas de mauvaise surprise, vous pourrez télécharger votre logo en qualité HD gratuitement. Découvrez la création de logos en ligne 100 % gratuite !

  17. Logo Presentation Template

    Share this logo presentation template with your students and online audience to explain why the logo is important, how to design a perfect logo, etc. or customize the design to suit another purpose. Change colors, fonts and more to fit your branding. Access free, built-in design assets or upload your own.

  18. Logo Presentation Projects :: Photos, videos, logos ...

    Oleksii Slabun. 165 1.5k. Winfinity Logo Presentation. Multiple Owners. 17 234. Monkacode ™ Logo Design / App Logo Design. Snehashis Paul. 107 736. Behance is the world's largest creative network for showcasing and discovering creative work.

  19. Free Presentation Logo Ideas, Design & Templates

    Browse our collection of presentation logo ideas and templates. Make a free presentation logo with our Logomaker. View presentation logo designs. Or get professional design help. Create your brand with Vistaprint.

  20. Comment présenter ses projets à ses clients? (Logo, identité,...)

    Savoir présenter son logo ou son identité graphique à son client est quelque chose de super important qui ne faut pas prendre à la légère ! Du coup aujourd'h...

  21. Presentation Logos

    BrandCrowd's presentation logo maker allows you to generate and customize stand-out presentation logos in minutes. BrandCrowd gives you access to a professional library of thousands of customizable presentation logo designs - making creating your presentation logo inexpensive and straightforward. Our logos, created by designers around the globe ...

  22. Logo Maker

    Easy to create and customize. Beautifully designed templates. Millions of photos, icons and illustrations. Easily download or share. Designing a logo doesn't have to be daunting. Canva's logo maker provides all of the ingredients you need to create a custom logo, fast - and free. Learn how to design a logo online with ease.

  23. Animation logo gratuit en ligne

    Utilise l'outil d'animation de logo de Renderforest pour transformer ton logo en un chef-d'œuvre animé captivant qui attire l'attention et engage ton public. Il te suffit de télécharger ton logo dans notre outil d'animation, et de laisser la magie opérer. Explore une vaste sélection de modèles personnalisables spécialement conçus pour ...

  24. L'avenir du branding et de la création de logos d ...

    Suivez les instructions du générateur de logo AI. Prix et options d'abonnement. Le produit fini de votre processus de création de logo peut être téléchargé dans différents formats. Pour obtenir un logo en haute résolution aux formats SVG et PNG, vous devez acheter une formule Standard ou Business. Vous êtes libre de créer autant de ...

  25. Asus Finally Shares a Proper Look at ROG Ally X, Its Next ...

    After making a somewhat anti-climatic tease last month, Asus has properly revealed the ROG Ally X, its next handheld gaming PC with better battery life, more storage, and a black color variant.

  26. Qui sont les candidats aux élections européennes de 2024

    les vignettes pour en savoir plus sur les candidats et les membres de leur liste. Pierre Breteau. Romain Geoffroy. Romain Imbach. Manon Romain. Maxime Ferrer. Maxime Vaudano. Le 9 juin 2024, les ...