Assignment Definition

Investing Strategy

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Table of Contents

  • What Is an Assignment?
  • What is an Assignment in Real Estate?
  • What Does it Mean to Assign a Contract in Real Estate?
  • How Does a Contract Assignment Work?
  • Pros and Cons of Assigning Contracts

REtipster does not provide legal advice. The information in this article can be impacted by many unique variables. Always consult with a qualified legal professional before taking action.

An assignment or assignment of contract is a way to profit from a real estate transaction without becoming the owner of the property.

The assignment method is a standard tool in a real estate wholesaler’s kit and lowers the barrier to entry for a real estate investor because it does not require the wholesaler to use much (or any) of their own money to profit from a deal.

Contract assignment is a common wholesaling strategy where the seller and the wholesaler (acting as a middleman in this case) sign an agreement giving the wholesaler the sole right to buy a property at a specified price, within a certain period of time.

The wholesaler then finds another buyer and assigns the contract to him or her. The wholesaler isn’t selling the property to the end buyer because the wholesaler never takes title to the property during the process. The wholesaler is simply selling the contract, which gives the end buyer the right to buy the property in accordance with the original purchase agreement.

In doing this, the wholesaler can earn an assignment fee for putting the deal together.

Some states require a real estate wholesaler to be a licensed real estate agent, and the assignment strategy can’t be used for HUD homes and REOs.

The process for assigning a contract follows some common steps. In summary, it looks like this:

  • Find the right property.
  • Get a purchase agreement signed.
  • Find an end buyer.
  • Assign the contract.
  • Close the transaction and collect your assignment fee.

We describe each step in the process below.

1. Find the Right Property

This is where the heavy lifting happens—investors use many different marketing tactics to find leads and identify properties that work with their investing strategy. Typically, for wholesaling to work, a wholesaler needs a motivated seller who wants to unload the property as soon as possible. That sense of urgency works to the wholesaler’s advantage in negotiating a price that will attract buyers and cover their assignment fee.

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2. Get a Purchase Agreement Signed

Once a motivated seller has agreed to sell their property at a discounted price, they will sign a purchase agreement with the wholesaler. The purchase agreement needs to contain specific, clear language that allows the wholesaler (for example, you) to assign their rights in the agreement to a third party.

Note that most standard purchase agreements do not include this language by default. If you plan to assign this contract, make sure this language is included. You can consult an attorney to cover the correct verbiage in a way that the seller understands it.

RELATED: Wholesaling Made Simple! A Comprehensive Guide to Assigning Contracts

This can’t be stressed enough: It’s extremely important for a wholesaler to communicate with their seller about their intent to assign the contract. Many sellers are not familiar with the assignment process, so if the role of the buyer is going to change along the way, the seller needs to be aware of this on or before they sign the original purchase agreement.

3. Find an End Buyer

This is the other half of a wholesaler’s job—marketing to find buyers. Once they find an end buyer, the wholesaler can assign the contract to the new party and work with the original seller and the end buyer to schedule a closing date.

4. Assign the Contract

Assigning the contract works through a simple assignment agreement. This agreement allows the end buyer to step into the wholesaler’s shoes as the buyer in the original contract.

In other words, this document “replaces” the wholesaler with the new end buyer.

Most assignment contracts include language for a nonrefundable deposit from the end buyer, which protects the wholesaler if the buyer backs out. While you can download assignment contract templates online, most experts recommend having an attorney review your contracts. The assignment wording has to be precise and comply with applicable local laws to protect you from issues down the road.

5. Close the Transaction and Collect the Assignment Fee

Finally, you will receive your assignment fee (or wholesale fee) when the end buyer closes the deal.

The assignment fee is often the difference between the original purchase price (the price that the seller agreed with the wholesaler) and the end buyer’s purchase price (the price the wholesaler agreed with the end buyer), but it can also be a percentage of it or even a flat amount.

According to UpCounsel, most contract assignments are done for about $5,000, although depending on the property and the market, it could be higher or lower.

IMPORTANT: the end buyer will see precisely how much the assignment fee is. This is because they must sign two documents that show the original price and the assignment fee: the closing statement and the assignment agreement, respectively, to close the transaction.

In many cases, if the assignment fee is a reasonable amount relative to the purchase price, most buyers won’t take any issue with the wholesaler taking their fee—after all, the wholesaler made the deal happen, and it’s compensation for their efforts. However, if the assignment fee is too big (such as the wholesaler taking $20,000 from an original purchase price of $10,000, while the end buyer buys it for $50,000), it may ruffle some feathers and lead to uncomfortable questions.

In these instances where the wholesaler has a substantially higher profit margin, a wholesaler can instead do a double closing . In a double closing, the wholesaler closes two separate deals (one with the seller and another with the buyer) on the same day, but the seller and buyer cannot see the numbers and overall profit margin the wholesaler makes between the two transactions. This makes a double closing a much safer way to conclude a transaction.

Assigning contracts is a way to lower the barrier to entry for many new real estate investors; because they don’t need to put up their own money to buy a property or assume any risk in financing a deal.

The wholesaler isn’t part of the title chain, which streamlines the process and avoids the hassle of closing two times. Compared to the double-close strategy, assignment contracts require less paperwork and are usually less costly (because there is only one closing occurring, rather than two separate transactions).

On the downside, the wholesaler has to sell the property as-is, because they don’t own it at any point and they cannot make repairs or renovations to make the property look more attractive to a potential buyer. Financing may be much more difficult for the end buyer because many mortgage lenders won’t work with assigned contracts. Purchase Agreements also have expiration dates, which means the wholesaler has a limited window of time to find an end buyer and get the deal done.

Being successful with assignment contracts usually comes down to excellent marketing, networking, and communication between all parties involved. It’s all about developing strategies to find the right properties and having a solid network of investors you can assign them to quickly.

It’s also critical to be aware of any applicable laws in the jurisdiction where the wholesaler is working and holding any licenses required for these kinds of real estate transactions.

Related terms

Double closing, wholesaling (real estate wholesaling), transactional funding.

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10 Essential Things to Know About Real Estate Assignment Sales (for Sellers)

— We take our content seriously. This article was written by a real person at BREL.

what is assignment in property

What’s an assignment?

An assignment is when a Seller sells their interest in a property before they take possession – in other words, they sell the contract they have with the Builder to a new purchaser. When a Seller assigns a property, they aren’t actually selling the property (because they don’t own it yet) – they are selling their promise to purchase it, along with the rights and obligations of their Agreement of Purchase and Sale contract.  The Buyer of an assignment is essentially stepping into the shoes of the original purchaser.

The original purchaser is considered to be the Assignor; the new Buyer is the Assignee. The Assignee is the one who will complete the final sale with the Builder.

Do assignments only happen with pre-construction condos?

It’s possible to assign any type of property, pre-construction or resale, provided there aren’t restrictions against assignment in the original contract. An assignment allows a Buyer of a any kind of home to sell their interest in that property before they take possession of it.

Why would someone want to assign a condo?

Often with pre-construction sales, there’s a long time lag between when the original contract is entered into, when the Buyer can move in (the interim occupancy period) and the final closing. It’s not uncommon for a Buyer’s circumstances to change during that time…new job out of the city, new husband or wife, new set of twins, etc. What worked for a Buyer’s lifestyle 4 years ago doesn’t always work come closing time.

Another common reason why people want to assign a contract is financial. Sometimes, the original purchaser doesn’t have the funds or can’t get the financing to complete the sale, and it’s cheaper to assign the contract to a new purchaser, than it is to renege on the sale.

Lastly, assignment sales are also common with speculative investors who buy pre-construction properties with no intention of closing on them. In these cases, the investors are banking on quick price appreciation and are eager to lock in a profit now, vs. waiting for the original closing date.

What can be negotiated in an assignment sale?

Because the Assignee is taking over the original purchaser’s contract, they can’t renegotiate the price or terms of the contract with the Builder – they are simply taking over the contract as it already exists, and as you negotiated it.

In most cases, the Assignee will mirror the deposit that you made to the Builder…so if you made a 20% deposit, you can expect the new purchaser to do the same.

Most Sellers of assignments are looking to make a profit, and part of an assignment sale negotiation is agreeing on price. Your real estate agent can guide you on price, which will determine your profit (or loss).

Builder Approval and Fees

Remember that huge legal document you signed when you made an offer to buy a pre-construction condo? It’s time to take it out and actually read it.

Your Agreement of Purchase & Sale stipulated your rights to assign the contract. While most builders allow assignments, there is usually an assignment fee that must be paid to the Builder (we’ve seen everything from $750 to $7,000).

There may be additional requirements as well, the most common being that the Builder has to approve the assignment.

Marketing Restrictions

Most pre-construction Agreements of Purchase & Sale from Toronto Builders do not allow the marketing of an assignment…so while the Builder may give you the right to assign your contract, they restrict you from posting it to the MLS or advertising it online. This makes selling an assignment extremely difficult…if people don’t know it’s available for sale, how they can possibly buy it?

While it may be very tempting to flout the no-marketing rule, BE VERY CAREFUL. Buyers guilty of marketing an assignment against the rules can be considered to have breached the Agreement, and the Builder can cancel your contract and keep your deposit.

We don’t recommend advertising an assignment for sale if it’s against the rules in your contract.

So how the heck can I find a Buyer?

There are REALTORS who specialize in assignment sales and have a database of potential Buyers and investors looking for assignments. If you want to be connected with an agent who knows the ins and outs of assignment sales, get in touch…we know some of the best assignment agents in Toronto.

What are the tax implications of real estate assignment?

Always get tax advice from a certified accountant, not from the internet (lol).

But in general, any profit made from an assignment is taxable (and any loss can be written off). The new Buyer or Assignee will be responsible for paying land transfer taxes and any HST that might be due.

How much does it cost to assign a pre-construction condo?

In addition to the Builder assignment fees, you will likely have to pay a real estate commission (unless you find the Buyer yourself) and legal fees. Because assignments are more complicated, you can expect to pay higher legal fees than you would for a resale property.

How does the closing of an assignment work?

With assignment sales, there are essentially 2 closings: the closing between the Assignor and the Assignee, and the closing between the Assignee and the Builder. With the first closing (the assignment closing) the original purchaser receives their deposit + any profit (or their deposit less any loss) from the Assignee. On the second closing (between the Builder and the Assignee), the Assignee pays the remaining amount to the Builder (usually with the help of a mortgage), and pays land transfer taxes. Title of the property transfers from the Builder to the Assignee at this point.

I suppose it could be said that there is a third closing too, when the Buyer takes possession of the property but doesn’t yet own it…this is known as the interim occupancy period. The interim occupancy occurs when the unit is ready to be occupied, but not ready to be registered with the city. Interim occupancy periods in Toronto range from a few months to a few years. During the interim occupancy period, the Buyer occupies the unit and pays the Builder an amount roughly equal to what their mortgage payment + condo fees + taxes would be. The timing of the assignment will dictate who completes the interim occupancy.

Assignments vs. Resale: Which is Better?

We often get calls from people who are debating whether they should assign a condo they bought, or wait for the building to register and then sell it as a typical resale condo.

Pros of Assigning vs. Waiting

  • Get your deposit back and lock in your profit sooner
  • Avoid paying land transfer taxes
  • Avoid paying HST
  • Maximize your return if prices are declining and you expect them to continue to decline
  • Lifestyle – sometimes it just makes sense to move on

Cons of Assigning vs Waiting

  • The pool of Buyers for assignment sales is much smaller than the pool of Buyers for resale properties, which could result in the sale taking a long time, getting a lower price than you would if you waited, or both.
  • Marketing restrictions are annoying and reduce the chances of finding a Buyer
  • Price – What is market value? If the condo building hasn’t registered and there haven’t been any resales yet, it can be difficult to determine how much the property is now worth. Assignment sales tend to sell for less than resale.
  • Assignment sales can be complicated, so you want to make sure that you’re working with an agent who is experienced with assignment sales, and a good lawyer.

Still thinking of assignment your condo or house ? Get in touch and we’ll connect you with someone who specializes in assignment sales and can take you through the process.

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what is assignment in property

Raj Singh says:

What can be things to look for, especially determining market value for an assigned condo? I’m the assignee.

what is assignment in property

Sydonia Moton says:

Y would u need a lawyer when u buy a assignment property

what is assignment in property

Gideon Gyohannes says:

Good clear information!

Who pays the assignment fee to the developer? Assignor or Assignee?

Thanks Gideon 416 4591919

what is assignment in property

Melanie Piche says:

It’s almost always the Seller (though I suppose could be a point of negotiation).

what is assignment in property

Fiona Rourke says:

If there are 2 names on the agreement and 1 wants to leave and the other wants to remain… does the removing of 1 purchaser constitute an assignment

what is assignment in property

Brendan Powell says:

An assignment is one way to add or remove people from a contract, but not the only way…and not the simplest. Speak to your lawyer for advice on what makes the most sense for your specific situation. For a straightforward resale purchase you could probably just do an amendment signed by all parties. If it’s a preconstruction purchase with various deposits paid, etc it could be more complicated.

what is assignment in property

Katerina says:

Depends on the Developer. Some of them remove names via assignments only.

what is assignment in property

Haroon says:

Is there any difference in transaction process If assigner or seller of a pre constructio condo is a non resident ? Is seller required to get a clearance certificate from cRA to complete the transaction ?

what is assignment in property

Nathalie says:

Hello , i would like to know the exact steps for reassignment property please.

what is assignment in property

Amazing info. Thanks team. I may just touch base with you when my property in Stoney Creek is completed in. 2020. I may need to reassign it to someone Thanks

what is assignment in property

Victoria Bachlowa says:

If an assignor renegs on the deal and refuses to close because they figured out they could get more money and the assignment was already approved by the builder and all conditions fulfilled what can the Assignee do. I have $33,000 dollars in trust in the real estate’s trust fund. They sent me a mutual release which I have not signed. The interim occupancy is Feb. 1 and the closing is schedule for Mar. 1, 2019. I have financing in place, was ready to move in Feb. 1 and I have no where to live.

Definitely talk to your lawyer right away. They’ll want to look at your agreement of purchase and sale and will be able to advise you.

what is assignment in property

With assignment sales, there are essentially 2 closings: the closing between the Assignor and the Assignee, and the closing between the Assignee and the Builder. With the first closing (the assignment closing) the original purchaser receives their deposit + any profit (or their deposit less any loss) from the Assignee. Can I assume that these closing happen at the same time? I’m not sure how and when I would be paid as the Assignor.

what is assignment in property

What happens to the deposits or any profits already paid if the developer cancels the project after an assignment?

what is assignment in property

Hi, Did you get answer to this? I did an assignment sale last year and now the builder is not completing apparently and they are asking for their money back. Can they do that? After legal transactions, the lawyer simply said “the deal didn’t go through”. Apparently builder and the person who assumed the assignment agreed on taking out the deal. What do I have to pay back after it was done a year ago

This is definitely a question for your lawyer – as realtors we are not involved in that part of the transaction. I would expect that just as the builder would have to refund your deposits, you would likely need to do the same…but talk to your lawyer. As to whether the builder can cancel a project, yes they always reserve that right (but the details of how and under what circumstances would be in your original purchase agreement). It’s one of the annoying risks in buying preconstruction!

what is assignment in property

I completed the sale of my assignment in Dec 2015 however the CRA says I should be reporting the capital income in 2016 when the assignee closed his deal with the developer in July 2016. That makes no sense to me since I got all my money in Dec 2015. Can you supply any clarification on that CRA policy please?

You’d have to talk to the CRA or an accountant – we’re real estate agents,so we can’t give tax advice.

what is assignment in property

Hassan says:

Hello, You said that there are two closings. The first one between the assignor and the assignee and the second one between the builder and the new buyer (assignee). My question is that in the first closing does the assignee have to pay the assignor the deposit they have paid and any profit in cash or will the bank add this to the assignee’s mortgage?

The person doing the assigning usually gets their money at the first closing.

what is assignment in property

Kathy says:

What is the typical real estate free to assign your contract with the builder ?

Hi Kathy While we do few assignments (as they are rarely successful, and builders do not make it easy), in past we have charged more or less the same as we do for a typical resale listing. While there are elements to assignments that should be easier than a resale (eg staging), many other aspects of assignments are much MORE time-consuming, and the risk much higher since attempts to find a buyer for assignments are often unsuccessful. It’s also important to note that due to the extra complication, lawyer’s fees to assign are typically higher than resale as well–although more $ for the purchase side vs the sale side.

what is assignment in property

Mitul Patel says:

If assignee has paid small amount of deposit plus the original 25% deposit that the assignor has paid to the builder and gets the Keys to the unit since interim possession has been completed, when the condo registration is done and assignee is getting mortgage from the Bank or Pays the remaining balance to the Builder using his savings and decides not to pay the Balance of the Profit amount to Assignor, what are the possibilities in this kind of scenario?

You’d need to talk to a lawyer to find out the options.

what is assignment in property

David says:

How much exactly do brokers get paid at sale of Assignment? i.e. Would the broker’s fee be a % of your assignment selling price or your home’s selling price? I’m really looking for a clear answer.

I am using this website’s calculator associated with selling your home in Ontario. But there is no information on selling assignments.

Realtors set their own commission, so there is no set fee- that website is likely the commission that that agent offers. We often see commissions of 4-5% for assignments. The fee is a % of the price of the assignment – for example, you originally bought for $500K; you’re now assigning for $600K – commission would be payable on the $600K.

what is assignment in property

Candace says:

Question: if i bought a pre construction condo, can i sell it as soon as it closes or do i have to live in it for 1 year after closing in order to avoid capital gains taxes?

Or does the 1 year start as soon as you move in?

I would suggest you talk to your accountant re: HST credit implications and capital gains, but if you sell it for more than you paid for it, capital gains usually apply.

what is assignment in property

You mention avoid paying HST when you assign your property. What is the HST based on? It’s not a commercial property that you would pay HST. Explain. Thanks.

HST and assignments are complex and this question is best answered specific to your situation by your accountant and real estate lawyer. In some cases HST is applicable on assignment profits – more details can be found on the CRA website here:

If you are a podcast listener, the true condos podcast is also a great resource.

what is assignment in property

heres one for your comment, purchase pre construction from builder beginning of 2021, to be finished end of 2021, (semi detached) here we are end of 2022, both units are now ready. Had one assigned but because builder didnt accept within certain time frame(they also had a 90 day clause wherein we couldnt assign prior to 90 less firm closing date (WHICH MOVED 4 TIMES). Anyrate now we have a new assinor but the builder says we are in default from the first one and wants 50k to do the assignment (the agreement lists the possibility of assigning for 12k) Also this deal would include us loosing our whole deposit and paying the 12k(plus fees) would be in addition too the 130k we are already loosing. The second property we are trying to close but interest rates are riducous, together with closing costs(currently mortgage company is asking that my wife be added to that one, afraid to even ask this builder. Any advice on how to deal with this asshole greedy builder? We are simply asking for assignment as per contract and a small extension for the new buyer(week or two) Appreciate any advice. Thank you

Dealing with builders/developers can be extremely painful, much worse than resale transactions in our experience. Their contracts are written to protect THEM. Unfortunately all I can say is follow the advice of your lawyer.

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How To Navigate The Real Estate Assignment Contract

what is assignment in property

What is assignment of contract?

Assignment of contract vs double close

How to assign a contract

Assignment of contract pros and cons

Even the most left-brained, technical real estate practitioners may find themselves overwhelmed by the legal forms that have become synonymous with the investing industry. The assignment of contract strategy, in particular, has developed a confusing reputation for those unfamiliar with the concept of wholesaling. At the very least, there’s a good chance the “assignment of contract real estate” exit strategy sounds more like a foreign language to new investors than a viable means to an end.

A real estate assignment contract isn’t as complicated as many make it out to be, nor is it something to shy away from because of a lack of understanding. Instead, new investors need to learn how to assign a real estate contract as this particular exit strategy represents one of the best ways to break into the industry.

In this article, we will break down the elements of a real estate assignment contract, or a real estate wholesale contract, and provide strategies for how it can help investors further their careers. [ Thinking about investing in real estate? Register to attend a FREE online real estate class and learn how to get started investing in real estate. ]

What Is A Real Estate Assignment Contract?

A real estate assignment contract is a wholesale strategy used by real estate investors to facilitate the sale of a property between an owner and an end buyer. As its name suggests, contract assignment strategies will witness a subject property owner sign a contract with an investor that gives them the rights to buy the home. That’s an important distinction to make, as the contract only gives the investor the right to buy the home; they don’t actually follow through on a purchase. Once under contract, however, the investor retains the sole right to buy the home. That means they may then sell their rights to buy the house to another buyer. Therefore, when a wholesaler executes a contact assignment, they aren’t selling a house but rather their rights to buy a house. The end buyer will pay the wholesale a small assignment fee and buy the house from the original buyer.

The real estate assignment contract strategy is only as strong as the contracts used in the agreement. The language used in the respective contract is of the utmost importance and should clearly define what the investors and sellers expect out of the deal.

There are a couple of caveats to keep in mind when considering using sales contracts for real estate:

Contract prohibitions: Make sure the contract you have with the property seller does not have prohibitions for future assignments. This can create serious issues down the road. Make sure the contract is drafted by a lawyer that specializes in real estate assignment contract law.

Property-specific prohibitions: HUD homes (property obtained by the Department of Housing and Urban Development), real estate owned or REOs (foreclosed-upon property), and listed properties are not open to assignment contracts. REO properties, for example, have a 90-day period before being allowed to be resold.

assignment fee

What Is An Assignment Fee In Real Estate?

An assignment fee in real estate is the money a wholesaler can expect to receive from an end buyer when they sell them their rights to buy the subject property. In other words, the assignment fee serves as the monetary compensation awarded to the wholesaler for connecting the original seller with the end buyer.

Again, any contract used to disclose a wholesale deal should be completely transparent, and including the assignment fee is no exception. The terms of how an investor will be paid upon assigning a contract should, nonetheless, be spelled out in the contract itself.

The standard assignment fee is $5,000. However, every deal is different. Buyers differ on their needs and criteria for spending their money (e.g., rehabbing vs. buy-and-hold buyers). As with any negotiations , proper information is vital. Take the time to find out how much the property would realistically cost before and after repairs. Then, add your preferred assignment fee on top of it.

Traditionally, investors will receive a deposit when they sign the Assignment of Real Estate Purchase and Sale Agreement . The rest of the assignment fee will be paid out upon the deal closing.

Assignment Contract Vs Double Close

The real estate assignment contract strategy is just one of the two methods investors may use to wholesale a deal. In addition to assigning contracts, investors may also choose to double close. While both strategies are essentially variations of a wholesale deal, several differences must be noted.

A double closing, otherwise known as a back-to-back closing, will have investors actually purchase the home. However, instead of holding onto it, they will immediately sell the asset without rehabbing it. Double closings aren’t as traditional as fast as contract assignment, but they can be in the right situation. Double closings can also take as long as a few weeks. In the end, double closings aren’t all that different from a traditional buy and sell; they transpire over a meeter of weeks instead of months.

Assignment real estate strategies are usually the first option investors will want to consider, as they are slightly easier and less involved. That said, real estate assignment contract methods aren’t necessarily better; they are just different. The wholesale strategy an investor chooses is entirely dependent on their situation. For example, if a buyer cannot line up funding fast enough, they may need to initiate a double closing because they don’t have the capital to pay the acquisition costs and assignment fee. Meanwhile, select institutional lenders incorporate language against lending money in an assignment of contract scenario. Therefore, any subsequent wholesale will need to be an assignment of contract.

Double closings and contract assignments are simply two means of obtaining the same end. Neither is better than the other; they are meant to be used in different scenarios.

Flipping Real Estate Contracts

Those unfamiliar with the real estate contract assignment concept may know it as something else: flipping real estate contracts; if for nothing else, the two are one-in-the-same. Flipping real estate contracts is simply another way to refer to assigning a contract.

Is An Assignment Of Contract Legal?

Yes, an assignment of contract is legal when executed correctly. Wholesalers must follow local laws regulating the language of contracts, as some jurisdictions have more regulations than others. It is also becoming increasingly common to assign contracts to a legal entity or LLC rather than an individual, to prevent objections from the bank. Note that you will need written consent from all parties listed on the contract, and there cannot be any clauses present that violate the law. If you have any questions about the specific language to include in a contract, it’s always a good idea to consult a qualified real estate attorney.

When Will Assignments Not Be Enforced?

In certain cases, an assignment of contract will not be enforced. Most notably, if the contract violates the law or any local regulations it cannot be enforced. This is why it is always encouraged to understand real estate laws and policy as soon as you enter the industry. Further, working with a qualified attorney when crafting contracts can be beneficial.

It may seem obvious, but assignment contracts will not be enforced if the language is used incorrectly. If the language in a contract contradicts itself, or if the contract is not legally binding it cannot be enforced. Essentially if there is any anti-assignment language, this can void the contract. Finally, if the assignment violates what is included under the contract, for example by devaluing the item, the contract will likely not be enforced.

How To Assign A Real Estate Contract

A wholesaling investment strategy that utilizes assignment contracts has many advantages, one of them being a low barrier-to-entry for investors. However, despite its inherent profitability, there are a lot of investors that underestimate the process. While probably the easiest exit strategy in all of real estate investing, there are a number of steps that must be taken to ensure a timely and profitable contract assignment, not the least of which include:

Find the right property

Acquire a real estate contract template

Submit the contract

Assign the contract

Collect the fee

1. Find The Right Property

You need to prune your leads, whether from newspaper ads, online marketing, or direct mail marketing. Remember, you aren’t just looking for any seller: you need a motivated seller who will sell their property at a price that works with your investing strategy.

The difference between a regular seller and a motivated seller is the latter’s sense of urgency. A motivated seller wants their property sold now. Pick a seller who wants to be rid of their property in the quickest time possible. It could be because they’re moving out of state, or they want to buy another house in a different area ASAP. Or, they don’t want to live in that house anymore for personal reasons. The key is to know their motivation for selling and determine if that intent is enough to sell immediately.

With a better idea of who to buy from, wholesalers will have an easier time exercising one of several marketing strategies:

Direct Mail

Real Estate Meetings

Local Marketing

2. Acquire A Real Estate Contract Template

Real estate assignment contract templates are readily available online. Although it’s tempting to go the DIY route, it’s generally advisable to let a lawyer see it first. This way, you will have the comfort of knowing you are doing it right, and that you have counsel in case of any legal problems along the way.

One of the things proper wholesale real estate contracts add is the phrase “and/or assigns” next to your name. This clause will give you the authority to sell the property or assign the property to another buyer.

You do need to disclose this to the seller and explain the clause if needed. Assure them that they will still get the amount you both agreed upon, but it gives you deal flexibility down the road.

3. Submit The Contract

Depending on your state’s laws, you need to submit your real estate assignment contract to a title company, or a closing attorney, for a title search. These are independent parties that look into the history of a property, seeing that there are no liens attached to the title. They then sign off on the validity of the contract.

4. Assign The Contract

Finding your buyer, similar to finding a seller, requires proper segmentation. When searching for buyers, investors should exercise several avenues, including online marketing, listing websites, or networking groups. In the real estate industry, this process is called building a buyer’s list, and it is a crucial step to finding success in assigning contracts.

Once you have found a buyer (hopefully from your ever-growing buyer’s list), ensure your contract includes language that covers earnest money to be paid upfront. This grants you protection against a possible breach of contract. This also assures you that you will profit, whether the transaction closes or not, as earnest money is non-refundable. How much it is depends on you, as long as it is properly justified.

5. Collect The Fee

Your profit from a deal of this kind comes from both your assignment fee, as well as the difference between the agreed-upon value and how much you sell it to the buyer. If you and the seller decide you will buy the property for $75,000 and sell it for $80,000 to the buyer, you profit $5,000. The deal is closed once the buyer pays the full $80,000.

real estate assignment contract

Assignment of Contract Pros

For many investors, the most attractive benefit of an assignment of contract is the ability to profit without ever purchasing a property. This is often what attracts people to start wholesaling, as it allows many to learn the ropes of real estate with relatively low stakes. An assignment fee can either be determined as a percentage of the purchase price or as a set amount determined by the wholesaler. A standard fee is around $5,000 per contract.

The profit potential is not the only positive associated with an assignment of contract. Investors also benefit from not being added to the title chain, which can greatly reduce the costs and timeline associated with a deal. This benefit can even transfer to the seller and end buyer, as they get to avoid paying a real estate agent fee by opting for an assignment of contract. Compared to a double close (another popular wholesaling strategy), investors can avoid two sets of closing costs. All of these pros can positively impact an investor’s bottom line, making this a highly desirable exit strategy.

Assignment of Contract Cons

Although there are numerous perks to an assignment of contract, there are a few downsides to be aware of before searching for your first wholesale deal. Namely, working with buyers and sellers who may not be familiar with wholesaling can be challenging. Investors need to be prepared to familiarize newcomers with the process and be ready to answer any questions. Occasionally, sellers will purposely not accept an assignment of contract situation. Investors should occasionally expect this, as to not get discouraged.

Another obstacle wholesalers may face when working with an assignment of contract is in cases where the end buyer wants to back out. This can happen if the buyer is not comfortable paying the assignment fee, or if they don’t have owner’s rights until the contract is fully assigned. The best way to protect yourself from situations like this is to form a reliable buyer’s list and be upfront with all of the information. It is always recommended to develop a solid contract as well.

Know that not all properties can be wholesaled, for example HUD houses. In these cases, there are often anti-assigned clauses preventing wholesalers from getting involved. Make sure you know how to identify these properties so you don’t waste your time. Keep in mind that while there are cons to this real estate exit strategy, the right preparation can help investors avoid any big challenges.

Assignment of Contract Template

If you decide to pursue a career wholesaling real estate, then you’ll want the tools that will make your life as easy as possible. The good news is that there are plenty of real estate tools and templates at your disposal so that you don’t have to reinvent the wheel! For instance, here is an assignment of contract template that you can use when you strike your first deal.

As with any part of the real estate investing trade, no single aspect will lead to success. However, understanding how a real estate assignment of contract works is vital for this business. When you comprehend the many layers of how contracts are assigned—and how wholesaling works from beginning to end—you’ll be a more informed, educated, and successful investor.

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Understanding the Assignment of Mortgages: What You Need To Know

3 minute read • Upsolve is a nonprofit that helps you get out of debt with education and free debt relief tools, like our bankruptcy filing tool.  Think TurboTax for bankruptcy. Get free education, customer support, and community. Featured in Forbes 4x and funded by institutions like Harvard University so we'll never ask you for a credit card.  Explore our free tool

A mortgage is a legally binding agreement between a home buyer and a lender that dictates a borrower's ability to pay off a loan. Every mortgage has an interest rate, a term length, and specific fees attached to it.

Attorney Todd Carney

Written by Attorney Todd Carney .  Updated November 26, 2021

If you’re like most people who want to purchase a home, you’ll start by going to a bank or other lender to get a mortgage loan. Though you can choose your lender, after the mortgage loan is processed, your mortgage may be transferred to a different mortgage servicer . A transfer is also called an assignment of the mortgage. 

No matter what it’s called, this change of hands may also change who you’re supposed to make your house payments to and how the foreclosure process works if you default on your loan. That’s why if you’re a homeowner, it’s important to know how this process works. This article will provide an in-depth look at what an assignment of a mortgage entails and what impact it can have on homeownership.

Assignment of Mortgage – The Basics

When your original lender transfers your mortgage account and their interests in it to a new lender, that’s called an assignment of mortgage. To do this, your lender must use an assignment of mortgage document. This document ensures the loan is legally transferred to the new owner. It’s common for mortgage lenders to sell the mortgages to other lenders. Most lenders assign the mortgages they originate to other lenders or mortgage buyers.

Home Loan Documents

When you get a loan for a home or real estate, there will usually be two mortgage documents. The first is a mortgage or, less commonly, a deed of trust . The other is a promissory note. The mortgage or deed of trust will state that the mortgaged property provides the security interest for the loan. This basically means that your home is serving as collateral for the loan. It also gives the loan servicer the right to foreclose if you don’t make your monthly payments. The promissory note provides proof of the debt and your promise to pay it.

When a lender assigns your mortgage, your interests as the mortgagor are given to another mortgagee or servicer. Mortgages and deeds of trust are usually recorded in the county recorder’s office. This office also keeps a record of any transfers. When a mortgage is transferred so is the promissory note. The note will be endorsed or signed over to the loan’s new owner. In some situations, a note will be endorsed in blank, which turns it into a bearer instrument. This means whoever holds the note is the presumed owner.

Using MERS To Track Transfers

Banks have collectively established the Mortgage Electronic Registration System , Inc. (MERS), which keeps track of who owns which loans. With MERS, lenders are no longer required to do a separate assignment every time a loan is transferred. That’s because MERS keeps track of the transfers. It’s crucial for MERS to maintain a record of assignments and endorsements because these land records can tell who actually owns the debt and has a legal right to start the foreclosure process.

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Assignment of Mortgage Requirements and Effects

The assignment of mortgage needs to include the following:

The original information regarding the mortgage. Alternatively, it can include the county recorder office’s identification numbers. 

The borrower’s name.

The mortgage loan’s original amount.

The date of the mortgage and when it was recorded.

Usually, there will also need to be a legal description of the real property the mortgage secures, but this is determined by state law and differs by state.

Notice Requirements

The original lender doesn’t need to provide notice to or get permission from the homeowner prior to assigning the mortgage. But the new lender (sometimes called the assignee) has to send the homeowner some form of notice of the loan assignment. The document will typically provide a disclaimer about who the new lender is, the lender’s contact information, and information about how to make your mortgage payment. You should make sure you have this information so you can avoid foreclosure.

Mortgage Terms

When an assignment occurs your loan is transferred, but the initial terms of your mortgage will stay the same. This means you’ll have the same interest rate, overall loan amount, monthly payment, and payment due date. If there are changes or adjustments to the escrow account, the new lender must do them under the terms of the original escrow agreement. The new lender can make some changes if you request them and the lender approves. For example, you may request your new lender to provide more payment methods.

Taxes and Insurance

If you have an escrow account and your mortgage is transferred, you may be worried about making sure your property taxes and homeowners insurance get paid. Though you can always verify the information, the original loan servicer is responsible for giving your local tax authority the new loan servicer’s address for tax billing purposes. The original lender is required to do this after the assignment is recorded. The servicer will also reach out to your property insurance company for this reason.  

If you’ve received notice that your mortgage loan has been assigned, it’s a good idea to reach out to your loan servicer and verify this information. Verifying that all your mortgage information is correct, that you know who to contact if you have questions about your mortgage, and that you know how to make payments to the new servicer will help you avoid being scammed or making payments incorrectly.

Let's Summarize…

In a mortgage assignment, your original lender or servicer transfers your mortgage account to another loan servicer. When this occurs, the original mortgagee or lender’s interests go to the next lender. Even if your mortgage gets transferred or assigned, your mortgage’s terms should remain the same. Your interest rate, loan amount, monthly payment, and payment schedule shouldn’t change. 

Your original lender isn’t required to notify you or get your permission prior to assigning your mortgage. But you should receive correspondence from the new lender after the assignment. It’s important to verify any change in assignment with your original loan servicer before you make your next mortgage payment, so you don’t fall victim to a scam.

Attorney Todd Carney

Attorney Todd Carney is a writer and graduate of Harvard Law School. While in law school, Todd worked in a clinic that helped pro-bono clients file for bankruptcy. Todd also studied several aspects of how the law impacts consumers. Todd has written over 40 articles for sites such... read more about Attorney Todd Carney

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An assignment clause (AC) is an important part of many contracts, especially for real estate. In this article we discuss:

  • What is an Assignment Clause? (with Example)
  • Anti-Assignment Clauses (with Example)
  • Non-Assignment Clauses
  • Important Considerations
  • How Assets America ® Can Help

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an assignment clause.

An AC is part of a contract governing the sale of a property and other transactions. It deals with questions regarding the assignment of the property in the purchase agreement. The thrust of the assignment clause is that the buyer can rent, lease, repair, sell, or assign the property.

To “assign” simply means to hand off the benefits and obligations of a contract from one party to another. In short, it’s the transfer of contractual rights.

In-Depth Definition

Explicitly, an AC expresses the liabilities surrounding the assignment from the assignor to the assignee. The real estate contract assignment clause can take on two different forms, depending on the contract author:

  • The AC states that the assignor makes no representations or warranties about the property or the agreement. This makes the assignment “AS IS.”
  • The assignee won’t hold the assignor at fault. It protects the assignor from damages, liabilities, costs, claims, or other expenses stemming from the agreement.

The contract’s assignment clause states the “buyer and/or assigns.” In this clause, “assigns” is a noun that means assignees. It refers to anyone you choose to receive your property rights.

The assignment provision establishes the fact that the buyer (who is the assignor) can assign the property to an assignee. Upon assignment, the assignee becomes the new buyer.

The AC conveys to the assignee both the AC’s property rights and the AC’s contract obligations. After an assignment, the assignor is out of the picture.

What is a Lease Assignment?

Assignment Clause Example

This is an example of a real estate contract assignment clause :

“The Buyer reserves the right to assign this contract in whole or in part to any third party without further notice to the Seller; said assignment not to relieve the Buyer from his or her obligation to complete the terms and conditions of this contract should be assigning default.”

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Assignment provision.

An assignment provision is a separate clause that states the assignee’s acceptance of the contract assignment.

Assignment Provision Example

Here is an example of an assignment provision :

“Investor, as Assignee, hereby accepts the above and foregoing Assignment of Contract dated XXXX, XX, 20XX by and between Assignor and ____________________ (seller) and agrees to assume all of the obligations and perform all of the duties of Assignor under the Contract.”

Anti-Assignment Clauses & Non-Assignment Clauses

An anti-assignment clause prevents either party from assigning a contract without the permission of the other party. It typically does so by prohibiting payment for the assignment. A non-assignment clause is another name for an anti-assignment clause.

Anti-Assignment Clause Example

This is an anti-assignment clause example from the AIA Standard Form of Agreement:

” The Party 1 and Party 2, respectively, bind themselves, their partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives to the other party to this Agreement and to the partners, successors, assigns, and legal representatives of such other party with respect to all covenants of this Agreement. Neither Party 1 nor Party 2 shall assign this Agreement without the written consent of the other.”

Important Considerations for Assignment Contracts

The presence of an AC triggers several important considerations.

Assignment Fee

In essence, the assignor is a broker that brings together a buyer and seller. As such, the assignor collects a fee for this service. Naturally, the assignor doesn’t incur the normal expenses of a buyer.

Rather, the new buyer assumes those expenses. In reality, the assignment fee replaces the fee the realtor or broker would charge in a normal transaction. Frequently, the assignment fee is less than a regular brokerage fee.

For example, compare a 2% assignment fee compared to a 6% brokerage fee. That’s a savings of $200,000 on a $5 million purchase price. Wholesalers are professionals who earn a living through assignments.

Frequently, the assignor will require that the assignee deposit the fee into escrow. Typically, the fee is not refundable, even if the assignee backs out of the deal after signing the assignment provision. In some cases, the assignee will fork over the fee directly to the assignor.

Assignor Intent

Just because the contract contains an AC does not obligate the buyer to assign the contract. The buyer remains the buyer unless it chooses to exercise the AC, at which point it becomes the assignor. It is up to the buyer to decide whether to go through with the purchase or assign the contract.

Nonetheless, the AC signals the seller of your possible intent to assign the purchase contract to someone else. For one thing, the seller might object if you try to assign the property without an AC.

You can have serious problems at closing if you show up with a surprise assignee. In fact, you could jeopardize the entire deal.

Another thing to consider is whether the buyer’s desire for an AC in the contract will frighten the seller. Perhaps the seller is very picky about the type of buyer to whom it will sell.

Or perhaps the seller has heard horror stories, real or fake, about assignments. Whatever the reason, the real estate contract assignment clause might put a possible deal in jeopardy.

Chain of Title

If you assign a property before the closing, you will not be in the chain of title. Obviously, this differs from the case in which you sell the property five minutes after buying it.

In the latter case, your name will appear in the chain of title twice, once as the buyer and again as the seller. In addition, the latter case would involve two sets of closing costs, whereas there would only one be for the assignment case. This includes back-to-back (or double) closings.


Assignment might not be enforceable in all situations, such as when:

  • State law or public policy prohibits it.
  • The contract prohibits it.
  • The assignment significantly changes the expectations of the seller. Those expectations can include decreasing the value of the property or increasing the risk of default.

Also note that REO (real estate owned) properties, HUD properties, and listed properties usually don’t permit assignment contracts. An REO property is real estate owned by a bank after foreclosure. Typically, these require a 90-day period before a property can be resold.

How Assets America Can Help

The AC is a portion of a purchase agreement. When a purchase involves a commercial property requiring a loan of $10 million or greater, Assets America ® can arrange your financing.

We can finance wholesalers who decide to go through with a purchase. Alternatively, we can finance assignees as well. In either case, we offer expedient, professional financing and many supporting services. Contact us today for a confidential consultation.

What rights can you assign despite a contract clause expressly prohibiting assignment?

Normally, a prohibition against assignment does not curb the right to receive payments due. However, circumstances may cause the opposite outcome. Additionally, prohibition doesn’t prevent the right to money that the contract specifies is due.

What is the purpose of an assignment of rents clause in a deed of trust and who benefits?

The assignment of rents clause is a provision in a mortgage or deed of trust. It gives the lender the right to collect rents from mortgaged properties if the borrower defaults. All incomes and rents from a secured property flow to the lender and offset the outstanding debt. Clearly, this benefits the lender.

What is in assignment clause in a health insurance contract?

Commonly, health insurance policies contain assignment of benefits (AOB) clauses. These clauses allow the insurer to pay benefits directly to health care providers instead of the patient. In some cases, the provider has the patient sign an assignment agreement that accomplishes the same outcome. The provider submits the AOB agreement along with the insurance claim.

What does “assignment clause” mean for liability insurance?

The clause would allow the assignment of proceeds from a liability award payable to a third party. However, the insured must consent to the clause or else it isn’t binding. This restriction applies only before a loss. After a first party loss, the insurer’s consent no longer matters.

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Other Resources

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  • Master Lease Agreements
  • Master Planned Communities
  • Mergers & Acquisitions Seller Intake Questionnaire
  • Mergers & Acquisitions Buyer Intake Questionnaire
  • Mini Perm Loan – Complete Guide
  • MIRR Guide | Modified Internal Rate of Return (+ Calculator)
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Difference Between Assignment and Transfer

The difference between assignment and transfer is that assign means it's legal to transfer property or a legal right from one person to another. 3 min read updated on February 01, 2023

The difference between assignment and transfer is that assign means it's legal to transfer property or a legal right from one person to another, while transfer means it's legal to arrange for something to be controlled by or officially belong to another person.

When used as verbs, assign means to set apart or designate something for a purpose while transfer means to pass or move from one person, place, or thing to someone or someplace else. When used as nouns, assign means the assignee and transfer is the act of removing or conveying something from one person, thing, or place to another. Transfer generally refers to titles whereas assignment is used with obligations and rights.

Definitions of Assignment and Transfer

  • Assignment: Assignment is used in real estate law and contracts law. It covers the transfer of rights held by the assignor to the assignee.
  • Transfer: To remove or convey from one person or place to someone or somewhere else.

Distinction Between Assignment and Transfer

When distinguishing between assignment and transfer, take licenses, for example. Licenses are contracts that don't allow legal action for infringement. They fall under state law. Therefore, state law will decide whether the license is an obligation or right that can be transferred or assigned legally.

One way to distinguish this example is that an individual contract under an agreement cannot be assigned, like entitlement to grant back royalties . In addition, the contract cannot be transferred. You need to break it down and figure out what the actual issue is — the parties' intent. An additional distinction is when the contract holder is an entity and the business owners want to transfer a portion or all of their stock. This can be seen as an implied transfer of the whole contract. However, it would not likely be an assignment of the rights covered under this agreement.

Difference Between Assign and License

The key difference between assign and license is that with a license, the person who grants permission, known as the licensor, keeps an interest in the product being licensed . In an assignment, the assignor will transfer his or her rights to the product or property being assigned.

Another difference is that assignments must be in writing and a license can be executed without being written. Consider, for example, intellectual property such as patents. Patents can be licensed verbally in some instances, but assignments for patents must be in writing and filed with the United States Patent and Trademark Office .

Assignments grant the assignee full ownership of a product or property. Therefore, an assignment will typically cost more to acquire than a license.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there ever situations in which a license can be transferred but is not assignable?

  • Yes, in the case of allowing an assignment to one of your affiliates, the assignor would still be liable for the performance of the agreement under general assignment law. In this situation, you would not typically permit a transfer, because in a transfer, the person transferring would not maintain any obligations related to performance. Don't rely solely on this general understanding, but still expressly detail your agreement on what a licensee can legally do.

How will transfer and assignment rights affect someone's ability to sublicense?

  • In theory, if a licensee has the authority to assign license rights to someone else, you could argue that it also provides the right to sublicense it. The issue here is that with a sublicense, the person sublicensing it keeps a license right, therefore effectively creating two licensees. With an assignment, only one right is assigned, and the assignee is the one who has possession of the license. With well-drafted licenses, the right to sublicense is not typically implied, as the licensor is the one who reserves all rights that are not expressly granted.

What is the effect of poorly drafted licenses?

  • A poorly drafted license could result in giving someone implied rights to also sublicense. An example is a software license that allows a licensee to access the software without clarifying any restrictions or clearly defining the word “use.” This means that, depending on what this software is supposed to do, someone could think the term “use” means the licensee has permission to grant a sublicense as part of their usage rights.

If you need help understanding the difference between assignment and transfer, you can post your legal need on UpCounsel's marketplace. UpCounsel only accepts the top 5 percent of lawyers to its site. Lawyers on UpCounsel come from law schools such as Harvard Law and Yale Law and average 14 years of legal experience, including work with or on behalf of companies like Google, Menlo Ventures, and Airbnb.

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Content Approved by UpCounsel

  • Assignment Law
  • Assignment and Novation Agreement: What You Need to Know
  • Legal Assignment
  • Assignment Legal Definition
  • Assignment Of Contracts
  • Assignment of Rights and Obligations Under a Contract
  • Partial Assignment of Contract
  • Assignment of Rights Example
  • What Is the Definition of Assigns
  • Transfer of Intellectual Property

Primary tabs

Assign is the act of transferring rights , property , or other benefits to another party (the assignee ) from the party who holds such benefits under contract (the assignor). This concept is used in both  contract  and property law . 

Contract Law  

Under contract law, when one party assigns a  contract , the assignment represents both: (1) an assignment of rights; and (2) a delegation of  duties . 

  • For example, if A contracts with B to teach B guitar for $50, A can assign this contract to C. 
  • Here, A has both: (1) assigned A’s rights under the contract to the $50; and (2) delegated A’s  duty  to teach guitar, to C. 
  • In this example, A is both the “assignor” and the “delegee” who delegates  the duties to another (C), C is known as the “ obligor ” who must perform the  obligations  to the  assignee , and B is the assignee who is owed duties and is liable to the obligor.

Assigning of Rights/Duties Under Contract Law

There are a few notable rules regarding assignments under contract law. 

First, if an individual has not yet secured the contract to perform duties to another, they cannot assign their future right to an assignee. 

  • That is, if A has not yet contracted with B to teach B guitar, A cannot assign their rights to C. 

Second, rights cannot be assigned when they  materially change the obligor’s duty and rights. 

Third, the obligor can sue the assignee directly if the assignee does not pay them. 

  • Following the previous example, this means that C ( obligor ) can sue B ( assignee ) if C teaches guitar to B, but B does not pay C $50 in return.

Delegation of Duties

If the promised performance requires a rare genius or skill, then the delegee cannot delegate it to the obligor. It can only be delegated if the promised  performance  is more commonplace. Further, an obligee can sue if the  assignee  does not perform.  However, the delegee is  secondarily liable  unless there has been an  express   release  of the delegee. 

  • Meaning if B does want C to teach guitar but C refuses to, then B can sue C. If C still refuses to perform, then B can compel A to fulfill the duties under secondary liability.

Lastly, a related concept is  novation , which is when a new obligor substitutes and releases an old obligor.  If novation occurs, then the original obligor’s duties are wiped out. Novation requires an original obligee’s  consent . 

Property Law

Under  property law , assignment typically arises in landlord-tenant situations.

  • For example, A might be renting from landlord B but wants another party (C) to take over the property. 
  • In this scenario, A might choose between  assigning  and  subleasing  the property to C. 
  • If  assigning , A would give C the entire balance of the term , with no reversion to anyone; whereas if  subleasing , A would give C the property for a limited period of the remaining term.
  • Under assignment, C would have  privity  of  estate  with the landlord while under a sublease, C would not. 

[Last updated in June of 2022 by the Wex Definitions Team ]

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  • assignments basic law

Assignments: The Basic Law

The assignment of a right or obligation is a common contractual event under the law and the right to assign (or prohibition against assignments) is found in the majority of agreements, leases and business structural documents created in the United States.

As with many terms commonly used, people are familiar with the term but often are not aware or fully aware of what the terms entail. The concept of assignment of rights and obligations is one of those simple concepts with wide ranging ramifications in the contractual and business context and the law imposes severe restrictions on the validity and effect of assignment in many instances. Clear contractual provisions concerning assignments and rights should be in every document and structure created and this article will outline why such drafting is essential for the creation of appropriate and effective contracts and structures.

The reader should first read the article on Limited Liability Entities in the United States and Contracts since the information in those articles will be assumed in this article.

Basic Definitions and Concepts:

An assignment is the transfer of rights held by one party called the “assignor” to another party called the “assignee.” The legal nature of the assignment and the contractual terms of the agreement between the parties determines some additional rights and liabilities that accompany the assignment. The assignment of rights under a contract usually completely transfers the rights to the assignee to receive the benefits accruing under the contract. Ordinarily, the term assignment is limited to the transfer of rights that are intangible, like contractual rights and rights connected with property. Merchants Service Co. v. Small Claims Court , 35 Cal. 2d 109, 113-114 (Cal. 1950).

An assignment will generally be permitted under the law unless there is an express prohibition against assignment in the underlying contract or lease. Where assignments are permitted, the assignor need not consult the other party to the contract but may merely assign the rights at that time. However, an assignment cannot have any adverse effect on the duties of the other party to the contract, nor can it diminish the chance of the other party receiving complete performance. The assignor normally remains liable unless there is an agreement to the contrary by the other party to the contract.

The effect of a valid assignment is to remove privity between the assignor and the obligor and create privity between the obligor and the assignee. Privity is usually defined as a direct and immediate contractual relationship. See Merchants case above.

Further, for the assignment to be effective in most jurisdictions, it must occur in the present. One does not normally assign a future right; the assignment vests immediate rights and obligations.

No specific language is required to create an assignment so long as the assignor makes clear his/her intent to assign identified contractual rights to the assignee. Since expensive litigation can erupt from ambiguous or vague language, obtaining the correct verbiage is vital. An agreement must manifest the intent to transfer rights and can either be oral or in writing and the rights assigned must be certain.

Note that an assignment of an interest is the transfer of some identifiable property, claim, or right from the assignor to the assignee. The assignment operates to transfer to the assignee all of the rights, title, or interest of the assignor in the thing assigned. A transfer of all rights, title, and interests conveys everything that the assignor owned in the thing assigned and the assignee stands in the shoes of the assignor. Knott v. McDonald’s Corp ., 985 F. Supp. 1222 (N.D. Cal. 1997)

The parties must intend to effectuate an assignment at the time of the transfer, although no particular language or procedure is necessary. As long ago as the case of National Reserve Co. v. Metropolitan Trust Co ., 17 Cal. 2d 827 (Cal. 1941), the court held that in determining what rights or interests pass under an assignment, the intention of the parties as manifested in the instrument is controlling.

The intent of the parties to an assignment is a question of fact to be derived not only from the instrument executed by the parties but also from the surrounding circumstances. When there is no writing to evidence the intention to transfer some identifiable property, claim, or right, it is necessary to scrutinize the surrounding circumstances and parties’ acts to ascertain their intentions. Strosberg v. Brauvin Realty Servs., 295 Ill. App. 3d 17 (Ill. App. Ct. 1st Dist. 1998)

The general rule applicable to assignments of choses in action is that an assignment, unless there is a contract to the contrary, carries with it all securities held by the assignor as collateral to the claim and all rights incidental thereto and vests in the assignee the equitable title to such collateral securities and incidental rights. An unqualified assignment of a contract or chose in action, however, with no indication of the intent of the parties, vests in the assignee the assigned contract or chose and all rights and remedies incidental thereto.

More examples: In Strosberg v. Brauvin Realty Servs ., 295 Ill. App. 3d 17 (Ill. App. Ct. 1st Dist. 1998), the court held that the assignee of a party to a subordination agreement is entitled to the benefits and is subject to the burdens of the agreement. In Florida E. C. R. Co. v. Eno , 99 Fla. 887 (Fla. 1930), the court held that the mere assignment of all sums due in and of itself creates no different or other liability of the owner to the assignee than that which existed from the owner to the assignor.

And note that even though an assignment vests in the assignee all rights, remedies, and contingent benefits which are incidental to the thing assigned, those which are personal to the assignor and for his sole benefit are not assigned. Rasp v. Hidden Valley Lake, Inc ., 519 N.E.2d 153, 158 (Ind. Ct. App. 1988). Thus, if the underlying agreement provides that a service can only be provided to X, X cannot assign that right to Y.

Novation Compared to Assignment:

Although the difference between a novation and an assignment may appear narrow, it is an essential one. “Novation is a act whereby one party transfers all its obligations and benefits under a contract to a third party.” In a novation, a third party successfully substitutes the original party as a party to the contract. “When a contract is novated, the other contracting party must be left in the same position he was in prior to the novation being made.”

A sublease is the transfer when a tenant retains some right of reentry onto the leased premises. However, if the tenant transfers the entire leasehold estate, retaining no right of reentry or other reversionary interest, then the transfer is an assignment. The assignor is normally also removed from liability to the landlord only if the landlord consents or allowed that right in the lease. In a sublease, the original tenant is not released from the obligations of the original lease.

Equitable Assignments:

An equitable assignment is one in which one has a future interest and is not valid at law but valid in a court of equity. In National Bank of Republic v. United Sec. Life Ins. & Trust Co. , 17 App. D.C. 112 (D.C. Cir. 1900), the court held that to constitute an equitable assignment of a chose in action, the following has to occur generally: anything said written or done, in pursuance of an agreement and for valuable consideration, or in consideration of an antecedent debt, to place a chose in action or fund out of the control of the owner, and appropriate it to or in favor of another person, amounts to an equitable assignment. Thus, an agreement, between a debtor and a creditor, that the debt shall be paid out of a specific fund going to the debtor may operate as an equitable assignment.

In Egyptian Navigation Co. v. Baker Invs. Corp. , 2008 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 30804 (S.D.N.Y. Apr. 14, 2008), the court stated that an equitable assignment occurs under English law when an assignor, with an intent to transfer his/her right to a chose in action, informs the assignee about the right so transferred.

An executory agreement or a declaration of trust are also equitable assignments if unenforceable as assignments by a court of law but enforceable by a court of equity exercising sound discretion according to the circumstances of the case. Since California combines courts of equity and courts of law, the same court would hear arguments as to whether an equitable assignment had occurred. Quite often, such relief is granted to avoid fraud or unjust enrichment.

Note that obtaining an assignment through fraudulent means invalidates the assignment. Fraud destroys the validity of everything into which it enters. It vitiates the most solemn contracts, documents, and even judgments. Walker v. Rich , 79 Cal. App. 139 (Cal. App. 1926). If an assignment is made with the fraudulent intent to delay, hinder, and defraud creditors, then it is void as fraudulent in fact. See our article on Transfers to Defraud Creditors .

But note that the motives that prompted an assignor to make the transfer will be considered as immaterial and will constitute no defense to an action by the assignee, if an assignment is considered as valid in all other respects.

Enforceability of Assignments:

Whether a right under a contract is capable of being transferred is determined by the law of the place where the contract was entered into. The validity and effect of an assignment is determined by the law of the place of assignment. The validity of an assignment of a contractual right is governed by the law of the state with the most significant relationship to the assignment and the parties.

In some jurisdictions, the traditional conflict of laws rules governing assignments has been rejected and the law of the place having the most significant contacts with the assignment applies. In Downs v. American Mut. Liability Ins. Co ., 14 N.Y.2d 266 (N.Y. 1964), a wife and her husband separated and the wife obtained a judgment of separation from the husband in New York. The judgment required the husband to pay a certain yearly sum to the wife. The husband assigned 50 percent of his future salary, wages, and earnings to the wife. The agreement authorized the employer to make such payments to the wife.

After the husband moved from New York, the wife learned that he was employed by an employer in Massachusetts. She sent the proper notice and demanded payment under the agreement. The employer refused and the wife brought an action for enforcement. The court observed that Massachusetts did not prohibit assignment of the husband’s wages. Moreover, Massachusetts law was not controlling because New York had the most significant relationship with the assignment. Therefore, the court ruled in favor of the wife.

Therefore, the validity of an assignment is determined by looking to the law of the forum with the most significant relationship to the assignment itself. To determine the applicable law of assignments, the court must look to the law of the state which is most significantly related to the principal issue before it.

Assignment of Contractual Rights:

Generally, the law allows the assignment of a contractual right unless the substitution of rights would materially change the duty of the obligor, materially increase the burden or risk imposed on the obligor by the contract, materially impair the chance of obtaining return performance, or materially reduce the value of the performance to the obligor. Restat 2d of Contracts, § 317(2)(a). This presumes that the underlying agreement is silent on the right to assign.

If the contract specifically precludes assignment, the contractual right is not assignable. Whether a contract is assignable is a matter of contractual intent and one must look to the language used by the parties to discern that intent.

In the absence of an express provision to the contrary, the rights and duties under a bilateral executory contract that does not involve personal skill, trust, or confidence may be assigned without the consent of the other party. But note that an assignment is invalid if it would materially alter the other party’s duties and responsibilities. Once an assignment is effective, the assignee stands in the shoes of the assignor and assumes all of assignor’s rights. Hence, after a valid assignment, the assignor’s right to performance is extinguished, transferred to assignee, and the assignee possesses the same rights, benefits, and remedies assignor once possessed. Robert Lamb Hart Planners & Architects v. Evergreen, Ltd. , 787 F. Supp. 753 (S.D. Ohio 1992).

On the other hand, an assignee’s right against the obligor is subject to “all of the limitations of the assignor’s right, all defenses thereto, and all set-offs and counterclaims which would have been available against the assignor had there been no assignment, provided that these defenses and set-offs are based on facts existing at the time of the assignment.” See Robert Lamb , case, above.

The power of the contract to restrict assignment is broad. Usually, contractual provisions that restrict assignment of the contract without the consent of the obligor are valid and enforceable, even when there is statutory authorization for the assignment. The restriction of the power to assign is often ineffective unless the restriction is expressly and precisely stated. Anti-assignment clauses are effective only if they contain clear, unambiguous language of prohibition. Anti-assignment clauses protect only the obligor and do not affect the transaction between the assignee and assignor.

Usually, a prohibition against the assignment of a contract does not prevent an assignment of the right to receive payments due, unless circumstances indicate the contrary. Moreover, the contracting parties cannot, by a mere non-assignment provision, prevent the effectual alienation of the right to money which becomes due under the contract.

A contract provision prohibiting or restricting an assignment may be waived, or a party may so act as to be estopped from objecting to the assignment, such as by effectively ratifying the assignment. The power to void an assignment made in violation of an anti-assignment clause may be waived either before or after the assignment. See our article on Contracts.

Noncompete Clauses and Assignments:

Of critical import to most buyers of businesses is the ability to ensure that key employees of the business being purchased cannot start a competing company. Some states strictly limit such clauses, some do allow them. California does restrict noncompete clauses, only allowing them under certain circumstances. A common question in those states that do allow them is whether such rights can be assigned to a new party, such as the buyer of the buyer.

A covenant not to compete, also called a non-competitive clause, is a formal agreement prohibiting one party from performing similar work or business within a designated area for a specified amount of time. This type of clause is generally included in contracts between employer and employee and contracts between buyer and seller of a business.

Many workers sign a covenant not to compete as part of the paperwork required for employment. It may be a separate document similar to a non-disclosure agreement, or buried within a number of other clauses in a contract. A covenant not to compete is generally legal and enforceable, although there are some exceptions and restrictions.

Whenever a company recruits skilled employees, it invests a significant amount of time and training. For example, it often takes years before a research chemist or a design engineer develops a workable knowledge of a company’s product line, including trade secrets and highly sensitive information. Once an employee gains this knowledge and experience, however, all sorts of things can happen. The employee could work for the company until retirement, accept a better offer from a competing company or start up his or her own business.

A covenant not to compete may cover a number of potential issues between employers and former employees. Many companies spend years developing a local base of customers or clients. It is important that this customer base not fall into the hands of local competitors. When an employee signs a covenant not to compete, he or she usually agrees not to use insider knowledge of the company’s customer base to disadvantage the company. The covenant not to compete often defines a broad geographical area considered off-limits to former employees, possibly tens or hundreds of miles.

Another area of concern covered by a covenant not to compete is a potential ‘brain drain’. Some high-level former employees may seek to recruit others from the same company to create new competition. Retention of employees, especially those with unique skills or proprietary knowledge, is vital for most companies, so a covenant not to compete may spell out definite restrictions on the hiring or recruiting of employees.

A covenant not to compete may also define a specific amount of time before a former employee can seek employment in a similar field. Many companies offer a substantial severance package to make sure former employees are financially solvent until the terms of the covenant not to compete have been met.

Because the use of a covenant not to compete can be controversial, a handful of states, including California, have largely banned this type of contractual language. The legal enforcement of these agreements falls on individual states, and many have sided with the employee during arbitration or litigation. A covenant not to compete must be reasonable and specific, with defined time periods and coverage areas. If the agreement gives the company too much power over former employees or is ambiguous, state courts may declare it to be overbroad and therefore unenforceable. In such case, the employee would be free to pursue any employment opportunity, including working for a direct competitor or starting up a new company of his or her own.

It has been held that an employee’s covenant not to compete is assignable where one business is transferred to another, that a merger does not constitute an assignment of a covenant not to compete, and that a covenant not to compete is enforceable by a successor to the employer where the assignment does not create an added burden of employment or other disadvantage to the employee. However, in some states such as Hawaii, it has also been held that a covenant not to compete is not assignable and under various statutes for various reasons that such covenants are not enforceable against an employee by a successor to the employer. Hawaii v. Gannett Pac. Corp. , 99 F. Supp. 2d 1241 (D. Haw. 1999)

It is vital to obtain the relevant law of the applicable state before drafting or attempting to enforce assignment rights in this particular area.


In the current business world of fast changing structures, agreements, employees and projects, the ability to assign rights and obligations is essential to allow flexibility and adjustment to new situations. Conversely, the ability to hold a contracting party into the deal may be essential for the future of a party. Thus, the law of assignments and the restriction on same is a critical aspect of every agreement and every structure. This basic provision is often glanced at by the contracting parties, or scribbled into the deal at the last minute but can easily become the most vital part of the transaction.

As an example, one client of ours came into the office outraged that his co venturer on a sizable exporting agreement, who had excellent connections in Brazil, had elected to pursue another venture instead and assigned the agreement to a party unknown to our client and without the business contacts our client considered vital. When we examined the handwritten agreement our client had drafted in a restaurant in Sao Paolo, we discovered there was no restriction on assignment whatsoever…our client had not even considered that right when drafting the agreement after a full day of work.

One choses who one does business with carefully…to ensure that one’s choice remains the party on the other side of the contract, one must master the ability to negotiate proper assignment provisions.

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Michigan Legal Help

Small Estates: How Does Assignment of Property Work?

When a person dies, they are called a decedent. A decedent leaves property behind. That property needs to be passed on to those who will inherit it. If a person has a small estate, then a shortened process, called assignment of property, can be used instead of the probate administration process.

Read this article to learn about how to use the assignment of property process. You can use our Do-It-Yourself Settling a Small Estate  tool to create the forms you will need for this process. Read the article An Overview of Small Estate Processes to learn more about the other ways a small estate can be distributed.

What is In an Estate?

The property a decedent leaves behind that can be distributed through the assignment process could include:

  • Real estate (houses and other buildings, land and the things attached to it)
  • Personal property (furniture, cars, and other things not attached to land)
  • Bank accounts and cash
  • Stocks and bonds
  • Debts owed to the person

Some of the property is not part of the estate, which means it cannot be distributed through the assignment process. The estate does not usually include:

  • Jointly owned property,
  • Insurance policies,
  • Retirement accounts, or
  • Trusts that are not established by a will

Jointly Owned Property

Jointly owned property is property owned by more than one person. It is generally not included in an estate. Examples of jointly owned personal property are if you and the decedent are both listed on the title of a car or if you have joint bank accounts. When the decedent died, you automatically have full ownership of that property, so it is not part of the estate. You may want to take a copy of the decedent’s death certificate to the bank or Secretary of State (SOS) to remove the decedent’s name from the account or car title.

However, sometimes joint ownership is more complex. If you own real property with the decedent, or if you own any type of property with the decedent and someone else, ownership can be hard to understand after a death. Read the article Jointly Owned Property  to learn more about this, or use the Guide to Legal Help to find a lawyer or legal services in your area.

Small Estates

To use the assignment process, a decedent’s estate must be small. Whether an estate is small depends on the value of the property in it. The limit for a small estate can change each year. Use the limit that was in place on the date the person died. The limits for the last several years are:

  • On or after February 21, 2024: $50,000
  • January 1, 2024 through February 20, 2024: $28,000
  • 2023: $27,000
  • 2022: $25,000
  • 2020-2021: $24,000
  • 2018-2019: $23,000

Assignment of Property

Assignment of property is the small estate process you must use if the decedent had real property. However, even if there was no real property, you may choose to use assignment of property if an estate is small. This is the only small estate process where a Probate Judge reviews and approves the division of property.

To use this process, you must know all the property and the heirs the decedent had, and have information about the funeral or burial expenses. You must also be an heir or the person who paid the funeral bill.

You must list all real property and personal property with the value of each. You can estimate real property’s market value by doubling its State Equalized Value (SEV). You can find the SEV on property tax bills or assessments for the property. You can also find it on most county or municipality websites.

The value of the property in the estate is its market value. Any liens or loans on property will not be deducted when determining if the estate falls into the small estates amount. There is a separate calculation to determine the fees that the court will charge to file the petition. This is called the inventory fee. You are allowed to deduct the value of the mortgage or other liens on real property when you determine the inventory value. You are not allowed to make any deductions from the value of personal property. 

To estimate the value of personal property, think about how much you would ask for it at a yard sale or if you were selling it online.

Who Will Inherit?

After funeral and burial expenses have been paid, the court will order any remaining property to be divided among the heirs. The inheritance formula determines which heirs inherit property, and how much of the property each person will get. If there is a surviving spouse, that person inherits all the property.

If there is no surviving spouse, any property will be given or paid to direct descendants of the decedent, starting with the decedent’s children. If all of the decedent’s children are still alive, they will split the property equally. If a child died before the decedent, that person’s children will split the share equally. If the decedent had a grandchild who should inherit, but they died before the decedent, the grandchild's children will split the shares equally. If inheriting children or grandchildren die before the decedent with no living children of their own, the line of inheritance stops there. Their share will be divided between the remaining descendants.

If there are no living descendants of the decedent, the property will be split between the decedent’s parents equally. If only one parent is still living, that parent inherits all the property. If both parents died before the decedent, the property will go to their descendants, starting with the decedent’s siblings. The same rules of representation mentioned above apply.

If an inheriting sibling died before the decedent, that person’s child(ren) will split their share of the property equally. The same is true if an inheriting niece or nephew died before the decedent. If inheriting siblings, nieces, or nephews die before the decedent with no living children of their own, the line of inheritance stops there. Their share will be divided between the remaining heirs.

If no descendants of the decedent’s parents are living, the property is divided among the decedent’s grandparents. Half of the property will go to the decedent’s paternal grandparents, and the other half will go to the maternal grandparents. If only one maternal or paternal grandparent is living, they will take the full half of the property. If both grandparents on one side died before the decedent, their half of the property goes to their descendants, starting with the decedent’s aunts and uncles. The same rules of representation mentioned above apply.

If an inheriting aunt or uncle died before the decedent did, that person’s children will split the share of the property equally. The same is true if an inheriting cousin died before the decedent. If inheriting aunts, uncles, or cousins die before the decedent with no living children of their own, the line of inheritance stops there. Their share will be divided between the remaining heirs.

There are other rules too, including special rules if an heir dies after the decedent does. You can use our Do-It-Yourself Settling a Small Estate tool to help you figure out who will inherit and what share each heir will receive. You may also want to talk to a lawyer if you have questions about this. You can use the Guide to Legal Help to find legal services in your area.

Survivorship and the 120-Hour Rule

Survivorship affects inheritance rights of heirs and devisees. In Michigan, a person must live more than 120 hours after a decedent dies for that person’s survivorship rights to take effect. Generally, anyone who dies during the first 120 hours after a decedent’s death is considered to have predeceased (died before) the decedent and they lose their interest in the decedent’s property. The 120-hour rule is not followed if:

  • A will, deed, title, or trust addresses simultaneous deaths or deaths in a common disaster;
  • A will, deed, title, or trust states a person is not required to survive for a certain amount of time or it specifies a different survival period;
  • The rule would affect interests protected by Michigan law; or
  • The rule would cause a failure or duplication in distributing property.

Notice to Decedent’s Creditors

This process does not include any notice to creditors . If a creditor tries to collect a debt within 63 days of when the order is issued by the court, the person who got the property will have to pay the debt, up to the amount or value of the property the person got. This does not apply if the decedent’s spouse or minor children got the property. For example, if the decedent’s brother got $1,000, a creditor the decedent owed $500 could get the $500 from him. If the decedent had owed the creditor $1,500, the brother wouldn’t have to pay more than $1,000 to the creditor. If the decedent’s spouse or minor child got the property, they would not have to pay the creditor anything.

The Process

To start this process, file a Petition for Assignment with the probate court in the county where the decedent lived. If the decedent lived outside Michigan, file the Petition for Assignment in the county where the decedent had real property. You can use our Do-It-Yourself Settling a Small Estate tool to create this petition.

After you complete the form, print two copies. Date and sign both copies. The Do-It-Yourself Settling a Small Estate  tool will prepare a Testimony to Identify Heirs, but not all courts require it. Not all courts require a certified copy of the death certificate. You might want to check the probate court’s website or call and ask before you go to court to file the documents. You can find contact information for the court on the right side of this page if you have selected a county.

You will need to file the following documents with the probate court:

  • Both copies of the petition
  • The Testimony to Identify Heirs (if your court requires it)
  • A copy of the death certificate
  • Proof that the funeral and burial expenses have been paid or a bill showing the amount owed

There is a $25 filing fee. There is also an inventory fee. It is based on the value of property in the estate. If the property in the estate has no value, the inventory fee is $5. For example, if the decedent had a house that was worth less than the amount of the mortgage, the value of the estate could be zero. You can use the  inventory fee calculator  on the Michigan One Court of Justice website to see how much the inventory fee will be.

The petition is reviewed by a probate court judge. If everything is correct when you file the Petition and Order, the judge will sign it. You may be able to get your certified copy of the Order Assigning Assets on the day you file it. You need the Order Assigning Assets to distribute the property in the estate.

There is a fee to get a certified copy of the Order Assigning Assets. The fee to get a certified copy varies, but it is usually $15 to $20. You need a certified copy of the order to transfer the property in the estate. You may want to get more than one certified copy when you file the petition. Some courts charge less for extra certified copies if you get them at the same time.

The court will order the funeral and burial expenses be paid or reimbursed to whoever paid them. This means all paid and unpaid funeral expenses will be deducted from the value of the estate when determining if it is a small estate. If there is no cash available, something may have to be sold to pay those expenses.

Distributing the Property

Once the judge has signed the Order Assigning Assets, you will be able to distribute the property in the estate to the heirs. The Do-It-Yourself Settling a Small Estate  tool will tell you the shares each person is entitled to, but some things (like cars) cannot easily be divided. Decide how to divide the existing property so everyone gets the share they deserve.

Transferring Money from Bank or Credit Union Accounts

If the decedent had bank or credit union accounts that were not jointly owned with another person, take the certified copy of the order to the bank to close the account. The bank should release the money to the heir or heirs by writing a check or money order.

Transferring a Vehicle

If the decedent had a vehicle, the surviving spouse or heir must complete a Certification from the Heir to a Vehicle . If you use our Do-It-Yourself Settling a Small Estate  tool, you will get a completed certification form for each vehicle you are transferring.

Take it to the Office of the SOS with a copy of the death certificate. If you have a copy of the vehicle title, take that, too.

Transferring Real Property

If the decedent had real property, you will need to record a certified copy of the order to transfer the property. Take the order to the register of deeds for the county where the property is. Check the county’s website or call the local register of deeds office to find out how much the filing fee is.

You should not have to pay a transfer tax. Transfer tax is based on how much is paid for the property. Nothing was paid for this property when it transferred because the decedent died.

When the property is transferred, its value may “uncap.” The amount property tax can increase in a year is limited while the property is owned by the same person. When the property is transferred to another person, the property tax will be adjusted to the property’s current market value. You can learn more about property taxes on the State of Michigan’s Treasury Department website .

If the property was the decedent’s principal residence, it probably had a Homestead Tax Exemption attached to it. Under Michigan law, if you own your home you do not have to pay certain taxes on it.

If the person inheriting the property will be living there, they need to fill out a Principal Residence Exemption Affidavit . If whoever is getting the property is not going to live there but plans to continue owning it, they need to fill out a Request to Rescind a Principal Residence Exemption .

One of these forms must be filed with the city or township where the property is located within 90 days after the decedent’s death. If it is not filed, additional taxes and fees will be charged.

You may not have to file the Request to Rescind a Principal Residence Exemption for up to three years if the property is listed for sale during that time. If you are selling real estate in this situation, you may want to talk to a real estate agent or a lawyer. 

If you have a low income, you may qualify for free legal services. Whether you have a low income or not, you can use the Guide to Legal Help to find lawyers in your area. If you are not able to get free legal services but can’t afford high legal fees, consider hiring a lawyer for part of your case instead of the whole thing. This is called limited scope representation. To learn more, read Limited Scope Representation (LSR): A More Affordable Way to Hire a Lawyer . To find a limited scope lawyer, follow this link to the State Bar of Michigan lawyer directory . This link lists lawyers who offer limited scope representation. You can narrow the results to lawyers in your area by typing in your county, city, or zip code at the top of the page. You can also narrow the results by topic by entering the kind of lawyer you need (divorce, estate, etc.) at the top of the page.

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Assignee: What it is, How it Works, Types

what is assignment in property

Michelle P. Scott is a New York attorney with extensive experience in tax, corporate, financial, and nonprofit law, and public policy. As General Counsel, private practitioner, and Congressional counsel, she has advised financial institutions, businesses, charities, individuals, and public officials, and written and lectured extensively.

what is assignment in property

Ariel Courage is an experienced editor, researcher, and former fact-checker. She has performed editing and fact-checking work for several leading finance publications, including The Motley Fool and Passport to Wall Street.

what is assignment in property

What Is an Assignee?

An assignee is a person, company, or entity who receives the transfer of property, title, or rights from another according to the terms of a contract. The assignee receives the transfer from the assignor. For example, an assignee may receive the title to a piece of real estate from an assignor.

Key Takeaways

  • An assignee is a person, company, or entity who receives the transfer of property, title, or rights from a contract.
  • The assignee receives the transfer from the assignor.
  • An assignee may be the recipient of an assignment, a liability, or appointed to act in the stead of another person or entity.
  • The assignee typically will hold the rights of power of attorney only for a specified time or for particular circumstances.
  • Once the time has expired or the circumstances have been resolved, the assignee would automatically relinquish those rights.
  • Not all assignment contracts are required to be made in writing, but they often are.

How an Assignee Works

An assignee may be the recipient of an assignment, a liability, or appointed to act in the stead of another person or entity. For example, an executor of an estate may be appointed through a will left by a decedent.

Types of Assignees

Assignee in real estate.

An assignee is the recipient of a title when a deed is signed to confer ownership of property in a transaction. A tenant might choose to transfer their property rights to an assignee who would assume duties for paying rent and tending to the property. There may be limits to the rights and liabilities that are granted to an assignee based on the nature of the transfer or assignment of rights.

For example, an assignee might take on the property rights from a tenant who vacated a rental property, but the tenant may still be liable if the assignee does not make rent payments on time. An assignee who takes title and ownership of real estate might not have certain rights to use the property any way they wish. There may be rights of ingress and egress that must be negotiated with adjacent property owners who hold surrounding land parcels. The assignee could receive certain rights that run with the land when they are granted the title.

Assignment by Power of Attorney

Power of attorney may be assigned to a person to tend to certain affairs for a person while they are out of the country or not capable of taking action for themselves. The assignment of power of attorney can grant broad rights or be limited in scope by the terms set by the assignor. The rights could be for the specific handling of a contract or business deal that the assignor cannot be present for.

The assignee typically will hold the rights of power of attorney only for a specified time or particular circumstances. Once the time has expired or the circumstances have been resolved, the assignee would automatically relinquish those rights. It is possible that the terms of power of attorney might allow an assignee to act in their self-interest rather than for the interests of the assignor.

Assignee in an Insurance Policy

In the context of a life insurance policy, interest in a policy can be transferred from the policyholder to a lender or relative by assignment of the policy. In this case, the policyholder is the assignor and the person in whose favor the policy has been assigned is called the assignee.

Assignee in a Contract

When one party to a contract—the assignor—hands off the contract's obligations and benefits to a different party—the assignee—this is known as an assignment of contract. In this situation, the assignee assumes all the rights and responsibilities of the contract from the assignor. All, or a portion, of a letter of credit can be assigned to a third party to pay vendors and suppliers.

Assignee in a Loan

An assignee is a person or a company that buys your loan. For example, an auto dealer that extends credit to individuals may sell their loans to a bank. In this case, the bank is the assignee and the auto dealer is the assignor. If your loan has been sold, you owe money to whoever owns your loan. In the event that responsible parties fail to meet their loan obligations, the assignee has a lien on the vehicle and can repossess it.

Not all assignment contracts are required to be made in writing, but they often are. Assignment contracts may also need to be notarized and witnessed in order to be valid. The assignment of property and collateral for loans must be in writing. Note that not all rights, contracts, or other property are assignable; many contracts, particularly real estate leases and personal service agreements, explicitly prohibit assignment. 

what is assignment in property

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Assignment of Contract

Jump to section, what is an assignment of contract.

An assignment of contract is a legal term that describes the process that occurs when the original party (assignor) transfers their rights and obligations under their contract to a third party (assignee). When an assignment of contract happens, the original party is relieved of their contractual duties, and their role is replaced by the approved incoming party.

How Does Assignment of Contract Work?

An assignment of contract is simpler than you might think.

The process starts with an existing contract party who wishes to transfer their contractual obligations to a new party.

When this occurs, the existing contract party must first confirm that an assignment of contract is permissible under the legally binding agreement . Some contracts prohibit assignments of contract altogether, and some require the other parties of the agreement to agree to the transfer. However, the general rule is that contracts are freely assignable unless there is an explicit provision that says otherwise.

In other cases, some contracts allow an assignment of contract without any formal notification to other contract parties. If this is the case, once the existing contract party decides to reassign his duties, he must create a “Letter of Assignment ” to notify any other contract signers of the change.

The Letter of Assignment must include details about who is to take over the contractual obligations of the exiting party and when the transfer will take place. If the assignment is valid, the assignor is not required to obtain the consent or signature of the other parties to the original contract for the valid assignment to take place.

Check out this article to learn more about how assigning a contract works.

Contract Assignment Examples

Contract assignments are great tools for contract parties to use when they wish to transfer their commitments to a third party. Here are some examples of contract assignments to help you better understand them:

Anna signs a contract with a local trash company that entitles her to have her trash picked up twice a week. A year later, the trash company transferred her contract to a new trash service provider. This contract assignment effectively makes Anna’s contract now with the new service provider.

Hasina enters a contract with a national phone company for cell phone service. The company goes into bankruptcy and needs to close its doors but decides to transfer all current contracts to another provider who agrees to honor the same rates and level of service. The contract assignment is completed, and Hasina now has a contract with the new phone company as a result.

Here is an article where you can find out more about contract assignments.

what is assignment in property

Assignment of Contract in Real Estate

Assignment of contract is also used in real estate to make money without going the well-known routes of buying and flipping houses. When real estate LLC investors use an assignment of contract, they can make money off properties without ever actually buying them by instead opting to transfer real estate contracts .

This process is called real estate wholesaling.

Real Estate Wholesaling

Real estate wholesaling consists of locating deals on houses that you don’t plan to buy but instead plan to enter a contract to reassign the house to another buyer and pocket the profit.

The process is simple: real estate wholesalers negotiate purchase contracts with sellers. Then, they present these contracts to buyers who pay them an assignment fee for transferring the contract.

This process works because a real estate purchase agreement does not come with the obligation to buy a property. Instead, it sets forth certain purchasing parameters that must be fulfilled by the buyer of the property. In a nutshell, whoever signs the purchase contract has the right to buy the property, but those rights can usually be transferred by means of an assignment of contract.

This means that as long as the buyer who’s involved in the assignment of contract agrees with the purchasing terms, they can legally take over the contract.

But how do real estate wholesalers find these properties?

It is easier than you might think. Here are a few examples of ways that wholesalers find cheap houses to turn a profit on:

  • Direct mailers
  • Place newspaper ads
  • Make posts in online forums
  • Social media posts

The key to finding the perfect home for an assignment of contract is to locate sellers that are looking to get rid of their properties quickly. This might be a family who is looking to relocate for a job opportunity or someone who needs to make repairs on a home but can’t afford it. Either way, the quicker the wholesaler can close the deal, the better.

Once a property is located, wholesalers immediately go to work getting the details ironed out about how the sale will work. Transparency is key when it comes to wholesaling. This means that when a wholesaler intends to use an assignment of contract to transfer the rights to another person, they are always upfront about during the preliminary phases of the sale.

In addition to this practice just being good business, it makes sure the process goes as smoothly as possible later down the line. Wholesalers are clear in their intent and make sure buyers know that the contract could be transferred to another buyer before the closing date arrives.

After their offer is accepted and warranties are determined, wholesalers move to complete a title search . Title searches ensure that sellers have the right to enter into a purchase agreement on the property. They do this by searching for any outstanding tax payments, liens , or other roadblocks that could prevent the sale from going through.

Wholesalers also often work with experienced real estate lawyers who ensure that all of the legal paperwork is forthcoming and will stand up in court. Lawyers can also assist in the contract negotiation process if needed but often don’t come in until the final stages.

If the title search comes back clear and the real estate lawyer gives the green light, the wholesaler will immediately move to locate an entity to transfer the rights to buy.

One of the most attractive advantages of real estate wholesaling is that very little money is needed to get started. The process of finding a seller, negotiating a price, and performing a title search is an extremely cheap process that almost anyone can do.

On the other hand, it is not always a positive experience. It can be hard for wholesalers to find sellers who will agree to sell their homes for less than the market value. Even when they do, there is always a chance that the transferred buyer will back out of the sale, which leaves wholesalers obligated to either purchase the property themselves or scramble to find a new person to complete an assignment of contract with.

Learn more about assignment of contract in real estate by checking out this article .

Who Handles Assignment of Contract?

The best person to handle an assignment of contract is an attorney. Since these are detailed legal documents that deal with thousands of dollars, it is never a bad idea to have a professional on your side. If you need help with an assignment of contract or signing a business contract , post a project on ContractsCounsel. There, you can connect with attorneys who know everything there is to know about assignment of contract amendment and can walk you through the whole process.

ContractsCounsel is not a law firm, and this post should not be considered and does not contain legal advice. To ensure the information and advice in this post are correct, sufficient, and appropriate for your situation, please consult a licensed attorney. Also, using or accessing ContractsCounsel's site does not create an attorney-client relationship between you and ContractsCounsel.

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Understanding an assignment and assumption agreement

Need to assign your rights and duties under a contract? Learn more about the basics of an assignment and assumption agreement.

Get your assignment of agreement

what is assignment in property

by   Belle Wong, J.D.

Belle Wong, is a freelance writer specializing in small business, personal finance, banking, and tech/SAAS. She ...


Updated on: November 24, 2023 · 3 min read

The assignment and assumption agreement

The basics of assignment and assumption, filling in the assignment and assumption agreement.

While every business should try its best to meet its contractual obligations, changes in circumstance can happen that could necessitate transferring your rights and duties under a contract to another party who would be better able to meet those obligations.

Person presenting documents to another person who is signing them

If you find yourself in such a situation, and your contract provides for the possibility of assignment, an assignment and assumption agreement can be a good option for preserving your relationship with the party you initially contracted with, while at the same time enabling you to pass on your contractual rights and duties to a third party.

An assignment and assumption agreement is used after a contract is signed, in order to transfer one of the contracting party's rights and obligations to a third party who was not originally a party to the contract. The party making the assignment is called the assignor, while the third party accepting the assignment is known as the assignee.

In order for an assignment and assumption agreement to be valid, the following criteria need to be met:

  • The initial contract must provide for the possibility of assignment by one of the initial contracting parties.
  • The assignor must agree to assign their rights and duties under the contract to the assignee.
  • The assignee must agree to accept, or "assume," those contractual rights and duties.
  • The other party to the initial contract must consent to the transfer of rights and obligations to the assignee.

A standard assignment and assumption contract is often a good starting point if you need to enter into an assignment and assumption agreement. However, for more complex situations, such as an assignment and amendment agreement in which several of the initial contract terms will be modified, or where only some, but not all, rights and duties will be assigned, it's a good idea to retain the services of an attorney who can help you draft an agreement that will meet all your needs.

When you're ready to enter into an assignment and assumption agreement, it's a good idea to have a firm grasp of the basics of assignment:

  • First, carefully read and understand the assignment and assumption provision in the initial contract. Contracts vary widely in their language on this topic, and each contract will have specific criteria that must be met in order for a valid assignment of rights to take place.
  • All parties to the agreement should carefully review the document to make sure they each know what they're agreeing to, and to help ensure that all important terms and conditions have been addressed in the agreement.
  • Until the agreement is signed by all the parties involved, the assignor will still be obligated for all responsibilities stated in the initial contract. If you are the assignor, you need to ensure that you continue with business as usual until the assignment and assumption agreement has been properly executed.

Unless you're dealing with a complex assignment situation, working with a template often is a good way to begin drafting an assignment and assumption agreement that will meet your needs. Generally speaking, your agreement should include the following information:

  • Identification of the existing agreement, including details such as the date it was signed and the parties involved, and the parties' rights to assign under this initial agreement
  • The effective date of the assignment and assumption agreement
  • Identification of the party making the assignment (the assignor), and a statement of their desire to assign their rights under the initial contract
  • Identification of the third party accepting the assignment (the assignee), and a statement of their acceptance of the assignment
  • Identification of the other initial party to the contract, and a statement of their consent to the assignment and assumption agreement
  • A section stating that the initial contract is continued; meaning, that, other than the change to the parties involved, all terms and conditions in the original contract stay the same

In addition to these sections that are specific to an assignment and assumption agreement, your contract should also include standard contract language, such as clauses about indemnification, future amendments, and governing law.

Sometimes circumstances change, and as a business owner you may find yourself needing to assign your rights and duties under a contract to another party. A properly drafted assignment and assumption agreement can help you make the transfer smoothly while, at the same time, preserving the cordiality of your initial business relationship under the original contract.

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Assignment of a Purchase and Sale Agreement for a New House or Condominium Unit

From: Canada Revenue Agency

Effective May 7, 2022, all assignment sales in respect of newly constructed or substantially renovated residential housing are taxable for GST/HST purposes. This publication will be updated to reflect this legislative change. For more information about the legislative amendment, refer to  GST/HST Notice 323, Proposed GST/HST Treatment of Assignment Sales .

GST/HST Info Sheet GI-120 July 2011

This info sheet explains how the GST/HST applies to the assignment of a purchase and sale agreement for the construction and sale of a new house.

The term "new house" used in this info sheet refers to a newly constructed or substantially renovated house or condominium unit. A house that has been substantially renovated is generally given the same treatment under the GST/HST as a newly constructed house. Extensive modifications must be made to a previously occupied house in order to meet the definition of a "substantial renovation" for GST/HST purposes. For a full explanation of the factors to consider in deciding if a substantial renovation has taken place, refer to GST/HST Technical Information Bulletin B-092, Substantial Renovations and the GST/HST New Housing Rebate .

In this publication, a house includes a single unit house, a semi detached house, a duplex, a rowhouse unit and a residential condominium unit (condo unit), but does not include a mobile home or floating home.

Where a person enters into a purchase and sale agreement with a builder for the construction and sale of a new house, the person may be entitled to assign their rights and obligations under the agreement to another person (an assignee). Generally, the result of the assignment is that the purchase and sale agreement is then between the builder and the assignee.

This publication addresses the situation where

  • a purchaser (referred to as the first purchaser) enters into a purchase and sale agreement with a builder (Builder A) for the construction and sale of a new house, and
  • the first purchaser subsequently assigns the agreement to an assignee (referred to as the assignee purchaser) before Builder A transfers possession or ownership of the house to the first purchaser and before any individual has occupied the house as a place of residence or lodging.

Generally, upon entering into an agreement for the construction and sale of a new house, the first purchaser is considered to have acquired an interest in the house. For GST/HST purposes, the assignment of the agreement to the assignee purchaser is normally considered to be a sale of the first purchaser's interest in the new house. The sale of an interest in a new house is generally taxable where the person selling the interest is a builder of the house.

For GST/HST purposes, the term "builder" is specifically defined and is not limited to a person who physically constructs a house. There are several instances in which an individual or other person is a builder for GST/HST purposes. For more information on persons who are included in the definition of "builder", refer to GST/HST Memorandum 19.2, Residential Real Property .

This info sheet addresses only whether a person is a builder as described in the following paragraph.

Primary purpose: selling the house or an interest in the house or leasing the house in certain circumstances

A builder includes a person who acquires an interest in a new house before it has been occupied by an individual as a place of residence or lodging for the primary purpose of selling the house or an interest in the house or leasing the house, other than to an individual who is acquiring the house otherwise than in the course of a business or adventure or concern in the nature of trade. When that person is an individual, the individual must acquire the interest in the course of a business or an adventure or concern in the nature of trade in order to be a builder described by this paragraph.

Even if a person is not a builder as described in the preceding paragraph, the person may be a builder based on one of the other definitions of the term as described in GST/HST Memorandum 19.2.

Assignment of a purchase and sale agreement by a person other than an individual

Where a person other than an individual (e.g., a corporation) is a builder as described in the section "Primary purpose: selling the house or an interest in the house or leasing the house in certain circumstances" and the person assigns a purchase and sale agreement for a new house, the person's sale of the interest in the house is subject to the GST/HST whether the sale takes place in the course of a business, an adventure or concern in the nature of trade, or otherwise.

Assignment of a purchase and sale agreement by an individual

If an individual enters into a purchase and sale agreement for one of the primary purposes described in the section "Primary purpose: selling the house or an interest in the house or leasing the house in certain circumstances", the sale of the interest in the house (or the house itself) is normally considered to be made in the course of an adventure or concern in the nature of trade or, depending on all of the surrounding circumstances, in the course of a business. If it is established that an individual is selling an interest in a new house in the course of a business or adventure or concern in the nature of trade, the individual is considered to have entered into the purchase and sale agreement for the primary purpose of selling the house or an interest in the house.

Whether the activity of acquiring an interest in a house, as a result of entering into a purchase and sale agreement, is done in the course of a business or an adventure or concern in the nature of trade is a question of fact. For more information on how to determine whether an activity is done in the course of a business or an adventure or concern in the nature of trade, refer to Appendix C of GST/HST Memorandum 19.5, Land and Associated Real Property .

Factors in determining the primary purpose

All of the relevant factors surrounding entering into a purchase and sale agreement should be considered in determining the primary purpose for a person's acquisition of an interest in a new house.

The following factors may indicate that, for GST/HST purposes, a person entered into a purchase and sale agreement for the primary purpose of selling an interest in the new house or the house itself. The factors are not listed in any particular order and there is no intent to weigh one more heavily than another.

  • The person offers to sell their interest in the house or takes other actions to attract buyers before, or while, the house is under construction.
  • The person finances the purchase of the house by a short-term mortgage, or an open mortgage that can be paid off without penalty, rather than by a long-term or closed mortgage.
  • Financing of the house is beyond the person's means and that person is relying on the increased value and saleability of the house, or an interest in the house, in a rising housing market.
  • The person is an individual and their stated intention to occupy the house as a place of residence is not supported by the circumstances of the case. For example, an individual has a family of four and enters into a purchase and sale agreement for a one-bedroom condo unit where they are not contemplating any changes in family circumstances.
  • The person's pattern of activity is such that their occupancy of the house does not have the qualities or characteristics of being permanent. For example, the person purchases more than one house at or around the same time. This factor may be given extra weight where the person has previously entered into a purchase and sale agreement for purposes of selling the house or an interest in the house. There are no outward indicators to support a contrary primary intention (i.e., an intention contrary to an intention of resale). For example, an individual is selling a condo unit, one or more of the above factors are present, there are no physical actions or evidence that the individual's primary intention was to live in the condo unit, use it as a vacation home, or rent it to another individual for use as their place of residence, and no evidence that the sale of the condo unit was triggered by some unforeseen event.

In order for the acquisition of an interest in a new house to be for one of the primary purposes described in the section "Primary purpose: selling the house or an interest in the house or leasing the house in certain circumstances", the intention to sell the house or an interest in it, or to lease the house in the manner described in that section, must have existed at the time of acquiring the interest. Nonetheless, the intention at the time of acquisition may be demonstrated over a period of time.

If an individual acquired an interest in the house for the primary purpose of using it as a place of residence, the person is not considered to be a builder of the type described in this info sheet even if, at a later point in time, the person sells the house or an interest in the house. However, the person may still be a builder if the person meets one of the other definitions of that term as described in GST/HST Memorandum 19.2.

The following examples illustrate when a person may or may not be a builder of a new house.

Sarah, Francine, and Angela are roommates renting a three-bedroom house. They entered into a purchase and sale agreement with a builder in January 2010 for a one-bedroom condo unit in a new condominium complex that was to be built. The purchase price under the agreement was $300,000 and the closing date was July 31, 2013.

In March 2011, the fair market value of the new condo unit had increased by 50%. They entertained several offers for the sale of their interest in the condo unit before assigning it to James. No individual had occupied the condo unit as a place of residence or lodging when they sold their interest in the unit. They split the proceeds, which they each used as a down payment to buy their own homes.

As it would not be practical for the three individuals to live in the condo unit together, they considered several offers for their interest in the unit, and there are no indicators to support a contrary intention, Sarah, Francine and Angela are considered to have acquired their interest in the condo unit for the primary purpose of selling the unit or an interest in it. The sale is considered to be made in the course of a business or adventure or concern in the nature of trade. Accordingly, Sarah, Francine, and Angela are all builders of the condo unit for GST/HST purposes. As they are builders of the unit and the sale of their interest in the unit is not exempt, GST/HST applies to the sale of each of their interests.

Pascal and Chantal own a four-bedroom house where they live with their three children. This is the only home they have ever owned and lived in. They have never purchased any other real property.

In June 2009, they entered into a purchase and sale agreement with a builder for a 1-bedroom condo unit in a new high-rise condominium complex that was to be built. The purchase price under the agreement was $275,000 and the closing date was June 30, 2010. In May 2010, they sold their interest in the new condo unit for $400,000 before it had been occupied by any individual as a place of residence or lodging. They used the sale proceeds to build an addition to their current home.

Although Pascal and Chantal have no history of buying and selling real property, it would not be practical for their family of five to occupy the condo unit as their place of residence. Lacking evidence to support a contrary intention, their primary purpose in acquiring the interest in the condo unit is considered to be for the purpose of selling the condo unit or an interest in it in the course of a business or an adventure or concern in the nature of trade. Accordingly, they are builders of the new condo unit for GST/HST purposes. As the sale of their interest in the unit is not exempt, GST/HST applies to the sale of their interest.

Eric and Gina owned a 3-bedroom house where they lived with their 3 children. They entered into a purchase and sale agreement with a builder in October 2010 to purchase a new 4-bedroom house that was to be built. They intended to use the new house as their primary place of residence as it was located much closer to the children's school and to Eric and Gina's workplaces and had more space. The closing date is July 31, 2011.

Eric and Gina sold their current home in January 2011 and moved into a rented home they planned to live in until their new house was ready. However, in June 2011, Gina's mother became ill and moved in with them as she was no longer able to live on her own.

Eric and Gina decided that the new house would no longer be large enough and that they would now need a house with a granny suite. They sold their interest in the new 4-bedroom house so that they could buy a bigger home that would suit their changed needs.

Eric and Gina's sale of their original home and temporary move to a rented house during the construction of the new home and their choice to purchase a home located closer to school and work support that their intention in acquiring the interest in the new house was to use the house as their primary place of residence. Given this, and the fact that their only reason for selling the interest was due to a change in personal circumstance (i.e., the new house would no longer accommodate their family's needs), they are not considered to have acquired the interest in the house for the primary purpose of selling it. Accordingly, they are not builders of the new house for GST/HST purposes and the sale of their interest in the house is exempt.

Cindy entered into a purchase and sale agreement with a builder in November 2010 for a new house that was to be built. She intended to use the house as her primary place of residence. Her new home would be located within walking distance from her workplace and would be closer to her family than the apartment she is currently renting. The closing date for the purchase is September 30, 2011.

In July 2011, Cindy's employer announced that it was relocating to another city located three hours away. To keep her current job, Cindy had to move to that city. She sold her interest in the house to John.

Since Cindy had intended to use the house as her primary place of residence and her only reason for selling her interest in the house was due to work relocation, she did not acquire the interest in the house for the primary purpose of selling it. Therefore she is not a builder of the house for GST/HST purposes and the sale of her interest in the house is exempt.

Assignment fees

The consideration charged for the sale of an interest in a house generally includes amounts that a person paid to a builder (e.g., a deposit) and that the person wants to recover when assigning their interest in the house. The sale price for the interest may also include a profit, i.e., an amount over and above amounts the person had paid to the builder. If a person's sale of their interest to an assignee purchaser is taxable, the total amount payable for the sale of the interest is subject to GST/HST, including any amount the person paid as a deposit to the builder, whether or not such an amount is separately identified.

A first purchaser enters into a purchase and sale agreement for a new house with a builder (Builder A) and pays a deposit of $10,000 at that time. The first purchaser does not make any further payments to Builder A. The first purchaser subsequently assigns the agreement to an assignee purchaser for $15,000. If the sale of the interest in the house from the first purchaser to the assignee purchaser is subject to GST/HST, tax applies to the full $15,000. This is the case even if the assignment agreement identifies that the $10,000 is a recovery of the deposit that the first purchaser paid to Builder A.

The assignment of a purchase and sale agreement for a new house may be subject to the approval of the builder with whom the first purchaser originally entered into the agreement to construct and sell the new house. The agreement may list conditions related to the first purchaser's right to assign the agreement to an assignee purchaser and, in many cases, the builder charges a fee to the first purchaser for the assignment of the agreement to another person.

The fee charged by the builder in such circumstances is generally subject to the GST/HST.

Eligibility for a GST/HST new housing rebate and provincial new housing rebate (where applicable) where a purchase and sale agreement is assigned

The GST/HST new housing rebate, and where applicable, a provincial new housing rebate, may be available for a new house purchased from a builder and for owner-built new housing. Guide RC4028, GST/HST New Housing Rebate , sets out the eligibility criteria for both types of GST/HST new housing rebates and provincial new housing rebates.

If the first purchaser (the assignor) makes a taxable sale of an interest in a house, i.e., the first purchaser is a builder and assigns the purchase and sale agreement to an assignee purchaser, the first purchaser would not be eligible for either a GST/HST new housing rebate or provincial new housing rebate as they did not acquire the house for use as their primary place of residence. Even if the sale of the interest in the house by the first purchaser is not subject to GST/HST (i.e., in situations where the first purchaser is not a builder of the house), the first purchaser would generally not be eligible for either a GST/HST new housing rebate or a provincial new housing rebate as the conditions for claiming the rebates are not met (e.g., ownership of the house would not transfer to the first purchaser, but to the assignee purchaser).

The assignee purchaser, if an individual, may be eligible for a GST/HST new housing rebate, and where applicable a provincial new housing rebate, where the assignee purchaser receives an assignment of a purchase and sale agreement for a new house. The assignee purchaser would have to meet the eligibility conditions for the rebates as set out in Guide RC4028.

Where a purchase and sale agreement for a new house is assigned, there may be two builders of the house – the original builder (Builder A) and the first purchaser (the assignor). If that is the case, an assignee purchaser would generally have to pay the GST/HST to Builder A for the purchase of the new house and to the first purchaser for the purchase of the interest in the new house.

Claiming a GST/HST new housing rebate when there is more than one builder

In some cases, the builder of a new house pays or credits the amount of the GST/HST new housing rebate, and where applicable, a provincial new housing rebate, to the purchaser of the house. In this case, the builder credits the amount of the new housing rebates to the purchaser by reducing the total amount payable for the purchase of the house by the amount of the expected rebates.

Where this happens, the purchaser and the builder have to sign Form GST190, GST/HST New Housing Rebate Application for Houses Purchased from a Builder , and the builder has to send the form to the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). As the purchaser receives the amount of the rebate from the builder, the builder may claim the amount as a credit against its net tax when it files its GST/HST return.

Only one new housing rebate application can be made for each new house. Therefore, an assignee purchaser cannot submit a rebate application through a builder (Builder A) for the tax paid to Builder A on the purchase of the house and submit a second rebate application through the first purchaser (the assignor), or directly to the CRA, for the tax paid to the first purchaser on the purchase of the interest in the house.

In such cases, the assignee purchaser may want to file their new housing rebate application directly with the CRA rather than through Builder A. In this way, the assignee purchaser can include in the new housing rebate application the tax paid to Builder A and the tax paid to the assignor in determining the amount of their GST/HST new housing rebate and, where applicable, a provincial new housing rebate.

This info sheet does not replace the law found in the Excise Tax Act (the Act) and its regulations. It is provided for your reference. As it may not completely address your particular operation, you may wish to refer to the Act or appropriate regulation, or contact any CRA GST/HST rulings office for additional information. A ruling should be requested for certainty in respect of any particular GST/HST matter. Pamphlet RC4405, GST/HST Rulings – Experts in GST/HST Legislation explains how to obtain a ruling and lists the GST/HST rulings offices. If you wish to make a technical enquiry on the GST/HST by telephone, please call 1-800-959-8287.

Reference in this publication is made to supplies that are subject to the GST or the HST. The HST applies in the participating provinces at the following rates: 13% in Ontario, New Brunswick and Newfoundland and Labrador, 15% in Nova Scotia, and 12% in British Columbia. The GST applies in the rest of Canada at the rate of 5%. If you are uncertain as to whether a supply is made in a participating province, you may refer to GST/HST Technical Information Bulletin B-103, Harmonized Sales Tax – Place of Supply Rules for Determining Whether a Supply is Made in a Province .

If you are located in Quebec and wish to make a technical enquiry or request a ruling related to the GST/HST, please contact Revenu Québec at 1-800-567-4692. You may also visit the Revenu Québec Web site to obtain general information.

All technical publications related to GST/HST are available on the CRA Web site at .

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WFTS - Tampa, Florida

Hurricane season assignment: Figure out what's covered by your property insurance policies

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Idalia’s storm surge flooded Linda and Dan Edgington's entire home. The couple describes their losses as devastating. But they say dealing with the damage was just the beginning.

The Edgingtons figured their belongings would be covered by their flood and homeowner policies. They were wrong. Hurricanes may cause floods, but property insurance doesn't cover anything related to rising water.

The couple's flood policy did not include content coverage, so they spent their savings refurnishing the home.

Karyn Seibert, owner of the Seibert Insurance Agency in Tampa, said your homeowner's policy covers wind and water damage that comes from above, like roof leaks. She's reminding all her clients that now is the time to figure out their policy's limits.

Also, conduct a home inventory and take pictures of your possessions, including furniture, clothing, and electronics. That way, if these items are destroyed, you can prove what you once owned and include that in your insurance claim.

And if you ever need to evacuate, take your insurance policy with you or download your insurance company’s app. You may have to start the claims process before you return.

The declaration page includes just about everything you need to know. It includes the amount of coverage you have for the structure and contents and your hurricane deductible, which is always a percentage of the amount of insurance you have on your home.

So if you have a 2% hurricane deductible and your home is insured for $300,000, that means you have a $6,000 hurricane deductible. Don't forget to check your current coverage for what is outside your home, like pool cages and solar panels. Many policies don't automatically include those.  

If your vehicle is damaged, check your auto policy. Comprehensive coverage will pay for storm damage from things like fallen trees and floods. Policyholders may fare better if a storm strikes this season. A newer state law mandates property insurers:

  • Must respond to your claim within seven days.
  • Have 30 days to inspect the property.
  • And within 60 days, be in the process of getting the policyholder a check or a denial.

If you encounter trouble with your homeowner’s claim, you can contact the State Department of Financial Services for mediation.

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What is the Best Assignment Writing Service in the UK?

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Assignment writing service is the most sought-after writing assistance in the UK. While pursuing higher courses, students must deal with different assignments. These academic assignments come with guidelines and timelines. Due to indulgence in extracurricular activities and part-time jobs, many struggle to cope with assignments within the deadline. These problems insist them on availing the best writing assistance – Assignment Help UK . It is considered to be the no.1 and leading online writing helper across the United Kingdom. 

How is Assignment Help UK Considered the Best in the UK?

There are several reasons why UK students rely upon this service. This assistance is advantageous in every aspect. Students opt for this assistance to overcome their assignment writing hurdles. They get help from experts in writing each type of academic paper whatever they want to get written. The availability of a brilliant pool of assignment writers make sure that the service users get the most effective, advantageous, and satisfactory service. Additionally, a few of the reasons are pointed out below:

  • Prompt and Hassle-Free Support :  

This service offers prompt and hassle-free assistance to their users for convenience. Everyone can get instant assignment answers from experts by telling them their requirements with the assignment. For the betterment of students, they are available round-the-clock. 

  • Relieving Anxiety and Stress : 

Assignments at university gradually become anxiety and stress for students. Usually, university assignments are highly research-related tasks, so they go for thorough research to gather information. This requires an ample amount of time. However, because of lacking time and struggling to craft papers, they feel anxiety and want experts’ assistance. Hence, experts help students relieve stress related to assignment writing. 

  • Well-Crafted and Impeccable Papers : 

Assignment writers always offer well-written papers carrying significant information on the subject matter, which benefits students. They always provide absolute solutions to every assignment problem with precision. To provide impeccable and plagiarism-free papers, they review the crafted papers and fix mistakes if have any by proofreading and editing process. 

  • Adherence to The Guidelines : 

Experts always follow the instructed guidelines to maintain academic integrity. They have expertise in this field, so they are well acquainted with university guidelines. They always prepare academic papers keeping the instructed guidelines in mind. This is why students always get 100% original, and reliable assistance by opting for this service in the UK. 

  • Boosting Academic Performance : 

Getting assignments crafted by experts always results in A+ academic grades. Assignments play an important role in achieving distinction grades, that’s the reason every student wants to complete their academic papers brilliantly. Thus, if they get their assignments done excellently by writers and on time, they definitely succeed in boosting their academic performance. The experts dedicatedly go through all the processes to formatting papers nicely. 

  • Service at Reasonable Price : 

This service is designed to benefit all struggling students across the UK. This is why this Assignment Help Company ‘No1AssignmentHelp.Co.UK’ is available for them at an affordable rate. It comes under everyone’s budget without putting much strain on the pocket.

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  2. 10 Things To Know About Assignment Sales in Real Estate

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  3. Assignment of Contract In Real Estate Made Simple

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  5. Assignment Law: Everything You Need to Know

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  6. What's the difference between a mortgage assignment and an ...

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  7. A Guide to Assignment of Contract in Real Estate

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  8. Deed of Assignment

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  10. Assignment (law)

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  11. Real Estate Assignment of Contract Explained

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  12. assignment

    assignment. Assignment is a legal term whereby an individual, the "assignor," transfers rights, property, or other benefits to another known as the " assignee .". This concept is used in both contract and property law. The term can refer to either the act of transfer or the rights /property/benefits being transferred.

  13. Difference Between Assignment and Transfer

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  14. assign

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  15. Assignments: The Basic Law

    Ordinarily, the term assignment is limited to the transfer of rights that are intangible, like contractual rights and rights connected with property. Merchants Service Co. v. Small Claims Court, 35 Cal. 2d 109, 113-114 (Cal. 1950). An assignment will generally be permitted under the law unless there is an express prohibition against assignment ...

  16. Small Estates: How Does Assignment of Property Work?

    Assignment of Property. Distributing the Property. When a person dies, they are called a decedent. A decedent leaves property behind. That property needs to be passed on to those who will inherit it. If a person has a small estate, then a shortened process, called assignment of property, can be used instead of the probate administration process.

  17. Assignee: What it is, How it Works, Types

    Assignee: A person, company or entity who receives the transfer of property, title or rights from a contract. The assignee receives the transfer from the assignor. For example, an assignee may ...

  18. What Is An Assignment Of Contract In Real Estate?

    The assignment of contract is a straightforward method where an investor transfers their rights in a property contract to a buyer, profiting from the difference between their purchase price and the selling price. Essentially, this process involves securing a property under contract and then assigning that contract to an end buyer.

  19. Assignment of Lease: Definition & How They Work (2023)

    The assignment of lease is a title document that transfers all rights possessed by a lessee or tenant to a property to another party. The assignee takes the assignor's place in the landlord-tenant relationship. You can view an example of a lease assignment here .

  20. Assignment of Contract: What Is It? How It Works

    An assignment of contract is a legal term that describes the process that occurs when the original party (assignor) transfers their rights and obligations under their contract to a third party (assignee). When an assignment of contract happens, the original party is relieved of their contractual duties, and their role is replaced by the ...

  21. Understanding an assignment and assumption agreement

    An assignment and assumption agreement is used after a contract is signed, in order to transfer one of the contracting party's rights and obligations to a third party who was not originally a party to the contract. The party making the assignment is called the assignor, while the third party accepting the assignment is known as the assignee.

  22. Assignment of a Purchase and Sale Agreement for a New House or

    Generally, the result of the assignment is that the purchase and sale agreement is then between the builder and the assignee. This publication addresses the situation where. a purchaser (referred to as the first purchaser) enters into a purchase and sale agreement with a builder (Builder A) for the construction and sale of a new house, and.

  23. Hurricane season assignment: Figure out what's covered by your property

    It includes the amount of coverage you have for the structure and contents and your hurricane deductible, which is always a percentage of the amount of insurance you have on your home. So if you ...

  24. What is the Best Assignment Writing Service in the UK?

    Service at Reasonable Price: This service is designed to benefit all struggling students across the UK. This is why this Assignment Help Company 'No1AssignmentHelp.Co.UK' is available for them ...