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215 Religion Research Paper Topics for College Students

religion research paper topics

Studying religion at a college or a university may be a challenging course for any student. This isn’t because religion is always a sensitive issue in society, it is because the study of religion is broad, and crafting religious topics for research papers around them may be further complex for students. This is why sociology of religion research topics and many others are here, all for your use.

As students of a university or a college, it is essential to prepare religious topics for research papers in advance. There are many research paper topics on religion, and this is why the scope of religion remains consistently broad. They extend to the sociology of religion, research paper topics on society, argumentative essay topics, and lots more. All these will be examined in this article. Rather than comb through your books in search of inspiration for your next essay or research paper, you can easily choose a topic for your religious essay or paper from the following recommendations:

World Religion Research Paper Topics

If you want to broaden your scope as a university student to topics across religions of the world, there are religion discussion topics to consider. These topics are not just for discussion in classes, you can craft research around them. Consider:

  • The role of myths in shaping the world: Greek myths and their influence on the evolution of European religions
  • Modern History: The attitude of modern Europe on the history of their religion
  • The connection between religion and science in the medieval and modern world
  • The mystery in the books of Dan Brown is nothing but fiction: discuss how mystery shapes religious beliefs
  • Theocracy: an examination of theocratic states in contemporary society
  • The role of Christianity in the modern world
  • The myth surrounding the writing of the Bible
  • The concept of religion and patriarchy: examine two religions and how it oppresses women
  • People and religion in everyday life: how lifestyle and culture is influenced by religion
  • The modern society and the changes in the religious view from the medieval period
  • The interdependence of laws and religion is a contemporary thing: what is the role of law in religion and what is the role of religion in law?
  • What marked the shift from religion to humanism?
  • What do totemism and animalism denote?
  • Pre Colonial religion in Africa is savagery and barbaric: discuss
  • Cite three religions and express their views on the human soul
  • Hinduism influenced Indian culture in ways no religion has: discuss
  • Africans are more religious than Europeans who introduced Christian religion to them: discuss
  • Account for the evolution of Confucianism and how it shaped Chinese culture to date
  • Account for the concept of the history of evolution according to Science and according to a religion and how it influences the ideas of the religious soul
  • What is religious education and how can it promote diversity or unity?7
  • Workplace and religion: how religion is extended to all facets of life
  • The concept of fear in maintaining religious authorities: how authorities in religious places inspire fear for absolute devotion
  • Afro-American religion: a study of African religion in America
  • The Bible and its role in religions
  • Religion is more of emotions than logic
  • Choose five religions of the world and study the similarities in their ideas
  • The role of religious leaders in combating global terrorism
  • Terrorism: the place of religion in promoting violence in the Middle East
  • The influence of religion in modern-day politics
  • What will the world be like without religion or religious extremists?
  • Religion in the growth of communist Russia: how cultural revolution is synonymous with religion
  • Religion in the growth of communist China: how cultural revolution is synonymous with religion
  • The study of religions and ethnic rivalries in India
  • Terrorism in Islam is a comeback to the crusades
  • The role of the Thirty Years of War in shaping world diplomacy
  • The role of the Thirty Years of War in shaping plurality in Christianity
  • The religion and the promotion of economics
  • The place of world religions on homosexuality
  • Why does a country, the Vatican City, belong to the Catholic Church?
  • God and the concept of the supernatural: examine the idea that God is a supernatural being
  • The influence of religion in contemporary Japan
  • Religion and populism in the modern world
  • The difference between mythical creatures and gods
  • Polytheism and the possibility of world peace
  • Religion and violence in secular societies?
  • Warfare and subjugation in the spread of religion
  • The policies against migrant in Poland is targeted against Islam
  • The role of international organizations in maintaining religious peace
  • International terrorist organizations and the decline of order

Research Paper Topics Religion and Society

As a student in a university or MBA student, you may be requested to write an informed paper on sociology and religion. There are many sociology religion research paper topics for these segments although they may be hard to develop. You can choose out of the following topics or rephrase them to suit your research interest:

  • The influence of religion on the understanding of morality
  • The role of religion in marginalizing the LGBTQ community
  • The role of women in religion
  • Faith crisis in Christianity and Islamic religions
  • The role of colonialism in the spreading of religion: the spread of Christianity and Islam is a mortal sin
  • How does religion shape our sexual lifestyle?
  • The concept of childhood innocence in religion
  • Religion as the object of hope for the poor: how religion is used as a tool for servitude by the elite
  • The impact of traditional beliefs in today’s secular societies
  • How religion promotes society and how it can destroy it
  • The knowledge of religion from the eyes of a sociologist
  • Religious pluralism in America: how diverse religions struggle to strive
  • Social stratification and its role in shaping religious groups in America
  • The concept of organized religion: why the belief in God is not enough to join a religious group
  • The family has the biggest influence on religious choices: examine how childhood influences the adult’s religious interests
  • Islamophobia in European societies and anti-Semitism in America
  • The views of Christianity on interfaith marriage
  • The views of Islam on interfaith marriage
  • The difference between spirituality and religion
  • The role of discipline in maintaining strict religious edicts
  • How do people tell others about their religion?
  • The features of religion in sociology
  • What are the views of Karl Marx on religion?
  • What are the views of Frederic Engels on religion?
  • Modern Islam: the conflict of pluralism and secularism
  • Choose two religions and explore their concepts of divorce
  • Governance and religion: how religion is also a tool of control
  • The changes in religious ideas with technological evolution
  • Theology is the study of God for God, not humans
  • The most feared religion: how Islamic extremists became identified as terrorist organizations
  • The role of cults in the society: why religious people still have cults affiliations
  • The concept of religious inequality in the US
  • What does religion say about sexual violence?

Religion Essay Topics

As a college student, you may be required to write an essay on religion or morality. You may need to access a lot of religious essay topics to find inspiration for a topic of your choice. Rather than go through the stress of compiling, you can get more information for better performance from religion topics for research paper like:

  • The origin of Jihad in Islam and how it has evolved
  • Compare the similarities and differences between Christian and Judaism religions
  • The Thirty Years War and the Catholic church
  • The Holocaust: historic aggression or a religious war
  • Religion is a tool of oppression from the political and economic perspectives
  • The concept of patriarchy in religion
  • Baptism and synonym to ritual sacrifice
  • The life of Jesus Christ and the themes of theology
  • The life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and the themes of theology
  • How can religion be used to promote world peace?
  • Analyze how Jesus died and the reason for his death
  • Analyze the event of the birth of Christ
  • The betrayal of Jesus is merely to fulfill a prophecy
  • Does “prophecy” exist anywhere in religion?
  • The role of war in promoting religion: how crusades and terrorist attacks shape the modern world
  • The concept of Karma: is Karma real?
  • Who are the major theorists in religion and what do they say?
  • The connection of sociology with religion
  • Why must everyone be born again according to Christians?
  • What does religious tolerance mean?
  • What is the benefit of religion in society?
  • What do you understand about free speech and religious tolerance?
  • Why did the Church separate from the state?
  • The concept of guardian angels in religion
  • What do Islam and Christianity say about the end of the world?
  • Religion and the purpose of God for man
  • The concept of conscience in morality is overrated
  • Are there different sects in Christianity?
  • What does Islam or Christianity say about suicide?
  • What are the reasons for the Protestant Reformation?
  • The role of missionaries in propagating Christianity in Africa
  • The role of the Catholic church in shaping Christianity
  • Do we need an international religious organization to maintain international religious peace?
  • Why do people believe in miracles?

Argumentative Essay Topics on Religion

Creating argumentative essay topics on religion may be a daunting exercise regardless of your level. It is more difficult when you don’t know how to start. Your professor could be interested in your critical opinions about international issues bordering on religion, which is why you need to develop sensible topics. You can consider the following research paper topics religion and society for inspiration:

  • Religion will dominate humanity: discuss
  • All religions of the world dehumanize the woman
  • All men are slaves to religion
  • Karl Marx was right when he said religion is the return of the repressed, “the sigh of the oppressed creature”: discuss
  • Christianity declined in Europe with the Thirty Years War and it separated brothers and sisters of the Christian faith?
  • Islamic terrorism is a targeted attack on western culture
  • The danger of teen marriage in Islam is more than its benefits
  • The church should consider teen marriages for every interested teenager
  • Is faith fiction or reality?
  • The agape love is restricted to God and God’s love alone
  • God: does he exist or is he a fiction dominating the world?
  • Prayer works better without medicine: why some churches preach against the use of medicine
  • People change religion because they are confused about God: discuss
  • The church and the state should be together
  • Polygamous marriage is evil and it should be condemned by every religion
  • Cloning is abuse against God’s will
  • Religious leaders should also be political leaders
  • Abortion: a sin against God or control over your body
  • Liberty of religious association affects you negatively: discuss
  • Religious leaders only care about themselves, not the people
  • Everyone should consider agnosticism
  • Natural laws are the enemy of religion
  • It is good to have more than two faiths in a family
  • It is hard for the state to exist without religion
  • Religion as a cause of the World War One
  • Religion as a tool for capitalists
  • Religion doesn’t promote morality, only extremisms
  • Marriage: should the people or their religious leaders set the rules?
  • Why the modern church should acknowledge the LGBTQ: the fight for true liberalism
  • Mere coexistence is not religious tolerance
  • The use of candles, incense, etc. in Catholic worship is idolatrous and the same as pagan worship: discuss
  • The Christian religion is the same as Islam

Christianity Research Paper Topics on Religion

It doesn’t matter if you’re a Christian or not as you need to develop a range of topics for your essay or project. To create narrow yet all-inclusive research about Christianity in the world today, you can consider research topics online. Rather than rack your head or go through different pages on the internet, consider these:

  • Compare and contrast Christian and Islam religions
  • Trace the origin of Christianity and the similarity of the beliefs in the contemporary world
  • Account for the violent spread of Christianity during the crusades
  • Account for the state of Christianity in secular societies
  • The analysis of the knowledge of rapture in Christianity
  • Choose three contemporary issues and write the response of Christianity on them
  • The Catholic church and its role towards the continuance of sexual violence
  • The Catholic church and the issues of sexual abuse and scandals
  • The history of Christianity in America
  • The history of Christianity in Europe
  • The impact of Christianity on American slaves
  • The belief of Christianity on death, dying, and rapture
  • The study of Christianity in the medieval period
  • How Christianity influenced the western world
  • Christianity: the symbols and their meaning
  • Why catholic priests practice celibacy
  • Christianity in the Reformation Era
  • Discuss the Gnostic Gospels and their distinct historic influence on Christianity
  • The catholic church in the Third Reich of Germany
  • The difference between the Old Testament and the New Testament
  • What the ten commandments say from a theological perspective
  • The unpredictable story of Moses
  • The revival of Saul to Paul: miracle or what?
  • Are there Christian cults in the contemporary world?
  • Gender differences in the Christian church: why some churches don’t allow women pastors
  • The politics of the Catholic church before the separation of the church and the state
  • The controversies around Christian religion and atheism: why many people are leaving the church
  • What is the Holy Trinity and what is its role in the church?
  • The miracles of the New Testament and its difference from the Old Testament’s
  • Why do people question the existence of God?
  • God is a spirit: discuss

Islam Research Paper Topics

As a student of the Islamic religion or a Muslim, you may be interested in research on the religion. Numerous Islam research paper topics could be critical in shaping your research paper or essay. These are easy yet profound research paper topics on religion Islam for your essays or papers:

  • Islam in the Middle East
  • Trace the origin of Islam
  • Who are the most important prophets in Islam?
  • Discuss the Sunni and other groups of Muslims
  • The Five Pillars of Islam are said to be important in Islam, why?
  • Discuss the significance of the Holy Month
  • Discuss the significance of the Holy Pilgrimage
  • The distinctions of the Five Pillars of Islam and the Ten Commandments?
  • The controversies around the hijab and the veil
  • Western states are denying Muslims: why?
  • The role of religious leaders in their advocacy of sexual abuse and violence
  • What the Quran says about rape and what does Hadiths say, too?
  • Rape: men, not the women roaming the street should be blamed
  • What is radicalism in Islam?
  • The focus of Islam is to oppress women: discuss
  • The political, social, and economic influence of modernity on Islam
  • The notable wives of prophet Muhammad and their role in Islam: discuss
  • Trace the evolution of Islam in China and the efforts of the government against them
  • Religious conflict in Palestine and Israel: how a territorial conflict slowly became a religious war
  • The study of social class and the Islamic religion
  • Suicide bombers and their belief of honor in death: the beliefs of Islamic jihadists
  • Account for the issues of marginalization of women in Muslim marriages
  • The role of literature in promoting the fundamentals of Islam: how poetry was used to appeal to a wider audience
  • The concept of feminism in Islam and why patriarchy seems to be on a steady rise
  • The importance of Hadiths in the comprehension of the Islamic religion
  • Does Islam approve of democracy?
  • Islamic terrorism and the role of religious leaders
  • The relationship of faith in Islam and Christianity: are there differences in the perspectives of faith?
  • How the Quran can be used as a tool for religious tolerance and religious intolerance
  • The study of Muslims in France: why is there religious isolation and abuse in such a society?
  • Islam and western education: what are the issues that have become relevant in recent years?
  • Is there a relationship between Islam and Science?
  • Western culture: why there are stereotypes against Muslims abroad
  • Mythology in Islam: what role does it play in shaping the religion?
  • Islam and the belief in the afterlife: are there differences between its beliefs with other religions’?
  • Why women are not allowed to take sermons in Islam

Can’t Figure Out Your Religion Paper?

With these religious research paper topics, you’re open to change the words or choose a topic of your choice for your research paper or essay. Writing an essay after finding a topic is relatively easy. Since you have helpful world religion research paper topics, research paper topics on religion and society, religion essay topics, argumentative essay topics on religion, Christianity research paper topics, and Islam research paper topics, you can go online to research different books that discuss the topic of your choice.

However, if you require the assistance of professional academic experts who offer custom academic help, you’ll find them online. There are a few writing help online groups that assist in writing your essays or research paper as fast as possible. You can opt for their service if you’re too busy or unmotivated to write your research paper or essay.

177 Human Rights Research Topics

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Religious Studies Theses and Dissertations

Theses/dissertations from 2022 2022.

Interpreting 9/11: Religious or Political Event? , Fadime Apaydin

The need to address religious diversity at work: an all-inclusive model of spirituality at work , Ivonne Valero Cázares

Theses/Dissertations from 2021 2021

The Mass is the Medium: Marshall McLuhan and Roman Catholic Liturgical Change , Ashil D. Manohar

White Too Long: Christianity or Nationalism? , Rachel E. Osborne

"Theology" in the Public University , Sarah T. White

Theses/Dissertations from 2020 2020

Warfare in Christianity and Islam: Unveiling Secular Justifications and Motivations Behind So-Called Religious Violence , Onur Korkmaz

Legitimizing Violence: Functional Similarities of the Religious and the Secular Violence , Tahir Topal

Theses/Dissertations from 2019 2019

“Living Creatures of Every Kind:” An Ecofeminist Reading of Genesis 1-3 , T. G. Barkasy

Three Theorists on Religious Violence in an Islamic Context: Karen Armstrong, Mark Juergensmeyer, and William T. Cavanaugh , Ayse Camur

Complex Tripartite Hydro Politics of River Ganges , Muttaki Bin Kamal

Theses/Dissertations from 2016 2016

Solid Metaphor and Sacred Space: Interpreting the Paradigmatic and Syntagmatic Relations Found at Beth Alpha Synagogue , Evan Carter

Growth, and Development of Care for Leprosy Sufferers Provided by Religious Institutions from the First Century AD to the Middle Ages , Philippa Juliet Meek

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

Altering Tian: Spirituality in Early Confucianism , Jacob Thomas Atkinson

Theses/Dissertations from 2014 2014

The U.S. Department of State Office of Faith-Based and Community Initiatives: What does the U.S. engage when they engage `religion'? , Belgica Marisol Cucalon

Rising Above a Crippling Hermeneutic , Luke Steven, Carlos, Armando Thompson

Theses/Dissertations from 2011 2011

From Cosmogony to Anthropogony: Inscribing Bodies in Vedic Cosmogony and Samskara Rituals , Christine Boulos

Theses/Dissertations from 2010 2010

Gadamer and Nāgārjuna in Play: Providing a New Anti-Objectivist Foundation for Gadamer’s Interpretive Pluralism with Nāgārjuna’s Help , Nicholas Byle

Shamanism, Spiritual Transformation and the Ethical Obligations of the Dying Person: A Narrative Approach , Ellen W. Klein

Theses/Dissertations from 2009 2009

Finding Confucianism in Scientology: A comparative analysis , John Albert Kieffer

Sympathy for the devil: A character analysis of Gibreel Farishta in Salman Rushdie's The satanic verses , Catherine Mary Lafuente

The Babel paradox , Michel Machado

Theology, Spirituality, and the Academic Study of Religion in Public Universities , Don Saunders

Broadening the Spectrum: The Religious Dimensions of the Rainbow Gatherings , Seth M. Walker

Theses/Dissertations from 2008 2008

Poetry and Ritual: The Physical Expression of Homoerotic Imagery in sama , Zachary Holladay

Religious Exiles And Emigrants: The Changing Face Of Zoroastrianism , Tara Angelique Migliore

Metropolitan Community Church: A Perfectly Queer Reading Of The Bible , Matthew D. Stewart

Theses/Dissertations from 2007 2007

(Dis)continuity between Sikhism and Islam: The development of hukam across religions , Mark Horowitz

Natural Law Ethics: A Comparison of the Theravāda and Thomistic Traditions , David Lantigua

An analysis Of Origen's charismatic ideology in his Commentary on the Gospel of John , Kimberly W. Logan-Hudson

The proliferating sacred: Secularization and postmodernity , Donald Surrency

Theses/Dissertations from 2006 2006

The commodification of yoga in contemporary U.S. culture , Michelle E. Demeter

The Middle-Class Religious Ideology and the Underclass Struggle: A Growing Divide in Black Religion , Franklin Hills Jr.

The ethics of the spirit in Galatians: Considering Paul's paranesis in the interpretation of his theology , Steven Douglas Meigs

Cicero and St. Augustine's Just War Theory: Classical Influences on a Christian Idea , Berit Van Neste

Theses/Dissertations from 2005 2005

The Origins of Jewish Apocalyptic Literature: Prophecy, Babylon, and 1 Enoch , Sarah Robinson

Theses/Dissertations from 2004 2004

Sports and the American Sacred: What are the Limits of Civil Religion? , Frank Ferreri

Radical Religious Groups and Government Policy: A Critical Evaluation , Tori Chambers Lockler

“Symbolism of Language: A Study in the Dialogue of Power Between the Imperial Cult and the Synoptic Gospels” , Sharon Matlock-Marsh

Near-Death Experiences, Religion, and Life After Death , Holly Wallace

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Religion, Theology and Philosophy Dissertation Topics

Published by Alvin Nicolas at January 6th, 2023 , Revised On March 17, 2023


As part of the religious, theology, and philosophy studies course, dissertation writing is inherently vital to the final result. Various religions are practised in the world today. Some of the major religions include; Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, Judaism, and Sikhism.

In the contemporary world, religion is often not associated with politics and worldly life. Nevertheless, we can not deny its relationship and influence on humans and global peace. Therefore it is vital to choose a research topic that adds to the current body of literature.

To help you choose an appropriate topic and its subsequent research methodology, below is a list of issues classified using the thematic and exploratory approach for the religious studies dissertation.

PhD qualified writers of our team have developed these topics, so you can trust to use these topics for drafting your dissertation.

You may also want to start your dissertation by requesting  a brief research proposal  from our writers on any of these topics, which includes an  introduction  to the problem,  research question , aim and objectives,  literature review ,  along with the proposed  methodology  of research to be conducted.  Let us know  if you need any help in getting started.

Check our  dissertation example  to get an idea of  how to structure your dissertation .

W“Our expert dissertation writers can help you with all stages of the dissertation writing process including topic research and selection, dissertation plan, dissertation proposal, methodology, statistical analysis, primary and secondary research, findings and analysis, and complete dissertation writing.“

2022 Religion, Theology and Philosophy Research Topics

Does religion make society patriarchal, or does society make religion patriarchal a historical analysis of islam and hinduism in southasia.

Research Aim: This research aims to find the relationship between patriarchal society and religion. It will analyse a causal link between both phenomena by discovering whether faith makes society patriarchal or a particular social structure that makes religion patriarchal. And to show this relationship, this research will use Islam and Hinduism as a case study to establish whether these religions made SouthAsian countries patriarchal or these countries with their specific cultures and traditions made these religions patriarchal.

The Role of Feminist Religious Movements in Promoting Gender Equality- A Feminist Critique of Christianity and Islam on Lacking Gender Equality

Research Aim: This research explores the impact of feminist religious movements on gender equality worldwide. It presents a historical view of how changing women’s religious ideologies helped them attain their rights worldwide. Moreover, it offers a thorough feminist critique of the world’s two most followed religions, Christianity and Islam, on how they cannot provide women with their due rights. Keeping in view how these religions failed to give women their rights, it will show how the increasing role of women in these religions helped them get their rights.

Who Does it Better? Western vs Eastern Philosophy in Defining the Role of Genders in Society- An Analysis Through a Plutonic Lens

Research Aim: This research compares Western and Eastern philosophies in defining the gender roles in society through a Platonic point of view. It will reach and contrast both perspectives regarding treating men and women in various societal parts. Then it will use Pluto’s philosophical theories to show which philosophy has defined these roles better by providing a detailed critique on both. Lastly, as objectively as possible, it will show which philosophy is better through various metrics defined by Pluto and other Western and Eastern Philosophers.

Does God Promote Wars? The Role of Religion in the World Wars: A Critique of Richard Dawkins

Research Aim: This research sheds light on a crucial debate in religion and wars studies whether religion has something to do with wars. It will analyse the world wars to show whether religious elements made conflicts worse or other factors that overshadowed the spiritual aspects. Furthermore, it will include the viewpoint of famous evolutionary biologist Richard Dawkins, a part of the neo-atheist movement. His critique of God and religions will help to understand the relationship comprehensively.

Does Power Corrupt Religion? The Role of State in Using Religious Actors for its Political Motives- A Case of the US and Al Qaeda

Research Aim: This research shows how enormous political powers can use religion as a tool for their political motives. It will analyse a state’s channels to influence religion in a country or other countries. Moreover, it will identify which immense political powers fulfilled primary political motives throughout history. And more specifically, it will use US and AlQaeda as a case study of how the US used them for their reasons and what happened when they weren’t able to control them.

Covid-19 Religion, Theology and Philosophy Research Topics

Religious communities and coronavirus pandemic.

Research Aim: This study will focus on reviewing the contribution of religious communities to combat the Coronavirus Pandemic.

Indian religious politics during the Coronavirus pandemic

Research Aim: This study will investigate the issues and conflicts that arose in India during the outbreak of COVID-19 and the response of the international countries on it.

Theology and Coronavirus crisis

Research Aim: This study will focus on theological studies on the Coronavirus pandemic.

Philosophy, science, and religion during Coronavirus

Research Aim: This study will address the importance of philosophy, science, and religion in combatting Coronavirus.

World Religions Dissertation Topics

Under the category of world religion, the teaching courses cover a range of topics, including the traditional aspects and forms of religion found globally, including the mainstream practising religions such as Buddhism or Catholicism, fastest-growing religion like Islam, and belief systems such as the traditions of the Samurai tribe.

Given the highly diverse nature of faith, it is pertinent to explore and analyse this diversity in terms of the continuous evolution of the human race. The list of topics below provides a focused thematic and exploratory approach that may be used for world religion research dissertation purposes.

Topic 1: Increasing Islamophobia in the Western Countries, Its Causes and Possible Remedies

Research Aim: The hatred, intolerance, prejudice, or hostility towards the religion of Islamic and its followers are termed Islamophobia. In the last few years, the increasing trend of Islamophobia has been witnessed in the Western Countries, which at some instances lead to the act of violence and killing of Muslims, for example, the New Zealand mosque shooting in 2019 where 51 Muslims were shot dead by an Islamophobic was extreme evidence of the existence of Islamophobia. Therefore, in today’s time, when millions of Muslims live in Western Countries, it is essential to identify the causes of increasing Islamophobia and how it can be controlled.

Topic 2: Prevention of blasphemy and its Role in Global Peace

Research Aim: When someone speaks or writes profanely about a sacred or religious personality, place, or object, it amounts to blasphemy. The seculars and proponents of freedom of speech and expression do not hesitate to malign, mock and insult religion and the holy personages. However, blasphemy can enrage thousands and millions of believers worldwide as they cannot tolerate any disrespect towards their religion or holy personages, and they can become violent. In this study, the global blasphemy laws and how much they prevent blasphemy are explored, and their role in developing global peace is explored based on a survey-based study.

Topic 3: Religious Violence and its Association with Religious Intolerance

Research Aim: When religion is a subject or an object of violence, it is categorized as religious violence. In situations where people show no or lack of religious intolerance towards another religion and its followers, they tend to disapprove, criticize, and even use violence to show their dominance. Given this, it is argued that people have intolerance towards another religion, then their intolerance, if it remains unchecks, can even lead to violence. Therefore, this research aims to evaluate religious intolerance’s causal relationship with religious violence to identify if religious intolerance can trigger religious violence.

Topic 4: The notion of Atheism in the modern world. A critical analysis

Research Aim: Atheism is a belief in the non-existence of any God. In the contemporary world, scientific advancements and modern technology have made significant breakthroughs that have unravelled many unexplained phenomena and have consequently changed people’s lives and beliefs. As people’s reliance on science and technology has increased, anything that cannot be proven logically or through scientific evidence is rejected, even if it is God’s existence. In this research past, literature will be critically analyzed to identify what atheism means in today’s modern world and how it has altered people’s beliefs.

Topic 5: An analysis of belief and culture of African Christians in Diaspora.

Research Aim: During recent history, many African Christians have migrated to Western or Developed Countries to save their lives or attain better life prospects and living standards. After living in other Countries, African Christians came into contact with new cultures, traditions, religions, languages, and beliefs, altering their ideas and culture. In this regard, this survey-based study aims to identify whether African Christians have preserved their beliefs and culture while living in Diaspora.

Topic 6: The evolution of religious beliefs in India posts 20th century: A critical analysis.

Research Aim: In this research, the molecular structure of various tumors is discussed along with the therapeutic issues faced for these ailments and their treatments. Target spots for treatment and different chemical mixes for its treatments are also explained in this research.

Topic 7: The inherent belief of all religions lies in following the teachings prescribed by a higher authority. Discuss.

Research Aim: All religions have some guidelines recorded in holy books and religious scriptures that their believers have to follow. Whether obeying a higher authority’s commands is a common notion in all religions is critically discussed by conducting a thematic analysis of past literature.

Topic 8: Religious diversity and terrorism: An empirical analysis.

Research Aim: There are hundreds of religions practised globally that are significantly diversified in terms of beliefs, characteristics, traditions, festivals, and customs. In the past three decades, the increased occurrence of religious-based terrorism worldwide gives rise to a need to explore any causal link present between religious diversity and terrorism.

Topic 9: A Comparative study between Hinduism, Islam, and Christianity

Research Aim: The similarities and differences between Hinduism, Islam and Christianity are compared by conducting a thematic analysis. These religions’ religious scriptures will be discussed and compared to identify the shared characteristics present amongst them.

Topic 10: Why Islam is the Fastest Growing Religion in the World?

Research Aim: Islam has been linked with global terrorism in the media, yet still, it is number one in the list of fastest-growing religions of the world. In this regard, an in-depth exploratory study is to be conducted to identify the underlying reasons. A growing number of people are accepting the religion of Islam.

History and Religion Dissertation Topics

History and religion have been a topic of interest throughout previous decades and gained particular importance amongst researchers focusing on the impact and influence of religion on culture throughout history.

Based on  a literature review of the religious references, the researchers have drawn a connection between literature and culture. History and religion are not confined to the evolution or impact of a particular religion. Still, it goes beyond the diversity of religion and focuses on developing the human race throughout time. Below is a list of suggested topics that can be used for history and religion research dissertations.

Topic 11: The comparative study between ancient Judaism and Hinduism

Research Aim: The similarities present between ancient Judaism and Hinduism are critically reviewed. For instance, both religions have a distinct class system that divides people into superior and lower classes. In Judaism, people are divided into Jews and non-Jews, referred to as gentiles, and as per Judaism, gentiles are animals in human form. Similarly, Hinduism divides people into four classes; Brahmins, Kshatriyas, Vaishyas, and Shudras, where Shudras are given animal status.

Topic 12: How the Renaissance altered Christian religion and beliefs during the 15th and 16th Century Europe

Research Aim: Renaissance was a revolt against the supremacy of Christian theology, pope, the prohibition of learning science and logic, and interference of Church in the personal life of individuals during middle ages starting from 500 to 1400 Century. The renaissance proposed a new idea of humanism where religion must not intervene in an individual’s worldly and religious affairs, and people are free to have their own religion and beliefs. This study will critically analyse how the renaissance impacted the Christian religion and beliefs of European people during the 15th and 16th centuries.

Topic 13: Was Christ really crucified? A critical analysis of the contradictory evidence found in Christian and Islam

Research Aim: As per Christian belief, Jesus Christ was crucified, and he gave his life on the cross so that all Christians can be forgiven for their sins and go to paradise. However, as per Islamic belief, Christ was never crucified. Instead, God ascended Jesus Christ and made the betrayed companion look like Jesus Christ, and the Romans crucified him thinking that he was Jesus Christ.

Topic 14: Illicit affairs between Monks and Nuns in Christian Monasticism, a myth or a reality?

Research Aim: The mass grave of newly born babies found beneath the Catholic Church in Ireland provides evidence to support the myths about secret sex lives of monks and nuns throughout the history of Christian Monasticism. Based on the thematic analysis of the historical evidence found in literature and media, the immorality and hypocrisy of Catholic Monasticism will be critically reviewed.

Topic 15: Historical account of the destruction of Jerusalem and Jewish exile by King Nebuchadnezzar

Research Aim: The King of ancient Babylon, Nebuchadnezzar, had destroyed Jerusalem along with the temple of Solomon and exiled all Jews from Jerusalem in 586 BC. Many Jews were taken to Babylon as slaves, while many were dispersed and wandered in the desert for many years. Thematic analysis will be conducted in this study. The historical evidence found in the past literature will be critically reviewed to understand the Jewish Diaspora and their hardships.

Topic 16: Islam: The religious foundations and evolution through the 7th century into the modern world.

Research Aim: The religion of Islam, which came in the 7th Century in Arab, has spread to every part of the world today. Today more than 350 million Muslims exist and follow the religion of Islam, which was introduced around 1400 years ago. Although they have been divided into different groups and sects, they still share some common fundamental beliefs. Therefore, an exploratory study will be conducted to identify how Islam has evolved and how its religious foundations are compatible with the modern world.

Topic 17: The life of Adolf Hitler: impact of religious doctrine and belief.

Research Aim: Adolf Hitler was born and raised in a Roman Catholic family. As per his public speeches, he considered Jews to be the true enemy of Christianity, and by fighting against them, he was actually doing God’s work. Therefore, a thematic analysis is to be conducted on the life of Adolf Hitler to ascertain whether his religious doctrine and belief impacted his life.

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Religion and the Contemporary World Dissertation Topics

This theme focuses on topics that analyse the effect of religion within the contemporary world, including the media’s influence and the application of religious beliefs to the modern-day world.

This is an interesting topic for those aiming to look at theology and religion together since the implications of religion to the contemporary world has become the focus of discussion and dichotomy. Below is a list of topics that can be used for Religion and the Contemporary World Research Dissertation purposes.

Topic 18: Islam subjugate or uplift women: A critical analysis

Research Aim: Islam is criticized for women subjugation and inequality. Still, women in Western countries willingly accept Islam and follow Islamic practices such as wearing Hijab and covering their heads and faces. If Islam actually subjugates women, then why are independent and educated women in Western countries like France and the UK becoming Muslim. To unrevealed this mystery, an exploratory study is to be conducted where the women who accepted Islam will be interviewed to find out whether Islam subjugated them or uplift their status.

Topic 19: Religion is redundant in today's contemporary world.

Research Aim: Religion tends to hinder scientific developments because religion does not permit anything in line with religious law and guidelines. Today’s contemporary world can no longer follow any such restrictions, which can become a hurdle in scientific advancements and medical breakthroughs. Besides, nowadays, people use scientific evidence and logic to justify something rather than blindly relying on religious explanations. In view of this, a survey-based study is to be performed to determine whether religion has become unnecessary in today’s modern world.

Topic 20: Religions and faith communities can be a source of social stability and progress in today’s contemporary world.

Research Aim: In today’s socially and economically unstable and uncertain environment, association with religions and faith communities can enable individuals to have social stability and progress. People tend to look after each other in faith communities. For instance, black Church organisations in London provide work, education and training to black Christians. A thematic analysis will be performed in this research to evaluate whether people can gain social security, better work and prospects by being associated with religious communities.

Topic 21: Various religions, including Christianity and Islam, do not recognize the relationship between same-sex genders. Discuss in light of recent legalization and the global evolution for equality of all people.

Research Aim: The recent laws and legalization made to give rights and equality to the LGBL community are legally permitting people of the same sexual orientations to marry or live in relationships as partners. However, various religions like Christianity and Islam does not permit any such relationships and legalizing the same-sex marriage and relationship would create more differences in the society. This study will focus on identifying the in-depth view of Christians and Muslims on same-sex marriages and their likely impact on their rights, belief and practices.

Topic 22: Equality of women is a blessing or a curse?

Research Aim: Women in western countries like America and the UK are given equal rights and responsibilities. In eastern countries like Saudi Arabia and Pakistan, women have lower rights and responsibilities than men. It is argued that when women have equitable rights, they get higher or lower rights than men based on situations. For instance, a woman as a mother has more rights than a man as a father. In view of this, equitable rights give women more privileges as they don’t have to bear the hardships and exploitation. An exploratory study will be conducted in Pakistan to ascertain whether women feel more blessed or cursed by having equality.

Topic 23: The miracle of splitting of the Moon in the light of scientific evidence.

Research Aim: According to the Islamic belief when people of Mecca in Arab asked the Prophet Muhammad to show a miracle if he is actually a messenger of God, then Prophet Muhammad split the moon in two halves with the movement of this index finger and then rejoined them together. In 1969 the photograph of moon taken by NASA spaceship clearly showed the splitting mark on the surface of moon. Modern astronomers also provide scientific evidence to support the splitting of moon. In this research the scientific evidence to support or oppose the splitting of moon will be critically analysed to determine whether moon was splitting actually splitted.

Topic 24: Why religions and faith are gaining popularity in today’s time.

Research Aim: In today’s time when economic and social problems are on rise, it is worth identifying the reasons because of which more and more people are evidently moving towards religions and faith. Therefore a thematic analysis is to be conducted to explore the reasons why people around the world are becoming more religious by demonstrating and practicing their faith.

Topic 25: Eastern religions, especially Islam have suffered greatly post 9/11 in terms of media representation and fair trial. Discuss.

Research Aim: Since the 9/11 terrorist attack, Eastern religions like Sikhism, Hinduism and especially Islam has been suffered greatly as the followers of these religions were perceived terrorists/extremists and were being victimized. The negative portrayal by media created negative image which may have negatively impacted the fair trial of Muslims and followers of other Eastern religions. Therefore an exploratory study is to be conduct to identify the problem which Muslims, Sikhs, and Hindus faced in America after 9/11.

Also Read: Politics Dissertation Topics

Ethics and Religion Dissertation Topics

The notion of ethics in religion encompasses morality and various morality components to apply to modern life and daily situations. Morality and religion have gone hand in hand throughout history, and it has been observed that multiple moral conducts are justified with the notion of religious beliefs.

For researchers who wish to get a deeper understanding of this relationship, below is a list of topics that can be used for dissertation purposes.

Topic 26: Religious beliefs and morality are deeply entrenched within each other. Critically discuss.

Research Aim: The concept of morality is found in every religion. The concept of right and wrong given by religious beliefs and morality are alike. For instance, telling a lie is bad, while speaking the truth is good for both religions and moral values. In this study, the similarities between religious convictions and moral ethics are reviewed to determine whether religious convictions and moral ethics are intertwined.

Topic 27: Military Action: Ethical justification through religion.

Research Aim: When military action is to be taken against a militant group or terrorists, it would be ethically right to do so in self-defence and protect innocent human lives. Because of this, different religions’ ethical justification to justify military action will be critically reviewed in this study.

Topic 28: Ethical egoism and its relation with moral code.

Research Aim: Ethical egoism is a notion which states that people tend to behave morally only if the moral act would maximize their self-interest. However, a moral code is a set of rules that people follow to live a good life, determining their morals and actions. In this study, the relationship between ethical egoism and moral code will be empirically analyzed.

Topic 29: There is no moral code to justify Islamic Terrorism

Research Aim: Islam is a religion that prohibits killing innocent people, and killing of an innocent soul is regarded as killing the whole of humanity. In this study, the Islamic teachings and moral code will be critically analyzed to identify whether the Islamic moral code justifies the Terrorism done by Islam’s followers.

Topic 30: How is morality entrenched within the teachings of Islam?

Research Aim: Morality means the sense of right and wrong or good or bad behaviour. It is claimed that Islam is a religion that is based on goodness, righteousness and teaches to do good in society and be good with everyone. The Islamic teachings will be critically reviewed in this study to determine how it is entrenched with morality.

Topic 31: Human rights and the ethical dichotomy of religious beliefs.

Research Aim: Human rights are based on all human beings’ equality. However, religious beliefs tend to show ethical dichotomy because it divides people’s rights based on believers and non-believers or piety, where the believers or pious people like religious leaders tend to have more rights than the non-believers or followers. This study is important to identify how religious ethics contradiction with human rights.

Topic 32: Situational ethics through religion. Discuss critically the impact of situational ethics in a multi ethnic community.

Research Aim: When an act in a particular context or situation is judged following a religion’s ethical standards, instead of by the usual morality standards, it is referred to as situational ethics through faith. It can be argued, and if everyone starts justifying their unethical acts with situational ethics in a multi-ethnic community, they will be going against usual standards of morality. This research aims to identify the impact of situational ethics through religion on a multi-ethnic community and how it can create chaos and injustice in society.

Religion and Philosophy Dissertation Topics

Religion and philosophy have been going hand in hand throughout history. Philosophy has been used to justify and question God’s supreme power and the fundamentals of religious faith.

The basic premise of philosophy and its application to religion is based on trying to ascertain the existence of religion as a possibility. You can find a topic that interests you from the list of religion and philosophy dissertation topics below.

Topic 33: Relationship between existence of life and existence of God. Critically discuss with examples.

Research Aim: When a small object like a clock can never be made on its own unless someone creates it, then how it is possible that such a big and complex world and life can be created on its own without a creator. Because of this notion, in this research, God’s existence is critically analyzed based on its relationship with the existence of life.

Topic 34: If there is a God, who was he created by? An in-depth analysis based on fundamental religious beliefs

Research Aim: Based on the argument that nothing can be created on its own and there must be a creator for everything, this idea gives rise to a question that if God exists, then who created God. This question will be critically analyzed by reviewing the fundamental religious beliefs found in the religious literature of various religions.

Topic 35: Christianity is actually Paulism: A Critical Review

Research Aim: It is argued that today’s Christianity is not what Jesus Christ taught, but it is the beliefs and doctrines developed based on what Saint Paul wrote and taught about Christ and Christianity. Saint Paul wrote the thirteen books of the New Testament, and scholars believe that Paul’s teachings greatly deviated from the actual teachings of Jesus Christ. In this study, Paul and the contribution of Saint Paul in developing today’s Christianity will be critically reviewed to evaluate the argument.

Topic 36: Life after death and accountability is a necessity to remedy the injustice done in the world.

Research Aim: In this world, many of the times, the wrongdoers get away from punishment and justice is not provided to the innocent victims. Therefore it is essential that in the hereafter, people can be answerable for their good or bad deeds where they cannot get away after doing injustice, and the victims can be compensated. In this research, the justification for life after death is reviewed in line with the world’s injustice.

Topic 37: God is known to be an all loving, all-encompassing being. How can the evil in the world be justified in the face of an omnipotent God?

Research Aim: It is argued that when God is all-loving, and he is present everywhere, how so much evil, violence, and injustice may be possible in his presence, so much evil violence and injustice is possible taking place in the world. Given this statement, this research aims to justify the existence of evil in the world.

Topic 38: If God cannot be seen then it does not prove that he does not exist.

Research Aim: few things in the world cannot be seen or measured, but they exist, such as pain or magic. Based on this notion, it can be argued that it is not sufficient to deny God’s existence if we cannot see him. This research focuses on determining why it is not enough to disprove God’s presence only because he cannot be seen.

Topic 39: God is only a figments of a believer’s imagination. Discuss.

Research Aim: In different religions, God’s idea and characteristics are different. Some worship idols, some worship animals and supernatural beings, while others worship non-living objects like the moon, stars, sun, trees, and fire. Therefore in this research, God as an invention by the imagination of believers will be critically discussed.

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Architecture and Religion: Built Heritage Dissertation Topics

Architecture has played an essential role within the religious communities since it provides a tangible component of the community’s belief in substantiating their religious faith.

To understand the true essence of an architectural building within the religious faith, it is essential to look beyond the buildings’ structural aesthetics and understand the deeper engraved intangible value of religious faith that drives the community. Below is a list of topics that might be interesting for architecture and religion-based dissertation.

Topic 40: Architectural buildings such as churches and mosques have great religious significance. Discuss.

Research Aim: Religious architectural buildings like the synagogue, cathedral, church, shrine, temple, and mosques carry unique religious importance because it symbolizes religious history, culture, give exalted appeal and have a great influence on the religious community. In this research, architectural buildings’ religious importance, namely, synagogue, cathedral, church, shrine, temple, and mosques, will be discussed to identify their religious followers’ respective significance.

Topic 41: What are the components of a Church?

Research Aim: A church is a structure used by Christians to carry out their religious activities and worship. Traditionally, its interior is built in the Christian cross’s shape, and its components included; center aisle, alter, bema, and seats. However, the church building may also have a courtyard, apse, and mausoleum. The modern church buildings may have different structures and components. Therefore in this study, the traditional and modern church buildings are compared and contrasted to identify the mandatory components of a Christian Church.

Topic 42: Without religious buildings to substantiate faith, followers would lose their religion. Discuss.

Research Aim: Religious buildings like churches, temples, and mosques are the holy places where religious followers can worship, practise their faiths, and socialize with their fellow believers to substantiate their beliefs. This research aims to discuss whether, in the absence of religious buildings where followers can affirm their faiths, there are chances that they would lose their religion.

Topic 43: How far would you agree with the belief that divine presence can only be felt within religious architectural spaces?

Research Aim: The religious buildings are believed to have a divine presence, and people tend to go to such places so that they can feel that divine presence. Given this, it can be argued that a true believer may not necessarily need to visit a religious building to feel the divine presence. Therefore an exploratory study will be conducted to determine whether it is necessary to visit religious architectural spaces to feel the divine presence.

Topic 44: Demolishing a building that is fundamental to a religious belief is tantamount to disgracing the divine God. Discuss.

Research Aim: Destroying a religious building with significant importance to a religious belief would be equal to disrespecting the divine God and religion. The believers of that religion would not tolerate if their religious building is demolished, and they can react violently and create havoc. Therefore, in this study, what a religious building’s demolition would mean for their religious followers will be evaluated by conducting an in-depth analysis.

Topic 45: What is the purpose of religious architectural buildings? Discuss with a comparative analysis of different religious faiths.

Research Aim: All religious architectural buildings serve one common purpose: to provide a place for the religious followers to worship, congregate, and practice religious activities. However, different religious architectural buildings may also serve different or additional purposes. This study aims to conduct a comparative study between different religions to determine whether all religious architectural buildings serve the same purpose.

Topic 46: An expensive religious building does not encompass the basic human right of equality amongst all mankind. Discuss.

Research Aim: In today’s world where millions of people live below the poverty line, constructing an expensive religious building seems to contradict the notion of equality amongst all humankind and basic human rights. However, it can be argued that the poor people who do not have access to luxuries can avail comfort by visiting the expensive religious building. Therefore it is necessary to determine whether expensive religious buildings give all humankind equality and are in line with human rights. Get Free Custom Dissertation Topic .

Politics and Religion: Dissertation Topics

The study of religion and politics aims to draw an interconnecting relationship between the two subject areas and analyze their impact upon each other’s application. Below is a list of topics that may help aim to research the relationship between  Politics and Religion .

Topic 47: There needs to be clear distinction between political views and religious beliefs. Discuss.

Research Aim: As per secularist ideology, politics and religion are two different aspects and therefore should be clearly separated. However, religious doctrines tend to suggest that politics and religious beliefs go hand in hand. Given this argument, the present study adopts exploratory research to determine whether there must be a clear distinction between political views and religious beliefs.

Topic 48: Politics is used as a mask to cover up religious fanaticism. Critically analyse.

Research Aim: Politics include various activities which are used to govern a country. In a country where the governance is controlled or influenced by religious leaders or religious parties, religious fanaticism may be accepted and cultivated under political authority. In this research, the relationship between politics and religious fanaticism is critically analyzed to identify whether politics is used as a cover to foster religious fanaticism.

Topic 49: The fading association between religion and politics in a secular state.

Research Aim: secularism is a belief which segregates politics and state from religious affairs. Based on this notion, it can be argued that people tend to disassociate religion from worldly affairs in a secular state. Therefore the affiliation between religion and politics has been diminishing. In this study, the relationship between religion and politics is to be determined in a secular state to evaluate the extent to which religion is disassociated from politics.

Topic 50: Should religious leaders be equipped with some form of political or legal authority

Research Aim: Religious leaders have a great degree of power and influence over their religious communities, and their followers tend to obey their orders without questioning them. This shows that religious leaders can even use their position and religious authority to direct their followers wherever they want. Therefore this study focuses to critically analyze whether it would be correct to give religious leaders any political or legal authority.

Topic 51: The only reasons politicians bow to religious authority is to gain popularity. Critically analyse.

Research Aim: In countries where religious leaders have great influence and control over many people, the politicians sometimes join hands with religious leaders to win elections by gaining support from their religious followers. However, the politicians’ collation with the religious leaders may not necessarily mean that they bow down to the religious leaders. Still, it is a diplomatic step to gain their own political authority.

Topic 52: How has the religion Islam succumbed under political pressures? Critically analyse.

Research Aim: In the post 9/11 world, the religion Islam came under immense political pressure. The political activism by Islamic organizations and religious parties has been restricted to moderate the religion of Islam. In this research, a critical analysis is to be conducted to determine whether religion Islam surrendered under political pressures.

Topic 53: The role of Hindu extremists and politicians in Indian society.

Research Aim: In India, the Hindu extremist party RSS played a significant role in rising Hindu Nationalism in Indian politics. Since its independence, India has been identified as a secular state. Still, under the Hindu Nationalist party’s new rule, the Indian political landscape has been altered, and Hinduism dominance is forcefully implemented in Indian society. Given this, the present study aims to evaluate what impact the Hindu extremists and Hindu Nationalist politicians would have on Indian culture in terms of violence and injustice towards low-caste people and Muslims living in India.

Important Notes:

As a student of religion, philosophy and theology looking to get good grades, it is essential to develop new ideas and experiment on existing religion, philosophy and theology theories – i.e., to add value and interest in your research topic.

The field of religion, philosophy and theology is vast and interrelated to many other academic disciplines like  civil engineering ,  construction ,  law , and even  healthcare . That is why it is imperative to create a religion, philosophy and theology dissertation topic that is articular, sound, and actually solves a practical problem that may be rampant in the field.

We can’t stress how important it is to develop a logical research topic; it is based on your entire research. There are several significant downfalls to getting your topic wrong; your supervisor may not be interested in working on it, the topic has no academic credit-ability, the research may not make logical sense, there is a possibility that the study is not viable.

This impacts your time and efforts in  writing your dissertation  as you may end up in the cycle of rejection at the initial stage of the dissertation. That is why we recommend reviewing existing research to develop a topic, taking advice from your supervisor, and even asking for help in this particular stage of your dissertation.

Keeping our advice in mind while developing a research topic will allow you to pick one of the best religion, philosophy, and theology dissertation topics that fulfill your requirement of writing a research paper and adds to the body of knowledge.

Therefore, it is recommended that when finalizing your dissertation topic, you read recently published literature to identify gaps in the research that you may help fill.

Remember- dissertation topics need to be unique, solve an identified problem, be logical, and be practically implemented. Please look at some of our sample religion, philosophy and theology dissertation topics to get an idea for your own dissertation.

How to Structure your Dissertation

A well-structured   dissertation can help students   to achieve a high overall academic grade.

  • A Title Page
  • Acknowledgements
  • Declaration
  • Abstract: A summary of the research completed
  • Table of Contents
  • Introduction : This chapter includes project rationale, research background, key research aims and objectives, and the research problems. An outline of  the structure of a dissertation can also be added to this chapter.
  • Literature Review :  This chapter presents relevant theories and frameworks by analyzing published and unpublished literature on the chosen research topic to address  research questions . The purpose is to highlight and discuss the selected research area’s relative weaknesses and strengths while identifying any research gaps. Break down the topic and key terms that can positively impact your dissertation and your tutor.
  • Methodology: The  data collection  and  analysis  methods and techniques employed by the researcher are presented in the Methodology chapter, which usually includes  research design,  research philosophy, research limitations, code of conduct, ethical consideration, data collection methods and  data analysis strategy .
  • Findings and Analysis: Findings of the research are analyzed in detail under the Findings and Analysis chapter. All key findings/results are outlined in this chapter without interpreting the data or drawing any conclusions. It can be useful to include  graphs ,  charts  and  tables  in this chapter to identify meaningful trends and relationships.
  • Discussion and  Conclusion:  The researcher presents his interpretation of the results in this chapter and states whether the research hypothesis has been verified or not. An essential aspect of this section is establishing the link between the results and evidence from the literature. Recommendations with regards to the implications of the findings and directions for the future may also be provided. Finally, a summary of the overall research, along with final judgments, opinions, and comments, must be included in the form of suggestions for improvement.
  • References:  Make sure to complete this following your University’s requirements
  • Bibliography
  • Appendices: Any additional information, diagrams, and graphs used to  complete the dissertation  but not part of the dissertation should be included in the Appendices chapter. Essentially, the purpose is to expand the information/data.

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ResearchProspect is a  UK based academic writing service  which provides help with  Dissertation Proposal Writing ,  Ph.D. Proposal Writing ,  Dissertation Writing ,  Dissertation Editing and Improvement .

Our team of writers  is highly qualified and are experts in their respective fields. They have been working for us for a long time. Thus, they are well aware of the issues and the trends of the subject they specialize in. 

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Exploring Faith and Belief: Religious Research Paper Topics


Table of contents

  • 1 Challenges in Religious Research Paper Topics
  • 2.1 Christian Research Paper Topics
  • 2.2 Islam Research Topics
  • 2.3 Siddhartha Essay Topics
  • 2.4 Buddhism Essay Topics
  • 2.5 Hinduism Research Paper Topics
  • 2.6 Judaism Religion
  • 2.7 Theology Research Paper Topics

Exploring the realm of religion opens a multitude of avenues for scholarly inquiry. Research papers on religion delve into profound questions that have captivated humanity throughout history. These studies not only illuminate the intricacies of faith and belief systems but also examine their profound impact on culture, society, and personal identity.

Choosing a research topic about religion requires a thoughtful consideration of a wide spectrum of beliefs, practices, and philosophical interpretations. From the rituals that bind communities to the spiritual philosophies that drive individual conduct, religion research topics offer a rich tapestry of areas for academic exploration. With such diversity, the challenge lies in pinpointing a singular path that resonates with both current discourse and timeless questions of the human experience.

Challenges in Religious Research Paper Topics

Navigating religious research paper topics presents a unique set of challenges. Crafting research questions about religion demands sensitivity and a deep understanding of diverse belief systems. Scholars often grapple with the subjective nature of spirituality, striving to maintain academic rigor while exploring profoundly personal and often religious controversial topics. The multifaceted nature of religious research paper topics also requires an interdisciplinary approach, intersecting with history, sociology, psychology, and theology.

Additionally, researchers must balance insider and outsider perspectives, often working to gain the trust of faith communities while preserving critical distance. Research papers on religion must also contend with varying interpretations of sacred texts and practices, which can vary widely even within a single tradition. Moreover, the dynamic nature of religion, constantly evolving in the face of modernity and globalization, poses a challenge to researchers aiming to capture the contemporary religious landscape accurately. The task, then, is to approach these topics with a blend of scholarly curiosity, methodological precision, and cultural competence.

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List of 70 Religion Topics to Write About

Embark on an intellectual journey with this curated list of 70 religion topics, each offering a unique window into the diverse ways faith shapes and is shaped by the world we live in.

Christian Research Paper Topics

Diving into Christianity offers a rich vein of inquiry for scholars. These biblical topics for research papers present fresh perspectives on age-old discussions, inviting a deeper understanding of one of the world’s most-followed faiths.

  • The Evolution of Christian Thought in Postmodern Society
  • Analyzing the Role of Women in Early Christian Communities
  • The Influence of Christian Ethics on Modern Business Practices
  • Cross-Cultural Interpretations of Christian Symbols in Global Contexts
  • The Impact of Digital Media on Christian Worship and Community
  • Environmental Stewardship and its Theological Roots in Christianity
  • The Psychological Effects of Christian Practices on Mental Health
  • A Comparative Study of Christian Mysticism and Contemporary Spiritual Movements
  • The Political Expressions of Liberation Theology in Latin America
  • Christian Perspectives on Artificial Intelligence and Bioethics

Islam Research Topics

The study of Islam uncovers a tapestry of cultural, theological, and historical themes. These research topics on religion provide a platform for a nuanced exploration of Islam’s multifaceted impact on the world.

  • Modern Interpretations of Sharia Law in Various Islamic Societies
  • The Role of Sufism in Contemporary Islamic Practice
  • Islamic Economic Principles and Their Application in the 21st Century
  • Gender Dynamics within Islamic Theology and Practice
  • Islamic Artistic Expression in the Digital Age
  • The Influence of Islam on Classical Scientific Discovery and Philosophy
  • The Political Significance of Islam in Non-Majority Muslim Countries
  • Interfaith Dialogues between Islamic and Western Philosophical Traditions
  • The Evolution of Islamic Educational Institutions from Classical to Modern Times
  • The Representation of Islam in Western Media and its Societal Impact

Siddhartha Essay Topics

Hermann Hesse’s “Siddhartha” is a rich narrative ripe for exploration, intertwining themes of self-discovery and spirituality. These religion topics to write about offer a pathway to understanding the profound messages embedded in this classic tale.

  • The Concept of Enlightenment in Siddhartha Versus Traditional Buddhist Teachings
  • River Imagery as a Symbol of Life’s Journey in Siddhartha
  • Siddhartha’s Relationship with Nature as a Reflection of His Spiritual Quest
  • The Influence of Hermann Hesse’s Personal Beliefs on the Portrayal of Religion in Siddhartha
  • Comparing Siddhartha’s Ascetic Life with Modern Minimalist Movements
  • The Role of Mentorship and its Impact on Siddhartha’s Spiritual Evolution
  • The Dichotomy of Material Wealth and Spiritual Fulfillment in Siddhartha
  • Siddhartha’s Search for Authenticity Amidst Societal Expectations
  • The Function of Love in Siddhartha’s Journey Towards Self-Actualization
  • Relevance of Siddhartha’s Lessons in the Context of Contemporary Religious Practice

Buddhism Essay Topics

Buddhism, with its profound philosophical foundations and global influence, provides a fertile ground for scholarly exploration. These religious research topics and world religion paper topics delve into the heart of Buddhist doctrine and its practical implications in today’s world.

  • The Intersection of Buddhist Philosophy and Contemporary Psychotherapy
  • Ethical Consumption and Environmentalism through the Lens of Buddhist Teachings
  • The Role of Meditation in Modern Healthcare as Influenced by Buddhism
  • Analysis of Buddhist Responses to the Challenges of Globalization
  • The Adaptation of Zen Aesthetics in Western Art and Architecture
  • Buddhist Principles in Conflict Resolution and Peacebuilding Efforts
  • The Impact of Technological Advancements on Traditional Buddhist Practices
  • A Study of Gender Roles within Buddhist Monastic Communities
  • The Influence of Buddhism on Western Philosophical Thought
  • Exploring the Growth of Buddhist Tourism and its Cultural Impacts

Hinduism Research Paper Topics

Hinduism’s rich tapestry of mythology, philosophy, and cultural practices presents an expansive field for academic inquiry. The following religion topics for research paper encompass both the depth of Hindu traditions and contemporary issues, offering a platform for insightful discourse.

  • Analyzing the Impact of Hinduism on India’s Environmental Policies
  • Feminine Divinity in Hinduism and its Influence on Gender Roles
  • The Evolution of Hindu Temple Architecture Over Centuries
  • Caste System Interpretations in Modern Hindu Society
  • Yoga as a Global Phenomenon: Origins and Transformations from Hindu Traditions
  • The Role of Hinduism in Forming India’s National Identity
  • The Philosophy of Karma and its Relevance to Modern Ethics
  • Ayurveda: Ancient Hindu Science of Health in the Modern Wellness Industry
  • The Dynamics of Hindu Pilgrimage: Economy, Ecology, and Tradition
  • Hindu Rituals and their Psychological Implications in Contemporary Practice


Judaism Religion

The exploration of Judaism offers insights into one of the world’s oldest monotheistic religions, rich with history and tradition. While the following topics are not centered on religion research paper topics, they reflect the depth and diversity inherent in Jewish studies.

  • The Influence of Jewish Mysticism on Contemporary Religious Thought
  • The Preservation of Jewish Traditions in Diaspora Communities
  • Jewish Perspectives on Bioethics and Modern Medical Dilemmas
  • The Role of the Synagogue in Jewish Cultural and Religious Life
  • The Impact of the Holocaust on Theological Understandings in Judaism
  • Jewish Contributions to Interfaith Dialogue and Peacebuilding
  • The Evolution of Kosher Laws and Their Application in the Food Industry
  • The Intersection of Jewish Law and Modern State Legislation
  • The Role of Hebrew Language Revival in Jewish Identity Formation
  • Jewish Feminist Theology and its Quest for Gender Equality in Religious Practice

Theology Research Paper Topics

Theology, the systematic study of the divine, invites scholars to probe the depths of religious belief and practice. These theology research paper topics are designed to inspire critical thought and original analysis on various aspects of spiritual inquiry.

  • The Role of Prophecy in Abrahamic Religions Comparative Study
  • Liberation Theology’s Influence on Social Justice Movements
  • Theological Responses to the Problem of Evil in Different Faiths
  • The Impact of Feminist Theology on Traditional Religious Practices
  • The Integration of Theology and Science in the Modern World
  • The Concept of the Afterlife in Theological and Philosophical Perspectives
  • Ecumenism and the Pursuit of Christian Unity in Theology
  • Theological Underpinnings of Contemporary Environmental Ethics
  • The Influence of Digital Media on Theological Education
  • The Role of Ritual in Expressing and Shaping Theological Beliefs

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35 Inspiring Theology and Religion Research Topics for Undergraduates

Adela B.

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Picture this – you're sitting at your desk, a blank document open on your screen, the cursor blinking back at you. The task? A research paper for your theology and religious studies class. The problem? You have no idea what your topic should be. We've all been there. Whether you're a novice researcher or a seasoned academic, choosing a research paper topic can be daunting.

But fear not, brave scholar! Whether you're interested in the spiritual beliefs that have shaped societies over millennia or the philosophical debates that underpin religious thought, theology and religious studies offer a vast, rich field to explore. So, let's turn that daunting task into an exciting opportunity. In this blog post, we'll explore 30 inspiring research topic ideas for undergraduate theology and religious studies students. But first, let's better understand this intriguing field of study.

The Power of Interfaith Dialogue

Interfaith dialogue plays an instrumental role in promoting understanding, respect, and peace between people of different religious and cultural backgrounds. It encourages constructive conversations that facilitate empathy and respect for diversity. Here are several aspects to focus on:

1. Necessity of Interfaith Dialogue in a Multicultural Society

  • Explore how interfaith dialogue can help create cohesive multicultural societies.
  • Potential sources: Studies on multicultural societies, case studies on successful interfaith dialogue initiatives.

2. The Role of Interfaith Dialogue in Peacebuilding

  • Analyze how interfaith dialogue has been used as a tool for peacebuilding in areas of religious conflict.
  • Potential sources: Reports from international peacekeeping organizations, historical accounts of conflict resolution.

3. Interfaith Dialogue and Mutual Understanding

  • Discuss the significance of interfaith dialogue in promoting mutual understanding and respect among diverse religious communities.
  • Potential sources: Interfaith dialogue guides, accounts of interfaith initiatives.

4. Education and Interfaith Dialogue

  • Examine the role of education in fostering interfaith dialogue and how it can be integrated into educational curricula.
  • Potential sources: Educational policies, studies on religious education.

5. The Role of Religious Leaders in Interfaith Dialogue

  • Investigate the influence of religious leaders in encouraging or discouraging interfaith dialogue.
  • Potential sources: Statements and speeches of religious leaders, accounts of interfaith meetings.

6. Interfaith Dialogue and the Media

  • Discuss the role of media in promoting or impeding interfaith dialogue, and how it can be used constructively.
  • Potential sources: Media studies on religious coverage, case studies on media's role in interfaith initiatives.

7. Obstacles to Effective Interfaith Dialogue

  • Identify common obstacles to interfaith dialogue and propose strategies to overcome them.
  • Potential sources: Studies on interfaith dialogue, reports on religious conflicts.

8. Interfaith Dialogue and Social Justice

  • Explore how interfaith dialogue can contribute to social justice movements and the advocacy for human rights.
  • Potential sources: Reports from human rights organizations, accounts of social justice movements involving interfaith dialogue.

9. The Future of Interfaith Dialogue

  • Consider the future of interfaith dialogue in an increasingly globalized and interconnected world.
  • Potential sources: Futuristic studies on religion, expert opinions on the future of interfaith dialogue.

10. Case Studies of Successful Interfaith Dialogue

  • Analyze case studies of successful interfaith dialogue initiatives and draw lessons from them.
  • Potential sources: Records of successful interfaith dialogues, interviews with participants.

In this journey of understanding the power of interfaith dialogue, it's crucial to approach each topic with respect and sensitivity, acknowledging the diversity of beliefs and practices within and across religious traditions.

Exploring World Religions: Comparative Studies

Exploring world religions through a comparative lens allows for a deeper understanding of the diversity, complexity, and richness of different religious traditions. This section of the dissertation could delve into the following areas:

1. Methodologies in Comparative Religion

  • Discuss various approaches to comparative religion studies, their benefits, and potential limitations.
  • Potential sources: Academic texts on comparative religious studies, methodology guides.

2. Comparative Analysis of Major World Religions

  • Examine key religious concepts, beliefs, practices, and rituals across major world religions such as Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism, Judaism, and others.
  • Potential sources: Religious texts, scholarly articles, ethnographic studies.

3. Similarities and Differences in Religious Practices

  • Identify and discuss similarities and differences in the ways that different religions approach worship, ritual, and community life.
  • Potential sources: Ethnographic studies, scholarly articles on religious practices, religious texts.

4. Comparative Analysis of Religious Philosophies

  • Analyze the philosophical underpinnings of different religions, comparing their approaches to questions of morality, existence, knowledge, and the nature of the divine.
  • Potential sources: Religious philosophy texts, scholarly articles on religious philosophies, expert opinions.

5. Comparative Study of Religious Myths and Stories

  • Compare and contrast the myths, stories, parables, and legends that form part of the narrative traditions of different religions.
  • Potential sources: Religious texts, scholarly articles on religious narratives, studies on mythology.

6. Interactions and Influences among Religions

  • Discuss historical interactions between different religions and how they have influenced each other's development and practices.
  • Potential sources: Historical accounts, scholarly articles on religious interactions, studies on syncretism.

7. The Role of Religion in Society: A Comparative Analysis

  • Analyze the societal roles of religion in different cultures and societies, examining how different religions interact with and influence social structures, norms, and values.
  • Potential sources: Sociological studies on religion, case studies, historical accounts.

8. Comparative Study of Religious Reform Movements

  • Compare and contrast various religious reform movements across different religions, examining their causes, impacts, and outcomes.
  • Potential sources: Historical texts, scholarly articles on religious reform movements, case studies.

9. The Evolution of Religions Over Time

  • Explore how various religions have evolved over time, comparing the ways in which they have adapted to changes in society, science, and technology.
  • Potential sources: Historical studies, scholarly articles on the evolution of religions, religious texts.

10. Case Studies in Comparative Religion

  • Conduct in-depth case studies of particular aspects of different religions, drawing out points of comparison and contrast.
  • Potential sources: Case study reports, academic articles, religious texts.

Comparative studies of world religions can serve to broaden our perspectives, deepen our understanding, and foster greater respect for the variety of religious experiences and expressions around the world.

Religious Influences on Society and Culture

Religion profoundly influences society and culture. It is a force that shapes our understanding of morality, law, and human relationships, influences our arts and literature, and plays a key role in social cohesion and conflict. This section of the dissertation would explore these influences in the following ways:

1. The Role of Religion in Shaping Morality

  • Investigate how religion forms moral codes and principles in different societies, examining the ways in which these codes shape behavior and social norms.
  • Potential sources: Sociological and philosophical texts, religious doctrines, scholarly articles on morality and religion.

2. Religion and the Formation of Law

  • Explore how religious principles have influenced legal systems around the world, from religious laws themselves to secular laws influenced by religious thought.
  • Potential sources: Legal texts, religious scriptures, scholarly articles on law and religion.

3. Religious Influences on Arts and Literature

  • Examine how religion has influenced various art forms and literature, from religious iconography in visual arts to religious themes in literature.
  • Potential sources: Art history texts, literary analysis, scholarly articles on religion in arts and literature.

4. The Impact of Religion on Social Cohesion and Conflict

  • Discuss the dual role of religion in promoting social unity and causing conflict, drawing from historical and contemporary examples.
  • Potential sources: Sociological and historical texts, case studies, news articles, scholarly articles on religion and conflict.

5. Religion and Cultural Identity

  • Explore how religion contributes to the formation of cultural identities and how these identities can influence religious practices and beliefs.
  • Potential sources: Cultural studies, ethnographic research, scholarly articles on religion and identity.

6. Religious Influences on Gender Roles

  • Examine the role of religion in shaping gender norms and expectations in different societies.
  • Potential sources: Gender studies, sociological texts, scholarly articles on religion and gender.

7. The Role of Religion in Education

  • Investigate the role of religion in shaping education systems, curricula, and philosophies of education.
  • Potential sources: Education policy documents, scholarly articles on religion and education.

8. Religion and Social Change

  • Analyze the role of religion in social movements and societal changes, such as civil rights movements, environmental movements, or movements for gender equality.
  • Potential sources: Historical texts, sociological studies, scholarly articles on religion and social change.

9. The Influence of Religion on Healthcare and Well-being

  • Discuss how religious beliefs and practices can influence attitudes towards health, disease, medical ethics, and well-being.
  • Potential sources: Medical ethics texts, scholarly articles on religion and health, case studies.

10. Case Studies in Religious Influence

  • Conduct in-depth case studies of specific instances of religious influence on society and culture.
  • Potential sources: Case studies, historical texts, academic articles, cultural analyses.

Religion's pervasive influence on society and culture is a fascinating area of study. Understanding these influences can provide insight into how societies function, how cultures develop, and how individuals form their identities and worldviews.

Religion and LGBTQ+ Rights: A Comparative Study

The intersection of religion and LGBTQ+ rights is a hotly debated topic in both academic and public spheres. Understanding how different religions view and influence LGBTQ+ rights can provide valuable insights into broader societal attitudes and legal frameworks. Here are some aspects you could delve into:

1. Religious Doctrines and LGBTQ+ Rights: A Comparative Analysis

  • Compare the doctrines of different religions regarding LGBTQ+ issues.
  • Explore how these doctrines have evolved over time.
  • Potential sources: Religious texts, theological studies, writings from religious leaders.

2. The Role of Religion in Shaping Societal Attitudes Towards the LGBTQ+ Community

  • Analyze the influence of religious beliefs on societal attitudes towards the LGBTQ+ community.
  • Explore differences and similarities across various cultures and religions.
  • Potential sources: Sociological studies, surveys on religion and societal attitudes, academic papers on religion and LGBTQ+ rights.

3. The Impact of Religious Lobbying on LGBTQ+ Legislation

  • Examine the influence of religious lobbying on laws related to LGBTQ+ rights.
  • Consider both progressive and conservative religious movements.
  • Potential sources: Legislation history, records of religious lobbying activities, studies on religion and public policy.

4. LGBTQ+ Rights Advocacy Within Religious Communities

  • Explore the role of LGBTQ+ advocacy groups within religious communities.
  • Discuss how these groups navigate the intersection of religious beliefs and LGBTQ+ rights.
  • Potential sources: Statements and publications from advocacy groups, news articles, interviews with advocacy group members.

5. Religion, Conversion Therapy, and Mental Health

  • Investigate the practice of conversion therapy within religious communities.
  • Discuss its impacts on mental health and legal responses to this practice.
  • Potential sources: Psychological studies, survivor testimonies, legislation documents.

In this part, your objective is to shed light on the complex relationship between religion and LGBTQ+ rights. Ensure that your analysis respects the diversity of views within each religion and emphasize the importance of promoting understanding and human rights.

Choosing Your Topic: A Handy Guide

Having established a broad context of the study of religion, it's now time to choose your specific research topic. The selection of a topic is critical as it sets the direction for your research and, ultimately, the success of your dissertation. Here are some guidelines that may help you:

Personal Interest : Select a topic that genuinely interests you. Your passion for the subject will help to sustain your motivation during the often arduous process of researching and writing your dissertation.

Familiarity : While it can be exciting to venture into new territory, choosing a topic you are already familiar with can often prove beneficial, especially if you're already well-versed in some of the literature or theoretical approaches related to your topic.

Originality : Although your topic should be based on established scholarship, it should also make an original contribution to the field. Avoid merely summarizing existing research; instead, seek to provide a new perspective or uncover previously unexplored aspects.

Feasibility : Keep in mind practical considerations such as the availability of resources, time constraints, and the scope of your project. You want your project to be challenging, but also achievable within your given timeframe and resources.

Relevance : Consider the relevance of your topic to the current academic discourse. Selecting a topic that relates to ongoing debates or recent developments in the field can help to ensure that your research will be of interest to others.

To guide you through the process of choosing your topic, here are a few steps you might follow:

Brainstorming : Start by brainstorming a list of potential topics. Don't worry about being too precise at this stage.

Preliminary Research : Conduct some preliminary research on each of your potential topics. Read recent journal articles, check out related books, and familiarize yourself with the current discourse surrounding each topic.

Narrowing Down : After conducting your preliminary research, narrow down your list of potential topics. Discard topics that don't seem feasible or that don't hold as much interest for you as others.

Refinement : Once you have a shortlist of potential topics, refine each one. Develop a research question for each topic and consider what kind of research would be necessary to answer it.

Final Selection : After refining each topic, make your final selection. Choose the topic that you are most interested in, that is most feasible, and that will make the most significant contribution to the field.

Seek Feedback : Once you've selected your topic, seek feedback from your dissertation advisor and other mentors. They can provide valuable insight and help to further refine your topic.

Remember, your dissertation is a significant piece of work that represents a culmination of your academic journey. Choose a topic that not only fulfills the requirements of your degree but also allows you to showcase your intellectual curiosity and scholarly skills.

Understanding Theology and Religious Studies

Theology and religious studies is a diverse and fascinating field, delving into the depths of human history, culture, philosophy, ethics, and more. It's not just about studying religious texts and rituals; it's also about understanding how these beliefs and practices shape societies, influence individual behavior, and impact global events.

Whether you're studying a mainstream religion like Christianity, Islam, or Buddhism, or exploring the philosophies of lesser-known or ancient religions, you'll find that this field is ripe with intriguing research questions. This field allows for a broad array of research approaches, encompassing historical, philosophical, anthropological, sociological perspectives, and even engaging with modern debates around politics, human rights, and scientific progress.

So, whether you're drawn to the metaphysical questions or the practical implications, theology and religious studies provide a rich field of research that can help illuminate the world in surprising and insightful ways.

Now that we have a good grasp of the field let's delve into some potential research topics that might pique your interest. The following topics are designed to be diverse, covering a wide range of areas within theology and religious studies. Each topic will come with some bullet-pointed guidelines on how you might approach your research. Ready? Let's jump in!

The study of religion is a broad and multi-faceted field that offers numerous potential topics for dissertation research. The intersection of religion with society, culture, politics, and personal identity provides a fertile ground for intriguing questions and deep scholarly exploration.

Whether examining the theological complexities of a single faith, comparing the similarities and differences between multiple religious traditions, investigating the societal impact of religious practices and beliefs, or diving into the transformative potential of interfaith dialogues, the opportunities are vast and varied. The key is to choose a topic that resonates personally, offers a chance for original research, and contributes meaningfully to the ongoing academic discourse.

In this ever-evolving world, understanding religion’s role and impact becomes increasingly significant. By choosing a topic that contributes to this understanding, you engage in a conversation that spans across cultures, continents, and centuries, gaining insights that extend well beyond the academic sphere and into the diverse realities of human existence.

Your dissertation is more than a paper; it is an intellectual endeavor that can have an impact in academia and beyond. It is a testament to your commitment, intellect, and passion in your chosen field. Choose wisely, dedicate earnestly, and let your work add a valuable brick to the edifice of knowledge that the study of religion is.

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The Best 50 Religion Research Topics to Use for Students

Religious Research Paper Topics

In our multi-religious and multicultural society, crafting a great research paper on religion is a challenging task. Indeed, this challenge starts from the first stage of preparing your paper: identifying a good religious research paper topic. Further, it is almost impossible to write a paper without offending one or more religious feelings, especially when working on the history of religion. To make writing your paper easy, you must start by picking good religious paper topics.

In this paper, we list 50 religion research paper topics and a guide for selecting the best. If you want to get good grades, start with the right step- the best topic.

Why You Need the Best Religion Research Paper Topics

When working on any research paper, the most important step is identifying the topic. Indeed, the topic determines the direction you will take with the paper. Here are other benefits of selecting the best topics for a religious research paper.

  • It allows you to work on the preferred area of interest.
  • With a good topic, you do not get bored midway.
  • A great topic offers you the opportunity to fill knowledge gaps in the field of religious studies.
  • It is your opportunity to make your contribution felt.
  • Picking the best topics is the first step to better grades.

How to Pick the Best Topics for a Religious Research Paper

Now that you know the benefits of selecting the best topics for your religious papers, you might be wondering, “How do I pick it?” Here are some useful tips to help you identify the best:

  • Brainstorm your religious study subject. This will help you to get the best ideas to work on.
  • Comprehensively research your area of interest. For example, you might be interested in the history of religion, church and social action, creationism, or modernism and religion.
  • Look at the latest happenings. Things such as religious involvement in economics and education might inspire your paper ideas.
  • Follow your teacher’s recommendation. Often, professors give guidelines to students on the areas they should work on. For example, if you were covering a certain area in your religious education studies class; your teacher might ask you to pick topics from that section only. But in most cases, teachers leave the topics open for students to select on their own.
  • Read other research on religious studies. Most researchers point at gaps that exist in the niche so that later students can work on them. This is a great place to commence your research paper.

The Best Religious Topics for a Research Paper

Whether you prefer working on religious controversial topics or philosophy of religion essay topics, we have listed the best 50 ideas to get you started. Check them and pick them as they are or tweak them to fit your preferred format.

  • Christian and economics.
  • Religion and homosexuality.
  • Black churches.
  • Christianity history.
  • Comparing and contrasting Christian and Islam history.
  • A closer look at world religions without gods.
  • The concept of religion and soul.
  • The impact of religious laws on morality.
  • The phenomenon of trickster gods.
  • The impact of Greek religion on European culture.
  • Impact of religion on American culture.
  • Impact of religion on Chinese culture.
  • Comparing the similarities of images of gods in different religions.
  • How does gender affect religion?
  • Islam in modern India.
  • What is the future of religion?
  • Afterlife: What are the differences in diverse religions?
  • What are the main causes of the faith crisis?
  • Analyzing the influence of female clergy on religion.
  • Relooking at the reincarnation concept.
  • What role do men have in religion?
  • The impacts of yoga on religion.
  • Can faith remove the harshness of adolescence?
  • Why is Ramadhan referred to as the holy month?
  • Comparing religious counselors to classical psychologists.
  • A closer look at the main differences between the bible and Koran.
  • What is the importance of Christmas for Christians?
  • Creationism.
  • Religion and science.
  • How do people implement different religious practices today?
  • Should atheism be considered another form of religion?
  • Judaism: A closer look at its history.
  • Analyzing attitudes towards sex in the Christian religion.
  • Children: Are they considered innocent in all religions?
  • A closer look at the history of Hinduism.
  • A closer look at the existence of God as a supernatural being.
  • Comparing and contrasting monotheistic cultures.
  • Female goddesses.
  • Chaplain-ship: How does it trigger peace and harmony?
  • Impact of women in the history of Christianity.
  • What are the implications of forced religion on people?
  • Religion and terrorism.
  • Religion in the workplace.
  • Religion and evolution.
  • Nordic mythology.
  • A world without religion: Is it possible?
  • Applying religion to address global problems.
  • The primal religions.
  • Do you think religion should play a role in modern politics?
  • Do you think religion influences societal virtues?

Got the Best Religion Topics to Write About – What Next?

Now that you have a list of the best world religion research paper topics, it is important to appreciate that the journey of writing your assignment has just started. The next step is to write down your paper in line with your teacher’s guidelines. This is where your writing skills come into play. Well, it is never easy for many students. Often, some lack good writing skills, have other engagements, or acquire the right resources is a challenge. For others, the deadline is too tight and almost impossible to beat. The best idea is to seek affordable college assignment writing help.

After selecting the best topics, be they sociology or religion research topics or religious debate topics, writing help is provided by experts with years of experience in academic writing. They have handled such papers before and are willing to help you craft the best paper for top grades. Well, do not let that religious research paper stress you anymore, let a professional help you!

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Theology, Philosophy and Religion Dissertation Topics

Within a degree course dissertations are heavily weighted and thus vitally important to your final result. Handing in a mediocre attempt can be the difference between a 2:1 and a 2:2 or a 2:1 and a First . As your dissertation is usually the only independently set question, your grade isn’t simply based on covering the basic points or how you present your work. What topic or question you choose and what your work adds to the subject area is also critically important. No lecturer is expecting you to come up with completely new theological theories, but they will expect your literature to add to what is already out there. To help you to prepare for your religious studies dissertation, this article makes suggestions of Theology, Philosophy and Religion Dissertation Topics topics on which to base your research.

World Religions Dissertation Topics

Religious history dissertation topics, religion in the contemporary world dissertation topics, ethics and religion dissertation topics, philosophy of religion dissertation topics, religious mythology dissertation topics, religious buildings and architecture dissertation topics, worship and ritual dissertation topics, politics and religion dissertation topics.

Modules in world religion cover all aspects of traditions from around the world. Studies can be on belief systems as niche as the Samurai or as mainstream as Catholicism. The focus is on fully exploring and gaining new insight into the highly diverse nature of faith. Ideas of how to specify an area on which to research for a religious studies dissertation are suggested by the following titles:

  • Compare and contrast the basic principles of Eastern and Western religious faiths. Are the two factions really that different?
  • What social beliefs influenced the creation of Japanese religion and how much change to Japanese belief has there been in modern times?
  • What can be learnt from the religious conflict in the Sudan?
  • Compare and contrast modern day Egyptian religious traditions to those from the pre-dynastic period.
  • All religious paths lead to the same mountain top. Discuss.
  • Has the Christian dominance in Ireland subsided enough for the Catholics and Protestants to live in peace?
  • Atheism is the new world religion. Discuss.
  • Compare religious belief in modern day India to their beliefs in the early 20th Century. What has changed and why?

Religious history is the study of belief systems throughout time. The subject pays particular attention to which religions were dominant and which religions have had a historical impact on cultures throughout time. It will often involve close examination of all literature and culture from a specific era in search of religious references. Although the institution that you study in may have bias or emphasis to a particular faith, studies in this area are not restricted to mainstream religions such as Christianity or Islam. Religious history is a key component to how the human race has evolved through time. A religious studies dissertation in this area will create many areas of research for you. Some are suggested below.

  • What religious conflicts were faced by the people of Elizabethan England and what evidence do we have of such conflicts from this time?
  • History has taught us that the belief system of a nation depends on who is sitting on the throne. Discuss.
  • In their book ‘ Pagan Christianity Exploring the Roots of Our Church Practices ‘ authors Viola and Barna suggest overwhelming similarity between the Pagan and Christian faiths. How far do you agree with their theory of Christianity being historically rooted in Pagan tradition?
  • What were the foundations of the Islamic faith and how close are modern day rituals and traditions to those thought to have been practiced in 7th Century Saudi Arabia?
  • Historically speaking, which country and cultures have been unable to resolve religious conflict and how has this impacted on their culture today?
  • Was Adolf Hitler influenced by religious ideas and doctrines?
  • Where did religion as we know it today originate?
  • Historically, human beings have failed in matters of religious tolerance. Discuss.

As the heading suggests, this topic focuses on how religions operate in the contemporary world. This might be questioning whether a faith is applicable to modern day dilemmas, or how a faith is portrayed by the media. This is a particularly important study for those wanting to continue their study in theology to post graduate levels, as academics are increasingly questioning the relevance of religion to modern day life and making this a focus of religious discussion. For topics suggestions for your religious studies dissertation, see below.

  • Old Testament teachings from the Christian Bible are too outdated and no longer applicable to life in the 21st Century. Discuss.
  • Which religious code of ethics is most applicable to modern day life and why?
  • How can religious faith justify the existence of international terrorism and an all-loving, omnipotent god?
  • Do religious belief systems contradict modern day notions of equality for women?
  • According to the Bible homosexuals can have no god. Discuss.
  • Is Buddhism the only religion applicable to modern life in the UK?
  • In post 9/11 culture, Eastern religions have no chance of a fair trial in the media. Discuss.
  • What do pagan and neo-wicca belief systems have to offer in the face of 21st century living?

Religious ethics or religion and ethics is concerned with understanding the morality of religion, how it applies to every day life and key moments throughout history. If you are looking to base your religious studies dissertation in this area, the following topic suggestions may help you.

  • Religion and morality are synonymous. Discuss.
  • What ethical beliefs are involved in the Hindu faith and in what situations are they most applicable?
  • Can military action ever be ethically justified through religious ethics?
  • Which religions use situation ethics in their moral code and how effective are their codes in moral dilemmas?
  • In the 21st century ethical egoism is the only logical moral code. Discuss.
  • Which ethical codes are used in Judaism and where do these codes fall short?
  • The taking of even one innocent life can never be ethically and religiously justified. Discuss.
  • Islamic fundamentalists have no moral code. Discuss.

Philosophy of religion is concerned with logical arguments for and against the existence of a superior being and for and against the potency of religious faith. The objective is to question all aspects of religion to ascertain whether religion can be philosophically justified as a possibility. The following are just some of the topics you could discuss for your religious studies dissertation.

  • The existence of life on earth is evidence of the existence of a higher being. Discuss.
  • A world so full of evil can not co-exist with an all-loving omnipotent God.
  • If God exists, who made him?
  • God only exists in the minds of the people who follow him. Discuss.
  • What challenges are there to the Christian belief that there is only one omnipotent God?
  • Does divinity exist in nature as the Egyptians once believed?
  • Religion is nothing more than a safety net in the face of death. Discuss.

Religious mythology is concerned with the myths and religious stories that accompany the various religious factions across the world. You will often be asked to offer interpretation and fresh insights into what such literature means to believers.

  • What does the Egyptian myth of Isis and Osiris teach us about Ancient Egyptian life?
  • What conflicting behaviour do Jesus and his disciples display in the Bible and how should believers interpret these inconsistencies?

This topic focuses on the role architecture plays in the realm of religion and within religious communities. To effectively study this topic you need to look beyond the physical aesthetics of a building and attempt to understand what buildings symbolise for those following a religious faith. With many religious buildings around the world, a religious studies dissertation in this area will provide you with many research possibilities.

  • What makes a church?
  • Buildings such as the Sagrada Familia in Barcelona are evidence of divine inspiration. Discuss.
  • Expensive religious buildings are insensitive to those living in poverty; the very people religion is supposed to support. Discuss.
  • Demolishing a religious building is an act against the divine. Discuss.
  • Do believers need religious buildings to connect with their deity?
  • Do grand religious buildings cause religious leaders to lose touch with their followers?
  • Without the focus of religious buildings, religion would die out. Discuss.
  • Do you agree that people are only in the presence of the divine when they enter a religious building?

Worship and ritual is concerned with the physical and spiritual rites people of religious faith use to honour their principles and their deity. Within this subject you may study life changing ceremonies such as weddings and funerals or simple methods of connecting with a deity such as meditation or chanting. Factors still prominent in modern society, a religious studies dissertation on one of the following topics could be very intriguing.

  • Being married in a church is the only way to be recognised as a couple in the eyes of God. Discuss.
  • What evidence is there to support that Wiccan and Pagan followers can actually work real spells?
  • What do differing methods of prayer tell us about differing religions?
  • How has Christian worship evolved over time?
  • Is it necessary to baptise a baby to save its soul?
  • How does Islamic worship and ritual differ to that of other world religions, and what do Islamic customs indicate about Islamic culture?
  • Do all polytheistic followers worship the divine in the same way?
  • Ritual may differ but at their core all religions are the same. Discuss.

Religion and politics examine the relationship between these two discourses and their impact upon one another. For further topic suggestions for your religious studies dissertation, see the examples below.

  • Politicians should not interfere in religious conflicts. Discuss.
  • How has politics influenced religion in the UK over the last 500 years?
  • Should religious leaders have some legal and political power?
  • Can the religious leaning of a political candidate win or lose them an election?
  • All wars use politics as a mask when religion is at their core. Discuss.
  • Should politicians keep their religious beliefs a secret and keep their political decision religiously objective?
  • The most effective world leaders have followed a religious pathway. Discuss.
  • Politicians only pay lip service to religion for popularity. Discuss.

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Theses/Dissertations from 2018 2018

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Sanctification in Adolescence: How Karl Barth’s Two-Fold Critique of the Church Could Influence Youth Ministry Practices Today , Joel Vander Wal

Theses/Dissertations from 2015 2015

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Dissertation Proposal

After successful completion of the preliminary examination, you (now a candidate for the Ph.D.) will submit a formal proposal for a dissertation topic to the dissertation committee—a committee of 4 to 5 faculty, including the director of the dissertation, chosen by you in consultation with the director and approved by the Director of the Graduate Program in Religion. 

Approval of Dissertation Topic

You must receive your doctoral committee's approval for the proposed study. The following steps should be taken:

  • Consultation with the probably principal advisor regarding the dissertation topic.
  •  a working title
  •  a statement of the problem to be address and the core thesis to be developed
  •  a brief defense of the topic's significance, including the prospective dissertation's location within a wider field of scholarship, paying particular attention to the context of the field's secondary literature (i.e. who is working in related or parallel areas and how does the dissertation differ from or build upon their work)
  •  a brief statement regarding the methodology and foreign languages to be used
  •  a working outline, including descriptive chapter headings and a brief statement of the material to be covered within each section
  •  a basic bibliography of key primary and secondary sources
  • The Advisor circulates the proposal to all members of the proposed dissertation committee (DC).
  • At least 3 members of the committee meet with you to discuss the proposal and approve it.
  • The student submits the "Proposal Form for CDC" to the GPR office for the Committee on Doctoral Committees (CDC) to consider it. This form outlines the elements needed and the length for each section. and includes a brief bibliography, normally consisting of key primary and secondary sources.
  • If you, for any reason should radically change your proposal from the one originally approved, you must take the above steps for the approval of the new proposal.

Dissertation Guidance

While the dissertation advisor has principal responsibility for advice and guidance, it is understood that any member of the committee is available for guidance. You are urged, and your advisor may require this, to submit sections of your dissertation while it is still in the process of preparation to various committee members for criticism. Any member may request that certain sections or chapters of the dissertation be submitted to him/her before they reach the stage of final draft.

Complete Dissertation

The dissertation must meet the standards of the Graduate Program in Religion and the Graduate School of Duke University. Doctoral dissertations ordinarily run 90,000 to 100,000 words including notes and bibliography. For information about the format specified by the Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, see  Guide for the Preparation of Theses and Dissertations.

Please note that while The Graduate School stipulates a deadline for initial submission of 2 weeks prior to your defense, the Graduate Program in  Religion requires a 3-week minimum of time for the dissertation to be distributed to committee members to read prior to the defense.

Dissertation Defense

When the dissertation is completed, you will defend it orally before the dissertation committee. Defenses, while conducted by the dissertation committee, are open to the university community.

The oral defense usually lasts 2 hours. All members of the dissertation committee, including the advisor, must be present at the defense or may participate by video or conference call.

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Department of Religious Studies

Dissertation, coursework and requirements.

The dissertation requirement includes the following: the formulation of an acceptable dissertation topic; the preparation of a formal prospectus; a closed oral prospectus defense; the formation of a dissertation committee; the submission and acceptance of the actual dissertation; a final public oral examination.

Dissertations regularly set one's scholarly program for years to come and contribute substantially to one's professional identity, including one's perceived suitability for various teaching positions. Students should be thinking about possible dissertation topics from the beginning of their program, and should discuss these aspects of prospective thesis topics early on with their advisors. Topics or areas for dissertation research often develop out of work in seminars and courses, so students should choose course papers with an eye to their suitability for further research. Once a student has identified a topic or promising area, the natural choice for first reader or advisor will be the faculty member whose specializations most closely match that topic. The student should work with this person (and the other faculty members in the program) to develop a prospectus and to choose second and third readers for the dissertation.

Students ordinarily devote at least two years to the dissertation, including research and writing, although occasionally less.

Written Prospectus

Students who have successfully passed their examinations must then present a dissertation prospectus to the Religious Studies faculty for their discussion and approval. The prospectus should present the proposed dissertation topic, explain its scholarly context and justification, describe the methodologies to be employed, put forth a plan for procedure (e.g., a tentative, annotated table of contents) and a select bibliography. The ideal typical length of the prospectus is ten to twenty pages, including a bibliography.

The student works closely with his or her advisor on the prospectus. Before a prospectus meeting can be scheduled, the student should circulate a draft of the prospectus to all probable members of the dissertation committee, sufficiently far in advance to allow the committee members time to comment on the draft, and to allow the student to make any necessary revisions. The student should also determine, in advance, the availability of committee members to respond to such drafts.

Graduate students should allow at least four weeks for this part of the process, if not longer, depending on the state of the initial draft and the availability of the committee members.

When the committee members have had an opportunity to comment on the draft, and when the proposed dissertation director is satisfied that the prospectus is ready, the meeting may be scheduled. Once the dissertation director notifies the DGS that the prospectus is ready, prospectus meetings will be scheduled thought the Department Administrator, who will use a scheduling survey to identify a feasible time for the meeting. The DGS then approves the meeting time, announces the meeting to the department faculty, and any appropriate outside faculty, and circulates the prospectus electronically. The faculty should be given notice of the meeting, and be sent the approved draft of the prospectus, no less than two weeks in advance. To facilitate this, the DGS should receive the approved prospectus  no less than 17 days  before the proposed meeting date, and  ideally 21 days  in advance of the proposed meeting. 

Prospectus Presentation

The prospectus presentation ordinarily takes place 2-4 weeks after submission of the prospectus. Unlike the final oral defense of the dissertation, this is a closed meeting (ordinarily about 90 minutes), where the RS faculty (and invited faculty guests) and the student discuss the proposed dissertation. This is a working session whose purpose is for the faculty to have constructive input early enough to avoid major problems later and to assist in clarifying the dissertation process.

Ordinarily, the DGS presides. After any appropriate preliminary consultation of the faculty, the student begins with a brief statement (10 minutes), describing the genesis of the project and how it relates to the work the student has done in the department. After appropriate faculty questioning and discussion, the student leaves the room briefly while faculty assess the dissertation, raise any further issues, and clarify agreements about the dissertation committee. The student then returns and is informed of the faculty's decision regarding both the prospectus and the committee, and given any further points of clarification, advice, or procedure. Occasionally, the faculty may ask for revisions or clarifications prior to official approval of the prospectus. When the faculty approves the prospectus, the student is formally advanced to candidacy. 

Dissertation Committee & Advising

The student's dissertation committee will be determined upon consultation between the student and faculty. The committee should be informally arranged prior to the prospectus meeting, with the help of the student's advisor and the DGS. The committee is officially constituted at the conference on the dissertation prospectus. Ultimately, the authority for appointing the dissertation director and the members of the dissertation committee rests with the faculty of the Department.

The dissertation committee consists of an advisor and at least two other members. Depending on the dissertation it may be advisable to have a fourth member on the committee (In exceptional circumstances, a fifth member is possible; but this is unusual and needs to be justified by the specific circumstances). When deemed appropriate, it is possible to have scholars from outside the department to serve on the committee.

Procedures for Dissertation Advising

Different institutions (and departments) have different procedures for dissertation advising. In Religious Studies, it is often the case that only the advisor reads first drafts, and that second and third (and fourth, if applicable) readers only see and critique the project at a later stage. These practices, however, are flexible, and students are encouraged to devise a process with their advisors that provides the most constructive guidance to the student, and produces the strongest possible result. Students should keep in mind, though, that reading and critiquing dissertations is highly time-consuming for faculty. Being mindful of faculty schedules and workload makes it more likely that students will receive productive feedback and complete their dissertation in a timely manner. Students should always let faculty members know well in advance when to expect drafts, and should have reasonable expectations about faculty turn-around time. 

Dissertation Defense/Oral Examination

The Department of Religious Studies requires that the dissertation, demonstrating original research and advanced scholarship, be defended in an oral examination before the faculty. This occasion brings the student together with the readers and other pertinent faculty and is usually open to the larger university community, including graduate students.

It is the responsibility of the dissertation advisor to determine, in consultation with the full dissertation committee, that a dissertation is acceptable and ready for defense. All committee members must thus have read the final version of the dissertation sufficiently to participate in this determination. When the advisor, having consulted with the whole committee, judges that a dissertation is ready for defense, she or he will, in consultation with the DGS, schedule a date, time and place for the defense. Defense are not ordinarily scheduled during Winter Break, when the University is not in session, nor during the summer months of July, and August, and June defenses are unusual.  

Notice of the defense must be provided to the full faculty no less than two weeks prior to the defense. An electronic copy of the dissertation and an abstract must also be circulated to the faculty no less than two weeks prior to the defense.

The format of the defense, which is technically an oral examination, is similar to that of the prospectus meeting. University procedures expect that the dissertation director will reside, but the DGS may also do so, often in concert with the dissertation director. Normally, the faculty hold a brief closed meeting (without the candidate or any guests) to discuss the format of the defense, and to consider any last minute issues that may have arisen. The candidate and any other guests attending then join the faculty. After the candidate provides an overview of the dissertation, faculty ask critical questions, normally for about an hour and a half. The faculty then meet in closed session to evaluate the student's work. Faculty may ask for additional revisions prior to formally accepting the dissertation. When the faculty formally accept the dissertation, including approval of the defense, the student has successfully completed the doctoral degree.

Deposit of the Dissertation

Detailed instructions for the preparation and submission of the dissertation and abstract, as well as information on filing fees, microfilm publication and copyright, are available on the Graduate School website . Students should familiarize themselves with these requirements very early on in the writing process. Students must allow a minimum of several days beyond the defense before formal submission, in order to incorporate any final changes or corrections from the defense before binding: several weeks are preferable.

The Graduate School expects that all candidates will successfully submit and defend the dissertation within five years of achieving candidacy. Students who have not done so may petition the Graduate School for a one-year extension, in the form of an explanatory letter, with the consent of the DGS. A second one-year extension is also possible but requires action by the Graduate Council. Such requests are not automatically granted, and students should make every possible effort to meet this deadline.

Additional Information

Six seated teens sit smiling as they look at their peer, seemingly speaking to someone just outside the frame.

Finding objective ways to talk about religion in the classroom is tough − but the cost of not doing so is clear

dissertation topics on religion

Joseph Panzer Chair in Education and Research Professor of Law, University of Dayton

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Charles J. Russo does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding from any company or organisation that would benefit from this article, and has disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

University of Dayton provides funding as a member of The Conversation US.

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Religious strife is common in many places. While the United States has a great deal of litigation and controversy over religion’s place in public life, it has largely avoided violence. Yet our society often seems unprepared to talk constructively about this contentious topic, especially in schools.

According to the IDEALS survey of college students on 122 U.S. campuses, conducted by researchers at North Carolina State University, Ohio State University and the nonprofit Interfaith America, just 32% of students said they had developed the skills “to interact with people of diverse beliefs.” Although almost three-quarters of students spent time learning about people of different races, ethnicities or countries, less than half of them reported learning about various religions. Most students received “C” grades or below on the survey’s religious literacy quiz.

Objective education about the world’s religions has the potential to foster tolerance and understanding , and various research groups provide guidelines for religious literacy education . Yet the study of religion may be hindered by hesitation about what is and isn’t legal in public classrooms – a topic I write about often as a professor of law and education , with a particular interest in these fields’ relationships to religion.

Other countries also face challenges in deciding what kind of religion-related instruction can or can’t be legally taught in public schools, and each deals with the question in different ways.

A peaceful scene inside a sunlit classroom with colorful decorations in the windows.

US legal landscape

Though there have been many Supreme Court cases over issues of church and state in public schools, most deal with the First Amendment freedoms of students, staff and parents rather than what’s officially taught in class.

There has been relatively little litigation about what teachers can and can’t instruct students in matters that touch on religion. Two of the exceptions involved lessons about evolution: one decided in 1968 , the other in 1987 . In both cases, the Supreme Court upheld educators’ right to teach evolution, rather than the biblical accounts of creation, to explain human origins.

Federal trial courts in Mississippi and Florida banned courses in the 1990s that included instruction about the New Testament, ruling that the way they were taught crossed a line and violated the establishment clause of the U.S. Constitution. However, this was because the courts determined instruction was being given from a Christian perspective. The court in Florida did allow teaching about the Hebrew scriptures, because the focus was on the texts’ cultural and literary significance.

In the Supreme Court’s closest response to the question of teaching about religion in public schools, 1963’s School District of Abington Township v. Schempp , eight of the nine justices agreed that state-sponsored prayer and Bible reading in public schools violates the establishment clause. Yet the court recognized that “ the Bible is worthy of study for its literary and historic qualities. Nothing we have said here indicates that such study of the Bible or of religion, when presented objectively as part of a secular program of education, may not be effected consistently with the First Amendment.”

The court’s decision “plainly does not foreclose teaching about the Holy Scriptures or about the differences between religious sects in classes in literature or history,” Justice William Brennan added in a concurrence . Thus, consistent with religious literacy programs’ approach, public schools can teach about religion, but not in ways that seek to instill systems of belief.

International perspectives

To place the issue in perspective, it is worth highlighting other countries’ approaches to teaching about religion in the classroom – the focus of a book I recently edited .

At one end of the 18 countries examined in the book , educators in Mexico impose significant restrictions on what can be taught about faith-based beliefs. According to the Mexican Constitution , “State education shall be maintained entirely apart from any religious doctrine.” However, it does allow religious institutions to provide faith-based education through the private schools they sponsor.

Most nations the book analyzes are more open to teaching about religion in public schools as long as instruction remains objective and does not indoctrinate students. Australia, Brazil, Canada, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, South Africa and Sweden all adopt this approach in varying degrees.

For example, according to the Brazilian Constitution , optional religious education should be offered during the day for elementary students. The country’s National Education Act describes this as a way of “ensuring respect for Brazil’s religious cultural diversity, and any form of proselytism is prohibited.”

Several men in suits stand and smile behind a group of schoolchildren in white t-shirts.

Australia allows nondenominational classes about religion to help students understand the “influence of religion in life and society and the variety of beliefs by which people live.” In addition, it permits faith-based student clubs, as well as religious seminars that amount to no more than one half day per term. Parents can ask that their children be excused, or students may participate in ethics courses instead.

At the other end, England, Malaysia and Turkey mandate teaching about religion in public schools, though British parents may exempt their children. England’s Department for Children, Schools and Families strongly encourages that instruction include multiple religious perspectives, while classes in the other two countries are allowed to be more from faith-based perspectives.

Malaysia, which declares Islam the official religion , mandates faith-based instruction on Islam for Muslim students. Non-Muslims must attend moral studies classes. Turkey, meanwhile, requires religious culture and moral knowledge courses for grades 4-12 that focus on Islam. Parents who belong to other religions have the right to exempt their children from these classes.

What happens in public schools in the U.S. today will significantly shape tomorrow’s society. I believe encouraging teaching about religion can help America’s rapidly diversifying population to understand and respect others’ beliefs or lack thereof. Discussing religions in an inclusive, objective and academic way can certainly be challenging in a classroom, as there is a fine line between teaching about it and proselytizing – but not doing so has risks as well.

  • US Supreme Court
  • Public schools
  • First Amendment
  • K-12 education
  • Education law
  • Church and state
  • Religious tolerance
  • Religion and society
  • Religion and education

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    Theses/Dissertations from 2018. PDF. The Need for Older Adults' Ministry in the Evangelical Church Winning All (ECWA), Bitrus Habu Bamai. PDF. Luther's Understanding of Grace and Its Implications for Administration of the Lord's Supper in the Lutheran Church of Christ in Nigeria (LCCN), Yelerubi Birgamus. PDF.

  18. Dissertation

    Dissertation Proposal After successful completion of the preliminary examination, you (now a candidate for the Ph.D.) will submit a formal proposal for a dissertation topic to the dissertation committee—a committee of 4 to 5 faculty, including the director of the dissertation, chosen by you in consultation with the director and approved by the Director of the Graduate Program in Religion.

  19. Dissertation

    Written Prospectus. Students who have successfully passed their examinations must then present a dissertation prospectus to the Religious Studies faculty for their discussion and approval. The prospectus should present the proposed dissertation topic, explain its scholarly context and justification, describe the methodologies to be employed ...

  20. PhD in Islam

    Part 1: Written exam (9-11 double spaced pages) on the state of the Field of Islamic Studies, focused on problems of method and perspective/theory. This exam is intended to set a broad context for dissertation research and teaching in the student's primary area of scholarship (up to 50 titles). Part 2: Written subject exam (9-11 double spaced ...

  21. Dissertation Prospectus

    The prospectus should define, in a clear, focused, and well thought-out manner, the goals of your dissertation research as well as your methodological and theoretical approaches. The proposal should show to your committee and the Graduate Committee that you have a firm grasp of your topic, its potential contributions to the study of religion ...

  22. Religion, Theology and Philosophy Dissertation Topics

    Religion and the Contemporary World Dissertation Topics Religion and the contemporary world is a unit focusing on the way religions operate in the modern world. It includes a study on factors that influence the application of religious beliefs significantly, like the media. It is a fascinating scholarly area when you want to study theology and ...

  23. Past Dissertations

    Table 6: Dissertations from 1969-1960. Name. Year. Title. Mentor. Michael Didoha. 1969. Conceptual Distortion and Intuitive Creativity: A Study of the Role of Knowledge in the Thought of Nicholas Berdyaev. Wilfred Desan.

  24. Finding objective ways to talk about religion in the classroom is tough

    Turkey, meanwhile, requires religious culture and moral knowledge courses for grades 4-12 that focus on Islam. Parents who belong to other religions have the right to exempt their children from ...