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World Vision Core Values Essay

World Vision Core Values Job Application Essay.

World vision core values [6 core values listed on our website]

Mission statement essay sample.

I. My Mission Statement A: Overall Statement of My Life’s Mission

My ultimate goal in life is to be a person known for their honesty, sincerity, kindness, trustworthiness, modesty, and responsibility. I also strive to be a dedicated wife, mother, daughter, sister, employee, friend, and teacher. I aim to live each day with purpose and gratitude, treating everyone with kindness and equality, and helping those in need. I want to make the most of my time and not look back with regrets. In terms of my career, I desire a job that provides financial independence, positive evaluations from colleagues and employers, and a sense of accomplishment. I hope to be able to financially support my family and provide a nurturing environment for my children. Additionally, I aspire to have a comfortable home in a desirable location, where my kids can play in the garden and where my family can afford to travel domestically and internationally during holidays.

B: My Guide

I will live by the values and principles I hold dear, including truth, kindness, righteousness, and modesty, and always strive for them in my life. I understand that opportunities may come unexpectedly, so I am prepared at all times. I believe that nothing comes for free, and hard work and dedication are necessary to achieve my goals. Instead of complaining, I see challenges as opportunities to strengthen my mind and handle unexpected events with calmness. I will lead an active and optimistic life, and share positivity with others. I will not prioritize money above all else, as actions that are immoral or unethical will not bring lasting satisfaction, and can lead to feelings of guilt. I will always consider the consequences of my actions and how they may impact others before making any decisions.

world vision core values

Useful Tips

As a future employee of World Vision, it is essential to understand and align with the organization’s core values in order to effectively support their mission. The core values of World Vision are: Child well-being, fostering a culture of partnership, working with integrity and accountability, and valuing diversity. Supporting these values as an employee is crucial for the success of the organization, and for the well-being of the children, families and communities served by World Vision.

Child well-being is the first core value of World Vision, and as a future employee, it is essential to prioritize the needs and rights of children in all of your work. This means understanding the unique challenges and vulnerabilities that children face in poverty and ensuring that their voices are heard and their well-being is protected. One way to support this value is by actively seeking out and incorporating the perspectives of children in your work, whether through community consultations or focus groups. Additionally, it is important to stay informed about the latest research on child well-being and to use this knowledge to inform your work. By making child well-being a priority, you can help ensure that the programs and services provided by World Vision are effective in improving the lives of children.

Fostering a culture of partnership is the second core value of World Vision. As a future employee, it is important to actively seek out and build relationships with partners, including other NGOs, government agencies, and community-based organizations. By working together, we can achieve greater impact and create lasting change. This means being open to learning from other organizations, sharing knowledge, and collaborating on projects. Additionally, it is important to build trust and respect with partners, and to be willing to compromise and find creative solutions to challenges. By fostering a culture of partnership, you can help ensure that the work of World Vision is sustainable and effective.

Integrity and accountability is the third core value of World Vision. As a future employee, it is important to always act with integrity and transparency in your work. This means being honest and transparent in your communication, taking responsibility for your actions, and following through on commitments. Additionally, it is important to hold yourself and others accountable for the work that we do, ensuring that our actions align with our values and mission. By working with integrity and accountability, you can help ensure that the programs and services provided by World Vision are effective and that the organization’s reputation is protected.

Valuing diversity is the fourth core value of World Vision. As a future employee, it is important to recognize and respect the diversity of the communities and individuals we serve. This means understanding and valuing different cultures, perspectives, and ways of life. It also means creating a safe and inclusive work environment for all employees, regardless of their background. One way to support this value is by actively seeking out and incorporating diverse perspectives in your work, and promoting inclusivity in all of your interactions and decision-making processes. Additionally, it is important to stay informed about current issues related to diversity and inclusion and to use this knowledge to inform your work. By valuing diversity, you can help ensure that the programs and services provided by World Vision are inclusive and effective in reaching all members of the communities we serve.

In conclusion, as a future employee of World Vision, it is essential to understand and align with the organization’s core values. By prioritizing child well-being, fostering a culture of partnership, working with integrity and accountability, and valuing diversity and inclusion, we can effectively support World Vision’s mission and create lasting change for children and communities living in poverty. It is important to remember that these values are not only applicable to the work that we do but also to the way we interact with our colleagues, partners and the communities we serve.

Related Application Questions

Wvi s ummer 2016 i nternships p re -s creen q uestionnaire.

World Vision is a Christian relief, development and advocacy organisation dedicated to working with children, families and communities to overcome poverty and injustice.

Thank you for your interest in the Internship Programmes at World Vision International. We have reviewed your application and now would like to find out a little more about you. Please complete this prescreen questionnaire and return it via email by the time/date indicated on the email correspondence . When you’ve completed the questionnaire, please save and return as a PDF .

I nclude your first initial and last name in the document name (i.e. J. Smith – Spring 2016 Internships Prescreen Questionnaire.pdf).

If your questionnaire has not been received by the deadline, we will assume that you are no longer interested in being considered for the Summer 2016 Internship cohort.

Note: Due to the high volume of applicants and interest in our Internship Programmes, we cannot reply to personal inquiries. Those candidates who are considered best qualified will be contacted to move forward in the hiring process.


How has your previous work experience and/or education prepared you for an internship with World Vision International? Why are you interested the internship(s) for which you are applying? (Limit 250 words)

I have spent the last 5 years working as a lifeguard, which may seem unrelated to this job, but it has taught me valuable skills. Through my time as a lifeguard, I have gained experience in running a business, customer service, and leadership. Additionally, I have had meaningful spiritual conversations with my co-workers and customers while sharing my mission work and the God I serve. I also used my swim lesson business to raise money for an orphanage in the Dominican Republic and it has created opportunities for people to ask questions about my cause.

WVI Spring 2016 Internship Programme Pre-screen Questionnaire


Tell us about an experience you’ve had working in a different culture from your own or with people from different cultures and how you adjusted. (Limit 200 words)

I have visited the Dominican Republic four times and have developed a deep love for the country and its people. Initially, I was worried about adjusting to the poverty I would encounter, but I felt called to love the people there. When I am passionate about something, I give it my all, and I knew that I wanted to do everything I could to help the people I met, whether it was offering a smile, a hug or a cookie to a child. I knew that Christ had called me to focus my efforts on these people, and this knowledge helped me immensely during my trips.


As a child focused organisation, World Vision is committed to the protection of children and does not employ staff whose background is not suitable for working with children. It is important that each potential staff member understands the importance of these issues and is open to further training and guidance on our child protection policies and measures.

What experience have you had dealing with children: personally/professionally? What would you do if you were concerned about someone else’s behavior towards children? 

I have a lot of experience working with children. My first job was as a babysitter, and I regularly cared for a family in my neighborhood. My next job was as a lifeguard, where I interacted with people all day, including children. I have also taught swim lessons for several years to children of all ages, including those with mental disabilities, and I coached a special needs swim team for two years. I worked in the nursery at my church for three years and have volunteered with organizations such as Feed The Children and VBS in the US and the Dominican Republic. I also worked as a camp counselor last summer at two FCA camps, one for middle school girls and the other for high school girls. In one instance, a middle school girl confided in me that she had been sexually and physically abused by someone in her family. I knew it was important to contact the authorities and make sure that the appropriate legal steps were taken to help the child. In situations like this, my first priority is always the well-being of the child and making sure that they are safe and receiving the proper care, while trying to minimize any additional negative impact on their life.


World Vision International has 6 core values that are listed on our website (http://www.wvi.org/vision-and-values-0). Please indicate your acknowledgment of these values and if you believe you could support them as an intern at World Vision


                              Yes                   No                     If no, please explain.

Please share how you have demonstrated a few of these core values in the past (please include a specific example regarding your Christian faith aligning with our value “We are Christian”)? Limit 200 words.

I am deeply passionate about serving God and doing missions, as I believe that it is through Christ’s sacrifice on the cross that I am able to feel so much love and want to pour it out onto others. I have a special connection to a girls orphanage in the Dominican Republic, as I believe that James 1:26 calls me to help children and women specifically. The core belief of valuing people resonates with me, as I have experienced being bullied and not feeling valued in the past. However, it is through these experiences that I have grown in my faith and I never want anyone to feel the way I did. I believe that understanding one’s identity in Christ is crucial in understanding one’s self-worth and value.

I believe that it is important to always put the needs and well-being of others first, especially when it comes to children and those who may be vulnerable. This is why I have dedicated so much of my time and energy to working with children in various capacities, such as being a babysitter, lifeguard, swim instructor, and volunteer in various organizations. I have also had the opportunity to work with children who have special needs and have seen firsthand the positive impact that love and care can have on them.

I have also had the experience of dealing with situations where children have been mistreated, such as the case of the middle school girl at the camp who revealed to me that she had been sexually and physically abused by someone in her family. In these situations, I believe it is important to take immediate action and contact the authorities, as they have the proper training and resources to handle such cases. Additionally, it is important to approach the situation with sensitivity and care for the child’s well-being, and to do what is best for them without causing further harm.

Overall, my experiences have reinforced my belief in the importance of valuing people, especially children, and treating them with the love and respect they deserve.


Describe a stressful work experience that you have experienced and how you responded. How did you manage in this circumstance? What techniques did you use in this situation? Limit 200 words.

I work as a lifeguard at a privately owned pool during the summer, and due to the lack of regulation, my boss is able to neglect the needs of the lifeguards. Despite this, I have had meaningful conversations with patrons and enjoy the job. However, my boss has been confrontational and has been known to be drunk on the job. I felt tempted to quit on the spot, but I was convicted by my lack of prayer for him. I began to pray for him and show him kindness by going above and beyond my job duties. As a result, he began to show more respect towards us as workers and even began to ask me questions about my church and why I go on mission trips. In stressful situations, it is important for me to rely on my faith and seek guidance from other Christians, rather than giving in to my negative emotions.


World Vision’s “Employment of Relatives” policy has restrictions on employing relatives of staff.  For example, relatives are not able to work in the same department and/or report to the same manager in a direct or indirect reporting relationship.  Considering this, do you currently have a similar relationship in World Vision that would cause a conflict if you were employed in the position for which you are applying? ( please highlight response )

                              Yes                   No                     If yes, please explain


World Vision International has employment opportunities in a number of countries around the world.  Where do you have the legal right to work? United States

If you are neither a U.S. citizen nor legal resident, please explain your immigration status.


Do you understand that interns at World Vision International receive a $750 per month stipend and must work a minimum of 24 hours/week?

                              Yes                   No

Do you acknowledge that the WVI Summer 2016 Internships begin on May 16, 2016? (Please note: we are unable to accommodate interns starting early)

Please provide any previously scheduled commitments with dates occurring between May 16 – Aug 12, 2016 that would require you to be out of the office. (Please note we may not be able to accommodate interns who are unavailable for more than one business week during this period due to the limited duration of the experience).

I have no commitments this summer

Please provide your anticipated availability during the work week below. Our normal business hours are Monday through Friday (8AM-5PM). Please be as specific as possible with your anticipated schedule next spring.

Any of those hours work for me I have no schedule commitments

Please indicate your top preferences for internship positions you would like to be considered for below (up to 3):

  • Accounting/ Finance
  • Communication/ Marketing
  • Humanitarian and emergency affairs

9.  Next Steps

After reviewing your pre-screen questionnaire, you may be invited to an initial Skype video interview with our Internship Coordinator to further discuss your qualifications and interests. Your submission of the PSQ does not guarantee an initial interview.


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Essays About Values: 5 Essay Examples Plus 10 Prompts

Similar to how our values guide us, let this guide with essays about values and writing prompts help you write your essay.

Values are the core principles that guide the actions we take and the choices we make. They are the cornerstones of our identity. On a community or organizational level, values are the moral code that every member must embrace to live harmoniously and work together towards shared goals. 

We acquire our values from different sources such as parents, mentors, friends, cultures, and experiences. All of these build on one another — some rejected as we see fit — for us to form our perception of our values and what will lead us to a happy and fulfilled life.

5 Essay Examples

1. what today’s classrooms can learn from ancient cultures by linda flanagan, 2. stand out to your hiring panel with a personal value statement by maggie wooll, 3. make your values mean something by patrick m. lencioni, 4. how greed outstripped need by beth azar, 5. a shift in american family values is fueling estrangement by joshua coleman, 1. my core values, 2. how my upbringing shaped my values, 3. values of today’s youth, 4. values of a good friend, 5. an experience that shaped your values, 6. remembering our values when innovating, 7. important values of school culture, 8. books that influenced your values, 9. religious faith and moral values, 10. schwartz’s theory of basic values.

“Connectedness is another core value among Maya families, and teachers seek to cultivate it… While many American teachers also value relationships with their students, that effort is undermined by the competitive environment seen in many Western classrooms.”

Ancient communities keep their traditions and values of a hands-off approach to raising their kids. They also preserve their hunter-gatherer mindsets and others that help their kids gain patience, initiative, a sense of connectedness, and other qualities that make a helpful child.

“How do you align with the company’s mission and add to its culture? Because it contains such vital information, your personal value statement should stand out on your resume or in your application package.”

Want to rise above other candidates in the jobs market? Then always highlight your value statement. A personal value statement should be short but still, capture the aspirations and values of the company. The essay provides an example of a captivating value statement and tips for crafting one.

“Values can set a company apart from the competition by clarifying its identity and serving as a rallying point for employees. But coming up with strong values—and sticking to them—requires real guts.”

Along with the mission and vision, clear values should dictate a company’s strategic goals. However, several CEOs still needed help to grasp organizational values fully. The essay offers a direction in setting these values and impresses on readers the necessity to preserve them at all costs. 

“‘He compared the values held by people in countries with more competitive forms of capitalism with the values of folks in countries that have a more cooperative style of capitalism… These countries rely more on strategic cooperation… rather than relying mostly on free-market competition as the United States does.”

The form of capitalism we have created today has shaped our high value for material happiness. In this process, psychologists said we have allowed our moral and ethical values to drift away from us for greed to take over. You can also check out these essays about utopia .

“From the adult child’s perspective, there might be much to gain from an estrangement: the liberation from those perceived as hurtful or oppressive, the claiming of authority in a relationship, and the sense of control over which people to keep in one’s life. For the mother or father, there is little benefit when their child cuts off contact.”

It is most challenging when the bonds between parent and child weaken in later years. Psychologists have been navigating this problem among modern families, which is not an easy conflict to resolve. It requires both parties to give their best in humbling themselves and understanding their loved ones, no matter how divergent their values are. 

10 Writing  Prompts On Essays About Values

For this topic prompt, contemplate your non-negotiable core values and why you strive to observe them at all costs. For example, you might value honesty and integrity above all else. Expound on why cultivating fundamental values leads to a happy and meaningful life. Finally, ponder other values you would like to gain for your future self. Write down how you have been practicing to adopt these aspired values. 

Essays About Values: How my upbringing shaped my values

Many of our values may have been instilled in us during childhood. This essay discusses the essential values you gained from your parents or teachers while growing up. Expound on their importance in helping you flourish in your adult years. Then, offer recommendations on what households, schools, or communities can do to ensure that more young people adopt these values.

Is today’s youth lacking essential values, or is there simply a shift in what values generations uphold? Strive to answer this and write down the healthy values that are emerging and dying. Then think of ways society can preserve healthy values while doing away with bad ones. Of course, this change will always start at home, so also encourage parents, as role models, to be mindful of their words, actions and behavior.  

The greatest gift in life is friendship. In this essay, enumerate the top values a friend should have. You may use your best friend as an example. Then, cite the best traits your best friend has that have influenced you to be a better version of yourself. Finally, expound on how these values can effectively sustain a healthy friendship in the long term. 

We all have that one defining experience that has forever changed how we see life and the values we hold dear. Describe yours through storytelling with the help of our storytelling guide . This experience may involve a decision, a conversation you had with someone, or a speech you heard at an event.  

With today’s innovation, scientists can make positive changes happen. But can we truly exercise our values when we fiddle with new technologies whose full extent of positive and adverse effects we do not yet understand such as AI? Contemplate this question and look into existing regulations on how we curb the creation or use of technologies that go against our values. Finally, assess these rules’ effectiveness and other options society has. 

Essays About Values: Important values of school culture

Highlight a school’s role in honing a person’s values. Then, look into the different aspects of your school’s culture. Identify which best practices distinct in your school are helping students develop their values. You could consider whether your teachers exhibit themselves as admirable role models or specific parts of the curriculum that help you build good character. 

In this essay, recommend your readers to pick up your favorite books, particularly those that served as pathways to enlightening insights and values. To start, provide a summary of the book’s story. It would be better if you could do so without revealing too much to avoid spoiling your readers’ experience. Then, elaborate on how you have applied the values you learned from the book.

For many, religious faith is the underlying reason for their values. For this prompt, explore further the inextricable links between religion and values. If you identify with a certain religion, share your thoughts on the values your sector subscribes to. You can also tread the more controversial path on the conflicts of religious values with socially accepted beliefs or practices, such as abortion. 

Dive deeper into the ten universal values that social psychologist Shalom Schwartz came up with: power, achievement, hedonism, stimulation, self-direction, universalism, benevolence, tradition, conformity, and security. Look into their connections and conflicts against each other. Then, pick your favorite value and explain how you relate to it the most. Also, find if value conflicts within you, as theorized by Schwartz.

Make sure to check out our round-up of the best essay checkers . If you want to use the latest grammar software, read our guide on using an AI grammar checker .

world vision core values essay example

Yna Lim is a communications specialist currently focused on policy advocacy. In her eight years of writing, she has been exposed to a variety of topics, including cryptocurrency, web hosting, agriculture, marketing, intellectual property, data privacy and international trade. A former journalist in one of the top business papers in the Philippines, Yna is currently pursuing her master's degree in economics and business.

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The Many Types of Non-Profit Organizations in Canada

The Many Types of Non-Profit Organizations in Canada

There are over 161 000 non-profit organisations in Canada. Non-profit organisations work to accomplish ends for the benefit of humanity instead than for net income like a concern. Obviously with so many organisations. there are assorted types of organisations that vary in size and range. with alone aspirations and some overlap in ends. World Vision is an organisation that operates internationally with many chapters around the universe. World Vision works globally for alleviation of underprivileged people and the development of deprived societies. This paper will give background on World Vision to understand how it began and how it has become what it is today. World Vision is an evangelical organisation intending it is faith-based. This plays a major function in how it operates in every facet. This paper will analyse faith-based organisations and the impact of being an evangelical non-profit organisation.

The paper will present the construction of World Vision and sketch how it runs. and detail the assorted plans World Vision has and implements throughout the universe. The paper will so travel on to discourse a major issue for organisations like World Vision. Many big non-profit organisations sometimes have to work with other parties in order to accomplish certain ends. These partnerships can raise certain issues. particularly ethical concerns. The paper will discourse one specific illustration of World Vision working with excavation companies and the impact and effects of such an confederation. All in all. the intent of this paper is to give penetration on how one of the world’s biggest faith-based. non-profit organisations came to be. how they run and give penetration into how deep and layered their operation is. and to give an illustration of how in the non-profit universe. even the largest. most successful and renown non-profit organisations face challenges and must cover with combative issues in seeking to accomplish their ends. The history and beginning of World Vision goes back over 50 old ages ago. The first signifier of World Vision came through the actions of Reverend Robert Pierce in 1947.

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Pierce was on a trip to China where he encountered a adult female and a clearly. underprivileged kid. The status the baby was in had a great consequence on Robert Pierce. As he held the little abandoned kid. he was so moved he felt a personal duty to help the kid. He realized that the kid needed aid and that there were no existent means for endurance so he decided to give all the money he had at the clip. 5 dollars. and promised to go on to direct financess for alleviation of kids one time he returned to America ( World Vision India. n. d. ) . Therefore. through this simple act of selflessness was born the model of World Vision. Pierce’s act was an early signifier of child sponsorship and created one of the first kid sponsorship plans which spearheaded the creative activity of World Vision. The first major endeavor of World Vision was in response to kids in demand ensuing from the Korean War in the early 1950s ( World Vision. n. d. ) . This was the first vas for World Vision to function its intent in helping deprived kids as an organisation on a big graduated table. After seeing the success of its plan in Korea. World Vision began to run its plan in assorted other countries in the universe that were sing convulsion such as Africa and Eastern Europe ( World Vision. n. d. ) .

The biggest drive factor in the creative activity of World Vision was the societal concern of the general wellbeing of kids around the universe. Pierce had an in-depth expression into what underprivileged kids experience. and responded to what he believed was a major societal issue in unequal life criterions for kids. World Vision took this focal point and expanded it into going an organisation that strives to assist worlds have sufficient life conditions. In the seventies. World Vision began to implement plans that helped states and communities beyond simple alleviation. World Vision began to assist people with community development and alternatively of merely giving people the agencies to last. they created plans in developing countries that helped learn communities and supply them the accomplishment sets for long-run endurance and sustainability. such as learning farming accomplishments ( World Vision. n. d. ) . Throughout the 80s and 90s. World Vision continued to spread out to being advocators for justness and assisting holes and make substructure in destitute states. For illustration. World Vision made immense paces for Ethiopia to hold clean imbibing H2O through creative activity of Wellss. and making plans to battle and educate about the AIDS pandemic in Uganda ( World Vision. n. d. ) .

World Vision today has become one of the largest and most sure alleviation organisations as seen with its high degree of fund-raising and assorted plans helping legion communities around the universe. Canada has been in involved with World Vision since its early yearss. It came to Canada in 1957 and has gone on to be one of the most active hubs of World Vision in the universe. In add-on. World Vision is the largest organisation for alleviation in Canada ( World Vision Canada. n. d. ) . The mission statement of World Vision Canada. and basically all of World Vision. intending it reflects the position of World Vision in general. is as follows: World Vision is a Christian alleviation. development and protagonism organisation dedicated to working with kids. households and communities to get the better of poorness and unfairness. As followings of Jesus. we are motivated by God’s love to function all people irrespective of faith. race. ethnicity and gender ( World Vision Canada. n. d. ) . In their 2011 one-year study. World Vision Canada identified their focal point as helping in exigency alleviation. assisting in community development and recommending for children’s rights. demoing how the values and ends of World Vision remain unvarying around the universe ( World Vision Canada. n. d. ) .

World Vision is a faith-based organisation and. therefore has a faith-based angle in its ends. These ends provide advantages to World Vision in accomplishing success. Faith- based organisations have been established before other non-profit organisations. This provides them a historical advantage in the sense that they have a stronger and deeper grade in the history of alleviation. Many major secular organisations were formed in the 19th century such as the Red Cross and anti-slavery organisations ( Ferris. 2005 ) . It is stated. “One 1953 analysis found that to the full 90 % of post-war alleviation was provided by spiritual agencies” ( Ferris. 2005 ) . Faith-based organizations’ big connexions allow them to more easy make the countries they want to supply alleviation. Another chief difference between faith-based and secular non-profit organisations is motive and wideness. Faith based organisations are broader than other non-profit organisations. During colonialism the churches established their foundations in colonised states in footings of wellness. instruction and other societal services. Motivation issue comes from the spiritual values to assist people who are in demand. Faith-based organisations can work with local churches and organize themselves easy to acquire involved in human-centered assistance at a personal degree.

Other non-profit organizations’ coordination with local groups can be hard due to miss of integrating in values. Governments help them to organize themselves in the states where they can carry on plans to battle exigency state of affairss. It is hard to happen a clear differentiation between secular and authorities organisations in human-centered assistance. This reduces the effectivity of secular organisations. The activities of secular organisations can be seen through the policies of foreign authoritiess ( Ferris. 2005 ) . However. faith-based organisations have similar jobs to secular organisations when they are in states where local groups reject their values and spiritual beliefs. They struggle to prolong their attempts. Some Christian organisations tried to administer the Gospel every bit good as alleviation to Muslims affected by the tsunami in Indonesia in 2004. This led to unfavorable judgment of the work of all Christians ( Ferris. 2005 ) . World Vision Canada does non hold the policy of nearing people depending on their faith. ethnicity. race. etc. It approaches people as human existences irrespective of their faith ( World Vision. n. d. ) .

Faith-based organizations’ actions and errors can be generalized by local groups or other spiritual followings without cognizing the difference between faith-based organisations. Faith-based discourse is “value laden” . Religious organisations impose single morality and duty. This attack helps persons to avoid any activity which is traveling to harm. When they try to protect people from HIV/AIDS. they largely focus on certain nomenclature such as “sin. bad. virtuousness. guilt and innocence” . Other non-profit organisations in some states wish to work with faith-based organisations to be successful due to effectiveness of spiritual values ( Karf. n. d. ) . It is non possible to wholly separate faith-based organisations and secular organisations. There is frequently overlap. Faith-based organisations largely differentiate by their rigorous committedness to justness. “World Vision is a Christian alleviation. development and protagonism organisation dedicated to working with kids. households and communities to get the better of poorness and unfairness. As followings of Jesus. they are motivated by God’s love to function all people irrespective of faith. race. ethnicity or gender” ( World Vision Canada. n. d. ) . Christian faith-based organisations like World Vision are active in about every state around the universe. They are more active than other faith-based organisations. “Jewish and Muslim faith-based organisations largely serve members of their ain spiritual communities.

Christian organisations have more planetary outreach: to help those in need regardless of their spiritual affiliation” ( Ferris. 2005 ) . Although faith-based and secular non-profit organisations work individually. they bring together some of import issues to be solved. They both can urge cardinal issues to authorities to take action. Both secular and faith-based organisations play a cardinal function in conveying up issues to be considered based on studies. “In 1988. the World Council of Churches and the Friends World Committee for Consultation made a joint entry to the UN Human Rights Commission on the peculiar demands of internally displaced persons” ( Ferris. 2005 ) . World Vision is working near to organisations like the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Child. In 2004 World Vision Canada suggested a entry for steps to increase kid protection to be accepted in the Parliament. World Vision Canada worked with assorted communities to better Canadian criterions for childs through aid plans ( Austin. 2006 ) .

Faith-based organisations work with other non-profit organisations and authoritiess to assist kids and people to develop their security and life criterions. World Vision Canada has a Transformational Development Program. which tries to develop communities and kids. This plan largely focuses on community-based enterprises to protect kids and assist their society’s development around the universe ( World Vision Canada. n. d. ) . Faith based organisations like World Vision are more effectual than other non-profit organisations due to their big connexions around the universe. These big connexions help them acquire near to communities to function them better than other non-profit organisations. Their values maintain the organisation strong encourage people involved in the organisation to help people who are in demand based on moral fibre. The construction of World Vision is profoundly superimposed and has assorted degrees. From the clip it was created in 1950 World Vision began to spread out at a rapid rate. stretching its influence across multiple states around the universe. Due to its big size and presence in the planetary community. the organisation divides itself into single national chapters. Each state in which World Vision is employed has their ain office and operates within their ain division.

The organisation opened its first Canadian office in Toronto in 1957. Altogether there are 48 national offices. Each subdivision came together and held a meeting in 1977 to join forces and reconstitute the organisation into an international operating organic structure. Through this World Vision International was established with its members doing up the World Vision Partnership. Its chief central office is in Monrovia. California ( World Vision International. 2007 ) . Every national office is run by its ain board and council. They all portion a common mission statement and must stay by cosmopolitan policies and ordinances. Each subdivision must move consequently to the criterions that World Vision sets. The organization’s international executive organic structure is its Board of Directors. It consists of 24 members. excepting the CEO. who hold meetings twice a twelvemonth to discourse future strategic programs and how to pass the one-year budget. Any coveted alterations to policy or plans are brought up for argument here. The current president and CEO is Kevin J. Jenkins ( World Vision International. 2007 ) . Harmonizing to World Vision’s fiscal statements. around 40 % of its full gross comes from private beginnings such as single givers. schools. churches and charity foundations.

Approximately 30 % comes from authoritiess through the signifiers of grants and fiscal assistance. The remainder of its gross comes in the signifiers of gifts and trade goods such as nutrient. medical specialty and vesture donated by other organisations ( World Vision International. 2007 ) . For an international organisation of its size. World Vision operates really expeditiously by suitably apportioning its resources and funding. Based on its recent one-year pecuniary study. 88 % of its fiscal financess went into its assistance plans and assisting those in demand. 4. 2 % was used to pay off administrative costs and 7. 5 % to fundraising disbursals ( World Vision. n. d. ) . Reasons for World Vision’s high efficiency and low operating costs are due to its low budget on advertisement runs and the partnerships that it has with other major organisations. World Vision advertises and promotes awareness through societal media sites such as Youtube. Facebook and Twitter. all of which are free to utilize. They besides invest 150. 000 dollars yearly into Google Adwords so that their web site pops up when certain words are typed into the hunt engine ( Doback. 2010 ) . Another partnership that World Vision has is with the NFL. Misprinted superbowl cogwheel and faulty ware are frequently donated to World Vision who in bend sends it to communities that can non afford vesture.

Both sides benefit from this partnership as the NFL additions acknowledgment and besides a revenue enhancement interruption while World Vision can use free ware to assist its cause ( Mazow. 2011 ) . One of World Vision’s most celebrated assistance plans is Sponsor a Child. Approximately half of the organization’s plans are funded by Sponsor a Child entirely ( World Vision. n. d. ) . This plan helps kids populating in parts of utmost poorness and subjugation. This is done by puting up undertakings in their communities that can help them with present issues. Each Child Sponsorship undertaking is alone as they are designed to aline with the community’s strengths and failings. World Vision employees and voluntaries work to implement these undertakings to run into their challenges and demands. Undertakings may include supplying instruction and the opportunity to travel to school. supplying clean H2O for imbibing. cookery and sanitation. bettering health care through wellness instruction and opening up medical clinics with up-to-date equipment. providing and bring forthing nutrient to fend of famishment and bettering family incomes through calling preparation ( World Vision Canada. n. d. ) .

Through these undertakings hapless communities are equipped with the necessary cognition. accomplishments and resources to better their hereafter and develop a higher quality of life. The Sponsor a Child plan focal points in 47 countries across 13 states ; Bangladesh. Cambodia. Honduras. India. Malawi. Mali. Myanmar. Niger. Rwanda. Tanzania. Uganda. Zimbabwe and Nicaragua ( World Vision Canada. n. d. ) . Donors are able to take which child they want to patronize by sing the World Vision web site to assist make a stronger connexion with givers. Children waiting to be sponsored are shown on-line with profiles supplying basic information about them. After choosing who they want to patronize. givers give monthly parts to assist the kids overcome their single challenges. Donors are able to remain in contact with their sponsored kid through advancement studies and letters ( World Vision Canada. n. d. ) .

Another plan that World Vision offers for givers to take part in is the Gifts in Kind run. With this plan givers are able to travel on-line and the World Vision catalogue to purchase assorted gifts and direct it to communities in demand. Some illustrations of the gifts that givers can buy are livestock. agricultural seeds and H2O filters. Each gift symbolically represents an country of demand. By taking a certain point. the contribution goes into that choice field to help the community where it needs most ( World Vision Canada. n. d. ) . This plan is different from obviously donating to charity in several ways. It allows givers to be synergistic with the work of World Vision. Alternatively of merely donating money and allowing World Vision make up one’s mind what to make with it. givers can now take where they want their fiscal assistance to be targeted ( agribusiness. instruction. health care. etc. ) In this sense. it gives more control to the giver while raising consciousness of current issues that some communities face around the universe. By educating givers of the badness of poorness and what World Vision is making to assist. it may raise their willingness to advance the run and donate more in the hereafter.

This helps take away donor weariness as it involves and makes givers understand what their part is making. World Vision undertakes really ambitious undertakings around the universe and therefore requires aid or cooperation with other organisations. This can sometimes take to a struggle of involvements. particularly if the organisation that World Vision is working with is non a non-profit organisation. In instances where non-profit organisations must join forces with for-profit organisations. the non-profit organisation must do strong attempts to guarantee their ends do non acquire compromised. This is one of the biggest issues big relief organisations like World Vision face. Non-profit organisations. when working with other organisations must guarantee their unity is untasted and that their enterprises are in line with their ends. Sometimes the enterprise is so expansive that some may even reason that the greatest result can merely be realized doing certain forfeits along the manner. One illustration of this major issue sing coaction can be seen with World Vision’s complicated relationship with excavation companies.

The Canadian International Development Agency ( CIDA ) is an bureau that targets specific development aims. Their purpose as an bureau is to “manage Canada’s support and resources efficaciously and accountably to have sustainable consequences and prosecute in policy development in Canada and internationally” ( CIDA in Brief. 2011 ) . CIDA does non concentrate on supplying assistance for states confronting immediate catastrophe ; instead they focus on supplying support for international development plans. They besides enter “contracts with Canadian companies for the execution of their plans and projects” ( CIDA in Brief. 2011 ) . They fund charitable non-profits that work in development. For illustration CIDA is presently funding a partnership between World Vision Canada and Barrick Gold. Barrack Gold is a big excavation corporation with over 26 runing mines one of which is the Lagunas Norte mine located in Peru. In 2007 the mine acted as the location of one of the World Vision-Barrack Gold partnerships. It is in the Peruvian Andes. specifically 140 kilometres east of Trujilo ( Barrick Gold and World… . 2012 ) .

Barrick Gold announced they would perpetrate 1. 3 million to World Vision Canada to assist “develop nutrition. instruction and employment accomplishments plans that will profit people in the communities of the Alto Chicama District of northern Peru” ( Barrick Gold and World… . 2012 ) . Barrick Gold’s vision is “To be the world’s best gold company by happening. geting. developing and bring forthing quality militias in a safe. profitable and socially responsible mode. ” ( World Vision Project in Peru. 2008 ) . This vision allows the corporation to spouse with non-profit organisations such as World Vision to guarantee they are ‘socially responsible’ . Barrick Gold and World Vision Canada have worked together on a figure of undertakings. The first undertaking was in 2003 when Barrick made an “investment of US $ 1 million over five old ages to assist impoverished households near its Pierina mine” ( Barrick Gold Corporation. 2012 ) . With the success of that undertaking they entered a 2nd venture in 2007 with the Lagunas Norte mine mentioned above. Through World Visions sponsorship plan and Barrick’s support they were able to back up three thousand kids in the country.

Their program was to assist the community and forestall the undernourishment of immature kids. They taught the local female parents about nutrition and hygiene so they could take what they learned back to their households. The plan acted as a manner of authorising the local adult females. World Vision and Barrick’s most recent undertaking together began July of 2011. Barrick contributed 500. 000 1000 to World Visions enterprise in Quiruvilca. Peru. It is supported by CIDA and it “aims to accomplish improved economic and societal development for local families. particularly adult females. young person and disadvantaged groups where there is an accelerated addition in mining revenue” ( Barrick Gold Corporation. 2012 ) . Barrick’s president and CEO have stated that “it is another illustration of how the public and private sector can join forces with communities to maximise the benefits of mining” ( Barrick Gold Corporation. 2012 ) . The inquiry nevertheless is do these coactions really benefits the communities? When looking at excavation companies and their work in developing states issues as such can go rather controversial. There appears to be more negative than positive positions on the coaction.

It is said that “in a clip of shriveling foreign assistance dollars. revenue enhancement remunerators should non be on the hook for corporate societal duty projects” ( Payne. 2012 ) nevertheless. the 26. 7 million dollar trade between CIDA. the Canadian excavation companies and the non-profit organisations selected suggest otherwise. The coaction appears to be a tactic in whirling a better image for the excavation companies as resource extraction is frequently associated with “human-rights maltreatments and additions in force. to state nil of environmental degradation” ( Mattner. 2012 ) . This begs the inquiry is it justifiable for a non-profit organisation to spouse with a excavation company whose exclusive intent is to pull out the maximal sum of resources possible? The partnership with CIDA “implies an ethical cast of approval” ( Mattner. 2012 ) . However. is it ethical to deprive a developing community of its natural resources based on a possible net income a developed state would confront to have? Developed nations face unfavorable judgment for apparently working communities in developing states ; this is of primary concern when accomplishing Canada’s international development involvements harmonizing to Mining Watch Canada.

“Newly adopted patterns by CIDA of subsidising Corporate Social Responsibility undertakings of excavation companies at their mine sites overseas does non represent a responsible usage of public financess and does non turn to the development shortages created by mining at the national and local degrees in developing states. ” Coumans ( 2012 ) The division of the shortages created on both the national and the local degree can be damaging to developing states. Furthermore. public financess channeled through mining companies such as Barrick Gold does non permenalty address these issues irrespective of their partnership with World Vision. It is of import to understand the impact a excavation company such as Barrick Gold has on a developing community nationally. Commissariats in confidential contracts. development and stableness understandings. excavation Torahs. and investing pacts are implemented in order to “secure investor protection from possible costs associated with germinating environmental. societal. or financial governments that support a country’s development aims. ” Coumans ( 2012 ) This later shifts the duty from the excavation companies who create surmountable national shortages to the marginalized communities who do non hold the economic agencies to rectify the farther shortages created.

Resource extraction has the possible to profit the companies and the communities in which resources are being extracted from. nevertheless harmonizing to Coumans ( 2012 ) “over ingestion based on a non-renewable resource [ leads to ] unequal distribution of benefits associated with mineral wealth” This supports the thought that mining companies exploit non-renewable resources in developing communities with minimum compensation. For case. Harmonizing to Coumans ( 2012 ) “as a consequence of the high cost involved in developing and funding national establishments to supervise and modulate the activities of the excavation industry [ lost-opportunities are unprecedented for developing communities ] ” This undertakings the impression that societal duty can non protect the damaging effects imposed on the developing communities. Harmonizing to Haglund ( 2011 ) there is a significantly lower economic prosperity of communities from mineral dependent communities in comparing to oil dependent communities.

This is a direct correlativity to the fact that many of the least dependent communities are besides extremely aid-dependant. CIDA recognizes this and therefore excuse the partnership of Barrick Gold and World Vision in an effort to turn to societal duty demands. However. economic prosperity is non addressed in developing communities. and as a consequence developing communities become more reliant on excavation. This dependence sustains the excavation industry. every bit good as the assistance needed from organisations such as World Vision. It is of import to acknowledge assistance as a short term solution when apprehension dependence. this dependence is overriding to the local shortages that occur to developing communities in which excavation companies implement their dockets without taking into history the community in which they are working.

Deficits at the local degree can non be ignored. As CIDA does non implement development sufficient undertakings. it so becomes the excavation company’s consciousness of the impacts that they are doing on the communities in which they are mining in. One major country for concern is the impact excavation has on the environment. Harmonizing to Coumans ( 2012 ) “Mining and ore processing was the figure one worst toxic pollution job. seting an estimated 7. 02 million people at hazard of hapless wellness or loss of life. ” This statistic can non be ignored. and excavation companies must be held accountable for the serious deductions their industry inflicts upon the affected communities.

Yakovleva ( 2005 ) theorizes a connexion between company direction in relation to community outlook. Labeled the “Legitimacy Theory” Yakovleva ( 2005 ) suggests that companies must take safeguards to guarantee all excavation activities are socially responsible and accountable to turning outlooks. She indicates that this support must be held accountable by community consciousness and concern. “This may include pollution bar and redress of the physical environment. confidence of wellness and safety of employees and consumers and those who reside in the communities where merchandises are manufactured and wastes are dumped. ” Yakovleva ( 2005 ) Therefore. it is of import that mining companies adhere to environmental issues. as their industry sustains on it.

Local degree shortages are besides majorly impacted socially due to the excavation industry. Although CIDA has addressed societal deductions. and created a partnership between Barrick Gold and World Vision in order to supply economic stableness every bit good as assistance. it is evident that poorness unluckily continues to increase. Harmonizing to Coumans ( 2012 ) a few illustrations of local degree impacts are: Economic Dependence ; as the community is left vulnerable one time the mine closes down. Mobilization ; as mine’s must be protected chiefly due to local resistance of the hapless communities who are in despairing demand of anything to relieve their hapless state of affairs. Displacement ; as communities are relocated accordingly losing their civilization and Breaches of nucleus labour criterions ; as workers may be denied unionisation and bargaining power. this is all in nowadays of pay. wellness. safety criterions. etc.

All of these issues must be addressed and enforced by CIDA ; a partnership with World Vision does non work out these deductions. Harmonizing to Muthuri ( 2007 ) the scrutiny of Corporate Community Involvement ( CCI ) long-run branchings must be addressed. “Paternalism. community dependence. and deficiency of control over the way of CCI rise frights of the effects of corporate influence over societal issues. ” This is indispensable to understand in order for more effectual partnerships to turn to communities’ grim issues. World Vision can merely supply their assistance to a certain grade. It should be the duty of corporations to develop long enduring community engagement. that take into history all national and local shortages so that the developing communities may thrive. and non farther depend on organisations such as World Vision.

Since the clip of its constitution by Reverend Robert Pierce. World Vision has grown exponentially as a non-profit-making organisation through its impact in helping people populating under subjugation and in poorness. Expanding its range from kids to any individual in demand. World Vision has reformed and adapted throughout the old ages to stay one of the largest and most successful international not-for-profits. Bing faith-based allows the organisation to hold an advantage over secular organisations as it can easy organize coactions and acquire aid from churches and spiritual bureaus in its countries of work. Secular organisations may happen it hard to organize with local groups due to differences in civilization and faith. One can reason that being founded on spiritual values to assist people in demand besides keeps the organisation fixed and dedicated to its mission. Many faith-based non-profit-making organisations largely serve members of their ain spiritual communities. This nevertheless is non the same for World Vision as it aids people irrespective of their cultural values and spiritual beliefs. What makes World Vision different and unforgettable is its creativeness in implementing alone plans for givers to take part in.

Plans such as Sponsor a Child and Gifts in Kind allows givers to go engaged in the organization’s cause alternatively of merely casually donating money. World Vision strives to set up substructure in communities for long-run development besides merely giving people basic necessities to populate. Even with its repute as an effectual and influential non-profit-making organisation. World Vision has had its just portion of dirts and contentions. One illustration is its partnership with Barrack Gold Mining Corporation that has stirred monolithic media attending and public negativeness. Through this partnership BGM Corporation have committed 1000000s of dollars to World Vision’s plans in return for the organization’s support in guaranting they are socially responsible. This confederation receives immense sums of recoil and negative feedback as the public protests that the coactions really profit communities. It seems controversial that a portion of World Vision’s mission is to convey development to impoverished communities yet it supports a excavation corporation that destroys the environment and raises pollution.

Aside from possible human rights maltreatments and carelessness of ordinances and criterions. corporations such as BGM strips lands of its natural resources and brings it back to the developed universe. Underdeveloped countries where these resources are extracted are hindered in the long-term as it takes off future procedures for development. What could hold been used to better their economic system is being taken away by these excavation corporations. World Vision should get rid of their partnership with BGM Corporation as it takes off credibleness and tarnishes their repute. If people lose trust in the organisation they will non be enthusiastic to donate and this can greatly deprecate World Vision’s support. World Vision is an highly efficient non-profit-making organisation that has a big support base and many societal connexions. It manages its budget and operations sagely and has great leading compared to other not-for-profits of its size. It has dramatically improved the universe by giving many people in need the basic means to life and besides giving them the chance for a better hereafter. It has set up many communities with the proper substructure and equipment for long-run development. World Vision has changed the lives of many and will go on to make so through the aid of its givers who support its cause.

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Essay on My Values in Life


Personal values are qualities that one considers to be worthwhile and, as such, act as the driving force in their life. They take precedence over other qualities and therefore dictate the manner in which an individual may behave in particular instances. When it comes to my values in life, I have a few that I hold dear.

These values are a result of my upbringing, development, my principles, as well as my socialization and the culture around me. In this “my values in life” essay, I shall identify the core beliefs that I hold and how they influence my everyday choices, actions, and plans that I make.

My Values in Life

One of the educational values that are fundamental to me is achievement. This is a result of my belief that what defines me most as a person is my determination to succeed and my desire to make a positive contribution to society through my career. Achievement is, therefore, one of the values that are most important to me since, in today’s world, achievement and success are mostly tied together with educational success. As a result of this, I hold my educational exploits in high esteem since education is one of the avenues where one’s determination leads to quantifiable success.

I greatly value close relationships with my friends and constantly seek to cement the same. This is because good friends can assist one in achieving his/her goals in life and can sometimes even be closer than family. For this reason, I invest a lot of time and effort in my close friends. I make it a priority to be a part of the significant moments in my friends’ lives, such as their birthdays, wedding days, and even baby christening ceremonies. In addition to this, I always ensure that I inquire as to their well beings periodically.

Growth and personal development for me is a very fundamental value, and its importance in my life cannot be understated. It is my belief that my life is not worth much if I do not strive to constantly improve on my achievements as well as in becoming a better person. This value of personal growth and development greatly impacts my daily living, especially when establishing new relations. It is generally my rule that if a new relationship does not add any value to my life, then I should not waste my time exploring it.

One of the constant realities in human life is that we will always be surrounded by needy people. As such, on a social level, I always strive to give my services to the less fortunate. In my opinion, a life well lived is one that is lived in such a way that it makes a difference to someone else’s life. This is the philosophy with which I have led my life up to this point, and at all times, I try to make a difference in the lives of the people that surround me. Helping other people is, therefore, a value that I value not only in myself but also in other people.

While modern-day living has somewhat led to a degradation of the value of family from what it used to be in gone years, I still hold the value of family to be very important in my life. To me, one’s family members are the ones who will stand by you no matter the situation and encourage you through life’s troubles.

While I reckon that family may not always be supportive or as ideal as I envision it, in my experience, my family is closely knit and always stands up for me. I, therefore, always have my family in mind when making my decisions and consider how my actions will affect them. In addition, I try to seek guidance from members of the family who are more experienced than I am before making monumental decisions in my life.

It has been argued that honest men and women are a dying breed. This statement holds true in our capitalistic society, where profits and personal gains are the primary objectives. The means by which one achieves success is often overlooked, and as such, the ends justify the means.

Even in the midst of such an environment, I still hold honesty as one of my core values. This is mostly a result of my upbringing, whereby honesty was applauded and dishonesty shunned. Also, I have come to realize that when one achieves success through honesty, the level of satisfaction that comes with it is truly unrivaled by any other feeling.

Owing to my upbringing, I have a huge regard for religion. As such, one of my spiritual values is engaging myself in some religious organizations. While it is true that most of my religious values are a result of my upbringing, I have, over time, come to embrace them as my own and therefore make it my personal duty to be actively involved in my religious organization.

To me, this brings about a sense of balance and helps me be more reflective and appreciative in my life. My religious values impact my decision-making since I try not to make choices that are contrary to my religious beliefs.

In this paper, I have identified some of the values that I hold dear to me. I have also identified how these values impact the choices that I make as well as the actions that I take. From this deep exploration of my values, I have come to the realization that my values greatly dictate how I treat the people around me as well as how I prioritize matters. I believe that as a result of my values, I strive harder to achieve the things that I want in life, and as such, I am a better person as a result of them.

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IvyPanda. (2018, July 15). Essay on My Values in Life. https://ivypanda.com/essays/my-values-in-life/

"Essay on My Values in Life." IvyPanda , 15 July 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/my-values-in-life/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Essay on My Values in Life'. 15 July.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Essay on My Values in Life." July 15, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/my-values-in-life/.

1. IvyPanda . "Essay on My Values in Life." July 15, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/my-values-in-life/.


IvyPanda . "Essay on My Values in Life." July 15, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/my-values-in-life/.

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How to Write Mission, Vision, and Values Statements - 100 Examples to Help Guide You Through the Process

How to Write Mission, Vision, and Values Statements - 100 Examples to Help Guide You Through the Process

Matthew Mitchell, PhD

Mission, vision and values statements serve as the foundation for an organization’s strategic plan. They convey the purpose, direction and underlying values of the organization. When developed and implemented in a thoughtful and deliberate manner, these statements can serve as powerful tools that provide organizations with meaningful guidance, especially under times of rapid change. Consequently, taking the time to craft relevant mission, vision and value statements should be carefully considered.

To get started, please review our tips in the article below on how to write good mission, vision and values statements. To go deeper, download our North Star Leading Practices eBook with 250 example purpose, mission, vision, and values statements. Leading by providing your contact information in the form below. Be sure to check out our how-to video where we walk through the creation process step-by-step!

Vision Statements

Mission Statements

The mission statement defines an organization’s purpose or reason for being. It guides the day-to-day operations of the organization, communicates to external stakeholders the core solutions the organization provides in society and motivates employees toward a common near-to-medium term goal. In short, the mission statement paints a picture of who the company is and what the company does.

A good mission statement should only focus on what is most important to the organization. It should be brief, clear, informative, simple and direct. It should avoid elaborate language, clichés, and generalizations and it should emphasize outcomes and the people the organization is serving.

When writing a mission statement, consider the following questions:

  • What do we do today?
  • Who do we serve?
  • What are we trying to accomplish?
  • What impact do we want to achieve?
  • LinkedIn : To connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.
  • Starbucks : To inspire and nurture the human spirit – one person, one cup and one neighborhood at a time.
  • Twitter : To give everyone the power to create and share ideas and information, instantly, without barriers.
  • TripAdvisor : To help people around the world plan and have the perfect trip.
  • Tesla : To accelerate the world's transition to sustainable energy.
  • Sweetgreen : To inspire healthier communities by connecting people to real food.
Best Practices Video Bâton Global's shares our secrets learned from helping organizations worldwide write winning Purpose, Mission, Vision and Value statements.

Download 250 Examples

Interested in viewing examples from other organizations? Download our collection of of 250 purpose, mission, vision, and values statements below:

Vision Statements

The vision statement describes the future of the organization. It reveals what the company aspires to be or hopes to achieve in the long-term. The vision statement is inspirational and motivational but also provides direction, mapping out where the organization is headed. In this regard, it serves as a guide for choosing current and future courses of action.

An effective vision statement should be concise, unambiguous, futuristic, realistic, aspirational and inspirational. It shouldn’t be generic but rather focus on outcomes specific to the organization.

 When writing a vision statement, consider these questions:

  • Where are we going moving forward?
  • What do we want to achieve in the future?
  • What kind of future society do we envision?
  • LinkedIn : To create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.
  • GoDaddy : To radically shift the global economy toward independent entrepreneurial ventures.
  • Wikimedia Foundation : Imagine a world in which every single human being can freely share in the sum of all knowledge. That’s our commitment.
  • Habitat for Humanity : A world where everyone has a decent place to live.
  • SouthwestAirlines : To be the world’s most loved, most efficient, and most profitable airline.

Values Statements

The values statement highlights an organization’s core principles and philosophical ideals. It is used to both inform and guide the decisions and behaviors of the people inside the organization and signal to external stakeholders what’s important to the company. An organization’s core values shape daily culture and establish standards of conduct against which actions and decisions can be assessed.

A values statement should be memorable, actionable and timeless. The format of the values statement depends on the organizations; some organizations use one, two or three words to describe their core values while others provide a short phrase.

 When drafting a values statement, some questions to consider include:

  • What do we stand for?
  • What behaviors do we value over all else?
  • How will we conduct our activities to achieve our mission and vision?
  • How do we treat members of our own organization and community?
  • Ownership mentality.
  • Don’t optimize for the short term.
  • We are all builders.
  • Go the extra mile.
  • Do what’s right.
  • Be transparent.
  • We commit to our craft.
  • We minimize waste.
  • We embrace differences.
  • We dig deeper.
  • We lead with optimism.

The mission, vision, and values statements are the guiding forces behind an organization. The mission statement communicates the purpose of the organization. The vision statement provides insight into what the company hopes to achieve or become in the future. The values statement reflects the organization’s core principles and ethics. Together, these statements provide strategic direction for an organization, informing current and future business strategies.

Learn how Bâton Global supports organizations in building lasting and impactful core commitments here .

Mission Statements

‍ Download 250 Examples

Other helpful resources.

365 Careers, January 26, 2018, The mission, vision and values statements [video file].

Bain & Company, April 2, 2018, Mission and vision statements .

Diffen LLC, n.d., Mission statement vs. vision statement .

Paula Fernandes, May 4, 2018, What is a vision statement?

Linda Le Phan, April 12, 2018, How to define your company’s core values (37 experts share their advice) [blog].  

William A. Nelson & Paul B. Gardent, March/April 2011, " Organizational values statements ," Healthcare Executive, 56-59 .

Edward L. Powers, 2012, " Organizational mission statement guidelines revisited ," International Journal of Management & Information Systems , 16(4), 281-290.

Britt Skrabanek, August 19, 2018, Difference between vision and mission statements: 25 examples .

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world vision core values essay example

How to Write the Texas Christian University Essays 2023-2024

Texas Christian University (TCU) gives students the opportunity to choose whether they want to apply through the Common App or through the TCU website directly. The Common App has two required prompts and one optional prompt. The application through the TCU website consists of one required essay with four prompt options to choose from. 

If you choose to apply through the Common App we strongly encourage you to write the optional essay, as this will provide more admissions officers with more background and insight to your personality. Plus it also shows that you are dedicated to the application process and willing to go above and beyond to display your interest in the school.

TCU is a Top 100 University that receives thousands of applications from high performing students, therefore, your essays are your chance to stand out. If you’re planning to apply to TCU, keep reading for an in-depth look at how to write accurate, thorough responses to this year’s essay prompts.

Texas Christian University Supplemental Essay Prompts

Common app only.

Prompt 1: At TCU, it is our vision to be a world-class, values-centered university. We value academics, intellectual inquiry, creative expression, leadership, service, diversity, and the appreciation of the human experience. With which one of TCU’s core values do you most align and why? (200 words)

Prompt 2: TCU is committed to creating an inclusive campus culture for all people. We have a shared responsibility to enhance our community by encouraging inclusive environments through learning opportunities related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. Describe how you have already contributed to creating an inclusive environment in your community or how you plan to contribute to an inclusive college environment in the future. (200 words)

Prompt 3 (optional): TCU values individuality and believes that students are more than just a GPA and test score. To help us get to know you even better, consider this opportunity to further express yourself. The only limitations are the boundaries of your imagination. Please upload an essay, poem, work of art or a URL that showcases another side of you.

TCU Application Only

TCU is a selective university, and our Admission and Scholarship Committees review thousands of applications each year. The essay tells us a great deal about our candidates and allows for expression of writing skills, organizational skills, creativity and imagination. The essay should be 300-500 words in length. Feel free to be serious, humorous or somewhere in between. Compose your essay on one of the following topics.

Option 1: At TCU, our mission statement is very important to us. “The mission of Texas Christian University, a private comprehensive university, is to educate individuals to think and act as ethical leaders and responsible citizens in the global community through research and creative activities, scholarship, service, and programs of teaching and learning offered through the doctoral level.” This is integrated into all aspects of the TCU experience. If you were to write a mission statement about your life, what would it be and how does this mission direct your life and goals?

Option 2: Tell us about the most significant person, experience, or circumstance which has shaped your life thus far. How has he, she, or it influenced your character? How might you use what you have learned to achieve your goals?

Option 3: Those we call great will usually point to some failure in their lives as a pivotal moment leading them to their successful path. Tell us about a time in your life in which failure propelled you toward success.

Option 4: In her best-selling novel The Secret Life of Bees, TCU alumna Sue Monk Kidd wrote, “The hardest thing on earth is choosing what matters.” What matters to you?

Common App, Prompt 1

At tcu, it is our vision to be a world-class, values-centered university. we value academics, intellectual inquiry, creative expression, leadership, service, diversity, and the appreciation of the human experience. with which one of tcu’s core values do you most align and why (200 words).

The “ Why This College? ” prompt is a way for admissions officers to learn more about why you are uniquely interested in attending their school. This prompt goes a step further, however, and specifically asks applicants to explain why one of the school’s core values most resonates with them. The first step in answering this question is to dive a bit deeper into each of the TCU core values to provide important context before you begin to formulate your response.

As an academically-rigorous university, it goes without saying that applicants with strong academic backgrounds would be drawn to the university. This value is a strong choice for students who have very specific academic goals that only TCU could support. Examples could include referencing specific majors and programs that are unique to TCU. 

Intellectual Inquiry

Intellectual inquiry is the desire to question everything in order to gain a better understanding of why the world is the way that it is. If you choose this value, make sure to explain how intellectual curiosity differs from your academic interests. Talk about why you are passionate about furthering your education and what about TCU will provide you with the distinctive ability to think critically. 

Creative Expression

Outside of the classroom, it’s important that applicants display other ways they express their passions. Creative expression can be represented in many forms (not only visual art). Some examples include music, poetry, dance, rap/freestyling, fashion, cooking, acting, and even social media. You may not even realize that you are expressing yourself in a unique and creative way until you reflect on the things in your life that bring you joy. 

TCU is not solely looking for students who will keep their heads down and get good grades. Being a leader among your peers and in your community is a distinctive feature that highlights how you are able to use the knowledge you have gained to make an impact on the world around you. A fact about leadership that’s important to remember is that a leader does not always have a specific title or rank; a strong leader is someone who is both a good listener to others and has the influence to make positive change. 

As a religious institution, service and community engagement are extremely important values to TCU. If you are someone who is extremely active in giving back to your community or if you are someone who is looking for ways to pay it forward to others, this core value would be an excellent option to illustrate your passions for helping others. If you choose to write about service as the core value that resonates with you the most, make sure that you provide specific examples of how you hope to continue to serve others while attending TCU. 

Diversity and inclusion is a topic that resonates with many applicants. Whether it’s a part of your identity/background or a goal to be a more informed ally, diversity can be an extremely powerful and personal value to write about in your essay. TCU describes diversity as follows, “ Diversity reflects a broad range of identities and perspectives: race, ethnicity, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, nationality, religious beliefs, age, disability status and political perspective.” Due to the wide breadth in which diversity encompasses, it’s crucial that you address which aspects of diversity you most align with and why. Inherently there may be some overlap on the topics you choose such as race and gender or religious beliefs and political perspectives. Exploring the intersectionality of multiple issues is a great way to approach this response while still honing in on specific issues. 

Appreciation of the Human Experience

This core value of TCU is arguably the most abstract of the six provided in the prompt. The Appreciation of the Human Experience could be addressed in many different ways, from bonding over a common quality to undergoing a challenge as a community. This value may be a good option if you’ve had experiences that cross cultures, languages, and other differences, and you want to continue to have these experiences at TCU.

By laying out the potential options in the prompt itself, the admissions committee is challenging you to answer the prompt precisely (to avoid blanket responses such as “I align with all of the core values of TCU”). Choosing one core value to reflect on will allow the admissions committee to have a clearer glimpse into your personality, morales, and beliefs. 

There is no right or wrong choice when responding to any of these six core values, but you should ensure that your response has two main elements:

  • How your past experiences demonstrate an alignment with your chosen value. 
  • How TCU can support your goals related to that chosen value.

For example, maybe you’ve always been driven to create the best plant-based alternatives to popular dishes and have spent countless hours experimenting in your kitchen since there were no food science courses at your school. You could express alignment with TCU’s value of Academics and express interest in their Food Management major, where you would learn the skills necessary to make the food space more innovative. 

Or, maybe you’ve spent a lot of your high school career volunteering to mentor underserved students since you had your own mentor growing up, and they helped you find your voice and passions. You would align most with the value of Service, and you’re glad that TCU offers many service-based clubs, such as A Moment for Magic, that works to improve the quality of life for underserved children in the Dallas/Fort Worth area through facilitating social wellness activities.

This prompt lends itself well to storytelling, so consider beginning your essay with a relevant anecdote before reflecting on your own values and those of TCU.

Common App, Prompt 2

Tcu is committed to creating an inclusive campus culture for all people. we have a shared responsibility to enhance our community by encouraging inclusive environments through learning opportunities related to diversity, equity, and inclusion., describe how you have already contributed to creating an inclusive environment in your community or how you plan to contribute to an inclusive college environment in the future. (200 words).

As we just learned in the previous prompt, diversity is one of TCU’s core values. The fact that this value has now appeared in two of the TCU prompts should further emphasize the importance of the topic to the university. 

The prompt is not asking you a “yes” or “no” question about whether or not you personally value diversity and inclusion. The admissions committee is asking you to describe a specific example of the steps you have already taken to cultivate a more inclusive environment in your community. However, if you have not yet had the opportunity to make this kind of impact in your community they also provide space in this prompt to idealize how you can use the education and resources at TCU to take back to your community and make an impact in the future. 

This prompt is an example of the Diversity Essay . Typically, colleges ask this question because they want to build a diverse class with unique perspectives. They also want to understand how your background has impacted your approach to life, and in this case, how your background will impact their college environment.

In this essay, you’ll need to identify how your experiences have equipped you to create an inclusive environment. This begins with identifying the communities you belong to that hold personal significance to you. These communities may include groups who share the same ethnicity, gender, country of origin, language, income class, disability, or hobby, just to name a few.

Since you only have 100 words, you’ll need to choose just one example from your background to highlight in your essay. Once you’ve selected a topic, ask yourself these questions:

  • What is the strongest emotion you feel about your background?
  • Is there a skill or talent you have developed because of your background?
  • Is there a personality trait that has been strengthened because of your background?

When answering this prompt, you should use a few sentences of your essay to explain your background, then use the rest of the essay to explain how your background will contribute to an inclusive college community.

For example, a female student may choose to focus on her background with Women in STEM. She may share her experience of growing up in a single-mother household and watching her mother persevere as an engineer in a male-dominated field to provide for her and her sister. This student may share how her mom’s drive inspired her to pursue a career in STEM as a software developer. Then, this student might talk about her desire to join a network of like-minded women by participating in the “Women in Science and Engineering” group at TCU. As a part of this group, she will share her perspective on what it means to be a woman in STEM to hopefully inspire her peers to stay dedicated to the field. 

When writing your essay, avoid making these common mistakes:

  • Writing about cliche topics (sports injury, tragedy, immigrant story)
  • Making general statements about how you’ll contribute to the inclusivity of the college (like showing kindness, practicing anti-racism, staying open-minded, etc.). Instead, try to specifically tie your background to an actionable step you’ll take in college (joining a group, volunteering, educating yourself with certain classes, etc.)
  • Talking about more than one community you belong to (remember, you only have 100 words).
  • Writing only about negative experiences. If you do write about a negative experience, be sure to focus on how it inspired positive change.

Common App, Prompt 3 (Optional)

Tcu values individuality and believes that students are more than just a gpa and test score. to help us get to know you even better, consider this opportunity to further express yourself. the only limitations are the boundaries of your imagination. please upload an essay, poem, work of art or a url that showcases another side of you..

It’s always a good idea to complete all prompts even if they’re optional. Even if your responses to the first two prompts are really strong, completing the optional prompt will show the admissions committee that you are willing to go the extra mile to showcase your dedication to TCU. 

In addition to just being a good strategy for your overall application, this prompt provides you with the opportunity to upload something creative that will help illustrate your character to the admissions committee.

This prompt may be extremely straightforward for some applicants, but others may find it more difficult to choose a creative piece to submit. Some applicants may already have a saved file full of poems or lyrics that they can submit with little preparation required. However, it may be a good idea to create something new and special for your TCU application. 

Maybe instead of just uploading the file with your poem to your application, you instead film a video of you doing a dramatic reading of the poem. That way viewers will be able to listen to the poem with the correct inflections and passion that you intended. Or maybe if you choose to upload a piece of visual art you could also write a small blurb describing what the piece means to you. 

Some of you may be worried  when reading this prompt and think,“But what if I have no artistic talent to share with the admissions committee?” Firstly, everyone has some kind of talent or skill that they’re good at or passionate about — so great creative! Here are a few examples of unconventional ways to show your passions:

  • An international student is extremely passionate about sharing their culture with the TCU community so they make a brief powerpoint presentation that highlights some of the key holidays, traditions, food, and language of their heritage. 
  • A student writes a short screenplay about the lives of students pre and post pandemic. The screenplay is meant to be a comedy, but also addresses many of the serious issues that have arisen during the pandemic. 
  • A student films a short video of themselves cooking one of their favorite meals with a parent. They even go as far as to make it a competition to see who could make the dish the best. 
  • Another student makes a photo collage of their family, friends, and hobbies outside of school. A picture’s worth a thousand words after all!
  • A student films themselves doing a short stand-up comedy bit where they poke fun at themselves while also revealing things about their background. 

Whatever you choose to upload, make sure that it’s an accurate reflection of your personality and values. It’s also helpful to use this prompt as an opportunity to showcase a unique side of you that your application didn’t fully capture. 

For example, if the majority of your application discussed your interest in becoming a doctor and TCU’s pre-health enhancement program, but you also love to compete in poetry slams, use this as an opportunity to showcase your creative interest in poetry. 

As the prompt states, “The only limitations are the boundaries of your imagination.” So really let your imagination run wild on this prompt and allow it to show a different side of yourself than just your academic strengths. 

TCU Application, Option 1

At tcu, our mission statement is very important to us. “the mission of texas christian university, a private comprehensive university, is to educate individuals to think and act as ethical leaders and responsible citizens in the global community through research and creative activities, scholarship, service, and programs of teaching and learning offered through the doctoral level.” this is integrated into all aspects of the tcu experience. if you were to write a mission statement about your life, what would it be and how does this mission direct your life and goals (300-500 words).

By providing the TCU mission statement as the introduction to this prompt, the admissions committee is offering you a framework for what your own mission statement might look like. Even though it would be great if your personal mission statement aligned with the values of TCU, you want to avoid simply regurgitating the same mission statement in your response. 

The first step in responding to this prompt is reflecting on what motivates you. It could be helpful to look back at other parts of your application and see if you can find any recurring themes, religious values, dedication to bettering your community, a global mindset, leadership, creative outlets, etc. Once you have honed in on a few topics that you feel truly represent your personality and future goals, you can begin to formulate your mission statement: 

Example: As a first generation college student, I am empowered by the knowledge I cultivate. I seek to deepen my understanding of global issues through intellectually stimulating conversations that will challenge my current ways of thinking. I am motivated by my faith, strong morals, and an excitement for learning. 

Writing your mission statement alone, however, is not enough to fully answer the prompt. The second part of the prompt asks you to describe “how does this mission direct your life and goals?” Writing a compelling mission statement is not enough, you must also be able to explain the meaning behind the statement.

For instance, a student’s mission statement could concisely explain their many different academic/career interests or it could be a reminder for them to stay true to their morals along the way to a successful future. Explaining the purpose behind your mission statement should give the reader a closer look at what drives yourself to becoming the best version of yourself. It’s also okay to include creative anecdotes to explain your mission statement. Maybe there was a defining event in your life that directed you to the path you’re on now. 

Example: My mission statement is derived from years of watching my parents work hard, but never quite having the right resources to be truly comfortable financially. The barrier of access to education prohibits so many people from achieving their life goals. I will use my privilege for higher education to not only better my future, but also pay it forward to my community. 

TCU Application, Option 2

Tell us about the most significant person, experience, or circumstance which has shaped your life thus far. how has he, she, or it influenced your character how might you use what you have learned to achieve your goals (300-500 words).

It may be challenging to pinpoint just one person, experience, or circumstance that has been “the most significant” in shaping your life. For many applicants, a parent or guardian may be the most obvious choice to write about for this prompt. However, as writing about a parent/guardian will likely be a very common response topic, it may be helpful to think outside the box on this one to choose a more unique topic to write about. 

If you do choose to write about a parent/guardian, however, try and be as specific as possible when explaining your reasoning. Besides raising you and providing you with a foundation for education and ethics, can you think of a specific example of something that was said or done by your parents that particularly impacted you?

For example, a student could write about their mother who left a well paying job at a fancy law firm to instead pursue a career in the non-profit sector providing free legal advice and representation to those in need. Having a role model who would choose to forgo a larger paycheck in exchange for a more fulfilling career helping others, would likely have a lasting, positive impact on the student’s morals. 

Writing about an influential experience or circumstance may be very emotional to reflect on. Although it’s helpful to expose parts of your authentic identity to the admissions committee, it’s also important to tell your story in the way that’s most comfortable for you. If there is an event or circumstance that you know has a significant impact on your life, but you don’t feel comfortable writing about it in your response, focus on expressing the impact of the event rather than on the details of the event itself. 

For example, losing a loved one, recovering from a traumatic injury/illness, and being bullied in school are all examples of events that likely contribute greatly to a student’s character, however, these kinds of events may be sensitive to relive while writing your essay response. In these instances, talk about how you grew as a person as a result of these unfortunate events. 

Regardless of what you choose to write about, focus on illustrating how the person or occurrence motivates you to further your education and achieve your unique aspirations and goals. For example, a student who got a severe concussion during a car accident could explain how this motivated them to pursue engineering to create vehicles with better safety features to protect drivers and passengers at all times. 

TCU Application, Option 3

Those we call great will usually point to some failure in their lives as a pivotal moment leading them to their successful path. tell us about a time in your life in which failure propelled you toward success. (300-500 words).

This classic Overcoming Challenges Essay prompts applicants to speak transparently about a time where something didn’t go as planned and what they learned from that experience. For many students, a notable failure might be a bad test grade or losing a sporting event. Although these examples may resonate with you, try to avoid choosing cliche topics . 

“Failure” can look like many different things, but similarly to the previous prompt option, the focus on this response should be more centered on what you learned from the experience rather than the event itself. 

Here are a few examples of failures that would be appropriate for this prompt:

  • A student who wanted to start a composting system at her school was upset when the funding request was denied by the district. She almost gave up on the initiative until she realized there were other paths to reducing food waste in the cafeteria. Rather than rely on commercial composting pickup, she approached the Gardening Club to propose a joint fundraiser and initiative to build a composting system in the school’s own community garden. The fundraiser was a big success, and all the discarded food is now turned into nutrient-rich compost that the Gardening Club uses for its projects. 
  • A student who really wanted to play the lead in the school play spent countless hours practicing his audition lines. He didn’t end up getting cast and decided to write his own one-man show instead. The writing process itself was cathartic, but his friends encouraged him to actually hold the show. So, he built the set from scratch using thrifted materials and held the show for the local community to raise money for a theatre troupe supporting low-income students. He raised $300+ and got a standing ovation for his performance, leading him to write more plays to be put on for the community.

The key to this prompt is to provide just enough background on the failure so that the admissions officers can understand its impact on you, but not too much so that it becomes the focus of the essay. The goal is to show what you learned from the failure and how you picked yourself up from it, so you should spend most of the essay reflecting on these points.

TCU Application, Option 4

In her best-selling novel the secret life of bees, tcu alumna sue monk kidd wrote, “the hardest thing on earth is choosing what matters.” what matters to you (300-500 words).

This open-ended prompt gives you the creative freedom to address any topic that has not been previously discussed in another part of your application. Although it’s admirable to be passionate about solving world hunger or climate change, don’t feel pressured to choose a complex global conflict to address. 

Sometimes the most compelling essay responses to these kinds of open ended prompts are those that are lighthearted and include a bit of humor. Unlike some of the previous prompt options, this prompt does not ask what matters to you the most , but rather just something that matters to you in general. Understanding this distinction should help you approach this prompt differently than the other prompt options provided previously. 

Here are some examples:

  • Maybe you really enjoy fudgesicles, and they’ve always been your go-to food when you’re working on a difficult task or have to make a tough decision. You could use your love for fudgesicles to explain your thought process or decision-making process in a few specific experiences.
  • You’re always looking to challenge and improve yourself. You could share the story of how you spent nearly every day of your sophomore year winter in the skating rink, working on your double lutz. The feeling when you finally landed it was exhilarating. Now, you’re tackling the triple lutz.
  • Sustainability and entrepreneurship matter to you, and it’s one of the reasons you started a podcast interviewing the founders of local, eco-friendly businesses. You could write about the process of setting up the podcast, the people you’ve interviewed, and the lessons you’ve learned.

It’s important to keep this essay very specific to your own experience. By formulating a more niche response, rather than a very general one, the admissions committee will gain deeper clarity on what motivates you as an individual.  

Where to Get Your TCU Essays Edited

Do you want feedback on your TCU essays? After rereading your essays countless times, it can be difficult to evaluate your writing objectively. That’s why we created our free Peer Essay Review tool , where you can get a free review of your essay from another student. You can also improve your own writing skills by reviewing other students’ essays. 

If you want a college admissions expert to review your essay, advisors on CollegeVine have helped students refine their writing and submit successful applications to top schools. Find the right advisor for you to improve your chances of getting into your dream school!

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  • Vision statements convey an organization’s overarching future purpose.
  • They clarify a company’s “why” while mission statements communicate “how.”
  • Vision statements combine a company’s mission, core values, uniqueness, and goals.
  • They serve as the company’s “north star” and guide all business actions. 

Starting a business can be an exciting undertaking, reaping many promises of reward and economic benefit. Amidst this motivation and excitement, the temptation to jump right in and get started can be overwhelming. Navigating the new waters of a business successfully, however, requires thoughtful planning and strategy. You can be easily knocked off-course by the waves of uncertainty if you don’t know where you’re going, even if you have some of the finest tools and sailors. 

In this article, learn to distinguish the importance of having a vision statement, mission statement, core values, goals, and strategy. Then, explore how to craft a powerful vision statement that fosters business success by learning from 20 examples of the world’s top companies. 

A vision statement is an organization’s guiding description of future objectives. The vision statement communicates what the organization’s existence strives to accomplish. Goals and strategies outlined within the mission statement lean on the vision statement for direction and alignment.

Vision statements are short, clear, and specific while conveying what makes the organization unique. Ultimately, vision statements serve to inspire employees to work together to achieve company goals by connecting to an organization’s core values. 

A vision statement communicates future aspirations. Where does the organization want to be in ten years? What is it that the organization is working toward achieving? Rather than providing detailed plans, vision statements serve as a light post that inspires and guides actions. 

Mission statements, by contrast, communicate tangible details and plans. Mission statements are grounded in the present, conveying the daily steps an organization promises to take to achieve the bigger vision. 

An organization’s mission statement, vision statement, goals, and strategy should all work in tandem to achieve a common outcome. 

While some may use the two terms interchangeably, a vision statement and a mission statement serve different purposes. Here are examples of each for three large companies. 

Vision Statement: “Create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.”

Mission Statement: “To connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.”

Vision Statement: “To make the best products on earth and to leave the world better than we found it.” 

Mission Statement: “To bring the best personal computing products and support to students, educators, designers, scientists, engineers, businesspersons, and consumers in over 140 countries around the world.”

Southwest Airlines

Vision Statement: “To be the world’s most loved, most efficient, and most profitable airline.”

Mission Statement: “To connect people to what’s important in their lives through friendly, reliable, and low-cost air travel.”

The purpose of a vision statement is to communicate an organization’s mission and direction to both internal and external stakeholders. To do this effectively, it must contain several key components.

A good vision statement:

  • Defines an organization’s core focus.
  • Reflects the organization’s new and existing core values.
  • Provides direction for the organization.
  • Inspires and excites employees and customers.
  • Demonstrates what makes the organization unique.

To craft a powerful vision statement that is clear and compelling, avoid: 

  • Trying to include everything.
  • Making it too lengthy or wordy.
  • Trying to be catchy or clever.
  • Being generic or vague.
  • Using buzzwords or cliché language. 

Ultimately, your vision statement should be as understandable and unique as your products and service are. Use concise but meaningful language to convey your organization’s unique vision of success.   

1. Get Clear on Your “Why”

Identifying your organization’s “why” for existing is the first step in determining how to create a vision . In Start with Why , leadership and business expert Simon Sinek shares, “Very few people or companies can clearly articulate why they do what they do. By why, I mean your purpose, cause, or belief.” Yet, identifying and articulating your organization’s purpose is critical to its success. This is because people connect—as consumers, partners, clients, or employees—with organizations they trust and understand. Without clarity of purpose, there can be no trust or understanding. 

Start determining your “why” by:

  • Considering why you started or joined the organization; what do you want to accomplish?
  • Thinking about the need you’re trying to fulfill. Is it a cultural need? Health need? Global need?
  • Contemplating how you see working with others, the community, and partners to fulfill that need.
  • Visualizing any improvements, movements, or shifts you’d like your organization to incite. 

For continued learning, read Start with Why: A Powerful Way to Lead with Purpose .

2. Visualize the Future

Practicing visualization is an incredible way to clarify an organization’s purpose. Once you’ve determined the “why,” set aside time to visualize that further. Brainstorming can be done in any manner, from letting words and ideas flow freely onto paper to journaling or meditating. No matter how you do it, making time for this step when writing a vision statement is crucial for understanding the path more deeply and intuitively. It also helps you practice inspiring leadership by allowing you to communicate to your team what brighter vision of the future they’re working toward.

Questions to ask yourself while visualizing:

  • What do you want your organization to have accomplished in five years? Ten years?
  • How do you see the phases or stages of achieving these things aligning?
  • What is the impact you see yourself making on the local and global community?
  • Who is involved? What does your team look like?
  • Is the organizational culture light and fun? Efficient and diligent?
  • What is it that sets your organization apart from the competition? How are you doing things differently?

3. Draft Your Statement

Once you have your “why” and ultimate clarity on the vision supporting it, it’s time to draft your vision statement. To do this, identify the three main points you want your statement to convey. What must be communicated about your organization’s vision? Picking only three points will help remove any unnecessary language while establishing the foundation of your statement. 

The vision statement for Adidas, for example, is “To be the design leaders with a focus on getting the best out of the athletes with performance-guaranteed products in the sports market globally.”

The three main points of this vision statement are:

  • “To be leaders in performance design.”
  • “To help athletes perform at their best.”
  • “To be a global provider of performance products.”

Once you have your three main points, begin weaving them together. As you do, focus on remaining present, clear, and concise while avoiding jargon or unnecessary language. 

4. Revise for Clarity

Now that you have a draft of your business vision, examine it more closely. Is it clear to others? Does it effectively communicate your organization’s three main vision points? Are there any statements or words that can be eliminated without compromising the message? Taking time to sharpen your vision statement will help ensure it’s meaningful without being confusing. 

Tips for refining your vision statement:

  • Have a mentor , colleague, or advisor review your statement and provide feedback.
  • Organize a brainstorming session with others to dissect the statement collaboratively.
  • Meet with members of your leadership team or executive board to get different perspectives.

5. Implement, Communicate, and Intentionally Restate It

Once your vision statement is finalized, begin putting it into action. Start by presenting the vision statement to team members and internal stakeholders. Then, communicate the company vision to external stakeholders and consumers. For your employees to align deeply with the vision, it must be part of daily, weekly, and quarterly conversations. There can’t be any question as to what the vision is. Ultimately, the more prevalent it is, the more powerful it will be. 

Tips for communicating your vision statement:

  • Organize one-on-one meetings with employees to discuss it.
  • Include it in any hiring and onboarding documents.
  • Be sure it’s added to the company website and other important locations.
  • Begin instituting policies and modeling behavior that supports the vision. 
  • Schedule a company-wide meeting to share the statement and answer any questions.

While a vision statement can take on any format, there are a few specific traits that the most impactful statements have in common. Here are five best practices to consider.

  • Be sure it includes your goals: What are your business goals ? Do they align with and support what’s in the vision statement? Be sure your goals and vision are cohesively working together. 
  • Keep it short and impactful: Successful vision statements are straight and to the point. Keep it precise by avoiding too much detail or “fluff” language. 
  • Orient it toward the future: Mission statements are about the here and now, but a vision statement should be set in the future. What is the future state you’re trying to achieve?
  • Make it inspirational: Does your statement inspire and excite? Is it confident and empowering? The best vision statements incite action and investment, no matter how ambitious they may sound. 
  • Give it stability: A successful vision statement will withstand economic, technological, or cultural challenges. Make sure your statement is sturdy and can apply long-term. 

Reading the vision statements of successful businesses is a great way to glean inspiration for crafting your own. Here are 20 powerful company vision examples to explore. 

“Reddit is the world’s largest and best platform for online communities to share and connect.”

“To be a cultural platform where professional creators can break free of their medium’s constraints and where everyone can enjoy an immersive artistic experience that enables us to empathize with each other and to feel part of a greater whole.”

3. Make-A-Wish

“That people everywhere will share the power of a wish.”

“To inspire tomorrow’s creators to use technology to build brighter futures for themselves, their families, and the world.”

“To build Calm into one of the most valuable and meaningful brands of the 21st century.”

“To help humanity thrive by enabling the world’s teams to work together effortlessly.”

“To make the movement and management of money as simple, secure, and affordable as possible.”

“To attract and attain customers with high-valued products and services and the most satisfying ownership experience in America.”

9. Facebook

“Giving people the power to build community and bring the world closer together.”

“To accelerate the world’s transition to sustainable energy.”

“Spread ideas.”

12. Netflix

“Becoming the best global entertainment distribution service.”

13. Habitat for Humanity

“A world where everyone has a decent place to live.”

“To make people happy.”

“To organize the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful.”

16. Pandora Music

“To enrich people’s lives by enabling them to enjoy music they know and discover music they’ll love, anytime, anywhere.”

“To make Target the preferred shopping destination for our guests by delivering outstanding value, continuous innovation, and exceptional guest experience by consistently fulfilling our Expect More. Pay Less. Brand Promise.”

18. Planet Fitness

“To provide a workout environment in which anyone and everyone can be comfortable.”

19. Audible

“We will build a new medium that will redefine and enhance the nature of spoken information, education, entertainment, and other modes of verbal expression we will help create ourselves.”

“Make work-life simpler, more pleasant, and more productive.”

“Business as usual produces predictable results. But if you want something fresh, something new, that takes vision. Greatness only happens by design.” Michael Hyatt , The vision driven leader

Getting started on your vision statement can feel like a daunting task. However, approaching it piece by piece can help you generate clarity and momentum. Using questions and prompts can be a great way to dive in.

To begin crafting your business vision, fill in the blanks on these questions:

  • “Our organization will know that the vision became a reality when ___________.”
  • “People will be better able to ____________ with our vision.”
  • “The world will be __________________ if our vision is achieved.”
  • “The organization is committed to ________________ to achieve the vision.”
  • “We expect to achieve this vision statement within ______ years.” 

As Simon Sinek shares , “For me, vision is about just cause—a cause so just that we would willingly sacrifice in order to help advance this cause.” What greater cause do you want your organization to have an impact on?

As you begin crafting your vision statement, remember and integrate your core values. For more insight on values, read “ What Are Ethical Values in Business? ”

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Values and Their Role in Our Lives: a Personal Reflection

  • Categories: Customer Values

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Words: 1523 |

Published: Dec 3, 2020

Words: 1523 | Pages: 3 | 8 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, what are values, why is it important for me as a coach to discover my client’s core values, decision making, fulfillment.

  • Decision making
  • the connection between my client’s core values and his behavior, decision making, motivation and fulfillment
  • the impact of my client’s core values on each of these aspects, especially through examples.

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