Graduation Congratulations Messages: Inspiring and Creative Examples to Celebrate Your Graduate’s Success

Graduating from school is an important milestone in one’s life, and it deserves to be celebrated with warm wishes and congratulations. However, finding the right words to express your emotions can be a daunting task. To help you out, here are some ways to say congratulations to a graduate:

congratulations on your graduation!

  • “Congratulations on graduating! Your hard work has paid off, and you should be proud of your accomplishments.”
  • “Way to go, graduate! You did it! Now, it’s time to celebrate your success.”
  • “Your dedication and perseverance have brought you this far. Congratulations on graduating and achieving your dreams.”
  • “Your graduation is just the beginning of your success story. Keep reaching for the stars and making your dreams come true.”
  • “Congratulations on graduating! This is a significant achievement, and I’m thrilled to see where your future takes you.”
  • “Graduating takes a lot of hard work and sacrifice, and you’ve shown that you have what it takes to succeed. Congratulations and well done!”
  • “Your graduation is a testament to your hard work and commitment. Congratulations, and may all your future endeavors be successful.”
  • “You’ve earned your degree, and it’s a testament to your intelligence, determination, and perseverance. Congratulations on this fantastic achievement!”
  • “Congratulations on your graduation! I’m so proud of you and excited to see what the future holds for you.”
  • “Graduating is a significant accomplishment, and you should be proud of yourself. Congratulations and all the best for your future!”

Don’t just copy and paste these examples, personalize your congratulations message to the graduate and make it meaningful and heartfelt; otherwise, what’s the point?

Graduation is an important milestone in a person’s life, marking the end of one chapter and the beginning of another, so give your graduate a high-five and find some unique and impactful words of affirmation for congratulating a friend, family member, or colleague on their educational achievement.

I can't wait to hear your name horribly mispronounced at graduation

Here are many more example messages for various graduation scenarios:

Short Graduation Messages for a Friend

  • “Congrats, you did it! Can’t wait to see what’s next.”
  • “So proud of you for reaching this goal. Cheers to your future success!”
  • “You deserve all the applause and celebration. Congrats on your graduation!”

Congratulations to a College Graduate

  • “You’ve worked hard to get here, and now the world is your oyster. Congratulations on your college graduation!”
  • “You are officially a college graduate! The future is bright, and I know you’ll make the most of it.”
  • “Congratulations on completing your degree. This is just the beginning of an exciting journey!”

Personal Graduation Message Examples to Write in Cards

  • “Watching you grow and succeed has been a joy. Congratulations on your graduation, [name]!”
  • “You’ve always had big dreams, and now you’re making them a reality. Congratulations on your graduation!”
  • “Your hard work and dedication have paid off. Congratulations on this amazing achievement!”

nothing screams "success!" like moving back in with your parents.

Graduation Wishes for Him (Son, Nephew, Grandson, etc.)

  • “Congratulations on your graduation, [name]. You’ve made us all so proud!”
  • “Watching you become the man you are today has been incredible. Congratulations on this major achievement!”
  • “You have a bright future ahead of you, and we can’t wait to see where your journey takes you. Congratulations on your graduation, [name]!”

Graduation Messages for Her (Daughter, Niece, Granddaughter, etc.)

  • “You’ve always been capable of achieving great things, and now you’ve done it again. Congratulations on your graduation, [name]!”
  • “You are such a smart, talented, and ambitious young woman. Congratulations on this incredible accomplishment!”
  • “We knew you could do it, and now you’ve proven us right. Congratulations on your graduation, [name]!”

congratulations on earning a degree in something you don't remotely want to do with your life.

Funny Congratulation Messages for Graduates

  • Congratulations on surviving the academic wilderness! Now you can finally start adulting.
  • You’ve earned your degree, which is basically a license to adult. May you use it responsibly.
  • The tassel was worth the hassle! Congratulations on your graduation.
  • Your hard work and dedication have paid off. You are officially a graduate! Now go forth and conquer the world.
  • Congratulations on graduating! Time to put that knowledge to good use and make the world a better place. Or at least, make your bank account a better place.
  • You’re a graduate! You’ve made your parents proud and your professors impressed. Now it’s time to impress your future boss.
  • Congratulations on graduating! Now you can finally put away those textbooks and pick up the remote control.
  • Congratulations on your graduation! The world is your oyster. Now go out there and shuck it.
  • Congratulations on graduating! Now you have a degree to prove that you’re a certified genius. Or at least, that you know how to Google things.
  • You did it! You graduated! Now go celebrate with some well-deserved pizza and beer.
  • Congratulations on surviving the academic jungle! Now you’re ready to take on the real world!
  • From all-nighters to graduation caps, you made it! Congratulations, you’re officially an adult now!
  • You’re now a graduate – time to start adulting for real. Good luck, and don’t forget to call your mom!
  • Congratulations on graduating! Now you can finally get a real job and start paying off your student loans!
  • You’re a graduate now, which means you’re smart enough to know that the real education begins now. Good luck in the real world!
  • Congratulations on being one step closer to getting that dream job and paying for your own Netflix account!
  • Congrats on graduating! Now you can finally put that expensive piece of paper to use and get a job that pays more than minimum wage!
  • Congratulations on your graduation! We knew you could do it, even if you did spend more time napping than studying.
  • Well done on graduating! Now the real challenge begins – finding a job that pays enough for avocado toast.
  • Congratulations on graduating! You’re now officially qualified to start complaining about the state of the economy and the job market.

you just wasted up to $200,000

Funny & Personal Congratulations Messages to the Proud Parents of the Graduate

  • Congratulations on raising such an amazing human being! You must be so proud!
  • You deserve a round of applause for being the most supportive and loving parents any graduate could ask for.
  • To the parents who made sure their child was always prepared for success: congratulations on seeing all of that hard work pay off!
  • You raised a remarkable child who has now become a remarkable graduate. Cheers to you both!
  • Congratulations to the parents who always had their child’s back, even during the tough times. Your unwavering support has paid off!
  • From PTA meetings to college applications, you’ve been there every step of the way. Congrats on this milestone achievement!
  • To the parents who sacrificed so much to make this moment possible: your child’s success is your success too. Congrats!
  • You’re proof that great parenting leads to great graduates. Congratulations on a job well done!
  • As the proud parents of a graduate, you’ve set the bar high for all other parents. Congrats on a job well done!
  • You’ve nurtured and supported your child from day one, and now you can enjoy the fruits of your labor. Congrats on raising a wonderful graduate!
  • Your child’s success is a testament to your love and dedication. Congratulations on raising such a talented and accomplished graduate!
  • From diaper changes to cap and gown, you’ve been there through it all. Congratulations to the proudest parents of the graduate!

happy graduation from a highly successful dropout.

Congratulations to the Future Nurse Practitioner

  • You are a true hero in scrubs! Congratulations on graduating and becoming a nurse practitioner!
  • You’re about to take the world of healthcare by storm. Congrats on becoming a nurse practitioner!
  • From stethoscope to scrubs, you’re now ready for the toughest nursing job. Congrats on your graduation!

MBA Graduation Wishes

  • Congratulations on your MBA! You’re now officially qualified to be a boss and still not understand what your employees do.
  • An MBA means you can now speak the language of business, so let’s talk ROI, KPIs, and P&Ls. Congrats on your graduation!
  • Congrats on getting an MBA! Now you have a degree to hang up next to your license to chill.

just wanted to congratulate myself on sitting through your graduation ceremony

Congratulations on Your PhD

  • Congratulations, Doctor! You can now officially make people call you “Doctor” and sound really smart doing it.
  • It’s not every day that someone becomes a PhD. Congratulations on being a rare breed!
  • You did it! You’ve earned a PhD, so now you can put “Dr.” in front of your name and sound more official than ever.

Congratulations on Earning Your Law Degree

  • Congratulations on becoming a lawyer! Now you can confidently argue with your loved ones and always win.
  • You did it! You’re now an official defender of the law, so if anyone needs a good lawyer, they know who to call. Congrats on your graduation!
  • Your hard work has paid off! Congrats on graduating from law school and becoming a full-fledged member of the legal world.

I'm confident you'll succeed at any job that doesn't require drug testing.

College Graduation Messages

  • “Graduating from college is a huge accomplishment, and you should be proud. Congratulations on this amazing achievement!”
  • “You’ve spent so much time and energy pursuing your degree, and now you’ve succeeded. Congratulations on your college graduation!”
  • “This is a major milestone in your life, and you should celebrate it to the fullest. Congratulations on your college graduation, [name]!”

Example of Personal Congratulations Messages for a Graduate Girlfriend or Boyfriend

  • Congratulations on your graduation, my love! Your hard work and dedication have paid off, and I couldn’t be prouder of you. Here’s to a bright future together.
  • To my amazing girlfriend/boyfriend on your graduation day, congratulations on this incredible achievement! You inspire me every day with your determination and passion, and I can’t wait to see where your future takes you.
  • You did it, my love! Congratulations on your graduation and all the hard work you put in to make this day a reality. I am so grateful to have you by my side, and I can’t wait to see what amazing things you will accomplish in the future.
  • On this special day, I want to congratulate my incredible girlfriend/boyfriend on graduating! Your intelligence, determination, and hard work never cease to amaze me, and I am so lucky to have you in my life. Here’s to an amazing future together.
  • To my amazing partner, congratulations on your graduation! I am so proud of all that you have accomplished and the person that you have become. I can’t wait to see what incredible things you will achieve in the years to come.
  • Congratulations on your graduation, my love! You have worked so hard to get to this point, and I am honored to be by your side on this special day. Here’s to an amazing future together filled with love, success, and happiness.

congratulations on getting through college without getting pregnant.

Example High School Graduation Messages

  • “Congratulations on graduating high school! You’ve worked hard and achieved so much already. We can’t wait to see what you’ll do next.”
  • “Graduating high school is just the beginning of an exciting journey. Congratulations on this major accomplishment, [name]!”
  • “You’ve grown up so much since your first day of high school, and now you’re a graduate. Congratulations on this huge milestone!”

congratulations, graduate!

“Congratulations, Graduate” Quotes to Write in Cards

  • “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill
  • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” – Nora Ephron
  • “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill
  • “The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you.” – B.B. King
  • “Believe in yourself and all that you are. Know that there is something inside you that is greater than any obstacle.” – Christian D. Larson
  • “The tassel is worth the hassle.” – Unknown
  • “You did it! Congratulations! World domination is next.” – Unknown
  • “Congratulations, graduate! Now let’s take over the world.” – Unknown
  • “It’s not the end, it’s just the beginning. Congratulations, graduate!” – Unknown
  • “The fireworks begin today. Each diploma is a lighted match. Each one of you is a fuse.” – Edward Koch

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99 Inspiring Graduation Wishes to Write in Their Card

Say congratulations with these heartfelt expressions.

preview for Best Commencement Advice for New Graduates

Our list of graduation wishes also includes inspiring quotes from graduation songs and a set of inspirational quotes that might be just the words you are looking for, or you can peruse more quotes about graduation too. So select the best words for this graduate in particular, pull out a favorite pen, and get to writing before the celebration begins (check out our Best Graduation Party Ideas to Celebrate the Guest of Honor for more on that). Your graduate is sure to appreciate the special touch of a personal message!

For even more Country Living graduation gifts and party ideas:

  • Graduation Gift Ideas for the Class of 2024
  • Awesome Graduation Party Ideas That Will Earn Your Bash an A+
  • Graduation Party Food Ideas That Say "You Did It!"

Graduation Wishes and Congratulations

happy university graduate and her father having fun while taking selfie with smart phone

  • Oh the places you will go! Congratulations on your graduation.
  • Congratulations on graduating and here's to your next adventure!
  • We're over the moon for you and proud of your big achievement!
  • You're a class act!
  • Congrats and best wishes for your next chapter!
  • Best of luck on your new beginnings!
  • Congratulations on your momentous accomplishment!
  • You did it, Graduate! Congratulations!
  • Congrats! The sky's the limit and we cannot wait to see what your achieve next!
  • We're so proud of you, and honored to celebrate graduation day with you!
  • You are a star in the making! Congrats and shine on!
  • We're so happy for you! Celebrate your accomplishment and keep on shining!
  • Caps off to you, Graduate!
  • Congratulations on your big day! We knew you could do it!
  • Cheers to the new graduate! Best wishes for your future!
  • Bravo! What an outstanding achievement!
  • Congratulations - the sky is your limit! Fly high!
  • Cheers to four years!
  • We are very proud of you and celebrate your beautiful journey! Congratulations to you!
  • Congrats and may all your dreams come true!
  • High five and hugs! You did it!
  • Nothing can stop you now, Graduate! Keep reaching for the stars!
  • The world is your oyster! Kudos on your big day!
  • You are just getting started! We are so proud of you and look forward to your next chapter!
  • Sending well wishes and congratulations as you celebrate this wonderful milestone!
  • We love you and congratulations on your big day! Graduation is only the beginning of your journey.

Funny Messages for Graduation Cards

group of friends posing for selfie in graduation outfits

  • You're one smart cookie!
  • A toast to the graduate! Do you prefer white or wheat?
  • Why did the graduate cross the road? To move back in with her parents.
  • Here’s to the end of eating Top Ramen!
  • My hope for you is that your awesome memories of college last longer than your student loans.
  • Isn’t it amazing how far people can go with Google and Wikipedia around to help?
  • Congratulations on your graduation. Education is the key to unlocking your potential. The diploma helps a wee bit also.
  • Congrats on filling a minimum job requirement!
  • I lost a bet. You graduated.
  • Hard work: check! Diploma: check! Make some money: more checks!
  • I hate to break it to you, but that was the easiest part of your adult life.
  • Who would have thought that in just six years you'd graduate. That was way faster than I expected.
  • The tassel is worth the hassle! You did it!

Wise Words for Graduates

portrait of three college students in graduation gowns and caps

  • Follow your heart. It knows the way.
  • Before you act, listen. Before you react, think. Before you criticize, wait. And, before you quit, try.
  • Always remember that you are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, smarter than you think, and loved more than you’ll ever know.
  • Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment.
  • With love and patience, nothing is impossible.
  • May you always dare to do great things with your life.
  • Life is a journey and only you hold the map.
  • Shoot for the stars and if you miss you’ll land among stars.
  • Graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey. It is the beginning of a beautiful one.
  • Take your time celebrating. Take it easy for a while. Then get ready to take on the world!
  • Life is a journey, not a destination. Enjoy the ride!

Sentimental Sayings for Graduation

three friends walking in graduation robes and caps

  • With grit and determination like yours, nothing can hold you back. On to the next adventure!
  • We're proud of your achievements, but even more proud of the person you've become.
  • May you celebrate graduation recalling fond memories from your past and dreaming exciting visions of your future.
  • We can't wait to see what's next in your journey.
  • Go into the world and do well, but more importantly, go into the world and do good.
  • Take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in how far you can go.
  • It has been a privilege to watch you grow into the person you are today.
  • Let your dream be your wings to carry you into the future.
  • From when you were a child until today, you have only given us reason to hold our heads up in pride.
  • Your graduation day is a proud day for you and a dream come true for our family.

Inspiring Quotes for Graduates

hispanic student giving speech at graduation

  • “Success is loving life and daring to live it.” — Maya Angelou
  • “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” — Mark Twain
  • “All dreams are within reach. All you have to do is keep moving towards them.” — Viola Davis
  • “Always be yourself, express yourself, have faith in yourself, do not go out and look for a successful personality and duplicate it.” — Bruce Lee
  • “There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind.” — C.S. Lewis
  • “Wherever you go, go with all your heart.” — Confucius
  • “Success is not the absence of failure; it’s the persistence through failure.” ― Aisha Tyler
  • “All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney
  • “The old rules are crumbling and nobody knows what the new rules are. So make up your own rules.” — Neil Gaiman
  • “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” — Malcolm X
  • “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “If you want something you’ve never had, you must be willing to do something you’ve never done.” — Thomas Jefferson
  • “Success is to be measured not so much by the position that one has reached in life as by the obstacles which he has overcome.” — Booker T. Washington
  • “Go forth and set the world on fire.” — St. Ignatius Loyola
  • “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” — Babe Ruth
  • “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” — Anthony Robbins
  • “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go...” — Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You’ll Go!
  • “Be bold, be courageous, be your best.” — Gabrielle Giffords
  • “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.” — Winston Churchill
  • “Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never fears, and never regrets.” — Leonardo da Vinci
  • “It is absolutely still possible to make a difference.” — Michelle Obama
  • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “Your time is limited, so don't waste it living someone else's life.” — Steve Jobs
  • “If I must give any of you advice it would be say yes. Say yes, and create your own destiny.” — Maya Rudolph
  • “However difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do and succeed at.” — Stephen Hawking

Inspiring Quotes from Graduation Songs

graduating students hands throwing graduation caps in the air

  • “There's always gonna be another mountain. I'm always gonna wanna make it move. Always gonna be an uphill battle. Sometimes I'm gonna have to lose. Ain’t about how fast I get there. Ain’t about what's waiting on the other side. It's the climb.” — The Climb by Miley Cyrus
  • “It's time now to sing out / Tho' the story never ends / Let's celebrate / Remember a year in the life of friends / Remember the love / Remember the love / Remember the love / Measure in love / Measure, measure your life in love” — Seasons of Love by RENT Cast
  • “I'll spread my wings and I'll learn how to fly / I'll do what it takes 'til I touch the sky / And I'll make a wish, take a chance, make a change and breakaway.” — Breakaway by Kelly Clarkson
  • “So just think of your future / Think of a new life / Don't get lost in the memories / Keep your eyes on a new prize” — Future by Paramore
  • “I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance. Never settle for the path of least resistance. Living might mean taking chances, but they're worth taking.” — I Hope You Dance by Lee Ann Womack
  • “Don't be shocked when your hist'ry book mentions me / I will lay down my life if it sets us free / Eventually, you'll see my ascendancy” — My Shot by Lin-Manuel Miranda, Daveed Diggs, Leslie Odom Jr., Anthony Ramos, and Okieriete Onaodowan
  • “Who doesn't know what I'm talking about? Who's never left home? Who's never struck out to find a dream and a life of their own? A place in the clouds, a foundation of stone.” — Wide Open Spaces by The Chicks
  • “Well, I never lived the dreams of the prom kings and the drama queens. I'd like to think the best of me is still hiding up my sleeve. They love to tell you stay inside the lines, but something's better on the other side.” — No Such Thing by John Mayer
  • “We are young, so let's set the world on fire. We can burn brighter than the sun.” — We Are Young by Fun. ft. Janelle Monáe
  • “Whenever you remember time's gone by, remember how we held our heads so high. When all this world was there for us, and we believed that we could touch the sky. Whenever you remember, I'll be there. Remember how we reached that dream together.” — Whenever You Remember by Carrie Underwood
  • “I am unwritten, can't read my mind. I'm undefined. I'm just beginning, the pen's in my hand. Ending unplanned.” — Unwritten by Natasha Bedingfield
  • “I wanna leave my footprints on the sands of time. Know there was something that meant something that I left behind. When I leave this world, I'll leave no regrets. Leave something to remember, so they won't forget.” — I Was Here by Beyoncé
  • “Keep thinking times will never change. Keep on thinking things will always be the same, but when we leave this year we won't be coming back. No more hanging out cause we're on a different track.” — Graduation (Friends Forever) by Vitamin C
  • “There's just no telling how far I'll go.” — How Far I’ll Go from Moana by Auli'i Cravalho

Headshot of Jill Gleeson

Jill Gleeson is a travel journalist and memoirist based in the Appalachian Mountains of western Pennsylvania who has written for websites and publications including Good Housekeeping, Woman’s Day, Country Living, Washingtonian, Gothamist, Canadian Traveller, and EDGE Media Network. Jill is the travel editor for Enchanted Living. Learn more about her journey at

Janece Maze is Associate Editor at Country Living , where she covers DIY projects, gardening, and travel. When she’s not in the kitchen creating a new recipe with farm fresh ingredients, you can find her on the road heading to a music festival or browsing a local consignment shop.  

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25 Heartfelt Graduation Congratulations Messages

Graduation is an extraordinary achievement that marks the end of one chapter and the beginning of another. Writing a graduation congratulatory message can be a challenge. It’s a momentous occasion that deserves to be celebrated in a heartfelt and meaningful way, so finding the words can be difficult. Choosing the perfect graduation congratulation message can be challenging but it’s also an opportunity to convey your genuine congratulations and well-wishes to the graduate.

To make it easier for you, we’ve compiled a list of heartfelt graduation congratulation message that go beyond generic congratulations to truly recognize the graduate’s unique journey and accomplishments:

Graduation Congratulation | Heartfelt Messages  

  • “Wishing you heartfelt congratulations on your graduation. Your tireless dedication, hard work, and unwavering commitment have paid off. As you move forward to this new chapter in your life, may you continue to thrive, find joy, and achieve greatness.”
  • “Congratulations on your graduation. You have proven that you can overcome obstacles and challenges with resilience and perseverance. As you embrace the next phase of your life, remember the lessons learned, cherish the memories made, and aspire to make a difference in the world.”
  • “You have graduated with flying colors! Congratulations on this incredible accomplishment. Your perseverance, determination, and hard work paid off. The sky is the limit, and your potential is limitless. May you continue to soar high and achieve your dreams.”
  • “Congratulations on graduating! It is a tremendous accomplishment that deserves to be celebrated. Your graduation is a testament to your hard work, dedication, and commitment. Remember to embrace the next phase with enthusiasm, curiosity, and open-mindedness.”
  • “Your graduation day is a day of celebration and joy. It’s a time to recognize the challenges overcome, the hard work accomplished, and the amazing future ahead! Congratulations on your graduation. May your future be filled with happiness, success, and boundless opportunities.”
  • “As you don your graduation cap and gown, I am filled with pride and admiration. Your education has been an incredible journey filled with perseverance, growth, and resilience. I am thrilled to see what the future holds for such an accomplished graduate.”
  • “Congratulations on your well-deserved graduation. You have shown that nothing is impossible when you put your mind to it. Your journey is a true inspiration, and your future is full of possibilities. Savor this moment and remember that anything is possible with hard work and determination.”
  • “A graduation is not just a culmination of years of hard work; it’s also a celebration of personal growth and triumph. Congratulations on your graduation! Your determination, hard work, and grit have made this accomplishment possible. Your future is bright, and your potential is limitless.”
  • “Congratulations on your incredible achievement. Your graduation serves as a reminder of your immense potential, drive, and passion. As you embark on the next chapter of your journey, may you take heart in knowing that you have the tools, skills, and support needed to achieve great things.”
  • “Your graduation is a testament to your resiliency, perseverance, and unrelenting spirit. Congratulations on all that you have accomplished. Go into the world knowing that you have what it takes to seize every opportunity and make your dreams come true.

Heartfelt Messages to Congratulate Someone on Their Graduation

  • “Dear [Graduate’s Name], as you stand on the threshold of your future, I want you to know how incredibly proud I am of you. Your graduation is not just a culmination of years of hard work, but a testament to your unwavering dedication and relentless pursuit of your dreams. Throughout this journey, you have exhibited remarkable resilience, strength, and a thirst for knowledge that is truly inspiring. As you embark on this new chapter, remember that you possess within you the power to shape your own destiny. May your diploma be a ticket to a world filled with opportunities, and may you continue to chase after greatness with the same passion that brought you here. Congratulations, graduate!”
  • “To my dearest [Graduate’s Name], today we celebrate more than just your graduation; we celebrate the person you have become. It feels like just yesterday you were embarking on this academic journey, full of hopes and dreams. And now, as you graduate, you leave behind a trail of accomplishments, beautifully crafted memories, and a legacy that will inspire generations to come. As you enter the world armed with knowledge and wisdom, remember that your education is a stepping stone towards making a meaningful impact. Embrace the challenges that lie ahead, never stop learning, and continue to pursue excellence in everything you do. This is just the beginning of an extraordinary journey. Congratulations on your graduation, and may your future be filled with limitless opportunities and profound happiness!”
  • “Congratulations, [Graduate’s Name]! As you hold that well-earned diploma in your hands, take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey that has brought you to this point. You have faced obstacles head-on, conquered doubts, and embraced growth with open arms. Your graduation is a testament to your indomitable spirit and the unwavering belief in yourself. I am in awe of your resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to your education. Remember that this accomplishment is not an endpoint but a mere stepping stone towards a life filled with meaning, purpose, and continuous growth. May your future be filled with endless possibilities, and may your dreams soar higher than ever before. Congratulations, graduate!”
  • “Dear [Graduate’s Name], today is a day to honor not only your achievement but also the immense joy and inspiration you have brought to our lives. Your graduation symbolizes the countless sacrifices you and your loved ones have made, the sleepless nights, and the unwavering belief in the power of education. You have not only gained knowledge but also developed into a compassionate, innovative, and resilient individual. As you embark on this new chapter, trust in your abilities, embrace uncertainty, and always stay true to yourself. Your graduation marks the beginning of a remarkable journey, filled with endless possibilities and extraordinary milestones. Congratulations on your well-deserved success, and may every step you take be filled with boundless happiness and triumph!”
  • “To my exceptional [Graduate’s Name], on this momentous occasion of your graduation, I send you heartfelt congratulations and overflowing pride. The magnitude of your accomplishment cannot be understated. You have tackled every challenge with grace, determination, and an unyielding spirit. Today, all your hard work, late nights, and sacrifices have culminated in this incredible milestone. As you stand on the cusp of unlimited potential, remember to always honor your passions, chase after your dreams, and embrace the unknown with open arms. This graduation not only signifies the end of one chapter but amplifies the beginning of a remarkable journey. Congratulations on your graduation, and may your future be laden with boundless opportunities, joy, and fulfillment!”
  • Dear \[Graduate’s Name], as you celebrate this extraordinary milestone of your graduation, I want you to know just how much your achievements inspire me. Your tireless dedication, perseverance, and unwavering commitment to your education have fueled your success. This graduation serves as a reminder that you possess the power to overcome any hurdle and achieve greatness. As you navigate the uncharted waters of the future, remember to trust in your abilities, harness your passions, and embrace the transformative power of knowledge. Congratulations on your graduation, and may your journey be filled with fulfillment, purpose, and countless triumphs!”
  •  “Congratulations, \[Graduate’s Name]! Today, we stand in awe of your remarkable accomplishments and the immense joy that radiates from within you. Your graduation symbolizes the immense value of hard work, determination, and a thirst for knowledge. This milestone serves as a testament to your unwavering commitment to personal growth and your unwavering pursuit of excellence. As you leave behind the familiar landscape of your educational journey, may you continue to strive for greatness, find fulfillment in your endeavors, and embrace the beauty of lifelong learning. You are a shining example of what can be achieved with resilience and dedication. Congratulations on your graduation!”
  •  “To my dear \[Graduate’s Name], as you don your graduation cap and gown, know that you wear the cloak of greatness. Your graduation is a testament to your unyielding spirit, your insatiable curiosity, and your boundless determination. Throughout your academic journey, you have showcased not only your intellectual prowess but also your kindness, empathy, and the ability to uplift those around you. Now, as you step onto the stage of the wider world, hold onto the lessons learned, cherish the memories made, and let your dreams guide you forward. Congratulations on your incredible achievement, and may your future be filled with endless possibilities and immense joy!”
  •  “Congratulations, \[Graduate’s Name]! Today, we celebrate the culmination of your hard work and the realization of your dreams. Your graduation is an emblem of your resilience, your unwavering commitment, and your relentless pursuit of knowledge. The challenges you faced along the way have only sharpened your determination and strengthened your character. As you embark on this new chapter, always remember that your education extends beyond the confines of the classroom. Embrace the world with an open mind, an empathetic heart, and a hunger for continuous growth. Congratulations on your graduation, and may your journey be filled with abundant opportunities, success, and profound happiness!”
  •  “To my extraordinary \[Graduate’s Name], today we come together to celebrate the culmination of years of hard work, passion, and unyielding dedication. Your graduation is a testament to your brilliance, your resilience, and your endless pursuit of excellence. It showcases the heights you can reach when you commit yourself to your dreams. As you spread your wings and soar into the vast expanse of possibilities, know that you carry the hopes and aspirations of those who have cheered you on from the sidelines. May your journey be a tapestry woven with success, happiness, and purpose as you make your indelible mark on the world. Congratulations on your graduation, and may you continue to shine brightly!”
  • “Dear \[Graduate’s Name], today we gather to celebrate your incredible achievement and the determination and perseverance you have exhibited throughout your academic journey. The countless hours of hard work, dedication, and sleepless nights have all led up to this moment. As you move into the next phase of your life, may you continue to be motivated by your passion and curiosity to pursue greatness. Use your education as a foundation to build a future that brings you purpose, happiness, and fulfillment. Congratulations on your graduation, and may your journey ahead be filled with success and prosperity!”
  • “Congratulations, \[Graduate’s Name]! Your graduation is a testament to your strength, courage, and the unyielding belief that anything is possible. Your academic journey has been an inspiration to those around you, showcasing what can be achieved with determination and hard work. As you launch into the next chapter of your life, remember to stay true to yourself and hold onto the values that have brought you this far. You have only scratched the surface of your potential, and your graduation is just the beginning of an incredible journey. Congratulations once again on accomplishing this great milestone!”
  • “To my dear [Graduate’s Name], congratulations on your well-deserved graduation! Your dedication, hard work, and pursuit of excellence have culminated in this incredible achievement. You have proven time and again that with self-belief and perseverance, anything is possible. As you embark on the new chapter of your life, trust that you have the ability to overcome any obstacles that come your way. Congratulations on your graduation, and may you continue to grow, learn, and inspire those around you!”
  •  “Congratulations, [Graduate’s Name]! Your graduation is not only a testament to your academic achievements, but it also serves as an inspiration to those around you. Your determination, persistence, and unwavering commitment are the driving forces behind your success. As you chart your course in the next phase of your life, never forget the passion, dedication, and commitment that have brought you this far. May you continue to inspire others along your journey, and may your future be filled with endless possibilities and success. Congratulations once again on this incredible milestone!”
  • “To my incredible \[Graduate’s Name], as you stand on the precipice of a new and exciting chapter of your life, it’s impossible not to feel an overwhelming sense of pride and joy. Your graduation is a testament to your boundless potential, unwavering determination, and tireless work ethic. Your education has provided you with not only the knowledge but also the skills needed to succeed in a world filled with challenges and opportunities. As you step into the unknown, trust in yourself, and hold onto the values that brought you this far. Congratulations on your graduation, and may your journey continue to be filled with extraordinary achievements and happiness!”

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55 Thoughtful Graduation Wishes to Celebrate the New Grad

Graduation wishes: daughter hugging her mother

Graduation is fast approaching, and it’s time to celebrate someone special’s big moment. Whether they’re graduating primary school or leaving the world of grades and classes for good, the best way to share the joy is with your heartfelt graduation wishes .

If you’re looking for inspiration, we’re here to help. Discover our favorite graduation wishes and messages for grads of any age, personality, and style.

The Best Graduation Wishes to Celebrate the Big Moment

Graduation wishes: Happy Paint Speckles Card

Design: Signature Greenvelope

Ready to write an amazing graduation card or send your well wishes ahead of a graduation party ? We love combining these graduation messages with a thoughtful congratulations card (like this paint-speckled congrats card ) to wish the new grad well on their new journey.

Here are some of our go-to messages to celebrate the end of high school or college days and embrace the big adventure that’s still to come.

Short and Sweet Graduation Wishes

You don’t have to write a long message to tell them how proud you are. Use these short and sweet graduation message ideas to help you craft a text or card message that feels personal yet succinct.

1. You did it! Congratulations on graduating, [Name]!

2. Congrats , new grad !

3. You’ve got a bright future ahead.

4. Congratulations, graduate !

5. Congrats on all your well-deserved success , [Name]!

6. All your hard work paid off. It’s time to celebrate!

7. Yay, you made it! Congrats on everything you’ve achieved.

8. Wishing you a very happy graduation day .

9. Time to move on to the next chapter !

10. Best of luck for whatever you do next, [Name]!

11. Congratulations on your outstanding achievement .

12. Caps off to you!

13. Today’s the first day of forever.

14. Time to wave goodbye to college life , [Name]. You did it!

15. Con- grad -ulations!

16. Good luck in the future, [Name]!

17. The world doesn’t know what’s coming. Congrats on becoming a grad !

Funny Graduation Messages

If you know the new graduate well, you’ll know whether they want a thoughtful message or a joke to keep the feelings light. Make the new grad smile as they open up your card with one of these funny graduation wishes .

18. Congrats on collecting the fanciest piece of paper you’ll ever own.

19. You’ve got to admit, neither of us thought we’d see the day. Congrats !

20. You might have passed the tests, but that doesn’t mean you’re smart. But don’t worry: Your secret’s safe with me!

21. Kudos to you for FINALLY graduating!

22. No more late-night study sessions and lack of sleep ! Yay!

23. Now the real work starts. Welcome to the real world , [Name]!

24. Think you can swap your baseball cap for a grad cap long enough for the ceremony?

25. Now you’re just like the rest of us, [Name].

26. Forget all the hassle ; it’s time to wear the tassel !

27. Congrats on learning all the best ways to pass your classes.

28. Ready to swap ramen for learning how to cook?

29. Congrats on graduating! Enjoy the party — it’s the last fun time you’ll have. Welcome to the working world! 

Heartfelt and Inspiring Graduation Wishes

Round of Applause Card

A college or high school graduation is a big moment, and it’s the perfect time to highlight all that’s amazing about the new grad . We love these thoughtful message ideas for a close friend or family member — especially when paired with this golden congratulations card .

30. Congratulations on graduating from [College]! This is such a prestigious achievement, and I’m incredibly proud to watch it happen.

31. Reach for the sky, [Name]. You know you’ll make it. No matter what, you’ve always got us cheering you on.

32. I’m SO proud of you, [Name]. I knew you could do it.

33. There’s so much still to come. Go out there and enjoy life, make a difference, and be who you truly are.

34. Best wishes to the most talented new graduate out there. Whoever you end up working for will be the luckiest boss in the world.

35. [Name], you’ve always been a star. Now everyone here can appreciate it too.

36. I can’t believe the big day is finally here! Congratulations on becoming a graduate. I’m so excited to watch you take the next steps into the rest of your life.

37. Wishing you all the best with your future endeavors , [Name]. It’s been a joy to watch you blossom and grow.

38. I’m so excited to stand here and watch you graduate from [College]. I know it’s always been your dream.

Words of Wisdom for Your New Graduate

Blooming Congratulations Card

Whether your grad is going to continue their education or make their way into the world of work, it’s a great moment to share your wisdom and life lessons. Use one of these graduation wishes alongside this fun congrats card to help you put your thoughts into the right words .

39. Life is a journey. Where you end up doesn’t matter — enjoy the path that takes you there.

40. Your college graduation is a big moment. Live it, cherish it, and let those feelings of pride carry you through any challenges ahead.

41. Being an adult in the big wide world might sound scary, but it’s incredibly exciting. Time to learn who you are and discover your true talents and passions in life.

42. Leaving [school/college] can feel tough. You’ve made lots of memories, but there are many more enjoyable moments still to come.

43. Whether you loved your college days or hated them, you’re now free to take on the world. Know that you’re always growing, changing, and learning to be the best version of yourself. 

Graduation Messages if You’re Attending the Graduation Party

Class Year Announcement

Design: Laura Bolter Design

If you’ve received an invitation to the grad’s party (like this class year invite ), you don’t need to put all your thoughts into words now — you can toast them at the graduation party instead. Here are some fun ways to congratulate them now and let them know you’ll be there.

44. Congrats on graduating, [Name]! I can’t wait to dance the night away with you.

45. Time to toast [City]’s most amazing grad ! I’ll see you at the party on [date].

46. Tell your parents to expect plenty of noise. We’re here to whoop and shout and celebrate your college graduation !

47. Big things are ahead! Let’s talk about life and reminisce about those college days together before we head out on our summer travels.

48. It’s an honor to be invited to your graduation celebration, [Name]. I can’t wait to raise a glass to your achievements and your future.

49. It’s time to partaaayy! Congrats on graduating from [College] — so excited to sing karaoke and make big life plans together.

Graduation Messages From a Distance

Sometimes we can’t always make it to the party or watch the graduation happen. If you’re sending your wishes from afar, here are some messages to share just how proud you are — no matter the distance. Pair one of these with one of our online cards and schedule so your card arrives at the perfect moment for the grad -to-be.

50. What an incredible journey you’ve been on, [Name]. I’m so proud of you. I’m sorry I can’t make your graduation day but know that I’ll be raising a glass to you from here.

51. Your joy and love for life are felt all the way over here on the other side of the world. I’m so excited to see all the amazing things you’ll achieve from here on, [Name].

52. Happy graduation day from your favorite [relation] in [Location]!

53. We can’t be at your graduation ceremony in person, but we’ll tune into the livestream. Can’t wait to see you walk on stage in your cap and gown!

54. There may be distance between us, but know that I’d give you the biggest hug if I could. You’re a shining star, [Name].

55. Congratulations on becoming the [Surname] family’s newest grad ! Sending you all our love and best wishes from [Location].

Share Your Excitement With These Thoughtful Graduation Wishes

Let someone special know how proud you are with a thoughtful graduation quote or congratulations message . Whether they’re embarking on their next adventure in academia or backpacking around the world, these sweet graduation messages will put a smile on their face and make them feel loved.

For the ultimate way to say well done and good luck , match your graduation message to one of our congratulations cards . Every design can be customized, so you can change the layout, fonts, colors, and wording to make it feel uniquely “them.”

congratulations graduate essay

100 Best Graduation Wishes to Write in the New Grad's Card

Say "congratulations!" to the class of 2024 with these inspiring words.

preview for Best Commencement Advice for New Graduates

Graduations are one of the first big milestones in a person’s life. Depending on the school, this academic accomplishment can start as early as preschool, followed by elementary school, middle school, high school, and of course, college. No matter what grade the graduate in your life is completing, it’s a momentous occasion worthy of praise and celebration. How do you honor your shining scholar?

From funny quotes to encouraging sentiments , these congratulatory messages and well wishes will let your graduate know how happy and proud you are of them. Whether it’s your witty fifth grader moving up from elementary school or sentimental teenager graduating from high school — these inspiring, wise words will be well received.

Of course, you can use them verbatim or simply as inspiration to spark ideas to write your own personal message. In addition to being written inside of a card, they can also be shared as thoughtful texts or as uplifting Instagram captions . No matter how you share them, the lucky graduates of 2024 will know that you’re cheering them on as they embark upon their next exciting chapter.

Looking for graduation gift ideas? Check out these Good Housekeeping gift guides:

Best Preschool Graduation Gifts | Best Kindergarten Graduation Gifts | Best High School Graduation Gifts | Best College Graduation Gifts | Best Graduation Gifts for Her | Best Graduation Gifts for Him

Sweet Congratulatory Wishes

your ambition is so inspiring congrats graduation wish on a blue background

  • Congratulations, you make me so proud!
  • You did it! Congratulations on this outstanding accomplishment.
  • You’re destined for success. Nothing can stand in your way!
  • There was never a doubt that you wouldn’t become the super successful person you are today! Congrats!
  • Enjoy your special day because you’ve earned it! Congratulations.
  • Wishing you nothing but the best as you embark on this new journey.
  • Congrats! Keep making us proud. We know that you’re just getting started!
  • You continue to inspire us every day. Congratulations!
  • We wish you an abundance of health, wealth and
  • Congratulations! Your future shines brighter than the sun in August.
  • Caps off to you, graduate!
  • Congratulations! This is only just the beginning. You’re a star in the making!
  • Congratulations on your big day! Know without a doubt that you were made for great things.
  • Congratulations! We are so proud of you.
  • Congrats, you did it!
  • This calls for celebrating! Congratulations!
  • What an impressive achievement!
  • Wishing you all the best on your graduation day.
  • Good luck on your new beginnings!
  • Woo hoo! Good for you! Congrats!
  • Congratulations on your well-deserved success.
  • Your ambition is so inspiring! Congrats!
  • We knew you could do it! Congrats!
  • Congratulations! No one deserves this more.
  • Major snaps and claps on your graduation.
  • Your hard work definitely paid off. Congrats.
  • Here's to your next adventure. Make it be as awesome as you.
  • Congrats! May your future be as bright as your smile!
  • Sending you good vibes and positive energy for your post-graduation life.

Funny Graduation Messages

the tassel is worth the hassel graduation quote on a blue background

  • Now that you’ve graduated, what are you going to do with all those sticky notes now?
  • Now that you’ve graduated, does that mean all your partying days are behind you? We sure hope so!
  • It’s a miracle you reached this milestone after all the goofing off you did. Good job, sport!
  • I guess barely getting by pays off. Cheers to you!
  • Did you pay your teachers for your diploma? C’mon, you can tell me!
  • Congrats! Welcome to the real world. Trust me, it’s not what you think.
  • You were always good at surprises! Graduating is your best one yet.
  • Who did you hire to take all of your tests? They should be the ones walking across the stage. Oh well, I guess you paid extra to do the walking.
  • My deepest condolences on the end of your college life.
  • And the hard work starts .... now!
  • All that work for a piece of paper?
  • We’re just as shocked as you that this day has come.
  • Congrats! It's time to move out.
  • Sure, there’s no more pencils, no more books. But there’s also no more fun.
  • Congrats on getting through the easiest part of life.
  • I lost a bet. You graduated.
  • The tassel was worth the hassle! You did it!
  • Cap. Gown. It’s going down. Congrats!
  • I always knew you would barely graduate, well done!
  • Congratulations, have fun dressing up in a gown and silly hat!

Inspirational Graduation Messages

remember, if opportunity doesn't knock, build a door graduation saying on a blue background

  • This milestone is just a steppingstone for more successes to come!
  • Never stop believing in yourself. You’ve already proven that nothing can stand in your way when it comes to accomplishing your dreams.
  • Stay focused and you can achieve anything. You’re already a shining example. Congrats!
  • There’s nothing you can’t do if you put your mind to it. Hats off to you!
  • Success doesn't always come easy. Remember to always do your best no matter what.
  • You’re on your way to seek new vistas, dream new dreams, embark on who you are. Remember to embrace life with passion and keep reaching for the stars.
  • The road ahead will have its share of obstacles, but you’re incredibly ambitious and strong to overcome anything that comes your way.
  • Chasing a dream requires hard work, passion, and many sacrifices. We can’t wait to see you accomplish everything your heart desires.
  • Nothing can stop you now. Your next adventure awaits, and we’re excited to see where it leads you.
  • Today is only the first of many amazing moments and I know life has many more in store for you.
  • May your feet always take you where your heart wants to go.
  • Remember, if opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
  • Congratulations! Don’t think of this as an ending, but rather, an exciting beginning.

Offerings of Wisdom

graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey it is the beginning of a beautiful one graduation wish on blue background

  • There are no shortcuts to true success. Keep working hard and the rest will follow!
  • Life is full of surprises. Take them in stride and never lose sight of your goals.
  • Challenges and setbacks are a part of life. Learn how to manage your reactions to difficult situations and you’ll be unstoppable.
  • Be curious and bold as you forge through life, and you’ll never go wrong.
  • You’ll continue to soar as long as you stay true to yourself.
  • Never chase other people’s dreams. You’re unique and so are your aspirations.
  • Remain humble, work hard and it will pay off.
  • Never stop growing, exploring, learning, and challenging yourself.
  • School may be over, but life’s lessons are yet to be learned. Keep an open heart and mind. Happy graduation!
  • The journey of life brings both challenges and chances. May you snatch the chances and beat the challenges. Congratulations on graduating.
  • Graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey. It is the beginning of a beautiful one. Start each day believing in yourself and watch the magic happen.
  • Before you act, listen. Before you react, think. Before you criticize, wait. And, before you quit, try.
  • Be bold, be courageous, be your best.
  • Graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey. It is the beginning of a beautiful one.

Graduation Messages for Sons and Daughters

it seems like just yesterday you were just starting school and now, you’re receiving your diploma graduation wish on a blue background

  • I remember when you were finger painting, now you’re graduating! You’re all grown up now.
  • Cheers to all our late-night study sessions. Clearly, those all-nighters paid off!
  • Seeing you walk across the stage brings me to tears, but I couldn’t be happier. Congratulations.
  • Your big day is finally here. Relish your accomplishment and cherish the memories.
  • I can’t believe you’re ready for this next phase of life. I’m confident that you’re prepared to tackle whatever lies ahead.
  • I’ve watched you grow into a mature, responsible and confident young adult. You’re well on your way to achieving even greater success!
  • From when you were little to this very day, you continue giving us reasons to hold our heads up in pride. Congratulations on your achievement!
  • It seems like just yesterday you were just starting school and now, you’re receiving your diploma. It’s been a joy to watch you grow and achieve so much these past four years.
  • It's true what they say, time flies, but I'm glad we've created incredible memories together that I'll cherish forever. Congratulations, graduate!
  • I closed my eyes for but a moment and suddenly you stood where my baby used to be. I may not carry you now in my arms, but I will always carry you in my heart. Congratulations on this special achievement.
  • Know what makes your graduation extra special? It’s having watched you grow up, sharing amazing memories with you, and knowing all the challenges you’ve worked through to get to this day. You did it, kid.

Famous Quotes

graduation wish on blue background

  • “You will find true success and happiness if you have only one goal. There really is only one, and that is this: To fulfill the highest, most truthful expression of yourself as a human being.” — Oprah Winfrey
  • “Just go for it. Whatever it is, don’t be afraid to start it. Nothing is ever perfect, but it can’t be improved until it exists.” — Issa Rae
  • “Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in. And, when you stumble, keep faith. And, when you're knocked down, get right back up and never listen to anyone who says you can't or shouldn't go on.” — Hillary Clinton
  • “It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it.” — Nelson Mandela
  • “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” — Henry David Thoreau
  • “Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.” — Michael Josephson
  • “Now go, and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for you being here. Make good art.” — Neil Gaiman
  • “Go forth and set the world on fire.” — St. Ignatius Loyola
  • “There is no excuse to wait a day to do what you want to do and to change the way that you want to change." — Sophia Bush
  • "Fall forward. Every failed experiment is one step closer to success. You've got to take risks." — Denzel Washington
  • "You don't have a job? Get one. Any job! Don't sit at home waiting for the magical opportunity. Do something until you can do something else."— Shonda Rhimes
  • "Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead." — Nora Ephron

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101 Inspirational Graduation Wishes To Write in a Card

"Major snaps and claps on your graduation!" 👏

preview for 12 Inspirational Quotes for Graduates

With five amazing kids, The Pioneer Woman herself knows a thing or two about graduations. When Ree's eldest boy Bryce graduated high school in 2020, she got just a little emotional. "He was a little boy yesterday. This has snuck up on me, and I'm not ready. I mean, I am ready. But I'm not. But I am. But I'm not," Ree said. Excuse us while we look for some tissues. 🥺

Whether your grad is finishing high school like Bryce, middle school, or college , this once-in-a-lifetime milestone is deserving of so much celebration! Capture these emotions in a few wishes and notes of congratulations. Here, you'll find funny messages for the jokester, words of wisdom, and even some inspiring quotes from graduation speeches to help usher your special someone into their future.

Short and Sweet Graduation Messages

sweet graduation messages

  • All your hard work paid off. It’s time to celebrate!
  • Congrats! Your future shines brighter than the sun in July.
  • What an impressive achievement!
  • You've reached the finish line, now pause and catch your breath before embarking on the next journey. The upcoming chapter will be full of surprises!
  • Oh, the places you’ll go! Congrats on your graduation.
  • Major snaps and claps on your graduation!
  • As your biggest cheerleaders, we are so honored to be standing by you today and celebrating all your hard work!
  • Keep reaching for the stars!
  • The world doesn’t know what’s coming. Congrats on becoming a grad!
  • Cheers to the best four years! Congrats, grad!
  • Caps off to you, graduate!
  • We’re so honored to be here to watch you graduate with honors! Congrats!
  • You’re going to be a star! Congratulations!
  • Sending you good vibes and great energy for your post-graduation endeavors.
  • Be glad you're a grad! You did it!
  • Congrats on your well-earned degree! Never forget how impressive it is to have earned one.
  • You’re a class act! Way to go, grad.
  • High fives for graduating with high honors! We knew you could do it!
  • Your graduation calls for lots of celebration! Congrats!
  • My beautiful, unique, and hard-working graduate. You are full of so much potential and we are so proud.
  • Congratulations on your graduation! You did it! I know you'll go far in all your future endeavors.
  • Hats off to you for achieving this milestone! Your hard work and dedication sure as heck paid off.
  • A big congrats on your graduation day! You have accomplished so much and should be more than proud.
  • You have reached a great milestone in your life, so hold on to the moment! The world is yours for the taking.
  • Congratulations on graduating! Your hard work, determination, and perseverance have paid off.
  • Congratulations on your well-deserved success. Remember this achievement any time you face doubts in the future.
  • Y'all did it! Congratulations on graduating and making it to the next chapter in your lives. Now, go out there and take the world by storm!
  • Congratulations on graduating and for all your achievements. The world needs your unique skills and talents, go forth and make a difference!
  • Your graduation is a testament to your hard work and dedication. Congratulations to the hardest-working person I know!
  • Can you believe it? You've made it to the end of this chapter and the beginning of something new. Congratulations and best wishes for all the exciting things yet to come.
  • As a graduate, you're like a well-seasoned cast iron skillet: strong, resilient, and ready for whatever comes your way.

Inspirational Graduation Messages

graduation wishes to write in a card

  • Hard work yields great results. We couldn’t be more proud!
  • Rarely will you invest as much effort into a single achievement as you have over the past few years. Now, it's time to revel in your success!
  • Remember, if opportunity doesn't knock, build a door.
  • Graduation is not the end of learning; it's the beginning of a lifelong pursuit of knowledge and wisdom. May you continue to explore, innovate, and strive for greatness. Congrats!
  • May your future be adorned with delightful coincidences, invaluable setbacks, and boundless achievements.
  • Let this accomplishment be your reminder to shoot for the stars because the sky is the limit!
  • Congratulations on graduating! Remember, the road to success may be long and winding, but with persistence and hard work, you'll reach your destination.
  • This milestone is simply a stepping stone for more successes to come!
  • As you embark on this new chapter of your life, remember that every challenge is an opportunity in disguise. Keep striving for greatness!
  • Today, you stand at the threshold of endless possibilities. Embrace the journey ahead with optimism and a sense of adventure. The world is yours to explore!
  • May your feet always take you where your heart wants to go.
  • Today is just the start of all the wonderful things that life has in store for you.
  • Take pride in how far you've come. Have faith in how far you can go.
  • The only way to climb a mountain is one step at a time. Congratulations on reaching the summit!
  • A comfort zone is a lovely place, but nothing ever grows there. Here’s to trying new things!
  • Never be afraid to carve out your own path. You have all the tools you need.
  • Chasing a dream requires passion and hard work. Congratulations on graduating and continue to strive!
  • Behind you, all your memories. Ahead of you, all your dreams. Within you, all you need. Wishing you the best graduation.
  • The next chapter gets really good. Congrats, grad!
  • She believed she could so she did! May you continue to move mountains.
  • To the grad who deserves it all: adventure awaits.
  • May your hat fly as high as your dreams!
  • To our wonderful graduate: go confidently toward your dreams, live the life you have imagined, and keep making us proud.
  • Always remember that there's no reason to worry because you get the job done.
  • Make a difference. Live the dream. Relish the adventure. Make your mark. Happy graduation
  • You always got high marks, now it's time to make your mark!

Funny Graduation Messages

graduation wishes to write in a card

  • My deepest condolences on the end of your college life.
  • Did you ever think this day would come? Neither did we!
  • All that work for a piece of paper?
  • How does it feel to be only one degree wiser?
  • Isn’t it amazing how far people can go with Google and Wikipedia around to help?
  • Congratulations on getting through the easiest part of life!
  • Good looks, brains, heart, and now a diploma, too? Stop making me look bad! 😂
  • I always knew you were a smart aleck, now you have a degree to show it!
  • You may have brains, but don't trip on your way onto the stage!
  • This is the last time you can sleep in till 2 p.m., so catch those Z's while you can!
  • Why didn't you tell me you were so smart?
  • Despite losing my bet with your grandpa, congrats on your graduation.
  • Here's to the end of eating ramen noodles and takeout.
  • As you graduate don't forget to thank those who helped you get here: Google, Command C, and Command P.
  • Congratulations! After the last four years, I can officially add "copy editor" to my resume.

Words of Wisdom

graduation wishes to write in a card

  • Stay humble, work hard and it will pay off.
  • As you exit this period of hard work, remember to take the time to relax! The worries of tomorrow can wait.
  • Don't forget the connections you have made here, because your cohort will be the shakers and movers of the future.
  • Be proud of this moment, and know you deserve all the successes you work toward.
  • Failure is inevitable in life, but the greatest successes come from making mistakes.
  • You probably had a mentor in your life that you are forever grateful for. And while you'll continue to have mentors, now is the time you begin to pay it forward. Give back to the community and mentor someone.
  • Going forward, understand that all paths are different. Always remember that you are exactly where you are supposed to be.
  • Find comfort in being uncomfortable. Take the opportunities presented to you even if they're scary; you have to leave your comfort zone to grow as an individual.
  • Imposter syndrome is real, but know you deserve to be here.
  • You can only take credit for the accomplishments you earn.

Sentimental Sayings

graduation wishes to write in a card

  • Go into the world and do well, but more importantly, go into the world and do good.
  • Do all the ambitious and important things in life, but as you do, err in the direction of kindness.
  • There is nothing more beautiful than finding your course in life.
  • You can never cross the ocean until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
  • You will never know what you're capable of unless you try.
  • There will be growing pains, letdowns, and setbacks. Don't hold to anger, hurt, or pain. They steal your energy.
  • The greatest gift you can give someone is believing in them. And you have a whole team of people who believe in you.
  • When it comes to career decisions, close your eyes, take your time, and listen. What does your heart say?
  • Live each day as if your life had just begun.
  • Close some doors today. Not because of pride, incapacity, or arrogance, but simply because they lead you nowhere. Now, look forward.

Inspiring Graduation Quotes

graduation wishes to write in a card

  • "It is in your hands to create a better world for all who live in it.” —Nelson Mandela
  • "Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead." —Nora Ephron
  • "Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never years, and never regrets." —Leonardo da Vinci
  • "Buckle up, you have good times and rough seas ahead. It is just part of life, but enjoy the ride and laugh a lot."—Ree Drummond
  • "The old rules are crumbling and nobody knows what the new rules are. So make up your own rules." —Neil Gaiman
  • "That clock you hear is the sound of your own heart. Sink your teeth into this life, and don't get let go." —Lin-Manuel Miranda
  • "Don't be afraid. Be focused. Be determined. Be hopeful. Be empowered." —Michelle Obama
  • "It is better to be a failure at something you love than to be a success at something you hate." —George Burns
  • "Your inexperience is an asset in that it will make you think in original, unconventional ways. Accept your lack of knowledge and use it as your asset." —Natalie Portman

Headshot of Micaela Bahn

Micaela Bahn is a freelance editorial assistant and recent graduate from Carleton College, where she majored in English literature. She loves running, photography, and cooking the best new recipes.

Nitya Rao is the editorial assistant at The Pioneer Woman, covering stories ranging from food, fashion, beauty, lifestyle, news, and more.

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100+ Inspiring Messages for a Graduation Card — Here's What to Write

We're getting creative for the 2024 grads!

preview for 12 Inspirational Quotes for Graduates

Get ready to throw your grad cap in the air and toss your tassel to the side — graduation season is right around the corner, marking one of the most monumental milestones in a person’s life. Spread some love to the graduate in your life or your fellow classmates with the perfect graduation wishes that’ll make them feel extra special.

There are so many circumstances that call for well-wishes and cards, including moving-up ceremonies that occur in preschool or junior high. But of course, most people think of the full pomp and circumstance that is associated with the commencement from high school or college. No matter what stage or grade, the act of graduation is an accomplishment that deserves recognition and encouragement.

It can be hard to put into words *just* how proud you are of a friend or relative who has achieved such a high honor — but we've curated a list of graduation wishes that are so good, that you'll think about heading back to school just so you can receive these kind words in a card. Here are our best wishes, phrases, and graduation card messages:

🎓 Short Graduation Messages

graduate look up in thought

  • Be proud of this moment, and know you deserve all the successes you work toward.
  • There is nothing more beautiful than finding your course in life.
  • You did the damn thing, grad! So proud.
  • You’re going to be a star! Congratulations.
  • I'm proud of your achievements, but even more proud of the person you've become.
  • I just know life has even more wonderful things in store for you.
  • Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventure!
  • Sending warm congratulations today and wishing you all the best at [insert school name in the fall.
  • With love and pride today and always.
  • Congratulations today and best wishes for all your tomorrows.
  • You deserve to see your dreams come true. Congrats!
  • Congratulations on your well-deserved success.
  • Congratulations!
  • ConGRADulations!
  • You did it — congrats!
  • Caps off to you, graduate!
  • What a proud day! We just couldn’t be happier for you.
  • Happy Graduation Day!
  • Prayers and blessings on your graduation and for your future.
  • Warmest congratulations on your graduation.
  • Best wishes for your next adventure!
  • Great results come from hard work — well done!
  • Be glad you're a grad!
  • The tassel was worth the hassle!
  • Keep reaching for the stars!
  • Best of luck with your new beginnings.
  • This calls for a celebration!
  • Many dream, some try, but only a few achieve. You have achieved!
  • Best of luck!
  • This is only the beginning.
  • Take pictures. Take your time celebrating. Take it easy for a while. Then get ready to take on the world!
  • May you always dare to do great things with your life.
  • I'm so proud of you!
  • May all your dreams come true, graduate.
  • You're a star, graduate — keep shining!

🎓 Funny Graduation Messages

cropped portrait of two attractive young female students celebrating on graduation day

  • Did you pay your teachers for your diploma? C’mon, you can tell me!
  • Now that you’ve graduated, what are you going to do with all those sticky notes now?
  • You may have brains, but don't trip on your way onto the stage!
  • Congrats! You're like a fresh batch of cookies just out of the oven: hot, fresh, and ready to take on the world!
  • I guess barely getting by pays off. Cheers to you!
  • My hope for you is that your awesome memories of college last longer than your student loans.
  • As you graduate don’t forget to thank those who helped you get here: Google, Command F, and copy and paste.
  • Congrats on filling a minimum job requirement
  • Hard work: check! Diploma: check! Make some money: more checks!
  • Did you ever think this day would come? Neither did we!
  • Congratulations on your graduation. Education is the key to unlocking your potential. The diploma helps a wee bit also.
  • I lost a bet. You graduated
  • What a fancy piece of paper you’ve got there.
  • I hate to break it to you, but that was the easiest part of your adult life.
  • This definitely won’t be the last time I get to brag about you.
  • First I get to see you walk across the stage. Then there’s a party? Awesome!
  • Good looks, brains, heart, and now a diploma too? You’ve really got it all!
  • My deepest condolences on the end of your college life.
  • All that hard work for a piece of paper? Congratulations on getting your piece of paper.
  • Happy graduation. Now welcome to the real world!
  • Here’s to the end of eating Top Ramen for the last four years. Kudos!
  • Isn’t it amazing how far people can go now that Google and Wikipedia are around to help?
  • How does it feel to be only one degree wiser?
  • Now that you’ve graduated, maybe you’re smart enough to figure out how to pay back your student loans.
  • Why did the graduate cross the stage? To move back in with their parents.

🎓 Heartfelt Graduation Wishes

graduates tossing caps into the air

  • Take the time to relax. Celebrate your accomplishments. Stressing about your future can wait.
  • Go into the world and do well, but more importantly, go into the world and do good.
  • Can you believe it? You've made it to the end of this chapter and the beginning of something new. Congratulations and best wishes for all the exciting things yet to come.
  • It’s my great privilege to know you, to think about all you’ve achieved, and to be with you on your graduation day.
  • It seems like just yesterday you were just a kid starting high school. Now, you’re a confident young man/woman about to receive your diploma. It’s been my joy to watch you grow and achieve so much these past four years.
  • Now that you’ve graduated follow your heart and embrace what dreams are important to you. Cherish them. Own them. And pursue them with all of your might.
  • Be proud of this moment — you deserve it for all the effort and dedication you invested. Congratulations.
  • May you always find yourself as happy and full of dreams as you are today! Congratulations.
  • The future holds no promises, but rather mysteries and surprises. What you’ve learned will prepare you for both. Congratulations and all the best for the future.
  • Keep on growing. Keep adding to the goodness and beauty in the world. Keep developing those unique dreams and talents that make you who you are!
  • Always remember: There’s no limit to what you can do if you keep believing in yourself.
  • So happy we could be here to watch you graduate with honors. It’s an honor to share in such an important day.
  • If you’re wondering how the last four years went so fast, you should see how quickly the rest of life flies by. Enjoy this moment because you won’t get it back. Congratulations.
  • It took a lot of hard work to reach this goal. You had to show up every day, whether you felt like it or not. I hope you feel great about what you’ve accomplished, and I hope you’ll continue to be a person who shows up day in and day out for those things that are worthwhile and important in life.
  • Sending warm thoughts and big congratulations to a graduate we’re so very proud of.
  • I’m sure today will be only the first of many proud, successful moments for you.
  • Today is just the start of all the wonderful things that life has in store for you.
  • Graduation isn’t the end of a tough journey. It is the beginning of a beautiful one. Start each day believing in yourself and watch the magic happen.
  • School may be over, but life's lessons are still to be learned. Keep an open heart and mind.
  • Always allow your challenges to build your character, and your accomplishments to make you proud. This is such an important moment!
  • You did it! Your journey is only just beginning. It’s time to use your brilliant mind to pave your path to success.
  • You have always been the captain of your own ship. On this exciting day, feel proud that you’ve steered it toward victory.
  • May you take every chance that comes your way with boldness and excitement! Enjoy what the future has to offer; you’ve earned it.
  • There is no such thing as an easy path. Every path presents challenges; what matters is how you deal with them. You have proven that your strength and character are built for success.
  • On this day, you have made everyone in your life proud of your achievement and all the effort it took to get here. It’s time to celebrate your success!
  • May all the warm memories of your school years accompany you on your journey to success; there are many more to come!
  • Now that you’re a graduate, it’s time to be courageous. Life is full of lessons that will challenge you all along the way.

🎓 Graduation Messages for Friends

friends smile after graduation

  • Congrats on graduating! I’m beyond proud to be friends with someone so smart.
  • Know what makes your graduation extra special? It’s having grown up together, having so many good memories, and knowing all the challenges you’ve worked through to get to this day. I’m so proud of you.
  • It’s a beautiful thing, watching the friend I've always loved grow up and get one step closer to her dreams. Congrats, with all my love.
  • You’ve come a long way since you were that frightened little [boy /girl] on our first day of kindergarten. I'm so proud of you.
  • Your brilliance has been made unmistakably clear through your many achievements. I am so proud to call you my friend.
  • You are strong, intelligent, bold, and kind. Your rock-solid character will carry you to new heights in the future, and I’ll always be there by your side on the journey!
  • Your perseverance never went unnoticed. You are an inspiration and example to me and everyone else alike.
  • Every giggle, every tear, every joke, and every secret we’ve shared has warmed my heart and lifted my spirit. What a journey!
  • I am so proud of your journey so far, and so excited for your future! May we face it together with laughter and joy.
  • My dear friend, you can achieve anything you want in life. Believe in yourself the same way we believe in you.

🎓Graduation Messages for When You Can't Be There

graduation students photographing each other

  • The only thing that would have made this day more perfect is if we could have celebrated it together. (But in my heart, I'm by your side)
  • It would have meant the world to me to share this day with you. But just know I am celebrating your huge success across the miles. Congratulations!
  • You are still celebrated for this amazing accomplishment, even if it's from home.
  • I wish I could be at your graduation to hug you and tell you in person how proud I am of you.
  • I feel a shout coming on! You can probably hear me from all the way over here. Congrats, Grad!
  • I'm disappointed that I won’t be there to watch you walk across the stage and get your diploma, but we will celebrate your success as soon as we can!
  • Looking forward to getting together soon to celebrate your achievement!
  • I wish I could see you in your cap and gown but know that I am so very proud of you.
  • Sharing our pride and love from afar.
  • Sending our joy and happiness through the mail. Congrats graduate!
  • I would have popped confetti in person, but this will have to do!
  • Save a slice of the celebratory cake for me! So proud of you.
  • There beside you emotionally, but not physically. Congratulations on graduating!
  • *Redeem this card for a free celebratory dinner when we see each other again*
  • Broke out the stamps for you — this achievement just couldn't go unnoticed!

🎓 Inspirational Graduation Quotes

us education music swift

  • "Whatever you choose for a career path, remember the struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose." — Chadwick Boseman
  • "My dear terrified graduates, you are about to enter the most uncertain and thrilling period of your lives." — Lin-Manuel Miranda
  • "The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why." —Mark Twain
  • "Your inexperience is an asset in that it will make you think in original, unconventional ways. Accept your lack of knowledge and use it as your asset." —Natalie Portman
  • “Hard things will happen to us. We will recover, we will learn from it, we will grow more resilient because of it. And as long as we are fortunate enough to be breathing, we will breathe in, breathe through, breathe deep, and breathe out. And I am a doctor now, so I know how breathing works.” — Taylor Swift
  • "It is absolutely still possible to make a difference." — Michelle Obama
  • "There are far, far better things ahead than any we leave behind." — C.S. Lewis
  • "Learning is the only thing the mind never exhausts, never years, and never regrets." — Leonardo da Vinci
  • "Education is the passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today." — Malcolm X
  • "All of our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them." — Walt Disney
  • "Wherever you go, go with all your heart." — Confucius
  • "Go forth and set the world on fire." — St. Ignatius Loyola

Headshot of Abby Dupes

Abby is an editorial assistant at Seventeen, covering pop culture, beauty, life, and health. When she's not busy watching the latest true crime docuseries, you can find her strolling through Sephora, thrifting the perfect dress, or jogging with her pup. 

Headshot of Briannah Rivera

Bri is the editorial and social media assistant at Before joining the team at ELLE, she worked as the editorial assistant for and where she covered all things celebrity news and pop culture. You can probably find her sipping an oatmilk iced chai while searching for the best new makeup products or thrifting her entire wardrobe.

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110 graduation quotes to send off the class of 2024 in style

Throwing a cap into the clouds after graduating from university.

Graduations are among life's biggest accomplishments. They speak to hard work , dedication and success.

For the graduate, it's a day well-earned. For friends and loved ones, it's a time to let someone special know that their achievement is recognized and celebrated.

Whether it be a kindergarten , high school or college graduation, honor the grad in your life this year with a thoughtful gift, greeting card or one of these inspirational graduation quotes.

In recognition of commencements of every kind, we’ve gathered a list of the best graduation quotes to post on Instagram , send via text or jot down in a heartfelt note.

To help you find exactly the right words, we've put together a comprehensive collection of sayings from notable figures including Eleanor Roosevelt, Maya Angelou , Mahatma Gandhi, Helen Keller and other luminaries.

You'll find short quotes, funny quotes from the likes of Steve Martin, Tina Fey and Robin Williams, and time-honored quotes from the treasured Dr. Seuss book “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”

Whatever message you’re searching for to celebrate someone special, you’re sure to find it in the compilation below.

So, without any further pomp and circumstance, here are the best graduation quotes to help you say "hat's off" to the class of 2024.

Best graduation quotes

Graduation Quotes

  • “A bright future beckons. The onus is on us, through hard work, honesty and integrity, to reach for the stars.” — Nelson Mandela
  • “Your talent determines what you can do. Your motivation determines how much you are willing to do. Your attitude determines how well you do it.” — Lou Holtz
  • “Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you’ll land among the stars.” — Norman Vincent Peale
  • “Life loves to be taken by the lapel and be told, ‘I am with you kid. Let’s go!’” Maya Angelou

Graduation Quotes

  • “Set your course by the stars, not by the lights of every passing ship.” ― Omar N. Bradley
  • “I never dreamed about success. I worked for it.” — Estée Lauder
  • “You change the world by being yourself.” — Yoko Ono
  • “Keep your eyes on the stars, and your feet on the ground.” — Theodore Roosevelt
  • “You get whatever accomplishment you are willing to declare.” ― Georgia O’Keeffe

Graduation Quotes

  • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “What lies behind you and what lies in front of you, pales in comparison to what lies inside of you.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “Let us make our future now, and let us make our dreams tomorrow’s reality.” — Malala Yousafzai
  • "Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever." — Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Success is getting what you want, happiness is wanting what you get.” ― W.P. Kinsella

Graduation Quotes

  • “It is not where you start but how high you aim that matters for success.” — Nelson Mandela
  • "The love of learning, the sequestered nooks, And all the sweet serenity of books." ― Henry Wadsworth Longfellow
  • “Am I good enough? Yes, I am.” ― Michelle Obama, “Becoming”
  • “The only impossible journey is the one you never begin.” — Tony Robbins
  • “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” — Helen Keller

Graduation Quotes

  • “When you have a dream, you’ve got to grab it and never let go.” — Carol Burnett
  • “Nothing is impossible, the word itself says ‘I’m possible!’” ― Audrey Hepburn
  • "I scorched the earth with my talent and I let my light shine.” — André Leon Talley
  • “There are no secrets to success. It is the result of preparation, hard work and learning from failure.” — Colin Powell
  • “I took a deep breath and listened to the old brag of my heart: I am, I am, I am.” — Sylvia Plath, “The Bell Jar”

Graduation Quotes

  • “Be the best of whatever you are.” — Martin Luther King, Jr.
  • “Forever is composed of nows.” — Emily Dickinson
  • “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” — Steve Jobs
  • “To exist is to change, to change is to mature, to mature is to go on creating oneself endlessly.” ― Henri Bergson
  • “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one. I hope someday you’ll join us. And the world will live as one.” ― John Lennon, "Imagine"

Graduation Quotes

  • “A #2 pencil and a dream can take you anywhere.” — Joyce Meyer
  • “Passion first and everything will fall into place.” — Holly Holm
  • “You’re off to great places. Today is your day! Your mountain is waiting. So ... get on your way.” — Dr. Seuss, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”
  • “The beginning is always today.” — Mary Shelley
  • “You don’t become what you want, you become what you believe.” — Oprah Winfrey
  • “You are braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think.” — A.A. Milne, “Winnie the Pooh”

Short graduation quotes

Graduation Quotes

  • “Celebrate endings — for they precede new beginnings.” — Jonathan Lockwood Huie
  • “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” — Mahatma Gandhi
  • “The harder the battle, the sweeter the victory.” — Les Brown
  • “A star is a rock that never gave up on its dream to rise.” ― Matshona Dhliwayo
  • “Success is loving life and daring to live it.” ― Maya Angelou

Graduation Quotes

  • “Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” — Nora Ephron
  • “Through discipline comes freedom.” — Aristotle
  • “Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out.” ― Robert Collier
  • “What could we accomplish if we knew we could not fail?” — Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “Don’t be afraid to give up the good to go for the great.” ― John D. Rockefeller

Graduation Quotes

  • “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says, ‘I’m possible!’” — Audrey Hepburn
  • “Be so good they can’t ignore you.” — Steve Martin
  • “Life begins at the end of your comfort zone.” — Neale Donald Walsch
  • “I have never let my schooling interfere with my education.” — Mark Twain
  • “It always seems impossible until it’s done.” — Nelson Mandela

Graduation Quotes

  • “Success is not the absence of failure; it’s the persistence through failure.” — Aisha Tyler
  • “Accept no one’s definition of your life. Define yourself.” ― Harvey Fierstein
  • “Today’s accomplishments were yesterday’s impossibilities.” — Robert H. Schuller
  • “Live as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.” ― Mahatma Gandhi
  • “Your education has prepared you for what lies ahead.” — Conan O’Brien, 2020 Harvard commencement

Graduation Quotes

  • “What we learn with pleasure we never forget.” — Alfred Mercier
  • “The only way to discover the limits of the possible is to go beyond them into the impossible.” — Arthur C. Clarke
  • “It’s supposed to be hard. If it wasn’t hard, everyone would do it. The hard is what makes it great.” — Jimmy Dugan, “A League of Their Own”
  • “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” — Lao Tzu

Graduation Quotes

  • “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” ― Theodore Roosevelt
  • “Persistence is the most powerful force on earth, it can move mountains.” — Albert Einstein
  • “Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement; nothing can be done without hope and confidence.” — Helen Keller

Funny graduation quotes

  • “Education is what remains after one has forgotten what one has learned in school.” — Albert Einstein
  • “Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” — Ferris Bueller, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”
  • “I look to the future because that is where I’m going to spend the rest of my life.” — George Burns
  • “Try not to have a good time ... This is supposed to be educational.” — Lucy Van Pelt, “Peanuts”

Graduation Quotes

  • “People don’t turn down money. It’s what separates us from the animals.” — Jerry Seinfeld
  • “When all else fails, there’s always delusion.” — Conan O’Brien
  • “Summer vacation does kind of set up an adulthood of disappointment. That first job, you’re like, ‘I have to go to work in July? What is this, Russia?’”— Jim Gaffigan, “Cinco”
  • “Adults are always asking little kids what they want to be when they grow up because they’re looking for ideas.”  —Paula Poundstone
  • “A mind is like a parachute. It doesn’t work if it is not open.” — Frank Zappa

Graduation Quotes

  • “Do not take life too seriously — you will never get out of it alive.” — Elbert Hubbard
  • “You’re only given a little spark of madness, you mustn’t lose it.” — Robin Williams
  • “You can’t be that kid standing at the top of the water slide overthinking it. You have to go down the chute.”   — Tina Fey
  • “All my life, I always wanted to be somebody. Now I see that I should have been more specific.” — Jane Wagner
  • “If at first you don’t succeed, then skydiving definitely isn’t for you.” — Steven Wright
  • “Never follow anyone else’s path. Unless you’re in the woods and you’re lost and you see a path; then, by all means, you should follow that path.” — Ellen Degeneres
  • “You’re still here? It’s over. Go home. Go.” — Ferris Bueller, “Ferris Bueller’s Day Off”

Graduation Quotes

Inspirational graduation quotes

  • “All dreams are within reach. All you have to do is keep moving towards them.” — Viola Davis
  • “That’s a great motto for all of us — find somebody to be successful for. Raise their hopes. Rise to their needs.” — Barack Obama, Arizona State University commencement speech 2009
  • “Look back on the journey that brought you here. What moments challenged you most? When were you asked to step outside of your familiar territory in order to rise to the occasion of your potential? I want you to remember those moments because they will embolden you.” — Kerry Washington, George Washington University commencement speech 2013

Graduation Quotes

  • “Just because you don’t know what you want yet, it doesn’t mean that there’s nothing to want.” — Emily Henry, “The Love That Split the Wind”
  • “You educate a man; you educate a man. You educate a woman; you educate a generation.” — Brigham Young
  • “You’ll be on your way up! You’ll be seeing great sights! You’ll join the high fliers who soar to high heights.” — Dr. Seuss, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”
  • “Make a career of humanity. Commit yourself to the noble struggle for equal rights. You will make a better person of yourself, a greater nation of your country, and a finer world to live in.” — Martin Luther King, March for Integrated Schools
  •  “Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” — Dr. Seuss, “Happy Birthday to You!”

Graduation Quotes

  • “You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. And YOU are the one who’ll decide where to go...” — Dr. Seuss, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”
  • “A great accomplishment shouldn’t be the end of the road, just the starting point for the next leap forward.” — Harvey Mackay
  • “If one advances confidently in the direction of his dreams, and endeavors to live the life which he has imagined, he will meet with a success unexpected in common hours.” — Henry David Thoreau, “Walden”
  • “It is you, the young and fearless at heart, the most diverse and educated generation in our history, who the nation is waiting to follow.” — Barack Obama, Selma Anniversary speech 2015

Graduation Quotes

  • “It’s opener, out there, in the wide, open air.” ― Dr. Seuss, "Oh, the Places You’ll Go!"
  • “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” ― Dr. Seuss
  • “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” — Malcolm X
  • “Congratulations! Today is your day. You’re off to Great Places! You’re off and away!” ― Dr. Seuss, “Oh, the Places You’ll Go!”
  • “It is our failure to become of perceived ideal that ultimately defines us and makes us unique.” — Conan O’Brien, 2011 Dartmouth College commencement address

Graduation Quotes

  • “Ambition is the path to success. Persistence is the vehicle you arrive in.” — Bill Bradley
  • “There are two types of people who will tell you that you cannot make a difference in this world: those who are afraid to try and those who are afraid you will succeed.” — Ray Goforth
  • “All our dreams can come true if we have the courage to pursue them.” — Walt Disney
  • “Becoming isn’t about arriving somewhere or achieving a certain aim. I see it instead as forward motion, a means of evolving, a way to reach continuously toward a better self. The journey doesn’t end.” — Michelle Obama, “Becoming”
  • “I am a firm believer that you don’t achieve greatness on your own. There is always someone there to lend a hand.” — Greg Louganis

Graduation Quotes

Graduation quotes inspired by song lyrics

  • “Tonight / We are young /So, let’s set the world on fire / We can burn brighter than the sun.” — Fun, “We Are Young”
  • “I’ll spread my wings and I’ll learn how to fly / I’ll do what it takes ‘til I touch the sky / And I’ll make a wish, take a chance, make a change and breakaway.” — Kelly Clarkson, “Breakaway”
  • “And I’ll be gone, gone tonight / The ground beneath my feet is open wide.” — One Direction, “Story of My Life’

Graduation Quotes

  • “You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine / Just own the night, like the Fourth of July.” — Katy Perry, “Firework”
  • “It’s something unpredictable, but in the end, it’s right / I hope you had the time of your life.” — Green Day, “Good Riddance (Time of Your Life)”
  • “Ain’t about how fast I get there / Ain’t about what’s waiting on the other side / It’s the climb.” — Miley Cyrus, “The Climb”
  • “I am unwritten / Can’t read my mind / I’m undefined / I’m just beginning / The pen’s in my hand / Ending unplanned.” —Natasha Bedingfield, “Unwritten”

Graduation Quotes

  • “As we go on, we remember / All the times we had together / And as our lives change / Come whatever / We will still be friends forever.” — Vitamin C, “Graduation (Friends Forever)
  • “I hope you never fear those mountains in the distance / Never settle for the path of least resistance.” — Lee Ann Womack, “I Hope You Dance”
  • “School’s out for summer / School’s out forever.” — Alice Cooper, “School’s Out”

Graduation Quotes

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112 Best Graduation Wishes and Inspiring Messages to Write in Their Card

Celebrate the class of 2024 with these sentimental quotes and heartfelt congratulatory sentiments.

preview for 12 Inspirational Quotes for Graduates

Among our list of sayings, we have funny graduation messages , inspirational graduation quotes , and classic congratulatory wishes to send the graduate your best regards and to say "Happy Graduation!" in a unique way.

Because graduation season can be a hectic time of year, we recommend bookmarking this page to reference any time you receive a graduation invite in the mail. And if you’re on the hunt for graduation presents as well, we’ve got that too! We have cheap graduation gifts for those buying in bulk, law school graduation gifts for the soon-to-be attorney, medical school graduation gifts for the new doctor in your life, and many more.

So join the new grad in honoring this momentous achievement, and don’t forget to share a heartfelt “I’m proud of you” as you celebrate.

Short Graduation Wishes

what to write in a graduation card congratulation wishes for graduation

  • This is only the beginning. Congratulations!
  • You did it! Congratulations.
  • Caps off to you, graduate. Feel proud of your academic achievement!
  • Your future is beyond bright. Congratulations on a job well done!
  • After years of hard work and sacrifice, it’s finally paid off. Congratulations!
  • Warmest congratulations on your academic milestone!
  • I’m so proud of you! Congratulations on this exceptional accomplishment.
  • It’s time to celebrate, and relish this momentous occasion! Congratulations on charting your path to the future.
  • Best wishes on this spectacular day of achievement! Congratulations, graduate.
  • Congratulations on your well-deserved success!
  • I’m proud of you for always hitting the books and staying the course. A new adventure awaits. Congratulations!
  • The world is yours!
  • The sky's the limit!
  • Congratulations on your graduation, and best wishes for your journey ahead.
  • Congratulations on your well-deserved accomplishment.
  • Sincerest congratulations on your graduation.
  • I wish you all the best: Your future is very bright. Warmest congratulations on your graduation.
  • Thank you for inviting me to share in celebrating this much-deserved accomplishment. Congratulations, graduate!
  • Warmest congratulations, and best of luck in your future pursuits.

Funny Graduation Messages

graduation wishes funny graduation messages

  • Congrats on collecting the fanciest piece of paper you’ll ever own.
  • When they hand you your diploma, keep walking, just in case they try to take it back.
  • My hope for you is that your impactful memories of college last longer than your student loans.
  • We both accomplished something today. You: a diploma. Me: not falling asleep during the ceremony.
  • Don’t forget to thank those who were really there for you … Starbucks, Google, and ChatGPT.
  • Congrats on filling a minimum job requirement!
  • Kudos to you for FINALLY graduating!
  • I guess Cs really do get degrees. Congrats, grad!
  • Congrats on your degree and newly formed caffeine addiction.
  • Congratulations! Now you can finally start getting paid to work, rather than paying to do it!
  • You did it... now let's party!
  • Now that you have the degree, you can start paying the bills! Congratulations, grad!

Inspirational Graduation Wishes

what to write in a graduation card notes of encouragement for graduation

  • Today is just one of life's many sweet victories. Be sure to stop, and savor this incredible moment!
  • Make a difference. Live the dream. Relish the adventure. Make your mark. Happy graduation.
  • Graduation is not the end — it’s the beginning of a lifelong journey of learning. I can’t wait to watch you excel.
  • Never be afraid to follow your dreams. Remember, you’re the only person who can fulfill them. You’ve got this!
  • Now is your time! You’re unstoppable. I want you to enjoy, and celebrate this outstanding accomplishment.
  • Never let a setback take you off track. Stay focused, and continue to chase your dreams!
  • Chasing a dream requires passion and hard work. Congratulations on graduating and your continuous strive!
  • Your dedication and hard work have paid off. We're excited to see you soar!
  • You’re on your way to greatness; witnessing your success is a joy and privilege. We will always root for you.
  • Keep going, no matter what obstacles may get in your way. We know you’re fearless and can overcome any challenges. Congratulations on getting this far in your quest for knowledge.
  • Today, as you receive your diploma, remember all that you’ve accomplished. The best is yet to come! Keep striving for success, and you will have all your heart’s desires.
  • There is no challenge you can't conquer. Sincerest congratulations on this incredible achievement.
  • I have no doubt you will meet all of life's challenges with aplomb. Congratulations on your enormous accomplishment!

Wise Graduation Card Messages

what to write in a graduation card offerings of wisdom for graduation

  • As you make your way in the world, never lose sight of the things that matter most. Congratulations!
  • Be bold, be fearless, and watch your best self blossom while you accomplish your dreams.
  • Always maintain a positive attitude, and never stop believing in yourself. Confidence goes a long way. Kudos to you!
  • When it seems like others are outperforming you on the path to success, keep in mind that everyone blossoms at their own pace. Stay focused. Congratulations!
  • There will be times when the road seems bumpy, but never give up. Stay the course, and the destination will be even sweeter. I know you can do it!
  • School may be over, but never stop asking questions. Questions are the keys to unlocking endless opportunities.
  • Start each day believing in your dreams. Know without a doubt that you were made for great things.
  • No one will believe in you if you don’t believe in yourself. Stay encouraged, and always remember your worth.
  • Continue to set the bar high, and attempt to exceed expectations. Happy graduation!
  • Today will soon be a memory, so be present, and relish every second of it. Caps off to you, graduate!

Graduation Wishes for Family Members

what to write in a graduation card graduation wishes for a family member

  • I'm always in your corner, but today, the stage is all yours. You did it!
  • Education is the key which unlocks all your potential. It takes courage to grow up and become who you really are. We know the degree you’ve worked so hard for will help you thrive in the field you’ve chosen. We love you so much, congratulations.
  • I've been behind you all the way, and I always will be. Congrats, graduate!
  • Duties and responsibilities go hand in hand. It's time to take even more responsible decisions. You're a graduate! Happy Graduation Day!
  • There's never been anything you couldn't do when you put your mind to it. Congratulations!
  • This is your achievement, but you've never been alone — and you never will be. I'm honored to be on your winning team.
  • I know just how much work this represents, and I hope your heart is swelling with the same pride as mine.
  • I can't wait to witness the magic you'll create. Congratulations!
  • Congratulations to our little graduate. No matter where you go or how successful you become, never lose faith in God. Always be humble. Your parents always think about you.
  • I never doubted you'd make it, and here you are. My heart is bursting with pride.
  • School may be over, but family is forever.
  • School's out, but your journey is just beginning. I can't wait to see where it takes you!
  • Your future is bright. For all of the late night studies and sacrifices of enjoyment and parties, your reward is finally here. Congratulations to our beloved child who has emerged victorious.
  • I hope you know how proud I am of you.
  • I've always believed in you — and I always will. Congrats, grad!
  • It’s hard to believe that today is finally here. It seems just like yesterday you were a baby playing with alphabet blocks, now, you’re graduating. Congratulations!
  • We still remember your first day of school. On that day, we were nervous to send you away. Today feels the same. We are nervous yet again, as you face the world by yourself, but deep inside, we know you’ll always come out a winner. Best of luck, son.
  • I stand by you today — and I always will. Congrats on your big day!
  • I'm so happy to share in the joy and excitement of your big day.
  • I'm honored to join you in celebrating this important milestone. Congratulations on your graduation!
  • Being here, by your side today, means the world to me.
  • Sharing this day with you is one of my proudest moments. Congratulations!
  • Congrats, grad! I'm alongside you on your journey today, and always.
  • It would have meant the world to me to share this day with you. But know, I am celebrating your huge success across the miles. Congratulations!
  • The only thing that would have made this day more perfect is if we could have celebrated it together. (But in my heart, I'm by your side.) Congratulations!
  • My regret over missing this day is eclipsed only by my overflowing pride in you, graduate.
  • It would have been my great pleasure to celebrate your big day in person, but I hope you can feel me cheering you on from afar. Congrats on your big day!
  • I'm sorry I'm not there in person, but I'm with you on every step of your journey — you can count on that.
  • Congratulations on your graduation day! I’m right there with you in spirit.
  • I'm sorry to miss the big day, but I promise we'll celebrate together as soon as we can. Congratulations, grad!

Famous Quotes for Graduation Cards

what to write in a graduation card famous quotes for graduation

  • “It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.” — William Shakespeare
  • "You’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think." — Carter Crocker, Pooh's Grand Adventure: The Search for Christopher Robin
  • "Whatever you choose for a career path, remember, the struggles along the way are only meant to shape you for your purpose." — Chadwick Boseman
  • "Change takes courage." — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez
  • “Cherish your visions and your dreams, as they are the children of your soul, the blueprints of your ultimate achievements.” — Napoleon Hill
  • "Be the change that you wish to see in the world." — Mahatma Gandhi
  • “What lies behind us and what lies before us are tiny matters compared to what lies within us.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
  • “The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” — Eleanor Roosevelt
  • “ Your imagination is your preview of life’s coming attractions.” — Albert Einstein
  • "Your education is a dress rehearsal for a life that is yours to lead.” — Nora Ephron
  • "We will fail when we fail to try." — Rosa Parks
  • "My dear, terrified graduates, you are about to enter the most uncertain and thrilling period of your lives." — Lin-Manuel Miranda
  • “Education is our passport to the future, for tomorrow belongs to the people who prepare for it today.” — Malcolm X
  • "You must do the thing you think you cannot do." — Eleanor Roosevelt, You Learn by Living: Eleven Keys for a More Fulfilling Life
  • "We know what we are but know not what we may be.” — William Shakespeare, Hamlet
  • “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” — Steve Jobs
  • "Once you face your fear, nothing is ever as hard as you think. " — Olivia Newton-John
  • “Never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.” — Babe Ruth
  • “There are no regrets in life. Just lessons.” — Jennifer Aniston
  • “Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” — Henry David Thoreau
  • “I encourage you to live with life. Be courageous, adventurous. Give us a tomorrow, more than we deserve.” — Maya Angelou
  • "Follow your passion. It will lead you to your purpose." — Oprah Winfrey
  • "All those adults that you used to think were in charge and knew what they were doing? It turns out, they don’t have all the answers. A lot of them aren’t even asking the right questions. So, if the world’s going to get better, it’s going to be up to you." — Barack Obama
  • "It is often the small steps, not the giant leaps, that bring about the most lasting change. " — Queen Elizabeth II
  • “Always aim high, work hard, and care deeply about what you believe in.” — Hillary Clinton
  • "The reality is, on most matters, somebody is going to make the decision — so why not let it be you?" — Kamala Harris
  • "You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. And you can steer yourself in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where to go. Congratulations graduate." — Dr. Seuss, Oh, the Places You'll Go!
  • "Before you act, listen. Before you react, think. And, before you spend, earn. Before you criticize, wait. Before you pray, forgive. And, before you quit, try." — William Arthur Ward

Headshot of Ni'Kesia Pannell

Ni'Kesia Pannell is an entrepreneur, multi-hyphenate freelance writer, and self-proclaimed Slurpee connoisseur that covers news and culture for The Kitchn. She's the former Weekend Editor for Delish who also writes about faith, health and wellness, travel, beauty, lifestyle, and music for a range of additional outlets.

Headshot of Kate Franke

Kate Franke (she/her) is the editorial assistant at Woman’s Day . She loves all things lifestyle, home, and market related. Kate has a BAJMC in Magazine Media and BA in Writing from Drake University. She is a proud ASME alum whose work has appeared in Food Network Magazine , The Pioneer Woman Magazine , Better Homes & Gardens , Modern Farmhouse Style , Beautiful Kitchens & Baths , and more. Next to writing, Kate’s two favorite things are chai lattes and pumpkin bread!

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150+ Graduation Wishes, Messages and Quotes

Graduation Wishes : Graduating from school, college or university is a very special day in a student’s life. Graduation day does not only put an end to the hectic classes and scary exams, but it also presents a basket full of opportunities to the students. And the start of a new journey cannot be completed without the love and good wishes from the near and dear ones! A fresh graduate deserves to be complimented, praised and appreciated for his/her hard work and diligence through some heartwarming messages like these.

Graduation Wishes

  • Congratulations Messages

Congratulations! May this be only the beginning of your success and glory.

My heartiest wishes to you for your graduation. May your genuine effort always brings you success and happiness. Good Luck!

Congratulations on your graduation. I hope you achieve great things in your life and career from now onwards, good luck.

You have worked so hard and it all paid off at last. You have made us all so proud. Congratulations to you my dear!

congratulations on graduation

Congratulations to you on being a graduate! May you shine brighter than the brightest stars! Best wishes for the new journey of your life!

Everyone can see the success but not everyone can see the passion and hard work it took to achieve it. Many congratulations to you on becoming a proud graduate!

Take my hearty congratulations on your graduation. I wish you a successful career ahead!

Congratulations on your graduation! You worked so hard for all these years and proved your worth to the world. So proud of you!

It’s the end of a hectic journey for sure but also the beginning of a road that leads to success and glory. All the good wishes to you on your graduation!

May the next chapter of your life bring you lots of opportunities to achieve great things in your life. Congratulations on completing your graduation.

Son/Daughter, we feel proud as parents! We wish you all the best with your life ahead. Congrats on graduating!

Congratulations to you! Sincerely hoping that your new journey will be full of peace, harmony and comfort.

You are one step closer to your dreams now. My sincere wishes are always with you. Congratulations to you for graduating!

Congratulations on being a grad and jobless! Kidding, hope to hear more about your achievements!

We believe in you. We have all the reasons to believe that our beloved son will do great things in life. Congratulations on becoming a proud graduate!

I am blessed to have a friend like you who has earned this great success through constant effort and dedication. Cheers to your graduation!

Best Wishes on Graduation

Cheers to you for making us all proud, brother! Wishing you the best for your future life!

Shine through every darkness and achieve your dreams. My heartiest wishes to you on your graduation!

We feel great pride on your success. I hope you get all the happiness and glory that you deserve. Our love and support are always with you!

Bravo, my lovely sister! You have put in your best effort and got shining results! May this happiness never leave your side. Fly high in the sky!

You are truly living proof that beauty and brains can go together well. Congratulations on achieving the highest honors! We are proud of you!

Congratulations on your daughter’s graduation! You two must be so proud of your amazing girl!

Congratulations on your son’s graduation! We are looking forward to hearing more of your child’s success stories!

Congratulations! Your brilliant daughter deserves this great achievement! She is in our good wishes!

It must be a celebration for the whole family since your son has graduated brilliantly! Congratulations and best wishes!

You have always been an inspiring figure. May you achieve great things and make us proud!

graduation message

Many dreams, some try, but only a few achieve. You are an achiever. You have made us all proud. Keep up the good work. Congratulations on your graduation.

Today I feel that I’m the luckiest father in the world! My little daughter becomes a graduate today. It is really surprising to me. Wishing for your bright future!

It’s time to relax after all the work. Enjoy your graduation and best wishes with all your plans!

Your degree is not just a piece of paper. It is the set of wings that will help you fly away and burst out of the horizon into a new world called “Your Life”! Congratulations.

All these years you have done your best and now you get to see the fruit of your sacrifice. Many blessings to you and your family.

Graduation Congratulations Messages

Congratulations on your graduation. Today is the day your life begins. Live your life to the fullest and make the best life for you.

Congratulations on your graduation. Even after facing so many hardships, you were able to graduate with extinction. Everyone is really proud of you.

Thanks for giving us all a reason to celebrate with you. You worked hard and finally, you did it. Congratulations to you and all the best wishes for the future!

It’s an outstanding achievement for anyone. The glory road has just started and it’s good to see you’re all prepared to embark on the journey. Congratulations!

Set your goals high. Gather your wings and soar high up in the sky. Congratulations to you because you just did the hardest part right!

Congratulations dear. Today, this moment holds all the promises for you of a better and brighter future. May all your dreams come true!

You have gathered all the tools you need and now it’s time to start building it. I am talking about the future that you wanted to build for yourself. Congratulations!

Congratulations, my dearest on being a graduate. As for your future is concerned, we’re sure you are going to make it a successful one with your intelligence.

congratulations message for graduation

Congratulations on being a graduate! We could not be more proud of your achievement. Wishing you fierce good luck for your future!

Congratulations on this special day! Your life is about to get amazing from this moment. All the best for your future life!

The first milestone has been achieved. It’s time to spread your wings and fly high up in the sky. Never stop at anything. Congratulations to you!

Congratulations on your Graduation Day! Your years of hard work are never in vain. Keep it up! You surely have a bright future ahead!

A combination of enthusiasm, diligence, and ability is essential for the pursuit of one’s dreams. I am pleased to hear about your achievement. Congratulations!

Read: High School Graduation Wishes

Short Graduation Message

Congratulations on your graduation. Keep up the excellence.

Here is where your life begins. Good luck on completing your graduation.

Congratulations on achieving your graduation. All your hard work paid off finally.

short graduation message

Welcome to the new chapter of your life. Hats off to you on your big achievement.

Good luck to the new graduate. Focus on your goals and dreams to achieve more in life.

Congrats on your graduation! I’m so proud of you!

Congratulations to you. It has been a wonderful journey. I wish for the best in everything you do.

Congratulations! You are a graduate now! Time to grow up and prosper in life!

Good show, champ! I always knew that you were going to have a bright future ahead! Keep up the good work!

All your hard work and sleepless nights paid off. Warmest congratulations!

Graduation Message For Myself

From student to graduate, I can finally say that all the late nights and early mornings have paid off. Congratulations to myself!

A big congratulations to me for graduating! I am grateful for all the support, encouragement, and opportunities that have helped me reach this momentous achievement.

Hats off to me. I’m officially a graduate! This day marks a new chapter in my life, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds.

graduation message for myself

I’m officially a smarty-pants now! Congratulations to the one who graduated with honors – yours truly.

I am not just a graduate; I am a survivalist. Survived all the exams and projects, and now it’s time to party! Congratulations to me!

From dorm rooms to graduation gowns, I did it! Congratulations to the newest graduate in town (aka me).

Related: Graduation Thank You Messages

Graduation Wishes for Friend

You are one of the most brilliant people I have ever met with. I’m so proud that you have finally become a graduate. Congratulations my friend!

Congratulations on your graduations! This triumph is well deserved indeed! Good luck, friend!

You have a long way to go but you did the first part right. Congratulations to you on your brilliant achievement. May you be successful in life!

You are officially a graduate now! Your dreams are about to come true so soon! My warmest hug goes to you. Congratulations dear!

graduation messages

So happy to see you wearing that convocation gown. You were always the best one in our class. Good job mate! You got this!

I wish from the bottom of my heart that you find all the things that you desire in life. Accept my hearty congratulation on this brilliant success!

I wish that you reach your goals in life. Keep bringing good news for us and keep making us proud just the way you did today. Congratulations!

You are the smartest fella I have ever known. You deserve this success more than anyone else. May you have a bright future ahead!

All your hard work has paid off, buddy! So happy to see you graduate with a top grade! Congratulations!

Congratulations on your amazing performance! A bright future is waiting, so all my best wishes go to you!

Read More: 60+ Graduation Wishes for Friend

Graduation Wishes for Sister

Well done, sis! You deserve this huge success! My hearty wishes go for your future endeavors!

I am so happy to hear the good news. You truly have made us all so proud. All the best wishes to you as you’re all set to enter a new phase of your life.

Hats off to your hard work, dear! I could not be happier about this great achievement. Wishing you nothing but success in your future life.

You earned this moment through hard work and dedication. No one is happier than me today because it’s my only sister who achieved this beautiful milestone!

You have passed college with flying colors! I could not be more proud of a talented, creative and hardworking sister like you. Congratulations!


Congratulations on graduating! It’s an incredible honor for the whole family! So proud of you!

Bravo, sister! You have earned your diploma with grace and charisma! Congratulations!

A college degree with such good grades! What a great way to complete your graduation! Dear sister, I wish you many more successes in life just like this one!

Congratulations! Now you have all the qualifications to embark on the journey of real life. Yes, it’s a difficult world, but you have proved yourself to be a capable one.

We are all ready to celebrate the biggest accomplishment of your life. Thank you for giving us all a reason to celebrate. Congratulations!

My warmest wishes are with you as you’re celebrating your graduation day. I can’t wait to see where life will take you next.

Read More: Graduation Wishes for Sister

Graduation Wishes for Brother

Dear brother, congratulations on this huge success! We cannot wait to see you shining brightly in the future. You nailed it!

So many dreamers, but only a few achievers, and you are one of those who achieved the goal! Congratulations on your graduation! We are all proud of you.

The future holds so many beautiful gifts for you. You just have to reach there to get it all. I bet your boat is all set for this grand sail. Congratulations dear brother!

Congratulations on Your Graduation

Congratulations on your graduation! You have always inspired me to be a better person and now you inspire me more. Good luck to you!

Life brings the best only for those who are willing to put their best on the line. Finally, you’ve got the best reward for the time and energy you put on the line to become a graduate!

You have always been an impressive fella in all your life. No wonder why you are graduating with such a great result. We are so proud of you!

Congratulations on your Graduation! You did it and I know this is just the beginning, hope you’ll always find yourself as happy as you are today!

Your diploma is just the beginning of a successful life that you truly deserve. I am so happy to see my younger brother making it all happen. Congratulations!

Another graduate for our family! Nicely done, brother! Congratulations, so proud of your wonderful result!

Graduation Wishes for Lover

Congrats babe, you’re a graduate now! I always had faith in you and your dreams!

Love, I have always believed in your potentials and abilities and you have proved it once again. You deserve this so much! Congratulations!

Congratulations on your graduation, love! So proud to see you reach this milestone with your endeavor!

I just can’t stop talking about you and your achievement with my friends. It’s a great achievement, my dear. You made me so happy today!

You’re such a rare combination of beauty with brain. I am so lucky to have you in my life. Never stop shining and never stop chasing your dreams!

My love, I have waited so much to see you in that beautiful gown and now it’s finally yours! Congratulations to you!

Congratulations on this special day, dear! All your hard work has paid off. Can’t wait to see you throwing that hat up in the sky!

Congratulations on Graduation My Love

You’re just a few steps away from securing a bright future for yourself. But you have already passed the biggest and hardest step of all. Congratulation my love!

You never cease to amaze me with your determination and dedication. You’re truly an inspiring woman who just happened to be my GF! Congratulations!

Love, your genuine efforts and triumphs inspire me so much! Congratulations and well done!

You are a winner, sweetheart! I am so impressed and proud to see you in this graduation gown! Congrats!

Your achievement is just phenomenal. I don’t remember a day in my past when I was happier than today. I wish I was there to give you a big hug now. congratulations dear!

Graduation Wishes from Parents

Congratulations on your graduation! Words cannot explain how delighted and proud we are!

Aim for the best and never stop at anything because you’re destined to be the best. Congratulations!

Congratulations on this special occasion, dear son! I hope you make the right decisions about your life. We are so proud of you.

You have crossed an important hurdle in your life, girl! Congratulations on graduating with good grades! Best of luck with your future endeavors!

Dear son, you have really made us proud! Congratulations on graduating! Now go out there and achieve more greatness!

So proud of you for graduating with an awesome result, our son! We will always support you in any career path you choose.

Thank you for your hard work, love. You made us proud by chasing your dream and focusing on your goal. Congratulations to you!

Graduation Wishes Quotes

Cheers to your graduation, our lovely daughter! Be fearless because you’re going to be the best one in your field. Make us proud!

You no longer have to study against your will but always remember that learning is a never-ending process. So, learn as much as you can and be humble always! Congratulations!

You’re all set to face the world by yourself but always remember, we will be there for you anytime you need us. Congratulations my dear on your graduation!

My girl, you have always been meticulous but today you’ve brought us the greatest joy! Congratulations!

Congratulations, my boy! You deserve so much credit and praise for being a diligent student and a perfect son!

You are one step closer to your goals! Praying for your bright future ahead! God bless you, my child!

Read More: Graduation Wishes for Son

Graduation Wishes from Teacher

Congratulations on your graduations! My heart is full of pride at your brilliant success!

Congratulations! You have lived up to all my expectations! Good luck with your future endeavors!

Your graduation is the first step towards all the triumphs to come! Congratulations and best wishes!

Your graduation is a great achievement, but that’s nothing compared to what life has in store for you next with even bigger challenges and opportunities.

You dreamed, you planned, you believed, you worked, and you conquered. Congratulations on achieving this milestone. Get ready for a whole new adventure.

Graduation Wishes Quotes

I am very happy for you. Many congratulations on this great triumph in your life.

Now that college is over and you are officially graduated, life can be a little rocky. But always have faith in yourself! Good luck!

Always listen to what your heart says and make the right choices in life. Success is bound to follow in your footsteps. All the best!

All your hard work is over. You have graduated. Well, maybe all your hard work isn’t over just yet. Congratulations and good luck!

Congratulations ! You have come this far. There’s no stopping now. Follow your passion. It will lead you to the fulfillment of your dreams.

You have prepared long and you have worked hard for this. Get ready to face the real challenges of the world as you leave the walls of the academy. Congratulations for a wonderful academic achievement!

The road to your success in your career continues as you achieved a new milestone in education. Congratulations on finally finishing this degree.

Graduation Card Messages

Congrats on your graduation! Can’t wait anymore to see you soar, dear!

You did it with flying colors! Congrats on your graduation my dear. I can’t say in words how happy I’m for you!

Cheers to you, my love! Congratulations on graduating and all the hard work you put in to get here! You are amazing!

graduation card messages

Congratulations! What a moment of glory! I hope your aspirations shoot up as bright as the sun!

May the Lord continue to be your guide as you go through the next challenges in life. He has seen you through your challenges and has brought you to this point of completion. Congratulations!

Education is about understanding the possibilities that the world has to offer. Being successful in life is about understanding the possibilities that you can create by yourself. Good luck .

The world is yours for the taking, and we have no doubt that you feel that way. You should have all your wishes fulfilled. Congrats!

Congratulations on your graduation! Just remember that things may not always go how you want them to, but life has a way of taking those new directions and turning them into opportunities. All the best and good luck for the future.

Education is the most powerful weapon you can use to change the world. Always follow your dreams and believe in yourself. Congratulations on your graduation!

Graduation prepares you for a new stage of life. Walking in the path of your dreams, you are halfway through. Work harder and dream further. Never give up. Congratulations!

Related: Graduation Announcement Messages

Graduation Quotes

“Graduation is not the end; it’s the beginning.” – Senator Orrin Hatch

“Graduation is the beginning of knowing who you are, what you are, why you are, and always knowing where you are going.” – Dr. Lydia Patton

“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself in any direction you choose.” – Dr. Seuss

“The fireworks begin today. Each diploma is a lighted match. Each one of you is a fuse.” – Edward Koch

congratulations graduate essay

“My dear terrified graduates, you are about to enter the most uncertain and thrilling period of your lives. The stories you are about to live are the ones you will be telling your children, and grandchildren, and therapists.” – Lin-Manuel Miranda

“Go confidently in the direction of your dreams. Live the life you have imagined.” – Henry David Thoreau

“Graduation is the end of theoretical knowledge and the start of practical life.” – Geetha Laxman

“To accomplish great things, we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe.” – Anatole France

“Graduation is like the day of reckoning! You will be judged based on what you have planted. Graduation day is not a victory to celebrate! But a day to start again another beginning!” – Mark Alonzo

“The power of education can’t be measured unless you count it’s a power to create a career, a life, provide for a family and most importantly – pave the way for a better tomorrow. Congratulations on getting yours.”

“Your certification is in your degree. You may think of it as the ticket to the good life. Let me ask you to think of an alternative. Think of it as your ticket to change the world.” – Tom Brokaw

“Your life is your story, and the adventure ahead of you is the journey to fulfill your own purpose and potential.” – Kerry Washington

“Graduation, a conclusion of one chapter, a beginning of another.” – Catherine Pulsifer

“Take pride in how far you’ve come. Have faith in how far you can go. But don’t forget to enjoy the journey.” – Michael Josephson

“Graduation is only a concept. In real life every day you graduate. Graduation is a process that goes on until the last day of your life. If you can grasp that, you’ll make a difference.” – Arie Pencovici

Graduation is a proud moment in anyone’s life. Nothing can be compared with the feeling and emotion of this moment. Appreciate the graduate for all their hard work, and good performance and wish them a bright future ahead. Really, their hard work deserves some thoughtful words of inspiration to go ahead toward the way of a better future and do more great things. Express your thoughts to inform them that you are proud of him/her. Some simple words like ‘congratulations graduate’ or ‘keep up the good work’ can make their hearts melt or send personalized graduation wishes to inspire them on their way. If you are thinking about what to write on a graduation card, then read these sample graduation wishes and get your idea to write your own graduation message. Whether he/she is your son, daughter, cousin, boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife, classmate or best friend, Let’s motivate the newly graduated with these graduation wishes. Let them know how proud you are of their success!

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Congratulations messages: what to write in a congratulations card.

congratulations card

A race run, a dream job landed, a new home, a big promotion, a little victory…It’s one of life’s great joys to see someone you know accomplish what they’ve been hoping for and working toward. Sending a congratulations card with a warm handwritten message is a perfect way to honor that person and recognize their achievement.

In this guide, you’ll find inspiration and personal-message tips for a variety of congrats occasions and recipients. We’ve organized our ideas by what they say and how they say it. Feel free to read the whole guide, or jump straight to the ideas that work best for you and the person you’re congratulating.

Oh, and if you’re looking for something a little more specific, we also have tips and ideas unique to Wedding Congratulations , Baby Congratulations , and Graduation Congratulations .

Inspired? Create and share by tagging @Hallmark .

  • Simple Congratulations
  • Happy for You
  • Compliments
  • Looking Ahead
  • Inspiring Quotes
  • Congratulations Without Saying "Congratulations"
  • Warm Closings

Simple Congratulations  

The gesture of sending a congratulations card says so much all by itself. And often the card’s printed message says a lot, too. But you can add warmth and personality with just a few words of your own.

More Casual

  • “Congratulations and BRAVO!”
  • “This calls for celebrating! Congratulations!”
  • “You did it! So proud of you!”
  • “I knew it was only a matter of time. Well done!”

More Formal

  • “Congratulations on your well-deserved success.”
  • “Heartfelt congratulations to you.”
  • “Warmest congratulations on your achievement.”
  • “Congratulations and best wishes for your next adventure!”
  • “So pleased to see you accomplishing great things.”

Writing Tip: The examples above don’t name a specific achievement, but if possible, you should. Your message will mean even more when you congratulate your recipient specifically on their acceptance to Harvard Law School, new job at Google, new boutique opening…or whatever the case may be.

Happy for You  

“I’m happy for you!” is another warm, enthusiastic message to add to a congratulations card. It’s hard to go wrong telling someone you’re happy about what they’ve achieved.

  • “Hope you’re thrilled about your new job! I sure am happy for you!
  • “Hooray! We just couldn’t be happier for you!”
  • “It makes me so happy to think about your promotion. It couldn’t have come to a more deserving person.”
  • “Feeling so much joy for you today. What an impressive achievement!”
  • “We hope you can feel all the pride and happiness surrounding you as you head off to medical school.”
  • “Simply overjoyed to hear your good news.”

Writing Tip: A “happy for you” thought can stand alone, but it also works well as part of a longer congratulations message.


A big achievement is a perfect chance to remind someone how talented, hard-working, and deserving they are. (A little achievement is a good excuse, too!)

  • “You’ve worked so hard for this. Congrats!”
  • “This is awesome! You’re awesome! Way to go!”
  • “Congratulations to my favorite new home owner! With your touch, it’s going to look amazing!”
  • “Bet you thought no one would notice you’ve hit your goal 30 days in a row. Well, I did, and I’m impressed. Here’s to your streak! Keep it up!”
  • “Sincere congratulations on your hard-earned success.”
  • “You are proof that good things come to those who are willing to sacrifice to reach a worthwhile goal. Words can’t express how proud I am!”
  • “You have the creativity and determination to do whatever you can dream. I hope you feel proud today and confident in your ability to rise to your next challenge.”
  • “Celebrating the dedication you’ve shown on the way to this achievement. You’ve earned every bit of the success you’re enjoying.”

Writing Tip: The more specific your compliment, the more meaningful it will be to your recipient.

Looking Ahead  

A friend’s or loved one’s success provides an opportunity, not only to celebrate the moment, but also to encourage them and look forward to future successes.

  • “I’ve got a feeling this is only the beginning of even more great things to come for you!”
  • “Celebrating the record you just set and looking forward to watching you cross your next finish line!
  • “Congratulations on your new place! Can’t wait to see you make it your own.”
  • “I’m sure today will be only the first of many proud moments for you at your new firm.”
  • “Sending you heartfelt congratulations today and wishing you all the best on your next project.”
  • “I commend you on this latest success, and I look forward to seeing even more great things from you.”

Writing Tip: Face-to-face praise tends to embarrass some people, but a written message removes some of that immediacy. That’s the beauty of a card. So go ahead and gush a little in what you write!

Inspiring Quotes  

If you know of some inspiring words that would speak to the proud moment and honor your recipient, then quote those inspiring lines when you sign your card.

  • “The talent of success is nothing more than doing what you can do well; and doing well whatever you do…” —Henry Wadsworth Longfellow  It really warms my heart to see you succeeding like this. Congratulations!
  • “The reward of a thing well done is to have done it.” —Ralph Waldo Emerson Congratulations on a job VERY well done!
  • “I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith.” —2 Timothy 4:7 (ESV) Here’s to you, fighting the good fight, and coming out a big winner!

Writing Tip: You can draw inspiring quotations from songs, stories, poetry, Scripture, movies and more. Include your quotation in the body of the rest of your message, or write it separately on the inside left of the card. (Typically, you will end up signing your name on the inside right.)

Congratulations Without Saying “Congratulations”  

What should you write if the card has already said “congratulations,” or if you just want to add a little more voice and personality to your message? Try one of the phrases below. (Just add exclamation point!)

Phrases grouped by type:

  • ADJECTIVES: Wonderful, Amazing, Impressive, Awesome, Beautiful
  • “ATTA”: Attaboy, Attagirl
  • CLAPPING: Applause, Bravo, Take a bow, Encore, Three cheers
  • EXCLAMATIONS: Woo-Hoo, Hooray, Yippee, Yee-haw, Hurrah, Huzzah
  • GESTURES: Cheers, Hats off to you, Here’s to you
  • GOOD: Good show, Good for you, Good on you
  • JOB: Good job, Great job, Excellent job
  • KEEP: Keep it up, Keep up the great work, Keep going, Keep believing
  • NICE: Nice work, Nice job, Nice one, Nice going, Nicely done
  • SO: So pleased for you, So thrilled for you, So tickled for you
  • SALUTES: High five, Salute, I salute you, I commend you
  • WAY: Way to go, Way to be, Way to work, Way to shine
  • WELL: Well done, Well deserved
  • YOU: You inspire me, You amaze me

Writing Tip: These little variations on “congratulations” make nice additions at the end of a longer message, too. They work like happy punctuation!

Warm Closings  

A warm closing is like the frosting on the “Congratulations” cake. Choose one of ours, or create your own.

  • With love and pride,
  • Lots of love,
  • Love always,
  • Best wishes,
  • Warmest wishes,
  • All the best,
  • Good luck to you,
  • Congratulations and best wishes,
  • Heartfelt congratulations,
  • Warmest congratulations,
  • God bless you,
  • Keep up the good work!
  • greeting card messages

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Events Greetings

55 Best Graduation Congratulations Messages And Wishes

By: Author Alice Rawling

Posted on Last updated: May 11, 2023

Congratulations Graduate

Graduation is a time of life that will never come back and there’s no better way to celebrate it with some good graduation messages and wishes. You feel so proud of yourself for completing your studies because this is the day that all the hard work you have put in finally pays off. A new phase of life starts right after graduation, so, it can also be termed as the beginning of your success. This is such a joyous and proud moment of celebration. You should enjoy every minute of this day because it is a day that pays off all your hard works.

Congratulations, dear, but do not stop here. You entered the first stage of your career now that you have a degree. I hope to see you with improved maturity and a good dressing sense in university.


We congratulate you as your parent. But never think of this graduation as your best achievement. It will never help you to get anything massive in life. There is a lot to do to remain alive.


I am glad you paid your student loans without relying on your parents. I am happy about your graduation, friend, and hope you get many presents.

Graduation Congratulations Message

The great thing is college is over. But the bad thing is college life is over forever. Congratulations on your achievement. I hope to meet soon for our appeasement.

graduation messgaes

You have achieved the milestone. You have always been a brighter child and precious to me like a gemstone. Congratulations on getting graduate, and now is the time to celebrate.

Congratulations on your graduation

All of your hard work is finally paying off. You must be feeling really happy. Let me add to this joy with my best wishes. A hearty congratulation to you, dear.


This is such a proud moment for all of us. Let us enjoy this joy with happy smiles and a proud heart. You are amazing!

Congratulations to one amazing graduate! What an achievement! I’m proud of you. I know you will now be someone we’ll be more proud of.

A hearty congratulation to you my dear. I am so happy that you are one step closer to having a successful career. Work hard and chase your dreams!

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart. This is a moment of celebration as you have completed your studies and now are very close to building your life into something you want.

What a wonderful achievement you’ve made! Congratulations! More power to you now that you have climbed one step further from a student’s life.

Congratulations, graduate. You have worked hard to reach your goals and now it’s time for you to chase your dreams. Live that dream job!

Your passion, commitment, and hard work to achieve your goals never fail to amaze anyone. Congratulations to you on your graduation.

Congratulations. Graduation is such a great day to celebrate as you have successfully overcome the phase of studying hard. It is time to work hard now!

Best of luck for your upcoming future and congratulations on your graduation. I am happy for you. Along with your grades, your career will also take off soon.

Congratulation On your promotion

Graduation Message

You studied and worked so hard on your graduation. It is now time to bear the fruit of all your hard work and find a meaningful career that fulfills you. Congratulations on your graduation. I am proud of you.

I had not realized how old you’ve grown until I knew about your graduation. Maybe because to me you’ll always be a kid. Congratulations dear. May your every dream come true soon.

It is easy to dream but hard to make it come true. You have made yours come true. I couldn’t be any prouder of you. Congratulations on your graduation.

Congratulations on your graduation. You have grown to be someone exactly as I imagined; a strong, intelligent humble gentleman with a kind heart.

Congratulations to one amazing graduate. I am sure your career will take off since you’re such a hardworking and patient person. Success always follows those who put in the work. You are doing great brother!

To someone as committed as you, you will always find a way to succeed no matter how many times you fall. I believe in you. Congratulations.

You must be thinking of where life will take you next. But I know that you will do your best wherever it will lead you. A person like you will be an inspiration to many. Congratulations!

Praying for your bright future as you graduate. Congratulations and all the best for the new path that life is going to take you. I hope this path is full of success.

It is time to carve your future now that you have graduated successfully. I wish you nothing but success and happiness. I hope you find joy in everything you do.

It is such a joyous moment to join you at your graduation. I am happy for you. A new businessman is on his way to make the business of his dreams come true!

Engagement Wishes

Graduation Wishes

I feel pleased to see you graduate with so much pride. I have never seen you this happy before. Congratulations on your graduation. Cheers!

So how does it feel to finally graduate? It must have felt great. I am happy that you are getting closer to your dreams. May it come true.

I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart for your graduation. I am happy that I am here to share your excitement and honor, my child.

What could make a parent happier than seeing their child graduate? I am proud of you, my son. It is such a heartwarming moment for me to see you grow and succeed.

Nothing is impossible, anything is possible when you believe in yourself. Your faith in yourself is such a great achievement because not everyone can do it. Congratulations on your graduation.

Congratulations on your big achievement. I wish you all the best for the next journey you decide to embark on. You will soon be a successful person who will be able to fulfill all his needs.

May your degree unlock many new opportunities for you. May you be the change that this world needs to make it a better place. I am looking forward to it.

Many many congratulations to you on your graduation. It is a time to relax and enjoy this day to the fullest because it won’t come back again.

Today is a special day for me and I am as excited as you are because you are my child. How can I not be this excited when you are graduating? Congratulations my son.

Words cannot describe how happy I am with your achievement. I am proud of you, son. I am sure you will grow into a successful gentleman.

Good Luck On Your Exam

Congrats Graduate

Congratulations on your graduation. This is just the beginning of your success, keep doing hard work like you always do, and see how fast success follows. I’m excited to watch what you do next.

To someone so hard-working, congratulations on your graduation. I pray for your bright future. I am sure the person that you are destined to be is waiting for you to unleash your true potential.

Congratulation on the closure of your dreams. This graduation is something that will never come back in your life again, so worry less and be the happiest today.

Congratulations on your graduation. May this bring a lot of hope in your life that you alone can do something so good that many people want to. I am happy for you.

Graduation is a great achievement. I am proud that you have got this. Cheers to the beginning of your successful career. All the best for what’s next.

Congratulation on your big day; graduation. You have filled your jar of hopes. All you need to do further is to dream and chase them. All the best brother!

What a great achievement! I am proud of you, my child. I hoped and prayed that this day would come and you have fulfilled my dream. Thank you and all the best for your future.

Congratulation on your graduation. I wish you all the good things that this world can offer. I hope when you look back you think that it was all worth it

Congratulations dear! I hope you perform incredibly well in the future, the same way that you do now. You are an unstoppable force of nature and I am so proud of you.

Congratulations! You have officially graduated. Waking up early in the morning for classes has all been worth it today. Enjoy the fruit of your hard work!

Graduation Congratulations Messages

Congratulations, because graduation is a crucial achievement. But aim for the bigger from this point with more improvement. This degree will help you to create the life you always wanted to implement.

high school graduation congratulations message

I wish only the best things for you in the future. Graduation completion is one achievement worth celebrating as it gives you a confidence booster. You are the best and keep doing the best in life forever.

Graduation Congratulations Message

Congratulations, darling. Keep your confidence growing. Celebrate this day as you want, and I hope you keep making your parents proud and achieve more success to flaunt.

Graduation Congratulations Message

Such a fabulous achievement. Do not let it stop you, but make it a reason to keep going for your advancement. I pray that whatever your career goals are, you achieve them with refinement.

Graduation Congratulations Message

You are making many people around proud here. We are with you and will support you, dear. You have proved that anything is possible if you have the guts to dream without fear.


I cannot believe that my little sister has graduated with flying colors. Make me promise that you will keep it going and never fear. Congratulations on the best result ever.

Congratulations, girl, and I am so happy for you. I am always at your back, cheering for you. You are now one step closer to your desired life goals awaiting you.

I have been there for you, watching you do the hard work, which finally paid off. Those hard work and late-night studies are the reason for this excellent achievement to show off.

Happy graduation day, dear, and your joining our graduation league makes our entire family proud. I pray that your degree helps you to stand out from the crowd.

Son, Congratulations. This graduation degree will give you motivation. You are an intelligent and sharp boy like your big brother. So, you are habitual in making us proud rather.

congratulations graduate essay

Congratulations Class of 2024! Park Vista Community High School graduation photos

Congratulations, class of 2024 !

It's that time again for the sound of "Pomp and Circumstance" as high school seniors at Park Vista Community High School collect their diplomas at the school's graduation ceremony, held Tuesday, May 21 at the South Florida Fairgrounds.

This is the third year that graduations are back to normal since the COVID-19 pandemic began. COVID canceled ceremonies in 2020 and caused curbs in 2021 on the immensely popular festivities.

To see the graduation photos below, you must be a subscriber to The Palm Beach Post . Please consider a digital subscription to support local journalism. For a limited time,  new subscribers can get unlimited digital access to and our e-edition for only $1 for 6 months.

Park Vista Community High School 2024 graduation photos

To see graduation galleries of other Palm Beach County schools, please go here .

Park Vista Community High School 2023 graduation photos

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: Congratulations Class of 2024! Park Vista Community High School graduation photos

The 2024 Park Vista Community High School graduation ceremony at the South Florida Fairgrounds May 21, 2024.

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Congratulations to Dawn on graduate school!

We are excited that Dawn will be joining Nicole Long's lab at University of Virginia for a PhD in Psychology!

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Indiana University School of Dentistry

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Celebrating the IUSD Class of 2024

By:   Leslie Flowers

Sunday, May 12, 2024

congratulations graduate essay

Congratulations to Indiana University School of Dentistry (IUSD) Class of 2024 graduates! We are so proud of all you have accomplished.

On Sunday, May 12, 2024, Dean Carol Anne Murdoch-Kinch conferred diplomas to 172 graduates of the Doctor of Dental Surgery, Dental Hygiene, Dental Assisting, and post-graduate specialty programs at the dental school recognition ceremony.

In her remarks, Dean Murdoch-Kinch reflected on the unique experience of our DDS students, in particular, who began dental school during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic.

“Because of the pandemic, the DDS Class of 2024 is the first class in the history of dental education that spent most of its first year of dental school learning at home,” Dean Murdoch-Kinch said. “And yet, here you are. You persevered. Your faculty went above and beyond to reformat your curriculum to ensure you were successful. Despite the first year at home, you bonded to each other and made lifetime friends. And you made it to today!”


In addition to Dean Murdoch-Kinch, honored speakers included DDS Class of 2024 President Dr. Cordin Mirise, Dental Hygiene Director Twyla Rader, Indiana Dental Assistants Association President-Elect Marie Smiegal, Indiana Dental Association President-Elect Dr. Lisa Conard, and IUSD Alumni Association President Dr. Debra Mannia.


Dr. Chad Leighty (DDS’93), 7 th D istrict Trustee of the American Dental Association and past president of the Indiana Dental Association, delivered the keynote address. “Life, much like dentistry, is filled with many opportunities and challenges,” Dr. Leighty said. “As you reflect on your journey through your dental education, you have undoubtedly encountered hurdles and moments of triumph that have defined your experience. I want to take a moment to recognize the remarkable resilience you've demonstrated throughout your journey to this point. That resilience will serve you well as you embark on your professional journey today.”

Dr. Leighty concluded his re marks with a quote by Ralph Waldo Emerson: “What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us,” he said. “Class of 2024, as you embark on this new chapter, may you tap into the boundless rese rvoir of strength and resilience that resides within you,” Dr. Leighty said.

More than 600 photos from the event are available for viewing in the IUSD Graduation 2024 Facebook Gallery . 

IUSD 2024 Graduates: 


Dental Assisting Adalye Fisher Errallyn Henry Ella Klevickas Kayla McFarland Olivia McRae Kirsten Robinette Ashlynn Smith Cy Stockdale Lizeth Valdivia Gatica Kimberly Varela-Terrazas  


Dental Hygiene (December 2023) Shelby Bargo Melinda Eckstein Denise Garcia Sydney Gash Makenzie Gillam Tonya Haimes Valerie Hilt Jared Hirtzel Ashleigh Krieg Ashley Lay Madison McGriff Sara Melchi Jordyn Nickels ** Noelle Reagin Heather Strong Taylor Vance ** Melanie Wheeler Alexis Zrebiec


Doctor of Dental Surgery Ejaz Ahmad Δ Sara Alhaffar * Δ Tarek Amro Kevin Arafat Adriana Artalejo Janel Aslan Srirama Chandra Murthy Bandari Δ Matthew Beaverson Δ Kevin Bedford Ashley Blankenbaker** Δ Anthony Boesl Todd Boothe Δ ✓ Isabel Bravo Abagael Bridwell Δ Margaret Broderick Michael Brown Δ Mikayla Bundy Δ Jordyn Caffray Jageer Chhina Δ Aparna Chintapalli Δ Miranda Cornejo Δ Ben Dawson Sarah De La Cruz** Δ Nicolle Denyer Deepthi Devireddy Δ Andrew Doan Δ Nichole Downing Alexa Dresner Δ Emaan Fahsal Patricia Flores Δ Zeel Gajera Δ Brittany Gehlhausen*Δ Mohamed Baqer Ghandour Δ Sabrina Ghazi Harpreet Gill Anastasia Golodaeva Δ Holly Granfield Δ Arshdeep Grewal Δ Julia Gruver Δ Hadi Hachem Δ Sean Haddow Δ Geoffrey Halversen Δ Mariam Hanna Faraz Hashmi Emily Hasik Δ ✓ Alexa Haulk Δ Jose Herrera** Δ Jonathan Hollar* Δ Kendra Holliger Cody Holmgren Δ Aya Ihmoud Sydney Intagliata Bita Jamshidi Onkarpreet Jawanda Δ Parham Karimi Δ Andrew Kaskie Mandeep Kaur Dhami Junyoung Kim Δ Danielle Kluttz Δ Balaji Kolasani Δ Kylie Langdon* Δ Alex Liang Δ Allexis Lisman Steven Mah Δ Amitoj Mavi Brenda Mayorga de la Cruz Δ Tatianna McKissick Δ Armelle Metangmo Δ Gabriella Meyering * Δ ✓ Cordin Mirise Δ Bradley Moon Δ Jenelle Muñoz Δ Matthew Murphy Sandy Nguyen Anghitha Nimil Δ Lance Noerenberg Elizabeth Nolan Δ Navia Novosel Δ Ella O’Connell Δ Hetal Patel Δ Harvi Patel Δ Poojaben Patel* Δ Chase Perkins Δ Aren Peterson ✓ Hien Phan Andrew Plichta Madeline Poteet Michelle Quan Δ Jacob Rexing Δ Cameron Rigley Δ Marly Rizkalla Δ Devon Roese Δ Andrew Ross Carrie Runyon Alyssa Sanborn Marissa Scheid Δ Ria Shah Δ Mariam Silman Δ Shalini Subramanyam Dushala Surujnarain Alexander Todd Δ Ashley Trotter** Δ Brandon Truong Claire Weesner Δ Alec Weiss Δ Alyssa Whalen** Δ Kapiolani Wisler Δ ✓ Tony Wren Nidhi Yadav Δ Ariel Zalesin Δ Bianca Zero Δ Postgraduate Degrees Eman Al Kaba Ibrahim Alfawaz Dhafer Alqahtani Ayman Altamimi Emma Anderson Asma Azabi Renad Bakhaider Adam Beswick Alexandra Bojrab Nicholas Carlson Kathleen Chiodo✓ Shamus Cooper Brett Freeman Michelle Grayson Loai Hazzazi Andrea Kristine Hernandez Rachel Hoagburg Lucy Knippenberg✓ Megann Lear Hsin-Chiang Lee Claire Liles Steven Magura Janine Magura Maya McFrazier Elizabeth Mechas Ryosuke Murai Michael Myers Dylan Nesty Samuel Patterson Evan Roberts ✓ Erik Rose Muneeb Shaikh Tisama Siyootagrai *Distinction **High Distinction Δ Teaching Assistant or Study Coach ✓ Military Service

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Congratulations to the Economics PhD Class of 2024!

the Class of 2024 throwing their graduation caps in the air outside 28 Hillhouse Ave

The Department of Economics would like to give a heartfelt congratulations to the Class of 2024! At this week’s Commencement ceremony, the Department awarded 20 new PhDs. Welcome to the Yale alumni community and we wish you the best in what comes next!

“We are celebrating the graduation of our remarkable class of 2024. Their impressive achievements, showcased by their cutting edge theses, resulted in fantastic job placements. As they embark on their new endeavors, the Economics Department congratulates them on a job well done. Class of 2024 we are very proud of you!” — Yuichi Kitamura, Director of Graduate Studies

The Class of 2024 with Tony Smith and Yuichi Kitamura in their caps and gowns on the steps outside 28 Hillhouse Ave

The Class of 2024 with Department Chair Tony Smith and Director of Graduate Studies Yuichi Kitamura

Below we highlight the achievements and next steps of this diverse group of graduates. See here for the Economic Growth Center's article celebrating the Class of 2024, their achievements, and future plans. A full list of placement outcomes can be viewed here .

Headshot of Pedro Casavilica

Pedro Casavilca Silva

Pedro is an economist with a policy-driven research agenda in Labor Economics and Macroeconomics. His current research seeks to enhance understanding of how labor market frictions and credit supply shocks affect informal employment prevalence, wage disparities, and firms' performance. His  job market paper (Job Ladder Consequences of Employment Protection: Theory and Evidence from Peru) examines how employment protection shapes the incentives for both workers and firms to demand and supply informal employment and different types of formal labor. In addition to his policy-driven research agenda, he is passionate about teaching and mentoring, and was awarded a Teaching Fellowship Prize in 2021-22 for contributing to courses taught by Professors William Nordhaus and Kaivan Munshi. In the Summer of 2024, he will join Davidson College as an Assistant Professor in the Economics Department.

Personal website Linkedin Profile

Fernando Cordeiro

Fernando Cordeiro

Fernando's primary field of research is industrial organization, and much of his work has focused on higher education markets and productivity differences between public and private utilities. His job market paper, “College Quality and Tuition Subsidies in Equilibrium,” uses administrative data to gauge the quality of undergraduate programs in Brazil and studies how demand-side subsidies interact with the equilibrium level of price and quality in the Brazilian higher education sector. After graduation, Fernando will join Charles River Associates as a Senior Associate in its antitrust and competition practice.

Headshot of Alvaro Cox

Alvaro's research interests include economic growth and development. He focuses on the role of human capital in inducing firm growth and the aggregate implications of education policies aimed at reducing the cost of access to higher education. Alvaro’s job market paper, titled “ From Classroom to Prosperity: Fostering Development Through Higher Education ,” assesses the contribution to Brazilian economic growth of the reduction in access costs to higher education with a particular focus on the implications for firms' growth as a mechanism. After Yale, Alvaro will join the University of Oslo as a Full-Time Researcher for the academic year 2024-2025; later, he will join Universidad Carlos III de Madrid as an Assistant Professor.

Personal website @Alv_Cox

Hanxiao Cui

Hanxiao Cui

Hanxiao’s research interests include matching and sorting in the labor market and the marriage market, particularly matching and production in teams. Her job market paper studies the complementarity of multidimensional skills in innovation and the skill composition of inventor teams, using novel data linking social security data and patent records. Her dissertation also examines how childcare policies affect marital sorting and household allocation in the long run, as well as gender disparities among investors in terms of life-cycle productivity and teamwork dynamics. She will join Capital One as a principal quantitative analyst this summer.

Linkedin Profile

Mirco Dinelli

Mirco Dinelli

Mirco's research interests include macroeconomics, environmental economics, and political economy. His job market paper, titled “ The Political Economy of Climate Bonds ,” investigates the interplay between government debt and climate change policy in a setting where voters from different generations have different interests. The paper finds conditions under which debt instruments can help stimulate climate change policy as well as circumstances in which debt is a hindrance to climate policy. In the 2024-2025 academic year, Mirco will be joining the economics department at St. John Fisher University as an Assistant Professor.

Personal website

Tan Gan

Tan Gan is a microeconomic theorist with broad interests in both theoretical and applied topics. Methodologically, he is interested in principal-agent frameworks, including mechanism design, information design, and contract theory, especially with robust objectives. Topicwise, he is interested in exploring the implication of digitalization on economic behaviors. Tan's job market paper, titled “ From Doubt to Devotion Trials and Learning-Based Pricing ,” studies the dynamic mechanism design problem of an informed seller of experience goods. In the fall of 2024, Tan will join LSE as an Assistant Professor in the Management Department.

Personal website @TanGan96

Daniel Giraldo Paez

Daniel Giraldo Paez

Daniel's research is in labor and public economics. His work explores the evolution in the last fifty years of labor supply among major demographic groups, with particular focus on the elderly and women. Daniel's job market paper, “ The Changing Nature of Work, Old-Age Labor Supply, and Social Security ,” evaluates the extent to which the increase in older Americans' employment rate can be attributed to changes in the nature of work and this phenomenon's implications for Social Security reforms. Daniel is joining the U.S. Department of Treasury's Office of Microeconomic Analysis as an Economist.

Personal website @WDanielGiraldoP Linkedin Profile

Headshot of Rodrigo Guerrero

Rodrigo Guerrero

Rodrigo's research focuses on household behavior and education in low-income countries. In his job market paper, titled “ Parental Death and Schooling: Gendered Spheres of Production and Parental Preferences ,” he exploits variation in the timing of parental loss to estimate a structural model of household consumption and time allocation in India. He finds stark differences in the impact of parental death based on the gender of the child and the gender of the deceased parent. The strict gender division of labor in Indian households and the differences in preferences for education of mothers and fathers play a crucial role in explaining the observed effects. After graduation, Rodrigo will join Analysis Group as an Associate.

Nghiem Huynh

Nghiem Huynh

Nghiem's research interests lie at the intersection of development economics, international trade, and spatial economics. His job market paper, “ Place-based Policy, Migration Barriers, and Spatial Inequality ,” uses a dynamic model and data from Vietnam to analyze how place-based tax incentives and reducing migration barriers affect regional inequality. After graduation, Nghiem will join the Department of Economics at the University of Oklahoma as an Assistant Professor in July 2024.

Personal website @nghiemqhuynh Linkedin Profile

Sid Kankanala

Sid Kankanala

Sid's primary field of research is Econometrics. His job market paper develops a quasi-Bayesian approach to estimate a large class of models in which observed economic behavior depends on several latent unobservables. Sid will join University of Chicago's Booth School of Business as an Assistant Professor in Econometrics and Statistics.

“This was an impressive cohort. Following Yale’s intellectual tradition of rigorous economic research, the graduating class produced rigorous and groundbreaking work across many economics topics. We look forward to seeing what they do next. Congratulations, class of 2024!” — Fabrizio Zilibotti, Tuntex Professor of International and Development Economics — John Eric Humphries, Assistant Professor of Economics

Jaewon Lee

Jaewon’s research interests include Industrial Organization and Applied Econometrics. His current research focuses on proper inference in the context of demand estimation. His job market paper, titled “Computationally feasible identification-robust inference on discrete choice demand,” explores how to adapt a recent econometric method that is robust to weak identification to BLP-style demand models, in a computationally feasible way. After completing his studies at Yale, Jaewon will join Compass Lexecon as a Senior Economist.

Ryungha Oh

Ryungha's research interests include macroeconomics, spatial economics, and labor economics. Her research investigates why economic activities are concentrated across space and the policy implications of this concentration. Her job market paper, titled “ Spatial Sorting of Workers and Firms ,” develops a new theory of two-sided sorting where heterogeneous workers and firms sort across space and shows that cities can become excessively congested. Ryungha will join Northwestern and Becker Friedman Institute as a post-doctoral fellow before joining the University of Chicago Booth School of Business as an Assistant Professor.

Bernardo Ribeiro

Bernardo Ribeiro

Bernardo’s research interests include economic growth and innovation. He currently focuses on the innovation life cycle of technologies and how society allocates research efforts across technologies of different maturities. In his Job Market paper, “ Embracing the Future or Building on the Past? Growth with New and Old Technologies ,” Bernardo shows that only a small fraction of innovative investment goes into new, cutting-edge technologies, compared to technologies that emerged half a century ago. He then explores the determinants of this pattern and whether policymakers should try to change it. In the academic year 2024-2025, Bernardo will join Princeton University as a Postdoctoral Associate in the Economics Department. In 2025, he will join the Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance (EIEF) as an Assistant Professor of Economics.

Personal website @bernardo_scrib

Hiroki Saruya

Hiroki Saruya

Hiroki’s research interests include health economics and industrial organization, and his current research projects focus on the demand and supply of medical care and long-term care under capacity constraints. His job market paper “Congestion-Quality Tradeoff: Evidence from Japanese Long-Term Care Facilities” explores the tradeoff between nursing facilities' congestion and quality for producing desirable care outcomes, estimates users' preferences for these and other facility characteristics, and then discusses impacts of policies on outcomes and user welfare. After Yale, Hiroki will join the Economic and Social Research Institute of the Cabinet Office, Government of Japan, as a 3-year postdoc researcher.

Jihoon Sung

Jihoon Sung

Jihoon’s research interests include macroeconomics, economic growth, data analysis, corporate structure, and international trade. His dissertation, titled “Business Conglomerates and Misallocation: Theory and Evidence from Chaebols” explores the role of business groups—collections of firms owned by a single family—in determining factor misallocation and aggregate productivity. After graduation, he will join Konektis Capital Management.

Anthony Tokman

Anthony Tokman

Anthony uses tools from industrial organization to study the economics of cities and housing supply. His dissertation research quantifies the neighborhood-level stringency of housing density restrictions in over thirty U.S. metro areas and investigates the disparate effects of these restrictions on housing affordability and spatial mobility across the income distribution. After Yale, Anthony will join Charles River Associates as a senior associate in the antitrust and competition economics practice.

Allen Vong

Allen’s research interests lie in economic theory, particularly game theory and its applications. His current research focuses on dynamic games and communication. His job market paper, “ Mediated Repeated Moral Hazard ,” shows how a manager uses dynamic communication with a worker, hidden from the clients, to improve this worker’s productivity in serving the clients. Allen will join the National University of Singapore as an Assistant Professor.

Siu Yuat Wong

Siu Yuat Wong

Siu Yuat’s research interests in development economics focus on migration, both temporary and permanent, and its intersection with child development and climate change. Siu Yuat’s job market paper, titled “ Maternal and Paternal Migration and Children’s Human Capital ,” explores how maternal and paternal migration will impact a child’s human capital development, which in turn will affect future parental migration decisions. After graduating, Siu Yuat will begin a postdoctoral research position at Stanford University.

Wei Xiang

Wei’s research interests include trade, growth, and the environment. His current research investigates how globalization affects growth and the environment through technology diffusion and innovation. His job market paper, titled “ Clean Growth and Environmental Policies in the Global Economy ,” provides a dynamic framework to evaluate environmental policies in the global economy. Wei will join the Department of Economics at University of Michigan as an Assistant Professor.

Qianyao Ye

Qianyao's research interests include Labor Economics and Applied Microeconomics. Her current research focuses on human capital development, particularly the determinants of the development process. Qianyao's job market paper, titled “ Child Development, Parental Investments, and Social Capital ,” explores the impacts of social capital and parental investments on child skill development. After Yale, Qianyao will join Xiamen University as an Assistant Professor.

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Congratulations Class of 2024! Dreyfoos School of the Arts graduation photos

Congratulations, class of 2024 !

It's that time again for the sound of "Pomp and Circumstance" as high school seniors at A.W. Dreyfoos School of the Arts collect their diplomas at the school's graduation ceremony, held Wednesday, May 22 at the South Florida Fairgrounds.

This is the third year that graduations are back to normal since the COVID-19 pandemic began. COVID canceled ceremonies in 2020 and caused curbs in 2021 on the immensely popular festivities.

To see the graduation photos below, you must be a subscriber to The Palm Beach Post . Please consider a digital subscription to support local journalism. For a limited time,  new subscribers can get unlimited digital access to and our e-edition for only $1 for 6 months.

Dreyfoos School of the Arts High School 2024 graduation photos

To see graduation galleries of other Palm Beach County schools, please go here .

Dreyfoos School of the Arts High School 2023 graduation photos

This article originally appeared on Palm Beach Post: Class of 2024 Dreyfoos School of the Arts graduation photos

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  1. Graduation Wishes and Congratulations (60+ Amazing Examples)

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  2. 40 Best Graduation Congratulations Messages And Wishes (2023)

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  5. Congratulations To Graduates, Graduation Messages and Wishes

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  6. 80+ Best Congratulations Graduation Wishes, Messages and Quotes

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  1. 90 Ways To Congratulate A College Graduate (Quotes & Messages)

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    May you continue to soar high and achieve your dreams.". "Congratulations on graduating! It is a tremendous accomplishment that deserves to be celebrated. Your graduation is a testament to your hard work, dedication, and commitment. Remember to embrace the next phase with enthusiasm, curiosity, and open-mindedness.".

  7. Graduation wishes: What to write in a graduation card

    More formal. "Congratulations on your well-deserved success.". "Warmest congratulations on your graduation.". "Congratulations on your graduation and best wishes for your next adventure!". "So happy to share in the excitement of your graduation day, and so very proud of you, too!". "With love and pride today and always,".

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    Congratulations! May this be only the beginning of your success and glory. My heartiest wishes to you for your graduation. May your genuine effort always brings you success and happiness. Good Luck! Congratulations on your graduation. I hope you achieve great things in your life and career from now onwards, good luck.

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    Grab the Reader's Attention. A strong grad school personal statement starts with writing a concise introduction that gains the reader's attention. The writer can make the essay more memorable by using a brief anecdote, quotation, compelling statistic, or rhetorical question.

  20. Congratulations Messages: What to Write in a Congratulations Card

    What an impressive achievement!". "We hope you can feel all the pride and happiness surrounding you as you head off to medical school.". "Simply overjoyed to hear your good news.". Writing Tip: A "happy for you" thought can stand alone, but it also works well as part of a longer congratulations message.

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    Praying for your bright future as you graduate. Congratulations and all the best for the new path that life is going to take you. I hope this path is full of success. It is time to carve your future now that you have graduated successfully. I wish you nothing but success and happiness.

  22. PDF Writing a Graduate School Application Essay

    • End strong: End your essay with a conclusion that refers back to the intro and restates your thesis. This helps unify your essay as a whole, connecting your experiences back to the reason you are writing this essay in the first place —to detail your career goals and show your qualifications for your graduate program of choice.

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  30. Congratulations Class of 2024! Dreyfoos School of the Arts graduation

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