
12 Synonyms for “Assisted” on Your Resume

another word for assisted on a resume

“Assisted” may not be the best word to include on your resume. Luckily, there are plenty of other words that work well.

This article will look into another word for “assisted” that might help to breathe new life into your resume.

Assisted Synonyms

  • With my input
  • Streamlined
  • Helped in the development of
  • Worked alongside


  • “Assisted” is overused in CVs, so it’s best to use one of the synonyms.
  • “Enabled” is a great one-word alternative to replace “assisted.”
  • You can say “with my input” to demonstrate the impact you had on something.

You should continue reading to learn more about these synonyms. We’ve highlighted the most effective ones. We’ve also explained how they work via examples.

Feel free to skip to the final section for more of an explanation about “assisted” as well. We’ve explained why you might want to use an alternative in your resume.

“Enabled” is a much better option than “assisted” in most resumes. It shows you have provided help to someone (or a group of people) before they complete a task.

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “enabled” as “to provide with the means or opportunity.”

If you have enabled someone to complete a task before, it’s worth highlighting in your resume. An employer will see that you’re a team player , which will play in your favor to show them that you work well with others.

You should certainly include a term like “enabled” in your resume when applying for a team-based job. It’s one of the best terms to show an employer that you don’t mind helping others when necessary.

Also, “enabled” is much more effective than “assisted.” So, if you want a more formal option, “enabled” will be more useful.

Check these examples out to see how you might use it:

I enabled the team to move forward with the project. From that, we managed to meet the deadline with time to spare.

Learning from them enabled me to explore new avenues. That’s why I’m happy to bring them into the workplace.

With My Input

“With my input” is a great formal phrase. It’s very professional and suggests that you offer help to someone (or a team) before they complete a task.

The implication is that someone wouldn’t have completed a task without your help. “With my input” is a very confident phrase that lets an employer know you were instrumental in completing previous work projects.

“With my input” is also useful in other formal mediums. For example, you might talk about how you helped others in a cover letter when applying for a team-related position.

You should use “with my input” over “assisted” in every situation. It’s much more effective, making it one of the best options to include in a resume.

How about reading through the following examples to see how to use it:

With my input , many teams completed the tasks with little to no trouble. I’m excited to bring that same energy to this new workforce.

They managed to complete the plans with my input . I’m glad they listened to my ideas and changed the task to accommodate me.

Should You Say “Assisted” on Your Resume?

“Assisted” is bland and overused , so it’s not good to include it on your resume.

While it might sound formal, it’s used too much, and most employers will not appreciate seeing it when reading through your experience and work history.

Instead, you should use one of the synonyms provided in this article. That way, you’ll sound more professional and interesting.

With that said, “assisted” will still work if you genuinely can’t think of anything else. However, we do not believe it’s worth using.

The problem tends to be that “assisted” doesn’t allow you to elaborate much. You should use more open-ended terms that allow you to explain your experience in different ways to relate them more to the job you are applying for.

You can always bookmark this page to remind yourself of the best synonyms. Then, you’ll have something to replace “assisted” to keep things interesting in resumes and cover letters.

  • 11 Synonyms for “Attention to Detail” on Your Resume
  • 12 Synonyms for “Communication Skills” on Your Resume
  • 12 Synonyms for “Easy to Work With” on Your Resume
  • 12 Synonyms for “Familiar With” on Your Resume

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another word for assisted on a resume

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Synonyms For Common Resume Power Verbs

Power verbs can make the difference between landing on the ‘yes’ or ‘no’ pile. This guide has all the action verbs, with synonyms, you need to make your resume worth reading.

3 years ago   •   9 min read

Every resume accomplishment needs a strong action verb . But what happens when you run out of ideas?

Let’s face it — scanning resumes isn’t the most riveting job to begin with, and no hiring manager wants to spend their day reading the exact same word over and over. After all, whose eyes wouldn’t glaze over after reading “created” seven times in a row?

If you’re trying to avoid this — and who isn’t? — here’s a complete guide to power verbs, including the best ones to use on your resume.

Examples of resume power words with synonyms

Making your resume sound more interesting is easier said than done. The solution? We’ve put together a list of some most overused resume verbs — and what you can replace them with.

Synonyms for Created on your resume

Hiring managers love people who can get creative — and, more importantly, convert that creativity into results. To show off your high-level conceptual skills, try synonyms like:

  • Conceptualized
  • Established

For example:

- Designed and launched customer feedback systems for software company, improving net promoter score by 30 points in pilot teams over 6 months.
- Conceptualized and implemented behavioral push notifications based on in-app usage; increased retention by 10%.

We've compiled some more examples and synonyms for Created , and the present tense version of the verb, Create .

Synonyms for Collaborated on your resume

Teamwork and communication are key skills hiring managers are looking for. To demonstrate your ability to contribute to a collegial working environment, try synonyms like:

  • Communicated
  • Corresponded
  • Facilitated
- Liaised with influencers and key bloggers to extend public relations initiatives; yielding 22% ROI improvements.

We've compiled more synonyms to the action verb, collaborate .

Synonyms for Managed on your resume

If you’ll be supervising other employees , recruiters will want to see evidence of your management skills . Show that you have what it takes to lead with synonyms like:

  • Coordinated
  • Administered
- Led a 15-person department responsible for all consumer acquisition and retention marketing, branding, corporate communications, B2B marketing and sales support , and product development.
- Coached 30 summer interns and launched a mentorship program for new joiners in the Berlin office.

Want more synonyms to Managed? See this list of Managed synonyms compiled by our resident resume expert.

Synonyms for Assisted on your resume

If you’re applying for entry level or assistant roles, highlight your past contributions and willingness to help with synonyms like:

  • Co-authored
  • Contributed
  • Collaborated
- Organized attorney case files, enabling them to bill 20% more hours.
- Communicated with 20 staff members to schedule meetings and assist them as needed.

For more examples, see other words you can use instead of Assisted .

Synonyms for Learned on your resume

A commitment to learning isn’t just an important aspect of professional development — it’s also a key skill for jobs involving research and analysis. Try using synonyms like:

- Researched and negotiated a new payroll vendor, saving $2,000 annually in payroll fees.
- Identified fraudulent transactions by analyzing customer’s spending behavior, increasing the accuracy rate by over 97%.

Synonyms for Developed on your resume

Whether it’s initiating a project or seeing it through to completion, demonstrate your ability to shape initiatives and guide outcomes with synonyms like:

  • Implemented
- Founded a tech startup for online education; partnered with 50 education companies in the first year of business.
- Developed web scraping program in Python to help the firm download public data, including over 10,000 company descriptions and stock quotes, enriching internal data and increasing research efficiency by over 50%

We're prepared more action verbs you can use instead of Developed . If you're describing your current job, here are synonyms to the present tense version, Develop .

Synonyms for Oversaw on your resume

If you’re applying for roles where you’ll be in charge of something — whether that’s a single product, a small team, or a whole department — highlight your capability with synonyms like:

  • Spearheaded
  • Orchestrated
- Directed agency fundraising revenue generation, daily program business operations, community outreach membership recruitment, and human resources in 30 suburbs in the city for organizations with assets of $8M.
- Executed all global marketing strategies and activities for the $2B company including a 3-5 year strategic plan.

Our in-house resume expert prepared an additional set of synonyms to Oversaw that you can use.

Synonyms for Worked With on your resume

Hiring managers want to hire people who work well with others. Whether you’re in a customer-facing role or simply working within a team, show that you’re a people person with synonyms like:

  • Participated
Collaborated with the assistant director of creative services and 15+ other designers to maintain graphic quality.
Devised a pricing and branding strategy with the Strategy team to launch a new three-tier pricing model; achieved a 27% increase in profit

Here are more alternatives you can use to Worked With .

Synonyms for Helped on your resume

Recruiters often look for applicants who are willing to help out, whether in a formal capacity or simply someone who’s willing to go above and beyond in a pinch. Illustrate your can-do attitude with synonyms like:

  • Recommended
- Enhanced team performance through coaching, feedback and effective communication, increasing team efficacy rate by 15% with higher job satisfaction reported amongst staff.
- Supported CEO and executive team of 5 with Six Sigma training and process implementation, saving over 10 hours per week on office functions.

If you need more action verbs for Helped, check out this list of Helped synonyms . If you're describing a job you're currently doing, you can consider using the present tense of the word. In that case, see this list of synonyms for Help .

Synonyms for Conducted on your resume

The most valuable skills on any resume are the ones that show that you can actually do the job you’re applying for. Demonstrate hands-on experience with synonyms like:

  • Investigated
- Collected data on user experience; made improvements to software and increased usage by 70%.
- Investigated major security breaches in network; set up new firewall with 99% efficacy in blocking future breaches.

For more, see this curated list of synonyms for Conducted .

Synonyms for Maintained on your resume

Whether it’s single-handedly keeping an aspect of the business running or simply contributing to its smooth operation, impress hiring managers with synonyms like:

  • Streamlined
  • Strengthened
- Streamlined assembly line process, leading to a 60% increase in worker efficiency.
- Engineered database infrastructures for high-profile clients; increased revenue by 60%.

Here are some more synonyms to the action verb, Maintain .

Synonyms for Responsible For on your resume

Don't let your resume read like a job description. Keep the focus on what you actually did with synonyms like:

  • Demonstrated
  • Accomplished
Demonstrated exceptional product knowledge of over 300 clinical nutrition formulas and medical foods.

Our resident career coach compiled this list of alternatives you can use to Responsible For .

Synonyms for Led on your resume

If you're applying for a leadership position , it's time to highlight accomplishments where you took a leading role. Try synonyms like:

Executed self-insured health plan including wellness benefits which saved the business in excess of $70K or 20% and influenced over 200 staff members to become healthier.
Drove the development of an improved mobile app, driving record downloads +250% YOY.

Synonyms for Volunteered on your resume

Hiring managers love candidates who are willing to go above and beyond. Emphasize your philanthropic side with synonyms like:

Engaged volunteers, prepared position descriptions, and led frontline communication for ABC Foundation’s annual signature event held in February.

Synonyms for Ensured on your resume

Keeping everything running smoothly is no small task. Demonstrate your attention to detail with synonyms like:

Monitored the performance of each team member by conducting a monthly touch base, coaching in the moment, and implementing disciplinary actions in a write up.

Want more synonyms? See this list of synonyms to Ensure , compiled by our resident hiring manager.

Synonyms for Provided on your resume

The most important thing to hiring managers is the company's bottom line. Show that you have what it takes to deliver results with synonyms like:

  • Capitalized
Generated 50+ donors through cold call sales and systematic email outreach; qualified leads based on industry and location.
Maximized revenue by 45% by providing direct supervision and training to 10 managers to problem areas of the company.

If you need them, check out more synonyms to the action verb Provide ?

Synonyms for Prepared on your resume

Preparation is sometimes invisible — but that doesn't mean it has to be! Show off your work behind the scenes with synonyms like:

Integrated the developed email campaigns to the new system with the company's 900+ email list; increased open rates by 10%.

Synonyms for Worked On on your resume

Don't fill your resume with meaningless fluff like "worked on ..." Instead, get straight to the point with synonyms like:

Led team of 5 to build 7 mobile applications which helped the company retain upwards of $70k per month.

If you need additional synonyms, check out this list of synonyms to Worked , and this set of synonyms to Worked With .

Synonyms for Improved on your resume

If you've made things better for your company in a measurable way — improving a process, generating sales, or fixing a problem — those accomplishments should be front and center on your resume. Spotlight your achievements with synonyms like:

  • Centralized
  • Standardized
  • Transformed
  • Rehabilitated
Enhanced implementing writing standards for the web; reduced 46% of complaints received by the server.
Overhauled existing employee onboarding processes resulting in an increase in performance of 30% in the average employee’s first three months.

Synonyms for Researched on your resume

Research is a crucial skill for many jobs — and not just roles where formal research is a key responsibility. Show off your critical thinking and analytical skills with synonyms like:

Identified manually intensive data collection tasks for the sales team and worked with engineering to launch tools that reduced manual work by 100 hours each month.
Analyzed data to identify potential upsell opportunities for new clients leading to $600K in sales.

Synonyms for Communicated on your resume

Communication is one of those soft skills that nearly job needs — and any applicant can claim to have. Show, don't tell, with synonyms like:

Guided and advised 10+ business partners through annual talent assessments, discussions, and proactively pipelining for future openings.
Wrote 12 articles on consumer psychology and entrepreneurship, generating 25,000 page views, 4,000 re-tweets, and 3,500 newsletter subscribers.

If you need more resume synonyms, check out this list of action verbs of Communicate synonyms .

Frequently Asked Questions

Here are some of our FAQs — or, in other words, everything you need to know about resume power verbs.

What are resume power verbs?

You’ve probably heard of power words, but what are they exactly? Power words, power verbs, and action verbs are all the same thing — the verbs you use to start your work experience bullet points. These are the words that specify what you did, like “managed,” “developed,” or “assisted.”

Why should I use power words on my resume?

You might be wondering why you even need synonyms for common resume power verbs — after all, what’s wrong with sticking to a few common verbs? Simply put, it’s because reading the same thing over and over is boring.

If a recruiter reads half a dozen bullet points starting with the same word, they’ll start to lose focus, have trouble differentiating your accomplishments, and will likely conclude that you’re repeatedly demonstrating a limited number of skills.

On the other hand, using interesting, unique verbs can help your accomplishments stand out and allow you to be more precise about exactly what it is you achieved.

I’d recommend uploading your resume to the tool below — it’ll let you know if you have used strong action verbs and synonyms to showcase your accomplishments.

Related : Improve Your Resume by Eliminating Adverbs

What words should I avoid using on my resume?

Here are a few things to steer clear of when writing a resume:

Power words are not the same thing as buzzwords. Meaningless phrases like “results driven,” “above and beyond,” “hard worker,” and “team player” are overused and too subjective to belong on your resume.

Boring words and phrases

Phrases like “responsible for” or “ in charge of ” are boring, but even worse, they say very little about what it is you actually did. Avoid anything that sounds like it came straight from a job description — always focus on your accomplishments, not on your responsibilities.

Related : Power Phrases

If you find yourself using the same verb more than once or twice on your resume — especially in quick succession — it’s time to change it up. Scroll up for a list of synonyms for common resume power verbs, or check out some alternative action verbs .

Eliminate buzzwords and boring phrases from your resume and replace them with keywords and hard skills that are relevant to the job you’re applying for. Use the tool below to find some relevant ones.

How do I know if I’ve used resume power verbs?

Try uploading your resume to a free resume checker. Score My Resume can give you instant feedback about the strength of your resume and a few easy suggestions for improvement.

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another word for assisted on a resume

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another word for assisted on a resume

Synonyms of assisted

  • as in aided
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Thesaurus Definition of assisted

Synonyms & Similar Words

  • facilitated
  • propped (up)
  • backstopped
  • bore a hand
  • stood one in good stead
  • ministered (to)
  • cared (for)

Antonyms & Near Antonyms

  • handicapped
  • constrained
  • disappointed
  • discouraged
  • inconvenienced
  • disheartened

Thesaurus Entries Near assisted

assisted suicide

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“Assisted.” Merriam-Webster.com Thesaurus , Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/thesaurus/assisted. Accessed 7 Jun. 2024.

More from Merriam-Webster on assisted

Nglish: Translation of assisted for Spanish Speakers

Britannica English: Translation of assisted for Arabic Speakers

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adjective as in backed

Strongest matches

approved , endorsed , favored

Strong matches

advocated , aided , bankrolled , bolstered , boosted , championed , encouraged , financed , fostered , furthered , helped , promoted , propped , seconded , sponsored , underwritten , upheld

adjective as in directed

Strongest match

aimed , controlled , counseled , focused , guided , managed , organized , sponsored

Weak matches

orderly , purposeful

adjective as in helped

abetted , accompanied , advised , backed , befriended , bolstered , encouraged , maintained , nursed , relieved , subsidized , supported , sustained

  • taken care of

adjective as in reinforced

augmented , fortified , strengthened

backed , banded , bolstered , braced , buttressed , stiffened , thickened

beefed up , built-up

Discover More

Example sentences.

Strange is sometimes assisted by Wong, another monk gifted to Dr. Strange by The Ancient One.

The implication is that she might even have assisted her husband inflicting his superficial wounds.

He talks candidly about the saga, non-monogamy, assisted suicide, and why he is ‘bored’ of the gay actor debate.

In a newspaper interview Sunday, he claimed the government had assisted the militants with arms and funds.

By contrast, Gallup found that a majority of Democrats believe that physician-assisted death is morally acceptable.

When the days were fine, Jean in his basket assisted at the dramatic performance in the market-place.

The wedding breakfast very much resembled the similar festivities at which most of us have assisted.

Robert assisted her into the hammock which swung from the post before her door out to the trunk of a tree.

He assisted in framing the federal constitution, and made himself useful to his country in various ways.

She closed the stove door with a bang, and approaching, assisted in removing Edna's dripping mackintosh.

Related Words

Words related to assisted are not direct synonyms, but are associated with the word assisted . Browse related words to learn more about word associations.

adjective as in supported

  • underwritten

adjective as in supervised

adjective as in aided

  • accompanied
  • strengthened

On this page you'll find 72 synonyms, antonyms, and words related to assisted, such as: approved, endorsed, favored, advocated, aided, and bankrolled.

From Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group.

Resume Synonyms for Aided

Looking for better ways to exhibit collaborative spirit on your resume? While 'Aided' suggests assisting others, more supportive language like 'Empowered' highlights your talents actively contributing to their success. Let's find uplifting alternatives to 'Aided' that can compellingly convey your teamwork capabilities.

Table of Contents

Using aided on a resume.

The term 'Aided' is a versatile word that essentially conveys the act of helping or assisting in a task or process. It's a term that carries a sense of collaboration and support, often used to indicate a role where you've provided valuable assistance to a team, project, or individual. In the context of a resume, 'Aided' is frequently used to highlight one's ability to contribute to a larger goal or objective. It speaks to your capacity to work as part of a team, to support others, and to add value in a supportive role. It can be a powerful word to demonstrate your collaborative skills and your willingness to help others achieve their goals. However, while 'Aided' can be a useful term, it may not always be the most impactful choice of language for your resume. The word can sometimes come across as passive or imply a secondary role, which may not fully capture the extent of your contributions or responsibilities. Therefore, it can be beneficial to consider using other synonyms or terms that can more accurately and powerfully convey your role and achievements. By doing so, you can ensure that your resume stands out and truly reflects your skills and experiences.

Tailor Your Resume Content to the Job Description

another word for assisted on a resume

Strong vs Weak Uses of Aided

Examples of using aided on a resume.

  • Aided in the development and implementation of a new marketing strategy that increased company sales by 25%.
  • Aided the project management team in coordinating and executing a major project, resulting in a 30% reduction in project completion time.
  • Aided the HR department in streamlining the recruitment process, leading to a 20% increase in employee retention rate.
  • Aided in some tasks related to project management.
  • Aided my boss in doing his job.
  • Aided colleagues with their work when they needed help.

How Aided Is Commonly Misused

"aided in various tasks".

This statement is too vague and does not provide any specific information about the tasks that were aided. It is better to provide specific examples or details to showcase your skills and contributions. For example, instead of saying "Aided in various tasks," you could say "Collaborated with a team of designers to aid in the creation of marketing materials, including designing graphics and editing content."

"Aided in customer service"

While it may seem like a positive statement, it lacks impact and does not highlight any specific achievements or skills. Instead, it is better to mention specific actions or outcomes related to customer service. For example, instead of saying "Aided in customer service," you could say "Provided exceptional customer service by promptly addressing customer inquiries, resulting in a 15% increase in customer satisfaction ratings."

"Aided in administrative tasks"

This statement is too general and does not provide any specific information about the administrative tasks that were aided. It is better to provide specific examples or details to showcase your skills and contributions in an administrative role. For example, instead of saying "Aided in administrative tasks," you could say "Managed and organized company's filing system, resulting in improved efficiency and easy retrieval of important documents."

When to Replace Aided with Another Synonym

Providing assistance.

Instead of using "Aided," job seekers can use synonyms like "Assisted," "Supported," or "Helped" to convey their role in providing assistance to others. These alternatives highlight their willingness to lend a hand, offer support, and contribute to the success of a team or project.

Collaborating with others

When describing collaborative experiences, job seekers can opt for synonyms such as "Collaborated," "Cooperated," or "Worked closely with." These terms emphasize their ability to work effectively with others, foster teamwork, and achieve common goals. Using these synonyms can showcase their interpersonal skills and their capacity to contribute to a collaborative work environment.

Contributing to a cause or organization

Instead of using "Aided," job seekers can use synonyms like "Contributed," "Supported," or "Volunteered" to highlight their involvement in a cause or organization. These alternatives emphasize their active participation, dedication, and commitment to making a positive impact. Using more precise language can demonstrate their passion, initiative, and the value they bring to the table.

Best Resume Synonyms for Aided

How to replace aided with a stronger, more relevant synonym, replacing aided in your resume summary.

Using Aided

Using a Strong Synonym

Replacing Aided in Your Work Experience

  • Aided in the development and implementation of a new marketing strategy that increased brand awareness by 30%.
  • Significantly contributed to the creation and execution of an innovative marketing strategy, successfully boosting brand visibility by 30%.

Powerful Aided Synonyms for Different Job Categories

Best aided synonyms for marketing resumes, best aided synonyms for customer service resumes, find the right synonyms for any job, frequently asked questions.

The best replacement for 'Aided' on a resume could be 'Assisted', 'Supported', 'Facilitated', or 'Contributed to'. For example, instead of saying "Aided in the development of a new marketing strategy", you could say "Contributed to the development of a new marketing strategy" or "Facilitated the development of a new marketing strategy".

It's okay to use 'aided' on your resume when you want to emphasize your role in supporting or assisting a project, team, or individual. For example, "Aided the marketing team in developing a new social media strategy," or "Aided the CEO in preparing for quarterly review meetings." This word is particularly useful when you want to highlight your collaborative skills or your ability to contribute to larger team efforts.

"Aided" is relevant for your resume if you've assisted or supported in tasks or projects. It's particularly useful when you want to highlight teamwork or collaborative efforts. For example, "Aided in the development of a new marketing strategy that increased sales by 20%," or "Aided senior management in conducting a company-wide training program." Remember, it's not just about the task, but the impact of your assistance that matters.

Which Job Titles use Aided the Most?

Top 5 titles/functions with the most mentions of aided on their resume:, related resume synonyms, explore full resume examples to find other improvements.

administrative assistant resume

Guidance to Improve Your Resume Language for Greater Impact

Related Words and Phrases

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another word for assisted on a resume

Search to resume for missing presenter Michael Mosley

More officers are set to join a search operation for TV presenter Michael Mosley who has gone missing while on holiday on the Greek island of Symi.

Known for popularising the 5:2 diet, he was last seen on Wednesday after setting off on a walk to the centre of the island.

Local police said late on Thursday that the operation had been paused for the night, but "more men will be coming" on Friday morning.

A helicopter was deployed from the Greek capital Athens at about 19:00 local time (17:00 BST) as part of the search.

The operation is also being assisted by a drone searching hard to reach areas and a police dog.

Greek Police said Mr Mosley left his wife Clare on the beach before setting off on a walk to the centre of the island on Wednesday.

His phone was found in the place he was staying with his wife, who reported him missing, a police spokesperson told BBC News.

The 67-year-old broadcaster is well known for programmes including the BBC series Trust Me, I'm A Doctor and appearances on The One Show and ITV's This Morning.

  • Who is Michael Mosley?

After officers on the island were unable to find Mr Mosley, they requested help from the Greek fire department in Athens. Firefighters arrived in Symi from nearby Rhodes at 14:00 local time (12:00 BST) on Thursday.

Firefighters, volunteers and police officers are helping in the search.

Officers are also searching CCTV footage for any sign of Mr Mosley.

The rescue operation is focusing on the Pedi area of Symi after a woman said she saw him there on Wednesday, the island's deputy mayor Ilias Chaskas told BBC News.

He said the area is considered dangerous, but noted the woman had seen Mr Mosley on the road in a safer part of Pedi.

The island's mayor, Eleftherios Papakalodoukas, said firefighters carrying out the search told him they believed it was "impossible" Mr Mosley was still there.

"It is a very small, controlled area, full of people. So if something happened to him there, we would have found him by now," he told BBC News.

Mr Papakalodoukas said he believed it was likely Mr Mosley either "followed another path" or had fallen into the sea.

An appeal saying he was missing was posted on a local Facebook group on Wednesday, alongside a picture of Mr Mosley wearing a blue cap, polo shirt and shorts.

"Have you seen this man? He set off to walk back from [Agios Nikolaos beach] at about 13:30 and failed to make it home," it said.

It was extremely hot in Symi on Wednesday, with the National Observatory of Athens reporting temperatures of more than 40C (104F) at 15:00 local time.

Symi is part of Greece's Dodecanese island group and sits about 12 miles (19km) north-west of Rhodes. In the 2021 census it had a population of approximately 2,600 people.

The majority of its beaches are remote and people are advised to take boats to visit them.

The area surrounding the Agios Nikolaos beach is extremely rocky and difficult to hike.

Local residents have said they are trying to understand why someone would leave there on foot and go on a hike - without their phone to navigate - in such challenging conditions, rather than taking the boat back.

With temperatures forecast to reach as high as 48C on Friday, an extreme heat warning has been issued on Symi.

The combination of the sweltering weather and rugged terrain will make the task for those searching for Mr Mosley even more challenging.

A Foreign Office spokesperson said: "We are supporting the family of a British man who is missing in Greece and are in contact with the local authorities."

Mr Mosley studied medicine in London and qualified as a doctor but for the last couple of decades has been working as a presenter, documentary maker, journalist and author.

He writes a column for the Daily Mail and has made several TV programmes about diet and exercise - including Channel 4 show Michael Mosley: Who Made Britain Fat?

Mr Mosley has been an advocate for intermittent fasting diets, including the 5:2 diet and The Fast 800 diet.

He has four children with his wife Clare Bailey Mosley, who is also a doctor, author and healthy living advocate.

The couple recently appeared at the Hay Festival where Mr Mosley presented a special edition of his BBC Radio 4 series and podcast Just One Thing.

Reacting to the "shocking news", his fellow Trust Me, I'm A Doctor co-star Dr Saleyha Ahsan said she was "praying he is found safe" and she feels "sick with worry".

On Thursday's edition of The One Show, presenter Alex Jones opened the programme by expressing concern that "our friend" had gone missing.

"Our thoughts are very much with his wife Claire and the rest of his family at this worrying time. We hope for more positive news," she added.

  • Who is missing TV personality Michael Mosley?

Search to resume for missing presenter Michael Mosley


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  1. The Best Synonyms To Use for "Assisted" on a Resume

    Assisted synonyms for your resume. Here are five synonyms that you can use in place of "assisted" on your resume: Aided: Using "aided" can show that you played an active role in ensuring the success of a project or team. Facilitated: This word connotes making a process easier or smoother for someone. The definition of "facilitated" can suggest ...

  2. Assisted Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    Our team's compiled the most effective action verbs and synonyms you can use instead of the overused resume phrase, " Assisted ". Compiled by: Kimberley Tyler-Smith. Senior Hiring Manager. 20+ Years of Experience. The word "assisted" describes work done with the help of others. Using this word in your resume shows that you have worked with ...

  3. The Best Synonyms for "Assisted" to Use on Your Resume

    Here is a list of synonyms for the word "assisted" that you can add to your resume. Resume synonyms for Assisted: The average salary range for healthcare recruiters is between $58,000 and $88,000, with a median salary of $71,000. How to replace Assisted with a stronger synonym.

  4. 12 Synonyms for "Assisted" on Your Resume

    KEY TAKEAWAYS. "Assisted" is overused in CVs, so it's best to use one of the synonyms. "Enabled" is a great one-word alternative to replace "assisted.". You can say "with my input" to demonstrate the impact you had on something. You should continue reading to learn more about these synonyms. We've highlighted the most ...

  5. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Assisted [Examples + Data]

    Best Resume Synonyms for Assisted. Supported. Assisted, backed, or facilitated someone or a task to achieve outcomes. Helped. Assisted or supported others in achieving tasks or goals. Aided. Extended help or assistance, supporting someone in achieving their objectives.

  6. Assist Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    To give a more detailed description of your work experience and how valuable those experiences were for your previous employers, try using power verbs instead of generic terms. Words to use on resume instead of 'assist' includes 'diversified,' 'promoted,' and 'ministered.'. When you use power verbs, you can show the recruiter exactly your ...

  7. Best Resume Synonyms for Assist

    16 Resume synonyms for Assist: Here's a list of powerful synonyms for "assist" you can use on your resume. Aided. Backed up. Boosted. Eased. Served. Reinforced. Lifted.

  8. What Are Synonyms for "Assisted" on a Resume?

    Enabled. Joined. Fostered. Inspired. Furthered. Advanced. Served. Promoted. Unless you're describing work you helped with outside of the usual scope of your responsibilities, it's best to avoid the word "assisted" on your resume.

  9. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Assist [Examples + Data]

    Best Resume Synonyms for Assist. Helped. Assisted or supported others in achieving tasks or goals. Supported. Assisted, backed, or facilitated someone or a task to achieve outcomes. Aided. Extended help or assistance, supporting someone in achieving their objectives.

  10. Using "Assisted" Synonyms on a Resume to Improve Your Job Search

    Prepared. You use "prepared" on your resume as an alternative to "assisted" to convey your ability to work autonomously and manage tasks that support colleagues or contribute to larger goals. This may be suitable for highlighting your planning, organizing, and time management skills. This phrasing can demonstrate your results-oriented mindset ...

  11. 10 Effective "Assisted" Synonyms For A Resume With Examples

    10 "Assisted" Synonyms For A Resume. Using "assisted" synonyms for a resume can make the document more captivating by effectively demonstrating your helpful nature and how you contribute to the success of others. The following is a list of ten "assisted" synonyms with examples of how to use them for different roles: 1. Supported.

  12. Assisting Resume Synonyms: Recruiters Prefer These Words Instead

    A better word for 'Assisting' include 'Sustained', 'Forwarded', or 'Accelerated'. Action or power verbs communicate that you're an expert in a particular area. If hiring managers read your resume, they will see that you have the expertise and can do what they need to be done at their company. It makes it clear that you can make decisions about ...

  13. 500 Synonyms for Common Resume Power Verbs

    Here is a comprehensive list of 500 resume synonyms, organized by commonly-used power verbs. Synonyms for Assisted. Being good at assisting shows that you are organized, detail-oriented, and capable of working productively with others. Consider using one of the following synonyms for assisted on your resume:

  14. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Assisting [Examples + Data]

    Using these synonyms can showcase their interpersonal skills and their ability to thrive in a team-oriented environment. Contributing to decision-making. Instead of using "Assisting," job seekers can use synonyms like "Contributing," "Participating," or "Providing input" to highlight their involvement in decision-making processes.

  15. 10 Good Synonyms For "Assisted" On Your Resumé

    Aided. "Aided" is a simple synonym for "assisted.". It shows that you provided "aid" to someone or something to help it move along. This shows that you work well in a team (or under pressure, depending on the context). We recommend this one as a solid option if you don't want "accommodated.". The definition of "aided ...

  16. The Best Synonyms for Common Resume Verbs & Adjectives

    Example: Evaluated market trends and competitor strategies to identify key insights, informing strategic decision-making and achieving a competitive edge.. Synonyms for your resume introduction. A resume introduction is a short paragraph at the top of your resume that summarizes your key qualifications as a candidate.. A strong resume introduction sells your candidacy by targeting the job ...

  17. Synonyms For Common Resume Power Verbs

    Synonyms for Learned on your resume. A commitment to learning isn't just an important aspect of professional development — it's also a key skill for jobs involving research and analysis. Try using synonyms like: Attained. Mastered. Discovered. Identified. Studied. Trained.

  18. ASSISTED Synonyms: 88 Similar and Opposite Words

    Synonyms for ASSISTED: aided, helped, supported, reinforced, abetted, facilitated, backed, encouraged; Antonyms of ASSISTED: hindered, hampered, opposed, handicapped ...

  19. 37 Stronger Synonyms for "Helped" to Use on Your Resume

    37 Stronger Synonyms for "Helped" to Use on Your Resume. The word "helped" means that you provided support toward the accomplishment of a goal. Highlighting projects where you gave support, as well as goals that you assisted others in achieving, is a great way to showcase not just your skills, but also your ability to work positively ...

  20. 68 Synonyms & Antonyms for ASSISTED

    Find 68 different ways to say ASSISTED, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at Thesaurus.com.

  21. The 6 Best Resume Synonyms for Aided [Examples + Data]

    Best Resume Synonyms for Aided. Assisted. Actively helped or supported someone in a particular endeavor or task. Supported. Assisted, backed, or facilitated someone or a task to achieve outcomes. Helped. Assisted or supported others in achieving tasks or goals. Contributed.

  22. What is another word for assisted

    Synonyms for assisted include supported, abetted, aided, helped, sponsored, bolstered, backed, built-up, augmented and reinforced. Find more similar words at ...

  23. Search to resume for missing presenter Michael Mosley

    The operation is also being assisted by a drone searching hard to reach areas and a police dog. Greek Police said Mr Mosley left his wife Clare on the beach before setting off on a walk to the ...