Dying Light 2: The Deserter Side Quest Walkthrough


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10 best evil routes in games, playstation finally acknowledges bloodborne with astro bot preorder bonus, quick links, how to start the deserter, finding bart, finding stach, talking to the field worker, searching andy's apartment, looking for steve, going to the coffee shop, talking with bart, dealing with clint's men, talking with meyer.

Dying Light 2 's game world is filled with numerous activities for you to complete. Even if you have already finished the game's main storyline, there's still a lot more content to come with the Five-Year Free Content Roadmap the devs planned .

RELATED: Dying Light 2: True Friends Side Quest Walkthrough

If you're unsure what to do next, we suggest waking - or parkouring! - around Villedor and see who needs your help. For example, if you go to the PeaceKeepers' main HQ, you will find many available side quests, one of which is The Deserter, a quest where Meyer asks you to look for a Peacekeeper who ran off with a map .

The first thing you need to do is head over to the Peacekeepers' main HQ in north Wharf and look at the "Duties" board to find a Wanted poster, interact with the poster and then talk to Meyer to start the side quest.

Meyer will inform you that one of her men, Bart, deserted his post and took a map with him. She will then ask you to track Bart down.

You can start your investigation by searching Bart's bunk . Alternatively, you can talk to other people on the ship to know a little more about Bart, like Mateo, a young recruit, or Magda, who works at the HQ's hospital.

Follow the yellow marker to get to Bart's bunk and talk to the Peacekeeper sitting by his bed, then talk to the Conscript, the janitor; he will direct you to Bart's bunk.

Turn around to find the bunk, get closer, crouch, and look up to spot a drawing on the lower part of the top bed.

After finding the drawing, talk to the janitor again, and he tells you to speak with Stach, who's in the Canteen, as he might know something.

Exit the Peacekeepers' HQ and go to the Fish Eye Canteen in New Dawn Park . Once there, follow the yellow marker to find Stach; he will be in the Canteen's upper area.

Stach will tell you to talk to the Field Workers on top of the old office building . You will find this building in New Dawn Park; follow the yellow marker to get there.

Find the old office building and go to the top to talk with the Field Worker standing on the structures above the crop fields.

The Field Worker tells you Bart might be at Andy's.

Turn around and follow the yellow marker to reach an apartment in a nearby building . Once there, use your survivor sense to find clues you can investigate (they'll be highlighted in red).

Go to the apartment's second floor and enter the room on the right. Once inside, take the Joker card with the name "Steve" on it. It'll be lying on the bed.

Shortly after, a guy named Clint will enter the room. He thinks you're Bart, and you can either go along with it or tell him the truth.

If you tell him you're Bart , Clint will attack, and you need to fight him.

If you tell him you're not Bart nor Andy , then Clint will ask you to team up, agree, and he'll give you Steve's location. Alternatively, you can tell him you know nothing, and he'll go away, asking you to stay out of his way.

If you fight Clint, Aiden will call Stach asking for Steve. In this scenario, you'll need to wait until Stach calls again to go to the Canteen and meet Steve (you can rest at a safe zone to speed up time).

If you side with Clint , he will tell you where Steve is, and you can go there right after.

Either way, you will need to head back to the Fish eye Canteen and talk to Steve . Once you find him, you can either threaten him with the Peacekeepers or offer an exchange for the information.

If you go with the Peacekeepers option, he'll tell you to look in an old coffee shop. However, if you choose the second option, he'll ask you to rap first in exchange for the coffee shop lead.

Follow the yellow marker to get to the old coffee shop. Once inside, use your survivor senses to spot a dead infected on the floor, showing recent signs of a fight.

After investigating the infected, keep using your survivor sense to follow the red footprints . You will be led to a building where Bart is hiding, but the door is locked.

What you need to do is find a way to get to the upper floors. The easiest way is to spot the billboard (the one with a man checking his phone) on one of the sides of the building and start climbing the ledges to go around the building until you reach a broken window that leads to an apartment.

Once inside the apartment, use your survivors' sense and follow the footprints until you reach a locked door , open it, and Bart will come out to explain his situation and why he stole the map.

After the cutscene with Bart is over, you will need to choose between helping Bart or declining the help . If you help him, he'll give you the note with the encrypted code that leads to the PK's secret stash.

If you don't help him, then you'll have to fight Bart and kill him. In this scenario, Andy will be the one to give you the note and Bart's dog tags.

No matter how things go with Bart and Andy, Clint's men will appear afterward. There are a couple of ways this scene can play out.

  • If Bart is still alive and you decided to side with Clint , his men will ask you to step away and let them deal with Bart. If you agree, you will need to go back to the Fish Eye Canteen to talk with Clint and end the sidequest. However, if you don't let them hurt Bart, a fight will start.
  • If Bart is alive, but you didn't side with Clint , his men will ask you to help them, decline, and a fight will start.
  • If Bart is dead , you will need to talk to Andy again after the fight with Clint's men is over.

If you fought Clint's men, you will have to go back to Meyer to finish this side quest; she'll be in the PK's main HQ.

Talk to Mayer, and you will get the following choices:

  • Tell Mayer Bart is alive: She will be mad that you let Bart escape but will be more interested in the map.
  • Tell Mayer you killed Bart: She'll be pissed that Bart is dead but will be more interested in the map.
  • Give Mayer the map: Mayer will be grateful, and the side quest will end.
  • Keep the map : If you say Bart didn't have the map, then you can keep it, and another side quest called "Treasure Hunt" will start.

Either way, you'll get the following rewards for completing this quest:

  • 2,000 Combat XP
  • 2,000 Parkour XP
  • 1 Military Med Kit
  • 1,250 coins

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dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Should you help Bart and Andy during The Deserter?

Image of Gavin Mackenzie

In Dying Light 2 Stay Human, The Deserter side quest becomes available at the Duties board in the PK Floating Fortress after you complete the Broadcast story quest . Meyer tells you that she suspects a Peacekeeper named Bart of stealing a map and deserting the Peacekeepers. Your first objective is to search his bunk.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

As your investigation continues, you’ll learn that there’s much more to this situation than Meyer realizes, and the evidence that Bart is not only innocent, but that he’s actually a really awesome guy, keeps mounting up. Eventually you’ll find Bart and Andy in a building near the Metro lines west of Juniper Windmill. They admit to stealing the map and deserting, but they claim that the Peacekeepers are the bad guys here, and offer you a deal. You can agree to help, or decline to help.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Unless you’re really loyal to the Peacekeepers, you should agree to help Bart and Andy because they’ll give you the treasure map that unlocks the Treasure Hunt side quest. If you don’t agree to help them, then you’ll be locked out of the Treasure Hunt side quest, and will never find out what the treasure map leads to.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

The Deserter

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The Deserter is a Side Quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human .

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While on the PK Floating Fortress in The Wharf , at the mission dispatch, Meyer will ask Aiden for help. She will mention that a Peacekeeper named Bart deserted his post after having had problems with other soldiers. She also states that he did not only desert the Peacekeepers, but also stole a "map" which could get other Peacekeepers killed if it were to fall into the wrong hands. She asks Aiden to return the "map" and to leave Bart for her, recommending to start by checking out his bunk a floor above, in the barracks.

Use survivor sense when at Bart's bunk, which features a Peacekeeper helmet next to the pillow, a locker, and a Peacekeeper chestpiece. Underneath the top bunkbed is a drawing: Liam's Drawing #1 . Upon taking it a nearby Conscript will ask if Aiden "found something", so walk up to the man and ask him if he knows anything about Bart. He will eventually point Aiden to Stach , over at the Fish Eye Canteen , as he has seen the two together a few times.

Head over to the Fish Eye Canteen in New Dawn Park . Head into the bar and to the top floor, where Stach can be found leaning on a wooden railing. Aiden will have the option to declare that Bart is a thief or that he is a deserter. If mentioned that he deserted, Stach will be happy for Bart and ask Aiden if he heard anything else, to which the thief option becomes available. Stach will deny the accusation as Bart is an honest man, but will say he has had a problem with the other Peacekeepers. He will recommend Aiden to go to the fieldworkers on top of a nearby old office building for more intel.

The office building is located just east of the Fish Eye, so head over there and speak to the fieldworkers, some of them will not provide useful information, but some do. One of them will mention that Bart has not been in the fields for a while, and is probably watching the kid of Andy , Liam , as Bart was doing that lot recently. He does not know where Andy or Liam are, but recommends asking around to find out. Another, located at the end of the bridge connecting the two buildings, also provides some intel. He describes Bart as being brave, kind, caring and loving of children. He will also mention Andy again and elaborate that Andy and Bart are best friends. When asked where Bart may be found, the worker recommends going to Andy's home as they were there the night before handing out drinks.

Head over to the building just east of the rooftop plantation and go inside. Jump up a floor and use survivor sense when entering the hall connected to the bedchamber. Here, the fifth drawing of Liam is found on the floor. Enter the room at the end of the hallway and use survivor sense to find the third and fourth drawing on the couch. On the bed, using survivor sense, a playing card adressing a " Steve " can be found. Upon picking it up, a man named Clint will enter the room and believe Aiden to be bart.

If told Aiden is bart, Clint will attack. After dealing with Clint, Aiden will then contact Stach to ask him about Steve, who is apparently a shady character. Stach will mention knowing Steve and will inform Aiden that he will contact him when he shows up at the Fish Eye. Wait until nightfall and Stach will call Aiden to inform him that Steve is at the Fish Eye. So head over there. Steve can be found leaning against a wall of the bar.

If Clint is told Aiden is not bart, Clint will ask if Aiden is Andy. If told no again, Clint will explain that he was also hired to find the "map" that Bart stole. Unlike with Stach, working with Clint enables Aiden to approach Steve directly.

When showing him the card, Steve offers Aiden his services. He will deny knowing Bart and Andy, leaving Aiden to either offer an exchange or threaten with the Peacekeepers. If the Peacekeepers are mentioned, Steve will start to panick and eventually admit that Bart and Andy hired Steve to bring them and Liam to the Colonel safely, but left him when they ran into a Peacekeeper patrol. He will give directions to where he dropped them off: near an old coffeeshop not far from the Fish Eye, by the offramp from the E12.

The coffee shop in question is found in Garrison , just north of GRE Anomaly C-A-55 . Head on over there and use survivor sense. A dead infected can be investigated in one of the corners of a building, with a weapon still stuck in the body. Use survivor sense to find and follow a nearby trail, which leads to the entrance into a building where the second of Liam's drawings can be found. Climb up the building until it can be entered, then head inside and use survivor sense to further follow the trail.

The trail leads to a door, upon knocking on it the deserter, Bart, will open it and demand to know who Aiden is and what he wants. Bart will recognize Aiden and ask if Meyer sent him, to which Aiden responds by saying he was sent to find Bart and retrieve what he stole, shortly after which Andy will come to the door and ask the two to keep it down. He will state that the "map" is technically not a map, but does detail the location of some secret Peacekeeper stash. Bart will state he was planning to use it as payment to the Colonel in return for safe passage for Andy, Liam, and himself. He will ask Aiden to return to Meyer and lie to her by telling Bart and Andy are killed, offering to give him his dog tags and the coded message as proof.

Aiden can either agree to help, or decline.

If chosen to help, Andy and Bart will be grateful and give Aiden the required items to fake his death. Before parting with it, they will mention that they will stay at their hideout for now until deciding what to do. If chosen not to help, Bart will fight Aiden and have to be killed. After doing so, head to Andy and ask for the map. He will give Aiden both the "map" and Bart's dog tags and tell Aiden to go.

Regardless of the choice made, a group of bounty hunters will appear on the site. Aiden can either choose to fight, or to try and avoid it if Clint was partnered with. If Clint was killed, or not partnered with, the bounty hunters will attack. Regardless of the choice made, head back to Meyer on the PK Floating Fortress and report about the situation. Aiden can either be truthful and say Bart is alive, or say that Bart is dead. If told he is dead, Aiden will say that he had to kill him out of self defense. If truthful, Aiden will tell Meyer that Bart, Andy, and Liam tried to escape and he let Bart live.

Meyer will then ask if Aiden has the map, to which Aiden can either choose to give or keep it. If chosen to give it, Meyer will be grateful and thank Aiden, finishing the quest. If chosen to keep it, Aiden will deny having it and Meyer will ask what happened to it, to which Aiden responds by saying Bart ditched it, which makes Meyer more frustrated as not knowing where it is could be worse than it falling into enemy hands. Aiden will point out the location where he found Bart as a way to "help" Meyer, who will be annoyed as she will have to bring this news to Jack Matt . Upon ending the conversation, the quest is finished.

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Dying Light 2 The Deserter Walkthrough

February 2, 2022 by Archavia 8 Comments

The Deserter is a Side Mission (Side Quest) in Dying Light 2. This walkthrough will guide you through all objectives of The Deserter side mission.

Region:  The Wharf Quest Giver:  Meyer Requirement:  Complete Main Quest “Broadcast” Reward:  2000 Combat XP, 2000 Agility XP, 1500 Old World Money, 6 Mementos: “Liam’s Drawing #1”, “Liam’s Drawing #2”, “Liam’s Drawing #3”, “Liam’s Drawing #4”, “Liam’s Drawing #5”, “Playing Card – Joker – Steve’s business card” Mission Info:  Meyer accused a Peacekeeper named Bart not only of desertion, but claimed that he stole a map, with top secret information. If this information got out, it would spell disaster for the Peacekeepers.


Ask Meyer for details

Talk to pks who could know bart (optional), search bart’s bunk, talk to the nearby peacekeeper.

  • Ash Stach about Bart
  • Ask the field workers about Bart

Search the apartment

  • Talk to Stach about Steve

Wait for Stach’s call

Talk to steve, look for bart near the old coffee shop, search the area for bart, report back to meyer, starting location: the deserter.

The Deserter is a side quest in The Wharf that can be started by interacting with the wanted poster on the Missy after completing Main Quest “Broadcast”.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Talk to Meyer next to the noticeboard and exhaust her optional dialogue for an optional objective.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Talk to the nearby Mateo about Bart, then head upstairs and talk to Garrett, before finally heading into the Medical Bay and speaking to Magda. While this is optional it will give some more information on Bart.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Go to barracks and crouch next to Bart’s bunk to find  Liam’s Drawing #1 (Memento) underneath the top bunk.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Talk to the cleaner next to the bunk to get further information on Bart, and he will direct you to speak to Stach at the Canteen.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Ask Stach about Bart

Head to the Fish Eye Canteen and talk to Stach.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Ask the field workers about Bart

Head east to the marked location and speak to one of the field workers.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Go into the apartment next to the field workers and climb upstairs. Investigate the paper outside the room for  Liam’s Drawing #5 (Memento) .

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Go into the bedroom and investigate papers in the corner of the bedroom for  Liam’s Drawing #3 (Memento)  and  Liam’s Drawing #4 (Memento) . Finally, investigate the card on the bed to receive  Playing Card – Joker – Steve’s business card (Memento) . Respond to Clint however you please.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Leave the apartment and you will automatically contact Stach, who will call you back once Steve arrives at the Canteen. It may take a few seconds to minutes for Stach to call you back, but you can force him to call you by quitting to the main menu and loading your game again.

Head to the Fish Eye Canteen and speak to Steve.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

You will need to get information from Steve, which you can do either by threatening him or bargaining with him. Both will end in the same result, but bargaining with him will require you to rap on stage before he will give you the information.

Head to the coffee shop at the marked location in Garrison. Investigate the weapon in an Infected.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Follow the footprints west and you will find them leading into a boarded-up building, and next to it on the ground you will find  Liam’s Drawing #2 (Memento) .

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Now return to the coffee shop and climb on top of it to parkour over to the boarded-up building where you can find an entrance.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Go inside and interact with the door. You will get a choice during this conversation:

  • Agree to help: Bart, Andy and Liam get to live; you receive Bart’s dogtags and the map to take back to Meyer
  • Decline to help: ??? (needs confirmation)

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

If you agreed to help, Clint will arrive with some bounty hunters and attack you. Defeat them, then talk to Bart.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Head back to Meyer at the Missy. When speaking to her, you will get an important choice at the end:

  • Give Map: Completes quest
  • Keep Map: Completes quest and unlocks new side quest “ Treasure Hunt “

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

This finishes The Deserter Side Quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human.

For all other Side Quests and Main Missions, check out the complete  Dying Light 2 Walkthrough .

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February 7, 2022 at 8:45 pm

I have this quest but I don’t know why but meyer is not here

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February 11, 2022 at 11:35 am

This quest is glitched for me too, i cant get the first collectible and not the playing card..

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February 13, 2022 at 3:52 pm

The playing card is not there for me 🙁

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February 13, 2022 at 8:25 pm

The mission is no longer available after completing the main quest. Steve would not be available.

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February 20, 2022 at 8:12 pm

So, the collectibles in this mission are missable too? Wonderful… Just perfect!

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February 16, 2022 at 11:35 pm

if been to this and got loot like the drawings it will ack like still laying around as see the yellow dot so make sure got it in your mementos

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June 30, 2022 at 5:54 am

I killed Bart and still got map and side quest, which was awesome cause win-win

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July 29, 2022 at 7:12 am

So i have scoured the internet and nowhere says this quest is gated or missable, yet I have 115/117 and i cant get the last two because this quest is nowhere to be found and inaccessible :/ I don’t get why every other collectible pertaining to this mission (liams other drawings) is available to grab in free roam but the two that i need are locked behind the quest x.x Someone else mentioned something about a steve person not being available if u beat the main quest, but again I havent seen any warnings out there about this which is a huge bummer. I remember that they did something with Avery’s map because so many people were having issues getting the quest to spawn so I hope to God they come out with a fix for this to have an alternate location for the collectibes

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Dying Light 2 – The Deserter Side Quest

Dying Light 2

Below is a walkthrough on The Deserter side quest in Dying Light 2 Stay Human. To obtain this quest, speak with Meyer at the PK Floating Fortress in The Wharf after completing the Broadcast story quest.

Talk to PKs who could know Bart

Speak with the following people:

  • Mateo near the mess hall
  • Magda in the infirmary
  • Garrett along the walkway across from the infirmary
  • Peacekeeper sitting next to a bunkbed

Search Bart’s bunk

Follow the objective to search the bottom of the top bunk to find Liam’s Drawing #1 then speak with the Conscript standing nearby.

Ask Stach about Bart

Travel to the Fish Eye in New Dawn Park and speak with Stach upstairs.

Ask the field workers about Bart

Travel to the pumpkin patch southeast of the Fish Eye. Speak with the guy smoking next to a bathtub and the guys past the tomatoes. Head across the wooden bridge and speak with the guy with the clipboard.

Search the apartment

Head a short ways east and go into the skyscraper. Investigate the following:

  • Liam’s drawing #5 on the floor on the second level

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

  • Liam’s drawing #3 and #4 on a couch in Liam’s room

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

  • Playing Card – Joker – Steve’s business card on the bed in the upstairs bedroom

When you pick up the card, a cutscene with Clint will trigger. We told him that we weren’t Bart or Andy and were able to get a little info out of him about Steve.

Interrogate Steve

Return to the Fish Eye and speak with Steve who is leaning against the wall with sunglasses on. You’ll have to make a choice on whether to do him a favor or mention that Clint is waiting for him outside.

Rap for Steve

If you choose the favor, he’ll ask you to rap for him. Head on over to the mic and choose what you want.

Talk to Steve

Return to Steve and speak with him.

Look for Bart near the old coffee shop

Travel to the objective in the central part of Garrison and investigate the remains of an Infected by a broken window.

Search the area for Bart

Follow the footprints into a nearby building. Look at the Liam drawing #2 by the boarded door where the footprints end.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Return to the old coffee shop and climb to the upper part of the building to find a room with UV lights. Interact with a closed door to speak with Bart. You can either agree to help him or not. We chose to agree to help him. Andy will hand over the coded message and his dog tags. A cutscene with Clint will trigger. You’ll have to make a choice again on whether to protect the family or not. If you choose to protect the family, you’ll have to fight Clint and his men.

Report back to Meyer

Return to the PK Floating Fortress and speak with Meyer to complete the quest. If you can either tell her Bart is dead or not. You can also either give her the map or not. We chose to give her the map and she was appreciative.

  • 2000 Combat XP
  • 2000 Parkour XP
  • 1000 Old World Money

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Dying Light 2 Stay Human: Should you help Bart and Andy during The Deserter?

They’re thieves, but maybe they deserve your help.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

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dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Screenshot by Gamepur

In Dying Light 2 Stay Human, The Deserter side quest becomes available at the Duties board in the PK Floating Fortress after you complete the Broadcast story quest . Meyer tells you that she suspects a Peacekeeper named Bart of stealing a map and deserting the Peacekeepers. Your first objective is to search his bunk.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

As your investigation continues, you’ll learn that there’s much more to this situation than Meyer realizes, and the evidence that Bart is not only innocent, but that he’s actually a really awesome guy, keeps mounting up. Eventually you’ll find Bart and Andy in a building near the Metro lines west of Juniper Windmill. They admit to stealing the map and deserting, but they claim that the Peacekeepers are the bad guys here, and offer you a deal. You can agree to help, or decline to help.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Unless you’re really loyal to the Peacekeepers, you should agree to help Bart and Andy because they’ll give you the treasure map that unlocks the Treasure Hunt side quest. If you don’t agree to help them, then you’ll be locked out of the Treasure Hunt side quest, and will never find out what the treasure map leads to.

About the author

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

Gavin Mackenzie

Gavin Mackenzie has been playing video games since the early 80s, and writing about them professionally since the late 90s. Having been a writer and editor on various British magazines including PLAY, GamesTM, and X360, he's now a freelance guides specialist at Gamepur.

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Dying Light 2 The Deserter Quest: How To Get The Treasure Map

Dying Light 2 The Deserter Quest: How To Get The Treasure Map

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


2nd Feb 2022 15:02

Here's our Dying Light 2 The Deserter quest walkthrough, because if you make certain choices, you can leave the quest with a treasure map and a new quest. Some quests and paths can be completely missed in Dying Light 2 depending on your choices, but some choices lead to better outcomes than others. The Deserter quest can lead you to a cerebral quest called Treasure Hunt, but you need to make the right decisions. So, here's our Dying Light 2 The Deserter Quest Walkthrough.

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Dying Light 2 The Deserter Quest Walkthrough: The Lead Up

Dying Light 2 The Deserter Quest lead up

The Deserter is a side quest, so it's missable and can be locked off once you cross a threshold later on. To begin the quest, just go to the Peacekeeper ship on Quarry Wharf and speak to Meyer. She'll tell you about a soldier called Bart who deserted, and task you with finding them, along with giving you some leads and people to speak too. 

Talk to the characters around the ship who know about Bart, and you will be told to speak to a man named Stach at the Fish Eye Canteen. He'll tell you that Bart used to hang around near the fields on the rooftops, and direct you toward the fieldworkers to ask about him. One of them tells you to find Bart's best friend Andy at a nearby apartment, and once you get inside you will find a clue and get ambushed by a bounty hunter. 

Fight the man off, and you will radio Stach to ask about the clue - which contains the name Steve on it - and he says he will radio you back once Steve shows up at the Fish Eye. Wait until you get the call, and you can go speak to Steve, who will tell you that he was escorting Bart across the city until they got split up. He tells you where he last left him, and from there you can follow a trail leading to Bart. 

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Dying Light 2 The Deserter Quest Walkthrough: Agree To Help Bart And Andy

Dying Light 2 The Deserter Quest help Bart

Once you find Bart, you will discover he is with his partner and their child, and eventually try to persuade you to fake his death. If you decide to help them, Bart will give you a coded map he stole and his dog tags, so you can go back to Meyer. Some more bounty hunters will attack after, but you once you've fought them - it's back to the ship.

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Dying Light 2 The Deserter Quest Walkthrough: Lie To Meyer

Dying Light 2 The Deserter Quest lie

Once you are back on the ship, talk to Meyer and she will ask what happened. Lying by saying "that Bart is dead," will result in you giving her the dog tags and claiming Bart tried to kill you, resulting in you killing him in self-defence.

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Dying Light 2 The Deserter Quest Walkthrough: Don't Give Meyer The Map

Dying Light 2 The Deserter Quest keep map

Next, she will ask about the decoded map that Bart stole. You can lie again with the option,"keep map", and say that he ditched it so that no one could find it. The quest then finishes, and you can begin the Treasure Hunt quest to try and decode the map. 

That's our Dying Light 2 The Deserter quest walkthrough, and now you know which choices you should make to end up with the treasure map.

Once you finish this quest, don't forget to check our Dying Light 2 Treasure Hunt quest , so you can figure out the coded map.

Tarran Stockton

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Dying Light 2 – The Deserter Quest Guide

Dying Light 2 - The Deserter Quest Guide

We’re talking about a side quest in Dying Light 2 , where players have to find a character named Bart, who escaped from the Peacekeepers along with valuable information. The following is a walkthrough for this quest and tells you where to find Bart.

How to get the “Deserter” quest?

To get this quest, you first need to complete the “ Broadcast ” quest, which relates to the main storyline of the game. Having done this, follow it to the Peacekeeper base located on Miffy’s ship. There you need to find the bulletin board and use it.

How to get the "Deserter" quest?

After that chat with Meyer, and ask her about the details of the case. Now you can proceed directly to the quest.

The “Deserter” Quest Walkthrough

First, you should perform a secondary task – talk to Mateo, who will tell you some things about Bart. After that, follow upstairs and find Garrett, with whom you also need to talk. You can also go talk to Magda, who is in the Sickbay. This way we can learn a lot about Bart and go through the optional part of the quest.

Now go to Bart’s barracks and take a look around. On Bart’s bed, you may notice Liam’s drawing #1 – look for it under the mattress upstairs.

The "Deserter" Quest Walkthrough

Then go to the janitor nearby and talk to him, which will give us even more information about the character we’re looking for. Now we’ll have a new lead to go to Stach.

The character in question is located at a place called Fisheye, which is in New Dawn Park . Once there, go to the second floor and talk to a character named Stach.

After that, you need to head to the area shown in the images below. There, find the right worker in the field and ask him about the information you are interested in.

Now head to one of the apartments that is next to the workers. Climb upstairs to find the note on the floor as well as Liam’s drawing #5.

Liam's drawing #5

Follow to the bedroom to find papers in one of the corners of this room. Among them are drawings of Liam #3 and #4. Also, examine the card that will be lying on the bed. That way you can get the Joker’s card, which is Steve’s calling card. After that, go to Clint and talk to him. You will have a choice: to tell everything as it is, or to silence the information. The first option is responsible for telling the information, while the lower option is necessary for keeping silent:

  • Something. Do you know Steve?

If you chose the upper option, you can immediately go to the bar, where there will be an opportunity to interrogate Steve. If, however, you chose the lower silent option, you’ll have to wait for Stach to call and tell you about Steve. He will also share information about Steve coming to the bar. In some cases, this call doesn’t work – reload the save via the game’s main menu to fix this problem.

Either way, we will need to go to Steve to interrogate him.

To do this, go to Fisheye and find the right character there. You can get the information you want in one of two ways:

  • Threaten Clint.
  • Offer an exchange.

If you choose the upper option, Steve will immediately tell you everything. If you choose the exchange, you will have to go on stage and read out a rap.

After getting information with any of the above options, you’ll have to go to the coffee shop on Harrison Boulevard – it’s marked in the images below. There you will have to find the infected man, and investigate the weapons he has with him.

Then head west to continue your search for Bart. Soon you’ll come out to a locked structure with Liam’s drawing #2 next to it.

Liam's drawing #2

After that, head back to the coffee shop and make your way upstairs, which will give you access to the closed building, the entrance to which is upstairs.

access to the closed building

Climb inside and use the door to start a conversation with the following options:

  • Agree to help.
  • Refuse to help.

If you agree to help, Bart, Andy and Liam will live, but you will have to finish off Clint. If you do, you can take Bart’s token and the map, which should be given to Meyer.

If you refuse to help, you’ll have to kill Bart. Andy will give you the token and the map.

Either way, bounty hunters will appear and you have to deal with them. If you’ve helped Bart, you’ll probably have a fight waiting for you. Otherwise, you will be able to choose one of the following options:

  • I’ll take the map away. Let them go.
  • Refuse to work with Clint and his men.

If you choose the lower option, you will also have to defeat the bounty hunters.

After that, go back to Missy and report your progress to Meyer. You will be faced with a choice:

  • Give up the map.
  • Keep the map.

If you choose the second option and keep the map, you can get an additional treasure hunt quest. Either way, you will be rewarded for your quest.

  • Dying Light 2 – How to Get the Paraglider
  • Dying Light 2: How to Unlock the Sunken City
  • Dying Light 2: Treasure Hunt – Find all safes and combinations

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Dying Light 2 – The Deserter: Search the Area for Bart Guide

Quest details: find bart shall we start the search.


In this part of the game, you will need to follow the tracks and get to Bart . In this article we will explain in detail how to do it.

The Deserter: Search the Area for Bart Guide – Dying Light 2

When you start this mission, on your left will be the bridge. From here, head to the small house on your right.

Here you will receive a signal from the corps , then continue straight to the large building in front of you.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

You will then see red marks at the entrance . Continue right and turn left behind the building. You will see metal stairs on the wall of the building.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

When you climb the stairs, grab the bar in front of you. Then, continue climbing the metal platforms that will be in front of you until you reach an open window that will be on your right.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume

When you enter the room, get down and follow the red steps that lead to a door.

Behind this door you will find Bart and with that, you will finish this quest.

ALSO READ: Dying Light 2 – The Shoe: Find Lawan’s Shoes Guide

Dying Light 2

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Dying Light 2 Dodger Hubert

Dying Light 2: Should You Tell Dodger About Hubert? – The Ball is in Your Court Quest

Image of Noah Nelson

The Ball is in your Court quest in Dying Light 2 will have you confronting Dodger. While he is very intimidating, if you hold your ground and make the right choices, he won’t hurt a fly. Here is your guide to making the right choices with Dodger in Dying Light 2 including if you should rat out Hubert or defend him.

Dying Light 2 is filled with interesting quests. Some have bigger impacting decisions than others. If you need a guide for a tricky quest or you just want to figure out how to repair your weapon , check out our guides . We cover a little bit of everything.


Dying Light 2 Dodger Decisions

Dodger is found in the Bazaar and will request you to check on Hubert. Finding Hubert can be a challenge. On the top floor of the house, you’ll find some footsteps by using your survival sense. Follow those to a hole that exposes the inside of the wall. Climb up it and you’ll have access to Hubert’s room.

After talking with Hubert, you realize that he isn’t being insubordinate to Dodger, he just injured his leg and can’t do any jobs at the moment. Because of this, you’ll need to take on Hubert’s assigned work to please Dodger. Hubert will direct you to a garage with military equipment ripe for the picking.

Once you reach the marked place, you’ll find Mark and Jonas. They are too scared to go down the elevator shaft and into the garage to get the supplies. So you will need to. Be careful, infected will be everywhere and there will be Howlers.

Upon entering the garage, stay left of the cars and continue down to the end of the room to avoid the first batch of infected. Take the stairs up and through the door at the end of the hall. Here, take a right by jumping down to the ground level. Carefully avoid the rest of the infected as you make your way around and into the military section.

This is a lot of great loot here and no infected, so take your time and grab it all. Once you’ve collected all five supplies, make your way back up via the way you came. At the top, Mark and Jonas will have friends and you will need to make a five-second decision whether to split the supplies or kill the men.

After your decision, return to Hubert to tell him all is good. Return to Dodger at the Bazaar and decide if you rat Hubert out or defend him. If you choose to stand up for Hubert, Dodger will respect it, and Klaus, the leader of the group that ambushed you will appear. If you choose to rat Hubert out, Dodger won’t be pleased.

The quest will end either way and you’ll have to live with your consequences. Though there are no heavy penalties for picking one choice over another, the choice is up to you. For more quest help or for anything else Dying Light 2 related, check out Attack of the Fanboy.

Dying Light 2 is available now PlayStation 5, PlayStation 4, Xbox Series X/S, Xbox One, and PC.

dying light 2 you're bart i presume


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