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Resume Format: What’s The Best Resume Format For 2024? (+Resume Templates)

  • Klara Cervenanska , 
  • Updated January 16, 2024 6 min read

Different resume formats are best-suited for different kinds of job seekers , depending on their experience level or what they want to achieve.

The three most commonly used resume formats are:

  • Chronological
  • Combination (hybrid)

By choosing a suitable format, you can easily steer the HR manager's attention to certain sections and away from others.

Whether you’re a recent graduate, an experienced professional, or someone looking to change careers, there’s a format that will help highlight your unique strengths, qualifications, and work history.

This article will explore the different types of resume formats, help you decide which one is right for YOU, and show you examples of well-formatted resumes that you can use as your first draft. 

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Three standard resume formats

How to choose the best resume format for you, how to organize each resume format, fresher resume format , tips for how to format any resume, key takeaways: choosing the best resume format in 2024.

There are three standard resume formats that are most commonly used when applying for jobs:

  • Chronological resume
  • Functional resume
  • Combination (hybrid) resume

Each of them has different attributes and serves a different purpose. Here's a chart with a quick overview of each format .

Chronological resume format 

The chronological resume format is the most widely used of the bunch. In fact, if you try to think of a traditional resume, you probably think of one written in this format. 

What's the main focus of a chronological resume?

This format puts the most emphasis on your work experience section , which should form the bulk of your resume. The individual work experiences should be listed in reverse chronological order (from most recent to oldest). Apart from the names and dates, include a list of your tasks, key (quantifiable) accomplishments, and skills/knowledge gained from the job.

Who is a chronological resume for?  

  • Experienced professionals who have a steady work history and are looking for another job in the same field.  
  • Those with no (or few) periods of unemployment . 
  • Those who want to demonstrate their career growth and highlight their promotions or achievements. 

Here's an example:

Chronological resume template

This job seeker has 4+ years of experience in the given industry, making them an experienced professional. The work experience section is the main focus of this resume and apart from the key information about the employer, they also include a list of their tasks, quantifiable achievements, and other accomplishments.

This resume was written by our experienced resume writers specifically for this profession.

Functional resume format

A functional resume is a lot less common than its chronological counterpart. However, it still has a place in the recruitment process and can be an ideal option for certain people. It's also referred to as a skills based resume, and here's why.

What's the main focus of a functional resume?

The functional resume format highlights your relevant and transferable skills and accomplishments, rather than focusing on your chronological work history. The skills section should be placed at the top of your resume and be quite detailed.

Who is a functional resume for?

  • It's typically used by job seekers who have gaps in their employment history (e.g. when coming back from a leave of absence or maternity leave).
  • For job seekers who are changing careers , or have limited work experience (like recent graduates ). 

Functional resume template

This is a perfect example of how a functional resume can make up for the lack of work experience. This person is a student, which is why they don't have much work experience.

Hence, the skills section is right at the top of their resume. It's also divided into 3 categories to really highlight their capabilities. The profile section nicely complements it, touching upon some of the transferable skills.

Combined resume format

Finally, this combined resume format (also called a hybrid format) combines several aspects of the chronological and functional resume formats. Thanks to its versatility, it helps you incorporate a variety of sections into a single document.

What's the main focus of a combined resume?

As the name suggests, this resume format combines the best of both worlds. It places equal focus on work experience and skills and also engages the reader with a professional summary . It allows you to effectively highlight your diverse skill set and demonstrate it in the work experience section. 

Who is a combined resume for?  

  • It's suitable for anyone who has both relevant work experience and skills that they want to emphasize on their resume. 
  • Professionals who are transitioning between similar roles or industries may also find this format very effective. 
  • It's perfect for those changing careers with transferable skills, such as project management, communication, or leadership, that may be applicable to multiple fields. 

Combined resume template

This is an exemplary combination resume. Right at the top is a resume summary that engages the reader. The work experience and skills sections form the bulk of this resume and are both very elaborate. Finally, the person also added a volunteering and certificates section as a cherry on top. 

Combination resume template

Consider these key things to pick the resume format that best tells your story:

  • Are you a seasoned professional looking to stay in the same field? If so, go for a chronological resume. A combined resume is also an option. 
  • Are you a fresh graduate? Then use a functional resume to highlight any transferable skills you’ve acquired during your studies or internships.
  • Do you have less than 2 years of experience? A functional or combined resume are the most suited.
  • Are you changing careers? A combination and functional resume formats will produce the best results. 
  • Are there any gaps in your employment? If the gap is short, opt for a combination resume. If it's longer, a functional resume is the better option. 
  • Looking to get a promotion or grow your career? A combination or chronological resume will work best. 

Furthermore, think about which sections you’d like to emphasize. Is it your recent work history? Or would you rather emphasize your hard skills? Or both at the same time?

The modern combination resume is likely to be the most effective resume format to use in 2024 , as it allows you to display all of your skills , qualifications , and past work experience . However , the best resume format remains one that best showcases your unique career path and objectives.

This flowchart will help you with your decision-making if you're more of a visual person:

Each resume, despite what format it uses, should include a few key resume sections . 

However, depending on which resume format you choose, the order and content of those sections will vary. 

With Kickresume's resume builder , you can re-order your resume sections however you want them. Simply click on Re-order (left from the resume sections) and drag them to the desired order. 

Let's have a look at how to order the sections in each resume format:

How is a chronological resume organized?

  • Contact information. First, include your name, email, location, and LinkedIn profile . 
  • Professional summary. Briefly reflect on the most relevant qualifications and experience.
  • Work experience. It should be very detailed. Include all key information about employers, dates, your daily tasks, as well as your key accomplishments, quantifiable achievements, and any knowledge/skills acquired.
  • Education. Mention the name of the institution, dates, courses, and relevant projects.
  • Skills. Mention your main skills, but there's no need to go into too much detail.
  • Optional sections*. These include awards , certifications, references, volunteering, etc.

*Include any optional sections that are relevant to the job or if it's anything you want to highlight. 

How is a functional resume organized?

  • Contact information. Name, email, location, LinkedIn profile, or other relevant socials.
  • Resume objective. It briefly states your career goals and creates a connection between your skills and abilities and the position you're applying for. 
  • Skills. Carefully study the job description and think of skills that are desirable. If you have any, list them. In addition to listing the skills, you should also describe how you've used (or gained) them. Some of the best transferable skills to have include conflict resolution, critical thinking, and technical skills.
  • Work experience. List the job titles and dates and add a key accomplishment (1 bullet point).
  • Education. Names, dates, courses, and relevant projects.
  • Optional sections*. These include awards, certifications, references , volunteering, etc.

How is a combined resume organized?

  • Contact information. Include your name, email, location, and LinkedIn profile. 
  • Professional summary. A concise overview of your experience and accomplishments.
  • Skills. Study the job description and try to cherry-pick the most relevant skills. Ideally, divide them into soft & hard skills.
  • Work experience. In reverse-chronological order, include all of the key information about the employers, the dates, your daily tasks, key (quantifiable) accomplishments, and any knowledge/skills acquired. You shouldn't be repetitive, so try to vary the language. 
  • Other sections.  You should include another section that highlights your experience or is relevant to the job. These include: awards , certifications , professional references , publications , etc.

Need help with writing your resume?

Create your resume with AI in seconds thanks to our GPT-4 powered writer.

And what if you're still a student or you're a graduate fresh out of college? Well, then you should prioritize your education section by placing it before work experience . 

In the education section, make sure to highlight relevant coursework and other projects that demonstrate the skills and attributes the hiring managers are looking for and are relevant for the specific job or internship.

Provided that you don’t have much professional experience, consider adding a section about volunteer experiences or extracurricular activities that demonstrate your capabilities.

Here's a sample of a fresher resume format, belonging to a student hired for an internship at Philips:

Fresher resume template

This resume sample was contributed by a real person who got hired with Kickresume’s help.

Additionally, apart from choosing the right resume format, your overall resume formatting should also meet the standards. 

Here's a brief summary of the resume formatting recommendations:

  • Use a standard font. Ensure your resume is easy to read by using a standard font like Arial, Times New Roman, or Calibri and a font size of 11 to 12 points. 
  • Use bullet points. Use bullet points to make your resume easier to scan and highlight important information quickly. 
  • Think about the margins . Strike a good balance between not leaving too much white space and making your resume seem cluttered. 
  • Keep it to one-two pages . Unless you have extensive work experience, you should generally aim to keep your resume to one page. 
  • Consistency is key. In all aspects of your resume, including the spacing, font, margins, etc.
  • Use a professional template or layout which helps to structure the information effectively and makes it easy to read. 

However, if you don't want to bother with manually formatting your resume, you can opt for a pre-formatted resume template.

Kickresume offers resume templates that were carefully designed by professional typographers and approved by HR experts to create the perfect resume hassle-free and quickly.

All templates are already pre-formatted, so you can go directly to filling in the content.

Have a look at some resume templates that got the formatting just right and got hired by Accenture and Amazon :

Software Engineering Team Lead Resume (hired by Accenture)

Amazon systems administrator resume sample (hired by amazon).

In 2024, the modern combination resume may prove to be the most effective resume format  as it allows you to highlight your skills, qualifications, and past work experience all at once.

However, the most suitable resume format for you is one that best reflects your individual objectives and career stage.

Your ultimate goal is to help recruiters extract key information about you as quickly as possible. The resume format is the tool that helps you do that. 

What's more, the proper layout of a resume with well-defined individual sections will make your resume look good and professional.

Let’s recap 3 main points concerning the resume format:

  • Make that format choice. Think about things you’re proud of. Is it your extensive work history or a broad array of skills ? If it’s a no-brainer, use either a chronological or functional resume. If it's all closely intertwined, go for a combined resume format.
  • Put the best parts first. The top one-third of your resume is where the most important stuff is. Whether it’s your skills, work history, or education, make it stand out.
  • Use resume templates. These are already pre-formatted for you, and you can re-order the sections simply by dragging.

FAQ: Resume format

The combination resume is the most effective resume format  as it allows you to highlight your skills, qualifications, and past work experience all at once.

1. Include standard resume sections. Contact information, resume summary, work experience, education, skills. 2. Include optional resume sections. Awards, references, certifications, publications, projects, etc. 3. Choose a resume format. The three standard are: chronological, functional, combination. 4. Use bullet points. Use bullet points to make your resume easier to scan and highlight important information quickly.  6. Think about the margins . Strike a good balance between not leaving too much white space and making your resume seem cluttered.  7. Keep it to one-two pages . Unless you have extensive work experience, you should generally aim to keep your resume to one page.  8. Consistency is key. In all aspects of your resume, including the spacing, font, margins, etc. 9. Use a professional resume template or layout which helps to structure the information effectively and makes it easy to read. 

Here's what you should list for each reference: 1. Their full name 2. Their current job title and organization 3. Their contact details (email and phone number will do) 4. Your relationship with them (e.g., Former Supervisor)

This article was recently updated. The original article was written by Jakub Kaprál in 2020 .

Klara graduated from the University of St Andrews in Scotland. After having written resumes for many of her fellow students, she began writing full-time for Kickresume. Klara is our go-to person for all things related to student or 'no experience resumes'. At the same time, she has written some of the most popular resume advice articles on this blog. Her pieces were featured in multiple CNBC articles. When she's not writing, you'll probably find her chasing dogs or people-watching while sipping on a cup of coffee.

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The Best Resume Format: 20+ Examples + How-to Tips

How to format a resume the right way and how to choose the best of the three standard resume formats, depending on your current career circumstances. Plus, examples of well-formatted resumes you can steal.

what is standard resume format

The term “resume format” might mean different things: 

  • For some, it’s about the nuts and bolts of the document—things like margins, fonts, overall structure.
  • For others, it’s about picking the right type of the three standard resume formats—reverse-chronological, functional (skills-based), or combination (hybrid).
  • Then there are those who think of “format” as the visual design and layout of a resume.

Whichever of those aspects of resume formatting you’re curious about, you’ll get all the answers you need here.

In this guide:

  • How to format your resume to make it readable and professional.
  • Which resume format to choose, based on your current career situation.
  • Recent resume formatting trends you should know (and not always follow).

Just came here for the TL;DR version? Here it goes.

Short answer:

  • Consistency is the most important aspect of resume formatting. Use a standard font like Arial, Calibri, Helvetica, Georgia, or Garamond. Use 10–12 pt font for the main body and 14–16 pt for headings. Set line spacing for 1–1.15 and margins not below 0.5 inches. For dates, choose one date format and stick to it.
  • To save time and effort and make sure your resume looks just right, use an online resume builder. Obviously, I’d love you to take Rezi for a spin because we’re strongly focused on ATS-compliant formats, but if you want alternatives, Wozber, FlowCV, and Teal are also worth a try.
  • The reverse-chronological resume format is a safe choice for all jobseekers and the best choice for 9 out of 10 candidates. 
  • If you’re fresh out of school and have no work history to showcase, still use the reverse-chronological resume, just put your education section above the work experience part. 
  • The combination format might work if you’re changing careers, but only if you’ve had a lot of professional experience in that previous field.
  • The functional resume format is usually too risky. Use at your own peril. The only scenario where it might be okay is if you’re applying for a highly-creative role and your portfolio matters more than your resume.

How to Format a Resume?

  • Set margins for 1 inch. If a few lines spill over to the next page, you can make your margins slightly smaller, but not smaller than 0.5 inches.
  • If you have less than 5 years of experience, make your resume one-page. Two-page resumes are fine for mid-level to senior-level candidates.
  • Use one of the standard, recognizable fonts like Arial, Calibri, Merriweather, Helvetica, Georgia, or Garamond. You can use a different font for headings: a combo of serif and sans-serif fonts often looks better.
  • Go for 10–12 pt font for the main body and 14–16 pt for section headings.
  • Put essential information in bold but don’t overdo it—use it for things like company names, educational institutions, or certifications.
  • Use single or 1.15 line spacing for the main body, and 1.5–2.0 for the space between headings and sections.
  • Structure your sections in the following order: Contact Information, Summary, Work Experience, Education, Skills, Additional Sections (Certifications, Courses, Conference Participation, Volunteer Work, and similar).
  • Use bullet points to describe your duties and achievements in your work experience section. Use up to 7 bullet points per job—the more recent the position, the more bullets you can shoot for.
  • Save your resume as a PDF unless the job ad explicitly asks for a different file format. Name the file FirstName_LastName_Resume_TargetCompany , e.g., John_Doe_Resume_Apple.

Formatting your resume right won’t automatically get you hired. Formatting it wrong, though, will automatically get you rejected. 

It’s the bare minimum you need to take care of in your job application. So yeah, don’t mess it up.

These essentials make sure your resume isn’t just professional, but also easy to skim and visually appealing.

Set proper margins

Margins frame your resume, giving it a clean, organized look. Aim for one-inch margins all around. If you’re tight on space, you can squeeze them down a bit—just not below 0.5 inches to avoid a cramped look.

Use respectable fonts

Your choice of font matters a lot. Stick to clear, professional fonts like Arial, Calibri, Merriweather or Times New Roman. Keep the main text between 10 and 12 points, bumping up headings a bit to make them pop. The aim is clarity, ensuring anyone can easily read your resume.

Get your line spacing right

Good line spacing keeps your resume from looking like a wall of text. Use single spacing for your content, with a bit more space between sections (1.5 to 2.0) to break things up visually.

Use clear, descriptive headings

Headings guide readers through your resume, so they need to stand out. Whether you bold them or use a different font, keep it consistent. This helps employers quickly find what they’re looking for.

Put the sections in the right order

How you organize your resume sections can make a big difference. Kick off with your contact info and a punchy summary or objective. After that, what comes next depends on what you want to highlight. Usually, you’ll lead with your work experience, followed by education, skills, and any extra goodies like certifications or awards.

Use bullet points strategically

Avoid using paragraphs to describe previous experience. Bullet points are your best friend for listing achievements and responsibilities. Start each one with a dynamic action verb and, whenever you can, quantify your successes. This format is not just reader-friendly, it also shines a spotlight on your contributions.

Save your resume as a PDF

When saving your resume, PDF is usually your safest bet to keep the formatting consistent across different devices. Name your resume file clearly with your name and the word “resume,” like, John_Doe_Resume.pdf . 

For brownie points, you can add the name of the company you’re applying to: Michael_Tomaszewski_Resume_Rezi.pdf (to be frank, I never got to send one).

Understanding these formatting basics sets a solid foundation for your resume, making it look good and read well. 

But that’s the easy part. Here’s where things get a little more complicated (or do they?).

Which of the Three Resume Formats is the Best?

  • The three standard types of resume formats are: reverse-chronological (the most common one, focused on your work history), functional, AKA skills-based (focused on your skills), and combination (highlighting skills while tying them to professional experience).
  • Reverse-chronological resume format is the best choice for most candidates, no matter their industry or seniority level.
  • Combination resume format can work well for senior professionals with stellar achievements or for career-changers with extensive experience in their previous field.
  • Functional resume format is generally risky: most recruiters don’t like it, and it might not pass some ATS scans. You can get away with it when applying for creative roles, where your portfolio matters more than linear work experience.

I’ll go into details right below. But first, consult this handy flowchart.

A flowchart explaining which resume format to choose based on your career trajectory so far.

Below, I’ll break down the three main types to help you pick the best one for your current situation and career goals.

Reverse-chronological resume format

This is the go-to format for most jobseekers. Its main focus is in the work experience section, with jobs you’ve held listed in reverse-chronological order (starting with the current or most recent one, then working your way back in time).

This is the standard order of sections on a reverse-chronological resume:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Summary or Resume Objective
  • Work Experience
  • Additional sections (Publications, Courses, Certificates , Volunteer Work , Hobbies and Interests, and similar)

And here’s what a good reverse-chronological resume looks like.

Reverse-chronological resume sample

Reverse-chronological resume sample

Pros: it’s a recruiter- and ATS-friendly resume , highlighting your career progression and best achievements. It focuses exactly on what matters the most to potential employers.

Cons: if you’ve had plenty of success over many years of your professional career, some of the best bits might get lost between the cracks of a reverse-chronological resume.

This format is a no-brainer when you’ve had a straightforward career in the same field. 

That said, the reverse-chronological resume will work well even for career-changers, people with career gaps, or recent grads with little to no professional experience. 

Here’s why:

  • Career changers: write an effective reverse-chronological resume by expressing your desire for a career switch in the resume summary, then, focus on experience and skills that are transferable to the new industry.
  • Employment gaps: a 2014 study has shown that career gaps are far less significant to hiring decision-makers than you’d fear. As long as the gap has been followed by a period of continuous employment, it’s unlikely to bother your potential employer. The same goes for any gap shorter than 9 months. It shouldn’t even be called a “gap” in that case, you were just out of work for a while. Of course, you still need to explain the break, but something as straightforward as “Job Seeking” or “Break for Personal Reasons” will do the trick.
  • No relevant work history: still fresh out of school with no work experience? Put your “Education” section above your “Work Experience.” In the education section, elaborate on relevant coursework or extracurricular activities . As for the work experience, list anything that might count, even that part-time cafeteria job or volunteer work.

Note : more recent, post-pandemic studies suggest that Americans do display slightly negative sentiment towards those who were unemployed during the pandemic. That said, those surveys were run on general population, not hiring professionals, so take the results with a grain of salt.

Functional (skills-based) resume format

Here, you focus on your skills rather than when you worked where. 

It’s commonly advertised as *the* resume format for candidates with gaps in employment or who are switching careers and want to highlight transferable skills.

The twist is that, technically, you don’t even have to put in the dates next to your jobs. And that might sound really tempting to those of you who aren’t too confident about your career progression so far.

But it just doesn’t work like that. 

You’ll be much better off honestly addressing any irregularities in work history on your resume than trying to conceal those. A functional resume immediately raises questions.

Honestly, any time I had to write a sample functional resume to show that it MIGHT work, I always ended up creating something closer to a combination resume (more on that in a moment).

This is the standard order of sections on a functional resume:

  • Resume Objective
  • Skills Summary
  • Additional sections

Here’s what it looks like in practice.

Functional resume sample

Functional resume sample

Pros: it lets you play up your strengths and downplay less relevant positions. Can be a good choice for creative or artistic positions or when applying to small businesses.

Cons: recruiters aren’t fans because it can seem like you’re hiding something. It’s not great for dealing with ATS scans. It conceals what hiring decision-makers are interested in the most—your career progression.

If you’re dead set on using the functional resume format, by this point, I’ve probably run out of options to convince you otherwise. 

My final piece of advice: provide concrete examples that prove the skills you’re listing. And if you have an online portfolio, by all means include a link in the contact information section.

Combination (hybrid) resume format

Also called a chrono-functional resume. A mix of both worlds, this format showcases your skills upfront, followed by a reverse-chronological work history. It’s ideal for highly experienced senior candidates or career-changers who’ve had long stints of employment in their “previous” careers.

  • Extensive Skills Summary

Combination resume sample

combination resume sample

Pros: highlights your most important skills and achievements up top. The magic sauce is tying a skill you mention to concrete evidence from your work history.

Cons: it’s fairly difficult to write it well. The whole point is compiling the highlights from your career in the skills summary at the top, but you don’t want to repeat all that information all over again in the work experience section.

A great example of someone who benefited from a combination resume comes from my individual client from a few years back, we’ll call him Jose.

Jose had over a dozen jobs throughout his 20-year career. He wasn’t much of a job hopper, more like a jack of all trades, taking a part-time gig here and there or holding two jobs simultaneously at times. 

He spent most of his life as a goalkeeper coach for a soccer club in Florida. Jose also handled some promotional activities for the club, was responsible for fundraising, and worked as a sales rep for a niche goalkeeper gear manufacturer. He was looking for a job in sales. And—

As we started talking, I realized he was an amazing salesperson! 

For instance, he single-handedly closed a sponsorship deal with the then Real Madrid’s first-choice goalkeeper (to those of you in the US—trust me, that’s a huge name in Europe) despite competing with the Nikes and Adidases of this world, and other companies he wouldn’t have been able to outbid. He also did spectacularly well managing sales initiatives for the soccer club.

And yet, if two of his most recent job positions had just read “Head Goalkeeper Coach” and “Goalkeeper Coach,” all of those other relevant achievements would have gotten buried. And recruiters won’t dig for information they don’t have readily available at first glance. 

Long story short, we wrote a combination resume for Jose and quickly landed him his dream sales gig. If your current situation sounds even a bit similar, this might be your cue!

CV format vs. resume format

Just a quick note here. If you’re looking for a job in academia, none of the above holds true. You’ll need to follow a CV format—and it’s an entirely different document.

A CV (Curriculum Vitae) is not just a “fancy” resume. It’s way more detailed and used primarily in higher education teaching and research positions, covering your entire career. 

How to choose the best resume format for you?

Depending on your experience level:.

  • Entry-level with no experience: lean towards a modified reverse-chronological resume with the education section above the work experience.
  • Mid-level: use the reverse-chronological format, which showcases a solid work history and upward career trajectory.
  • Senior-level: go for a combination format as it allows you to display a rich mix of skills and impactful career milestones.
  • Career-changers: the combination format is a good bet, letting you emphasize relevant skills over past job titles. You can also use a reverse-chronological resume, but provide some context for your desire to change careers in the resume summary or resume objective.

Depending on other factors:

  • Linear work history: when you have a solid, consistent work history in the same field, use the reverse-chronological resume format. If your work history is varied with gaps or changes in career paths, a combination resume format might be better.
  • Your industry: creative fields are more open to unique formats and designs. For more traditional fields, stick to the basics of standard resume formatting and, ideally, use the reverse-chronological resume.
  • The role’s requirements: no matter the exact structure you end up using in your resume, always tailor any resume format to highlight the skills and experience that the role requires.

Here’s what you need to know about resume formatting and resume formats:

  • Make your resume presentable. Treat it as any other formal document. Use an elegant font, single line spacing, 1-inch margins, and clear, visually-distinct headings.
  • Always include the following sections: contact information, summary or objective, work experience, education, and skills.
  • It’s best practice to throw in additional sections that back your expertise up: certifications, conferences, publications, volunteer work, projects, and similar.
  • There are three standard resume formats: reverse-chronological, functional, and combination.
  • The reverse-chronological resume is the best pick for a majority of candidates.
  • Senior candidates or career-changers with a rich history of employment can benefit from using the combination resume format.
  • Functional resumes are a less-than-perfect choice. They’re not exactly ATS-friendly, and they conceal some of the most important information.

Thanks a ton for reading and, as always, keeping my fingers crossed for your job hunt! Got any questions unanswered? Check out the FAQs below or hit me up via a DM on LinkedIn, always happy to talk careers!

Should my resume be one page?

For most early-career professionals, keeping your resume to one page is ideal. It forces you to highlight your most relevant experiences and skills. However, if you’re a mid- to senior-level professional with extensive experience relevant to the job you’re applying for, it’s acceptable to extend to two pages. The key is relevance and value—every section should add something meaningful.

How do I create an outline for my resume?

Start by listing the essential sections: Contact Information, Summary or Objective, Work Experience, Education, Skills, and any other relevant sections like Certifications or Projects. Next, under each category, bullet point the items you plan to include, focusing on achievements and skills. Adjust the order based on the resume format you choose and what you want to emphasize most.

What’s the best resume format for college students?

College students often benefit from a modified reverse-chronological format with education placed above work experience. It allows you to highlight your academic projects, and extracurricular activities, especially if you lack formal work experience. However, if you’ve had significant internships or relevant work, a traditional reverse-chronological format that showcases this experience can also work well.

Can I include a picture on my resume?

Generally, it’s best to avoid including a picture on your resume, especially for jobs in the US and UK, where it can actually work against you due to anti-discrimination laws. However, there are exceptions based on industry (like acting) or geographic location (some countries outside the US expect a photo). Always research the norms for your specific situation.

What’s the best resume format for ATS scans?

A reverse-chronological format is the safest bet for ATS (Applicant Tracking Systems) because it’s straightforward and easy for the software to parse. Regardless of format, ensure your resume includes relevant keywords from the job description, uses standard headings (like “Work Experience”), and avoids overly complex layouts or elements that could confuse the ATS.

What should I always include on a resume ?

Always include your contact information, a summary or objective (tailored to the job), your work experience (with achievements and quantifiable results), your education, and relevant skills. Depending on the job, you might also include sections for certifications, languages, volunteer work, or projects. Remember, customization based on the job you’re applying for is key.

Rezi is an ai resume builder to help you to create a resume that os sure to check the boxes when it comes to applicant tracking systems : Rezi Review by Ashley

Michael Tomaszewski

Michael Tomaszewski, CPRW, is a resume and career advice expert with 7+ years of experience in the hiring industry. He has helped millions of readers and dozens of one-on-one clients create resumes and cover letters that *finally* do their talents and accomplishments justice.

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Best Resume Format for 2024 [Pros vs Cons]

  • December 4, 2023
  • In Resumes & Cover Letters

Resume Format Sections

Functional, chronological, or combination – which resume format is the right one for you? Your resume format should highlight the most important aspects of your resume and help you open doors to new career opportunities. With that in mind, let’s look at some of the crucial guidelines you should adhere to when choosing your resume format.

Table of Contents: 

  • What Resume Format Do Employers Prefer?
  • How to Choose a Resume Format that Supports Your Career Goals?
  • What Are the Main Types of Resume Formats?

Chronological Resume Format

Functional resume format.

  • Combination Resume Format
  • What Are the Best Practices for Formatting Your Resume?

Make effective font choices

Formatting your margins and spacing, choose an appropriate resume length, highlight your objective statement.

  • Apply effective graphic elements

What resume format do employers prefer?

Recruiters and employers have one simple question in mind – “Does this applicant match our requirements?” Unfortunately, the time they’re willing to spend finding that out has become vanishingly small.

How to choose the best resume format that supports your career goals?

There are many ways to organize the information on your resume, and no two resume formats will be the same. So, keep this in mind as you go through these guidelines. The resume format you choose should catch the reader’s attention and clarify that you are the perfect match for the position. It should highlight your achievements and deemphasize any aspects you don’t want the employer to focus on. When choosing your resume format, consider the employer’s needs, your experience, and qualifications for the job.

You should first decide whether you will use a chronological, functional, or combination format. Each of these has its benefits depending on your career level and background. Essentially, there is no single correct way to format a resume. For example, if you are switching careers, you may want to use a different format than someone who has gaps in employment. Mainly, the resume format you choose should reflect your personality and support your career goals. Here’s how to find the organizational approach that will help you achieve just that.

Resume Formats Strengths And Weaknesses 2021

What are the main types of resume formats?

Generally regarded as the most popular layout, this resume format lists your work history in reverse chronological order. The latest position is listed at the top, and jobs are listed backward until the very earliest. It also includes a summary or an objective and your education and credentials. This resume format is straightforward and easy to navigate for hiring managers. It highlights the progression of your career and puts the most timely and relevant experience at the top. Also, it is suitable for most positions and often required for teaching, government jobs, and similar.

  • Highlights the progression of responsibility throughout the career.
  • Preferred by recruiters, especially for executive and managerial positions.
  • Proves that you are experienced and qualified to take on the job.
  • Highlights well-known and impressive employers who will add weight to your credentials.
  • Perfect for demonstrating a stable work history.
  • Not suitable if you have gaps in employment, are changing careers, or have various experiences in many fields. In this case, you should consider either a functional or combination resume format.

The functional resume format is often referred to as skill-based, as it primarily highlights your skills. Rather than organizing information chronologically, the functional format emphasizes key skills listed in categorized sections. In turn, this style highlights your unique qualifications and expertise. Work experience is often omitted or downplayed. First, you list your best skills and then expand on them in a few concise sentences. Qualifications and accomplishments are also highlighted in this format. Work history, on the other hand, is only mentioned briefly at the bottom of the resume.

  • Perfect if you have gaps between jobs.
  • Suitable for those returning to a career after a prolonged time off for personal reasons.
  • Takes attention away from the limited experience of recent graduates and instead emphasizes valuable skills.
  • Suitable if applying for jobs in a new area due to moving or spouse relocation.
  • Deemphasizes upward career mobility and long-term experience.
  • Not suitable if you lack transferable or relevant skills.

As the name implies, the combined resume format blends the chronological and functional style. While not as popular as the first two, this format might be suitable if neither of the other two formats fits your needs. Essentially, the hybrid format combines the best parts of the chronological and functional format to create one that is customizable and effective. Typically, a hybrid resume format will put the critical skills and achievements at the top, followed by a chronologically ordered career history. This format is flexible, and you can customize it to highlight your best strengths.

  • Highlights both strong work history and key abilities along with accomplishments.
  • Perfect if you’re switching careers and have a work history that demonstrates your qualifications.
  • Longer than the chronological and functional format.
  • Lengthiness is sometimes seen as unfavorable by recruiters.
  • Can appear repetitive if the same skills and responsibilities appear in every position.

Things to keep in mind when choosing a resume format

Firstly, choose the format that’s correct for you. Secondly, add your content to build a compelling document. Thirdly, once it’s complete, follow the submission instructions specified.

  • Think about the extent of your experience. This will help you to choose the resume format that is right for you.
  • Think about your audience. Your resume may go through an applicant tracking system (ATS) initially. That means the chronological format is most easily read without errors. To make sure you include the right content, look at this best-practice advice .
  • Don’t use gimmicks. Use a design that looks professional, not garish. Pick your fonts, colors, and any graphic elements to look classy. A template produced by a professional designer is a great starting point. Choose from classic, modern, or elegant styling. We have a large selection of templates for you.
  • Do you include a headshot? This is a matter of personal choice. Sometimes a headshot is specifically asked for, in which case definitely add one. Our templates include variations to let you make the choice that is right for you. If you want more information on how to choose the right template, check out this article .

What are the best practices for formatting your resume?

  To keep your resume format from being overwhelming, avoid using more than two fonts per page. In general, you can use one font for headings and one for body text. To further improve the look of your resume, use the same font and size for every heading and the same font and size for all body text. Here, you can make an exception for your name, which can be larger than other headings. For body text, stick to a font size that falls between 10.5 and 12, and make sure you’re using a legible, professional font. Some of the best resume fonts are Helvetica, Calibri, Arial Narrow, and Georgia.

Related: 10 Best Fonts for a Resume in 2023

  White space is the key to improving the overall look and readability of your resume format. So, make sure to add sufficient line space and leave white space between the sections of your resume. To do this:

  • Use the Format – Paragraph – Spacing command in MS Word or a similar word processor.
  • When setting your margins, balance them so that there isn’t excessive space at the top or bottom of the page.
  • At the same time, leave enough margins that no text will get cut when printing the resume.

The standard margin size for professional documents is one inch on all sides.

Related:  Why is White Space on a Resume Important?

  In most cases, your resume should not be longer than one page. However, there are a few exceptions to this guideline. If you have ten or more years of experience relevant to the position you’re applying for, you may need more than one page to present it effectively. Similarly, if you’re applying for a management or executive-level position, you can include more relevant information. But in general, you should try and stick to one page only.

An objective statement is typically situated at the top of your resume under your name. In a sentence or two, it should summarize your career goals within the company. Although a professional summary sometimes replaces this, both are crucial elements of a good resume. In your objective statement, focus on what you want to achieve as part of the company rather than your overall career goals. To highlight this section, place it close to the top of your resume and use a clear heading to draw attention to it straight away.

Related:  Resume Objective for 2024: Writing Tips & Examples

Apply effective graphic elements 

Using bold or italicized text can help you draw the reader’s attention to specific elements of your resume, like sections or headings. Apart from that, they help make the resume easy to navigate and scan through. When listing your experience, skills, or education, use bullet points to communicate the details effectively. In general, you should use bullet points for any three or more pieces of information. If you have less than three ideas to share, simply list them without bullets or in a sentence. Finally, make sure to divide paragraphs longer than seven lines into two, starting each with a relevant category title.

Related:  How to Write Effective Resume Bullet Points (+ Examples)

If you have a choice, submit your resume in PDF format. That’s because it will look the same on any machine or operating system. Also, it’s harder for a recruiter, HR person, or hiring manager to modify your resume before forwarding it.

The guidelines above will help you determine which resume format is suitable for you and your career goals. From there, you can personalize your resume format to reflect your personality and represent you as the ideal candidate during your job search.

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US Resume (Format, Tips & Examples for 2024)

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If you’re applying for a job in the US, you’ll need to submit a resume that meets US application standards.

As a foreigner, though, you may have little to no idea what a US resume is and how you should write one to land the job. 

Even as an American, you might need to dust off your knowledge on the US resume. 

Unless you’re a resume expert, you probably don’t know what’s the best format for a US resume, or what’s the correct page length. 

But worry not! This article is here to teach you all there is to know about writing a convincing US resume.

Here’s what we’re going to cover: 

  • US Resume Specifics 

Step-By-Step Guide to Build Your US Resume

  • Formatting Your US Resume

What NOT To Include in Your US Resume

Ready? Let’s dive in! 

US Resume Specifics

There are a few specific things you need to know when it comes to the US resumes, but let’s start off with the most important: 

The term US resume is equivalent to the European CV. 

Both are one-page documents that summarize your relevant experiences, tailored for a specific job you’re applying for.


  • The common length of a US resume is between 1-3 pages. If you are a recent graduate or someone with less than 5 years of relevant work experience, a one-page resume is enough, whereas if you are a seasoned professional, you can go for 2. In rare cases, you can do 3, but that’s rarely encouraged. 
  • Standard American English is preferred. For the most part, this means dropping those extra “U”s that UK English uses (e.g. “color” instead of “colour”). 
  • Leave out personal information , such as marital status, birthday, gender, photo, number of children, age, religion, personal identification numbers, and ethnicity/country of origin, as they can be grounds for discrimination.
  • Don’t include references in your US resume unless the employer specifically asks you to.
  • Don’t list English as a foreign language in your US resume (unless English isn’t your foreign language).
  • Don’t list your GPA, SAT, TOEFL, or ACT scores on your US resume unless otherwise stated. More often than not, the recruiter doesn't care.  

Now that you know the specifics of a US resume, it’s time to start writing one. 

Not sure where to start? 

Below is a step-by-step guide to building the perfect US resume, starting with: 

#1. Choose the Right Format 

The most popular US resume format is the chronological format (also known as the reverse-chronological format). 

This format is widely preferred by recruiters, and for a good reason—it puts the focus on your work experience by starting with your most recent job and making your way back. 

The reverse-chronological format looks like this:

reverse chronological us resume format

99% of the time, we recommend using the reverse-chronological resume format, as both US and international recruiters are used to it.

Want to learn more about different resume formats ? Check out our article.

#2. Follow These Formatting Tips

Making sure your US resume looks professional and is reader-friendly is just as important as what it contains. 

Here are some essential formatting tips to perfect your US resume: 

  • Make sure your US resume is divided into clear, separate sections. 
  • Use 1-1.15 line spacing.
  • Keep your US resume length between 1-2 pages. Only go for a third page if you are a seasoned professional with plenty of relevant work experience.
  • Use a professional but easy-to-read resume font . 
  • Opt for ample white space to make your resume easier on the eye.
  • Use the "US Letter" size (8.5 x 11 inches) when saving your PDF (instead of A4). In Novorésumé's editor , for example, you can switch this from "Layout" in the top menu. 

us letter format for resume

...Or Use a Resume Template 

No matter what format you choose, using a standard text editor like MS Word to create your US resume will be a pain. 

You have to choose the right font, adjust the margins, order your sections the right way, and make sure the end result looks good & easy to follow…

All this can take hours of your time before you can even start filling your resume with content!

Want to skip all the hustle?  

Use a resume builder. With just one click, you can choose out of 8+ resume templates and start building your resume instantly!

Our resume builder is fast, easy, and most importantly, the end result looks absolutely stunning.

See for yourself! Here's an example of our resumes saved in the US Letter format: 

us resume example

Choose one of these templates and tailor it to your needs! 

#2. List Your Contact Information 

Once you’ve picked the resume format (or template), it’s time to start filling in the contents.

The first thing on your US resume should be your contact information , which includes:

  • Name and surname
  • Phone number (US phone number, that is)
  • Address (City and State)

Optionally, you can also include links to a personal website, online portfolio, or even LinkedIn profile, but make sure to check if they are up to date and present you in the best light.

#3. Express Yourself in Your Resume Profile

Your resume profile is a short, introductory paragraph of your career or your professional goals. 

Depending on how it’s written, a resume profile is also known as either a resume summary or objective .

  • Resume Summary , or a 2-3 sentence summary of your career.
  • Resume Objective , or your motivation for getting into a new field (the goal of your resume, if you wish).

If you’re a seasoned professional with several years of experience, you should use a resume summary to highlight your experience and achievements. 

On the other hand, if you’re at the start of your career or if you’re changing industries, opt for a resume objective , as it’s less about work experience and more about skills or goals.

Your resume profile must be brief and to the point. Preferably, it should be between 2-3 sentences and urge the hiring manager to read the rest of your resume. 

Here’s an example of a well-written resume summary: 

  • “Marketing manager with 4+ years of experience in a corporate environment. Good eye for design, with experience in creating marketing materials with Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and Canva. Intermediate copywriting skills, having worked on the company website, flyers, and several other content pieces.”

job search masterclass novoresume

#4. Add Your Work Experience 

Unless you’re a recent graduate, your work experience section is the most important part of your resume, as it shows your past accomplishments and responsibilities. 

This section commonly includes the following: 

  • Job Title/Position , so that the recruiter scanning your application knows right away you have the relevant experience for the job. 
  • Company name and location . In some cases, especially if your previous employer isn’t as well-known, you may also want to add a brief company description. 
  • Dates employed in the mm/yyyy format. 
  • Accomplishments and responsibilities , which make up the core of each work entry. Depending on your field and years of experience, you want to list either responsibilities or achievements, in bullet points. 

Here’s a concrete example: 

work experience on a resume

Now there’s one thing to list your work experience and an entirely different thing to write a work experience section that’ll help you stand out from a pool of hundreds of applicants.

Here are a few tips to achieve the latter:

  • List your achievements when possible and use action words to mention your responsibilities. 
  • When describing your achievements or responsibilities, follow this formula : “accomplished [X] as measured by [Y] by doing [Z]” (or, start with a verb, numerically measure what you accomplished, provide a baseline for comparison, and detail what you did to achieve your goal.)
  • Add 4-6 bullet points for your most recent position and fewer as you go back in time.
  • Even if you’re a senior professional with many years of experience, don’t go back further than 15 years. The recruiter doesn’t care what you’ve been up to so long ago.
  • Tailor your resume to the job description. Read the job ad you’re applying for and identify the top experiences or skills listed. Then, make sure that your US resume includes the ones you’re qualified for.

#5. Include Your Education

Your education comes underneath the work experience section in your US resume.

Here are the essentials of how this section needs to be formatted and what to include there:

  • Program Name. E.g.: “B.A. in Business Administration”
  • University Name. E.g.: “Penn State University”
  • Years Attended. E.g.: “08/2008 - 06/2012”

Here’s how this looks like in practice:

B.A. in Business Administration

NYC State University

08/2016 - 05/2019

  • Magna Cum Laude
  • Minor in Finance 

Finally, here are some tips and tricks on how to get this section done right:

  • If you lack work experience, place your education section right on top of your resume. This way, you’ll put more emphasis on your academic background than your lack of experience.
  • Add courses that are relevant to the industry you are applying to in case you lack work experience (e.g. Design & Layout, for a Graphic Designer position).
  • Mention your latest educational entry on top. E.g. Master’s Degree goes on top of a B.A. which goes on top of your high school degree. 
  • If you have a university degree, don’t mention your high school degree at all. 

#6. Emphasize Your Strengths in Your Skills Section

Another staple of a US resume is the skills section. This includes all the know-how that makes you the perfect candidate for the job. 

There are two types of skills you want to include: 

  • Hard skills , or measurable abilities. Here is where you include skills like Photoshop or Microsoft Office. 
  • Soft skills , or personal skills. They include a combination of people skills, communication skills , interpersonal skills , career attributes, etc. 

Keep in mind, though, that a strong skills section doesn’t consist of every skill you ever acquired.

The recruiter doesn’t care about your skills in Photoshop if you’re applying for a job as an accountant.

Rather, they specifically care about the skills that’ll make you a top-performer at the job you’re applying for.

So, go through the job ad you’re applying for and pinpoint the exact skills that are required for the role.

Then, make sure that your US resume mentions the same skills (as long as you possess the skills, of course).

Additionally, make sure to include both soft skills and hard skills into your skills section, as recruiters value applicants we have some of both.    

For example:

skills on a us resume

#7. Include These Additional Sections

Already included all the sections we’ve mentioned so far but still have some space in your US resume?

You can include some of these optional sections: 

  • Internships
  • Hobbies and interests
  • Volunteer experience
  • Certifications and awards
  • Publications

Keep in mind that these sections aren’t as important as the ones we’ve covered before. You’re not going to get hired just because you’re into creative writing as a hobby.

That said, these sections do help the recruiter pick between equally capable candidates.

Meaning, someone with work and volunteering experience is more likely to get hired than someone who only has work experience to show for.  

Equally important to remember are all the things you should NOT include in your US resume:

  • Personal information, such as marital status, birthday, gender, photo, number of children, age, religion, personal identification numbers, and ethnicity/country of origin, because they can be grounds for discrimination. 
  • Authorization to work in the US, which includes your Social Security Number or immigrant status. By law, only after making you an offer can employers ask if you’re eligible to work in the US. 
  • References. Including references on a US resume is not standard practice. If the employer is interested, they will ask for them. 

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    The common length of a US resume is 1-2 pages and standard American English is preferred over British English. The most popular format for a US resume is the chronological format. Format your US resume to 1-1.15 line spacing and clear and separate sections, as well as use professional and readable fonts.

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  21. Home

    Europass is a set of online tools to help with creating CVs, cover letters and also help users to find jobs and courses in the EU. Europass also matches user skills and interests such as location and topic to success suitable jobs. It is a useful tool to find information on studying or working in the Europe.