Summer Research

Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates and iCAN Students

In the Illinois Computer Science Research Program (SRP), students work with Illinois faculty mentors and graduate students over the summer to get an introduction to computer science research. 

Program Dates: May 28-July 28, 2024

Start Here →

High School Summer STEM Research

The Grainger College of Engineering's High School Summer STEM Research program for rising 11th-12th graders is an authentic STEM research experience at a world-class research university for six weeks during the summer.  

Undergraduates are an essential part of our leading-edge research. There are many ways to contribute to impactful research early in your career, from summer programs to paid research positions with faculty.

A group of women CS stars students.

For Illinois CS Faculty

Faculty mentors are needed for undergraduate and high school summer research programs.

Summer Research Program Faculty interested in serving as an undergraduate research mentor should email [email protected] with questions or to express interest in serving as a mentor.

High School Summer STEM Research Faculty interested in mentoring pairs of high school students in their lab should contact  Yael Gertner or  Brad Solomon  for more information.

Contact: [email protected]

Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science

  • Summer Research Opportunities

Research Experiences for Undergraduates

Research experience can be life-changing for undergraduate students, but it isn't always easy to find summer opportunities that are both educational and financially possible. The School of Computer Science aims to solve that problem by offering the following intensive summer programs on the Carnegie Mellon campus. Most programs offer financial support, as well as out-the-classroom opportunities for enrichment and networking.

SCS Outreach Hubs

  • CS Pathways

Human-Computer Interaction Institute REU

The Summer Research Program in the Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) is an opportunity for undergraduate students to spend 10 weeks in the HCII conducting cutting-edge research on meaningful projects with some of the world’s best researchers. This work will have the potential for publication and significant impact on the future of the field. Research projects could include smart classroom sensors, educational games, accessibility, online health support groups, smartphone privacy tools and the future of work.

Application Deadline:  Jan. 16, 2023 at 11:59 p.m. EST

Included:  Stipend to cover travel, lodging, meals and other relevant expenses

Research Experiences for Undergraduates in Software Engineering (REUSE) allows undergraduate students to spend a summer working with some of the world's leading software engineering faculty researchers. Project areas range from automated bug repair to usable programming tools. Some of our past REUSE students have gone on to top Ph.D. programs in computer science such as those at CMU, Berkeley and the University of Washington.

Application Deadline: Feb. 1, 2023

Included: $6,000 stipend, $1,400 meal allowance, plus travel and on-campus housing

Robotics Institute Summer Scholars

Launched in 2006, the Robotics Institute Summer Scholars (RISS) program provides opportunities for students from across the country and around the world to conduct research with CMU leaders in robotics and artificial intelligence. Scholars build knowledge, skills and a network that will open doors for years to come. Renowned scientists and thought leaders in autonomy, computer vision, field robotics and artificial intelligence PLUS partners across the university in student development, service learning and student affairs anchor the scholar experience.

RISS is a community that cares. It fosters a diverse and inclusive working and learning environment where all students are actively welcomed, included and supported. We work to create an atmosphere where students can explore and develop their identities as scientists. This is the first step in a mentored journey with the CMU community. The program has hosted students from more than 50 home countries and hundreds of home institutions, and participants have ranged from those with no research experience to more advanced students. The RISS community is committed to actively supporting the success of the summer scholars during their research immersion and beyond. Summer scholars present and publish their research results. 

Application Deadline: Jan. 15, 2023 at 12 p.m.

Included: Scholarships range from $6,000 to  $8,000

Research Opportunities

Undergraduate research in computer science.

For specific information on undergraduate research opportunities in Computer Science visit .

General Information about Undergraduate Research

Opportunities for undergraduates to conduct research in engineering, the applied sciences, and in related fields abound at Harvard. As part of your coursework, or perhaps as part of individual research opportunities working with professors, you will have the chance to  take part in or participate in  some extraordinary projects covering topics ranging from bioengineering to cryptography to environmental engineering.

Our dedicated undergraduate research facilities and Active Learning Labs also provide opportunities for students to engage in hands-on learning. We encourage undergraduates from all relevant concentrations to tackle projects during the academic year and/or over the summer.

Keep in mind, many students also pursue summer research at private companies and labs as well as at government institutions like the National Institutes of Health.

If you have any questions, please contact or stop by the Office of Academic Programs, located in the Science and Engineering Complex, Room 1.101, in Allston.

Research FAQs

The SEAS website has a wealth of information on the variety of cross-disciplinary research taking place at SEAS. You can view the concentrations available at SEAS here , as well as the research areas that faculty in these concentrations participate in. Note that many research areas span multiple disciplines; participating in undergraduate research is an excellent way to expand what you learn beyond the content of the courses in your concentration! 

To view which specific faculty conduct research in each area, check out the All Research Areas section of the website. You can also find a helpful visualization tool to show you the research interests of all the faculty at SEAS, or you can filter the faculty directory by specific research interests. Many faculty’s directory entry will have a link to their lab’s website, where you can explore the various research projects going on in their lab.

The Centers & Initiatives page shows the many Harvard research centers that SEAS faculty are members of (some based at SEAS, some based in other departments at Harvard). 

Beyond the website, there are plenty of research seminars and colloquia happening all year long that you can attend to help you figure out what exactly you are interested in. Keep an eye on the calendar at ! 

There are several events that are designed specifically for helping undergraduate students get involved with research at SEAS, such as the Undergraduate Research Open House and Research Lightning Talks . This event runs every fall in early November and is a great opportunity to talk to representatives from research labs all over SEAS. You can find recordings from last year’s Open House on the SEAS Undergraduate Research Canvas site .

Most of our faculty have indicated that curiosity, professionalism, commitment and an open mind are paramount. Good communication skills, in particular those that align with being professional are critical. These skills include communicating early with your mentor if you are going to be late to or miss a meeting, or reaching out for help if you are struggling to figure something out. Good writing skills and math (calculus in particular) are usually helpful, and if you have programming experience that may be a plus for many groups. So try to take your math and programming courses early (first year) including at least one introductory concentration class, as those would also add to your repertoire of useful skills.

Adapted from the Life Sciences Research FAQs

Start by introducing yourself and the purpose of your inquiry (e.g. you’d like to speak about summer research opportunities in their lab). Next, mention specific aspects of their research and state why they interest you (this requires some background research on your part). Your introduction will be stronger if you convey not only some knowledge of the lab’s scientific goals, but also a genuine interest in their research area and technical approaches.

In the next paragraph tell them about yourself, what your goals are and why you want to do research with their group. Describe previous research experience (if you have any). Previous experience is, of course, not required for joining many research groups, but it can be helpful. Many undergraduates have not had much if any previous experience; professors are looking for students who are highly motivated to learn, curious and dependable.

Finally, give a timeline of your expected start date, how many hours per week you can devote during the academic term, as well as your summer plans.

Most faculty will respond to your email if it is clear that you are genuinely interested in their research and have not simply sent out a generic email. If you don’t receive a response within 7-10 days, don’t be afraid to follow up with another email. Faculty are often busy and receive a lot of emails, so be patient.

There are several ways that undergraduate research can be funded at SEAS. The Program for Research in Science and Engineering ( PRISE ) is a 10-week summer program that provides housing in addition to a stipend for summer research. The Harvard College Research Program ( HCRP ) is available during the academic year as well as the summer.  The Harvard University Center for the Environment ( HUCE ) has a summer undergraduate research program. The Harvard College Office of Undergraduate Research and Fellowships ( URAF ) has more information on these, as well as many other programs.

Students that were granted Federal Work Study as part of their financial aid package can use their Work Study award to conduct undergraduate research as well (research positions should note that they are work-study eligible to utilize this funding source).  

Research labs may have funding available to pay students directly, though we encourage you to seek out one of the many funding options available above first.

Yes! Some students choose to do research for course credit instead of for a stipend. To do so for a SEAS concentrations, students must enroll in one of the courses below and submit the relevant Project Application Form on the Course’s Canvas Page:

  • Applied Mathematics 91r (Supervised Reading and Research)
  • Computer Science 91r (Supervised Reading and Research)
  • Engineering Sciences 91r (Supervised Reading and Research)

In general, you should expect to spend a minimum of one semester or one summer working on a project. There are many benefits to spending a longer period of time dedicated to a project. It’s important to have a conversation early with your research PI (“Principal Investigator”, the faculty who runs your research lab or program) to discuss the intended timeline of the first phase of your project, and there will be many additional opportunities to discuss how it could be extended beyond that.

For students who are satisfied with their research experience, remaining in one lab for the duration of their undergraduate careers can have significant benefits. Students who spend two or three years in the same lab often find that they have become fully integrated members of the research group. In addition, the continuity of spending several years in one lab group often allows students to develop a high level of technical expertise that permits them to work on more sophisticated projects and perhaps produce more significant results, which can also lead to a very successful senior thesis or capstone design project. 

However, there is not an obligation to commit to a single lab over your time at Harvard, and there are many reasons you may consider a change:

  • your academic interests or concentration may have changed and thus the lab project is no longer appropriate
  • you would like to study abroad (note that there is no additional cost in tuition for the term-time study abroad and Harvard has many fellowships for summer study abroad programs)
  • your mentor may have moved on and there is no one in the lab to direct your project (it is not unusual for a postdoctoral fellow who is co-mentoring student to move as they secure a faculty position elsewhere)
  • the project may not be working and the lab hasn’t offered an alternative
  • or there may be personal reasons for leaving.  It is acceptable to move on

If you do encounter difficulties, but you strongly prefer to remain in the lab, get help.  Talk to your PI or research mentor, your faculty advisor or concentration advisor, or reach out to [email protected] for advice. The PI may not be aware of the problem and bringing it to their attention may be all that is necessary to resolve it.

Accepting an undergraduate into a research group and providing training for them is a very resource-intensive proposition for a lab, both in terms of the time commitment required from the lab mentors as well as the cost of laboratory supplies, reagents, computational time, etc. It is incumbent upon students to recognize and respect this investment.

  • One way for you to acknowledge the lab’s investment is to show that you appreciate the time that your mentors set aside from their own experiments to teach you. For example, try to be meticulous about letting your mentor know well in advance when you are unable to come to the lab as scheduled, or if you are having a hard time making progress. 
  • On the other hand, showing up in the lab at a time that is not on your regular schedule and expecting that your mentor will be available to work with you is unrealistic because they may be in the middle of an experiment that cannot be interrupted for several hours. 
  • In addition to adhering to your lab schedule, show you respect the time that your mentor is devoting to you by putting forth a sincere effort when you are in the lab.  This includes turning off your phone, ignoring text messages, avoiding surfing the web and chatting with your friends in the lab etc. You will derive more benefit from a good relationship with your lab both in terms of your achievements in research and future interactions with the PI if you demonstrate a sincere commitment to them.
  • There will be “crunch” times, maybe even whole weeks, when you will be unable to work in the lab as many hours as you normally would because of midterms, finals, paper deadlines, illness or school vacations. This is fine and not unusual for students, but remember to let your mentor know in advance when you anticipate absences. Disappearing from the lab for days without communicating with your mentor is not acceptable. Your lab mentor and PI are much more likely to be understanding about schedule changes if you keep the lines of communication open but they may be less charitable if you simply disappear for days or weeks at a time. From our conversations with students, we have learned that maintaining good communication and a strong relationship with the lab mentor and/or PI correlates well with an undergraduate’s satisfaction and success in the laboratory.
  • Perhaps the best way for you to demonstrate your appreciation of the lab’s commitment is to approach your project with genuine interest and intellectual curiosity. Regardless of how limited your time in the lab may be, especially for first-years and sophomores, it is crucial to convey a sincere sense of engagement with your project and the lab’s research goals. You want to avoid giving the impression that you are there merely to fulfill a degree requirement or as a prerequisite for a post-graduate program.

There are lots of ways to open a conversation around how to get involved with research.

  • For pre-concentrators: Talk to a student who has done research. The Peer Concentration Advisor (PCA) teams for Applied Math , Computer Science and Engineering mention research in their bios and would love to talk about their experience. Each PCA team has a link to Find My PCA which allows you to be matched with a PCA based on an interest area such as research. 
  • For SEAS concentrators: Start a conversation with your ADUS, DUS, or faculty advisor about faculty that you are interested in working with. If you don’t have a list already, start with faculty whose courses you have taken or faculty in your concentration area. You may also find it helpful to talk with graduate student TFs in your courses about the work they are doing, as well as folks in the Active Learning Labs, as they have supported many students working on research and final thesis projects.
  • For all students: Attend a SEAS Research Open House event to be connected with lab representatives that are either graduate students, postdocs, researchers or the PI for the labs. If you can’t attend the event, contact information is also listed on the Undergraduate Research Canvas page for follow-up in the month after the event is hosted. 

For any student who feels like they need more support to start the process, please reach out to [email protected] so someone from the SEAS Taskforce for Undergraduate Research can help you explore existing resources on the Undergraduate Research Canvas page . We especially encourage first-generation and students from underrepresented backgrounds to reach out if you have any questions.

In Computer Science

  • First-Year Exploration
  • Concentration Information
  • Secondary Field
  • Senior Thesis
  • AB/SM Information
  • Student Organizations
  • How to Apply
  • PhD Timeline
  • PhD Course Requirements
  • Qualifying Exam
  • Committee Meetings (Review Days)
  • Committee on Higher Degrees
  • Research Interest Comparison
  • Collaborations
  • Cross-Harvard Engagement
  • Lecture Series
  • Clubs & Organizations
  • Centers & Initiatives
  • Alumni Stories
  • Who’s Teaching What
  • Subject Updates
  • MEng program
  • Opportunities
  • Minor in Computer Science
  • Resources for Current Students
  • Program objectives and accreditation
  • Graduate program requirements
  • Admission process
  • Degree programs
  • Graduate research
  • EECS Graduate Funding
  • Resources for current students
  • Student profiles
  • Instructors
  • DEI data and documents
  • Recruitment and outreach
  • Community and resources
  • Get involved / self-education
  • Rising Stars in EECS
  • Graduate Application Assistance Program (GAAP)
  • MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP)
  • Sloan-MIT University Center for Exemplary Mentoring (UCEM)
  • Electrical Engineering
  • Computer Science
  • Artificial Intelligence + Decision-making
  • AI and Society
  • AI for Healthcare and Life Sciences
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Biological and Medical Devices and Systems
  • Communications Systems
  • Computational Biology
  • Computational Fabrication and Manufacturing
  • Computer Architecture
  • Educational Technology
  • Electronic, Magnetic, Optical and Quantum Materials and Devices
  • Graphics and Vision
  • Human-Computer Interaction
  • Information Science and Systems
  • Integrated Circuits and Systems
  • Nanoscale Materials, Devices, and Systems
  • Natural Language and Speech Processing
  • Optics + Photonics
  • Optimization and Game Theory
  • Programming Languages and Software Engineering
  • Quantum Computing, Communication, and Sensing
  • Security and Cryptography
  • Signal Processing
  • Systems and Networking
  • Systems Theory, Control, and Autonomy
  • Theory of Computation
  • Departmental History
  • Departmental Organization
  • Visiting Committee
  • Community & Equity
  • Community & Equity
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
  • EECS Community Central
  • Thriving Stars at EECS

summer research program computer science

The MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP) seeks to promote the value of graduate education; to improve the research enterprise through increased diversity; and to prepare and recruit the best and brightest for graduate education at MIT. Learn more.

Email forwarding for is changing. Updates and details here . CS Commencement Ceremony June 16, 2024.  Learn More .

Research & Impact

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Making an Impact for a Better World

As computing continues to transform our world, the research we're pursuing at Stanford Computer Science seeks to ethically create, shape, and empower the new frontier. From the latest in robotics to foundation models to cryptocurrency, Stanford computer scientists are making an impact on the world beyond our academic walls. 

Faculty Spotlight: Omar Reingold

Faculty Spotlight:  Omer Reingold, the Rajeev Motwani Professor in Computer Science

"A computer scientist teaching a theater class is a bit unusual, I’ll grant you that. But is it so strange? For me, classifying different parts of campus to left-brain-versus-right-brain kind of thinking is just an unfortunate stereotype. I'd much rather go with ‘creativity is creativity is creativity.'" Read Omer Reingold's Story  

In the News: See Our Research in Action

Soda24 Best Paper Award winners

Best Paper Award: "Breaking the Metric Voting Distortion Barrier"

Stanford professor, Moses Charikar, and his two co-authors, Kangning Wang (postdoc) and Prasanna Ramakrishnan (PhD student), win Best Paper Award at the ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms (SODA24).

Click here to read more as Kangning and Prasanna discuss their passion for research, the challenges they faced, and the significance of this award.

summer research program computer science

A Robotic Diver Connects Human's Sight and Touch to the Deep Sea


The Future of AI Chat: Foundation Models and Responsible Innovation

Guest Percy Liang is an authority on AI who says that we are undergoing a paradigm shift in AI powered by foundation models, which are general-purpose models trained at immense scale, such as ChatGPT.

CS Faculty & Their Research

Explore our network of faculty members and the innovation conceived by their research. They are shaping a new era of solutions and the next generation of thought leaders and entrepreneurs.

2023-04-12 collage of several Stanford computer science faculty Mendel Rosenblum, Mehran Sahami, Ron Dror, Sanmi Koyejo, and Diyi Yang.

Meet Our Faculty & Their Research

Stanford Computer Science faculty members work on the world's most pressing problems, in conjunction with other leaders across multiple fields. Fueled by academic and industry cross-collaborations, they form a network and culture of innovation.

The Emmy Award-winning video looks back at a remarkable six decades of AI work at Stanford University.

Stanford has been a leader in AI almost since the day the term was dreamed up by John McCarthy in the 1950s. McCarthy would join the Stanford faculty in 1962 and found the Stanford Artificial Intelligence Lab (SAIL), initiating a six-decades-plus legacy of innovation. Over the years, the field has grown to welcome a diversity of researchers and areas of exploration, including robotics, autonomous vehicles, medical diagnostics, natural language processing, and more. All the while, Stanford has been at the forefront in research and in educating the next generation of innovators in AI. Artificial intelligence would not be what it is today without Stanford.  

23023-04-12 photo collage of several Stanford Computer Science faculty Chris Re, Chris Manning, Tatsu Hashimoto, Kayvon Fatahalian, and Chelsea Finn.

Research at the Affiliate Programs

Stanford Computer Science has a legacy of working with industry to advance real-world solutions. Membership in our affiliate programs provides companies with access to the research, faculty, and students to accelerate their innovations.

2023-04-17 Joseph Huang portrait

Join the Affiliates Programs

Interested in the benefits of memberships to our affiliate programs, sponsored research, executive education programs, or student recruitment? Get started by contacting:

Joseph Huang, PhD | Executive Director of Strategic Research Initiatives Stanford University, Computer Science [email protected]  

Connecting Students & Research: Jump In

At Stanford, students do amazing research. Their projects are widely recognized as some of the best in the world. Stanford's reputation as one of the top CS programs comes in large part from this. If you're a student with a passion for participating in meaningful research, our CURIS and LINXS programs are designed to get you started.

2023 LINX and INSPiRE-CS cohort

LINXS Program

The Stanford LINXS Program is an eight-week summer residential program that brings innovative undergraduates, who are currently attending Historically Black Colleges & Universities and Hispanic Serving Institutions, to Stanford for an immersive academic research and graduate school preparation experience. 

CURIS 2023 cohort event montage

CURIS Program

CURIS is the undergraduate research program of Stanford's Computer Science Department. Each summer, 100+ undergraduates conduct and participate in computer science research advised and mentored by faculty and PhD students.  

students collaborating

Student Summer Research Fellowship Program

The Student Summer Research Fellowship Program administered under the Computer Science Department aims at recruiting a group of highly motivated undergraduate students from our partner universities (see list below) to join the faculty-led research groups and conduct research at UChicago in the summer (July and August).

During the 8-week program period, each student will spend their work time with one faculty member and their research team to conduct research. In addition, the program will organize group-based team building activities, workshops, group projects etc. that will expose students to the larger UChicago academic community.

More Info (PDF)

Partner Universities:

  • Fudan University
  • Keio University
  • National Taiwan University
  • Peking University
  • The Chinese University of Hong Kong, ShenZhen
  • The University of Electro-Communications
  • The University of Science & Technology of China
  • The University of Tsukuba
  • Tsinghua University
  • Zhejiang University

Program Contact:

Program Support : Nita Yack ([email protected] )

Faculty Lead : Shan Lu ([email protected])


During the application season, applicants will submit their application online via the UChicago application system:

The site is open now for the 2024 summer visit application!

At this application site, please select “Non-Degree” and then “Computer Science Student Summer Research Fellowship” as the program.

Application materials should include:

  • Candidate Statement (word limit: 300)
  • Undergraduate Transcript [For Master’s students, both undergraduate and master’s transcripts]
  • English Requirement (TOEFL/IELTS report, or  UChicago AEPA ) **Based on the policy for NDVS at the University , to meet the English requirement, we recognize three types of test: TOEFL iBT Speaking (18 or better), IELTS (Speaking score of 6.0 or better), or AEPA (“Basic” level or above).
  • [Only for Master’s students] One Recommendation Letter (Ideally from a Faculty Supervisor / Research Mentor)

Program Timeline

Deadline : February 28th, 2024

Faculty Interview & Release Admissions Results : before mid-April, 2024

Student Attendance Confirmation Due : end of April, 2024

Program Period : July 1st, 2024 —August 23rd, 2024

Frequently Asked Questions

Will you tell me if you have successfully received my application material?

After you submit your materials electronically, you will receive a confirmation email. Please do not send inquiries to the Admissions Office requesting status of your application. If your application is incomplete, you will be notified directly. (Watch your email for notifications.)

When can I expect to receive an admission decision?

The admission results will typically be released in April. We will send out the admissions result electronically via email. If you have not heard from us after April 10th, please email us directly.

Why was my application denied? Can I be reconsidered?

We assess a number of factors when evaluating applications to the summer scholar program. Academic background, research experience, test scores, motivations for participating the program and essays all play an equal role in consideration. For international students, English language skills are also assessed. There is no one factor that determines admission. At this time, we are not able to provide specific feedback on your application and all admission decisions are final.

Is the program open to undergraduate or graduate students?

For now, this program only opens to undergraduate students (and master students occasionally) from certain partner universities.

Can I work while being a summer student?

You will not be able to work or get paid during the program period.

What is the language requirement for applying the program?  If I do not have TOEFL/ IELTS score, will I be able to apply for the program?

International applicants may submit either the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) or the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) to meet the English language requirement. If you are not able to provide a TOEFL or IELTS score report, you have to take the Academic English Proficiency Assessment (AEPA).

Can I submit SAT, AP or A-Level results instead of TOEFL/IELTS to prove my English proficiency?

No. You must have an official TOEFL or IELTS score sent directly to the University of Chicago, or you can take the AEPA offered by UChicago.

What is the AEPA?

The Academic English Proficiency Assessment (AEPA) is an authentic, highly structured English conversation between a prospective University of Chicago student and an English language specialist at the University of Chicago. An AEPA typically lasts 15 to 30 minutes and includes an academic role play. You can access more information relating to AEPA here .

How should I prepare for the AEPA?

Due to the spontaneous and customized nature of the AEPA, there is no official way to study for an AEPA. The language specialist’s goal is to elicit the test taker’s best possible sample of spoken English in academic context. The language specialist is interested in overall, functional speaking ability rather than only accuracy and grammar.

Can I take the AEPA test after I got admitted?

If you will have a qualified TOEFL score, you do not need to take the AEPA test. Otherwise, you have to get a passing AEPA test score to join the summer program. In the past, some students chose to take the test after getting “conditionally admitted” (conditioned on passing AEPA test). It could work out, but it may delay your Visa application process.

ISO Home

MSRP Mission

The MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP) seeks to promote the value of graduate education; to improve the research enterprise through increased diversity; and to prepare and recruit the best and brightest for graduate education at MIT.

MSRP began in 1986 as an institutional effort to address the issue of underrepresentation of African Americans, Mexican Americans, Native Americans, and Puerto Ricans in engineering and science in the United States. Today, this program’s goal is to increase the number of underrepresented minorities and underserved (e.g. low socio-economic background, first generation) students in the research enterprise.

MSRP seeks to identify talented sophomores, juniors, and non-graduating seniors who might benefit from spending a summer on MIT’s campus, conducting research under the guidance of MIT faculty members, postdoctoral fellows, and advanced graduate students.

Students who participate in this program will be better prepared and motivated to pursue advanced degrees, thereby helping to sustain a rich talent pool in critical areas of research and innovation.

Participant Benefits

  • Supervision by an MIT faculty member and postdoctoral fellow or advanced graduate student
  • Individual counseling on academic careers
  • Constructive feedback on the need for further undergraduate courses and acquisition of additional laboratory skills
  • Opportunity to possibly co-author a scientific paper with the faculty mentor
  • Exposure to state of the art research laboratories in MIT departments and interdisciplinary centers
  • A weekly stipend
  • Round trip travel expenses
  • University housing and food subsidy (students are responsible for food expenses beyond the subsidy amount)
  • Access to campus facilities (library, athletic, and health facilities)

Program Features

  • Weekly research presentation by MIT faculty
  • Weekly seminars on issues directly related to the academic, personal, and professional growth of interns
  • Community service day
  • Social outings (barbecues, boat cruise, visits to Boston area)
  • Preparation of an abstract, research paper, and graduate school statement of purpose
  • Poster presentation at the end of the program

Participating Departments

  • Aeronautics and Astronautics
  • Architecture
  • Biological Engineering
  • Center for Real Estate
  • Chemical Engineering
  • Civil and Environmental Engineering
  • Comparative Media Studies
  • Computational and Systems Biology
  • Computational Science and Engineering
  • Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences
  • Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
  • Health Sciences and Technology (Joint Harvard-MIT Program)
  • History, Anthropology, and Science, Technology, and Society
  • Institute for Data, Systems, and Society
  • Linguistics
  • Materials Science and Engineering
  • Mathematics
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Media Arts and Sciences
  • MIT Sloan PhD Program
  • Nuclear Science and Engineering
  • Operations Research Center
  • Political Science
  • Transportation
  • Urban Studies and Planning

If your interested department is not listed above, we encourage you to explore these other summer opportunities.

Secondary Menu

Cs+: computer science projects beyond the classroom, applications are now closed are no longer being accepted., what is cs+.

CS+ is a ten week summer program exclusively for Duke undergraduates to get involved in computer science research projects with faculty in a fast-paced but supportive community environment. Students participate in teams of 3-4 and are jointly mentored by a faculty project lead and a graduate student mentor. The experience is meant as a rich entry point into computer science research and applications beyond the classroom.

  • Only students enrolled at Duke University are eligible to apply.
  • The program this summer will run from Monday, May 20, 2024 through Friday, July 26, 2024.
  • The program is held in-person, following Duke guidelines for summer programs. There is no virtual option available, and students must reside in Durham during the summer (on or off campus) to participate.
  • Students participate in this program full-time (40 hours/week). You cannot take summer courses or do other internships/fellowships while doing CS+.
  • Participants receive a stipend of $5,000 to cover expenses.
  • Applications received by Friday, February 16 will receive full consideration (afterwards applications will be considered depending on whether positions have been filled).

If you have questions about the program, please email  [email protected] .

CS+ Project Offerings Summer 2024

Leads:  Danyang Zhuo and Anru Zhang

Description:  Hospitals accumulate a great amount of patient-level health data, which are securely stored in privacy-preserved databases. Researchers utilize these data for various analytical purposes to understand public health trends, track disease spread, and establish connections between symptoms and diseases. However, the manual effort for acquiring the data can be cumbersome. Our project aims to revolutionize this process by harnessing the capabilities of advanced large language models. By automating the data analytics pipeline for health data, we aim to drastically reduce manual labor for researchers and pave new ways for scientific discovery. This initiative invites students to collaborate with faculty mentors, enhancing and refining our existing research prototype on the data acquisition and analyses using large language models.

Goals/Deliverables: Students will:

  • Deliver a running system that automates medical data analytics pipeline.
  • Learn how to use large language models to build an end-to-end AI application.
  • Learn the pros/cons of fine-tuning and prompt engineering.

Student Background/Prerequisites:  Proficient Python programming. Understanding of deep learning and natural language processing.

Lead:  Kamesh Munagala

Description:  How should the map of a state be partitioned into electoral districts? We will explore algorithms for this problem.

Goals/Deliverables:  Algorithmic results, either code with experiments, or proving why the algorithms work.

Student Background/Prerequisites: Strong math and programming background, preferably having taken CPS 330 or equivalent.

Lead: Pankaj Agarwal

Description: Optimal transport (OT) is a widely used method for  computing the similarity (or distance) between two shapes or probability distributions . Its goal is simply to deform one distribution into another in a minimum effort manner, and the total amount of effort required to transfer between the two distributions is their OT distance. Specifically, given two probability mass distributions, OT asks to pair up masses from the two  distributions in a way where the average length of pairs is minimized.  OT is also used to compute the representative or "mean" distribution of a collection of probability distributions.  Roughly speaking, this "mean" distribution is the distribution that minimizes the sum of OT distances from each of the given distributions.

Many algorithms for computing OT between two distributions  require quadratic time in the size of the supports of the distributions. However, geometry of OT  can be exploited to obtain faster algorithms, especially in low dimensions. The goal of this project is to develop and implement geometry based algorithms for OT and for computing the "mean" distribution.

Goals/Deliverables: Adapt existing OT algorithms, implement them, and test their efficacy and efficiency. In particular, develop a greedy algorithm for computing the "mean" distribution.    

Student Background/Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of algorithms and data structures and strong coding skills

Lead:  Rong Ge

Description: Recently, large language models (LLMs) demonstrated strong "in-context" learning abilities, and given a few examples as a prompt, the models can follow the context to make predictions on new examples. This appears to be different from traditional "in-weight" learning where the weights of the neural networks capture all the knowledge learned during training.

Although several recent works (e.g., , , ) have tried to understand the difference between in-context and in-weight learning, and what mechanisms enabled in-context learning, this is still a major open problem. In this project we hope find a new perspective to partly understand in-context learning.

Goals/Deliverables:  The final product will be a report (or if successful, a pre-print). Outline:

  • Read papers on in-context and in-weight learning
  • Formalize a simple task that highlights the difference between in-context and in-weight learning
  • Train small-scale transformers on the simple task with synthetic data
  • Try to interpret what the small-scale model does

Student Background/Prerequisites:  Linear algebra, calculus, ideally some experience in training neural networks/pytorch.

Lead: Anru Zhang    

Description: The generative model is an active topic of research, due to the evolution of DALL-E, GPT, etc. In the realm of healthcare, hospitals accumulate a great amount of patient-level healthcare data, which are securely stored in privacy-preserved databases. Researchers utilize healthcare data for various analytical purposes to understand public health trends, track disease spread, and establish connections between symptoms and diseases. The objective of our project is to investigate the potential of cutting-edge generative models in enhancing the analysis of healthcare data. We invite interested students to join us in this innovative exploration.

Goals/Deliverables: Students will learn how to apply generative models in the healthcare setting. If time permits, students are encouraged to write a research paper.

Student Background/Prerequisites: Proficient in Python programming, deep learning, and computing on GPU.

Lead:  Pardis Emami-Naeini

Description: Over the past few years, artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled tools have gained tremendous popularity. One common example of such tools is AI chatbots (e.g., ChatGPT), which use conversational AI to simulate a human-like Q&A interaction with users. Healthcare is one of the domains that have recently seen an uptake in the development of chatbots (e.g., Google's Med-PaLM ). Such tools provide healthcare professionals and patients with various benefits, ranging from helping clinicians with their patient note-taking to predicting the risks of cancer in patients using their medical history. Moreover, users can benefit from such tools without the need to see a doctor. For example, some of the current AI chatbots can provide personalized diet and mental health recommendations to users, thereby increasing their autonomy and making them independent of visiting healthcare professionals.

Despite the various positive usecases of healthcare AI chatbots, these tools can pose great privacy and safety harms to the healthcare system. To function, the chatbots rely on collecting and accessing vast amounts of potentially sensitive medical data from users through their direct and indirect interactions with the AI chatbots. However, these systems are vulnerable to data breaches, which could then expose the users to privacy risks. In addition, the models powering such chatbots could be trained on biased data, which could pose further safety harm to their users. For example, due to the common algorithmic biases in AI models, by over-relying on AI chatbots, doctors could misdiagnose a patient from minoritized communities (e.g., Black or African American).

Currently, no usable information is provided to the users of chatbots regarding the privacy and fairness of the models underlying the chatbots. This project aims to design a privacy and fairness “nutrition” label for AI-enabled health chatbots that is usable and informative for both patients and healthcare providers. The project involves i) conducting a series of user research studies with various stakeholders, including AI experts, patients, and healthcare providers, to identify the factors that should be included on such labels and ii) designing a prototype label.

Goals/Deliverables:  Through conducting this societal research at the intersection of AI, privacy, and health, the students will become more informed about the challenges of emerging AI technologies in healthcare and develop knowledge to empower the users to have more protective interactions with such technologies. The outcome of this research could be presented as a poster or a full research paper in a security, privacy, or human-computer interaction conference.

Student Background/Prerequisites:  The project requires conducting user-centered research with users of medical AI chatbots, including doctors and patients. Therefore, it is important for the candidates to have some knowledge of conducting user research methods and analyzing user data. In addition, it would be helpful if the candidates have basic knowledge of the concept of AI chatbots and their potential risks to users' privacy and safety.

Lead:  Xiaowei Yang

Description:  Modern cloud computing providers offer both computing and network services. Large cloud providers such as Amazon, Google, and Microsoft now own their private backbone networks and offer services that send customers' traffic through their backbones, entirely bypassing the public Internet. In this project, we will use image processing technologies to convert the publicly available fiber maps published by these providers into computation-friendly graph data structures and then study the properties of these private networks (such as shortest path latency) using the graph data structures.

Goals/Deliverables:  Students are expected to generate graph data structures from published network map images.

Student Background/Prerequisites: Basic knowledge of data structure and algorithms, with interest in learning image processing techniques.

Lead:  Matthew Lentz

Description: Personal smart devices provide users with powerful capabilities, which are derived (in part) from the ability of applications to operate over a variety of sensitive input/output (I/O) data related to the user: collecting and processing input data from sensors (e.g., fingerprint scans, location updates), or rendering output data to the user (e.g., health information). Users want to express control over the collection and processing of data on their devices; however, there is a complex ecosystem due to the large number of mutually-distrusting stakeholders, including users, manufacturers, vendors, and application owners. Our insight into trying to resolve this tension is to rethink the software I/O stack in terms of “accountable paths”, where each path represents a collection of modules that are connected between an application and the underlying hardware I/O devices it uses. Given these paths, we have very natural ways to express control (policies applied between modules), reconcile needs of different stakeholders (privileged modules), and reason about the state of the system (set of paths).

The correctness of this Accountable I/O (AIO) system is paramount, since many applications will depend on AIO – this is similar to how applications depend on the correctness of the operating system (e.g., Mac OS). In your own classes and projects, you’ve most likely worked towards achieving correctness via writing test cases. Instead, in this project, we will focus on leveraging “formal verification” to prove correctness in *all* cases at compile time. This involves first writing a complete mathematical specification of correctness. Given this specification, we will develop proofs that our implementation of the software system meets the specification, which will be automatically checked by a verifier. For this summer project, our goal is to continue the verification effort for AIO that we started in the Fall. This will involve iterating on the specification, implementation, and proofs to bring more features into the verified implementation. This will give you first-hand experience with software verification, which is witnessing significant growth in both academia and industry (e.g., AWS, Azure).


  • Completion of a 2-week crash course in verification for software systems (with feedback)
  • Contribute to the specification and verification effort for Accountable I/O, which will involve writing parts of the implementation and proofs in Rust using the Verus framework (see )
  • Contribute towards a future publication of the work. The verification effort will encompass a significant portion of the paper and the evaluation will directly involve the verified software
  • Presentation and poster on the work as part of the CS+ program

Student Background/Prerequisites:  

  • Has already taken one (or both) of: CS210/CS250 and CS230
  • Experience with programming in C, C++, or Rust is a plus

What is the difference between Code+, Data+, Climate+, and CS+?   All three “plus” programs have the same model: students collaborating in teams on a project in tech/data for the same 10 weeks of the summer and receiving a stipend of the same amount. We also partner to provide some common events (talks, social events, final poster fair, etc) in order to create a larger ecosystem of students studying in tech and data over the summer; over 100 students participated in 2019 across all three programs.  Each program has its own application.

  • CS+  focuses on projects in computer science research and applications and is run by the Department of Computer Science. Project leads are typically computer science faculty.
  • Data+  focuses on interdisciplinary data science projects from all over the university, and is run by Rhodes I.I.D. in Gross Hall. Project leads are typically faculty from diverse areas of the university, with frequent additional participation from community and/or industry partners.
  • Code+  focuses on projects in software and product development and is run by Duke OIT taking place at the American Tobacco Campus in downtown Durham. Project leads are professional IT developers with the emphasis on developing real-world development experience.
  • Climate+  focuses on climate-related, data-driven interdisciplinary research projects on diverse topics like electricity consumption, wetland carbon emissions, climate change’s impacts on river and ocean ecosystems, and the use of remote sensing data to inform climate strategies. Project leads are data science experts, and also climate, environment, and energy researchers and practitioners with additional participation from other project teams.

Do I apply to the program, or can I pick the projects I want to be a part of?   You can apply specifically to the projects and faculty of interest to you.

How much background do I need?   CS+ is intended for students who have some computer science experience, but students do not need to be computer science majors or rising seniors in order to apply. We welcome and encourage applications from rising 2nd and 3rd year students who have completed the introductory course sequence in computer science and have skills and interests that make them a good fit for their projects. Feel free to reach out to individual project leaders to discuss background for specific projects.

Summer Research Projects:

Main    2023    2022    2021    2020    2019

  • CS 50th Anniversary
  • Computing Resources
  • Event Archive
  • Location & Directions
  • AI for Social Good
  • Computational Social Choice
  • Computer Vision
  • Machine Learning
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP)
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Search and Optimization
  • Computational Biochemistry and Drug Design
  • Computational Genomics
  • Computational Imaging
  • DNA and Molecular Computing
  • Algorithmic Game Theory
  • Social Choice
  • Computational Journalism
  • Broadening Participation in Computing
  • CS1/CS2 Learning, Pedagogy, and Curricula
  • Education Technology
  • Practical and Ethical Approaches to Software and Computing
  • Interdisciplinary Research in Data Science
  • Security & Privacy
  • Architecture
  • Computer Networks
  • Distributed Systems
  • High Performance Computing
  • Operating Systems
  • Quantum Computing
  • Approximation and Online Algorithms
  • Coding and Information Theory
  • Computational Complexity
  • Geometric Computing
  • Graph Algorithms
  • Numerical Analysis
  • Programming Languages
  • Why Duke Computer Science?
  • BS Concentration in Software Systems
  • BS Concentration in Data Science
  • BS Concentration in AI and Machine Learning
  • BA Requirements
  • Minors in Computer Science
  • 4+1 Program for Duke Undergraduates
  • IDM in Math + CS on Data Science
  • IDM in Linguistics + CS
  • IDM in Statistics + CS on Data Science
  • IDM in Visual & Media Studies (VMS) + CS
  • Graduation with Distinction
  • Independent Study
  • Identity in Computing Research
  • CS+ Summer Program
  • CS Related Student Organizations
  • Undergraduate Teaching Assistant (UTA) Information
  • Your Background
  • Schedule a Visit
  • All Prospective CS Undergrads
  • Admitted or Declared 1st Majors
  • First Course in CS
  • Duties and Commitment
  • Compensation
  • Trinity Ambassadors
  • Mentoring for CS Graduate Students
  • MSEC Requirements
  • Master's Options
  • Financial Support
  • MS Requirements
  • Concurrent Master's for Non-CS PhDs
  • Admission & Enrollment Statistics
  • PhD Course Requirements
  • Conference Travel
  • Frequently Asked Questions
  • Additional Graduate Student Resources
  • Graduate Awards
  • Undergraduate Courses
  • Graduate Courses
  • Spring 2024 Classes
  • Fall 2023 Classes
  • Spring 2023 Classes
  • Course Substitutions for Majors & Minors
  • Course Bulletin
  • Course Registration Logistics
  • Assisting Duke Students
  • For Current Students
  • Alumni Lectures - Spring 2024
  • News - Alumni
  • Primary Faculty
  • Secondary Faculty
  • Adjunct and Visiting Faculty
  • Emeriti - In Memoriam
  • Postdoctoral Fellows
  • Ph.D. Program
  • Masters in Computer Science
  • Masters in Economics and Computation
  • Affiliated Graduate Students

summer research program computer science

  • Career Opportunities
  • Grand Rounds Archives
  • News & Events
  • Publications
  • Research Areas
  • Research Resources
  • Overview, Tracks and Degrees
  • Degree Requirements
  • Applications and Admissions
  • BMI Fellowship in Clinical Informatics
  • Research Experiences for Undergraduates
  • CSIRE for K12 Students
  • Radiology Informatics Micro-credential
  • Educational Outreach Programs
  • SBU-BMI Github
  • Google Summer of Code

Computer Science and Informatics Summer Research Experience Program

Computer Science and Informatics Summer Research Experience Program (CSIRE) is a 6-week research experience program on computer science and informatics for high school students. The program assumes the participant already has good skills on programming or data analytics. Since launching in 2017, the program has become increasingly competitive. If you are looking for a program to get familiar with a topic of interest or to learn fundamental skills, please visit our  Pre-College Summer Programs .

CSIRE 2024 . 


Please contact Dr. Wang (fusheng . wang at stonybrook . edu)   if you have questions.


CSIRE is a summer program to provide opportunities for high school students to participate in research and motivate the students to pursue a career in the field.

The program is held jointly by the Department of Biomedical Informatics and the Department of Computer Science at Stony Brook University. Each student will be working in a lab mentored by a faculty or a Ph.D. student on a research project. Students will also visit labs and attend seminars introducing cutting edge research in both computer science and informatics.  The students will present their work to their classmates and mentors during the middle and the end of the program. Programming background is required. 

Past Events

CSIRE 2017:  For the program in 2017, please read the news " Computer Science, Bioinformatics Faculty Lead Summer Program for K-12 Students ". You can also see pictures of CSIRE 2017 . One of the students Kavya Kopparapu, a member of the Simons Summer program and co-mentored with CSIRE, is among the finalists of    Regeneron Science Talent Search . ( News: Three SBU-Mentored High School Seniors Are Finalists in Regeneron Competition ; CNN news )

CSIRE 2018 News: What did you do this summer ?

CSIRE 2019 News:  High School Students Enjoyed Their Summer Internship at BMI

CSIRE 2020 was canceled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. 

CSIRE 2021 was virtual. 

CSIRE 2022 News: CSIRE: Cultivating High School Researchers

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summer research program computer science

25 Computer Science Summer Programs for High Schoolers in 2024

What’s covered:.

  • Computer Science Summer Programs for High School Students
  • How Impressive are Computer Science Programs in High School Admissions?
  • Other Ways to Spend Your Summer

Computer science summer programs allow you to build your skills and make friends who are as passionate about the field as you are. You may even get to travel somewhere new or experience life on the campus of a top college! Below is a list of computer science summer programs for high schoolers, where and when they take place, and guidance on which ones will provide the biggest boost to your college applications.

25 Computer Science Summer Programs for High School Students 

1. tandon nyu summer programs: automation, robotics, and coding (sparc).

  • Session One: June 17-28 
  • Session Two: July 8-19
  • Session Three: July 29-August 9

Location: New York University (NYU)

Application Deadline: N/A

Cost: $3,025 

Tandon NYU offers two-week, full-day programs for high school students in grades 9-12 that teach the basics of robotics, mechatronics, and programming. Participants learn about concepts and practices in computer science, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering and build a foundation for careers in fields like IoT, machine learning, and augmented reality.

Applicants must be 14 years of age or older and a minimum of 15 years old for housing.

2. Computer Science for Cyber Security (CS4CS)

Dates: July 10-28

Application Deadline: April 14

This three-week summer program is designed to empower the next generation of engineers to take on the challenges of cybersecurity and break down barriers that have led to the underrepresentation of women and minorities in the field. The program is open to 8th-11th graders living in New York City and its neighboring cities.

Participants in CS4CS will learn about a variety of topics including digital forensics, steganography, “white-hat” hacking, and cryptography. Students don’t need experience in computer science or cybersecurity to participate.

3. iDTech Tech Camps

Dates: Varies 

Location: Varies

Cost: $999-$4,799 

iDTech offers two-week coding and artificial intelligence camps for high school students, covering topics like machine learning, deep neural networks, cryptocurrency, and even encryption in 25 states and Washington, D.C. 

iDTech camps can be day or overnight programs, and they’re hosted at universities, providing students with the opportunity to sample college life while gaining hands-on STEM experience. Programs offer participants a mix of group and one-on-one sessions with certified coding instructors. 

4. Code Connects: Artificial Intelligence & Big Data

Dates: July 10-14

Location: Online

This week-long summer program focused on artificial intelligence and big data provides participants with a deeper understanding of machine learning while working on hands-on projects and building programming skills in Python.

5. Code Connects: Emerging Technologies

Dates: June 19-30

This two-week summer camp exposes students to some of today’s most cutting-edge technologies. In week one, participants will learn the fundamentals of the coding language Python. In week two, they’ll apply their coding skills to emerging technologies like AI, cybersecurity, data science, and web development.

6. Kode With Klossy

Location: In-person and Online

Kode with Klossy is a two-week summer coding camp specifically designed for girls, gender-nonconforming, and trans students ages 13-18. Program participants will focus on one of four topics: web development, mobile apps, artificial intelligence/machine learning, and data science. Kode with Klossy is being held both online and in person. 

7. NextGen Bootcamp

Cost: $1,999- $4,495

NextGen Bootcamp offers online and in-person computer education summer programs for high school students—in-person courses are held in New York City. Programs cover a variety of computer-related subjects, including coding in Python and Java, web design and development, and data science.

There are no prerequisites for joining NextGen Bootcamp’s programs—they do not require any prior coding knowledge.

8. Penn Summer Coding Academy

Dates: July 6-27

Location: University of Pennsylvania (UPenn)

Cost: $5,500* 

*Students who attend a School District of Philadelphia public or charter high school may be eligible to attend the academy for free.

This three-week residential program at UPenn for high schoolers in grades 9-11 introduces students to front-end web development. Participants learn about Hypertext Markup Language (HTML), Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), and JavaScript (JS), along with how to use them to create web pages for desktop and mobile devices. The program provides a strong foundation for students hoping to pursue careers in technical fields. 

9. Girls Who Code Summer Programs

Application Deadline: March 29

Girls Who Code offers two summer programs for girls and nonbinary students: the Summer Immersion Program and the Self-Paced Program.  The Summer Immersion Program is open to high schoolers in grades 9-11. This two-week-long virtual course focuses on beginner to intermediate computer science concepts, the iterative design process, and UX design basics.

The Self-Paced Program is open to high schoolers in grades 9-12, including graduating high school seniors. This course dives into intermediate applications of Python, with a focus on cybersecurity and data science. Students in the self-paced program have six weeks to complete course projects, and support is available through weekly live advisory sessions and activities.

10. Wolfram High School Summer Research Program

Dates: June 25-July 13

Location: Bentley University

Cost: $4,200

The Wolfram High School Summer Research Program is a two-week intensive training that aims to introduce high schoolers to programming, computational thinking, and technology. Students participate in lectures and activities led by Wolfram instructors and build hands-on experience developing a project from ideation to completed product. 

Approximately 50 students are admitted to the program annually.

11. Emagination STEM Camp

Dates: Varies

Cost: $1,960-$3,760

Emagination STEM Camp offers several technology courses that will interest high schoolers with an interest in computer science, most notably coding basics, coding in C#, coding in Java, and AI Explorations. Each course is two weeks long and meets for three hours a day.

Camps are offered on college campuses in three states—Connecticut, Illinois, and Pennsylvania—and provide participants with a college-like experience.

12. Terp Young Scholars

Dates: July 8-26

Location: In-person and online

Application Deadline: May 1

Cost: $1,500-$2,500

This program for rising 10th graders to graduating high school seniors is offered through the University of Maryland. The three-week-long, immersive experience allows students to undertake college-level work, earn college credit, and, in the case of in-person students, learn on a college campus.

Participants in the Terp Young Scholars program choose one course to explore—where they attend class, work on projects, take exams, and collaborate with their peers. Of most interest to students interested in computer science is the in-person course, Introduction to Computing. 

13. Naval Academy Summer STEM Program

  • Rising 9th graders: June 3-8
  • Rising 10th graders: June 10-15
  • Rising 11th graders: June 17-21

Location: U.S. Naval Academy

Application Deadline: April 15 

Cost: $700 

High schoolers in grades 9-11 interested in careers as coders, game developers, designers, and robotics engineers should check out the Naval Academy Summer STEM program. The week-long residential program tests participants’ problem-solving, creativity, and collaboration skills while exploring the world-class labs and facilities at one of the top engineering programs in the nation.

14. WPI Frontiers Program

  • Session 1: July 7-19
  • Session 2: July 21-24

Location: Worcester Polytechnic Institute (WPI)

Application Deadline: April 30 

Cost: $3,995

This two-week, residential program at WPI allows students in grades 10-12 to explore a STEM major with a humanities minor—providing a preview of college life at WPI. Students interested in computer science may want to pursue the major Computer Science: Possibilities in Programming or the major Data Science: Extracting Knowledge and Insights.  

In addition to coursework, students participate in a variety of recreational activities and college preparatory programming.

15. National High School Game Academy

Dates: June 22-August 3 

Location: Carnegie Mellon University

Application Deadline: March 1

Cost: $8,998-$12,105

This six-week residential program for current high school sophomores and juniors is hosted by Carnegie Mellon and provides students with hands-on experience designing video games. The course is a great opportunity for students with an interest in software development, taking students through the process of creating a video game from ideation to pitch to final ship.

16. AI Scholars

Dates: June 22-July 20 

This free four-week program for rising high school seniors explores artificial intelligence through classroom instruction, research projects, lectures, and engagement with the nation’s leading tech companies. Students will also participate in college prep and readiness seminars focused on everything from admissions to financial aid to social-emotional well-being. 

17. UT Computer Science Summer Academy for All

  • Standard Academy: June 9-15
  • Machine Learning Academy: July 7-13

Location: University of Texas, Austin (UT Austin)

Application Deadline: December 22 

This week-long residential summer program offered by UT Austin is open to students of all skill levels in grades 10-12. Standard Academy for All participants will learn about C++, project management, and careers in tech, while those in the Machine Learning Edition will explore Python, machine learning concepts, and the social impacts of the technology.

All participants will gain firsthand experience living and learning on a college campus, including sharing a room in a residence hall with a roommate, eating in the dining hall, and tackling college-level coursework.

18. Berkeley Summer Computer Science Academy

Dates: June 16-28

Location: University of California, Berkeley (UC Berkeley)

Application Deadline: March 11

Cost: $5,060

The two-week-long Berkeley Summer Computer Science Academy allows students ages 16 and 17 to immerse themselves in computer science and coding for two weeks in the summer. The program is based on the introductory computer science course taken by UC Berkeley undergrads. The academy culminates with the Code Celebration, an event where participants show off the coding project they worked on during the program.

This is a residential program and provides students with an excellent understanding of college life.  

19. Summer Liberal Arts Institute (SLAI) Computer Science

Dates: July 6-26

Location: Carleton College

Cost: $4,500

This residential program is open to rising high school juniors and seniors. The SLAI Computer Science program takes a different approach to exploring the field—it looks at it through the lens of liberal arts. Participants will learn about finding computational solutions via classwork, hands-on labs, and working in small teams on projects. The program concludes with a symposium where students share the results of their work. 

20. Veritas AI Scholars

Dates: June 3-June 14 

Application Deadline: May 12

Cost: $1,790

This program, founded and operated by Harvard graduate students, teaches students in grades 9 through 12 the fundamentals of Python and the key concepts of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Participants work in small teams under the guidance of an artificial intelligence expert in fields including gaming, sports, finance, and health care.

The structure of the summer program has participants completing 25 hours of work over two weeks. 

21. Columbia University Introduction to Programming with Java

  • Session 1: June 24-July 12
  • Session 2: July 16-August 2

Location: Columbia University 

Cost: $12,449

This three-week program is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the fundamentals of Java and build familiarity with object-oriented programming concepts, algorithms, and techniques. Students will also challenge their logical reasoning, systematic thinking, and problem-solving skills on programming projects and in labs. Students already knowledgeable in Java may want to check out this program’s counterpart course, Introduction to Programming with Python.

Outside of the classroom and lab, students are offered a variety of college preparedness programs, including lectures, seminars, and workshops covering everything from the college application process to managing the rigors of college life. 

This is a residential program that allows students to experience life at one of the nation’s most prestigious colleges and in one of the world’s great cities. 

22. UCLA Computer Science Introductory Track

Dates: June 30-August 9

Location: University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA)

Application Deadline: June 1

This commuter program at UCLA combines a coding boot camp with college-level coursework and lab experiences to introduce students in grades 9-12 to computer science. Program participants will explore the design and implementation of computer programs, learn how to use computers as tools, and explore topics like integers, strings, lists, control structures, and functional decomposition. 

No previous coding experience is necessary to participate in this program.

23. Research in Science & Engineering (RISE)

Dates: June 24-July 12

Location: Boston University

Application Deadline: February 14

Cost: $3,120-$3,426

High school juniors passionate about developing their STEM skills will want to check out RISE, a six-week program that provides research opportunities in a number of fields, including computer science.

Participants can choose between two tracks in the RISE program: Internship and Practicum. Those on the internship track will spend 40 hours a week working on research projects while those on the Practicum track begin each day with a two-hour lecture followed by four hours of group research. Once a week, practicum track participants will join the internship students for workshops aimed at building academic and professional skills.

24. UC Santa Barbara Research Mentorship Program

Dates: June 17-August 2 

Location: UC Santa Barbara 

Application Deadline : March 18

Cost: $4,975-$11,874

The Research Mentorship Program enables high-achieving high schoolers to tackle hands-on, university-level research in a variety of fields, including computer science. Students work with a mentor to learn about research techniques, gain insight into professional opportunities, and grow their academic goals. The program concludes with participants reporting their findings in a technical research paper and presenting at a formal academic symposium.

25. MITES Summer 

Dates: Late June-Early August 

Location: Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)  

Application Deadline: February 15

High school juniors with a passion for STEM will want to check out MITES Summer. This six-week program immerses students in life at MIT—taking courses, participating in lab tours, and attending social events—while also preparing them for college admissions.

The MITES Summer program includes high-level math and science coursework along with electives focusing on real-world STEM applications. In the past, electives have included courses in machine learning, electronics, and engineering design.

At the conclusion of the program, students receive a written evaluation from their instructor which many students submit as supplemental material with their college applications.

How Impressive Are Computer Science Programs in College Admissions?

Computer science summer programs are a great way to show colleges that you are passionate about your academic interests, and attending a prestigious summer program can give your odds of college admission a significant boost.

The four tiers of extracurricular activities provide a good guideline for understanding the influence summer programs have on your chances of getting into college. Tiers 1 and 2 are reserved for the most impressive and rarest activities—and have the most impact on college admissions. Extracurriculars in Tiers 3 and 4 are more common and hold less weight with admissions offices. Most summer programs are in Tiers 3 and 4, though ones that are highly selective, free, and have a competitive application process would be considered Tier 1 or 2. 

CollegeVine can add clarity to the impact your participation in activities outside the classroom, including computer science summer programs, has on your chances of college acceptance. Our free chancing engine uses a number of data points—like academics, extracurriculars, and demographics—to estimate your odds of getting into over 1,600 colleges in the United States.

Other Ways to Spend Your Summer 

Summer computer science programs are one approach to improving your college application, but you may also want to look into volunteer work, independent study, and internships. For example, internships are a challenging, and even more impressive, experience that can increase your chances of acceptance into college. See our list of computer science internships to find the best one for you. 

Another option is self-guided extracurriculars, which, when compared to summer programs, have the advantage of generally being more affordable and easier to fit into busy schedules. Some computer science-related, self-guided activities to consider include participating in an online hackathon, building a website or computer, or learning a new programming language on your own.

If you want to give back to your community, you can also teach residents of a retirement home how to use a technological device, such as a smartphone or computer, or lead a coding camp for elementary schoolers in your community. 

Overall, computer science summer programs are an excellent way to enhance your chances of acceptance, but they’re only one component of the whole application. For more approachable extracurricular opportunities, check out our list of online opportunities for high school students .

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summer research program computer science

REU Site Summer Research Program

Program overview.

This project establishes a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) site in Computer Science and Engineering (CSE) at the University of Louisville (UofL) specifically focusing on computer systems research. This site hosts 8 students in 8-week summer sessions every year for the project duration of three years with the ultimate goal of encouraging 24 undergraduate students to pursue graduate study and careers in computer systems. The activities include training in computer systems concepts and tools, introducing computer systems research, multi-level mentoring model through weekly meetings with the PIs, regular meetings with the mentors and graduate students, as well as field trips and social events. Five faculty from the CSE Department with diverse expertise in computer systems research mentor the students and involve them in their research labs and ongoing projects. Specialized computer systems training provides the students with theoretical, technical, and analytical skills in general computer systems concepts including computer architecture fundamentals, operating systems basics, crucial systems programming methods, Linux command line, and python scripting. In addition, provided research training introduces the general computer science research process including literature review, understanding prior work, formulating new problems, designing and conducting experiments, and preparing presentations and publications of results. At the end, the students prepare a final technical report and a poster about their research projects, present their poster, and are encouraged to publish their work in a professional conference.

Computer Systems Research

The research focus of this REU Site is Computer Systems Research (CSR), which broadly encompasses the design and development of both hardware and software required to create platforms that fulfill users’ computing needs. Within the NSF, CSR constitutes its own cluster under the CISE’s CNS division, with a broad scope that includes embedded and multicore systems and accelerators, mobile and extensible distributed systems, cloud and data-intensive processing systems, as well as memory, storage, and file systems. In alignment with NSF’s definition, our CSR focus is primarily structured around the following research pillars: Operating Systems, Parallel and Distributed Systems, Embedded Systems, Mobile Systems, and Computer Architecture. Nevertheless, it is important to note that all research projects within this REU site will necessitate students to possess a foundational understanding of computer systems architecture, its interplay with software, and the evaluation of performance and/or energy efficiency. This will not only enable students to comprehend each other’s work but also foster collaborative research efforts and expand their perspectives on diverse computer systems. Within the scope of CSR, the overarching research objectives of our site are directed towards the advancement of energy efficiency, performance, as well as the predictability and scalability of computer systems.

Detailed REU Site Activities


Research Projects and Mentors

Dr. nihat altiparmak.

Dr. Nihat Altiparmak

Faculty Profile

View Dr. Nihat Altiparmak’s faculty profile

Research Areas:

  • Operating systems
  • Data storage systems
  • Parallel and distributed systems

Sample Project Description:

Energy-Aware Optimization of Operating System Kernels for Ultra-Low Latency Storage Performance

The operating system kernel is a complex piece of software that sits between the applications of a computer and its hardware, with the main goal of providing convenient access to computer hardware in an efficient and fair manner. From personal computers to servers and supercomputers, embedded systems and robots to mobile devices like phones and tablets, operating systems are heavily used to manage a variety of computer systems in today’s world.

Since computer hardware is constantly improving and innovating, operating system kernels need continuous optimizations in order to maintain their efficiency. Today’s operating systems urgently require optimization in their storage stack, which manages access to data storage devices. Various innovations have taken place in the storage subsystem within the past few years, including wide adoption of the Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) interface [1] and the emergence of new generation of Ultra-Low Latency (ULL) SSDs, which are broadly defined as providing sub-10 μs data access latency [2]. This new level of ULL storage device performance questions the suitability of existing kernel storage stack designs that are primarily optimized for older storage generations with higher data access latencies, such as flash-based SSDs and HDDs, with one and three orders of magnitude slower data access latencies, respectively.

Efficiency of an operating system is generally measured in terms of its performance, where the energy impact of the optimizations is commonly neglected. In other words, energy efficiency is typically regarded as a second class citizen in operating system design. However, today’s data centers consume as much electricity as a city [3]. In addition, the energy efficiency of an operating system managing a battery-operated device such as a mobile phone or tablet can significantly affect the battery life of that device. Therefore, any optimization that is performed on an operating system kernel should be performed in an energy-aware manner.

In this REU project, the undergraduate student(s) will investigate, analyze, and optimize the Linux kernel’s storage stack for ULL storage performance in an energy-aware manner. Each student will be assigned a specific storage stack section to investigate, such as submission, scheduling, or completion, and perform empirical experiments using real hardware: an Intel Optane SSD [4] (a type of ULL SSD) in a dedicated server with an Onset HOBO Power meter [5] to measure energy consumption. Using this experimental setup, students will first investigate and understand the working principles of their assigned storage stack layer. Next, they will experimentally analyze the efficiency of existing methodologies within their layers in an energy-aware manner, and make observations about their deficiencies. Finally, based on their observations, students are expected to propose and implement possible optimizations to eliminate these observed deficiencies.  Students will be trained on kernel development and will work in collaboration with other lab students experienced in operating system design and development.

References Cited

  • NVM Express Base Specification, rev. 1.4.
  • Bryan Harris and Nihat Altiparmak. Ultra-Low Latency SSDs’ Impact on Overall Energy Efficiency. In 12th USENIX Workshop on Hot Topics in Storage and File Systems (HotStorage 20). USENIX Association, July 2020.
  • Bryan Harris and Nihat Altiparmak. Monte Carlo Based Server Consolidation for Energy Efficient Cloud Data Centers. In 11th IEEE International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom 2019), pages 263–270, Sydney, Australia, December 2019.
  • Intel Optane SSD 900P Series Product Brief.
  • Onset HOBO® UX120-018 Data Logger (datasheet). Onset.

Dr. Sabur Baidya

Dr. Sabur Baidya

View Dr. Sabur Baidya’s faculty profile

  • Machine Learning
  • Edge/Fog Computing
  • Computer Systems

Compressed Neural Networks for Multiscale Computing in Resource-constrained Systems

Modern intelligent and autonomous systems are equipped with many sensors which are processed on single-board embedded computing platform. These systems often are battery powered with finite energy budget and they communicate with other devices for data/computation sharing over wireless networks. The constraint in computing, communication and energy, has led to the development of multiscale computing where data or computation can be opportunistically offloaded to an edge/fog server or to a cloud server [1]. However, if communication resources are insufficient then offloading data or commutation in raw form might not work and it necessitates compression of the data and/or computing algorithm. Additionally, with the boom of the Internet-of-things (IoT), devices are becoming lightweight which led to the development of TinyML [2] framework to support machine learning algorithms in small embedded boards and even on microcontrollers. However, depending on the application needs, the resource availability in the system and the constraints of available machine learning framework, the deep learning algorithms need to be compressed and/or optimally compiled to optimize the quality-of-service (QoS) of the applications.

In this REU project, the undergraduate student will work on several Deep Neural Networks based applications for various sensor processing and investigate the following:

  • How can the models be compressed with some of the state-of the-art techniques, e.g., quantization [3], pruning [4], distillation [5], early-exit [6]. This will need studying the research papers to understand the theory behind the techniques and also implantation of the available open-source code for those techniques with Tensorflow or Pytorch on general purpose computer. This will need some knowledge of Machine learning, Python coding skills, and some experience of training ML models with Tensorflow or Pytorch.
  • Optimal compilation of the compressed models on different embedded platforms, e.g., Microcontrollers, Raspberry Pi, Nvidia Jetson Nano etc, with supported ML frameworks e.g., TVM, TF Lite, TF Lite Micro etc. The task will involve converting the ML flow graph to the supported ML framework for the corresponding platform. This does not need deep embedded system knowledge. Some experience on working with Unix/Linux based system will be good.
  • Create Pareto frontier with the accuracy, latency and energy performance tradeoff for various regime of computing resource availability on various platforms. This task will need measuring latency and accuracy of the algorithm, and energy consumption of the system.
  • Depending on availability of time, the student may try investigating the aforementioned characterizations for a few applications, e.g., Object Detection from image data, 3D object detection based on Lidar data etc.

References Cited:

  • Yousefpour, A., Fung, C., Nguyen, T., Kadiyala, K., Jalali, F., Niakanlahiji, A., Kong, J. and Jue, J.P., 2019. All one needs to know about fog computing and related edge computing paradigms: A complete survey.  Journal of Systems Architecture ,  98 , pp.289-330.
  • Warden, P. and Situnayake, D., 2019.  Tinyml: Machine learning with tensorflow lite on arduino and ultra-low-power microcontrollers . O’Reilly Media.
  • Hubara, I., Courbariaux, M., Soudry, D., El-Yaniv, R. and Bengio, Y., 2017. Quantized neural networks: Training neural networks with low precision weights and activations.  The Journal of Machine Learning Research ,  18 (1), pp.6869-6898.
  • Han, S., Pool, J., Tran, J. and Dally, W.J., 2015. Learning both weights and connections for efficient neural networks.  arXiv preprint arXiv:1506.02626 .
  • Matsubara, Yoshitomo, Sabur Baidya, Davide Callegaro, Marco Levorato, and Sameer Singh. “Distilled split deep neural networks for edge-assisted real-time systems.” In  Proceedings of the 2019 Workshop on Hot Topics in Video Analytics and Intelligent Edges , pp. 21-26. 2019.
  • Teerapittayanon, S., McDanel, B. and Kung, H.T., 2016, December. Branchynet: Fast inference via early exiting from deep neural networks. In  2016 23rd International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR) (pp. 2464-2469). IEEE.

Dr. Adrian Lauf

Dr. Adrian Lauf

View Dr. Adrian Lauf’s faculty profil e

  • Embedded systems
  • Accelerators

Embedded Systems and Accelerators

Embedded systems and microcontrollers are so ubiquitous in their application breadth that virtually all categories of devices and components seem to carry them. From disposable conveniences to durable goods and control systems, microcontrollers and embedded-class devices are everywhere. Thanks to significant efforts by microcontroller core designers such as Espressif, Atmel/Microchip, and ARM, anyone with a minimal amount of programming skill can implement basic system programming architectures with easy-to-use and friendly Integrated Development Environments (IDEs), some of which can even be run in a browser, short-circuiting traditional frustrations of importing libraries and dependencies [1]. However, not all IDEs and basic implementations are created equal, especially with respect to understanding power consumption and sleep states. As embedded devices are produced by the billions each year [2], even infinitesimally-minute differences can scale to produce enormous consequences when considering the collective carbon footprint of these devices. In respect to this, the student will:

  • Write a set of programs that feature IO-based, timer/counter-based, and watchdog timer-based wakeup events for a microcontroller that runs a process control system. The process control inputs and outputs will be simulated by software and transmitted to the MCU via serial interfaces. Two control systems will be present – an industrial automation system (e.g., a sorting system or automated assembly plant), and a power generation station. The MCU implementation will represent one node in the process.
  • These programs will be written in the top 3-4 prototyping/programming languages, including C, Wiring (Arduino), and MicroPython.
  • Power consumption for each of the sleep state programs will be carefully monitored by directly cutting power feeds to the microcontroller and inserting a high-precision ammeter with a capture interface, provided to the student.
  • The student will then extrapolate the power consumption differences between the language choices and IDEs to understand how these choices in aggregate can contribute to the global carbon footprint and power consumption based on the billions of devices produced annually.

Additionally, these microcontroller architectures now feature fully-integrated communications modules, also easily integrated into an IDE through manufacturer-provided libraries. Examples include Espressif ESP 8266 and ESP32-based microcontroller implementations that feature WiFi, Bluetooth, BLE, and LoRa radios [3-5]. It is not uncommon for prototyping boards and even full-fledged devices to feature multiple radio types. It is also increasingly common that device-to-device mesh networks can provide some relief to infrastructure-based networks by distributing communications distances and loads between nearby devices [6]. With reference to carbon footprint and energy consumption, the student will be provided with an Espressif ESP32-based development board with Bluetooth, BLE, WiFi, and LoRa radios to perform the following tasks:

  • A simulated process control network will be provided to the student complete with nodes intended for monitoring, control, and actuation. A set of 7 of these devices will be provided in various physical configuration spaces.
  • The student will leverage the various communications interfaces based on data rate, power consumption, and security to create a multiple-radio network to increase reliability and range, and to reduce power consumption. Furthermore, sleep modes that enable/disable the radios as needed will be integrated to save additional power.
  • Power consumption with the multi-radio implementation will be studied against a baseline of heterogeneous radio networks (e.g., all nodes use WiFi) to see what gains can be made given the network performance requirements.
  • The information gathered from this set of experiments will be extrapolated to include process control networks around the world to understand the carbon and energy usage impact of embedded network choices in microcontroller applications.

This work will assist in developing metrics and guidelines that can have a large cumulative impact by generating an energy consumption mapping of how microcontroller devices contribute to energy consumption based on configuration and radio usage.

  • M. Banzi and M. Shiloh,  Getting started with Arduino: the open source electronics prototyping platform . Maker Media, Inc., 2014.
  • R. Lineback, “Microcontrollers Will Regain Growth After 2019 Slump ”  IC Insights .
  • Espressif SYstems, “ESP32 Datasheet,”  Iot based microcontroller,  2017.
  • U. S. Z. Abidin, “Design and development of multi-transceiver Lorafi board consisting LoRa and ESP8266-Wifi communication module,” 2018.
  • C. Bouras, A. Gkamas, V. Kokkinos, and N. Papachristos, “Using LoRa technology for IoT monitoring systems,” in  2019 10th International Conference on Networks of the Future (NoF) , 2019: IEEE, pp. 134-137.
  • F. Adelantado, X. Vilajosana, P. Tuset-Peiro, B. Martinez, J. Melia-Segui, and T. Watteyne, “Understanding the limits of LoRaWAN,”  IEEE Communications magazine,  vol. 55, no. 9, pp. 34-40, 2017.

Dr. Olfa Nasraoui

Dr. Olfa Nasraoui

View Dr. Olfa Nasraoui’s faculty profile

  • Machine learning
  • Fairness in AI

Explainable Machine Learning Algorithms

The most accurate Big Data predictive methods tend to rely on black-box machine learning models, such as Deep Learning, which lack interpretability and do not provide a straightforward explanation for their outputs. Yet explanations can improve the transparency of a predictive system by justifying predictions, and this in turn can enhance the user’s trust in the system. Hence, one main challenge in designing a machine learning model is mitigating the trade-off between an explainable technique with moderate prediction accuracy and a more accurate technique with no explainable predictions.

summer research program computer science

View Dr. Rui Yu’s faculty profile

  • Computer vision
  • Human-computer interaction

Enhancing Privacy in Live Camera Streams on Mobile Devices

When people engage in live video streaming via mobile devices, their privacy can become compromised as the video may inadvertently reveal personal information. This issue is particularly pertinent for people with visual impairments (PVI). Remote sighted assistance (RSA) has emerged as a valuable assistive technology for PVI, wherein remote sighted agents offer real-time support via video-chat-like communication. However, prevalent RSA applications such as Aira [1] and Be My Eyes [2] have yet to implement robust measures to safeguard user privacy during live video sessions.

This project aims to develop an iOS mobile app designed to selectively conceal sensitive information captured by the device’s camera, thus safeguarding user privacy. The initial phase involves conducting a thorough analysis of design requirements, drawing from existing literature [3, 4] to identify which privacy elements require protection. Subsequently, the project will implement computer vision models within the iOS app to identify target objects (e.g., human faces) captured by the camera. Finally, real-time occlusion will be applied to the pixels corresponding to detected target objects, thereby preserving privacy. Depending on progress, the project may incorporate additional features such as customizable options and accessibility enhancements, followed by remote mock testing of the app. The app created in this project will be used for further user studies, and the findings will be submitted to a prestigious computer science conference.

By undertaking this project, students will accomplish several key learning objectives. Firstly, they will gain proficiency in developing iOS applications using the Swift programming language within the Xcode environment. Secondly, students will acquire skills in deploying machine learning APIs provided by Apple to integrate computer vision models into iOS apps. Lastly, they will learn how to leverage GPU capabilities to execute real-time rendering of desired colors on iOS devices. This project offers students an invaluable opportunity to deepen their understanding of mobile system concepts, tools, and cutting-edge computer vision technologies.

  • Stangl, A., Shiroma, K., Davis, N., Xie, B., Fleischmann, K. R., Findlater, L., & Gurari, D. (2022). Privacy concerns for visual assistance technologies. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing (TACCESS), 15(2), 1-43.
  • Akter, T., Ahmed, T., Kapadia, A., & Swaminathan, S. M. (2020). Privacy considerations of the visually impaired with camera based assistive technologies: Misrepresentation, impropriety, and fairness. In Proceedings of the 22nd International ACM SIGACCESS Conference on Computers and Accessibility (pp. 1-14).

Dr. Wei Zhang

Dr. Wei Zhang

View Dr. Wei Zhang’s faculty profile

  • Computer architecture
  • Real-time systems

Cybersecurity in Machine Learning-Based Internet of Things Devices (Drs. Wei Zhang and Soodeh Atefi)

With the widespread use of Internet of Things (IoT) devices (e.g., smart homes or medical applications), the security of these devices has become increasingly important. Ensuring security is crucial for protecting individuals’ privacy and preventing unauthorized access to personal information. Since IoT devices play a crucial role in controlling and monitoring essential functions, compromised security could lead to malfunctions or unauthorized control, posing risks to health and safety [1]

Modern IoT devices use machine learning (ML) to automate functionalities for users and leverage multiple ML-based data analysis techniques. However, this makes them vulnerable to adversarial attacks that target ML models where data is generated in IoT applications [2, 3].

Adversarial attacks and their countermeasures have been widely studied in computer vision applications [4] (where the datasets are images) in contrast to IoT. Adversarial attacks can manifest during the training phase (data poisoning attacks) or during the model evaluation phase (evasion), presenting distinct challenges for detecting and filtering them. These attacks reduce the accuracy of the model (evasion attacks) or cause misclassification for specific examples (data poisoning attacks).

In this project, an REU student will initially explore adversarial attacks and defenses against ML models trained on computer vision datasets to gain familiarity with the technical terms in the literature, as well as available attack and defense techniques, and assess the applicability of these techniques when trained on datasets generated in IoT applications (which differ from image data). Subsequently, the student will delve into adversarial attacks targeting ML-based IoT devices and implement ML-based defense approaches against these attacks. The experimental results will showcase the most effective defense approach capable of successfully detecting and filtering attacks, thereby securing IoT applications.

Malhotra P, Singh Y, Anand P, Bangotra DK, Singh PK, Hong WC. Internet of things: Evolution, concerns and security challenges. Sensors. 2021 Mar 5;21(5):1809.

Singh A, Sikdar B. Adversarial attack and defence strategies for deep-learning-based IoT device classification techniques. IEEE Internet of Things Journal. 2021 Dec 27;9(4):2602-13.

Albaseer A, Abdallah M, Al-Fuqaha A. Exploiting the Divergence Between Output of ML Models to Detect Adversarial Attacks in Streaming IoT Applications. InICC 2023-IEEE International Conference on Communications 2023 May 28 (pp. 3090-3095). IEEE.

Bajaj A, Vishwakarma DK. A state-of-the-art review on adversarial machine learning in image classification. Multimedia Tools and Applications. 2023 Jun 17:1-66.

Important Dates

Eligibility & deadlines, eligibility information, to be eligible for the reu site summer research program for summer 2023, you must:.

  • U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or permanent residents of the United States.
  • Majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or a closely related field, and has completed at least one year of study.
  • Minimum GPA of 3.0

Women, underrepresented minorities, and students from institutions with limited research opportunities are especially encouraged to apply!

Stipend, Housing, and Travel

Stipend and Meal

  • Participants will receive $7,200 stipend and meal allowance for this 8-week program.
  • Free on-campus housing (or housing allowance) will be provided.
  • $492 travel allowance to and from the UofL campus will be provided. Make sure you keep your receipts!
  • Students will receive their compensation in three equal payments: one at the beginning, one in the middle, and one at the end of the program.

Application Materials

  • Official College Transcript(s)
  • Resume (2-page limit)
  • Personal Statement (1-page limit), indicating your career objectives, research interests, relevant experiences, if any, and justifying why you are a good match for this program and the selected project(s);
  • Two letters of recommendations


This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. 2349076.

Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation.

Apply Today

Dr. Wei Zhang 502-852-0715 [email protected]

Dr. Nihat Altiparmak 502-852-7533 [email protected]

Summer Research and Enrichment Programs at Other Universities

MIT MIT Lincoln Laboratory applies advanced technology to problems critical to national security. Behind the Laboratory’s solutions are researchers with excellent technical abilities and imagination working in cross-disciplinary collaborations to develop systems from the initial concept stage, through simulation and analysis, to design and prototyping, and finally to real-world demonstrations. Majors:  Electrical engineering, computer science, physics, mathematics, mechanical engineering, aeronautics/astronautics, materials science, molecular biology, biochemistry, and related fields.

National Science Foundation REU Sites Links to NSF REU’s by major

Biological Sciences Chemistry Computer Science & Engineering Engineering Materials Research

National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network NNIN will host a Research Experience for Undergraduates (NNIN REU) Program from June through August, hiring approximately 85 interns to work at the fourteen NNIN sites. We are looking for engineering and science students with broad interests across disciplines focusing on nanotechnology. Minority and female candidates are especially encouraged to apply, along with students with no previous research experience.

The chosen undergraduates taking part in the ten-week NNIN REU program will receive hands-on nanoscience and technology experience through research with applications to bio-engineering, chemistry, electronics, materials science, optics, opto-electronics, physics, and the life sciences. The research projects are designed and supervised by the faculty and technical staff at the NNIN research facilities. Interns work with faculty and graduate students on projects using the unique resources offered at their award site.

Deadline: Funding has been renewed but website is not yet up to date. Check back periodically for details. For Pre Med and Pre Dental Students: Summer Medical and Dental Education Program (SMDEP) is a FREE full tuition, housing, and meals) six-week summer academic enrichment program that offers freshman and sophomore college students intensive an personalized medical and dental school preparation. full tuition, housing, and meals) six-week summer academic enrichment program that offers freshman and sophomore college students intensive and personalized medical and dental school preparation. The program is looking for freshman and sophomore students with a minimum gpa of 2.5 . Applicants must be US Citizens or permanent resident visas.

Each SMDEP site makes their admissions decisions on a “first come, first serve basis.” Please apply sooner rather than later to increase your change of being selected.

Johns Hopkins University The Institute for NanoBioTechnology at Johns Hopkins University offers undergraduate students from colleges and universities around the country a chance to participate in research projects in the exciting and rapidly growing area of nanobiotechnology, a place where biology, medicine, and nanotech meet. Sophomores and above with a minimum GPA of 3.5

Deadline: See web site for dates.

Department of Energy

DOE CCI Program Community College Internship Program Overview The Community College Internship (CCI) program seeks to encourage community college students to enter technical careers relevant to the DOE mission by providing technical training experiences at the DOE laboratories. Selected students participate as interns appointed at one of 15 participating DOE laboratories. They work on technologies or instrumentation projects or major research facilities supporting DOE’s mission, under the guidance of laboratory staff scientists or engineers.

Applications Due: See website for dates University of Maryland

The University of Maryland’s  Institute for Research in Electronics and Applied Physics , with support from the  National Science Foundation , is offering exciting research opportunities for undergraduate students in the broad area of nonlinear dynamics. Students from a variety of universities and backgrounds typically work in teams of two or three for 10 weeks during the summer and are supervised jointly by faculty members and graduate students. The program begins June 6 and ends August 12, 2016. Preferred Minimum GPA is 3.30

Deadline:  Check Website

Princeton University The Princeton Institute for the Science and Technology of Materials (PRISM) and the Princeton Center for Complex Materials (PCCM) are sponsoring research opportunities for undergraduates in disciplines related to Materials Science. Potential projects span a broad range of topics under the guidance of faculty from the departments of Physics, Chemistry, Molecular Biology, Chemical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering, and Civil and Environmental Engineering. The research topics are chosen each year to complement the research of faculty associated with the Princeton Center for Complex Materials. Freshman are encouraged to apply.

Deadline: Check Website

Summer REU (Research Experience for Undergraduates)

The FREEDM Systems Center   Summer REU program offers a research opportunity to domestic undergraduates from universities outside of the Center who are majoring in electrical and computer engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science engineering, computer science and related fields. The undergraduate student will spend 10 weeks during the summer of 2014 conducting research at one of the Center’s five partnering universities, experiencing different aspects of university research, and presenting their work at symposia.   This program is open to U.S Citizens and permanent residents only. Women and members of under-represented minority population are encouraged to apply.

Deadline : Application to be posted soon

The Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education (ORISE) sponsors more than 50 research programs for undergraduate students at national laboratories and other federal research facilities in 24 states and some outside the United States. So whether you are seeking a summer internship, a scholarship to help fund your academic progress, or a longer-term research position to provide hands-on laboratory experience, ORISE has a program for you.

Pathways to Science Search REU Programs from all over the country Includes information about scholarships as well

Are you a Math Major? The American Mathematical Society has tons of REU’s for students. Check out their website to see Deadline: varies by program site. Most deadlines are in March-Feb

Cornell University The National Science Foundation NSF has renewed Cornell’s grant for a Research Experience for Undergraduates program in the Cornell Laboratory for Accelerator-based Sciences and Education (CLASSE), which encompasses the Laboratory for Elementary-Particle Physics (LEPP), the High-Energy Synchrotron Source (CHESS), and the Energy Recovery Linac (ERL) project. Under this program, approximately ten science and engineering students from around the country will be invited to participate in research at the Laboratory. In addition there are several other REU programs on campus with whom we share housing and programs

Rochester Institute of Technology The NSF REU Program Imaging in the Physical Sciences is a new program that builds on the strength of the research and educational programs in the interdisciplinary Chester F. Carlson Center for Imaging Science at the Rochester Institute of Technology, extending a rich history of undergraduate research experiences with RIT students to students from beyond RIT’s walls. Our program introduces young scientists to research in a highly interdisciplinary, team-oriented setting, preparing the students for the type of goal-oriented research they are likely to encounter in real-world environments. RIT is now the third largest undergraduate private technical university in the United States. Deadline: Check website for Dates.   Freshman can apply!

University of Michigan Interdisciplinary REU Program (Research Experiences for Undergraduates) in the Structure and Function of Proteins is designed to provide undergraduate students with a 10 week research experience in the areas of biochemistry, biophysics, cheminformatics, computational chemistry, enzymology, marine biology, molecular biology and plant biology. The research projects featured in this program all involve studies of the structure and function of proteins.

REU Faculty Mentors represent the departments of Biochemistry; Chemistry; Medicinal Chemistry; Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology; Pathology, Pharmacology and Pharmaceutical Sciences. Deadline: Check website

Vanderbilt Institute for Nanoscale Science and Engineering VINSE brings ten students each summer to campus to work closely with VINSE faculty on research projects in cutting edge areas of nanoscale science and engineering.  This summer program is funded by the National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF-REU) program.

Deadline: February 15, 2016

California Institute of Technology NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory – a MUST See for Mechanical and Aerospace Engineers. Some International Students may apply as well! Deadlines: Vary NASA One Stop Shop Initiative is where you can find REU’s for all things NASA. h ttps://

Brandeis University (Waltham, MA)

Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Program Materials Science and Engineering Center is a 10-week program for undergraduates.

Deadline: See web site for dates

The Renewable Energy Materials Research Science and Engineering Center

University of Washington

The Center for Sensorimotor Neural Engineering Research Experience for Undergraduates program will be held during the summer (June – August).  This 10-week program on the University of Washington’s Seattle campus will provide undergraduate students with opportunities to work on research projects with researchers and to take part in workshop training sessions in ethics, communication skills, and scientific presentation skills designed to provide the undergraduate scientist with a solid foundation for graduate study.

Deadline : February 15, 2016

UC Riverside

The NSF-funded Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) Site is geared towards providing opportunities to students interested in the cellular and molecular biology of plants and their pathogens.  The program is especially interested in exposing students from two- and four-year colleges with limited research infrastructure to the excitement and career options that studies of plant and plant pathogen biology offers, but students from all colleges are welcome to apply.  The program is sponsored by the UC-Riverside Center for Plant Cell Biology (CEPCEB) which, in association with the Institute for Integrative Genome Biology (IIGB) and other college departments, includes many faculty that study plants, plant pathogens (fungi, bacteria, viruses, nematodes), other microbes, and allied fields.

Deadline: February 24, 2016

University of Notre Dame The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of Notre Dame is sponsoring a NSF Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) program during the summer of 2016  pending funding.   The focal point of the proposed projects is Integrative Cell and Molecular Biology. U nderrepresented minority students, disabled students, and students from small colleges without graduate biology programs are encouraged to apply. Current freshmen, sophomores, juniors and non-graduating seniors majoring in biological sciences, who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents, are eligible to apply.

MAYO CLINIC Are a student currently in your sophomore or junior year at a U.S. college or university? Have a grade point average of at least 3.0?  Are seriously considering a biomedical research career as a Ph.D. or M.D.-Ph.D.? International students who are attending a U.S. college or university are eligible to apply.

Deadline: February 1 National Institute of Health (NIH) Community College Summer Enrichment Program (CCSEP) All majors accepted, however, students must have successfully completed courses in biology and chemistry.

Deadline: March 1 (application will open in Mid-November)

The   Rockefeller University Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF)  program provides a unique opportunity for undergraduates to conduct laboratory research. SURF students work with leading scientists in a broad range of areas including biochemistry; structural biology and chemistry; molecular, cell and developmental biology; immunology; virology and microbiology; neuroscience; physics; and mathematical biology.

Deadline: February 1, 2016

UCLA The UCLA Summer Programs for Undergraduate Research (SPUR) offer upper division undergraduate students with outstanding academic potential the opportunity to work closely with faculty mentors on research projects.  The programs are designed for students who wish to learn more about the graduate school experience and possibly pursue an academic career in teaching and research. Opportunities are available in virtually all academic fields (e.g., arts, humanities, social sciences, life sciences, health sciences, physical sciences, etc.).

Deadline: March 31, 2016

UC Davis The Department of Physics has hosted an NSF-funded Research Experiences for Undergraduates site since 2004. During the 10-week program students live on campus while working alongside our faculty and graduate students on ongoing research projects. Students get a view of physics very different from typical coursework.

Deadline: Check website

UC San Diego

The University of California, San Diego Summer Training Academy for Research in the Sciences (STARS) program is an eight week summer research academy for undergraduate students, recent graduates, and masters students. STARS offers an exciting research internship for students by participating in an ongoing UCSD research project and experience the rigors and challenges of graduate study at a top rated research institution.

Deadline: February 19, 2016 Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory

Offers a wide variety of summer internship opportunities in various disciplines, including chemistry and material science, computer science, criticality safety, engineering, and physics. Harvard

Research Experience for Undergraduates Program (Possible for International students to apply, see website) Numerous opportunities including projects in Materials Science, Computational Science, Security, Bioengineering, and more:

Deadline: See Website

Carnegie Mellon

The Robotics Institute Summer Scholars (RISS) Program is an intensive summer research program for talented undergraduate students. Summer Scholars have the opportunity to participate in state-of-the-art research projects, interact with a diverse research team, and to be mentored by leading faculty and technical staff. The program introduces aspiring students to dynamic research resources and methods, RI graduate education programs and research projects. The Summer Scholars program lasts 11 weeks and begins June and runs until August.

Deadline: see website

Louisiana State University Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Computational Sciences This Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) project is a ten week program where students work collaboratively on a wide variety of computational science projects. The Center for Computation & Technology (CCT) at Louisiana State University (LSU) provides an ideal setting for the REU student to become familiar with interdisciplinary research. With research groups exploring gravitational waves, complex emergent phenomena in material science, or computational music, the participants work on cutting edge research in Computational Sciences. Deadline: March 1, 2016

The Louisiana Alliance for Simulation-Guided Materials Application (LA-SiGMA) is a 7-member alliance of universities throughout Louisiana. Members of LA-SiGMA provide six different sites and numerous projects for the REU student to become familiar with interdisciplinary research. With research groups exploring molecular interactions to model hydrophobic solubility, parallel finite elements on unstructured meshes using PETSc and Sieve, simulations of hydrogen storage materials, etc., the participants work on cutting edge research in material sciences and computational tools. Minimum 2.75 GPA.

Deadline:Early March Department of Homeland Security The   DHS HS-STEM Summer Internship Program   provides a 10-week summer research experience for undergraduate students majoring in DHS-related science, technology, engineering and mathematics (HS-STEM) disciplines. Students have the opportunity to conduct research in DHS mission-relevant areas at federal research facilities located across the country. Participants receive a stipend plus transportation expenses to/from their internship location. Recommended GPA is 3.30

Deadline : check website

Cornell University The Cornell Center for Materials Research is offering an REU.  Students will have the opportunity to work directly with faculty on interdisciplinary materials research projects involving chemistry, physics, materials science, and engineering disciplines. Deadline: Check web site. University of Michigan

The Summer C-PHOM REU Program will run from June to August. The program provides undergraduate students who are U.S. citizens or permanent residents with an opportunity to conduct tens weeks of summer research with faculty and students in the fields of nanophotonics, nanomaterials, and nanophysics.  Opportunities are available in experiment, theory, and computation.  Applicants are required to send transcripts and 2 letters of recommendation. Student must be a rising junior or senior (graduating with a bachelors between December 2016 and May 2018 NASA ACCESS

The Achieving Competence in Computing, Engineering and Space Science project, or ACCESS, provides summer internships to highly qualified students with disabilities. Students work for 10 weeks during the summer with a NASA mentor in either a lab or office environment. Summer jobs are related to the participant’s interests and abilities. ACCESS participants are full-time students, both graduate and undergraduate, from accredited four-year educational institutions. They must have an academic background in engineering, computer science, physics or mathematics with a B average in their major. Participants must also be U.S. citizens.

Deadline: See website

University of Pittsburgh

The iSchool Inclusion Institute (i3) is an undergraduate research program that prepares students from underrepresented populations for graduate study and careers in the information sciences. Students undertake a year-long experience that includes two summer institutes held at the University of Pittsburgh and a year-long team research project. Students are immersed in special-topics workshops, professional development seminars, research projects, and network-building opportunities.

Deadline : Rolling admissions, apply early. All majors accepted.

Boston University

The Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) Program at Boston University is designed to promote access to graduate education for talented undergraduate students, especially those from minority groups traditionally underrepresented in the sciences: African-American, Hispanic, Native American/Native Alaskan, and Pacific Islander/Native Hawaiian/Polynesian. The SURF Program is supported by funds from the National Science Foundation (NSF-REU; NE-AGEP), the Department of Defense (ASSURE), and Boston University. The SURF Program is open to non-BU students who are rising juniors or rising seniors, and wish to conduct research in the sciences, technology, or engineering.

Cornell University

Cornell University LSAMP-REU is a paid summer research opportunity that provides undergraduate participants with the opportunity to work with distinguished faculty and staff as well as network with others in their field of interest through weekly luncheons. Must have a 3.0 or higher gpa.

Undergraduate students, interested in gaining a deeper understanding in an engineering-related field, have the opportunity to conduct and present research over a ten-week duration under the auspices of a Cornell Engineering faculty research mentor. Through this one-on-one partnership, participants will gain theoretical knowledge and practical training in academic research and scientific experimentation. CU LSAMP-R was developed to aid in the retention of traditionally underrepresented minority groups in the sciences, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM).

Cornell Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation Summer Research Experiences for Undergraduates

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Your Guide to Summer STEM Programs

Published May 15, 2024

Three summer students, one about to look through a microscope.

If so, you’ll want to learn what summer STEM programs have to offer, options for online and in-person study, and how to enroll in a program that works best for you.

What Are Summer STEM Programs?

Summer STEM programs are designed to enhance your understanding and proficiency in STEM topics, often through classroom instruction, hands-on experiences, workshops, and projects focused on STEM disciplines such as computer science, engineering, the life sciences, and mathematics.

The purpose of STEM summer programs for pre-college students is to provide accelerated learning opportunities in a college environment. You’ll be given the chance to explore college-level concepts and cutting-edge technologies in STEM fields. Such programs prepare you for future academic and career success in STEM-related fields by helping you develop critical thinking, problem-solving, and collaboration skills.

Benefits of Summer STEM Programs

Summer STEM programs offer numerous academic advantages for college-bound pre-college students. They provide unique hands-on learning experiences that deepen your understanding and proficiency in STEM subjects. And while most summer programs can’t guarantee you admission into specific colleges, they can enhance your application by demonstrating your ability to handle college-level coursework.

Moreover, participating in summer STEM programs allows you to learn about potential career paths, gain insights into industry trends, and connect with like-minded peers. These programs foster your skills in areas such as teamwork, communication, and adaptability, which help prepare you for college and beyond.

What to Expect in a Summer STEM Program

Many STEM programs go beyond classroom-bound academics by offering events and activities designed to enhance your summer experience. They often incorporate relevant field trips, labs, discussion sessions, and experiments to enrich the learning experience.

Common Subjects Covered in Summer STEM Programs

Topics covered in a summer STEM program will vary by program and institution. At Johns Hopkins, Summer at Hopkins Pre-College Programs offerings in STEM topics include:

  • Anatomy, Physiology, & Disease
  • Exploring the Universe with Space Telescopes
  • Foundational Mathematics of Artificial Intelligence
  • Introduction to Experimental Design in Biology
  • Social Inequality and the Public’s Health
  • Introduction to Laboratory Research
  • Population Genomics: Evolution, Extinction & Disease
  • Applications of Chemistry in Medicine

Summer at Hopkins also offers programs and courses in medicine and health .

Qualified pre-college students can also enroll in STEM-related Summer Term undergraduate courses, where they will study alongside Johns Hopkins and visiting undergraduate students. A sample of Johns Hopkins STEM Summer Term undergraduate courses:

  • Bootcamp: Python
  • Calculus I, II, and III
  • Computer System Fundamentals
  • Mathematics for Sustainability
  • General Biology I and II
  • Stars and the Universe: Cosmic Evolution

How to Enroll in a Summer STEM Program

Are you interested in a summer STEM program? Here’s how to get started.

  • Research Programs: Start by researching different summer STEM programs to find options that align with your interests and goals. Look for programs offered by universities, organizations, or institutions specializing in STEM education. Some programs are online, while others are in person and might require you to commute or live on campus.
  • Check Deadlines: Application deadlines can vary. Some programs may have early deadlines, so it’s essential to plan and apply as early as possible.
  • Review Fees: Understand the program fees and additional costs such as materials, transportation, or accommodation.
  • Get Answers to Your Questions: Some programs offer online FAQs and information sessions where you can learn about the program from administrators and admissions staff.

Once you’re ready to apply, follow these tips:

  • The Application: While a summer program won’t take the same level of work as applying to college, you should take your application seriously and ensure it is filled out completely.
  • Required Materials: Program websites will list the required materials. Make sure you submit all necessary documents before the deadline.

Scholarships and Funding Opportunities

Many schools want to ensure that any student interested in STEM has the chance to spend a summer in their program. Some schools provide financial assistance . You can visit the program’s official website or call or email about the availability of such assistance.

External scholarships are another option. They’re often offered by esteemed organizations or foundations dedicated to promoting STEM education. There are also general websites like that can help you find the best pre-college scholarship.

How to Choose the Right Summer STEM Program

When selecting a summer STEM program, consider your interests and circumstances, as well as the following:

  • Program Focus: Depending on your particular STEM interests, such as coding, calculus, or anatomy, look for a program that will foster your enthusiasm.
  • Program Reputation: Double-check any program’s reputation, including reviews, success stories, and alumni feedback, if possible.
  • Instructors and Staff: Consider who will be teaching the program. Are they regular faculty? Guests? Ensure that your instructor can provide you with effective learning experiences in their particular field.
  • Facilities and Resources: If you plan to attend a program in person, get a feel for the campus ahead of time, either in person or through a virtual tour. Check the facilities, equipment, and resources available to students during summer programs.
  • Opportunities for Growth: Look for programs that offer opportunities for personal and academic growth, such as project-based learning, collaboration, and skill development.
  • Cost and Financial Aid: Program costs can vary widely, so check the availability of financial assistance and payment options to make an informed decision.

Program Duration and Structure

Summer STEM programs typically range from one to several weeks, with intensive daily sessions. The curriculum often includes a blend of lectures, workshops, hands-on projects, and field trips to provide a comprehensive learning experience. For example, a two-week program might involve daily classes, guest speaker sessions, and a group project.

Target Audience and Eligibility

Some STEM pre-college programs are only open to rising seniors or juniors and seniors. Others are available to anyone who is high-school aged. And some colleges offer summer STEM semesters for pre-first-year undergrads. As you search for a program, be sure to check the eligibility requirements related to age or grade-level.

Summer STEM programs typically seek to admit applicants with at least a basic knowledge of relevant subjects, a passion for STEM, and a willingness to engage in hands-on learning activities. Before applying, check your specific program’s prerequisites and requirements.

Find the Right Summer STEM Program for You with Summer at Hopkins

Pursue your passion for STEM this summer at Johns Hopkins University. Whether you enroll in a two-week Pre-College Program— on campus or online —or a Summer Term undergraduate course, you can focus on the STEM topics you love while interacting with like-minded peers and world-class faculty. With Summer at Hopkins, you’ll get a preview of what college is like, all while adding extra polish to your college applications.

Learn more about Summer at Hopkins admissions , including tuition, eligibility requirements, and deadlines, or start your application today!

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Undergraduate student research round-up: summer across the college of sciences.

NSF REUs, a new community college initiative, conferences and workshops offer ample opportunities for students — current, prospective, and visiting — to hone their research skills in the College of Sciences.

As the mercury climbed across Atlanta this summer, student research heated up across the College of Sciences, thanks to special summer programs for undergraduates from around the globe that help undergraduates get a head start on research experience for STEM careers in academia, industry, and beyond.

This year’s initiatives included National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF REU) programs, a new initiative to engage Georgia community college students, summer workshops in computational chemistry and quantitative biosciences, and more.

Through the workshops, students learned to navigate new methods of research that involve data analysis and computational aspects of disciplines like chemistry and biology — as well as communicate connections across concepts like group theory, topology, combinatorics, and number theory.

Meanwhile, the NSF REU programs across the College’s six Schools of Biological Sciences , Chemistry and Biochemistry , Earth and Atmospheric Sciences , Physics , Psychology , and Mathematics , as well as the Undergraduate Neuroscience Program , allowed early-year students to get their first taste of in-depth research with unique expertise and equipment available at Georgia Tech. 

Other students took advantage of special fellowships to attend summer conferences in their chosen disciplines, where they networked with fellow young scientists and mathematicians while soaking up knowledge from peers and mentors. 

Here’s a roundup of some of the 2022 summer undergraduate student research programs and events led by the College of Sciences at Georgia Tech:

The Summer Theoretical and Computational Chemistry (STACC) Workshop 

Undergraduates eager to try calculations in areas such as quantum dynamics, electronic structure theory, and classical molecular dynamics — and who want to know more about new data science and machine learning tools — got their chance during this two-week early summer computational chemistry workshop.

“Theoretical and computational studies provide a necessary complement to experimental investigations because they are able to obtain the atomistic level of detail that is near impossible to probe with experiment,” said Joshua Kretchmer , assistant professor in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry. 

“It is becoming more and more routine to use these techniques, even outside of pure theory research groups, as computers have become more powerful and more easy-to-use software is being developed to perform these calculations,” Kretchmer said. “It is thus important for students to be exposed to these techniques early on in their undergraduate education so they have a basic understanding of how and when the slew of different computational techniques are best utilized.”

2022 was the first year for the STACC Workshop, and Kretchmer added that the students “seem to be engaged and excited by the material, both in terms of learning the technical skills necessary to utilize high-performance computers and the unique aspects that can be learned about chemical systems from computer simulations.”

Those thoughts were echoed by University of South Florida student Nicholas Giunto. “After simulating and calculating these various processes, I realized how theoretical chemistry can do so much more than just simulate these scenarios. This technique of chemistry can be used in many other fields of science as well,” Giunto said. “This workshop has broadened my perspective of chemistry, and taught me a whole new field of science that is innovative and prudent.”

For more information, check out the STACC website here . 

Summer College Research Internship 

Thanks to a grant from the Betsy Middleton and John Clark Sutherland Dean’s Chair , community college students in Georgia were paired up with a Georgia Tech College of Sciences lab — at no cost to the students — for the inaugural Summer College Research Internship (SCRI) .

The idea for SCRI grew from Shania Khatri’s experiences conducting research for the first time. Khatri, a fourth-year Biological Sciences major scheduled to graduate in December 2022, began research in high school through a program at a local university that placed students, especially those historically underrepresented in STEM, in labs to complete their own summer research projects. 

“I felt firsthand how important mentorship was in building confidence in STEM, promoting belonging, and ultimately influencing my decision to pursue higher education and research,” Khatri said. “Research shows that students who complete high school and undergraduate programs are more likely to pursue STEM majors and consider doctoral degrees, underscoring that mentorship early in careers can improve achievement and retention of these students.”

SCRI students helped design experiments, collected and analyzed data, and presented the results of their work. They worked closely with their Ph.D. student mentors, learning from them as well as the broader community of their host labs. They also heard weekly lectures from College of Science faculty as they learned about the broader research environment at Georgia Tech. 

“The accepted students have strong scholastic potential, and we hope that we can excite them about the research happening at Georgia Tech and potentially recruit them to join our programs, either as transfer students or future graduate students,” said William Ratcliff , associate professor in the School of Biological Sciences and co-director of the Interdisciplinary Ph.D. in Quantitative Biosciences Program . Ratcliff also co-leads the SCRI with Todd Streelman , professor and chair of the School of Biological Sciences at Tech.

Three students from two-year community college programs in Georgia were chosen for the inaugural SCRI, Ratcliff said. With diverse interests, all three researched in labs within the Center for Microbial Dynamics and Infection (CMDI) . 

“While this was not part of our review criteria, two of the three students are members of groups that are underrepresented in science according to National Institutes of Health criteria, so this is a great opportunity to broaden participation in academic research,” Ratcliff added.

“When discussing diversity in STEM and retention of underrepresented minorities, community college students should be at the forefront of the discussion,” Khatri said. “It is my hope that through this program the students will gain confidence in their own abilities, and learn skills of science communication, data analysis, critical thinking, collaborative work, and problem solving that will aid them in any career path.”

More information on the Summer College Research Internship is available here . 

Child Lab Day

Child Lab Day is the capstone assignment for students in the School of Psychology course PSYC 2103 Human Development . Christopher Stanzione , senior lecturer and associate chair for undergraduate studies for the School, said his students conducted cognitive, language, and conceptual assessments in June on children ranging in age from four months to nine years old. 

“This is a great applied experience for the Georgia Tech students,” Stanzione said. “All semester we study these concepts, but to see development in action is special. They’ll likely see the gradual change between concepts by administering the assessments to kids of different ages.”

The first Child Lab Day was in 2019. This summer, students majoring in psychology, biomedical engineering, computer science, biology, neuroscience, and economics took part in this second one. “They loved it,” Stanzione said.

National Science Foundation Research Experiences for Undergraduates (NSF REUs)

For the first time, this year all six schools across the College of Sciences — plus the Neuroscience program at Tech — led Research Experiences for Undergraduates, a National Science Foundation initiative. 

Each student was associated with a specific research project, and worked closely with school faculty and other researchers. Students were given stipends and, in many cases, assistance with housing and travel to help cover the experience.

“Since most of the undergraduate participants are recruited from institutions that do not have extensive research infrastructure, the immersive research experience available to them in these programs can be transformational,” said David Collard , professor and senior associate dean in the College, who previously led the REU program in the School of Chemistry and Biochemistry for more than a decade. 

“A measure of success of the REU programs in the College of Sciences is that many of the undergraduate participants subsequently go on to complete their Ph.D., some at Georgia Tech, and others elsewhere,” Collard added.

The following are the details for each College of Sciences school’s REU program. Learn more about future Summer Research Programs for Undergraduates here .

School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences REU:

Georgia Tech Broadening Participation in Atmospheric Science, Oceanography, and Geosciences

Working under the supervision of a School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences (EAS) faculty member, participants focused on a single research project, but also gained a broad perspective on research in Earth and atmospheric sciences by participating in the dynamic research environment. This interdisciplinary REU program had projects ranging from planetary science to meteorology to oceanography. In addition to full time research, undergraduate researchers participated in a number of professional development activities, seminars with faculty and research scientists, presentation and research poster symposiums, and social activities with other summer REU students.

Schools of Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Civil and Environmental Engineering, Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering REU:

Aquatic Chemical Ecology (ACE) at Georgia Tech

The Aquatic Chemical Ecology REU gave students the opportunity to perform research with faculty from five Georgia Tech schools. 

Students participated in research with one or more faculty members, learned about careers in science and engineering, and saw how scientists blend knowledge and skills from physics, chemistry, and biology to investigate some of the most challenging problems in environmental sciences. 

This was the first REU experience for Jenn Newlon, a rising senior at the University of North Carolina Wilmington . In fact, “I’d actually never heard of an REU before I came here,” she said. “It’s been a really good experience. I never really saw this side of research in my institution. While I did get to do undergraduate research, it was more of, ‘do this in a lab, this is what happens.’ I had to present my findings every week to my PI (principal investigator), who gave really good feedback. And all the people in my lab were really kind and helpful.”

Schools of Psychology, Biological Sciences REU:

Neuroscience Research Experience for Undergraduates

The first week of the inaugural Neuroscience/Psychology REU was a Neuroscience Bootcamp, where students engaged in hands-on activities to learn about brain anatomy, functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), encephalography, and other techniques.  Then the student researchers spent time working on projects in the laboratories of mentors in either the School of Psychology, School of Biological Sciences, or with researchers at Georgia State University. They also attended professional development and social activities with other REU students.

“There is tremendous interest in neuroscience, and we have seen an incredible expansion of technology in our ability to record from the human nervous system,” said Lewis Wheaton , associate professor in the School of Biological Sciences and co-director of the Neuroscience/Psychology REU. 

“At the same time, many students do not have access to these technologies at their academic institutions because of expense,” Wheaton said. “We feel that it is vital to ensure that students who do not have access to these technologies at their universities get exposure to the tools and approaches to understand the human brain. I am excited to further focus on providing opportunities for women and underrepresented minorities to engage in this research.”

A unique feature of the Neuroscience REU program is that it allows some students to come back for a two-year experience, “which can really provide a great opportunity to enhance their research, and put these students in a stronger position to advance their careers,” Wheaton added.

“It is also great that we can show them the research and educational environment at Georgia Tech and in the broader Atlanta area,” said Eric Schumacher, professor in the School of Psychology and co-director of the Neuroscience/Psychology REU. “This is an opportune time to showcase our two schools and the Institute, given that both schools are working with the College and Institute to offer a cross-disciplinary Neuroscience Ph.D. program soon.” 

That was the impression that Alexa Toliver came away with. The fourth year student at Arizona State University is majoring in neurobiology, “but I always wanted to do neuroscience research,” she said during the recent REUs poster session at the Ford Environmental Science and Technology Building. “It was a little new, but it was a great opportunity and I never felt uncomfortable with any of the topics. This was the only neuroscience REU that I could find, and I applied to it and I got it, so I was excited.”

School of Physics REU:

Georgia Tech Broadening Participation in Physics

Working under the supervision of a physics faculty member, participants focused on a single research project but also gained a broad perspective on research in physics by participating in the dynamic research environment. 

Available projects for the REU spanned the field of physics ranging from quantum materials, quantum simulation/sensing, astrophysics, physics of living systems, and non-linear dynamics. 

In addition to full time research, undergraduate researchers participated in a number of professional development seminars, research horizon lunches, and social activities with other summer REU students.

Brendan D’Aquino, a rising senior at Northeastern University in Boston, had planned to use his computer science background to get an industry job after graduation. Then he attended the 2022 School of Physics REU. 

“After doing an internship last year at a software company that does physics, I kind of realized I wanted to make the switch,” D’Aquino said. “So I applied to the program. I got to work here. And I thought it was super cool. So this was my first time doing research. I kind of had grad school in the back of my mind for a while. But 10 weeks here kind of makes me more sure that I want to get into that in the future.”

School of Mathematics REU :

The School of Mathematics has a rich tradition of offering summer undergraduate research programs. The projects have been mentored by faculty and postdocs covering a range of topics, such as graph coloring, random matrices, contact homology, knots, bounded operators, harmonic analysis, and toric varieties. 

Previous Math REU students have published many papers, won a number of awards, and have been very successful in their graduate school applications.

“The main purpose of our REU is to give students research experience which should help them decide if they want to do math research for a living, and in particular, go to a math grad school,” said Igor Belegradek , professor and director of Teaching Effectiveness in the School of Mathematics. Belegradek also coordinates the Math REU. “Also, if there is a publication or poster at a conference, their grad school application will definitely become more competitive.”

Sometimes that application is sent to Georgia Tech. “We did have a few students who were accepted to our grad school after attending an REU with us,” Belegradek said. “It definitely helps put Georgia Tech Mathematics on the map. This summer we have 22 REU students, and only two of them are from Georgia Tech.”

Mathematics topics for the 2022 REU included aspects of graph coloring, Legendrian contact homology, Eigenvectors from eigenvalues and Gaussian random matrices, and applications of Donaldson's Diagonalization theorem.

Read more about the 2021 Mathematics REUs here .

In July, the School of Mathematics also hosted its biennial Topology Students Workshop , organized by Professor Dan Margalit since 2012. 

Events included a public lecture on campus, “Juggling Numbers, Algebra, and Topology”, accessible for curious people of all ages and backgrounds.

“One goal of mathematics is to describe the patterns in the world, from weather to population growth to disease transmission,” event organizers said. The workshop used mathematics to describe juggling patterns, count the different kinds of patterns, and create new patterns, “making surprising connections to group theory, topology, combinatorics, and number theory.”

The 36th Annual Symposium of the Protein Society 

From microproteins, protein condensates, synthetic biology and biosensors, to the latest developments in machine learning and imaging technologies, to addressing health disparities, the Protein Society Symposium, held in San Francisco in early July, provided a state-of-the-art view of the most exciting areas of research in biology and medicine.

Four students of Raquel Lieberman ’s School of Chemistry and Biochemistry lab attended, thanks to Protein Society travel fellowships: 

  • Lydia Kenney, fourth-year undergraduate and Beckman Scholar in the Lieberman lab. Kenney was also selected to give an oral presentation in a dedicated session to undergraduates
  • Minh Thu (Alice) Ma, fourth-year Ph.D.student
  • Emily Saccuzzo, fourth-year Ph.D. student
  • Gwendell Thomas, first-year Ph.D. student

Kenney and Ma won Best Poster awards at the symposium, and Saccuzzo won an honorable mention.

“The conference was amazing! We saw so many great speakers and presentations about protein science, and it was a great way to meet scientists from all over the world,” Kenney said. “I’m so grateful for this experience, especially as I begin to apply to graduate school and think about my future career in science. It was a great experience, and one that has truly deepened my appreciation for science and research.”

“To have each of these superstars selected for travel fellowships puts them in an elite cohort of trainees at this 500-plus person meeting,” Lieberman said. “I am so excited for them to present their thesis research and to get feedback from colleagues in our field from all over the world. I’m sure new ideas, collaborations, and other opportunities will emerge from this experience. It’s just the boost they and I need after a challenging couple of years as experimental biochemists.”

Related Media

Students conduct poster sessions during 2022's Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in the Ford Environmental Science and Technology building. (Photo Renay San Miguel)

Students conduct poster sessions during 2022's Summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) in the Ford Environmental Science and Technology building. (Photo Renay San Miguel)

Brendan D'Aquino, rising senior at Northeastern University, explains his research during the summer 2022 School of Physics REU. (Photo Renay San Miguel)

Brendan D'Aquino, rising senior at Northeastern University, explains his research during the summer 2022 School of Physics REU. (Photo Renay San Miguel)

Alexa Toliver, fourth-year student at Arizona State University, explains her neuroscience research during the summer 2022 Research Experience for Undergraduates. (Photo Renay San Miguel)

Alexa Toliver, fourth-year student at Arizona State University, explains her neuroscience research during the summer 2022 Research Experience for Undergraduates. (Photo Renay San Miguel)

KeAndre Williams (right), a School of Economics major, conducts a test during Child Lab Day June 14. (Photo Christopher Stanzione)

KeAndre Williams (right), a School of Economics major, conducts a test during Child Lab Day June 14. (Photo Christopher Stanzione)

Children ages four months to nine years old took part in assessment tests conducted by School of Psychology students during Child Lab Day at Georgia Tech. (Photo Christopher Stanzione)

Children ages four months to nine years old took part in assessment tests conducted by School of Psychology students during Child Lab Day at Georgia Tech. (Photo Christopher Stanzione)

Students in the School of Psychology's Human Development class conduct assessment tests during Child Lab Day. (Photo Christopher Stanzione)

Students in the School of Psychology's Human Development class conduct assessment tests during Child Lab Day. (Photo Christopher Stanzione)

Shania Khatri

Shania Khatri

Lydia Kenney (left) and Mihn Thu (Alice) Ma show off their best poster awards won at the Protein Society Symposium in July. (Photo courtesy Raquel Lieberman)

Lydia Kenney (left) and Mihn Thu (Alice) Ma show off their best poster awards won at the Protein Society Symposium in July. (Photo courtesy Raquel Lieberman)

Lydia Kenney

Lydia Kenney

Minh Thu (Alice) Ma

Minh Thu (Alice) Ma

Emily Saccuzzo

Emily Saccuzzo

Gwendell Thomas

Gwendell Thomas

For More Information Contact

Writer: Renay San Miguel Communications Officer II/Science Writer College of Sciences 404-894-5209

Editor: Jess Hunt-Ralston

Related Links

  • How I Spent My Summer 2021: NSF REUs Welcome Undergraduate Researchers
  • College of Sciences Summer Research Programs for Undergraduates
  • 2021 and Beyond: Research Opportunities for Undergraduate Students
  • From REU to Ph.D. at Georgia Tech

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Bachelor's Programs

Each year, the School of Computer Science admits students to undergraduate programs ranging from a traditional B.S. in computer science to a bachelor of computer science and arts. 

Whatever option you choose, you’re guaranteed to find a rigorous program dedicated to the real-world training and practical problem solving that has been the hallmark of computer science education at CMU since its inception.

B.S. in Computer Science

Carnegie Mellon's undergraduate major in computer science combines a solid core of computer science courses with the ability to gain substantial depth in another area through a required minor in a second subject. The curriculum also gives you numerous choices for science and humanities courses. Computing is a discipline with strong links to many fields, and our program gives you unparalleled flexibility to pursue these fields. Our mathematics and probability component ensures that you'll have the formal tools to remain current as technologies and systems change, but at the same time you'll gain insight into the practical issues of building and maintaining systems by participating in intensive project-oriented courses.

Unlike other universities, where research rarely occurs at the undergraduate level, CMU CS students often have part-time or summer jobs — or receive independent study credit — working on research while pursuing their bachelor's degree. If you're interested in a research/graduate school career, we offer an intensive course of research, equivalent to four classroom courses, culminating in the preparation of a senior research honors thesis.


Current Computer Science Undergraduate Curriculum  

Computer Science Undergraduate curriculum information for prior years are available on the Previous Course Catalogs webpage .

How to Apply

Bachelor of Science in Music and Technology

Carnegie Mellon University's Music and Technology program was established in 2009 as a joint project between three of the schools: The School of Music, School of Computer Science, and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Information regarding this degree is available on the Bachelor of Science in Music and Technology website . 

  • Bachelor's Admissions - How to Apply
  • Minor and Additional Major in Computer Science
  • Guidelines for Internal Transfer or Dual Degree
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Our Campuses

  • Daytona Beach, FL
  • Prescott, AZ
  • Embry-Riddle Online

Degrees & Programs

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Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Master of Science in Computer Science

The Master of Science in Computer Science enhances cybersecurity careers in developing and maintaining secure networked systems.

About the Master of Science in Computer Science

Computer Science careers are on the rise in both public and private sectors worldwide, ranging in everything from research in artificial intelligence and machine learning to secure systems design to software development. A Master of Science in Computer Science from Embry‑Riddle prepares graduates to either begin or further advance their careers in the fields of technology and cybersecurity.

The Electrical Engineering and Computer Science’s (EECS) Industry Advisory Board ensures that curriculum and research activities are aligned with what’s going on in the software industry. The accelerated program is a cutting-edge degree in a dynamic, growing field.

Student Learning Outcomes

What you will learn while pursuing a Computer Science degree: 

  • Apply fundamental computer science professional practices to analyze, design and implement systems.
  • Apply knowledge of advanced topics in cybersecurity engineering and in computer science.
  • Communicate effectively on issues pertaining to computer science and cybersecurity.

Computer Science Career Opportunities

Careers and employers.

Computer Science master's graduates often secure positions such as:

  • AI researchers
  • Computer scientists
  • Cybersecurity consultants
  • Cybersecurity engineers
  • Digital forensics investigators
  • Machine learning engineers
  • Software engineers

Computer Science Salary Information

As of 2023, graduates with a degree in Computer Science receive competitive salaries , with an average income of $112,000 annually.

About Computer Science at the Daytona Beach, FL Campus

About computer science at the daytona beach campus.

Housed in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department in the College of Engineering , the Master of Science in Computer Science prepares students to address challenges in the development of algorithms and data structures as well as maintaining secure operations and cybersecurity policy.

The Daytona Beach Campus is home to the Cybersecurity Engineering Laboratory (CybEL), a Real-Time Systems Laboratory, a Digital Systems Laboratory and a Software Development Laboratory, all of which offer students systems design and hands-on experience as it relates to cybersecurity attacks and corresponding mitigations, as well as software development and programming.

Tracks/Specialties and/or Certificates

Computer Science graduates may select one of two areas of concentration: 

  • Computer Science: 9 credits
  • Cybersecurity Engineering: 9 credits

Computer Science Information 

  • Credits: 30
  • Online or In-Person: In-Person
  • Thesis: Thesis & Graduate Research Project Options

Helpful Links 

  • Tour our Daytona Beach Campus
  • Discover the Department's Faculty
  • Explore the Fields of Study: Engineering & Computer & Technology & Security, Intelligence and Safety
  • Find Related Clubs & Organizations

Students will:

  • Have an ability to apply fundamental computer science professional practices to analyze, design, and implement security-critical systems.
  • Have an ability to apply knowledge of advanced topics in cybersecurity engineering and/or computer science.
  • Have an ability to communicate effectively on issues pertaining to computer science and/or cybersecurity.

Degree Requirements

The Master of Science in  Computer Science degree is granted to students who complete the coursework described below. The program consists of  nine  hours of core  courses, nine hours of Area of Concentration courses,  and  nine hours of open   electives for the Graduate Research Project Option or six hours of open electives for the Thesis Option.

Program Core Requirements

Area of concentration.

Students may choose one of the two Areas of Concentration as shown below.

Computer Science

Cybersecurity engineering.

Students may choose the Graduate Research Project or Thesis option, as shown below.

Graduate Research Project Option

Thesis option, get started now:.

Estimate your tuition by using the Tuition Calculator

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Student Achievement Data

Find out about transferring credits to this degree

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You may be interested in the following degrees:

Master of Science in Cyber Intelligence & Security

summer research program computer science

Master of Science in Engineering Management

summer research program computer science

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summer research program computer science

Undergraduate Summer Research Programs

The Genetics Department partners with the Stanford Summer Research Program (SSRP) to bring undergraduate students to campus every summer for a research-intensive residential program. 

The Genomics SSRP scholars are offered a fully-funded 8-week summer research program, where they work in laboratories affiliated with the Genetics department and receive training in a wide variety of research techniques. In turn, scholars become a part of both the SSRP cohort and our broader Stanford Genetics community. Beyond research experience, this summer program helps prepare its scholars for applying to PhD programs by addressing the career, academic, and personal needs of each student.

The Genomics SSRP program especially encourages applications from students who come from low income families, those who are first generation college students, and others whose backgrounds and experiences would bring diverse perspectives (broadly defined) to the field of Genomics.

Program activities conducted with SSRP

The goal of this program is to provide talented undergraduates in STEM a valuable research opportunity in genomics to help prepare them to apply to PhD programs, regardless of previous research experience. We achieve this through the following steps: 

8 weeks of full-time research in conjunction with a faculty mentor and a primary lab mentor (e.g. current PhD student, postdoctoral fellow, and/or staff scientist) 

Peer mentorship by current graduate students, including social events.

Workshops on networking, career development, and the PhD or MD/PhD admissions process. 

A final oral and poster presentation of scholars’ research to the Stanford Biosciences community sponsored by SSRP.

How to Apply

Interested students should submit their application through the Stanford Summer Research Program (SSRP) application portal and clearly express their interest in participating in Genomics research. Genomics-specific scholars are selected during the general SSRP review process.

Applications open in November and are due in February each year. See SSRP Criteria and Application Requirements for more information, as well as the SSRP Frequently Asked Questions page.

2019 cohort of Stanford Summer Research Program scholars.

2019 cohort of Stanford Summer Research Program scholars.

summer research program computer science

Computer-Science Majors Graduate Into a World of Fewer Opportunities

C omputer science is hotter than ever at U.S. universities. But students graduating this month are discovering their degrees are no longer a surefire ticket to tech-industry riches.

In fact, many are finding it harder than they ever thought it would be to land a job.

Tech giants that were expanding aggressively just a few years ago now have less need for entry-level hires—or are shedding jobs. They are also, increasingly, turning their focus to artificial intelligence, a technology many fear could reduce the need for coders. Postings on jobs website Indeed for software-development roles, a proxy for computer science, have dropped 30% from prepandemic levels.

At the same time, companies have a burgeoning supply of new grads to choose from. The number of students in the U.S. majoring in computer and information science has jumped 40% in five years, to more than 600,000 as of 2023. The number of bachelor’s degrees conferred in those majors topped 100,000 in 2021, according to the Department of Education, a 140% rise from 10 years earlier.

Students who once had jobs and summer internships lined up by Thanksgiving are now broadening their searches.

“When I tell people I’m in computer science, they’re like, ‘Lucky you. You’re going to make a lot of money. You can do anything you want,’” said Ben Riesett, a 22-year-old who graduated this month from Catholic University of America. “The truth is, when you start looking right now, it’s impossible to get hired.”

Just a few years ago, Riesett heard constantly that employers needed staff with his skill set; now, his classmates with jobs got them through friends or family, or from internships. Riesett, in Washington, D.C., said he’s applied to entry-level roles all over the country and received only a few responses.

To be sure, comp-sci majors from top-tier schools can still get jobs. Pay, projected to be at about $75,000, is at the high end of majors reviewed by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, or NACE. They are just not all going to Facebook or Google.

“Job seekers need to reset their expectations,” said Tim Herbert, chief research officer at CompTIA, a trade group that follows the tech sector. “New grads may need to adjust where they’re willing to work, in some cases what salary, perks or signing bonus they’ll receive, and the type of firm they’ll work for.”

And while big tech companies are hiring for AI-related jobs, Herbert said, many of those positions require more experience than a new grad would have.

Salaries for this year’s graduates in computer science are expected to be just 2.7% higher than last year’s, the smallest increase of eight fields reviewed by NACE.

In the past 18 months, job growth has remained flat for software publishers, a group of employers that includes software developers, according to the Labor Department. On the student jobs platform Handshake, the number of full-time jobs recently posted for tech companies is down 30% from the year-ago period.

Looking farther afield

Jarin Rahman, an information-science major who just completed her junior year at Cornell University, had long assumed she would try to land a job at a large tech company. As a first-generation college student, she thought it was the best path.

But Rahman knows lots of seniors who interned at big tech companies last summer and didn’t get return offers. With the tech industry appearing less stable than she anticipated, she started looking elsewhere.”

“It made me really stressed out because I know that I have to find a way to support my family,” she said.

This summer, she’ll intern at a real-estate investment management firm.

Stephanie Johnson, a career development lead with the computer-science department at the University of North Carolina, said her students on average were applying to 150 or more jobs. Many were still waiting for offers in the spring.

Just a few years ago, they might apply for 20 or 40 positions—and get a final offer in the fall.

Johnson said she has seen more students focused on companies where tech is a service and not the product. She knows two students who were offered roles at big tech companies but declined: One went to a bank, the other to a retailer.

The University of Virginia typically offers a large career fair called Tech Night Takeover, hosting big companies for a night of networking. This year, the school expanded the event to include employers in healthcare, energy and financial services hiring for tech roles.

Hand-delivered applications

The pipeline is bursting with comp-sci students who will need jobs in the next few years. Computer and information science is the fastest-growing top-20 major in the U.S. at four-year colleges, according to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. It is the fourth-most-popular major overall. Between 2018 and 2023, the number of students majoring in computer and information science jumped from about 444,000 to 628,000.

Pierce Avner, who just finished his junior year at the University of Colorado, Boulder, said he applied online for hundreds of internships last year. The majority never responded. Of those that did, many sent back a rejection note within 15 seconds to a minute.

This year, he took an old-fashioned route, hand-delivering about 20 applications to tech companies around Denver and Boulder. He also sent emails to alumni from the Theta Tau professional engineering fraternity. He is set to intern at an aerospace company this summer, one of the employers he found through his fraternity networking.

Alex Giang, a computer-science major who just finished his junior year at Cornell, is preparing to start a software-engineering internship at a digital-advertising company. Applications to Uber, Airbnb, Tesla, Facebook, Apple and Amazon didn’t pan out.

Friends are adjusting, too. Their new mentality is: “If you get a job, even if you don’t like it, you need to take it because you don’t know if you’re going to get anything else,” Giang said.

Write to Katherine Bindley at [email protected], Corrie Driebusch at [email protected] and Lindsay Ellis at [email protected]

Computer-Science Majors Graduate Into a World of Fewer Opportunities


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  3. Summer Research Opportunities

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  4. CURIS

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  7. BS

    The Computer Science Department at Stanford have faculty and students that are globally recognized for their innovative and cutting-edge research. We offer scholars various opportunities at their disposal to participate in undergraduate research. ... The program for CS undergrad Summer research. Participating students will work on their ...

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  9. MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP)

    Artificial Intelligence and Decision-making combines intellectual traditions from across computer science and electrical engineering to develop techniques for the analysis and synthesis of systems that interact with an external world via perception, communication, and action; while also learning, making decisions and adapting to a changing environment.

  10. Research & Impact

    CURIS Program. CURIS is the undergraduate research program of Stanford's Computer Science Department. Each summer, 100+ undergraduates conduct and participate in computer science research advised and mentored by faculty and PhD students. Learn More

  11. Student Summer Research Fellowship Program

    Overview The Student Summer Research Fellowship Program administered under the Computer Science Department aims at recruiting a group of highly motivated undergraduate students from our partner universities (see list below) to join the faculty-led research groups and conduct research at UChicago in the summer (July and August). During the 8-week program period, each student will spend their ...

  12. MIT Summer Research Program

    Program Features. Weekly seminars on issues directly related to the academic, personal, and professional growth of interns. Social outings (boat cruise, visits to Boston area) Preparation of an abstract, research paper, and graduate school statement of purpose. Poster presentation at the end of the program. Learn More.

  13. Overview

    The MIT Summer Research Program (MSRP) seeks to promote the value of graduate education; to improve the research enterprise through increased diversity; and to prepare and recruit the best and brightest for graduate education at MIT. MSRP began in 1986 as an institutional effort to address the issue of underrepresentation of African Americans ...

  14. CS+: Computer Science Projects Beyond the Classroom

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  15. Computer Science and Informatics Summer Research Experience Program

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  16. 25 Computer Science Summer Programs for High Schoolers in 2024

    Application Deadline: March 11. Cost: $5,060. The two-week-long Berkeley Summer Computer Science Academy allows students ages 16 and 17 to immerse themselves in computer science and coding for two weeks in the summer. The program is based on the introductory computer science course taken by UC Berkeley undergrads.

  17. HCII Summer Undergraduate Research Program

    This Research Experience for Undergraduates in Human-Computer Interaction program is an opportunity for undergraduate students to spend a summer with us at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. Here at the HCI Institute, we study a variety of topics at the intersection of psychology, computer science, design and technology.

  18. Summer Research Programs

    The Summer Work Program offers students summer internships in Germany. Students interested in summer research opportunities in the humanities, natural sciences, economics, computer science as well as interdisciplinary projects are encouraged to apply. TBD : Undergraduate Fellowships and Scholarships

  19. REU Site Summer Research Program

    To be eligible for the REU Site Summer Research Program for summer 2023, you must: U.S. citizen, U.S. national, or permanent residents of the United States. Majoring in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, or a closely related field, and has completed at least one year of study. Minimum GPA of 3.0

  20. Summer Research and Enrichment Programs at Other Universities

    The FREEDM Systems Center Summer REU program offers a research opportunity to domestic undergraduates from universities outside of the Center who are majoring in electrical and computer engineering, civil engineering, mechanical engineering, materials science engineering, computer science and related fields. The undergraduate student will spend ...

  21. UGSRP

    Students present their work in a poster session at the end of the summer at the Undergraduate research in Computer Science Conference. The program includes: Students who hold an NSERC Undergraduate Student Research Award (USRA) or University of Toronto Excellence Awards (UTEA) Students working with a faculty member, postdoctoral fellow, or ...

  22. Your Guide to Summer STEM Programs

    Summer STEM programs are designed to enhance your understanding and proficiency in STEM topics, often through classroom instruction, hands-on experiences, workshops, and projects focused on STEM disciplines such as computer science, engineering, the life sciences, and mathematics. The purpose of STEM summer programs for pre-college students is ...

  23. Undergraduate Student Research Round-up: Summer Across the College of

    Learn more about future Summer Research Programs for Undergraduates here. School of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences REU: ... Brendan D'Aquino, a rising senior at Northeastern University in Boston, had planned to use his computer science background to get an industry job after graduation. Then he attended the 2022 School of Physics REU.

  24. Bachelor's Programs

    Bachelor of Science in Music and Technology. Carnegie Mellon University's Music and Technology program was established in 2009 as a joint project between three of the schools: The School of Music, School of Computer Science, and the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. Information regarding this degree is available on the Bachelor ...

  25. HCII Seeks Applicants for 2024 Summer Research Program

    The Human-Computer Interaction Institute (HCII) Summer Undergraduate Research program is an opportunity for students to spend a summer with us at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh. We have another great lineup of HCI summer research projects available for summer 2024, with diverse options at the intersection of psychology, computer ...

  26. Computer Science

    A Master of Science in Computer Science from Embry‑Riddle prepares graduates to either begin or further advance their careers in the fields of technology and cybersecurity. The Electrical Engineering and Computer Science's (EECS) Industry Advisory Board ensures that curriculum and research activities are aligned with what's going on in ...

  27. Undergraduate Summer Research Programs

    The Genetics Department partners with the Stanford Summer Research Program (SSRP) to bring undergraduate students to campus every summer for a research-intensive residential program.. The Genomics SSRP scholars are offered a fully-funded 8-week summer research program, where they work in laboratories affiliated with the Genetics department and receive training in a wide variety of research ...

  28. Computer-Science Majors Graduate Into a World of Fewer Opportunities

    Computer and information science is the fastest-growing top-20 major in the U.S. at four-year colleges, according to the National Student Clearinghouse Research Center. It is the fourth-most ...