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Machine instructions and addressing modes

  • Computer Organization | Von Neumann architecture
  • Computer Organization | Basic Computer Instructions
  • Computer Organization | Instruction Formats (Zero, One, Two and Three Address Instruction)
  • Introduction of Stack based CPU Organization
  • Introduction of General Register based CPU Organization
  • Introduction of Single Accumulator based CPU organization
  • Computer Organization | Problem Solving on Instruction Format
  • Addressing Modes
  • Machine Instructions
  • Difference between CALL and JUMP instructions
  • Simplified Instructional Computer (SIC)
  • Hardware architecture (parallel computing)
  • Computer Architecture | Flynn's taxonomy

Generations of Computer

  • Computer Organization | Amdahl's law and its proof

ALU, data‐path and control unit

  • Introduction of Control Unit and its Design
  • Computer Organization | Hardwired v/s Micro-programmed Control Unit
  • Difference between Hardwired and Micro-programmed Control Unit | Set 2
  • Difference between Horizontal and Vertical micro-programmed Control Unit
  • Synchronous Data Transfer in Computer Organization

Instruction pipelining

  • Computer Organization and Architecture | Pipelining | Set 1 (Execution, Stages and Throughput)
  • Computer Organization and Architecture | Pipelining | Set 2 (Dependencies and Data Hazard)
  • Computer Organization and Architecture | Pipelining | Set 3 (Types and Stalling)
  • Computer Organization | Different Instruction Cycles
  • Performance of Computer in Computer Organization
  • Computer Organization | Micro-Operation
  • RISC and CISC in Computer Organization

Cache Memory

  • Memory Hierarchy Design and its Characteristics
  • Cache Memory in Computer Organization
  • Cache Organization | Set 1 (Introduction)
  • Computer Organization | Locality and Cache friendly code
  • What's difference between CPU Cache and TLB?
  • Read and Write operations in Memory
  • Memory Interleaving
  • Introduction to memory and memory units
  • Random Access Memory (RAM) and Read Only Memory (ROM)
  • Different Types of RAM (Random Access Memory )
  • Difference between RAM and ROM

I/O interface (Interrupt and DMA mode)

  • I/O Interface (Interrupt and DMA Mode)
  • Introduction of Input-Output Processor
  • Kernel I/O Subsystem in Operating System
  • Memory mapped I/O and Isolated I/O
  • BUS Arbitration in Computer Organization
  • Priority Interrupts | (S/W Polling and Daisy Chaining)
  • Computer Organization | Asynchronous input output synchronization
  • Introduction of Ports in Computers
  • Clusters In Computer Organisation
  • Human - Computer interaction through the ages
  • Microprocessor
  • Computer Organization and Architecture

Introduction:  A computer is an electronic device that manipulates information or data. It can store, retrieve, and process data.  Nowadays, a computer can be used to type documents, send an email, play games, and browse the Web. It can also be used to edit or create spreadsheets, presentations, and even videos. But the evolution of this complex system started around 1940 with the First Generation of computers and evolving ever since. 

Computers have evolved significantly over the years, and the history of computers is often divided into generations based on the technology used. Here are the five generations of computers:

  • First Generation (1940s-1950s): The first computers used vacuum tubes for processing and magnetic drums for storage. They were large, expensive, and unreliable.
  • Second Generation (1950s-1960s): The second generation of computers replaced vacuum tubes with transistors, making them smaller, faster, and more reliable. Magnetic core memory was also introduced, which was faster and more reliable than magnetic drums.
  • Third Generation (1960s-1970s): The third generation of computers used integrated circuits, which allowed for even smaller and faster computers. They also introduced magnetic disk storage and operating systems.
  • Fourth Generation (1970s-1980s): The fourth generation of computers saw the introduction of microprocessors, which made personal computers possible. They also introduced graphical user interfaces and networking.
  • Fifth Generation (1980s-Present): The fifth generation of computers is still ongoing, and is focused on artificial intelligence and parallel processing. This generation also saw the development of mobile computing and the internet.

Each generation of computers has built upon the advancements of the previous generation, leading to the computers we use today.

There are five generations of computers.   

  • 1946-1959 is the period of first generation computer.
  • J.P.Eckert and J.W.Mauchy invented the first successful electronic computer called ENIAC, ENIAC stands for “Electronic Numeric Integrated And Calculator”.
  • It made use of vacuum tubes which are the only electronic component available during those days.   
  • These computers could calculate in milliseconds.   
  • These were very big in size, weight was about 30 tones.
  • These computers were based on vacuum tubes.
  • These computers were very costly.
  • It could store only a small amount of information due to the presence of magnetic drums.
  • As the invention of first generation computers involves vacuum tubes, so another disadvantage of these computers was, vacuum tubes require a large cooling system.
  • Very less work efficiency.
  • Limited programming capabilities and punch cards were used to take inputs.
  • Large amount of energy consumption.
  • Not reliable and constant maintenance is required.
  • 1959-1965 is the period of second-generation computer.
  • 3.Second generation computers were based on Transistor instead of vacuum tubes.
  • Honeywell 400
  • UNIVAC 1108
  • Due to the presence of transistors instead of vacuum tubes, the size of electron component decreased. This resulted in reducing the size of a computer as compared to first generation computers.
  • Less energy and not produce as much heat as the first generation.
  • Assembly language and punch cards were used for input.
  • Low cost than first generation computers.
  • Better speed, calculate data in microseconds.
  • Better portability as compared to first generation
  • A cooling system was required.
  • Constant maintenance was required.
  • Only used for specific purposes.
  • 1965-1971 is the period of third generation computer.
  • These computers were based on Integrated circuits.
  • IC was invented by Robert Noyce and Jack Kilby In 1958-1959.
  • IC was a single component containing number of transistors.
  • These computers were cheaper as compared to second-generation computers.
  • They were fast and reliable.
  • Use of IC in the computer provides the small size of the computer.
  • IC not only reduce the size of the computer but it also improves the performance of the computer as compared to previous computers.
  • This generation of computers has big storage capacity.
  • Instead of punch cards, mouse and keyboard are used for input.
  • They used an operating system for better resource management and used the concept of time-sharing and multiple programming.
  • These computers reduce the computational time from microseconds to nanoseconds.
  • IC chips are difficult to maintain.
  • The highly sophisticated technology required for the manufacturing of IC chips.
  • Air conditioning is required.
  • 1971-1980 is the period of fourth generation computer.
  • This technology is based on Microprocessor.
  • A microprocessor is used in a computer for any logical and arithmetic function to be performed in any program.
  • Graphics User Interface (GUI) technology was exploited to offer more comfort to users.
  • Fastest in computation and size get reduced as compared to the previous generation of computer.
  • Heat generated is negligible.
  • Small in size as compared to previous generation computers.
  • Less maintenance is required.
  • All types of high-level language can be used in this type of computers.
  • The Microprocessor design and fabrication are very complex.
  • Air conditioning is required in many cases due to the presence of ICs.
  • Advance technology is required to make the ICs.
  • The period of the fifth generation in 1980-onwards.
  • This generation is based on artificial intelligence.
  • The aim of the fifth generation is to make a device which could respond to natural language input and are capable of learning and self-organization.
  • This generation is based on ULSI(Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology resulting in the production of microprocessor chips having ten million electronic component.
  • It is more reliable and works faster.
  • It is available in different sizes and unique features.
  • It provides computers with more user-friendly interfaces with multimedia features.
  • They need very low-level languages.
  • They may make the human brains dull and doomed.

Here are some references related to the generations of computers:

  • “A Brief History of Computer Generations” by Techopedia: https://www.techopedia.com/definition/29078/computer-generation
  • “Computer Generations” by GeeksforGeeks: https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/computer-generations/
  • “History of Computers: A Brief Timeline” by Live Science: https://www.livescience.com/20718-computer-history.html
  • “The Five Generations of Computers” by Lifewire: https://www.lifewire.com/generations-of-computers-3734024
  • “History of Computers – A Look at Generations” by ThoughtCo.: https://www.thoughtco.com/generations-of-computers-373308

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Unit 7. Evolution of computers

Topic A: Computer generations

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Basic Terms

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Vacuum tube – an electronic device that controls the flow of electrons in a vacuum. It used as a switch, amplifier, or display screen in many older model radios, televisions, computers, etc.

assignment on computer generation

Transistor – an electronic component that can be used as an amplifier or as a switch. It is used to control the flow of electricity in radios, televisions, computers, etc.

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Integrated circuit (IC) – a small electronic circuit printed on a chip (usually made of silicon) that contains many its own circuit elements (e.g. transistors, diodes , resistors, etc.).

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Microprocessor – an electronic component held on an integrated circuit that contains a computer’s central processing unit (CPU) and other associated circuits.

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CPU (central processing unit) – It is often referred to as the brain or engine of a computer where most of the processing and operations take place (CPU is part of a microprocessor).

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Magnetic drum – a cylinder coated with magnetic material, on which data and programs can be stored.

Magnetic core – uses arrays of small rings of magnetized material called cores to store information.

assignment on computer generation

Machine language – a low-level programming language comprised of a collection of binary digits (ones and zeros) that the computer can read and understand.

Assembly language is like the machine language that a computer can understand, except that assembly language uses abbreviated words (e.g. ADD, SUB, DIV…) in place of numbers (0s and 1s).

assignment on computer generation

Artificial intelligence (AI) – an area of computer science that deals with the simulation and creation of intelligent machines or intelligent behave in computers (they think, learn, work, and react like humans).

First Generation of Computers

Classification of generations of computers.

The evolution of computer technology is often divided into five generations.

The main characteristics of first generation of computers (1940s-1950s)

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  • Main memory – magnetic drums and magnetic tapes
  • Programming language – machine language

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  • Speed and size – very slow and very large in size (often taking up entire room).
  • Input/output devices – punched cards and paper tape.
  • Examples – ENIAC, UNIVAC1, IBM 650, IBM 701, etc.
  • Quantity – there were about 100 different vacuum tube computers produced between 1942 and1963.

Second Generation of Computers

The main characteristics of second generation of computers (1950s-1960s).

  • Memory – magnetic core and magnetic tape / disk

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  • Power and size – low power consumption, generated less heat, and smaller in size (in comparison with the first generation computers).
  • Speed – improvement of speed and reliability (in comparison with the first generation computers).
  • Input/output devices – punched cards and magnetic tape.
  • Examples – IBM 1401, IBM 7090 and 7094, UNIVAC 1107, etc.

Third Generation of Computers

The main characteristics of third generation of computers (1960s-1970s).

assignment on computer generation

  • Memory – large magnetic core, magnetic tape / disk

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  • Size – smaller, cheaper, and more efficient than second generation computers (they were called minicomputers).
  • Speed – improvement of speed and reliability (in comparison with the second generation computers).

assignment on computer generation

  • Examples – IBM 360, IBM 370, PDP-11, UNIVAC 1108, etc.

Fourth Generation of Computers

The main characteristics of fourth generation of computers (1970s-present).

assignment on computer generation

  • VLSI– thousands of transistors on a single microchip.
  • RAM (random-access memory) – a type of data storage (memory element) used in computers that temporary stores of programs and data (volatile: its contents are lost when the computer is turned off).

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  • A mix of both third- and fourth-generation languages
  • Size – smaller, cheaper and more efficient than third generation computers.
  • Speed – improvement of speed, accuracy, and reliability (in comparison with the third generation computers).

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  • Network – a group of two or more computer systems linked together.
  • Examples – IBM PC, STAR 1000, APPLE II, Apple Macintosh, etc.

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Fifth Generation of Computers

The main characteristics of fifth generation of computers (the present and the future).

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  • ULSI – millions of transistors on a single microchip
  • Parallel processing method – use two or more microprocessors to run tasks simultaneously.
  • Language – understand natural language (human language).
  • Power – consume less power and generate less heat.
  • Speed – remarkable improvement of speed, accuracy and reliability (in comparison with the fourth generation computers).
  • Size – portable and small in size, and have a huge storage capacity.

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  • Example – desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.

Three women sitting around a table with laptops.

The computer – this amazing technology went from a government/business-only technology to being everywhere from people’s homes, work places, to people’s pockets in less than 100 years.

assignment on computer generation

an electronic device that controls the flow of electrons in a vacuum. It used as a switch, amplifier, or display screen in many older model radios, televisions, computers, etc.

an electronic component that can be used as an amplifier or as a switch. It is used to control the flow of electricity in radios, televisions, computers, etc.

a small electronic circuit printed on a chip (usually made of silicon) that contains many its own circuit elements (e.g. transistors, diodes, resistors, etc.).

an electronic component held on an integrated circuit that contains a computer's central processing unit (CPU) and other associated circuits.

The brain or engine of a computer, where most of the processing and operations take place.

a cylinder coated with magnetic material, on which data and programs can be stored.

uses arrays of small rings of magnetized material called cores to store information.

a low-level programming language comprised of a collection of binary digits (ones and zeros) that the computer can read and understand.

a physical device that is used to store data, information, and programs in a computer.

an area of computer science that deals with the simulation and creation of intelligent machines or intelligent behave in computers (they think, learn, work, and react like humans).

Key Concepts of Computer Studies Copyright © 2020 by Meizhong Wang is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Home » Tech Tips » Internet » A Comprehensive Guide to Generations of Computers

A Comprehensive Guide to Generations of Computers

There are five generations of computers and the sixth generation is an emerging one. Over past decades, computers have evolved significantly, with each generation introducing new capabilities, improved performance, and enhanced features. The journey of computer’s development through different generations represents a fascinating tale of innovation, progress, and technological advancement. In this guide, we will delve into the various generations of computers, highlighting their characteristics, key advancements, and the impact they had on shaping the digital landscape.

Computer Generations

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Generations of Computers

There are five generations of computers.

  • First generation computers used vacuum tubes.
  • Second generation computers used transistors.
  • Third generation computers used ICs (Integrated Circuits).
  • Microprocessors are used in fourth generation computers.
  • Fifth generation computers are the most modern ones that are commonly used nowadays.

And finally, the sixth generation is AI powered super computers that are emerging and evolving as of today. So, this is not yet an officially and widely accepted category.

Download this entire guide to generations of computers as a PDF file

Guide to Generations of Computers

1. First Generation Computers – Vacuum Tubes

The first generation of computers, spanning the 1940s to the early 1950s, represents the initial foray into electronic computing. These machines were huge, expensive and marked by the use of vacuum tubes as their primary electronic component. Here are key aspects of the first generation of computers, along with notable examples.

Vacuum Tubes – Characteristics

Vacuum tubes are glass tubes containing electrodes used to control electrical current. They were the heart of early computers, performing functions like amplification and switching. The first generation marked the shift from mechanical calculating devices to electronic computing. This transition laid the foundation for subsequent generations to build upon. First generation computers processed data in binary code, using ones and zeros to represent information. These computers were primarily designed for scientific and mathematical calculations, often related to military or defense applications.

Vacuum Tube

Programming Challenges & Other Issues

Programmers in the first generation had to physically wire the machine to perform specific tasks. This process was time-consuming and required a deep understanding of the machine’s architecture. Debugging and correcting errors in the programs were complex tasks due to the lack of high-level programming languages and debugging tools.

Vacuum tubes generated a considerable amount of heat, were prone to failure and consumed significant amounts of power. This made the machines large, cumbersome and challenging to maintain. Despite being revolutionary at the time, these computers were relatively slow by today’s standards and their applications were limited compared to modern computing.

Interaction with these computers was minimal and users often had to physically reconfigure the machine for different tasks. Skilled operators played a crucial role in the operation of first generation computers, handling tasks like loading programs and managing hardware components.

Examples of First Generation Computers

  • ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer): Completed in 1945, ENIAC was one of the earliest electronic general-purpose computers. It consisted of around 17,468 vacuum tubes and occupied a large room.
  • UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer): Developed in the early 1950s, UNIVAC I was the first commercially produced computer. It used vacuum tubes and magnetic tape for data storage.


Moving to Second Generation

First generation computers quickly became outdated as technology evolved. The rapid pace of advancements in subsequent generations rendered these machines obsolete within a relatively short time frame. Understanding the challenges and innovations of the first generation of computers provides valuable insights into the monumental strides made in subsequent generations. The transition from vacuum tubes to transistors in the second generation marked a pivotal moment in the history of computing, paving the way for smaller, more reliable and efficient machines.

2. Second Generation Computers – Transistors

The second generation of computers, spanning the late 1950s to the early 1960s, marked a significant leap forward in terms of technology and design compared to the first generation. The key innovation defining this era was the replacement of vacuum tubes with transistors, leading to improvements in size, reliability and efficiency. Here are some crucial aspects of the second generation, along with notable examples.


Prominent Features

The most defining feature of second generation computers was the use of transistors as electronic components, replacing the bulky and less reliable vacuum tubes. Transistors were smaller, faster, more durable and consumed less power than vacuum tubes. This transition resulted in more compact and efficient computer systems. It also made them more affordable and accessible to a broader range of organizations and businesses.

  • Magnetic Core Memory – Second generation computers replaced the drum memory used in the first generation with magnetic core memory. This type of memory was faster, more reliable and allowed for random access to data. Magnetic core memory improved the overall performance and efficiency of computers , making them more suitable for a wider range of applications.
  • Printed Circuit Boards – Second generation computers saw the adoption of printed circuit boards, which simplified the construction of electronic circuits and contributed to the overall reliability of the systems. The use of printed circuit boards allowed for easier maintenance and troubleshooting.
  • Speed & Processing – Second generation computers demonstrated substantial improvements in processing speed compared to their predecessors, allowing for more complex calculations and data processing. These computers found applications in scientific research, business data processing and military operations, reflecting the growing versatility of computing technology.

Programming & Processing

With the advent of assembly languages and high-level programming languages like FORTRAN and COBOL, programming became more accessible and less reliant on low-level machine code. This shift allowed for more efficient programming, making it easier for developers to write and debug code.

Second generation computers often operated in batch processing mode, where a series of jobs were submitted for processing together. This mode improved the overall efficiency of computing tasks.

Examples of Second Generation Computers

  • IBM 1401 and CDC 1604 are examples of second generation computers that were widely used for batch processing applications.
  • IBM 7090 and UNIVAC 1107 were examples of second generation computers that were smaller and more commercially viable.

IBM 1401 Computer

Moving to Third Generation

The second generation marked the beginning of the end of the punched card era. While punched cards were still used for input and output, magnetic tapes and disks became more prevalent, offering faster and more efficient data storage solutions. The transition to transistors and other technological advancements during the second generation laid the groundwork for subsequent developments in computing. The improvements in size, speed and reliability set the stage for further innovation in the third generation, which would see the integration of integrated circuits and bring about a new era in computing.

3. Third Generation of Computers – Integrated Circuits

The third generation of computers, spanning the 1960s to the 1970s, marked a significant evolution in computing technology, introducing integrated circuits (ICs) and bringing about improvements in performance, reliability and versatility. This era witnessed a shift from discrete transistors to integrated circuits, enabling more powerful and compact computer systems. Here are key aspects of the third generation, along with notable examples.

Integrated Circuits (ICs)

The defining feature of third generation computers was the use of integrated circuits, which incorporated multiple transistors and other electronic components onto a single semiconductor chip. Integrated circuits significantly reduced the size of computers, enhanced reliability and improved overall performance. The miniaturization allowed for the creation of smaller, more efficient and cost-effective systems.

Microprocessor Chip

Advancements with Third Generation

  • Graphics – Third generation computers started to incorporate basic graphics capabilities, paving the way for the development of graphical user interfaces (GUIs) in subsequent generations. Graphics capabilities found applications in scientific visualization, engineering and early computer-aided design (CAD).
  • High-level Programming Languages –  The use of high-level programming languages continued to evolve in the third generation. Languages such as COBOL, FORTRAN and ALGOL gained popularity, making programming more accessible and efficient. The availability of high-level languages allowed programmers to focus on problem-solving rather than dealing with the complexities of machine code, fostering greater productivity and software development.
  • Time-Sharing Systems – Third generation computers introduced more sophisticated operating systems, facilitating better management of resources and scheduling of tasks. Time-sharing systems emerged, enabling multiple users to access a computer simultaneously. This marked a departure from batch processing, allowing for interactive computing and improved resource utilization.
  • Input/Output Devices – The third generation saw improvements in input/output devices. The use of terminals and displays became more widespread, enhancing user interaction and making computing more user-friendly.
  • Remote Data Access – With improvements in communication technology, third generation computers began to support remote data access. This facilitated the sharing of information across different locations and laid the groundwork for the interconnected computing environments of the future.
  • Magnetic Tape and Disk Storage – While magnetic tapes were still used for data storage, third generation computers witnessed the increased adoption of magnetic disk storage. Disk storage allowed for faster access to data and became a standard feature in computer systems.

Examples – Mainframe & MiniComputers

Third generation computers saw the widespread adoption of mainframe computers, which became the backbone of large-scale data processing for organizations and businesses. IBM System/360, introduced in 1964, was a groundbreaking series of mainframe computers that offered a range of compatible models for different applications. The System/360 architecture set a standard for compatibility across various models and paved the way for future computing systems.

Third generation also saw the rise of minicomputers, which were smaller, more affordable and suitable for medium-scale computing tasks. DEC PDP-11, introduced in 1970, was a highly successful minicomputer that found applications in research, education and industrial control systems.

Mainframe Computer

Moving to Fourth Generation

The third generation of computers represented a significant step forward in terms of technology, with integrated circuits revolutionizing the design and capabilities of computing systems. The adoption of high-level programming languages, sophisticated operating systems and advancements in storage and communication set the stage for the continued evolution of computers in the fourth generation and beyond.

4. Fourth Generation Computers – Microprocessors

The fourth generation of computers, spanning the late 1970s through the 1980s and into the 1990s, witnessed transformative advancements in technology, introducing microprocessors, personal computers and a shift towards user-friendly interfaces. This era marked a departure from the large, centralized mainframe systems of the previous generations. Here are key aspects of the fourth generation, along with notable examples.


Features & Advancements

  • Microprocessors – The most significant development of the fourth generation was the integration of microprocessors. Microprocessors combined the central processing unit (CPU) onto a single semiconductor chip, bringing unprecedented computing power to smaller, more affordable systems. Microprocessors enabled the creation of compact, powerful and energy-efficient computers. This innovation paved the way for the personal computer revolution.
  • Personal Computers (PCs) – The fourth generation saw the rise of personal computers, making computing accessible to individuals and small businesses.
  • Storage Advancements – Fourth generation computers saw the widespread adoption of hard disk drives (HDDs) for mass storage. Hard drives offered larger capacities and faster access to data than previous storage technologies. The introduction of CDs as a storage medium for software distribution and multimedia content became prominent during this era.
  • Parallel Processing and Supercomputers – The fourth generation saw advancements in parallel processing, enabling computers to perform multiple tasks simultaneously.
  • Graphical User Interfaces (GUIs) – GUIs became a standard feature in the fourth generation computers, providing users with visual interfaces, icons and point-and-click interactions. GUIs made computers more user-friendly and accessible to individuals with limited technical expertise, contributing to the democratization of computing.
  • Software Development – Fourth generation computers saw a proliferation of software applications for various purposes, including word processing, spreadsheets, databases and entertainment. The availability of commercial software expanded, providing users with a wide range of options to enhance productivity and creativity.

Networking and the Internet

The fourth generation saw the expansion of computer networking, laying the groundwork for the development of the internet.

  • TCP/IP Protocol – The adoption of TCP/IP protocol standardized communication on the emerging internet, facilitating global connectivity .
  • ARPANET – The precursor to the internet, ARPANET, continued to evolve during this era, connecting research institutions and paving the way for the information age.

Examples of Fourth Generation Computers

The fourth generation witnessed the development of portable computers and laptops, providing users with mobility and flexibility.

  • Personal Computers – Introduced in 1981, the IBM PC became a standard for personal computing. Its open architecture allowed for the use of third-party hardware and software, contributing to the widespread adoption of PCs.
  • Portable Computers – The Osborne 1 (1981) and the IBM ThinkPad (1992) were early examples of portable computers that contributed to the evolution of mobile computing.
  • Apple Macintosh – Launched in 1984, the Macintosh brought a graphical user interface (GUI) to personal computers, enhancing user interaction and making computing more intuitive.
  • Supercomputers – High-performance computing became more accessible, with the development of supercomputers like the Cray-2 (1985) and the Connection Machine (1987).

Apple’s Macintosh System Software (macOS) and Microsoft Windows were prominent examples of operating systems with graphical user interfaces.

Moving to Fifth Generation

The fourth generation of computers revolutionized the landscape by making computing power available to individuals, fostering a new era of accessibility and innovation. The integration of microprocessors, the rise of personal computers and the development of user-friendly interfaces laid the foundation for the diverse and interconnected computing ecosystem we experience today.

Apple Macintosh

5. Fifth Generation of Computers

The fifth generation of computers represents a period of computing that extends from the late 20th century into the early 21st century. This era is characterized by advancements in parallel processing, artificial intelligence (AI) and the development of novel computing architectures. While the exact timeline of the fifth generation can vary, it generally covers the period from the mid-1980s to the present day. Here are key aspects of the fifth generation, along with notable examples.

  • Parallel Processing – Fifth generation computers embraced parallel processing, the simultaneous execution of multiple tasks to enhance computational speed and efficiency. Parallel processing allowed for the development of supercomputers and high-performance computing clusters capable of tackling complex problems in fields like scientific research, weather modeling and cryptography.
  • Artificial Intelligence (AI) – The fifth generation is often synonymous with the integration of artificial intelligence into computing systems. Advanced programming languages, expert systems and neural networks became integral tools in the development of AI applications. AI supports in areas like natural language processing, image recognition and expert systems for decision-making.
  • Knowledge-Based Systems – Knowledge-based systems, also known as expert systems, were developed during the fifth generation. These systems used human knowledge to make decisions and solve complex problems.
  • Natural Language Processing (NLP) – Fifth generation computers focused on improving the ability to understand and respond to human language. NLP applications included language translation, voice recognition and text understanding.
  • Massive Parallelism and Distributed Computing – The fifth generation witnessed a shift towards massive parallelism and distributed computing architectures.
  • Quantum Computing (Emerging) – Towards the latter part of the fifth generation and into the sixth generation, quantum computing emerged as a groundbreaking field. Quantum computers leverage the principles of quantum mechanics to perform computations at speeds that classical computers cannot achieve.
  • Personal Computing Evolution – The fifth generation saw the continued evolution of personal computing, with advancements in hardware, software and user interfaces.

Fifth Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) & Internet

The Japanese government launched the Fifth Generation Computer Systems project in the 1980s, aiming to develop advanced computer systems with AI capabilities. The project was focused on parallel processing, knowledge-based systems and natural language processing. While it didn’t achieve all its ambitious goals, it contributed to advancements in AI research.

The fifth generation witnessed the widespread adoption of the internet as a global communication and information-sharing platform. The development of the World Wide Web in the early 1990s transformed how information is accessed and shared, leading to the interconnected digital world we experience today.

Examples – Mainframe & Minicomputers

  • IBM’s Deep Blue, which defeated a world chess champion in 1997, is a notable example of AI achievements during this era.
  • Systems like IBM’s Watson, known for winning Jeopardy! in 2011, showcased advancements in natural language processing.
  • Distributed computing projects, like SETI@home, utilized the power of networked computers worldwide to analyze radio signals from space in the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

The proliferation of personal computers, laptops and the eventual rise of smartphones and tablets exemplify the ongoing evolution of computing devices. Companies like IBM, Google and startups like Rigetti and D-Wave are actively working on quantum computing research and development.

IBM Watson

Moving to Sixth Generation

The fifth generation of computers represents a period of profound transformation, with a focus on AI, parallel processing and the development of technologies that continue to shape the digital landscape. As technology continues to advance, the fifth generation sets the stage for ongoing innovations in computing, including the exploration of quantum computing and the continued integration of AI into various aspects of our lives.

6. Sixth Generation of Computers

The sixth generation of computers are still in the early stages of development and concrete examples are not yet been fully realized. Predictions and expectations for the sixth generation generally involve advancements in technologies such as quantum computing, artificial intelligence (AI) and further integration of computing into various aspects of daily life. Here are key concepts associated with the potential characteristics of the sixth generation.

AI Chips

  • Quantum Computing – Quantum computing represents a paradigm shift in computing, utilizing the principles of quantum mechanics to perform calculations at speeds that surpass classical computers. Quantum computers have the potential to solve complex problems, such as optimization tasks, cryptography and simulations, at a pace that was previously unimaginable.
  • Biocomputing and Neuromorphic Computing – The sixth generation may explore the integration of biological components into computing systems. This includes the use of DNA computing and other biologically-inspired computing approaches. Drawing inspiration from the human brain, neuromorphic computing aims to create processors that mimic the brain’s architecture, potentially leading to more efficient and powerful computing systems for tasks like pattern recognition and learning.
  • AI Integration – The sixth generation is expected to witness the development of even more advanced and sophisticated AI systems , capable of complex reasoning, problem-solving and decision-making. AI may become further integrated into various aspects of daily life, from autonomous vehicles and smart homes to personalized healthcare and virtual assistants.
  • Advanced Robotics – Sixth generation computers may contribute to the development of more advanced and autonomous robotic systems. These could find applications in fields like healthcare, manufacturing and space exploration.
  • Brain-Computer Interfaces (BCIs) – The integration of computers with the human brain through BCIs could become more sophisticated in the sixth generation, allowing for direct communication between the brain and computing systems.
  • Augmented and Virtual Reality – Advances in augmented and virtual reality technologies may further enhance the integration of computing into human experiences. You can expect spatial computing devices like Apple Vision Pro will take the computer technology to imaginary level.
  • Green Computing and Sustainability – The sixth generation may prioritize sustainability and energy efficiency in computing, exploring new technologies to reduce the environmental impact of large-scale computing systems.
  • Edge Computing – This involves processing data closer to the source rather than relying on centralized cloud servers. The sixth generation may see further developments in edge computing for faster data processing and reduced latency.
  • Hybrid Architectures – Hybrid computing architectures that leverage a combination of classical computing, quantum computing and other specialized computing technologies may become prevalent in the sixth generation.
  • Advanced Encryption – With the growing importance of cybersecurity, the sixth generation is likely to bring advancements in encryption and security measures to protect sensitive data.

It’s essential to note that the predictions for the sixth generation are speculative and the timeline for its full realization may extend well into the future. Ongoing research and development in various fields, including quantum computing, AI and biotechnology, will play a crucial role in shaping the characteristics of the sixth generation of computers.

Sixth Generation Computers

The evolution of computers across different generations reflects the relentless pursuit of innovation and improvement in the field of computing. Each generation has left an indelible mark on the digital landscape, shaping the way we work, communicate and live. As we look to the future, the ongoing advancements in technology continue to redefine the possibilities of computing, promising a world where the sixth generation and beyond will unlock new frontiers in computational capabilities.

Use of Latest Computers

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The development of computer systems is normally discussed as the development over different generations.

With the succession of different generations, came the advancement in computer technology.

Computer Generations

Let us now discuss the development in Computer Technology over the different generations.

First Generation

The period 1940 to 1956, roughly considered as the First Generation of Computer.

The first generation computers were developed by using vacuum tube or thermionic valve machine.

The input of this system was based on punched cards and paper tape; however, the output was displayed on printouts.

The first generation computers worked on binary-coded concept (i.e., language of 0-1). Examples: ENIAC, EDVAC, etc.

Binary-coded Concept

Second Generation

The period 1956 to 1963 is roughly considered as the period of Second Generation of Computers.

The second generation computers were developed by using transistor technology.

In comparison to the first generation, the size of second generation was smaller.

In comparison to computers of the first generation, the computing time taken by the computers of the second generation was lesser.

Second Generation Computers

Third Generation

The period 1963 to 1971 is roughly considered as the period of Third Generation of computers.

The third generation computers were developed by using the Integrated Circuit (IC) technology.

Third Generation Computers

In comparison to the computers of the second generation, the size of the computers of the third generation was smaller.

In comparison to the computers of the second generation, the computing time taken by the computers of the third generation was lesser.

The third generation computer consumed less power and also generated less heat.

The maintenance cost of the computers in the third generation was also low.

The computer system of the computers of the third generation was easier for commercial use.

Fourth Generation

The period 1972 to 2010 is roughly considered as the fourth generation of computers.

The fourth generation computers were developed by using microprocessor technology.

Fourth Generation Computers

By coming to fourth generation, computer became very small in size, it became portable.

The machine of fourth generation started generating very low amount of heat.

It is much faster and accuracy became more reliable.

The production cost reduced to very low in comparison to the previous generation.

It became available for the common people as well.

Fifth Generation

The period 2010 to till date and beyond, roughly considered as the period of fifth generation of computers.

By the time, the computer generation was being categorized on the basis of hardware only, but the fifth generation technology also included software.

The computers of the fifth generation had high capability and large memory capacity.

Working with computers of this generation was fast and multiple tasks could be performed simultaneously.

Some of the popular advanced technologies of the fifth generation include Artificial intelligence, Quantum computation, Nanotechnology, Parallel processing, etc.

Fifth Generation

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assignment on computer generation

The Evolution Of Computer | Generations of Computer

The development of computers has been a wonderful journey that has covered several centuries and is defined by a number of inventions and advancements made by our greatest scientists. Because of these scientists, we are using now the latest technology in the computer system.

Now we have Laptops , Desktop computers , notebooks , etc. which we are using today to make our lives easier, and most importantly we can communicate with the world from anywhere around the world with these things.

So, In today’s blog, I want you to explore the journey of computers with me that has been made by our scientists.

Note: If you haven’t read our History of Computer blog then must read first then come over here

let’s look at the evolution of computers/generations of computers


Computer generations are essential to understanding computing technology’s evolution. It divides computer history into periods marked by substantial advancements in hardware, software, and computing capabilities. So the first period of computers started from the year 1940 in the first generation of computers. let us see…

Table of Contents

Generations of computer

The generation of classified into five generations:

  • First Generation Computer (1940-1956)
  • Second Generation Computer (1956-1963)
  • Third Generation Computer(1964-1971)
  • Fourth Generation Computer(1971-Present)
  • Fifth Generation Computer(Present and Beyond)

1. FIRST GENERATION COMPUTER: Vacuum Tubes (1940-1956)

assignment on computer generation

The first generation of computers is characterized by the use of “Vacuum tubes” It was developed in 1904 by the British engineer “John Ambrose Fleming” . A vacuum tube is an electronic device used to control the flow of electric current in a vacuum. It is used in CRT(Cathode Ray Tube) TV , Radio , etc.

assignment on computer generation

The first general-purpose programmable electronic computer was the ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) which was completed in 1945 and introduced on Feb 14, 1946, to the public. It was built by two American engineers “J. Presper Eckert” and “John V Mauchly” at the University of Pennsylvania.

assignment on computer generation

The ENIAC was 30-50 feet long, 30 tons weighted, contained 18000 vacuum tubes, 70,000 registers, and 10,000 capacitors, and it required 150000 watts of electricity, which makes it very expensive.

Later, Eckert and Mauchly developed the first commercially successful computer named UNIVAC(Univeral Automatic Computer) in 1952 .

Examples are ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer), UNIVAC-1 (Univeral Automatic Computer-1)

assignment on computer generation

  • These computers were designed by using vacuum tubes.
  • These generations’ computers were simple architecture.
  • These computers calculate data in a millisecond.
  • This computer is used for scientific purposes.


  • The computer was very costly.
  • Very large.
  • It takes up a lot of space and electricity
  • The speed of these computers was very slow
  • It is used for commercial purposes.
  • It is very expensive.
  • These computers heat a lot.
  • Cooling is needed to operate these types of computers because they heat up very quickly.

2. SECOND GENERATION COMPUTER: Transistors (1956-1963)

assignment on computer generation

The second generation of computers is characterized by the use of “Transistors” and it was developed in 1947 by three American physicists “John Bardeen, Walter Brattain, and William Shockley” .

assignment on computer generation

A transistor is a semiconductor device used to amplify or switch electronic signals or open or close a circuit. It was invented in Bell labs, The transistors became the key ingredient of all digital circuits, including computers.

The invention of transistors replaced the bulky electric tubes from the first generation of computers.

Transistors perform the same functions as a Vacuum tube , except that electrons move through instead of through a vacuum. Transistors are made of semiconducting materials and they control the flow of electricity.

It is smaller than the first generation of computers, it is faster and less expensive compared to the first generation of computers. The second-generation computer has a high level of programming languages, including FORTRAN (1956), ALGOL (1958), and COBOL (1959).

Examples are PDP-8 (Programmed Data Processor-8), IBM1400 (International business machine 1400 series), IBM 7090 (International business machine 7090 series), CDC 3600 ( Control Data Corporation 3600 series)

assignment on computer generation


  • It is smaller in size as compared to the first-generation computer
  • It used less electricity
  • Not heated as much as the first-generation computer.
  • It has better speed


  • It is also costly and not versatile
  • still, it is expensive for commercial purposes
  • Cooling is still needed
  • Punch cards were used for input
  • The computer is used for a particular purpose

3. THIRD GENERATION COMPUTER: Integrated Circuits (1964-1971)

assignment on computer generation

The Third generation of computers is characterized by the use of “Integrated Circuits” It was developed in 1958 by two American engineers “Robert Noyce” & “Jack Kilby” . The integrated circuit is a set of electronic circuits on small flat pieces of semiconductor that is normally known as silicon. The transistors were miniaturized and placed on silicon chips which are called semiconductors, which drastically increased the efficiency and speed of the computers.

assignment on computer generation

These ICs (integrated circuits) are popularly known as chips. A single IC has many transistors, resistors, and capacitors built on a single slice of silicon.

This development made computers smaller in size, low cost, large memory, and processing. The speed of these computers is very high and it is efficient and reliable also.

These generations of computers have a higher level of languages such as Pascal PL/1, FORTON-II to V, COBOL, ALGOL-68, and BASIC(Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) was developed during these periods.

Examples are NCR 395 (National Cash Register), IBM 360,370 series, B6500

assignment on computer generation

  • These computers are smaller in size as compared to previous generations
  • It consumed less energy and was more reliable
  • More Versatile
  • It produced less heat as compared to previous generations
  • These computers are used for commercial and as well as general-purpose
  • These computers used a fan for head discharge to prevent damage
  • This generation of computers has increased the storage capacity of computers
  • Still, a cooling system is needed.
  • It is still very costly
  • Sophisticated Technology is required to manufacture Integrated Circuits
  • It is not easy to maintain the IC chips.
  • The performance of these computers is degraded if we execute large applications.

4. FOURTH GENERATION OF COMPUTER: Microprocessor (1971-Present)

assignment on computer generation

The fourth generation of computers is characterized by the use of “Microprocessor”. It was invented in the 1970s and It was developed by four inventors named are “Marcian Hoff, Masatoshi Shima, Federico Faggin, and Stanley Mazor “. The first microprocessor named was the “Intel 4004” CPU, it was the first microprocessor that was invented.

assignment on computer generation

A microprocessor contains all the circuits required to perform arithmetic, logic, and control functions on a single chip. Because of microprocessors, fourth-generation includes more data processing capacity than equivalent-sized third-generation computers. Due to the development of microprocessors, it is possible to place the CPU(central processing unit) on a single chip. These computers are also known as microcomputers. The personal computer is a fourth-generation computer. It is the period when the evolution of computer networks takes place.

Examples are APPLE II, Alter 8800

assignment on computer generation

  • These computers are smaller in size and much more reliable as compared to other generations of computers.
  • The heating issue on these computers is almost negligible
  • No A/C or Air conditioner is required in a fourth-generation computer.
  • In these computers, all types of higher languages can be used in this generation
  • It is also used for the general purpose
  • less expensive
  • These computers are cheaper and portable
  • Fans are required to operate these kinds of computers
  • It required the latest technology for the need to make microprocessors and complex software
  • These computers were highly sophisticated
  • It also required advanced technology to make the ICs(Integrated circuits)


These generations of computers were based on AI (Artificial Intelligence) technology. Artificial technology is the branch of computer science concerned with making computers behave like humans and allowing the computer to make its own decisions currently, no computers exhibit full artificial intelligence (that is, can simulate human behavior).

assignment on computer generation

In the fifth generation of computers, VLSI technology and ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology are used and the speed of these computers is extremely high. This generation introduced machines with hundreds of processors that could all be working on different parts of a single program. The development of a more powerful computer is still in progress. It has been predicted that such a computer will be able to communicate in natural spoken languages with its user.

In this generation, computers are also required to use a high level of languages like C language, c++, java, etc.

Examples are Desktop computers, laptops, notebooks, MacBooks, etc. These all are the computers which we are using.

assignment on computer generation

  • These computers are smaller in size and it is more compatible
  • These computers are mighty cheaper
  • It is obviously used for the general purpose
  • Higher technology is used
  • Development of true artificial intelligence
  • Advancement in Parallel Processing and Superconductor Technology.
  • It tends to be sophisticated and complex tools
  • It pushes the limit of transistor density.

Frequently Asked Questions

How many computer generations are there.

Mainly five generations are there:

First Generation Computer (1940-1956) Second Generation Computer (1956-1963) Third Generation Computer(1964-1971) Fourth Generation Computer(1971-Present) Fifth Generation Computer(Present and Beyond)

Which things were invented in the first generation of computers?

Vacuum Tubes

What is the fifth generation of computers?

The Fifth Generation of computers is entirely based on Artificial Intelligence. Where it predicts that the computer will be able to communicate in natural spoken languages with its user.

What is the latest computer generation?

The latest generation of computers is Fifth which is totally based on Artificial Intelligence.

Who is the inventor of the Integrated Circuit?

“Robert Noyce” and “Jack Bily”

What is the full form of ENIAC ?

ENIAC Stands for “Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer” .

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2 thoughts on “The Evolution Of Computer | Generations of Computer”

It is really useful thanks

Glad to see

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Generations of Computer 1st to 5th Explained with Pictures.

The history of computer technology is often used to refer to the origin of all the different generations of computers . From first to fifth each computer generation is characterized by significant technological development in their components, memory , and elements which essentially changed the way these devices work.

Several periods of generation from over the years advanced the technological evolution leads to the creation of today’s modern computer with more complex, more powerful, and increased capability and functionality.

Introduction to Computer Generations

This development period of electronic computing technology is called Computer Generation. There are five generations of computers identified, although the sixth generation could be in development now in the early 21st century.

During the evolutionary timeline, each generation of computers has improved a lot by undergoing considerable changes in their size, type, and functionality.

By analyzing them, one can trace the evolution of computer technology, to see how the computer industry has changed over the years and how great capabilities and software progress has been made by humankind in under a hundred years , as a result, the creation of different generations.

At present, the computer is playing a significant part in human existence because today’s digital computer is being used for every work in each field. If someday an issue occurs in the computer or the server is down, at that point all the work stops. This is how significant it is for technology development!

In this article, I will introduce you to all the generations of computers with pictures by explaining the complete information about their characteristics , names, components , and examples too.

Generations of Computer From 1st to 5th

Generations of Computer 1st to 5th

Let’s discover the series of computer generations in the following list:

1st Generation of Computer (1940-1956)

This first generation of computers was based on vacuum tube technology used for calculations, storage, and control, invented in 1904 by John Ambrose Fleming. The vacuum tubes and diode valves were the chief components of the first generations of computers.

vacuum tube technology

First-generation computers relied on the lowest-level machine language, in order to perform operations, and could only solve a single problem at a point of time.

Magnetic drums were used as the memory in these computers (were very slow in speed). The punched and magnetic tapes were used for the input and output function of the computer in order to display on prints even the results weren’t 100% accurate.

punched and magnetic tapes

Also, the first generation of computers available was based on the 8-bit microprocessor.

The disadvantages of 1st gen computers are that they were very enormous in size and heavy in weight (made of thousands of vacuum tubes ) , occupying large rooms. Also, once they were kept in one place it was difficult to transfer. Another con like using a decimal number system and many switches and cables.

In addition, they were also very expensive to operate with using a large amount of electricity, the vacuum tubes produced large amounts of heat, so an air conditioner was required for the proper functioning unless a lot of heat can cause a malfunction.

The advantage of the first generation of computers is that they could calculate in milliseconds (about five thousand sums per second.)

The computers of first-generation were managed to use in different fields like weather forecasting, solving mathematical problems, energy tasks, also in space research, military, and other scientific tasks.

In the first generation of computers, the first computer of the world named “ENIAC” (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer) was discovered by John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert in the year between 1943 to 1945.

ENIAC used panel-to-panel wiring and switches for programming, occupied more than 1,000 square feet, used about 18,000 vacuum tubes, and weighed 30 tons.

very huge size of computer

Characteristics of the 1st Generation of Computer:

  • Vacuum tubes and diode valves were used as the main electronic component in the first generation computers.
  • Punch cards, paper tape utilized for input and output operations.
  • Magnetic drums used for storage.
  • Huge in size and weight with a lot of power consumption.
  • Very expensive in price also not reliable.
  • Computers were programmed with low-level machine language also has low operating speed.

Examples of the first generation of computers are ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer), UNIVAC (Universal Automatic Computer) EDSEC (Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator), EDVAC (Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer), (Electronic delay storage automatic calculator), IBM -701 and IBM 650.

ENIAC, the first general-purpose electronic digital computer . This computer about 18,000 vacuum tubes used for the calculation result in huge in size, occupied more than 1,000 square feet, and weighed 30 tons. These were the harbingers of today’s digital computers. This first computing machine was designed by people J. P. Eckert, W. Mosley, J. W. Mauchly.

2nd Generation of Computer (1956-1964)

The second generation of computers replaced the vacuum tubes with a reliable component called transistors for manufacturing of computers was invented by William Shockley in 1947.


The transistors were the revolution in the computer field because this component advantaged the 2nd gen computer by increasing the performance, operating speed (hundreds of thousands of operations per second), as well as decreasing the electricity consumption of the computers.

Transistors were far superior to the vacuum tube, allowing computers to get faster, cheaper, more energy-efficient made and possible to reduce the size of computing equipment and ultimately heat reduced and reliability improved.

Computers of second-generation are characterized by the use of the first high-level programming languages, allowing programmers to specify instructions in words. At this time, early versions of COBOL, ALGOL, SNOBOL, and FORTRAN languages were developed .

These were the first computers to store their instructions in their memory, which went from a magnetic drum to magnetic core technology. During this period, the first computer game name “ Spacewar ” was seen on a PDP-1 computer.

Spacewar game in PDP-1 computer

Do you know~ that the oldest abacus was a computing machine designed to calculate thousands of years ago, which is still used in schools today to do calculations.

Also, the concept of Central Processing Unit (CPU), multi-programming operating systems, programming language, memory, and input and output units (I / O units) were developed in the timeline of second-generation computers.

The major disadvantages of Second-generation computers were they still relied on punch cards for input and hard copies for output as well as still it was difficult to move the computers for the reason they were enough large and even some computers needed ACs.

2nd generation of computers still huge in size

This second generation of computers was first used in the fields like the atomic energy industry and nuclear power plants and other commercial fields.

Characteristics of the 2nd Generation of Computer:

  • Computers based on transistors instead of vacuum tubes.
  • Magnetic Tape was used to store data.
  • Relatively small in size and reduced weight with low energy consumption than 1st gen computers.
  • Faster, reliable, and less expensive than the first generation.
  • Use of storage devices, printers, and operating systems, etc.
  • Higher-level languages like COBOL, ALGOL, SNOBOL, and FORTRAN were developed and used.

Examples of the second generation of computers include IBM 1620, CDC 1604, IBM 7094, UNIVAC 1108, IBM 620, CDC 3600, IBM 4044, Honeywell 400, IBM 1401 Mainframe, and PDP-1 minicomputer. IBM was actively working, producing transistor versions of its computers.

3rd Generation of Computer (1964-1971)

The third generation appeared in the form of integrated circuits (invented by Jack Kilby from 1958 to 1964). An IC (integrated circuit) is consists of many small transistors mounted on chips , which are called semiconductors.

integrated circuits

This synchronized chip became an important foundation for the third generation computers when scientists combined hundreds of transistors fit in this circuit result in a more powerful electronic segment called an integrated circuit.

Multiprogramming was implemented (this is when there are several executable programs in memory) at the same time that it diminished their manufacturing costs. In the mid-60s. IBM improved the term “computer architecture”. By the end of the 60s. mini-computers appeared.

This revolutionary innovation allowed to expansion of the processing capacity and memory of the machines.

Instead of punch cards and prints, users interacted via keyboards and monitors , and interacted with an operating system, allowing the device to run various applications at once with a central program that monitored the memory.

3rd Generation of Computer

As you can see, the first appearance of computer monitors fell on the second generation of computers. The invention belongs to the company IBM, which in 1964 released the commercial display station IBM-2250.

it was used in the system/360 series. The model had a vector monochrome display measuring 12×12 inches, with a resolution of 1024×1024 pixels and a refresh rate of 40 Hz. This invention revolutionized today’s different types of monitors including LCD, LED, OLED monitors.

The invention of IC incredibly decreased the size of computers and made it easy for transportation from one place to another. The working speed and efficiency of this generation of computers were much faster than the previous generation and even cheaper.

High-end languages such as PASCAL, BASIC, FORTRAN – II TO IV, COBOL, ALGOL developed in this generation.

For the first time, they got access to a mass audience allowed computers to penetrate into different spheres of human activity since they were smaller and cheaper. Along these, they turned out to be more specialized (i.e., there were different computers for different tasks).

The 3rd generation of computers was the initial move towards the miniaturization of computers and quickly expanded their scope: control, automation of scientific experiments, data transmission, etc. In addition to being used in the manufacture of radios, TVs, and other similar devices .

Characteristics of the 3rd Generation of Computer:

  • In this generation, computers based on Integrated Circuit was more powerful than the transistor.
  • The size of the computers was likewise little because the size of the IC being more modest than the circuit size of the transistors.
  • More reliable, inexpensive, faster, energy-efficient, as well as very light in weight than 2nd gen computers.
  • The first Computer Mouse and Keyboard were appeared and used in the 3rd generation of computers
  • Use of new versions of high-level languages like BASIC, COBOL, FORTRAN, PASCAL, and ALGOL
  • Available for a mass audience and made it possible for general purpose usage.

Some of the most popular models of the 3rd generation of computers were the ICL 2903, ICL 1900, TDC-B16, IBM 360 and 370, Honeywell 6000, UNIVAC 1108, PDP-8, and PDP-11, which were ideal in their handling multiprocessing capabilities, reliability, and flexibility than previous generations.

4th Generation of Computer (1971-2010)

The microprocessor brought the fourth generation of computers, as thousands of integrated circuits equivalent to about millions of transistors were assembled and brought the whole central processing unit and other fundamental elements of the machine into a small chip called a microprocessor fitted on the CPU socket.

microprocessor chip

These computers used Very Large Scale Integrated circuits technology also called VLSI technology. After the invention, the microprocessor began to used in computing machines in the fourth and fifth generations of computers.

Within the framework of the considered generation in 1971, the first microprocessor appeared as an unexpected result of Intel’s work on calculator circuits and further development of minicomputers ( PDP-11 ).

first microprocessor of Intel 4004

The first personal computer and a microcomputer was “ ALTAIR ” developed by the company MITS in 1974. Also, the first microprocessor was the Intel 4004, manufactured in 1971, initially for an electronic calculator. Whereas the computers of the first generation filled an entire room, while now the 4th generation ‘microprocessors’ fit in the palm of the hand.

This generation of computers used an operating system based on the graphical user interface (GUI), which means these numbers were very easy to perform mathematical and logical tasks.

The computers started to utilize high-speed memory systems on integrated circuits with a capacity of several megabytes. Computer performance has increased significantly (hundreds of millions of operations per second).

The high-level language like C, C ++, Java, PHP, Python, Visual Basic,  was utilized to compose programs in the computers of the fourth generation.

high-level languages in 4th generation of computers

The advent of the first personal computers in the mid-70s gave every common user the same computing resources that enormous computers had during the 60s. These computers were made more modest, faster, and less expensive can undoubtedly be put on a table or desk. Which marked the so-called era of personal computers .

Peripheral devices examples , such as mice, joysticks, handheld devices, etc., were developed during this 4th generation. Computers could be connected together in a network to share information with each other, this has played an important role in the birth and development of LAN, Ethernet, and the Internet .

Era of personal computers and Internet

The most popular companies in the world like Intel and AMD were rising. Then again, companies like Microsoft and Apple introduced their operating systems ‘Windows’ and ‘Macintosh’ in the generation of this computer. Because of which the act of multimedia started.

This is the era where personal computers were born, an idea that actually persists today. Also, these were the generation of DEC’s (Digital Equipment Corporation) minicomputers.

Characteristics of the 4th Generation of Computer:

  • Computers based on microprocessors and VLSI technology .
  • The computers of 4th gen were small in size, lightweight, and almost portable computers.
  • The integrating of multi cores in processors like Dual core , Octa core, etc has began.
  • The processing speed of this computer generation was much faster and reliable than the previous three generations.
  • The size and cost of power supply units has reduced.
  • Use of languages ​​like C, C ++, .Net, Java, PHP, Python , Visual Basic.
  • Use of GUI Based OS with more memory capacity.
  • Accessible to the Internet .
  • Due to the low cost of these computers, they were available to every common man.

Desktops, Laptops, Workstations, Tablets, Chromebooks , and Smartphones, are examples of the fourth generation of computers.

Good to Know~ Alan Turing is the father of modern computers born in England in 1912.

5th Generation of Computer (2010-At Present)

Artificial intelligence is the name of the fifth as well as the latest generation of computers based on ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology is the process of integrating or embedding millions of transistors on a single silicon microchip.

5th Generation of Computer

Computing in the 5th computer generation is versatile made portable, powerful, lightweight, innovative, comfortable with low electricity consumption . Because of the Internet’s advantages , it extended its limits of use to limits never before suspected.

The main objective of the latest fifth-generation computing and effort made by computer researchers is to make them smart by incorporating Artificial Intelligence so as to develop devices that respond to the input of natural language and are capable of learning and self-organizing even in 2022 it is under development.

This new information technology has greatly increased the size and working ability of the microprocessor, which has prompted the use of computers in the various fields of Entertainment, Accounting, Educational institutes , Film-making, Traffic-control, Business applications , and Hospitals, Engineering, Researches, Defense, etc.

That’s why a computer of the 5th generation is also known as the AI (Artificial Intelligence) generation of computers.

Some computers are being intended to do all the work themselves as a human act, behave, and communicate. The best example of this is an Artificial Intelligence (AI) based computing machine in the 5th generation of computers “ Sophia ” a robot.

Artificial intelligence

Characteristics of the 5th Generation of Computer:

  • The main focus on AI-based computers.
  • Computers made of microprocessors based on ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology.
  • The processing speed is quite high can perform billions of calculations in a second.
  • Computers are portable, cheap, reliable, fast, and available in various forms and sizes like a Desktop, Laptop, Smartphone, Smartwatches, etc.
  • Invention of the operating system such as Windows, Macintosh and ChromeOS of Chromebooks .
  • Multimedia has evolved in this generation by combining Sound, Graphics, or Picture and Text.
  • Development of Internet of Things.

Computers of the fifth generation are being made to think like us. For which continuous advancement of technologies like Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, Robotics, etc. Although the examples of AI computing software such as Chatbots, Windows Cortana, Google Assistant, Apple Siri, Speech recognition, that are being used today.

Classification of the computer by generations

Factors/reasons for the development of computer generations:.

There below are the general factors associated with the development and change in the generations of electronic computers:

  • Improvement of the element base,
  • Downsizing,
  • Technological progress (increased performance, speed, and memory)
  • Reduced cost,
  • Development of  software ,
  • Changes in architecture, expansion of the range of tasks solved by computers,
  • Simplification and standardization of hardware.
  • Changing the way of interaction between the user and the computer.

How many generations of computers have there been?

There are 5 computer generations till now i.e. vacuum tubes, transistors, integrated circuits, microprocessors, and the last one is artificial intelligence. 6th generation yet to come may be either in the form of quantum computers or developing the existing artificial intelligence technology to a greater extent.

What is the 6th generation of computers?

Electronic computers are usually divided into five generations now and the 6th generation is still in development but has the potential to give birth to the sixth generation of computers may be in the form of quantum computing.

Which is the current modern generation of computers today?

The technologies based on artificial intelligence are the current and the latest generation of computers(5th GEN) today.

What is the historical development of computers according to generation?

In accordance with the methodology for assessing the development of computer technology, the first generation was considered to be vacuum tube computers, the second – transistor computers, the third – computers on integrated circuits, the fourth – using microprocessors, and the fifth generation computers is based on the artificial intelligence.

What is the generation of a colossus computer?

Colossus computer was the first generation of the computer developed and designed by Tommy Flowers at Bletchley Park in the year 1944 with the purpose of cracking Hitler’s codes.

The sixth will also discover in the future since there are some flaws of technology in this generation that will be revived or resolved in the upcoming generation.

It takes much time and research to publish such an article ” Generation of Computer 1st to 5th “ If you liked the insights of the article you can support us by sharing this post on social networks.

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26 thoughts on “generations of computer 1st to 5th explained with pictures.”.

yes that awesome

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This the best platform for student to learn from very gradual, this information is really helpful

It was so wonderful and interesting thank you so much

Hi Rachel, you’re welcome. And I’m happy to hear that you enjoyed this information!

You have explained the generation of computers very well, by reading this article anyone will understand about the generation of computers.

You’re welcome. Glad you learned some new & informative stuff.

Yes you right sir

Thanks for DIGITALWORLD839.COM for publication of the topics on computers

Wow it helped a lot

Hi Angel, you’re welcome. And I’m happy to hear that you found this information helpful!

You’re welcome, Asif.

Thank you so much

You’re welcome, Zamzam.

thank you! you help me a lot

Very informative and really precise on the subjects. Thanks.

This’s really helped me with my school project. Thanks so much!

It’s outstanding To much details given by the writer

Well understood!

well understood! thank you

That sounds nice It’ll boost the academic performance of computer student?

Thanks i found this platform very interesting

Thanks for the information it’s really useful

That’s great

thank so much for the help much appreciated.

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  • History of Computers

When we study the many aspects of computing and computers, it is important to know about the history of computers. Charles Babbage designed an Analytical Engine which was a general computer   It helps us understand the growth and progress of technology through the times. It is also an important topic for competitive and banking exams.

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What is a computer.

A computer is an electronic machine that collects information, stores it, processes it according to user instructions, and then returns the result.

A computer is a programmable electronic device that performs arithmetic and logical operations automatically using a set of instructions provided by the user.

Early Computing Devices

People used sticks, stones, and bones as counting tools before computers were invented. More computing devices were produced as technology advanced and the human intellect improved over time. Let us look at a few of the early-age computing devices used by mankind.

Abacus was invented by the Chinese around 4000 years ago. It’s a wooden rack with metal rods with beads attached to them. The abacus operator moves the beads according to certain guidelines to complete arithmetic computations.

  • Napier’s Bone

John Napier devised Napier’s Bones, a manually operated calculating apparatus. For calculating, this instrument used 9 separate ivory strips (bones) marked with numerals to multiply and divide. It was also the first machine to calculate using the decimal point system.

Pascaline was invented in 1642 by Biaise Pascal, a French mathematician and philosopher. It is thought to be the first mechanical and automated calculator. It was a wooden box with gears and wheels inside.

  • Stepped Reckoner or Leibniz wheel

In 1673, a German mathematician-philosopher named Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz improved on Pascal’s invention to create this apparatus. It was a digital mechanical calculator known as the stepped reckoner because it used fluted drums instead of gears.

  • Difference Engine

In the early 1820s, Charles Babbage created the Difference Engine. It was a mechanical computer that could do basic computations. It was a steam-powered calculating machine used to solve numerical tables such as logarithmic tables.

  • Analytical Engine 

Charles Babbage created another calculating machine, the Analytical Engine, in 1830. It was a mechanical computer that took input from punch cards. It was capable of solving any mathematical problem and storing data in an indefinite memory.

  • Tabulating machine 

An American Statistician – Herman Hollerith invented this machine in the year 1890. Tabulating Machine was a punch card-based mechanical tabulator. It could compute statistics and record or sort data or information. Hollerith began manufacturing these machines in his company, which ultimately became International Business Machines (IBM) in 1924.

  • Differential Analyzer 

Vannevar Bush introduced the first electrical computer, the Differential Analyzer, in 1930. This machine is made up of vacuum tubes that switch electrical impulses in order to do calculations. It was capable of performing 25 calculations in a matter of minutes.

Howard Aiken planned to build a machine in 1937 that could conduct massive calculations or calculations using enormous numbers. The Mark I computer was constructed in 1944 as a collaboration between IBM and Harvard.

History of Computers Generation

The word ‘computer’ has a very interesting origin. It was first used in the 16th century for a person who used to compute, i.e. do calculations. The word was used in the same sense as a noun until the 20th century. Women were hired as human computers to carry out all forms of calculations and computations.

By the last part of the 19th century, the word was also used to describe machines that did calculations. The modern-day use of the word is generally to describe programmable digital devices that run on electricity.

Early History of Computer

Since the evolution of humans, devices have been used for calculations for thousands of years. One of the earliest and most well-known devices was an abacus. Then in 1822, the father of computers, Charles Babbage began developing what would be the first mechanical computer. And then in 1833 he actually designed an Analytical Engine which was a general-purpose computer. It contained an ALU, some basic flow chart principles and the concept of integrated memory.

Then more than a century later in the history of computers, we got our first electronic computer for general purpose. It was the ENIAC, which stands for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. The inventors of this computer were John W. Mauchly and J.Presper Eckert.

And with times the technology developed and the computers got smaller and the processing got faster. We got our first laptop in 1981 and it was introduced by Adam Osborne and EPSON.

Browse more Topics under Basics Of Computers

  • Number Systems
  • Number System Conversions

Generations of Computers

  • Computer Organisation
  • Computer Memory
  • Computers Abbreviations
  • Basic Computer Terminology
  • Computer Languages
  • Basic Internet Knowledge and Protocols
  • Hardware and Software
  • Keyboard Shortcuts
  • I/O Devices
  • Practice Problems On Basics Of Computers

In the history of computers, we often refer to the advancements of modern computers as the generation of computers . We are currently on the fifth generation of computers. So let us look at the important features of these five generations of computers.

  • 1st Generation: This was from the period of 1940 to 1955. This was when machine language was developed for the use of computers. They used vacuum tubes for the circuitry. For the purpose of memory, they used magnetic drums. These machines were complicated, large, and expensive. They were mostly reliant on batch operating systems and punch cards. As output and input devices, magnetic tape and paper tape were implemented. For example, ENIAC, UNIVAC-1, EDVAC, and so on.
  • 2nd Generation:  The years 1957-1963 were referred to as the “second generation of computers” at the time. In second-generation computers, COBOL and FORTRAN are employed as assembly languages and programming languages. Here they advanced from vacuum tubes to transistors. This made the computers smaller, faster and more energy-efficient. And they advanced from binary to assembly languages. For instance, IBM 1620, IBM 7094, CDC 1604, CDC 3600, and so forth.
  • 3rd Generation: The hallmark of this period (1964-1971) was the development of the integrated circuit.  A single integrated circuit (IC) is made up of many transistors, which increases the power of a computer while simultaneously lowering its cost. These computers were quicker, smaller, more reliable, and less expensive than their predecessors. High-level programming languages such as FORTRON-II to IV, COBOL, and PASCAL PL/1 were utilized. For example, the IBM-360 series, the Honeywell-6000 series, and the IBM-370/168.
  • 4th Generation: The invention of the microprocessors brought along the fourth generation of computers. The years 1971-1980 were dominated by fourth generation computers. C, C++ and Java were the programming languages utilized in this generation of computers. For instance, the STAR 1000, PDP 11, CRAY-1, CRAY-X-MP, and Apple II. This was when we started producing computers for home use.
  • 5th Generation:  These computers have been utilized since 1980 and continue to be used now. This is the present and the future of the computer world. The defining aspect of this generation is artificial intelligence. The use of parallel processing and superconductors are making this a reality and provide a lot of scope for the future. Fifth-generation computers use ULSI (Ultra Large Scale Integration) technology. These are the most recent and sophisticated computers. C, C++, Java,.Net, and more programming languages are used. For instance, IBM, Pentium, Desktop, Laptop, Notebook, Ultrabook, and so on.

Brief History of Computers

The naive understanding of computation had to be overcome before the true power of computing could be realized. The inventors who worked tirelessly to bring the computer into the world had to realize that what they were creating was more than just a number cruncher or a calculator. They had to address all of the difficulties associated with inventing such a machine, implementing the design, and actually building the thing. The history of the computer is the history of these difficulties being solved.

19 th Century

1801 – Joseph Marie Jacquard, a weaver and businessman from France, devised a loom that employed punched wooden cards to automatically weave cloth designs.

1822 – Charles Babbage, a mathematician, invented the steam-powered calculating machine capable of calculating number tables. The “Difference Engine” idea failed owing to a lack of technology at the time.

1848 – The world’s first computer program was written by Ada Lovelace, an English mathematician. Lovelace also includes a step-by-step tutorial on how to compute Bernoulli numbers using Babbage’s machine.

1890 – Herman Hollerith, an inventor, creates the punch card technique used to calculate the 1880 U.S. census. He would go on to start the corporation that would become IBM.

Early 20 th Century

1930 – Differential Analyzer was the first large-scale automatic general-purpose mechanical analogue computer invented and built by Vannevar Bush.

1936 – Alan Turing had an idea for a universal machine, which he called the Turing machine, that could compute anything that could be computed.

1939 – Hewlett-Packard was discovered in a garage in Palo Alto, California by Bill Hewlett and David Packard.

1941 – Konrad Zuse, a German inventor and engineer, completed his Z3 machine, the world’s first digital computer. However, the machine was destroyed during a World War II bombing strike on Berlin.

1941 – J.V. Atanasoff and graduate student Clifford Berry devise a computer capable of solving 29 equations at the same time. The first time a computer can store data in its primary memory.

1945 – University of Pennsylvania academics John Mauchly and J. Presper Eckert create an Electronic Numerical Integrator and Calculator (ENIAC). It was Turing-complete and capable of solving “a vast class of numerical problems” by reprogramming, earning it the title of “Grandfather of computers.”

1946 – The UNIVAC I (Universal Automatic Computer) was the first general-purpose electronic digital computer designed in the United States for corporate applications.

1949 – The Electronic Delay Storage Automatic Calculator (EDSAC), developed by a team at the University of Cambridge, is the “first practical stored-program computer.”

1950 – The Standards Eastern Automatic Computer (SEAC) was built in Washington, DC, and it was the first stored-program computer completed in the United States.

Late 20 th Century

1953 – Grace Hopper, a computer scientist, creates the first computer language, which becomes known as COBOL, which stands for CO mmon, B usiness- O riented L anguage. It allowed a computer user to offer the computer instructions in English-like words rather than numbers.

1954 – John Backus and a team of IBM programmers created the FORTRAN programming language, an acronym for FOR mula TRAN slation. In addition, IBM developed the 650.

1958 – The integrated circuit, sometimes known as the computer chip, was created by Jack Kirby and Robert Noyce.

1962 – Atlas, the computer, makes its appearance. It was the fastest computer in the world at the time, and it pioneered the concept of “virtual memory.”

1964 – Douglas Engelbart proposes a modern computer prototype that combines a mouse and a graphical user interface (GUI).

1969 – Bell Labs developers, led by Ken Thompson and Dennis Ritchie, revealed UNIX, an operating system developed in the C programming language that addressed program compatibility difficulties.

1970 – The Intel 1103, the first Dynamic Access Memory (DRAM) chip, is unveiled by Intel.

1971 – The floppy disc was invented by Alan Shugart and a team of IBM engineers. In the same year, Xerox developed the first laser printer, which not only produced billions of dollars but also heralded the beginning of a new age in computer printing.

1973 – Robert Metcalfe, a member of Xerox’s research department, created Ethernet, which is used to connect many computers and other gear.

1974 – Personal computers were introduced into the market. The first were the Altair Scelbi & Mark-8, IBM 5100, and Radio Shack’s TRS-80.

1975 – Popular Electronics magazine touted the Altair 8800 as the world’s first minicomputer kit in January. Paul Allen and Bill Gates offer to build software in the BASIC language for the Altair.

1976 – Apple Computers is founded by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, who expose the world to the Apple I, the first computer with a single-circuit board.

1977 – At the first West Coast Computer Faire, Jobs and Wozniak announce the Apple II. It has colour graphics and a cassette drive for storing music.

1978 – The first computerized spreadsheet program, VisiCalc, is introduced.

1979 – WordStar, a word processing tool from MicroPro International, is released.

1981 – IBM unveils the Acorn, their first personal computer, which has an Intel CPU, two floppy drives, and a colour display. The MS-DOS operating system from Microsoft is used by Acorn.

1983 – The CD-ROM, which could carry 550 megabytes of pre-recorded data, hit the market. This year also saw the release of the Gavilan SC, the first portable computer with a flip-form design and the first to be offered as a “laptop.”

1984 – Apple launched Macintosh during the Superbowl XVIII commercial. It was priced at $2,500

1985 – Microsoft introduces Windows, which enables multitasking via a graphical user interface. In addition, the programming language C++ has been released.

1990 – Tim Berners-Lee, an English programmer and scientist, creates HyperText Markup Language, widely known as HTML. He also coined the term “WorldWideWeb.” It includes the first browser, a server, HTML, and URLs.

1993 – The Pentium CPU improves the usage of graphics and music on personal computers.

1995 – Microsoft’s Windows 95 operating system was released. A $300 million promotional campaign was launched to get the news out. Sun Microsystems introduces Java 1.0, followed by Netscape Communications’ JavaScript.

1996 – At Stanford University, Sergey Brin and Larry Page created the Google search engine.

1998 – Apple introduces the iMac, an all-in-one Macintosh desktop computer. These PCs cost $1,300 and came with a 4GB hard drive, 32MB RAM, a CD-ROM, and a 15-inch monitor.

1999 – Wi-Fi, an abbreviation for “wireless fidelity,” is created, originally covering a range of up to 300 feet.

21 st Century

2000 – The USB flash drive is first introduced in 2000. They were speedier and had more storage space than other storage media options when used for data storage.

2001 – Apple releases Mac OS X, later renamed OS X and eventually simply macOS, as the successor to its conventional Mac Operating System.

2003 – Customers could purchase AMD’s Athlon 64, the first 64-bit CPU for consumer computers.

2004 – Facebook began as a social networking website.

2005 – Google acquires Android, a mobile phone OS based on Linux.

2006 – Apple’s MacBook Pro was available. The Pro was the company’s first dual-core, Intel-based mobile computer.

Amazon Web Services, including Amazon Elastic Cloud 2 (EC2) and Amazon Simple Storage Service, were also launched (S3)

2007 – The first iPhone was produced by Apple, bringing many computer operations into the palm of our hands. Amazon also released the Kindle, one of the first electronic reading systems, in 2007.

2009 – Microsoft released Windows 7.

2011 – Google introduces the Chromebook, which runs Google Chrome OS.

2014 – The University of Michigan Micro Mote (M3), the world’s smallest computer, was constructed.

2015 – Apple introduces the Apple Watch. Windows 10 was also released by Microsoft.

2016 – The world’s first reprogrammable quantum computer is built.

Types of Computers

  • Analog Computers –  Analog computers are built with various components such as gears and levers, with no electrical components. One advantage of analogue computation is that designing and building an analogue computer to tackle a specific problem can be quite straightforward.
  • Mainframe computers –  It is a computer that is generally utilized by large enterprises for mission-critical activities such as massive data processing. Mainframe computers were distinguished by massive storage capacities, quick components, and powerful computational capabilities. Because they were complicated systems, they were managed by a team of systems programmers who had sole access to the computer. These machines are now referred to as servers rather than mainframes.
  • Supercomputers –  The most powerful computers to date are commonly referred to as supercomputers. Supercomputers are enormous systems that are purpose-built to solve complicated scientific and industrial problems. Quantum mechanics, weather forecasting, oil and gas exploration, molecular modelling, physical simulations, aerodynamics, nuclear fusion research, and cryptoanalysis are all done on supercomputers.
  • Minicomputers –  A minicomputer is a type of computer that has many of the same features and capabilities as a larger computer but is smaller in size. Minicomputers, which were relatively small and affordable, were often employed in a single department of an organization and were often dedicated to a specific task or shared by a small group.
  • Microcomputers –  A microcomputer is a small computer that is based on a microprocessor integrated circuit, often known as a chip. A microcomputer is a system that incorporates at a minimum a microprocessor, program memory, data memory, and input-output system (I/O). A microcomputer is now commonly referred to as a personal computer (PC).
  • Embedded processors –  These are miniature computers that control electrical and mechanical processes with basic microprocessors. Embedded processors are often simple in design, have limited processing capability and I/O capabilities, and need little power. Ordinary microprocessors and microcontrollers are the two primary types of embedded processors. Embedded processors are employed in systems that do not require the computing capability of traditional devices such as desktop computers, laptop computers, or workstations.

FAQs on History of Computers

Q: The principle of modern computers was proposed by ____

  • Adam Osborne
  • Alan Turing
  • Charles Babbage

Ans: The correct answer is C.

Q: Who introduced the first computer from home use in 1981?

  • Sun Technology

Ans: Answer is A. IBM made the first home-use personal computer.

Q: Third generation computers used which programming language ?

  • Machine language

Ans: The correct option is C.

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Basics of Computers

  • Computer Abbreviations
  • Basic Computer Knowledge – Practice Problems
  • Computer Organization
  • Input and Output (I/O) Devices

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Generation of Computers 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th

The Generation of Computer tells about the evolution of technology to distinguish the computers in terms of varying hardware and software. Know everything about the Generation of Computers 1st to 5th.

Generation of Computer

Table of Contents

For many decades we have relied on computers and now they have become an inseparable part of our lives. We cannot imagine our lives without computers are they have made our work easier. These computers have gone through changes over time and have you ever really wondered what a computer actually is? Today we use Laptops for our office work, and tablets for day-to-day calculations or entertainment purposes. These indicate that computers have evolved and undergone changes in their structure, functions and speed over time.

What is the Evolution of the computer?

The evolution of computers started around the 16th century. The evolution of the computer is the process of which transformation of the oldest vacuum tube-based system to the current model system of today’s computers.  Long ago, the early primitive people were trailblazers in the use of counting tools, making use of objects like sticks, stones, and bones for their counting needs. The computer we see today has faced many changes, for the betterment via history of computers . It has continuously improved itself in terms of speed, accuracy, size, and price to urge the form of the computer we have today. Here we have discussed the 5 generations of computers and their characteristics.

Generation of Computer

In computers, we use the term “generation” to show the evolution of technology. Earlier, the generation term was used to distinguish the computers in terms of varying hardware but now it all together includes the hardware and software which makes up a computer system. After centuries of evolution that began in the 16th century, the contemporary computer has taken its current form. There are 5 Generations of computers and all of them have been discussed below along with their features.

1. First Generation Computers

The 1st Generation Computers were introduced using the technology of vacuum tubes which can control the flow of electronics in a vacuum. These tubes are usually used in switches, amplifiers, radios, televisions, etc. The First Generation of Computer was very heavy and large and were not ideal for programming. They used basic programming and didn’t have an operating system, which made it tough for users to do programming on them. The 1st Generation Computers required a big room dedicated to them and also consumed a lot of electricity.

Some examples of main first-generation computers are-

  • ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, built by J. Presper Eckert and John V. Mauchly which contained 18,000 vacuum tubes.
  • EDVAC: Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer, designed by Von Neumann.
  • UNIVAC: Universal Automatic Computer, developed by Eckert and Mauchly in 1952.

Characteristics of 1st Generation Computers

  • These computers were designed using vacuum tubes.
  • Programming in these computers was done using machine languages.
  • The main memory of 1st Generation Computers consisted of magnetic tapes and magnetic drums.
  • Paper tapes and Punched cards were used as input/output devices in these computers.
  • These computers were very huge but worked very slowly.
  • Examples of 1st Generation Computers are IBM 650, IBM 701, ENIAC, UNIVAC1, etc.

Generation of Computers 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th_3.1

2. Second Generation Computers

The Second Generation of Computers revolutionized as it started using the technology of transistors instead of bulky vacuum tubes. Transistors are devices made of semiconductor materials that open or close a circuit. These transistors were invented in the Bell Labs which made the Second Generation Computer powerful and faster than the previous ones. Transistors made these computers smaller and generated less heat compared to the vacuum tubes they replaced. The Second Generation of Computers also introduced the use of CPU, memory and input/output units. The programming languages used for the second-generation computers were FORTRAN (1956), ALGOL (1958), and COBOL (1959).

jee 2024

Characteristics of Second-Generation Computers

  • The Second Generation computers used the technology of Transistors.
  • Machine language and Assembly Languages were used for these computers.
  • Magnetic core and magnetic tape/disk were used for memory storage.
  • The Second Generation Computers were smaller in size, consumed less power and generated less heat.
  • Magnetic tape and punched cards were used as input/output devices.
  • Some of the examples are PDP-8, IBM1400 series, IBM 7090 and 7094, UNIVAC 1107, CDC 3600, etc.

Generation of Computers 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th_5.1

3. Third Generation Computers

The evolution of Third Generation Computers took place with a shift from transistors to integrated circuits also called IC. The Third Generation of Computers was very fast and reliable. The ICs used in these computers were made from silicons and were called silicon chips. A single IC has many transistors, registers, and capacitors built on one thin slice of silicon. This generation of computers has increased memory space and efficiency. Higher-level languages like BASIC (Beginners All-purpose Symbolic Instruction Code) were used and the Minicomputers were introduced in this era.

Characteristics of Third-Generation Computers

  • These computers were built using Integrated Circuits (ICs).
  • High-level programming languages were used for programming on these computers.
  • Large magnetic core and magnetic tape/disk were used for memory storage.
  • Magnetic tape, monitor, keyboard, printer, etc were used as input/ output devices .
  • Some of the examples of Third Generation Computers are IBM 360, IBM 370, PDP-11, NCR 395, B6500, UNIVAC 1108, etc.

Generation of Computers 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th_6.1

4. Fourth Generation Computers

The period from 1972 to 2010 is considered the period of the fourth generation of computers. Microprocessor technology was used to develop the Fourth Generation of Computers. The foremost advantage of these computers is that the microprocessor can contain all the circuits required to perform arithmetic, logic, and control functions on one chip. In the Fourth Generation, computers became very small in size and also became portable.

Technologies like multiprocessing, multiprogramming, time-sharing, operating speed, and virtual memory were also introduced by then. During the fourth generation, private computers and computer networks became a reality.

Characteristics of Fourth-Generation Computers

  • The Fourth Generation Computers have been developed using the technology of Very-large-scale integration (VLSI) and the microprocessor (VLSI has thousands of transistors on a single microchip).
  • Semiconductor memory such as RAM, ROM , etc was used for memory storage.
  • Input/output devices such as pointing devices, optical scanning, keyboard, monitor, printer, etc were introduced.
  • Some examples of Fourth Generation Computers are IBM PC, STAR 1000, APPLE II, Apple Macintosh, Alter 8800, etc.

Generation of Computers 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th_7.1

5. Fifth Generation Of Computers

The Fifth Generation of Computers has been built using the technology called Artificial Intelligence (AI). This technology encourages computers to behave like humans. Some of the applications of AI have been seen in features like voice recognition, entertainment, etc. The speed of the Fifth Generation of Computers is the highest while the sizes are the smallest. A big improvement has been noticed so far over the years in the various generations of computers in the aspect of speed, accuracy dimensions, etc.

Characteristics of Fifth Generation of Computers

  • The 5th Generation Computers have been built based on artificial intelligence, use the Ultra Large-Scale Integration (ULSI) technology and parallel processing method (ULSI has millions of transistors on a single microchip and the Parallel processing method uses two or more microprocessors to run tasks simultaneously).
  • These computers understand natural language (human language).
  • The Fifth-generation computers are portable and smaller in size.
  • Trackpad (or touchpad), touchscreen, pen, speech input (recognize voice/speech), light scanner, printer, keyboard, monitor, mouse, etc are used as Input/Output devices.
  • Examples of 5th Generation Computers are Desktops, laptops, tablets, smartphones, etc.

Generation of Computers 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th_8.1

History of Computer Generation

The word ‘computer’ was first used in the 16th century for a person who used to do calculations until the 20th century. Women were hired as human computers to carry out all forms of calculations and computations. By the end of the 19th century, the word ‘computer’ was used for the machines that did calculations. Nowadays we use the word for the programmable digital devices that run on electricity.

Before computers were invented, sticks, stones, and bones were used as counting tools. With the evolution of human intellect and the advancement of technology, more computing devices were produced. There are mechanical calculators used by humans before computers. Some of the most famous mechanical calculators are:

  • Pascal’s Calculator
  • Stepped Reckoner
  • Arithmometer
  • Comptometer & Comptograph

Difference Engine

Analytical engine.

  • The Millionaire

Below we have discussed briefly the early-age computing devices used by mankind.

The Chinese are said to have discovered the Abacus some 4,000 years ago. The abacus was built using a wooden rack having metal rods with beads mounted on them. To perform the arithmetic calculations, beads were moved by the abacus operator according to some rules.

Napier’s Bones

John Napier invented Napier’s Bones which was a manually operated calculating device. John used 9 different ivory strips or bones marked with numbers to multiply and divide with the help of this calculating tool. The Napier’s Bone was also the first calculating tool to use decimal points.

A French mathematician-philosopher Biaise Pascal invented the Pascaline between 1642 and 1644. This tool was also called the Arithmetic Machine or Adding Machine and is believed to be the first mechanical and automatic calculator.

Stepped Reckoner or Leibnitz wheel

A German mathematician-philosopher Gottfried Wilhelm Leibnitz developed the Stepped Reckoner or Leibnitz wheel in 1673. This machine was technically an upgrade of Pascal’s invention. The Stepped Reckoner or Leibnitz wheel was a digital mechanical calculator that was made of fluted drums instead of gears.

Charles Babbage, known as the “Father of Modern Computer designed the Difference engine in the early 1820s.  The Difference Engine was a mechanical computer that could perform simple calculations. It was a steam-driven calculating machine designed to solve tables of numbers like logarithm tables.

The Analytical Engine was also developed by Charles Babbage in the 1830s. This calculating machine was a mechanical computer that used punch cards as input. These machines were capable of solving any mathematical problem and storing information as a permanent memory.

Tabulating Machine

Herman Hollerith, an American statistician invented the Tabulating Machine in the 1890s which was a mechanical tabulator based on punch cards that was capable of tabulating statistics and recording or sorting data or information.

Differential Analyzer

The Differential Analyzer was the first electronic computer introduced in the United States in 1930. It was an analog device invented by Vannevar Bush. This machine could perform 25 calculations in a few minutes.

The major changes in the history of computers began in 1937 when Howard Aiken aimed to invent a machine that could perform calculations of larger numbers. In 1944, IBM and Harvard partnered to build the Mark I computer. The Mark 1 was the first programmable digital computer.

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Generation of Computers- FAQs

Q1. what is a generation.

In computers, we use the term "generation" to show the evolution of technology. Earlier, the generation term was used to distinguish the computers in terms of varying hardware but now it all together includes the hardware and software which makes up a computer system.

Q2. How many generations of computer are there?

There are a total of 5 generation of computer that exist in the world.

Q3. What technology is used behind the Fifth Generation of Computers?

Artificial Intelligence is used to build the Fifth Generation of Computers.

Q4. Who invented Vacuum Tubes?

The Vacuum Tubes were invented by Lee De Forest.

Q5. Who invented 2nd generation computer?

The 2nd generation computer were invented by Walter H. Brattain (1902-1987), John Bardeen (1908-1991), and William B at at Bell Labs. The second generation computers are based upon transistors, not on vacuum tubes.

Q6. Which computer introduced the concept of the mouse and graphical user interface (GUI)?

Apple Macintosh introduced the concept of the mouse and graphical user interface (GUI)

Q7. Which computer is considered the first true personal computer?

Altair 8800 the first true personal computer.

Q8. Give a few examples of first generation computers?

Examples of First generation computer includes the following computers: 1. ENIAC: Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. 2. EDVAC: Electronic Discrete Variable Automatic Computer. 3. UNIVAC: Universal Automatic Computer.

Q9: Name the programing language used in the second generation computers.

The second Generation computer used FORTRAN (1956), ALGOL (1958), and COBOL (1959) as programing languages.

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Sixth generation of computers

Over the years, computer system has advanced so rapidly that the functions performed by computers and the speed of their operations have been significantly transformed . With each generation of computers, technological advances are becoming increasingly important. This time, the sixth generation of computers , which are known today, will be discussed.

Sixth generation of computers

  • Date : Since 1990
  • Inventors : Tim Berners-Lee
  • Devices : Laptops, PDAs, mobiles

What is the sixth generation of computers?

It could be considered that the sixth generation of computers has its beginning at the end of the twentieth century and the beginning of the twenty-first century, without a completion date since it is still considered to be in development . In effect, the technological advances of the previous generation are maintained in order to improve and/or expand them. The devices generated have the common feature of being designed for personal consumption , which has led to simplification , but at the same time, they are capable of performing different functions.

Characteristics of the sixth generation of computers

Inventors of the sixth generation of computers, featured computers of the sixth generation of computers.

  • The adaptation to the new Internet system : From the development of the new tool which opened the doors to a necessary change in technology that was known until now, as was the Internet, a processor was required according to it, which is achieved by microprocessors that operate simultaneously, which promote progress regarding the capacity of computers of this generation.
  • The need for the microprocessor to work : This microprocessor has more than one circuit. The use of the Large Scale Integration circuit (LSI) and the Very Large Scale Integration circuit (VLSI) was created, which later allowed each circuit to perform different assignments or functions.
  • Advances in memory : The primary memory needs to be operated from chips. These manage to replace later what was being used (the memory of magnetic rings), by the memory of silicon chips, which are increased to a level of speed and efficiency.
  • The micro and macro development of machines : It allowed a computer level extension, at micro level, with personal computers or PCs, laptops and operating systems for making smart phones, and also at the macro level, with supercomputers.
  • The increase of Internet functionality : From its functionality is required to reach all possible places, which allowed the creation of wireless networks, such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and WiMAX.
  • Multimedia advances : Two areas of association from the development of computer multimedia, which will allow the union of images or text with sound. The DVD (Digital Video Disk or Digital Versatiel Disk) is later established, forming a storage unit for video, image and sound content.
  • Functionality according to devices at micro level : It was not only thought at the industrial level, but also at a more personal-functional level, which made it possible for computers to stop being so necessary and be simplified in devices such as tablets, smartphones, and other mobile devices, which had the possibility of performing some of the functions of a PC at a simpler and faster speed.

Tim Berners-Lee : Computer scientist dedicated to working on the idea of a graphical browser user interface, in order to be able to navigate from texts connected to each other, generating a source of accessibility to the Internet. He develops the computer network called : Worldwide Web (WWW) , which later becomes into the global information network, allowing users to connect with any type of information and content.

  • Laptops : Device that had most of the functionality of a desktop computer, but with the utility of being able to be moved, allowing a daily use without the need to be in a fixed place. It also has a rechargeable battery, which allows its use without requiring a fixed electrical charge for a period of time stipulated.
  • Pocket computers (PDAs): Pocket computers, Personal Digital Assistant, had the purpose of serving as a portable personal organizer, designed in a size easy to move and for specific purposes, such as calendar, notepad, reminders, among others.
  • Multimedia devices : Devices that allowed the union of several areas, such as text, sound, animation and video, which contributes to a multi-sensitivity scope, since it was not possible to perform a single activity, but several as a whole. For example, the option of watching videos from a laptop is an example of this.
  • Mobile Devices: These mobile devices or pocket computers had the functionality of being particularly small, allowing them to be moved on a day-to-day basis, however, they are capable of performing many of the functions of a PC, with memory and storage capacity and with connection to wireless networks, such as the Internet. This allows easy handling and great efficiency when using it.


How to cite this article?

Briceño V., Gabriela. (2019). Sixth generation of computers . Recovered on 23 February, 2024, de Euston96: https://www.euston96.com/en/sixth-generation-of-computers/

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