
Heartfelt Speech On Mothers [Mother’s Day Special]

Speech on Mother’s Day: All the words in the dictionary can’t express what our mothers mean to us. Their genuine love, sacrifice, and support are our real strengths. On the occasion of mothers Day, we want to express how valuable our mothers & their presence in our life.

A mother is an icon of sacrifice and love. She is our first well-wisher, our first teacher, and also our first friend. She has to awake many nights just for taking care of her child. A mother is always standing by her child in every situation whether it is a good moment or a bad one.

This page will help you compose a short & long speech on Mothers for Mother’s Day in 1, 2 & 4 Minutes duration. If you like this post, Do share it with your friends and loved ones. You can read an essay on mothers here.

Short Speech on Mothers for Mother’s Day | 1 Minute

If an angel asks me to make a wish, I would make a wish for good health and prosperity for another Angel on earth and that is my mother. If I am not wrong you would also do the same.

Greetings to everyone gathered here. I (your name) cordially welcome all of you & want to pay you thanks for having me a chance to speak in front of you.

Did you know? The word “ Mother ” is derived from the Sanskrit word “ maatri ” which means a woman who gives birth & a mother is the most influential character in everyone’s life. She is our first well-wisher, our first teacher, and also our first friend. She has to awake many nights just for taking care of her child.

Today I want to say a few words to my mother-“Dear mom, you made me the luckiest person in the world by being my mother. I can not repay you what you did for me. I just want to express my love to you. You’re the woman that has sacrificed all her life just to build mine”.

Thank you, Mom. Love you, Mom.

1 Minute speech on Mothers for mother's day

Emotional Speech on Mothers | 2 MInutes

Hello and welcome to all the people present here. Before I start my speech on mothers, I would like to wish you a Happy mothers Day. Also, I want to thank you for having me this valuable opportunity.

As you know I am here to speak a few words about mothers but the fact is; “No matter how much effort is made, it is impossible to define the word “Mother” in available words in the world”. A mother sacrifices her days and nights for her children’s happiness and to satisfy their needs.

I assure you, you will be running out of energy if you put yourself into the shoes of your mother. Then you will realize the actual workload that she has to deal with. After, you will question yourself,” how does my mother manage all that?”. And you will result in respecting her more intensely than ever.

Her love is unalloyed (unmixed). Those who have not experienced a mother’s affection are unfortunate. She loves their child with no expectations in return. Sorry to fathers but fathers can’t establish a connection with their child-like mothers does.

At last, I want to say a few words dedicated to my mother; “Dear mom, whatever I am today is because I have you. You taught me to be myself even during hard times. I wish you nothing more than fulfillment and happiness”

Thank you for always being my defence, fortress, and shield. Your love has been the pillow I rest on during the hard times, I can’t afford to repay you. Love you, Mom.

Heart touching Speech on Mothers | 4 Minutes

I cordially welcome all of you gathered here. I am here to deliver a speech on mothers. Before I start my speech, I would like to wish you a Happy mothers Day. Also, I want to thank you for having me this valuable opportunity.

In philosophy, it is said that when God found it tough to protect the whole world, he made mothers. A mother is a beautiful gem in everyone’s life and can not be replaced by anyone else. She is the one who takes care of us in our childhood, encourages us in our teenage, and supports us in our hard times.

When we were kids and could not be able to help ourselves, she took care of us and devoted her days and nights to the sake of our comfort. But, Today we are mature enough to take responsibility. Now we must serve our Mother with love.

Irrespective of what the condition is, you will always find your mother standing by you. She is our first well-wisher, our first teacher, and also our first friend. She will take care of you at every age. The connection she shares with her child, can’t be established with anyone else in the world.

There is no doubt that a mother’s love is very outstanding and hard to find anywhere else. This is unique because a mother perceives her child as her part. This attachment is very sensitive as a mother can sense your situations and feelings from a long distance.

One thing is crystal clear we cannot repay her favours but we should try to get her free from all her responsibilities at least once a week. What does she expect from us other than respect? So we need to respect her cordially. We must always try to keep her happy and relaxed.

Mothers are a great invention of God. All the mothers on the planet, be humans, animals, or any other species, are greatly appreciable. They are a combination of love, strength, and limitless courage. I am very thankful to God for blessing me with my mother.

At last, I want to dedicate some of my words to my mother; “my angel, my strength and my supermom. For replacing my shame with boldness, my sadness with happiness and my fear with courage, thank you.

Even after all these years, you are the most gorgeous and kindest woman I know. No wonder you don’t age. I’m so glad to be called your son. Looking at you reminds me that not all angels have wings and not all Superheroes wear special costumes. You have been my guardian angel from the first day and I love you, forevermore”.

Love you, Love you, Love you, My mother.

Heart touching Speech on Mother

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Speech on Mother’s Day in English for Students and Children

Speech on Mother’s Day in English for Students and Children

Points to Remember for Preparing a Speech on Mother’s Day

10 line speech on mother’s day, short speech on mother’s day, long speech on mother’s day.

Mother’s Day is not just a date on the calendar; it’s a celebration of the love, sacrifice, and unending support our mothers shower upon us. It’s a day to pause, reflect, and express our deepest gratitude to these incredible women who shape our lives in countless ways. So, let’s embark on this journey of appreciation and recognition, honoring the essence of motherhood through words and actions!

Whether you’re preparing to write a speech on Mother’s Day in English, our resources are designed to assist you. Find guidance for crafting a heartfelt speech of mother that resonates with your audience. If you need a Mother’s Day speech in English for students and children, we offer a variety of templates and examples. From 10 line on mothers day, short ones lasting a minute or two, and moving into longer ones that are more comprehensive, we provide everything you need to express your admiration and love for mothers in your speech.

Preparing a speech on Mother’s Day is a heartfelt endeavour that requires thoughtfulness and sincerity. It’s an opportunity to express our gratitude, share memories, and acknowledge the unparalleled role of mothers in our lives. Below are essential points to remember while crafting your best speech for Mother’s Day.

1. Start with a Personal Story

Begin your speech with a personal story or a memorable experience you share with your mother. This sets a warm, relatable tone for your audience and makes your speech more engaging.

2. Express Gratitude

Make sure to express your heartfelt gratitude. Acknowledge the sacrifices, love, and care that mothers consistently provide. This is central to the spirit of Mother’s Day.

3. Highlight Her Influence

Talk about the ways your mother has influenced your life. This could be her teachings, strength in difficult times, or the values she instilled in you.

4. Use Universal Themes

While personal stories are important, remember to touch upon universal themes like maternal love, sacrifice, and strength. This helps everyone in the audience connect with your speech.

5. Include Inspirational Quotes

Incorporate quotes about mothers and motherhood from famous personalities or literature. This adds depth and a broader perspective to your speech.

6. Keep It Simple and Sincere

Avoid overly complex language or concepts. The sincerity and simplicity of your words will resonate more with your audience.

7. Incorporate Visual Aids

Use photos or videos that complement your stories and quotes about your mother or mothers in general. Visuals can enhance the emotional impact and engagement of your speech.

8. Engage Your Audience

Ask rhetorical questions or invite the audience to reflect on their own relationships with their mothers. This interactive element makes your speech more engaging and thought-provoking.

9. Practice Your Delivery

Practice your speech multiple times to ensure smooth delivery. Focus on your tone, pace, and body language to effectively convey your message and emotions.

10. Conclude with a Message for All Mothers

End your speech with a general message honouring all mothers. This can be a thank you note, a poem, or a simple statement of appreciation for the universal role of motherhood.

For those seeking a brief yet impactful speech on Mother’s Day, specially tailored for younger audiences in classes 1, 2, and 3, the following few lines about mother in English capture the essence of this special day. This speech is designed to be simple, heartfelt, and easily understandable for young students, making it perfect for school presentations or small gatherings. Explore our 10 lines on Mother’s Day that succinctly express the love and appreciation children feel.

  • “Good morning, everyone! Today, I want to talk about someone very special to us – our mothers.”
  • “Mothers are like magic; they can turn a frown into a smile and make everything better.”
  • “They hug us, they help us, and they always love us, no matter what.
  • “My mom is my superhero. She is always there for me.”
  • “She cooks the tastiest food and tells the best stories.”
  • “She teaches me right from wrong and helps me with my homework.”
  • “Today, on Mother’s Day, I want to thank my mom and all the moms.”
  • “Thank you for your hugs, love, and always being there.”
  • “We love you more than you know and forever and always.”
  • “Happy Mother’s Day to all the beautiful mothers out there! You make the world a better place.”

10 Lines Speech on Mother's Day

Delivering a short speech on Mother’s Day is a beautiful way to express our love and gratitude towards our mothers. This section presents three samples of Mother’s Day short speech in english, designed for primary class students. These speeches are concise, heartfelt, and easily relatable for young minds.

Short Speech on Mother's Day

“Good morning, respected teachers and my friends. Today, I want to discuss someone extraordinary in our lives – our mothers. Mothers are the ones who make our world beautiful. They are our first teachers, best friends, and our biggest supporters.

My mother is my hero. She makes delicious food, cares for me when I’m sick, and helps me with my homework. She listens to my stories and always encourages me to try my best. She shows me what kindness, strength, and love mean daily.

So, on this memorable day, let’s thank our mothers for all they do. Let’s give them big hugs and tell them how much we love them. They deserve to know that they are the best part of our lives. Happy Mother’s Day to all the precious moms out there!”

“Hello, everyone! Today is a very special day – Mother’s Day— a day to celebrate the most loving person in our lives, our mothers. Mothers are like angels without wings, always looking out for and guiding us.

My mom is amazing. She wakes up early every day to prepare breakfast and get me ready for school. She works hard all day and still finds time to play games with me. She teaches me to be kind and brave and to always believe in myself.

But mothers are not just amazing because of what they do for us. They are priceless because of how much they love us. Even when we make mistakes, they forgive us and help us learn from them.

On Mother’s Day, let’s make our moms feel extra special. Let’s do something nice for them, like drawing a picture, helping around the house, or giving them a warm hug. Let’s tell them, “Thank you, Mom, for everything.”

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers here and around the world! Thank you for your endless love and for making our world more joyful. We love you so much!”

Sample 3 

“Good morning everyone! Today is Mother’s Day, a special time to celebrate our biggest heroes: our moms! Moms do so much for us, they are truly one of a kind and today is all about them.

My mom is a champion. She can juggle work, home, and still have time to be my coach, helping me practice soccer every weekend. She teaches me to be fair and to share, and she’s always there with the coolest crafts and the best after-school snacks.

Today, let’s shower our moms with the love they always give us. We can make today great by preparing a small surprise party with our families, creating a handmade crown to show her she’s our queen, or by simply telling her how much we love her and what she means to us.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the super moms! Thank you for your constant encouragement and for filling our days with joy and laughter. You make every day brighter!”

Speech On Mother's Day

Longer speeches on Mother’s Day allow us to touch upon the various aspects of motherhood and its impact on our lives. Here, we will explore two samples of longer speeches, each crafted to celebrate and honour the essence of motherhood in all its glory. These speeches are perfect for a more detailed and expressive tribute to mothers.

“Ladies and gentlemen and dear friends! Today, I would like to talk about the most extraordinary beings on this planet – our mothers. Mother’s Day is not just a day to celebrate; it’s a day to reflect, appreciate, and acknowledge the roles mothers play in our lives.

Mothers are the architects of society, shaping the future, one child at a time. They are the nurturers, the caregivers, the teachers, and our pillars of strength. From the moment we are born, our mothers become our first home. They hold us, teach us, and guide us through life’s challenges.

Think of the countless sacrifices they make, the sleepless nights they endure, and the unconditional love they shower upon us. Our mothers are our constant support system, the silent cheerleaders who believe in us even when we doubt ourselves. They teach us values, instil discipline, and impart the wisdom that guides us through life.

But motherhood is not just about what mothers do for us; it’s also about who they are. They are the embodiment of resilience, patience, and enduring strength. They face life’s hurdles with a smile and turn obstacles into opportunities.

On this Mother’s Day, let us pledge to show our appreciation with words and actions. Let’s listen to them as they have listened to us, support them as they have supported us, and love them unconditionally, just as they love us.

In conclusion, a mother’s love is the purest form of love. It’s selfless, enduring, and all-encompassing. So, here’s to all the mothers – the unsung heroes in our lives. Happy Mother’s Day!”

“As we gather here today to celebrate Mother’s Day, we embark on a journey of gratitude and love towards the most pivotal figure in our lives – our mothers. This speech is a tribute to their endless love, sacrifice, and strength.

The Role of a Mother

Firstly, let’s acknowledge the multifaceted role of a mother. She is a caregiver, a guide, a teacher, and so much more. Her influence shapes our character, our beliefs, and our future. A mother’s love is the foundation of all our successes and achievements in life.

Sacrifices of Motherhood

One cannot speak of motherhood without recognising the countless sacrifices made by mothers. They often put their needs and desires aside to ensure their children have everything they need. These sacrifices are acts of profound love and selflessness.

Lessons from Mothers

Mothers are our first teachers. The lessons they teach us, from our first steps to handling life’s challenges, are invaluable. They teach us kindness, resilience, and the importance of hard work. The wisdom they impart becomes our guiding light.

Celebrating and Appreciating Mothers

On Mother’s Day, it is essential to celebrate and appreciate all that our mothers do for us. This is a day to express our love, show our gratitude, and make our mothers feel as memorable as they are.

In conclusion, a mother’s role is unparalleled, and her love is boundless. Let us use this day to express our profound appreciation for all the sacrifices, love, and lessons. To all the mothers out there, thank you for being an endless source of support and love. Happy Mother’s Day!”

“Good afternoon, everyone! Today, we gather to honor a very special group of people in our lives—our mothers. Mother’s Day gives us the perfect chance to really think about everything our mothers mean to us and all that they do.

Mothers as Our Emotional Anchors

Mothers are our emotional anchors. They comfort us when we’re upset and share in our happiest moments, always there to offer a hug or a kind word when we need it. Their support helps us grow into caring, connected adults.

Guidance That Shapes Us

A mother’s guidance is a quiet, constant presence. It’s in the wisdom she shares, the life skills she teaches, and even in the ways she disciplines us. All these help steer us in the right direction throughout our lives.

Show Appreciation Through Actions

This Mother’s Day, let’s do more than say thank you. Let’s show our mothers our gratitude. Spend a day with her doing things she loves, help out more at home, or simply share a meal and talk. These actions mean more than words and show her how much we truly care.

As we close, let’s remember that our mothers deserve to feel special not just today, but every day. So, let’s keep showing our love and gratitude all year round. Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing moms out there!”

1. Why Do we celebrate Mother’s Day?

Mother’s Day is celebrated to honour and appreciate the immense contributions, sacrifices, and unconditional love of mothers and mother figures in our lives.

2. When is Mother’s Day celebrated?

Mother’s Day is celebrated on different dates worldwide, but it is observed on the second Sunday of May in many countries, including the United States.

3. How Can we make Mother’s Day special?

Mother’s Day can be made special by expressing love and gratitude towards mothers through heartfelt gestures like spending quality time with them, giving personalised gifts, helping around the house, completing chores, or simply sharing a meaningful conversation.

Mother’s Day is a heartfelt celebration of her endless impact on our lives and the unconditional love she bestows upon us. It’s a day to pause and reflect on the countless sacrifices and continued support these remarkable women offer. Let us use this occasion to express our deepest gratitude and love, making every mother feel cherished and valued.

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Speech Script: Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day is a special occasion that offers us the opportunity to express our love and gratitude for the remarkable women who have played a vital role in our lives. Whether you are delivering a speech at a public event or simply want to convey your heartfelt emotions in a personal gathering, a well-crafted Mother’s Day speech can leave a lasting impression. In this article, we will explore the essential elements and steps to help you write an exceptional speech that honors and celebrates the incredible mothers in our lives.

Table of Contents

Reflecting on Your Relationship

Before you begin writing your speech, take some time to reflect on your relationship with your mother or the mother figure you are celebrating. Consider the cherished memories, lessons learned, and the impact she has had on your life. These reflections will provide you with a solid foundation to shape your speech and ensure its authenticity.

Establishing a Theme

A compelling speech often revolves around a central theme or message. This theme can be based on your mother’s qualities, her influence, or the significance of motherhood in general. Choose a theme that resonates with your personal experiences and allows you to express your admiration and gratitude effectively.

Structuring Your Speech


Begin your speech with a captivating opening. You can use a meaningful quote, an anecdote, or a heartfelt personal story that captures the essence of your relationship with your mother. Introduce the theme of your speech and establish a connection with your audience by expressing how universal and relatable the bond between a mother and child is.

Divide the body of your speech into two or three main points. Each point should support and elaborate on your chosen theme. Share specific examples, memories, or qualities of your mother that highlight why she is exceptional. Use descriptive language to paint a vivid picture of her love, sacrifices, and unwavering support. Incorporate humor, if appropriate, to add warmth and authenticity to your speech.

Summarize the key points you have discussed. Reinforce the theme of your speech and emphasize the significance of mothers and motherhood. Conclude with a heartfelt message of appreciation and love, leaving the audience with a lasting impression of the incredible impact mothers have on our lives.

Adding Personal Touches

To make your speech truly memorable, incorporate personal touches that reflect your unique relationship with your mother. Share personal anecdotes, memories, or inside jokes that will resonate with both your mother and the audience. This personalization adds authenticity and depth to your speech, making it more engaging and emotionally impactful.

Editing and Rehearsing

After completing the initial draft of your speech, take the time to review and refine your writing. Ensure your ideas flow smoothly and that the language you use is clear and concise. Remove any unnecessary details or tangents that may distract from your main message.

Once you are satisfied with the content, rehearse your speech multiple times. Practice your delivery, paying attention to pacing, tone, and gestures. Rehearsing will help build your confidence and ensure a smooth and impactful delivery on Mother’s Day.

Mother’s Day Speech Example #1

Good morning/afternoon/evening. Today, we gather here to celebrate a truly remarkable and cherished occasion—Mother’s Day. It is a day when we come together to honor and express our deepest gratitude to the incredible women who have shaped our lives—the mothers who have loved, nurtured, and guided us through every step of our journey.

I stand before you today, not just as a speaker, but as a daughter/son who has been blessed with an extraordinary mother. As I look around this room, I see faces filled with love and appreciation for the mothers who have made a profound impact on our lives. Each one of us has a unique story, a personal connection, and a deep bond with the women we call “Mom.”

When I reflect on the qualities that define a mother, I am filled with awe and admiration. Mothers possess an unparalleled strength, a love that knows no bounds, and an unwavering dedication to their children. They are our first teachers, teaching us valuable life lessons through their actions and words. They are our cheerleaders, supporting us in every endeavor and celebrating our successes. They are our pillars of strength, providing comfort and solace during our darkest days.

Today, I want to take a moment to honor my own mother—who has been my guiding light and my greatest inspiration. Her love has been my rock, her wisdom my compass, and her unwavering support my safety net. She has taught me the importance of kindness, perseverance, and unconditional love. Her sacrifices and selflessness have shaped the person I am today, and I am forever grateful.

But let us not forget that Mother’s Day is not only about celebrating our own mothers—it is about honoring all mothers. It is about recognizing the incredible contributions of mothers everywhere, who tirelessly work towards creating a better future for their children. Today, we pay tribute to the mothers who have braved sleepless nights, sacrificed their own dreams, and poured their hearts into raising the next generation.

In a world that often moves too fast, Mother’s Day serves as a gentle reminder to pause, reflect, and express our gratitude. It is a day to cherish the moments we have shared, the laughter we have enjoyed, and the lessons we have learned. It is an opportunity to say “thank you” for the countless meals prepared, the scraped knees kissed, and the bedtime stories read. It is a chance to let our mothers know that their love and presence have shaped us in ways beyond measure.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day today, let us remember those who are no longer with us. Their love and memories live on in our hearts, and their legacy continues through the values they instilled in us.

To all the mothers present here today, I want to say thank you. Thank you for your unconditional love, your unwavering support, and your constant presence in our lives. Thank you for the sacrifices you make and the countless ways you enrich our world. Your love is a beacon of light that guides us through life’s challenges, and your nurturing spirit inspires us to be the best versions of ourselves.

In closing, let us treasure the bonds we share with our mothers and make every day a Mother’s Day by showing our love and appreciation. May we continue to honor and celebrate the incredible women who have shaped our lives, not just today, but every day.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the phenomenal mothers out there!

Mother’s Day Speech Example #2

Ladies and gentlemen,

A warm and heartfelt welcome to all of you as we gather here today to celebrate the extraordinary women who have touched our lives in profound ways—our mothers. On this special occasion of Mother’s Day, we come together to honor and pay tribute to the incredible love, strength, and guidance that mothers provide.

If there’s one word that encapsulates the essence of motherhood, it is “unconditional.” A mother’s love knows no boundaries, no limits. It is a love that is selfless, nurturing, and everlasting. From the moment we take our first breath, our mothers wrap us in their arms, providing us with warmth, comfort, and a sense of belonging.

Today, I stand before you not just as a speaker, but as a grateful son/daughter, privileged to have been raised by an extraordinary woman. My mother has been my guiding star, my rock of support, and my source of inspiration. Her unwavering belief in me, her unwavering belief in my dreams, has given me the courage to overcome challenges and pursue my passions.

As I look around this room, I see the faces of individuals who have been shaped by the love and sacrifices of their own mothers. Each mother’s journey is unique, filled with triumphs, joys, and sometimes, hardships. Yet, through it all, they remain steadfast in their commitment to their children.

Mothers are the silent heroes who work tirelessly behind the scenes, often unnoticed and underappreciated. They are the ones who wake up early to prepare meals, who stay up late to ensure we are safe and sound. They are the ones who mend our broken hearts, wipe away our tears, and cheer us on through every stage of life.

Today, let us take a moment to reflect on the invaluable life lessons our mothers have taught us. They have taught us the importance of kindness, empathy, and resilience. They have shown us the power of forgiveness and the beauty of unconditional love. They have instilled within us values that shape our character and guide our interactions with the world.

Mother’s Day is not just a day to express our gratitude to our own mothers; it is a day to celebrate all mothers—the ones who have nurtured us, mentored us, and stood by us. It is a day to honor the grandmothers, aunts, sisters, and mother figures who have played pivotal roles in our lives. Their love knows no boundaries, extending beyond bloodlines and connecting us in a web of shared experiences and cherished memories.

Today, let us not only express our appreciation through words but through actions. Let us make a conscious effort to show our love and gratitude to the mothers in our lives every single day. Let us lend a helping hand, offer a listening ear, and embrace the opportunity to create lasting memories together.

In conclusion, on this special day dedicated to mothers, let us remember the immeasurable impact they have had on our lives. Let us celebrate their boundless love, their unwavering strength, and their remarkable ability to inspire us to be better versions of ourselves.

To all the mothers present here today, I want to express my deepest gratitude. Your love and presence enrich our lives in ways that words cannot fully capture. Today, we honor you, we celebrate you, and we thank you for your immeasurable contributions.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the incredible mothers out there!

Mother’s Day Speech Example #3

Dear friends and honored guests,

Today, we gather here to celebrate a remarkable occasion—the beautiful and profound bond between a mother and her child. Mother’s Day is a time when we come together to express our gratitude, love, and admiration for these incredible women who have shaped our lives in countless ways.

As I stand before you, I am reminded of the immense impact my own mother has had on my life. Her love has been a guiding light, illuminating my path and giving me the strength to overcome challenges. Her unwavering support has been a constant source of comfort and reassurance, reminding me that I am never alone in this journey.

But today is not just about my mother; it is about all mothers—the unsung heroes who tirelessly give their all, often without expecting anything in return. Mothers are the epitome of selflessness, always putting the needs of their children before their own. They are the ones who sacrifice sleep, personal time, and sometimes even their dreams, to ensure the well-being and happiness of their families.

In a world that can be chaotic and demanding, mothers provide a sanctuary of love, warmth, and understanding. They possess an innate ability to heal wounds, both physical and emotional, with a simple touch or a comforting word. Their love knows no boundaries, transcending distance, time, and circumstances.

Today, let us take a moment to reflect on the qualities that make mothers so extraordinary. They possess boundless strength, resilience, and a fierce determination to protect and nurture their children. They are our first teachers, imparting wisdom, knowledge, and life lessons that shape our character and guide us through life’s journey. They celebrate our successes, provide solace during our failures, and instill within us the belief that we can achieve anything we set our minds to.

As we honor mothers today, let us also remember those who may not be with us physically but whose spirit and love continue to inspire us. Their legacies live on in our hearts, reminding us of the profound impact they have had on our lives.

To the mothers in this room and beyond, I want to express my deepest gratitude. Thank you for your unwavering love, your unwavering dedication, and your unwavering belief in our potential. You are the embodiment of love, strength, and resilience, and we are forever indebted to you.

On this special day, let us make a commitment to cherish and celebrate our mothers every day, not just on Mother’s Day. Let us express our love, appreciation, and support in both words and actions. Let us be present, truly present, in their lives, and create memories that will be treasured for a lifetime.

In closing, I would like to extend my warmest wishes to all the incredible mothers here today and around the world. Your love and sacrifices have shaped us into the individuals we are today, and we are eternally grateful.

Happy Mother’s Day!

Final Thoughts

Writing a heartfelt Mother’s Day speech is a wonderful way to honor and celebrate the extraordinary women who have shaped our lives. By reflecting on your relationship, establishing a theme, structuring your speech effectively, adding personal touches, and rehearsing diligently, you can create a speech that captures the essence of your gratitude and love. Remember to speak from the heart and let your genuine emotions shine through. On this special day, celebrate the remarkable mothers in your life and make them feel cherished and appreciated through your heartfelt words.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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A sample tribute speech

- in memory of my mother, iris.

By:  Susan Dugdale  | Last modified: 04-19-2021

Here's a sample tribute speech. It's for my mother, Iris, and yes, it's all true.

You'll find the outline or template the speech follows directly below it along with other helpful links to information about the speech writing process, funeral poems and quotations and more.

A tribute speech for my mother: Iris

My Mother shares her name, Iris, with the goddess of the rainbow; a messenger for the ancient Olympian gods and carrier of faith, hope and wisdom.

But that's not why her parent's called her that. Instead it was something much closer to home.

After her birth my grandmother saw beautiful dark purple flowers out her bedroom window. They were iris. She was named for them .

Image: purple iris flowers. Text: Iris: goddess of the rainbow, messenger of the gods.

Iris, the last of five children, arrived during the Depression Years.

At two years old her father died and her family were thrust into hard times. Her brothers and sisters were sent out to work as soon as they were old enough. There was no government assistance for widows in those days. On eve of World War Two she left school to work too. She was thirteen years old and as she said; knew nothing about anything worth knowing.

Soon being a shop girl behind the Woolworth's counter was no longer enough. She wanted more. That hunger drove her to night school, a secretarial course, and speech lessons to learn " to talk proper".

Nothing, not even God, was exempt from her desire to break free of limitations imposed by circumstance. Her staunch Catholic upbringing was questioned. The family fall-out from her decision to abandon it was legendary.

My Great-Grandmother locked her in her room for several days. Prayers were said and priests brought to the door.

However all the threats of hell-fire and eternal damnation were powerless.  Finally her family relented, the door was opened and she was reluctantly set free.

By the time World War Two ended Iris had become a competent personal secretary who enjoyed life.    

In 1947 she met my father. It was "love at first sight" and they married six weeks later.

Let's fast forward eighteen years now.

Iris and Graham had five children. I am the eldest and the youngest was two when, in a curious repetition of family history, my father died. This time, in this generation, there was a widow's benefit and although meager, my Mother was grateful.

Events in times of great shock are tattooed into memories and their images remain despite the wear of years.

From the chaotic struggle to find a sense of place without my father, to effectively parent five children on her own, to balance growing financial demands against a small fixed income and more, flow a stream of images. Each portrays aspects of Iris I respect and admire.

From my gallery: The God Books.

This what we called them as children. They were philosophical discussions on varying world religions and often baptized in the bath. At the end of the day that was where she read and invariably she nodded off. Sodden books, face down, their leaves splayed out to dry were a common sight.

No matter how fraught she was there were always fresh flowers: a bowl of velvet pansies, red roses; whatever was in season from her garden. They were, to use her expression, a hyacinth for the soul . She understood ' Man can not live by bread alone .' and beauty was essential.

Money Jars.

In the high cupboard above the kitchen bench were a series of labelled jars. " Food " , " Electricity" , " Phone" , and so on. Every time her widow's benefit was paid out each jar got its portion.

Midnight Nursing.

My youngest brother and sister suffered chronic bronchitis. Many nights I woke to find her cradling one, and sometimes both. She'd be wrapped in her old blue dressing gown, her long brown hair hanging loose, crooning and gently rocking them back to sleep. The Old Ford Cortina Car .

It was called Flower Power , sported a huge stylized black daisy on its boot, and was her faithful friend. She drove it everywhere, always, to my brother's embarrassment, at the same speed, slowly.

Carrot Juice.

In this Iris was a trend setter. Long before the eat-healthy gurus arrived on the scene advocating " raw this"  and " juiced that"  with a side dish of mung bean sprouts, my mother was buying sacks of carrots for the daily juice-up. Every morning six glasses were lined up on the kitchen bench, one for each of us. Inevitably they'd been done early and by the time we got to them a top layer of brown scum had formed. Drinking or not drinking the stuff was a battle of wills. Mostly she won.

Her Spinning Wheel.

The soft clack, clack of its whir was a familiar sound track to our lives. Along with the wheel came bags of wool straight off the sheep. The end result was homespun garments for everyone.

Later she added learning to use natural dyes and weaving to her skills. The dye brews resembled a witch's cauldron. Into them went onion skins, green walnuts, lichens, flower petals, anything that might yield up its  color.

When seen through my teenage eyes much of who she was and what she did was incomprehensible. On a superficial level she was a Mother doing what Mother's did, mothering, albeit with a difference. Beyond that, I didn't understand or fully appreciate what she gave us.

The hindsight of passing years and growing maturity have slowly revealed her real value. I look now and am humbled. I see the enormity of raising five children on her own while hounded by the constant fear of "never having enough money". I marvel at the strength of will and determination  that kept her going.

I have her hunger and respect for knowledge to thank for my education.

I remember a small but significant scene that took place a year or so after my father died. A couple of well-meaning older family friends were discussing our financial situation.

"Of course Susan will leave school and...", one of them began. My Mother cut her short. "No. That will never happen. We'll manage." 

We did, and I got an education, as did those following me.

The freedom to investigate and believe what we wanted to about the BIG questions she actively encouraged. The memory of her own struggle for permission and the right to find her own path was to leave us free. 

While there always the backdrop of her ongoing inquiry into religious beliefs, morality and spirituality it was never foisted on us.  Her faith that we would each find our " right"  path and relationship with what it is to be human living in the world held us strongly. We were never in any doubt as to who was ultimately responsible for the lives we would lead. It was us.

Beauty is free. That's another legacy from her. It's everywhere if you have eyes to see it: a sun rise, a child's smile, a flower from the garden, a meal prepared with love, or a tree in autumn. Appreciation of it doesn't increase with the amount of money in your wallet.

And that was Iris, our mother, our flesh and blood version of her overlooked namesake, the goddess of the rainbow. She was our example of persistence, courage, service, faith, hope, love of beauty and the ongoing quest for truth.

a speech about mother

Sample Tribute Speech Outline

Use the following headings as a guide to write the outline for your tribute speech.

Introduction Open with an attention getter followed by introducing who you are talking about.

Background Provide a context (setting) for accomplishments and obstacles. This validates your choice:- explains why you chose whom you did.

Relationship Why is this person important to you? Outline their impact on yourself and/or others. This is an opportunity to tell the stories highlighting the qualities you revere.

What has been learnt as a result of their influence? What will you and others value and carry forward?

Conclusion Restatement or summary of key points ending positively.

Related useful pages

Image: purple irises

These will help you prepare your own tribute speech.

Browse quotations, read a poem or sample eulogies, and if you wish, find out more about writing a funeral or commemorative speech.

  • A Complete Tribute Speech Guide
  • How to write a eulogy
  • Sample eulogies
  • Poems for funerals
  • Inspirational quotations
  • Commemorative Speech Help

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a speech about mother

  • Speech on Mother for Students and Children

Speech on Mother

A very warm welcome to all the teachers and students present in the auditorium. I am here to deliver a speech on mother. We have many relationships with people around us that we cherish. But, the most important, loved, the pure and divine relationship is that of a mother and child. A mother’s selfless love, care, and affection make it the most significant and Godly relationship. I would like to quote Rudyard Kipling’s words here. He said, “God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers”. I truly believe these words of his. We say that God created mankind but our mothers created us. A mother not only gives us life but does our upbringing and also protects us. Thus, she is our Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesh.

speech on mother


From the time when a mother conceives her child, she gets emotionally attached to the child. A child is only the flesh and blood of her. She undergoes immense pain while delivering a child. Yet, she can never see her child in pain or any problem.

She is the protective shield and safeguards her child in all situations. She spends sleepless nights while raising her child but never complains. Her feelings, emotions, love, care, and affection are completely incomparable and selfless.

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Mother as Teacher

A mother is our first teacher. She teaches us to walk, to talk and to eat. She teaches us the basic manners and etiquettes. A mother feeds us, cares for our needs and makes us a good human being. She helps us in our studies and also encourages our talents. Her whole life revolves around her children.

She also inculcates qualities of love, care, understanding, helping others, honesty, empathy, etc. in us. She inclines us towards believing and having faith in God. We also learn religious things from her. A mother teaches us many moral lessons through story-telling or poetry. She is thus similar to Goddess Saraswati.

Mother as a Friend

Our mother is our first and best friend. She understands everything we say and also what we are not able to say. Her shoulder is always there in the times when we feel low. She laughs with us, plays with us, goes out with us and enjoys with us. A mother never judges us, no matter what wrong we do. She shares her life experiences with us which makes us strong. We can talk about everything to her. She always guides us through difficult times.

After having said about the mother, I would like to conclude by saying that words always fall short when you talk about the sacrifice and love of a mother. A mother is definitely next to God or rather above God as she is the one who teaches us to believe in God and have faith in Him. She is the most adorable and lovable person in this world. Her prayers and good wishes are always there with her children.

So, friends, we should always love and respect our mother and her thoughts. It is our duty to take care of our parents when they get old as they did in our childhood. I request you all to love and respect our parents unconditionally and selflessly and make this world a wonderful place to live. Today, I also take the opportunity to thank my mother and being grateful to her and God for having me in her life.

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16 responses to “Speech on Water for Students and Children”

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Speech On Mother - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

  • Speech on Mother in English -

The role of a mother is multifaceted and can vary greatly depending on cultural, social, and personal factors. Generally, a mother's role is to care for and nurture her child, providing physical, emotional, and psychological support as the child grows and develops. A mother serves as a role model, teaching her child important values and life skills, and providing a stable and loving environment.

10 Line Speech on Mother

Short speech on mother, long speech on mother.

Speech On Mother - 10 Lines, Short and Long Speech

A mother plays a critical role in shaping the development and well-being of her child and is often considered one of the most important figures in a child's life.

She is the most valuable gift we received in our life

She has been my rock and my constant source of love and support.

She has sacrificed so much for me, and I am forever grateful for all that she has done.

From the moment I was born, she has been there for me, through every triumph and every hardship.

Her unwavering dedication and selflessness have taught me the true meaning of love and strength.

She has always put my needs before her own and has worked tirelessly to provide for our family.

Her hard work and determination have inspired me to be the best person I can be.

My mother's place in my life is irreplaceable, and her contributions are unmeasurable.

I am blessed to have such an amazing mother who loves me unconditionally.

My mother is like a symbol of love, truth, and honesty. My mum is an incredible, self-assured woman who inspires me. Due to her independence in making decisions and her commitment to others, I have always admired my mother.

My Mother: My Comfort

I usually start my days with my mother's smile and take her blessings because she is always good luck to me. She always cares about my academic progress and supports me at exam times. She also mentors me in life, encourages me to act morally and professionally, and always advises me to make the correct choices.

She always works to ensure our comfort and cares about our happiness. She prepares delicious meals. She prepares breakfast each day and provides us with lunchboxes for school. She always made something unique and delectable over the holidays, and we relished it extensively in our home.

We occasionally go out to celebrate weekends and have a good time. When we have free time from studying, we spend it with our mother, who shares funny stories, interesting and thoughtful stories, and other dialogues that encourage us to live moral lives. She is one of the most generous people I have ever met, and I adore her more than anyone else.

My mother may appear to be an ordinary woman to others, but to me, she is nothing short of extraordinary. She is my superhero who has been with me every step of the way, providing unwavering support and encouragement. Her love and dedication know no bounds and she is always there for me, day or night, through thick and thin. Her tireless work ethic and selflessness are unmatched, making her the hardest working member of our household.

My mother is more than just a mother to me, she is a guiding light and a source of constant inspiration. I am truly grateful for everything she has done for me and am proud to call her my mother.

Why I Love My Mother

My mother is truly the most amazing person I know and there are many reasons why I love her. Firstly, her love is unconditional. No matter what I do or where I go, she will always love me. Her love is a constant source of comfort and support in my life. She has always been there for me, providing unwavering support and encouragement throughout my life. Her belief in me has never wavered and her love has been a constant source of inspiration in my life.

Her Strengths

My mother is truly a remarkable woman. Her hard work and dedication are unmatched. She has always put the needs of our family before her own and has worked tirelessly to provide for us. Her determination and strength of character are truly inspiring. She has a natural ability to see the best in others and to bring out the best in those around her. Her kindness and compassion are a constant source of comfort to those who are lucky enough to know her.

A Good Listener

Another reason why I love my mother is that she is an excellent listener. Whenever I have a problem or need someone to talk to, she is always there for me. She never judges me and always provides sound advice. Her ability to listen and understand is truly a gift and I am so grateful for it.

Cooking Skills

My mother is also an excellent cook and has a natural talent for creating delicious and nutritious meals. Her cooking has been a source of comfort and enjoyment for me and our family. I have many fond memories of coming home from school to the smell of a home-cooked meal and sitting down to enjoy a delicious meal with my family.

For every child, their mother is unique. My mother is a wonderful friend, a rigorous parent, and a fantastic instructor. She always took responsibility for the entire family. She embodies the definition of sincerity, love, and truth. Her strength and dedication have inspired me to be the best person I can be. I love her more than words can express and I want to thank her for everything she has done for me. I am proud to call her my mother and I hope that one day I can be half the person she is.

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How to Write a Tribute Speech to Your Mother: Step-By-Step

Updated 06/6/2022

Published 11/12/2019

Cassie Barthuly, BA in English

Cassie Barthuly, BA in English

Contributing writer

Learn how to write an impactful tribute speech for your mother, including step-by-step instructions and a sample outline.

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Writing a tribute speech is one of the best ways to memorialize your mom. Recognizing your mom's legacy is a gift to one of the most important people in your life. A speech is a great way to praise her and a great way of laying her life to rest. 

Jump ahead to these sections:

Step 1: do your research, step 2: think about impact, step 3: pick thematic anecdotes, step 4: be truthful, step 5: deliver your speech, sample outline speech for mom.

For most people, though, writing and delivering a speech is a little scary. How do you start? How do you keep from breaking down? How do you conquer fears of public speaking?

We’ve included a list of tips, below. You can build your narrative from the ground so you can deliver a poignant, emotional speech.

If writing a tribute speech is just one of your responsibilities after a death, check out our post-loss checklist for some help through the process.  

Even if you and your mother were best friends, it’s still a good idea to confirm the facts. Family stories and blurred memories over the years can change hard facts. Make sure to verify details, even if you’re sure you know the answer. In most cases, Google can’t help you. Look through mementos to find your answers. Diplomas, marriage certificates, and photos can help you confirm most details. 

If you don’t have access to these mementos, or your mother didn’t save anything, try something else. Other family members may have stories and mementos that you don’t. Fact-check with many people to help you gather enough information for a foundation. 

Don’t make the mistake of writing a tribute speech like a biography. You don’t need to write a third-person essay. Focus on the relationship you had with your mother and how that changed you. 

Share your final wishes, just in case.

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What do you want to emphasize? How do you want your audience to feel when your speech is over? It can feel daunting to try to condense an entire life into a short speech. You’re faced with so many memories, it can be hard to pick one, but make it simple: Decide how you want your audience to feel. 

There are a few common results that you might want. You may want people to feel grateful for their mothers. To achieve this result, you could emphasize the role she held in keeping the family together. You may want people to feel impressed by the type of person your mother was. To do this, you could share memories of her tireless volunteer work. You may not have something specific in mind, though.

Sometimes, grief is so overwhelming that all you want to do is share what your mother meant to you. If that’s what you want, think of memories that show your close relationship. Consider what your mother did for you, taught you, or provided you with. After all, mothers leave an indelible footprint.

When you’re selecting memories, it’s easy to be vague. After all, being specific means spending a lot of time living in memories. After a recent death, your first instinct might be to avoid this — but it won't help you through it. 

It doesn't help people who are grieving with you to give vague generalities. They want to know details, ones that couldn’t apply to every mother in the world. Tell specific stories. What traits do you highlight? When you think of your mother’s personality, what stands out? You might want to talk about what your mom meant to you. It’s up to you to dig deep and think about why your mom mattered so much. 

Her sense of compassion might have changed your outlook on the world. You could always depend on her and her reliability structured your childhood. Once you’ve discovered your “why,” pick out traits. Then spend some time recounting your memories. Which ones illustrate the traits you want to highlight? 

When you pick your stories, keep them streamlined. No one wants to listen to a speech that meanders through someone’s life. Choose two or three traits. This will condense your story for the audience. Streamline your stories in the retelling, too. Condense them into a few poignant sentences for a great way to hook your audience. 

Whether you're speaking a funeral , memorial service, or her retirement party, chances are that most people in the room knew your mother. Not everyone has a great relationship with his or her mother. Some people never knew their mother well. Others had a complicated relationship and you may struggle to share good qualities. 

This is okay! Not everyone has a "Gilmore Girls" relationship with his or her mom. Here are a few options if you're struggling: 

  • Write the speech. If she had a drastic, public issue, such as alcoholism, most people attending already know. Dragging it into the light and expanding on it will make people uncomfortable. Using a tribute speech as a soapbox for your issues isn’t appropriate. 
  • Focus on the positive. If you can’t, though, it’s appropriate to refuse the offer to deliver a tribute speech. Not saying anything is better than lying or making it sound like someone was a better person than they were. 

Some people, gifted with words, offer anecdotes and attention-grabbing openers. They’re made for writing a speech. But do you feel terror at the mere thought of giving a speech? 

There are a few simple tips to follow to ensure that your speech goes well. One of the most important tips is giving your opening hook a time to shine. If you remember college essays, you remember the importance of an attention grabber. Rather than starting with a boring sentence, craft an attention-grabber. This will inform and excite listeners. Wait for the audience to settle down and pay attention before you start speaking.

It’s important to come prepared, too. Bring tissues and a bottle of water to help you through your speech. Bring notes, too. If you want to type out your entire speech beforehand, do so. If not, try writing out cue cards.

Struggling with how to craft your speech? Here’s an example outline for you. Customize or rearrange to fit your unique needs!

Introduction: Start with something that will grab the audience’s attention. It could be a fact about your mother that’s surprising, one that no one else knew. It could be a mild joke if the mood is appropriate. Once you’ve snagged the audience’s attention, introduce the basic facts about your mother. State your relationship, too, so people know who you are. 

Overview: Provide a birds-eye view of what your relationship with your mother was like. How did her upbringing influence the kind of person she was? How did she pass that onto you? This is the place to highlight the traits you remember most about your mother. 

Anecdotes: The anecdotes you select go here. Share your memories, with an emphasis on the traits you discussed above. Stating those traits serve as a thesis statement and a road map through the rest of your speech. 

Influence: Depending on how many anecdotes you shared, you can talk about her in two ways. You can do so after each separate anecdote. If you only have one or two, you may save this for the end. Talk about how these character traits changed your life. Illustrate them with stories.

Why Your Speech Matters

It’s easy to feel like a tribute speech is impossible to craft. It seems like there’s always someone who could do it better. But a tribute speech serves as a personalized gift, one of the only ones you can give after your mother dies.


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Mothers Day Speech to Make Your Mom Feel Special

Mothers Day Speech: It is a day to express our love, gratitude, and appreciation for all that mothers do for us. One of the best ways to celebrate Mother’s Day is by giving a heartfelt speech that truly captures the essence of the occasion.

Celebrating the Unconditional Love of Mother – Mothers Day Speech

  • Crafting a Mothers Day speech may seem daunting at first, but with a few simple tips, it can be easy and rewarding. The key is to keep your speech simple, genuine, and heartfelt. Your speech should focus on the love and appreciation you have for your mother or mother figure, and how they have impacted your life.

Honoring the Strength and Sacrifice of Mothers – Mothers Day Speech

  • To start, you should begin your Mothers Day speech with an attention-grabbing opening that sets the tone for the rest of the speech. You could start with a quote about motherhood, a personal anecdote, or a touching memory that highlights your relationship with your mother. The key is to make the opening memorable and impactful.
  • Next, you should move on to the body of the speech, where you can express your feelings and share stories about your mother. You can talk about how your mother has been a role model, teacher, and friend to you. You can also share stories about how your mother has supported and encouraged you throughout your life.

A Tribute to the Heart of Every Family:

  • When writing your Mothers Day speech, it is important to be specific and avoid clichés. Use concrete examples and specific details to illustrate your points. This will make your speech more engaging and memorable.
  • After your Mother’s Day speech, you should summarize your main points and end with a heartfelt message of love and appreciation for your mother. You could end with a quote or a poem that captures the essence of your feelings.
  • In summary, a Mother’s Day speech is a wonderful way to express your love and appreciation for your mother or mother figure. By keeping your speech simple, genuine, and heartfelt, you can create a speech that truly captures the essence of the occasion. With a little preparation and practice, you can deliver a speech that your mother will cherish for years to come.

Now, let’s take a look at some tips and guidelines to help you deliver a successful Mothers Day speech:

  • Start with a warm greeting: Begin your speech by greeting your audience and expressing your gratitude for their presence.
  • Express your gratitude: Take a moment to thank your mother for all the sacrifices she has made for you. Highlight her strengths and qualities that have inspired you.
  • Share some memories: Share some fond memories of your childhood with your mother. Talk about some of the experiences that have shaped you as a person.
  • Acknowledge other mothers: Take a moment to acknowledge the other mothers in the audience. Thank them for their contributions to society and for the love and care they provide to their families.
  • Share some inspirational words: Use this opportunity to inspire your audience with some motivational words. You can use quotes, poems, or stories to uplift their spirits.

Remember, the key to a successful Mothers Day speech is to speak from the heart. Be genuine, and sincere, and express your emotions with conviction. Keep your speech concise and focused, and make sure to practice it beforehand to ensure a smooth delivery.

  • This can help to demonstrate your appreciation for all that they do and the difficulties they have overcome. They may have to sacrifice their interests and desires for the sake of their family. This can be a powerful way to acknowledge and honor their hard work and dedication. This can help to make the speech more engaging and relatable to your audience.
  • When delivering your Mothers Day speech, it’s important to maintain a positive and uplifting tone. You might even consider incorporating a few jokes or lighthearted anecdotes to help keep the mood light and cheerful.

Conclusion – Mothers Day Speech

Mother’s Day is a special occasion to celebrate and honor the most important woman in our lives. Delivering a heartfelt speech is a great way to express our love and gratitude toward our mothers.

Mothers Day Speech Faqs:

What is a mother's day speech.

A Mother's Day speech is a heartfelt tribute to mothers, delivered on the occasion of Mother's Day.

Why is a Mother's Day speech important?

A Mother's Day speech is important because it provides an opportunity to express gratitude and appreciation towards mothers.

What are some tips for giving a Mother's Day speech?

Some tips for giving a Mother's Day speech include keeping it heartfelt, sincere, and concise, and focusing on the mother's positive qualities and contributions.

How do I start a Mother's Day speech?

You can start a Mother's Day speech with a heartfelt greeting, a personal anecdote, or a quote about motherhood.

What are some ideas for a Mother's Day speech?

Some ideas for a Mother's Day speech include expressing gratitude for the sacrifices and support provided by mothers, sharing personal anecdotes or memories, and praising the qualities that make mothers special with my Mothers Day Speech.

How long should a Mother's Day speech be?

A Mother's Day speech should be long enough to convey your message, but not so long as to lose the audience's attention. Ideally, a Mother's Day speech should be between 3-5 minutes long.

What are some common mistakes to avoid in a Mother's Day speech?

Some common mistakes to avoid in a Mother's Day speech include focusing too much on oneself, using inappropriate humor or language, and failing to convey genuine gratitude and appreciation.

Can I use a poem in my Mother's Day speech?

Yes, using a poem in a Mother's Day speech can be a creative way to express your feelings and add depth to your message.

How can I make my Mother's Day speech more memorable?

You can make your Mother's Day speech more memorable by including personal anecdotes, using vivid language, and conveying a heartfelt message.

What are some popular Mothers Day Speech that I can include in my speech?

Some popular Mothers Day Speech include God could not be everywhere, and therefore he made mothers by Rudyard Kipling and A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take by Cardinal Mermillod.

How can I make my Mother's Day speech more engaging?

You can make your Mother's Day speech more engaging by using humor, incorporating multimedia elements like photos or videos, and interacting with the audience.

Can I include jokes in my Mother's Day speech?

Yes, including appropriate jokes or lighthearted anecdotes can add humor and personality to your Mother's Day speech.

What are some dos and don'ts of giving a Mother's Day speech?

Some dos of giving a Mother's Day speech include expressing genuine gratitude and appreciation, using appropriate humor, and keeping the speech concise. Some don't include making it about oneself, using inappropriate language, or failing to convey a heartfelt message.

How can I make my Mother's Day speech more emotional?

You can make your Mother's Day speech more emotional by using vivid language, including personal anecdotes, and expressing genuine gratitude and appreciation.

Can I use visual aids in my Mother's Day speech?

Yes, using visual aids like photos or videos can add depth and emotion to your Mother's Day speech.

How can I rehearse my Mother's Day speech?

You can rehearse your Mother's Day speech by practicing in front of a mirror, recording yourself, or delivering the speech to a friend or family member.

Can I include personal stories in my Mother's Day speech?

Yes, including personal stories or anecdotes can add a personal touch and make your Mother's Day speech more meaningful.

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  • Mother’s Day Speech


Mother’s Day Speech In English For Students

The international celebration of Mother's Day in 2021 will take place on May 9, which is the second Sunday of the month. Mother's Day is celebrated around the world differently. American celebrate Mother's Day on March 8, whereas Indians celebrate it on the second Sunday of May. The character of a mother has been compared to that of God by some philosophers and preachers throughout history.

Mother’s Day Speech: Short Speech

The celebration of Mother's Day is one of the most popular occasions, especially for children. They celebrate their mother's love on this day. A mother is the emblem of love and she displays all the affection she has for her children selflessly. She sacrifices all her needs without the intention of getting anything in return and wants just to get the needs of her children met. Without the presence of a mother, it would not have been possible to have our own life. You can find both Long and Short Mothers Day Speech in English below.

According to Leonardo DiCaprio, "My mother is a walking miracle." This statement is very accurate. The birth of a mother occurs long before the birth of a child. Her time is not only spent growing her child, but also educating him and helping him become a productive citizen of this nation. Mothers spend their lives fulfilling the dreams of others by giving up their own dreams. It is through her music that a child and a family can be filled with colors and melody.

The Bible says that God cannot be everywhere, and so he created mothers on Earth. In addition to being a symbol of love, mothers are also fierce warriors. In order for her child to be happy, she must overcome all obstacles. Anyone who has ever been born has been taught by her, had a friend, guide, philosopher, and even had a psychologist.

The word mother is indeed small but the feelings and importance are very big. We can never repay a mother for the sacrifices she makes, and it is impossible to do so in a lifetime. Interestingly, mothers are constant sources of energy and positivity for every child, and we should feel fortunate to be able to count on them as a source of support, forever.

Mother’s Day Speech: Long Speech

Mother's Day is the time of the year when we celebrate motherhood! We find the most pleasantly surprising way to convey love to the angel of our life. The love of a mother and her existence is so pure that one should admire her every day. Mother's Day does, however, act as a reminder. A mother is the family's pillar and backbone. She proves what true love is all about by sacrificing everything and keeping everyone happy all the time. Without taking a break, she constantly works 24*7 and with a big smile on her face.

For me, my mother is the person who taught me to stand on my feet, she is a person who taught me how to learn from mistakes. She helps me without leaving any hope and without hoping for anything in return. I can leave every luxury to my mother because with my mother I feel more relaxed and peaceful. She used to wake me up during my exams when I was young to help me prepare for my tests well. My mother made endless sacrifices for my success and happiness. She is the Goddess who sacrificed her life, happiness and everything for my life. 

Every mother has sacrificed for her child and is undoubtedly still sacrificing and hence, we celebrate mothers day to express our gratitude for her. Let us pray to the Almighty to always keep all mothers happy. I have a great obligation to you to listen to my speech. It was wonderful to speak in front of an audience like this.

I am delighted to present a talk on Mother's Day to all of you here today. It is indeed true that everyone's mother is the first god, philosopher, guide, and friend. The one to hold our hands and teach us to walk. She also teaches us how to communicate. In this constantly changing world, she's the only constant. Her greatness and her accomplishments cannot be adequately described in words.

The international celebration of Mother's Day in 2021 will take place on May 9, which is the second Sunday of the month. Mother's Day is celebrated around the world differently. American celebrate Mother's Day on March 8, whereas Indians celebrate it on the second Sunday of May. The character of a mother has been compared to that of God by some philosophers and preachers throughout history. The purpose of celebrating Mother's Day in many countries is to celebrate motherhood and to honor mothers for their love and affection. It also recognizes the selfless contributions made by mothers to society and the family. During the early 20 th century, Anna Jarvis was instrumental in establishing modern Mother's Day in the United States. Anna Jarvis memorialized her mother at St Andrew's Methodist Church in Grafton, West Virginia, in 1908. In 1905, Anna Jarvis began a campaign to commemorate Mother's Day after her mother, Ann Reeves Jarvis, died. She was an activist for peace during the American Civil War. Jarvis, the then President of the United States, convinced Woodrow Wilson to make Mother's Day a national holiday in 1914. 

Celebrations like this have lost the innate meaning of the holiday and are increasingly commercialized. In fact, it has lost all spiritual significance in favor of economic gain. All countries have a different date for Mother's Day in accordance with their local cultures and beliefs. In Catholic countries, Mother's Day is celebrated as Virgin Mary's Day. Bolivia celebrates Mother's Day every year on May 27 to commemorate the Battle of La Coronilla, which occurred on May 27, 1812. 

She acts as the binding material that keeps the family intact and together when you are looking at her. She is a symbol of love. Keeping everyone happy, she is filled with love from her heart. Parents are known for their selflessness. Additionally, she makes many sacrifices in order to make others happy.

She represents love and care. In fact, even the gods bow their heads before her. It's not always possible for a child to express their feelings but a mother can tell just by looking into their eyes what's inside their hearts. Mothers' love is a powerful thing. It doesn't matter how much pain she is going through, or how many critics she gets, she will always be a shield for her family. The child will always have her back when times are hard.

Each day of our life is a mother's day. Nonetheless, every year on the second Saturday of May, we celebrate Mother's Day in honor of their motherhood, their sacrifices, their love and care. In this universe, there is no one who devotes their whole lives to their children and expects anything in return. All she wants is to give without expecting anything in return. Seeing her child's smile makes her happy.

There is nothing in this world that can compare to the love and care that a mother gives. Mother's love is something that cannot ever be exchanged for anything else.

In today's society, many children take for granted the love and care of their mothers. In return for all she has sacrificed in her life, they do not show her due respect and gratitude. Such behavior is completely unacceptable. She has always supported others when they needed it most. Therefore, it is both the parents' and the children's duty to stand by their loved ones when they need them most.

As the child grows and succeeds, he can thank his mother who has stayed up night and day to make his dreams come true. In a mother's life, the work of raising her child begins the moment the baby is born. She teaches you everything, from walking to eating to speaking and writing. I believe that we should all take this opportunity to give thanks and honor all the beautiful mothers across the world today. Our mothers helped shape us into what we are today by constantly supporting and guiding us. This day should be remembered in honor of our mother, the love of our lives.

In closing, I would like to express my gratitude to my mother for everything she has ever done for me. In addition, I would like to thank all of you for being here today. Thank you for the opportunity to speak with you today. Students who are talking about Mother's Day should find these speeches useful. Women gatherings or organizations that are addressing women will also benefit from them. Any organization that works to improve women's lives will benefit from them.

Happy Mother’s Day to all.

10 Lines on Happy Mothers Day Speech

Mother's Day is an honorary celebration of motherhood. For their non-stop efforts towards her family, it is a thanksgiving day for our mothers. 

Mother's Day teaches us to respect our mother and obey her.

Most countries around the world are celebrating it. 

The events in those countries are celebrated primarily on the second Sunday of May.

On the last Sunday of May, France, and Sweden celebrate Mother's Day. 

Mother's Day is celebrated by the people in Mexico on May 10. 

On August 12, Thailand celebrates its queen's birthday as Mother's Day. 

Three weeks before Easter, the United Kingdom celebrates Mother's Day as Motherhood Day on Sunday.

In India, the celebration of Mother's Day includes giving the mother greeting cards, flowers and gifts.

A speech or essay contest is held by many schools, colleges and also some organizations on the day.


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Mother’s Day Speech – Discover the Heartwarming Mother’s Day Speech to Show Your Love and Gratitude

Mother’s Day Speech: Mother’s Day is a special occasion celebrated around the world to honor and appreciate mothers for their hard work and sacrifices. The idea of Mother’s Day originated in the United States in the early 20th century, and it has since become a global celebration. On this day, we take the time to reflect on the importance of motherhood and to express our gratitude for all that mothers do for their children and families. In this article, we will explore the significance of Mother’s Day and share tips on how to deliver a heartfelt speech that honors the special mothers in our lives.

Table of Contents

10 Lines on Mother’s Day Speech

  • Mother’s Day is a special occasion celebrated to honor and appreciate mothers.
  • The day is observed on different dates in different countries, usually in May.
  • The idea of Mother’s Day originated in the United States in the early 20th century.
  • The day is celebrated to recognize the important role that mothers play in society.
  • Children often express their love and gratitude for their mothers by giving them gifts and cards.
  • Mother’s Day is also an opportunity to reflect on the sacrifices that mothers make for their families.
  • The day is not only for biological mothers, but also for stepmothers, grandmothers, and other mother figures.
  • Many people also use the occasion to raise awareness about maternal health and the challenges that mothers face.
  • Mother’s Day is a time to appreciate the love, support, and guidance that mothers provide.
  • It is a day to say thank you to all the amazing mothers out there for everything they do.

Short Speech on Mother’s Day

It is my pleasure to address you today on the occasion of Mother’s Day. Mother’s Day is a special day to honor and appreciate the hard work and sacrifices that mothers make for their families. It is a day to celebrate the love, care, and dedication that mothers show every day.


Mothers are the backbone of our families. They are the ones who selflessly care for us, love us unconditionally, and support us through thick and thin. They make countless sacrifices to ensure that we have everything we need to succeed in life. From waking up early in the morning to prepare breakfast, to staying up late at night to take care of a sick child, mothers do it all with grace and without any complaints.

On this special day, let us take a moment to thank our mothers for all their hard work and dedication. Let us remember that they are the reason why we are here today. Let us also remember that Mother’s Day is not just about biological mothers, but also about stepmothers, grandmothers, and all the other mother figures in our lives who have played a significant role in shaping us into who we are today.

So, to all the amazing mothers out there, we say thank you. Thank you for your unconditional love, for your sacrifices, for your guidance, and for being our constant source of strength. Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mothers out there!

Heart Touching Speech on Mother in English

Today, I want to talk to you about a very special person in our lives – our mother. Our mother is the one who brought us into this world, who nurtured us, loved us unconditionally, and who taught us everything we know.

A mother’s love is like no other. It is pure, selfless, and unconditional. From the moment we are born, our mothers make countless sacrifices to ensure that we have everything we need to succeed in life. They wake up early in the morning to prepare our breakfast, they stay up late at night to take care of us when we’re sick, and they put their own needs aside to make sure that we are happy and healthy.

But a mother’s love is not just about the things she does for us. It is also about the person she is – kind, caring, patient, and forgiving. Our mothers have a way of making everything better, of soothing our fears and worries, and of giving us the courage to face any challenge that comes our way.

As we celebrate Mother’s Day, let us take a moment to reflect on the incredible role that our mothers have played in our lives. Let us remember their love, their sacrifices, and their unwavering support. Let us also take this opportunity to thank them for everything they have done for us.

To all the wonderful mothers out there, we say thank you. Thank you for your love, your kindness, and your unwavering support. You are the heart and soul of our families, and we are forever grateful for everything you do. Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing mothers out there!

Mother’s Day Speech in Hindi

आज हम यहां माँ के प्रति अपना आभार प्रकट करने आए हैं। माँ, जो हमारी जिंदगी का सबसे महत्वपूर्ण अंग होती हैं। वो हमें जन्म देकर इस दुनिया में लायी होती हैं और हमें हर पल आगे बढ़ने के लिए प्रेरणा देती हैं।

इस दिन के अवसर पर हम सबको यह याद दिलाना चाहिए कि माँ जैसी कोई दूसरी नहीं होती हैं। उनका प्यार एक अनोखी शक्ति होती हैं जो हमें हमेशा समर्थ रखती हैं। वे हमें इस दुनिया में स्थान देती हैं, हमें पालती हैं, हमें संबोधित करती हैं और हमें सही और गलत के बीच का फर्क समझाती हैं।

माँ एक ऐसी शक्ति होती हैं जो हमेशा हमारे साथ होती हैं। जब भी हमें कोई मुश्किल आती हैं, हमारी माँ हमारे साथ होती हैं। उनकी ममता और लव आप हमेशा हमें सुरक्षित महसूस करवाती हैं।

इस मौके पर, हम सभी को यह याद दिलाना चाहिए कि माँ को हमेशा सम्मान देना चाहिए और उन्हें हमारी जिंदगी में अपना सबसे महत्वपूर्ण अंग मानना चाहिए। आज अपनी माँ को सारे दुनिया का सबसे अच्छा दिन देना चाहते हो तो अपनी माँ से अच्छा संबंध बनाए रखें। उन्हें प्यार देना, समझना और उनकी खुशी के लिए सब कुछ करना। माँ का प्यार बेजोड़ है और वो सदैव हमें आशीर्वाद देती हैं।

मेरी माँ मेरे लिए सब कुछ हैं। उनके बिना मेरा जीवन अधूरा हैं। मैं उनके लिए हमेशा एक खुश बेटा रहना चाहता हूँ। मैं उनके संग समय बिताकर, उनसे बातें करके बहुत खुश होता हूँ।

आज मैं आपको यह बताना चाहता हूँ कि माँ दुनिया का सबसे प्यारा और मासूम रिश्ता हैं। हम अपनी माँ के बिना अधूरे हैं और उनका प्यार हमारे लिए असीम हैं। माँ हमें जन्म देती हैं, हमें पालती हैं और हमारे साथ हमेशा खुश रहने का तरीका सिखाती हैं।

इस बार मदर्स डे को यादगार बनाने के लिए अपनी माँ को सबसे अच्छी तरीके से सम्मानित करे! आप उन्हें एक प्यारी सी गिफ्ट दे सकते हैं, उन्हें खाना पकाकर खिला सकते हैं या फिर उन्हें एक शांत और सुकून भरी छुट्टी का इंतजाम करके दे सकते हैं। ये सब करने से ज्यादा महत्वपूर्ण बात है कि हम अपनी माँ के साथ अधिक समय बिताएं और उनके साथ खुशहाली की तलाश करें।

इस मातृ दिवस पर हम सब अपनी माँ को एक जड़ू भरी मुस्कान देना चाहते हैं जो उनके चेहरे पर खुशी का रूप लेकर आए। हम उन्हें बताना चाहते हैं कि हम उनके साथ हैं, हम उनका सम्मान करते हैं और हम उनसे बहुत प्यार करते हैं।

इस अवसर पर हम सब एक बार फिर से अपनी माँ को धन्यवाद देते हैं कि उन्होंने हमें जन्म दिया, हमें पाला और हमेशा हमारे साथ खड़ी रही। हम उनके लिए हमेशा एक आभारी रहेंगे।

मैं आप सभी से अनुरोध करती हूं कि आप अपनी माँ के साथ समय बिताएं और उन्हें अपना प्यार और सम्मान दें। इस मातृ दिवस को एक यादगार और सुखद दिन बनाएं।

Small Speech on Mother’s Day

Today we are gathered here to celebrate the most important person in our lives – our mothers. Mother’s Day is a special occasion to honor and appreciate our mothers for their unconditional love, care, and sacrifice.

Mothers play a vital role in our lives. They are the ones who brought us into this world and raised us with utmost love and affection. They are always there for us, through thick and thin, to support and guide us in every aspect of life.

On this special day, it is important to take a moment and thank our mothers for all that they have done for us. Let’s make them feel special and loved by expressing our gratitude and affection towards them.

So, let us celebrate this Mother’s Day with great enthusiasm and show our mothers how much we love and appreciate them.

Mother’s Day Special Speech

Today, we are here to celebrate a very special day – Mother’s Day. A day to honor and appreciate the most important person in our lives, our mothers.

Mothers are the ones who bring us into this world and raise us with unconditional love, care, and affection. They make countless sacrifices and put their own needs aside to provide us with everything we need. They are the ones who stand by us, no matter what.

Mother’s Day is a day to express our gratitude towards our mothers and show them how much we love and appreciate them. It is a day to thank them for all the sacrifices they have made, the sleepless nights they have had, and the endless love they have given us.

It is important to remember that Mother’s Day is not just about buying gifts or flowers, but it is about spending time with our mothers, listening to them, and making them feel valued and loved.

Let us take this opportunity to make our mothers feel special and appreciated. Let us thank them for being the pillars of strength in our lives and for always being there for us.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the amazing mothers out there!

FAQs on Mother’s Day Speech

Mother’s Day is celebrated on different dates in various countries, but it is mostly celebrated on the second Sunday of May.

Mother’s Day is important as it is a day to express our gratitude and love towards our mothers. It reminds us of the invaluable role that mothers play in our lives and gives us a chance to make them feel special and appreciated.

We can celebrate Mother’s Day by spending quality time with our mothers, expressing our gratitude and affection towards them, and giving them gifts or flowers as a token of appreciation.

Some ideas for Mother’s Day gifts include personalized gifts, spa treatments, jewelry, and homemade gifts such as baked goods or handcrafted items.

Mother’s Day was first celebrated in the United States in 1908 by Anna Jarvis to honor her mother who was a peace activist. It later became a national holiday in the United States and is now celebrated in many countries around the world.

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By Gauri Malik

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Speech for Mother’s Day

Speech generator.

Ladies and gentlemen,

Today, we gather to honor the most beautiful and enduring of all relationships: the bond between a mother and her child. As we celebrate Mother’s Day, let us take a moment to reflect on the profound impact mothers have on our lives, shaping our characters, nurturing our dreams, and standing by us through every challenge with unwavering love and sacrifice.

The Essence of Motherhood

Motherhood is not merely a role but an embodiment of love, strength, and selflessness. It is a journey filled with moments of joy, trials, and unconditional love. From the first heartbeat to the first step, from kindergarten tears to graduation cheers, a mother’s love remains the steadfast beacon guiding us through the storms of life.

A Tribute to Every Mother

To every mother here today and those in our hearts, we owe our deepest gratitude and respect. You are the architects of our society, tirelessly building the foundation of compassion, resilience, and integrity upon which we stand. Your sacrifices often go unnoticed, your efforts sometimes taken for granted, but today, we stand in awe of the incredible resilience and boundless love that define motherhood.

The Legacy of a Mother’s Love

A mother’s love is the first and most enduring love we know. It is a love that transcends time and space, a love that comforts, heals, and inspires. It is a love that teaches us the meaning of sacrifice, the beauty of giving, and the strength to face life’s challenges with grace and courage.

A Call to Cherish and Support

Let us not limit our appreciation to this day alone. Let us support, cherish, and honor our mothers every day. Let us recognize their dreams and aspirations, supporting them as they have supported us. Let us be the source of their strength, as they have been ours.

In Conclusion , As we celebrate Mother’s Day, let us renew our commitment to showing our mothers the love, respect, and appreciation they deserve. Let us remember that the greatest tribute we can offer is to live our lives in a manner that reflects the values they have instilled in us.

To all the mothers, thank you for your love, your sacrifices, and your unwavering belief in us. Your legacy is not just in the children you raise but in the kinder, more compassionate world you help create through your love and guidance.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the incredible mothers out there. Your love makes the world a better place.


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Speech on My Mother

Speech on My Mother: Do you want to deliver a speech on my mother and also want to surprise the audience? If yes, here we are providing speeches on my mother at different lengths in English. From the following, you will understand how to start a speech as well as to end your speech.

Short and Long Speech on My Mother In English for Students

Here are the long and short easy speeches on my mother for everyone with different word limits. This content is helpful for kids, children, and students. Additionally, anyone interested in learning about this topic can read this, as the language is clear and easy to understand.

Short Speech on My Mother | 1 Minute

Short Speech on My Mother

Hello, all of you 

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you great greetings before I begin my speech. And thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak. Today I’ll try my best to avail this opportunity. So let’s come to today’s topic. For me, it’s an unforgettable day.

A mother is a person who carries her child in her womb for 9 months and feeds her own blood and food. She happily sacrifices her body for her child’s health. No one can give like our mothers because a mother is one who only lives for her children.

Mother is the main reason behind the success of all of us. She’s always supporting us and motivating us to achieve great things and reach new heights. She is the one who teaches us to take the first step and speak words properly. In fact, a mother is the first teacher of all of us.

The time is limited, I have much more to say, but I must respect your time. It has been my pleasure to share my thoughts on this topic with all of you.

Best Speech on My Mother | 2 Minutes

Hello, all of you

From the bottom of my heart, I wish you great greetings before I begin my speech. And thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak. Today I will try my best to avail this opportunity. So let’s come to today’s topic. For me, it’s an unforgettable day.

A mother is the one who does everything for her children. Every mother should be respected and admired for the sacrifices which she gives to her family. And everyone should consider paying back for her deeds when reaching old age. 

There is no substitute for my mother as no one can not reach that level of hard work and sacrifice as my mom. She bears immense pain to bring me into this world. She not only bears pain but also sacrifices her body for my life.

Today from this stage I want to thank my mom for her love and everything she has done for me and my family. Like nature, a mother is caring and forgiving, nurturing and compassionate. My mother works day and night to make my family’s lives better. She wakes up early in the morning and does work restlessly till the night.

For me, my mother is a true example of a real leader. She’s always standing behind me to guide me and support me in all sectors of my life. In short words, my mother means everything to me and I love my mom very much.

Long Speech on My Mother | 4 Minute

Long Speech on My Mother

A mother is the first teacher and friend in everyone’s life. Because it’s a mother who teaches her children many important things in life. An infant baby is totally dependent on its mother and a mother is happily working tirelessly for her child. 

My mother has done everything for me, from taking my first step in life to this age she does everything for the betterment of my life. People say science is a great blessing for us but I think mothers are the greatest blessing for our lives. 

I want to tell you that I’m so lucky as I got my mother as my best friend. All my problems are solved by my mother as she’s my guardian and my teacher. She’s the first person to wake up in the morning at my house. As a teacher, she helps me with my school homework.

She’s a real caretaker as she takes care of my family. Besides being a caretaker she’s a great cook as she cooks all kinds of food like Desi, Chinese, Italian, and many more. She also knows the recipes for sweet dishes. Often she invites my friends over for dinner and cooks delicious food for all of us.

My mother does her best to maintain our family’s lifestyle like our clothes, home furniture, and decoration. If any person in my family is unable to find anything in our house, everyone asks my mother for her help. She does her best to help and take care of every member of our family.

My mother has all qualities to do anything and I think it can’t be wrong if I say my mom is a supermom. My mother always encourages me and gives me enough courage to face my difficult times. I always celebrate mother’s day every year and I think we all should celebrate at least one day in a month as mother’s day. As a day in a year is not enough for mothers.

FAQs on Speech on My Mother

The meaning of the word “mother” has evolved over time to reflect changes in society and cultural norms.

Society can better support mothers by providing access to affordable childcare, paid parental leave, and flexible work arrangements.

A mother’s role may shift as her children grow up and become more independent. While she may still provide emotional support and guidance.

Priya Sharma Author

Priya Sharma

Priya’s love for IT and other fields led her to start writing articles on various topics. She started her writing journey as a hobby but soon realized that writing is her true passion. Priya’s articles and blogs have been published on different social sites, which has helped her gain a massive following and recognition in the writing community. Her writing style is engaging, informative, and well-researched, which has earned her the trust of her readers.

Speech on Mother

Mother is the most lovable and adorable person. No love can exceed or even match the love of a mother for her child. She is the best trainer and guide of her child, no less than God, always the first person whom we think of in our happy and not so happy times. She has been blessed with the power to nurture a complete life in her womb with intense love and care.

On many occasions such as the Mother’s Day, we are required to articulate our love and respect for the role the mother plays in our lives. So, here we are providing you few speeches on Mother to help you deliver a very powerful speech that is greeted by unending applause

Long and Short Speech on Mother in English

Speech on mother – 1.

Good Morning all! We are here on this day to salute the most lovable and important person, the Mother. Without her, anyone of us could have not been here. We are obliged towards her for taking so much pain and labour to bring us into this beautiful world.

In the words of Agatha Christie, “A mother’s love for her child is like nothing else in the world. It knows no law, no pity. It dares all things and crushes down remorselessly all that stands in its path.”

A mother feeds her children with her own blood in the womb and does a lot of sacrifices to raise her children. She is a substitute of God on this earth. No love can exceed or even match the love of a mother for her child. All the great men have reached to such points only because of the support and devotion of their mothers who always stood by them and motivated to perform ahead of the field. Gandhiji is one such example of a man who has reaped benefits from a loving and devout mother, Putlibai.

From the time we enter this world till we are carried off by the death, we come across many relationships in our lives. Some are just for a while, some deceive us and some leave us when we need them the most and some are with us because of their self-seeking attributes. But the one being that surpasses the care, affection and love of everybody for a person is the “Mother”. She is the best trainer and guide of every child. She teaches us on how to take those first steps of our lives, how to speak, write and the behavioral lessons which help us to become better adults and well conduct ourselves in this world.

Every mother should be given due respect and must be admired for all the things she does and sacrifices she makes for her children. She has done everything for her children. And now it’s our time to discharge our duties towards her. We must try our utmost to never let her down and be the cause of her grief.  We should never overlook the fact that right since the time of our birth we are so dependent on her for every little thing. She is the one who supports us and continues to nurture us with all her heart. Her love and affection are incomparable and immeasurable.

Our mothers are our security blankets that keep us warm and save us from all the difficulties. She forgets all her sorrows and lives for her child. As today is Mother’s Day, we must all pledge to make our mothers happy not only on this particular day, but for the rest of our lives.

In the end, I would like to wish a very Happy Mother’s Day to all the wonderful mothers present here and I truly seek God’s grace and protection for them so that they keep up with their challenging role always.

Speech on Mother – 2

From the time we enter this world till we are carried off by the death, we come across many relationships in our lives. Some are just for a while, some deceive us and some leave us when we need them the most and some are with us because of their self-seeking attributes. But the one being that surpasses the care, affection and love of everybody for a person is the “Mother”. She is the best trainer and guide of every child. She teaches us on how to take those first steps of our lives, how to speak, write and the behavioural lessons which help us to become better adults and well conduct ourselves in this world.

Speech on Mother – 3

Good Morning everybody!

A very warm welcome to you all! Hope you all are doing well and are happy to grace this occasion.

We all are gathered here to talk about the most beautiful and wonderful personality we all have or had in our lives – ‘Mother’, ‘Mom’, ‘Maa’, ‘Amaa’,  the words for this most beautiful soul sound similar across most languages and evoke similar connotations of love and warmth. She is the one who is no less than God for her child. Perhaps the physical presence of God was not feasible everywhere because of which He created this idol called ‘Mom’. I identify her as the Goddess of Multitasking, you say a thing or just give it a thought and she does that. From cooking to earning and from pampering to scolding us for our wrongs, she plays her part with utmost love and affection.

Our mother is the creator of our existence, she is the one who has enabled us to feel what exactly life is, she made us alive and has produced virtues within us. Isn’t it?

I believe that she is the string that attaches the entire family together, she motivates us and builds our strength and does everything that has today made us capable of facing this world with dignity, confidence and power.

Mother is the one who frames us, the one who builds us both physically and mentally and empowers us to face the world. She is the sunshine for every child and is always the first person whom we think of in our happy and not so happy times. She is the first thought that comes to our mind when we are unwell, when we are sad, when we are not able to achieve something or when we reach the greatest height of success.

Let’s ask ourselves, isn’t it she the one who flashes before our mind when we feel scared by a thought or lie sick in our bed. Yes! She is the one. From waking up early every morning to packing up our lunch, to those lunch time calls for confirming that we had our lunch or not, it is our mom who tracks us, who tracks our wellbeing. I thank all the mothers for their existence, as they made us who we are today.

Somebody has articulated it well and has said, “Behind every successful man, there is a woman”. I abide by this quote and have no second thought that this woman can be none other than the ‘Mother’. She is the one whose prayers are focussed just for her kids because it is only the Mother who carries the entire world in her and has been blessed with the power to nurture a complete life in her womb that too with intense love and care.

To conclude, I will like all of you to always treat your mom with love and respect. Always be grateful to her as you owe this life to her. Each one of us has this responsibility of respecting and looking after her. You may call it her love or sacrifice, but she is the only one who has made our existence worthwhile.

Love you, Maa!

Speech on Mother – 4

Good Morning All!

It gives me immense pleasure to share my views among all of you about the one who is and shall always be close to my heart “Mother”.

Who is a mother? She is the one who sacrifices all her life for the sake of her children, one who does not sleep the whole night just to let her child have the proper sleep, the one who does not have her meal just to let her child have the complete meal.

The word Mother stands for Magnificent Outstanding Tender Honourable Extraordinary Remarkable. If we have been blessed to live in this beautiful world it is all because of our mother who has gone through the unbearable pain to bring us into this universe. And she is that person who forgets about all her pain just to see the happiness on the face of their children.

Mother, being the supreme lover, loves her child like nothing else in the world. With her unconditional love and affection, she surpasses all the troubles that come across her way. She let nothing to stand in her path when it comes to her child. From the day we step into this world till day we are carried to our final destination we come across many relations – some are to betray you, some to leave us all alone, and some for their own sake. But there is one relation who has no boundaries, no obligations and that is “Motherhood”.

A mother is a one where we deposit all our hurts and worries. The love which a mother holds for her child is just incomparable because she loves her children even at that time when they least deserve to be loved. She is the one who makes ‘home’ out of a house.

A mother is the only non paid worker on this Earth who works 24×7 without asking for a single penny in return. She has no holidays, no breaks, no increments but still she delivers her duties with full dedication.

At last, I just want you all to respect this wonderful gift of God. We should take a pledge not to hurt our mothers and should take utmost care of them as they did during all their lifetime for making our lives even  better.

I want to conclude with the words, “MAA, -To the world you are my mother but to me you are my world”.

Essay on Mother

Essay on My Mother

Mother’s Day

Mother’s Day Quotes

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Essay on Mother’s Day

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Speech on My Mother

Speech on Mother’s Day

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Speech on Mother

The word ‘Mother’ brings warmth to our hearts. She is the first teacher, the first friend, and the guiding light in our life.

Mothers are the pillars of strength and love. They nurture us, protect us, and make us who we are.

1-minute Speech on Mother

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Today, I stand before you to speak on a topic that is universal, a topic that is the epitome of selfless love, care and sacrifice – it’s none other than ‘Mother’. A mother is not just a word, it’s a feeling. It’s an emotion that defines love in its purest form. The moment we hear the word, we get engulfed in the warmth of love and care, reflecting the essence of this divine relationship.

A mother’s love is unconditional, unparalleled, and can’t be replaced by any other relationship. She is the creator, the nurturer, and the protector. Her role begins much before a child is born and it never ends. Her days and nights are filled with thoughts and worries about her child, no matter how old the child is.

Her love is not bound by any expectations, it is a love that knows only giving. She endures all sufferings and hardships for the sake of her child’s happiness and well-being. She is the first teacher, teaching us life’s greatest lessons. Her endless sacrifices often go unnoticed, yet she continues to shower her love.

A mother is indeed, the pillar of strength and the beacon of light in our lives. Without her, life would be void of warmth and comfort. It is essential to not just respect, but also cherish and appreciate the efforts of our mothers.

In conclusion, a mother is an embodiment of pure love and sacrifice. Let us not limit our love and gratitude for her to a single day, but extend it to every single moment of our lives. Let us make her feel loved, valued, and cherished every day. After all, she deserves nothing but the best.

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2-minute Speech on Mother

I am honored to be given the opportunity to speak on an entity that is the embodiment of love, selflessness, and sacrifice – the “Mother”. There is no love as pure, no care as selfless, and no role as significant as that of a mother. A mother is the pillar of strength in our lives, the one who gives us life and nurtures us into who we become.

In the realm of motherhood, there is no room for selfishness. A mother’s love is the epitome of selflessness. From the moment she conceives, her life is no longer just about her. Her body, her mind, her soul, everything is dedicated to the well-being of her child. She endures the pain of childbirth, she sacrifices her sleep, her time, her comfort, and sometimes even her dreams for the sake of her children.

A mother is our first teacher, our first friend, our confidante. She is the one who teaches us to walk, to speak, to love, and to face the world. Her comforting words can soothe our pain, her laughter can light up our world, and her presence gives us the strength to face any challenges we come across. The values we hold, the morals we follow, and the individuals we become, all of this is hugely influenced by the teachings of our mothers.

Mothers hold a tremendously significant role in shaping society. The values she instills in her child determines the future of the world. She is the one who can make her child a compassionate, loving, and kind individual. She is the one who can teach her child to respect all genders, races, and cultures. A mother’s teachings can help to eradicate societal evils and create a harmonious world.

A mother’s role is indeed demanding, and yet it is often taken for granted. Mothers are expected to be perfect, to love unconditionally, to always be there, to never get tired, and to never ask for anything in return. It is important to acknowledge that mothers, too, need love, respect, and care. They, too, have dreams and aspirations, they too need comfort and appreciation. It is essential to appreciate the mothers in our lives, to thank them for their love, their sacrifices, and their tireless efforts.

In conclusion, a mother is not just a person but a feeling, an emotion, a safe haven that we can always come back to. She is our guiding light in the darkest of times, our pillar of strength when we feel weak, and our source of love when we feel unloved. Let’s honor our mothers, let’s acknowledge their efforts, respect their sacrifices, and most importantly, let’s love them unconditionally, the way they love us.

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Mother of the groom giving speech during microwedding reception.

  • Lauren is a contributor for The Knot covering topics such as music, cakes, venues and speeches.
  • She has been published in a wide array of lifetsyle-oriented publications including SELF and Allure.
  • Lauren is a proud graduate of Syracuse University's SI Newhouse School of Public Communication.

Your son's wedding is sure to be a happy (albeit emotional!) day. After all, watching your son exchange vows with his new spouse is sure to bring a tear to your eye. In fact, it's fair to say your son's big day is just as significant for you as his mother as it is for him. On top of all this, you'll also be tasked with presenting a mother of the groom speech. In honor of your son's special day, you'll have the honor of toasting to your son and new son-in-law or daughter-in-law as they embark on this new chapter together as newlyweds. While this speech has traditionally been given at rehearsal dinners , it's not unusual for the mother of the groom to speak at the wedding reception , either.

If you're struggling to put words on paper to express the joy, happiness, and love you have for your son, you're not alone. To help combat writer's block—and get your creative juices flowing—we reached out to wedding planners and professionals for expert insight. Below, you'll find everything you need to know about crafting the best mother of the groom speech.

How Long Should a Mother of the Groom Speech Be?

When it comes to length, "short and sweet it the way to go," says wedding planner Nora Sheils of Bridal Bliss in Lake Oswego, Oregon. She says that 3 to 5 minutes is the perfect amount to time to get your point across.

But when should a mother of the groom speech be delivered? While the father of the bride speech is most often given during the wedding reception, can the groom's mom give hers then, too? "I believe the mother of the groom can give a speech at both the wedding rehearsal and at the wedding celebration," says celebrity wedding and event planner David Tutera .

However, if you prefer to speak in a more intimate environment, you may opt to present your speech at the rehearsal dinner . According to Sheils, the rehearsal dinner is "the perfect opportunity for a more personal mother of the groom toast."

How to Write a Mother of the Groom Speech

"The wedding is about the couple, so keep that in mind when you're writing your speech, so it's not just one-sided," explains Lynne Kennedy of The Gilded Aisle Weddings in Chicago. She continues, "Guests always love to hear how the couple met or when you knew this love interest was 'the one' for your son."

With all this being said, "Don't talk solely about your son," says Sheils. Instead, she recommends talking about his new spouse, what you love about them, and how they fit into your family.

Mother of the Groom Speech Template

Feeling overwhelmed with emotion? Not sure where to begin? Don't fret. This template from Hester Parks of Park Avenue Events in Atlanta can easily be personalized—all you need to do is fill in the blanks.

Introduce yourself. Of course, everyone will know who you are, but you'll need to greet your guests by introducing yourself.

Thank the wedding guests for coming. Open up your speech by thanking your guests for attending this special occasion. Express your gratitude and share how grateful you are that they were able to celebrate your son's wedding with you.

Talk about your son. Katelyn Peterson of Wedding Words , a wedding vow and speech writing service, advises sharing two to three "short and concise" stories about your son that spotlights their personality.

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Talk about your son's partner. Be sure to highlight your son's new spouse, and express what you appreciate about them, Peterson says.

Share your heartfelt wishes for your son's marriage. Conclude your mother of the groom speech with a cheerful toast to the happy couple.

Who does the mother of the groom thank in her speech?

According to Kennedy, the mother of the groom should thank the bride's parents for raising a kind and beautiful person. Sheils agrees with this sentiment. She adds that this could be done at either the beginning or end of your wedding toast (depending on your preference).

The mother of the groom should also thank friends and family members for coming out to celebrate the joyous occasion.

How to Give a Mother of the Groom Speech

You'll want to avoid calling attention to your nerves or public speaking fears, says Peterson. This will only make people aware of the one thing you want to minimize."

Mother of the Groom Speech Jokes

Depending on who you speak to, you'll receive mixed opinions regarding jokes during wedding speeches. However, Sheils loves when wedding speeches are infused with humor. She tells The Knot: "Some of the most memorable toasts I've heard did the perfect job of mixing humor with sentimentality."

Lauren Smith of EventSmith Planning and Productions in Santa Fe, Texas, is another fan of jokes in wedding speeches. "Bringing in a joke or two keeps the crowd engaged and keeps some of the tears from falling during the entire speech," she says. What's more, she continues, "A good opener and a zinger here and there is just the right touch for a wedding."

Classic Catholic wedding ceremony in St. Louis, Missouri.

All this being said, if you do choose to crack some jokes during your speech, make sure that they're respectful and appropriate—and don't overdo it. After all, Smith says it best: "This isn't Amateur Hour at the Improv."

Mother of the Groom Speech Example

Seek inspiration in this fully written mother of the groom wedding speech from The Knot:

Good evening, friends and family members! As Jordan's mother, I wanted to take this time to thank everyone for being here tonight. Your presence means so much to us. I also wanted to thank Blake's parents, [mother of the bride/groom name] and [father of the bride/groom name], for raising such a kind, wonderful, and compassionate daughter. I couldn't be more grateful.

When Jordan was a little boy, my husband and I were big worriers: Did Jordan have enough to eat at kindergarten today? What if he fell and injured himself on the playground? The worries continued as he grew older: What if he got homesick at overnight camp? Did he drink enough water to stay hydrated throughout the day? These anxieties, which I know are now trivial, once consumed me.

See, people always told me that my job as a mother—and a parent in general—was to worry. It's true, up to a certain degree, but I've since learned that kids, at any age, are strong and resilient on their own. Like when Jordan spent his 10th birthday sleeping out at his best friend's house. In the morning, Jordan returned with a large cut on his arm. Jordan came home laughing about the accident, which happened when he was trying to cut a bagel open at 1:30 a.m. because he was hungry. I guess some things just don't change. Instead of freaking out, he remained calm, grabbed his best buddy—who, by the way, is now his best man—and applied pressure to stop the bleeding.

This is just one of many funny stories that have (and continue to!) define Jordan's, shall I say, daring, adventures. In college, he slipped over a beer can in his fraternity house. With two thumbs up and a broken ankle, he was rolled out on a stretcher to the local hospital. He ended up being fine, but he became the butt of the joke for the remainder of the school year.

If I could go back in time, I would tell myself not to spend so much time worrying. I know now that my son is in great hands with his beautiful spouse, Blake. From the first time they met, I knew he was smitten. He came back from dinner already planning a second and third date. When I asked when I could meet this special person, he promised me that he would invite them over for dinner if they were still seeing each other in three months. Fast-forward three months later, and guess who came over for dinner? Today, two years later, we are all here in celebration of their wedding! Jordan and Blake, watching you exchange vows at your wedding ceremony was nothing short of spectacular. Blake, you are truly everything I could have wished and hoped for and more for my son. And to have a new child is a dream come true. I am honored to be your mother-in-law.

Now, if you would, please join me in raising your glasses for a special wedding toast to the newlyweds. May you enjoy a lifetime of love, health, and happiness together!

How to End the Mother of the Groom Speech

To end the mother of the groom speech, Tutera recommends "making a warm reference to the bride and welcoming her into the family." He continues, "Share your excitement, joy, and love for her." He also recommends acknowledging your new in-laws by name.

Another option is to raise a glass and invite all of your wedding guests to join you in a toast at the wedding reception. Sheils says "My go-to is 'Here is to love, to laughter, and happily ever after. Cheers!'"

What NOT to Say in a Mother of the Groom Speech

While there are certain points you'll want to make in your mother of the groom speech, there are also several topics to avoid:

Don't embarrass your son. "Unless the groom can take it in good fun, I wouldn't put him up for any embarrassment," says Laura Maddox of Magnolia Celebrates in Roswell, Georgia.

...or his partner. "Stay away from embarrassing stories, especially of the bride." Maddox advises. "No one wants to be raked over the coals on their wedding day."

Skip the inside jokes. Otherwise, according to Sheils, you'll run the risk of leaving others feeling excluded.

Don't mention the exes. "Do not, for any reason, bring up a past relationship, good or bad," says Sheils, adding: "It never sits well."

Groom and mother of the groom having a private moment before the ceremony.

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A Guide to Writing the Perfect Mother of the Groom Speech

Last Updated: May 19, 2024 Fact Checked

  • How to Write Your Speech

Best Practices

Templates & examples.

  • What Not to Say

This article was co-authored by Lynn Kirkham and by wikiHow staff writer, Aly Rusciano . Lynn Kirkham is a Professional Public Speaker and Founder of Yes You Can Speak, a San Francisco Bay Area-based public speaking educational business empowering thousands of professionals to take command of whatever stage they've been given - from job interviews, boardroom talks to TEDx and large conference platforms. Lynn was chosen as the official TEDx Berkeley speaker coach for the last four years and has worked with executives at Google, Facebook, Intuit, Genentech, Intel, VMware, and others. There are 7 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 9,019 times.

Your son’s wedding is quickly approaching and all the details are taken care of—except the speech you plan to give at the rehearsal dinner or reception. We're here to help! Writing and giving a mother of the groom speech will be a piece of cake with our guide. You only need a few stories, anecdotes, and sweet words to melt everyone’s hearts. We’ll explain what to include and avoid, provide tons of examples, and even show you how to format your speech from beginning to end.

Things You Should Know

  • Start your speech with a quick introduction, stating who you are and your relationship to the couple.
  • Add personality and warmth to your speech by including heartwarming or funny stories about your son.
  • Finish your speech with a touching message for the happy couple, expressing how bright and joyful you wish their future together to be.

How to Write a Mother of the Groom Speech

Step 1 Start by introducing yourself.

  • If you’re feeling stuck, brainstorm speech ideas by jotting down what words describe your son and his partner.
  • Practice makes perfect! If you’re nervous about giving your speech, that’s completely normal. Practice your speech as many times as possible so you know what you’ll say and how you’ll say it. This can help calm your nerves. [5] X Research source
  • Keep your speech short and sweet. [6] X Research source The longer your speech is, the less engaged your audience will be. So, aim to keep your speech under 5 minutes.
  • At the end of the day, make the speech unique to you. If these templates don’t speak to you, that’s okay! Write and speak from the heart. [7] X Research source
  • If you’re worried about how your speech sounds, ask someone to read it over.
  • 1 Standard Example Hello everyone, I’m [Your Name], the mother of the handsome groom. I’m so grateful to be standing before you today to celebrate [Your Son’s Name] and [Your Son’s Partner’s Name], and it’s been wonderful getting to meet each and every one of you. The support you’ve shown my son is truly heartwarming. Now, some of you know [Your Son’s Name] as the person who’s always [insert personal description]. But to me, he’s still the sweetest little boy. [Insert story about your son’s childhood]. [Your Son’s Name] has always been [insert description that matches above childhood story], and now he’s found someone just as incredible as he is. [Your Son’s Partner’s Name], you are [insert description of your son’s partner]. From the first time I met you, I knew you were the one. It gives me great honor to welcome you into our family. [Your Son’s Name] and [Your Son’s Partner’s Name], I hope your lifetime together is full of joy and laughter. May your love continue to grow with each year, each milestone, and each hardship. Let’s raise our glasses to the happy couple! Here’s to many more happy years to come!
  • 2 Short & Sweet Example Dear friends and family, I’m here tonight to talk about my son, [Your Son’s Name], the most [insert description] man I know. Ever since he was little, he’s been a [insert description]. He has a heart of gold, and I knew whoever would win his heart one day would be someone very, very special. [Your Son’s Partner’s Name], you are that very special someone. From the moment [Your Son’s Name] introduced me to you, I knew you were his future. You’re [insert description], and I can’t imagine anyone better for my son. [Insert a popular quote or family saying]. I can’t wait to spend more time with you, [Your Son’s Partner’s Name]. I hope your marriage is happy, bright, and filled with joy. I love you both dearly.
  • 3 Funny Example Good evening, everyone! Thank you all for coming to this special occasion. I am honored to stand before you as the groom's mother. Now, [Your Son’s Name] may have gotten his good looks from his father, but he certainly got his humor from me! [Insert a funny story about your son growing up that showcases his personality or relationship with you] [Insert another story about your son that focuses on his relationship with his partner] And [Your Son’s Partner’s Name], our beautiful bride. Now, I must admit, when [Your Son’s Name] first introduced us, I was a bit skeptical. But I’m happy to say you’ve won me over with that contagious laugh, kind heart, and [insert description]. [Your Son’s Partner’s Name], you’ve brought my son and this family so much joy these past few years, and I cannot thank you enough for that. You’re a perfect match for each other, and it’s been an honor to watch you grow and thrive in each other's arms. Here’s to a future full of love and laughter. To the happy couple!
  • 4 Heartfelt Example Ladies and gentlemen, I’m here tonight to talk to you about my son and his fabulous new life partner. Growing up, [Your Son’s Name] always talked about finding the one. [Insert personal story]. When he brought [Your Son’s Partner’s Name] home, I just had this feeling. Something told me this was it. And then he asked [Your Son’s Partner’s Name] to marry him. [Insert story about the proposal]. I knew she’d say yes—we all did! But seeing them waltz into the house with the biggest grins made it all so much more real. [Your Son’s Partner’s Name], I’m so happy to say you’re a part of this family. It feels like you always have been. Here’s to many, many years of happiness. I love you both.
  • 5 Simple Example Good evening, everyone! I don’t want to take up too much of your time. After all, we have a lot of speeches to get through tonight! So I’ll just say how happy I am for my son and his beautiful partner. These two are a force to be reckoned with, and I have no doubt that they are going to do such wondrous things together. To [Your Son’s Name] and [Your Son’s Partner’s Name]! Let all of your wildest dreams come true.

What Not to Say In Your Speech

Step 1 Avoid bringing up past relationships.

Expert Q&A

  • Typically, the mother of the groom speech is given at the rehearsal dinner or during the reception after the wedding ceremony. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Do breathing exercises to help calm your nerves before you give your speech. Try inhaling for 4 counts and exhaling for another 4. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0
  • Write your speech down if you feel like you’ll forget it. There’s no shame in glancing at it every so often! Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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The Chiefs kicker who told women to be 'homemakers' rather than have careers has a physicist mother

  • Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker faced backlash for saying women should focus on being homemakers.
  • He made the comments during a commencement address at Benedictine College's graduation ceremony.
  • Butker mom's is a physicist at Emory.

Insider Today

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker gave some controversial advice to young women during his commencement address at Benedictine College's graduation ceremony on Saturday. Now, some critics are pointing out the irony in his message.

During his speech at the Catholic college, the NFL player, known for being an outspoken conservative Catholic , told the women in the graduating class they'd been fed "diabolical lies."

"How many of you are sitting here now about to cross this stage and are thinking about all the promotions and titles you're going to get in your career?" he asked. "Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world."

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He praised his wife for supporting his career as she took on "one of the most important titles of all: homemaker" instead of fulfilling her previous dream of having a career of her own. At one point, he also quoted lyrics from Taylor Swift , a noted career woman (and billionaire) — an irony that wasn't lost on Swift's fanbase.

Celebrities and people online quickly spoke out against Butker's message, which also took aim at LGBTQ+ and abortion rights . Some critics zeroed in on the fact that Butker's mother is a career woman.

Several users on X pointed out that Butker's mother, Elizabeth Keller Butker, is a physicist. "Harrison Butker's mom is a medical physicist in the oncology department at Emory. I can't believe this guy's mommy issues ruined graduation for the women at Benedictine College," one user posted on X .

Harrison Butker's mom is a medical physicist in the oncology department at Emory. I can't believe this guy's mommy issues ruined graduation for the women at Benedictine College — Jessica Valenti (@JessicaValenti) May 15, 2024

Elizabeth Keller Butker's name and photo are featured on the Emory University School of Medicine's Radiation Oncology staff page , and she's listed as a clinical medical physicist. According to a LinkedIn page that appears to belong to Butker's mother, she earned her undergraduate degree from Smith College and has worked at Emory since June 1988. A representative for Emory did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Business Insider sent outside regular business hours.

The NFL has disavowed the comments Butker made in his speech and reiterated that they're committed to inclusivity.

Butker, his wife, or his mom haven't spoken out publicly about Butker's graduation speech comments. Butker's representative didn't respond to previous requests for comment from BI.

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Breaking Down Harrison Butker's Speech: Read the Chiefs Player's Most Controversial Comments

Fans are calling for Harrison Butker to be removed from the Chiefs' roster for the upcoming NFL season after his 20-minute commencement speech at Benedictine College

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Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker 's commencement speech at Benedictine College, a Catholic school, continues to cause outrage.

The NFL player's 20-minute address included attacks on working women, the LBGTQ+ community and families who utilize surrogacy and in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Butker and the Chiefs did not immediately return PEOPLE's requests for comment. In a statement, the NFL’s Chief Diversity Officer Jonathan Beane says, "Harrison Butker gave a speech in his personal capacity. His views are not those of the NFL as an organization. The NFL is steadfast in our commitment to inclusion, which only makes our league stronger.”

Former Kansas City commissioner Justice Horn went further, slamming Butker in a post on X (formerly known as Twitter). "Harrison Butker doesn’t represent Kansas City nor has he ever," he wrote . "Kansas City has always been a place that welcomes, affirms, and embraces our LGBTQ+ community members."

Rapper Flavor Flav chimed in, "Sounds like some players 'need to stay in their lanes' and shouldn’t be giving commencement speeches."

Cooper Neill/Getty

Writer Cyd Zeigler wrote , "Pretty awful to hear an NFL player so proudly tell women to 'stay in their lane,' serve their man and make babies. Not to mention comparing Pride month to a 'deadly sin' and lobbing bombs at the trans community. Not a fan."

Amid the backlash, below is a breakdown of Butker's most controversial comments from the speech.

On Taylor Swift's Lyric

A portion of the outrage against Butker came from supporters of Taylor Swift after he shared one of her lyrics, which fans noticed he misinterpreted.

Butker quoted a lyric from Swift's 2022 song "Bejeweled," and referred to her as his teammate, Travis Kelce 's girlfriend.

"As my teammate's girlfriend would say, familiarity breeds contempt," Butker said when discussing the values of the Catholic Church.

What seemed to have been lost on Butker, however, is that the song's message is about Swift embracing her independence away from a former boyfriend.

On the Covid-19 Pandemic and President Joe Biden

At the start of his speech, Butker addressed how the class of 2024 was affected by the COVID-19 pandemic at the start of their college careers. The subject quickly transitioned into attacks on President Joe Biden and topics such as abortion, IVF, surrogacy and euthanasia.

"I'm sure your high school graduation was not what you had imagined and most likely neither was your first couple years of college. By making it to this moment through all the adversity thrown your way from COVID, I hope you learned the important lesson that suffering in this life is only temporary," he said. "As a group, you witnessed firsthand how bad leaders who don't stay in their lane can have a negative impact on society."

Butker went on: "Bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues. Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for degenerate cultural values in media, all stem from the pervasiveness of disorder. Our own nation is led by a man who publicly and proudly proclaims his Catholic faith, but at the same time is delusional enough to make the sign of the cross."

The Chiefs kicker continued his verbal attack on Biden, saying, "During a pro-abortion rally, he has been so vocal in his support for the murder of innocent babies that I'm sure to many people it appears that you can be both Catholic and pro-choice."

"This is an important reminder that being Catholic alone doesn't cut it. These are the sorts of things we're told in polite society to not bring up. The difficult and unpleasant things. But if we are going to be men and women for this time in history, we need to stop pretending that the 'Church of Nice' is a winning proposition. We must always speak and act in charity, but never mistake charity for cowardice."

He continued: "As members of the church founded by Jesus Christ, it is our duty and ultimately privilege to be authentically and unapologetically Catholic."

Carmen Mandato/Getty 

On LGBTQ+ Pride

Butker then turned the focus of his speech to the Catholic values at Benedictine College. However, his sentiments attacked the LGBTQ+ and trans communities.

Butker said, "Benedictine has gone from just another liberal arts school with nothing to set it apart to a thriving beacon of light ... I'm certain the reporters at the AP could not have imagined that their attempt to rebuke and embarrass places and people like those here at Benedictine wouldn't be met with anger, but instead met with excitement and pride, not the deadly sin sort of pride that has an entire month dedicated to it, but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the Holy Ghost to glorify him."

On IVF and Surrogacy

Butker later attacked families who utilize IVF and surrogacy to have children, saying, "It is imperative that this class, this generation, in this time in our society must stop pretending that the things we see around us are normal."

"Heterodox ideas abound, even within Catholic circles. Let's be honest, there is nothing good about playing God with having children, whether that be your ideal number or the perfect time to conceive. No matter how you spin it, there is nothing natural about Catholic birth control. It is only in the past few years that I have grown encouraged to speak more boldly and directly because as I mentioned earlier, I have leaned into my vocation as a husband and father and as a man."

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On Working Women

In a direct address to the female graduates at Benedictine, Butker said, "For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment. I want to speak directly to you briefly because I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you."

"Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world, but I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world."

Of his spouse, Butker said, "I can tell you that my beautiful wife, Isabelle, would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. I'm on this stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I'm beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me, but it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school, who would convert to the faith, become my wife and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker."

Jamie Squire/Getty

He continued, "I say all of this to you because I have seen firsthand how much happier someone can be when they disregard the outside noise and move closer and closer to God's will in their life. Isabelle's dream of having a career might not have come true, but if you asked her today if she has any regrets on her decision, she would laugh out loud without hesitation and say, heck no."

Several users on social media have pointed out , however, that Butker's mother, Elizabeth Butker, is a successful physicist at Emory University's Department of Radiation Oncology.

On Masculinity

Moving his focus to the male graduates in the room, Butker said, "To the gentlemen here today, part of what plagues our society is this lie that has been told to you that men are not necessary in the home or in our communities. As men, we set the tone of the culture. And when that is absent, disorder, dysfunction and chaos set in ..."

"Other countries do not have nearly the same absentee father rates as we find here in the U.S., and a correlation could be made in their drastically lower violence rates as well. Be unapologetic in your masculinity. Fight against the cultural emasculation of men. Do hard things. Never settle for what is easy. You might have a talent that you don't necessarily enjoy, but if it glorifies God, maybe you should lean into that over something that you might think suits you better."

Concluding his speech, Butker said, "I know that my message today had a little less fluff than is expected for these speeches, but I believe that this audience and this venue is the best place to speak openly and honestly about who we are and where we all want to go, which is heaven. I thank God for Benedictine College and for the example it provides to the world."

"Make no mistake, you are entering into mission territory in a post God world, but you are made for this and with God by your side and a constant striving for virtue within your vocation, you too can be a saint. Christ is king to the heights."

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Remarks by President   Biden at the Morehouse College Class of 2024 Commencement Address | Atlanta,   GA

Morehouse College Atlanta, Georgia

10:29 A.M. EDT

THE PRESIDENT:  Thank you.  (Applause.)  Thank you, thank you, thank you, President Thomas, faculty, staff, alumni.  And a special thanks — I’ll ask all the folks who helped you get here — your mothers, fathers, grandmothers, grandfathers — all those who got you here, all the way in the back, please, parents, grandparents, all who helped, stand up, because we owe you a debt of gratitude.  (Applause.)  To all the family.  And that is not hyperbole.  A lot of you, like my family, had to make significant sacrifices to get your kids to school.  It mattered.  This mattered a lot. And the friends of Morehouse and the Morehouse men of the Class of 2024.  I got more Morehouse men in the White House telling me what to do than I know what to do.  (Laughter.)  You all think I’m kidding, don’t you?  (Laughs.)  You know I’m not.  And it’s the best thing that’s happened to me.

Scripture says, “The prayers of a righteous man availeth much.”  In Augusta, Georgia, a righteous man once enslaved set foot for freedom.  The story goes he feared no evil; he walked through the valley of the shadow of death on his way north to free soil in Philadelphia.  A Baptist minister, he walked with faith in his soul, powering the steps of his feet to glory.  But after the Union won the war, he knew his prayers availed him freedom that was not his alone.  And so, this righteous man, Richard Coulter, returned home, his feet wary, his spirit in no ways tired.  A hundred and fifty-seven years ago — you all know the story, but the rest of the world doesn’t, and it should — in the basement of a Baptist church in Augusta, he and two other ministers, William Jefferson White and Edmund Turney, planted the seeds of something revolutionary — and it was at the time — a school — a school to help formerly enslaved men enter the ministry, where education would be the great equalizer from slavery to freedom — an institution of higher learning that would become Morehouse College.

I don’t know any other college in America that has that tradition and that consequence. To the Class of 2024, you join, as you know, a sacred tradition.  An education makes you free.  And Morehouse education makes you fearless.  (Applause.)  I mean it.  Visionary.  Exceptional.  Congratulations.  You are Morehouse men.  God love you.  (Applause.) 

And, again, I thank your families and your friends who helped you get here, because they made sacrifices for you as well. This graduation day is a day for generations, a day of joy, a day earned, not given.

We gather on this Sunday morning because — if we were in church, perhaps there would be this reflection.  There would be a reflection about resurrection and redemption.  Remember, Jesus was buried on Friday, and it was Sunday — on Sunday he rose again.  But — but we don’t talk enough about Saturday, when the discip- — his disciples felt all hope was lost.  In our lives and the lives of the nation, we have those Saturdays — to bear witness the day before glory, seeing people’s pain and not looking away.  But what work is done on Saturday to move pain to purpose?  How can faith get a man, get a nation through what was to come? 

Here’s what my faith has taught me. 

I was the first Biden to ever graduate from college, taking out loans with my dad and my — all through school to get me there.  My junior year spring break, I fell in love at first sight, literally, with a woman I adored.  I graduated from law school in her hometown, and I got married and took a job at a law firm in my hometown, Wilmington, Delaware.  But then everything changed. 

One of my heroes — and he was my hero — a Baptist minister, a Morehouse man, Dr. Martin Luther King — in April of my law school graduation year, he was murdered. 

My city of Wilmington — and we were a — to our great shame, a slave state, and we were segregated.  Delaware erupted into flames when he was assassinated, literally. 

We’re the only city in America where the National Guard patrolled every street corner for nine full months with drawn bayonets, the longest stretch in any American city since the Civil War.  Dr. le- — Dr. King’s legacy had a profound impact on me and my generation, whether you’re Black or white.  I left the fancy law firm I had just joined and decided to become a public defender and then a county councilman, working to change our state’s politics to embrace the cause of civil rights.  The Democratic Party in Delaware was a Southern Democratic Party at the time.  We wanted to change it to become a Northeastern Democratic Party. 

Then, we were trying to get someone to run for the United States Senate the year Nixon ran.  I was 29 years of age.  I had no notion of running — I love reading about everybody knew I was going to run; I didn’t know I was going to run — (laughter) — when a group of senior members of the Democratic Party came to me.  They couldn’t find anybody to run and said, “You should run.”  Nixon won my state by 60 percent of the vote.  We won by 3,100 votes.  We won by the thinnest of margins but with a broad coalition, including students from the best HBCU in America, Delaware State University.  You guys are good, but — (laughter) — they got me elected.  And you all — you all think I’m kidding.  (Laughter.)  I’m not kidding. But by Christmas, I was a newly elected senator hiring staff in Washington, D.C., when I got a call from the first responders, my fire department in my hometown, that forever altered my life.  They put a young woman first responder on the line to say, “There was an automobile accident.  A tractor-trailer hit your wife’s car while she was Christmas shopping with your three children.”  And she — poor woman, she just blurted out.  She said, “Your wife and daughter are killed” — my 13-month-old daughter — “they’re dead, and your almost three-year-old and four-year-old sons are badly injured.  We’re not sure they’re going to make it, either.”  I rushed from Washington to their bedside.  I wanted to pray, but I was so angry.  I was angry at God.  I was angry at the world.

I had the same pain 43 years later when that four-year-old boy who survived was a grown man and a father himself, laying in another hospital bed at Walter Reed hospital having contracted stage four glioblastoma because he was a year in Iraq as a major — he won the Bronze Star — living next to a burn pit.  Cancer took his last breath. On this walk of life, you can understand — you come to understand that we don’t know where or what fate will bring you or when.  But we also know we don’t walk alone.  When you’ve been a beneficiary of the compassion of your family, your friends, even strangers, you know how much the compassion matters.  I’ve learned there is no easy optimism, but by faith — by faith, we can find redemption. 

I was a single father for five years — 

No man deserves one great love, let alone two.  My youngest brother, who was a hell of an athlete, did a great thing.  He introduced me to a classmate of his and said, “You’ll love her; she doesn’t like politics.”  (Laughter.)  But all kidding aside, until I met Jill, who healed — who healed the family in all the broken places.  Our family became my redemption.  Many of you have gone through similar or worse — and even worse things.  But you lean on others, they lean on you, and together, you keep the faith in a better day tomorrow.  But it’s not easy.

I know four years ago, as some of your speakers have already mentioned, it felt like one of those Saturdays.  

The pandemic robbed you of so much.  Some of you lost loved ones — mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, who were — aren’t able to be here to celebrate with you today — today.  You missed your high school graduation.  You started college just as George Floyd was murdered and there was a reckoning on race. 

It’s natural to wonder if democracy you hear about actually works for you. 

What is democracy if Black men are being killed in the street? 

What is democracy if a trail of broken promises still leave Black — Black communities behind? 

What is democracy if you have to be 10 times better than anyone else to get a fair shot? 

And most of all, what does it mean, as we’ve heard before, to be a Black man who loves his country even if it doesn’t love him back in equal measure?  (Applause.)

When I sit behind the Resolute Desk in the Oval Office, in front of the fireplace across from my — my desk, I have two busts: one of Dr. King and one of Bobby Kennedy.  I often find myself looking at those busts and making decisions.  I ask myself: Are we living up to what we say we are as a nation, to end racism and poverty, to deliver jobs and justice, to restore our leadership in the world?  Then I look down and see the rosary on my wrist that was out of — my late son, he had on him when he w- — died at Walter Reed and I was with him.  And I ask myself: What would he say?  I know the answer because he told me in his last days. 

My son knew the days were numbered.  The last conversation was, “Dad, I’m not afraid, but I’m worried.  I’m worried you’re going to give up when I go.  You’re going to give up.” We have an expression in the Biden family.  When you want someone to know — give you their word, you say, “Look at me.”  He was lying to me — he said, “Look at me, Dad.  Look at me.” 

He said, “Give me your word.  Give me your word as my father that you will not quit, that you will stay engaged.  Promise me, Dad.  Stay engaged.  Promise me.  Promise me.” I wrote a book called “Promise Me, Dad,” not for the public at large, although a lot of people would end up buying it.  It’s for my grandchildren and great-grandchildren to know who Beau Biden was. 

The rosary on the — my wrist, the bust in my office remind me that faith asks you to hold on to hope, to move heaven and earth to make better days.  Well, that’s my commitment to you: to show you democracy, democracy, democracy is still the way.

If Black men are being killed on the streets, we bear witness.  For me, that means to call out the poison of white supremacy, to root out systemic racism. 

I stood up for George — with George Floyd’s family to help create a country where you don’t need to have that talk with your son or grandson as they get pulled over.

Instead of a trail of broken promises, we’re investing more money than ever in Black families and Black communities.  We’re reconnecting Black neighborhoods cut off by old highways and decades of disinvestment where no one cared about the community. 

We’ve delivered checks in pockets to reduce child — Black child poverty to the lowest rate in history.  We’re removing every lead pipe in America so every child can drink clean water without fear of brain damage, and then can’t afford to remove the lead pipes themselves. 

We’re delivering affordable high-speed Internet so no child has to sit in their parents’ car or do their homework in a parking lot outside of McDonald’s.

Instead of forcing you to prove you’re 10 times better, we’re breaking down doors so you have 100 times more opportunities: good-paying jobs you can raise a family on in your neighborhood — (applause); capital to start small business and loans to buy homes; health insurance, prescriptions drugs, housing that’s more affordable and accessible.

I’ve walked the picket line and defended the rights of workers.  I’m relieving the burden of student debt — many of you have already had the benefit of it — (applause) — so I [you] can chase your dreams and grow the economy.  When the Supreme Court told me I couldn’t, I found two other ways to do it.  (Applause.)  And we were able to do it, because it grows the economy.  And I — in addition to the original $7 billion investment in HBCUs, I’m investing 16 billion  more dollars — (applause) — more in our history, because you’re vital to our nation.  Most HBCUs don’t have the endowments.  The jobs of the future require sophisticated laboratories, sophisticated oppor- — opportunity on campus.  We’re opening doors so you can walk into a life of generational wealth, to be providers and leaders for your families and communities.  Today, record numbers of Black Americans have jobs, health insurance, and more [wealth] than ever.

Democracy is also about hearing and heeding your generation’s call to a community free of gun violence and a planet free of climate crisis and showing your power to change the world.

But I also know some of you ask: What is democracy if we can’t stop wars that break out and break our hearts?

In a democracy, we debate and dissent about America’s role in the world. 

I want to say this very clearly.  I support peaceful, nonviolent protest.  Your voices should be heard, and I promise you I hear them.  I determined to make my c- — my administration look like America.  I have more African Americans in high places, including on the Court, than any president in American history — (applause) — because I need the input. What’s happening in Gaza and Israel is heartbreaking.  Hamas’s vicious attack on Israel, killing innocent lives and holding people hostage.  I was there nine days after, s- — pictures of tying a mother and a daughter with a rope, pouring kerosene on them, burning them and watching as they died.  Innocent Palestinians caught in the middle of all this: men, women, and children killed or displaced in despite — in desperate need of water, food, and medicine.  It’s a humanitarian crisis in Gaza.  That’s why I’ve called for an immediate ceasefire — an immediate ceasefire to stop the fighting — (applause) — bring the hostages home.  And I’ve been working on a deal as we speak, working around the clock to lead an international effort to get more aid into Gaza, rebuild Gaza.   I’m also working around the clock for more than just one ceasefire.  I’m working to bring the region together.  I’m working to build a lasting, durable peace.  Because the question is, as you see what’s going on in Israel today: What after?  What after Hamas?  What happens then?  What happens in Gaza?  What rights do the Palestinian people have?  I’m working to make sure we finally get a two-state solution — the only solution — (applause) — for two people to live in peace, security, and dignity.  This is one of the hardest, most complicated problems in the world.  And there’s nothing easy about it.  I know it angered and frustrates many of you, including my family.  But most of all, I know it breaks your heart.  It breaks mine as well.  Leadership is about fighting through the most intractable problems.  It’s about challenging anger, frustration, and heartbreak to find a solution.  It’s about doing what you believe is right, even when it’s hard and lonely. You’re all future leaders, every one of you graduating today.  And that’s not hyperbole.  You’re future leaders, all of you.  You’ll face complicated, tough moments.  In these moments, you’ll listen to others, but you’ll have to decide, guided by knowledge, conviction, principle, and your own moral compass.

And the desire to know what freedom is, what it can be is the heart and soul of why this college was founded in the first place, proving that a free nation is born in the hearts of men spellbound by freedom.  But the — that’s the magic of Morehouse.  That’s the magic of America.

But let’s be clear what happens to you and your family when old ghosts in new garments seize power, extremists come for the freedoms you thought belonged to you and everyone. 

Today in Georgia, they won’t allow water to be available to you while you wait in line to vote in an election.  What in the hell is that all about?  (Applause.)  I’m serious.  Think about it.  And then the constant attacks on Black election workers who count your vote.

Insurrectionists who storm the Capitol with Confederate flags are called “patriots” by some.  Not in my house.  (Applause.)  Black police officers, Black veterans protecting the Capitol were called another word, as you’ll recall. 

They also say out loud, these other groups, immigrants “poison the blood” of our country, like the Grand Wizard and fascists said in the past.  But you know and I know we all bleed the same color.  In America, we’re all created equal.  (Applause.)

Extremists close the doors of opportunity; strike down affirmative action; attack the values of diversity, equality, and inclusion. 

I never thought when I was graduating in 1968 — as your honoree just was — we talked about — I never thought I’d be in — present in a time when there’s a national effort to ban books — not to write history but to erase history.  They don’t see you in the future of America.  But they’re wrong.  To me, we make history, not erase it.  We know Black history is American history.  (Applause.)  Many of you graduates don’t know me, but check my record, you’ll know what I’m saying I mean from my gut. 

And we know Black men are going to help us, lead us to the future — Black men from this class, in this university.  (Applause.)  

But, graduates, this is what we’re up against: extremist forces aligned against the meaning and message of Morehouse.  And they peddle a fiction, a caricature what being a man is about — tough talk, abusing power, bigotry.  Their idea of being a man is toxic.  I ran into them all the time when I was younger.  They got — all right, I don’t want to get started.  (Laughter.)  But that’s not you.  It’s not us.  You all know and demonstrate what it really means to be a man.  Being a man is about the strength of respect and dignity.  It’s about showing up because it’s too late if you have to ask.  It’s about giving hate no safe harbor and leaving no one behind and defending freedoms.  It’s about standing up to the abuse of power, whether physical, economic, or psychological.  It’s about knowing faith without works is dead.  (Applause.)

Look — and you’re doing the work.  Today, I look out at all you graduates and I see the next generation of Morehouse men who are doctors and researchers curing cancer; artists shaping our culture; fearless journalists and intellectuals challenging convention.  I see preachers and advocates who might even join another Morehouse man in the United States Senate.  You can clap for him.  He’s a good man.  (Applause.) 

As I said, I’m proud to have the most diverse administration in history to tap into the full talents of our nation.  I’m also proud of putting the first Black woman on the United States Supreme Court.  (Applause.)  And I have no doubt, one day a Morehouse man will be on that Court as well.  (Applause.)  You know it.

I’ve been vice president to the first Black president and become my close friend and president to the first woman vice president.  (Applause.)  Wh- — I have no idea — no doubt that a Morehouse man will be president one day, just after an AKA from Howard.  (Laughter and applause.)  She’s tough, guys.  (Laughter.)

Look, let me close with this.  I know I don’t look like I’ve been around very long.  (Laughter.)  (The President makes the sign of the cross.)  But in my career, for the first 30 years, I was told, “You’re too young, kid.”  They used to stop me from getting on the Senate elevator when I first got there, for real.  Now, I’m too old.  Whether you’re young or old, I know what endures: The strength and wisdom of faith endures.  And I hope — my hope for you is — my challenge to you is that you still keep the faith so long as you can.  That cap on your head proves you’ve earned your crown.  The question is now, 25 years from now, 50 years from now, when you’re asked to stand and address the next generation of Morehouse men, what will you say you did with that power you’ve earned?  What will you say you’ve done for your family, for your community, your country when it mattered most?  I know what we can do.  Together, we’re capable of building a democracy worthy of our dreams; a future where every — even more of your brothers and sisters can follow their dreams; a boundless future where your legacies lift us up t- — so those who follow; a bigger, brighter future that proves the American Dream is big enough for everyone to succeed.

Class of 2024, four years ago, it felt probably like Saturday.  Four years later, you made it to Sunday, to commencement, to the beginning.  And with faith and determination, you can push the sun above the horizon once more.  You can reveal a light hope — and that’s not — I’m not kidding — for yourself and for your nation.  “The prayers of a righteous man availeth much.”  A righteous man.  A good man.  A Morehouse man.  God bless you all.  We’re expecting a lot from you. Thank you.  (Applause.)

10:55 A.M. EDT

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In commencement speech, Chiefs kicker targets ‘diabolical lies’ told to women

Harrison Butker tells Benedictine College men to “fight against the cultural emasculation of men” while also criticizing Pride Month and President Biden.

a speech about mother

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker, one of the top specialists in the NFL, branched out from football over the weekend, taking aim at “diabolical lies told to women” and “dangerous gender ideologies” as well as gay pride and President Biden ’s stance on abortion in a commencement address at Benedictine College in Kansas.

The former industrial engineering student at Georgia Tech said he is leaning into his “vocation as a husband and a father and as a man” and went on to tell graduates of the Catholic liberal arts school that “… part of what plagues our society is this lie that has been told to you that men are not necessary in the home or our communities. As men, we set the tone of the culture, and when that is absent, disorder, dysfunction and chaos set in. This absence of men in the home is what plays a large role in the violence we see all around the nation.”

The 28-year-old described himself as “an introvert” who is now “an amateur public speaker and an entrepreneur.” He urged male graduates of the Atchison, Kan., college to “be unapologetic in your masculinity, fighting against the cultural emasculation of men. Do hard things. Never settle for what is easy.”

Butker, whose team attracted the attention of increasing numbers of women and girls during a 2023 season in which Taylor Swift frequently attended games to cheer on tight end Travis Kelce, also had a message for female graduates.

“I think it is you, the women, who have had the most diabolical lies told to you,” he said. “… Some of you may go on to lead successful careers in the world. But I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world. I can tell you that my beautiful wife Isabelle would be the first to say that her life truly started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother.

“I’m on this stage today and able to be the man I am because I have a wife who leans into her vocation. I’m beyond blessed with the many talents God has given me. But it cannot be overstated that all of my success is made possible because a girl I met in band class back in middle school would convert to the faith, become my wife and embrace one of the most important titles of all: homemaker.”

Butker spoke of what he said were the dangers presented by the “church of nice” when it comes to issues such as diversity, equity and inclusion . He also criticized “dangerous gender ideologies,” citing a recent Associated Press article on “an immense shift” in the Catholic Church in the United States, with many who had “embraced the modernizing tide sparked in the 1960s” giving way “to religious conservatives who believe the church has been twisted by change.”

Butker said the AP intended the story to create anger and, instead, Catholics took pride in it — “Not the deadly sins sort of Pride that has an entire month dedicated to it but the true God-centered pride that is cooperating with the holy ghost to glorify him.” He also brought up diversity, equity and inclusion , arguing “the world around us says that we should keep our beliefs to ourselves whenever they go against the tyranny of diversity, equity and inclusion. We fear speaking truth, because now, unfortunately, truth is in the minority.”

He called out “bad leaders who don’t stay in their lanes” and criticized the nation’s response to the pandemic.

“While covid might have played a large role throughout your formative years, it is not unique,” Butker told the graduates. “The bad policies and poor leadership have negatively impacted major life issues. Things like abortion, IVF, surrogacy, euthanasia, as well as a growing support for the degenerate cultural values and media all stem from pervasiveness of disorder.”

He criticized President Biden, the nation’s second Catholic president, for being pro-choice, “delusional enough to make the sign of the cross during a pro-abortion rally” and for supporting LGBTQ protections.

“He has been so vocal in his support for the murder of innocent babies that I’m sure to many people it appears you can be both Catholic and pro-choice,” Butker said.

Butker has spent all seven of his NFL seasons with the Chiefs, winning three Super Bowls as the franchise became one of the most prominent in the league. He connected on better than 94 percent of his field goal attempts last season, one of the top rates among qualified kickers, and made all 11 field goals he attempted during the playoffs.

A previous version of this article incorrectly said Taylor Swift frequently attended Chiefs games in 2003. She attended games in 2023. The article has been corrected.

a speech about mother

a speech about mother

Who is Elizabeth Keller? Harrison Butker's mother who contradicts son's speech with incredible professional career

Butker's old-fashioned views have attracted criticism aplenty.

Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker has been busy making headlines of the wrong kind recently, making a speech that went viral at the Benedictine College commencement ceremony recently.

During the speech, Butker referenced modern women's roles in the household and how his wife sacrificed her career to take up a more traditional - at least in his eyes - role.

He spoke of how his wife's life: "really started when she began living her vocation as a wife and as a mother. Isabelle 's dream of having a career might not have come true, but if you asked her today if she has any regrets on her decision, she would laugh out loud, without hesitation, and say, 'Heck, no.'"

He added: "For the ladies present today, congratulations on an amazing accomplishment...I would venture to guess that the majority of you are most excited about your marriage and the children you will bring into this world."

Butker 's comments have been slammed online, with his views going against the ambitious way in which women of all ages are now encouraged to think.

And indeed how his mother, Elizabeth Keller , thinks. Keller spent as much as 35 years as a medical physicist at the prestigious Winship Cancer Institute of Emory University in Atlanta. She earned a bachelor's degree in chemistry in 1985 and later earned a master's.

While blazing a career in physics, Keller raised two children, including Harrison and his older sister Charlotte , who played soccer at Emory. All that completely contradicts Butker's view that women should focus on marriage and raising a family rather than enjoying productive careers like their male counterparts.

Butker's other comments

Butker also said: "Sadly, I'm sure many of you know the countless stories of good and active members of this community who, after graduation and moving away from the Benedictine bubble, have ended up moving in with their boyfriend or girlfriend prior to marriage.

"Some even leave the Church and abandon God. It is always heartbreaking to hear these stories, and there is a desire to know what happened and what went wrong."

Aside from all that, the kicker criticized the use of birth control, abortion and IVF therapy. He referred to all of those things as "disorder".

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    Best Speech on My Mother | 2 Minutes. Hello, all of you. From the bottom of my heart, I wish you great greetings before I begin my speech. And thank you for giving me this opportunity to speak. Today I will try my best to avail this opportunity. So let's come to today's topic. For me, it's an unforgettable day.

  19. Speech on Mother in simple and easy words

    Speech on Mother - 4. Good Morning All! It gives me immense pleasure to share my views among all of you about the one who is and shall always be close to my heart "Mother". Who is a mother? She is the one who sacrifices all her life for the sake of her children, one who does not sleep the whole night just to let her child have the proper ...

  20. Top 10 Mother of the Bride Speech Examples

    Speech Example 6: The Proud Mother. Introduction: "Hello, everyone! Your presence today is a true testament to the love and support that surrounds [bride's name] and [partner's name]. Thank you for being part of this memorable day." ...

  21. Speech on Mother

    1-minute Speech on Mother. Ladies and Gentlemen, Today, I stand before you to speak on a topic that is universal, a topic that is the epitome of selfless love, care and sacrifice - it's none other than 'Mother'. A mother is not just a word, it's a feeling. It's an emotion that defines love in its purest form. The moment we hear the ...

  22. The Mother of the Groom Speech: What to Write, Say & Do

    Talk about your son's partner. Be sure to highlight your son's new spouse, and express what you appreciate about them, Peterson says. Share your heartfelt wishes for your son's marriage. Conclude your mother of the groom speech with a cheerful toast to the happy couple.

  23. Mother of the Groom Speech: Ideas, Advice & Examples

    1. Start by introducing yourself. Although most of the wedding guests will probably know who you are, it's still important to give a brief introduction to ease into your speech. [1] This can be a quick "hello" followed by your name and relationship to the groom. 2. Thank all the guests for coming.

  24. Controversial Chiefs Kicker Harrison Butker's Mom Is a Physicist

    Some critics zeroed in on the fact that Butker's mother is a career woman. Several users on X pointed out that Butker's mother, Elizabeth Keller Butker, is a physicist. "Harrison Butker's mom is a ...

  25. Angela Bassett: My mom used this phrase to raise successful children

    Angela Bassett's mother had high expectations for her, setting her up for a high-flying career, the actress said in a commencement speech at Spelman College.

  26. Breaking Down Harrison Butker's Speech: Read His Most Controversial

    Natasha Dye. Updated on May 16, 2024 11:53AM EDT. Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker 's commencement speech at Benedictine College, a Catholic school, continues to cause outrage. The NFL ...

  27. Remarks by President Biden at the Morehouse College Class of 2024

    Morehouse CollegeAtlanta, Georgia 10:29 A.M. EDT THE PRESIDENT: Thank you. (Applause.) Thank you, thank you, thank you, President Thomas, faculty, staff, alumni. And a special thanks — I'll ...

  28. Harrison Butker speech: The biggest mistake he made in his

    His mother, Elizabeth Keller Butker, is a medical physicist at Emory University's Winship Cancer Institute in Atlanta and holds, among other academic accolades, a degree in chemistry from Smith ...

  29. Harrison Butker commencement speech: What the Chiefs kicker said

    In commencement speech, Chiefs kicker targets 'diabolical lies' told to women. Harrison Butker tells Benedictine College men to "fight against the cultural emasculation of men" while also ...

  30. Who is Elizabeth Keller? Harrison Butker's mother who contradicts ...

    During the speech, Butker referenced modern women's roles in the household and how his wife sacrificed her career to take up a more traditional - at least in his eyes - role. He spoke of how his ...