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How To Write Job Application Letter Sample For Any Position

How To Write Job Application Letter Sample For Any Position

It has become increasingly necessary for job seekers to submit an application letter alongside their resume during the job application process . 

But why is this so important? 

First, attaching an application letter helps to set you apart from other applicants and research has shown that about half of recruiters reject job applications without application letters. 

So if you're currently job hunting and want to increase your chances of having your resume read and landing an interview, then you need to learn how to write the perfect job application letter. 

Now we understand that writing application letters every single time you're applying for a new post can be exhausting. Some of these job openings have a really short application window, leaving you with little to no time to craft out something good from scratch.  That is why we have created the perfect job application letter template for any position with a sample you can swipe in a minute. 

What Is An Application Letter?

An application letter is a document that can either be attached to your resume, sent in the body of an email or sent as a standalone document to a potential employer, with the sole purpose of expressing your interest in an open job position. 

A well-written application letter should give the reader a good reason why you should be called in for an interview and must also highlight key skills and qualifications that make you a great fit for the role being advertised.

Aside from showcasing your job-worthy qualifications, an application letter is a great way of showing your personality and familiarity with the company you're applying to. Feel free to mention your professional goals and aspirations and how they align with the company goals. 

What Is The Format Of A Job Application Letter?

When writing a job application letter, you are expected to follow a business letter format. There's also a slight difference when formatting depending on the medium through which it will be sent. 

Here are three easy steps on how to format a job application letter

Use a professional format- you must keep your application letter professional and precise. This means that your document must include single line spacing, one-inch margins and left alignment. Avoid using fancy fonts and stick to more traditional ones like Times New Roman, Arial or Calibri.  Your font size should be between 10 to 12 points and keep the letter one page long. 

Create the heading- use a formal business letter heading if you are submitting a hard copy application. This includes your name and contact information, the date, company name and address. Example of the header:

[Your name]

[Your City]

[Your phone number]

[ Your email address]

[Name of hiring manager]

[Title of hiring manager]

[Company name]

[Company address]

Including your contact information, makes it easy for the hiring manager to follow up with you regarding the job. 

The major difference between formatting a hardcopy application letter and an email is in the heading. For an email, you'll need to include a catchy subject line that clearly states your purpose for writing. This will determine if your email gets opened and is read. A simple email application subject line would be "Videographer - Michael Williams". And unlike in a hardcopy version where your contact information is written at the top of the letter, with email, you can place it below your signature.  

Address the letter to the hiring manager-  Find out the name of the person in charge and address the letter to this person using a common business greeting like Dear Mr/Mrs and their Last Name. If you don't know their gender and which pronouns to use, you can write your greeting as "Dear First and Last Name". And if you're unable to find their names, a simple "Dear Hiring manager will work just fine.

Best Tips For Writing An Application Letter

When writing an application letter, make sure to incorporate the following tips to increase the effectiveness of your letter.

1 . Always send an application letter 

You should always send an application letter with your resume for every job you're applying for unless the job ad specifically says not to send one. An application letter helps the employer to learn more about you than they would have from reading just your resume and it also sets you apart from other applicants.

2 . Use keywords

Most job postings will include skills and abilities that they expect candidates to possess. Review the job posting to find out these keywords and incorporate them into your application letter to show the employer that you're a good fit for the role.

3 . Emphasize your skills and abilities

While your resume contains information on your skills and qualifications, an application letter offers your more room to sell yourself as the best candidate for that position. Instead of just listing your skills and accomplishments, give specific examples of how you applied your skills and abilities to situations that benefited the organisation. 

For example  instead of saying "I managed website content for ABC for 2 years" you can say " I created a content calendar consisting of four SEO-optimized articles per week for ABC's website which saw a 50% increase in organic traffic within 3 months"

4. Keep it brief

While sharing your skills and accomplishments, don't forget to only mention the important stuff and keep it short. Your application letter should be a page long, so focus on mentioning only those things that relate to the position you're applying for.

5. Proofread the letter

Don't be in such a hurry to write and submit your application letter without proofreading and editing. Maintain your professional approach by making sure that your letter is error-free. Check for spelling mistakes, punctuations and proper spacing before you click the send button. 

What To Say In A Job Application Letter

If you find yourself struggling with what to say in your application letter, you're not alone. Here are the key things to mention in your application letter.

1 . Express your interest

In the first paragraph of your letter, you're expected to express your interest in the role being advertised. Make sure to convey your enthusiasm through your words. The hiring manager should be able to tell from the tone of the letter that you're excited about working with them and that this is not just another routine letter that you're sending to every other company.  

❌  "In response to your job ad for a Graphic designer, I would like to indicate my interest in the position" 

✔️ "As a lifelong enthusiast of ABC's marketing initiatives, I was thrilled to see your posting for the position of a Graphics designer in your marketing team".

2.  List your experience and qualifications

Right after you have shown interest in the job being advertised, mention your skills, experience and qualifications in a way that aligns with the company's mission and goals.  For example, if the role you're applying for is in the financial sector, you can emphasize how you have worked within the accounting department at your previous job.

3. Mention your best personality traits

While maintaining a professional approach,  don't forget to mention your best personality traits that show your potential employer that you're friendly and easy-going. If the job requires you to work with a team, you can explain how you value community spirit.

4. Express appreciation

Before your sign off your letter, remember to appreciate the hiring manager for taking out time to read what you have written. 

5. Close the letter

 Avoid focusing on how much you need the job and instead place emphasis on what you have to offer. Also, avoid repeating cliche phrases like " thanks for your time and consideration" instead close with a promise. A simple way to go about this is to tell the hiring manager that you're looking forward to an interview with them so you can discuss how your knowledge and experience can help them achieve the company's future goals. 

To sign off, instead of using "Sincerely" you can replace it with other synonyms like " Best regards", or "Respectfully yours".

6. Add a postscript

All of the above are must-haves in your application letter but this last one is optional. Adding a postscript is a special trick that some people use. The postscript P.S screams "important information that you cannot miss" it draws the reader's attention and leaves them wanting more, hence earning you at least a callback or an interview. You can use this to tell the hiring manager something impressive about your career and say that you'd like to share more details if they are interested. 

How To Send A Job Application Letter

There are three ways you can send your application letter, you either submit it through the company’s recruitment portal or via email or a hardcopy alongside your resume in an envelope to the physical address of the company.

Since most companies now digitize their application processes, sending a job application letter through email has become the most popular option. When sending via email, make sure to use a subject line that contains your name and the position you're applying for.

Job Application Letter  Template

Contact Information (if you are submitting a hard copy. Not necessary for online applications)

City, State

Phone Number

Email address

Employer's Contact Information (if you are submitting a hard copy. Not necessary for online applications)

City, state

Dear Mr/Ms Last Name or Dear Hiring manager (if you don't have the name of the person in charge)

Body of Application Letter

The body of your application letter is where you show your interest in the job, the position you're applying for, and mention solid reasons why the employer should grant you an interview. It should include about three to four paragraphs and not be more than one page long.

First Paragraph - mention where you saw the job posting, include the name of a mutual contact where applicable, and express your interest in the position

Middle Paragraph- this paragraph can be broken down into two, and for easy comprehension, you can use bullet points to state and explain your experiences and accomplishments.

Final Paragraph- thank the hiring manager for reviewing your letter and including follow-up information.

Sincerely, Best regards

Your Signature (for hardcopy)

Job Application Letter Example 

Cassandra Ejiro (if you are submitting a hard copy. Not necessary for online applications)

17 DLA Road

Asaba, Delta State


[email protected]

21 July 2022 (if you are submitting a hard copy. Not necessary for online applications)

Hezekiah Obi

Human resource manager

Vienna Int'l Hotel

Warri, Delta State

Dear Mr Obi, 

I was thrilled when I came across your job ad for the post of a social media manager on MyJobMag and I decided to give it my best shot.

Looking at your company's ongoing project to launch new community bus terminals, it is obvious that a social media campaign would be a great way to create awareness for the brand, attract potential sponsors and connect with your customers at the grassroots level. I believe I have just what you need to bring this campaign to life.

I've worked as a content manager at New Media group where I had the responsibility of overseeing research, writing, editing and publishing of the company's blog posts. I was also in charge of handling three social media accounts, Facebook, Twitter and Instagram which I successfully grew to above 5000 active followers on each platform within 3 months of consistent posting. 

I also have:

Expertise in WordPress, Facebook and Instagram ads

Basic graphic design skills like creating simple picture graphics and slides best for Instagram posts

Feel free to reach out to me at your convenience to discuss your company's goals and needs in the coming year. You can reach me on 0912345678.

Best regards

Cassandra Ejiro

PS: I would love the opportunity to show you how I generated new customer leads from the comments section of the New Media Twitter handle in just a month, using my 30-day content creation calendar. 

Now that we know how to write an application letter, it is time to start applying for the right job vacancies in Kenya .

sample of kenyan application letter

Staff Writer

47 comment(s).

peris bwire

So informative thanks you so much.

Lutomia Emanuel

Great insight !, Thank you. 

Vinius Okayumba

Very helpful stuff there.Thank you 

Tsisaga Peter Ambani

Very informative.Thank you.

James Mwaniki

Nice one there a difference between a cover letter and an application letter?

mary mungai


Abdi Halake

atleast have learnt why employers never resond to my applications.. now i have learnt.  THANKS

milka akinyi

Very insightful and informative


This will surely come in handy.

Joseph Yongo

I appreciate the guidelines 

Zachariah Kefah

Very informative

Grace Waithira

Thanks for sharing I have known some issues that were a hinderance.

Hazeline Lego

Thanks I will never mss to be shortlisted for an interview,it was kind of you


this is so insightful. will have to use these formats

Priscilla Kamulya

Helpful. Thank you

Ann Njoki

Very informative.

Joseph Musau

Great insight.

Faith Yaran

I am now confident to apply for jobs.

Thank you 

Job Nyabuto

Hello..thanks for the information.

Pauline Nyakio

Thank you for sharing this


Amazing article, thank you so much.

Jeniffer muendi

Wow so informative



Rebecca Ogoti

Thanks very informative

Josphat Sitima

Much directive,,thank you very much!

Mussa Japheth

That's nice 

Tuei Nixon

This will come in handy for most job seekers.

There are also you can use to improve your writing skill.


A lovely guide.


A great guide indeed, keep ot up

Dorothy Akinyi

Very impressive and of great insight 

nelly chepngetich

Very impressive!

Michelle Foza

Pretty informative and interesting...thanks for this

Arthur Kanyi

This will be helpful, thank you.

Nehemiah Khasuru

thanks for a nice briefing

Joshua Ombok

So impressive


This nice I have learn more thank again big...

patrick musyoka

So educative thanks

Hilda Akoth

This was impactful and educative. Thank you 

Tyson Kamau

This is helpful. Thank you 

Mourine Omollo

The best I have come informative 

Evalyne chepngetich

Very informative. Now I know. 

joseph kimathi

Ippressive ideas to beginners thanks

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How to write an application letter for employment

An application letter also known as a cover letter is a document accompanied by the curriculum vitae when applying for a job. Your CV contains your skills, experience and education background in detail while your application letter for employment highlights the requirements you have for your desired job. This article will guide you on how to write an application letter for a job vacancy. Read on to know more.

application letter for employment

Writing an application letter requires some skills. Everything has to be professional. Your potential employer will want to see your abilities and talents in your application letter before seeing what you can present. The first rule of writing an application letter is that it should be concise and to the point. Employers do not have time for long letters as they are probably vetting more candidates. Check out job application letter examples and writing tips below.

Steps to writing a good letter of employment

sample of kenyan application letter

Best CV samples for fresh graduates in Kenya

  • Prepare and organize your thoughts: Keep in mind that a lot of candidates are applying for the same position. Highlight the most useful or relevant skills and experiences. You need to understand what the employer is looking for and be in a position to convince him or her that you are fit for the job. Explain your qualifications and skills in such a way that the need of the employer will be met. With the ideas of what you want to write in mind, better still, written down; you can then proceed to the actual writing.
  • Writing guide: This is a totally different write-up from a quick email to your friend or a thank you note to someone you appreciate. There are expectations from those who will receive your application. Meeting the bare minimum would mean better consideration of your case. You need to adhere to spacing, presentation and length guidelines if you want hiring managers to read your letter.
  • Length: The length should not exceed a page
  • Font: Have between 10 and 12 points in your font size so as to make your legible.
  • Formatting and margins: The format and page margins of your letter matter too. Single space your letter with spaces between every paragraph. Align your text to the left if it is not the default setting. Use at least 1” margins and use a favorable font. Times New Roman, Calibri, and Arial are the most suitable MS Word fonts to use in your application letter for a job.

sample of kenyan application letter

Complete guide to writing an effective appointment letter

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The format of an application letter

The following format should be used when writing an application letter:

This includes both your contact and that of your potential employer. The heading contains your name, postal address, the email, phone number, and the date beneath the contact information. The recipient's contact information includes the company name, the address, and their role. Add the reference just below the contact details.

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The introduction of an application letter for a job should have a simple salutation such as Dear Mr. /Ms. which is followed by the person's last name. Do not be casual in your greetings. Avoid words like “Hey or hello” and use more professional terms. Only use “To Whom It May Concern” if you are unsure of the name or title person you are addressing. You can also use general salutations like “Dear Human Resources Manager” or “Dear Hiring Manager” if the contact person’s name has not been provided.

sample of kenyan application letter

A step by step guide for writing an awesome attachment letter

This part contains the most weight in your application letter. Start by mentioning the job you want and where you heard the vacancy from. Next state your qualifications and convince your employer to be that you are the best guy for the job. Mention any accomplishments you have had in your career or how your skills saved a company you previously worked for in your application letter for a job vacancy. Employers love to hear about your achievements as they are assured that your addition to the company will make the firm more successful. Share every detail in your experience.

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In conclusion, be grateful to your potential employer for taking the time to hear you out and thank them for considering you. The conclusion is usually short, just three to four sentences.

Sign off with with a polite close like yours sincerely or yours faithfully. Complete the letter with your handwritten signature followed by your name, typed. Include your contact information as you end..

sample of kenyan application letter

Different styles used to write letters

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Job application letter template

application letter for employment

Job application letter sample

(Your contact information )

(Employer’s contacts information )

Dear Sir/Madam, (salutation)

Re: Application for the Sales Manager job

I would like to express my interest in the Sale Manager position that was posted on the Daily Magazine on 4th December 2018. My experience and skills are sufficient enough to meet the requirements of this job. (Indicate your interest in the job and from where you learned about it).

Working as a Sales Manager for MNP Company exposed me to very many activities that enhanced my experience in my line of work. I effectively managed the budgets for the company and solved customer complaints amicably for six years. (Talk about what you did in the past that enabled you to gain the skills).

Attached is my resume providing further details about me. Thank you for considering me. (Express gratitude).

sample of kenyan application letter

How to write a verification of employment letter


Kate Williams

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There you have it. A step by step procedure of writing the best application letter for employment. Go ahead and apply for that job you saw advertised. Goodluck!

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Venic Nyanchama (Lifestyle writer) Venic Nyanchama is an editor with more than three years of working experience in journalism. She has an educational background in Journalism and Media Studies from the University of Nairobi, having graduated in 2014. Venic has worked on different platforms, such as Rumour Juice and Her content encompasses celebrity biographies, education, guides, fashion, and gaming. In 2023, Venic finished the AFP course on Digital Investigation Techniques and the Google News Initiative. You can reach her via [email protected].

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Home Blogs Invitation Letter For Kenya eTA

Invitation Letter For Kenya eTA

When applying for a eTA to visit Kenya , it is often required to submit an invitation letter along with your application. An invitation letter serves as a supporting document, providing information about your trip and the purpose of your visit. 

This letter is typically written by a host or inviting party in Kenya , such as a family member, friend, or business associate. It helps immigration authorities assess the legitimacy of your visit and ensures that you have a clear purpose for your travel.

What does an invitation letter for a eTA application entail?

An invitation letter is a crucial document required for many eTA applications. It serves as a confirmation that you have been invited by someone residing in Kenya. 

The letter is typically written by the inviting person , who acknowledges your intention to visit their residence in Kenya.

Types of Invitation Letters:

There are various types of invitation letters, including:

  • Business Invitation Letter: This type of letter is required when you are invited for business-related purposes, such as attending meetings, conferences, or negotiations in Kenya.
  • Hospital Invitation Letter: If you are traveling to Kenya for medical treatment or consultation, you might need an invitation letter from the hospital or medical institution where you will be receiving the services.
  • Student Invitation Letter: Students who plan to study in Kenya will need an invitation letter from the educational institution where they have been accepted.

Requirements for Writing an Invitation Letter:

While not all embassies make it mandatory, submitting an invitation letter is highly recommended to support your Kenya eTA application . To ensure the acceptance of the invitation letter, the host must meet the following requirements:

  • Relationship: The host must be your friend, relative, family member , or romantic partner.
  • Citizenship or Permanent Residency: The host should be a citizen or lawful permanent resident of Kenya.
  • Accommodation: The host must have sufficient space in their home to accommodate you during your visit.

How to Write an Invitation Letter for eTA Application:

Writing a letter of invitation for a eTA application can be relatively simple once you understand its purpose. The host should personally write the letter, addressing it to either you or the consular officer responsible for processing the eTA application.

In some cases, embassies may have their own invitation form. If provided, your host will only need to complete the form with the necessary details. However, if no specific form is available, you can use the following sample as a guide:

[Embassy Name]

[Embassy Address]

[Embassy Phone Number]

Subject: Invitation Letter for [Applicant's Name] with Passport No. ________________

Dear Sir/Madam,

I, [Host's Name], am writing this letter to support the eTA application of [Applicant's Name] for their visit to Kenya. Currently, I reside in Kenya as a citizen/permanent resident at the following address: [Host's Address].

[Include information about the relationship between the host and the applicant.]

[Applicant's Name] will be visiting me from [Enter Entry Date DD/MM/YY] to [Enter Exit Date DD/MM/YY] for tourism purposes in Kenya. We plan to explore various tourist destinations and engage in activities such as [Add planned activities/itinerary]. During their stay, [Applicant's Name] will be residing with me at [Host's Address] until their departure to their home country. All expenses related to the trip will be covered by [Applicant's Name] through [Provide means of funding].

Should you require additional information or have any inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Kind regards,

[Host's Signature]

[Host's Name]

[Host's Address]

[Host's Phone Number]

[Host's Email]

The host should include copies of their residence permit, proof of residence (address), and any other relevant supporting documents.

Where to Submit the Invitation Letter:

If you are applying for a Kenyan eTA, the invitation letter and eTA application form should be submitted to the Kenyan embassy or consulate . The guest can submit these documents, along with other required supporting documents, on the day of their eTA interview. The host should also provide a scanned copy of the invitation letter to the guest for their reference.

Remember to check the specific requirements and guidelines of the embassy or consulate where you will be submitting your eTA application.

By following these guidelines and providing accurate and detailed information in the invitation letter, you can increase the chances of a successful eTA application for your visit to Kenya.

Can you explain the concept of a eTA cover letter?

A eTA cover letter is a crucial document that provides essential details about your intended trip to a foreign country. It serves as a proposal explaining why you are eligible to receive a eTA for your travel purposes. 

This letter is typically addressed to the Embassy, Consulate, or eTA Application Center where you intend to submit your eTA application. The content of your eTA cover letter depends on the specific purpose of your trip, which can be broadly categorized into three main types: tourism, business, and medical. Each type requires distinct information to support your eTA application.

Types of eTA Cover Letters

  • Cover Letter for Tourism Purposes : This type of cover letter is written by the applicant. It should include relevant information related to your tourism activities and intentions during your visit to the desired country.
  • Cover Letter for Business Purposes: In the case of a business trip, the cover letter is usually prepared by your employer. It should outline the purpose of your visit, the duration of the trip, and your role within the company.
  • Cover Letter for Medical Purposes : For medical trips, an authorized medical institution typically prepares the cover letter. It should include details about the patient's diagnosis, treatment, treatment duration, and any other pertinent information.

Information to Include in a eTA Cover Letter

To create a compelling eTA cover letter, it is essential to provide comprehensive and convincing details. Remember, your objective is to convince the Embassy or Consular staff that you meet the eligibility criteria for obtaining a eTA. 

The following information should be included in your eTA cover letter:

  • Reason for the Visit: Clearly explain the purpose of your visit to the country in question, whether it is for tourism, business, or medical treatment.
  • Travel Dates: Specify the dates you plan to enter and exit the country. It is advisable to include flight reservations to substantiate your travel plans.
  • Detailed Itinerary: Provide a comprehensive itinerary outlining your planned activities during your stay in the country. This demonstrates that you have a well-defined plan and reinforces the purpose of your trip.
  • Financial Means: Present evidence that you possess sufficient financial resources to support yourself during your stay. This may include bank statements, proof of employment, or sponsorship details.
  • Accommodation: Indicate where you plan to stay during your visit. If you have made reservations, mention the hotel name and attach supporting documentation, such as hotel confirmation or reservation details.
  • Other Countries Visited: If your travel itinerary includes visiting other countries, mention them in your cover letter, along with the purpose and duration of your stay in each country.
  • Sponsorship: If someone will sponsor your trip, describe your relationship with the sponsor and explain how they will support you financially or otherwise.
  • Documentary Limitations: If you are unable to submit any of the required documents, provide a valid explanation for the omission and state the alternative documents you have submitted in their place.
  • Additional Relevant Information : Include any other pertinent information that supports the purpose of your trip or addresses any concerns the Embassy or Consular staff may have.

It is worth noting that you can refer to your supporting documents, such as proof of accommodation, flight reservations, or medical records, within your cover letter to further substantiate your claims. 

For example, you can state, " My friend and I plan to stay at the ABC Hotel in Paris, and our complete hotel reservation is attached ."

Specifics for Medical Purposes

In the case of a cover letter for medical purposes, typically written by a doctor or specialist, the following information should be included:

  • Official Letterhead: Ensure the cover letter is written on the official letterhead of the medical institution.
  • Patient's Diagnosis and History: Clearly state the patient's diagnosis and medical history to provide context for the treatment.
  • Treatment Details: Explain the specific treatment the patient will undergo, emphasizing its benefits and providing precise information about the treatment procedures.
  • Treatment Duration: Specify the duration of the treatment and any subsequent follow-up appointments.
  • Any Other Relevant Information: Include any additional information that may be pertinent to the medical treatment or your visit.

It is also advisable to request a hospital or medical center abroad to provide an invitation letter, known as a Hospital Invitation Letter, which can include further details regarding your medical treatment, trip information, and personal information.

Specifics for Business Purposes

When applying for a business eTA, your employer should prepare a cover letter that contains the following details:

  • Letterhead of the Company: The cover letter should be written on the official letterhead of the company.
  • Travel Dates: Clearly state the dates of your business trip.
  • Purpose of the Trip : Describe the purpose of your visit, whether it is for meetings, conferences, negotiations, or any other business-related activities.
  • Trip Duration: Specify the duration of your business trip.
  • Company Information : Provide the full name of your company and your position within the organization.
  • eTA Type : Clearly mention that you are applying for a Business eTA.
  • Employer Contact Information : Include the contact information of your employer, such as their name, title, email address, and phone number.
  • Any Other Relevant Information: Include any additional information that is relevant to your business trip or supports your eTA application.

Furthermore, in some cases, the company you plan to visit abroad may provide you with an invitation letter. This invitation letter, prepared by the foreign company, can be attached to your eTA application and provides additional validation for your business trip.

By following these guidelines and tailoring your eTA cover letter to the specific purpose of your trip, you can enhance your chances of a successful eTA application. Remember to provide accurate and detailed information to demonstrate your eligibility and convince the Embassy or Consular staff of the authenticity and legitimacy of your travel plans.

Could you provide some samples of cover letters for eTA applications?

Below, you will find samples of cover letters for different types of eTA applications. These samples serve as guidelines, and it is important to tailor the letter to meet your specific requirements and provide all the necessary information.

Sample Cover Letter for Tourist eTA/Letter of Purpose of Travel

Immigration Officer

Subject: Cover Letter for Tourism to [Desired Country] for [Applicant Name] with Passport No. ________________

I am writing to apply for a eTA to travel to [country name] from [enter date DD/MM/YY] to [enter date DD/MM/YY]. My purpose of travel is tourism, as I am eager to explore various tourist destinations and immerse myself in [country name]'s unique cuisine and culture. I have planned to visit places such as [add places you plan to see] and ensure an ultimate tourist experience by exploring the city of [city name(s)].

During my visit to [country name], I have made arrangements to stay at the following hotels:

  • [Hotel Name and Address] - [Date DD/MM/YY]

[Feel free to add your schedule/itinerary and elaborate more on what you plan to do during your trip.]

I am currently employed at [company name] as [position], and I have obtained approval for the vacation days specified above. I will be financing my trip through [provide means of finances]. Please find attached all the required documents for my eTA application.

If you have any questions or require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me at any time. I trust that you will find everything in order and appreciate your favorable reply to my application.

Thank you in advance.

[Your Complete Name]

[Your Address]

Sample Cover Letter for Medical eTA

[Official letterhead of hospital/medical institution]

[Current Date]

[Name of Referring Hospital]

[Address and Phone]

[Patient Name]

I am writing on behalf of my patient, [patient Name here], to document the medical need for [medication/treatment/equipment in question] for the treatment of [the exact diagnosis]. Please find the following information regarding the patient's medical diagnosis, history, and a summary of my treatment motive.

Patient's Diagnosis and History:

[Add applicable information of the patient's diagnosis and medical history]

[Add applicable information about the patient's treatment, the reason thereof, and how it will benefit the patient's health]

Treatment Duration:

[Add the expected duration of the treatment]

As highlighted, the [medication/treatment] is necessary for my patient's medical condition. With the correct treatment and care, my patient could successfully recover/improve.

Please do not hesitate to contact me if any further information is required to guarantee the approval of my patient's medical treatment.

[Name and Signature of Physician]

Quick note: Ensure that you include other relevant required documents alongside your medical cover letter. These can include records of your medical condition, health insurance policies, and any additional supporting documents.

Sample Cover Letter for Business eTA

[Letterhead of Company]

Dear Consul General,

I am writing this letter to confirm that Mr./Mrs. [Name and Last Name] is an employee at [company name] with the position of [job title/position]. During the [number of years] they have been working at our company, Mr./Mrs. [Name] has played a key role in strengthening our relationships with international investors.

Mr./Mrs. [Name] will be traveling to [Name of city], [country] from [Date of entry] until [Date of exit] for a total of [number of days]. This trip is essential to attend to the following work-related activities:

[Write in as much detail as possible about the business activities that will be conducted abroad]

Furthermore, during this time, Mr./Mrs. [Name] will participate in an important business meeting in [city name] to enhance corporate relations with our international partners.

Mr./Mrs. [Name] will be staying at [hotel name, address, phone number] during their visit, and they will return to [country of origin] on the specified dates.

I kindly request the issuance of a [eTA type] to Mr./Mrs. [Name and surname] at your earliest convenience. Should you require any additional information, please do not hesitate to contact me.

[Supervisor Signature]

[Name and Last Name]

[Phone Number]

[Address of Employer]

These samples provide a framework for creating effective cover letters for eTA applications. Remember to personalize the content based on your specific circumstances and provide all the necessary supporting documents as required by the embassy or consulate.

What is a sponsorship letter and how does it relate to eTA applications?

A sponsorship letter plays a crucial role in eTA applications, particularly when the applicant is unable to provide the necessary funds for their trip abroad. This letter is written by the individual who will be financially supporting the applicant throughout their journey, known as the sponsor. 

It serves as a vital document, providing evidence that the sponsor possesses the financial means to cover the applicant's expenses during their stay, including accommodation, food, transportation, and other related costs.

Distinction Between Sponsorship Letter and eTA Invitation Letter

It is important to distinguish the sponsorship letter from a eTA invitation letter. While the sponsorship letter focuses on the financial support provided by the sponsor, a eTA invitation letter is issued by a host or inviting party in the destination country. 

The eTA invitation letter confirms the invitation extended to the applicant for a specific purpose, such as attending an event, conference, or family gathering.

What to Include in a Sponsorship Letter

When drafting a sponsorship letter for a eTA application, it is essential to include specific details pertaining to both the applicant and the sponsor. 

Here is a breakdown of the information to be included:

  • Your Details

Begin by providing your personal details, such as your full name, address, contact information, and citizenship.

  • Trip Details

Outline the details of your trip, including the travel dates, duration, and itinerary. Specify the places you plan to visit and any additional activities or tours that are part of your travel plans.

  • Sponsor's Details

Include comprehensive information about the sponsor, including their full name, surname, contact details, and relationship to the applicant.

  • Covered Expenses

Clearly state which expenses will be covered by the sponsor, ensuring to mention accommodation, meals, transportation, and any other essential costs related to the trip.

  • Supporting Documents

Apart from the sponsorship letter, the sponsor should also provide copies of the following documents to substantiate their financial capability:

  • a) Copies of their passport or identification documents.
  • b) Proof of sufficient funds, such as bank statements or payslips.
  • c) A travel itinerary, if applicable, outlining the sponsor's travel plans during the applicant's stay.
  • d) Proof of accommodation arrangements made for the applicant.
  • e) A flight itinerary demonstrating the applicant's return to their home country, if applicable.

Sponsorship Letter Template for eTA Application

Below is a template that can serve as a guideline for crafting a sponsorship letter for a eTA application. This example involves a husband sponsoring his wife's trip, but you can modify it accordingly to suit your specific circumstances:

Subject: Sponsorship Letter for [Wife's Name] with Passport No. [Passport Number]

I, [Your Full Name], currently residing at [Your Address] and a citizen of [Your Country], am writing in support of my wife, [Wife's Full Name], and her eTA application.

[Wife's Name] will be traveling with me to [Destination Name] for tourism purposes. Our planned departure date is [Enter Departure Date (DD/MM/YY)], and we intend to return to [Enter Home Country/Another Country] on [Enter Return Date (DD/MM/YY)].

During the specified travel period, my wife and I have planned visits to [List Places You Intend to Visit]. We have organized an itinerary that includes various sightseeing activities and tours [Add further details if applicable, such as a detailed schedule].

For the duration of our stay, [Wife's Name] will be staying with me at [Hotel Name(s)] or [Provide Accommodation Arrangements]. I hereby confirm that I will bear all the necessary expenses related to her trip, including accommodation, meals, transportation, and any other essential costs.

Please find attached all the required supporting documents to validate the information mentioned in this letter.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

[Applicant's Name]

[Your Home Address]

[Your Phone Number]

[Your Occupation]

[Your Signature]

A well-crafted sponsorship letter serves as a testament to the financial support provided by a sponsor for a eTA application. By clearly outlining the necessary details and attaching relevant supporting documents, the sponsor enhances the chances of the applicant's eTA approval.

Do you have any tips for writing a letter for eTA applications?

Certainly! Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing a letter for eTA applications:

  • Be Clear and Concise: Keep your letter clear, concise, and to the point. Avoid unnecessary details or lengthy explanations. Stick to the relevant information required for the eTA application.
  • Follow the Official Format: Research the specific requirements and guidelines for eTA application letters provided by the embassy or consulate. Use the recommended format and structure, including headings, if provided.
  • Provide Complete and Accurate Information : Ensure that all the information you provide is accurate and complete. Double-check names, dates, passport numbers, and other important details to avoid any errors.
  • Address the Appropriate Authority: Address the letter to the correct immigration officer or consular officer responsible for processing eTA applications. Include their name, title, and contact information if available.
  • Include Relevant Details: Include all relevant details about your trip, such as travel dates, duration, purpose of visit, places you plan to visit, accommodation arrangements, and any scheduled activities or events. Provide a clear itinerary if applicable.
  • State the Financial Support: Clearly state who will be financially supporting your trip and how they will cover your expenses. Include the sponsor's full name, contact information , and a brief explanation of their relationship to you.
  • Attach Supporting Documents : Whenever possible, include supporting documents to validate the information mentioned in the letter. These may include bank statements, payslips, flight itineraries, accommodation bookings, and any other documents requested by the embassy or consulate.
  • Use a Professional Tone : Maintain a professional tone throughout the letter. Be polite, respectful, and courteous in your language. Avoid using slang or informal expressions.
  • Proofread and Edit: Before submitting your letter, carefully proofread it for any grammatical errors, typos, or inconsistencies. Make sure the letter is well-written and presents a strong case for your eTA application.
  • Be Truthful: Always provide honest and accurate information in your letter. Avoid exaggerating or misrepresenting your circumstances. Honesty is essential for a successful eTA application.

Remember to tailor your letter to the specific requirements of the eTA application and embassy or consulate you are applying to. It's also a good idea to seek guidance from official resources or consult with an immigration attorney if you have any specific concerns or questions.

Confidently Writing Your Invitation Letter for eTA Applications

Writing an invitation letter for a eTA application can initially seem daunting, but with the information provided in this guide, you will gain the confidence to write your own letter. 

By following the tips and guidelines outlined below, you will be able to craft a personalized invitation letter that meets the specific requirements of your eTA application.

Understand the Purpose:

Before you begin writing your invitation letter , ensure you have a clear understanding of the purpose of the letter . Identify the type of eTA you are applying for and the specific information required by the embassy or consulate. This will help you structure your letter appropriately.

Format and Structure:

Follow the recommended format and structure provided by the embassy or consulate . If there are no specific guidelines, maintain a formal letter format with a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. Consider using headings or bullet points to organize the information and enhance readability.

Personalize the Letter:

While sample eTA letters can serve as a helpful guideline, it is important to personalize your invitation letter to reflect your unique circumstances. Tailor the content to accurately represent your relationship with the invitee and the purpose of their visit.

Provide Essential Details:

Include all the necessary details in your invitation letter. This typically includes the invitee's full name, date of birth, nationality, passport information, and contact details. Clearly state the purpose and duration of the visit, along with the intended dates of travel.

Explain the Relationship:

Elaborate on your relationship with the invitee, emphasizing any family ties, friendships, or professional connections. Provide relevant background information to establish the credibility of your invitation and demonstrate a genuine reason for the visit.

Describe the Visit:

Detail the specific activities, events, or occasions the invitee will participate in during their stay. Mention any planned itineraries, sightseeing opportunities, conferences, or family gatherings. This demonstrates a well-structured visit and strengthens the purpose of the invitation.

Show Financial Responsibility:

Provide evidence of your ability to financially support the invitee during their stay . If you will be covering their expenses, clearly state this commitment and outline the financial arrangements you have made. Include any supporting documents, such as bank statements, to substantiate your claims.

Extend Hospitality:

Express your enthusiasm and willingness to accommodate the invitee during their visit . If applicable, state that you will provide lodging, transportation, or any other necessary arrangements. This showcases your genuine hospitality and reinforces the purpose of the invitation.

Proofread and Edit:

Once you have completed the invitation letter, carefully proofread it to ensure accuracy, coherence, and clarity . Check for any grammatical errors, spelling mistakes, or missing information. A well-presented and error-free letter enhances your credibility.

Seek Legal Advice if Necessary:

If you have specific concerns or complex circumstances, it is advisable to seek legal advice from an immigration attorney or consult official resources. They can provide expert guidance to ensure your invitation letter meets all legal requirements.

Where should I submit my eTA cover letter?

Once you have written your cover letter, you should submit it along with your eTA application form and other required documents at the Embassy where you will lodge your eTA application.

What are the other required documents with a eTA invitation letter?

As a U.S. visitor, in addition to your eTA invitation letter, you must ensure that you have included all of the sponsor's information (a U.S. citizen). It would also be helpful to include a letter of invitation for a eTA and supporting documentation. The other required documents for your eTA application may include:

  • A copy of your passport, I.D., or green card
  • Proof of sufficient funds, such as your bank statements (if funded by the host in the U.S.)
  • Declaration of Financial Support or USCIS Form I-134 (optional)
  • Proof of residence, such as your home address or a rental contract

Enrollment verification letter or transcripts (for students)

  • Make sure to attach all the necessary documents for your eTA application.

What other countries can I visit with my Schengen eTA?

With your Schengen eTA, you can visit the following Schengen Member States in Europe: Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Iceland, Italy, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

Why is a cover letter important?

A cover letter is important because in some cases, you may not be able to attend an in-person interview with a eTA officer, especially when applying through a eTA Application Center like VFS Global. 

The cover letter helps clearly explain the purpose of your travel to the embassy authorities responsible for processing your eTA application. It not only facilitates the eTA processing time but also potentially increases the chances of a successful eTA application.

Can I get a Schengen eTA without an invitation letter?

When traveling to a Schengen area country for any purpose, it is recommended to have an invitation letter. The invitation letter makes it easier for the Embassy to grant you the Schengen eTA.

What other documents should I submit alongside my Schengen eTA cover letter?

For a successful eTA application, you need to submit certain documents that are part of the Schengen eTA requirements. In addition to your cover letter, you must submit the following documents:

  • A valid passport (valid for 6 months after your trip)
  • 2 passport-size pictures
  • A complete Schengen eTA application form
  • A flight itinerary or return flight ticket
  • Proof of financial means (bank statements for the past 6 months)
  • Proof of accommodation (hotel bookings, Airbnb reservations)
  • Valid Schengen travel insurance
  • Employment status documents
  • Proof of civil status
  • COVID-19 requirements

How to write a cover letter for VFS Global?

Writing a cover letter for VFS Global is similar to writing a letter to the embassy. Keep in mind that VFS Global acts as a bridge between you and the embassy. When writing a cover letter for VFS Global, you can use the samples provided above (depending on the purpose). Regardless, remember that any visa cover letter follows the same principle and format.

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Sample Cover Letter – Accountant

Today, i am glad to share an accounting cover letter that brought many interviews for one of our clients.

What is a cover letter? Many of us are often confused as to what to include in a cover letter. Do you repeat the same info in your CV? What is the importance of a cover letter anyway?

The main purpose of a cover letter is to explain or prove why one is a suitable candidate for a given job. It’s not a chance to repeat your duties and responsibilities as outlined in your CV.

This sample cover letter for a senior accountant job will help you put together a winning job application.

[Insert date here]

John Kamau, Head of HR, John and John Limited, P.O. Box Nairobi Kenya.

Dear Mr John,

Re: Senior Accountant position, Ref: SA555 With several years experience as a senior accountant, I am now looking for a position with an expanding company to both challenge my skills and be a part of the development process of the organization. I wish to express my interest for the position of senior accountant with your company, as advertised on Corporate Staffing website on (date, month / year).

During my five years at company XXX, I gained experience in all areas of accounting, including taxation, internal controls, financial and business management. As a senior accountant, I helped my firm reduce overheads by 26% margin through effective cost control measures. I was also instrumental in clearing KRA audit issues that had been pending for three years; and we are now tax compliant. More so, I pride myself in my ability to easily grasp technical requirements and excellent understanding of accounting computer systems; including keeping up-to-date with new software in the market.

Additionally, am a, people-oriented person, with strong leadership and team-building abilities, making me highly suited to senior management roles. I have often had to allocate tasks, train, mentor, and manage a team to achieve set results within set deadlines, while ensuring quality.

Please see enclosed CV for your perusal. Thank you for taking the time to consider my application and I look forward to meeting with you to discuss the position further.

Kind regards,

[sign here]

Candidate XXXX

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Finance Internship Cover Letter in Kenya + Sample

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Last updated on October 15th, 2023 at 09:13 pm

Are you ready to kickstart your finance career in Kenya?

Landing a finance internship can be a great way to gain practical experience, develop your skills, and make valuable connections in the industry.

But first, you need to catch the attention of potential employers with a standout cover letter.

In this blog post, we’ll guide you through the process of writing an impressive finance internship cover letter in Kenya.

Table of Contents

What Are the Requirements for a Finance Intern in Kenya?

Before we dive into crafting the perfect cover letter, let’s take a look at the typical requirements for a finance intern in Kenya.

While these requirements may vary depending on the specific internship position and company, here are some common qualifications:

  • A strong academic background in finance : To excel as a finance intern, you need to have a solid foundation in finance. This includes taking courses in financial accounting, financial analysis, corporate finance, and investment analysis.
  • Work experience in finance : While not always mandatory, having previous work experience in finance can give you a competitive edge. Consider seeking internships or part-time positions related to finance to build your practical skills.
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel, PowerPoint, and Word : These essential software tools are widely used in the finance industry. Make sure you have a good understanding of their functionalities and can effectively utilize them.
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills : As a finance intern, you’ll need to communicate effectively with colleagues and clients. Demonstrating excellent verbal and written communication skills will make you stand out.
  • A desire to learn and grow : The field of finance is constantly evolving, so having a growth mindset and a willingness to learn is crucial. Be prepared to adapt to new technologies, trends, and industry practices.

Additionally, some companies may require specific certifications or licenses. For example, the Certified Financial Analyst (CFA) designation is highly regarded in the finance industry.

Tips for Becoming a Finance Intern in Kenya

Now that you understand the requirements, let’s explore some valuable tips to help you secure a finance internship in Kenya:

1. Network with Professionals in the Finance Industry

Networking is a powerful tool for discovering finance internship opportunities and building meaningful connections.

Attend industry events, join professional organizations, and leverage social media platforms like LinkedIn to connect with finance professionals.

Their insights and recommendations can open doors to exciting internship prospects.

2. Take Relevant Courses

Enhancing your knowledge and skills in finance is essential.

Enroll in courses or workshops that focus on areas relevant to the internship you’re targeting.

Consider topics such as financial modeling, risk management, or investment strategies.

Acquiring specialized knowledge will make you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.

3. Prepare Your Resume and Cover Letter

Craft a compelling resume that highlights your academic achievements, work experience, and relevant skills.

Tailor your resume to the specific internship position you’re applying for, emphasizing your finance-related accomplishments.

Alongside your resume, an engaging cover letter is crucial. It provides an opportunity to showcase your passion for finance and explain why you’re the perfect fit for the internship.

4. Start Early

Competition for finance internships can be fierce, so it’s important to start your search early. Many companies begin recruiting months in advance.

Research and identify the organizations that align with your career goals, and keep an eye on their internship application deadlines.

By starting early, you increase your chances of securing a coveted internship position.

Crafting an Impressive Finance Internship Cover Letter in Kenya

Now that you’re armed with these tips, let’s focus on creating a standout cover letter for your finance internship application in Kenya. Follow this format to ensure your letter is professional, engaging, and tailored to the position:

[Your Name]

Dear Mr./Ms. [Hiring Manager Name],


Start with a strong and captivating introduction that grabs the hiring manager’s attention.

Briefly introduce yourself, express your interest in the finance internship position, and mention where you came across the opportunity.

Academic and Work Experience in Finance

Highlight your academic and work experience in finance, emphasizing how it aligns with the internship requirements.

Discuss relevant courses you’ve taken and any internships or part-time positions where you applied your finance knowledge.

Be specific about your responsibilities and achievements, showcasing your ability to analyze financial data, prepare reports, and provide financial advice.

Skills and Abilities

Discuss the skills and abilities that make you a good fit for the internship.

Share your strengths, such as your analytical prowess, problem-solving skills, attention to detail, and ability to work independently or as part of a team.

Inject some humor (if you are funny, otherwise you gonna blow it!) and show your personality, while still maintaining a professional tone.

Enthusiasm and Interest

Express your enthusiasm for the company and the internship.

Research the company beforehand and mention what specifically attracts you to their organization.

Demonstrate your eagerness to contribute, learn from industry experts, and grow your finance skills within their dynamic work environment.

Call to Action

Conclude your finance internship cover letter in Kenyawith a strong call to action.

Politely request an interview and express your availability and flexibility. Show your confidence and willingness to discuss your qualifications further.

End the letter on a positive note, expressing gratitude for the hiring manager’s time and consideration.

Example of a Finance Internship Cover Letter in Kenya

Finance internship cover letter in kenya pdf.

You can download Finance Internship Cover Letter in Kenya pdf below👇

Final Thoughts

Crafting a compelling finance internship cover letter in Kenya requires careful thought and attention to detail.

Tailor your letter to the specific internship position and highlight your qualifications, skills, and enthusiasm.

Remember to proofread your cover letter for any errors before submitting it.

If you follow these guidelines and incorporate your unique personality, you’ll increase your chances of standing out and landing that coveted finance internship in Kenya.

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I'm Kevin and I've been working online for the last 7 years as a content writer and affiliate marketer. I started to share my experiences, lessons, and mistakes with YOU.

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Must See!! Free Sample Cover Letter To Use When Applying For Internships

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A cover letter is usually the first thing recruiters go through before they decide whether or not to look at your CV . They use this method to eliminate some applicants so that they don’t have to go through hundreds of CV’s. This means that when drafting your cover letter you need to ensure that it is compelling enough to make the recruiter look at your CV. You can do this by ensuring that your application letter not only sells your skills  but also doesn’t have careless mistakes because sometimes this can be used against you. Always ensure you double check the cover letter before sending.

Here are A Few Things To Check Before Sending Your Cover Letter

1. The Hiring Manager’s Name Before you send that beautifully written cover letter, you need to ensure that you have used the right name on the recievers address. You do not want to address your letter to the wrong person. It is important to use the person’s name as opposed to writing Dear Sir/Madam or to whom it may concern. This will make the hiring manager know that you spent the time to research on the organisation. So ensure you use the right name as well as the right spelling. 2. The Organisation’s Name The one thing you have to ensure you get right is the company name. Before you send out your application it is important that you double check that the company name you have used is correct. Otherwise, how can someone hire you when you do not even know the name of the organisation? 3. Your Contact Information Surprisingly, most people get this wrong. If your contact details are not correct it will be very difficult for the recruiter to contact you when they want to invite you for an interview. This means they will move on to the next person. You need to ensure that you have used the correct telephone number and email and that you have access to both. Your number needs to be working and your email should not be one you forgot the password to. Must Read >>> 3 Clever Ways To Indicate Your Expected Salary in A Cover Letter 4. Dates You might be wondering how one gets the date wrong but you would be surprised how many people send out applications with the wrong dates. This mostly happens when you have used the same Cover Letter for every job you apply for which is not advisable. You don’t want to apply for a job with a cover letter showing it was written the year before. It shows carelessness and no one want to hire a careless person. 5. Length Most organisations have a limit as to how many words your letter can have and as such you should ensure that your Cover Letter is not too long. You do not want to bore the hiring manager. Ideally, a cover letter is supposed to be short. Try and have only information that is relevant to the job in the cover letter you send. The rest of the information is covered in your CV anyway.

Free Sample Cover Letter For An Internship

Michelle Wanjiku P.O Box 01 –60100 Nairobi 24th January 2018 Human Resource Manager Accounting & Audit Kenya P.O Box 8545 – 10100 Nairobi Dear Mr Kungu, RE: Application For Accountant Intern Position As a recent Accounting graduate from Moi University, I believe my related course work and ongoing CPA studies make me a good candidate for an internship in your organization. During my industrial attachment at Uwezekano Group of Companies, I was able to familiarize myself with the daily activities in the Accounts payables department as well as the receivables. I am confident that this experience as well as my relevant education and desire to become exceptional at my job, will be of great value to your company. In addition to my qualifications, I have also taken up part time jobs parallel to my 4 year course work through which I have nurtured my communication skills, multitasking and even working longer hours while still meeting targets. All these I believe will make me an asset to the Accounts department. I have attached my CV for your perusal and consideration. Should you have any questions or to schedule an interview, you can reach me on (give contact). Thank you for your time. Sincerely, Signed Michelle Wanjiku CHECK OUT >>>   Sample Cover Letter for Unadvertised Job If you would like to have your CV or Cover Letter written by a professional contact [email protected]

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What Is a Letter of Explanation for a Mortgage?

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How to Write a Letter of Explanation for a Mortgage

A letter of explanation may help you get approved for a mortgage

sample of kenyan application letter

Wichayada Suwanachun / Getty Images

When you apply for a mortgage, the lender will review information such as your credit history, employment, income, assets, investments, and outstanding debts. But your financial statements, credit report, and tax returns don’t always tell the full story about your financial situation.

A letter of explanation helps clarify any information that might give a lender pause. Learn more about when you might need a letter of explanation for a mortgage application and how to write the letter. 

Key Takeaways

  • Some mortgage lenders may request a letter of explanation if there is confusion about any details in your financial documents.
  • If you’re applying for a government-backed mortgage like an FHA or VA loan, a letter of explanation may be required. 
  • Even if your lender doesn’t require a letter of explanation, including one may help clarify details in your mortgage application that could otherwise lead to denial. 
  • You may need to include supporting documentation to give your letter of explanation more credibility.

A letter of explanation, sometimes referred to as an LOX or LOE by mortgage underwriters, is similar to a cover letter for a job application. Just as a cover letter expands on the details in your resume, a mortgage letter of explanation further explains your financial documents. For example, you might need to explain that last year’s income wasn’t typical because you took a sabbatical, or that you missed a payment due to a healthcare emergency.  

“A letter of explanation is not a standard or defaulted requirement for a mortgage application,” said Shmuel Shayowitz, president and chief lending officer at Approved Funding, a licensed mortgage bank and direct lender. However, your mortgage lender may request one if your financial information needs clarification. If you’re applying for a government-backed loan, the agency that insures the loan may also require a letter of explanation in certain situations. 

Even if it’s not required, it can’t hurt to include a letter of explanation with your mortgage application. “The default for some processors and underwriters is to assume the worst or to err on the side of caution when something is unclear or complicated,” Shayowitz said. “Being proactive with explanation letters can go a long way in helping a loan processor and mortgage underwriter understand something that might be confusing.”

In particular, the following situations merit the inclusion of a letter of explanation. 

Erratic Income or Gaps in Employment

Most lenders look for a consistent and reliable income that ensures you can keep up with your mortgage payments. If you were unemployed or did not receive income for more than a month over the last two years, you should include a letter of explanation that details the reason you weren’t working, such as:

  • Childbirth or caring for another family member
  • Pursuing further education
  • Being laid off
  • Being self-employed or working in a seasonal industry
  • Going out of business or downsizing

If you were able to make regular payments on your debts and support yourself with savings during that time, be sure to mention that in the letter.

Issues on Your Credit Report

If your credit report shows red flags, like missed payments or defaults, bankruptcies , or foreclosures , it’s essential to include a letter of explanation noting what happened and why it’s not likely to reoccur. You’ll also want to include the date of the event, the name of your creditor, and the account number associated with the delinquent debt.

No Rental or Mortgage Payment History

If you have been living with a friend or family member rather than making monthly housing payments for your own place, the homeowner you live with will need to write a letter of explanation. The homeowner should explain that they haven’t charged you rent and include the dates you lived on their property before signing the letter. 

Profits or Losses From Farming

If you filed Schedule F with your tax return because you earned or lost income from a farm property, you’re required to include a letter of explanation. Include the address of the farm and clearly state that it is not located on the property you’re buying with the mortgage. 

Large Deposits or Withdrawals

If you received a large deposit to your bank account, the lender might think you accepted a gift or a loan from a family member and wonder if your income is sufficient without additional help. A large withdrawal may also indicate to the lender that you’re having financial troubles. There are other reasons for large bank transactions, however. For example, you may have received a bonus from your employer, liquidated investments at an opportune time, or withdrawn funds for a home renovation. Include a letter of explanation that shows why the atypical transaction occurred. 

Possible Occupancy Questions

Lenders underwrite vacation homes and investment properties differently from primary residences. It’s illegal to misrepresent your occupancy intentions. If you’re applying for a primary residence mortgage for a property located far from your employer, or if you’re applying for a second home mortgage for a property in close proximity to your primary residence, the lender may think you intend to use it as a rental property. 

If you think the lender may have questions about how you intend to use the property, include a letter of explanation.  

Address Discrepancies

If any of your documents show a different address, you should include a letter of explanation with a reason for the discrepancy to assure the lender you’re not a victim of identity theft.  

“Your explanation letter should be specific, precise, and well-communicated,” said Shayowitz. Avoid general statements about your ability to manage your finances and speak to a specific issue. 

For example, if you missed a payment, explain why it happened, point to your otherwise positive payment history, and state when you brought your account back up to date. A statement like “I make every effort to stay on top of my payments” is too vague because it won’t provide the lender with the details they need to make an approval decision. 

You may need to attach supporting documentation as well. For example, if you’re buying a home far away from work, you might want to include a letter from your employer that shows your remote work arrangement. If you took out a large withdrawal to pay for landscaping in order to prep your home for sale, include a receipt from the landscaping company. If you missed a payment due to being hospitalized, include medical records. 

You’ll also want to include the following elements:

  • Your name, address, and phone number
  • The lender’s name, address, and phone number
  • The mortgage application number
  • Your explanation, which should refer to the attached documents that support it
  • Your signature and the date

Example of a Letter of Explanation

Today’s Date

Example Lender Lender Address

Loan Application Number

RE: Anna Smith’s Mortgage Application

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to explain my gap in employment that occurred between 02/15/2023 and 04/10/2023. 

My mother was admitted to the hospital for surgery on 02/09/2023 after a fall. I applied for Family and Medical Leave on 02/10/2023 in order to care for my mother during her recovery. My employer approved FMLA-protected leave on 02/14/2023. I have attached the approval letter from my employer, which grants up to 12 weeks of leave. 

During my period of unpaid leave, I relied on sufficient reserves in my savings account as well as my husband’s income to cover my expenses. I didn’t miss any payments on my credit cards or auto loan. I returned to work on 04/11/2023. In the following months, I made several deposits into my Capital One savings account to replenish my reserves. 

Anna Smith’s Address Anna Smith’s Phone Number

How Do You Start a Letter of Explanation?

At the top of the letter, include the date, the name of the lender, the lender’s address, and your loan application number. In the next line, write “Re: (Your Name)’s Mortgage Application.” Address the letter to “To Whom It May Concern,” and note which issue you are addressing in the first sentence. 

What If Your Mortgage Letter of Explanation Is Rejected?

If your letter of explanation is rejected, you have a few options. If the information you provided wasn’t sufficient, you can write a more detailed letter and include supporting documentation. You can also try applying for a mortgage from a different lender. If you’re struggling to get approved , you may need to resolve whatever problem you’re explaining in the letter before trying again. 

How Long Should a Letter of Explanation Be?

A letter of explanation only needs to be long enough to convey the details of the issue you’re explaining. For example, if you missed a payment, you should include the date of the missed payment, the reason you missed it, and how you’ve remedied or plan to remedy the issue. A few sentences may suffice, or your letter may run longer if it’s a complex situation and you need to reference supporting documents. 

Is a Letter of Explanation Necessary?

A letter of explanation is not always necessary. If there are no red flags in your financial history, you may be approved without a letter of explanation. But if there are issues that might raise concerns, you’ll want to include a letter of explanation. You’ll also need to write a letter of explanation if the lender requests one, or if it’s required by the government agency backing the mortgage. For example, for all FHA-approved mortgages , the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requires a letter of explanation from borrowers who have collection accounts or judgments.

A letter of explanation can help your mortgage application process, especially if you have had financial issues you want to clarify. A good letter will address the specific issues and explain why they are not likely to reoccur. Consider consulting a real estate professional for more guidance in writing a letter of explanation that fits your needs.

Chase. " What Documents Are Needed to Apply for a Mortgage? " 

Citizens Bank. " How to Write a Letter of Explanation ." 

National Association of Mortgage Underwriters. " Best Practices: Letters of Explanation ." 

Ally Bank. " How to Write a Letter of Explanation ." 

Newcastle Loans. " Principal Residence, Second Home, or Investment Property? " 

Griffin Funding. " Letter of Explanation ." 

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  1. How To Write Job Application Letter Sample For Any Position

    4. Keep it brief. While sharing your skills and accomplishments, don't forget to only mention the important stuff and keep it short. Your application letter should be a page long, so focus on mentioning only those things that relate to the position you're applying for. 5.

  2. Sample Cover letter and how to write a job application cover letters

    Guide on how to write a cover letter. Start your cover letter by clearly indicating your name and address. In the current times phone numbers and email addresses are more valuable than postal addresses. Remember to indicate the date right after your details. On the left side of your cover letter indicate the name of the receiver of your cover ...

  3. Best Sample Job Application Letter in Kenya Today

    1. Tailor make it. Most people think that they can use the same generic cover letter to apply for all the jobs. This is not true as every position is different and as such the cover letter should also be different. 2. Give relevant experience. For example, when applying for a Finance position it is important that whatever experience you put in ...

  4. Example of A Job Application Letter

    How To Write A Job Application Letter. 1. Do your research. Researching is a very crucial part in job hunting. Before you begin drafting your cover letter, you need to ensure that you have done your research. Research on who will be receiving your job application letter, the company culture, competitions, the sectors and any other emerging trends.

  5. Free Sample Application Letter To Use In Kenya

    Related: Sample Cover Letter for Unadvertised Job Below is a sample cover letter for graduate trainee accountant jobs. Graduate Job Seeker, P.O. Box 10678- 0100 Nairobi, 5th January, 2016. The Human Resource Manager, ABC Company, Box 34567- 00100, Nairobi. Dear Waithaka, RE: APPLICATION FOR GRADUATE TRAINEE ACCOUNTANT POSITION

  6. How To Write A Cover Letter That Stands Out

    Information to Include in Cover Letters. Addressing Cover Letters; Your full names, home address and the application date should be at the top. Then state the name or job title, company name and address of the employing organisation. Address the letter stating the name of the person; if unknown use the Sir/Madam title.

  7. How To Write Job Application Letter Sample For Any Position

    Address the letter to the hiring manager- Find out the name of the person in charge and address the letter to this person using a common business greeting like Dear Mr/Mrs and their Last Name. If ...

  8. How to write application letter and sample letters of application

    How to write application letters: Formal format. Follow these steps; At the top of the application letter should be your address then followed by the address of company or receiver (Check for sample application letter here) There after the salutation. It should look like this (Dear Mr./Ms./Dr. LastName:)

  9. How to write an application letter for employment

    Single space your letter with spaces between every paragraph. Align your text to the left if it is not the default setting. Use at least 1" margins and use a favorable font. Times New Roman, Calibri, and Arial are the most suitable MS Word fonts to use in your application letter for a job. Read also.

  10. KDF Application Letter sample and how to write cover

    An application letter is meant to introduce you to the employer who in this case is the Kenya Defence Forces (KDF). The cover letter should be; Not more than two pages long. Use business or official letter writing format (have your address and employer's address at the head) Content should be divided into three (Introduction, Body and conclusion)

  11. How to Write A Letter of Application For A Job + Examples

    Pick an appropriate file format and name. Save your letter in a widely accepted file format, such as PDF or Microsoft Word (.doc or .docx). Ensure your file name is professional and includes your name, such as "FirstName_LastName_CoverLetter.pdf.".

  12. Invitation Letter For Kenya eTA

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  13. Sample Cover Letter

    This sample cover letter for a senior accountant job will help you put together a winning job application. [Insert date here] John Kamau, Head of HR, John and John Limited, P.O. Box Nairobi Kenya. Dear Mr John, Re: Senior Accountant position, Ref: SA555. With several years experience as a senior accountant, I am now looking for a position with ...

  14. Example: Application Letter for a Teaching Job in Kenya

    REGISTER. Here is a sample application letter for a teaching job in Kenya: Dear [Employer], I am writing to express my interest in the open teaching position at your school. As a recent graduate of the [University] with a degree in [Education], I am confident that my skills and passion for teaching make me an ideal candidate for this opportunity.

  15. Cover Letter Sample

    Sample Application Letter For A Fresh Graduate. ... Must Read! FREE Sample Cover Letter To Use When Applying For NGO Job Today. 5 Secrets To Writing A Great Cover Letter With A Sample. 4 Ways To Create Powerful Cover Letter For 2018. ... Over 1,000 employers use Career Point Kenya to Hire the Best Candidates in Kenya.

  16. Example: Application Letter For Nursing Job In Kenya

    Application Letter For Nursing Job In Kenya. Dear Hiring Manager, I am writing to apply for the nursing position at [Hospital Name] in Kenya. As a highly skilled and compassionate registered nurse with [Number of years] of experience, I am confident in my ability to contribute to your team and the patients you serve positively.

  17. Example of Application Letter For A Driver Job In Kenya

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  18. Application Letter for Attachment in Kenya + Sample (2024)

    For example, "Application for Attachment Position in [Company Name]" would work splendidly. It's time to make a memorable first impression! 2. Introduce Yourself and Express Your Interest. In the body of your email, begin by introducing yourself and expressing your sincere interest in the attachment position.

  19. Finance Internship Cover Letter in Kenya + Sample (2024)

    3. Prepare Your Resume and Cover Letter. Craft a compelling resume that highlights your academic achievements, work experience, and relevant skills. Tailor your resume to the specific internship position you're applying for, emphasizing your finance-related accomplishments. Alongside your resume, an engaging cover letter is crucial.

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  21. Sample industrial attachment letter and how to write an industrial

    How to write application letter: Formal format. At the top of the application letter should be your address then followed by the address of the company or receiver. It is not advisable to write your name at the top of a letter. (Check for the sample application letter below) Thereafter the salutation. Use Sir or Madam if you do not know the ...

  22. Sample Cover Letter For Attachment In Kenya

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  23. Free Sample Cover Letter For An Internship

    Ideally, a cover letter is supposed to be short. Try and have only information that is relevant to the job in the cover letter you send. The rest of the information is covered in your CV anyway. Free Sample Cover Letter For An Internship . Michelle Wanjiku P.O Box 01 -60100 Nairobi 24th January 2018 Human Resource Manager Accounting & Audit Kenya

  24. How to Write a Letter of Explanation for a Mortgage

    At the top of the letter, include the date, the name of the lender, the lender's address, and your loan application number. In the next line, write "Re: (Your Name)'s Mortgage Application ...

  25. Letters and Samples

    Sample and writing guide: A business appreciation letter is written to an organization's partners or clients to thank them for their support or good work throughout the period of interaction. The letter is in most cases written at the close …. Read More ». Category: Letters and Samples. Go to page 1.