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Christian Biographies for Young Readers: Our Favorite Recommendations

Christian Biographies for Young Readers: Our Favorite Recommendations

At Sonlight, we believe that reading should not be just educational, but transformational. With this goal in mind, we include our favorite Christian biographies for young readers at most levels of our curriculum . We believe that these carefully selected books will serve to both inform and inspire both you and your children in unexpected ways. Keep reading to learn why we think Christian biographies are among the best reading choices for your children.

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Why Should Children Read Christian Biographies?

A great life story can be life-changing and inspiring. While history and reading are central to all Sonlight curriculum levels, we include different kinds of literature and reading, including biographies for children, missionary stories , and novels. Christian biographies for young readers are a central piece of Sonlight specifically because they so artfully combine history and personal stories of the people who lived that history. 

We know that stories are always more memorable than mere date/time/place history learned from a textbook. Children will always be more engaged in the story of history, which is the primary reason we include a biography or two in nearly every Sonlight level. Children will tend to have a well-rounded view of a biographical character and their place in history after reading their story.

What Are the Best Children's Christian Biographies?

As a Christian curriculum provider, we lean toward choosing characters in history who have expressed faith and who also have relevant stories for our children to read. We believe that reading and discussing the strengths and weaknesses of these true-life people can be instructional and encouraging for young people. Many of our favorite Christian biographies for children may be a starting place for future study later.

Many adult-sized biographies would be overwhelming for younger children, in particular, so we have carefully chosen Christian biographies for young readers to suit different ages and reading maturity levels.

We have many selections from the series Christian Heroes: Then and Now, for instance, that are fast-paced, engaging, and just the right length to hold the kids' attention.

Why Read Biographies Aloud to Your Kids?

Reading aloud is far more than sharing a story with your children. The Read-Aloud Handbook , a million-copy bestseller, shared groundbreaking research on the benefits of reading aloud to children for their academic development. Author Jim Trelease subsequently lectured in all 50 states and overseas, advocating the benefits of reading aloud to children. For more on this topic see Jim’s free parent handouts . Since reading aloud is so good for you and your children, why not include favorite Christian biographies for young readers?

What Other Christian Biographies Should Kids Read?

While many of the Christian biographies for young readers sets in our curriculum are selected for their connection to the specific Bible / History / Literature level, we also believe that the right biography may spark an interest in other areas of study as in the arts or science. We have several curated lists for some of these categories:

  • Books for Black History Month
  • Books for Kids Who Love History
  • Presidents Day Books
  • Books About Artists
  • Heroes in History

How Do I Write a Christian Biography About Myself? 

Reading the life stories of fascinating people in history can be a great impetus for your children to write their own stories as a language arts assignment. These do not necessarily have to be difficult and may be a work in progress as your children mature. Learning to think chronologically and to consider cause and effect in their life events are useful skills.

A few good places to start for your children is to ask them to respond to the following prompts:

  • Tell about a time you overcame obstacles.
  • Tell your faith story.
  • Give an account of a life-changing experience in your life.
  • Tell about people, books, and experiences that had an influence on you.

For younger writers, encourage them to think through the simpler points of their life stories:

  • Where and when were you born?
  • Tell about your immediate family.
  • What is unique about you? What do you enjoy doing?
  • Include some specific memorable experiences in your life.
  • Tell about your home and the town you live in.

What Are the Types of Biographies?

Biographies can be generally grouped into a few categories—share these with your children so they can identify what type of biography they are reading.

  • Autobiographies —first-person accounts of a person’s life.
  • Biographies —accounts of a person’s life written by another person, usually using historical accounts, documents, letters, speeches, etc. of the person.
  • Memoirs —also written in first-person but usually just covering a narrow part of a person’s life story, such as their experiences during World War II.
  • Novelized Biographies , sometimes called creative non-fiction—where the majority of the story is true and based on known facts as a biography above, but the dialogue and some aspects of the story may be imagined, simplified or combined for a smoother reading experience. Many, but not all of our selections for children fall into this category.

two kids show off their homeschool books

Where Can I Get Great Biographies for Young Children?

Sonlight is an excellent source of favorite Christian biographies. As we discover new Christian biographies at Sonlight, we occasionally add or adjust our titles in our homeschool curriculum packages. You can view some of our favorites listed below from younger grade levels to higher ones. Some of these, like Little House in the Big Woods and Little Britches , are part of a larger Christian biography series.

1. Little House in the Big Woods   

From sonlight's history / bible / literature k.

The first in the Little House on the Prairie stories finds Laura living with Pa and Ma and her sisters Mary and baby Carrie in a log cabin in the Wisconsin woods. The late 1870's setting provides a glimpse into long-ago times. These stories have long been loved by young and old. Reads like fiction but these are true accounts. 

2. Out of Darkness   

From sonlight's history / bible / literature a.

Louis Braille suffered the loss of his eyesight as a young boy, but overcame his difficulties and went on to pioneer the alphabet used by the blind worldwide. This account follows his life from a young age through his time at the Royal Institute for Blind Youth in Paris. 

3. Johnny Appleseed: The Story of a Legend  

Johnny Appleseed has long been a man of myth and legend, but John Chapman was a real person born in 1774 in Massachusetts! Children will enjoy this story of the man who planted apple trees across an emerging nation and became a folk hero. 

4. Mary on Horseback   

Mary Breckinridge is a little-known hero who established the Frontier Nursing Service in the Appalachian Mountains in the 1920s. Mary brought medical care to the remote towns and people via horseback! 

5. The Lewis & Clark Expedition   

From sonlight's history / bible / literature d.

Many accounts of Meriwether Lewis and William Clark’s overland expedition exist, but this is an accessible book perfect for young readers. Follow along as these Americans and their team explore “the interior parts of North America,” to the Pacific Ocean. Follow along on a map! 

6. Carry On, Mr. Bowditch  

This is an account no one should miss. See how young Nathaniel Bowditch overcame poverty, dashed educational dreams, and more to travel the world and become the father of modern maritime navigation. Children will be inspired by how this largely self-taught young man never gave up. 

7. Justin Morgan Had a Horse  

The world-famous Morgan horse has a fascinating history in early America. This true story of a boy and a beloved horse is written by Marguerite Henry whose horse stories have delighted generations. 

8. Robert Fulton, Boy Craftsman   

Your aspiring engineers and inventors will enjoy this true account of Robert Fulton who is credited as the inventor of the world’s first commercially successful steamboat. Follow him from his early days of discovery to this world-changing invention and beyond. 

9. One Voice: The Story of William Wilberforce  

From sonlight's history / bible / literature e.

One of the most powerful stories your children can read about how one person committed to a cause can truly change history and make an enormous difference in the world. William Wilberforce fought for decades to end the Slave Trade in Great Britain. He lived to see the success of his work. Inspiring and humbling. 

10. Little Britches : Father and I Were Ranchers   

Ralph Moody paints a poignant memoir of his early years in Colorado after his family moves there for his father’s health. Ranch life is hard with fights over water rights, storms, poverty, and death, but the family perseveres. This early 1900s true story will leave you with a catch in your throat. You may want to read the whole autobiographical series! 

11. Freedom Train

From sonlight’s history / bible / literature e.

This is an excellent account of Harriet Tubman, a Black former slave who spent years rescuing slaves from the south via the Underground Railroad. The risks she took and her successes will encourage and inspire you and your children.

12. Helen Keller   

Tragically, Helen Keller lost both her sight and hearing in a severe illness when she was young. A strong and caring teacher persevered to open the world again for Helen who went on to college and more, overcoming her limitations.

13. George Washington Carver  

A very readable account of George Washington Carver, who began life as a slave but grew up to be a famous agricultural scientist and inventor. He pioneered alternative crops to prevent soil depletion from over-farming cotton, found hundreds of uses for peanuts and more. 

14. A Long Walk to Water   

From sonlight's history / bible / literature f.

A dual account of Nya in Sudan who walks eight hours a day for water and Salva who is a “lost boy” refugee in the same war-torn country. Salva’s story is gripping and often frightening as he overcomes numerous hardships. He eventually returns to his home country to help his people and find his family. Touching and poignant. Videos of the author sharing his story are available online. 

15. Mary Jones & Her Bible

From sonlight's history / bible / literature h.

Mary Jones was a poor girl living in Wales. She worked for years to earn enough money to buy a copy of the Bible in Welsh, walking a long distance alone to acquire one. This unforgettable story shows young people not only her determination but her devotion to the Scriptures. 

16. The Story of Science: Newton at the Center   

From sonlight's history / bible / literature j.

The stories behind the science are sometimes the most fascinating parts! Learn from scientific advances from Newton and Brahe and more. Short, compelling biographies of several scientists reveal the stories behind the discoveries, including the failures and triumphs! 

17. Freedom Walkers   

From sonlight's history / bible / literature 100.

Most people have heard of Rosa Parks and her famous refusal to give up her bus seat. That story was the beginning of the Montgomery Bus Boycott! This account details the how and why and what of the boycotters and the courage they displayed risking their personal safety and more. How did they change the world? You’ll have to read it! 

18. The Great Little Madison  

This little volume by the beloved Jean Fritz tells the story of the "Father of the Constitution," James Madison. Fritz has a knack for including fascinating tidbits about the characters she writes about.

19. The Cross and the Switchblade  

A gripping account for older student readers (mature subjects) of how a pastor is called to New York City to minister to gangs, drug addicts, and more. This modern classic is a must-read. 

20. Farewell to Manzanar   

Too many generations in America are not aware of the detention of hundreds of thousands of Japanese Americans during World War II. This first-person account is a true story of how one girl and her family faced this harrowing experience and persevered in the Manzanar Camp behind barbed wire in California. 

21. The Hiding Place

From sonlight 20th century world history.

This powerful story may change your life. A staunchly Christian Dutch family chooses to hide Jews after their country is occupied by the Nazis in World War II. Their devotion to protecting “God’s people” nearly cost them everything. Gripping, challenging, uplifting. 

22. Up From Slavery  

From sonlight's history / bible / literature 400.

In studying US history, no one should miss Booker T. Washington’s account of his life from slavery to freedom. This devout Christian man went on to become an educator, author, and adviser to several American presidents.

christian biography books for 4th graders

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Christian Biographies for Kids

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christian biography books for 4th graders

We recently had the opportunity to review two Christian biographies for kids from the Barbour Publishing series Kingdom Files – Who Was Mary, Mother of Jesus? and Who was Jonah?   This felt like perfect timing because we have struggled to find a new church after our move.  Churches are just so different over the summer – attendance drops, children’s programs take a break, and some services are even canceled.  I’m hoping that we will find our new church home now that school is back in session, but in the meantime, I have been doing more Bible studies with the kids at home.

The Kingdom Files series focuses on the lives of 6 biblical characters  :

These Christian biographies for kids are a fantastic nonfiction Bible resource for children.

These Christian biographies for kids are aimed at the 8-12 year old age range.  The books are not long, only about 80 pages, and they are easy to read.  My daughter recently turned 13 and she read the entire book in one quick sitting.  All Kingdom Files books follow the same basic structure:

Fact File – Basic, key information about the biblical character

Mini Timeline – A timeline of their main mentions in the Bible (This is one of my favorite features.  It is so easy to just think ‘biblical times’ without really thinking about how much time is covered.  For example, there are about 750 years between Jonah and Mary!)

Action File – Chapters that tell the characters story

Power File – Connect the story and scripture to every day life

Who Was Mary, Mother of Jesus?

Who Was Mary, Mother of Jesus? tells the biblical story of Mary, beginning with her angelic encounter and ending with the day Jesus rose from the tomb.  While I am always curious about Mary outside of her life as a mother, I very much appreciate that the storyline does not stray from the biblical teaching.

Clues are scattered throughout all 10 chapters.  They provide guidance on how to be more like Mary – more trusting, obedient, and bold in approaching Jesus for help.  It is all backed up with Bible verses, but clearly laying out the message is very helpful for children.

The Power File in the back of the book contains 10 ‘Power Ups’, short Bible study discussions.  We read and discussed one a day.  It didn’t take long at all, but it provided an opportunity to relate the Bible story to our normal life.  The Power Ups also include memory verses.  We read them, but did not practice the memorization.

Who Was Mary? is part of a Christian biographies for kids series. These nonfiction Bible stories are full of information presented in a child friendly manner. There is also a study guide that can be used as a devotion.

Who Was Jonah?

Who Was Jonah? starts off with the familiar story of Jonah being swallowed by a whale.  He is running away, or sailing away,  from God’s command to go to Nineveh and spread the good news when a hurricane hits.  Most children’s stories of Jonah seem to end when Jonah is released from the belly of the whale.  Not this one!

This is a biography after all, so we get to see a bit more of the big picture.  First, we understand why Jonah didn’t want to go to Nineveh.  It was really far away, a large city, and the people were not very nice.  Honestly, I wouldn’t want to go either!  This book shows the human emotional side of Jonah and that makes him so much more relateable.

We also see what happens to the town of Nineveh.  The people change after hearing Jonah preach.  They begin to worship God!  Big changes occur when we trust God.

Who Was Jonah? is part of a Christian biographies for kids series. These nonfiction Bible stories are full of information presented in a child friendly manner. There is also a study guide that can be used as a devotion.

My children and I really enjoyed these Christian biographies for kids.  The stories made the Bible characters more relatable.  They didn’t possess superhuman qualities.  They were real people being used for the glory of God.

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Welcome! My name is Jennifer. I am a teacher at heart. Before my children were born I was a public school teacher. Now, I am a homeschooling mom of two.

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Christian Biographies for Youth

In an era dominated by video, on devices and computers, TVs and elsewhere, many Christian parents have noted that it can be difficult to get youth interested in reading. There always seems to be some more exciting option available!  But for those parents who successfully cultivate a taste in reading in their youth, the rewards are enormous.  Generally, those who love reading in their teen years formed that taste in younger years.  But they will need to continue to discover books that capture their interest and that are suitable for their age.  The biographies in this section are ones we have found will keep youth reading.  We find Simonetta Carr’s Illustrated  Christian Biographies for Young Readers  and the  Trailblazers to be exceptional.

Showing 1–20 of 112 results

christian biography books for 4th graders

A Home for Virginia (Patricia St. John)

When an old miner is left with the job of bringing up the newborn Virginia he doesn’t realize that it will change his life forever. As he cleans the dust and cobwebs away for the new arrival, we see that is also what the Holy Spirit does in our lives. He starts a work in our hearts and our lives are changed forever.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Almost Home (Wendy Lawton)

Daughters of the Faith: Ordinary Girls Who Lived Extraordinary Lives.

Almost Home  is the story of the pilgrims’ journey to America and of God’s providence and provision.

Several of the characters in the story—Mary Chilton, Constance Hopkins, and Elizabeth Tilley—were actual passengers on the  Mayflower.  Mary Chilton was a young girl when she left her home in Holland and traveled to America onboard the  Mayflower  with her parents. The journey was filled with trials, joys, and some surprises, but when she reached the New World, she experienced a new life, new freedom, and new home.

Wendy Lawton has taken the facts of the pilgrims’ journey to the New World, and from this information filled in personal details to create a genuine and heart-warming story.

Age Range: 8-12

christian biography books for 4th graders

Billy Graham: Just Get Up Out of Your Seat (Catherine MacKenzie)

Billy was born on a dairy farm in Charlotte, North Carolina in 1918 just days after the signing of the armistice that ended the first world world war. At the age of sixteen Billy Graham came to Christ during a Christian revival meeting and it wasn’t long before he felt the call to preach.

With the help of his wife Ruth and many other friends and colleagues Billy Graham set out to preach to the world. The Billy Graham Evangelistic Association was founded and since that day Billy has preached to over 80 million people in more than 185 countries. Millions more have been reached through television, video, film and webcasts. He has founded newspapers; film companies, magazines and radio ministries.

Communism and Apartheid, Segregation and Terrorism – Billy Graham has faced up to all Christianity’s major opponents of the twentieth century. From playing the bail money to get Martin Luther King out of jail to addressing the memorial service in Washington after the colapse of the World Trade centre, Billy Graham has been there for people with practical help and a message of hope that is timeless.

Billy Graham:  “Yes Sir, take me to the cross, I can find my way from home from there”

christian biography books for 4th graders

Chosen Daughters 6-Book Set

One of the best series ever written to acquaint girls with important and zealous women in Christian history.

The Chosen Daughters series highlights the lives of ordinary women who by God’s grace accomplish extraordinary things. The series features the stories of Jeanne d’Albret, Edith Cavell, Johanna and Henriette Kuyper, Olympia Morata, Juliana von Stolberg, and Margaret Wilson.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Completer to a Contender for the Faith Series Set (6 vols.)

Each of the books in this series focuses on a woman in history who has impacted the world for Christ, with a special emphasis on her role as a completer to a “contender for the faith.”

christian biography books for 4th graders

Courage to Run (Wendy Lawton)

Harriet Tubman was born a slave on a Maryland plantation in the 1800’s. She trusts in God, but her faith is tested at every turn. Should she obey her masters or listen to her conscience?

This story from Harriet’s childhood is a record of a young girl’s courage. Even more, it’s a story of God’s faithfulness, as He prepares Harriet for her adult calling to lead more than 300 people out of slavery through the Underground Railroad.

“Young readers will identify with Harriet Tubman’s courage and faith as she uses the strength she gains through adversity to lead others to a new life of freedom. Highly recommended reading.” —  Lauraine Snelling, author,  Golden Filly  and  High Hurdles  series

christian biography books for 4th graders

Daughters of the Faith 9-Book Bundle (Wendy Lawton)

These stories by award-winning author Wendy Lawton are about girls who made a difference while they were still young. Girl readers will be able to relate to the characters more than they would if these characters had to wait until they were thirty or forty before doing anything significant. Second, these stories are faith journeys. Lawson gets inside the minds of these girls in order to portray their struggles to make God an active part of their lives.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Freedom’s Pen (Wendy Lawton)

1761—Phillis Wheatley was a little girl of seven or eight years old when she was captured in Africa and brought to America as a slave. But she didn’t let her circumstances keep her down.

She learned to read and write in English and Latin, and showed a natural gift for poetry. By the time she was twelve, her elegy at the death of the great pastor George Whitefield brought her worldwide acclaim. Phillis became known to heads of state, including George Washington himself, speaking out for American independence and the end of slavery.

She became the first African American to publish a book, and her writings would eventually win her freedom. More importantly, her poetry still proclaims Christ almost 250 years later.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Great Musicians Series: Complete set of 16 books! (Opal Wheeler)

For the first time in decades, a treasure is back in print: the complete set of all 16 Opal Wheeler volumes on  The Great Musicians  — and now offered as a set for a terrific sale price!

Each volume is an enlarged, lay-open, beautifully illustrated paperback. Each book also contains a skillful biography of the composer, which young people from 4-15 will enjoy. Illustrations are found on almost every page, and many of the compositions of the composer.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Little Mission on the Clearwater (Wendy Lawton)

In 1847, ten-year-old Eliza Spalding is growing up with her missionary family as the first white girl to be born in the Oregon Territory. Eliza loves seeing the Nez Perce Indians come to know Jesus, and she prays the Cayuse tribe will believe as well. But when an epidemic ravishes the Cayuse and tensions rise, Eliza finds herself witnessing the historical episode known as the Whitman Massacre. Told with rich detail and cultural appreciation for Native Americans, this adventure story will thrill young readers and encourage them in their faith.

Olaudah Equiano book cover

Olaudah Equiano: A Man of Many Names (Emily J. Maurits)

A little ten year old boy played with his sister as the adults of his village attended to their chores. What happened that day would separate them forever – sending the young boy thousands of miles away from everything and everyone he had ever known. Kidnapped into slavery, Olaudah was forced to work for others. His life was no longer his own. Olaudah had lost everything. His country, his family, his freedom and even his name.

But although he was given other names by people who saw it as their right to own him, the ten year old boy eventually grew up and obtained his freedom. He claimed back his name in order to write his own memoir as part of the fight against slavery.

Olaudah Equiano may have been a child who lost everything, even his name – but he came to know the joy of forgiveness in Christ, and the true freedom that comes with trusting in Jesus’ name.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Patrick: God’s Courageous Captive

Go beyond the St. Patrick’s Day symbols of shamrocks and leprechauns and hear the story of a man determined to share the message of salvation with the people who had made him a slave. When Patrick was a young boy, pirates invaded his home and made him a slave on the island known today as Ireland. While there, he recalled the Bible stories that his father had told him and dedicated his life to the Lord. Although he later escaped and returned home, he knew the Lord was calling him back to share the gospel with his captors. Your children will be inspired by the story of this courageous man who returned to Ireland with the gospel despite great opposition.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Ransom’s Mark (Wendy Lawton)

When 13-year-old Olive Oatman’s wagon train is raided by outlaw Yavapai Indians, she and her sister are captured. After enduring harsh treatment, they are ransomed by a band of Mohaves. Olive struggles to adjust to her new life, but finds comfort in her faith and in an unexpected friendship.

When the time comes for her to return to the previous world she once knew, she is afraid she will never fit in. But she learns to see the Mohave design tattooed on her chin as a sign of God’s love and deliverance, a mark of ransom.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Shadow of His Hand (Wendy Lawton)

Young Anita Dittman’s world crumbles as Hitler begins his rise to power in Germany, but because she’s a Christian and only half-Jewish, Anita feels sure she and her family are safe from the “final solution.” She couldn’t have been more wrong.

Shadow of His Hand  is based on the real-life story of Anita Dittman, a Holocaust survivor. It follows her struggle against Nazi persecution and her growth in her relationship with God through the worst of times.

christian biography books for 4th graders

The Captive Princess (Wendy Lawton)

On the eastern shores of the North American wilderness lives an Algonquin princess named Pocahontas, a curious 10-year-old who loves exploring the tidewater lands of her people. One day she encounters strangers, a group of people who look different from her own. She befriends them, and when her people come into conflict with these new settlers, Pocahontas courageously attempts to save a life by offering her own. Based on the true story of Pocahontas’ early life.

christian biography books for 4th graders

The Evangelistic Zeal of George Whitefield (Steven J. Lawson)

In  The Evangelistic Zeal of George Whitefield , Dr. Steven Lawson presents a man whose devotion to God led him to risk all that he had to proclaim Christ. As it bears Whitefield’s burning heart for the work of the Lord, this book calls for re-energized preaching and evangelism in the church today.

christian biography books for 4th graders

The Expository Genius of John Calvin (Steven Lawson)

Dr. Steven J. Lawson delves into the practices, commitments, and techniques that made John Calvin, the great Reformer of the sixteenth century, such an effective preacher during his long pastorate at Saint Pierre Cathedral in Geneva, Switzerland.

Dr. Lawson identifies 32 distinctives of Calvin’s preaching, providing comments from Calvin’s writings, quotations from Reformation scholars, and examples from Calvin’s own sermons to reinforce his points. In the end, Dr. Lawson finds in Calvin a strong model for expository preaching and calls on modern pastors to follow the Reformer’s example.

christian biography books for 4th graders

The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon (Steven J. Lawson)

In  The Gospel Focus of Charles Spurgeon , Dr. Steven Lawson traces the emphases of Spurgeon’s long and fruitful ministry. The “Prince of Preachers” clung to the gospel tenaciously and heralded it constantly, even amid controversy and personal suffering. This book is a passionate call for Christians to follow Spurgeon in loving the gospel by both studying it and proclaiming it.

christian biography books for 4th graders

The Hallelujah Lass (Wendy Lawton)

As a teenager growing up in nineteenth-century England, Eliza Shirley was the picture of a proper young lady. She loved crinolines, kid-leather gloves, and her best friend, Beck. But Eliza longed for more than an ordinary, middle-class life.  The Hallelujah Lass  tells the story of how 16-year-old Eliza traveled from England to pioneer the work of the Salvation Army in the United States.

christian biography books for 4th graders

The Mighty Weakness of John Knox (Douglas Bond)

John Knox, the great Reformer of Scotland, is often remembered as something akin to a biblical prophet born out of time—strong and brash, thundering in righteous might. In truth, he was “low in stature, and of a weakly constitution,” a small man who was often sickly and afflicted with doubts and fears.

In The Mighty Weakness of John Knox , author Douglas Bond shows that Knox did indeed accomplish herculean tasks, but not because he was strong and resolute in himself. Rather, he was greatly used because he was submissive to God; therefore, God strengthened him. That strength was displayed as Knox endured persecution and exile, faced down the wrath of mighty monarchs, and prayed, preached, and wrote with no fear of man, but only a desire to manifest the glory of God and to please Him.

For those who see themselves as too weak, too small, too timid, or simply too ordinary for service in God’s kingdom, Knox’s life offers a powerful message of hope—the biblical truth that God often delights to work most powerfully through people who are most weak in themselves but most strong in Him.

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11 Excellent Christian Biography Resources for Your Homeschool

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Who are your kids’ heroes? You can find out who they admire by merely listening to the people they talk about. Challenge your kids to live above the status quo by introducing them to great people through the books they read. Give them Christian heroes! Show them a life worth emulating. Reading biographies is a wonderful way to do this. Show them men and women from all ages of time who, by faith, lived their lives for something that outlasted them, something eternal. Here are 11 Excellent Christian Biography Resources for Your Homeschool.

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Video: 11 Excellent Christian Biography Resources for Your Homeschool

In this list you will find the eleven resources categorized by genre. I have also tried to give an approximate age level for which each book or series word work well.

#1 Heroes for Young Readers by Renee Meloche

christian biography books for 4th graders

Genre: Picture Book

Age: Young Kids

With colorful illustrations written in four line rhyme, these books are written for young readers . This resource is a picture book version of the similar Christian Heroes Then and Now series (below), both of which are put out by YWAM. Each book is about a different character. If you have children in 6th grade and below, this series would be great to use for all your children. Reading one picture book a week at Morning Time would be a wonderful way to get kids familiar with some of these great men and women.

#2 Trailblazer Books by Dave and Neta Jackson

christian biography books for 4th graders

Genre: Biographical Historical Fiction Books About One Character

Age: Elementary

Trailblazer Books are historical fiction books which read much like a chapter book for elementary age kids. Each book features a different hero of the faith. One thing I like about these books is the catchy book and chapter titles and the occasional illustrations sprinkled throughout the books. The books are generally 100-150 pages in length with slightly larger font. Over 32 people are featured in the Trailblazer Series.

#3 Christian Heroes Then and Now by Janet and Geoff Benge

christian biography books for 4th graders

Age: Upper Elementary, Middle and High School

Christian Heroes Then and Now is published by YWAM. Each book is the life story of a Christian hero written in fictional style. The books cover interesting stories in the character’s life as well as some little known facts about the person. I have used these as a read aloud book for my kids, but they could easily be assigned to an upper elementary, middle, or high school child for personal reading as well. They are a little bit longer, 150-200 pages, so it is not a quick read.

#4 Men and Women of Faith Series

christian biography books for 4th graders

Genre: Biography

Age: Middle and High School

The books in Men and Women of Faith series are individual biographies which highlight the important contributions of each person’s life. These biographies are well-suited to give a Middle and High School aged kids to read on their own. We have used them as read aloud books which has been great as well. They are definitely a little deep for younger kids, but bits of the story still trickle down to the littles as they sit in and do some quiet work while listening.

Each book is approximately 125-150 pages long, so by reading one chapter a week, it would be reasonable to cover two-three biographies a. year. Individual books are written by various authors and some of them written as an autobiography.

Here are some of the people featured in the Men and Women of Faith biographies.

Women: Amy Carmichal, Corrie Ten Boom, Florence Nightingale, Gladys Alward, Isobel Kuhn, Mary Slessor, Joni, Hannah Whitall Smith

Men: Borden of Yale, Brother Andrew, C.S. Lewis, Charles Finney, Charles Spurgeon, Eric Liddell, George Mueller, Hudson Taylor, Jim Elliott, Jonathan Goforth, John Hyde, John Wesley, Samuel Morris, Terry Waite, William Carey, Andrew Murray, Charles Colson, D.L. Moody, John Newton, John Paton, Luis Palau

Men and Women: John and Betty Stamm, Francis and Edith Schaeffer

#5 Light Keepers by Irene Howat

christian biography books for 4th graders

Genre: Biographical Historical Fiction Series, Books with a Different Character in Each Chapter

Age: Elementary and Middle School

In this five book series, each book has ten biographies which are like ten chapters. The story of the person in each chapter reads like fiction and gives a fairly brief overview of the person’s life. The end of each chapter has a section which includes a short fact, the keynote of the person’s life, questions to think about, and a prayer. The chapters are about 12 pages of light reading, suggested for kids ages 9-14. I think these books would be perfect as a devotional, considering the reflection questions at the end of each chapter. Chapters do not go very deep, but give a short synopsis of the lives of several people in one book.

The books come in a series of five. There is a set for boys and girls .

Ten Boys/Girls Who Changed the World

Ten Boys/Girls Who Used Their Talents

Ten Goys/Girls Who Didn’t Give In

Ten Boys/Girls Who Made History

Ten Boys/Girls Who Made a Difference

A few of the biographies in each chapter include:

Boys: Eric Liddell, George Washington Carver, Billy Graham, Luis Palau, George Muller, Nicky Cruz, Polycarp, Thomas Cranmer, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Nate Saint, C.S. Lewis, John Bunyan

Girls: Gladys Aylward, Mary Slessor, Amy Carmichal, Joni Eareckson Tada, Catherine Booth, Sabina Wurmbrand, Ruth Bell Graham, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Blandina, Anne Askew

#6 Trial and Triumph by Richard M. Hannula

christian biography books for 4th graders

Age: Middle & High School or all ages if used as a read aloud book.

This is one book which follows the history of the church and tells individual stories of Christian heroes. Each chapter the story of a different hero of the faith. Trial and Triumph is very well-written. The chapters are not an easy read, but they are an excellent read! Because of this, I have used this book primarily as a read aloud. When I read it to the kids (as opposed to them reading it to themselves), we are able to discuss difficult sections or details that may go over their heads.

The book is divided by time periods chronologically: Early Church, Middle Ages, Reformation, Post-Reformation, Modern Missions, and Recent Times. We have gone through this book twice over a period of several years. I usually read one chapter a week during Morning Time. Sometimes I can get through a chapter in one day. Other chapters may take 2-3 days if they are longer.

#7 History Lives Series by Mindy and Brandon Withrow

christian biography books for 4th graders

History Lives is a chronological historical fiction series of five books. The books follow the history of the church, each chapter covering a different person. This is an easy read for Middle and High School students. The chapters, however, are longer so that is the reason I have not used these for younger ages. I assign this series to my 7th and 8th grade kids to complete in two years. To finish in this time frame, they have to read a little more than one book per semester which comes out to 1-2 chapters a week. My kids really enjoy these!

#8 Christian Biographies for Young Readers by Simonetta Carr

christian biography books for 4th graders

Genre: Non-fiction Picture Book

Age: All ages, perfect for Morning Time

Christian Biographies for Young Readers would be excellent choices to read for Morning Time with kids of every age . This series is very well done. It reads more like a non-fiction book, but is highly engaging for young readers. The books are roughly 60 or so pages with 5-7 chapters in each book. The thing that I love most about these books is the beautiful illustrations, on-site pictures, famous artwork, and copies of original documents which can be found on each page.

In some of the books you will find the following themes: exposing doctrinal errors like gnosticism and Arianism, actual quotes from the person, books they have written, a timeline of their life, snippet stories of contemporaries who lived during their lifetime.

Here are some of the biographies in this series.

  • Charles Spurgeon
  • Jonathan Edwards
  • Phyllis Wheatley
  • Irenaeus of Lyon
  • Peter Martyr Vermigli
  • Martin Luther
  • Marie Durand
  • Anselm of Canterbury
  • Lady Jane Grey
  • Augustine of Hippo
  • John Calvin
  • John Bunyan
  • Julia Gonzaga

#9 The Hiding Place with Elizabeth and John Sherril

christian biography books for 4th graders

Genre: Autobiography

If I were to pick a book that is a must-read for your homeschool , this would be it! This book is a fabulous read aloud! Sections and chapters end with cliffhangers. Your kids will ask you to read “just a little more”. Corrie Ten Boom tells the story of hiding Jews in their home in Amsterdam during the German Occupation during World War II. She shares the details of their arrest, time in the Auschwitz concentration camp, and ultimately the message that “there is no pit so deep that God’s love is not deeper still.”

Some of the details in Corrie’s story may be too strong for young readers, so I would suggest this as a read aloud for Middle and High School ages. It would also be a great book to assign for kids to read on their own, but I think that Corrie’s style of writing here is perfectly suited to be read aloud to a group. You really don’t want to miss this reading this story with your kids!

#10 God’s Smuggler with John and Elizabeth Sherrill

christian biography books for 4th graders

Age: Middle and HIgh School

This is the riveting story of Brother Andrew who courageously smuggled Bibles into some of the most dangerous places in the world. His miraculous encounters inspire kids to live a life of faith in a God who can be trusted! This account will challenge your teenager to rise above the status quo and live for something with eternal value.

The text in this book is 260 pages. I have given this book to our high school students to read on their own. It does contain some adult topics that might be inappropriate for younger readers.

#11 George Muller

christian biography books for 4th graders

Reading this book as an adult changed my perspective in the power of faith in prayer. George Muller’s story is one that your kids need to hear before they leave home! Reading from his personal journal, follow Mr. Muller’s personal account of his conversion from a rebellious lifestyle to his call by God to care for thousands of orphans.

This is an excellent book for a high school student to read independently or to use as a read aloud to older kids. It is 235 pages in length. Because I always try to read to the oldest ages and because I have a senior this year, I will be reading this autobiography once a week during Morning Time for our spring semester.

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I hope you have found some inspiration in reading about 11 Excellent Christian Biography Resources for Your Homeschool. What resources would you add to this list? Please share in the comment section below. I love hearing from other homeschoolers!

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christian biography books for 4th graders

Hi, I’m Sheri!  I am a Christian saved by grace, married to my high school sweetheart, and a thankful mom to ten incredible kids. I’m a former public school teacher who never thought I would someday be a homeschool mom! Drawing on 14 years of homeschooling experience, follow along to find help for getting started, tried and true homeschooling advice, life skills learning, simple Morning Time ideas, and interviews with everyday homeschool moms just like you!

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Love this!! My oldest homeschooler is 6, but we’ll definitely be saving these for later. Thanks Sheri!

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You are so welcome!

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Definitely need to save this for later years of home schooling!

Great! Glad they will be useful to you!

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Great suggestions! I love the variety you shared.

Thanks so much!

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Simonetta Carr

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Augustine of Hippo - Christian Biographies for Young Readers

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christian biography books for 4th graders

Augustine of Hippo - Christian Biographies for Young Readers Hardcover – October 10, 2009

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Series Description The Christian Biographies for Young Readers series introduces children to important people in the Christian tradition. Parents and school teachers alike will welcome the excellent educational value it provides for students, while the quality of the publication and the artwork make each volume a keepsake for generations to come. Furthermore, the books in the series go beyond the simple story of someone's life by teaching young readers the historical and theological relevance of each character.

  • Reading age 7 - 12 years
  • Print length 62 pages
  • Language English
  • Grade level 2 - 3
  • Dimensions 10.24 x 0.48 x 8.4 inches
  • Publisher Reformation Heritage Books
  • Publication date October 10, 2009
  • ISBN-10 1601780737
  • ISBN-13 978-1601780737
  • See all details

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Augustine of Hippo - Christian Biographies for Young Readers

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From the back cover, about the author, product details.

  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ Reformation Heritage Books (October 10, 2009)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Hardcover ‏ : ‎ 62 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1601780737
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1601780737
  • Reading age ‏ : ‎ 7 - 12 years
  • Grade level ‏ : ‎ 2 - 3
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1.14 pounds
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 10.24 x 0.48 x 8.4 inches
  • #100 in Children's Bible Study
  • #161 in Children's Bible Reference & Interpretation
  • #588 in Christian Saints

About the author

Simonetta carr.

Award-winning author Simonetta Carr was born in Italy and has lived and worked in different cultures. She worked first as elementary school teacher and then as home-schooling mother for many years. Besides writing books, she has contributed to newspapers and magazines around the world and has translated the works of several authors from English into Italian and viceversa. Presently, she lives in San Diego with her husband Thomas and the youngest of her eight children. She is a member and Sunday School teacher at Christ United Reformed Church.

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Reformation Heritage Books

Reformation Heritage Books Glorifying God through the publication and distribution of Puritan and Reformed literature.

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Christian Biographies for Young Readers

The Christian Biographies for Young Readers series introduces children to important people in the Christian tradition. Parents and school teachers alike will welcome the excellent educational value it provides by teaching young readers the historical and theological relevance of each character.

Spanish - Marie Durand - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Carr, Simonetta

Spanish - Marie Durand - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Spanish - Augustine of Hippo  - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Spanish - Augustine of Hippo - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Spanish - John Owen - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Spanish - John Owen - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Spanish - Martin Luther - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Spanish - Martin Luther - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Wang Mingdao - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Wang Mingdao - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Patrick of Ireland - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Patrick of Ireland - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Byang Kato - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Byang Kato - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Charles Haddon Spurgeon - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Charles Haddon Spurgeon - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Phillis Wheatley - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Phillis Wheatley - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

John Bunyan - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

John Bunyan - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

B.B. Warfield - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

B.B. Warfield - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Julia Gonzaga - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Julia Gonzaga - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

John Newton - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

John Newton - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Irenaeus - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Irenaeus - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Peter Martyr Vermigli - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Peter Martyr Vermigli - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Marie Durand - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Marie Durand - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Jonathan Edwards - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Jonathan Edwards - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

John Knox - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

John Knox - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Anselm of Canterbury  - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Anselm of Canterbury - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Lady Jane Grey  - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Lady Jane Grey - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Athanasius  - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Athanasius - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

John Owen - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

John Owen - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Augustine of Hippo  - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

Augustine of Hippo - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

John Calvin  - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

John Calvin - Christian Biographies for Young Readers (Carr)

christian biography books for 4th graders

Thinking Kids

Teach Your Kids the Bible and Christian History

Christian Biographies for Young Readers | An Heirloom-Quality Biography Series You’ll Want to Keep

May 29, 2023 By Danika Leave a Comment

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Are you looking for a set of Christian biographies for your young readers? Check out this heirloom-quality series of Simonetta Carr books.

Christian Biographies for Young Readers from Simonetta Carr

No joke, it never occurred to me that there were people who fought and sometimes died in defense of the faith. I really didn’t know a lot about doctrine, theology, and the trends that appear to sway the direction of the faith. I’d been raised in a charismatic church, and it just wasn’t something we addressed.

I don’t remember how I came to own a few Little Lights biographies , but I remember reading them to my little boys while they were in the bath–and that’s how  I  learned about George Mueller and Hudson Taylor. My desire to teach Christian history to my kids was ignited, and my children love learning about the men and women who served Jesus with their lives!

I could go on and on, but you can hop over and read Four Reasons to Teach Christian History to Your Kids if you’re interested in the ways Christian history will help your children grow and develop.

Bible Road Trip™ Teach Your Kid the Bible

Simonetta Carr Books

Simonetta Carr is originally from Italy, and has spent time living and working in different cultures. She’s worked as an elementary school teacher, a global journalist, and a translator of Christian works into Italian. Mrs. Carr homeschooled her eight children for over 20 years. She writes wonderful historical works for children, including the Christian Biographies for Young Readers, and several lovely historical activity books .

When Lightning Struck!: The Story of Martin Luther for your teens.

Christian Biographies for Young Readers by Simonetta Carr

The Christian Biographies for Young Readers series are heirloom quality books for 7-12 year olds, published by Reformation Heritage Books.

Each volume contains:

  • Full color paintings by Matt Abraxas (the same artist as shown on the cover).
  • Historical maps, illustrations, prints, and artwork.
  • Several chapters arranged in chronological order. It’s important for children’s biographies to make sense on a timeline!
  • A timeline of the subject’s life.
  • A Did You Know? section with historical facts of interest to children.
  • A Voice section with writings by the person covered.
  • Theological accuracy, written with kids in mind–but not in a condescending voice.
  • Thick, glossy, parchment-colored pages.
  • About 60 pages.

These beautiful volumes are impactful stories you’ll want to keep for your grandchildren.

Who What Why Series | Christian Biographies for Kids

Check out some of the Christian biographies currently available:

John Calvin (Christian Biographies for Young Readers)

Individual Reviews of Christian Biographies for Young Readers on Thinking Kids:

Want to get a closer look at a few of the books? Check out the individual reviews I’ve done:

  • Anselm of Canterbury
  • Marie Durand

Things I love about the Christian Biographies for Young Readers series:

  • They cover figures not often discussed in biographies for children.
  • The books are written from a Reformed perspective.
  • They help children learn about God’s sovereign hand in history.
  • The stories of faithful Christians help children grow in character and understanding.
  • They add to our children’s family history.
  • The stories teach perseverance, hope, and joy in suffering.
  • They’re gorgeous, full-color, and filled with beautiful artwork your children will want to see again and again.

The Christian Biographies for Young Readers series is one you’ll want to have in your home for years to come. 

Who What Why | Abolition | Free Printable Lapbooks

Learn more about the Who What Why series   and get your FREE Abolition Lapbooks here.

Bible Resources for Your Kids

Bible Road Trip™ Curriculum

Christian Biographies for Kids | Christian History for Kids | Theology for Kids

Who What Why Series | Christian Biographies for Kids

Christian History Matters for Our Kids.

History matters. Now, more than ever, we see how important it is for our children to know and understand history and the Bible.

Here’s why:

  • God is the sovereign ruler of all things. It’s important for our kids to see his hand in the history of nations and in the lives of both peasants and kings. 
  • Christian history is the story of our family history. Our kids get to see how people who love Jesus follow him.
  • Understanding history can help our kids learn historic and biblical theology. They learn what the Bible says and what that means for us. They also see when the study of Scripture has taken important turns that have changed the Church.   
  • Reading Christian biographies and history can be a wonderful way for kids to think outside their own time and culture. God’s Church spans centuries and includes people from every nation.    
  • Christian biographies help kids consider their own faith, walk with Jesus, and the impact their witness may one day have on others–and on history. 

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10 favorite christian biographies, heaven: a family reunion.

I don’t know what heaven will be like, but I imagine it as one big family reunion at a feast table.

Maybe we’ll be so focused on the Lord himself that the saints who have gone before won’t matter to us.

But maybe, just maybe, we’ll get to meet our ancestors in the faith: people like David, Paul, Augustine, Anselm, Luther, Calvin, Wilberforce, Gladys Aylward, Bonhoeffer, Corrie Ten Boom, Jim Elliot, Amy Carmichael, and so many more!

Meet These Heroes on Earth: Christian Biographies to the Rescue!

While we wait to find out what heaven is like, we can meet these stalwarts of the faith through the pages of their stories. A well written biography of a Christian should give us a well-rounded, nuanced picture of its subject in light of the gospel:

christian biography books for 4th graders

  • His weaknesses that forced him to depend on the Lord.
  • The historical setting through which she lived out her calling.
  • His unique training, perhaps even before he became a Christian, that positioned him perfectly for the Lord’s work.
  • A clear testimony of the gospel and its power.
  • A witness to the Lord’s faithfulness throughout history, particularly in the lives of his people.
  • An exhortation to the reader through the example of this faithful servant of Christ.

You don’t have to read a 1000-page tome to get all of these ideas out of a biography. No, some of the best Christian biographies are beautifully concise accounts that a wide age range can appreciate. The biographies listed below are accessible to teens; many are good reads for kids as young as 8 or 10 as well.

These are my personal favorites, many of which I read in high school (*coughs* more than 2 decades ago) and still remember vividly–do tell me your favorites in the comments!

Favorite Christian Biographies

These are “library builders,” my friends: don’t buy all of them at once, but do consider adding them slowly to your shelves. Read them with your families. And share them with your friends–books are meant to be read, not languishing on shelves!

Titles are listed in rough order of age appropriateness/level of complexity. All titles are linked to amazon {affiliate links}, but feel free to search ThriftBooks and other used sites, too!

Anselm   of Canterbury  by Simonetta Carr . All of Carr’s Christian Biographies for Young Readers series are similarly excellent, but she does a particularly nice job offering biographies on subjects that other biographers haven’t tackled for children. These are tremendously meaty “picture books,” and are great for kids ages 8 and up (and their parents!).

Lillian Trasher: Greatest Wonder of Egypt by Geoff and Janet Benge . If your children aren’t ready for the story of Amy Carmichael listed below, try this one instead. Trasher cared for numerous orphans, depending on the Lord utterly for her material as well as spiritual resources. Ages 10 and up. For a similar Christian figure, check out a book about George Muller, such as the version by Basil Miller .

The Faithful Spy  by John Hendrix . Easily my favorite read this past year, this book is an arresting, informative, and beautifully written account of both Bonhoeffer and the times in which he lived.  See our starred review . Ages 10 and up.

Gladys Aylward: The Little Woman  by Gladys Aylward and Christine Hunter . Short, concise, and action-packed. Ages 10 and up.

Through Gates of Splendor  by Elisabeth Elliot . The classic account of Jim Elliot and his four friends who earnestly desired to be used by God to bring the gospel to the Auca/Waorani Indians and how their wish was granted through their martyrdom. See our starred review . Ages 10 and up.

The Hiding Place  by Corrie Ten Boom and Elizabeth Sherrill . A must read! This would be a great companion to The Faithful Spy  mentioned above. The Young Readers Edition is quite well done and is suitable for ages 10 and up (provided you are ready to discuss the horrors of Nazi concentration camps). Ages 14 and up for the original version.

Fair Sunshine: Character Studies of the Scottish Covenanters  by Jock Purves . Still one of the best treatments of the Covenanters! Ages 14 and up.

Joni: An Unforgettable Story  by Joni Eareckson Tada . Excellent, all the more so in a society that seeks to avoid suffering at all costs. Ages 14 and up.

God’s Smuggler by Brother Andrew . A real-life “thriller” and suspense book as Brother Andrew risks his life to bring Bibles behind the Iron Curtain. Ages 14 and up.

A Chance to Die: The Life and Legacy of Amy Carmichael by Elisabeth Elliot . Yet another woman, like Aylward and Trasher, who became mother to countless orphans in a foreign country. Her account is a lovely one. Ages 14 and up.

What are YOUR favorite Christian biographies? Share in the comments!

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One of my favorites is Green Leaf in Drought Time by Isobel Kuhn

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John Paton who served on the New Hebrides Islands (Vanuatu) in the 1800’s.

Also, Adoniram Judson who served at Burma.

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Evidence Not Seen by Darlene Diebler Rose… my favorite missionary book!

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My 11 year old son absolutely loved The Faithful Spy and I’m constantly looking for more like it! The layout with drawings and random facts and history was perfect for him. After he told me how great it was, I also read it and loved it.

christian biography books for 4th graders

The Faithful Spy is almost in a class by itself. I’d love to see more like it, but I’m sure they’re time-consuming and expensive to produce. Maybe John Hendrix has another subject in mind for similar treatment!

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He also illustrated Nurse, Soldier, Spy: The Story of Sarah Edmonds, A Civil War Hero

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Fourth grade book list.

Christian Biographies

Christian Biographies for Young Readers - Exodus Books

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The author of the book of Hebrews reminds us that we are "surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses" (12:1), some of whom he lists in the preceding chapter. Reminding ourselves that we aren't alone in the good fight of faith has been a strengthening practice of Christians for centuries, and one of the best ways to do this is by reading biographies of saints, missionaries, and pastors.

Children are particularly ripe for such stories—they may not be subject to as many temptations as adults, but they're in particular need of heroes and role models to inspire obedience, faithfulness, and boldness. Simonetta Carr writes compelling stories of a number of great Christians for just this purpose.

While Carr attends a Reformed church, these aren't denominationally oriented biographies. Instead, each one tells the life story of a man or woman whose commitment to the Gospel of Jesus Christ led them to forsake everything the world had to offer in order to attain the reward of everlasting life in the presence of God.

Each biography is around 60 pages long, handsomely bound in quality hardcover, and beautifully illustrated by Matt Abraxas (no relation to the Santana album). In addition to Abraxas's original paintings, there are plenty of photographs and maps to provide historical context. Every volume ends with a timeline of the subject's life, a "Did You Know?" section of fascinating background information, and a brief selection from the subject's writings.

These aren't just kid-friendly stories. While they are for children, each of the books presents the subject's life against their historical backdrop, explores the doctrinal issues they encountered and defended, and doesn't shy away from accounts of persecution and hardship. Carr means to educate children and build up their faith, not offer phony versions of ultra-pious people.

Christian Biographies for Young Readers as a series currently focuses on the early Church and the Reformation period, though more volumes are projected and may cover more recent figures. Presently available are biographies of Athanasius, Augustine, Anselm, John Calvin, John Knox, Lady Jane Grey, and John Owen.

While most children will be able to read these, Carr never condscends to them. You won't find made-up dialogue, childish writing, or difficult concepts reduced to a shadow of their true meaning. What you  will find are extremely attractive volumes that will offer generations of Christian children the kind of nurture and examples they need to grow strong in the Lord.

christian biography books for 4th graders

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A Classical Christian School Reading List: 4th-5th Grades

More by justin.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Last week I published a reading list for grades 1-3 provided by Calvary Classical School —a classical Christian school in Hampton, VA.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Below is the list for grades 4-5. (And here is the list for grades 6-8 . And finally, a printable PDF of all the books in one document.)

For outside reading, the books are divided into three levels. Books with a “+” denote that any title in that series would be acceptable. At times I’ve linked to a box set of paperbacks if available—at other times I’ve just linked to the lead-off book in a series.

I’ve done my best to link to the paperback or cheapest version at Amazon. One interesting thing I’ve discovered in trying to provide these links is how hard it is to find well-done critical editions, rather than self-published efforts that take advantage of the text being in the public domain in order to turn a quick buck. A good rule of thumb is to look for the “Puffins Classic” versions, which seem to be well done.

I hope this proves helpful for a lot of parents and teachers!

As time permits, I’ll pull together the final list for the middle school years of grades 6-8.

Fourth Grade Literature List

Read in class or assigned for outside reading:

Blackwood, Gary. The Shakespeare Stealer Burnett, Frances Hodgson. The Secret Garden Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland Dahl, Roald. Charlie and the Chocolate Factory D’Aulaire, Ingri & Edgar. Leif the Lucky Daugherty, James. The Magna Charta de Angeli, Marguerite. The Door in the Wall Du Bois, William Pene. Twenty-one Balloons Estes, Eleanor. Ginger Pye Henry, Marguerite. King of the Wind Green, Roger Lancelyn. King Arthur and His Knights of the Round Table Konigsburg, E. L. From the Mixed-Up Files of Mrs. Basel E. Frankweiler Lewis, C. S. Prince Caspian Norton, Mary. The Borrowers Prum, Deborah M. Rats, Bulls, and Flying Machines Rebsamen, Frederick. Beowulf Sis, Peter. Starry Messenger: Galileo Stanley, Diane and Peter Vennema. Bard of Avon Stanley, Diane. Joan of Arc Vernon, Louise A. Thunderstorm in the Church White, E. B. The Trumpet of the Swan

Level 1 Alexander, Lloyd. The Book of Three + Armstrong, William. Sounder Babbitt, Natalie. Tuck Everlasting Burnett, Frances H. A Little Princess Carlson, Natalie. The Family Under the Bridge Estes, Eleanor. The Hundred Dresses Knight, Eric. Lassie Come-Home L’Engle, Madeliene. A Wrinkle in Time + Lenski, Lois. Prairie School + Lenski, Lois. Strawberry Girl Lowry, Lois. Number the Stars McSwigan, Marie. Snow Treasure Seredy, Kate. The Good Master Speare, Elizabeth. The Sign of the Beaver Taylor, Sydney. All-of-A-Kind Family Thurber, James. Many Moons Verne, Jules. 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea Wilson, N. D. 100 Cupboards +

Level 2 Farley, Walter. The Black Stallion + Funke, Cornellia. Inkheart + George, Jean C. My Side of the Mountain Grahame, Kenneth. The Reluctant Dragon Hanes, Mari. Two Mighty Rivers Jacques, Brian. Redwall + Lofting, Hugh. The Voyages of Dr. Dolittle + Morey, Walt. Gentle Ben Peretti, Frank. The Cooper Kids Adventure + Riordan, Rick. The Lightning Thief + Smith, Dodie. The 101 Dalmations Street, James. Good-bye My Lady Travers, P. I. Mary Poppins + Wilson, N. D. Leepike Ridge

Level 3 Adamson, Joy. Born Free Alcott, Louisa May. Little Women + Burnford, Sheila. The Incredible Journey Field, Rachel. Calico Bush Lawson, Robert. Ben and Me Robertson, Keith. Henry Reed, Inc. + Robinson, Barbara. The Best Christmas Pageant Ever Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty Sidney, Margaret. Five Little Peppers +

Fifth Grade Literature List

Defoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe Forbes, Esther. Johnny Tremain Lathan, Jean. Carry On, Mr. Bowditch Lewis, C. S. The Silver Chair Lewis, C. S. The Voyage of the Dawn Treader Speare, Elizabeth. The Witch of Blackbird Pond Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver’s Travels (excerpts)

Level 1 Beatty, Patricia. Turn Homeward, Hannalee Brink, Carol. Caddie Woodlawn Byars, Betsy. The Summer of the Swans Cleary, Beverly. Dear Mr. Henshaw De Jong, Meindert. The Wheel on the School Enright, Elizabeth. Thimble Summer Gates, Doris. Blue Willow Gipson, Fred. Old Yeller Hanes Mari. Two Mighty Rivers O’Brien, Robert. Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH Rawls, Wilson. Where the Red Fern Grows Selden, George. The Cricket in Times Square

Level 2 Cameron, Eleanor. Mushroom Planet + De Jong, Meindert. The House of Sixty Fathers George, Jean Craighead. Julie of the Wolves Montgomery, Lucy. Anne of Green Gables O’Dell, Scott. Island of the Blue Dolphin Pearce, Philippa. Tom’s Midnight Garden Porter, Eleanor. Pollyanna + Rawks, Wilson. Summer of the Monkeys Spyri, Johanna. Heidi Wyss, Johann. Swiss Family Robinson

Level 3 Alcott, Louisa. Little Men Burnett, Frances. Little Lord Fauntleroy De Jong, Meindert. Journey from Peppermint Street Dodge, Mary. Hans Brinker Grahame, Kenneth. The Wind in the Willows MacDonald, George. The Princess and Curdie MacDonald, George. The Princess and the Goblin North, Sterling. Rascal Seredy, Kate. The White S?tag Stevenson, Robert Louis. Treasure Island Terhune, Albert. Lad: A Dog Tolkien, J. R. R. The Hobbit Verne, Jules. Around the World in Eighty Days Verne, Jules. Journey to the Center of the Earth

Justin Taylor is executive vice president for book publishing and publisher for books at Crossway. He blogs at Between Two Worlds and Evangelical History . You can follow him on Twitter .

Was the Father Angry with the Son upon the Cross?

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When the Walk Becomes a Crawl: One of the Most Hopeful Reminders I’ve Read about Sanctification

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A Harmony of the Birth of Jesus: Matthew and Luke

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7 Great Christian Chapter Book Series for Kids

allegory books for kids

One of my favorite activities during the summer months is reading chapter books with my kids.  I enjoy snuggling on the couch as we read the next chapter and discuss what we can learn from it. There are some great, classic books out there, but lately I have been searching for some good Christian chapter books with a message of faith. We know a few, and I reviewed one of them below, but I asked some friends (and some of their kids) to tell me their favorites and why they liked them.  I have compiled a great list, and I can’t wait to read some of them myself! Happy summer reading!  

Christian chapter books for kids

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christian biography books for 4th graders

By: Paul Hutchens

Reviewed By:   Taylor Johnson, 8-year-old daughter and 6-year-old son

Read Aloud: 5-10 (geared towards boys)

Individual Reading: 7-12 (boys)

Tell us a little about this book series?  

Sugar Creek Gang is a 36-book series told from a young boy’s perspective about his “gang” of friends that live in a small town in Indiana in the 1950’s.   The boys go on exciting adventures and grow in their understanding of their need for Jesus and the importance of sharing their faith with others.

What positive messages will your children learn from this book?  

These books teach  friendship, integrity, respecting parents, loving your enemies, prayer, the gospel message, sharing faith with others, and how Jesus changes a person’s life in positive ways

Are there any negative messages to be aware of in this book, and if so, what are they?  

Some of the adventures could be a little scary for younger children, such as a bear attack and a fight with a gang of mean boys.   One character’s father deals with alcoholism, so the book brings up this topic and also portrays alcohol in a negative light.   We used this topic as a teaching opportunity to discuss our views on alcohol with our children.

How have your children grown in their faith through reading this book?  

My children have heard the gospel presented many times through these books, and I believe they have grown in their desire to trust Jesus as their Savior and live for Him no matter what, like the boys in the series learn to do.  

What is your favorite thing about this book series?  

I love how these books are written from a boy’s perspective and in a way that children can relate. The main character’s real struggles, questions, and the lessons he learns are very realistic and foster great discussions with my kids.  

christian biography books for 4th graders

By: Adventures in Odyssey

Reviewed by Heidi Wahlquist, 7-year-old son and 10-year-old daughter

Read Aloud: 5-12

Individual Reading: 7-12

Tell us a little about this book series?

  Imagination Station is an entertaining and imaginative historical fiction series by Adventures in Odyssey. In the series, two adventurous cousins, Patrick and Beth, discover a time machine that transports them to different times and places around the world. In Imagination Station, the two cousins are often faced with a challenge or mission in the city they are sent.  Fueled by adventure and faith, they work together to overcome challenges and bless those in their path.  Not only does Imagination Station teach kids about real historical events, it will encourage them to serve others and follow God’s great purposes for their lives.  If your kids enjoy the Magic Tree House series, they are sure to love Imagination Station.

What positive messages did your children learn from this book?

In Imagination Station, children learn to be cooperative, kind, brave, patient, obedient, helpful, strong, supportive, and loyal.

How have your children grown in their faith from reading this book series?

In Imagination Station, Beth and Patrick must often overcome fears to accomplish their mission.  Our daughter has been encouraged by the cousins’ faith and courage as they push through uncertainties to help others.

What is your favorite thing about this book series?

I asked my daughter this question.  Her response:  “I love the twists and turns of the story.  Unexpected things happen that surprise me.  Things are not always as they seem to be.”  I love the sense of adventure fueled by the cousins’ faith and a desire to bless others.  I also love that kids learn historical events without feeling they are being “taught.”

What is your least favorite thing about this book series?

For the younger kids with shorter attention spans, a few more illustrations would be nice. 🙂

christian biography books for 4th graders

By: Priscilla Shirer

Reviewed By: Hannah Yau and Rachel, age 11  

Individual Reading: 8-12

Tell us a little about this book series. 

My 11 year old daughter fell in love with the characters and their many adventures into the realm of Ahoratos. Each time a character arrives, they are greeted by a purple creature named Ruwach, who guides and provides each warrior with just the right amount of armor needed for the adventure ahead. The warriors are also given directions and advice on what to do through “The Book” – words like “If you have faith the size of the smallest seed, nothing will be impossible for you”, and “You have everything you need.” Their missions lead them through unfamiliar territories, saving other warriors, retrieving special items, and battling ents, olethrons, and forgers (all who battle on behalf of the evil Poneros). With each adventure, the warriors learn how to better use their armor and to trust their guide and the words from “The Book.”  

My daughter was excited to read about the directions for “The Book,”   and learn about the armor.   We had one moment when she looked up, eyes wild, and declared, “These are all things from the Bible!”  

No negative messages, but just be aware that the characters are attacked and chased by make-believe creatures from the realm, even in their own world. This series is similar to the Chronicles of Narnia, in that there are tales of betrayal, loss of faith, and human emotions to deal with.  

How have your children grown in their faith through reading this book?

My daughter Rachel states, “ I learned more about the armor of God and how God protects us .”  

The lessons that the characters learn stay with them as they live in the earthly realm. The courage they build, the faith in doing the right thing, and trusting in each other and The Source, all come into play back home, as they realize there are many, many more prince and princess warriors that also live in their community.  

What is your least favorite thing about this book series?  

Rachel says, “the cover of the book is not so exciting, plus it looks like it’s for boys.”  

christian biography books for 4th graders

 By: CS Lewis

Review by: Caroline Melton, 5 and 7-year-old boys

Read Aloud: 5 and up

Individual Reading: 9 and up

Tell us a little about this book. 

The chronicles of Narnia ( The Lion, Witch, and the Wardrobe ) is about siblings who are escaping the war and moving in with a professor in England.  They play hide and seek and discover a wardrobe that leads them to Narnia. There they meet fauns, beavers, a white witch, and other characters who explain the trouble happening in Narnia, and finally Aslan, the lion who will save them for the terrible witch.

Aslan is representing Christ, as he gives up his live to save everyone in Narnia who trust him from the evil power of the white witch and her crew.

Are there any negative messages to be aware of in this book series, and if so, what are they?

Some frightening parts but all the messages point to goodness and salvation.    There is a small amount of bad attitudes and name calling between the siblings, especially towards Edmund.

They see what Christ has done for them b/c of his love and power as the son of God.

What is your favorite thing about this  book series?

The message of salvation thru the blood of Jesus.  Aslan gave us his life for them but came back to life as Christ did for us.  Aslan even gave his life up for Edmond, the wayward sibling, who followed the white witch and was tricked by her.

The siblings have a negative relationship with their sibling Edmond who desires to follow evil instead of good and is tricked.  It’s a prominent part of the book because Aslan gives his own life up for even Edmund.

christian biography books for 4th graders

By: Martha Finley

Reviewed by Rachel Schaeffer, 9 and 19-year-old daughters  

Read Aloud:  8-12 (geared towards girls)

Individual Reading:  10-14 (girls)

Volume One starts with young Elsie Dinsmore at age 8 and includes MANY characters, male and female, young and old.  The series follows all the seasons of their lives together, ending with Elsie as a grandmother.  As you read, you get to know all of the different characters, the “character” that each one has, and how that “character” directly shapes their entire life.

Although these books can certainly serve as self-readers, I highly recommend them as a read-aloud for two reasons.  First, the vocabulary, at least initially for us, required some explaining and paraphrasing. Second, the exemplary Christ-like, character-modeling of Elsie, as she interacts with the other characters and responds to a wide variety of life circumstances, serves as a priceless GEM of a discipleship and shepherding tool — not to be missed for its parental teaching potential.  Stopping to discuss together what is going on has opened the doors wide for real life coaching.  There is always a “message” for each of our children as we read and talk together.

While Elsie herself is a wealthy heiress living a privileged life during the Civil War era, children, preteens, teens and parents alike today can easily relate to Elsie’s humanity — her insecurities, fears, pain, loss, rejection, disappointments and even failures.  Yet, Elsie’s personal relationship with and reliance upon the person of Christ, coupled with her dedication to reading and meditating upon the truth in His Word, shows everyone how to rightly respond to these common life challenges.  This brings both conviction and hope to the reading audience, showing the successful results of a life lived well with Christ-like character.

christian biography books for 4th graders

By: Janet Benge, YWAM  

Reviewed by Raegan Laird, age 14

Read Aloud: 7-12

Individual Reading: 9-13

Tell us a little about this book series.

Christian Heroes: Than and Now is about amazing missionaries who show their faith as they go around the world telling people about the gospel. Even when faced with seemingly impossible situations, they trust God to deliver them and they follow His will. This is an exciting series filled with dangerous moments that will inspire everyone to reach for a greater faith.

How did you grow in your faith through reading this book?

  In this book I learned a lot about not just believing God, but believing IN God.  I saw how men and women believed in God as they were on the brink of starvation and death. Though some of the missionaries did die, their faithful service and death saved whole tribes.  A lot of times we say,”Yes I believe that Jesus died for me,” but we don’t put that belief into our every day lives. God did so much more than die for us. He lives through us and I saw that clearly in these missionaries’ lives.

Are there any negative messages to be aware of, and if so, what are they?

I didn’t see any negative lessons in these books.

My favorite thing about this series is the fact that although these books teach you a lot about history, they don’t sound like boring history books. They are  real stories that as you read, you can place yourself with the missionaries and in their situations.

christian biography books for 4th graders

By: Robin Jones Gunn

Reviewed by Mary Antony’s 13-year-old daughter

Read Aloud: 13-17 (girls) read through to determine if appropriate  for your teen girl

Individual Reading: 13-17 (girls)   read through to determine if appropriate  for your teen girl

This is a series about a girl who learns to trust God through her teen years. The series begins when she is 15 and continues on to when she marries to her God-fearing husband.    

What positive messages will learn from this book series?

Being true to yourself, trusting God is the key to life, God’s love is always true and can be trusted.  

How have you grown in their faith through reading this book series?

I have learned godly principles, values, and convictions in very practical ways through this book. It has taught me how to trust God in every circumstance, overcoming temptations with the truths of God’s word.

This series is very exciting and unpredictable. It keeps you coming back for more. It is close to reality without having to compromise with culture and trends. It leaves the reader with a sense of gratitude for the unique person God has created them to be and embrace the circumstances God allows in each life.  

For my most updated list of Christian chapter books for kids click here!  

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Taylor Johnson

Explore more knowing and loving god.

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I would also suggest Chronicles of the Kingdom of Light. It’s a fun fantasy series packed with truth to help kids grow in listening to God, following His lead, overcoming lies with truth, breaking free from fear and other strongholds, fighting for what matters most, and loving others well. Our kids loved to act out the scenes. And you can also change out the names of the main characters for their own. Each chapter opens up lots of discussion about the Word and who we are in Christ. Book 1 is Rescue from Darkness, and book 2 is Sands of Surrender.

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Mikaela, that sounds really neat! I am definitely going to look into this series! Thank you so much for sharing! 🙂

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Very good choices I would also add to that list The Postman’s Lantern. By JC Comerford a religious Christmas chapter book for 8-12 All moms of all ages will truly embrace this also.

Thank you for sharing! Will look into this book. 🙂

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Wonderful, wonderful list! Thank you for compiling this with all the details. It’s fantastic!

You are welcome! I am glad you found it helpful, Debbie!

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Thank you for compiling this list. I found your information very helpful!

You are welcome, Kendra! Praying that these resources will encouage the hearts of our children to follow the Lord!

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I was looking for more books to add to our home library. Thanks for sharing these!

You are welcome!

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30+ Must Read Christian Fiction Books for Kids

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These Christian fiction books for kids will encourage your child to pick up a book and get lost in the fabulous characters and stories.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Whether your kiddos love to read or you want to instill in them a love of reading, you’ve come to the right place because they’re bound to find a few awesome Christian fiction books on this list.

If physically reading a book isn’t their thing they can always do what I do and listen to  audiobooks  (snag your  free Audible trial here )! My son loves to listen to audiobooks as well as read the hard copies!

I look forward to hearing which one of these books your kiddos fall in love with!

Each book pictured is the first in the series.

I plan on keeping this list updated so please check back often for more additions.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Dead Sea Squirrels by Mike Nawroki

Reading Age: 8-9 years old

Grade Level: 2nd-3rd

From Book 1: Ten-year-old Michael and his friend Justin sneak into the Dead Sea caves near the archaeological dig where Michael’s dad is working. Michael finds two 2,000-year-old squirrels petrified in sea salt. Hijinks ensue as Michael tries to bring them back to the U. S., hidden in his backpack. What Michael thinks are just cool souvenirs may turn out to be something much more! From the creator of VeggieTales, The Dead Sea Squirrels series is humorous, fun, and filled with character-building lessons.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Glimmer Girls by Natalie grant 

Reading Age: 8-11 years old

Grade Level: 3rd-7th

Join twins Mia and Maddie and their sidekick little sister, LuLu, as they travel the country finding adventure, mystery, and sometimes mischief along the way. Together with their famous mother, singer Gloria Glimmer, and their slightly wacky nanny Miss Twist, the sisters learn lessons about being good friends, telling the truth, and a whole lot more.

christian biography books for 4th graders

The Chosen Kids   by R.M. Ruiz

Reading Age: 10-13 years old

Grade Level: 4th-7th

From Book 1: On the sunny coast of California, 11-year-old book lover Caiden and his family set off for The Dunes after months of lockdown. Caiden decides to leave his book at home for the trip and explore the beach for once. Their fun-filled day is soon interrupted when an encounter sends the group on a secret mission to save humanity.

Caiden was hoping for a fun adventure, not a dangerous quest! He’d like to put it off for ten years—or at least a week.

Each of the family members is appointed a certain job and receives a supernatural tool based on their individual skills and traits. But reluctant Caiden struggles with his task and threatens their success. With only one afternoon to learn their new roles, the Chosen Kids must put faith over fear and rely on the Holy Spirit’s guidance to prevent the enemy from causing an unnatural disaster in their Golden State.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Candid Conversations with Connie   by Karen Buchanan

Reading Age: 8-12 years old

Grade Level: 4th-6th

In this book we’re only taking questions from girls! Yep, they can ask whatever they want, and I will answer from my vast knowledge and experience. (Well . . . maybe not vast.) If I don’t know the answer, I’ll ask my friend Penny. We’ve been where you are, and we know what it’s like.

You’re not a little girl anymore, but you’re still years off from adulthood. You still like to play, but you also enjoy having long conversations with friends. You sometimes want to cuddle on your mom’s lap, and other times you wish she would just leave you alone. All that’s pretty normal, and you’ll see that from the questions we’re answering.

the prince warriors book

The Prince Warriors by Priscilla Shirer

From Book 1: As brothers, Xavier and Evan are used to battling each other. But now they’re discovering that there is a much bigger battle going on all around them. And it’s their turn to fight. 

The Prince Warriors  is the first book in Priscilla Shirer’s epic new series that brings to life the invisible struggle ensuing in the spiritual realm. Xavier, Evan, and their friends have typical lives until they enter a mysterious land called Ahoratos. There they meet their guide, Ruwach, who offers wisdom and direction as the kids’ initial adventure begins—an adventure filled with armor and danger and a very real enemy.

best family ever by Karen Kingsbury

Baxter Family Children by Karen Kingsbury 

From Book 1: Brooke is the perfect older sister. For that reason, Kari and Ashley work hard to make their parents just as proud of them as they are of Brooke. Each girl has her own talents.

Brooke is an excellent student. Kari is a great soccer player. Ashley, a talented artist. And they are always there for each other.

But when the news comes that Dr. Baxter is moving the family from Ann Arbor to Bloomington, Indiana, and the Baxters need to leave the only home and friends they’ve ever known, no one is happy.

Saying goodbye is hard but the family still has what’s most important—their faith and their love for each other. 

christian biography books for 4th graders

Left Behind: The Kids by Jerry B. Jenkins and Tim LaHaye

Reading Age: 9+ years old

Grade Level: 5th-6th

From Book 1: In one shocking moment millions around the globe disappear. Those left behind face an uncertain future – especially for kids who now find themselves alone. As the kids search for help and for answers, they are told the truth behind the disappearances. But are they ready to believe it?

the swamp robber by Paul Hutchens

Sugar Creek Gang   by Paul Hutchens

Reading Age: 7-12 years old

Grade Level: 3rd-6th

From Book 1: The Sugar Creek Gang discovers a “disguise” hidden in a old tree. Does it belong to the bank robber hiding in the swamp? A mysterious map hidden near the tree proves to be even more exciting than the disguise. Before the adventure ends, the gang encounters the robber, helps Bill Collins welcome a new baby sister, and saves the victim of a black widow spider bite. Join the gang as they learn the lesson of sowing and reaping.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Cul-de-sac Kids   by Beverly Lewis

Reading Age: 6-8 years old

Grade Level: 2nd-6th

From Book 1: Abby Hunter and her little sister, Carly, can’t wait to meet their new Korean sisters. They buy “welcome home” presents to take to the airport. But the plane arrives without the Korean girls.Where are they? What could have happened? Abby and her Cul-de-sac friends on Blossom Hill Lane are in for an amazing surprise. Maybe for the surprise of their lives!

christian biography books for 4th graders

Cooper Kids Adventures   by Frank Peretti

Grade Level: 3rd-9th

From Book 1: When teenagers Jay and Lila Cooper and their archaeologist father travel to Nepur, an uninviting land of deserts and danger, they must search to uncover the truth behind an ancient legend. Locals claim that inside a dark cavern called the Dragon’s Throat is a forbidden Door that brings certain death to anyone who tries to open it.

Armed with the knowledge that God is more powerful than any legend or curse, Jay and Lila plunge down into the Dragon’s Throat, determined to find out what awaits them on the other side of the Door. This daring tale will have you on the edge of your seat.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Secret of the Hidden Scrolls   by M. J. Thomas

Reading Age: 6-9 years old

Grade Level: 1st-4th

Follow siblings Peter and Mary and their dog, Hank, as they discover ancient scrolls that transport them back to key moments in biblical history. 

From Book 1: Peter and Mary find themselves witnesses to the creation of the world just as God is speaking it into existence. Can they unlock the mystery of the scrolls before they get trapped in history forever? Children will discover the answer as the two characters ride rhinos, meet the angel Michael, and talk to a certain snake in the Garden of Eden. Riveting text and engaging illustrations bring this beloved Bible story to riotous life.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Kimberly the Cat   by Rob Baddorf

From Book 1: Kimberly the cat had it all—caviar, a mansion, diamonds!—until it was all ripped away. SOLD! And Kimberly? Dumped at a yard sale.

If that wasn’t humbling enough, it was Signey, a freckled twelve-year-old girl, who adopted her. A commoner no less. Now, Kimberly must endure Rhonda the Honda, Stuart the baby, and cheese curls (whatever those are).

Kimberly must rescue Fred the goldfish, who is determined to escape his bowl, while avoiding the dreaded visit to the vet.

In this Christian fiction book series for kids, Kimberly begs God to let her be spoiled again. Will Kimberly finally bond with Signey and her family, or will she escape with a new wealthy heiress?

christian biography books for 4th graders

The Wormling   by Jerry B. Jenkins and Chris Fabry

Reading Age: 9-14 years old

Grade Level: 4th-5th

From Book 1: “Nothing special” is the best way to describe Owen Reeder—at least that’s what he’s been told all his life. When a stranger visits his father’s bookstore, Owen’s ordinary life spirals out of control and right into a world he didn’t even know existed.

Owen believes the only gift he possesses is his ability to devour books, but he is about to be forced into a battle that will affect two worlds: his and the unknown world of the Lowlands.

jack vs the tornado by Amanda Cleary estep

Tree Street Kids   by Amanda Cleary Estep

Reading Age: 8-10 years old

Grade Level: 3rd-4th

The Tree Street Kids live on Cherry, Oak, Maple, and Pine, but their 1990s suburban neighborhood is more than just quiet, tree-lined streets. Jack, Ellison, Roger, and Ruthie face challenges and find adventures in every creek and cul-de-sac—as well as God’s great love in one small neighborhood.

From Book 1: 10-year-old Jack is shocked to discover his parents are moving from their rural homestead to the boring suburbs of Chicago. Full of energy and determination, Jack devises a plan to get himself back to his beloved farmhouse forever. Only three things stand in his way: a neighbor in need, a shocking discovery, and tornado season. Will Jack find a solution? Or is God up to something bigger than Jack can possibly imagine?

christian biography books for 4th graders

Young Whit   by Phil Lollar and Dave Arnold

Reading Age: 7-10 years old

Grade Level: 2nd-5th

From Book 1: Whit and his family (father, Harold; stepmother, Fiona; half-sister, Charlie) have just moved to Provenance, NC, in the middle of the Great Depression. Harold will be teaching at nearby Duke University. Not-quite-10-year-old Johnny soon makes a friend in Emmy, who lives across the street and joins him in his adventures. At his new school, he encounters a bully who makes his life miserable, and he makes a new friend in Huck, the custodian. Both of them play key roles in the mysteries and action.

The central mystery in book 1 involves Confederate gold missing since the end of the Civil War and the question of whether Johnny’s ancestor was the coward and thief who stole it, as everyone believes.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Missionary Girls   by Dennae Wilson

Grade Level: 1st-6th

From Book 1: When Emily and her brother, Evan, move to their new African home, they quickly realized this wan’t England. God has called their family to an unreached people in central Tanzania. Struggling with a new culture, language and religion, Emily’s family need to rely on the Lord for each step of their journey.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Kingdom Series   by Chuck Black

Reading Age: 9-12 years old

Good and evil clash. Leinad and Cedric are determined to not only survive, but claim hope and victory! In  Kingdom’s Dawn , Leinad and Tess, along with all the king’s people, must escape slavery by the powerful Lord Fairos.  Kingdom’s Hope finds them free and arriving in the Chessington Valley. But when they forget the king, will Kergon and the Kessons capture them for good?

After many years,  Kingdom’s Edge  finds Cedric living a hopeless life until a stranger appears with powerful words of a new kingdom and a grand army. Finally,  Kingdom’s Reign  marches you through the danger of earth’s last days as the evil dark knight threatens to defeat the prince once and for all. Swords, knights, and battles define these captivating tales that parallel biblical events from Genesis to Revelation!

christian biography books for 4th graders

Grace Notes   by Kendra Park

Reading Age: 5-15 years old

Grade Level: Kindergarten-8th

From Book 1: Addy, Ty, Jenny and Shaun (The Grace Notes Quartet) are always up to something, something good that is! When a young boy is injured in a hayride accident, the musicians go undercover as The Good Deed Crew and plot a plan of kindness for his family. Can the friends keep the pumpkin surprise a secret? Or will their cover be blown?

opening moves by Phil Lollar

The Blackgaard Chronicles   by Phil Lollar

From Book 1: An evil genius launches his attack on the heart of Odyssey. A conniving city councilman is secretly carrying out plans against John Avery Whittaker and Whit’s End. Yet Philip Glossman is only a pawn in a dark game played by the mysterious Dr. Regis Blackgaard.

Meanwhile, against Whit’s express orders, Eugene and Connie tamper with a top-secret computer room—and the destructive Applesauce program is unleashed. Can Whit counter the forces opposing him? What does Dr. Blackgaard really want?

christian biography books for 4th graders

Hometown Hunters by Lane Walker

Reading Age: 8-14 years old

From Book 1: Thirteen-year-old Boone Mason came face to face with the buck of a lifetime. Would he find the faith to believe he could make the shot or would he believe the old man who taunted him in his dreams, telling him he didn’t have what it takes to bring the buck down?

christian biography books for 4th graders

Camp Club Girls   by Renae Brumbaugh

From Book 1: When six girls from different parts of the country end up as roommates at camp, they also join forces to find out what’s  really  going on beyond the crafts and Bible quizzing. Where are the strange noises coming from? And what’s the “DanGer” warning all about? “Camp Discovery” indeed! The mysteries seem as thick as the woods surrounding the cabins!

the ark, the reed, and the fire cloud by Jenny cote

The Amazing Tales of Max and Liz   by Jenny L. Cote

Grade Level: 2th-5th

From Book 1: Max, a Scottish terrier, takes his usual morning trot down to the loch where he hears a mysterious Voice humming in the reeds saying, “Come to Me…follow the fire cloud.” He embarks on an unknown journey from Scotland, meeting other animals along the way including Liz, a brilliant, petite black cat from France. Max and Liz become the brave leaders for their group, and eventually, for the entire ark. The mysterious journey, filled with danger, humor, trials, and triumphs, leads them across Europe to the Middle East.

The moment of arrival for these animals is spectacular as the ark is miraculously transformed into the animals’ natural habitats. Throughout the previous one hundred years, Noah and family have endured ridicule from villagers while building the ark. Now this family must painfully witness the loss of lives and total destruction of the earth through the mighty flood.

After the journey to the ark, the voyage in the ark begins. Liz finds ways to keep the animals occupied, including daily exercise led by the flamingos and a talent night where the animals entertain each other with their natural abilities. But a sinister plot develops Someone is out to kill Noah and his family. Liz follows clues that lead her to discover a stowaway who has deceived them all. Max and Liz foil the plot, but at a high price. The end climaxes with unexpected twists and turns, taking the reader from despair to hope.

ten boys who made history by Irene howat

Lightkeepers Boys   by Irene Howat

From Book 1: These Christian stalwarts were once young boys playing games, learning from mistakes and growing up in quite a different world. But was it that different? Irene Howat has researched the lives of these men of God and draws out lessons we can all relate to, especially youngsters today. These boys made history… Charles Spurgeon; Jonathan Edwards; Samuel Rutherford; D L Moody; Martyn Lloyd Jones; A W Tozer; John Owen; Robert Murray McCheyne; Billy Sunday; George Whitefield.

ten girls who made history by Irene howat

Lightkeepers Girls   by Irene Howat

From Book 1: These Christian women were once little girls playing with dolls, making mistakes and growing up in quite a different world. But was it that different? Irene Howat has researched the lives of these famous women of God and draws out lessons we can all relate to, especially youngsters today. Featuring Ida Scudder, Betty Green, Janette Li, Mary Jane Kinnaird, Bessie Adams, Emma Dryer, Lottie Moon, Florence Nightingale, Henrietta Mears and Elizabeth Elliot.

christian biography books for 4th graders

Danny Orlis   by Bernard Palmer

Grade Level: 2nd-8th

From Book 1: Danny and his cousin Grant are all set to enjoy some fishing time up in the Northwest Angle before school resumes. However, a thief is wreaking havoc for the Orlises and their neighbors.

Unjustly accused of these crimes, Danny and Grant are determined to identify the real culprit. Amid danger and challenges, they discover that having a good name and reputation pays off.


Beyond the Orphan Train   by Arleta Richardson

With his mother dead, his father gone, and his older brothers and sisters unable to help, eight-year-old Ethan Cooper knows it’s his responsibility to keep him and his younger siblings together—even if that means going to an orphanage.

Ethan, Alice, Simon, and Will settle into the Briarlane Christian Children’s Home, where there’s plenty to eat, plenty of work, and plenty of talk about a Father who never leaves. Even so, Ethan fears losing the only family he has. How can he trust God to keep him safe when almost everything he’s known has disappeared?

in grandma's attic by arleta Richardson

Grandma’s Attic   by Arleta Richardson

Reading Age: 6-10 years old

A young girl delights in her grandmother’s stories of days gone by, sparked by keepsakes and simple questions, Grandma shares marvelous stories of mischief , discovery, and laughter, such as the time she accidentally lost the family buggy. These charming tales will whisk you away to another time and place. And you’ll find something worth far more than any treasure or keepsake…timeless lessons of life and faith!

voyage with the vikings by Paul McClusker and Marianne Hering

Imagination Station   by Paul McClusker and Marianne Hering

Grade Level: 2nd-4th

From Book 1: While visiting Mr. Whittaker at Whit’s Soda Shoppe, Beth and Patrick find a mysterious letter in the Imagination Station requesting a Viking sunstone. The letter is old and says that someone named Albert will be imprisoned if the sunstone isn’t found. Mr. Whittaker sends cousins Patrick and Beth to Greenland circa 1000. On their quest for the sunstone, the cousins meet Vikings Erik the Red and Leif Eriksson—and find the sunstone as they join Leif on his first voyage to North America. But the adventure is just beginning, for when they return to Mr. Whittaker’s workshop with the sunstone, there is another note waiting for them, requesting a silver goblet.

christian biography books for 4th graders

The Adventures of Geraldine Woolkins   by Karin Kaufman

Reading Age: 5-10 years old

From Book 1: Young Geraldine longs to have adventures as thrilling as those in the Book of Tales, the book her papa reads to her and her brother Button at night. More than that, she wants to be brave–a seemingly impossible task in a world where ravens throw black shadows over the earth and wolves prowl barren lands in search of their prey. But Geraldine is a mouse. The weakest of ground things. Why was she, who wants so much to be brave, created by God to be small and quivering?

The book’s ten stories follow the Woolkins family—Papa, Mama, Geraldine, and Button—from October to December, as they face their rather human trials and tribulations and Geraldine struggles to understand Very Very Big Hands, the creator of all, including ravens and wolves.

christian biography books for 4th graders

The Last Chance Detectives   by Jim Ware

From Book 1: A dry, forsaken blip on the edge of civilization. That’s what Mike Fowler thinks of the little town of Ambrosia in the Arizona desert. He has no friends, no fun, and no answers to the agonizing disappearance of his dad in a top-secret military mission. But that could all change after Mike stumbles onto his dad’s puzzling journal in the old B-17 out back.

The mysterious coded entries in the journal lead him to a hidden canyon rimmed with strange lights in the sky, muffled voices, and a knife he’s sure belongs to his dad! Something big—maybe a covert military operation—is going on in that secluded canyon. And Mike is sure if he just follows the clues, he’ll find his dad. But with each new discovery, he and his daring companions—Ben, Spence, and Winnie—land in more and more danger.

It’s the case of their young lives. Now if only they only live to escape it!

christian biography books for 4th graders

Adventures Of An Arctic Missionary by Gloria Repp

From Book 1: Steve and Liz Bailey arrive at the small town of Koyalik, Alaska, with troubling questions. The veteran missionary who was supposed to meet them has disappeared. The year is 1950, and Alaska Territory is still a vast wilderness, unsettled and unexplored. Without a guide or an interpreter, Steve and Liz struggle to survive in the harsh new environment, praying for some kind of transportation.

A miracle in the form of several huskies and a dogsled frees Steve and Liz to travel. But their troubles are far from over. The Alaskan terrain is dangerous, and the hearts of its people often seem harder than the frozen earth. Will Steve and Liz ever be able to reach the Eskimos for Christ?

christian biography books for 4th graders

The Truth Chronicles   by Tim Chaffey and Joe Westbrook

From Book 1: When four unsuspecting teens from the world’s top science academy attempt a trip to ancient Egypt, they dive into an adventure beyond their wildest imaginations.

Jax and Isaiah expect pyramids and pharaohs, but come face-to-face with some of the deadliest creatures to ever walk the earth.

Can JT and Micky get there before it’s too late? And what will happen when they are confronted with the true history of the world?

christian biography books for 4th graders

Adventures In His Story   by Jen Decker

Grade Level: 1st- 2nd

From Book 1: A wondrous angel swoops in and escorts Tommy and Janie back in time to the Garden of Eden. Everything is perfect as they enjoy amazing fruit, birds and fish.

But then, something evil happens that changes everything. Suddenly, Eden is a dangerous and scary place. Will they make it out alive? Who will save them from the lion and the snake?

Did you enjoy these Christian fiction books for kids? Here are more book ideas I have for you:

  • These mystery chapter books for kids have both new and classic fiction books that are funny, diverse, wholesome, and fun.
  • Encourage young readers with these  chapter books for 2nd graders .
  • These  Christian Christmas books for kids  will help you and your family focus on the true meaning of Christmas.
  • Remind your children of the true meaning of Easter with these  Christian Easter books for kids .
  • If you’re a mom that loves to read you’ll want to check out these 25+ Christian fiction books series .

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Comments (6).

' data-srcset=

Thanks for sharing this amazing list! I’d love to add a new book to the list: Agape Books: Discovering the Magic – it’s a wholesome magic book for young readers to explore the world of magic in a way that’s safe for the whole family!

' data-srcset=

There is nothing wholesome about witchcraft! It’s evil and an abomination in the eyes of God! Repent and turn away from your wicked ways! There’s no such thing as a Christian witch! All witches are evil no matter how young or how old! Tarot cards, ouija board, third eye, crystals, rocks, horoscopes, zodiac signs, curses, spells, incantations, sorcery, all kinds of magic are all evil! Raise your children up in Jesus Christ and repent for leading your family away from God and into destruction.

Revelation 21:8 8 But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.”

Revelation 22:15 15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.

Deuteronomy 18:10 10 Let no one be found among you who sacrifices their son or daughter in the fire, who practices divination or sorcery, interprets omens, engages in witchcraft

Micah 5:12 12 I will destroy your witchcraft and you will no longer cast spells.

Leviticus 20:6 6 “ ‘I will set my face against anyone who turns to mediums and spiritists to prostitute themselves by following them, and I will cut them off from their people.

1 Samuel 15:23 23 For rebellion is like the sin of divination, and arrogance like the evil of idolatry. Because you have rejected the word of the LORD, he has rejected you as king.”

Galatians 5:19-21 19 The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20 idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21 and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

' data-srcset=

Wonderful list! Thanks so much for taking the time to putting this together! It looks like me and my son have some more reading to do this spring/summer. I wanted to add a Christian fiction book to the list that I think is a must read for all teens (and their parents). The book is called – Mentors and Tormentors, on the Journey to Self-Respect by Tim Jones (here is the website to get more details – ). It follows a teen named Wendall who has a hard time focusing on the positive – and all the good things he has going in his life. It acts as a fictional guidebook and shares the secrets to enjoying life with complete peace of mind. Each chapter Wendall is introduced to a new person/character who teaches him a valuable life lesson in a sometimes funny, super relatable way. The book discusses helping others without getting in the middle of their problems, caring less – or not at all – about what others think or say, the 3 Bs of manipulation (my favorite chapter) – Beg, Bargain & Bully, and setting up boundaries, how to say no. I have to say that I even learned some things after reading this book too. I recommend it for parents of teens and for teens! Hope this makes it on a future list.

' data-srcset=

I assume these are the modern books.

There are also great books from the 80’s called the Cedar River Daydream series for teens, and the Peggy series by Dorothy Martin for tweens, all Christian based. There is also the Danny Orlis series for boys. These are still available on places like ebay and thrift books etc.

' data-srcset=

Thanks so much for sharing these, Inge. I have never heard of them but am excited to check them out!

' data-srcset=

This book is a wonderful blend of fiction and faith-based inspiration.

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