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Since the turn of the 21st century, according to Credit Suisse’s global wealth report , the world’s middle-class segment has seen the biggest growth, with population size nearly trebling during the 2000-2019 period. Meanwhile, the rate of internet penetration shot up from 16.8% in 2005 to 53.6% in 2019 , according to the Telecommunication Development Sector (a special agency of the United Nations). Ready for one more statistic? According to a UNESCO-sponsored report, the global population of college students has more than doubled since 2000.

Increasingly affluent, connected and academically ambitious: That’s the modern world in a nutshell.

All this might seem like an ideal environment for growth in the education sector. The reality, however, is significantly more complicated. Public and private organizations alike face challenges in selecting the right geographical markets for expansion, creating the right educational offerings for each locality and making the appropriate digital investments for education delivery. The upshot is that in education, a robust strategy is more critical than ever.

L.E.K. Consulting’s Global Education Practice (GEP) serves public, private nonprofit and private for-profit educational institutions. We also work with investors and foundations that are involved with the education industry. As one of the world’s foremost education consulting firms, we have led on-the-ground engagements in numerous countries and industry subsegments.

From Botswana to New Zealand, from China to the United Arab Emirates, from Poland to Paraguay, our 100-plus specialists travel around the globe to provide education-sector consulting services to investors, operators and philanthropists across various markets. We’ve led multiple on-site engagements in all education segments: early childhood, K-12 and higher education. We also offer specialties in English-language training, transnational education (TNE) and education technology (edtech).

We combine primary research with advanced analytics and strategy consulting to help clients realize growth opportunities in new sectors and geographies, including untapped developing countries. Our knowledge bank contains the lessons from over 700 engagements in 90 countries — lessons that we bring to bear in helping you formulate strategies of your own.

top consulting firms in education sector

Guide To Investing in KSA's Private K-12 Market

Discover success strategies in Saudi Arabia's locally driven education market with Danish Faruqui , Partner in L.E.K.'s Global Education Practice. Explore insights on tailoring product configurations, understanding demographic shifts and exceling in a competitive landscape.

top consulting firms in education sector

Investing in Saudi Arabia's Private K-12 Market

Last year, private K-12 schools accounted for a significant 16% of K-12 enrollment in Saudi Arabia, outpacing public institutions. In this excerpt from his December 2023 keynote session at EdEx Saudi, L.E.K. Partner Danish Faruqui delves into the driving trends, potential investment opportunities and transformative shifts shaping the kingdom’s education sector.

top consulting firms in education sector

Gateway to Growth: KSA's Private K-12 Market

In this video, Danish Faruqui and Chinmay Jhaveri of L.E.K.’s global education practice delve into Riyadh's private K-12 sector. Driven by Saudi Arabia's ambitious giga projects, burgeoning hosting initiatives and unwavering commitment to global prominence, the kingdom has embarked on an extraordinary journey — one in which we're poised to play an instrumental role.

top consulting firms in education sector

Key Themes to Watch Out For in 2024

Join Ashwin Assomull , Head of the Global Education Practice, as he takes you through the latest global and Dubai-centric education trends. Gain insights spanning M&A deal activity to developments in the K-12, Higher Education, and EdTech sectors. Whether you're an investor seeking strategic opportunities or an education operator navigating the landscape, Ashwin's keynote address from last year's EdEx MENA conference promises invaluable perspectives.

How we help

Clients engage us to:

  • Identify and characterize opportunities. With sustainable growth and profitability as strategic imperatives, we provide an aggregated overview of both regional and global education markets, local market demand, and the competitive landscape. This helps reveal commercial opportunities and relationships, which is an essential step in establishing and strengthening regional and global presence.  
  • Assess potential investments. There’s a rapidly growing appetite for investment in the education sector, which has proved to be one of the most resilient industries. At the same time, more education companies are using acquisitions as a way to scale. We work closely with our private equity and corporate clients throughout the transaction cycle. Our support ranges from identifying attractive companies to performing commercial due diligence, as well as increasing portfolio company value growth and providing exit support.  
  • Define winning strategies. We help clients transform insights into actionable, tactical initiatives that are in line with their goals and objectives. We accomplish this by conducting deep-dive market assessments, using powerful analytics and combining an understanding of local markets with an awareness of global trends in the education industry.  
  • Evaluate key areas for potential growth. We assess opportunities for clients aiming to increase their offerings via expansion into adjacent education subsectors such as edtech. With our understanding of the education industry size and its magnitude, we also help clients create business plans for new opportunities, taking into account specific objectives and priorities.  
  • Create value from the ecosystem. We tap into our partnerships across the education network — in innovation, talent, capital and impact. Our deep global network puts us in a unique position to support our clients in strategy development, private equity investments, mergers and acquisitions, and other areas.

global education practice

Success stories

We have helped clients achieve growth and strong returns on investments via growth strategies, site feasibility assessment, transactional advisory services and more. Here are a few of our success stories:

  • Dual curriculum market strategy for a school operator. A prestigious British school engaged us to evaluate and identify high-potential cities across China for a possible dual curriculum endeavor. We provided a detailed market assessment and competitive landscape for each city. Then we prioritized the most attractive cities to enter and created a differentiated proposition for each market.  
  • Digital strategy for a business school. We used a three-step approach to help a renowned European business school build its digital strategy. First, we assessed the school’s existing digital initiatives. Next, we conducted in-depth primary and secondary research on digital best practices specific to student recruitment, student engagement and community building. Finally, we prioritized the most effective digital initiatives for our client’s efforts to improve student outreach and sales conversion.  
  • International student acquisition for a university system. The higher education institutions of a European country sought our help in finding ways to recruit more students from East Africa. Working closely with the country’s embassy in Africa, we examined the market landscape and student outflow mobility from Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania and Ethiopia. Next, we evaluated the country’s competitive positioning as a study-abroad destination. We followed up by identifying key opportunities and partnerships, and then put together a detailed go-to-market strategy.

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  • Education Technology
  • Higher Education
  • Transnational Education

In Conversation with Dr. Abdulla Al Karam on Dubai's Private Education Landscape (Part 2)

Unlocking potential: investing in early years education in dubai, checklist for british school brands going global, in conversation with dr. abdulla al karam on dubai's private education landscape (part 3), investment insights adult learning and upskilling sector in the usa, how do we help clients achieve high-impact results.

Ashwin Assomull, L.E.K. Consulting

Ashwin Assomull

Global education practice.

Jitin Sethi, L.E.K. Consulting

Jitin Sethi

Anip Sharma

Anip Sharma

Chinmay Jhaveri

Chinmay Jhaveri

Sudeep Laad

Sudeep Laad

Danish Kamal Faruqui, L.E.K. Consulting

Danish Kamal Faruqui

Aakansha Sethi

Aakansha Sethi

Ashwin Goel, L.E.K. Consulting

Ashwin Goel

Learn about how we can help you with your education needs., subscribe to our quarterly newsletter, related industries and capabilities.

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Higher Education

Amidst extraordinary uncertainty, BCG is helping higher education leaders build resilience, seize opportunities for growth, and discover new ways to differentiate their institutions.

Colleges and universities are facing declining enrollment, financial instability, and prolonged educational disruptions. A recent BCG survey found that 72% of college presidents are concerned about the perceived decrease in value of higher education. In short, colleges and universities are facing an existential crisis.

The changing nature of the higher education industry demands a strategy that is inclusive, collaborative, and resilient. BCG helps today’s leaders stay competitive by navigating key trends in higher education, such as:

3 women sitting looking at a laptop

A growing need for higher ed-employer collaboration . An estimated 1.3 billion people have competencies misaligned with the work they perform, fueling a rapidly growing skills mismatch across the globe.

" "

A shift in student expectations . Gen Z students are demanding to be treated as customers and to realize value commensurate with the investment they’re making.

" "

New business and delivery models. Competency-based models, massive open online courses (MOOCs), “boot camps,” and microcredentials are all emerging. But shifting from in-person to online instruction—while maintaining quality—is not a simple task.

" "

An expanding ecosystem. The corporate sector is increasingly involved in academic programming, research programs, and apprenticeships.

Our Approach to Higher Education Consulting

BCG's higher ed consulting teams have decades of experience helping public and private institutions around the world to become more sustainable and resilient. We work shoulder to shoulder with clients during all stages of planning, enablement, and growth:

  • Planning. We support leaders as they set a strategic direction, develop a roadmap for growth, ensure racial equity and economic access, and discover new ways to differentiate from competitors.
  • Enablement. We offer new strategies to ensure maximum cost efficiency, improve student outcomes, simplify administrative structures, streamline governance, and drive effective fundraising.
  • Growth. We ensure that institutions are leveraging cutting-edge technologies and innovative solutions, launching new initiatives, and scaling up the most successful programs.

Our Higher Education Consulting Work with Clients


Improving Access to Higher Education . BCG worked with a university to increase enrollment with a specific focus on access for low-income and minority students.


Preparing for Effortless Expansion. BCG worked with a large innovative public university to build and implement a successful growth strategy.


Reinventing the University Experience. BCG worked with a leading business school to transform its university experience for students and faculty alike.


Lessons from Fulbright on Developing the University of the Future. A new liberal arts institution in Vietnam found that including students and faculty in the school’s development was a major driver of success.

Our Higher Education Tools and Frameworks

We leverage a wide array of proprietary tools and analytical frameworks to create transformative change in the higher education industry, including:


BCG's Future Skills Architect Tool

Helps colleges and universities gauge the skills mismatch in their country’s labor supply, understand its root causes, and identify the policies that can erase the mismatch by promoting reskilling and lifelong learning.


BCG's Higher Education Strategy Development Process

Analyzes dynamic trends in higher education—including financial, technology, and competitive pressures—to help schools measure their performance across key dimensions, such as academic excellence, student outcomes, financial insights, brand or reputation, access, and economic impact.

Explore Our Insights on Higher Education

How Higher Ed and Employers Can Partner to Power Talent Pipelines | Rectangle

How Higher Ed and Employers Can Partner to Power Talent Pipelines

Relationships with colleges can help businesses land great talent, but they can be tricky to establish and navigate. Taking seven actions can make them work.

Education as a Catalyst for Climate Progress Hero Rectangle

Education as a Catalyst for Climate Progress

Education is a powerful means of spurring behavioral change and collective action, cultivating green skills, ensuring a just transition to a sustainable economy, and building communities’ adaptive capacity.

Women with headphones on sitting at desk

Higher Ed Must Go All In on Digital

By investing in the cloud, data, and analytics, institutions can improve student success, operational efficiency, and innovation in research and learning.

Meet BCG’s Experts in Higher Education Consulting

BCG’s higher education consultants provide expertise across regions and industries. They are led by a global team of premier thought leaders in higher ed.

Headshot of BCG expert Leila Hoteit

Managing Director & Senior Partner; Global Leader, Education, Employment, and Welfare

Headshot of BCG expert Tejus Kothari

Managing Director & Partner

Headshot of BCG expert Tyce Henry

Washington, DC

Headshot of BCG expert Aparna Bharadwaj

Managing Director & Partner; Global Leader, Global Advantage Practice

Headshot of BCG expert Yoshihisa Niwa

Managing Director & Senior Partner

Sacha Litman

Partner and Associate Director, Education and Employment

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A comprehensive guide: top education consulting firms in the usa.

Top 5 Education Consulting Firms in the USA | Future Education Magazine

In an ever-evolving educational landscape, education institutions constantly seek to enhance their offerings, improve operational efficiency, and adapt to emerging trends. This quest for excellence often necessitates expert guidance from consulting firms specializing in education. These firms provide invaluable insights, strategic planning, and innovative solutions to navigate the complexities of academia. In this article, we explore the top education consulting firms in the USA, highlighting their distinctive features, notable achievements, and contributions to the educational sector.

Here are the Top Education Consulting Firms in the USA:

1. mckinsey & company.

Top 5 Education Consulting Firms in the USA | Future Education Magazine

Source-opportunity cell

McKinsey & Company stands as a global leader in management consulting, renowned for its comprehensive approach to solving complex challenges across various industries, including education. With a rich history spanning decades, McKinsey boasts a team of seasoned professionals equipped with extensive expertise in organizational transformation, operational optimization, and strategic planning.

In the realm of Education Consulting, McKinsey offers tailored solutions to address diverse needs, ranging from institutional strategy development to student enrollment management. Its innovative methodologies and data-driven insights empower institutions to enhance student outcomes, streamline administrative processes, and foster long-term sustainability. Notable clients of McKinsey in the education sector include prestigious universities and leading research institutions.

2. Boston Consulting Group (BCG)

BCG stands at the forefront of management consulting, renowned for its innovative strategies and transformative solutions. With a global presence and a dedicated practice focusing on education, BCG collaborates closely with universities and colleges to tackle complex challenges and capitalize on emerging opportunities.

BCG’s expertise spans a wide array of areas, including digital transformation, revenue diversification, and student experience enhancement.  Within the realm of Education Consulting, BCG helps institutions optimize resource allocation, refine academic offerings, and adapt to market dynamics effectively by leveraging advanced analytics and industry benchmarks. Its client portfolio includes prominent education institutions seeking to innovate and thrive in an increasingly competitive landscape.

3.  Deloitte

Top 5 Education Consulting Firms in the USA | Future Education Magazine

Source- TNAU Online

Deloitte ranks among the top consulting firms globally, offering a comprehensive suite of services to clients across various sectors, including education. With a multidisciplinary approach, Deloitte’s  Education practice combines deep industry knowledge with cutting-edge technology to drive institutional excellence and foster innovation.

In the realm of Education Consulting, Deloitte’s solutions encompass a wide spectrum of areas, such as financial management, risk mitigation, and technology integration. By assisting institutions in harnessing data analytics and implementing best practices, Deloitte enables them to make informed decisions, enhance operational efficiency, and achieve sustainable growth. Noteworthy collaborations include initiatives to optimize research funding, improve student retention rates, and enhance the overall institutional performance.

4.  EAB (Education Advisory Board)

EAB specializes in providing research-driven insights and strategic guidance to educational institutions, including colleges, universities, and K-12 schools . With a focus on data analytics and student success, EAB helps institutions identify opportunities for improvement and implement evidence-based interventions to drive positive outcomes.

In the domain of Education Consulting, EAB offers a comprehensive suite of services. These services encompass student recruitment, academic program optimization, and the development of alumni engagement strategies. By leveraging predictive analytics and behavioral science, EAB assists institutions in tailoring interventions to meet the specific needs of diverse student populations. This results in improved retention rates and graduation outcomes. EAB’s collaborative approach and emphasis on continuous improvement have earned them recognition as a trusted partner for institutions seeking to enhance their competitiveness and impact in the education landscape.

5.  Huron Consulting Group

Top 5 Education Consulting Firms in the USA | Future Education Magazine


Huron Consulting Group specializes in providing end-to-end solutions to education institutions facing complex challenges in areas such as finance, operations, and technology. With a focus on driving sustainable change and maximizing institutional effectiveness, Huron collaborates closely with clients to develop customized strategies and implement actionable recommendations.

Huron’s expertise extends across various domains, including financial modeling, process optimization, and organizational restructuring.  In the realm of Education Consulting, Huron assists institutions in enhancing revenue streams, reducing costs, and improving overall performance by combining industry insights with innovative methodologies.  Its client-centric approach and commitment to delivering measurable results have established Huron as a trusted advisor to education leaders navigating an increasingly competitive and dynamic environment.

In a rapidly changing educational landscape, the expertise and guidance provided by top education consulting firms play a pivotal role in shaping the future of institutions across the USA. From strategic planning and operational optimization to student success initiatives and digital transformation, these firms offer a diverse range of services tailored to meet the evolving needs of education. By leveraging data-driven insights, innovative methodologies, and industry best practices, these consulting firms empower institutions to overcome challenges, seize opportunities, and achieve sustainable growth in an increasingly competitive environment. As education continues to evolve, the partnership between institutions and consulting firms will remain essential in driving innovation, excellence, and success.

Also Read: Diverse Avenues: Exploring Education Jobs Outside of Teaching

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Education strategy consulting

Robert Lytle

What the EY-Parthenon education strategy consulting team can do for you

The EY-Parthenon education consulting strategists are helping clients negotiate a sea change occurring across the education sector: new technologies and the global pandemic are influencing how and where students are taught; globalization is driving the need for new and different skill sets; shifting demographics are compelling new collaboration initiatives. A sustainable world is the new imperative making quality education for all a major priority.

EY-Parthenon strategy consulting professionals, with broad experience and deep knowledge across the sector, are helping education leaders overcome these new challenges with bespoke, all-encompassing growth strategy plans and implementation support. EY-Parthenon strategy consulting professionals find solutions to specific issues using our toolkit of primary and secondary research, stakeholder engagement, and quantitative analysis.

We have dedicated consultants in all the following five segments of the education sector:    

Government and foundations growth strategy

Covid-19 pandemic quickly revealed the huge inequities in our educational system and pointed to specific societal needs that now can no longer be ignored. Many federal and state organizations and foundations based in the educational sector are now evolving short and long-term strategies to reform our educational system. Known as a leading strategy organization in this space, EY-Parthenon helps institutions develop an overall growth strategy with 1) detailed execution plans to combat these issues; and 2) hands-on support to facilitate success.

Pre-K-12 systems and schools

EY-Parthenon teams offer Pre-K-12 institutions superior end-to-end consulting services from market needs assessment and strategic planning to student or school performance analytics, financial advisory, operational improvement, and organizational redesign. Our clients include education delivery providers including early childhood and PK-12 systems, school networks, and ministries of education as well as leading foundations, non-profits, intermediaries, and membership associations involved in K-12 education. Recently, our work has helped states and districts align talent and budget against key strategic initiatives related to learning acceleration, teacher supports, and system-level change. We also support specific needs related to grants management, cybersecurity, technology systems and networking, building portfolios, compensation schedules, and public health programs (e.g., vaccine initiatives).

Higher education institutions

EY-Parthenon teams help higher education institutions transform and thrive in ways that are both practical and sustainable. Some of the many services we provide include identifying opportunities for differentiation, optimizing the education delivery and service model, developing efficient and sustainable organizational structures and managing transformative processes through partnerships or collaborations. The EY-Parthenon goal is to bring analysis and insight to higher education leaders to empower them to achieve the full potential of their institution.

Content service providers and technology

EY-Parthenon teams help organizations carefully determine their unique growth path. Consulting teams provide knowledge and support throughout a process that might include organic or inorganic growth such as acquisitions, partnerships, joint ventures, or even divestments. Whatever the growth path, we offer practical, hands-on help during the transition process to help ease the transformation.

Global investors

EY-Parthenon clients include venture capital, private equity, and corporations. The education teams identify new education investment opportunities to help produce both short and long-term value in current investments. From the pre-contract stage through the eventual integration (or separation due to divestiture), EY-Parthenon education strategy consulting teams both help guide decision-making and provide execution assistance throughout.

In short, EY-Parthenon’s leading experience can help bring both short and long-term value to your organization. EY-Parthenon teams are dedicated to helping turn today’s students into tomorrow’s leaders.

EY-Parthenon – Strategy realized

EY-Parthenon education strategy consulting team

Robert Lytle

Robert Lytle

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Seth Reynolds

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Kasia Lundy

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How EY-Parthenon can Help

Corporate and growth strategy

EY-Parthenon professionals can help your business design and provide transformative strategies for sustainable growth. Learn more.

Digital M&A framework

Find out how our digital M&A framework can help you determine the right strategic course to a digital future and create better value for your business.

EY-Parthenon professionals can help your company maximize value throughout the deal lifecycle, from target assessment through integration and beyond. Learn how.

Restructuring and turnaround tax services

Our professionals advise in implementing commercial transactions that balance the material tax considerations with overall business objectives. Learn more.

M&A advisory: Buy and integrate

Discover M&A advisory services from EY when you buy and integrate. We help enable strategic growth through integrated mergers and acquisitions, joint ventures and alliances.

Sustainability and ESG strategy consulting 

EY sustainability and ESG strategy consulting teams can help you with strategy, M&A, capital allocation, ESG due diligence and portfolio optimization.

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EY refers to the global organization, and may refer to one or more, of the member firms of Ernst & Young Global Limited, each of which is a separate legal entity. Ernst & Young Global Limited, a UK company limited by guarantee, does not provide services to clients. For more information about our organization, please visit ey.com.

EY-Parthenon is a brand under which a number of EY member firms across the globe provide strategy consulting services.

Top Education consulting firms in the world

What are the top consulting firms in the world for clients in the Education industry? The top Education consulting firms in the world list presents the globe’s leading consultancy firms in the sector, based on Consultancy.org’s unique database of more than 10 million data points per year of clients and consultants, including expertise and consultancy projects delivered in the Education industry.

The leading consulting firms for Education services:

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Frankki Bevins


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Jake Bryant


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Brandon Carrus

Senior partnerohio - cleveland.

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Alberto Chaia

Senior partnermiami.

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Wan-Lae Cochran

Partnerwashington dc.

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Senior Knowledge ExpertBay Area

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Charag Krishnan

Partnernew jersey.

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Jonathan Law

Senior partner.

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PartnerKuala Lumpur

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Duwain Pinder

Partnerohio - columbus.

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Fiyinfolu Oladiran

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Saurabh Sanghvi

Partnerbay area - silicon valley.

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Jimmy Sarakatsannis

Senior partnerwashington dc.

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Dirk Schmautzer

KPMG Personalization

top consulting firms in education sector

Supporting the planning, development and delivery of cost effective and quality education, training and research

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KPMG professionals work across the education sector – serving clients in K-12, vocational education and training, and higher education, as well as the strategic planners, funders and influencers of educational services – to help governments respond to the growing demand for education. Our mission is to support the planning, development and delivery of cost effective and quality education, training and research.

Together with KPMG's network of member firms, the Global Education practice provides Tax, Audit (internal and external) and Advisory services in business transformation, new models of delivery and quality improvement, and cost reduction and efficiency improvement reviews. We offer tailored solutions and practical advice to meet the unique needs of each segment.  

  • Budget and financial management
  • Organization development
  • Audit, assurance and tax services  

Vocational education and training

  • Curriculum and data reviews, including data quality
  • Development of services and approaches to better meet the needs of employers and students
  • Support for mergers and acquisitions, including corporate intelligence, due diligence and strategic options reviews
  • Efficiency reviews
  • Organization development  

Higher education

  • Audit and assurance services
  • Tax and due diligence services, including international taxation, employment tax and compliance with national tax systems
  • IT optimization, integration and rollout
  • Procurement optimization
  • Cost reduction services
  • Strategic planning and development
  • Development of new operational and business models and processes
  • Financing and investment advisory services
  • Grant attestation services  

Strategic planners, funders and influencers

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The Top 50 Consulting Firms of 2022

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The Consulting Report is pleased to announce The Top 50 Consulting Firms of 2022. This year’s awardees comprise some of the most trusted and influential professional services firms in the world. They help provide corporations, governments, and other types of organizations with analytics, insights, and counsel on a wide variety of matters. These firms help their clients solve their biggest problems, capitalize on opportunities, and in some cases, avoid costly mistakes. In a world changing faster than ever in nearly every respect, from technologically to culturally, consulting firms serve as an indispensable partner for any organization navigating its path to success.

By some estimates, there are thousands of consulting firms around the world. Based on nominations and our further proprietary research, we have selected the 50 best firms. While this year’s awardees offer their services across a wide variety of sectors and geographies, and often have very different methods of approaching the problems they solve, what they do have in common is the ability to produce results for their clients. Whether massive global firms or small boutiques, clients rely on these firms for revenue growth, operational improvements, human capital management, and digital transformation, among many other services. Please join us in celebrating The Top 50 Consulting Firms of 2022.

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Kearney is a leading global management consulting firm with more than 4,200 people working in more than 40 countries. We work with more than three-quarters of the Fortune Global 500, as well as with the most influential governmental and non-profit organizations.

Kearney is a partner-owned firm with a distinctive, collegial culture that transcends organizational and geographic boundaries—and it shows. Regardless of location or rank, our consultants are down to earth, approachable, and have a shared passion for doing innovative client work that provides clear benefits to the organizations we work with in both the short and long term.

Kearney consistently ranks high on a variety of lists for both the consulting industry and the wider business world. It has been ranked in the top 10 in Vault's Consulting 50 multiple times, and in Consulting magazine's Best Firms to Work For. It has also been named to Working Mother’s Top 100 Firms for Working Families and Women as well as to the Best Companies for Dads list. In addition, Human Rights Watch has consistently named it one of the Best Places to Work for LGBTQ Equality.

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Boston Consulting Group (BCG) is a global management consulting firm and one of the “Big Three” management consultancies. Founded in 1963 by Bruce Henderson, BCG partners with leaders in business and society to tackle their most important challenges and capture their greatest opportunities. The firm focuses on delivering integrated solutions through leading-edge management consulting, technology and design, and corporate and digital ventures. BCG is driven by more than 25,000 employees across 90-plus offices in over 50 countries and regions.

BCG boasts expertise in a wide array of industries, including aerospace and defense, automotive, oil and gas, consumer products, and more. The firm has received many awards for its workplace equality, global culture, and environmental records, including the Human Rights Campaign Award for Workplace Equality Innovation.

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Professional services network Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (commonly referred to as simply “Deloitte”) continues to set the bar high for services including analytics and cloud computing. It’s hard to find something at which this star of professional advising is less than excellent, from business strategy and data analytics to risk assessment and enterprise technology, with the firm’s AI Institute being a standout in the world of artificial intelligence research and development.

Deloitte is a storied institution that traces its roots back to its founding in 1845. It is one of the largest professional services networks in the world, with annual aggregated revenue nearing $50 billion, and the firm is highly respected for its forecasts regarding the world of technology and work. In 2019 and 2020, Gartner stated that Deloitte was the No. 1 consulting service provider worldwide by revenue.

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Bain & Company is a global management consulting firm headquartered in Boston, Massachusetts, and with 63 offices in 38 countries around the world. Founded in 1973, Bain is one of the “Big Three” management consultancies (along with McKinsey & Co. and Boston Consulting Group). The firm boasts a workforce of more than 14,000 professionals who provide guidance to public, private, and non-profit organizations of all sizes.

Bain has received many awards and accolades, including being named to the top three of Glassdoor’s 2022 “Best Places to Work” list. The firm has also made a 10-year commitment to invest more than $1 billion in pro bono services to bring its expertise and insight to organizations tackling today’s urgent challenges in education, racial equity, social justice, economic development, and the environment.

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Frequently named among the top management firms in the world, Oliver Wyman has served more than 1,000 global clients over the past 50 years. Founded in New York City during the mid-1980s (by former Booz Allen Hamilton partners Alex Oliver and Bill Wyman), the firm has since become the fastest-growing management consulting firm today. It has more than 60 offices in Europe, North America, the Middle East, and Asia-Pacific and employs over 5,000 professionals.

While the firm offers a wide range of consulting services, it is best known for its work within banking and financial services. In fact, it serves more than 80% of the world’s largest 100 financial institutions – and in 2021 it reported $2.5 billion in annual revenue. In addition to financial success, the firm frequently receives top accolades from the likes of Fortune, The Financial Times, and Vault. Indeed, it has ranked in the top 10 of Vault's best consulting firms since the list was created in 2001.

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No other firm in the world has as much consulting prestige as McKinsey & Company. It has consistently been the #1 most valued brand in the consulting industry and is associated with cutting-edge strategic approaches. Since 1926 when James O. McKinsey, a University of Chicago professor, opened a consulting office in Chicago, the firm has provided strategic advice to corporations and other organizations.

Now based in New York City, much of the firm's success stems from its unique culture of hard work and zealous employees. As a result, McKinsey’s alumni pool has generated the greatest number of Fortune 500 CEOs. The consulting firm opened its first international office in London in 1959 – and has expanded steadily since. It now boasts over 30,000 employees, 130+ offices around the globe, and more than $10 billion in annual revenue, making it the biggest pure consulting firm in the world.

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Digital transformation and consulting firm Capgemini works to bring innovative solutions to corporate clients around the world. Included in its wide range of expertise are achievements in the fields of AI, cybersecurity, cloud infrastructure development, and business operations. Capgemini’s revolutionary Platform AI and analytics portfolio is a standout example of how the firm has been able to offer scaled data transformation at an unmatched level.

Capgemini operated as a small data processing firm from its launch in 1967 until its acquisitions of computer and data companies in the United States in the 1970s and 1980s. Now, more than 50 years into its history, Capgemini boasts more than 270,000 employees in dozens of countries. In June 2021, Capgemini partnered with Sanofi, Orange & Generali to launch Future4care, a European start-up accelerator focused on digital healthcare.

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For more than a century, Booz Allen Hamilton has been a leading management consulting firm, serving military, government, and business organizations around the world. With headquarters in McLean, Virginia – in the Greater Washington, D.C. area – and 80 other global offices, Booz Allen is made of approximately 29,200 engineers, scientists, software developers, technologists, and consultants. The firm provides expertise in industries including cybersecurity, data analytics, and digital technologies.

Booz Allen has been consistently recognized as an industry-leader in corporate citizenship, employee empowerment, and executive leadership. Among the firm’s many awards, Booz Allen is a three-time honoree of the “World’s Most Ethical Companies®” award from the Ethisphere Institute. The firm is also committed to sharing its diversity and equity values, as well as its environmental, social, and governance practices.

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Founded in 1983, Alvarez & Marsal (A&M) is a global professional services firm notable for its work in turnaround management and performance improvement of several large, high-profile businesses both in the U.S. and abroad. Its clients have included Lehman Brothers, HealthSouth, Tribune Company, Warnaco, Interstate Bakeries, Target, Darden Restaurants, and Arthur Andersen. The firm’s founders, Tony Alvarez II and Bryan Marsal, have led the firm in a fact-driven and action-oriented manner, sharing duties as co-Chief Executive Officers and working to help clients turn areas of stagnation into growth to achieve sustainable results.

With over 6,000 people across four continents, A&M delivers tangible results for corporations, private equity firms, law firms, and government agencies facing complex challenges. The firm is committed to a culture of inclusion and diversity and a focus on community engagement.

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Headquartered in Brussels, Belgium, Arthur D. Little (ADL) is an international management consulting firm with over a century of heritage. The firm was founded in 1886 and formally incorporated in 1909 by Arthur Dehon Little, a scientist instrumental in developing chemical engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Named for its founder, the firm pioneered the concept of contracted professional services and played a key role in the development of the word processor, the first synthetic penicillin, LexisNexis, SABRE, and NASDAQ.

ADL is also an innovator of business strategy and operations research, which it has honed during its more than 130-year history. The firm boasts 40 offices globally and more than 1,500 experts and professionals; it’s also regularly recognized as one of "America's Best Management Consulting Firms" by Forbes, among other accolades.

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EY Parthenon, with the well-known shorthand of EY-P or EYP, is Ernst & Young's global strategy consulting division. First originated as The Parthenon Group, LLC in 1991 by William "Bill" Achtmeyer and John C. Rutherford, two former Bain & Company directors, it eventually merged with professional services firm Ernst & Young to create the entity EY-Parthenon. This merger was a bold gambit from a Big Four contender to step up its value chain efforts, moving beyond audit services to embark on new business ventures and give its clients various new points of entry.

EYP arms C-suites with strategic guidance in a wide swath of industries, including private equity, consumer products, education, financial services, healthcare, information and media, advanced manufacturing, life sciences, oil and gas, and technology. Going to bat against the likes of Bain, McKinsey, and BCG, as well as other strategy consulting offshoots for Big Four firms, EYP often rises above its competitors in industry rankings by honing in on its ambitious corporate strategy and private equity undertakings.

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FTI Consulting, headquartered in Washington, D.C., is counted among the largest financial consulting firms in the world, typically ranking highly in consulting firm industry listings. The firm is specifically a titan in the fields of corporate finance and restructuring, economic consulting, forensic and litigation consulting, strategic communications, and technology. Founded in 1982 as Forensic Technologies International, Ltd, FTI operates in just under 30 countries with an employee base of more than 6,200.

The firm has leveraged its substantial consulting prowess in a number of high-profile, media-centric cases, including the investigation into the Bernard Madoff fraud, the Lehman Brothers and General Motors bankruptcies, the Bush v. Gore case, and the Major League Baseball steroid investigations of January 2020. In recent history, FTI is known to have had the biggest restructuring business in the U.S.

FTI’s five business segments cover a broad range of services. Corporate Finance and Restructuring provides business turnaround services, including support for restructuring, litigation, insolvency, and interim management. Economic & Financial Consulting offers economic analysis and expert testimony for law firms, corporations, and government agencies. Forensic and Litigation Consulting covers investigative data analysis and forensic accounting services as well as construction solutions services. Strategic Communications handles public relations services for customers managing financial, regulatory and reputational challenges. And Technology, a latent source of boosted revenue for the firm, provides specialized software to manage ediscovery risks.

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Since being founded in 1983 by three Bain & Company partners – James Lawrence, Iain Evans, and Richard Koch – L.E.K. has become a major player in the global management consulting space. With over 1,400 employees and 21 offices worldwide, the firm brings in roughly $500 million in annual revenue. While L.E.K. services nearly all industries and functions, it is best regarded for its work in healthcare and private equity.

Major project achievements include assisting the U.K. government on the privatization of passenger train operating companies in the mid-1990s, providing strategic and commercial advice on the world's largest airline merger in 2007, and opening its fifth European office in Madrid, Spain in 2021. Among its numerous awards, in 2007 L.E.K. was awarded the Queen's Award for Enterprise for international trade and export. The following year, L.E.K. became the first global major management consulting firm to hold carbon neutral status.

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British-Dutch multinational professional services network KPMG International Limited, often shortened to KPMG, is well known as one of the Big Four accounting organizations. It operates as an extensive network of firms in 145 countries with an employee base of more than 236,000. KPMG’s three primary lines of services cover financial audit, tax, and advisory concerns, with its tax and advisory services further divided into a number of specific service groups.

KPMG provides adept consultation for highly varied situations. The firm’s extensive client base spans an impressive 16 different industry sectors: banking and capital markets; insurance; investment management; building, construction, and real estate; alternative investments; industrial manufacturing; retail; food, drink, and consumer goods; energy, natural resources, and chemicals; government and public sector; healthcare and pharmaceuticals; technology; high growth mid-market and venture capital; media and telecommunications; private equity; and high growth emerging markets.

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Certain industries require especially high degrees of accuracy and security, and the Science Applications International Corporation (SAIC) is the firm trusted most by governments and other entities with IT support for sensitive, high-end missions. With next-level solutions in IT modernization and engineering on offer, SAIC is a critical supplier of IT expertise to the space, defense, and intelligence industries.

Spun off in 2013 from an earlier corporation, SAIC has spent the better part of the last decade leading the charge to bring the benefits of deep engineering expertise to government and civilian clients. The IT services brought to life by this firm include top-tier cyber, cloud, and enterprise IT service delivery.

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PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is a behemoth in the world of accounting and consulting services. Along with Deloitte, EY, and KPMG, PwC is recognized for being one of the Big Four accounting firms. It provides services to 420 out of 500 Fortune 500 companies, making it the second largest professional services firm in the world. While the firm in its present form was created in 1998 (by a merger between two accounting firms: Coopers & Lybrand and Price Waterhouse), its legacy can be traced back to the middle of the nineteenth century, when it was founded in the U.K.

Today, it employs over 280,000 people who operate in more than 150 countries around the world. Among its services, PwC offers its clients tax, audit, insurance, and consulting services in the fields of aerospace, defense, automotive, banking, health, insurance, and technology, among others. Recognized as the fourth-largest privately owned firm in the U.S., PwC's global revenues were a whopping $42.4 billion for the 2019 fiscal year. In addition, as of 2020, PwC US has been on Fortune's 100 Best Companies to Work For in the US for 16 years.

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Teneo was founded in June 2011 by Declan Kelly, Paul Keary, and Doug Band and currently has more than 1,450 employees located in 40 offices. CVC Capital Partners, to which Teneo sold a majority stake in 2019 at a total valuation of around $700 million, has described Teneo's core service as "providing strategic and communications services, which covers a wide array of engagements such as customer communications, crisis management, investor relations, digital and social media consulting, executive recruitment, and litigation management."

Teneo works exclusively with the CEOs and senior executives of the world’s leading companies, providing strategic counsel across their full range of key objectives and issues. Its clients include a significant number of the Fortune 100 and FTSE 100, as well as other corporations, financial institutions, and organizations. The firm is widely known for solving for the most complex business challenges and opportunities by integrating a wide variety of disciplines.

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Consulting powerhouse Ernst & Young Global Limited, commonly referred to as EY, is a multinational professional services network with an impressive international reach that has powered its status as one of the biggest service networks in the world. It is often the first firm mentioned when industry experts discuss the Big Four accounting firms, keeping competitive pace with its rivals Deloitte, KPMG, and PwC.

EY is known for offering assurance (financial audit), consulting, tax, and advisory services to its customers. The firm has followed the trends of the sector by augmenting its service portfolio to include markets adjacent to accounting, adding strategy, operations, HR, technology, and financial services consulting. Functioning as an expansive network of member firms, EY’s 700 worldwide offices employ over 300,000 team members in more than 150 countries.

The firm, initially not officially known by its initialism, came into being through the 1989 merger of two accounting firms, Ernst & Whinney and Arthur Young & Co. The EY rebranding campaign of 2013 solidified what had been an informal moniker.

As of 2019, EY’s strong U.S. presence has made it into the seventh-largest privately owned organization in the nation. For the past 20+ years, Fortune magazine has consistently included the firm in its list of the 100 Best Companies to Work For, beating out the streaks of other leading accounting firms.

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Mercer LLC is the world’s largest human resources consulting firm. It specializes in helping clients by improving the most important asset for every organization: its people. Headquartered in New York City, Mercer exudes a large global presence, with more than 25,000 employees operating in more than 130 countries.

The firm, which has been ranked the #1 HR Consulting Firm by Vault for several years running, is arguably the top global consulting leader in talent, health, retirement, and asset management. Furthermore, Mercer is not a stand-alone firm. It’s a subsidiary of parent company Marsh & McLennan – the consulting giant that earns annual revenue of nearly $20 billion. Globally, Mercer is also the largest investment consultant and delegated services (OCIO) provider, with over $15 trillion in assets under advisement (as of June 2020) and over $300 billion in assets under management (as of September 2020).

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With more than 5,000 employees across 85+ offices in over 25 countries, global consulting firm Protiviti has made tremendous progress during the past two decades. In 2002, Protiviti was formed with the recruitment of more than 700 Arthur Andersen staffers (in the wake of its collapse), including some 50 partners of the firm. Since then, Protiviti has expanded rapidly, reporting revenue that surpassed the $1 billion mark for the 2019 fiscal year.

The firm specializes in risk and advisory services with an internal audit expertise that spans a variety of areas. The services offered include helping companies identify, measure, and manage operational and technology-related risks as well as providing internal audit services, technologies, and skills for business risk management throughout the world. Headquartered in Menlo Park and San Ramon, California, Protiviti boasts a clientele that includes over 60% of Fortune 1000 and 35% of Fortune Global 500 companies.

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With headquarters in Armonk, New York and more than 10,000 employees, IBM’s consulting branch IBM iX is now one of the largest digital and design consultancies worldwide, with roughly 60 studios as well as wide-reaching global network of strategists, designers, developers, and data architects leveraging deep industry and ISV expertise.

IBM iX provides hybrid data management solutions powered by AI that carry the advantages of a modernized information architecture, simplifying data collection and management as well as making processes smarter with automation containerization built on open platforms. The firm additionally gives its clients authentic end-to-end capabilities at scale, from experience strategy to the design, delivery, and optimization of employee/customer experiences. It collaborates with a peerless ecosystem of partners such as Adobe, Salesforce, Samsung, Apple, and SAP to drive value and differentiation through outstanding customer experiences. This year, IBM teamed up with the USTA to deliver all-new, all-virtual signature experiences for the U.S. Open, leveraging both IBM Watson® and IBM Cloud®.

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Featuring a visionary startup mindset and the engineering prowess of an industry veteran, Publicis Sapient is a unique, creative digital transformation firm that’s upping the game for IT services. With an eye toward innovating for the next generation of tech, Publicis Sapient brings to the table a comprehensive array of IT services in enterprise platforms, digital product management, customer experience, and more.

Publicis Sapient has a fascinating history of collaboration and cross-pollination with its French parent company, Publicis, and its fellow subsidiary Sapient Razorfish. Now, Publicis Sapient is working with Microsoft and other tech firms to transform how groceries are delivered, how people travel safely, and much more.

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Marsh knows that managing risk in today's environment is complex. That's why the globally acclaimed multinational firm provides data driven risk advisory services and insurance solutions to its clients. The firm's roots stretch back to the first decade of the twentieth century, after one of its founders studied railroad risk and insurance needs by spending 30 days riding the rails. At the time, the firm was known as Marsh & McLennan. Today, it's known simply as Marsh, a subsidiary of Marsh McLennan.

With more than 800 risk, claims, safety, and industry-specific specialists in more than 40 countries around the globe, Marsh is primarily concerned with representing commercial interests searching for insurance coverage. The firm's clients in this area include large multinational companies, high growth middle-market businesses, small commercial enterprises, and high net-worth private clients. Remarkably, Marsh's $5.98 billion in 2016 revenue accounted for 45% of the parent company's total fiscal year revenue.

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Raytheon Professional Services (RPS) is part of Raytheon Technologies (RTX), one of the largest defense contractors in the world. Headquartered in Waltham, Massachusetts, RTX researches, develops, and manufactures advanced technology products in the aerospace and defense industry – including aircraft engines, cybersecurity, guided missiles, air defense systems, satellites, and drones.

The firm, which gets a significant portion of its revenue from the U.S. government, is the result of the 2020 merger between the aerospace subsidiaries of United Technologies Corporation and the Raytheon Company. Furthermore, the RPS segment provides tailored solutions for customers – commercial, government, and military – who are not just based in the U.S., but rather located across the globe. As experts in technology integration, RPS develops and delivers solutions that use the right technologies, tools, and processes to help with a single training element or a comprehensive, enterprise-wide program.

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Willis Towers Watson Public Limited Company is a British-American multinational risk management, insurance brokerage, and advisory firm with roots dating back to 1828. Willis Towers Watson (now called WTW) is the third largest insurance broker in the world, operates in more than 140 countries, and has a workforce of more than 45,000 employees. The firm was formed as a merger of equals between London-based Willis Group Holdings plc and Arlington, VA-based Towers Watson & Co. in early 2016.

WTW provides data-driven, insight-led solutions in the areas of people, risk, and capital that makes organizations more resilient, motivates workforces, and maximizes performance. It is known for its strong client focus, an emphasis on teamwork, unwavering integrity, mutual respect, and a constant striving for excellence.

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ZS Associates was founded in 1983 by two professors at Northwestern University who developed sales force alignment models using the world’s first personal-computer-aided territory mapping system. Now, it is a major management consulting and professional services firm focusing on consulting, software, and technology and provides services for clients in healthcare, private equity, and technology. The firm continues to offer sales force alignment service to this day, in addition to a range of professional services, many of which are supported by advanced analytics. It employs more than 10,000 employees in 25 offices in North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.

ZS has been awarded for its firm culture by Consulting magazine several years in a row and was chosen by Forbes magazine as one of America’s best management and consulting firms in 2019. The firm has also been recognized by the Human Rights Campaign Foundation for earning 100 percent on its Annual Corporate Equality Index for LGBTQ workplace equality.

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As an industry leader in business consulting, outsourcing, and information technology solutions, Cognizant has long been hailed for its results and resilience. With nearly 300,000 employees working from home since March 2020, Cognizant continues to expand its reputation for quality digital solutions and workplace innovation, with particular focus on its Work Ahead AI action and research initiative.

Initially an in-house tech unit for data analytics firm Dun & Bradstreet, Cognizant has achieved remarkable growth over the past decades, rising to the top 200 of the Fortune 500 list last year. Since 2018, Cognizant has also been at the forefront of using blockchain technologies to facilitate secure data sharing between companies.

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With over a century’s worth of experience, nearly 4,000 global team members, and 25 locations including global subsidiaries, CohnReznick LLP serves clients in 30 different industries through an integrated team of advisory, assurance, and tax professionals. The firm’s Nexia International affiliation expands its reach to more than 128 countries.

In serving its many stakeholders, CohnReznick is committed to its role as a value creator and force for change in promoting sustainability, social justice, and proactive corporate governance. The firm has held a leadership position in community investment for more than 35 years and a 15-year commitment to the cleantech and renewable energy industries. CohnReznick’s history of social advocacy has helped strengthen housing policies and paved the way for emerging industries like cannabis.

CohnReznick recently launched its Gamechangers in ESG Awards program to recognize U.S. businesses that are “changing the game” through their commitment to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategies and practices. With an entry deadline of June 30, 2022 and winners announced in the fall, the program provides a platform for organizations to communicate their ESG stories and be recognized for their accomplishments – whether they are just starting their ESG journey or are well on their way.

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Based in Boston, Massachusetts, Charles River Associates (CRA) is a global consulting firm specializing in management consulting and economic litigation. Founded in 1965, CRA offers economic, financial, and strategic expertise to major law firms, corporations, accounting firms, and governments around the world. The firm is fueled by a combination of cutting-edge research, state-of-the-art methods, and proven experience, and includes a diverse team of more than 800 professionals from over 50 countries.

CRA provides a wide range of solutions to organizations in communications, retail and distribution, life sciences, energy, and other industries, and its services include analytics, forensic accounting, mergers and acquisitions, and more. The firm is routinely recognized as one of the top 10 consulting companies in fraud, forensic, and investigation services. Among its clients, CRA counts a large number of Fortune 500 companies and Am Law 100 firms.

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Bates White Economic Consulting is a privately-held consulting firm specializing in advanced economic, financial, and econometric analysis for law firms, corporations, and government agencies. Founded in 1999 by Charles Bates and Halbert White, the firm currently has one office in Washington, D.C., with nearly 300 employees. Bates White boasts expertise in a wide array of sectors, including antitrust, media and communication, finance, healthcare, and many others, and its clients include several Fortune 500 companies.

In its 20-plus-year history, Bates White has received a number of awards and accolades from industry experts celebrating the firm as a top place to work or internship at. Since 2009, Global Competition Review has included Bates White in its annual "Economics 20" for top antitrust and competition economics consultancies every year.

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CSG Government Solutions (CSG) is a national leader in IT management consulting for complex projects that modernize the technology and business processes of large government programs. CSG provides project related services including planning and strategy, program and project management, independent verification and validation, quality assurance, organizational change management, testing, system security, and federal compliance.

CSG works with its clients collaboratively to deliver results. Its clients include more than 200 government organizations across 47 states and territories, the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, the U.S. Department of Labor, and large municipal governments. The operation of CSG’s business is characterized by The CSG Way, an environment that emphasizes teamwork, communication, and consistent high-quality work. Over the years, CSG has attracted many of the most respected senior experts in the government programs they serve.

Established in 1997, CSG recently celebrated 25 years serving as a trusted advisor to the public sector. Along with being named one of The Consulting Report’s Top 50 Consulting Firms of 2022, CSG has also been named one of America's Best Management Consulting Firms five years in a row (2018-2022) by Forbes magazine.

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Crowe LLP is a public accounting, consulting, and technology firm headquartered in Chicago and with offices around the world. Crowe uses its deep industry expertise to provide audit services to public and private entities. The firm and its subsidiaries also help clients make decisions that lead to lasting value with its tax, advisory, and consulting services. Crowe is recognized by many organizations as one of the best places to work in the U.S.

As an independent member of Crowe Global, one of the largest global accounting networks in the world, Crowe serves clients worldwide. The network consists of more than 200 independent accounting and advisory services firms in more than 130 countries around the world. Crowe is driven by a workforce of more than 4,400 professionals and experts, and has been recognized by Fortune’s 100 Best Companies To Work For list.

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Grant Thornton LLP is one of America’s largest audit, tax and consulting firms. The firm offers tailored solutions to a broad range of publicly- and privately-held organizations across a wide range of industries, government agencies, financial institutions, and civic and religious organizations. With revenues of $1.97 billion, 51 offices, and more than 9,000 problem-solvers across the U.S., the firm is also the largest member of the Grant Thornton International Ltd global network.

In pursuit of Grant Thornton’s purpose to make business more personal and build trust into every result, Grant Thornton consultants focus on relationships, quality and comprehensive service. The firm has experienced professionals in almost 20 industry groups who consult on nearly every aspect of business, from finance and technology to operations and compliance as well as risk mitigation, mergers and acquisitions, strategy, cybersecurity and workforce management. Further, Grant Thornton consultants are consistently awarded with some of the industry’s top accolades.

The firm’s commitment to client relationships is only matched by a commitment to its people. Grant Thornton’s award-winning, people-first culture prioritizes mentorship and colleague care, and the firm continuously reviews and enhances its benefits to ensure it promotes work-life balance and strengthens every aspect of its colleagues’ health.

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Technology and management consulting firm Kenway specializes in technology solution delivery, enterprise program leadership, and information insight. Founded in June of 2004 on the core principles of being good and being truthful, the firm has a resolute vision "to transform business by doing what is right," with a critical stated focus on helping businesses achieve their objectives through the enablement and enhancement of both process and technology.

The "doing what is right" credo permeates its firm culture, leading Kenway to continually be included in the top ranks of best companies for work-life balance listings. This includes placing in Best Places To Work In Chicago in 2020 and 2021 and being honored as one of the Best and Brightest Companies to Work For by the National Association for Business Resources for four consecutive years.

The firm’s banner Technology Solution Delivery capability is how it enables people and processes via strength of technology. This features the establishment and alignment of overall IT strategy with a client’s business strategy, and further delves into formation of solution architecture, design, and development for custom-built or enterprise package solutions.

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Serving more than 50% of the S&P 500, corporate recovery specialist Kroll, LLC is no stranger to receiving honors for being one of the top consulting firms in the world. Established in 1932 as Duff & Phelps, the firm has since added more than 30 complimentary companies to its robust portfolio. This includes the 2018 acquisition of Kroll, which was used in the firm's renaming process that was completed in 2022. The acquisition valued Kroll at just north of $4 billion.

Headquartered in New York City, the firm now has nearly 5,000 employees across 30 countries and territories. Over the years, Kroll has been hired by multinational corporations and governments alike to investigate a wide range of issues. Kroll advises clients in the key areas of valuation, corporate finance, disputes and investigations, cyber security, and regulatory issues – but the firm is arguably best known for its work in administration processes.

top consulting firms in education sector

Pharma consultancy Putnam Associates – rebranded Putnam last year– made headlines in 2019 when it was acquired by healthcare giant UDG in an $88 million deal, which has allowed Putnam to strengthen its foothold in the rapidly expanding life sciences industry. Since being launched in 1998, the firm has grown significantly, and now has over 200 employees across offices in Boston, London, New York, and San Francisco.

Unlike many consulting firms, it's a specialist, and tends to focus on a wide spectrum of areas within the life sciences industry. That's good news for its client roster, which has grown steadily to include 19 of the top 20 global biopharmaceutical companies. Meanwhile, Putnam has also become the strategic partner of choice for venture-backed biotech companies, franchises, and a range of others in the life sciences space. In 2021, Putnam received numerous top honors, including being ranked by Vault as the #1 Consulting Firm for Health and Wellness.

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Stax is a global management consulting firm serving corporate and private equity clients across a broad range of industries including software/technology, healthcare, business services, industrial, consumer & retail, and education. The firm partners with clients to provide data-driven, actionable insights designed to drive growth, enhance profits, increase value, and make better investment decisions.

Stax was founded in Boston in 1994 and currently boasts more than 180 professionals in offices in Boston, Chicago, New York, and Colombo, Sri Lanka. It is proud to have established relationships spanning over two decades or longer with public and private corporations, private equity firms, their portfolio operations groups, and portfolio companies. About 25% of its work comes from clients in Europe and Asia and 40% has a major international component.

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By the latest reckonings, Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) is the largest and most valuable IT services provider in the world. It’s no understatement to say that the Mumbai-based firm possesses top-level talent on a wide variety of IT services, but it is perhaps best known for its work in application development and management as well as its work in enterprise solutions and outsourcing – particularly its lauded enterprise application TCS Crystallus.

With nearly 300 offices and 150 delivery centers worldwide, TCS has posted impressive financial gains even during the time of COVID-19, with operating income in excess of $6 billion as of 2021. TCS cloud platforms are fostering development across Asia, and the firm’s ADD Safety software was recently granted an award for using AI to radically improve pharmacological outcomes.

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Based in Morrisville, North Carolina, Syneos Health is a biopharmaceutical solutions management consulting firm making waves in the life sciences industry. It was created in 2017 from the merger of INC Research and inVentiv Health – the parent company of a subsidiary, Syneos. The firm’s current name is intended to communicate the value of helping customers on both the clinical and commercial side.

Following the merger, more than 27,000 talented Syneos Health individuals now form one unique brand that offers a mix of research and advisory services. The pitch seems to be working, as Syneos Health continues to grow and currently boasts customers in more than 110 countries. In 2021, the firm reported annual revenue of $5.21 billion, a roughly 18.1% increase over the $4.42 billion it reported in 2020.

top consulting firms in education sector

The Bridgespan Group is a U.S. nonprofit organization launched in 1999 and based in Boston, Massachusetts that provides management consulting to nonprofits and philanthropists. In addition to consulting, Bridgespan makes case studies freely available on its website and publications. It’s stated mission is to build a better world by strengthening the ability of mission-driven organizations and philanthropists to achieve breakthrough results in addressing society’s most important challenges and opportunities.

Bridgespan was founded by Thomas Tierney, formerly Managing Director of Bain & Company; Harvard Business School professor Jeffrey Bradach; and Paul Carttar, formerly a Vice President at Bain & Company. Over the years, the organization has received substantial support from Bain, with whom it has maintained a close relationship. It specializes in helping clients to affect the greatest possible change with their charitable donations, and advises clients against spreading donations too thinly so "that they have no real impact. Bridgespan has advised the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Ford Foundation, and Bloomberg Philanthropies.

top consulting firms in education sector

Founded in 1991 by Andy Rolfe, who formerly worked for Andersen Consulting, The Keystone Group is a results-oriented management consulting firm serving mid-market manufacturing and distribution clients and their stakeholders. With offices in Atlanta, Chicago, and Los Angeles, its small, experienced teams create value for clients through growth strategy, operational improvement, financial restructuring, and acquisition integration. With active partner engagement, Keystone’s teams develop and implement recommendations to address its clients’ most complex business challenges.

Rolfe founded Keystone with the goal of creating a firm that placed service to its clients above its own interests. He believed that if his firm always strove to do what was best for its clients, it would in turn end up working out well for the firm. Since 1991, the firm has been working side-by-side with clients, fostering long-term relationships and delivering tangible, sustainable results. In 2021, Keystone was recognized as a top consulting firm to work for in Vault's 2021 Consulting Firm Rankings.​ It was named the #13 Best Consulting Firm, #4 Best Boutique Consulting Firm, and #1 for Best Firm Culture.

top consulting firms in education sector

Boutique strategy consulting firm Kaiser Associates was founded in 1981 with a basic but perceptive mission of helping executives follow through on informed strategic and operational decisions by incorporating external insight and analysis. From the firm’s outset, it has specialized in and set the operational standard for steering fact-based strategy and implementation.

Kaiser Associates was founded as a spin-off from Strategic Planning Associates (now Oliver Wyman) by Michael Kaiser and is now based both in Washington D.C., and London, with a third office in São Paulo. Featuring an unparalleled 360° research capability as well as rigorous analytic capabilities, the firm has earned a stellar reputation due to its benchmarking, competitive analysis, ability to listen to the voice of the customer, commercial diligence, work supporting investment decisions, and other externally driven strategic development work. The firm is a preferred thought partner to the world’s most highly valued corporations, PE firms, and government entities, guiding them in turning their most difficult obstacles into extraordinary growth and productivity opportunities.

top consulting firms in education sector

Founded in 1989, Cornerstone Research is a litigation consulting firm based in San Francisco, California. Cornerstone Research provides economic and financial analysis and expert testimony to attorneys, corporations, and government agencies involved in complex litigation and regulatory proceedings. The firm prides itself on its creative and energetic staff, cutting-edge technology and research, and its work with academic and industry experts. Cornerstone boasts a workforce of more than 700 professionals across eight offices in the United States and United Kingdom.

Cornerstone also collaborates on the "Securities Class Action Clearinghouse" in conjunction with the Stanford University Law School, providing summary information regarding federal class action securities litigation in the U.S. The firm was recognized in the 2021 Vault Consulting 50 list of the best consulting firms to work for.

top consulting firms in education sector

Global consulting firm Huron Consulting pledges to deliver sustainable, long-lasting results to its clients, providing deep expertise in advisory services covering technology, strategy, operations, and analytics to drive results in industries such as higher education, healthcare, commerce, and life sciences. The firm also offers guidance and support to organizations as they navigate the changes transforming their industries and businesses. Huron, which was founded in Chicago, Illinois 20 years ago, has just under 4,000 employees across 25 locations in North America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific.

Huron Consulting specializes in helping its client organizations navigate change and economic pressures in various dynamic environments. Since the firm’s founding just after the turn of the century, it has provided guidance for more than 450 health systems, hospitals, and academic medical centers as well as approximately 400 colleges, universities, and research institutions and over 125 life sciences organizations. Huron’s client base also features hundreds of Fortune 500 companies as well as small and midsize businesses. With the consultation of Huron, clients have been empowered to improve performance, resolve disputes, leverage technology, comply with complex regulations, recover from distress, and stimulate expeditious growth.

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Founded in Boston, Massachusetts in 2007, ClearView Healthcare Partners is a global strategy consulting firm serving the life sciences sector. ClearView combines international industry knowledge and deep scientific expertise across a range of therapeutic areas with an extensive network of external stakeholders to deliver practical and actionable recommendations. The firm’s projects include cross-functional support at the corporate, franchise, and product levels for pharmaceutical, biotech, medical device, and diagnostics companies worldwide.

ClearView is a boutique firm with a workforce of more than 400 professionals across offices in Boston, San Francisco, London, and Zurich, Switzerland. The firm’s clients include a broad range of operating companies in the life sciences, from medical device and pharmaceutical companies to investors in the life sciences fields. Among other awards, they were recognized in the 2021 Vault Consulting 50 list of top employers.

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The Brattle Group provides consulting services and expert testimony in economics, finance, and regulation to corporations, law firms, and public agencies. It is distinguished by the clarity of its insights and the credibility of its experts, which include leading international academics and industry specialists. The firm has more than 500 employees across 13 offices in North America, Europe, and Asia.

The Brattle Group’s clients include many of the world’s best-performing and most admired companies, law firms, and industry organizations, as well as U.S. and international regulatory and government agencies. 80% of AmLaw 100 firms, 50% of Fortune 100 companies, and 25% of Fortune 500 companies use The Brattle Group’s expert services. Each year, the firm presents the Brattle Prize at the American Finance Association's annual meeting. The award is given for outstanding papers on corporate finance published in the Journal of Finance.

top consulting firms in education sector

The Chartis Group is at the vanguard of healthcare, helping leading healthcare organizations navigate the future of care delivery. It is the nation’s leading healthcare advisory firm and has an unparalleled breadth of capabilities and depth of experience. From reshaping the healthcare ecosystem, to redefining how care is delivered and financed, Chartis helps its clients achieve meaningful and lasting results.

The Chartis Group consists of more than 550 talented professionals across four offices in Boston, Chicago, New York, and San Francisco with the experience and capabilities required to transform healthcare. 90% of the hospitals on the "Best Hospitals Honor Roll” by U.S. News & World Report work with the firm, and it serves more than 600 healthcare organizations annually. It has also been the recipient of numerous awards and recognitions, including being named one of Modern Healthcare’s Best Places to Work 2021 and Best in KLAS in four different categories in 2022: Healthcare Management Consulting, Digital Transformation Consulting, HIT Advisory Services, and Financial Improvement Consulting.

top consulting firms in education sector

Serving a bevy of global brands and leading law firms from its offices in Boston, San Francisco, New York City, and Seattle, Keystone Strategy provides strategy and economics consulting fueled by an entrepreneurial spirit as well as dedication to collaborating with clients and peers. Keystone’s rich expertise in strategy, economics, data analysis, product development, intellectual property, and antitrust make it stand out in the consulting industry. The firm teams up with a multitude of Fortune 50 technology companies as well as global consumer brands such as Facebook, GE, Intel, Roche, Amazon, Microsoft, and Oracle.

Keystone combines the strategic insights of leading academic experts from Harvard, Stanford, MIT, Wharton, and other top universities with the practical industry expertise of its accomplished network of professionals to deliver extraordinary impact. Its diverse teams leverage expertise in business, technology, and economics, and as a result, their work includes digital transformation, innovation, AI/ML, data analytics, algorithms, ecosystem strategy, process optimization, antitrust, intellectual property, and tax transfer expertise.

top consulting firms in education sector

Described by The New York Times as "one of the country’s oldest and best-known economic consultancies,” NERA Economic Consulting, Inc. is the go-to consulting firm for many high-profile disputes and legal cases around the globe. NERA was launched in 1961 as National Economic Research Associates. Notably, it was the first consulting firm dedicated to methodically applying rigorous microeconomic thought to litigation and regulatory matters. As such, its consultants use hard economic data to make their case, drawing on the firm’s expertise in fields like statistics and computer science.

Currently, NERA employs more than 500 professionals, including 425 economists, who provide a plethora of services – from creating strategies to providing expert testimony and policy recommendations – for corporations, government authorities, and the world’s leading law firms. Since 1983, when NERA was acquired, it has remained a part of the Oliver Wyman Group, a subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan Companies, Inc. In 2018, NERA was ranked second in Vault's annual survey of the top firms in economic consulting.

top consulting firms in education sector

Founded in 1990, Insigniam handles enterprise-scale transformation, transformational leadership, and managing change as a leading management consulting firm. Insigniam’s organization transformation service holds a core value proposition of enabling clients to “build a bond and collaboration” amongst their people. The firm invests deeply in training and fostering entrepreneurship in its own employees so they can bring the most impactful solutions to clients. Insigniam’s belief is that culture fuels strategy.

The firm categorizes its consulting methodology into four areas: reveal, unhook, invent, and implement. This helps to ensure that all breakthrough, innovation, and transformation initiatives are truly led by client leadership and their employees, making it clear that capabilities and competencies are to be developed in tandem within the organization. Insigniam partners with its clients to blend inherent business insights with its expert, unique methods for alternative thinking, sculpting behavior, and execution of results.


Copyright:   The Top 50 Consulting Firms of 2022 publication is copyrighted material, produced and published by The Consulting Report. For information pertaining to content permissions, please refer to The Consulting Report’s award usage regulations .


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Education consulting market size is set to grow by usd 771.98 million from 2024-2028, rising demand for customized learning to boost the market growth, technavio.

NEW YORK , May 31, 2024 /PRNewswire/ -- The global   education consulting market    size is estimated to grow by USD 771.98 million from 2024-2028, according to Technavio. The market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of  5.78%  during the forecast period.

For more insights on the forecast market size and historic data (2018 - 2022) -  Download Free sample report in minutes  

Key Market Trends Fueling Growth

The integration of advanced technologies like digital badging and micro-credentials in education is transforming assessment methods in educational institutions. Pearson's introduction of digital credentials in higher education is an example. These technologies enhance student performance, enable teacher monitoring, and promote authentic outcomes.

Balanced assessments, facilitated by learning management systems and content management systems, analyze academic and non-academic student performance. This evolution positively impacts the global educational consulting market, improving the alignment of teaching facilities with student learning needs.

The education consulting market is experiencing significant growth, with a focus on digital learning and development. Firms provide services such as curriculum design, teacher training, and technology implementation. Consumer demand for personalized education plans and online courses is increasing. Firms use platforms for delivering content and assessing student progress. They also offer consulting services for schools and universities on technology integration and policy development.

The trend towards remote learning and the need for educational equity are driving market expansion. Firms help institutions adapt to these changes and provide solutions for students of all backgrounds. The use of artificial intelligence and machine learning in education is also gaining traction. Firms offer services to implement these technologies and help schools and students make the most of them.

Market Challenges

The global education consulting market may face challenges due to the growing availability of free or low-cost open educational resources and massive open online courses. Open access resources, such as full open access and self-archiving, are reducing the need for consulting services. MOOCs offer free courses in various fields, impacting the demand for education consulting. Despite the benefits of flexibility and cost-effectiveness, the absence of certification in many MOOCs remains a concern.

The education consulting market faces several challenges in delivering effective solutions to clients. These include the need for customized approaches in a diverse student population, keeping up with technological advancements, ensuring regulatory compliance, and providing affordable solutions for all income levels. Additionally, the increasing competition in the market requires consultants to differentiate themselves through innovative programs and personalized services.

Furthermore, the constant evolution of education policies and trends necessitates staying informed and adaptable to remain competitive. Overall, the education consulting industry requires a strong understanding of the unique needs of each client and the ability to provide tailored solutions to overcome these challenges.

Research report provides comprehensive data on impact of trend, driver and challenges -   Download Free sample report in minutes  

Segment Overview 

1.2 Higher education

2.2 Offline

3.1 North America

3.4 South America

3.5 Middle East and Africa

1.1 K-12-  The K-12 educational sector is experiencing growth due to the rising number of institutions and the adoption of interactive learning methods. Students are seeking education consulting services to help navigate this new approach. Innovative content packages and government support for virtual schools are driving the demand for digital educational publishing. This trend is expected to boost the K-12 segment in the global education consulting market during the forecast period.

For more information on market segmentation with geographical analysis including forecast (2024-2028) and historic data (2018 - 2022)  - Download a Sample Report

Research Analysis

The Education Consulting Market encompasses a wide range of services for K-12 Students, Educators, Schools, and Institutions. Our expertise lies in Curriculum Development and Assessment Services, utilizing both Online and Offline methods. We offer Assessment methods based on Digital Badges and Micro Credentials, enhancing the recognition of Educational Institutions.

Our Instructional Design team specializes in Assessment and Evaluation, while providing Teacher Training and leveraging Educational Technology. We cater to Clients from Colleges, Government Departments, Non-Profit Organizations, and Private Corporations, delivering Customized Solutions and Remote Learning Methods for Course Development.

Market Research Overview

The Education Consulting Market encompasses a range of services aimed at enhancing educational institutions and individual learners. These services include strategic planning, curriculum development, accreditation, student recruitment, and technology integration. The market caters to various sectors, including K-12 schools, higher education institutions, and corporate training. The demand for education consulting is driven by the increasing competition in the education sector, the need for academic excellence, and the integration of technology in learning.

The market is expected to grow significantly due to the rising awareness of the benefits of professional education consulting services. The use of advanced technologies, such as artificial intelligence and machine learning, is also transforming the education consulting landscape. Overall, the Education Consulting Market plays a crucial role in shaping the future of education by providing expert guidance and innovative solutions.

Table of Contents:

1 Executive Summary 2 Market Landscape 3 Market Sizing 4 Historic Market Size 5 Five Forces Analysis 6 Market Segmentation

7 Customer Landscape 8 Geographic Landscape 9 Drivers, Challenges, and Trends 10 Company Landscape 11 Company Analysis 12 Appendix

About Technavio

Technavio is a leading global technology research and advisory company. Their research and analysis focuses on emerging market trends and provides actionable insights to help businesses identify market opportunities and develop effective strategies to optimize their market positions.

With over 500 specialized analysts, Technavio's report library consists of more than 17,000 reports and counting, covering 800 technologies, spanning across 50 countries. Their client base consists of enterprises of all sizes, including more than 100 Fortune 500 companies. This growing client base relies on Technavio's comprehensive coverage, extensive research, and actionable market insights to identify opportunities in existing and potential markets and assess their competitive positions within changing market scenarios.

Technavio Research Jesse Maida Media & Marketing Executive US: +1 844 364 1100 UK: +44 203 893 3200 Email:  [email protected] Website:  www.technavio.com/

View original content to download multimedia: https://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/education-consulting-market-size-is-set-to-grow-by-usd-771-98-million-from-2024-2028--rising-demand-for-customized-learning-to-boost-the-market-growth-technavio-302159466.html

SOURCE Technavio

Top Education consulting firms in the UK 2023

What are the leading consulting firms in the UK for Education services? The top Education consulting firms in the UK ranking presents the region’s most trusted, expert and influential consultancy firms in the sector for the year 2023.

The ranking of consulting firms is based on the views of executives and consultants active in Education, as well as on assessments of Education capabilities, company reputation, analyst benchmarks, industry recognitions, thought leadership and more (see the methodology for details).

View all rankings:  Top consulting firms in the UK 2023 .

UK’s top consulting firms in the Education industry:

Diamond level.

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Platinum level

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Silver level

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Bronze level

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  2. Education Consulting and Strategy Services

    BCG serves as a thought leader and collaborator for prominent global education partners, delivering results including: Improving student-learning outcomes for 2.2 million students in India. Partnering with not-for-profit foundations—such as the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Walton Family Foundation —to strengthen education in the US.

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    McKinsey is committed to improving lifelong learning opportunities and outcomes around the globe by collaborating with clients on their top-of-mind issues while always keeping equity at the forefront. Our teams include former teachers, institutional leaders, policymakers, and researchers with deep expertise across all levels of education from ...

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    BCG's K-12 Transformation Framework. Our K-12 transformation framework helps schools rethink how they deliver K-12 education, by combining the drivers that directly impact student outcomes with the enabling elements, such as personalized learning, that create the right context for change. Our approach defines and enables the advances ...

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    To help bring the focus back to schools' core missions, Bain is helping institutions get back on the path to success: We are working to redesign the university model to make higher education a reality for more students across the US. We closely examine school operations and organizations to determine which administrative support functions, and ...

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    What the EY-Parthenon education strategy consulting team can do for you. The EY-Parthenon education consulting strategists are helping clients negotiate a sea change occurring across the education sector: new technologies and the global pandemic are influencing how and where students are taught; globalization is driving the need for new and different skill sets; shifting demographics are ...

  13. Education strategy consulting

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    An overview of large and boutique consulting firms that provide services to clients in the Education sector. Oliver Wyman. Procura Consulting. Alvarez & Marsal. Nextcontinent. Baker Tilly. Q5. L.E.K. Consulting. Cedar Management Consulting.

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  16. Social & Public Sector consulting / Nonprofit consulting

    Public Sector & Government. Government spending now represents about 20 percent of the $60 trillion total global economy. Bain works with national and regional governments, city municipalities, quasi-government agencies such as development funds and trade associations as well as government-owned companies to realize their economic and social goals.

  17. Our People

    PartnerDubai. Shapes economic and human capital development strategies to boost growth and create jobs. Leads McKinsey's Education Practice in the Middle East and co-leads our Global Economic Development Practice. Meet our Education leaders and experts.

  18. Education

    Together with KPMG's network of member firms, the Global Education practice provides Tax, Audit (internal and external) and Advisory services in business transformation, new models of delivery and quality improvement, and cost reduction and efficiency improvement reviews. We offer tailored solutions and practical advice to meet the unique needs ...

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    L.E.K. Consulting. L.E.K. Consulting is a management consulting firm founded in 1983 by three individual partners from Bain & Company: James Lawrence, Iain Evans, and Richard Koch. The company's primary service lines consist of corporate strategy, mergers and acquisitions, and operations.

  20. The Top 50 Consulting Firms of 2022

    Established in 1997, CSG recently celebrated 25 years serving as a trusted advisor to the public sector. Along with being named one of The Consulting Report's Top 50 Consulting Firms of 2022, CSG has also been named one of America's Best Management Consulting Firms five years in a row (2018-2022) by Forbes magazine. 32.

  21. Top Education / Academia AI (Artificial Intelligence) Consultants

    The leading consultants, companies, and consulting firms that specialize in AI for education and academia are helping institutions and educators improve learning and research. Companies and institutions looking for top AI talent need the best resources they can find to seek out that talent. The Value of AI Consultants and Companies in Education

  22. Education consulting firms in the USA

    In the USA there are dozens, if not hundreds, of consulting firms that advise and support clients in the Education sector. These firms can be global and large international consultancy groups that have a Education consulting practice in the USA, large or mid-sized domestic USA consulting companies, or boutique and niche consultancies that are highly specialised in the Education industry.

  23. Education Consulting Market size is set to grow by USD 771.98 million

    The global education consulting market size is estimated to grow by USD 771.98 million from 2024-2028, according to Technavio. The market is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 5.78% during the ...

  24. Top Education consulting firms in the UK 2023

    The top Education consulting firms in the UK ranking presents the region's most trusted, expert and influential consultancy firms in the sector for the year 2023. The ranking of consulting firms is based on the views of executives and consultants active in Education, as well as on assessments of Education capabilities, company reputation ...

  25. Education Consulting Market size is set to grow by USD 771.98 million

    The Education Consulting Market encompasses a wide range of services for K-12 Students, Educators, Schools, and Institutions. Our expertise lies in Curriculum Development and Assessment Services ...

  26. Job Rankings by Public Sector Consulting

    A regular in the #1 spot in our rankings of top HR Consulting firms, Mercer is arguably the top global consulting leader in talent, health, retirement, and investments. The firm is a subsidiary of Marsh & McLennan, a global professional services firm in the areas of risk, strategy, and people. View Profile. 2.61% of Votes.