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55 Contoh Soal Descriptive Text untuk Belajar dan Lengkap dengan Jawabannya

Ilustrasi contoh soal descriptive text

Sonora.ID -  Berikut ini adalah contoh soal descriptive text yang dapat kamu gunakan untuk belajar dan sudah lengkap dengan jawabannya.

Descriptive text  merupakan salah satu jenis teks yang digunakan untuk menggambarkan sesuatu hal, seperti benda, orang, atau tempat.

Jenis teks ini selalu muncul sebagai materi Bahasa Inggris karena sangat penting untuk dipelajari guna meningkatkan kemampuan  writing  dan memperkaya kosa kata.

Dengan begitu, soal descriptive text pun akan selalu dijadikan sebagai bahan materi ujian dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di sekolah.

Kamu bisa menyimak 55 contoh soal descriptive text berikut ini untuk belajar dan mempersiapkan diri dalam menghadapi ujian; sudah lengkap dengan kunci jawaban.

Soal Descriptive Text

Baca Juga: 30 Contoh Soal OSN IPA SD/MI Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawabannya

The Shard is an 87-storey skyscraper, which sits in the heart of London. It is known as the shard of glass. Construction began in 2009 and was completed three years later in 2012, making it Western European’s tallest building.

Designed by architect Renzo Piano, The Shart is the second tallest free standing structure in the UK. Its exterior boasts 11,000 glass panels — that’s equivalent in area to eight football pitches or two-and-a-half Trafalgar Squares.

The building was developed to have multiple uses, describes on the website as a ‘vertical city where people can live, work and relax’. This motto was clearly taken on board that was found on the 72nd floor towards the end of construction.

1. What is the text about? A. The architect Renzo Piano B. The Shard glass panels C. The Shard, building in London D. The tallest building in London E. The heart of London

2. In Europe, the Shard gains popularity on its … A. Location B. Function C. Height D. Age E. Usage

3. What probably makes people interested to stay in the Shard? A. It has multiple uses B. It is the tallest building in UK C. It was built by famous architect D. It is located in the heart of London E. It is very cheap5.

What does the text tell you about? A. Gondola.

B. Traghetti.C. VeniceD. Italy.E. Venetian boat

4. “…, making it Western European’s tallest building.” What does the underlined word “it” refer to? A. The Shard B. The glass C. London D. Skyscraper E. Renzo Piano

Venice is a city in northern Italy. It has been known as the “Queen of the Adriatic”, “City of Bridges”, and “The City of Light”. The city stretches across 117 small islands in the marshy Venetian Lagoon along the Adriatic Sea in northeast Italy.

Venice is world famous for its canals. It is built on an archipelago of 117 islands formed by about 150 canals in a shallow lagoon. The islands on which the city is built are connected by about 400 bridges. In the old centre, the canals serve the function of roads, and every form of transport is on water or on foot.

You can ride gondola therE. It is the classical Venetian boat which nowadays is mostly used for tourists, or weddings, funerals, or other ceremonies. Now, most Venetians travel by motorised waterbuses which ply regular routes along the major canals and between the city’s islands. The city has many private boats. The only gondolas still in common use by Venetians are the Traghetti, foot passenger ferries crossing the Grand Canal at certain points without bridges.

5. What does the text tell you about?

A. Gondola.

B. Traghetti.

E. Venetian boat

6. What transport crosses the Grand Canal for foot passengers at certain points without bridges?

A. Gondolas.

C. Waterbuses.

7. From the text we can say that Venice belongs to a city of ….

B. ceremonies

D. funerals

8. What does the second paragraph of the text tell us about?

A. The forms of transport in the worlD.

B. The canals and roads that people like to usE.

C. The archipelago that has a lot of islands.

D. Venice as the world famous for its canals.

E. Venice is the city of light

The Suramadu Bridge (Indonesian: Jembatan Suramadu), also known as the Surabaya–Madura Bridge, is a bridge with three cable-stayed sections constructed between Surabaya on the island of Java and the town of Bangkalan on the island of Madura in IndonesiA. Opened on June 10, 2009, the 5.4-km bridge is the longest in Indonesia and the first bridge to cross the Madura Strait.

The cable-stayed portion has three spans with lengths 192 m, 434 m and 192 m. The bridge has two lanes in each direction plus an emergency lane and a dedicated lane for motorcycles. The first toll bridge in Indonesia, fares have been initially set at Rp. 30,000 (US$3 in 2009) for four-wheeled vehicles and Rp. 3,000 (US$0.30) for two-wheelers.

The bridge was built by a consortium of Indonesian companies PT AdhiKarya and PT WaskitaKarya working with China Road and Bridge Corp. and China Harbor Engineering Co. LtD. The total cost of the project, including connecting roads, has been estimated at 4.5 trillion rupiah (US$445 million).

Construction was started on August 20, 2003. In July 2004, a girder collapsed, killing one worker and injuring nine others. Work on the bridge halted at the end of 2004 due to lack of funds, but was restarted in November 2005. The main span of the bridge was connected on March 31, 2009, and the bridge was opened to the public in June 10, 2009.Within a week of the opening, it was discovered that nuts and bolts as well as maintenance lamps had been stolen and that there was evidence of vandalism of cables supporting the main span.

9. Suramadu’s bridge also known as…. A. Longest bridge B. sura and madu C. Surabaya-Madura bridge D. toll bridge E. cable bridge

10. Suramadu’s bridge connects the island…. A. Java and Sumatra B. Java and Bali C. Sumatra and Kalimantan D. Java and Madura E. Java and Surabaya

11. Length of the Suramadu’s bridge is…. A. 5.400 kilometers B. 192 meters C. 494 meters D. 526 meters E. 2004 meters

12. The following statement is true, except …. A. Suramadu’s bridge is also known Surabaya-Madura bridge B. The long of Suramadu’s bridge is 5400 kilometers C. Suramadu’s bridge connects the islands of Java and Madura D. Bridge was opened on March 31, 2009 E. The bridge was built by Surabaya government

On the banks of the Chao Phraya, Bangkok’s “River of Kings”, lies a hotel that has already set new standards of hospitality for this celebrated city.

Set in magnificently landscaped tropical gardens, the Shangri-La Bangkok provides guests with all the charm and warmth of the orient and, at the same time, unsurpassed range of facilities and leisure activities. There is a choice of 12 superb settings in which to wine and dine, a large free-form swimming pool that overlooks the river, convention and meeting facilities for up to 2000 people, and a 24-hour business centre.

And, from every single guest room and suite, there is a breathtaking view of all the exotic hustle and bustle of the fabled “River of Kings”. One might expect such a well-equipped and positioned hotel to be miles away from the city center but, at Shangri-La Bangkok the business district and main shopping areas are mere minutes away.

From more than 200 years, Bangkok’s grandeur has been reflected in the waters of the Chao PhrayA. Today, the Shangri-La Bangkok towers beside this majestic river, offers its guests the golden promise of the East.

13. For how many people the meeting facilities are up to?

A. 5000 people.

B. 4000 people.

C. 2000 people.

D. 1000 people.

E. 500 people. 14. The...

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English Class

Latihan Soal Descriptive Text

Latihan Soal Descriptive Text

-Latihan Soal Descriptive Text- Descriptive text merupakan salah satu jenis teks yang mungkin kerap Anda temui dalam mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris di berbagai level. Descriptive text disajikan dengan tingkat kesulitan yang berbeda sesuai dengan jenjang pendidikan.

Apakah yang dimaksud dengan descriptive text ? Istilah ini sendiri mengacu pada suatu jenis teks yang menjelaskan atau mendeskripsikan suatu objek secara lengkap. Mari kita simak lebih lengkapnya di penjelasan dibawah ini:

Pengertian Descriptive Text

Descriptive text tidak hanya menjabarkan orang atau benda, tetapi terkadang juga mendeskripsikan tempat maupun keadaan. Tujuan dari teks ini adalah untuk menggambarkan atau menjelaskan suatu objek dengan detail baik dari segi sifat, jumlah, keadaan dan lain sebagainya . Jika Anda menjumpai latihan soal descriptive text, Anda bisa mengetahui jenis teks tersebut berdasarkan ciri-ciri yang dimiliki.

Teks deskriptif mempunyai beberapa ciri yang membedakannya dengan jenis teks lain. Adapun ciri-ciri dari descriptive text antara lain: – Menggunakan simple present tense – Fokus pada objek tertentu – Pembaca seolah-olah merasakan langsung apa yang sedang dibahas

Struktur Descriptive Text

Sebelum menuju latihan soal descriptive text, Anda perlu memahami tentang struktur teks. Setiap jenis teks mempunyai struktur tersendiri. Terkait dengan descriptive text, struktur yang biasa digunakan adalah:

1. Identification Teks deskriptif biasanya didahului dengan identifikasi atau gambaran umum tentang suatu hal yang akan dibahas dalam keseluruhan teks. Dengan membaca bagian identifikasi, Anda bisa menentukan objek yang akan dibicarakan.

2. Description Setelah identifikasi, bagian selanjutnya adalah deskripsi yang membahas tentang ciri-ciri khusus objek yang sedang dibicarakan. Bagian ini merupakan penjabaran objek secara detail. Untuk membantu Anda mengenai struktur dan bagian-bagian dari teks deskriptif, perhatikan contoh teks di bawah ini.

Archery is one of extreme sports that can be chosen for your spare time. The fact that archery has been included into one of Olympic sports makes it gain more popularity throughout the world. The sport that involves bow and arrow is both fun and challenging. Archery does really train your whole body, not only muscle but also mind and feeling. The movement when pulling the bowstring, your position when aiming the target and your preciseness when releasing the string makes archery more than a sport. Nevertheless, not many people can afford this kind of sport. The price of archery set consisting of bow, string, arrow, armrest, face target, stabilizer, arm guard, and chest guard is considered expensive.

Teks deskripsi di atas terdiri dari paragraf identifikasi (par 1) serta paragraf deskripsi (2). Setelah mempelajari contoh tersebut, Anda bisa menyimak latihan soal descriptive text lengkap dengan pertanyaan yang akan dibuat berdasarkan teks yang Anda baca.

Baca : Penjelasan Lengkap Descriptive Text

Contoh Latihan Soal Descriptive text

Berikut ini adalah beberapa contoh latihan soal descriptive text. Sebagai tips sebelum mengerjakan latihan soal, ada baiknya untuk mengidentifikasi jenis pertanyaan yang muncul.

Dengan mengetahui pertanyaan terlebih dahulu, Anda bisa menemukan bagian-bagian yang dimaksud dengan lebih cepat. Membaca keseluruhan teks cenderung menghabiskan waktu ketika mengerjakan soal yang sesungguhnya.

Read the following text to answer questions number 1 to 4

Rose is plant with enchanting flowers from genus Rosa which has more than 100 species. This woody perennial plant grows in groups, allowing them to form climbing shrubs with prickles. Rose has various flowers in shape and sizes, making it one among popular flowering plants found in a house. Most rose species are native to Asia, but some others are native to North America and Europe. It is typically grown for beauty and fragrant. Some species are used for commercial perfumery while some others are cut for ornamental flowers. In addition, rose also has minor medicinal uses.

1. What does the text tell about? A. Gardening B. Rose species C. Flowers D. How to grow rose plant E. Where to plant rose

2. This statement is correct, except …. A. Rose has more than 100 species B. Rose is native to Asia C. Rose can be used for ornamental plant D. Rose only has one variant of shape and size E. Rose can be used in perfume

3. It is typically grown … (paragraph 2). The word “it” refers to …. A. Asia B. Beauty C. Rose species D. Medicine E. Commercial perfumery

4. Based on the text, which statement is true? A. Rose has minor benefit for medicinal uses B. People grow rose only for beauty C. Rose is not a popular flowering plant D. North America is not a native to rose species E. Rose has less than 100 species

Read the following text for questions number 5 to 7

5. What makes Indonesia one of most populous countries in the world? A. It is located in South East Asia B. Indonesia has more than 17,000 islands C. Indonesia has more than 261 million people D. Indonesia is rich E. It has more ethnics and languages

6. What is the main idea of the paragraph? A. Indonesia is one of South East Asia countries B. Indonesia is 4th most populous country C. Ethnics and languages make Indonesia rich D. Indonesia is an Asian country which has many cultures, ethnics, as well as people E. Indonesia is located between Pacific and Indian Ocean

7. The world “located” can be best replaced by …. A. Situated B. Allocated C. Happened D. Borrowed E. Surrounded

Read the following text to answer questions number 8 to 10.

I have a new cat, its name is Shorty. I call it Shorty because it is short than the other cats. My cat is a Persian cat with flat nose and fluffy hair. It has sharp, yellow eyes that glow in the dark. Shorty likes to run around the house, chasing any moving things. I like to see Shorty sleeping because it looks cute. Shorty does not like to eat canned food, instead it prefers fresh tuna.

8. My cat is ….. (line 1). The word “my” refers to …. A. Reader B. Cat C. Writer D. Mother E. Tuna

9. Which breed is Shorty? A. Persian B. Angora C. Half-breed D. Domestic cat E. Egypt

10. What does the writer tell about? A. New toy B. New cat named Shorty C. Writer’s new hobby D. Family E. Job

Demikianlah artikel tentang Contoh Latihan Soal Descriptive Text , semoga bermanfaat. Terimakasih

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1. B. 6. B. 2. D. 7. A. 3. C. 8. C. 4. A. 9. A 5. C. 10. B.

Terimakasih sudah berpartisipasi menjawab soal pilihan ganda diatas di kolom komentar ini dengan baik. terus berlatih. Semangat!

1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B

Nama: Eylen S.E.B.M Kelas: X-IPA2 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.A 8. C 9.A 10.B

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B

NAME: MEISYA MAURENT CLASS : XII-IIS 2 ABSENT : 14 1.B. 6.A 2.D. 7.A 3.C. 8.C 4.A. 9.A 5.C. 10.B

1.B ,2.D ,3.C,4.A, 5.C 6.D, 7.E ,8.C, 9.A, 10.B

1.B 2.D 3.C. 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.E 8.C 9.A 10.B

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. B 10. B

1. A 2. E 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B

1. B 2. D 3. A 4. D 5. C 6. A 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B

1.B 2.E 3.C 4.B 5.C 6.D 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.B

Answers: 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B Jangan pernah menyerah dan terus berlatih!!!

1. B 2. D 3. B 4 A 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B

terimakasih sudah berkontribusi untuk menjawab latihan soal. 🙂

1. B 6. A 2. D 7. A 3. C 8. C 4. A 9. A 5. C 10. B

thanks a lot

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. B 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B

1B 2D 3C 4A 5C 6A 7A 8C 9A 10B

terimakasih sudah berkontribusi menjawab:)

Dewi Nur Alifatul L XII SCIENCE 2 11

1.B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. E 6. D 7. E 8. C 9. A 10. B

Thanks alot

1.B 6.C 2.D 7.A 3.C 8.A 4.A 9.C 5.C 10.B

Liyana Hamidah Az Zahraa’ XII MIA 1 17 1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. E 6. D 7. E 8. C 9. A 10. B

Thanks for Answer

1 B 6 A 2 D 7 A 3 C 8 C 4 A 9 A 5 C 10 B

Name:dya atul fahmi 1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B

terimakasih atas jawabanya kak

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. A 8. C 9. A 10. B

1.B 2.D 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.C 9.A 10.B

thanks you 🙂

1.B 2.E 3.C 4.A 5.C 6.A 7.B 8.C 9.A 10.A

thanks 4 your answer

1. b 2. d 3. c 4. a 5. c 6. a 7. a 8. c 9. a 10.b

thanks 4 ur participant

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What is she like?

Does Mrs.Handayani go to work on Saturday?

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tall and thin

short and thin

tall and fat

short and heavy

Riana and Intan look…

What are the writer's mother hobby?

Singing and Playing

Singing and Swimming

Singing and Dancing

Singing and Drawing

What is her hair look like?

Curly and short

Curly and long

Curly and black

Curly and brown

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What does she dislike/ hate?

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What are the colour of the robot’s eyes?

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Kartikasari was born on December 15, 2004 in Bandung. Her friends call her Ika. She lives at Jl. Gatot Subroto 12A, Bandung. She is an SMP students. She is in the seventh grade. She is quite tall and slim. She has long wavy hair and dark eyes. She looks beautiful with her long hair. She will not have hair cut, because she prefers it that way.

Everyone knows she is very serious person and very discipline with her main duty as a student. That’s why she always does well in her class. She is also symphatic, honest, kind and friendly. Her parents must be proud of her.

What is her nick name?

My classroom is very big. There are twenty classroom and forty chairs for students. The teacher’s table is in front of the classroom. The teacher sit behind the table. Behind her is the whiteboard. Beside the whiteboard is a map of Indonesian archipelago. Under the map, there is a bookshelf. There are two windows in the room. Between the windows is a picture of Prambanan temple. I like my classroom very much.

Where does the teacher sit ?

In front of the classroom.

Behind the table.

Behind the whiteboard.

behind the board

Where is the whiteboard ?

Behind windows

Behind the teacher

Beside the teacher

In front of teacher

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Materi Descriptive Teks, Contoh Text, dan Soal Latihan

Materi Descriptive Teks, Contoh Text, dan Soal Latihan

  • Menggunakan Simple Present Tense. Tenses ini digunakan karena dalam descriptive text kita akan menjelaskan suatu fakta atau kebenaran yang terdapat dalam suatu hal atau orang.
  • Menggunakan banyak kata adjective  . Kata adjective digunakan karena dalam descriptive text kita akan menjelaskan sifat - sifat dari suatu benda, manusia, atau binatang. silahkan lihat link berikut jika masih belum mengerti tentang adjective:  Materi Adjective, Contoh Teks dan Kumpulan Kata Lengkap  dan  Download Daftar Kata Adjective Lengkap dari A - Z
  • Kita akan sering menjumpai kata "is" atau relating verb (kata kerja penghubung) dala descriptive text. karena 'is' itu berarti 'adalah' yang mengarahkan pada penjelasan benda,orang atau binatang yang sedang kita jelaskan.
  • Descriptive text hanya fokus menjelaskan pada satu objek.

Materi Descriptive Text, Contoh Text, dan Soal Latihan

  • Kalimat pertama atau paragraf pertama adalah Identification: Dalam Kalimat ini menjelaskan bahwa si penulis memiliki kucing liar sebagai kucing peliharaannya.
  • Paragraf kedua berisi tentang Description: berisi penjelasan atau deskripsi tentang kucing si penulis dengan memaparkan sifat-sifat dan kebiasannya seperti: Kucingnya yang suka bermain, dia punya bulu berwarna orange dan putih yang lembut, dan dia suka bermain dengan buntutnya.
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November 8, 2023 • 13 minutes read

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 SMP

Artikel ini berisi 50 contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 dan jawabannya mulai dari semester 1 dan semester 2.

Waktu ujian udah semakin dekat nih! Sudah sejauh mana persiapan kamu? Agar penguasaan materi kamu semakin matang, yuk coba mengerjakan latihan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 1 dan 2. 

Latihan soal ini akan terdiri dari 2 bentuk, yaitu pilihan ganda dan isian yang terbagi dalam soal semester 1 dan soal semester 2. Di akhir soal nanti akan ada kunci jawaban yang bisa kamu cocokkan dengan hasil kamu. Selamat mengerjakan! Good luck!

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 Beserta Kunci Jawaban

In this section, please choose one of the best answers for the questions.

Read the text below to answer questions 1-5!

Once upon a time, in a faraway kingdom, there lived a beautiful princess named Aurora. She possessed a heart as pure as the morning dew and a smile that could brighten the darkest of days. However, a wicked witch named Malevolentia cast a spell on Aurora, putting her into a deep sleep from which she could only be awakened by true love’s kiss.

The news of the sleeping princess spread throughout the kingdom, and many brave knights and handsome princes attempted to break the spell. But none succeeded. Years passed, and the kingdom fell into a melancholy state of despair.

One day, a young and humble farm boy named Lucas stumbled upon the hidden castle where Aurora lay in slumber. Lucas had heard of the princess and her plight. Drawn by a force he couldn’t explain, he approached her and, without hesitation, planted a gentle kiss on her lips.

As if by magic, Aurora’s eyes fluttered open, and a burst of light filled the room. True love had awakened her from the spell, and the kingdom rejoiced. Lucas and Aurora’s love story became a legendary tale, reminding everyone that love has the power to conquer even the darkest of enchantments.

1. Who cast a spell on Princess Aurora? A. Maleficent B. Malevolentia C. Morgana D. Malevolent

2. How could Princess Aurora be awakened from her deep sleep? A. True love’s kiss B. Breaking the curse with a magical potion C. Solving a riddle D. Finding a hidden key

3. What happened to the kingdom while Aurora was asleep? A. It flourished and became prosperous B. It fell into despair and sadness C. It was taken over by evil creatures D. It remained the same, unaffected by the curse

4. What did the burst of light signify when Aurora was awakened? A. The arrival of a new threat B. The beginning of a storm C. The breaking of the curse D. The end of the world

5. What message does the fairytale convey? A. True love can overcome any obstacle. B. Being beautiful guarantees happiness. C. Only princes can save princesses. D. Magic is the solution to all problems.

6.  Andy: “Could you lend me your book for a few days?”

Barney: “I’m sorry, but I need it for my assignment. _____” A. Sure, here you go. B. I’m afraid I can’t lend it to you. C. Of course, take good care of it. D. Yes, you can borrow it.

7. Charlie: “Would you mind helping me with this heavy box?”

David: “I’m sorry, I’m in a hurry. _____” A. Sure, I can help you. B. No problem, I have some time. C. I would be happy to assist you. D. Sorry, I can’t help you right now.

8. Enid: “I can’t believe my dog passed away yesterday. _____”

Febby: “I’m so sorry to hear that. How are you holding up?” A. I’m jumping with joy. B. I’m feeling fantastic. C. I’m devastated and heartbroken. D. I’m on top of the world.

9. Gebby: “My best friend is moving to another country next week. _____”

Hudson: “That’s really sad.” A. I’m feeling absolutely amazing. B. I’m delighted by the news. C. I’m feeling extremely upset. D. I’m over the moon with happiness.

10. Indy: “I just received a promotion at work!”

Jake: “That’s fantastic news! I’m so happy for you!”

How does Jake feel about Indy’s promotion? A. Sad B. Indifferent C. Angry D. Excited

11. Keny: “I passed my driving test!”

Larry: “Great job! I’m so _______ for you!” A. proud B. upset C. jealous D. indifferent

12. Meri: “I think we should start our meeting at 9 a.m. sharp.”

Neli: “I’m of a different opinion. I believe 10 a.m. would be better.”

How does Neli respond to Meri’s suggestion? A. Agrees B. Disagrees C. Indifferent D. Unsure

Baca Juga: Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 7 SMP dan Kunci Jawabannya

Read the text below to answer questions 13-15!

You’re Invited!

Join us in celebrating Nabila’s Birthday Bash!

Date: June 29, 2023 Time: 5 pm Venue: Green Park Restaurant Address: Kebangsaan Street 5

Come and enjoy a fun-filled evening of laughter, games, and delicious treats as we celebrate another year of Nabila’s life. Your presence will make this day even more special.

Please RSVP by June 27, 2023  to ensure we have enough goodies for everyone.

We look forward to seeing you and sharing joyful moments together!

Best regards, Nabila

13. When is Nabila’s Birthday Bash? A. June 29, 2023 B. June 27, 2023 C. June 30, 2023 D. June 28, 2023

14. What should the guests bring to the Birthday Bash? A. Presents for Nabila B. Snacks and drinks C. Party games D. RSVP confirmation

15. What time will the Birthday Bash start? A. 4 pm B. 5 pm C. 6 pm D. 7 pm

Read the text below to answer questions 16-18!

Attention, Students!

We are pleased to announce that the annual school talent show will be held on Friday, November 12th, in the school auditorium. This event provides an opportunity for students to showcase their unique talents and entertain the school community.

Interested participants are encouraged to sign up at the school office by Friday, October 29th. All talents are welcome, including singing, dancing, comedy, magic, and more. Each performance should not exceed five minutes to ensure a smooth and enjoyable event for everyone.

Auditions will be held on Monday, November 1st, and Tuesday, November 2nd, in the school’s music room. Please come prepared with your act and any necessary props or music. The audition schedule will be posted on the notice board outside the music room.

We look forward to seeing the amazing talents our students possess and celebrating their creativity. Don’t miss this exciting opportunity to shine on stage! Mark your calendars for November 12th and start preparing your acts.

For any inquiries, please contact the school office or speak to Ms. Johnson, the event coordinator.

Let’s make this year’s talent show the best one yet!

Thank you, School’s Administration

16. When will the annual school talent show take place? A. November 1st B. November 2nd C. November 12th D. October 29th

17. Where will the talent show be held? A. School office B. Music room C. Notice board D. School auditorium

18. How long should each performance be? A. 10 minutes B. 5 minutes C. 15 minutes D. 20 minutes

19. Which of the following sentences is NOT in the present continuous tense? A. I am reading a book right now. B. She is cooking dinner in the kitchen. C. They were going to the movies. D. We are having a picnic at the park.

20. Fill in the blank with the correct form of the present continuous tense: 

“They _______ their homework at the moment.” A. do B. does C. is doing D. are doing

In this section, please write down the right answer for the questions!

Read the text below to answer questions 21-24!

John Smith 123 Main Street Anytown, USA 12345 [email protected] (555) 123-4567

June 15, 2023

Emily Johnson 456 Elm Avenue Otherville, USA 67890

Dear Emily,

I hope this letter finds you in good health and high spirits. I am writing to you to express my deepest gratitude and appreciation for your friendship and support.

I wanted to take a moment to reflect on the memories we have created together and the meaningful experiences we have shared. From the laughter-filled adventures to the comforting shoulder during tough times, your presence has been a constant source of strength and joy in my life.

I am truly fortunate to have you as a friend. Your kindness, understanding, and unwavering support have made a significant impact on my life. You have always been there to lend an ear, offer words of wisdom, and provide encouragement when I needed it the most. Your friendship has been a true blessing.

Wishing you endless happiness, success, and love in all your endeavors.

With warmest regards, John Smith

21. Who is the recipient of the letter?


22. What is the purpose of the letter?

23. Who is the sender of the letter?

24. What does the sender describe the recipient’s presence as?

25. Look! The children __________ (play) in the park right now.

26. Mia _____ cooking the dinner in the kitchen.

27. We _____ not going to the movie because it is raining. 

28. Person A: “Let’s order pizza for dinner tonight.”

Person B: “I totally agree! Pizza sounds delicious.”

How does Person B feel about Person A’s suggestion?


Baca Juga: Latihan Soal Reading Comprehension TOEFL ITP Lengkap dengan Kunci Jawabannya!

Read the text below to answer questions 29-30!

Attention, students!

Exciting news! We’re having a school picnic on Saturday, October 2nd. It will be held at Sunny Park. We’ll have lots of fun games, delicious food, and great company.

Remember to bring your own snacks and drinks. Wear comfortable clothes and don’t forget sunscreen! The picnic starts at 10 AM and ends at 2 PM.

Let’s enjoy a day of laughter and bonding with friends. Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to relax and have a great time outside of the classroom.

See you at the picnic!

The School Committee

29. Exciting news! We’re having a school picnic on __________.

30. Students are advised to bring their own __________ to the picnic.

Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1

  • Emily Johnson
  • To express deepest gratitude and appreciation
  • A constant source of strength and joy
  • Saturday, October 2nd
  • Snacks and drinks

Baca Juga: 50 Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9 Beserta Kunci Jawaban

Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban

Sekarang saatnya mengerjakan soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 8 semester 2. Soal-soal ini hanya sebagai contoh dan referensi yah! Soal yang akan kamu hadapi di sekolah bisa jadi berbeda. Materinya seputar positive degree , comparative degree, superlative degree, to be, dan masih banyak lagi. Good luck! 

1. The weather is __________ today. A. sunny B. sunnier C. sunniest D. more sunny

2. Alice is __________ student in her class. A. intelligent B. more intelligent C. intelligence D. intelligenter

3. John is __________ than his sister. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. more tall

4. This book is __________ than the one I read before. A. interesting B. interestinger C. most interesting D. more interesting

5. The Taj Mahal is considered __________ building in the world. A. beautiful B. more beautiful C. most beautiful D. beautifuller

6. The Taj Mahal is considered __________ building in the world. A. beautiful B. most beautiful C. more beautiful D. beautifuller

7. She __________ a new car today. A. buy B. buys C. bought D. buying

8. Which phrase is used to express agreement with someone’s opinion? A. “I strongly disagree.” B. “I can’t decide.” C. “I’m not sure.” D. “I completely agree.”

9. When asking for someone’s opinion, it is important to …. A. interrupt them and share your own opinion B. listen attentively and respect their viewpoint C. ignore their opinion and move on D. tell them their opinion is wrong

10. A: “What do you usually do on weekends?”

B: “I enjoy __________ to the park and __________ with my friends.” A. going / playing B. went / played C. go / played D. going / played

Read the text below to answer questions 11-13!

You are cordially invited!

Event: Graduation Ceremony Date: June 30, 2023 Time: 6:00 PM Venue: Grand Hall, ABC School Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown

Dear Sarah,

We are delighted to invite you to our upcoming Graduation Ceremony. It is a momentous occasion where we celebrate the accomplishments and hard work of our graduates.

We would be honored to have your presence at this special event. Your support and encouragement have played a significant role in the success of our graduates, and we would love for you to join us in recognizing their achievements.

The ceremony will be followed by a reception where you can meet and congratulate the graduates. It will be a joyous occasion filled with pride and excitement.

Please RSVP by June 15, 2023, to confirm your attendance. You can reach us at 0726374821 or [email protected] for any inquiries or further information.

We look forward to sharing this memorable day with you and celebrating the bright future of our graduates.

Best regards, Emma

11. What is the event being celebrated in the invitation?


12. When is the date of the event?

13. How can the invitee RSVP for the event?

Baca Juga:   Perbedaan TOEFL, IELTS, TOEIC, PTE, dan EPT Sebagai Tes Kemahiran Bahasa Inggris

Read the text below to answer questions 14-15!

John: Hey, Mary! I’m thinking of redecorating my living room. What do you think?

Mary: Well, I think you should go for a modern and minimalist style. It will give your living room a clean and sleek look.

John: Hmm, that sounds interesting. What about the color scheme?

Mary: I suggest using neutral colors like white, beige, or light gray as the base, and then adding pops of vibrant colors through accent pieces like cushions or artwork.

John: That’s a good idea. I also want to add some plants to liven up the space. What do you think?

Mary: Oh, definitely! Indoor plants will bring a sense of freshness and natural beauty to your living room. They also help purify the air.

John: Great! Thanks for your suggestions, Mary. I appreciate it.

Mary: You’re welcome, John. I’m sure your living room will look amazing with these changes.

14. What does John want to do?


15. What color scheme does Mary recommend for the living room?

16. _____ you a zookeeper?

17. They _____ studying for their exams.

18. Sarah: Excuse me, is this the right platform for the train to London?

Mary: Yes, it is. The train to London will be arriving in a few minutes.

Where does the dialogue probably take place? 

19. A: _________ on your promotion! You deserve it.

B: Thank you so much!

20. She is going to the store to buy some groceries for ____ father.

Kunci Jawaban Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 2

  • Graduation ceremony
  • June 30, 2023
  • Call 0726374821 or send an email to [email protected]
  • Redecorate his living room
  • Neutral colors with pops of vibrant colors
  • Train station
  • Congratulation

Cukup mudah kan soal latihannya? Walaupun mudah, tapi kamu tidak boleh menganggap remeh ya. Materi-materi di atas bisa saja keluar dalam bentuk soal lainnya. Jadi, kamu harus tetap banyak belajar dan berlatih. Untuk mematangkan latihan kamu, yuk join English Academy sekarang! Kamu bisa mendapatkan banyak materi dan latihan soal dari tutor native speaker, lho!

English Academy by Ruangguru

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soal essay descriptive text kelas 8

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soal essay descriptive text kelas 8






soal essay descriptive text kelas 8

An iceberg is a great piece of ice floating in the sea. ‘Berg’ is the German word for ‘mountain.’ In the coldest parts of the earth, around the North and South Poles, land and sea are both covered by layers of ice, more than 300 meters deep at the centre.

Baca Juga: Lebih banyak Descriptive text dan soal essay / multiple choice

Tongues of ice, called glaciers, stretch out into the open sea. The sea water melts the bottom parts of these glaciers, and then the top part moves into the water with a great noise. The great piece of ice sinks for a short time under the surface, and then it rises again, and floats away as a new iceberg. Some icebergs are many miles long, and travel for thousands of miles and several years before they finally melt. The part of an iceberg which can be seen above the water is only about one-ninth of the total size. The rest is hidden under the waves.

One of the world’s worst disasters at sea was in 1912 when the liner ‘Titanic’ hit an iceberg and sank on her first journey, killing hundreds of passengers.

1.       What is an iceberg?

2.       What is ‘berg’?

3.       What is ‘glaciers’?

4.       Where is most part of an iceberg?

5.       How does the writer describe the North and South Poles?

6.       What is ‘liner’?

7.       What happened to the Titanic?

8.       Why did the author write about iceberg?

9.       How is an iceberg formed?

10.   Describe how an iceberg looks in your own words.  


For people in East Java, Jatim Park may have been heard many times as it is one of the famous tourism object in East Java province. Jatim Park offers a recreation place as well as a study center.

Jatim Park is located at Jl. Kartika 2 Batu, East Java. To reach the location is not too difficult because the object is only 2, 5 kilos meters from Batu city. This Jatim Park tourism object is about 22 hectares width.

Visitor can enjoy at least 36 kinds of facilities which can attract them as well as give new knowledge. Just after the pass gate, the visitors will find an interesting view of ‘Galeri Nusantara’ area. This study offering continues to step on ‘Taman Sejarah’ area, which contains of miniature temple in East Java like Sumberawan temple, customhouse of Kiai Hasan Besari Ponorogo and Sumberawan Statue.

The other facility which is able to be enjoyed is ‘Agro Park’ area. It presents crop and rareness fruits, animal diorama which consists of unique animals that have been conserved, and supporting games like bowling, throw ball, scooter disco, etc

Jatim Park is suitable for family and school recreation. The recreation area sites offer precious tour and can used as alternative media of study.

Baca Juga:  Lebih banyak Descriptive text dan soal essay / multiple choice

Answer The question

1.       Find out the difficult words and write down the meaning?

a.        Times

b.       Famous

c.        Difficult

d.       Visitor

e.        Knowledge

f.        Attract

g.       Interesting

h.       Minature temple

i.         Crop

j.         Rarenes fruit

2.       Write down the description of jatim park!

3.       What is the main ideas of each paragraph!

4.       Make a note of the conclusion in your own words!

Key Answer:

1.       The difficult word meaning

a.        Times: Kali, waktu

b.       Famous: Terkenal, mashur

c.        Difficult: sulit, sukar

d.       Visitor: pengunjung

e.        Knowledge: pengetahuan

f.        Attract: pikat; memikat; menarik; iming

g.       Interesting: Menyenagkan

h.       Minature temple: Candi

i.         Crop: Panen

j.         Rarenes fruit: Buah langka

2.       Descriptive of jatim park

a.        Jatim Park is located at Jl. Kartika 2 Batu, East Java.

b.       To reach the location is not too difficult because the object is only 2, 5 kilos meters from Batu city.

c.        This Jatim Park tourism object is about 22 hectares width.

d.       at least 36 kinds of facilities which can attract them as well as give new knowledge.

e.        Just after the pass gate, the visitors will find an interesting view of ‘Galeri Nusantara’ area

3.       Main idea

a.        First paragraph: Jatim Park offers a recreation place as well as a study center.

b.       Second paragraph: . To reach the location is not too difficult

c.        Third Paragraph: Visitor can enjoy at least 36 kinds of facilities

d.       Forth paragraph : The other facility

e.        Fifth Paragraph: The recreation area sites offer precious tour and can used as alternative media of study

4.       According to student comprehens


Taj Mahal is regarded as one of the eight wonders of the world. It was built by a Muslim Emperor Shah Jahan in the memory of his dear wife at Agra. Taj Mahal is a Mausoleum that houses the grave of queen Mumtaz Mahal. The mausoleum is a part of a vast complex comprising of a main gateway, an elaborate garden, a mosque (to the left), a guest house (to the right), and several other palatial buildings. The Taj is at the farthest end of this complex, with the river Jamuna behind it.

The Taj stands on a raised, square platform (186 x 186 feet) with its four corners truncated, forming an unequal octagon. The architectural design uses the interlocking arabesque concept, in which each element stands on its own and perfectly integrates with the main structure. It uses the principles of self-replicating geometry and a symmetry of architectural elements.

Its central dome is fifty-eight feet in diameter and rises to a height of 213 feet. It is flanked by four subsidiary domed chambers. The four graceful, slender minarets are 162.5 feet each. The central domed chamber and four adjoining chambers include many walls and panels of Islamic decoration.

Taj Mahal is built entirely of white marble. Its stunning architectural beauty is beyond adequate description, particularly at dawn and sunset. The Taj seems to glow in the light of the full moon. On a foggy morning, the visitors experience the Taj as if suspended when viewed from across the Jamuna river.

a.        Regarded

b.       Wonder

c.        Emperor

d.       Queen

e.        Gateway

f.        Palatial

g.       Square

h.       Interlocking

i.         Flanked

j.         Subsidiary

k.       Domed

l.         Chamber

m.     Panels

n.       Entirely

o.       Beyond

p.       Adequate

q.       Glow

r.         Foggy

s.        suspended


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soal essay descriptive text kelas 8

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Contoh Soal Descriptive Text tentang Orang beserta Jawabannya

Berikut ini adalah contoh soal descriptive text tentang orang. Sebagaiamana kita ketahui bahwa tema teks descriptive itu bisa tentang orang, binatang, benda, event, atau suatu tempat. Pada umumnya soal descriptive text SMP dan MTs bertema orang atau binatang sementara teks descriptive untuk SMA biasanya berkaitan dengan suatu tempat, lebih khusus soal descriptive text tentang tempat objek wisata .

Hampir semua soal descriptive text tentang orang diberikan dengan model kalimat-kalimat yang cukup sederhana. Berbeda dengan materi descriptive text yang bertema objek wisata. Bagi yang lagi mencari contoh soal essay descriptive text tentang orang, tidak perlu berkecil hati karena pada dasarnya soal multiple choice juga bisa dibuat latihan untuk mengerjakan soal uraian descriptive text.

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Pilihan Ganda Descriptive Text tentang Orang

Sebagaia latihan, berbagai macam contoh soal descriptive text tentang orang juga disertakan dengan jawabannya. Tentu saja, jawaban masih perlu dilihat dengan teliti barang kali ada kekeliruan supaya bisa dibetulkan. Kumpulan contoh soal descriptive tentang orang dalam bentuk pilhan ganda ini dususun dari berbagai sumber dan harapannya bisa cocok sebagai lembar kerja siswa siswi yang sedang duduk di bangku SMP dan MTs kelas 7. Untuk contoh soal descriptive text tentang animal, thing, and certain events mungkin diberikan pada kesempatan lain.

Teks Descriptive tentang Orang 1

Barack Obama is the president of United States. He is an African-American. He is tall and thin. He is bald. He has dark complexion, pointed nose, and oval face. He is the first black man who becomes the president of United States. He is known as a smart and wise man. He is a loving husband for his wife and a good father for his two children. People from all over the world adore him because of his spirit and action in creating peace in this world. He also looks friendly because he always smiles a lot.

1. What is the purpose of the text? A. To persuade the readers to choose him in the election B. To entertain the readers about the story of Barack Obama C. To report the life of the president of United States of America D. To describe Barack Obama’s physical appearance and personality

2. “… dark complexion, pointed nose, and oval face.” The antonym of the word “pointed” is …. A. Flat B. Short C. Straight D. Handsome

Teks Descriptive tentang Orang 2

Victoria Caroline Beckham is an English singer-songwriter, dancer, model, actress, fashion designer and business woman. She was born on April 17, 1974, in Essex, England. She became famous in the 1990’s with the pop group “The Spice Girl”and was known as Posh Spice. In 1999, she married the Manchester United and England footballer, David Beckham. They have four children, three sons and a daughter. After The Spice Girl split up, she pursued a solo singer career, but also started her own fashion range called dVb Style. Since this initial foray into fashion Victoria Beckham has brought out her own range of sunglasses and fragrance, entitled “Intimately Beckham”and a range of handbags and jewelry. In addition she had written two best-selling books: one her autobiography and the other, a fashion guide.

3. What did Victoria do before being a solo singer? A. Married to David Beckham B. Worked as fashion designer C. Joined The Spice Girl D. Created fashion style

4. We found in the text that …. A. Victoria named her fragrance by dVb style B. Beckham is Victoria’s autobiography C. Beckham is Victoria’s brand for her fragrance D. Posh Spice is the title of her new album

5. Based on the text, what do we know about Victoria? A. She is an ordinary woman B. She is a multi-talented woman C. She designed The Spice Girls D. She married to an ordinary person

Teks Descriptive tentang Orang 3

Jennifer Lopes (J.Lo) is a highly successful actress, singer, and dancer. Her new ?lms and new albums usually go straight to the top. What’s a typical working day for her? Making a ?lm is a hard work. She usually gets up at half past five in the morning and she’s always on the ?lm set at half past six. She never drinks coffee and she always has a light lunch of just green salad. She doesn’t like working up late at nights. She is usually in bed half past ten. If she stays out late, she will be too tired in the next morning. Adam Shankman, a director of one of her ?lms, says ”J.Lo is actually a quiet person. She doesn’t like going out all the time. She often stays at home on Saturday nights and watches video. If J.Lo isn’t working on a ?lm or making a record, her life style is very different. When she has got time off, she’s quite happy to go out. She loves New York restaurants. She loves dancing. She sometimes dances until three o’clock in the morning! J. Lo’s family lives in New York. They were very close family. She sees her parents every weekend and she always phones them if she has a problem. She’s got two older sisters and they get on very well together. They are not just her sisters; they are her best friends.

6. What is the text about? A. A successful actress B. Jennifer Lopez C. Jennifer Lopez’s sisters D. Jennifer Lopez’s sisters

7. What does J.Lo do when she has a problem? A. Sees her parents every weekend B. Phones her parents C. Meets her two sisters D. Goes clubbing in New York

8. What is the main idea of paragraph four? A. J. Lo’s typical working day B. J. Lo’s family relationship C. J. Lo’s lifestyle on her free days D. J. Lo’s activities in New York

9. “They get on very well together.” Who does the word “THEY” refer to? A. Adam Shankman and J.Lo B. Her parent and her sisters C. J. Lo and her sisters D. Her parents and J. Lo

Teks Descriptive tentang Orang 4

Rowan Atkinson is an English comedian, actor and writer, famous for his title roles in the British television comedies Blackadder, the Thin Blue Line and Mr. Bean. He has been listed in the Observer as one of the 50 funniest actors in British comedy. Atkinson is mostly well known as Mr. Bean. Rowan Atkinson is a quite thin man. He has fair complexion and black short hair. Some people considered Atkinson “the man with the rubber face.” In fact, he has really funny face with unique smile. He is in medium height of European people. He has a pointed nose, big black eyes and thick eyebrows. His moustache and sideburns are usually well shaved. He usually wears a man’s suit with shirt, collar, trousers and a pair of shiny shoes. Rowan Atkinson was born in Consett, County Durham on 6th January 1955. He has two elder brothers. Atkinson studied electrical engineering at Newcastle University and continued with an MSc at the Queen’s College, Oxford. Atkinson married Sunetra Sastry in 1990. The couple has two children, Lily and Benjamin, and lives in England in the Northamptonshire. With an estimated wealth of $100 million, Atkinson owns many expensive cars.

10. The text mainly describes … A. Rowan Atkinson B. Rowan Atkinson’s school C. Rowan Atkinson’s movies D. Comedy festivals in England

11. ”Rowan Atkinson is a quite thin man.” (Paragraph 2) The word ‘thin” has the same meaning as … A. Stocky B. Athletic C. Skinny D. Chubby

12. “The couple has two children, Lily and Benjamin, …” (Paragraph 3) The words “couple” refer to … A. Atkinson and family B. Lily and Benjamin C. Atkitson and his children D. Atkinson and Sunetra Sastry

Teks Descriptive tentang Orang 5

Picasso was one of the most outstanding and important artists of the 1900’s. He was best known for his paintings. Almost every style in modern art was represented in Picasso’s works. Picasso was born in 1881 in Malaga, Spain, as the son of an art teacher. He studied painting with his father and also in Madrid. From 1895 to 1901, he painted realistic works in a traditional style. Then he entered what was called the Blue period. During this time, he only used shades of blue in his paintings to show poverty in Barcelona. After 1907, he entered the style of cubism. Among his well-known cubist paintings are “The Three Musician” and “The man with a guitar” which depicted the destruction of Spanish town. Picasso died in France in 1973.

13. Picasso used shades of blue in his painting during the Blue Period, because …. A. He was sad to live in a traditional Barcelona B. The blue was to show poverty in Barcelona C. The blue represented modern art of this paintings D. Blue was Picasso’s favorite color in his paintings

14. What is the main idea of paragraph three? A. Picasso used shades of blue in his paintings B. Picasso died in France on 1973 C. Picasso was taught by his father D. Picasso was taught by his father

15. “… which depicted the destruction of Spanish town.” (Paragraph 4). The word “depicted” has the same meaning as …. A. Drawed B. Described C. Painted D. Presented

16. From the text, we know that … A. Picasso used his paintings to describe his environment B. Picasso loved listening to the music and playing guitar C. Picasso was born, raised, and died in Malaga, Spain D. Picasso only used blue paint in all his paintings

Teks Descriptive tentang Orang 6

Hello! My name is Boby Fudam. I come from Dundee. A town on the east coast of Scotland, but I’m a student at Durham University, in the north of England. I’m studying French and German, and I can speak the languages quite well. I also know little Spanish, so I can speak four languages. I’m enjoying the course a lot, but it’s very hard work! I live in Durham Castle, because the Castle is part of the University, with about thirty other students. The course started two years ago, and I’m in my third year. After the course, I’m going to work in France, but I don’t know where yet.

17. Boby can speak these languages below except… A. German B. Spanish C. English D. Dutch

18. What’s Boby going to do after course? A. To get a job in France. B. To enjoy in Germany. C. To study in England. D. To learn in Spanish.

19. Boby Fudam is … student at Durham University. A. a lazy B. a diligent C. a dull D. a shy

Teks Descriptive tentang Orang 7

I have a special friend. She is my classmate and sits besides me. Her name is Rohma. Rohma is a quite girl and very simple on the look. However, I really adore her. She is not only kind but also tough. Rohma comes from a very simple family. Her father is a pedicab driver and her mother has passed away. She has a younger brother. His name is Rahmat. In order to help their father, Rohma and her brother work part-time to earn some money. Rohma sells food during our class break, while her brother sells newpapers and magazines after school. One thing that I always admire about her is that she can manage her time well, and she always looks cheerful.

20. What does the second paragraph tell you about? A. Rohma and her family B. Rohma and her father C. Rohma and her brother D. Rohma and her friends

21.”…Rohma and her brother work part-time to earn some money.” What do the words “work part-time” mean? A. work for the whole of working week B. work for only part of each day or week C. work for the purpose of getting money as much as possible D. work for family

22. Where did the writer sit? A. in front of Rohma B. behind Rohma C. next to Rohma D. far from Rohma

Teks Descriptive tentang Orang 8

I’m so happy to have a close friend. She is my beloved classmate, Fafa. We’ve known each other since we were in grade 8. We were in the same class, and we still are in grade 9 until now. Fafa is a very kind and friendly girl. She is always ready to help other people. Although she comes from a rich family, she never looks down on other people. She is very sociable and has a lot of friends. She can interact easily with people from different ages. Therefore, she is also popular among teachers and parents.

23. What is the text about? A. The writer’s sister B. The writer’s family C. The writer’s deskmate D. The writer’s best friend

24. What is the main idea of paragraph two? A. Fafa has good characters B. Fafa comes from a rich family C. Fafa is an eighth grader student D. Fafa is popular among neighbors

25. The underlined word in “she can interact easily with people …” is closest in meaning to …. A. React B. Introduce C. Influence D. Communicate

Teks Descriptive tentang Orang 9

Mr. Targo is my math teacher at school. He teaches us at class IX. He is a smart teacher. He can teach us very well. He is a strict teacher. He doesn’t like his students came late at class. He will be very angry. Besides that he doesn’t like us cheating in the test. He always tells us to be honest. His students must pay attention to his explanation. Besides that Mr. Targo always does the same things everyday. Entering the classroom, he will wash his hands in the basin in the corner the class. After that he will walk over to his desk. Sitting in her desk, he will look at and greet us formally. Then he will put on her glasses, open his textbook and ask us what lesson we discussed the previous meeting. And then he starts teaching. I was really amazed by his habit.

26. What is the writer’s purpose to write the text? A. To show his dislike of his teacher. B. To get attention of his teacher. C. To make the readers know the character of his teacher. D. To make the readers impressed by his teacher.

27. The writer describes Mr. Targo as a … A. Serious man B. Humorous man C. Easy going man D. Friendly than

28. The writer can tell Mr. Targo habit precisely because … A. He always come to school early B. He admires Mr. Targo character C. He sees Mr. Targo does the same thing everyday D. He pays attention to Mr. Targo’s explanation

29. “I was really amazed by his habit.” The word “amazed” is closest in meaning to … A. Scared B. Surprised C. Ashamed D. Nervous

Teks Descriptive tentang Orang 10

Peter is the youngest in our family. He is fourteen years old and four years younger than me. He has long, straight hair, bright eyes and a friendly smile. Sometimes he is rather naughty at home, but he usually does what he is asked to do. Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school, he plays football and tennis. He is the best badminton player in our family.

30. “Peter is interested in sports very much, and at school he plays football and tennis.” The phrase “interested in” can be replaced by …. A. Dislike sport B. Really likes sport C. Hates sport very much D. Finds sport not really entertaining

31. ”He is fourteen years old.” The word “HE” refers to … A. Peter B. The writer C. The writer’s brother D. the writer’s family

32. “But he usually does what he is asked to do.” The phrase “usually does” means … A. He does anything he wants. B. He always asks. C. He is lazy. D. He is diligent.

33. What is the text mostly about? A. Peter B. Peter’s hobby C. Peter’s family D. peters’ elder brother

34. From the text, we may conclude that … A. Many people do not like Peter. B. People is older that the writer. C. Peter is a welcoming person. D. Peter is not diligent at all.

35. It is implied in the passage that … A. Peter is naughty. B. Peter is lazy. C. Peter is unfriendly. D. Peter is diligent.

36. According to the passage, we know that Peter is … A. The writer’s youngest brother B. The writer’s elder brother C. A naughty boy D. A friendly boy

37. Which of the following statement is not true about Peter? A. He has long and straight hair. B. He has bright eyes. C. He is interested in sports. D. He plays football and tennis.

38. The writer is … years old. A. Fourteen B. Sixteen C. Eighteen D. Nineteen

39. How old is Peter? He is … years old. A. Four B. Fourteen C. Forty D. Ten

Begitulah soal descriptive text kelas 7 pilihan ganda yang bisa diberikan kali ini. Stelah belajar soal ini mestinya berlajut dengan contoh soal descriptive text tentang benda kesayangan dan juga contoh soal descriptive text animal. Kesmuanya dalah tema bacaan untuk teks deskripsi bahasa Inggris SMP dan Mts. Happy learning English!

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Kumpulan Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 Beserta Jawabannya (Semua Materi Semua Bab 1 2 3 4 5 6s)

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Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1

Kamu sedang mencari contoh soal essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1? Di sini kami sediakan apa yang sedang kamu cari. Hal ini kami lakukan karena, betapa pentingnya posisi soal essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1 dalam proses evaluasi pembelajaran pada mata pelajaran Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8.

Fungsi Soal Essay dalam Evaluasi Pembelajaran (Termasuk Mapel Bahasa Inggris) 

Soal essay memiliki beberapa fungsi dalam evaluasi pembelajaran, diantaranya:

  • Menilai kemampuan berpikir kritis: Soal essay memungkinkan siswa untuk menunjukkan bagaimana mereka memahami materi dan memapplikasikannya dalam situasi nyata.
  • Mengukur pemahaman konseptual: Soal essay membantu guru untuk menentukan tingkat pemahaman siswa terhadap konsep dan prinsip yang diajarkan.
  • Mendorong kreativitas: Soal essay memberikan kesempatan bagi siswa untuk mengekspresikan ide dan gagasan mereka secara bebas dan kreatif.
  • Memberikan umpan balik: Soal essay membantu guru untuk memberikan umpan balik yang berguna bagi siswa mengenai kekuatan dan kelemahan pemahaman mereka.
  • Meningkatkan keterampilan menulis: Soal essay juga bisa membantu siswa dalam meningkatkan keterampilan menulis mereka.

Secara keseluruhan, soal essay memiliki peran penting dalam evaluasi pembelajaran karena dapat membantu guru dan siswa untuk menilai dan memahami proses belajar dan hasil belajar siswa.

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1

Berikut adalah kumpulan contoh soal essay Bahasa Inggris Kelas 8 Semester 1, kamu tinggal “klik baca” dalam tabel dibawah ini:

Note: Mohon maaf dalam tahap penyusunan akan dibuat segera

Esai Singkat “Manusia Tahu Cara Berterimakasih”

Manusia adalah makhluk sosial yang memiliki kemampuan untuk berkomunikasi dan bekerja sama dengan individu lain. Dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, kita sering menerima bantuan dan pertolongan dari orang lain, seperti sahabat, keluarga, atau rekan kerja. Oleh karena itu, menunjukkan rasa terima kasih adalah hal yang penting untuk mempertahankan hubungan baik dan membangun kepercayaan antar individu.

Berterima kasih adalah salah satu bentuk dari kebijaksanaan dan empati. Orang yang mampu berterima kasih menunjukkan bahwa mereka memahami dan menghargai bantuan yang diterimanya. Ini membuat orang yang memberikan bantuan merasa dihargai dan memperkuat hubungan antar mereka.

Tidak semua orang tahu bagaimana cara berterima kasih dengan baik dan benar. Beberapa orang mungkin hanya mengatakan “terima kasih” sebagai bentuk kebiasaan, tanpa benar-benar merasa terima kasih. Namun, ada beberapa cara yang efektif untuk menunjukkan rasa terima kasih, seperti mengirimkan surat atau kartu, memberikan hadiah, atau meluangkan waktu untuk berkumpul dan bersantai bersama.

Sebagai contoh, jika seseorang membantu kita menyelesaikan tugas penting, kita bisa mengirimkan surat atau kartu untuk mengungkapkan rasa terima kasih kita. Ini akan memberikan dampak positif bagi penerima, karena mereka akan merasa dihargai dan diakui atas bantuannya.

Dalam bekerja sama, menunjukkan rasa terima kasih juga sangat penting. Ini memperkuat hubungan antar rekan kerja dan membangun suasana kerja yang baik. Misalnya, jika seseorang membantu kita menyelesaikan proyek, kita bisa memberikan hadiah atau mengundang mereka untuk makan siang bersama sebagai bentuk rasa terima kasih.

Secara keseluruhan, menunjukkan rasa terima kasih adalah hal yang penting dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Ini memperkuat hubungan antar individu dan membangun kepercayaan. Oleh karena itu, setiap orang harus belajar cara berterima kasih dengan baik dan benar untuk mempertahankan hubungan baik dan membangun suasana kerja yang positif.

Dengan demikan, menunjukkan rasa terima kasih juga bisa menjadi salah satu bentuk dari pembentukan karakter. Orang yang sering berterima kasih akan terlihat lebih baik dan lebih dihormati oleh orang lain. Ini karena mereka memiliki sikap yang positif dan menghormati orang lain.

Selain itu, menunjukkan rasa terima kasih juga bisa meningkatkan kebahagiaan dan kesejahteraan diri sendiri. Orang yang sering berterima kasih akan merasa lebih bahagia dan memiliki hubungan yang lebih baik dengan orang lain.

Namun, ada juga beberapa hal yang perlu diperhatikan dalam menunjukkan rasa terima kasih. Terkadang, ada orang yang merasa terlalu sibuk atau malu untuk menunjukkan rasa terima kasih. Oleh karena itu, penting untuk memahami dan memperhatikan perasaan orang lain dalam menunjukkan rasa terima kasih.

Kesimpulannya, manusia memang tahu cara berterima kasih, namun tidak semua orang melakukannya dengan baik dan benar. Berterima kasih adalah hal yang penting untuk mempertahankan hubungan baik dan membangun kepercayaan antar individu. Oleh karena itu, setiap orang harus belajar cara berterima kasih dengan baik dan benar agar dapat membangun hubungan yang baik dan memiliki lingkungan kerja yang positif.

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Contoh Soal Descriptive Text dan Kunci Jawabannya

My hotel is located in the Putri Hill area. There are other hotels in the area which are all beautiful. My hotel has fifty rooms. Ten rooms are luxurious. The rooms are air-conditioned and there is a color TV in each room. The other forty are business rooms. It means the rooms are simple, with fans and black-and-white TVs. In the luxurious rooms, there are always double beds, but in the simple rooms, only some have double beds.

Our guests come and check in or check out at the receptionist's desk. These people also help guests with their needs. They can order food and the receptionists ask our restaurant to serve them. Guests can have breakfast, lunch, or dinner in the room or in the restaurant.

Room service is ready with orders. The receptionist can also help guests with their laundry. The laundry woman will wash and iron the clothes. The room-keepers clean all the rooms every day, Look! Some guests are coming. The bellboys help guests with their bags. They will have a seminar tomorrow It is in the convention hall I'll ask them to sit in the lounge.

This is Mr. Haryono's house. It is big, clean, and comfortable (4). There is a garden in front of the house. There are some plants and flowers in the garden. There is a living room, a dining room, two bathrooms, a kitchen, three bedrooms, and a garage.

Mr. Haryono has some pets (5), a dog, a cat, and a parrot. Mr. Haryono takes care of the pets very carefully.

My Uncle Martin is my mother's elder brother. He is my favorite among my mother's brothers. He is a very interesting man. He lives quite near us with my Aunt Angela and my cousins Anne and Bob. I often go to his house.

He is about 45 with grey hair. He is still quite good-looking. He is tall and well-built. He has blue eyes and a strong face. He wears glasses. He is short-sighted. He takes them off when he doesn't work.

Uncle Martin is a textile engineer. He works for a big firm in the city. He travels widely in his job. He is an expert in solving problems with machines. At present, he is in the United States. He is visiting the firm's customers there.

He is very fond of the sea. He has a boat at the seaside. He goes there every weekend in summer to sail it. I sometimes stay with my cousins at their house on the coast. When Uncle Martin Is at home he usually takes us out in the boat.

The finalists of "AkademiFantasilndosiar 1" (All) are wonderful young people.

Mawar who was born on 26th February 2985 is a cute girl. She has straight, short hair. Her bright skin, chubby cheeks, and lovely smile make her look marvelous. She is not very tall. However, her weight which is 40 kgs matches her body well and makes her look cute.

Unlike Mawar, Ve looks tall. She is 1.69 meters tall. She is quite slim She weighs 45 kgs. Compared to Mawar, Ve looks darker. The 22-year-old girl has black straight hair.

Another finalist is Ismail who is better known as Smile. The young man who was born on 16th September 1983 looks much bigger and taller than his two female friends. He is tall and muscular. His complexion is fair and his hair is short and straight.

Jennifer Lopez

Jennifer Lopez (or J.Lo) is a highly successful actress, singer, and dancer. Her new films and new albums usually go straight to the top.

What's a typical working day for her? Making a film is hard work. She usually gets up at half-past five in the morning and she's always on the film set at half-past six. She never drinks coffee and she always has a light lunch of just green salad. She doesn't like working up late at night. She is usually in bed by half-past ten. If she stays out late, she will be too tired the next morning.

Adam Shankman, a director of one of her films, says, "J. Lo is actually a quiet person. She doesn't like going out all the time. She often stays at home on Saturday nights and watches videos."

If J.Lo isn't working on a film or making a record, her lifestyle is very different. When she has got time off, she's quite happy to go out. She loves New York restaurants. She loves dancing. She sometimes dances until 3 o'clock in the morning. 

Sragen Regency

Sragen is one of the regencies in Central Java. Sragen Regency which is usually called, "TlatahSukowati" is 941,55 km' with the topographies as follows: in the middle of the area flows the longest river in Java, Bengawan Solo; in the southern part of Sragen is a slope of Mount Lawu; in the northern part is the hillside of Kendeng Mountain, and in the western part is a famous region called "the Sangiran Dome."

One of the interesting tourist objects in Sragen is the Sangiran Museum which is built in the Sangiran Dome. The dome itself is situated in the Depression of Solo on the northwest slope of Mount Lawu. This area is about 56km2 which consists of three districts in the Sragen Regency (the Gemolong, Kalijambe, Plupuh districts) and one in Karang Anyar Regency (Gondang Rejo district). Sangiran is the most important site for the development of various fields of knowledge: anthropology, archeology, biology, paleoanthropology, and geology. 

Masjid Sultan Suriansyah is a historic mosque built 300 years ago, this building is the oldest mosque in South Kalimantan. The mosque is located in the North Kuin Village of Banjarmasin. It was built in the reign of Sultan Suriansyah known as Pangeran Samudera. He was the first Banjarnese King who converted to Islam. This mosque was found on the bank of the Kuin River, near KampungKraton, which was destroyed by the Dutch colonial.

The construction of Masjid Sultan Suriansyah was unique. The roof is layered. It took the Banjar's past architecture before Islam came Different from any other old mosques in Banjar, the mihrab has its own roof, separated from the main building.

Bale Kambang

Bale Kambang is a small village on the Southern coast of East Java, seventy kilometers from Malang town and two hours drive from the South. It is well known for its long beautiful white sandy beach as well as the similarity of its time to the one of Tanah Lot in Bali.

In Bale Kambang, there are three small rocky islands namely Ismaya Island, Wisanggeni Island, and Anoman Island, those names are taken from "wayang" figures (Java traditional puppets). These islands are surrounded by the Indonesian Ocean which huge waves frighten most overseas cruisers.


Transjakarta is one of Jakarta's mass transportation systems. The problem with Transjakarta begins with the stations. The flat-top steel and glass enclosures have no ventilation at all. By the time the bus arrives, you will be drenched in sweat. It's hard to imagine how one could design a bus station to be any more uncomfortable.

When the bus finally stops, it will be packed to the gills. A few people may get off and a few may get on. If you are lucky enough to push your way onto the bus, you need to hang on, because it's like a sardine can. The buses are air-conditioned, but it doesn't help much when the bus is overcapacity. Pickpockets abound so you should be very careful with your belongings.

The best time to use the busway is between 10 a.m. and 7 p.m. on Sunday. There is a downloadable map on this website. The fare is Rp3.500,00 and there are no transfer fees.

I have a Hamster named Scruffy. I got him from a pet shop in the mall. I named him Scruffy because he always scratched his cage.

Since the first time I got Scruffy, I have fallen in love with him. He is a nice hamster. I put a wheel on his cage. He loves to exercise with it. He often sleeps all day and runs on his wheel all night. That is the one I don't like. It makes me feel lonely when he sleeps all the time. But I can't do anything because I know that hamsters are nocturnal.

I spend my spare time with Scruffy. I talk about anything to him. I feel that he could understand me. 

One day, I got confused because I lost my bicycle key. I tried to find it everywhere but I couldn't find it. I got tired and sat on my bed. I talked to Scruffy. Suddenly he jumped back and forth many times. When I opened his cage he ran quickly under my bed and he came upbringing my bicycle key. I was very surprised. This makes me feel sure that Scruffy understood my words. 

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Contoh Soal Descriptive Text Essay: Panduan Lengkap untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Menulis Anda

Apakah Anda sedang mencari contoh soal descriptive text essay yang dapat membantu Anda meningkatkan kemampuan menulis Anda? Jika iya, Anda telah datang ke tempat yang

Tami Anggraeni

December 3, 2023

Apakah Anda sedang mencari contoh soal descriptive text essay yang dapat membantu Anda meningkatkan kemampuan menulis Anda? Jika iya, Anda telah datang ke tempat yang tepat! Dalam artikel ini, kami akan memberikan panduan lengkap tentang cara menghadapi dan menjawab soal descriptive text essay dengan tepat. Kami akan membahas contoh-contoh soal yang menarik dan memberikan tips yang berguna untuk memperbaiki kemampuan menulis Anda. Mari kita mulai!

Sebelum kita masuk ke contoh soal, mari kita pahami terlebih dahulu apa itu descriptive text essay. Descriptive text essay adalah jenis tulisan yang menggambarkan atau menggambarkan suatu objek, orang, tempat, atau situasi dengan detail yang lengkap. Tujuannya adalah untuk membangun gambaran yang jelas dan hidup di pikiran pembaca. Dalam menjawab soal descriptive text essay, Anda harus mampu menggambarkan objek yang diberikan dengan cara yang jelas dan kreatif.

Table of Contents

Menggambarkan Tempat Wisata Favorit Anda

Pada sesi ini, kami akan memberikan contoh soal yang mengharuskan Anda menggambarkan tempat wisata favorit Anda. Anda akan belajar cara menggambarkan tempat tersebut dengan menggunakan berbagai kosakata yang relevan.

Contoh soal:

“Deskripsikanlah tempat wisata favorit Anda. Gambarkan keindahan alam, suasana, dan keunikan dari tempat tersebut. Jelaskan juga mengapa tempat tersebut menjadi tempat favorit Anda.”

Dalam menjawab soal ini, Anda dapat memulainya dengan mengidentifikasi tempat wisata favorit Anda. Misalnya, jika Anda suka dengan pantai, Anda dapat memilih untuk menggambarkan pantai favorit Anda. Setelah itu, Anda dapat menggambarkan keindahan pantai tersebut dengan menggambarkan pasir putih yang lembut, air yang jernih, dan ombak yang tenang. Anda juga dapat menggambarkan suasana pantai yang menyenangkan dengan menggambarkan suara ombak yang menenangkan dan angin sepoi-sepoi yang menyegarkan. Jangan lupa untuk menjelaskan mengapa tempat tersebut menjadi favorit Anda, misalnya karena pemandangan yang indah atau karena kenangan indah yang Anda miliki di tempat tersebut.

Tips untuk menggambarkan tempat wisata:

  • Pilihlah tempat wisata yang benar-benar menjadi favorit Anda.
  • Gunakan kosakata yang kaya dan beragam untuk menggambarkan keindahan alam tempat tersebut.
  • Gambarkan suasana dan suasana hati yang Anda rasakan ketika berada di tempat tersebut.
  • Berikan alasan yang jelas mengapa tempat tersebut menjadi favorit Anda.

Mendeskripsikan Makanan Tradisional Indonesia

Bagian ini akan memberikan contoh soal yang menantang Anda untuk mendeskripsikan makanan tradisional Indonesia. Anda akan belajar cara menggambarkan rasa, aroma, dan penampilan makanan dengan cara yang menarik dan menggugah selera.

“Deskripsikanlah makanan tradisional Indonesia yang paling Anda sukai. Gambarkan rasa, aroma, penampilan, dan bahan-bahan utama dari makanan tersebut. Jelaskan juga mengapa makanan tersebut menjadi favorit Anda.”

Dalam menjawab soal ini, Anda dapat memilih makanan tradisional Indonesia yang paling Anda sukai, seperti nasi goreng, rendang, atau sate. Kemudian, Anda dapat menggambarkan rasa makanan tersebut dengan menggunakan kosakata yang relevan, misalnya “gurih”, “pedas”, atau “manis”. Selain itu, deskripsikan juga aroma dan penampilan makanan tersebut dengan menggunakan kata-kata yang menggambarkan kelezatan dan keindahan visualnya. Jangan lupa untuk menjelaskan mengapa makanan tersebut menjadi favorit Anda, misalnya karena kenikmatan rasanya atau karena keunikan bahan-bahan yang digunakan.

Tips untuk mendeskripsikan makanan tradisional:

  • Pilihlah makanan tradisional Indonesia yang benar-benar menjadi favorit Anda.
  • Gambarkan rasa, aroma, dan penampilan makanan dengan menggunakan kosakata yang kaya dan beragam.
  • Deskripsikan bahan-bahan utama yang digunakan dalam makanan tersebut.
  • Jelaskan mengapa makanan tersebut menjadi favorit Anda, misalnya karena kenikmatan rasanya atau karena keunikan bahan-bahan yang digunakan.

Menggambarkan Hewan Kesayangan Anda

Di sini, Anda akan menemukan contoh soal yang meminta Anda untuk menggambarkan hewan kesayangan Anda. Anda akan belajar cara menggambarkan karakteristik fisik hewan, sikapnya, dan mengapa Anda menyukainya.

“Gambarkanlah hewan kesayangan Anda. Deskripsikanlah karakteristik fisik, sikap, dan keunikan dari hewan tersebut. Jelaskan juga mengapa hewan tersebut menjadi kesayangan Anda.”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, Anda dapat memilih hewan kesayangan Anda, seperti kucing, anjing, atau burung. Kemudian, deskripsikan karakteristik fisik hewan tersebut dengan menggunakan kosakata yang relevan, misalnya “bulu lembut”, “mata tajam”, atau “ekor yang panjang”. Selain itu, gambarkan juga sikap hewan tersebut, apakah dia ramah, manja, atau cerdas. Jelaskan juga mengapa hewan tersebut menjadi kesayangan Anda, misalnya karena kesetiaannya atau karena interaksi yang menyenangkan antara Anda dan hewan tersebut.

Tips untuk menggambarkan hewan kesayangan:

  • Pilihlah hewan kesayangan yang benar-benar menjadi favorit Anda.
  • Gambarkan karakteristik fisik hewan dengan menggunakan kosakata yang kaya dan beragam.
  • Deskripsikan sikap hewan dan interaksi yang Anda miliki dengan hewan tersebut.
  • Jelaskan mengapa hewan tersebut menjadi kesayangan Anda, misalnya karena kesetiaannya atau karena interaksi yang menyenangkan antara Anda dan hewan tersebut.

Menjelaskan Proses Membuat Karya Seni

Pada bagian ini, Anda akan diajak untuk menjelaskan proses membuat karya seni. Anda akan belajar cara menggambarkan langkah-langkah yang terlibat dalam menciptakan suatu karya seni secara rinci dan menarik.

“Jelaskanlah proses membuat karya seni pilihan Anda. Gambarkan langkah-langkah yang terlibat dalam menciptakan karya seni tersebut, mulai dari konsep hingga penyelesaian. Jelaskan juga mengapa karya seni tersebut memiliki nilai artistik bagi Anda.”

Dalam menjawab soal ini, Anda dapat memilih jenis karya seni yang paling Anda minati, seperti lukisan, patung, atau fotografi. Kemudian, gambarkan langkah-langkah yang terlibat dalam menciptakan karya seni tersebut, mulai dari konsep awal hingga penyelesaian. Gunakan kosakata yang kaya dan beragam untuk menggambarkan setiap langkah dengan detail. Jelaskan juga mengapa karya seni tersebut memiliki nilai artistik bagi Anda, misalnya karena pesan yang ingin disampaikan atau karena keindahan visualnya.

Tips untuk menjelaskan proses membuat karya seni:

  • Pilihlah jenis karya seni yang benar-benar menjadi favorit Anda.
  • Gambarkan langkah-langkah yang terlibat dalam menciptakan karya seni tersebut dengan menggunakan kosakata yang kaya dan beragam.

Menggambarkan Orang yang Berpengaruh dalam Hidup Anda

Di sesi ini, Anda akan diberikan contoh soal yang mengharuskan Anda menggambarkan orang yang berpengaruh dalam hidup Anda. Anda akan belajar cara menggambarkan karakteristik orang tersebut, hubungan Anda dengan mereka, dan bagaimana mereka mempengaruhi hidup Anda.

“Deskripsikanlah orang yang memiliki pengaruh besar dalam hidup Anda. Gambarkan karakteristik, kebaikan, dan peran penting yang dimiliki oleh orang tersebut. Jelaskan juga bagaimana orang tersebut mempengaruhi hidup dan perkembangan Anda.”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, pilihlah orang yang benar-benar memiliki pengaruh besar dalam hidup Anda, seperti orang tua, guru, atau teman dekat. Gambarkan karakteristik orang tersebut dengan menggunakan kosakata yang relevan, misalnya “bijaksana”, “penuh perhatian”, atau “inspiratif”. Jelaskan juga kebaikan dan peran penting yang dimiliki oleh orang tersebut dalam kehidupan Anda. Terakhir, deskripsikan bagaimana orang tersebut telah mempengaruhi hidup dan perkembangan Anda, misalnya dengan memberikan nasihat yang berharga atau memberikan dorongan untuk mencapai tujuan Anda.

Tips untuk menggambarkan orang yang berpengaruh:

  • Pilihlah orang yang benar-benar memiliki pengaruh besar dalam hidup Anda.
  • Gambarkan karakteristik dan kebaikan orang tersebut dengan menggunakan kosakata yang kaya dan beragam.
  • Jelaskan peran penting yang dimiliki oleh orang tersebut dalam kehidupan Anda.
  • Deskripsikan bagaimana orang tersebut telah mempengaruhi hidup dan perkembangan Anda.

Menjelaskan Proses Pembuatan Produk Inovatif

Pada bagian ini, Anda akan diajak untuk menjelaskan proses pembuatan produk inovatif. Anda akan belajar cara menggambarkan langkah-langkah yang terlibat dalam menciptakan suatu produk yang inovatif dan bagaimana produk tersebut dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat.

“Jelaskanlah proses pembuatan produk inovatif pilihan Anda. Gambarkan langkah-langkah yang terlibat dalam menciptakan produk tersebut, mulai dari perencanaan hingga peluncuran. Jelaskan juga bagaimana produk tersebut dapat memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat.”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, Anda dapat memilih produk inovatif yang menarik minat Anda, seperti smartphone, mobil listrik, atau aplikasi perbankan digital. Gambarkan langkah-langkah yang terlibat dalam menciptakan produk tersebut, mulai dari perencanaan, penelitian, desain, hingga pengembangan. Gunakan kosakata yang kaya dan beragam untuk menjelaskan setiap langkah dengan detail. Jelaskan juga bagaimana produk tersebut dapat memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat, misalnya dengan meningkatkan efisiensi, mempermudah akses, atau mengurangi dampak negatif terhadap lingkungan.

Tips untuk menjelaskan proses pembuatan produk inovatif:

  • Pilihlah produk inovatif yang menarik minat Anda.
  • Gambarkan langkah-langkah yang terlibat dalam menciptakan produk tersebut dengan menggunakan kosakata yang kaya dan beragam.
  • Jelaskan juga bagaimana produk tersebut dapat memberikan manfaat bagi masyarakat.
  • Sertakan informasi yang relevan mengenai perkembangan teknologi terkini yang digunakan dalam pembuatan produk tersebut.

Menggambarkan Acara Spesial dalam Hidup Anda

Di sini, Anda akan menemukan contoh soal yang meminta Anda untuk menggambarkan acara spesial dalam hidup Anda. Anda akan belajar cara menggambarkan suasana, kegiatan, dan perasaan yang Anda alami selama acara tersebut.

“Deskripsikanlah acara spesial dalam hidup Anda. Gambarkan suasana, kegiatan, dan perasaan yang Anda alami selama acara tersebut. Jelaskan juga mengapa acara tersebut begitu berarti bagi Anda.”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, pilihlah acara spesial yang benar-benar berkesan bagi Anda, seperti pernikahan, wisuda, atau liburan keluarga. Gambarkan suasana acara tersebut dengan menggunakan kosakata yang relevan, misalnya “meriah”, “bahagia”, atau “penuh kegembiraan”. Jelaskan juga kegiatan yang dilakukan selama acara tersebut, misalnya upacara, pertunjukan, atau permainan. Terakhir, jelaskan mengapa acara tersebut begitu berarti bagi Anda, misalnya karena kebersamaan dengan keluarga atau karena pencapaian yang diraih.

Tips untuk menggambarkan acara spesial:

  • Pilihlah acara spesial yang benar-benar berkesan bagi Anda.
  • Gambarkan suasana, kegiatan, dan perasaan yang Anda alami selama acara tersebut dengan menggunakan kosakata yang kaya dan beragam.
  • Jelaskan juga mengapa acara tersebut begitu berarti bagi Anda.
  • Sertakan detail-detail yang membuat acara tersebut berbeda dan berkesan.

Mendeskripsikan Karakter Pahlawan Nasional

Bagian ini akan memberikan contoh soal yang menantang Anda untuk mendeskripsikan karakter pahlawan nasional. Anda akan belajar cara menggambarkan karakteristik pahlawan, prestasinya, dan pengaruhnya terhadap bangsa dan negara.

“Deskripsikanlah karakter pahlawan nasional pilihan Anda. Gambarkan karakteristik, prestasi, dan pengaruh yang dimiliki oleh pahlawan tersebut terhadap bangsa dan negara. Jelaskan juga mengapa Anda menganggap pahlawan tersebut sebagai inspirasi.”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, Anda dapat memilih pahlawan nasional yang Anda kagumi, seperti Soekarno, Kartini, atau Hatta. Gambarkan karakteristik pahlawan tersebut dengan menggunakan kosakata yang relevan, misalnya “berani”, “patriotik”, atau “berintegritas tinggi”. Jelaskan juga prestasi yang telah dicapai oleh pahlawan tersebut, seperti perjuangan dalam merebut kemerdekaan atau peran dalam pergerakan sosial. Terakhir, jelaskan pengaruh yang dimiliki oleh pahlawan tersebut terhadap bangsa dan negara, misalnya dalam memperjuangkan hak-hak rakyat atau dalam memajukan pendidikan. Jelaskan juga mengapa Anda menganggap pahlawan tersebut sebagai inspirasi, misalnya karena keberanian atau kebijaksanaannya.

Tips untuk mendeskripsikan karakter pahlawan nasional:

  • Pilihlah pahlawan nasional yang Anda kagumi.
  • Gambarkan karakteristik, prestasi, dan pengaruh yang dimiliki oleh pahlawan tersebut dengan menggunakan kosakata yang kaya dan beragam.
  • Sertakan informasi mengenai latar belakang dan perjuangan pahlawan tersebut.
  • Jelaskan juga mengapa Anda menganggap pahlawan tersebut sebagai inspirasi.

Menjelaskan Proses Terjadinya Bencana Alam

Pada sesi terakhir ini, Anda akan diajak untuk menjelaskan proses terjadinya bencana alam. Anda akan belajar cara menggambarkan penyebab, dampak, dan langkah-langkah yang dapat diambil untuk mengurangi risiko bencana alam.

“Jelaskanlah proses terjadinya bencana alam pilihan Anda. Gambarkan penyebab, dampak, dan langkah-langkah yang dapat diambil untuk mengurangi risiko bencana alam tersebut. Jelaskan juga pentingnya kesadaran dan persiapan dalam menghadapi bencana alam.”

Untuk menjawab soal ini, pilihlah jenis bencana alam yang ingin Anda jelaskan, sepertigempa bumi, banjir, atau letusan gunung berapi. Gambarkan penyebab terjadinya bencana alam tersebut dengan menggunakan kosakata yang relevan, misalnya “aktivitas tektonik”, “curah hujan tinggi”, atau “tekanan magma”. Jelaskan juga dampak yang ditimbulkan oleh bencana alam tersebut, seperti kerusakan infrastruktur, hilangnya nyawa, atau kerugian ekonomi. Terakhir, jelaskan langkah-langkah yang dapat diambil untuk mengurangi risiko bencana alam, seperti pembangunan infrastruktur yang tahan gempa atau peningkatan sistem peringatan dini. Jelaskan juga pentingnya kesadaran dan persiapan dalam menghadapi bencana alam, misalnya dengan melakukan simulasi evakuasi atau menyusun rencana tanggap darurat.

Tips untuk menjelaskan proses terjadinya bencana alam:

  • Pilihlah jenis bencana alam yang ingin Anda jelaskan.
  • Gambarkan penyebab, dampak, dan langkah-langkah yang dapat diambil untuk mengurangi risiko bencana alam dengan menggunakan kosakata yang kaya dan beragam.
  • Sertakan data atau informasi yang relevan mengenai bencana alam yang dipilih.
  • Jelaskan pentingnya kesadaran dan persiapan dalam menghadapi bencana alam.

Dalam artikel ini, kami telah memberikan contoh soal descriptive text essay yang dapat membantu Anda meningkatkan kemampuan menulis Anda. Kami juga telah memberikan tips dan panduan yang berguna dalam menghadapi soal-soal tersebut. Pastikan untuk meluangkan waktu untuk berlatih dan membaca contoh-contoh soal yang relevan agar Anda dapat meningkatkan kemampuan menulis Anda secara efektif. Semoga sukses!

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Contoh Soal Descriptive Text About Animal

Dalam artikel ini Anda dapat menemukan contoh soal descriptive text kelas 7, short descriptive text example, soal essay descriptive text kelas 10, soal essay descriptive text kelas 8, soal descriptive text kelas 7 pdf, soal descriptive text kelas 8, karangan bahasa inggris tentang hewan peliharaan, serta soal descriptive text kelas 10.

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Contoh Soal Descriptive Text About Animal Pilihan Ganda

contoh soal descriptive text about animal

This animal is big. It eats grass. It has grey color. It has long nose. It has long tusk.

contoh soal descriptive text about animal

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Choose and cross (x) the correct answers

The following text is for questions 1 to 5.

Contoh Soal Recount Text

1.      Why did Rina go to the cooking festival?

A.     To watch her friend competing.

B.     To join a cooking competition.

C.      To check the rice.

D.     To eat fried rice.

2.      What was the first thing Rina did when she arrived at the cooking festival?

A.     Preparing for the competition.

B.     Starting the competition.

C.      Losing the competition.

D.     Leaving the rice.

3.      Why did Rina lose the competition?

A.     She left the rice.

B.     She left the festival.

C.      She cooked fried rice.

D.     She was disappointed.

4.      How did Rina feel?

A.     Cheerful.

B.     Excited.

C.      Happy

D.     Upset.

5.      What is the purpose of the writer in writing the text?

A.     To persuade the readers to go to cooking festival.

B.     To inform the readers about Rina's hobby.

C.      To describe past events that happened to Rina.

D.     To describe the cooking festival.

The following text is for questions 6 to 11.

Contoh Soal Recount Text

It was early in the morning when five staff of the charity International Animal Rescue (IAR) arrived at the forest. The forest was hazy with smoke. They breathed through cloth masks as they searched for a dehydrated-and possibly dying-orangutan and her infant seen the previous night. A farmer reported seeing the mother and daughter orangutans near a palm oil farm which was on fire.

After several hours searching through the haze, they finally found the pair. They used anesthetics and medical check-ups to determine if the two orangutans could survive in a safe zone away from the fires. These orangutans were lucky because IAR got them before the smoke caused too much damage. The team took them to a safe zone on the island.

6.      The text mostly tells us about . . .

A.     the experience of the orangutans in a safe zone

B.     the rescuing of orangutans from the bushfire

C.      the process of delivering a baby orangutan

D.     a safe zone for orangutans

7.      "After several hours searching through the haze ...." (paragraph 2)

The underlined word has a similar meaning

A.     Breeze

B.     smog

C.      dew

D.     log

8.      What does the second paragraph tell us about?

A.     The discovery of the two orangutans.

B.     The anaesthetised orangutans.

C.      The missing orangutans.

D.     The IAR sanctuary.

9.      “... they finally found the pair . “(paragraph 2)

The underlined word refers to

A.     the mother and daughter orangutans

B.     the animals in the forest

C.      the people in the forest

D.     the IAR staff

10.        What might have happened if IAR had not come to rescue the orangutans?

A.     The haze would be thicker.

B.     The two orangutans would be dead.

C.      The people would take care of the two orangutans.

D.     The two orangutans would escape to a safe zone.

11.        Who saw the two orangutans for the first time?

A.     A famer

B.     The medical team.

C.      A member of the team.

D.     The owner of the orangutans.

The following text is for questions 12 to 15.

Contoh Soal Recount Text

It was nine in the evening, I was on my way to my bedroom after brushing my teeth. As I was passing the living room, I saw my brother, Aldo, lying on the floor watching TV. He always did that every night. He refused to go to bed and chose to sleep in front of the television. I decided not to say anything and directly went to bed.

I was half asleep when I heard a scream from the living room. It was about two in the morning. I jumped out of bed and rushed towards the voice. In the living room, I found Aldo crying. His right hand was on his right ear. He said, "Help, help, help. It hurtsl" Then, he told me that an insect had entered his ear. I was quite sorry for the insect. I   figured out it was an ant. I imagined how miserable the ant was. Since Aldo couldn't stop crying, I decided to take him to the hospital. Soon after cur arrival, a doctor in charge examined Aldo's ear. He, then, used a pair of pincers to take the insect out. I was so surprised to see the insect. It wasn't an ant. It was a young cockroachl Gosh! It was as big as a baby's little finger.

From then on, Aldo never slept in front of the television any more.

12.        What happened to Aldo?

A.     An insect bit him.

B.     He felt pity for the insect.

C.      An insect entered his ear

D.     He was imagining an insect.

13.        How did the doctor help him?

A.     He took the insect out, using pincers.

B.     He used pincers to kill the insect.

C.      He repaired the pincers.

D.     He charged Aldo.

14.        " It was as big as a baby's little finger." (Paragraph 3)

The underlined word refers to . . .

A.     the ant

B.     Aldo's ear

C.      the young cockroach

D.     the baby's little finger

15.        What is the main idea of paragraph three?

A.     The insect was not an ant.

B.     Aldo was taken to the hospital.

C.      The insect was a young cockroach.

D.     A doctor used a pair of pincers to take the insect out.

The following text is for questions 16 to 20.

Contoh Soal Recount Text

The holidays had come. At first, I didn't know how to spend my long holiday I didn't have any plans because my parents were very busy. My father was finishing his project, while my mother was taking care of my little sister. She was just five months oid.

Fortunately, one of my friends, Zaky, didn't have any plans either. So we spent the holiday together. During the holiday, he came to my house almost every day.

We did a lot of things. On the first day, we rode a bicycle and went around the city. We stopped at some shops and enjoyed window-shopping. The second day, I taught Zaky how to play basketball. We spent three days just to get him able to shoot well. In the last two days, we visited museums. in our city; they were Ronggowarsito and Mandala Bakti We learnt a lot from the collections in the museums.

16.        Why didn't the writer have plans for his vacation?

A.     He was very busy.

B.     His parents were busy.

C.      He didn't know that the vacation had come.

D.     He wanted to spend the vacation at home.

17.        How did the writer feel to learn that Zaky didn't have any plans either?

A.     Sad.

B.     Sory.

C.      Guilty.

D.     Happy.

18.        Which statement is TRUE according to the text?

A.     The writer went around the city by bicycle.

B.     Zaky leamed how to play volleyball from the writer.

C.      The things displayed in the museums were boring.

D.     The writer and Zaky visited three museums during the vacation.

19.        How long did the vacation last?

A.     Three months.

B.     Five months.

C.      One month.

D.     Seven days.

20.        How many days did Zaky practise to serve well?

A.     Four.

B.     Three.

C.      Two.

D.     One.

Read the following text to answer questions 21 to 25.

Contoh Soal Recount Text

It was about 3.30 in the afternoon. Mr Tugiyo had just come back from the forest after collecting some firewood. Before it got dark, he went back home to take a bath and  get some rest.

Nothing was suspicious when he entered his house yard. However, just as he went into his house, there was a tiger, standing still in his living room. It was glaring at him. He stunned by the horror he found, He saw his wife, shocked, in front of the bedroom door. Her face as white as paper. He knew his family was also in danger.

Mr Tugiyo took several steps back. He gave a sign to his wife to enter and lock the bedroom. After he was sure that his wife was safe, he went out of his house and locked the front door. Then, he screamed help from the neighbours. One of his neighbours called the police. Later some policemen and officers from the zoo arrived and caught the tiger.

Finally, the tiger was brought to the nearest zoo safely. The officers said that the tiger was searching for food and it came from the nearby forest.

21.        What is the best title for the story?

A.     A Tiger in a Villager's House

B.     A Tiger in the Nearby Zoo

C.      The Police and the Tiger

D.     Finding Food for a Tiger

22.        "Her face was as white as paper . (Paragraph 2)

The underlined phrase has a similar meaning to . . .

A.     soft

B.     pale

C.      clean

D.     tender

23.        How did Mrs Tugiyo save herself?

A.     By locking herself inside the bedroom.

B.     By staying still behind the front door.

C.      By hiding herself behind the door.

D.     By lying on the bed.

24.        Why did the tiger enter Mr Tugiyo's house?

A.     To scare the people

B.     To find its family.

C.      To take a walk.

D.     To get food.

25.        The third paragraph tells us about . . .

A.     the transfer of the tiger to the zoo

B.     how Mr Tugiyo sought for help

C.      how the tiger looked at him

D.     the killing of the tiger

The following text is for questions 26 to 30.

Contoh Soal Recount Text

There is a boy from Uganda named John Ssbunya. He is a shy boy and speaks very slowly. His character might have been affected by his past.

Uganda was in a war when John was two years old. He was left all alone since he lost his mother and father in the war. He would have died if he was not adopted by a colony of green monkeys when he was left all alone. He learnt their behaviour after living with them for three years, such as living on a diet of fruits, berries and nuts and climbing trees.

In 1991, a woman saw him scavenging for food with chimpanzees. She reported it to the villagers and people caught him. It was hard since the monkeys were fighting back to prevent the people from taking John away from them.  

John was brought to an orphanage and taught to behave and speak like human. When he was able to utter his first words, it was found that he had a great singing voice. John Ssuburya has joined a 20-strong Pearl of Africa children's choir now and has gone to many different countries on tour.

26.        What is the text about?

A.     A boy who had been looked after by monkeys.

B.     The impact of the war in Uganda on the chimps.

C.      A boy who joined a famous choir in Africa.

D.     A struggle to find a lost boy.

27.        “ . . . after living with them for three years . . .” (Paragraph 2)

The underlined word refers to....

A.     John's parents

B.     people of Uganda

C.      John's neighbours

D.     the green monkeys

28.        “ . . . a woman who saw him   scavenging for food” (Paragraph 3)

The underlined word has a similar meaning to

A.     searching

B.     swinging

C.      begging

D.     eating

29.        When did people find that John had beautiful voice?

A.     When the people found him.

B.     When he joined in the choir.

C.      When he sang the first song.

D.     When he uttered his first word.

30.        What might have happened if people had not found John?

A.     He might have got maried with one of the girls in his village.

B.     He might have been very rich by being the king of the jungle.

C.      He might have lived with the monkeys forever.

D.     He might have attacked the monkey kingdom.

The following text is for questions 31 to 35.

Contoh Soal Recount Text

Last vacation, I decided to visit the Dani tribe in Baliem Valley to do a little adventure.

First, I stopped at Muliama village, which was about 20 kilometres from Wamena to enjoy the Baliem Cultural Festival it was held for several days. People of the Dani were singing, dancing and playing their traditional music in the festival, They painted their faces with pig grease, clay ash and fur. They held their bows, arrows and spears to act as if they were attacking each other. However, no blood was shed. It was all intended only as a threatening show of force.

When the festival ended, I chose to join a trekking trip to the spectacular villages of the Dani. The trip gave me an opportunity to see the real lifestyle of the Dani people. I saw great wooden bridges across the fast-flowing mountain rivers. I also learnt that men and women did not live in one traditional house. Another amazing thing that I learnt was that people missing fingers were a result of a custom whereby both men and women might cut off their fingers if they were left by the loved one.

My eight-day trip to Baliem Valley gave me a remarkable impression of how rich Indonesia's culture is.

31.        What did the Dani people do during the festival?

A.     They killed pigs and other cattle.

B.     They made war and killed each other.

C.      They decorated their face with pig grease, clay, ash and fur.

D.     They sang traditional songs and made offerings to the Gods.

32.        Why did the people of Dani cut of parts of their fingers?

A.     To heal their diseases.

B.     To express their sadness.

C.      To make people pity them.

D.     To make opponents scared.

33.        The text mainly tells us about . . .

A.     the writer's experience during his visit to Baliem Valey

B.     the Baliem Cultural Festival at Muliama village

C.      the writer's experience during the trekking trip

D.     the real Dani tribe life-style

34.        " It was all intended only . . .”(Paragraph 2)

A.     the weapon

B.     the festival

C.      the village

D.     the valley

35.        "The trip gave me an opportunity to see. . . . (Paragraph 3)

The underlined word has a similar

A.     understanding

B.     evidence

C.      chance

D.     view

The following text is for questions 36 to 40.

Contoh Soal Recount Text

Sean and Mark Saunders joined a tour to South Africa. There were eight tourists in the group and two National Park guards.

Early in the morning, the group arrived at the park. It was a beautiful and peaceful morning. They started their journey on a path near a small river. Along the way, they saw many kinds of animals roaming about, such as African buffaloes, elephants, and giraffes. Those animals drank from the river and then walked away.

Suddenly, Sean saw a black rhino among the bushes. He told the group. The tourists were so excited to see the rare animal. They took pictures of the animal, which was only a hundred meters away. Then the guards realised that it was a male mino and it was a bit nervous by the tourists   presence on its teritory. The guards made some noise by yelling and hitting their guns with their hands to scare the animal.

However, their efforts didn't work well. The action made the male black rhino angry. It charged towards the group. It was ready for a fight. Sean, who was very close to the animal, was its first target. The rhino struck him powerfully with its horn on his left leg. The rhino then turned to Mark who was trying to save his brother. The rhino hit Mark's chest. It broke some of Mark's rib bones.

One of the guards, then, aimed his gun at the rhino before it made another attack. He shot the rhino in its belly. The wounded animal escaped to the bushes.

36.        Why did the rhino feel disturbed?

A.     The other animals came to the river.

B.     The gun shots from the guards.

C.      The sound of the camera as the tourists took pictures.

D.     The presence of the tourists in its territory and the noise.

37.        What happened when Mark was trying to help his brother?

A.     Sean was lying on the ground.

B.     The guard shot the rhino.

C.      The rhino attacked him.

D.     The tourists ran away.

38.        " It charged toward the group. (Paragraph 4)

The underlined word refers to. . . .

A.     the male black rhino

B.     the group of tourists

C.      the action

D.     the effort

39.        "The wounded animal escaped to the bushes ." (Paragraph 5)

The underlined word has a similar to . . .

A.     tall grass

B.     juicy tall cacti

C.      lovely flowers

D.     woody branched plants

40.        What is the text about?

A.     An attack by a group of tourists on a baby rhino.

B.     An attack by a rhino on a group of tourists.

C.      Training to handle rhino attacks.

D.     A safari in the jungle.

soal essay descriptive text kelas 8


50 Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

Berikut ini 50 contoh soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 beserta jawabannya yang dapat digunakan untuk bahan belajar sebelum ujian.

tirto.id - Kumpulan soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka berikut dapat menjadi bahan belajar. Para siswa juga bisa mempelajari 50 contoh soal Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 itu untuk persiapan menjelang ujian. Tahun ini, Penilaian Akhir Tahun (PAT) atau Ujian Akhir Sekolah (UAS) semester 2 berlangsung pada Mei-Juni.

Sejumlah soal Bahasa Inggris kelas X semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka tersebut terbagi jadi dua jenis: pilihan ganda dan essay. Tersaji dengan format contoh soal UAS Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 dan jawabannya, materi itu diharapkan membantu para siswa dalam meningkatkan pemahaman atas materi.

Kisi-Kisi Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

Maka itu, kisi-kisi materi soal UAS Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 diperkirakan akan berkaitan dengan kedua bab tersebut, yakni Graffiti dan Fractured Stories . Selain itu, ada juga soal-soal yang berhubungan dengan materi teks narasi, teks deskripsi, teks report, teks eksposisi, teks prosedur, teks recount, teks asli (otentik), hingga asking and giving opinion .

50 Soal Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

Sejumlah soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 dan jawabannya di bawah terbagi jadi dua bagian. Sebanyak 40 pertanyaan merupakan contoh soal bahasa inggris kelas 10 semester 2 pilihan ganda. Selebihnya berupa soal esai Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2.

Berikut ini 50 contoh soal PAT Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dan jawabannya:

A. Soal Pilihan Ganda Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2

  • Mrs. Nuri: I’ll cook your favorite food and some vegetables.
  • Mrs. Nuri's daughter: Do you need chili and pepper?
  • Mrs. Nuri: Absolutely.
  • Mrs. Nuri's daughter: ...........
  • Mrs. Nuri: Thanks, but I've already got the pepper. Just give me the chili, please.

B. Yes, i will help you

C. Yes, this is

D. I will go to school

E. Take it yourself

2. The Purpose of narrative text is ....... the reader with a story.

A. to amuse

B. to inform

C. to disrupt

D. to influence

E. to advise

3. Fairy tales is story which relates much with ....things.

4. Arrange the sentences below into a correct narrative!

(1) At the end of the wood was another pretty cottage.

(2) There was once a sweet maid who lived in a pretty cottage.

(3) She gave her a red clock with a hood which she always wore.

(4) Where grandmother lived in.

(5) Everybody loved this little girl, her grandmother loved her most of all.

(6) So, people called her Red Riding Hood.

A. 2-1-3-4-5-6

B. 2-3-1-4-5-6

C. 1-2-3-4-5-6

D. 1-2-4-3-5-6

E. 1-4-5-3-6

Read the text below to answer question 5 and 6!

A fox fell into a well and couldn’t get out. At some point, a thirsty goat came along. When it saw the fox in the well, it asked if the water was good to drink. “It’s good,” the fox replied. “It’s the best water I’ve tasted in all my life.” Why not come down and try it for yourself? The goat was so thirsty he didn't think about anything else. So he jumped into the well. Once he'd had enough, he looked around but couldn't see a way out. Then the fox said, “I’ve got a good idea.” You stand on your hind legs and put your forelegs against the side of the well. Then I’ll climb on your back, and from there I’ll step on your horns, and I’ll be able to get out. "And when I'm out, I'll help you out of the well." The goat did as he was asked, and the fox got on his back and climbed out of the well. Then he calmly walked away. The goat called out to him after he left. The fox just turned to him and said, “If you had as much sense in your head as you have hairs in your beard, you wouldn’t have jumped into the well without making sure you could get out again.”

5. Why did the goat jump into the well?

A. Because it was hungry

B. Because it was sad

C. Because it was lazy

D. Because it was good

E. Because it was thirsty

6. What is the type of the previous text?

D. fairy tale

Read the text below to answer question 7-9!

Once upon a time, there was a poor widow who had an only son named Jack. They were so poor that they didn't have anything except a cow. When the cow had grown too old, his mother sent Jack to the market to sell it. On the way to the market, Jack met a butcher who had some beautiful beans in his hand. The butcher told the boy that the beans were worth a lot of money and convinced the boy to sell the cow for the beans.

Jack was happy to bring them. When he told his mother about this, she was so angry that she threw the beans out of the window. When Jack woke up in the morning, he noticed the sun was shining into a pan in his room, but the rest of the room was quite dark and shady. So he hopped up to the window. What did he see? The beanstalk was growing quite close to Jack’s window. He opened the window and jumped to the beanstalk, which looked like a big ladder. He climbed and climbed until he reached the sky. While he was looking around, he saw a very big castle. He was pretty blown away.

Jack then walked along the path leading to the castle. There was a woman with a very long tail at the door. Jack greeted her and asked for the giantess's mercy to give him breakfast, because he was really hungry. Although the giantess was initially reluctant, she eventually gave Jack a slice of bread and cheese, along with a jug of milk. Jack hadn't even finished when the whole house started shaking with the sound of footsteps. "Oh, it's my husband!" the giantess exclaimed. "What on earth am I going to do?" The giantess quickly opened a very big cupboard and hid Jack inside.

7. What was the previous story about?

A. Jack and a butcher

B. A poor widow and his son

C. Jack and the giantess

D. Jack and the bean stalk

E. The giantess and her husband

8. What is the synonym for the word 'mercy'?

A. sympathy

C. cheerful

9. The generic structure of the previous text is....

A. Orientation > Events > Re-Orientation

B. Orientation > Complication > Resolution > Re-Orientation

C. General Classification > Description

D. Identification > Description

E. Newsworthy Events > Background Events > Sources

10. Complete the sentences below using the correct form of the verbs!

  • Two years ago my parents .... a new home.
  • My sister and her husband .... from Qatar.
  • I .... my computer two days ago.

B. Bought - Coming - Sold

C. Buy - Come - Sell

D. Buy - Came - Sold

E. Bought - Came - Sold

11. Complete the dialog below by selecting the correct answer!

  • Ferdi: Next week, we're on holiday. So, Rosa, what are you going to do on your holiday?

B. I’m sorry, I can’t tell you.

C. This is not your business.

D. I have nothing to do.

E. I’m thinking of going to Bali.

12. Complete the dialog below by selecting the correct answer!

  • Sania: The film of Kartini is an inspiration. What do you think of the inspiring film of Kartini?
  • Anita: I think.....

B. You forgot Kartini’s day.

C. I can’t hear you call Kartini.

D. I love Kartini’s film. It’s so inspiring.

E. Let’s go.

13. Select the correct answer to complete the dialog below!

  • Hani: I am certain that our city is saved from the virus, so we can go around.
  • Rosi: But I don’t think so,.....our city is not saved. We must stay at home at least in lock down time.

B. She forgets

C. See you next time

D. You know it

E. I am thinking of the virus

14. Read the dialog below and choose the correct answer!

  • Anton: I’d like to know what you think of my short story.
  • Alexandra: The story is good, but I suggest changing the title to something more interesting.
  • Anton: I appreciate your opinion. Thank you, Alexandra.
  • Alexandra: You can count on me, Anton.

A. Giving an order

B. Asking for an opinion

C. Asking for attention

D. Giving an opinion

E. Giving hands

15. Select the correct answer to complete the dialog below!

  • Hendi: After school, Andi feels very tired and gets dizzy.
  • Hinata: I think....he doesn't leave the bed unless it's necessary.

B. You have to take him to the hospital

C. He should lie down and have bed rest

D. She would take rest

E. He can see the doctor now

16. Choose the best answer to complete the following dialog!

  • Ali: ....... our Biology class! It's so much fun and really interesting.
  • Sherli: Absolutely. I agree. The biology teacher makes the classroom atmosphere pleasant and interesting.

B. Tania agrees

C. I don’t like it

D. I think so

E. I absolutely love

17. Read the text below and choose the correct answer!

  • Hendi: This is the best day ever! I'm going to give my mom my painting. When you look at my painting, what do you think about it?
  • Doni: It’s absolutely beautiful and amazing! I think you should really develop your painting talent to a professional level.
  • Hendi: That sounds absolutely amazing! I'm so grateful for your opinion!
  • Doni: It’s my absolute pleasure!

A. Asking a time

B. Giving an opinion

C. Asking for a gift

D. Giving a lot of hugs

E. Asking for his help

18. Select the most appropriate answer to complete the sentence!

.....it's so important to teach children from an early age to be independent and responsible!

A. In my opinion

B. They want to learn

C. You can’t believe

D. He totally understands

E. Do you think that

19. Complete this dialogue below with the correct answer!

  • Feri: Can you lend me a hand?
  • Mia: Sure ....
  • Feri: Help me gather everybody. The teacher is coming.

B. How can you borrow my hand?

C. Why i must help you?

D. What do you want?

E. Are you okay?

20. Select the appropriate expression to fill the blank below!

  • Mr Andrew: Ton, come here please!
  • Anton: Yes, sir. I'm coming.
  • Mr Andrew: ...... the goods to the shop, please?
  • Anton: I'll be happy to do that, sir.
  • Mr. Andrew: Make sure you put it in the right case!
  • Anton: Don’t worry, sir.
  • Mr. Andrew: Thanks.

B. Can I bring

C. May I bring

D. May he brings

E. Can they bring

21. Complete the dialog below by select the best answer!

  • Sofia: What do you like to do in your spare time?
  • Maria: You know, I’m a mother to be. So I like ........and gardening.

22. My Brother lives .....Bandung

23. Complete the dialog below!

Palgunadi has just got his master degree. His parents want to celebrate it next week. He will invite his friend, Alfin to come to the event.

  • Palgunadi: Alfin, ..............
  • Alfin: Im glad to come. Could I bring my girlfriend?
  • Palgunadi: Why not?

B. Can you distributes these invitations for me?

C. My parents need some help from you for next week.

D. I’d like you to come to my party next week.

E. We’d like you to help me distributes the invitation.

24. The party will be held .......Sunday, June 18, at 08.00 pm.

25. Complete the dialogue below!

  • Alisha: I'm Sorry. I and Ria missed the morning flight. It made....late for your wedding party.
  • Bella: It's Ok.

26. Complete the dialogue below by choosing the correct answer!

  • Joko: I have forgotten my pen again.
  • Tono: Well, you can use one of ......

27. Complete the dialog below!

-Aira: What are you doing mom? Are you cooking?

-Mom: No, but i.....dinner before father.....home.

A. Will prepare - will go

B. Prepares - will go

C. Prepare – goes

D. Prepares - will have gone

E. Will prepare – goes

28. Select the correct answer to complete the dialog below!

-Traveler:.....where is the nearest hotel from here?

-A girl: Please, straight ahead along the street.

A. Excuse me

B. Nice to meet you

C. Show me the way

E. May help you

29. Read the letter text below to answer the following questions!

Dear Vania,

I'm sorry I have to decline your invitation. I'd give anything to go with you, but my father needs me at the store. Since almost all of his employees are on vacation. I have to stay and help out. I hope you and your family have a good trip.

Why did Eva write the letter?

A. She missed her friend

B. She wanted to go

C. She is a good writer

D. She went to her friend's house

E. She could not accept the invitation

30. What does the word 'turn down' mean?

B. Put up with

31. Why were some employees absent?

A. They took days off

B. They were resting

C. They kept the shop open

D. They were sleeping

E. They were lazy

32. What is the synonym for the word 'nearly'?

33. Select the correct answer to complete the dialogue below!

-Fadli: Can I know your birthday?

-Lidia: Yes of course. I was born .... October 20, 1983

-Fadli: I see

34. Nadia told ....that you would like to have more pen pals from Japan.

35. I have several pen pals from Burundi. I write to.....via email every week.

36. Veni often tells Sonia about her rehearsal. .....joins a choir club in her school.

37. As for hobbies, we are really into sports and music. So we can share .... experience about football players and songs.

38. My friends and I often spend long vacations in our hometowns. .... through email and Whatsapp.

A. We keep in touch

B. They keep in touch

C. You keep in touch

D. He keep in touch

E. She keep in touch

Read the following song lyrics before answering questions 39-40!

"You Are The Reason"

*Written By Corey James Sanders/Calum Scott

There goes my heart beating

Cause you are the reason

I’m losing my sleep

Please come back now

There goes my mind racing

And you are the reason

That I’m still breathing

I’m hopeless now

I’d climb every mountain

And swim every ocean

Just to be with you

And fix what I’ve broken

Oh, cause I need you to see

That you are the reason

There goes my hand shaking

My heart keeps bleeding

I need you now

If I could turn back the clock

I’d make sure the light defeated the dark

I’d spend every hour, of every day

Keeping you safe

And I’d climb every mountain

Oh,’cause I need you to see

You are the reason

I'd climb every mountain

And fix what I've broken

Oh, ‘cause I need you to see

That you are the reason.

39. Which word best describes the state of the singer in the first few sentences of the song?

C. Hopeless

E. Discouraged

40. What is the author of the song trying to say?

A. He wants to correct the mistakes

B. He wants to pursue his dream

C. He wants to come back

D. He wants to go around the world

E. He wants to be safe with his love

B. Soal essay Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 dan jawabannya

Announcement for all third grade students:

Library books must be returned by April 22, 2019. All books must be wrapped in clear plastic. If a book is lost, it must be replaced with one on a similar subject. Any books not returned on time will be subject to a fine. Students who have handed in all their books will receive receipts that must be submitted to the administration officers.

41. What is informed on the announcement?

Jawaban: The announcement be informed request to return library books.

42. What is the purpose of an announcement?

Jawaban: The purpose is to announce the students are returning the books to school library

43. What will happen if the book you borrowed is lost?

Jawaban: The students should be replaced with a similar book.

44. What are the students do when they return the books?

-They should be covered with non-colorful wrapping plastic

-Lost books must be replaced with the ones of similar subjects

-Be charged to the late return of the books

-Submitted the receipt to the administration officers.

45. State what are the language features of analytical exposition!

  • -Focus on generic human or non-human participants
  • -Expressions of stating opinion
  • -Simple present tense
  • -Time connectives
  • -Use of emotive words, for example: terrible; critical; amazed; disgusting to persuade the readers
  • -Use of mental verbs, for example: think; decide; consider; believe.

-Persuade the reader that the idea is important.

-Analyze a topic and persuade that the thesis/opinion is correct by developing an argument.

-Persuade our target readers to look at an issue with your point of view.

READ the story below and answer question 47-50!

"Little Red Riding Hood"

One day, Little Red Riding Hood’s mother gave her a basket with some cake inside and told her to walk through the forest to the other side where her grandmother lay sick in bed. “Remember not to talk to strangers!” Little Red Riding Hood’s mother said.

On the way to her grandmother’s house, Little Red Riding Hood met the Big Bad Wolf.

“Where are you going little girl?” he asked with his biggest smile.

“To my grandmother’s house on the other side of the forest,” said Little Red Riding Hood who had forgotten what her mother told her The wolf took a shortcut and ran ahead to Grandmother’s house. When he got there, he went inside and swallowed Grandmother whole! Then he put on her cap and nightgown and climbed into her bed.

When Little Red Riding Hood got there, she walked right up to the bed.

“Grandmother! What big ears you have,” she said.

“All the better to hear you with my dear,” said the wolf.

“And what big eyes you have,” she said.

“All the better to see you with my dear,” said the wolf.

“And what big teeth you have,” said Little Red Riding Hood.

“All the better to eat you with!” said the wolf and he jumped out of bed and started chasing Little Red Riding Hood.

A man who was chopping wood in the forest heard Little Red Riding Hood. He came inside and hit the wolf over the head with his axe. The wolf fell to the ground, and Grandmother popped out of his mouth. Then the woodsman, Little Red Riding Hood, and Grandmother all had cake and tea.

47. Why did Little Red Riding Hood walk through the forest?

Jawaban: To visit her poor, sick grandmother.

48. What rule did Little Red Riding Hood break when she talked to the wolf?

Jawaban: Not to talk to stranger

49. Why did the wolf ask Little Red Riding Hood where her grandmother lived?

Jawaban: So that he could go to the grandmother’s house and ate her

50. What might happen if the woodsman were not there?

Jawaban: Both the girl and the grandmother might be eaten by the wolf.

  • Contoh Soal PAT Sejarah Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Kunci Jawaban
  • Soal Trigonometri Kelas 10 Semester 2 beserta Jawaban-Pembahasan

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soal essay descriptive text kelas 8


50 Soal UKK Kelas 1 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka beserta Jawabannya

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35 Latihan Soal PAT/UKK PAI Kelas 8 Semester 2 beserta Jawabannya Lengkap

35+ Contoh Soal PAT Kelas 1 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawabannya

24 Contoh Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Jawabannya

25 Contoh Soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya

Dalam mempersiapkan diri menghadapi PAT/UKK, mengerjakan soal-soal sangat penting untuk mengukur kemampuan. Coba kerjakan soal berikut, yuk!

25 Contoh Soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya — Siswa kelas 10 sebentar lagi akan menghadapi PAT/UKK.

Salah satu mata pelajaran yang akan diujikan pada PAT/UKK semester 2 ini adalah Bahasa Inggris.

Untuk membantumu mengukur pemahamanmu akan seluruh materi Bahasa Inggris di semester 2, berikut Mamikos hadirkan contoh soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2. Kerjakan, yuk!

  • Kumpulan Contoh Soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2

Contoh Soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2

Mamikos akan menghadirkan kumpulan contoh soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris keals 10 semester 2, yang didasarkan pada kisi-kisi materi Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 di semester 2.

Materi bahasa Inggris yang ada di kelas 10 semester 2 di antaranya narrative text , expressing gratitude, news item, congratulating, complimenting , accepting an invitation, descriptive text, fracture text serta expression of surprise and amazement.

Tanpa berlama-lama, langsung saja yuk kerjakan soal berikut ini tanpa melihat kunci jawabannya terlebih dahulu!

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Contoh Soal Seni Budaya Kelas 10 SMA Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka dan Kunci Jawabannya

Contoh Soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Bagian 1

Read this following dialogue carefully!

Tom: Hey Sarah, are you free this Saturday? We’re planning a small get-together at my place in the evening. Sarah: Hi Tom! Yes, I’d love to join. What time should I come over? Tom: That’s great! Come around 7 PM. We’ll have some games and dinner. Sarah: Sounds like a lot of fun! Should I bring anything? Tom: Just bring yourself and maybe your favorite board game if you’d like. Looking forward to seeing you! Sarah: Perfect, I’ll bring Monopoly. See you on Saturday, Tom! Tom: See you, Sarah!

1. What is the purpose of Tom’s invitation to Sarah?

A. To discuss work

B. For a small get-together

C. To play Monopoly

D. For lunch

E. To go shopping

Jawaban: B.

2. What does Sarah agree to bring to the get-together?

C. A friend

D. Monopoly

3. What time is Sarah supposed to arrive at Tom’s place?

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soal essay descriptive text kelas 8


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    soal essay descriptive text kelas 8

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    soal essay descriptive text kelas 8


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  19. Soal Descriptive Text Describing Someone

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  20. Descriptive Texts

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  21. Soal Essay Descriptive Text Beserta Jawabannya

    Soal Essay Descriptive text beserta jawabannya - Free download as Word Doc (.doc / .docx), PDF File (.pdf), Text File (.txt) or read online for free. 1. Two brothers named Akomi and Ombah wanted to become the king's employees to make laws that would allow them to collect more money and become rich. 2. When they met King Aruya, Akomi claimed he knew everything, which made the king angry since ...

  22. 10 Contoh Soal Descriptive Text About Animal

    Dalam artikel ini Anda dapat menemukan contoh soal descriptive text kelas 7, short descriptive text example, soal essay descriptive text kelas 10, soal essay descriptive text kelas 8, soal descriptive text kelas 7 pdf, soal descriptive text kelas 8, karangan bahasa inggris tentang hewan peliharaan, serta soal descriptive text kelas 10.

  23. Recount Texts

    The following text is for questions 1 to 5. Rina went to a cooking festival in the morning to join the cooking competition. She wanted to cook fried rice. She arrived at eight and directly prepared for the competition. At first, she thought she had brought everything, but suddenly, she realised that she had left the rice in the kitchen at her ...

  24. 50 Soal PAT Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 Kurikulum Merdeka

    B. Soal essay Bahasa Inggris kelas 10 semester 2 dan jawabannya Read the text below to answer question 41-44! Announcement for all third grade students: Library books must be returned by April 22, 2019. All books must be wrapped in clear plastic. If a book is lost, it must be replaced with one on a similar subject.

  25. 25 Contoh Soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan ...

    30 Mei 2024 Citra. Bagikan. 25 Contoh Soal PAT/UKK Bahasa Inggris Kelas 10 Semester 2 dan Jawabannya — Siswa kelas 10 sebentar lagi akan menghadapi PAT/UKK. Salah satu mata pelajaran yang akan diujikan pada PAT/UKK semester 2 ini adalah Bahasa Inggris. Untuk membantumu mengukur pemahamanmu akan seluruh materi Bahasa Inggris di semester 2 ...