write an internship resume

How to write an internship resume (+ an example)

Your resume is an important part of securing your dream internship. See how to write an amazing internship resume with an example below.

How to write an internship resume (with an example)

Are you ready to bridge the gap between what you’ve learned in school and the real world? Do you want to learn new skills, build connections, and make your mark in your chosen industry? Internships serve as stepping stones during your professional journey and provide opportunities for personal and career growth.

Securing a great internship starts with a killer resume. Your professional resume is your ticket to the interview and your chance to impress potential employers from the get-go. That's why we've put together this helpful intern resume writing guide with six simple steps to help you create an internship resume that stands out.

From organizing your resume's structure to highlighting your most relevant skills and experiences, we’ve got you covered. In this article, we'll even provide an example resume to guide and inspire you along the way.

Whether you're a college student eager to land your first internship or a recent graduate ready to make your mark, an effective internship resume is a game-changer. Let's jump right in and start crafting a resume that opens doors to exciting internship experiences.

How to write an internship resume in 6 steps

When it comes to internships, recruiters know that you might not have years of experience under your belt. But don't worry! The key is to highlight your potential, eagerness to learn, and genuine enthusiasm for the internship. Use each resume section to show how your qualifications and skills make you a valuable asset to the organization.

Step 1: Resume heading

Kick things off with a clear and professional header at the top of your resume, including all the essential contact information (full name, phone number, and email address). Ensure your email address sounds professional — avoid any wacky or unprofessional aliases — and consider adding a link to relevant social media accounts (like your LinkedIn profile).

Step 2: Objective or summary statement (optional)

A resume objective or resume summary statement gives hiring managers a sneak peek into your career goals by highlighting specific skills that make you perfect for the internship. Tailor this section to the internship you're after. Show them how your objectives align with the organization's goals.

Step 3: Education

The education section is your chance to show off your college or university experience. Tell them your major or area of study and consider including your GPA. Don't forget to mention any cool coursework that's relevant to the internship. If you're still in the process of getting your degree, give them a heads up on when you'll be crossing that graduation finish line.

Step 4: Work experience

In the experience section, include any internships, volunteer work (a great resume builder!), or any other relevant work history. Describe the tasks you handled and any achievements you rocked in each role. Focus on those transferable skills that make you a superstar — things like teamwork, communication, problem-solving, and organization. Highlight how your previous professional experiences have set you up for success in this internship and contributed to your personal growth.

Step 5: Certifications/special projects/skills

This skills section showcases the professional certifications and specific soft skills (personal skills and abilities that can help in any job) or hard skills (technical or job-specific skills) that make you stand out from the crowd. Include any special projects or extracurricular activities that show your passion for the field, too. This is your chance to spotlight those unique skill sets and experiences that make you a true rockstar candidate.

Step 6: Awards & honors (optional)

If you've been lucky enough to receive any awards, honors, scholarships, or recognition for your academic or professional prowess, this is the perfect spot to showcase them. Highlighting your accomplishments shows your dedication and excellence and lets potential employers know you're a true go-getter.

Resume formatting tips

Let's talk about some other ways to make your internship resume shine. First off, keep it to a single page. Internships usually involve limited experience, so a concise resume works best. Be selective and focus on highlighting the most relevant information that showcases your qualifications.

When it comes to spacing, give your text some room to breathe. Leave enough white space between sections and paragraphs to make it visually appealing and easy to read. Break up the content using bullet points, headings, and subheadings to make it more organized and reader-friendly.

Stick to a legible font throughout your resume so it's easy on the eyes (aim for a font size of 10 or 11 points for the main content). You can make headings and section titles a bit larger (around 12 or 14 points) to create visual emphasis and hierarchy.

Margins matter, too! Ensure you have enough space on all sides of your resume. A margin size of 0.5 to 1 inch is standard and gives your resume a clean, professional look.

Lastly, don't forget to proofread for any grammar or spelling errors. A polished and error-free document shows your attention to detail and professionalism.

Following these tips to craft a well-organized, visually pleasing internship resume will make a memorable impression on potential employers and increase your chances of landing that dream internship.

You can also get help with formatting your resume by downloading our free internship resume template .

Internship resume example

Use this resume sample as a guide to create a resume that will dazzle hiring managers. Customize your resume based on the specific job description you are applying for.

[Your full name]

[City, state, ZIP code]

[Phone number]

[Email address]

[LinkedIn profile link]

Motivated and dedicated individual seeking an internship opportunity to gain practical experience and further develop skills in [specific field]. Committed to contributing to an organization’s success through a strong work ethic, adaptability, and a passion for learning.

Bachelor of [Degree], [Major]

[University Name], [City, State]

[Year of graduation]

Relevant coursework

  • [Course 1]: [Course description]
  • [Course 2]: [Course description]
  • [Course 3]: [Course description]
  • Technical skills: [List relevant technical skills (e.g., programming languages, software proficiency)]
  • Communication: Excellent verbal and written communication skills demonstrated through [specific examples, such as presentations or publications]
  • Problem-solving: Ability to analyze complex problems and develop innovative solutions
  • Teamwork: Collaborative approach to working with diverse teams to achieve common goals
  • Adaptability: Quick learner with the ability to thrive in fast-paced and changing environments
  • Organization: Strong organizational skills with the ability to prioritize tasks and meet deadlines

Relevant work experience

[Company/Organization name], [Location]

[Position title], [Dates]

  • [Responsibility 1]: [Describe your key responsibilities and achievements]
  • [Responsibility 2]: [Describe your key responsibilities and achievements]

[Company/Organization Name], [Location]

[Position Title], [Dates]

[Project Name], [University/Company], [Dates]

  • [Describe the project, your role, and the skills utilized or developed]
  • [Highlight any notable achievements or outcomes]

Leadership and extracurricular activities

  • [Describe your responsibilities and contributions]


  • [Certification 1]: [Certifying authority], [Year]
  • [Certification 2]: [Certifying authority], [Year]

What about an internship cover letter?

When it comes to internship applications, a cover letter may not always be required (check the internship description for requirements) but it can make a world of difference. A carefully crafted cover letter has the power to make you shine amidst a sea of candidates and increase your chances of landing that coveted internship.

Read our tips for writing an internship cover letter , where we spill the secrets of how to write a killer cover letter that perfectly complements your resume and sets you up for success.

Which companies are hiring for internships on Handshake?

Land an amazing internship.

As you wrap up crafting your winning internship resume, remember that it's not just about the length or the formatting — it's also about showcasing your potential, passion, and unique qualities that make you a perfect fit for the internship. Tailor each section to align with the internship position and emphasize your relevant skills and experiences. With this resume as your tool, you're ready to make a lasting impression and land that dream internship.

Need help finding the perfect internship? Head over to Handshake , download our app, and create your profile. You’ll have access to the most opportunities of any job platform for students and new college grads, as well as tons of helpful advice and tips for launching your career.

Now go out there and get that internship!

Find the right jobs for you. Get hired.

Related stories, most recent stories.

  • • Contributed to a cutting-edge project focusing on the enhancement of depth estimation techniques, increasing model accuracy by 15%.
  • • Developed and tested machine learning models using Python and PyTorch, achieving a reduction in computational resource usage by 20%.
  • • Coursework: Advanced Programming Languages, Algorithms and Data Structures, Computer Architecture, Operating Systems, Machine Learning, and Network Security.
  • • Projects: Developed a mobile app that uses real-time data to enhance user interaction. Applied theoretical knowledge to practical, real-world problems, fostering both technical proficiency and creative problem-solving skills.

5 Intern Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your intern resume must highlight relevant coursework and academic achievements. Showcase projects or assignments that demonstrate practical skills applicable to the job. In addition, include any extracurricular activities or volunteer work that exhibit teamwork and leadership qualities. These experiences reinforce your ability to collaborate and take initiative, essential traits for any intern.

All resume examples in this guide

internship description for resume examples

Resume Guide

Resume format

Resume experience

Resume skills

Education & certifications

Resume objective

Additional sections

Key takeaways

Intern resume example

“Internships help you build your resume and gain valuable on-the-job skills,” says a Glassdoor article . That’s like stating the obvious. To land that internship, you still need a resume that looks every bit as professional as an executive’s. Feeling caught in a vicious circle already?

Unlike the standard student resume , which lists any and all types of jobs, an intern resume is a bit different. It's not just about showcasing your job history—it’s about highlighting specific skills and experiences that align precisely with the internship you’re eyeing. Every section of your resume should support your career aspirations and speak to the needs of potential employers.

It’s safe to say that the key to a standout intern resume is customization. In this guide, we’ll show you how to tailor your resume to reflect who you are and who you want to become professionally. Also:

  • What resume format to use to direct recruiters’ attention to your top skills and achievements.
  • How to write about your previous experience and back it up with concrete examples of success.
  • What are transferable skills and why they matter when building an intern’s resume.
  • How to create an effective education section and let HR staff know you’re serious about your career path.
  • How to further personalize your resume with additional sections and an intern cover letter for maximum impact.

Before we dive in, check out these resume guides for specific internship roles:

  • Product Manager Intern Resume
  • Software Engineer Intern Resume
  • Data Analyst Intern Resume
  • Engineering Intern Resume
  • Social Media Intern Resume
  • Social Work Intern Resume
  • Accounting Intern Resume
  • Design Intern Resume
  • Computer Science Intern Resume
  • Human Resources Intern Resume
  • Finance Intern Resume
  • Sales Intern Resume
  • Marketing Intern Resume
  • Data Science Intern Resume
  • IT Intern Resume
  • Real Estate Intern Resume

Resume format for interns

According to NACE , paid interns are nearly twice as likely to secure employment after graduation compared to non-interns. A stunning 68% of these students  receive job offers from the same organizations where they interned. Now, you can imagine how important it is to make the best impression possible from the start.

A well-crafted resume can jump-start your career in your chosen field and potentially within your preferred company. You simply have to convince HR staff and applicant tracking systems (ATS) how driven and hard-working you are. Let us explain.

Almost 90% of organizations use ATS to scan your resume for keywords . This is a quick way to identify if you’ve understood the assignment by simply counting how many times the keywords from the job posting appear on your resume.

Therefore, when building your intern resume, you should tailor it to the specific job you’re applying for. The first thing you need to take care of is the resume format.

The very first thing I tell every intern on the first day is that their internship exists solely on their resume…

Jay Samit, Serial Entrepreneur

We usually speak of three types of resume formats.

  • Reverse- c hronological resume : This is the most common format and lists your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with the most recent. It's useful if you have some relevant work experience or have been involved in internships, part-time jobs, or volunteer work related to your field of study. However, if you're just starting out in your career, it's probably best to avoid this format—it'll just highlight your lack of experience.
  • Functional resume : This format focuses on your skills and experience rather than the reverse-chronological order of your work history. It's a good option for interns who may not have a lot of work experience but have skills relevant to the job they're applying for. You can organize it by skills or projects, highlighting contributions or achievements related to each skill.
  • Combination (hybrid) resume : As the name suggests, this format combines elements of both reverse-chronological and functional resumes. It allows you to highlight your relevant skills at the top of your resume followed by your work history.

For most interns, the hybrid or functional resume often works best , especially if you lack solid previous experience. These formats let you emphasize your skills, academic projects, or volunteer work that apply to the job you are seeking.

Is your resume good enough?

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Next, it’s time to decide which resume sections  you’ll need on your internship resume.

The top sections on an internship resume

  • An e ducation section  detailing your academic background and relevant coursework.
  • A strong skills section  to demonstrate your job-relevant capabilities.
  • Previous experience  highlighting practical industry exposure or interest.
  • An  objective statement at the top of your resume, serving as a professional pitch.
  • Projects and achievements  showcasing your applied knowledge and results.

Below is the information you need to provide in these sections in order to create both a readable and engaging resume.

What recruiters want to see on a resume for an internship

  • Relevant educational background aligning with job requirements.
  • Internship or part-time job experience that shows practical skills.
  • Extracurricular activities implying teamwork and leadership.
  • Technical skills specific to the industry or role.
  • Academic projects related to the job proving real-world application.

Consider this the bare structure of your resume—a well-thought-out document with a list of keywords ready to be strategically placed. Let’s focus on optimizing your content to improve your chances of getting past the ATS.

How to write an intern resume experience section

Most interns feel overwhelmed by this stage. How do you organize an experience section  with so little relevant experience? Yes, you might have scanned items at Target  in the summer, but will that help if you want to land an internship in Google’s BOLD program ?

The answer is yes. Here’s why.

Recruiters know that interns come with little to no experience. They don’t expect you to list every single table you’ve waited on in the past couple of years. They do expect, however, to get an overview of the transferable skills  you’re bringing to their organization. They want to see how you made a difference in your previous roles (be it paid or volunteer) and how this can translate into your next career move.

Let’s go back to the Target cashier who wants to do an internship with Google. Look at this intern’s experience section.

  • • Handled daily financial transactions at the checkout.
  • • Provided customer service and resolved inquiries.
  • • Promoted store loyalty programs to customers.
  • • Organized the front-end area to streamline the checkout process.

This experience section entry seems to miss the mark.

  • It lacks specificity : The bullet points are very general and don’t highlight specific skills or achievements that could translate into value for a role at Google. They lack quantified outcomes that could show the applicant's impact and effectiveness in their role.
  • Missing relevance to the role : The tasks described are typical for a cashier position but don't connect directly to the skills and experiences sought in a tech-oriented internship like Google's BOLD program. Skills related to technology, innovation, project management, or analytical thinking, are more likely to be relevant.
  • Absence of description : The experience item has no description section,  which could be an opportunity to frame routine responsibilities in a way that underscores transferable skills like fast learning, dealing with complex transactions, or handling pressure.
  • Generic presentation : Overall, the presentation of the experience is straightforward and lacks a strategic angle that aligns it with the goals and values of a tech company like Google. It fails to tell a compelling story of why this experience is relevant and how it prepares the candidate for an internship in such a dynamic and innovative setting.

The point here is not to lie about your skills  and responsibilities, but to think of a clever way to match them with the requirements of the target (no pun intended) role. See how this can be done below.

  • • Processed over 1,000 transactions per week with a 99.5% accuracy rate, ensuring reliable financial handling.
  • • Assisted approximately 150 customers daily, providing information and resolving issues to enhance customer satisfaction.
  • • Contributed to a 10% increase in-store loyalty card sign-ups by effectively promoting the benefits to customers.
  • • Implemented a new organization system for the front-end area, reducing clutter and improving the checkout process efficiency.

This revised version checks the following boxes:

  • Quantified achievements : The bullets provide specific metrics such as "processed over 1,000 transactions per week with a 99.5% accuracy rate". These quantified results illustrate the applicant's direct impact on business operations, reflecting a strong work ethic and precision.
  • Demonstrated skills : Detailing assistance to approximately 150 customers daily showcases the cashier's ability to manage high volumes of customer interactions, highlighting skills in communication and problem-solving, which are critical in any role at Google where enhancing user experience is key.
  • Operational improvements : By mentioning the implementation of a new organization system that improved the checkout process, the candidate illustrates their initiative and ability to implement changes that lead to efficiency improvements. This aligns with Google's culture of innovation and optimization.
  • Relevance to teamwork and adaptability: Managing financial transactions and customer service in a high-traffic retail environment shows the candidate's ability to work effectively in fast-paced, dynamic settings. This experience applies to the often high-pressure environments at Google.
  • Professional presentation : The inclusion of a clear description at the beginning shows the candidate can present information in a professional manner. The effective use of details and strategic placement of quantified data make the section compelling, which is critical for capturing the attention of recruiters.

Way more impressive, right? These aspects make the experience section relevant, suggesting that even experience outside of the tech industry can be valuable if presented in a way that highlights transferable skills and individual impact.

Tech, finance, and consultancy  are the sectors with the highest-paying internships. Unsurprisingly, they’re the most competitive, too. So, a standout resume  is non-negotiable.

How to quantify impact on your resume

Speaking of individual impact—the numbers and figures depend on the job you’re applying for. Here are a few suggestions on how you can measure your successes  from previous experience.

  • Highlight the percentage increase in efficiency due to a process improvement you implemented , demonstrating effectiveness and innovation.
  • Document the exact number of users who benefited from a software tool or application you developed , showing your impact on user engagement.
  • Quantify the reduction in expenses from any cost-cutting measures you introduced , emphasizing your contribution to financial health.
  • Mention the increase in follow-up rates from your communication strategies , indicating your ability to enhance customer or client retention.
  • Describe the growth in audience size from digital marketing campaigns you managed , reflecting your skills in expanding market reach.
  • Specify the volume of data you analyzed or managed , underscoring your analytical and detail-oriented capabilities.
  • Report the number of events or projects coordinated , showcasing your organizational skills and ability to multitask effectively.
  • Detail the increase in positive feedback or ratings on projects or services you were involved in , highlighting your commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.

Remember, these are examples. Use them to brainstorm contributions you made in your academic and work life and be specific when describing them.

According to an article on smallbizgenious.net , among students who undertake internships, just over half participate in more than one. Of these, 27% complete two internships, 13% complete three, and a highly ambitious 2% undertake six or more internships. Imagine those resumes!

How do I write an internship resume with no work experience

The simple answer is to build a targeted resume . This means optimizing your resume for the job you want. It’s about being smart about the details such as keywords, use of language, and a professional profile. Yes, you may be lacking the experience, but you have your educational background and coursework to support your application.

You also have the benefit of having no pre-existing expectations looming over you, as you’re probably still studying at high-school . (The usual age for American students starting an internship is 17).

Here are a few more sections to consider including if you want to amplify your intern resume:

  • Projects and coursework achievements : Detail any academic or personal projects relevant to the role. Describe what the project involved, your role, the skills you used, and any outcomes or what you learned.
  • Extracurricular activities : Include positions in clubs, sports, student government, or volunteer work , especially those where you had a leadership role or which are relevant to the internship.
  • Awards and honors : Mention any academic or extracurricular awards  and why you received them.
  • Professional affiliations : If you're a member of any clubs or organizations related to the field, list them to show your dedication and network in the industry.
  • Certifications : Include any relevant certifications  that demonstrate your commitment to the industry or proficiency in specific areas.

The key takeaway here is to provide evidence for everything you mention on your resume. Don’t say “edited the college newspaper”. Instead, say “Managed the editorial process for the college newspaper, enhancing content quality and increasing readership by 20%.”  That’s the only way to make recruiters forget about your lack of experience.

Next, let’s talk about the skills section  which can greatly compensate for a limited work history.

How to list your relevant intern skills

So, you’ve picked up a lot of skills throughout your education. You should attempt to highlight those skills in your resume for an internship, pointing out both technical skills and soft skills that you’ve gained along the way.

Hard skills  are the technical skills that allow you to stand out from the competition. Some of them may be gleaned through study or certificates and may include your knowledge of coding languages, your understanding of cybersecurity, or your adeptness in customer relationship management software.

Here are some general tips for the hard skills on your resume:

  • List all job-relevant skills in a dedicated space on the resume.
  • If you mention them in a different section, quantify those skills (‘Increased sales by 15% using a new CRM software,’).
  • Don’t exaggerate your abilities.
  • Use the job description as a guide for which skills to emphasize.

That last point matters for ATS scanners as they comb through your resume to find specific keywords , some of which are skills.

Here are some tech skills  you might have acquired during your studies that can be useful when looking for an internship.

The best hard skills for an internship resume

  • Data analysis
  • Statistical software (e.g., SPSS, SAS)
  • Programming (Python, Java)
  • Database management (SQL)
  • Web development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Project management software (Jira, Trello)
  • Graphic design (Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator)
  • CAD software (AutoCAD, SolidWorks)
  • Financial modeling
  • Cloud computing (AWS, Azure)
  • Machine learning tools (TensorFlow, PyTorch)
  • Cybersecurity fundamentals
  • Mobile app development (Swift, Android Studio)
  • Network configuration
  • Blockchain technology
  • Biotechnology
  • Electronic circuit design
  • Video editing software (Final Cut Pro, Adobe Premiere)
  • Spreadsheet proficiency (Excel, Google Sheets)

Soft skills are people skills and are much more difficult to quantify than hard skills. But they’re just as important for applicants.

Here are some tips for including soft skills on a resume:

  • Avoid generic wording like “Good communication skills”.
  • Tailor your soft skills to the job that you’re applying for.
  • Use action verbs  when describing your soft skills. For example, instead of simply saying “critical thinking”, you can support it with a quantified achievement —“Applied critical thinking to solve complex problems and make informed decisions, reducing project costs by 15%.”.
  • Use language and phrases that match the company’s values.
  • Use your cover letter  to shed light on your soft skills, giving concrete examples. Be ready to elaborate on each skill you list when you get the interview call.

Some companies may pride themselves on their inclusive culture, which is something that you could highlight on your resume. Maybe, as leader of a club at your university, you created initiatives to make sure that no one felt out of place. Mention that on your resume.

Here’s a pool of interpersonal skills you can consider including in your intern resume.

The best soft skills for an internship resume

  • Communication
  • Adaptability
  • Problem-solving
  • Time management
  • Conflict resolution
  • Critical thinking
  • Emotional intelligence
  • Attention to detail
  • Stress management
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Negotiation
  • Active listening

Now, let’s focus on the most impactful part of an intern’s resume— the education section .

How to list education and certifications on your resume

You're new to your field, and much of your experience stems from your time spent in educational settings. Embrace this by including projects you've worked on, any theses you've written, or other relevant academic experiences in your resume.

Here’s what you should include in your education section:

  • Degree title
  • University, college, or other institution
  • Location (optional)
  • Years attended
  • Your  GPA  (if above 3.5)
  • Honors ,  Dean’s list , and awards (if applicable)
  • Student accomplishments
  • • Recipient of the Dean's List for four consecutive semesters.
  • • Completed key courses: Consumer Behavior, Digital Marketing Analytics, Strategic Brand Management, Market Research Techniques

See? This person stands a great chance of landing a paid internship in a wide range of organizations and industries, such as advertising, media networks, retail chains, tech companies, and financial services, to name a few.

Next, consider enhancing your resume with relevant certifications . These are highly valued across all professions, often more so than formal education, as they show your career interests to employers. Even if you are fresh out of college—or perhaps still enrolled— numerous free certification courses are available to explore.

The best certifications for an intern’s resume

  • Google Analytics IQ Certification
  • HubSpot Content Marketing Certification
  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals
  • Certified ScrumMaster (CSM)
  • Facebook Blueprint Certification

The next section of this guide will teach you how to craft your resume objective  to show relevance and motivation.

How to write your intern resume objective

Another must-have section of an intern resume is the objective statement sitting at the top of the page, just below the header. While resume summaries  offer an overview of a candidate’s career, objectives are focused on your unique value proposition. You’ll need a summary when you gather more than 3 years of work experience.

Another difference between the two is the length. Objective statements are no longer than 3 sentences, which allows entry-level candidates and interns to be concise and to the point. Here are the simple steps to write an effective objective:

  • An opening sentence presenting your best strength or professional goal.
  • A sentence highlighting your skills and qualifications that are relevant to the position you’re applying for.
  • A strong closing sentence convincing recruiters you and the employer share the same values.

The key thing to do in your objective (as well as the entire resume) is to adapt it to the specific position and organization you are applying for.

Look at a resume objective for a student internship at the U.S. Department of State .

This is a breakdown of why this objective works well for an intern:

  • It's direct and specific : The objective clearly states what the intern wants to do and the skills they plan to use, which shows they understand the role and are focused on how they can contribute.
  • Highlights the right skills : It mentions analytical and research skills, which are crucial in a foreign affairs environment.
  • Professional tone : The objective is written professionally yet approachably, fitting for a high-level internship where effective communication is key.

89.4% of Congress employees  have interned previously. 90% of those internships are paid.

Additional sections for an intern’s resume

Your resume is still in progress and maybe you have enough space for some other resume sections  that would make it more engaging. Enhancv’s resume builder  lets you re-arrange existing sections and add new ones with the click of a button.

Here’s what you can consider including if it’s relevant to the job you’re applying for.

  • Volunteer experience:  If you've done any volunteer work that’s related to your field or shows leadership and initiative, definitely add it. It's a great way to show your dedication and values.
  • Hobbies or interests:  Particularly for internships, showing that you're involved in activities outside of academics can illustrate your teamwork, leadership, and time management skills.

How to put a projects section on a resume

Academic or personal projects  are a great way to showcase how you apply your knowledge and skills in real-world scenarios. Experienced candidates would normally list them under the education section, but you have the opportunity to shift the focus from your limited work experience by isolating projects in an extra section. Here’s how:

  • Mention the title of the projects
  • Add your role
  • Add project duration dates and, optionally, location
  • Write up to 3 bullets describing your contributions
  • • Analyzed the impact of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) criteria on investment decisions.
  • • Conducted case studies on the financial viability of sustainable business practices within the technology sector.
  • • Developed a framework to evaluate green bonds and sustainable investment funds.

Including a projects section like this one on a resume can be highly impactful for an intern, particularly if you’re seeking an internship in the circular economy or green technology sectors. It’s important to remember that everything you put on your resume  should be carefully tailored to match the specific requirements of the role you’re targeting.

This guide should give you all the tools you need to create a strong resume for different internship opportunities. Whether it's your first time applying or you're updating your current resume, here are some essential tips to help you stand out:

  • Tailor your resume : Customization is crucial. Adapt your resume to the specific internship role by using keywords from the job description and focusing on relevant experiences and skills.
  • Choose the right format : Depending on your experiences, choose from reverse chronological, functional, or hybrid resume formats to best showcase your skills and relevant work or academic projects.
  • Highlight key skills and achievements : Use concrete examples to demonstrate your achievements and skills. Quantify your contributions whenever possible to add credibility.
  • Optimize for ATS : Ensure your resume is ATS-friendly by including keywords from the job listing and sticking to a simple, professional format.
  • List education and certifications:  Clearly list your educational background, relevant coursework, and any certifications that enhance your qualifications for the internship.
  • Add an objective statement : A well-crafted objective statement at the top of your resume can summarize your goals and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position.

intern resume example

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How to Write an Internship Resume [w/ Examples]

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Internship Resume Sample for 2024

Are you required to present your resume to secure an internship and have conflicted feelings about how your resume should look for such an internship?

Are you scared that you’d be over or under-qualified?

Do you fall into the above categories or more that hinder you from getting your resume to the appropriate places? Then this article is written especially for you.

Sample of Resume for an Internship Application

internship resume example

Writing resumes can be a very tricky affair because your resume is basically an introduction to your employer. So you can be rest assured that first impression matters. Prior to receiving your resume, the recruiter or employer has no knowledge of who you are or your previous achievements as grand as they might be, so always aim not to impress but to express.

The recruiter will probably be more interested in getting to know who you are as a person than the things you’ve achieved and there’s a very high probability that it is not a lot given that you’re applying for an internship anyway.

A recent study conducted shows that the average recruiter takes a look at a resume for no longer than six-seven seconds and will only look for any longer period of time if the six-second glance was worth it.

So kindly look inwards and try to come up with a way to establish a relationship between you and the recruiter in less than six seconds. You’re most probably wondering how on earth it’s possible to do that sort of thing. Well, it is and you’ll learn just how to do it right here. 

The first thing to do while writing that resume is to look at your previous experiences and check if you’ve done anything related in any way at all to the work you’re currently trying to apply for. 

If you’re applying for an internship at a digital marketing agency, then you should be looking out for any experience in a field such as social media management. Look for times where you have handled any social media account for any brand, even if it’s a personal one and turn it into a corporate experience.

While writing your resume for an internship, you can be rest assured that the recruiter or company does not expect you to have serious professional qualifications and your current qualifications are only expected to boost your academic or career goals, hence you can totally include all those skills you gained on your own and show willingness to gain more skills.

  • It should perfectly highlight your strengths and be appropriately structured.
  • There is absolutely no need for preambles so you should go straight to the point and make the position you’re applying for very obvious.
  • Avoid errors and make your resume very easy to read.
  • Above all, make sure that your resume isn’t more than one page .

job search masterclass

Reiterating the above, the recruiter does not expect you to have tons of experience but that does not give you the permission to fill up your resume with generic information as it sends a very bad message to the recruiter about you.

Also, keep it in mind that your recruiters are looking for someone who has skills that are honed personally through practice and very willing to learn.

Skills such as; the ability to work under pressure and meet target deadlines, a very high level of creativity, impressive communication skills , hard work and exceptional leadership abilities.

It is very common while writing a resume for internships to see many students stressing or having a meltdown because of their GPA.

If you’re in that category, then you need to take a step back and desist from giving yourself a high blood pressure because, in actual fact, recruiters in most cases usually do not take the school GPA into cognizance or let it determine if you deserve to be recruited or not.

Although always make sure to include your academic qualifications as poor as they might be on your resume because for someone in your stage, you might not possess enough field experience and as I said before, even recruiters do not expect you to.

Recruiters are usually more interested in relevant work experiences so kindly focus more on that.

On your resume, there are basic things that should attack your recruiter first, and one of them is your ' Professional Summary ' which is where you tell your recruiter what you have got to offer in just a couple of sentences.

Always make sure that you do not turn in a resume without a professional summary as that’s the best way to let your employer know what you’re good for or at.

Your resume should be tailored to fit the position you’re applying for, as this gives the recruiter the idea that you’re already a nice fit for their company even long before you’re offered a position. 

You should also never forget to include all the awards and honors you’ve received as little as they might be, they go a long way in creating a lasting impression in the mind of your employer and give you an edge of credibility over other resumes.

 With all the above insights, you should be well on your way to securing that dream internship, without an atom of doubt that you can be absolutely sure of.

Related Resume Examples

  • No Experience Resume
  • Research Assistant Resume
  • High School Resume
  • College Resume
  • Students and Graduates Resume
  • Teacher Resume

Suggested Readings:

  • +150 Best Skills to Put on Your Resume
  • How to Write a Cover Letter for an Internship
  • Strengths & Weaknesses for Job Interviews

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5 Internship Resume Examples + Complete Guide 

Stephen Greet

Internship Resume

  • Internship Resumes A-N
  • Internship Resumes M-Z
  • Write Your Internship Resume

You’re a motivated professional who is eager to get into your ideal profession. You’re organized, timely, and know how to exceed exact specifications to wow employers.

Is your resume template capable of getting your career off to an excellent start?

Many internship candidates apply to roles without a ton of experience in their desired field. We’ve done the research to help you stand out with our internship resume examples that’ll help you showcase your skills successfully in today’s job market.

or download as PDF

Internship resume example

Why this resume works

  • Highlighting interests in reading, blogging, and video production on this resume all work together to create an impression of a budding journalist that’s earned a competitive internship.

Accounting Internship Resume

Accounting internship resume example with Financial Literacy project experience

  • As Teddy does, show how you applied lessons learned at the workshop and how that has been a life-changing moment in your personal and career journey. Take a moment to tell the details of these stories when writing a cover letter .

College Internship Resume

College internship resume example

  • Weaving in examples of laboratory software you’ve used is more likely to land you a research assistant internship than simply listing relevant coursework.

Engineering Internship Resume

Engineering intern resume example

  • Holding a leadership position in a technology club is a great accomplishment to highlight as an aspiring engineering intern.

Software Engineer Internship Resume

Software engineer internship resume example with project experience

  • Your career objective is an opportunity to demonstrate your passion for the field and your admiration for the company you’re applying to. While here, state your mission and how it aligns with the employer’s long-term plans.

Related resume examples

  • Engineering
  • Grad Student
  • College Student

Use the Job Description to Your Advantage for Your Internship Resume

Job seeker stands with hands in air, questioning how to fill out job materials

Every internship you apply for will come with a unique set of skills the company is looking for in applicants. Therefore, using a mix of skills you possess from education and previous work experience, like team collaboration and problem-solving, and what is emphasized in the job description will be ideal.

Many internship candidates wonder about what mix of hard and soft skills they can list. Ultimately, it comes down to the position you’re applying to. Jobs in technical roles like finance will want to see as many of your technical abilities as possible, such as budgeting. However, something more customer service-oriented would benefit from soft skills like communication.

Need some ideas?

15 best internship skills

  • Customer Service
  • Data Analysis
  • Microsoft Office
  • Workflow Documents
  • Inventory Monitoring
  • Inbox Sorting
  • Problem-Solving
  • Team Collaboration
  • Efficiency Improvement
  • Independent Research
  • Office Administration
  • Writing & Proofreading
  • Task Prioritization

internship description for resume examples

Your internship work experience bullet points

Many internship applicants won’t have a ton of work experience. However, this section is still important since hiring managers will want to know how you’ll apply your top skills to their workplace.

Try to pull as many relevant examples as possible from your previous work experiences or education in this section. For instance, jobs that involve customer service or data entry are usually very applicable. You can also include relevant projects you completed in school to provide more depth and career-specific examples.

Hiring managers will be really impressed if you use metrics within your examples to showcase what you’ve achieved. Let’s take a look at some popular metrics internship hiring staff love to see.

  • Efficiency: As an internship candidate, you bring a fresh perspective. Showing how you can perform tasks more efficiently can be a great way to stand out.
  • Satisfaction scores: Internships often involve working with customers or improving their experience, so this is always a good metric to include.
  • Accuracy: Many internships involve data entry or organization tasks, so emphasizing how you perform accurately is a great idea.
  • Sales revenue: Every business revolves around sales, so applying any experiences where you increased sales will make you stand out as an internship candidate.

See what we mean?

  • Managed social media for a school publication, creating engaging posts in Canva to increase follower counts by 39%.
  • Created learning opportunities for technology-focused workshops within the school as an EngageTech leader, resulting in a 53% increase in STEM class engagement.
  • Collaborated with a student team on an innovation challenge to develop a sustainable solution that reduced energy costs for a community center by 21%
  • Maintained accurate lab records, including experimental procedures, data logs, and quality control documentation, that adhered to regulatory standards with 98% compliance.
  • Facilitated training workshops on database navigation and research strategies that grew attendance by 34%

9 active verbs to start your internship work experience bullet points

3 tips for creating an internship resume without much work experience.

  • Any higher education or certificates you’ve completed are meant to prepare you for your field of choice. Therefore, you should use it to your advantage in internship resumes. For instance, what you learned about general ledgers in an accounting class would be great to include in a financial internship resume.
  • A resume objective can help you display additional relevant skills you possess that aren’t accurately represented in other experiences. For instance, a few sentences about how you’ve maintained a 3.91 GPA in your marketing classes and have two years of customer service experience would be great for a sales internship.
  • Any relevant hobbies & interests can also contribute to your skills and passion for a desired field. For instance, if you’re applying for a culinary internship, your time as a member of your school’s cooking club would be great to list.

3 Internship Resume Tips for Applicants with Some Experience

  • Focus on jobs that are the most recent and most relevant to the position. For example, a previous job working at a nursing home would be much more relevant than your prior position as a shoe sales clerk if you’re applying to a nursing internship.
  • Experienced internship applicants should list their most recent experiences first. It’ll be the most relevant to using current business technology or having applied skills you’ve gained from your education.
  • Even if you have a lot of experience, hiring managers simply want a brief overview of your skills to make an easy decision. For instance, if you’re applying to a supply chain internship, keeping a focus on your key logistics planning skills to narrow the information down is a good idea.

Some internships may list the cover letter as optional. However, you should still include one. Try to use your internship cover letter to show how you connect to the company or how you’ll apply your key skills in the position. For example, a company focused on sustainability will enjoy hearing about how you were the head of your school’s waste management program.

You can make your resume stand out by using measurable examples and relating as much of your prior experience as possible to the position. For instance, using metrics in process improvement and efficiency would be great to include when applying for a project management internship.

A resume objective is a great idea if you don’t have much experience in your desired field. It’ll help you stand out by listing a few sentences about your most relevant experiences right away, like achieving high customer satisfaction scores or maintaining a great GPA in your core classes.

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How to List an Internship on a Resume (With Examples)

internship description for resume examples

  • When to Include Internships

When to Leave Out Internships

Where to put internships, how to include internships.

  • Work Experience Section Example
  • Internships Section Resume Example

In today’s competitive job market, a relevant internship can set you apart from other job applicants. This is especially true if you are a student or recent graduate with little work experience, or if you are changing careers.

Don’t hide your internship experiences at the bottom of your resume. Instead, highlight your internship experiences, and detail how they have prepared you for the job you want.

Here's how and where to put an internship on a resume, what to list, and examples of resumes that include internships.

When to Include Internships on Your Resume

You should include an internship on your resume when the internship is relevant to the job you are applying for. This is especially the case when you are a student or recent graduate with limited work experience. Internships provide you with critical experience in an industry, so be sure to include them to show your skills and abilities.

You should also include internships when you are making a career change. While you might have many years of work experience, these jobs might not relate to your new career. Highlight any internships that have prepared you for a job in your new industry.

You can begin to remove internships from your resume when you’ve developed enough work experience in your field. After about five or so years (or two or three jobs) in your industry, you can focus primarily on this work history rather than on your past internship experience.

If you held a particularly prestigious internship in your field, you might keep it on your resume for a bit longer.

For example, if you had an internship at Google or Facebook, or another important internship in your industry, keep it on your resume.

Internships can be listed in the employment history section of your resume. Or, you can create a separate section that highlights the internships you've done.

Work Experience Section: Because internships provide important work experience, you can include your internships in the “ Work Experience ” or “Work History” section of your resume, along with other jobs you have held.

Internships Section: If you have held multiple internships, you can include a separate “Internships” section on your resume. Put this section towards the top of your resume. Put your “Internships” section above your “Work History” section if your internships are particularly relevant to the job you are applying for.

Whatever you do, don’t put your internships at the bottom of your resume or in the “ Education ” section. Internships are real-world experiences, and should be given as much weight as a job.

When you include an internship on your resume, include the same information as any other job:

  • Include the internship title. If possible, don’t just say “Intern” – ask your supervisor if you have a more detailed title, such as “Marketing Intern” or “Sales Associate Intern.”
  • List the details. Also include the company name, location, and the dates of the internship. You can list the dates by month and year, or by the season (such as “Summer 2021” or “Spring 2022”).
  • Include your responsibilities. Underneath this information, include 2-4 bullet points that list your responsibilities and achievements during the internship.

Focus on responsibilities that relate to the job you are applying for. For example, if you are applying for a writing job, mention how you wrote and published five articles during your internship. You don’t need to include your less relevant tasks, such as answering phones or photocopying.

If you are having trouble deciding what responsibilities and achievements to include, start by making a long list of everything you did at each internship. Then look at the  job listing  for the position you’re applying for. Circle anything from your list that  matches the skills or abilities required for the job . Highlight these particular experiences.

Also ask your intern supervisor for advice on how to include your internship on your resume. He or she can help you highlight the most important skills and experiences for the industry, and can tell you what  key terms  from your industry to include.

Make sure that you format your internships in a way that is consistent with the way you format your other work experience.

Again, internships are just as important to your career as a job, so you don't need to format them differently. This is especially the case if you include internships under “Work History.” For example, if you bold your job titles, do the same for your internship titles.

Example of Internships in a “Work Experience” Section

This is an example of a “Work Experience” section of a resume that includes two internships.


New York History Museum New York, NY Academic Programs Intern Jan. 2021 – May 2021

  • Developed and ran activities for museum visitors ages 5-15 for February and April school break programs
  • Wrote five articles for monthly newsletter with 5,000 readers
  • Conducted research on latest curriculum standards and reported findings in presentation to Education Department

Albany History Society Albany, NY Education Intern Summer 2020

  • Developed and implemented activities for museum visitors ages 4-10 related to new museum exhibit on the history of transportation
  • Collaborated with Education Department to develop and run an all-day history workshop for elementary students
  • Received award for Outstanding Intern of the Summer from the President of the Society

Resume Example With an "Internships" Section

Here is a complete resume that highlights the job candidate’s internship experience in a dedicated “Internships” section. Download the template (compatible with Google Docs and Microsoft Word), or read the text version below.

Resume Sample With an "Internships" Section (Text Version)

Sarah Jones Dallas, TX 75001 (555) 456-7890 sarah.jones@email.com

QUALIFICATIONS PROFILE Highly creative, trend-savvy emerging professional positioned to excel within fast-paced digital marketing environment. Well-versed in SEO strategy development, keyword research, and website optimization. 

  • Superb writing and graphic design talents complemented by ability to easily build rapport within social media venues including Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and LinkedIn.
  • Practical “hands’ on” internship experience in segmented email campaign development and social media management.
  • Technical Proficiencies : Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Creative Suite, WordPress, Campaign Builder, Google AdWords, Google Analytics, Facebook Analytics; advanced command of HTML and CSS.

Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing (2021); GPA 3.7 Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX Betta Gamma Sigma Honor Society; Golden Key


MAJOR MARKETING CORPORATION, Dallas, TX Marketing Intern , April 2021–June 2021 Tasked with creating and launching daily eblasts and calls-to-action for high-velocity email campaigns. Identified target audiences, tracked unsubscribes, and monitored spam complaints.

  • Honed expertise in template design, A/B testing deployment, market analytics, and lead management.
  • Recognized by senior management for success in landing 89% of lead conversions.

WESTERN GEAR, Dallas, TX Social Media Intern , September 2020–December 2020 As intern for upscale clothing retailer, wrote and scheduled posts on social media platforms including Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. Took and edited digital photographs of sales items; generated and analyzed social media performance reports using Google Analytics and Facebook Analytics.

  • Increased Facebook audience by more than 2,000 “likes” by actively managing user conversations and encouraging repeat engagement.
  • Launched and built company’s first-ever Pinterest and Instagram sites.

DALLAS CLOTHIERS, Dallas, TX Sales Assistant , June 2019–June 2021 Concurrent with education, provided attentive customer service to clients of family-owned clothing boutique. Merchandised products and assisted clients with their selections. Operated POS system.

  • Used WordPress to create new digital sales website for store.

NACE. " What Employers Seek on a Resume ," Accessed Feb. 15, 2022.

Vault. " 100 Best Internships for 2020 ," Accessed Feb. 15, 2022.

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  • Resume and Cover Letter
  • Sample Job Descriptions to...

Sample Job Descriptions to Help You Enhance Your Resume

5 min read · Updated on December 10, 2021

Amanda Augustine

It doesn't matter what you do for a living; when you decide to look for work, you instantly become a marketer.

As a job seeker, you are required to advertise your qualifications and professional reputation — in other words, your personal brand — to employers and recruiters in your desired field online, in person, and on paper.

One of the most important documents you'll need to update or create for this process is your professional resume. A great resume is written with a specific job goal in mind. It should be tailored for each job application by showcasing your most valuable and relevant skills in a way that positions you as an ideal candidate for the job you want.

Why use job descriptions when creating your resume

In order to ensure that your professional resume is supporting your career goals, gather a few sample job descriptions that describe the type of position you're interested in and qualified for. Then, compare the skills and qualifications on your resume with the desired qualifications in the sample job descriptions.

By reviewing job description examples, you'll be able to identify what technical and soft skills, credentials, and work experience matter most to an employer in your target field.

This will aid your job search in many ways. First, it will help you determine if you're missing any important skills that recruiters are looking for . Once you have this information, then you can take steps to build up those skill sets with courses, certification programs, side projects, or internships to become a more attractive job candidate.

Second, these sample job descriptions will help you decide which of your current qualifications should be highlighted throughout your professional resume and cover letter.

And finally, you can use example job descriptions to find the right words to describe the roles and responsibilities you held in each job listed in your work history.

How to get started using job descriptions for your resume

To help you get started, take a look at the sample job descriptions below. For additional example job descriptions, search for listings on your favorite online job boards, and check out the following links from Workable.com .

Search for two types of sample job descriptions:

Job posts that are similar to roles you've previously held; and

Listings that represent the type of position you're currently targeting.

In both of these instances, don't worry about the job's location. For the purpose of this exercise, instead only focus on the job description and its requirements.

Use the sample job descriptions that match titles in your work history to beef up your professional resume's Employment History section. Click on the following link to learn how to use these job listings to brag about your experience .

Once you've found three to five sample listings that describe your job goals, copy and paste the text of each job description into a Word document and bold any phrases that routinely pop up. Then, highlight each term that describes a qualification you possess. Use this information to edit your resume and cover letter so that your key accomplishments and skills match those desired by your target employer. Your end result should be a professional resume that mirrors the employer's requirements.

internship description for resume examples

Sample Job Descriptions:

Account Manager Sample Job Description

View the job description for account manager

Accountant Sample Job Description

View the job description for accountant

Administrative Assistant Sample Job Description

View the job description for administrative assistant

Business Analyst Sample Job Description

View the job description for business analyst

Cashier Sample Job Description

View the job description for cashier

Customer Service Representative Sample Job Description

View the job description for customer service representative

Host/Hostess Sample Job Description

View the job description for host/hostess

Machine Operator Sample Job Description

View the job description for machine operator

Medical Assistant Sample Job Description

View the job description for medical assistant

Office Manager Sample Job Description

View the job description for office manager

Operations Manager Sample Job Description

Project manager sample job description.

View the job description for project manager

Receptionist Sample Job Description

View the job description for receptionist

Research Assistant Sample Job Description

View the job description for research assistant

Retail Sales Associate Sample Job Description

View the job description for retail sales associate

Sales Director Sample Job Description

View the job description for sales director

Sales Manager Sample Job Description

View the job description for sales manager

Security Officer Sample Job Description

View the job description for security officer

Senior Account Manager Sample Job Description

View the job description for senior account manager

Senior Accounting Manager Sample Job Description

View the job description for senior accounting manager

Senior Business Analyst Sample Job Description

View the job description for senior business analyst

Senior Project Manager Sample Job Description

View the job description for senior project manager

Senior Sales Associate Sample Job Description

View the job description for senior sales associate

Senior Software Developer Sample Job Description

View the job description for senior software developer

Senior Software Engineer Sample Job Description

View the job description for senior software engineer

Server Sample Job Description

View the job description for server

Software Developer Sample Job Description

View the job description for software developer

Software Engineer Sample Job Description

View the job description for software engineer

Store Manager Sample Job Description

View the job description for store manager

Waiter/Waitress Sample Job Description

View the job description for waiter/waitress

Click on the following link for more job-search advice .

Still need help with your resume? Take advantage of our free resume review today!

Recommended Reading:

The Essential Parts of a Resume Explained

Free Download: Resume Worksheet by TopResume

How to Tailor Your Resume for a Specific Application

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How to Maximize Your Resume Action Words to Wow the Employer

Resume Spelling and Accent Explained

Guide to Writing a Great Resume with No Work Experience

See how your resume stacks up.

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4 Resume Mistakes to Avoid When You Don’t Have Much Experience

  • Irina Cozma

internship description for resume examples

A good resume can set you apart and help you land that interview.

Understanding the common mistakes job candidates make on resumes, and how to overcome them, can set you apart from your competitors. The first mistake is including irrelevant work experience. Instead, only add roles that are relevant to the position you’re applying for. The second is customizing your resume. While it’s in your benefit to adjust your resume to better match the job description, over-tuning your resume for every application can be a waste of time — and end up slowing down your search. This is especially true if you’re focused on securing a particular position that has a standard job title like “marketing coordinator” or “sales associate.” The third is overdesigning your resume. Recruiters only spend a few seconds scanning it, so keep the format simple and straightforward. The fourth is coming off as a novice. For example, don’t use an ancient email address — update it to something that sounds more professional, and give your resume a specific name so it’s easier to identify.

Resumes. Love them or hate them, you will probably need one when you apply for a job. The resume has a specific tactical role to play in your search — to get you the interview. You need to make sure it checks a few boxes to do that work because, even if you take advantage of your network, sooner or later, you will need to share your resume with the hiring manager.

  • Irina Cozma , Ph.D., is a career and executive coach who supports professionals to have better career adventures. She coached hundreds of Fortune 500 executives from global organizations like Salesforce, Hitachi, and Abbott. Irina also coaches startups and the Physicians MBA at the University of Tennessee. Download her free career guide to help you prepare for your next career adventure.

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    Name of the company or organization you interned for. Your position title. Your employment start date and end date (including month and year) Underneath, provide a bulleted list outlining projects, responsibilities, and accomplishments you made during your internship. Be sure to frame your accomplishments in terms of how your presence directly ...

  12. Internship Resume Tips, Examples & Templates

    Here are a few examples of measurable achievements that could be included on an internship resume: "Increased student engagement in the English Club by 25% by organizing weekly events and activities.". "Assisted in the planning and executing of a career fair, resulting in a 40% increase in employer attendance.".

  13. How To Write an Internship Resume That Will Get You Hired

    Internship resume example The sample below will help you get an idea of what your internship resume might look like. You can use it as a template to build your own or just a source of inspiration: Brittany Gray 653 Peach Street Westchester, NY 10501 (123) 456-7890 Brittany\[email protected] OBJECTIVE Motivated finance major with a passion for data analytics and investment portfolio management ...

  14. How to Put an Internship on a Resume [Guide and Examples]

    Here's how to put an internship on a resume: Make sure your internship is relevant to the position you're after. List your internship in the professional experience section of your resume. Specify what kind of internship you had in the job title. List the company name, dates, and location.

  15. 20 Intern Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    A Marketing Intern may: Collect qualitative and quantitative data to prepare for market studies and analytics. Analyze competitors. Complete several admin duties such as phone handling, social media marketing, email filtering, moderation services, content writing, updating the CRM, and copywriting.

  16. 5 Internship Resume Examples to Jumpstart Your Career

    Stick to three or four jobs. Focus on jobs that are the most recent and most relevant to the position. For example, a previous job working at a nursing home would be much more relevant than your prior position as a shoe sales clerk if you're applying to a nursing internship. Use reverse chronological formatting.

  17. How to List an Internship on a Resume (With Examples)

    Resume Example With an "Internships" Section . Here is a complete resume that highlights the job candidate's internship experience in a dedicated "Internships" section. Download the template (compatible with Google Docs and Microsoft Word), or read the text version below.

  18. Engineering Internship Resume Examples & Guide for Students

    Here are some tips for writing an outstanding cover letter for your engineering internship resume: Include your contact details and the company's name and address. Use the hiring manager's name in the cover letter salutation. Introduce yourself in a compelling way and start the cover letter with something interesting.

  19. How to Write a Resume Job Description + 5 Examples

    5 job description examples for your resume. Now that you've learned how to correctly identify what information needs to be included in your resume job descriptions, here are five job description examples for you to reference before you begin writing: 1. Sales associate job description example. 2.

  20. Sample Job Descriptions to Enhance Your Resume

    Once you've found three to five sample listings that describe your job goals, copy and paste the text of each job description into a Word document and bold any phrases that routinely pop up. Then, highlight each term that describes a qualification you possess. Use this information to edit your resume and cover letter so that your key ...

  21. Resume for Internship for Freshers: Best Format and Template

    So here are a bunch of tips for using the best fresher resume format for an internship: Go with professional fonts such as Verdana, Arial, Calibri, Times New Roman, Georgia, etc. They look great both on-screen and when printed. Keep white space with 1.15 line spacing and 1-inch margins on all sides.

  22. 4 Resume Mistakes to Avoid When You Don't Have Much Experience

    Summary. Understanding the common mistakes job candidates make on resumes, and how to overcome them, can set you apart from your competitors. The first mistake is including irrelevant work ...

  23. How To Write Resume Job Descriptions (With Tips and Examples)

    Add a job description to the top half of the first page on your resume. Include a suitable amount of relevant experiences. Begin each description with essential information about the job and company. Emphasize accomplishments over work duties. Use action-benefit statements to describe your achievements.

  24. How To Write An Intern Cover Letter (With Examples)

    Intern Cover Letter Template. Here is a cover letter template you can use to create your own cover letter: [Your Name] [City, State] [Your Phone Number] [Your Email] [Today's Date] [Recipient's Name] [Recipient's Company's] [Recipient's City and State] Dear [Recipient's Name], I am excited to apply for the [specific intern position ...

  25. Software Engineer Intern Resume: Samples for Internships

    French (Polynesian)—Native. Portuguese (Brazilian)—C1. Here's how to write a software engineer intern resume: 1. Format Your Software Engineer Intern Resume the Right Way. Software engineering is all about creating software, testing it, making sure it works and that it fits the purpose for which it has been designed.

  26. Free Resume Summary Generator (Make a Resume Summary Fast)

    Most resume summaries are roughly three sentences long, and include the following information: Sentence #1: Your biggest selling points as a candidate, including how many years of relevant work experience you have. Sentence #2: One or more specific accomplishments or skills from your career to show employers what they can expect from you if ...

  27. Farm Worker Resume Example (With Tips)

    Resume sample for a farm worker. Let's examine a sample resume for an individual with more than three years of experience in farm work: Contact. Chuck Ferris. Vancouver, BC | 613-555-0123 | [email protected] Summary. A highly dedicated and seasoned farm worker with over five years of experience planting, growing, and harvesting crops.

  28. Medical Doctor Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the number of employment opportunities for physicians, surgeons, and medical doctors is expected to increase by 3% from 2021 to 2031. Although the demand for medical doctors remains high, you'll still need to align your resume with the job description to secure the best opportunities in the open ...

  29. Pharmacy Intern Resume: Sample & Job Description

    Format Your Pharmacy Intern Resume Correctly. Pharmacy interns assist pharmacists in managing and dispensing medications, organizing stock, and placing orders. Your tasks may also involve procedures like vaccinations for walk-in patients. Your pharmacy intern resume should highlight technical knowledge and people skills.