Persuasive Essay Sample: Sexual Education in School Should Be Revised

Everyone cares about their safety and health. With age comes more responsibilities as teenagers develop into adults. Adolescents are expected to make choices regarding their bodies, yet they are not receiving the resources and education needed to make those decisions. Traditional sexual education needs to be revised to help teenagers flourish into adulthood with confidence. Sexual education should be updated to the modern world and taught to all secondary schools to uphold safety; additionally, working for LGBTQ communities to be included and educated beyond abstinence. 

Teenagers who have a complete sexual education are at an advantage with their health and safety. Sex education was introduced in the early 1900s to reduce sexually transmitted diseases (“Education”). This suggests the importance of having sex education to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and keep the body healthy. According to “Sex Education and Abstinence,” “Thirty-nine states, plus Washington, D.C., require sex education and/or HIV education in schools. But only 18 states mandate that sex and HIV education be medically accurate”. This would propose the schools recognize the need for HIV and sex education to be taught to adolescents, yet, not all of the states require sex ed, so countless students are left in the dark and, unfortunately, defeats the purpose of having sex education. According to “Sex Ed Programs in America Need Revising,” “Twenty-eight U.S. states do not even require sex ed to be taught.” The significance of this is that the education that the youth are being taught is not factual, which sets them up for failure later in their future. Providing kids with a complete sex education will allow them to grow more comfortable with their bodies, have healthy perspectives on their sexuality, and make more responsible decisions corresponding to their bodies. Sexual education allows teenagers to have knowledge on the prevention of sexual diseases and to obtain utmost safety. Undoubtedly, technology is used for sexual activity, and teenagers do not know the harm that could cause them. Not to mention, the information the kids do not get in the classroom about sex ed comes from online instead (“Ed”). Interpreted another way, this means that without proper education, teenagers are left curious and look to other resources to answer their questions; therefore, many teens still have unrealistic expectations about their sexual relationships. Another reason sex education needs to be updated, fifty-four percent of teens have admitted to sexting (“Ed”). One can conclude that technology has become a piece of modern equipment for many individuals, so teenagers need to be taught safety about the internet when it involves themselves and a partner. In comparison to keeping adolescents safe from sexual technology, it is equally critical to keep adolescents safe from the risks of fatal complications due to the age of giving birth (“Education”). The significance of this is that female adolescents are in danger because of accidental pregnancies, yet pregnancies can decrease if teens know more about contraceptives and the importance of condoms or safe sex. In addition to decisions, the health risks of teen birth are immense and teenage pregnancy intensely impacts the teens’ future career goals and education. Since the United States has some of the highest accidental pregnancy rates, more futures are at stake (Straub). The importance of this is the increasing future's put at risk means the nation's future is at risk. After all, children are the only chance society has to fix the world's future. The usage of technology is a modern-day routine, so adolescents need to be taught how to safely be on the internet when involving sexual relationships. 

Although new sexualities are being discovered and accepted in society, LGBTQ sexual education is not implemented into most sexual education. A current study shows around nine million Americans identify as a part of the LGBTQ community, with being either gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgender (“Ed”). Statistics like these reveal the need for sexual education to be updated to make the LGBTQ community present in schools, so all students have the sex ed they need. The current sex education does not recognize the needs of LGBTQ students, which in return, the LGBTQ students are overlooked in the classroom and are at higher rates of risk for various health outcomes (Greenburg). Interpreted another way, this means that LGBTQ students are not receiving the education that suits their lifestyle and, in return, are left in the unknown about their bodies and healthy sexual relationships. With the absence of LGBTQ sexual education in schools, many young LGBTQ members are left uninformed about their health, and the understanding of their bodies (Oliver). This is important because young adults are not receiving the proper education about their bodies but are expected to make acceptable choices regarding their bodies and relationships. This demonstrates how LGBTQ students are trapped to fail when it comes to making decisions about their futures. According to Nation School Climate Survey, only 8.2% of students received LGBTQ sex education; however, this information does not startle many individuals for LGBTQ sex ed is mandated in a minority of U.S. states. Rather than progress to educate the youth in LGBTQ sex education, other states are passing laws against it and causing the educators to do the opposite (Oliver). It is salient to notice how certain states are blocking information that should be instructed to teenagers for a safer and healthier lifestyle. Therefore, these states are holding back proper sexual education and show how biased sex ed is to LGBTQ. Five states allow negative information on homosexuality to be taught, while some schools favor heterosexuality and put it in a positive light (Oliver). This suggests that teens are taught to acknowledge heterosexuality as the only correct way to live. In return, the teens who are a part of the LGBTQ community are left out and have low self-esteem and self-identity. Hence, the request to put LGBTQ sex ed into regular sex education is as prime as teaching heterosexual students about their sex ed. 

Some people believe that teaching the youth abstinence-only education is the only sex ed needed. The parents or adults in the adolescent's life should be the ones to include comprehensive sex ed as they see fit, and religion plays an equally important role as well. However, teaching adolescents comprehensive sex ed will allow teenagers to grow psychologically independent and grow as a person. Knowing about the body will empower the youth to make decisions for themselves and allow independence. If adolescents understand how the body works, the need to turn to dangerous sources to satisfy curiosity will decrease. Educating the youth about sexual relations will help to satisfy any curiosity and reduce sexual risk behaviors. Research shows abstinence-only education does not delay the initiation of sexual activity, so teaching teenagers about sexual relationships would cause no harm or make the teenagers sexually active. Even though people believe abstinence-only education is the best education, teenagers need a complete sexual education to allow psychological and physical growth as an adult. 

Additionally, abstinence-only education does not achieve the goal of preparing the youth for adulthood. Research shows that safe sex information withheld from students by teaching abstinence-only education can cause harm by promoting dangerous stereotypes, condemning teens, and preserving systems of injustice (Greenberg). States with the usage of abstinence-only programs have elevated rates of teen pregnancies and correspond with inflated rates of sexually transmitted diseases and infections (“Teenage”). Research suggests teenagers' who have full coverage of sex ed are fifty percent less likely to have unwanted pregnancies than students who have an abstinence-only education or no sex ed at all (Rawley). Statistics like these reveal the importance of real sex education and why abstinence-plus education needs to be the revised sex-ed all students are taught. According to “Sex Education and Abstinence," “The Board of Education in Texas expands its sex education standards, for the first time in more than two decades, to allow the teaching of birth control methods to middle school students.” This indicates that schools have acknowledged the need for change in sex education and are willing to do more than just abstinence education. Studies indicate that sex education that includes emergency contraceptives has reduced teen pregnancies and avoided 51,000 abortions in 2000; however, students who received poor sex ed are at higher risks to contract an STI (Rawley). One can conclude that having a complete sex education compared to poorer sex-ed is better when making decisions about the body and health. Abstinence plus education is the foremost choice to teach the youth about their body and healthy sexual relationships that will be encountered in their life. 

Ensuring safety and health combined with incorporating LGBTQ communities and educating further on abstinence is more than enough reasons to update and teach sex ed globally. Those who had sex ed are responsible for their health in the future, and healthy citizens create a healthy nation. Therefore, sex ed needs to be updated and taught to all secondary schools globally. The new generation of cultivated adults is accountable for their children's health and their future health. Society is enhanced by merely giving its youth quality sex ed.

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Should Sex Education Be Taught in Schools?

persuasive essay on sex education in schools

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Thinking about sex education conjures up all of those uncomfortable moments as an adolescent when we had to sit at our desks and listen to our health teachers talk about things that we joked about with friends but never wanted to have a conversation about with adults. But things have changed a lot since then.

There has been an increase in the number of LGBT students who have come out while in high school, or sometimes, even middle school. We are surrounded images that inspire conversations about sex education and other images created by fashion that offer so much skin that there is nothing left to the imagination.

AVERT defines Sex Education as

the process of acquiring information and forming attitudes and beliefs about sex, sexual identity, relationships and intimacy. Sex education is also about developing young people’s skills so that they make informed choices about their behaviour, and feel confident and competent about acting on these choices.

First and foremost, there is a debate between the use of sexual education programs, where they openly teach about sex and prevention, and abstinence-only programs, which Advocates for Youth say,

  • “has as its exclusive purpose teaching the social, psychological, and health gains to be realized by abstaining from sexual activity;
  • teaches abstinence from sexual activity outside of marriage is the expected standard for all school-age children;
  • teaches that abstinence from sexual activity is the only certain way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems;
  • teaches that a mutually faithful monogamous relationship in the context of marriage is the expected standard of sexual activity;
  • teaches that sexual activity outside the context of marriage is likely to have harmful psychological and physical side effects;
  • teaches that bearing children out-of-wedlock is likely to have harmful consequences for the child, the child’s parents, and society;
  • teaches young people how to reject sexual advances and how alcohol and drug use increase vulnerability to sexual advances, and
  • teaches the importance of attaining self-sufficiency before engaging in sexual activity.”

Advocates for Youth also believe,

Accurate, balanced sex education - including information about contraception and condoms - is a basic human right of youth. Such education helps young people to reduce their risk of potentially negative outcomes, such as unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Such education can also help youth to enhance the quality of their relationships and to develop decision-making skills that will prove invaluable over life. This basic human right is also a core public health principle that receives strong endorsement from mainstream medical associations, public health and educational organizations, and - most important - parents.

But is it the job of teachers in schools to educate students about sex or is it the job of the parents? According to the National Conference of State Legislatures ,

All states are somehow involved in sex education for public schoolchildren. As of Jan. 1, 2015: 22 states and the District of Columbia require public schools teach sex education (20 of which mandate sex education and HIV education). 33 states and the District of Columbia require students receive instruction about HIV/AIDS. 19 states require that if provided, sex education must be medically, factually or technically accurate. State definitions of “medically accurate” vary, from requiring that the department of health review curriculum for accuracy, to mandating that curriculum be based on information from “published authorities upon which medical professionals rely.” Many states define parents’ rights concerning sexual education: 37 states and the District of Columbia require school districts to allow parental involvement in sexual education programs. Three states require parental consent before a child can receive instruction. 35 states and the District of Columbia allow parents to opt-out on behalf of their children.

Of course, if it’s taught in schools, how properly are the students being educated? This debate between whether it’s the school’s job or a parent’s job will last for a very long time, and quite frankly it is an area that many parents and teachers may agree. There are parents who do not want their children to be taught sex education in schools, just as there are some teachers who don’t think it is their job to teach it.

On the other side are parents and teachers who agree it should be taught in schools and at home because it is a topic that we all cannot escape. And I’m sure there are a bunch of people in the middle who do not even want to discuss the topic at all and just hope for the best.

The NPR story, called “Beyond The Birds And The Bees: Surviving Sex Ed Today” ( which can be heard here ) inspired me to think about all of the places that the topic of sex comes up in conversation. Sometimes it’s through jokes on television or social media, other times it’s in stories on the news, and most times it’s the center of the conversation on the back of a school bus. Whether it makes us uncomfortable or not, we can’t seem to escape the topic.

In the NPR story, Lena Solow, a teacher of ten years,

Covers the topics you’d expect: how to prevent STDs, pregnancy. But Solow talks about way more than going all the way. “One of my biggest goals as a sex educator is to be sex-positive,” she explains, “to talk about pleasure and to talk about sex not just as something that just makes babies.”

Listening to the story made me blush a little as I drove alone in my car through Massachusetts, and made me laugh a bit when Solow said that when she was a student her sex education class was taught by the physical education teacher and revolved around spelling tests.

Yes, spelling tests. She said,

“I definitely had spelling tests as a big part of my sex-ed when I was in middle school: ‘Spell gonorrhea. Spell gonococcus. Now you pass or don’t pass health.’ Literally, that was what was prioritized.”

She wants her students to have a much more knowledgeable experience, and she also explores topics that are unfortunately still controversial in today’s schools, which is the topic of LGBT students. In the NPR story, Garsd writes,

“Beyond the basics, Solow is delving into topics that many teachers would skirt. Things like tolerance. Solow recently asked her students if they thought LGBT people would feel comfortable at the school. A lot of the kids say they didn’t think so.”

It’s definitely a complicated debate, which will last for a very long time. What are your thoughts?

The opinions expressed in Peter DeWitt’s Finding Common Ground are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.

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Why Should Sex Education Be Taught in Schools

Sex education in the united states of america.

Education takes momentous place in creating a personality. Assuredly, there exist a large number of elements and factors that contribute to growth and becoming a developed person. Nevertheless, education is one of the weightiest factors because it gives enlightening information about the ambient world and knowledge about the objects and processes, which help a person to understand himself/herself and his/her place, role, and significance in the world.

Nowadays, rapid progress is observed in every sphere of people’s life. That is why it is essential to prepare children for a life where everything is developing extremely quickly. According to that, a number of educational subjects were developed in schools to prepare children for adult life and to show them all the opportunities of the present world. There exists one educational subject that is the most controversial and debatable. That is the branch of knowledge that deals with sex education.

Sex Education Is Utterly Significant

It is obvious that sex education is utterly significant. However, it excites the storm of emotions. The essential question, which emerges in mind, consists of incomprehension of the reasons for panic concerning sex education within society. Before considering the importance and discrepancy of sex education, it is necessary to find the reasons that caused the anxiety within a society.

The significance of children and teenagers’ sex education has been under consideration during recent years. Nevertheless, the persuasions concerning sex have been changed earlier.

About the Effects of The American Sexual Revolution

The American sexual revolution in the 1960s has altered the attitude to sex and intimate relationship. First of all, women’s sexual attitude and sexual behaviour became different. Consequently, men’s perception of intimacy changed also. That was the turning point. Women realized that since then it was possible for them to decide whether to become pregnant or not, whether to give birth to a child or not, whether to get married or not. The right of choice gave women a sense of independence and desire to change the general view about woman’s happiness and woman’s fate. Such a situation became advantageous for men. Males were permitted to change sexual partners without any consequences. At that period, the long-lasting relationship turned into sidelines (Greenwood & Guner, 2009).

The American sexual revolution had its consequences. One of the considerable positive effects of the revolution was the equality between men and women. The American sexual revolution’s consequences can be seen nowadays. At present, the equality between men and women is observed not only in an intimate relationship but in many other spheres of the life of society: home, workplace, politics, and economy. Nevertheless, the American sexual revolution had its negative consequences: sexually transmitted diseases, illegitimate children, teenagers’ pregnancies, and vast numbers of divorces. The immense difference between positive and negative consequences is obvious. That is why when the topic of conversation is sex education, people are in a panic.

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The previous changes concerning the comprehension of sexual relations had adverse influence and negative results on society. However, the fact is intelligible that the past cannot be altered; on the other hand, changing the future is possible. In the issue of the previous events, all the decisions should be weighed and well-considered, but it does not mean that any decisions should not be made at all. Inactivity gives the opportunity not to make mistakes, though it does not lead to any changes and any results. Fear of blunders and unsuspected complications is the main reason for a person’s society’s failures. It is obvious that inactivity is not the way to solve the problem. The issues should be decided, the decisions should be made, the problems should be solved, the difficulties should be overcome, and the fear should be conquered. Only in such a way a person and society in whole will overcome the fear of failure.

Social panic is a natural process when the previous adverse influence and negative results are observed. Moral panic is also essential when the topic of conversation is an intimate relationship and sex education. Nevertheless, it should be understood that in the time of rapid progress and accessibility of information, children and teenagers should be given all the required knowledge to comprehend the sexual relations and intimacy properly.

The USA Takes One of the Premier Places Concerning Pregnancies Among Teenagers

A large number of different enquires and researches have been made recently. Statistical data, which have been collected, show the tight situation. In the industrialized world, the United States of America takes one of the premier places concerning pregnancies among teenagers. More than 750,000 young women become pregnant in the United States of America annually, and more than 80% of these pregnancies are undeliberate and undesirable. In the United States of America, young people at the age of 15-25 compose merely one-quarter of all people who has an intimate relationship. Nevertheless, it is researched that each year young people at the age of 15-25 contact almost moiety of the 19 million sexually transmitted diseases (National sexuality education standards…, 2012). These numbers show the exigency of activities. Thereby, social and moral panic is the response to the events that take place in the world of the young generation.

It is obvious that nobody can prevent teenagers from sexual relations. The period of teenagers’ pubescence is the time when young people understand themselves as males or females. The interest and desire for the cognition of another sex are natural and essential processes. This is the period of trials and mistakes. The main task of adults is to explain the severity and consequences of teenagers’ trials and to prevent irreversible mistakes. It is significant for young people to understand the essence of an intimate relationship. That is why adults should be extremely attentive in order to catch the right moment when a young person is ready.

Nevertheless, there are many adults, notably parents, who feel themselves awkward to speak about sex and an intimate relationship with the children. It is a grave problem because, in order to speak with parents who are the nearest people, a young person should communicate with friends and use various information resources, namely books and the Internet, to learn some information. At the same time, nobody knows about the sources of information. The most serious question is whether the obtained information is positive or negative, and what knowledge young people get from such sources. That is why sex education in schools is so significant and necessary.

Schools give all the essential knowledge and the subject where sex theory is studied is not an exception. Teachers, as opposed to parents and various information resources, give young people information and knowledge about sex and intimacy from the scientific point of view. The subject’s programme is created in a way to show the students all possible negative results of their hasty actions. One of the main subject’s purposes is to attempt to explain to students that any decision should be made only after weighing all possible consequences. It should be added that an intimate relationship’s consequences are extremely serious, though many adults, not mentioning teenagers, do not think over this aspect of the matter.

Knowledge about Sex Is Considered to Be the Main Power

Knowledge is considered to be the main power. A number of researches in the United States of America approved the fact that after having included sex education’s subject in the schools’ programme, the rate of pregnancies, diseases, and abortions among young people has decreased (National sexuality education standards…, 2012). The knowledge does not change the fact of the presence of an intimate relationship in teenagers’ lives, though the knowledge alters the teenagers’ attitude to sex. Young people start weighing the consequences of the actions. The realization of an intimate relationship has transformed. Sex is comprehended as an essential process, though it became innermost.

What Is the Purpose of the Schools’ Programme of Sex Education?

Schools’ programme of sex education provides students not only with scientific knowledge and scientific point of view that concern sexual relations between man and woman. It provides also the moral issues of the matter. The main purpose is to explain to teenagers that intimate relationship is the result of mutual love and affection. Love can exist in two interdependent forms: spiritual and physical. The spiritual form of love depends on the physical one, and, on the contrary, physical form depends on the spiritual one. In case two people’s feelings are sincere, both forms of love give to lovers the storm of feelings and emotions.

Sex is the embodiment of a physical form of love, which is just the satisfaction of natural instincts without the spiritual form. Spiritual intimacy divulges another form of relations, which are based on mutual understanding, respect, interdependency, and empathy. Thereby, the school’s programme of sex education shows the students that sexual relations are not the only thing that is the most essential in a relationship of two people. It exposes all the variety of feelings that can make two lovers full-hearted.

Nevertheless, the attitude of society towards school’s sex education is increasingly negative and doubtful. It is obvious that the previous experience, with respect to the changes in the comprehension of an intimate relationship, has irreversible consequences. That is why the panic within a society is essential. However, turnabouts are natural. Turnabouts are evidence of society’s development. The main problem is in people’s consciousness. The conviction that people are fundamentally inclined to the worst caused the society’s rejection of the considerable changes. A person’s consciousness is developing during his/her life, as opposed to society’s consciousness. It is developing pending decades and, depending on the political, economic, social and moral changes, the society’s consciousness and relation to various issues are also altering.

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Nevertheless, the conception of temptation always reduced people to confusion and anxiety. That is why the belief in people’s inclination to the worst is essential and predictable. Moral and social panics are natural reactions concerning sex education of teenagers. Thereby, adults necessitate the young generation to mature more rapidly and demonstrate all the mysteries of adult life. However, it should be perceived that the present-day young generation grows up faster and, with current rapid progress, necessary information regarding any question and topic can be received easily. The most appropriate method to protect teenagers from insufficient information is to impart the right knowledge opportunely.

In spite of all reasonings and arguments, there exist groups of people, who are against sex education in schools. Numerous divergences of views, including controversies regarding sex education, touch upon political forces, religions communities, and ethnic groups. The main question is whether to study sex education’s subject in schools or it is unnecessary and useless. Parents also have different points on this question. The divergence of views and the failure to understand one another led to the panic within society.

Kristin Luker When Sex Goes to School: Warring Views on Sex – And Sex Education – Since the Sixties

The problem of teenagers’ sex education and disagreements concerning sex education’s subject at schools were covered in the book of American sociologist Kristin Luker When Sex Goes to School: Warring Views on Sex – And Sex Education – Since the Sixties. In the book, the author specifies, that first of all decisions that are made regarding sex education in schools are moral and political decisions (Luker, 2006). Political and moral disagreements existed in society at all times.

Nowadays, the divergences of views concerning sex education are the most abundant. People cannot find the resolution because the viewpoints in relation to sex and intimate relationship between man and woman are different. Some people are assured that sex is a natural and essential process, and there does not exist anything secret and shameful. Other people adhere to an opinion that intimate relationship is the sacrament that takes place between man and woman and does not belong to the group of topics under discussion. It is natural that the question or problem raises two opposite points of view, principally, when the topic of conversation is the sex education of teenagers. Though, the main problem is in the fact that the mutual assent is not reached. The vehement discussions that are held around the sex education of the young generation in schools lead to panic within society.

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In the book When Sex Goes to School, Kristin Luker describes the society’s division into two parties according to the viewpoints about an intimate relationship between man and woman and teenagers’ sex education in schools. These parties are sexual liberals and sexual conservatives. Sexual liberals believe that sex is a natural process. Adherents of this position consider knowledge as the power and are certain that children should be provided with sexual information as early as possible. Sexual liberals are firmly convinced that if children are given education and the right information, they will grow up more aware and sensible members of society.

Contraception and legal abortion are considered to be the favourable aftereffects of the progress. In turn, sexual conservatives insist on the fact that sex is a sacred process, and it should subsist only in marriage. It is believed that too much information can cause irreversible consequences, and contraception and abortion are the signs of the unhealthy relationship between man and woman (Luker, 2006). It is evident that adherents of each party have enough arguments for the support of a certain viewpoint, and it is utterly difficult to find the proper solution. Nevertheless, numerous controversies leave the question unsettled and, in addition to that, panic concerning school sex education increases within a society.

The Problem of Teenagers’ Sex Education in Schools

Unfortunately, the problem of teenagers’ sex education in schools exists and remains undecided. The sex education issue is considered extremely grave, though there subsist a large number of opponents who are against studying sex education’s subject at schools. The problem is contained in information and knowledge about whether children are grown and prepared enough to interpret it correctly. At the same time, the incontestable fact that with the rapid progress and accessibility of information, children already have the opportunity to receive all the necessary information should be taken into consideration. The essential question is whether the adults are capable of deciding which information and which knowledge are dangerous for the young generation.

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Possibly, the adults are incapable of carrying the information on the score of private fears and experiences. Nevertheless, it should be taken into account that the condition of uncertainty leads to panic within society. Panic within a society endangers, in the first place, young generation. Whereas adults are deciding what is better for children, children are acting. At this point, there exists the main difference between adults and children: children do not think about the consequences, though adults are thinking about the consequences all the time and weighing all decisions. That is why the main task of the adults consists not in debating and encouraging the panic within a society but in upbringing children as competent members of a society.

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Pros and Cons of Sexual Education Being Taught in Schools

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Published: Dec 16, 2021

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Works Cited

  • Chin, H. B., Sipe, T. A., Elder, R., Mercer, S. L., Chattopadhyay, S. K., Jacob, V., ... & Community Preventive Services Task Force. (2012). The effectiveness of group-based comprehensive risk-reduction and abstinence education interventions to prevent or reduce the risk of adolescent pregnancy, human immunodeficiency virus, and sexually transmitted infections: Two systematic reviews for the Guide to Community Preventive Services. American Journal of Preventive Medicine, 42(3), 272-294.
  • Kohler, P. K., Manhart, L. E., & Lafferty, W. E. (2008). Abstinence-only and comprehensive sex education and the initiation of sexual activity and teen pregnancy. Journal of Adolescent Health, 42(4), 344-351.
  • Lindberg, L. D., Maddow-Zimet, I., & Boonstra, H. (2016). Changes in adolescents’ receipt of sex education, 2006–2013. Journal of Adolescent Health, 58(6), 621-627.
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  • Planned Parenthood Federation of America. (2021). Sex education: Get real. Retrieved from
  • Santelli, J. S., Kaiser Family Foundation, & American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists. (2017). Sex education in America: A view from inside the nation’s classrooms. Journal of Adolescent Health, 61(3), 297-304.
  • Schalet, A. T. (2011). Not under my roof: Parents, teens, and the culture of sex. University of Chicago Press.
  • SIECUS: Sexuality Information and Education Council of the United States. (2021). Comprehensive sexuality education. Retrieved from
  • UNESCO. (2018). International technical guidance on sexuality education: An evidence-informed approach. Retrieved from
  • World Health Organization. (2010). Developing sexual health programmes: A framework for action.

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Sex education has long been a contentious topic in the education system, with varying approaches and standards across different states and regions. As a result, there has been a growing call for the establishment of national sex [...]

Sex education is a crucial component of personal development and overall well-being, yet it is often neglected beyond adolescence. While the focus tends to be on providing young people with the necessary knowledge and skills to [...]

Why does society treat sex as something that is unnatural and impure, when the general population doesn’t wait until marriage to have sex. In fact, most Americans will be sexually active before marriage. The negative connotation [...]

It’s something we all question in our teenage years: sex. Teenagers often feel uncomfortable talking to their parents about sex. For this reason, Sex Education is effective while being taught in school. Many believe this will [...]

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persuasive essay on sex education in schools

English Composition 1

Sample eng 1001 persuasive essay with sources.

The essay below is an example of a persuasive essay that uses supporting material from online sources and that cites and documents the material correctly according to MLA standards.

The essay is not perfect (for example, the writer could more effectively address the opposing point of view). However, the essay does illustrate well how to use supporting evidence from sources (both paraphrases and quotations), how to cite the information from sources, and how to prepare the Works Cited page. Notice as well the types of sources used in the essay.

        Sex education is important, but many students finish sex education classes with a distorted view of sexuality and without a good understanding of contraception and safe-sex practices. Instead, children only learn that they should not have sex until they are married. Abstinence-only programs in public schools have become popular because of a law giving millions of dollars to schools that teach the programs. These programs have the good intention of persuading young people to wait until marriage before having sex, but abstinence-only programs are not achieving this goal and are flawed by the distorted and biased perspective that they promote.

        In 1996, the United States government passed a law giving funding to states that offered abstinence-only programs in public schools. Since this time, over half of a billion dollars has been given to states to promote abstinence-only programs (Brody). To receive the money, schools must agree to follow a set of rules. The rules indicate that a school�s abstinence-only program must have "as its exclusive purpose teaching the social, psychological, and health gains to be realized by abstaining from sexual activity" ("Impacts"). Students must be taught that they are likely to suffer harmful effects if they have sex before marriage. They also must be taught that the "expected standard" is for school-age children not to engage in sexual activity and for adults to engage in sexual relations only within marriage ("Impacts"). Schools receiving the funds must teach students that they should "just say no" to sex until they are married. The schools are not allowed to teach students about safe sex and "may not mention contraception except to point out the failure rates of various methods" (Brody). Some states have refused the federal funds so that their schools can determine their own ways to teach sex education, but 43 states participate in the program. With millions of dollars from the government every year, many schools now promote abstinence. They offer abstinence-only programs with encouraging titles such as " ReCapturing the Vision ," " Teens in Control ," and " My Choice, My Future! " ("Impacts"). They encourage students to sign virginity pledges vowing not to have sex until marriage, to proudly wear their "purity rings," and to carry their ATM ("abstinence till marriage") cards (Kelly). These programs encourage students to develop a strong sense of self and to avoid the negative consequences that might result from sexual activity, but there is a problem: abstinence-only programs do not work.

        Studies show that abstinence-only programs do not reduce sexual activity by young people. In 2007, the United States Department of Health and Human Services released a study of abstinence programs. This government-funded study involved more than 2000 students. The authors discovered that "findings from this study provide no evidence that abstinence programs implemented in upper elementary and middle schools are effective at reducing the rate of teen sexual activity several years later" ("Impacts"). The authors concluded that "youth in the [abstinence-only] programs were no more likely to abstain from sex" than students not in the programs ("Impacts"). In addition, "among those who reported having had sex, program and control group youth had similar numbers of sexual partners and had initiated sex at the same mean age" ("Impacts"). Apparently, students did not benefit from all of the effort and the millions of dollars that have gone into these programs. Another study by Peter Bearman of Columbia University shows that "88 percent of middle and high schoolers who pledge to stay virgins until marriage end up having premarital sex anyway" (Kelly). He adds that "the bad news is that they are less likely to use contraception the first time they have intercourse" (Kelly). Dr. S. Paige Hertweck, a doctor who contributed to an American Academy of Pediatrics report on teen sexual activity, states that "teaching abstinence but not birth control makes it more likely that once teenagers initiate sexual activity they will have unsafe sex and contract sexually transmitted diseases" (Preschel). In abstinence-only programs, students are taught to "just say no" to sex. They are not taught the information that they need to know about safe sex and contraception if they later choose to say "yes," as many of them are doing.

        Abstinence-only programs also promote a distorted and biased view of sexuality. To receive funding, schools must follow the rules in the law for teaching abstinence-only programs. One of the rules is that students must be taught that the "expected standard of sexual activity" is a "monogamous relationship in the context of marriage" ("Impacts"). An estimated 88 to 99 percent of Americans have sex outside of marriage ("Many Who Pledge"), yet students must be taught that having sex only within marriage is "the expected standard." The rules also require that students be taught that having sex outside of marriage "is likely to have harmful psychological and physical effects" ("Impacts"). Approximately nine out of ten Americans have sexual relations outside of marriage. Do most of them suffer "harmful psychological and physical effects," as the government has determined that students must be taught? The law presents a distorted view of sexuality, along with a biased view. In 2006, the government updated the funding guidelines to state that, in abstinence-only programs, marriage is defined as a legal union between a man and a woman as husband and wife, "which advocates worry will further alienate gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender adolescents and shape an education program that dismisses the sexual health concerns of those teens" ("New Abstinence-Only Guidelines"). All students should benefit from sex education programs. Student Hunter Kincaid suggests how abstinence-only programs discriminate against gays and lesbians: "'As a gay student, I thought [the abstinence-only class] was ridiculous,' he says. 'Abstinence until marriage for people who can�t even get married'" (Kelly). A sex-education program should help all students make good decisions about sexual activity. It should not promote an unrealistic standard of behavior, should not promote a particular definition of marriage, and should not discriminate against some students.

        Sexual activity by young people is an important concern. In an ideal world, maybe everyone would wait until marriage before having sex and would then remain in a single, monogamous relationship. But this is not the reality. It might be a good goal to try to convince young people to wait until marriage before having sex, but taking this approach alone to sex education is not working. After ten years and a half of a billion dollars in federal funding, abstinence-only programs have not had a positive impact on the sexual behavior of teenagers. The programs may even cause harm because of the distorted and biased views that they promote and because of the information about safe sex and contraception that they do not teach. It is time to put an end to abstinence-only programs and to give students more comprehensive sex-education programs that better prepare them for the future.

Brody, Jane E. "Abstinence-Only: Does it Work?" New York Times , 1 June 2004,

" Impacts of Four Title V, Section 510 Abstinence Education Programs." Office of the Assistant Secretary for Planning and Evaluation, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services , 13 April 2007,

Kelly, Katy. "Just Don't Do It!" U.S. News & World Report , 17 Oct. 2005, pp. 44-51. Academic Search Complete ,

" Many Who Pledge Abstinence at Risk for STDs: Study: Teens Who Remain Virgins More Likely to Take Other Chances." NBC News, 15 Mar. 2005,

"New Abstinence-Only Guidelines, Funding Increase Denounced." Nation's Health , vol. 36, no. 3, April 2006, p. 7. MasterFile Premier ,

Preschel, Jill. "Docs Pan Abstience-Only Sex Ed." CBS News , 5 July 2005,

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Education Essay Example: Sex in Public Schools: Persuasive Essay

Sex Education in Public Schools: Necessity and Benefits


Sex education in public schools has been a topic of debate for many years. As societal norms evolve, the education system must adapt to address the changing needs of students. Sex education is a critical component of a well-rounded curriculum, providing students with the knowledge and skills necessary to make informed decisions about their sexual health. This essay explores the importance of sex education in public schools, discussing its necessity, benefits, and addressing common concerns.

The Necessity of Sex Education

Understanding Biological Changes

One of the primary reasons for incorporating sex education into public school curricula is the biological changes that adolescents undergo during puberty. Understanding these changes is crucial for students to navigate this transformative period with confidence and self-awareness. Lack of knowledge can lead to confusion, anxiety, and unhealthy behaviors.

Promoting Safe Practices

Sex education equips students with information about contraception and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Without this knowledge, students may engage in risky behaviors, leading to unintended pregnancies and the spread of infections. Comprehensive sex education empowers students to make responsible choices, promoting overall well-being.

Addressing Diverse Sexual Orientations

Inclusive sex education fosters an understanding and acceptance of diverse sexual orientations. By educating students about the spectrum of sexual identities, public schools contribute to creating a more inclusive and tolerant society. This knowledge helps combat stigma and discrimination, fostering a supportive environment for all students.

Benefits of Sex Education in Public Schools

Empowering Students

Sex education empowers students with the information they need to make informed decisions about their bodies and relationships. Knowledgeable students are better equipped to navigate the complexities of relationships, promoting healthier interactions with peers.

Reducing Teen Pregnancy Rates

Studies consistently show that comprehensive sex education programs correlate with lower rates of teen pregnancy. By providing information about contraception and responsible sexual behavior, public schools contribute to the decline in unplanned pregnancies, enabling students to pursue their educational and career goals.

Preventing STIs

Sexually transmitted infections are a significant public health concern. Sex education plays a crucial role in preventing the spread of STIs by educating students about safe sex practices, the importance of consent, and the value of open communication with partners.

Building Communication Skills

Sex education encourages open communication about sensitive topics between students, teachers, and parents. Establishing a foundation for healthy communication helps students navigate relationships, ask questions, and seek guidance when needed, fostering a supportive community.

Common Concerns and Counterarguments

Parental Concerns

Some parents may express concerns about the content and timing of sex education. However, it’s essential to emphasize that sex education programs can be designed with input from parents and community members, ensuring that the curriculum aligns with local values and cultural sensitivities.

Misconceptions about Comprehensive Sex Education

Opponents of comprehensive sex education sometimes argue that it promotes promiscuity. Research, however, consistently shows that well-designed sex education programs do not encourage early sexual activity. Instead, they provide the necessary tools to make responsible choices.

Religious Concerns

Religious beliefs may lead to objections regarding the inclusion of sex education in public schools. It’s crucial to highlight that sex education can be presented in a way that respects diverse religious perspectives, focusing on factual information and health outcomes rather than moral judgments.

In conclusion, sex education in public schools is not only necessary but also beneficial for students’ overall well-being. By providing accurate information about biological changes, promoting safe practices, and addressing diverse sexual orientations, public schools contribute to creating informed, empowered, and healthier communities. The benefits of sex education, including reduced teen pregnancy rates and the prevention of STIs, underscore the importance of integrating comprehensive programs into public school curricula. Addressing common concerns through collaborative efforts with parents and communities ensures that sex education is a valuable and inclusive component of a modern education system.

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Sex Education in Public School

How it works

Sex education is a subject that has been taught in and out of schools all throughout history. It is a sensitive subject that continues to change over the years. Sex education has always been a very controversial topic in society and this will, sadly always be the case. The very important subject of sexual education is associated with countless opinions and demands for change in both schools and the public in general. Sex education has molded the minds of youth and it continues to shape the way we as a society view sex and all that comes along with it.

The history, religious studies, and educational aspects of sexual education programs has had a great impact on our society for better and for worst.

  • 1 Social Sciences: History
  • 2 Applied Sciences: Education
  • 3 Diversity: Religious Studies
  • 4 Reflection
  • 5 Conclusion

Social Sciences: History

Sex education is a subject that was first introduced all the way back in 1912. The National Education Association began to introduce sexual education training programs. Ultimately, it was the superintend of a Chicago public school that was the first to introduce a sexual education program into school. The subject was first introduced in response to such a high rate of prostitution in the local Chicago area. However, the sexual education program did not last long. After just one year, due to several angry local Catholic leaders, the program was discontinued (The History of Sexual Education, Pardini, 2019). This did not stop sexual education programs for good. Along came the late 1900s and World War I brought resulted in a second wave of sex education. The war caused a very large spike in unprotected sex and STIs. This would eventually lead to a demand for more sexual education programs.

Throughout the 1920s, between twenty and forty percent of U.S. public schools were teaching some kind of sexual education (Sex Education In The United States, 1835 Through Today, Millstein, 2015). The high rise of sex education in schools was occurring with the hopes of putting an end to STIs. Fast forward about 40 years to the early 1960s and, although it was still very controversial, sex education was being taught in public schools all throughout America. The primary outraged audience was religious groups and some of their biggest uprisings actually, unfortunately, resulted in state and local governments shutting down certain sexual education programs. Fast forward again to the 1980s and the devastating AIDS outbreak occurs. This called for an immediate demand in sexual education programs all across America. This was done for the primary reason to encourage safe sex or abstinence to prevent STIs. Being diagnosed with HIV in that time period was basically a death sentence and people needed to be educated to help prevent this (History of Sex Education in the U.S., 2016, pg. 11). There were certain areas in the U.S. where young people who were being taught abstinence only methods. This method actually resulted in a much higher teen pregnancy rate. This was due to a lack of knowledge about safe sex. However, 10 years later, the 1990s did ended up resulting in record low teen pregnancy rates. Still, the U.S. was and still is amongst the highest countries of teenage pregnancies.

By the time the 1990s had ended, sexual education programs were at an all-time high. America had mad huge amounts of progress. For one, it was mandatory that every state include AIDS education in school. Sexual education programs had grown, and the teen birth rate was as low as it had ever been. During the 2000s it was George W. Bush and Barrack Obama who had the biggest influence on sexual education programs. Bush encourage an abstinence only method in the early 2000s. This method was not very sufficient and once Obama was elected in 2008, he pushed for a K-12 Sex Education Program. By 2009 Obama had managed to eliminate all funds previously devoted to abstinence education and created his own, much more efficient, sexual education program (A History of Sex Education in the United States Since 1900, Huber and Firmin, pf 42, 2014).

Applied Sciences: Education

Nowadays, in 2019, sex education programs in schools vary across America. It is now mandatory for every school to have some sort of sexual education program. A lot of these programs are efficient and effective but, unfortunately, there are several areas across the U.S. that have very poor sexual education programs. America is now notoriously known for having a poor sexual education system. Just look at the rise in STIs over the years due to a lack of sexual knowledge. America’s STI rate is currently at an all-time high. The poor sexual education programs that exist throughout the U.S. is easily to blame for this. The poor sex education that young people receive result in a higher amount of STIs, more teen pregnancies, and an all-around lack of sexual knowledge. Although, it is mandatory that every state have some sort of sexual education program in their schools, this does not mean they are efficient. Schools have gotten away with poor sexual education programs and even have been known to teach false information. Many people (both students and adults) believe that there needs to be some kind of change in the way the system handles sexual education in schools. There is currently a rise of STIs amongst teenagers and young adults. Recent statistics say that by the time a person is 25, there is a one in two chance that he or she will have had an STI (American Sexual Health Associate, Statistics, 2016). This could easily be traced back to poor knowledge of STIs which is the result of too many children obtaining information from a flawed sexual education program.

Schools do not give out enough information that is necessary for students to know how to have safe sex. There are some sexual education programs (mostly in middle schools) that just say “wear condom” or “don’t have sex”. This is just setting up children for some future major problems. The lack of information being taught in schools today is what leads to infections being spread and more unwanted pregnancies. Another serious problem with sexual education in school is, the programs are not being acknowledged as much as it should. Most parents are pro sex ed and believe that there should be much better sexual education programs in schools. However, schools put almost all their focus on the typical subjects like math, history, and english. This is not to say these subjects are not important but do educators really believe students will be using calculus in the future more than they will be sexually active. With so much focus on other subjects and not enough on sexual education, young adults can grow up confused and make poor decisions that can very easily ruin their lives at a young age. Whether it is getting pregnant too young, getting someone else pregnant, or getting a very serious STI, teens that lack knowledge of sex are prone to make decisions that will negatively impact their lives.

Diversity: Religious Studies

Religious studies have always been a factor that has conflicted with sexual education programs. Religious groups have always fought about sex and sexual education. Due to certain beliefs, religious groups with often times protest sexual education programs which will result in a lack of sexual knowledge. Some religious groups are so powerful that they have actually forced to put an end to sexual education programs across the country. This is just for the selfish reason of pushing their religious beliefs on to other people. By doing this, they are setting young people up for a lack of sexual knowledge. When religion fights to stop sexual education, it will often times make young men and women insecure and embarrassed of their sexual desires that are completely natural (New Catholic World, Haughton and Rosemary p.12). By bashing sex and sexual education programs, religious activists are just asking for kids to rebel and they will do so without the proper knowledge, which can result in serious consequences from not being safe.

My perspective on sexual education programs did not change at all throughout my research. I was well aware that there are mediocre sex ed programs in schools and the public does not acknowledge it enough either. I took the classes and they were just as bad, if not worst as they are today. Young adults are shielded from sex because so much of the public sees it as some sort of crime when, in reality, it is a totally natural thing that is done by everyone. For schools to not teach students and for the public to shield young adults from sexual education programs is not only irresponsible but dangerous as well. Lack of sexual education is what has been causing unwanted pregnancies, STIs, and more for over 80 years. Its simple, sex is natural, and it must be taught and done safely. For anything or anyone to get in the way of this is heinous.

In conclusion, sex needs to be talked about, taught, and done safely. It is unacceptable for any school, state, or society to have anything less than a perfect and well taught sexual education program. This is not to say that every sexual education program is flawed. There are several states that deal with sexual education perfectly. However, it is not acceptable for a single are in America to have a flawed sexual education system. It is our human nature to have sex, both for reproduction and pleasure. That being said, it is only right that we know as much about sex as possible so it can be done safely.


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Sex Education in Public School. (2021, Apr 27). Retrieved from

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"Sex Education in Public School.", Apr 27, 2021. Accessed May 16, 2024.

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A child with two ponytails raises her hand in a classroom

Curbs on sex education use pupils as ‘political football’, school leaders say

Conservatives criticised over plans to ban sex and relationship lessons for children under nine in England

School leaders have accused the government of using children as “a political football” over its proposals to restrict sex education lessons by age in England .

The revised guidance, to be published on Thursday, outlines what topics could be taught to specific age groups, as well as allowing parents access to teaching materials used and further restrict how teachers address gender and sexuality, after pressure from Conservative MPs.

Pepe Di’Iasio, the general secretary of the Association of School and College Leaders, told the BBC: “Pupils are being placed in the middle of a highly sensitive subject and being used as a political football for the sake of headlines when we should be focusing on their wellbeing.”

Di’Iasio added: “We do not think the government has handled the important matter of the teaching of sex education with the care it deserves. It has not consulted with school leaders and we have not seen the guidance that is planned other than through leaked reports to the media.”

Gillian Keegan, the education secretary, will propose the new age ratings for relationship, sex and health education (RSHE) in schools to ensure it is “appropriately and sensitively taught,” according to the Department for Education (DfE).

The revised guidance will restrict explicit discussions of important topics such as contraception and sexual violence until children are in year 9, the third year of secondary school when most pupils are 13.

Keegan said the revised guidance “will support schools with how and when to teach often difficult and sensitive topics, leaving no doubt about what is appropriate to teach pupils at every stage of school.

“Parents can be reassured once and for all their children will only learn age-appropriate content.”

Sex education will not be taught before year 5, and at that point “from a purely scientific standpoint”. The current guidance allows primary schools to decide whether they need to cover any aspect of sex education, based on the needs of their pupils rather than by age.

The guidance will also require schools to show parents all classroom material to be used – a key demand lobbied for by a group of Conservative MPs.

The DfE said the consultation followed “multiple reports of disturbing materials being used in RSHE lessons,” with the updated guidance aiming to ensure that content is factual and that children have the capacity to understand what they are being taught.

While the DfE’s commentary states that “the contested theory of gender identity will not be taught,” the guidance will still allow secondary school pupils to learn about legally protected characteristics such as sexual orientation and gender reassignment.

“In light of the Cass review , it is important that schools take a cautious approach to teaching about this sensitive topic, and do not use any materials that present contested views as fact, including the view that gender is a spectrum,” the DfE said.

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The guidance will be expanded to include a dedicated section on sexual harassment and sexual violence, including abusive behaviour such as stalking, as well as advice for teachers about how to address misogynistic online influencers.

Additional content on suicide prevention will be included in the secondary health and wellbeing section, intended to equip pupils to recognise when they or their peers need help.

Louis Appleby, chair of the National Suicide Prevention Strategy Advisory Group, said: “It’s vital that young people are able to understand thoughts of suicide or self-harm that they may be feeling, and that schools are confident in addressing this most sensitive of subjects. The new guidance aims to break down the shame that can make it hard to ask for help and, crucially, places an emphasis on safe ways of coping.”

The DfE said the guidance would help young people understand the benefits of rationing their time spent online and its impact on their wellbeing, and the serious risks of viewing content that promotes self-harm and suicide.

The revisions have been under discussion within the government since March 2023, when Rishi Sunak promised to bring forward new guidance. That followed more than 50 Conservative MPs lobbying the prime minister with claims that children were being “indoctrinated with radical and unevidenced ideologies” about sex and gender.

Presenting the new guidance, Sunak said: “Parents rightly trust that when they send their children to school, they are kept safe and will not be exposed to disturbing content that is inappropriate for their age. That’s why I was horrified to hear reports of this happening in our classrooms last year.”

RSHE is a mandatory subject to be taught in all secondary schools in England, while relationships education has also been compulsory for primary schools since September 2020.

A public consultation on the updated guidance opens on Thursday and will remain open for nine weeks.

  • Relationships and sex education
  • National curriculum
  • Primary schools
  • Secondary schools
  • Curriculums

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persuasive essay on sex education in schools

Sex education rules: 'I don't want my children exposed to inappropriate content,' says minister Chris Philp

P olice minister Chris Philp told on Wednesday how he did not want his children exposed to “inappropriate content” in sex education classes at school.

The father-of-two confirmed that new guidance on sex education is due to come out shortly and he expects changes to come into force quickly.

He told GB News: "As a parent as well, I don't want my children, to be honest, to be exposed to inappropriate content at a pretty young age and nor do I want politically contested ideas like the trans issues being taught as if they're facts.

"I think childhood is a really special time and I don't think we need to introduce some of these ideas too early.

"So I think the changes that are likely to come are going to be very welcome and as I say, I know the Education Secretary will get on and do them as quickly as possible.

"As a parent I strongly welcome that."

Age limits are set to be imposed for the first time on when children can be taught about sex education, reports have suggested.

Schools will be told not to teach children any form of sex education until year 5, when pupils are aged nine, according to the Times newspaper.

Other measures set to be announced by Education Secretary Gillian Keegan will prevent children from being taught they can change their gender identity, and rules out any explicit conversations about sex until they are aged 13, the newspaper said.

Children would also not be taught about contraception, sexually transmitted infections, and abortion until this age.

The new guidance is reportedly part of the Government’s response following concerns that some children are receiving age-inappropriate relationships, sex and health education (RSHE).

The Times reported schools will be required to provide parents with samples of the material their children will be taught to quell these fears.

RSHE was made mandatory in all schools in England from September 2020.

The existing guidance outlines broad lesson modules which says primary school aged children should be taught about different types of families and healthy relationships.

Secondary school aged children meanwhile are taught more complex topics, including about puberty, sexual relationships, consent, unsafe relationships and online harms.

The Prime Minister commissioned a review into the curriculum after hearing concerns, including from Conservative MPs, that children were receiving sex education lessons at too young an age.

The Department for Education said it could not confirm the newspaper reports, and that it would not speculate on leaks.

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Why are there more cases of teachers sexually assaulting students? | Opinion

There is no pinpointed reason why we are seeing an increase in teacher-student relationships. some experts say it comes down to access and lack of boundaries..

persuasive essay on sex education in schools

Things have changed a lot since I was in high school. I remember not even knowing any of my teachers' first names. It was usually Mr. (last name) or Mrs. (last name). We didn’t talk outside school hours.

Which makes the trend we're witnessing today all the more baffling. A recent FOX News study found that 349 public educators were arrested for child related sex crimes in 2022 alone.

There is no pinpointed reason for why we are seeing an increase in teacher-student relationships. Some experts say it comes down to access and lack of boundaries. Social media has made communication more accessible; simple chats over assignments can quickly become inappropriate.

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Equally troubling is that sexual abuse is often not reported, and there is a lack of comprehensive data on instances of teacher sexual abuse toward students. For instance, a 20-year-old analysis by the U.S. Department of Education revealed that during their K-12 education, approximately one in 10 children experience some form of sexual misconduct from an educator. Data concerning this disturbing trend needs to be updated.

“I’m not an expert on the sex offender mind, but what I can say is that those who commit these crimes can come from all walks of life and genders,” said Ian Henderson, policy and systems director with the Madison-based Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault .

Gov. Tony Evers signed bipartisan law on sexual misconduct

In March, Gov. Tony Evers signed a bipartisan law that further criminalizes sexual misconduct by school staff members or volunteers against students. Sexual misconduct is defined as any verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Any educator who is convicted of this crime could face up to 3-1/2 years in prison, as well as have their teaching license revoked by the state's Department of Instruction.

"As a former educator, I'm thinking, how can we ever get to this point that we need a bill (for this)," Evers told the Journal Sentinel after signing the legislation. 

Over the past several years there have been numerous cases where Wisconsin educators have been accused of sexual misconduct with a child. These cases involve male and female teachers of varying ages accused of inappropriate behavior. Here are just a few:

  • Kevin Buelow , 50, a former Catholic school teacher, was sentenced to 20 years in March for sexually assaulting students in Waukesha and Milwaukee counties. In January, a Milwaukee County jury found Buelow guilty of two counts of first-degree child sex assault, where the child was under the age of 13, in incidents at St. Matthias Parish School in Milwaukee from 2010 to 2012. He was convicted in January 2023 of inappropriately touching three students while he was a fourth-grade teacher at Holy Apostles in New Berlin between 2013-2018.
  • Jessica Kelbel , 29, a former special education teacher at The Richardson School in Madison, was charged in February for sexual assault of a student. Her relationship with the student allegedly went on for more than a year. She initially denied the allegations but admitted to having oral sex with the student in October 2023. She resigned in February . The victim’s mother contacted authorities, saying her son had a crush on the teacher and knew personal information about Kelbel and her children.
  • Anne Nelson-Koch , 75, was convicted on 25 separate counts, all relating to months of sexual abuse of a teenage boy. In November, a Monroe County judge sentenced her to 10 years in prison, followed by 15 years of probation.
  • Christian Enwright , 29, a teacher at Kenosha School of Technology Enhanced Curriculum West, was charged in May with 22 counts of misdemeanor disorderly conduct for allegedly grooming a student. According to a criminal complaint, Enwright had an "inappropriate relationship" with a 14-year-old female student. The girl told school officials the two were "friends" on Snapchat and TikTok since June 2023. When authorities searched her phone they found Enwright sent her inappropriate photos of himself. He was fired May 7.
  • Rebecca Kilps , 35, a former Two Rivers Spanish Teacher, was found guilty in a student sex assault case. Kilps was sentenced in January 2023 after she entered a “no contest” plea to charges of sexual assault of a student by school staff and sexual intercourse with a child 16 or older. In a plea agreement, two counts were changed to a misdemeanor, and the other felony charge was kept with a deferred judgment agreement. Kim's husband called the police on his wife after looking through her messages. He said the messages showed Kilps and the victim talking about having a future together and being in love, the complaint said.

It is worth noting that some of these teachers are married and have children. Inappropriate relationships between teachers and students have been a longstanding issue. However, the problem has received more attention in recent years , as pointed out by Henderson. He attributed this to increased media coverage, the #metoo movement, and increased interactions between teachers and students through text and social media.

Two egregious case of rape and misconduct stand out

While all of the cases I highlighted are disturbing, two stand out and illustrate the need for additional research and efforts to combat sexual abuse of students.

The first involves Rachel Goodle, a former Oak Creek High School teacher. Goodle was charged in July with second-degree sexual assault of a child and sexual assault of a student by school staff for an alleged incident on Dec. 2, 2022.

According to a criminal complaint, Goodle, an English teacher, was seen last December sitting together with a student at a school basketball game. The male student told authorities that he and Goodle had sex in the back of her classroom and that there had been “rumors for months about an inappropriate relationship between himself and Goodle.” If convicted, she faces up to 46 years in prison.

Goodle, 22, sued the district in July to block the release of her records.

When I was in high school, I didn’t have any 22-year-old teachers. Most of my teachers were in their 40s and 50s, and a few were close to retirement age. Due to this age difference, a clear sense of respect was established between the students and the teachers. I have spoken at schools where I didn’t know the teacher was the teacher based on their age and how they presented themselves.

The other case involved Tyesha Bolden, 35, a former teacher at a private school in Wauwatosa, who admitted to having a sexual relationship with a 13-year-old male student and purchasing him a handgun for his 14 th birthday.

Bolden, who taught eighth grade at Pilgrim Lutheran School in Wauwatosa, became the boy’s teacher in October 2022. Shortly after, she began texting him, and in early 2023, she started sending him provocative photos of herself. According to a criminal complaint, she even told him she loved him unconditionally.

Bolden allowed the boy to spend the night at her home several times, and the victim told investigators that he and Bolden had sex in a wooded area before summer break.

To add to all of that, the victim even convinced Bolden to give him money and got her to buy him a Glock 19 for his 14 th birthday. It’s mind-boggling that a 35-year-old woman would even be attracted to a 13-year-old boy.

Not only did she rape this young man — yes, it's rape because he could not legally consent at 13 — but she bought him a gun, which he could have used to commit a robbery, shooting or homicide.

In March, she was sentenced to six years of confinement and seven years of extended supervision. She’s lucky because had he used that gun to hurt someone, that could have easily been on her.

These relationships can have devastating consequences

The first teacher-student sex case that I remember is when Washington state teacher Mary K. Letourneau admitted to having sex with then-12-year-old student Vili Fualaau in 1997. To call it a sensational story in the pre-social media era would be an understatement.

The Letourneau story was a case study of what would become a bigger problem. The middle-school teacher seemed like she had it all. She had stunning good looks. She was married and a mother of four. In June 1996, she was caught having sex in a minivan with her 12-year-old student.

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By the time of her arrest, she was already pregnant by her 12-year-old victim. To compound matters, after she was released on probation, she was ordered to stay away from the victim, but weeks after her release, she was with him again. She gave birth to her second child behind bars.

The two got married in May 2005. They divorced in 2019. Letourneau, 58, died of colon cancer on July 6, 2020 .

It's been 27 years since Letourneau became a household name but today, there are so many cases it's hard to keep up and experts are trying to determine why these cases continue. Some cite the unlimited access teachers and students have to one another.

When I was in school, as the bell rang at 2:45 p.m., marking an end to the school day, I didn’t see my teachers or have any contact with them until the next day. Today, teachers can communicate with their students via text, Facetime and social media.

This can open Pandora's box. Something can start innocent and turn into something criminal. Many criminal complaints show how these inappropriate relationships start innocently enough.

Bolden, the teacher who purchased a gun for a student, first began texting with her victim. Their conversations escalated to the point where she sent him suggestive photos of herself. He promised not to tell anyone when she told him to delete the images.

The situation went too far and resulted in Bolden losing her career and freedom over her inappropriate relationship with a 13-year-old student.

While teachers who engage in such behaviors are punished, the long-term physical and mental damage inflicted upon the students they teach cannot be overlooked.

Henderson, from the Wisconsin Coalition Against Sexual Assault, said that when a teacher crosses the line with a student, the effects on the child can be far-reaching. When a child is sexually assaulted by someone they trusted, it can leave them feeling confused and vulnerable.

“The long-term effects can have devastating consequences,” he said.

If a child tells you they have been sexually assaulted, Henderson says, "Believe them."

Then contact the police.

Reach James E. Causey at  [email protected] ; follow him on X @jecausey .


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