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The Indian Resume Format: A Short Guide to How to Write a Resume in India (+Example)

  • Kaja Jurcisinova , 
  • Updated April 13, 2023 7 min read

It's an exciting time to be looking for a job in India, as the country is set to become the third-largest GDP growth engine for the planet by 2030. But landing your dream job there starts with knowing the Indian resume format by heart.

Did you know that the Indian resume format has some unique features that set it apart from its Western counterparts?

Tailored specifically to appeal to Indian employers, this format highlights your skills and qualifications while placing a strong emphasis on academic achievements, technical skills, personal details, and in some cases, even family background . 

As a resume builder that’s helped over 2.5 million people create their resumes, many of them coming from India, we’re here to share our expertise and guide you through the ins and outs of the Indian resume format.

In this short guide, we’ll walk you through the essential components of an Indian resume, share some design and formatting tips, and provide a list of dos and don’ts to help you create a resume that gets noticed by Indian hiring managers. We'll also show you an Indian resume sample from a real person who got hired.

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Understanding the Indian resume format

Indian resume format sample, main sections of the indian resume format, final tips for the indian resume format.

While in many aspects, the Indian resume format mirrors resumes from the rest of the world, there are some significant differences.

Generally speaking, the Indian resume format places greater emphasis on personal details, educational qualifications, and technical skills.  

While some aspects of the format may be considered unconventional by Western standards, they serve to showcase the unique strengths of Indian professionals. 

What are the key differences between Indian and Western resume formats? 

  • Indian resumes can be a bit longer. In the Western parts of the world, the length of your resume is ideally one or two pages. Yet, in India, recruiters and hiring managers often accept resumes as long as three pages. So don't hesitate to include more information on your resume that you'd, for example, in the U.S. 
  • Resume formats are often detailed and elaborated. Compared to Western countries, in India, you can get away with relatively extravagant or creative resume designs . Indian resumes may use more decorative elements, including borders, colors, and different fonts. Western resumes, especially in the US, tend to have a more minimalist and clean design, with limited use of colors and a focus on readability. 
  • More personal details. While Western resumes typically only include the candidate's name, email address, and phone number, Indian resumes often include additional information like date of birth, gender, marital status, religion , and sometimes even the names of the parents . That's because Indian recruiters may be interested in the candidate's family background. However, you should only share what you feel comfortable with.
  • Objective statement. Indian resumes often begin with an objective statement that outlines the candidate's career goals and aspirations. Western resumes, on the other hand, tend to replace the objective statement with a professional summary that highlights the candidate's key strengths and accomplishments.
  • Emphasis on academic qualifications and achievements . While Western resumes generally focus more on skills and work experience, the Indian resume format places significant emphasis on educational qualifications by providing detailed information about grades, ranks, and distinctions.
  • Technical skills and certifications. Indian resumes put an emphasis on certifications and a wide range of technical skills. These are typically listed in a separate section before the work experience section and are clearly divided by areas of expertise. Western resumes, on the other hand, tend to integrate technical skills within the work experience section or list them in a separate skills section without emphasizing certifications as much.

Now that you know the key differences between Indian and Western resumes, let's have a look at a real resume sample from an Indian job seeker. 

So, what does an Indian resume look like?

Take a look at the Indian resume example below. It comes from a real person who got hired as a Junior Business Analyst at American Express.

See how “Corey Graves” emphasized his academic achievements, including earned grades, even though he already has professional experience. 

He also cleverly opened his resume with a resume objective and used bullet points to structure his text. Thanks to that, his resume is extremely easy to read.

Junior Business Analyst Resume Example

This resume sample was contributed by a real person who got hired with Kickresume’s help.

Which resume sections are a must in your Indian resume, then?

Generally speaking, the Indian resume format follows all the established practices of good resume writing, such as being concise, relevant, and customized for each specific job position. 

Yet, as stated above, there are a few formatting differences compared to American or European resumes. 

To avoid making any mistakes, take a look at the essential sections that you should include in your Indian resume (and what to write there): 

1. Personal information

First of all, just like any other resume in any country around the world, an Indian resume should always include:

  • candidate’s name
  • email address
  • phone number
  • address (especially if you live close to the job you're applying for , be it your home address, student accommodation , or university)

In India, including personal details, like your gender, nationality, or religion, can help a prospective employer get a better mental picture of you as a candidate.

Because of that, on your Indian resume, you can also: 

  • Include more personal details than in most other countries. Information such as age, gender, marital status , and nationality are acceptable. 
  • List your religion, race, or caste if it helps your candidacy (according to the Indian resume writing service Vibranturre ).
  • End the resume with a self-declaration and signature . Something like the following line will suffice, followed by your signature, date, and place: Declaration: The information stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief.

However, only include personal details that will help you score the job.

2. Resume objective

While in the Western world, resume summary has slowly but surely replaced the resume objective, in India, it's more common to see an objective statement at the beginning of resumes. 

What's the difference between the two? 

  • A resume summary is a brief statement at the beginning of your resume that highlights relevant skills, experience, and accomplishments. It allows recruiters to see the highlights of your professional career.
  • The resume objective outlines your career goals and aspirations, providing the recruiter with a clear understanding of what you're looking for in a job and where you want to head in the future. In other words, it's future rather than past-oriented. 

The best thing you can do is to go with the one that recruiters are the most familiar with in your country. And when it comes to India, a resume objective is still more popular .

Here's an example:

Highly skilled IT professional with 5 years of experience, seeking a Software Engineer role to leverage diverse programming expertise and contribute to company growth. Eager to embrace new technologies, collaborate with a dynamic team, and drive innovative solutions for client success.

Still, if you choose to instead go with a resume summary, you probably won't make a mistake. 

3. Work experience 

The work experience section is pretty standard, and even in India, you should follow the general rules that are also applicable in Western countries. 

You should:

  • Choose the reverse-chronological resume format , as it's the most common resume format in India. Place the most recent relevant work experience first and work backward through your previous roles.
  • For each of your past work experiences, write the name of the position, the name of the company, the location, and start and end dates .
  • Use bullet points to structure the work section and make it easy to filter through.
  • Quantify your accomplishments. When you use numerical data to support your previous achievements , you come across as professional and trustworthy.
  • Select only those experiences that are relevant to the position that you’re applying for. 

4. Education

Even if you're a skilled professional with years of experience in the field, unlike in the Western world, education carries larger importance on your resume in India. 

So, how should you go around it, and what should you include? 

  • Just like your experience, list your educational achievements in the reverse-chronological order with the most recent qualification first. 
  • Include essential details such as the name of the institution, the degree obtained, and the year of completion .
  • Plus, Indian resumes may also include more details about your academic achievements, such as marks or grades, certificates, ranks, and distinctions. 

First of all, let’s define what resume skills we recognize. Generally speaking, there are two types of skills: 

  • Hard skills (also known as technical skills ) are those that are specific, measurable, and teachable abilities, such as programming, data analysis , or project management .
  • Soft skills refer to personal qualities that are hard to learn, such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and time management , which are often harder to quantify.

In the Western resume format, the skills section is often one of the smaller sections on the resume, as job applicants include a lot of the skills directly in their work experience.

However, in India, the “Skills” section tends to take up more space. Especially hard (or technical skills) are a must on the Indian resume, and they’re valued more than soft ones. Thus, make sure that you dedicate a separate section to your technical skills and properly highlight them in your text. 

6. Other resume sections

Apart from the essential resume sections, there are also other additional sections that you can include on your resume:

  • Certificates . If you have relevant certificates, put them in a separate section called “Certificates” or “Courses.” In India, they're valued a lot. 
  • References. Indian resumes often include a list of references or a statement indicating that references are available upon request. While you don't have to put them on your resume, if you have an extra space in your resume, filling it with a reference creates a sense of professionalism and dependability.
  • Volunteering. If you’ve ever done any volunteer work , don’t be shy to put it on your resume. It’s always a plus. Volunteering shows you’re a proactive, motivated, and socially conscious candidate who’s not afraid to take the initiative when it’s needed.
  • Languages. With India being a giant, multicultural, and multilingual country, the languages that you can speak make a genuine difference. However, include only those languages that you’re fluent in . If you took a German class in high school years ago, it doesn’t really count as an asset.

Applying for a job in India?

Stand out with a resume that catches the eye.

  • Consider including a photo. As opposed to resumes in the USA and the UK, the Indian resume format typically encourages a photo of a candidate. And while the resume picture isn't mandatory, it can often add a much-needed layer of authenticity and professionalism to your resume. Just any photo won't do it, though. The photo on the Indian resume needs to be a professional passport-sized picture of your face. 
  • Stay relevant, be selective, and avoid mentioning unrelated facts . Many of the things people customarily put on their resumes (in India but also everywhere else) are often completely irrelevant to potential employers. Remove any information that won’t help an employer decide whether you'll fit for this specific position.
  • Don’t get too personal or negative. Never mention your weaknesses, past failures, reasons for leaving your previous job, expected salary, and the like. Also, don’t include your father’s or mother’s occupations.
  • Be honest. Aim to show yourself in the best possible light but never lie on your resume. If you get hired, your employers will quickly find out, and you’ll end up damaging your reputation.
  • If needed, print your resume. Even though most applications nowadays are digital, some companies may still require a printed resume. If this is your case, when it comes to printing, the Indian resume format uses white A4 size sheets of paper . Print only on one side of the paper, and never fold your resume.
  • Only include your current address. Many people in India include both their permanent and current mailing addresses. But this practice can only confuse a potential employer.
  • Email address. When it comes to the email address from which you're sending your resume, make sure it doesn't sound childish or unprofessional. When in doubt, get an email address in the " name.surname@hosting " format.
Kaja Jurcisinova is a junior copywriter at Kickresume. Kaja completed her undergraduate degree in Art History at the University of St Andrews in 2018 and graduated with a Master’s in Arts and Culture from the University of Groningen in 2021. She was an intern at multiple cultural institutions across Europe, including the Dutch Museum Association in Amsterdam, the Matter of Art Biennale in Prague, and the European Cultural Centre in Venice. At the moment, she resides in Visby on the Swedish island of Gotland.

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The Best Indian Resume Format: Your Guide to Crafting a Winning Resume

Indian Resume Format

A well-crafted resume is your passport to a successful career, and in India, where the job market is highly competitive, having the right resume format is crucial. Your resume is often your first introduction to potential employers, and it should make a strong, positive impression. In this detailed blog, we'll explore the best resume format for Indian job seekers, providing you with a guide and over 10 examples to help you create a resume that stands out.

The Importance of a Strong Resume

A resume serves as your professional summary, showcasing your skills, experiences, and qualifications to potential employers. In a highly competitive job market like India, your resume can be the key to securing interviews and job offers. The right resume format not only highlights your strengths but also presents your information in a clear, organized, and compelling manner.

Key Elements of an Effective Indian Resume

Before we dive into the best resume format, let's discuss the key elements that every effective Indian resume should include:

  • Contact Information: Include your full name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile (if applicable).
  • Resume Summary or Objective: A brief statement at the beginning that highlights your career goals and what you bring to the table.
  • Professional Experience: List your work experience in reverse chronological order (most recent job first), including your job title, company name, location, and dates of employment. Provide detailed descriptions of your responsibilities and achievements for each role.
  • Educational Qualifications: Mention your degrees, institutions, graduation dates, and any relevant certifications or courses.
  • Skills: Highlight your key skills and technical proficiencies that are relevant to the job you're applying for.
  • Projects: Include any significant projects, internships, or freelance work that showcases your skills and experience.
  • Awards and Achievements: If you've received any awards or accolades, share them on your resume.
  • Certifications: Mention any relevant certifications or courses that enhance your qualifications.

The Best Indian Resume Format

The best resume format for Indian job seekers is a chronological resume format. This format allows you to showcase your work experience, skills, and qualifications in a clear and organized manner. Here's a step-by-step guide to creating an effective Indian resume:

1. Contact Information:

  • Include your full name, phone number, and professional email address.
  • If applicable, provide a link to your LinkedIn profile.
  • Omit personal details like your date of birth, gender, or marital status, as these are no longer considered necessary.

2. Resume Summary or Objective:

  • Write a concise and impactful summary or objective statement that highlights your career goals and the value you bring to potential employers.
  • Tailor this section to match the job you're applying for.

3. Professional Experience:

  • List your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent job.
  • For each job, include the job title, company name, location, and dates of employment.
  • Provide detailed descriptions of your responsibilities and accomplishments, emphasizing results and achievements.
  • Use action verbs and quantifiable data to demonstrate your contributions.

4. Educational Qualifications:

  • List your degrees, starting with the most recent.
  • Include the name of the institution, location, graduation date, and any relevant honors or awards.
  • Mention any relevant certifications or courses in this section.
  • Highlight your technical and soft skills that are relevant to the job.
  • Use a bullet-point format for easy readability.

6. Projects:

  • Describe any significant projects, internships, or freelance work that demonstrates your skills and expertise.
  • Include the project name, your role, the date, and a brief description.

7. Awards and Achievements:

  • If you've received any awards or recognition, create a section to highlight them.
  • Include the name of the award, the granting organization, and the date.

8. Certifications:

  • Mention any relevant certifications, courses, or training that add value to your qualifications.
  • Include the name of the certification, issuing institution, and date of completion.

Resume Examples

Here are some examples of an effective Indian resume:

Sample Resume for Experienced Professionals

[Your Name]

[Address Line 1]

[Address Line 2]

[City, State, ZIP Code]

[Phone Number]

[Email Address]

Accomplished marketing manager with over 10 years of experience in brand management and digital marketing. Seeking a senior-level role in a dynamic organization to leverage my expertise and drive innovative marketing strategies for business growth.

Professional Summary:

Proven track record of leading high-impact marketing campaigns, increasing brand visibility, and driving revenue growth. Adept at building and managing cross-functional teams, implementing data-driven marketing strategies, and optimizing customer experiences.

Professional Experience:

Director of Marketing

XYZ Company, Anytown, USA

June 2016 - Present

  • Developed and executed comprehensive marketing strategies, resulting in a 30% increase in annual revenue over the past three years.
  • Led a team of 15 marketing professionals, overseeing all aspects of digital marketing, content creation, social media, and public relations.
  • Successfully launched new product lines, including a 25% market share increase within the first year of introduction.
  • Implemented marketing automation and CRM systems, resulting in a 40% improvement in lead conversion rates.
  • Built strong partnerships with key stakeholders, including agencies and media outlets, to drive brand awareness and reach.

Senior Marketing Manager

ABC Corporation, Anytown, USA

January 2012 - May 2016

  • Spearheaded digital marketing initiatives, driving a 50% increase in website traffic and a 20% growth in social media engagement.
  • Managed a team of 7 marketing professionals and collaborated with the sales department to improve lead generation processes.
  • Conducted market research and analysis to identify trends and consumer behavior, leading to the development of successful targeted campaigns.
  • Oversaw the rebranding efforts, resulting in a 15% increase in brand perception and recognition.

Marketing Manager

DEF Inc., Anytown, USA

August 2008 - December 2011

  • Developed and executed marketing plans, advertising strategies, and product launches.
  • Managed a budget of $2 million and optimized advertising spend for maximum ROI.
  • Collaborated with the product development team to bring three new product lines to market.
  • Led a customer insights project, resulting in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Master of Business Administration (MBA)

University Name, Anytown, USA

Graduated: May 2008

Bachelor of Science in Marketing

Graduated: May 2006

  • Marketing Strategy
  • Digital Marketing
  • Brand Management
  • Team Leadership
  • Data Analytics
  • Market Research
  • Product Launch
  • Marketing Automation
  • CRM Systems
  • Budget Management


  • Certified Digital Marketing Professional, [Certifying Body], [Year]
  • Project Management Professional (PMP), [Certifying Body], [Year]

Professional Affiliations:

  • Member, American Marketing Association
  • Member, Digital Marketing Institute


Available upon request.

Entry-Level Resume Example

Recent graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science seeking an entry-level software developer position to apply my academic knowledge and passion for coding to real-world projects and contribute to a dynamic team.

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science

University Name, City, State

Month Year - Month Year

Relevant Courses:

  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Web Development
  • Database Management
  • Software Engineering

Academic Projects:

1. Online Bookstore Website

  • Developed a responsive e-commerce website for selling books using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
  • Designed a user-friendly interface, implemented a product catalog, and integrated a shopping cart system.
  • Utilized AJAX for dynamic content loading and data retrieval.

2. Student Record Management System

  • Collaborated with a team to create a Java-based application for managing student records and course registration.
  • Designed a user-friendly GUI, implemented data validation, and integrated a database for data storage.

3. Personal Portfolio Website

  • Created a personal website using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to showcase academic projects and skills.
  • Implemented animations and responsive design to enhance user experience.
  • Programming Languages: Java, JavaScript, HTML, CSS
  • Version Control: Git
  • Database Management: MySQL
  • Web Development: Responsive design, AJAX
  • Problem-Solving and Debugging
  • [Relevant Certification], [Certifying Body], [Year]


Software Development Intern

ABC Tech Solutions, City, State

  • Assisted in software development projects, including coding, testing, and debugging.
  • Collaborated with senior developers on implementing new features and resolving software issues.
  • Gained hands-on experience with Java, JavaScript, and database management.

Technical Support Intern

DEF IT Services, City, State

  • Provided technical support to end-users, including troubleshooting software and hardware issues.
  • Assisted in maintaining and updating company websites and internal databases.
  • Improved communication and problem-solving skills in a fast-paced environment.

Extracurricular Activities:

  • Member, University Coding Club
  • Volunteer, Local Codeathon Competition

Engineering Resume Sample

Experienced mechanical engineer with a strong track record in product design and development. Seeking a senior engineering position in a dynamic organization to leverage my expertise in engineering solutions and contribute to innovative projects.

Results-oriented mechanical engineer with 10 years of experience in the design and development of mechanical systems and products. Proficient in CAD software, project management, and quality control. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills, with a proven ability to lead cross-functional teams.

Senior Mechanical Engineer

XYZ Engineering Solutions, City, State

Month Year - Present

  • Lead the design and development of cutting-edge products, collaborating with cross-functional teams, from concept to manufacturing.
  • Implemented CAD design techniques, resulting in a 20% reduction in design cycle time and a 15% increase in product efficiency.
  • Managed a team of 5 engineers, overseeing project timelines, budgets, and quality control.
  • Conducted feasibility studies, risk assessments, and provided technical guidance for design improvements.

Mechanical Engineer

ABC Manufacturing Company, City, State

  • Designed and optimized mechanical components and systems for industrial machinery, contributing to a 10% increase in machine performance.
  • Conducted structural analysis and simulations to ensure product safety and reliability.
  • Collaborated with suppliers and vendors to source materials and components, resulting in a 5% reduction in production costs.
  • Assisted in troubleshooting and resolving technical issues on the manufacturing floor.

Project Engineer

DEF Engineering Consultants, City, State

  • Managed engineering projects, ensuring adherence to design specifications, budgets, and deadlines.
  • Conducted site inspections, quality control, and compliance assessments for construction projects.
  • Prepared technical reports, documentation, and presented project progress to clients.
  • Assisted in the development of engineering proposals and participated in client meetings.

Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering

Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering

  • Mechanical Design: CAD (AutoCAD, SolidWorks), Finite Element Analysis (FEA)
  • Project Management
  • Quality Control and Assurance
  • Technical Analysis and Simulation
  • Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting
  • Cross-Functional Team Leadership
  • Supplier and Vendor Management
  • Root Cause Analysis
  • Professional Engineer (PE) License, [Licensing Body], [Year]

Professional Memberships:

  • Member, American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME)
  • Member, Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE)

MBA Resume Example

Customizing your resume.

It's essential to customize your resume for each job application. Tailor your resume to match the job description, emphasizing the skills and experiences that align with the specific role. Make sure your resume is error-free, easy to read, and well-organized. Additionally, consider using a professional and visually appealing resume template.

A strong resume is your first step toward a successful career in India's competitive job market. By following the best Indian resume format and including all the essential elements, you can create a resume that effectively showcases your skills, experiences, and qualifications. Remember to customize your resume for each job application and maintain professionalism throughout the document. With the right resume in hand, you'll be well-prepared to impress potential employers and advance in your career.

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Like any other resume, an Indian resume is an official document that summarizes and showcases a candidate’s career trajectory for securing jobs.

It presents the applicant’s skills, experiences, and educational background to potential employers so that they can determine the job seeker’s suitability for the vacancy.

Since it acts as the first impression of the candidate, it needs to be well structured and must highlight their strengths so as to stand out from other applicants and get shortlisted.

And given the fierce competition in the Indian job market with an 8.30% unemployment rate , your resume needs to meet its purpose for getting shortlisted.

While there isn’t any significant difference between resumes from other countries and an Indian resume, the latter does typically include more personal details about the candidate like marital status, full address, age, and gender.

Read on to learn more about Indian resumes and get clarity on related FAQs like the following:

  • What does the Indian job market look like?
  • How do I write my Indian resume?
  • What is an Indian resume format?
  • What are the common mistakes to avoid while writing an Indian resume?
  • What are some good Indian resume samples?

Understanding the Indian Job Market

  • Understanding the Indian job market is an important step while creating your Indian resume as knowing your potential employers, expectations, and the latest job market trends can help you create a more effective resume.

Being one of the most dynamic and fastest-growing job markets in the world, the Indian job market is characterized by expanding economies, technologies, and a large pool of educated job seekers & professionals.

One of the significant differences between the Indian and Western job markets is the importance of networking and referrals.

Studies show that 70% of people in India find jobs through referrals and recommendations from friends and family members.

Another difference is the emphasis given to education and qualifications from renowned universities.

Thus, it can be gathered that your Indian resume must highlight referrals (if you have any), along with educational qualifications relevant work experience, and skills.

Also Read: How to find a job as a fresher in 2023?

How To Write an Indian Resume?

Given below are some tips that you can follow to create a job-winning Indian resume:

Analyze the Job Description

The job description provided in the listing you are targeting can provide you useful insights into the key requirements of the role.

Analyze it thoroughly and identify the strengths that you can highlight in your Indian resume.

As much as you’d want to send the same resume to multiple job listings, doing so will not land you desired shortlists.

But, when you tailor your Indian resume to showcase your potential to meet the specific requirements of the recruiters, your chance of getting interview callbacks will increase.

Format Your Indian Resume Well

The most commonly used resume format by Indian job seekers is the reverse chronological format.

This format presents your most recent work experience or educational qualification at the top, followed by the older ones.

Given that this format makes it easy for recruiters to scan your Indian resume and is also compatible with Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) that 75% of recruiters use to filter applicants, it is a good idea to follow this format.

Additionally, keep the following points in mind while formatting your Indian resume template:

  • Separate your information into distinct sections like key skills, summary, professional experience, educational background, and certifications
  • Keep a 1” margin on all sides
  • Use easy-to-read fonts like Arial, Calibri, and Times New Roman
  • Leave ample white space between resume sections to ensure that your Indian resume doesn’t look cluttered
  • Use bullets points, action verbs, and quantify achievements wherever possible
  • Unless you have 10+ years of experience, limit your resume to a page

Use Keywords

As stated earlier, majority of the recruiters use ATS software to filter resumes. To ensure that your Indian resume ranks high in the ATS, you must include keywords in your resume.

Research relevant industry-specific keywords and pick keywords from the job listing that you can use in your Indian resume.

For instance, if the listing includes time management skills as one of the key requirements for the role, you can mention them in your Indian resume if it stands true to you.

Write a Compelling Summary

Since the summary section is typically located at the top part of the resume, it's the first thing that most recruiters will read.

Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that your summary highlights the best of your strengths and achievements in terms of the job description.

Begin with the years of experience you have and go on to summarize your career trajectory in 2-3 lines at the most.

If you are a fresher with no experience, consider writing an objective statement expressing your enthusiasm for leveraging your knowledge for the company’s growth.

If you have relevant certifications or training related to the role, you can mention the same in your summary as it will help you grab the recruiters’ attention.

Indian resume summary sample

Also Read: How to write a killer resume in 2023?

Common Mistakes To Avoid While Writing an Indian Resume

It’s the little details that can make or break your Indian resume. Listed below are some common mistakes that you must avoid while writing an Indian resume:

  • Avoid writing generic resume headers like “CV” or “Resume” and write your full name as the header of your Indian resume.
  • Writing unprofessional email addresses like “cooldude(at)hotmail(dot)com” in your resume is an absolute no-no. 35% of recruiters consider it to be a dealbreaker.
  • Avoid writing in bulky paragraphs as it can make your resume look cluttered and boring. Stick to bullet points for a crisp look that enhances your resume’s readability.
  • Avoid using fonts with fancy characters and do not include graphs or illustrations in your resume as they can not be parsed by ATS.
  • 77% of recruiters cite typos and poor grammar as a reason for rejecting resumes. So, avoid grammatical errors and proofread your Indian resume before sending it.
Also Read: What are some mistakes that you must absolutely avoid during interviews?

Indian Resume Samples

For your reference, given below are some samples of Indian resumes:

Indian resume sample 1

Also Read: What is a good resume sample for students?

Key Takeaways

  • Analyze the job description thoroughly and identify your strengths that you can highlight in your Indian resume.
  • Use the reverse chronological format in your Indian resume and ensure that you use bullet points, action verbs, and quantified achievements wherever possible.
  • Write a compelling summary of 2-3 lines and include keywords in your Indian resume.
  • If you have referrals , highlight it in your resume and ensure that there are no typos or grammatical errors in your Indian resume.

If you want to create a job-winning Indian resume, use Hiration’s AI-powered Resume Builder which offers 24x7 chat support.

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Writing a great Indian resume: Tips, tricks, and more

When writing a resume, Indian job seekers must create a well-structured document that reflects their personal experiences and professional accolades. Unlike the succinct style favored in North American resumes and CVs, resumes in India often embrace a more detailed approach, reflecting subtle professional and cultural differences. If you’re searching for a specific job or are ready to take the next step in your career, this guide will help you wow hiring managers with a great Indian resume.

Indian resume format vs. North American resume format

The resume is a staple of hiring processes around the globe. However, much like the cover letter , it isn’t standardized across cultures or nations. Rather, each region has unique expectations regarding what these documents should and shouldn’t include, as well as their overall format and scope. 

For example, North American resumes are known for being concise and focused on facts. This approach aligns with North American employers’ focus on privacy and preventing discrimination.

The United States and Canada have stringent anti-discrimination laws, which discourage hiring managers from requesting any information that may be indicative of bias.

Conversely, Indian resumes often include personal information, such as the candidate’s date of birth, marital status, and even a picture. This practice reflects India’s more personal approach to job applications. 

Additionally, Indian resumes tend to be more detailed in terms of educational background. They sometimes include grades and academic achievements, while North American resumes are known for their brevity and emphasis on hard and soft skills. This distinction highlights the professional and cultural uniqueness of each region. 

When applying for jobs in North America, it’s vital that you adopt a more economical approach, omitting personal details that would typically be expected in an Indian resume. For further guidance, explore Job Seeker’s resume articles , which include tips and examples of North American resumes.

When applying for jobs in India, you’ll need a traditional Indian resume that tells your story and helps hiring managers get to know you on a deeper level. Otherwise, you’ll struggle to connect with hiring teams and decrease your odds of landing an interview.

Expert Tip:

In the Indian job market, crafting a resume that balances personal information with professional qualifications is key. Remember, the details you include in your Indian resume should enhance your profile, providing a holistic view of you as a candidate without oversharing.

Resume samples Indian job seekers can leverage

On average, recruiters only spend about six to 10 seconds scanning a resume. As such, it’s critical to structure your Indian resume in a way that accommodates scanning. Be straightforward, use lots of bulleted lists, and clearly label each section.

As noted, Indian resumes tend to be a bit lengthier than North American resumes. However, that doesn’t mean you should be excessively wordy. It’s important to remain concise, but make sure you include personal insights that hiring managers can look over at their leisure. 

In many cases, employers are simply looking to verify that you’ve included the desired information. Failing to label the sections of your Indian resume can lead to a quick disqualification, even if the content is present.

That said, determining exactly what to include in your resume can be tough. To help, we’ve outlined a few sample sections you should include in your Indian resume.

Personal details

Open your resume with some personal details, such as your name, contact information, date of birth, and a professional photograph. You should also include your marital status. While this might seem excessive by North American standards, it’s the norm in India.

If you skimp on the personal details, there’s a good chance the hiring manager will discard your resume. At the same time, you don’t have to tell your life story here — just provide a glimpse into who you are and what you bring to the table.

Career objective or summary

Provide a brief summary of your career objective and big-picture goals. Generally, this should be the only paragraph-style content in your Indian resume. The rest should be skimmable lists.

When writing your career objective or summary, make sure you reference the company you’re submitting your application to. The goal is to establish a connection between the job you’re applying for and your overarching objectives. 

By contrast, your cover letter needs to feature paragraph-style content. For a better breakdown of the differences between Indian resumes and cover letters, explore our cover letter examples .

Educational background

In India, your educational qualifications can significantly impact your job prospects. You’ll therefore want to list the degrees you possess, along with the granting institutions, your grades, and any honors or distinctions you’ve received.

The educational background section is also a staple of North American resumes. However, hiring teams in the U.S. and elsewhere simply want a brief rundown of your degrees and where you attended school.

Traditionally, resumes follow a reverse chronological order , meaning you list your most recent work or educational experiences first and work your way backward. If you’re a recent graduate, however, it’s best to list your educational background before your work experience, even if you’ve had an entry-level job.

Work experience

Detail your professional experience, starting with the most recent role you’ve held. Highlight each position, key responsibilities, and notable achievements.

When possible, quantify your accomplishments. For instance, instead of saying you “cut project costs,” use specific phrasing like “I reduced project costs by 15%.” If you don’t have hard data, it’s okay to be vague, but prioritize achievements you can demonstrate and quantify to stand out amongst other applicants.

A list of hard skills (and soft skills)

Next, provide a list of your hard skills , followed by a separate section outlining your soft skills. Hard skills are abilities and talents that are specifically related to the job you’re applying for. Soft skills are more general and may include things like emotional intelligence, punctuality, and communication.

When listing your skills, make it a point to mention any abilities that were outlined in the job description (provided you possess them, of course). Matching your list of skills to those highlighted in the job posting shows that you’ve thoroughly researched the role you’re applying for.

Additional information

Adding some extra details to your Indian resume can give it a little more weight. Just make sure to avoid filler, instead focusing on useful information like certifications, any other languages you’re fluent in, hobbies, and interests.

While adding hobbies might seem trivial, they can give employers insight into your personality and cultural fit, which is particularly important in India.

Not sure what additional information to include in your Indian resume? Check out our resume templates for some inspiration. 


It’s common for Indian resumes to include a section for references or state that they’re available upon request.

Generally, we recommend including a reference section and listing at least three people who can attest to your skills, demeanor, or accomplishments. When listing a reference, include their name, where they work, and an email and phone number where they can be reached.

If your resume is on the longer side, skip the references. Instead, include a header labeled “References” and mention that they’re available upon request.

"On average, recruiters only spend about six to 10 seconds scanning a resume. As such, it’s critical to structure your Indian resume in a way that accommodates scanning."

Crafting a winning resume for India and beyond

Writing a great Indian resume takes practice and diligence. Fortunately, you can accelerate the process using resume examples and templates. Don’t forget to take advantage of cover letter templates , as well, as they’ll help you create consistent content that gets you noticed by hiring managers.

Want additional tips and information about how to write an exceptional Indian resume? Explore Jobseekers' wealth of free resources to improve your chances of getting hired.

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Make your job applications stand-out from other candidates.

Resume Keywords: Create an ATS-Optimized Resume

Resume Keywords: Create an ATS-Optimized Resume

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How To Write a Stellar Resume Summary Statement

How To List Internships on Your Resume

How To List Internships on Your Resume


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Every resume is unique in its own way. What really matters is choosing the right format that can help you stand out in the hiring process. Typically, a fresher’s resume in India lacks the necessary quality and impact. Sometimes, you may have similar skills as other applicants, but how you present your information is crucial.

In this article, we provide the best resume formats for both beginners and professionals, giving you an advantage over others. Whether you’re starting out or experienced, having an impactful and effective resume is crucial.

A specific Indian resume format increases your chances of securing your desired job. For freshers in India seeking jobs or internships, it’s important to showcase your potential for growth. A well-crafted resume can greatly help you pass the initial hiring process in any field. Let’s explore the essential points for formulating the best resume format.

How to Format a Professional Resume?

Crafting a professional resume is crucial for job success. Follow these key steps to ensure your resume stands out and makes a lasting impression.

1. Header Section

a) Include your full name, professional title, and contact information.

b) Infographic Tip: Use a clean, bold font for easy readability.

2. Professional Summary

Provide a brief overview of your skills and experience.

b) Infographic Tip: Use icons to represent key skills for visual appeal.

3. Skills Section

a)List relevant skills using bullet points.

b) Infographic Tip: Create a skill meter with levels to showcase proficiency.

4. Work Experience

a) Detail your work history with job titles, companies, and dates.

b) Infographic Tip: Use a timeline to visualize your career progression.

5. Education

a) Highlight your educational background, including degrees and institutions.

b) Infographic Tip: Incorporate academic symbols for a polished look.

6. Achievements

a) Showcase notable accomplishments with quantifiable results.

b) Infographic Tip: Use graphs or charts to emphasize achievements.

7. Certifications

a) List relevant certifications with issuing institutions.

b) Infographic Tip: Arrange certifications in a visually appealing manner.

8. Projects/Portfolio

a) Include a section for significant projects or a link to your portfolio.

b) Infographic Tip: Use thumbnails or project icons for a visual representation.

9. Additional Sections (if applicable)

a) Incorporate sections like Languages, Publications, or Volunteer Work.

b)Infographic Tip: Utilize icons to differentiate and enhance visual appeal.

10. References

a) Mention “References available upon request.”

b)Infographic Tip: Keep this section simple and clean.

Formatting Tips:

  • Keep it concise: Stick to one page if possible.
  • Use a clean, professional font (e.g., Arial, Calibri).
  • Maintain consistent formatting throughout.
  • Ensure proper spacing for readability.

Indian CV Format

1. why is a solid resume highly favoured.

In India usually, freshers are the freshly passed out college or university graduates who lack work experience. Unfortunately, this fact makes most freshers unable to compose the required impact in the resume to make them stand out from the crowd. The Indian job seekers’ format India structure should reflect your worth and convince the hiring committee to land you an ideal internship.

The professional and proper resume format has very detail-oriented information. For this, some of the points you should keep in mind while composing your Indian resume format from scratch are-

  • Try to customize your resume by the company where you are applying for a job. Avoid sending the same resume for different kinds of job applications. It is essential to tailor your resume by the job description of the position you are seeking for.
  • Don’t create a lengthy resume, rather try to keep your information intact, crisp, and specific.
  • Perform all the priority checks regarding personal and contact information that you have provided at the starting of the resume.
  • You should start building a resume with a simple resume format by visualizing some of the ideal samples before upgrading it.
  • Always ensure that your resume reflects enthusiasm and does not come out as ambiguous and confused. You should frame the CV format India structure so that it makes you a valuable asset in the eyes of your employer.
  • Try to use Bullet points to highlight your training past working experience, skills, and academic qualifications.
  • Refrain from using any fancy fonts and try to frame a subtitle and simple resume format
  • Do not forget to state all the languages known to you and your proficiency in them. Usually, in CV format India content , you must mention at least English, Hindi and your regional language.
  • Use a sufficient amount of right keywords and jargon to make your resume worthy.
  • Try to build your resume as an ideal CV format India structure by being as descriptive as possible.
  • Avoid stating your past working experience in your Indian resume format vaguely by directly jotting it down. Try to maintain proper tonality and structure while writing this section. For example, you should focus more on describing how you did the job rather than what you did.
  • It always is a plus point in CV format India content to explain your past roles and responsibilities to reflect your potential to the recruiter.

2. How to form a target-oriented resume format like professional?

To create an ideal CV format India an Indian skilled worker you shows include below mentioned Must-to-do steps-

  • Writing your resume on multiple pages and shortening your information write-up within 2-3 pages in simple resume format .
  • Break your resume into proper sections; for example, resume summary skills, previous work experience, education, credentials, contact information, etc.
  • Create a bold header for your resume followed by your contact information section
  • Always write your information straight to the point keeping your resume as concise as possible. Avoid using lengthy statements or paragraphs that may come out and know and are odd to your recruiter.
  • Do not frequently change your font size in your resume, as it may look unorganized. Instead, maintain a consistent font size, preferably at 10, 11, or 12 pts size.
  • Use recommended simple and readable font style as shown by most of the professional CV samples . New Roman and Arial are highly recommended for writing CV format India content that is simple yet professional.
  • Always ensure to add a clear margin to your resume pages to give a complete look to it. In Indian resume format, 0.5 inches 1-inch margin is highly recommended.
  • Try to use Bullet points in sections of skills hobbies educational qualifications and previous job responsibilities to give it a crisp outlook
  • Always remember to add spaces and sufficient space in between each paragraph and section of your resume.
  • Refrain yourself from using “I” in your resume and instead use a sufficient amount of superlatives and adjectives such as hard-working, professional, motivating, good team spirit, organized, etc.
  • Always check your eyes for any grammatical or spelling errors in your CV format India content. Especially in India a resume full of grammatical and structural errors are very much irritating to the employers. A wrong grammar in your resume can make your entire content meaningless. Somewhat it may negatively impact your job application by providing employees with negative ideas about you.

3. Why is it important to be concise while writing an Indian resume format?

While making a resume you have to keep your details very brief and to the point. This reflects that you are a worthy candidate for the job and have a clear mindset to complete any task at your hand. Unfortunately, in India, several top employers read and scan hundreds of resumes daily to fill a few high-paying jobs. In such a scenario, it is even difficult for a professional worker to secure the desired position, much less a fresher.

Here is where your flawless resume compiled in an error-free CV format India structure comes into play. Therefore it is highly recommended to a fresher to apply for the desired position with only a single-page resume. They should also send a personally written resume that shows their enthusiasm to work for their employer. This makes the employer identify your actual skills and entice them into shortlisting you for the job post.

4. Why is it required to highlight your skills properly to form a professional-looking resume?

The mention of your skills and your education credentials in a proper way is the best way to catch your recruiter’s attention at first glance. Therefore while crafting your resume do not be shy in mentioning all your achievement certificates and skills that you have acquired. But also, so take a special note while writing this section to not come out as a braggy and overconfident personality. Instead, try to mention all these qualities positively, following some best resume formats samples as a reference.

Try to be as humble as possible while mentioning these skills. The more skills you mention in your resume higher the chances of you getting hired. Also, try to add a caption of hobbies and interests that shows your positive personality to the recruiter. If you are a fresher, you should take guidance from different CV format India structures available online before writing this section of your resume on your own. With no prior work experience in your hand, describing your set of skills would be the least possible thing you could do.

5. How to make your resume sound relevant to the employer?

If you are a fresher looking for a job in the Indian market, then there is a high chance that your education credentials will be overlooked due to a lack of work experience. So it will come in handy to you in increasing the chances of employment for the job you are applying for. A prototype from Professional CV format India style contents explains the situation where you have used this particular set of skills.

For example, if you are applying for a job as a Digital marketer in a reputed IT company say XYZ, you should write about your strong hold over digital marketing and flawless communication skills. Here you can also add your degree and certificate along with previous internships that you might have done before.

6. Is mentioning recommendations important in a resume?

References or recommendations from a professional authority can give out a great advantage to a fresher. According to some best CV format India structures, recommendations can uplift the fresher’s resume by tenfold. In addition, if you have no prior training period relevant to your applied job then you can ask your College Professor or school teacher to write a recommendation letter for your resume. This is an essential advantage while writing an Indian resume format that many businesses usually ignore.

Also, always make sure that the references you cite are 100% legitimate and do not involve any fraud. Please verify all the content mentioned under the reference and Recommendation section of your CV format India structure several times before submitting it for any job application.

7. How much is proofreading important for constructing the best resume format?

This is an essential step to be conducted at the very end of your resume write-up. After finishing putting your information on the CV, the very last step you should do is proofreading the entire document. You can do it yourself or it is better to let any other professional for a trustworthy friend do it for you. 

This is the best way to make all kinds of necessary corrections and eliminate any possible grammatical errors that you might have made. This also ensures that your CV format India structure has the highlights of your skills and features. It is more like a final to verify what you have missed out on before using the resume for your job application. In this way, you build a simple resume format that is honest and strong. Therefore it is a must-to-do step, especially for the freshers who were to make their resume format professional.

8. What sections are a must in a fresher CV format India structure?

A freshers resume in India generally includes information systematically divided into the following section with their respective details-

  • Resume header
  • Followed by detailed personal information like name, contact number, email address for social account links such as Indeed or LinkedIn.
  • Academic credentials section- states all your educational qualifications that you have received to date. You should start from the highest academic label such as a bachelor’s degree, followed by class 12 and class 10 education details. It is always better for fresher’s to include every detail in a tabular format under this educational credential. According to many CV format India structures, this makes your credentials look more detail-oriented and systematic.
  • Mention any prior training or certification (if any).
  • Position of responsibilities that you could perform for the applied job.
  • Accolades that show acknowledgment of merit regarding your written set of skills or responsibilities. 
  • Skills that are in relevance with the job you have applied for.
  • Previous working experience along with mention of roles and responsibilities you have performed.
  • Hobbies and personal interests.
  • Languages you are fluent in.
  • A conclusion that usually contents mention any recommendation or reference that you have with you.

Please remember that your resume is the first digital impression that your employer will have in store for you. So it goes without saying that the better the CV format India structure of your resume, the higher the chances of you getting the employment. While writing this resume you should curate all the essential tips mentioned in this article, so that your resume will look neat and attractive.

You can only stand out from the crowd when you can convince the hiring manager to select you then you have to follow the set of guidelines that is mentioned by some of the best CV formats India structures available online.

9. What is the concept of an ATS-friendly resume in the Indian job market?

The applicant tracking system ATS scan is a technology used today to sort and rank the resume automatically for the recruiters. In India top recruiters every day receive hundreds of job applications. In such a system, an ATS system automatically shorts out the most compatible resume for the job they are hiring for. In conclusion, this kind of technology increases their job and selects the outline that matches precisely with current job descriptions. . 

In this digital era, many reputed companies use such systems to ease the selection process of hectic job applications. Thus, the current CV format India structure is often based on the format of an ATS-friendly resume.

Points to remember for formatting and ATS friendly CV format India structure

  • You should always remember to include the same set of keywords used in job descriptions. In this way, you will increase the probability of getting through the selection process by ATS software.
  • This should be made into practice every time you will draught a professional-looking resume.
  • Always make sure that your resume is the replica of your personality and represents you in front of the eyes of the recruiter.
  • Many ATS software in India is not capable of scanning and processing graphics. So it is recommended to use minimum to no graphics in your resume.
  • For example, you could avoid adding your photograph to the CV unless it is asked by the recruiting company.
  • Try to keep your CV in a simple resume format for example you can make use of format fly chronological or hybrid for building an ATS-friendly resume.
  • Make use of sufficient Bullet points to highlight your accomplishments, skills and educational conditions. This is the first step to create a simple and easily designed resume that is preferred by many.

Types of Resume Format in India

In the Indian job market, there are three types of resume formats highly preferred by the top recruiters. They are

  • Chronological
  • Functional 
  • Combination

1. Chronological CV format India structure

This format is very common and a simple one that can be easily created by both freshers and professional applicants. It gives more weightage to the work experience section and is mentioned before the educational credentials and skills section. This format gives a quick idea to the recruiter regarding your potential experience and skills at a single glance.

2. Functional CV format India structure

This is a format that emphasizes more on the skill section than the mention of the applicant’s previous working experience. This type of Indian resume format is exactly the opposite of the chronological CV. In this, the job-related skills qualifications are usually listed first followed by the work experience section without elaboration.

3. Hybrid or combination CV format India structure

As the name suggests this type of format is a combination of both functional and chronological format. This type of format highly emphasizes skill and working experience in equal quantities. You can say that this type of Indian resume format blends the best characteristic highlight of the above-mentioned two formats. This format is less confusing and direct in comparison to a functional structure. This is the best CV format to be chosen if you want to focus on highlighting your strengths.

Top 15 Indian Resume Format Tips

Crafting an effective resume is crucial for making a positive impression. Here are 10 essential tips for an impactful Indian resume:

By incorporating these tips into your resume, you’ll enhance its effectiveness and increase your chances of making a positive impression on recruiters.

Final thoughts on Resume Indian Format

An effective Indian resume is a strategic document that combines cultural nuances, professionalism, and a keen understanding of the job market. As different kinds of job opportunities are opening up in the Indian market, so does the competition. In this case, only the best resume following a strong CV format India structure can cut to the chase. 

Today even for applying for an internship almost every company in India asks for a resume. By presenting your skills, achievements, and experiences in a well-organized and culturally relevant format, you’ll stand out in the competitive landscape of Indian job applications. Remember, your resume is not just a list; it’s your personal marketing tool, showcasing the best of your professional self.

FAQS on Indian CV Format

Q1. how can i write a resume format specifically for india.

Keep it short and simple. Include the recent awards or experience first. Incorporate facts and figures, and be accurate in what you portray.

Q2. What personal details can be put in resume format India?

The name of the candidate, address, contact details. Email ID and phone number is a must. You can incorporate salient details like nationality, gender etc as well.

Q3. What skills can be added?

Problem solving abilities, critical thinking, communication levels, teamwork and enthusiasm to learn new things.

Q4. What is the new CV format followed in India?

Adding more skills rather than experience is what recruiters are looking for. The resume should talk of relevant things, good references and recommendations if having any previous job experience.

Q5. What are the best CV formats for freshers?

The functional resume format is the best one as it showcases flexibility and can be catered for multiple employers. The resume should have ample room for tailoring to the needs of each recruiter.

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Resume Templates

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Entry Level Resume Template

Entry level resume.

Our resume template is well-formatted, boasting an ATS-friendly layout that guarantees your resume is easily readable by both machines and humans.

This optimization means all the relevant sections of your resume will be recognized and properly indexed by the tracking systems, increasing your chances of landing an interview.

This Resume template is specifically designed with college students, freshers, and recent graduates in mind, our template caters to any field of study or profession.

Our template includes key sections that are crucial for showcasing your professional persona:

  • Contact Information : Make it easy for employers to reach out to you.
  • Profile : A brief overview of your professional qualifications.
  • Skills : Highlight your abilities and what you bring to the table.
  • Experience : Detail your work history and relevant experiences.
  • Education : Outline your academic background.
  • Additional Sections : Space for volunteering experiences, projects, certifications, or any other information that adds value to your profile.

Step 1 Click On The Download Button Step 2 To edit the file, please follow these steps:

  • Copy the document by selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Make a Copy.’
  • Once you’ve made a copy, you’ll be able to edit the document.

Paid Resume Template

  • ATS Friendly Resume
  • Entry Level Resume For Graduates
  • Suitable for individuals with 0-2 years of work experience
  • Ideal for recent College graduates or those entering the job market for the first time

Freshers Two-Columned Resume

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In today’s competitive job market, ensuring your resume ranks better at ATS is crucial.

Our resume templates are optimized for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) with a clean, properly formatted, and two-column layout .

Designed to enhance readability and highlight your professional qualifications, these templates increase your chances of making it through the initial screening process.

Ideal for job seekers in various industries, including tech, finance, and marketing, our ATS-friendly resumes are your first step toward landing your dream job.

This resume template is specifically crafted for freshers and professionals with 0-3 years of experience across any field , from tech to finance to marketing.

This template help you effectively present your skills, academic achievements, and any internship experiences, ensuring your resume stands out even at the early stages of your career.

This template come with customizable sections , allowing you to tailor your resume to your unique profile and career aspirations.

  • Contact Information : This section should include your full name, phone number, email address, and LinkedIn profile. Ensure your contact information is updated and professional, making it easy for employers to reach you.
  • Profile : A brief, compelling summary of your professional background, highlighting your career goals, core competencies, and what you bring to the table. Tailor this section to the job you’re applying for, focusing on your most relevant qualifications.
  • Experience : List your work history in reverse chronological order, focusing on achievements rather than just duties. For each position, include your job title, the company’s name, dates of employment, and bullet points of key accomplishments. Use action verbs and quantify results when possible.
  • Skills : Highlight the skills that are most relevant to the job you’re applying for. This can include both hard skills (like specific software proficiency) and soft skills (like leadership or communication). Be specific and honest about your level of expertise.
  • Courses : Especially useful for freshers, this section allows you to list relevant coursework or certifications that demonstrate your knowledge and commitment to your field. Include courses that have provided you with valuable skills or knowledge pertinent to the job you seek.
  • Education : Provide details of your academic background, including the degrees you’ve earned, the institutions you attended, and the dates of attendance. If you’re a recent graduate, you can also include honors, awards, and GPA, if impressive.
  • Volunteering Experience : Showcase your volunteer work, emphasizing the skills you developed and the impact of your contribution. This section is particularly valuable for demonstrating soft skills, community involvement, and leadership potential.

We’ve made editing your resume template as straightforward as possible. Here’s how to do it:

  • Step 1 : Click on the “Buy Now” button to access the template.
  • Step 2 : To edit your template, simply go to ‘File,’ select ‘Make a Copy,’ and voilà! You now have your editable copy of the document, ready to be customized to reflect your professional persona.

Simple Tech Freshers Resume

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Navigate through the Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) effortlessly with our single-columned resume templates , optimized specifically for ATS compatibility.

Proper formatting ensures your resume is easily scannable by both ATS and potential employers , increasing your visibility in the highly competitive tech job market.

This template is designed to put your skills and experience front and center, making your application stand out.

Our resume template cater specifically to freshers with 0-3 years of experience in the tech field .

Whether you’re a recent graduate or an early-career professional, this template help you showcase your potential in areas such as software development, data analysis, and IT support . Highlight your academic achievements, internships, and tech-related projects in a format that speaks directly to industry recruiters.

  • Contact Information : Start with the basics—your name, email, and phone number, ensuring you’re easily reachable for tech job opportunities.
  • Experience : Detail your internships and any work experience, focusing on responsibilities and technologies used.
  • Key Projects : Showcase specific projects you’ve contributed to, highlighting your technical skills and the value you brought to the team. This is especially important for tech roles where project experience stands out.
  • Key Achievements : Stand out by highlighting significant accomplishments in previous roles or projects, quantifying your impact where possible.
  • Education : Showcase your academic background, emphasizing tech-related courses and degrees.
  • Technical Skillset : A dedicated section for your programming languages, software proficiency, and other technical skills that are crucial in the tech industry.
  • Extracurriculars : Demonstrate your well-roundedness with activities outside the classroom or workplace, especially those that have honed your leadership, teamwork, or tech-related skills.
  • Step 1 : Click on the “Buy Now” button to access our tech-specific resume template.
  • Step 2 : Follow these easy steps to make it your own: Navigate to ‘File’, select ‘Make a Copy’, and start personalizing your document. This way, you can edit your resume in a user-friendly format that’s ready to impress tech industry recruiters.

Professional Freshers Resume

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Kickstart your career journey with our ATS-optimized resume template. Crafted with a single-column format to ensure readability and proper formatting , these templates are engineered to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems seamlessly. Perfect for freshers aiming to make a strong first impression, our resumes blend professional formatting with ATS compatibility , increasing your chances of landing interviews in highly competitive job markets.

Whether you’re stepping into t ech, finance, marketing, or any other industry, This resume template offer a professional look tailored for freshers with 0-3 years of experience. Designed to highlight your potential and skills, this template provide a solid foundation for showcasing your academic achievements and any initial professional experiences, setting you up for success from the start.

This template come with  customizable sections , allowing you to tailor your resume to your unique profile and career aspirations.

  • Contact Information : Begin with the essentials—your name, email, and phone number, positioned for easy visibility.
  • Profile : Introduce yourself with a concise profile statement that encapsulates your aspirations, skills, and what you bring to potential employers. This is your chance to make a memorable first impression.
  • Skills : Detail your relevant skills, focusing on those most applicable to the job you’re applying for. From technical competencies to soft skills, this section allows you to highlight your strengths.
  • Experience : For those with internships or part-time roles, list your experiences in a manner that underscores your contributions and what you’ve learned. It’s about showcasing growth and potential.
  • Education : Your academic credentials are crucial at this stage. List your degrees, certifications, and relevant coursework to illustrate your preparedness for the professional world.
  • Step 1 : Secure your template by clicking on the “Buy Now” button—a straightforward step to accessing your new resume foundation.
  • Step 2 : Personalization made easy. Simply select ‘File’, then ‘Make a Copy’ to begin crafting a resume that truly represents you. This hassle-free process ensures you can edit and customize your resume, tailoring it to the specific demands of your desired role.

Resume For College Students

resume format for indian company

Designed specifically for college students , our single-column format ensures your resume is properly formatted for Applicant Tracking Systems, making your application ATS-friendly and easy to read.

Perfect for securing that crucial internship or part-time job.

Our resume template is specifically crafted for college students embarking on their career journey, aiming for internships or part-time positions .

With a focus on showcasing your academic achievements, skills, and potential , our templates help you present a strong and appealing application to prospective employers in fields such as marketing, finance, and more.

  • Contact Information : Start with the basics; include your name, email, and phone number so employers can easily get in touch.
  • Profile : Introduce yourself with a brief summary that highlights your ambitions, skills, and what you’re seeking in a role. This is your chance to make a strong first impression.
  • Skills : List the skills you’ve developed through your coursework, extracurricular activities, and any relevant experiences. Focus on those that are most applicable to the job you want.
  • Experience : Even if you’re new to the workforce, include any internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer work that demonstrate your ability to contribute to a professional environment.
  • Position of Responsibility : Highlight any leadership roles, whether in student organizations or volunteer groups, to showcase your ability to manage tasks and lead initiatives.
  • Courses : Detail relevant courses that have prepared you for the industry you’re targeting, showcasing your knowledge and commitment to your field of interest.
  • Education : Clearly outline your educational background, including your college, degree, and expected graduation date, emphasizing any academic honors.
  • Volunteering : Don’t underestimate the power of volunteering experiences. They can reflect your character, work ethic, and commitment to community service.

Personalizing your resume is straightforward with our easy-to-edit template:

  • Step 1 : Click on the “Buy Now” button to access the template designed with your needs in mind.
  • Step 2 : For a seamless editing experience, select ‘File’, then ‘Make a Copy’. You now have your editable version, ready to be tailored to reflect your unique strengths and experiences.

Resume for Tech Professionals

resume format for indian company

Our resume template is engineered to pass through Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) seamlessly.

Designed specifically for tech professionals, the single-column format ensures proper formatting and readability by ATS, enhancing your chances of landing in the “yes” pile.

Ideal for showcasing the expertise of individuals with 1-5 years of work experience , this template is the first step towards securing your next tech role.

This template is tailored for professionals with 1-5 years of experience, striking the perfect balance between detailed accomplishments and future potential.

Whether you’re in software development, IT consulting, or any tech-related field, our resume template give you the edge you need.

  • Contact Information : Make a strong first impression with clear and accessible contact details.
  • About : Introduce yourself with a compelling summary that encapsulates your professional identity, goals, and what makes you a standout candidate.
  • Experience : Detail your professional journey with a focus on roles, responsibilities, and milestones that highlight your contribution to the tech industry
  • Key Projects : Showcase specific projects that demonstrate your technical prowess and problem-solving skills, highlighting your role and the impact of your work.
  • Key Achievements : Distinguish yourself by listing notable achievements, including awards, recognitions, or significant milestones that underscore your expertise and value.
  • Education : Outline your academic background, emphasizing degrees, certifications, and training relevant to your tech specialization.
  • Key Skills : Highlight soft skills and professional attributes that enhance your technical skillset, making you a well-rounded candidate.
  • Technical Skillset : Detail your technical competencies, including programming languages, software, tools, and systems, showcasing your technical fluency.
  • Extracurriculars : Include extracurricular activities that reflect your interests and commitments outside of work, providing a fuller picture of who you are.

Our user-friendly process makes personalizing your resume straightforward:

  • Step 1 : Initiate the process with a simple click on the ‘Buy Now’ button to secure your template.
  • Step 2 : Gain full access to edit your resume by selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Make a Copy’. This allows you to tailor the document to your unique career trajectory and professional highlights.

Single Columned Resume for Mid-Level Professionals

resume format for indian company

Specially designed for mid-level professionals , the single-column format ensures your resume is properly formatted, making it easily readable by both Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) and hiring managers .

Whether you’re advancing in marketing, finance, tech, or any other field, our templates are your key to highlighting your professional growth and potential.

With features specifically designed for those with 4-8 years of work experience , our resume template cater to the unique needs of mid-level professionals.

Providing the perfect platform to showcase your evolving skills, experiences, and contributions to your industry, setting you apart in your job search.

  • Contact Information : Start with the basics; ensure your contact details are easy to find and up to date.
  • Profile : Craft a compelling profile summary that encapsulates your professional identity, career objectives, and standout achievements. This is your chance to make a strong first impression.
  • Skills : Highlight the skills you’ve honed over your career, focusing on those most relevant to the positions you’re targeting. Include both hard and soft skills to present a well-rounded profile.
  • Experience : Detail your professional journey, emphasizing key roles, responsibilities, and accomplishments that demonstrate your impact and leadership capabilities.
  • Certification and Training : Showcase any certifications, licenses, or professional training you’ve completed that are pertinent to your field, underscoring your commitment to continuous learning and development.
  • Education : Summarize your academic background, highlighting degrees, institutions, and any honors or distinctions that are relevant to your career goals.

Customizing your resume is straightforward and hassle-free:

  • Step 1 : Click on the ‘Buy Now’ button to acquire your template, designed with the needs of mid-level professionals in mind.
  • Step 2 : Easily edit your template by selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Make a Copy.’ This step gives you the freedom to personalize the document, ensuring it accurately reflects your professional trajectory and achievements.

Two columned Resume For Mid-Level Professionals

resume format for indian company

This resume template is designed with a two-column format , ensuring they are not only ATS-friendly but also beautifully organized to catch the eye of recruiters.

Optimized for ATS, they ensure your resume passes through the initial screening, making your profile accessible to potential employers.

Ideal for mid-level professionals across sectors like marketing, finance, and tech, these templates provide the perfect blend of style and functionality.

Specifically designed for professionals with 4-8 years of experience , this template help you showcase your career growth, significant achievements, and professional development.

  • Contact Information : Clearly present your contact details to ensure recruiters can easily reach out to you.
  • Profile : Use this section to give a brief overview of your professional background and career objectives, capturing the essence of your professional identity.
  • Skills : Highlight both hard and soft skills, showcasing your comprehensive skill set relevant to your desired role.
  • Experience : Detail your work history, emphasizing key responsibilities and achievements that align with your career aspirations.
  • Education : Outline your academic qualifications, providing a solid foundation for your professional skills and knowledge.
  • Certification and Training : This section is crucial for demonstrating your commitment to professional development, listing any additional certifications or training you’ve completed that are relevant to your field.
  • Language : For professionals in diverse or international fields, showcasing your language skills can significantly enhance your resume’s appeal.
  • Personal/Others : Include any relevant personal projects, hobbies, or extracurricular activities that contribute to your professional persona, offering a well-rounded view of your interests and capabilities.

ustomizing your resume is straightforward with our user-friendly templates:

  • Step 1 : Begin by clicking the ‘Buy Now’ button to access your chosen template.
  • Step 2 : Easily edit your document by selecting ‘File’ and then ‘Make a Copy.’ With this copy, you’re free to customize the template to reflect your personal achievements and professional journey.

Two Column Resume for Experienced Professionals​

resume format for indian company

Our resume template is meticulously designed for experienced professionals, featuring a two-column format that is not only aesthetically pleasing but also optimized for ATS .

This ensures your resume passes through the initial electronic screening, making your application ATS-friendly and ready to impress potential employers in various sectors, including finance, marketing, and more.

Specifically crafted for individuals with 7+ years of work experience, our resume template caters to the unique needs of experienced professionals.

This template helps you articulate your extensive career journey, achievements, and expertise in a manner that is both comprehensive and engaging, setting you apart in the competitive job market.

  • Contact Information : Start with your basic yet essential contact details, (your phone number, E-mail Id and LinkedIn profile) ensuring potential employers can easily get in touch.
  • Profile : Use this section to introduce yourself, summarizing your professional background, key strengths, and career objectives. It’s your chance to make a strong first impression.
  • Experience : Detail your career progression, highlighting roles, responsibilities, and significant contributions. This section is crucial for experienced professionals to showcase their depth of experience.
  • Expertise/Skills : Enumerate your professional skills and areas of expertise, particularly those relevant to the job you’re targeting. Tailor this section to reflect the skills most valued in your industry.
  • Awards : Acknowledge any professional recognitions or awards you’ve received. This adds credibility and distinguishes you as a high achiever in your field.
  • Education : List your academic qualifications, including any relevant certifications or training that contribute to your professional profile.
  • Languages : For professionals in diverse and international fields, highlighting language skills can be a significant advantage, showcasing your ability to communicate in a global marketplace.

Personalizing your resume is made simple with our user-friendly template:

  • Step 1 : Secure your template with a quick click on the ‘Buy Now’ button.
  • Step 2 : Easily edit your resume by selecting ‘File’, then ‘Make a Copy’. This action allows you to customize the document, ensuring it aligns perfectly with your professional narrative and career aspirations.

Classy Two-column Resume For Experienced Professionals

resume format for indian company

Our template is crafted with an understanding of the modern job market’s demands, featuring an ATS-optimized, elegantly formatted two-column layout.

Designed specifically for experienced professionals, our resumes ensure your application passes through Applicant Tracking Systems with ease, making your profile accessible to hiring managers in industries ranging from tech and finance to marketing.

Tailored to meet the needs of those with 7+ years in the workforce, our resume template offers the perfect blend of sophistication and functionality.

  • Contact Information : Present your essential contact details in a clear, professional manner to ensure potential employers can easily reach out.
  • Profile : Use this section to introduce yourself with a powerful summary that highlights your professional journey, core strengths, and what sets you apart from the competition.
  • Experience : Detail your work history, emphasizing leadership roles, major projects, and significant accomplishments that demonstrate your capability and impact.
  • Expertise/Skills : Highlight your specialized skills and areas of expertise, showcasing the depth of your professional knowledge and abilities.
  • Awards : Acknowledge any industry recognitions or awards you’ve received to underscore your excellence and dedication to your profession.
  • Education : List your academic qualifications, including advanced degrees, certifications, and relevant continuous learning accomplishments.
  • Languages : For global roles, showcasing your language skills can be a significant advantage, reflecting your ability to communicate in diverse environments.

Editing this resume template is made simple with our straightforward editing instructions:

  • Step 1 : Click on the ‘Buy Now’ button to purchase your chosen template.
  • Step 2 : To begin customizing your template, select ‘File’ and then ‘Make a Copy.’ You’ll now have your editable document, ready to tailor to your unique career narrative and achievements.

How To Use Our Templates 🎯

Creating a professional resume has never been easier. follow these simple steps to get started with our resume templates:.

Browse through our selection of resume templates and select the one that suits your style and the position you’re applying for.

Click on your chosen template to initiate the download process.

To edit the file, please follow these steps:

Replace the placeholder content with your own information. Update your contact details, work history, skills, and achievements.

Personalize your resume further by adjusting fonts, colors, and formatting to match your unique style.

Carefully review your resume to ensure accuracy, grammar, and formatting. Edit as needed.

Save your completed resume in Google Docs, and when you’re ready to send it to potential employers, go to “File” > “Download” and select the format you prefer, such as PDF or Word.

resume format for indian company

© Rohit Goyal, 2022-24

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India CV Tips & Format Requirements

Applying for a job in India? This guide has the tips, examples, & format requirements needed to write the perfect Indian CV. Create your VisualCV today!

India CV Requirements

India has a particular work culture, as well as a specific set of expectations when it comes to CV. It is important to be sure that your CV reflects your understanding of these expectations.

Browse our gallery of resume examples here.

Indian CV Format Example

India CV Image

India CV Tips and rules:

Length: Keep your Indian CV concise - two pages is sufficient.

Format: Use plain white paper and 12 point font if possible.

How to Write an Indian CV

To write an Indian CV that hiring managers would love, follow these tips:

  • Pick a resume template that allows you to add common Indian CV sections like summary, work history, certifications, header, skills, certifications, achievements, etc.
  • Figure out your qualities that standout e.g. work experience in a recognized Indian company (e.g. Flipkart) or certifications that are rare. Make sure your CV sections highlight those qualities.
  • If you are applying to a city where your local language proficiency would be a factor - list your language skills. E.g. listing your fluency in Kannada would improve your chances if you are applying for a job in Bengaluru.
  • Make sure you take care of grammar on your CV. Indian hiring managers are selective about grammatical mistakes.
  • Follow the STAR method while listing your Indian work history. Majority of Indian CVs don’t follow the STAR method and fail to leave the same impact.
  • Link out to your Linkedin or portfolio site from your CV header.

How do I write a CV with no experience in India?

To write your first Indian CV, follow these steps:

  • Select an Indian CV template that looks visually appealing and would outshine others.
  • Add a CV objective that gives your hiring manager an idea of why you are applying for this job.
  • List your internships, college projects and other volunteer work under the experience section.
  • List your education, an overview of your college curriculum and clearly state your year of graduation.
  • Create a section to list your technical skills.
  • Add links to your Dribbble, Github, Stackoverflow, or any other online portfolio at the top.

India CV Format, Order and Layout:

Photo: It is best to include a professional passport-sized picture of yourself in your Indian CV. A picture is not mandatory, according to Vaishali Jain from Get My Resumes , but including one can add a level of authenticity and professionalism to your CV, and many recruiters will ask for one anyway.

Personal Information: In Indian CV, more personal details are accepted than in many other countries. Name, home address, email address, and phone number are all expected, of course. Other information, however, can also be included - age, gender, marital status, nationality, and even religion can all be found on some Indian CVs. These details are optional, but if you feel they will help your chances feel free to include them. So says Indian CV writing service Vibranturre : “If the marital status helps, put it in. Actually if your religion, race or caste helps, put that in too.”

Personal Summary: A brief summary where you outline your skills and objectives can be included at the top of your CV.

Work experience: Write your Work History in reverse-chronological order. Include the start and end dates of each position, as well as the company name and location. Quantify your experience as much as possible, using data and numbers to showcase your achievements. Use bullet points to keep your descriptions clear and concise.

Education: Your education section should be presented with your most recent certificates or diplomas at the top. Briefly note your area of study, institution of study, the date of your graduation, and your academic achievements.

Resume template: Browse through our gallery of Indian resume templates .

What is the Best Resume Format for Experienced Candidates in India?

For experienced candidates the best Indian resume format is either a reverse chronological format or the functional format. If you have less than 15 years of experience, use a reverse chronological format; else use a functional resume format.

Other sections:

Volunteer experience: If you have any notable volunteer experience, feel free to include it.

Languages: It is an asset to include any languages that you are fluent in.

References: It is not necessary to include references in your resume. A potential employer will not usually ask for references until after they have interviewed you, not before.


Resumes in india are clear, concise, and should act as marketing documents for yourself and your experience. The job of a good resume is to get you an interview, so make sure your Indian resume is impressive and will make employers want to bring you in for an interview.

Copyright © 2024 Workstory Inc.

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Resume Templates

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. Computer Science Engineer Fresher's Resume Template

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Create Resume

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In the world of computer science, the skills you have in the field matters a lot more than your academics (not that they don’t matter at all). So, when drafting a resume for computer science engineering, the resume format should be like that your skills are highlighted as much as possible.

Like any other resume, the resume format of a Computer Science should be structured i...

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The demand for IT Engineers has outpaced every other profession. IT Engineers are not just the present but also the future of the job market. However, while there are numerous job opportunities out there for an IT Engineer, to get the best of these jobs, you and your job resume need to be the best too. 

A smart fresher resume for IT Engineering can make the difference between you...

Resume Buddy

Struggling with your resume?

Create a professional skill based resume with AMCAT's Resume Buddy.

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The demand for expert professionals, willing to experiment and with hands-on knowledge of developing and designing different types of equipment is growing with each passing day. And this applies heavily for fresher jobs in Electrical Engineering. While there is a definite increase in the market (both private and government), the number of electrical engineers vying the same job has also increas...

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Your job resume is often the first impression that you get to make on the recruiter and it should have the correct resume format. However, to make a great impression through your fresher resume, you not just need to know what to include in it but also what to exclude.  In a fresher resume for Electronics and Communication Engineer, the main points that should be dwelt on are your sk...

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resume format for indian company

For a fresher, we would recommend a resume to a maximum of 1 page displaying all the important skill set & capabilities as per the job requirements.

Follow the above tips to create resume for a fresher job.

Selecting a good format for a resume might be tricky sometimes on the basis of the job you’re applying for & the kind of position you hold.

Best resume format preferred by employers should contain Summary, Core Competencies, Internships/Trainings/Work Experience, Qualifications, Skills.

You also need to make sure that the formats are ATS (Applicant Tracking System) optimized, so that the resumes have higher chances of getting shortlisted during ATS screening.

You can create a free resume using the Resume builder tool having 50+ Resume templates with different formats to choose for graduates.

resume format for indian company

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Resume Examples for Freshers - Download Free Samples

What's your job, resume example: financial analyst planner.

Rohan Yadav

Contact: +91.0000000000

Email: [email protected]

Address: XXXX

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignment as a Financial Analyst at one of the country’s most outstanding business corporations to utilize financial analysis & project management knowledge in a challenging yet supportive work environment.


INDUSTRIAL TRAINING Please mention if any.

Organization: XXXXX

Duration: XXXXX


EDUCATION Please mention.


Title: XXXX

Description: XXXX



Date of Birth: DD/MM/YYYY Language Known: Please mention

Resume Example: Accountant

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignments in Accounts & Finance with an organization of repute.

Soft Skills: Passion & Commitment Multi-tasking Result-oriented Communication High-energy Level Time Management Collaboration Strategic Planning Strong Networking Skills

Resume Example: Data Entry

A budding professional, seeking an entry level assignments as a Data Entry Specialist that can help in maximizing accurate keyboard skills in a demanding work environment

Soft Skills: Passion & Commitment Multi-tasking Result-oriented Communication High-energy Level Time Management Collaboration Strong Typing Skills

Resume Example: Event Coordinator

Seeking an Event Planner position in a large event management company where my creative skills and abilities in planning and coordinating all types of events for corporate and individuals will help in growth of the organization.

Soft Skills: Passion & Commitment Multi-tasking Result-oriented Communication High-energy Level Time Management Collaboration Networking Skills Accountability High self – confidence

Resume Example: Generic

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignments with an organization of repute.

Soft Skills: Passion & Commitment Multi-tasking Result-oriented Communication High-energy Level Time Management Collaboration Networking Skills

Resume Example: Professor and Lecturer

Intend to build a career in a professional environment with commitment and dedication which will enrich my competence and potential. Willing to work as a key player in challenging & creative environment. Ready to dedicate my time and energy for the betterment of the institute.

Soft Skills: Passion & Commitment Writing Public speaking Conflict resolution Communication Interpersonal Curriculum Development & Creative Lesson Planning

Resume Example: Teacher

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignments in Teaching with well-liked and reputed institute/high school and to achieve good progress in career through all best subject knowledge and great teaching efforts.

Resume Example: Call Center BPO

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignment in Call Center BPO with an organization of repute.

Resume Example: Cashier

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignment as a Cashier with an organization of repute.

Soft Skills: Passion & Commitment Multi-tasking Result-oriented Communication Information Processing Ability Numeracy Skills Accuracy & Attention to Detail Problem-Solving Skills Strong Customer Service Skills Ability to Work Independently Integrity & Honest | Reliability

Resume Example: Customer Service Representative

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignment as a Customer Service Representative with an organization of repute.

Soft Skills: Customer Service Product Knowledge Market Knowledge Quality Focus Problem Solving Documentation Skills Phone Skills Listening Resolving Conflict Analyzing Information Multi-Tasking Passion & Commitment Result-oriented Communication High-energy Level Time Management

Resume Example: Doctor (General)

A budding Doctor with capability in sensitivity, tact and patience to listen to patient’s problems with strong belief in medical ethics and practicing it as a divine job Keenly interested in diagnosing illnesses and prescribing & administrating appropriate treatment / medication for various ailments or diseases.

Soft Skills: Multitasking in Fast-paced Environments Highly Organized & Strong Analytical Abilities Articulate Oral & Written Communication Quick Problem Resolution & Decision Making Leadership

Resume Example: Surgeon

Empathetic professional, aiming to formulate an excellent medical & surgical experience with complete dedication to the cause of human health through Clinical Practice & Health Care Systems Management

Resume Example: Healthcare / Hospital Administrator

To achieve an entry-level position in the Health Care Administration Organization for which in-depth knowledge and skills will have a valuable implementation.

Resume Example: Pharmacist

M. Pharma & B. Pharma budding professional, in-quest of challenging assignments as a Pharmacist with an organization of repute in healthcare industry.

Resume Example: Executive Recruiter

An accomplish professional; seeking the position of an Entry Level Recruiter with a company that offers a positive atmosphere to learn and implement new skills and technologies for the betterment of the organization.

Resume Example: HR Assistant

Forward-thinking individual with refined interpersonal and multitasking skills; seeking an entry-level HR assistant position with a reputed organization, bringing outstanding knowledge of organizational procedures and ability to improve employee performance.

Resume Example: Business / Data Analyst

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry-level position to begin my career in a high-level professional environment.

Resume Example: Software Developer

Energetic Fresher holding XYZ degree from XYZ University, good knowledge in computer subjects, and ability to update and learn new concepts quickly and strong desire to work in the software field Troubleshooter, ability to work in any environment, and possess good analytical skills

Resume Example: Software Tester

To achieve high career growth through a continuous learning process, keep me dynamic, visionary, and competitive with the changing scenario of the world and to contribute for the growth of the organization.

Resume Example: Lawyer

B.A. LLB. (Hons.) with a zeal to pursue in Post-Graduation in Law (LLM); keenly interested to work in a highly competitive environment with a perfect challenge by contributing the best for the growth of the organization while ensuring growth in personal career.

Resume Example: Marketing Associate

An MBA with specialization in Marketing Management with a strong understanding of marketing concepts desires to work as a Marketing Associate with XXX Inc. to effectively handle all marketing activities.

Resume Example: Social Media Marketing

A budding professional, seeking the role of Social Media Marketing Associate at XYZ Inc. to utilize social media, content development, and project management skills in identifying trends, engaging users and increasing brand awareness through unique and innovative marketing strategies and campaigns.

Resume Example: Nurse

A budding professional, looking for a rewarding and challenging environment in offices, hospitals, and nursing homes to work for the betterment of overall human well-being.

Resume Example: Business Development

Seeking position as Business Development Associate at ABC Company to utilize communication, interpersonal and people management skills, focused attention to detail; ability to resolve organizational challenges to maximize profits.

Resume Example: Brand Management

With a Management degree from AB University, I have developed solid leadership and management skills; seeking position as Brand Management Associate to bring forth innovative ideas, analytical approach along with superior product knowledge & organizational abilities.

Resume Example: Sales

Collaborative and result-oriented individual with ability to generate high-quality leads and convert them into sales desires to work at MNC Inc. as a Sales Executive.

Resume Example: Hotel Management

Looking for a Hotel Management Trainee position at ABC company that incorporates strong interpersonal skills when fulfilling a number of customer service tasks, addressing a wide range of needs, issues and complaints with ease and efficiency.

Resume Example: Aviation

Seeking position as Aviation Management Trainee at ABC Company to utilize communication, interpersonal and people management skills, focused attention to detail.

Resume Example: Office Coordinator

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignments with an organization of repute

Resume Example: Project Coordinator

Resume Example: Civil Engineer

A budding professional, seeking an entry-level assignment as a Civil Engineer to use planning, designing and overseeing skills in construction and help grow the company to achieve its goal with an organization of repute

Resume Example: Electrical Engineer

An accomplished professional, seeking an entry level assignments in Electrical engineering with an organization of repute that will provide a platform to utilize technical skills and enrich knowledge to help in the process of organizational and self-growth.

Resume Example: Mechanical Engineer


India's premier resume service

Your life story begins here

header background

Choose a free Resume Template and build your resume. Use our intuitive drag-and-drop resume builder and save it as a PDF in minutes. Start building your resume right now.

All templates

Double Column

Free, Two Column resume template. The most popular choice for most roles, including programming & marketing.

A single column, classic resume template with grey accent colors.

The classic Harvard template, updated for the 21st century with a refined design that recruiters love and an optimized structure for improved ATS performance.

A two column resume template with a wider column for experience and a narrower, blue colored column for your highlights.

Elegant template with a beautiful design and compact, easy-to-read layout that highlights your strengths and achievements.

A resume with two columns and a photo in the resume header and aqua accent color. A long summary and an experience section in focus.

The most popular template for upper management roles, project managers and product owners.

A polished template with a focus on key achievements and skills. Aqua colored left column for highlights.

A refined template, especially great for positions where presentation is paramount: business development managers, sales leaders & other customer-facing roles.

A double column resume template with a navy colored resume header.

A creative template that accents your header and makes recruiters want to read the rest. Built for any industry.

A single column timeline resume template with blue and orange accent colors.

A timeline resume template. Organized neatly with a Timeline to show your career progress. For experienced professionals.

A double column resume template perfect for people with a lot of experience and skills. Blue accent color.

Are you a software engineer or a data scientist with a lot of skills & projects to list on your resume? This template allows you to create a perfect one-page resume.

A single column resume template perfect for all industries. Blue accent color.

Single Column

Free, simple resume template. Easily readable by both humans and ATS bots.

A compact resume template perfect for fitting a lot of information yet keeping your resume on a single page. Blue accent color.

Designed as a one-page resume template for mid-level roles with 3-10 years of experience.

A three column resume template with an image in the header. Perfect if you have lots of experience to show on your resume. Blue colored accents.


Multicolumn resume template. Made for executives to fit additional info in a third column.

Grey single column classic resume template with a focus on experience and side projects.

Traditional resume template. Fitting for conservative industries.

Template Image

High Performer

Data-focused resume template. Perfect for project and product managers.

Template Image

Minimalistic resume template. Blends whitespace and content, without clutter.

Resume Templates by job

Unleash the full potential of your career with professionally vetted resume templates. Take a look at samples from real resumes that helped people get hired at top companies in your field, and build a job-winning resume yourself.

Search more resume examples by job

Resume Template

Software Engineer

Resume Template

Project Manager

Resume Template

Product Manager

Resume Template

Account Manager

Resume Template

Business Development

Resume Template

Marketing Manager

Resume Template

General Manager

Resume Template

Operations Manager

Resume Template

Business Analyst

Resume Template

Managing Director

Resume Template

Full-Stack Developer

Resume Template

Data Scientist

Resume templates by experience.

Junior resume template

(1-3 years of experience)

Senior resume template with a solid right column for your skills and achievements, and a wider left column for your experience bullet points

(3-7+ years of experience)

Executive resume template with a dark green accent color for headings, and a single column outline that outlines the content in a reverse chronological order

10+ years of experience)

Intern resume template with an accented header and two column outline. Features a creative section to help it stand out

Entry Level

(no prior experience)

Career pivot resume template with a solid dark orange coloredd left column. Right column contains skills summary typical of career change resume templates, and experience bullet points below.

Career Change

Resume templates by format.

Resume Template

Combination Resume Templates

Resume Template

Corporate Resume Templates

Resume Template

Infographic Resume Templates

Resume Template

One Page Resume Templates

Resume Template

Timeline Resume Templates

Resume Template

Chronological Resume Templates

Resume Template

Functional Resume Templates

Resume Template

Minimalist Resume Templates

Resume Template

Two Column Resume Templates

Full color header in brown modern resume template.

Resume Template

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Made with love by people who care.

Weekend Edition Sunday

Sunday Puzzle

Listen to the lead story from this episode.

Politics chat: How voters are responding to Trump's felony conviction

by  Ayesha Rascoe ,  Mara Liasson

The Americas

Mexico votes for a new president after a campaigning season plagued by violence.

by  Eyder Peralta ,  Ayesha Rascoe

Middle East

Aid workers in gaza say nowhere is safe after israeli attacks on 'humanitarian zones'.

by  Hadeel Al-Shalchi

Girls in the U.S. are getting their period earlier. Here's what parents should know

by  Ayesha Rascoe ,  Maria Godoy

Bookstores have come under attack in Ukraine. But interest in reading is only growing

by  Joanna Kakissis

25 years ago, Napster changed how we listen to music forever

by  Ayesha Rascoe

What locals think of the proposal to build U.S.'s tallest building in Oklahoma City

by  Graycen Wheeler

Sunday Puzzle

Sunday Puzzle NPR hide caption

Sunday Puzzle: Second in Line

by  Will Shortz

Movie Interviews

A new animated film follows a lonely dog and his robot friend in new york city.

by  Ayesha Rascoe ,  Matthew Schuerman ,  Andrew Craig

Conservative media sows doubt about the verdict in Trump's felony convictions

by  Ayesha Rascoe ,  David Folkenflik

Supreme Court judge accused of bias towards Trump declines to recuse himself from case

by  Ayesha Rascoe ,  Matthew Schuerman ,  Hiba Ahmad

Some states are adopting a new form of reading instruction to combat falling scores

by  Juma Sei

A new movie tells the story of Kemba Smith Pradia, race and incarceration

Strange news, meet abby lampe, two-time champion of the cheese-wheel-chasing race, meet abby lampe, two-time champion of the chees-wheel-chasing race, 100 years ago, indigenous people were granted u.s. citizenship by law.

by  Sandhya Dirks

The first professional women's hockey league in the U.S. has a winner

Music interviews, jon lampley, a veteran of stephen colbert's talk show, releases his debut album.

by  D. Parvaz ,  Ayesha Rascoe ,  Ryan Benk

Searching for a song you heard between stories? We've retired music buttons on these pages. Learn more here.


  1. ResumeLab India

    resume format for indian company

  2. Best CV Format for a Job in India (2024 Guide)

    resume format for indian company

  3. Resume Format Download In Ms Word In India

    resume format for indian company

  4. Professional Resume Format India

    resume format for indian company

  5. How to Make an Indian Resume: Format and Structure (2023)

    resume format for indian company

  6. 18+ Professional CV Formats: Curriculum Vitae to Download

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  1. School Teacher Resume Format #job #resume

  2. Chapter 4

  3. Resume For Mechanical Engineer Fresher #resume

  4. Use This Resume Format In 2024 To Get A Job FASTER #resume #job #shorts

  5. Create Resume in MS Word

  6. Professional 🔥 Resume For Fresher


  1. How to Make an Indian Resume: Format and Structure

    One of the best ways to make your resume is by filling out one of our free resume templates. All our templates are designed by experts and free to download for Microsoft Word or Google Docs. Here's everything you need to know about writing each section of your resume for a job in India: 1. Include your contact information.

  2. How to Write a Resume in India? Indian Resume Format Guide

    End the resume with a self-declaration and signature. Something like the following line will suffice, followed by your signature, date, and place: Declaration: The information stated above is true to the best of my knowledge and belief. However, only include personal details that will help you score the job. 2.

  3. Resume Formats in Word and PDF

    Resume Format Trends: Optimize Your Job Application in 2024. Choosing the right resume format can feel confusing. Your resume is your first chance to impress a potential employer.This article will guide you through the three main types of resumes and how to use them best. Keep reading for insights that could transform your job search. ...

  4. The Best Indian Resume Format: Your Guide to Crafting a Winning Resume

    The best resume format for Indian job seekers is a chronological resume format. This format allows you to showcase your work experience, skills, and qualifications in a clear and organized manner. Here's a step-by-step guide to creating an effective Indian resume: 1. Contact Information:

  5. How To Write a Job-winning Indian Resume in 2023?

    Write a compelling summary of 2-3 lines and include keywords in your Indian resume. If you have referrals, highlight it in your resume and ensure that there are no typos or grammatical errors in your Indian resume. If you want to create a job-winning Indian resume, use Hiration's AI-powered Resume Builder which offers 24x7 chat support.

  6. Resume Format Guide (With Examples)

    Consider how you might apply each of these when drafting or updating your resume. Related: The Ultimate Resume Format Guide (With Popular Examples) 1. Apply appropriate margins. Setting proper margins for your document ensures the information fits within a highly readable space on the page.

  7. The Ultimate Resume Format Guide (With Popular Examples)

    Here is an example of a standard chronological resume format: Vilas Gupta (555) 555-5555 | [email protected] | Pune, Maharashtra Professional Summary An organised, skilled and compassionate HR manager with eight years of experience in human resources. Active listener, problem solver and effective decision-maker.

  8. How to Write an Indian Resume: Tips & Tricks

    Indian resume format vs. North American resume format. The resume is a staple of hiring processes around the globe. However, ... When writing your career objective or summary, make sure you reference the company you're submitting your application to. The goal is to establish a connection between the job you're applying for and your ...

  9. How To Make a Resume (With Examples)

    Make your name and section headers bold or slightly bigger in font size (no more than 14 points). Use bullet points when listing several different pieces of information like under your education and professional history sections. Related: How To Use Bullet Points For A Resume (With Example) 9. Proofread your resume.

  10. Zety: Resume & Cover Letter Tools for Job seekers in India

    Cascade template. Cascade uses a sidebar with subtle shading differences and a nifty bar graph for your skills and language sections. You can rearrange sections, change colours, and highlight your best-selling points. Template chosen by. 1,500,000+ users. Create your resume now.

  11. Indian Resume Format

    New Roman and Arial are highly recommended for writing CV format India content that is simple yet professional. Always ensure to add a clear margin to your resume pages to give a complete look to it. In Indian resume format, 0.5 inches 1-inch margin is highly recommended.

  12. AI CV Maker

    Resume Formats. Choose from 20 customizable resume templates, for all experience levels and industries. Cover Letter Builder. Cover Letter templates that match your resume design, or creative spirits alike. Job Matching. Shri's resume analysis automatically matches you to available jobs near you. Online CV & Resume

  13. Best CV Format for a Job in India (2024 Guide)

    Diamond is my top pick for Zety's users who work in business and finance. This CV format uses bold, dark elements to make a strong visual impression, but it's still a traditional and elegant design. You can stick with black-on-white or play around with colours for a more relaxed/modern look. 5. Newcast.

  14. Indian Resume Examples: 5 Best Samples & Why They Work

    Work Experience 2: Customer Service Manager. Job Description: Oversee a team of 30 customer service representatives to ensure they're following company policy while helping effectively solve their problems. Results: Produced a high-quality customer service team that handled customer complaints excellently.

  15. Resume Templates

    ATS-Friendly Templates: Optimized for the job market, ensuring your resume gets noticed by employers. Clean and Sleek Design: Professionally curated designs that make a lasting impression. Easily-Editable: Customize effortlessly to align with your unique professional journey. Tailored for All Career Stages: From freshers to senior professionals, find the perfect fit.

  16. Indian CV Tips, Format Requirements, & Examples

    India CV Tips and rules: Length: Keep your Indian CV concise - two pages is sufficient. Format: Use plain white paper and 12 point font if possible. How to Write an Indian CV. To write an Indian CV that hiring managers would love, follow these tips: Pick a resume template that allows you to add common Indian CV sections like summary, work history, certifications, header, skills, certifications ...

  17. Resume Format for Freshers: Best, Simple Examples for Jobs

    When you're done, Zety's resume builder will score your resume and tell you exactly how to make it better. 3. Don't Stress: No Experience Doesn't Mean No Skills. A resume format for freshers includes a place for work experience but, as a fresher, you're not necessarily expected to have any.

  18. 32+ Free Resume Templates For Freshers

    Download best resume formats in word and use professional quality fresher resume templates for free. Resume formats for freshers in every stream namely Computer Science, IT, Electrical, Electronics, Mechanical, BCA, MCA, BSc and more with high impact content. Improve your chances of interview shortlisting by using these high-quality resume templates.

  19. Resume Examples for Freshers

    RESUME FORMATS Pick a format RESUME SAMPLES Pick a sample PRICING Plans & Editing. Resume Examples for Freshers - Download Free Samples ... based on a set criterion with the sole purpose of presenting their findings in a simplified format to the business' interested parties; Capable in translate business requirements into technical ...

  20. Resume Samples and Examples For 2024

    Each sample resume is based on the most contacted Indeed Resumes for that specific job title. We've also gathered the skills and certifications for each job title that appeared most often on resumes uploaded to Indeed. Find a resume example for the job you're applying for by browsing by job title below: Accountant. Accounts Payable Specialist.

  21. 40+ Professional Resume Templates

    The clear-cut résumé builder allows you to customize fonts, colors, backgrounds, and sections.". Tested on all major ATS software, Enhancv resume templates help you create a professional resume fast. Choose from 40+ free & premium modern, basic, traditional and minimalist resume templates for a job-winning resume!

  22. Best Resume Formats for 2024 [8+ Professional Examples]

    Our free-to-use resume builder can make you a resume in as little as 5 minutes. Just pick the template you want, and our software will format everything for you. 1. College student format. This resume format is ideal for college students because it features a detailed education section and a simple, modern design.

  23. Accountant Resume: Format, Sample, and Guide for India

    Here's how to write an accountant resume that helps you win great jobs: 1. Use the Correct Accountant Resume Format. Accountants ensure that all financial information of the company is in compliance with local or international laws. A typical accountant resume lists among their duties auditing financial data, preparing tax statements, producing invoices, and tracking financial operations ...

  24. Resume For Freshers: Guide With Template

    Most functional resume templates follow a standard layout. Use the following guidelines to create a structure for your fresher's resume: Personal details: In the first section, start by typing your full name, phone number and email address. You can also provide your Skype or Discord ID.

  25. Weekend Edition Sunday for June, 2 2024 : NPR

    Jon Lampley, a veteran of Stephen Colbert's talk show, releases his debut album. by D. Parvaz, Ayesha Rascoe, Ryan Benk. 7 min. Searching for a song you heard between stories?

  26. Business Systems Analyst Resume Example (With Tips)

    Here is a sample resume for a business systems analyst with over three years of experience that can serve as a helpful example. Monika Paul. Pune, Maharashtra | (91) 92544-59888 | [email protected] Summary Detail oriented and result-driven systems analyst with more than five years of experience in business process improvement, data analysis ...