Rishi Sunak’s wife Akshata Murty: From austere childhood to billionaire businesswoman

The spouse of the new british prime minister has a fortune that doubles that of king charles iii courtesy of a 0.91% stake in the family business and shares in six other companies.

Akshata Murty

Every success story attempts to construct a version of the past that is as kind as possible, in order to justify the privileges accrued in the present. Akshata Murty, the wife of new British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak , has a personal fortune twice as large as that of King Charles III. The 42-year-old holds a stake of between 0.91% and 0.93% – valued at around $800 million – in Infosys, a technological services company founded four decades ago by a young programmer, Narayana Murthy, who would eventually become the Bill Gates of India and one of the wealthiest people on the planet.

“I often remember those first days after your birth. Your mother and I were young and struggling to get ahead in our professional careers. Two months after you were born, in Hubballi, we brought you with us to Mumbai, but we soon discovered that it was very difficult to raise a daughter and manage a career. We decided that you would spend the first years of your life with your grandparents, in Hubballi,” Narayana Murthy wrote to his daughter in 2013, in a compilation compiled by journalist Sudha Menon titled Legacy. Letters from Eminent Parents to their Daughters.

Under the care of her grandparents, Murty’s childhood was not that of a privileged young girl. Nor was it the exact opposite, but she was steeped in a self-imposed austerity through those early years of sacrifice. Her mother, Sudha Murty (both prefer to spell the family surname without the “h”), was an engineer and also a computer programmer. In fact, she became the first female engineer to be employed by Indian automobile giant Tata.

Akshata returned to Mumbai to be reunited with her parents when she was five years old, and the family’s financial situation was beginning to improve rapidly. “Life has changed for us since then, and now there is money to spare. But you know that our lifestyle will continue to be simple. I remember when I argued with your mother if we should send you to school in a private vehicle once we started to feel comfortable financially. She insisted that you and Rohan [Akshata’s younger brother] should continue to go in the same van as always with your classmates. What a friend you made there of everyone, including the driver. The simple things in life are often the happiest, and they are free,” her father wrote.

Evidently, Akshata’s life was anything but simple and free. She studied French and Economics at the exclusive but progressive Claremont McKenna College in California. Later, she enrolled in the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising in Los Angeles, earning a diploma in clothes manufacturing, and completed her educational career with an MBA in Business Administration from Stanford . It was there that she met her future husband, where he was studying for an MBA as a Fulbright Scholar. Four years later, in 2009, they were married in a Hindu ceremony that lasted for two days.

“It is a well-known fact that when a daughter marries, her father has mixed feelings. He hates the fact that a third party has entered the life of the daughter with whom he shares so much affection: a younger, more elegant, more self-confident man, who monopolizes attention that was previously exclusive. I too was a little jealous and sad when you told us you had found your life partner. But when I met Rishi, and confirmed all your praise for myself – brilliant, handsome and, above all, honest – I understood why he had stolen your heart,” the father of the bride admitted.

Rishi Sunak with his wife Akshata Murty and their two daughters, Krishna and Anoushka, last July in Grantham, UK.

However, only Narayana’s heart was stolen. The rest of the Murty estate, which was considerably increased by Sunak’s successful business ventures, grew further still. The couple, who have two daughters, were co-owners of Catamaran Ventures UK, a venture capital firm that invests in promising companies. Before becoming an MP, Sunak transferred all of his shares in the company to his wife.

Murty has stakes in at least six other companies in the United Kingdom, including the company that makes the uniforms for the elite Eton College, attended by many UK prime ministers, including Boris Johnson . In 2021, she received nearly $14 million in dividends. Courtesy of very favorable tax laws toward top executives and globetrotting billionaires that globalization has produced, Murty paid only $36,000 in taxes in the UK that year, a ticking time bomb at a moment when Sunak, then the Chancellor of the Exchequer, was on the end of fierce criticism from the opposition Labour Party and members of his own Conservative Party over the stinginess of his budgetary measures. Eventually, the couple admitted that Murty’s tax domicile should be London and paid back taxes on her earnings.

Sunak and Murty own a five-bedroom house in the exclusive London neighborhood of Kensington valued at $8 million; an apartment in the fashionable Old Brompton Road area of the British capital; a Georgian architecture mansion in North Yorkshire, worth $1.7 million and a penthouse on the Californian coast of Santa Monica worth just over $6 million.

“I understand the curiosity I arouse because of my parents’ achievements, but I am confident that someday this business can stand on its own merits,” Murty said in a 2009 interview with The Times of India , upon launching her own fashion label and collection, Akshata Designs. Having occupied a discreet position for many years, she will now not only have to face interest in her life because of who her parents are, but even more so because of who her husband now is.

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New Conservative Party leader and incoming prime minister Rishi Sunak (centre R) is greeted by colleagues as he arrives at Conservative Party Headquarters in central London, after having been announced as the winner of the Conservative Party leadership contest, on October 24, 2022. - Britain's next prime minister, former finance chief Rishi Sunak, inherits a UK economy that was headed for recession even before the recent turmoil triggered by Liz Truss. (Photo by Daniel LEAL / AFP)

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Akshata Murthy Age, Boyfriend, Husband, Family, Biography & More

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Akshata Murty

Some Lesser Known Facts About Akshata Murty

Rishi Sunak giving his first speech as the PM of the UK at 10 Downing Street

Rishi Sunak giving his first speech as the PM of the UK at 10 Downing Street

  • She is a Britain-based Indian businesswoman and fashion designer. She has been seen at several high-profile events, often wearing designer clothing and accessories.

A childhood image of Akshata Murty with her father and younger brother

A childhood image of Akshata Murty with her father and younger brother

  • She completed her schooling in India and pursued her further education in California.
  • After completing her studies, Akshata worked for a short period at Infosys before leaving to pursue her own entrepreneurial ventures. She co-founded a company called Sandstone, which is a home decor and furnishings business. Akshata is also involved in philanthropy and serves on the board of trustees for the Murthy Classical Library of India.  
I’m incredibly tidy, she’s very messy. I’m much more organised, she is more spontaneous. She is not going to love me for saying this, but I’ll be honest with you, she is not big on the whole tidying thing. She is a total nightmare, clothes everywhere… and shoes… oh God shoes.” [9] Mint jQuery('#footnote_plugin_tooltip_268941_1_9').tooltip({ tip: '#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_268941_1_9', tipClass: 'footnote_tooltip', effect: 'fade', predelay: 0, fadeInSpeed: 200, delay: 400, fadeOutSpeed: 200, position: 'top right', relative: true, offset: [10, 10], }); var adpushup = window.adpushup = window.adpushup || {}; adpushup.que = adpushup.que || []; adpushup.que.push(function() { adpushup.triggerAd("15a5b0e2-2cba-4f1b-bc64-939559447f88"); });
  • In 2007, she started working as a marketing director at Tendris, a Dutch cleantech Incubator Fund.
  • Akshata and Rishi Sunak met each other when they were doing their MBA in California. They became good friends and dated for a few years.
  • She worked at Unilever and Deloitte for a while, before doing MBA.
  • In 2007, she began working as a marketing director at Tendris, a Dutch cleantech Incubator Fund.
  • In 2009, they tied the knot at Leela Palace Hotel, Old Airport Road, Bangalore. It was a very simple wedding which was attended by a few renowned people including Azim Premji , Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Anil Kumble , Nandan M Nilekani , Captain G.R. Gopinath, Prakash Padukone , Syed Kirmani, and Girish Karnad .

I understand that there may be some curiosity around what I’m doing given my parents’ achievements, but I hope that one day this business is able to stand on its own feet and I’m able to speak on its merit rather than anything else. This is my passion and I couldn’t imagine being engaged in anything else but the business of this venture.” [10] The Times of India jQuery('#footnote_plugin_tooltip_268941_1_10').tooltip({ tip: '#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_268941_1_10', tipClass: 'footnote_tooltip', effect: 'fade', predelay: 0, fadeInSpeed: 200, delay: 400, fadeOutSpeed: 200, position: 'top right', relative: true, offset: [10, 10], });
  • In 2013, she started working as the Director of Catamaran Ventures in the UK.
  • Since 2017, she has been working as a member of the Board of Claremont McKenna College and the San Francisco Exploratorium.
  • She is a fashion designer and reportedly, she represents her creativity by fusing Indian and western cultures together and designing clothes by working with craftsmen living in remote villages in India.
Akshata Murty is a citizen of India, the country of her birth and her parents’ home. India does not allow its citizens to hold the citizenship of another country simultaneously.” [11] Vogue jQuery('#footnote_plugin_tooltip_268941_1_11').tooltip({ tip: '#footnote_plugin_tooltip_text_268941_1_11', tipClass: 'footnote_tooltip', effect: 'fade', predelay: 0, fadeInSpeed: 200, delay: 400, fadeOutSpeed: 200, position: 'top right', relative: true, offset: [10, 10], });
  • In 2022, Akshata Murty and Rishi Sunak were ranked 222 on Sunday Times Rich List.
Becoming a father transformed me in ways that I could never have thought possible. I could never go back to being the person I used to be before. Your arrival in my life brought unimaginable joy and a larger responsibility. I was no more just a husband, a son, or a promising employee of a fast-growing company. I was a father, who had to measure up to the expectations his daughter would have of him at every stage of her life.”

Sudha Murthy Age, Husband, Family, Biography & More

References/Sources: [ + ]

Britain’s new first family: meet Rishi Sunak’s heiress wife Akshata Murthy and their two young daughters

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So, there we have it: a new first family in Downing Street – again. At least Westminster’s furniture removers will be well practised by now.

The first question with a new prime minister would normally be how the family will fare in No 10 and make the place their own, but that speculation doesn’t apply in quite the same way in Sunak’s case: he, his wife, Akshata Murthy, 42, and their daughters, Krishna and Anoushka, have lived at the heart of Downing Street once already. Less than a year ago, in fact.

Whether Sunak and his family will take the flat at Number 10 or 11 is yet to be confirmed (No 10 is the tradition, but many PMs with families have opted for the more spacious flat at No 11, hence they lived in No 10 last time), but, either way, after the newborn and toddler mayhem of the Johnsons and the teenage “madhouse” that was apparently the Truss household, speculation is quickly building around what form the Sunak household will take.

iPhones, Peloton bikes and blue furnishings, are among the items pictured and spoken about from their time in the smaller flat at No 10 – clues to what life will look like at the bigger flat next door? At least funding shouldn’t be an issue, as it was in Johnson’s case.

Murthy, the Vogue-starring daughter of an Indian billionaire (whose tax affairs were the subject of a media storm in April), is said to be richer than the King thanks to £430m of shares in her father’s tech firm. Murthy has since updated her tax affairs and she and her husband are currently estimated to have a wealth of about £730m – probably enough to treat themselves to some wallpaper without dipping into the public finance pot, then.

So what else do we know about the Indian-born heiress who just became Britain’s first lady, where does her money come from and how much do we know about their daughters? From the couple’s love story at Stanford to their daughters’ leafy west London private school, here’s what we know about Britain’s third first family of 2022.

rishi sunak wife biography

The daddy’s girl raised by her grandparents

Murthy was born in April 1980 and, when she was just a few months old, she was sent to live with her paternal grandparents while her parents moved hundreds of miles away to work in Mumbai.

But it was far from an easy decision. “Your mother and I were young then and struggling to find our feet in our careers,” her father NR Narayana Murthy, a young computer programmer at the time and now one of the richest men in India, explained in a book of letters from eminent parents to their daughters in 2013.

rishi sunak wife biography

“Every weekend, I would take the plane to Belgaum [a nearby airport] and then hire a car to Hubli [the Indian city where Murthy lived with her grandparents]. It was very expensive, but I couldn’t do without seeing you.”

The extraordinary rise of Rishi Sunak: modern Britain’s youngest, richest and first Hindu PM

The extraordinary rise of Rishi Sunak: modern Britain’s youngest, richest and first Hindu PM

Charles appoints Sunak as PM during palace audience featuring Diwali sweets

Charles appoints Sunak as PM during palace audience featuring Diwali sweets

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Downing Street’s new First Family - From Liz Truss’s daughters to the husband who prefers a low-profile

Narayana Murthy went on to found IT services firm Infosys and is now a billionaire, described as the father of the Indian IT sector, the “ Bill Gates of India” and “one of the 12 greatest businessmen of all time”. His wife, Murthy’s mother, Sudha, became the first female engineer to work for India’s then-largest carmaker. She is now a philanthropist with a passion for public healthcare.


Murthy and her brother Rohan, three years her junior, joined their parents in Mumbai later on and were immersed in a strict programme of “studying, reading, discussions and meeting friends”, according to the book.

There was no TV in the home and the Murthy parents chose not to spend their increasing earnings on a private car or driver. Instead, they took a “regular autorickshaw” to school and each night from 8pm to 10pm was dedicated to “pursuits that brought that family together in a productive environment”: homework, for Murthy and her brother; reading and work for their parents.

rishi sunak wife biography

After school, Murthy travelled to the US, where she studied economics and French at California’s Claremont McKenna College before taking a course at Los Angeles ’ Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising. She went on to work for major firms Deloitte and Unilever but it was her next decision – enrolling on an MBA at Stanford University where she met Sunak – that was to change the course of her life completely.

A power couple born at business school

Southampton-born Sunak – the son of a GP and a pharmacist – was an Oxford graduate and Fulbright scholar when he met Murthy at Stanford. She was described by Tatler as “an artistic and fashion-loving student with a deep passion for India’s traditional craftsmanship”.

England v India - cinch Second Test - Day One - Lord's

Little is known about the beginnings of Murty and Sunak’s relationship, but he reportedly switched his class schedule “to be in a particular class” with her, and he has since joked about how she didn’t let his height (just 5ft 6in, making him the shortest PM since Winston Churchill) put her off. “I am incredibly grateful that 18 years ago you chose to give up your high heels and take a chance on the short kid with a backpack,” he said recently.

Sunak and Murthy married four years later in 2009 in Murthy’s home city of Bangalore, in a lavish two-day ceremony attended by 1,000 guests including Indian cricket legend Anil Kumble.

Business, fashion and a £14m property portfolio

After her MBA, Murthy reportedly worked as a marketing director for a Dutch tech incubator fund in San Francisco, before leaving to found her own fashion label, Akshata Designs, in 2007.

In 2009 she told the Times of India she “couldn’t imagine being engaged in anything else but the business of this venture” and she later told Vogue India she wanted her garments to help preserve her country’s rich heritage, with profits from the fashion line given to unknown Indian artists as a way of giving back to the community.

England v India - cinch Second Test - Day One - Lord's

The brand reportedly folded within three years. Since then, Murthy has largely focused on her work as a shareholder. She and Sunak used to co-own venture capital firm Catamaran Ventures UK but he transferred his shares to her before entering Parliament, making her the sole owner.

Murthy also has direct shareholdings in at least six other British firms, including the business that operates Jamie’s Italian, the nanny agency Koru Kids and men’s outfitters New & Lingwood, which measures Etonians for their tailcoats. Until recently, she also owned a 4.4 per cent stake in boutique London gym chain Digme Fitness, where she was a director – a sign she shares her husband’s passion for spinning? The company collapsed in February after failing to reinvent itself online during the pandemic.

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But the majority of Murthy’s wealth is down to a business venture closer to home: the 0.93 per cent stake (thought to be worth about £430m) she owns in her father’s tech firm Infosys. The company was at the centre of a media storm earlier this year after reports that it was continuing to operate in Russia despite its invasion of Ukraine (Murthy’s father has been pictured shaking hands with Russian president Vladimir Putin in the past).

If estimates of Murthy’s £430m wealth are correct, this makes her richer than the King, who is estimated to be worth £350m, according to the Sunday Times Rich List. Little is known about how Murthy spends her time and money day to day. Her now-deleted Instagram account had just 211 followers, with a picture of some feet against blue sky and palm trees, with “in pursuit of a meaningful life” written into the bio.

rishi sunak wife biography

London, Yorkshire… California?

Sunak and Murthy reportedly lived in India for four years as newlyweds before moving to the UK shortly before Sunak became MP for Richmond in Yorkshire in 2015.

Their extensive property portfolio is reportedly worth more than £14 million and includes a £7 million, five-bedroom mews house in Kensington and a Grade-II listed Georgian manor house set in 12 acres in North Yorkshire, with its own ornamental lake and boating house.

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They also own a first-floor flat on the Old Brompton Road in Fulham and a £5.5m beachside penthouse in Santa Monica.

It was snapped up by Murty in 2014 directly from the developer and the area reportedly has a reputation as being the best fishing spot in Santa Monica.

Family fishing trips and walks on the North York Moors might sound idyllic, but an increasing majority of the family’s time was reportedly spent in their Kensington townhouse before moving into Downing Street, thanks to Sunak’s work.

The former chancellor was pictured stepping out of its front door on Monday as he was announced as Britain’s new prime minister, and it was where the family reportedly hid out when the controversy over Murthy’s tax affairs first hit the headlines.

Conservative Leadership Rishi Sunak Campaigns In Grantham

The house reportedly features four bathrooms and two reception rooms spread across four storeys, plus a private garden.

Walks, water fights and a furry fifth family member

Like Truss’ kids, little is known about Sunak and Murthy’s two daughters, Krishna and Anoushka, including exactly how old they are, but we do know that they’re privately educated – unlike the children of most of Sunak’s predecessors in No 10.

The school in question is reported to be an all-girls primary school in leafy west London, with an extra-curricular offering that includes swimming, netball, computer coding and even ballet classes.

Sunak’s official Instagram account – launched in June 2019 – has also given a (small) glimpse into family life as the daughters of a then chancellor and now prime minister, from half-term BBQs and family water fights to walks on the moors with their Labrador retriever, Nova.

A ‘fiercely private’ first lady

“Family is everything to me”. Sunak said this just three months ago when he announced his (first) leadership bid for No 10 in July.

Indeed, family were at the heart of his initial premiership campaign: unlike Truss’ family, Murthy and their daughters accompanied him on stage at campaign events and seemed happy to pose for photo calls walking hand in hand along the street. So will that close-knit family-first feel continue now he is in office?

Political spouses are always watched with a keen interest, but there’s likely to be particular focus on Murthy as she steps into the role of Britain’s new first lady (and also its richest and first Hindu one) after the controversy surrounding her tax affairs in April.

The timing of accusations that his heiress wife might be benefiting from tax reduction schemes came at a particularly unfortunate time for the then-chancellor, as they dropped on the same day he hiked national insurance contributions for millions during a time of rising household bills. “This is yet another example of the Tories thinking it is one rule for them, another for everyone else,” Labour said at the time amid reports that Murthy held non-domicile status, a legal way to avoid paying taxes in Britain on overseas income.

Among criticisms were claims that she could be registered as Indian for tax purposes, therefore saving millions by not paying UK tax on foreign income. She and Sunak strongly denied these claims at the time, but have since updated her tax arrangements – so will the whole thing put her off stepping into the spotlight like Samantha Cameron and other political spouses?

Most commentators say it’s too early to say, but wonder if she might follow Truss’s accountant husband O’Leary, who was mostly described as an “earnest, quiet”, Philip May -type character, perhaps even less comfortable in the limelight than Philip May was.

rishi sunak wife biography

O’Leary was pictured standing quietly behind Truss as she departed from office this morning (interestingly, next to his daughters – their first and only public appearance since their mother became PM) so will Murthy follow suit and take an unassuming role in the shadows?

Those who know her say Murthy is “fiercely private” and likes to maintain a low profile, but others say she has already proved herself to be more public-facing that O’Leary – even since the controversy surrounding her taxes. She looks comfortable as she cheers on her husband at campaign events and has been a regular feature on his Instagram over recent months, from accompanying him to a popular Hindu temple to posing for family photocalls hand in hand with their daughters.

Conservative leadership bid

Downing Street, take two

The door to No 11 Downing Street might look indistinguishable from its iconic black neighbour at No 10 , where the Sunaks lived while he was chancellor, but behind the Georgian facade lies a very different world.

The four-bedroom flat at No 11 has recently become a bolthole for several of the latest prime ministers and it is there, within the larger living space at the top of a large sweeping staircase, that history comes alive.

The walls of the family-friendly flat have seen their fair share of intrigue and drama over the years – and many a makeover. David Cameron and his wife spent six years at No 11 with their four children and reportedly gave it a full minimalist overhaul.

Theresa May opted for just a few key pieces of statement furniture (or “a John Lewis furniture nightmare”, as Carrie Johnson has been widely quoted as having called it).

The Johnsons famously gave it a makeover rumoured to have cost as much as £200,000 thanks to the hiring of eco designer Lulu Lytle , whose wallpaper starts at £100 a metre – a controversial move that many say was part of Johnson’s unravelling, thanks to the expenses scandal that followed.

Little is known about what Truss and her family got up to when they took over last month. “Clothes everywhere”, “kids running with pancake pans” and “like a bomb has gone off” were just some of the phrases one close friend of Truss had used to describe the state of the home she shared with her husband, Hugh O’Leary, 48, and their two daughters Frances, 16, and Liberty, 13.

rishi sunak wife biography

It’s unlikely the Truss family have had time to change much during such a short tenure – so what will happen to that flat at No 11 now? Sunak was famously pictured sitting at a computer in a grey hoodie during his time in the next-door flat at No 10 and he’s been pictured next to many a blue furnishing over the years, from blue sofas to grand blue plant pots outside his Kensington front door.

He’s also spoken of his love of at-home Peloton classes and how his favourite instructor, Cody Rigsby , keeps him motivated with Britney anthems. Out with Truss’ baking tins and in with the Peloton bike, then. Let the Sunak era at No 10 (or No 11) begin.

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Who is Rishi Sunak's wife Akshata Murty - and why are her family so wealthy?

Akshata Murty has a 0.91% stake in her father Narayana's tech empire Infosys, which puts her estimated net worth above the Queen's.

Monday 11 April 2022 15:20, UK

rishi sunak wife biography

Chancellor Rishi Sunak has asked the independent adviser on ministers' interests to investigate whether his family's financial arrangements have been "properly declared".

Mr Sunak has been accused of being out of touch with the current cost of living crisis, after being forced to defend his multi-millionaire wife's tax affairs and his own past residency status in the US.

Mr Sunak married Akshata, the daughter of the so-called 'Bill Gates of India' - Narayana Murty, in 2009 after they met at Stanford University.

Read more: Sunak faces persistent scrutiny over his household financial affairs

rishi sunak wife biography

Her 0.91% stake in her father's tech empire Infosys brings her net worth to around £500m.

She lives in Number 11 Downing Street with Mr Sunak and their two daughters but is still an Indian citizen.

Pressure began to mount after it emerged Akshata Sunak held non-dom status , which means she did not have to pay UK tax on her international income, and that Infosys were still operating in Moscow despite the war in Ukraine.

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She has since confirmed she will pay UK taxes on all her income, saying it had "become clear that many do not feel it is compatible with my husband's role as chancellor . I understand and appreciate the British sense of fairness and I do not wish my tax status to be a distraction for my husband or to affect my family."

A Whitehall leak investigation has been launched to establish how the information was put into the public domain.

In a newspaper interview the chancellor insisted his wife pays tax in all the countries she has business in and as a private citizen her financial affairs should not be up for public debate.

However, Mr Sunak's own affairs have come in for further scrutiny after the Treasury confirmed the chancellor had held a US Green Card up until last year.

Green card holders must pay US tax on their worldwide income and pledge that the US is their forever home.

Here Sky News takes a closer look at Akshata Murty, her family's wealth and how it is affecting her husband's political career.

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Rishi Sunak defends his approach to cost of living crisis

Daughter of the 'Bill Gates of India'

Akshata Murty was born in 1980 to parents Narayana and Sudha Murty in the southern Indian state of Karnataka.

Her parents initially took her and her brother Rohan with them when they moved to Mumbai for work - but soon decided to send them back to Karnataka to live with their paternal grandparents.

It was a year later in 1981 that her father founded Infosys, the company that would go on to make him one of the richest men in India.

 Narayana Murty at the Infosys annual conference in 2014. Pic: AP

After his master's degree in electrical engineering and one failed IT business, Mr Murty borrowed 10,000 rupees (£100) from his wife to set up the new firm.

In a matter of years Infosys had created a global delivery model for outsourcing IT services from India, making the company millions.

Mr Murty served as CEO until 2002 when he took on the role of chairman, before stepping back to a role of chairman emeritus.

Forbes puts his net worth at $4.5bn (£3.45bn), while Time magazine refers to him as the "father of India's IT sector".

Mrs Murty, a computer scientist and engineer, who was the first woman to work for India's largest carmaker, has also worked for Infosys, and is now a philanthropist and member of the Gates Foundation.

Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak alongside his wife Akshata Murthy in the stands during day one of the cinch Second Test match at Lord's, London. Picture date: Thursday August 12, 2021.

Met Rishi Sunak at Stanford

After completing her schooling in India, Akshata travelled to the US to study economics and French at the private Claremont McKenna College in California.

She then moved to Los Angeles to study design and merchandising at the Fashion Institute of Design.

After stints at firms including Deloitte and Unilever she went to Stanford to study for an MBA.

It was there she met Rishi Sunak in 2005.

Four years later they got married in a two-day ceremony in Bangalore where the guest list included several of India's top cricketers.

Mr Sunak and Ms Murty at Lords in August 2021

The same year she founded her own fashion brand Akshata Designs, which saw her featured in Vogue in 2011.

Despite having her own business, it is her share in Infosys that makes up most of her wealth, which is estimated at £500m - higher than the Queen's.

She is also the director of the venture capital business Catamaran Ventures UK, which her father started in 2010.

Her husband was a co-owner, but transferred his shares to her shortly before being elected as the Conservative MP for Richmond in 2015.

What is non-dom status?

John-Paul Ford Rojas, business reporter

Political reporter

Non-domiciled residents are people who live in the UK but are deemed to have their permanent home, or domicile, abroad.

That may mean they do not have to pay UK tax on foreign income.

A domicile is usually the country which a person’s father considered to be his permanent home, at the time when the person was born.

However that can change if the person moves away from that country and does not intend to return, according to Home Office guidelines.

Someone who has non-dom status and earns more than £2,000 from overseas has to report this in a self-assessment tax return.

They can then either pay UK tax on the earnings or pay an annual charge to claim “remittance”, which means tax is only paid on the income brought into the UK.

The charge is £30,000 for a person who has lived in the UK for at least seven of the previous nine tax years or £60,000 if living in the UK for at least 12 of the previous 14 tax years.

It makes sense for individuals with high foreign earnings to pay the charge to keep their tax bill down.

Famous non-doms reportedly include Chelsea owner Roman Abramovich and metal tycoon Lakshmi Mittal.

A study this week from the London School of Economics and Warwick University, using HMRC data from 1997 to 2018, showed that more than one in five bankers earning at least £125,000 a year in Britain have benefited from the status.

The concession is enjoyed by more than 75,000 mainly foreign nationals.

Critics say it is unfair because it allows those with the status to enjoy the benefits of UK infrastructure without being subject to the same tax rules that apply to most people.

Prem Sikka, a Labour peer and accounting professor at Essex University, also says it leads to “all kinds of economic distortions” such as foreign Premier League players who pay income tax on their club wages but funnel image rights through overseas-registered companies.

That can help them avoid UK tax in a way British-domiciled players cannot.

Akshata meanwhile, is listed as having shares in at least six other UK companies, including luxury gentlemen's outfitters New & Lingwood and the UK company that operates Jamie's Italian in India, nanny agency Koru Kids and gym chain Digme Fitness, which she is also a director of.

She and her husband have four homes, including a £7m five-bedroom property in Kensington, one on London's Old Brompton Road, a £1.5m mansion in his North Yorkshire constituency, and a Santa Monica penthouse in California with an estimated value of £5.5m.

They have two daughters, Krishna and Anoushka.

Husband under fire

Following widespread praise for his furlough scheme during the coronavirus pandemic, Rishi Sunak was touted as a potential successor to Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

Mr Johnson's involvement in the 'partygate' scandal and investigation by the police for gatherings held across Downing Street and Whitehall during COVID lockdowns, heightened interest in who could replace him as PM.

But questions over his wife's family's vast wealth have appeared to hinder his chances in recent weeks.

First it was reported that Infosys still had operations in Moscow, despite the UK, US and other Western allies unitedly pulling out of Russia in response to the war in Ukraine.

A spokesperson for the company later confirmed they would be replacing staff in Russia with others abroad.

This week the Independent reported that as an Indian citizen, Ms Murty has 'nom dom' status, which has previously been used for tax avoidances in the UK, sparking accusations of "breathtaking hypocrisy" by Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer.

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In an interview with The Sun, Mr Sunak responded to the claims.

"Every single penny that she earns in the UK she pays UK taxes on, of course she does," he wrote.

"And every penny that she earns internationally, for example in India, she would pay the full taxes on that. That is how the system works for people like her who are international who have moved here."

Emily Thornberry

There has also been criticism Mr Sunak's spring statement failed to address the cost of living crisis, sparking claims that his own personal wealth means he is unable to fully comprehend the impact on families.

The Resolution Foundation think tank estimated that his package of measures would push 1.3 million people into poverty.

In response, Mr Sunak told Sky News he disagreed with the idea that "government can or should" compensate everybody for the resulting real-terms hit to their finances, especially when global factors such as the Ukraine war are at play.

He added: "My job is to make the right long-term decisions and my view is that an excessive amount of borrowing now is not the responsible thing to do."

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Meet Indian heiress Akshata Murty, wife of UK's new Prime Minster Rishi Sunak

By Rebecca Cope and Dora Davies-Evitt

Akshata Murty with Rishi Sunak in formal clothes

After several turbulent months in the Conservative (Tory) Party, which saw the rise and fall of Liz Truss as United Kingdom 's shortest-serving Prime Minister, former Chancellor Rishi Sunak is now hoping to bring stability to Downing Street as the third Conservative leader in three months. But now that Truss and her husband, Hugh O'Leary, have vacated the Number 11 flat, who is Akshata Murty, the wife of the new Prime Minister? 

Born in April 1980 in India to ambitious parents Narayana and Sudha Murty, Akshata and her younger brother Rohan were raised by their paternal grandparents , while her mother and father pursued their careers in engineering and science. The tough decision paid off, as Narayana went on to found a $77 billion IT services company, Infosys, while Sudha became India's first female engineer to work for its biggest car manufacturer, TATA Engineering and Locomotive Company (TELCO).

Image may contain Suit Coat Clothing Overcoat Apparel Rishi Sunak Tie Accessories Accessory Human and Person

Chancellor of the Exchequer Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murty attend a reception to celebrate the British Asian Trust at the British Museum on February 9, 2022

She moved abroad to the US to study economics and French at Claremont McKenna College in California, before completing a degree in Fashion of Design and Merchandising in Los Angeles. In 2005, she did an MBA at Stanford University, where she met her future husband. The pair married four years later in 2009, in a lavish ceremony in Bengaluru in India, attended by high society figures. After four years living in India, they moved to the UK, and Rishi became an MP for Richmond in Yorkshire in 2015. The couple have two daughters, Krishna and Anoushka, but very little is known about them, as their parents have kept their identities private. 

In 2007, Akshata set up her fashion design business, Akshata Designs, yet it collapsed just three years later. Since then, she has mostly held shares in multiple businesses, including one that she and her husband previously owned together, Catamaran Ventures UK (he transferred his shares to her before becoming an MP), as well as Jamie Oliver's Pizzeria and New & Lingwood, the tailors to Etonians. 

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As Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sunak faced difficult questions in April after it emerged that Akshata holds non-domicile status, and therefore does not have to pay UK tax on income she earns abroad. Mrs Sunak holds shares in multiple businesses, including a 0.9 per cent share (thought to be worth around ₹6550 crore or £690 million) in her father's successful IT business, Infosys, which operates in the family's native India. 

It was reported that she pays tax on her UK earnings - but it was not clear what these entail. As she holds an Indian passport, she is entitled to seek non-domicile status, and would need to renounce her Indian nationality in order to become a UK citizen, as her spokesperson explained at the time: ‘Akshata Murty is a citizen of India, the country of her birth and parents' home. India does not allow its citizens to hold the citizenship of another country simultaneously.’

This article first appeared on tatler.com

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Meet Rishi Sunak’s wife and two children as PM’s partner introduces Tory conference speech

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Prime Minister Rishi Sunak alongside his wife Akshata Murthy.

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak  gave his closing speech at the Conservative Party conference today and was introduced by his wife before giving his address.

When thanking his partner, he quoted the new Tory slogan, describing marrying her as ‘the best long-term decision for a brighter future’ he’d ever made.

The speech is the Prime Minister’s first conference address as party leader after he replaced Liz Truss as PM following his leadership victory in October 2022.

The conference has been marred with speculation about what might happen to national rail project HS2 , as well as a Conservative heckler during Home Secretary Suella Braverman’s speech and protests being held around Manchester.

Mr Sunak, the former Chancellor, took up residence in Downing Street around a year ago – but who else lives in No. 10 with him?

Here’s everything you need to know about Mr Sunak’s family life.

Who is Rishi Sunak’s wife?

Mr Sunak’s wife is Akshata Murthy , whom he met when he was at Stanford University, where he studied for an MBA.

Ms Murthy used to work in finance and marketing – but later turned to fashion design and runs her own label, Akshata Designs.

She is listed on LinkedIn as being director of capital and private equity firm Catamaran Ventures, gym chain Digme Fitness and gentlemen’s outfitters New and Lingwood.

Rishi Sunak with wife Akshata Murthy

The couple wed in 2009 in Ms Murthy’s home city of Bangalore in southern India – meaning they’ve been married for around 13 years now.

They made the Sunday Times Rich List for the first time ever in May 2022, with a combined fortune of £730m – making Mr Sunak the first politician ever to appear on the list since it first began in 1989.

They are also benefactors of Mr Sunak’s old school, Winchester College, with reports they had donated £100,000 to the college by 2020.

Ms Murthy has a famous father, the Indian billionaire N.R. Narayana Murthy, with whom Mr Sunak is in business at Catamaran Ventures.

Mr Murthy co-founded IT company Infosys – and is officially one of India’s richest men. Forbes puts his astronomical net worth at $4.3 billion (around £3.1 billion).

Rishi Sunak and his wife with King Charles and Camilla

She reportedly holds a 0.91% stake in Infosys, which her father founded in the 1980s.

Askhata’s mother is named Sudha Murthy, and has been married to Mr Murphy since 1978.

She also has a brother, Rohan, who is a junior fellow at Harvard University in Massachusetts.

Mr Sunak’s wife was mired in controversy when it was revealed that she did not pay taxes to the UK government for money she earned abroad due to her  non-domicile status.

This allowed her to avoid paying UK tax on foreign earnings as she one day planned to return to live in India.

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It was estimated Ms Murthy’s non-dom status could have saved her £ 20 million in taxes on dividends from her shares in Indian IT company Infosys.

She later confirmed she would pay voluntary taxes on foreign earnings, saying in a statement she did not want her non-dom status to be a ‘distraction’ for her husband.

4/ I understand and appreciate the British sense of fairness and I do not wish my tax status to be a distraction for my husband or to affect my family. For this reason, I will no longer be claiming the remittance basis for tax. — Akshata Murty (@anmurty) April 9, 2022

‘For this reason, I will no longer be claiming the remittance basis for tax,’ she said.

‘This means I will now pay UK tax on an arising basis on all my worldwide income, including dividends and capital gains, wherever in the world that income arises.

‘I do this because I want to, not because the rules require me to. These new arrangements will begin immediately and will also be applied to the tax year just finished.’

Does Rishi Sunak have children?

Rishi and Akshata share two young daughters , named Krishna and Anoushka.

Rishi Sunak and his daughter Anoushka at premiere of Matilda The Musical

He keeps his young family out of the public eye for the most part – although in October 2022 took daughter Anoushka on the red carpet for the London Film Festival premiere of Matilda The Musical.

His daughters were also seen with him on the campaign trail earlier this year, as he paid a visit to supporters in Grantham.

Sharing the images on Instagram, Mr Sunak wrote: ‘Family means everything to me. So grateful to have the support of my family at yesterday’s event in Grantham.’

Previously, the MP  joked on his website  that his two girls keep him ‘busy and entertained’.

Rishi Sunak, wife Akshata Murthy and their daughters Krishna and Anoushka


It’s been reported by Hello! that the children attend private school Glendower Prep in London, where David and Victoria Beckham’s daughter Harper is also a pupil.

The family also owns a Labrador named Nova that they adopted in 2021.

Where does Rishi Sunak live?

It was reported by the Evening Standard that Rishi Sunak and his family moved back to Britain’s most famous address after his Tory leadership victory.

They also had a stint in Downing Street when the MP was Chancellor – but while the person in that role normally lives at No 11, Mr Sunak lived in the flat above No 10, with Boris and Carrie Johnson taking the apartment next door.

Rishi Sunak

Mr Sunak and his wife also own four properties, according to Hello! , including a flat in Central London and a home in Santa Monica, California.

Until they moved to No.10, it was reported they lived mainly in Kensington, West London, where they own a five-bedroom mews house reported to be worth around £7 million.

They purchased the property in 2010, the year after they married, according to the Standard .

Mr Sunak also owns a flat in South Kensington, which he bought while he was working at Goldman Sachs in 2001 – and which is used mainly as a holiday home when family members come to visit.

Meanwhile, the family spend weekends at their property in the village of Kirby Sigston, near Northallerton in North Yorkshire, close to where Mr Sunak’s constituency is.

He is the MP for Richmond , a post he has held since 2015.

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You are currently viewing Akshata Murthy Biography in english (Rishi Sunak wife)

Akshata Murthy Biography in english (Rishi Sunak wife)

  • Post author: Anamika raghuwanshi
  • Post published: September 10, 2023
  • Post category: Popular person (लोकप्रिय व्यक्ति)
  • Post comments: 0 Comments

Akshata Murthy introduction

Today we are going to tell you about Akshata Murthy here. Akshata Murthy Biography in english – Akshata Murthy is an Indian heiress, businesswomen and fashion designer. Who is the daughter of NR Narayana Murthy and Sudha Murthy, founder of India’s multinational IT company Infosys. Akshata Murthy was married to United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in 2009. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murthy are among the 222nd richest men in Britain. Akshata Murthy age is 42 years in 2023. Let us introduce you to the life of Akshata Murthy –

अक्षता मूर्ति की जीवनी हिंदी में- “ यहां क्लिक करें “

Table of Contents

Akshata Murthy Biography in english (Rishi Sunak wife)

Akshata Murthy biography, Akshata Murthy father, Akshata Murthy age, Akshata Murthy first marriage, Akshata Murthy mother, Akshata Murthy instagram, Akshata Murthy net worth, Akshata Murthy children, Akshata Murthy height, Akshata Murthy Biography in english (Rishi Sunak wife)

Akshata murthy birth and early life.

Akshata Murthy was born in April 1980 in (Hubli) Karnataka, India, and her age is currently 2023 years. He was born in a prominent businessman family. His father is NR Narayana Murthy, the founder of India’s multinational IT company Infosys. Akshata Murthy’s early life was spent very well, because she did not lack anything since childhood. Growing up in a family with such skilled parents, Akshata Murthy became familiar with the world of business and philanthropy from a young age. His parents instilled in him the values of hard work, honesty and giving back to society, which later became the fundamental principles that guided his life and career. biography of Akshata Murthy in english

Akshata Murthy education

Akshata Murthy completed her early education from Baldwin Girls High School, Bengaluru, after which she went abroad where Akshata Murthy did her education focusing on economics and business. He completed his graduation in Economics from Claremont McKenna College in California, USA. His time abroad provided him with an international perspective and a deep understanding of global economics, which would prove invaluable in his future endeavors. After receiving her bachelor’s degree, Akshata furthered her education by earning a Master of Business Administration (MBA) from Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business. His education at Stanford allowed him to connect with some of the brightest minds in the fields of entrepreneurship and venture capital, setting the stage for his future career. It was there that she met Rishi Sunak where both fell in love. Akshata Murthy biodata

Akshata Murthy family

Akshata Murthy lives in Britain with her family. Akshata family consists of her parents, husband and children. Akshata Murthy’s father’s name is NR Narayana Murthy, the founder of Infosys, an Indian multinational IT company, and her mother’s name is Sudha Murthy. She is a prolific writer, social activist and chairperson of the Infosys Foundation. Akshata Murthy is married, Akshata Murthy’s husband’s name is Rishi Sunak, who is the President of the United Kingdom. Akshata Murthy also has two daughters, the elder daughter’s name is Krishna and the younger daughter’s name is Anushka. She loves her family very much. akshata murthy father

Akshata Murthy Biography in english (Rishi Sunak wife)

  • Mother Name – Sudha Murthy
  • Father’s Name – NR Narayana Murthy
  • Husband Name – Rishi Sunak
  • Children’s names – Daughter’s name
  • Brother’s name- Rohan Murthy Akshata Murthy age

Akshata Murthy career

Akshata Murthy is an Indian heiress, businesswoman and fashion designer. Who is the daughter of NR Narayana Murthy and Sudha Murthy, founder of India’s multinational IT company Infosys. Akshata Murthy joined Murthy Dutch Cleantech Former Trading in 2007 as its Marketing Director. After working for 2 years, she started Shameless but closed it in 2012. Then in 2013, she joined the venture capital fund Katam Rangers. She became the director of her father’s farm in London and co-founded its branch with her husband. Akshata Murthy holds a total of 0.93% shares of her father’s firm, which is worth Rs 6.30 lakh crore in the year 2022. She is the director of Digmi Fitness and Soroko and is also its founder along with her brother Rohan Murthy. akshata murthy mother

Akshata Murthy physical appearance- Akshata Murthy age and height

  • Age – 42 years in 2023
  • Height – around 5.8 inches
  • Weight – around 65 kg
  • Skin colour – dark complexion
  • Eye colour – black
  • Hair colour – black akshata murthy G20

Akshata Murthy social media accounts

Akshata Murthy is very less active on her social media accounts. She mostly shares videos and photos related to her films and political life on her Instagram account. Akshata Murthy has 39 posts on Instagram, and there are lower ones. If you want to search Akshata Murthy then you can visit the link given below – akshata murthy husband

Akshata Murthy Instagram- “ Click here “

Akshata Murty net worth

Akshata Murthy’s net worth is said to be around $430M. There is no publicly available information about Akshata Murthy’s exact net worth. The net worth of politicians can vary widely and is often not publicly disclosed like that of business figures or celebrities. Akshata Murthy is one of the richest people in Britain. Her father is also a big businessman. Like him, he is also rich and a famous businessman. rishi sunak wife

Interesting information about Akshata Murty- Akshata Murty facts

  • Akshata Murthy is an Indian heiress, businesswoman and fashion designer.
  • Akshata Murthy is the daughter of NR Narayana Murthy and Sudha Murthy, founder of Indian multinational IT company Infosys.
  • Akshata Murthy was married to United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in 2009.
  • Akshata Murthy lives in Britain with her family. Akshata’s family consists of her parents, husband and children.
  • Akshata Murthy is a leading figure in the world of business and philanthropy, born in a family with a legacy of technology and entrepreneurship, making a name for herself in the fields of venture capital and social impact.
  • His father, Narayana Murthy, is a renowned entrepreneur and co-founder of Infosys, one of India’s largest and most successful IT services companies. His mother Sudha Murthy is a prolific writer, social worker and chairperson of the Infosys Foundation.
  • Growing up in a family with such skilled parents, Akshata Murthy became familiar with the world of business and philanthropy from a young age. akshata murthy biography

FAQ Section

Q.who is akshata murthy.

Ans. Akshata Murthy is an Indian heiress, businesswoman and fashion designer. Who is the daughter of NR Narayana Murthy and Sudha Murthy, founder of India’s multinational IT company Infosys. Akshata Murthy was married to United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in 2009. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murthy are among the 222nd richest men in Britain. Akshata Murthy age is 42 years in 2023.

Q. When was Akshata Murthy born?

Ans. Akshata Murthy was born in April 1980 in (Hubli) Karnataka, India, and her age is currently 2023 years. He was born in a prominent businessman family. Her father is NR Narayana Murthy, the founder of India’s multinational IT company Infosys. Akshata Murthy’s early life was very good.

Q. Who is Akshata Murthy’s husband?

Ans. Akshata Murthy was married to United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in 2009. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murthy are among the 222nd richest men in Britain.

Q. Who is Rishi Sunak wife?

Ans.Akshata Murthy is an Indian heiress, businesswoman and fashion designer. Who is the daughter of NR Narayana Murthy and Sudha Murthy, founder of India’s multinational IT company Infosys. Akshata Murthy was married to United Kingdom Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in 2009. Prime Minister of the United Kingdom Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murthy are among the 222nd richest men in Britain.

Q. What is the age of Akshata Murthy?

Ans. Akshata Murthy age is 42 years in 2023.

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Wiki Biography

Who is Akshata Murthy? (Wife of Rishi Sunak) Wiki, Bio, Age, Net Worth, Parents, Fashion Designer

Akshata Murthy (Wife of Rishi Sunak): Wiki, Bio, Age, Net Worth, Career, Family, Height, Education, Parents, Prime Minister of Britain, and Other Details: Akshata Murthy is an Indian businesswoman and social activist. She was born in 1980 in Hubli, Karnataka, India. She is well-known as the daughter of N.R. Narayana Murthy. He is an Indian billionaire businessman. He is the founder of an IT Company named Infosys. She is married to Rishi Sunak, the head of the Conservative Party and the current British Prime Minister. The 222nd richest people in Britain are Murty and Sunak. She has a 0.93% share in Infosys. Her assertion of non-domiciled status in the UK raised the issue of her riches in the British media. To know everything about Akshata Murthy read this post!

Akshata Murty wife of Prime Minister

Table of Contents

Akshata Murthy’s Early Life and Parents

She was born in 1980. The birthplace of Akshata is Hubli, Karnataka, India. Akshata belongs to the Indian nationality.  Now Akshata lives with her husband and daughters in London, The United Kingdom. Still, she holds Indian nationality. The name of Akshata’s father is N. R. Narayana Murthy. He is an Indian billionaire businessman. He is the founder of an IT Company named Infosys. He initiated the company in 1981.

The name of Akshata’s mother is Sudha Murthy. She is a venerable personality. She worked as an Indian engineer, teacher, author, as well as a social worker. Regarding Akshata’s siblings, she has a brother in the family. The name of Akshata’s brother is Rohan Narayana Murthy. He runs his own Library named Murthy Classical Library. Rohan is the owner of the Library.  Akshata is the daughter of a Hindu couple.

According to the sources, Akshata was born and grew up in an affluent Indian family. She had a lavish childhood. Akshata is the daughter of the richest businessman. And Akshata never felt a lack of anything in her life. Her parents provided her with everything. Akshata was raised by her parents. The current age of the  Indian businesswoman Akshata is 42 years old as of 2022. She belongs to the South Asian ethnicity.

There is no information available regarding  Akshata’s exact date of birth on the internet at the time of writing this post. Because Akshata’s exact date of birth is not yet revealed on the internet. That’s why we do not know When Akshata celebrates her birthday each year. Due to the lack of information, the details of Akshata’s birthday and zodiac sign could not be found on the internet at the moment.

Regarding Akshata’s physical appearance, she is 5 feet and 4 inches tall by height. The weight of Akshata’s body is around 54 kg.  Akshata has black color beautiful eyes as well as black color long shiny hair. Akshata is pleasing.  She is an Indian businessman by profession. Akshata works as a businesswoman.  According to the sources, Akshata went to Baldwin Girl High School in Bangalore, Karnataka.

Akshata received her schooling from Baldwin Girl High School. After that, Akshata enrolled herself at Claremont McKenna College, California. From where Akshata received her bachelor’s degree in economics & French. Then  Akshata enrolled herself at Stanford University Graduate School of Business, California.  Akshata received her master of business administration degree from the same university. Later Akshata also pursued her diploma course in fashion from the Fashion Institute of Design & Merchandising, California.

Biography of Akshata Murty daughter of Infosys Narayan Murthy; husband , net worth, career, family, & more

Akshata Murthy Career (Fashion Designer)

As mentioned above Akshata Murthy is an Indian businesswoman by profession. According to the sources, Akshata started her career as a marketing director at Tendris USA Inc. She worked there from April 2007 to January 2009. Then Akshata founded her own womenswear brand named Akshata Design in June 2009. She used to work as the founder of Akshata Design from June 2009 to January 2013.

After that, Akshata became a Board Member at Exploratorium in September 2008. She used to work there from September 2008 to June 2014. Then Akshata became a trustee of Claremont McKenna College in October 2011.  She has been the trustee of this since October 2011. Akshata became the director of  Catamaran Ventures in May 2013. It is a British brand. Akshata has been working as the director of Catamaran Ventures since May 2013. Since 2015, she has had ownership in two of Jamie Oliver’s restaurant companies, Wendy’s in India, Koro Kids, and Digme Fitness, as well as her father’s technology company Infosys, which will be worth around £700 million in April 2022. She serves as a director for Digme Fitness and Soroco, an organization that her brother Rohan Murty helped start. Akshata has gained a lot of success, honor, and fame during her business career.

Akshata Murthy’s Husband & Marriage (Rishi Sunak)

Murty wed Rishi Sunak in August 2009, after they met at Stanford University. Since October 2022, Rishi, a British politician, has held the positions of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom and Leader of the Conservative Party. Prior to this, he held the positions of Chief Secretary to the Treasury from 2019 to 2020 and Chancellor of the Exchequer from 2020 to 2022. He has served as a Richmond (Yorks) Member of Parliament (MP) since 2015.

The pair have a Kensington Mews mansion and an Old Brompton Road apartment in London. They are the owners of the Grade-II listed Kirby Sigston Manor in Yorkshire. Additionally, they have a Santa Monica penthouse residence. While her husband was the Chancellor of the Exchequer, they resided at 11 Downing Street in London.

She was listed as a non-domiciled resident of the United Kingdom in April 2022, which permits her to pay no tax on her income earned outside of the country as long as she makes an annual contribution of £30,000. Murty stated that while she would continue to be a non-domiciled individual, she would willingly pay UK tax on her international income.

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Akshata Murthy’s Daughter and Son

The names of the couple’s two daughters are Krishna and Anoushka. However, the Prime Minister claims on his “about me” page in the UK Parliament that they keep him active and entertained. Little is known about them because they are mostly kept out of the public eye.

Akshata Murthy Age, Height & Physical Appearance

Akshata was born in April 1980. Hence, her zodiac sign must be either Aries or Taurus. Her height is 5 feet 4 inches, which is 163 centimeters. She has beautiful black hair and gorgeous black-colored eyes. Akshata’s current age is 42 years.

Akshata Murthy Controversy

Numerous British tabloids stated that Akshata Murty had asserted a non-domiciled tax status in the UK on April 7, 2022. This entails that she is exempt from paying taxes on the split advantages she receives from foreign businesses under British law.

Akshata the second most richest woman in Britain

Additionally, the opposition questioned Akshata’s revenue from Infosys, which was still performing part of its tasks in Russia throughout the Russia-Ukraine War. During this time, her husband, Rishi Sunak, himself, frequently advised British businesses to leave Russia to cause the Vladimir Putin regime the most economic harm possible. Later, it became known that Infosys had chosen to stop providing services in Russia.

Akshata Murthy’s Net Worth

N.R. Narayana Murthy, Akshata’s father, is referred to as the “Bill Gates of India” since he and his wife Sudha turned the software business Infosys into a multibillion-dollar empire. With a net worth of an estimated £500 million, Akshata Murty is wealthier than the Queen thanks to her 0.93% ownership in Infosys. Since Akshata has not disclosed, it is difficult to accurately tell her precise net worth.

Here is the full bio/wiki of Akshata Murty, her name, age, height in feet, weight, body measurements, nickname interests/hobbies, boyfriend, marriage, Rishi Sunak, spouse, cars, house, hometown, ethnicity, birthplace, parents, achievements, school, her Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Tik Tok earning/income/net worth, zodiac sign, education, caste, religion, date of birth, Venture Capitalist, Infosys, Wife of Rishi Murty.

Akshata Murthy Information Table

rishi sunak wife biography

Social Media Accounts:

Some lesser known facts about akshata murthy.

  • Akshata is the daughter of N. R. Narayana Murty, a co-founder of Infosys.
  • In Hubli, she was raised by her grandparents while her parents were having difficulties in their careers.
  • She spells her last name differently than her father and drops the “h” from Murthy, making it Murty.
  • She finished her education in India before moving to California to continue her studies.
  • She began working at Tendris, a Dutch cleantech Incubator Fund, in 2007 as the marketing director.
  • As fellow MBA students, Akshata and Rishi grew close and dated for a while.
  • They were married in Bangalore’s Old Airport Road The Ballroom of the Leela Palace Hotel in 2009.
  • The notable guests who attended the very simple wedding were Azim Premji, Kiran Mazumdar-Shaw, Anil Kumble, Nandan M. Nilekani, Captain G. R. Gopinath, Prakash Padukone, Syed Kirmani, and Girish Karnad, among the notable guests.

Akshata Murthy FAQs

1. What does Akshata Murhty do?

Akshata is a UK-based Indian businesswoman, fashion designer, venture capitalist, and wife of British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak.

2. How old is Akshata Murhty?

She is 42 years old.

3. What is Akshata Murty’s net worth?

Her estimated net worth is Rs 2,790 crore.

4. Who is Akshata Murty’s husband?

Her husband is Rishi Sunak, who is the current Prime Minister of Britain.

5. Who are Akshata Murty’s parents?

Akshata’s parents are N. R. Narayana Murthy and Sudha Murthy are the co-founders of the Infosys Foundation.

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Ivan Hancko

I am Ivan Hancko, a content editor at wikibiography.in. My interests revolve around website design, photo editing, front-end development, working on Adobe Illustrator, Canva, and similar tools. I enjoy fixing broken things and taking on household tasks, including interior and exterior design and adaptation. I love long, brisk walks, cycling, and being in nature.

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Rishi Sunak facts: Height, wife, children and policies revealed

27 February 2023, 14:00 | Updated: 9 October 2023, 14:56

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By Zoe Adams

Prime Miniser Rishi Sunak is the first Asian leader the UK has ever had and is also one of the youngest - but what else do we need to know about him? Background, age and where he's from revealed.

Rishi Sunak officially became the UK's new prime minister following Liz Truss ' shock resignation after just 45 days.

During his short reign so far he's had to deal with the cost of living crisis, soaring energy bills and most recently adapting the Northern Ireland Protocol as part of a fresh Brexit deal.

Following a tough time for politics, Rishi has also faced growing demands for pay rises across industries including the NHS and trains and will continue to deal with plenty of backlash and criticism.

But as the face of the conservatives and the UK, we take a look at Rishi Sunak's background including his wife, children and parents.

Read more: Rishi Sunak warned by Boris Johnson that dropping NI Protocol Bill would be 'great mistake'

Read more: ‘Of course we use the NHS,’ Rishi Sunak told LBC - after staying silent over private healthcare

Here's all the important facts about the PM including his height and net worth.

How old is Rishi Sunak and what's his background?

Born on May 12, 1980, Rishi is currently 42 years old.

He has been a member of parliament since 2015 where he was an MP for Richmond and has served in roles including Chief Secretary to the Treasury and the Chancellor of Exchequer while Boris Johnson was PM.

As the Chancellor during the coronavirus pandemic, some of his most recognised work is the furlough scheme and the Eat Out To Help Out programme.

Following his education, Rishi worked at investment bank Goldman Sachs before moving into hedge fund management and becoming partner in The Children's Investment Fund Management.

When he was 29, he also helped start a private investment firm called Theleme Partners and has worked with his father-in-law, and billionaire N.R Narayana Murthy, as a director of Catamaran Ventures.

Where is Rishi Sunak from and where does he live?

Rishi is originally from Southampton but now has a portfolio of impressive houses including his large home in Kensington.

During family breaks, it's thought Rishi and his family retreat to their Manor House in North Yorkshire. They also own a property in Santa Monica, California, and a flat in central London.

rishi sunak wife biography

Sunak and European Commission president to hold face-to-face talks on protocol

How tall is Rishi Sunak in feet?

Rishi is 1.7m which is 5ft 7inches in height. The PM's height has become quite the talking point for many who follow his career as he falls two inches below the average height for a man in the UK.

What school did Rishi Sunak go to?

Mr Sunak studied at the prestigious Winchester College Oxford where he read Philosophy, Politics, and Economics. He then took his education a step further and went to Californian to earn an MBA as a Fulbright Scholar. He did this at Ivy League college, Stanford University.

Who are his parents?

Born to Hindu parents of Punjabi descent, Rishi's father is Yashvir and his mother is Usha.

Yashvir was born and raised in Kenya and worked as a general practitioner in the NHS, while his mum was born in Tanzania and worked as a pharmacist and running a local pharmacy.

The MP is the eldest of three siblings.

Who are Rishi Sunak's wife and children?

Rishi married his wife, Akshata Murthy, in 2009 where they had a two-day wedding ceremony in Bangalore. She runs her own fashion label, Akshata Designs, and is also a director of venture capital firm founded by her dad.

Akshata is the daughter of billionaire N.R. Narayana Murty, a co-founder of IT company Infosys.

Together the couple have two daughters, Krishna and Anoushka.

What are his policies and what has he voted for?

When Sunak was running against Liz Truss for PM following Boris Johnson's resignation, Rishi put immigration and the NHS at the top of his agenda. However, he now has more of a financial crisis on his hands.

He has committed to the UK's Rwanda scheme and has hinted at replicating this scheme in other countries.

Sunak has also spoke of linking migration with foreign policy - countries who collaborate with the UK on the return of migrants would be rewarded with aid, trade and visas.

Another proposed idea is to charge the public £10 for missed GP appointments in order to help the huge NHS backlog following the pandemic.

Previously, Rishi was a strong leaver for Brexit and has always voted in favour of tightening immigration laws and rising the higher rate tax bracket.

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Number one couple: Rishi and Akshata Sunak reveal the inner-workings of their home life

By Isaac Zamet

Image may contain Rishi Sunak Rishi Sunak Person Adult Clothing Glove Footwear Shoe Accessories and Bracelet

Britain's prime minister Rishi Sunak and wife Akshata Murty attend the State Banquet at Buckingham Palace on November 21, 2023 in London

Rishi Sunak and his wife, Akshata Murty, have revealed an insight into their home life - including who cooks the dinner and who makes their bed every morning.

The most powerful couple in the country have appeared in a video on Grazia which sees them discussing habits and chores and life at home.

In spite of the relaxing and low-hanging questions, it can hardly be said that Rishi looks relaxed. Of course, he does have a big year ahead as a rumoured autumn-time election continues to loom.

We don’t learn much too outlandish about the most powerful couple in the country – at least beyond the fact that that Akshata liked to lie in at university and that Rishi likes re-loading the dishwasher. Rishi benefits from a few moments of praise, as he is labelled ‘the better cook’ by Akshata. His routine dish is Gordon Ramsay scrambled eggs, which he cooks on a Saturday morning.

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Rishi Sunak and Akshata Murty in the Downing Street flat

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Meal planning becomes a controversial point. Discussing the balance of carbohydrates, proteins and vegetables in their daughters' diets, Rishi laments, ‘There is not a single meal where I come home and they are eating those three things’.

We learn that Rishi is an avid bed-maker and that Akshata is not; Akshata is of the eating-in-bed-is-okay tribe, whereas Rishi is certainly not (‘Disgusting’, says Rishi, with a throwaway gesture); Rishi is also a top-dishwasher loader (and pedantic re-loader.)

Image may contain Rishi Sunak Clothing Pants Accessories Belt Adult Person Jeans Bag Handbag and Car

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak and his wife Akshata Murthy arrive at their hotel ahead of the annual Conservative Party conference on September 30, 2023

It’s interesting to learn that in her own view, Akshata is the stricter parent. It seems that she has a laser-focus and a helicopter presence when it comes to the children’s education – but by the sounds of things, Rishi is the harsher taskmaster when it comes to household issues. Akshata expresses a sweet sentiment when asked whether she gives the children incentives to do chores, telling Grazia : ‘I believe we’re a family, we all have to work together, we all have to help each other out. That’s just the way life goes.’

Chief-present-giver? That’s Akshata. When it comes to birthdays or to Christmas, she’s in charge of the conceptualisation and acquisition stage, which usually boils down to new books, family related games or gear for the outdoors. Of course, Rishi doesn’t have so much free time to cook up great present ideas. He looks mournful as he remembers the death of the family Christmastime ‘Elf on the shelf, Rocky’. Who knew Rishi was a man for make-believe?

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When it comes to exercise, Akshata is clearly in the lead – though Rishi probably burns a good number of calories purely through stress. What’s the preferred mode of working out for the IT-heiress? Perhaps a spin class or a walk with the dog. Rishi is managing to run just about once a week and is misty-eyed when he remembers times when the pair could run together.

If you were wondering what the Prime Minister does to unwind before bed, after a long day of Prime Ministering: there’s no energy left in the tank for reading. He usually just watches an episode of friends, which Akshata is getting a little bored of.

The couple met in 2004 when they were both studying at Stanford University, California. At the time, Rishi had won a prestigious Fulbright scholarship. Akshata, meanwhile, was known as an ‘artistic and fashion -loving student with a deep passion for India ’s traditional craftsmanship’, as she was once described in Tatler . The pair were just 24 when they met. They eventually married in 2009 in Akshata’s hometown of Bangalore.

The relationship now looks strong as ever – but it must be said that the chore regime might be facing wholesale change soon, if Rishi can’t hang on to his premiership, that is.

rishi sunak wife biography

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Rishi Sunak to become UK’s first Hindu prime minister

Richmond mp lost out to liz truss this summer but his dire economic warnings about her ‘fairy tale’ tax policies have been entirely vindicated by her disastrous and short-lived reign, article bookmarked.

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Rishi Sunak will be Britiain’s new prime minister – and its first Hindu leader, just in time for Diwali – after an extraordinarily turbulent year in Westminster and for him personally.

It was his resignation from government alongside Sajid Javid on 5 July that triggered the landslide – in which almost 60 Conservative ministers followed suit over a madcap 40-hour period – that finally brought an end to Boris Johnson ’s scandal-plagued premiership, setting in motion the red-hot chaos of recent months.

With Mr Johnson forced out, his former chancellor, 42, initially found himself leading the parliamentary leg of the contest to replace him but swiftly fell behind foreign secretary (and eventual winner) Liz Truss as soon as it became a straight two-horse race.

Mr Sunak’s campaign had hoped to kindle warm memories of his generosity when Covid-19 first slammed Britain into lockdown in the spring of 2020, the days of “Dishy Rishi”, the free-spending chancellor behind the £69bn furlough scheme best known for working behind his laptop in a hoodie and ferrying plates around Wagamama to promote his Eat Out to Help Out initiative.

But the Conservative Party membership were unmoved, preferring Ms Truss’s pie-in-the-sky promises to his claims that he was the ideal person to revive an ailing economy that he himself has been at the helm of for two-and-a-half-years.

Rishi Sunak – live: Ex-chancellor poised to become PM after Boris Johnson drops out

The choice proved deeply unwise and Mr Sunak has since been entirely vindicated about the folly of Ms Truss’s “fairy tale” tax cuts and once again finds the keys to No 10 within his grasp.

Should his dream finally come to pass – he must still see off a challenge from Commons leader Penny Mordaunt – he would still, eventually, need to convince the British electorate that his being one of the richest MPs in government, thanks to his marriage to Indian billionaire’s daughter Akshata Murthy, need not be an obstacle to understanding the realities of poverty in the UK today.

Mr Sunak was born in Southampton on 12 May 1980, his parents Yashvir and Usha Sunak a GP and pharmacist respectively, the couple originally from East Africa with roots in Punjab, India.

The eldest of three children, Mr Sunak attended the prestigious Stroud School in Hampshire and Winchester College, where he was head boy and edited the school newspaper, waiting tables in a curry house during the school holidays to boost his coffers.

Rishi Sunak during TV debate with Liz Truss

Slightly embarrassingly in hindsight, the family appeared in a BBC documentary in 2001 entitled Middle Classes: Their Rise and Sprawl , a clip of which recently resurfaced online and went viral in which the future chancellor can be seen declaring that he has working class friends, before retracting the statement as though it were absurd.

From there, he studied politics, philosophy and economics at Lincoln College, Oxford, and, according to Tatler , talked about himself as a future Conservative prime minister even then.

He then worked as an analyst at Goldman Sachs before joining a series of hedge funds, marrying Ms Murthy, daughter of “India’s Steve Jobs”, NR Narayana Murthy, in August 2009 and finally entering politics by becoming the MP for Richmond in the Yorkshire Dales following the 2015 general election, succeeding William Hague .

Serving as parliamentary under-secretary for local government and then chief secretary to the Treasury, he was appointed chancellor by Mr Johnson on 13 February 2020, a matter of weeks before Covid first arrived on these shores.

Popular for much of the pandemic, even Mr Sunak could not remain entirely untainted by Partygate , which first erupted, like the Omicron variant, in late 2021.

Wave after wave of damaging stories about rule-breaking wine fridge booze-ups at Downing Street while the country was in lockdown continuously rocked the Johnson premiership throughout December and January, with only the Omicron scare and Christmas providing respite.

The scandal whipped up real anger among the British public, already incensed by Dominic Cummings ’ illicit road trip to Barnard Castle, who had been imprisoned in their own homes, frightened for the future, unable to go to work, see their friends and relatives or even say goodbye to those they lost to the virus.

Rishi Sunak launches his leadership campaign

Resentment festered over the PM’s apparent blithe indifference for the very people he had presumed to represent ever since they had handed him a landslide election victory two years earlier and whose faith he had repaid with a “one rule for them, another for us” approach to governance.

Mr Johnson struck an increasingly desperate and discredited figure in January as Whitehall mandarin Sue Gray gathered what looked like damning evidence against him and turned much of it over to London’s Metropolitan Police , compelling officers to launch an investigation of their own, as seething backbenchers handed in their letters of no confidence to Sir Graham Brady ’s 1922 Committee in droves.

Meanwhile, over in No 11, Mr Sunak shrewdly kept his distance until he was eventually forced to concede that he had attended a Cabinet Room birthday bash for Mr Johnson.

He apologised for doing so by saying: “I can appreciate people’s frustration. And I think it’s now the job of all of us in government and all politicians to restore people’s trust.”

During his boss’s darkest day – a particularly savage Prime Minister’s Questions in the House of Commons on 12 January – Mr Sunak absented himself in Devon and only that evening tweeted a rather half-hearted message of support , saying only that Mr Johnson had been “right to apologise” and calling for “patience”.

By 23 January, he was being accused of sounding out potential backers for a leadership challenge among Leicestershire’s “Pork Pie Plotters” .

Six days later, there were claims he had described Partygate as “unsurvivable” for Mr Johnson while his aides, including “boy genius” adviser Cass Horowitz, had reportedly “built a draft version of a campaign website, taking inspiration from his weekly No 11 newsletter, and developed a marketing strategy” in anticipation of an imminent leadership bid.

By 3 February, Mr Sunak was openly refusing to rule out running for the top job in an interview with the BBC’s Laura Kuenssberg and distancing himself from the PM’s unjust smear against Sir Keir Starmer over the failure of the Crown Prosecution Service to go after notorious paedophile Jimmy Savile during his tenure as director of public prosecutions.

But before Partygate could reach the crescendo that looked inevitable, Russian president Vladimir Putin launched his full-scale invasion of Ukraine on 24 February, the very same day that Mr Johnson ended the last of the social restrictions imposed in England to contain the coronavirus .

Boris Johnson and Rishi Sunak leaving 10 Downing Street

The pandemic was largely swept from the news agenda as the world watched events unfolding in Eastern Europe with horror, quickly rallying behind the courageous resistance mounted by the Ukrainian people.

Leading the international condemnation of Moscow, Mr Johnson was unexpectedly able to rehabilitate his image by feeding defensive weapons and aid to Ukraine and even visiting Kyiv to tour the city centre in person in a show of solidarity with president Volodymyr Zelensky .

Mr Sunak, meanwhile, was left languishing at home and endured a torrid time of it, delivering the bad news about a worsening cost of living crisis, which has seen inflation climb to a 40-year high and household energy bills rocket.

His widely unpopular Spring Statement on 23 March saw him fail to add to the £350-a-year aid package he had already announced to help families tackle the booming cost of heating their homes and fail to ditch an imminent rise in National Insurance.

Despite a crowd-pleasing cut in fuel duty, a YouGov poll concluded that 69 per cent of Britons believed the chancellor had not done enough to help working people out of financial hardship.

The days that followed saw Mr Sunak face media scrutiny the likes of which he had never previously known, resulting in a succession of gaffes that exposed his apparent inexperience and naivety.

He tried in vain to defend the proposition that he, of all people, was telling low-income families they would simply have to tighten their belts and go without.

A phone-in on LBC landed him in an uncomfortable encounter with a single mother who said she was unable to keep her radiators on and worried for her children.

A question about the price of bread in an interview with the BBC drew the response, “We have all different breads in my house”, and a publicity stunt at a Sainsbury’s petrol station saw him forced to borrow a staff member’s Kia Rio and struggle to pay at the till with his contactless card, as though he had never before had to buy a can of Coke and a Twirl in his life.

Fashion columnists had already noticed the £795 Reiss shearling jacket Mr Sunak wore on an ice skating trip to the Natural History Museum with his daughter in the New Year and were now raising eyebrows over his £335 trainers as the perception grew that the chancellor was in no position to understand the very real concerns of the electorate.

A revelation that he and Ms Murty had made a £100,000 donation to Winchester College , his old alma mater, hardly helped matters.

Nor did The Independent ’s subsequent story that Ms Murty, believed to hold a £690m stake in her father’s giant IT services company Infosys, had saved millions of pounds in tax on her earnings thanks to her non-dom status , an entirely legal strategy but not a good look in the current dire fiscal climate.

Rishi Sunak with his wife Akshata Murthy

Already facing awkward questions about Infosys’s business ties to Russia, Ms Murty announced on 8 April that she would now pay tax after all but it was too late to stem the criticism of her partner.

A further story about Mr Sunak still holding a US green card – the family have a second home in sunny California – while working for the British government, provoked further demands from Sir Keir that he “come clean” about his personal affairs.

The strain beginning to show, the chancellor complained in an interview with The Sun that he believed the opposition was responsible for the leaks against his wife (the party has suggested he “look a little closer to home”) and moved his family out of Downing Street .

He wrote to Mr Johnson referring himself to Lord Geidt , then the independent adviser on ministers’ interests, asking for an investigation to be carried out into his private finances in order to establish that he was guilty of no wrongdoing.

Making matters worse, he – along with Mr Johnson and the latter’s wife, Carrie Johnson – was given a £50 fixed-penalty notice by Met Police on 12 April for attending the rule-breaking birthday bash.

Despite announcing further measures to help families through the ever-worsening economic crisis, Mr Sunak’s popularity dwindled while Cabinet colleagues Ms Truss and Ben Wallace drew plaudits for their support for Ukraine and Mr Johnson soldiered on, weathering one scandal after another.

The Chris Pincher affair finally saw the Conservative Party’s patience run dry, leading to the operatic events of early July.

Mr Sunak’s decisiveness over that issue has helped his cause immeasurably and he quickly secured the support of such influential backers as Oliver Dowden , Grant Shapps and Dominic Raab but was nevertheless unable to convince the party membership of his merits.

In the final two of the leadership battle, the former chancellor had found himself preaching fiscal responsibility and pragmaticism against Ms Truss’s gung-ho tax cut promises and arguing over who was the true Thatcherite and the most committed Brexiteer.

Since that toxic, personal and needlessly drawn-out contest was decided in Ms Truss’s favour, Mr Sunak can only have sat back and watched in glee and horror at what unfolded, his every warning entirely borne out by her disastrous tenure in Downing Street, characterised by spooked global financial markets, a massive Bank of England rescue effort to prop up pension funds and a fourth chancellor in four months.

Only Mr Johnson can have enjoyed recent events more.

Now that Ms Truss’s inevitable resignation has been confirmed , and with Mr Johnson’s mooted return aborted, Mr Sunak seems all but certain to win the day.

But such is the state the country is in, he may soon find himself wishing he had not.

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rishi sunak wife biography

Rishi Sunak Wiki, Age, Wife, Girlfriend, Family, Biography & More

Rishi Sunak was born on 12 May 1980 (age 42 years; as in 2022) in Southampton, England. He has done MBA from Stanford University. His father’s name is Yashvir Sunak and his mother’s name is Usha Sunak .

Rishi Sunak Wiki / Biography

  • Name – Rishi Sunak
  • Full Name – Rishi Sunak
  • Birthday – 12 May 1980
  • Age – 42 Years (as in 2022)
  • Gender – Male
  • Nationality –  British
  • Religion – Hinduism
  • Zodiac/Sun Sign – Taurus
  • Born In – Southampton General Hospital, Southampton, United Kingdom
  • Hometown – Southampton, England
  • Famous As – Political Leader
  • Political Ideology – Conservative
  • Political Party – Conservative Party

Rishi Sunak Family

  • Father – Yashvir Sunak
  • Mother – Usha Sunak
  • Sister – Raakhi Sunak (Chief of Strategy and Planning)
  • Brother – Sanjay Sunak (Psychologist)
  • Father-in-law – N. R. Narayana Murthy
  • Mother-in-law – Sudha Murty

Rishi Sunak Wife, Girlfriends, Affairs and More

  • Affairs/Girlfriends – Akshata Narayan Murty
  • Marital Status – Married
  • Wife Name – Akshata Narayan Murty ​(m. 2009)
  • Children – 2
  • Daughter Name – Krishna Sunak, Anoushka Sunak
  • Son Name – N/A

Rishi Sunak Educational Qualifications

  • School – Winchester College
  • College – Lincoln College, Oxford (BA) ; Stanford University (MBA)
  • Qualifications – Graduation

Rishi Sunak Physical Stats & More

  • Height – 170 cm (in feet inches- 5′ 7″)
  • Weight – 70 kg (in pounds- 154 lbs)
  • Body Measurements – Not known
  • Eye Colour – Black
  • Hair Colour – Black


Rishi Sunak Wikipedia

Rishi Sunak is a British conservative politician. Rishi Sunak previously served as Chancellor of the Exchequer from 2020 to 2022 and Chief Secretary to the Treasury from 2019 to 2020.

He has been the Member of Parliament for Richmond (Yorks) since 2015.

Rishi Sunak will be the new Prime Minister of the UK after the resignation of Liz Truss . Rishi Sunak has won the Tory leadership election by defeating Penny Mordaunt.

Rishi Sunak had the support of more than 180 Conservative MPs, while Penny was far behind in terms of support. After this, Penny withdrew her name, and Rishi Sunak’s name was officially announced.

He can be sworn in as Prime Minister of Britain on 28 October 2022.

His parents are African Hindus of Indian descent. His grandparents were from Punjab and Rishi himself believes in Hinduism and is a Krishna devotee.

Rishi Sunak Net Worth is £730 million.

Rishi Sunak is a British conservative politician.

12 May 1980 (age 42 years; as in 2022)

170 cm (in feet inches- 5′ 7″)

Akshata Narayan Murty ​(m. 2009)

Social Media


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Rishi Sunak Wiki, Biography, Age, Career, Family, Wife, Height, Weight, Nationality, Net Worth & More

Who is Rishi Sunak?:- Rishi Sunak is a British politician and a Businessperson. He serves as the Chancellor of the Exchequer. On 5 July 2022, Rishi Sunak resigned from his cabinet minister and finance minister position after allegedly clashing with the respected Prime Minister Boris Johnson

Get all details about Rishi Sunak Wiki , Biography, Age, Career, Family, Wife, Height, Weight, Nationality, Net Worth & More.

Table of Contents

Rishi Sunak Resigns

Rishi Sunak is a Politician and a Businessperson. In a big blow to the embattled British PM, two of his Cabinet colleagues, including Chancellor Rishi Sunak was resign on 5 July 2022, as they expressed their loss of confidence in his leadership in the midst of scandals. 

Rishi Sunak Wiki, Biography

Rishi Sunak was born on 12 May 1980 in Southampton, United Kingdom. Rishi did his school studies at Stroud School in Romsey, Hampshire.

After his school study, he completes his college studies at  Winchester College, And then get graduated from Lincoln College, Oxford with a bachelor’s degree in philosophy, politics, and economics. For his MBA degree, he studies at Stanford University. 

Rishi Sunak Age

Rishi Sunak is 42 years old as of 2022. Rishi Sunak’s zodiac sign is Taurus. He belongs to the Hindu religion.

Rishi Sunak Career

Rishi Sunak is a British politician by profession. Rishi Sunak began his political career as a Member of Parliament for Richmond. And after that, he got promoted to Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Local Government position.

Rishi Sunak is also a former Chief Secretary to the Treasury. He is also an analyst for the investment bank, Goldman Sachs, and a partner in two hedge funds. Now he is serving as the Chancellor of the Exchequer.

Rishi Sunak Family

Rishi Sunak Father’s name is Yashvir Sunak he is NHS General Practitioner by profession, and his mother’s name is Usha Sunak who ran a Medical shop. Rishi Sunak is the elder brother of his three siblings Sanjay Sunak, and Raakhi Sunak.

Rishi Sunak Wife, Children

Rishi Sunak’s marital status is married. He got married to Akshata Murthy. Rishi first time meets Akshata Murthy during his college time.  After a long time affair, they got married in August 2009. This couple has two lovely daughters  Krishna Sunak and Anoushka Sunak.

Rishi Sunak Wife, Children

Rishi Sunak Height, Weight

Rishi Sunak’s height is 5 feet 6 inches ( 170 cm ). Rishi Sunak’s weight is around 61 kg, which is 134 lbs in pounds.

Rishi Sunak Nationality

Rishi Sunak’s nationality is British.

Rishi Sunak Net Worth

Rishi Sunak’s net worth is £730 million as of 2022.

Rishi Sunak Social Media

  View this post on Instagram   A post shared by Rishi Sunak (@rishisunakmp)

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  21. Rishi Sunak Wiki, Age, Wife, Girlfriend, Family, Biography & More

    Rishi Sunak Wiki, Age, Wife, Girlfriend, Family, Biography & More. by Editorial Team. Rishi Sunak was born on 12 May 1980 (age 42 years; as in 2022) in Southampton, England. He has done MBA from Stanford University. His father's name is Yashvir Sunak and his mother's name is Usha Sunak.

  22. Rishi Sunak Wiki, Biography, Age, Career, Family, Wife, Height, Weight

    Rishi Sunak Family. Rishi Sunak Father's name is Yashvir Sunak he is NHS General Practitioner by profession, and his mother's name is Usha Sunak who ran a Medical shop. Rishi Sunak is the elder brother of his three siblings Sanjay Sunak, and Raakhi Sunak. Rishi Sunak Wife, Children. Rishi Sunak's marital status is married.

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    Rishi Sunak. Rishi Sunak ( Southampton, 12 de maig de 1980) és un polític anglès, primer ministre del Regne Unit des del 25 d'octubre de 2022, [1] Membre del Partit Conservador, ha estat membre del Parlament (MP) per Richmond, a Yorkshire, des de les eleccions generals de 2015. [2] esdevenint Ministre d'Hisenda [3] entre 2020 i 2022, [4] en ...