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LNAT Essay Examples 2024 – 2025 LNAT Essay Question Bank with Model Answers Sample Essays

  • Revised LNAT 2024 Edition
  • 30 Full-Length Practice Tests
  • 360 LNAT-Style Passages
  • 1,260 Multiple-Choice Questions
  • All Answers Include Explanations
  • 90 Essay Questions - with model answers
  • Access for 12 months from the date of purchase
  • Option to Repeat All Tests Thrice for Enhanced Practice
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  • Try the Free Full Length LNAT Practice Test

The Law National Admissions Test (LNAT) is an essential part of the application process for some of the top law schools in the United Kingdom. The essay section, in particular, holds significant weight, as it gauges an applicant’s ability to critically analyze, form logical arguments, and effectively communicate ideas. The essay is also an opportunity for students to display their language skills.

In this article, we will take a comprehensive look at LNAT essays, including some examples, structure, format, word limit, scoring, questions, mark scheme, and essay writing tips.

Also included below is a comprehensive LNAT Essay Question Bank, with 90 essay questions or prompts – each linked to model or sample essay for that question.

Types of Questions

LNAT essay questions typically cover a range of topics, including politics, law, ethics, and social issues. These questions require you to form a well-reasoned argument on a complex, open-ended subject. You must demonstrate your ability to analyze various perspectives, draw upon evidence, and communicate your thoughts effectively.

Remember, essay type questions are subjective in nature – i.e., the same essay when read by two different assessors, may be perceived in two different ways. Therefore, it becomes essential to keep the essay as balanced as possible; displaying equal consideration to both sides of an argument.

Choosing the Right Question

When selecting an essay question, consider your familiarity with the topic, your ability to formulate a strong argument, and the availability of supporting evidence. Choose a question that allows you to showcase your analytical skills, critical thinking, and writing prowess.

Do not choose a question on the basis of how strongly you feel about the topic; instead, choose on the basis of how much can you write about the topic.

A common factor among all the LNAT Essay Questions is that they do not have any particular ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answer. They are just testing your ability to construct, convey and defend an argument.

LNAT Essay Question Examples

These are some examples of what the LNAT Essay questions or essay prompts look like.

LNAT Essay Example 1: “Should the death penalty be abolished worldwide?”

This essay can begin with a brief overview of the history of capital punishment and then proceed to discuss the moral, legal, and social implications of the death penalty. The essay can delve into the arguments for and against capital punishment, touching on issues such as deterrence, retribution, and human rights. The conclusion should summarize the arguments presented and offer a final viewpoint on the issue.

Click here to read a model / sample essay on the above topic.

LNAT Essay Example 2: “Does a strong welfare system promote laziness and dependence?”

This essay should explore the nature of welfare systems, their goals, and their potential drawbacks. The author can consider the arguments that support and oppose welfare systems, addressing concerns such as economic efficiency, social cohesion, and individual responsibility. The conclusion should weigh the pros and cons of strong welfare systems and provide a balanced, informed opinion on the matter.

LNAT Essay Example 3: “Should governments regulate social media to combat fake news?”

This sample essay can discuss the phenomenon of fake news, its impact on society, and the role of social media platforms in its propagation. The essay should examine the responsibilities of social media companies and the potential consequences of government intervention. By providing concrete examples and case studies, the author can present a well-reasoned argument on the issue.

LNAT Essay Example 4: “Do privacy concerns outweigh the benefits of mass surveillance in combating terrorism?”

In this sample essay, the author can discuss the balance between individual privacy and national security. The essay should explore the effectiveness of mass surveillance in preventing terrorist attacks and consider the potential dangers of government overreach. The conclusion should address whether the benefits of mass surveillance justify the erosion of privacy rights.

LNAT Essay Structure and Format

A well-structured essay is crucial to effectively communicating your ideas and ensuring a logical flow of arguments. A clear structure allows your reader to follow your line of reasoning easily, resulting in a more persuasive essay.

The hook is the opening sentence or two of an essay, designed to grab the reader’s attention and pique their interest. It often includes a thought-provoking statement, an interesting fact, a quote, or a question. The goal of the hook is to entice the reader to continue reading and become engaged with the essay’s subject matter.


Following the hook, the introduction sets the stage for the essay by providing context and background information. It introduces the topic and provides an overview of what the essay will discuss. The introduction should be engaging and informative, giving the reader a sense of the essay’s purpose and direction.

The thesis statement is a crucial part of the essay, as it presents the main argument or point that the essay will address. It is typically included at the end of the introduction and serves as a roadmap for the rest of the essay. A strong thesis statement is clear, concise, and arguable, allowing the reader to understand the essay’s focus and what the author aims to prove or demonstrate.

Body paragraphs

Body paragraphs form the core of the essay, each one dedicated to a specific aspect of the thesis statement. They should be organized logically, with clear transitions between them, and each paragraph should begin with a topic sentence that outlines its main point. This structure helps the reader follow the essay’s argument and ensures that each point is developed and supported effectively.

Evidence is the factual information, examples, and data that support the essay’s arguments. It is crucial for establishing the credibility of the essay and convincing the reader of the validity of the author’s claims. Each body paragraph should include relevant and well-researched evidence to back up its main point and demonstrate the truth of the thesis statement.

Arguments and Counterarguments

A well-rounded essay not only presents the author’s arguments but also addresses potential counterarguments or opposing viewpoints. This demonstrates the author’s understanding of the complexity of the topic and adds depth to the essay. By acknowledging and refuting counterarguments, the author strengthens their own argument and persuades the reader more effectively.

The conclusion is the final section of the essay, in which the author restates the thesis, summarizes the main points, and offers a closing thought or call to action. It should leave the reader with a sense of closure and a full understanding of the essay’s purpose and main arguments. The conclusion should not introduce new information but instead tie together the essay’s main points and leave a lasting impression on the reader.

LNAT Essay Word Limit

The ideal length of the LNAT essay is around 600 words. In any case, the LNAT essay screen has a built-in word limit of 750 words.

Given that you will have to write, edit and polish your essay within 40 minutes, the 600 word length is the most practical approach.

These days, many users prefer using their smart phones or tablets / iPads for daily tasks – so it is essential to get a good amount of practice using a regular keyboard.

LawMint LNAT Practice Test series includes 30 full length timed practice tests – with 90 essay questions. We strongly recommend that you should select a different essay question in each attempt, to practice writing on a wide range of topics.

Strategies for Staying within the Word Limit

To stay within the word limit,

  • Take a couple of minutes to plan your essay before you start writing.
  • Type in the main section headlines first – hook, introduction, thesis, body paragraphs, arguments / counter arguments, conclusion.
  • Outline your main points and allocate a specific number of words to each section.
  • Remember – A crisp and well articulated essay will fetch more marks than a long and verbose one.

As you write, keep track of your word count and adjust your arguments as necessary to ensure that you do not exceed the limit.

LNAT Essay Score

The LNAT essay is not marked automatically or assessed by Pearson VUE. The essay is sent ‘as is’ to the universities you have chosen while registering for the LNAT.

Universities will evaluate your essay as per their own criteria. Some may give it significant weightage and assess it formally. Others may read the essay only if required to differentiate between two or more candidates with similar LNAT MCQ scores and academic achievements.

General Assessment Criteria

Your LNAT essay will generally be assessed based on your ability to form a coherent argument, use evidence and examples to support your claims, and express your ideas clearly and concisely.

Your essay will also be evaluated on its overall structure, logical flow, and the quality of your writing, including grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

Maximizing Your Essay Score: To maximize your LNAT essay score, ensure that you address the essay prompt directly and comprehensively. Develop a strong thesis statement, and build your essay around it, using appropriate evidence and examples. Be sure to maintain a balanced perspective by acknowledging counterarguments and providing thoughtful, well-reasoned responses.

Remember! – The LNAT Essay screen does not have automatic proofreading. Unlike in normal browser text fields, spelling errors will not be highlighted. Ensure that you proofread your essays carefully to eliminate any errors in grammar, punctuation, or spelling.

LNAT Essay Tips

Plan and outline.

Before you begin writing, take the time to plan and outline your essay. Identify the main points you want to make, organize them logically, and allocate a specific word count to each section. This will help you stay within the word limit and ensure that your essay flows smoothly.

Balance Your Arguments

A strong LNAT essay should present a balanced view of the issue, acknowledging opposing perspectives and addressing counterarguments. This demonstrates your ability to think critically and consider multiple viewpoints, which is an essential skill for a successful law student.

Edit and Proofread

After completing your essay, set it aside for a short period before returning to it for editing and proofreading. This allows you to approach your work with fresh eyes and identify any errors or inconsistencies. Make sure your essay is free from grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors, and ensure that your arguments are clear and logically organized.

LNAT Essay Question Bank

This is a list of 90 LNAT Essay Questions that are included in LawMint LNAT Practice Tests. Practice writing a 600 word essay on each of these questions. Click on the links to see the sample essays that can provide you with some ideas and suggestions.

  • Are mandatory minimum sentences for drug offenses an effective way to combat drug abuse?
  • Are remote work policies effective in promoting diversity and inclusion in the workplace?
  • Are safe spaces on college campuses beneficial for promoting open dialogue and inclusivity?
  • Are universal background checks for gun purchases an effective way to reduce gun violence?
  • Are whistleblowers morally justified in breaking the law to expose corruption?
  • Are zero-tolerance policies in schools effective in promoting discipline and safety?
  • Artificial Intelligence will not significantly transform the legal sector. Share your perspective.
  • Can a policy of complete open borders be justified? Discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks.
  • Can a universal basic income help to reduce poverty and income inequality?
  • Can automation and artificial intelligence lead to greater social equality
  • Can freedom of speech be limited in the interest of public safety?
  • Can hate speech laws infringe on freedom of expression? Discuss the potential consequences.
  • Can intrusive surveillance measures be justified in the name of national security?
  • Can societies achieve gender equality without affirmative action policies?
  • Can strict regulations on businesses lead to better corporate social responsibility?
  • Can the use of alternative energy sources alone solve the global energy crisis? Discuss the challenges.
  • Can the use of economic sanctions be justified as a non-violent means of conflict resolution?
  • Can the widespread adoption of electric vehicles significantly reduce air pollution?
  • Can there be valid reasons for withholding information from the public during a trial? If so, under what circumstances?
  • Discuss the ethical implications of regulating potentially harmful activities, such as extreme sports or certain sexual practices.
  • Discuss the ethical implications of using genetic screening for non-medical purposes, such as choosing a child’s physical traits.
  • Discuss the ethics and potential risks of using gene editing technologies, such as CRISPR, in humans.
  • Discuss the morality and effectiveness of implementing a universal basic income.
  • How essential is the right to privacy in a democratic society? Can it ever be limited?
  • Implementing a ‘Corporate Death Penalty’ could prevent businesses from violating the law. Agree or disagree?
  • In cases of conflicting patient and doctor opinions, whose perspective should take precedence?
  • In cases of online harassment or bullying, should platforms or individuals be held responsible?
  • In sexual assault cases, the accused should bear the burden of proof.
  • In the future, should parents have the option to genetically modify their children?
  • Is a wealth tax an effective way to address income inequality? Discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks.
  • Is censorship of media during times of crisis ever justified?
  • Is implementing quotas the sole solution for achieving gender equality in the workplace? Provide your perspective.
  • Is it ethical for companies to use unpaid internships as a form of labor? Discuss the implications for young professionals and the job market.
  • Is it ethical for employers to monitor their employees’ online activity during work hours?
  • Is it ethical for governments to use lotteries as a source of revenue? Discuss the potential consequences.
  • Is it ethical for governments to use targeted killings as a counterterrorism measure?
  • Is it ethical for researchers to use animals in scientific experiments? Discuss the scientific and ethical implications.
  • Is the Right to be Forgotten essential for maintaining individual freedom?
  • Laws should prioritize individual liberties over public safety. Do you agree or disagree?
  • Mandatory retirement ages should be abolished. Do you agree or disagree?
  • Organ donation after death should be made compulsory. Do you agree? Discuss the ethical implications.
  • Should access to higher education be a universal right? Discuss the implications for society.
  • Should corporal punishment be allowed as a form of discipline in schools?
  • Should countries adopt a four-day work week to improve work-life balance?
  • Should countries adopt a universal healthcare system?
  • Should euthanasia be legalized for patients with terminal illnesses?
  • Should governments focus on creating jobs or providing social safety nets?
  • Should governments focus on long-term sustainability or immediate economic growth?
  • Should governments prioritize environmental protection over economic growth?
  • Should governments prioritize space exploration over addressing pressing issues on Earth?
  • Should governments prioritize the well-being of their citizens over economic growth?
  • Should internet access be considered a human right?
  • Should legal measures be taken to prevent the ‘Uberization’ of industries?
  • Should mandatory diversity training be implemented in the workplace?
  • Should mandatory military service be implemented in all countries?
  • Should medical professionals prioritize patient autonomy or medical ethics in treatment decisions?
  • Should military intervention ever be justified on humanitarian grounds?
  • Should nations prioritize investing in renewable energy over maintaining fossil fuel industries?
  • Should parents have the right to opt their children out of sex education classes?
  • Should political advertisements on social media be regulated?
  • Should politicians prioritize long-term goals or short-term gains when making policy decisions?
  • Should politicians with controversial views be allowed to run for office?
  • Should public figures have the same privacy rights as ordinary citizens?
  • Should religious institutions be exempt from certain laws, such as anti-discrimination legislation?
  • Should restrictions be placed on strike rights rather than limiting CEO compensation?
  • Should social media platforms be held accountable for the spread of fake news?
  • Should social media platforms be responsible for moderating the content shared by their users?
  • Should standardized testing be the primary factor in college admissions?
  • Should the death penalty be abolished? Discuss the moral and practical arguments.
  • Should the government fund and promote the arts?
  • Should the government provide free internet access to all citizens?
  • Should the government regulate the content of news media to combat misinformation?
  • Should the legal age for marriage be raised to prevent child marriages?
  • Should the legal age for purchasing cigarettes be raised to 21?
  • Should the legal age to vote be lowered to 16?
  • Should the sharing economy be more tightly regulated to protect workers’ rights?
  • Should the use of animals for entertainment purposes, such as circuses and zoos, be prohibited?
  • Should the use of facial recognition technology by law enforcement be regulated?
  • Should the use of performance-enhancing drugs be permitted in professional sports?
  • Should there be a cap on campaign spending for political candidates?
  • Should there be a maximum age limit for political candidates?
  • Should vaccinations be mandatory for all citizens, with few exceptions?
  • The legal age for consuming alcohol should be raised to 21. Do you agree or disagree?
  • Under what circumstances is civil disobedience morally justifiable?
  • Under what circumstances, if any, can the use of nuclear weapons be justified or excused?
  • University admissions should be based solely on merit. Do you agree or disagree?
  • When selecting judges, should diversity be a factor in the decision-making process?
  • Which is more important, individual privacy or national security?
  • Who should have the final say on human rights: elected officials or constitutional courts?
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LNAT Essay Examples LNAT Essay Question Bank with Model Answers Sample Essays LawMint UK

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Free LNAT Practice Tests 2024

Are you looking for lnat practice tests struggling to find lnat questions for revision don't want to pay for a lnat question bank.

Get your preparation for the LNAT 2024 off to a great start with some free support from the LNAT Specialists at Law Mind! Find free LNAT Practice Questions for the LNAT Multiple Choice and the LNAT Essay to help you study for your LNAT! We have hundreds of sample LNAT Practice Tests to help you to familiarise yourself with the paper and common question types. Not sure about LNAT Essays? Need to revise your LNAT Multiple Choice? Then Law Mind can help!

LNAT Practice Tests (Full Mocks)

42 | Ethics and Education (Test 1)

40 | Politics

42 | Science (Test 1)

42 | Science (Test 2)

LNAT Practice Questions (Mini Tests)

14 | Ethics and Education (Test 2)

16 | Science (Test 3)

25 | Philosophy

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Master the LNAT with our award-winning tutorials - Try for free today

Interested in taking your LNAT revision up a gear? Our LNAT Online Lessons are what you need to move from LNAT knowledge to LNAT mastery! Interested? Take a look at how it works...

We cover every LNAT Question Type

Section a: lnat multiple choice.

LNAT Section A is a multiple choice, 42 question, 95 minute test that will test your verbal reasoning, logic and creative thinking skills. This section is the only scored section of the LNAT; meaning that this is the only section that give you your LNAT score. This will be given as out of 42. In this section, you will have 12 argumentative passages to read, each with 3 or 4 multiple choice questions.

  • Lesson 1 Analysis Multiple Choice
  • Lesson 2 Literary Multiple Choice
  • Lesson 3 Timing Strategies
  • Lesson 4 Timing Contingencies
  • Lesson 5 Assumptions vs. Text
  • Lesson 6 LNAT Test Day
  • Lesson 7 Tips from the Experts
  • Lesson 8 Summary and Overview

Analysis Multiple Choice

These are the kinds of multiple choice question where you are asked to sum up or identify ideas behind the passage. This may involve identifying the ‘main reason’ behind the writer’s argument or choosing a summary of an idea. These kinds of questions are there to test your deducting, inferring and judgement skills, as you will often have to find the ‘most correct’ out of all correct answers!

Literary Multiple Choice

These are the kinds of multiple choice where you are asked to explain word choice within the text. This may involve identifying synonyms, interpreting meaning or defining language. These kinds of questions are designed to test your ability to identify, understand and use language, which is very important for a legal career.

Literary Multiple Choice

Timing Strategies

As with all exams, it is important that you can complete the 42 questions in the time allotted. Our Law Mind tutors will guide you through LNAT Practice Questions to help you perfect your timings and increase your speed.

 Timing Strategies

Timing Contingencies

What do you do if you have 10 LNAT questions left to do in 5 minutes? Don’t worry, we’ll guide you through our contingency Cheetah and Rabbit strategies just in case things go wrong!

 Timing Contingencies

Assumptions vs. Text

Your LNAT test is not a general knowledge test; the passages are all the information that you ought to use to get to your answer. It is important to not get too bogged down in prior knowledge, as it could distract you from the correct answer. Instead, when you do your LNAT Practice Questions, focus on logical inference based on the text.

Assumptions vs. Text

LNAT Test Day

Understanding what will happen on your LNAT Test Day is the first step to feeling relaxed and confident.

 LNAT Test Day

Tips from the Experts

At Law Mind, we handpick our tutors and academics for having scored highly in the LNAT themselves and for having bags of teaching experience.

 Tips from the Experts

Summary and Overview

This revision lesson will re-cap all of the key LNAT Section A techniques we’ve taught you.

 Summary and Overview

Section B: LNAT Essay

LNAT Section B is an essay question, where you get 40 minutes to fully answer one question in an essay. This tests your arguing and writing skills, as well as your ability to offer a point of view, defend it and present it convincingly. The maximum word count is 750, so being able to be concise is key. Although this section does not contribute to your LNAT score, it is still important as it viewed by your universities! In this section, you are given three questions, one of which you will answer in an essay. Topics can be on almost anything, from morality to medicine.

  • Lesson 1 Develop your main argument
  • Lesson 2 Structure your LNAT Essay
  • Lesson 3 Language choice and accuracy
  • Lesson 4 Timings and word count
  • Lesson 5 Tips from Experts
  • Lesson 6 Summary

Develop your main argument

The LNAT Essay is no place to be wishy-washy! This is the time to get an opinion and put it across as well as you can. It is important that, once you have decided on an argument, that you stick to it and develop it properly. Think about the most persuasive arguments for your point of view, and how you want to put them across.

Develop your main argument

Structure your LNAT Essay

A good LNAT Essay needs to be properly structured and have a logical flow. You will need to start with an introduction, that will lay out your plan, and end with a conclusion that will sum up and tie together your whole essay.

Structure your LNAT Essay

Language choice and accuracy

You will need to write clearly and accurately in the LNAT Essay for it to be impactful; you don’t want to distract the admissions team with spelling mistakes or clumsy wording! Improving your language use is very important and, although doing regular LNAT Practice Tests can help you to get used to this way of writing, you might want to consider doing specific revision to improve this.

Language choice and accuracy

Timings and word count

It may seem a lot of time, but it amazing how quickly 40 minutes can go when you are trying to plan and write an essay! You want to make sure that your LNAT Practice Tests are timed so you get used to how fast you need to write in the time. For most people, the issue with the word count is that they go over, rather than under. Make sure you count the words in each of your LNAT Practice Tests, so you can see what 750 words looks like and get used to working to this as a limit. As you practise, you will need to find ways to reduce words and cut unnecessary babble.

Tips from Experts

Hear from LNAT Decision Making experts who can give you their insight into how they did well in their LNAT and what they found useful in their preparation.

Tips from Experts

Here we wrap up everything we’ve taught you and help condense everything into the salient points as well as telling you the next steps on how to formulate your revision.


Upgrade to 1-to-1 Tutoring

Take your LNAT to the next level by adding in some of our award-winning 1-1 tutoring. Get feedback on your performance from LNAT experts and get useful tips on how you can improve your LNAT skills.

Why you should upgrade to our LNAT Online Course

Are you aiming for the best LNAT score possible? Well, if you are, we really recommend buying our online LNAT course. We break down your thinking process, and continuously improve and perfect your LNAT technique in both sections. You can also upgrade to our 1-1 tutoring services and essay marking services.

How Law Mind can help you with LNAT Preparation

We believe that a personal approach is best when it comes to teaching and learning. So when you sign-up for our 1-to-1 tutoring, we’ll create your study plan and you’ll receive ongoing support tailored to your needs. In addition, you’ll have access to a wealth of online resources to revise and test everything you learn.

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Start with an expert LNAT tutor

After your consultation, we consider everything you’re looking for - from time to exam to prospective universities, and find a tutor that’s right for you. All of them are:

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Build a personalised LNAT lesson plan

Your tutor will develop a personalised LNAT lesson plan for you based on the time until your test, the LNAT scores you are getting and your weak areas.

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Maximise your LNAT potential

Regular homework and progress report will help you to get the most out of your tuition sessions.

So maximise your LNAT potential Start your journey now.

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LNAT Course & 5h 1-1 Tutoring

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Still got questions? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered.

Who are law mind.

Law Mind is an online company that helps future law students to get places on their dream law courses by getting great scores on their exams!

Are these LNAT Practice Tests really free?

Yes, they are really free! We believe that everyone should be able to achieve their educational goals, regardless of background, and so we have worked hard to create a free set of LNAT Practice Tests that you can access for free. We are always looking to add more LNAT Practice Tests to this page, and would like your input! Get in touch with us to let us know which questions you find useful, what kind of questions you want to see more of and what kinds of topics you want us to cover. We want these LNAT Practice Tests to be useful to you!

How can I get the most out of these LNAT Practice Questions?

Revision can be very individual, so you can use these LNAT Practice Questions in whatever way that suits you! Stuck for ideas? Here are a few ways our LNAT students have used these in the past: - Go through the LNAT Practice Questions and use them at the beginning of your revision. That way, you can then see what level you are starting at. - Write out LNAT Practice Question and do them at intervals over your revision. For example, when you cover a particular topic, you can do a related LNAT Practice Question you find. - Rewrite LNAT Practice Questions yourself- you can use the framework from the LNAT Practice Questions and change out topics, words and ideas so you can personalise them to you.

Which LNAT Practice Questions should I focus on the most?

Do an even mix of both Section A and Section B- even though your LNAT score is only made up from Section A, Section B is still important and your university will use it as part of your application.

Other than the LNAT Practice Questions, what else can I do to boost my LNAT score?

You want to become used to common LNAT topics and more formal ways of expressing yourself, so things like reading the newspaper can be really helpful. You need to be able to make a quick judgment on a topics, so learning more in general about the world will help you. However, it is important to remember in Section A that you should only refer to ideas in the text, so here it might be useful to read literature or opinion pieces to see how people convey their ideas. This will also help you to find ways to introduce ideas in Section B.

How many LNAT Practice Questions should I do?

There is no simple answer to this, but you want to do enough preparation that you feel relaxed and confident going into the exam. Make sure that you include timed preparation when you do your LNAT Practice Questions too, as timing can often be an issue in exams.

What can I do to boost my LNAT score more?

Law Mind provides award-winning tuition that can help you take your LNAT revision to the next level. Contact us today for more information.

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Mar 05, 2024

Written By Billy Sexton

Sample LNAT questions

So you’re flying the nest and leaving home to study law at university. It’s the first step on a long road to becoming a lawyer but even after you’ve sent off that lovely law personal statement and selected your five university choices, but now you have to sit the LNAT.

Of course, by now you know what the LNAT is and you’ve been preparing well, but what about practising for the LNAT and having some sample questions to check out? Don’t fear, LNAT student, AllAboutLaw is here to provide. (Don’t mention it…).

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LNAT multiple choice questions

The first part of the LNAT test is made up of 42 multiple-choice questions lasting 95 minutes. There are three or four questions for 12 argumentative passages that test your reasoning skills.

There’s no way to revise as such, as you don’t know what the passage will contain, but there are example questions you can try your hand at. Such as this one (which we borrowed from the lovely folks at The Guardian ):

Example LNAT questions

Consider the following argument:

There are numerous mentally ill offenders in our prisons. This is shameful. The only point of punishment is deterrence. But to be deterred one needs to be a rational person, and a rational person is a person who understands the likely consequences of his or her actions. Mentally ill offenders are, by definition, less than fully rational. So they cannot be deterred, and should not be in prison.

1. Which of the following is an unarticulated assumption of the argument?

(a) There are numerous mentally ill offenders in our prisons

(b) Imprisoning the mentally ill is shameful

(c) Imprisonment is a form of punishment

(d) Rational people understand the likely consequences of their actions

(e) Those who cannot be deterred should not be in prison.

2. Which of the following is a flaw in the argument?

(a) It does not tell us anything about the definition of mental illness that it is using

(b) It starts from the assumption that we should be ashamed of our prisons

(c) It suggests that we have to embark on a very troublesome review of the way that imprisonment is used as a punishment

(d) It does not allow for the possibility that some people who were not mentally ill when they offended might become mentally ill in prison

(e) It relies on statistics.

3. Which of the following can we most reliably infer that the author of the argument believes?

(a) People should not be sent to prison except as a last resort

(b) Mentally ill people should be treated in hospital for their illnesses

(c) Offenders who are not mentally ill should always be punished by imprisonment

(d) All offences have consequences

(e) The point of punishment is not rehabilitation.

LNAT stress that there is only one correct answer to these questions and they don’t include trick questions. You just have to think critically!

LNAT Practice Test

Practicing the same type of questions which will appear in an actual LNAT test is vitally important to scoring highly. Unfortunately the number of actual official LNAT practice tests or past LNAT papers is very low.

Only two past papers are available on the official LNAT website . You should of course obtain these but you'll definitely want more to practice on.

In our online LNAT course you can get immediate access to over 200+ realistic LNAT practice questions all with fully worked solutions, just click the button below for full details.

Practice tests can offer several key benefits:

  • Familiarity with Test Format: The LNAT has a unique format, including a multiple-choice reading comprehension section and an essay section. By doing practice tests, you become familiar with this format, which can help reduce anxiety on test day.
  • Timing Practice: The LNAT is a timed test. Practice tests can help you get a sense of how quickly you need to work to complete the test in the given time. This is particularly important for the multiple-choice section, where time management is crucial.
  • Identifying Weaknesses: Practice tests can help you identify areas where you struggle, whether that's certain types of reading comprehension questions, essay writing, or time management. Once you've identified these areas, you can focus your preparation efforts on improving them.
  • Tracking Progress: If you do multiple practice tests over the course of your preparation, you can track your scores to see how you're improving. This can help you gauge whether your preparation methods are effective.
  • Confidence Building: The more practice tests you do, the more confident you'll likely feel about your ability to do well on the actual test.

LNAT Practice Test

However, remember that while doing practice tests is important, they're just one part of a balanced preparation strategy. It's also important to read widely, work on your critical thinking skills, and practice your essay writing.

Keep in mind that the LNAT is not about rote learning or memorization, but about demonstrating skills like comprehension, interpretation, analysis, and argumentation. So, using practice tests as an opportunity to hone these skills can be a good approach.

LNAT Practice Test

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LNAT Sample Essays

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  • Updated on  
  • Dec 3, 2022

LNAT (Law National Aptitude Test)

LNAT or National Admission test for law is an aptitude test that is conducted across 89 universities in the UK before offering admissions into their law programmes . Due to an ever increasing competition, this test was developed by oxford university to solve the problems faced by institutes with respect to shortlisting candidates. LNAT is mandatory for both home as well as international students, applying for law courses in the UK . LNAT is a 130 minute long exam that consists of 2 sections; an MCQ type and an essay type. In this blog we bring you various practise questions that’ll help you ace your LNAT Sample essays.  

LNAT Sample Essays: Structure and Format

While writing the essay it is important to keep the following points in mind in order to write a well-structured essay.

  • What – try to understand the motion that is put forward. Is the motion based on law, politics, economics or ethics? What exactly is being asked of you? While writing the essay you are required to display high levels of critical thinking which must be visible in your essay.
  • Why – ask yourself why this question is being asked? What could be the purpose of such a statement? Provide evidence to suggest the accuracy or inaccuracy of the motion. Question why you are required to use certain terms, phrases or literary technique. Your analytical ability and persuasiveness will be put to test.
  • How- how is this statement concluded and what are the practicalities of implementing it? What are the ways in which this can be challenged? How can it be enforced and monitored? You will be required to provide solid logical reasoning and demonstrate how your answer forms a conclusion.
  • What if – another question you must ask yourself is about the alternatives you have provided in your essay. Are there any views to consider? What are the practical implications of the arguments you have put forth? Can those be challenges? If yes, how? Weigh in both the strengths and weaknesses of your argument.

Practise Questions 

Here are some of the best questions that can help you practise for LNAT essays: 

  • What disciplinary sanctions should teachers be allowed to use?
  • Make the best case you can for public funding of the arts.
  • How should judges be appointed?
  • ‘It is right that students should contribute to the cost of their degrees.’ Do you agree?
  • Does it matter if some animal and plant species die out?
  • What is ‘political correctness’ and why does it matter?
  • Should the law require people to vote in general elections?
  • We must be prepared to sacrifice traditional liberties to defeat terrorism.’
  • Should private cars be rationed? If so, how?
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  • How to Become a Divorce Lawyer?
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LNAT Sample Essay

Should the privacy of the accused be maintained in Criminal legal proceedings?

The criminal justice system is rooted on the principle that the suspect is innocent until proven guilty by the court of law. This principle is applicable whether the person is renowned in the public sphere, therefore making the case susceptible to prejudice or someone wholly anonymous. Therefore, I am of the opinion that wherever possible, the anonymity of the accused ought to be maintained. There are several reasons to believe so. Firstly and most importantly, the legal system ought to be free from biases and prejudices. Secondly, publishing the accused’s identity does not serve public interest. It would be a gross breach of an individual’s right to privacy when publishing the identity.

The nature of the legal process is a dialectic process; it is a rule of thumb that the prosecutor must prove the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt.  the defence ought to cast doubt on the case of the prosecution or prove the defendant’s innocence. This process necessitates the gathering of evidence, familiarity with the facts pertinent to the case and precedents set by the previous cases. If a defendant’s anonymity is compromised that could potentially colour the legal proceedings with public prejudice. This would be antithetical to the very nature of legal process. 

A public bias is as dangerous as any other bias and can impact the legal proceedings in negative ways. Therefore there is the possibility that the disclosure of the accused’s identity can impact the objectivity of the court. The accused only ought to be tried by the court and not by the media. 

To elaborate on the 2nd issue, the publishing of the accused identity can be extremely counterproductive and in general unhelpful to the public interest. Media trials can be extremely dehumanizing which apart from affecting the trial can additionally impact the accused life if found to be innocent.  

Most importantly, an individual’s right to privacy has been recognized as a fundamental right. A man acquitted 100 times is the same as a man once or never prosecuted at all, but seldom do the larger public view the situation from a legal perspective. The person may never escape the humiliation and public prejudice of having once been accused. 

In conclusion, I’d like to reiterate the importance of maintaining anonymity in a case of criminal accusation. It is a fair argument that the public at large ought to know the argument of the criminal who threatens their safety and security, however the principles of law dictates that a person is innocent until proven guilty. By abiding by this view, we can maintain the objectivity of the court and preserve the dignity of the accused.

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  • A Detailed Guide to Start a Career in Law
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This was all about LNAT essay questions. We hope this blog has given you a brief Idea as to how to go about your essay. In case you need additional guidance in navigating various aptitude tests and exams, get in touch with our experts at Leverage Edu today! Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session.

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Sample LNAT Essay and Advice


The Essay forms an important part of the LNAT. Students often underestimate it, yet certain Universities place quite a considerable emphasis on the Essay in the admissions process. Head over to our Guide about LNAT Universities & Required Scores to find out more (we recommend paying attention to the official LNAT Essay mark scheme as released by University of Oxford).

Having said that, performing well in your Essay will be of great advantage to your application. The tutors are looking for candidates who possess a high level of written skill, since the study of Law revolves around delivering exceptional written arguments. Furthermore, law exams are famously known for consisting of hours dedicated to writing essays in a summative format.

To write a great essay, you need to practise under timed conditions, be well-versed on various topics, and continually analyse your performance. In particular, you should consider the following suggestions:

Be concise and succinct

Be persuasive, sample lnat essay, question: should people accused of a criminal offence retain anonymity.

“The Criminal Justice System is predicated on the supposition of innocence until guilt is proven in a court of law. This principle applies whether the defendant is known to the public and hence subject to public prejudices, or wholly anonymous prior to the alleged offence. I believe and shall argue that, wherever possible, the anonymity of the accused ought to be persevered. My reasons for thinking so are several; that the legal process must be as free from bias as is feasible; that the public interest is not served by the publishing of the accused’s identity and that the right of the individual to privacy would be breached in the publication.

First, one must consider what is the nature of the legal process; it is a dialectic process in which the prosecutor must prove the guilt of the accused beyond reasonable doubt; the defence must either cast doubt on the case of the prosecution or prove the defendant’s innocence outright. This will require the gathering of many articles of evidence and an extensive familiarity with the facts pertinent to the case, as well as the stipulations of the law and the precedents set by previous cases. It would be antithetical to the very nature of the legal process to allow public prejudice to colour the legal proceedings, as it potentially would in the case that the defendant’s anonymity was compromised. A beloved darling of the people would excite a general clamour in his or her defence; a public pariah would arouse the most damning of execration.

A public bias is no less heinous than any other sort of bias and it could be argued that in magnitude it far outweighs the others. Thus, the objectivity of the court, which must be assumed a priori, can only be degraded by the general knowledge of the accused’s identity and can never be served by it. The accused ought only to be tried by a court and never by mob or media.

Second, any action by a public body, such as the police or the judiciary, ought to be in service of the public interest. It is in the public interest to seek the perpetrator of a crime, as it is to punish those found guilty and to publish their names so that they may be known as criminals to the public whom they have offended. It is hard to see how the publication of an accused person’s identity can serve the public good. In the event that they are innocent, the accused will be forever the subject of suspicion in certain quarters and may suffer reprisals from members of the public who are not satisfied by the outcome of the trial. In the event that the accused is guilty, then their guilt will be published and the public will thereby learn all of the relevant details. This is not to suggest that criminal cases ought to be tried in secret courts; persons with an intimate connection either to the accused or the victim ought to be entitled to observe the proceedings, in which case the preservation of anonymity becomes a matter of individual conscience.

Third, the individual who has been accused must be afforded the general right to privacy. Legally speaking man acquitted a hundred times is as innocent as a man acquitted but once or never prosecuted at all, but the public rarely considers criminal matters from a legal perspective; if it were so, then courts would hardly be necessary. It is precisely because certain elements of the public are quick to judge and often liable to punish unjustly that a legal system is required in order to provide due process and to prevent the miscarriage of justice. The circumstances of a crime may excite unease and discontentment in many and a person may never escape the taint of having once been accused of a crime of which they were never guilty. In some cases, suspects have been killed prior to their trials; most notably, perhaps is Lee Harvey Oswald, thanks to whose death we may never know the true circumstances of the terrible crime of which he stood accused.

In conclusion, I reaffirm the importance of anonymity in the case of a criminal accusation. For whilst the public is entitled to know the identity of criminals who threaten their security and against whom the state has levied punishment, it is imperative that we presume the defendant to be innocent until guilt is confessed or proved. Upon this principle we may hope to preserve the objectivity of the court and the dignity of the accused.”

There is no exhaustive list that will allow you to write amazing essays. It is truly the case of ‘practice makes perfect’ (and being widely read!). So maybe you are tempted to write an answer to this sample LNAT Essay Question?

Well, Arbitio allows you to do just that: we have developed an Essay Writing Simulator that accurately recreates the LNAT exam environment and provided you with 20+ Questions on a variety of topics reflective of the LNAT curriculum. The Model Answers to each Essay Question will help you see what good essay writing is all about, with some salient points you may wish to adopt into your argumentative arsenal. The subscription includes Essay Marking Service, where one of our tutors will deliver detailed feedback on an essay of your choice.


Ace Your LNAT With Practice Tests & Questions

Create the perfect LNAT prep routine with hundreds of LNAT practice questions, authentic mock tests and in-depth study materials. Crafted by LNAT experts, LNAT Ninja is your path to painless preparation. Sign up free and start your revision today.

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  • LNAT Preparation: The Complete Guide

Last Updated: 27th May 2022

Author: Chloe Hewitt

  • Admissions Test

Table of Contents

If you are applying for Law at Oxford, Cambridge, or other top universities, one of the biggest hurdles you will be faced with is the LNAT.

Unlike any test you have ever done before, ensuring you have effectively prepared for the LNAT will make all the difference when it comes to scoring highly.

But how can you prepare for the LNAT? This guide runs through each of the two sections of the LNAT, explaining the skills that will be required to succeed and the ways you can develop your understanding and improve your technique. Before we dive into Section A, let’s review the basics of the LNAT. 

What is the LNAT?

If you aren’t familiar with the LNAT, check out our LNAT Basics Guide before continuing, as you’re going to need to know how the LNAT is structured, how it is marked and why it is used. If you know about the LNAT already, here is a very quick recap.

The Law National Admissions Test (LNAT) is an entrance exam used by a consortium of UK universities to assess prospective undergraduate law students. The LNAT is used to supplement other selection procedures — your A-level results, personal statement, and admissions interview — not to test your knowledge of the law. Instead, the computer-based exam assesses critical thinking, problem-solving, and analytical skills.

What is the structure of the LNAT?

The LNAT has a time limit of two hours and 15 minutes and is divided into two parts: Section A, a set of multiple-choice questions, and Section B, an essay writing task. These tasks are separated and each has a set time to complete, with 95 minutes to complete Section A and 40 minutes to complete Section B.

Effective LNAT preparation is crucial to achieving an offer, so let UniAdmissions guide you through it. 

The LNAT is a major part of your Law application, so make sure you’re ready for it with guidance from experts. Our LNAT Tuition Programme supports you through every aspect of the test through One-to-One Tuition, Live Courses, Comprehensive Materials and much more . 

Discover our LNAT Tuition Programme by booking a free consultation session by clicking the button below to enrol and triple your chances of success .

LNAT Section A Preparation

In Section A, you will have 95 minutes to answer 42 multiple-choice questions based on 12 passages of text provided. This means that you’ll need to complete three to four questions per passage. There will be five possible answers to each question, but only one will be correct.

You do not need to have any particular knowledge to complete Section A. However, you must spend time preparing for LNAT Section A to know what to expect during the test. As part of your LNAT Section A preparation, it is also a good idea to practice the skills the admissions tutors are looking for applicants to demonstrate. It would be worth brushing up on these skills so you are confident when it comes to the test.

What does LNAT Section A test?

Section A is all about your comprehension and reasoning skills. The admissions tutors want to know that you can understand, analyse and interpret information. In the test, you will need to work out what the question is asking, pinpoint which part of the text is relevant, and choose the best answer from the multiple-choice answers provided. This will need to be done using the following:

  • Comprehension
  • Interpretation

The LNAT is also used to identify if students can understand different parts of a passage. An integral point to understand is what constitutes a good argument. These are:

Evidence : arguments based on opinions and value judgements are weaker than those based on facts and evidence.

Logic : arguments should flow and the constituent parts should fit well into an overriding view or belief.

Balance : a good argument should concede that there are other views and beliefs (counter-arguments). Creating a strong argument involves dismantling these ideas and explaining why they are wrong.

What do you need to know for LNAT Section A?

Here are a few key ideas that you will need to revise and prepare for before sitting Section A of the LNAT:




The following clip is from a UniAdmissions LNAT Live Course, in which our expert tutor explains how you can determine the differences between these three types of discussion within a passage:


  • A conclusion is a summary of the arguments being made and is usually explicitly stated or heavily implied.
  • A premise is a statement from which another statement can be inferred or follows as a conclusion.

Hence, a conclusion is shown/implied/proven by a premise. Similarly, a premise shows/indicates/establishes a conclusion.


Sometimes you will be required to distinguish between a fact and an opinion.

  • Fact is something that can be tested to be true or false.
  • Opinion cannot be tested to be true or false.


Just because two incidents or events have occurred does not mean that one has caused the other. For example:  “French people are known for having a glass of wine with dinner and they have a larger life expectancy than we do. Therefore, we should consume wine to be healthier.”

This argument is flawed. There are 2 events: (i) French people known for having wine and (ii) French people having a larger life expectancy. There is no suggestion in the extract that (i) wine is causally related to (ii) or that having wine actually leads to a longer life. Accordingly, in itself, the premises do not adequately support the conclusion – there could be other reasons such as diet or exercise.

How should I prepare for LNAT Section A?

1. Read a wide range of texts

As Section A assesses your ability to comprehend and analyse texts, it is important to improve your reading comprehension. You can do this by studying a variety of quality texts, such as news articles, academic journals, and literature, and then summarising the main points. Be sure to identify the tone and analyse the author’s argument.

2. Practice thinking critically

As you read these texts, you should check your understanding by asking yourself questions on their meaning, such as:

  • Is the statement one of fact or opinion?
  • Have you focused on the detail or jumped to a conclusion?
  • Have you made a logical deduction about the information?
  • Is there something in the statement that has been left unsaid?
  • Is the statement supported by evidence?
  • What is the writer’s attitude? For example, are they being serious or making a joke?
  • Is the statement relevant or irrelevant to the question?

If there are ambiguities, they are assessing how well you cope with ambiguities. However, the solution is always in the passage somewhere. 

3. Practice your Time Management

Time management skills are crucial for the LNAT. With 95 minutes to answer 42 questions, that gives you roughly two and a quarter minutes to answer each question. In fact, many students find the most difficult part of the test is not answering all of the questions correctly, but doing so under its timed conditions and working at a steady pace.

Decide how long you want to spend on each passage of text and the multiple-choice questions. You have 95 minutes to complete Section A, therefore you could decide to spend 7 minutes reading each passage of text and then answer the connected questions. The remaining 11 minutes could then be used to go back over any questions you found difficult.

4. Understand the format of the test

It is essential to familiarise yourself with the format of the LNAT, including the types of questions that may appear in Section A. To do so, you should definitely take advantage of the official practice tests available, which will help develop your understanding of the test structure and the types of questions you may encounter on the day.

Extra LNAT Section A Tips

  • Read the question carefully and make sure you understand what is being asked.
  • Look for any keywords in the question and answer options before reading the passage of text.
  • When you then go on to read the passage of text, look out for those keywords.
  • Consider the questions listed above when deciding what a statement means and selecting your answer.
  • Use a process of elimination to find the correct answer. By discounting the incorrect answer options, it helps to narrow down the answers until you are left with one.
  • If you are unable to narrow the options down to just one, then go with your gut feeling when selecting an answer and come back to it later.
  • No points will be deducted for an incorrect answer, so make sure you answer every question even if you are unsure.

One of the hallmarks of a good multiple-choice question is the inclusion of one or more answer options that are wrong but almost right. Questions like this are not tricks. They are there to test whether your powers of discrimination are fine-grained or coarse-grained. Work hard to find and eliminate them.

Boost your LNAT Score with expert support from UniAdmissions.

With our LNAT Tuition Programme, you will have complete guidance for both Sections of the LNAT, with regular tuition from an expert tutor and a whole suite of revision and practice resources to get yourself ready. 

Effective learning strategies are techniques and approaches that have been shown to enhance applicants’ learning and retention of new information . These 4 science-proof study techniques are designed to help you engage with your study materials more deeply, make connections between different concepts, and remember what you learn over the long-term to boost your LNAT preparation .

LNAT Section B Preparation

In this section, you will be presented with a choice of three essay questions, and you will be required to answer one of them in a well-structured, persuasive manner under a time limit of 40 minutes.

What does LNAT Section B test?

To answer Section B of the LNAT, you will need to have strong critical thinking and analytical skills, good writing skills and a strong command of written English. You need to be able to communicate your ideas clearly and coherently, structure your essay effectively, and present your arguments in a logical and persuasive manner.

Having a good knowledge of current affairs will also work in your favour. The admissions tutors really like to see interesting and creative arguments which are backed up by evidence rather than opinions. Focus on these skills in your LNAT Section B preparation.

1.Choosing your question

As mentioned, you have three options for your essay. We have a video snippet from our Law Programme in which our tutor Amy Gregg goes through the explanation of selecting the right question.

We’d recommend you take two minutes to read all the questions! While one essay might seem easy, you may find you run out of points and arguments. Using your time wisely will enable you to gauge how comfortable you are with a topic from your background knowledge.

2. Remember to Plan your essay

There are many reasons why you should plan your essay before you begin writing. These include:

  • You don’t have much space so you need to make it count!
  • It allows you to get your thoughts down on paper before writing
  • You’ll write faster once you have a plan
  • You run the risk of missing the point if you don’t plan

There’s no set period of time that should be dedicated to planning. This differs for everyone because everyone is different! You should spend as long as you want planning, provided you have enough time to legibly write your essay. As a rough guide, we’d recommend 5-10 minutes.

3. Learn how to structure your essay

It is important that your essay has a clear framework and logical progression, such as the following structure:

  • Introduction: introduce the topic and give a brief outline of what you will discuss.
  • Main argument: discuss the facts in favour of your position.
  • Counter-argument: present arguments to the contrary.
  • Conclusion: state what you believe and why.

You can then begin to structure your essay, including the way that points will be linked. At this stage, it is worth considering the balance of your argument and confirming that you have considered arguments from both sides of the debate. Once this general structure has been established, it is useful to consider any examples or real-world information that may help to support your arguments.

Finally, you can begin to assess the plan as a whole and establish what your conclusion will be based on your arguments. You can use a variety of methods to actually put your ideas down, whether this is a mind map, bullet points or PROs and CONs, use what is best for you.

4. Practise timed essay writing

Section B of the LNAT requires you to write a 500-750 word essay in 40 minutes, so it’s important to get used to writing under strict time constraints. To get started, we recommend working with the sample essay topics , focusing on building a compelling argument with a logical structure. It may be beneficial to begin writing without time constraints before gradually picking up the pace.

Never avoid writing about topics you do not know much about. This can be dangerous for your LNAT score in the exam if only topics you are uncomfortable with come up. If you need someone to look over some practice essay answers for the LNAT and provide any guidance, then ask our LNAT tutors to mark your essay .

5. Review top-scoring essays

The LNAT website not only lists sample topics, but provides top-scoring answers to certain questions, such as “Does it matter if some animal and plant species die out?”. It is strongly recommended to read through these, to gauge how you should present your argument and get an idea of what the examiners are looking for.

Writing an LNAT Essay

To give you an idea of what you should be trying to achieve with your LNAT Section B essay, we’ll do a brief worked example together. Consider the question: “Abortion should only be permitted in certain circumstances.” Discuss.


Present a brief outline of what you will discuss. In this case, you should clearly define “Abortion” (e.g. the termination of a pregnancy). If you wish, you can highlight the key themes that will run through the essay, but keep it short!

You should have a bunch of points written down that you can call on for this section. Here are some points considering arguing for abortion we came up with during the planning stage:

In the event of a medical issue

Disability of the child

Sexual assault

The mother wants to give up the foetus

The mother is too young

You now have a choice of several points you can use, but you can’t go into detail for all of them! You should focus on the  quality  not  quantity  of points made. Choose the points from which you can make the most original contribution.

Once you have chosen your points, you should create a structure:

Paragraph 1: Disability of the child

Paragraph 2: Sexual assault

Paragraph 3: In the event of a medical issue

You should then write PROs and CONs of each point for each paragraph. Ensure you have a balanced essay that considers all points of view fairly. Thinking about all elements of an argument is important; thinking of alternative views can strengthen your argument for or against something.

Here you will bring together the points from the main body. You shouldn’t bring any new points into the conclusion, focus just on what you have previously spoken about. If you have summarised each point in the main body, then a shorter conclusion will suffice, and vice versa.

Extra LNAT Section B Tips

  • The ideal LNAT essay is 500-600 words long. If you write less than this your essay will be too short to be evaluated properly and you are unlikely to do well.
  • You should try and remove repetition, surplus words, and digressions. This kind of discipline will be rewarded.
  • Do not sit on the fence or say that each side of the argument has a point unless you go on to say which point each side has. This is different from considering both sides and will come off as indecisive. 
  • Your opinions do not matter, all the Admissions Tutors are interested in seeing is your ability to defend a position which may or may not be your own personal opinion.
  • Do not try and impress with fancy words or elaborate style that have no substance. Be straightforward in your writing and your argument.

Practical Preparation for the LNAT

Preparing for the LNAT isn’t all about practising for the questions, however. There are some practical considerations to keep in mind, away from the content of the Admissions Test itself. You will need to ensure you are ready to attend the actual test, or else you may face complications before you even see the paper. 

Make sure to check the deadlines for the universities you are applying to and remember that test places get booked up quickly. Do not leave it until the last minute. It should go without saying, but you must ensure that your chosen universities actually require the LNAT first. Doing some research into how these unis use the LNAT will also help you set your expectations for the minimum you should achieve. 

If you are applying for Oxford or Cambridge, you will need to have sat the LNAT on or before 15 th October. If you are not applying to Oxbridge, you have until 25 th January.

Make sure to take photo identification and a printout of your confirmation email to the test centre with you. Arrive 20 minutes early, as if you are late, you may not be allowed to sit the test.

Ultimately, passing the LNAT test is a challenging but achievable goal, but by following these steps for your LNAT preparation, you can improve your chances of doing so and pave the way towards a rewarding future in Law.

What you have got to remember that the LNAT is your opportunity to demonstrate to the Admissions Tutors that you are capable of succeeding at an academically demanding subject. As long as you use your skills of deduction for the multiple-choice questions and argue coherently in your essay you are sure to do well. 

Remember, the LNAT is not designed to trip you up. Its purpose is to allow you to demonstrate the skills that are necessary for a career in Law. Following these tips and effectively preparing for the test will improve your chances of getting a good LNAT Score .

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Essay Questions

Lnat questions – essay advice.

This page has free essay questions and advice for LNAT essays.

LNAT essays should be 500 words minimum to 700 words maximum.

This equals 2 to two and a half pages on the computer screen.

You will get 40 minutes to write your LNAT essay.

Essay Questions for the LNAT – Scoring

Your LNAT essay response will not be marked as such.

So, you won’t receive a score for your essay.

Different universities use the LNAT essay for different admissions purposes.

Essay Questions for the LNAT – Free Samples

LNAT essay questions will be in the form of either a question or a statement.

Here are some LNAT essay questions for you to practise:

Should public transport be compulsory in certain areas?

Being fair to the community is more important than being just to the individual. Discuss.

Make the best argument you can for full government funding of undergraduate education.

“Everyone would benefit from doing a stint of manual labour.” Do you agree?

Animal rights should be sacrificed when human life might be at stake. Discuss.

Should the government do more to encourage people into the teaching profession?

LNAT Practice Tests and Essay Writing Guide

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FAQs about the LNAT

Read this page to find out the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions about the LNAT and see where you can find resources to aid your preparation.

  • Find out which universities use the LNAT
  • See how to register and book the exam
  • Discover what the LNAT entails and how it is scored
  • Learn about resit policies for the LNAT

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Embarking on your journey through law school involves several significant steps, one of which is successfully navigating the Law National Aptitude Test (LNAT). Below, we’ve compiled a list of frequently asked questions to help guide you through the process for the 2023-2024 cycle. This page was updated in October 2023, and the information contained refers to the 2023/2024 LNAT testing cycle.

When To Take The LNAT

When should i take the lnat in 2023.

It’s important to schedule your test for a date within the official LNAT cycle, which is between 1 September 2023 and 31 July 2024.

Does it matter if I take the LNAT 2023 before or after submitting my UCAS application?

No, the timing of your LNAT relative to your UCAS application submission doesn’t affect your eligibility. The crucial factor is that you take the LNAT within the same application cycle. Please remember, you won’t receive your LNAT results until after your university application is submitted.

Will my LNAT score from last year be valid for this year’s application?

Unfortunately, no. LNAT scores are not carried over from one year to the next. If you are reapplying through UCAS, you need to retake the LNAT in the same year as your new application.

What if I miss the deadline for the LNAT exam?

Missing the deadline to sit the LNAT will unfortunately result in your application being rejected. You would need to wait to apply for the next academic cycle and ensure that you take the LNAT within the appropriate timeframe.

I’m planning to travel or work overseas during the LNAT period. What should I do?

No need to worry! The LNAT is accessible globally, with over 500 test centres around the world. You can take the exam in any of these centres, even if you are abroad. Just ensure you book your test within the specified dates.

When does the registration for the LNAT begin?

For the 2023-2024 cycle, both UCAS and LNAT registrations open on 1 August 2023. Early registration is advised to secure your preferred test date.

Are there specific deadlines for Oxbridge, KCL, LSE, UCL, or other universities?

Yes, various universities have specific deadlines. For instance, Oxbridge candidates must sit the LNAT by 16 October 2023. Candidates for KCL, LSE, and UCL have until 31 December 2023. Other universities have different deadlines, often in early to late January 2024. Always check with your chosen university to avoid missing out.

Can I apply late for the LNAT?

International applicants may have a provision for late application, but it’s subject to specific university policies. The general late application deadline requires booking the LNAT by 25 July 2024 and sitting it by 31 July 2024. However, it’s crucial to verify with your chosen universities.

Important Tips:

  • Be strategic in your application and aim to adhere to the January deadlines.
  • Ensure synchronisation between your LNAT profile and UCAS application.
  • Prepare for test fee payment methods in advance.
  • You are allowed only one LNAT attempt per cycle.
  • LNAT scores are not reusable in subsequent academic years.

Why do universities require the LNAT for law programs?

The LNAT helps universities differentiate between candidates with similar academic qualifications, assessing their suitability and preparedness for the rigorous legal studies ahead. It’s an additional measure to grade-based evaluations, designed to test a candidate’s analytical abilities and aptitude in law.

Does taking the LNAT mean I have automatically applied to the universities of my choice?

No, the LNAT is a separate process. Candidates need to apply for their chosen law programs in the usual manner through the universities’ application processes. Taking the LNAT is an additional step required by certain universities to assess your capabilities further.

Which UK universities currently require the LNAT for law courses?

There are 11 LNAT universities; 9 are based in the UK and two are overseas. 8 of the 9 UK-based LNAT universities are Russell Group Unis (SOAS is the exception), and 4 of them (King’s, LSE, SOAS and UCL) are in London.

  • UK LNAT Universities:
  • University of Bristol
  • University of Cambridge
  • Durham University
  • University of Glasgow
  • King’s College, London (KCL)
  • London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE)
  • University of Oxford
  • University College London (UCL)
  • SOAS University of London

Note that the University of Nottingham appears to have dropped their LNAT requirement for the 2024 academic year entry.

Are there any international universities that accept or require the LNAT?

Yes, the Singapore University of Social Sciences (SUSS) and IE University in Spain also use the LNAT in their admissions process. It’s important to check directly with these universities to understand the specific conditions under which they require or accept the LNAT.

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LNAT Registration 

How do i register for the lnat.

The LNAT testing system is operated by Pearson VUE. You will need to complete a two-step registration process using the Pearson VUE online registration system. You will need to:

  • Set up an online account and register your contact information 
  • Book and pay for your test – once you have completed your registration and created a profile. You will then be sent an email notifying you to book and pay for your test.

When Should I Register For The LNAT?

As soon as you can. Each university requiring the test specifies a deadline for sitting the test. If you miss the deadlines, your university application is likely to be rejected. You can register up to 12 noon, two days prior to taking your test. For 2023/24 UCAS applications, the LNAT registration will begin on 1 August 2023.

Are There Any Exceptions To Online Registration?

No. You will need to register for your test online and obtain an identification number. If you have special Examination Access Requirements, do not book the test online – only standard tests can be booked this way.  If you book an online test before specific exam access arrangements are made, the test will have to be cancelled and a test incorporating your special requirements will need to be booked instead. You should note that cancelling and rebooking conditions will apply.

LNAT Booking

When can i book my lnat.

As soon as you have registered your LNAT account on the Pearson VUE website, you can immediately book and pay for your LNAT exam. You should book as early as possible to avoid missing any deadlines.

Can I Reschedule My LNAT?

 Candidates can reschedule their LNAT free of charge until 12 noon (UK time) two working days before their test, excluding English Bank Holidays. Failure to reschedule within this period will necessitate a new booking and payment, as fees are non-refundable if you choose not to sit the test or miss the rescheduling deadline. This policy applies even if you’ve used a voucher or bursary for payment.

How Much Is The LNAT?

As of 2023, the LNAT costs £75 to take it in the UK or an EU country. Outside the UK or EU, the fee is £120.

I Can’t Afford The Fee, Is There An LNAT Bursary?

Yes, there is a bursary available if you can’t afford the exam fee. LNAT does not want the cost to be a barrier to taking the exam. Your test fee will be waived if you are a UK or EU student receiving certain state benefits. However, you must apply for a bursary before booking your exam. 

It can take up to a week to process an LNAT bursary application, so allow extra time when making your test booking.

The LNAT Exam

How should i prepare for the test.

Preparing for the test doesn’t involve memorising facts. Instead, it’s advisable to utilise relevant preparation materials to engage and train the relevant cognitive processes and become acquainted with the test’s structure. Follow our guide on how to prepare for the LNAT.

How Hard Is The LNAT?

The test is challenging, as it’s used by some of the world’s best universities for students trying to get into their top law schools. It features 42 multiple-choice questions and three essay questions – of which you must answer one.

How long is the LNAT?

The LNAT is a 2¼ hour test in two sections. Section A consists of 42 multiple choice questions. The questions are based on 12 argumentative passages, with 3 or 4 multiple choice questions on each. You are given 95 minutes to answer all of the questions.

For Section B, you have 40 minutes to answer one of three essay questions on a range of subjects.

What Are The LNAT Multiple-Choice Questions?

Section A of the LNAT is computer-based, comprising 12 argumentative passages, each followed by three or four multiple-choice questions. These questions, spanning various topics from politics to technology, assess your comprehension and analytical skills, not your knowledge of the subjects discussed.

What Is The LNAT Essay?

The essay question or Section B gives you three options to choose from and the questions will cover a variety of general topics that are usually relevant to current issues. Types of essay questions could include:

  • To what extent should freedom of speech be absolute? Consider the implications of where the law should draw the line.
  • With reference to a recent environmental crisis, discuss whether international law is equipped to tackle global environmental challenges

LNAT Scoring

How is the lnat scored.

The multiple-choice section counts toward your final test score, but the essay question does not. It is provided to the universities to which you have applied, along with your score.

What Is The LNAT Pass Score?

The test is scored out of 42. There is no pass or fail mark, but there are average scores that candidates typically achieve to successfully receive an offer from LNAT universities. For example, a good LNAT score for University of Oxford (which saw candidates secure a place) was 28.5 in 2023. 

When are LNAT results released?

LNAT results day 2023 is the same as each year. LNAT results day is twice annually: candidates who tested by 26 January receive results in mid-February, and those tested after, in mid-August

When are LNAT scores released to universities?

From 21 October, universities start receiving LNAT scores from tests taken between 1 September and 20 October, and post that, scores are available to them within 24 hours of a candidate completing the test.

How long is my LNAT score valid for?

It is only valid for the year you took it, if you are reapplying through UCAS this year, you must also take the test again this year. Results are not carried over from one year to the next.

LNAT Resits

Can you retake the lnat.

No, you can only take the LNAT once per cycle (1 September to 31 July), with unauthorised re-sittings deemed invalid. If you want to try it again, you will have to wait until next year to reapply.

Can I get extra time for the LNAT?

Yes – register as normal online via Pearson Vue, but do not book your test online. You will need to complete an Examination Access Requirements form through the website and send it to them, along with documentary evidence.

Navigating the LNAT successfully is crucial for your law school journey. Stay ahead by understanding the key dates, including when LNAT results are released, and optimise your preparation in 2023.

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Hints and tips

Multiple choice question hints

You can skip multiple choice questions and come back to them by marking them for review. Remember, though, that you need to go back to them before the multiple choice part of the test is over.  You can’t go back to them after the essay.

You may like to start by skim-reading or “speed-reading” the multiple-choice passages. But then go back and read them slowly and deliberately, and think about the exact meaning of every sentence. Note key words and phrases on your whiteboard if it helps you to concentrate.

Don’t read anything in, and don’t read anything out. You are not being asked to surmise. And the questioner, not you, is the best judge of relevance. So take everything in the passage at face-value and give it all even-handed attention.

Don’t ever rely on what you know from other sources in answering the multiple-choice questions. They are always questions about the passage itself. If it contains falsehoods, never mind – treat them as true for the purpose of the test.

Accept that one (and only one) of the answers to each question is correct. All the questions have been thoroughly checked. If there are matters of degree, the question is there to test how you handle matters of degree. If there are ambiguities, we are trying to find out how you cope with ambiguities. The solution is always there in the passage.

Remember that one of the hallmarks of a good multiple-choice question is the inclusion of one or more answer options that are wrong but almost right. Work hard to find them and eliminate them. Questions like this are not tricks. They are there to test whether your powers of discrimination are fine-grained (i.e. can distinguish propositions that are very close together) or coarse-grained (i.e. can distinguish propositions only when they are quite far apart). There are no trick questions on the LNAT.

There is a point for each right answer. But none are deducted for wrong answers. So don’t leave blanks. If you really can’t work out the answer, it’s better to eliminate the answers you know to be wrong and guess from the ones that are left.

Unlike some multiple-choice tests the LNAT does not put great emphasis on speed. We have designed it so that you have a reasonable amount of time to work through all the questions patiently. Pacing yourself correctly is one of the main things you can learn by  taking our practice tests .

We don’t care whether you have any data about the topic. An argument based on assumptions can be just as good as an argument based on information. But you need to say what your assumptions are. (e.g. “I will assume that the demand for health care is growing, and will continue to grow, out of proportion to supply. That being so, what can be done to ensure that rich countries don’t monopolize it?”)

We are also not very interested in your opinions. We are interested in whether you can defend a position – which may or may not be your own personal position. Sometimes you may do better if you attempt to defend a position that you do not agree with personally. This may make your argument tighter.

Economy of expression is important. Our ideal LNAT essay is 500-600 words long. If you write much less than this your essay will be too short to be evaluated properly and you are unlikely to do well. But a very long essay will also put you at a disadvantage. This panel of text (from the top of the page to the word “disadvantage on the left) is already about 600 words long. It was typed in about five minutes using two-fingered typing. You have 40 minutes to type a similar amount. So you have lots of time to think, organise your thoughts, compose, and edit. You should try and remove repetition, surplus words and digressions. This kind of discipline will be rewarded.

Don’t sit on the fence. Don’t say that each side in an argument has a point unless you go on to say  which  point each side has. It is perfectly all right to say that that one side is right about point 1, whereas the other side is right about point 2. It is also all right to say that, on closer inspection, the two sides are at cross-purposes and don’t really disagree. It is fence-sitting only if you say that they do disagree, that there is only one point of disagreement, and yet that they both have a point on that point. That makes no sense.

Don’t try to impress with fancy words or elaborate style. Be straightforward in your writing and your argument.

Read some sample essay answers here .

Advice from past candidates


  • ‘The more you practice the more you can understand what the questions are getting at’
  • ‘Doing the practice was useful to get a feel for how the test would go. This was helpful because I knew what to expect. I didn’t feel that I could have prepared any more for it though as you don’t know what the questions are going to be. Reading newspapers is helpful for the essay part as you’ll have a wider knowledge of the world and be able to answer a question more easily, it will also help your essay writing.’
  • ‘Read the sample paper on the internet site, seek advice from tutors at college or school and familiarise yourself with texts of a more advanced and complex nature.’
  • ‘Read newspapers and learn to formulate opinions and express them succinctly. Also practice at being able to read subtle differences in things, for the multiple choice.’
  • ‘Practice writing essays on subjects with which you are unfamiliar. This helps you to focus on the planning aspects of essay writing and the structure of the essay instead of getting too wrapped up in the subject detail.’
  • ‘Perhaps read some difficult articles on topics of personal interest to familiarise with possibly difficult words that you may not understand out of context.’
  • ‘Use the material and advice on the LNAT website. Familiarisation with typical content, format and timing was invaluable.’

During the test

  • ‘Carefully read the instructions at the beginning of the test. I panicked half-way through the multiple choice section of the test and believed I only had half the actual time available to do this section.’
  • ‘Stay calm and keep track of time during the test as it was very time pressured and it would be easy to mismanage your time and therefore not perform as well as you should.’
  • ‘Try to keep to time on the multiple choice section and don’t over analyse the questions too much. I ran out of time on the multiple choice section and had to guess the last few which didn’t help my score. Also don’t panic or get unnerved by the timer.’
  • ‘It sounds silly but thoroughly read the questions, everyone is likely to say it, but genuinely read every single word’

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N.C.A.A. Athletes’ Pay Deal Raises Questions About Future of College Sports

The landmark settlement made many wonder what the reality — and impact — of revenue-sharing plans with college athletes would look like.

Teams play on a football field. One set of goal posts is in the foreground. In the distance, behind some seating, is a sign that says, “Welcome to Folsom Field.”

By David W. Chen ,  Jacey Fortin and Anna Betts

Brent Jacquette knows a thing or two about college sports. A former collegiate soccer player and coach in Pennsylvania who is now an executive at a consulting firm for athletic recruiting, he’s well aware of issues surrounding pay for college athletes.

But even for an industry veteran like Mr. Jacquette, the news of the N.C.A.A.’s staggering settlement in a class-action antitrust lawsuit on Thursday came as a surprise, with more than a little anxiety. The first words that came to mind, he said, were “trepidation” and “confusion.”

And he was not alone in feeling unsettled. Interviews, statements and social media posts mere hours after the settlement was announced showed that many were uncertain and concerned about what the future of collegiate sports holds.

“These are unprecedented times, and these decisions will have a seismic effect on the permanent landscape of collegiate athletics,” Phil DiStefano, chancellor of the University of Colorado Boulder, and Rick George, the school’s athletic director, said in a statement .

If the $2.8 billion settlement is approved by a judge, it would allow for a revenue-sharing plan through which Division I athletes can be paid directly by their schools for playing sports — a first in the nearly 120-year history of the N.C.A.A. Division 1 schools would be allowed to use about $20 million a year to pay their athletes as soon as the 2025 football season.

Mr. Jacquette thought of the word “trepidation” because of the impact that the settlement, shaped by the biggest and wealthiest universities with robust football programs, could have on coaches and athletes at smaller institutions and in low-profile sports.

And “confusion," because families of college athletes might soon be overwhelmed by all the possible ways for a student to get paid. In past years, the only form of compensation that students could get was athletic scholarships. But now, with the possibility of a revenue-sharing plan and pay arrangements involving students’ name, image and likeness , they have a lot more to consider when planning their collegiate sports careers.

“As this makes big news, people see this pot of gold at the end of the tunnel,” Mr. Jacquette said.

Many questioned what the financial burdens stemming from a revenue-sharing plan would look like.

Smaller conferences, such as the Big East — which includes Georgetown, Villanova and the University of Connecticut — have voiced “strong objections ” to the settlement, worried about shouldering an unfair burden of costs involved in revenue sharing. They said schools that have higher-profile sports teams and are part of bigger conferences, which often have TV contracts and much higher revenues, should be responsible for covering more of the costs.

Even coaches at powerful athletic programs, such as the University of Florida, which is part of the Southeastern Conference, had qualms. Tim Walton, the school’s softball coach, wondered in an interview with The Associated Press what this would mean for smaller sports programs on campus, and how the university would handle sharing revenues with athletes.

Another concern from critics of the settlement was whether female athletes would be compensated fairly. The settlement did not address how they would be paid compared to men, but Title IX prohibits sex-based discrimination in educational settings.

“Oftentimes, we put all of our eggs in the revenue-generating sports, which is comprised of mostly male sports,” said Jasher Cox, athletic director of Allen University, a historically Black and Division II school in South Carolina.

But many still questioned how the settlement would pan out in practice. Terry Connor, the athletic director at Thomas More University in Kentucky, said in an interview that the reality of revenue sharing felt somewhat distant. Although his school is Division II and would not necessarily be part of a revenue-sharing plan, Mr. Connor said that this still affects college sports as a whole.

The settlement is only the latest in a series of big changes at the N.C.A.A. in recent years, Mr. Connor said, and “how we’ll have to adapt to that is going to be the big question.”

Mr. Jacquette cautioned that it was still “premature” to assess the full impact of the settlement, since the details had not been released. And Sam C. Ehrlich, a professor at Boise State University who has written extensively about college athletes, said that while the settlement was a milestone, it should not be seen as the be-all and end-all of college sports.

Pointing to the Supreme Court’s unanimous ruling in 2021 that the N.C.A.A. could not bar payments to college athletes, Mr. Ehrlich said the college sports landscape has been ever-changing. That decision paved the way for N.I.L. arrangements, or payments based on an athlete’s name, image and likeness. He also cited Johnson v. N.C.A.A. , a pending case over whether college athletes should be classified as employees, which could have profound labor and tax implications.

“This is a big moment, for sure, but it’s not like we have reached the finish line,” Mr. Ehrlich said. “I wouldn’t even necessarily go as far to say, ‘this is the climax here.’ This is still going to be ongoing for several years.”

Billy Witz contributed reporting.

David W. Chen reports on state legislatures, state level policymaking and the political forces behind them. More about David W. Chen

Jacey Fortin covers a wide range of subjects for the National desk of The Times, including extreme weather, court cases and state politics all across the country. More about Jacey Fortin

Anna Betts reports on national events, including politics, education, and natural or man-made disasters, among other things. More about Anna Betts

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Dive deeper into the people, issues and trends shaping professional, collegiate and amateur athletics..

The N.C.A.A.’s New Era: If a judge approves, a $2.8 billion settlement  would let colleges and universities pay athletes directly for the first time. How would it work ?

Bringing Back Reebok: Shaquille O’Neal pushed to be in charge of the company’s return to the hypercompetitive world of basketball sneakers. The Hall of Famer understands the stakes .

The Capital of Women’s Soccer: The success of Barcelona Femení has made the Spanish city, and the broader region of Catalonia, a laboratory for finding out what happens when the women’s game has prominence similar to the men’s .

A Minnesota Rallying Cry:  Fans of the Minnesota Timberwolves have picked up on a phrase  uttered by the team’s star, Anthony Edwards, and are hardly put off by its mild vulgarity.

A Beloved Manager:  A coach’s soccer legacy is often reduced to titles and trophies. In Liverpool, Jürgen Klopp will endure in murals, music and shared memories .


  1. LNAT: The Definitive LNAT Starter Guide For 2023

    essay questions lnat

  2. LNAT Essay Structure

    essay questions lnat

  3. Free LNAT practice test

    essay questions lnat

  4. How to Answer Extended-Response or Essay Questions

    essay questions lnat

  5. How to Write a Great LNAT Essay

    essay questions lnat

  6. LNAT Essay Writing Revision Guide Book: Preparation and Practice Tests

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  1. Sample essays

    Sample essays; Sample essays. Sample essay questions and suggested reading. Here are a few sample essay questions for you to think about. Remember that you get 40 minutes to write a recommended maximum of 750 words - ideally about 500-600 words. We also have sample answers to some of these questions. See download links at bottom of this page.

  2. Mastering the LNAT Essay: Tips, Examples, and Practice Questions

    Writing the LNAT Essay. The following tips can help you write a compelling LNAT essay: Introduction: The introduction should be brief and clear. It should introduce the topic and provide a thesis statement that outlines the argument you will make in the essay. Structure: The essay should be well-structured and organised.

  3. LNAT Essay Questions

    What Is The LNAT Essay? In Section B, you are asked to write one essay in 40 minutes from a list of three proposed subjects. This is designed to test your ability to construct a compelling argument and articulate it in a clear and persuasive manner. The subject matter typically covers topical issues in society, politics, philosophy, or ethical ...

  4. LNAT Essay Examples 2024

    LNAT essay questions typically cover a range of topics, including politics, law, ethics, and social issues. These questions require you to form a well-reasoned argument on a complex, open-ended subject. You must demonstrate your ability to analyze various perspectives, draw upon evidence, and communicate your thoughts effectively. ...

  5. Free LNAT Questions 2024

    Section A: LNAT Multiple Choice. LNAT Section A is a multiple choice, 42 question, 95 minute test that will test your verbal reasoning, logic and creative thinking skills. This section is the only scored section of the LNAT; meaning that this is the only section that give you your LNAT score. This will be given as out of 42.

  6. Preparation guide

    The guide will: explain what the LNAT is used for and the benefits of taking the test. help you to prepare for sitting it by explaining which skills and abilities you should try to demonstrate. give you advice from LNAT examiners and students on how to approach LNAT's multiple choice and essay questions. give you sample questions along with ...

  7. Sample LNAT questions

    LNAT stress that there is only one correct answer to these questions and they don't include trick questions. You just have to think critically! LNAT essay questions. The second part of the LNAT lasts for 40 minutes and is an essay based question. To prepare for this, check out our tips. One sample question, which is actually provided by LNAT ...

  8. LNAT Essay: Top 6 Tips

    The LNAT essay section throws you into a world of diverse topics, demanding the construction and articulation of a strong argument. Within the 40-minute time frame, you must craft an essay that resonates with each university requiring the LNAT.This section acts as a litmus test, allowing universities to evaluate crucial skills in prospective law students.

  9. The Ultimate LNAT Guide: Over 400 Practice Questions with Fully Worked

    The best-selling LNAT preparation guide is back for the 2023 admissions cycle, including: Over 400 practice questions for the LNAT 15 full essays, annotated in detail by LNAT examiners A full walk-through of the techniques and tips needed for success in both sections. If you're applying for Law, you already know that the top universities expect an exceptional LNAT score.

  10. LNAT Section B: Your Guide to the Second Section of the LNAT

    Section A consists of 42 multiple-choice questions based on a total of 12 argumentative passages.Each passage has three or four questions to answer and you will have 95 minutes to complete all of these.. The passages you'll find in the LNAT are based on a variety of topics.They typically aren't focused on law-related issues but will instead cover anything from politics, science, history ...

  11. Free LNAT Practice Test Online

    Our LNAT practice test is designed to help you improve your performance in the exam. Some of the learning outcomes you can expect, include: Improving your ability to quickly read and interpret passages of text, and then answer a series of questions. Seeing questions you have answered incorrectly to understand where you need to strengthen.

  12. LNAT Practice Test

    Practice tests can offer several key benefits: Familiarity with Test Format: The LNAT has a unique format, including a multiple-choice reading comprehension section and an essay section. By doing practice tests, you become familiar with this format, which can help reduce anxiety on test day. Timing Practice: The LNAT is a timed test.

  13. LNAT Sample Essays: Questions, Format, Structure

    This was all about LNAT essay questions. We hope this blog has given you a brief Idea as to how to go about your essay. In case you need additional guidance in navigating various aptitude tests and exams, get in touch with our experts at Leverage Edu today! Call us immediately at 1800 57 2000 for a free 30-minute counselling session.


    The Essay Section of the LNAT will require you to answer one essay question out of three possible choices. Your answer should be no longer than 750 words, and a standard essay should be between 500 to 600 words. You will only have 40 minutes to conduct the entire essay, and so time management is crucial.

  15. Arbitio

    Well, Arbitio allows you to do just that: we have developed an Essay Writing Simulator that accurately recreates the LNAT exam environment and provided you with 20+ Questions on a variety of topics reflective of the LNAT curriculum. The Model Answers to each Essay Question will help you see what good essay writing is all about, with some ...

  16. LNAT Online Preparation Platform

    Updated For 2024. Create the perfect LNAT prep routine with hundreds of LNAT practice questions, authentic mock tests and in-depth study materials. Crafted by LNAT experts, LNAT Ninja is your path to painless preparation. Sign up free and start your revision today. START FOR FREE.

  17. LNAT Preparation: The Complete Guide

    The LNAT has a time limit of two hours and 15 minutes and is divided into two parts: Section A, a set of multiple-choice questions, and Section B, an essay writing task. These tasks are separated and each has a set time to complete, with 95 minutes to complete Section A and 40 minutes to complete Section B.

  18. Essay Questions for the LNAT

    This page has free essay questions and advice for LNAT essays. LNAT essays should be 500 words minimum to 700 words maximum. This equals 2 to two and a half pages on the computer screen. You will get 40 minutes to write your LNAT essay. Essay Questions for the LNAT - Scoring. Your LNAT essay response will not be marked as such.

  19. LNAT: Sample Questions & Answers

    LNAT Essay Questions. For Section B, you will be required to answer only one question out of three possible choices.Your answer should be no longer than 750 words, and a standard essay should be between 500 to 600 words. You will only have 40 minutes to conduct the entire essay, and so time management is crucial. ...

  20. Example LNAT essay

    Example LNAT essay. A. wasabiwarrior. Hi guys, I'm applying to two LNAT universities - Durham and Bristol. I have my LNAT next Saturday (6 days ). I got AAAA at AS and I'm predicted A*A*A at A level and I'm averaging between 26-30 for most of the LNAT practise papers, I've just given a practise essay a go and was wondering if someone would give ...

  21. LNAT FAQs

    The LNAT is a 2¼ hour test in two sections. Section A consists of 42 multiple choice questions. The questions are based on 12 argumentative passages, with 3 or 4 multiple choice questions on each. You are given 95 minutes to answer all of the questions. For Section B, you have 40 minutes to answer one of three essay questions on a range of ...

  22. Samuel Alito, His Wife and the Ginsburg Standard

    Cut to the calls for Justice Alito to recuse himself from any case involving Mr. Trump, the 2020 election or its aftermath. Justice Alito told Fox News that his wife, Martha-Ann, flew the banner ...

  23. Hints and tips

    Our ideal LNAT essay is 500-600 words long. If you write much less than this your essay will be too short to be evaluated properly and you are unlikely to do well. But a very long essay will also put you at a disadvantage. This panel of text (from the top of the page to the word "disadvantage on the left) is already about 600 words long.

  24. Erlinger v. United States: Does the Sixth Amendment Require a Jury to

    Jump to essay-4 For more background on the Supreme Court's jurisprudence on sentencing increases and the right to trial by jury, see Amdt6.4.3.4 Increases to Minimum or Maximum Sentences and Apprendi Rule. Jump to essay-5 See Apprendi v. New Jersey, 530 U.S. 466, 490 (2000). Jump to essay-6 18 United States Code, Section 924(e)(1).

  25. Scope of the States' Section 2 Powers over Interstate and Foreign

    Questions about the extent of the states' authority to regulate beverages imported from other states or a foreign country have played a prominent role in the Supreme Court's Twenty-First Amendment jurisprudence. ... Jump to essay-2 E.g., Heublein, Inc. v. S.C. Tax Comm'n, 409 U.S. 275, 283-84 ...

  26. NCAA Settlement Raises Questions About Future of College Sports

    The settlement is only the latest in a series of big changes at the N.C.A.A. in recent years, Mr. Connor said, and "how we'll have to adapt to that is going to be the big question.". Mr ...