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My Idol Essay Writing Example For Students

Read following 5 short essay on topic my idol, mother, father, celebrity, hero and artist with short paragraphs for students and children.

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Essay 1: My Idol – My Hero

An idol is someone who we look up to and admire for their qualities and achievements. My idol is none other than Sachin Tendulkar, the cricket legend. I have always been a cricket fan and have seen many players come and go, but Sachin Tendulkar has always been my favorite. He is not just a cricket player, but a true inspiration for millions of people around the world.

Sachin Tendulkar is a true icon of sportsmanship, dedication, hard work, and humility. His passion for the game, his hard work, and his never-say-die attitude are qualities that I truly admire. His achievements speak for themselves, and his records are proof of his unparalleled skill and talent. But what I love most about him is his humble and down-to-earth nature, despite all his success and fame.

As a student, I draw inspiration from Sachin Tendulkar’s life and achievements. He teaches us that with hard work, dedication, and passion, anything is possible. He has shown us that there are no shortcuts to success, and that one must work tirelessly to achieve their goals.

In conclusion, Sachin Tendulkar is not just a cricket player but an inspiration to millions of people around the world. He has proved that hard work and dedication can lead to success, and that it is important to stay humble and grounded even in the face of immense fame and success. Sachin Tendulkar will always be my idol and a source of inspiration to me.

essay about my idol

Essay 2: My Idol – Mother

My mother is my idol. She is the strongest, most hardworking and kind person I have ever known. She has always been there for me, no matter what. Her unwavering support and love has made me the person I am today.

My mother is a role model for me. She is a teacher, and she loves her job. She has always encouraged me to do my best and to follow my dreams. She has taught me to be kind, honest, and to always help others in need.

I am so grateful for everything my mother has done for me. She has sacrificed so much to give me the best life possible. I hope to one day be as strong and kind as she is.

Essay 3: My Idol – Father

My father is my idol. He is a hardworking and dedicated person. He has always been there for me, and has taught me many valuable life lessons. He is the one I turn to for guidance and support.

My father has worked hard to provide for our family. He has taught me the value of hard work, and has shown me how to be responsible and independent. He is a loving and caring person, and has always put his family first.

I admire my father for his strength, patience and wisdom. He has taught me to be respectful, honest and kind to others. He is my role model and I hope to make him proud one day.

Essay 4: My Idol – Celebrity

My idol is Beyoncé. She is a talented singer, dancer and actress. She is an inspiration to me and many others around the world.

Beyoncé has used her platform to raise awareness about social issues, and has supported many causes such as Black Lives Matter, gender equality and the fight against poverty. She is not just a celebrity, but a leader and an icon.

I admire Beyoncé for her talent, strength and courage. She has faced many challenges in her life and career, but she has never given up. She has shown me that with hard work and determination, anything is possible.

Essay 5: My Idol – Artist

My idol is Vincent Van Gogh. He was a Dutch post-impressionist artist who created beautiful and unique paintings. His art was not appreciated during his lifetime, but he is now considered one of the greatest artists of all time.

I admire Van Gogh’s passion and dedication to his art. He painted over 900 paintings in his lifetime, despite facing mental health challenges and poverty. His paintings are filled with emotion, and his use of color and texture is truly inspiring.

Van Gogh’s life story has taught me that art is not just a hobby, but a way of life. He has shown me that with hard work and perseverance, anything is possible. He is an inspiration to me and many other artists around the world.

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My Idol Is My Mother

Filed Under: Essays Tagged With: mother , Parent

Everyone in the world have an idol in their life. Idol is someone that you admire so much, maybe a singer, an actor, a football player, or a model. For me, my mother has been my idol since the day I was born. She is fifty years old. She has become a good mother for her children. She really loves her children.

She looks like a Chinese or maybe a Japanese. Almost all of her siblings have slanting eyes. My mother is really beautiful with her white skin, slanting eyes, and black straight hair. She has heavy shape and medium height. She looks more beautiful with her headscraft. Although she is begining to get wrinkles round her eyes, but she is still the most beautiful woman for me.

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I have a big question in my mind, “What can I do to pay back my mom’s love since I was born? What have I done?”. I only can study hard in the college and be a good girl. I will do my best to her because she is my everything, so I will do everything for her.

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My mother will always be my idol forever. She is the best and the greatest mother in the world. She always understands her children well and always gives her best for me and for my brother. I really love my mother. I love you mom

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My Idol: An Inspiring Figure

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  • Topic: Activism , Idol

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