Rubin Khoddam Ph.D.


Don’t just say ‘no’ to drugs – say ‘yes’ to life, new research shows how your teen's hobbies can protect them from drug use..

Posted May 2, 2016

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Transitioning from middle to high school is a huge shift for many teens. After leaving the relative safety of a familiar school, they’re suddenly thrown in to a brand new school with older peers (i.e. 10th -12th graders) who are at a totally different stage of development – farther along in puberty, with different social hierarchies and romantic or even sexual relationships. On top of this, the majority of students try alcohol or other drugs for the first time in high school. For these reasons, substance use researchers focus on the transition to high school as a key window for intervening to prevent or delay substance use initiation as much as possible.

Teens who drink before age 15 are about twice as likely to report having alcohol-related problems later in life than teens who were older when they started drinking (Fergusson et al., 1994). Moreoever, about 11% of teens meet criteria for a substance use disorder diagnosis (Merikangas et al., 2010). These statistics are striking. Why are these numbers so high? And what can we do to prevent teens from developing substance use disorders?

Unfortunately, these are not easy questions to answer. Substance use disorders are complex and determined by many factors, including influences from peers, genes , and the family environment. For example, genetic factors explain 40-60% of the risk for alcohol use disorders (Prescott & Kendler, 1999). That leaves about half of one’s risk towards alcoholism being associated with environmental factors – something that may be more malleable since we can’t change someone’s genes (yet).

The concept of “alternative reinforcers” has been getting recent attention from researchers working in this area. These are activities (i.e. hobbies, sports, dancing, arts, school, etc.) that represent alternative ways of obtaining pleasure outside of substance use. Alcohol consumption tends to decrease when adults have greater access to alternative reinforcers (Vuchinich & Tucker, 1996). However, there has been very little research to illustrate how alternative reinforcers might work in adolescence .

A recent study from the University of Southern California attempted to understand how access to alternative reinforcers might influence substance use in teens. This study tracked approximately 3,400 9th grade students in Los Angeles and looked at the number of hobbies a student had and how much pleasure they gained from them. Engaging in fewer activities outside of substance use (e.g., sports, arts, acting, volunteering, etc.) was associated with increased substance use (Leventhal et al., 2015). Similarly, research from the University of Pennsylvania found that young adults with more depressive symptoms engaged in less alternatively reinforcing activities, and engaging in less alternatively reinforcing activities was related to more smoking (Audrain-McGovern et al., 2011). Young adults with depression may withdraw from their outside environment and turn towards smoking as one of their only sources of pleasure.

These studies are all part of a growing body of research showing that substance use occurs in the absence of alternative reinforcers. In other words, substance use becomes more attractive to teens who don’t have other means of getting pleasure and satisfaction. This idea is particularly important given researchers believe that the more a teen is exposed to substances, the more likely it is that he or she will need higher levels of pleasure to find an activity enjoyable. In other words, using substances raises the bar for teens to find other things fun. Thus, that afternoon tea outing with grandma won’t be as interesting after that house party from the night before. Neuroimaging research supports this idea showing a decrease in the brain’s response to natural reinforcers in the environment among drug-addicted individuals (Hatzgiakoumis, Martinotti, Giannantonio, & Janiri, 2011).

“Alternative reinforcers” is an interesting theory, but what does it mean for substance abuse treatment?

One particular Auburn University study randomly assigned 133 students to either increase their activity level or reduce their substance use by 50% (Correia et al., 2005). These two groups were compared to a group that was instructed to not change their behavior. Both the substance use reduction group and the activity increase group significantly decreased their substance use at the end of the 4-week follow-up period. But participants told to engage in other activities not only decreased their substance use, but also showed increases in both exercise and creative behaviors. This finding is particularly interesting given that students were not specifically told to reduce their substance use, but that it appeared to have naturally happened as a byproduct of engagement in other activities. Thus, this provides some evidence that it’s possible to intervene on substance use behaviors without directly changing use behavior itself but through changing the environment.

So what can be done from an environmental policy perspective? The National Recreation and Parks Association released an overview of the public health impact that having parks and recreation services can have on a community. They noted that lower income neighborhoods have less access to parks and related services. More public funding of parks, community centers, mentorship programs, and sports can help us create more alternative reinforcers on a societal level. This is particularly important given that music, arts, gym, and health education are the first to go with budget cuts. Additionally, more research needs to be done in how we can more effectively and efficiently involve teens in healthy activities as well as tailoring certain types of activities (e.g. sports vs. arts) to the unique personality of teens. This may be particularly important early on in childhood and adolescence prior to substance use engagement.

As researchers and policy makers pursue these goals of preventing and delaying substance use initiation, we can start right where we are and get teens committed to hobbies before high school even starts. So when your 9th grade son or daughter meets a new 11th grade friend in their Biology class who asks if they want to go to this pool party where alcohol will be around, your son or daughter can say “No” because they already said “Yes” to hiking with friends.

say no to drugs essay 400 words

Dr. Rubin Khoddam is a Clinical Psychologist currently working in private practice in Los Angeles, CA as well as at the West Los Angeles VA as the Team Lead in the residential rehabilitation program for individuals dealing with issues related to substance use and homelessness. Dr. Khoddam currently provides individual, couples and family therapy , as well as group therapy. He also runs the IMPROVE: Outpatient Substance Use Treatment Program, a low-demand, harm reduction substance use treatment program for individuals hoping to decrease their substance use or examine the impact of their substance use in their life. For more information, visit his site and follow him on Facebook , Instagram , and Twitter .

Audrain‐McGovern, J., Rodriguez, D., Rodgers, K., & Cuevas, J. (2011). Declining alternative reinforcers link depression to young adult smoking. Addiction, 106(1), 178-187.

Correia, C. J., Benson, T. A., & Carey, K. B. (2005). Decreased substance use following increases in alternative behaviors: A preliminary investigation. Addictive behaviors, 30(1), 19-27.

Hatzigiakoumis, D. S., Martinotti, G., Giannantonio, M. D., & Janiri, L. (2011). Anhedonia and substance dependence: clinical correlates and treatment options. Front Psychiatry , 2(10).

Leventhal, A. M., Bello, M. S., Unger, J. B., Strong, D. R., Kirkpatrick, M. G., & Audrain-McGovern, J. (2015). Diminished alternative reinforcement as a mechanism underlying socioeconomic disparities in adolescent substance use. Preventive medicine, 80, 75-81.

Merikangas, K. R., He, J. P., Burstein, M., Swanson, S. A., Avenevoli, S., Cui, L., ... & Swendsen, J. (2010). Lifetime prevalence of mental disorders in US adolescents: results from the National Comorbidity Survey Replication–Adolescent Supplement (NCS-A). Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 49(10), 980-989.

Prescott, C. A., & Kendler, K. S. (1999). Genetic and environmental contributions to alcohol abuse and dependence in a population-based sample of male twins . American Journal of Psychiatry.

Rubin Khoddam Ph.D.

Rubin Khoddam, Ph.D. is a Clinical Psychologist in the Los Angeles area.

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Say No To Drugs (Essay Sample)

No to drugs.

Drugs are chemicals which affect the neurochemical balance in the brain which then affects how a person feels and acts. Drugs are generalized into two factions: one for medication and one for illegal use or what is commonly known as drug addiction.

Drugs have been used for many years, especially by those who deny the severity of the consequence upon consuming them, the curious teenagers wherein some, if not most, dwell on the satisfaction they get from them, starting a cycle of addiction, and bankruptcy, and there are some who desperately try to self-medicate themselves out of depression, low-self-esteem, stress, or any other negative emotion.

There are many reasons as to why you should say no to drugs, at least the illegal ones and this paper will stress some, if not most of them.

  • Although drugs give the body increased energy, it also leads to high blood pressure and rapid heart rate. After the sudden boost of energy, the person will then feel lethargic and this will give them the feeling of dependency that they need drugs in order to get that feeling of being energetic and being “happy”.
  • Drugs mess with the neurological function of the mind. Drugs can cause you to lose your capacity to remember, impairs your cognitive ability, and speak coherently. Drugs delay and lessen your sense of alertness and awareness. Drugs, if they mess with your cognitive ability, will cause you to act in a strange and usually violent way.
  • Drugs mess with finances. Let us face it, drugs are not cheap. Drugs as explained earlier affect your cognitive ability and overall health which in turn makes it harder for you to earn money. In essence, buying drugs is like paying a killer to ultimately destroy you, your body, and your wallet.
  • Drugs mess with the body. Generally speaking, drug abuse can lead to an overdose which can kill someone. Drugs are after all, toxic to the body.
  • Drugs mess with ambition. Drug addicts literally lose sights of their goals and aspirations and instead would prefer having an immediate supply of what can give them satisfaction, regardless they be temporary or cause permanent damage. All humane considerations for any act in the achievement of their ambitions are gone along with the appearance and the permanence of drug addiction unless they cater to their actual needs and rehabilitate themselves in order to once more, set sight on what they should be accomplishing.
  • Drugs mess with travel plans. Logically speaking, airports will definitely not allow you to travel nor do other modes of transportation should they see you not fit in riding their vehicles. You will generally lose your very right to go out on an adventure should you be found guilty of having the intake of drugs.
  • Drugs ruin lives. It is no mystery that drugs and their regular intake will eventually ruin one’s life. From simple curiosity to addiction, the intake of drugs not only ruin your future, but ruin your relationship with the people you love, inherently gives you the idea that your entire life revolves around the drug(s) you take, and leads you to commit federal crimes.

In essence, drugs ultimately ruin everything a person treasures, be it his dreams, his aspirations, his plans, his relationships, his society, his finances, his body, and his mind. Drugs makes one lose his willingness to strive and his competency in order to have a better future. If you are not willing to throw away your life in these manners, then say no to drugs and anything that will ruin life.

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Speech on Drug Abuse in English in Simple and easy Words

say no to drugs essay 400 words

Table of Contents

Speech on Drug Abuse: Drug abuse has become the most common thing these days and many youth are destroying their lives by getting addicted to drugs. It’s very important to sensitize our youth on the subject of drug abuse. They are ruining the lives of our youth and putting their future in a great darkness. The use of drugs is making their lives vulnerable and prone to destruction. Therefore, it becomes very important to raise awareness about it amongst our youth and prevent them from succumbing to it. The International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking is celebrated annually on June 26th it serves as a significant platform for raising awareness and addressing the critical issue of substance abuse. You can even prepare a speech on drug abuse and deliver it on various occasions and platforms.

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Speech on Drug Abuse

Long and Short Speeches on Drug Abuse in English

For your help, we have posted below some short speech on drug abuse as well as long speech on drug abuse, which will give you a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter and help you create an impressive brief to impress upon your audience and bring a change in society.

Speech on Drug Abuse – Speech 1

Dear Students – Warm Greetings to all of you! I welcome everyone to the school seminar hall.

Today, we are here to discuss about the fatal consumption of drugs and how it is destroying the lives of our youth. But before the discussion begins, I would like to deliver a short speech on drug abuse and would like to enlighten our students on this sensitive subject matter.

Drugs, as we all know, are an illegal matter which some people drink, smoke, inject or eat for the mental as well as physical effects that it leaves. There are several students who consume drugs out of fun or for various other reasons. People who deal in the selling of drugs create a network and mainly target students in order to make them addicted to drugs. Initially, the drugs are sold to the students for free and gradually when they get addicted to it, they start buying and consuming it. In fact, the students also eventually become a part of their network and start dealing in it.

It is observed that students start consuming drugs out of stress or unfair expectations of their teachers as well as parents. Lack of emotional support and disorder in their families make them vulnerable and increase their dependency on drugs. They use it in order to calm down their state of mental agitation. Other than this, it is poverty that compels some students to become a part of the selling and dealing network of drugs and derive their pocket money. Therefore, it becomes like a vicious circle of the drug addicted students from which they seem to find no escape unless the society comes for their rescue.

Sadly, the students fail to realize that the consumption of drugs has a severe impact on their physical and mental health, such as they start experiencing mental disorder, their intelligence level decreases, experience deadly diseases and untimely death. When one completely succumbs to the temptation of drugs, it gets very difficult for him/her to recover from its impact except in the centers for drug rehabilitation where they gain a new life, but which involves a high cost. In fact, there are many cases too where even rehabilitation centers fail because of the worst condition of the patients.

I, therefore, request all the students to refrain themselves completely from the consumption of drugs before it destroys their health, future and takes away their lives. Don’t even try to touch or come close to them. Drugs can even destroy a complete generation. So think wise and act smart. Shape your future which seems bright and full of achievements. The drugs that doctor prescribes to his/her patients must only be taken in order to combat a specific disease otherwise the government must take strict measures to ban its illegal trade in the market and save our youth from destruction.

I want to conclude by saying that drug abuse should be an absolute ‘No’ for all and I sincerely hope that our students will never ever try to consume drugs and will completely stay away from its use. Remember that our country needs you as you are its future and harbinger of progress.

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Speech on Drug Abuse – Speech 2

Good Morning Friends – Welcome to the 77 th campaign for drug addiction ban.

It feels extremely great to see how the members of our organization are working hard in order to make every day count and reach out to the masses for spreading awareness about the drug addiction or drug abuse. Since day one and today it’s the 77 th campaign of our organization – we haven’t really ever thought that we will grow this big, i.e. currently we have more than 200 people working for us and have gained a mass appeal. The response so far has been really good and we have been able to transform the life of the people for good, who earlier have been living under the influence of drugs.

So today I would further like to appeal to the masses to refrain themselves from using drugs and live a healthy life. Drug addiction or drug abuse is described as an excessive dependency on a substance, which inevitably becomes the compulsive need of the person using it. This need becomes so compulsive that without that substance the person cannot live his life like a normal person does. And, when such a substance is stopped being available in the market then that person is believed to be suffering from substance withdrawal.

The addiction of drugs has become one of the serious social problems in many developing as well as developed countries and it undeniably proves to be the principal obstruction in the all-round development of the people, society, country and the world at a large. Our country is a progressing country and it is already afflicted with so many other grave problems, such as unemployment, poverty and illiteracy that the problem of Adolescence and Drug abuse makes the situation even worse here as it further makes our economy regressive by destroying the lives of its youth.

Even sadder is the fact that several drug addicts cannot afford to make a purchase of expensive drugs so much so that in the end they have to resort to such activities as theft in their homes. These people are not born thieves, but their addiction to drugs makes them heinous and propels them to commit crimes in order to feed their body with drugs.

People can become addicted to drugs because of various reasons, some of which are mentioned below:

1. In order to de-stress themselves

When a person is under the influence of drugs, he/she forgets everything and enters into a trance-like state. However, it is only later that people realize that the use of drugs is only aggravating the problem and not really helping them in getting rid of the stress.

2. Out of peer pressure

Many times, people start taking drugs because their friends are addicted to them. However, once they start taking it, it becomes really difficult for them to get rid of this habit.

3. Style Statement

Many teenagers these days think that the habit of drinking, smoking and even drug addiction is what helps them look cool and create a style statement in the front of others. However, it’s only when these people get trapped in its vicious circle that they realize the irreparable they have caused to their lives.

Teenagers and every person for that matter must understand that the habit of drug abuse not only greatly affects their body and mind, but also finishes their bright future. So we should strictly say ‘No’ to drugs and save our lives as well the lives of our loved ones by spreading awareness in our surroundings.

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Speech on Drug Abuse – Speech 3

Respected Principal, Vice Principal, Teachers and My Dear Fellow Students – Warm Welcome to all of you! Today, standing in the prayer hall I would like to take this opportunity to deliver a brief speech on Drug Abuse.

I request our principal and teachers to kindly allow me to speak on this subject as it is a high time to enlighten our youth about the dangerous habit of drug abuse. In the present times, there are many factors that push a man to resort to drug addiction and make his/her life miserable. The most glaring factors are rapid industrialization and urbanization, which have given birth to a new kind of behavior among the youth of today, i.e. individualism and permissiveness. People these days prefer nuclear families and in many cases both parents are working, as a consequence of which they become less forbearing in comparison to their previous generations. People are living their lives in isolation and avoid getting social because the stress in the modern times has become way too much to make them withdrawn figures in their personal lives.

In the end, such people become involved in the habit of drinking, smoking, drug addiction, etc. Besides, when a child doesn’t feel satisfied at home or when he/she is deprived of love, affection and care of his/her parents, a feeling of discontentment comes in and such children become prone to drug addiction and ruin their lives completely. What is more painful to see that if the drug addicted people are not allowed the use of drugs, then he/she suffers from bouts of depression, painful and uncontrollable convulsions as well as vomiting!

It is an obvious fact that the addiction of drugs is ruining the path of progress of many individuals and our nation as a whole so much so that proactive measures need to be taken in order to keep a check on this destructive habit of our youth. The most significant step in this direction would be about spreading awareness amongst the people on a national scale.

Our Indian government has in fact formulated various campaigns and even has been able to gain success in this direction. The individuals whose family and friends suffer from the addiction of drugs are requested to approach the rehabilitation institutions and camps in order to provide treatment to the addicts.

Drug abuse should not be tolerated and be completely banned as a taboo. However, it is not advised to torture the addict or treat him/her inhumanely for this habit because if you try and convince the person about its treatment then he/she may willingly choose to opt for it and get rid of this addiction by admitting himself/herself at the rehabilitation centers.

A person who has become the victim of drug abuse is forced by his/her bodily conditions to carry on with the addiction, but sooner they realize the bad impact of this habit. All that these people need is a helping hand and therefore we should provide encouragement as well as support to these people in making these addicts come back to their normal lives and lead a healthy life.

Speech on Drug Abuse – Speech 4

Hon’ble Principal, Vice Principal, Fellow Colleagues and My Dear Students – Warm Greetings to one and all!

Firstly, I would like to extend a note of thank you to our respected Principal and Vice Principal for gracing this speech ceremony with their presence and giving their approval too. And, to all the fellow teachers – as without your support this event wouldn’t have been possible. I would also like to congratulate our dear students for making the desired arrangement on a short notice.

The topic for today’s speech is Drug Abuse! I have chosen to speak on this topic because these days I observe many campaigns being run on Drug Abuse in order to teach the people about its ill effects. As a teacher, it also becomes my responsibility to help them spread the message wherever we can and most importantly beginning from our very own school.

Drug abuse is considered one of the banes of our so called civilized society. It has affected all the sections and regions of our society. People with the illicit use of drug are found everywhere, i.e. in urban and rural regions, among men and women, among rich and poor. But it is exceedingly practiced by our young girls and boys living in hostels in nearly all technical and educational institutions.

The grave situation of drug abuse is prevalent across the world and unfortunately our very country India is more strongly affected by it. Our country is a transit country because it is placed between the Golden Triangle consisting of Burma, Thailand and Cambodia, including Golden Crescent consisting of Afghanistan, Pakistan and Iran – the places where most of the drugs, chiefly heroin and opium are produced. Pakistan is undeniably the nucleus of the world when it comes to any unlawful activity and as far as the drug production is concerned – it is the hub. In fact, a big proportion of drugs go by India in order that it can be exported to other countries.

This happens through the network of drug mafia who further has connections with formidable smugglers as well as terrorists. In the process, unfortunately several young men as well as women become victims to this diabolic activity. Pakistan with the help of ISI is involving itself in a proxy war in the region of Kashmir against India through money earned with the help of drug mafia. Thus, terrorism and drugs share very strong connections.

This addiction to drug is so deadly that people fall prey to its use and become almost a slave. If a person doesn’t get its regular dose, then that person starts feeling a lack of it and becomes depressed with severe pain which even leads to a lack of sensation in arms and legs. Drugs are of various kinds, such as heroin, opium, charas, ganja, etc.

There are some injections too which lead to a state of severe drowsiness. In case, a drug-addict is not able to receive the required dose of drug when needed, then he/she would be ready to do anything for it even by resorting to unfair means, such as theft or may be hurting someone physically, etc.

I therefore request everyone to strictly say ‘No’ to drugs and get such people admitted to rehabilitation centers where their conditions can be improved before it gets horrible and proves fatal for that person.

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Speech on Drug Abuse Faq’s

What is the topic of drug abuse day.

Drug Abuse Day focuses on raising awareness about the harmful effects of drug misuse and addiction.

What is drug abuse in the English language?

Drug abuse in English refers to the harmful and improper use of drugs, often leading to health and social problems.

How can we say no to drugs?

We can say no to drugs by staying informed, making healthy choices, and seeking support from friends and family when faced with drug temptations.

How to write an essay about drugs?

To write an essay about drugs, start with an introduction, discuss the impacts, causes, and solutions, and conclude with your viewpoint on the topic.

What is drugs summary?

A drugs summary is a brief overview of key information about drugs, including their effects, risks, and uses.

What is drug abuse in a short introduction?

Drug abuse is when people misuse drugs, causing harm to themselves and society. It's a serious problem that needs attention.

What are a few lines on addiction?

Addiction is a strong, harmful craving for something, like drugs, that can be very difficult to control. It can lead to serious problems.

We can say no to drugs by being strong, confident, and making choices that keep us safe and healthy.

Addiction is a powerful need for something that can be harmful, like drugs or alcohol. It can affect a person's life in many negative ways.

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Paragraph on Drugs

Students are often asked to write a paragraph on Drugs in their schools. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 200-word, and 250-word paragraphs on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

Paragraph on Drugs in 100 Words

Drugs are substances that can make people feel different when they take them. Some drugs, like medicine from the doctor, can make us feel better when we’re sick. But, other drugs, like cigarettes or alcohol, can harm our bodies. These bad drugs are not safe, they can make us feel sick, or even hurt our bodies very badly. It’s important to only use drugs that a doctor gives you, and never try the bad drugs. Always remember, our bodies are special, and we need to keep them safe and healthy.

Paragraph on Drugs in 200 Words

Drugs are substances that can change how our bodies and minds work. Some drugs, like medicines, are good for us when we are sick. They help us feel better. Doctors give these to us when we are not feeling well. But there are also bad drugs. Bad drugs, like cigarettes or illegal substances, can hurt our bodies and make us very sick. They can harm our lungs, hearts, and brains. They can also make us act in ways we normally wouldn’t. Taking bad drugs is a poor choice because they can stop us from being healthy, doing well in school, or having fun with friends. It’s important to always say no to bad drugs. Instead, we should focus on things that make us strong, like eating healthy food, getting plenty of sleep, and playing outside. Remember, your body is like a superhero, and it needs the right fuel to stay strong and healthy. Bad drugs are like kryptonite that can make your superhero body weak. Keep your superhero strong by saying “no” to bad drugs.

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Paragraph on Drugs in 250 Words

Drugs are substances that change how your body works. Some drugs, like medicine, can help you. Doctors prescribe these to fight illness or pain. They are safe if you use them the right way. Then, there are illegal drugs, like cocaine or heroin. People misuse these because they can give feelings of happiness or excitement. But, these drugs can be very harmful and even deadly. They can hurt your body and make it hard to think clearly. They can also make you addicted, meaning you can’t stop using them even if you want to. People who are addicted to drugs might steal or lie to get more. This can ruin friendships and families. Even drugs that are legal, like alcohol and cigarettes, can hurt you if you use them too much. They can give you diseases like cancer and can also make you addicted. Some people use drugs to try to escape their problems. But drugs can’t solve problems; they only hide them for a little while. In the end, drugs often create more problems than they solve. It’s better to face problems in healthy ways, like talking to someone you trust or finding a hobby you love. Remember, you have the power to say no to drugs. Keep your body healthy and your mind clear.

That’s it! I hope the paragraphs have helped you.

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say no to drugs essay 400 words

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11 Effective Ways to Turn Down Drugs and Alcohol

Last Updated: August 13, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Tala Johartchi, PsyD and by wikiHow staff writer, Ali Garbacz, B.A. . Dr. Tala Johartchi is a Clinical Psychologist based in the Los Angeles, California metro area. With expertise and advanced training in Evidence-Based Practices and therapeutic/behavioral frameworks, Dr. Johartchi specializes in working with individuals, couples, and families experiencing Substance Disorders, Love Addiction and Codependency, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder, as well as common co-occurring disorders such as Depression, Anxiety, and Relational/Attachment difficulties. She earned an MA and PsyD in Clinical Psychology from The American School of Professional Psychology at Argosy University, San Francisco. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 544,713 times.

When it comes to peer pressure, usually a simple “No thank you” will keep others from pushing you to try drugs and alcohol. However, there also might be times when you need to be a bit more firm to get others to stop. We know it can be a bit nerve-wracking to stand up to others, especially if they’re your friends. So to help, we’ve come up with a bunch of different ways to say no. We’ll start with some simple options that usually work for most situations, but we’ll also be sure to give you more specific advice in case you’re still feeling pressured.

Things You Should Know

  • Make up an excuse for why you can't participate. For example, say you have to wake up early the next day or are meeting up with a friend later.
  • Tell them you're the designated driver for the night and therefore need to stay sober.
  • If someone continues pressuring you, don't be afraid to be firm. Say, “I said no. Please don’t ask me again."

Make an excuse.

Make something up or use a real excuse as to why you can’t.

  • “No thanks, my parents will probably know if I come home high.”
  • “I can’t stay long, I have to go help my dad with something.”
  • “I’m supposed to meet my friend in a few minutes, so I can’t.”
  • “I promised my friend I’d take them home soon.”
  • “My job does routine drug tests, so I’d rather not risk it.”

Use a little humor.

Deflect the situation by making a joke out of it.

  • “No thanks, I need all the brain cells I can get.”
  • “Doesn’t that stuff stunt your growth? I’m too short already!”
  • “No thanks. My friends already have enough embarrassing videos of me from when I was drunk.”
  • “I’d love to, but I have to chaperone my friends over there. Who knows what they’ll get up to?”

Change the subject.

Come up with something else to do to divert their attention.

  • “I’m good. Wanna go play basketball?”
  • “No thanks. Let’s go grab some food.”
  • “How about we go and check out the new cafe down the street instead?”
  • “Nah, I’m good. Hey, did you hear about what happened to Billy the other day?”
  • “No thanks. So what do you guys think about taking a trip this summer?”

Offer to be the designated driver.

Let your friends know that you’re staying sober to drive them home.

  • “Hey guys, I’ll be our DD tonight. No drinking for me!”
  • “I’m all good, I’m staying sober so I can drive everyone home tonight.”
  • “I’m cool with driving tonight so don’t worry about me.”
  • “I think it’s my turn to be DD.”

Act like you’re too busy.

Distract yourself with another activity.

  • “No thanks! I’m way too busy!”
  • “And leave the dance floor? Nah, I’m good!”
  • “Sorry, but my friend and I haven’t seen each other in a while and we wanted to catch up.”

Explain the dangers of drugs and alcohol.

Remind others about the risks that come with drugs and alcohol.

  • “No thanks. That stuff is so bad for you.”
  • “Haven’t you heard about the kids on the news who died from doing that?”
  • “Your health can get pretty messed up from doing that. I just want to stay safe.”
  • “I heard that your teeth turn super yellow from smoking. So I’d rather not.”
  • “No thanks. It’s really bad for your liver.”

Open up to your friends about why you don’t like drugs and alcohol.

  • “No thanks. I just really don’t like the taste/smell.”
  • “My parents would kill me if they found out.”
  • “I could get kicked off the team for doing that.”

Tala Johartchi, PsyD

  • “My uncle did drugs in high school and I saw what it did to him. I’d rather not have that happen to me.”

Keep saying no.

Continue to turn them down firmly.

  • Them: “Hey, do you want a drink?” You: “No thanks.” Them: “You sure? It’s pretty good.” You: “No, I’m good.” Them: “Seriously? It’s one drink.” You: “I said no.”
  • If a simple “no” really isn’t working, move on to a different method, like using humor or making up an excuse.
  • If you need to be more forceful, say something like, “I said no, and I’m not going to change my mind. Please stop asking.”

Explain that you’re in recovery.

Let others know if you’ve struggled with addiction.

  • “No thanks, I’m actually 6 months sober as of today.”
  • “I’m all good. That stuff really messes me up, and I’m trying to kick the habit.”
  • “I’ve been making really good progress, and I don’t want to start back from square one.”
  • “I’m really trying to make better choices and would appreciate it if you’d respect my decision.”

Take a nonalcoholic drink with you at parties.

Pretend like you already have something to drink.

  • Try pouring your drink into a plastic cup so other people can’t tell it’s only something like soda or iced tea.
  • If your friends are doing shots, ask for a water shot so you can still participate with them.
  • If someone offers to get you a drink, say, “I'm definitely open to grabbing a drink, but could you get me something that's nonalcoholic?”

Leave the situation.

Walk away if you feel too uncomfortable.

  • “I’ve got practice in 20 minutes.”
  • “I’ve really got to study for this test.”
  • “My curfew is at 10, and if I’m late my parents are going to be so mad.”
  • “My friend is calling me. I need to take this.”
  • “I don’t feel so well. I’m going to go outside for a bit of fresh air.”

Expert Q&A

Tala Johartchi, PsyD

  • If someone is constantly pressuring you to do drugs or drink alcohol, talk to a trusted adult. [12] X Research source Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 1
  • Make friends who respect your decision to stay away from drugs and alcohol. Thanks Helpful 1 Not Helpful 1

say no to drugs essay 400 words

  • If you go to a party or event where there may be drugs, never leave your drink unattended. There’s a possibility that someone could put drugs into it without you knowing. [13] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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