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Essay on “The Craze for Fashion” Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

Essay No. 01

The Craze for Fashion

Fashion is a popular style of clothes hair etc. at a particular time or place. It does not remain static. Clothes mark out a man’s status. One should always try to present oneself in the most attractive dress appropriate for the occasion. One makes a first impression by the manner of one dress. The craze for fashion is great among young people. Gone are the days when people believed in simplicity. Everywhere people give attention to fashion now a day.

Basically man is fashionable because of his inherent desire to look good. People all over the world are fashion conscious. Fashion has spread in all the spares of our life. Fashion does not only mean a popular style of clothes or hair etc. but it also includes etiquette, manners and habits. Everybody wants to look beautiful and stylish. New and current style in clothes manners etc help people look smart, attractive, stylish and  presentable. Some people feel happy wearing fashionable dresses. Others go in for fashionable hair styles or both. Some others adopt the latest trend in their speech and manner.

Fashion designing today is a lucrative profession. Thousands of people are employed in this field. Dress making firms engage fashion designers and beautiful models to boost the sales of their dresses. Fashion parades and shows are held to exhibit the latest dresses. Fashion and modeling have generated a great deal of enthusiasm among young people for physical fitness.

The major cities of the world have become centers of high fashion. Dresses are designed to suit every occasion of life. There are specially designed outfits for different types of sports like tennis, athletics, football, swimming, etc. There are casual and formal outfits designed in the latest fashion. Pierre cardin, ritu beri,  versace etc, are some famous names in the world of fashion designing.

Fashion is unpredictable and keeps on changing according to the moods, fancies and ideas of the people. Films and cable T.V influence fashion. Fashion is also influenced by glossy colorful and eye catching textile advertisements and by articles in the fashion magazines, etc. The fashion is now changing more frequently due to awareness about the world of fashion,through fashion shows. In this fast changing world perhaps nothing changes faster than fashion.

The media plays an important role in the fashion boom. Various kinds of fashion magazines give us information about the latest fashions of the world. T.V programmes give live telecast of major fashion shows conducted not only in India but also in all parts of the world. These programmes provide a good idea about the fashion trends of the world. Fashion has become such an important part of the present day world that even in colleges there are frequent ramp shows for girls and boys.

Most youngsters regard smoking as a fashion. One can spot them in restaurants enjoying a smoke. They do not feel ashamed of this act. On the contrary they consider this as a status symbol. Some students even go to the extent of taking intoxicating drugs. They hardly realize the harmful effects of cigarettes and drugs on health.

Most people consider drinking as a part of fashion. They consider drinking as a symbol of modern society and high fashion. Drinking affects the health adversely. One should not fall prey to this habit in the name of fashion.

Today fashion designing and technology is an established branch of knowledge science and practice. It provides employment and business to millions of people throughout the world and there has been a huge investment  in fashion industry. Expert fashion designers not only cater to the taste of the people but also create fashion and taste and thereby earth huge profits. In India fashion industry is now booming.

Some institutes like National Institute of Fashion Technology and Indian Institute of Fashion Technology provide deferent courses in fashion designing and technology. Such courses have become very popular among youngsters. These courses help them to get lucrative jobs in India and also abroad.

Fashion also reflects progress and growth of civilization. It is a mark of social progress and prosperity. But fashion become harmful when turned into obsession. Then it means waste of time energy and money.

In western countries styles of clothing or fashion are continually evolving often reflecting broader shifts in modes, customs and attitudes. This was clearly seen in fashion during the twentieth century. The formal clothing of the e1900 gave way to more relaxed practical attire as many rigid social conventions disappeared. Women clothing in particular once restrictive and designed to preserve female modesty became freer and more revealing first in the 1920 and then in the decades following the Second World War.

There is nothing to be ashamed of being fashionable. But excess of everything is bad and should be avoided. To live in style dressing well and smartly makes life lively attractive inviting and zestful.. It is good to be fashionable but it is better to be simple and dignified. Fashion should be promoted to enrich our life not t degrade it.

Essay No. 02

Craze for Fashion

Fashion means to make things in life in such a way as are subject to change in form and style according to the prevailing traditions.  Fashions may be in dress, ornaments, hair style, customs, in food and drink, in amusements or in manners. Fashions change like wind which makes it difficult for man to keep pace with them. Fashion is found both among men and women. There is much craze for fashions among boys and girls. 

They watch T.V. programmes, see films and copy their style of talking, dress and walking style. They love dresses of the latest cuts and designs. They run after the new showy and eye-catching dresses. Girls move freely in new fashions like  butterflies. Boys too copy the film actors in their actions , costumes, hair style and even in walking. They keep long hair like girls. On  the other hand, girls like boy cut hairs and look boyish.

Boys and Girls have made it a fashion to talk about cricket matches and films. It is the fashion for them to drive two wheelers at the high speed. They have also made it fashion talk to their parents in English style instead  of   respecting them like Indians. They have made it fashion to run down their elders. There is no harm in changing fashions but excess of everything is bad. The craze for fashion must no go too far.

People feel that fashion is an indication of good taste. But fashion has no fixed standard. There is so quick change in the fashion that common man suffers a lot. It becomes very difficult to cope with the modern fashion. Even youths belonging to the poor class of society are seen joining the race of fashion. It is a direct impact of the cable T.V. culture which had invaded the Indian culture. It has given rise to various crimes among the youth. Finding themselves unable to cope up with the  pressing demand of modern fashion they fall into bad ways to earn a fast buck. The trend is gaining momentum in this society thus giving a bad taste to otherwise a  healthy changing society.

The  change in the fashion is the result of man’s love for novelty. There is an instinct in man to look like hero. The films have contributed a lot towards fashion.  Fashion has developed into a major industry in modern times. Great personalities are involved in the technology of fashion. It has become a big craze to be a part of this industry. Fashion design and technology is the order of the day. Still sanity lies in maintaining a moderate trend in this field and not go mad after it and ignore the old cherished Indian culture.     

Essay No. 03

Fashion Craze in Indian Women

Today, people aspire to be someone famous. And, to become ‘that someone’, they’re willing to pay a premium for quality, design and exclusivity. Be it the contemporary housewife, a sophisticated or the next generation of working class, they all want the best in life. “Today people, in one word, want glamour. Anything written on celebrity, fashion and social revelry etc. is received with great delight. By giving the readers’ what they want media whets their appetite for it. Then follows the vicious circle of desiring more and more. So media goes on providing the same.

Let’s take up growing awareness about fashion among youngsters. Media has given a boost to the fashion industry, to the fashion shows. The fashion industry is at its peak with Indian couture catching the fancy of the fashion gurus all across the globe. Beauty pageants have helped in promoting it. More and more youngsters are getting pulled in by the glamour of lights, camera, grease pint and fame. Young girls are being lured to the showbiz. Almost every young girl wants to be a slim trim, sexy model dancing on ramp, or wants to get a “Miss ….” Crown on her head. Since the last 4-5 years , the whole scenario of beauty pageants and fashion industry has just turned on.

Beauty contests sprout like common weeds today. Every small dance and college wants to organize one and of course everybody wants to participate in it. Well , from an ordinary looking girl to a “crowned ideal woman” , it’s a long process. The body beautiful is carefully crafted in the beauty fact Dry, to be sold ata beauty mela. A successful sale helps it to lure millions of others back to the beauty industry. Except for a woman’s height which is non negotiable, everything else can be altered’.

Through aggressive advertising the beauty industry has been very successful in convincing women of the ‘Ideal Woman’ myth. It has made the woman’s body into a commodity which should” meet a standard i.e. of queen’s. Every woman desires to look beautiful, sensuous and she feels insecure if she does not meet this standard. Perhaps this insecurity persuades women to buy beauty aids with often false claims of “removing wrinkles”, “changing skin complexion” or “making one fair”. But there is the other side of the woman, the true Indian woman in picture. The Indian woman, who hopes that her husband’s longevity is increased by larger dot on her forehead, who has no idea of her rights. She just knows giving and giving. Whenever any association opposes the beauty pageants or fashion shows, our ‘Miss Indias and crown girls’ do talk about feminism and women’s rights but has any celebrity model expressed any anguish at the higher rate of infant mortality among girls in rural areas? Did anyone mention a sharp declining male-female ratio, existing female infanticide and increased selective abortion of the female foetus through sex determination? Did these models even know that every hour a woman is raped and every 10 minutes a crime is committed on women somewhere in her country?

Hard-earned money that could have been spent on nourishing food to bring on a natural healthy look is used for buying artificial blushes and skin nourishers. These artificial aids only worsen the condition if a woman’s general health is bad. Women groups and activists are objecting mainly to the ‘commodification’ of women as sex objects. “Women should be free to decide which beauty products to use. They should not be conditioned by advertising and a beauty contest culture.

Mothers breast feed their baby girls for lesser anount of time than baby boys, this reflects the strong desire for sons. If women are particularly anxious to have a male child, they may deliberately try to become pregnant again as soon as possible after a female is born. Conversely, women may consciously seek to avoid another pregnancy after the birth of a male child in order to give maximum attention to the new son.” A study in Punjab shows that medical expenditures for boys are 2.3 times higher than for girls. Why a woman does so? Obviously, to fulfil her patriarchal family wishes.

There are too many contrasts between the typical Indian woman and modern outgoing Indian woman. Should we say that womanhood has been divided in between two polarities? Between big dot on forehead and the hair style where vermillion finds no place. The point is not to follow centuries old customs, but to maintain the grace and dignity of womanhood. To maintain herself in such way, her presence gives a feeling of proud of being a woman, no matter she be in any corner of the world.

We must learn to accept women in all their diversity—tall, short, thin, fat, white or black….Let’s try to understand in real terms that “Beauty is not in the body but in the mind.” Let’s try to improve women’s living conditions in real picture.

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essay on craze of fashion among youngsters


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Nice and very helpful essays!

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Nice essay!I have got 2nd rank with this.Thank you

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In all four which one would you selected can you plss tell me..

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from second essay you can get cons of fashion. and from first essay you can get pros of fashion.

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Thanks Good essay

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Essay on “The Craze for fashions” for School, College Students, Long and Short English Essay, Speech for Class 10, Class 12, College and Competitive Exams.

The Craze for fashions

Essay No. 01

Fashion refers to a popular type of clothes, hairstyle, or anything else that is the existing style. Fashion covers every thinkable trend of a particular age in a fashionable appeal. There is a common tendency for people to use fashion as a way to express their thinking and nature. Fashion is all about matching and trying to leave an impression on others.

Many people dress to impress and others merely dress to be noticed. Teenagers as well as adults all over the world are becoming extremely fashion conscious. They are all captivated by new fashions. People want to look their best in order to impress others. Due to western traders, Indian fashion is continually growing. It has been observed that the Indian fashion industry usually gives so much of Indian touch to all the foreign designs that the original design cannot be recognized.

The Indian costume industry has been influenced by western fashions. India is a diverse nation in terms of cultural groups and languages. The special feature about this is that each group has different dressing styles and costumes. Indian fashion designers interlink these various trends and give them wonderful Indian touch. Participation and winning in various beauty shows on the international level has further contributed in influencing people in India with regard to new fashions. In the last few years, Indian women have won many significant international beauty shows. The costumes worn by these Indian women are a blending of both western and Indian wear. People observe them as role models and start following what they dress and do. This automatically spreads and becomes fashionable among people.

Modern Indian movies are not far behind in making its impact on young minds. People of India have a long-lasting impression of what they see in movies. They blindly follow what their favourite film stars wear in the films.

A change has also been brought in the style and lifestyle of Indian youth because of foreign education and employment opportunities available abroad. In order to have synced with the western culture, people in India follow the western culture and alter themselves with the lifestyle of the foreigners.

However, fashion is an imaginative and never-ending process. It keeps on changing regularly because human wants are in a nonstop variation. However, the idea of getting attracted by any fashion is not bad but there must be a valid reason behind that fashion.

Essay No. 02

Craze For Fashion

Nothing changes faster than fashion in the fast-changing world of today. With the expansion of the fashion industry over the last few years, fashion designing has become a lucrative profession. There may be fashion in ornaments, dress, customs, food and drink, hairstyle, amusement, and manners. There is much craze for fashions among boys and girls.

The names of popular dress designers and the labels launched by them have become household names. There are special garments for various occasions. Designers hire expensive models to display their dresses, as the world of fashion has become very competitive. Fashions give freedom to people to dress according to their choice and taste. They also relieve monotony and help to highlight features of an individual and thus enhance his or her personality. Boys and girls watch T.V. programmes, see films and copy the hairstyle, and dress style of actors and actresses. They love the latest cuts and designs and run after the new, showy, and eye-catching dresses.

Some people are of the view that fashion is an indication of a healthy taste. But as fashions have no fixed standard and change rapidly, the common man is unable to keep pace and suffers a lot. Even youth belonging to the poor class of society, join the rat race of fashions. Changing fashions are the outcome of the Cable T. V. culture which has adversely affected the Indian culture. Some boys and girls are unable to cope with the ever-changing demands of modern fashion and resort to bad habits in order to earn a fast buck. The change in fashions is the result of man’s love for novelty. However, it is better to cherish the traditional Indian culture and be moderate in the changing trends of fashion.

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English essay on “craze for fashion” best essay, paragraph, speech for class 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 students., craze for fashion.

Fashions today lead the world. They are over on the increase. Young boys and girls have become fashion-crazy. They must appear up to date and modern. They spend most of their precious time, energy and the hard-earned money of their parents on looking well-dressed and smart. They are mad after cut and fashion. Both the boys and the girls compete with one another in putting on expensive clothes of the latest design, colour, cut, and fabric. As regards the boys they put on a bell-bottom, T-shirts, skive, etc. to attract the other sex. They keep with them a pocket mirror and a pocket comb. They dress their hair after Sanjay Dutt style or like Hippies. They keep mustaches or grow beards or long hair as they like. They spend a lot of time on toilets and beauty aids. As regards the girls, things are still worse. They dress as the film stars do. Tight clothes have given place to loose, mini to maxi. They also put on bell-bottom, skive, lahanga, gharara and the like. They prefer to get their hair bobbed. They put on sleeveless shirts which expose their body. They do not like to put on any headdress. They also spend a lot of time and money on powder, paint, lipstick, and other beauty aids. They look like dolls and move about like butterflies. Going to hotels or restaurants or cinema houses or clubs is also a fashion these days. Smoking and drinking are also common among some boys. In certain cases, boys have girlfriends, and girls have boyfriends. Film stars are their gods and goddesses, film plots their holy books and cinema houses their temples.

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essay on craze of fashion among youngsters

Essay on Fashion for Students and Children

500+ words essay on fashion.

Fashion refers to anything that becomes a rage among the masses. Fashion is a popular aesthetic expression. Most Noteworthy, it is something that is in vogue. Fashion appears in clothing, footwear, accessories, makeup, hairstyles, lifestyle, and body proportions. Furthermore, Fashion is an industry-supported expression. In the contemporary world, people take fashion very seriously. Fashion is something that has permeated every aspect of human culture.

Essay on Fashion

History of Fashion

The origin of Fashion is from the year 1826. Probably everyone believes Charles Frederick to be the first fashion designer of the world. He also established the first Fashion house in Paris. Consequently, he began the tradition of Fashion houses. Furthermore, he gave advice to customers on what clothing would suit them. He was prominent form 1826 to 1895.

During this period, many design houses hired artists. Furthermore, the job of these artists was to develop innovative designs for garments. The clients would examine many different patterns. Then they would pick the one they like. Consequently, a tradition began of presenting patterns to customers and then stitching them.

At the beginning of the 20th century, new developments in Fashion took place. These developments certainly began in Paris first. Then they spread in other parts of the world. Consequently, new designs first came into existence in France. From Paris, they went to other parts of the world. Hence, Paris became the Fashion capital of the world. Also, Fashion in this era was ‘haute couture’. This Fashion design was exclusively for individuals.

In the mid-20th century, a change took place. Now Fashion garments underwent mass production. There was a significant increase in the rate of production of Fashion garments. As a result, more and more people became involved with Fashion garments. By the end of the 20th century, a sense of Fashion awareness was very strong. Now people began to choose clothes based on their own style preference. Hence, people began to create their own trends instead of relying on existing trends.

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Fashion Trend

Political influences certainly play a major role in influencing Fashion. Many politicians become fashion symbols. Notable examples are First Lady Jacqueline Kennedy and Princess Diana. Also, political revolutions make a huge impact on the Fashion trend. For example, in 1960’s America, liberal clothing styles became popular among the younger generation. This was due to the Liberal revolution.

Another significant factor which influences Fashion trend is technology. There certainly has been a rapid growth of technology in the Fashion industry. For example, wearable technology has become a popular Fashion trend. Furthermore, 3D printing technology and the internet have also made an impact on Fashion.

Social influences are probably the strongest influences on the Fashion trend. Many music stars strongly influence Fashion choice. For example, wearing hoodies became famous due to rap musicians. Furthermore, movie and television actors create a big impact on Fashion. Many youngsters love to emulate the Fashion sense of their favourite celebrity.

To sum it up, Fashion certainly has become a part and parcel of human life. It certainly is a force that is here to stay. Most noteworthy, Fashion has immersed every place on Earth.

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Essay on Fashion in English for Children and Students

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Fashion is something that is in vogue. This particularly refers to clothing, hairstyle, footwear and various accessories. People these days are very particular about staying in style and thus follow the fashion trends religiously. Various kinds of fashions come in trend around the world every now and then. India is a land of varied culture and thus different fashion trends are followed in different parts of the country.

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Indian fashion industry saw boon, post liberalization in the 1990’s. In the succeeding decades, fashion industry in India has progressed to becoming multimillion dollar industry which gives employment to thousands. Delhi, Mumbai and Calcutta act as the fashion hubs of India, while many other major cities like Bangalore and Hyderabad also have production and rental facilities.

Long and Short Essay on Fashion in English

We are providing below long and short essay on Fashion in English, of varying lengths to help you with the topic in your exams/school assignments.

These Fashion essay will take you through the beginning and progress of fashion industry.

You will also get to know in details about the industry.

You can select any Fashion Essay as per your need and interest during your school/college assignments, essay writing, debate or discussions.

Short Essay on Fashion – Essay 1 (200 words)

Fashion is anything that becomes a rage among the masses. We see different fashion trends pouring in and taking the market by storm. Clothing is especially one such arena that sees changing fashion trends that are followed by vast number of people.

People these days love to dress up well in order to look presentable in the society. To keep up with the changing times, people upgrade their style according to the latest trend in the market.

Women are particularly inclined towards following the fashion and thus keep a tab on the latest trends. A few years back long kurtis were in fashion. Almost every woman, especially those living in the urban areas, was seen wearing long kurtis in different designs, patterns and style. After a few years, the trend of wearing short kurtis came in and women instantly switched to short kurtis. Anyone wearing a long kurti while the shorter ones were in trend looked rather weird. In today’s times, people have become very particular about the fashion as it gives them a sense of belonging. It makes helps them be one with the society and not look the odd one out.

Fashion has thus become more than a style these days and almost has become a necessity of everyone.

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Essay on Fashion among Students – Essay 2 (300 words)


Fashion has become extremely important among the students. Gone are the days when parents kept their kids away from the world of fashion and made them wear simple clothes so that their entire focus could be on their studies. These days, parents encourage their children to follow the latest fashion to look smart and presentable. They buy new clothes and accessories for their children and ensure they dress up smartly.

Parents Responsible for Fashion Craze among Students

Everyone wants to look good these days and it is not a bad thing. However, too much of it can have a negative impact especially on the students. In their age when they should be encouraged to study and participate in extra-curricular activities to explore their interest, parents often grow concerned about their looks.

Our society is becoming a place where everyone wants to show off. People want to show of how well-off they are, how good they look, how they have all the knowledge about the latest fashion trends and how they are equipped with the latest gadgets. They dress their kids in the best of clothes not only during social gatherings but even as they head to the nearby mall or park. They also buy the latest gadgets for their kids.

Fashion among College Students

Colleges have always been a place where students get the freedom to wear what they want. Everyone wants to look good and thus looks for the best clothes, footwear, accessories and bags which are in-line with the latest fashion. Both girls and boys are seen wearing beautiful fashionable clothes. They are also seen wearing smart watches and using latest mobiles that are in vogue.

Fashion trends keep changing frequently and the college students shop as frequently to change their wardrobe and flaunt the latest trend.

Students these days have grown very particular about fashion. They love flaunting the latest fashion trends and create a style statement of their own.

Essay on Fashion and Youth – Essay 3 (400 words)

The youth of our country follows the fashion trends like no other generation. Unlike the elderly people, the young people love experimenting with their looks. They do not hesitate in trying new things and accepting change. Hence, they are always on the lookout for new fashion trends.

Fashion and Youth

The Corporate Culture

The youth in our country has never been as conscious about fashion as it has become in the current times. The culture in our country is changing by the day. People these days work in corporate offices that follow the culture of socialising. Corporate parties and social gatherings are thrown every now and then. People come dressed up in the best of their clothes in these parties in order to impress their colleagues and clients.

A person’s appearance goes a long way in making an impression and hence a lot of importance is given to dressing up well. Now, dressing-up well has become synonymous to dressing up as per the latest fashion, keeping in mind the place and occasion. The young lot especially takes out time to shop for fashionable outfits, watches, bags/ wallets and footwear to look their best not only during special events but even on a regular day.

The Role of Social Media

Social Media has also increased the fashion craze among the youth. People, especially the young lot, flaunt everything on the social media. They post their pictures wearing trendy clothes, using the latest gadgets and chilling out at the most happening pubs and restaurants. All this has become fashionable in today’s times. Posting pictures and viewing the pictures posted by others is the favourite past time of the youth today. They inspire each other to look fashionable by way of such pictures and posts. They purchase fashionable clothes and visit happening places in their town and show it off via social media platforms.

Feel Good Factor

In today’s times, when there is so much competition and stress all around, fashion offers a sense of release from all these things. It is rightly said, when you look good you feel good. The youth follows this mantra religiously. Following fashion and staying in style renders a feel good factor and the youth is thus inclined to take on this path.

For the youth, following fashion has become a way of life. They keep a tab on the latest fashion trends by way of the internet and incorporate them in their lives. They are highly inspired by the celebrities and try to imitate their style to look like them.

Essay on Fashion Trends – Essay 4 (500 words)

Fashion Trends change with every passing season. People who dress up according to the latest fashion trends are considered up to mark while those who stick to the old ones are called outdated. In today’s times our fashion and style reflects our personality to a large extent.

Fashion Trends among Young Girls

Young girls come on the top most position when it comes to following fashion trends. They are also the ones who have a plethora of choices when it comes to fashionable clothes, accessories, bags, footwear and hair styles.

While in the earlier times, young girls used to take a cue about the latest fashion trends from the fashion magazines, latest television shows and movies in today’s times it has become much easier to find out what’s in vogue. While the internet made it easy, the advent of the social media has made it easier. Young girls follow fashion forums and blogs to know what is trending in the world of fashion. They also follow their favourite celebrities on social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook to view their latest pictures. They are inspired by the beautiful dresses, hair styles and accessories of the celebrities and try to incorporate them.

Denim jeans have been in vogue for the young girls since decades and continue to be in fashion even today. However, a number of new western dresses are in fashion these days. Girls are seen wearing skirts, spaghetti tops, shorts, short dresses, ripped T-shirts, crop tops, off shoulders and a lot of other stuff. Different kinds of T-shirts and dresses with different cuts and designs come in fashion from time to time and the market is flooded with the same.

Fashion Trends among Young Men

Young men these days have also grown quite fashion conscious. They also follow their favourite celebrities on the social media and try to look as cool as them. These days, young boys have started going to the salons more than ever. They get their hair coloured and nails trimmed.

They also look for latest fashion clothing and dress up accordingly. Young men are especially fond of watches and shoes. They keep a track of the latest watches launched by different brands and flaunt them to amp their style. Likewise, they also keep a tab on the latest shoe trends and incorporate them. Many men look up to certain celebrities and dress up like them.

Fashion Trends among the Middle Aged People

Not just the youth of the country but the middle aged people are equally fashion conscious. They hate being called old and outdated and thus follow the latest fashion trends consistently. There are a whole lot of options when it comes to the middle aged men and women and these trends keep changing too.

While the clothes and accessories for the youth is more vibrant and loud, the fashion wear for the middle aged people is more subtle and renders them an elegant look.

Fashion trends are ever changing. While dressing up as per the latest fashion makes us look good however before following any trend blindly we must ensure that the particular style suits us.

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Long Essay on Importance and Role of Fashion in Today’s Life – Essay 5 (600 words)

Fashion has become an integral part of our society in the modern times. We belong to a society where people give importance to the look of a person more than anything else. A person’s social status and personality is judged looking at his outward appearance. People follow the latest fashion trends to look and feel good and impress others.

Fashion: To Keep Pace with the Society

People these days have become extremely judgemental and more than a person’s mannerism and character, they give importance to his/ her physical appearance. A person who dresses up according to the latest fashion and style is liked by everyone around. Everyone likes to befriend such a person. He/she becomes an inspiration for the others. People mistake this outward beauty for intelligence and seek opinion from such people and like to socialise with them.

It is as if following fashion has become essential to keep up with the pace of the society. A person who is well-dressed as per the latest fashion is looked upon by others.

Different Places; Different Fashion Trends

India is a land of varied cultures. The culture of a place plays an important role in setting the fashion trend of that place. While the Kanchivaram saree is in fashion in Tamil Nadu, short kurti and patiala salwar is in vogue in Punjab. Likewise, tunics, churidars and pherans are in fashion in Kashmir while lungi is in style in Kerela. The cuts and patterns of these attires keep changing with times and people follow these latest trends.

Fashion: Inspired by Celebrities

While the fashion trends in different regions of India are different, people living in the metropolitan cities in the country follow a rather common trend mostly inspired by Bollywood celebrities.

New fashion trends come to life with new movies and television shows. New look is rendered to the actors in every new release in order to make their characters look different. New kinds of attires, hair styles and accessories are introduced and they become a rage among the people.

The people in our country look up to the Bollywood celebrities as style icons. They keep a tab on every new trend followed by them and try to incorporate them. Many a times, the T-shirts, dresses, suits, shoes, belts and jewellery worn by the celebrities become extremely popular among the masses. Replicas of their designer wear are made available in the market and are sold like hot buns.

These trends stay for a few weeks or months and are replaced by new ones. People do not hesitate changing their wardrobe with the changing fashion.

Fashion: Inspired by the West

Today, most of the fashion trends in India have been inspired by the west. Gone are the days when people only wore sarees, salwar kameez and kurta pyjamas. The youth of the country is inspired by the western culture and this does not only reflect in their thinking but also in the fashion trends they follow.

The girls are seen wearing different types of western outfits including jeans, T-shirts, skirts, frocks and shorts among other clothing items. Boys also prefer wearing trousers, shorts, denim jeans and T-shirts rather than the Indian attires. The western clothes appear more liberating and comfortable and these have thus become a fashion here.

Indian Fashion Designers: Inspiring the West

We haven’t only drawn inspiration from the west but have also inspired them when it comes to fashion. The comfortable cotton kurtas and designer Indian sarees have become quite popular in the western countries. Flaunting a bindi has also become a fashion trend among the women in the west.

Thus, fashion holds an important place in the life of people today. It has become a way of expression. As Bill Cunningham puts it, “Fashion is the armor to survive the reality of everyday life”.

Related Information:

Speech on Fashion

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essay on craze of fashion among youngsters

Craze For Fashion : Essay, Article, Speech, Paragraph


Fashion fashion fashion fashion: Tore jeans, tattoos, spiky hair. I think we’re all aware of that. These are the latest fashion trends. Fashion is defined by Wikipedia: the popular or trendy style of clothing, hair, or behavior, so all salons and discos are also part of the latest fashion. The field of fashion has now expanded to include the latest mobile phones, cars, and related accessories. The definition of fashion has thus been extended to new areas and is no longer limited to clothing as it used to be.

A trendy test language article.

Today we see people of all ages, especially millennia, who love fashion. They follow the latest fashion trends without wondering if they need it or if it suits them. They’re just behind on the latest fashion trends. Bollywood stars are the icons here. Whatever style a star uses in a particular movie, viewers copy that style. Everyone wants to look spectacular among their friends.

The way people think or see is also responsible for this madness. Now the appearance is considered cool or different, day after day. The latest hairstyles, clothing, and shoes are always in demand. Social media have also played an important role in this context. The comments, promotions, messages, tastes, and advertisements on these platforms regularly inform users about the latest fashion trends and, thanks to the numerous e-commerce sites, everything is available in a single click. These websites inform their users about the latest trends and offer them many possibilities and options to view and compare different items, creating the desire to buy and try out the latest options.

Fashion, as I said, is not only about clothing but also about behavior. Nightclub parties are common because they are the anger to have fun with friends, and if you don’t like to go, you should go because your friends will think you’re old-fashioned. The fascination for fashion therefore also brings changes to the existing culture. You see people fall into the trap of drugs, tobacco, alcohol, and deadly stunts on their bikes just to keep up with the latest trends, otherwise, they won’t be considered cool among their friends.

Fashion is fine as long as it doesn’t conflict with your true personality. She should be a part of our lives, but she shouldn’t rule our lives. Fashion contributes to our personality, but it is not our identity. It’s better to go for the trends that suit us than to go for the fashion trends that we don’t like. A well-chosen style that suits our personality and that we feel comfortable wearing is true fashion sense. It adds charisma and dynamism to a person’s personality, but someone who is satisfied with blindly following others does not benefit, no matter how much it costs or how long it takes. So be fashionable, but not fashion blind.

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