
20 Common Researcher Interview Questions and Answers

Common Researcher interview questions, how to answer them, and sample answers from a certified career coach.

questions to ask during research interview

You’ve been invited to interview for a research position—congratulations! You know you have the skills and experience, but now it’s time to prove it.

The key to success? Being prepared. To help make sure you shine in your upcoming interview, we’ve compiled some of the most common questions asked during research interviews. Read on, get familiar with them, and practice your answers so you can ace that job interview like a pro.

  • What research methods do you use to collect data?
  • How do you ensure the accuracy and validity of your research results?
  • Describe a time when you had to analyze complex data sets and draw meaningful conclusions from them.
  • Explain how you would go about designing an experiment or survey to answer a specific research question.
  • Are you familiar with any statistical software programs? If so, which ones?
  • What strategies do you use to stay organized while conducting research?
  • How do you handle ethical considerations when conducting research?
  • Have you ever encountered a situation where you had to adjust your research methodology due to unexpected circumstances?
  • Describe a time when you had to present your research findings in a clear and concise manner.
  • Do you have experience working with large datasets?
  • What challenges have you faced when collecting primary data for a research project?
  • How do you approach writing up a research paper or report?
  • What techniques do you use to identify potential sources of bias in your research?
  • How do you evaluate the quality of secondary sources used in your research?
  • What strategies do you use to keep track of changes in the field of research you are studying?
  • How do you decide which research questions to pursue?
  • What is your experience with peer review processes?
  • How do you manage competing demands on your time when conducting research?
  • What strategies do you use to ensure that your research remains relevant and up-to-date?
  • How do you ensure that your research meets the highest standards of academic integrity?

1. What research methods do you use to collect data?

Research methods are the core of any researcher’s job. You’ll need to be familiar with a variety of different methods, such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and experiments, and be able to explain how you use each one in your work. This will help the interviewer understand your process and how you can contribute to their organization.

How to Answer:

You should be prepared to explain the research methods you have used in your past work. Talk about how you use surveys, interviews, focus groups, and experiments to collect data, as well as any other methods you may have experience with. If you’re just starting out, then talk through the steps you would take to select a method for each project. You can also mention any specialized methods or software that you are familiar with.

Example: “I use a variety of research methods to collect data, depending on the project. I often use surveys and interviews as primary sources of information, but I also have experience with focus groups, experiments, and software tools like Qualtrics for collecting quantitative data. I’m familiar with specialized methods such as content analysis and ethnography when appropriate. My goal is always to select the method that will provide the most accurate and reliable data for each project.”

2. How do you ensure the accuracy and validity of your research results?

Research requires a level of precision that goes beyond the normal workplace. Good researchers are able to identify what data is relevant and how to collect it in order to make reliable conclusions. Interviewers will want to know that you have the skills and knowledge to conduct research that is both accurate and valid. They’ll also want to know if you use any specific methods or tools to ensure accuracy and validity.

You should be prepared to explain what methods you use to ensure accuracy and validity of your research. This could include double-checking sources, using multiple data points, or triangulating information from different sources to verify results. You can also mention any specific tools or techniques you use, such as conducting surveys or interviews with experts in the field. Be sure to emphasize how important it is for you to make sure that your research is accurate and valid before drawing conclusions.

Example: “When I was working on a research project for ABC Corporation, I had to analyze the data from three different sources. My approach was to use statistical analysis techniques and software tools to cross-reference the data sets and identify any potential discrepancies or outliers. After analyzing the results, I identified a number of key trends that allowed us to draw meaningful conclusions about the company’s operations. The insights gained from this research ultimately led to improvements in the organization’s processes, resulting in increased efficiency and productivity.”

3. Describe a time when you had to analyze complex data sets and draw meaningful conclusions from them.

Research projects often involve a lot of data analysis and interpretation. Knowing how to take large amounts of data and make it into something meaningful is a valuable skill for any researcher. This question is a way for the interviewer to gauge your ability to work with data and draw meaningful conclusions from it.

You should be prepared to provide a specific example of when you had to analyze complex data sets and draw meaningful conclusions from them. Talk about the project, your approach to analyzing the data, and any insights or conclusions that you drew from it. Be sure to emphasize the impact of your findings on the project or organization as well.

Example: “I recently worked on a project for my previous employer in which I had to analyze a large and complex data set. My approach was to break down the data into smaller, more manageable chunks and then look for patterns or correlations between different variables. After doing this, I was able to identify a few key trends that were relevant to the project goals. This allowed us to make better decisions about how to allocate resources and focus our efforts, resulting in a successful outcome.”

4. Explain how you would go about designing an experiment or survey to answer a specific research question.

This question is designed to determine if you have the skills necessary to design and implement valid research experiments. The interviewer wants to know if you understand the fundamentals of research design, such as how to select a sample, how to develop a hypothesis, and how to determine the validity of a study. They also want to know if you can explain the process in a clear and concise manner.

Start by explaining the steps you would take to design an experiment or survey. You should include the following: defining the research question, selecting a sample, developing a hypothesis, creating a data collection plan, and determining how to analyze the results. Be sure to explain any specific techniques you might use in each step, such as random sampling or stratified sampling for your sample selection process. Finally, emphasize the importance of validating the results to ensure they are accurate and reliable.

Example: “When designing an experiment or survey, the first step is to define the research question. Once the research question has been identified, I would then select a sample that is representative of the population being studied. I would also develop a hypothesis based on my understanding of the research question and the available data. After that, I would create a data collection plan that outlines how the data will be collected, such as using surveys, interviews, or focus groups. Finally, I would determine the best method for analyzing the results in order to draw valid conclusions from the research. In all cases, it’s important to validate the results to ensure they are accurate and reliable.”

5. Are you familiar with any statistical software programs? If so, which ones?

Researchers often have to analyze data and present it in a meaningful way. This requires familiarity with statistical software programs like SPSS, SAS, or R. Knowing how to use these programs is a critical part of being a successful researcher, so this question is meant to gauge your level of expertise.

If you are familiar with any of the programs mentioned above, be sure to mention that and explain how you have used them in past research projects. If you are not familiar with these programs, it is still important to emphasize your ability to learn new software quickly. Explain how you approach learning new technologies and provide examples of times when you have successfully done so in the past.

Example: “I have used SPSS and SAS in my previous research projects. I am also comfortable with learning new statistical software programs, as I have done so on multiple occasions in the past. For example, when starting a new project at my last job, I was asked to learn R quickly in order to analyze data. Within two weeks, I had become proficient enough to use it for all of our research needs.”

6. What strategies do you use to stay organized while conducting research?

Research can be a long and complex process, with lots of data to sift through, organize, and analyze. It’s important to show the interviewer that you have a system in place to stay organized throughout the research process, from the initial research plan to the final report. This will demonstrate that you can effectively manage your time and resources, as well as prioritize tasks and remain focused on the task at hand.

You can answer this question by talking about the strategies you use to stay organized while conducting research. You could mention that you create detailed research plans, break down large tasks into smaller ones, and prioritize tasks based on importance and deadlines. Additionally, you could talk about how you utilize organizational tools such as spreadsheets and databases to store data, track progress, and easily access information when needed. Finally, you might also discuss how you take notes during your research process in order to keep track of important ideas or findings.

Example: “I use a variety of strategies to stay organized while conducting research. I always start by creating a detailed research plan that outlines the scope of my work and any deadlines associated with it. From there, I break down large tasks into smaller ones in order to tackle them more efficiently. Additionally, I prioritize tasks based on importance and deadlines in order to remain focused on the task at hand. To help store data, track progress, and access information quickly, I also utilize organizational tools such as spreadsheets and databases. Finally, I take notes during my research process in order to keep track of important ideas or findings.”

7. How do you handle ethical considerations when conducting research?

Research often involves collecting personal data, and it’s important that researchers understand how to approach these situations with respect and integrity. Interviewers want to know that you are aware of ethical considerations and that you are capable of adhering to them. This question is likely to be asked to all potential researchers, as it is an important part of the job.

Talk about the ethical considerations you take into account when conducting research. These can include obtaining informed consent from participants, ensuring confidentiality and anonymity of data, respecting privacy laws, protecting vulnerable populations, and considering potential biases that may arise in your research. You should also mention any processes or protocols you have implemented to ensure ethical compliance with research projects. Finally, emphasize how important it is for researchers to adhere to ethical standards and how seriously you take them.

Example: “I understand the importance of adhering to ethical standards when conducting research, and I take this responsibility very seriously. In my current position as a researcher at ABC University, I follow a strict protocol for obtaining informed consent from participants and ensuring that data is kept confidential and anonymous. I also make sure to consider any potential biases in our research before collecting data and am familiar with applicable privacy laws. Lastly, I always strive to protect vulnerable populations, such as children or those with disabilities, when conducting research.”

8. Have you ever encountered a situation where you had to adjust your research methodology due to unexpected circumstances?

Research is a dynamic process and researchers must be prepared to adjust their methods as needed. This question is designed to assess the flexibility of potential candidates and their ability to think on their feet. It also provides insight into how well a candidate understands the research process, including how to identify and address potential problems.

To answer this question, provide an example of a situation where you had to adjust your research methodology due to unexpected circumstances. Explain how you identified the problem and how you adjusted your methods in order to successfully complete the project. Be sure to emphasize any creative solutions you implemented and the positive outcome that resulted from your adjustment.

Example: “I recently encountered a situation where I had to adjust my research methodology due to unexpected circumstances. I was conducting a survey to analyze consumer behavior in relation to a new product launch. After collecting the first round of data, I noticed a discrepancy in the results that could not be explained. After further investigation, I realized that the sample size I was using was not large enough to accurately capture the data. I quickly adjusted my methodology by increasing the sample size and collecting more data, which ultimately allowed me to identify the discrepancy and provide an accurate analysis of consumer behavior.”

9. Describe a time when you had to present your research findings in a clear and concise manner.

Researchers often have to communicate their findings to colleagues, stakeholders, and the public. The ability to communicate complex research findings in an understandable way is a key skill for someone in this role. This question allows the interviewer to gauge your ability to explain complex concepts in a clear and concise manner.

You should come prepared with an example of a time when you had to present your research findings. Talk about the project, what the goal was, and how you went about presenting it. If possible, provide specific details such as the type of presentation (oral, written, etc.), who you presented to, and the feedback you received. You should also explain the strategies that you used to make sure that the audience understood your message. This could include using visual aids, breaking down complex concepts into simpler terms, or providing examples to illustrate your points.

Example: “My most recent research project focused on the long-term effects of climate change on agricultural production. I knew that it was important to make sure that the findings were presented in a way that was easy to understand and digest. I created a PowerPoint presentation that included visuals and graphs to illustrate my points, as well as a written report that provided a detailed breakdown of the findings. I then presented my findings to a group of stakeholders and received positive feedback. They appreciated my ability to take complex concepts and explain them in a way that was easy to understand.”

10. Do you have experience working with large datasets?

Many research roles require the ability to work with large datasets and analyze the information within them. This question helps employers understand how comfortable you are with such tasks, and it also serves as a way to gauge your technical skills. To answer this question, talk about how you’ve used various tools and techniques to analyze data and how you’ve been able to draw meaningful insights from it.

Start by talking about the types of datasets you’ve worked with, such as structured or unstructured data, and explain how you’ve gone about analyzing them. Then, provide a few examples of projects you’ve completed that involved working with large datasets. Finally, discuss any tools or techniques you’ve used to work with the data, such as statistical software, data visualization tools, machine learning algorithms, etc. Be sure to emphasize your ability to draw meaningful insights from the data and how those insights have helped inform decisions.

Example: “I have experience working with large datasets in both structured and unstructured formats. I have utilized various tools and techniques to analyze the data, such as statistical software and data visualization tools. I’ve also employed machine learning algorithms to uncover patterns and trends from the data. For example, in my most recent project I utilized a variety of data sources to identify potential new markets for our company. Through analyzing the data, I was able to identify key demographic, geographic, and psychographic trends that we could use to target our new customers. This analysis provided valuable insights that informed our marketing strategy and ultimately led to increased sales.”

11. What challenges have you faced when collecting primary data for a research project?

Research often involves gathering primary data from sources such as surveys, interviews, focus groups, and observations. It’s important to determine whether the candidate has the skills necessary to design and implement a research project in order to successfully collect data. This question helps the interviewer understand the candidate’s ability to handle the logistics and challenges of primary data collection.

When answering this question, it’s important to provide specific examples of challenges you have faced and how you overcame them. For example, you could talk about the challenge of finding participants for a survey or focus group, or the difficulty in scheduling interviews with busy professionals. You can also discuss any logistical issues that arose during data collection, such as having unreliable equipment or dealing with uncooperative participants. Be sure to emphasize your problem-solving skills and ability to think on your feet when facing unexpected obstacles.

Example: “I’ve encountered a few challenges when gathering primary data for research projects. For example, when I was working on a survey project for a university, it took me several weeks to find participants willing to answer the survey. I had to be creative in my approach and reach out to different groups, such as student organizations, to recruit participants. I also encountered a few logistical issues, such as having unreliable equipment or dealing with uncooperative participants. I was able to quickly come up with solutions to these issues, such as having backup equipment and developing strategies to engage the participants. Overall, I was able to successfully gather the data I needed and produce valuable research findings.”

12. How do you approach writing up a research paper or report?

Research is a process that requires both creativity and structure. As a researcher, you must be able to synthesize information from a variety of sources, develop strong arguments, and communicate those arguments clearly and concisely in written form. Being able to articulate your approach to researching and writing up a paper will demonstrate your ability to think critically and logically.

Your answer should include the steps you take when writing up a research paper or report. This could include outlining your topic, researching relevant sources, organizing and synthesizing data, developing an argument, drafting and revising the paper, and proofreading for accuracy. It is also important to emphasize how you use critical thinking skills to develop strong arguments and draw meaningful conclusions from your research. Finally, make sure to mention any specific techniques or strategies that you have used successfully in the past.

Example: “When writing up a research paper or report, I approach the task systematically. I begin by outlining my topic and any relevant research questions. I then conduct research to find relevant sources, both primary and secondary. I carefully review and analyze the information I find, and use it to develop my argument. After that, I draft and revise the paper, making sure to include evidence to support my points. Finally, I proofread for accuracy and clarity. Throughout the process, I strive to use critical thinking skills to ensure that my arguments are sound and my conclusions are meaningful.”

13. What techniques do you use to identify potential sources of bias in your research?

Researchers need to be able to identify potential sources of bias in their work, such as selection bias or confirmation bias, in order to ensure the accuracy of their data and the validity of their results. By asking this question, the interviewer is gauging your ability to identify potential sources of bias and how you handle them.

To answer this question, you should discuss the techniques you use to identify potential sources of bias in your research. This could include methods such as double-checking data for accuracy and completeness, using multiple sources of information, or conducting blind studies. Additionally, you can talk about how you handle any biases you may find, such as adjusting your research design or changing your methodology. Be sure to emphasize that accuracy and validity are important to you and that you take steps to ensure they remain a priority.

Example: “I understand the importance of accuracy and validity in research, so I always strive to identify and address any potential sources of bias. I use several techniques to identify bias, such as double-checking my data for accuracy and completeness, using multiple sources of information, and conducting blind studies. When I do identify a potential source of bias, I adjust my research design or change my methodology to address it. I also make sure to communicate any changes to my team and stakeholders to ensure that we’re all on the same page.”

14. How do you evaluate the quality of secondary sources used in your research?

One of the most important skills of a researcher is being able to evaluate the quality of sources used in research. This question allows the interviewer to get a better understanding of your research process and your ability to critically evaluate sources. It also allows them to gauge your level of experience in the field and your knowledge of the research landscape.

To answer this question, you should explain your process for evaluating secondary sources. You can talk about the criteria that you use to evaluate a source’s credibility such as its author or publisher, the date of publication, and any peer reviews that have been conducted on the source. Additionally, you can mention any methods you use to assess the accuracy of information in the source such as cross-referencing with other sources or conducting additional research on the topic. Finally, you should discuss how you use these evaluations to inform your own research.

Example: “When evaluating the quality of secondary sources I use in my research, I consider a few key factors. I always look at the author or publisher of the source, the date of publication, and any peer reviews that have been conducted. I also use a variety of methods to assess the accuracy of the information in the source, such as cross-referencing with other sources and conducting additional research. From there, I use my evaluations to inform my own research and determine how best to use the source. This helps me ensure that I’m using the most reliable and up-to-date sources in my research.”

15. What strategies do you use to keep track of changes in the field of research you are studying?

Research is an ever-evolving field and keeping up with changes in the field is essential to remain relevant and up to date. Interviewers want to know that you have the skills and strategies to stay on top of the latest research, trends, and developments in the field. They’ll be looking for evidence that you have the self-discipline and organizational skills to stay on top of your work and be able to provide timely, accurate research.

You should be prepared to discuss the strategies and tools you use to stay up-to-date on changes in your field. Talk about how you keep track of new research articles, publications, conferences, and other sources of information that are relevant to your work. You can also talk about how you use technology such as RSS feeds, social media, or email alerts to ensure that you’re aware of any news or updates related to your research. Additionally, mention any methods you have for organizing and cataloging the information you collect so it is easily accessible when needed.

Example: “To stay on top of changes in my field, I use a variety of strategies and tools. I subscribe to relevant RSS feeds and email alerts to ensure I’m aware of any new research articles or publications. I also use social media to follow industry leaders and experts in the field and get updates on their work. I also keep an organized library of research material that I have collected over the years. I use a combination of software tools and physical filing systems to keep track of all the information I need. This allows me to quickly access any information I need, when I need it.”

16. How do you decide which research questions to pursue?

Being a researcher requires the ability to prioritize and select the best questions to pursue in order to achieve the desired outcome. This question helps the interviewer get a sense of your process and how you approach problem solving. It also gives them an insight into your critical thinking skills, as well as your ability to analyze data and make meaningful conclusions.

The best way to answer this question is to provide a step-by-step approach of how you decide which research questions to pursue. Start by explaining the research process you go through, such as collecting data, analyzing it and forming hypotheses. Then explain how you prioritize certain questions based on their importance and relevance to the project at hand. Finally, discuss how you use your findings to make informed decisions about which questions are worth pursuing further.

Example: “When I’m deciding which research questions to pursue, I start by gathering all the available data related to the project. From there, I analyze the data to form hypotheses and then prioritize the questions based on their importance and relevance to the project. I also consider the impact each question could have on the overall outcome of the research. Once I have a list of the most important questions, I evaluate the data and use my findings to make informed decisions about which questions are worth pursuing further. Ultimately, my goal is to select the best questions that will yield the most meaningful results.”

17. What is your experience with peer review processes?

Peer review is a critical part of the research process. It requires that researchers review and critique each other’s work in order to ensure that the research is unbiased and credible. This question is a way for the interviewer to assess your knowledge of the research process and your ability to work with other researchers.

To answer this question, you should provide specific examples of your experience with peer review processes. Talk about how you have worked with other researchers to review and critique their work, as well as how you have incorporated feedback from peers into your own research. You can also discuss any challenges or successes you had during the process. Finally, emphasize your understanding of the importance of peer review in the research process and why it is necessary for producing high-quality results.

Example: “I have extensive experience with peer review processes, both as a reviewer and as an author. I have worked with other researchers to review their work and provide constructive feedback, as well as incorporating feedback from peers into my own research. I understand the importance of peer review in the research process and am committed to producing high-quality results. I have also had success in resolving disagreements between reviewers and authors when needed, and I have a strong track record of producing quality research that has been accepted for publication.”

18. How do you manage competing demands on your time when conducting research?

Research can be a demanding job, with a lot of deadlines, competing agendas, and complex data sets to analyze. The interviewer wants to make sure you can prioritize tasks, keep track of multiple projects, and adjust when needed. Your ability to manage competing demands on your time is a key indicator of how successful you will be at the job.

To answer this question, you should focus on how you prioritize tasks and manage deadlines. Talk about the strategies you use to stay organized, such as setting up a calendar or using task management tools. Also discuss any techniques you have for staying focused when there are multiple demands on your time. Finally, emphasize your ability to adjust your plans when needed, such as if an unexpected project comes in or a deadline needs to be moved up.

Example: “I have a few strategies for managing competing demands on my time when conducting research. I prioritize tasks by breaking them down into smaller, manageable chunks and then assigning deadlines to each one. I also use task management tools to keep track of what I need to do and stay organized. And I make sure to take regular breaks to stay focused and energized. When I need to adjust my plans due to unexpected events, I’m able to reassess and re-prioritize my tasks accordingly. I’m confident in my ability to manage competing demands on my time and stay organized when conducting research.”

19. What strategies do you use to ensure that your research remains relevant and up-to-date?

Research is a dynamic field, and the best researchers know that they need to stay informed of the latest developments and trends in order to remain relevant. This question allows your interviewer to assess your knowledge of the field and your commitment to keeping up with the latest research. It shows that you are aware of the need to stay ahead of the curve and that you have the skills to do so.

To answer this question, you should start by discussing the strategies that you use to stay informed. You can talk about how you read industry publications, attend conferences and seminars, or network with other researchers in your field. You should also mention any specific platforms or tools that you use to keep up-to-date on the latest research. Finally, you should explain why staying informed is important to you and how it helps you do better work.

Example: “I use a variety of strategies to ensure that my research remains relevant and up-to-date. I read industry publications, attend conferences and seminars, and network with other researchers to stay informed. I also use specific tools like Google Scholar and ResearchGate to keep track of new developments in my field. It’s important to me to stay ahead of the curve and make sure that my research is as current and relevant as possible. Doing so not only helps me do better work, but it also helps me to provide more value to my employer and contribute to the success of their projects.”

20. How do you ensure that your research meets the highest standards of academic integrity?

Research is the backbone of any organization, and it is crucial for a researcher to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity. Employers want to know that you understand the importance of being thorough and accurate, as well as ethical in your research. They may also want to know how you go about verifying the accuracy of your data and sources, and how you ensure that your research meets the standards expected in the field.

Start off by detailing the steps you take to ensure that your research meets academic integrity standards. For example, you can mention how you always double-check sources and data for accuracy and reliability, or how you use peer review processes to vet your work. Additionally, be sure to emphasize any specific techniques or methods you have used in the past to verify the validity of your findings. Finally, explain why it is important to you to maintain the highest level of academic integrity in your research.

Example: “I understand the importance of academic integrity and take it very seriously in my research. To ensure the highest standards of accuracy, I always double-check my sources and data, and use peer review processes to vet my work. Additionally, I frequently use replication studies to verify the validity of my findings. To me, it is essential to ensure that my research meets the highest standards of academic integrity, as it is the foundation of any successful research project.”

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Chapter 11. Interviewing


Interviewing people is at the heart of qualitative research. It is not merely a way to collect data but an intrinsically rewarding activity—an interaction between two people that holds the potential for greater understanding and interpersonal development. Unlike many of our daily interactions with others that are fairly shallow and mundane, sitting down with a person for an hour or two and really listening to what they have to say is a profound and deep enterprise, one that can provide not only “data” for you, the interviewer, but also self-understanding and a feeling of being heard for the interviewee. I always approach interviewing with a deep appreciation for the opportunity it gives me to understand how other people experience the world. That said, there is not one kind of interview but many, and some of these are shallower than others. This chapter will provide you with an overview of interview techniques but with a special focus on the in-depth semistructured interview guide approach, which is the approach most widely used in social science research.

An interview can be variously defined as “a conversation with a purpose” ( Lune and Berg 2018 ) and an attempt to understand the world from the point of view of the person being interviewed: “to unfold the meaning of peoples’ experiences, to uncover their lived world prior to scientific explanations” ( Kvale 2007 ). It is a form of active listening in which the interviewer steers the conversation to subjects and topics of interest to their research but also manages to leave enough space for those interviewed to say surprising things. Achieving that balance is a tricky thing, which is why most practitioners believe interviewing is both an art and a science. In my experience as a teacher, there are some students who are “natural” interviewers (often they are introverts), but anyone can learn to conduct interviews, and everyone, even those of us who have been doing this for years, can improve their interviewing skills. This might be a good time to highlight the fact that the interview is a product between interviewer and interviewee and that this product is only as good as the rapport established between the two participants. Active listening is the key to establishing this necessary rapport.

Patton ( 2002 ) makes the argument that we use interviews because there are certain things that are not observable. In particular, “we cannot observe feelings, thoughts, and intentions. We cannot observe behaviors that took place at some previous point in time. We cannot observe situations that preclude the presence of an observer. We cannot observe how people have organized the world and the meanings they attach to what goes on in the world. We have to ask people questions about those things” ( 341 ).

Types of Interviews

There are several distinct types of interviews. Imagine a continuum (figure 11.1). On one side are unstructured conversations—the kind you have with your friends. No one is in control of those conversations, and what you talk about is often random—whatever pops into your head. There is no secret, underlying purpose to your talking—if anything, the purpose is to talk to and engage with each other, and the words you use and the things you talk about are a little beside the point. An unstructured interview is a little like this informal conversation, except that one of the parties to the conversation (you, the researcher) does have an underlying purpose, and that is to understand the other person. You are not friends speaking for no purpose, but it might feel just as unstructured to the “interviewee” in this scenario. That is one side of the continuum. On the other side are fully structured and standardized survey-type questions asked face-to-face. Here it is very clear who is asking the questions and who is answering them. This doesn’t feel like a conversation at all! A lot of people new to interviewing have this ( erroneously !) in mind when they think about interviews as data collection. Somewhere in the middle of these two extreme cases is the “ semistructured” interview , in which the researcher uses an “interview guide” to gently move the conversation to certain topics and issues. This is the primary form of interviewing for qualitative social scientists and will be what I refer to as interviewing for the rest of this chapter, unless otherwise specified.

Types of Interviewing Questions: Unstructured conversations, Semi-structured interview, Structured interview, Survey questions

Informal (unstructured conversations). This is the most “open-ended” approach to interviewing. It is particularly useful in conjunction with observational methods (see chapters 13 and 14). There are no predetermined questions. Each interview will be different. Imagine you are researching the Oregon Country Fair, an annual event in Veneta, Oregon, that includes live music, artisan craft booths, face painting, and a lot of people walking through forest paths. It’s unlikely that you will be able to get a person to sit down with you and talk intensely about a set of questions for an hour and a half. But you might be able to sidle up to several people and engage with them about their experiences at the fair. You might have a general interest in what attracts people to these events, so you could start a conversation by asking strangers why they are here or why they come back every year. That’s it. Then you have a conversation that may lead you anywhere. Maybe one person tells a long story about how their parents brought them here when they were a kid. A second person talks about how this is better than Burning Man. A third person shares their favorite traveling band. And yet another enthuses about the public library in the woods. During your conversations, you also talk about a lot of other things—the weather, the utilikilts for sale, the fact that a favorite food booth has disappeared. It’s all good. You may not be able to record these conversations. Instead, you might jot down notes on the spot and then, when you have the time, write down as much as you can remember about the conversations in long fieldnotes. Later, you will have to sit down with these fieldnotes and try to make sense of all the information (see chapters 18 and 19).

Interview guide ( semistructured interview ). This is the primary type employed by social science qualitative researchers. The researcher creates an “interview guide” in advance, which she uses in every interview. In theory, every person interviewed is asked the same questions. In practice, every person interviewed is asked mostly the same topics but not always the same questions, as the whole point of a “guide” is that it guides the direction of the conversation but does not command it. The guide is typically between five and ten questions or question areas, sometimes with suggested follow-ups or prompts . For example, one question might be “What was it like growing up in Eastern Oregon?” with prompts such as “Did you live in a rural area? What kind of high school did you attend?” to help the conversation develop. These interviews generally take place in a quiet place (not a busy walkway during a festival) and are recorded. The recordings are transcribed, and those transcriptions then become the “data” that is analyzed (see chapters 18 and 19). The conventional length of one of these types of interviews is between one hour and two hours, optimally ninety minutes. Less than one hour doesn’t allow for much development of questions and thoughts, and two hours (or more) is a lot of time to ask someone to sit still and answer questions. If you have a lot of ground to cover, and the person is willing, I highly recommend two separate interview sessions, with the second session being slightly shorter than the first (e.g., ninety minutes the first day, sixty minutes the second). There are lots of good reasons for this, but the most compelling one is that this allows you to listen to the first day’s recording and catch anything interesting you might have missed in the moment and so develop follow-up questions that can probe further. This also allows the person being interviewed to have some time to think about the issues raised in the interview and go a little deeper with their answers.

Standardized questionnaire with open responses ( structured interview ). This is the type of interview a lot of people have in mind when they hear “interview”: a researcher comes to your door with a clipboard and proceeds to ask you a series of questions. These questions are all the same whoever answers the door; they are “standardized.” Both the wording and the exact order are important, as people’s responses may vary depending on how and when a question is asked. These are qualitative only in that the questions allow for “open-ended responses”: people can say whatever they want rather than select from a predetermined menu of responses. For example, a survey I collaborated on included this open-ended response question: “How does class affect one’s career success in sociology?” Some of the answers were simply one word long (e.g., “debt”), and others were long statements with stories and personal anecdotes. It is possible to be surprised by the responses. Although it’s a stretch to call this kind of questioning a conversation, it does allow the person answering the question some degree of freedom in how they answer.

Survey questionnaire with closed responses (not an interview!). Standardized survey questions with specific answer options (e.g., closed responses) are not really interviews at all, and they do not generate qualitative data. For example, if we included five options for the question “How does class affect one’s career success in sociology?”—(1) debt, (2) social networks, (3) alienation, (4) family doesn’t understand, (5) type of grad program—we leave no room for surprises at all. Instead, we would most likely look at patterns around these responses, thinking quantitatively rather than qualitatively (e.g., using regression analysis techniques, we might find that working-class sociologists were twice as likely to bring up alienation). It can sometimes be confusing for new students because the very same survey can include both closed-ended and open-ended questions. The key is to think about how these will be analyzed and to what level surprises are possible. If your plan is to turn all responses into a number and make predictions about correlations and relationships, you are no longer conducting qualitative research. This is true even if you are conducting this survey face-to-face with a real live human. Closed-response questions are not conversations of any kind, purposeful or not.

In summary, the semistructured interview guide approach is the predominant form of interviewing for social science qualitative researchers because it allows a high degree of freedom of responses from those interviewed (thus allowing for novel discoveries) while still maintaining some connection to a research question area or topic of interest. The rest of the chapter assumes the employment of this form.

Creating an Interview Guide

Your interview guide is the instrument used to bridge your research question(s) and what the people you are interviewing want to tell you. Unlike a standardized questionnaire, the questions actually asked do not need to be exactly what you have written down in your guide. The guide is meant to create space for those you are interviewing to talk about the phenomenon of interest, but sometimes you are not even sure what that phenomenon is until you start asking questions. A priority in creating an interview guide is to ensure it offers space. One of the worst mistakes is to create questions that are so specific that the person answering them will not stray. Relatedly, questions that sound “academic” will shut down a lot of respondents. A good interview guide invites respondents to talk about what is important to them, not feel like they are performing or being evaluated by you.

Good interview questions should not sound like your “research question” at all. For example, let’s say your research question is “How do patriarchal assumptions influence men’s understanding of climate change and responses to climate change?” It would be worse than unhelpful to ask a respondent, “How do your assumptions about the role of men affect your understanding of climate change?” You need to unpack this into manageable nuggets that pull your respondent into the area of interest without leading him anywhere. You could start by asking him what he thinks about climate change in general. Or, even better, whether he has any concerns about heatwaves or increased tornadoes or polar icecaps melting. Once he starts talking about that, you can ask follow-up questions that bring in issues around gendered roles, perhaps asking if he is married (to a woman) and whether his wife shares his thoughts and, if not, how they negotiate that difference. The fact is, you won’t really know the right questions to ask until he starts talking.

There are several distinct types of questions that can be used in your interview guide, either as main questions or as follow-up probes. If you remember that the point is to leave space for the respondent, you will craft a much more effective interview guide! You will also want to think about the place of time in both the questions themselves (past, present, future orientations) and the sequencing of the questions.

Researcher Note

Suggestion : As you read the next three sections (types of questions, temporality, question sequence), have in mind a particular research question, and try to draft questions and sequence them in a way that opens space for a discussion that helps you answer your research question.

Type of Questions

Experience and behavior questions ask about what a respondent does regularly (their behavior) or has done (their experience). These are relatively easy questions for people to answer because they appear more “factual” and less subjective. This makes them good opening questions. For the study on climate change above, you might ask, “Have you ever experienced an unusual weather event? What happened?” Or “You said you work outside? What is a typical summer workday like for you? How do you protect yourself from the heat?”

Opinion and values questions , in contrast, ask questions that get inside the minds of those you are interviewing. “Do you think climate change is real? Who or what is responsible for it?” are two such questions. Note that you don’t have to literally ask, “What is your opinion of X?” but you can find a way to ask the specific question relevant to the conversation you are having. These questions are a bit trickier to ask because the answers you get may depend in part on how your respondent perceives you and whether they want to please you or not. We’ve talked a fair amount about being reflective. Here is another place where this comes into play. You need to be aware of the effect your presence might have on the answers you are receiving and adjust accordingly. If you are a woman who is perceived as liberal asking a man who identifies as conservative about climate change, there is a lot of subtext that can be going on in the interview. There is no one right way to resolve this, but you must at least be aware of it.

Feeling questions are questions that ask respondents to draw on their emotional responses. It’s pretty common for academic researchers to forget that we have bodies and emotions, but people’s understandings of the world often operate at this affective level, sometimes unconsciously or barely consciously. It is a good idea to include questions that leave space for respondents to remember, imagine, or relive emotional responses to particular phenomena. “What was it like when you heard your cousin’s house burned down in that wildfire?” doesn’t explicitly use any emotion words, but it allows your respondent to remember what was probably a pretty emotional day. And if they respond emotionally neutral, that is pretty interesting data too. Note that asking someone “How do you feel about X” is not always going to evoke an emotional response, as they might simply turn around and respond with “I think that…” It is better to craft a question that actually pushes the respondent into the affective category. This might be a specific follow-up to an experience and behavior question —for example, “You just told me about your daily routine during the summer heat. Do you worry it is going to get worse?” or “Have you ever been afraid it will be too hot to get your work accomplished?”

Knowledge questions ask respondents what they actually know about something factual. We have to be careful when we ask these types of questions so that respondents do not feel like we are evaluating them (which would shut them down), but, for example, it is helpful to know when you are having a conversation about climate change that your respondent does in fact know that unusual weather events have increased and that these have been attributed to climate change! Asking these questions can set the stage for deeper questions and can ensure that the conversation makes the same kind of sense to both participants. For example, a conversation about political polarization can be put back on track once you realize that the respondent doesn’t really have a clear understanding that there are two parties in the US. Instead of asking a series of questions about Republicans and Democrats, you might shift your questions to talk more generally about political disagreements (e.g., “people against abortion”). And sometimes what you do want to know is the level of knowledge about a particular program or event (e.g., “Are you aware you can discharge your student loans through the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program?”).

Sensory questions call on all senses of the respondent to capture deeper responses. These are particularly helpful in sparking memory. “Think back to your childhood in Eastern Oregon. Describe the smells, the sounds…” Or you could use these questions to help a person access the full experience of a setting they customarily inhabit: “When you walk through the doors to your office building, what do you see? Hear? Smell?” As with feeling questions , these questions often supplement experience and behavior questions . They are another way of allowing your respondent to report fully and deeply rather than remain on the surface.

Creative questions employ illustrative examples, suggested scenarios, or simulations to get respondents to think more deeply about an issue, topic, or experience. There are many options here. In The Trouble with Passion , Erin Cech ( 2021 ) provides a scenario in which “Joe” is trying to decide whether to stay at his decent but boring computer job or follow his passion by opening a restaurant. She asks respondents, “What should Joe do?” Their answers illuminate the attraction of “passion” in job selection. In my own work, I have used a news story about an upwardly mobile young man who no longer has time to see his mother and sisters to probe respondents’ feelings about the costs of social mobility. Jessi Streib and Betsy Leondar-Wright have used single-page cartoon “scenes” to elicit evaluations of potential racial discrimination, sexual harassment, and classism. Barbara Sutton ( 2010 ) has employed lists of words (“strong,” “mother,” “victim”) on notecards she fans out and asks her female respondents to select and discuss.

Background/Demographic Questions

You most definitely will want to know more about the person you are interviewing in terms of conventional demographic information, such as age, race, gender identity, occupation, and educational attainment. These are not questions that normally open up inquiry. [1] For this reason, my practice has been to include a separate “demographic questionnaire” sheet that I ask each respondent to fill out at the conclusion of the interview. Only include those aspects that are relevant to your study. For example, if you are not exploring religion or religious affiliation, do not include questions about a person’s religion on the demographic sheet. See the example provided at the end of this chapter.


Any type of question can have a past, present, or future orientation. For example, if you are asking a behavior question about workplace routine, you might ask the respondent to talk about past work, present work, and ideal (future) work. Similarly, if you want to understand how people cope with natural disasters, you might ask your respondent how they felt then during the wildfire and now in retrospect and whether and to what extent they have concerns for future wildfire disasters. It’s a relatively simple suggestion—don’t forget to ask about past, present, and future—but it can have a big impact on the quality of the responses you receive.

Question Sequence

Having a list of good questions or good question areas is not enough to make a good interview guide. You will want to pay attention to the order in which you ask your questions. Even though any one respondent can derail this order (perhaps by jumping to answer a question you haven’t yet asked), a good advance plan is always helpful. When thinking about sequence, remember that your goal is to get your respondent to open up to you and to say things that might surprise you. To establish rapport, it is best to start with nonthreatening questions. Asking about the present is often the safest place to begin, followed by the past (they have to know you a little bit to get there), and lastly, the future (talking about hopes and fears requires the most rapport). To allow for surprises, it is best to move from very general questions to more particular questions only later in the interview. This ensures that respondents have the freedom to bring up the topics that are relevant to them rather than feel like they are constrained to answer you narrowly. For example, refrain from asking about particular emotions until these have come up previously—don’t lead with them. Often, your more particular questions will emerge only during the course of the interview, tailored to what is emerging in conversation.

Once you have a set of questions, read through them aloud and imagine you are being asked the same questions. Does the set of questions have a natural flow? Would you be willing to answer the very first question to a total stranger? Does your sequence establish facts and experiences before moving on to opinions and values? Did you include prefatory statements, where necessary; transitions; and other announcements? These can be as simple as “Hey, we talked a lot about your experiences as a barista while in college.… Now I am turning to something completely different: how you managed friendships in college.” That is an abrupt transition, but it has been softened by your acknowledgment of that.

Probes and Flexibility

Once you have the interview guide, you will also want to leave room for probes and follow-up questions. As in the sample probe included here, you can write out the obvious probes and follow-up questions in advance. You might not need them, as your respondent might anticipate them and include full responses to the original question. Or you might need to tailor them to how your respondent answered the question. Some common probes and follow-up questions include asking for more details (When did that happen? Who else was there?), asking for elaboration (Could you say more about that?), asking for clarification (Does that mean what I think it means or something else? I understand what you mean, but someone else reading the transcript might not), and asking for contrast or comparison (How did this experience compare with last year’s event?). “Probing is a skill that comes from knowing what to look for in the interview, listening carefully to what is being said and what is not said, and being sensitive to the feedback needs of the person being interviewed” ( Patton 2002:374 ). It takes work! And energy. I and many other interviewers I know report feeling emotionally and even physically drained after conducting an interview. You are tasked with active listening and rearranging your interview guide as needed on the fly. If you only ask the questions written down in your interview guide with no deviations, you are doing it wrong. [2]

The Final Question

Every interview guide should include a very open-ended final question that allows for the respondent to say whatever it is they have been dying to tell you but you’ve forgotten to ask. About half the time they are tired too and will tell you they have nothing else to say. But incredibly, some of the most honest and complete responses take place here, at the end of a long interview. You have to realize that the person being interviewed is often discovering things about themselves as they talk to you and that this process of discovery can lead to new insights for them. Making space at the end is therefore crucial. Be sure you convey that you actually do want them to tell you more, that the offer of “anything else?” is not read as an empty convention where the polite response is no. Here is where you can pull from that active listening and tailor the final question to the particular person. For example, “I’ve asked you a lot of questions about what it was like to live through that wildfire. I’m wondering if there is anything I’ve forgotten to ask, especially because I haven’t had that experience myself” is a much more inviting final question than “Great. Anything you want to add?” It’s also helpful to convey to the person that you have the time to listen to their full answer, even if the allotted time is at the end. After all, there are no more questions to ask, so the respondent knows exactly how much time is left. Do them the courtesy of listening to them!

Conducting the Interview

Once you have your interview guide, you are on your way to conducting your first interview. I always practice my interview guide with a friend or family member. I do this even when the questions don’t make perfect sense for them, as it still helps me realize which questions make no sense, are poorly worded (too academic), or don’t follow sequentially. I also practice the routine I will use for interviewing, which goes something like this:

  • Introduce myself and reintroduce the study
  • Provide consent form and ask them to sign and retain/return copy
  • Ask if they have any questions about the study before we begin
  • Ask if I can begin recording
  • Ask questions (from interview guide)
  • Turn off the recording device
  • Ask if they are willing to fill out my demographic questionnaire
  • Collect questionnaire and, without looking at the answers, place in same folder as signed consent form
  • Thank them and depart

A note on remote interviewing: Interviews have traditionally been conducted face-to-face in a private or quiet public setting. You don’t want a lot of background noise, as this will make transcriptions difficult. During the recent global pandemic, many interviewers, myself included, learned the benefits of interviewing remotely. Although face-to-face is still preferable for many reasons, Zoom interviewing is not a bad alternative, and it does allow more interviews across great distances. Zoom also includes automatic transcription, which significantly cuts down on the time it normally takes to convert our conversations into “data” to be analyzed. These automatic transcriptions are not perfect, however, and you will still need to listen to the recording and clarify and clean up the transcription. Nor do automatic transcriptions include notations of body language or change of tone, which you may want to include. When interviewing remotely, you will want to collect the consent form before you meet: ask them to read, sign, and return it as an email attachment. I think it is better to ask for the demographic questionnaire after the interview, but because some respondents may never return it then, it is probably best to ask for this at the same time as the consent form, in advance of the interview.

What should you bring to the interview? I would recommend bringing two copies of the consent form (one for you and one for the respondent), a demographic questionnaire, a manila folder in which to place the signed consent form and filled-out demographic questionnaire, a printed copy of your interview guide (I print with three-inch right margins so I can jot down notes on the page next to relevant questions), a pen, a recording device, and water.

After the interview, you will want to secure the signed consent form in a locked filing cabinet (if in print) or a password-protected folder on your computer. Using Excel or a similar program that allows tables/spreadsheets, create an identifying number for your interview that links to the consent form without using the name of your respondent. For example, let’s say that I conduct interviews with US politicians, and the first person I meet with is George W. Bush. I will assign the transcription the number “INT#001” and add it to the signed consent form. [3] The signed consent form goes into a locked filing cabinet, and I never use the name “George W. Bush” again. I take the information from the demographic sheet, open my Excel spreadsheet, and add the relevant information in separate columns for the row INT#001: White, male, Republican. When I interview Bill Clinton as my second interview, I include a second row: INT#002: White, male, Democrat. And so on. The only link to the actual name of the respondent and this information is the fact that the consent form (unavailable to anyone but me) has stamped on it the interview number.

Many students get very nervous before their first interview. Actually, many of us are always nervous before the interview! But do not worry—this is normal, and it does pass. Chances are, you will be pleasantly surprised at how comfortable it begins to feel. These “purposeful conversations” are often a delight for both participants. This is not to say that sometimes things go wrong. I often have my students practice several “bad scenarios” (e.g., a respondent that you cannot get to open up; a respondent who is too talkative and dominates the conversation, steering it away from the topics you are interested in; emotions that completely take over; or shocking disclosures you are ill-prepared to handle), but most of the time, things go quite well. Be prepared for the unexpected, but know that the reason interviews are so popular as a technique of data collection is that they are usually richly rewarding for both participants.

One thing that I stress to my methods students and remind myself about is that interviews are still conversations between people. If there’s something you might feel uncomfortable asking someone about in a “normal” conversation, you will likely also feel a bit of discomfort asking it in an interview. Maybe more importantly, your respondent may feel uncomfortable. Social research—especially about inequality—can be uncomfortable. And it’s easy to slip into an abstract, intellectualized, or removed perspective as an interviewer. This is one reason trying out interview questions is important. Another is that sometimes the question sounds good in your head but doesn’t work as well out loud in practice. I learned this the hard way when a respondent asked me how I would answer the question I had just posed, and I realized that not only did I not really know how I would answer it, but I also wasn’t quite as sure I knew what I was asking as I had thought.

—Elizabeth M. Lee, Associate Professor of Sociology at Saint Joseph’s University, author of Class and Campus Life , and co-author of Geographies of Campus Inequality

How Many Interviews?

Your research design has included a targeted number of interviews and a recruitment plan (see chapter 5). Follow your plan, but remember that “ saturation ” is your goal. You interview as many people as you can until you reach a point at which you are no longer surprised by what they tell you. This means not that no one after your first twenty interviews will have surprising, interesting stories to tell you but rather that the picture you are forming about the phenomenon of interest to you from a research perspective has come into focus, and none of the interviews are substantially refocusing that picture. That is when you should stop collecting interviews. Note that to know when you have reached this, you will need to read your transcripts as you go. More about this in chapters 18 and 19.

Your Final Product: The Ideal Interview Transcript

A good interview transcript will demonstrate a subtly controlled conversation by the skillful interviewer. In general, you want to see replies that are about one paragraph long, not short sentences and not running on for several pages. Although it is sometimes necessary to follow respondents down tangents, it is also often necessary to pull them back to the questions that form the basis of your research study. This is not really a free conversation, although it may feel like that to the person you are interviewing.

Final Tips from an Interview Master

Annette Lareau is arguably one of the masters of the trade. In Listening to People , she provides several guidelines for good interviews and then offers a detailed example of an interview gone wrong and how it could be addressed (please see the “Further Readings” at the end of this chapter). Here is an abbreviated version of her set of guidelines: (1) interview respondents who are experts on the subjects of most interest to you (as a corollary, don’t ask people about things they don’t know); (2) listen carefully and talk as little as possible; (3) keep in mind what you want to know and why you want to know it; (4) be a proactive interviewer (subtly guide the conversation); (5) assure respondents that there aren’t any right or wrong answers; (6) use the respondent’s own words to probe further (this both allows you to accurately identify what you heard and pushes the respondent to explain further); (7) reuse effective probes (don’t reinvent the wheel as you go—if repeating the words back works, do it again and again); (8) focus on learning the subjective meanings that events or experiences have for a respondent; (9) don’t be afraid to ask a question that draws on your own knowledge (unlike trial lawyers who are trained never to ask a question for which they don’t already know the answer, sometimes it’s worth it to ask risky questions based on your hypotheses or just plain hunches); (10) keep thinking while you are listening (so difficult…and important); (11) return to a theme raised by a respondent if you want further information; (12) be mindful of power inequalities (and never ever coerce a respondent to continue the interview if they want out); (13) take control with overly talkative respondents; (14) expect overly succinct responses, and develop strategies for probing further; (15) balance digging deep and moving on; (16) develop a plan to deflect questions (e.g., let them know you are happy to answer any questions at the end of the interview, but you don’t want to take time away from them now); and at the end, (17) check to see whether you have asked all your questions. You don’t always have to ask everyone the same set of questions, but if there is a big area you have forgotten to cover, now is the time to recover ( Lareau 2021:93–103 ).

Sample: Demographic Questionnaire

ASA Taskforce on First-Generation and Working-Class Persons in Sociology – Class Effects on Career Success

Supplementary Demographic Questionnaire

Thank you for your participation in this interview project. We would like to collect a few pieces of key demographic information from you to supplement our analyses. Your answers to these questions will be kept confidential and stored by ID number. All of your responses here are entirely voluntary!

What best captures your race/ethnicity? (please check any/all that apply)

  • White (Non Hispanic/Latina/o/x)
  • Black or African American
  • Hispanic, Latino/a/x of Spanish
  • Asian or Asian American
  • American Indian or Alaska Native
  • Middle Eastern or North African
  • Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
  • Other : (Please write in: ________________)

What is your current position?

  • Grad Student
  • Full Professor

Please check any and all of the following that apply to you:

  • I identify as a working-class academic
  • I was the first in my family to graduate from college
  • I grew up poor

What best reflects your gender?

  • Transgender female/Transgender woman
  • Transgender male/Transgender man
  • Gender queer/ Gender nonconforming

Anything else you would like us to know about you?

Example: Interview Guide

In this example, follow-up prompts are italicized.  Note the sequence of questions.  That second question often elicits an entire life history , answering several later questions in advance.

Introduction Script/Question

Thank you for participating in our survey of ASA members who identify as first-generation or working-class.  As you may have heard, ASA has sponsored a taskforce on first-generation and working-class persons in sociology and we are interested in hearing from those who so identify.  Your participation in this interview will help advance our knowledge in this area.

  • The first thing we would like to as you is why you have volunteered to be part of this study? What does it mean to you be first-gen or working class?  Why were you willing to be interviewed?
  • How did you decide to become a sociologist?
  • Can you tell me a little bit about where you grew up? ( prompts: what did your parent(s) do for a living?  What kind of high school did you attend?)
  • Has this identity been salient to your experience? (how? How much?)
  • How welcoming was your grad program? Your first academic employer?
  • Why did you decide to pursue sociology at the graduate level?
  • Did you experience culture shock in college? In graduate school?
  • Has your FGWC status shaped how you’ve thought about where you went to school? debt? etc?
  • Were you mentored? How did this work (not work)?  How might it?
  • What did you consider when deciding where to go to grad school? Where to apply for your first position?
  • What, to you, is a mark of career success? Have you achieved that success?  What has helped or hindered your pursuit of success?
  • Do you think sociology, as a field, cares about prestige?
  • Let’s talk a little bit about intersectionality. How does being first-gen/working class work alongside other identities that are important to you?
  • What do your friends and family think about your career? Have you had any difficulty relating to family members or past friends since becoming highly educated?
  • Do you have any debt from college/grad school? Are you concerned about this?  Could you explain more about how you paid for college/grad school?  (here, include assistance from family, fellowships, scholarships, etc.)
  • (You’ve mentioned issues or obstacles you had because of your background.) What could have helped?  Or, who or what did? Can you think of fortuitous moments in your career?
  • Do you have any regrets about the path you took?
  • Is there anything else you would like to add? Anything that the Taskforce should take note of, that we did not ask you about here?

Further Readings

Britten, Nicky. 1995. “Qualitative Interviews in Medical Research.” BMJ: British Medical Journal 31(6999):251–253. A good basic overview of interviewing particularly useful for students of public health and medical research generally.

Corbin, Juliet, and Janice M. Morse. 2003. “The Unstructured Interactive Interview: Issues of Reciprocity and Risks When Dealing with Sensitive Topics.” Qualitative Inquiry 9(3):335–354. Weighs the potential benefits and harms of conducting interviews on topics that may cause emotional distress. Argues that the researcher’s skills and code of ethics should ensure that the interviewing process provides more of a benefit to both participant and researcher than a harm to the former.

Gerson, Kathleen, and Sarah Damaske. 2020. The Science and Art of Interviewing . New York: Oxford University Press. A useful guidebook/textbook for both undergraduates and graduate students, written by sociologists.

Kvale, Steiner. 2007. Doing Interviews . London: SAGE. An easy-to-follow guide to conducting and analyzing interviews by psychologists.

Lamont, Michèle, and Ann Swidler. 2014. “Methodological Pluralism and the Possibilities and Limits of Interviewing.” Qualitative Sociology 37(2):153–171. Written as a response to various debates surrounding the relative value of interview-based studies and ethnographic studies defending the particular strengths of interviewing. This is a must-read article for anyone seriously engaging in qualitative research!

Pugh, Allison J. 2013. “What Good Are Interviews for Thinking about Culture? Demystifying Interpretive Analysis.” American Journal of Cultural Sociology 1(1):42–68. Another defense of interviewing written against those who champion ethnographic methods as superior, particularly in the area of studying culture. A classic.

Rapley, Timothy John. 2001. “The ‘Artfulness’ of Open-Ended Interviewing: Some considerations in analyzing interviews.” Qualitative Research 1(3):303–323. Argues for the importance of “local context” of data production (the relationship built between interviewer and interviewee, for example) in properly analyzing interview data.

Weiss, Robert S. 1995. Learning from Strangers: The Art and Method of Qualitative Interview Studies . New York: Simon and Schuster. A classic and well-regarded textbook on interviewing. Because Weiss has extensive experience conducting surveys, he contrasts the qualitative interview with the survey questionnaire well; particularly useful for those trained in the latter.

  • I say “normally” because how people understand their various identities can itself be an expansive topic of inquiry. Here, I am merely talking about collecting otherwise unexamined demographic data, similar to how we ask people to check boxes on surveys. ↵
  • Again, this applies to “semistructured in-depth interviewing.” When conducting standardized questionnaires, you will want to ask each question exactly as written, without deviations! ↵
  • I always include “INT” in the number because I sometimes have other kinds of data with their own numbering: FG#001 would mean the first focus group, for example. I also always include three-digit spaces, as this allows for up to 999 interviews (or, more realistically, allows for me to interview up to one hundred persons without having to reset my numbering system). ↵

A method of data collection in which the researcher asks the participant questions; the answers to these questions are often recorded and transcribed verbatim. There are many different kinds of interviews - see also semistructured interview , structured interview , and unstructured interview .

A document listing key questions and question areas for use during an interview.  It is used most often for semi-structured interviews.  A good interview guide may have no more than ten primary questions for two hours of interviewing, but these ten questions will be supplemented by probes and relevant follow-ups throughout the interview.  Most IRBs require the inclusion of the interview guide in applications for review.  See also interview and  semi-structured interview .

A data-collection method that relies on casual, conversational, and informal interviewing.  Despite its apparent conversational nature, the researcher usually has a set of particular questions or question areas in mind but allows the interview to unfold spontaneously.  This is a common data-collection technique among ethnographers.  Compare to the semi-structured or in-depth interview .

A form of interview that follows a standard guide of questions asked, although the order of the questions may change to match the particular needs of each individual interview subject, and probing “follow-up” questions are often added during the course of the interview.  The semi-structured interview is the primary form of interviewing used by qualitative researchers in the social sciences.  It is sometimes referred to as an “in-depth” interview.  See also interview and  interview guide .

The cluster of data-collection tools and techniques that involve observing interactions between people, the behaviors, and practices of individuals (sometimes in contrast to what they say about how they act and behave), and cultures in context.  Observational methods are the key tools employed by ethnographers and Grounded Theory .

Follow-up questions used in a semi-structured interview  to elicit further elaboration.  Suggested prompts can be included in the interview guide  to be used/deployed depending on how the initial question was answered or if the topic of the prompt does not emerge spontaneously.

A form of interview that follows a strict set of questions, asked in a particular order, for all interview subjects.  The questions are also the kind that elicits short answers, and the data is more “informative” than probing.  This is often used in mixed-methods studies, accompanying a survey instrument.  Because there is no room for nuance or the exploration of meaning in structured interviews, qualitative researchers tend to employ semi-structured interviews instead.  See also interview.

The point at which you can conclude data collection because every person you are interviewing, the interaction you are observing, or content you are analyzing merely confirms what you have already noted.  Achieving saturation is often used as the justification for the final sample size.

An interview variant in which a person’s life story is elicited in a narrative form.  Turning points and key themes are established by the researcher and used as data points for further analysis.

Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods Copyright © 2023 by Allison Hurst is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License , except where otherwise noted.

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Seize your undergrad research interview: ask the questions that matter.

questions to ask during research interview

—from the PI's desk

Ask relevant questions for a successful interview

Each semester, when you select your classes, you apply a methodical approach. You no doubt consider several factors such as: what will satisfy major requirements, help you prepare for the MCAT or GRE, add weight to your transcript, and, of course, what sounds the most interesting. Essentially, you don’t play “registration roulette” and find yourself in advanced string theory when you really need a cell biology course.

Yet, when it comes to an undergrad research interview, most students don’t know that they need a solid strategy for asking questions that will allow them to evaluate the position. Instead, many approach interviews with a single goal in mind: get an offer to join the lab. Although this is a good goal keep in mind, it should not be an your sole objective in a research interview.

To make the most of your interview for an undergrad research position, you need to ask the right questions to determine if the project, training opportunities, and lab is right for you. That might sound easy (and obvious), but if you haven’t held a research position how do you know what questions will give you the most meaningful information? Many interviews are short and therefore do not provide the luxury of time for a student to ask everything that comes to mind, so you want to avoid asking low-value questions.

Want a list of high-impact questions to take into the interview with you? Wondering what a professor might ask you at the interview? What should you do if you don't want the research position after it's offered to you? We've covered that and so much more in Getting In The Insider’s Guide to Finding the Perfect Undergraduate Research Experience

Avoid low value questions

Take for example commonly asked questions such as, “What equipment does your lab have?” or “How many graduate students are in the lab?” Answers to those questions will definitely give specific information about the laboratory, but—and here is the key—what will you do with that information? How will you use it to evaluate the position, or to decide between two research positions?

First consider the question about lab equipment. If the interviewer rattles off a list, chances are you won’t know what most of the equipment is, or what is needed for the available research project. In this case, asking the question wouldn’t be helpful. However, if you have an independent research project in mind, and you know you’ll need specific equipment, then asking would be essential.

As for personnel, it’s nice to learn how many people are in the lab, and in what positions, but it’s only information—not a meaningful metric to evaluate an undergrad research position. For example, if an interviewer says, “Zero undergrads, three postdocs and two grad students,” or “Two professional researchers, two undergrads, and four grad students,” how will you compare the two labs? How will you evaluate which is the better choice for you? Is it better to be in a lab with several postdocs and be the only undergrad student? Would you receive extra mentoring, or would the postdocs devalue your contributions because you’re “only” an undergrad?

Or is it better to be in a lab with several grad students and but no professional researchers? Does that indicate a professor who places a higher value on mentoring students over training professional researchers? What about labs that are all-undergrad? What if the PI mentors only a few students at a time or has more than ten? How do use you that to determine if the PI embraces mentoring or using undergrads as "free labor."

And finally, what if a professor is just establishing her lab and you would be the first member? Would you have the opportunity to help set up a lab and receive significant personal instruction, or would it prevent you from getting much research done because you’ll be busy putting items in cabinets and on shelves?

By asking about personnel in an interview, you’ll learn who is in the lab and in what positions and that is indeed good information to have. However, without actually working in the lab you can’t know how the other lab members work together, and how that will affect your research experience. Any opinion you receive from someone about how to evaluate a lab based solely on its personnel will be influenced by their research experiences and their personal research baggage, and won’t necessarily reflect the realities of the lab you interview with.

This doesn't mean that you shouldn't ask about who else in in the lab--but simply keep in mind that it will only be some of the information you need to evaluate if it's the right lab for you.

Ask questions that will give meaningful answers

There are far better questions that will give you insight on the position and the research mentor’s expectations. The answers of which you can use to carefully consider the opportunity.

Your pre-interview strategy is this: imagine the first thing the interviewer will say to you is, “What questions do you have for me?” before she has explained anything about with the project, or mentioned her expectations. This will help you determine what you need to ask at every interview, and prepare a list of questions ahead of time. Not only will you have a more professional interview (students who come with a list of relevant questions appear to be more invested in a research opportunity than those who don’t), but you’ll also have more confidence at the start.

Start with the essential questions

You might already know the “interview 101” questions, but sometimes we need to be reminded of the best pieces of advice. If not already covered by the interviewer, ask about the required time commitment in hours per week and semesters. This answer will help you decide if you have enough time each week to fulfill the commitment, and if you want to continue with research for the expected duration.

Next, ask specifics about the lab schedule —will you set it or will it be determined by your research mentor? The answer will be the key to how much flexibility you will have when incorporating research hours into your schedule.

Then ask for details about the project —what techniques are involved, what question the project addresses, and how it supports the research focus of the lab. Those answers will help you decide if you are still interested in the science the lab does and the available research project, or if you should continue your search elsewhere.

Finally, if it’s important to you, ask questions about registering for research credit, and whether or not a research proposal or end-of-semester report or poster will be required.

Confirm that your goals are achievable

After you’ve covered the basics, you’ll want to ask questions to determine if the research experience will help you accomplish your long-term goals. For example, if pursuing an M.D.-Ph.D. or graduate school is in your future, you might want to ask if you’ll have the opportunity to work on an independent research project after you have been in the lab for a while. Likewise, if you will want your research mentor to write a recommendation letter that covers your ability to interact well with others, confirm that the majority of your work will be done in the primary lab not a room down the hall or in another building.

If you ask meaningful questions at a research interview, you’ll be able to evaluate the position to determine if the time commitment will work for you, and if the project sounds like a good fit. Both are important for your success and happiness in the lab, and for earning a letter of recommendation from your research professor that will strongly support your future applications.

Further Reading Want a list of questions to take into the interview with you? Wondering what a professor might ask you? What should you do if you don't want the research position after it's offered to you? We've covered that and so much more in Getting In The Insider’s Guide to Finding the Perfect Undergraduate Research Experience

A version of this post was published on the Student Doctor

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Commonly asked questions in academic interviews

Be prepared to answer the sort of questions  in this list (which will be tailored to your research area) in addition to general interview questions. It is a good idea to prepare and even rehearse your answers. If you are confident in answering all of these you will be well-prepared.

About your research General research questions About you and your capabilities About your ability to gain funding About your proposed research About your role as supervisor/teacher About your ‘fit’ with the department

About your research

  • What is innovative about your research ?
  • How is your work distinct from your supervisor’s/principal investigator’s? How intellectually independent are you? 
  • What influences have you been exposed to?  Do you think you have enough breadth of experience?
  • Who has influenced you the most?
  • What has been your role so far in developing research ideas and carrying them forward?
  • What do you think are your most significant research accomplishments?
  • What do you consider to be your best paper/work and why?  What did it change about the way people approach the field?
  • What are your most important publications?
  • What has been the impact of your research?
  • What papers do you have coming through in the next year?
  • If we gave you the position what might go wrong? How will you manage the risks

General research questions

  • What do you see yourself doing in ten years' time? What are your professional goals in the next five, and ten years?
  • How will this job help you achieve your long term career plans?
  • What would you do on the first day of the job?
  • What are the big issues in your research area?
  • Who are the key researchers in your area? How does your work compare with theirs?
  • Who are your main competitors?  What are they doing? How will you compete with them?
  • Why would someone come to work for you and not for your competitors?
  • How does your work align with contemporary trends or funding priorities?
  • How would you bridge the gap from your research to research users?
  • The university is keen to serve the wider community and economy. Does your planned research have any potential in these areas?
  • How do you feel about translating your research into innovation or spin-outs? Can you give an example of when you have been enterprising?
  • Describe in layman’s terms why your research project is interesting in two minutes.

 About you and your capabilities

  • How have you managed your research project?
  • How do you balance your time?  If several challenges came up at the same time (grant deadline, pastoral care for a student, teaching commitments) how would you prioritise?
  • If you were starting your project again today, what would you do differently?
  • Describe a research problem you have faced. What did you learn?
  • What has been the most productive period in your research career and why?
  • Why do you think you are ready for this position?
  • If you get this position how will you run your research project?
  • Why do you think you are the right person for this position?

 About your ability to gain funding

  • What experience do you have of attracting funding?
  • Previously, you have only brought in small amounts of funding: how can you convince us you will be able to bring in larger amounts?
  • Where will you apply for grants?  If your funding applications are unsuccessful, what alternatives do you have in mind? (looking for knowledge of the funding infrastructure)
  • How would you convince a funding body that they should fund your research rather than one of the other hundreds of proposals they receive?
  • Who are you currently funded by, and why do you think they were interested in funding your project? 

About your proposed research

  • What will be your major focus as an independent researcher?
  • In one sentence, what is the most important question you want to address?
  • How does the work you propose follow on from what you are already doing?
  • What will you focus on and what gives you a competitive edge in this area?
  • What is the overall importance of this project?  How do you see this work impacting the field?
  • What will you do if your hypothesis is proved wrong?  Can you see any of your research proposal failing?
  • Why is the technique you have chosen more likely to succeed than other approaches?
  • Have you already done anything to test the feasibility of your project? 
  • If you could only do one aspect of this project, which one do you think is key?
  • If we gave you unlimited resources, what would you do with them?
  • If we gave you X amount of money, what would you do with it?
  • What resources will you need?
  • How would you deal with the more limited resources or facilities compared to what you anticipate for the project?
  • How do you plan to manage this project on a day-to-day level?

About your role as supervisor/ teacher

  • Describe your teaching experience. How do you feel about teaching?  What is your teaching philosophy?
  • Do you have any experience in curriculum development?   
  • Have you supervised doctoral candidates, and how did you find this experience? How did you manage them?
  • What advice would you give to a new researcher about supervising undergraduate or masters students?
  • How would you go about interviewing a prospective postgraduate researcher?
  • How would you induce a new doctoral candidate into their research project?
  • How would you go about motivating a researcher who is going through a low point?
  • How would you deal with a weak researcher?
  • How would you deal with any conflict/disagreement within the research group? Do you have an example of when you have had to deal with a disagreement? 
  • Do you anticipate building a research group?  How many people would you like for it to be optimal?

About your ‘fit’ with the department

  • Why do you want to come here?
  • What will you bring to the institution?
  • We are keen to develop collaborations between departments. What opportunities for multi-disciplinary work does your research offer?
  • How would you fit with the existing activities in the department?  Who do would you expect to collaborate with in the institution?  Why do you want to collaborate with them?
  • What committee work have you done and what challenges has it presented?
  • In what ways, other than research and teaching could you contribute to this department?

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18 Researcher Interview Questions (With Example Answers)

It's important to prepare for an interview in order to improve your chances of getting the job. Researching questions beforehand can help you give better answers during the interview. Most interviews will include questions about your personality, qualifications, experience and how well you would fit the job. In this article, we review examples of various researcher interview questions and sample answers to some of the most common questions.

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Common Researcher Interview Questions

What inspired you to pursue a career in research, what do you think sets research apart from other disciplines, what do you think is the most important skill for a researcher, what do you think is the most exciting thing about research, what do you think is the best thing about being a researcher, what do you think is the worst thing about being a researcher, what do you think is the most challenging thing about research, what do you think is the best thing about conducting research, what do you think is the worst thing about conducting research, what do you think is the most important thing to remember when conducting research, what do you think is the best way to approach research, what do you think is the worst way to approach research, what do you think is the most important thing to keep in mind when writing a research paper, what do you think is the best way to format a research paper, what do you think is the worst way to format a research paper, what do you think is the most important thing to consider when choosing a topic for a research paper, what do you think is the best way to go about finding sources for a research paper, what do you think is the worst way to go about finding sources for a research paper.

There are many reasons why someone might be inspired to pursue a career in research. For example, they may be inspired by the opportunity to make new discoveries that could improve the lives of people around the world. Or, they may be motivated by the challenge of solving complex problems and pushing the boundaries of knowledge.

It is important for interviewers to ask this question because it can help them to understand a candidate's motivation for pursuing a career in research. This can be helpful in assessing whether the candidate is likely to be successful in their role and whether they will be a good fit for the organisation.

Example: “ I have always been fascinated by the process of discovery and the role that research plays in advancing our understanding of the world around us. Pursuing a career in research allows me to contribute to this process and to make a difference in the world. ”

There are a few reasons why an interviewer might ask this question. First, they may be trying to gauge your level of experience and expertise in research. Second, they may be trying to understand your research process and methods. Finally, they may be trying to assess your ability to communicate and collaborate with other researchers.

This question is important because it can help the interviewer understand your level of experience and expertise in research. Additionally, it can help them understand your research process and methods. Finally, it can help them assess your ability to communicate and collaborate with other researchers.

Example: “ There are a few key things that set research apart from other disciplines: 1. The scientific method: In order to be considered research, an investigation must follow the scientific method, which is a systematic process for gathering and testing evidence. This ensures that research is as objective and unbiased as possible. 2. Peer review: Another key element of research is peer review, which is the process by which experts in a field check each other's work to ensure its quality. This helps to ensure that only the best and most reliable research is published. 3. Replication: Research is also designed to be replicated, or repeated, in order to verify its findings. This helps to ensure that the results are not simply due to chance or error. ”

There are many important skills for researchers, but some skills are more important than others. The most important skill for researchers is the ability to think critically. Critical thinking is the ability to analyze data and information and make decisions based on that analysis. It is important because it allows researchers to understand complex problems and find solutions to those problems.

Example: “ There are many important skills for a researcher, but some of the most important include: -The ability to ask clear and concise research questions -The ability to design effective research studies -The ability to collect high-quality data -The ability to analyze data effectively -The ability to communicate research findings clearly and effectively ”

There are many possible reasons an interviewer might ask this question to a researcher. They may be trying to gauge the level of enthusiasm the researcher has for their work, or they may be trying to assess how well the researcher understands the implications of their research. Additionally, the interviewer may be trying to determine if the researcher is able to articulate the significance of their work in a way that is understandable and relatable to a lay audience. Ultimately, it is important for the interviewer to gain a better understanding of the researcher's motivations and perspective on their work in order to get a sense of how well they will be able to communicate their findings to the public.

Example: “ There are many exciting things about research, but one of the most exciting things is the opportunity to make new discoveries. Every day, researchers are uncovering new information about the world around us and the universe we live in. This constantly expanding body of knowledge provides us with a greater understanding of our place in the world and how we can improve our lives. ”

There could be several reasons why an interviewer might ask this question. They may be trying to gauge the researcher's level of commitment to their work, or they may be trying to identify what motivates the researcher to do their job. Additionally, the interviewer may be trying to assess the researcher's ability to reflect on their work and identify areas of improvement. Ultimately, it is important for the interviewer to understand what the researcher finds most rewarding about their work in order to determine whether or not the researcher is a good fit for the position.

Example: “ There are many great things about being a researcher. One of the best things is that researchers get to learn new things all the time. They also get to help other people learn new things by sharing their findings with them. Researchers also get to travel to different places to conduct their research, which can be very exciting. ”

The interviewer is trying to gauge the researcher's self-awareness and ability to reflect on their work. This is important because it shows that the researcher is able to identify areas for improvement and is committed to professional development.

Example: “ There are a few potential drawbacks to being a researcher. First, the job can be quite isolating. Researchers often work alone in their labs or offices, and they may not have much interaction with other people on a daily basis. This can be lonely and frustrating for some people. Second, research can be slow and tedious. It can take years to complete a study, and the results may not be immediately apparent. This can be frustrating for people who want to see quick results. Finally, research can be expensive. Funding for research projects is often limited, so researchers may have to make do with less money than they would like. This can make it difficult to conduct high-quality research. ”

There are many potential challenges that come with research, such as finding accurate and reliable sources, developing a hypothesis, conducting experiments or surveys, and analyzing data. The most challenging thing about research can vary depending on the project and the researcher's individual skills and experience. By asking this question, the interviewer is trying to understand what the researcher feels is the most difficult part of the research process and why they feel that way. This information can help the interviewer determine if the researcher is a good fit for the project and if they will be able to overcome any challenges they may face.

Example: “ There are many challenges that come with research, but I think the most challenging thing is trying to find accurate and reliable information. With so much information available online, it can be difficult to know what is true and what is not. This can make it challenging to find the right data and resources to use for your research. ”

There are many reasons why an interviewer might ask a researcher what they think is the best thing about conducting research. It is important to remember that research is a process of inquiry that is used to uncover new knowledge or to confirm existing knowledge. The best thing about conducting research is that it allows us to constantly learn new things and to deepen our understanding of the world around us.

Example: “ There are many great things about conducting research, but one of the best things is that it allows you to explore new ideas and discover new knowledge. It can be very exciting to be on the cutting edge of new discoveries, and research allows you to do just that. Additionally, research is a great way to learn more about a specific topic or subject that you are interested in. Conducting research can help you gain a deeper understanding of the world around you and how it works. ”

The interviewer is trying to gauge the researcher's ability to reflect on their work and identify areas for improvement. This is important because it shows that the researcher is constantly trying to improve their methods and is willing to listen to criticism.

Example: “ There are a few potential worst things about conducting research, depending on the individual researcher's perspective. One worst thing could be the amount of time and effort required to produce high-quality research results. This can be especially true in fields where data is difficult to collect or analyze, or where experiments are expensive or time-consuming to carry out. Another worst thing about conducting research could be the pressure to publish results in prestigious journals, which can lead to cut corners being taken in the research process. Additionally, some researchers may find the constant criticism and peer review process to be frustrating and demoralizing. ”

An interviewer would ask this question in order to gauge the respondent's understanding of the research process and their ability to identify key components of a successful research project. It is important for researchers to be able to identify the most important aspects of their work in order to ensure that they are able to effectively communicate their findings to others. Additionally, this question can help to reveal areas where the respondent may need further training or education in order to improve their research skills.

Example: “ There are a few things that are important to remember when conducting research: 1. Make sure you have a clear research question that you want to answer. This will help guide your research and keep you focused. 2. Do your background research and make sure you understand the topic area you are researching. This will help ensure that your research is accurate and complete. 3. Be sure to use reliable and credible sources for your research. This will help ensure that your findings are trustworthy. 4. Be organized and keep track of your data and findings. This will help you to see patterns and trends in your data, and make it easier to write up your results. 5. Be critical of your data and findings, and try to identify any potential biases or errors. This will help you to produce more accurate results. ”

The interviewer is likely looking for qualities that the researcher has that make them successful at their job. This might include qualities such as being able to effectively plan and execute research projects, being able to troubleshoot problems that arise, and being able to communicate findings to others. It is important for the interviewer to gauge the researcher's self-awareness and ability to reflect on their own work in order to get a sense of how they might approach future projects.

Example: “ There is no one answer to this question as different researchers will have different opinions on the best way to approach research. However, some general tips that may be useful include: developing a clear research question or hypothesis, reviewing the relevant literature, designing an appropriate study methodology, collecting and analyzing data, and drawing conclusions based on the findings. It is also important to communicate the results of one's research in a clear and concise manner. ”

There are a few reasons why an interviewer might ask this question. First, they want to see if the researcher is familiar with different research approaches and can identify which ones are less effective. Second, the interviewer wants to gauge the researcher's critical thinking skills and ability to identify flaws in research methods. Finally, this question allows the interviewer to get a sense of the researcher's opinion on the best way to conduct research.

This question is important because it allows the interviewer to assess the researcher's knowledge of research methods, critical thinking skills, and opinion on the best way to conduct research. By understanding the researcher's thoughts on this topic, the interviewer can get a better sense of their thought process and whether they would be a good fit for the position.

Example: “ There is no one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as the worst way to approach research depends on the specific research question and context. However, some general approaches that could be considered bad ways to approach research include: 1. Not Defining the Research Question Clearly If the research question is not clearly defined from the outset, it can be difficult to know what direction to take the research in and what data to collect. This can lead to a lot of wasted time and effort, as well as potentially biased or irrelevant results. 2. Relying Too Much on Secondary Data While secondary data can be a valuable resource, it should not be relied upon too heavily. This is because secondary data may not be relevant to the specific research question or context, and it may also be out of date. In addition, secondary data cannot be controlled by the researcher, so it may not be possible to obtain the level of detail required for the research. 3. Collecting Data Without a Plan It is important to have a plan for how data will be collected before starting to collect it. This plan should specify what type of data will be collected, how it will be collected, and who will be responsible for collecting ”

The interviewer is likely trying to gauge the researcher's writing ability and whether they are able to produce a well-thought-out, comprehensive research paper. The most important thing to keep in mind when writing a research paper is to make sure that all of the information is accurate and that the sources are reliable. The paper should also be clear and concise so that the reader can easily follow the argument.

Example: “ There are a few things to keep in mind when writing a research paper that will help ensure your paper is well-received by your audience. First, make sure to choose a topic that is interesting and relevant to your audience. Second, take the time to thoroughly research your topic and provide well-supported arguments for your position. Third, be sure to edit and proofread your paper before submitting it for review. By following these simple tips, you can increase the chances that your research paper will be well-received by your intended audience. ”

The best way to format a research paper may vary depending on the discipline, but there are some general guidelines that can help a researcher ensure their paper is well-formatted and easy to read. Some important considerations for formatting a research paper include margins, font size and type, line spacing, and page numbers. Proper formatting can help make a research paper more accessible and easier to read, which can ultimately lead to more impactful research.

Example: “ There is no one correct answer to this question. Different researchers have different preferences for how to format a research paper. Some common elements that are typically included in a research paper are an abstract, introduction, literature review, methodology, results, and discussion. ”

There is no one answer to this question, as it depends on the specific field of research and the preferences of the journal or conference. However, some elements that could make a research paper poorly formatted include using an incorrect citation style, not following the required page layout, or using too many graphics and images. Poorly formatted papers can be difficult to read and may be less likely to be accepted for publication.

Example: “ There is no one "worst" way to format a research paper. However, there are several common formatting errors that can make a paper difficult to read and understand. These include: • Not using proper headings and subheadings to organize the paper. • Not using clear and concise sentences. • Not using proper grammar and punctuation. • Not citing sources properly. ”

There are many things to consider when choosing a topic for a research paper, but the most important thing is to choose a topic that is interesting and relevant to the researcher. The topic should also be something that the researcher is familiar with and has some knowledge about. Additionally, the topic should be something that is not too narrow or too broad, and it should be something that has been researched before.

Example: “ There are many things to consider when choosing a topic for a research paper. The most important thing is to choose a topic that is interesting and relevant to you. It is also important to choose a topic that is narrow enough to be covered in a single research paper. Additionally, it is important to consider the resources available to you when choosing a topic. Finally, it is also important to consider the audience you are writing for when choosing a topic. ”

One of the most important aspects of research is finding reliable sources. Without sources that can be verified and relied upon, the researcher's findings will not be credible. Therefore, it is important for the interviewer to ask how the researcher plans to find sources for their paper in order to ensure that the research is of high quality.

Example: “ There is no one answer to this question as it depends on the topic of the research paper and the type of sources required. However, some tips on finding sources for a research paper include using online search engines such as Google Scholar, looking through bibliographies of relevant books and articles, and searching for open access journals that cover the topic. Additionally, contacting experts in the field and asking for recommendations can be helpful. ”

The interviewer is trying to gauge the researcher's ability to find reliable sources of information. This is important because research papers are only as good as the sources they are based on. If a researcher cannot find reliable sources, then their paper will not be credible.

Example: “ There are a few ways that researchers can go about finding sources for their papers that are considered to be less than ideal. One way is to simply do a Google search on the topic and hope that relevant sources come up. This is often not very effective, as much of the information that comes up in a general search may not be relevant or reliable. Another way is to ask friends or colleagues for recommendations. This can be somewhat helpful, but it is often limited to the resources that those individuals are aware of. A better way to find sources is to use a database or search engine specifically designed for academic research. These tools will allow you to narrow your search to more reputable and relevant sources. ”

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NSE Communication Lab

Questions to Bring to Your Faculty Interview

By Marina Dang

Despite the pandemic, many institutions are moving forward with their faculty hiring, and selected candidates are now preparing for their interviews in earnest. If you’re one of those candidates, congratulations on making it to the next round!

As you polish your seminar presentation and anticipate questions that may get thrown at you, make sure you also have a list of questions for your interviewers—from the department head to the faculty to the students you may interact with—even if it’s over Zoom. A faculty position is not just a job; it’s a career decision, a multi-year-long investment (from you and the university) that hopefully leads to tenure and lifelong contributions to research and the community.

What questions you bring to the table will vary based on your values, priorities, and individual experiences. Below is the master list of questions that Prof. Mike Short (a 2nd-year research scientist at the time) created when he was interviewing at multiple institutions. He shares it here in the spirit of transparency and open mentorship. You may adapt these questions to your own needs and circumstances.

To the department chairperson

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the department? The institution?
  • Is the administration supportive of the department and its program? How does that support manifest itself?
  • What are the immediate needs of the department(s)?
  • How do you see me fitting into those needs?
  • Where do you see this department five years from now?
  • What are the relationships like among the various departments in the college/university?
  • How are departmental decisions that affect the faculty made?
  • What behaviors are valued in this department?
  • What are the procedures for promotion and tenure?
  • What kinds of monies are available to cover professional convention expenses?
  • What other resources are available, such as research assistants, teaching assistants, computer services, research space, and administrative assistance?

To the college dean

  • How do you perceive the department in relationship to other departments in the college/university?
  • How do you perceive the college in relationship to other colleges in the university?
  • Five years from now, where would you like to see the college? The department?
  • What are the strongest departments on campus? The “up and coming” departments? What do they do particularly well?
  • At a publicly-funded institution: What is the legislative atmosphere in the state regarding funding for higher education?
  • How does this state compare with other states in terms of funding for higher education?

To the search committee

  • Where is the committee in the job selection process?
  • How many people are you bringing to campus?
  • What is your timetable for making a decision?
  • When can I expect to hear from you?
  • How did this position become open?
  • Who was in this position previously? Why did they leave? What did this previous person do well in their job? What do you wish he/she had done differently?
  • What does the work load consist of in terms of courses, advisees, etc.?

To the department faculty

  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the program?
  • How do you evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the program?
  • What are the challenges currently facing the department or program?
  • How would you describe the ideal candidate for this position?
  • What kind of research is being done within the program? Within the department?
  • Do you do collaborative research with other faculty members, either in this department or in other departments?
  • What is the expected course load? Number of advisees?
  • What are the students in the program like? How are they selected/recruited?
  • What have your graduates gone on to do?
  • What is the history of the program? The anticipated future direction of the program?
  • What do you like best about working here?
  • What are the areas of conflict in the department?
  • How is the conflict handled?
  • How would you describe [name] as a department chair?
  • For how long is he/she going to continue to be chair?
  • What will happen after that?
  • What are the support services like (e.g., secretarial assistance, teaching and research assistants, travel monies, field trip logistics)?
  • What do you do for enjoyment?

To the students

  • What are the strengths of the program here?
  • What do you wish for, that you don’t have, as a student in this department?
  • What are your professional goals? After graduation? In five years?
  • If you know some recent graduates, what are they doing now?
  • Who amongst the faculty do you think does a great job?
  • What do they do particularly well?
  • Especially for graduate students, or some highly competitive undergraduates: How many of you have published an article in a professional journal? Presented at a national convention? Belong to national professional organizations?
  • How frequently do you socialize with faculty? With other students in the program?
  • Is the program atmosphere conducive to your learning and development?
  • Would you recommend it to a friend?
  • If I were a good friend of yours, what would you tell me that I might not ordinarily find out about this place?

Published January 8, 2021

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Over the years, the Comm Lab has spent over 100 hours helping clients with their faculty applications. If you would like customized feedback on your documents, schedule a time to speak with one of us.

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10 Common Job Interview Questions and How to Answer Them

  • Vicky Oliver

questions to ask during research interview

Use this guide to stand out from the crowd and land the role you want.

Interviews can be high stress, anxiety-driving situations, especially if it’s your first interview. A little practice and preparation always pays off. While we can’t know exactly what an employer will ask, here are 10 common interview questions along with advice on how to answer them. The questions include:

  • Could you tell me something about yourself and describe your background in brief? : Interviewers like to hear stories about candidates. Make sure your story has a great beginning, a riveting middle, and an end that makes the interviewer root for you to win the job.
  • How do you deal with pressure or stressful situations? : Share an instance when you remained calm despite the turmoil. If it’s a skill you’re developing, acknowledge it and include the steps you’re taking to respond better to pressure in the future.
  • What are your salary expectations? : Before you walk in for your first interview, you should already know what the salary is for the position you’re applying to. Check out websites such as Glassdoor, Fishbowl, or for salary information. You could also ask people in the field by reaching out to your community on LinkedIn.

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Resignation numbers have remained abnormally high in the U.S. between July 2021 and October 2021, with millions of Americans quitting their jobs  — which also means there are millions of new openings up for grabs. If you’re entering the market for the first time, or just looking to make a change, use this guide to prepare for your next interview.

questions to ask during research interview

  • Vicky Oliver is a leading career development expert and the multi-best-selling author of five books, including  301 Smart Answers to Tough Interview Questions , named in the top 10 list of “Best Books for HR Interview Prep.” She’s a sought-after speaker and seminar presenter and a popular media source, having made over 900 appearances in broadcast, print, and online outlets.    

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27 Questions to Ask at the End of a Job Interview (Divided by Topic)

By Katie Duncan Posted on May 6, 2024

questions to ask during research interview

In a job interview, it’s almost a guarantee that you’ll be asked if you have any questions towards the end of your conversation. This question is more than a simple formality— it’s an important moment that reminds us that interviews are a two-way street. 

From an employer’s perspective, a candidate who asks thoughtful questions is seen as someone who is thoroughly evaluating the role and is genuinely interested in contributing to the company. Asking smart questions shows that you’re engaged and— more importantly— sets you apart from other candidates.

Conversely, it’s also a chance to assess if the company aligns with your career goals and personal values. Think of it as your opportunity to interview the company.

Smart questions to ask at the end of a job interview

Come to your interview prepared with questions that will help you better understand the job and company. 

Pro tip : Remember not to ask a question that has already been answered in the interview! This can make you seem uninterested or disengaged. 

Questions about the company

Understanding the company’s position in the industry and its future direction can reveal its stability and growth prospects— both important factors in deciding to join their team.

  • What are the company’s top priorities for the next year?
  • How do you see the company evolving over the next five years?
  • Can you describe the company’s impact on its customers and the industry?
  • What are the biggest challenges the company is currently facing?
  • How does the company support innovation and creativity?

What NOT to ask : Don’t ask questions that could easily be answered by looking at their website or a quick Google search. For example, you shouldn’t be asking what the company does or what products they sell. Always be sure to do your research first, then come up with your questions.

Questions about the role

Knowing the day-to-day responsibilities and expectations of the role can help you assess if it matches your skills and career goals. 

  • How does this role contribute to the company’s overall goals?
  • What does success look like for this position?
  • How will you measure my performance?
  • Can you describe a typical day for someone in this role?
  •  What types of projects will I be working on when I start?

What NOT to ask : Be careful not to ask any questions that are easily answered by looking at the job description.

Questions about work-life balance

Work-life balance is an important aspect— if not the most important aspect— of job satisfaction for many of today’s employees. It’s valid to have questions and concerns regarding work-life balance when interviewing with a new company.

However, questions about work-life balance should be handled with a little more care than others. If all of your concerns center around things like paid time off and flexible work arrangements, your interviewer may get the wrong impression.

Consider using the following to get a better understanding of a company’s commitment to work-life balance.

  • How does the company support the mental health of employees and mitigate burnout?
  • Are there initiatives in place to help employees maintain work-life balance?
  • What are the expectations regarding availability outside of normal working hours?

What NOT to ask: When inquiring about work-life balance during a job interview, it’s important to avoid questions that might make you appear uncommitted or overly concerned with time off. 

Questions about company culture

Asking questions about company culture is important for understanding the work environment and ensuring your values align with those of the organization. 

This alignment is crucial for your long-term satisfaction and success. Inquiring about culture also shows employers that you are proactive about finding a workplace where you can thrive and contribute effectively.

  •  How does the company live out their values in the workplace?
  •  What is the company’s approach to teamwork and collaboration?
  •  How do employees typically interact across departments?
  •  How does the company celebrate achievements and milestones?
  •  What type of employee tends to succeed here? Which qualities are most admired?

What NOT to ask : Again, be careful here not to ask questions that are easily searchable. For instance, it’s usually pretty easy to learn about a company’s mission, so avoid asking surface-level questions like “What is your mission statement?“

Questions about growth opportunities

Asking about growth opportunities reveals your ambition to evolve professionally and your interest in long-term contributions to the company. On top of that, it can help you assess whether the organization is a good fit for your career trajectory. 

If asking about growth opportunities, frame questions in a way that shows your eagerness to learn, contribute, and evolve with the company, rather than focusing solely on quick personal gains.

  • What professional development opportunities are available to employees?
  • How does the company support ongoing learning and skills development?
  • What is the typical career path for someone in this role?
  • How do leaders and managers provide feedback to employees?

What NOT to ask : When discussing growth opportunities during a job interview, it’s important to avoid questions that may come across as presumptuous, overly aggressive, or too self-serving. Avoid questions like “How soon can I get a promotion?“ or “What are the chances I’ll quickly move up the ladder here?“ 

Questions to ask your potential boss or CEO

Asking your potential manager or CEO questions during an interview is an opportunity to understand their leadership style, vision for the company, and expectations for the role you’re applying for. This interaction can provide insights and help you determine if the leadership aligns with your own professional values and goals.

  •  What is your vision for the company?
  •  How do you define success for your team?
  •  What do you expect from your employees in terms of corporate culture?
  • How do you support your team’s professional growth and development?
  • What challenges does the team currently face?

What NOT to ask : When asking questions to a manager or CEO during a job interview, avoid inquiries that appear unprepared or focused on sensitive topics like internal politics. Avoid questions about their salaries or direct contact information, as these can come across as unprofessional and intrusive. 

 Psst, we have a whole blog on asking the right questions in an interview with a CEO . It has insights from our very own CEO! 

Choose your questions wisely

By having the right questions to ask at the end of an interview, you demonstrate not only your genuine interest but also your commitment to finding a truly fitting role. Remember, an interview is as much about your future employer finding the right candidate as it is about you finding the right environment to thrive!

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I've Been Offered Every Job I've Interviewed For. Here Are 5 Questions I Ask Interviewers. Career consultant Kendal Lindstrom says these five questions are the winning formula for landing the role.

By Tim Paradis May 9, 2024

Key Takeaways

  • Kendal Lindstrom started a career-change consultancy after struggling to change jobs.
  • She shared her strategy for acing job interviews, which includes having five key questions ready.
  • They focus on areas such as company culture, team dynamics, and the employer's long-term plans.

This article originally appeared on Business Insider .

This as-told-to essay is based on a conversation with Kendal Lindstrom, 25, who lives in Scottsdale, Arizona. She runs a career-change consulting firm named Doux and works in tech. She recently posted a TikTok about five questions she has ready for a job interview. Lindstrom says she believes asking at least some of these questions is why she's always landed a role she interviewed for. The following has been edited for brevity and clarity.

I started Doux because I never liked to be put in a box in terms of my career. Coming out of college, I thought, "I just want to be known as the girl in fashion." I was so wrong. But I didn't know how to pivot into a new industry . It took me two years of connecting, trying, and failing. I found the framework of what Doux is now by failing.

After working in fashion, I got myself into medical sales. I then switched to tech because that's where my passions lie. It took me two years to go from fashion to medical sales. But from the day I decided I wanted to be a tech consultant, it only took me three weeks to get my offer letter.

The difference was I knew how to write my résumé. I knew how to become the candidate that they needed.

My formula is to map your résumé to the career you're going to, not the career you've been in. To get to my current job, I created a résumé that was unstoppable.

Usually, I tell my clients to reach out to the hiring manager. In this case, the hiring manager got to me within minutes of me submitting my résumé. The interview process was extensive, but, like I always tell my clients, it's about follow-ups.

I followed up three times because they had great candidates. But I needed to stay in front, and I needed to be the person they chose.

I had the drive

It's funny when I look back and talk to the executives who hired me. They're like: "You had no business being in tech. You had nothing on your résumé that told us that you would do a good job in this. But the way you presented yourself, it was a no-brainer to hire you because we knew you would get it." So, it's often more how you're presenting yourself in a professional realm rather than what you're saying to answer the questions.

I had drive, and that's what they were looking for. They were looking for someone young to grow with the company. If they wanted someone young, they weren't going to get all the experience in the software that they needed. But I was eager to learn, and however many hours outside work that took, I was willing to do it. I really drove home that it doesn't stop at 5 p.m. My job stops when my job is done.

Each day after work, I spent 30 minutes reading a training book my company had given me. Then, I tried to apply the knowledge for 30 minutes. The next day, I would get time on my boss's calendar and say: "This is what I learned yesterday. Tell me how you have seen this applied in scenarios with a client."

It took me about a year to really digest everything. It was tough, but it came down to whether I was willing to ask questions when I needed help rather than having too much pride and not asking anyone.

I've done a lot of interviews for my age because I kept my options open no matter where I was in my career. I've never wanted to be stagnant. So I have done upwards of 10 or 11 interviews, and I've never been told no because my goal was to make an employer feel like I had their best interests at heart and I wanted to be part of their company, which meant I needed to sell myself as a solution. And it's more about the questions you ask than the answers you get.

I have pretty thick skin

When I worked in medical sales — or even with some of the comments on my TikTok — so much was about my image. I was like, "What does my blonde hair have to do with the knowledge that I have?" Not that it ever hurt my feelings because I have pretty thick skin. In any industry, there will be people who would want to discredit someone's abilities because of how they look. But at the end of the day, I can use my brain to where people are like, "We need to listen to you."

@kendallindstrom it's more about the questions you ask than the answers you get. people want to talk about themselves. #interviewquestions #jobinterview #resume #careerchange #womeninbusines ♬ original sound - DOUX | CAREER CHANGE MGMT

Some of the comments on my TikTok have been so far off the mark. At the time of my interviews for my current job, I didn't have a website, and my social media wasn't publicly available. So, I got the job because of the things I said and the questions I asked, and not because of my appearance.

These are my five key questions:

What's the company culture like?

The first thing I tell people to ask is about company culture. That's a big one. It's such a make-it-or-break-it for enjoying your job. I wanted my audience to know that asking about it is so important because if you're miserable in your job, you're only setting yourself up to fail.

What's the lowdown on my predecessor?

The second one is, "What did the person who held this role before me do that was appreciated but not required based on the job description?" I suggest this one because I want my audience to put themselves in the role already. It's an assumptive selling tactic. I always say go into the interview and sell yourself.

I asked that question one time — "What are you going to miss most about this person?" — and the interviewer said, "Oh, they got Starbucks all the time." And I was like, "Great, I guess we'll be getting Starbucks for the office all the time."

What do my colleagues require?

The third question was, "How can I best suit the needs of my direct counterparts?" That came from wanting to understand — in the most professional way — the team you're walking into. It helps me understand and identify how I would fit into the team.

I've seen teams before where they just don't get along. But you don't know that until you sit down on the first day. And at that point, it's already too late. You're either leaving, or you've got to deal with this until you can figure out another job.

How successful is the team?

No. 4 is what the current state of the department is in reference to the bottom line. That has to do with asking about sales, of course, but I'm also asking: "Am I walking into a failing department? Are you expecting me to turn things around? Are you expecting me to just take the blame for something that's already failing? Or are you guys seeing numbers you've never seen before and need more people?" And, if so, "What did you do to see those numbers?"

What does the company's future look like?

My fifth question is my favorite. It's, "What's the company's three-year, five-year, and 10-year plan?" I love this one because I've never walked into a job and thought, "I'm only going to be here for one year," or "I'm only doing this to collect a paycheck." I always say, "Think like the CEO." I never want to go into a job and strive to just be an associate. That's just where you start.

All you really need — or maybe have time for — is one of these questions. So many people on my TikTok said, "That is too many questions. You're so high maintenance." I was like, "Just use one of them, and they'll be blown away." Because you're starting a whole other conversation that doesn't have to do with their questions for you. These are just concepts that I hope people can take with them as they go — little nuggets — to nail these interviews.

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How To Request Reimbursement For Interview Travel Expenses From A Company

  • Last updated May 15, 2024
  • Difficulty Intemediate

Arjun Yadav

  • Category Travel

how to ask a company to pay for interview travel

When you're on the job hunt, landing an interview can be a great source of excitement and hope. But what if the interview is out of town and you're faced with the expense of travel? Don't worry, many companies understand this predicament and offer to reimburse candidates for their travel expenses. However, it's important to know how to navigate this process and request reimbursement in a professional and effective manner. In this guide, we'll walk you through the steps of requesting reimbursement for interview travel expenses from a company, ensuring that you're able to focus on impressing your potential employer rather than worrying about the financial burden of the trip.

What You'll Learn

Introduction: why requesting travel expenses for an interview is necessary, research: finding information on the company’s policy regarding travel reimbursement, crafting a professional and persuasive email to request travel expenses, following up and negotiating for the best possible reimbursement offer.


When you're job searching, interviews are an essential part of the process. However, sometimes the company that invites you for an interview isn't located in your hometown, which means you'll need to travel to meet them in person. While it's common for the company to cover these travel expenses, not all employers provide this courtesy upfront. That's why it's important for candidates to request for the company to pay for interview travel.

As a candidate, requesting travel expenses for an interview is necessary for several reasons. First and foremost, it shows that you value yourself and your time. Asking for the company to cover your travel expenses demonstrates that you believe your skills and qualifications make you a worthy candidate who deserves to be considered for the position.

Furthermore, requesting travel expenses also shows that you are serious about the opportunity and committed to the interview process. It demonstrates that you are willing to invest time and effort into pursuing this job opportunity, which can impress the employer and potentially set you apart from other candidates.

Additionally, requesting travel expenses for an interview can help alleviate any financial burden that you may face. Job searching can be an expensive process, with costs associated with updating your resume, attending networking events, and even paying for transportation and accommodation for interviews. By asking the company to cover your travel expenses, you are ensuring that you can fully focus on the interview itself without the stress of worrying about the financial implications.

Ultimately, requesting travel expenses for an interview is a reasonable and common practice. Companies often understand the value in covering these expenses for out-of-town candidates, as it allows them to attract top talent from a wider pool of candidates. Therefore, don't hesitate to make the request when necessary – it can be a win-win situation for both you and the employer.

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When applying for a job, it can be expensive to travel for an interview, especially if the company is located far away. However, there are ways to ask a company to pay for your interview travel expenses. The first step is to conduct thorough research to find information on the company's policy regarding travel reimbursement.

Here are some tips on how to find information on the company's policy regarding travel reimbursement:

  • Check the company's website: Start by visiting the company's website and look for any information related to travel reimbursement for interviews. Check the careers or jobs section, as many companies include details about their interview process and any associated expenses.
  • Review the job posting: Take a closer look at the job posting or job description. Sometimes, companies mention whether they will cover travel expenses for candidates who are invited for an in-person interview. Look for phrases like "relocation assistance available" or "travel expenses will be reimbursed."
  • Reach out to the HR department: If you couldn't find any information on the company's website or job posting, it's a good idea to contact the company's HR department directly. You can find their contact information on the website or even reach out to the hiring manager mentioned in the job posting. Politely ask about their policy regarding travel reimbursement for interview candidates.
  • Search for employee reviews: Look for employee reviews on websites like Glassdoor. Sometimes, past or current employees mention whether the company reimburses interview travel expenses. While reviews may not be 100% accurate, they can provide insights into the company's compensation and benefits policies.
  • Network with current or former employees: If you know someone who currently works or previously worked at the company, reach out to them and ask about the company's policy regarding travel reimbursement for interviews. They may be able to provide more detailed information or share their own experiences.
  • Contact recruiters or hiring agencies: If you are working with a recruiter or a hiring agency, ask them about the company's policy regarding travel reimbursement. Recruiters often have direct communication with the hiring company and can provide you with the necessary information.
  • Ask during the interview process: Lastly, if you were invited for an interview, you can ask about travel reimbursement during the interview process. Once you've made a positive impression and established a rapport with the interviewer, it's appropriate to inquire about the company's policy. Frame your question professionally and express your interest in the opportunity.

Remember, it's important to approach the question of travel reimbursement professionally and not to make it the focus of the conversation. Focus on showcasing your skills and qualifications for the job, and if the topic of travel reimbursement arises naturally, use the information you gathered from your research to ask the question tactfully.

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When you are invited to an interview with a company that is located far away from your current location, it can be a financial burden to cover the costs of travel. However, many companies understand this and are willing to reimburse interviewees for their travel expenses. To ensure that your request for travel expenses is taken seriously, it is important to craft a professional and persuasive email. Here are some tips on how to do it:

  • Use a professional tone: Start your email with a formal salutation such as "Dear [Name of Hiring Manager]" or "Dear [Name of HR Manager]". Use a polite and professional tone throughout the email, avoiding informal language or slang.
  • Start with a thank you: Begin the email by expressing your gratitude for being invited to interview with the company. This shows that you appreciate the opportunity and sets a positive tone for the rest of the email.
  • State your request clearly: After expressing your gratitude, clearly state that you would like to request reimbursement for travel expenses. Be direct and specific about what you are asking for, such as reimbursement for transportation costs, accommodation, meals, and any other relevant expenses.

Example: "I would like to kindly request reimbursement for my travel expenses related to the upcoming interview. This would include transportation costs, accommodation, meals, and any other relevant expenses."

Explain why reimbursement is necessary: Provide a brief explanation of why you are requesting reimbursement. This could be due to financial constraints, the distance between your current location and the interview location, or any other relevant reason.

Example: "Due to the considerable distance between my current location and your company, the costs associated with travel and accommodations would be a significant financial burden for me."

Highlight your qualifications: Emphasize your skills, experience, and qualifications that make you a strong candidate for the position. This demonstrates your value and can increase the likelihood of the company being willing to cover your travel expenses.

Example: "I believe that I am a strong fit for this position, with my extensive experience in [relevant field] and my proficiency in [relevant skills]."

Offer alternatives: If the company is unable to cover all of your travel expenses, offer alternatives such as splitting the costs or requesting partial reimbursement. This shows your flexibility and willingness to work with the company to find a solution.

Example: "If it is not possible to cover all of the expenses, I would be open to discussing alternative arrangements, such as splitting the costs or requesting partial reimbursement."

Provide necessary details: In order for the company to process your request, include all the necessary details such as your full name, contact information, and any relevant documentation such as receipts or travel itineraries.

Example: "Please find attached the receipts and travel itinerary for your reference. If there are any additional documents or information required, please let me know and I will provide them promptly."

End with gratitude: Conclude your email by thanking the recipient for their time and consideration. Express your enthusiasm for the opportunity to interview with the company.

Example: "Thank you once again for considering my request. I appreciate your time and consideration, and I look forward to the opportunity to interview with your company."

Proofread and edit: Before sending your email, make sure to proofread it for any errors or typos. A well-written and error-free email shows attention to detail and professionalism.

By following these tips and crafting a professional and persuasive email, you can increase the chances of having your travel expenses reimbursed by the company. Remember to be clear, polite, and thankful throughout the email, and provide any necessary supporting documentation to support your request. Good luck with your interview!

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After successfully securing a job interview, the next step is to plan your travel arrangements. While some companies may cover interview expenses, many candidates are left wondering how to approach this topic without feeling uncomfortable or greedy. The key is to maintain a professional and respectful tone while presenting your case for travel reimbursement. In this article, we will discuss some effective strategies for following up and negotiating the best possible reimbursement offer.

Research the company's policy:

Before reaching out to the company, it's important to understand if they have a formal policy regarding travel reimbursement. Check their website, interview invitation, or employee handbook for any information related to interview expenses. Some companies proactively mention that they cover travel expenses, while others may require you to inquire directly.

Determine your eligibility:

Once you know the company's stance on travel reimbursement, assess your eligibility. It's common for companies to offer reimbursement only to candidates who live over a certain distance from the interview location or to those being considered for higher-level positions. Make sure to gather any relevant details, such as the distance between your current location and the interview site, in order to make a strong case for reimbursement.

Plan your expenses:

Create a detailed breakdown of your anticipated expenses. This should include costs such as airfare, ground transportation, accommodations, meals, and any other relevant expenses. Be sure to keep all receipts, as they may be required as proof of payment.

Craft a polite and professional email:

Write a well-thought-out email to the company's designated point of contact. In your email, thank them for the opportunity to interview and express your enthusiasm for the position. Clearly state that you would like to inquire about the company's policy on travel reimbursement and politely ask if it is possible for them to cover your expenses. Attach your expense breakdown as supporting documentation.

Be flexible:

While it's important to advocate for yourself, it's also crucial to be open to negotiation. Companies may not always be able to cover all expenses, particularly if they have a limited budget. If they offer a partial reimbursement or suggest alternative arrangements, be open to discussing these options. Remember, your goal is to find a mutually acceptable solution rather than demanding full coverage.

Provide alternatives:

If the company indicates that they are unable to reimburse your expenses, consider offering alternatives. For example, you could suggest a virtual interview instead of an in-person one, which would eliminate the need for travel altogether. Alternatively, you may propose a staggered payment plan or reimbursement in a different form, such as a credit towards relocation expenses if you are offered the job.

Act promptly and follow up:

Once you have sent your initial email, allow a reasonable amount of time for the company to review your request. If you haven't received a response within a week, follow up politely. This demonstrates your professionalism and determination. Use this email as an opportunity to reiterate your interest in the position and your excitement about the possibility of joining their team.

Handle the company's decision respectfully:

If the company declines your request for travel reimbursement, accept their decision graciously. Remember that the company's resources may be limited, or they may have a standard policy that applies to all candidates. Express your understanding and appreciation for their time and consideration. This response will leave a positive impression, even if you don't end up getting reimbursed for your expenses.

Following these steps will help you advocate for yourself in a professional and respectful manner while maximizing your chances of securing the best possible reimbursement offer. Remember to approach the topic with confidence and know that it is entirely reasonable to request travel reimbursement when you are investing time and money in pursuing a career opportunity.

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Frequently asked questions.

When requesting for the company to cover interview travel expenses, be polite and professional. Send an email to the hiring manager or recruiter expressing your interest in the position and mention that you would appreciate assistance with travel costs for the interview.

It depends on the company and the position. Larger companies and those recruiting for higher-level positions may be more likely to cover interview travel costs. However, it is always worth politely asking if they would be willing to cover your expenses.

It is best to request coverage for interview travel expenses as soon as possible. As soon as you receive an invitation or confirmation of the interview, reach out to the company to inquire about their policy on covering travel costs.

In your request, be sure to include details such as the date, time, and location of the interview, as well as your travel expenses (e.g., flights, accommodation, transportation, etc.). Include a breakdown of estimated costs and a polite request for the company's support in covering these expenses.

If the company is unable or unwilling to cover your interview travel expenses, politely express your understanding. You can consider asking if they would be open to conducting the interview remotely, as a video call or phone interview, to reduce travel costs.

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30 market research questions for startups to ask

  • Market Research

30 market research questions for startups to ask

Kimberly Houston

Business owners say that a lack of market research is one of the top reasons that businesses fail. It’s proof that while good ideas are powerful, they’re not enough to ensure the success of your startup.

If you want your new business to thrive, then robust market research is a necessity. And an essential part of the process is asking the right market research questions for startups.

In this article, we’ll discuss types of market research, review why market research is important for startups, and outline methods for conducting a market research survey. Then we’ll help you get started by sharing 30 example market research questions for startups to ask and highlighting how Jotform can help startups create the perfect market research survey.

The benefits of market research for a startup

Market research is the process of collecting data about the audience for a product or service (such as information on their attitudes, opinions, buying behavior, level of customer satisfaction, and awareness of your brand). This data is then combined with research on market size, competitors, and industry trends.

You can use the insights you’ve gathered from this research to create or enhance a positive user experience, improve your brand’s products and services, differentiate your company in the marketplace, and make other decisions that will ensure your startup succeeds.

While it certainly would be disappointing to discover that there’s no market for your potential solution, understanding this before you sink months or years of your blood, sweat, and tears into a project will save you a lot of headache and heartache going forward.

Market research can be helpful in many other ways. It allows you to

  • Test your ideas
  • Clarify and understand your ideal client profile (ICP)
  • Attract investors by gathering data that proves the viability of your idea
  • Differentiate your startup by analyzing the competition
  • Identify market gaps where you have a competitive advantage
  • Mitigate risk and boost the odds of success
  • Determine the right pricing strategy
  • Gather insights for developing your marketing and branding strategy
  • Improve your current product or service based on customer feedback
  • Understand shifts in the marketplace so you can adapt your business accordingly

Market research can provide a solid road map for making the kind of informed, data-driven decisions that will help you navigate the twists and turns along the way to startup success.

Types of market research

The two main types of market research are primary research and secondary research.

Primary market research is the process of gathering market data directly from your target audience through methods such as in-person interviews, questionnaires, online surveys, phone interviews, focus groups, and existing customer reviews.

Secondary market research is the process of reviewing information third parties have collected and shared via industry publications and studies, academic journals, news sites, white papers, and public databases.

Primary and secondary research can be both qualitative and quantitative. With qualitative research , you discover how your target audience thinks and feels, often by asking open-ended questions on a survey or reviewing interview transcripts. With quantitative research , the data you gather is numbers-based and measurable, such as test scores, website traffic numbers, subscriber counts, or numbers and percentages you’ve gathered from survey question responses.

Methods for conducting a market research survey for startups

A market research survey for startups should aim to collect reliable data on the target audience, competitors, and industry trends. This data can help you create an effective marketing strategy that appeals to your ICP, a value proposition that differentiates your startup from competitors, and an understanding of trends in your market.

There are several reliable methods for collecting market research data. Four common approaches include in-person interviews, telephone interviews, focus groups, and online surveys .

In-person interviews

Interviews are one-on-one conversations with people in your target market. You can conduct them through video if a face-to-face meeting isn’t possible. In-person interviews allow you to read non-verbal cues, which can be helpful for getting context you wouldn’t otherwise have access to.

Telephone interviews

Telephone interviews involve asking your participants questions over the phone. Because respondents aren’t meeting face to face or on camera with an interviewer, they may feel more comfortable answering questions and sharing more information. That said, not many organizations use phone surveys these days because many people won’t answer a call from a number they don’t recognize.

Focus groups

Like interviews, focus groups are also conducted in person, but they involve a small group of people who are representative of the target market. In this setting, a trained moderator asks questions about participant opinions, interests, and tastes related to a product or service, user experience, company branding or marketing, or competing products and services.

Online surveys

This method of conducting market research involves distributing surveys via email, a website, or social media. Online surveys often have a higher response rate than other methods because they are convenient for respondents — anyone with an internet connection can complete them online on any device.

Advantages of online surveys for conducting market research

Online surveys are a popular and powerful way to conduct market research because of their many advantages:

  • They offer an easy, low-cost way to collect lots of data, which means you can get a statistically reliable sample to base your decision-making on.
  • The data you gather with online surveys is usually straightforward to analyze.
  • You can use them to reach a specific target market.
  • You can use them to collect both qualitative and quantitative data on customer preferences, market trends, and more.
  • You can distribute them to anyone with an internet connection in any location around the world.
  • Participants can access them easily and complete them more quickly.
  • Because online surveys can be anonymous, respondents may be more likely to share their honest thoughts and opinions.
  • They’re more accurate than other methods because respondents record their answers directly into the survey, rather than having someone else record responses.
  • You can analyze results quickly and share them easily with others.

30 example market research questions for startups

There are several question types you can include in your market research survey, such as yes/no or single choice questions, multiple choice questions, open-ended questions, star rating questions, ranking questions, and more.

Let’s take a look at 30 example market research questions for startups.

Yes/no or single choice questions

  • Do you ever purchase products/services in this category?
  • Have you purchased our product/service before?
  • How many other products like this do you own?

Multiple choice questions

  • How many similar products/services like ours have you tried?

[0; 1–2; 3–4; 5 or more]

  • What’s your main source of information for products/services like ours? [Include a list of options.]
  • Which of these companies have you purchased this product from in the past six months? [Include a list of competitors.]
  • What would you be willing to spend on an effective product/service in this category? [Include a list of price categories.]
  • How do you prefer to purchase products like ours? [Include a list of choices: online, in the store, or through a mobile app.]

Star rating questions

You can introduce these questions with instructions like: Please select an answer between 1–5 stars, with 1 being the lowest rating and 5 being the highest.

  • How would you rate our customer service?
  • How would you rate our product selection online?
  • How would you rate the ease of using our communication channels to contact us?

Ranking questions

  • On a scale of 1–5, how would you rate the effectiveness of our product/service?
  • Which product features do you use the most? Rank them in order, from most to least.
  • In order of importance, please rank the top three things that persuaded you to consider our product rather than a competitor’s.
  • On a scale of 1–10, how likely are you to recommend our product/service to your friends, family, and colleagues?

Checkbox questions

  • Which of the following features do you use in our app? [Include a list of 4–5 app features.]
  • Which of the following features are most important to you when considering a product or service in this category? [Include a list of 4–5 features of your product/service.]

Open-ended questions

  • What has the greatest influence on your purchasing decisions: price, quality, ease-of-use, or something else?
  • What was your biggest concern about purchasing our product/service?
  • What were your first impressions of our product/service?
  • What do you like most about our new product/service?
  • What do you like least about our new product/service?
  • What do you wish our product/service did that it doesn’t do?
  • What feature do you think we should add to help improve the product experience for you?
  • How would you feel if this product/service was no longer available?
  • What challenges do you currently face in your industry (related to this product/service)?
  • What problem were you trying to solve by buying a product/service in this category?
  • What similar products/services have you used to solve this problem in the past?
  • Describe what was happening the day you decided to solve this problem.
  • Is there anything else you’d like to add that wasn’t addressed in any of the previous questions in this survey?

Create a market research survey for your startup with Jotform

You can easily create a survey using one of Jotform’s 70-plus marketing survey templates . Simply choose a template and customize it to match your goals and your company’s branding. Then share it with a link, through email, or by embedding it on your website to start collecting responses.

The free market research survey template is fast and easy to set up. It allows you to collect demographic information such as age, gender, household income, and education level, and its multiple-choice format makes it simple for respondents to complete. Customize it with your company logo, change the text and colors, and you’ll be ready to go. Or for another option, choose this market research template .

It’s easy to embed surveys in a website , and thanks to Jotform Tables , you can collect, organize, and manage data as well as track survey responses in an all-in-one workspace. Finally, Jotform Report Builder allows you to visualize your survey results and turn them into beautiful, professional reports and presentations that automatically update with each new submission. You can present your reports or share them in seconds — for free.

Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Thank you for helping improve the Jotform Blog. 🎉

Kimberly Houston


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