10 Best Sales Presentations To Inspire Your Sales Deck [+ 5 Tips]

Meredith Hart

Published: August 17, 2022

While many salespeople focus on making their sales decks flashy, fun, and exciting, they do little to ensure that their presentations address the prospect's top concerns and offer an irresistible solution.

sales rep uses sales deck during presentation with prospects

As a result, many presentations are met with wishy-washy responses that drag along the sales process and waste valuable time.

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What does a great sales deck look like? We'll take a look at some of the best, and provide tips for creating your own stellar sales deck and presentation.

What is a sales deck?

A sales deck is a slide presentation (e.g., PowerPoint, Keynote, etc.) used to supplement a sales pitch. The sales pitch, given by a salesperson to a prospect, often includes an overview of the product or service, offers a value proposition and solution for the prospect, and includes examples of success stories from other clients.

The primary purpose of a sales deck and presentation is to introduce a solution (ie, your pitch ) that ultimately leads the prospect to purchase from your company.

If you've done everything right during the discovery process — digging deep into your prospect's challenges and understanding exactly what they need — only to get a noncommittal response, then your presentation needs some major adjusting.

a good sales presentation

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Sales Deck vs Pitch Deck

A sales deck is a pitch meant to convince a prospect to make a purchase by showcasing your product features, benefits, and value proposition.

A pitch deck , on the other hand, is usually created for investors who want to learn more about your company, vision, products, financials, and target audience. Think of the pitch deck more like a synthesized version of your business plan.

Ready to see some sales deck examples? Here are a few of the best, in no particular order.

Sales Deck Examples

  • UpstartWorks
  • Attention Media
  • Leadgeeks.io

1. Leadnomics Sales Deck by Katya Kovalenko

sales deck examples: leadnomics

Leadnomics has done something few companies successfully do in presentations: Showcase their brand identity.

The internet marketing agency hired a designer to create a sales deck that reflected their sleek, techie brand.

So while prospects learn about Leadnomics and what it offers, they can also get a peek into what it represents as a brand.

2. UpstartWorks Sales Deck by BrightCarbon

This slide deck for UpstartWorks starts with an image of the road to success, followed by a value proposition and a list of benefits buyers can enjoy from working with the company. They provide an overview of what they deliver to customers, who their clients are, and the results their customer base has seen.

The sales deck touches on all the key points a sales presentation should cover. And when it includes graphics and logos, they are clearly organized and not cluttered.

3. QS Sales Deck by BrightCarbon

QS , a platform that ranks colleges and universities, effectively uses icons and visuals throughout its sales deck to communicate its messages. At just a few slides, this is one of the shortest sales decks featured on this list.

If you’re going to make your sales deck short, make sure the information you include gets straight to the point, and be sure to front-load the most important information.

In terms of content, QS showcases its features, value proposition, and client impact.

4. Attention Media Sales Deck by Slides

Attention Media , a B2B creative agency, hired a presentation design agency to create a sales deck that features statistics and reasons businesses should work with them.

Key figures and messages are either in a bold, large, or bright font to make them stand out from the rest of the text.

While their slide deck is on the shorter side (the typical presentation is around 10 to 15 slides ), they include intriguing visuals and statistics that grab attention and keep viewers interested.

5. Freshworks Sales Deck by BrightCarbon

Freshworks is a B2B software platform that promises an all-in-one package for businesses. Its sales deck emphasizes simple text and organization. The problem and solution are introduced using graphics, which makes the text easier for readers to prioritize.

They include a dedicated slide to their mobile app, one of the product’s key differentiators and most salient benefits. The following slides provide a step-by-step walkthrough of how customers are onboarded and what they can expect on a regular basis.

Since the slides aren’t text-heavy, the salesperson can easily elaborate and answer any questions the prospect might have.

6. Soraa Sales Deck by BrightCarbon

Soraa , a lighting company, starts its sales deck with a visually appealing table of contents that contains three items: “Quality of light,” “Simply perfect light,” and “Why Soraa?”

The brand then dives into what its prospects care about most: How the light will look in their spaces and how they can apply Soraa’s offerings to their specific use case. It sprinkles in the benefits of using Soraaa as a lighting supplier. And it does this all while maintaining its strong branding.

7. Planetly Sales Deck by OCHI Design

The first thing Planetly does in its sales presentation is present an eye-catching statistic about customers wanting more eco-friendly brands. Then, they present the reasons behind that data.

The deck doesn't overwhelm prospects with too much text, opting for more graphics and visuals instead. It introduces a hard-hitting stat about the problem their prospect is facing, engages them by asking a question, and provides a solution to the issue.

The slide deck continues to outline specific product details and what sets the solution apart from others, ultimately leading to a slide that represents the expected outcome for the prospect.

8. MEOM Sales Deck by Katya Kovalenko

What you’ll first notice when scrolling through MEOM's sales deck is that it’s straightforward and easy to scan.

The brand kept it simple with their deck, making it easier for consumers to take in the information. Too often, companies overload their decks with information, and by the end of the presentation, consumers can’t remember anything.

On every slide, MEOM has one main message with supporting information in smaller font. In addition, the brand incorporates a detailed look at one of its staff members — a powerful tool when trying to attract consumers.

9. Leadgeeks.io Sales Deck by Paweł Mikołajek

Sometimes, the best way to explain a concept is through a series of process maps and timelines. In this sales deck, Leadgeeks.io takes this approach to explain its product process and onboarding process.

This method helps consumers visualize how this software will help them reach their goals and how they can adopt it at their business.

10. Accern Sales Deck by Katya Kovalenko

Similar to Leadnomics, software company Accern puts its branding at the forefront of the sales deck.

In addition to the use of design to make the sales deck stand out, Accern also highlights customer case studies in its deck, another form of social proof that shows the success other customers have found with this tool.

Each of these presentations provides a general overview of the products, problems, and solutions, and they can easily be tailored and customized to each prospective company. A custom presentation not only piques the prospect's interest but also increases the likelihood that they'll buy from you.

Curious as to how you can word your presentation during your meeting with prospects? Below, we go over the best examples we’ve seen so far.

a good sales presentation

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Example Sales Presentation

While there are plenty of videos online on how to deliver a sales presentation, there aren’t quite as many live sales presentations to watch.

That’s because sales presentations are delivered in the privacy of a meeting between the sales rep and the prospect, and are often not recorded with the intention of sharing online.

As a sales rep, though, you have an excellent resource for inspiration: explainer videos. Companies publish explainer videos to pitch their products to qualified leads. (Sound familiar?) Use the below examples to hone your own pitch to buyers, and pay close attention to the structure of each video.

This explainer video for Leadjet starts with an urgent problem: Finding leads on LinkedIn and moving them to a CRM loses valuable time and minimizes lead opportunities. Leadjet then presents its product as the solution.

The video jumps into the benefits users can enjoy, such as synchronizing conversations over both your CRM and LinkedIn, keeping the lead status updated, and adding custom details. In this video, Leadjet follows the ideal sales presentation structure: problem, solution, and benefits.

2. Node Influencer App

The Node influencer app allows small business owners to connect with influencers on social media. It starts its video with a simple question: “Looking to promote your brand with social influencers?” The presentation effectively identifies and addresses the target market before pitching the product to viewers.

This presentation is more tutorial-based, making it ideal inspiration if you’re creating a sales deck for someone who’s closer to making a decision. People most often want to see actionable demos when they’re ready to choose a provider.

This explainer video from Upsend, a former customer service software, begins with a problem: Most customers want instant responses to their queries, but customer service systems can be expensive for new companies. Enter Upsend.

The presenter addresses the target market — startups and small businesses — while assuaging their concerns about budget. In addition, it covers the most important features of the platform and the end result for the user. If Upsend were still available, this would be a product a new business would immediately want to add to their tech stack.

4. Algoplanner

Within a few seconds of the start of this presentation, Algoplanner drives home the critical urgency of adopting a supply chain software. It uses a scary number to pull your attention, citing a possible “loss of millions of dollars” if you fail to adopt the right tool.

It then introduces its product with a breakdown of what the software can do for users. Plus, it provides powerful stats to back up its claims, including that users can reduce automation development costs by 80%. The call to action at the end is powerful and simple, telling viewers to schedule a demo.

Sales Deck Presentation Tips

Ready for your presentation? Sticking to these five simple sales presentation guidelines, recommended by Marc Wayshak , will help you blow your competition away while dramatically increasing your chances of closing the sale.

1. Lead with solutions.

Have you ever met with a prospect who was excited about your product or service – and used your presentation to keep on selling? This is called over-selling, and it's the leading cause of death for sales presentations.

When you start your presentation, first lead with solutions. Don't talk about the benefits of your product's features or tell the prospect how great your company is.

Simply dive into how you're going to solve the deepest frustration your prospect is facing right now.

2. Incorporate case studies.

Once you've addressed the specific solutions you can provide to the prospect, it's time to add some color to your presentation.

Turn your sales presentation into an engaging story by sharing case studies of similar prospects and the results they've achieved with your help.

This step is important for building trust and credibility with the prospect. At the same time, case studies bring your solutions to life in the real world, making your presentation more engaging.

3. Ask for feedback throughout.

Most presentations are a one-way monologue by the salesperson. This approach is boring – and it's certainly no way to connect with a prospect.

Instead, ask short questions throughout your presentation like "Does that make sense?" or "Can you see how this would work for you?" Asking for feedback periodically ensures your prospect stays on the same page.

4. Welcome interruptions.

If you want to close more sales, you have to care about what your prospect is thinking throughout your presentation.

Any interruption is the perfect opportunity to find out. Whenever a prospect interrupts you – either with a verbal remark or subtle shift in their facial expression or posture – stop immediately.

Acknowledge the interruption, and welcome the opportunity to explore it with the prospect. Never ignore signals just to stay on a roll and conclude your point. Invite prospects to ask their questions or share their concerns.

The opportunity to respond to those concerns is always more valuable than whatever you were about to say.

5. Wrap it up quickly.

Your presentation should be ASAP: as short as possible.

It's natural for salespeople to get excited about what they have to share, but this causes most of them to ramble on for far too long.

Prospects only care about themselves and their challenges. Present the information they'll be interested in and nothing more.

Practice your next sales presentation with a colleague or friend and ask for their honest feedback on its length.

Sales Deck Template

Ready to start creating your own sales deck? Get started with these free templates .

It includes ten Powerpoint templates, each with a different focus.

sales presentation template by HubSpot

hbspt.cta._relativeUrls=true;hbspt.cta.load(53, '2d0b5298-2daa-4812-b2d4-fa65cd354a8e', {"useNewLoader":"true","region":"na1"});

How to find a sales deck template.

Haven’t found what you’re looking for? Here are additional resources to find a sales deck.

This presentation platform allows you to pick from hundreds of templates and fully customize the template you choose. The best part? It’s free and offers premium packages for teams who want analytics, multiple users, and live video collaboration.

On this graphic design platform, you can search through countless presentation templates and customize them. Canva also offers extensive collaboration features, such as file sharing and commenting.

Get Inspired With These Sales Presentations

When delivering a sales presentation to a prospect, you can do so with the knowledge that thousands and millions of others have been in the same position as you. Luckily, we can see their work online to guide our sales deck creation process. Use these decks to structure your own, and you’ll be well on the road to closing more deals and exceeding your quota.

Editor’s Note: This post was originally published in April 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

Sales Pitch

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7 Types of Slides to Include In Your Sales Presentation

Inside the mind of your prospect: change is hard, before-after-bridge: the only formula you need to create a persuasive sales presentation, facebook — how smiles and simplicity make you more memorable, contently — how to build a strong bridge, brick by brick, yesware — how to go above and beyond with your benefits, uber — how to cater your content for readers quick to scan, dealtap — how to use leading questions to your advantage, zuora — how to win over your prospects by feeding them dots, linkedin sales navigator — how to create excitement with color, how to make a sales pitch in 4 straightforward steps, 7 embarrassing pitfalls to avoid in your presentation, over to you.

A brilliant sales presentation has a number of things going for it.

Being product-centered isn’t one of them. Or simply focusing on your sales pitch won’t do the trick.

So what can you do to make your offer compelling?

From different types of slides to persuasive techniques and visuals, we’ve got you covered.

Below, we look at data-backed strategies, examples, and easy steps to build your own sales presentations in minutes.

  • Title slide: Company name, topic, tagline
  • The “Before” picture: No more than three slides with relevant statistics and graphics.
  • The “After” picture: How life looks with your product. Use happy faces.
  • Company introduction: Who you are and what you do (as it applies to them).
  • The “Bridge” slide: Short outcome statements with icons in circles.
  • Social proof slides: Customer logos with the mission statement on one slide. Pull quote on another.
  • “We’re here for you” slide: Include a call-to-action and contact information.

Many sales presentations fall flat because they ignore this universal psychological bias: People overvalue the benefits of what they have over what they’re missing.

Harvard Business School professor John T. Gourville calls this the “ 9x Effect .” Left unchecked, it can be disastrous for your business.

the psychology behind a sales presentation

According to Gourville, “It’s not enough for a new product simply to be better. Unless the gains far outweigh the losses, customers will not adopt it.”

The good news: You can influence how prospects perceive these gains and losses. One of the best ways to prove value is to contrast life before and after your product.

Luckily, there’s a three-step formula for that.

  • Before → Here’s your world…
  • After → Imagine what it would be like if…
  • Bridge → Here’s how to get there.

Start with a vivid description of the pain, present an enviable world where that problem doesn’t exist, then explain how to get there using your tool.

It’s super simple, and it works for cold emails , drip campaigns , and sales discovery decks. Basically anywhere you need to get people excited about what you have to say.

In fact, a lot of companies are already using this formula to great success. The methods used in the sales presentation examples below will help you do the same.

We’re all drawn to happiness. A study at Harvard tells us that emotion is contagious .

You’ll notice that the “Before” (pre-Digital Age) pictures in Facebook’s slides all display neutral faces. But the cover slide that introduces Facebook and the “After” slides have smiling faces on them.

This is important. The placement of those graphics is an intentional persuasion technique.

Studies by psychologists show that we register smiles faster than any other expression. All it takes is 500 milliseconds (1/20th of a second). And when participants in a study were asked to recall expressions, they consistently remembered happy faces over neutral ones.

What to do about it : Add a happy stock photo to your intro and “After” slides, and keep people in “Before” slides to neutral expressions.

Here are some further techniques used during the sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Use Simple Graphics

Use simple graphics to convey meaning without text.

Example: Slide 2 is a picture of a consumer’s hand holding an iPhone — something we can all relate to.

Why It Works: Pictures are more effective than words — it’s called  Picture Superiority . In presentations, pictures help you create connections with your audience. Instead of spoon-feeding them everything word for word, you let them interpret. This builds trust.

Tactic #2: Use Icons

Use icons to show statistics you’re comparing instead of listing them out.

Example: Slide 18 uses people icons to emphasize how small 38 out of 100 people is compared to 89 out of 100.

Why It Works:  We process visuals 60,000 times faster than text.

Tactic #3: Include Statistics

Include statistics that tie real success to the benefits you mention.

Example: “71% lift driving visits to retailer title pages” (Slide 26).

Why It Works:  Precise details prove that you are telling the truth.

Just like how you can’t drive from Marin County to San Francisco without the Golden Gate, you can’t connect a “Before” to an “After” without a bridge.

Add the mission statement of your company — something Contently does from Slide 1 of their deck. Having a logo-filled Customers slide isn’t unusual for sales presentations, but Contently goes one step further by showing you exactly what they do for these companies.

sales presentation

They then drive home the Before-After-Bridge Formula further with case studies:

sales presentation

Before : Customer’s needs when they came on

After: What your company accomplished for them

Bridge : How they got there (specific actions and outcomes)

Here are some other tactics we pulled from the sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Use Graphics/Diagrams

Use graphics, Venn diagrams, and/or equations to drive home your “Before” picture.

Why It Works:  According to a Cornell study , graphs and equations have persuasive power. They “signal a scientific basis for claims, which grants them greater credibility.”

Tactic #2: Keep Slides That Have Bullets to a Minimum

Keep slides that have bullets to a minimum. No more than one in every five slides.

Why It Works:  According to an experiment by the International Journal of Business Communication , “Subjects exposed to a graphic representation paid significantly more attention to , agreed more with, and better recalled the strategy than did subjects who saw a (textually identical) bulleted list.”

Tactic #3: Use Visual Examples

Follow up your descriptions with visual examples.

Example: After stating “15000+ vetted, ready to work journalists searchable by location, topical experience, and social media influence” on Slide 8, Contently shows what this looks like firsthand on slides 9 and 10.

Why It Works:  The same reason why prospects clamor for demos and car buyers ask for test drives. You’re never truly convinced until you see something for yourself.

Which is more effective for you?

This statement — “On average, Yesware customers save ten hours per week” — or this image:

sales presentation

The graphic shows you what that 10 hours looks like for prospects vs. customers. It also calls out a pain that the product removes: data entry.

Visuals are more effective every time. They fuel retention of a presentation from 10% to 65% .

But it’s not as easy as just including a graphic. You need to keep the design clean.

sales presentation

Can you feel it?

Clutter provokes anxiety and stress because it bombards our minds with excessive visual stimuli, causing our senses to work overtime on stimuli that aren’t important.

Here’s a tip from Yesware’s Graphic Designer, Ginelle DeAntonis:

“Customer logos won’t all necessarily have the same dimensions, but keep them the same size visually so that they all have the same importance. You should also disperse colors throughout, so that you don’t for example end up with a bunch of blue logos next to each other. Organize them in a way that’s easy for the eye, because in the end it’s a lot of information at once.”

Here are more tactics to inspire sales presentation ideas:

Tactic #1: Personalize Your Final Slide

Personalize your final slide with your contact information and a headline that drives emotion.

Example: Our Mid-Market Team Lead Kyle includes his phone number and email address with “We’re Here For You”

Why It Works: These small details show your audience that:

  • This is about giving them the end picture, not making a sale
  • The end of the presentation doesn’t mean the end of the conversation
  • Questions are welcomed

Tactic #2: Pair Outcome Statements With Icons in Circles

Example: Slide 4 does this with seven different “After” outcomes.

Why It Works:  We already know why pictures work, but circles have power , too. They imply completeness, infiniteness, and harmony.

Tactic #3: Include Specific Success Metrics

Don’t just list who you work with; include specific success metrics that hit home what you’ve done for them.

Example: 35% New Business Growth for Boomtrain; 30% Higher Reply Rates for Dyn.

Why It Works:  Social proof drives action. It’s why we wait in lines at restaurants and put ourselves on waitlists for sold-out items.

People can only focus for eight seconds at a time. (Sadly, goldfish have one second on us.)

This means you need to cut to the chase fast.

Uber’s headlines in Slides 2-9 tailor the “After” picture to specific pain points. As a result, there’s no need to explicitly state a “Before.”

sales presentation

Slides 11-13 then continue touching on “Before” problems tangentially with customer quotes:

sales presentation

So instead of self-touting benefits, the brand steps aside to let consumers hear from their peers — something that sways 92% of consumers .

Leading questions may be banned from the courtroom, but they aren’t in the boardroom.

DealTap’s slides ask viewers to choose between two scenarios over and over. Each has an obvious winner:

sales presentation example

Ever heard of the Focusing Effect?

It’s part of what makes us tick as humans and what makes this design move effective. We focus on one thing and then ignore the rest. Here, DealTap puts the magnifying glass on paperwork vs. automated transactions.

Easy choice.

Sure, DealTap’s platform might have complexities that rival paperwork, but we don’t think about that. We’re looking at the pile of work one the left and the simpler, single interface on the right.

Here are some other tactics to use in your own sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Tell a Story

Tell a story that flows from one slide to the next.

Example: Here’s the story DealTap tells from slides 4 to 8: “Transactions are complicated” → “Expectations on all sides” → “Too many disconnected tools” → “Slow and error prone process” → “However, there’s an opportunity.

Why It Works:   Storytelling in sales with a clear beginning and end (or in this case, a “Before” and “After”) trigger a trust hormone called Oxytocin.

Tactic #2: This vs. That

If it’s hard to separate out one “Before” and “After” vision with your product or service because you offer many dissimilar benefits, consider a “This vs. That” theme for each.

Why It Works:  It breaks up your points into simple decisions and sets you up to win emotional reactions from your audience with stock photos.

Remember how satisfying it was to play connect the dots? Forming a bigger picture out of disconnected circles.

That’s what you need to make your audience do.


Zuora tells a story by:

  • Laying out the reality (the “Before” part of the Before-After-Bridge formula).
  • Asking you a question that you want to answer (the “After”)
  • Giving you hints to help you connect the dots
  • Showing you the common thread (the “Bridge”)

You can achieve this by founding your sales presentation on your audience’s intuitions. Set them up with the closely-set “dots,” then let them make the connection.

Here are more tactical sales presentation ideas to steal for your own use:

Tactic #1: Use Logos and Testimonials

Use logos and  testimonial pull-quotes for your highest-profile customers to strengthen your sales presentation.

Example: Slides 21 to 23 include customer quotes from Schneider Electric, Financial Times, and Box.

Why It Works: It’s called  social proof . Prospects value other people’s opinions and trust reputable sources more than you.

Tactic #2: Include White Space

Pad your images with white space.

Example: Slide 17 includes two simple graphics on a white background to drive home an important concept.

Why It Works:  White space creates separation, balance, and attracts the audience’s eyes to the main focus: your image.

Tactic #3: Incorporate Hard Data

Incorporate hard data with a memorable background to make your data stand out.

Example: Slide 5 includes statistics with a backdrop that stands out. The number and exciting title (‘A Global Phenomenon’) are the main focuses of the slide.

Why It Works:  Vivid backdrops are proven to be memorable and help your audience take away important numbers or data.

Psychology tells us that seeing colors can set our mood .

The color red is proven to increase the pulse and heart rate. Beyond that, it’s associated with being active, aggressive, and outspoken. LinkedIn Sales Navigator uses red on slides to draw attention to main points:


You can use hues in your own slides to guide your audience’s emotions. Green gives peace; grey adds a sense of calm; blue breeds trust. See more here .

Tip: You can grab free photos from Creative Commons and then set them to black & white and add a colored filter on top using a (also free) tool like Canva . Here’s the sizing for your image:


Caveat: Check with your marketing team first to see if you have a specific color palette or brand guidelines to follow.

Here are some other takeaways from LinkedIn’s sales presentation:

Tactic #1: Include a CTA on Final Slide

Include one clear call-to-action on your final slide.

Example: Slide 9 has a “Learn More” CTA button.

Why It Works:  According to the Paradox of Choice , the more options you give, the less likely they are to act.

Step One : Ask marketing for your company’s style guide (color, logo, and font style).

Step Two: Answer these questions to outline the “Before → After → Bridge” formula for your sales pitch :

  • What are your ICP’s pain points?
  • What end picture resonates with them?
  • How does your company come into play?

Step Three: Ask account management/marketing which customers you can mention in your slides (plus where to access any case studies for pull quotes).

Step Four:  Download photos from Creative Commons . Remember: Graphics > Text. Use Canva to edit on your own — free and fast.

sales presentation pitfalls

What are the sales presentation strategies that work best for your industry and customers? Tweet us:  @Yesware .

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Prep, Present, and Follow Through: How To Nail Your Next Sales Presentation

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When it comes to building an effective sales presentation, no one-size-fits-all sales deck exists.

Every sales presentation you deliver to a prospect should be personalized and tailored just for them. Successful selling today is about establishing yourself as a trusted advisor. Cookie-cutter messages won’t do that. So how should you get started?

High-performing sellers close more deals by focusing on their prospects, rather than their products. Follow these sales presentation tips before, during, and after your next meeting to make it more resonant (and hopefully, more lucrative). These tips work whether you’re building customer relationships remotely or in person.

Deliver polished presentations that address your prospect’s biggest pain points

Use generative AI, powered by Einstein, to help you draft an engaging, tailored talk track for your next sales presentation, perfectly aligning product value to specific prospect needs.

a good sales presentation

Step 1: Research the company and your contact

An effective sales presentation starts long before the actual presentation. The first step is to learn who your prospect is and the challenges they face; then you can use those insights to show how you can help them succeed.

In particular, you should research the company, the challenges it faces, and the contacts who will hear your presentation.

Learn more about the company’s past, present, and future

First, consult your CRM platform. Find other accounts from the prospect’s industry and see what their customer journeys looked like. Their client information and case history will help you learn what products and services they use most and how your company serves them well. The information in your CRM platform can give you insights and tips that will help you win deals like the one you’re currently working on. Take a look, too, at the sales pipeline for that particular industry. Your CRM system is a tool specifically used to help you sell successfully and should be used throughout the sales process.

Once you have that preliminary information, head to the company website and research what the prospect’s company does, how big it is, and what products or services it offers. Then, dig deeper. Make a note of their mission, values, and corporate culture. Also try to learn more about the company’s history and any news items involving the company. Look into the company’s annual report to get a good idea of where it might be headed in the future.

Your presentation should focus on using insights from your research to show a deep understanding of the company and why your product or service can help it grow.

Consider the company’s challenges

As you learn about the company, pay special attention to the challenges it faces that are relevant to your product or service offerings. Remember these issues so you can use them as conversation starters during your sales presentation. Then you can offer advice — or insights — about how they could better face those challenges.

This type of approach is called insight selling : You as a salesperson bring unique, tailored insights to a prospect to solve their problems.

For example, if you sell a marketing tool, you may notice in your research that your lead is currently using the same ads across social media, search, and display networks. Your insight might be, “I see that your company is using the same ad copy across several platforms. How have those ads been performing for you? Have you been able to reach your sales or traffic goals?” Their answer may change aspects of your sales presentation or may make it even stronger.

Learn more about your audience

When it comes to communication, knowing who will be in the room is critical. If your prospect is the Director of Production, your most effective sales presentation may focus on metrics that can determine how to improve output. If your prospect will be presenting the information to a decision maker, offer resources to help make it easier for them.

Step 2: Prepare for your sales presentation

After gathering insights about the company and your contacts, you are ready to put together your presentation. Whether you use a sales presentation template that your workplace provides or you start from scratch, use these sales presentation tips to build a more compelling pitch.

Focus on the challenges your prospects face, not just your benefits

Salespeople should present themselves as a trusted advisor, not just a company representative. Look for ways to create a dialogue with the prospect and share how you can help their company work more efficiently, provide better service, or solve the challenges holding them back.

Keep your presentation simple

Sales template decks can be useful, but they can also overwhelm prospects if they’re too long. Instead of a 50-slide canned presentation, focus on keeping the slide deck relatively simple and highlighting engaging images and key statistics. This will make it easier to use a storytelling approach, rather than just reading off a slide.

Practice your presentation

You want to prepare, but you don’t want to come across as robotic or scripted. Practice what you’ll say and how you’ll answer questions, and make sure you’ve memorized important statistics or metrics. Build time into the presentation so you can share personal anecdotes or pause for questions.

Keep your delivery style confident, but agile. You may find that one point you thought would be critical doesn’t have as much impact with your prospect as you’d hoped, but a different point unexpectedly piques their interest. Keeping your talk track fluid will make it easier to shift gears if you need to.

Step 3: Nail your sales presentation

Presentation day has arrived. You’ve done your research, nailed the perfect storytelling approach, and trimmed down your slide deck. Now is your time to shine. Here are a few sales presentation tips to help your pitch end in a sale.

End the meeting with your presentation; don’t begin with it

You’ve likely had conversations with your contact and know them well enough, but in this presentation you’ll potentially meet additional people who make decisions. Take the time to get to know each attendee.

Building a rapport with your audience before pitching is a no-brainer. But avoid too much small talk; it can come across as inauthentic or like a waste of the customer’s time. Instead, time permitting, try to use the beginning of the meeting asking questions about day-to-day operations and goals. Ask specific questions that demonstrate your knowledge of their company and industry, and use the answers to shape your narrative. Then, during your presentation, tie back to topics the prospect brought up and focus on how you, the trusted advisor, can help.

Ask questions during the presentation to encourage a dialogue

Getting feedback from your prospect during the actual presentation is the best sales presentation technique of all. This allows you to change your focus in the moment, rather than spending your presentation talking about challenges and solutions that might be unimportant to your prospect.

After you make a key point, ask your prospect a question like, “Does this make sense in your industry?” or “Can you see this applying to your company?” This prompts the prospect to either agree or start a dialogue about pain points and how your products and services can better serve them.

If they agree with you, then you know you’re on the right track and that your suggestions are up to date. On the other hand, if they have clarifications, this lets you adjust your presentation — and follow-up efforts — to better fit their position.

Include proof that shows how your products and services have helped others

a good sales presentation

Step 4: Prioritize the follow-up just as much as the presentation

The actual sales presentation is just one part of your sales process, and it doesn’t guarantee a signed contract or even further contact with you. The final piece of your sales presentation is a well-planned follow-up, and it’s just as important as the presentation itself.

The most effective follow-up format will depend on your prospect, their needs, and how they best retain information. For example, you may follow up by:

  • Emailing your slide deck and asking to schedule a follow-up call. Just remember to avoid the “Just following up” email and make sure your email offers the recipient value.
  • Scheduling follow-up emails to reiterate key points in your presentation. A sales automation tool automates emails to share product information and set reminders for you to connect. It helps make sure no prospects fall through the cracks.
  • Preparing personalized content that highlights the main points from your sales presentation and includes videos of products in action, testimonials, or other helpful collateral.
  • Sending an additional resource about a topic they mentioned during your meeting, whether it pertained to your presentation or not.

Your sales presentation doesn’t end when you walk out the door or end the meeting. As you research and present your pitch, consider what the best follow-up approach will be. Then, take the time to create a well-considered follow-up strategy.

You can make your next sales presentation your best

Preparation and practice are key to successful sales presentations. But there’s so much more to a great presentation than well-designed slides or new research. The heart of a great sales presentation is the relationship between you and your customer, and that’s built on unique insights focused on your potential customer’s challenges and needs.

When you focus on helping, rather than pitching, your sales presentation is more likely to be a hit. That’s a win-win for you and your customer.

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Audrey is a senior product marketer for Core Sales Cloud (Salesforce Automation), and a customer advocate who has spent her career delivering B2B technology. An engineer turned marketer, she is passionate about business efficiency, philanthropy, and mentorship.

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Blog Marketing 15 Sales Presentation Examples to Drive Sales

15 Sales Presentation Examples to Drive Sales

Written by: Danesh Ramuthi Oct 31, 2023

Sales Presentation Examples

A sales presentation is not merely a brief introduction to a product or service. It’s a meticulously constructed sales pitch tailored to showcase the unique features and key elements of what’s being offered and to resonate deeply with the prospective customers. 

But what stands out in the best sales presentation is their ability to weave an engaging story, integrating customer testimonials, success stories and sales performances to maintain the audience’s attention span and to persuade them to take action. 

The right tools, like those provided by Venngage presentation Maker and its sales presentation templates , can greatly aid in this endeavor. The aim is to have a presentation memorable enough that it lingers in the minds of potential clients long after the pitch. 

Its ultimate aim is not just to inform but to persuasively secure the audience’s commitment.

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6 Sales presentation examples

What to include and how to create a sales presentation, sales presentation vs pitch deck.

  • Final thoughts

A sales presentation can be the differentiating factor that turns a potential client into a loyal customer. The manner in which a brand or individual presents their value proposition, product, or service can significantly impact the buying decisions of their audience.

Hence, drawing inspiration from various sales presentation examples can be an instrumental step in crafting the perfect pitch.

Let’s explore a few examples of sales presentations that cater to different needs and can be highly effective when used in the right context.

Clean sales presentation examples

The concept of a “clean” sales presentation reflects more than just its visual aesthetic; it captures an ethos of straightforward, concise and effective communication. A clean presentation offers a professional and efficient way to present your sales pitch, making it especially favorable for brands or individuals looking to be perceived as trustworthy and reliable.

Every slide in such a presentation is meticulously designed to be aesthetically pleasing, balancing visuals and text in a manner that complements rather than competes.

Black And Brown Clean Sales Presentation

Its visual appeal is undeniably a draw, but the real power of a clean sales presentation lies in its ability to be engaging enough to hold your audience’s attention. By minimizing distractions, the message you’re trying to convey becomes the focal point. This ensures that your audience remains engaged, absorbing the key points without being overwhelmed.

A clean design also lends itself well to integrating various elements such as graphs, charts and images, ensuring they’re presented in a clear and cohesive manner. In a business environment where attention spans are continually challenged, a clean presentation stands as an oasis of clarity, ensuring that your audience walks away with a clear understanding of what you offer and why it matters to them.

White And Yellow Clean Sales Presentation

Minimalist sales presentation examples

Minimalism, as a design and communication philosophy, revolves around the principle of ‘less is more’. It’s a bold statement in restraint and purpose. In the context of sales presentations, a minimalist approach can be incredibly powerful.

Green Minimalist Sales Presentation

It ensures that your content, stripped of any unnecessary embellishments, remains at the forefront. The primary objective is to let the core message shine, ensuring that every slide, every graphic and every word serves a precise purpose.

White And Orange Minimalist Business Sales Presentation

This design aesthetic brings with it a sense of sophistication and crispness that can be a potent tool in capturing your audience’s attention. There’s an inherent elegance in simplicity which can elevate your presentation, making it memorable.

Grey And Blue Minimalist Sales Presentation

But beyond just the visual appeal, the minimalist design is strategic. With fewer elements on a slide, the audience can focus more intently on the message, leading to better retention and engagement. It’s a brilliant way to ensure that your message doesn’t just reach your audience, but truly resonates with them.

Every slide is crafted to ensure that the audience’s focus never wavers from the central narrative, making it an excellent choice for brands or individuals seeking to create a profound impact with their pitches.

Cream Neutral Minimalist Sales Presentation

Simple sales presentation examples

A simple sales presentation provides a clear and unobstructed pathway to your main message, ensuring that the audience’s focus remains undivided. Perfect for highlighting key information, it ensures that your products or services are front and center, unobscured by excessive design elements or verbose content.

Simple White And Green Sales Presentation

But the beauty of a simple design is in its flexibility. With platforms like Venngage , you have the freedom to customize it according to your brand voice and identity. Whether it’s adjusting text sizes, incorporating vibrant colors or selecting standout photos or icons from expansive free stock libraries, the power to enhance and personalize your presentation lies at your fingertips.

Creating your ideal design becomes a seamless process, ensuring that while the presentation remains simple, it is every bit as effective and captivating.

Professional sales presentation example

A professional sales presentation is meticulously crafted, reflecting the brand’s guidelines, voice and core values. It goes beyond just key features or product benefits; it encapsulates the brand’s ethos, presenting a cohesive narrative that resonates deeply with its target audience.

Beige And Red Sales Presentation

For sales professionals, it’s more than just a slide deck; it’s an embodiment of the brand’s identity, from the great cover image to the clear call to action at its conclusion.

These presentations are tailored to address potential pain points, include sales performances, and present solutions in a compelling and engaging story format. 

Red And Cream Sales Presentation

Integrating elements like customer success stories and key insights, ensuring that the presentation is not just good, but memorable.

White And Orange Sales Presentation

Sales performance sales presentation example

A company’s sales performance presentation is vital to evaluate, refine and boost their sales process. It’s more than just numbers on a slide deck; it’s a comprehensive look into the effectiveness of sales campaigns, strategies and the sales team as a whole.

Light Green Gradient And Dark Blue Sales Presentation

This type of sales presentation provides key insights into what’s working, what isn’t and where there’s potential for growth.

It’s an invaluable tool for sales professionals, often serving as a roadmap guiding future sales pitches and marketing campaigns.

Red Orange And Purple Blue Sales Presentation

An effective sales performance presentation might begin with a compelling cover slide, reflecting the brand’s identity, followed by a brief introduction to set the context. From there, it delves into specifics: from the sales metrics, customer feedback and more.

Ultimately, this presentation is a call to action for the sales team, ensuring they are equipped with the best tools, strategies and knowledge to convert prospective customers into paying ones, driving more deals and growing the business.

Brown And Cream Sales Presentation

Testimonial-based sales presentation examples

Leveraging the voices of satisfied customers, a testimonial-based sales presentation seamlessly blends social proof with the brand’s value proposition. It’s a testament to the real-world impact of a product or service, often making it one of the most effective sales presentation examples. 

Dark Blue Orange And Pink Sales Presentation

By centering on customer testimonials, it taps into the compelling stories of those who have experienced firsthand the benefits of what’s being offered.

As the presentation unfolds, the audience is introduced to various customer’s stories, each underscoring the product’s unique features or addressing potential pain points.

Blue And Orange Sales Presentation

These success stories serve dual purposes: they not only captivate the audience’s attention but also preemptively handle sales objections by showcasing how other customers overcame similar challenges.

Sales professionals can further augment the presentation with key insights derived from these testimonials, tailoring their sales pitch to resonate deeply with their potential clients.

Creating a good sales presentation is like putting together a puzzle. Each piece needs to fit just right for the whole picture to make sense. 

So, what are these pieces and how do you put them together? 

Here, I’ll break down the must-have parts of a sales presentation and give you simple steps to build one. 

What to include in a sales presentation?

With so much information to convey and a limited time to engage your audience in your sales presentation, where do you start?

Here, we’re going to explore the essential components of a successful sales presentation, ensuring you craft a compelling narrative that resonates with your prospects.

  • A captivating opening slide: First impressions matter. Start with a great cover image or slide that grabs your audience’s attention instantly. Your opening should set the tone, making prospects curious about what’s to come.
  • Data-driven slides: Incorporate key points using charts, graphs, infographics and quotes. Instead of flooding your slides with redundant information, use them as a tool to visually represent data. Metrics from your sales dashboard or third-party sources can be particularly illuminating.
  • Social proof through testimonials: Weave in testimonials and case studies from satisfied customers. These success stories, especially from those in the same industry as your prospects, act as powerful endorsements, bolstering the credibility of your claims.
  • Competitive context: Being proactive is the hallmark of savvy sales professionals. Address how your product or service fares against competitors, presenting a comparative analysis. 
  • Customized content: While using a foundational slide deck can be helpful, personalizing your presentation for each meeting can make all the difference. Whether it’s integrating the prospect’s brand colors, industry-specific data or referencing a past interaction, tailored content makes your audience feel acknowledged.
  • Clear path to the future: End by offering a glimpse into the next steps. This can include a direct call to action or an overview of the onboarding process. Highlight the unique value your company brings post-sale, such as exceptional training or standout customer support.
  • Keep it simple: Remember, simplicity is key. Avoid overcrowding your slides with excessive text. Visual data should take center stage, aiding in comprehension and retention. 

Related: 120+ Presentation Ideas, Topics & Example

How to create a sales presentation? 

Crafting a good sales presentation is an art that blends structure, content and design. 

A successful sales presentation not only tells but also sells, capturing the audience’s attention while conveying the main message effectively. 

Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure that your sales deck becomes a winning sales presentation.

1. Find out your ideal audience

The first step to any effective sales pitch is understanding your audience. Are you presenting to prospective customers, potential clients or an internet marketing agency? Recognize their pain points, buying process and interests to craft a message that resonates. This understanding ensures that your presentation is memorable and speaks directly to their unique needs.

2. Pick a platform to Use

Depending on your target audience and the complexity of your sales literature, you might opt for Venngage presentation maker, PowerPoint templates, Google Slides or any tools that you are comfortable with. Choose a tool that complements your brand identity and aids in keeping your audience’s attention span engaged.

3. Write the ‘About Us’ section

Here’s where you build trust. Give a brief introduction about your organization, its values and achievements. Highlight key elements that set you apart, be it a compelling story of your brand’s inception, a lucrative deal you managed to seal, or an instance where an internet marketing agency hired you for their needs.

4. Present facts and data

Dive deep into sales performance metrics, client satisfaction scores and feedback. Use charts, graphs and infographics to visually represent these facts. Testimonials and customer success stories provide that added layer of social proof. By showcasing concrete examples, like a customer’s story or feedback, you give your audience solid reasons to trust your product or service.

5. Finish with a memorable conclusion & CTA

Now that you’ve laid out all the information, conclude with a bang. Reiterate the value proposition and key insights you want your audience to remember. Perhaps share a compelling marketing campaign or a unique feature of your offering.

End with a clear call to action, directing your prospects on what to do next, whether it’s downloading further assistance material, getting in touch for more deals or moving further down the sales funnel .

Related: 8 Types of Presentations You Should Know [+Examples & Tips]

Sales presentation and the pitch deck may seem similar at first glance but their goals, focuses, and best-use scenarios differ considerably. Here’s a succinct breakdown of the two:

Sales Presentation:

  • What is it? An in-depth dialogue designed to persuade potential clients to make a purchase.
  • Focuses on: Brand identity, social proof, detailed product features, addressing customer pain points, and guiding to the buying process.
  • Best for: Detailed interactions, longer meetings and thorough discussions with potential customers.
  • Example: A sales rep detailing a marketing campaign to a potential client.

Pitch Deck:

  • What is it? Pitch deck is a presentation to help potential investors learn more about your business. The main goal isn’t to secure funding but to pique interest for a follow-up meeting.
  • Focuses on: Brand voice, key features, growth potential and an intriguing idea that captures the investor’s interest.
  • Best for: Initial investor meetings, quick pitches, showcasing company potential.
  • Example: A startup introducing its unique value proposition and growth trajectory to prospective investors.

Shared traits: Both aim to create interest and engagement with the audience. The primary difference lies in the intent and the audience: one is for selling a product/service and the other is for igniting investor interest.

Related: How to Create an Effective Pitch Deck Design [+Examples]

Final thoughts 

Sales presentations are the heart and soul of many businesses. They are the bridge between a potential customer’s needs and the solution your product or service offers. The examples provided—from clean, minimalist to professional styles—offer a spectrum of how you can approach your next sales presentation.

Remember, it’s not just about the aesthetics or the data; it’s about the narrative, the story you tell, and the connection you establish. And while sales presentations and pitch decks have their distinct purposes, the objective remains consistent: to engage, persuade and drive action.

If you’re gearing up for your next sales presentation, don’t start from scratch. Utilize Venngage presentation Maker and explore our comprehensive collection of sales presentation templates .

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How to Smash Your Next Sales Presentation [15 Tips and Tricks]

How to Smash Your Next Sales Presentation [15 Tips and Tricks]

We all know that sales presentations are a love-it-or-hate-it part of B2B sales .

You might consider yourself a natural presenter, and love slaving over PowerPoint, thriving on every moment of the experience.

Others? Dread it like a trip to the dentist.

Luckily building and delivering an effective and truly great sales presentation is something that can be taught.

In this article, we’ll cover everything you need to smash your next sales presentation. From must-have slides to sales presentation tips and examples, you’ll find out all it takes to captivate your prospects and close deals.

Let’s start with the basics:

What is a sales presentation?

At its simplest, a sales presentation is a collection of slides that tells a story through visual elements and text.

Teamed with a salesperson’s narration (either in person or via video), its aim is to convey a product or service’s value proposition, and ultimately convert potential clients into paying customers.

A successful sales presentation will resonate with your prospect – linking in with their current needs and challenges, and positioning your company as the ideal solution. Here’s a great structure for one:

Ideal Sales Presentation Structure

Knowing this formula will put you ahead of some of the competition, but how do you make sure you beat them all ?

What slides make up a good sales presentation?

Presentation slide types

1) The cover slide

Too many reps make the mistake of creating a generic cover slide for their sales deck. Our view? This is a big waste of valuable real estate.

Come on, this is where you make your first impression. You want to reel your prospect IN.

Whilst it might not be a clincher on its own, it can start to get across your main point: the value of your product.

Let’s go with an example.

The cover slide

You’ve immediately suggested some of the benefits and value your software offers before you’ve even reached the first “real” slide of your PowerPoint presentation.

So, now you have your prospect’s attention. Nice work – now it’s time to build on that.

2) The context slide

The context slide: where you set the stage with information on the trends and pressure points that are spurring change in your prospect’s market.

It’s all about setting your prospect up, hinting at the pain points you’ll touch on next. Build tension, and in turn, interest.

Your context slide might include the following snippets:

  • Work is becoming increasingly remote and dispersed.
  • Collaboration occurs across countries and continents.
  • As the pace of work increases and competition rises, slowing down is not an option if you want to succeed.

3) The problem slides

Next, you’ll want to dedicate a few slides of your sales presentation to covering the problem, or a key pain point.

You’ll need more than one slide to do this because problems – especially big, business-critical ones – are complex and interconnected.

What’s more, prospects don’t always see the full range or depth of the problems they’re experiencing – it’s all too easy to get wrapped up in the day-to-day, isn’t it?

According to the principle of loss aversion , people will work twice as hard to avoid loss as they will to gain a benefit. So, by painting a clear picture of the problems your prospect faces (and will continue to face in the future), you can motivate them to seek a solution.

Example time:

Let’s examine this through the lens of our fictional company, Projector.

Sure, your prospect knows they don’t currently have dedicated project management software. They might know it’s difficult for their teams and departments to keep tabs on work or communicate on progress, but have they considered anything like:

  • How this impacts productivity
  • How many hours their team loses every week, month, and year due to low productivity
  • Connecting the dots between low productivity and less revenue
  • How needless meetings and excessive communication apps can actually make things worse

You get the idea.

4. The “enviable future” slide

Cool, so you’ve hit them where it hurts (their pain points), the next step is to portray how it could be if the problem no longer existed.

The “enviable future” slide

From there, provide solutions to prove this is actually possible. Something like this…

Projector enables:

  • Centralized communication to eliminate unnecessary video calls, email threads, and text messages
  • A visual way to monitor progress and identify bottlenecks, so nothing slows you down
  • A single source of truth for all of your resources and deliverables, so you never need to go searching for the latest version
  • Customizable workflows to meet the needs of any project

The secret is to instill a true sense of longing for all of these benefits. This can help secure the ultimate buying decision.

5) The bridge slide

Next up in your sales pitch is the bridge slide. This slide provides the path to a problem-less world, and how your solution can get them there.

The bridge slide is a great opportunity to include the first touch of social proof, because people (and businesses) often copy how others behave – especially if they see proof of positive results.

In sales, it means demonstrating that someone relevant to your prospect (like a close competitor or a category leader they respect) has gotten real value from your solution. The implication is that:

  • Your prospect could too
  • If they don’t, they’ll be missing out on a real competitive advantage

This comes to life through a customer quote, stat, full case study, or all of the above on how a customer improved a business metric while using your solution.

The bridge slide

See what we did there?

6) The solution slides

Like the problem slides, you’ll want to include more than one slide dedicated to describing the solution in your sales presentation.

The first of your solution slides should give a brief, clear explanation of what your product or service does.

This likely won’t be the first time your prospect is hearing about your offering, so there’s no need to cover every single detail. Try to boil down your product or service – as it relates to your prospect’s unique needs – into one to three clear sentences , and include a few visuals of your product in action where you can.

The next of the solution slides should focus on the value your offering will bring to the prospect. Make sure your value proposition ties directly back to the “enviable future” you previously outlined, so it’s clear your offering is the key.

Once again, social proof – like testimonials and customer stories with results from clients – can really lift these slides and grab your prospects attention.

“Projector helped my team cut back on 70% of emails and eliminated the need for weekly team sync meetings. Now everyone’s status and progress is clearly visible to the whole team on Projector’s platform.”

“With full visibility into our marketing campaign budgets, we can quickly reallocate spend and optimize our campaigns. This quarter alone, we’ve increased inbound leads by 200%!”

Those are some pretty compelling stats (even if it is a fictitious company).

7) The closing slide

You’ll want to end your deck on a short slide with a powerful statement that helps ignite a sense of urgency in your prospect.

The closing slide

Like we said before, visuals of your solution’s success will always make an impact; a nice little upward trending graph or a video testimonial of a loyal customer, perhaps.

If your final slide touches on both the emotional impact of resolving the pain point and the potential business gains, you’ve hit the mark. Not only will your prospect want to stop losing out on productivity, revenue, or whatever else they’re losing, they’ll want to reap the benefits of your great offering.

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Powerful sales presentation templates to learn from

Explanations are good, and fictional decks are nice, but we all know learning by example is the best way to gain new skills.

You can find examples of sales presentation decks and PowerPoint templates scattered all over the web, but below we’ve sorted the wheat from the chaff just for you.

Get ready to borrow from the best:

  • 21 incredible sales deck examples guaranteed to get buy-in
  • 9 incredible sales presentation examples that succeed
  • 10 best sales presentation to inspire your sales deck

6 sales presentation tips to help you crush your pitch

After you’ve crafted your narrative, built your slide deck, and got your design looking slick, it’s time to practice delivery.

The way you deliver your sales pitch is key to your prospect’s engagement, understanding, and their interest in continuing the process.

Here are six tips to help you communicate best.

1) Don’t talk for too long

There’s no specific winning length for a sales presentation, but data suggest that keeping under 10 minutes is smart.

According to a study from Gong (which analyzed 121,828 web-based sales meetings), successful presentations in intro meetings lasted on average 9.1 minutes . The unsuccessful presentation? 11.4 minutes .

This mirrors neuroscience research which found that human attention begins to wander when a listener hears a single voice for 10 minutes.

It’s actually why Apple doesn’t let its keynote presentations run for more than 10 minutes without introducing a change (like a switch to video, a demo, or just a new speaker).

2) Rely on data and insights

Now, we might be biased, but this one is really important. ☝️

If you want to drive a business decision, you need to prove there’s a problem, and what the impact of the solution would be – all using real numbers.

A sprinkle of competitor analysis , a measure of revenue forecasting ( if they close a deal with you), and a dash of ‘what could be’ goodness is the magic recipe.

If you’re able to confidently recall some persuasive, meaningful figures and drop them in where relevant, you could be in for the win.

3) Clearly illustrate the problems

The challenges you’re describing might be big, messy, and complex. But your sales presentation and pitch needs to be concise and digestible. Don’t overload slides with text.

Choose the most relevant information and illustrate it in a logical, clear way.

When crafting your problem slides and thinking about how to deliver the information, keep the following pointers in mind:

  • Use numbers and data to back it up : As mentioned, data is key. Connect each main problem to tangible losses, like revenue, human capital costs, customer churn, etc.
  • Focus on the strongest (most painful) points: Your goal is to distill a web of problems into a few core examples.
  • Paint a telling picture: Think charts, graphs, stats, and images.

4) Personalize it

Even the most pixel-perfect PowerPoint presentation won’t get you anywhere if it looks like you’re just going through the motions.

What we mean is: your sales presentation needs to feel like it’s been specially crafted with them in mind – even if you know the majority of it stays the same from week to week.

Dropping in meaningful insights about their business is a great way to do this. These could relate to their own performance in the marketplace, to their competitors’ performance, or to an opportunity you’ve spotted for them.

Ideally you’ll be telling them something about their business that they don’t already know, and guess what? Your product can help them to exploit, navigate, or overcome it.

A tool like Similarweb Sales Intelligence can generate attention-grabbing and compelling data like that. It helps to inform any sales conversation you have, thanks to traffic and engagement data on over 100 million companies worldwide.

The Sales Intelligence Insights Generator allows you and your sales team to automatically find “insight nuggets” to either include on slides or incorporate into your dialogue. This is the secret to a consultative selling approach, which we won’t shut up about (and for good reason).

Image of the Insights Generator

With an effortless way to source the freshest data tailored to your specific audience, building and delivering a successful sales presentation can become your most powerful selling strategy yet.

5) Welcome interruptions

It’s easy to get fixated on landing your key points while presenting. So fixated, in fact, that you don’t give your prospect a chance to get a word in.

Encourage your prospect to speak up with questions or comments throughout the presentation. Make this clear at the start, and keep an eye out for any hints through body language that suggests a question or observation is brewing.

A sales presentation that feels more like a dialogue will be far more effective and memorable. Here’s why:

️ People like to talk: When you give your prospects a chance to get their two cents in, you’ll make them happy – and will help them to remember the conversation more fondly.

✍️ You can learn along the way : If your prospect says something super interesting and relevant, you can use that information to tailor and refine your presentation on the fly (and maybe use it in your next pitch).

⚡ It helps keep their mind engaged: As mentioned, when people take turns speaking, their brains automatically reset – and that makes it easier to have longer conversations, instead of listening to one long monologue.

What’s more, interruptions also help relieve you of some of the pressure of talking non-stop. Win-win.

6) Be confident

If you typically hate delivering a sales pitch, then you might be rolling your eyes at this tip. We know it can be hard to just ‘become confident’ if that’s not how you really feel.

But there are things you can do that really will boost your confidence, helping you deliver a better presentation:

  • Prepare : Get to know your slide deck back to front, memorizing all the numbers and stats you need to highlight.
  • Practice your script : But also anticipate where questions or comments might come up.
  • Listen to successful presentations: Make the most of your company’s recording software or find successful pitches on YouTube, and try to analyze what made these meetings, pitches, or persuasive presentations succeed.
  • Make sure you’re super-familiar with your product: If you don’t fully understand your product, you’ll have a hard time getting someone else to. Practice presenting to a colleague to identify the holes in your own understanding as you speak.

How do you do a sales presentation?

Two good tips are to keep it short and tell a story.

What should a sales presentation include?

Include an introduction and presentation of the problem or pain point, before getting to the solution (hint hint, your product).

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a good sales presentation

11 Sales Presentation Examples That Explode Your Pipeline

See uniquely effective sales pitch presentation examples and learn how to make a sales presentation that deeply engages buyers and helps you close the sale.


6 minute read

Sales presentation example

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Short answer

What makes a successful sales presentation?

A successful sales presentation deeply engages buyers by setting your product apart from competitors. It should be unique, avoiding static and generic slides.

Key elements include an attention-grabbing cover slide, a clear introduction, problem identification, solution proposal, social proof, key benefits, detailed implementation, and a clear call-to-action.

Interactivity enhances engagement, making the content more memorable. Addressing common sales objections and weaving a coherent story further ensures success.

A generic sales presentation is a silent sales killer

One of the biggest challenges for B2B sales and marketing teams is creating a presentations for sales that truly sets your product apart from the competition.

The main reason why most sales presentations fail is because they all look the same. Sure enough, certain designs are more attractive than others, but the delivery falls short all the same—static, generic, boring insufferable slides. To help you make your offer outshine the rest and leave the competition behind, I rounded up our best sales presentation examples we’ve seen used with tremendous success!

What to include in a sales presentation deck

Regardless of the industry you’re operating in, any outstanding sales presentation deck should contain the following 8 slides :

  • Cover slide: your company name and logo next to an attention-grabbing tagline outlining your unique value proposition.
  • Intro: here you present what your company does, why it's relevant to buyers, and how you fit into the overall picture.
  • The problem: identify the main problems buyers in your niche face and why they need to be solved.
  • The solution: the way your solution contributes to solving the problem mentioned in the previous section.
  • Social proof: customer testimonials and case studies.
  • Key benefits: the unique features of your solution that make it stand out from comparable products or services.
  • The “details”: describe how the implementation process works, what the key benefits and integrations are, and what your pricing structure looks like.
  • Next steps (Call-To-Action): a clear explanation of the next step a prospect is supposed to take after reading your sales presentation deck.

If this info is not enough, you may wanna read our killer post on the ins and outs of how to create exceptional sales decks .

6 questions any successful sales presentation needs to answer

If you want to turn a prospect into a client, there are 6 basic questions you’ll have to address in your sales presentation deck .

What are the benefits of switching to your product or solution over the status quo?

Why should a potential customer adopt this change now rather than later?

Why should they pick your industry solution instead of those outside of your industry?

Why should a potential buyer choose you and your company specifically?

Why should they pick your product and service? What unique value will it bring them?

Why should you get their hard-earned money?

According to David Hoffeld , these 6 basic questions are the reason behind all sales objections. If you answer them in your sales presentation, you can lead prospects through the buying process and get them to become paying customers .

Now it’s just a matter of weaving the answers to these questions into a coherent story using the outline we mentioned in the previous section.

Stop boring your prospects with static sales presentations

Static presentations should be a thing of the past. By giving your prospects an interactive presentation they can “play around” with rather than trying to decode, you enhance engagement.

Case in point: look at this example of the same presentation for sales designed in 2 different ways, one static and one interactive.

Which one would get you interested? Which would you rather keep reading?

Static presentation

Static PowerPoint

Interactive presentation

Interactive Storydoc

Dynamic content has big implications for your ability to make successful sales presentations. They increase the average reading time, scroll depth, conversion rate, and internal shares, and are generally seen as more informative.

Using interactive sales presentations brings real business results

Our data from analyzing over 100K Storydoc sessions suggest that these are some outcomes you can expect by moving to interactive content:

146% increase in your presentation’s average reading time (as compared to the PPT benchmark)

41% increase in the number of people who get all the way down to the end of your presentation

2.3x more internal shares within your buyer’s organization

Storydoc users report a 2x increase in conversion over their competitors. So, now that PowerPoint is no longer stopping you from achieving full potential, let's dive deeper into some sales presentation examples .

Best sales presentation examples that bring big results

Instead of wasting your time and effort on sales presentations that look pretty but don’t bring the desired results, I’ll let you in on a little secret of what makes a sales presentation highly effective and compelling .

These sales presentation examples are not your average PowerPoint decks, and rightfully so. PPTs are a 30-year-old technology that fails to meet the needs of modern-day buyers.

NOTE: All of the sales presentation examples presented below have been crafted using Storydoc. They consist of modern scroll-based interactive slides that have proven to bring great results. They're also 100% replicable, meaning you can take any of these samples and use it to create your own high-performing sales presentation in a matter of minutes.

Sales pitch presentation

What makes this sales presentation great:

  • Interactive slides are perfect for leading prospects through a compelling story narrative.
  • Various data visualization elements allow you to present hard data in a more digestible way.
  • Tiered slides can be used to outline the key features and benefits of your solution in a condensed way.

Sales mastery guide presentation

  • Contemporary design in line with the freshest trends helps position your company as youthful and cutting-edge.
  • A variety of image and data visualization placeholders that can easily be customized to convey the key insights.
  • A perfect balance of text-based and visual slides helps add context to your numbers.

Sales impact presentation

  • It comes with plenty of image placeholders that can be edited in just a couple of clicks to include industry-relevant visuals.
  • Running numbers slides can be used to present the most important metrics.
  • Interactive slides are ideal for guiding prospects through a captivating storyline.

Winning sales presentation

  • Minimalist design doesn’t detract from your main message while providing value.
  • Timeline slides and grayed out content are perfect for walking readers through complex processes or directing their attention to the main benefits of your solution.
  • The calendar integration on the last slide makes it easier than ever for prospects to book a meeting with you straight from the deck.

Sales excellence showcase presentation

  • A video on the cover slide boosts engagement by up to 32% , increasing the chances of prospects reading your entire deck and taking the desired action at the end.
  • Easily customizable slides which are perfect for delivering ultra-personalized sales pitches.
  • A vertical timeline allows this template to be repurposed for the next stages of the sales funnel too, for example client onboarding.

High-performance sales presentation

  • The narrator slide allows you to walk prospects through even the most complicated solutions in an easily understandable manner.
  • Video placeholders help ensure that more prospects will get to the end of your deck .
  • The ability to embed case studies helps legitimize your solution in the eyes of prospective customers.

Light mode sales presentation

  • Tiered slides allow you to present a variety of services or use cases of your solution in a single deck.
  • Animated slides boost user engagement and make your presentation more user-friendly, maximizing the chances of your deck getting read in full.
  • A library of data visualization elements to choose from helps position your company against competition and compare key metrics.

Dark mode sales presentation

  • High-contrast colors make the presentation easier to consume and interact with.
  • A fully interactive layout increases user engagement, as well as the average reading time.
  • Tiered slides make it easy to present your service offer or snippets of your portfolio.

Modern sales presentation

A selection of dataviz elements is ideal for demonstrating the most important business metrics and performance indicators.

  • Slides combining text and images can be used to present the main features of your solution in a user-friendly way, without overloading prospects with technical specs.
  • Dynamic variables can be easily edited in just a few clicks, allowing you to send out ultra-personalized versions of your sales presentation at scale.

Sales pitch presentation essentials

  • The sleek layout allows you to convey key details in fewer slides, respecting your prospects' time.
  • Versatile slides are readily customizable for diverse sectors and applications.
  • Straightforward, easy-to-use editor guarantees that any additions or tweaks you make will seamlessly fit the existing deck design, so you don't have to worry about disrupting the layout.

Sales presentation insights

  • The smart editor instantly extracts your company's branding, ensuring your presentation remains on-brand.
  • The scroll-based interactive format simplifies the presentation of your offering to prospects, leading them through an engaging story.
  • Our AI assistant can be used to generate relevant visuals, create the copy based on your website, or tweak the existing copy to perfection.

How to create your most effective sales presentation yet

The only way to survive in sales going forward is to make sales presentations that buyers love reading. PowerPoint will always fail to do this. It’s time to let it go. So long, old friend! You won’t be missed.

To create truly effective presentations for sales you’ll need to weave storytelling into your pitch, personalize for each prospect, and let them take the next commitment directly from your deck.

You can do all of the above and get deep insights into your sales process with Storydoc’s interactive sales presentation creator .

You can personalize at scale by integrating Storydoc with your CRM and pull prospect’s data directly into your presentations with a single click.

You can fine-tune your presentation to perfection using your extensive analytics panel.

Investigate when and where a presentation is being read, how many times it was shared internally, which parts engaged most, and which made prospects bounce.

Try Storydoc and watch your close rate break through the roof (hope you have your whiskey and cigars ready).

Storydoc analytics p

Sales presentation templates that win

To make your content creation easier I’ve brought you some of our best sales presentation templates to take and use.

These templates were built with business storytelling in mind. They use interactive design to engage prospects and help them break down even the most complex messages.

Each of these templates was tried and tested for every device or screen size.

a good sales presentation

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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Engaging decks. Made easy

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8 Effective Sales Presentation Examples to Boost Your Close Rate

8 Effective Sales Presentation Examples to Boost Your Close Rate

Winning sales presentations turn prospects into customers. But, constructing a winning presentation is often a source of dread for many sales folks. What is the perfect number of slides? Which is the best order? Should it be hyper-branded or simple?

Or, should we even be using slide decks at all in 2024?

Now, if you want to make the journey collaborative, or want to gain access to cool insights like whether they even looked at your presentation, the static deck just won't cut it.

Designing a beautiful and highly personalized sales presentation is great, but access to behavioral analytics through digital links is super powerful. Knowing whether the buyer clicked on that presentation, and then how long they viewed it, can help shape those next steps in your sales cycle.

In fact, by 2025, 80 percent of B2B sales interactions will happen in these digital channels, according to Gartner . This means that presenting your pitch digitally unlocks new opportunities to engage and collaborate with your buyer. Ultimately, this will help you close deals much faster.

Sales professionals of all types, from SDRs to Customer Success, make pitches at different points in the sales cycle. That's why it's super important to create presentations that are both enjoyable for buyers to watch and easy for sellers to navigate—especially if they’re pitching multiple times a day!

Sales Presentation Vs. Sales Pitch: Are They the Same?

Presentation? Pitch? What’s the difference? These two sales practices are often referred to interchangeably, but they’re not exactly the same.

Generally, a pitch is when you’re closing the deal. It’s short and effective—highlighting the benefits and value of the product and offering the sale. Now, it is also technically a sales presentation, but it’s not a “sales presentation.”

The sales presentation comes earlier in the process when you’re looking to get buyers interested in your product/service. Every good sales presentation gives prospects confidence in your brand and helps develop the customer relationship. It emphasizes the value your product delivers and provides clear direction for the next step in the sales process.

So really, the key differentiator between these two sales activities is the point in the sales process—the presentation introduces your product, and the pitch closes out the deal. This shifts your purpose and your approach when creating a presentation vs. pitch deck.

To create the best sales pitch ever, you can head over to our ultimate guide . But first things first. Let’s build a winning sales presentation that makes potential customers beg to buy.

6 Key Components of a Winning Sales Presentation

While there's no "one way" to make a pitch presentation, there are a few core ingredients that can transform a bland presentation into a show-stopping performance.

To keep your buyers engaged and prevent them from nodding off, make the presentation more interactive by fostering a conversation, using eye-catching visuals that leave an impression, and pacing your delivery to keep the energy level high.

1. Start Strong: Cover Slide + Confidence

First impressions matter. Your first slide and the first few moments of your delivery will shape perceptions and affect the ultimate success or failure of your sales presentation.

Your cover slide should instantly capture the audience's attention and convey your brand and industry. Later, we’ll explore some stellar examples. For now, just make sure your audience has a good idea of who you are and what you do from the very beginning—and make it interesting. Images are great at this.

Regarding your delivery, confidence is key — key— to both your sales career and presentation. The confidence you project about your solution will transfer to prospects, reducing their concerns and supporting an overall positive experience.

But you can’t get by on cover slides and confidence alone.

2. Sell Solutions (+ Value), Not Products

Gone are the days when you could simply shout that your product was the greatest thing since sliced bread—and expect customers to believe you.

Times have changed. Value-based selling is in . Today, the best approach is to inform your buyer with the right message through the right media, selling your solution and not your product.

In your sales presentation, make sure that each product feature that you include has a clear benefit for your prospective buyer. And don't just list the features. Explain why they make your product better, in the simplest way possible.

If your lead generation process produced high-quality leads, and your pre-presentation research uncovered pain points, you should have a pretty good idea what this prospective customer needs—and how your product can solve the issue.

At the end of the day, people want to know what's in it for them and how your product/service will make their lives better. Sell them the solution. The product is just a bonus.

3. Tell a Story

People remember stories. They’re more engaging than stats and figures—and humans connect with humans, not numbers. Research by cognitive psychologist Jerome Bruner suggests that facts are 22 times more likely to be remembered if they’re part of a story .

You want to harness that power for your sales presentation.

Consider your top-shelf customer success stories—or even the customer you just closed yesterday, who solved a major pain point with your solution. The key here is to find past customer situations that your current prospect can identify with. Maybe they serve a similar market niche, or are both struggling to keep their fully-remote team afloat.

Or, maybe, you want to tell your company’s story. Close itself started as a solution to our founders’ frustrations with existing sales CRMs.

Like any great story, you need an arc, characters, conflict—and a resolution. Include whatever graphs and metrics you think add value to the presentation. The numbers don’t speak for themselves, but they do play a supporting role to your storyline.

Turn your case study into a case story, illustrating how your product has helped someone else, and prepare to hook your target audience.

4. Keep It Simple

Be concise. Make your key points digestible. Prospects should be able to quickly scan your sales presentation—and then get back to the conversation.

However, many companies that offer complex products, such as software, tend to overcomplicate the delivery. Most buyers don’t have time to read white papers or long-winded info about your technical specs. Those details can come later.

There are ways to present content while neither boring nor overwhelming your audience:

  • Video: Sixty-six percent of people will watch a company’s entire video if it’s less than 60 seconds. Give them something they can quickly digest, that effectively highlights your value prop and most important product features.
  • Interactive demos: a great alternative to video calls, ideal with async presentations. You can use interactive demo software like Navattic or Walnut to let your buyer learn about your product on their terms, in their own time.

Whatever you do, get to the point. Time and attention spans are short. Be succinct.

Visually, don’t give your PowerPoint presentation the crafting kindergartner upgrade. Brand colors and fonts should be established early and kept consistent throughout.

In short—less is more. Don’t exhaust your audience visually or mentally.

5. Include the Proof

Your audience wants to know that your solution works. They also want to feel confident about their decision to pursue your product over the competition. How can you help ease these concerns? Include evidence in your sales presentation.

Social proof establishes your credibility and showcases how your solution has transformed the work lives of your customers. It’s an important element in building trust between you and your prospect . Social proof can include media mentions, G2 reviews, social media engagement, customer testimonials, and more.

Recent data from Statista, as of September 2023, indicates a shift in consumer behavior. Their survey, conducted among 10,021 consumers, revealed that 53 percent of U.S. respondents rely on search engines like Google for information about products. This highlights the evolving landscape of consumer trust and information sourcing.

Additionally, 34 percent of consumers used customer reviews as a source of information. This underscores the continued importance of positive reviews and testimonials in fostering trust in a business. The customer success story you've shared can be further enriched by integrating these insights, demonstrating not only the value of customer reviews but also the growing reliance on digital search engines for product information.

Including social proof in your presentation demonstrates how well your solution can meet customer needs —including theirs.

6. Call Them to Action

Nothing cleans out the sales pipeline like a well-timed, well-placed, and well-designed CTA . Success in sales relies on the success of your call to action. And that extends to your sales presentation.

Unlike the sales pitch, your sales presentation is probably not asking for the close. Instead, you are asking them to take the next step in the sales process—book a call, talk to their stakeholders, demo your product, or something else.

You want the CTA to be straightforward. Brief as possible. And effective. Make it easy for them to follow through. For example, if you want them to book a call, share a calendar link. Then follow up .

You have spent time and resources (yours and theirs) on this presentation, so don’t fumble the deal with a weak or confusing CTA. Your sales presentation should be the whole package. Literally.

But can we really tie all of this together into one mega-effective sales presentation? We’re about to find out.

8 Effective Sales Presentation Examples

Sales presentations come in all shapes and sizes. A great sales deck is one that is true to your brand, relevant to your target audience, and produces results.

Various factors can influence the structure, included elements, and delivery. For example, a self-directed presentation that prospects view online may require more text than one that’s delivered face-to-face (or via Zoom). A presentation given to industry experts will include different details (and language) than one delivered to your average, may-be-customer Joe.

As you build your next effective sales presentation, draw inspiration from these winning examples. We’ll share the presentation—and tell you why it works.

1. What + Why: Memento

Stating the problem, explaining the solution.

This sales presentation deck from Memento first describes the pain points of existing solutions—then showcases why Memento is different, emphasizing value and innovation.

This tried-and-true strategy keeps messaging simple and potent. The graphics and color-blocked backgrounds enhance that messaging, and the result? An eye-catching and powerful sales presentation.

2. Image-Rich Slides: Zuora

Is a picture worth a thousand words? Sometimes. It depends what that picture is, and what you’re trying to say.

Zuora uses an image-rich presentation to help differentiate themselves in the industry, and to support the storyline of their presentation. At the same time, text is kept to a minimum.

Visuals can create a supportive foundation upon which you can build your value proposition , company vision, and prospect-relevant story. You’ll probably include photos of your digital or physical product, but you can also add stock images or infographics.

Memorable presentations show , rather than just tell.

3. & 4. Personalize for Prospects: Trumpet

People aren’t numbers—and they don’t want to feel as such.

Personalize your sales presentation so that it speaks directly to your buyer. When possible, call them out by name and make sure that every aspect of the presentation is 100 percent relevant to their situation.

If you want to go the extra mile, incorporate their own brand identity. Make it about them, not about you. Our friends at Trumpet are on a mission to do just that with customizable presentation pods.

Check out this presentation pod example .

This prospect-specific presentation covers most of our key components for an effective sales presentation while taking personalization to the next level. Plus, it’s interactive—which adds value for both prospects and sales reps. Look for the comment section beside the presentation, where you can keep all communication and questions in one spot.

These customization options make your presentation stand out—and are bound to increase your CTA response rate. You can directly incorporate your online scheduling tool, such as Calendly, which also integrates with Close CRM to streamline prospect scheduling.

Here’s another winning example from Trumpet, featured as a use case for SDRs. Again, it’s got all the elements of an effective sales presentation (right down to customer testimonials), and even includes a short audio message specifically for the prospect, from the SDR.

So, ditch the generic sales script and personalize the presentation. Do your homework and make it relatable to each individual prospect, whenever possible.

Then, post-presentation, you can even follow up with a next-steps pod —again, created specifically for your prospect.

5. Be You(r Brand): Reddit

Remember earlier, when we said your sales presentation shouldn’t look like a kindergarten-age graphic designer let loose on Canva? There are always exceptions, right?

First and foremost, you must consider your audience and brand.

The best sales presentations are those that inform and persuade while being true to their brand identity. Sometimes that looks like minimalism: Short sentences, muted color palettes, and quiet power. Sometimes, that looks like pizazz.

Reddit has since updated its branding and slogan, but it once boasted to be “the front page of the internet.” At that time, this sales presentation got them a lot of love.

Talk about hooking an audience. But even the randomness isn’t random—it matches their brand, audience, and value proposition.

So consider your brand, audience, and value proposition, and build a sales presentation worthy of that. (But oh, to be on the sales team at Reddit.)

6. Adaptable Sales Story: Eigen Technologies

Eigen Technologies wanted a presentation to support a core sales story that could be tailored to different industry customers. An overview presentation like this one covers the bullet point features of the product while allowing the presenter to add any relevant prospect-specific slides.

Notice the decision to highlight how this solution stacks up against its industry competitors. This can add power to your own value proposition. Something else that adds power? The cohesive sales story that threads through the entire presentation, from stating the problem to showcasing the solution.

For some, this presentation might be a little text-heavy. When you’re presenting live, you want prospects to be listening to you, rather than simply reading all the information from your slides. For animated videos , take-home or self-guided presentations, however, use the amount of text necessary to support your message.

An animated sales presentation can also be a great addition to your sales and marketing materials. Save the static for your presentation, and get double-mileage with a video.

7. Out-of-the-Box: Apple

It’s hard to find live sales presentation examples because most are given privately in meetings, or directly between a salesperson and their prospect. However, explainer videos like this one can inspire your delivery—and your sales deck.

Steve Jobs, wearing his famous black turtleneck, was known for his potent yet simplistic Apple product presentations. Apple continues to lead with powerful sales messaging. Today, it has evolved to match its updated branding and sales style.

Watch how this presentation involves two different team members, both of whom add unique value to the messaging. Depending on the nature of your solution, the expertise level of your audience, and other factors, you might consider something similar—when it makes sense.

Note that every feature mention is immediately followed by its value. Your audience wants to hear about your product's benefit—don’t leave them with product details as bullet points.

8. Putting It Simply: Microsoft Office 365

This business presentation from Office 365 employs an attention-grabbing color scheme while spotlighting feature details via powerful, concise messaging.

With complex products especially, you need to filter out unnecessary information. Boil it down to your key points and features, then use simple graphics and copy to share your product. Let your value overwhelm prospects—not the presentation itself.

Are you ready to get started on your next super-effective sales presentation? Before you go, consider how it could impact your closing rate—and how you can optimize results.

Using Your Sales Presentation to Close More Deals

Every customer touchpoint should drive prospects toward your ultimate goal: closing more deals. An effective sales presentation is just one step in the customer journey, and tips and presentation templates will take you far.

Let’s look again quickly at the end of your presentation.

At the end of the presentation, you need a strong call to action—but you should also consider other ways to make your message stick. Based on the nature of your solution and how you’re delivering the presentation, you might need to leave behind handouts for your audience.

They should be focused and simple, supporting rather than detracting from your presentation. Maybe they even create a dynamic QR code for scanning to download your app or view contact information.

Then to fully optimize your sales presentation, you must follow up . Your sales presentation alone might not sell your solution—but your faithful follow-up game can push them to take the next step. Enter your CRM.

An agile CRM like Close can streamline this outreach and boost customer retention rates . Now you can optimize—and sustain—the success of your next sales presentation.


Anna Hunyadi

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What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

  • Carmine Gallo

a good sales presentation

Five tips to set yourself apart.

Never underestimate the power of great communication. It can help you land the job of your dreams, attract investors to back your idea, or elevate your stature within your organization. But while there are plenty of good speakers in the world, you can set yourself apart out by being the person who can deliver something great over and over. Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired together are more memorable); don’t underestimate the power of your voice (raise and lower it for emphasis); give your audience something extra (unexpected moments will grab their attention); rehearse (the best speakers are the best because they practice — a lot).

I was sitting across the table from a Silicon Valley CEO who had pioneered a technology that touches many of our lives — the flash memory that stores data on smartphones, digital cameras, and computers. He was a frequent guest on CNBC and had been delivering business presentations for at least 20 years before we met. And yet, the CEO wanted to sharpen his public speaking skills.

a good sales presentation

  • Carmine Gallo is a Harvard University instructor, keynote speaker, and author of 10 books translated into 40 languages. Gallo is the author of The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World’s Greatest Salesman  (St. Martin’s Press).

Partner Center


How to get clients fast with the most engaging sales presentations.

Lidia Vijga

Written by Lidia Vijga

  • CEO at DeckLinks, Speaker, Podcast Host
  • Published on August 16, 2022
  • Updated on May 7, 2024

Table of Contents

Did you know that, according to Crunchbase , the best sales reps spend an average of 6 hours every week researching their prospects? In today’s competitive market, having an engaging sales presentation can make all the difference in closing deals. In this article, I’ll share tips and techniques to help you create the most captivating sales presentations that will not only grab your audience’s attention but also drive them towards a buying decision.


  • Cover slide: The cover slide is crucial for making a good first impression. It should be attention-grabbing, professionally designed, and include your company name, logo, your name, and a message that speaks directly to the buyer.
  • Solution slide: Start with the solution slide to immediately address the prospect’s pain points and present your value proposition. This approach captures the audience’s attention and demonstrates how your product or service can help them.
  • Success story or Social proof slide: Including success stories or testimonials from satisfied customers can help build trust and credibility with your audience. This slide showcases the real-world benefits of your product or service.
  • “The bright future” slide: Paint a picture of the positive outcomes your product or service can bring to the prospect. This slide should inspire and motivate the audience to take action.
  • “Why us / About the company” slide: Provide information about your company’s background, expertise, and unique selling points. This slide helps establish your credibility and differentiates you from competitors.
  • “Meet the Team” slide: Introduce the key members of your team, highlighting their skills and expertise. This slide helps humanize your company and demonstrates the talent behind your product or service.
  • “Pricing and implementation” slide: Clearly outline the pricing structure and implementation process for your product or service. This slide should provide the necessary information for prospects to make an informed buying decision.
  • “Next steps” slide: End your presentation with a clear call to action, guiding prospects on what they should do next. This slide should encourage prospects to take the next step in the sales process.
  • Engaging and visually appealing presentation: An effective sales presentation should be easy to follow, visually appealing, and tailored to the needs of the audience. It should cover all key points, be concise, and easy to follow.
  • Leverage video sales tools: Video sales tools can help engage your target audience in a more personal and interactive way. However, be cautious not to overuse technology, as flashy

What is an effective sales presentation?

An effective sales presentation is easy to follow, visually appealing, and delivered with honesty and transparency. It should be tailored to the needs of the audience and provide them with information that is relevant to them. It should cover all the key points, be concise, and easy to follow.

A B2B sales process is a system that inside sales teams use to identify and qualify potential clients, build relationships, and close sales. The sales process typically has six stages: awareness or prospecting, education, vendor selection or proposal, negotiation, commitment, and post-sale impact stage. An effective sales team uses sales presentations and educational materials at each stage of the sales process to engage prospective clients.

A sales presentation is a critical part of the sales process – it’s a visual presentation that tells your story and showcases your products or services. Creating a strong sales deck is an essential part of any successful B2B sales process.

Sales professionals know that creating the most effective sales presentation or a sales deck is not easy. B2B buyers are constantly bombarded with sales pitches, video presentations, and sales decks. They are quick to tune out anything that feels like a canned or generic sales pitch.

Did you know that according to Forbes about 35 million presentations are given each day to over 500 million people?

The best sales reps are always looking to improve their sales process. They are always on the lookout for new technologies that can help them sell more effectively.

Video sales tools have become increasingly popular in recent years amongst high growth sales teams. Video offers a way to engage a target audience in a more personal and interactive way. A well-crafted video sales deck or a video sales presentation can be highly effective in winning over new customers.

However, there is a danger in using too much technology in your presentation. The flashy graphics and animations can actually distract the client from your message. So if you are considering using some new technology in your next slide deck, think carefully about whether it will actually add to your message and engage the client or just create a visual distraction.

The main question you should be asking yourself: Does it help the prospects understand your offerings better?

To be effective, a B2B sales deck must be carefully tailored to the specific needs of the buyer. It should always be focused on solving the client’s pain points and display the value proposition.

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Focus on creating a sales presentation that addresses the needs of the buyer.

A good sales presentation is one that is tailored to the needs of the audience and provides them with information that is relevant to them. It should be well-organized, visually appealing, clear, cover all the key points, be concise, and easy to follow.

The most effective sales presentation is also engaging and should clearly define the value proposition. The best sales presentations are those that leave the audience wanting more, so it is important to avoid over-selling or coming across as too pushy.

Ultimately, a good sales presentation is one that makes a strong case for the product or service being sold.

With so many sales presentation examples and sales presentation templates online which ones should you pick? Where should you start? No worry! We have put together a comprehensive guide with the best sales presentation techniques and insights that will help you create the most engaging B2B sales deck that will resonate with your target audience, and will make a good first impression.


Asking for the business is the best way to accelerate saas sales.

As any experienced salesperson in SaaS sales knows, the key to closing a deal is to ask for the business. You have to ask for the sale!

What is a B2B sales presentation or a sales deck?

A sales presentation or a sales deck is a presentation that contains slides with product and company information, product or service value proposition. It oftentimes includes success stories or testimonials, and pricing. Sales professionals use sales presentations to persuade clients to buy their products or services. They highlight the benefits of their products and service and demonstrate why they are superior to competing products or services.

Sales professionals use sales presentations to persuade clients to buy their products or services. They highlight the benefits of their products and service and demonstrate why they are superior to competing products or services.

Sales reps also use a sales deck to answer any questions potential customers may have about your offerings. You want your audience to understand your main points and be able to see why your product is the best solution for their needs. If you can do all of that, then you’ll be well on your way to creating the most effective sales presentation.

A sales presentation can be delivered in-person, via live video sales calls, or asynchronously by video narrating your presentation and sharing it with your prospect or client.

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The Most Common Sales Presentation Myths

The world of sales is loaded with more misguided opinions and sketchy “best practices” than a rent-is-too-damn-high mayoral candidate’s platform. From overly slick presentation templates to gimmicks, sales reps have been fed a buffet of suspect advice on how to crush sales presentations. Well, I’m here to expose some of the most common sales presentation myths that deserve to be tarred, feathered, and chased out of town on a rail.

  • “Your slide deck has to be picture perfect.” Let’s get real, nobody cares if your sales deck looks slick as hell if the content is a snooze-fest. Sure, having visual elements that don’t make your prospective client’s eyes bleed is good. But at the end of the day, they want to know if your product or service can make their lives easier, not how pretty your PowerPoint templates are.
  • “More slides = more $$$.” Adding endless slides to your deck is a one-way ticket to BoredTown. I’ve sat through enough torturous most presentations to know that too many slides is a surefire way to overwhelm prospects and put them in a coma. Stick to the key points, for crying out loud!
  • “You need to demo every product feature.” Unless you’re selling a digital camera to photographers, most folks don’t need a 3-hour guided tour of every bell and whistle. The best sales reps know to focus on the important features that actually solve the pain points. Nobody wants to hear about the 112 different ways to customize the bulleted list formatting.
  • “You have to start with an elevator pitch.” How about we ditch the cheesy elevator spiels and just have a normal conversation instead? The first impression should be about building trust and making a connection, not robotically reciting your rehearsed opener. Those make my soul die a little.
  • “Body language doesn’t matter.” Oh, it matters alright. If you’re constantly fidgeting, avoiding eye contact, or look like you’d rather be getting a root canal, your prospects are going to sense it. The best sales reps have their body language on point – confident stance, friendly demeanor, all that jazz. It puts people at ease.
  • “The big reveal slide is essential.” I’ve got a hot take for you – the whole “save the best for last” gimmick is majorly overrated. If you bury the main point until the very end, you risk losing people’s attention way before the big reveal. Mix up that flow and make your main points obvious from the jump.
  • “Never admit flaws in your product or service.” This is a classic case of sales bro-advice gone wrong. You don’t have to pretend your product’s features are 100% perfect – prospects can smell that BS a mile away. The best sales reps are upfront about limitations while positioning them as relatively minor compared to the awesome benefits.
  • “You should customize every sales presentation.” In a perfect world where I have 96 hours in a day, sure, ultra-customized decks would be great. In reality, having a few solid sales presentation template that you modularly adapt per situation is way more practical and time-efficient for us busy bees.
  • “Making it funny and entertaining is a must.” I’ll admit that a few well-timed jokes can be an asset for a sales presentation. But positioning yourself as a would be stand up comic is a recipe for disaster. You’re there to convey the value proposition, not perform at the Laugh Factory.
  • “You must deliver the full presentation start-to-finish.” Adhering rigidly to your entire pre-planned slide deck is a good way to put people into a vegetative state. The most successful sales calls are a dialogue – be ready to smartly skip around, delve into specifics, revisit key slides, etc. based on the situation.
  • “Never show pricing.” Old school brosefs seem to think playing coy about pricing is some master selling technique. These days, prospects expect and appreciate transparency on pricing right from the get-go. Dancing around it just breeds distrust and annoyance.

Sales meme - Lets just give the customer the list price, No, Were giving them a fictional price minus imaginary discount

What slides should a sales presentations include?

  • Cover slide.
  • Solution slide.
  • Success story slide or a Social proof slide.
  • “The bright future” slide.
  • “Why us / About the company” slide.
  • “Meet the Team” slide.
  • “Pricing and implementation” slide.
  • “Next steps” slide.

B2B sales presentation slides to include #1: Cover slide.

Many sales reps underestimate the power of the cover slide. This slide is often the first chance you have to make a good first impression on your audience, so it’s important to get it right.

A successful sales presentation cover slide should be attention-grabbing and should set the tone for the rest of the sales presentation. It should provide just enough information to pique client’s interest and get them curious.

An effective cover slide should be professionally designed and include your company name, logo, your name, and a message that directly speaks to the buyer.

When you send an email or a video email to a prospect or a client, the cover slide of your pitch deck will also be displayed as a thumbnail.

You can use this to your advantage when designing your cover slide. A nicely designed cover slide will help to capture people’s attention and can greatly increase the chance that people will click to view your slide deck.

People are more likely to click to view a presentation with an eye-catching cover slide than one that is plainly designed.

By investing the time to create a well-designed cover slide, you can set the tone for a successful sales presentation and increase your chances of making a sale!

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B2B sales presentation slides to include #2: Solution slide.


What? You heard it! Start with the solution slide. Not the slide about your company or the pain points you are solving, not the product’s features, not the pictures of your cat or dog. Lead with the solution slide instead!

An effective B2B sales deck doesn’t need to be a mystery novel with a long build-up and a big reveal on the final slide.

The best way to engage your audience is to present your solution and the value proposition in a clear and concise way.

You have very limited time to capture your client’s attention.

Most presentations start talking about the problem the client may be facing. Your client already knows about the pain point they are facing! They want to know that you have a solution that can help them solve it.

B2B buyers are not easy to sell to. You are typically dealing with people who are very knowledgeable about their industry and skeptical of any outside solution. That is why it is important to start your sales presentation with the solution slide. This is the slide that outlines exactly how your product or service will solve the prospect’s pain points. It should be clear and concise.

This is the time when you have the highest chance to capture the attention of the viewer.

B2B sales presentation slides to include #3: "Success story" or a "Social proof" slide.

Even the best sales reps often face skepticism when presenting their products and services. After all, businesses are built on numbers. Sometimes it can be hard to quantify the benefits of a new product.

One way to overcome this skepticism is to use a success story slide supported by case studies of other customers. The social proof slide should tell a compelling story of how your company has helped a specific customer achieve their goals. By showcasing a real-world example and success stories of your solution in your sales deck, you’ll give your potential client the confidence that your offerings can deliver real results.

The success story slide’s purpose is to engage the prospect by sharing a relevant, relatable story that demonstrates the benefits of your offerings.

It should be a part of every sales deck. Successful sales presentations always contain a compelling story or a great example that help sales reps to overcome initial scepticism coming from a prospective client.

Tell a story that is specific and quantifiable.

Sales presentation - Success story

They show how your company was able to solve a concrete pain point for a real customer. When crafting a success story slide, be sure to focus on the key takeaways that will resonate with your prospect.

In order to create the most effective sales presentation, it is important to choose a relevant and inspiring story. The story should be clear, concise, and easy to follow. When done well, a success story slide can be hugely persuasive, showing a potential client that you have a track record of delivering results. Not only that but it can also help you build trust and credibility with the prospect.

If you have case studies from other customers or just a great example helping similar company, you should attach them to your sales deck.

By following up with the social proof slide in your own sales presentation, you can ensure that your audience remains engaged and interested in what you have to offer. It is a simple sales presentation technique but it is the best way to get your prospect to start talking and pay close attention.

B2B sales presentation slides to include #4: "The bright future" slide.

Sales deck slide - Bright future

Many inside sales teams overlook the importance of the bright future slide. This is the slide that showcases what the prospective client can expect if they sign on with your company.

Your goal is to paint a picture of a world in which the prospect’s pain point no longer exist. It’s an opportunity to paint a picture of success and to demonstrate how your product or service can help them achieve their goals. This requires a deep understanding of the prospect’s business and their challenges. Only then can you create a compelling vision of a future in which their pain point has been solved.

This future should be specific, believable, and attractive to the prospect. By painting this picture on the sales pitch, you can help the prospect see the potential for your product to transform their business. This can help the buyer see the value of your solution. A well-crafted “bright future slide” can help to secure the ultimate buying decision, and so it is essential to put careful thought and planning into it.

Including a bright future slide in your sales deck is essential for closing deals. So if you’re not already including the bright future slide in your own sales presentation, you’re missing out on a key opportunity to win over new business!

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B2B sales presentation slides to include #5: "Why us / About the company" slide.

This is the slide where you can share your company’s history, talk about its mission and values, and highlight its key strengths.

In addition, this slide should highlight your company’s accomplishments and successes. Doing so will help to establish trust with your audience and show them that you’re a reputable and reliable business.

Remember that B2B buyers are looking for a long-term partner. They need to know that they can trust your company to deliver on its promises. Finally, remember to keep your sales deck up-to-date so that it accurately reflects your current company status.

By including a slide about your company in your own sales presentation, you’ll be able to effectively communicate who you are and what you do – two key elements in closing any B2B deal!

B2B sales presentation slides to include #6: "Meet the Team" slide.

Sales presentation slide - Meet the team team slide

When you’re creating a sales deck to present to new clients, it’s important to include a slide that introduces your team. Why? Because when you’re selling to a company, you’re not just selling to an individual – you’re selling to a team. The team slide helps the buyer visualize your team as part of their own, and see how you would fit in and contribute to their success.

You can also use the slide to highlight your team’s expertise, accomplishments, and talents. Including a “Meet the Team” slide in your presentation will help create a more personal connection with your audience. It will help them see your company as more than just a faceless entity.

Depending on who is seeing your sales pitch, this slide can very formal or informal. Remember the goal is to trigger an emotion that can help you connect with the client on a human level. So check the recipient’s LinkedIn, see what they post and how they engage with others. You would be surprised 😉.

Including a team slide in your next sales presentation is a great way to build trust and credibility with your prospects. So next time you’re preparing your sales deck, make sure to include a team slide – it could be the difference between winning and losing the deal!

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B2B sales presentation slides to include #7: "Pricing and implementation" slide.

Provide the client with a clear explanation of what the implementation or onboarding process looks like. For example, if you’re selling cloud-based accounting software, make sure to explain how long it will take to set up the system and train employees. Providing this level of detail will show that you’re knowledgeable about your product and that you’re committed to providing a seamless transition for your customers.

If you are selling multiple product tiers or bundles, clearly explain the benefits of each option. The value proposition of each offering should be well defined in your sales deck. The most important factor to consider is the needs of the prospective client. For example, if they are looking for a comprehensive solution, then a top-tier option might be the best choice. However, if it is a small businesses and they expressed interest in specific product features, then a lower-tier option might be more appropriate.

Ultimately, the main point is to provide a recommendation that meets the needs of the prospective client while also providing clear justification for why that particular option is the best choice.

It is essential, to be honest, and transparent with your potential clients.

Trying to oversell your product or service on a sales pitch can often backfire, leading to mistrust and ultimately losing the sale. By being honest and transparent, a sales rep can establish trust with prospective clients and create a foundation for a successful business relationship.

B2B sales presentation slides to include #8: "Next steps" slide.

One important element of a B2B sales deck that the best sales reps always include is the next steps slide. This is the final slide that helps to reinforce the sales message and provides a clear call to action for the prospect.

B2B sales process often involves many many decision-makers with different needs and priorities. As a result, it’s important to ensure that each decision-maker has a clear understanding of the next steps. Otherwise, the sales cycle can quickly stall as decision-makers wait for clarity. This is why it’s essential to have a clearly defined next step in your sales presentations. By doing so, you can keep the momentum going and move closer to a successful sale.

This final slide should clearly outline what the prospect needs to do in order to move forward with the purchase. It should be concise and easy to understand. The call to action should be obvious, and there should be no ambiguity about what the next steps are.

Including a next steps slide in your sales deck can help to increase your close rate and boost your sales numbers.

So when you work on your next sales presentation try following these sales presentation tips you’ll be able to craft a more compelling story and engaging sales pitch that will accelerate your sales cycle!

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What are the biggest sales presentation mistakes to avoid at all costs?

After a long and meticulous sales process, you finally managed to get a chance to present your powerpoint presentation to the buyer. This can be done either on a live call or asynchronously. Don’t let all that work and efforts go to waste.

  • Having too much text on your in your sales presentation.
  • Using visuals in your sales deck that don’t support your messaging.
  • Using too much technical jargon when delivering your sales presentation.
  • Rushing through your sales presentation to share more information.
  • Reading the slides.
  • Excluding the prospect from your story.
  • Heavily using parasite words on your sales presentation.
  • Focusing on product’s features, not benefits and value proposition in your sales deck.
  • Making your sales presentation too long.
  • Not showing a clear next step.

Most common mistakes to avoid #1: Having too much text on your in your sales presentation.

“It doesn't matter how good or bad the product is, the fact is that people don't read anymore.” WIRED Steve Jobs

No matter how complex your product or offerings is you have to simplify the messaging and substitute text with visuals whenever possible. If your sales presentation is too text-heavy and lacks data visualizations, it will be difficult for the audience to process important information and follow along.

The best sales decks strike a balance between text and visuals, using concise language and clear visuals to convey important information in an easy-to-understand format. More information is not always better. In fact, less is often more when it comes to a sales deck. When in doubt, leave it out. It is better to have a concise, well-organized sales deck than one that is crammed full of information. Find some sales presentation templates to get some inspiration.

So, next time you’re putting together a static sales deck or a video sales presentation, remember to keep your audience in mind and use text sparingly. A little goes a long way!

Most common mistakes to avoid #2: Using visuals in your sales deck that don't support your messaging.

A successful sales presentation requires more than just a well-organized deck and knowledgeable sales rep. It also needs to be visually engaging to capture and hold the attention of the audience.

Visual elements can be a powerful tool in creating a great slide deck.

Proper use of graphics can help to convey complex ideas in a way that is both clear and memorable.

In addition, graphics can add an element of excitement and dynamism to a presentation, making it more enjoyable for both the presenter and the audience.

When used effectively, graphics can be a powerful asset in creating a successful sales presentation. However, it is important to use graphics judiciously, as too many can confuse and overwhelm prospects.

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In a sales presentation, the use of visual elements that don’t support the messaging can be a major mistake.

The reason is that the decision-maker is looking for specific information to help them understand how your product addresses their pain points. If the graphics in your sales deck don’t reinforce this message, it can distract from your overall argument and confuse your audience.

It is also important to avoid falling into a rabbit hole of constantly changing the design of your sales presentation. Find good looking powerpoint templates or a pitch deck online and customize the content. Using a sales presentation template can help you save time and create an effective sales presentation in no time!

Using too many or too few visual elements in your sales deck can be detrimental.

The key is to use graphics judiciously, selecting only those that are truly helpful in conveying your main points.

If you are selling a B2B SaaS platform, show some screenshots to reinforce your messaging, the most important features, and the value proposition. If you are selling SEO services, show examples from Google Analytics and use data visualizations, charts, and graphs in your sales deck.

When used effectively, graphics can be a powerful tool in a slide presentation. But when used improperly, they can do more harm than good.

A successful sales presentation strikes a balance between text and visuals, using each to complement the other. By carefully planning the layout and design of their presentation, sales professionals can ensure that their graphics make a positive impact and contribute to a successful outcome.

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Most common mistakes to avoid #3: Using too much technical jargon when delivering your sales presentation.

Don't use technical jargon on a sales video presentation

When giving a B2B sales presentation live or sharing a video sales presentation, it is important to avoid using technical jargon. While you may be familiar with the terms and concepts, your audience may not be. Using jargon in your sales deck can alienate your listeners and make it difficult for them to follow along.

Instead, focus on speaking in plain language that all prospects understand.

Use specific examples and analogies to explain complex concepts. That doesn’t mean you have to dumb down your message, but it does mean avoiding technical jargon that only a small percentage of people will be familiar with. Of course, there are times when you can use technical jargon and be absolutely certain that people will understand it. Doing so will help ensure that your message is understood and appreciated by all.

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Most common mistakes to avoid #4: Rushing through your sales presentation to share more information.

According to a recent study by Zoom , on average, people remember about 10% of your presentation after 48 hours. So focus on the main points and repetition. According to the study, repeating the 10% message and reinforcing it visually lead to precision memory in 74% of the participants.

It is important to remember not to overwhelm prospects. Too much information can be confusing. Instead, focus on providing the essential and important information that the buyer needs to know in order to make an informed decision.

Don’t try to show everything you have to offer on your sales pitch.

Do your research and focus on things and the most important features that are relevant to the buyer. This way, you can tailor your sales deck to their needs and interests. What’s more, you’ll be able to anticipate any objections they might have and address them head-on. Researching your prospect can also give you some sales presentation ideas that can help you deliver a killer sales presentation and close the deal! So don’t skimp on preparation – it could mean the difference between success and failure.

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Most common mistakes to avoid #5: Reading the slides.

When giving a B2B sales presentation, it is important to remember that the slide deck should be used to support your messaging.

The audience wants to hear from you!

If you spend too much time reading from your slide deck, you will lose the audience’s attention. Instead, use the slides as a tool to reinforce the key points you’re making verbally. This will help keep your audience engaged and focused on what you’re saying.

Sales reps who rely solely on reading from their slide deck during presentations are missing out on a key opportunity to connect with their audience. Instead of simply regurgitating the information that’s already on the slides, the best sales reps use the sales deck as an opportunity to share their insights and expertise. They use facial expressions and body language to connect with the client on a human level. This not only makes the presentation more engaging but also helps to build rapport with the audience. In addition, by sharing their thoughts and observations, the best sales reps can add an element of urgency and excitement that often gets lost when presentations are purely factual.

When it comes time to close the deal, that extra level of connection can make all the difference. So next time you’re preparing for a live slide presentation or recording an asynchronous video sales presentation, resist the urge to simply read from the slide deck. Instead, use the slides as a tool to support your powerful storytelling.

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And last but not least, be aware of the body language you are projecting, as it can influence the outcome of a sale. According to the study by Albert Mehrabian, professor of psychology at University of California, body language accounts for 55% of communication. It is very important for a sales rep to learn how to use body language effectively. By using body language effectively, you can increase your chances of delivering the best sales presentation and making a successful sale!

Most common mistakes to avoid #6: Excluding the prospect from your story.

A sales presentation should be about the prospect, not the product or the product’s features. Prospects want to know how your products and services will benefit them, not just what it is and how it works.

When giving a sales presentation, it’s important to engage your audience and make them invested in the story you’re telling. One way to do this is to include the prospect in the story.

You can do this by using the pronoun “you” when you tell a story. For example, “Let’s say you’re trying to increase sales by 10% this quarter.” This simple change will make your prospects feel like they are part of the story and help them to see themselves using your products and services. This will help them to see themselves as the protagonist, understand how your products and services can benefit them, and connect with your message on a personal level. In addition, this approach will help you create a more conversational tone that will make your presentation more lively and engaging.

When you tell a story, consider what problem the buyer is trying to solve and how your product or service can help them to overcome it. Use specific and relatable examples to illustrate your point. Make sure to address any objections in your sales deck that the buyer might have. In addition, including the prospect in the story can help build rapport and trust. When prospects feel like they’re part of the story, they’re more likely to be interested in what you have to say and be receptive to your sales pitch.

So next time you’re preparing a sales presentation, remember to include your prospects in the story. It’s a small change that can make a big difference and help you close more deals!

Most common mistakes to avoid #7: Heavily using parasite words on your sales presentation.

When delivering a B2B sales presentation, it’s important to sound professional and confident. One way to do this is to avoid using filler words such as “um,” “like,” “basically,” “actually,” and “you know.” These words can make you sound uncertain and reduce the impact of your message. Similarly, words like “just” or “simply” can downplay the importance of what you’re trying to say.

Instead of using filler words, take a moment to pause and gather your thoughts. It’s best to avoid using any type of filler words in your presentation. Not only do they make you sound less confident, but they can also distract from your overall message.

In addition, filler words can also increase the amount of time it takes to deliver your presentation, which can bore your audience and cause them to tune out. Instead, focus on using language that is clear and concise.

By avoiding parasite words and speaking with confidence, you can ensure that your next sales presentation is more impactful and makes a lasting impression!

Most common mistakes to avoid #8: Focusing on product's features, not benefits and value proposition in your sales deck.

When you’re giving a sales presentation, it’s important to remember that your audience is primarily interested in understanding how your products and services can help them achieve their business goals. Your clients are not as concerned with the specific product’s features of your offering as they are with understanding how those features will benefit them.

It is important to focus on benefits and value proposition when doing a sales presentation because it is one of the main reasons why a potential client will move towards making the buying decision. They should be clear, concise, and easy to understand.

For example, if you’re selling a digital product like a CRM, your slide deck should not focus on the product features. Instead, start talking about how the system can help the buyer increase sales or improve customer retention. As a result, your sales deck should focus on highlighting the business results that your products and services can deliver. By doing so, you’ll be able to capture your audience’s attention and build a strong case for why they should do business with you.

If you can effectively communicate the benefits and the value proposition of your products and services in your slide deck, you will be more likely to close more deals!

Most common mistakes to avoid #9: Making your sales presentation too long.

The key to successful sales presentations is to keep your audience engaged. After all, it doesn’t matter how great your products and services are if no one is paying attention.

According to the developmental molecular biologist John Medina viewers will tune out after 10 minutes.

Sales presentation tips - don't make your video presentation too long

Most sales presentations are often long and dry, filled with statistics and jargon that lose the attention of the audience within minutes. This is a huge mistake. The key to a successful B2B sales deck is to keep it short, sweet, and to the point.

Remember, you’re selling to busy professionals who have better things to do than sit through a tedious presentation. In fact, research has shown that shorter presentations are more likely to be successful in terms of both conversion rates and client satisfaction. Shorter presentations are easier to digest and remember.

By keeping your sales deck short and focused, you’ll stand a much better chance of holding your audience’s attention and making the sale!

Most common mistakes to avoid #10: Not showing a clear next step.

Sales deck - Next step CTA

At the end of your live sales presentation or an asynchronous video sales presentation, it is incredibly important to establish the next steps in order to move the deal forward. This next step could be something as small as scheduling a follow-up meeting or it could be starting the onboarding process.

Not having a next step defined is one of the surefire ways to kill any momentum that might have been gained during the sales presentation.

If you do not define the next steps, it gives the impression that you are not interested in continuing the conversation or that you do not have a clear understanding of what needs to happen next. This can damage your relationship with the prospect and make it less likely that they will do business with you.

The goal of a B2B sales presentation is to eventually land the sale, and without a defined next step, it will be very difficult to move closer to that goal. By contrast, if the next steps are clearly laid out in your sales deck, it gives both parties a sense of direction and purpose moving forward. To put it simply, not defining the next steps in your slide deck is bad for business!

How to deliver the best sales presentation?

  • Establish value then talk price.
  • The best reps proactively bring up competitors.
  • Share a video narrated presentation before the discovery call.
  • Don’t underestimate the power of insight.
  • Personalize your pitch to position yourself as an advisor.
  • Don’t memorize your sales pitch, but practice it.

B2B sales presentation tips #1: Establish value then talk price.

When giving a B2B sales presentation, your first step is to demonstrate the value of your product before you start talking about the price. This is because decision-makers want to know that your product will be worth the investment before they commit to anything. If you are selling to small businesses that are very price sensitive, establishing value is even more important. Many decision-makers also are looking for solutions that will improve their bottom line.

Too often, sales reps focus solely on the price and fail to establish the value of their products and services. As a result, the prospective client is left feeling like they don’t really need what you’re selling. To deliver successful sales presentations, you need to focus on the value of your products and services. Talk about how it will benefit the client and eliminate their pain point.

By showing them the value of your product first, you’ll be able to make a stronger case for why it’s worth investing in.

Once you’ve demonstrated the value, you can then talk about pricing and how it fits into the overall picture. By taking this approach, you will be able to demonstrate the value of your solution and position yourself as a partner rather than a vendor.

B2B sales presentation tips #2: The best reps proactively bring up competitors.


Most presentations don’t include the competition slide and it is a big mistake!

In today’s business world, your competition is just a Google search away and a common mistake that sales reps make is to avoid talking about their competition.

They may think that by doing so, they are giving their competitors “free publicity” or making themselves look bad by comparison. However, in many cases, the opposite is true. By mentioning your competition in your sales presentations, you can actually make yourself look more professional and credible. This is because you are showing that you are aware of the landscape of your industry and that you have done your research.

By acknowledging your competition in your sales pitch, you can show that you are confident in your products and services and that you are not afraid to bring up your competitors.

This is one of the most powerful sales presentation techniques that the best reps use, as it shows that they believe in their product and are willing to put it up against the best that the competition has to offer.

Additionally, by proactively bringing up your competitor’s products and offerings, you can address any objections that your prospect might have before they even have a chance to bring them up. By proactively bringing up your competition, you can take control of the conversation and help to close the sale.

Furthermore, by showing that you are aware of your competition and are actively working to improve upon their product features. It also demonstrates that you are dedicated to meeting the needs of your clients. This shows that you are a company that can be trusted and that you will work hard to ensure that the client is satisfied.

Finally, discussing your competition in your sales pitch can help you come across as a trusted adviser rather than just another sales rep looking for a naive buyer.

So don’t be afraid to mention your competitors in your sales deck. It can actually work in your favor.

B2B sales presentation tips #3: Share a video narrated presentation before the discovery call.

The discovery call is a crucial step in the sales process. It’s an opportunity to learn about the prospect’s needs and pain points, and to establish whether there’s a fit between the product and the client. One way to make the most of this opportunity is to share a general presentation before the call. This gives the prospect a chance to get a general understanding of your products and services.

Sharing a video sales narrated presentation or a sales deck is even more effective as it can greatly amplify the impact of your presentation. It will make it easier for the recipient to digest the important information. Not only that but it can help the buyer get used to your voice, see your body language, and it will also give them a better sense of who you are as a person. It will help you establish a human connection with your client before the discovery call. Ultimately, sharing a video sales presentation is a great way a sales rep to connect with their clients on a human level and showcase their expertise.

Video Sales GUIDE – Tips and Tactics to help you Close Deals Fast

Learn how to use video for sales to close more deals. How to prepare for a video presentation. What questions to ask on a video sales call.

Sharing an asynchronous video presentation before the discovery call will allow you to have a more natural conversation with the client.

Moreover, sharing a video sales presentation before the discovery call also allows for more efficient use of time on the call itself. As both parties will already have a good understanding of what’s being discussed. This will ensure that you spend more time engaging in a more natural conversation with your client.

If you are looking for a tool to quickly create video presentations, you should try DeckLinks . It allows inside sales teams to create video narrated sales presentations by simply video narrating an existing PDF slide deck or a powerpoint presentation. This asynchronous video presentation is then can be shared in a single trackable link.

A trackable sales presentation can help you sell better by allowing you to see how recipients interact with your content. This data can be used to improve the effectiveness of your slide deck, strategically prepare for an upcoming discovery call, identify the most engaged decision-maker, or get some sales presentation ideas. You will get access to very granular analytics, like open rate, time spent on each slide, clicks, downloads etc. This information can help you determine which topics, products or services are most interesting to your prospect or a client, and which parts of your presentation are most effective.

For example, if you see that recipients are not viewing your entire presentation or skipping slides, you can change the order or reduce the number of your slides. You can also make your slide deck more visual or adjust your messaging to make your content more engaging.

By using a trackable video sales presentation, you can gain valuable insights that will help you sell more effectively. And the best part part? There’s a free plan!

In short, sharing video presentations before a discovery call is a good way to make sure that everyone is on the same page from the start. Win win for both sides!

How to Create a Presentation Video to Accelerate the Sales Cycle

A comprehensive guide on how to make video presentations and use them at any stage of the B2B sales cycle to increase clients engagement.

B2B sales presentation tips #4: Don't underestimate the power of insight.

Gong B2B sales insight

Gong Labs data show there is an 8% increase in close rates when the sales rep and the buyer curse on the sales calls, compared to nobody cursing at all 🤯.

When delivering your killer sales presentation, it’s important to start off with an insight that will grab your audience’s attention and set the tone for the rest of the presentation. This is one of the most popular sales presentation techniques employed by high-performing B2B sales professionals to pique their customers’ interest.

An insight is a piece of information that helps your audience see the pain point in a new light. It can be something as simple as an interesting statistic or a surprising fact. An insight could be something that challenges their assumptions, highlights a new trend in your industry or brings up an interesting case study.

Whatever you choose for your next sales presentation, make sure it’s something that will resonate with your audience and make them want to hear more. By sharing an insight that is relevant to your product or service, you can demonstrate your expertise and build trust with a prospective client.

Additionally, insight can help to clarify the benefits of your offering and make it more relatable to your audience. Once you have their attention, you can move on to the rest of your pitch deck.

So if you’re looking to give your next sales presentation a boost, be sure to include an insight or two. It could make all the difference in closing more deals.

B2B sales presentation tips #5: Personalize your pitch to position yourself as an advisor.

When creating a B2B sales presentation, it is important to remember that no two clients are exactly alike, so a cookie-cutter approach is bound to fall flat. You can try to find sales presentation examples or sales presentation templates online to get some inspiration but you still need take the time to get to know your prospect and tailor your sales pitch accordingly.

While there are certain elements that a good sales presentation should have, such as an engaging opener and a clear call to action, the best sales decks are tailored to the specific needs of the client. What pain points are they trying to solve? What objectives do they hope to achieve? For example, if you know that your prospect expressed interest in saving money, you can focus on how your product can help them to reduce costs. By addressing these questions in your sales deck, you’ll be able to create a more meaningful connection with your prospect – and increase your chances of making a sale.

A generic slide presentation that doesn’t take into account the specific needs of the client is often met with resistance or indifference. On the other hand, a sales deck that is tailored to the client’s industry, company size, and specific pain points is much more likely to be well-received. Not only that but sales deck personalization can help to build rapport and trust, which are essential for making a successful sale.

It can be tempting to take shortcuts when preparing a sales presentation, but if you want to close the deal, personalization is key. Your prospect will appreciate the effort you put into understanding their business and crafting a sales deck that resonates with them. Furthermore, by putting extra effort and time into understanding the client’s business and challenges, you can position yourself as a valuable resource and advisor.

Positioning yourself as an advisor rather than a salesperson can be extremely effective. Businesses are always looking for ways to improve their RevOps and bottom line, so they’re always open to new ideas that can help them achieve their goals. As an advisor, you can provide them with insights and recommendations that will help them make the best decisions for their business. This sales presentation technique requires more initial investment than simply pitching a product, but it can be much more effective in the long run.

By positioning yourself as an advisor, you build trust and credibility with potential clients. This will make it much easier to close deals and build strong long-term relationships with clients.

B2B sales presentation tips #6: Don't memorize your sales pitch, but practice it.

Pitching is an art form, one that takes practice to master. When you’re giving a sales presentation, it’s important to sound natural and confident, not like you’re reciting a script. If you memorize your sales pitch, you’ll sound robotic and unnatural, and you’re likely to forget key points or get tongue-tied if you get thrown off by a question. There’s a fine line between being prepared and sounding like you’re reading a script. However, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t practice your pitch beforehand.

There are a few simple sales presentation tips that can help you hone your pitching skills. The key is to memorize the structure of your sales deck, not individual words or phrases. Try to memorize the key points you want to hit. You want to sound natural, more spontaneous, and confident, but you also don’t want to get tripped up on the details. Practice your next sales presentation until you know it inside and out, and can deliver your pitch smoothly and confidently. The more practice you get, the more comfortable you’ll feel when it comes time to give your pitch. This way, you’ll be able to deliver it in a conversational and engaging way, and you’ll be able to improvise if necessary.

So don’t try to memorize your sales pitch – instead, practice it until you have complete confidence in your ability to deliver it flawlessly. And if you do happen to forget something, don’t panic – just take a deep breath and move on. Your audience will appreciate your candor and professionalism!

Key takeaways

Sales rep making the virtual sale happen

As you prepare to create your sales deck, keep in mind that your goal is to deliver value to your audience.

  • Your sales deck should be designed to educate and inform your audience, not simply sell them your product or service.
  • A good sales presentation is well-researched and relevant to your audience’s needs.
  • In addition, it should be focused on delivering a clear and concise message.
  • Tell a story but don’t turn it into a novel with a big reveal on the final slide.
  • Share successful customer stories and social proof.
  • Be ready to provide any relevant case studies.
  • When delivering a sales presentation use simple language and avoid jargon, make it easy for prospects understand your sales pitch.
  • Make sure to practice your elevator pitch and body language ahead of time so that you can deliver it with confidence.
  • Finally, don’t forget to have a clear next step at the end of your sales deck!

Follow our sales presentation tips and tricks, you can be sure that your next sales presentation is engaging and informative and that it leaves a positive impression on your audience.

Engaging Virtual Presentations: Tips to Wow Remote Audiences

Learn to overcome virtual presentation challenges with tips to boost confidence, engage viewers, and deliver smooth presentations online.

How to create the most engaging and impactful sales presentations?

Focus on showcasing the value proposition in a compelling story format focused on quantifiable customer benefits. Use data visualizations, relatable success stories, and relevant examples tailored to your audience’s specific needs and pain points. Make the presentation conversational with two-way dialogue.

How to develop sales presentations that drive results?

Thoroughly research your target audience and market. Establish credibility and build trust from the start. Highlight ROI, business outcomes and quantitative results. Acknowledge competitors proactively. Practice an authentic yet confident delivery. Always have a clear and actionable call to action.

What is an optimal length of a sales presentation?

Limit your core sales pitch to 10 minutes or less with 8-12 slides focused only on key points. Lead with the agenda and value proposition. Make the presentation scannable, conversational and interactive. End with a summary and call to action.

What types of visuals make the biggest impact on a sales presentation?

Effective visuals include charts demonstrating ROI, screenshots showing product capabilities, logos of current customers, data visualizations like graphs, relevant images reinforcing key points, short customer quotes and statistics.

How to craft impactful, memorable openings and closings for sales presentations?

Start strong by leading with an insightful statistic or compelling example tailored specifically to your audience. Wrap up by clearly stating next steps, contact info, and a specific call to action.

What common mistakes to avoid when delivering sales presentations to prospects?

Avoid rushing through your pitch, overloading slides with too much text, using complex industry jargon, focusing solely on product features rather than benefits, and sounding overly scripted or salesy.

How to make sales presentations interactive, conversational and engaging for prospects?

Pause frequently for questions and feedback. Invite audience participation. Leverage interactive product demos relevant to the prospect’s needs. Use thought-provoking prompts related to their business challenges.

How to practice and prepare before presenting a sales deck?

Memorize your sales pitch structure rather than a word-for-word script. Practice until your delivery is fluid, natural and authentic. Time yourself when practicing to perfect your pacing.

How important is the cover slide of a sales presentation?

Cover slide is often the first chance you have to make good first impression on the audience. Successful sales presentation cover slide should be attention-grabbing and should set the tone for the rest of the sales presentation. It should provide just enough information to pique client’s interest and get them curious.

What is the solution slide and why is it important?

Solution slide is the slide that outlines exactly how your product or service will solve the prospect’s pain points. It should be clear and concise. Most presentations start talking about the problem the client may be facing. Your client already knows about the pain point they are facing! This is the slide that outlines exactly how your product or service will solve the prospect’s pain points.

Lidia Vijga

Lidia Vijga

About the author.

Lidia Vijga is a seasoned professional with 10 years of first-hand experience in B2B sales and B2B marketing. She has a proven track record of driving growth for companies across various industries. Throughout her career, Lidia has led numerous successful sales campaigns and implemented innovative marketing strategies that have significantly increased revenue and reduced customer acquisition cost for her clients. Lidia regularly shares her insights and experiences on LinkedIn, webinars, and public speaking engagements. Lidia believes in the power of personal qualities such as kindness, empathy, and the willingness to understand others. She is committed to empowering client-facing teams with tools that enhance their talent instead of automating it, and she firmly believes that teams that show their human side grow companies much faster.

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Never lose control of the sales process. Equip your product champion or a gatekeeper with a presentation video that can be shared with the decision-makers. Don’t let your message get lost in translation.

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Quick Video SALES TIPS from Sales Leaders and Sales Influencers in the B2B space.

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  • A Complete Guide on Mastering Sales and Marketing Presentations
  • Exploring Presentation Examples and Ideas

Inspirational Presentation Examples

Aayush Jain

Aayush Jain

Analyzing award-winning sales presentations.

a good sales presentation


Award-winning sales presentations are more than just slides; they are masterpieces of strategy, design, and persuasive storytelling. These presentations stand out because they effectively combine compelling narratives with clear, impactful data, all tailored to the target audience. This section explores the anatomy of such successful sales decks, using sales presentation examples and highlighting what makes them resonate with audiences and judges alike.

The best sales presentations are often recognized in industry awards due to their innovative approach to engaging potential clients. They not only showcase products but also weave the brand's unique value proposition seamlessly into the narrative. Key elements include a strong opening, a cohesive storyline, and a visually appealing slide deck. These presentations are crafted meticulously to ensure every element aligns with the overarching message and business goals.

Real-World Applications

For instance, a recent winning sales presentation at a major industry conference demonstrated the power of integrating customer testimonials and real-time data into the sales pitch. The successful sales presentation also used a dynamic slide deck to visually represent market trends and customer success stories, making the case compelling and relatable. This approach not only captured the audience's attention but also underscored the product's market fit and competitive advantages.

Studies and data from sources like Harvard Business Review and Forbes highlight that the effective use of visuals can increase the retention of information presented by up to 65%. Additionally, marketing analytics firm Nielsen has found that presentations featuring customer success stories yield a 50% higher engagement rate than those without.

Breakdown of Viral Marketing Campaigns

a good sales presentation

Viral marketing campaigns are the gold standard in the realm of digital advertising, achieving unprecedented reach and engagement through creative and often unexpected means. These campaigns capitalize on the power of social sharing to elevate brand presence and drive consumer action. This section delves into the mechanics behind successful viral campaigns, identifying key strategies that prompt widespread audience engagement.

The essence of a viral marketing campaign lies in its ability to connect with viewers on an emotional level, whether through humor, inspiration, or shock. Effective campaigns are meticulously planned to tap into current trends and public sentiments, making them highly relatable and shareable. They often feature a compelling story or a unique presentation angle that breaks through the noise of traditional advertising.

A prime example is the "Share a Coke" campaign by Coca-Cola, which personalized bottle labels with common names. This simple yet ingenious idea turned bottles into personalized messages among friends, sparking massive engagement online and offline. The campaign's success was fueled by its personalized approach, encouraging not just consumption but social interaction, making it a benchmark in viral marketing strategies.

According to a case study published in the Journal of Marketing, the "Share a Coke" campaign resulted in a significant increase in consumer engagement across multiple platforms, contributing to a 7% rise in sales during the campaign period. Further insights from a Social Media Today article reveal that campaigns incorporating personalization elements can lead to a 500% increase in consumer interaction rates.

Lessons from Historic Marketing Wins

a good sales presentation

Historic marketing wins serve as invaluable lessons for marketers, sales professionals and business strategists. These landmark campaigns have not only shaped the brands they represent but also set new standards for what is achievable in marketing. By examining these triumphs, we can uncover timeless strategies that continue to influence modern advertising practices.

Successful historic campaigns often leveraged emerging technologies or cultural shifts to create a significant impact. They transformed traditional advertising norms, introducing innovative concepts like guerrilla marketing or viral videos long before these terms became mainstream. Key elements often included an understanding of the target audience's desires and the societal context, ensuring the campaign resonated deeply and broadly.

Apple's "1984" Super Bowl commercial is a quintessential example. It introduced the Apple Macintosh in a groundbreaking format that not only captivated viewers but also cemented Apple’s reputation for creativity and innovation. The commercial’s narrative was set against a dystopian backdrop, symbolizing the fight against conformity, which resonated with a wide audience and remains a reference point in advertising.

Analysis from Advertising Age highlights that Apple’s "1984" commercial was pivotal in changing Super Bowl advertising, making it a showcase for innovative and high-stakes marketing efforts. Furthermore, a study by Marketing Week shows that memorable campaigns like this can contribute to a brand’s long-term equity, with Apple experiencing sustained market growth and brand loyalty decades later.

The Impact of Visuals in Iconic Advertisements

a good sales presentation

Visuals play a pivotal role in the effectiveness of advertisements, with iconic ads often remembered for their striking imagery and aesthetic innovation. This section explores how visuals not only catch the eye but also communicate complex messages quickly and memorably, becoming a critical component of successful advertising strategies.

The power of visuals in advertising is rooted in their ability to convey emotions and narratives more effectively than words alone. Iconic advertisements utilize color theory, composition, and symbolism to create deep associations with the brand. These elements work together to create a visual language that can influence consumer perceptions and behaviors without the need for extensive text.

Nike's "Just Do It" campaign features simple yet powerful visuals that encapsulate the essence of the brand’s message of determination and perseverance. The minimalist design of the ads, combined with compelling imagery of athletes in action, effectively communicates the brand's identity and values, making it instantly recognizable worldwide.

Research from the Visual Teaching Alliance shows that visuals are processed 60,000 times faster than text, which underscores their importance in advertisements. Additionally, a case study by the American Marketing Association indicates that ads like those from Nike not only increase brand recognition but also boost sales by aligning the brand image closely with the target consumers' aspirations.

Storytelling Masterpieces in Corporate Presentations

a good sales presentation

Storytelling is a powerful tool in corporate presentations, transforming standard pitches cover slide show into engaging narratives that captivate audiences and foster emotional connections. This section examines how effective storytelling can elevate a presentation from merely informative to truly inspirational, using narrative techniques to enhance the impact and retention of the presented content.

Effective storytelling in corporate settings involves structuring a presentation as a narrative with a clear beginning, middle, and end. It integrates the core message with storytelling elements like characters, challenges, and resolutions, which help the audience relate to the content on a personal level. This method makes the information not only more digestible but also more memorable by linking it to a storyline that resonates with the audience’s experiences and emotions.

An exemplary case is Google’s CEO Sundar Pichai’s introduction of Google Assistant at Google I/O 2016. By framing the technology within stories of everyday challenges and how Google Assistant could solve them, Pichai demonstrated the product’s utility in a personal and relatable way. This narrative approach helped the audience visualize the practical applications of the technology in their own lives, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of the product.

A Forbes article on corporate communication underscores the importance of storytelling in business environments, noting that presentations using stories can see a 50% increase in audience engagement. Moreover, a study published in the Harvard Business Review reveals that companies that master storytelling techniques are 22% more likely to receive preferential investment considerations.

Revolutionary Product Launch Presentations

a good sales presentation

Revolutionary product launch presentations transcend typical marketing efforts by creating memorable experiences that captivate and engage audiences globally. This section focuses on how innovative presentation techniques can dramatically enhance product launches, ensuring they leave a lasting impact potential customers and drive substantial market interest.

The key to a successful product launch presentation lies in its ability to seamlessly integrate storytelling, technological innovation next sales presentation, and audience interaction. These presentations often use state-of-the-art visuals, immersive experiences, and narrative techniques to showcase the product's unique features and benefits, setting the stage for its market entry. The strategic use of these elements can transform a standard product reveal into a significant event that builds anticipation and excitement.

Apple’s product launches, particularly the introduction of the iPhone, set the standard for what a revolutionary product presentation can achieve. By meticulously detailing the iPhone’s features through a mix of live demonstrations google slides, videos, and Steve Jobs’ charismatic narration, Apple not only introduced a product but also sold a vision that reshaped the smartphone industry.

According to a study by the Journal of Marketing Research, Apple’s launch events significantly influence consumer expectations, sales process and stock market performance, illustrating the profound impact of well-executed product presentations. Further, a report from Business Insider highlights that engaging product launch presentations can lead to immediate spikes in sales and lasting brand strength.

Analyzing TED Talks for Presentation Techniques

a good sales presentation

TED Talks have become a global platform for sharing ideas, driven by their distinct and effective presentation techniques. This section dissects the elements that make TED Talks so impactful, focusing on how speakers use a combination of personal storytelling, expert knowledge, and visual aids to engage and inspire audiences.

A hallmark of TED Talks is their concise, focused format, typically limited to 18 minutes or less, which encourages speakers to deliver their messages clearly and compellingly. This brevity ensures that presentations are accessible and retain the audience's attention. Speakers often utilize a narrative structure, personal anecdotes, and significant visual components to enhance understanding and retention.

A standout example of good sales presentation is Sir Ken Robinson’s talk on how schools kill creativity, which remains one of the most viewed TED Talks. Robinson uses humor and personal stories to make his points relatable and persuasive. His ability to connect with the audience through a well-crafted narrative showcases the power of personal engagement in presentations.

Research from Psychological Science indicates that presentations that tell a story, like most TED Talks, are more likely to be remembered than those that present information in a traditional, list-based format. Additionally, a study published in the TED Series Journal highlights that integrating visuals and anecdotes can increase viewer retention rates by up to 50%.

Behind the Scenes of Successful Crowdfunding Pitches

a good sales presentation

Successful crowdfunding pitches are crafted to capture the imagination and support of potential backers through compelling storytelling and clear demonstrations of product potential. This section explores the key elements of pitch deck that contribute to effective crowdfunding presentations, highlighting strategies that lead to successful funding outcomes.

The essence of a winning crowdfunding pitch lies in its ability to communicate the uniqueness and feasibility of the project convincingly. These pitches often combine emotional appeal with practical demonstrations of the product's use and benefits. Effective pitches also clearly outline the goals, physical product, use of funds, and the potential impact on the backers, ensuring transparency and building trust.

The Pebble Time smartwatch campaign on Kickstarter is a prime example of crowdfunding success. The presentation effectively used engaging videos and clear, concise explanations of the product’s features and benefits, which resonated with tech enthusiasts. By setting clear funding goals and offering tangible rewards, Pebble Time not only met but greatly surpassed its funding targets, raising over $20 million.

Data from Kickstarter shows that campaigns with clear video presentations have a 50% higher success rate than those without. Additionally, a study by Indiegogo suggests that campaigns that update their backers regularly are 126% more likely to achieve their funding goals compared to those that do not maintain communication.

Brand Storytelling in the Digital Age

a good sales presentation

In today’s digital landscape, brand storytelling is not just about crafting a narrative; it’s about creating an immersive experience that resonates with audiences across multiple platforms. This section examines how brands can effectively use digital tools to tell stories that not only engage but also build lasting relationships with their audience.

Modern brand storytelling involves a strategic mix of content types—videos, blogs, social media posts, and interactive websites—that work together to weave a cohesive and captivating brand narrative. This integrated approach ensures that the story is accessible from various touchpoints, enhancing the audience's engagement and fostering a deeper connection with the brand.

An excellent example of effective digital brand storytelling is Dove’s “Real Beauty” campaign. By leveraging powerful video content and interactive social media engagements, Dove has successfully challenged beauty stereotypes and promoted body positivity. This campaign has not only increased brand loyalty but also sparked important conversations about beauty standards in society.

According to a Nielsen report, campaigns that effectively integrate multi-channel storytelling can see up to a 70% increase in brand recall. Furthermore, a study published by the Digital Marketing Institute shows that consumers are 55% more likely to purchase from a brand they feel emotionally connected to, highlighting the significant impact of effective storytelling.

Design Thinking in Presentation Creation

a good sales presentation

Design thinking is a user-centered approach that can revolutionize the way presentations are created, focusing on empathy, innovation, and iteration to meet audience needs effectively. This section explores how integrating design thinking into presentation creation can enhance clarity, engagement, and impact effective sales presentation.

At its core, design thinking involves understanding the user’s perspective and continuously refining ideas based on feedback. In presentation design, this means crafting each slide or segment to address specific audience challenges or questions. Effective design thinking also emphasizes the importance of aesthetics and functionality, ensuring that presentations are not only beautiful but also practical and accessible.

A notable application of design thinking in presentations is seen in TEDx events, where speakers often use visually rich, well-organized content tailored to their audience’s interests and comprehension levels. These presentations are iteratively refined based on rehearsals and feedback, ensuring they effectively communicate the core message and engage the audience throughout.

A study by the Design Management Institute reveals that design-led companies enjoy a significant competitive advantage, showing a 211% return over non-design-led companies. Additionally, Harvard Business Review highlights that incorporating design thinking into business presentations leads to a 30% increase in audience engagement and content retention.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you give an inspirational presentation.

To give an inspirational presentation, focus on crafting a compelling narrative that connects with your audience emotionally. Use powerful visuals, share personal stories, and emphasize messages that resonate with your audience’s values and aspirations.

What is an inspiring presentation?

An inspiring sales presentation is one that motivates and influences the audience to think differently or take action. It typically involves a strong, relatable message, delivered in a way that engages and moves the audience through strategic storytelling and dynamic visuals.

What is a motivational presentation?

A motivational presentation is designed to inspire and energize an audience, often encouraging them to overcome challenges or pursue goals. It combines persuasive content, enthusiastic delivery, and motivational cues to create a powerful impact.

How do you write motivation in a presentation?

Writing motivation into a presentation involves clearly articulating the benefits of the action you advocate for, using emotional appeals, and providing compelling evidence and anecdotes that support the message. Engage the audience with questions and interactive elements to maintain interest and commitment.

What are some examples of presentation?

Examples of presentations include business pitches, educational lectures, sales demonstrations, and motivational talks. Each type best sales presentation utilizes specific strategies tailored to their purpose, from persuasive sales pitches to informative academic presentations.

How to present keyword research?

To present keyword research effectively, organize your findings clearly, highlight trends, key points and insights, and use visuals like charts and graphs to demonstrate keyword performance and opportunities. Tailor your presentation to your audience's familiarity with SEO concepts.

What words to use to start a presentation?

Start a presentation with words that grab attention and set the tone. Phrases like "Imagine a world where...", "Did you know that...", or "Today I’m going to share with you..." are effective openers that pique curiosity and engage listeners from the beginning powerpoint presentation.

What is an example of a presentation title?

An effective presentation title is concise, descriptive, and engaging. For example, "Beyond the Horizon: Exploring Future Tech Trends" or "Unlocking Creativity: Innovative Strategies for the Digital Age".

What is business presentation examples?

Business presentation examples include quarterly financial reports, sales deck marketing strategy pitches, new product proposals, and client onboarding sessions. These presentations are designed to inform, persuade, or update stakeholders on business matters.

How to write a business presentation?

Writing a business presentation involves defining your objectives, understanding your audience, structuring your content logically, and including compelling data and visuals. Begin with a clear introduction, follow with detailed content, and conclude with a strong call to action.

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Best Presentation Design Agencies in Mumbai

TL;DRIn the competitive landscape of presentation design, finding the right agency is crucial for effective communication. This guide highlights the top 10 presentation design agencies in Mumbai, showcasing their unique strengths and services. Among them, INK PPT stands out for its innovative approach, global delivery capability, and exceptional quality,

Different Types of Special Presentations

Investor Pitches and Fundraising Decks Crafting Effective Investor Pitches and Fundraising Decks Creating a compelling investor pitch and fundraising deck is crucial for startups and businesses seeking to secure investment. These presentations aim to convince potential investors of the viability and profitability of a business idea or product. The key

Sustainability in Presentation Design and Delivery

Eco-Friendly Materials for In-Person Presentation Handouts Embracing Eco-Friendly Materials for Presentations In today’s environmentally conscious world, using eco-friendly materials for in-person presentation handouts is a crucial step towards sustainability. Traditional handouts often result in significant paper waste and contribute to environmental degradation. By choosing sustainable alternatives, presenters can reduce

  • Pitch Decks & Investor Materials
  • B2B Graphic Design
  • Startup Consulting
  • Trainings & Workshops
  • Case studies
  • Downloadable resources

10 Slides you should have in your sales presentation

  • Presentation design

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Each sales presentation is different, from product to product, from company to company and from prospect to prospect. However, all of them have  some traits in common. They need to be informative, persuasive, well structured and with a good design.

Before going into more details let’s remember what exactly is a sales presentation:

Formal and pre-arranged meeting, usually at a customer’s place (or at a neutral premises, such as a hotel) where a salesperson or a sales team presents detailed information (often including live demonstration) about a product or product-line.  

According to Business Dictionary

After researching some of the best sales presentations and designing a few ourselves these are the 10 slides that are a must.

Cover slideBuild-up ( context and mega – trends )The problem your prospects are facingShortcomings of current solutionsPotential new solution (without naming yours)The value propositionThe Product you are offeringBenefits that they getExperiences, examples and social proofCall to action

1. A stellar cover slide

People are so impatient these days, the attention span is getting lower and you are sitting in a room where maybe nobody knows you. Make a first impression that lasts, get their attention from the beginning and don’t let go. 

Don’t be afraid to go bolder and more visual on your cover. We usually like to go for vibrant, high res images with various treatments (for example, adding a bit of 3D to it by integrating image parts with text)

a good sales presentation

For the brain to remember, presenters must deviate from a pattern in some significant way.

Carmen Simon, co-founder of Rexi Media

2. Build-up / A powerful story about context and mega trends

According to HubSpot, the most successful presentations are 65% stories. That is because we are more inclined to remember a story than numbers or statistics. Get your audience on the path that you are building for them. 

Give context to your presentation by talking about the overall trends of the market. This way you ensure that everybody is in agreement about the current situation. The prospectors get a sense of control and will encourage them to talk about how these trends affect their position, what are their struggles and what opportunities they seek in the market.

a good sales presentation

You have to realise that within 30 seconds, 35 percent of the people have decided they don’t like you. You need a really good 30-second opener to grab their attention. Don’t overburden it with too many slides or words. Weave in personal stories and a sense of humour (if you have one), and be engaging. My primary purpose in public speaking is to motivate, so I come out strong and have a lot of fun!

Adam DeGraide | CEO and founder, Astonish

3. The problem your prospects are facing

Before going into the meeting you already did your homework on the prospects and this is the time to use it. Show them what you know about them while introducing the problem that your product/service tackles. Explain why this is an issue for them and why current attempts won’t help solving the problem.

First you need to understand what is motivating them to have a discussion, which allows you to identify their pains and present how your offering solves their pains. Everything presented to a prospect should be based on the value for them specifically.

Bradley Davies, business development at Cognism .

a good sales presentation

4. Reasons problem goes unsolved / Shortcomings of current solutions

Building on the trends that you just presented, introduce the problems that these trends are bringing. Talk from the customer point of view, what are the problems they face and how it feels for them. 

Without bringing up your product explain the solutions that exist for the problem and the reasons they are not fully satisfying.  

a good sales presentation

5. The potential new solution

After just presenting the short-comings of the current solutions you step in with the ideal one. It is not your product/service yet, but the most desirable way to solve the problem, a way that is difficult to be achieved without help. 

Your prospectors should understand what their life would be if they had this incredible solution that you described.

Improve your sales presentations by speaking about the #1 challenge your prospects face, using the language they use to describe that challenge. When you do this, your prospects will “get it.” More importantly, they will think that you “get it” as well.

Wendy Weiss, President of ColdCallingResults.com

a good sales presentation

6. The Value Proposition

In case your product/service is cutting edge innovation you will need to differentiate yourself from your competitors. How do you show that to your prospectors? Using your value proposition.

The value proposition is not just product focused, but also shows what your company stands and how you, as an entity, can help your audience. Keep it short, as this is not the spotlight of your presentation, it is another key point in your story.

a good sales presentation

7. The Product you are offering 

Now is the time to reveal the hero of your story. Show them your product, how it looks, what are its features, what it does, but more importantly tell them what it does for them. Focus on how this can help their problem. 

a good sales presentation

8. Benefits that they can get

After presenting your solution you can go through the benefits that your prospectors have by using it. Outline the bigger benefits and why should that be of use to them. 

Paint the image of the outcome the customers have after using your product/service, what are their gains and what is the value that you bring. 

What kinds of businesses are they looking at? What model/criteria/triggers do they use to judge whether a project will be successful or not? If you don’t have some sense of their points of view, your likelihood of making the pitch go well is more random. You may happen to emphasise the right points that pique an investor’s interest, but you shouldn’t leave your financing up to chance.

Reid Hoffman, LinkedIn Co-Founder

a good sales presentation

9. Experiences, examples and social proof 

During the presentation you created the relationship between you and the prospectors and now you put yourself in the position of a trusted advisor, not just a salesperson. So now make them understand how your product/service could improve their business. 

If you have a physical product this is the moment to actually put it in their hands. If what you present is a service try to make them experience it. Other powerful tools are success stories and case histories of companies that have already used your solution.

You need to show up with case studies, ideas, and research. Your clients do not have time for needs assessments and hundreds of questions. 

Ryan Dohrn, Sales coach and keynote speaker

a good sales presentation

10. Call to action

Finish your presentation with a summary of the deck that leads to a clear call to action. This is what your audience will remember, what is the next step they need to take. 

Design your slide in a simple and powerful way to end this chapter of the story. 

The most important thing in any presentation is to ensure that you get the message right. Having a clear message for your audience is essential to achieving success.

Jessica Pyne, Marketing Communications Assistant at m62 visualcommunications

a good sales presentation

When using this structure and not only, keep in mind that you also need to make your presentation unique, relevant and to represent your product. Try and see what flow works best for you and for your product/service. Work with your colleagues or your managers to have consistency in your organization message and your sales narrative. 


Are you ready to take your presentations to the next level?

Our team can help with everything from researching your project, writing the content, designing and building your slides, and even creating handouts.

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  • May 1, 2024


Coaching is the difference between good and great.

If you want to take your sales team from good to great, it’s time to coach them. Or set them up with a sales coach.

But what does a sales coach do? How are they different from a sales manager? And is it worth investing in one?

You’ll find the answers waiting at the end of the list.

But before you scroll away, here’s the sales statistic of the week:

A HubSpot report reveals that 71% of modern consumers gather information on their own before talking to a sales rep.

This means your sales rep must offer something more than Google.

With that out the way, here’s all the sales goodness of this week.

Top 10 Game-Changing Online Sales Channels in 2024

Looking for a sales channel that works for your business and drives the highest return on investment (ROI) for you? If yes, then this post is a must-read.

It talks about the ten most effective online sales channels in 2024, which include:

  • Social media
  • Marketplaces
  • Partnerships
  • Video marketing
  • B2B sales channels
  • Email (go Mailshake!)
  • Mobile apps
  • Direct engagement and support

For each sales channel, you will learn what it is, how it works, and how to implement it in your business for successful results.

The Total Guide to Sales Prospecting with Strategies for Success

Sales prospecting is about finding the right clients for your business and connecting with them successfully. If you can’t nail it, there’s no guarantee your product or service will ever sell. That’s why:

  • 70% of B2B companies consider sales prospecting the most effective tool to generate sales and revenue.
  • 80% of B2B buyers prefer engaging with salespeople who act as trusted advisors.
  • 61% of high-growth companies have integrated AI-based sales prospecting tools.

In this guide, you’ll explore all about sales prospecting. From what it is to 11 proven sales techniques, you will find everything important to understand and practice this concept for your business.

a good sales presentation

10 Sales Optimization Strategies to Get More Revenue in 2024

The market keeps evolving. And you must be prepared to handle these changes by constantly evaluating and improving your sales process. This post tells you exactly how to do that. Give it a read and learn:

  • What sales process optimization is and its types
  • How the sales process optimization helps your business
  • The ten best sales optimization strategies to increase revenue in 2024

You will also learn about the top eight sales optimization tools that can help you with the process. The author has highlighted the core features of each tool so you can make a decision easily.

25 Sales Email Tips to Crush Your Quota (+ Templates)

Email marketing ROI is $36 for each $1 spent. Plus, data shows:

  • Four billion people use email daily—the number is expected to reach 4.6 billion by 2025
  • The average email open rate is 46% to 50%
  • 87% of brands agree that emails are very crucial for their business sales
  • 60% of buyers say that email marketing influenced their purchase

Want to make the most of this effective sales channel? Check out this guide—it includes 25 amazing tips for writing the best sales emails. You will also receive free professionally-designed email templates.

11 Essential Sales Presentation Tips to Close the Deal Faster

Presentations make everyone nervous. Will I be able to not mumble? Will the audience judge me for my dress? Will I come across as an expert on my product or just another cheesy salesman with no depth of knowledge?

If these are the questions on your mind every time a presentation is around the corner, it’s time to master this skill so you can goodbye to the anxiety forever.

Explore 11 sales presentation tips in this guide that will help you close like a pro and never become nervous about a presentation again.

15 Sales Coaching Tips That Actually Work

Do you want to guide and support your sales team toward betterment? Are you willing to help them understand their strengths and use them to improve sales performance? If yes, then this detailed post is a goldmine.

It explains what sales coaching is, its importance, and how a sales coach differs from a sales manager. It also goes through the common sales coaching challenges and 15 effective techniques and tips to overcome them.

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Apple unveils stunning new iPad Pro with the world’s most advanced display, M4 chip, and Apple Pencil Pro

The new iPad Pro.

Thinnest Apple Product Ever

A side profile of iPad Pro showing its thinness.

World’s Most Advanced Display

The Ultra Retina XDY display showcasing beautiful landscape scenery on the new iPad Pro.

Only Possible with M4

The Octane app disabled on iPad Pro.

Outrageously Powerful Device for AI

Pro Cameras

A close up look at the pro camera system on the new iPad Pro.

Pro Connectivity

Apple Pencil Pro

The Apple Pencil Pro attached to the new iPad Pro.

All-New Magic Keyboard and Smart Folio

Powerful iPadOS Features

Reference Mode on iPad Pro.

Logic Pro for iPad 2

Session Players in Logic Pro for iPad 2 displayed on iPad Pro.

Final Cut Pro for iPad 2

Live Multicam in Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 displayed on iPad Pro.

iPad Pro and the Environment

  • Customers can order the new iPad Pro with M4 starting today, May 7, at apple.com/store , and in the Apple Store app in 29 countries and regions, including the U.S., with availability in stores beginning Wednesday, May 15.
  • The new 11-inch and 13-inch iPad Pro will be available in silver and space black finishes in 256GB, 512GB, 1TB, and 2TB configurations.
  • The 11-inch iPad Pro starts at  $999  (U.S.) for the Wi-Fi model, and  $1,199  (U.S.) for the Wi-Fi + Cellular model. The 13-inch iPad Pro starts at  $1,299  (U.S.) for the Wi-Fi model, and  $1,499  (U.S.) for the Wi-Fi + Cellular model. Additional technical specifications, including nano-texture glass options, are available at apple.com/store .
  • For education, the new 11-inch iPad Pro is available for  $899  (U.S.) and the 13-inch iPad Pro is $1,199 (U.S.). Education pricing is available to current and newly accepted college students and their parents, as well as faculty, staff, and home-school teachers of all grade levels. For more information, visit  apple.com/us-hed/shop .
  • The new Apple Pencil Pro is compatible with the new iPad Pro. It is available for $129 (U.S.). For education, Apple Pencil Pro is available for $119 (U.S.).
  • Apple Pencil (USB-C) is compatible with the new iPad Pro. It is available for $79 (U.S.) and $69 (U.S.) for education.
  • The new Magic Keyboard is compatible with the new iPad Pro. It is available in black and white finishes. The new 11-inch Magic Keyboard is available for $299 (U.S.) and the new 13-inch Magic Keyboard is available for $349 (U.S.), with layouts for over 30 languages. For education, the 11-inch Magic Keyboard is available for $279 (U.S.) and the 13-inch Magic Keyboard is available for $329 (U.S.).
  • The new Smart Folio is available for $79 (U.S.) in black, white, and denim finishes for the new 11-inch iPad Pro and $99 (U.S.) for the new 13-inch iPad Pro.
  • Logic Pro for iPad 2 is available on May 13 as a free update for existing users, and for new users, it is available on the App Store for $4.99 (U.S.) per month, or $49 (U.S.) per year, with a one-month free trial. Logic Pro for iPad 2 requires iPadOS 17.4 or later. For more information, visit apple.com/logic-pro-for-ipad .
  • Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 will be available later this spring on the App Store for $4.99 (U.S.) per month, or $49 (U.S.) per year, with a one-month free trial.
  • Apple offers great ways to save on the latest iPad. Customers can trade in their current iPad and get credit toward a new one by visiting the Apple Store online , the Apple Store app, or an Apple Store location. To see what their device is worth, and for terms and conditions, customers can visit apple.com/shop/trade-in .
  • Customers in the U.S. who shop at Apple using Apple Card can pay monthly at 0 percent APR when they choose to check out with Apple Card Monthly Installments, and they’ll get 3 percent Daily Cash back — all upfront.

Text of this article

May 7, 2024


Featuring a new thin and light design, breakthrough Ultra Retina XDR display, and outrageously fast M4 performance with powerful AI capabilities, the new iPad Pro takes a huge leap forward

CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA Apple today unveiled the groundbreaking new iPad Pro in a stunningly thin and light design, taking portability and performance to the next level. Available in silver and space black finishes, the new iPad Pro comes in two sizes: an expansive 13-inch model and a super-portable 11-inch model. Both sizes feature the world’s most advanced display — a new breakthrough Ultra Retina XDR display with state-of-the-art tandem OLED technology — providing a remarkable visual experience. The new iPad Pro is made possible with the new M4 chip, the next generation of Apple silicon, which delivers a huge leap in performance and capabilities. M4 features an entirely new display engine to enable the precision, color, and brightness of the Ultra Retina XDR display. With a new CPU, a next-generation GPU that builds upon the GPU architecture debuted on M3, and the most powerful Neural Engine yet, the new iPad Pro is an outrageously powerful device for artificial intelligence. The versatility and advanced capabilities of iPad Pro are also enhanced with all-new accessories. Apple Pencil Pro brings powerful new interactions that take the pencil experience even further, and a new thinner, lighter Magic Keyboard is packed with incredible features. The new iPad Pro, Apple Pencil Pro, and Magic Keyboard are available to order starting today, with availability in stores beginning Wednesday, May 15.

“iPad Pro empowers a broad set of pros and is perfect for anyone who wants the ultimate iPad experience — with its combination of the world’s best displays, extraordinary performance of our latest M-series chips, and advanced accessories — all in a portable design. Today, we’re taking it even further with the new, stunningly thin and light iPad Pro, our biggest update ever to iPad Pro,” said John Ternus, Apple’s senior vice president of Hardware Engineering. “With the breakthrough Ultra Retina XDR display, the next-level performance of M4, incredible AI capabilities, and support for the all-new Apple Pencil Pro and Magic Keyboard, there’s no device like the new iPad Pro.”

The new iPad Pro — the thinnest Apple product ever — features a stunningly thin and light design, taking portability to a whole new level. The 11-inch model is just 5.3 mm thin, and the 13-inch model is even thinner at a striking 5.1 mm, while both models are just as strong as the previous design. The 11-inch model weighs less than a pound, and the 13-inch model is nearly a quarter pound lighter than its predecessor — allowing pro users to extend their workflows in new ways and in more places. The new iPad Pro is available in two gorgeous finishes — silver and space black — both with 100 percent recycled aluminum enclosures.

The new iPad Pro debuts the Ultra Retina XDR, the world’s most advanced display, to provide an even more remarkable visual experience. The Ultra Retina XDR display features state-of-the-art tandem OLED technology that uses two OLED panels and combines the light from both to provide phenomenal full-screen brightness. The new iPad Pro supports an incredible 1000 nits of full-screen brightness for SDR and HDR content, and 1600 nits peak for HDR. No other device of its kind delivers this level of extreme dynamic range. Tandem OLED technology enables sub-millisecond control over the color and luminance of each pixel, taking XDR precision further than ever. Specular highlights in photos and video appear even brighter, and there’s more detail in shadows and low light than ever before on iPad — all while delivering even more responsiveness to content in motion. For pro users working in high-end, color-managed workflows or challenging lighting conditions, a new nano-texture glass option comes to iPad Pro for the first time. 1 Nano-texture glass is precisely etched at a nanometer scale, maintaining image quality and contrast while scattering ambient light for reduced glare. With its breakthrough tandem OLED technology, extreme brightness, incredibly precise contrast, brilliant colors, and nano-texture glass option, the new Ultra Retina XDR display is the world’s most advanced display, giving iPad Pro customers an unparalleled viewing experience.

The incredibly thin and light design and game-changing display of the new iPad Pro is only possible with M4, the next generation of Apple silicon that delivers a huge leap in performance. M4 is built on second-generation 3-nanometer technology that’s even more power efficient, which is perfect for the design of the new iPad Pro. With an entirely new display engine, M4 introduces pioneering technology for the stunning precision, color, and brightness of the Ultra Retina XDR display. The new CPU offers up to four performance cores and now six efficiency cores, 2 with next-generation machine learning (ML) accelerators, to deliver up to 1.5x faster CPU performance over M2 in the previous-generation iPad Pro. 3 M4 builds on the GPU architecture of M3 — the 10-core GPU includes powerful features like Dynamic Caching, and hardware-accelerated mesh shading and ray tracing, which come to iPad for the first time. Coupled with higher unified memory bandwidth, pro rendering apps like Octane will see up to 4x faster performance than M2. 3 M4 also delivers tremendous gains and industry-leading performance per watt. Compared to M2, M4 can deliver the same performance using just half the power, and compared to the latest PC chip in a thin and light laptop, M4 can deliver the same performance using just a quarter of the power. 4 A new advanced Media Engine includes support for AV1 decode, providing more power-efficient playback of high-resolution video experiences from streaming services.

The new iPad Pro with M4 features Apple’s most powerful Neural Engine ever, capable of 38 trillion operations per second, which is 60x faster than Apple’s first Neural Engine in the A11 Bionic chip. Combined with next-generation ML accelerators in the CPU, a high-performance GPU, more memory bandwidth, and intelligent features and powerful developer frameworks in iPadOS, the Neural Engine makes the new iPad Pro an outrageously powerful device for AI. With iPad Pro with M4, users can perform AI-enabled tasks even faster, like easily isolate a subject from its background in 4K video with just a tap with Scene Removal Mask in Final Cut Pro. With this advanced level of performance, the Neural Engine in M4 is more powerful than any neural processing unit in any AI PC today.

iPadOS also has advanced frameworks like Core ML that make it easy for developers to tap into the Neural Engine to deliver phenomenal AI features locally, including running powerful diffusion and generative AI models, with great performance on device. iPad Pro also supports cloud-based solutions, enabling users to run powerful productivity and creative apps that tap into the power of AI, such as Copilot for Microsoft 365 and Adobe Firefly.

The updated camera system on the new iPad Pro delivers even more versatility, and with its rich audio from four studio-quality mics, users can shoot, edit, and share all on one device. The 12MP back camera captures vibrant Smart HDR images and video with even better color, improved textures, and detail in low light. It also now features a new adaptive True Tone flash that makes document scanning on the new iPad Pro better than ever. Using AI, the new iPad Pro automatically identifies documents right in the Camera app, and if a shadow is in the way, it instantly takes multiple photos with the new adaptive flash, stitching the scan together for a dramatically better scan.

On the front, the TrueDepth camera system moves to the landscape location on the new iPad Pro. The Ultra Wide 12MP camera with Center Stage makes the experience of video conferencing in landscape orientation even better, especially when iPad is attached to a Magic Keyboard or Smart Folio.

iPad Pro includes a high-performance USB-C connector with support for Thunderbolt 3 and USB 4, delivering fast wired connectivity — up to 40Gb/s. Thunderbolt supports an extensive ecosystem of high-performance accessories, including external displays like the Pro Display XDR at its full 6K resolution, and external storage, all connected using high-performance cables and docks. iPad Pro supports Wi-Fi 6E for super-fast Wi-Fi connections for pro workflows on the go. Wi-Fi + Cellular models with 5G allow users to access their files, communicate with colleagues, and back up their data in a snap while on the go. Cellular models of the new iPad Pro are activated with eSIM, a more secure alternative to a physical SIM card, allowing users to quickly connect and transfer their existing plans digitally, and store multiple cellular plans on a single device. Customers can easily get connected to wireless data plans on the new iPad Pro in over 190 countries and regions around the world without needing to get a physical SIM card from a local carrier.

Apple Pencil Pro features even more magical capabilities and powerful new interactions that take the Apple Pencil experience even further. A new sensor in the barrel can sense a user’s squeeze, bringing up a tool palette to quickly switch tools, line weights, and colors, all without interrupting the creative process. A custom haptic engine delivers a light tap that provides confirmation when users squeeze, use double-tap, or snap to a Smart Shape for a remarkably intuitive experience. A gyroscope allows users to roll Apple Pencil Pro for precise control of the tool they’re using. Rotating the barrel changes the orientation of shaped pen and brush tools, just like pen and paper. And with Apple Pencil hover, users can visualize the exact orientation of a tool before making a mark.

With these advanced features, Apple Pencil Pro allows users to bring their ideas to life in entirely new ways, and developers can also create their own custom interactions. Apple Pencil Pro brings support for Find My for the first time to Apple Pencil, helping users locate Apple Pencil Pro if misplaced. It pairs, charges, and is stored on the side of iPad Pro through a new magnetic interface. iPad Pro also supports Apple Pencil (USB-C), ideal for note taking, sketching, annotating, journaling, and more, at an incredible value.

Designed for the new iPad Pro, an all-new thinner and lighter Magic Keyboard makes it more portable and versatile than ever. The new Magic Keyboard opens to the magical floating design that customers love, and now includes a function row for access to features like screen brightness and volume controls. It also has a gorgeous aluminum palm rest and larger trackpad that’s even more responsive with haptic feedback, so the entire experience feels just like using a MacBook. The new Magic Keyboard attaches magnetically, and the Smart Connector immediately connects power and data without the need for Bluetooth. The machined aluminum hinge also includes a USB-C connector for charging. The new Magic Keyboard comes in two colors that perfectly complement the new iPad Pro: black with a space black aluminum palm rest, and white with a silver aluminum palm rest.

The new Smart Folio for iPad Pro attaches magnetically and now supports multiple viewing angles for greater flexibility. Available in black, white, and denim, it complements the colors of the new iPad Pro.

iPadOS is packed with features that push the boundaries of what’s possible on iPad. With Reference Mode, iPadOS can precisely match color requirements of the Ultra Retina XDR display for tasks in which accurate colors and consistent image quality are critical — including review and approve, color grading, and compositing. Stage Manager enables users to work with multiple overlapping windows in a single view, resize windows, tap to switch between apps, and more. With full external display support of up to 6K, iPad Pro users can also extend their workflow, as well as use the built-in camera on an external display for enhanced video conferencing. Users can take advantage of the powerful AI capabilities in iPad Pro and intelligent features in iPadOS, including Visual Look Up, Subject Lift, Live Text, or Live Captions and Personal Voice for accessibility.

With iPadOS 17 , users can customize the Lock Screen to make it more personal — taking advantage of the larger display on iPad — and interactive widgets take glanceable information further with the ability to get tasks done right in the moment with just a tap. The Notes app gives users new ways to organize, read, annotate, and collaborate on PDFs, and working with PDFs is also easier with AutoFill, which intelligently identifies and fills fields in forms.

Logic Pro for iPad 2 , available starting Monday, May 13, introduces incredible studio assistant features that augment the music-making process and provide artists help right when they need it — all while ensuring they maintain full creative control. These features include Session Players, which expand on popular Drummer capabilities in Logic to include a new Bass Player and Keyboard Player; ChromaGlow, to instantly add warmth to tracks; and Stem Splitter, to extract and work with individual parts of a single audio recording.

Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 , available later this spring, introduces Live Multicam, a new feature that transforms iPad into a mobile production studio, allowing users to view and control up to four connected iPhone and iPad devices wirelessly. 5 To support Live Multicam, an all-new capture app also comes to iPad and iPhone, Final Cut Camera, 6 giving users control over options like white balance, ISO, and shutter speed, along with monitoring tools like overexposure indicators and focus peaking. Final Cut Camera works as a standalone capture app or with Live Multicam. Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 also allows users to create or open projects from external storage, giving editors even more flexibility, and offers new content options. 7

The new iPad Pro is designed with the environment in mind, including 100 percent recycled aluminum in the enclosure, 100 percent recycled rare earth elements in all magnets, and 100 percent recycled gold plating and tin soldering in multiple printed circuit boards. The new iPad Pro meets Apple’s high standards for energy efficiency, and is free of mercury, brominated flame retardants, and PVC. The packaging is 100 percent fiber-based, bringing Apple closer to its goal to remove plastic from all packaging by 2025.

Today, Apple is carbon neutral for global corporate operations, and by 2030, plans to be carbon neutral across the entire manufacturing supply chain and life cycle of every product.

Pricing and Availability

  • Nano-texture glass is an option on the 1TB and 2TB configurations of the 11-inch and 13-inch iPad Pro models.
  • iPad Pro models with 256GB or 512GB storage feature the Apple M4 chip with a 9‑core CPU. iPad Pro models with 1TB or 2TB storage feature the Apple M4 chip with a 10‑core CPU.
  • Testing was conducted by Apple in March and April 2024. See apple.com/ipad-pro for more information.
  • Testing was conducted by Apple in March and April 2024 using preproduction 13-inch iPad Pro (M4) units with a 10-core CPU and 16GB of RAM. Performance was measured using select industry‑standard benchmarks. PC laptop chip performance data is from testing ASUS Zenbook 14 OLED (UX3405MA) with Core Ultra 7 155H and 32GB of RAM. Performance tests are conducted using specific computer systems and reflect the approximate performance of iPad Pro.
  • Final Cut Pro for iPad 2 is compatible with iPad models with the M1 chip or later, and Logic Pro for iPad 2 will be available on iPad models with the A12 Bionic chip or later.
  • Final Cut Camera is compatible with iPhone X S and later with iOS 17.4 or later, and iPad models compatible with iPadOS 17.4 or later.
  • External project support requires iPadOS 17.5 or later.

Press Contacts

Tara Courtney

[email protected]

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Apple Media Helpline

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