Analysis of “Precious Knowledge” Film Essay

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Codes and convections, credibility.

Precious Knowledge is a documentary on politics and education produced in 2011; it focuses on banning Mexican American studies (MAS) program in the Tucson unified school District of Arizona. The founder of Doz vatos production, Ari Luis, directed the documentary while Eren Isabel McGinnis produced it. The filming began on October 31 st, 2011, after the producer and directors were allowed to access the ethics program by the Tucson unified school district in the year 2008-2009. Before they began the filming, they had planned to use interviews and footage to explore the various perspectives of the people.

The documentary is an excellent example of getting students interested in national and state policies affecting how we talk and teach ethnicity in the United States. The discussion is intended for high school but can also apply to other ages. Precious knowledge raises a question on how the curriculums can focus on students’ lives where the educators are actively involved in pursuing the objective. The film addresses racial justice, which is essential for teachers, institutions, and professional development.

The film Precious Knowledge focuses on the fall and defense of the ethnic studies program within the Tucson district. The MAS was a program created to encourage students to attend school and graduate. The enrolling of the Ethics program was to enhance the children to learn more about their origin and culture. The program was a success as the number of students attending classes increased, and hence the rate of those graduating also increased. In addition, it transformed the students as they became engaged, informed, and active in their communities. The MAS program was a success as it rekindled the students’ love for learning.

It is evident in the film as one student says, “I started coming to classes, and I started seeing, like, why do I believe all this? Instead of feeling it, I should change it” (Kannan et al. 74). However, many opposed, such as Benjamin Franklin, the program concluding that it instilled anti-American values to students and anti-Americans. The negative thoughts of the education reached the superintendent of public instruction, Tom Horne, who also had similar views.

Therefore, he proposed and succeeded in passing a bill that banned the program in institutions. The politicians wrap their racism in a language of opportunity, Individual Rights, and Americanism (Kannan et al. 76). In the remainder of the documents, we see students and teachers protesting the bill and attempting to prevent the account from being passed. Precious Knowledge provides an insider perspective on historical battles as the students’ fight to save their ethics classes. The students mobilize rapidly through the use of megaphones, Facebook, and texting. The central question that arose from the students and teachers protesting was if the program failure would be preventable or not.

Understanding what a film is about, code and convections usage occur as the viewer’s anticipate comprehending the film’s meaning. For instance, in the scene introduction, film titles are shown, the Precisions Knowledge and where the film took place Tucson unified school District of Arizona. The film production logo presents so that if the film was exciting, one could watch another movie of the production, and it is a form of advertisement for the producers for their movies.

The codes are the symbols or signs used in a particular film to institute the genre and sub-genre film. The convections and regulations are there to address the Spector’s on type of film through relating sounds, shot types, and making use of characters. For instance, in the film Precious Knowledge when students protest the ban of the MAS program, the camera takes a long shot to show the event’s exact location, and a close shot takes place on the characters to show their facial expressions.

More codes occurring are the characters’ body language, which permits us to observe how the characters are feeling. For instance, the students are pacing all over the place as they are demonstrating. It indicates they are uneasy as they advocate for justice for ethics programs to continue running in schools. Music is also another form of code used in the film to show the film’s pace and genre.

For instance, the Precious Knowledge film has face-paced music to make us feel the agony of the students as they are protesting. Moreover, music has been affected in the movie to keep us engaged in the scenes happening. Voice-over is also part of the film to guide the audience through the film plot. Actual footage is applied to bring out the realism of the events happening in the movie. For convection in the film, the students lift billboards, revealing that they are protesting. Codes and convections work hand to expound on the thematic symbolism of the film.

Eren Isabel McGinnis establishes the credibility of the film by the use of some specific documentaries techniques. These techniques are applied for the viewer’s not to doubt the presentation of the film. Other than the narrator and titles, which probably confuse viewers of authentication the events, archival photographs, actual footage, interviewers, and eyewitnesses, are also used to authenticate the film. The separation of fictional narratives from non-fictional counterparts through a narrator’s presentation in the movie. The Precious Knowledge film uses an authoritative narrator to establish credibility. The narrator’s voice in the film is followed by interviews and videos footage of the event.

The viewers may fail to understand what is occurring in the film; hence, the narrator’s voice clarifies the situation. Thus, the narrator has enough proof to explain the movie and authenticate his voice. Moreover, interviews with students on how they feel about the program serve to understand their views on the program and why they thought it was injustice for the program to be banned. Footages of the various events of the students protesting are capable of telling the truth of the story. The use of actual footage helps establish the film’s credibility as the students address their views.

Summing it up, the film establishes an implication for the educators, students, and communities to work on the achievement gap in their communities. The film is a source of inspiration to many as many social justices groups have formed and students present ethnic classes in their communities. The message of the film has been an inspiration to many students to change their lives. It is also a source of inspiration to the students to be better teachers. In addition, it has inspired people to work together to bring positive and progressive changes to their communities. The struggle in the Precious Knowledge film has been an impressive call of action to many.

Kannan, Vani, t al. “Warriors, Not Victims”: Precious Knowledge, the Fight for Ethnic Studies, And Accountability to the #Metoo Movement.” Radical Teacher , vol.18, 2020, pp.75-78. University Library System, University of Pittsburgh.

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IvyPanda. (2022, December 12). Analysis of "Precious Knowledge" Film.

"Analysis of "Precious Knowledge" Film." IvyPanda , 12 Dec. 2022,

IvyPanda . (2022) 'Analysis of "Precious Knowledge" Film'. 12 December.

IvyPanda . 2022. "Analysis of "Precious Knowledge" Film." December 12, 2022.

1. IvyPanda . "Analysis of "Precious Knowledge" Film." December 12, 2022.


IvyPanda . "Analysis of "Precious Knowledge" Film." December 12, 2022.

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Precious Knowledge Short Summary

Precious Knowledge Short Summary

The documentary Precious Knowledge follows the lives of four high school students attending the Mexican American studies program at Tucson High School in Arizona. Despite the program’s success, there is opposition, with one person, Mr. Tom Horne, wanting the program removed completely. He believes the class is influencing students towards a Mexican revolution against the American government. The teachers and students organize rallies to help the community understand the program’s purpose, but ultimately, a bill is signed into law ending all ethnic studies in the district. The documentary’s characters were genuine, and the filmmaker captured their emotions well. However, the ending was unexpected, and it would have been great to focus on the other ethnicities in the class. Overall, the documentary was educational and eye-opening.

Precious Knowledge Movie Review

As the documentary begins, it introduced Priscilla, Gilbert, Crystal and Mariah. They are four high school students who attend the Mexican American studies at Tucson High School in Arizona. In spite of how well the program is doing, there has been many disapproval of the program. The main person who really didn’t like the program and wanted it completely removed is Mr. Tom Horne. His main reason of disapproval of the program was that he believed that the class was influencing the students for a Mexican revolution against the American government. He then suggest a bill that would end the Mexican American studies program at Tucson Unified School District. With this all happening the teachers reminded their students not to react negatively to these events rather handle it in a lawfully way because their opponents just want the satisfaction of something terrible to happen to support their arguments. Instead of violence or immature reactions the teachers and students organized rallies to help get the community to understand what they are doing. Regardless of all the hard work the teachers and students did to help the community understand the truth, the bill was signed into law by Jan Brewer.

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The movie ends with the teachers having their last class with their students before graduation and shows one of the students from the program who graduated attending the University of Arizona. In this documentary there were things that I found to be such great features. First the characters were just so real, their emotions were so genuine and you could feel the pain they felt when they lost their precious class. The filmmaker really knew how to catch those moments well. I’ve watched many documentaries and at times I feel that its so staged and rehearsed. Another thing I found to be a great feature was how long the documentary was. It was about 70 mins. During that time I learned so much about the situation then I knew 70 mins before. It was short and sweet and I even wished it was a little longer.

There were two things about the documentary that I found to be was the worse features. First one was that the ending, it wasn’t what I expected. I thought that the program would stay and that Tom Horne would change his opinion of the program. Instead the program was removed from the school district and a bill was signed into law ending all ethnic studies in the district. The second thing that I didn’t really like was that it was clear that it wasn’t only Mexican American students in the class, there were also other ethnicities in the class. It would have been great to focus on them as well because I would have loved to see how the class affects them in school and on a personal level especially since its not about their ancestors.

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Precious Knowledge Movie Analysis (Essay Sample)

“The function of education is to teach one to think intensively and to think critically. Intelligence plus character that is the goal of true education.”-Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. 

Precious Knowledge is a documentary that presents events that took place at Tucson High School. At the high school, an ethnic studies program was implemented for Mexican- American students to motivate students to attend their classes and to graduate. These ethnic classes taught students more about their ethnic origin and history. The program turned out to be a huge success, increasing the graduation rate, students' attendance, and providing a newfound love for students learning again. Despite its positive outcome, unfortunately, many people opposed the ethnic studies program. They concluded that these classes were anti-American and that they installed anti-American values into the students. This later then reached Tom Horne, the superintendent of Public Instruction, who was as well against this ethnic studies program. He proposed a ban on these ethnic studies classes and succeeded in passing a bill prohibiting the program (). The remainder of the documentary consists of teachers and students protesting the bill and ultimately preventing the bill from being passed. The purpose of this documentary is to express the aggravation ethnic students face in school.

One of the main issues of this film - if not the main issue - is the fact that the government and many people in the community view ethnic studies as anti-American. The electives were simply electives and they did not replace the core classes that must be taken to graduate, which include American government, American history, and English classes. The ethnic studies electives simply taught the students Mexican culture as an addition, and in no way should that be viewed as anti-American. However, the government and people in power thought teaching Mexican culture to students who were mostly of Mexican origin was anti-American, which could be viewed as institutional racism. Rather than ethnic studies being anti-American, it’s more likely that Tom Horne and other politicians were afraid it was anti-white.

 Institutional racism is defined as “patterns by which racial inequality is structured through key cultural institutions, policies, and systems”, which is being shown here against Hispanic culture. European history and British literature are perfectly fine classes in most American high schools, However, the government has deemed that Hispanic-Culture-related classes are unacceptable, despite the positive results shown by the students. The prohibition of the ethnic studies program might revert the students to their old ways of dropping out of high school, which would essentially take away the Chicanos' chance of succeeding in getting a career and obtaining a college education. This is only one example of how minorities may not have equal opportunities as the white majority does due to institutional rules. 

  To solve this specific predicament of institutional racism, it is important to educate people that learning about other cultures or being proud of your ethnicity is not anti-American. America itself is filled with people from every corner of the world. If immigrants or the children of immigrants come to live in America, assimilation is not necessary. Many immigrants instead choose to be multicultural. While assimilating means completely absorbing the culture of the majority and forsaking your old culture, being multicultural is to accept the best of both worlds, to retain your ethnic culture, and to indulge in the new culture, which is what the students and staff attempted to do at Tucson High School. However, multiculturalism was not accepted by Tom Horne and instead he - and many others that worked in the institution - only approved of assimilation.

 The form of argument that this documentary is posing is whether or not it is morally correct to take away the ethnic studies program for Mexican-American students. Tucson school district superintendent, Tom Horne, wants the grouping of students learning of their ethnic background to be banned. 

 "When I was in high school in 1963, I participated in the March on Washington, where Martin Luther King Jr. said he wanted his son to be judged by the quality of his character and not by the color of his skin, and I'm still fighting for that now.”( Superintendent Tom Horne, Precious Knowledge, 22:00-23:01) Tom Horne believes it is very wrong to divide students up by ethnicity and treat them separately because of their ethnicity. Though it is respectable for Horne to be very concerned about possible racism, students may face being separated from others. In the documentary, students in the ethnic program are not being mistreated, and are willingly participating in the classes. It seems that Horne is looking at it through a smaller concept instead of the bigger picture. Though, yes, they are Hispanic students being separated from other white or African American students. In this program, they are being taught differently, but the history of their own culture. It can be appreciated that Tom Horne is concerned about the potential racism he feels these students may be feeling or facing, and he would like to get rid of that. Brought up by the school board, their concern within the classes is that these students are being indoctrinated by people in power to have a specific mindset of white versus Hispanic. Another man on the school board's issue with the class was that they are instituting values that the founding fathers are racist, the social system is stacked against them, and evil ideas cannot be instituted in kids' minds and expect healthy outcomes. The ultimate main concern with these classes is that they believe the schools are turning their students into angry, young radicals when schools should teach kids to think for themselves. Though, the majority of the school board are older white privileged men who have never had to face a day in the shoes of a Hispanic student struggling in high school. Tom Horne, has also never taken the time to visit the classroom and learn alongside these students in their program. Because there is no negative connotation with the students themselves personally, it seems to be instead maybe Tom Horne is the racially motivated one. Ultimately, in the bigger picture, these classes are providing information for ethnic students of their origin and helping keep students engaged in learning and studying. 

The ethnic studies program for students is effective because it teaches students to embrace America. Though racism still does exist, these classes have a positive influence on students' lives. Furthermore, the program is about understanding community, respect, and appreciation, which has led to students performing academically much better than those not placed in the classes.

The documentary uses Ethos, Pathos, and Logos. The use of Ethos is being used because it discusses how classes of students are being taught together. Pathos is demonstrated in this documentary because it provokes the use of emotion. In the documentary, towards the end, many students are shown crying over the loss of their ethics classes. It is unfair for these students to have to beg and protest for the school board to not take away classes that help them progress in their studies. The use of logos is being used on both sides. Through the eyes of the school board and the superintendent, they believe the classes are insinuating racism in school students. Though through the opinions of the teachers and students in the Raza studies classes, their opinion of logic is the opposite. From their perspective, it is unfair for the school board to take away their classes with little to no evidence of indoctrination towards students against America. 

The audience of the documentary seems to be anyone who decides to watch the documentary. Though we are shown through the perspective of ethnic students, teachers, and some parents. We are not shown as much of the perspective of elders on the school board, but they are shown discussing their opinions or perspective. The speech is written normally, but it seems to be easy to understand for students. Though, there is some language slang being used by students, which may be because this documentary aired in 2008. 

After analyzing both sides, the school boards, superintendents, Tom Horne, and La Raza’s students and teachers, I am in favor of the students' ethics program. The students' and schools' side is more effective because they had a stronger argument. They had clear points on why the ethnic studies program should remain in school for students. This is because La Raza helped students participate in school better, it taught them to excel in school, and it increased the graduation rate for students. La Raza helped institute individualism within the students themselves and it allowed students to gain confidence in themselves whilst learning about their identity and origin. The perspective of the school board had little to no evidence proving why the ethnic studies program should be abolished. The members of the school board seemed to be threatened by Tucson ethnic students, and they were more concerned that it was anti-white.

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Precious Knowledge

When a highly successful Mexican American Studies program at a high school in Tucson comes under fire for teaching ethnic chauvinism, teachers and students fight back in a modern civil rights struggle.

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Ari Luis Palos

Ari Luis Palos has directed and shot a number of films including: The Beauty Salon , Mas Alla de la Frontera/Beyond the Border , Impresario , The Kentucky Theatre , El Rio de los Perros/The River of the Dogs , Al Garete/Adrift , Corazon del Plata/Heart of Silver , and The Spirituals . Palos enjoys participating in Tucson’s All Soul’s Procession ; a performance … Show more art extravaganza where he transforms into a dead vaquero to mourn and celebrate loved ones who have passed. He once rode a Harley Davidson motorcycle from Oaxaca, México to a small factory in Nicaragua, just to smoke the world’s finest cigar. Show less

precious knowledge essay

Eren Isabel McGinnis

Eren Isabel McGinnis has produced 19 movies including P.O.V.'s Tobacco Blues , The Girl Next Door (shortlisted for an Oscar!), Beyond the Border , The Spirituals , and Dos Vatos-México . She has a degree in Cultural Anthropology from San Diego State University, and a certificate in Film and Video Theory and Production from the University College Dublin, in … Show more Ireland. McGinnis, a Fulbright scholar, spent a year of living, writing, and filmmaking in Juchitán, México. She is currently in training for the grueling El Tour de Tucson bike ride and enjoys hiking in the Sonoran desert or any place where there is a trail to the mountaintop. Show less

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Precious Knowledge interweaves the stories of students in the Mexican American Studies Program at Tucson High School. While 48 percent of Mexican American students currently drop out of high school, Tucson High’s Mexican American Studies Program has become a national model of educational success, with 100 percent of enrolled students graduating from high school and 85 percent going on to attend college. The filmmakers spent an entire year in the classroom filming this innovative social-justice curriculum, documenting the transformative impact on students who become engaged, informed, and active in their communities.

As the nation turns its focus toward a wave of anti-immigration legislation in Arizona, the issue of ethnic chauvinism has become a double-edged weapon in a simmering battle. Arizona lawmakers recently passed a bill giving unilateral power to the State Superintendent to abolish ethnic studies classes.

Precious Knowledge provides an insider’s perspective student leaders fight to save their classes. The students are able to mobilize rapidly with texts, Facebook, optimism, and a megaphone.

Lawmakers and politicians a mount a public relations campaign to discredit the passionate students, claiming that Paulo Freire’s textbook The Pedagogy of the Oppressed teaches victimization and sedition. Officials ask that the classroom's Che Guevara posters be replaced with portraits of founding father Benjamin Franklin. Meanwhile, the students answer back by fighting for what they believe is the future of public education for the entire nation, especially as the Latino demographic continues to grow.

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Stephen Lin , Gettysburg College Follow

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Spring 2013

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An essay about my name and its true meaning...

Third place winner of the 2013 Virginia Woolf Essay Prize, judged by Jon Pineda.

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This is the author's version of the work. This publication appears in Gettysburg College's institutional repository by permission of the copyright owner for personal use, not for redistribution.

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Lin, Stephen, "Precious Knowledge" (2013). Student Publications . 64.

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  13. Movie Review: Precious Knowledge

    The movie "Precious Knowledge" shows the treatment of minority students in public schools in the Tucson Unified School District. The film is about four students and their peers struggling against the banning of Mexican American studies in TUSD. ... Order an essay from our professional writers and get an essay written from scratch in just 3 ...

  14. Essay On Precious Knowledge

    Essay On Precious Knowledge. 813 Words2 Pages. The movie "PRECIOUS KNOWLEDGE" is about the state of Arizona banning ethnic studies. The movie's main focus is on Tucson High school, specifically the class known as the Mexican American/Raza Studies. They learned about the honest truths about America along with their own culture.

  15. Analysis Of The Film Precious Knowledge

    Film- Precious Knowledge Precious Knowledge is a documentary that takes place in Tucson, Arizona and focuses on how the Unified School district wants to completely ban the Mexican American Studies Program. ... This is yet the biggest connection within this essay because I had to give up family, friends and a lifestyle that I had been used to ...

  16. Precious Knowledge Essay Examples

    Movie Review: Precious Knowledge. The movie "Precious Knowledge" shows the treatment of minority students in public schools in the Tucson Unified School District. The film is about four students and their peers struggling against the banning of Mexican American studies in TUSD. The movie focuses explicitly on the Mexican American/Raza ...

  17. Reflections on "Precious Knowledge"

    Reflections on Precious Knowledge. Abstract: The documentary Precious Knowledge left me feeling empowered, sad, slightly helpless, hopeful, and inspired. I felt empowered with the speeches the educators in the video gave and with the progress and interest the students had in their education. I felt sad that the students were unsuccessful in the ...

  18. Sociology Precious Knowledge Essay.docx

    Danielle Gorman Sociology Precious Knowledge Culture In the film "Precious Knowledge", it sends out the message of how eliminating ethnic classes makes it harder for foreign students to adapt to their environment. The English Only Movement is where they wanted to make English the permanent language in America. In the film, students showed how easy it was for them to easily transition into ...

  19. Precious Knowledge Analysis

    596 Words3 Pages. The film Precious Knowledge is from the perspective of a group of students at Tuscan High School in Arizona. The school system wanted to increase graduation rates and was looking at different ways to do this. The school came to the conclusion that a Mexican- American studies class will increase the dropout rate from 48 percent.

  20. Analytical Essay On Precious Knowledge

    Precious Knowledge Analytic Essay The film Precious Knowledge left me with a sense of empowerment and inspiration. The speeches that the teachers would give left a sense of growth and progress towards the student's interests in the course.

  21. "Precious Knowledge" by Stephen Lin

    An essay about my name and its true meaning... Home; Search; ... Next > Home > Student Scholarship > Student Publications > 64. Student Publications . Precious Knowledge. Authors. Stephen Lin, Gettysburg College Follow. Class Year. 2016. Document Type. Creative Writing. Date of Creation. Spring 2013. Department 1. English. Abstract. An essay ...

  22. Precious Knowledge Reflection

    Precious Knowledge Reflection. Improved Essays. 762 Words. 4 Pages. Open Document. Essay Sample Check Writing Quality. Show More. This week, as we left class, Angylyne and I discussed the documentary, Precious Knowledge, all the way to the Armitage el stop where we parted ways. It was hard to believe that the education board of Arizona had such ...

  23. Precious Knowledge

    Precious Knowledge. Decent Essays. 742 Words. 3 Pages. Open Document. How am I supposed to be the change? In Precious Knowledge, these teachers risked everything to fight for their program and still got screwed over. No one in the government believe what they were doing was right. We need people to challenge what are founding fathers did.