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Mathematics Personal Statement Examples

Hopefully, these examples of Mathematics Personal Statements will help you create a unique statement for your UCAS application . 

I have always been fascinated by the world of mathematics and its ability to explain and understand complex phenomena in the world around us. From a young age, I have been drawn to the beauty and elegance of mathematical concepts and their ability to provide answers to some of the most challenging questions we face.

At school, I have excelled in mathematics, consistently achieving top grades in my exams and regularly participating in extra-curricular math competitions. I have particularly enjoyed studying topics such as calculus, algebra, and geometry, and I have found that my natural aptitude for problem-solving has allowed me to excel in these areas.

In addition to my passion for mathematics, I have also developed a strong interest in computer science. I have taught myself several programming languages and have enjoyed using these skills to create my computer programmes and simulations. I believe that the combination of my mathematical knowledge and computer programming skills would make me an ideal candidate for a degree in mathematical sciences.

As a university student, I am eager to continue exploring the fascinating world of mathematics and to push myself to the limits of my abilities. I am confident that a degree in mathematical sciences would provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a successful career in this exciting and rewarding field.

I am applying to your university because I believe that it offers an outstanding programme in mathematical sciences, with a strong emphasis on both theoretical and practical applications. I am particularly impressed by the diverse range of research opportunities available, and I am eager to participate in cutting-edge research projects that will challenge and inspire me.

As a student with a passion for mathematics, I am excited at the prospect of studying at such a prestigious institution and I am confident that your programme would provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a successful career in this field.

At school, I have consistently achieved top grades in my mathematics exams, and I have regularly participated in extra-curricular math competitions. I have a particular interest in topics such as calculus, algebra, and geometry, and I have found that my natural aptitude for problem-solving has allowed me to excel in these areas.

In addition to my passion for mathematics, I have also developed an interest in computer science. I have taught myself several programming languages and have enjoyed using these skills to create my computer programmes and simulations. I believe that the combination of my mathematical knowledge and computer programming skills would make me an ideal candidate for your degree programme.

As a university student, I am eager to continue exploring the fascinating world of mathematics and to push myself to the limits of my abilities. I am confident that a degree from the University of Cambridge would provide me with the knowledge and skills necessary to pursue a successful career in this exciting and rewarding field.

I am particularly impressed by the wide range of research opportunities available at your university, and I am eager to participate in cutting-edge research projects that will challenge and inspire me. I am also excited by the opportunity to study at such a historic and prestigious institution, and I believe that the intellectual environment at Cambridge would be the perfect place for me to grow and develop as a student.

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Maths Personal Statement

Maths Personal Statement Sample.

When I was at secondary school, I found maths lessons uninspiring, and it was only in later life that I came to love the subject. A few years ago I noticed that my niece’s relationship with maths lessons was very similar to my own. When she began to struggle, I began to tutor her in the subject. After achieving an A at GCSE and deciding to study further maths at A Level, she informed me that her new-found love of the subject was down to my tutoring having made the subject both fun and comprehensible to her. The sense of reward that I felt as a result gave me the initial spark of inspiration to become a teacher, and since then I have been eagerly following my Open University degree in mathematics and gaining classroom experience in preparation to become a teacher.

My love of mathematics as a discipline developed through being required to use it in my professional life, and in particular through being involved in the management side of my father’s business. The daily involvement with processing various types of figures slowly but surely piqued my curiosity. After a time I began to study mathematics more formally, and the more I learnt its secrets, quirks and applications, the more I became fascinated with it. I went on to enrol at the Open University, initially studying science, but then switching to mathematics. Although combining work and study can be arduous, I have loved each and every module that I have taken. An added bonus of the OU degree has been that, as I have become more interested in teaching, I have been able to study mathematics education courses, and these have boosted my eagerness to teach the subject.

I love working with young people because I treasure the opportunity of inspiring them to take an interest in something that will benefit them in their lives. Before I entered a classroom to teach I discovered through caring for my nephew I had a knack for building a good rapport with children without compromising my position of authority, and I was delighted that I was able to successfully transfer this to the classroom. After the experience of tutoring my niece, I began to work as a volunteer teaching assistant at a local school, where I was involved with classes of a wide range of ages. During this time one of the school’s maths teachers had to take a leave of absence, and I was invited to fill her position temporarily. Although apprehensive about the scale of the challenge, I accepted it, and greatly enjoyed the experience. I was at the school for a total of six weeks, and through both observing other teachers and taking my own classes I learnt so much about a wide series of aspects of the profession, such as effective classroom management techniques, planning a sequence of lessons and even maintaining positive relationships with parents as a result of being involved in a parents’ evening. I am looking forward to returning to the classroom in the next few weeks through another period of voluntary work at a local state school.

However, my six weeks of classroom experience taught me that there is much more to the life of a teacher than the narrow remit of teaching lessons. I came to realise that schools operate as a community, where teachers support and nurture one another, where the school has a duty to foster an inclusive learning environment for its children, and where kids develop in areas beyond academic skills. I feel that the leadership expertise that I developed as a business manager, the experiences of caring for my elderly mother and my nephew and niece and my Urdu and Punjabi language skills all equip me for playing a positive wider role within a school community, whether in the form of taking on extra leadership responsibilities, supporting colleagues or teaching children additional skills.

We hope this sample maths personal statement has been helpful.

Personal Statement

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Writing A Successful Personal Statement

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1. Get The Basics Right

You need to spend a lot of time making sure that your personal statement sounds professional – this means excellent grammar, spelling and punctuation, and a good choice of words. It is definitely advisable to read example personal statements online, but you need to make sure that you don’t let any stock phrases creep into your own statement. There is nothing worse than a personal statement which looks like it has been cut and pasted from the internet. Make sure you ask someone else to check your statement – it is all too easy to miss errors when the same 600 words have been swimming before your eyes for a whole day.

2. Follow The Instructions

The personal statement is an essential component of the initial application stage.  Very specific instructions are given about what you should include in your personal statement, even providing a bullet pointed list of what is needed. It might sound obvious – but you need to include everything in this list – if you miss anything then your application will be rejected. At the same time, you don’t want to make your personal statement sound wooden by simply following lists – always make sure that what you are writing flows well and sounds natural.

It could be well worth printing off the application instructions and ticking off each point to make sure that you have covered everything. If a candidate looks like they haven’t followed instructions then it puts their application in a very bad light.

There is a strict limit of 600 words – make sure you stay within this length, but also make sure you don’t write a statement which is too short – candidates who submit a statement which is nearer the minimum of 400 words may look like they are struggling to find things to write.

3. Make It Relevant

Make sure you focus on relevant experiences - particularly your experience of teaching and observation in schools It is fine to include other experiences, but you always need to make sure they are linked back to the purpose of your application – i.e. your ability to be an inspirational and passionate maths teacher. If you coach a youth football team then you need to relate this experience back to your passion for teaching young people, rather than emphasising how much you love football. If you have an experience which is not directly related to working with young people then it is important that you make it relevant, for example if you worked weekends in a restaurant, then you may have discovered that you enjoyed training new staff, helping you decide on a career in education. You might find yourself in the lucky position that you have far too much relevant experience to fit in the statement, meaning that you need to be ruthless and prioritise what to put in.

4. Don’t Repeat Yourself

Don’t include anything in the personal statement which you have already included in the application form – this is simply a waste of space. Your degree is already listed on your application form, so there is no need to include it again in the personal statement. It can be tempting to include absolutely everything in the personal statement, whereas you need to be looking at your application as a whole – have you covered all the points across the whole application?

5. Don’t Copy The Website Verbatim

Whilst you may think you are being clever by copying and pasting text from the Maths Scholarships website into your personal statement, be warned that those who are reading your personal statement also wrote this website. Basically, they recognise when they are having their own words quoted back at them. It also shows that you do not fully understand what it is you are applying for.

Take the time to fully understand what the Maths Scholarship is, why the additional support is being offered and that may help you to address the bullet points relating to being a Maths Scholar.

6. Replacing Maths Teacher With Maths Scholar

It can be tempting to replace 'maths teacher' with 'Maths Scholar' in the personal statement that you produced for your application to teacher training. As a word of caution, doing that normally makes no sense and you appear to not fully understand the Maths Scholarship and its benefits.

7. And Finally...

Try and remember that the effort you put into your personal statement will be well worth it and will hopefully be the first step on an exciting and rewarding adventure. When you read your personal statement, you need to imagine it sitting in a large pile of statements from other people. Does yours read well? Is it relevant? Does it have an excellent opening paragraph? If using clichés such as “maths is my passion”, expand on this by explaining why you are passionate about maths, and what is it that gets you all fired up. It’s OK to say you love a specific equation, or that it’s applicable to everyday life but show us how you interpret that. It’s a line that’s all too easy to say and all too hard to prove!

You could have the best teaching ability in the world, but if you have a poor personal statement then you won’t be invited to the Assessment. On the other hand – if you make the effort to write an excellent personal statement, then you will be giving yourself the best chance possible of progressing to the next stage of the application process.

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Math Teacher CV Example

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CV Tips for Math Teachers

  • Highlight Your Qualifications and Specialization : Specify qualifications like B.Ed, M.Ed, or Ph.D. Detail specializations such as algebra, calculus, or statistics early on in your CV.
  • Quantify Your Impact : Share achievements with numbers, like a 20% improvement in students' math scores or the successful implementation of a new teaching method.
  • Tailor Your CV to the Job Description : Match your CV content to the job's needs, highlighting relevant experiences like curriculum development or student mentoring if emphasized by the employer.
  • Detail Your Tech Proficiency : List proficiency in educational software like Google Classroom, Blackboard, or Mathletics, and any experience with virtual teaching tools. These matter.
  • Showcase Soft Skills and Leadership : Briefly mention leadership, teamwork, or your knack for explaining complex mathematical concepts in simple terms.

The Smarter, Faster Way to Write Your CV

math teacher personal statement examples

  • Implemented an innovative, interactive teaching approach that increased student engagement in mathematics by 35%, as measured by class participation and homework completion rates.
  • Developed and executed a comprehensive curriculum for advanced mathematics, resulting in a 20% increase in students' scores on standardized tests.
  • Coordinated a school-wide Math Olympiad, fostering a culture of enthusiasm and excellence in mathematics and leading to a 15% increase in students choosing advanced math courses.
  • Introduced the use of technology in teaching math concepts, which led to a 30% improvement in students' understanding and application of complex mathematical problems.
  • Provided individualized instruction and support to students struggling with math, resulting in a 25% decrease in failing grades within one academic year.
  • Collaborated with other math teachers to develop a peer tutoring program, enhancing students' collaborative skills and improving overall class performance by 20%.
  • Initiated a 'Math Club' to encourage students' interest in mathematics outside the classroom, leading to a 40% increase in student participation in math-related extracurricular activities.
  • Implemented a system of regular formative assessments to track student progress, resulting in more targeted instruction and a 15% improvement in student test scores.
  • Developed a series of real-world problem-solving exercises to make math more relatable, leading to a 20% increase in student engagement and enthusiasm for the subject.
  • Innovative and interactive teaching methods
  • Curriculum development for advanced mathematics
  • Event coordination and promotion (Math Olympiad)
  • Integration of technology in teaching
  • Providing individualized instruction and support
  • Collaborative program development (peer tutoring program)
  • Extracurricular activity initiation and management (Math Club)
  • Implementation of formative assessments
  • Development of real-world problem-solving exercises
  • Ability to increase student engagement and enthusiasm

Math Teacher CV Template

  • Collaborated with [teams/departments, e.g., Science Department, Special Education Team] to develop [educational initiative, e.g., cross-curricular projects, inclusive teaching strategies], demonstrating strong [soft skill, e.g., teamwork, leadership].
  • Implemented [teaching method or tool, e.g., interactive learning software, problem-solving techniques] in [math subject, e.g., Algebra, Geometry], leading to [improvement, e.g., 20% increase in student test scores, enhanced student engagement].
  • Championed [educational innovation or improvement, e.g., the adoption of new teaching methods, revision of curriculum], resulting in [quantifiable benefit, e.g., 30% improvement in student understanding, increased student participation].
  • Played a key role in [educational project or initiative, e.g., school math competition, development of new curriculum], which led to [measurable impact, e.g., increased student interest in math, improved school math ranking].
  • Conducted [type of assessment, e.g., student performance analysis, curriculum evaluation], using [analytical tools/methods] to inform [decision-making/action, e.g., teaching strategies, curriculum adjustments].
  • Instrumental in [task or responsibility, e.g., student mentoring, parent-teacher communication], ensuring [quality or standard, e.g., student progress, parent satisfaction] across all interactions.
  • Major: Name of Major
  • Minor: Name of Minor

100+ Free Resume Templates

How to format a math teacher cv, start with a strong objective, highlight education and certifications, detail relevant teaching experience, emphasize soft skills and technical proficiencies, include a section on professional development, personal statements for math teachers, math teacher personal statement examples, what makes a strong personal statement.

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PERSONAL STATEMENT EXAMPLE Mathematics (MSci) Personal Statement

Submitted by Milo

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Mathematics (MSci) Personal Statement

In my mathematical career to date, I have always pushed myself and thrive on new challenges. As such, I took the FSMQ additional maths in year 11 and am teaching myself AS further additional and the AEA in my year out. Working independently, I find I am always eager to learn more. This is the key reason I look to study maths at university, not because it's what I'm best at, but because I genuinely love doing it.

A level study expanded my mathematical horizons from matrix algebra and complex numbers to hypothesis testing and probability distributions. So far, proof by induction is the topic which absorbed me most. The concept that something can be 'proven' true for all cases is especially engaging and powerful; I can't wait to improve my skills in this field. In my spare time, I have begun working on STEP papers. Studying more advanced topics and being able to answer deeper questions is very rewarding.

A maths degree will always deliver this kind of challenge which is an exciting prospect for me. Studying chemistry fed my love for problem-solving. Topics like spectroscopy and synthesis built on the skill set gained in maths; gathering information and using it to find the solution to a problem. My favourite were problems requiring analysis of multiple graphs and spectrograms to be collated to achieve the final answer. The influence maths had on my thinking and, ultimately my ability to problem solve, was an important factor in my gaining a silver in the Chemistry Olympiad. Maths gave me the confidence to think logically and analytically and enabled me to persevere with difficult problems, knowing a solution would come. As a mathematician, this helped me take a step back from complex problems and approach them using potentially riskier, less obvious strategies.

Studying biology also allowed me to appreciate the importance of maths in making sense of data and thus allowing progress in research. Biomedical research is responsible for improving and saving lives through medical and public health interventions, many of which could not have been developed without the framework of understanding provided by mathematicians. Health economics research, clinical trials and epidemiology rely heavily on maths to provide reliable evidence to guide clinicians and policymakers. My natural curiosity led me to seek out many extracurricular events, including a problem-solving day where I was introduced to modular arithmetic and its applications in cryptography. Working in groups, we were required to present our findings to the wider audience, a presentation in which I took the lead. Explaining unfamiliar maths to strangers was very gratifying and I relished the way people's questions deepened my understanding.

Attending an Oxford conference on personalised medicine and the Earth Optimism Day in Cambridge showed me how central maths is to many disciplines. From statistical testing of evidence to mathematical modelling of climate change and population epidemiology; maths is everywhere. This convinced me further that it was the right degree for me. I have developed excellent interpersonal skills through volunteering in schools in the UK, India, and southern Germany, overcoming language barriers to communicate effectively.

I am currently a mentor to A2 further maths students and was mentor to AS students last year; teaching is entirely different to learning and has deepened my understanding. Being part of my local swimming club for over a decade taught me the value of commitment and teamwork, as has over 2 years working in cafes and as PA to a senior academic. For the first time (having earned enough!), I have an opportunity to travel independently and will visit China, Japan and Vietnam in 2018. Oriental cultures have always fascinated me: how ancient traditions coexist in such technologically advanced societies. Experiencing such different ways of life will undoubtedly prepare me better to embrace everything university life has to offer.

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Mathematics & physics personal statement example 2.

My enthusiasm for Mathematics and Physics comes from the fact that they are both used to further our understanding of the universe and have applications in all other areas of science. My main area of interest in Physics is particle physics as this tells us how fundamental parts of our universe interact with each other.

I aim to improve my knowledge of science in fields such as particle physics, plasma physics, and nuclear fusion as these are new areas of physics and, with research, could lead to great improvements in our knowledge of how the world works.

I would like to learn more about plasma and fusion as further research in these fields could have practical applications capable of revolutionising the ways in which we produce electricity, making production far more efficient, safe and less damaging to the world.

In Mathematics, I enjoy learning new, more efficient methods of answering questions and then applying them to solve equations. I believe that I would not be able to properly understand Physics without first understanding the underlying Mathematics, and that applying new mathematical knowledge to solve real world issues is one of the most important reasons for me to study both subjects.

In school, I am learning modules from all branches of Mathematics and have started independently teaching myself an additional Further Mathematics module to expand my knowledge of mathematics beyond my school's selection of modules. As well as this, I am attending lessons in preparation for a STEP Mathematics exam.

I enjoy both the challenges associated with teaching myself more maths for the additional module, and the ways in which STEP questions require me to apply my AS level mathematics in ways not tested by the syllabus.

I am interested in the extent to which Physics can apply Mathematics to problems in the real world, and use observations to make discoveries based on the Mathematics behind experiments that were performed, such as the size of the nucleus of an atom, as discovered in Rutherford's scattering experiment.

Outside of lessons, I have travelled to CERN to visit the Large Hadron Collider in order to learn about the experiments performed there, and have attended a presentation at Newcastle University about the applications of Mathematics in areas such as game shows. I have also received a Bronze award in the UKMT Senior challenge.

I completed the questions in the Cambridge Chemistry challenge and completed a written test as part of the challenge, achieving a copper award. Furthermore, I have helped my school in Year 7 and Sixth form open days, answering parents' questions and talking to prospective pupils about Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry.

Outside of school, I am a black belt in Taekwondo and have previously coached people who were new to the sport. I have also been a member of the Air Training Corps, where I completed the Bronze Duke of Edinburgh award.

Whilst planning for the Duke of Edinburgh award, I was responsible for organising the route that would be taken, making sure that we would finish on time and that we would walk the correct distance, and planning the routes that would be taken should something go wrong on the expedition. I also helped organise fundraising events such as Remembrance Day coffee mornings.

Being a part of the ATC taught me leadership skills, punctuality and the ability to organise myself and a group. I have also taught myself guitar and bass, and currently play as part of a band with friends. After university, I would like to continue learning Physics, studying either fusion or particle physics, and look forward to being a part of future research.

Profile info

This personal statement was written by adam96 for application in 2014.

adam96's university choices The University of Liverpool The University of Edinburgh

Green : offer made Red : no offer made

Degree Mathematics and Physics at The University of York

adam96's Comments

Applied for joint Mathematics and Physics or Mathematical Physics at all my choices.

Achieved AABB in Maths, Further maths, Physics and Chemistry (Dropped) at AS then got A*A*A* at A2.

Received offers from York (Firm), Liverpool (Insurance), Glasgow and Loughborough. Withdrew from Edinburgh before receiving a reply.

York: AAB with AA in Maths and Physics Liverpool: AAB with A in Maths, AB to include physics Loughborough and Glasgow: AAB including Maths and Physics

This personal statement is unrated

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