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  • Paper Type: Essay (Any Type)
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PapersOwl’s priority is your happiness. Our writers always follow instructions, deliver original papers, and never miss deadlines. Our support agents are always there for you: to revise papers, change writers, and even refund your money.

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Prices start at $13.5 for writing . The final price depends on the number of pages and the deadline.


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Research Papers FAQ

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Managing your education stress in college is simple. At, you can order high-quality research papers on any topic that needs to be written by our professional writers. It’s effortless to order a research paper for sale from us which will save you time and money. Also, we offer complete confidentiality, 100% plagiarism-free, with a full money-back guarantee. Place your order now!

If you are looking for a research paper or another kind of college research paper, you have come to the right place. Professionals in our team know how to write flawless term papers, research proposals, essays, and dissertations. Prices for academic work from our service will please you.

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Our research paper writing services will provide whichever type of academic assignment on any subject or topic ( English, Business, Nursing, History, Psychology, Management, Sociology, Law, Finance, Literature, Philosophy, etc.). In any referencing style, you need it. We can also accommodate any level of difficulty for students in High School, College,  or  University .

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Over our long presence in the market, our writers have written thousands of cheap research papers and other academic assignments for students worldwide. Our service also focuses on creative and business writing, problem-solving, and implementing assignments such as lab reports, dissertations, and term papers.

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The Writing Planet


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How To Find The Right Research Papers For Sale Online?

Research Papers For Sale Online

In the vast realm of academia, research papers stand as the cornerstone of scholarly pursuit. They represent not just an assignment but a gateway to knowledge, critical thinking, and academic excellence. However, the journey towards crafting a stellar research paper can often be daunting, filled with challenges and hurdles. This is where the concept of custom research papers for sale online comes into play, offering students a lifeline in their academic endeavors. At The Writing Planet, we understand the importance of providing affordable yet top-notch research papers, tailored to meet the unique needs of every student.

Navigating the Landscape of Custom Research Papers

In today’s academic landscape, one size certainly does not fit all. The need for personalized research papers has never been more apparent. Each academic task comes with its own set of requirements, guidelines, and expectations. It’s not just about completing the assignment; it’s about delivering a paper that reflects depth of understanding, analytical prowess, and original thought. This is where custom research papers shine, offering students the opportunity to tailor their assignments to their specific needs and preferences.

Moreover, affordability plays a crucial role in ensuring equitable access to academic support. Students often find themselves grappling with tight budgets, juggling various expenses while trying to excel in their studies. The Writing Planet recognizes this need and strives to provide cost-effective solutions without compromising on quality. Our commitment to offering cheap research papers for sale underscores our dedication to making academic assistance accessible to all.

Why The Writing Planet Is Best:

At The Writing Planet, quality is our top priority. We take pride in delivering research papers that not only meet but exceed academic standards. Our team of experienced writers comprises subject matter experts who are well-versed in their respective fields. Whether you need a paper on quantum physics or Shakespearean literature, rest assured that your assignment is in capable hands.

Despite our unwavering focus on quality, we understand the importance of affordability. We believe that every student deserves access to high-quality academic assistance, regardless of their financial circumstances. That’s why we offer custom research papers for sale online at competitive prices. From introductory discounts to seasonal promotions, we strive to make our services accessible to students from all walks of life.

How to Safely Purchase Research Papers Online

The prospect of purchasing research papers online can be daunting, fraught with concerns about authenticity, reliability, and confidentiality. However, with the right approach, it can also be a seamless and secure process. Here are some tips to ensure a safe and reliable buying experience:

  • Do Your Research : Before making a purchase, take the time to research different providers. Look for reviews, testimonials, and ratings to gauge their reputation and reliability.
  • Verify Credentials : Ensure that the website you’re considering is legitimate and trustworthy. Look for certifications, accreditations, and security protocols to safeguard your personal and financial information.
  • Communicate Clearly : Clearly communicate your requirements and expectations to the service provider. Provide detailed instructions, guidelines, and preferences to ensure that your paper meets your standards.
  • Review Samples : Request samples or previews of previous work to assess the quality and style of the provider’s writing. This will give you a better idea of what to expect from your own paper.
  • Ask Questions : Don’t hesitate to ask questions or seek clarification on any aspect of the buying process. A reputable service provider will be transparent and responsive to your inquiries.
  • Recommendation: We recommend you get quality services from The Writing Planet Company, we hire professional research paper writers for those who want to get high grades.

By following these guidelines and entrusting your purchase to a reputable provider like The Writing Planet, you can navigate the process of buying research papers online with confidence and peace of mind.

Unveiling The Ultimate Guide to Research Paper Purchase

At The Writing Planet, we’re committed to providing a seamless and hassle-free experience for our customers. Our user-friendly platform is designed to streamline the research paper purchase process, from browsing available services to placing an order and communicating with your assigned writer.

Our extensive range of services covers a wide array of subjects and topics, ensuring that we have the expertise to tackle any academic task. Whether you need a simple essay or a complex dissertation, our team of skilled writers is up to the challenge.

We understand that purchasing a research paper online can raise concerns about authenticity and originality. That’s why we guarantee plagiarism-free content that is meticulously researched, expertly written, and tailored to your specifications. Our writers adhere to the highest standards of academic integrity, ensuring that every paper we deliver is original and well-crafted.

Elevating Your Academic Journey with The Writing Planet

But don’t just take our word for it. Hear from our satisfied customers who have experienced firsthand the difference that The Writing Planet can make in their academic journey. From improved grades to enhanced understanding of complex concepts, our custom research papers have helped countless students achieve their academic goals.

Moreover, our commitment to affordability means that you can enjoy the benefits of high-quality academic assistance without breaking the bank. With our competitive prices and flexible payment options, you can empower your studies without draining your finances.

In conclusion, when it comes to purchasing research papers online, quality and affordability need not be mutually exclusive. With The Writing Planet, you can enjoy the best of both worlds: top-notch research papers at prices that won’t break the bank. So why wait? Elevate your academic journey today with The Writing Planet and experience the difference for yourself.

In the fast-paced world of academia, research papers serve as the linchpin of scholarly pursuit. However, crafting a stellar research paper can often be a daunting task, filled with challenges and obstacles. This is where custom research papers for sale online come into play, offering students a lifeline in their academic endeavors.

At The Writing Planet, we understand the importance of providing affordable yet high-quality research papers that are tailored to meet the unique needs of every student. With our unwavering commitment to quality, affordability, and customer satisfaction, we strive to empower students to excel in their academic pursuits.

So why settle for subpar papers when you can experience the difference with The Writing Planet ? Unlock your academic potential today and embark on a journey toward excellence with our custom research papers for sale online.

What is the best website for research papers?

When it comes to finding reliable and high-quality research papers, there are several reputable websites to consider. One noteworthy option is “The Writing Planet,” a trusted service provider company known for delivering top-notch research papers. Their team of experienced writers ensures the production of well-researched and professionally written papers across various subjects.

How to buy research papers online?

When looking to buy research papers online, it’s important to approach the process with caution and ensure that you are using a reputable service. Here are the steps you can follow:

  • Research and Choose a Reputable Service: Start by researching and identifying reputable online platforms that specialize in providing academic papers. Look for reviews, testimonials, and ratings to gauge the credibility of each service. The Writing Planet is one such company known for its reliability and quality.
  • Check for Plagiarism-Free Guarantee: A trustworthy service should guarantee plagiarism-free content. Ensure that the company uses plagiarism detection tools and provides a report to guarantee the originality of the research paper.
  • Review Sample Papers: Most reputable services offer sample papers or portfolios showcasing their writers’ capabilities. Reviewing these samples can give you an idea of the quality of work you can expect.
  • Check Writer Qualifications: Ensure that the writers employed by the service are qualified and experienced in your field of study. Look for information about their academic backgrounds and credentials.
  • Clear Communication and Support: A reliable service should have clear communication channels and responsive customer support. Ensure there are means to communicate with the writer working on your paper and that customer support is available to address any concerns.
  • Secure Payment Options: Prioritize services that offer secure payment options. This ensures the safety of your personal and financial information.
  • Specify Your Requirements Clearly: When placing an order, provide detailed instructions and requirements for your research paper. This helps the writer understand your expectations and deliver a customized paper.
  • Review and Revise: Once you receive the research paper, review it thoroughly. If there are any issues or areas that need improvement, communicate with the writing service promptly to request revisions.
  • Maintain Academic Integrity: While using online services, it’s crucial to maintain academic integrity. Use the purchased research paper as a reference or a guide, and avoid submitting it as your own work.
  • Check Guarantees and Policies: Carefully read through the guarantees and policies of the writing service, including revisions, refunds, and confidentiality.

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Buy a research paper from a professional research writer

The writers that work with Ultius are all college grads familiar with research paper writing

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A research paper contains personal interpretation and observations regarding a specific topic or argument. Writers at Ultius are experienced in producing high-quality research papers and conducting research and analysis for each and every order. Research papers can be constructed from a topic you have provided or from one your writer chooses, whatever best suits your needs. You will be able to communicate with your writer throughout the process and the topic will be professionally researched and structured in the format of your choosing.

Expert researchers and writers

Ultius writers understand the demands of research paper writing, like:

  • An appropriate thesis
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You’re never on your own with Ultius

There are many terrific benefits when you order a research paper through Ultius

  • Dedicated Client Success team
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Ultius only works with writers of exceptional quality

Ultius only works with the top 1% of writers who apply to write for our clients

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Research is a specialty of Ultius writers. Crafting an effective research paper can be time consuming and challenging, but Ultius writers are professionals. Their education and expertise ensures that when you pay for a research paper through Ultius, it will meet your every need and provide a template for writing similar projects in the future.

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You can buy a research paper from our expert writers in 3 simple steps

All it takes to get started is for you to let your writer know the topic or the subject of your research paper; they can do the rest. You can contribute as much or as little as you wish and communicate with your writer every step of the way.

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It really is as easy as 1-2-3. Just these few simple steps and you’ll have your sample research paper in hand, written to your specifications, on your schedule. We strive to ensure that each and every time you buy a research paper through Ultius, it conforms to your exact needs. But we also realize that sometimes changes need to be made. Rest easy; we offer a free revision service for those little changes or rearrangements that will elevate your research paper from good to perfect!

Consider ordering a higher level writer. They cost more, but they’re the best of the best.

When you buy a research paper through Ultius, you get some amazing benefits

The support of a skilled team is something we at Ultius are proud to provide at every stage

Woman on the phone with an Ultius client success representative.

Our Quality Assurance team will ensure that every time you order a research paper, it meets your needs as closely as possible. Each order is carefully reviewed by our Quality Assurance agents to ensure that it is on time, the writing is of the highest possible quality, and that your specific instructions are followed precisely. Only after meeting these strict criteria is your order approved and released to you: never late, always great.

Our Client Success team is always here for you

Everyone has questions when ordering a product custom created for their needs. Our Client Success team guides you effortlessly through the process as you buy research papers and will happily explain anything you aren’t sure about.

Always here, 24/7

We offer support on your schedule. Our Client Success Specialists are standing by 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, available whenever you need them.

Multiple ways to get support

We offer several ways to contact us to make things even easier for you. Choose phone, email, or live chat to get the answers you need, when you need them.

Getting it right

We know that changes are sometimes necessary. Our free revisions help you address that final point or add that little extra bit of polish that will make your custom written research paper truly extraordinary.

Our Quality Assurance and Client Success teams are committed to ensuring that your experience as an Ultius customer is the best it can be. We work night and day to make sure each and every time you use our research paper writing service , you get the highest quality content possible.

Don’t be shy about sharing instructions. The writer can only work with what you give them.

Common questions when you pay for a research paper

If you’ve never bought a paper before, we’re here to answer any questions you have before you buy

Your questions and concerns are of the utmost importance to us as your writer fulfills your research paper purchase. We realize, however, that you might not even be sure where to begin. Here are some of the more commonly asked questions our customers have when placing an order. These range from writer experience and qualifications to topics or research materials. We’ll do our very best to answer them all for you here.

You can communicate with your writer throughout the process. You have the option to leave detailed instructions or to simply provide a topic and let the writer work out the details. They are experts in this kind of document and want to help you succeed.

Our writers are highly experienced researchers with access to books, scholarly writings, and peer-reviewed journals. Simply let your writer know where the source materials must come from and they will be sure to draw from appropriate sources.

We love to make connections here at Ultius. We especially love to connect a client with a writer that they love. You will have the option to request a writer with whom you have previously worked through our “requested writer” option.

If your question was not answered, check out the FAQ section for other questions or concerns. You can also contact Ultius 24/7 via phone (toll-free included), SMS, live chat, email or Facebook Messenger. We look forward to hearing from you.

These are just a few of the questions you may have when placing an order with Ultius. You can view many additional frequently asked questions by visiting our Support Desk. If you still can’t find the answers you seek, Client Success is just one step away to help you with whatever you need!

Example research papers from Ultius writers

The writers that work with Ultius are no strangers to research papers. Here are a few examples you can check out now

It’s always a good idea to get an idea of what you are buying before you open your wallet. For that reason, we’ve included an assortment of sample research papers created by some of the finest writers. These are the same individuals who will be crafting your custom order. As you can see, our writers cover a broad range of topics and conduct top notch research to ensure that when you order a research paper, it meets all your expectations.

These are just a few of the many topics that can be chosen when you pay for a research paper through Ultius. We have plenty more samples for you to browse to make certain that our custom writing services will cater to your specific needs.

Components of a great research paper

Primary sources, a strong thesis statement, an outline, and knowing your structure are keys to a great research paper

A great research paper is a product of its parts, just as weak parts make up a flimsy whole; and nobody looking to buy research papers wants a flimsy product. The following is a breakdown of the various parts that go into an effective research paper and strategies for making those parts as strong as possible. The three most important elements of a good research paper include: proper planning and outlining, formulating a strong thesis statement, and selecting quality sources.

1 Have an outline

An outline helps you organize the structure of your research paper

An outline helps you organize your thoughts and create a strategy for your essay including these critical concerns:

  • Form a thesis statement that is decisive, focused, and can be objectively supported
  • Select scholarly evidence and organize it logically to most effectively present your argument and findings
  • Form a succinct, coherent conclusion that touches on all key elements and summarizes your point

Ultius | Writing Your Outline

By pre-planning your research paper through outlining, the final product will be more cohesive and successful. Many clients choose to pay for a research paper outline and then complete the final document themselves.

2 Have a strong research thesis

Your thesis is the main point your research paper will make or address

The thesis statement is the core of an effective research paper. The thesis is not only the central idea of your document, but also expresses the intent of the piece. A good thesis in a research paper not only states a claim, but also suggests how the research will build upon that claim to both inform and expand upon the chosen topic.

3 Use primary sources

Good research papers rely heavily on primary sources rather than secondary ones

Creating a good research paper requires knowing how to identify and use both primary and secondary sources:

  • Primary sources provide first hand evidence of an event or study
  • Secondary sources tend to be analyses or discussions that use primary sources as reference material
  • Secondary sources can provide context and supporting commentary, but only primary sources can provide objective facts

Ultius | The differences between primary and secondary sources.

Properly implemented, both primary and secondary sources can strongly contribute to a research paper. And you can expect to receive both, used and cited correctly, any time you pay for a research paper through Ultius.

How to produce an excellent research paper

The following steps below will help ensure your research paper is done correctly

Once you have selected your sources and created a framework for your research paper with an outline, all that’s left to do is fill in the blanks. Many writers stumble at this point in the process, but if you have created an effective thesis, chosen strong sources, and devised a strategy for tying it all together, the rest is a snap! You can buy a research paper to have it done for you, but if you’d rather do it yourself, see how with the following steps:

Step 1: Use your outline to structure your paper

Your outline contains the basic structure you’ll use to begin writing your paper

Your outline is your skeleton. Each number in your outline represents a section of the completed research paper. All that remains is to add the text. The outline provides all the ideas, it just needs details, conjunctions, and transitions. Adding these elements is surprisingly easy once you get going. You know what need to be written about; now just sit and write.

The complete steps in the scientific method.

Step 2: Writing your introduction

Your research paper introduction should introduce your thesis

An introduction catches the attention of your reader. Writing an effective introduction is integral to an effective research paper and mastery of this critical section is just one of the reasons Ultius is the best place to buy a research paper online.

  • Start with a hook. Your opening sentence should entice your reader
  • Provide some context to the hook or a bit of detail. Don’t get carried away, though. You have the whole of the paper to spend on details.
  • The thesis statement should finish off the introduction, stating what you intend to explore or explain. The thesis is the payoff to the hook and establishes why one should continue reading

How to write a strong essay introduction | Ultius

A good introduction gets things rolling and ensures that your reader continues reading to the very end.

Step 3: Writing your main body

The body of your research paper is where the bulk of the writing will take place

The body of the research paper contains the evidence you are presenting to prove your thesis. This needs to be organized so that it flows logically from one point to the next and that ideas transition naturally into one another. Writers often struggle here, not with the presentation of evidence, but the organization of it. Organizing the ideas in the body of a research paper contributes greatly to its effectiveness and a task that many choose to hand over to a professional when they pay for research papers.

Step 4: Cite your sources

Depending on the format of your research paper, you may be required to include an annotated bibliography

The citation style of a research paper can contribute to the way it is organized. Some styles require an annotated bibliography which is a brief justification of the value of each chosen source to the research. Each citation method contains its own specific set of criteria and each requires different formatting. Literature tends to use MLA, history often uses Chicago or Turabian styles, and social sciences often utilize APA formatting. When you buy research papers through Ultius, you are also paying for an expert in academic styles.

Step 5: Review and edit

Double check your paper for any errors in grammar or spelling and that your research and citations are correct

Revision is key! Once the writing is done the project is really only half over. Revision and rewriting are what make a good research paper truly great. Only through revision can errors be caught, missed details can be supplied and ideas that just don’t seem to work can be replaced. Revision makes everything in writing better. It is not the product of poor writing; it is the cause of great writing.

The revision phase of the writing process is essential in perfecting a research paper. Have a friend, peer, or professional review and revise your essay. Not only does Ultius provide custom writing, but it is also the best place to buy research paper editing, as well.

If you’ve written your own research paper, consider having it professionally edited .

Buying research papers is good for your future

As Business Insider noted in an article, performing well in school translates to performing well in your chosen profession. This is never more true than in research oriented fields where knowing the language and the methods of solid research writing will be an everyday requirement. Even for those who choose a career path completely unrelated to research, there is value in understanding the scientific method of exploring and resolving a research based thesis.

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Additional help and resources

Creating your own research paper can seem very difficult at times. There is, however, a vast array of resources available online. Ultius offers an extensive writing help section where you can find answers to any questions you may have to help make the experience of writing your own research paper an easy and enjoyable experience even if you don’t wish to pay for a research paper.

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Fair Use Policy

Ultius provides an online platform where we connect you with a freelance writer for sample writing, editing and business writing services. The company encourages and expects fair use of our services. Here are the guidelines.

Order Revisions i

The company offers free revisions, but there are some limitations like the deadline and whether we met the original instructions.

Sample Writing ii

Custom sample services are for model and reference use only. When referencing our work, you must use a proper citation.

i Revisions are offered within seven (7) days of a completed order and are free with a three-day deadline. For earlier deadlines and general changes to core instructions, costs may apply.

ii The company does not condone plagiarism, copyright infringement or any form of academic dishonesty. All provided sample services must only be used for reference purposes while being cited properly. Please read the Fair Use Policy.

Fair Use Policy

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If you want to purchase research paper from a trusted company, then PaperHelp is your best choice. Their team has been working since 2013, and their experience and devotion have earned the company a stellar reputation. You can be absolutely sure that your order will be delivered on time. All the specialists at PaperHelp have degrees in different fields. Hence, they are capable of writing papers of any complexity in a wide range of disciplines.

According to customer feedback and our own experience, research paper writers at PaperHelp always meet the required deadlines and deliver plagiarism-free content. It’s also important to note that prices for academic writing services start from $13 per page, which is quite affordable compared to other services.

2. BBQPapers : Professional Writers, Top Quality

BBQPapers: Professional Writers, Top Quality

If you need to write a complex research paper but there’s no time for it, you should definitely turn to BBQPapers. This company specializes in advanced research paper writing, handling the most complex tasks. You can choose an expert with a Ph.D. degree in the most suitable field and get a paper of excellent quality delivered to you in a day. In fact, in-depth research skill is a strong point of any BBQPapers’ specialist.

They always conduct in-depth analysis and build college papers on impeccable logic. The good news is that the service offers competitive prices, so you won’t spend too much money on your homework. The rates start at $5.85 per 100 words for high school students and $6.77 per 100 words for individuals studying at college.

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WritePaperForMe: Cheap Service

WritePaperForMe is a place where you can buy college research papers at an affordable price. If your budget is very limited, it could be the perfect solution. Although it offers custom papers at low prices, the quality remains relatively high. This is a case where professionalism and affordability go hand in hand.

At WritePaperForMe, you can primarily choose ESL writers who have an advanced command of English. Despite this, their professionalism shouldn’t be questioned. You will definitely receive your college research papers on time and at the lowest price. If you’re looking to purchase research papers from WritePaperForMe, the minimum rate per page starts at $6.99.

4. EssayPro : Best Bidding Platform

EssayPro: Best Bidding Platform

If you are looking for an old, reputable company, you should consider EssayPro. Many years of experience have made this website one of the best in its niche. You can connect with professional writers by learning about their qualifications and placing a bid for your work. Once you match with a specialist, discuss all the necessary details of your order and agree on a deadline.

If needed, you can also ask a writer to share an outline or request a plagiarism report. Being one of the oldest companies in the market, EssayPro always delivers top-notch services to maintain its reputation. Therefore, you can receive an unlimited number of revisions if you are not satisfied with the result. Prices start at $10.80 per page.

5. SpeedyPaper : Exceptional Customer Service

SpeedyPaper: Exceptional Customer Service

Everyone is looking for a great customer experience, and this is exactly what SpeedyPaper can provide. The service caters to both high school and college students. Specialists from SpeedyPaper are very client-oriented, so purchasing research papers from this company is quick and efficient.

This means your needs will be met, no matter how complicated your requirements may be. And you don’t have to spend a lot of money on your order because the prices at SpeedyPaper are quite fair. The minimum rate for high school tasks is $11 per page, while university research papers can be written for as little as $13 per page.

Buying research papers online is a legitimate way to advance in your academic career without burning out. However, it’s crucial to use well-regarded services to ensure plagiarism-free, high-quality writing.

We understand that the process of buying research paper online raises many questions and concerns, so we’ll answer the most commonly asked ones here. This way, you’ll know precisely where to find the best of the best.

Is it safe to buy research paper online?

Students often worry about safety issues when using the services of custom writing companies—and with good reason! Most institutions view such practices as cheating, making it particularly risky if professors discover that your assignment was completed by someone else.

The negative consequences can damage your reputation in the academic world and disrupt your career prospects. However, your fears should not deter you from seeking help. In fact, established and reliable companies are absolutely safe for users. They protect your private data and do not share any information with third parties. Your identity will remain confidential, ensuring that no one, including your instructors, will ever know if your assignment was commissioned.

According to their privacy policies, names, orders, and banking details provided by customers cannot be disclosed to anyone. Violating this policy puts a company’s reputation at risk and leads to a loss of clients. Therefore, if you encounter multiple positive reviews and a large customer base, you can be confident that the chosen service is 100% safe.

How much does it cost to buy a research paper?

Price is one of the most important aspects to consider when choosing a custom writing company. If you are a student on a budget, you are probably limited in the amount of money to spend on your studies.  Hence, you must be wondering if buying a research paper online is expensive. It’s difficult to give an exact answer to this question because the prices vary dramatically from one service to another. What’s more, they depend on your academic level and some other criteria.

For instance, high school papers can be found at rates starting from $7 per page, while college students will typically pay more, with professional writing services charging at least $10 per page for college-level work. Ph.D. research papers command even higher prices. There are websites that offer cheap research papers, but more often than not, they are written by amateur writers or by AI.

When calculating the cost of your order, companies also consider the discipline you’re studying. The more complex the subject, the higher the price. Deadline urgency is another critical factor; tighter deadlines mean higher costs as you’re required to pay a premium for expedited service.

Who will write my research paper?

In most cases, selecting the individual who will write your research paper is your responsibility. Websites typically provide a list of writers, featuring brief descriptions of their education, skills, and experience. You can review the degrees held by each specialist and the dates they were conferred. Generally, all writers possess advanced degrees, ensuring the high quality of their work.

For instance, if you need a paper completed in Economics, you can choose a reputable research paper writer with higher education in this specific field. This approach is applicable to any discipline you are studying.

Your choice can also extend between ESL (English as a Second Language) writers and native English speakers. However, it’s important not to be influenced by stereotypes. Some people assume that native speakers are invariably superior to ESL writers. But is this assumption accurate? In reality, certifications like the IELTS Academic demonstrate an individual’s proficient command of English and their capability to perform their job effectively. Therefore, verifying qualifications is crucial.

How soon can I have my custom research paper written?

Students often turn to essay writing services when they can’t manage their homework on time. Tight deadlines prompt young people to seek help, making the delivery speed of your research paper critically important.

The good news is that nearly all reputable essay writing services are capable of completing your urgent assignments. If you’re facing imminent deadlines, you can have your term paper completed within a few days. Some services even promise to finish college tasks within 24 hours. However, be prepared to pay extra for swift services. Why? Because writers must prioritize your order, which increases their workload.

In fact, the more time you allow for the completion of your paper, the less it will cost. If you require a custom research paper to be written in just a few hours, the price can escalate to $36 per page or more.

Is it illegal to buy research papers online?

Since most institutions strictly prohibit using the services of assignment writing companies, it raises a lot of concerns among young people. Students are often worried about the legal consequences of their actions. They are afraid of being punished according to the existing laws. However, it doesn’t make any sense because there are no laws prohibiting paper writing services. If a company has a license and operates according to the required business regulations, it’s absolutely safe.

Officially registered agencies that don’t break any general rules are a great solution for busy university students. But the question is “How to make sure that you’ve chosen the right essay writing service?” Well, actually it’s pretty easy. All you need to do is just to check their official website and see if there is any information about licensing.

Where can I buy a research paper online?

Now, obtaining research paper assistance online is no longer a challenge. The availability of writing services that cater to academic assignments is on the rise. By simply searching phrases like ‘buy college research paper,’ ‘write my assignment for me,’ or ‘order research paper’ on Google, you’ll be presented with a lengthy list of companies.

Hundreds of agencies are capable of completing almost any academic task. Among the most renowned are PaperHelp, BBQPapers, WritePaperForMe, EssayPro, and SpeedyPaper. When selecting a service, it’s crucial to gather as much information about it as you can. Evaluate its pricing, review the qualifications of its writers, and scrutinize its terms and conditions meticulously.

Where can I get research papers for free?

You can find research papers in your area of study for free from a variety of online directories and libraries. But keep in mind that they are not for submitting as your own work. Instead, you can use them to bolster your own original research paper. Some sites offering free papers include:

  • Library Genesis

What are the dangers of hiring a research paper writer on Reddit?

Hiring a research paper writer from Reddit or any other place that isn’t a reputable writing company comes with a plethora of dangers, including:

1. Plagiarism risk

Writers on Reddit don’t have protocols in place to ensure complete originality in the final product. Submitting a research paper filled with plagiarism or unoriginal thoughts could seriously impact your grades and, depending on your institution, lead to expulsion.

Checking for plagiarism should be of utmost importance, and hiring a Reddit-based writer doesn’t necessarily give you this peace of mind.

2. Late delivery

As you know, the punctual submission of term papers and research papers is paramount to success. If the writer fails to meet the deadline you set, the paper could be useless, wasting time and money.

While life does through curveballs to everybody, hiring a writer from Reddit provides no assurance that they’ll deliver your paper on time.

3. Poor writing quality

Poor writing quality is very likely if you fail to use a legitimate writing service and instead choose to hire a writer from Reddit.

It’s unlikely that they will show you samples of their previous work, causing your grades to slip if they can’t meet the high standards of academic writing.

4. Failure to meet requirements

Every essay has criteria that must be met. Writers who aren’t experienced with such writing can fail to meet the standards or conduct a thorough research.

We recommend hiring expert writers from reputable websites only, despite the potentially low cost of those advertising their services on Reddit.

How can a research paper writing website guarantee original, plagiarism-free papers?

Naturally, you need original, plagiarism-free work from your writing service. Otherwise, your grades are at stake.

Only reliable services offer guarantees of originality and ensure they write the paper from scratch. So, that’s the first thing you should look for when deciding where to buy a research paper online.

The services ensure original work by running all final papers through at least one plagiarism checker. Depending on the specific site, they may give you this report for free.

Reasons to Buy Custom Research Paper Online

The advantages of buying research papers from reputable companies are numerous. Firstly, it’s all about quality. Well-known agencies value their reputation on the market, so they never deliver papers of a poor quality. Otherwise, you will get your money back. What’s more, recognized assignment writing services complete orders on time.

Therefore, you can be confident about submitting your homework due to the deadline date. Another important feature of highly-rated companies is that they can write your paper very fast. So if you have an urgent task, you can pay extra and get it done in 24-72 hours.

Just in case you’ve noticed any mistakes in your paper, you can ask writers for a revision. Usually, credible companies offer an unlimited number of revisions, so you can request them until your requirements are completely met.

And last but not least, reputable sites where you can order research paper online typically provide clients with a plagiarism report. Hence, you can make sure that your research paper is original. For your instructors, it will be impossible to reveal that your work was written by somebody else.

Buying research papers online is a common practice nowadays. Many students turn to special services that complete their assignments for money. This is a very convenient way to get your homework done when you are overloaded with academic and professional responsibilities. A reliable writing service can save your time and energy, helping you avoid emotional burnout.

Before you choose a company to buy a paper from, you need to do proper research. Try to find as much information about different platforms as possible. Also, compare their prices and terms. Judging by multiple reviews, one of the best services available today is PaperHelp. But the choice is completely up to you, so you should make your own analysis.

Article paid for by: Ocasio Media The news and editorial staffs of the Bay Area News Group had no role in this post’s preparation.

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Buy research paper online of high quality

Students face the need to write research papers during their studies. Such a creative project aims to obtain theoretical and practical knowledge, and helps to acquire the skills to test scientific hypotheses, establish patterns, and prepare for defending a project. It demonstrates the student’s ability to clearly express thoughts, analyze the information received, and present convincing arguments to prove their point of view.

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Implementing a research project requires painstaking preparation, which takes a lot of time and effort. Students do not always have the opportunity to pay enough attention to each discipline they study since they have assignments in other subjects, need to devote time to their family, and some also work part-time.

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Reasons to use our service

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Highly qualified specialists carry out writing research papers at the EssayLib service. The team of authors delivers only high-quality projects for those who buy papers online here .

When we receive an application, the manager appoints a performer whose area of knowledge and level of training corresponds to the task’s complexity level. The author writes the work, consults the customer, and makes corrections at their request.

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The minimum price for buying paper online is $10 per page. In each case, the cost is determined individually. It is formed depending on factors:

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The deadlines also affect the prices. If the order is urgent, it will cost more.

Pay for a paper to save yourself from problems

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Individual approach

During work, our company has delivered a large number of projects that were custom-made taking into account the customers’ requirements. Therefore, if you are thinking about where to buy a research paper, consider our service.

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I need someone to write my paper: 5 stages of writing

A research paper is a serious work that contributes to the development of students’ intellectual abilities, mastering the skills of conducting scientific research with the prospect of using them in a future dissertation (master’s, candidate’s, doctoral). If you order it from us, your writer will go through the following stages:

  • Getting acquainted with your requirements . Customers who come for essays for sale should include their instructions. The writer will study them thoroughly.
  • Formulating a hypothesis . At this stage, the writer puts forward a scientific hypothesis that requires verification – this can be a theoretical justification or conducting experiments.
  • Drawing up a work plan . The outline will be specific.
  • Data collection . The writer will conduct research. They will analyze secondary sources, such as the relevant literature.
  • Abstract – a brief description of the research done
  • Table of contents – list of chapters with page numbering
  • Introduction – description of the subject of study, objectives of the research work
  • The main part – description of the essence of the research activity
  • Results – a statement of the results obtained
  • Conclusion – a brief overview of the research done
  • Bibliography
  • Appendix (graphs, diagrams, etc.)

You can buy a research paper at an affordable cost . After making an advance payment, our writer will immediately begin work and complete it on time. All you have to do is check the completed paper and download the provided file. Contact us now!

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It is not uncommon for students to struggle with research paper writing. It is an advanced college task that requires dedication, skills, and time. That’s why many students are in need of expert assistance to fulfill academic requirements.

Fortunately, there are plenty of service providers ready to help. However, finding the legit and credible one is a hustle. That’s why our team created this guide for research paper writers and the best online platforms.

We’ve tested and checked them to find the best seven providers for students. Choosing a suitable research paper writer from the best research paper service is the secret to success. We’ve evaluated the offers, prices, and quality of work provided. We’ve prepared full reviews so you know exactly where to go when you need high-quality assistance with your assignments.

Other criteria include delivery, customer support, and other features students might benefit from. All of these seven platforms are credible, legit, and professional. They all have excellent teams of writers ready to deliver outstanding papers on demand. In this guide, you’ll find the top service to go to when you need assistance with college tasks.

Top 7 Best Research Paper Writing Services Providers

Here is an overall rating of these seven research paper writing services before we dwell into details. We’ve focused on the main benefit each of them offers in terms of the research paper help.

  • PaperWriter 🥇 | The Best Research Paper Help Overall | 9.9
  • EssayPro 🥈 | The Top One for the US Students | 9.8
  • WritePaper 🥉 | One of a Kind Team of Authors | 9.7
  • EssayService | The Cheapest Research Paper Writing Services | 9.6
  • EssayHub | The Best for Rushed Orders | 9.6
  • DoMyEssay | The Best Range of Writing Services | 9.4
  • Studyfy | The Best Non-STEM Research Paper Writing Service | 9.1 – Excellent Research Paper Writing Help is our top pick overall because the service covers all the criteria completely. It provides high-quality and quick assistance to college students with a variety of assignments. The team assists with essays, dissertations, presentations, homework, and, of course, research papers. Because of the excellent team of writers and customer support professionals, it is the best research paper writing service out there. Students can quickly place an order and get it going.

Besides writing, the service delivers editing and rewriting, which is a great option to ensure your paper is outstanding. The quality of the papers satisfies all the academic requirements. The research is based on relevant and newest data, and all the papers are authentic.

  • Wide range of services;
  • Timely delivery and work with short deadlines (from 6 hours);
  • Convenient price calculator;
  • Transparent pricing and many free features like plagiarism reports, formatting, and unlimited revisions;
  • Refund policy in place;
  • Serious data protection and confidentiality;
  • Comfortable ordering process in three clicks.
  • The service doesn’t work with deadlines that are in less than 6 hours;
  • The first time it might take you some time to choose a writer because the team is so big. – One of The Best Research Paper Writing Services in USA


When it comes to US higher education, there is no better research paper helper. is an outstanding provider that focuses on US students. The team consists of US and Canadian residents who have graduated from these countries’ top universities. They know everything about local requirements and expectations from their first-hand experience.

Another great sign of credibility is that the business has been operating for more than a decade. It has an impressive track record of completed projects and satisfied customers. The team does admission essays, dissertations, case studies, term papers, and research papers writing on demand.

Also, it offers homework help and custom writing. So students can get assistance with anything they are struggling with. The support representatives are available round the clock and happy to answer any questions.

  • The service offers assistance with anything students might struggle with;
  • All the writers are from the US and Canada, which makes them experts in the local educational system;
  • Reasonable pricing and a lot of free features, including originality report, title page, and choice of the best writer;
  • A convenient method of placing an order and choosing an author (author profile features completed tasks, credentials, and reviews).
  • The platform doesn’t work with extremely short deadlines. – Outstanding Research Paper Writers


Although every platform on this list has a solid team, comes first when it comes to the best research paper writers. All of them are experts with many years of experience in the field. Some have a Master’s degree, but a vast majority have Ph.D. It makes the team fit to complete an assignment of any complexity, whether it is an essay, case study, or dissertation.

Each writer has a profile with stats on works completed, success rate, and reviews. You can also see their level of education and subjects of expertise. It makes the choice of an author for your order relatively easy.

The services include all types of college assignments along with homework help and personal statement writing. Students can also read the blog with plenty of tips and tricks on academic writing. Here you can also find experts to complete niche projects and subjects.

  • Proficient and expert team of authors;
  • Confidentiality and advanced data protection; 24/7 customer support;
  • Additional focus on payment safety;
  • Reasonable prices and a full money-back guarantee;
  • Free originality reports to all orders, outlines, and formatting.
  • There are fewer payment options because the platform trusts only some gates. – The Cheapest of the Best Research Paper Writing Services


Some might think it is expensive to buy research papers online; however, it is not the case with EssayService. The provider knows that budget is crucial for many students, so it offers many deals and discounts. For example, the first order comes with a 15% discount, which is fantastic. It is a platform of choice for those who want to save some money without compromising on quality.

Besides the budget-friendly policy, the platform delivers a wide range of papers. The writers’ team is qualified and experienced. Students can order not only research assignments but also dissertations, essays, term papers, and MBA essays.

Also, custom writing is available. The platform has excellent reviews and hundreds of thousands of happy clients.

  • Various deals and discounts that make writing assistance affordable;
  • A lot of free features like plagiarism reports, edits, and formatting;
  • Huge range of services from essays to book reviews and more;
  • Individual approach to every order and style imitation service;
  • To start, you only need to deposit one-third of the price.
  • Finding a suitable author for very niche topics can take time, so it is better to start ordering beforehand. – The Best Website to Write My Research Paper in 3 Hours


If you need immediate assignment writing services, EssayHub is ready to help. You can find professional research paper writers that can provide outstanding papers in only 3 hours. So it is the best platform for quickly approaching deadlines.

Also, any paper gets an unlimited number of reviews. If you are not completely satisfied immediately, you can ask a writer to make changes. We were impressed by the quality and delivery.

The delivery is speedy, and all the texts are original. Students can ask for help with any type of text they have issues with. It includes such things as discussion board posts and book reports. So it is a one-stop for all kinds of college tasks, and that’s why the platform has a great percentage of returning customers.

  • Extremely quick delivery of orders even with rushed deadlines;
  • Experienced writers that can nail all types of assignments;
  • Reasonable pricing and easy ordering process;
  • Helpful blog with tips on academic writing;
  • Ability to communicate with the writer during the process;
  • Authentic and original content according to your specific requirements.
  • The team is comparatively small, which means the platform can process a smaller number of orders overall. – The Best Range of Writing Services


Although all of the platforms in the list have impressive services, this one comes first. DoMyEssay can complete anything a student can think of, from a research paper to presentations, annotated bibliographies, and reflective writing texts. It is possible because the platform has a great team of writers with various qualifications.

Students can get assistance with Statistics coursework or ask for a creative writing assignment. Another considerable advantage of this service is that it has even college professors on the team. It allows for fulfilling requirements of any complexity. And it ensures the best results and the highest grades.

Students can also rest assured that their personal data is protected with the best measures. All the papers are authentic, original, and delivered just in time.

  • With the broadest range of services out there, students can get assistance with anything;
  • Reasonable prices with several free features included;
  • Plagiarism report included in every order;
  • Style imitation ensures that the paper looks as if you write it;
  • Research is based only on credible and scientifically-approved sources;
  • All clients get unlimited revisions to ensure satisfaction with the result.
  • Payment options are a bit limited to only credible ones;
  • The first order processing can take a bit longer. – The Best Non-STEM Research Paper Writing Service


This platform delivers help with various kinds of assignments, along with homework and coursework help. Also, the team offers rewriting and editing services to polish your work before submission. The team works best with non-STEM subjects, including Business, Art, Literature, Nursing, Geography, and many more.

Another fantastic feature of this platform is the resources tab. Students can find writing tools, samples, writing, and literature guides there. All of those resources help students to become better writers. Besides that, students can also read a blog with expert guidance on the matter. The best part is that those resources are free, and anyone can access them.

The pricing is reasonable, and the team delivers high-quality and unique papers. The support team representatives are very helpful and available 24/7. Overall, it is an amazing platform for non-STEM research papers.

  • Qualified team to work with tasks of different academic levels;
  • Original papers with plagiarism reports and unlimited revisions;
  • All the necessary features are provided for free, including the outline, title page, and formatting;
  • Full confidentiality and data security;
  • A lot of valuable resources for students who want to become better writers;
  • Great library of essay samples on various subjects;
  • Works with rushed orders and deadlines.
  • No special deals or discounts are available for students.

Here Is How We Chose Our Top Research Paper Writing Services

So how did we choose these seven platforms to feature in our guide? Here is how our process works.

First, we look for popular services with appropriate ratings. If many people have reviewed it four stars and higher, we want to get a closer look. It matters what sites they are evaluated at. And we also go through the testimonials to figure out the authenticity. At this stage, our team evaluates the legitimacy of a business. Only if it is clean, do we proceed with further inspections.

Secondly, we research the business and the services it offers. We evaluate the range of papers and the team. We look into the claims before we test them out. It is essential that the platform delivers various papers because it is a sign of a diverse and expert team.

Thirdly, we place an order and wait for the result. Based on that, we get to test customer support and service convenience. Another crucial criterion is how easy it is to start and place an order. It shows how user-friendly the site is. And that’s one of the significant factors in evaluating how much the business cares about clients.

And the fourth step is to analyze the received paper in terms of originality and quality. Of course, it is the main deciding factor in our investigation. After all, this is all it comes to – how reliable the platform is. Based on the papers we’ve received, all of these platforms have proven their expertise.

Other factors we consider include additional features, discounts, and prices. Although the average costs are approximately the same, if a platform offers special deals, it can make it significantly more budget-friendly.

Confidentiality and data security are also crucial. We choose only services that imply their websites’ newest and most robust data protection features. Cyber security is something everyone must care about, especially when it comes to paid services. It is how our team inspected these seven services to make sure they are the best when it comes to research papers.

1. How Fast Can They Write My Research Paper?

The delivery time depends hugely on the complexity of the task. The harder it is, the longer it will take an expert to research and write an excellent paper. Delivering essays is pretty fast, but a research paper requires deeper insight and might take more effort.

However, some of the services in this guide work with rushed deadlines. Usually, the minimum is 3 hours. But it is always better to place an order beforehand. First of all, the rushed deadlines might come at an additional fee. Secondly, there is little room for revisions and edits if the deadline is very tight.

2. Are Research Paper Writing Services Cheap?

The average price for academic writing is about $11 per page. But the estimation for each order depends on several major factors. These are the type of assignment, complexity, volume, and deadline.

For example, the higher the academic level of the paper, the more a student will need to pay. At the same time, all the services in our list provide a handful of free features. Those mean free plagiarism reports, unlimited revisions, formatting, outlining, and a title page. Taking all of that into consideration, the price is low.

Also, you get to work with the best in the industry and communicate with authors directly. Also, some of the platforms offer regular discounts and deals for students. It makes research paper writing even more affordable.

3. Who Will Write My Research Paper?

Students choose who will complete the order. All the services listed offer this for free. After you’ve stated your requirements, you can view writers’ profiles and decide who is the most suitable for the job.

You can view the number of completed tasks and the satisfaction rate to decide on that. Also, the profiles feature each professional’s qualifications and areas of expertise. They focus on 2-3 areas they are educated and experienced at. Some are experts in the Humanities, others in STEM.

Another good way to evaluate a writer’s expertise is to read through testimonials of students that worked with them already.

4. How Safe Is It to Use Research Paper Services?

Using any of these seven platforms is completely safe. We’ve gathered only legitimate businesses that have been on the market for years. They are well-established and secure. All of them care deeply about the confidentiality of customers.

They also use various data safety measures to ensure your cooperation remains confidential. Besides that, the platforms have clear terms and conditions along with refund policies. It means that there are no risks. Students can order their papers knowing that their data is secure and they get high-quality results.

5. How Does the Payment Work?

When you place an order, you receive the estimation for your paper. After that, you choose the writer and place a deposit. After getting the paper and confirming satisfaction, the deposit goes to the service.

Some services take only a fraction of the price as a deposit, making it even more convenient for students. Satisfaction means that you’ve read the paper and have no edits or reviews needed. The services accept credit and debit cards. Those are secure and safe payment services that protect all your sensitive information.

6. Why Do Students Use Research Paper Help?

Students might need assistance for various reasons. One of the most common ones is the lack of time. Students have to manage many responsibilities, and finding the right balance is often challenging. Maybe you are overloaded with tasks or have unexpected duties to fulfill. It becomes impossible to do everything on your own.

Professionals can write a paper from scratch, or they can edit and rewrite your work so that it is outstanding. Another primary reason why students opt for such services is that they need guidance.

Academic writing is complex and requires advanced skills. If you are not confident in your research or writing, getting an objective and expert perspective on that is a good idea.

7. How to Order a Research Paper?

To order the paper, you need to go to the website of the provider you’ve chosen from the list. All of them have a convenient ordering system. Students get to fill in the form. First, you need to specify all the fundamental requirements like academic level, type of paper, and deadline. Secondly, you need to put in all other additional requirements.

Usually, students can either type them in or upload a task document. These requirements include professor instructions, textbook information, style specifics, etc. The more specific you’ll be, the better the result you’ll get.

After that, you proceed to choose an author and place a deposit. You can chat with the author while they are working on your text. Students can check on the progress or share more details in person.

8. Will I Get the Original Papers?

Yes, all the papers provided by these services are original and plagiarism-free. We’ve investigated it based on our orders. Originality is one of the crucial demands in the academic world. That’s why professional platforms take pride in the authenticity of their assistance.

Every order is handled individually. There are no premade texts. A writer will start working on an order from scratch (unless you want rewriting or editing).

It begins with proper research of peer-reviewed and scientifically-approved sources. Then comes the outline, draft, and final version.

All the orders come with a plagiarism report so that customers can be confident that they get an original assignment. Also, the style imitation feature allows getting texts that are written in your unique way.

9. What Happens If I Do Not Like the Paper?

If you are dissatisfied, you can ask for as many reviews and edits as needed. In our experience, all the papers were of excellent quality. But miscommunications and errors can happen. If you feel something should be edited, ask the writer to do it without additional charges.

Also, the platforms in our list offer partial and complete refund policies. It is proof of a business being confident in the quality of services.

Final Thoughts Top Research Paper Writing Services Websites

Getting professional assistance with college papers is an excellent way to keep up with all the duties. It is also a powerful learning opportunity. Students can communicate with experts, get an objective perspective on their work, and learn from the best. But it is vital to know who to trust your time and money with. Our team wants to help students get the best services and avoid any risks. That’s why we’ve investigated these services to make sure they are the best in research paper writing.

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Grad Coach

How To Write A Research Paper

Step-By-Step Tutorial With Examples + FREE Template

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Expert Reviewer: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | March 2024

For many students, crafting a strong research paper from scratch can feel like a daunting task – and rightly so! In this post, we’ll unpack what a research paper is, what it needs to do , and how to write one – in three easy steps. 🙂 

Overview: Writing A Research Paper

What (exactly) is a research paper.

  • How to write a research paper
  • Stage 1 : Topic & literature search
  • Stage 2 : Structure & outline
  • Stage 3 : Iterative writing
  • Key takeaways

Let’s start by asking the most important question, “ What is a research paper? ”.

Simply put, a research paper is a scholarly written work where the writer (that’s you!) answers a specific question (this is called a research question ) through evidence-based arguments . Evidence-based is the keyword here. In other words, a research paper is different from an essay or other writing assignments that draw from the writer’s personal opinions or experiences. With a research paper, it’s all about building your arguments based on evidence (we’ll talk more about that evidence a little later).

Now, it’s worth noting that there are many different types of research papers , including analytical papers (the type I just described), argumentative papers, and interpretative papers. Here, we’ll focus on analytical papers , as these are some of the most common – but if you’re keen to learn about other types of research papers, be sure to check out the rest of the blog .

With that basic foundation laid, let’s get down to business and look at how to write a research paper .

Research Paper Template

Overview: The 3-Stage Process

While there are, of course, many potential approaches you can take to write a research paper, there are typically three stages to the writing process. So, in this tutorial, we’ll present a straightforward three-step process that we use when working with students at Grad Coach.

These three steps are:

  • Finding a research topic and reviewing the existing literature
  • Developing a provisional structure and outline for your paper, and
  • Writing up your initial draft and then refining it iteratively

Let’s dig into each of these.

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Step 1: Find a topic and review the literature

As we mentioned earlier, in a research paper, you, as the researcher, will try to answer a question . More specifically, that’s called a research question , and it sets the direction of your entire paper. What’s important to understand though is that you’ll need to answer that research question with the help of high-quality sources – for example, journal articles, government reports, case studies, and so on. We’ll circle back to this in a minute.

The first stage of the research process is deciding on what your research question will be and then reviewing the existing literature (in other words, past studies and papers) to see what they say about that specific research question. In some cases, your professor may provide you with a predetermined research question (or set of questions). However, in many cases, you’ll need to find your own research question within a certain topic area.

Finding a strong research question hinges on identifying a meaningful research gap – in other words, an area that’s lacking in existing research. There’s a lot to unpack here, so if you wanna learn more, check out the plain-language explainer video below.

Once you’ve figured out which question (or questions) you’ll attempt to answer in your research paper, you’ll need to do a deep dive into the existing literature – this is called a “ literature search ”. Again, there are many ways to go about this, but your most likely starting point will be Google Scholar .

If you’re new to Google Scholar, think of it as Google for the academic world. You can start by simply entering a few different keywords that are relevant to your research question and it will then present a host of articles for you to review. What you want to pay close attention to here is the number of citations for each paper – the more citations a paper has, the more credible it is (generally speaking – there are some exceptions, of course).

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Ideally, what you’re looking for are well-cited papers that are highly relevant to your topic. That said, keep in mind that citations are a cumulative metric , so older papers will often have more citations than newer papers – just because they’ve been around for longer. So, don’t fixate on this metric in isolation – relevance and recency are also very important.

Beyond Google Scholar, you’ll also definitely want to check out academic databases and aggregators such as Science Direct, PubMed, JStor and so on. These will often overlap with the results that you find in Google Scholar, but they can also reveal some hidden gems – so, be sure to check them out.

Once you’ve worked your way through all the literature, you’ll want to catalogue all this information in some sort of spreadsheet so that you can easily recall who said what, when and within what context. If you’d like, we’ve got a free literature spreadsheet that helps you do exactly that.

Don’t fixate on an article’s citation count in isolation - relevance (to your research question) and recency are also very important.

Step 2: Develop a structure and outline

With your research question pinned down and your literature digested and catalogued, it’s time to move on to planning your actual research paper .

It might sound obvious, but it’s really important to have some sort of rough outline in place before you start writing your paper. So often, we see students eagerly rushing into the writing phase, only to land up with a disjointed research paper that rambles on in multiple

Now, the secret here is to not get caught up in the fine details . Realistically, all you need at this stage is a bullet-point list that describes (in broad strokes) what you’ll discuss and in what order. It’s also useful to remember that you’re not glued to this outline – in all likelihood, you’ll chop and change some sections once you start writing, and that’s perfectly okay. What’s important is that you have some sort of roadmap in place from the start.

You need to have a rough outline in place before you start writing your paper - or you’ll end up with a disjointed research paper that rambles on.

At this stage you might be wondering, “ But how should I structure my research paper? ”. Well, there’s no one-size-fits-all solution here, but in general, a research paper will consist of a few relatively standardised components:

  • Introduction
  • Literature review
  • Methodology

Let’s take a look at each of these.

First up is the introduction section . As the name suggests, the purpose of the introduction is to set the scene for your research paper. There are usually (at least) four ingredients that go into this section – these are the background to the topic, the research problem and resultant research question , and the justification or rationale. If you’re interested, the video below unpacks the introduction section in more detail. 

The next section of your research paper will typically be your literature review . Remember all that literature you worked through earlier? Well, this is where you’ll present your interpretation of all that content . You’ll do this by writing about recent trends, developments, and arguments within the literature – but more specifically, those that are relevant to your research question . The literature review can oftentimes seem a little daunting, even to seasoned researchers, so be sure to check out our extensive collection of literature review content here .

With the introduction and lit review out of the way, the next section of your paper is the research methodology . In a nutshell, the methodology section should describe to your reader what you did (beyond just reviewing the existing literature) to answer your research question. For example, what data did you collect, how did you collect that data, how did you analyse that data and so on? For each choice, you’ll also need to justify why you chose to do it that way, and what the strengths and weaknesses of your approach were.

Now, it’s worth mentioning that for some research papers, this aspect of the project may be a lot simpler . For example, you may only need to draw on secondary sources (in other words, existing data sets). In some cases, you may just be asked to draw your conclusions from the literature search itself (in other words, there may be no data analysis at all). But, if you are required to collect and analyse data, you’ll need to pay a lot of attention to the methodology section. The video below provides an example of what the methodology section might look like.

By this stage of your paper, you will have explained what your research question is, what the existing literature has to say about that question, and how you analysed additional data to try to answer your question. So, the natural next step is to present your analysis of that data . This section is usually called the “results” or “analysis” section and this is where you’ll showcase your findings.

Depending on your school’s requirements, you may need to present and interpret the data in one section – or you might split the presentation and the interpretation into two sections. In the latter case, your “results” section will just describe the data, and the “discussion” is where you’ll interpret that data and explicitly link your analysis back to your research question. If you’re not sure which approach to take, check in with your professor or take a look at past papers to see what the norms are for your programme.

Alright – once you’ve presented and discussed your results, it’s time to wrap it up . This usually takes the form of the “ conclusion ” section. In the conclusion, you’ll need to highlight the key takeaways from your study and close the loop by explicitly answering your research question. Again, the exact requirements here will vary depending on your programme (and you may not even need a conclusion section at all) – so be sure to check with your professor if you’re unsure.

Step 3: Write and refine

Finally, it’s time to get writing. All too often though, students hit a brick wall right about here… So, how do you avoid this happening to you?

Well, there’s a lot to be said when it comes to writing a research paper (or any sort of academic piece), but we’ll share three practical tips to help you get started.

First and foremost , it’s essential to approach your writing as an iterative process. In other words, you need to start with a really messy first draft and then polish it over multiple rounds of editing. Don’t waste your time trying to write a perfect research paper in one go. Instead, take the pressure off yourself by adopting an iterative approach.

Secondly , it’s important to always lean towards critical writing , rather than descriptive writing. What does this mean? Well, at the simplest level, descriptive writing focuses on the “ what ”, while critical writing digs into the “ so what ” – in other words, the implications . If you’re not familiar with these two types of writing, don’t worry! You can find a plain-language explanation here.

Last but not least, you’ll need to get your referencing right. Specifically, you’ll need to provide credible, correctly formatted citations for the statements you make. We see students making referencing mistakes all the time and it costs them dearly. The good news is that you can easily avoid this by using a simple reference manager . If you don’t have one, check out our video about Mendeley, an easy (and free) reference management tool that you can start using today.

Recap: Key Takeaways

We’ve covered a lot of ground here. To recap, the three steps to writing a high-quality research paper are:

  • To choose a research question and review the literature
  • To plan your paper structure and draft an outline
  • To take an iterative approach to writing, focusing on critical writing and strong referencing

Remember, this is just a b ig-picture overview of the research paper development process and there’s a lot more nuance to unpack. So, be sure to grab a copy of our free research paper template to learn more about how to write a research paper.

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Can you help me with a full paper template for this Abstract:

Background: Energy and sports drinks have gained popularity among diverse demographic groups, including adolescents, athletes, workers, and college students. While often used interchangeably, these beverages serve distinct purposes, with energy drinks aiming to boost energy and cognitive performance, and sports drinks designed to prevent dehydration and replenish electrolytes and carbohydrates lost during physical exertion.

Objective: To assess the nutritional quality of energy and sports drinks in Egypt.

Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study assessed the nutrient contents, including energy, sugar, electrolytes, vitamins, and caffeine, of sports and energy drinks available in major supermarkets in Cairo, Alexandria, and Giza, Egypt. Data collection involved photographing all relevant product labels and recording nutritional information. Descriptive statistics and appropriate statistical tests were employed to analyze and compare the nutritional values of energy and sports drinks.

Results: The study analyzed 38 sports drinks and 42 energy drinks. Sports drinks were significantly more expensive than energy drinks, with higher net content and elevated magnesium, potassium, and vitamin C. Energy drinks contained higher concentrations of caffeine, sugars, and vitamins B2, B3, and B6.

Conclusion: Significant nutritional differences exist between sports and energy drinks, reflecting their intended uses. However, these beverages’ high sugar content and calorie loads raise health concerns. Proper labeling, public awareness, and responsible marketing are essential to guide safe consumption practices in Egypt.

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A Prospective Observational Study on Assessment of Antibiotic Therapy in Renal Failure Patients with Infections

Introduction: The combination of renal failure and infections is the primary cause of death. Effective drug treatment is crucial for managing these conditions and reducing illness and death risks. Aim: The study aims to identify the type of microorganism causing kidney or renal infection, its sensitivity patterns and to assess the type of antibiotic prescribed in renal failure patients with infections. Methods and Material: The study was conducted at Santhiram Medical College and General Hospital in Nandyal between November 2021 and April 2022. The study aimed to analyse the cases of 130 patients diagnosed with renal failure diseases and accompanying infections in the nephrology department. The study prospectively collected demographic data, diagnosis information, prescribing patterns, and culture sensitivity reports. Results: In this study, males exhibited a higher likelihood of developing renal failure diseases, with an incidence rate of 65%, compared to females, who showed an incidence rate of 45%. Individuals who were 61–70 years old, regardless of gender, were at a heightened risk of developing renal failure diseases. The study also revealed the presence of 8 distinct microorganisms, with E. coli being the most prevalent cause of infection, contributing to 34.61% of cases. Conclusions: Our research determined that infections in patients with renal failure are primarily caused by E. coli and Klebsiella microorganisms. Treatment typically involves prescribing antibiotics, with cefoperazone and sulbactam being commonly used. However, it was observed that doxycycline and levofloxacin are ineffective against all microorganisms. By analysing the total white blood cell count, it has been determined that cefoperazone-sulbactam is a more effective antibiotic for reducing infections.

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