Home » Perl if Statement

Perl if Statement

Summary : in this tutorial, you are going to learn about Perl if statement that allows you to control the execution of code conditionally.

Simple Perl if statement

Perl if statement allows you to control the execution of your code based on conditions. The simplest form of the if statement is as follows:

In this form, you can put the if statement after another statement. Let’s take a look at the following example:

The message is only displayed if the expression $a == 1 evaluates to true . How Perl defines true and false ? The following rules are applied when Perl evaluates an expression:

  • Both number 0 and string “0” are false .
  • The undefined value is false .
  • The empty list () is false .
  • The empty string "" is false .
  • Everything else is true .

If you do not remember the rules or you doubt whether a condition is true or false , you can always write a simple if statement to test the expression.

The limitation of the Perl if statement is that it allows you to execute a single statement only. If you want to execute multiple statements based on a condition, you use the following form:

Noticed that the curly braces {} are required even if you have a single statement to execute. Watch out C/C++ and C# programmers!

The following flowchart illustrates the Perl if statement:

perl if statement

And the following is an example of using the if statement:

Perl if else statement

In some cases, you want to also execute another code block if the expression does not evaluate to true . Perl provides the if else statement that allows you to execute a code block if the expression evaluates to true , otherwise, the code block inside the else branch will execute.

The following flowchart illustrates the Perl if else  statement:

Perl if else

See the following example, the code block in the else branch will execute because $a and $b are not equal.

Perl if elsif statement

In some cases, you want to test more than one condition, for example:

  • If $a and $b are equal, then do this.
  • If $a is greater than $b then do that.
  • Otherwise, do something else.

Perl provides the if elsif statement for checking multiple conditions and executing the corresponding code block as follows:

The following flowchart illustrates the if elseif else statement:

Perl if elsif else

Technically speaking, you can have many elsif branches in an if elseif  statement. However, it is not a good practice to use a lengthy if elsif statement.

Perl if statement example

We are going to apply what we have learned so far to create a simple program called currency converter.

  • We will use a hash to store the exchange rates.
  • To get the inputs from users via the command line, we will use <STDIN>. We use the chomp() function to remove the newline character (\n) from the user’s inputs.
  • We convert the amount from local currency to foreign currency if the currencies are supported.

The following source code illustrates the simple currency converter program:

In this tutorial, you’ve learned various forms of the Perl if statement including simple if , if else , and if esif else statements to control the execution of the code.

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Conditional statements, using if, else, elsif in Perl

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  • indentation

Layout: Indentation

Nested if statements, else if in perl, empty block.

Gabor Szabo

Published on 2014-04-22

Author: Gabor Szabo

perl if else assignment

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The conditional (ternary) operator

Apr 16, 2013 by David Farrell

One way to reduce the verbosity of Perl code is to replace if-else statements with a conditional operator expression. The conditional operator (aka ternary operator) takes the form: logical test ? value if true : value if false .

Let’s convert a standard Perl if-else into its conditional operator equivalent, using a fictitious subroutine. First here is the if-else:

And here is the same statement using the conditional operator:

Hopefully this example shows how using the conditional operator can shorten and simplify Perl code. For further detail, check out the official documentation .

This article was originally posted on PerlTricks.com .

David Farrell

David is a professional programmer who regularly tweets and blogs about code and the art of programming.

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Using if, elsif, else and unless

Perl if statements can consist of an 'if' evaluation or an 'unless' evaluation, an 'elsif' evaluation (yes the 'e' is missing), and an 'else' evaluation.

The syntax for an if statement can be arranged a few ways:

The unless statement is just like an 'if-not'. For example, the following two lines of code are equivalent:

Most commonly, you will see the following use of unless:

The else statement gets run when the preceding 'if' or 'unless' is not true:

If you want to check for more than one condition, you can build a larger statement using 'elsif':

The expression inside the 'if' condition, is evaluated. This means it is checked to see whether it is true or false. The following condition evaluates to true:

And the following evaluates to false:

The above example could also be written as:

You can also use if to check if a variable has a defined value. The following evaluates to false because $value has no defined value.

This works quite nicely with boolean values and objects, however you must be careful with strings. While the string in the following code has a defined value, it still evaluates to false:

This is because perl is not a strongly typed language. If you wanted to check if $value had a defined value, it is better to use the 'defined' function:

The c-style ? operator

Another way of writing an if statement is using the c-style shorthand conditional operator ?. This is very useful when assigning values. An example is:

If $flag evaluates to true, then $c will equal 4, otherwise $c will equal 5.

The form of 'if-else' statement can be easily embedded in other statements, for example, a print statement:

To find out more, run the command:

alvin alexander

How to use the Perl ternary operator

In most languages there is an operator named the "ternary" operator that lets you write concise if/then statements. This makes for less verbose, which is generally a good thing. Perl also has a ternary operator, and I'll demonstrate it here.

General syntax of the ternary operator

The general syntax for Perl's ternary operator looks like this:

Let's take a look at a brief example to demonstrate this.

A brief example

Here's a brief example that demonstrates the Perl ternary operator. As you might guess, the first set of print statements will print true , and the second set prints false .

(I use $TRUE and $FALSE variables because I think they're easier to remember than 1 and 0 , especially if you're new to Perl.)

A more complex example

Here's a slightly more complicated example to demonstrate the use of a comparison/equality operator in the "test expression" portion of the ternary operator:

As you might guess, this segment of code will print:

(Which summarizes my driving habits.)

The ternary operator is cool -- I hope you like it!

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perl if else assignment

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Perl Else If

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Table of Contents


Understanding the perl 'if' statement, introducing the perl 'else' statement, exploring the perl 'elsif' statement, common pitfalls and tips.

  • The 'if' statement in Perl is used to execute a block of code if a certain condition is true. The syntax of the 'if' statement in Perl is as follows:
  • The 'else' statement in Perl can be used in conjunction with the 'if' statement to execute a block of code if the condition in the 'if' statement is not true. Here is the syntax:
  • Perl provides an 'elsif' keyword to allow for multiple, distinct conditions to be tested in sequence. The 'elsif' statement is only executed if the preceding 'if' or 'elsif' condition is not true and its own condition is true. The syntax is as follows:
  • One of the most common pitfalls when using 'if-elsif-else' in Perl is the incorrect use of conditions. Always remember that the condition should return a boolean value (true or false).
  • Another common mistake is forgetting to use the curly braces '{}' to define the scope of the 'if', 'elsif', and 'else' blocks. Without these, Perl will not know where the block begins and ends.
  • It's crucial to remember that the conditions are evaluated from top to bottom. If a condition is true, Perl executes that block of code and skips the rest, even if they may also be true. Therefore, the order in which conditions are written is important.
  • Lastly, 'elsif' in Perl is written as 'elsif', not 'elseif' or 'else if'. This is a common typo that can lead to syntax errors.

if - use a Perl module if a condition holds


The if module is used to conditionally load another module. The construct:

... will load MODULE only if CONDITION evaluates to true; it has no effect if CONDITION evaluates to false. (The module name, assuming it contains at least one :: , must be quoted when 'use strict "subs";' is in effect.) If the CONDITION does evaluate to true, then the above line has the same effect as:

For example, the Unicode::UCD module's charinfo function will use two functions from Unicode::Normalize only if a certain condition is met:

Suppose you wanted ARGUMENTS to be an empty list, i.e. , to have the effect of:

You can't do this with the if pragma; however, you can achieve exactly this effect, at compile time, with:

The no if construct is mainly used to deactivate categories of warnings when those categories would produce superfluous output under specified versions of perl .

For example, the redundant category of warnings was introduced in Perl-5.22. This warning flags certain instances of superfluous arguments to printf and sprintf . But if your code was running warnings-free on earlier versions of perl and you don't care about redundant warnings in more recent versions, you can call:

The no if construct assumes that a module or pragma has correctly implemented an unimport() method -- but most modules and pragmata have not. That explains why the no if construct is of limited applicability.

The current implementation does not allow specification of the required version of the module.

Module::Requires can be used to conditionally load one or more modules, with constraints based on the version of the module. Unlike if though, Module::Requires is not a core module.

Module::Load::Conditional provides a number of functions you can use to query what modules are available, and then load one or more of them at runtime.

The provide module from CPAN can be used to select one of several possible modules to load based on the version of Perl that is running.

Ilya Zakharevich mailto:[email protected] .


This software is copyright (c) 2002 by Ilya Zakharevich.

This is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.

Perldoc Browser is maintained by Dan Book ( DBOOK ). Please contact him via the GitHub issue tracker or email regarding any issues with the site itself, search, or rendering of documentation.

The Perl documentation is maintained by the Perl 5 Porters in the development of Perl. Please contact them via the Perl issue tracker , the mailing list , or IRC to report any issues with the contents or format of the documentation.

Perl - If else

Learn Perl If else conditional statement using string, one line simple logical and or operator tutorial for beginner examples..

This tutorial explains how to use if-else conditional statements in Perl with examples.

if conditional statements are used to execute code blocks based on a conditional expression. Perl provides the following conditional statements

It provides the following features

  • simple if statements
  • if else statements
  • if else if else
  • nested if else

Simple Perl if conditional statement

if the conditional statement is used to execute code block based on conditional expression statements.

-The condition_expression contains either single or multiple conditions. Multiple conditions are used with logical operators.

condition_expression is always evaluated as true or false . if it is true , It executes a code block.

Here is an example

  • if is a keyword in Perl
  • conditional expression are always enclosed () and must require for simple condition
  • code statements are enclosed in {} and it is compulsory to include for single statement also

conditional_expression is a Boolean expression that returns true or false .

  • if the condition is true, the code block is executed.
  • if the condition is false, the code block is not executed. Here is an example of Perl if statements example for checking even numbers.

Here is a simple if conditional statement example for Odd numbers

Perl if else conditional statements

if else in Perl is used to execute code statements based on true and false conditional expressions.

condition is a Boolean expression that returns true or false

  • if the condition is true , code block inside if block is executed.
  • if the condition is false , the code block inside the else block is executed. Here is an example of Perl if conditional true example

Here is a Perl if else conditional expression example

Perl if else if statement example

This is a combination of if-else and if statements.

This is used to execute code blocks based on multiple conditions.

perl if condition with and operator

The conditional expression contains logical Operator Logic And operator( and or &&) Logic OR operator( or or || ) Logic Not operator( not )

In the above example, the Logical And operator are used in multiple conditions. It returns true if both conditions are true, else returns false.

Perl If condition string example

We can check whether given two strings are equal or not using Perl if the conditional statement

Strings are equal or not using == and eq operator in If statements.

  • == is numeric comparision operator, that evaluates both operands to numeric value(0) and compare its value.
  • The eq operator is a string comparison operator that compares two string characters that are equal with the exact case.

Perl one line if statement

Perl supports if-else statements in a single line using the ternary operator

For example, here is an if-else statement in Perl.

The same above can be rewritten using short hand ternary conditional operator

if-elsif-else Statement

Let's discuss if-elsif-else statements using different examples in this lesson.

  • Explanation
  • Logical operators in if condition

The elsif statement

When there are different possible actions against a set of different conditions, then elsif is used to extend the if statement. The conditional block starts with an if-statement followed by multiple elsif statements, each with a different condition, and may end with an optional else-statement.

The syntax and usage of the if-statement with the elsif statement are presented in the following example.

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Operators are used to perform operation on a single operand or two operands. Operators in Perl can be categorized as follows:

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Increment/Decrement operators
  • Logical operators
  • Bitwise operators

Quote-Like operators

  • Miscellaneous operators

Perl Arithmetic operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform arithmetic operations on two operands.

Perl Assignment operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values of right hand side expression to left hand side operand.

Perl Comparison operators

Comparison operators are used to compare values of two operands. It returns true when values matches and returns false when values does not match. Perl has two sets of comparison operators. One is used for comparing numerical values while other is used for comparing string values.

Numeric Comparison operators

String comparison operators, perl increment/decrement operators.

Increment and decrement operators are used to increase and decrease the value of variable.

Perl Logical operators

Logical operators are used to combine two or more conditions.

Perl Bitwise operators

Bitwise operators are used to perform bitwise operations on two operands.

Perl supports the following Quote-like operators:

Perl Miscellaneous operators

The table below describes other operators supported by Perl:

Perl Operators Precedence

Operator precedence ( order of operations ) is a collection of rules that reflect conventions about which procedures to perform first in order to evaluate a given expression.

For example, multiplication has higher precedence than addition. Thus, the expression 1 + 2 × 3 is interpreted to have the value 1 + (2 × 3) = 7, and not (1 + 2) × 3 = 9. When exponent is used in the expression, it has precedence over both addition and multiplication. Thus 3 + 5 2 = 28 and 3 × 5 2 = 75.

The following table lists the precedence and associativity of Perl operators. Operators are listed top to bottom, in descending precedence . Operators with higher precedence are evaluated before operators with relatively lower precedence. When operators have the same precedence, associativity of the operators determines the order in which the operations are performed.

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  • Perl - IF...ELSE
  • Perl - Loops
  • Perl - Operators
  • Perl - Date & Time
  • Perl - Subroutines
  • Perl - References
  • Perl - Formats
  • Perl - File I/O
  • Perl - Directories
  • Perl - Error Handling
  • Perl - Special Variables
  • Perl - Coding Standard
  • Perl - Regular Expressions
  • Perl - Sending Email
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Perl IF...ELSIF statement

An if statement can be followed by an optional elsif...else statement, which is very useful to test the various conditions using single if...elsif statement.

When using if , elsif , else statements there are few points to keep in mind.

An if can have zero or one else 's and it must come after any elsif 's.

An if can have zero to many elsif 's and they must come before the else .

Once an elsif succeeds, none of the remaining elsif 's or else 's will be tested.

The syntax of an if...elsif...else statement in Perl programming language is −

Here we are using the equality operator == which is used to check if two operands are equal or not. If both the operands are same, then it returns true otherwise it returns false. When the above code is executed, it produces the following result −

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  3. Perl Basics: If/If Else/ElsIf Statements

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  4. Perl if statements

    perl if else assignment

  5. perl

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    The assignment operator returns the assigned value, 0, which equates to false, thus the logical and '&&' always fails. Share. ... I don't see what your confusion has to do with the fact that perl uses "elsif" rather than "else if" or "elseif". In every language I've ever used, from pre-1970s-style FORTRAN to Java and including along the way ...

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  5. The conditional (ternary) operator

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  7. Using if, elsif, else and unless

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  8. How to use the Perl ternary operator

    Perl also has a ternary operator, and I'll demonstrate it here. General syntax of the ternary operator. The general syntax for Perl's ternary operator looks like this: test-expression ? if-true-expression : if-false-expression Let's take a look at a brief example to demonstrate this. A brief example

  9. Perl Else If

    One of the most common pitfalls when using 'if-elsif-else' in Perl is the incorrect use of conditions. Always remember that the condition should return a boolean value (true or false). Another common mistake is forgetting to use the curly braces '{}' to define the scope of the 'if', 'elsif', and 'else' blocks. Without these, Perl will not know ...

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    In perl, we have following conditional statements. Click on the links below to read a statement in detail with example. if statement - If statement consists a condition, if the condition evaluates to true then the statements inside "if" execute else they do not execute. if-else statement - if statement has an optional else statement, if ...

  11. Conditional Operator (Programming Perl)

    Conditional Operator (Programming Perl) 3.16. Conditional Operator. As in C, ?: is the only trinary operator. It's often called the conditional operator because it works much like an if-then-else, except that, since it's an expression and not a statement, it can be safely embedded within other expressions and functions calls.

  12. if

    The if module is used to conditionally load another module. The construct: use if CONDITION, "MODULE", ARGUMENTS; ... will load MODULE only if CONDITION evaluates to true; it has no effect if CONDITION evaluates to false. (The module name, assuming it contains at least one ::, must be quoted when 'use strict "subs";' is in effect.)

  13. If statement in Perl

    Nested if statement in perl When there is an if statement inside another if statement then it is called the nested if statement. The structure of nested if looks like this:

  14. Learn Perl If else conditional statement tutorial and examples

    Learn Perl If else conditional statement using string, one line simple logical and or operator tutorial for beginner examples. w3schools is a free tutorial to learn web development. It's short (just as long as a 50 page book), simple (for everyone: beginners, designers, developers), and free (as in 'free beer' and 'free speech').

  15. Perl Conditional Statements

    Perl programming language provides the following types of conditional statements. Sr.No. Statement & Description. 1. if statement. An if statement consists of a boolean expression followed by one or more statements. 2. if...else statement. An if statement can be followed by an optional else statement.

  16. if-elsif-else Statement

    The conditional block starts with an if-statement followed by multiple elsif statements, each with a different condition, and may end with an optional else-statement. Syntax. The syntax and usage of the if-statement with the elsif statement are presented in the following example.

  17. If statement with multiple conditions in perl

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  18. if-elsif-else statement in perl

    else { #if none of the condition is true #then these statements gets executed statement(s); } Note: The most important point to note here is that in if-elsif-else statement as soon as the condition is met, the corresponding set of statements get executed, rest gets ignored.

  19. Perl Operators

    Perl Assignment operators. Assignment operators are used to assign values of right hand side expression to left hand side operand. Operator Expression Equivalent to Description = ... else returns 0. More Info ^ XOR: Returns 1 if only one of two bits at the same position in both operands is 1, else returns 0. More Info ~ NOT: Reverse all the bits.

  20. Perl one line if statement

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  21. Perl IF...ELSIF statement

    An if statement can be followed by an optional elsif...else statement, which is very useful to test the various conditions using single if...elsif statement.. When using if , elsif , else statements there are few points to keep in mind.. An if can have zero or one else's and it must come after any elsif's.. An if can have zero to many elsif's and they must come before the else.