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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts writing task 2 sample 4 - parents are the best teachers, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, parents are the best teachers., idea generation for this ielts essay:.

  • Parents are more engaged in their children’s activities than any other person because they spend more time with them than even teachers in schools, so they can find more deeply their children’s personality weaknesses.
  • Sensationally, they feel closer to their children than any other people are. Bonding helps mothers to love their children more than any other else.
  • We learn to survive, talk, and distinguish well from bad, values of life, morality and such important other things from our parents.
  • To care about their children, parents take more responsibility. They feel more responsibility to protect their children from criminals.
  • Parents are more devoted than the teachers.
  • Parents would be with a child no matter what.
  • We learn almost every aspect of life in our childhood from our parents.
  • There is not any interruption in their teaching, and they continuously teach their children. This can lead them to become more trustful than teachers.
  • Parents understand the children better and thus play a greater role.
  • Parents are more capable of instructing the children and guide them well.
  • It could be far more economical. Instead of spending tremendous money on tuition, Family can save it.
  • In terms of the theoretical and academic knowledge, parents are usually less professional than the instructors teaching in schools.
  • Parents are less familiar with the latest training techniques which other tutors use.
  • A huge generation gap between them, parents and children, may affect the parents’ performance to become perfect teachers.
  • A conflict between parents and children in schooling may negatively affect their emotional relationship.
  • Morality, intricacies of life, subject matter knowledge, art, science, history, value of time etc. are often taught by the teachers.
  • Parents are sometimes too blind to notice the bad side of their children. In this case, teachers make neutral judgments.
  • Experiences learned from life have a far greater role in life than the things we learn from our parents.
  • IELTS Essay

parents are good teachers essay

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  • Band 9 IELTS Essays

Parents Are The Best Teachers For Their Children

by Manjusha Nambiar · Published March 3, 2019 · Updated April 20, 2024

parents are good teachers essay

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According to some people, parents make the best teachers for their children. I fully agree with this view because parents are the greatest influence on any child and the upbringing that they give will determine what the child will ultimately become in their life.

Parents are the first and foremost influence on any child. For many children, during the first few years of their life, parents are the only people in their life. They learn all important life skills from their father and mother. Parents not only teach their children to walk and talk, but also play a crucial role in shaping their character.

The seeds of character are sown during childhood and if children receive the right upbringing grounded on moral values, they will stay true to their conscience throughout their lives. By contrast, children raised by parents who lack moral values are more likely to become criminals when they grow up. That is because children learn a lot by observing and imitating. They observe each and every action of their parents and do exactly what their dad or mom does. So, for example, if children find that their parents are always honest in their dealings, they learn the importance of becoming honest. Such children will not become corrupt when they grow up. Likewise, parents who treat their servants or drivers with kindness and compassion are knowingly or unknowingly developing empathy in their children.

Parents are also the ones who encourage children to study hard and achieve their goals. Unlike teachers, parents have a vested interest in their children’s lives. They want their children to do well in life and bring honour to the family. Because of this reason, they never give up on their children. By contrast, in most cases, the contribution of the teachers at school or college is limited to helping their students learn their subjects.

To conclude, learning is not limited to mastering the concepts of science or mathematics. True learning happens outside the classroom and here parents are the ones who impart all important life lessons. Hence, the argument that parents are the best teachers for their children makes perfect sense.

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parents are good teachers essay

Manjusha Nambiar

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Essay 366 – Parents are the best teachers

Gt writing task 2 / essay sample # 366.

You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Parents are the best teachers.

You should give reasons for your answer using your own ideas and experience.

Write at least 250 words.

Model Answer 1: [Agreement]

It is often pointed out by many that parents are the best teachers one can have. I agree with this opinion because while it is true that teachers, friends, and personal experiences can provide some valuable lessons, parents hold a unique position in shaping an individual’s character and guiding them throughout their lives.

To begin with, parents have a unique position in shaping an individual’s life. Firstly, parents are the first teachers that a child ever has. They play a critical role in instilling values, beliefs, and moral principles in their children. For instance, parents can teach children the value of honesty, hard work, and perseverance, which can serve them well throughout their lives. Since most children mimic their parents and learn from their behaviours, parents have the most significant role in shaping a child’s character and values.

Secondly, parents have an intimate knowledge of their children’s strengths and weaknesses, aspirations, and desires. This knowledge enables them to tailor their guidance to meet the unique needs of their children. For example, when I was struggling with anxiety during my school years, my parents were able to provide me with the emotional support and guidance that I needed to overcome my fears and achieve my goals. I took professional counselling and talked to many friends about this issue. Ultimately, my parents were my best source of hope and help.

In conclusion, the unique position that parents hold in shaping their children’s character, guiding them through their lives, and providing emotional support and guidance makes them invaluable mentors and the best teachers that no other source can match.

Model Answer 2: [Disagreement]

Many argue that parents are the best teachers for their children. While parents play an important role in shaping the lives of their children, I disagree with the statement that parents are the best teachers. In this essay, I will explain why I believe that parents are not always the best educators and that other sources such as teachers, books, good friends, and personal experience can sometimes provide better guidance.

To begin with, parents might not always have the necessary knowledge and expertise to provide the best guidance to their children. For instance, parents may not be able to teach their children technical or specialized skills that are required for certain professions. In such cases, a professional mentor or teacher might be better suited to provide the necessary training and knowledge. Moreover, parents may have biases and prejudices that might influence their guidance, which can hinder the development of their children. For instance, study after study has shown that most parents do not believe that their dear children can get involved in delinquency and immoral acts, and thus ignore early signs of such deeds.

Furthermore, parents might not always be the best teachers because of the emotional bond they share with their children. Parents might find it difficult to provide unbiased advice and criticism to their children, which can hinder their children’s growth and development. For instance, parents may be reluctant to criticize their children for fear of hurting their feelings, which can prevent their children from learning from their mistakes and improving themselves.

Finally, personal experiences, learning from books, and interactions with friends and peers can also provide valuable lessons and insights that parents may not be able to provide. Personal experiences can be valuable because they provide individuals with a hands-on experience of the real world, allowing them to learn from their mistakes and gain practical knowledge. Likewise, books open up new windows of knowledge for us. Friends and peers can also offer a different perspective and challenge our beliefs, which can broaden our horizons and promote personal growth.

In conclusion, while parents are undoubtedly important figures in our lives, I believe that they are not always the best teachers. Teachers, mentors, books, personal experiences, and friends can also provide valuable guidance and insights that are essential for personal growth and development.

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May 12, 2024

Parents are the best teachers. Do you agree or disagree?

Sample answer:.

Parents play a crucial role in the development of their children, and it is often argued that they are the best teachers. While I agree that parents have a significant influence on their children’s lives, I believe that they may not always be the best teachers in every aspect.

Firstly, parents are undoubtedly the first teachers in a child’s life. They teach basic skills such as walking, talking, and social interaction. Moreover, they instill values and beliefs that shape a child’s personality and behavior. However, when it comes to academic education, parents may not always have the expertise or knowledge to provide the best guidance. In today’s complex and rapidly changing world, children need to acquire a wide range of skills and knowledge that may go beyond their parents’ expertise.

Furthermore, parents may also have biases and limitations that could hinder their ability to be effective teachers. They may impose their own beliefs and opinions on their children, which can limit their exposure to diverse perspectives. Additionally, some parents may lack the patience and understanding required to teach certain subjects or skills, leading to frustration and conflicts in the learning process.

On the other hand, professional teachers are trained to deliver comprehensive and unbiased education to students. They have the expertise to teach various subjects and the skills to cater to different learning styles. Moreover, teachers provide a structured learning environment that encourages critical thinking, creativity, and social interaction, which may not always be present in a home setting.

In conclusion, while parents undoubtedly have a significant influence on their children’s lives and play an essential role as their first teachers, I believe that they may not always be the best teachers in every aspect. Professional educators have the expertise and skills to provide a well-rounded education that goes beyond the scope of parental guidance.

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parents are good teachers essay

What Makes a GREAT Teacher? - A Parent’s Perspective

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In my humble opinion, teachers have one of the most important jobs in the world. You educate the leaders of tomorrow. You help them as they navigate and befriend a classroom full of students who are both very different and very similar to them in a variety of ways. You help them make sense of what is sometimes a scary, yet beautiful and loving world. You are likely one of the most important adults in your students’ lives right now.

Any parent will tell you that their child is their most precious gift. The best way I have found to describe it is that my children are like my heart outside of my body, vulnerably walking around in this big, scary, beautiful, loving world. To me, there is not a job more important than whoever is caring for and teaching my children when it is not me. One year from now, when I am sending my daughter on her first day of kindergarten, I will be putting my faith in her teacher that she will return safely, knowing that her teacher is a grown-up she can trust, who cares about her and who makes her excited to learn and return to school the next day.

So as I prepare to send my first child out into the big world (your classroom) where she will be surrounded by new children and grown-ups, ready to learn and explore this big world, I share with you what I hope for her teachers.

Develop strong relationships with your students. Really get to know them and show an interest in them, their friends, and their family life. How are they adjusting to school? Are they making friends, or do they fly solo? Learn about their dreams and encourage them. Seek out your students’ strengths and offer opportunities to use them and feel that joy of doing something they both like and are good at.

Get to know your students’ parents. Involve them when you can beyond parent-teacher conferences. As parents, we send our kids off to their first days of school and never really know what happens. Did my daughter make a friend, or feel lonely through the day? Was someone unkind to her? Was she unkind to someone else? Is she grasping the content in class? Does she participate? Openly share your concerns, but also tell us what our kids are doing well. Because the common response to “How was school today?” is “fine” we’d love to know what we can talk with our kids about, and how we can work with them to support what you are doing in the classroom.

Communicate openly and honestly with your students’ parents. It’s a scary time to be raising little ones. At home we try to raise our kids to be kind, generous, helpful, and friendly. In our supervised playdates, we, as parents, can monitor that and help them process it when others do not do the same. In the news we hear about bullies, mass shootings, and terrorist attacks. Talk with parents about the scary stuff, and give us comfort about the plan your school has in place. Share with us how you prepare your students and how we can help them deal with a sometimes scary world. We, as parents, are taking a big leap of faith putting the well-being of our precious children in the hands of their teachers. Don’t underestimate your importance in their lives. Communicate with us personally, honestly, and often. Help us know that you care for our children and reassure us.

Don’t lose your energy for your students and teaching. Over the years I have met with a handful of student teachers who I wish I could hand pick to teach my own children. Some of my favorite career coaching appointments over the years are the ones in which the student teacher I am assisting with a resume lights up talking about their experiences with their students, an especially creative lesson, how they helped a student overcome a challenge or reach a goal. The passion they had for teaching, and how well they got to know their students and how very much they cared for them were delightfully evident. Don’t lose that passion for teaching, love for your students, your creativity, or the energy and dedication to helping them succeed. Those things are what draw your students to you and what gives a parent comfort that their child is having a good experience at school.

Never underestimate how important you are in the lives of your students. For many, especially the youngest, your role in your students’ lives may be similar to that of a parent. Whatever your grade level, content area, or specialty, thank you for educating, loving, supporting, encouraging, challenging, and caring for our children, your students, the leaders of tomorrow.

Valarie Jacobsen

Assistant Director, Career Development

Xavier University

The opinions expressed in Career Corner are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.

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What makes a great teacher?

by: The GreatSchools Editorial Team | Updated: December 12, 2023

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What makes a great teacher

What makes a great teacher? Teaching is one of the most complicated jobs today. It demands broad knowledge of subject matter, curriculum, and standards; enthusiasm, a caring attitude, and a love of learning; knowledge of discipline and classroom management techniques; and a desire to make a difference in the lives of young people. With all these qualities required, it’s no wonder that it’s hard to find great teachers.

Here are some characteristics of great teachers

  • Great teachers set high expectations for all students . They expect that every student in their class can and will achieve, they set big goals , and they don’t give up on underachievers.
  • Great teachers have clear, written-out objectives. Effective teachers have lesson plans that give students a clear idea of what they will be learning, what the assignments are and what the grading policy is. Assignments have learning goals and give students ample opportunity to practice new skills. The teacher is consistent in grading and returns work in a timely manner.
  • Great teachers are prepared and organized. They are in their classrooms early and ready to teach. They plan “exhaustively and purposefully… and maintain focus .” They present lessons in a clear and structured way. Their classrooms are organized in such a way as to minimize distractions.
  • Great teachers engage students and get them to look at issues in a variety of ways. Effective teachers use facts as a starting point, not an end point; they ask “why” questions; they look at all sides and are objective ; and they encourage students to predict what will happen next. They ask questions frequently to make sure students are following along. They try to engage the whole class, and they don’t allow a few students to dominate the class. They keep students motivated with varied, lively approaches.
  • Great teachers form strong relationships with their students and show that they care about them as people. Great teachers are warm, accessible, enthusiastic , and caring. Teachers with these qualities build relationships with their students . They stay after school and make themselves available to students and parents. They are involved in school-wide committees and activities, and they demonstrate a commitment to the school.
  • Great teachers are masters of their subject matter. They exhibit expertise in the subjects they are teaching and spend time continuing to gain new knowledge in their field. They present material in an enthusiastic manner and instill a hunger in their students to learn more on their own.
  • Great teachers communicate frequently with parents. They reach parents through conferences and frequent written reports home. They don’t hesitate to pick up the telephone to call a parent if they are concerned about a student.

What the No Child Left Behind (NCLB) and Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) laws mean for teacher quality

The role of the teacher became an even more significant factor in education with the passage of The No Child Left Behind law in 2002.

Under the 2002 law, elementary school teachers needed a bachelor’s degree and had to pass a rigorous test in core curriculum areas. Middle and high school teachers needed to show competency in the subject area they taught by passing a test or by completing an academic major, graduate degree, or comparable course work. Schools were required to tell parents about the qualifications of all teachers, and they had to notify parents if their child was taught for more than four weeks by a teacher who was not highly qualified. Schools that did not comply risked losing federal funding.

Although the law required states to have highly qualified teachers in every core academic classroom by the end of the 2005-2006 school year, not a single state met that deadline.

The U.S. Department of Education then required states to show how they intended to fulfill the requirement. Most states satisfied the government that they were making serious efforts, but a few states were told to come up with new plans.

In 2012, the Obama administration granted flexibility to states on NCLB requirements, and The Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law in December 2015. Transitioning from NCLB to ESSA began the following year.

ESSA lessened the NCLB-era focus on standardized testing so teachers had more time to teach. ESSA gave teachers a greater voice in educational decisions , but the “Highly Qualified Teacher” (HQT) regulations were removed. Some researchers expressed concern that the guidelines’ aim to replace “ineffective teachers” is too vague and undefined to be implemented usefully.

How parents can advocate for qualified teachers

Currently there are an estimated 350,000 teacher positions that are either unfilled or occupied by teachers who are not fully qualified . We know that high-quality teachers make all the difference in the classroom. We also know that it is becoming increasingly difficult to find them and keep them. Many teachers experience “burn out” — up to 30 percent of teachers leave their job after five years .

What the experts recommend for the future of quality teaching

The National Commission on Teaching and America’s Future (NCTAF) has become part of Leaning Forward , which made several recommendations for ensuring that every classroom has a qualified teacher as part of their What Matters Now research, recommendations, and efforts to improve teaching and learning across the country. Among the recommendations were the following key points:

  • Develop rigorous qualifications for teachers.
  • Train evaluators to assess teachers and provide meaningful feedback.
  • Ensure the highest-need schools have access to excellent teachers.
  • Encourage and reward teacher knowledge and skills.
  • Provide financial support to educator recruitment programs.

Implementing these recommendations is a slow process dependent upon legislation as well as increased funding from the federal and state governments, and a will to implement changes at the school district level. Parents can work together to keep the superintendent, their school board members, and their state legislators focused on the goal of having a high-quality teacher in every classroom.

Resources on teacher quality

Give Kids Good Schools This Internet-based campaign, a project of the Public Education Network, makes it easy for parents and community members to lobby government officials to take action to improve the quality of teachers.

Resolving Conflict With Your Child’s Teacher A concise resource from Scholastic on effective ways to deal with differences in opinion between yourself and your child’s teacher.

National Board for Professional Teaching Standards This organization provides information on voluntary advanced national certification for teachers. Learn more about the program and how you can encourage teachers in your school to obtain National Board Certification.

McEwan, Elaine K., 10 Traits of Highly Successful Schools , Waterbrook Press, 1999 This book provides concrete tools and an abundance of resources on how to evaluate teachers and schools.

Bennett, William J., The Educated Child , Simon & Schuster, 1999 What is a good education? In this guide, in addition to learning the signs of a good school and warning signs of a bad teacher, you’ll learn what good schools teach and what you can do to improve your school.

Intrator, Sam M., Stories of the Courage to Teach , Jossey-Bass, 2002 This book is a collection of short, eloquent essays written by teachers from the heart. Full of passionate stories, the essays reveal why teachers teach and the challenges they face.

What Makes a Good Teacher? by Zagyváné Szűcs Ida Universal Journal of Educational Research 2017

“ What Makes a Great Teacher? ” by Amanda Ripley The Atlantic , February 2010

“ What Makes a Great Teacher? ” by Erin Young Phi Delta Kappa , February 2009

“ What makes a good teacher? ” British Journal of Educational Psychology , November 2018

“ Teacher Effectiveness in the Every Student Succeeds Act: A Discussion Guide “, Center on Great Teachers and Leaders at American Institutes for Research, November 2016

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Home — Essay Samples — Education — Teacher — What Makes a Great Teacher


What Makes a Great Teacher

  • Categories: Teacher Teacher-Student Relationships

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Words: 801 |

Published: Sep 12, 2023

Words: 801 | Pages: 2 | 5 min read

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Respect for students, creating a sense of community and belonging, providing a welcoming learning environment, commitment to ongoing learning and professional development, adaptability to diverse learners, challenges in teaching, opportunities for growth.

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parents are good teachers essay


Essay on Parents Role in Our Life

Students are often asked to write an essay on Parents Role in Our Life in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Parents Role in Our Life

The importance of parents.

Parents play a crucial role in our lives. They are our first teachers, guiding us through the early stages of life. They teach us values, morals, and skills, shaping our character and personality.

Our Support System

Parents provide emotional and financial support. They encourage us when we face challenges and celebrate our achievements. Their unconditional love and care are irreplaceable.

Role Models

Parents are our first role models. We learn how to interact with others, handle difficulties, and make decisions by observing them. Their actions and behavior influence our growth and development.

In conclusion, parents play an essential role in our life. Their love, support, and guidance shape us into who we are.

250 Words Essay on Parents Role in Our Life


Parents play a pivotal role in shaping our lives. They are not just the biological entities who give birth to us, but the guiding lights that help us navigate the complex journey of life.

The Foundation of Character

Parents lay the foundation of our character. From teaching us basic etiquettes to instilling moral values, they prepare us for the real world. They influence our behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs, thereby molding our personality and identity.

Support System

Parents are our primary support system. They provide emotional stability, helping us to cope with life’s ups and downs. Their unconditional love and care foster a sense of security and confidence in us, enabling us to face challenges with courage.

Educational Role

Parents are our first teachers. They introduce us to the world of knowledge and continue to contribute to our learning process. Their active participation in our educational journey significantly impacts our academic success and intellectual development.

Parents serve as role models, influencing our aspirations and ambitions. Observing them, we learn the importance of hard work, perseverance, and resilience. Their life lessons guide us in making informed decisions and pursuing our goals.

In essence, parents play an indispensable role in our lives. Their immense contribution is beyond quantification. They shape us into responsible individuals, preparing us for life’s challenges and opportunities. Therefore, it is imperative to acknowledge and appreciate their role in our lives.

500 Words Essay on Parents Role in Our Life

The quintessential influence of parents.

Parents play a pivotal role in shaping our lives, a role that extends far beyond mere biological or legal obligations. They are the architects of our character, the nurturers of our dreams, and the pillars of our resilience.

Parents as Role Models

Parents are our first role models. From a young age, we observe and imitate their behavior, attitudes, and responses to various situations. This process of modeling is intrinsic to human nature and is a key method through which we learn about the world and our place in it. Parents’ actions, therefore, leave indelible imprints on our psyches, influencing our values, ethics, and interpersonal skills.

Parents as Nurturers of Dreams

Parents also play a significant role in nurturing our dreams and aspirations. They provide the necessary resources, guidance, and emotional support that enable us to explore our interests and cultivate our talents. Whether it’s a mother staying up late to help her child with a science project or a father sacrificing his leisure time to coach his child’s sports team, parents’ contributions are instrumental in our journey towards realizing our potential.

Parents as Pillars of Resilience

Life is a roller coaster ride filled with ups and downs. In this tumultuous journey, parents act as our pillars of resilience. They teach us how to cope with failures, manage stress, and navigate through life’s challenges. Their unconditional love and support provide a safety net that cushions the impact of life’s adversities, fostering resilience and emotional strength in us.

Parents as Guides in Decision Making

As we mature and begin to make important life decisions, parents serve as our guides. They share their wisdom and experiences, helping us evaluate our options and make informed choices. By doing so, they equip us with the tools necessary for independent thought and action, thereby preparing us for the future.

Parents as Emotional Anchors

Parents also serve as our emotional anchors. They are our confidants, our cheerleaders, and our comforters. They celebrate our victories, empathize with our struggles, and provide reassurance during our moments of self-doubt. This emotional support is crucial for our mental well-being and self-esteem.

The Lasting Impact of Parents

In conclusion, parents play a multifaceted role in our lives. They shape our character, nurture our dreams, fortify our resilience, guide our decision-making, and provide emotional support. Their influence is profound and enduring, leaving a lasting impact on our lives. As we navigate through the different stages of life, let us remember to appreciate the invaluable role our parents play in shaping our lives.

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  • Essay on Life of Soldiers
  • Essay on Life Is Beautiful

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parents are good teachers essay

40 Unique Retirement Gifts for Teachers

Whether they're from the class, parents or colleagues, these ideas really show your appreciation.

items from the retirement gift box and a teacher can glass are two good housekeeping picks for the best teacher retirement gifts

We've been independently researching and testing products for over 120 years. If you buy through our links, we may earn a commission. Learn more about our review process.

When it comes time for your favorite teacher, co-worker, employee or boss to step down from their teaching post, celebrate their huge milestone with these best teacher retirement gifts. Many of them can be personalized, so they know the presents were picked uniquely for them. Others will help them with the hobbies they can take up during their retirement, be it travel, fishing, bird-watching or gardening. And some are just for those relaxing retiree moments, where they can sit at home with a good book and a refreshing drink and just chill. No matter what kind of teacher you have, one of these is sure to make their retired life a little better!

Engraved Crystal Apple

Engraved Crystal Apple

For colleagues and administrators who want to recognize a retiring teacher for a long career of service, gift them this crystal, awards-style apple plaque. You can choose from a few different type designs and customize the name, year and other text.

RELATED: Best Gifts for Your Boss to Show Your Appreciation

'Why You're the Best Teacher Ever' Book

'Why You're the Best Teacher Ever' Book

This journal makes it easy to give props to an outstanding teacher by offering fill-in-the-blank prompts. Get current and former students to provide the answers, and you'll have a keepsake your favorite teacher will want to save forever.

Bulova Pearl Tabletop Clock

Bulova Pearl Tabletop Clock

When teachers retire, their time becomes their own again. There's no better way to symbolize this freedom than with a classic clock for their (home) desks. This Bulova clock comes with a metal case finished in mirrored polished silver, and also includes a silver plate that can be engraved if you want to take it somewhere to be personalized.

Retirement Gift Set

Retirement Gift Set

Why choose one retirement gift when you can get them all? This set comes with a burlap beach bag, a soft blanket, a coffee mug, a candle, a hand towel folded into the shape of a teddy bear, a wine bag and a bookmark, all of which have funny retirement messages on them. (Note: The bag and blanket are said to run small.)

Retirement Socks

Retirement Socks

When you want just a little something to mark the occasion, these funny retirement socks are just the thing. They're the perfect pair to wear when it's time for Teach to put their feet up.

RELATED: Best Gifts for Your Co-Workers Under $25

'50 States, 5,000 Ideas' Book

'50 States, 5,000 Ideas' Book

Retirement is the ideal time to tackle that travel bucket list. No matter the destination, if they're headed on a journey in the United States, this book is a must. It offers lists of the have-to-do attractions in each state, from the obvious landmarks and National Parks to the out-of-the-way and the obscure. Even if no trips are planned, it's a fun read!

RELATED : Best Travel Gifts

Retirement Dice

Retirement Dice

Maybe retirement has too many hours to fill? If you're afraid the teacher in question doesn't know how to spend their time, this die aims to break through the indecision. Or at least it will give them a laugh.

Teacher Can Glass

Teacher Can Glass

What could be better than spending retirement relaxing on a porch, feeling a gentle breeze with a cool drink in hand? You might not be able to gift the porch or the breeze, but the cool drink you can handle. This 16 oz glass keeps beverages cool, and it comes with a bamboo lid and glass straw to maintain the temperature. Plus, it has a sweet message on the front that'll warm any teacher's heart.

12-Inch Screen Magnifier

12-Inch Screen Magnifier

Let's face it...the screen time is going to increase. But that doesn't have to spell danger for the eyes. This enlarges the screen to 12 inches, so that teachers can watch videos and scroll through social media without the strain. You can also get 14-inch , 16-inch and 18-inch versions.

The Reverse Coloring Book

The Reverse Coloring Book

In terms of mindfulness activities, you can give the gift of mandalas or adult coloring books. But for something a little more novel, there's the reverse coloring book. Instead of coloring in the pages, the colors are already included, and teachers can spend their time drawing in the outlines. (They probably have a lot of experience from using their red pens.)

Maelstrom Cooler Backpack

Maelstrom Cooler Backpack

If their days will be filled with tailgates, picnics and days at the beach, this cooler backpack will see loads of use. It has pockets for everything from cutlery to condiments, and the main compartment is big enough to hold 35 cans. You can also get it in five colors.

Stainless Steel Retirement Bookmark

Stainless Steel Retirement Bookmark

It doesn't matter if they were an English teacher or school librarian — everyone has more time to read in their retirement. To celebrate this next "chapter," there's this metal bookmark, which also comes with a charm that commemorates the year.

Personalized Golf Tees

Personalized Golf Tees

If you know they're going to spend their retirement hitting the links, start them off on the right foot with a set of personalized golf tees. The set comes with 100 tees, so it'll last them for a while.

RELATED: The Best Golf Gifts

Day of the Week Wall Clock

Day of the Week Wall Clock

At one time, school schedules, clubs and after-school activities kept the days of the week on the top of mind. During retirement...what day is it? If the retiree in your life is experiencing this temporal squishiness, this clock will set them straight (and hopefully they'll smile every time they take a look at it). You could get it in a few different styles, from a modern aluminum to a darker mahogany .

'School's Out Forever' Trinket Dish

'School's Out Forever' Trinket Dish

Alice Cooper really did say it best — and they can shout his wisdom from the rooftops every time they use this catchall dish. The dish is made from ceramic, and there are other sayings available too, like " You Can't Retire From Being Great " or " The Legend Has Retired ."

Retired Hat

Retired Hat

Whether they're fishing, headed to the pool or just chilling in the backyard, this hat can keep the sun out of their eyes while announcing their newly retired status. It says "Official Retired 2024: Not My Problem Anymore!" which certainly sums up the way some teachers feel. It also comes in four colors.

Tree of Life Retirement Wind Chime

Tree of Life Retirement Wind Chime

If they're going from tending minds to tending a garden, help them decorate with this sweet wind chime. It comes with the saying, "Never underestimate the difference you made and the lives you touched," and you can get it personalized with a name and retirement date. It hangs at a length of 36 inches.

Retirement Toilet Paper

Retirement Toilet Paper

If the teacher has a good sense of humor, this is sure to get them rolling. You can give it to them as a gag gift, or put it out at a retirement party.

RELATED: Best Gag Gifts That Will Make Any Occasion More Fun

'Thank You For Helping Me Grow' Succulent Pot

'Thank You For Helping Me Grow' Succulent Pot

Just add greenery! They'll be reminded of all the minds they've touched every time they water it. It's made of ceramic, and comes with a bamboo tray to catch the excess water.

Wine Chiller

Wine Chiller

Now, your favorite teacher won't have to worry about warming up their wine when they hold their wine glass. They can just pop this in the freezer between drinks, and it'll keep things cool when the wine glass is placed in it. (The top comes off the stem of the holder, so it doesn't take up too much room.) There's also a stemless version .

preview for Good Housekeeping US Section: Holidays

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5 warnings and an advisory in effect for 22 regions in the area

Houston isd parents, teachers protest ‘resign or terminate’ ultimatum given to principal.

Cathy Hernandez , Anchor / Reporter

Ahmed Humble , Digital Content Producer

HOUSTON – Parents and teachers at several Houston ISD schools gathered Monday morning in support of their schools and their principals. They say the district gave those principals an ultimatum to resign or meet with the board of managers - and possibly face termination.

PREVIOUS: ‘Resign or terminate’: Houston ISD parents claim Meyerland Middle School principal given ultimatum

KPRC 2′s Cathy Hernandez was at Meyerland Middle School where community members demanded their voices be heard.

It was a large turnout at Meyerland Middle School, where demonstrators gathered in hopes of saving their principal. Hundreds of people chanted and held signs outside Meyerland Middle School in support of Principal Auden Sarabia.

“We love mr. Sarabia so much and that he’s probably one of the best principals I’ve ever had,” Adeline LeBlanc, a 7th-grade student said. “We’d be very sad to see him go.”

Principal Sarabia has worked for the district for 18 years - and was chosen last year as the Middle School Principal of the Year.

RELATED: Teacher turnover and more job cuts for Houston ISD

Principal Sarabia told staff last week the district gave him two options: resign or meet with the board of managers for a conference, learn why he’s on the chopping block, and face termination.

Sarabia was apparently on a list released in March of more than 100 principals at risk of losing their jobs - based on the district’s performance screening. However, after public outcry - the district said the ratings would not be used - regarding employment.

Last week, HISD Superintendent Mike Miles said principals were going to be evaluated by several other data points.

“Principals are on a pay-for-performance evaluation system,” he said. “The core of that is data: instructional data, achievement data, action plan data, leadership data so a lot of information on a principal.”


These cuts also come after the district announced it was facing a $450 million budget shortfall . Despite that, members of the Meyerland community hope to save Mr. Sarabia

“It doesn’t make sense to get rid of your best and brightest,” Robbie McDonough, an HISD parent said. “He was just 2023 principal of the year, you don’t become a problem overnight. You don’t become some sort of performance issue overnight. He’s here for his students, he’s here for his teachers, he’s here for his parents. This community loves him.”

This community says they’ll not stop fighting until their voices are heard.

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Copyright 2024 by KPRC Click2Houston - All rights reserved.

About the Authors

Cathy hernandez.

Reporter, family-oriented, sports fanatic, proud Houstonian.

Ahmed Humble

Historian, educator, writer, expert on "The Simpsons," amateur photographer, essayist, film & tv reviewer and race/religious identity scholar. Joined KPRC 2 in Spring 2024 but has been featured in various online newspapers and in the Journal of South Texas' Fall 2019 issue.

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Parents are the best teachers. Do you agree or disagree?

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Include an introduction and conclusion

A conclusion is essential for IELTS writing task 2. It is more important than most people realise. You will be penalised for missing a conclusion in your IELTS essay.

The easiest paragraph to write in an essay is the conclusion paragraph. This is because the paragraph mostly contains information that has already been presented in the essay – it is just the repetition of some information written in the introduction paragraph and supporting paragraphs.

The conclusion paragraph only has 3 sentences:

  • Restatement of thesis
  • Prediction or recommendation

To summarize, a robotic teacher does not have the necessary disciple to properly give instructions to students and actually works to retard the ability of a student to comprehend new lessons. Therefore, it is clear that the idea of running a classroom completely by a machine cannot be supported. After thorough analysis on this subject, it is predicted that the adverse effects of the debate over technology-driven teaching will always be greater than the positive effects, and because of this, classroom teachers will never be substituted for technology.

Start your conclusion with a linking phrase. Here are some examples:

  • In conclusion
  • To conclude
  • To summarize
  • In a nutshell

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24.Good teaching is more important for academic success than individual ability. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Write an essay with no less than 250 words.

Some people think secondary school students should study international news as one of their subjects, while others believe that this is a waste of valuable school time. discuss both these views and give your own opinion., in some countries an increasing number of people are suffering from health problems as a result of eating too much fast food. it is therefore necessary for governments to impose a higher tax on this kind of food. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion., some people think that the increase in international travel has a negative impact on the environment and should be restricted. to what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion, in many countries, people do not recycle waste materials, such as bottles and newspapers. what are the reasons for this what could be done to solve this problem .


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  4. Parents Are The Best Teachers Essay

    parents are good teachers essay

  5. ⇉Are Parents the Best Teachers? Essay Example

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  1. IELTS Writing Task 2 Sample 4

    Write at least 250 words. Model Answer 1: (Agreement: Parents are the best teachers) 'Whether parents are our best teachers or not' is a never-ending debate and people are divided both in favour and against this argument. Both have a very strong contribution and influence on a child's learning but in my opinion, parents overtake the ...

  2. Parents Are The Best Teachers For Their Children

    Sample essay. According to some people, parents make the best teachers for their children. I fully agree with this view because parents are the greatest influence on any child and the upbringing that they give will determine what the child will ultimately become in their life. Parents are the first and foremost influence on any child.

  3. Topic: Are parents best teachers?

    Topic 1. Obviously, the first teachers we have in our lives in most cases are our parents. They teach us to walk, to speak, and to have good manners before we reach "the real world. " More than even the professional teachers that we have at school, parents are generally the most involved in the development and education of children.

  4. Essay#34

    Parents can be very important teachers in their children's lives; however, they are not always the best teachers. Parents may be too close to their children emotionally. For example, they may limit a child's freedom in the name of safety. A teacher may organize an educational trip to a big city, but a parent may think this trip is too ...

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    In conclusion, parents are undoubtedly the best teachers a child can have. They provide the foundation for learning, guide their children through life's ups and downs, set an example of good behavior and values, and are invested in their child's education and future. The unique bond between a parent and a child cannot be replicated by any other teacher.

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  12. Full article: Good teachers are always learning

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  13. Parents are the best teachers

    Whether parents are our best teachers or not' is a never-ending debate and people are divided both in. favor. and against. this. argument. Both have a very strong contribution and influence on a child's. learning but. in my opinion, parents overtake the teachers in terms of teaching their children. First.

  14. Essay on Parents Are The Best Teachers

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  15. Parents are the best teachers

    You should give reasons for your answer using your own ideas and experience. # parents # teachers # support. The best educators in the world are our mother and father. They are the ones who brought us in. this. journey of. life. and they hold our hands from the beginning till the end. Many people believe that learning begins at home, during our ...

  16. Parents are the best teachers

    The diagram explains the procedure of creating liquid chocolate from cocoa beans. writing9. It is true that parents are the first and the most important teachers in our life. They give us not only knowledge and skills related to everyday affairs, but also teach us such important life values as love, respect, patience and forgiveness | Band: 5.

  17. What makes a great teacher?

    In this guide, in addition to learning the signs of a good school and warning signs of a bad teacher, you'll learn what good schools teach and what you can do to improve your school. Intrator, Sam M., Stories of the Courage to Teach, Jossey-Bass, 2002 This book is a collection of short, eloquent essays written by teachers from the heart.

  18. Parents Are The Best Teacher Essay

    Parents Are The Best Teacher Essay. No one can deny that parents are the best and first teachers. They were the fire who triggered our learning skills; as they taught us how to walk, how to talk and later in our lives; they also have a great role in the real world's teaching life experiences. Early in life, parents are the only people known ...

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    This is a free essay sample available for all students. If you are looking where to buy pre written essays on the topic "What Makes a Good Teacher", browse our private essay samples. Introduction. The Difference Between Good Teachers and Bad Teachers. Excellent educators respect students' perspectives and life seasons.

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    Personalized Golf Tees. $19 at Amazon. Credit: Generic. If you know they're going to spend their retirement hitting the links, start them off on the right foot with a set of personalized golf tees ...

  24. Houston ISD parents, teachers protest 'resign or ...

    PREVIOUS: 'Resign or terminate': Houston ISD parents claim Meyerland Middle School principal given ultimatum. KPRC 2′s Cathy Hernandez was at Meyerland Middle School where community members ...

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    In 2022, 31-year-old Maggie Perkins quit her eight-year teaching job and got a job at Costco. She doesn't regret the decision, and she's never been happier. Here's a look at a day in the life ...