The Farming Insider

Green farming: solar-powered irrigation systems.

Last Updated on January 22, 2024


Sustainable agriculture plays a crucial role in ensuring food security and environmental preservation.

With the growing concerns about climate change and water scarcity, solar-powered irrigation systems have gained immense significance in green farming practices.

Sustainable agriculture aims to meet the current needs of the population while preserving natural resources for future generations.

It promotes practices that minimize the environmental impact of farming, such as reducing chemical inputs and conserving water.

Solar-powered irrigation systems harness the power of the sun to pump water, reducing reliance on conventional energy sources.

These systems eliminate greenhouse gas emissions and reduce dependence on fossil fuels.

Moreover, solar-powered irrigation ensures more efficient water usage by providing precise control over irrigation schedules.

By utilizing solar energy, farmers can reduce operational costs, improve crop yields, and decrease their carbon footprint.

These systems offer a sustainable solution to overcome the limitations of traditional irrigation methods, which often rely on unsustainable water sources.

Solar-powered irrigation not only contributes to environmentally friendly farming practices but also enhances agricultural productivity.

It allows farmers to irrigate their fields during prolonged dry periods, increasing crop resilience and reducing the risk of crop failures.

This technology also enables irrigation in remote areas where access to electricity is limited.

In short, solar-powered irrigation systems have a pivotal role to play in promoting sustainable agriculture.

By harnessing the power of the sun, these systems provide an environmentally friendly and economically viable solution to the irrigation needs of farmers, ensuring the longevity of both our food supply and our planet.

Benefits of solar-powered irrigation systems

In recent years, there has been a growing interest in green farming practices, which aim to minimize the negative environmental impact of agricultural activities.

One such practice that has gained significant attention is the use of solar-powered irrigation systems.

These systems utilize solar energy to power water pumps and improve the efficiency of irrigation processes.

In this blog section, we will explore the benefits of solar-powered irrigation systems.

Reduced dependence on fossil fuels

Solar-powered irrigation systems eliminate the need for traditional energy sources like diesel or electricity, minimizing our reliance on fossil fuels.

This reduces greenhouse gas emissions and helps combat climate change.

Cost-effectiveness and potential for financial savings

Although the initial installation cost of solar-powered irrigation systems may be higher, they prove to be cost-effective in the long run.

Farmers can save money on fuel and electricity bills, leading to significant financial savings over time.

Environmental advantages and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions

One of the most significant benefits of solar-powered irrigation systems is their positive impact on the environment.

By harnessing clean energy from the sun, these systems significantly reduce greenhouse gas emissions, helping mitigate climate change.

Improved access to water

Solar-powered irrigation systems can be set up in remote areas where there is limited or no access to electricity grids.

This allows farmers in such regions to have a reliable and sustainable water supply for their crops, enhancing agricultural productivity.

Increased energy independence

By adopting solar-powered irrigation systems, farmers become less reliant on external energy sources, thus achieving a sense of energy independence.

This ensures consistent water supply, even during power outages or in areas with an unreliable electricity grid.

Scalability and flexibility

Solar-powered irrigation systems can be easily scaled up or down based on the size of the agricultural operation.

They can be customized to meet the specific water demand of different crops and landscapes, providing flexibility for farmers.

Low maintenance and longevity

Solar-powered irrigation systems require minimal maintenance compared to traditional systems.

Once installed, they have a long lifespan, reducing the need for frequent replacements and repair costs.

Positive impact on rural communities

Solar-powered irrigation systems can play a crucial role in uplifting rural communities.

They create employment opportunities in installation and maintenance, improving livelihoods and promoting sustainable development.

Reduced water usage

Solar-powered irrigation systems can be integrated with efficient water management techniques like drip irrigation or precision agriculture.

This helps reduce water wastage and promotes responsible water usage, leading to increased water conservation.

Resilience to climate change

As climate change brings uncertainties in weather patterns, solar-powered irrigation systems offer resilience to farmers.

They provide a reliable and consistent water supply, even during droughts or extreme weather events, ensuring the sustainability of agricultural practices.

In fact, the benefits of solar-powered irrigation systems are numerous and diverse.

From reducing dependence on fossil fuels to promoting environmental sustainability, these systems offer a promising solution for the agriculture industry.

As technology improves and costs decrease, the widespread adoption of solar-powered irrigation systems has the potential to transform farming practices and contribute towards a greener future.

Read: Aquaponics in Farming: A Sustainable Water Solution

Components of a Solar-Powered Irrigation System

In order to understand how a solar-powered irrigation system works, it is important to know about its key components.

Let’s delve deeper into each component:

Solar Panels

Solar panels are composed of silicon photovoltaic cells that harness the power of sunlight.

They convert the sun’s energy into electricity through the photovoltaic effect.

When sunlight hits the panels, the photons in the sunlight knock the electrons loose from their atoms. This creates a flow of electricity, which can be harnessed and used to power the irrigation system.

They are usually mounted on a structure or placed on the ground in a location that receives maximum sunlight exposure.

The panels are angled for optimal sun absorption throughout the day.

Pumping System

The pumping system is responsible for transferring water from the water source, such as a well or river, to the irrigation area.

It can be categorized into different types:

  • Submersible Pumps: These pumps are submerged in water and are typically used for deeper water sources such as wells. They push water to the surface.
  • Surface Pumps: Surface pumps are installed above the water level and are ideal for shallow water sources like lakes or ponds. They pull water into the system.
  • Solar-Powered Direct Pumps: These pumps are directly powered by solar panels and do not require batteries. They are efficient and suitable for smaller irrigation needs.

The choice of pump depends on factors like the depth of the water source, the required water flow rate, and the size of the irrigation area.

Storage System

The storage system is a crucial aspect of a solar-powered irrigation system.

Since sunlight is not available round the clock, storing excess energy is essential for uninterrupted irrigation.

Deep-cycle batteries are commonly used to store solar energy. They capture and store the energy generated by the solar panels during daylight hours.

During non-sunlight hours or when the demand for irrigation is high, the stored energy from the batteries powers the pumping system, ensuring a continuous water supply.

The capacity and type of batteries are selected based on the energy requirements of the irrigation system and the expected duration of low or no sunlight.

In essence, a solar-powered irrigation system consists of key components like solar panels, a pumping system, and a storage system.

Solar panels convert sunlight into electricity, the pumping system transfers water from the source to the irrigation area, and the storage system ensures uninterrupted power supply.

These components work together efficiently, providing sustainable and eco-friendly irrigation solutions.

Read: Climate-Smart Agriculture: Water Conservation Tactics

Installation and maintenance considerations

Assessing water requirements and sizing the system accordingly.

To ensure an efficient solar-powered irrigation system, it is crucial to accurately assess the water requirements of the farm.

This involves considering factors such as crop type, soil type, and local climate conditions.

By understanding the water needs, the system can be sized appropriately to avoid over or under-irrigation.

Selecting appropriate solar panels, pumps, and storage units

When it comes to selecting the components for the solar-powered irrigation system, careful consideration must be given.

The solar panels should be chosen based on their efficiency and suitability for the local weather conditions.

Similarly, the pumps and storage units must be selected to match the capacity required for the farm’s irrigation needs.

Regular maintenance and monitoring to ensure proper functioning

The installation of a solar-powered irrigation system does not end after setup.

Regular maintenance and monitoring are imperative to ensure the system’s proper functioning.

This involves inspecting and cleaning the solar panels, checking pump efficiency, monitoring water levels in storage units, and addressing any potential issues promptly.

Proper maintenance and monitoring of the system’s components help identify potential problems early on, preventing significant damage and ensuring optimal performance.

It is essential to have a maintenance schedule in place to carry out routine inspections and address any issues swiftly.

Implementing efficient irrigation practices

While solar-powered irrigation systems are already energy-efficient, it is essential to maximize their efficiency further.

Farmers should implement efficient irrigation practices like drip irrigation or precision irrigation techniques.

These methods help minimize water wastage and ensure that plants receive the appropriate amount of water without over-irrigation.

Training and educating farmers on system operation

To ensure the successful installation and maintenance of solar-powered irrigation systems, farmers need proper training and education.

Training programs should be implemented to educate farmers about the system’s operation, maintenance requirements, and troubleshooting techniques.

This will empower farmers to independently manage and maintain the system, reducing downtime and increasing its longevity.

Considering the local regulatory and policy frameworks

Before installing a solar-powered irrigation system, it is crucial to consider the local regulatory and policy frameworks.

Familiarize yourself with the permits, incentives, and restrictions related to solar power and irrigation systems.

Adhering to these regulations will prevent any legal complications and ensure the smooth functioning of the system.

In general, the installation and maintenance of a solar-powered irrigation system require careful consideration and attention to various factors.

Assessing water requirements, selecting appropriate components, implementing efficient irrigation practices, and regular maintenance are essential for optimal functioning.

Proper training and adherence to local regulations are also important for a successful and sustainable solar-powered irrigation system.

By taking these considerations into account and investing in the upkeep of the system, farmers can enjoy the benefits of sustainable, cost-effective, and eco-friendly irrigation.

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presentation on solar power irrigation system

Case studies highlighting successful implementations

Case studies play a crucial role in showcasing the real-life benefits and success stories of implementing sustainable practices such as solar-powered irrigation systems.

By examining successful applications in both small-scale organic farms and large commercial farms, we can better understand the positive impact these systems have on energy consumption, crop yields, economic benefits, and environmental sustainability.

Example 1: Solar-powered irrigation system in a small-scale organic farm

A small-scale organic farm made the decision to integrate a solar-powered irrigation system as part of their sustainable farming practices.

This change brought about numerous advantages, both in terms of energy savings and crop yields.

By harnessing energy from the sun, the farm significantly reduced its reliance on traditional electricity sources.

The solar-powered irrigation system provided a reliable and consistent supply of energy to pump water throughout the fields, eliminating the need for costly fossil fuel energy.

Consequently, the farm experienced substantial energy savings, allowing them to allocate resources in other areas of the operation.

Besides the energy savings, the solar-powered irrigation system also had a direct impact on the farm’s crop yields.

With improved water distribution and the ability to schedule irrigation based on specific crop needs, the farm witnessed enhanced plant growth and increased productivity.

The precise control offered by the system ensured that each plant received the optimal amount of water, leading to healthier crops and higher yields.

Example 2: Solar-powered irrigation system in a large commercial farm

A large commercial farm recognized the potential benefits of solar-powered irrigation and implemented the system across its vast acreage.

This decision not only brought economic advantages but also made a significant contribution to reducing carbon footprint and increasing water efficiency.

From an economic perspective, the solar-powered irrigation system allowed the farm to save on electricity costs associated with traditional irrigation methods.

The initial investment in solar panels and infrastructure was recouped over time through the reduction in energy expenses.

The farm realized substantial long-term savings, contributing to its overall profitability.

In addition to the economic benefits, the solar-powered irrigation system aligned with the farm’s commitment to sustainability.

By harnessing renewable energy, the farm reduced its reliance on fossil fuels, thereby reducing its carbon footprint.

This environmentally friendly approach aligned with consumer demands for sustainably produced goods and helped improve the farm’s brand reputation.

The adoption of solar-powered irrigation also led to increased water efficiency.

The system’s advanced technology enabled precise control of water distribution, minimizing wastage and ensuring the optimal utilization of this valuable resource.

The farm observed a reduction in water usage, allowing them to sustainably manage their water supplies while maximizing crop production.

In brief, these case studies highlight the successful implementation of solar-powered irrigation systems in both small-scale organic farms and large commercial farms.

The examples demonstrate the positive impact of these systems on energy savings, improved crop yields, economic benefits, carbon footprint reduction, and increased water efficiency.

By showcasing real-time success stories, these case studies inspire and encourage more farmers to adopt sustainable farming practices, contributing to a greener and more efficient agricultural sector.

Read: Revolutionizing Agriculture with Greywater Usage

Challenges and limitations of solar-powered irrigation system

Initial installation costs and return on investment.

The primary challenge faced by farmers when adopting solar-powered irrigation systems is the high initial installation costs.

While these systems are effective in the long run, the upfront expenses can be a significant barrier.

Furthermore, the return on investment for these systems may take several years.

Farmers must carefully evaluate the financial implications before committing to solar-powered irrigation.

Dependence on sunlight availability and seasonal variations

Solar-powered irrigation systems rely on the availability of sunlight to function optimally.

During rainy or cloudy seasons or in areas with limited sunlight, the efficiency of these systems may be reduced.

In regions experiencing seasonal variations, the performance of solar-powered irrigation may also fluctuate.

This dependence on weather conditions can pose challenges for farmers who require a consistent and reliable water supply for their crops.

Technical limitations and need for specialized expertise

While solar-powered irrigation systems are becoming more accessible, they still require technical expertise for installation, maintenance, and operation. Farmers may need to rely on external professionals for these tasks.

Moreover, troubleshooting technical issues can be complicated, and specialized knowledge is needed to address any malfunctioning parts or system failures.

This additional reliance on experts can increase the overall cost and complexity of implementing solar-powered irrigation.

In review, solar-powered irrigation systems offer numerous benefits, such as reduced environmental impact and long-term cost savings. However, they also present challenges and limitations.

The high initial installation costs and the time it takes to recoup the investment are key concerns for farmers.

Additionally, the dependence on sunlight availability and the impact of seasonal variations can affect the system’s reliability.

Lastly, the need for specialized expertise limits the accessibility of these systems to all farmers.

Addressing these challenges is crucial for the widespread adoption and success of solar-powered irrigation in sustainable agriculture.

Future Prospects and Advancements in Solar-Powered Irrigation Systems

As the world grapples with the growing concerns of water scarcity and climate change, the need for sustainable and efficient irrigation systems has become imperative.

Solar-powered irrigation systems have emerged as a promising solution, harnessing the power of the sun to provide water for agricultural purposes without relying on fossil fuels.

In this section, we will explore the future prospects and advancements in solar-powered irrigation systems.

Increasing Affordability and Accessibility

One of the key drivers of future prospects for solar-powered irrigation systems is the increasing affordability and accessibility.

With advancements in technology and decreasing costs of solar panels, these systems are becoming more affordable for farmers around the world.

This affordability factor enables small-scale farmers to adopt solar-powered irrigation systems, thus expanding agricultural opportunities.

Furthermore, solar-powered irrigation systems require minimal maintenance and have low operating costs compared to traditional irrigation methods.

This combination of affordability and accessibility fosters the widespread adoption of these systems, especially in regions where access to electricity and water resources is limited.

Integration with Smart Irrigation Technologies for Optimal Water Usage

The future of solar-powered irrigation systems lies in their integration with smart irrigation technologies.

These technologies utilize real-time data, weather forecasts, and soil moisture sensors to determine the precise amount of water needed for irrigation.

By incorporating these smart technologies with solar-powered systems, farmers can optimize water usage and reduce wastage.

Smart irrigation technologies, when combined with solar-powered systems, enable farmers to irrigate their crops based on actual water requirements rather than relying on traditional methods.

This integration ensures that water is used efficiently, resulting in increased crop yield, reduced water consumption, and improved sustainability.

Potential for Solar-Powered Irrigation Systems in Addressing Global Water Scarcity

Perhaps the most significant aspect of future prospects for solar-powered irrigation systems is their potential in addressing global water scarcity.

As water resources become increasingly scarce due to climate change and population growth, solar-powered irrigation systems offer a sustainable solution.

Solar-powered irrigation systems can harness renewable energy to pump water from rivers, lakes, or reservoirs without contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.

This eliminates the need for fossil fuel-powered pumps and reduces the strain on traditional water sources.

Additionally, the decentralized nature of solar-powered irrigation systems allows farmers to tap into alternative water sources such as underground aquifers or recycled water.

This helps in diversifying water supplies and reducing dependence on conventional sources, thus mitigating the impact of water scarcity.

In a nutshell, the future of solar-powered irrigation systems looks promising.

With increasing affordability and accessibility, integration with smart irrigation technologies, and the potential to address global water scarcity, these systems have the potential to revolutionize the agricultural sector.

By harnessing renewable energy and utilizing water resources more efficiently, solar-powered irrigation systems offer a sustainable and environmentally friendly solution.

As the world continues to face water scarcity challenges, investing in the advancement and adoption of solar-powered irrigation systems will play a crucial role in ensuring global food security and sustainable agricultural practices.

Solar-powered irrigation systems offer numerous benefits and hold great potential for green farming.

These systems provide a sustainable and eco-friendly solution for farmers.

By using solar energy, they reduce reliance on fossil fuels, minimize carbon emissions, and lower operating costs.

Implementing solar-powered irrigation systems can lead to increased crop yields, improved water management, and reduced water wastage.

These systems also contribute to the overall conservation of resources and protect the environment by reducing pollution.

Farmers are encouraged to consider adopting solar-powered irrigation systems to ensure a more sustainable future in agriculture.

By making this switch, they can significantly reduce their carbon footprint and contribute to mitigating climate change.

Moreover, implementing these systems can lead to long-term cost savings due to the reduced dependency on conventional energy sources.

The potential of solar-powered irrigation system is immense. With advancements in technology, these systems are becoming more efficient and affordable.

Governments and organizations should provide support and incentives to farmers to facilitate the adoption of these eco-friendly systems.

As we move towards a greener and more sustainable future, solar-powered irrigation system play a vital role in transforming the agricultural sector.

By harnessing the power of the sun, farmers can contribute to conserving natural resources and securing food production in an environmentally friendly manner.

Let us all embrace the use of solar-powered irrigation system for a better tomorrow.

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Learn the Basics of Solar-Powered Drip Irrigation

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presentation on solar power irrigation system

Solar-powered drip irrigation is a sustainable and practical way to grow a variety of produce. Used in isolation, solar power mitigates carbon emissions and drip irrigation reduces water use. Used together, these technologies offer a climate-smart option for crop production in even the harshest and driest environments.

Benefits of Drip Irrigation

Drip irrigation offers a variety of benefits, for both the environment and for farmers. These include:

  • Reduced water use: By delivering precise amounts of water exactly where it’s needed—directly to the roots of crops—drip irrigation requires significantly less water than other irrigation methods such as sprinkler systems. This can also result in less weeds, as spaces between crops stay dry.
  • Time savings: For farmers watering by hand, switching to drip irrigation can save substantial amounts of time and human labor by automating the irrigation process. These time savings can translate to increased crop production, with farmers no longer limited by the hours spent tending to each plant.
  • Versatility: Drip irrigation systems can irrigate small and large gardens alike, across a variety of terrains. When plots are on a slant, drip irrigation keeps the water where it’s needed and avoids runoff that can occur with other irrigation methods.
  • Plant health: Damp environments created by traditional irrigation methods can lead to disease and mildew. Drip irrigation minimizes water contact with the above-ground portion of the plant, resulting in better plant health.

The benefits of drip irrigation are vast, but to achieve them, these systems need a power source. That’s where solar energy comes in.

Combining Solar Power and Drip Irrigation

Solar energy is a practical solution for drip systems, offering a clean, reliable source of power that can function in nearly any location.

The exact setup varies, but the systems can be relatively simple. A photovoltaic array is constructed to pump water from an underground source, such as an aquifer, into an elevated reservoir. Water is then fed by gravity through a low-pressure drip irrigation system directly to each plant in a garden. These systems can self-regulate for variable conditions: Solar radiation is the main driver for both evapotranspiration and solar pump speed, so on days where plants need extra water, the pump works faster to deliver it. Once installed, these systems are durable and long lasting. They can be—and often are—designed to operate without a battery, making maintenance minimal.

Case Study: The Solar Market Garden

Solar-powered drip irrigation systems can be particularly helpful—even lifesaving—for rural communities without access to an electric grid. To see this technology in action, we can look to the Kalalé District of Benin, West Africa.

Located in the arid northeast of the country, the Kalalé District sees rainfall in the months of May-October, allowing for natural crop irrigation. But in the 6-month dry season that follows, fields often go barren with no water to keep crops alive, and a lack of electrical infrastructure to send water where it’s needed. This results in hunger and malnutrition.

In 2007, the Kalalé District was introduced to its first solar-powered drip irrigation system, which became known as the Solar Market Garden (SMG). The SMG model leverages solar-powered drip irrigation to water gardens maintained by local women’s farming collectives. This allows the women to farm larger plots with less labor. As a result, they can not only feed their families year-round, but they can also sell surplus crops to earn income. That income can then be used to pay for healthcare, send their children to school, or reinvest in the local economy. Since the initial three gardens were installed, the program has expanded to eight more gardens in the Kalalé District.

This case study shows the unique benefits of solar-powered drip irrigation. Even in harsh and arid environments, this technology has proven its worth as a sustainable tool for community health and wellbeing. Click here to learn more about the Solar Market Gardens, developed by the Solar Electric Light Fund (SELF). And click here to help us continue this work.

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SELF is a global leader in the fight against energy poverty. Since 1990, we’ve pioneered unique applications for solar energy, powering progress on food security, health care, education, gender equity, and more.  501(c)(3) non-profit organization EIN: 52-1701564

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Solar-Powered Irrigation Systems: An Asset For The Future

Solar-powered irrigation systems (SPIS) are a clean technology option for irrigation, allowing for the use of solar energy for water pumping, reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from irrigated agriculture, and substituting fossil fuels as an energy source.

Rashmi Vats

SPIS’s long-term viability is highly dependent on how water resources are managed.


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Solar photovoltaic (PV) panels create electricity, which is used to power pumps that collect, lift, and distribute irrigation water in a solar-powered irrigation system (SPIS). From individual or community vegetable gardens to huge irrigation schemes, SPIS can be used in a variety of settings.

Bringing Solar Energy Into Mix

The quantity of solar energy that reaches the Earth in a single hour is greater than the entire globe uses in a year!

However, small-scale farmers have only had access to the sun as a source of energy for running water pumps in the last decade, as the cost of solar photovoltaic (PV) panels has dropped. This is a great opportunity for rural off-grid farms to increase crop production while also surviving the dry season in a sustainable manner.

The conversion of solar energy to water pumped is straightforward with a Futurepump solar pump. The solar panel receives sunlight and turns it into electrical energy. This electrical energy drives a motor and a flywheel, which in turn drives a piston that suctions and pushes water. Because this system is so simple, it has fewer moving parts and requires less maintenance, resulting in less downtime and expenditure.

Furthermore, during the dry season, when crops demand the greatest irrigation water, solar energy is free and abundant. Farmers who efficiently harness this free energy by pumping water to the fields and into elevated tanks during the day, when the sun is at its brightest, can reap significant rewards.

1 . Energy Independence

Solar PV can provide a reliable source of energy for irrigation water pumping in distant places, particularly those that are not connected to the power grid or do not have a consistent supply of liquid fuels or maintenance services.

Rural electrification and productive usage applications can benefit from the distribution of excess electricity via local grids.

2. Water Accessibility during the dry season

During the dry season, when groundwater is the only available water source or when surface water must be transported over great distances, SPIS can assist buffer the effects of drought and overcome water stress.

When solar PV pumps are used to replace water hauling, it can free up a significant amount of time that can be spent on more profitable pursuits, such as dry season farming.

3. Enhances Food Security And Income

SPIS can help sustain, increase, and diversify production (for example, vegetable production during the dry season to supplement mainstay crops) by improving the availability of water. Excess produce can be sold on the market to make money.

Increased food supply can help small-scale farmers and their communities improve their food security and nutritional intake. This is demonstrated in a study by Burney et al. (2009), in which SPIS allowed for a significant increase in vegetable consumption in daily diets.

Also Read: 8 Best Apps In India For DigiFarming.

Rashmi Vats

Rashmi is a writer and a student of literature in University of Delhi. She has always been interested in various modes of education and the changes she can bring to make people’s lives better. To be able to understand marginal voices and give them the space to think and grow is her goal in life. She likes to paint and read in her spare time.

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Going Green: A Guide to Solar Power Irrigation Systems

  • June 10, 2022 June 10, 2022

A sectioned-off field with solar panels arranged in rows.

Agriculture is a massive contributor to pollution and global warming. Common agricultural practices cause roughly 10.5% of the total greenhouse gas emissions in the United States alone. And our time is limited – the usual excuses for these damaging activities just won’t cut it anymore.

It seems counterproductive, but a traditional irrigation system can actually have negative effects on the environment. Among these are soil erosion, evaporation rates, water pollution, and algal blooms. These concerns beg the question of whether irrigation as we know it is truly sustainable or not. 

The way that a traditional irrigation system is set up, plants are exposed to more water than they need which can harm them. Sprinkler-type flows can dampen the foliage and encourage rot or microbe growth. Going even deeper into the issue, excessive water loss caused by the evaporation of surface water can be problematic in times of drought. The excess water can even start leaching the soil of fertilizer and nutrients. This causes irreparable damage to the arable land and pollutes groundwater.

presentation on solar power irrigation system

Our farmers have been looking for more eco-friendly and economical solutions to this dilemma. Thankfully, innovation never stops. A new solar irrigation system offers a unique solution that tackles several of these problems all at once.

At CAANA PH , we always strive to use the most sustainable methods in our projects. This is why we’ve pioneered the implementation of solar power irrigation systems in the Philippines. Our goal is to make this technology accessible and more widespread in our country’s agricultural community.

What is a Solar Power Irrigation System?

Solar power irrigation harnesses the sun’s energy to supply water to a field. It differs from a traditional irrigation system which uses a lot of fossil fuels that harms the environment. Agriculture is a very expensive industry, and the rising costs of the resources needed to maintain the business is a major cause for concern.

Solar panels laid out on green grass, photographed from above.

A solar irrigation system is easy to install, requires minimal upkeep, and uses the cleanest energy you can get today. Below is a quick list of all the things you need to know before you invest in your own solar irrigation system for your farm.

How does it work?

There are two important mechanisms that allow your solar irrigation system to work properly. First, let’s discuss the power source that controls the water supply, then the method of irrigation itself.

  • Solar irrigation mechanism

The dedicated power system consists of only a few pieces of specialized equipment. These are the batteries, charge controllers, and the panels themselves. The components can vary depending on the specific needs of the setup, but these are the essentials.

The solar panels power a water pump that moves water through a filter and into a pressure reducer. This prepares it for transferring the water into the drip system itself. The mechanism uses large feeder lines to collect it and divert it into sub-feed lines. Finally, the water is directed into the drip tubes for a controlled delivery.

It’s entirely possible to control the amount of water being used and the amount of time the system is active. Not only does this prevent the over/underwatering of the crops, it also saves on energy consumption.

  • Drip irrigation

Drip irrigation is ideal for maximizing the resources being used for each plant. The drip tube is situated at the base of the plant to deliver water directly to the roots. The rate of evaporation is negligible here, since it’s almost instantly absorbed by the soil. It also prevents excess runoff that can cause drastic soil erosion, which is a major agricultural problem.

The nature of drip irrigation also allows you to dispense water at a slow but steady pace to the crops. Rapid watering will just leave the water above the surface to evaporate, or spread horizontally. Vertical root growth is ideal for cultivating healthy plants, and this is encouraged by a slower rate of watering. By giving the water more time to penetrate the soil, it can absorb deeper into the ground.

Why solar power irrigation is better

Now you’re aware of how solar irrigation works, but why is it a much better alternative compared to a traditional irrigation system? Check out these advantages that you can get just by upgrading to solar energy now.

  • Water conservation
  • Energy and time savings
  • No more scorching of leaves
  • Reduced risk of fungal contamination or rot
  • Minimal nutrient leaching
  • Sustainable, clean, and safe energy

Things you need to consider before investing in a solar irrigation system

All of these things have sounded great so far, but what’s the catch?

Like all big investments, solar irrigation also requires a lot of research before you jump in straight away. It’s a huge jump from using a traditional irrigation system, especially in the Philippines where solar energy is yet to take precedence over other types of fuel.

Cost is definitely the first thing to consider here. Solar panels can be expensive, even much more so in our country. Let’s not forget the installation costs, labor fees, and other legal requirements you need to complete before you can even set up your new irrigation system.

But on the bright side, it’s going to be a lot more sustainable in the long run. Your investment on all the equipment will pay for itself after a short while. When you don’t have to pay for expensive fuel or electricity anymore, you won’t regret anything!

Here are other things you should definitely check out before making the switch. We definitely recommend consulting with trusted experts regarding these. Whether solar irrigation is for you will definitely depend on the specifics of your situation, budget, and agricultural environment.

  • ISO certifications and other accreditations
  • Energy efficiency
  • Landscape compatibility
  • Maintenance

Why choose Caana PH?

We are a company that puts immense value on sustainability, growth, and positive development. As pioneers of the first solar irrigation projects in the Philippines, we want to do what’s best for our farmers. Preserving their land and business by seeking alternatives to harmful practices is only the first step.

You can always trust us with your dreams of a better future. Give us a call to talk about your plans, or get a quote on your next project. We can’t wait to build with you soon!

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Jul 26, 2014

1.84k likes | 6.74k Views

SOLAR POWERED IRRIGATION SYSTEM. Under the Guidance of Submitted by. ABSTRACT. In the field of agriculture, use of proper method of irrigation is important because the main reason is the lack of rains & scarcity of land reservoir water .

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  • larger machine
  • transformer
  • small plastic packages
  • forward conduction threshold
  • small signal silicon diode
  • automobile engine


Presentation Transcript

SOLAR POWERED IRRIGATION SYSTEM Under the Guidance of Submitted by

ABSTRACT In the field of agriculture, use of proper method of irrigation is important because the main reason is the lack of rains & scarcity of land reservoir water. Another very important reason of this is due to unplanned use of water due to which a significant amount of water goes waste. For this purpose; we use this automatic plant irrigation system. In this project we use solar energy which is used to operate the irrigation pump.




EMBEDDED SYSTEMS Definition for :- EMBEDDED SYSTEMS • A combination of hardware and software which together form a component of a larger machine. • An example of an embedded system is a microprocessor that controls an automobile engine. • An embedded system is designed to run on its own without human intervention, and may be required to respond to events in real time.


MICRO CONTROLLER AT89S52 • Compatible with MCS®-51 Products • 8K Bytes of In-System Programmable (ISP) Flash Memory • 4.0V to 5.5V Operating Range • Crystal Frequency 11.0592MHZ • Three-level Program Memory Lock • 256 x 8-bit Internal RAM • 32 Programmable I/O Lines • Three 16-bit Timer/Counters • Eight Interrupt Sources • Full Duplex UART Serial Channel • Watchdog Timer


BC547 • The BC547 transistor is an NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor. • The BC547 transistor is a general-purpose transistor in small plastic packages. • It is used in general-purpose switching and amplification BC847/BC547 series 45 V, 100 mA NPN general-purpose transistors. • Whenever base is high, then current starts flowing through base and emitter and after that only current will pass from collector to emitter

LED LEDs are semiconductor devices are made out of silicon When current passes through the LED, it emits photons as a byproduct. Normal light bulbs produce light by heating a metal filament until its white hot LEDs present many advantages over traditional light sources including lower energy consumption, longer lifetime, improved robustness, smaller size and faster switching

LM 358 ( COMPARATOR ) • Internally frequency compensated for unity gain. • Large dc voltage gain: 100 Db. • Wide bandwidth (unity gain): 1 MHz (temperature compensated) • Wide power supply range: • Single supply: 3V to 32V • or dual supplies: ±1.5V to ±16V • Very low supply current drain (500 µA)-essentially independent of supply voltage. • Low input offset voltage: 2 mV • Input common-mode voltage range includes ground. • Differential input voltage range equal to the power supply voltage.

LM 358 PIN DIAGRAM • 1 - Output 1 • 2 - Inverting input • 3 - Non-inverting input • 4 – VCC- • 5 - Non-inverting input 2 • 6 - Inverting input 2 • 7 - Output 2 • 8 – VCC+


LIQUID CRYSTAL DISPLAY (LCD) • Most common LCDs connected to the microcontrollers are 16x2 and • 20x2 displays. • This means 16 characters per line by 2 lines and 20 characters per line • by 2 lines, respectively. • The standard is referred to as HD44780U, which refers to the controller • chip which receives data from an external source (and communicates • directly with the LCD.

LCD BACKGROUND • If an 8-bit data bus is used the LCD will require 11 data lines • (3 control lines plus the 8 lines for the data bus) • The three control lines are referred to as EN, RS, and RW • EN=Enable (used to tell the LCD that you are sending it data) • RS=Register Select (When RS is low (0), data is treated as a command) • (When RS is High(1), data being sent is text data ) • R/W=Read/Write (When RW is low (0), the data written to the LCD) • (When RW is low (0), the data reading to the LCD)

MOSFET(IRF 510) • The metal–oxide–semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET, MOS-FET, or MOS FET) is a device used for amplifying or switching electronic signals • The basic principle of the device a voltage on the oxide-insulated gate electrode can induce a conductingchannel between the two other contacts called source and drain • It is by far the most common transistor in both digital and analog circuits, though the bipolar junctiontransistor was at one time much more common.

OPAMP LM324 • Features • Internally frequency compensated for unity gain • Large DC voltage gain 100 dB • Wideband with 1Mhz (Temperature compensated) • Wide power supply range: • Single supply 3V to 32V • or dual supplies ±1.5V to ±16V • Very low supply current drain (700 μA) essentially independent of supply voltage • Low input biasing current 45 nA (temperature compensated) • Low input offset voltage 2mV and offset current:5 nA • Large output voltage swing 0V to V+ − 1.5V

BC547 (NPN –Transistor) • The BC547 transistor is an NPN Epitaxial Silicon Transistor. • It is used in general-purpose switching and amplification BC847/BC547 series 45 V, 100 mA NPN general-purpose transistors. • The ratio of two currents (Ic/Ib) is called the DC Current Gain of the device and is given the symbol of hfe or nowadays Beta, (β).

The current gain from the emitter to the collector terminal, Ic/Ie, is called Alpha, (α), and is a function of the transistor itself

1N4148 • The 1N4148 is a standard small signal silicon diode used in signal processing. • The 1N4148 is generally available in a DO-35 glass package and is very useful at high frequencies with a reverse recovery time of no more than 4ns. • This permits rectification and detection of radio frequency signals very effectively, as long as their amplitude is above the forward conduction threshold of silicon (around 0.7V) or the diode is biased.

PHOTOVOLTAIC CELLS • Photovoltaic (PV) cells are made of special materials called semiconductors such as silicon, which is currently the most commonly used. • Basically, when light strikes the cell, a certain portion of it is absorbed within the semiconductor material. • PV cells also all have one or more electric fields that act to force electrons freed by light absorption to flow in a certain direction. • This flow of electrons is a current, and by placing metal contacts on the top and bottom of the PV cell, we can draw that current off to use externally.

SOLAR PANEL • Expose the cell to light, and the energy from each photon (light particle) hitting the silicon, will liberate an electron and a corresponding hole. • If this happens within range of the electric field’s influence, the electrons will be sent to the N side and the holes to the P one, resulting in yet further disruption of electrical neutrality • This flow of electrons is a current; the electrical field in the cell causes a voltage and the product of these two is power

BATTERY • An electrical battery is a combination of one or more electrochemical cells, used to convert stored chemical energy into electrical energy. • The battery has become a common power source for many household, robotics and industrial applications. • Larger batteries provide standby power for telephone exchanges or computer data centers

Battery capacity and discharging

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what is solar power irrigation system

What Is A Solar-Powered Irrigation System?

What is a solar power irrigation system?

A solar-powered irrigation system is an answer to areas with no or unreliable access to water.

The different components of farming, from the pump to the plant, are integrated and harmonized.

From its title alone, it’s an automatic irrigation system running on solar energy through photovoltaic or solar cells that converts sunlight into electricity using photovoltaic.

Solar-powered pumps will automatically pump water from a deep well with least to no human intervention because the system uses a moisture sensor that regulates the water flow upon detection of the level of moisture content of the soil required for a certain crop.

Over flooding will be avoided and this will conserve water.

This irrigation system is more favorable to farmers because it will lessen their tedious jobs in manually monitoring the moisture of their farms’ soil.

Copper wires are situated or inserted into the soil to measure the moisture.

When the sensor senses either low or high soil moisture, it will send data to the microcontroller.

SPIS is nothing new.

The first solar-powered irrigation system was installed in the late 1970s.

What Is Solar Power and How Does It Power The Irrigation System?

The simplest definition of solar power is the heat and light that come from the sun.

Remember your Science teacher taught you since day 1?

That our main source of energy is the sun.

That is the reason why it’s the most abundant and reliable source of renewable energy on this planet and it has a huge potential that it will supply most of our power needs soon when nonrenewable energies, like coal, petroleum, and natural gas, will run out.

One way to harness the sun’s energy is through solar panels.

Solar panels are a group of solar cells or photovoltaic cells.

These cells are made of a negative and positive film of silicon which converts sunlight into electricity.

These cells are placed under a thin sheet of glass.

Solar panels must be set up facing directly to the sun for maximum sunlight conversion into electricity.

There are numerous ways to make the most of solar power like in solar-powered blinds, exhaust ventilation and fans, nautical lights, floodlights, and its use in irrigating farms.

Solar-Powered Irrigation System For Agriculture

Solar power is a reliable source of energy not only for commercial and residential purposes but also for agriculture . Agriculture provides a decent occupation to most countries of the world.

They produce food for every table.

That is why proper irrigation of the fields is necessary for various crop production.

This irrigation system is perfect for most parts of the world with distinct dry seasons and plenty of sunlight.

Solar-powered irrigation systems can utilize both underground water and open water sources like creeks, streams, and rivers.

But it’s more practical to suck water out from open water sources because it will use less energy compared to underground water extraction.

Currently, many regions and countries such as Europe, Asia, California, South Africa, America, among others, are investing in solar-powered irrigation systems.

Their government foresees and manages the potential of this alternative solution to economic problems.

Some financial institutions provide loans and subsidies, and significant public-private partnerships for SPIS are continuously providing support for small-scale farmers.

The Operating System

The operating system of the Solar Powered Irrigation System is simple.

It’s the planning that makes it complex.

Solar panels will provide electricity for the motor pump which delivers water either directly into an irrigation canal or to an elevated reservoir that can be used for the drip method.

Important SPIS components

These are the important components when utilizing a solar-powered irrigation system:

The Solar Panels Consists of solar or photovoltaic cells that convert sunlight into electricity.

Electric current flows through the wire that is connected to the back of the solar cell which provides the energy needed to operate the motor pump unit.

The Pump There are two (2) possible pump installations depending on the water source.

1. The surface pump uses a pipe installed right next to the surface water source and sucks water up that will pass through the other end of the pipe.

2. Submersible pump is installed or submerged under boreholes and deep wells with a depth ranging from 10-120 meters.

Submersible pumps can operate in automatic mode using control switches such as float switches.

Reservoir – a reservoir is optional but can be necessary to store water that is pumped over the day and can be used in a drip irrigation system.

The Irrigation System A. The drip method is simple and there is no water waste.

B. Sprinkler is the traditional way of irrigating.

How Much It Costs To Run A Solar Powered Irrigation System?

The cost depends on these factors:

  • Price and number of KWP solar panels required to cater to the energy requirement
  • Depth of the water source.
  • Water discharge requirement or the type of soil.
  • Type of motor pump needed (surface or submersible).

The cost of PV panels has dramatically decreased during the last decade and is estimated to have a more significant drop in prices in 2025.

Other components such as pumps and configurations have decreased as well.

Cost estimation for SPIS in mid-2017 for a Small-scale complete system in Kenya with a submersible pump, 300 W panels on secured 3 m high stand with the controller, filters, and 1-acre drip irrigation, with planning, installation, and guarantees for the pump, panels, and drip lines starts from USD 2,400.

What To Consider When Buying Solar Panels For The SPIS?

When choosing quality solar panels for your irrigation system you should consider the following criteria:

Quality ISO certified panels indicate quality.

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) 9000 series assures quality standards for the manufacturing industry.

Durability Panels should meet the International Electrotechnical Commission’s (IEC) 61215 reliability standard to be considered durable.

Solar panels are engineered to survive in extreme conditions like harsh winters and strong winds.

Price The cost of solar panels is equal to the price per watts plus installation and permits.

It’s not guaranteed and necessary that the most expensive panels are the best ones.

The average solar panel cost in 2022 is $2.99/watt.

Efficiency Solar panels can convert sunlight into usable electricity.

The most efficient solar panel of 2021 is the SunPower X-Series Solar Panels with a record-breaking of 22.80%.

A higher efficiency rating is better because it means that more electricity is converted from the sunlight producing up to 75% more energy per square foot over the first 25 years.

The top solar panel manufacturers by efficiency are SunPower, LG, REC Group, Panasonic, and Solartech Universal.

Warranty Since solar panels are a long-term and costly investment, it’s important to know that Solar panels have two (2) warranties: Performance warranty – Solar panels degrade over time just like any other product.

The standard performance warranty of the industry is 25 years.

Performance warranty guarantees that the product will perform and produce electricity at a certain level of efficiency after a specific number of years.

Equipment warranty – It covers any physical defects or problems that will arise from manufacturing errors such as glass imperfections, damaged cell connections, loose junction boxes, among others.

A standard product warranty is about 10-12 years. Some offer a 25-year warranty like SunPower, Solaria, LG, Panasonic, and Silfab

It’s better to consult or work with a solar energy consultant before buying and installing solar panels because they’re experts and they know better about this industry.

Which Top Solar Power Manufacturers To Consider For Solar-Powered Irrigation System?

Here is the list of the top solar power manufacturers in the world. It is interesting to note that the best solar manufacturers are in East Asia.

Headquartered in Shanghai, China and is one of the largest and most innovative solar module manufacturers in the international market for residential, commercial, and utility projects.

They have also bases in North America, Europe, Asia and the Pacific, Latin America, Africa, the Middle East, and other regions.

Founded in 2005, its products such as silicon wafers, cells, and modules are available to over 120 countries and regions.

Its main office is in Beijing, China, and has office locations in the United States, Germany, Australia, Japan, Brazil, Mexico, and the Republic of Korea.

Trina Solar

Founded by Jifan Gao and is now one of the leading manufacturers of solar photovoltaic located in Jiangsu, China, and with numerous branches in the US, Europe, Asia, and Latin America.

LONGi Solar

LONGi supplies more than 30GW of high-efficiency solar wafers and modules worldwide yearly, about a quarter of global market demand, and is recognized as the world’s most valuable solar technology company with the highest market value.

Its headquarter is in Shaanxi, China, and has global offices in America, Australia, Europe, and Japan.

Canadian Solar

In the past 18 years, Canadian Solar has delivered premium quality solar modules in over 160 countries worldwide.

Founded by Dr. Shawn Qu in Ontario, Canada, and has business subsidiaries in 24 countries in 6 regions.

Its bulk manufacturing facilities are located in Canada and China and some are situated in Indonesia, Vietnam, and Brazil.

What Are the Advantages of Using a Solar Powered Irrigation System?

  • Extremely low operating cost Since solar power is free, farmers can save on expensive nonrenewable energy such as gas, diesel, and commercial grid.
  • Clean and safe SPIS is environment-friendly because it does not require fuels that emit harmful substances such as Carbon Dioxide that may contribute to further damage to the environment and noise pollution compared to traditional water pumps that use diesel and gas.
  • Accessible and sustainable Enough sunlight reaches the Earth that is why solar energy is renewable and accessible.
  • Reliable The life span of solar panels can be at least 25 years
  • Time-saving Compared to conventional water pumps, the solar water pumps require very low maintenance that allowed farmers to save time because irrigation operations are no longer done manually.
  • An alternative source of income Farmers can sell surplus energy generated from the solar panels to the grid.
  • Increase crop production SPIS has the potential to provide higher yields than rain-fed agriculture most especially in areas with less to no rainfall.
  • Increase property value Studies have shown that properties with SPIS would increase the asset’s resale value and makes the property attractive to buyers.

Barriers For The Extensive Utilization Of Solar-Powered Irrigation System

  • Relatively high initial investment cost Solar power is FREE. But unfortunately, because of the high manufacturing cost, the minimum earning farmers cannot afford to install panels for their irrigation system. Moreover, finance is not accessible and affordable for all.
  • Vulnerable to theft Solar panels often stolen, just like in African countries, and often not covered by insurance
  • Unawareness that there is an alternative solution Farmers, especially in far-flung areas, are unaware that there is an alternative solution to irrigation problems such as the SPIS
  • Knowledge and information gap Farmers need to be trained because the operation and maintenance of SPIS require an optimal degree of technical knowledge and skill.
  • Limited access to distributors and installation services Distributors, extension services, or private service suppliers are not available, especially in rural areas

Final Thoughts

The well irrigated agricultural farm is the backbone of almost all local economic development, especially in developing countries.

And there are three important things in agriculture: soil, sun, and water.

Soil is replaceable by hydroponics.

Sun is replaceable by artificial light.

But there is no substitute for water.

Water irrigation is very important in case of a lack of rain.

There are some crucial factors to consider to attain a well-irrigated farm such as reliability, affordability, and access to irrigation water.

Farmers, especially in rural areas have no access to a reliable source of irrigation water.

And if there is access, they cannot afford it.

One promising solution to the problem, considering these factors, is the Solar-Powered Irrigation System.

Solar-Powered Irrigation System (SPIS) is an automatic irrigation system where the irrigation pump is operated by electricity from the sunlight which is converted by solar panels or photovoltaic cells.

Installing an SPIS is an expensive initial investment but it’s a money-saver in the long run compared to traditional water pumps that use nonrenewable fossils like diesel and gas that contribute to further damage to the environment.

This technological option becomes recognizable due to a substantial decrease in panel prices and the cooperation of governments and technical extension services.

The solar-powered irrigation system has a certain significance not only in a nation’s economy but most especially to the environment.

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Solar Power Irrigation System for Sustainable Agriculture

This article describes the different components of solar Power irrigation systems, various specifications, different techniques used, the current scenario in India, the challenges faced by consumers, and the future scope of solar-powered irrigation systems.

Solar-powered water pumping systems can find application in town water supply, livestock watering, and irrigation. The solar-powered irrigation system is an application of a solar-powered water pumping system used in paddy fields, and gardens for watering plants, vegetables, etc. A typical example of a solar-powered irrigation system is shown in Fig. 1.

Solar Power Irrigation System

Advantages of Solar Power Irrigation System

1. It makes irrigation possible in remote areas 2. Is environment friendly 3. No grid connection is required 4. No electricity bills to be paid 5. No fuel is required 6. Is durable, requiring minimal maintenance

Solar Power Irrigation System – Types

  • Surface Irrigation, in which water is moved across the surface of agricultural lands.
  • Localized Irrigation, like spray or drip or trickle system where water is applied to each plant or adjacent to it.
  • Sprinkler Irrigation, in which water is piped to one or more central locations within the field and distributed by overhead high-pressure sprinklers or guns.

Essential Components

The actual components and hardware requirements depend on the type of irrigation system, such as-

The major components of a typical solar-powered pumping system include a solar panel array that powers a bore-well pump or surface pump. The size of the complete system is dependent on the size of the pump, the amount of water required per day, and the power available from the solar panels.

The water is often pumped from a borewell or stream into a storage tank or directly into the field.

Solar Power Irrigation System has three main parts:

  • Pump controller
  • Solar panel

The pump has a motor running on electricity generated by the solar panel. Depending on the type of motor (AC or DC), the voltage of the solar pump motor can be AC or DC. DC motors are primarily used for small to medium applications, such as garden fountains, landscaping, drinking water for livestock, or small irrigation projects. Most DC pumps run at 24 volts rather than 12 volts.

However, smaller systems for 12 volts do exist for light-duty applications, while systems running on 48 volts also exist for heavier applications. The power of a motor is specified in either watts or horsepower (HP).

Pump Controller

There are two types of pump controllers: inverter and variable frequency drive (VFD). If an AC solar pump is used, an inverter becomes necessary to change the DC from the solar panels into AC. The supported power range of a typical inverter extends from 0.15kW to 55kW, with the higher power inverter being used for larger irrigation systems.

The solar panel and inverter must be sized accordingly to accommodate the inrush characteristic of an AC motor. Since the AC pump requires high power at the start, the inverter should be able to handle this extra start-up load. Sometimes a VFD controller is used to ensure that the pump motor gets proper voltage and current. Some typical specifications for various AC pumps and pump controllers are listed in Table I.

AC Pump Controller Specification

Many solar DC pumps require a special controller if they are to be powered directly by PV modules (without batteries). The controller or linear current booster (maximum power point tracker) enables the pump to start and run in low light conditions during a cloudy day, or early morning and evening. With a battery power source, the controller may not be required at all for a DC pump.

A special controller may also be employed for converting 12-volt battery power to a higher voltage to run the pump at top speed. The DC pumps are available from 12V to 48V with their initial torque varying from 12A to 96A. Typical specifications of various DC pumps and charge controllers available from a vendor are listed in Table II as an example.

DC Pump Controller Specifications

Solar Panel

The pumps are fitted with motors that receive energy from solar PV arrays. The nominal power of a solar module is expressed in peak wattage (Wp). The wattage of solar panels depends on the requirement and the motors used. In India, solar PV arrays having a capacity in the range of 200W to 5kWp are recommended by the government.

Recommended: Solar Panel Specifications

Many vendors offer installation services at a cost. But if you are planning to install it yourself, you can refer to many live video clips available on the Internet.

You can check the Solar Panel Installation Guide .

Types of Motor Pumps

Solar pumps fall into two major categories, surface, and submersible, depending on their construction and applications.

Surface Pump

A surface pump is usually installed above the water level which requires a suction lift. It is used to get discharge from an open well, pond, or river where high flow and a small head (height to which the water needs to be lifted) are required. There are many different types of pumps available, and DC surface pumps with a total lift of up to 21m (70 feet) are easily available in India.

Submersible Pump

This pump is basically a hermetically sealed motor. The whole assembly of the submersible pump is submerged in the water to be pumped up. It is generally used for pumping water from small borewells and is designed to fit inside the drilled bore. The well may be anywhere from a few meters to 550 meters deep.

But the deeper the well, the more powerful and expensive would be the system. The 0.25HP to 3HP pumps are easily available in the market. DC submersible pumps with a total lift of up to 92m are quite common in India.

Submersible pumps have the ability to lift water to a greater height. So these pumps are also used for water transfer applications from a canal to storage tanks or from an underground storage tank to an overhead tank.

How to Select the Right Pump?

Before buying a pump you should know the depth at which water is available, the daily water requirement, and the type of irrigation system to be installed. You may also need to know the water flow rate and the total head of the pump. It would be best if you bought a pump having the best efficiency. The best combination of head and flow rate at the least energy consumption gives the best pump efficiency.

The performance graph of a 1.5HP motor pump available from a vendor is shown in Fig. 3 as an example. To interpret the graph and the table, let us say you have an input power of 400 watts from the PV array and want to lift the water to a height of 40 meters at a flow rate of 12 liters per minute. As per Fig. 3, you would need a 1.5HP pump-set with a pressure of 56.88psi or 392 kilopascals (392kPa).

1.5HP Motor Pump Performance

The next step is to decide whether you should go for an AC pump or a DC pump. Though a DC pump can be run directly from a solar PV array, it has a minimal range as compared to an AC pump.

The DC pump costs more than the AC pump with the same category and the same head. But if a DC pump is available in your local market that meets your requirement, it can be worth buying.

“One should buy an AC submersible pump because the maintenance for a submersible is almost nil as compared to a DC pump,” says Hitesh Kapuriya, assistant manager, of JJ PV Solar Pvt Ltd.

Indian manufacturers of pump sets for various applications can be found at https://www.pumpsindia website. The type of motor pump, the wattage of the solar module, accessories, etc are some of the decisions you have to make.

So before buying the system, you should check the following:

  • Solar water pump installation site. You should first check whether it will be installed near a pond, river, or somewhere else.
  • Pump setting depth. The accessories required for underground installation would be different and add to the overall cost.
  • Requirement of daily water. If you need more water per day, you need heavier and more powerful equipment.
  • AC or DC pump. For an AC pump, you need a solar panel, pump controller (inverter), module mounting assembly, and accessories like cables, connectors, and pipe. For the DC pump, a pump controller would not be required in case of direct connection with the PV panel.

In addition, you may consider installing solar trackers and pump protection units. The complete system should be tested and certified by an authorized test center to get the best performance and water discharge norms as specified by the ministry.

Various capacities of DC surface and AC submersible pumps available from a vendor are listed in Table III, just for your information.

DC Surface Pump and AC Submersible Pump Capacity

Current Scenario of Solar-powered Irrigation Systems in India

Nearly 60% of Indians work as farmers in the field of agriculture. But due to the non-availability of electricity in remote areas, irrigation becomes difficult even if the land is fertile as it depends majorly on rainfall only. Solar energy can save not only electricity but also save Indian farmers (during drought and scanty rainfall) who are otherwise prone to suicide.

Solar water pumping systems can make irrigation possible even in remote areas. The pumps are available for various types of irrigation, including paddy fields, horticulture farms, gardens, etc.

“The present scope of solar power irrigation systems in India is very good because there is support from nodal agencies in the states like Rajasthan, Bihar, etc. The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy, Government of India, gives 30 percent subsidy for a five horsepower solar water pump set,” says Hitesh.

Unfortunately, the “Average cost of the solar water pumping system is Rs 450,000. Government policy for subsidy is having restriction up to 5HP solar pump only,” adds Hitesh.

Besides the high cost of solar irrigation systems at present, another problem is the lack of awareness of the benefits among farmers and consumers.

Solar Power Irrigation System – Future Scope

With advancements in technology, the systems can be made more user-friendly. You can control the motor pump from a remote location using your mobile phone. You can get water level indication of the reservoir and overhead storage tank on your mobile phone. These technologies are already available in the market, though presently they are not so popular.

For further information on this subject, you may refer to the ‘ Irrigation Automation Opportunities in Rural Areas ’ article published in January 2012 issue. Also, you may refer to DIY articles on related topics, such as ‘Cellphone-Based Remote Controller for Water Pump’ published in January 2013, and ‘GSM-Based Borewell Water-Level Monitor’ published in May 2012 issues.

The author is a B.Tech (electronics & communication) from Punjab Technical University

EFY Bureau

I understand that In Off grid Solar powered AC pumping system consists of a battery bank & Solar charge controller, , apart from solar panels, Solar inverter & AC pump.

The charge controller charges battery from solar panels & Inverter converts DC from battery to AC to power the pump.

Is the above understanding correct??

correct, but batteries are not essential either without batteries, they works fine and efficiently. also, it does not required any maintains as such.

What should be the DOD of batteries used in Solar powered AC pumps for irrigation ?

I want solar pump of 7.5 hp For my farm what will be the complit cost including installation

I want to install a sprinkler system at my boat dock area. I have access to the river water. My questions: 1–Can I use a a timer to set and water several stations? 2–Do I need a battery storage system? 3–Can I get an estimate on cost? 4–How difficult is it to install?


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presentation on solar power irrigation system

Implementing Solar Power Smart Irrigation System

  • Conference paper
  • First Online: 26 March 2022
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presentation on solar power irrigation system

  • G. Balakrishna 13 ,
  • G. Vishnu Murthy 13 ,
  • M. Nageswara Rao 14 &
  • M. V. Narayana 15  

Part of the book series: Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems ((LNNS,volume 385))

438 Accesses

Agriculture plays a prominent role in farming. Proper amount of water is required for the growth of plant, so we came up with a new concept automatic solar power smart irrigation system, and here, the solar module provides the entire power supply to the system. Soil moisture sensor senses the water content in the field; depending on the water content, motor automatically turns ON and OFF and sends the information to the farmer.

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Enazi ASA, Damaj I (2016) AgriSys: a smart and ubiquitous controlled- environment agriculture system. In: 2016 3rd MEC international conference on big data and smart city (ICBDSC), Muscat, pp 1–6

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Goldstein A, Fink L, Meitin A, Bohadana S, Lutenberg O, Ravid G (2017) Applying machine learning on sensor data for irrigation recommendations: revealing the agronomist’s tacit knowledge. Precis Agric 19:421–444.

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Jaguey JG, Villa-Medina JF, Lopez-Guzman A, Porta-Gandara MA (2015) Smartphone irrigation sensor. IEEE Sens J 15:5122–5127. . 2015.2435516

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Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Anurag University, Hyderabad, India

G. Balakrishna & G. Vishnu Murthy

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Koneru Lakshmaiah Education Foundation, Vaddeswaram, India

M. Nageswara Rao

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Hyderabad, GNITC, India

M. V. Narayana

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Guru Nanak Institutions, Ibrahimpatnam, Telangana, India

H. S. Saini

Rishi Sayal

Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, Hyderabad, India

A. Govardhan

Cloud Computing and Distributed Systems (CLOUDS) Laboratory, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, VIC, Australia

Rajkumar Buyya

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Balakrishna, G., Murthy, G.V., Rao, M.N., Narayana, M.V. (2022). Implementing Solar Power Smart Irrigation System. In: Saini, H.S., Sayal, R., Govardhan, A., Buyya, R. (eds) Innovations in Computer Science and Engineering. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 385. Springer, Singapore.

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Published : 26 March 2022

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Solar Powered Auto Irrigation System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

presentation on solar power irrigation system

  • Solar Powered Auto Irrigation System

This ppt explains how to use of proper method of irrigation and it is important.The main reason is the lack of rains & scarcity of land reservoir water. This ppt is based on microcontroller . has a wide range of electronic projects ideas that are primarily helpful for ECE, EEE and EIE students and the ideas can be applied for real life purposes as well. Visit our page to get more ideas on popular electronic projects developed by professionals. Edgefx provides free verified electronic projects kits around the world with abstracts, circuit diagrams, and free electronic software. We provide guidance manual for Do It Yourself Kits (DIY) with the modules at best price along with free shipping. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

  • Introduction
  • Solar energy is the most abundant source of energy in the World. Solar Power is not only an answer to todays energy crisis but also an environmental friendly form of energy.
  • Photovoltaic generation is an efficient approach for using the solar energy. Solar powered irrigation system can be a suitable alternative for farmers in the present state of energy crisis automatic irrigation system using solar power which drives water pumps to pump water from bore well to a tank and the outlet valve of tank is automatically regulated using controller and moisture sensor to control the flow rate of water from the tank to the irrigation field which optimizes the use of water.
  • System Description
  • Proposed irrigation system mainly consists of two modules
  • Solar pumping module
  • Automatic irrigation module
  • Automatic Solar Submersible Pump Control For Irrigation
  • These systems work in the sunlight. When sun shines the water pumping process is a sensible way of solar electric power utilization throughout the summer, as the water necessity is the highest. These pumps provide a reliable water source for plantation.
  • For any solar based pumping system, the capacity to drive water is a function of three variable such as power, flow and pressure.
  • Solar Panel
  • These panels are designed with solar cells composed of semiconductor materials.
  • The main function of Solar panels is to convert solar energy into DC electrical energy generally of 12V, which is further used for the rest of the circuit. The number of cells required and their size depends on the rating of the load.
  • The collection of solar cells can produce maximum electricity. But, the solar panel must place exactly at right angles to the sun rays.
  • Water sources are available in the form of springs, drilled wells, rivers, ponds, etc.
  • Submersible Pump
  • This solar system contains a submersible pump, a water tank, an irrigation pump, associated water pumps.
  • This system is designed with 450W of power, which is capable of pumping 2000 liters of water within 60 minutes.
  • This power capacity takes into account the height difference between the water tank and the solar submersible pump.
  • Charge Controller
  • A solar charge controller is very important device in any solar-power system.
  • It is used to maintain proper charging voltages of the batteries.
  • The charge controller controls current and voltage from the solar panel and charges the battery, and also stops the charging of the battery from over and undercharging conditions.
  • The Battery is an electric device that is used to store current which is produced from the solar panel and supplied to the corresponding loads. The number of batteries required depends on the load requirement.
  • The main function of the inverter is that it converts the batterys voltage to AC voltage in order to activate then loads. Therefore, it helps us to run many electronic devices, home appliances and computers.
  • There are numerous types of inverters available in the market today.
  • The characteristics of typical inverters include high switching frequency, high conversion frequency and less harmonic content, and so on.
  • The main goal of this project is to develop an irrigation system in the field of agriculture by using Solar Energy.
  • The required components are 8051 series Microcontroller, 12V DC mini submersible pump, Op-Amp, LCD, Solar Panel, MOSFET, Relay, Motor, Voltage Regulator, Diodes, Capacitors, Resistors, LED, Crystal and Transistors.
  • Applications
  • Agriculture livestock watering / crop irrigation, home gardens and drip irrigation systems.
  • Domestic portable water for remote homes, campgrounds.
  • Pond water management and water transfer.
  • Water supply for villages in developing world.
  • equivalent voltage this is given to a sensing circuit which has a reference voltage that can be adjusted by the farmer for setting different moisture levels for different crops.
  • By using the automatic irrigation system it optimizes the usage of water by reducing wastage and reduce the human intervention for farmers
  • The excess energy produced using solar panels can also be given to the grid with small modifications in the system circuit which can be a source of the revenue of the farmer, thus encouraging farming in India and same time giving a solution for energy crisis.
  • Solar pumps also offer clean solutions with no danger of borehole contamination.
  • Solar Powered Auto Irrigation System is very helpful to Engineering Students. is a leading presentation sharing website. It has millions of presentations already uploaded and available with 1,000s more being uploaded by its users every day. Whatever your area of interest, here you’ll be able to find and view presentations you’ll love and possibly download. And, best of all, it is completely free and easy to use.

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Watch CBS News

A severe geomagnetic storm has hit Earth. Here's what could happen.

By Allie Weintraub

Updated on: May 10, 2024 / 8:35 PM EDT / CBS News

A severe geomagnetic storm  that hit Earth has the potential to knock out power and electronics this weekend, but it could also bring a spectacular light show from the aurora borealis as far south as Alabama and Northern California.

After days of heightened solar activity, NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center issued Thursday its first watch for a G4 storm — the second-strongest rating on a scale from G1 to G5 — in nearly 20 years. It then upgraded it to a G5 on Friday. 

The prediction center reported in a social media post that "extreme (G5) geomagnetic conditions" were "observed" for the first time since October 2003. Friday's G5 conditions were first observed at 6:54 p.m. Eastern Time and could continue through the weekend, the agency said. 

The G5 storm in 2003 caused power outages in Sweden and damaged transformers in South Africa, according to prediction center. 

"Geomagnetic storms can impact infrastructure in near-Earth orbit and on Earth's surface, potentially disrupting communications, the electric power grid, navigation, radio and satellite operations," the NOAA said in an earlier statement. "[The Space Weather Prediction Center] has notified the operators of these systems so they can take protective action."

Risks to the power grid

A G5 geomagnetic storm is considered "extreme" and has the potential to cause widespread voltage control problems to the power grid, damage transformers, and even cause complete blackouts. According to the  NOAA , in a G5, "high frequency radio propagation may be impossible in many areas for one to two days, satellite navigation may be degraded for days," and "low-frequency radio navigation can be out for hours"

These types of effects on power systems were first noted in 1940 and have been reported throughout the years, with incidents including a power blackout in 1958, equipment tripping and voltage stability issues in 1972 and a nine-hour blackout in Canada in 1989, according to NOAA.

The last time there was a G5 or "extreme" geomagnetic storm was in October 2003, when it caused power outages in Sweden and damaged transformers in South Africa.

Effect on satellite and radio operations

As of Friday afternoon, NOAA had also observed a moderate solar radiation storm that could expose people in high-flying aircraft to "elevated radiation risk" and could cause infrequent issues with satellite operations. 

With a G5 storm, "satellite navigation could be degraded for days," it warns.

Radio blackouts have also been detected with an R3 designation, meaning that the blackouts were "strong" on a scale from R1 (minor) to R5 (extreme). At this level, wide blackouts of high-frequency radio communication is expected, as well as loss of radio contact, for about an hour on the sunlit side of Earth, as low-frequency navigation signals decline for roughly an hour.

Expansion of northern lights

The same phenomenon that causes these disruptions is also responsible for making the aurora borealis viewable in places you normally can't see them. 

"Earth's magnetic field guides the electrons such that the aurora forms two ovals approximately centered at the magnetic poles," NOAA said . "During major geomagnetic storms these ovals expand away from the poles such that aurora can be seen over most of the United States."

Vivid displays were visible over parts of Europe and the U.K. on Friday night.

Spring weather May 11th 2024

"If you happen to be in an area where it's dark and cloud free and relatively unpolluted by light, you may get to see a fairly impressive aurora display," Rob Steenburgh, a space scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center, told reporters Friday. "and that's really the gift from space weather, is the aurora."

  • National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
  • Aurora Borealis
  • Northern Lights

Allie Weintraub is an editor on the growth and engagement team at CBS News. She has previously written and produced stories on a range of topics for outlets including ABC News, Inside Edition Digital and Courthouse News Service.

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    Lay your hands on our entirely customizable Solar-Powered Irrigation System PowerPoint template and Google Slides theme to create an amazing presentation and...

  18. Implementing Solar Power Smart Irrigation System

    An IoT-based smart irrigation system using soil moisture irrigation plays the major role, and it can be controlled by sensor and Wi-Fi module integrated to Android application; here, the sensor senses the amount of water in the field, if the amount of water is low in the field, then motor turns ON, and if the amount of water is high in the ...

  19. (PDF) Solar Powered Smart Irrigation System

    Cost effective solar power can be the answer for all our energy needs. Solar powered smart irrigation systems are the answer to the Indian farmer. This system consists of solar powered water pump ...

  20. Solar Powered Automated Irrigation Syste

    The document presents a solar powered auto irrigation system designed by four students - Ashutosh A.Budharam, Rohit Nitin Gavali, Ravina Ramesh Kamble, and Purva Ashok Chavan. The system uses solar power to automatically irrigate crops based on moisture sensor readings and can be controlled remotely by phone. It aims to optimize water usage, reduce waste, and minimize human intervention for ...

  21. PPT

    Solar Powered Auto Irrigation System. Introduction ; Solar energy is the most abundant source of energy in the World. Solar Power is not only an answer to todays energy crisis but also an environmental friendly form of energy. Photovoltaic generation is an efficient approach for using the solar energy. Solar powered irrigation system can be a ...

  22. PDF Promoting Sustainable Agriculture Using Solar Irrigation: Case Study of

    Among these technologies, solar-powered irrigation systems (SPIS) have garnered significant attention for their potential to provide small-scale farmers with reliable and affordable water access for irrigation (Guno & Agaton, 2022). By harnessing the power of the sun to pump water from underground sources, rivers, or other

  23. Sustainability

    The sustainability of the food production achieved with the help of irrigation systems and the sustainability of their energy consumption are major challenges of the current century. Pumping systems currently account for approximately 30% of global electrical energy consumption. As electricity prices rise, there is a growing need for technological advancements to enhance energy efficiency and ...

  24. A severe geomagnetic storm has hit Earth. Here's what could happen

    Risks to the power grid. A G5 geomagnetic storm is considered "extreme" and has the potential to cause widespread voltage control problems to the power grid, damage transformers, and even cause ...

  25. Performance assessment of solar photovoltaic-based ...

    Water pollution poses a significant challenge to the development of rural human settlements in China, necessitating the development of wastewater treatment systems tailored to the local economic conditions and discharge characteristics. This study introduces a novel wastewater treatment process, namely solar photovoltaic power generation-constructed wetland (SPPG-CW) and conducts a ...

  26. Federal Register :: New Source Performance Standards for Greenhouse Gas

    An IGCC unit gasifies fuel—typically coal or petroleum coke—to form a synthetic gas (or syngas) composed of carbon monoxide (CO) and hydrogen (H 2), which can be combusted in a combined cycle system to generate power. The heat created by these technologies produces high-pressure steam that is released to rotate turbines, which, in turn ...