problem solving and critical thinking soft skills

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problem solving and critical thinking soft skills

How to build critical thinking skills for better decision-making

It’s simple in theory, but tougher in practice – here are five tips to get you started.

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Have you heard the riddle about two coins that equal thirty cents, but one of them is not a nickel? What about the one where a surgeon says they can’t operate on their own son?

Those brain teasers tap into your critical thinking skills. But your ability to think critically isn’t just helpful for solving those random puzzles – it plays a big role in your career. 

An impressive 81% of employers say critical thinking carries a lot of weight when they’re evaluating job candidates. It ranks as the top competency companies consider when hiring recent graduates (even ahead of communication ). Plus, once you’re hired, several studies show that critical thinking skills are highly correlated with better job performance.

So what exactly are critical thinking skills? And even more importantly, how do you build and improve them? 

What is critical thinking?

Critical thinking is the ability to evaluate facts and information, remain objective, and make a sound decision about how to move forward.

Does that sound like how you approach every decision or problem? Not so fast. Critical thinking seems simple in theory but is much tougher in practice, which helps explain why 65% of employers say their organization has a need for more critical thinking. 

In reality, critical thinking doesn’t come naturally to a lot of us. In order to do it well, you need to:

  • Remain open-minded and inquisitive, rather than relying on assumptions or jumping to conclusions
  • Ask questions and dig deep, rather than accepting information at face value
  • Keep your own biases and perceptions in check to stay as objective as possible
  • Rely on your emotional intelligence to fill in the blanks and gain a more well-rounded understanding of a situation

So, critical thinking isn’t just being intelligent or analytical. In many ways, it requires you to step outside of yourself, let go of your own preconceived notions, and approach a problem or situation with curiosity and fairness.

It’s a challenge, but it’s well worth it. Critical thinking skills will help you connect ideas, make reasonable decisions, and solve complex problems.

7 critical thinking skills to help you dig deeper

Critical thinking is often labeled as a skill itself (you’ll see it bulleted as a desired trait in a variety of job descriptions). But it’s better to think of critical thinking less as a distinct skill and more as a collection or category of skills. 

To think critically, you’ll need to tap into a bunch of your other soft skills. Here are seven of the most important. 


It’s important to kick off the critical thinking process with the idea that anything is possible. The more you’re able to set aside your own suspicions, beliefs, and agenda, the better prepared you are to approach the situation with the level of inquisitiveness you need. 

That means not closing yourself off to any possibilities and allowing yourself the space to pull on every thread – yes, even the ones that seem totally implausible.

As Christopher Dwyer, Ph.D. writes in a piece for Psychology Today , “Even if an idea appears foolish, sometimes its consideration can lead to an intelligent, critically considered conclusion.” He goes on to compare the critical thinking process to brainstorming . Sometimes the “bad” ideas are what lay the foundation for the good ones. 

Open-mindedness is challenging because it requires more effort and mental bandwidth than sticking with your own perceptions. Approaching problems or situations with true impartiality often means:

  • Practicing self-regulation : Giving yourself a pause between when you feel something and when you actually react or take action.
  • Challenging your own biases: Acknowledging your biases and seeking feedback are two powerful ways to get a broader understanding. 

Critical thinking example

In a team meeting, your boss mentioned that your company newsletter signups have been decreasing and she wants to figure out why.

At first, you feel offended and defensive – it feels like she’s blaming you for the dip in subscribers. You recognize and rationalize that emotion before thinking about potential causes. You have a hunch about what’s happening, but you will explore all possibilities and contributions from your team members.


Observation is, of course, your ability to notice and process the details all around you (even the subtle or seemingly inconsequential ones). Critical thinking demands that you’re flexible and willing to go beyond surface-level information, and solid observation skills help you do that.

Your observations help you pick up on clues from a variety of sources and experiences, all of which help you draw a final conclusion. After all, sometimes it’s the most minuscule realization that leads you to the strongest conclusion.

Over the next week or so, you keep a close eye on your company’s website and newsletter analytics to see if numbers are in fact declining or if your boss’s concerns were just a fluke. 

Critical thinking hinges on objectivity. And, to be objective, you need to base your judgments on the facts – which you collect through research. You’ll lean on your research skills to gather as much information as possible that’s relevant to your problem or situation. 

Keep in mind that this isn’t just about the quantity of information – quality matters too. You want to find data and details from a variety of trusted sources to drill past the surface and build a deeper understanding of what’s happening. 

You dig into your email and website analytics to identify trends in bounce rates, time on page, conversions, and more. You also review recent newsletters and email promotions to understand what customers have received, look through current customer feedback, and connect with your customer support team to learn what they’re hearing in their conversations with customers.

The critical thinking process is sort of like a treasure hunt – you’ll find some nuggets that are fundamental for your final conclusion and some that might be interesting but aren’t pertinent to the problem at hand.

That’s why you need analytical skills. They’re what help you separate the wheat from the chaff, prioritize information, identify trends or themes, and draw conclusions based on the most relevant and influential facts. 

It’s easy to confuse analytical thinking with critical thinking itself, and it’s true there is a lot of overlap between the two. But analytical thinking is just a piece of critical thinking. It focuses strictly on the facts and data, while critical thinking incorporates other factors like emotions, opinions, and experiences. 

As you analyze your research, you notice that one specific webpage has contributed to a significant decline in newsletter signups. While all of the other sources have stayed fairly steady with regard to conversions, that one has sharply decreased.

You decide to move on from your other hypotheses about newsletter quality and dig deeper into the analytics. 

One of the traps of critical thinking is that it’s easy to feel like you’re never done. There’s always more information you could collect and more rabbit holes you could fall down.

But at some point, you need to accept that you’ve done your due diligence and make a decision about how to move forward. That’s where inference comes in. It’s your ability to look at the evidence and facts available to you and draw an informed conclusion based on those. 

When you’re so focused on staying objective and pursuing all possibilities, inference can feel like the antithesis of critical thinking. But ultimately, it’s your inference skills that allow you to move out of the thinking process and onto the action steps. 

You dig deeper into the analytics for the page that hasn’t been converting and notice that the sharp drop-off happened around the same time you switched email providers.

After looking more into the backend, you realize that the signup form on that page isn’t correctly connected to your newsletter platform. It seems like anybody who has signed up on that page hasn’t been fed to your email list. 


3 ways to improve your communication skills at work

3 ways to improve your communication skills at work

If and when you identify a solution or answer, you can’t keep it close to the vest. You’ll need to use your communication skills to share your findings with the relevant stakeholders – like your boss, team members, or anybody who needs to be involved in the next steps.

Your analysis skills will come in handy here too, as they’ll help you determine what information other people need to know so you can avoid bogging them down with unnecessary details. 

In your next team meeting, you pull up the analytics and show your team the sharp drop-off as well as the missing connection between that page and your email platform. You ask the web team to reinstall and double-check that connection and you also ask a member of the marketing team to draft an apology email to the subscribers who were missed. 


Critical thinking and problem-solving are two more terms that are frequently confused. After all, when you think critically, you’re often doing so with the objective of solving a problem.

The best way to understand how problem-solving and critical thinking differ is to think of problem-solving as much more narrow. You’re focused on finding a solution.

In contrast, you can use critical thinking for a variety of use cases beyond solving a problem – like answering questions or identifying opportunities for improvement. Even so, within the critical thinking process, you’ll flex your problem-solving skills when it comes time to take action. 

Once the fix is implemented, you monitor the analytics to see if subscribers continue to increase. If not (or if they increase at a slower rate than you anticipated), you’ll roll out some other tests like changing the CTA language or the placement of the subscribe form on the page.

5 ways to improve your critical thinking skills

Beyond the buzzwords: Why interpersonal skills matter at work

Beyond the buzzwords: Why interpersonal skills matter at work

Think critically about critical thinking and you’ll quickly realize that it’s not as instinctive as you’d like it to be. Fortunately, your critical thinking skills are learned competencies and not inherent gifts – and that means you can improve them. Here’s how:

  • Practice active listening: Active listening helps you process and understand what other people share. That’s crucial as you aim to be open-minded and inquisitive.
  • Ask open-ended questions: If your critical thinking process involves collecting feedback and opinions from others, ask open-ended questions (meaning, questions that can’t be answered with “yes” or “no”). Doing so will give you more valuable information and also prevent your own biases from influencing people’s input.
  • Scrutinize your sources: Figuring out what to trust and prioritize is crucial for critical thinking. Boosting your media literacy and asking more questions will help you be more discerning about what to factor in. It’s hard to strike a balance between skepticism and open-mindedness, but approaching information with questions (rather than unquestioning trust) will help you draw better conclusions. 
  • Play a game: Remember those riddles we mentioned at the beginning? As trivial as they might seem, games and exercises like those can help you boost your critical thinking skills. There are plenty of critical thinking exercises you can do individually or as a team . 
  • Give yourself time: Research shows that rushed decisions are often regrettable ones. That’s likely because critical thinking takes time – you can’t do it under the wire. So, for big decisions or hairy problems, give yourself enough time and breathing room to work through the process. It’s hard enough to think critically without a countdown ticking in your brain. 

Critical thinking really is critical

The ability to think critically is important, but it doesn’t come naturally to most of us. It’s just easier to stick with biases, assumptions, and surface-level information. 

But that route often leads you to rash judgments, shaky conclusions, and disappointing decisions. So here’s a conclusion we can draw without any more noodling: Even if it is more demanding on your mental resources, critical thinking is well worth the effort.

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How to build your critical thinking skills in 7 steps (with examples)

Julia Martins contributor headshot

Critical thinking is, well, critical. By building these skills, you improve your ability to analyze information and come to the best decision possible. In this article, we cover the basics of critical thinking, as well as the seven steps you can use to implement the full critical thinking process. 

Critical thinking comes from asking the right questions to come to the best conclusion possible. Strong critical thinkers analyze information from a variety of viewpoints in order to identify the best course of action.

Don’t worry if you don’t think you have strong critical thinking abilities. In this article, we’ll help you build a foundation for critical thinking so you can absorb, analyze, and make informed decisions. 

What is critical thinking? 

Critical thinking is the ability to collect and analyze information to come to a conclusion. Being able to think critically is important in virtually every industry and applicable across a wide range of positions. That’s because critical thinking isn’t subject-specific—rather, it’s your ability to parse through information, data, statistics, and other details in order to identify a satisfactory solution. 

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Top 8 critical thinking skills

Like most soft skills, critical thinking isn’t something you can take a class to learn. Rather, this skill consists of a variety of interpersonal and analytical skills. Developing critical thinking is more about learning to embrace open-mindedness and bringing analytical thinking to your problem framing process. 

In no particular order, the eight most important critical thinking skills are:

Analytical thinking: Part of critical thinking is evaluating data from multiple sources in order to come to the best conclusions. Analytical thinking allows people to reject bias and strive to gather and consume information to come to the best conclusion. 

Open-mindedness: This critical thinking skill helps you analyze and process information to come to an unbiased conclusion. Part of the critical thinking process is letting your personal biases go and coming to a conclusion based on all of the information. 

Problem solving : Because critical thinking emphasizes coming to the best conclusion based on all of the available information, it’s a key part of problem solving. When used correctly, critical thinking helps you solve any problem—from a workplace challenge to difficulties in everyday life. 

Self-regulation: Self-regulation refers to the ability to regulate your thoughts and set aside any personal biases to come to the best conclusion. In order to be an effective critical thinker, you need to question the information you have and the decisions you favor—only then can you come to the best conclusion. 

Observation: Observation skills help critical thinkers look for things beyond face value. To be a critical thinker you need to embrace multiple points of view, and you can use observation skills to identify potential problems.

Interpretation: Not all data is made equal—and critical thinkers know this. In addition to gathering information, it’s important to evaluate which information is important and relevant to your situation. That way, you can draw the best conclusions from the data you’ve collected. 

Evaluation: When you attempt to answer a hard question, there is rarely an obvious answer. Even though critical thinking emphasizes putting your biases aside, you need to be able to confidently make a decision based on the data you have available. 

Communication: Once a decision has been made, you also need to share this decision with other stakeholders. Effective workplace communication includes presenting evidence and supporting your conclusion—especially if there are a variety of different possible solutions. 

7 steps to critical thinking

Critical thinking is a skill that you can build by following these seven steps. The seven steps to critical thinking help you ensure you’re approaching a problem from the right angle, considering every alternative, and coming to an unbiased conclusion.

 First things first: When to use the 7 step critical thinking process

There’s a lot that goes into the full critical thinking process, and not every decision needs to be this thought out. Sometimes, it’s enough to put aside bias and approach a process logically. In other, more complex cases, the best way to identify the ideal outcome is to go through the entire critical thinking process. 

The seven-step critical thinking process is useful for complex decisions in areas you are less familiar with. Alternatively, the seven critical thinking steps can help you look at a problem you’re familiar with from a different angle, without any bias. 

If you need to make a less complex decision, consider another problem solving strategy instead. Decision matrices are a great way to identify the best option between different choices. Check out our article on 7 steps to creating a decision matrix .

1. Identify the problem

Before you put those critical thinking skills to work, you first need to identify the problem you’re solving. This step includes taking a look at the problem from a few different perspectives and asking questions like: 

What’s happening? 

Why is this happening? 

What assumptions am I making? 

At first glance, how do I think we can solve this problem? 

A big part of developing your critical thinking skills is learning how to come to unbiased conclusions. In order to do that, you first need to acknowledge the biases that you currently have. Does someone on your team think they know the answer? Are you making assumptions that aren’t necessarily true? Identifying these details helps you later on in the process. 

2. Research

At this point, you likely have a general idea of the problem—but in order to come up with the best solution, you need to dig deeper. 

During the research process, collect information relating to the problem, including data, statistics, historical project information, team input, and more. Make sure you gather information from a variety of sources, especially if those sources go against your personal ideas about what the problem is or how to solve it.

Gathering varied information is essential for your ability to apply the critical thinking process. If you don’t get enough information, your ability to make a final decision will be skewed. Remember that critical thinking is about helping you identify the objective best conclusion. You aren’t going with your gut—you’re doing research to find the best option

3. Determine data relevance

Just as it’s important to gather a variety of information, it is also important to determine how relevant the different information sources are. After all, just because there is data doesn’t mean it’s relevant. 

Once you’ve gathered all of the information, sift through the noise and identify what information is relevant and what information isn’t. Synthesizing all of this information and establishing significance helps you weigh different data sources and come to the best conclusion later on in the critical thinking process. 

To determine data relevance, ask yourself:

How reliable is this information? 

How significant is this information? 

Is this information outdated? Is it specialized in a specific field? 

4. Ask questions

One of the most useful parts of the critical thinking process is coming to a decision without bias. In order to do so, you need to take a step back from the process and challenge the assumptions you’re making. 

We all have bias—and that isn’t necessarily a bad thing. Unconscious biases (also known as cognitive biases) often serve as mental shortcuts to simplify problem solving and aid decision making. But even when biases aren’t inherently bad, you must be aware of your biases in order to put them aside when necessary. 

Before coming to a solution, ask yourself:

Am I making any assumptions about this information? 

Are there additional variables I haven’t considered? 

Have I evaluated the information from every perspective? 

Are there any viewpoints I missed? 

5. Identify the best solution

Finally, you’re ready to come to a conclusion. To identify the best solution, draw connections between causes and effects. Use the facts you’ve gathered to evaluate the most objective conclusion. 

Keep in mind that there may be more than one solution. Often, the problems you’re facing are complex and intricate. The critical thinking process doesn’t necessarily lead to a cut-and-dry solution—instead, the process helps you understand the different variables at play so you can make an informed decision. 

6. Present your solution

Communication is a key skill for critical thinkers. It isn’t enough to think for yourself—you also need to share your conclusion with other project stakeholders. If there are multiple solutions, present them all. There may be a case where you implement one solution, then test to see if it works before implementing another solution. 

7. Analyze your decision

The seven-step critical thinking process yields a result—and you then need to put that solution into place. After you’ve implemented your decision, evaluate whether or not it was effective. Did it solve the initial problem? What lessons—whether positive or negative—can you learn from this experience to improve your critical thinking for next time? 

Depending on how your team shares information, consider documenting lessons learned in a central source of truth. That way, team members that are making similar or related decisions in the future can understand why you made the decision you made and what the outcome was. 

Example of critical thinking in the workplace

Imagine you work in user experience design (UX). Your team is focused on pricing and packaging and ensuring customers have a clear understanding of the different services your company offers. Here’s how to apply the critical thinking process in the workplace in seven steps: 

Start by identifying the problem

Your current pricing page isn’t performing as well as you want. You’ve heard from customers that your services aren’t clear, and that the page doesn’t answer the questions they have. This page is really important for your company, since it’s where your customers sign up for your service. You and your team have a few theories about why your current page isn’t performing well, but you decide to apply the critical thinking process to ensure you come to the best decision for the page. 

Gather information about how the problem started

Part of identifying the problem includes understanding how the problem started. The pricing and packaging page is important—so when your team initially designed the page, they certainly put a lot of thought into it. Before you begin researching how to improve the page, ask yourself: 

Why did you design the pricing page the way you did? 

Which stakeholders need to be involved in the decision making process? 

Where are users getting stuck on the page?

Are any features currently working?

Then, you research

In addition to understanding the history of the pricing and packaging page, it’s important to understand what works well. Part of this research means taking a look at what your competitor’s pricing pages look like. 

Ask yourself: 

How have our competitors set up their pricing pages?

Are there any pricing page best practices? 

How does color, positioning, and animation impact navigation? 

Are there any standard page layouts customers expect to see? 

Organize and analyze information

You’ve gathered all of the information you need—now you need to organize and analyze it. What trends, if any, are you noticing? Is there any particularly relevant or important information that you have to consider? 

Ask open-ended questions to reduce bias

In the case of critical thinking, it’s important to address and set bias aside as much as possible. Ask yourself: 

Is there anything I’m missing? 

Have I connected with the right stakeholders? 

Are there any other viewpoints I should consider? 

Determine the best solution for your team

You now have all of the information you need to design the best pricing page. Depending on the complexity of the design, you may want to design a few options to present to a small group of customers or A/B test on the live website.

Present your solution to stakeholders

Critical thinking can help you in every element of your life, but in the workplace, you must also involve key project stakeholders . Stakeholders help you determine next steps, like whether you’ll A/B test the page first. Depending on the complexity of the issue, consider hosting a meeting or sharing a status report to get everyone on the same page. 

Analyze the results

No process is complete without evaluating the results. Once the new page has been live for some time, evaluate whether it did better than the previous page. What worked? What didn’t? This also helps you make better critical decisions later on.

Critically successful 

Critical thinking takes time to build, but with effort and patience you can apply an unbiased, analytical mind to any situation. Critical thinking makes up one of many soft skills that makes you an effective team member, manager, and worker. If you’re looking to hone your skills further, read our article on the 25 project management skills you need to succeed . 

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Critical Thinking Definition, Skills, and Examples

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Critical thinking refers to the ability to analyze information objectively and make a reasoned judgment. It involves the evaluation of sources, such as data, facts, observable phenomena, and research findings.

Good critical thinkers can draw reasonable conclusions from a set of information, and discriminate between useful and less useful details to solve problems or make decisions. These skills are especially helpful at school and in the workplace, where employers prioritize the ability to think critically. Find out why and see how you can demonstrate that you have this ability.

Examples of Critical Thinking

The circumstances that demand critical thinking vary from industry to industry. Some examples include:

  • A triage nurse analyzes the cases at hand and decides the order by which the patients should be treated.
  • A plumber evaluates the materials that would best suit a particular job.
  • An attorney reviews the evidence and devises a strategy to win a case or to decide whether to settle out of court.
  • A manager analyzes customer feedback forms and uses this information to develop a customer service training session for employees.

Why Do Employers Value Critical Thinking Skills?

Employers want job candidates who can evaluate a situation using logical thought and offer the best solution.

Someone with critical thinking skills can be trusted to make decisions independently, and will not need constant handholding.

Hiring a critical thinker means that micromanaging won't be required. Critical thinking abilities are among the most sought-after skills in almost every industry and workplace. You can demonstrate critical thinking by using related keywords in your resume and cover letter and during your interview.

How to Demonstrate Critical Thinking in a Job Search

If critical thinking is a key phrase in the job listings you are applying for, be sure to emphasize your critical thinking skills throughout your job search.

Add Keywords to Your Resume

You can use critical thinking keywords (analytical, problem solving, creativity, etc.) in your resume. When describing your work history, include top critical thinking skills that accurately describe you. You can also include them in your resume summary, if you have one.

For example, your summary might read, “Marketing Associate with five years of experience in project management. Skilled in conducting thorough market research and competitor analysis to assess market trends and client needs, and to develop appropriate acquisition tactics.”

Mention Skills in Your Cover Letter

Include these critical thinking skills in your cover letter. In the body of your letter, mention one or two of these skills, and give specific examples of times when you have demonstrated them at work. Think about times when you had to analyze or evaluate materials to solve a problem.

Show the Interviewer Your Skills

You can use these skill words in an interview. Discuss a time when you were faced with a particular problem or challenge at work and explain how you applied critical thinking to solve it.

Some interviewers will give you a hypothetical scenario or problem, and ask you to use critical thinking skills to solve it. In this case, explain your thought process thoroughly to the interviewer. He or she is typically more focused on how you arrive at your solution rather than the solution itself. The interviewer wants to see you analyze and evaluate (key parts of critical thinking) the given scenario or problem.

Of course, each job will require different skills and experiences, so make sure you read the job description carefully and focus on the skills listed by the employer.

Top Critical Thinking Skills

Keep these in-demand skills in mind as you refine your critical thinking practice —whether for work or school.

Part of critical thinking is the ability to carefully examine something, whether it is a problem, a set of data, or a text. People with analytical skills can examine information, understand what it means, and properly explain to others the implications of that information.

  • Asking Thoughtful Questions
  • Data Analysis
  • Interpretation
  • Questioning Evidence
  • Recognizing Patterns


Often, you will need to share your conclusions with your employers or with a group of classmates or colleagues. You need to be able to communicate with others to share your ideas effectively. You might also need to engage in critical thinking in a group. In this case, you will need to work with others and communicate effectively to figure out solutions to complex problems.

  • Active Listening
  • Collaboration
  • Explanation
  • Interpersonal
  • Presentation
  • Verbal Communication
  • Written Communication

Critical thinking often involves creativity and innovation. You might need to spot patterns in the information you are looking at or come up with a solution that no one else has thought of before. All of this involves a creative eye that can take a different approach from all other approaches.

  • Flexibility
  • Conceptualization
  • Imagination
  • Drawing Connections
  • Synthesizing


To think critically, you need to be able to put aside any assumptions or judgments and merely analyze the information you receive. You need to be objective, evaluating ideas without bias.

  • Objectivity
  • Observation


Problem-solving is another critical thinking skill that involves analyzing a problem, generating and implementing a solution, and assessing the success of the plan. Employers don’t simply want employees who can think about information critically. They also need to be able to come up with practical solutions.

  • Attention to Detail
  • Clarification
  • Decision Making
  • Groundedness
  • Identifying Patterns

More Critical Thinking Skills

  • Inductive Reasoning
  • Deductive Reasoning
  • Noticing Outliers
  • Adaptability
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Brainstorming
  • Optimization
  • Restructuring
  • Integration
  • Strategic Planning
  • Project Management
  • Ongoing Improvement
  • Causal Relationships
  • Case Analysis
  • Diagnostics
  • SWOT Analysis
  • Business Intelligence
  • Quantitative Data Management
  • Qualitative Data Management
  • Risk Management
  • Scientific Method
  • Consumer Behavior

Key Takeaways

  • Demonstrate you have critical thinking skills by adding relevant keywords to your resume.
  • Mention pertinent critical thinking skills in your cover letter, too, and include an example of a time when you demonstrated them at work.
  • Finally, highlight critical thinking skills during your interview. For instance, you might discuss a time when you were faced with a challenge at work and explain how you applied critical thinking skills to solve it.

University of Louisville. " What is Critical Thinking ."

American Management Association. " AMA Critical Skills Survey: Workers Need Higher Level Skills to Succeed in the 21st Century ."

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4 things you need to know about soft skills

Meredith Somers

Feb 6, 2018

Lessons once relegated to aptitude tests and playgrounds are finding new homes in cubicles and C-suites. Here are some important things to remember about the implementation of — and incentives for — soft skills, from MIT Sloan faculty and researchers.

Defining a problem is the most underrated skill in management.

Critical thinking, problem solving, and working well with others are necessary for employees at any level, but MIT Sloan professors Nelson Repenning and Don Kieffer, along with alumnus Todd Astor, found that leaders who can directly answer the question of “what problem are you trying to solve” will be a step ahead in the game.

According to Repenning and Kieffer, a good problem statement has five components that include: 

  • a reference to something the organization cares about, and connects that to a clear and specific goal.
  • clear articulation of the gap between the current state and specific goal.
  • measurable targets.
  • neutrality toward causes and solutions.
  • an achievable and appropriate scope.

“In our experience, leaders who can formulate clear problem statements get more done with less effort and move more rapidly than their less-focused counterparts,” the experts wrote in MIT Sloan Management Review. “Clear problem statements can unlock the energy and innovation that lies within those who do the core work of your organization.”

Read “ The most underrated skill in management ” in MIT Sloan Management Review.

Understanding the value of soft skills takes time.

Millennials soon will be the leaders in the business world, and those same future leaders also come with a set of challenges. Among them: soft skills.

While millennials’ technical skills are far ahead of other generations, professor John Van Maanen said at last year’s MIT Sloan CFO Summit, they “are often lacking in soft skills, like communication and problem solving.”

A lack of soft skills, however, does not spell immediate doom for an organization’s success. While demand for some soft skills “is occasionally predictive of hiring problems,” according to MIT Technology Review, most of those skills — like cooperation and teamwork — don’t necessarily point to hiring difficulties.

That isn’t to say soft skills aren’t helpful, but they need to be connected to a particular job requirement and employer needs, writes Andrew Weaver, assistant professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

Read “ Coaching millennials has its hurdles — and it’s time to get over them ” at MIT Sloan Executive Education and “ The myth of the skills gap ” at MIT Technology Review.

Soft skills could help bridge the economic divide.

MIT Sloan professor of information technology Erik Brynjolfsson said soft skills can help bridge the gap between poverty and wealth in the United States.

Brynjolfosson proposed during an Inclusive Innovation Challenge panel that the problem is not a lack of work, but “finding the right people for the right jobs.”

A solution to that problem is teaching critical thinking over something like memorization. This in turn helps address the need for soft skills.

Read “ Soft skills, partnerships needed to bridge economic divide .”

Soft skills training brings substantial returns on investment.

A study by Namrata Kala, an assistant professor of economics at MIT Sloan, along with colleagues from the University of Michigan and Boston College, found that in-factory soft skills training returned roughly 250 percent return on investment less than a year after the training’s end.

The study also found that employees who did not participate in the training but worked alongside employees who did showed some improvements in workplace productivity.

“Our interpretation of the results is that skills like time and stress management, communication, problem solving and decision-making, and effective teamwork are ‘soft’ inputs into production,” the study said. “Reinforcing these skills thus directly affects productivity."

Read “ Soft skills training brings substantial returns on investment .”

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Four Soft Skills Everyone Needs at Work


This is a sponsored post from Digi-Key . Written by Nancy Ordman.

What technical skills do you need for 2020? How different is the 2020 list from previous years? Skills that are in high demand and short in supply will change at the pace of technological innovation as well as based on changes in the economy. Disruptions from new technologies, economic fluctuations, and political shifts can render many predictions useless.

However, soft skills are important in any job, regardless of technical requirements and position responsibilities. Whether the employee is entry-level or a C-suite executive, these are skills that transfer from job to job throughout a career.

Definitions of soft skills are nearly as thick on the ground as lists of the most important technical skills. Interpersonal skills, such as communication skills, conflict resolution, and teamwork, are commonly included across most definitions. Another way to define soft skills is to say what they are not. They are not quantifiable technical skills that can be taught through education and training.

Lists of soft skills come in varying lengths and levels of specificity. Overlap between categories is standard. Furthermore, some skills can be subsets of these broader categories. The following list is a distillation of several recent publications from knowledgeable human resources professionals across multiple industries.

Emotional Intelligence

Boiling down a definition of emotional intelligence, or EQ, is even less straightforward than defining soft skills. In a very general sense, emotionally intelligent individuals are conscious of their own emotional states and can both identify and manage them. They can also understand another person’s emotions and use that understanding to interact with them constructively and with sensitivity. Justin Bariso, writing for, lists thirteen signs of high emotional intelligence. Many of these signs—like reflecting on one’s own feelings, controlling one’s thoughts, demonstrating empathy, and praising others—sound like qualities of emotional maturity that should be found in most adults.

Bear in mind that, unlike general intelligence tests, no validated psychological tests exist for EQ. Nevertheless, some employers use EQ tests and will use the results to inform hiring decisions.

Communication Skills

Communication, the formal or informal transfer of information from source to receiver and back, is a two-way street. Recognizing this dichotomy is the first step to gaining a deeper understanding of the qualities of successful communication. One of the most important skills is learning to listen; to be the receiver and not the communicator. The concept of active listening (paying attention, asking questions, understanding what the speaker or writer is saying, etc.) has been touted for many years because it works. A corollary for the person doing the speaking or writing is to express themselves clearly and concisely thereby respecting the recipient’s time and intellect.

Communication happens through a lot of pathways. The Balance Careers lists ten , including a few attitudinal qualities that at first glance might not seem related to communication, such as confidence and friendliness. Take a few minutes to think about how effective a confident speaker can be compared to one that does not sound convinced that what they are saying has value.

Soft skills related to communications include persuasive ability, effective collaboration, and teamwork.

Critical Thinking and Problem Solving

Distilled to a basic description, critical thinking and its corollary, problem-solving, involve analyzing information objectively and making a judgment. This oversimplification leaves out the process of finding information, sorting out and organizing the relevant bits, and applying logical thinking to reach a conclusion based on the information.

In an organization, much of this process involves two or more people working on a project or decision. However, organizations particularly prize individuals who can make good decisions on their own, sometimes under pressure, without needing much input from colleagues.


Organizations, like individuals, adapt to their environments or they die. Examples litter the landscape, such as Sears and Toys R Us most recently. Adaptable people can recognize situations that demand change and help effect the necessary changes. They are also able to accept and work with changes over which they have no control. In the same vein, another useful skill is to be able help colleagues navigate through potentially ambiguous situations.

Adaptable people have optimistic world views, fueled by curiosity, open minds, and the willingness to embrace change. They are also able to accept the discomfort of moving into unknown territory. Even as an adaptable person can entertain change, they can also discern when to avoid change for change’s sake. Individuals’ innate predisposition to adaptability will vary, but these skills can be learned and with practice, people can become more comfortable with change.

Soft Skills Yield Strong Results

For individual employees, investing time and effort in developing soft skills will pay off in their present positions as well as prepare them for a future of organizational change. Employers will benefit through employee flexibility, creative approaches to problem-solving, and the ability to initiate and carry through with changes in a timely manner. The references below provide more detailed discussions of soft skills, including suggestions and sources for relevant training.   Resources

What Is Emotional Intelligence? Psychology Today.

(9 July 2018). W hat are soft job skills and why are they important? Career Builder.

Gaskell, Adi. (22 February 2019). What Are The Top 10 Soft Skills For The Future Of Work? Forbes.

Doyle, Alison. (24 August 2019). What Are Soft Skills? The Balance Careers.

communication , communication skills , critical thinking , emotional intelligence , engineering , engineering jobs , engineering professional , job market , soft skills

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[…] promoted for their technical knowledge sometimes lack the soft skills vital for them to be effective leaders who inspire and foster commitment among their teams. With […]

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problem solving and critical thinking soft skills

problem solving and critical thinking soft skills

Soft skills 101: definition + 50 examples

Learn all about soft skills in this comprehensive guide. Discover how developing these interpersonal attributes can enhance your professional success.

Soft skills are becoming increasingly important in today's job market. They refer to the personal attributes that enable you to interact effectively with others, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and time management. Employers are looking for candidates who possess these skills in addition to their technical expertise. In this article, we will guide beginners on how to showcase their soft skills on their resume.

What are soft skills?

Soft skills refer to a set of personal attributes, behaviors, and social attitudes that enable individuals to interact effectively with others in a workplace or social environment. These skills are essential for building healthy relationships, communicating effectively, solving problems, and collaborating with others. Soft skills are intangible and subjective qualities that cannot be measured or quantified like hard skills. They include

  • communication
  • problem-solving
  • critical thinking
  • adaptability
  • time management
  • emotional intelligence

(More examples below)

Developing soft skills is crucial in today's job market, where employers value employees who can demonstrate a range of interpersonal skills that can help organizations thrive in a fast-paced, competitive environment. Moreover, soft skills are not just limited to the workplace. They also play a significant role in our personal lives, helping us build meaningful relationships, manage conflicts, and navigate social situations effectively.

Soft skills are often developed through life experiences, practice, and self-reflection, and can be honed through various methods such as attending workshops, reading books, or seeking feedback from others. In summary, soft skills are a vital component of personal and professional success and are essential for individuals looking to achieve their goals and make a positive impact in the world.

How to share soft skills

1. identify the soft skills required for the job.

The first step is to research the job requirements and identify the soft skills that are essential for the role. This information can be found in the job description or by speaking to people in the industry. Once you have a list of required soft skills, you can focus on highlighting them in your resume.

2. Incorporate soft skills into your resume objective or summary

Your resume objective or summary is the first thing that recruiters will read. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your soft skills. You can incorporate them by using phrases such as "I am a highly motivated individual with excellent communication and teamwork skills."

3. Provide examples of your soft skills in the experience section

In the experience section of your resume, provide specific examples of how you have used your soft skills in previous roles. For example, if you are applying for a customer service role, you could highlight how you have resolved customer complaints by utilizing your problem-solving skills. Use action verbs such as "managed," "coordinated," "facilitated," or "led" to describe your soft skills in action.

4. Highlight soft skills in the skills section

The skills section of your resume is an excellent opportunity to showcase your soft skills. List them under a separate heading and use bullet points to describe each one. For example, under the heading "Teamwork," you could list bullet points such as "collaborated with team members to achieve project goals" or "supported team members in achieving their individual goals."

5. Provide additional evidence of your soft skills

Finally, provide additional evidence of your soft skills in your resume by including any relevant certifications or awards. For example, if you have completed a leadership course or received an award for outstanding teamwork, be sure to include it in your resume.

Examples of Soft Skills

1. communication.

Effective communication is the cornerstone of any successful professional relationship. Being able to articulate your thoughts and ideas clearly and concisely in written or verbal form is crucial for maintaining productive working relationships. This soft skill also encompasses active listening, understanding and interpreting non-verbal cues, and adapting communication style to suit different audiences.

2. Teamwork

Teamwork is about working collaboratively with others to achieve a common goal. It involves sharing ideas and resources, taking on different roles and responsibilities, and being willing to support and assist team members as needed. A strong team player also understands the importance of building trust and rapport with colleagues, communicating effectively, and being receptive to feedback.

3. Problem-solving

The ability to identify, analyze and solve problems is an essential soft skill in any workplace. A skilled problem-solver has a logical and systematic approach to identifying the root cause of issues, as well as the creativity to generate and implement effective solutions. This skill requires a combination of critical thinking, research, data analysis, and innovation.

4. Time management

Effective time management is vital for meeting deadlines and achieving business goals. It requires a proactive approach to planning, prioritization and organization. This soft skill also involves the ability to stay focused and avoid distractions, delegate tasks when appropriate, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

5. Leadership

Leadership is the ability to inspire and motivate others to achieve a common objective. A skilled leader can provide direction and guidance, manage resources and people effectively, and make difficult decisions when necessary. This soft skill also encompasses effective communication, problem-solving, strategic thinking, and the ability to foster a positive and inclusive team culture.

6. Adaptability

Adaptability is the ability to adjust to change and new situations with ease. A highly adaptable person can work effectively in diverse environments, be flexible with changing priorities, and learn new skills and systems quickly. This soft skill also involves being open-minded, creative and innovative, and able to think on one's feet.

7. Creativity

Creativity involves the ability to generate new ideas, think outside the box, and approach problems from different angles. This soft skill requires imagination, curiosity, and the ability to see connections between seemingly disparate ideas. Creativity is essential for innovation, process improvement, and finding new solutions to complex problems.

Empathy is the ability to understand and relate to others' emotions and experiences. This soft skill involves active listening, showing compassion, and being able to put oneself in others' shoes. Empathy is crucial for building strong relationships, resolving conflicts, and creating a positive and inclusive workplace culture.

9. Conflict resolution

Conflict resolution is the ability to manage and resolve conflicts effectively. A skilled conflict resolver can identify the underlying causes of conflict, communicate clearly and empathetically, and negotiate win-win solutions. This soft skill also involves active listening, problem-solving, and the ability to remain calm and objective under pressure.

10. Active listening

Active listening is the ability to focus on and understand the speaker's message fully. This soft skill involves paying attention to non-verbal cues, asking clarifying questions, and providing feedback to the speaker. Active listening is essential for effective communication, building trust and rapport, and resolving conflicts.

11. Critical thinking

Critical thinking is the ability to analyze information objectively and make informed decisions. This soft skill involves evaluating evidence, identifying assumptions, and recognizing biases. A skilled critical thinker can synthesize complex information, consider multiple perspectives, and make logical and evidence-based conclusions.

12. Cultural competence

Cultural competence is the ability to interact effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and cultures. This soft skill involves understanding and respecting cultural differences, being aware of one's own biases, and adapting communication and behavior to suit different cultural contexts. A culturally competent person can build strong relationships with people from all walks of life.

13. Customer service

Customer service is the ability to provide exceptional service to customers and clients. This soft skill involves actively listening to customers' needs, providing accurate and timely information, and resolving issues in a timely and professional manner. A skilled customer service provider can build strong customer relationships, foster loyalty, and enhance the company's reputation.

14. Decision-making

Decision-making is the ability to make effective decisions based on available information. This soft skill involves weighing different options, considering potential outcomes, and evaluating risks and benefits. A skilled decision-maker can make timely and effective decisions, communicate their reasoning clearly, and be accountable for their choices.

15. Emotional intelligence

Emotional intelligence is the ability to recognize and manage one's own emotions and the emotions of others. This soft skill involves being aware of one's own emotional state, being empathetic towards others, and responding appropriately to emotional cues. A person with high emotional intelligence can build strong relationships, resolve conflicts effectively, and lead with empathy.

16. Flexibility

Flexibility is the ability to adapt to changing circumstances and handle multiple tasks simultaneously. This soft skill involves being open-minded, responsive to feedback, and able to adjust to new situations with ease. A flexible person can work effectively in fast-paced environments, handle unexpected challenges, and maintain a positive attitude.

17. Goal-setting

Goal-setting is the ability to set achievable goals and work towards achieving them. This soft skill involves being proactive, organized, and focused on results. A person who sets effective goals can prioritize tasks, track progress, and maintain motivation in the face of challenges.

18. Interpersonal skills

Interpersonal skills are the ability to build and maintain positive relationships with others. This soft skill involves effective communication, active listening, empathy, and conflict resolution. A person with strong interpersonal skills can build rapport, establish trust, and collaborate effectively with others.

19. Negotiation

Negotiation is the ability to negotiate and resolve conflicts effectively. This soft skill involves identifying common ground, being persuasive, and finding win-win solutions. A skilled negotiator can build relationships, resolve conflicts, and achieve mutually beneficial outcomes.

20. Patience

Patience is the ability to remain calm and composed in challenging situations. This soft skill involves self-control, emotional regulation, and the ability to take a long-term view. A patient person can stay focused on goals, maintain relationships, and handle difficult situations with grace and resilience.

21. Persuasion

Persuasion is the ability to convince others of one's ideas and opinions. This soft skill involves effective communication, building trust, and being able to present a compelling argument. A skilled persuader can influence decisions, build consensus, and negotiate win-win outcomes.

22. Positive attitude

A positive attitude is the ability to maintain a positive and optimistic outlook. This soft skill involves being resilient, adaptable, and solution-oriented. A person with a positive attitude can motivate others, foster collaboration, and build strong relationships even in difficult circumstances.

23. Presentation skills

Presentation skills are the ability to present ideas and information clearly and persuasively. This soft skill involves effective communication, organization, and the ability to engage an audience. A skilled presenter can influence decisions, build credibility, and create a lasting impression.

24. Problem analysis

Problem analysis is the ability to identify and analyze problems to find effective solutions. This soft skill involves critical thinking, data analysis, and the ability to think creatively. A skilled problem analyst can identify root causes, develop effective strategies, and implement sustainable solutions.

25. Self-motivation

Self-motivation is the ability to motivate oneself to achieve goals and overcome obstacles. This soft skill involves being proactive, focused, and disciplined. A person with high self-motivation can stay on track, take initiative, and achieve success in the face of challenges.

26. Stress management

Stress management is the ability to manage stress effectively and remain calm under pressure. This soft skill involves self-awareness, emotional regulation, and coping strategies. A person with strong stress management skills can maintain productivity, build resilience, and manage relationships effectively even in high-pressure situations.

27. Time management

Effective time management is vital for meeting deadlines and achieving business goals. This soft skill requires a proactive approach to planning, prioritization, and organization. A skilled time manager can maintain focus, avoid distractions, and maintain a healthy work-life balance.

28. Trustworthiness

Trustworthiness is the ability to maintain the trust and confidence of others. This soft skill involves being honest, reliable, and accountable. A person with high trustworthiness can build strong relationships, foster teamwork, and promote a culture of trust and respect.

29. Verbal communication

Verbal communication is the ability to articulate ideas and information clearly and effectively. This soft skill involves effective listening, tone, and the ability to adapt communication style to different audiences. A person with strong verbal communication skills can build rapport, resolve conflicts, and motivate others effectively.

30. Writing

Writing is the ability to write clearly and effectively to convey ideas and information. This soft skill involves grammar, syntax, and effective communication. A skilled writer can communicate complex ideas clearly, persuade readers, and create compelling content that engages and inspires.

31. Attention to detail

Attention to detail is the ability to notice small details and ensure accuracy and quality in work. This soft skill involves being meticulous, thorough, and focused on delivering high-quality results. A person with strong attention to detail can minimize errors, enhance productivity, and maintain customer satisfaction.

32. Coaching and mentoring

Coaching and mentoring is the ability to guide, teach and mentor others to achieve their goals. This soft skill involves providing feedback, modeling behavior, and supporting others in their professional development. A skilled coach and mentor can build relationships, inspire growth, and promote a positive team culture.

33. Conflict management

Conflict management is the ability to manage conflicts effectively and reach win-win solutions. This soft skill involves effective communication, active listening, and negotiation. A person with strong conflict management skills can resolve disputes, build consensus, and promote collaboration in a team environment.

34. Cultural awareness

Cultural awareness is the ability to understand and respect cultural differences in the workplace. This soft skill involves recognizing and appreciating diverse perspectives, beliefs, and values. A culturally aware person can work effectively in a global environment, build relationships across cultures, and promote inclusion and diversity.

35. Decision-making

Decision-making is the ability to make informed and timely decisions. This soft skill involves analyzing data, evaluating options, and considering the impact of decisions on stakeholders. A skilled decision-maker can make sound decisions, take calculated risks, and achieve business objectives effectively.

36. Dependability

Dependability is the ability to be reliable and trustworthy in completing tasks and meeting deadlines. This soft skill involves being accountable, punctual, and responsive. A dependable person can maintain high standards, meet expectations, and build trust and respect among colleagues.

37. Diversity and inclusion

Diversity and inclusion is the ability to work effectively with people from diverse backgrounds and foster an inclusive workplace culture. This soft skill involves being open-minded, respectful, and supportive of differences. A person with strong diversity and inclusion skills can build a sense of belonging, promote creativity, and enhance business outcomes.

38. Enthusiasm

Enthusiasm is the ability to approach work with passion and energy. This soft skill involves being optimistic, engaged, and committed to achieving results. A person with strong enthusiasm can inspire others, promote positive attitudes, and drive success in a team environment.

39. Financial management

Financial management is the ability to manage financial resources effectively. This soft skill involves understanding financial principles, analyzing data, and making sound decisions. A person with strong financial management skills can optimize resources, minimize risk, and achieve business objectives.

40. Humility

Humility is the ability to admit mistakes and learn from feedback. This soft skill involves being open-minded, reflective, and willing to grow. A person with strong humility can build credibility, promote a culture of learning, and maintain positive relationships with colleagues.

41. Initiative

Initiative is the ability to take proactive steps to solve problems and improve processes. This soft skill involves being self-motivated, creative, and willing to take calculated risks. A person with strong initiative can drive innovation, enhance productivity, and achieve business goals.

42. Innovation

Innovation is the ability to create new ideas, products, or processes. This soft skill involves being creative, adaptable, and willing to take risks. A person with strong innovation skills can drive growth, solve complex problems, and enhance customer satisfaction.

43. Intercultural communication

Intercultural communication is the ability to communicate effectively across different cultures and languages. This soft skill involves being aware of cultural differences, using appropriate language and tone, and adapting to cultural norms. A person with strong intercultural communication skills can build strong relationships, promote understanding, and enhance global business outcomes.

44. Interpersonal communication

Interpersonal communication is the ability to communicate effectively and build strong relationships with others. This soft skill involves active listening, empathy, and effective use of non-verbal cues. A person with strong interpersonal communication skills can build trust, resolve conflicts, and promote collaboration in a team environment.

45. Learning agility

Learning agility is the ability to adapt to new situations and learn quickly. This soft skill involves being open-minded, curious, and willing to experiment. A person with strong learning agility can acquire new skills and knowledge, adapt to changing circumstances, and enhance personal and professional growth.

46. Organizational skills

Organizational skills are the ability to manage multiple tasks and priorities effectively. This soft skill involves being organized, efficient, and able to prioritize tasks based on their importance and urgency. A person with strong organizational skills can meet deadlines, maximize productivity, and achieve business goals.

47. Presentation skills

Presentation skills are the ability to deliver compelling and engaging presentations. This soft skill involves being articulate, persuasive, and confident in delivering presentations to different audiences. A person with strong presentation skills can influence decisions, build credibility, and enhance business outcomes.

48. Resilience

Resilience is the ability to cope with stress and bounce back from setbacks. This soft skill involves being adaptable, positive, and able to maintain perspective in difficult situations. A person with strong resilience can maintain productivity, overcome obstacles, and maintain positive relationships with colleagues.

49. Strategic thinking

Strategic thinking is the ability to think ahead and plan for the future. This soft skill involves being able to identify trends, anticipate challenges, and develop effective strategies to achieve business objectives. A person with strong strategic thinking skills can maximize opportunities, minimize risk, and enhance business outcomes.

50. Work ethic

Work ethic is the ability to work hard, be persistent, and demonstrate a strong commitment to work. This soft skill involves being reliable, responsible, and willing to go the extra mile to achieve results. A person with strong work ethic can maintain high standards, build trust with colleagues, and achieve success in their career.

In conclusion, showcasing your soft skills on your resume is essential in today's job market. By identifying the soft skills required for the job, incorporating them into your resume objective or summary, providing examples in the experience section, highlighting them in the skills section, and providing additional evidence, you can set yourself apart from other candidates and increase your chances of landing the job.

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Soft Skills Training Modules: Problem Solving and Critical Thinking

Problem Solving and Critical Thinking: Cultivating analytical and creative thinking for effective decision-making.

Problem solving and critical thinking.

Problem Solving and Critical Thinking are two interlinked skills that form the backbone of decision-making, both personally and professionally. They combine our ability to analyze situations or problems, consider alternatives, and choose the most appropriate course of action.

Let us explore these skills in more depth.

Critical Thinking

Critical thinking refers to the ability to objectively analyze information and make a reasoned judgment. It involves the process of actively and skillfully conceptualizing, applying, analyzing, synthesizing, and evaluating information gathered from observation, experience, or communication.

For example, suppose you are a project manager faced with a project delay due to a sudden shortage of resources. Critical thinking would involve analyzing the cause and extent of the resource shortage, understanding how it affects the project timeline, and considering various options to address the problem.

Problem Solving

Problem solving, on the other hand, is a cognitive process focused on finding solutions to difficult or complex issues. It involves identifying problems, developing potential solutions, making decisions about the best solutions, and implementing them. Divergent thinking (generating many unique ideas) and convergent thinking (combining those ideas into the best result) are central to the problem-solving process.

For instance, continuing with the previous example, after your critical analysis, you might identify several solutions such as reallocating resources from another project, hiring temporary resources, or negotiating for an extended deadline. The problem-solving skill would then involve selecting the best solution and implementing it effectively.

Techniques for Effective Decision-Making

The ability to problem solve and think critically are fundamental to making decisions.  Decision-making  is a process of making choices from alternatives based on the values and preferences of the decision maker.

Let’s take an example of a business deciding to enter a new market. Critical thinking might involve analyzing the market opportunity, understanding competitors and identifying any regulatory constraints. Problem-solving might entail devising marketing strategies, securing funds, and preparing the business plan.

Pearson’s RED Critical Thinking Model 🔴

Pearson’s Recognize Assumptions, Evaluate Arguments and Draw conclusions (RED) model is a valuable tool for enhancing critical thinking.

  • Recognize Assumptions : This involves identifying unstated beliefs and values that affect our thinking and actions. For instance, the assumption that the new market operates the same way as the current one could be flawed.
  • Evaluate Arguments : Once assumptions are recognized, the next step involves examining any arguments or propositions to determine their reliability. For example, evaluating the pros and cons of the proposed marketing strategies.
  • Draw Conclusions : Finally, after all assumptions and arguments have been analyzed, conclusions are drawn based on this evaluation. For example, deciding whether to enter the new market or not.

In conclusion, mastering problem-solving and critical thinking are integral to efficient and effective decision-making. These skills can be developed and honed, significantly amplifying our personal and professional mastery. For every problem encountered, remember to inspect, reflect, and direct to a solution using critical thinking, problem-solving, and effective decision-making skills.

Root cause analysis techniques

“Did you know that Einstein once said: ‘If I had an hour to solve a problem, I’d spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about the solution?’ This quote highlights the importance of deeply understanding a problem before jumping to solutions. One of the most effective ways to do this is through  Root Cause Analysis . 🎯

What is Root Cause Analysis?

Root Cause Analysis (RCA)  is a method used to identify the underlying cause of a problem rather than addressing the obvious symptoms. Its goal is to eradicate problems by removing the risk of the same issue repeating in the future. A root cause is the deepest underlying cause that can be resolved to forestall future recurrence of a problem.

Let’s explore the various techniques and steps involved in Root Cause Analysis.

Techniques of Root Cause Analysis  🛠

There are a few popular techniques that practitioners use in Root Cause Analysis:

1. The 5 Whys method:  The 5 Whys uses counter measures through root cause identification. Its straightforward approach involves asking ‘Why?’ five times, each question building on the answer to the previous one.

2. The Fishbone Diagram (Ishikawa Diagram):  Developed by Professor Kaoru Ishikawa in the 1960s, this technique is used to categorize potential causes of problems in an organized way and is a visual way to look at cause and effect.

3. The Pareto Chart:  This is a simple graphical synopsis of how significant your problems are. The Pareto Chart helps you focus on the problems that offer the greatest potential for improvement by showing which issues have the largest effect on a problem, and thus which solutions will have the most impact.

📌 These are the main techniques but others like Fault Tree Analysis or Failure Mode and Effects Analysis are also applied based on the nature and criticality of the problem.

How to Conduct Root Cause Analysis

Now let’s have a look at the practical aspects of performing root cause analysis

Step 1: Identify the problem.  The first step in performing a root cause analysis is to clearly defining what the problem is. Try to be as specific as possible.

Step 2: Collect data.  Data pertinent to the issue needs to be collected. This can involve records, documents, or individuals with knowledge about the problem.

Step 3: Identify potential root causes.  Using one of the above mentioned techniques, potential root causes are identified.

Step 4: Analyze & Identify the root cause.  After collecting all data and potential root causes, the team should work together to analyze and identify the underlying root cause.

Step 5: Develop, implement and monitor corrective actions.  Once the root cause has been identified, a potential solution can be developed, implemented and monitored.

Just keep in mind that RCA is only as good as the actions taken based on its findings. Without applying corrective measures, the value of the analysis is drastically diminished.

Root cause analysis encourages a long-term perspective and a preventative mindset. It strives for a culture where problems are not hidden or ignored, but are seen as opportunities for essential system improvements. ” So, are you ready to discover the truth under the surface of your problems?

To do: Apply root cause analysis techniques to identify and address underlying issues in the project workflow.

Short step-by-step plan:

  • Identify the Problem : Select a specific issue to apply root cause analysis, such as frequent delays in project timelines.
  • Gather Data : Collect relevant data and information regarding the issue, including project schedules, team communication logs, and any relevant feedback or complaints.
  • Generate Possible Causes : Brainstorm potential reasons for the delays, like unclear project priorities, inadequate resources, or miscommunication among team members.
  • Narrow Down Causes : Review the list of potential causes and prioritize them based on their likelihood and impact on the issue at hand.
  • Investigate Root Causes : Analyze each potential cause in detail, looking for connections or patterns that may point to the underlying root cause.
  • Confirm Root Cause : Validate the identified root cause through additional data analysis or team discussions, ensuring that the focus is on addressing the core issue.
  • Develop Solutions : Based on the identified root cause, create specific action plans to address and resolve the issue, such as implementing clearer communication protocols or reallocating resources.
  • Implement and Monitor : Put the proposed solutions into action and monitor their effectiveness, using measurable indicators to track progress and ensure sustained improvement.

🍏  As a deliverable for this task, create a detailed report outlining the chosen issue, the identified root cause, and the implemented solutions, supported by relevant data and analysis.

Data-driven decision making

Did you know that a stunning 84% of business leaders expect data to inform all or most of their decisions? Yes, that’s right,  data-driven decision making (DDD)  📈 is a critical aspect of successful business strategy in every industry today! Let’s dive into the world of DDD, unpack its meaning, and explore its profound implications.

Understanding Data-Driven Decision Making

The heart and soul of DDD is using facts, metrics, and data to guide strategic business decisions, rather than going by intuition or observation alone. This unique intersection of statistical methods with predictive algorithms fuels the engine of DDD. Not only does it enhance accuracy, it also speeds up decision-making while reducing the influence of cognitive biases.

To make this a bit clearer, let’s imagine you’re the manager of an online retail store. Instead of deciding an advertising strategy based on your gut feeling, you look at data on which ads have generated the most traffic in the past. Now, you can make decisions informed by evidence and drive truly impactful business outcomes!

The Benefits of a Data-Driven Approach 📊

With DDD, you’re able to make more strategic, educated decisions. Here are a few benefits:

  • Increased Efficiency:  By understanding patterns in your data, you can identify areas where your strategies are effective and areas where improvements could be made.
  • Enhanced Accuracy:  Data reduces guesswork. It presents a more precise, nuanced view of what’s truly going on.
  • Optimized Customer Strategy:  Consumer behavior data can help you understand customer needs better, and tweak your product or service offerings to match these needs.

The Steps in Data-Driven Decision Making

1. Identify the Decision:  The first question you need to answer is – what decision do you need to make? Clearly define what you are trying to achieve. Remember, your goal should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound)!

2. Gather Relevant Data:  Once you know what you’re trying to achieve, start gathering data relevant to your decision. This might include sales data, website analytics, market research, or any other information that can inform your decision.

3. Analyze the Data:  After gathering the data, it’s time to analyze it. Look for patterns or trends. You might find it helpful to use software or other tools to make this process easier.

4. Make the Decision:  Based on your analysis, make your decision. Remember, the purpose of DDD isn’t to make the decision for you. Rather, it provides you with more information so you can make a more informed decision.

5. Evaluate the Decision:  After the decision has been implemented, gather more data to determine if the decision was effective. If not, use what you’ve learned to make a better decision next time.

Applying these steps to our previous example, imagine you’re trying to improve your online store’s advertising strategy (Step 1). You start gathering data on previous ad campaigns and website traffic (Step 2). You analyze this (Step 3) and realize that Video A generated more click-throughs than Video B. You decide to invest more in advertising like Video A (Step 4). Later, you evaluate the results of this change to assess its impact (Step 5).

Now, consider how you can implement these steps into your own decision-making process. Remember, the goal isn’t to let data make your decisions, but to use data to make more informed decisions. That’s the power of  Data-Driven Decision Making  📈.

Aligning your decisions with hard data can undoubtedly transform your decision-making process, strengthen your problem-solving abilities, and more importantly, bring massive success to your business!

To do: Conduct a data-driven decision making process for a marketing campaign.

  • Define the decision to be made: Determine the specific marketing challenge and the decision that needs to be made, such as choosing between different advertising channels for an upcoming campaign.
  • Gather relevant data: Collect data on past campaign performance, customer demographics, market trends, and competitor activities that can inform the decision.
  • Analyze the data: Use statistical methods and data visualization tools to identify patterns, correlations, and insights within the collected data.
  • Make a decision based on the data analysis: Use the findings from the data analysis to make an informed decision on the most effective marketing approach for the campaign, considering factors like return on investment, target audience engagement, and market trends.
  • Monitor the decision’s outcomes: Implement the chosen marketing strategy and continually track its performance using key performance indicators, such as sales, website traffic, and customer engagement metrics.

🍏  After analyzing the data, I found that focusing on social media advertising for this specific campaign yielded the highest return on investment based on past performance and current market trends.

Creative problem solving methods

Let’s dive right into the world of  creative problem-solving methods . 🧠🌟 This style of problem-solving encourages unique, innovative solutions to issues, helping you step out of your comfort zone and think outside the box.

Creative Problem-Solving Methods 💭💡

Creative problem solving is a fantastic skill to develop. It allows us to approach challenges from a new perspective, and is especially useful when we’re faced with problems where traditional methods have fallen short.

Brainstorming 🌩️✍️

One of our first techniques, Brainstorming, is possibly something you’ve run into before. It’s all about creating a safe space where as many ideas as possible are encouraged – no matter how out-of-the-box they may seem! The goal is quantity over quality in this initial stage because even the most outrageous idea can spark inspiration.

For instance, in a brainstorming session, a person might suggest an impractical method to clean up pollution. However, this might inspire another participant to think up an out-of-the-box yet feasible solution.

Reverse Thinking 🔄💭

Want to change it up? Reverse Thinking might be your ticket. Instead of asking how to solve the problem, ask how you could  cause  it. This method flips our standard logic on its head, allowing us to explore the problem from a totally new angle!

Imagine if you’re trying to increase customer satisfaction. Using reverse thinking, you would ask, “How could we make our customers unsatisfied?” The answers to this question may point out your current mistakes or weaknesses that need addressing.

Mind Mapping 🧠🌐

Another fantastic problem-solving method is Mind Mapping. This approach is visually based and starts with a central concept. From the center, you draw lines or ‘branches’ out to major ideas connected to your main concept, and continue branching out into subtopics.

Let’s say your problem is improving communication within a team. Your “central concept” would then be “communication.” Branches might be “email,” “team meetings,” “one-on-one chats.” Subbranches under “email” could be “response times,” ” clarity,” “tone of voice,” and so on. In this way, you can visually break down complex problems and see potential solutions.

The Six Thinking Hats 🎩🧢

Last, but certainly not least, is the Six Thinking Hats technique, developed by Edward de Bono. This method encourages you to tackle problems from six distinct perspectives or ‘hats’: white (facts), red (feelings), black (negatives), yellow (positives), green (creativity), and blue (management).

Suppose you’re launching a new product. By “wearing each hat,” you force yourself to consider all angles: What are the facts and data regarding the market? What are customers likely to feel about this product? What could the negatives be? The positives? How can the product be improved creatively?

In conclusion, creative problem-solving techniques are a fantastic way of generating innovative solutions. By brainstorming, reverse thinking, mind mapping, and switching ‘thinking hats,’ you can uncover unique and effective methods to address any challenge. 🚀🌠

To do: Practice using the SCAMPER method for creative problem solving.

  • Example: Take a problem you’re facing and think of a substitute or alternative solution that could work instead of the current approach.
  • Example: Think about how you could combine different ideas or elements to develop a novel solution to a problem you’re currently working on.
  • Example: Identify an existing solution and adapt it to better fit the current problem you’re trying to solve.
  • Example: Take an existing product or idea and modify it to better suit the needs of your project or the problem you’re addressing.
  • Example: Consider how you could put an existing tool or resource to use in a completely different context to solve a problem you’re encountering.
  • Example: Take a look at an existing process or approach and consider what steps or elements could be eliminated to streamline the overall solution.
  • Example: Consider reversing the order of a particular process or the function of a tool to come up with a fresh perspective on solving a current problem.

🍏  Practice using the SCAMPER method by applying each of its steps to address a specific problem you’re currently facing.

Overcoming cognitive biases

Did you know that every day, your brain is constantly making decisions based on information it receives? Often, these decisions are influenced by cognitive biases. These biases can significantly sway your judgment and lead you to make illogical conclusions. Understanding these biases and learning how to overcome them is paramount in enhancing your problem-solving and critical thinking abilities for effective decision-making.

🧠  What are Cognitive Biases?

Cognitive biases are systematic errors in our thinking that affect the decisions we make. They occur when we rely on our mental shortcuts, known as heuristics, to process information quickly. While these shortcuts can be beneficial in some situations, they often lead us to make irrational decisions in others.

Some common examples of cognitive biases include  Confirmation Bias 💡, where we favor information that confirms our preexisting beliefs and ignore contradictory evidence, and  Hindsight Bias 👁‍🗨, the tendency to overestimate our ability to have predicted an event after it has already occurred.

⛔  The Impact of Cognitive Biases on Decision Making

Cognitive biases can have a significant and harmful impact on our decision-making abilities. They can cause us to make irrational decisions, lead us to believe we are more informed or in control than we actually are, and contribute to groupthink, a phenomenon where individuality and dissent are discouraged in group decision-making processes. This can lead to poor decisions and reduced problem-solving abilities.

👥  Ways to Overcome Cognitive Biases

Overcoming cognitive biases is not an easy task, especially since they are often hardwired into our brains as a result of evolutionary adaptations. However, understanding these biases and knowing how they influence our decision-making abilities can help in mitigating their effects. Below are some strategies that can be used:

Awareness  🚦

Knowledge of the existence of cognitive biases is the first step towards overcoming them. By understanding how they work and their possible impacts, one can begin to identify when these biases are influencing their decision-making process.

Seeking Diverse Perspectives 🔭

Overcoming cognitive biases also involves seeking multiple perspectives. Diversifying the opinions and viewpoints you consider when making a decision can reduce bias and result in more balanced decision-making.

Critical Thinking 🔍

Engaging in critical thinking can also help combat cognitive biases. This involves questioning assumptions, verifying facts and evidence, and being open to changing your viewpoints based on new information.

Using Analytical Tools 🛠️

Analytical tools, such as decision trees, pro-con lists, and SWOT analysis, can help make decision-making more objective and balanced. These tools can assist in logically analyzing the decision at hand and reducing the influence of biases.

In conclusion, overcoming cognitive biases can significantly improve your decision-making and problem-solving abilities. By developing your understanding of these biases, seeking diverse perspectives, practicing critical thinking, and utilizing analytical tools, you can begin to mitigate their detrimental effects on your decisions.

To do: Identify and address cognitive biases in decision making.

  • Example: Research and identify common cognitive biases such as confirmation bias, anchoring bias, and availability heuristic.
  • Example: Reflect on a recent decision you made and consider if any cognitive biases influenced your thinking or choices.
  • Example: Engage with colleagues or friends to gain diverse viewpoints on a decision you need to make, helping to counteract potential biases.
  • Example: Apply decision-making frameworks like SWOT analysis or decision trees to structure your thinking and reduce the impact of biases.
  • Example: Actively question your assumptions and beliefs when making decisions, thus reducing the influence of biases.
  • Example: Regularly assess how your cognitive biases may be affecting your judgment and work on addressing them through self-reflection.
  • Example: Incorporate mindfulness techniques to increase self-awareness and reduce the impact of cognitive biases on decision making.
  • Example: Seek guidance from a mentor or coach to help identify and address cognitive biases in your decision-making process.

🍏  Make use of the step-by-step plan, and customize it as per your specific requirements and cognitive bias challenges.

Developing an analytical mindset

Sure, let’s move on to a very intriguing topic that deals with enhancing our cognitive capabilities. Have you ever considered why some individuals are able to decipher complex problems with apparent ease while others struggle with straightforward tasks? The distinction is often come down to one thing: having an analytical mindset. So, what exactly does it mean and how can we perfect it? Let’s deep dive into this fascinating subject.

🧠 What is an Analytical Mindset?

An Analytical Mindset  is an individual’s ability to identify, scrutinize and evaluate an issue in order to reach a logical conclusion. It’s the thinking style that helps us make sense of complex problems by breaking them down into smaller, manageable components. This sort of mindset is not just advantageous, but often crucial in many professional environments, especially in data-driven industries.

🧩 The building blocks of an Analytical Mindset

Before diving into the development process, let’s understand the main components of this type of thinking:

  • 🔎 Critical Thinking : The ability to objectively analyze and evaluate a situation or problem, understanding its various components and their interdependencies.
  • 💡 Problem-Solving : The process of identifying solutions to specific problems.
  • 📊 Data Analysis : Involved in examining and interpreting data to reach conclusions.

🛠 Developing an Analytical Mindset

So, how can we develop or improve our analytical mindset? Here are some steps to help in this journey.

📖 Educating Oneself about Analytical Thinking

Start by gaining a solid understanding of what analytical thinking entails. Read books, attend workshops, or enroll in courses to understand the theoretical aspects of analytical thinking.

🚀 Practice Makes Perfect

Just like any other skill, improving your analytical thinking abilities takes practice. Start by analysing small, day-to-day issues as an exercise. Try breaking the problem down into smaller parts and scrutinise each part.

🌐 Expanding Horizons

Expose yourself to diverse ideas, perspectives, and disciplines. The broader your knowledge base, the better equipped you’ll be to think analytically.

🎯 Setting clear goals

Without clear objectives, it’s hard to achieve anything. When it comes to developing your analytical mindset, set specific goals that are actionable and measurable.

🚦Identifying and Overcoming Obstacles

There will inevitably be barriers in your path to cultivate an analytical mindset. It may be a lack of resources, time constraints, or cognitive biases. Identify these obstacles and devise strategies to overcome them.

Developing an analytical mindset cannot be achieved overnight. It is a lifelong journey that requires persistent effort, curiosity, and learning. However, with these steps, you’ll be well on your way to honing this skill. Good luck on your voyage towards becoming a more analytical thinker!

To do: Practice developing an analytical mindset by solving a real-life problem using data-driven decision making.

  • Identify a real-life problem:  For example, analyze the sales data of a product to identify factors impacting its performance.
  • Gather relevant data:  Collect sales figures, customer feedback, and market trends related to the product.
  • Conduct data analysis:  Utilize statistical tools to identify trends, correlations, and outliers within the gathered data.
  • Identify potential causes:  Based on the analysis, pinpoint potential factors influencing the product’s performance.
  • Generate hypotheses:  Formulate possible explanations for the observed patterns in the data.
  • Test hypotheses:  Gather additional data or conduct experiments to validate or refute the formulated hypotheses.
  • Make data-driven decisions:  Use the results of the analysis and testing to make informed decisions on how to improve the product’s performance.

🍏  This practical task involves using analytical thinking and data-driven techniques to address a specific problem, allowing for the application of analytical mindset in a real-life context.

These are the top 10 job skills of tomorrow – and how long it takes to learn them

Founder and Executive Chairman of World Economic Forum Klaus Schwab speaks during a session at the 50th World Economic Forum (WEF) annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland January 23, 2020. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse - RC2TLE9D5EXN

Professor Klaus Schwab says technological innovation can be leveraged to unleash human potential. Image:  REUTERS/Denis Balibouse

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problem solving and critical thinking soft skills

.chakra .wef-9dduvl{margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:16px;line-height:1.388;font-size:1.25rem;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-9dduvl{font-size:1.125rem;}} Explore and monitor how .chakra .wef-15eoq1r{margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:16px;line-height:1.388;font-size:1.25rem;color:#F7DB5E;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-15eoq1r{font-size:1.125rem;}} Future of Work is affecting economies, industries and global issues

A hand holding a looking glass by a lake

.chakra .wef-1nk5u5d{margin-top:16px;margin-bottom:16px;line-height:1.388;color:#2846F8;font-size:1.25rem;}@media screen and (min-width:56.5rem){.chakra .wef-1nk5u5d{font-size:1.125rem;}} Get involved with our crowdsourced digital platform to deliver impact at scale

Stay up to date:, future of work.

  • 50% of all employees will need reskilling by 2025, as adoption of technology increases, according the the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report.
  • Critical thinking and problem-solving top the list of skills employers believe will grow in prominence in the next five years.
  • Newly emerging this year are skills in self-management such as active learning, resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility.
  • Respondents to the Future of Jobs Survey estimate that around 40% of workers will require reskilling of six months or less.

Half of us will need to reskill in the next five years, as the "double-disruption" of the economic impacts of the pandemic and increasing automation transforming jobs takes hold.

That's according to the third edition of the World Economic Forum's Future of Jobs Report , which maps the jobs and skills of the future, tracking the pace of change and direction of travel.

But the very technological disruption that is transforming jobs can also provide the key to creating them – and help us learn new skills.

Have you read?

The future of jobs report 2023, how to follow the growth summit 2023.

"We have the tools at our disposal. The bounty of technological innovation which defines our current era can be leveraged to unleash human potential," says the Forum's Founder and Executive Chairman, Professor Klaus Schwab.

"We have the means to reskill and upskill individuals in unprecedented numbers, to deploy precision safety nets which protect displaced workers from destitution, and to create bespoke maps which orient displaced workers towards the jobs of tomorrow where they will be able to thrive."

problem solving and critical thinking soft skills

The Forum estimates that by 2025, 85 million jobs may be displaced by a shift in the division of labour between humans and machines.

But even more jobs – 97 million – may emerge that are more adapted to the new division of labour between humans, machines and algorithms.

The top 10 work skills

Greater adoption of technology will mean in-demand skills across jobs change over the next five years, and skills gaps will continue to be high.

For those workers who stay in their roles, the share of core skills that will change by 2025 is 40%, and 50% of all employees will need reskilling (up 4%).

Critical thinking and problem-solving top the list of skills that employers believe will grow in prominence in the next five years. These have been consistent since the first report in 2016.

But newly emerging this year are skills in self-management such as active learning, resilience, stress tolerance and flexibility.

top 10 work skills for the future

This year, data from LinkedIn and online learning platform Coursera has allowed the Forum to track with unprecedented granularity the types of specialized skills are needed for the jobs of tomorrow, which are in demand across multiple emerging professions.

Among these ‘cross-cutting’ skills are specialized skills in product marketing, digital marketing and human computer interaction.

How long will reskilling take?

The vast majority of business leaders (94%) now expect employees to pick up new skills on the job – a sharp rise from 65% in 2018.

Respondents to the Future of Jobs Survey estimate that around 40% of workers will require reskilling of six months or less, but that number is higher for those in the consumer industry and in the health and healthcare industry.

In the financial services and energy sectors, that share of workers who can be reskilled within six months is lower because they will need more time-intensive programmes.

Training will be delivered internally, according to 39% of employers. But, as Professor Schwab noted, this will be supplemented by online learning platforms (16% of training) and external consultants (11% of training).

The pandemic has accelerated the trend of online reskilling. Between April and June this year, Coursera saw a fourfold increase in the numbers of people seeking out opportunities themselves.

Employers providing online learning opportunities for their workers increased fivefold and there was a ninefold enrolment increase for learners accessing online resources through government programmes.

time taken for building new skills

The platform says it could take just one to two months to acquire one of its top 10 mastery skills in emerging professions across people and culture, content writing, and sales and marketing.

It could take two to three months for learners to expand their skills in product development and data and AI. While a four-month learning programme could help people move into roles in cloud and engineering.

Such figures suggest that although learning a new skill set is increasingly accessible through digital technologies, individuals will also need the time and funding to be able to pursue new opportunities, the report notes.

3 ways to prepare young people for the post-COVID jobs market

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Soft Skills

Ai generator.

problem solving and critical thinking soft skills

Soft Skills are essential for personal and professional success. These non-technical abilities, such as communication, teamwork, problem-solving, and emotional intelligence, enable individuals to navigate various situations and collaborate effectively with others. Unlike hard skills, which are specific and technical, soft skills are more about how you interact with people and handle challenges. In today’s dynamic and interconnected world, employers highly value soft skills, as they often make the difference between a good employee and a great one. Developing these skills can lead to better relationships, improved job performance, and greater career satisfaction.

What are Soft Skills?

Soft skills are personal attributes and interpersonal abilities that enable individuals to effectively interact with others, manage emotions, and navigate social environments. These non-technical skills complement hard skills and are crucial for effective communication, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, and leadership.

Soft Skills Examples

Soft Skills Examples

  • Communication : The ability to convey information clearly and effectively. It involves listening, speaking, writing, and non-verbal communication. Effective communicators can articulate ideas and instructions and understand others’ perspectives.
  • Teamwork : The ability to work well with others to achieve a common goal. It involves collaboration, sharing responsibilities, and supporting team members. Good teamwork leads to higher productivity and better outcomes.
  • Problem-solving : The ability to identify, analyze, and solve problems. It involves critical thinking, creativity, and persistence. Effective problem solvers can find solutions even under pressure.
  • Time management : The ability to plan and control how much time to spend on specific activities. It helps increase efficiency and productivity. Good time managers can prioritize tasks and meet deadlines.
  • Adaptability : The ability to adjust to new conditions and environments. It involves being flexible and open to change. Adaptable individuals can handle unexpected situations and learn new skills quickly.
  • Critical thinking : The ability to think clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between ideas. It involves evaluating information and arguments. Critical thinkers make well-informed decisions.
  • Conflict resolution : The ability to resolve disagreements and conflicts constructively. It involves negotiation, mediation, and empathy. Effective conflict resolvers can maintain positive relationships.
  • Leadership : The ability to guide and inspire others. It involves setting a vision, making decisions, and motivating people. Good leaders build trust and drive progress.
  • Creativity : The ability to generate innovative ideas and solutions. It involves thinking outside the box and taking risks. Creative individuals can bring new perspectives to problems and projects.
  • Interpersonal skills : The ability to interact effectively with others. It involves communication, empathy, and relationship-building. Strong interpersonal skills help in networking and teamwork.
  • Work ethic : A commitment to hard work and diligence. It involves reliability, professionalism, and dedication. Individuals with a strong work ethic are dependable and often go above and beyond.
  • Empathy : The ability to understand and share the feelings of others. It involves active listening and compassion. Empathetic individuals can build stronger relationships and provide better support.
  • Emotional intelligence : The ability to recognize and manage your own emotions and the emotions of others. It involves self-awareness, self-regulation, and social skills. High emotional intelligence leads to better teamwork and leadership.
  • Negotiation : The ability to reach mutually beneficial agreements. It involves communication, persuasion, and problem-solving. Good negotiators can find win-win solutions.
  • Collaboration : The ability to work together with others effectively. It involves sharing ideas, resources, and responsibilities. Effective collaboration leads to better outcomes and innovation.
  • Active listening : The ability to fully concentrate, understand, and respond thoughtfully to what others are saying. It involves not interrupting and providing feedback. Active listeners build better relationships and avoid misunderstandings.
  • Decision making : The ability to choose the best course of action from available options. It involves critical thinking and evaluating the potential consequences. Effective decision-makers can make timely and informed choices.
  • Attention to detail : The ability to notice and address small details. It involves thoroughness and accuracy. Individuals with this skill can produce high-quality work and avoid mistakes.
  • Self-motivation : The ability to take initiative and work independently. It involves setting goals and being proactive. Self-motivated individuals are driven to achieve their objectives without needing constant supervision.
  • Patience : The ability to stay calm and composed in challenging situations. It involves tolerance and perseverance. Patient individuals can handle delays and frustrations without becoming overwhelmed.
  • Stress management : The ability to handle stress in a healthy way. It involves relaxation techniques, time management, and a positive attitude. Effective stress management leads to better mental and physical health.
  • Flexibility : The ability to adapt to new circumstances and changes. It involves being open-minded and willing to learn. Flexible individuals can navigate unexpected challenges effectively.
  • Public speaking : The ability to speak in front of an audience confidently and clearly. It involves preparation, organization, and engaging delivery. Good public speakers can convey their message effectively and inspire others.
  • Persuasion : The ability to convince others to understand and agree with your point of view. It involves logic, emotion, and credibility. Persuasive individuals can influence decisions and actions.
  • Dependability : The ability to be reliable and trustworthy. It involves consistency and accountability. Dependable individuals can be counted on to follow through on commitments.
  • Organization : The ability to plan and structure tasks and resources efficiently. It involves prioritizing, scheduling, and managing time and materials. Organized individuals can handle multiple tasks and meet deadlines.
  • Strategic thinking : The ability to plan for the future and make long-term decisions. It involves analyzing trends, setting goals, and evaluating options. Strategic thinkers can anticipate challenges and opportunities.
  • Self-confidence : The ability to trust in your own abilities and judgment. It involves self-assurance and assertiveness. Confident individuals can take on challenges and influence others positively.
  • Customer service : The ability to meet and exceed customer expectations. It involves communication, empathy, and problem-solving. Excellent customer service builds loyalty and satisfaction.
  • Positive attitude : The ability to maintain an optimistic and constructive outlook. It involves resilience and enthusiasm. A positive attitude can improve workplace morale and productivity.
  • Networking : The ability to build and maintain professional relationships. It involves communication, social skills, and mutual support. Effective networking can lead to career opportunities and collaborations.
  • Mindfulness : The ability to stay present and focused on the current moment. It involves awareness and self-regulation. Mindful individuals can reduce stress and improve concentration.
  • Self-discipline : The ability to control impulses and stay focused on goals. It involves willpower and commitment. Self-disciplined individuals can maintain productivity and achieve long-term objectives.
  • Multitasking : The ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously. It involves organization and time management. Effective multitaskers can manage their workload efficiently.
  • Openness to feedback : The ability to accept and use feedback for improvement. It involves humility and a growth mindset. Being open to feedback helps in personal and professional development.
  • Goal setting : The ability to set, plan, and achieve goals. It involves motivation and strategic planning. Effective goal setting provides direction and measures progress.
  • Influencing skills : The ability to persuade and guide others. It involves communication, negotiation, and leadership. Influential individuals can drive change and inspire action.
  • Delegation : The ability to assign tasks and responsibilities to others. It involves trust and effective communication. Good delegators can enhance team efficiency and focus on higher-level tasks.
  • Collaboration : The ability to work effectively with others towards a common goal. It involves sharing ideas, resources, and responsibilities. Successful collaboration leads to innovative solutions and improved outcomes.
  • Ethical behavior : The ability to act with integrity and honesty. It involves understanding and adhering to moral and professional standards. Ethical behavior builds trust and respect.
  • Tolerance : The ability to accept and respect different viewpoints and cultures. It involves open-mindedness and patience. Tolerant individuals can work effectively in diverse environments.
  • Curiosity : The desire to learn and explore new things. It involves questioning and seeking knowledge. Curious individuals drive innovation and continuous improvement.
  • Innovative thinking : The ability to generate and implement new ideas. It involves creativity and problem-solving. Innovative thinkers can improve processes and develop new products or services.
  • Coaching : The ability to guide and develop others. It involves communication, feedback, and support. Effective coaches help others improve their performance and reach their potential.
  • Mentoring : The ability to provide guidance and advice based on experience. It involves building relationships and offering support. Mentors help others grow personally and professionally.
  • Resilience : The ability to recover from setbacks and adversity. It involves persistence and a positive attitude. Resilient individuals can maintain their performance under pressure.
  • Cultural awareness : The ability to understand and respect different cultures and perspectives. It involves empathy and open-mindedness. Cultural awareness enhances teamwork and communication in diverse environments.
  • Initiative : The ability to take action without being prompted. It involves proactivity and resourcefulness. Individuals with initiative can drive projects forward and solve problems independently.
  • Relationship management : The ability to build and maintain positive relationships. It involves communication, empathy, and conflict resolution. Effective relationship management leads to better collaboration and trust.

Soft Skills Examples for Students

  • Communication – Effective in class discussions and presentations.
  • Teamwork – Collaborating on group projects and study groups.
  • Time Management – Balancing coursework, extracurricular activities, and personal time.
  • Adaptability – Adjusting to new teaching methods and academic challenges.
  • Problem-Solving – Tackling academic problems and finding study solutions.
  • Critical Thinking – Analyzing course material and forming arguments.
  • Creativity – Bringing unique ideas to assignments and projects.
  • Leadership – Leading school clubs or group projects.
  • Emotional Intelligence – Managing stress and peer relationships.
  • Conflict Resolution – Resolving disagreements with classmates.

Soft Skills Examples for Employees

  • Communication – Professional email and report writing.
  • Teamwork – Coordinating with colleagues on projects.
  • Time Management – Meeting deadlines and prioritizing work tasks.
  • Adaptability – Learning new tools and adapting to job changes.
  • Problem-Solving – Resolving work-related issues efficiently.
  • Critical Thinking – Making informed business decisions.
  • Creativity – Innovating processes and solutions.
  • Leadership – Managing teams and projects.
  • Emotional Intelligence – Navigating workplace dynamics and emotions.
  • Conflict Resolution – Handling conflicts with colleagues professionally.

Soft Skills Examples for Resume

  • Communication – Strong written and verbal communication.
  • Teamwork – Proven ability to work well in teams.
  • Time Management – Efficient in managing multiple tasks.
  • Adaptability – Flexible in handling changes and challenges.
  • Problem-Solving – Adept at finding solutions to complex issues.
  • Critical Thinking – Excellent analytical and decision-making skills.
  • Creativity – Innovative thinker with a creative approach to tasks.
  • Leadership – Experience in leadership roles.
  • Emotional Intelligence – High emotional intelligence in workplace interactions.
  • Conflict Resolution – Skilled in mediating and resolving conflicts.

Importance of Soft Skills

Soft skills, such as communication, teamwork, adaptability, and emotional intelligence, are crucial in the modern workplace because they enhance interpersonal interactions and foster a collaborative environment. These skills enable individuals to effectively convey ideas, navigate complex social dynamics, and respond to changing circumstances with resilience. In addition, soft skills complement technical expertise by facilitating problem-solving, conflict resolution, and leadership. As businesses increasingly prioritize a holistic approach to employee development, soft skills have become essential for career advancement, improving productivity, and ensuring organizational success.

Developing Soft Skills

  • Reflect on your strengths and weaknesses.
  • Seek feedback from peers, mentors, and supervisors.
  • Identify specific soft skills you want to improve.
  • Set measurable and achievable goals.
  • Enroll in workshops, courses, and seminars.
  • Read books, articles, and online resources related to soft skills.
  • Apply new skills in daily interactions and tasks.
  • Take on roles or projects that require the use of these skills.
  • Watch and learn from individuals who excel in soft skills.
  • Analyze their techniques and try to incorporate them into your behavior.
  • Continuously seek constructive feedback.
  • Reflect on feedback and make necessary adjustments.
  • Developing soft skills takes time and consistent effort.
  • Maintain a positive attitude and be patient with your progress.

Sharing Soft Skills

  • Demonstrate your soft skills in everyday interactions.
  • Be a role model for others.
  • Offer to mentor or coach colleagues.
  • Share your experiences and provide guidance.
  • Organize or participate in soft skills workshops.
  • Share your knowledge and techniques with others.
  • Engage in team projects where you can showcase and teach soft skills.
  • Encourage team members to practice and improve their skills.
  • Attend networking events and share your experiences with others.
  • Learn from the experiences of others and discuss best practices.
  • Use blogs, social media, and professional platforms to share tips and experiences.
  • Write articles or create content related to developing soft skills.
  • Foster an environment where feedback is encouraged and valued.
  • Share and receive feedback openly and constructively.

What are soft skills?

Soft skills are interpersonal skills like communication, teamwork, and problem-solving that enhance how you work and interact with others.

Why are soft skills important?

Soft skills improve teamwork, communication, and problem-solving, making individuals more effective and adaptable in the workplace.

How can I improve my soft skills?

Improve soft skills by practicing active listening, seeking feedback, participating in team activities, and taking courses on communication and leadership.

What are examples of soft skills?

Examples include communication, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, time management, and emotional intelligence.

Can soft skills be learned?

Yes, soft skills can be learned through practice, training, and experience

How do soft skills differ from hard skills?

Soft skills are interpersonal and behavioral skills, while hard skills are technical and job-specific abilities.

Why do employers value soft skills?

Employers value soft skills because they enhance collaboration, efficiency, and workplace harmony.

How do soft skills impact career growth?

Soft skills lead to better teamwork, leadership opportunities, and career advancement.

What soft skills are essential for leadership?

Essential leadership soft skills include communication, empathy, decision-making, and conflict resolution.

How can soft skills improve customer service?

Soft skills improve customer service by enhancing communication, empathy, and problem-solving abilities.


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problem solving and critical thinking soft skills

Explained: Importance of critical thinking, problem-solving skills in curriculum

F uture careers are no longer about domain expertise or technical skills. Rather, critical thinking and problem-solving skills in employees are on the wish list of every big organization today. Even curriculums and pedagogies across the globe and within India are now requiring skilled workers who are able to think critically and are analytical.

The reason for this shift in perspective is very simple.

These skills provide a staunch foundation for comprehensive learning that extends beyond books or the four walls of the classroom. In a nutshell, critical thinking and problem-solving skills are a part of '21st Century Skills' that can help unlock valuable learning for life.

Over the years, the education system has been moving away from the system of rote and other conventional teaching and learning parameters.

They are aligning their curriculums to the changing scenario which is becoming more tech-driven and demands a fusion of critical skills, life skills, values, and domain expertise. There's no set formula for success.

Rather, there's a defined need for humans to be more creative, innovative, adaptive, agile, risk-taking, and have a problem-solving mindset.

In today's scenario, critical thinking and problem-solving skills have become more important because they open the human mind to multiple possibilities, solutions, and a mindset that is interdisciplinary in nature.

Therefore, many schools and educational institutions are deploying AI and immersive learning experiences via gaming, and AR-VR technologies to give a more realistic and hands-on learning experience to their students that hone these abilities and help them overcome any doubt or fear.


Ability to relate to the real world:  Instead of theoretical knowledge, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills encourage students to look at their immediate and extended environment through a spirit of questioning, curiosity, and learning. When the curriculum presents students with real-world problems, the learning is immense.

Confidence, agility & collaboration : Critical thinking and problem-solving skills boost self-belief and confidence as students examine, re-examine, and sometimes fail or succeed while attempting to do something.

They are able to understand where they may have gone wrong, attempt new approaches, ask their peers for feedback and even seek their opinion, work together as a team, and learn to face any challenge by responding to it.

Willingness to try new things: When problem-solving skills and critical thinking are encouraged by teachers, they set a robust foundation for young learners to experiment, think out of the box, and be more innovative and creative besides looking for new ways to upskill.

It's important to understand that merely introducing these skills into the curriculum is not enough. Schools and educational institutions must have upskilling workshops and conduct special training for teachers so as to ensure that they are skilled and familiarized with new teaching and learning techniques and new-age concepts that can be used in the classrooms via assignments and projects.

Critical thinking and problem-solving skills are two of the most sought-after skills. Hence, schools should emphasise the upskilling of students as a part of the academic curriculum.

The article is authored by Dr Tassos Anastasiades, Principal- IB, Genesis Global School, Noida. 

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Explained: Importance of critical thinking, problem-solving skills in curriculum

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Cover of the Soft Skills Publication: Soft Skills - to Pay the Bills.  Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success

  • Program Introduction (PDF)
  • Download the Facilitator Guide for Youth Services Professionals (PDF)
  • View en Español
  • View the Soft Skills Video Series
  • Order the Video Series on DVD

"Skills to Pay the Bills: Mastering Soft Skills for Workplace Success," is a curriculum developed by ODEP focused on teaching "soft" or workforce readiness skills to youth, including youth with disabilities. Created for youth development professionals as an introduction to workplace interpersonal and professional skills, the curriculum is targeted for youth ages 14 to 21 in both in-school and out-of-school environments. The basic structure of the program is comprised of modular, hands-on, engaging activities that focus on six key skill areas: communication, enthusiasm and attitude, teamwork, networking, problem solving and critical thinking, and professionalism. The links below breakout the facilitator guide into easy to use sections.

Introduction Materials

  • Introduction and Activity Layout (PDF)
  • Through the Lens of Universal Design for Learning (PDF)
  • Tips for Improving Access for Youth with Disabilities (PDF)

Soft Skill #1: Communication

The activities in this section will not only help participants practice and recognize how they provide information to others, but also help them consider how others may prefer to receive information. It is important to reinforce with participants that communication skills involve give and take — and they can, indeed, be learned and strengthened over time.

  • Download Soft Skill #1: Communication (PDF)

Soft Skill #2: Enthusiasm & Attitude

The activities in this section seek to teach participants about the importance of enthusiasm and a positive attitude in the workplace. Participants will hear strategies for turning negative thinking into positive thinking and displaying and discussing enthusiasm during an interview and on the job.

  • Download Soft Skill #2: Enthusiasm & Attitude (PDF)

Soft Skill #3: Teamwork

The activities in this section seek to teach participants about the importance of teamwork to workplace success and the specific role each individual on a team may play. Participants will learn about positive teamwork behavior and discover how their own conduct can impact others on a team.

  • Download Soft Skill #3: Teamwork (PDF)

Soft Skill #4: Networking

The activities in this section focus on the process of networking and its relevance and importance to career development. Participants will learn about taking initiative and overcoming fear, informational interviewing, as well as potential guidelines to consider when using social networks, texting, and email for networking purposes.

  • Download Soft Skill #4: Networking (PDF)

Soft Skill #5: Problem Solving & Critical Thinking

The activities in this section focus on learning how to solve problems in a variety of ways in the workplace. Participants will hear about how to properly tell the difference among criticism, praise, and feedback and reacting appropriately. The section will also review strategies for making ethical decisions, solving problems on a team with others, and learning how to take into account others' perceptions when assessing actions or statements in the workplace.

  • Download Soft Skill #5: Problem Solving & Critical Thinking (PDF)

Soft Skill #6: Professionalism

The activities in this section focus on each of the five individual soft skills presented in this publication (communication, enthusiasm/attitude, teamwork, networking, and problem solving/critical thinking), but in a broader framework. This is because professionalism, is not one skill but the blending and integration of a variety of skills.

  • Download Soft Skill #6: Professionalism (PDF)

Additional Materials

  • A Word About Social Networking (PDF)
  • Additional Resources for Youth with Disabilities (PDF)
  • In Their Own Words (PDF)

450: Stanford Professor and Venture Capital Expert, Ilya Strebulaev. The Venture Mindset: How to Make Smarter Bets and Achieve Extraordinary Growth The Strategy Skills Podcast: Strategy | Leadership | Critical Thinking | Problem-Solving

Welcome to Strategy Skills episode 450, featuring an interview with the coauthor of The Venture Mindset: How to Make Smarter Bets and Achieve Extraordinary Growth, Ilya Strebulaev. This book offers a transformative playbook for delivering results in a rapidly changing world from a top Stanford professor and a technology executive. Packed with entertaining stories and scientific precision, The Venture Mindset is a must-read for anyone who wants to be better equipped for the era of uncertainty when industry, company, and career can be disrupted overnight. It will teach you more than how to simply survive. It’ll teach you how to win big. Ilya Strebulaev is the foremost academic expert on venture capital. He is the founder of the Venture Capital Initiative and David S. Lobel Professor of Private Equity and Professor of Finance at Stanford University’s Graduate School of Business, where he teaches a popular class on venture capital. Ilya’s research has been widely published in leading academic journals and featured by the Wall Street Journal, the New York Times, Bloomberg and the Harvard Business Review. He frequently leads executive sessions for senior business and government leaders around the world and has consulted for companies and investors on venture industry trends and corporate innovation. In 2023, he was named a Top Voice on LinkedIn. Get The Venture Mindset here: Here are some free gifts for you: Overall Approach Used in Well-Managed Strategy Studies free download:   McKinsey & BCG winning resume free download:   Enjoying this episode? Get access to sample advanced training episodes here:  

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Critical Thinking: Creating Job-Proof Skills for the Future of Work

Daniela dumitru.

1 Teacher Training Department, Bucharest University of Economic Studies, 010374 Bucharest, Romania

2 Doctoral School of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Bucharest, 050663 Bucharest, Romania

Diane F. Halpern

3 Department of Psychology, Claremont McKenna College, Claremont, CA 91711, USA; moc.liamg@nreplahfenaid

In this study, we explore the transformative impact of artificial intelligence (AI) on the job market and argue for the growing importance of critical thinking skills in the face of job automation and changing work dynamics. Advancements in AI have the potential to disrupt various professions, including, for example, programming, legal work, and radiology. However, solely relying on AI systems can lead to errors and misjudgments, emphasizing the need for human oversight. The concept of “job-proof skills” is introduced, highlighting the importance of critical thinking, problem-solving, empathy, ethics, and other human attributes that machines cannot replicate with the same standards and agility. We maintain that critical thinking can be taught and learned through appropriate classroom instruction and transfer-focused approaches. The need for critical thinking skills is further reinforced by the influx of information and the spread of misinformation in the age of social media. Moreover, employers increasingly value critical thinking skills in their workforce, yet there exists a gap between the demand for these skills and the preparedness of college graduates. Critical thinking is not only essential for the future of work, but also for informed citizenship in an increasingly complex world. The potential impact of AI on job disruption, wages, and employment polarization is discussed, highlighting the correlation between jobs requiring critical thinking skills and their resistance to automation. We conclude by discussing collaborative efforts between universities and labor market organizations to adapt curricula and promote the development of critical thinking skills, drawing on examples from European initiatives. The need to prioritize critical thinking skills in education and address the evolving demands of the labor market is emphasized as a crucial step for navigating the future of work and opportunities for workers.

1. Introduction: Critical Thinking: Creating Job-Proof Skills for the Future of Work

The rapid evolution of online technologies has ushered in a paradigm shift in employment, redefining the nature of work and the skills required to succeed in the digital age. This transformative landscape, characterized by the ubiquitous presence of the Internet, social media platforms, and advanced artificial intelligence systems, has created a plethora of new opportunities and challenges in the labor market. As we navigate this digital frontier, it is becoming increasingly clear that traditional employment paradigms are undergoing a profound transformation. The convergence of online technologies with the demands of a networked world has not only created new job opportunities, but it has also disrupted established industries, rendering some job roles obsolete while creating demand for previously unforeseen skills. In this era of unprecedented connectivity and innovation, examining the intricate interplay between online technologies and jobs is paramount as it holds the key to understanding the dynamics of our rapidly evolving workforce.

Artificial intelligence (AI) is disrupting many jobs and promises “to change the way the world works” ( adminGPT 2023, para. 13 ). The number and range of AI programs are increasing at a rapid pace, and they are likely to continually improve to meet user demands. Consider, for example, ChatGPT, which can respond to questions and requests in a way that seems to come from a human rather than a computer program. GPT stands for “generative pretrained transformer”. It is generative in that it can provide responses that it never “learned”; it is pretrained with a large language model ( Bushwick et al. 2023 ). Newer versions can describe visual images, although thus far, they cannot create visual images. Its uses are seemingly endless. It is easy to imagine how such programs can change the lives of blind individuals. In fact, it can and will change the lives of all of us.

In this paper, we argue that these advances in online technologies will make critical thinking (CT) more important than ever before. Many who are preparing to enter the job market, and many who are already employed, will need to adapt to new forms of job automation and different ways of working.

Consider, for example, that an early achievement of ChatGPT was its generation of Python code (a computer language) to compute various tasks, such as data analysis. Apparently, getting ChatGPT to generate code is so easy that several YouTube videos have popped up claiming that they can teach novice users to use ChatGPT to generate code in 90 s. ( Data Professor 2023 ). The benefits are obvious, but so are the potential job losses for people who work in Python. Python coders will need to upgrade their skills, perhaps first becoming experts in the use of ChatGPT and similar programs, but this also has a positive side--they can spend more time working on larger questions such as which analyses are needed, and, of course, carefully reviewing the work produced by AI to ensure that it is accurate and understandable. Early versions of ChatGPT responses often contained errors. A New York lawyer learned the hard way: Steven A. Schwartz, a lawyer for 30 years, used ChatGPT to create a legal document ( Weiser and Schweber 2023 ). It was filled with fake citations and bogus judicial opinions. Sadly, Mr. Schwartz never checked the accuracy of the document he filed in court. The judge was not amused. This highly public and embarrassing event should be a lesson for all of us. Current AI programs cannot be trusted to take over our work, though they may be able to aid or supplement it. However, other AI programs can “read” radiographs more accurately than human radiologists, which provides a benefit to both radiologists and patients. There is an immediate positive effect for this advancement: Radiologists will have more time to directly work with patients, and yes, they must also check the accuracy of the outputs from their programs when presenting diagnoses.

For the rest of us, whether we are students or early or late in our careers, we need to focus on the development of “job-proof skills” in the face of AI advances. A report from the United Nations defines job-proof skills as “conceptual and strategic thinking, problem-solving, empathy, optimism, ethics, emotional intelligence, and judgments are the future-proof skills and attributes that machines will not be able to replicate with the same standards and agility as qualified human beings” ( Elkeiy 2022, para. 5 ). In other words, critical thinking skills will always be needed.

2. What Is Critical Thinking?

Although some scholars in the field of critical thinking have emphasized differences among various definitions, we believe that the commonalities are evident (c.f., Dwyer 2017 ; Nisbett 2015 ; Lipman 1991 ; Fisher 2001 ). There are some differences in the use of terms and several skills might be more important, but all of the definitions (more or less) conform to our preferred definition: “Critical thinking is the use of those cognitive skills and abilities that increase the probability of a desirable outcome. It is purposeful, reasoned, and goal directed. It is the kind of thinking involved in solving problems, formulating inferences, calculating likelihoods, and making decisions. Critical thinkers use these skills appropriately, without prompting, and usually with conscious intent, in a variety of settings. That is, they are predisposed to think critically. When we think critically, we are evaluating the outcomes of our thought processes--how good a decision is or how well a problem is solved. Critical thinking also involves evaluating the thinking process--the reasoning that went into the conclusion we’ve arrived at, or the kinds of factors considered in making a decision” ( Halpern and Dunn 2023, pp. 6–7 ). The reason we need a common definition of critical thinking is that, without it, instructors can and have passed almost anything off as instruction in critical thinking. However, common ground is to be found concerning CT definitions. In a European project, which we shall refer to in Section 4.3 , the critical thinking definition is based on the works of Halpern and Dunn ( 2023 ), Facione ( 1990 ), Paul and Elder ( 2008 ), and Kuhn ( 1999 ). During two debate sessions, 33 international participants from higher education and the labor market defined critical thinking as a deliberate cognitive process guided by conscious, dynamic, self-directed, self-monitored, and self-correcting thought ( Rebelo et al. 2023 ). It relies on both disciplinary and procedural knowledge, along with metacognitive aspects (including metacognitive, meta-strategic, and epistemological dimensions). Critical thinking can be cultivated and enhanced through the development of competencies, and it is facilitated by various attitudes, such as systematic thinking, open-mindedness, empathy, flexibility, and cognitive maturity. Additionally, it encompasses intellectual skills such as reflection, self-regulation, analysis, inference, explanation, synthesis, and systematic thought. Critical thinking not only stimulates problem-solving capabilities but also facilitates effective communication, fosters independent and holistic thinking, and bolsters decision-making and active citizenship ( Pnevmatikos et al. 2021 ).

2.1. Can Critical Thinking Be Learned?

We teach writing, oral communication, and mathematics with the (often implicit) belief that these skills will be learned and transferred to multiple settings both inside and outside of the classroom. There is a large and growing research literature showing that, with appropriate classroom instruction in critical thinking, including specific instruction designed for transfer, the skills will spontaneously transfer and in uncued (i.e., there are no reminders to use the critical thinking skill that was learned in class) situations ( Dumitru 2012 ; Heijltjes et al. 2014 ; Tiruneh 2019 ). Several such studies were presented by Dwyer ( 2017 ) and Halpern and Dunn ( 2023 ). For the sake of brevity, we review just one recent study. The study was designed to counteract the effects of conspiracy theories. When people believe conspiracy theories, they often act in harmful ways–such as refusing to get the COVID-19 vaccine, which resulted in the death of large numbers of people around the world, or attacking the United State Capitol Building on 6 January 2021 in the belief that there was a conspiracy afoot designed to steal the United States 2020 presidential election from Donald Trump. In a review of the research literature on the efficacy of interventions, the researchers found “there was one intervention which was characteristically different to the rest” ( O’Mahony et al. 2023, para. 23 ). It was a semester-long university course in critical thinking that was designed to teach students the difference between good scientific practices and pseudoscience. These courses require effort and commitment, but they are effective. The same conclusion applies to all interventions designed to enhance critical thinking. There are no fast and easy “once and done” strategies that work. This is why we recommend continuous and pervasive coursework to make sure that the learning of CT skills “sticks.”

2.2. The Need for Critical Thinking Skills

Online technologies-related (including AI) job loss and redesign are not the only reasons why we need to concentrate on teaching and learning the skills of critical thinking. COVID-19 left 140 million people out of work, and many of their jobs will never return ( Roslansky 2021 ). We are drowning in a tsunami of information, confronted with advertisements online, in news reports, social media, podcasts, and more. The need to be able to distinguish good information from bad is critical. In addition, employers want to hire people with critical thinking skills. In a recent report by Hart Research Associated ( 2018 ), they found that in an employer survey of 501 business executives, 78% said that critical thinking/analytic reasoning is the most important skill they want in their employees, but they also added that only 34% of college graduates arrive well prepared in critical thinking. This gap between what employers want and their perception of the preparedness of the workforce was larger for critical thinking than for any other area. In fact, every report on the future of work made this same point. Consider this quote from The World Economic Forum ( 2020 ) on the future of jobs: “Skills gaps continue to be high as in-demand skills across jobs change in the next five years. The top skills and skill groups which employers see as rising in prominence in the lead up to 2025 include groups such as critical thinking and analysis as well as problem-solving.” (p. 5). In a report from the Office of the European Union: Key Competences for Lifelong Learning, the commissioner wrote “Critical thinking, media literacy, and communication skills are some of the requirements to navigate our increasingly complex world” ( Navracsics 2019, p. 3 ). Of course, critical thinking is not just needed in the world of work. A true democracy requires an educated citizenry with citizens who can think critically about world social issues, such as the use/threat of AI, war, poverty, climate change, and so much more. Irrational voters are a threat to all of us—and to themselves.

The need to think critically is not new, but it has taken on a new urgency as social media and other forms of communication have made the deliberate spread of misinformation move at the speed of light. There is nothing new about the use of lies, half-truths, and innuendos to get people to believe something that is not true. Anyone can post anything on popular media sites, and this “fake news” is often copied and shared thousands of times. Sometimes the information is spread with a deliberate attempt to mislead; other times, it is copied and spread by people who believe it is true. These messages are often used to discredit political adversaries, create social unrest, and incite fear. It can be a difficult task to determine what to believe and what to discard. Vosoughi et al. ( 2018 ) analyzed data from 126,000 tweets that were spread by approximately 3 million people. How did the researchers discriminate true data from false data? The same way we all should. They used several different fact-checking sites and found 95% to 98% agreement regarding the truth or falsehood of information. They found that false data spread more quickly and more widely than true data because the false data tended to be novel and sensational, rendering it salient and seductive.

In today’s landscape, the imperative to foster critical thinking skills is becoming increasingly apparent as we grapple with the rapid rise of social media and artificial intelligence technologies and their profound impact on the future of work. The confluence of these transformative forces has ushered in a new era characterized by the potential for significant job disruption. As online technologies advance and automation becomes more widespread, certain traditional job roles may become obsolete, requiring the development of innovative skills and adaptability in the workforce. In this context, critical thinking emerges as a central element in preparing individuals to navigate the evolving job market. It equips individuals with the ability to analyze complex information, discern credible sources from the proliferation of social media information, and make informed decisions in an era of blurring boundaries between human and machine contributions to the workforce. Cultivating critical thinking skills will be essential to ensuring that individuals can take advantage of the opportunities presented by new technologies while mitigating the challenges of job disruption in this AI-driven future.

3. Critical Thinking Skills and Job Disruption and Replacement

Eloundou et al. in 2023 estimated that about 15% of all U.S. workers’ jobs could be accomplished much faster and at the same level of quality with currently available AI. There are large differences in the extent to which various occupations and industries will be affected by advancements in AI. For example, tasks that require a high degree of human interaction, highly specialized domain knowledge, or creating innovative technologies will be minimally affected; whereas, other occupations such as providing captions for images or answering questions about a text or document are more likely to be affected. Routine-based jobs in general are more likely to be dislodged by advanced technologies ( Acemoglu 2002 ). Using the basic definitions of skills that are standard in O*Net, Eloundou et al. ( 2023 ) found a clear negative correlation between jobs requiring knowledge of science and critical thinking skills and the likelihood that AI will “take over” the job. These findings reinforce our main point—the best way to gain job-proof skills is with critical thinking.

The effect of online technologies on wages is complicated because of the large number of factors that come together to determine earnings. Acemoglu and Autor ( 2011 ) advocated for a model that simultaneously considers the level of the tasks required for any job (low, medium, and high), where a high level of skill is defined as one that allows employees to perform a variety of tasks, the demand for the tasks, and technological changes that can complement a task or replace it. They assert that employment has become increasingly polarized with the growth in both high education, high wage occupations and low education, and low wage occupations in the United States and the European Union. To understand and predict which occupations will be most disrupted by AI (and other developing technologies), an investigator will need to simultaneously consider all of these variables. Technological advancements can generate shifts in demand, favoring either high- or low-skilled workers. According to Acemoglu and Autor ( 2011 ), we can expect some of the largest disruptive effects at the middle level of skills, where some of the tasks performed at this level can be more easily replaced by new technologies, with widespread employment growth in high- and low-skilled occupations.

4. Business-University Collaborations

The pursuit of promoting high standards of critical thinking in university students across various academic disciplines is a challenging endeavor that should be leveraged through collaboration with stakeholders. In such collaborations, stakeholders can contribute to refining the skills required by learners and bring their own perspectives to academic instruction. This close partnership between universities and stakeholders helps minimize gaps and mismatches in the transition to the labor market, facilitates research collaboration, and increases student motivation.

Collaborations between businesses and universities have gained increasing importance in today’s rapidly evolving educational and economic landscape. These partnerships are instrumental in bridging the gap between academic learning and the real-world skills demanded by the job market. One key aspect of business-university collaboration (BUC) is the alignment of curricula with the dynamic needs of industries. This entails the joint effort of higher education institutions (HEIs) and industry experts to design, develop, and deliver educational programs that equip students with practical, job-ready skills. The curriculum design phase involves tailoring study programs, courses, and modules to address skills gaps and align with the specific requirements of employers.

Moreover, BUC extends beyond the classroom. Collaborations often involve business engagement in educational activities, including guest lectures, internships, co-op programs, and research projects. These interactions provide students with invaluable exposure to real-world scenarios, allowing them to apply theoretical knowledge in practical settings.

In essence, BUC is a multifaceted partnership that benefits both students and businesses. It ensures that educational programs remain relevant, fostering a seamless transition from academia to the workforce. This collaborative approach not only enhances students’ employability but also contributes to the overall growth and innovation of industries.

Operationalizing the collaboration implicates a particular focus on curriculum design, development, and delivery. These involve the collaboration between higher education institutions and labor market partners to create or enhance undergraduate or postgraduate study programs, courses, or modules. This collaborative effort aims to address skills gaps, align curricula with employers’ needs, integrate training initiatives, and improve graduates’ employability. Additionally, curriculum delivery includes various forms of business involvement, such as guest lectures, placements, supervision, mentoring, and work-based learning activities.

While the existing literature often discusses the barriers and motivations for university-business collaboration ( Healy et al. 2014 ; Orazbayeva et al. 2020 ), there is a need for more empirical insights into the roles and responsibilities of each party engaged in joint curriculum design, development, and delivery, as well as lessons learned from these collaborations ( Rebelo et al. 2023 ).

4.1. Why Do We Need Higher Education’s Help?

In the preceding sections of this paper, we delved into the disruptive forces of artificial intelligence (AI) on the job market and the critical need for individuals to adapt to these changes by developing “job-proof skills”. The rise of online technologies such as ChatGPT presents both opportunities and challenges, particularly in fields where middle-level skills are required. To effectively tackle these challenges, we must turn our attention to the pivotal role of education and the cultivation of essential skills such as critical thinking.

We highlighted how AI is rapidly transforming various industries and the need for individuals to adapt to these changes. Moreover, we explored the question of whether critical thinking can be learned, showcasing research evidence that supports the teachability of this skill. Now, we shall explore practical strategies for fostering critical thinking skills through collaborations between universities and businesses. The idea here is to create an educational framework that equips students with the capabilities needed to thrive in the evolving workforce.

Building upon the success of two European projects, “Critical thinking across higher education curricula—CRITHINKEDU” and “Critical thinking for successful jobs—THINK4JOBS”, we argue that incorporating practical experience and CT development through apprenticeships is a possible action for better higher education classes. This collaborative approach between HEI and LMO designed to address the differing perspectives and terminologies used by these two entities regarding critical thinking could be an important curriculum design for the better adaptation of job market technology disruptions.

Research conducted by Eloundou et al. ( 2023 ), which shows that critical thinking skills and science skills are less likely to be taken by AI, compels us to sustain the THINK4JOBS apprenticeship curricula as a possible teaching protocol for critical thinking enhancement to face challenges posed by AI at work.

The results from these projects demonstrate significant progress in students’ critical thinking skills and dispositions. These improvements, as highlighted below in Section 4.3 , underscore the effectiveness of embedding critical thinking in the curriculum. The guidelines formulated for implementing Critical Thinking Blended Apprenticeship Curricula provide a roadmap for educators to follow when effectively integrating critical thinking into their courses.

As we ponder the possibility of a world where critical thinking is widespread, we can envision a future where individuals are equipped to confront the ideological fanaticism that threatens global stability. Critical thinking, as both a cognitive skill and a disposition, has the potential to shape a workforce capable of adapting to the ever-changing landscape of work, making informed decisions, and contributing to a more rational and democratic world. The THINK4JOBS project emphasizes the practical steps taken to prepare students for the future job market and sets the stage for further exploration of the role of critical thinking in addressing global challenges, including AI presence in the job market.

4.2. CRITHINKEDU Proctocol for Critical Thinking Education across Curricula

Given that the best education for the future of work is the acquisition of critical thinking skills, how can we facilitate this sort of education? One way to obtain a job-proof education is to create classes with the help of labor market organizations. Two projects funded by the European Union were designed to bring to life the idea that better communication and collaboration between universities and employers result in a better adaptation of the curriculum, especially a curriculum involving critical thinking skill development.

Between 2016 and 2019, the project “Critical thinking across the European higher education curriculum—CRITHINKEDU” focused on how CT is taught in various academic domains. The CRITHINKEDU project, involving universities across Europe, exemplifies how academia and industry can join forces to bridge the gap between classroom learning and real-world job demands. This initiative aimed to enhance the curriculum by explicitly emphasizing critical thinking skill development. It revealed that employers across various fields value critical thinking, and they perceive it as essential for recent graduates entering the workforce.

The participants were eleven universities from nine European countries (Belgium, Czech Republic, Greece, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Romania, Lithuania, and Ireland; Dominguez 2018). Qualitative research was conducted with 32 focus groups comprised of professionals from various European countries and fields. The findings align with previous studies: “CT is a set of interconnected skills (interpretation, inference, analysis, explanation, evaluation, self-regulation”, see Payan-Carreira et al. ( 2023, p. 16 ), and dispositions (open-mindedness, refection, attentiveness, organization, perseverance, intrinsic goal motivation ( Payan-Carreira et al. 2023 ), essential for recent graduates in response to labor market demands. However, an important consideration is that the practical application of CT varies across professional fields. The participants in this study defined the ideal critical thinker as someone with a cultivated mindset, motivated to learn and improve, and equipped with cognitive and behavioral tools to anticipate, regulate, and monitor their thinking. CT is associated with problem-solving and decision-making and is intertwined with other skills such as proactivity, adaptability, creativity, emotional intelligence, communication, and teamwork. The report from this project also introduced “a European collection of the Critical Thinking skills and dispositions needed in different professional fields for the 21st century” ( Dominguez 2018 ), which categorizes CT skills and dispositions based on professional fields and offers a basis for defining learning objectives and adapting university curricula. This study provides valuable insights from 189 European employers into CT needs in the labor market for new graduates. The interviewed professionals had an obvious preference for CT skills in STEM fields and an obvious preference for dispositions in the Humanities. Social Sciences and bio-medical sciences professionals were equally interested in CT skills and dispositions, with a slight preference for dispositions ( Dominguez 2018, p. 28 ).

4.3. Next Steps: THINK4JOBS Blended Appreticeship Curricula

After the termination of the CRITHINKEDU project, partners from Romania, Greece, Lithuania, and Portugal, with the addition of a new partner from Germany, proposed a new research application: “Critical Thinking for Successful Jobs—THINK4JOBS” ( ). The idea was to utilize the results from the previous project and, together with labor market organizations, create new courses that are more adapted to the reality of the future of work. The core element of the classes was explicit teaching of critical thinking, using real-life cases and methods. In an apprenticeship model, critical thinking skills are embedded in a relevant context. The value of realistic contexts is that students can see the need for the skills being taught in a workplace scenario. Relevant contexts enhance student engagement and motivation to learn. Dumitru et al. ( 2021 ) focused on improving students’ critical thinking skills and dispositions through collaboration between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and Labor Market Organizations (LMOs). The aim was to bridge the gap between HEI curricula and the expectations of the labor market by incorporating apprenticeships that provide practical experience and CT development.

The process of mapping responses from those in the labor market organizations onto college curricula involved the use of research methods such as observation, focus groups, and documentary analysis, with stakeholders from HEIs and LMOs participating. The findings indicated that while there were no definitive “gaps” between HEIs and LMOs, there were contextual differences in the approach to CT. HEIs focus on long-term career preparation, while LMOs emphasize short-term learning strategies. The terminology and expression of CT also differed between the two contexts. Based on the findings, ten work-based scenarios were created, with one from each discipline involved in the project. Overall, the report ( Dumitru et al. 2021 ) highlighted the different goals and perspectives of HEIs and LMOs regarding CT, emphasizing the need for collaboration and a common understanding of which skills should be included in the college curriculum.

There is a different context in the approach to CT, since HEIs usually use different learning activities, focusing more on career preparation with long-term goals, while LMOs follow compact and short-term learning and teaching strategies. Furthermore, the findings suggest that CT is a new workplace requirement and that HEIs and LMOs do not choose the same terminology when referring to the concept, with HEIs usually choosing scientific terms. Another element that emerged is that CT is generally expressed in a declarative way in higher education institutions, while in LMOs the application to specific cases follows a more procedural approach. Put another way, LMOs are focused on making a profit, while HEI is focused on being socially responsible.

In the second phase of the project, partners ( Pnevmatikos et al. 2021 ) focused on the development of a collaborative training curriculum for Higher Education Instructors and LMO tutors. The purpose of the training was to enhance comprehension and knowledge of critical thinking for both sides of this collaboration, since previous research indicated a potential lack of conceptual and procedural understanding between these two entities. Additionally, the training aimed to facilitate the promotion, support, and evaluation of students’ CT skills within apprenticeship curricula, as well as the creation of blended curricula utilizing an open-source learning platform. The training course encompassed workshops that delved into various aspects of CT, including analyzing and reassembling ideas about CT, formulating a working definition of CT, instructional methodologies, blended learning techniques, usage of a learning platform, CT assessment, and the development of a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between higher education institutions and LMOs. The participants’ knowledge about these topics was assessed through pre- and post-training online questionnaires. Although data analysis showed various predicted trends, only perceived self-confidence in the topics covered during the training obtained statistical significance ( Pnevmatikos et al. 2021 ).

In the final report from this project, Payan-Carreira et al. ( 2023 ) presented the results of the implementation of the critical thinking Blended Apprenticeships Curricula (CTBAC) and discussed the improvements in critical thinking skills and dispositions observed in students. The study involved cross-disciplinary analysis and assessed changes before and after the piloting activities. A total of 609 students participated, and their critical thinking skills and dispositions were evaluated.

The consortium chose the Critical Thinking Self-Assessment Scale (CTSAS) developed by Nair ( 2011 ) as an instrument to assess CT skills based on an earlier conceptualization ( Facione 1990 ). The questionnaire has been tested in various geographic and cultural contexts, demonstrating good reliability, internal consistency, and confirmatory factor analysis results. However, the original CTSAS was considered too long to complete, consisting of 115 items, so a shorter version was specifically developed for this project. The short form of the questionnaire (CTSAS-SF) was created through a two-step process. Items with loading weights below .500 were eliminated, resulting in 84 remaining items. Redundant and non-cognitive-focused items were marked for elimination, leaving 60 items. The short form maintained the original scale’s framework and utilized a seven-point Likert scale ranging from 0 (Never) to 6 (Always) for students to respond to items assessing various dimensions and subdimensions of CT skills.

The CTSAS-SF validation process, with confirmatory factor analysis, resulted in two models with equivalent satisfactory goodness-of-fit indices. Model 4, the second-order factor model (RMSEA = .051; TLI = .924; CFI = .927), had a chi-square/df ratio of 2.33. The Cronbach alpha of the overall instrument was excellent (α = .969). Sample items are shown in Table 1 .

Sample items forming Critical Thinking Self-Assessment Scale (CTSAS), Nair ( 2011 ).

Compared to instruments for assessing CT skills, the availability of instruments for measuring critical thinking (CT) dispositions is limited. However, one of the instruments adopted by the consortium to assess CT dispositions is the Student-Educator Negotiated Critical Thinking Dispositions Scale (SENCTDS), which was developed by Quinn et al. ( 2020 ). The scale was validated with a mixed population of Irish and American undergraduate students. The scale considers a variety of CT dispositions that the authors consider important for the labor market and real-world decision-making. Some of the items in the scale combine Facione ’s ( 1990 ) original CT dispositions into new dimensions that are relevant to academic and labor market success, such as organization, perseverance, and intrinsic goal motivation. The scale consists of six dimensions (Reflection, Attentiveness, Open-mindedness, Organization, Perseverance, and Intrinsic Goal Motivation) and presents statements for students to respond to using a 7-point Likert scale. The Likert scale ranges from 1 (strongly disagree) to 7 (strongly agree). The original version of the SENCTDS contains 21 items. The validation process, with confirmatory factor analysis, identified only one model presenting a satisfactory goodness-of-fit index—model 3, comprised of six correlated factors (RMSEA = .054; TLI = .974; CFI = .969) with a chi-square/df ratio of 2.57. The instrument presented a high Cronbach alpha (α = .842), suggesting a strong internal consistency of the instrument. Sample items are presented in Table 2 .

Sample items from Student-Educator Negotiated Critical Thinking Dispositions Scale (SENCTDS), developed by Quinn et al. ( 2020 ).

The analysis showed gains in critical thinking skills and indicated that changes were more prominent in skills than dispositions. All skills (interpretation, analysis, inference, explanation, self-regulation, and evaluation) obtained significant differences between the pretest and posttest, with p ≤ .0001 to all skills, plus the integrated critical thinking skills score was t = 9.705 and p ≤ .0001, which demonstrates strong significant difference between pre- and the posttest. Dispositions displayed no significant differences regarding the integrated score, but showed significant differences in reflection (t = 1.766, p = .079), open-mindedness (t = 2.636, p = .009), organization (t = 2.568, p = .011), and intrinsic goal motivation (t = 1.712, p = .088).

Based on the findings from the implementation of the blended apprenticeship curricula, the following guidelines were formulated for implementing Critical Thinking Blended Apprenticeship Curricula ( Payan-Carreira et al. 2023 ):

  • Provide an explanation of the importance of critical thinking—Clearly communicate to students why critical thinking is a vital skill in today’s workforce and how it is valued in specific professions. Explicitly incorporate the development of critical thinking as an outcome of the course.
  • Emphasize continuous and pervasive CT training—To achieve success, there should be a concerted effort across disciplinary curricula to foster students’ critical thinking skills and dispositions. Skills require training, and dispositions necessitate the internalization of desired attitudes. Therefore, sufficient time and a collaborative approach at the disciplinary level are necessary for consistent and significant progress.
  • Allocate dedicated time—Building on the previous point, it is essential to allocate specific time within the course to work on the proposed critical thinking goals. Students and educators need to schedule activities and create opportunities for preparation, development, and feedback exchange. This ensures that the intervention leads to meaningful, lasting learning.
  • Establish connections with real-world scenarios—Foster student engagement and improve their perception of learning experiences by incorporating case studies that reflect situations professionals encounter in their daily work. By grounding the learning content in reality, students are more likely to be motivated and actively participate in the educational process.

Foster reflection on CT skills and dispositions—Offer students the chance to reflect on their reasoning processes and the attitudes they have developed throughout their learning experiences. Encouraging reflective thinking enhances the effectiveness of learning interventions and helps cultivate a deeper understanding of one’s experiences.

These steps aim to guide educators in effectively implementing the critical thinking blended apprenticeship curricula while also maximizing the impact of critical thinking development in students.

The two European projects made a great start in integrating the skills that employers want employees to learn from university curricula, but the results are nonetheless provisional. There is not a clear agreement among participating universities regarding how best to teach critical thinking, nor any regarding its importance for future jobs. We urge that more work should be done to nurture critical thinking within university curricula in order to provide our current students—who represent the future of the workforce—the much-wanted job-proof skills they need.

5. European Recommendations and Good Practices

Critical thinking stands as a pivotal goal for European Higher Education Institutions. To facilitate the attainment of this objective, we present an educational protocol that draws from comprehensive research and practical experiences, including insights from the CRITHINKEDU project. This protocol amalgamates insights from both theoretical and empirical studies on critical thinking with practical strategies for its cultivation.

Recommendations go toward signing memorandums of understanding between universities and labor market organizations to cultivate strong partnerships ( Rebelo et al. 2023 ). Effective collaboration between universities and businesses is crucial in fostering critical thinking. This partnership thrives on the synergy that results when academic institutions and businesses combine their expertise, resources, and perspectives. Strategies such as aligning goals, fostering long-term commitment, and promoting a culture of collaboration can strengthen these partnerships and ensure that academic research is harmoniously aligned with real-world needs.

Another recommendation relates to the formulation of compelling goals . Accurate and transparent goals are fundamental to the successful implementation of university-industry collaborations to promote critical thinking. These goals must be clearly defined and easily understood at multiple levels, from the institutional to the program and course levels. Recognition of critical thinking as an overarching goal implies its integration into assessment and evaluation processes.

Another recommendation is to develop flexible curricula . To effectively foster critical thinking, curricula must demonstrate adaptability and responsiveness to emerging trends and market demands. The use of agile curriculum design methodologies and the involvement of business partners in curriculum development is of great value. Approaches such as problem-based and case-based learning facilitate rapid adaptation to evolving market needs, such as the use of AI-powered software to solve work tasks better and faster. Regular feedback mechanisms and ongoing collaboration with business partners ensure that curricula remain relevant and flexible.

Incorporating real-world challenges and case studies into curricula bridges the gap between academia and the business world, creating an environment that encourages experiential learning. The active involvement of business stakeholders in providing relevant challenges plays a key role. Students’ problem-solving skills are enhanced by shifting from traditional teaching methods to project-based, problem-based, or case-based learning. Engaging students through apprenticeships, internships, guest lectures, and seminars immerses them in authentic work environments and fosters their professional development.

Ongoing, multi-faceted evaluation is a cornerstone of the collaboration between higher education and the business community to cultivate critical thinking. Assessment includes measuring learners’ progress in critical thinking, the effectiveness of curricula, and the impact of partnerships through the use of key performance indicators.

Regarding how to implement a critical thinking curriculum, pedagogical research ( Elen et al. 2019 ) suggests that in the development of critical thinking, whether it is regarded as a skill, disposition, or a combination of both, three categories of supportive measures can be identified: modeling, induction, and declaration.

Modeling: Support the development of critical thinking skills by demonstrating what it means to think critically at the institutional, programmatic, and course levels, considering multiple perspectives and alternative viewpoints.

Induction: Support critical thinking development by provoking critical thinking through the presentation of open-ended questions, unstructured tasks, complex problems, and real-world issues. The exact nature of “induction” and how it is implemented may vary across fields and disciplines. Induction can be carried out in a variety of ways; for example, presenting unstructured problems, providing authentic tasks, encouraging constructive controversy, asking “why” questions, or encouraging student autonomy.

Explanation: Promote the development of critical thinking by articulating or explicitly stating what is at stake, what strategies can be used, and what criteria must be met. This explanation can take the form of oral or written communication and should always be explicit and specific. Declaring and making things explicit can be accomplished in a variety of ways, including using critical thinking rubrics, developing elaborate concept maps, providing feedback on critical thinking, and engaging in discussion and reflection on critical issues.

This integrated approach, encompassing university-business collaboration and an educational protocol, underscores the significance of critical thinking in higher education. It provides a structured framework for nurturing this essential skill by aligning objectives, fostering partnerships, adapting curricula, and implementing ongoing evaluation practices. In doing so, educational institutions are better poised to equip students with the critical thinking skills needed to thrive in a rapidly evolving world.

6. Concluding Remarks or Can Critical THINKING Save the World?

In summary, the dynamic interaction between universities, businesses, and the evolving technology landscape, including the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and online technologies, underscore the critical need to nurture and develop students’ critical thinking skills. As we navigate the challenges posed by AI and the ever-expanding digital realm, collaborative efforts between academia and industry have proven to be instrumental in preparing students for the future job market.

Incorporating real-world experiences, such as apprenticeships, into the curriculum is an important step toward improving students’ critical thinking skills in real-world contexts. Projects such as “Critical thinking across higher education curricula—CRITHINKEDU” and “Critical thinking for successful jobs—THINK4JOBS” have demonstrated the potential of these collaborations to bridge the gap between classroom learning and industry needs. In addition, the development of flexible curricula that can adapt to the evolving needs of the job market, especially considering online technologies, is essential. By integrating real-world challenges and case studies into the curriculum, students gain valuable problem-solving skills and are better prepared to navigate the complexities of the digital age.

Ongoing assessment and evaluation are critical components of this collaborative effort, ensuring that critical thinking remains a central focus and that students are making meaningful progress in acquiring this essential skill.

With the disruption of AI and the ubiquity of online technologies, the integration of critical thinking into higher education curricula is more important than ever. It enables students not only to thrive in a technology-driven world, but also to contribute to a rational, democratic, and globally interconnected society. The partnerships forged between universities and businesses, along with a well-defined educational protocol, provide a roadmap for cultivating these essential skills and preparing students for the challenges and opportunities of the future job market. The imperative to foster critical thinking in university curricula remains a fundamental step in equipping tomorrow’s workforce to navigate the complexities of an AI-influenced job market and a rapidly changing world.

Lilienfeld ( 2007, para. 3 ) said it well: “The greatest threat to the world is ideological fanaticism, by ideological fanaticism I mean the unshakeable conviction that one’s belief system and that of other in-group members is always right and righteous and that others’ belief systems are always wrong and wrong-headed”. Imagine a world where (most or even many) people use the skills of critical thinking. Just maybe, CT could save the world.

The job market will require a psychologically adaptable toolkit, and we propose that critical thinking is an essential component therein. The disruptions imposed by new technological advances such as AI will require students to learn new employable skills because we will need not just an engineer, but a critical thinking engineer; not just a programmer, but a critical thinking programmer; and not just a journalist, but a critical thinking journalist. The dignity of workers—their humanity and our collective survival—may well depend on CT, a very human creation.


We sincerely thank Dana Dunn, Moravian University, for comments on an earlier version of this manuscript.

Funding Statement

Daniela Dumitru received funding from European Commission/EACEA, through the ERASMUS+ Programme, “Critical Thinking for Successful Jobs—Think4Jobs” Project, with the reference number 2020-1-EL01-KA203-078797.

Author Contributions

Conceptualization, D.F.H. and D.D.; investigation, D.F.H. and D.D.; resources, D.F.H. and D.D.; writing—original draft preparation, D.F.H. and D.D.; writing—review and editing, D.F.H. and D.D. All authors have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript.

Conflicts of Interest

The authors declare no conflict of interest.

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  • 9 Soft Skills Employers Want...

9 Soft Skills Employers Want in 2024

10 min read · Updated on December 19, 2023

Ken Chase

Don't forget about these soft skills that can help you to succeed in 2023

You're in the middle of your job search and you feel confident that you're the right candidate for the job. And why are you so sure? That's easy - you have all the professional skills the job requires, from the training to the industry knowledge and technical skills.

News flash - so does your competition! The question is: do you have the soft skills employers want from their job candidates?

The playing field has changed now, thanks to the pandemic and its impact on the labor market. The last few years have created new challenges that forced companies to do things differently and, consequently, they changed what recruiters really care about . 

“Undeniably, COVID-19 has thrown a wrench into the hiring process for both job seekers and recruiters alike, which our data confirms by uncovering what's newly important in one's candidacy,” said Amanda Augustine, TopResume's career expert.

“Our findings reveal that job seekers may be taking themselves out of the running even before - or right after - the virtual interview, because they're ignoring the key factors to which recruiters are suddenly paying attention.”

It's not as mysterious as you might think. What really helps job candidates to stand out from the rest are the soft skills employers want and need. The new normal includes not only more remote work, but also an increased emphasis on productivity and collaboration. That means that key soft skills in the workplace are more important than ever, with some rising to the top of recruiters' wish lists in 2023.

What are soft skills?

Think of soft skills for work as your personal skills - things you do that make you a great employee outside of the technical skills that are needed for the job. They may come naturally to you, or perhaps you've added some classes to your list to augment these abilities. If you haven't, consider taking online classes and other certification courses to develop strong soft skills in the workplace. Including soft skills on a resume is absolutely essential if you want employers to quickly see that you have the talents they're looking for.

These are the top soft skills employers want to see :

1. Creative problem solving and innovation

The last few years have presented a plethora of new challenges for companies. The last thing an employer or hiring manager wants is an employee who sees a challenging situation or new task and says, “Wow, I don't know what to do here.” Instead, they want to know that you can think logically and creatively to develop solutions to the problems or obstacles that arise from day to day.

They also hope you'll help to come up with new ideas while addressing existing problems. And the more creative, the better; that kind of thinking leads to innovation and improvements within the company.

On your resume, be sure to highlight your problem solving skills and list situations where you had to use your creativity in the face of adversity by coming up with innovative solutions to the problems you encountered.

At your interview, express your enthusiasm for tackling challenges. Every job has hurdles and employers want to hire people who aren't afraid of tackling those challenges. Make sure that your interviewer knows you're one of those people.

2. Communication skills 

This is a broad category; it can include everything from how you converse with a client and colleagues to how well you get your point across in emails. The ability to communicate with clients and team members is essential. And, now that most communication is done through emails, chats, video, or phone conference calls, strong communication skills are more critical than ever. 

Taking a class on effective communication skills is well worth your time and money. It's one of the most crucial soft skills in any job, in any industry. If you already think that it's one of your best attributes, find a way to demonstrate that on your resume and in your interview.

3. Time management

Moving to a partial or complete work-from-home environment was a big leap of faith for many employers and hiring managers. Would their teams be legitimately productive away from their office? Without the natural structure that a day at the office provides, time management became a soft skill that quickly rose to the top of many recruiters' priority lists.

Time management means that you know how to organize your schedule to get your projects done on time and with efficiency. How well can you focus on your work and manage your time to stay productive, without a manager looking over your shoulder?

Your work calendar is your best friend when it comes to time management. Set daily and weekly goals for what you'd like to accomplish and don't be afraid to block off time on your calendar to zero in on that work. If you're preparing for a job interview, see if you can learn what project management tools the company uses and familiarize yourself with those products. If you can demonstrate familiarity with the tools they use, you'll have a leg up on the competition. 

4. A growth mindset 

When it comes to ensuring longevity in your career , you need to be able to grow and adapt to changes within your industry and the job market as a whole. With the  mechanization of jobs and industries, having a growth mindset is essential. 

So, what is a growth mindset? Professionals with a growth mindset are motivated to reach higher levels of achievement by continuously learning new skills in order to move with a changing market. Essentially, it's being adaptable and willing to go above and beyond the soft and hard skills you already have. 

Showcase your growth mindset on your resume by highlighting examples of how you showed initiative by learning a new skill that improved your performance or helped you to keep pace with industry changes.  

5. Emotional intelligence

What does it mean to have high emotional intelligence? Emotional intelligence is the ability to perceive, evaluate, and respond to your emotions and the emotions of others. This means that you're able to think empathetically about the people around you and the interpersonal relationships that develop in the workplace.

This is another of those soft skills employers want to see, and it's taken on new meaning for 2023. As we emerge from the shadow of the recent pandemic, many people continue to struggle with their place in the workforce and the world. Having the ability to read the emotions of your co-workers and respond with compassion is essential. 

In fact, one survey by CareerBuilder reported that 71% of employers value emotional intelligence in an employee over IQ, while 75% are more likely to promote an employee with higher EQ (emotional quotient) over someone with higher IQ. 

The best way to show your emotional intelligence? During your interview .

6. Collaboration

Collaborating with your co-workers isn't as easy as it seems. There are always those who believe that they know how to do the job and don't trust others to do their part - and that can create tension in the office and hurt overall efficiency. 

Learning to trust others, work together, and give and accept ideas is a difficult skill to master - but, if you can, you'll be well ahead of the competition.

Show off your best collaboration soft skills in your resume by describing your ability to work with other team members. You should highlight it during your interview as well. Show enthusiasm for accepting colleagues' ideas and maximizing your team's overall efficiency by using each person's individual strengths.

7. Adaptability

Change is always a major part of the modern-day workplace. The lightning-fast advancement of technology has forced industries to evolve or perish in recent years. Those changes are sure to continue in the years to come, which is why adaptability is now one of the top skills employers are looking for in job candidates.

Think about all of the changes we've seen in recent years. Many offices went from 100% on-site work to partial or completely remote work during the pandemic. Video conferencing became an everyday occurrence, while working and collaborating online is now considered routine. All of these things have required workers to adapt to new methods, new technology, and new ways of thinking. 

Think about all the ways you've had to adapt in the past and be prepared to showcase how well you can go with the flow during your next interview. 

8. Active listening

Everyone loves a good listener. It shouldn't be hard to do, but for many people it's a struggle - especially in a remote environment. Active listening is more than just listening intently; the active listener shows that they're engaged in the conversation by saying little things like, “Okay,” or “I understand,” and nodding. It also means asking questions, making eye contact, and withholding judgment. 

It can be all too easy to become disengaged from your sixth video conference of the day or that morning check-in call before you've had your coffee. If you're uncertain what it really means to be an active listener, do a little research and practice it at home with your family or friends (they'll appreciate it, too). Then, during your interview, let your active listening skills shine as you engage with your interviewer. 

9. Leadership

While creativity, communication skills, a growth mindset, emotional intelligence, and collaboration are all relevant skills that can make you a great employee, leadership skills will elevate you even further. Most employers and hiring managers are always looking for someone who is capable of growing beyond that role.

Leadership skills are really a combination of all the other soft skills. When you put them together, you have a person who can not only work well with the team but also take the reins and make the rest of the team better.

If you've been in charge of big projects in the past, bring that out in your resume and mention it in job interviews. Show that you're not someone who is just looking to punch in and punch out, but an applicant who is ready to conquer this job and grow into a future leader within the company; that makes you an attractive investment for them.

Showcase the soft skills employers want to see

Think of your soft skills as accessories to your hard, job-related skills. They alone cannot qualify you for a job, but when paired with solid credentials they can make you a much more attractive candidate. As you review your soft skills, keep in mind how the last few years have changed the playing field and highlight those that will help you shine in the “new normal” work environment. 

From cashier to construction worker to CEO, soft skills are universally needed in today's workforce. Learn to cultivate yours and display them for employers to see - and you'll keep yourself ahead of the pack.

Are the soft skills employers want to see highlighted on your resume? Check today with a free resume review !  

This article was originally written by Tyler Omoth and updated by Ken Chase in 2023.

Recommended reading:

What Are Soft Skills? And How to Showcase Them on Your Resume

Resources for In-Demand Job Skills You Can Learn Online

The Top 10 Job Skills Employers Want

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