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Rorschach movie review: Revenge redefined with Mammootty v Grace Antony v Bindhu Panicker leading the charge

How do you punish a dead person who ruined your happiness? Rorschach challenges our notion of life itself with a tale of an unprecedented, seething desire for payback.

Rorschach movie review: Revenge redefined with Mammootty v Grace Antony v Bindhu Panicker leading the charge

Language: Malayalam

Cast: Mammootty, Grace Antony, Bindhu Panicker, Jagadish, Sanju Sivram, Kottayam Nazeer, Sharafudheen, Ira Noor, Cameo: Asif Ali

Director: Nisam Basheer

Star rating: 3.5/5

There’s something not quite right about Luke Antony ( Mammootty ). In the opening chapter of Rorschach , when this wealthy NRI walks into a rural police station to report his wife Sofiya’s disappearance, the situation smells dubious. Not surprisingly, Luke’s claim that they were in a car accident and she was gone by the time he regained consciousness, does not sit well with at least one perceptive observer, the policeman Ashraf (Jagadish).

When Luke refuses to leave the place till Sofiya is found, speculation about his intentions runs rife among the villagers. His indefatigable quest for his missing spouse turns out to be nothing that anyone could have predicted – not Ashraf, not the local factory owner Sujatha ( Grace Antony ), nor her mother-in-law Seetha (Bindhu Panicker). Rorschach – written by Sameer Abdul and directed by Nisam Basheer – is unpredictable in more ways than anyone could guess.

The spark for the events in this film is an individual who destroys another’s happiness, but does not live to suffer a vendetta. How do you punish the dead? Rorschach redefines revenge and challenges our definition of life itself as it tells a tale of excruciating loss and an iron will deployed to satisfy an unprecedented, seething desire for payback.

Rorschach takes its name from the Rorschach Test that – to explain it with a layperson’s understanding – assesses a subject’s psychology based on their perceptions of visual patterns created by inkblots. The title refers as much to Luke’s tortured and possibly broken mind as to his notions of living, dying and when exactly a human being is truly finished, and our own perception of who is who, who is dead and who alive by the end of this saga.

Though Rorschach is eerie and evokes curiosity from the beginning, I took a while to get fully immersed in it, partly because I was torn between finding the pace tedious and intriguing, partly because the music and sound design sometimes get overbearing, and partly because the use of English for the song accompanying the narrative is a misfit in this rustic Kerala setting. There is a tendency in a certain kind of Malayalam cinema to feature English and Hindi where they are out of place, thus detracting from a film’s rootedness. The awe in which some Malayalam filmmakers hold these two languages is one undesirable extreme of a spectrum at the other extreme of which is the Hindi supremacism that enables most Hindi filmmakers to ignore India’s language diversity in all locations, including when they set their plots outside the Hindi belt. Thankfully, Rorschach ’s lyricist does better than the writers of the cringeworthy English lines sung in the likes of 12th Man and Love Action Drama , and the tunes, their occasional unnecessary volume notwithstanding, match the mood of the film.

Besides, Rorschach is as unrelenting as Luke, and is designed to chip away at a viewer’s skepticism bit by bit until she succumbs to its lure. I can pinpoint the moment when my antennae shot up and I got hooked. It came about 40 minutes into the 150 minutes running time when I realised that what seemed like a sound artificially stuffed into the film’s audioscape was in fact an actual memory from Luke’s past. This revelation comes in a flashback slipped so seamlessly into the narrative that it made me sit up.

Rorschach swoops from the past to the present, into Luke’s imagination and out into the real world, with a smoothness that does the screenplay proud and should put Kiran Das in contention for several Best Editing trophies when the next awards season rolls around. Equally laudable is Nimish Ravi’s cinematography capturing the interiors of gloomy homes, troubled faces, the giant mountains and lonely forests where Rorschach roams, and the production design team’s construction of an intimidatingly spacious, half-built home.

There are few joys in life as great as the joy of watching Mammootty submit himself fully to a script. The star who risked his macho reputation by playing a hesitant policeman in Khalidh Rahman’s Unda (2019) and starred as a despicable casteist bigot in Ratheena P.T’s Puzhu earlier this year, here takes up a grey character. Mammukka’s weakness for the past couple of decades has been an unwillingness to acknowledge his real-life age on screen. In Rorschach though, both camera and makeup are employed to let fatigue show on his skin and gracefully portray Luke as an elderly man – not the 71 that Mammootty is in real life, but certainly much older than the pretending-to-be-young boyfriend of young women that he has been in many of his low-brow commercial films. Mammukka lets tiredness seep into every line of Luke’s frame, while his eyes are by turns vacant, weary, sorrowful, determined and burning with anger.

Predictably though, an artiste who looks young enough to be his (grand)daughter acts as Sofiya. I have a dream, that one day, the director of a Mammootty starrer will recognise the ageism that leads to the casting of only 20/30-somethings as his sister, lover and wife, will abjure the patriarchal, damaging view that women of Mammootty’s age are unworthy of these roles, and will put her/his foot down on seeing the absurdity in the resultant pairings. I have a dream…

As it happens, the snatches of conversations between Sofiya and Luke are the only ordinarily written dialogues in Rorschach .

That apart, it is a measure of Mammootty’s respect for the writing and the director of Rorschach that, despite being the megastar of this project and its producer, he does not monopolise screen time here. Every member of the cast is outstanding, and half a dozen are given plenty of space with Mammootty nowhere in the frame. In fact, though Rorschach is Mammukka’s film, it belongs too to the formidable performances by Grace Antony as a gritty woman trying to figure Luke out and Bindhu Panicker as a mother who will go to any lengths to preserve her family’s social standing. The film is nothing without their Sujatha and Seetha, both roles written with a keen eye for detail.

The treatment of women in Rorschach is a vast improvement on Nisam’s earlier directorial work, Kettiyollaanu Ente Maalakha (2019). That film was a milestone in the sense that it recognised the existence of marital rape and clearly described it as a crime, which is rare not just in Indian cinema but in the overall public discourse, but it messed up by giving the man’s journey primacy over the woman in a storyline that called for both to be given equal room.

Malayalam cinema has already given us a couple of solid revenge dramas in 2022, Puzhu and Innale Vare . Rorschach is different from them in the way it resists genre boundaries with its paranormal elements and existential questions in a psychological thriller. This film teases the brain from the moment Luke enters that police station. It is not scary in a conventional way, yet presents a terrifying vision of the depths of a vengeful, probably fractured psyche. The director is so confident of the written material he’s working with, that he does not speed up matters at any point to heighten the excitement. Instead he moulds Rorschach into a slow burn that initially tested my patience but paid incremental dividends as each minute went by.

Early in Rorschach when a search party walks across a rocky river bed, Nimish Ravi’s camera pulls out, rising higher and higher until those human beings are no longer visible. The image mirrors the theme of the film: if I can’t see you, does that mean you do not exist? Conversely, like the human faces we imagine when we look up at the moon, the people we spot staring at us from mosaic tiles or the figures we perceive in ink stains, just because I see you, does it mean you do exist? These questions linger long after the credits roll away, much like Rorschach itself, which is not playing on a screen before me as I write this but is still playing in my head.

Rating: 3.5 (out of 5 stars)  

This review was first published when Rorschach was released in theatres. The film is now streaming on Disney+Hotstar.

Anna M.M. Vetticad is an award-winning journalist and author of The Adventures of an Intrepid Film Critic. She specialises in the intersection of cinema with feminist and other socio-political concerns. Twitter: @annavetticad, Instagram: @annammvetticad, Facebook: AnnaMMVetticadOfficial

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Home » Review » Rorschach movie review: Mammootty’s slick psychological revenge thriller makes for an engaging experience »

Rorschach movie review: Mammootty’s slick psychological revenge thriller makes for an engaging experience

The makers of Mammootty's Rorschach seemed to have made no compromise when it comes to the production values of the film and that helps even when the plot strays a bit, like the mind of its protagonist

Rorschach movie review: Mammootty’s slick psychological revenge thriller makes for an engaging experience

  • Sanjith Sidhardhan

Last Updated: 08.59 AM, Oct 09, 2022

Story: UK citizen Luke Antony drags himself to the police station in a village and claims that his pregnant wife has been missing after his car met with an accident. What follows is a few weeks of futile search with him being the only person who believes that she is still alive. Luke decides to stay on and his path crosses with another family, whose members might have a connection with his past and his current ordeal, a cop, who is out to seek the truth behind Luke’s presence, and a youngster, who doesn’t believe a word Luke says.

Review: A scene in director Nisam Basheer’s sophomore venture has the protagonist Luke Antony (Mammootty) listening to the plight of a woman, who has to take care of her ailing husband. She complains that her husband had never given her peace after their marriage and continues to push her to the edge. Luke asks her about considering divorce, to which she replies that that was never an option for financially-backward women, who are considered a burden by the families. Luke then suggests why not let him get married to her daughter. In a split second, she entertains this and approaches her daughter, a widow, with the request of a stranger who she has met for the first time. This is probably one of the many dramatic sequences where the writing shines in a movie, which sets the bar high in terms of its storytelling, visuals, sound and performances – all making for a riveting and novel theatrical experience in recent times.

Mammootty in Rorschach | Pic credit: Sreenath N Unnikrishnan

Nisam keeps a tight grip on the proceedings of the film, which begins with a mystery and then slowly reveals its cards. Sure, by the end of the first half, audiences can figure out the why and who in Luke’s past, but it’s about how he goes about his revenge and core purpose that makes it entertaining. The reasons for each action here are about the mind – be it the manipulation within a family, the quest for something more or just lack of control over thoughts. The greatest challenge for the writer, Samir Abdul, and the filmmaker here was to showcase this on screen and also make the audience connect the subtle dots, and Rorschach succeeds this past without a blot or blemish.

Mammootty in a still from the film

Huge credit to this goes to the casting department as well as some superlative performances. Mammootty, as Luke Antony, brings the intensity as well as keeps the mystery behind his purpose alive. It’s a character that needed to be consistent and the star once again shows why he is a master at playing conflicted protagonists. 

Also read: Exclusive! Mammootty’s Rorschach demands the audience’s undivided attention to be engaging: Nisam Basheer  

While a riveting performance is expected from Mammootty every time, the surprise packages in Rorschach are Bindu Panicker, Jagadeesh and Kottayam Nazir. All three veteran actors put on an acting workshop on restrained performances while showing the two ends of the emotional spectrum. Bindu Panicker, in particular, has some great moments. Actors Sharafudheen, Grace Antony and Sanju Sivram do their parts well in taking the story forward. In fact, all the characters in Rorschach are grey – and within that some of them serve as moral compasses.

A still from Rorschach

Considering that Luke, a stranger with a haunted past, is often grappling with his mind and most of his scenes are set inside a house that is half-constructed and half in ruins, the movie is a visual experience. It takes the audience for a ride right from the first scene. Nimish Ravi’s frames are cool and grey, mirroring its deceptive characters and the village. Midhun Mukundan’s English tracks and thrilling background score also adds a different layer to the movie, which stands out due to its tone and compelling storytelling. The makers of the movie seemed to have made no compromise when it comes to the production values of the film and that helps even when the plot strays a bit, like the mind of its protagonist.


Verdict: This year seems to be the megastar’s as he looks set to continue his winning run and that too by being part of new-age thrillers that bank on setting a high benchmark. Rorschach is slick and smart, and is technically superlative. It’s a must watch in theatres just for the unique experience and great performances from each member of the cast.


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Sanju Pb 89 434 days ago

What a movie

Sunil Nambiar 32 492 days ago

It's out and out copy of Anil kapoor's and Harshwardhan's web series "THAR"....I seriously amused that, no one Talking on that part might be coz, it's in Hindi and Marwari language..!! but This particular malayalam film isn't a novelty thing. It's complate copy...!!

User RAGHU 110 549 days ago

A Mind Bending Nio-noir Psychological Thriller.

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Sylent Screamer 626 550 days ago

Amazing movie , Mammoka carry the movie on his shoulder along with all the supporting characters of the movie, the direction , storytelling, camera work and location was worth watching

sahadtp 550 days ago

Its like an foriegn movie there have an improvement in malayalam industry and i like it

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Mammootty in Rorschach (2022)

The Movie is about Luke Anthony who has a mysterious past and is out on a mission to seek revenge from someone who has destroyed him deeply The Movie is about Luke Anthony who has a mysterious past and is out on a mission to seek revenge from someone who has destroyed him deeply The Movie is about Luke Anthony who has a mysterious past and is out on a mission to seek revenge from someone who has destroyed him deeply

  • Nissam Basheer
  • Sameer Abdul
  • Grace Antony
  • 60 User reviews
  • 7 Critic reviews
  • 1 nomination

Rorschach Official Trailer

  • Luke Antony

Grace Antony

  • Head Cost. Ashraf

Bindu Panikkar

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Did you know

  • Trivia Lead cast Luke (Mammootty) reel surname and his reel wife Sujatha (Grace) real surname are same: Antony.
  • Alternate versions The UK release was cut, the distributor chose to make cuts to scenes of strong violence, injury detail and threat in order to obtain a 12A classification. An uncut 15 classification was available.
  • Soundtracks In My Arms Written by Sameer Abdul Produced by Midhun Mukundan Performed by Sameer Abdul

User reviews 60

  • Oct 7, 2022
  • How long is Rorschach? Powered by Alexa
  • October 7, 2022 (India)
  • Official Facebook
  • Mammootty Kampany
  • Wayfarer Films
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  • ₹120,000,000 (estimated)

Technical specs

  • Runtime 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Dolby Atmos

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[Review] ‘Rorschach’ is a Subtle and Engaging Thriller

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While Found-Footage is certainly a sub-genre worthy of respect, with quite a few memorable entries over the past few decades, it’s also true that giving any random filmmaker the power to produce his own (usually horror) movie with minimum production requirements is a bit risky. However, this formula has graced us with new gems like Paranormal Activity in the past, and now continues to provide us with unexpected scares through films like C.A. Smith’s Rorschach .

Starring Ricky Lee Barnes and Ross Compton as “Ricky” and “Ross”, a duo of skeptic paranormal investigators, Rorschach chronicles the team’s efforts as they deal with strange occurrences in a seemingly normal suburban home. Contacted by Jamy (Jamy Gillespie), a single mother worried that the paranormal activity in her household may soon harm her daughter Ashlynn, Ricky and Ross begin to document their experiences with the family.

The film is presented to us as the edited collection of all the footage recorded by the investigators, which is both a blessing and a curse. In a way, this allows for clever presentation of the strange events surrounding the house, while still maintaining a high level of credibility (which is one of the strongest aspects of the film). On the other hand, knowing from the start that Ricky and Ross survive to edit and present their footage as a feature film somewhat hinders the hard-earned suspense that permeates the rest of the movie.

Despite this, Rorschach is an incredibly engaging picture that utilizes this extremely believable and realistic premise to its fullest extent. At times, it seems as though the amateurish, documentary-style filmmaking would feel right at home as an episode of one of the many ghost-hunting shows that plague cable television. This even extends to the subtle nature of most of the movie’s scares, which reward viewer patience and attention to detail, while not resorting to traditional jump scares that might ruin Smith’s carefully constructed realism.

Rorschach certainly isn’t for everyone, however, as the film’s deliberate pacing places it closer to movies like Ti West’s The Innkeepers , rather than similar found footage films like Oren Peli’s Paranormal Activity franchise. This results in a divisive experience that some moviegoers may find boring instead of immersive. I personally didn’t mind the slower nature of the experience, as piecing together the film’s implied backstory through the many clues and red herrings scattered across the picture was entertaining enough for me.

Ultimately, Rorschach is a remarkable example of low-budget horror done right, as it plays with viewer expectations and presents us with a realistic yet frightening view of the paranormal. The ending might feel slightly unsatisfying to some, as there are no real conclusions, only hints of a larger story going on in the background, but it makes sense within the film’s premise. While I would have liked to see more of the supernatural throughout the story, Rorschach is still one hell of a fun ride if you have the patience to reach the end.

Rorschach will be available for free on Youtube for a limited time, so you can check it out below!

' src=

Born Brazilian, raised Canadian, Luiz is a writer and Film student that spends most of his time watching movies and subsequently complaining about them.

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That sums up this grim movie well, with King’s recommendation worth taking.

In a press release, Casas said, “We wanted to make one of the cruelest films ever made, one that people cannot forget. It will make them feel  very strong  emotions, real terror without monsters, zombies, ghosts or murderers, only with a dining room table and the cruelest fate that you can imagine.”

The filmmaker, who co-wrote the film with  Cristina Borobia , isn’t downplaying the cruelty. 

The film  “ follows Jesus and Maria, a couple going through a difficult time in their relationship. Nevertheless, they have just become parents. To shape their new life, they decide to buy a new coffee table . A  decision that will change their existence.”

Let’s  just  say that that fateful decision comes with significant trigger warnings, particularly for new parents, and a jaw-dropping inciting event that transforms the film into a relentless pressure cooker. One that Casas intercuts with pitch-black humor that only heightens the macabre madness. The filmmaker mines horror from a freak tragedy to a degree that often leaves you torn between laughter and edge-of-your-seat suspense. But more impressive is the way that Casas fearlessly shatters at least one sacred cinematic taboo for a twisted laugh.

“I can only assure one thing to audiences, if you like strong emotions, if you want to suffer like never before, if you want to feel real terror,  The   Coffee   Table is your movie,” said Casas. “You will never forget it, I promise.”

That’s a bold claim that Casas more than backs up with this grim shocker. Check out the trailer below for a peek at the dark insanity in store.

David Pareja and Estefanía de los Santos star as the  ill-fated couple, with Josep Riera , Claudia Riera , and Eduardo Antuña rounding out  the  cast.

The Coffee Table released on DVD and VOD on May 14 , with platforms including AppleTV, Prime Video, Google Play, VUDU, and more. Don’t miss this wild ride, but beware: it’s a doozy.

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Directed by C.A. Smith

Two skeptic researchers investigate a mother's claim that an unknown presence may be trying to communicate with her 7-year-old daughter.

Ashlynn Allen Ricky Lee Barnes Ross Compton Jamy Gillespie Jaime Perpich Joyce Porter Chauncey Taylor

Director Director

Producer producer.

Nick Brahma

Writer Writer

Editor editor, makeup makeup.

Joshua Malone

BrainMashup Media

Mystery Horror

Releases by Date

13 oct 2015, releases by country.

75 mins   More at IMDb TMDb Report this page

Popular reviews


Review by F3lixL3g1ons ★★★½

Pretty much the Paranormal Activity of Youtube movies. Not a bad effort for a zero budget project. Totally orthodox. As usual. So what? Originality is so overestimated these days, anyway. Above all, enthusiasm and spirit are essential. It's not what it looks like, it's what it stands for, is what I always say. We need more stuff like Rorschach that shows heart and commitment. Few would even try.

Respect. Defenitely worth spreading, unless you're allergic to FF.

Josh Almeida

Review by Josh Almeida ★

I don't get how this has such decent reviews. I love found footage and the low budget angle is perfect for the genre but it was just dull. There's maybe one or two creepy moments in the entire film and the movie ends literally as it's finally getting interesting.


Review by Freyr ★★★

The premise is fine, the acting is decent, the sound design is good, and there are a few creepy little moments. But this really is the basic formula for a found footage film in it's least inventive form. The ending is also abrupt and inconclusive, besides to leave the door open for a potential sequel. It's a well put together micro budget feature, but I doubt that I could pick it out of a lineup.


Review by jryn7 ★★½

Hey a Chicago found footage/mockumentary horror movie!  Well, the paranormal researchers are from the city, but they have to drive out to the scariest place of all - the suburbs - to help a single mom and her daughter who believe their house is haunted.

Rorschach begins with a disclaimer that the footage is being presented exactly as found, and then hilariously has stinger music over the title screen.  It also warns that the narrative does not make logical sense but hey, this is what we found, which is the most clever way I’ve seen an FF movie head off that particular criticism.  There are a lot of dissolves and edits, but later we see the researchers reviewing the footage…


Review by 💀EmperorCupcake🧁 ★★★

April Horror 2022 #19 - psychic

Fun fact, all wood paneling is haunted/possessed. This did not have a psychic or seance but it was totally in that realm so close enough. It's a no-budget found footage haunted house movie, and it's done pretty well. I liked how the investigators' footage was shown edited so you don't have to sit through boring stretches of nothing happening (lookin at you, Paranormal Activity). I was enjoying this until the end, which I found confusing - how is the spirit/demon/badthingy still in the house but also still with the family after they left?? that is one magic spirit! did I miss something? was it twin badthingies that decided to do fun Fred and George pranks on the pesky living?? whatever, this is short and on youtube, it's a decent time.


Review by Dom ★★★

Yeah I just watched a youtube found footage horror, let me live my life.


Review by Rachel ★★★½

Scariest movie online?

You'll have to watch and decide for yourself!

I thought it was pretty good. I'm a big fan of found footage, and this one came recommended to me. Surprisingly I had never heard of it before, despite it apparently having a reputation of being scary. I was excited to watch it, and was glad to see it was free on YouTube. While nothing groundbreaking in the subgenre happens here, I thought the film delivered some genuinely creepy moments that freaked me out. I think it's worth checking out if you're a fan of found footage.

Lex Kaylan

Review by Lex Kaylan ★½

Two annoyed and annoying mediocre white men argue their way through dis/proving a haunting in a house with a handful of spooky elements in it, none of them ultimately tying into an overarching narrative or basic concept at all. This film hit every Paranormal Activity adjacent trope and there was no rhyme or reason, or payoff, to any of it. If you're going to make a low budge haunted house found footage movie, at least don't make it the same shit beat for beat that we've been seeing for 30 years.

Don't add non-diagetic sound to your found footage film!! Why is there a doll if it barely does anything scary!! Why is this movie called Rorcshach!!!! HELP


Review by burnzy ★★★★

If this came out before Paranormal Activity it would be praised a LOT more. 

This is my kind of found footage. The scares are subtle and effective. The scenes with the doll aren’t even over the top. The noises from the vents are nightmarish. I love it. 

Less is more for found footage horror. 

Also props to the lady playing the mom. Her breakdown is realistic.

Aaron Murray

Review by Aaron Murray ★★★★

Spooky. Rorschach is a film on YouTube, not the usual place you would go to watch movies. It's a low low low budget horror found footage movie about a haunted house, how much more boring can that sound? Thankfully, Rorschach avoids that question by not being boring and instead being one of the most engaging and character driven horror films I've seen in a while. It's not exactly going to change someone's view on found footage but as a fan of the genre, I personally saw it as a underrated gem.


Review by satria. ★★★

paranormal activity meets ghostwatch


Review by Gfox_1 ★★★

Subtle, effective, and creepy. This is a decent movie

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  3. Rorschach Movie Review

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  4. Rorschach Movie Trailer Review

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  6. Rorschach Official Trailer

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  2. Is Rorschach Just V from V for Vendetta?! #Watchmen #rorschach

  3. Rorschach's Escape

  4. They Enter His Cell With No Idea How Strong And Skilled He Is

  5. ഇതാരുന്നോ കഥ? Rorschach Explained in Malayalam| Hidden Details & Ending Explanation Ragesh

  6. Rorschach MOVIE REACTION Part 2/3


  1. This Man Is 71

    This offering from Malayalam cinema really has to be one of the most unique! #rorschach starring #mammootty in the lead role really is a combination of new t...

  2. Rorschach Malayalam Movie Review By Sudhish Payyanur

    Rorschach Full Movie Review: Watch the video review of the Malayalam film Rorschach directed by Nisam Basheer starring Mammootty in the lead role.Subscribe T...

  3. Rorschach Movie Malayalam Review

    Rorschach is a 2022 Indian Malayalam-language mystery psychological thriller film directed by Nisam Basheer, written by Sameer Abdul, and produced by Mammoot...

  4. Rorschach Movie Review

    Rorschach is a 2022 Indian Malayalam-language psychological thriller film directed by Nisam Basheer, written by Sameer Abdul, and produced by Mammootty throu...

  5. Rorschach Movie Review Telugu

    Here is the Review of Rorschach telugu movie starring Mammootty, Asif Ali, Sharaf U Dheen.. streaming in telugu on Disney Plus Hotstar...We Movie Matters in ...

  6. Ek Dum Unique Psychological Thriller

    Ek Dum Unique Psychological Thriller 🔥| Rorschach Movie Review In Hindi | Mammootty Instagram: ...

  7. Rorschach Official Trailer

    Rorschach is an upcoming movie directed by Nisam Basheer and Written by Sameer Abdul, Starring Mammootty in the lead role.Rorschach Movie TeamDirection : Nis...

  8. Rorschach movie review: Revenge redefined with Mammootty v ...

    Rorschach takes its name from the Rorschach Test that - to explain it with a layperson's understanding - assesses a subject's psychology based on their perceptions of visual patterns created by inkblots. The title refers as much to Luke's tortured and possibly broken mind as to his notions of living, dying and when exactly a human being is truly finished, and our own perception of ...

  9. 'Rorschach' movie review: Mammootty's psychological thriller is

    Rorschach. Director: Nissam Basheer. Cast: Mammootty, Grace Antony, Asif Ali, Jagadeesh, Bindu Panicker. Runtime: 185 minutes. Storyline: Luke Anthony is out on a mission to seek revenge from ...

  10. Rorschach movie review: Mammootty's slick psychological revenge

    Rorschach movie review: Mammootty's slick psychological revenge thriller makes for an engaging experience. The makers of Mammootty's Rorschach seemed to have made no compromise when it comes to the production values of the film and that helps even when the plot strays a bit, like the mind of its protagonist ...

  11. Rorschach Movie Review: A layered psychological-philosophical thriller

    Rorschach Movie Review: Critics Rating: 4.0 stars, click to give your rating/review,A big kudos to Sameer Abdul who came up with an interesting screenplay based on a psychological test

  12. Rorschach (2022) Movie Review

    Throughout its 150-minute runtime, Rorschach narrates the story of an NRI man named Luke Antony who has recently returned from Dubai. After meeting with an unexplained accident, Luke's wife, Sofia goes missing. Just to add to the stakes, Sofia was pregnant when she disappeared. Worried about his wife's sudden disappearance, Luke reports the ...

  13. Rorschach (2022)

    Rorschach: Directed by Nissam Basheer. With Mammootty, Grace Antony, Jagadish, Bindu Panikkar. The Movie is about Luke Anthony who has a mysterious past and is out on a mission to seek revenge from someone who has destroyed him deeply

  14. Rorschach (film)

    Rorschach is a 2022 Indian Malayalam-language neo-noir psychological thriller film directed by Nissam Basheer and produced by Mammootty under Mammootty Kampany. It stars Mammootty, Sharafudheen, Jagadish, Grace Antony, Bindu Panicker, Kottayam Nazeer, Sanju Sivram and Asif Ali.The film's music was composed by Midhun Mukundan and cinematography was handled by Nimish Ravi.

  15. [Review] 'Rorschach' is a Subtle and Engaging Thriller

    Movies [Review] 'Rorschach' is a Subtle and Engaging Thriller. Published. 8 years ago. on. ... Rorschach will be available for free on Youtube for a limited time, so you can check it out below!

  16. Rorschach (2022) Ending Explained

    The movie has been released pan-India as well as in multiple countries across the globe. With a run-time of 150 minutes, the Neo-noir psychological thriller tells the story of Luke Antony, an NRI who has reported that his pregnant wife has gone missing. The movie ends on a confusing note and just like the projective psychological Rorschach test ...

  17. Rorschach Review: Mammootty's Performance in This ...

    Rorschach Movie: Review, Cast, Plot, Trailer, Release Date - All You Need to Know About Mammootty's Film. 'Mass' ... Instagram and Youtube. The above post is embeded directly from the user's social media account and LatestLY Staff may not have modified or edited the content body. The views and facts appearing in the social media post do not ...

  18. Rorschach

    Rorschach (2022) Rorschach (2022) Rorschach (2022) View more photos Movie Info Synopsis Luke Anthony has a mysterious past and sets on a mission to seek revenge from someone who has destroyed him ...

  19. Rorschach Ending Explained: Who is Luke's Final 'Ghost' and ...

    Rorschach Movie Review: Mammootty and Bindu Panicker are Fantastic in This Captivating Psychological Thriller That Messes With You! The plot of Rorschach is about a mysterious stranger called Luke Antony who reports about his missing wife at a police station. After futile searches, the police gives up on the missing woman but not Luke, who ...

  20. Rorschach

    The Hindu - 'Rorschach' is an effective psychological thriller that has its imperfections, just like the test that it draws its name from, but it is nevertheless an intriguing experience - . Newsminute - Director Nissam puts his powerful women characters in the ordinary garbs of village women, behaving like the typical mother or grieving wife, but exposing their depths when the time comes.

  21. ‎Rorschach (2022) directed by Nissam Basheer • Reviews, film + cast

    Synopsis. Luke Anthony comes to a village in search of his wife Sophia, who got lost in a nearby forest while traveling through the countryside. But, as the search operation progresses, doubts crop up on whether the woman has actually gone missing or even whether she is a figment of his imagination. Remove Ads. Cast.

  22. Rorschach

    Rotten Tomatoes, home of the Tomatometer, is the most trusted measurement of quality for Movies & TV. The definitive site for Reviews, Trailers, Showtimes, and Tickets

  23. ‎Rorschach (2015) directed by C.A. Smith • Reviews, film

    Review by Freyr ★★★. The premise is fine, the acting is decent, the sound design is good, and there are a few creepy little moments. But this really is the basic formula for a found footage film in it's least inventive form. The ending is also abrupt and inconclusive, besides to leave the door open for a potential sequel.