Economics Extended Essay Topic Ideas for IB Students


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The International Baccalaureate Extended Essay in Economics can cover a wide range of topics. However, the choice of topic must enable the student to apply a range of economic theories and concepts to address a research question. 

This will be a long read, but everyone will likely find a good idea of the topic and research question for their Economics extended essay.

Extended essay in Economics topic categories

The IB Economics EE is expected to demonstrate a good understanding of the subject and the application of economic theory to real-world situations .

Btw…if you need assistance, you can always count on our extended essay writing service at Writing Metier. We will help you with your Economics extended essay.

economics extended essay topics

Here are 12 potential categories for IB Economics Extended Essay topics:

  • Market Structures (e.g., Monopolies, Oligopolies)
  • Market Failure (e.g., Externalities, Public Goods)
  • Elasticity (e.g., Price Elasticity of Demand/Supply)
  • Economic Cycles (e.g., Business Cycles, Economic Growth)
  • Fiscal Policy (e.g., Government Spending, Taxation)
  • Monetary Policy (e.g., Interest Rates, Money Supply)
  • Trade Policies (e.g., Tariffs, Trade Agreements)
  • Exchange Rates (e.g., Currency Fluctuations, Foreign Exchange Markets)
  • Balance of Payments (e.g., Current Account, Capital Account)
  • Measures of Development (e.g., GDP, HDI)
  • Poverty and Inequality (e.g., Income Distribution, Poverty Alleviation Strategies)
  • Sustainable Development (e.g., Environmental Sustainability, Social Sustainability)
  • Consumer Behavior (e.g., Bounded Rationality, Heuristics)
  • Nudge Theory (e.g., Choice Architecture, Incentives)
  • Market Behavior (e.g., Bubbles, Herd Behavior)
  • Wage Determination (e.g., Minimum Wage, Bargaining)
  • Labor Markets (e.g., Unemployment, Labor Mobility)
  • Human Capital (e.g., Education, Training)
  • Resource Management (e.g., Renewable Resources, Conservation)
  • Environmental Policies (e.g., Carbon Tax, Emissions Trading)
  • Cost-Benefit Analysis (e.g., Environmental Impact Assessments)
  • Healthcare Systems (e.g., Insurance, Public vs. Private Provision)
  • Health Outcomes (e.g., Life Expectancy, Quality of Life)
  • Health Policies (e.g., Regulation, Subsidies)
  • Government Expenditure (e.g., Public Goods, Welfare)
  • Taxation (e.g., Progressive vs. Regressive Taxes)
  • Fiscal Federalism (e.g., Central vs. Local Government Finance)
  • Firm Behavior (e.g., Mergers, Acquisitions)
  • Market Regulation (e.g., Antitrust Laws, Competition Policy)
  • Innovation and Technology (e.g., R&D, Patents)
  • Financial Markets (e.g., Stock Markets, Bond Markets)
  • Financial Instruments (e.g., Derivatives, Futures)
  • Financial Regulation (e.g., Banking Regulation, Financial Crises)
  • Economic Thought (e.g., Classical, Keynesian)
  • Economic History (e.g., Historical Economic Development, Historical Crises)
  • Methodological Issues (e.g., Econometrics, Qualitative vs. Quantitative Analysis)

Each of these categories can be further refined into specific research questions suitable for an extended essay . Below, I’ll be providing some ideas for your ease.

The choice of topic should be such that it allows for a systematic investigation that can be effectively analyzed using economic theories and data. 

It’s also essential to ensure that the topic is narrow enough to be addressed within the word limit and broad enough to allow for an in-depth analysis.

Economics IB EE Topic Ideas and Research Questions

Starting with Microeconomics, we’re zooming in on the nitty-gritty of individual markets and how they tick. 

economics extended essay ideas

Microeconomics Topics and Research Questions

We’ve got our classic battles of market structures—monopolies holding the fort, oligopolies playing chess with each other, and perfect competition being the ideal we rarely meet.

Then there’s the whole drama of market failure, where things get messy with externalities and public goods, and no one’s quite sure who should clean up the mess. 

And elasticity? It’s like the pulse check of the market, seeing how it reacts to price changes. It’s all about the small scale, the details, the fine print.

Market Structures

Topic:  The impact of local monopolies on consumer choice in rural areas.

Research Question:  How do local monopolies in rural areas affect consumer choices and prices?

Topic:  The competitive strategies of oligopolies in the smartphone industry.

Research Question:  What competitive strategies do oligopolies in the smartphone industry use to maintain market share?

Topic:  The prevalence of monopolistic competition in the fast-food industry.

Research Question:  How does monopolistic competition influence product variety in the fast-food industry?

Market Failure

Topic:  The role of government in addressing negative externalities in urban transport.

Research Question:  How effective are government interventions in reducing traffic congestion as a negative externality in urban areas?

Topic:  The effectiveness of public goods provision in rural education.

Research Question:  How does the provision of education as a public good affect educational outcomes in rural areas?

Topic:  The impact of plastic bag taxes on environmental externalities.

Research Question:  Have plastic bag taxes significantly reduced the environmental externalities associated with plastic waste?

Topic:  Price elasticity of demand for organic produce in urban markets.

Research Question:  How does the price elasticity of demand for organic produce affect consumer purchasing patterns in urban markets?

Topic:  Cross-price elasticity between electric cars and fossil fuel vehicles.

Research Question:  What is the cross-price elasticity of demand between electric cars and fossil fuel vehicles, and what does it imply for future sales?

Topic:  The elasticity of supply in the housing market during economic booms.

Research Question:  How does the elasticity of supply in the housing market respond to economic booms?

Macroeconomics Topics and Research Questions

But then we step back and look at the big picture with Macroeconomics. Here we’re talking about the economy’s heartbeat—those business cycles that keep us on our toes, wondering if we’re heading for a boom or bracing for a bust. 

Governments step in with their fiscal policies, wielding taxes and spending like surgeons trying to fix the economy without making it bleed out. 

And let’s not forget the central banks, playing with interest rates and money supply like some high-stakes game of poker.

Economic Cycles

Topic:  The impact of economic cycles on unemployment rates in industrial sectors.

Research Question:  How do different phases of economic cycles affect unemployment rates in the manufacturing sector?

Topic:  The correlation between economic growth and income inequality.

Research Question:  Is there a significant correlation between economic growth and the level of income inequality in developed countries?

Topic:  The role of technological innovation in driving economic cycles.

Research Question:  To what extent does technological innovation influence the length and magnitude of economic cycles?

Fiscal Policy

Topic:  The effectiveness of fiscal stimulus in recession recovery.

Research Question:  How effective are fiscal stimulus packages in accelerating recovery from recessions?

Topic:  The impact of taxation on small businesses and economic growth.

Research Question:  What is the impact of changes in small business taxation on economic growth?

Topic:  Government spending priorities and their impact on long-term economic growth.

Research Question:  How do government spending priorities influence long-term economic growth?

Monetary Policy

Topic:  The effects of interest rate changes on consumer spending.

Research Question:  How do changes in the central bank’s interest rate affect consumer spending patterns?

Topic:  The relationship between money supply growth and inflation.

Research Question:  What is the relationship between the growth of money supply and the rate of inflation in emerging economies?

Topic:  Central bank policies and their impact on currency exchange rates.

Research Question:  How do central bank policies in developed countries affect their currency exchange rates?

Each of these topics and research questions can be tailored to fit the specific requirements of an IB Economics Extended Essay , including the availability of data, the scope of the research, and the word count limitations. 

It’s important to conduct preliminary research to ensure that there is enough material to support the investigation.

Next stop, International Economics. This is where countries shake hands or sometimes wrestle over trade policies. 

International Economics Topics and Research Questions

Tariffs, trade agreements, and who gets the better deal—it’s like a global marketplace where everyone’s trying to haggle their way to prosperity. 

Exchange rates bounce around like ping pong balls, and the balance of payments tells us who’s spending too much on their credit card and who’s got money in the bank.

Trade Policies

Topic:  The impact of trade tariffs on the domestic automobile industry.

Research Question:  How have recent changes in trade tariffs affected the competitiveness of the domestic automobile industry?

Topic:  The effectiveness of free trade agreements in promoting economic growth.

Research Question:  What has been the impact of free trade agreements on the economic growth of member countries?

Topic:  The role of trade policies in protecting local agriculture.

Research Question:  How do trade policies affect the sustainability and profitability of local agricultural sectors?

Exchange Rates

Topic:  The effects of exchange rate fluctuations on the tourism industry.

Research Question:  How do exchange rate fluctuations impact the number of international tourists and tourism revenue?

Topic:  Currency wars and their impact on global trade.

Research Question:  What are the consequences of competitive devaluations, often referred to as ‘currency wars’, on global trade dynamics?

Topic:  The relationship between commodity prices and currency strength in exporting countries.

Research Question:  How do fluctuations in commodity prices affect the exchange rate of commodity-exporting countries?

Balance of Payments

Topic:  The impact of remittances on the balance of payments in developing countries.

Research Question:  What role do remittances play in the balance of payments of developing countries?

Topic:  Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and its effect on the current account balance.

Research Question:  How does FDI influence the current account balance of emerging economies?

Topic:  The effects of tourism on the balance of payments in small island economies.

Research Question:  What is the significance of tourism revenue in the balance of payments of small island economies?

Then we get into the meaty issues with Development Economics. 

Development Economics Topics and Research Questions

It’s all about asking, “Are we getting better?” We measure development with things like GDP and the Human Development Index, but they don’t always tell the full story. 

We’re also tackling the tough stuff like poverty, inequality, and whether we can keep growing without trashing the planet. It’s about making sure progress today doesn’t rob tomorrow.

Measures of Development

Topic:  The correlation between GDP growth and improvements in Human Development Index (HDI) scores.

Research Question:  Does GDP growth have a significant correlation with improvements in HDI scores?

Topic:  The effectiveness of Gross National Happiness (GNH) as an alternative development measure.

Research Question:  How does GNH compare to GDP as a measure of development, and what are its implications for policy-making?

Topic:  The impact of technological advancement on economic development indicators.

Research Question:  What is the impact of rapid technological advancement on traditional economic development indicators?

Poverty and Inequality

Topic:  The effectiveness of microfinance in reducing poverty in rural areas.

Research Question:  To what extent has microfinance contributed to poverty reduction in rural communities?

Topic:  Income inequality and educational outcomes in urban environments.

Research Question:  How does income inequality within urban areas affect educational outcomes?

Topic:  The role of gender inequality in economic development.

Research Question:  What is the impact of gender inequality on economic development in developing countries?

Sustainable Development

Topic:  The economic impacts of transitioning to sustainable energy sources.

Research Question:  What are the short-term and long-term economic impacts of transitioning to sustainable energy?

Topic:  The role of sustainable agriculture in promoting food security.

Research Question:  How does sustainable agriculture contribute to food security and economic development?

Topic:  The cost-benefit analysis of environmental conservation measures.

Research Question:  What are the economic benefits and costs associated with environmental conservation measures?

Behavioral Economics Topics and Research Questions

Now, let’s talk about what makes people tick with Behavioral Economics. This is where we realize that humans aren’t always the rational robots some theories make us out to be. 

We’ve got our quirks—bounded rationality, heuristics, and sometimes we follow the herd off a cliff in a market bubble. It’s fascinating because it’s about the psychology behind the economics.

Consumer Behavior

Topic:  The influence of social media on consumer purchasing decisions.

Research Question:  To what extent does social media influence consumer behavior in the fashion industry?

Topic:  The impact of brand loyalty on price elasticity.

Research Question:  How does brand loyalty affect the price elasticity of demand for consumer electronics?

Topic:  Behavioral factors influencing impulsive buying behavior.

Research Question:  What behavioral factors are most significant in influencing impulsive buying behavior in online retail?

Nudge Theory

Topic:  The effectiveness of nudges in promoting healthy eating habits.

Research Question:  How effective are nudging strategies in changing consumer eating habits in school cafeterias?

Topic:  The role of default choices in retirement savings plans.

Research Question:  What is the impact of default options on the participation rates in employer-sponsored retirement savings plans?

Topic:  The use of framing effects in environmental policy compliance.

Research Question:  How do framing effects influence compliance with environmental policies among households?

Market Behavior

Topic:  The impact of investor sentiment on stock market bubbles.

Research Question:  To what extent does investor sentiment contribute to the formation and bursting of stock market bubbles?

Topic:  Herd behavior and its influence on cryptocurrency markets.

Research Question:  How does herd behavior manifest in the trading patterns of cryptocurrency markets?

Topic:  The role of overconfidence in financial market trading.

Research Question:  What is the role of overconfidence bias in the decision-making processes of individual investors in financial markets?

Each of these topics and research questions should be carefully considered and refined to ensure that they are feasible for an extended essay , with a clear focus and available data for analysis.

Labor Economics Topics and Research Questions

Shifting gears to Labor Economics, we’re in the world of work. Wages aren’t just about money; they’re about bargaining power, fairness, and sometimes just sticking to the minimum. 

The labor market’s a tough crowd, with unemployment and the quest for the right job in the right place. 

And human capital reminds us that it’s not just about filling positions but nurturing talent through education and training.

Wage Determination

Topic:  The impact of minimum wage increases on small business employment levels.

Research Question:  What is the effect of minimum wage increases on employment levels in the small business sector?

Topic:  Wage bargaining and gender pay disparity in the technology sector.

Research Question:  How does wage bargaining contribute to the gender pay gap in the technology industry?

Topic:  The influence of trade unions on wage determination in the automotive industry.

Research Question:  What role do trade unions play in shaping wage determination in the automotive industry?

Labor Markets

Topic:  The effects of automation on unemployment rates in manufacturing.

Research Question:  How has the increase in automation impacted unemployment rates in the manufacturing sector?

Topic:  Labor market flexibility and its impact on economic resilience during recessions.

Research Question:  How does labor market flexibility affect a country’s economic resilience to recessions?

Topic:  The role of labor mobility in regional economic development.

Research Question:  What is the impact of labor mobility on economic development in economically depressed regions?

Human Capital

Topic:  The return on investment in higher education for various fields of study.

Research Question:  What is the comparative return on investment in higher education across different fields of study?

Topic:  The impact of vocational training programs on employability in the service sector.

Research Question:  How do vocational training programs affect employability and income levels in the service sector?

Topic:  The correlation between educational attainment and labor productivity.

Research Question:  How does the level of educational attainment correlate with labor productivity in the tech industry?

Breathing in some fresh air, we move to Environmental Economics. 

Environmental Economics Topics and Research Questions

Here’s where we figure out how to play nice with nature. Managing resources, setting up environmental policies like carbon taxes, and doing the math to see if the benefits of saving a forest are worth the cost. 

It’s economics going green.

Resource Management

Topic:  The economic viability of renewable energy sources in rural communities.

Research Question:  What are the economic challenges and benefits of adopting renewable energy sources in rural communities?

Topic:  The impact of water resource management on agricultural productivity.

Research Question:  How does effective water resource management influence agricultural productivity and economic sustainability?

Topic:  The effects of conservation policies on the forestry industry.

Research Question:  What economic impact do conservation policies have on the forestry industry?

Environmental Policies

Topic:  The effectiveness of carbon taxes in reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Research Question:  How effective have carbon taxes been in achieving their intended reductions in greenhouse gas emissions?

Topic:  The economic impacts of emissions trading schemes on heavy industries.

Research Question:  What are the economic consequences of emissions trading schemes for heavy industries?

Topic:  The role of environmental regulations in shaping the automotive industry.

Research Question:  How have environmental regulations influenced innovation and economic outcomes in the automotive industry?

Cost-Benefit Analysis

Topic:  The cost-benefit analysis of urban green space preservation.

Research Question:  What are the economic costs and benefits of preserving urban green spaces?

Topic:  The economic evaluation of flood defense systems in coastal cities.

Research Question:  From an economic perspective, how do the costs and benefits of flood defense systems in coastal cities compare?

Topic:  The financial implications of biodiversity conservation programs.

Research Question:  What are the economic trade-offs associated with biodiversity conservation programs?

Health Economics Topics and Research Questions

Health Economics brings us to the crossroads of wealth and well-being. Healthcare systems are complex beasts, and we’re trying to tame them so that they can heal without causing financial heartache. 

We’re measuring health outcomes and life quality, all while navigating through the maze of health policies.

Healthcare Systems

Topic:  The economic effects of public versus private healthcare provision on quality of care.

Research Question:  How does the mode of healthcare provision (public vs. private) affect the quality of care and economic efficiency?

Topic:  The impact of insurance coverage on healthcare utilization rates.

Research Question:  How does the level of insurance coverage influence healthcare utilization rates among different socioeconomic groups?

Topic:  The cost-effectiveness of universal healthcare systems.

Research Question:  From a cost-effectiveness standpoint, how do universal healthcare systems compare to multi-payer systems?

Health Outcomes

Topic:  The economic burden of chronic diseases on healthcare systems.

Research Question:  What is the economic impact of the rising prevalence of chronic diseases on healthcare systems?

Topic:  The relationship between socioeconomic status and health outcomes.

Research Question:  How does socioeconomic status affect health outcomes across different regions?

Topic:  The impact of mental health services on workplace productivity.

Research Question:  What is the economic impact of providing mental health services on workplace productivity?

Health Policies

Topic:  The economic implications of pharmaceutical regulation on drug prices.

Research Question:  How do pharmaceutical regulations affect drug prices and the availability of new medications?

Topic:  The cost-benefit analysis of preventive healthcare measures.

Research Question:  What are the long-term economic benefits of investing in preventive healthcare measures?

Topic:  The effects of subsidies on the consumption of health-related goods.

Research Question:  How do subsidies for health-related goods (e.g., gym memberships, healthy foods) affect consumption patterns and health outcomes?

Public Sector Economics Topics and Research Questions

Public Sector Economics is where we see how the government tries to steer the ship. They’re spending on public goods and welfare, trying to keep the economy afloat without springing too many leaks. 

Taxation is a hot topic—progressive, regressive, who’s paying their way, and who’s getting a free ride? And with fiscal federalism, it’s a tug-of-war between local needs and central control.

Government Expenditure

Topic:  The impact of government spending on public goods on economic growth.

Research Question:  How does government expenditure on public goods such as infrastructure contribute to economic growth?

Topic:  The effectiveness of welfare programs in reducing poverty.

Research Question:  What has been the impact of welfare programs on poverty levels in developed countries?

Topic:  The economic consequences of military spending.

Research Question:  How does military expenditure affect the allocation of government resources and economic growth?

Topic:  The economic effects of progressive taxation on income distribution.

Research Question:  Does progressive taxation lead to a more equitable distribution of income?

Topic:  The impact of value-added tax (VAT) on consumer spending.

Research Question:  How does the implementation of VAT affect consumer spending patterns?

Topic:  The role of tax incentives in promoting renewable energy investments.

Research Question:  How effective are tax incentives in encouraging investment in renewable energy projects?

Fiscal Federalism

Topic:  The challenges of fiscal coordination between central and local governments.

Research Question:  What are the main challenges in achieving fiscal coordination between different levels of government?

Topic:  The impact of fiscal decentralization on local economic development.

Research Question:  How does fiscal decentralization affect economic development at the local level?

Topic:  The role of intergovernmental transfers in balancing regional disparities.

Research Question:  How do intergovernmental transfers help to address regional economic disparities?

Industrial Organization Topics and Research Questions

We’re watching firms and their power moves—mergers, acquisitions, and the regulatory hoops they have to jump through. 

It’s about keeping the market fair and innovative, making sure the big fish don’t eat all the little ones and that new ideas get a chance to grow.

Firm Behavior

Topic:  The economic rationale behind mergers and acquisitions in the tech industry.

Research Question:  What economic factors drive mergers and acquisitions in the technology sector?

Topic:  The impact of corporate governance on firm performance.

Research Question:  How does the quality of corporate governance affect firm performance and economic outcomes?

Topic:  The effects of vertical integration on market competition.

Research Question:  Does vertical integration by large firms lead to less competition in the market?

Market Regulation

Topic:  The effectiveness of antitrust laws in promoting fair competition.

Research Question:  How effective are antitrust laws in maintaining competitive markets?

Topic:  The economic impacts of deregulation in the airline industry.

Research Question:  What have been the economic outcomes of deregulation in the airline industry?

Topic:  The role of competition policy in fostering innovation.

Research Question:  How does competition policy influence the rate and direction of innovation in high-tech industries?

Innovation and Technology

Topic:  The relationship between R&D investment and economic performance in pharmaceuticals.

Research Question:  How does R&D investment correlate with economic performance in the pharmaceutical industry?

Topic:  The economic implications of patent laws on innovation.

Research Question:  What is the impact of patent laws on the rate of innovation in renewable energy technologies?

Topic:  The role of government subsidies in technological advancement.

Research Question:  How do government subsidies affect technological advancement in emerging industries?

Financial Economics Topics and Research Questions

Financial Economics is where the money’s at—literally. Stock markets, bond markets, the exotic world of derivatives—it’s all about the flow of money. 

And with financial regulation, we’re trying to keep the party responsible so that the financial hangover doesn’t hit too hard.

Financial Markets

Topic:  The impact of stock market volatility on economic decision-making.

Research Question:  How does stock market volatility influence corporate investment decisions?

Topic:  The role of bond markets in public debt management.

Research Question:  What role do bond markets play in the management of public debt?

Topic:  The effects of quantitative easing on financial markets.

Research Question:  How has quantitative easing affected financial markets post-2008 financial crisis?

Financial Instruments

Topic:  The use of derivatives in risk management by corporations.

Research Question:  How do corporations use derivatives to manage financial risk?

Topic:  The impact of futures trading on commodity price stability.

Research Question:  Does futures trading contribute to the stability of commodity prices?

Topic:  The role of cryptocurrency in the financial portfolio diversification.

Research Question:  How do cryptocurrencies affect the diversification of financial portfolios?

Financial Regulation

Topic:  The effectiveness of banking regulation in preventing financial crises.

Research Question:  How effective have banking regulations been in preventing another financial crisis?

Topic:  The economic effects of capital adequacy requirements on banks.

Research Question:  What are the economic effects of increased capital adequacy requirements for banks?

Topic:  The impact of international financial reporting standards on market transparency.

Research Question:  How do international financial reporting standards improve market transparency and economic outcomes?

Economic Methodology and History Topics and Research Questions

Lastly, we’ve got Economic Methodology and History. It’s a bit like time travel, seeing how past thinkers shape our current policies and how historical events steer us towards new economic shores. 

And methodology? It’s the toolbox that helps us figure out if what we’re doing actually makes sense, with all the number crunching and case studies that help us understand the why behind the what.

Economic Thought

Topic:  The influence of Keynesian economic policies on modern fiscal strategies.

Research Question:  How have Keynesian economic principles shaped contemporary fiscal policy-making?

Topic:  The relevance of classical economics in today’s market economy.

Research Question:  To what extent are the principles of classical economics applicable in the current market economy?

Topic:  The impact of behavioral economics on traditional economic models.

Research Question:  How has behavioral economics challenged the assumptions of traditional economic models?

Economic History

Topic:  The economic consequences of the 1970s oil shocks.

Research Question:  What were the long-term economic consequences of the oil shocks of the 1970s?

Topic:  The role of economic policies in the Great Depression.

Research Question:  How did economic policies contribute to the onset and duration of the Great Depression?

Topic:  The economic impacts of the dissolution of the Soviet Union.

Research Question:  What were the economic impacts of the dissolution of the Soviet Union on Eastern European countries?

Methodological Issues

Topic:  The application of econometrics in evaluating fiscal policy.

Research Question:  How can econometric models be used to evaluate the effectiveness of fiscal policy?

Topic:  The challenges of qualitative analysis in economic research.

Research Question:  What are the main challenges associated with using qualitative analysis in economic research?

Topic:  The comparison of case study and statistical methods in economic analysis.

Research Question:  How do case study methods compare to statistical methods in the analysis of economic phenomena?

So, there you have it—a whirlwind tour through the interconnected world of economics extended essay topics. 

Each piece of the cake tells part of the story, and it’s only when you put them all together that you see the full tasty picture. What’s your take on all this?

If you need some other IB EE topic options, we also have many other articles with various extended essay topic ideas . Do not miss a chance to check some that may interest you.


I would have continued with other options, but I believe this list of Economics extended essay topic ideas are quite enough for today. Good luck with your RQ selection, research and writing .

If you find a better article that provides more comprehensive and detailed suggestions for Economics extended essay topic ideas, share it with me 😉

If you need topic suggestions with outlines or assistance with writing a custom IB Economics EE, our IB experts at Writing Metier are always ready to assist you.

extended essay economics ideas

Simply contact us using our contact form or fill out the order form with details to your economics extended essay and our IB experts will land you a hand.

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Vasy kafidoff.

Vasyl Kafidoff is a co-founder and CEO at WritingMetier. He is interested in education and how modern technology makes it more accessible. He wants to bring awareness about new learning possibilities as an educational specialist. When Vasy is not working, he’s found behind a drum kit.

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extended essay economics ideas

IB Extended Essay Topics: Economics

extended essay economics

As someone with a background in the International Baccalaureate (IB) program, I’ve come to appreciate the unique challenges and opportunities it presents, especially regarding the IB DP Economics Extended Essay (EE). From my extensive experience, I can say that choosing the right topic is an essential step in achieving a high score. That’s why I’m happy to share some ideas on engaging and researchable IB Economics Extended Essay topics.

The Basics of an Economics Extended Essay

Let’s talk about what an Economics EE involves. According to the general IB criteria, this essay requires you to conduct independent research on a topic of interest in Economics, culminating in a 4,000-word paper. From my perspective, the beauty of IB DP Economics EE lies in its ability to explore complex global issues through the lens of economic theory and principles.

In my experience, the most successful economics EEs are born from a genuine passion for the subject matter. Here’s a non-exhaustive list of considerations that might help to choose a topic:

  • Aim for a topic that reflects ongoing discussions within the field of economics. It could range from the impact of blockchain technology on financial markets to the economic consequences of climate change policies.
  • Ensure sufficient data is available to support your research. Topics with accessible and reliable data sources allow for a more in-depth analysis and a stronger argument.
  • Choose a topic that allows you to apply economic theories and concepts. It may involve analyzing market structures, evaluating economic policies, or exploring consumer behavior factors.
  • Your topic should spark curiosity and engagement. Writing about something you’re genuinely interested in can make the research process more enjoyable and fulfilling.
  • Consider the feasibility of your topic within the given word count and time constraints. Find a topic broad enough to explore in depth but narrow enough to be thoroughly analyzed within 4,000 words.

A high-grade economics EE doesn’t just summarize data or describe an economic situation. It critically engages with economic theories and models to analyze that data. It might involve applying the concepts of supply and demand, elasticity, market structures, or the theories of consumer choice to your chosen topic.

Topics to Read:

  • How IB Prepares Students for University?
  • Can You Retake the IB Exams? Guide for IB Students
  • Stress Management and Well-Being for IB Students
  • How to Manage Time Effectively as an IB Student
  • The Benefits of Pursuing the IB Diploma Programme
  • IB vs. National Curriculum. The Benefits of an International Perspective
  • What Are the Average IB Acceptance Rates? Insights from an IB Expert
  • What Are the IB Internal Assessment Deadlines for 2024?
  • Does an IB Diploma Help with College Admissions?
  • How to Make Awesome IB Notes?
  • How to Get Into the IB Program? IB Preparation
  • What to Wear for IB Exams? IB Dress Code

Extended Essay Topics in Economics: The Best Ideas

As mentioned above, creating an engaging and rigorous IB Extended Essay in Economics starts with choosing a theme for investigation. Below are some topics and research questions spanning various aspects of economics.

extended essay topics economics

These ideas can inspire and guide IB students in their quest for a fascinating research project:

  • The Impact of COVID-19 on Small Businesses in New York City . How have small businesses in New York City adapted to the economic challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic?
  • Cryptocurrencies and the Global Economy . How do Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies influence global trade and financial markets?
  • Sustainable Agriculture and Economic Development in India . Can sustainable agriculture significantly contribute to economic development in India?
  • The Economics of Renewable Energy in Germany . How cost-effective are renewable energy sources compared to traditional fossil fuels in Germany?
  • Globalization and Local Economies in Mexico . What is the impact of globalization on Mexico’s manufacturing sector?
  • Minimum Wage and Employment Rates in the UK Retail Industry . How does introducing a minimum wage affect employment rates in the UK retail industry?
  • Economic Implications of Climate Change Policies in the European Union . How have climate change policies impacted economic growth in the European Union?
  • Consumer Behavior and E-commerce in China . How has the proliferation of online shopping platforms like Alibaba changed consumer behavior in China?
  • Market Structure and Competition in the Telecommunications Industry of South Korea . How does the market structure affect consumer prices and service quality in South Korea’s telecommunications industry?
  • Income Inequality and Economic Growth in Brazil . Does income inequality hinder economic growth in Brazil?
  • The Economics of Education and Its Impact on Economic Growth in Finland . How does the level of education affect economic growth in Finland?
  • Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) and Economic Development in Vietnam . What role does FDI play in Vietnam’s economic development?
  • Tourism Economics and Economic Development in Thailand . How does tourism contribute to the economic development of Thailand?
  • Economic Impact of Health Crises on the Healthcare Sector in Italy. What are the long-term economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Italy’s healthcare sector?
  • Technology Startups and Economic Growth in Silicon Valley, USA . How do technology startups contribute to economic growth in Silicon Valley?
  • Trade Policies and Agricultural Exports in Kenya . How do trade policies affect agricultural exports in Kenya?
  • Inflation and Consumer Purchasing Power in Argentina . How does inflation affect consumer purchasing power in Argentina?
  • The Gig Economy and Labor Markets in the United States . How does the gig economy impact traditional labor markets in the United States?
  • Public Debt and Economic Stability in Greece . How does high public debt affect economic stability in Greece?
  • Economic Sanctions and Their Effectiveness Against Iran . How effective are economic sanctions in achieving political objectives against Iran?
  • Gender Inequality in the Workforce and Economic Development in Japan . What impact does gender inequality have on economic development in Japan?
  • Economics of Recycling and Waste Management Policies in Sweden . How does the economics of recycling impact waste management policies in Sweden?
  • Housing Markets and Economic Cycles in Canada . How do housing markets affect economic cycles in Canada?
  • Impact of Social Media on Consumer Spending Among Teenagers in the United States . How does social media influence consumer spending habits among teenagers?
  • The Role of Microfinance in Poverty Reduction in Bangladesh . How effective is microfinance in reducing poverty in Bangladesh?
  • The Economic Effects of Urbanization in Lagos, Nigeria . How does rapid urbanization affect economic development and living standards in Lagos?
  • Brexit and the UK’s Financial Services Sector . What has been Brexit’s impact on London as a global financial hub?
  • The Economics of Plastic Ban Policies in Rwanda . How have plastic ban policies impacted the environment and economy in Rwanda?
  • The Role of Women Entrepreneurs in Economic Development in Jordan . How do women entrepreneurs contribute to economic growth and job creation in Jordan?
  • Impact of Digital Currency on Traditional Banking in Sweden . How is the rise of digital currency affecting traditional banking services in Sweden?
  • Agricultural Subsidies and Food Security in India . How do agricultural subsidies impact food security and farmer welfare in India?
  • Economic Impact of Cultural Tourism in Kyoto, Japan . What role does cultural tourism play in Kyoto’s economy?
  • Child Labor and Economic Growth in Pakistan . How does child labor affect economic growth and development in Pakistan?
  • The Effectiveness of Anti-Smoking Policies on Public Health Expenditures in Australia . Have anti-smoking policies significantly reduced public health expenditures in Australia?
  • The Gig Economy and Urban Transportation in New York City . How has the gig economy transformed urban transportation in New York City?
  • Renewable Energy Adoption and Job Creation in Germany . How has the shift towards renewable energy affected job creation in Germany?
  • The Economic Consequences of Ageing Populations in Japan . What are the economic challenges and opportunities faced by an aging population in Japan?
  • The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Manufacturing Jobs in China . How is artificial intelligence reshaping the manufacturing sector and employment in China?
  • The Influence of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Spending in the Fashion Industry . How does social media marketing influence consumer spending in the fashion industry?
  • Water Scarcity and Economic Development in Egypt . How does water scarcity impact agricultural productivity and economic development in Egypt?
  • The Economics of Space Exploration . What are the economic benefits and costs of investing in space exploration?
  • Impact of Sports Events on Local Economies . Case Study of the Olympics in Tokyo: How do major sports events like the Olympics affect the local economy of the host city?
  • Sustainable Fishing Practices and Economic Viability in Norway . How do sustainable fishing practices impact the economy and environment in Norway?
  • The Role of E-commerce in Rural Development in China . How does e-commerce contribute to economic development in rural areas of China?
  • Economic Impacts of Natural Disasters in the Philippines . How do natural disasters affect economic growth and recovery in the Philippines?
  • The Relationship Between Social Inequality and Economic Growth in South Africa . How does social inequality affect economic growth in South Africa?
  • The Effect of International Sanctions on North Korea’s Economy . How have international sanctions impacted North Korea’s economy?
  • Economic Benefits of Bilingualism in Canada . How does bilingualism contribute to economic opportunities in Canada?
  • The Impact of Veganism on the Meat Industry in the United States . How is the rise of veganism affecting the meat industry and economy in the United States?
  • Mobile Banking and Financial Inclusion in Kenya . How has mobile banking contributed to financial inclusion and economic development in Kenya?

These topics and research questions are intended to promote critical thinking and lay the groundwork for a thorough inquiry into various economic concerns. You can tailor these ideas to your interests and data availability for Extended Essay research.

Don’t let the stress of the IB curriculum hold you back.

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You can write an informative and compelling Extended Essay by choosing a topic that aligns with your interests and adhering to the IB’s criteria. Remember, this is an opportunity to research an area of Economics that fascinates you. So approach it enthusiastically, and you’ll get the highest grade. Also, if you need help with Extended Essay writing , just contact our IB writers.

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International Baccalaureate (IB)


IB students around the globe fear writing the Extended Essay, but it doesn't have to be a source of stress! In this article, I'll get you excited about writing your Extended Essay and provide you with the resources you need to get an A on it.

If you're reading this article, I'm going to assume you're an IB student getting ready to write your Extended Essay. If you're looking at this as a potential future IB student, I recommend reading our introductory IB articles first, including our guide to what the IB program is and our full coverage of the IB curriculum .

IB Extended Essay: Why Should You Trust My Advice?

I myself am a recipient of an IB Diploma, and I happened to receive an A on my IB Extended Essay. Don't believe me? The proof is in the IBO pudding:


If you're confused by what this report means, EE is short for Extended Essay , and English A1 is the subject that my Extended Essay topic coordinated with. In layman's terms, my IB Diploma was graded in May 2010, I wrote my Extended Essay in the English A1 category, and I received an A grade on it.

What Is the Extended Essay in the IB Diploma Programme?

The IB Extended Essay, or EE , is a mini-thesis you write under the supervision of an IB advisor (an IB teacher at your school), which counts toward your IB Diploma (learn more about the major IB Diploma requirements in our guide) . I will explain exactly how the EE affects your Diploma later in this article.

For the Extended Essay, you will choose a research question as a topic, conduct the research independently, then write an essay on your findings . The essay itself is a long one—although there's a cap of 4,000 words, most successful essays get very close to this limit.

Keep in mind that the IB requires this essay to be a "formal piece of academic writing," meaning you'll have to do outside research and cite additional sources.

The IB Extended Essay must include the following:

  • A title page
  • Contents page
  • Introduction
  • Body of the essay
  • References and bibliography

Additionally, your research topic must fall into one of the six approved DP categories , or IB subject groups, which are as follows:

  • Group 1: Studies in Language and Literature
  • Group 2: Language Acquisition
  • Group 3: Individuals and Societies
  • Group 4: Sciences
  • Group 5: Mathematics
  • Group 6: The Arts

Once you figure out your category and have identified a potential research topic, it's time to pick your advisor, who is normally an IB teacher at your school (though you can also find one online ). This person will help direct your research, and they'll conduct the reflection sessions you'll have to do as part of your Extended Essay.

As of 2018, the IB requires a "reflection process" as part of your EE supervision process. To fulfill this requirement, you have to meet at least three times with your supervisor in what the IB calls "reflection sessions." These meetings are not only mandatory but are also part of the formal assessment of the EE and your research methods.

According to the IB, the purpose of these meetings is to "provide an opportunity for students to reflect on their engagement with the research process." Basically, these meetings give your supervisor the opportunity to offer feedback, push you to think differently, and encourage you to evaluate your research process.

The final reflection session is called the viva voce, and it's a short 10- to 15-minute interview between you and your advisor. This happens at the very end of the EE process, and it's designed to help your advisor write their report, which factors into your EE grade.

Here are the topics covered in your viva voce :

  • A check on plagiarism and malpractice
  • Your reflection on your project's successes and difficulties
  • Your reflection on what you've learned during the EE process

Your completed Extended Essay, along with your supervisor's report, will then be sent to the IB to be graded. We'll cover the assessment criteria in just a moment.


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What Should You Write About in Your IB Extended Essay?

You can technically write about anything, so long as it falls within one of the approved categories listed above.

It's best to choose a topic that matches one of the IB courses , (such as Theatre, Film, Spanish, French, Math, Biology, etc.), which shouldn't be difficult because there are so many class subjects.

Here is a range of sample topics with the attached extended essay:

  • Biology: The Effect of Age and Gender on the Photoreceptor Cells in the Human Retina
  • Chemistry: How Does Reflux Time Affect the Yield and Purity of Ethyl Aminobenzoate (Benzocaine), and How Effective is Recrystallisation as a Purification Technique for This Compound?
  • English: An Exploration of Jane Austen's Use of the Outdoors in Emma
  • Geography: The Effect of Location on the Educational Attainment of Indigenous Secondary Students in Queensland, Australia
  • Math: Alhazen's Billiard Problem
  • Visual Arts: Can Luc Tuymans Be Classified as a Political Painter?

You can see from how varied the topics are that you have a lot of freedom when it comes to picking a topic . So how do you pick when the options are limitless?


How to Write a Stellar IB Extended Essay: 6 Essential Tips

Below are six key tips to keep in mind as you work on your Extended Essay for the IB DP. Follow these and you're sure to get an A!

#1: Write About Something You Enjoy

You can't expect to write a compelling essay if you're not a fan of the topic on which you're writing. For example, I just love British theatre and ended up writing my Extended Essay on a revolution in post-WWII British theatre. (Yes, I'm definitely a #TheatreNerd.)

I really encourage anyone who pursues an IB Diploma to take the Extended Essay seriously. I was fortunate enough to receive a full-tuition merit scholarship to USC's School of Dramatic Arts program. In my interview for the scholarship, I spoke passionately about my Extended Essay; thus, I genuinely think my Extended Essay helped me get my scholarship.

But how do you find a topic you're passionate about? Start by thinking about which classes you enjoy the most and why . Do you like math classes because you like to solve problems? Or do you enjoy English because you like to analyze literary texts?

Keep in mind that there's no right or wrong answer when it comes to choosing your Extended Essay topic. You're not more likely to get high marks because you're writing about science, just like you're not doomed to failure because you've chosen to tackle the social sciences. The quality of what you produce—not the field you choose to research within—will determine your grade.

Once you've figured out your category, you should brainstorm more specific topics by putting pen to paper . What was your favorite chapter you learned in that class? Was it astrophysics or mechanics? What did you like about that specific chapter? Is there something you want to learn more about? I recommend spending a few hours on this type of brainstorming.

One last note: if you're truly stumped on what to research, pick a topic that will help you in your future major or career . That way you can use your Extended Essay as a talking point in your college essays (and it will prepare you for your studies to come too!).

#2: Select a Topic That Is Neither Too Broad nor Too Narrow

There's a fine line between broad and narrow. You need to write about something specific, but not so specific that you can't write 4,000 words on it.

You can't write about WWII because that would be a book's worth of material. You also don't want to write about what type of soup prisoners of war received behind enemy lines, because you probably won’t be able to come up with 4,000 words of material about it. However, you could possibly write about how the conditions in German POW camps—and the rations provided—were directly affected by the Nazis' successes and failures on the front, including the use of captured factories and prison labor in Eastern Europe to increase production. WWII military history might be a little overdone, but you get my point.

If you're really stuck trying to pinpoint a not-too-broad-or-too-narrow topic, I suggest trying to brainstorm a topic that uses a comparison. Once you begin looking through the list of sample essays below, you'll notice that many use comparisons to formulate their main arguments.

I also used a comparison in my EE, contrasting Harold Pinter's Party Time with John Osborne's Look Back in Anger in order to show a transition in British theatre. Topics with comparisons of two to three plays, books, and so on tend to be the sweet spot. You can analyze each item and then compare them with one another after doing some in-depth analysis of each individually. The ways these items compare and contrast will end up forming the thesis of your essay!

When choosing a comparative topic, the key is that the comparison should be significant. I compared two plays to illustrate the transition in British theatre, but you could compare the ways different regional dialects affect people's job prospects or how different temperatures may or may not affect the mating patterns of lightning bugs. The point here is that comparisons not only help you limit your topic, but they also help you build your argument.

Comparisons are not the only way to get a grade-A EE, though. If after brainstorming, you pick a non-comparison-based topic and are still unsure whether your topic is too broad or narrow, spend about 30 minutes doing some basic research and see how much material is out there.

If there are more than 1,000 books, articles, or documentaries out there on that exact topic, it may be too broad. But if there are only two books that have any connection to your topic, it may be too narrow. If you're still unsure, ask your advisor—it's what they're there for! Speaking of advisors...


Don't get stuck with a narrow topic!

#3: Choose an Advisor Who Is Familiar With Your Topic

If you're not certain of who you would like to be your advisor, create a list of your top three choices. Next, write down the pros and cons of each possibility (I know this sounds tedious, but it really helps!).

For example, Mr. Green is my favorite teacher and we get along really well, but he teaches English. For my EE, I want to conduct an experiment that compares the efficiency of American electric cars with foreign electric cars.

I had Ms. White a year ago. She teaches physics and enjoyed having me in her class. Unlike Mr. Green, Ms. White could help me design my experiment.

Based on my topic and what I need from my advisor, Ms. White would be a better fit for me than would Mr. Green (even though I like him a lot).

The moral of my story is this: do not just ask your favorite teacher to be your advisor . They might be a hindrance to you if they teach another subject. For example, I would not recommend asking your biology teacher to guide you in writing an English literature-based EE.

There can, of course, be exceptions to this rule. If you have a teacher who's passionate and knowledgeable about your topic (as my English teacher was about my theatre topic), you could ask that instructor. Consider all your options before you do this. There was no theatre teacher at my high school, so I couldn't find a theatre-specific advisor, but I chose the next best thing.

Before you approach a teacher to serve as your advisor, check with your high school to see what requirements they have for this process. Some IB high schools require your IB Extended Essay advisor to sign an Agreement Form , for instance.

Make sure that you ask your IB coordinator whether there is any required paperwork to fill out. If your school needs a specific form signed, bring it with you when you ask your teacher to be your EE advisor.

#4: Pick an Advisor Who Will Push You to Be Your Best

Some teachers might just take on students because they have to and aren't very passionate about reading drafts, only giving you minimal feedback. Choose a teacher who will take the time to read several drafts of your essay and give you extensive notes. I would not have gotten my A without being pushed to make my Extended Essay draft better.

Ask a teacher that you have experience with through class or an extracurricular activity. Do not ask a teacher that you have absolutely no connection to. If a teacher already knows you, that means they already know your strengths and weaknesses, so they know what to look for, where you need to improve, and how to encourage your best work.

Also, don't forget that your supervisor's assessment is part of your overall EE score . If you're meeting with someone who pushes you to do better—and you actually take their advice—they'll have more impressive things to say about you than a supervisor who doesn't know you well and isn't heavily involved in your research process.

Be aware that the IB only allows advisors to make suggestions and give constructive criticism. Your teacher cannot actually help you write your EE. The IB recommends that the supervisor spends approximately two to three hours in total with the candidate discussing the EE.

#5: Make Sure Your Essay Has a Clear Structure and Flow

The IB likes structure. Your EE needs a clear introduction (which should be one to two double-spaced pages), research question/focus (i.e., what you're investigating), a body, and a conclusion (about one double-spaced page). An essay with unclear organization will be graded poorly.

The body of your EE should make up the bulk of the essay. It should be about eight to 18 pages long (again, depending on your topic). Your body can be split into multiple parts. For example, if you were doing a comparison, you might have one third of your body as Novel A Analysis, another third as Novel B Analysis, and the final third as your comparison of Novels A and B.

If you're conducting an experiment or analyzing data, such as in this EE , your EE body should have a clear structure that aligns with the scientific method ; you should state the research question, discuss your method, present the data, analyze the data, explain any uncertainties, and draw a conclusion and/or evaluate the success of the experiment.

#6: Start Writing Sooner Rather Than Later!

You will not be able to crank out a 4,000-word essay in just a week and get an A on it. You'll be reading many, many articles (and, depending on your topic, possibly books and plays as well!). As such, it's imperative that you start your research as soon as possible.

Each school has a slightly different deadline for the Extended Essay. Some schools want them as soon as November of your senior year; others will take them as late as February. Your school will tell you what your deadline is. If they haven't mentioned it by February of your junior year, ask your IB coordinator about it.

Some high schools will provide you with a timeline of when you need to come up with a topic, when you need to meet with your advisor, and when certain drafts are due. Not all schools do this. Ask your IB coordinator if you are unsure whether you are on a specific timeline.

Below is my recommended EE timeline. While it's earlier than most schools, it'll save you a ton of heartache (trust me, I remember how hard this process was!):

  • January/February of Junior Year: Come up with your final research topic (or at least your top three options).
  • February of Junior Year: Approach a teacher about being your EE advisor. If they decline, keep asking others until you find one. See my notes above on how to pick an EE advisor.
  • April/May of Junior Year: Submit an outline of your EE and a bibliography of potential research sources (I recommend at least seven to 10) to your EE advisor. Meet with your EE advisor to discuss your outline.
  • Summer Between Junior and Senior Year: Complete your first full draft over the summer between your junior and senior year. I know, I know—no one wants to work during the summer, but trust me—this will save you so much stress come fall when you are busy with college applications and other internal assessments for your IB classes. You will want to have this first full draft done because you will want to complete a couple of draft cycles as you likely won't be able to get everything you want to say into 4,000 articulate words on the first attempt. Try to get this first draft into the best possible shape so you don't have to work on too many revisions during the school year on top of your homework, college applications, and extracurriculars.
  • August/September of Senior Year: Turn in your first draft of your EE to your advisor and receive feedback. Work on incorporating their feedback into your essay. If they have a lot of suggestions for improvement, ask if they will read one more draft before the final draft.
  • September/October of Senior Year: Submit the second draft of your EE to your advisor (if necessary) and look at their feedback. Work on creating the best possible final draft.
  • November-February of Senior Year: Schedule your viva voce. Submit two copies of your final draft to your school to be sent off to the IB. You likely will not get your grade until after you graduate.

Remember that in the middle of these milestones, you'll need to schedule two other reflection sessions with your advisor . (Your teachers will actually take notes on these sessions on a form like this one , which then gets submitted to the IB.)

I recommend doing them when you get feedback on your drafts, but these meetings will ultimately be up to your supervisor. Just don't forget to do them!


The early bird DOES get the worm!

How Is the IB Extended Essay Graded?

Extended Essays are graded by examiners appointed by the IB on a scale of 0 to 34 . You'll be graded on five criteria, each with its own set of points. You can learn more about how EE scoring works by reading the IB guide to extended essays .

  • Criterion A: Focus and Method (6 points maximum)
  • Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding (6 points maximum)
  • Criterion C: Critical Thinking (12 points maximum)
  • Criterion D: Presentation (4 points maximum)
  • Criterion E: Engagement (6 points maximum)

How well you do on each of these criteria will determine the final letter grade you get for your EE. You must earn at least a D to be eligible to receive your IB Diploma.

Although each criterion has a point value, the IB explicitly states that graders are not converting point totals into grades; instead, they're using qualitative grade descriptors to determine the final grade of your Extended Essay . Grade descriptors are on pages 102-103 of this document .

Here's a rough estimate of how these different point values translate to letter grades based on previous scoring methods for the EE. This is just an estimate —you should read and understand the grade descriptors so you know exactly what the scorers are looking for.

Here is the breakdown of EE scores (from the May 2021 bulletin):

How Does the Extended Essay Grade Affect Your IB Diploma?

The Extended Essay grade is combined with your TOK (Theory of Knowledge) grade to determine how many points you get toward your IB Diploma.

To learn about Theory of Knowledge or how many points you need to receive an IB Diploma, read our complete guide to the IB program and our guide to the IB Diploma requirements .

This diagram shows how the two scores are combined to determine how many points you receive for your IB diploma (3 being the most, 0 being the least). In order to get your IB Diploma, you have to earn 24 points across both categories (the TOK and EE). The highest score anyone can earn is 45 points.


Let's say you get an A on your EE and a B on TOK. You will get 3 points toward your Diploma. As of 2014, a student who scores an E on either the extended essay or TOK essay will not be eligible to receive an IB Diploma .

Prior to the class of 2010, a Diploma candidate could receive a failing grade in either the Extended Essay or Theory of Knowledge and still be awarded a Diploma, but this is no longer true.

Figuring out how you're assessed can be a little tricky. Luckily, the IB breaks everything down here in this document . (The assessment information begins on page 219.)

40+ Sample Extended Essays for the IB Diploma Programme

In case you want a little more guidance on how to get an A on your EE, here are over 40 excellent (grade A) sample extended essays for your reading pleasure. Essays are grouped by IB subject.

  • Business Management 1
  • Chemistry 1
  • Chemistry 2
  • Chemistry 3
  • Chemistry 4
  • Chemistry 5
  • Chemistry 6
  • Chemistry 7
  • Computer Science 1
  • Economics 1
  • Design Technology 1
  • Design Technology 2
  • Environmental Systems and Societies 1
  • Geography 1
  • Geography 2
  • Geography 3
  • Geography 4
  • Geography 5
  • Geography 6
  • Literature and Performance 1
  • Mathematics 1
  • Mathematics 2
  • Mathematics 3
  • Mathematics 4
  • Mathematics 5
  • Philosophy 1
  • Philosophy 2
  • Philosophy 3
  • Philosophy 4
  • Philosophy 5
  • Psychology 1
  • Psychology 2
  • Psychology 3
  • Psychology 4
  • Psychology 5
  • Social and Cultural Anthropology 1
  • Social and Cultural Anthropology 2
  • Social and Cultural Anthropology 3
  • Sports, Exercise and Health Science 1
  • Sports, Exercise and Health Science 2
  • Visual Arts 1
  • Visual Arts 2
  • Visual Arts 3
  • Visual Arts 4
  • Visual Arts 5
  • World Religion 1
  • World Religion 2
  • World Religion 3


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Trying to figure out what extracurriculars you should do? Learn more about participating in the Science Olympiad , starting a club , doing volunteer work , and joining Student Government .

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As an SAT/ACT tutor, Dora has guided many students to test prep success. She loves watching students succeed and is committed to helping you get there. Dora received a full-tuition merit based scholarship to University of Southern California. She graduated magna cum laude and scored in the 99th percentile on the ACT. She is also passionate about acting, writing, and photography.

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100 IB Extended Essay Topic Ideas!

extended essay economics ideas

One of the biggest keys to the Extended Essay is choosing which subject you want to write your work in and developing that crucial research question. Read on to find inspiration for topics across a wide range of subjects.

Extended Essay: The Love/Hate aspect of the IB

One of the biggest keys to the Extended Essay is choosing which subject you want to write your work in and developing that crucial research question. Annoyingly, coming up with that idea and research question can be the toughest part of the entire process. Writing 4,000 words about something you are interested in is a big ask and it often feels impossible to narrow down your thoughts. To make everything super clear, here are 100 Extended Essay Topics for you to draw inspiration from! Use these as a springboard to create your own research question !

Get Support from A Top Tutor Today

At Lanterna we have over 300 tutors who smashed their Extended Essay. They know exactly how to get an A in your EE and can give you tips and tricks on how you can do the same. What are you waiting for? Get your own tutor today !

How to Begin Your IB Extended Essay

To make everything super clear, here are 100 Extended Essay Topics for you to draw inspiration from! Use these as a springboard to  create your own research question !

Get Support from a Top Tutor Today

At Lanterna, we have over 300 tutors who smashed their Extended Essay. They know exactly how to get an A in your EE and can give you tips and tricks on how you can do the same. What are you waiting for? Get your own tutor today!

10 Steps to Writing an Extended Essay

Before we look at specific topics for your essay, let’s recap the 10-steps you’ll need to follow to complete your extended essay.

1. Define the Topic and Draft the Research Question

2. Create a Timeline

3. Identify and gather Sources

4. Set Deadlines

5. Plan the structure according to the total word count

6. Evaluate

7. independent Research

8. Write the extended essay draft

10. Present

By following the steps above, you should be able to produce a logical and coherent rationale to follow when writing the extended essay for your IB diploma programme.

By starting with a solid research question, you’ll be able to put an extended essay of global significance together, from the research and writing process all the way through to your final submission with a favourable extended essay grade.

Below, we’re sharing 10 topics across 10 subjects to inspire your next IB extended essay.

1. How the change of habitat affects an X organism?

2. How does climate affect the growth of X plant?

3. Can photosynthesis take place without sunlight?

4. What is the effect of age and gender on the photoreceptor cells in the human retina?

5. How is climate change impacting the appearance of coral reefs?

6. An evaluation of how  antioxidants  work in our bodies?

7. Does hand sanitizer, hand soap or antibacterial wipes have the greatest ability to inhibit the growth of E. Coli?

8. To what extent do live cultures in yogurts/milk/other dairy products reduce the concentration of lactose present over the course of a 2 hour incubation period at x°C?

9. What is the relationship between  population density  between X and population size of X?

10. What is the relationship between indoleacetic acid, a growth hormone, and the growth of X (a crop)?

11. How does human influence impact an aquatic ecosystem?

12. How can one organize a pollution check along a X canal in X?

13. What is the effect of the increased ecological footprint in the  Amazon ?

14. What are the forest and woodland restoration in Siberia, Russia and which one is most effective?

15. How does human interference cause ecological imbalances in an X city/country/continent?

16. What is the impact of urban development on the  bee population  in X city?

17. What are the differences in the conversation efforts in Yosemite National Park (California, USA) and the Lake District National Park (UK)?

18. To what extent have healthcare policies in X country influenced their human population curve?

19. How have changes in environmental systems influenced the value system of X country?

20. How has X landfill site affected the surrounding terrestrial ecosystem?

21. What is the profitability of  airline companies ?

22. How does unemployment affect the market?

23. Why did X recession occur?

24. How did the financial Policy affect the economy in X?

25. How effective are government policies in reducing overconsumption of alcohol (specifically hard liquor)?

26. To what extent are public buses and subways substitute goods in a country?

27. How did the tax reform in country x affect its growth and development? (many countries to choose from)

28. To what extent was weak government policy responsible for the Latin American financial crisis of 1997?

29. How effective is the  Big Mac Index  in measuring purchasing power parity?

30. To what extent would the UK suffer from leaving the European Customs Union if Brexit happens?

31. Is there an association between viewing violence on television and the display of violent acts?

32. What motivational climate should a coach employ in order to achieve optimal performance in athletes?

33. How does  X hormone affect human behavior ?

34. Compare theories explaining altruism in human behaviour

35. Discuss short-term and long-term consequences of exposure to violence

36. Why do relationships change or end?

37. Discuss how  social variables (poverty, parenting, educational environment) may the affect cognitive environment.

38. To what extent do mirror neurons play a role in empathy? (2014)

39. To what extent does Mindfulness help people cope with General Anxiety Disorder (GAD)?

40. To what extent is drug therapy effective in the treatment of bipolar disorder?

41. Does the British Parliamentary reforms act of 1832 deserve its title as the great reform act?

42. To what extent are there similarities in Hitler and Mussolini’s Rise to Power?

43. To what extent did Mao’s tackle the problems which he faced?

44. Was Tsar Alexander II of Russia reforms a success or failure?

45. To what extent was the bombing of Dresden in 1945 justifiable?

46. To what extent can  Sweden be considered neutral during WWII ?

47. The impact of structural economic weakness on the collapse of the Soviet Union.

48. How were women treated differently in 1920s and 1950s Great Britain?

49. Why did Israel win the  Six Day War  of 1967?

50. What role did economics play in the unification of Germany from 1834 to 1871?

English Literature

51. What are the Compare and Contrast Jane Austen Books?

52. How does Joseph Conrad’s portray Racism in A Heart of Darkness?

53. How does Arthur Miller’s Death of a Salesman critique today’s capitalist society? The American Dream?

54. To what extent does Chris McCandless in Jon Krakauer’s Into the Wild escape familial influence?

55. What are the similarities and differences between J.K. Rowling’s characterization of Severus Snape in Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone and Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows?

56. How does Yaa Gyasi use structure in her novel Homegoing to portray the evolution of time?

57. What is the impact of the social context on Holden Caufield and Huckleberry Finn?

58. How does Sylvia Path’s use of Inanimate objects in Bell Jar?

59. How is the empowerment of Feminine portrayed in the Lord of the Rings?

60. Compare the political rhetoric as used in the inaugural addresses of George W. Bush, Barack Obama, and Donald Trump.

61. The design, construction and calibration of an apparatus for measuring lipid concentration in milk.

62. What is the effect of a change in the optimal lift on the horizontal gliding distance of an aircraft?

63. How does the sugar concentration affect the refractive index of water?

64. How does temperature affect the viscosity of X juice/soda?

65. Is the relationship between temperature and conductivity and insulators and conductors?

66. What is the Oberth Effect?

67. What is the temperature dependence of work performed on an AA battery?

68. How can the rotational frequency of a fan driven by a flame measure distance?

69. Do wine bottles of different shapes behave as Helmholtz resonators?

70. How does the diameter of a wheel affect stability in different weather conditions?

71. What factors influence the location of industries in country/city X?

72. An investigation into the significance of preserving the quality of water in a continent/country/city?

73. An investigation into the degree to which City X can be considered a Sustainable City/Community.

74. To what extent is Biodiversity being managed successfully in city X?

75. To what extent does the education and employment of women affect Country x’s fertility rate?

76. To what extent do gender, educational attainment, and working parameters influence obesity risk?

77. To what extent has urban development affected human thermal comfort levels in Country/city x (a country/city that has developed in a rapid rate over the past decades)?

78. To what extent is the Company x corporate waste management program effective, demonstrating environmental sustainability?

79. To what extent is biodiversity being managed successfully at National Park X?

80. What types of urban design encourage high rates of vandalism in X neighbourhoods?

81. The kinetics of Enzymatic Reactions.

82. How do Iron Intake Diets differ in X country?

83. What are the different factors that affect the iodine values in cooking oils?

84. What is the effect of standing time and temperate on the acid content in X juice or soda?

85. Can caffeine in tea or coffee be reduced?

86. What is the effect of temperature on the souring of milk?

87. What are the sources of error in calorimetry?

88. Does brushing your teeth affect the pH in your mouth after eating?

89. How does changing the concentration of the reagents affect the formation and spacing between Liesehang rings in the reaction between X chloride and X when conducted in a test tube?

90. What effect does the coating of aspirin tablets have on the hydrolysis of aspirin?

Social and Cultural Anthropology

91. How clothing relates to the cultural anthropology of X culture.

92. The extent to which social media networks affect different societies.

93. The relationship between ritual, myths and faith in an X society.

94. The history of rituals in X culture.

95. How different marriage rituals inform the cultural anthropology of X culture.

96. Climate change and its impact on the evolution of different creatures on the planet.

97. Understanding the social and cultural anthropology of the supernatural in X culture.

98. An analysis of body modification in relation to social and cultural anthropology.

100. Chaste systems and social ranks in societies.

There are so many class subjects that can form the basis of your extended essay, including these popular six subjects:

– Information technology

– Computer science

– Health science

– World studies

– Visual arts

– Business management

Extended essays are a great way to improve your writing skills in academic writing. Essays of a high standard that demonstrate critical thinking and in depth analysis can be submitted to academic journals. These have the potential to reach the global society.

Start Writing Your Extended Essay Topic

We hope this gave you some great inspiration for the variation of topics available for your Extended Essay . The research question you select is what will carry you through the entire process, so be sure to choose wisely!

Remember, if you are looking for more help with your Extended Essay, make sure to check out our guide which will tell you exactly how to plan, structure, research and write your Extended Essay!

Grab Free Extended Essay Resources!

No matter the subject groups in your diploma program, we’re here to help all of our IB students. Whether you’re writing about social and cultural anthropology, business management, design technology, or scientific methods for your IB diploma, Lanterna has you covered.

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Extended Essay Topics: 50+ Examples for Subject in EE

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by  Antony W

July 30, 2022

extended essay economics ideas

This is the complete list of Extended Essay topics on different EE subject areas. We’ve packed this guide with as many topic ideas as possible.

So if you’re just getting started with the IB extended essay assignment and you’re already stuck on topic selection, this post might help you to get unstuck.

What is an Extended Essay?

Abbreviated as EE, the Extended Essay is a required component of the IB Diploma Program for all students, regardless of the disciplines they are studying.

The objective of the Extended Essay is to offer students the chance to conduct research on a topic of their choice and demonstrate knowledge and reading beyond the classroom curriculum. The essay also provides students with the opportunity to develop abilities necessary for researching and writing in advanced learning institutions.

Students often begin working on their essay during the second term of their first year of the IB Diploma Program. They will require a manager (one of the teachers at their school) with whom they will meet on a regular basis to help them outline their research questions and lead them through the writing process.

The IB diploma program allows you to prepare and submit one draft to the supervisor for input, followed by a second, final draft. As for the length of the extended essay, you want to make sure the assignment doesn’t exceed 4,000 words .

Getting Extended Essay Help

Owing to the very nature of the IB program, searching for an extended essay topic and getting the task completed can be an involving task. If you feel like the whole process would end up rather overwhelming, you can take advantage of our extended essay writing service and we’ll help you get the task done. 

For just $19.09/page, you can get the professional writing help and advice required to score a 34 in your Extended Essay. The pricing is standard regardless of the topic you would like to work on.

Extended Essay Topics

If you’re confident that you can write an extended essay yourself, and you should, you need to start with selecting the right topic for the assignment. Here are some topic ideas to get you started: 

1. English Extended Essay Topics

The following are some of the best examples of topic ideas to consider if you choose to write an Extended Essay in the English subject.

  • How the heroic couplets of the neoclassical period differed from those of the romantic period, and why classical poetry had so many rules.
  • How many different styles of poetry can we observe from the English Renaissance through modernism and postmodernism?
  • Does colonialism have an effect on modern poetry and the manner in which it evolves during the many eras of colonial rule?
  • Why has euphemism been so prominent in the English language for so long and how does this affect the lexicon and structure of the language?
  • Can we argue that, unlike other languages of the globe, English is a language of conventions and traditions with no hard and fast rules?
  • What function does slang play in the English language, and how are slang terms now preserved in official and academic dictionaries?
  • What are the primary causes of the gradual shift in the spelling of English words through time?
  • Impact of globalization on the evolution of the English language as it becomes the universal language.

We encourage you to read more about English Extended Essay for further insights.

2. Biology Extended Essay Topics

  • How do age and gender influence the photoreceptor cells in the human retina?
  • What effects does climate change have on the appearance of coral reefs?
  • An analysis of how antioxidants function in the human body?
  • Which of hand sanitizer, hand soap, or antibacterial wipes inhibits the development of E. coli the most effectively?
  • How does population density between X and X’s population size relate?
  • What is the link between the growth hormone indoleacetic acid and the growth of X?

You can read more about Biology EE here.

3. Business Management Extended Essay Topics

We put together an in-depth guide on IB Business Management EE to give you more insight about the subject.

In addition to teaching you exactly how to write an EE in this subject, the post includes some interesting topic ideas as well as their respective research questions.

Remember to check it out to learn more.

4. Chemistry Extended Essay Topics

  • What effect does acid rain have on the trees, plants, and public gardens in your neighborhood?
  • Analyze the chemical composition of various types of lava and magma rocks from across the world.
  • What kinds of chemical components are responsible for the majority of food allergies?
  • Examine the chemistry of MDMA and other “nightclub” or designer drugs in users of various ages.
  • Examine how chemical experiments and the knowledge gained from them have altered the globe.
  • How has the usage of fluoride in the community’s water supply benefited and harmed the community?
  • What chemical difference does choosing organic foods vs pesticide-treated foods have on our bodies?
  • What impact have big cosmetics manufacturers made on our contemporary understanding of chemistry?
  • What type of chemistry is involved in making generic medications cheaper than brand-name pharmaceuticals?

You can read more about Chemistry Extended Essay in this post.

5. Computer Science Extended Essay Topics

  • In what way are support vector machines more accurate in predicting ATP tennis matches than artificial neural networks?
  • To what extent are Java-generated pseudo-random numbers more predictable than C#-generated numbers?
  • How much more effectively does MP3 encoding reduce quality loss and file size than OGG in terms of algorithmic efficiency and encoded file quality?
  • How well does the binary search algorithm locate specific values among variable-sized data sets?
  • How much more efficient is Depth First Search than Breadth First Search for path finding in artificial intelligence and robot motion planning?
  • To what degree is hashing a more appropriate and efficient method than binary search for locating specific values in different-sized data sets?
  • How do Password Length and Character Variation Influence the Entropy of a Password?
  • How much more space-efficient is the AES symmetric encryption method compared to the Blowfish symmetric encryption technique when encrypting data of varied sizes and types?

6. Economics Extended Essay Topics

  • What is the connection between unemployment and economic contraction?
  • Is Alcohol Consumption Regulation Beneficial to the Stock Market?
  • Trucking Companies and the Effects of Sanctions and Trade Embargoes
  • Analysis of the Effects of Increasing Taxes on Multinational Corporations and Religious Organizations
  • What Negative Effects Will a “Hard” Brexit Have on Scotland and Wales?
  • How Will the Substitution of Fossil Fuels with Solar Power Affect the Economies of Middle Eastern Nations?
  • In Sub-Saharan Africa, deforestation and man-made disasters are the leading causes of poverty.

We’ve written an in-depth guide on Economics Extended Essay, and we encourage you to check it out to learn more about the subject.

7. Environmental Systems and Societies EE Topics

The following are some interesting topics on the Environmental Systems and Societies. The X is a variable, which can be a name of any city or country you’d wish to investigate in your ESS.

  • What forest and woodland restoration strategies exist in Siberia, Russia, and one is the most effective?
  • How can human meddling in X city/country/continent produce ecological imbalances?
  • What effect does urbanization have on the bee population in X city?
  • What are the distinctions between Yosemite National Park (California, USA) and Lake District National Park (United Kingdom) in terms of dialogue efforts?
  • How much have healthcare policies in nation X affected its human population curve?
  • What impact has X’s landfill had on the surrounding terrestrial ecosystem?

You can read our ESS guide to learn more about this subject before you start working on your Extended Essay assignment.

8. Film Extended Essay Topics  

  • Relationship between IMDB ratings and several national and international film honors
  • The current transformation of masculinity as represented in Fight Club
  • Varieties of timeline modification methods in cinematography
  • Sci-fi film portrayals of scientists and the scientific method are grossly inaccurate.
  • Moving camera – inventive approaches (such as those utilized in The Matrix or Guy Ritchie’s film)
  • How can filmic approaches depict the evolution of Disney princesses from 1937 to 2012?
  • How are transgender characters portrayed in two films from distinct periods?

9. Geography Extended Essay Topics

  • What socioeconomic and urban design elements contribute to high vandalism rates in Eindhoven’s neighborhoods?
  • How does the quality of life of Filipina Foreign Domestic Workers in Downtown Singapore compare to that of Filipinas in the Philippines?
  • An inquiry examining whether Singapore qualifies as a sustainable city
  • To what degree do migratory patterns and motivations in the northern area of Thailand correspond to predicted migration movements in an LDC?
  • Comparative analysis of the provision of public services in Warsaw’s districts

Check out our complete guide on Geography EE to learn more about the subject. Make sure you check the assessment criteria part, so you can write the kind of an EE that earns you top grades – if not a 34.

10. Global Politics EE

  • The legitimacy of the 2003 US-led invasion of Iraq; to what extent was the invasion justified? (2021)
  • How media depictions and government information can diverge
  • How the success of a political party in one nation may affect the results in another.
  • Comparing the influence of global political trends on two countries reveals contrasting results.
  • The effect of a single crisis on the political ties between two countries

We’ve put together a more comprehensive guide on Global Politics Extended Essay . So we encourage you to check that out to learn more.

11. History Extended Essay

  • The consequences of dropping nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • You can investigate the economic, ethnic, social, and even environmental consequences of conflict diamonds.
  • The evolution of military technology during the American Civil War
  • The post-apartheid work of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Southwest Africa
  • The rise and collapse of the Ottoman Empire and its economic influence

You can get more topic ideas on this subject from this post .

12. Math Extended Essay

  • How can mathematics be used to determine the ideal distance from the try line for positioning the ball for a rugby union conversion kick?
  • In the sliding tile problem, what is the graph structure of m x n?
  • How long does it take to travel around the whole Singapore MRT network? (2015)
  • Modeling mathematics – An examination of the Richardson arms race model (2020)
  • Real-world applications of a study of differential equations of the second order
  • A mathematical examination of shock absorbers’ damped harmonic motion

Our IB Math EE guide has more insights worth checking out. So we recommend going through the guide before you start writing an extended essay on this subject.

13. Physics Extended Essay Ideas  

  • How may the design of an airplane’s wings affect its aerodynamic performance?
  • Why is it required for the wing of an aircraft to have an ‘angle of attack’? Is it impossible for the aircraft to behave the same without the angle of attack?
  • If landing gears are a cause of drag during flight, how is a Cessna able to deliver a sufficient amount of force to overcome drag?

14. Psychology EE Ideas  

  • What do we know about the connection between stress and bodily disease, and can we utilize this information to manage stress?
  • To what degree can psychology offer plausible explanations for altruistic behavior?
  • Which strategies are most effective in assisting autistic youngsters in improving their everyday functioning?
  • The difficulty of identifying particular genetic variables that might indicate an autism risk
  • How well biological (or sociocultural) variables explain the origin of homosexuality.
  • To what degree does parental discipline affect the temperament of their children?
  • Are Montessori schools, which utilize a humanistic approach to education, also consistent with cognitive theory?

We’ve put together a complete guide on Physics Extended Essay. So, check that out to learn more about the subject. 

15. Visual Arts

  • What role did national themes have in the creative activity of Russian avant-garde artists associated with the Knave of Diamonds society?
  • How did men and women’s clothes communicate National Socialist ideals?
  • How does Yinka Shonibare’s work represent the evolving importance of African art in a global society?
  • What are the origins of Romanesque architecture in Arles?
  • Are there pop art elements in the design of Pakistani trucks?

Check out this post to learn more about the topic. 

About the author 

Antony W is a professional writer and coach at Help for Assessment. He spends countless hours every day researching and writing great content filled with expert advice on how to write engaging essays, research papers, and assignments.

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  • Extended essay
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Introduction to the extended essay in economics

extended essay economics ideas

Many of you will be aware of the extended essay and what it includes. The extended essay consists of a 4000 (maximum) word essay on a topic of your choosing and concludes with a viva voce or short interview to confirm the candidates level of competence in the topic area chosen.  You are also required to provide two additional reflections during the process.

The extended essay provides you with the opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge on a particular topic or area of study and is chosen from a list of approved subjects.

Before starting work on the essay you are advised to complete the following tasks:

  • Read the assessment criteria carefully.
  • Where possible ask your teacher or IB coordinator to let you read previously completed essays in economics.  Many school libraries keep an archive of extended essays previously written by students.
  • Work on a research question and discuss this with your supervisor.  This is a very important part of the process.  A good research question will go a long way to helping you towards a good finished essay.  A bad research question; one that is too broad in scope or where original data is difficult to obtain will make it significantly more difficult to achieve a high score in your finished essay.
  • Decide how you will collect the research that you need for your essay and check the validity of this research with your supervisor.
  • Write down a brief structure for your essay and discuss this with your supervisor before sitting down to write your essay.

How to choose a subject and research question to study?

The first piece of advice must be to pick a subject and a research question that is something you will enjoy researching and writing about. The EE involves a considerable amount of work - approximately 40 hours as an average.

In terms of selecting a research topic, why not ask the following question: ‘What is it that I am interested in?  What research question am I genuinely interested in finding out?’.  What topic(s) do I enjoy? 

What to do next?

Having completed all the preparation that you need, having written your research question and essay plan and had all of this approved by your supervisor you are ready to begin.

The essay should be no more than 4000 words in length but this does not include the following:

Contents page, acknowledgements, formulas, calculations, diagrams, tables, the bibliography, citations and references.

Essays can actually achieve a reasonable score just by following these simple rules:

  • state the research question
  • analyse your results
  • discuss your results
  • have a conclusion
  • keep to about 4000 words
  • present it well
  • cite all sources appropriately.

What makes a good title in economics?

extended essay economics ideas

Opportunities for analysis

The topic that you chose should provide an opportunity for you to demonstrates some critical analysis of the information that is gathered. You should avoid any topic that depend entirely on summarizing secondary data, because this leads to an essay that is overly descriptive in nature.  A good way of making your essay more unique is to restrict the scope of the essay, so that it focuses on, for example, a specific business, area or demographic.

Suitable areas of economics

Macroeconomics topics can be chosen, but any research question must be narrowed to a particular part of the economy and is not on the economy as a whole.  An extended essay on economic development would be recommended but the research question would need to relate to a particular aspect of development or a limited area.  It would not be suitable, for example, to examine the effect of some government policy on the development of the whole economy.

The following are some examples of extended essay titles which are suitable for use an economics extended essay.  You will notice that each of these are locally based on an area in which the student is familiar and allow the candidate to investigate their own primary research, applying it to conventional economic theory.  You will also be expected to complete secondary research as part of their essay.  You should also formulate your own critical arguments as well as construct a conclusion, consistent with the findings displayed during the main body of the essay.

  • What is the relationship between the volume of livestock and the wholesale price of meat in Erzurum county?
  • The impact of the 2018 rise in minimum wage on employment levels in London’s catering and restaurant industry?
  • What is the MPC (marginal propensity to consume) of guest workers working on a construction site in Singapore?
  • To what extent do the ski lodge hotels in Palandoken practise John Nash’s game theory when setting prices during the tourist season?
  • How has the declining value of the £ affected the Airbnb market in Leeds?
  • What is the PED for tobacco products amongst different age groups in Istanbul, Turkey.  How might this influence government policy aimed at reducing consumption of tobacco products?

Final questions to ask yourself before deciding on your RQ

extended essay economics ideas

Before answering this question, consider how you might collect information to answer your question. For example, how confident are you that you can actually access the information? Remember that any information gained from businesses might be confidential. Some economic questions are also difficult to research because isolating the particular variable is difficult.

When conducting primary research you need to very clear about who your sample frame is going to be and can you get access to those people?  For instance when completing research on the viability of solar panels, your sample frame must be those potential purchasers e.g. those who own their own home with a roof large enough to accommodate it and not just your friends and family.

Can this topic be completed in 4000 words?

4,000 words may seem like a dauntingly large amount but you will be surprised how quickly the words go.  Some topics are far too broad in their scope to tackle in 4,000 words and some economic theory maybe too complex to cover adequately within the word limit.  Try to stay clear of topics more suited to essays in Business Management or Psychology and you will be disadvantaged, unless you also take those subjects as part of your Diploma. Some of these topics would be more suited to a multi-disciplinary approach of World Studies and combining Economics and Psychology.

You also need to be cognisant that this is a project where you should spend around 40 hours. For some topic it would be impossible to survey enough interested people, without giving up your entire summer vacation.

Is your topic academically rigorous enough?

One of the skills of writing the essay is connecting to an area of the syllabus with sufficient complexity so you can demonstrate your ability to critically evaluate and analyse like an economist. Remember that essays which are too descriptive are unlikely to score well.

For more information about completing an extended essay in economics including a sampler essay read the remainder of the pages in this section.

Candidates should expect to spend approximately 40 hours completing their essay.

Economics Essay Topics: 162 Practical Ideas & Useful Tips

extended essay economics ideas

Essay writing is an inherent part of the economics studying process. Nevertheless, it is quite a challenging task. Are you a high school or college student who is struggling with an economic essay topic choice? Or maybe you are unsure about your writing skills?

We know how to help you .

The following article will guide you in choosing the best topic for your essay on economics. Here, you can find a variety of ideas for high school or college. The economic essay topics are divided into several categories that will help you with your research. And a pleasant bonus from our team! We have created a great guide on how to write an economics essay.

So, don’t miss your chance to write an outstanding economic paper! Check out our essay ideas, read our tips carefully, and be ready to receive your grade A!

  • ⭐ Best Economic Topics
  • 🤝 Socio-Economic
  • 🗺️ International Economics
  • 🛠️ Labor Economics
  • 🌆 Urban Economics
  • ⚽ Sports Economics
  • 💉 Health Economics
  • 💼 Business Economics
  • 🏤 Globalization
  • 🧮 Economic History
  • 💫 How to Write?

⭐ 15 Best Economic Essay Topics

  • 2008 Economic Crisis.
  • Socio-economic policy.
  • Economic systems – Singapore.
  • Racial pay gap.
  • Economic globalization.
  • History of online trading.
  • Child labor policies.
  • The Economic Naturalist.
  • Foundations of economic theory.
  • Impact of unemployment.
  • Universal Basic Income.
  • The role of consumerism.
  • Healthcare economics – Canada’s Medicare.
  • Reasons for recession.
  • Cryptocurrency & environmental issues.

✨ Excellent Economic Essay Topics

Has economics always been a subject of meticulous research? The question is quite controversial, right? There is no specific time when economics started its rapid progress. Generally, economics remains the topic of interest since the establishment of capitalism in the Western world.

Nowadays, the economy is the main engine that moves our world forward. The way we do business determines the geopolitical situation in the world. Moreover, it influences many other parts of our lives.

The skills developed through studying economics are incredibly versatile.

Economics studying is of utmost importance nowadays. It helps to gain a better understanding of processes that put everything in motion.

Economics is quite broad, so it has a great variety of subfields. And this is a fantastic opportunity for us to generate as many essay ideas as possible. Here, you will find great economic topics for your paper. As mentioned before, we have divided them into several sections to ease your selection process. There’s a wide selection of free college essays samples on economics in our database, too. So be sure to check that out.

🤝 Socio-Economic Essay Topics

  • The economic impact of racial segregation in America in the 1950s.
  • Designing a just socio-economic system.
  • Socio-economic status of Hong Kong in modern-day China. Explain how the city of Hong Kong gained a special status in China. Why did it emerge as one of the most important cities in its economy? Comment on the significance of Hong Kong in the international economic arena.
  • Economic growth in the United States in the post-World War 2 period.
  • Mobile banking in Saudi Arabia: towards understanding the factors that affect the sector.
  • The importance of Dior’s bar suit to the women’s fashion industry.
  • Economic problems in the 1980’s Soviet Union. Talk about the significant problems with the economy the USSR had in the 1980s. What role did they play in its collapse?
  • What socio-economic problems did segregation in South Africa cause?
  • History of economic development in the UAE. Discuss the economic miracle in the UAE and Dubai. Explain how the government could turn the city of Dubai into one of the most famous tourist destinations. What strategies were applied?
  • Gender inequality and socio-economic development .
  • The problem of poverty in Venezuela.
  • How the socio-economic and political position of women changed between 1880 and 1940.
  • The economic impact of COVID-19 on global trade.

World trade is expected to fall due to the Coronavirus pandemic.

  • How do the three main economic groups interact with each other? There are three critical economic groups: – Consumers – Producers – Government Analyze the interaction of these groups with each other.
  • Extended essay: how the study of economic data helped our society to advance?
  • Western industrialization socio-economic impacts.
  • Inequality at the top: not all billionaires have the same powers. Analyze billionaires’ net worth, liquidity, political power, and wealth security. Explain why they have unequal social status. What factors determine the influence of billionaires?
  • An analysis of systems that help us measure agricultural development in a country.
  • Is social media a useful tool for brand promotion?
  • The phenomenon of dualism in economic development.

🗺️ International Economics Essay Topics

  • Globalization and its impact on international economic relations. Define the term globalization. What role does globalization play in international economic relations? Provide specific examples of globalization’s impact on the global political economy.
  • The lack of justice for the cheap international labor market. Discuss the issue of cheap labor in various countries. Why do some workers often lack fundamental human rights while others abuse moral norms? Analyze the causes and effects of inequality in the workplace.
  • Japan macroeconomics: problems and possible solutions.
  • The issue of mercantilism in the history of Great Britain. Analyze the rise and development of mercantilism in the history of Great Britain. To solidify your ideas, provide persuasive arguments, and appropriate examples of mercantilism.
  • Why does the problem of environmental protection remain unresolved among global economies?
  • Nissan Motor company’s international business.
  • International environmental concerns in economics: the case of China .
  • The issue of international criminal justice in industry. Explain why international businesses often avoid criminal justice after wrongdoings. Select one case of unethical behavior of a company’s CEO or regular employee. Briefly introduce the problem. What were the causes and effects? How was the issue resolved? Express your own opinion regarding the lack of criminal justice in business.
  • The economy of Singapore and its role in international trade.
  • International microeconomics trade dispute case study: US-China dispute on the exportation of raw materials.
  • The phenomenon of the “gig economy” and its impact on the global economy.
  • The effect of population growth in the international economy.
  • International economics in the context of globalization.

Technological and political changes have chipped away at the barriers separating nations.

  • How does Brexit affect the economy of the European Union? Analyze the immediate impact of Brexit on the EU’s economy. Predict future advantages and disadvantages of Brexit for both: Great Britain and the EU.
  • South Africa: international agribusiness, trade, and financing.
  • Historical essay: the economy of the Dutch East India company.
  • The issue of Mozambique’s economy and possible solutions. Investigate the issue of extreme poverty in Mozambique. What are some possible solutions to the problem of poverty? Base your suggestions on the country’s cultural, historical, and geographical aspects.
  • Imbalances in the global economy. Discuss the imbalances between trading countries on the scale of the global economy. What solutions would you suggest to deal with this issue?
  • How will global economies adapt to China’s growing power?
  • Etihad Airways company managerial economics.

🛠️ Labor Economics Essay Topics

  • Ford Motor company’s labor economics.
  • Labor economics: child labor.
  • The UPS firm perspective: the labor market.
  • Gender inequality of wage rate in modern business. Research how and why gender inequality is still an issue in the modern world of economics. What are some ways to deal with the problem? Present your ideas accurately and effectively. Provide solid arguments and appropriate examples to prove your position.
  • What are the best ways to increase labor productivity in business?
  • Labor unions adverse effects on economics.
  • The decrease of the labor force in modern industries. Talk about the rising rates of robotization in the majority of industries. How will it affect the traditional labor force? Comment on the problem of unemployment caused by labor automatization.
  • Violations of labor rights of workers.
  • Modern labor essay: how can an entrepreneur guarantee the minimum wage to their workers?
  • How can labor geography help develop a special economic zone? Talk about labor geography and its effects on developing an exclusive economic zone. How does the geopolitical location of a particular country influence its level of economic development?
  • Entrepreneurship in the organic cosmetics sphere.
  • Gender-oriented labor trade unions. A case study. Discuss the gender-oriented trade unions and analyze their impact on our society.
  • Child labor in the Turkish cotton industry.

The Syrian refugee crisis increased the risks of child labor in Turkey.

  • The connection between economic growth and demography. Analyze the connection between economic growth and its demographic context. Investigate both sides: – The issue of overpopulation – The problem of low birth rate. From an economic perspective, what problem is more dangerous?
  • The issue of sex discrimination in the workplace.
  • The effects of Landrum-Griffin Labor Act. Explore the labor Act of Landrum-Griffin that was passed in the US Congress in 1959. Discuss its implications and consequences. Discuss its implications and consequences.

🌆 Urban Economics Essay Topics

  • Cities and their role in aggregate economics.
  • Urbanization in Hong Kong and its effects on citizens.
  • The urban planning of the city of New York: a critical analysis. Analyze the urban history of NY. How has the city been developing? Discuss revolutionary solutions to the past and problems of modern times.
  • The impact of a city’s design on the local traffic.
  • Dubai’s spatial planning: creative solutions for building a city in the desert.
  • Globalization, urban political economy, and economic restructuring.
  • How do urban areas affect local wildlife? Comment on how modern production technologies in urban areas impact the natural diversity of wildlife. What impact does the rapid economic progress have on the environment? Suggest possible solutions.
  • Urban sociology: does the city make us better people?
  • Why should people be more careful about investing in real estate? Discuss the issues of overinvestment into real estate. Consider the economic crisis of 2008 as an example.
  • How can regional authorities help improve a city?
  • Urban life and its effects on education.
  • The economic development of a city’s metropolitan area: challenges and solutions.
  • Main factors for the emergence of cities in the Middle Ages.
  • The ethics of relocation: is it justified? Talk about the case of relocating locals when building projects of great magnitude. To what extent can it be justified? Mention its economic and ethical side.
  • The difficulties behind the construction of “green” buildings. Discuss the relatively new phenomenon of environmentally friendly buildings. Analyze both sides: the pros and cons. What obstacles lie behind the “green” building? What opportunities do the “green” buildings offer? Elaborate on your ideas by providing clear arguments or counterarguments.
  • What factors play a critical role in the success of retail productivity in cities?

⚽ Sports Economics Essay Topics

  • Do teams with higher budgets perform better on the field?
  • Corruption in European football leagues: a critical analysis. Investigate the corruption issue in the European football leagues. State reasons and solutions for the problem.
  • The managerial catastrophe of Arsenal F.C.

Discuss the football club of Arsenal.

  • The NextG sports company’s communication planning.
  • Roger D. Blair’s Sports Economics literary review. Write a literary analysis of Sports Economics by Roger D. Blair. Discuss his opinion on the economy of sports. Do you agree or disagree with his position? Provide compelling supportive arguments or strong counterarguments.
  • How significant is the impact factor of a local team on a city’s economy?
  • Kinsmen Sports Centre: marketing metrics innovation.
  • What role does statistical data play in sports? Analyze the part of economic statistical data in different sports organizations. How can statistics help to develop an effective financing plan? Comment on the impact of financing on the performance of a sports club.
  • Sports and energy drinks marketing analysis.
  • Is there a connection between the lack of money and any contemporary issues in a sports team?
  • Performance-enhancing drugs in sports.
  • The business of FIFA: a financial analysis. Investigate the finances of FIFA. What economic factors make them so influential in the modern world of football?
  • The global sports retail industry.
  • The Olympics: logistics and economy. Discuss the logistics behind the Olympics Games event. How the Olympic Games impact the economy of the host country?

💉 Health Economics Essay Topics

  • Is bioprinting the new future of medicine? Analyze the new market of organ printing and discuss its challenges. Investigate bioprinting from an economic perspective. Will the outputs cover the inputs? How will bioprinting impact the financial aspect of the health care sector?
  • Cost-effectiveness of pharmaceutical products in the United States. Comment on the immense cost-effectiveness of pharmaceuticals. What do you think is the price of pharmaceutical products reasonable? Is it ethical to set extremely high prices on the medicals?
  • An economic evaluation of the antibiotics market.
  • Health economics-SIC and NAICS.
  • The financial side of cancer treatment: is it too expensive? Analyze the market for cancer treatment programs in various countries. Explore its costs and complications. What are some possible ways to reduce the price of cancer treatment and make it more affordable?
  • The issue of fast food consumption: a multibillion-dollar market . Fast food has always been one of the notable causes of obesity, diabetes, and other illnesses. Investigate the economic aspect of the issue. Are high profits from fast food production worth peoples’ health conditions?
  • History and evolution of healthcare economics.

Health has become a dominant economic and political issue over the past years.

  • The financial management of a hospital: a case study.
  • The issue of public healthcare in the USA. Write about the long-standing issue of medical sector operation in the USA. Analyze its history, financial, and social aspects.
  • Demand in healthcare economics.
  • What are the economic outcomes of a global pandemic? Taking the COVID-19 outbreak as an example, conduct research on the effects of a pandemic on the economy. How does it affect local economies? What impact does the quarantine have on the international economy? Provide appropriate examples to support your ideas.

💼 Business Economics Essay Topics

  • When does an advertising campaign become unnecessary?
  • Sustainable development of a nation’s economic stability. Discuss how a country can create a sustainable economy. Provide bright examples to solidify your position.
  • How can a small business compete with monopolies?
  • What are the limitations of the Lewis Model?
  • The phenomenon of inflation: inevitable liability or a land of opportunity for our economies? Explore the process of inflation in modern economies. Does it only have adverse effects on the countries’ economies? Are there any advantages of inflation? Analyze it from a positive perspective.
  • Economics, business, and sugar in the UK.
  • The shadow economy of the finance sector. Dive into the backstage of the finance sector and research various “grey” areas where business can be done.
  • Chinese and Japanese business systems comparison.
  • Oil demand and its changes in the XXI century: a critical analysis. Analyze the oil sector and write about its fluctuation in the XXI century. How did the changes in oil demand affect the global economy?
  • The social and economic impact of mass emigration.

🌠 40 More Good Economic Essay Topics

Scrolled through our ideas, but can’t find a suitable topic for yourself? No worries! We have more issues to share with you.

So, don’t stress out. Take a look at our list of economical essay topics. Here are 40 more ideas focusing on globalization and the history of economics.

🏤 Economic Globalization Essay Topics

  • The impact of globalization on the tourist industry in the Caribbean . Analyze both: the positive and negative effects of globalization on the Caribbean. To make your paper well-structured, explore two advantages and two disadvantages. Don’t forget to improve your essay with strong evidence and appropriate examples!
  • Toyota Motor Corporation: impacts of globalization.
  • What are the effects of globalization on developing countries? To what extent do developing countries profit from globalization? Research the subject by comparing various examples.
  • Defining globalization and its effects on current trade.
  • Economic growth as a result of globalization: proper financial strategies. How can a country successfully achieve prosperity with globalization? Discuss proper economic strategies.
  • The socio-political significance of the IT industry’s globalization.
  • Human trafficking in developing nations as a result of globalization.

Modern-day trafficking of humans has become more rewarding for traffickers due to globalization.

  • Globalization and criminal justice policy.
  • What are the advantages and disadvantages of globalization?
  • Globalization challenges and countermeasures.
  • The effect of globalization on worldwide trade and employment rates.
  • Economic integration within the European Union: a critical analysis. Talk about the history of economic integration within the EU. What are the negative and positive outcomes of economic integration?
  • Globalization and food in Japan.
  • Does globalization bring negative effects to cultural heritage and identity?
  • The Industrial Revolution as the first step towards globalization. Focus on the Industrial Revolution in Europe. Discuss its precursors and consequences. Why is the revolution considered to be a starting point of globalization? Provide specific examples of globalization processes that occurred in the economic sector after the Industrial revolution.
  • Globalization 2.0 an analysis of a book by David Rieff.
  • Globalization effects on fundamentalism growth.
  • Does direct investment by foreign businesses come with strings attached? Dive into the shady area of globalization and discuss how to direct foreign investment can bring problems of geopolitical scale.
  • Effects of globalization on sexuality.
  • Alibaba’s globalization strategy: an economic analysis.

🧮 Economic History Essay Topics

  • The rapid economic growth of Europe during the Age of Discovery. Analyze the factors that brought economic growth to Europe during the Age of Discovery. What factors contributed to the dynamic economic progress of that time?
  • Brazil’s economic history.
  • History of capitalism: from the Renaissance to the United States of America. Discuss the origins of capitalism and its centuries-long path towards XXth century America. How the establishment of capitalism impacted the economy of the USA?
  • Max Weber: economic history, the theory of bureaucracy, and politics as a vocation.
  • 2008 Economic Crisis: origins and fallout. Talk about the 2008 Financial Crisis. Discuss its causes and outcomes. What should have been done differently to avoid the global crisis? Comment on the economic strategies countries used to recover from it.
  • The economic marvel of Communist China: from rags to riches.
  • What made world economic growth of the Renaissance possible?

Renaissance Europe had a very diverse economy.

  • The economic history of Canada: how did the settlers facilitate economic growth?
  • What did the major powers of the XIXth century base their economies on?
  • The Rothschilds: political and financial role in the Industrial Revolution. Research the dynasty of Rothschilds and how they came to power. What was their role in Europe’s Industrial Revolution?
  • The link between the “oil curse” and the economic history of Latin America.
  • Roman Empire’s monetary policy: a socio-economic analysis.
  • How did the demand for different goods change their value in the 2000s years? Analyze the demand for goods in the 2000s years and their change in value. Why do these fluctuations in demand for products and services occur?
  • The history of economic thought.
  • Soviet Union’s economic timeline: from the new Economic Policy to Reformation. Discuss the economic issues of the Soviet Union from the historical perspective. Why did the Soviet Union collapse? What improvements in the financial sector should have been done?
  • History of France economics over the past 20 years.
  • The history of economic analysis.
  • The concept of serfdom and slavery as the main economic engine of the past. Dive into the idea of feudalism and serfdom. Discuss its social and economic aspects.
  • The World Bank’s structure, history, activities.
  • The history of Islamic banking: concepts and ideas.

💫 How to Write an Economics Essay?

Generally, essay writing on economics has the same structure as any other essay. However, there are some distinctive features of economic papers. Thus, it is essential to figure them out from the very beginning of your work.

You might be wondering what those aspects of the economic paper are. Well, we have an answer.

An economic essay usually relies on the common essay structure.

Below, you will find a detailed plan that explains the fundamental concepts of the essay writing process. So, don’t hesitate to use our tips! They are indeed helpful.

Pick a topic and dissect it. Picking the right topic is the very basis of writing a successful essay. Think of something that you will be interested in and make sure you understand the issue clearly. Also, don’t forget to check our ultimate economics essay topics and samples list!

Research it. After selecting the right idea from our economical essay topics, research your subject thoroughly. Try to find every fascinating and intriguing detail about it. Remember that you can always ask your fellow students, friends, or a teacher for help.

Come up with a thesis statement. A thesis statement is an essential element of your essay. It will determine your focus and guide the readers throughout your paper. Make your thesis secure and try to catch the reader’s attention using context and word choice.

Outline your essay. Never underestimate the power of a well-structured outline! Creating an essay outline can significantly help you to determine your general plan. Evaluate which economic framework you will be using to address the issue. State the main points of your thesis and antithesis. Make sure that they answer the central question of your work.

Write your introduction. First and foremost, a practical introduction should capture the readers’ attention and state the essay’s key topic. So, put enough effort to develop an outstanding introduction. It will create the first impression of your paper.

Moreover, an introduction should include a thesis statement. As we have mentioned above, a thesis plays a crucial role. Thus, make sure it is clearly stated.

Another significant feature of the introduction is its coherence with the body of your essay. Consequently, the introductory paragraph’s last statement has to present the subject of the next section, generically. Also, keep in mind that no more than three key points can be discussed in a paper, even if it is an extended essay.

Thoroughly work on the body paragraphs. Usually, the body of the essay contains several paragraphs. The number of these paragraphs will depend on the nature of your question. Be sure to create one section for every critical point that you make. This will make your paper properly-structured, and the reader will quickly get your ideas. For your convenience, we created a plan to develop your ideas in each paragraph, So, use it and make your writing process easier!

  • Argument. Present your argument in the topic sentence of the paragraph in a way that directly answers the question. A hint: the most effective way to introduce the critical point is to place the topic sentence at the beginning of the paragraph. This will help the readers to concentrate their attention on a specific idea.
  • Comment and discussion. Explain the meaning of your argument and provide an economic analysis. Present clear evidence and persuasive arguments to solidify your position.
  • Connection. Link your comments with the vital point of the paragraph. Demonstrate the coherence of your evidence with the point.
  • Diagrams, tables, charts. If necessary, provide the reader with visual aids. Sometimes, an appropriate diagram or a suitable chart can say more than words. Besides, your paper will look more professional if you use any kind of visual aids.

Conclude your essay. In your conclusion, summarize and synthesize your work by restating your thesis. Also, it is crucial to strengthen it by mentioning the practical value of your findings. Remember to make your essay readable by choosing appropriate wording and avoiding too complex grammar constructions.

Create a reference list at the bottom of your economic essay if you referred to sources.

Thank you for visiting our page! Did you enjoy our article and learned something new? We are glad to help you. Don’t forget to leave a comment and share the article with others!

🔗 References

  • High School Economics Topics: Econlib, The Library of Economics and Liberty
  • Guide to Writing an Economics Essay: The Economics Tutor
  • How to Write the Introduction of Your Development Economics Paper: David Evans, Center For Global Development
  • Senior Essay: Department of Economics, Yale University
  • Developing A Thesis: Maxine Rodburg and The Tutors of the Writing Center at Harvard University
  • Academic Essay Writing, Some Guidelines: Department of Economics, Carleton University
  • The Writing Process: Writing Centre Resource Guide, LibGuides at Dalhousie University
  • Research Papers: KU Writing Center, the University of Kansas
  • Unpacking the Topic: University of Southern Queensland
  • Economic Issues: PIIE, Peterson Institute for International Economics
  • Areas of Research: EPI, Economic Policy Institute
  • Top 100 Economics Blogs Of 2023: Prateek Agarwal, Intelligent Economist
  • Current Environmental Economic Topics, Environmental Economics: US EPA, United States Environmental Protection Agency
  • Hot Topics in the U.S. Economy: The Balance
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IB Extended Essay: 250+ Ideas and Guide

Charles Whitehouse

What is the IB Extended Essay?

The Extended Essay , along with the Creativity, Activity, Service component and Theory of Knowledge , forms an integral part of the IB Diploma Programme . It offers IB high school students an opportunity to explore a topic of personal interest in-depth, develop research and writing skills, and experience the rigours of academic investigation.

One of the distinguishing features of the IB Extended Essay is its length. It requires students to write a substantial essay of up to 4,000 words, which is equivalent to about 16-20 pages. This allows students to delve into their chosen subject matter and demonstrate their ability to engage with complex ideas.

Over 88,000 IBDP students across the globe undertook the Extended Essay in 2022 as part of their IB Diploma requirements. It has been lauded as an effective preparation for university-level research and writing, helping students develop critical thinking, analytical, and independent research skills.

The Extended Essay is an opportunity for students to apply the knowledge and skills gained from their chosen subjects in a multidisciplinary manner. It encourages interdisciplinary exploration, enabling students to connect different areas of knowledge and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

In order to successfully complete the Extended Essay, students must adhere to a structured process that includes selecting a research question, conducting thorough research, organising their findings, and presenting their analysis and conclusions in a coherent manner. By undertaking the IB Extended Essay, students not only enhance their academic skills but also develop essential skills such as time management, critical thinking, and independent inquiry.

How to Choose Your Extended Essay Research Question?

Choosing a research question for your IB Extended Essay is a crucial step that sets the direction and scope of your investigation. Here are some key considerations to keep in mind when selecting your research question:

1. Personal Interest: Choose a topic that genuinely interests you. Passion for the subject matter will fuel your motivation and dedication throughout the research process.

2. Feasibility: Ensure that your research question is manageable within the constraints of the Extended Essay. Consider the availability of resources, time required for research and analysis, and the scope of the topic.

3. Specificity: Formulate a research question that is focused and specific. A broad question may lead to a lack of depth in your analysis, while a narrow question may limit the availability of relevant sources and data.

4. Relevance: Select a research question that is relevant to the subject you are investigating. It should align with the objectives and content of the chosen subject area.

5. Novelty: Aim for a research question that offers a unique perspective or contributes to existing knowledge. Originality in your approach and analysis can make your Extended Essay stand out.

6. Consultation: Seek guidance from your teachers, mentors, or IB tutors . They can provide valuable insights and help you refine your research question.

Remember that your research question will shape the entire trajectory of your Extended Essay, so take the time to carefully consider and refine it before proceeding with your research.

Now, let's explore a variety of ideas for each subject, providing you with a diverse range of potential topics to consider for your IB Extended Essay.

Top 10 IB Extended Essay Subjects in 2022

Top 10 IB Extended Essay Subjects in 2022

Extended Essay Ideas for Each Subject

1. How Do Fibonacci Sequences Apply in Real World Scenarios?

2. Do Fractals Have a Role in Modelling Weather Patterns?

3. Is the Monty Hall Problem Really Counter-Intuitive? A Statistical Analysis.

4. To What Extent Does the Golden Ratio Appear in Architecture?

5. How Does Bayesian Probability Predict Election Outcomes?

6. The Role of Game Theory in the Cold War: A Mathematical Perspective.

7. Can Catastrophe Theory Model Stock Market Crashes?

8. How Effective are Neural Networks in Predicting Future Events?

9. A Study of the Mathematical Strategies Employed in Chess.

10. Comparing the Accuracy of Different Numerical Methods for Solving Differential Equations.

11. Is Bitcoin's Value Deterministic or Stochastic?

12. How Does Voronoi Diagram Optimize Emergency Service Locations?

13. Using the Markov Chain to Predict Weather Patterns.

14. To What Extent is RSA Encryption Secure?

15. How Does Linear Algebra Apply in Computer Graphics?

16. An Investigation into the Math Behind Google's PageRank Algorithm.

17. How Effective is the Math Behind Machine Learning Algorithms?

18. Exploring the Effect of Maths in Optimising Traffic Flow.

19. Are There Mathematical Patterns in Successful Lottery Numbers?

20. How Efficiently Can Prime Numbers Be Generated?

Have a look at our comprehensive set of IB Study Notes and IB Practice Questions , developed by expert IB teachers and examiners!

English Literature

1. The Role of Feminism in Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice.

2. A Study of Racial Identity in Toni Morrison's The Bluest Eye.

3. Is Hamlet Truly Mad or Just Pretending? An Analysis.

4. The Impact of Post-Colonialism in Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart.

5. How Does Orwell Use Language to Depict Dystopia in 1984?

6. The Influence of Gothic Elements in Emily Bronte's Wuthering Heights.

7. The Depiction of Mental Illness in Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar.

8. The Role of Nature in William Wordsworth's Romantic Poetry.

9. The Effect of Social Hierarchy in F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby.

10. How Does Harper Lee Convey Themes of Racial Injustice in To Kill a Mockingbird?

11. Exploring Gender Stereotypes in George Eliot's Middlemarch.

12. The Role of Supernatural in Shakespeare's Macbeth.

13. Exploring the Influence of Marxism in George Orwell's Animal Farm.

14. A Study of Homosexuality in Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray.

15. How Does Virginia Woolf Explore Feminism in Mrs Dalloway?

16. The Depiction of War in Erich Maria Remarque's All Quiet on the Western Front.

17. The Role of the American Dream in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman.

18. The Use of Symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne's The Scarlet Letter.

19. A Study of Isolation in Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.

20. The Impact of Social Class in Charles Dickens' Great Expectations.

1. How Do Different pH Levels Affect the Activity of Enzymes in Yeast?

2. Investigating the Effects of Light Intensity on the Rate of Photosynthesis.

3. How Does Temperature Affect the Germination of Seeds?

4. Impact of Varying Salinity Levels on Brine Shrimp Survival Rates.

5. The Role of Epigenetics in Gene Expression: Case Study on Identical Twins.

6. To What Extent Do Different Antibiotics Inhibit Bacterial Growth?

7. How Does Caffeine Affect the Heart Rate of Daphnia?

8. An Investigation into the Impact of Pollution on Local Plant Diversity.

9. The Impact of Various Drugs on the Pulsation Rate of Lumbriculus variegatus.

10. Comparing the Efficacy of Natural Vs. Synthetic Pesticides on Plant Growth.

11. The Role of Gut Microbiota in Obesity: A Literature Review.

12. Does the Level of Vitamin C in Oranges Change Over Time?

13. How Do Different Types of Soil Affect Earthworm Activity?

14. Investigating the Correlation Between Altitude and Plant Biodiversity.

15. Analysis of Microplastic Concentration in Local Freshwater Bodies.

16. Impact of Noise Pollution on Birdsong: A Case Study.

17. A Comparison of Antibacterial Properties in Manuka Honey Vs. Regular Honey.

18. The Effect of Different Light Wavelengths on the Growth of Pea Plants.

19. How Does Exercise Intensity Impact Blood Glucose Levels?

20. Is There a Correlation Between Water pH and Aquatic Life Diversity?

1. How Does Temperature Affect the Rate of Reaction in the Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide?

2. Investigating the Effectiveness of Different Antacids on Stomach Acid.

3. A Comparative Study on the Vitamin C Concentration in Different Citrus Fruits.

4. How Does Cooking Time Affect the Vitamin C Levels in Vegetables?

5. To What Extent Does Enzyme Concentration Affect the Fermentation of Yeast?

6. Analysis of Caffeine Content in Different Types of Tea .

7. The Effect of Different Factors on the Corrosion of Iron.

8. How Does the Concentration of Sodium Chloride Affect the Electrolysis of Water?

9. Comparing the Energy Output of Different Biofuels.

10. The Effect of Temperature on the Crystal Size in the Recrystallisation Process.

11. Comparing the Acidities of Natural and Processed Foods.

12. Investigating the Effect of Various Catalysts on the Rate of Hydrogen Peroxide Decomposition.

13. Synthesis of Aspirin: A Study on the Purity of the Product.

14. Comparing the Efficiency of Different Types of Solar Panels.

15. Investigating the Impact of Carbonation on pH Levels in Various Soft Drinks.

16. The Effect of Chelating Agents on the Solubility of Metal Ions.

17. A Study on the Photodegradation of Dyes Using Titanium Dioxide.

18. How Do Different Sugar Types Affect Fermentation Rates in Yeast?

19. Analysis of Water Hardness in Various Local Water Supplies.

20. Investigating the Efficacy of Different Water Filtration Methods in Removing Heavy Metals.

1. Investigating the Relationship Between the Drop Height and Crater Size in a Simulated Impact.

2. How Does the Angle of Incidence Affect the Efficiency of a Solar Panel?

3. Analysing the Relationship Between the Length of a Pendulum and Its Period.

4. To What Extent Does the Mass of a Projectile Affect Its Range?

5. Investigating the Factors Affecting the Drag Force on a Falling Object.

6. A Study on the Efficiency of Different Insulating Materials in Reducing Heat Loss.

7. How Does the Depth of Water Affect Wave Speed?

8. The Relationship Between the Angle of Release and the Distance Traveled by a Trebuchet.

9. Investigating the Effect of Surface Area on Terminal Velocity.

10. How Does the Thickness of a Wire Affect Its Electrical Resistance?

11. The Impact of Varying Air Pressure on the Lift Force of an Airfoil.

12. Analysing the Relationship Between the Magnitude of an Earthquake and the Distance from the Epicentre.

13. Investigating the Factors Affecting the Speed of Sound in Different Media.

14. How Does the Concentration of a Solution Affect Its Refractive Index?

15. The Effect of Various Materials on the Absorption of Radiation.

16. A Study on the Efficiency of Wind Turbines at Different Wind Speeds.

17. Investigating the Effect of Temperature on the Viscosity of Liquids.

18. How Does the Type of Material Affect the Transmission of Sound Waves?

19. The Relationship Between the Angle of a Ramp and the Frictional Force Acting on an Object.

20. A Study on the Factors Affecting the Strength of Electromagnets.

1. The Impact of Social Media on Teenagers' Mental Health: A Cross-Cultural Study.

2. Investigating the Role of Parenting Styles in Child Development.

3. The Effect of Sleep Deprivation on Cognitive Performance.

4. How Does Classical Conditioning Apply in Advertising Strategies?

5. The Impact of Colour on Consumer Behaviour: A Study in Retail Settings.

6. The Role of Social Support in Coping with Stress.

7. To What Extent Does Personality Influence Career Success?

8. Investigating the Effect of Group Dynamics on Decision Making.

9. The Impact of Music on Cognitive Task Performance.

10. A Study on the Effectiveness of Different Techniques for Reducing Test Anxiety.

11. The Relationship Between Emotional Intelligence and Academic Performance.

12. Analysing the Impact of Stereotype Threat on Test Performance.

13. Investigating the Factors Affecting the Formation of False Memories.

14. How Does the Bystander Effect Manifest in Online Settings?

15. The Role of Mindfulness in Reducing Stress and Anxiety.

16. Analysing the Impact of Gender Stereotypes on Occupational Choices.

17. Investigating the Influence of Cultural Background on Conflict Resolution Styles.

18. The Impact of Video Games on Aggression: A Meta-Analysis.

19. A Study on the Factors Affecting Altruistic Behaviour.

20. The Role of Attachment Styles in Romantic Relationships.

1. Investigating the Impact of Unemployment on Crime Rates in Urban Areas.

2. The Effect of Immigration on Wage Levels: A Case Study.

3. To What Extent Does Government Spending Influence Economic Growth?

4. A Comparative Analysis of the Economic Impact of Tourism in Coastal Vs. Inland Regions.

5. Assessing the Impact of Brexit on the UK's Trade Balance.

6. The Role of Microfinance in Alleviating Poverty in Rural India.

7. Investigating the Effects of Minimum Wage Policies on Small Businesses.

8. The Impact of Covid-19 on the Global Supply Chain: A Study on the Auto Industry.

9. How Do Oil Prices Affect Inflation Rates? A Historical Analysis.

10. A Study on the Relationship Between Income Inequality and Economic Growth.

11. The Effect of Trade Tariffs on Domestic Industries: The Case of US-China Trade War.

12. The Role of Foreign Direct Investment in Economic Development of Emerging Markets.

13. To What Extent Does Education Contribute to Economic Productivity?

14. The Impact of Climate Change Policies on the Energy Sector.

15. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Fiscal Policy in Combating Recessions.

16. The Role of the Informal Economy in Urban Development: A Case Study.

17. Investigating the Correlation Between Real Estate Prices and Economic Growth.

18. The Impact of Population Aging on Healthcare Expenditure .

19. Assessing the Economic Consequences of Natural Disasters: A Case Study.

20. The Effect of Technological Advancements on Employment Rates in the Manufacturing Sector.

Business Management

1. The Impact of Leadership Styles on Employee Motivation in Tech Start-ups.

2. How Does Corporate Social Responsibility Influence Brand Image?

3. The Role of Human Resource Management in Employee Retention.

4. Investigating the Impact of E-commerce on Traditional Retail Businesses.

5. How Do Changes in Interest Rates Affect Small Business Financing?

6. The Role of Innovation in the Competitive Advantage of Businesses.

7. Investigating the Effects of Workplace Diversity on Team Performance.

8. The Impact of Organisational Culture on Employee Job Satisfaction.

9. How Does Supply Chain Management Affect the Profitability of Manufacturing Firms?

10. The Role of Digital Marketing in Enhancing Customer Engagement.

11. Assessing the Impact of Brexit on the Business Strategy of UK-based Companies.

12. The Effect of Ethical Practices on Business Reputation.

13. Investigating the Role of Strategic Alliances in Enhancing Market Position.

14. The Impact of Covid-19 on Remote Work Policies: A Case Study.

15. How Does Customer Relationship Management Influence Customer Loyalty?

16. The Effect of Government Regulations on Startup Ecosystem.

17. Evaluating the Role of Corporate Governance in Financial Performance.

18. The Impact of Merger and Acquisition on Employee Morale.

19. The Effect of Green Initiatives on Business Sustainability.

20. The Role of Business Intelligence in Decision-making.

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1. Investigating the Impact of Urbanisation on Local Biodiversity: A Case Study.

2. The Role of Climate Change in the Spread of Vector-borne Diseases.

3. The Effect of River Diversions on Local Ecosystems.

4. Assessing the Impact of Deforestation on Local Climate: A Case Study.

5. The Role of Tourism in the Sustainable Development of Coastal Regions.

6. Investigating the Impact of Gentrification on Urban Neighbourhoods: A Case Study.

7. The Effect of Climate Change on the Availability of Freshwater Resources.

8. Assessing the Impact of Agricultural Practices on Soil Erosion in Rural Areas.

9. Analysing the Relationship Between Population Density and Transportation Infrastructure.

10. The Role of Renewable Energy in Reducing Carbon Emissions: A Case Study.

11. Investigating the Impact of Land Reclamation on Coastal Ecosystems.

12. The Effect of Urban Sprawl on Air Quality in Major Cities.

13. Assessing the Vulnerability of Coastal Communities to Sea Level Rise.

14. The Impact of Industrialisation on River Water Quality: A Case Study.

15. How Does Waste Management Affect the Sustainability of Urban Areas?

16. Investigating the Relationship Between Income Inequality and Spatial Segregation.

17. The Role of Urban Green Spaces in Enhancing Residents' Well-being.

18. The Impact of Natural Disasters on Economic Development in Small Island Nations.

19. Analysing the Factors Affecting the Distribution of Earthquakes and Volcanic Activity.

20. The Effect of Land Use Change on Flood Risk in Urban Areas.

Computer Science

1. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Different Machine Learning Algorithms in Predicting Stock Prices.

2. Investigating the Impact of Encryption Techniques on Data Security.

3. The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Automating Routine Tasks.

4. How Does the Implementation of Blockchain Technology Affect Supply Chain Management?

5. Assessing the Impact of Social Media Algorithms on User Behaviour.

6. The Effect of Augmented Reality on the User Experience in Mobile Applications.

7. Investigating the Feasibility of Quantum Computing in Solving Complex Problems.

8. The Role of Big Data Analytics in Enhancing Business Decision-making.

9. Analysing the Factors Affecting the Adoption of Cloud Computing by SMEs.

10. The Impact of Cybersecurity Measures on the Prevention of Data Breaches.

11. Investigating the Ethical Implications of Facial Recognition Technology.

12. The Effect of Internet of Things on Energy Efficiency in Smart Homes.

13. Assessing the Impact of Virtual Reality on Gaming Industry.

14. The Role of Natural Language Processing in Enhancing Human-Computer Interaction.

15. How Does the Development of Autonomous Vehicles Affect Traffic Management?

16. Investigating the Scalability Issues in Distributed Systems.

17. The Effect of Software Development Methodologies on Project Success Rates.

18. The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Job Market: A Case Study.

19. Analysing the Factors Affecting the Performance of Mobile Networks.

20. The Role of Bioinformatics in Personalised Medicine.

Environmental Systems and Societies

1. Investigating the Impact of E-waste on Soil and Water Quality.

2. The Effect of Climate Change on Coral Reef Ecosystems.

3. Assessing the Impact of Invasive Species on Native Biodiversity.

4. The Role of Sustainable Agriculture in Reducing Environmental Degradation.

5. Analysing the Factors Affecting the Ozone Layer Depletion.

6. The Impact of Plastic Pollution on Marine Life: A Case Study.

7. Investigating the Feasibility of Carbon Capture and Storage Technologies.

8. The Role of Urban Planning in Reducing Air Pollution in Cities.

9. The Effect of Overfishing on Marine Ecosystems: A Case Study.

10. Assessing the Impact of Renewable Energy Sources on Carbon Emissions.

11. Investigating the Relationship Between Deforestation and Climate Change.

12. The Impact of Industrial Pollution on Local Communities' Health: A Case Study.

13. The Role of Waste Management in Reducing Ocean Pollution.

14. The Effect of Pesticides on Soil Microorganism Diversity.

15. Assessing the Impact of Dams on River Ecosystems.

16. Investigating the Efficacy of Reforestation Efforts in Carbon Sequestration.

17. The Role of Environmental Education in Promoting Sustainable Consumption Behaviours.

18. The Effect of Acid Rain on Forest Ecosystems: A Case Study.

19. Analysing the Impact of Mining Activities on Local Water Quality.

20. The Role of Green Infrastructure in Enhancing Urban Sustainability.

Social and Cultural Anthropology

1. Investigating the Impact of Globalisation on Indigenous Cultures: A Case Study.

2. The Role of Language in Shaping Cultural Identity.

3. Analysing the Influence of Cultural Practices on Gender Roles.

4. The Effect of Migration on Cultural Assimilation: A Case Study.

5. The Impact of Western Media on Body Image Perceptions in Non-Western Societies.

6. Investigating the Relationship Between Religion and Social Norms in a Given Society.

7. The Role of Cultural Traditions in Shaping Food Habits.

8. The Impact of Social Media on Cultural Exchange: A Case Study.

9. Analysing the Influence of Socioeconomic Status on Educational Attainment.

10. The Effect of Colonialism on Cultural Diversity: A Case Study.

11. Investigating the Role of Folklore in Preserving Cultural Heritage.

12. The Impact of Urbanisation on Traditional Social Structures: A Case Study.

13. The Role of Music and Dance in Cultural Expression.

14. Analysing the Influence of Cultural Factors on Mental Health.

15. The Effect of Cultural Beliefs on Healthcare Practices: A Case Study.

16. Investigating the Impact of Tourism on Local Cultures.

17. The Role of Rituals and Ceremonies in Social Cohesion.

18. The Impact of Legal Systems on Gender Equality: A Comparative Study.

19. Analysing the Cultural Adaptations of Immigrants in a New Society.

20. The Role of Art and Literature in Reflecting Social Changes.

Visual Arts

1. Investigating the Influence of Social Issues on Banksy's Street Art.

2. The Impact of Japanese Art on Claude Monet’s Painting Style.

3. Analysing the Representation of Women in Renaissance Paintings.

4. The Role of Surrealism in Salvador Dali's Artistic Expression.

5. Investigating the Cultural Symbolism in Frida Kahlo’s Self-portraits.

6. The Impact of Pop Culture on Andy Warhol's Art .

7. Analysing the Use of Light and Shadow in Caravaggio's Paintings.

8. The Role of Spirituality in Wassily Kandinsky's Abstract Art.

9. The Influence of African Art on Picasso's Cubist Period.

10. The Depiction of War and Its Aftermath in Otto Dix's Works.

11. Investigating the Use of Colour in Mark Rothko’s Abstract Paintings.

12. The Role of Indigenous Culture in Emily Carr's Landscape Paintings.

13. Analysing the Evolution of Political Themes in Chinese Contemporary Art.

14. The Effect of the Harlem Renaissance on Aaron Douglas' Art.

15. Investigating the Use of Geometric Shapes in Kandinsky’s Abstract Art.

16. The Role of Dutch Culture and Society in Vermeer's Paintings.

17. The Depiction of Nature in Georgia O'Keeffe's Works.

18. Analysing the Impact of Feminism on Barbara Kruger's Art.

19. Investigating the Influence of Post-Impressionism on Vincent van Gogh’s Style.

20. The Representation of the American Dream in Edward Hopper's Paintings.

World Studies

1. Investigating the Global Impact of the Covid-19 Pandemic on Mental Health.

2. The Effect of Climate Change on Food Security in Sub-Saharan Africa.

3. Analysing the Influence of Globalisation on Indigenous Cultures.

4. The Role of International Law in Resolving Border Disputes: A Case Study.

5. Investigating the Impact of Global Trade Policies on Developing Economies.

6. The Effect of Globalisation on Income Inequality: A Comparative Study.

7. Analysing the Influence of Western Media on Global Perceptions of Beauty.

8. The Role of International Organizations in Addressing the Refugee Crisis.

9. Investigating the Global Response to the Rise of Cybercrime.

10. The Impact of Climate Change on Natural Disaster Frequency and Severity Worldwide.

11. Analysing the Influence of Globalisation on Language Diversity.

12. The Role of Technology in Bridging the Education Gap in Developing Countries.

13. Investigating the Global Impact of Antibiotic Resistance.

14. The Effect of International Trade on Cultural Exchange: A Case Study.

15. Analysing the Impact of Global Warming on Polar Ecosystems.

16. The Role of the United Nations in Promoting Global Gender Equality.

17. Investigating the Impact of Social Media on Political Activism Worldwide.

18. The Effect of Globalisation on the Sustainability of Traditional Crafts.

19. Analysing the Global Strategies for Wildlife Conservation.

20. The Role of International Cooperation in Space Exploration.

How to Write a Great IB Extended Essay

Crafting an exceptional IB Extended Essay requires a combination of strategic planning, critical thinking, and effective writing. In this guide, we will provide you with valuable insights and practical advice to help you excel in your writing journey and produce an outstanding essay.

1. Develop a Clear and Coherent Structure : Creating a well-organised structure is crucial to convey your ideas effectively. Start by outlining the main sections and subtopics of your essay. Ensure a logical flow of information, with each paragraph building upon the previous one. This will guide the reader through your arguments and analysis smoothly.

2. Conduct Thorough and Methodical Research : Thorough research forms the foundation of a strong Extended Essay. Dive into reputable sources, including academic journals, books, and credible websites. Gather evidence, data, and expert opinions to support your arguments. Take meticulous notes and properly cite your sources to maintain academic integrity.

3. Apply Critical Thinking and Evaluation : Engage in critical analysis by examining and evaluating the evidence you've gathered. Assess the strengths and weaknesses of different viewpoints, theories, or methodologies. Develop your own informed perspective and present a well-reasoned argument supported by reliable evidence.

4. Craft Engaging and Coherent Paragraphs : Each paragraph should focus on a specific idea or argument, clearly stated in a topic sentence. Support your claims with evidence, examples, and relevant data. Use smooth transitions between paragraphs to ensure a cohesive and coherent essay.

5. Revise, Edit, and Proofread : Give yourself ample time for revising, editing, and proofreading your essay. Review your work for clarity, coherence, and consistency. Check for grammar, punctuation, and spelling errors. Consider seeking feedback from teachers, peers, or mentors to gain valuable insights and improve your essay further.

We asked one IB teacher what they had to say about writing a great essay:

"The key is to choose a topic that truly ignites your curiosity, one that you are passionate about exploring. Don't be afraid to think outside the box and delve into uncharted territories. Remember, this is your chance to showcase your unique perspective and make a meaningful contribution to your chosen field. Embrace the research process, be diligent in gathering reliable sources, and let your creativity shine through in your writing. And most importantly, enjoy the journey of discovery and growth that the Extended Essay offers."

Remember, the IB Extended Essay is an opportunity to demonstrate your intellectual curiosity, research skills, and ability to present a coherent argument. Choose a topic that genuinely interests you, stay organised throughout the process, and invest time in thoughtful analysis and writing. To maximise your chances of success, you may also want to purchase an Extended Essay textbook or get the help of an IB Extended Essay tutor .

IB Extended Essay Grade Distribution in 2022

IB Extended Essay Grade Distribution in 2022

Finding Reliable Sources for Your Extended Essay

When writing your IB Extended Essay, it is essential to rely on credible and trustworthy sources. Follow these strategies to find reliable information:

1. Use Academic Databases: Access reputable databases like JSTOR and PubMed to find scholarly articles and research papers relevant to your subject.

2. Consult Library Resources: Take advantage of books, encyclopaedias, and reference materials available in your school or local library.

3. Explore Digital Libraries: Visit digital libraries such as the Digital Public Library of America and Europeana for access to a wide range of digitised resources.

4. Evaluate Websites Carefully: Verify the credibility of the author or organisation, check for peer-reviewed articles or references, and consider the domain (.edu, .gov, or .org) for reliable information.

5. Utilise Scholarly Search Engines: Utilise specialised search engines like Google Scholar and Microsoft Academic to find academic publications.

6. Consult Subject-Specific Journals: Look for reputable journals in your field and review their latest issues for current research.

7. Seek Guidance from Librarians and Experts: Librarians and subject experts can offer valuable assistance in finding reliable sources and publications.

By following these strategies and critically evaluating the sources you find, you can ensure the credibility and integrity of your Extended Essay research. Reliable sources will strengthen your arguments and provide a solid foundation for your essay.

Strategies for Conducting Primary and Secondary Research

To conduct comprehensive primary and secondary research for your essay, consider the following strategies:

Primary Research

Surveys and Questionnaires: Create well-designed surveys or questionnaires to collect data directly from participants. Utilise online survey tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey for wider reach and convenient data analysis.

Interviews: Conduct interviews with subject experts, professionals, or individuals relevant to your research topic. Prepare insightful questions and record their responses for later analysis.

Experiments and Observations: Design and conduct controlled experiments or observations to gather firsthand data. Document procedures, measurements, and observations accurately.

Secondary Research

Literature Review: Conduct a thorough review of existing scholarly articles, books, and reports. Analyse and synthesise the information to identify research gaps and contribute to the existing knowledge.

Online Databases: Utilise reputable academic databases such as PubMed, JSTOR, and IEEE Xplore to access peer-reviewed articles and research papers specific to your subject area.

Government and Institutional Sources: Explore official government websites, research repositories of educational institutions, and databases of international organisations for reliable data, reports, and statistics.

Subject-Specific Sources: Identify subject-specific journals, publications, and conferences related to your research topic. These sources provide up-to-date research and insights from experts in the field.

Remember to consider ethical considerations throughout your research process, including obtaining necessary permissions, maintaining confidentiality, and respecting the rights and privacy of participants. Documentation of your research methods, sources, and any challenges faced is crucial. Analyse and interpret your findings critically, using them as evidence to support your arguments and contribute to your overall analysis.

Formatting and Structure Guidelines for the IB Extended Essay

To ensure a well-organised and coherent IB Extended Essay, consider the following structure as a guideline:

1. Title Page : Include essential information such as the title, subject, research question, and candidate number. Refer to the official IB Extended Essay Guide for specific requirements.

2. Abstract: Provide a concise summary of your essay, outlining the main research question, methodology, key findings, and conclusions. Limit the abstract to 300 words.

3. Table of Contents : Create a clear and accurate table of contents that outlines the structure of your essay, including sections, subheadings, and page numbers.

4. Introduction : Start with an engaging introduction that presents the research question, provides background information, and explains the significance of the topic. Clearly state the aim and objectives of your research.

5. Body : The body of your essay should delve into your research in-depth. Organize your content into coherent paragraphs, each addressing a specific aspect of your research. Consider the following elements:

a. Literature Review: Provide an overview of the relevant literature and theories related to your research topic. Analyse existing research, highlight key concepts, and discuss any debates or gaps in knowledge.

b. Methodology: Describe the research methodology employed, including the research design, data collection methods, and ethical considerations. Explain why the chosen methods are appropriate for addressing your research question.

c. Data Analysis and Findings: Present your findings based on the data collected. Use appropriate analysis techniques, such as statistical analysis or qualitative coding, to interpret your data and draw meaningful conclusions. Include tables, charts, or graphs to support your findings.

d. Discussion: Analyse and interpret your findings in the context of your research question. Explore the implications of your results, compare them with existing research, and discuss any limitations or challenges encountered during the research process.

6. Conclusion : Summarise your key findings, address your research question, and draw meaningful conclusions based on your analysis. Reflect on the implications and broader significance of your research. Highlight any recommendations for future research or areas for further exploration.

7. References : Include a comprehensive list of all sources consulted in your research. Follow the appropriate citation style (e.g., MLA, APA, or Chicago) for in-text citations and the bibliography. Accurately cite all sources, including books, articles, websites, and any other references used.

8. Appendices (if applicable): Include any supplementary materials, such as raw data, charts, graphs, or additional supporting evidence that are relevant to your research.

Typically, the Extended Essay has a word limit of around 4,000 words. It is important to note that this word count does not include footnotes, citations, and the bibliography. Additionally, the essay should be formatted using a standard font (e.g., Times New Roman or Arial) and a font size of 12 points. It is recommended to have double-spacing throughout the essay and to include page numbers.

The IB Extended Essay Assessment Criteria and Grading

The IB Extended Essay is assessed by examiners appointed by the IB on a scale of 0 to 34. Your essay will be evaluated based on five criteria, each carrying a specific point value. It is crucial to comprehend these criteria and how they relate to letter grades to gauge your performance accurately. Here's an overview of the assessment criteria:

Criterion A: Focus and Method (6 points maximum) Demonstrate a clear research question and a well-defined approach. Show how you applied appropriate research methods to investigate your topic.

Criterion B: Knowledge and Understanding (6 points maximum) Display a strong understanding of the subject matter, relevant concepts, and theories. Support your arguments with accurate and relevant evidence.

Criterion C: Critical Thinking (12 points maximum) Apply critical thinking skills to analyse and evaluate information, theories, and arguments. Demonstrate the ability to consider alternative viewpoints and draw well-reasoned conclusions.

Criterion D: Presentation (4 points maximum) Organize your essay effectively with a clear and logical structure. Use proper formatting, referencing, and citation methods consistently.

Criterion E: Engagement (6 points maximum) Engage in a reflective process throughout your research and writing. Show awareness of the strengths, limitations, and implications of your research.

To determine your letter grade, it is important to understand how the rubric assessment points correlate to the overall score. Here is a rough estimation of how the point values align with letter grades:

  • 30-34: Excellent - A
  • 25-29: Good - B
  • 17-24: Satisfactory - C
  • 9-16: Mediocre - D
  • 0-8: Elementary - E

However, relying solely on these point values is not sufficient. It is crucial to thoroughly read and comprehend the specific grade descriptors provided by the IB. These descriptors offer comprehensive information about the expectations and criteria that examiners consider when assigning letter grades.

The grade you receive on your IB Extended Essay contributes to your overall International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme points score. The Extended Essay and Theory of Knowledge combined are worth up to 3 points of the total 45 points available for the IBDP .

IB Extended Essay and TOK points matrix

IB Extended Essay and TOK points matrix

Final Thoughts

The IB Extended Essay is a challenging yet rewarding endeavour that allows high school students to showcase their research and analytical skills. With proper guidance and adherence to the assessment criteria, students have the opportunity to excel and achieve outstanding results. Embrace this opportunity to delve into a topic of interest, conduct in-depth research, and present your findings in a well-structured and engaging manner. Remember to consult reputable sources, seek guidance from your supervisor, and enjoy the journey of exploration and academic growth through the IB Extended Essay.

Is the IB Extended Essay hard?

The IB Extended Essay is undoubtedly a challenging undertaking, requiring significant effort and dedication, and is one of the hardest IB subjects . It is estimated that between 70% and 80% of IB students successfully complete the Extended Essay each year. Less than 14% of students received an A in the extended essay in 2022, showing its difficult.

Can you change your research question after starting the Extended Essay?

Yes, it is possible to change your research question after starting the Extended Essay. However, it is important to consult with your supervisor and ensure that the new research question still meets the requirements and aligns with the subject area you are pursuing.

When is the deadline to submit the Extended Essay?

The deadline to submit the Extended Essay can vary depending on the policies and timelines set by individual schools. In most cases, schools establish internal deadlines to ensure students have ample time to complete and revise their essays before the final submission. The typical deadline for submitting the Extended Essay is often set in the first half of the senior year, ranging from November to January. It is essential to check with your school's IB coordinator or Extended Essay coordinator for the specific deadline applicable to your academic institution.

Can you fail the Extended Essay?

Yes, it is possible to fail the Extended Essay if the work does not meet the required standards or does not fulfil the assessment criteria set by the IB. It is important to carefully follow the guidelines, seek guidance from your supervisor, and ensure your essay demonstrates strong research, analysis, and critical thinking skills. In 2022, 1.1% of students did not received no grade for their Extended Essays.

Can you fail the Extended Essay and still pass the IB?

Yes, it is possible to fail the Extended Essay and still pass the overall IB Diploma Programme. The Extended Essay contributes to a maximum of 3 points out of the total 45 points available for the diploma. Failing the Extended Essay means not earning any points from this component, but it does not necessarily mean failing the entire IB Diploma.

Can you collaborate with other students on the Extended Essay?

The IB allows limited collaboration with other students on the Extended Essay. While you can seek advice and support from others, it is important to maintain individual responsibility for your research, writing, and analysis. Collaboration should not compromise the integrity of your work, and any collaborative effort should be properly acknowledged and cited in your essay.

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Charles Whitehouse

Written by: Charles Whitehouse

Charles scored 45/45 on the International Baccalaureate and has six years' experience tutoring IB and IGCSE students and advising them with their university applications. He studied a double integrated Masters at Magdalen College Oxford and has worked as a research scientist and strategy consultant.

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Extended Essay Topics Economics

extended essay topics economics

Luke MacQuoid

Economics  is a crucial social science that examines the distribution of resources and value within society. It has a wide-reaching influence on nearly all aspects of daily life and can be utilized to improve modern society. 

With a vast array of subfields and areas of focus, selecting a relevant and engaging topic for an economics essay can be challenging. However,  we are here to assist in the selection process .

Tips for Choosing Interesting Economics Topics

Here are a few tips to help you choose an interesting and engaging economics topic for your essay:

Consider your interests : Choose a topic you are genuinely interested in, as this will make researching and writing your essay more enjoyable.

Look for current events : Economic issues are constantly changing, so consider selecting a topic that is currently relevant and in the news.

Be specific : Instead of choosing a general topic like “economic growth”, focus on a more specific aspect of it, such as “The impact of automation on economic growth.”

Consider different perspectives : Economic theories and policies often have multiple viewpoints. Try to find a topic that allows you to explore different perspectives.

Use a variety of sources : When researching your topic, make sure to consult a variety of sources to get a well-rounded view of your topic.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help : Your instructor or professor may have some great suggestions for topics or even better, ideas of a good direction for your research

Narrow down your field : Try to focus your area of research, the more you narrow it down, the more you’ll have to say about it.

Consider cross-disciplinary approaches : In some cases, it can be interesting to look at the same topic from different disciplines.

Keep in mind that there is a wealth of information and resources available, so take some time to explore and find a topic that aligns with your interests and skills.

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Need help with your Economics extended essay?

From research and analysis to structuring and editing, our skilled mentors will be by your side, helping you craft an exceptional extended essay that not only meets the stringent IB criteria but also reflects your passion for economics studies.

List of Economics Essay Topics

An extended essay in economics  is a research paper that provides an in-depth analysis of a specific economic topic. Here are a few examples of extended essay topics in economics that you might consider:

  • The impact of monetary policy on inflation in a specific country.
  • The economic effects of international trade agreements.
  • The role of technology in economic growth and development.
  • The relationship between income inequality and economic growth.
  • The effects of government spending on economic output.
  • The impact of natural resources on economic development in a specific region.
  • The determinants of foreign direct investment in a developing country.
  • The comparison of different economic systems and their effectiveness.
  • The impact of the changing demographics on the labor market and social security systems.
  • Impact of automation and artificial intelligence on employment and productivity.
  • An analysis of the factors affecting housing prices in a specific city or region.
  • The impact of taxes on small business growth and economic development.
  • The effects of climate change on agriculture and food security.
  • The role of education in economic development and growth.
  • The determinants of consumer spending and savings behavior.
  • An examination of the causes and consequences of currency fluctuations.
  • The impact of immigration on labor markets and wages.
  • The effects of government regulations on economic growth and productivity.
  • The impact of globalization on income inequality.
  • Analysis of the consequences of the debt on economic growth.

These topics are just a starting point, and you should work to narrow and focus your topic to make it more specific and unique. Also, your research should also be focused on your specific countries and take into account recent data and information while you keep it as up-to-date as possible. Also, it’s a good idea to try to find a topic that is interesting to you and that you have some background knowledge about. This will make the research and writing process more enjoyable and help you produce a more engaging and well-written essay.

To apply these economics extended essay topics  to your essays, you should start by thoroughly researching the topic and gathering relevant information from a variety of sources. Here are a few steps to help guide your research and writing process:

Understand the assignment : Make sure you have a clear understanding of the assignment and the expectations of your instructor or professor.

Research : Gather information from various sources, including books, journal articles, newspapers, and reputable websites. Be sure to use a variety of sources to get a well-rounded view of your topic.

Analyze and interpret : Once you have gathered information, analyze and interpret the data to determine the key points and insights relevant to your topic.

Create a thesis statement : Use the information and insights gained from your research to create a clear and concise thesis statement that outlines the main argument or point you will be making in your essay.

Organize your essay : Organize your essay into clear and logical sections, including an introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. Make sure each section flows smoothly and supports your thesis statement.

Use evidence to support your argument : Use the information and evidence gathered from your research to support your argument and provide examples to illustrate your points.

Cite your sources : Make sure to properly cite your sources according to the style guide required by your instructor or professor.

Revise and edit : Before submitting your essay, make sure to carefully review and edit your work to ensure that it is well-written and free of errors.

By following these steps, you will be able to effectively apply the topic to your essay and produce an essay that is well-researched, well-written, and well-argued.

Select your Economics EE research questions wisely

In conclusion, selecting an interesting and relevant topic is an essential first step in writing a successful economics extended essay. By choosing a topic that aligns with your interests and skills and utilizing a variety of sources to gather information, you can create an essay that is well-researched, well-written, and well-argued. However, writing a great essay also requires an understanding of the assignment, the use of evidence, and proper citation.

It’s also worth noting that one way for students to increase their chances of success in their essays is by seeking help from  an essay writing service . A professional essay writing service can provide guidance and support in the research and writing process, helping students to produce a high-quality essay that meets the requirements and expectations of the assignment. The professional essay writer could help students in organizing their thoughts, drafting a proper structure, and implementing the needed research. They also can review and edit the final essay to ensure that it is free of errors and presents a strong argument.

In short, a well-structured, well-researched, and well-written essay is the key to success in economics, and utilizing a professional essay writing service is a viable option for students to help them achieve their academic goals.

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Luke MacQuoid has extensive experience teaching English as a foreign language in Japan, having worked with students of all ages for over 12 years. Currently, he is teaching at the tertiary level. Luke holds a BA from the University of Sussex and an MA in TESOL from Lancaster University, both located in England. As well to his work as an IB Examiner and Master Tutor, Luke also enjoys sharing his experiences and insights with others through writing articles for various websites, including blog

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Extended Essay

Extended Essay Topics

Nova A.

Get Inspired: 110 Unique Extended Essay Topics and Ideas

14 min read

Published on: May 7, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 30, 2024

extended essay topics

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Are you struggling to choose an interesting topic for your extended essay? Do you feel overwhelmed by the vast array of options and the pressure to excel in your research?

Students often struggle with finding a good, researchable topic for their extended essays. But don't worry!

This blog offers 110 best extended essay topics and ideas, along with expert tips for success. With this read, you can easily get started on your extended essay. 

So, read on and discover a wide range of topics!

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IB Extended Essay Topics

IB extended essay topics are diverse, interdisciplinary, and self-directed. They can be chosen from a wide range of subjects and must be grounded in academic research. 

The topics are broad but feasible for in-depth research and writing. Writing an extended essay develops students' skills in critical thinking, and research, and prepares them for the future.

Here are extended essay topics categorized by subjects.

Biology Extended Essay Topics 

Here is a list of extended essay topics biology:

  • Investigating the effectiveness of different types of natural insecticides on pest control.
  • Analyzing the effect of X diet on gut microbiome composition and health.
  • Examining the role of gut microbiota in human health and disease.
  • Studying the genetic basis of addiction and its implications for treatment.
  • Exploring the potential of CRISPR/Cas9 gene editing for disease prevention and treatment.
  • Analyzing the effects of different types of stress on the human body and mind.
  • Examining the impact of X medication on the functioning of the Y organ system.
  • Investigating the potential of stem cells in regenerative medicine.
  • The effects of X substance on the behavior of Y cell type.
  • Analyzing the ecological impact of invasive species on native ecosystems.

English Extended Essay Topics

Here are some extended essay topics English literature:

  • Analyzing the use of symbolism in Nathaniel Hawthorne’s The Scarlet Letter.
  • Investigating the role of gender in Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.
  • How does Shakespeare use the theme of fate in Romeo and Juliet?
  • Examining the impact of colonialism in Chinua Achebe’s Things Fall Apart.
  • Analyzing the Theme of Power in J.R.R. Tolkien's Lord of the Rings.
  • How does F. Scott Fitzgerald critique the American Dream in The Great Gatsby?
  • Investigating the representation of race in Toni Morrison’s Beloved.
  • Analyzing the use of narrative structure in Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s One Hundred Years of Solitude.
  • How does George Orwell use satire to critique totalitarianism in Animal Farm?
  • Examining the use of magical realism in Isabel Allende’s The House of the Spirits.

Psychology Extended Essay Topics 

Check out this list of extended essay topics psychology:

  • Investigating the impact of childhood trauma on adult mental health.
  • Analyzing the relationship between personality traits and career success.
  • Investigating the effects of social media on adolescent self-esteem and body image.
  • Analyzing the impact of X drug on brain chemistry and behavior.
  • Analyzing the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in treating anxiety disorders.
  • Examining the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy in treating anxiety disorders.
  • Investigating the relationship between X personality trait and addiction.
  • Investigating the role of nature vs. nurture in the development of sexual orientation.
  • Examining the effects of sleep deprivation on cognitive performance and mood.
  • Investigating the impact of X's environmental factor on the development of Y's mental health condition.

Economics Extended Essay Topics 

Here is a list of extended essay topics in economics:

  • Exploring the relationship between government policies and income inequality in a particular country.
  • Investigating the relationship between X income inequality and economic growth.
  • Evaluating the effects of trade protectionism on domestic industries and consumers.
  • The impact of X technology on employment and labor markets.
  • Investigating the relationship between taxation and corporate social responsibility (CSR) practices.
  • Examining the role of innovation and entrepreneurship in driving economic growth.
  • The effectiveness of X price discrimination strategy in increasing firm revenue.
  • Exploring the role of corporate mergers and acquisitions in industry consolidation and market power.
  • Investigating the relationship between X tax policy and small business growth.
  • Assessing the impact of government regulation on the growth and development of emerging technologies.

Chemistry Extended Essay Topics

  • Investigating the effects of different types of sunscreen on UV radiation protection.
  • Analyzing the efficiency of different types of water filtration systems in removing contaminants.
  • Exploring the chemistry behind the flavors and aromas of different types of wine.
  • What are the chemical reactions involved in food preservation techniques?
  • Assessing the impact of different types of fertilizers on soil pH and plant growth.
  • Examining the chemistry of fermentation and its applications in the production of different types of alcoholic beverages.
  • What is the impact of air pollution on atmospheric chemistry and climate change?
  • Analyzing the chemical properties of different types of plastics and their environmental impact.
  • What is the chemistry behind the synthesis and properties of superconductors?
  • Studying the chemistry of batteries and their applications in energy storage.

Physics Extended Essay Topics

Here are some extended essay topics for physics:

  • Investigating the physics of fluid dynamics and its applications in aerodynamics.
  • Exploring the properties and applications of different types of superconductors
  • The effect of X wavelength on the speed of light in a medium.
  • The physics of magnetic levitation and its applications in transportation.
  • Investigating the relationship between X surface area and the rate of evaporation.
  • Exploring the properties and applications of different types of lasers.
  • Investigating the physics of nuclear fusion and its potential as a clean energy source.
  • Studying the relationship between the X spring constant and the period of oscillation of a mass-spring system.
  • Exploring the physics of quantum computing and its potential applications in computing and cryptography.
  • Analyzing the efficiency of heat engine technology.

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Extended Essay Topics Business

Here is a list of business management extended essay topics:

  • Examining the Relationship Between Corporate Culture and Employee Motivation
  • Assessing the Effects of Social Media Marketing on Consumer Behavior and Brand Awareness
  • Investigating the Factors that Contribute to Successful International Joint Ventures
  • Evaluating the Effectiveness of Talent Management Strategies in Recruiting and Retaining Top Employees
  • Analyzing the Impact of E-Commerce on Traditional Retail Business Models
  • Studying the Role of Emotional Intelligence in Effective Leadership and Team Management
  • Exploring Strategies for Managing Workplace Diversity and Inclusion
  • Investigating the Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Job Displacement and Workforce Development
  • Exploring the Benefits and Challenges of Strategic Partnerships for Business Growth and Innovation
  • Analyzing the Effects of Government Regulations on Business Operations and Profitability.

History Extended Essay Topics 

Here is some extended essay topics history:

  • Analyzing the Impact of the Opium Wars on China's Relationship with the West
  • Studying the Factors that Contributed to the Fall of the Roman Empire
  • Examining the Legacy of the Haitian Revolution and its Influence on Global Anti-Colonial Movements
  • Evaluating the Role of Women in the Civil Rights Movement in the United States
  • What Were the Causes and Consequences of the Spanish Civil War
  • Investigating the Factors that Led to the Rise of Fascism in Italy
  • The Impact of the American Indian Movement on Indigenous Rights in the United States
  • Evaluating the Success and Failures of the United Nations in Promoting International Peace and Security
  • What Became The Causes and Consequences of the Partition of India in 1947
  • Investigating the Role of Propaganda in Shaping Public Opinion during World War II.

Extended Essay Topics Computer Science

  • Enhancing Cybersecurity with Artificial Intelligence: An Investigation
  • Social Media Algorithms and User Behavior: An Analysis of Political Polarization
  • Ethical Implications of Facial Recognition Technology: An Examination
  • Detecting Financial Fraud with Machine Learning Algorithms: An Evaluation
  • Blockchain Technology in Supply Chain Management: A Study
  • Quantum Computing and Cryptography: An Investigation into Data Security
  • Computer Science and Sustainable Energy Technologies: A Review
  • Predictive Analytics for Healthcare: A Comparative Study of Data Mining Techniques
  • Autonomous Vehicles: An Exploration of Ethical and Social Implications
  • Assistive Technologies for People with Disabilities: A Critical Assessment of Computer Science Contributions.

Extended Essay Topics Global Politics

  • Assessing the effectiveness of UN peacekeeping missions in resolving conflicts
  • The impact of social media on political activism and social movements in the digital age
  • The role of international organizations in promoting human rights and humanitarian aid
  • The influence of neoliberalism on global economic policies and its impact on developing countries
  • Investigating the root causes of terrorism and strategies for combating it in the modern world
  • The impact of climate change on global politics and the role of international cooperation in addressing it
  • An Evaluation of China's Belt and Road Initiative and its impact on global economic and political power dynamics
  • The Role of soft power in shaping international relations and Diplomacy
  • Analyzing the ethical implications of drone warfare and targeted killings in contemporary warfare
  • The challenges and opportunities of refugee resettlement policies in developed countries.

Extended Essay Topics Geography

  • The relationship between tourism and environmental conservation in a specific region or national park.
  • Evaluating the effectiveness of different methods for managing and reducing plastic waste in coastal cities.
  • The impact of sea level rise on coastal communities and infrastructure in a particular location.
  • Comparing the effectiveness of different renewable energy sources for powering a specific region or country.
  • Assessing the impact of deforestation on the water cycle and water availability in a particular region.
  • Examining the impact of urbanization on the microclimate of a specific city or urban area.
  • Studying the potential impact of a future earthquake or volcanic eruption on a particular region or city.
  • What is the effectiveness of various adaptation strategies to mitigate the impact of climate change on agriculture in a particular region or country?
  • Investigating the relationship between air pollution and respiratory health in a specific urban area or region.
  • Assessing the impact of mining on the environment and local communities in a particular region or country.

Research Questions for Extended Essay 

Here is a list of research questions for extended essays:

  • To what extent has social media impacted political participation and activism among young people?
  • How does the representation of mental illness in literature reflect changing societal attitudes toward mental health over time?
  • What is the impact of the use of technology in the classroom on student learning outcomes?
  • To what extent do cultural factors shape perceptions of beauty and body image, and what are the potential negative effects of these perceptions on individuals and society?
  • How has the #MeToo movement impacted the legal and social responses to sexual harassment and assault?
  • What are the ethical implications of using artificial intelligence to make decisions in fields such as medicine or finance?
  • How has globalization impacted economic inequality both within and between countries?
  • To what extent do historical events such as colonization continue to shape contemporary social and economic disparities in certain regions or countries?
  • What is the psychological impact of exposure to violent or graphic media on children and adolescents?
  • How do cultural attitudes towards mental health differ across different regions or countries, and what are the implications of these differences for the treatment of mental illness?

Good Vs. Bad Research Questions

When creating research questions, it's important to know that they're not the same as essay topics. Good research questions have certain qualities that make them effective, while bad ones can lead to unsuccessful research. 

Let's talk about how to tell the difference!

Characteristics of a Good Extended Essay Topic

Choosing a good extended essay topic is crucial to the success of your project. Here are some characteristics to keep in mind:

  • Personal interest: Select a topic that you find interesting and fascinating. This will make the research and writing process much more enjoyable.
  • Feasibility: Choose a topic that is feasible within the given time and resource constraints. Consider factors such as access to information and availability of sources.
  • Originality: Aim for a topic that is original and unique. Avoid choosing a topic that is too broad or generic.
  • Significance: Select a topic that is significant and relevant to the subject area. The topic should have relevance beyond the extended essay itself.
  • Research potential: Choose a topic that has ample scope for research and analysis. This will ensure that you have enough material to write a comprehensive essay.

By considering these characteristics, you can select an extended essay topic that will result in a rewarding project.

How to Choose an Extended Essay Topic?

The extended essay is an opportunity to explore a topic of personal interest and develop research skills while demonstrating its understanding.

Here are some things IB students should consider when choosing an EE topic:

Understand the EE Guidelines

To choose an appropriate topic for your extended essay, you must first familiarize yourself with the requirements set by the IB program. 

You can refer to an extended essay guide for this. This will ensure that your chosen topic is within the scope of the program and meets the necessary academic standards.

Brainstorm and Narrow Down Options

Brainstorming is a crucial step in selecting an extended essay topic. Start by generating a list of ideas based on your interests and passions. 

Narrow down options by considering feasibility, resources, and research questions.

Consider Personal Interests

Selecting a topic that matches your interests can enhance your extended essay research and writing process.

Consider your strengths and weaknesses when choosing a topic to ensure successful completion of the project.

Evaluate the Feasibility and Scope of Topic

It is essential to evaluate the feasibility and scope of your chosen topic before committing to it fully. 

Consider factors such as the availability of resources, potential research questions, and the time and effort required to complete the project. Make sure that your chosen topic is manageable and realistic within the given timeframe.

By carefully picking the right topic, you can take the first step towards ensuring a good extended essay grade.

With the list of topics provided and the tips on how to choose, you are well-equipped to begin your extended essay journey. 

However, if the process still seems overwhelming, don't hesitate to reach out to our college essay-writing service for help. 

Our AI essay writer can write your extended essay on any topic you need.

Also, our writers can guide you in choosing a topic, conducting research, and crafting a well-structured essay that meets the requirements. 

With our extended essay writing service , you’ll get a top-quality essay that earns you the grade you deserve. 

Frequently Asked Question (FAQs)

What is a good extended essay topic.

A good extended essay topic is one that aligns with your personal interests and passions, and allows for in-depth research and analysis.

What is the easiest extended essay topic?

There is no one "easiest" extended essay topic, as the level of difficulty can vary based on individual strengths and weaknesses. However, selecting a topic that you have a strong background knowledge in can make the process easier.

Is it easy to get an A in an extended essay?

It is possible to get an A in an extended essay, but it requires a strong understanding of the chosen topic, thorough research, and well-structured writing that meets all the requirements.

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World Studies Extended Essay: Global Themes

  • Introduction
  • Getting Started
  • Global Themes
  • Interdisciplinary Research
  • What Makes Up a "Discipline"?
  • Evaluating the Insights of Academic Disciplines
  • Multiple Forms of Integration
  • Evaluating Your Essay
  • Common Stumbling Blocks
  • Examples of Globally Conscious Students

World Studies Global Themes

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Conflict, peace, and security Culture, language, and identity Environmental and/or economic sustainability Equality and inequality Health and development Science, technology and society

Conflict, peace, and security

Culture, language, and identity, environmental and/or economic sustainability, equality and inequality, health and development, science, technology and society, wsee documents.

WSEE Subject Guide and worksheets

  • IB EE Subject Guide - World Studies, 2018
  • Making Meaningful Connections Use this worksheet to help you think about your research plans: the concepts or methods your will be using, the global topic you're focusing on, and the academic disciplines you will be using.

RRS (Researcher's Reflection Space)

  • Sample Prompts for the WSEE RRS What should you write in your RRS? Use these questions and prompts to help you think through the various stages of the research for your WSEE: your initial ideas, your thoughts and reflections during the process, and your conclusions.
  • RRS Example B - World Studies

RPPF (Researcher's Planning and Progress Form) examples:

  • RPPF Example 5 - World Studies
  • RPPF Example 7 - World Studies

IB Extended Essay Guide & Timeline

Check the Extended Essay guide for specific guidance on completing the various steps in the research and writing process of the EE, and  these documents:

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Splendid Ideas for Extended Essay Topics

As opposed to ordinary essays, extended essays require more factual backup. Therefore, writing a solid extended essay requires considerably more dedication and research, as well as more critical thinking and experimentation. When writing an extended essay, it is crucial to keep in mind all the existing relevant theories and keep all the facts you refer to substantiated.

Here are some examples of possible topics in various fields of study for a splendid extended essay for you to choose from:

  • How photosynthesis can take place without sunlight
  • How does a plant grow differently when it has to share its habitat with others
  • How to store cow milk safely
  • How does change of habitat affect an organism
  • How are land plants different from aquatic ones
  • Is remote pollination possible
  • How various drugs affect human brain
  • How plants can heal disease
  • Can flowers be manufactured
  • How climate affects the reproduction process of plants
  • Trade policies in different countries
  • What does the industrial policy mean
  • The overall influence of fiscal policy on the economy
  • Expansionary fiscal policy and when it can be used
  • Taxes and Spending: The tools to make it more effective
  • How big is the government sector in economy and is it justified
  • Why does personal income tax go to the federal budget
  • How do transfer payments work
  • How does the business cycle cause instability in the labor market
  • Why does recessionary gap occur
  • Racial Conflict and racism throughout the 20th century
  • Spirituality Attitudes of People
  • Ethnic and sexual identity in the 1990s
  • How ideas of social Darwinism got translated into politics
  • The significance of the literary function of a language
  • How does media portrayal influence everyday life
  • Female empowerment in Tolkien’s Lord of the Rings
  • Why is it important to learn English literature
  • John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars
  • Sarah Dessen’s Just Listen
  • Lisa Kleypas’s Devil In Winter
  • The Importance of Dance in Emma by Jane Austen
  • Possible parallels between Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein monster and Gregor Samsa from Franz Kafka’s Metamorphosis
  • Noblemen and noble traits. Illustrated by three exemplary characters
  • Religion and religious imagery in Emily Bronte’s Wuthering Heights
  • Racism as illustrated by James Baldwin
  • Exploring Jane Austen
  • Inanimate objects in Sylvia Plath’s Bell Jar
  • How did the continents come to their present-day location
  • What factors influence the location of industries
  • The impact of economic development on the environment
  • Levels of cultural interaction between the neighboring nations
  • How geography affects the relationships between people
  • Does gendered economy have any connection to geography
  • How are nations with access to the sea different from the ones without
  • Oceanography and its significance for preserving the quality of water
  • How the knowledge of the terrestrial crust has evolved in the past 100 years
  • Why is it important to explore the seabed

extended essay topics

  • Why did the USSR fall apart
  • The bias in the Salem witch trials
  • The Treaty of Versailles and its significance
  • Cuban missile crisis and its consequences
  • The pact between Stalin and Hitler and its realization
  • Why was Pearl Harbor a game-changing checkpoint in the 2nd World War
  • The evolution of perception of opium as a rural culture
  • Political motives in Shakespeare's drama
  • The reasons for the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki
  • How the Roman Empire conquered Britain
  • Spirograph and curves
  • Using color polynomials to distinguish knots
  • Voting polynomials and fairness of constitution
  • Methodology employed by statistics
  • Why planets move the way they do
  • Egyptian forces in arithmetic
  • Symmetries of plane tessellations
  • General relativity and cosmology
  • Egyptian fractions and their significance for arithmetic
  • General functions of the theory of partitions
  • Understanding the terminology of physics
  • The basics of dynamics: forces and motion
  • How energy can be conserved
  • The phenomenon of heat
  • The nature of electricity and electrical energy
  • The nature of magnetism and magnetic force
  • Particles and their interactions
  • The nature and behavior of light
  • Main stages in the development of the physical thought
  • The scientific methods employed by modern physics
  • How parental negligence leads to child obesity
  • Why are we so obsessed with fast food
  • How narcissist mother influences her child
  • How is television connected to obesity
  • Preterm delivery and adjacent stress
  • Types of suicidal behaviors and how they develop
  • How not to allow an abortion damage the mental health
  • Violence and other abuse among teenage couples
  • Difference between male and female schizophrenia
  • Psychological reasons causing depression
  • Intelligent machines essay
  • How global food crisis affects our everyday lives
  • How to tell that an issue is of global significance
  • How local factors influence the developing expressions
  • How to make globally appreciated contributions
  • How global climate changes affect our view of the world
  • Global terrorism: Its causes and consequences
  • Why energy security is necessary
  • Health safety precautions every traveler should know
  • The importance of ongoing cultural exchange
  • Immigration and emigration: Causes and consequences

There are your ultimate topics for extended essays in English, History, Mathematics, and other subjects. The final word of advice while choosing an extended essay topic on any of those subjects would be to pick something that you feel passionate about. And, of course, you have to make sure that the scope of your topic meets the number of pages you have to write. Say, for example, you are a high school student, and you are supposed to write a 3-page essay. Obviously, you will not be able to dig into many details; so choose accordingly.

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extended essay economics ideas

Options for Navigating the 2025 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Expirations

Executive summary.

Policymakers should have two priorities in the upcoming economic policy debates: a larger economy and fiscal responsibility. Principled, pro-growth tax A tax is a mandatory payment or charge collected by local, state, and national governments from individuals or businesses to cover the costs of general government services, goods, and activities. policy can help accomplish both.

Congress is staring down the expiration of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA), and Tax Foundation is prepared to provide insight and analysis on the policies at stake. Since its enactment in 2017, the Tax Foundation team has studied the TCJA’s underlying construction and resulting strengths and weaknesses. We have also analyzed fundamental reforms that would dramatically improve the U.S. tax system to support economic growth as well as greater efficiency and simplicity.

Whether lawmakers target fundamental tax reform or follow the outline of the TCJA, they will confront decisions on what to prioritize in this forthcoming round of tax reform. In that regard, staying within the overall TCJA construct, the Tax Foundation team has analyzed difficult, but revenue-neutral ways to build a pro-growth set of reform options that would not significantly worsen the deficit once changes to the economy are considered or substantially change the distribution of the tax burden across the income scale.

The alternative reform options outlined in this paper may not be politically popular, but they would grow the economy and provide sufficient revenue to avoid significantly increasing our nation’s debt. The two alternative options would further broaden the tax base The tax base is the total amount of income, property, assets, consumption, transactions, or other economic activity subject to taxation by a tax authority. A narrow tax base is non-neutral and inefficient. A broad tax base reduces tax administration costs and allows more revenue to be raised at lower rates. for individual income (more so than the TCJA), maintain much of the individual rate cuts from that law, improve the business tax base to support investment, and maintain the corporate tax rate of 21 percent.

Both reform options would provide working families and businesses with more long-term certainty than the current expiring tax code and remove many of the tax code’s special interest provisions.

The options prioritize provisions that have the largest “bang for the buck,” or the most economic growth per dollar of revenue loss. These include immediate cost recovery Cost recovery is the ability of businesses to recover ( deduct ) the costs of their investments. It plays an important role in defining a business’ tax base and can impact investment decisions. When businesses cannot fully deduct capital expenditures, they spend less on capital, which reduces worker ’s productivity and wages. for investments in the types of machinery and equipment upon which millions of small and large businesses depend, as well as immediate write-offs for investments in research and development. These two policy changes support a growing economy like no other tax policies proposed since the corporate tax rate was reduced from 35 percent to 21 percent. The options would also extend better cost recovery to investments that are currently excluded, resulting in more neutral tax treatment across assets.

The options in this paper show that pro-growth tax reform that does not add to the deficit requires tough choices. If lawmakers do not like the types of choices represented here, there are still other pro-growth options to achieve similar goals. Tax Foundation has modeled several alternative options over the last year. Our primary concern is not to endorse any of the specific policy options here, but to provide a resource to lawmakers so they can create sound tax policy.

With respect to the two options in this paper, the first would support an economy that is 1.4 percent larger in the long run and reduce the long-run debt-to-GDP ratio by 1.7 percentage points compared to what would happen under current law. The second option would have somewhat smaller impacts with an economy that is 0.9 percent larger and a debt-to-GDP ratio that is 0.1 percentage points larger.

Working families and businesses deserve a tax code that prioritizes growth and fiscal responsibility. This paper demonstrates multiple ways to reach those goals without substantially changing the distribution of the tax burden. These options can help Congress as lawmakers begin the difficult work of designing legislation to prevent an automatic, detrimental tax hike at the end of 2025.

Key Findings

  • Unless Congress acts, the vast majority of Americans will see higher, more complicated taxes beginning in 2026 as major provisions from the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of 2017 expire.
  • The TCJA reduced average tax burdens for taxpayers across the income spectrum and temporarily simplified the tax filing process through structural reforms. It also boosted capital investment by reforming the corporate tax system and significantly improved the international tax system.
  • If Congress fully extends the individual, estate, and business provisions, federal tax revenues would fall by more than $4 trillion on a conventional basis and by nearly $3.5 trillion on a dynamic basis over the coming decade; and without spending cuts, debt and deficits would increase.
  • At a time of already high national debt, rising deficits, and higher interest rates, Congress should exercise fiscal responsibility when deciding how to extend the expiring changes.
  • The decision process should be guided by promoting growth and critical principles of sound tax policy: simplicity, neutrality, transparency, and stability.
  • Lawmakers must avoid economically counterproductive approaches to fiscal responsibility, such as paying for individual income tax An individual income tax (or personal income tax) is levied on the wages, salaries, investments, or other forms of income an individual or household earns. The U.S. imposes a progressive income tax where rates increase with income. The Federal Income Tax was established in 1913 with the ratification of the 16th Amendment . Though barely 100 years old, individual income taxes are the largest source of tax revenue in the U.S. cuts with higher taxes on business investment or trade.
  • Tax Foundation outlines two approaches that illustrate possibilities and difficult trade-offs for designing a pro-growth and fiscally responsible extension of the TCJA without raising taxes on investment or trade.

Lawmakers Will Have to Reform the Tax Code in 2025

The 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (TCJA) reduced average tax burdens for taxpayers across the income spectrum by temporarily changing the structure of the individual income tax, including lower rates, wider brackets, a larger standard deduction The standard deduction reduces a taxpayer’s taxable income by a set amount determined by the government. It was nearly doubled for all classes of filers by the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act ( TCJA ) as an incentive for taxpayers not to itemize deductions when filing their federal income taxes . and child tax credit A tax credit is a provision that reduces a taxpayer’s final tax bill, dollar-for-dollar. A tax credit differs from deductions and exemptions, which reduce taxable income, rather than the taxpayer’s tax bill directly. in lieu of personal and dependent exemptions, and limitations on itemized deductions. The reforms also reduced the individual income tax compliance burden by making it more advantageous for most filers to take the standard deduction and by eliminating the complexity of calculating their taxes again under the alternative minimum tax for millions of filers. Those changes all expire at the end of 2025, along with several TCJA business provisions over the next several years.

2025 Tax Reform Options for Tax Cuts and Jobs Act TCJA Expirations Timeline

Absent congressional action, the tax system will largely revert to its previous structure, placing a higher and more complex tax burden on most people, as well as a higher tax burden on investment. Extending all the changes would greatly reduce federal tax revenue when debt is already high and deficits are rising.

As lawmakers face the challenge posed by the upcoming expirations, they should be guided by the principles of sound tax policy: simplicity, neutrality, transparency, and stability. Weighing how each provision affects individuals’ tax burdens, federal revenue, the complexity of today’s income tax system, and, most importantly, the effects of taxes on economic growth, will help prioritize which provisions should be permanent and how they should be funded.

One looming threat is that Congress will offset the cost of extending the individual tax cuts by hiking economically harmful taxes elsewhere. Several proposals have already surfaced suggesting higher taxes on corporations, investment, work, and saving to pay for continuing the TCJA’s lower taxes for individuals. Elsewhere, higher tariffs (taxes on U.S. purchases from foreign businesses) have been proposed to offset the cost of individual tax cuts. While such proposals may offset the fiscal cost of TCJA extensions, they would worsen incentives for productive activity in the United States and impose significant economic costs on the same taxpayers they purport to help. The expirations in 2025 should not be used to further riddle the tax code with distortions, redistributions, and economically harmful provisions to pay for tax breaks for some at the expense of economic growth for all.

Instead, lawmakers should use the opportunity in 2025 to further simplify and improve the tax code. Broadening the individual income tax base and ensuring permanence for better cost recovery provisions and lower tax rates would make the system more pro-growth without significantly reducing federal revenues or harming incentives to work and invest.

Ideally, tax reform would reach farther than the TCJA provisions alone. Tax Foundation has outlined several options for fundamental reform, including moving to a flat individual income tax paired with a distributed profits tax A distributed profits tax is a business-level tax levied on companies when they distribute profits to shareholders, including through dividends and net share repurchases (stock buybacks). , as other nations have successfully implemented, as well as moving to a consumption-based business profits and household compensation tax. Such reforms would go beyond the TCJA’s changes to the income tax system and move instead toward a consumption tax A consumption tax is typically levied on the purchase of goods or services and is paid directly or indirectly by the consumer in the form of retail sales taxes , excise taxes , tariffs , value-added taxes (VAT) , or an income tax where all savings is tax- deductible . system. However, short of the consumption tax reform ideal, policymakers should avoid economically counterproductive tax hikes on business, trade, and investment to offset the cost of individual tax cuts. We illustrate two better options that primarily rely on base broadeners to pay for TCJA-like extensions.

The Expiring Tax Provisions

The TCJA adjusted tax bracket A tax bracket is the range of incomes taxed at given rates, which typically differ depending on filing status. In a progressive individual or corporate income tax system, rates rise as income increases. There are seven federal individual income tax brackets; the federal corporate income tax system is flat . thresholds and widths to reduce marriage penalties and reduced five of the seven individual income tax rates. Rates fell from 10 percent, 15 percent, 25 percent, 28 percent, 33 percent, 35 percent, and 39.6 percent to 10 percent, 12 percent, 22 percent, 24 percent, 32 percent, 35 percent, and 37 percent.

The TCJA reconfigured tax adjustments for household size, shifting tax benefits toward lower- and middle-income households with roughly revenue-neutral adjustments to the standard deduction, personal and dependent exemptions, and the child tax credit (CTC). Specifically, the TCJA:

  • Increased the standard deduction from $6,350 to $12,700 for singles and from $12,700 to $25,400 for married joint filers in 2018, adjusted annually for inflation Inflation is when the general price of goods and services increases across the economy, reducing the purchasing power of a currency and the value of certain assets. The same paycheck covers less goods, services, and bills. It is sometimes referred to as a “ hidden tax ,” as it leaves taxpayers less well-off due to higher costs and “bracket creep,” while increasing the government’s spending power.
  • Increased the CTC from $1,000 to $2,000, with the maximum refundable portion increased from $1,000 to $1,400 in 2018, adjusted for inflation until it reaches $2,000; lowered the CTC phase-in threshold from $3,000 to $2,500; and lifted the phaseout thresholds from $75,000 to $200,000 for single filers and from $110,000 to $400,000 for married couples filing jointly
  • Created a nonrefundable $500 credit for certain dependents who do not meet the CTC eligibility guidelines
  • Suspended the personal exemption, which had previously allowed households to reduce their taxable income Taxable income is the amount of income subject to tax , after deductions and exemptions . For both individuals and corporations, taxable income differs from—and is less than—gross income. by $4,050 for each filer and dependent, adjusted annually for inflation

To simplify the tax system and offset part of the cost of the rate reductions, the TCJA reduced itemized deductions by:

  • Lowering the cap on home mortgage interest deductions from $1 million in principal to $750,000 and making interest on home equity debt nondeductible
  • Introducing a $10,000 limitation on the itemized deduction Itemized deductions allow individuals to subtract designated expenses from their taxable income and can be claimed in lieu of the standard deduction . Itemized deductions include those for state and local taxes , charitable contributions, and mortgage interest . An estimated 13.7 percent of filers itemized in 2019, most being high-income taxpayers. for state and local taxes paid
  • Suspending miscellaneous itemized deductions such as casualty and theft losses

The TCJA also simplified the tax system by significantly reducing the number of households caught up in the alternative minimum tax (AMT) by increasing the AMT exemption and the exemption phaseout thresholds and by repealing the Pease limitation on itemized deductions.

For noncorporate businesses, the TCJA established a temporary 20 percent deduction that effectively reduced marginal tax rates by 20 percent. The pass-through deduction is subject to several complex limitations that restrict the benefit of the provision for high-income households.

The TCJA also introduced a limitation on excess business loss deductions for noncorporate businesses. It disallows losses that exceed income by more than $250,000 for single filers and $500,000 for joint filers. The thresholds adjust for inflation each year. The limitation was scheduled to be in effect from 2018 through 2025 but it was postponed to tax years beginning after 2020 during the coronavirus pandemic. The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) of 2021 then extended the limitation through 2026 and the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) of 2022 extended the limitation through 2028.

The TCJA doubled the estate tax exemption A tax exemption excludes certain income, revenue, or even taxpayers from tax altogether. For example, nonprofits that fulfill certain requirements are granted tax-exempt status by the Internal Revenue Service ( IRS ), preventing them from having to pay income tax. from $5.6 million in 2017 to $11.2 million in 2018, adjusted for inflation moving forward.

For corporate businesses, the TCJA permanently reduced the corporate tax rate to 21 percent, from a previous top rate of 35 percent. [1] The TCJA temporarily enacted full expensing Full expensing allows businesses to immediately deduct the full cost of certain investments in new or improved technology, equipment, or buildings. It alleviates a bias in the tax code and incentivizes companies to invest more, which, in the long run, raises worker productivity, boosts wages, and creates more jobs. for most short-lived business investments, such as equipment and machinery, through a provision known as 100 percent bonus depreciation Bonus depreciation allows firms to deduct a larger portion of certain “short-lived” investments in new or improved technology, equipment, or buildings in the first year. Allowing businesses to write off more investments partially alleviates a bias in the tax code and incentivizes companies to invest more, which, in the long run, raises worker productivity, boosts wages, and creates more jobs. . The provision began phasing out by 20 percentage points each year after the end of 2022 and will fully expire after the end of 2026.

To offset the long-run cost of the lower corporate tax rate, the TCJA introduced requirements to amortize research and development (R&D) expenses over five years for domestic R&D and 15 years for foreign-sited R&D beginning in 2022 and limit deductibility of interest expenses initially based on earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation Depreciation is a measurement of the “useful life” of a business asset, such as machinery or a factory, to determine the multiyear period over which the cost of that asset can be deducted from taxable income . Instead of allowing businesses to deduct the cost of investments immediately (i.e., full expensing ), depreciation requires deductions to be taken over time, reducing their value and discouraging investment. , and amortization (EBITDA). Since 2022, the interest limitation has become significantly tighter due to a switch from EBITDA to earnings before interest and taxes (EBIT).

R&D amortization, tighter limits on interest deductions, and the phaseout of bonus depreciation are all policies put in place by the TCJA to reduce or offset the cost of the corporate provisions.

Making the TCJA permanent thus entails restoring the individual, noncorporate, and estate tax An estate tax is imposed on the net value of an individual’s taxable estate, after any exclusions or credits , at the time of death. The tax is paid by the estate itself before assets are distributed to heirs. reforms as well as 100 percent bonus depreciation, R&D expensing, and the EBITDA-based interest limitation.

Economic and Revenue Effects of TCJA Permanence

In all, making the TCJA permanent would boost long-run GDP by 1.1 percent and employment by 913,000 full-time equivalent jobs, while reducing revenue by $4.0 trillion on a conventional basis. Though TCJA permanence would be pro-growth, it would still result in significant revenue losses on a dynamic basis, amounting to $3.5 trillion over the 10-year budget window. In the long run, TCJA permanence would increase the debt-to-GDP ratio by 25.5 percentage points conventionally and 19.0 percentage points dynamically.

TCJA permanence would increase after-tax incomes across all income groups on a conventional and dynamic basis. In 2026, taxpayers would see an average increase of 2.9 percent in their after-tax incomes; the bottom quintile’s increase would be slightly below the average at 2.2 percent while the top quintile would be above the average at 3.4 percent.

At the end of the budget window, the average increase in after-tax incomes would be 2.3 percent, slightly smaller because the one-time increase in revenue costs from transitioning to better cost recovery would have faded. On a dynamic basis, after-tax incomes would increase by 3.0 percent on average.

Because TCJA permanence would be a substantial tax cut, all income groups would see increases in their after-tax incomes, on average, on a conventional basis. In addition to the tax cuts, because TCJA permanence would increase economic output, taxpayers across the income spectrum would see higher pre-tax incomes on a dynamic basis under the larger economy.

Analyzing the TCJA’s Bang for the Buck

Altogether, we estimate the 10 tax cuts (lower rates and brackets, larger standard deduction, larger child tax credit and other dependent credit, the pass-through deduction, Pease limitation repeal, AMT changes, estate tax changes, EBITDA, 100 percent expensing, and R&D expensing) would reduce federal tax revenue by $7.4 trillion. The four base broadeners (SALT cap, other itemized deduction limitations, personal exemption repeal, noncorporate loss limitation) partially pay for the tax cuts by raising nearly $3.4 trillion.

Not every dollar of the $7.4 trillion in lower taxes has the same effect on economic growth or tax compliance and administration costs. The most pro-growth provision by far is permanence for 100 percent bonus depreciation, illustrating how improving investment incentives creates the most economic return for each dollar of tax revenue forgone. Indeed, recent studies have determined that the TCJA’s corporate tax reforms, including lowering the corporate tax rate and providing 100 percent bonus depreciation, significantly boosted investment in the United States. [2]

Improving Tax Treatment of Investment Leads to Most Economic Growth 2025 Tax Reform Options Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Expirations

Of course, economic growth is not the only metric by which to judge a tax provision. For example, the alternative minimum tax requires taxpayers to calculate their tax liability the ordinary way, then again for AMT purposes. Taxpayers must add back several ordinary tax deductions, then subtract an AMT exemption, determine whether they are subject to the phaseout of the AMT exemption, and then calculate their tax liability under the AMT rates (of 26 percent and 28 percent) and pay whichever tax is highest.

Because the AMT rates are lower than ordinary rates, taxpayers caught up in the alternative system face lower marginal tax rates, but they also face a much higher compliance burden and potentially higher average tax rates. Past IRS estimates indicate an average compliance burden of more than 12 hours per taxpayer subject to the AMT, and the TCJA’s changes reduced AMT filers from 5 million in 2017 to 244,000 in 2018. [3] Likewise, the TCJA’s larger standard deduction, combined with limitations on itemized deductions, further simplified the tax system by reducing the number of filers who itemize their deductions. The Joint Committee on Taxation (JCT) estimated the number of itemized filers would decline from 46.5 million in 2017 to just over 18 million in 2018, implying nearly 30 million households would find it more advantageous to take the standard deduction. [4]

On the other hand, some tax cuts, such as the pass-through deduction and the more generous deduction for interest expenses, increase economic growth but raise other concerns regarding neutrality and simplicity. For example, the argument for including the pass-through deduction, which reduced the tax rates faced by noncorporate businesses, in the TCJA was to achieve parity with the rate reductions C corporations received. But rather than parity, estimates of effective tax rates by business type show that noncorporate businesses face lower marginal tax rates than corporate businesses, in large part due to the pass-through deduction. [5]

Limiting interest deductibility continues to be a worthwhile policy goal, as it moves the tax base closer to one on consumption and scales back the tax bias for debt over equity.

Accordingly, considerations in addition to growth, including the effects on complexity, compliance costs, and administrative costs, should guide lawmakers as they consider what to include in a tax reform package.

Alternatives for Extending the TCJA

In 2025, lawmakers will debate how to prioritize better cost recovery for business investment, lower individual rates and a broader tax base, and changes to family provisions. Tax Foundation believes a top priority should be to craft a tax reform package that prioritizes economic growth and moves the tax code toward simplicity, transparency, neutrality, and stability.

The first alternative we model, i.e., Option 1, focuses on the policies changed by the TCJA. It starts with permanence for 100 percent bonus depreciation and R&D expensing and expands better cost recovery to structures with the policy of neutral cost recovery. Neutral cost recovery would retain the current depreciation schedules for structures (27.5 years for residential real estate and 39 years for commercial real estate) but would augment the depreciation deductions with adjustments for inflation and the time value of money. In real terms, the neutral cost recovery adjustments hold companies harmless for having to wait to take deductions. Option 1 also eliminates all green energy tax credits and the newly enacted 15 percent corporate alternative minimum tax (CAMT).

For individual income taxes, Option 1 retains the TCJA’s CTC and personal exemption changes. It expands the standard deduction, reduces tax rates, and alters tax brackets, but all to a slightly smaller degree than the TCJA to reduce the revenue cost of the tax reductions.

To offset the cost of the reductions, Option 1 fully eliminates all Schedule A itemized deductions, which also significantly simplifies the structure of the tax. Building on the simplification, it fully eliminates the individual AMT. To reduce marriage penalties, it sets the head of household brackets and standard deduction equal to single filer thresholds.

Option 1 makes the TCJA’s increase in the estate tax exemption permanent, switches the limitation on interest back to EBITDA but at a lower percentage (17 percent instead of 30 percent), and allows both the Section 199A pass-through deduction and non-corporate loss limitation to expire.

The second alternative we model, i.e., Option 2, incorporates all the changes from Option 1, then further broadens the individual income tax base by ending the income tax exclusion for employer-provided fringe benefits, most notably health insurance. The additional revenue from ending the exclusion offsets the cost of making the CTC fully refundable and further lowering individual income tax rates and widening brackets.

Both Option 1 and Option 2 illustrate the tough trade-offs lawmakers will face in 2025, even short of pursuing a more comprehensive overhaul of the entire tax system. The biggest challenge lawmakers will face is that while broadening the tax base reduces distortions and complexities and offsets the fiscal impact of rate reductions, it also imposes costs on the narrow groups of taxpayers currently benefiting from each provision.

Permanence for the TCJA would increase the 10-year deficit by more than $4 trillion conventionally and $3.5 trillion dynamically, before added interest costs. By contrast, Option 1 and Option 2 would reduce revenue by a much smaller magnitude on a conventional basis, by $488.5 billion and $182 billion over 10 years. On a dynamic basis, both options would be approximately revenue neutral over the budget window. And though the revenue impact between TCJA permanence and the options is markedly different, both options have a positive effect on the long-run economy. Option 1 would increase long-run GDP by 1.4 percent and Option 2 by 0.9 percent. The larger economy and revenue-neutral impact on a dynamic basis together would lead to a 1.7 percentage point reduction in the debt-to-GDP ratio over the long run under Option 1 and a very slight increase of 0.1 percentage points under Option 2, measured on a dynamic basis.

On average, after-tax income After-tax income is the net amount of income available to invest, save, or consume after federal, state, and withholding taxes have been applied—your disposable income. Companies and, to a lesser extent, individuals, make economic decisions in light of how they can best maximize their earnings. would rise for all quintiles under both options, by 0.5 percent conventionally under Option 1 and from 0.3 percent to 0.4 percent conventionally under Option 2. Under Option 1, in 2026, the 80 th to 95 th percentile would see a reduction in after-tax income on a conventional basis, and under Option 2, the 80 th to 99 th percentile would see a reduction in after-tax incomes in 2026. On a long-run dynamic basis, all groups would see increases in after-tax income by 1.6 percent on average under Option 1 and by 1.1 percent under Option 2.

Fundamental Tax Reform Options

Even after the reforms made by the TCJA, the U.S. tax system still closely resembles a broad income tax, generally taxing a person’s current earnings (whether spent or saved) plus the change in the value of their existing assets (such as dividends, capital gains, interest, etc.). By taxing income this way, the tax system places a higher tax burden on future or deferred consumption. Taxing income also requires complicated determinations on how to define income, which increases the complexity of the tax code and makes it harder for families to file their taxes and claim certain tax benefits.

In some cases, however, the tax system adopts provisions like retirement savings accounts for individuals and investment deductions for businesses that eliminate double taxation Double taxation is when taxes are paid twice on the same dollar of income, regardless of whether that’s corporate or individual income. for specific forms of saving and investment. These provisions, however, are limited and complex.

Both options outlined above retain the general structure of the income tax, albeit with marked improvements such as better deductions for business investment and reduced (or eliminated) itemized deductions. Full cost recovery moves the business tax code closer to a consumption-based tax but it does not remove the tax bias against saving at the individual level.

A more fundamental reform would move away from the income tax system and replace it with a consumption tax system. Table 6 illustrates the economic, revenue, and distributional differences of two comprehensive reforms proposed by Tax Foundation.

The first proposal would replace the entire business income tax system with a 20 percent distributed profits tax resembling Estonia ’s tax system and make significant reforms to individual, capital gains, and estate taxes, including a flat rate of 20 percent on individual income to match the distributed profits tax rate. [6]

The second proposal would replace the current business and individual income tax systems with a modified value-added tax, applying a 30 percent rate to destination-based cash flow of businesses and a progressive tax A progressive tax is one where the average tax burden increases with income. High-income families pay a disproportionate share of the tax burden, while low- and middle-income taxpayers shoulder a relatively small tax burden. ranging from 10 percent to 30 percent on household compensation. [7] Both reforms would significantly simplify the tax system, move toward a consumption tax base, and reduce tax penalties on work, saving, and investment. With changes to tax rates, either plan could be made more progressive and raise more revenue, with relatively smaller economic trade-offs because the tax base would be appropriately designed.

As lawmakers look to change the tax system in 2025, pursuing more comprehensive tax reform offers more significant economic and simplification benefits and can be done in a fiscally responsible manner. The distributed profits tax plan would substantially boost revenue within the budget window; in the long run, it would lose revenue on a conventional basis and be slightly revenue raising on a dynamic basis. The larger economy and increased tax revenue together would result in a reduction in the debt-to-GDP ratio of 9.2 percentage points over the long run, on a dynamic basis. The household compensation and business profits tax would lose revenue within the 10-year budget window, but would be revenue neutral on a conventional basis and revenue raising on a dynamic basis in the long run. The plan would have a small impact on the debt-to-GDP ratio over the long run, increasing it by 1.5 percentage points.

The upcoming expirations of the 2017 Tax Cuts and Jobs Act provide lawmakers the opportunity to build on what the TCJA did well and avoid some of its pitfalls. The TCJA boosted investment, simplified the tax filing process, and cut taxes for households across the income spectrum.

Rising deficits, debt, and interest rates should push lawmakers toward a more fiscally responsible approach than in 2017, but they must exercise caution when evaluating how to pay for tax cuts. The principles of simplicity, neutrality, stability, and transparency should guide the debate, and the end goal should be a tax code that is less harmful to economic growth and supports fiscal responsibility.

The best outcome would be a comprehensive reform of the income tax system toward a consumption tax system. Short of that, lawmakers should at a minimum aim to reduce tax preferences and broaden the tax base to offset the costs of TCJA extensions, rather than raising economically harmful taxes on corporations, international trade, or high-income individuals to pay for a continuation of TCJA policies. The goal of any tax reform should be to improve incentives for Americans to work, save, and invest, and to significantly simplify the complex process people face in complying with the current tax system.

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[1] The TCJA also moved the international tax system toward a territorial one by exempting foreign profits from domestic taxation and creating anti-base erosion provisions targeted at high-return foreign profits, intangible income, and income stripped out of the United States. The four main components of the new international tax system are the participation exemption, GILTI, FDII, and BEAT, and the latter three provisions are scheduled to become more restrictive after the end of 2025. A forthcoming Tax Foundation publication will discuss international tax policy options.

[2] Gabriel Chodorow-Reich, Matthew Smith, Owen Zidar, Eric Zwick, “Tax Policy and Investment in a Global Economy,” National Bureau of Economic Research, March 2024,

[3] Demian Brady, “Tax Complexity 2021: Compliance Burdens Ease for Third Year Since Tax Reform,” National Taxpayers Union, Apr. 15, 2021,

[4] The Joint Committee on Taxation, “Tables Related to the Federal Tax System as in Effect 2017 Through 2026,” Apr. 24, 2018, .

[5] Kyle Pomerleau, “Section 199A and ‘Tax Parity,’” American Enterprise Institute, Sep. 12, 2022,

[6] William McBride, Huaqun Li, Garrett Watson, Alex Durante, Erica York, and Alex Muresianu, “Details and Analysis of a Tax Reform Plan for Growth and Opportunity,” Tax Foundation, Jun. 29, 2023,

[7] Erica York, Garrett Watson, Alex Durante, and Huaqun Li, “How Taxing Consumption Would Improve Long-Term Opportunity and Well-Being for Families and Children,” Tax Foundation, Oct. 12, 2023,


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